#i have the best sense of humor here obviously/s
mudwingprince · 1 year
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mashbrainrot · 9 months
Henry Blake in 'The Interview'
In 2006, Larry Gelbart wrote dialogue imagining Trapper, Henry Blake, and Colonel Flagg had featured in the M*A*S*H episode 'The Interview'. Here is Henry's, with the original available to read here via Google Groups.
REPORTER: How does it feel, having the responsibility for saving such a great number of lives? HENRY: We just take ’em one or two, sometimes maybe twenty at a time. The big trick is not to start thinking of ’em as numbers – as just so many stats that go into a report that winds up in somebody’s filing cabinet under “out of sight, out of mind.” You’ve gotta always remember that what you’re dealing with is hurt people, people that have been run over by a war. REPORTER: And not just – HENRY: You gotta remember to take a peek at the odd dog tag now and then and remind yourself that that dangling leg or busted gut you’re going to try and put back together again is somebody’s dad or son or boyfriend – that all that blood and guts soiling your linen belongs to somebody that’s got a name attached to him.
REPORTER: You can’t afford to lose your sense of humanity. HENRY: There’s just so many senses you can lose over here. REPORTER: Humor not being one of them, obviously. HENRY: Around here laughter’s just crying without the tears. REPORTER: You have a family back home, sir? HENRY: In Bloomington. The one in Illinois, not in Indiana – unless things have changed since I went away. REPORTER: You keep in touch with them, of course, your family. HENRY: We write, we phone. Far apart as we are, I don’t think we’ve ever been closer. REPORTER: Would you like to say hello to them on television? HENRY: Be better if this was kissovision, but, yeah, can I? REPORTER: Go right ahead. HENRY: Lorraine? Hi, honey. Hi, kids. I got your report cards this morning and I had Radar go out post ’em on the bulletin board here so everybody can see why I’m so darn proud of you. Especially how you’re doing in math. You must get those brains from your mom. Got to be. Old as I am, I still don’t know how many tens to give someone for a five-dollar bill. (TO REPORTER) Thanks. REPORTER: That it? HENRY: That’s it. (TO CAMERA) Except I’m counting the days till we’re back together again. REPORTER: You have any idea when that will be? HENRY: I try not to have too many ideas. There’s always someone who ranks you who’s sure you’ll agree he’s got a better one. REPORTER: When you do finally get home, what are you going to tell your children is the biggest lesson being over here has taught you? HENRY: To always try to work things out, I guess. Whatever those things might happen to be. You don’t make your point killing the other guy. Even if you do it’s kind of wasted if the other guys not around to get the message. REPORTER: You seem – if all may so, Colonel – you seem near exhaustion. HENRY: What I am mostly is tired of being tired. We’re supposed to be a hospital but it’s more like a chop shop around here. We’re up to our elbows in people that other people are doing their best to chop down. REPORTER: That doesn’t lead to a lot of sleep, I would imagine. HENRY: I used to think of sleeping in terms of hours. How many did I get last night, how many will I get to steal tonight. I’m down to minutes now. It’s like somebody broke one hand off the clock. REPORTER: Does that ever affect your performance? HENRY: I fell asleep a few weeks ago in the middle of resecting a patient’s bowel. How’s that for exhausted? REPORTER: Does that fishing hat mean there are those times when you do get to get away from it all? HENRY: What it means is that I have to fish for those times. And let me say, the biting’s pretty poor. REPORTER: Business is too good around here. HENRY: Let’s just say it takes a whole lot longer to take a bullet out of a belly than it does putting one into one. REPORTER: Thank you, sir. HENRY: Can I say one more thing? REPORTER: Of course. HENRY: I just want you to know we all here are grateful for this visit you’ve paid us, this attention you’re paying to the job we’re doing. You get the feeling sometimes, being over here that, aside from our families, we’ve kind of dropped off the planet, that we’ve been kind of disinvited to the party – like everyone back home is busy living their real lives and for us to give them a call when we get back to town. (TO REPORTER) That sound too preachy? REPORTER: It sounded just fine, Colonel. HENRY: Henry. I’m a lot more a Henry than I’ll ever be colonel. REPORTER: Thank you, Henry. HENRY: Tell me the truth: didn’t that feel better? REPORTER: You’re an excellent doctor. HENRY: Hey – that’s why I’m over here getting 300 hundred dollars a month.
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butch-reidentified · 8 months
wife & I finally watched Killing Eve, and I am just utterly 🤯 by how much of myself I see in Villanelle. the nuances of her reactions, her sense of humor, interpersonal relating, etc., all of it is genuinely deeply relatable. it's the first time I've ever actually truly related to a fictional character overall, rather than just 1 or 2 aspects of a character. as weird as it sounds, it feels like actually very wholesome representation? honestly, I've never really understood why people get attached to fictional characters and even kind of used to make fun of it. I never felt like there was much to relate to. but my wife and I both see it, this dude they consulted for her on-screen character obviously really knows his shit (yeah, this dude, fucking somehow).
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him???? kinda pissed ngl. and I'm definitely gonna contact him lmao
but it's undeniable. it's most clear in the subtlest little moments, the little things she does like dumping salt on the curly fries she's sharing with Eve as a playful reaction to an "offensive" joke, the pranks she plays on Konstantin, the things she finds funny, the lack of response when her life is in danger, being ambivalent about prison. and of course the bigger things are just as accurate, and so much better done than any other media portrayal I've seen before. the constant need for escalating stimulation, the s-tier "commitment to the bit" regardless of the situation, the curiosity about herself, the boredom and resulting curiosity about the "normal" human experience & wondering if you can be like them - maybe even convincing yourself for a while, the truth of having some people truly matter to you but at the end of the day you know you're still able to hurt them, the enjoyment of social game-playing - specifically with others who are also knowingly playing social chess* (manipulating unaware people is not entertaining & frankly reminds me of the ways men tend to seek affirmation of their power/superiority by "punching down").
*and enjoying working + thriving in fields where this is required of EVERYONE
I'm posting this a bit late at night in the hopes it's mostly seen by the mutuals who actually come to my blog not just see this on dash, bc this /is/ weird as fuck for me & I'm not super stoked about EVERYONE seeing this, but I have made a commitment on here to challenge myself with consistent and total honesty to the best of my ability. it /is/ disorienting and exciting in its own odd way. but I'm not sure I hate it.
oh, and in s4 when she kills a bunch of women's abusers? the implication throughout the show that she DOES feel some type of way about (at least) 1 moral issue - misogyny? fuck OFFFFF bro wtffff
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✧ About me (and him) ✧
This is a side blog, main is @vampiresluvr
Hi! I'm Cassie, and I'm 19.
I'll refer to him as S ♡
We've known each other for about a year, and I was convinced he hated me at first. As a result of his behavior towards me, I disliked him as well. Somehow we started talking more, and I realized I was falling for him the better we got to know each other.
About me:
Psych major
I love music, writing, and reading
I'm pretty shy
If you have a tc and want to be friends, message me! :)
Obviously delulu, I officially have a tc blog
About S:
Business professor
23 year age gap
He's extremely intelligent
Huge nerd, like omg
Such a sweetheart!! He's always asking me questions about my life and what I'm interested in, and he's just the best dad to his kids
He has a really great sense of humor, and he always makes me laugh
He's married and I respect both him and his family. So no matter what I say on here, there is no way I will ever make a move
To all the grown ass men in my dms: just because I like older men doesn’t mean I like the creepy ones who try to seduce me on tumblr
If you are a minor and an adult is flirting with you, making advances at you, or more, please tell someone you can trust. It doesn't matter if you're romantically interested in them or not, AN ADULT SHOULD NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE PURSUING YOU.
Even if you're of legal age, getting together with someone significantly older than you may not be the best idea. Getting together with your teacher, boss, etc. could end poorly, so wait until they are no longer your superior if you must go after them. Also- It's possible that they won't have your best interest at heart, and it could end up being an unsafe environment for you. Please be careful.
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leviathans-watching · 2 years
hello, darling! How are you? I love your writing, and I'm obsessed with your blog aesthetic as well! <3 take good care of yourself because you obviously deserve it from how hard you're working
my request is quite simple! please don't feel forced to write anything you don't want to, and feel free to ignore this if desired! I was listening to "My Girlfriend is a Witch" (October Country) and I thought to myself: the obey me brothers with an s/o who's a witch/sorcerer! I wasn't thinking about ALL characters (because my favorite is Lucifer), but feel free to actually include anyone you want! Thank you for your time and I appreciate the effort!
> if you desire something more specific: the MC would be a human exchange student like Solomon, using magic to some things and making potions, having also very good cooking, and admiring storytelling. Any trouble envolving dark magic among the brothers? MC can resolve it! Or at least try to help. Another witches are bothering Mammon again? MC will talk to them, since the witches in question are on their class anyways.
(also, may I be 🍓 anon? hehe <3)
lucifer x witch!mc
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includes: lucifer x gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .5k | rated g | m.list
a/n: this was so cute!! i also have a longer series with sorcerer mc here! my inbox is open to chat, req, or leave feedback so come say hi!! and yes, you can absolutely be 🍓 anon hehe
please reblog <3
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at first, lucifer hadn’t trusted you in the slightest. sure, he’d technically been the one to choose you as the new applicant, but he hadn’t actually looked at your application, something that was definitely coming back to bite him.
at least you weren’t part of the coven that mammon was entangled in, he had thought to himself, trying to look on the bright side, dim as it was.
slowly though, you grew on him. though some of your pursuits had ended poorly, like when you’d accidentally burned off your eyebrows making a potion, or had a spell go wrong and made everyone in rad only able to tell the truth, he began to feel more amused by them than irritated, a sure sign you were endearing yourself to him.
and some of your skills were quite helpful, he had to admit. when belphie had gotten sick with some form of rare illness, you’d saved the day by cooking up a remedy when even simeon and solomon were unable to. and some of your teas and herb mixtures were useful, not to mention delicious.
now, lucifer mused, he was completely head over heels for you. sure, there were still things that you did that gone on his nerves, or thins you said that he didn’t fully agree with, but you truly were one of a kind and now incredibly important to him. plus, your sense of humor was amusing, even if he’d never admit it.
(for halloween you’d decided to dress up as a classic witch, complete with a black hat and broomstick. somehow, he’d been convinced to join you as a vampire, and diavolo had been a werewolf. it was silly and lowbrow, but he had one of the pictures saved as his phone background.)
“what are you thinking so hard about?” you ask him, drawing him back to the present. a grimoire is open in front of you, and he can see your chicken-scratch handwriting in the margins.
“you,” he replies simply, and you make a face.
“what about me?”
“i didn’t really like you when we first met,” he confesses, “so it’s quite strange how much that has changed.”
“you know, i get that a lot,” you reply, unbothered. “a lot of people find me irritating.”
“i cannot fathom why.”
“oh, shut it,” you chide light-heartedly. “if you keep going i might have to curse you or something.”
the threat, which you used often, was empty, something you both knew. “right,” lucifer says, giving you a smile. “well, we don’t want that. i’ll be on my best behavior from now on, i swear.”
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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greenbergsays · 1 year
Every story I tell has like five layers to it, I don’t know how you guys put up with me
But here’s the background you need to know:
My little sister gave birth at the very beginning of January. Little man is now 2 months old. In the past two months, he has both passed and failed several hearing tests; sometimes in one ear, sometimes in both ears. My sister and her husband have done experiments at home to see if he reacts to sound--and at his two month check up, he failed every milestone that was hearing-related, like tracking sounds--and there have been several other incidents in the meantime that make us think that he is either fully deaf or extremely HOH. 
My sister has a rudimentary understanding of ASL. She had a best friend in elementary school that was deaf and the desire to talk with her turned into a lifelong flirtation with the language. So she is more prepared than some other parents might be, you could say.
I’ve also always wanted to learn ASL, but it’s one of the many languages that I’ve picked up and put down over the years. More than once, because being self-taught in something is impossible when you have the kind of self-discipline I do. So really, having a deaf/HOH nephew is the kick in the ass I need. 
Anyways, my sister and I were talking about it a week or two ago, and she said, “I’ll teach you what I know in ASL if you teach me what you know in Hawaiian.”
The deal was struck. We send each other videos every day of a new word or phrase, and we FaceTime to practice what we know. It’s not an ideal or longterm solution, but it’s what we’ve got until we can sign up for ASL classes.
My dad wanted to be included in this, because he never learned Hawaiian himself--having not grown up on the islands and before internet resources made it possible--and obviously, he wants learn ASL to be able to talk to his grandson. 
This morning, I was listening to an audiobook called Kindergarten Hawaiian (exactly what it sounds like), and it said that the Hawaiian word for snake is nahesa.
Which is weird, because there’s no S in the Hawaiian alphabet. I texted our group chat about it and we had a little discussion, where Dad suggests it’s a borrowed word, and says that usually the S is replaced with a K so it would probably be naheka in proper Hawaiian (and according to wehewehe, he is correct). 
Then he says, “But there’s no snakes in Hawaii, if that makes you feel any better.”
And because I have his sense of humor, I said, “That’s probably why they call it nahesa. ‘Cause there’s nah-hesa on the islands. Get it??? No hissing???”
And did I just write a novella just to tell you an absolutely terrible pun? Yes I did. You’re welcome. 
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yurisorcerer · 4 months
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OK. So, this requires a little context. In a Discord server I'm in, they're groupwatching every KyoAni show. Starting today, they got to Haruhi Suzumiya and are going to be watching an episode per day until we finish it. I'm not gonna write about every single episode of this show---I've seen it several times at this point so while I have a fair bit to say about most episodes it's just a lot of effort for a series I don't think many people here on tumblr specifically care about anymore---I do wanna write about this one
because, like can you fucking IMAGINE opening an anime like this in 2024? It'd be impossible. When an anime in the present day wants to make a big impact it'll go for laser focus, trying to present its absolute best foot forward, or a grandiose overlength premiere like Oshi no Ko or Frieren or something. The idea of opening your anime with *this* is just....I mean, even at the time it was baffling. I watched Haruhi a couple years after it aired and I remember being SO confused. What was this? Why is the first episode of this show---a show that aired deliberately out of order, by the way. I'm calling it the first episode here but if you're going by DVD order it's one of the last---some weird, deliberately bad student film that has a snarky narrator CinemaSins-ing over top of it?
The short answer is just that from the very beginning, the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya has a somewhat antagonistic relationship with its audience. Haruhi herself, as we'll learn in upcoming episodes, is kind of a really unpleasant person before eventually getting better. And I'm not going to claim that this show invented the idea of having your title character be a complete jackoff---it did not---but at the very least, it felt new at the time. (Contrast that to nowadays where every two-bit isekai has a total fuckboy who you're clearly supposed to love from episode 1 anyway.) So the first episode is kind of a....I hate this term, but almost a troll move I guess? More than anything, it's supposed to be *confusing.*
Improbably, this worked, and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya became, for both better and worse, one of the defining anime of its era. It's been nearly 20 years and I have no idea how this happened.
Some amount can probably be attributable to the charisma of Haruhi herself---she sucks, but she makes an *impression*---but none of that is really present here since she doesn't show up until the end of the episode for the big mic drop moment, a moment where we get slightly more of an idea of what this show even actually is.
I think honestly the charm of the deliberately bad film might have been a factor. The thing is completely nonsensical; we have Mikuru running around in a bunny outfit doing plugs for random local businesses while vying for the affection of Itsuki. Itskuki himself plays a character best described as "on-screen" and "present." Mikuru's big rival both in love and for the fate of the Earth (?!?!) is Yuki, who wears a fucking awesome witch hat throughout most of the episode. At one point, in scenes that seemed utterly baffling without the context that later episodes would provide, Mikuru's eye appears to actually change color and fire a beam from it, and Shamisen the cat talks like a person. This shit was weird! Even at the time.
Also the bit where she fires a gun and goes "aaaah!" as the recoil gets out of control is still funny to me 16 years later. Many things about me have changed since I first watched this show but apparently my sense of humor isn't one of them.
Haruhi Suzumiya as a series is really important to me in that it was one of the first things I watched that was REALLY OBVIOUSLY "anime." There wasn't the plausible deniability you got with something that aired on Toonami (and thus was visible to anyone with cable TV) or one of the common entry-level access points like Cowboy Bebop or such, which are considered classics not just of their medium but of their *genre* and thus didn't carry the same stigma. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is an anime-ass anime, with its bunnygirl outfits and improbable high school antics and psychic powers and aliens and yadda yadda. When I first started watching the series I was vaguely embarrassed about my interest in Japanese cartoons, by the time I'd finished it, I had an actual fucking SOS Brigade patch on my jacket. No less a figure than Tatsuki Fujimoto said that the series was responsible for turning his generation into otaku, and, anecdotally, he's pretty much right about that; most otaku I know of my age had a Haruhi phase at some point. (That's part of why Aya Hirano playing Makima in the Chainsaw Man stage play was such a big deal. It's not just that she's an incredible actress---although she is---that's fucking Haruhi playing Makima, man.)
Its success is also partly responsible for the light novel adaptation hellscape we now live in, so I'm not going to shy away from criticizing it either. Right off the bat there's a really uncomfortable kind of semi-"ironic" sexualization of Mikuru, helpfully lampshaded by Kyon as the film's narrator. This does not let up at any point throughout the show and is probably the worst thing about the series (although it doesn't reach its nadir for a while, if I recall). I'm not a fan.
Other than that element, I think as far as first episodes go, I wouldn't mind if more shows went back to this approach. There's something to be said for just baffling your audience into submission.
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forbidding-souda · 2 years
Alright since requests are open how bout Kyoko and Sonia with an S/O that's like Tsumugi? Hope you have a good day!
Kyoko Kirigiri and Sonia Nevermind with a S/O that's like Tsumugi Shirogane
hey guys what's up I posted isn't that insane??!??!?!
my friends boyfriend released his new album and it's punk music you guys should check it out it's called quiet reading time!
update on uni uhhh this math final is not the move LMFAO it's literally in a month and i'm just sitting here like damn.... lololol. anyway i also got switched dorms bc my dormmate was homophobic LOL! this dormmate oh my god he is perfect, I love him SO MUCH! but he's dropping out at the end of the semester so i'm gonna die tbh i'll miss him... I hope they don't room me with another nobody. me and my husband are doing good!! we had like a month long confuffle where we were mad at each other but it's chill now it's fine we are very very good. he stayed awake for me today so we could get starbucks together :> this means the world to me because he works all night so he always sleeps at 9am (srs... that exact time) and my class gets out at 9:45 and he STAYED and waited outside my class too... I love him so so much. knock on wood.
^ aaaaa and he's learning asl it's so cute i love him so much >.> he's actually sleeping rn and I left to grocery shop and go back to my dorm LOL.... let's see his mood when he wakes up. I left last night too BUT IT'S NOT HIM I JUST CAN'T SLEEP AND I FIND NO AMUSEMENT IN LAYING THERE WHILE HE SNORES IT'S SO ANNOYING.
-Mod Souda
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Kyoko Kirigiri
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✯ There's a form of love when it comes to having a girlfriend who doesn't show much of her emotions. Her eyes don't light up when she sees you in costume, but she shows her appreciation by keeping you in her gaze, her eyes never leaving you even when you are doing something as casual as scrolling through your phone.
✯ Sometimes she will be dressing for work as you dress in your costumes for a con (a beautiful juxtapose) and she will offer the smallest of critiques.
✯ "You need to brush the back of that wig."
✯ Sometimes she'll go to cons with you and just act as your bodyguard (in the humorous sense but also in the genuine sense, she keeps her eyes on you and people who invade your boundaries in days in which you do end up wearing some of your costumes in public like that).
✯ She is very protective over you, and in an alternative universe in which she speaks like teenagers these days, I imagine she will constantly say a sharp "damn that's crazy but who asked" to people.
✯ She's a good listener! When you go on rants she'll pay attention, and when you make niche references she'll ask you to explain.
✯ She still is entirely independent and doesn't like when you ask about her work. Her ability to change the subject and get you to talk about your interests is peak.
✯ Or when you say some "I'm just plain", she'll always hit you with the "Obviously you're not", which gets you a little ruffled.
✯ Whenever you make her blush, no matter how far into the relationship you are, it still makes you flustered. It's satisfying to know she likes you that much, that someone as stoic as her can find you desirable.
✯ ^ You like letting your perverted side out a bit because of that.
✯ She likes holidays that surround gifts because you are the easiest person to go shopping for.
✯ Her job is a topic that cannot be discussed at the dinner table, you can easily very freaked out at some of the things she sees on a day-to-day basis... so dinner table talk surrounds your interests >:).
✯ You can ask her to put on the cosplays you create so you can see them on another person but she will say no LOL (but you can ask).
✯ She looks at you with a small smile sometimes, which to you means a lot... it's a lot of expression for somebody who is good at hiding.
Sonia Nevermind
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✯ She has so much interest in anime and manga, and she gets so excited when she sees you making costumes for it.
✯ She wants to know all about your interests and why you like them. Listening to you talk is the best part of your day.
✯ She hates when you call yourself plain! She thinks you're the most interesting person on this planet. No literally, you are beyond unique and she admires your capabilities more than anything (his seems like a pretty obvious thing to say anyway).
✯ Her status in the hierarchy means that she has people to satisfy her every command, meaning that any material you need, you can get. She can even gift you really expensive fabric/stable wires/long-lasting glitter/anything you need, no matter what expense (and if you prefer one specific brand, even if it's 'cheap', she's not going to force you to use something else).
✯ She was raised with a lot of people always around, so when she gets the solo time with you, it makes her feel a lot less princess-like, and it makes her feel like a normal teenage girl. She likes to study in the corner while you sew (studying - it's so fun, especially when she gets to say things like "I'm studying!").
✯ Being around you while you work is her own personal love language.
✯ You wear a lot of layers, and so does she! If she gets cold, even though she might have a servant on hand for that, you can still lend her your jacket :> (else a jacket you make... perhaps you have even made one for this specific occasion too... and perhaps she will never know that it's a reference to your favorite media).
✯ She is more academic-brained than creative-brained so creative processes are very interesting to her, especially ones that require style and clothing.
✯ Sometimes she'll talk to her seamstresses about things clothing-wise and they are always like 'oooh you know about that!!! that's so cool!!!'.
✯ She can often mimic your perverted jokes, and return the energy back to you.
✯ ^ But whenever you get dressed she'll turn around, even if you don't mind.
✯ She will love to try on your cosplays. You can use her as a model any day!
✯ When it comes to costumes with bows and glitter, she loves looking at them! She'd always loved when her servants tied her bow for her. Bows are her favorite accessory, and she falls in love every time she sees you tie one.
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married-2-the-music · 9 months
K-pop Discography Deep Dives: Gfriend
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A Disclaimer: I was planning, when I first started Tumblr, to be a lurker, but then I began an office job and needed something to listen to to keep myself occupied. And then, I started going through entire K-pop groups’ repertoires, album by album, and jotting down my thoughts. And then, I stumbled into K-pop tumblr and decided, you know what, there’s at least four people on this hell site who would read in depth rants about these discographies and at least five who wouldn’t read it and then get mad because it’s kind of our job as K-pop fans. My lukewarm takes should be taken with an entire silo of salt and the knowledge that this is completely for fun and occupying my very bored, very neurodivergent brain. With that being said, enjoy!
So, let me lay out my credentials for Gfriend: I’ve been a Buddy since I stumbled across MAGO in a compilation in 2020 or so, and needless to say I was crushed to find out that they disbanded. I still consider myself a Buddy, and in the last few years, I’ve listened to all their title tracks and a decent amount of b-sides. So, this deep dive is less of me getting into a new band and more of me seeing…hmm what else can I discover? Obviously, a lot of bias is involved here.
Gfriend debuted in 2015, in the heyday of 3rd generation, with a “schoolgirl” concept not unlike their peers Lovelyz, TWICE, and WJSN. Also, as a side note, their intros are all great, even from the beginning, and I wish that more of the interesting quirks that make them so great carried through into the rest of the songs.
Their first song, Glass Bead, has more of a classical spin than I remembered from their earlier work, and I enjoyed it, Me Gustas Tu, and Rough more on re-listen. Glass Bead is sweet: it’s good, but to someone who’s listened to as much k-pop as I have, it doesn’t stand out as very unique. From the album, Neverland is pretty good too.
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Me Gustas Tu’s intro starts with gentle water and the song itself continues the feeling with an overall sunny vibe; it’s another nice one, but another that feels like a lot of others. As a hidden gem, Under The Sky has great drive and payoff, and would’ve made a better title track in my opinion.
I know a lot of people absolutely adore Rough. I’m…not one of them. Don’t get me wrong; Yuju’s belted power notes are always a pleasure, and her voice with the electric guitars makes such an excellent contrast. Eunha’s high voice also stands out, but Umji’s, Yerin’s, SinB’s, and Sowon’s are great too, and their different tones all harmonize well together.
I wish that the energy of the rock guitar or the orchestra carried through more, because there’s something about the song that doesn’t feel fully realized and I can’t say what it is. Rough is less a moment of standing apart from their peers and more a very gentle sidestep—but definitely a marker of what’s to come. Hidden gems from this album are definitely Say My Name and Someday, the second of which uses the classical touches quite well.
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Their first few titles are a bit formulaic, but Navillera, despite at first fitting it, has much more drive and heft, and by the time we reach the guitar solo and the accompanying power note, it feels earned. It takes the best parts of the previous songs and melds them together into something great. I confess that I know this song by heart, and all in all, it’s an early highlight that I find myself liking more each time. Hidden gems from this album include Mermaid and Compass (with a special shout out to the harmonica in Distance).
Fingertip picks up where Navillera left off, with a good sense of humor in its 80’s action movie spoofing. It has one of the few dance breaks I adore, and I found myself bopping my head. And the catharsis! One of the things I love most about k-pop is when songs build to a point where everything just lights up, and Fingertip has this in spades. My hidden gem for this EP is definitely Crush.
Next up is a return to form in Love Whisper, which feels very much like Spring, and has a calming energy, but the song itself isn’t anything trailblazing. It’s a bit meandering and the orchestra isn’t used enough for me. It’s also a lot like Me Gustas Tu, which again, doesn’t mean that either is a bad song, but it does mean that both stick out less.
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Summer Rain also has a nice opening, but it feels more dramatic and symphonic, which sets it apart from the rest of Gfriend’s songs at this point. It isn’t my favorite either, but I like it more than Love Whisper, Glass Bead, Me Gustas Tu, and Rough, which I classify in the same category. From the album, Rainbow is the definite winner, with Red Umbrella close behind.
Sunny Summer offers a different view of the same season; it’s upbeat and while carrying through the youthful energy of their earlier work, something about it also feels more grown up, as though a goodbye to their younger selves.
I’m probably reading way too much into what should be a fun song, but it reminds me of the feeling of a last summer vacation after high school and before adulthood. Either way, I’d say that my hidden gem from this album is Vacation (for its boundless energy)
With Time For The Moon Night comes the second big shift in Gfriend’s sound and the start of a new era. The intro, Daytime, sounds right out of a Disney movie, and the song delivers. It begins peacefully, and eventually gently glides into an introspective sort-of ballad that toes the line between sad and hopeful. The whole album is honestly great, and my favorite of the EPs so far.
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That being said, I’d like to take a moment of your time to discuss Bye, which may be my favorite of Gfriend’s b-sides. It’s a ballad, yes, but so much more. It blends a full orchestra, an electric guitar, and some of Gfriend’s most affecting vocal work to date. All in all, it’s one of those album tracks that could’ve made an excellent single, and I’m so glad I rediscovered it in my deep dive, because I may or may not have replayed it three times.
Sunrise, perhaps appropriately, feels like Time For The Moon Night’s opposite twin, with lyrics that are just as sad combined with a far more hopeful and well…sunny spin on it. It’s many people’s favorite Gfriend song, and while it isn’t mine, I can’t deny that those choruses, especially the final one, is a hell of a knock-out.
Memoria, while technically a b-side, is also a Japanese single, but it’s so ethereal and lovely that it deserves a shout out. Hidden gems from this album include Only 1, and A Starry Night, but the stand-out has to be You Are Not Alone, both for the adorableness that is the title and for the surprisingly poignant follow-through.
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Fever is a departure from the sound Gfriend’s been cultivating and seems like a bit of an odd choice. It’s not a bad song but it’s not great either; it’s pleasant, but it slips in and out of the ears, without any staying power. The girls’ voices feel underutilized, which is unusual for them, and I’ll never understand the impulse to have an anti-drop rather than a power note. I don’t have a hidden gem for this album, but I did like the whistling in Smile.
This album also highlighted something I’ve noticed: a lot of Gfriend’s b-sides start out with a really unique or interesting instrumental (like Smile) but don’t carry it through to the rest of the song, and thus leave it sounding like a lot of other songs.
Flower is the one song I really did like from the album, although it’s a Japanese single and so not technically a b-side. It also takes Gfriend’s music in a different direction (in this case, tango) but the gamble pays off! It’s a pretty good song; not their best, but a nice break.
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After this, we finally reach the Modern Witch Trilogy, what I would consider their Magnum Opus, and unfortunately, the end of their time as a six-person group. Each part of the trilogy is magical in its own way: Crossroads is classical and grounded in emotion, Apple is ethereal and delightfully entrancing, and MAGO is empowering and warm at the same time.
The first song of the trilogy is Crossroads, which is definitely the most melancholy of their titles, finally giving the orchestra time to shine. The song’s best moment is undoubtedly the short section of a-capella before the last chorus’ soaring take-off, with the girls’ voices absolutely feeling like some sort of desperate plea to the stars.
My hidden gem for this album is definitely Labyrinth, which, in a 2023 world, I could totally see being a pre-release with a music video; not a title track instead of Crossroads, but with it. Here We Are is great too, and the other b-sides hold their own.
Next in the trilogy is Apple, which simply oozes magic and power. At first, I worried that it would be another Fever with a nothing chorus, but it proved me wrong! It doesn’t quite have a climax but it’s still absolutely engaging and unique.
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This is another great album, and it was so hard to pick a hidden gem. The trio of the electro Eye of The Storm, the ballroom waltz of Room of Mirrors, and the dance floor of Tarot Cards are pretty neck-and-neck. But if I had to choose, Room of Mirrors is my favorite.
And at last, we reach MAGO! MAGO is, I’ll be honest, one of my all-time favorite k-pop songs (we’re talking Top 10), and I’ve loved it since I first heard it. To say everything I want to say would take forever, but if I had to name a few, here we go. The song has such great drive and heft and never stops moving, even when it slows down a little. It explodes with confidence and self-expression, and it’s a song that stands out because that empowerment doesn’t fall flat.
There are so many good songs from this album too: the rock in Love Spell, the brightness in Three Of Cups, and the R&B in Secret Diary, but my favorite without a doubt is Wheel Of The Year. Look, I’m a total sap, and it’s the exact kind of song that I adore: sad and happy, hopeful, emotional, inspiring, and all about the power of friendship. In the wake of their disbandment, it’s hard not to see this as a lovely farewell, to both the fans and each other.
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It’s hard to overstate how much I adore the Modern Witch Trilogy. All three of these titles also feel so…queer to me? Obviously, as a queer woman, everything I view is through a queer lens, but between the found family separated in Crossroads, the forbidden temptation of witches in Apple, and the all-female be-yourself disco club in MAGO, I don’t think I’m reading too much into this. But I’d love to hear other opinions on this.
My top 5 songs are MAGO, Wheel Of The Year, Fingertip, Crossroads, and Bye. But I loved their whole discography, and as much as I ragged on Fever, there weren’t any songs I actually disliked, and it would be a highlight in a less incredible body of work. I’m also Wiccan, and the Wheel Of The Year is such an important thing for us that it felt like it was made just for me. I admit, when I started writing about their later songs, I even got a bit emotional and even more when I found out that the members themselves helped write some of them.
Gfriend, to the surprise of no one, gets a 9.5/10 from me. I can’t really imagine a discography more suited to me personally, although I think that anyone who appreciates great voices, disco, orchestral spins, or witches would find something to love here too. The only reason the score isn’t higher is because I haven’t done that many deep dives yet and I want to leave some room, lol.
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So, I’ll see you next time, for a boy group!
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
I’ve been waiting for this one! Okay so friend, let’s talk about Blue Lock. Rin and Sae, so I don’t know why BUT Sae is at Blue Lock I guess to help them get better and Rin is not having it at ALL like he’s constantly side eyeing him and making snide remarks. Sae is not saying anything because you know older brothers have a tolerance for bratty younger brothers. Bachira being Bachira is calling Rin out about it and teases him for it. Rin obviously denies it. Bachira lightly elbows him in the side in Rin gasp and flinch. Sae sees this and that’s when it dawns on him that he can put his little brother back in his place(and see him smile, but he won’t admit that)
YES! Oh my god, Lee!Rin makes my heart go pitter patter in the best way! This came off more Ler!Bachira but I promise the Sae and Rin tickle fight is in the making! I hope you like this little dabble in the meantime! :D
CW: Swearing
It was official- Rin hated Blue Lock.
Specifically, he hated this week of individual team training.
Why? Because Sae freaking Itoshi, aka the devil was here.
Ego must have had quite the sense of humor to put these two in the same room.
“Wow, RinRin, I’ve never seen you so grumpy.” Bachira grinned cheekily as he bounced up during a break, flopping down beside the green haired boy. Right now Sae and Isagi were having their one on one, the older boy going over different plays and ways for Isagi to improve. Normally Rin would be there to learn as well, but he was currently engaged in “Ignoring Sae and everything he does” matters.
Yes it was petty and more likely to screw him over in the long run but he didn’t care.
Ego wanted to bring Sae here, so this was the result.
“I’m not grumpy, I’m simply uninterested in anything he has to say.” Rin replied shortly, shooting a glare. Bachira grinned, unfazed.
“Sure, and that’s why you’re shooting side eyes at him and mumbling rude remarks the entire practice hoping he’d react?”
Silence. Bachira took it as a win. “You know- your brother’s pretty good at this stuff. It’d be best to listen.”
“It’d be best to shut the hell up and go back into whatever hole you crawled out of.” Rin growled, hoping his aggression would spook off Bachira.
“Oo, did I hit a sore spot?” Bachria laughed, elbowing his side. “Sauri Sauri, give your arm a shavy~”
“Tch, whatever.” Rin jumped at the contact, lowering his arm. He must have been noticeable, for Sae looked over, brow raised. Rin glared back.
“Oo, he’s looking at you! Smile!” Bachira poked him a few times, each gesture more intentional than the last. Rin flinched at each jab, his arm pressing tighter against his side as he tried to hold his glare. Sae tilted his head curiously.
“Bachira, yeah?” He called, making the other stop. Said boy blinked up at him. “Go for his hips, he’ll die.”
“Sae, you piece of sh-” Rin only just got out before said spot was ruthlessly attacked, Bachira laughing alongside him as he sang his broken english song about shaving arms on a “Wed-ness-day”. “Fuuhuhuck ohoohohohff, bohoohhwl cut!”
“Should we…” Isagi began, staring in awe at the duo.
“Nah, let it be.” Sae shook his head, something like a glimpse of a smile touching his lips as he turned towards their discarded soccer ball. “That’ll teach him for being such a brat today. Come on- let’s go over your footing once more.”
Send me a headcanon and character(s) and I'll write a short 300-500 word dabble for it!
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saltydkdan · 2 years
salty, i’m a 16 year old trans girl living in new jersey who’s about to start estrogen next month, but i am constantly worried about my safety because of the GOP trying to get bills like this passed
i’m so fucking scared, i live in a blue state but that might not even matter soon, i don’t wanna become a statistical because of people not letting me live as my true self,
if you can, could you share some kind or supportive word for me, and the other trans kids who watch your videos? i know for me personally your my go to youtuber to watch when i’m feeling sad, because you’ve basically molded my sense of humor,
i’m sorry for the long message, i’m just really worried and nervous and upset and my anxiety is in fucking hyperdrive
Hey bud. I'm really sorry I couldn't respond to this sooner, to be honest I was trying my best to figure out the best way to respond to this since I saw it.
As someone who is cis, it's hard for me to properly formulate words of encouragement when it comes to situations like this. Sometimes there are just many things that will never inherently effect me personally, so I sometimes feel like anything I say will sound like "thoughts and prayers"-type jargon, and I don't want it to be.
I'm gonna try my very best to respond to this with some words of encouragement and support! I apologize if it doesn't do much, this is my first time typing something up this way.
First, I want to validate you here, these are some really upsetting times. It feels like every other day there's some group of crazed politicians that are trying to take people's rights away, or set us back 100 years for no reason other than hatred or religion (and sometimes even both!).
It's okay to feel bad, or worried about it. You are valid if that upsets you, obviously. If anyone says you are a "downer" for worrying about it, they are stupid, and most probably are unaffected by this sort of news.
I have a lot of close friends who are personally affected by this too, and people tend to shut them down whenever they feel a HINT of negativity. But like... no? Fuck that. Feel your feelings, you are valid.
Second, I just want to say that there is hope. Even if bad things happen, or any bullshit gets passed, know that there are millions of people fighting for you, and your rights every day. Now I know this can be a moot point for some people, and doesn't make them feel better. But it's at least important to know that many people (including me) are on your side.
Many people are even posting online that even if these sorts of horrible bills pass, that they will put their jobs at risk to protect kids that are affected. They shouldn't have to do this, but I'm glad that so many people are kindhearted and protective of trans kids regardless of what laws are.
(Obviously, it should be always noted that just because something is a law, that doesn't mean it's morally correct or ever will be. Fuck Anti-Trans bills and laws FOREVER AND ALWAYS.)
Third, we all know the world can be an absolute shit show a lot of the time. So with that in mind, it's totally valid for you to take a social media break (or "cleanse"). I know in some spaces this might be a CRAZY thing to say, since a lot of people like to keep up to date on the current day news cycle on places like Twitter. But many of my friends, and even myself, tend to "doom scroll" online.
Using social media, we're exposed to hatred and vitriol on a daily basis. It's totally okay for anyone in your shoes to delete social media, even if just for a bit, and do something else. This isn't always the case, but sometimes viewing too much bad news about the world all at once, can cause people to spiral and become more and more afraid.
I'm not necessarily saying "ignorance is bliss" or anything like that. The news is important every so often. But it's important that you grant yourself time away from it, because (especially nowadays) it can get incredibly toxic. Trust me, when important stuff happens, you'll still be made aware. Either through parents, friends, etc.
And you don't need to quit social media either. Just allow yourself a break. Pick back up a hobby, or start a new one! Recently, instead of scrolling infinitely on Twitter or Tik Tok, I've taken up reading comics online before bed. Sonic IDW or One Piece. Mental Health comes first! Even if the world is insane, it's okay to take a moment of silence to calm yourself, and tend to yourself. You should NEVER feel guilty for taking time for yourself, ESPECIALLY these days.
Lastly, I wanna let you know that it's awesome to hear that you're going on Estrogen in the coming month! That is huge!! And really awesome to hear. That's an occasion worth celebrating! Like, a new second birthday!
And I'm currently a New Jersey resident too! It's cool to hear you're from there. I've started really liking the state ever since I've moved, but I mostly just stick to my town and don't go that much deeper! (Haha)
Also I am SO SORRY I helped mold your sense of humor. I cannot apologize enough for doing that GGFIWGODIWHEDQ. It is an honor to hear that, but I am SO SORRY ABOUT THAT.
I'm apologize if this message ends up not helping much, but you have my support, all of my friends, and millions of others. You will get through this no matter what happens. You've already gotten this far, you ain't even reached your FINAL FORM YET.
-Derek (Salty)
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anonymousewrites · 1 year
Of Sensibility and Swords (Mulan AU Megumi x Reader)
Chapter Four: Man
            “Alright! Up, up, up!” shouted Gojo into (Y/N)’s face.
            She bolted upright in her tent, groaning at the abrupt wakeup. As usual, she had struggled to sleep, so she slept few hours the previous night and did not appreciate being woken up. However, (Y/N) knew it was time to begin training, and if she wanted to avoid suspicion, (Y/N) needed to be a proper soldier and work hard so no one would think she was lying about who she was.
            (Y/N) stood and pulled on her training clothes, arranging herself as best she could to avoid looking like a woman. Inside her outfit, she had sewn her moonstone into a pocket to keep some luck with her as she went.
            “Oh, I’m so proud!” Gojo pretended to wipe a tear from his eye. “So disciplined already. Go kick those boys in the ass!”
            “Why would I do that?” (Y/N) frowned.
            Gojo sighed. “We have to work on your sense of humor. But for now, get out there and make Nanami proud! I’ll be there if you need anything, but after that scuffle with Noritoshi…Well, obviously you can hold your own in a fight!”
            “People thought it was improper, but Nanami taught me quite a bit,” explained (Y/N).
            “That’s good, otherwise you’d be so screwed,” said Gojo brightly.
            (Y/N) met up with the soldiers she met the previous day and at breakfast. Noritoshi was still embarrassed about the fight so was sulking, but Itadori and Toudou found it hilarious that someone had stuck it to Noritoshi, and Yuuta knew Noritoshi had been asking for it.
            A gong rang out, and the troop cleaned up before lining up in front of the captain’s tent. Megumi exited the tent wearing a loose training shirt over his pants and paced before his men (and woman, but he didn’t need to know that).
            “Soldiers,” said Megumi as he observed them carefully, hands laced behind his back. “You will assemble here each morning. Be swift and silent, disciplined. Anyone acting improperly with answer to me.”
            Noritoshi looked at Megumi, unimpressed, and rolled his eyes. Megumi sensed his gaze and levelled a dark look at him. Naoya smirked as he watched the interaction. This was a chance to prove to Emperor Yaga that Megumi was not ready for the position of Captain and that he could not handle his men.
            However, Megumi knew that too and was prepared to rise to the occasion. “Noritoshi. I have a job for you.” As Noritoshi frowned in confusion, Megumi picked up a bow and arrow. Narrowing his eyes as he gazed at a tall wooden pillar, he fired. The arrow lodged in the top. Megumi looked at Noritoshi with a small smile. “Retrieve the arrow.”
            Noritoshi straightened his back and walked to the pillar as everyone watched. “I shall,” he said imperiously.
            “Wait. One more thing.” Megumi opened a chest and picked up two weights on loops of leather. He handed them to Noritoshi, who sucked in a breath at the weight. “One is discipline. The other is strength. To reach the arrow, you need both.”
            Noritoshi wrapped the weights around his wrists and began his climb. No sooner did he get a few feet up, however, then the weights pulled him to the ground. He landed hard on his back and groaned as he pulled the weights off and got up. When he passed Megumi to get back in line, there was a new respect in his eyes.
            Naoya huffed at Megumi’s good handling of the situation. He had hoped Megumi would fail and be laughed at by his men to prove he was ill-equipped for the position.
            On the other hand, Megumi had already moved on. “Everyone, try to retrieve that arrow,” he ordered.
            He watched in amusement as each soldier tried and failed to climb up with the weights hanging off them. Even with Toudou’s muscles and Itadori’s exuberance, both came tumbling down. Yuuta was nimble, but with the weights, he couldn’t move as gracefully as he would like and couldn’t make it. (Y/N) suffered the same way and came crashing down as the weights held her back.
            Although Megumi was slightly amused by their antics, he knew how much work he had ahead of him to whip them into shape. “We have a long way to go.” He grabbed bos and tossed them into his troops. “Line up for exercises.”
            “Yes, sir,” repeated the group as they got into position.
            “Now,” said Megumi, getting into position before them. “Let’s begin.”
            And so, the training began.
Megumi “Let’s get down to business, To defeat the Curses.”
            He demonstrated moves with the bo, and (Y/N) copied with her fellow soldiers. Most fumbled and couldn’t keep their grip on their bo, making fools of themselves.
Megumi “Did they send me daughters, When I asked for sons?”
            Megumi sighed in exasperation as he watched their efforts. This was going to take quite a while, especially since Itadori’s exuberance had him take down his fellow soldiers.
Megumi “But you can bet, Before we’re through—”
            Megumi glared at each of his men individually, finishing on (Y/N), who was still standing and holding her bo. Gojo, biting his nails behind a large rock, was praying she didn’t do anything to upset him. (Y/N) glanced away from him and fumbled with her grip on the bo as she got uncomfortable his look. It made her feel unsure of how “proper” she was acting and of how easy it might be to see through her disguise.
Megumi “Mister, I’ll make a man, Out of you.”
            Watching everything, Naoya carefully recorded Megumi’s training (and made sure to leave notes on the way it seemed to fail).
            In training, the soldiers worked on shooting. Megumi had three pomegranates launched through the air and shot all threw straight through to a tree.
Megumi “Tranquil as a forest, But on fire within.”
            As (Y/N) prepared her arrow, Gojo slipped out to her and stuck a pomegranate onto its end. Alarmed at not following the rules, (Y/N) ripped it from the arrow just as Megumi looked over. She smiled nervously and then proceeded to completely miss her shot. Megumi narrowed his eyes but had other problems as Toudou snapped his bow in half.
            Another day, they sat up in the mountains, and Megumi balanced a bucket of water on his head as the group threw rocks at him. He effortlessly blocked them with his bo while remaining perfectly at ease.
Megumi “Once you find your center, You are sure to win.”
            (Y/N) held back from throwing stones since it felt pointless and instead watched the way he moved and shifted his weight to remain upright. She wanted to copy those actions.
            Sure enough, they each were given a chance. When (Y/N) stood on the stone, she struggled. Noritoshi greatly enjoyed trying to knock (Y/N) down and threw the rocks as hard as possible. (Y/N) winced as the rocks hit her and managed to block a few, but they just went whizzing back and nearly hit Megumi’s face. The next rock knocked the bucket over, and as she flailed to keep in balanced, in splashed down on her face.
Megumi “You’re a spineless, pale, pathetic lot, And you haven’t got a clue.”
            (Y/N) looked sheepishly at Megumi, who had narrowly avoided being hit. She bowed before getting back in line. Megumi sighed and shook off the near-miss, nodding to (Y/N) (or, as he knew her, (Male/N)) for being respectful.
Megumi “Somehow I’ll make a man, Out of you.”
            While trying to catch fish with their bare hands for reflexes, Itadori and Toudou ended up wrestling underwater while Noritoshi tripped (Y/N), who was handed a fish underwater by a scuba-diving Gojo. The dragon gave her a thumbs up.
            From there, the training just continued to get more intense. It didn’t matter how tired they were; the group had to push on and improve every day with strict regiments. The troop even had to dodge fireworks to practice avoiding arrows in battle. All of them at one time or another were hit and sent sailing with a burn and new embarrassment.
Itadori “I’m never gonna catch my breath.” Noritoshi “Say goodbye to those who knew me.” Yuuta “Boy was I fool in school for cutting gym.”
            In a sparring match with Megumi, (Y/N) tried her best to remain on his level. However, while Noritoshi was inexperienced enough to keep up with, Megumi was tougher and strong, so she couldn’t and was sent to the ground with a deft move from him. Gojo huffed at the Captain hurting his favorite human.
Gojo “This guy’s got ‘em scared to death!”
            As (Y/N) looked up at him from the grassy ground, she swallowed nervously.
(Y/N) “Hope he doesn’t see right through me!”
            Megumi respectfully extended a hand to her and helped her up. (Y/N) smiled slightly. She had decided that his strictness notwithstanding, he was strong but also polite and kind. The boys in her village had never been like that, and it made her enjoy working with him. Back home, she avoided doing things with anyone because of how they treated her “oddness.”
            In truth, Megumi had noticed (Y/N)’s odd approach to friendships with Yuuta, Itadori, Toudou, and Noritoshi, but he didn’t mind it. What was a little bit of bland expressions in the face of actions that spoke of actual care and discipline? (Y/N) worked hard and respected the other soldiers, so that was all that mattered.
            Others tried but weren’t as successful. Itadori had a big heart and great enthusiasm, but he was also a disaster half the time. He managed to knock everyone leaping across rocks on the river into the water before toppling in himself in a great display of catastrophe-creating tendencies.
Itadori “Now I really wish that I knew how to swim!”
            But every so slowly, they improved. They became successful at firing their own rockets. They learned to catch fish with their bare hands, expertly maneuver their bows, and so much more needed from soldiers. But they were doing it.
All Soldiers “Be a man!” Megumi “We must be swift as a coursing river!” All Soldiers “Be a man!” Megumi “With all the force of a great typhoon!” All Soldiers “Be a man!” Megumi “With all the strength of a raging fire! Mysterious as the dark side of the moon!”
            However, even as his men grew stronger, Megumi was unsatisfied. They had not yet reached the arrow in the pillar, and every day Naoya’s satisfaction was growing as he saw Megumi’s failure.
Megumi “Time is racing towards us, Till the Curses arrive, Heed my every order, And you might, Survive!”
            Megumi saw the determination in their eyes, but the results he needed still hadn’t shown. The arrow still lay far above them, and they still stood far below. He wasn’t sure what more he could do.
Megumi “You’re unsuited for the rage of war, So pack up, go home, you’re through, How could I make a fan, Out of you?”
            (Y/N) stood below the arrow under the moonlight and gazed up at it. She wanted to make it up. To prove to herself she was meant to be there. She wasn’t going to be as strong as her friends, bigger, more muscular men. So (Y/N) wanted to be smarter.
All Soldiers “Be a man!” Megumi “We must be swift as a coursing river!”
            She tied the weights around her wrists and then wrapped them around the pillar to brace herself against it.
All Soldiers “Be a man!” Megumi “With all the force of a great typhoon!”
            Using the brace of the weights, she began her climb up. The weights let (Y/N) draw herself up inch by inch towards the arrow as the sun breached the horizon.
            As her fellow men woke and came out of their tents, they stared as (Y/N) worked her way up. None of them had managed it yet, and here was (Y/N), the most apparently weak of the group, nearly at the arrow.
All Soldiers “Be a man!” Megumi “With all the strength of a raging fire!”
            Megumi exited his tent as the sun hit the top of the pillar. His eyes widened.
Megumi “Mysterious as the dark side of the moon!”
            (Y/N) stood victorious at the peak of the pillar. Her arm was raised high with the arrow clutched in her hand. Megumi smiled.
Things were looking up. The group became even more of a team from that point forward, spurred forward by (Y/N)’s success. They ran faster and farther, worked harder. (Y/N) kept up with Megumi in sparring matches. Itadori wasn’t a clumsy mess. Toudou was adept with the bo. Yuuta and Noritoshi had expert marksmanship. It was all coming together.
All Soldiers “Be a man!” Megumi “We must be swift as a coursing river!”
            This time, (Y/N) knocked Megumi down in their match. She held out a hand, and he took it to stand. Their hands remained connected for a moment before they coughed and let go, nodding to each other politely.
All Soldiers “Be a man!” Megumi “With all the force of a great typhoon!”
            Even (Y/N) and Noritoshi were getting long better (and that meant they were polite with one another).
All Soldiers “Be a man!” Megumi “With all the strength of a raging fire, Mysterious as the dark side of the moon!”
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lovemewednesdays · 7 months
can i say something about november 5?
It is my favorite tumblr holiday.
And, like, not to wax poetic about this hellsite, but I'm gonna get a li'l sentimental here.
I don't remember much about 45's presidency. Like, I don't remember the details. I remember the big things. The general feeling of despair and disgust and just...Feeling Bad in General™.
This was also the time I was on tumblr, but I wasn't on tumblr, if that makes sense? I didn't really post, I didn't like, I lurked, but only if I was bored and didn't have anything better to do. (That has since changed, obviously.)
And then November 5th hit, and the "Cas gets sent to super hell" episode came out, and I heard about it (I had long stopped watching the show), and I was like, "tumblr's losing their shit right now, I have to see this."
Tumblr was indeed losing their shit.
It was a combination of fandom and politics and humor that was just absolutely pure fucking chaos. November 5, 2020 encapsulates the essence of this site.
I distinctly remember staying up until, like, three in the morning, just crying with laughter. Giggling. Cackling, gasping for air. The best fucking way to laugh.
And it didn't hit me until a few days later that that was the first time I had experienced, like, unmitigated joy in a while.
And I'm sure that I had moments of happiness during the four years prior. Life goes on, y'know? I had birthdays and Christmases and friends and love.
But I wasn't aware of all the tension I was carrying. I wasn't aware of the shit I was holding in until I saw the fucking Gay Angel Forces Putin to Step Down memes. November 5th helped me relieve some of that weight.
This site – and the absolute bonkers shit it creates – helped me breathe easier for the first time in a long time. So, thank you.
That is why November 5th is my favorite holiday.
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Master post:
Rulls, warnings, do's and don'ts, 'an all that bull-
First of all I am a minor- soo yeah.
Call me Tree, T, crow, dude, or whatever I don't really care just one of those. I am nb soo- Uhhh- I use they/them/theirs obviously and if you realllllyyy don't wanna use that I'm fine with it/it's. I am also bisexual.
~<Trigger warning: Cussing, stupid dirty teenage humor, anxiety, sensory problems, suicide, self harm, violence, religion, rape, pedophilia... and if something does trigger you- please tell me I will add it too the list if it is not already here but for now this is it>~
About me:
If you don't want to read this while thing understandable you should go to read 'Do's an' don'ts' and 'Extra stuff about my writing' to just know the basics
I don't write much- but I have so much in my brain that I want to put out, and my ADHD is not helping with the problem of finding a specific medium. So, this is my new hobby now, and please be patient I'm trying my best, my spelling and grammar is shit, and my motivation fluctuates.
This blog will focus on headcanon's (nothing extravagant) a majority of the time, but I will hopefully get into one-shots in the future.
I don't get a lot of free time, and when I do, I often space out on my plans- so there may be tiny hiatuses- which I hopefully will keep and update part for when I go on one of my tiny hiatuses.
Like I have previously stated- I am a minor/teenager. Meaning no explicate NSFW(which I will get more into in the do's and don'ts), but as a teenager- I have teenager dirty sense of humor- so don't expect me to be a saint.'
Who i'm writing for:
Mephisto, Amaimon, Rin, Yukio, Shura, Shiemi, Shiro, and more in the future
I write:
Character x reader/yn/Mc/self-insert
I write fluff
I write crack
I will do a little bit of angst, it depends (I will go into more details in DON'TS)
I will do small scenarios.
I will write reader as gender neutral, unless the gender/pronouns effect the example. (Transgender reader, or just shit when pronouns/gender involves stuff like periods or maybe if you ask)
I can write flirting and stuff, NSFW does not mean it all has to be fluff- as I can write innuendo if it is specific to the person/character I am writing or like a prompt where someone makes a dirty joke and a character reacts (but that will most likely be in a crack fic kinda situation) and maybe implied NSFW.
I write a bit of comfort, like for panic attacks or when people have sensory problems (I can understand sensory overload sucks ass)
I write gay stuff- but that would happen when gender/pronouns are used beyond they/them. To learn more about that take a look back at 6#
This connects to 9# but I also just write LGBTQIA+ fics generally.
This relates back to 4# but I do write for self-harm, depression, and suicide. (But if you are ever experiencing any of this, I do encourage you to seek help if you can or have it available, you're not alone❤️)
I write for gory, dangerous, or violent things
I don't write:
Character x Character, I'm not a shipping person, if you like it cool- it's not for me.
I won't write about something if I am not properly educated on it, so I might respond to the request telling them that they will half wait till I feel comfortable with my level of knowledge on the topic.
Religious stuff, it just makes me uncomfortable, and I'm don't feel educated on it enough and I don't feel like researching it.
NSFW stuff like smut, or explicit depictions of nudity.
Despite the fact I write for LGBTQIA+, i do not really write coming out fics as I am personally still closeted and it makes me feel anxious thinking about it
I don't do break up angst fics
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
If you are a LGBTQIA+phobic
If you are an actual child (younger than 12) please stay away
A pro-shipper
Some stuff about interaction with me:
You don't need to request a writing to interact with the blog, i can talk about the fandoms am into, in which I will include a list of my interests. Or just any general back and forth general conversation- though I have a hard time with social ques over the internet so warning ahead of time.
Extra stuff about my writing:
their is a 3 character limit
I am going to do an alphabet- a sfw alphabet, and crack alphabet.
Also requested writings will be more detailed then the ones I put out randomly, though alphabets are kinda the exception
What fandoms I am into:
My current main obsession: Blue Exorcist, Gorillaz
Blue Exorcist
Spooky month
DC(mainly Harley Quinn and her crew)
Demon slayer
Rick and Morty
One piece(don't ask me where I am in the anime I don't remember)
Romance Killer
Soul eater
Steven Universe
Junji Ito
Vox machina
Thats all for now.
My blog with all the links to the rest of my blogs are here:
Main blog
Inbox: 0/8
Masterlist list:
Masterlist 1#
Thats it for now, Bye!
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Master post:
Rulls, warnings, do's and don'ts, 'an all that bull-
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First of all I am a minor- soo yeah.
Call me Tree, T, crow, dude, or whatever I don't really care just one of those. I am nb soo- Uhhh- I use they/them/theirs obviously and if you realllllyyy don't wanna use that I'm fine with it/it's. I am also bisexual.
~<Trigger warning: Cussing, stupid dirty teenage humor, anxiety, sensory problems, suicide, self harm, violence, religion, rape, pedophilia... and if something does trigger you- please tell me I will add it too the list if it is not already here but for now this is it>~
Need to knows:
If you don't want to read this while thing understandable you should go to read 'Do's an' don'ts' and 'Extra stuff about my writing' to just know the basics
I don't write much- but I have so much in my brain that I want to put out, and my ADHD is not helping with the problem of finding a specific medium. So, this is my new hobby now, and please be patient I'm trying my best, my spelling and grammar is shit, and my motivation fluctuates.
This blog will focus on headcanons (nothing extravagant) a majority of the time, but I will hopefully get into one-shots in the future.
I don't get a lot of free time, and when I do, I often space out on my plans- so there may be tiny hiatuses- which I hopefully will keep and update part for when I go on one of my tiny hiatuses.
Like I have previously stated- I am a minor/teenager. Meaning no explicate NSFW(which I will get more into in the do's and don'ts), but as a teenager- I have teenager dirty sense of humor- so don't expect me to be a saint.
Also I have a shit post blog called 'c-y-g-m-c-o'
Sense of humor:
Like I said I am a teen- I have teen humor, meaning I will be a wierdo
I do use humor to cope with stress, personal problems, and my mental health
I like dad jokes
Memes' an shit
I write:
Character x reader/yn/Mc/self-insert
I write fluff
I write crack
I will do a little bit of angst, it depends (I will go into more details in DON'TS)
I will do small scenarios.
I will write reader as gender neutral, unless the gender/pronouns effect the example. (Transgender reader, or just shit when pronouns/gender involves stuff like periods or maybe if you ask)
I can write flirting and stuff, NSFW does not mean it all has to be fluff- as I can write innuendo if it is specific to the person/character I am writing or like a prompt where someone makes a dirty joke and a character reacts (but that will most likely be in a crack fic kinda situation) and maybe implied NSFW.
I write a bit of comfort, like for panic attacks or when people have sensory problems (I can understand sensory overload sucks ass)
I write gay stuff- but that would happen when gender/pronouns are used beyond they/them. To learn more about that take a look back at 6#
This connects to 9# but I also just write LGBTQIA+ fics generally.
This relates back to 4# but I do write for self-harm, depression, and suicide. (But if you are ever experiencing any of this, I do encourage you to seek help if you can or have it available, you're not alone❤️)
I write for gory, dangerous, or violent things
I don't write:
Character x Character, I'm not a shipping person, if you like it cool- it's not for me.
Yandere, if you like it ok, I just don't wanna write for it.
I won't write about something if I am not properly educated on it, so I might respond to the request telling them that they will half wait till I feel comfortable with my level of knowledge on the topic.
Religious stuff, it just makes me uncomfortable, and I'm don't feel educated on it enough and I don't feel like researching it.
NSFW stuff like smut, or explicit depictions of nudity.
Despite the fact I write for LGBTQIA+, i do not really write coming out fics as I am personally still closeted and it makes me feel anxious thinking about it
I don't do break up angst fics
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
If you are a LGBTQIA+phobic
If you are an actual child (younger than 12) please stay away
A pro-shipper
(We will take action if we find out.)
Curent mod/s: 1
Tree- My friend is a mod they are also a minor, who basically edited my writing, I call them Mid or Branch, they will not be a constant editor as they have their own life.
Midnight- I'm just an editor doing this because my friend wanted to do this, and I support them. And because I know they WILL mis-spell 70% of the stuff in these posts, so I'll check up on it about every Friday-Sunday.
Also, please call me Midnight if you're not a close friend of mine. Ty. :]
Some stuff about interaction with us:
You don't need to request a writing to interact with the blog, i am and Mid can talk about the fandoms (we/I) am into, in which I will include a list of (my/mine and Mid's) interests. Or just any general back and forth general conversation- though I have a hard time with social ques over the internet so warning ahead of time. Midnight's better at that.
Exrta stuff about my writing:
There is at this time a 4-character requesting limit, and if you want more you will be getting shorter headcanons. (UPDATE: their is now a 5 character limit)
I am going to do an alphabet- a sfw alphabet, and crack alphabet.
Almost each of the characters I write for will be combined with a piece of my own art, either it be old or new- so if it's really ugly its most likely old, so pardon that. And if I use my own art- I will explicitly say it's mine, though this could always change as I'm decisive as fuck Yeah I don't do that anymore
Also requested writings will be more detailed then the ones I put out randomly, though alphabets are kinda the exception
Caption/Title color meaning: (RED- Random writing) [ORANGE- Alphabet] {RAINBOW- Requested}
What fandoms I am into:
My current main obsession: Blue Exorcist, Gorillaz
Blue Exorcist
Spooky month
DC(mainly Harley Quinn and her crew)
Demon slayer
Rick and Morty
One piece(don't ask me where I am in the anime I don't remember)
Romance Killer
Soul eater
Steven Universe
Junji Ito
Vox machina
Thats all for now.
What Mid/Branch (preferred Midnight or Mid) is into:
Current Obsession: Undertale, Gem Galaxies, and Pokemon / Loomian Legacy.
_ Loomian Legacy / Pokemon / Doodle World
_ Gravity Falls (Limited Knowledge)
_ Undertale / Deltarune
_ Roblox
_ Wings of Fire (WoF)
_ Gem Galaxies
_ Steven Universe (Limited Knowledge)
_ Demon Slayer
_ Attack On Titan (Limited Knowledge)
_ Supernatural
_ Gun Gale Online
_ Minecraft
_ There's plenty more! I'm just too lazy to type everything.
Extra Information on Mod:
Midnight- You can find me (Midnight) on Discord, Wattpad, Quotev, and Youtube! All information can be given one-on-one on future dates. Depends on which I think is a smarter choice for me.
I can also write longer varieties of fanfic one-shots/headcanons if pleased. I just don't do it often.
Tree- Must explicitly ask for Mid as the writer as they don't have notifications for the blog so I will have to notify Mid of the request.
My blog with all the links to the rest of my blogs are here:
Main blog
Inbox: 5/8
Currently working on
Masterlist list:
Masterlist 1#
Thats it for now, Bye!
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shxtodxroki · 1 year
Ello! I hope you're doing well! take your time doing requests don't stress yourself out :D.
I'm Xeno [not my IRL name lol], genderfluid (AFAB) my pronouns are he/him i like to be matched with class 1a or b male students.
I tend to dress in dark-colored clothing, comfortable in shorts, tank tops, and sweaters.
My MBTI is ISTJ, I easily forget things, and my personality changes, to new people I'm more reserved but with friends, I'm more playful and i cuss a lot like Bakugo and i have a dark sense of humor.
I love cats and drawing, my drawings are similar to macabre paintings. I like to watch horror movies and eat spicy noodles
i have an addiction to coffee. and i usually stay up all night until 5 am
I'm very sentimental, give me a small flower I'll keep it forever in a notebook.
English isn't my native language so sorry if my grammar is a bit off.
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First of all I’m sorry I’m getting to this ask so late, you sent this ask before I came back to this account and I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to get to it :/ You’ve been supporting my blog for quite a while now and I really appreciate how kind you’ve been, so I hope that you can enjoy this match-up and that it’s what you were hoping for! You always like my posts and you’ve sent in a few requests, and I just want you to know that I really do see and appreciate it and it’s nice knowing that someone consistently enjoys the stuff I put out on here, and I hope that you enjoy this as a sign of my thanks! :D
I’d Match You With: 
Eijiro Kirishima! 
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Honestly I was really stuck between Kirishima and Tetsutetsu for this one lol, those two are so similar and I feel like they’d both pair really well with your personality, but I just think you and Kirishima pair up really nicely :) You fit together really well as people, and you have a very cute relationship hehe :)
Headcanons About Your Relationship:
- You and Kirishima literally have like the same style lol, he loves getting matching outfits for the two of you since your styles are already so similar, and he loves showing you off when you wear the same outfits (even though it’s just a tank top and shorts, he finds it really cute because he's sappy like that) and he loves how everyone can tell you’re together based on your matching clothes :)
- You definitely remind Kiri a lot of Bakugo, and I have a feeling the two of you would get along quite well as friends once Kirishima finally introduced you two. Obviously this would make Kiri absolutely ecstatic, Bakugo’s his best friend and he always worried that his eventual s/o may not be able to get along with him, so he’s happy to see two of the most important people to him connecting :D
- Kirishima will love it if you draw something for him, you could literally draw anything you want and give it to him and he’d absolutely cherish it. He hangs up any drawings/pictues you give him on his dorm walls or frames them on his desk, he loves showing off how talented you are and looking at your art whenever he comes into his room!
- Kiri also likes watching horror movies with you :) He’s not into super intense ones, his limit would probably be at movies like Saw and similar ones, but he thinks slashers are fun and loves the dumb cheesy lines they usually have, and he’s willing to branch out a bit if there’s one you want to show him as long as it’s not too far out of his comfort zone! Horror movie nights are a very frequent date idea for the two of you lol, and he is not above hiding in your arms if he gets spooked by one of your movie picks
- Kirishima’s also very sentimental, he’s a sucker for even the smallest of things, so once the two of you eventually end up moving in together your shared home is just filled with mementos collected by both of you throughout the time the two of you have been dating
- Knowing that you’re sentimental gives Kiri some great gift ideas, though, he loves getting you scrapbooks filled with memories or writing super long, heartfelt messages in each card he makes you, knowing that you’ll want to keep and cherish it forever <3
- Kirishima’s also a huge spice guy, he’s the kind of guy who will purposefully buy the spiciest noodles in the store just for a fun little challenge. And he’ll happily have you join him on these adventures if you’re really into spicy foods and the two of you can chow down on ice cream together afterwards, but if you prefer more mild ones instead then he just heeps a stash of your favorite brand of hot noodles in his dorm for you to snack on so you don’t have to suffer through his meals with him lol
- I doubt Kiri’s the kind of person to be a huge stickler about bedtimes or curfews or anything, but he’s the kind of guy to usually be out by like, midnight to 1AM, so he doesn’t really understand how you can stay up so late lol. He may try to encourage you to come to bed with him a little earlier, both because he wants to make sure you’re getting enough sleep and because he likes cuddling with you when he falls asleep, but he won’t push it if you’d rather keep staying up late, he respects your right to make that decision and just asks you to come cuddle with him when you are ready for bed, even if he’s already sleeping :>
Song For Your Relationship:
Someone To You by BANNERS :)
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