#i have wifi but no laptop. dies
abyssin · 1 year
forming a bond with childe has always been such an interesting moral dilemma when i think about it like. it's not that childe is mentally unstable, it's that he's as stable as can be & knows where his priorities lie. there is no changing someone who knows what he does is morally incorrect, that he will risk the lives of thousands again if he saw it was necessary. but he is genuinely such a sweet, loyal & nice guy outside of being a fatui, moreso a harbinger. it would be so much easier if he were an adventurer like he hoped he would be as a kid. but you do not change someone like childe, not until he sees the endpoint of the tsaritsa's vision. you can't just tunnel vision into thinking he's a good person with a cause. so i think it's always worth asking: will you accept the 11th harbinger, even when he may put you in harm's way, intentional or not?
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alackofghosts · 10 months
in one of the circles of hell (trying to redo all my keybinds and ui settings in ffxiv)
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coronangelic1 · 3 months
tmw the electricity starts to fail again in my neighborhood so i cant do my exam and now i have an automatic zero what if i kms
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delulu4dean · 1 year
Warnings: suicide, depression, anxiety
Pairings: Dean Winchester x sister!reader, Sam Winchester x sister!reader
Prompt: withdrawal from Cymbalta. Based on my own experience
Word Count: 3,624
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You are all packed up to go with your older brothers. They were going all the way to the Redwood Forest, and you didn’t want to be in the bunker all alone.
You aren’t a hunter like them, not yet at least. You’ve studied the lore, and you’ve trained a bit, because after all, you are a Winchester. And the name alone is like wearing a giant “kick me” sign if it said “kill me” instead. No, you’re a student, getting your associates online in the exploratory major because you have no idea what you would want to do other than hunt with your brothers.
Sam and Dean promised John they’ll never let you into the life. Your mom died shortly after you were born. Your dad met your mom on a hunt nineteen years ago. She was a nurse in a hospital. There was one patient who was wrongfully treated, and died due to medical negligence. And boy does a vengeful spirit do a lot of damage. John saved your mom’s life, and they celebrated that night. She got pregnant, and she kept John’s number so nine months later, he picks up the phone to find out he’s got a daughter. Dean overheard the conversation and when John said he wouldn’t go, Dean said he has to. It resulted in a huge argument. John eventually gave in, and they went to the hospital to see you, and Dean knew right there and then he’d do anything to protect his little sister.
Your mom killed herself after she brought you home. Family history of mental illness was bad enough, but the postpartum depression pushed her over the edge.
It was not easy showing up at Stanford trying to explain to Sam that he had a baby sister, and that also your dad was missing. It was especially not easy looking for your dad while they had to take care of a baby. Dean often got babysitters to watch you in the motels they stayed in.
And now here you are, nineteen years old, aimlessly walking through life. You’re getting an associates in nothing specific just to get some general education done. And that history of mental illness in your family is hitting you hard. You’re on antidepressants, a specific one that treats your depression and anxiety.
Dean parks at the motel, and goes to get keys for a room. You don’t mind sleeping on the couch, out of the three of you it only makes sense, you got tall and taller with you, and it just doesn’t seem fair to make them sleep on the couch when you fit so well on it.
Sam and Dean throw on their FBI getup and go start asking questions while you connect your laptop to the motel wifi. Yay statistics, said no one ever. You’re only doing this to make your brothers happy, you don’t see a reason to get a degree. They say it’s useful to get some sort of decent job, or to one day get a further education when you decide what you want to do. But you already know what you want to do, you want to hunt with them.
You don’t know how you ended up on the couch. One moment you were doing homework and… yeah, that’s enough to make you snooze. You look at the time and it’s 8am the next day. You look into your bag and your eyes wide as you realize you left your antidepressants in the bunker.
Your sudden outburst awakens your brothers as they both shoot up to see what’s wrong with you.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Sam asks as they both run to your side.
“I forgot my meds at home,” you pout.
“Your meds?” Dean raises an eyebrow.
“My antidepressants,” you clarify.
Dean makes an “O” shape with his mouth in response.
“Have you ever missed a day before?” Sam asks you.
“No, and this is going to be longer than a day. How am I going to manage without it?”
“Managing your existing problems is the least of your worries kiddo. You’re going to go through withdrawals,” Dean takes a seat next to you. “One of us can stay with you.”
“I’ll be fine, let’s get breakfast, you guys do your research and then I get back and work on more homework, I’ll keep myself occupied,” you assure your brother. They give each other a worried look, not feeling too sure, but you insist you’ll be fine.
The three of you head to a diner, and you check out the menu while Dean checks out the waitress.
“Perv,” you mumble under your breath.
“Good morning, what can I get for you?”
Dean orders the greasiest breakfast on the menu, with bacon of course. Sam orders some omelette made with just egg whites.
“And for you, hun?” the waitress looks at you with a smile.
“I’d like a plate of eggs, over easy, and sausages. And an order of chocolate chip pancakes with extra whipped cream if that’s possible. And a cup of coffee if that isn’t too much trouble,” you order.
“Coming right up!”
After a couple of minutes the coffee is ready and she serves you and your brothers your coffee. You add a couple of vanilla creamers. You take your first sip, and immediately regret not blowing on it first. The hot liquid burns your tongue. You set your cup down as your stomach growls, begging to be fed.
On a normal day, you could be patient, wait for your food. But today isn’t a normal day, and even though it’s probably a five minute wait, ten at most, you need the food now. Your leg bounces up and down, as your fingers tap on the table.
“Hey kid, are you alright?” Dean asks you.
“Mmhm. Just hungry.”
“The food will be out any minute,” Sam assures you. You nod but it doesn’t make the time pass by any quicker for you.
You watch as the waitress walks over to your table with your food and you sit up. The moment she places your place in front of you, you dig in. Your brothers watch as you focus on your meal. They’ve never seen you eat like this. Normally you try to stay neat and clean while you eat. You talk to them. But right now, your brothers know better than to comment on you eating.
It’s not Dean doesn’t go crazy about food either. It’s just out of the ordinary for you, and you’re off your meds for the next few days, so they’re worried. Eventually they start getting to their research.
After breakfast, your brothers drop you off at the motel, and get on with the case. You open your laptop, log into your student portal, and look at your assignments. This is going to be a long day.
You’re sat on the chair in front of your laptop, as you have been all day. It’s been hard to concentrate, you kept checking your phone, playing games. Every time your brothers texted to check in on you, you used it as an excuse to be on your phone again. And then when you finally started concentrating, you didn’t understand it.
You’re sat on your chair, tears streaming down your face. Hugging your knees, you just stare at the screen as the numbers blur together. Math was frustrating. It’s not like you’re bad at it, you’re actually great at it. But your mind is cloudy, and even reading over everything again and again, you’re not processing anything.
You barely made it through your other assignments, and this is all you have left for the day. You’ve been going at it since breakfast, you even skipped lunch to make up for the distractions.
The motel door clicks and creaks open, and footsteps enter the room. You don’t look up from your screen, you just hope they don’t notice your damp face.
“We got dinner,” Dean says, placing the bag on the table in front of you.
“ ‘M-not hungry,” you mumble.
“What do you mean you’re not hungry, what did you have for lunch?” Dean sits at the table, and Sam joins.
You still don’t look up as your brothers take out their food from the take out bag. Dean places your food in front of you as you push it away.
“I’ve been doing homework all day, no time to eat,” you attempt to speak but it all came out in a raspy whisper.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Sam scoots closed to you, placing his hand on your shoulder.
“I’m stupid, that’s what’s wrong,” you break down into sobs. “I can’t do simple math equations.”
“You’re great at math,” Dean tries to assure you, but it doesn’t help.
“But I can’t do it today.”
“Hey, hey. You're off your meds. You’re not stupid, you're just not in the right state right now,” Sam tells you, and you nod. “Eat up, and after dinner, I’ll help you with your math, and anything else you need help with.”
Your sobs become small whimpers until you stop crying altogether. You sniffle before grabbing the dinner your brothers got for your. Sam sits next to you and reads over your math homework and explains things. Just reading it didn’t process, but hearing it out loud, from your brother, that helped process what you were actually looking at. Not long after, you finish your homework.
“Thank you, Sammy,” you hug your brother, tightly, and he hugs you back.
“Of course, (Y/N/N),” he keeps you close.
You toss and turn, unable to sleep. You’re really starting to miss your antidepressants. Huffing, you get up from the couch, throw on your slip on vans, and take one of the motel key cards. Maybe a walk with some therapeutic music will help you feel better. It really sucks how just after 24 hours, the withdrawal kicks in. You throw in your earbuds and start walking around the block.
Your skin feels all tingly and a burning sensation travels up your leg but you ignore your body screaming. Maybe the walk is what you need. You've been sitting all day, no wonder you can’t sleep.
You put your hands in your pocket as you sing along to the next song under your breath.
“Running low, on serotonin. Chemical imbalance got me twisting things. Stabilize with medicine, there’s no depth to these feelings. Dig deep, can’t hide from the corners of my mind. I’m terrified of what’s inside.”
You take in a deep breath, letting the cool air fill your lungs.
“Please don’t let me go crazy. Put me if a field with daisies, might not work but I’ll take a maybe.”
As the song ends, you reach the motel door, but before you can use your key card, the door opens. You look up to see Dean frantically walking out until he sees you.
“Y/N! Where were you?” He whisper-shouts.
“I just went on a walk,” you explain. “I couldn’t sleep. Thought it would tire me out.”
“How are you feeling?” he asks you, putting his hand on your back, bringing you inside.
“Honestly my legs hurt, my skin feels all tingly, and my head is starting to hurt.”
“Come on, you’re sleeping in my bed tonight. We can tell each other ghost stories until we fall asleep.”
You smile softly, remembering that’s what Dean would do to get you to bed growing up. You lay down underneath the cover and look at the ceiling.
“Instead of a ghost story, you can catch me up on what you and Sammy have figured out about the case,” you suggest.
And so Dean goes into detail about his day, and how he things by tomorrow night things should be done. Dean is thinking it’s a siren, since these victims were last seen talking about seeing a pretty woman.
“But what were the victims doing before they got killed?” you pose a question.
“One was smoking, another littered, the third being really disruptive,” your eldest brother answers you.
“Hm. Could be a dryad,” you tell Dean.
“A what?”
“A dryad, forest nymph, not a fairy or a goddess but sort of in between. Magical, gorgeous women. There are different nymphs, like water nymphs for example.”
“How do you kill a nymph?” Dean asks you.
“She’s just protecting the forest,” you pout.
“She’s killing people.”
“Talk to her.”
“How do you kill her?” Dean presses.
“You don’t,” you finally give in. “Not without killing nature. Do you want to burn down a tree, Dean?”
“… no.”
“Thought so.”
“Then what do I do?”
“Technically if you can find the one tree she’s attached to, you can kill her. But you shouldn’t.”
“I’ll try talking to her, for you.”
“Thanks Dean.”
The next morning you and Dean are both awaken by Sam, who brings you breakfast burritos.
“Good morning,” he says.
“Mmm morning,” you yawn.
“Did you have a nightmare?” Sam asks.
“No, I just couldn’t sleep. So Dean caught me up on your case.”
Sam nods. After breakfast and some research, Sam and Dean get what they need to summon her.
“Since it’s not that dangerous, maybe I can come along,” you offer.
“Homework for the week all done?” Sam asks.
You nod.
“Legs feeling better?” Dean asks.
You nod again.
“You’re lying,” he squints his eyes at you.
“How would you know?”
“The second nod was slower and less confident.”
You groan.
“If you need one of us to stay with you, we can arrange that. If what you said is true, it will be easy enough for just one of us,” Sam suggests.
“I’m fine,” you lie. You’re not fine. Your body is aching, and the anxiety and depression are starting to really sink in.
“Sam, you’re better at talking things out than I am. I’ll drop you off, then head back here. You can call me if you need backup,” Dean says.
“Sounds like a plan,” Sam nods.
The two of them leave the room and you sigh, laying down. You can’t just stay sitting in this room the whole time. You’re at a bear themed motel close to the redwood forest. You need to experience the nature. You’re feeling trapped and panicked. Your breathing accelerates and you sit up. Pacing back and forth for the next forty minutes, you wait for Dean to get back.
The door opens and he walks in with a bag in hand.
“You’re five minutes late!” you yell at him.
“I just stopped to get some pie,” he sets down the bag. “I got you powdered donuts.”
You nod.
“Sorry. Didn’t mean to yell at you. I’m just feeling really trapped in here. Think we can go for a walk, or a drive at least?”
“A drive sounds good,” Dean nods. “But eat the donuts before. No powder on Baby.” He points a finger at you.
“Yes sir,” you grab your donuts and eat, while dean digs into his pie.
After dessert, you two get into Baby. You look out the window as he pulls out of the motel parking lot.
“You want to play some music?” Dean asks you.
“What happened to driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole?”
“This is a one time opportunity, Y/N. You don’t wanna miss it,” he nudges you.
You use a cassette adapter to connect your phone. You continue the playlist you were playing last night.
“You wanna listen to sad music?” Dean raises an eyebrow.
“I am sad. I don’t have my happy pills,” you mumble.
“You wanna talk about it?”
“Honestly? I just want to cry. For absolutely no reason. Well there is a reason, withdrawals.”
Tears well up, and you take a shaky sigh.
“I’m sorry kid. I’ll make sure we get home as soon as possible.”
You just nod. The medication doesn’t stop the bad thoughts from happening, but they stop them from hurting as much. The problem was the medication isn’t as effective anymore either. You’ve built a tolerance, so right now the only difference is instead of mild depression, you want to kill yourself. You hate how you look, I mean both of your brothers are considered attractive and you feel like you look… dorky. School is stressful especially when you’re working towards a degree you don’t want.
And then you think of your brothers, who swooped in to take care of you. John wasn’t a terrible father to you, but you know he was too tough on Sam and Dean especially when it came to you. And then when John died, Dean became basically like your dad. He already raised Sam during his youth and then he had to take care of you. You couldn’t help but think that Sam and Dean would have it so much easier without you.
You try to hide your cries, looking out the window, letting tears stream down your face.
“Y/N/N? Talk to me,” Dean coaxes you. “What are you thinking about.”
Your silent cries become wails and sobs. And the crying triggers a headache and you feel nauseous and everything is just awful.
“Dean, why do you keep me around?” You take a deep breath trying to calm yourself but it doesn’t work. “I’m a burden. You don’t need to be taking care of me, especially when I’m an adult. I’m just dragging you down,” you cry out. “If I were dead, or never born, you’d be so much happier!”
“Woah woah!” Dean pulls over, then looks over at you. “I would not be happier without you. We don’t keep you around to take care of you. You’re grown, independent. We love you. And we’re happy you like being around us too. You’re our family.”
You look up at him, and you can almost see his heart breaks as he looks at your face. He wipes your tears and pulls you in for a hug.
“Are you thinking of hurting yourself? Are the suicidal thoughts back?”
You nod, crying into the crook of his neck.
“I’m sorry.”
“Shh. You have nothing to be sorry about, baby, these thoughts aren’t your fault.”
You feel something going on in your throat, and you pull away quickly, opening the door, emptying the contents from your stomach. Dean quickly gets out from the drivers side and runs over to you.
“Ew,” you cry. “God that’s gross. I’m sorry.”
Your shoulders continue to shake as you resume crying. Your older brother crouches down (avoiding where you threw up) and pushes your hair back behind your ears.
“You don’t need to say sorry.”
“I might have gotten some on Baby,” you say, looking around to make sure.
“I can clean it. It’s just a car. You’re my baby sister.”
You sniffle as a smile creeps on your face.
“You do really love me. You’d never say she’s just a car unless it was that serious.”
“Of course it’s that serious. You’re having withdrawals. Now lets get something in that tummy,” he pokes your stomach. “Something light and comforting. You can wash up in the bathroom. And then we can get Sam and get you home.”
You nod and the drive resumes. You head back to the diner you had breakfast at yesterday. For lunch you get a grilled cheese and tomato soup. Dean gets a burger, obviously. As you wait for the food, you head into the bathroom and wash up.
After lunch, Sam gives Dean a call, saying it’s all over, and to also check up on you. You guys go on your way to pick up Sam. Dean hands the key over to Sam and Sam looks at Dean confused.
“Long drive from California to Kansas. Don’t want to leave her alone. After dinner we can switch off and you can sit in the back if you want,” Dean explains.
“It’s fine, it looks like you got control of the situation.” Sam looks over to you. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m feeling like absolute shit. But better than before.”
“When we get home, you take your meds, get your sleep, then we can do a movie night,” Sam suggests.
“That sounds great Sammy,” you smile. You kiss his cheek before going into the back seat with Dean.
“Thanks for being here for me Dean,” you say, kissing his cheek as well.
“Of course. I’ve been here since day one,” he ruffles your hair.
The next 21 hours end up being hell. Dean said the wrong thing while trying to comfort you, sending you spiraling. That’s when Sam sat in the back while Dean sat up front beating himself up over it as he drives the rest of the way home. You apologized for being a difficult kid and Dean didn’t deny you were difficult, he just said easy is boring.
Now Dean pulls into the bunker garage, and you run to your room to get your medicine and take it. Dean follows you, wanting to apologize.
“Hey, Y/N, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way. You aren’t a difficult kid. You were a great kid. Fun, and a great listener.”
“It’s okay Dean, I’m over it. Really.”
He nods.
“Can you stay with me until I sleep though? You and Sam? I want to hear about the dryad!”
“Sure thing. Sammy!”
Sam runs up to you guys.
“She wants you to tell us about the dryad.”
“Was she pretty?” you ask.
“Yes, she was very pretty.”
You lay in bed as your brothers sit on each side of you. Sam talks about how your plan to talk to her actually worked, and how the conversation went down. You smile as you listen. Your eyelids get heavy and soon you’re out.
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balkanradfem · 1 month
I have a story to tell! It's about the laptop's broken power button.
I realized I wouldn't be able to turn my laptop back on if I ever shut it off, so I decided to keep it in 'Sleep mode', from which it can wake up by the spacebar key. I got an advice from a cool woman on tumblr to try and download a program that would allow me to power it up by opening the lid – however I didn't have internet at home, and so I had to wait for tomorrow, to go outside and get some public wifi.
I wake up at 6am, go to the park with my laptop in sleep mode, and discover that my laptop, has decided to power off completely, and is not interested in turning back on. I try to open and close the lid a few times, because that's how I brought it back to life last 2 times, but nothing. The plastic frame of the laptop is so badly broken it's being held together only by ductape and some internal parts have completely crumbled, including the power button.
At this point I had to go to work, so I spent my morning at work, putting a plan together in my head. When I came back home, I opened the closet, and got my old laptop out, the one that stopped working 3 years ago. I liked my old laptop so much, that after it died, I bought a used one that was the exact same mark and build, so that if my new laptop had a broken part, I could take it out of the old one. And now, I would figure out how to replace the power button.
I had not ever dissembled my laptop to this depth, to get to the power button you have to dissemble most of it, so I thought it would be a good practice to do it on the old laptop first. I tried to also watch a video on my phone on how to do that, but my phone just looked at me and went 'do you know how old I am? I am older than youtube. Respect me and get this nonsense out of my screen' and then it died. So I was on my own for this. I had experience replacing the hard drive, and the power jack, but I usually did the power jack in a sneaky way, only dissembling it partially and plugging it in at an angle. I didn't know if I could do the power button in a sneaky way.
Dissembling an old laptop was fun, but I did have to remove and unplug almost every single hardware in there, and I managed to remove the power button without removing the motherboard, so at least I had that going on for me. Dissembling my current laptop was an anxiety-ridden nightmare, I kept reminding myself that laptops are machinery, and they're made to be dissembled by males, so the parts can't be so fragile that they would stop working if I just unplug them and set them aside, and I would remember to plug everything back where it was. But even so, my brain was going 'The save of Stardew Valley is in here! If you mess it up its gone!'
I decided I wanted more shortcuts, and the frame of my laptop is already so broken, I was able to twist it and pull it apart without a complete disassembly, and I jammed the new power button and the little card that goes with it, in there, and screwed it in at an angle, using a knife tip instead of a screwdriver. You should have seen it; I had another knife handle stuck inside the laptop to keep it opened enough, a lamp on my shoulder, lightbulb aimed inside the laptop so I could see what I was doing, my hands at odd angles trying to locate the place where I could plug the card into the motherboard, it was brilliant. I was like an old master at work. And I plugged the damn thing in!
I assembled the laptop back nervously, again telling myself that putting a single screw into the wrong place will likely not destroy the laptop, and that it only matters it's all plugged in correctly. I opened the laptop, pressed the power button, and nothing. It didn't work.
Well what now? That was my only plan. I turned it over, started dissembling it, and I noticed right away that even with my trickery, the thing unplugged from the motherboard because I did not, in my mischief, pin it inside correctly. So I did the whole thing again, lamp on the shoulder and everything, and even before I managed to assemble the laptop back, the power button triggered from some internal debris and the laptop started powering on.
It's working now! I did it correctly. Now, while I was assembling it back and putting ductape all over it, it turned off 4 more times just because the frame is so broken it keeps triggering the power button accidentally, so I'm not having high hopes of this laptop surviving a long time, it's very old at this point, the fact that it works is a miracle and my persistence in replacing the parts. I can only have access to tumblr while I have a laptop! My phone laughs at me if I try to open an app on it. So, I'm here for now, due to the mischief and courage to open the laptop and mess with it, but, if I disappear randomly, the laptop said no, and I didn't manage to access tumblr in the local library because they block risky sites a lot.
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elbiotipo · 1 year
Like yeah I will admit that paper maganzines ARE almost dead here too (no more Anteojito or Billiken ever again.......) but that last post reminded of the tech gap between the First World and the Third World. No, I don't do all my shopping online, and no, I cannot just "buy a better laptop", what do you mean "16 RAM is obsolete", that's a top of the line laptop here. No, I won't buy a VR set to get into your fucking Metaverse, and no, I don't regulary "upgrade" my PC, no I won't fucking buy an internet connected refrigerator that is five times more expensive than a regular one, what the fuck is an "internet of things", none of my things have internet except my computer (barely), I will use my cellphone until it breaks I won't buy the latest model just because it has a new camera, you might as well ask me to buy a sports car every year.
Sometimes I read articles or things that are just completely incomprehensible and I realize they are written and aimed towards the Silicon Valley (and equivalent) audiences who have high speed wifi everywhere and can afford to just throw computers to the trash and buy new ones. There's such an incredible amount of electronics freely available in the USA and other countries (but mostly in the USA) and a culture of changing them when there's a new one, it's almost absurd. Here you don't "upgrade your laptop", you keep it running until it dies.
And here in Argentina it's the other extreme, electronics are treated as luxury items while they are all-important tools, but that's because we are hostage to a bunch of economical speculators who masturbate to the dollar exchange rate, but the situation is similar in other countries I think.
(There are rich people here who can afford to change cellphones and electronics but the majority lives like this)
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GRAND FINAL - Fei Du vs Quan Yizhen
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The final match to determine the Ultimate Shixiongfucker is between Fei Du (shixiong: Luo Wenzhou) from Mo Du vs Quan Yizhen (shixiong: Yin Yu) from Heaven Official's Blessing
Propaganda under the cut
Fei Du:
Fei Du: evidence? The entirety of Mo Du. His shixiong is is Luo Wenzhou, a dude with an eight-pack and parents who love him and love fei du as well, and a dude whom fei du is willing to not die/consider the future with, and consider himself not a monster to be with. Fei Du says shixiong to Luo Wenzhou so flirtatiously that they both stop and stare. Luo Wenzhou gets him birthday cake, a video game when he was small and a promise. (Also, they are cat parents)
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If, like me, you go feral over ships where one of them is like this, then vote Fei Du!
#vote for fei du#the man who actually did fuck his shixiong despite all his best efforts to push him away
#vote fei du!!#who actually did fuck his shixiong#fei du died saving lwz
#anyway yeah vote fei du. for the suffering luo wenzhou had to go through when a slutty rich twink began to call him 'shixiong~'
How could I see these tags and not post a greatest hits compilation of Fei Du's "shixiong~~" moments!
Fei Du paused; then some mood caused him to add, “Shixiong.”  Luo Wenzhou: “…”  How could he use such an ordinary tone of voice to speak such an ordinary form of address and yet make it sound so sexual? It was really incomprehensible. 
In this small place, where every breath and bowel movement could be heard, Mr. Fei, who was so close to him, didn’t open his mouth when he had something to say; he had to use the office’s WiFi to send him a WeChat message: “Shixiong, can I take you out tonight?”  Luo Wenzhou looked up at him. Fei Du seemed to be focused on the screen of his laptop; if not for the suspicious trace of a smile at the corners of his lips, he would have looked absolutely upright and proper.  The “upright and proper” Mr. Fei moved his fingers, and another WeChat message appeared in front of Luo Wenzhou’s eyes.  He said: “I like your abs.” 
Fei Du sighed gently. “Shixiong, I’m going to love you until you can’t escape.”
Seeing that, after going inside with the box of cured meat in one hand and the clanking bicycle under the other arm, Luo Wenzhou still showed no signs of ceasing hostilities, Fei Du, without any warning, suddenly hugged him, kissing him like a surprise attack, this time saying the proper lines. “Shixiong, I was wrong.”  “…” Luo Wenzhou kept his face as stern as possible, but his voice relaxed uncontrollably. “Don’t give me that.”  Fei Du lowered his head slightly, burying his face against his neck. He thought about it, then said, “Can I make it up to you with my body?” 
Fei Du laughed quietly, pecking at the most sensitive place at the base of his ear, his other hand untucking Luo Wenzhou’s shirt. “I just got a scare. Shouldn’t you make it up to me, shixiong? My technique really is very good. Just try it, I guarantee…”
He was so angry he was incoherent, forgetting how to speak.  Fei Du, stunned, blinked his eyes, then took Luo Wenzhou’s hand with the veins standing out on it in both of his hands, brought his palms together, and curved his peach blossom eyes in a roguish manner. “Shixiong, I love you.”  Luo Wenzhou: “…” 
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additional fei du propaganda: (almost) every time he calls luo wenzhou shixiong
Quan Yizhen:
Obsessed with his shixiong, much to said shixiong's chagrin. Someone who's a proper quanyin shipper can write better propaganda, but I just know he belongs here
Someone who's a proper quanyin shipper can write better propaganda
Well, okay. So Quan Yizhen was originally a street kid that was taken in as a disciple by the sect master at Yin Yu's (the shixiong in question) request because he was impressed by Yizhen's potential. But all the other disciples hated Quan Yizhen's guts due to a mix of his utter inability to read social cues and envy towards his raw talent, only Yin Yu was nice to him which is why Quan Yizhen's obsession with his shixiong took off. Yin Yu is the only person Quan Yizhen cares for.
Eventually his cultivation led Yin Yu to ascend to godhood and he took Quan Yizhen to heaven with him as a deputy god because he knew he couldn't leave him alone. Quan Yizhen doesn't care about prestige, he only cares about martial arts and shixiong, so he asks Yin Yu if they can't go back and if ascension is really that great to which Yin Yu replies to give it a try: Quan Yizhen does and actually ascends as a proper god.
However because Quan Yizhen is so naturally talented he quickly came to eclipse Yin Yu, which he didn't even realize because, again, he has zero social skills. This festered resentment in Yin Yu who eventually exploded and told Quan Yizhen to go kill himself... while Yizhen was wearing a robe that made him follow all fo Yin Yu's commands, so he almost does kill himself. He was stopped and Yin Yu was thrown out of heaven.
But!!! Quan Yizhen doesn't care about any of that! He still wants to meet his shixiong and is sure it was all a misunderstanding. Quan Yizhen actually beats up his own devotees if they trash talk his shixiong, nevermind that as a god his existance is dependant on said devotees. But he doesn't care about that! He only became a god because of shixiong.
When he finally meets his shixiong again, he recognizes him by Yin Yu's mannerism despite Yin Yu wearing a mask. Yin Yu hits him on the head with a shovel and he still doesn't care!! Quan Yizhen still follows his shixiong like a loyal puppy. When later Yin Yu dies trying to protect him Quan Yizhen cries and apologizes for not being able to protect him despite only being good for fighting. Quan Yizhen carries his shixiong's corpse all the way while heaven if falling apart. The last chapter implies Quan Yizhen is trying to nurture Yin Yu's soul to get him back and in the post-canon extras Yin Yu makes a cameo. So Quan Yizhen was succesful!! Death can't take him from his shixiong!
give it to quan yizhen!!!! his whole THING is unconditional love for his shixiong. No matter what Yin Yu does, qyz will love him forever!!
#i will not have my boy who literally calls out SHIXIONG any time he sees yin yu#and desperately chases after him even after everything#lose like this
#yall better give this to quan yizhen#if there's ever a shixiong fucker IT'S HIM
#yes!!!!!!!!#quanyin#he loves him so much!! it’s unconditional!!#vote qyz#tgcf#svsss
#quan yizhen is a real deal shixiongfucker#admit that every time you see his name you're screaming “shixiong!!!!!” reflexively in your head#polls
#qyz propaganda: wdym this guy was ready to kill and be killed for his shixiong#qyz is the most precious#he fights his worshippers if they talk shit about his shixiong#never minds the fact that said shixiong nearly got him killed#THE SUN AND MOON PAIRING#he's the epitome of head empty only shixiong
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you don’t understand, i need this win with every part of my soul
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marchsfreakshow · 1 year
The Locket With A Masquerade {Tate Langdon x Reader}
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You own a locket, you weren't sure who originally owned it until Tate helped you find who was in the picture.
Fluffy, and a bit short. 💜
First Tate fic, so I apologize in advance if it sounds ooc, but I love this idea.
Your perspective
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"What are you fiddling with?" Tate asked. He turned around so we were facing each other after cuddling for a bit. Then he gently held my locket. It was a simple oval shape and had a fuzzy picture or drawing in it.
"Not sure." I got it when I was 10, and got it adjusted as I aged, so it never accidentally choked me. He stared at it for a bit, sort of in awe at the actual locket itself. "It is a pretty necklace I'll admit."
"It looks beautiful on you."
"Shut up." I gently pushed him away out of embarrassment, and looked away from him, out the window instead. He just smiled and moved towards me more. The window was foggy and it was difficult to see out of but, it was nice anyway.
"Do you know who is on the locket?" Tate asked, wrapping his fingers around it again. We faced each other again, and at this point, I was practically on top of him, not that either of us minded. But I shook my head and wrapped my arms around his neck, snuggling into him.
"Let's look."
"Why not? It could be fun."
"Come on, let's go have a look." I begrudgingly rolled off him, and grabbed my small laptop, opening it up, and letting it turn on. The rain was turning into a storm, so I lightly groaned.
"A storm usually means the wifi is gonna go nuts." Rolling my eyes, I checked the wifi, and it seemed to be okay, so I clicked on Internet Explorer, staring blankly at it. "Where do we start?" I mentioned, turning over to look at Tate, who was in his little world.
"Helloooo? Mr Langdon sir?" He shook his head, reached behind my neck and took the locket off. Then he opened it and studied the picture.
"A woman." Tate started. Very helpful. "From...the 20's? I think?"
"Very helpful Tate. Millions of women lived through the 1920's." Despite my negativity, I searched for a registry and looked for women who lived in California in the 20's. "Is there anything else you can see? I know the picture is very blurry."
"...look up Rudolph Valentino."
"Valentino? Uh, okay." As I looked him up in the registery, I saw no clues. "Why?"
"The Woman in Black! The one who always visited Valentino's grave. Have you never heard of her?"
I shook my head, then laughed at the prospect of constantly visiting someone's grave. "Apparently not." But I decided to search for her anyway.
A few minutes of silent searching went by. "Elizabeth Johnson. Born 1902, death year unmarked." I muttered, running my finger along the information it gave me. "A background actor on the set of The Sheik and worked with Valentino."
"Do you think this is her?"
"There aren't any photos of her to reference." But I shrugged my shoulders and carried on deep-diving the internet for a few minutes as Tate cuddled himself up next to me, resting his cute head of blonde hair on my stomach. As I read an article about Valentino, I kissed Tate's head, so he knew I appreciated him. "Is this her?" I asked soon enough, bringing up a picture of a woman standing next to Valentio and the other actors. Blonde hair, crimped up, the famously thin eyebrows from the '20s, and wonderful, red lips. Her eyes had something. A light we both liked to look at.
Tate then looked at the fuzzy picture, and the face structure was as similar as we could make out. We both switched between the picture in the locket and the photo in the Google search. "I think so." He smiled, closing the locket and putting it back around my neck. "You're so much more beautiful than her."
"She's gorgeous, I couldn't compare to her. I do wonder how she died though. And when."
"...No you're much prettier." Tate grinned, closing the laptop and putting it on the floor right by us.
"Shut up." I chuckled quietly, kissing Tate and bringing him close. Elizabeth looked wonderful, in the picture, and in the locket. I started to wonder about my connection to her if I had one at all. My mum never spoke to me about my family or our history. Or if she just put a random picture of a 1920s actor in the locket to make it seem like I was interesting.
Tate didn't seem to mind at all. He didn't seem to hear any negativity I said about myself at all. But I stared at him while he lay on my chest, sleeping. It felt cheesy to think that he was like Rudolph Valentino, but, not an actor. He slept peacefully, but I decided to place the locket around his neck. It made him, and I thought it fitted him.
"I love you, Tate," I whispered to him.
⊹˚.⋆ ₊꒷ᘏᘏ︶ଓ︶꒷꒦⊹˚ᗢ₊꒷︶ଓ︶
Tag requests: @strangerthings420
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taigasrandomshit · 10 months
i don't know how to explain this, but a Very Bad Thing Happened.
the door knocked about 8:30 in the morning. cops. lots of cops. and a search warrant. and three vans from the state police digital forensics lab. they tore my apartment up and took every piece of electronics they found.
someone was on our wifi downloading very illegal things, and now my sons and i are on the line for it.
there were like twenty cops. they all had GUNS. some had TWO GUNS. and they all had BACKUP AMMO. and i don't know about you, but cops swarming my house carrying deadly weapons scares the shit out of me.
when i figure out who is responsible, i will have a strong reaction.
i have a long receipt for everything they took, which i MAY or MAY NOT receive back. IF i get everything back, it won't be for at least four (4) months. after they run all the analysis and whatnot.
items taken included all cell phones, laptops, desktops, and any thumb drives they happened to find laying around. they even took two old huge cpu's i had buried in the closet. so i'm in a fucking situation right now. this is only being sent via an old laptop of my sister's.
they didn't let me save any phone numbers or appointments from my phone, so there's some people who are going to think i died or something. i can't access my email, bc none of the passwords i remember actually work, and where is my recovery link sent to? MY PHONE. i can't recover passwords on some other sites, bc they are sent to MY EMAIL, which i can't recover, bc i need MY PHONE.
and they were all so fucking polite. this is just another day for them. they appreciated me not screaming and making a scene. i appreciated they didn't beat the shit out of me and steal my cash.
i could rant on forever, i may never be not angry again, and i feel the most violated i have ever felt in my 44 years on this plane of existence.
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chickadooz · 5 months
tl;dr I've made a new goal for a replacement laptop again because my current one sucks so much that it actually became a hindrance when we were recently threatened with evacuation from a nearby wildfire. While that was thankfully thwarted, it was a violent reminder that I really, really need a new one. You can support me by tipping me, buying digital photos from my Ko-fi shop, or in my INPRNT shop. Every little bit helps immensely, so even if you can only spare $1, I would really appreciate it. 🧡
The full post that I made on Ko-fi is under the cut. I'd really appreciate it if you read it all for full understanding of the situation.
It's been some months since I had to give up on my goal of saving up for a new laptop in order to buy new equipment and expand my horizons, but we're back here again because things are even more dire.
When I talk about how my current laptop is literally being held together with tape, I'm not kidding:
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Without the tape, the monitor is slowly cracking and peeling apart. And it's been through the ringer with a lot of internal components including (but not limited to):
A RAM card slot dying, forcing me to get a new stick that combined the total RAM of the other two and pray the other slot never dies
Replacing the wifi card
Replacing the battery
And it has a whole host of other problems too, including some that just came pre-packaged with this specific model.
As well, recently having to pack all my belongings while anticipating an evacuation order due to a nearby out of control wildfire, I was really wishing I had a laptop in better condition. Because of the monitor/lid cracking and coming apart, I can't actually close it normally. It's permanently stuck in the open position because trying to close it will likely break it permanently. I can't fit it into a case, so it would've just been free-ballin' it in the car, at risk of even greater damage.
When I talk about replacing it, it doesn't come from greed or the need to have the hottest new tech every year. I take good care of my belongings, especially the more expensive ones like this, but unfortunately when you buy bargain bin stuff, well, that's what you get.
So I've brought back my goal for a replacement, and intend to cover the cost of the lens filter I want through selling some stuff on eBay that I no longer want. I've set the goal to $800 USD because that should be enough to get one that won't fall apart and can actually run stuff like Photoshop and Lightroom. Y'know, so I can stop editing stuff on my phone like a zoomer.
If you're interested in helping me achieve this goal, here are a number of ways you can help, along with sharing my posts, of course:
Leaving a tip on Ko-fi
Buying something from my Ko‑fi shop
Buying something from my INPRNT shop
Thanks for reading, and I appreciate any and all help I get. Everything I get to do is because of people like you. 🧡
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gougarfem · 8 months
Can I ask what dumbphone you got? What was your average daily screen time before getting one? Did you keep your old smartphone to switch back and forth or completely get rid of it?
Thanks!! I'm considering a switch too.
i have a doro 7030. i chose this specifically because it runs whatsapp in addition to regular calls and texts, so i can stay in contact with friends who live abroad or primarily use wifi (sms messages can get expensive if you don't have a good contract lol).
my average daily screentime was 11-14 hours, depending on how much i slept.
i initially kept my old smartphone for its camera, my banking app and spotify. my social media apps built up again, and i ended up migrating back over to it. i no longer have a smartphone because its battery completely died, but if you need to keep one, install an app that restricts you to the absolutely essential apps you kept it for, and only turn it on for emergencies (not every day/week). do not try to use both. our brains are programmed to get hooked on a smartphone no matter how much we try to limit it. they are deliberately addictive. (also, blue light is bad for you lol)
if i have to take a photo and send it instantly, i use someone else's smartphone. i also have a little digital camera which i take around with me to snap photos of surroundings, friends, etc. i scan college work onto my laptop with a printer (you can use public libraries for this usually if you don't have one). i use online banking on my laptop and do not bring my laptop with me when i leave the house or my room each morning. before i had a laptop i used the PCs at college or the library.
girl do it. make the switch. it genuinely will do a world of good for your mental health and social connections. you got this <33
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lavenderfairycow · 1 year
chaotic academia is brought to a whole new level when your phone and laptop share a single charger and they're both about to die, but you have an essay, a quiz, and a discussion board due at 11:59 pm when it is currently an hour till, and your dorm's wifi is currently broken so your phone hotspot is your only connection to canvas, but that drains your phone battery, so your computer is plugged in, but then your phone has to be plugged in so your computer dies therefore erasing all of your previous work because the internet connection was shit all along.
i love college.
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tips for editing novels i wrote instead of editing
these are mainly targeted to people who find it hard to focus on editing (like yours truly) but really helps for anyone.
work section by section. i started doing this and it wasn't working because i kept reading on to the section after instead of focusing on editing the one section so what i did is copy paste the section (each should be no more than like 1000 words) onto another document and work on it there. read it over and over again until it sounds the way you want it to sound that copy paste it onto the other document and move on to the next section.
sit somewhere quiet. absolutely quiet.
no music.
turn off the wifi on your phone and on your laptop.
to get the emotion right in a scene, listen to music that embodies it. can't catch me now (olivia rodrigo) and east of eden (zella day) are what i'm listening to right now. of course, i can't write and listen to music at the same time because that's the kind of person i am but before you start writing, listen to the music and really get in the feels because emotion is what drives a story forward more than plot
i actually saw an author say this, i can't remember who, but it's good to have a song that evokes emotion so you can write the emotion properly
THESAURUSES. lifesavers. i can't come up with the perfect word to describe something because i have poor memory but the thesaurus always remembers (am i even spelling it right?)
drink water. (now. stand up. if you don't istg i'll find you.)
change the cliches. don't say it was a dark and stormy night. say it was a starless night that smothered even the smallest lamp lit in the little window of a small store at the edge of the abandoned town.
don't tell me what happened, tell me how it felt. it was not cold. her nose stung and her fingernails turned blue, she stamped her feet to keep warm, she shivered despite herself, her teeth chattering.
i think the trick is to search for every time you used the word 'was' and change it to a feeling
read aloud. do impressions. make your annoying character sound like your social studies teacher from 11th grade. have fun with it. just make sure the dialogue doesn't sound stiff and make sure the sentences flow well.
as a rule, shorter sentences flow better and are easier to understand
add more internal monologue, have your character try to reason things in their heads, don't have them just observe what's happening.
this is something i struggle with but if you have a mystery with a grand reveal in the end, keep track of what your readers know and don't know. reveal tiny clues that only fit when you finally see the full picture. be as evil with it as you want.
for motivation, reread your favorite scene (mine is the mc and love interest being adorable)
also, imagine the book being published. who would you dedicate it to? how many people would make tumblr posts analyzing it, how many people would make memes, who would the fandom ship?
finally, unrelated to editing, but if you must kill off characters, don't do it just because you want something dramatic and you need the plot to move forward, only do it for two reasons:
a) it completes the character's arc (i.e. they were afraid of death but when someone they truly loved was in danger they jumped in front of a bullet to save them)
b) they're going to come back to life later as a metaphor for phoenixes rising or something
personally, my favorite thing to do is to leave the death ambiguous. no one will know if the character really died or not (not even me)
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himmelstudies · 1 year
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16 August 2023 & 17 August 2023
I had sushi yesterday with my partner and got my favourite mentaiko sauce on the cooked items. 🍙 (My stomach cannot handle raw food sadly so no sashimi :c) Afterwhich, I went to listen to a research seminar and attended my lab session to check on my cells. There are growing pretty well I would say! 😄
My supervisor was really nice and has taught me a lot on how to handle the cells properly. I had to write up a manual for all the stuff he taught me for record purposes as well. But I do find it rather necessary as we are mainly conversing in our mother tongue, which I don't normally use when I am talking to anyone in the lab. So I am pretty glad there was this system in place to ensure I am understanding the information correctly! I didn't really do much after my lab ended when I got home as I am extremely exhausted and was supposed to have an early morning the next day but...
I slept past my alarm. By an hour. I had to rush to wash up and do my hair in 30 minutes without eating any food, except lozenges for my throat/cough. I managed to make it to my lecture hall kinda in time... I was late by 5 minutes but the professor was still doing the course introduction. So thank goodness for that. 🫣 Honestly glad to not be missing this class as I loved this module to bits. Second image was taken in my lecture hall. Since I was late, I felt bad to sit at the back, so I sat near the front of the professor. 🫥
After my lecture, I met with my partner again for lunch and headed to my school area for a short session to write up my lab manual and some key observations for my project so future me won't be dumb enough to do the steps incorrectly and risk re-culturing all the cells again. I will be heading to the lab again tomorrow after my lectures to do more lab training. 🦠 I am honestly kinda surprised that mammalian cells are quite easy to work with. (for now. This is my current impression. I feel like I might take these words back some time in future.) Hoping for tomorrow's session to be smoothsailing! ❤️💙
P.S. my old laptop died so I got a new laptop! Praying it will survive long! My old laptop lasted me 5 years before it died of multi-organ failure (AKA wifi card died, USB port all failed, keyboard malfunctioning, hinge for screen wobbly, trackpad having issues registering, audio port failure, and more... yep, I call it multi-organ failure 🥲)
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crimsonblackrose · 2 months
Ah yes, the apple computer is a lemon because Lyle accidentally found himself as tech support.
Johnny's first computer is a Dell laptop. I wonder though if in the 80's they had computer classes, because then he might've known a desktop, which is still a different set up then a clunky Dell laptop.
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Johnny is at least moving at the right part of the computer that is the mouse. Even though the cursor isn't moving. He also manages to open up every single Microsoft program ever, which how does he have those? They're totally extra now right?
Where's the internet? Have you tried connecting to the wifi? Obviously....what's wifi?
Book 2: The Internet for Dummies
His wifi password is Strike1strike (hard one guesses?)
Hot Babes > Wet T-shirt contest > Iron Eagle > Bloodsport (Lol he stops to read a blog post about it)> Conspiracy Theories (The Actual Truth: Mind Control, Flat earth, fluride poisoning children, herbal remides for sleep, faked moon landing, and of course dinosauras built the pyramids, zac efron is elvis's son) > misc fighting video from a movie I don't know. >all american karate championship on youtube> Top 10 spin kicks (blocked by a Daniel advertisement for Miyagi-do where he purposefully shows kicking Johnny in the face as part of his ad)
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Daniel, darling, dearest, my boy, you were pissed when Cole made a targeted ad, you're literally putting kicking Johnny in the face on the worst night of his life (one of) as your ad for your dojo. You even say "Don't be a snake in the grass. Be a champion."
And then Daniel's once again undercutting Johnny's finances by making sure all the sessions are free. Which I get is because his lessons with Mr. Miyagi were free but still.
You know I do like that they didn't actually show google, and just made their own random generic internet search
New movie rec: Bloodsport
Whose making the cobra kai merch? a beach ball and a towel?
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Demetri claiming the wins of Cobra Kai as his own is...something.
First mention of Johnny's rap sheet, I like how Eli's parents actually did their research on the guy teaching their kids.
Valley fest mention (did they only do valley fist in this one instance in the whole series?)
Amanda is a CEO.
Daniel spent half the Q3 (third quarter) marketing budget for LaRusso Auto on his dojo advertisement. That seems...uh...financially very bad. I don't know legal laws for corporations but...bad.
Like he excuses it because the dealership will get publicity at the Valley fest, but still to take corporate funds to use for personal I feel like is an actual white collar crime.
Jessica Bluestein is I guess one of Amanda's friends or coworkers/staff whose husband started a ska band and then hooked up with a palates instructor half his age.
Amanda misses the simple days of dicks on billboards. Which fair, it's going to get a million times worse Amanda, so be prepared.
Anoush got transferred from Encino to North Hollywood. Which I guess is a downgrade
Sam's hair when it's braided or in these little three buns is very cute.
Robby's hot water was also turned off.
Jacuzzi confirmed at the LaRusso's. It must be that thing by the fire place. Also apparently a possum died in it.
There's also a cobra kai phone case. Seriously? Johnny did you have all this made or did the students have it all made?
Poor bonsai, also did you go out and buy these to hurt the bonsai? Also poor kid holding the bonsai that was dirt and ceramic and tree that hit him in the face.
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What Johnny says is pretty much exactly how Tom Cole did his targeted ad against Johnny.
Hashbrown and send it to the internet.
His students doing his whole internet marketing team is very sweet, but also he needs to compensate them for all that free tech labor.
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I don't think I'd fully realized that he'd bought more space from Zarkarian. I guess he just had this room locked for Zarkarian to have storage previously?
I get why the kids automatically assumed that because of Robby being Johnny's son that's why Johnny got mad at them for the tournament. But in reality his rules he tried to instill after the tournament was don't cheat and don't be unsportsmanlike. And that should apply to everyone even Robby. And maybe he should've reminded them of that rather than just shutting down the conversation and telling them to clean mats because they got into his business and it's not their business.
Especially since Kreese is going to use that to drive a wedge between them all.
I get why Amanda is getting frustrated, Daniel said that he used part of the budget to get eyes on his dojo, and it's fine because they have valley fest for the dealership. But then he goes after the dealership spot too.
I don't think she has a name yet and I don't remember it, but I like that she gives Johnny the 411 on free food. He's got kind of a community in the area. Lyle his tech person, the Mini Mart guy (sorry I forgot his name) and the homeless lady.
Did Kreese not know previously that Robby was Johnny's? Or that Johnny had a kid? Because it feels like not only does he have his eyes on a way to drive a wedge but also a target.
Johnny says he'll never get a chance to train Robby.
Kreese dumping a lot of paranoia and random fears on Johnny, like Daniel stealing away Miguel too.
Ah the correction, Johnny's learning and paying attention.
They changed it, Miguel and the Diaz's are in apartment 1.
Johnny kidnapping Miguel: 2? 1? I feel like generally he has the kids meet him somewhere rather than driving them somewhere.
Sal and the delicious chopped onion burgers. So Johnny knows the name of the chef at this diner and it's not Smitty's.
Robby's birthday Monday February 4, 2002 after 17 hours of labor.
Johnny was coming off a 3 day bender.
He gets chocked up when he says he failed Robby on his first day in the world and every day since.
Mr. Miyagi never taught Daniel how to use a weapon during the first 3 films, so sometime later he must've taught him some, at least a bo staff.
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Stingray is out here talking about the teenage mutant ninja turtles, Donatello is his favorite.
The initial shots make it look like they're up much higher then they actually are.
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Look how proud he looks to have that thing and his ice blocks. It is really cool.
Okay so it always comes off as if Johnny like snuck in and struck, but the fact someone dropped the logo over valleyfest makes me think someone on the valley fest prep team knew about it.
Yup I went back, it's right there rolled up above the Valley fest logo
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Plus all the lighting people knew exactly where to direct the lighting and the music to play. So they knew that Daniel would get interrupted and didn't tell him.
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The smoke, the lighting, the fireworks, Daniel someone did not give you an updated memo on this and the Valley Fest was more than happy to put this on without telling you. Also the amount of work these kids put in to perform on even less notice then Sam and Robby?!
Like sure Kreese is standing in the back talking to a tech person but still, they had to have gotten permission and people had to have agreed otherwise security would've taken them off the stage. Someone on the Valley Fest committee loved this idea.
This crowd craves violence.
Omg there's even custom logo lights being shown on the backwall.
I do love that Aisha got her own solo where she was blindfolded and kicked and broke a bunch of boards. She looks so happy and proud.
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Like yes, them upsurping Daniel sucks, but also this is such a great celebration for his students. And also again Aisha! (add to it disproving one of Silvers goals of blinding your opponent and making them unable to do anything, here Aisha is proving you can still kick ass and not see, which you would think Daniel and Sam would be proud of her)
Hawk's jump kick is also really cool.
For a festival it also makes sense, they're throwing out merch and what not. It's fun for the crowd.
Daniel's thing would've been super cool, and two stages can go at the same time, the fact they completely stopped to watch Cobra Kai is a bit of a bummer, because they could've continued. Our local fest had a big main stage performance and then a small stage performance like super close but the noise pollution wasn't bad enough to disturb either. But because the crowd left and Daniel was so stunned they just seemed to have given up, when that didn't have to be the case, he could've show cased his own thing at the same time and gotten a different audience because Cobra Kai isn't going to be for everyone.
Johnny and his five cement bricks on fire. I wonder if those are from Cutter. (Daniel btw has 6 blocks of ice)
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Kreese looks ecstatic in the back with the tech and sound people.
The melting ice makes me so sad every time.
So do you think Johnny and Daniel both had similar ideas of breaking bricks without Johnny knowing that Daniel had that planned? Because Daniel's plan was a secret, they just both thought it'd look cool? Daniel's of course is from TKK2 but did Kreese teach Johnny that? Johnny told Kreese that he had a few moves Kreese didn't teach him, and if that's the case where'd he pick those up?
Robby looks mad. That's probably one of the biggest one step forward another step back is that not only did Johnny upstage Daniel but he also upstaged his own son.
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spacehostilityy · 1 year
My NNT rewatch s1ep19-24
Ps these are backlogged lol I watched fast but then ran out of time for work. Posting this now bc I'm going to Appalachia to visit family and will have very little wifi lol
I know Elaine is pretty underdeveloped (nothing a little fanfic can't fix), but I do love how even in flashbacks, she's more serious and responsible than king
Why was Diane still like 6 after hundreds of years ?? Like why wouldn't they just show her aging?
ITS BEEN 500 YEARS? Meaning only a couple centuries before present?? WHY IS DIANE SO SMALL? HOW BAD WAS HER GROWTH SPURT???
Damn king rlly said mercy kill
The Druids having the technique Enslavement of the Dead is actually really cool because it shows us that the goddess race really was that fucked up from the very beginning. Like the characters realize that Ludociel and Nerobasta are not all there made out to be eventually, but we can see just from the types of abilities the druids (aka those closest to and led by the goddess race) possess
Hendrickson saying "bien, princesa" or EVEN BETTER "THAT'S A GOOD GIRL" LIKE ASDJSKFJSL hes evil and a little annoying but so fcking hot
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Ban telling Meliodas he loves him and then trying to kill him while meliodas is just like bitch I'm busy we can do this later is so funny
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this man gives zero fucks
Ban being the first to realize (after merlin obvi, but she always knew) that Meliodas is a demon and also being the first to accept him means so much to me. This is why I love their relationship. No matter how horrible the other seems to be (or is lol), they stand by each other. I mean not in this specific scenario, but Ban only cares bc the horn of cernunos told him to, so I don't think it really counts. (im delusional)
also I'm typing this on my laptop now and I forgot that I can type this fast ehehe AND i found a way to screenshot so no more taking pics of my laptop for meee
Something about characters begging for death (ban and meliodas) makes me become obsessed with them (i am mentally ill)
MELIODAS BEING WILLING TO LET BAN KILL HIM (if he can do so successfully lol)😭 I know he would just come back, but he would be stuck in Purgatory ASJDKFJSL I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCHHH
every day, i find out just how i much i am capable of shipping them and every day that limit is surpassed
straight besties that would literally die for each other is the ideal fictional relationship
esp bc melizabeth (my actual main ship) doesn't get rlly good until she regains her memories/is a flashback
bro i totally forgot dreyfus fucking dies how does he come back??
ok ban is having his MOMENT after finding out hendy has been using the corpse of the red demon HE killed 20 yrs ago
also I know ban is like 43 and the whole twilight argument is edward is basically just a 100 year old man so following that logic, Ban is middle aged BUT as someone who is close in age to Ban from before he became immortal, that man is the most 23 year old man to ever 23 year old man. He is chronically in his early 20s frfr
king realizing in that moment judt how wrong he was abt the destruction of the fairykings' forest is the biggest oh fuck moment lol
also i may have 🏴‍☠️ed the bandit ban ova to hurt my own feelings
hendy taunting ban by saying his demonic powers are all thanks to him and ban just saying he's "always happy to help" is such a mood honestly
hendy gets hotter with every demon transformation😔
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Meliodas and Ban mourning hawk actually makes me so sad wtf
elizabeth is such a bad bitch when she awakens her power i love her
also hendy being like wow such a powerful druid as if he himself is not a druid and should know this power (and her eyes) is goddess level 🤨
i bet meliodas was shitting himself trying to see whether or not re reawakened her memories tho like damn he was actually probably so scared he would lose her in 3 days without the chance to break their curses
Diane and Ban having the exact same expression is actually rlly funny to me
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wow i remember so little of season 1 lol
them all just beating the everloving shit out of meliodas is entirely too funny to me
HAHA i was RIGHT about revenge counter im literally a genius
😏 face down ass up babygorl
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this is one of the cutest frames in the whole show fr fr😌
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Diane: "Sorry we didnt come for you sooner!☺️" King: "Yeah we've never kidnapped a princess before haha :}"
so in the very last after credits scene, gil, howzer, and griamore are all standing around Dreyfus's work table staring at the drawing of meliodas's demon mark as. But as we know from other characrers later on, can have lots of different marks. Meliodas, Zeldris, and Estarossa all have the same one, but maybe this is a family thing? But if it is, why would demon!Hendy have it?? is the grey denon somehow a relatuve of the demon bros lol
ill do a mini ramble over the ovas that netflix likes to call season 2 then move on to the read deal
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