#i haven’t felt safe in this house for a single second of my life i am. i don’t even know.
chilapis · 5 months
Just came back from the exam, I hope everyone is doing well.
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redneonmoons · 2 years
Loose Shirts and Fumbled Secrets [Vash x Reader] [Soulmate AU]
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Word Count: ~4000 Description: After a deadly mistake, you and Vash’s relationship becomes tense which makes it even harder to deal with the fact his name is written on your back.
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Your pace increased as it took longer and longer to find Vash. Of course, when you took your eyes off him for a second he disappeared, probably getting in trouble again.
You just joined the group a week ago after finally tracking down the humanoid typhoon. Only a few months before then your soulmark appeared on the small of your back. Vash. A single name. You didn’t think Independents could have soulmates. Thankfully, Vash wasn’t hard to find with his wanted posters and wake of destruction everywhere he went. Which made you cautious when you went looking. And why you still haven’t told him your real name.
You saw red out the corner of your eye and stopped, looking down the alleyway. Meryl and Roberto were the furthest down against the back wall. In front was Vash and a bounty hunter, whose back was turned to you. Vash had his hands up, smiling nervously.
“I don’t want to fight,” He said.
“Then you should come along quiet-like,” the bounty hunter replied.
“No, thank you,” Vash declined.
You saw Roberto pull out his gun. The bounty hunter noticed and grabbed Vash, spinning him into a chokehold. Fear crawled down your back when you saw the bounty hunter put a knife to Vash’s throat.
It took a second for you to realize what happened. Smoke slowly drifted up from your gun as the bounty hunter fell to the ground. Everyone was staring at you. You ignored them, just trying to breathe.
You didn’t even think for a second. You knew Vash could get out of situations like that. Probably done it several times before, But actually witnessing it was different. You couldn’t stand to see your soulbound get hurt. Not even a scratch. 
Once you’ve fully understood what occurred, you felt a wave of nausea wash over you. You covered your mouth with your hand to keep yourself from vomiting.
“Well, now this is an interesting sight,” Nicholas said, having finally found the group.
You removed your hand from your face and slowly turned to him, gun shaking. Roberto came up to your side and put a hand on your shoulder. He gave you a look of sympathy and slowly pushed your gun down. Something clicked and you immediately put it away. 
“We better hurry before people come,” Vash said, looking both ways out the alleyway.
“Agreed, let’s get out of here,” Meryl responded, following after Vash and Nicholas.
The crew quickly and quietly returned to the truck and rode off into the desert. It was already evening so Meryl started looking for a place to camp out for the night; far enough away so the town’s people don’t track them.
She found an abandoned house, only its metal skeleton remained. She parked next to it and everyone exited the vehicle. Vash got a fire started, while Meryl got the sleeping packs out. Roberto and Nicholas didn’t really do anything but watched the others and chatted. You, on the other hand, grabbed a rag and climbed on the flat roof of the building.
“You didn’t have to kill him,” Vash came up behind you sometime later as you were cleaning your pistol.
“I couldn’t stand by and do nothing. You could have been injured,” You reasoned, holstering the gun, “Or worse.”
“I don’t mind getting a little hurt. He still didn’t have to die,” Vash sat next to you.
You didn’t want to see his face, you knew he wasn’t happy with you, “I understand your morals. I didn’t enjoy taking his life, but I rather my friends be safe. And if that makes me selfish then so be it.”
“I would have gotten out of there. I just needed a few more minutes,” Vash said.
You glanced at Vash. you were unnerved that his usual cheery demeanor was gone.
“You didn’t have to get involved,” Vash continued.
You looked down. You know you could have done better. You know you could have just done nothing or shot the man’s arm or leg. Something. Anything other than what you have done.
But you were scared. You panicked when you saw that bounty hunter holding a knife to his neck. You didn’t hesitate. Couldn’t. The thought of Vash leaving you before you had the chance to tell him you’re his soulmate crushed you.
You hugged your legs and willed your unfallen tears away. You didn’t want to make Vash feel bad for making you cry. He was still watching, waiting for a reply.
“I’m sorry,” you said, “I have my reasons.”
Vash softly sighed. You have never seen him this upset. You hoped this wasn’t permanent and that he’d go back to his happy, seemingly carefree attitude. But you knew you couldn’t lie to make him feel better. That wouldn’t be right.
You looked up as Vash got up. He smiled down at you, “Goodnight, Crux.”
“Goodnight,” you replied, “Vash.”
“‘I have my reasons?” Meryl walked up behind you, “That may be good enough for Vash but it isn’t for me.”
You didn’t turn around to face Meryl; did Vash tell her about their conversation or did she overhear, “that’s none of your business,” you quipped.
“It’s obvious he had it under control. He always gets out of things like that,” Meryl said.
“I know, I panicked, alright?” You really didn’t want another moral lecture.
You leaned down to pick up a rock from the sand.
“What’s that?” Meryl asked.
You realized your shirt rode up too high. You instantly straightened and went to pull it back down but Meryl already grabbed it and raised it up further to see.
“Is that your soulmark? Is Vash your soulmate?” Questions you didn’t want to hear came from the reporter.
Pushing your shirt back down and turning around, you clamped a hand over her mouth, “Hush! The guys are going to hear you!”
You took a step back, taking a peek at the truck behind Meryl. Roberto and Vash were engaged in conversation while Nicholas was looking over. You doubt he could hear you and Meryl but didn’t like the attention. It could bring trouble.
You turned back to Meryl and waited a second before lowering your hand; Meryl immediately started questioning you again, “You haven’t told Vash? Shouldn’t he know since your name is Crux?”
You didn’t answer any of her questions, not like she was giving you a chance to anyway.
“Your real name isn’t Crux then,” Meryl figured then clapped her hands together, “You should tell Vash.”
Your ‘No’ came out louder than intended. Everyone looked over. "Everything alright over there?" Vash yelled, a friendly smile still ever-present on his face.
"Yes, everything is fine, sorry!" You frantically replied back before going back to Meryl.
You grabbed her forearms and pleaded, “Don’t tell Vash okay? Please, I’ll tell him eventually.”
“Okay, fine!” Meryl said, “but you better tell him.”
A week passed before you knew it and you still haven’t told Vash, much to Meryl’s annoyance. Vash had gotten into some more scuffles and you did your best to make sure you didn’t kill again. There were some times you didn’t think Vash was going to get out but you were able to get him out, either by being more threatening to the aggressor or shooting them in the arm or leg. 
However, Vash was still upset about the original bounty hunter situation as much as he tried to hide it. Which only made you feel worse about it and lessened your odds of telling him you were his soulmate.
The crew was hunkered down around a campfire for the night. On your left was Roberto and Meryl, to your right sat Nicholas with his trusty cross, and lastly Vash sat across from you. Which you noticed happened to be the furthest away from you. It's been awkward silence for the last few days so you quickly finished your meal and went to sleep in your makeshift bedroll.
You felt yourself slowly start to fall asleep to the noise of the crackling fire and soft wind before you were brought back when you heard whispering.
“C’mon, you can’t be mad at them forever,” you heard Nicholas say, “You gotta give them a break.”
“Yeah, can’t you tell they feel really bad about it?” Meryl added.
“Where’s this coming from, guys?” Vash asked, trying to deflect with some nervous laughter.
“We all heard that argument a week ago. Did you seriously not see how freaked out they were when they killed the guy,” Nicholas said, not sugarcoating anything.
“Yeah, and they’re doing better now! No one has been killed since,” Meryl said.
“What they are trying to say is that they are over your little tantrum and you should get over it,” Roberto cut to the chase.
Vash didn’t reply immediately. You could imagine him looking down and thinking. You’ve been trying to keep your breathing normal so they didn’t know you were eavesdropping but you waited with bated breath for Vash’s answer.
“I guess you’re right,” Vash admitted, “I’ve been a bit hard on Crux, haven’t I?”
“Duh,” Nicholas replied, “It’s not their fault they want to protect your scrawny ass. Someone needs to do it.”
Vash lightly laughed, “I’ll apologize tomorrow.”
“How about now? You can stop pretending, Crux,” 
You flinched as Nicholas called you out and sat up before turning to everyone. Meryl and Nicholas were crowded around Vash on both sides. All eyes were on you. Nicholas and Roberto were obviously in the know about your eavesdropping while Meryl and Vash had shocked expressions on their faces.
“Morning,” you deadpanned, trying to lighten the tension.
Vash just scratched the back of his head, a nervous tick, and got up, walking over to you. You got up as well and followed Vash out into the desert. 
Once Vash walked to what he deemed appropriate, he turned to you. Even knowing he was going to apologize didn’t make this conversation any less nerve-wracking for you. You were very aware that you were avoiding eye contact. You’ve been trying to keep a low profile with Vash for so long it was hard being seen.
“Crux,” he said softly, coxing you to look at him.
You exhaled and finally made eye contact with him. It felt like he could see right through you. He stepped forward and lightly grabbed your arm, giving you the opportunity to move it away. When you didn’t, he held your hand
“I’m sorry, I haven’t been fair to you,” he squeezed your hand, “I see you haven’t killed since so I’m, again, sorry.”
“Thank you, Vash,” you said, looking down at your hand in Vash’s, “I’m sorry as well. For everything.”
Vash pulled you into a hug. You selfishly breathed into his shirt, wrapping your arms around him.
“We’re fine now,” Vash said cheerily, still holding you.
A few days passed and you were snoozing in the back of the truck.  The sound of someone slapping the window took you out of your afternoon nap. Squinting, you see Nicholas staring at you. You turned over and opened the door.
“What do you want?” You yawned.
“We should talk,” Nicholas looked at something on top of the truck and back to you, “Alone.”
Shaking your head, you begrudgingly stepped out of the truck. You turned to shut the door and looked up to be greeted by bright blue eyes. Vash was apparently also napping on top of the truck and now your faces were inches from each other. You felt your face heat up as you took a step back, not expecting the proximity.
“Where you guys going?” Vash asked.
“Oh,” Nicholas put his free arm around your shoulders, “I just need to talk with Crux for a bit.”
“Alright, you two have fun,” Vash smiled before going back to his nap.
Nicholas, still with the arm around your shoulders, took you out a ways from the truck, “So, Vash’s your soulmate.” You shook off his arm and turned to him, “I told Meryl—”
“Uh uh- You said not to tell Vash, not everyone else,” Nicholas corrected.
Your face heated up, “So everyone knows...”
“Everyone except the person who actually needs to know,” Nicholas said, “Reberto doesn’t care too much and Meryl is getting antsy about it.”
“You telling me to do something about it?” you asked.
“Duh. You two like each other so go for it,” Nicholas said.
“I— It’s just—,” you paused; you realized you didn’t quite know yourself. 
“Well, you haven’t killed anyone so it can’t be that. I mean you’re still a little over-protective even for me but ya know. You’re soulmates so it makes sense. I’m sure Vash would understand,” Nicholas said, adjusting the cross in this hand.
“He’s got enough to worry about,” you rambled.
“Don’t bullshit me. You’re afraid of rejection which is stupid cause you two are destined for each other for some reason.  Just get it done sooner rather than later,” with that, Nicholas walked off, leaving you to your thoughts.
Rationally, you know your chances were good, but there’s that irrational part. That stupid part that makes you think he won’t like you that way. That he still hasn’t forgiven you for killing that bounty hunter. That he won’t like how you’ve been lying to him this entire time.
That’s enough doubt for you to hesitate to tell him.
The crew was again crammed into the truck, going nowhere fast. Vash seemed in better spirits this morning. Meryl and Roberto were arguing about where the next charging station is. You were between Nicholas and Vash in the back. Crossing your arms, you made yourself as small as possible so they were comfortable. You very much weren’t but you were not going to complain. Nicholas was snoring, a cigarette threatening to fall from his lip. Vash was staring off, his expression of rare seriousness. For a brief moment, you wondered if he was thinking of the bounty hunter incident but quickly erased the thought.
Vash must have felt you staring cause he looked over and smiled at you. You couldn’t help but smile back. He then yawned, stretching out his arms —As much as he could, that is— raising them up and back. You felt his prosthetic arm rest on your shoulders.
You were about to question him when he pulled you against his side. If you weren’t tense before you were now. Your heart skipped a few beats as you felt Vash’s warm body against yours. He had no right to feel this comfy.
Vash lightly giggled, “You should relax. We still got a while to go.”
You hesitated but slowly forced your body to relax against Vash’s. You carefully rested your head against his shoulder, taking it slow in case Vash disapproved. He didn’t seem to mind as he rubbed your waist with his thumb. You felt as though you were melting as you slowly drifted off to sleep.
A bright flash behind your eyelids woke you up from your nap.
“Hey rookie, That’s work property, not a toy,” you heard Roberto say.
You opened your eyes, adjusting to the light and shifting slightly so you don’t wake the still sleeping Vash. You noticed the truck was parked in a small town. The town was built in a crack of a big plateau rock formation, making it have only one road through it with buildings against or drilled into the rock.
“Your assignment is on Vash and I got a picture of Vash,” Meryl reasoned, “Besides, it was too cute not to.”
You realized Meryl must have snuck a picture of you and Vash. you were about to make your opinion known but you suddenly felt Vash’s artificial thumb rub against your skin. You now became aware that —consciously or not— Vash had pushed up your shirt enough for his hand to hold your waist.
“You look comfortable,” Nicholas leaned over to you as the others exited the truck.
“Piss off,” You muttered.
Nicholas just laughed, sticking a new cig into his mouth and hopping out of the truck. He made sure to slam the door on his way out, shaking the vehicle. Vash breathed in and straightened, his eyes struggling to open. He must have noticed where his left hand was because he instantly removed it from your side and bought it behind his head. 
His cheeks tinted pink; he smiled, “Hi.”
“Hello,” you replied, leaning back on the seat instead of Vash.
You could feel the tension in the truck increasing as you and Vash gazed at each other.
You both began to speak at the same time. Nervous chuckling filled the vehicle before Vash gestured for you to go.
You shook your head, “No, what were you going to say?”
“We should probably get out and stretch our legs,” Vash said.
"Agreed, let's,” when he didn’t immediately move, you started lightly pushing him, “Get out! Or I’m going to climb over you.”
Vash laughed as he struggled for a second to open the door and unceremoniously clambered out the truck, almost falling on his ass. You started laughing at him as you made your way out the vehicle before your legs gave out from the lack of use. Vash immediately stepped forward to grab you and you instinctively grabbed at his coat and put an arm around his neck.
You felt your face heat up at the close proximity but didn’t exactly separate. Mostly cause you now know you can’t trust your legs at the moment.
“Are you okay?” Vash asked, still holding on to you.
You nodded, “I will be as soon as I get some circulation back in my legs. Just don’t drop me.”
You slowly put your weight back onto your legs. Vash carefully moved from hugging you to holding onto your arms as support. By now you can feel the others watching but you were more concentrated on walking.
Once you were comfortable Vash let go of your arms. Nicholas rolled his eyes dramatically and the crew started to the nearby hotel. Meryl called dibs on getting the rooms for the night. Everyone followed her in, except for you and Vash. You opted to chill on the porch area since the weather was nice for once and Vash decided to head out to get some snacks. 
Several minutes passed as you relaxed outside the hotel before Nicholas opened the door, “Rooms are set.”
“Okay,” you replied, pushing yourself off the wall you were leaning on.
Opening the door, you went in to find Meryl. She was waiting in the main lobby and gave you a key and room number. It looked like she was trying hard not to smile. Suspicious…
You climbed up to the second floor and found your room. You tried inserting the key only for it to not go in all the way. You took it out and flipped it over, trying again. Only after inserting it both ways a few times did it finally click in. Turning the handle became another annoying task as you struggled to get the door open.
“Freakin’ shabby, good-for-nothing hotels,” you muttered, “I just want to shower.”
After what felt like several minutes —and it probably was— you got into your room. You didn’t bother to analyze the contents, your sole focus now was the shower. You entered the bathroom, dropped your bag, and hopped in the shower, sighing as you felt the sand leave your body.
You heard someone struggling to open the door as you changed into a spare set of clothes. Assuming it was Meryl, you finished up your routine before grabbing your bag and heading out of the bathroom.
When you stepped out into the room you froze. Sitting on the bed was Vash. His red coat was gone and he was eating donuts from a paper bag. You glanced around the sparingly furnished room before looking back at Vash on the bed. The only bed.
You remembered Meryl’s expression when you got your key.
Oh no….
A strange sense of calm washed over you as Vash looked over, his mouth stuffed with donuts. You walked over to the door and unlocked it. You tried turning it once. Twice. Several times. Jammed.
“Meryl!” you yelled, banging on the door.
At this point, Vash had gotten up and stood behind you as you kept trying to open the door, “What’s going on?”
“Oh, Crux, Vash,” Meryl’s voice came from the other side, “The receptionist said sometimes the door lock jams. They’ll get a locksmith out tomorrow.”
“Meryl,” You warned, not liking the slightly teasing tone of her voice.
“Anyway, I’m sure you two can figure things out,” Meryl continued, ignoring you, “Night!”
You heard her footsteps leave. You tried one last time to turn the handle before sighing and turning to Vash.
“Meryl said this was my room,” he said, sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.
He doesn’t know it’s a setup.
“Ah well, nothing we can do about it now. Unless you want to try the window,” You walked up to said window.
It was so rusted and worn you didn’t even want to bother touching it, let alone escape through it. Accepting defeat you sat on the single chair in the room.
“I can sleep on the floor,” Vash offered you his last donut.
“No, I can’t let you do that, I’ll take the floor,” you replied, taking the donut.
“I insist—”
You raised your hand up, shutting up Vash as you ate the donut. you knew where this conversation was going and you frankly didn’t have the patience for the song and dance of it.
“Okay, this isn’t going to go anywhere. Either we both sleep on the bed,” you said, “or we both sleep on the floor. I know which option I prefer.”
Vash silently stared at you then the bed then the floor.
“No, Vash,” you got up from the chair, grabbing his bicep.
Vash let you drag him over to the bed. You let him go so he could take off his boots and crossed your arms as you watched him crawl into the bed. Once he was on the far left side you laid down yourself, keeping your back to him so he doesn’t feel awkward. Or maybe it was so you didn’t feel so awkward basically dragging a man into your bed.
“Night,” Vash said, shifting once more to get comfortable.
“Goodnight,” you replied.
It took you a while before you fell asleep.
You woke up thinking you felt something on your back. You must have moved to sleep on your stomach at some point in the night. You became more awake when you felt a hand lightly move across the small of your back. It dawned on you that your shirt must have rolled up while you were asleep. Your body moved before you had a chance to complete a thought and felt yourself begin to fall off the bed as you rolled off it.
You yelped as Vash immediately grabbed your arms and pulled you into his chest. You clenched your hands into his shirt and hid your face, trying to slow your breathing. His fast heartbeat wasn’t helping.
“Your name isn’t Crux, is it?” Vash said, his voice having a shake to it.
You moved back to look at Vash, his blue eyes more intense without the glasses. He adjusted, bringing up his prosthetic arm to take off the glove on his right hand. Pushing up his sleeve, he revealed your real name written on his forearm. You knew you shouldn’t be surprised but you never really did think about how your name would be written on Vash's body. Slowly, you lifted your hand to touch it.
“No, my real name is Y/N,” you replied, giving Vash confirmation.
“Y/N,” he said like an enormous weight was taken off his shoulders.
He smiled and again pulled you into a tight hug before planting several kisses on your face making you giggle. You grabbed his cheeks and pulled him into a full kiss. Vash brought up his hands and placed them over yours. It was a soft, sweet kiss that ended with you and Vash gazing into each other’s eyes.
Vash’s expression hardened a little as he started to ask you some questions, “How did you find me? And… why didn’t you tell me?”
“You’re Vash the Stampede and you’re Vash the Stampede,” you chuckled, hoping he understood what you meant.
He just laughed, “Ah well… those wanted posters don’t paint the greatest picture I guess.”
“I don’t know. Your picture is awfully cute,” you teased, making his cheeks turn pink.
A comfortable silence washed over you both before you saw Vash's eyes twinkle as your words sunk in.
"You think I'm cute?" A smile grew on his face.
Now it was your turn to be embarrassed as you glanced away, face heating up, "Well- I- I mean…"
Vash just laughed, pulling you in for another hug. Maybe you weren't so mad that you were essentially locked in your hotel room. Vash made for an excellent cuddler you soon found out.
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squintyeyedjoel · 1 year
Spark in a Snowstorm (Joel x Reader)
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A/N: This happened after I just had an Idea™️ that I had to get out of my system. It’s a weird hybrid of show and game Joel - I want to say mostly game Joel, but I pictured show Joel. (Make it make sense.) Also, this is the first thing I have ever written for Joel, TLoU, and spiciness, so…. We’ll just see how this goes over. 😬 (No specific age specified for reader, aside from her remembering life before the outbreak, so I leave that up to you.) No use of Y/N.
Synopsis: When patrol goes awry with a clicker attack, and you’re snowed into a safe house with your partner Joel, things are said in the midnight hours under the warm glow of firelight that offer change in the dawning light of a new day.
I do not own The Last of Us or it’s characters. Sadly. But I carry them in my heart. Does that count for something? My soul says yes.
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff, some spice, and Joel is a warning in and of himself in this one. Typical show violence. (Brief mentions of blood) Swearing. The spice is somewhat explicit, but it’s just talking, nothing past a few words. Mention of loss. (Spoilers if you haven’t watched the show/played the game.) Ellie is a menace from a distance. Drop ins from some of our other favorite characters bc why not. Arguing? Banter. Some of Joel’s Texan accent. (You’ve been warned.) I guess kinda sorta spoilers for TLoU 2? Like if you squint? And not really??? Also, I’m so sorry if you or a loved one’s name is Liam. I’m sure you/they are lovely. It’s just a name I chose.
Word count: 7,120 (It got away from me, what can I say?)
Thank you to @fordo-kixed-rex and @grippingbeskar for your endless hours helping me over goodness knows how long since I started this, for reading this over for me and letting me know I’m not crazy, and screaming with me about this man that captured our hearts first in the form of pixels.
His eyes were wide, scanning you from head to toe. Was he angry? The tight expression on his face gave nothing away as his eyes made another sweep.
Your breath caught in your chest at the single word. It was low, pained, and broken.
“No,” he all but whispered.
You opened your mouth to try one more time, but before you could even hardly take a breath in, he exploded.
“I said no, goddamnit!”
Both of you stared at one another with wide eyes, but for entirely different reasons. 
You watched the quiet man who only ever raised his voice in the middle of a fight, usually with infected or raiders, turn that rage against you. Taking a step back, you kept cautious eyes on him, holding your hands up in a gesture of surrender instead of trying to speak again.
He stared back at you in shock. Joel never meant to lose his cool, especially not with you, but this…. This had terrified him. He’d almost lost you. Like he’d almost lost Ellie. Like he had lost Tess. Bill and Frank. Like he had lost…. her.
Clearing his throat, he shifted his weight to one side, looking down at the ground before he turned his back to you, slinging his rifle onto his shoulder. Sniffing his nose in the cold winter air, he reached up to swipe at it with the back of his hand. “We need to get moving,” he said lowly. “The sun will be settin’ soon.”
You didn’t say a word, you just waited where you were planted. When he finally looked over his shoulder at you, staring first at your feet for a long few seconds before eventually darting his eyes up to yours, you nodded before gathering your things, pulling your own rifle across your shoulders. 
It didn’t go unnoticed, the wet smudges on the backs of Joel’s gloves as he adjusted his rifle needlessly. The tear marks leaving stains trailed in with the blood from the infected that had nearly gotten the better of the two of you not twenty minutes ago. It was almost poetic how they looked so similar, the remnants of tears and the remnants of death. After all, right now, it felt an awful lot like something close to loss between you two.
After tightening your backpack one last time, you looked back up to meet Joel’s gaze. He was staring at you blatantly, and you raised an eyebrow. “What?” You kept your voice quiet, not wanting to spook whatever tentative peace you’d found. Reaching up to touch your cheek where you knew you had clicker blood drying rapidly, you raised both brows questioningly. “Is there something on my face?”
The soft snort of disbelief he gave felt like a bolt of lightning out of the blue. A charge of something wonderful breaking the tension.
“Come on.” He turned toward the nearest safe house. You could barely hear his next words over the crunch of snow underfoot. “You’re worse than Ellie, I swear.”
Smirking, you closed a bit of the distance between you. “I’ll take that as the compliment it is.”
He groaned, shaking his head as he surveyed the tree line. “I wouldn’t. But…. Do what you want, I guess.” His voice lowered as his face fell down toward the ground. “Lord knows that’s what happened back there.”
You stumbled before stopping. “I’m sorry, what?”
Looking up at the sky, Joel groaned before turning back to face you again. “We can talk about it once we’re in the safe house. You can yell and kick and scream, whatever the hell you wanna do, but only once we’re boarded up for the night.”
Arms coming to cross over your chest, you glared at him. “You mean only once I’m trapped with you in a tinderbox for twelve-ish hours.”
“If that’s how you wanna look at it, that’s fine by me, darlin’.” He turned and began walking again, but you didn’t miss the smirk starting up his face. “Just so long as we get there to look at it.”
Stepping into the lodge a few paces behind Joel, you let out a sigh as you let your backpack fall to the floor with a thud. 
“Lock the front door, will you?” Joel spoke as he continued away from you, further into the dark room. “I’ll double check the back. Tommy was on patrol last. He may be my brother, but his memory goes about as far as a spark in a snowstorm.”
You wrinkled your brow, pausing in your movement to set your rifle beside the front door. “Come again?”
Joel stopped, turning to face you with a sigh. “He ain’t too bright.” A smirk crawled up his features before he turned back and disappeared into the shadows without a sound.
Shaking your head, you set the rifle the rest of the way down. “I’ll be sure to pass on your sentiments once we’re back in Jackson.” Turning, you secured the front door like he’d asked before making your way over to the log book to sign the two of you in on a coffee table in front of a couch that had seen better days. Lowering to your haunches, you detailed the clicker attack before signing off. 
“Do that and I may have to kill ya,” he huffed, coming back into the room with a tight smile.
“You’re joking,” you tried after a minute, hesitant as you watched him settle in for the evening.
He sat on the couch with a groan, his words strained on the sound. “Only one way to find out.”
Pushing on your knees, you got back to your feet and back over to your pack by the front door, shaking your head in amusement. “No thanks. I’m good.”
“You sure?”
With a roll of your eyes, you huffed, leaning against the wall by your bag. “Positive.”
A lopsided smirk turned up his cheek. “Suit yourself.”
Lowering to your haunches to get your sleeping bag out, you glanced up to the large fireplace, seeing a few embers still burning from the last patrol.
Joel followed your gaze. “That should stoke right back up after we add some wood. I’ll take care of it in a minute. Just need a breather after all that…. Nonsense back there.”
You scoffed. “Nonsense?” Setting your bag back on the floor, you stayed lowered down as you stared at him incredulously. “What about me saving your life was ‘nonsense’?”
He pushed off the couch with a grunt, walking toward the fire without another word. 
“Joel.” No response. “You said we could talk when we got here.”
“We’ve talked,” he mumbled as he bent over with another grunt, tossing some logs from a pile to the left into the hearth before lowering onto one knee and grabbing a nearby fire poker to better arrange the wood. “Pile’s gettin’ low. We should restock sometime tomorrow….”
“I can’t believe this,” you said under your breath, turning your eyes absently down toward your bag still in your hands.
He sighed heavily, the sound of someone who knows exactly what’s going on, but hell will freeze over before they mention it. “Can’t believe what?”
You matched him note for note. “Nothing.”
He set the fire poker down with a small clatter on the stone of the fireplace, turning to look at you over his shoulder. “No, we’re talking now. Can’t believe what?”
“You, Joel! I can’t believe you!” You’d barely let him finish before you started in, the words practically spilling out before you could think twice to catch them. 
He stood to his feet, mouth open about to say something but you didn’t let him get that far. “I saved your life back there, Joel. Your life. Me. You were about to be clicker food, and I got there just in time.” Pointing to the blood still smattered on your cheek, you took a few steps closer to him. “Do you think this is some weird new fashion trend? Did I read about it in Apocalyptic Daily? No. I- Don’t you fucking laugh.”
His growing smile wavered under your stern finger wagging close to his face, the distance between you dwindling. “I’m no-”
“Joel,” you warned, waiting until his face returned to something neutral. “I saved your fucking life, and instead of saying thank you. Instead of a simple nod and moving on…. You blame me. You yell at me.” Taking a step back, your arms hung limply at your sides. “I learned everything I know from you. I get you don’t like looking in the mirror, but don’t try and put that on me. I’m not your reflection.”
Turning to go back to your sleeping bag, you froze at Joel’s voice at your back. “That’s what scares me.”
You should have turned back to face him, but instead you looked down at your hands as you worried them in front of you absently. The silence that settled between you was heavy, stifling…. The only sound coming from the fire beginning to crackle viciously as it roared to life, consuming the new logs.
“I….” Joel’s voice began with a crack, almost blending in with the roar of the fire before he cleared his throat. “It….” He sighed. “I didn’t mean anything against you,” he finally said lowly, saying each word clearly, practically chewing on them as they came out. “It just- I saw them, then you-”
Finally turning back to him, you let out a huff. “That’s what I don’t get, Joel. You saw them. Clickers have never caused you to-”
“No. Not the clickers.” He wouldn’t meet your eyes. Finally he said softly, “Them.”
You didn’t understand until his eyes pulled back up to yours, a level of pain you’ve never seen before hidden deep underneath. 
Everyone has someone they’ve lost. That’s just a fact of the times now. This new world you all lived in showed no mercy to the ones left behind. The survivors were given nothing to stand on but broken hopes and dreams, shattered memories, and fractured hearts.
And from the look in Joel’s eyes, the rest of him was in absolute pieces on the ground. He had no lower to fall. But somehow the thought of you hurt gave him room to go further still, practically dragging him through the mud he was already stuck in.
It’s all you can say. It’s all you can think to say. And it’s enough, the corner of his mouth ticking up just slightly.
“Thank you, Joel. I…. I’m fine.” He offered you the smallest nod to let you know he heard you. “I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry,” he cut in. “I…. I don’t handle my feelin’s well. ‘Least that’s what Ellie tells me. And Tommy. ….You…. Couple other folks‘ve mentioned it once or twice.”
Laughing softly, you went back to your sleeping bag, finally getting to set it up by the fire. “You must be tired, your Texan is slippin’,” you teased. Looking up, you saw him rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands, making you smile.
“Uh-oh,” he joked. “Next thing it’ll be the twang.”
Groaning playfully, you said, “Not the twang!”
He nodded, smiling softly. “Then it’s a bunch of ain’ts and y’alls, and probably a few sayings that’ll confuse you more than anything….”
You smirked. “Like a spark in a snowstorm?”
He smiled, a small but genuine thing, setting his sleeping bag near yours. “Nah, that’s just me.”
“I see,” you nodded in understanding, chuckling when he groaned as he lowered down to sit on his sleeping bag, close to the fire. “Get some sleep, Tex. I’ll take first watch.”
He turned to you, eyes alert but lids getting heavier by the minute the longer he sat by the warmth of the flames. “You sure?”
You smiled a genuine smile for the first time tonight. “Positive.”
A lopsided smirk turned up his cheek as he tucked into his sleeping bag with a satisfied sigh. “Suit yourself.”
The wind howled outside the lodge, another layer of snow piling on top of all it could touch. Shadows from the flames danced over the room, painting it in crimson hues and hidden secrets just begging you to go explore.
Walking over to a mirror that barely reflected anymore, you wiped the last of the clicker blood off your face before settling back in over near the fire. After eating some jerky and a few pieces of fresh bread you’d traded for back in Jackson, you fed a few more logs to the fire before you sat beside it with your back to the wall. Watching Joel as he slept, you couldn’t help but smile, his snoring the only competition to the raging storm outside.
He began to mutter every now and again in his sleep, words you couldn’t quite make out, not quite gibberish, but still unintelligible all the same. They quickly devolved into moans, sounds of fear and pleading tumbling out of his mouth in rapid succession.
The pain, the anguish, whatever he was seeing behind his eyelids was not a place you’d want to visit. Walking over as quickly as you could, you knelt beside him soundlessly, placing a hand on his shoulder lightly. “Joel?”
No response.
Gripping him a bit tighter, you said his name a little louder. “Joel?”
Nothing. He was beginning to move around in his sleeping bag like he was trying to get away from something in his dream.
Giving his shoulder a gentle shake, you tried again. “Jo-”
His eyes shot open, and suddenly he was above you, your back to the floor with the air knocked out of you, a knife pressed dangerously close to your throat.
You watched as he took deep rapid breaths, but you didn’t dare to move. “You were dreaming, Joel,” a whisper was all you could manage before you cleared your throat softly. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
After another minute, he pulled back away from you, tucking the knife into his boot, and offering you a hand to pull you up.
Taking his hand, you studied him closely once you got to your feet. “Want to talk about it?”
“Nope.” He didn’t even let you get the question all the way out before he answered while dropping your hand so quickly you’d think you’d burned him. His eyes were on the floor as he gave a gentle shake of his head, hands on his hips while he took a few aimless steps in front of the fire.
“Okay,” you drug the word out, brows narrowed. “I’m sorry. Go back to sleep. There’s still a few more hours before we need to change shifts.”
Nodding, he wordlessly got back in his sleeping bag, turning so his back was to you.
Waiting to listen to his snoring once again, you quietly rifled through your backpack, pulling out a book you’d found to read on a recent supply run, and a crossword puzzle book that had been tucked away behind some old magazines at an abandoned gas station.
Smiling down at both of them, nostalgia began to wash over you. The book was some trashy romance thing, not really your style, but these days you couldn’t really be picky. Back before everything you’d had a massive collection of both books to read and puzzle books, not to mention all the pens and pencils your heart desired to fill them out. But they often just were added to your shelf and never touched again, saved for later, when there was more time, until one day all that time caught up with the entire world.
“That reminds me.” 
Joel’s soft voice made you whip your head up, startled out of your walk down memory lane. He’d rolled over just enough to face you, his body still angled away from you. Meeting his eyes, a silent apology was exchanged between you before he went on.
“I…. I found a stash of books on a run the other day. Great condition. Couldn’t remember what type you like to read-”
“I’m not picky,” you cut in, making him smile.
“Yes you are, but I know what you mean.” His lips twitched higher under your playful glare. “Anyway, I brought them back. They’re at my house just gatherin’ dust.”
“Don’t you want them? Or Ellie?”
He shook his head, rolling over to fully face you with a soft groan, his sleeping bag crinkling as he did. “She’s already read them cover to cover. Told me they probably weren’t, ah…. My thing.”
“What, are they smutty or something?”
“No,” he grumbled, pulling his sleeping bag tighter around his neck and chin as he snuggled in, almost looking like he was trying to hide. “But a few of them were romance, I guess, and that girl thinks she’s so funny.”
His eyes flew up to you when you couldn’t contain the chuckle that had been bubbling in your chest anymore. Holding your hands up in surrender, you tried to swallow it down. “Sorry. I just…. What is that supposed to even mean?”
Joel grunted, unamused as he remembered Ellie’s words. “I dunno. Somethin’ ‘bout how I’m old as dirt and dirt doesn’t need no love and affection, I don’t know, half the stuff that comes out of her mouth confuses me.”
You were laughing so hard no sound was coming out, your hand clutched to your stomach in an attempt to keep the loud ugly laughs from coming next. Head thrown back, you leaned to the side where you sat on the floor, almost falling all the way over.
“It’s not that funny,” Joel complained, soft laughter betraying his grumbles.
“That girl’s got your number, Joel.”
He smiled fondly, looking at nothing in particular. “And I don’t even mind.”
The sun had begun to come up, trying to warm the world back up after a night of ice. The sky was turning shades of purple and soft oranges, with a light pink starting through the higher windows as the sun began to paint the clouds in vibrant hues. 
“Well, since I’m already up, how about we just sit and watch the sunrise,” Joel offered before he yawned. “Give all that snow some time to settle before we try to go outside.”
You nodded, handing him some jerky, and after a moment of consideration, your last piece of bread, before getting up to tend the fire once more.
“It was…. I was relivin’ that night…. Again.” 
Joel spoke softly as you kneeled in front of the fire, adding new logs and rearranging them with the poker. He kept doing that, speaking deep, dark thoughts only when your back was turned. Deciding the fire needed a lot more tending than you originally thought, you stayed where you were and listened.
“I don’t know if you know…. You probably don’t, dunno how you would, now that I think about it….” You let him ramble softly as you mindlessly poked the logs with the prodder. “The night,” he cleared his throat, his voice coming back slightly stronger but just as soft. “The night everything broke down was my birthday.” 
Beginning to turn and look at him over your shoulder, you froze when you saw him stiffen slightly, turning your attention back to the flames. It’s incredibly hot this close to the source, sweat trickling down your spine, but it’s a small price to pay for the words beginning to flow over you like cool water. Something about them a noticeable weight being lifted from Joel’s shoulders, and that’s entirely worth the heat licking at your front.
“Tommy and I got out, just barely…. We had to take a few detours to get out of town, but we just made it. We had to drive by a…. A family on the side of the road. Sarah wanted to help them, but I didn’t want to chance it. Didn’t know exactly what was goin’ on, but knew I didn’t want it anywhere near my…. Near her.”
“Sarah?” You asked quietly after a moment of silence, turning your head just slightly his way so he knew you were still listening.
“My daughter,” he finally got out, voice breaking slightly. “She, um…. She didn’t make it.”
You hung your head, eyes shut tight. “Joel…. I’m so sorry.”
“Yeah. That’s what everyone says,” he grumbled, shifting his weight as he finally looked away from you and out the windows at the brightening sky.
Finally turning to face him fully, setting the fire poker down, you moved to sit a few feet from him. “No, I mean it, Joel. I can’t imagine. I’ve seen friends get infected, but not my own family, that must’ve been-”
“Didn’t get infected,” he said simply, staring out the window, the food you’d given him still in his hands, giving him something to do as he fiddled with it absently.
You cocked your head to the side. “I thought-”
“She died,” he looked at you with wide unfeeling eyes, completely detached as he continued, and it was slightly frightening, making you lean back from him just a bit. “But not from this whole mess,” he gestured around in a circle with one finger. “The military was trying to keep things contained. Detained us on the edge of town. We…. I told him we weren’t sick, but- He got orders saying it didn’t matter, and…. I guess less bodies to get infected means less infected.”
Your eyes were brimming with tears, one falling as you blinked.
“Took the shot, I tried to twist away, take the brunt, but….” His eyes filled with emotion once again, like a dam had burst, his face twisting like it was trying to contain them. “Clipped me good, but Sarah, she….” He stopped and took a shuddering breath, closing his eyes before looking at you. “Sorry, I don’t, uh, I don’t talk about this much.”
“I don’t blame you.”
He looked down at his hands where they held the food tightly, his knuckles going white with the effort, and sighed. Releasing them gingerly, he set it off to the side before turning his focus back on you. “I can count on one hand the amount of times I have, it’s just too-”
“I know,” you cut him off, reaching across your lap and taking his hand in yours. “Thank you for trusting me enough to be among those few.” Giving his hand a gentle squeeze, you smiled softly.
Joel nodded. “Figured if we were gonna be partners, you’d keep seein’ the nightmares, and it’s only fair you know why.”
You smirked. “Even after all that nonsense yesterday, you still wanna be my partner?”
“Don’t push it,” he warned playfully.
Holding your hands up once again in surrender, you leaned back, resting on your palms. “Fine. But I will take those books you mentioned, thank you very much.”
“Fine, fine. When do you want me to drop them by?”
“I’ll come pick them up after we get back on my way home.”
“Your boyfriend ain’t waitin’ on you to get home?”
“The one from the bar the other day. Threatened my life if you got hurt on patrol.” His voice lowered to something dark but amused. “That was real cute.”
“Oh. Him.” You sat up straight, bringing your hands to your lap and staring at them as you worried the tips of your fingers absently.
Joel huffed in amusement. “Yeah. He got a name?”
Scrunching up your face like you’d eaten something sour, you looked up at Joel through your lashes. “Liam.”
Nodding, Joel mirrored your earlier posture and leaned back on his palms with a soft grunt. “Now I know who to come after if you ever show up cryin’.”
Dropping your hands to the floor with a soft thud, you lifted your gaze to stare at him straight on, your brows flat and unamused. “He isn’t my boyfriend.”
Meanwhile his brows shot up near his hairline. “No?”
Eyes falling back down to your lap again, you began tracing the patterns in the worn wooden boards of the floor, stabbing a large knot by your knee with your finger. “No, it’s…. It was a casual thing.” You shrugged. “We went on one date at the bar and it was just…. Nothin' there.” When Joel didn’t immediately reply, you looked up to find him smirking at you, making you huff.
“He didn’t think so.”
“What?” You deadpanned.
The smirk had turned to a shit eating grin. “Boy’s smitten.”
You rolled your eyes, and hung your head. “Shut up.”
“I don’t blame him.”
Popping your head up, you watched him with narrowed eyes. “Yeah, well, it’s not gonna work.” You got to your feet, walking over toward the large windows that sat high off the ground offering an overlook of the valley below, just beginning to show up in the growing twilight. Arms crossed over your chest, you tried to contain your rapidly beating heart, hoping your partner wouldn’t notice.
Joel was beside you in an instant, catching you off guard. He’d been aloof all night, only speaking when your back was turned it seemed, but now…. Now he was looking at you with a warmth in his eyes that made you feel like you were right next to the fire all over again. The hair on the back of your neck stood on end, and a chill ran down your spine. Looking away from him and back out the window, you tried to ignore the fluttering sensation in your gut as you felt his eyes studying your face from the side.
“And why is that?” Had his voice suddenly gotten lower? Was that possible?
You shrugged. “There’s no…. Spark. He’s a nice guy, it just…. It’s not for me.”
“Ah. A spark in a snowstorm. Gotcha.”
You rolled your eyes at Joel’s smirk.
Joel reached out, tracing his knuckle down the length of your arm, leaving goosebumps in his wake. When had he gotten so close?
“What about you, Joel?”
“What about me, darlin’?”
He’d called you that a handful of times, but this time felt different. Everything felt different. Since yesterday, since the nonsense, something had shifted between you, and it felt…. Electric. It was like looking at the sun, something you probably shouldn’t do- testing the waters with your patrol partner- but he was making it too damn difficult. 
Before you could just keep your distance, shoot the breeze, shit talk like the rest of ‘em, but now…. Now you noticed one too many things you liked about him, and looking at the sun or not, you weren’t inclined to look away.
Then again, you’d known him for a few months now, not well, just enough to know he was a good man. He had secrets like everyone, but that was to be expected in this day and age. Always had people around him, but never quite looked like he wanted to be there. Not like when he was with Tommy or Ellie. So when it came time for you to step up and fill a spot on patrol, and it was up to him to teach you the basics, you kept your distance. If he liked a more solitary life, that was fine. Not your place to force people on him. In fact, that was something you understood intimately. 
You’d never asked him about his home situation, his past…. You shut down anyone gossiping around you about him. It wasn’t anyone’s damn business what the new guy was like, what he did yesterday, what he said about- what was this, high school?
So when he’d sidled up to you at the bar the last few weeks to share a shot of the good stuff in silence, maybe a comment or two about the weather, nothing had shocked you more. Okay, one thing had shocked you more. He was voluntarily sitting next to you, while Ellie and Tommy were across the bar.
You’d caught a glimpse of the sun.
And you were willing to get burned.
“No one I need to worry about when I drop by for those books?”
“Like who?”
“Now you’re just bein’ a shit,” you grumbled, ignoring his slight smirk as he continued to lightly trace the length of your arm with his knuckles. “No one special waitin’ for you?”
“Joel Miller, don’t make me get my gun.” He chuckled. “Besides Ellie, are there any other women I need to worry about who just may shoot me for knocking on their man’s door? No girlfriend? Wife?”
He snorted a laugh, gently shaking his head. “I know we haven’t known each other long, but I hoped you knew me better than that.” His eyes flicked up to meet yours, softening when he saw your head tilted in question. “No. No one.”
“Good.” You nodded, laughing softly when he tilted his head in question like you had. “I don’t have to plot any mysterious disappearances….” His head straightened. “I’m kidding, Joel.”
“No, you’re not.”
Looking down your nose at him, the corner of your mouth twitched up. “I guess you’ll never know.”
“Hmmmm….” He hummed distractedly, watching his hand trace up your arm once again slowly. “What I do want to know is more about this Liam….”
You groaned, tossing your head back to look at the ceiling. “Back to this?”
“Does he just not understand how to give you what you want?” His voice was low, barely above a whisper, and crackled like the fire. 
The further Joel spoke, the more his accent began to slip again, and it made something lurch in your stomach with each drawl. Yes, from the little bit of Texas, but mostly because you knew that meant he was relaxing again, getting comfortable. That thought made your stomach flip all on its own. 
Swallowing roughly, you stared out the window, your own voice sounding like sandpaper. “I don’t know what you mean.”
Stepping closer, the distance between you gone, he sealed his front along your side, his lips ghosting over the shell of your ear as he spoke. “Messy. Something that’s all teeth and tongue, hands ‘n need. Somethin’ desperate.” He nipped at your ear quickly before releasing it, making you take in a sharp gasp.
His hands began to slowly circle around your hips as you leaned into him, and you felt a smile turn up his face as he leaned into your hair. “You should be with someone who’s going to take care of you. Make sure you feel good at least once, if not twice,” he angled his lips back to hover over your ear once again. “Maybe more, before even thinkin’ about himself.”
He traced lazy patterns along your hip bones, his fingers dipping dangerously low with each new swirl. “Then again, if you’re with a man who likes to eat, thinkin’ ‘bout himself is in your best interest.” He chuckled over the words. 
“What next?” You somehow managed to get out.
He sighed deeply, his chest pressing into you with the effort. “After that a good man, someone you’d be glad to find yourself in that position with, no pun intended, would make sure to…. rise to the occasion-”
“Let me guess. No pun intended?” You smiled, your eyes closed.
“Oh, pun absolutely intended,” he muttered into your neck, smiling against the skin as he maneuvered your back to rest against his chest. “In a perfect world, you’d be with someone who’d make sure your needs were met before their own, and would take their time doin’ it….” One of his hands moved lightly across your collarbone before resting there, holding you firmly to him as he mumbled in your ear once again. “But somethin’ tells me you’d feel so good, even the best men might have some trouble makin’ it that far.”
He’d been talking only when your back was turned all night, and technically now nothing had changed except the proximity. But this was something you could get used to, you thought, as a grin worked its way up your face, his warm breath teasing at your ear giving you a surge of confidence.
“A perfect world, huh?” Your voice was as breathless as you felt. “Too bad that was all shot to hell twenty odd years ago….”
“Who says we can’t try to make our own little slice of heaven?” Joel’s voice rumbled against your skin as he tucked into your neck, his new favorite spot to land. “Jackson exists, right? Can’t something a little more…. Closer to home?” His hands found their way back to your hips.
An airy laugh tumbled out of your lips before you could catch it. “And what about these best men you mentioned? The ones who might still have some trouble?”
His lips turned up against your skin, the scrape of his facial hair something new to add to a growing list of things you liked about this man. “What about ‘em?”
Before you could ask if he’s one of them, you’re startled by a rhythmic knocking on the front door, making you groan and roll your eyes. “Great timing.”
Joel chuckled into your neck as you leaned your weight back into him, his hands coming back up to rest on your waist.
“You guys okay in there?” Tommy’s voice sounded through the front door.
“Just fine, Tommy,” Joel yelled back, making you groan again and turn into his chest, tucking your face into his neck, smiling when you felt his shoulders shake in silent laughter. His arms still around you pulled you tight.
“We came to dig you out. Storm really dropped a lot this time. Should have you out soon.”
“You couldn’t’ve waited a few hours?” Joel groused, just loud enough to be heard by his brother, the smile evident in his tone, and you could feel the upturn of his lips against your hair where he rested.
After a moment of silence that practically radiated attitude, you could feel Tommy’s eye roll. “Well, I guess? I mean, sure. I’ll just leave you here for the next however long until the next patrol is set to come through- that’s what- a week? More?”
“About three days give or take,” you called through the door. “Least that’s what we’ve been doing for clicker sightings the last few times.” 
“Clickers?” Tommy breathed, then let out a low, hissed, “Shit.” His voice turned away from the door, followed by a hollow thud of something- you assumed a shovel- thumping against the wooden barrier, forgotten at the mention of infected. “Somebody, take my horse and go back to town! It’s the fastest of all of ‘em. Tell Maria we need to rearrange the patrol schedule. We’ve got clickers over here.” All was silent for a long moment before Tommy’s voice came back angrier, still speaking away from the door. “No volunteers? Fine. You. Pretty boy. What’s your name?”
You groaned when a familiar voice weakly said, “Liam.” 
Joel’s grip on your waist tightened, his chest vibrating with a low laugh that only grew louder when you pulled back slightly to look at him and reached up to playfully slap his shoulder. 
“What?” He whispered, the sound bouncing over restrained laughter.
“You know what,” you narrowed your eyebrows at him, despite the grin crawling up your face.
Tommy’s voice was a bit further away, but just as loud as he had begun to yell. “I don��t care if they saw clickers yesterday, this is now! You ride, and you ride fast back to Jackson. The town is countin’ on you.”
“Mighty fine man, that Liam.”
You rolled your eyes at Joel's mumbled comment.
Liam said something but was too far away and quiet to be heard. Another voice piped up, female, and something about it made you think of the few times you’d talked to Ellie. A small argument broke out, finally interrupted by Tommy yelling again.
“Enough! Liam, give the reins to Dina. You wanna whine and bitch about maybe possibly seein’ some infected? Meanwhile she’s just loading her gun. That’s all I wanna hear about it.” The pump action of a shotgun was heard. “Ahhhh, music to my ears.”
You snorted a laugh.
“Maybe, if you ask nicely, Dina will let you ride with her and hold your hand if things get too scary.”
Laughter went around the group outside, along with the female voice you took to be Dina muttering a soft but sarcastic, “Come on, princess. I’ll even let you ride in the back.” Which set off a whole new wave of laughter.
Grumbled curses came from Liam as the group continued to chuckle.
“No?” Dina asked in an amused tone. “Suit yourself, then.” The crunch of snow under a horse's feet came close to the door, Dina getting straight to the point once they stopped. “Where did you see the clickers?”
“Took them out by the old creek,” Joel answered, pulling you closer to him. You weren’t sure he even realized he was doing it. “Near the toy store. There were three of ‘em.”
“Any signs of more?”
Joel brought one hand up to massage between his eyes. “Couldn’t stick around to find out, the sun was settin’. Had to get here. Sorry.”
She sighed. “Okay. Thanks!”
“Be careful!” You called to her.
“Aren’t I always?” Her tone was playful as the horse began to back away from the front door.
“No,” Tommy and Joel said in unison.
Dina laughed loudly before encouraging her mount to move faster. The sound of a horse quickly accelerating into a gallop drowned out the last of the laughter from the group as the footfalls rapidly faded into the distance toward Jackson.
“Hey. Pretty boy.” Tommy said after a moment, someone grumbling at him in response.
“Liam,” the voice corrected angrily.
“Yeah, I’m not calling you that,” the younger Miller said offhandedly before continuing on, making you choke on a laugh. “Go sit under that tree and think about what you did.”
“A time out? Really?” Liam’s disbelieving tone was dry, making you scoff slightly, Joel shaking his head as his hand came back to massage the bridge of his nose again.
“You sure know how to pick ‘em,” he mumbled sarcastically.
“Oh yeah? What’s that say about you, Tex?”
Joel pulled his hand away from his face just a few inches, enough to glare down at you with knit eyebrows before raising one skeptically. “Like I said,” he mumbled, his voice a heavy drawl but sincere. “You know how to pick ‘em.”
You heard the rustle of clothing on the other side of the door from Tommy’s direction. “Would you prefer I do it my way?” And you could just picture Tommy showing off his belt lined with weapons under his coat- not that he’d ever use them like he’s suggesting, but if you’re on the wrong end of a Miller, you don’t know that. They’re terrifying sometimes- probably with a smirk. “Didn’t think so. No, I think you’d much prefer my wife’s less invasive methods.” He let out a heavy sigh. “Plus, we need someone to keep watch. Anyone gets hurt while it’s your shift? Well, even my wife don’t take kindly to that. So I’d make sure to stay extra awake if I were you.”
Tommy grumbled something about showing up with a hangover and damn newbies. “The rest of you, start digging.”
“That idiot lets anything happen to the group….” Joel began in a warning tone, muttering next to your ear.
“He’s dull, he’s not dumb, Joel.”
“Thought he had a chance with you, I’d say that’s dumb.”
With a heavy sigh, you tucked back into Joel’s chest. “Of course you would, Joel. Of course you would.”
“Anyway,” Tommy’s voice was back on the other side of the door once again, muffled but back to being pointed at the two of you, followed by the scrape of the shovel handle on the wood as he picked it back up. “Like I said, I’d leave ya here, ya fucker, but I’m really not interested in incurrin’ the wrath of a certain teenaged redhead back in town, so…. No. Sorry, Joel. You gotta come with me.”
“What about me?” You asked, feeling like starting some shit for absolutely no reason.
“What?” Tommy’s confused tone made you chuckle.
“You said Joel’s gotta come but what about me? Does nobody care what happens to poor little ole-”
“I care,” the younger Miller defended through the door. “Hell, you make the best goddamn scrambled eggs I’ve ever had.”
“So you only want me for my food, huh?”
There was a pause. “Joel?”
The man in your arms sighed. “Yeah, Tommy?”
“Sort whatever the hell is going on in there out before I get this door open. Please. I’m beggin’ ya.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” Joel called back before the sounds of shovels scraping against the snow and ice sounded. Looking down at you, he mumbled, “I care, too, ya know.”
“Yeah, yeah. You just like having a drinking buddy,” you teased. “You Miller men with your food and drinks….” Shaking your head up at him, Joel grinned.
“Now. Tommy says I’ve got to sort you out….”
Leaning close to his face, you smirked as you patted his chest. “Good fucking luck.”
With a sigh, you went to pull back from Joel, but he quickly cinched his grip around you tighter. “Where do you think you’re goin’?” 
Looking up at him with an arched brow, another smirk crawled up your face when you saw nothing but amusement and mischief all over his. “I was gonna go pack.”
“We got time,” he drawled in a low, quiet voice, nuzzling his nose along the shell of your ear and into your hair.
“Let me guess, he ain’t too bright?” You mimicked his statement about Tommy from the night before with an extra affected Texan drawl for good measure, making Joel huff before smiling at you.
“Somethin’ like that,” he agreed, leaning in so his nose brushed against yours.
“I may not be too bright, but my hearing is fucking incredible, so fuck you, Joel!”
The two of you froze when Tommy began to speak, breaking out into snickers once he was done hurling insults, your foreheads resting against one another’s.
Reaching a hand up to card through the hair at the nape of his neck, you spoke lowly so only the two of you could hear. “We’ve got time.” Repeating his words, but this time with new meaning, you both grinned at each other and shared a look in understanding. 
It may be the end of the world, but this was just the beginning.
Tags: @dilf-din, @lupinpetersclearwaterodairparker, @what-the-heckin-heck, @telarnidaniela
Wanna be tagged if/when I write any future Joel stuff? Here’s how to sign up!
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kithtaehyung · 2 months
hi ryen,
there’s so much i want to say, but alas i don’t have your way with words. i want to, no need to tell you how much i have i fallen in love with your writing. i started reading 3tan after house party dropped and im so glad i found it because wow. ryen you are an amazing writer and i don’t think that even cuts it to describe how wonderful and impacted i’ve been by your writing. i could keep going and going and going to praise you, but that’ll take forever to write and i don’t have enough words.
i waited to read broken pt 1 until pt 2 dropped and i’m glad did because i was in agony after i finished it. the way you write makes me feel like i’m sitting inside your writing, as if i’m experiencing my life and it’s not just 3tan, but every. single. one of your works. i’m sure someone else talked about it, but i love how you repeat certain words or phrases when reader going through stuff. i feel like it’s more frequent when their overwhelmed and i think it’s just a wonderful feature that you add because i relate to that so much. my biggest takeaway from this chapter is the confession. it felt so right and it was a roller coaster to get there, but it makes it all the more worth it as you know. and after the game? tae and reader were going through it! i felt that! there was so much agony and anticipation and anxiety. you really have a way of showing all of those emotions in the most flawless way. there was so much rain i nearly got washed away. i haven’t been so affected by writing like this in a minute.
anyways, i think i’ll stop there because i could keep going going going. you’re fucking amazing ryen and i want to kiss your brain so much!
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frog, i just wanted to preface this response by saying this made me cry the first and second and third times i read it. thank you for taking the time to talk about your journey with this fic because it's these types of messages that keep me going. this is why i keep writing and the reasons why i'm still here in the first place🫂
oh the strategy! i do try to make it seem like we're right there with them. so this feedback is great to hear.
i’m sure someone else talked about it, but i love how you repeat certain words or phrases when reader going through stuff. i feel like it’s more frequent when their overwhelmed and i think it’s just a wonderful feature that you add because i relate to that so much.
thank you! honestly i just write how my brain processes thoughts, so it's safe to say that y'all are actually getting a glimpse into my mind. weird revelation just now haha😅
my biggest takeaway from this chapter is the confession. it felt so right and it was a roller coaster to get there, but it makes it all the more worth it as you know.
the confession. i can talk about this moment forever. i said this in the discord first, but even i was shocked when it came out. and when it did, i just stopped typing and cried.
and after the game? tae and reader were going through it! i felt that! there was so much agony and anticipation and anxiety. you really have a way of showing all of those emotions in the most flawless way. there was so much rain i nearly got washed away. i haven’t been so affected by writing like this in a minute.
one of my fave anime is haikyuu, and i bring this up for a reason. they do such a great job of showing the raw emotions that comes to play in sports - the highs of winning and the devastation of losing. i wanted to bring those same aspects into these chapters, especially with the game and everything that it led to.
anyways, i think i’ll stop there because i could keep going going going. you’re fucking amazing ryen and i want to kiss your brain so much!
thank you so much, love🥹 this was such a beautiful read and i cannot thank you enough for your support. you've been here a long time! very honored.
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thedemoninme141 · 2 years
Ghosts: Chapter 7: Become
"I always wanted to know what having a family feels like, thank you for making me feel that." . .
The cabin in the lake, her safe place, her and Jade's escape from the world. Tori enters the cabin alone with a duffel bag. It is been 5 months since the incident.
Six men were at the bar with Jade, trying to hit on her. Jade being Jade, taught them a lesson that cost her life, They followed her home, broke into her house, beaten her when she tried to defend herself. And killed her. Only because she insulted them for violating her. Tori closes her eyes.
Jimmy, Ron, Ralegh, Jack, Ethan, and Fred. These 6 boys were arrested, and they were spotted near Jade's neighbourhood. But not a single piece of evidence was discovered against them. There even weren't any fingerprints. But Tori knows, she has looked in her father's files,
There was a hair found there, sandy blonde hair, Ralegh had the same coloured long hair, but DNA tests didn't match. A second person's blood was discovered, but it didn't match any of them either.
Why would they match? The father of Ralegh was a multimillionaire businessman. He bought off enough people to put a stop to the inquiry. making it appear as though she was killed by a thief who broke in. Jade's father was a Major. He tried to do his best to find the killers but even he stopped, Tori tried to talk to him but he ignored her. "These are dangerous people Tori, Don't get involved," He said. "How could he give up? They killed his own daughter, of course, Jade said how distant he was with him but I didn't think he would be that low." Tori thinks. She had stopped talking to her father because he stopped looking into Jade's case.
"I am doing it to keep you safe Tori!" he said. Tori fought but what can she do as a scared alone girl from Hollywood arts?
Tori opens her eyes.
She looks at the wall, 7 men were her target, 7 pictures are pined on the wall.
She draws a cross on Ron's face, marking the victim of her most recent mission. She felt bad for mentally scaring an innocent girl. 5 of them remain. After she killed Jimmy, Ralegh, her third target, fled to Anaheim. They are all terrified because they believe Jimmy was killed by the Ghost. Father's one and only son Ralegh is now constantly surrounded by bodyguards so killing him in broad daylight won't be an option. Although as a daddy's boy, he has a habit of frequently visiting a nightclub once a week.
It's funny how easy it is to get a gun when you have the money.
So she wears Jade's black leathered hooded Jacket, Her black jeans.
And finally her Mask, The mask of Ghost.
"We have a masked vigilante terrorizing the streets. There are CCTV cameras everywhere, yet you haven't found this guy yet?"
The media reporter asked David,
"We are working on this case, possible suspects have been arrested and are now in interrogation."
"There are a lot of people who seem to support this Ghost figure, They think he is doing what you are supposed to do."
"They don't understand the damage he is causing by breaking the laws, surely he saved that girl from being abused but there were other legal ways to save her too. They need to understand that." David answered. .
"I think this Ghost guy is trying to help, He isn't doing anything wrong, he is just protecting the innocents against the hungry wolves of mankind."
Jade says lying next to her girlfriend on the lakeside cabin while holding her hand.
"Yeah, he is doing the right thing but he is doing it in a wrong way, I mean, what stopped him from joining the police force or something,"
"Come on You must be aware, Vega, that the majority of police are the avaricious pawns of the wealthy and powerful. "
"Ouch, my father's a cop too, you know? Good cops exists."
"That's why I said "majority" But considering your daily expenses, he might also be one of those pawns " Jade joked.
"JADE!" Tori hit Jade with her pillow and laughed.
Tori put her head on Jade's chest, Jade's calm heartbeat gave her the greatest sense of tranquility she had ever known.
"I wish we could cuddle like this all the time," Tori whispered.
"Who said we can't?" Jade said playing with Tori's hair.
"Nothing, I just don't know what I would do if I ever lost you."
"I am not going anywhere without you, because I feel just the same about you, Tori."
Tori approached the open casket while holding Jade's favorite scissors. She set them down beneath Jade's cuffed-up hands. . Each person had shown respect. The last one was Tori. To give Tori one last moment of privacy with Jade, they had left the church. Tori was still crying. She wipes off her tears to get one last good look at her Jade. She still looked heavenly beautiful, Tori places one last kiss on Jade's lips.
"I will make them pay Jade, whoever did this to you, they will suffer. And in the end, I will return to you, I promise." Tori wept as she said.
Tori watched as the coffin was lowered. Beck, who wasn't crying, caught her attention. His eyes appeared puffy; he must have cried all night. However, he appears to be feeling guilty. angry? Tori was unable to know.
After the funeral was done. Beck came to Tori.
"Tori.." Beck said calmly,
"Beck," Tori whimpered.
"It's not your fault Tori. It's mine" Beck said.
"How can.." Tori attempted to speak, but Beck cut her off.
"No, you don't get it, I've heard what you said to her before the day she died. Andre told me. You were supposed to always be there for her, you promised me. But you weren't there. You didn't deserve her. It's my fault for leaving her, if I haven't broken up with her I would have been there for her unlike you." Beck said coldly as he turned around."Don't expect any sympathy from me, Tori." He said without looking at her and walked away.
Tori fell to her knees, buried her face in the palm of her hands, and started sobbing. "I am sorry Jade... Baby, I am so sorry, please come back to me. I promise I will take care of you!" She whispered. She didn't feel Trina wrapping her arms around her, guiding her to a bench nearby. She sobbed nonstop for hours, refusing to leave the cemetery or Jade.
Tori looked at the J locket she was wearing, Jade gave it to her on their 6 month anniversary. She looked at Jade's grave and noticed a hooded man near it, looking down. He knelt down, placed a blood rose on it and started walking away. Tori couldn't see his face. She looked at Trina who was busy talking to her mother on her phone.
Tori started following the hooded man. She followed him out of the cemetery to downtown. She had never been to this part of the city before and had heard that it was full of thieves, thugs, and other criminals. But she didn't care; she followed the man into an alley because she had a gut instinct that he knew something. The man stopped walking. She immediately hid behind a dumpster nearby. When she peeked back, the man was gone. She had lost him. She went into the alley further hoping to find him but he was gone, But another man was approaching her. When Tori turned around she saw an old man walking towards her.
As soon as he got close to her he pushed her to the wall.
He positioned a knife close to her neck. "Purse, jewellery. Give me everything!"
Tori didn't know what came on her. Her father taught her how to defend herself when she was a kid. She kneed the thug in the groin area and pushes him off with all of her strength, the man falls to the ground. She looks around to find any weapon, she sees a metal pipe, she picks it up, and starts hitting. She hits again, and again, and again, and again. She didn't stop, she couldn't stop.
All the anger buried inside her, she targeted it at him, It started to rain. That's when she stopped, her vision was blurry, but she could see what she had done, the man's face was unrecognizable, blood all around his head. She started running away, she ran and ran, until she found another alley and hid there. She fell onto her knees. She had committed a murder.
But she wasn't feeling bad, she wasn't feeling guilty, she had just killed a man, but she was feeling okay. No, not okay, she was feeling peace?
She now understands what she needs. She needs justice for Jade.
She looked at the brick wall in front of her, it had graffiti, a graffiti of a skull.
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She yelled,
"What kind of hero are you if you don't save the people who need you the most? She believed in you, she thought you were doing the right thing. She thought you were a protector of the innocent, She was wrong. I will BECOME what she needed you to be."
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lollypopsx · 3 years
Flatmate! Harry: I’ll Make It Up To You - Part 1
Warnings: Swearing, slight angst 
Please like if it’s not too shabby, reblog for anyone who may enjoy this and follow if you want to see more! Any suggestions are happily taken for future writing! I love you all! be safe and be kind x
Part 2 - Part 3
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You was going to kill him. This was the last straw and you had used up every ounce of patience today.
“Harry Edward Styles! Get in here right now or I swear to fucking god you won’t ever breath again!” You shout, your hands clutching the towel wrapped around your body. Your hair styled in a bouncy blow dry with a full face of makeup, a brown smoky eye and a nude lip.
The two of you bicker and argue like enemies, laugh like the best of friends and love each other like a married couple. Although you were only flat mates and nothing had ever gone further than friends, you knew Harry would never see you in that way, however the tiniest part of you had always hoped one day you’d be proven wrong. But you knew all along you’d rather have him as a best friend than lose him all together.
You hear the footsteps round the corner and a grin like the Cheshire Cat plastered on Harrys face “Do you mind? I’m trying to write some music Y/N” he smirks.
“Where the hell are all my clothes?! And where the fuck is my guitar?!” You shout angrily. You were no stranger to practical jokes in this house, both giving and receiving them. But today was different. You had the most important audition of your lifetime, and half of your room had been emptied. 
The laughter escaping Harry’s lips was making you angrier and angrier by the second. “I told you that you’d regret stealing my jumpers!” He smirks.
“That doesn’t mean you take everything I own! Now where to hell is it all?!”
“Ah now you see…this is where it gets fun…you see we’ve made you a little scavenger hunt to find it all. All you have to do is-”
“We?! Who’s we?!” You growl through gritted teeth.
“Ok ok…I can’t take all the credit for this…Niall helped. So…here’s the rules!”
“Harry!” You cut him off “I don’t have time for a fucking scavenger hunt! I have my audition in an hour and I’m already running late! Just get me some fucking clothes and my guitar so I can leave!”
As soon as you had mentioned your audition, the smug grin fell from Harrys face and his rosy cheeks had drained to pale “oh shit. T-that’s today?! I…I thought it was Friday” he frowns “w-well all your stuff is in Niall’s car and he’s in Brighton so I can just get him to drive back asap and…” he fumbles for his phone quickly.
“Brighton?! Harry you have 3 seconds to tell me this is a joke before I rip your pretty little head off! That’s 2 hours away Harry! I’ll never make it in time!”
“Y/N I’m so sorry! I am I really am, I would never have done this today if I knew” Guilt filling his eyes.
“You knew Harry! It’s written on the fridge, on the calendar and you helped me rehearse two days ago!”
“Why don’t I just go and buy you something to wear?” He offers, although he was currently terrified to speak incase his head really did get ripped off. He hadn’t seen you this angry since you pierced holes in three of your ex-boyfriends tyres after finding out he cheated.
“Well that’s pointless because I haven’t got my guitar and you don’t even have your acoustic guitar here. Forget it Harry. Just get out.” You mutter, your head hanging low in disappointment. Even if you left now you’d be late, and that was frowned upon. Turning up anywhere late was bad enough, let alone an audition. If you’re going to turn up late, then there’s no point turning up at all because you wouldn’t even be given a chance. The entertainment business was a difficult place to be, and this was your one chance to really make something bigger for yourself and it was ruined.
“Y/N I…”
“I said get out!” You scream, releasing the built up fury “go and join Niall in Brighton for all I fucking care. Leave me alone. I’m so disappointed Harry” you felt the tears threatening to spill down your cheeks.
The sight of you on the verge of tears was enough to break his heart. He wanted to protest, he wanted to make it all better. But he knew you too well. He knew if he didn’t leave you alone to calm down then it would make everything worse than it already was. He had never felt so guilty. In the 4 years you had lived together, practical jokes never made either of you angry. Sure they were embarrassing at times, but you two always had the best of times. At what made it even worse this time was that he had made you cry…and you’d used the ‘D’ word on him!
Harry had left, shutting the front door quietly as he headed to the studio to get out of your hair for a few hours. Also calling Niall in the process to get him to get the fuck home asap. It may have seemed like a pretty extreme joke, but they didn’t intend it to turn out this way. The plan was that the scavenger hunt would lead you to Brighton with Harry to meet Niall there, and the three of you would spend the day and night by the beach, shopping, drinking, eating...everything that you loved to do.
As hours passed, you found yourself tucked under the mountain of blankets on the sofa, wearing a pair of Harry’s boxers, joggers and a white hoodie. Which you purposely chose because your makeup rubbed off on the collar and the sleeves as you wiped your tears. 
You felt deflated and disappointed. You should have been more prepared...no actually, Harry shouldn’t of been a dick. You knew he didn’t mean to jeopardize your audition, but these auditions didn’t come along often and part of you just wasn’t ready to let this go yet.
Harry crept in quietly, although you didn’t hear him, or at least you didn’t want to. “ Hey...Y/N” he whispers softly, walking through the living room door cautiously.
“Hm?” you mutter, not allowing yourself to speak a word to him, and especially making sure your eyes were glued to Netflix, not giving him the satisfaction of paying attention.
“I...I got you these” He whispers, placing a big bouquet of red roses and white lilies on the glass coffee table in front of you. You looked straight passed them “Oh wow...maybe I should send these over to the directors and producers to say sorry and maybe they can make an exception for little Y/N to try again!” you state sarcastically, but your facial expression staying as blank as possible.
He sighs softly and perches himself on the arm of the sofa, he gently pulls your shoulders back for you to rest your back against his thigh. “I know it doesn’t change what I did Y/N, and believe me if I could of changed anything I would, and if I could turn back time, I’d do anything”
“You really fucked up Harry” you whisper, your voice cracking gently as you wiped your tears on the sleeve of his hoodie. “You don’t get it. You’re Harry Styles and you get everything handed to you on a plate because everyone already knows who you are! You’ve done what like...three auditions in your life and you’ve succeeded every single one. It’s not like that for me. I spent hours and hours practicing. And weeks just writing these songs in hope they get heard one day and now they won’t because word spreads really quick in this industry.” You still couldn’t bring yourself to look into his eyes, because you hated people seeing you cry. 
He sighed softly, staying silent as he pulled you up gently and sitting himself underneath you as he wrapped his arms around you tightly. He was always the first to help you rehearse when you had an audition, the first to comfort you if it went wrong or you didn’t succeed, and the first to celebrate and congratulate you when you did get it. Unfortunately, this time no one will ever know how it would have gone. He knew he couldn’t say much else because he knew you were right.  
You wanted to resist, but instead you buried your face into his chest and whimpered softly. As disappointed as you were, you knew Harry was truly sorry and he’d hang onto this guilt for a while. He held you close as his gentle fingers raked through your hair.
“I’ve put everything back in your room, all folded and neat” He whispers “I’ll make it up to you. I promise” He kept his arms around you supportively, although his chest was heavy with guilt, he already had a plan conjuring in his mind. 
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sixeyesgojo · 3 years
jjk characters handling your period
Summary: “What do you mean, no baby this month either? Okay, suffer then.” - your damn uterus
Pairings: Gojo/Megumi/Nanami/Naoya/Toji x Reader
Content warning: the monthly bloody nightmare your uterus puts you through and the whole shebang that comes with it, language warning, suggestive themes, explicit warning for Toji (you’ll see why)
A/N: purely self-indulgent because I suffer. @megumifushi and @sukirichi , my gals, I gotcha. Also dedicated to all readers who suffer from the same fate (may it be right now or not). Also: Yes, absolutely open the video I linked in Megumi’s part (it’s safe, I promise).
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Gojo Satoru
You turn and turn in bed uncomfortably. Something isn’t right, you think and it’s not the fact that Satoru is missing next to you. Not knowing immediately irritates you. All of a sudden you become painfully aware of your lower region. Yes, of course it had to be that time of the month. You just knew you already stained your panties and perhaps the sheets haven’t been spared either. Getting out of bed, then realizing it was already past noon, you sprinted to the bathroom. Fuck, moving fast was not a good idea. 
Having changed the sheets and your stained panties, you made your way to the kitchen. Your stomach growled, signaling you were hungry, but at the same time you feared. Smelling food, let alone tasting too much of it, was a slippery slope – either your nose would protest or your stomach, no in-between. Regardless, you had to eat; or were you supposed to starve to death because of this? Not in this lifetime. “I AM BACK!” an annoyingly loud voice rang through the apartment. You groan and turn around. “Fuck off, Satoru,” you say. Your irritation flaring up for seemingly no reason. “Stop being so motherfucking loud. My head feels like it’s going to split in two and my pussy is fighting the crimson war right now,” you snarled at him.
“Oh honey, seems like I called the right shots then,” he declared proudly and held up a bag filled with... snacks? “I already called in sick for you for the next few days,” Satoru continued to explain as he wrapped his arms around you, “and I’ll be by your side 24/7 for the next two days. We’ll do fun stuff. How does movie night with lots of cuddling for tonight sound?”
“Why are you so nice to me right now?” you mumbled, tears welling up in your eyes. “Simple: I don’t want to be castrated by you,” he whispered back and planted a kiss on your cheek. “Fair enough. What will we do tomorrow?” He stayed silent but pulled out a black card out of his sleeve. You gasped.
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Fushiguro Megumi
Ping. A notification. Quickly, you scrambled to get your phone to see what that was about. You desperately needed some distraction right now. The pain was too much. Your boyfriend Megumi had gone somewhere you didn’t know. All you knew was that your boobs were sore, the sensitive nipples rubbing against the fabric were already too much. In addition to that, you also experienced period cramps, resulting in back pain as well. Life was not easy at the moment but at least you could lay in bed for today, doing absolutely nothing.
Unlocking your phone, you saw a new message from Yuji: “omg look at this???” [Video link] It was a video of 42 seconds. There was a cute seal – probably the cutest and fluffiest seal you have ever seen – and background music. It may have only lasted 42 seconds but it definitely triggered some happy feelings inside you; it was so pure and you loved the energy of the clip. Perhaps these feelings were a bit too intense and overwhelming. Tears streamed down your face and you started sobbing uncontrollably. Why were you like this? It wasn’t even a sad video, was it?
You buried your face in the blankets, weeping as if someone just broke up with you. Through your loud crying, you did not notice the door opening. A jangling noise could be heard from your nightstand. Instantly, you shot up to check for intruders but luckily, it was Megumi. A frown spread on his face. “What happened?” he asked as his thumbs wiped your tears from your cheeks. You showed him the video, still sobbing, “Look at the seal... It’s so c-cute. I just... got emotional because it really t-traveled the world. This cutie deserves the whole world...”
“And so do you,” he bluntly stated, “now take the ibuprofen I brought you for the cramps and rest up.” As a matter of fact, he not only brought you painkillers but a hot water bottle and food as well.
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Nanami Kento
“No, give me that. Lay down and rest. I can dust off the shelves on my own,” his deep voice commanded. If there was a man that screamed “male wife” it was definitely Nanami Kento, particularly when it came to you being on your period. You weren’t allowed to do anything in the house, except for very light chores. With good reason. “Kento, I can do–” Yeah, no, it wasn’t possible and Kento knew it too well.
You weren’t lucky when it came to period symptoms. Besides excruciating back pain, extremely sore breasts and headaches, you also had the luck to suffer from dizziness every single time you experienced the monthly nuisance. The first time you even passed out. In fact, it had happened several times. And that was precisely how Kento decided to not let you do anything. Still, you felt bad to leave everything to Kento. His work already demanded so much from him and here you were, being babied and even spoon-fed. You didn’t even have to cook your own meals or wash and iron laundry.
You had barely said those words when the unwelcome whirling sensation took you over again. Your feet wobbled, you were in danger of crashing to the ground. In a flash, Kento was by your side to steady you. “I told you not to overdo it.” He cupped your cheek with his warm hand. “Sorry, Kento. I’ll... just rest for a minute.”
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Zenin Naoya
Period pain? Laughable. Naoya thought it was pathetic. A woman – these already weak creatures – having period symptoms was a mystery to him. What could possibly hurt about bleeding a little? He couldn’t understand. Your pitiable and sorry state was only another inconvenience to him. Not that you hindered him in any way – you were obedient enough to be quiet and complain as little as possible – but he absolutely despised seeing that annoying expression of pain on your face every time he had to look at it.
Hell, he didn’t even want to engage in sexual activities with you during that time, even though he had randomly picked up somewhere that it might help. Not that he wanted to help you, it was your problem and yours only, not his. “Stop looking at me with those eyes. It’s disgusting,” he remarked condescendingly as he got dressed for wherever he had to go. “When will you be back?” you croaked out but he totally ignored you.
“Women are so damn weak. It’s so fucking pathetic, I almost want to give you a hug,” Naoya gagged. He was about to leave the room but stopped in his tracks. Looking over his shoulder, he caught a glimpse of your face that was contorted with pain. In long strides, he made it to one of the cabinets, fished out a tiny box and threw it on the bed. “Tsk, you better get well soon so you can serve me again, dumb bitch.”
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Fushiguro Toji (soft)
Work hadn’t been treating him kindly: not yesterday, not today, not ever. Although he was highly capable and never failed to exceed himself, all Toji truly wanted to do was to go home. When he finally made it through the door, he called out, “Am home.” Usually, you would come running to greet him but when nothing but silence greeted him, his hand instantly moved to the cursed creature lingering on his shoulder. It was suspicious. Did enemies manage to find this hideout? Where were you? His hands started sweating.
Stealthily, he approached the kitchen. To his surprise, he saw your form in front of the counter, hunched over in pain. Dropping his offensive stance immediately, he quickly strode over to check on you. “Hey, what are you doing there?” he asked, hesitatingly putting a hand on your shoulder. You looked at him, grimacing with pain, “Oh, Toji. I didn’t realize you were home yet. Sorry, I’m not done cooking dinner yet, I just feel so nauseous, exhausted and my entire back  and shoulders hurt so much. It’s so sore.” “I see.” He nodded, understanding what was happening. Suddenly, he lifted you effortlessly. You squealed, “Toji!! What are you doing?!” “Taking care of you,” he promised. “But dinner!” “Don’t care.”
Making his way to the bedroom, Toji laid down with you on top of him. Something about his warmth already made you feel better but as his large palms rubbed your back in circular motions, you felt as if you were in heaven. Toji’s ministrations soothed the pain so well, you almost let out a moan. Now that the pain didn’t overshadow all the other symptoms anymore, the drowsiness took over. “Toji, ‘m tired,” you mumbled; eyelids fluttering already. “Then sleep. I’ll take care of dinner later,” he whispered. You only hummed in response, already far too gone. Slowly but surely, his steady heartbeat lulled you to sleep. “Sleep tight.”
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Taglist: @megumifushi​ @gojos-mochi​ @assbuttbaek​ @bleueluna​ 
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
I Burn For You
***So THIS has been stuck in my head all day and I just- I love it. I love it so much. And it reminded me...So you guys all know how I hate/love Lucifer...it gave me those vibes. So........... Well I haven't written anything actually relevant to The Facade of the Suitor or anything else that I've been procrastinating, I have been able to push out this little short inspired by this beauty of a duet that is EVERYTHING to me. -B***
Summary: Since MC's arrival, Lucifer and them have never fully gotten along. There was always a large, unknown and undiscussed tension between them and they were fine to keep it that way. But when MC's security in the Devildom is threatened by both the angels and the nobility of the Devildom itself, everything changes. As a ruse to persuade the celestial realm, MC and Lucifer wed. After the ceremony, they finally talk about the unacknowledged feelings burning inside of both of them.
MC x Lucifer
The air hung heavy and thick like the gold bands that now decorated both of your fingers.
You and Lucifer stood on opposite sides of the room, your backs facing one another with nothing but silence between you.
You couldn't help but reminisce on how you got here, on your supposed 'honeymoon' married to none other but the prideful, arrogant, avatar of sin, Lucifer Morningstar himself.
Diavolo had burst into the House of Lamentation an entire month ago. He desperately explained how the angels had received word about you through the fond, innocent-intending, stories of Luke and we're demanding that you be 'released' from your 'imprisonment in the infernal Devildom and that they wished to cleanse you of the 'hellish corruption' the demons had 'forced upon you' through your pacts. Wanting to avoid yet another Celestial War, even on a small scale, the noble court had wanted to agree and simply hand you over to them, cut your pacts, and banish you from returning as an act of agreement and co-operation with the angels.
Obviously, this didn't sit well with you or any of the brothers.
You had all tried to come up with a number of plans, but they all promised retaliation from the angels.
Eventually, it was Lucifer himself who begrudgingly came up with the final plan. The angels wouldn't believe you if you simply told them that you liked it here and wanted to stay. They'd think you were charmed or manipulated. However, if the two of you worked together, and pretended to be in a relationship, convince the angels of your 'genuine' feelings and prove to them that you were in love, and finalize this by marrying Lucifer, it just might work.
First of all, love was something that had sparked war in the past, that both sides had learned from and had grown to deeply treasure and value. Secondly, Micheal, head Archangel of the Celestial Realm, trusted Lucifer the most of all the brothers. The two of you could take advantage of that use it to convince him that you were actually safer in the Devildom by Lucifer's side. And finally, if you were willingly bound by marriage, there was very little that the Celestial Realm could do to force you to leave.
The plan wasn't terrible, but there was one thing about it that caused you to clench your fists and grind your teeth: it was with Lucifer.
Lucifer who constantly teased you and pushed your buttons in a way that he knew would cause you to either give in to him or snap.
Lucifer who was cruel and sadistic and did nothing unless there was some personal gain or it was under the demand of his precious Diavolo.
Lucifer who never ever put anything before his own stupid pride.
Though you were normally a calm and positive person, there was just something about Lucifer that had always caused an inferno of anger and rebellion to burn within you. You felt this strong need to constantly prove him wrong and to defy him.
As a result, the two of you consistently butted heads, arguing about Lucifer's treatment of his brothers and your recklessness on an almost weekly basis.
The idea of being chained to this...this demon for the rest of your mortal life caused your stomach to twist tightly into knots. Though, if it ensured you'd be able to stay with the rest of your found family? You'd make the necessary sacrifice.
So the two of you did the whole show. You went on dates, smiled and laughed together as though you were the lead roles in a Hallmark Christmas movie, and played every card in the book to convince the angels that you were safe and happy under the kind watch of your lover.
Those weeks had started off painful, as you pushed back all feelings of disdain for the eldest brother to play the role of the perfect partner. But as time passed, you hadn't noticed that it had become easier and easier to stay by his side. The smiles you gave him were no longer forced, but sincere ones that brought joy. The lines between what was real and what was fake began to blur.
You sealed the deal with your wedding only a few hours ago.
The vows Lucifer had spoken...promising to watch and protect you even as your skin wrinkled and your hair grew grey. To hold your hand and aid you when you no longer had the strength. To shower you in love and devotion even in your final hours.
They had been spoken with such passion and raw emotion that you didn't dare think too deeply about. It had caused your breath to catch in your throat, and you had to remind yourself that this was all an act. Soon the curtain would close, and Lucifer would return to the cold-hearted monster that you knew.
Yet even now, hours after the ceremony had finished, you couldn't get that intense gaze, and the sparks that exploded under your fingertips as his hands gently squeezed yours, out of your head.
Lucifer sighed from the other side of the room and glanced over at you. "Are we just going to continue ignoring each other?"
You scoffed and turned your head further away; ignoring the loud pounding of your heart and instead focusing on the flickers of frustration licking up your gut. "What else are we supposed to do? There's no one else around. The act is over."
You whirled around at his sarcasm and could practically feel the wrath blazing behind your eyes. "Sorry, my Lord, if I'm not exactly giddy about the fact that I just signed myself to the likes of you just for the approval of some fluffy winged assholes!"
You could practically hear Lucifer roll his eyes as he walked over to the liquor cart and poured himself a drink. "Right. So you just plan to spend the entirety of the weekend that Micheal paid for us brooding in a corner? How mature of you."
Lucifer, the fucker, had the gull to act unphased and casually swirled his drink in his hand. "It could be much, much worse," he took a sip of the amber liquid before staring down in his glass. "It's not as though you didn't agree to this."
"Only because I didn't want to be kicked out of the Devildom and never allowed to see your brothers again!" You growled. Your anger only grew as you noticed him clench his fingers tighter around the glass. You groaned and ran a hand through your hair. "This was a stupid plan! You probably just invented this entire ruse as yet another way to get under my skin. Well congratulations, Lucifer. You win!"
You refused to look at him, as you turned your heated gaze out the window.
You didn't see the flash of hurt that washed over his expression, nor hear the way his breath caught in his throat. "Is being married to me truly that awful? Are you honestly telling me that you haven't enjoyed even a single second of this past month?"
You tensed and crossed your arms over your chest, as you continued to avoid looking at him. "What kind of question is that? You're a demon who cares about nothing but himself," you pursed your lips and mentally tried to deny just how wrong those words felt on your tongue.
"I wouldn't say that's true. Believe it or not, I do care for my brothers." There was a shaky breath, one so uncharacteristic for the confident Morningstar, before he continued. "And you. I did promise to love you until your final breath after all, and I do not break my promises."
There was silence once again. Though this quiet seemed to crackle with the anticipation for something, though neither of you quite knew what.
You closed your eyes, refusing to acknowledge the flutter in your heart at his words. "Those vows were only part of the act. They weren't real."
"Perhaps not for you," your eyes snapped open at the response. You looked back at the demon. Lucifer stood leaning against the wall, drink still in hand, as he stared intensely at the floor. "This may have all been an act for you, MC, but it stopped being a ruse for me mere hours after we began."
You felt yourself frown as you stared at him. Your traitor heart dared to grow warm with hope, only adding fuel to the growing frustration inside you. "You're lying. You're just trying to get me worked up again."
"Actually, I'm not," his eyes met yours and it felt as though time froze. His expression was so unguarded, so honest. For once, you looked into his eyes and you could see every emotion that he wore openly before you. You could see the hurt, the certainty, and most of all the same passionate love that shone so brightly in them throughout the ceremony. "From the moment I met you, you caused a fire to ignite in my heart. I was determined to control you and to make you be the human representative for Diavolo. But then, you acted against me, and that changed. I still wanted to make sure that you fulfilling your purpose in the exchange program, but I took on the challenge of finally having you respect and listen to me. You were stubborn and fierce, yet so beautifully driven and I admired that." your eyes widened at the admission. "It wasn't until I was forced to look at you in a romantic light for this scheme that I understood the true nature of these feelings. It wasn't that I wanted to control you, or break you, or shape you into what I needed. It was so much deeper, so much more dangerous than that. I wanted to have you fall in love for me, as I had fallen for you, and make you mine."
He sighed heavily and ran a hand through his hair. "I know you don't feel the same. I've accepted that. But I...I'm done with acting like this isn't real for me. I refuse to pretend that there's nothing there between us any longer."
He finally broke eye contact, looking back at his now empty glass as you practically gaped at him. Love. Lucifer...loved you? You gulped and took a step towards him, "Lucifer..."
The fire burning within you consumed you as your face heated up. "You...You love me? You actually love me?"
You flinched as he glared sharply at you. "Don't rub it in."
You didn't know what to make of that. You weren't sure what to make of any of this. Your feelings towards Lucifer had changed over the past month, but you had assumed that was simply part of the act. But if everything he had done and said as you two were pretending to be a couple was real, then what did that mean for you?
What did that mean for the way the sight of him caused your heart to skip? Or the way his rare smiles never failed to make you smile back? Or the unwavering sense of comfort and security that he provided?
What did that mean for the ruthless, scalding fire that he had always caused to rage inside you? You always assumed it was anger, but what if...
You gasped in realization. "I burn for you."
The demon tensed as he blinked in confusion. "You...I'm sorry, you what?"
You moved closer to him, each step more certain than the last, as you shakily spoke the words that rang through you. "I burn for you, Lucifer. I don't know entirely what it means myself, but ever since we met you've caused this irrational passion and drive to sear inside of me. I-I had always assumed it was hatred. You're so infuriating. Every word you speak does nothing but cause that fire to flare brighter within in. Every action leaves me filled with sparks of restless energy that won't be satiated until I combust at you," as you now stood nearly toe to toe with him, you grabbed his hand and placed it over your roaring heart. Hope flickered like a candle in the darkness of his black eyes. "I had thought that this couldn't be anything other than anger and hatred. I refused to believe even the possibility that it could be anything else. But this past month you...you were honest and almost kind and vulnerable. Your teasing didn't make me want to punch you, but rather made me laugh. You showed me a side of you that I didn't even know existed. I...I think-"
You were cut off by a finger on your lips. Lucifer looked down at you with a stern, cold expression. The action paired with that face would've caused you to become infuriated by his audacity and superiority complex in the past. But now you could see past it, and could see it for what it truly was: a carefully crafted barrier that hid his most vulnerable feelings and protected him. "If you do not mean the words you were about to say, if you are pitying me, I must demand that you stop here. Do not say those words unless you truly mean them," his deep voice was tinged with distrust and caution.
You held his gaze as you kissed the pad of the finger against your lips and whispered gently, "Lucifer, I think that I love you."
Suddenly your lips were captured in his as he pulled you close and ever so adoringly cupped your face. For the first time since meeting him, the flames inside you were extinguished by the cold touch of his hands on your face and the surprising gentleness of his affection.
His hand slid from your face and came to rest on your shoulder as his eyes widened. His gaze scanned your expression for any traces of falsehood or insincerity. You could hear the breath leave his lungs as he found none.
He softly kissed his temple, effectively hiding his face as it grew redder and whispered, "Of course, beloved."
Lucifer laughed as he pulled away, his thumb caressing your cheek, as he smiled. "To think it only took us getting married to realize it," you laughed as you felt happy tears prick the corners of your eyes. Lucifer sighed in content as rested his forehead against yours. "Remind me to send a thank you to, Micheal."
You hummed and nuzzled closer to him as you rested your head on his shoulder. "Forget Micheal. He's still an asshole as far as I'm concerned. Instead, focus on me. On us. I want to learn everything about you, about the real you," you smiled as he looked down at you with flushed cheeks. "My husband, Lucifer Morningstar."
You couldn't help but wonder how you had been so oblivious to your true feelings as a shiver ran down your spine and warmth spread throughout your chest simultaneously.
This honest and pure love between the two of you, was new, yet it felt so familiar, and it was abundantly clear to both of you that the depth of those feelings would only become clearer and clearer in time as the fires of your love only grew.
***Gasp. I actually finished something. Would you look at that. Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this little fic! Thank you so much for your support during my hiatus and for being so understanding. I love you guys! Thanks again for reading!***
Taglist: @thegrimgrinningghost @henry-and-the-seven-lords @satans-beloved-riv @cosmixbun @sufzku @lovelymushi @victoireshaven @obey-mes-treasure @kissed-by-a-dementor @yukihaie @justtiarra @mammoneybb @obeys-world @poly-bi-mf @armycandy10 @burrixino
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yourtamaki · 4 years
i’m here
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ushijima x f!reader
word count: 2k
warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, neglect, oral fixation, fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, cockwarming
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you never knew what to tell your friends when they asked what wakatoshi was like as a boyfriend. everyone wanted to know how the stoic man acted around his significant other. does he melt when he sees you? they’d ask with hearts in their eyes. does he turn affectionate behind closed doors? you never understood their fascination or why they expected him to be a different person just for you. 
no, that was a lie. you don’t know why you expected him to be different. 
it was coming up on your second year with toshi and you’d been friends throughout your high school years. you knew what he was like before you’d bitten the bullet and asked him on a date. so you had no one but yourself to blame now as you lay alone in your bed that felt far too big, wracking sobs so powerful your whole body trembled from the force. 
a month. that’s how long it’d been since you last felt like toshi was a part of your life. you woke up alone, did the chores alone, made dinner alone and went to bed alone. his absence wasn’t the worst part, much to your surprise. it was the signs of disturbance around your shared home. a used plate in the sink. a new load in the laundry. signs that toshi was there, he just wasn’t there with you. it made you feel all the more empty. 
you didn’t know why your body decided tonight was the night to give out but once the first tears slid down your face, you were helpless to stop the tidal wave of stress and loneliness and utter sadness from escaping. your only solace was how good it felt to finally cry. to get these corrosive feelings out of your system instead of continuing to let them eat away at you the way you had for weeks. 
if only your cries were a bit quieter. maybe you would’ve heard the bedroom door creak open in time to wipe away your tears and feign sleep. 
for a moment, toshi just stared at you, drinking in the details of your face illuminated by the light from the hallway. 
“it’s late.” the deep timber of his voice made you oddly nostalgic. the two of you hadn’t exchanged more than a scarce handful of sentences during this period, all your communication being limited to dry texts. you’d never minded his texting habits, had even found it endearing once. but when the brief, one word answers became your only lifeline to toshi, how could you not feel as though you were only bothering him with every text sent?
when you didn’t respond, toshi carefully closed the door behind him. you didn’t need any light to know exactly what he was doing. he was nothing if not a creature of habit. you could picture him first placing his gym bag in your shared closet then methodically undressing. but instead of heading to the bathroom to get ready for bed, you felt the mattress dip as he sat next to you. 
“you’re crying. why?” he said. you had to stamp down on the urge to reply with sarcasm. if you’ve learned anything from the years you’d spent with toshi it's that he was genuine to a fault. if he was asking you what was wrong, it meant he truly didn’t know. you needed to spell out your feelings for him on more then one occasion but once you did, he would be more than understanding, going above and beyond to rectify the situation. so why did you feel so hesitant to open up now? he could sense your hesitance though he didn’t understand the cause for it, his hand reaching out to find yours in the dark. “i can’t help if you don’t tell me.” 
the dam broke, fresh tears streaming down your face. “toshi i miss you. i know you’re busy but it feels like we’re not even together anymore. i don’t hear from you, i don’t see you and i’m stuck in this house all day. i’m just— ‘m just lonely.” 
your voice trailed off in a whisper quickly swallowed by the silence of the room, only broken by your sniffles. toshi was still as you cried before leaning over to turn the bedside lamp on. the sudden light stung your eyes and when you adjusted, you could see him already gazing down at you. 
“i apologize, y/n.” he kissed the back of both your hands and brought them to his forehead, head bowed. “there is no excuse. my priorities should always include you and they haven’t as of late.”
“it’s ok. i understand you’re busy, toshi i just wish i could see you a little more.” he nodded, lifting his head and his eyes piercing yours.
“i will work to change my behaviour and become a boyfriend more deserving of your love.” 
just like that you remembered why you fell in love with him. others saw toshi as someone incapable of understanding emotions, an apathetic person with only volleyball on his mind. it couldn’t be further from the truth. it was true he had difficulty reading your emotions but as soon as you put them in plain terms, he was there for you in any way you needed. “thank you.” 
“that is for the future. but that doesn’t change that you feel hurt right now. is there anything i can do to ease your pain?” the look in his eyes told you no ask was too large, the single minded focus that made him one of the top volleyball players in the country was now directed solely on you. 
“i just want to be with you.” you crawled into his lap, his arms coming up to hug you close to him. 
“you’ve got me.” he murmured into your ear. “for as long as you’ll have me i’m yours. and i’m sorry i haven’t been here to tell you that.”  
“you’re here now.” 
“i am.” 
“toshi…” it has been so long since you were last in his arms you couldn’t help how needy it was making you, desperate to feel him as close to you as possible. 
“what is it, love?” instead of replying, you rolled your hips against his, kissing his neck. with only his briefs you could feel his bulge harden slightly with the pressure. “if that’s what you want.” 
he lifted you both up off the bed, turning and laying you down carefully. he helped you out of your clothes, leaving you in your plain cotton panties, bra already removed for bed. if you’d known you’d be sleeping with your boyfriend you would’ve worn sexier pieces but judging by toshi’s ravenous expression, it didn’t matter to him. you felt beautiful in his eyes. 
toshi kissed his way down, latching onto one nipple and rolling the other between his fingers before switching over, giving each the attention they deserved. he brought one hand to your face and said, 
you sucked his fingers into your mouth, glad to finally have something to make you feel full. he watched you, mesmerized by how your lips looked stretched around his fingers. 
“do you know how beautiful you look right now? my y/n. always need something in your mouth, don’t you?” you hummed, mind going blank as all you could do was focus on the slightly salty taste as you licked his fingertips.
once toshi deemed them wet enough, he snaked his hand down into your panties, teasing your entrance before dipping inside. 
“you’re so wet. can you hear yourself?” you could, the wet squelch as he pumped his fingers inside you made your face heat up with embarrassment. it wasn’t your fault nothing came close to how toshi felt inside you. toys, your own hands, nothing compared to what you were feeling now, so stretched with only two of his fingers inside you. they curled inside you, pressing against that spot that had your legs quivering, gripping toshi’s forearm hard. 
“where do you want to cum first, my fingers or my cock?” 
“your cock please toshi wanna feel you.” you begged. a moment later, your panties were pulled off of you. toshi took off his briefs and knelt between your legs, his blunt tip resting over your pussy. he tapped it against your clit a few times, smiling softly at how you jumped at the contact before pushing in slowly, rocking back and forth until his entire length was inside you. 
you expected him to move but he kept still until your eyes met his. he took one of your hands and placed it over your lower stomach, covering it with his own large hand. 
“do you feel that?” he asked quietly. you could, there was a bump there from where toshi was buried inside you. “i’m here.” 
“i know.” 
“i’m here.” he repeated with more emphasis, head lowering until his forehead met yours. “and i’m never leaving you again. okay?” 
an overwhelming tidal wave of love came crashing in, choking you so all you could say was, “okay.” 
why did it take you so long to understand? what toshi didn’t say aloud, he said with his actions. the brush of your clit with his calloused thumb was an apology, the squeeze of your hip a reassurance. toshi spoke his reverence into your skin with every open mouthed kiss on your neck and his worship with each roll of his hip against yours. all you could do was lock your ankles around him and accept the torrent of love he poured into you. 
“kiss me toshi please ‘m gonna cum.” his lips crashed against yours and you were gone, creaming over his cock as it continued to piston in and out of you. 
“does that feel good, love?” he mumbled against your lips. you nodded frantically, still feeling the effects of your high. “tell me what you need.” 
“more please.” your voice came out a whisper. you didn’t care about the overstimulation of your poor cunt. you weren’t ready to let go of this moment, of knowing you have toshi here with you, safe in your own small world together. 
toshi gave you a tender kiss before pulling back. he gripped the back of your thighs and pinned your knees to your chest, your pussy gushing from the new position. his cock was pushing even deeper now, hitting a spot within you that made your tongue loll out at the pleasure. toshi was fucking into you at a brutal pace and you knew he was close by the small grunts he was letting out. 
“hold yourself open for me.” you did as he asked, flushing at how dirty you felt with your pussy so exposed. with his now free hand, toshi placed his fingers back in your mouth. your eyes widened as the taste of your own arousal exploded on your tongue. 
“do you like how you taste?” he asked. you sucked at his fingers greedily, licking them clean and he hummed, “i knew you would.” 
the pressure in your abdomen was steadily building with every pump of toshi’s cock. his fingers were keeping your moans muffled and he seemed to realize he was missing out. he pulled his hand back, small trails of saliva stringing out as he did. he slammed his hips into your as though he was trying to make up for all the sounds he had missed out on and you did not disappoint, babbling praise for the man fucking you senseless. 
“you’re close i can feel it. can you cum with me y/n? can you do that for me?” 
“yes fuck toshi i love you i wanna cum for you.” 
“go ahead, my love. let go.” you threw your head back as you let go and came for the second time, the erratic clenching of your walls pushing toshi over. you held each other through your highs, chests heaving together as you caught your breaths. when he tried to pull out, you tightened your legs around him. 
“stay?” you wanted this moment to last, to be with toshi, connected for as long as you could. he shifted until you were both laying on your side spooned together, careful to not pull out of you. 
“go to sleep, my love.” there were still things you both needed to work on in your relationship but you chose to embrace the peace that was sleeping with the arms of your boyfriend wrapped securely around you. 
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shiraishi-mai · 3 years
You sat at the end of the table, swaying slightly in your seat. A department event was tonight and your friends finally convinced you to leave the house for once, claiming it would cheer you up.
"And I hate to admit it, but when he's nice, he's amazing," you sniffled. "And handsome."
You grabbed your friend's hands. "Like realllly pretty." You frowned.
"I hate him."
Your classmate looked at your friend amused.
"Is she going on about him again?" He sighed nodding.
"Damn she's been going at it for a while. Three weeks of just ranting about how horrible he was and how in love she was and crying."
"Why'd he have to say all that terrible stuff," you mumbled as you propped your face on your elbow. "Everything was so perfect." Your head nodded downward.
"Did you know she even had a boyfriend?"
"She blurted it out one day when Koko made fun of her for being single. But she studies all the time like she's in the library early in the morning, goes to classes, then studio, and I don't know when she even sleeps let alone have time to get a boyfriend."
"Or even hang out with him?" She spends her weekends either working or at the studio." Your friend frowned. "I kept trying to get her out of the apartment but-" they glanced at your half asleep figure. "Maybe it wasn't such a good idea."
Their eyes widened as you laid your head on the table, cheek squished against the wood and facing away from them.
"y/n, y/n do you want to go home?" your friend tentatively asked.
"Nope, all good!" you threw a thumbs up high enough for him to see behind you without moving your head. "I'm just going to try to get the room to stop rocking." He nodded hesitantly and slowly your friends started conversing about school and other things while you tried to focus on your breathing. You closed your eyes in an attempt to reduce the strong pounding in your temple.
The door to the bar opened and a tall figure walked in scanning the bar. When his eyes landed on you, he drew in a sharp breath as he took in your slumped figure. Even half-passed out drunk, hair mussed, and head plopped on the table, you were so damn pretty.
"Is she sleeping," a familiar voice came from beside you and your eyes tightened in response. You were too out of it to register it and frankly to exhausted to care about whatever was happening around you.
"I don't think so," your other friend said, "But she was drinking a lot."
"y/n, let's go home." The voice was closer to your face now and you could almost feel the warmth radiating from the figure lowered in front of you.
"My head hurts," you whined.
"I know baby, let's get you some painkillers and then you can lie down."
Baby? He's real? Your friend mouthed at your other friend. He was shocked as he observed the very large man crouching in front of you with a soft expression. His yellow hair was a bit damp and his baby face had faint dark circles under his eyes. And you were right, he was handsome. They didn't expect your ex-boyfriend to look like that.
"Let's go pretty girl," he repeated and you slowly opened your eyes.
"'Tsumu I'm tired."
He swallowed as he felt the ache in his chest grow worse. You sounded so tired. A stark contrast to your usual lively self. Were you sleeping properly? Eating? You had a tendency to forget to eat...
You gazed at him and he resisted the urge to stroke your cheek.
"I know. I'm sorry." He frowned. "There's food at home though. Maybe that will make you feel better?"
You gave him a dreamy smile, "Yay food. Okay."
"Okay," he repeated, standing up while you attempted to.
"I don't think she would want you taking her if she was sober," your friend frowned. "y/n didn't you say this morning you didn't want to see him? What if he does something weird?" Atsumu opened his mouth with an offended expression when you said, "It's fine. He's an asshole but he wouldn't pull anything."
"Besides," you breathed, "I'm going to pretend tonight didn't happen anyway."
Ouch. Atsumu thought as you grabbed onto his wrist for support as you made your way out of the bar. When the cool air finally hit you, you sighed in relief as the throbbing in your head finally decreased. There was a small walk to the main road where the cabs were and you debated kicking off your shoes.
A squeal came from your mouth as you realised you were being picke dup.
"This'll be faster," Atsumu said as he carried you bridal style. He wasn't wrong and you didn't want to walk anyway so you just wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned into his warmth.
Having you in his arms and watching you automatically nuzzling into his chest made Atsumu clench his teeth, upset at the whole situation. If he hadn't messed everything up, maybe they would have been at home, snuggling or watching a movie. Or he could have gone with her and met her friends and they would have gone home happily, safely with each other.
When you reached the apartment, you fumbled with your keys before stumbling in and turned to stare at Atsumu as he stepped in after you.
"I'm just going to make sure you get to bed and don't hurt yourself." He said with his hands raised. Your face was expressionless as you just turned and walked into your room, flopping on the bed.
"y/n you need to change," he said following you in. "And you said you hate waking up with makeup."
"I don't care," you said quietly and Atsumu closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath as he walked over.
"Princess, sit up for me? Please?"
You sat up sleepily rubbing your eyes.
"Leg," he ordered and you stuck it out in front of you so he could take your boot off. After doing the same with the other, you watched him disappear into the bathroom.
Is he actually here? You thought hazily. He shouldn't be right? I should kick him out.
But you felt the fatigue in your bones and couldn't find the energy to yell or tell him to leave. After the breakup, balancing everything in your hectic life and doing it all with a smile when all you wanted to do was curl up in bed and do nothing was apparently unsustainable.
Seeing Atsumu made you want to wrap yourself around him and never let go. He was your support and had always helped you through bad days. It was ironic that the person you wanted to comfort you and talk about everything with was the cause of the problem.
You were staring at the floor when you felt something damp on your face. Atsumu was slowly dabbing at your cheeks with a wipe, gently taking off your makeup. He wouldn't meet your eyes as you stared at him. His eyes were tired too and something in them didn't look right. HIs entire face seemed less...bright?
"Close your eyes for me." He shook his head, resisting the urge to kiss you and continued.
When you opened them back up he was finishing taking off the last bit of lipstick, mouth slightly open and then smiling softly when he said, "Okay done."
I'm still in love with you. You felt the words bubbling on your tongue.
I love you so much. He felt selfish at the thought.
You sighed and began unbuttoning your shirt and Atsumu's eyes widened.
"H-hey," pink tinged his ears, "Um I'll go get you some water."
It's not like you haven't seen me naked before. You slipped on a shirt thrown on the floor and pulled shorts on.
"You're wearing my shirt," he commented when he came back in. You glanced down and remembered how you had worn it for the past few weeks, trying to find any form of comfort from the hurt you felt.
"It doesn't smell like you anymore," you mumbled, crawling under the blankets. The instant relief you felt as you laid down almost made you moan. Atsumu didn't reply as he gently set the glass of water by your bed stand.
"I guess I'll go now," he said, standing a bit awkwardly and picking up his jacket from the chair. He froze when he reached the door as he heard a quiet sniffle. The desire to be in his arms was driving you crazy and you felt your willpower crumbling.
"Could you stay," you bit your lip and kept your eyes closed. "At least until I fall asleep?"
There was a silence and you cursed yourself for asking, feeling another pang in your chest at the rejection.
You felt the mattress dip and your eyes opened in shock as Atsumu laid down carefully beside you on top of the blanket. He stuck an arm under your neck while the other wrapped around your back and moved you closer to his chest. He smelled like home.
Your tears had finally stopped and both of you sighed in relief as the tightness in your chests lightened considerably and your bodies relaxing for the first time in a while.
"Does your head still hurt?" he asked quietly.
"A bit."
You felt a hand begin to stroke your hair, smoothing out any tangles before resting on your cheek.
"I miss you," he said to the darkness.
"Me too."
"I'm sorry," his thumb stroked your cheek.
"Okay." you moved up to place your head in the crook of his neck and he rested his chin on top of your hair, tightening his arms.
You woke up confused. How did I get home?
Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted a box of meds and a note stuck on top.
"I got you some hangover meds and coffee should be made in the pot. I know you hate waking up alone but I thought it'd be better if I wasn't here. I know it doesn't mean much but, I still love you."
Your lip trembled and you looked up at the ceiling to keep your tears from falling.
"You're such an ass," you whispered. He still loved you but you had already forced Atsumu Miya out of your heart and there was no going back now.
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allywritesforfun · 3 years
Uhhh, a part 2 of the AweSamDude story. I don't know, maybe the court case would be cool! If requests arent open, then ignore them
um yes! I have wanted to make a part 2 for so long but had no clue where to start and this just makes perfect sense!
{Locked Up Heart pt 2} irl!warden!awesamdude x Reader
pronouns: were originally not mentioned, but now are she/they
word count: 2987
trigger warnings: mention/talk of rape and murder, court cases, somewhat angsty 
a/n: the law I mentioned is a real law but I can't remember what the law is actually called so roll with it
part one
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You stared at yourself in the body mirror. You haven't seen yourself look like this in years. All dressed up and ready to impress. You wore a gorgeous black suit with a purple inside along with sleek black pants. You looked into the body mirror, admiring yourself.
Sam let you live with him “until you could find your own place” but neither of you had intentions of leaving. You looked at apartments once online, but you knew with this on your record that you were going nowhere but some run down ghetto, and Sam knew that too. 
He knew that you would be able to take care of yourself there, he wasn't scared for your safety or any of that. He was scared that you wouldn't be able to support yourself. Finding a job was hard, all that there was these days for someone like you was online surveys that were not reliable.
Staying with Sam was the best of the both of you. He has been without a roommate for years now. He felt less alone with you being there. The first couple nights were awkward. You slept on the pull out couch and didn't have much clothes. You felt terrible about the amount of washes you did, but eventually you started to get more comfortable with Sam. 
The first sign of progression was when he offered you his sweatshirt instead of a blanket. It was a sweet gesture, you gladly took it. Later that night instead of returning it, you cuddled it to sleep. Now, its your version of a teddy bear. Nice and warm and flourished with Sam’s scent.
You only started sleeping in his bed with him a week ago. It was a purposeful accident. He offered to watch tv in his room since you two deep cleaned the couch. You've planned on falling asleep on him, but you didn't plan for it to be that day. 
It was the best feeling in the world: waking up to being wrapped around and held tight and safe. You must've laid there when you woke up for an hour before Sam got up. You pretended to be asleep so that you could play the innocent girl card. It worked.
You felt a pair of large hands caress your waist. You jumped and had a little fear-induced hiccup.
“Sorry!” Sam took his hands off and backed away. “I’m still getting used to sensitive areas.”
You two have been working on okay areas to touch. You taught yourself to be extra alert while in the prison and certain touches trigger your reflexes and others cause panic, like hips.
Because of your high murder count, you were sent to the normal prison, the non-all woman prison. It wasn't the worst in the world. You only saw males during eating times, but it was common to get grabbed like that. It happened to every single female, every eating hour. The guards did nothing about it, not that they really could. 
Sam has seen it before, not you, but to other women. He had an idea of areas to stay away from, but he is such an affectionate guy and sometimes he forgets.
“You’re okay, Sam. The more you do it, the more comfortable I’ll get with it,” You explained.
Sam was so good to you. He’s helped you through it all. Everything that you needed to heal, he gave to you. 
“Well then maybe after the trial we can get some practice in...” He swooned. 
You chuckled, “If we win. There’s a chance I won't come back here tonight. I’m lucky enough that they gave me stay at home orders in the meantime.”
He nodded, “We’re gonna win.” He kissed your cheek, “How could anyone that looks as scrumptious as you right now lose? There is no way. We have the evidence, and we have your perfect prison record. Not a single misdemeanor! They might not drop all chargers but you’re coming home tonight.”
“Home?” You questioned.
You've avoided that word for the longest time. You always said ‘the house’ or ‘your place’. Not because you didn’t want this to be your home, not the exact opposite. You wanted this to be forever home, but you never wanted to overstay your welcome. 
“Yes home,” Sam laughed. “Why wouldn’t this be home... you feel safe here don’t you?”
“I do!” You exclaimed, waving your hands back and forth in denial. “I just didn't realize you wanted this to be my home.”
Sam offered his hand out to you; you gladly took it. His soft hand gently squeezed yours as he pulled you slowly into him, embracing you, “Of course I want this to be your home. I couldn't imagine anywhere else I would want you to be. This never felt like home to me, until you came home with me.”
You breathed in his scent, instantly relaxing into him, “I like it here. A lot.”
He pressed his lips to your forehead, “Now have that same attitude in court, we got to go.”
The court room was filled, more than you expected. You looked around, not recognizing a single face except for a few prison guards who were testifying on both sides. You noticed the media set it up in the back. Your story hit the news faster than expected. You did have a great story: warden falls in love with murder. 
“Hands out,” The officer directed.
You obliged. You opposed no threat to anyone and no intentions too, but if putting you in handcuffs made them feel better, then handcuffs it was. You looked back at Sam as the cold metal locked around your wrists. He replied with a frown, which quickly turned into an encouraging smile.
His bipolarness was the vibe right now. You noticed people having a hard time deciding where to sit. There were a lot of people on both sides, but no family members of yours. You gave up on them a long time ago when you noticed they weren’t writing letters and ignoring your calls.
You didn't need them, all you needed was Sam. You have everything you want right now, except for freedom.
“All rise!” 
You stood up from the wooden bench. The judge walked in wearing the classic black gown and had a book in his hands. He nodded at a few of his guards before taking a seat. He opened up his book and looked around the room, landing on you.
“Good afternoon everyone, and there are a lot of you,” His voice was so deep that it bounced against the walls, making an eerie echo. “Calling the case of State Prison vs y/n. Are both sides ready?”
The representative of the prison and your lawyer both replied with a yes. The jury then stood and raised their right hand and made their oath, returning to the bench. 
The representative stood up and gave their opening statement: “Ladies and gentleman of the court, Your Honor, the Jury. You will find that the defendant has been charged with four accounts of murder and convicted by confession. The defendant has taken accountability for all the murders committed and has given detail about how she killed those four men. It is ridiculous that we are here in court today deciding if we can release a serial killer back into the public. With a strong motive to kill, there is no reason why the defendant should be let back into the public eye.”
Serial killer. That is what you are. No one has ever said it that way, but he was absolutely right. You fit the definition perfectly, you had a type and more than three victims. It already wasn't looking good for you.
Your lawyer took center stage, “A martyr is the perfect word to describe the defendant. They have given their life to the state to save the lives of many to come. The strength that my client displays and ownership prove that although they are guilty of the crimes, they are still human and deserve a second chance.”
The judge called you to take the stand. You sat down after taking your oath and folded your hands neatly in your lap.
“Miss l/n,” He started. “Today you are trying to get your case dismissed after confessing to your crimes. That is very interesting. Let’s go back to before the crimes were committed, what were you thinking, what were you doing in your life at the time?”
You shook your head, “Many years ago I was an activist. I enjoyed speaking to the public about issues facing the community and the world at the time. If I wasn't outside with a sign, I was inside posting on social media. I was in college, I was studying Political Science.”
“And what were you planning on doing with the major?”
You paused. It’s been so long that you had a hard time remembering why you wanted to study and what career you wanted, “I was planning on becoming a political journalist, Your Honor.”
He shuffled around his papers, “I’ve looked at your latest credit that you were working on. It was a Sociology class. Do you remember what topic you were discussing in class?”
You nodded, “Rape. The number of rapes in a year and the number of rapists convicted was the last assignment I was working on.”
You remember that assignment like it was yesterday. That one assignment got you so worked up and so mad at the world, that you just had to do something. There was no way that you couldn't. Women’s voices were being ignored and cases rose every day; repeat offenders increased everyday.
“Now to my understanding all the men that you murdered were accused of rape.”
You nodded, “Yes, Your Honor.”
“The attorney may ask questions to Miss l/n.”
The attorney stood up and adjusted your jacket, “Miss l/n, did any of those men physically harm you?”
You shook your head, “No.”
“So you took advantage of the fact that you were young to persuade the men into being alone with you just to kill them?”
You shook your head, “No, I didn’t persuade them at all. All of them suggested going back to their place.”
“But you did stalk them to find out where they were going?”
“No,” You answered. “They had their location public on their phone. All I did was look up their name and I knew where they were.”
“So these men did nothing to you at all except invite you over to their house. And you accepted the offer under no influence or threat. You killed four innocent men and you want to be let back out on the streets? This woman is a danger to society. She seeks out innocent men to end their life for no reason.” He nodded his head and went back to his desk, looking at his notes. He looked back at you and nodded, “That will conclude my questioning.”
You looked back at your lawyer, they gave you back a look of relief. Then you searched the crowd for Sam. Once you found him he gave you a thumbs up. It seemed like you were already on top of the case.
“Miss y/n,” Your lawyer started. “We all know that you killed those men, but why?”
“They raped multiple women. When brought to court, they were given a light sentence and did not do proper justice to the woman. These woman went day to day fearing for their life that they ever spoke out about the terrible things that happened to them. I couldn't let myself live knowing that there was a reason for women to be scared because their government had failed them.”
“Those women were scared? Why were they scared?” “Because they feared that they would get raped again. All of those men were repeat offenders. They would only take more victims and never be punished.”
“So you killed those men to prevent others from being hurt with evidence that it would happen again.”
You nodded, “I would never hurt anyone that had no intentions of causing harm.”
“Miss l/n just described public defense. Under the public defense law, anyone can defend the public with reasonable cause. It’s like self-defense, but for others. She shouldn’t have been committed in the first place. If those men were still alive, they would have kept raping until they were killed. Miss y/n saved lives. That concludes my questioning.”
You were dismissed from the stand and went back by your lawyer. They smiled at you, knowing that with that alone, they had won the case.
The attorney called Sam to the stand; he took his oath and sat down.
“So, Sam. You were the warden in charge of the wing that Miss y/n was being held in?”
“That prison is a tough place to be, she must’ve fussed around a lot.”
Sam shook his head, “Not one bit. She does not have a single complaint against her. Everything that was asked of her, she did with speed and efficiency. She didn't have one lash out in her time.”
“Nothing at all?”
“Like I said, not one complaint.”
“To my understanding you have a relationship with Miss l/n, is that correct?”
“Objection!” Your lawyer yelled. “Irrelevant to the case. Sam was called because of his position and his professional opinion, not his personal life.”
“That concludes my questioning.”
Your lawyer stood up and nodded. You could feel that they were about to lay down the last blow.
“Sam, did this prison have any rapists?”
He nodded, “All kinds of rapists, of all ages and target groups.”
“Did Miss l/n ever have contact with these rapists?”
“Yes. Most of the time during eating hours and the occasional passing in the hall.”
“And how did that interaction go?”
“Miss l/n was given a hard time by these rapists. While waiting in line she was often sexually grabbed. During passing she was cat called and teased at.”
“And what was here response to the sexual assault?”
“Stone faced, emotionless. Every time it happened it amazed me how she would just stand there and wait to be given a direction. The most reaction she’s ever had was lightly shuffling her body to get them off, but she never lunged or reached at them.”
“And what did the other guards do when they noticed this behavior?”
“Nothing. Sometimes they yelled if it was getting close to rape, but overall nothing. We were under instructions not to react because in the past it only caused encouragement of the assault. Prisoners love any excuse to fight a guard,” Sam looked over at you. “I am so sorry that there was nothing I could’ve done. Everyday I watched as you were touched and I wanted to give it to them, I wanted to make sure that I would see them every day of their life, but I couldn't. I couldn't risk hurting you more.”
You smiled, almost tearing up at his words, but you kept yourself composed with a small sniffle.
“The main concern of Miss y/n going back into the public is that she will kill again. As said by her and concluded by a court, she only killed rapists,” Your lawyer pointed out. “As stated by the warden in charge of looking over her, she had the opportunity to kill. She had the opportunity to hurt them, but she never took it. Even after being sexually assaulted, she still kept to herself. This is undeniable evidence that Miss y/n is a changed woman. In her file it is stated that she did more than required community service and went above and beyond with helping other cellmates. Her actions within the prison prove that she is a well-rounded and caring individual. She has changed her ways and is ready to go back into the world. She did justice to the world and it is time for the world to her justice.”
You waited anxiously for over an hour to find out what the jury had decided. You and your lawyer talked about possible outcomes. They told you the sooner they made the decision, the better chances that you had. You had no error in your case and said everything that you wanted to say. The opposing side’s evidence was all proven false.
You got called back into the court, the jury had made their final decision. You rose for the judge and took a seat when prompted. You could feel your leg bouncing.
“In the case of the State Prison vs l/n...” the judge started. You looked over your shoulder at Sam. He had his hands placed in a praying position with his head resting against them. “Miss y/n is found not guilty of all charges and her remaining sentence will be dismissed. She will compensated for her time falsely spent in prison plus be rewarded another trial for her sexual assault. This case is adjourned.”
You could feel emotion flood through you. Pure happiness and joy leaked from your eyes. You tilted your head back in relief and squeezed at your heart. All of these years of the bullshit you put up with was all worth it. You hugged your lawyer and thanked them up and down, the emotion so strong in you that you almost dropped to your knees. You were caught by familiar hands: Sam. Sam pulled you up and into him. He was practically jumping up and down in excitement. He calmed down for a second to lock eyes with you. He couldn't help but smile and cry with you. He placed his hands on your cheeks and pulled you into a deep kiss. It was nothing extravagant, just a simple deep and meaningful kiss that said all the words that he wanted to say.
“I’m coming home!”
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skinnyducky · 3 years
monsters (pt. 2 to maneater) // v.h.
This part went through so many changes. At one point, it was a backstory and at another it was a twilight fanfic. But I think this is where it should’ve went. Besides that, this is very much inspired by Supernatural and Teen Wolf and those sorts of shows. So, hope you enjoy!
link to part 1
Word Count: 1942, slightly edited
WARNING: language, sexual themes, mentions of blood/gore, partying, and supernatural creatures :)
Your eyes shot open and sweat trickled down from your forehead. Your chest heaved up and down as you felt around, the feeling of rough leather coming in contact with your palm. Your sight became clear, and you were relieved to find yourself still in Vinnie’s car. You didn’t know what the hell that was about, but you knew something wasn’t right.
“Babe, what’s wrong?” Your boyfriend, Vinnie, asked. He kept his attention on the road, shooting a few worried glances your way. “You look like you just had a nightmare.”
You leaned back in the passenger seat and gazed out the window. “No, no…it wasn’t that. This felt real, like I was actually living it, y’know?”
“What was it then? Was it a vision?”
“I think so,” you sighed, reaching for your water. “It was hard to tell. It was weird.”
Vinnie softly chuckled. “Well, I wouldn’t expect your visions to be normal. What was this one about?”
You nodded. “You, and me. We were going into a room and-“
“I think I know where this is headed, Y/n.”
“No, it wasn’t one of those dreams.” You replied. “I was some sort of monster, and I was about to eat you.”
With furrowed eyebrows, Vinnie quickly pulled over and turned to you.
“Why’d you stop?” You asked.
“You know why I stopped, Y/n. You just had a vision, an important one at that.”
You crossed your arms and rolled your eyes at him. Your visions—or “gift” as Vinnie likes to call it—was something that came in handy in your line of work. Being hunters for the supernatural, your visions aided the two of you in finding clues and the whereabouts of monsters or entities. But unlike those visions, this one was different. Never have you been the leading actress in your visions, let alone have Vinnie guest star. That’s why you weren’t taking this as serious as he was.
“You know how they work, Vin. I don’t have visions with me in them. I haven’t even had a vision with you in it.”
Vinnie sighed, “Remember what your grandmother told to you?”
“Yeah, that I’m different from most psychics.”
“And your visions don’t just let you see things before they happen. They actually let you live through the people within them.”
You sat there confused, trying to figure out what he was trying to get at. “I’m having trouble understanding. Are you saying that I can sometimes live through others in my visions?”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.”
“If that’s the case, why were you in it? You’ve never been in them.”
He shrugged, starting the car back up. “Maybe it’s a sign or something. Maybe the person you were living through had an emotional connection with whoever they attacked. Just like you and me.”
“They didn’t though. It was at a party, and they didn’t know each other. Whoever the woman was lured her prey in.”
He paused. “Did you say it was at a party?”
“Yeah. I don’t know who’s party though. Just that whoever’s party it was, you…or the guy…was very unhappy about being there.”
You heard Vinnie gulp before he did a hard U-turn and sped down the road. You clung to your seat, fearing that this may be the end of your life. “What’s wrong, Vinnie?” You asked, gripping onto your seatbelt tightly.
“I don’t understand. What about Jett?”
“Jett’s at that party, Y/n. He texted me an hour ago saying that some of the boys dragged him out and he’s bored out of his mind. Y/n, he’s me. Well, not me, but the guy you saw in your vision.”
“That makes sense.” You responded, chewing on your bottom lip. “If Jett’s in trouble, then we have to save him.”
“I’m already two steps ahead of you.”
It didn’t take you that long to figure out that the party was none other than at the D’Amelios’ house. It was a single release for Dixie, and she was throwing a huge party in celebration. Obviously, due to your work you and Vinnie couldn’t make it. But, given the situation…you wished you had shown up earlier.
“So, what do you think we’re dealing with?” You asked, following Vinnie in the house.
“You said she lured him in so…possibly a siren?”
You shook your head. “She didn’t sing to him, though. It was a look.”
“Gorgon maybe?”
“Why would a monster eat a statue?”
“I don’t know? For minerals?”
You ignored his statement and looked around for any sign of your friend. “If not a siren, and definitely not a gorgon…then maybe it’s-“
“A succubus.” Vinnie interrupted. “Look, we need to split up and try and find Jett before he becomes Jett à la carte. You check in the main room, and I’ll check the kitchen and the bathrooms.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” You muttered, fiddling with your thumbs.
“Why not? We’d find the two of them faster that way.”                                                
“We’ve only dealt with one succubus before, and that one alone was a bitch. This one can’t be any different. We need to be cautious.” You huffed, crossing your arms.
“Y/n, we can’t play it safe this time! Our friend’s life is on the line!”
“And I understand that, but if we go into this gung-ho…then we’re more likely to scare her away and lead her to some other poor guy. I know Jett’s life is at stake here, but so is a bunch of other peoples.”
At that moment, a scream rang out through in the crowd and the music came to an abrupt stop. You gasped, dropping to your knees and covering your throbbing ears. Vinnie fell next to you, wrapping his arms around you.
“That wasn’t just your average scream was it?” Vinnie asked.
You kept your hands on your ears. “That was a banshee. While her screams are normal to a human…”
“…for the supernatural, it causes pain.” Vinnie finished.
You nodded, steadily getting back on your feet. everyone stopped dancing and mingling, trying to figure out what the hell happened.
“Jett’s not dead yet, is he? You know, with banshees being walking Geiger counters for death and whatnot.”
“No, Jett’s not dead. Don’t you remember? When banshees scream, it means that someone is about to die, not that they have already passed. It’s a prediction, just like my visions.” You explained.
The two of you saw a wailing Charli being carried out of the room by Noah and Chase. You raised an eyebrow and said, “Would you look at that. I think we found our banshee. Now where’s our succubus?”
You scanned the crowd, finding no sign of anyone feeling the effects of Charli’s scream. The succubus wasn’t there. You then remembered the two leaning up against walls, but surprisingly, there was no one clinging to them. Then, you looked to the stairs where you saw a familiar brunet making his way up them. There was no doubt it was Jett and judging by his state, the demon had him right where she wanted him.
You tapped Vinnie’s shoulder, gaining his attention. “They’re headed upstairs…just like in my vision. Ugh, why didn’t we think to go up there first?”
“It’s fine, Y/n. As long as we know where he is, we can get to him in time.”
Just as you two were about to embark on your quest to save Jett, the music resumed, and a herd of people got back on the dancefloor. You and Vinnie tried your best to push through the sweaty bodies, but it proved to be much more difficult.
“C’mon idiots, move out of the way!” Vinnie yelled, on the verge of decking people in the face. You on the other hand, had a sweeter disposition, nicely excusing yourself. After some time, you had finally got to the stairs and flew up them. Reaching the top, you both were met with no Jett and no succubus. There was, however, an elongated hallway with many doors.
Vinnie groaned, lacing his fingers through his hair in frustration. “Great, we lost them.”
“Maybe not.”
You closed your eyes and tried to remember your vision as vividly as you could. You steadily breathed in and out as it began to replay in your head. In seconds, your eyes shot open revealing nothing but ghostly white orbs. You stepped to the first door on the right. The minute your hand touched the handle, you were back to normal.
“It’s this one!” you spat, bursting through the door.
You and Vinnie ran inside, finding an unconscious Jett on the floor. Vinnie hurried to your shared friend and checked to make sure he was alright. You searched around the room in search of the demon to no avail.
In the midst of walking back over to Vinnie and Jett, you felt some light hit your shoulder. After feeling the spot, you took a look at your finger, seeing it painted with blood. Your breath hitched as you slowly looked up. There the succubus sat, hanging from the wall with a sick grin on her face and blood dripping from the corner of her mouth. She roared and dropped from the ceiling, falling on top of you.
“Vinnie!” You screamed, wrestling on the floor with the demon. Vinnie’s attention shot over to you and without hesitation, he charged at the succubus, punching the beast dead square in it’s jaw. She fell off of you and Vinnie took this chance to straddle her.
“Keep her steady, Y/n!” Vinnie ordered, reaching into his jacket pocket. You did as he said, planting your hands on the demon’s wrist, keeping her from moving too much. She flailed around, speaking in tongues and shouting out profanities.
Finally finding it, Vinnie pulled out his father’s bestiary. As he flipped through the pages, the succubus stopped moving and stared daggers at you.
“I know about you,” she cackled, “Y/n, the youngest psychic of your family.”
“Don’t listen to her, Y/n!” warned Vinnie.
You ignored his warning and responded to the demon. “You don’t know nothing about me.”
“That’s where you’re wrong. Down in hell, we know all about you. And we can’t wait for you to join us and your whore of a mother.”
Tears welled up in your eyes, not from fear…but from rage. You looked to Vinnie, watching as he stopped on a page. He glanced up at you. “You ready?”
“Kill the bitch.”
Vinnie read off a vanquishing spell and upon doing so, the succubus began to cry out in agony. You struggled to contain her but after a few minutes, she stopped squirming. Her cries silenced as her body dissolved into boiling liquid, creating an acid pool of flesh and blood.
You let out a breath of relief. “Well, that was easier than the one in Devil’s Kettle.”
“That’s because we were amateurs then.” Vinnie replied as he stood up, bringing you with him.
You smiled, patting him on the back. “I gotta give you props on that punch. It was actually kind of hot.”
“No one can do it like me.”
“Don’t let my compliment go to your head.”
He pouted and then turned to a frightened Jett. “You okay, buddy?”
Jett softly nodded, shooting the two of you a shaky thumbs up. “N-Never better. How’d you know I was in trouble?”
Vinnie pointed over at you. “Visions. Only, she didn’t actually see you. She saw me.”
“O-Oh,” Jett said. “I guess, t-that’s cool. Thank you, Y/n.”
“You’re welcome.” You laughed, turning to Vinnie. “We did good, babe.”
“We sure did. All in a day’s work.”
“And onto the next adventure.”
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disasterfandoms · 3 years
Meet My Dad || A Brock Reynolds x Carter!Reader Imagine
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A/N: SO we were brainstomring in one of my discord groups about what would it be like if Full Metal had a daughter, and now it’s a thing where if i write this for @theysayitscrazy then @bravo-four-seal-team has to behave for a week. Also, this contains the ship Trent/Metal.
Join the Taglist!
TW: a tiny bit of smut (no nudity or graphic depictions), protective parent, murder threats
Taglist: @milfdeacon​ @bravo-four-seal-team​ @rebelwrites​ @chibsytelford​ @velvetcardiganbucky​ @jayhalsteadfan-2417​ @mrsmarvelous1995​ @madhare0512​ @galaxysanduniversesinmymind​ @iris-oaklee-carter-911oc​ @kobababy​ @i-love-scott-mccall​ @pinkrockstar19​ @supervalcsi​ @itsonautopilot​ @abby-splace​ @innerpaperexpertcloud​ @softi92​ @thelovelyleo23​ @jasonbabymama​ @peaches-1999​​
“Dad!” You yelled, walking into his house uninvited as usual. Did you really need an invite to the place you called home for the longest time, though? He wasn’t there, that was evident by his cat, Whiskers, still needing to be fed for the morning. You filled his bowl with kibble, petting the old boy who used to keep you company on dark and stormy nights. 
You walk further into his kitchen, seeing the note on the counter that said that he’d be back later. You write a note back, telling him that you’ll be at your boyfriends, and to call you later. You pet the cat once more, before leaving the home, suddenly nervous at the thought of your dad knowing about you and Brock, and your plan for them to meet.
Full Metal came home a couple hours later, petting Whiskers and putting the groceries away. You and him had a weekly gumbo night, where you all eat and either watch a movie or play some games, getting your time with each other you two needed in in one night. 
He’s been a single dad for over twenty years, your mom having left him and you when you were just three years old. He bared no hard feelings, his life and job was complicated and she never truly wanted to be a mom. So, he took time to figure out how to parent you while being home all the time, and figured who’d watch you when he was away. You two made it work, and now you’re closer than ever.
He found the note, noticing your handwriting right away, and visibly paled as he read its contents. A boyfriend? Who? and when? He could have sworn you would have told him before now about any boy you were seeing. He needed to take a breath, calm down. You were a grown adult, with an apartment of your own and a stable job, it wasn’t the end of the world that his baby had a boyfriend.
He took a second, making sure his hands stopped shaking before he picked up the phone, dialing the oh-so-familiar number. 
You were straddling Brock’s lap, your tongues colliding as you moved in sync. His lips had then attached to your neck, causing you to moan. Your hands were tangled into his hair, causing him to groan when you pulled it accidentally. His hands travelled down your back, resting just before the opening of your jeans. One hand slid up your shirt, his hands feeling rough against your soft skin, you giggling as he flipped you over, so he was on top. 
He opened your legs, putting his knee right next to your covered core, letting you grind against it as he continued his trail of kisses down your chest. He almost took his shirt off when you heard your phone ring, interrupting the fun that was about to come. You quickly grabbed it, groaning as it was your dad. Brock nodded in understanding, moving to lay beside you on the bed as you answered, “Hi Dad!”
“Y/N, you left a note. Boyfriend? Who the fuck are you dating? Why haven’t you told me about this guy beforehand?” Metal shot off at an impressive pace, not impressed that she told him this through a note, for fucks sake.
“I’m great! How are you, are we on for gumbo tonight? I brought him up because I thought about bringing him.” You said sarcastically, moving to snuggle up to Brock, who happily wrapped his arms around you, his leg intertwining with yours.
Metal was pacing in his living room now, rolling his eyes at the sarcasm he heard at the beginning of your response. “You want to bring him? To our tradition?” He asked, shocked you’d even consider it.
“Well, yeah, Dad, it’s just one gumbo night for you to meet him and get to know him outside of work. Besides, you bring Trent sometimes!” You retorted, huffing at the hypocrisy. You could hear Brock chuckling beside you, causing you to stick your tongue out at him.
“That’s different, it’s Trent!” He shot back, stopping his pacing as he was worried he was going to step on Whiskers. He then continued, “Trent’s being invited if you bring him. Wait,” he spoke, his mind registering what all you said thirty seconds ago, “Outside of work? HE WORKS AT DEVGRU?!?!?” He yelled, feeling his face getting hot with anger. One of those idiots is dating his kid?
You put the phone away from your ear, he’s always deafening when he’s angry. Brock kissed your shoulder, one of his hands moving up to grab your breast, massaging it gently, causing you to roll your eyes. “Yes, he works at DEVGRU. He’s on Bravo, with Trent. Invite him! You know I love T,” you say easily, your breath hitching as Brock continues to tease you.
Metal doesn’t even know what to reply to that. He’s full on having a meltdown. His kid, his sweet, caring, loving child is dating someone in Bravo. Oh, Oh god, They’re dating that cocky ass kid. “I gotta go, see you two tonight.” He said quickly, before hanging up without you getting a word in. He rubbed his face with his free hand, before calling Trent to come over.
“He hung up,” you said simply, putting the phone back down on the nightstand, before focusing on the man beside you. You adored him, not just physically, but the kind soul he has, and the willingness to do whatever was necessary to keep you safe and happy. You knew your Dad was a bit... much, but you hoped once he saw you two together, he would calm a bit. “Now, where were we..” you trailed off, giggling as he turned over onto you, starting where you both had left off.
Trent was a little worried when Full Metal called him, panicking at the apparent fact that Clay was dating his kid. Trent had been around you since you were a little kid, becoming very close to Metal as they started working together at DEVGRU. 
He was incredibly amused at the fact that Metal was having a meltdown while simultaneously starting the gumbo for the night. He wouldn’t interrupt the man, he’s just here to listen and watch his friend chop and cook everything the gumbo needed ingredient wise, while yelling at how Clay was too arrogant foe his own good. 
“Of course Y/N would go out with him. Why go for one of us, anyways?” he asked rhetorically, chopping up the andouille sausage, probably imagining it was Clay’s.. well... you know.
“Because they were raised by you? And surrounded by a Naval influence their entire life?” Trent shot back, chuckling as Metal glared at him. Man, if looks could kill...
“Scott, take a breath. You raised Y/N well, they must see something in Clay to not only go out with them, but to want to introduce him to you,” Trent tried to reassure the man, who this time took a deeply breath and nodded.
“I just don’t want them to get hurt,” he spoke quietly, shaking his head at the thought. You were his child, his only one at that, he hated seeing you cry, especially over some dumb ass kid.
Trent nodded, standing up to go over to him, rubbing his back. He didn’t say a word, he didn’t need to. He’s helped Scott raise you since you were a kid, he felt similarly about keeping you safe.
They were silent for a while, before Trent felt like he needed to reassure Scott one more time. “Tonight will be fine, you’ll meet the boyfriend, be polite tonight and then tomorrow you can threaten all you want,” he offered up, and it worked, as he saw Scott smile for the first time today.
“Come tonight?” Metal asked, he didn’t want to have to deal with this alone. Plus, he could just have it on his head that this is just the team hanging out and you just so happened to be there.
Trent nodded, smiling at the offer. He knew Scott needed someone here with them to keep him calm, and he was secretly hoping he’d ask him to stay anyways, the guy makes a mean gumbo.
It was three hours later, and Brock was suddenly incredibly nervous. He knew Metal was going to kill him, especially because it was his only kid that we’re talking about. He was in love with them, though, so he guessed he’d make it work.
“It’s going to be fine, Dad’s just a big teddy bear,” you reassure him, watching him chuckle nervously. You smiled, taking his hand and giving it a squeeze. Your boyfriend may be a man of few words, but it was no secret he was worried about your dad’s reaction.
The silence was comfortable as he drove you both towards your childhood home. He was quiet, taking in the site of the place where Metal raised you, squeezing your hand when he heard you take a shaky breath.
“Hey,” he said quietly, catching your attention as you were getting lost in your worries. “I love you, Y/N/N.”
You smile brightly, saying “I love you too,” before he pulls you in for a kiss, all and full of adoration. He breaks away for a few moments, kissing your nose in the process, causing you to giggle.
You lead him up the steps to the front door, noting that Trent’s bike was in it’s usual spot. You smiled a little, happy your dad’s boyfriend was here to enjoy the chaos. You whispered to Brock, “I told you my dad and Trent were together, right?”
Brock’s eyes widened, shaking his head. Oh, this was going to be fun, he thought, before taking a deep breath. You smile at him, before opening the door, going into your family home, which was warm and the smell of the spices in the gumbo. You picked up Whiskers, who was hanging out in the cat tree by the entryway, and said to Brock, “This is Mr. Whiskers, he used to keep me safe when it was storming and Dad was on a mission.”
Brock saw the way your eyes lit up with you saw the cat, and his heart melted a little bit. He pet the furry creature, personally he wasn’t a fan of cats but he couldn’t help but pet him. 
You put him down, taking his hand as you guide him further into the home, yelling, “T, Dad! We’re here!” You give his hand a squeeze, bringing  him to the living room. 
Trent came out from the living room, smiling as he saw you with... Brock. “Hey kid,” he hugged you tightly, before finally breaking, laughing hysterically at the fact that it was Brock you were with.
Oh, this was going to be fun. 
Metal left the kitchen, hearing his boyfriend of five years laughing hysterically. He walks in, seeing Trent doubled over in laughter, looking at you, smiling. “Hey baby,” He spoke softly, opening his arms for a hug, looking at who she brought with her, completely expect Clay, and not... Brock?
“Brock? Dog boy? Seriously?” He asked, causing Brock to laugh a little bit.
You backed away from your Dad, going to your boyfriend, who immediately wrapped his arm around your shoulders. You shot back, “Well, yeah? Who else would I have gone for, Sonny?”
Oh, yeah, that broke Metal. 
He just stared at you two, trying to form words, but his brain was short-circuiting. Trent was in tears, laughing so hard he couldn’t breathe. “Didn’t.... see that...coming,” he finally got out, grabbing onto Metal’s shoulder yo hold him up.
“I thought you were dating Clay,” your dad said slowly, shaking his head at the fact you brought the weird one home... typical.
You look at him confused, “No... Brock and I have been together for almost a year,” you tell him gently, smiling as your feel Brock kiss your forehead. You leaned into him for comfort, worried about what your dad will say.
“I... alright,” he sighed, smiling as Trent kissed him on the cheek. Trent was proud of him being calm, and not threatening your boyfriend. In reality, he was planning Brock’s death a very violent way, and where to hide the body.
The night went smoothly, a little too smoothly, if you were honest. Everyone ate and had a good time, the night ending with each Carter cuddled up to their significant other, watching a horror movie.
Brock had went to start the truck after the movie was over, letting you to hug your dads. “Thank you,” you whispered, smiling at Metal.
“what for?” he chuckled, letting go so you could hug Trent.
“For being nice to him, and not threatening to kill him,” you chcuckled as you hugged Trent, who went back to having his arms wrapped around Metal when you let go. Metal nodded, as you said goodbye, not knowing his plans for in the morning. 
“You did good, babe,” Trent mumbled, kissing his cheek before making sure the food was away, getting ready to go to bed.
All was quiet on the base the next morning, the hustle and bustle of the military operation at it’s usual pace. All of Bravo trickled in one by one, no one understanding the scene in front of them as they entered the cage room.
In front of Brock’s locker, there was a hatchet, a bag of lye, and a shovel; along with a note which was written in, what looked like, blood.
You hurt my kid, these tools will be used in removing you from the situation. The hatchet will be used to cut you up into bite-sized pieces for Cerberus to enjoy. What is left of you will be dissolved by the lye, and you will be buried where no one can find the evidence. 
They’re my child, I will do whatever it takes to make sure they are happy and safe.
I’m watching you.”
Bravo watched Brock visibly pale as he read the note, causing Trent to smile, shaking his head at his boyfriend’s antics. He should have known last night was too calm, that Metal was being polite because Y/N didn’t want their father to be overprotective. 
Oh well, at least Brock understood now the consequences if he fucked up.
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midday0nightmares · 3 years
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27 - pry on the weak (m).
Previous chapter in your arms (m).
warnings: this series contains themes of yandere\mafia, blood, violence, mental health, drugs, non-con.
author note: this is pure fiction and it is not intended to romanticize any of the situations mentioned bellow.
The door was shut, it won’t open, it was cemented on every side expat for the small slit under it, you try knocking, shout for someone, anyone, but to no avail.
you try the window, it opens, but the sight is even scarier. The city is quiet, too quiet. No traffic in its usually busy streets, every window in the near buildings were closed, no birds in the sky, not a single sign of life, even the sun seems stuck in its place, time isn’t moving.
Outside the closed door, you can hear muffled sounds, you peak under the door and see the familiar white socks on a pair of feet moving around the room, it’s jaemin. you shout and scream for him, but he doesn’t even flinch, he just keeps going through his day. 
You were forgotten, lost forever in his room.
You jolt out of the claustrophobic nightmare, everything around you looks sound and in its right place, including jaemin, who’s sleeping next you, it was a nightmare.. you didn’t think that a nightmare would have the audacity to visit you while you were sleeping in his arms.
You snuggle closer to him, too close, not minding if he wakes up right now, it would be ideal if he can listen to you telling him about the rude nightmare and sho It away..  
He buckles under your pleads, 
“fine.. you can come too”  
The high pitched squeal you let out almost made him change his mind.
You wore a simple, body fitting black dress, a safe choice, you walked to the living room where jaemin was waiting for you, he was wearing a black suit, the black trousers making his long legs look extra inviting.
Jeno whistle from behind you when you spun to show jaemin your outfit, you roll your eyes at his ungentlemanly behavior, 
But the way jaemin’s eyes were shinning, and the compliment “you look beautiful” made your heart flutter, but the butterflies were shot dead when jeno’s hand landed on your ass in a sharp slap.
You link arms with jaemin and make the short trip to the door across the hallway to chenle apartment, the door was open, you were welcomed by upbeat classical music, not what you’ve expected.
Inside, the apartment looked like an entire house by itself, it was three times bigger than your apartment, the atmosphere was intimidating, everyone looked expensive and beautiful, there was three type of guests, men, gorgeous women, and you. 
Bite sized appetizers and trays of champion were being served along side an open bar at the corner, chandeliers were hanging off the ceiling and the big glass door opens to the terrace.
Your heart sunk and your stomach turned over inside of you. You cling to jaemin’s arm when you spot that face, haechan’s face.he approaches you and they all greeted each other, you keep looking else where, doing your best to ignore him. 
“Hey man! Long time no see.. what are you doing here? You know chenle?” Yes good question jaemin, what is he doing here?
“Yeah yeah..” He leans closer and lowers his voice “he’s one of my top clients” he gestures to the tens of girls around.. and it clicks in your head that they were all escorts, brought by haechan, they were his girls. you didn’t even try to hide the look of disgust that was showing on your face.
“Hey handsome” a tall, brunette, doll like girl throws her arms around jeno, “haven’t seen you in a while” she seamlessly pout. He giggles and turns into a harmless puppy in her hands, she must be one of haechan girls too, of course he will pay for company, who would want to spend time with him.
Your attention turns back to the hushed conversation between haechan and jaemin,
 “… no, his father is the of a one the leaders of the Chinese communist party, powerful man. and he’s the sole hire of multiple companies” haechan says.
“What is he doing here?” Jaemin asks. 
 “don’t know.. but based on what I have heard, he’s not staying for long..” haechan cuts himself as soon as he notice your interest in their conversation, “And how have you been doing sweet thing?”
oh the rage that went through you, you wished you could claw his eyes out, your distain is loud on your features. jaemin’s hand reach and hold yours, giving you a gentle squeeze, silently apologizing for breaking his promise of not having to see haechan again. 
And of course Hacehan is anything but dumb, he reads your mood and turns back to jaemin “come, I want you to meet someone” .. “haa you never stop working, don’t you?” Jaemin let go of your hand and slips deeper into the crowd, leaving you standing awkwardly next to jeno and his baby.
You stomp with no destination in mind. you look around, amazed by everything, but you feel misplaced, the looks that were thrown your way, you didn’t belong here and everyone knew it, there was an underlining screech the luxuries mood.
You catch the back of jaemin’s head through the crowd, an unsuspected punch of something was delivered to your heart, throwing your mood completely off. he’s with a group of giggly girls, practically drooling over them.  
you regret insisting on coming with him.. you should have known, but it’s too late now, you look else where and meet the sister eyes of haechan staring at you. he winks at you, you throw him the dirtiest look you have and move out of his sight line.
You pick a glass of champagne and lean against the wall, tipping the tall glass and drinking it in one go, and another.. starting to feel better. Chenle’s bright hair stands between the crowds, he gracefully moves around greeting everyone, you didn’t notice before but he’s quit charming.. he catches you staring at him and smile at you, rising his glass towards you, you fumble almost dropping your half empty glass.. when you mange to get a grip on yourself and rise your glass he had already return to his conversation. 
“Hello, mind if I join you?” The stranger man stands next to you even before you could’ve answered him, “what’s your name?” He looks like he was operating on twice the normal human energy, fidgeting and unable to stay still for more than three seconds, his smile twitches, the look in his eyes is frantic.. his pupils are blown, he’s on something. 
He speaks again before you can answer “hi Im yangyang, what’s your name?” why does his friends have wired names? 
You watch him like he was a train wreck happing in slow motion, “here try this” he hands you one of the two glass he was holding in his hands, a pink cocktail with raspberry, you smile politely and take the drink, he stares at you with his frozen smile.. but something behind you catches his attention, he kinda looks like a cat, just like that he leaves as fast as he came, he’s kinds cute.
You move to the open terrace for some fresh air, the breeze flowing through your hair, you zone out as you watch the city lights.. a hand graze the small of your back brings you back, you jump in surprise. “sorry didn’t mean to scare you” chenle apologize, placing a tall glass of champion in front of you, his round cheeks flushed, he looks breathtaking in this proximity, or maybe it’s just the alcohol in your system.. 
“To be honest sera, Im a little offended” he confess, your eyes grow double the size “offended.. why?”, 
he gives you sad puppy eyes and looks around “you don’t seems to enjoy my party”.. 
“oh no, I do. Your house is very beautiful and everything looks amazing” you try to convince him but he’s not buying it, you just give up and sigh, “im just tired” looking down to the busy streets..
He hums “tired or jealous?” Pointing at jeno who was too busy sucking that girl’s face, you roll your eyes and chenle laughs.
 “im not” you bring the glass to your lips, drinking more, a pathetic attempt to suppress whatever have been twisting your insides. 
Someone calls for him cutting your interaction short, “Alright.. well if you need anything come find me” he says before leaving you. You stay at your spot, distracting yourself with silly thoughts while the party behind you was growing wilder.
Your stomach growls, you feel sick and about to throw up.. heat rising through you, you sweat and feel lightheaded, you must have had too much to drink you are not used to it.
You stumble inside and through the crowded room, looking for the closest bathroom before it’s too late, haechan grabs your arm “sera.. are you ok?” His voice is far away although he’s standing next to you, you yanking your arm out of his hold “don’t touch me..”,
The room starts spinning, you hold the wall for support, after that it all went dark.
When you came back and opened your eyes, you were laid in a bed, the strong cologne filling your noise, upsetting your empty stomach. For a minute you don’t remember where you are or what had happened, the unfamiliar bedroom doesn’t ring any bills, your head is pounding, threatening to explode you move too much, you try to get up but a sharp pain shots through you, your hips feels like they were dislocated, your thighs bruised and had blood on them, your pulled up dress and torn underwear, it all indicates to one thing. 
You mange to hold yourself through the initial shock, not breaking down. With a plan to find jaemin you fix your dress to cover your exposed breast, you force yourself up, picking up your discarded heal off of the floor. You limb your way out of the room, the party has quite down, it has turned to something else.. 
everyone looked like a living zombie, you look for jaemin, you open every door on your way, you open a door to a bedroom, and you see group of men gathered over a passed out girl, watching them felt like an outside body experience, like you were rewatching yourself. They were unfazed by your presences as they continue their assult.. 
you close the door to the hellish scene, you keep looking for him but he’s nowhere to be found.
You reach the main area, being met by jeno and haechan snorting whit powder of the coffee table, surrounded by loopy girls.. jeno tries to grab you, to pull you down with them but you escape his claw like hand.
You can’t take this anymore, you were starting to crumble. you did’t feel safe anymore. you head to the door and walk out, you seek the comfort of a familiar surroundings, their apartment, a hot shower, clean clothes, your bed.. but you don’t have a key and you don’t know the passcode, you try random combinations but nothing works, the door stays closed, duff to your cries.
You break down, tears streaming your face, you give up on the door and slid to the ground, leaning against the wall you sit alone in the hallway waiting for jaemin’s return.
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jungshookz · 4 years
cream a little dream of me; knj
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➺ pairing; kim namjoon x reader
➺ genre; lveb!universe, you’ve been asking for this and i’m finally here to tell you that this is smut! nsfw! 18+! oral sex (receiving)! dirty talk! namjoon has a dirty mouth and y/n is into that!! y/n’s a great listener and namjoon is very into that!! also frosting is involved somewhere 
➺ wordcount: 8.9k
➺ summary; y/n has a wet dream about namjoon and yoongi just wants to help his best friend get laid. 
➺ what to expect; “it’s not a big deal or anything, but, uh... when were you planning on telling me about that nice little dream you had two weeks ago?”
➺ optional reading: here’s the link to la vie en bonsai if you haven’t read it yet or if you just want to experience the story all over again! 
                                      »»————- ☁️ ————-««
to say the least, yoongi is… confused.
in the three years that he’s been friends with you, he likes to think that he’s seen every single one of your emotions
but this?
this is different somehow… yet he can’t quite put his finger on what’s so different about it... 
he’s seen elated y/n
he’s seen devastated y/n
he’s seen infuriated y/n
he’s seen stressed out y/n
but this y/n?
the starry-eyed and constantly looking like you’re day dreaming y/n?
he can safely say he’s never seen this version of you before and it’s a little concerning because now he has no idea what the protocol is 
even back when you guys were in university you practically never daydreamed during lectures
you were always focused on the professor and whatever powerpoint was playing on the screen with a concerning amount of intensity 
one time, yoongi put his hand over your eyes just to be funny and you nearly snapped his wrist off
“okay, seriously?” yoongi waves his hand in front of your face for the fifth time in half an hour before shaking his head gently, “what’s gotten into you?”
you blink quickly when you snap out of your little daze, looking at him and setting the bowl of batter down on the counter before checking out the damage you’ve done
you’re supposed to fold this batter
not whIP it
now it’s ruined and you’re going to have to start all over!
“i don’t know what that batter ever did to you, but you might need to take it down a notch before you sprain your wrist…” yoongi trails off, leaning over a little and wondering if he can get away with dipping his finger in for a teeny tiny taste
sure, he might get salmonella or whatever from ingesting raw eggs, but it’ll be worth it 
“also, what are you even making?” he frowns, gesturing to all the items splayed on the counter, “because there are like ten different things going on here-”
you look around the kitchen before reaching up to scratch the back of your neck
you... don’t really have an answer for him 
there’s bread dough over here 
three bowls of frosting (chocolate, cream cheese, buttercream) over there
some chopped up peaches on the cutting board
the puff pastry is de-frosting in the fridge
there’s a pie baking in the oven at the moment
you just finished greasing up a mini cupcake tin
and don’t forget about the bowl of batter you’re currently whipping the life out of
(let the record show that you have no idea what you’re making. you have no clue what this batter is for. and why’d you take out your set of food-colouring dye??) 
you just needed to let off some steam and this is the only way you know hoW
“isn’t this great? working out in the comfort of my own personal gym…”
both you and yoongi look over towards the kitchen door when you hear jin’s voice ring through namjoon’s laptop from the living room
yoongi perks up in interest when you suddenly scurry over to spy at namjoon through the crack of the door before he gets up to follow you 
“yeah, easy for you to say-” namjoon grunts as he pushes himself up off the ground so he can clap his hands together quickly before his palms land back on the ground in a solid thump
he thought push-ups were already awful as is so he wasn’t very pleased when jin told him to start doing them with claps in between each set
also, jin has access to a full-blown gym in his house, but namjoon doesn’t have any access to actual weights so he’s had to resort to using jugs of water instead
it’s actually working out pretty well!
he took the sweeper part of the broom off and then used a lot of duct tape (and patience) to tape the jugs to both sides of the pole
he felt like he was mulan from that one part of the movie except mulan is probably physically stronger than him 
“you know, i’m surprised he hasn’t smashed his face against the floor yet...” yoongi snorts as he continues to peer at namjoon over your shoulder
he waits a couple seconds for you to respond but frowns when you let out a short little sigh while keeping your eyes glued on your sweaty boyfriend
you’re doing it again!!!!  
you have your bottom lip tucked in between your teeth and your eyes have gone all lidded and hazy
your grip around the edge of the door is really tight and your knuckles are going kind of white 
good god
yoongi narrows his eyes suspiciously before jabbing your shoulder roughly, “hey. what are you thinking about?”
you shake your head a little too quickly for his liking before turning back around and brushing past him to get back to the counter
something’s up for sure
he doesn’t know if it’s good or bad or whatever but he’s going to find out
your cheeks and the tips of your ears are a little flushed now which is even more interesting
what could possibly be going on in that little noggin of yours?
“tell me what you were thinking about.” yoongi sits back down on the stool as he stares you down across the counter, “y/n- look at me.”
“i’m not-” you glance up at yoongi for a quick second before looking back down, “nothing!” you mutter, your arm starting to move faster as you continue whipping the mystery batter 
yoongi immediately points to the ball of dough sitting a couple feet away from him, “tell me what you were thinking about or i’ll eat that ball of raw dough right noW-”
“-!” you set the bowl down before scrambling to move the dough out of yoongi’s reach
he’s eaten raw dough before (it was raw cookie dough and he took bites of it every time you turned to face away from him) which resulted in him suffering for like 48 hours and you’re not taking any chances
“you can’t keep secrets from me.” yoongi deadpans, “aren’t we best friends? don’t you trust me?” he bats his lashes at you before pushing his bottom lip out in a pout, “because i certainly trust you… and you, out of all people, should know how hard it is for me to trust someone…”
your eye twitches 
you know he’s only saying all of this to butter you up so that you’ll inevitably give in and tell him what’s going on... and you hate that it’s actually working... 
look at that face!
those cheeks!!!
those eyes!!!!
“i…” you trail off, biting the inside of your cheek as you contemplate whether it’s a good idea or not to tell yoongi what exactly’s been going on with you lately 
if you tell him, he’ll stop bugging you about it
then again, if you tell him, he might keep bugging you about it 
but he’s already suspicious of you so it seems like you don’t really have a choice...
this is really a lose-lose situation, if you think about it 
“hey, do you remember that time you were crying really hard and i made you feel better by telling you that i kind of sort of loved you...?” yoongi mentions casually while inspecting his nail beds, his eyes flickering up towards your face for a quick second to see your reaction 
he bites back a smirk of success when he hears you let out a sigh 
ha HA 
hook, line, and sinker bABY 
“okay, fine, but-” you slam the bowl down on the counter before placing your hands on your hips, ”it’s a secret. between us!” you gesture for him to come over to you
“god, finally-!” yoongi nods enthusiastically and hops off the stool before scurrying over to join you at the other side of the counter
you lift your hand up so the side of your mouth is covered and yoongi reaches up to wrap his fingers around your wrist, grinning excitedly as you whisper something into his ear 
yoongi’s jaw drops
holy shit
no wonder he hasn’t seen you act like this before! 
this isn’t elated y/n or disappointed y/n or excited y/n 
a new player has entered the ring
this is HORNY Y/N
“you… little… horndog!” yoongi cackles with glee as he claps his hands together wildly, “you, y/n y/l/n- you had a wet dream?!” 
you feel your anxiety spike at how loud yoongi’s being and you make a gesture to try to get him to use his inside voice but he doesn’t seem to be paying any attention to you at all right now 
“wow...” yoongi laughs lightly, crossing his arms as he looks up towards the ceiling, “i mean, welcome to puberty, i guess. a bit of a late start if you ask me, but either way i’m actually pretty proud of you for basically creaming your-”
“shh!” you quickly shove a spoon into yoongi’s mouth and he spits it out immediately
it falls onto the counter with a clang
to be honest, you actually don’t remember too much of the dream
flashes of namjoon’s head in between your legs and his strong arms wrapped around your thighs pinning you down pop into your mind every now and again to taunt you
but other than that
it’s just that joon’s been working out a lot lately (jin’s trying to get in better shape because of one photo where the shadow made it look like he had a double chin and it traumatised him) so it makes sense that he’s turning into an actual beefcake now 
the other day you accidentally busted a bag of icing in your hands after squeezing it too hard because you were watching namjoon doing bicep curls with the milk jugs 
his arms just….,,. 
you want to bite into them
or dig your nails into them
or just look at them!
you would be perfectly content with just staring at them 24/7!
now, the issue here is that you...
you don’t really know…
you don’t know how to initiate things with namjoon
it’s awkward!
…on your end, that is
since getting together, you and namjoon have had plenty of heated make-out (and slight groping) sessions but you always end up chickening out as soon as you feel things starting to escalate 
you just get nervous that you’re going to do something wrong and it’ll pop the love-bubble you guys are in right now!! 
and you really don’t want to pop anything!! 
and namjoon, being the sweet, kind, caring, considerate, wonderful, absolutely flawless boy he is, never has an issue with it because his number one priority is making sure that you’re comfortable
he’s totally okay with moving at your pace! 
but after the last couple of times where you’ve left him high and dry, you notice that he either a) puts a pillow over his lap almost immediately and tries to change the subject or b) waddles off to the bathroom for a ‘pee break’
you feel awful knowing that you’re blue-balling him but you don’t want to take things further if there’s even a slight possibility of you ruining things 
so... yeah! 
your only stress reliever has been baking which isn’t new
you’ve stress baked before but this is a nEW type of stress baking
this is the most chaotic level of stress baking there is because everything’s just a disorganised MESS  
“you know what, it actually makes sense now,” yoongi reaches up to stroke his chin in thought before nodding to himself, “you’ve been acting so weird lately that i thought i did something wrong- and it turns out you’ve just been excruciatingly horny this entire time-”
“lower your voice!” you hiss, hurrying over to the door to make sure namjoon’s not listening in to what should be a private conversation if yoongi wasn’t so damn loud 
he may be in the living room but who knows how far your voices can travel??
you peek out to look at poor namjoon who looks like he’s just about ready to pass ouT from exhaustion
he lets out an almost animalistic growl as he pushes himself up off the ground one last time and you feel a tingle in your southern region
if you were a cartoon character there would be gigantic hearts pumping out of your eyes, your tongue would roll out of your mouth like a red carpet, and a horn would be blasting aooga in the background 
“okay, well - you can’t not tell me about what happened in it.” you turn back around to face yoongi, “give me all the details!!!!” he wiggles his brows as he leans down and folds him arms atop the counter, “and get real nasty with it because i haven’t had sex in months-” 
“no way!” you scoff before crossing one arm over the other to make an ‘x’ sign at yoongi, “no! i don’t remember anything.”
“you’re lying to me.” the smile on yoongi’s face drops and he scowls at you, “you totally are!”
“am not! it’s true.” you chirp, nodding satisfactorily when yoongi doesn’t respond
the topic has been dropped and now you can focus your attention back on this weird, runny batter you’re still beating the life out of 
“...what about if i guess?”
you pause
oh no
you don’t like that idea at all
you don’t get a chance to shake your head nO before yoongi starts listing out all your possible wet-dream scenarios
“he was finger-fucking you.”
“you were sucking him off?”
“he was eating you out!”
“69? you on top? or was it him on top? …no, it was probably you on to-”
“a classy combination of tongue and fingers? ooh, quick question- how quickly did dreamjoon find your g-spo-”
“missionary! can’t go wrong with good ol’ fashioned missio-”
“doggystyle? cowgirl! reverse cowgirl? or was he kind of, like, spooning you from behi-”
“ooh! plot twist! you gave him the strap-”
“butt-stuff! butt-stuff?? butt-stuff but the plug had a tail on- oh-ho, it was butt-stuff, wasn’t it-”
“something with a belt? something with cuffs? something with leather?”
“roleplaying! he was a sexy gardener with a big ol’ hose and you were just an innocent wittle twree-”
“was he rawdogging you?”
your eyes immediately widen and you look up at yoongi for the first time since he started rambling, “wha- WHAT is that?!”
that sounds like it’d give you carpet burn for some reason 
“sex without a condom.” yoongi states as if it’s the most obvious fact in the entire world, “duh.”
boys are so
“why not just say that instead??” you ask incredulously, tilting your head
yoongi snorts, “well, because rawdogging sounds way hotter-”
your face screws up immediately, “does it really, though…?”
yoongi pauses before his face lights up, “aha! so dreamjoon WAS rawdogging y-”
“crude!” your entire face is bright red at this point and you hurry over to the fridge to grab a bag of frozen blueberries out of the freezer (for what purposes? you have no idea.)
“you think i’m being crude?” yoongi scoffs, “i think you’re being a prude. okay, lemme see what else i can think of-”
“yoongi, literally no one asked you to list-” 
“were you grinding on his-” yoongi pauses again, “you know, like dry humping?” he hums before pushing himself up off the counter and placing both his palms flat on the surface of it, “i mean, i guess i can see why that’d be hot, you know, with clothes being restrictive and all- oh! were you getting off on his thigh? because a couple of girls have done that to me before and it was actually pretty hot AND since namjoon’s dna consists of 80% plant he basically has tree trunk thighs-”
“okay, i don’t remember too much-” you grab yoongi by the arm to yank him back in so you can whisper in his ear again
yoongi listens attentively 
you clear your throat before shoving yoongi away to make it seem less suspicious if namjoon just so happens to come into the kitchen at this very moment 
“surprisingly simple, but it does the trick, that’s for sure…” yoongi hums as he strokes his chin thoughtfully, “damn. i hyped it up way too much. that’s actually a pretty boring dream compared to what i’ve dreamt about, now that i think about it-”
you can’t help but roll your eyes as you open up the bag of blueberries
…what did you pull these out for again?
“well, what’s the problem?” yoongi frowns, “you guys are already dating. just go up to him and ask him if he wants to do stuff. if a girl told me that she creamed her panties because of me, i’d be ecstatic!”
“stop saying it like that-”
you feel a little weird talking about this with yoongi
he’s always been comfortable telling you about his sex life but you prefer to keep your intimate details private
it’s not that you don’t trust him or anything, because obviously you do, but… you’d feel more comfortable if you talked about this with a girl-friend, you know?
guys just don’t understand! 
“i don’t know how to…” you shift in your spot, “ask.”
yoongi scoffs in response and crosses his arms, “y/n- namjoon is a man. men are simple. do you remember the other week when you invited me over for a breakfast and you dropped the spatula on the floor?”
you nod before tilting your head curiously, “…why?”
yoongi clears his throat
now he’S the one who looks slightly uncomfortable
“well...” he clears his throat, “namjoon was wearing sweats and i swear i wasn’t purposely looking- my eyes just happened to be looking downwards in that general direction naturally-”
“the man’s dick twitched in his sweats when you bent over, alright?” yoongi blurts out and your eyes immediately widen, “my point is: men are simple- painfully simple creatures. so... just ask him!”
you frown
just ask him??
was he even listening to you??
you just told yoongi you didn’t know how to ask namjoon and his advice was for you to ask namjoon
that’s like taking someone who doesn’t know how to swim and immediately tossing them into the OCEAN with a punctured life-ring
“god,” you roll your eyes before flicking your wrist at him, “just forget i told you!”
“hey!” yoongi gawks and shakes his head, “i can’t forget! now my only purpose in life is to get you some head-”
“jesus christ-!”
you jump ten feet into the air like a cat that’s just been sprayed by water when the kitchen door suddenly swings open and a sweaty namjoon stumbles in
“i think there’s sweat dripping into my contacts-”
“namjoon!” yoongi spins around in his stool and props his elbows up on the counter, “what a coincidence! we were just talking about you, my man…”
yoongi looks over at you with a cheeky grin and you shake your head stiffly before turning to get the jug of water from the fridge for namjoon 
“oh yeah?” namjoon huffs as he places his hands on your hips from behind, sliding past you to grab a clean glass from the dish rack, “what about?”
“just about how…” yoongi looks back at you quickly and you shoot him a glare
he wouldn’t… 
would he??
(he absolutely would.)
any word of your conversation and you’ll skin him alive
“-hard you’ve been working out lately!” yoongi chirps, “i mean, it looks like you were trapped in a washing machine-”
“oh, god. trust me, it’s so not worth it, i’m in so much pain-” namjoon winces and shakes his head, “you’re welcome to go and take my place if you want-”
“absolutely not-” yoongi snorts, “first of all, it’s the holidays, and everyone knows you don’t work out during december. also, you couldn’t pay me a million dollars to do a push-up. i’m perfectly happy with my somewhat doughy centre.” he pats his tummy with a happy hum and you can’t help but giggle
silly boy
namjoon laughs lightly before pausing to chug down some water, “i wish i could say the same. unfortunately, jin’s not giving me a choice-”
“sweaty!” you whine when namjoon suddenly wraps an arm around you from behind before kissing your cheek and he frowns playfully when you swat at his forearm, “and sticky…”  
“relax, i’m about to hit the shower-” he nudges his nose against your cheek before pulling away, “and then i won’t be sticky and i’ll smell like peaches-”
“i should probably go, too.” yoongi gets up from his seat, “i just ordered my dinner and it’s going to arrive at my apartment in like half an hour.”
“wait!” you hold a finger out before turning to open up the cupboards for a tupperware box, “take some pie with you…”
                                     »»————- ☁️ ————-««
“still coming friday?” you ask as you watch yoongi put his shoes on
you asked yoongi if he would be interested in helping you decorate the apartment on friday (aka you told him he didn’t have a choice and that he had to come and help you whether he wanted to or not)
“mhm.” he glances up at you, “still ordering pizza?”
you reach down to pat the top of yoongi’s head gently just because you want to and pauses in the middle of tying his laces to reach over and jab your stomach
“i know the main focus is decorating the place for christmas but i think you guys are going to love the nature documentary i picked for us to watch while-” namjoon chimes in but shuts up quickly when you and yoongi exchange knowing glances, “what?”
yoongi looks back up at you with a raised brow, “…does he really have to join us?”
“no choice.” you shrug casually and namjoon’s jaw drops
“oh, hold on-” yoongi gets up off the ground before patting his pockets down with a frown, “i think i left my keys in the kitchen… can you go and get them for me?”
you nod before turning to hurry to the kitchen
you don’t want him to get another parking ticket
it’s only after you disappear into the kitchen that yoongi swiftly pulls his keys out of his back pocket with a jingle
namjoon opens his mouth to say something but yoongi quickly holds his hand out to shut him up
“야 남준아- 어제 니 여친이 니 꿈 꿨데~ (y/n had a sex dream about you).” he chirps and gives namjoon two firm pats on his surprisingly firm chest before his eyes widen in surprise, “어우 딴딴해 운동 열심히 했나보네! (woah, you really have been working out! good man.)”
“yeah, i-” namjoon chokes, “wait, wha-”
“y/n, i found my keys! my bad!” yoongi calls out and gives you a thumbs up when you come out of the kitchen, “see you losers on friday!”
he gives namjoon a grin and a light punch to the arm before swiftly turning on his heel
namjoon’s eyes are as wide as saucers as yoongi shuts the front door behind him and he blinks rapidly before turning to look at you
you tilt your head at him curiously and namjoon swallows before offering you a sheepish smile
oh, boy.
                                     »»————- ☁️ ————-««
namjoon hasn’t been able to think straight since it was revealed to him that you had a sex dream about him.
it’s been an entire week that he’s learned this new piece of information and it’s been weighing verY heavily on his mind!!
when he wakes up his first thought is gee i wonder what y/n dreamt about
when seokjin’s rambling about god knows what the only thing in his mind is gee i wonder what y/n dreamt about
the last thing he thinks about before he goes to bed is gee i wonder what y/n dreamt about
and then his imagination conjures up what could’ve happened in your sex dream which is very dangerous because he has an overly-active imagination 
it sucks that he doesn’t even know the details of the dream because stinky yoongi ziPPed off before he got a chance to squeeze the truth out of him!!!
and he hasn’t mustered up the courage to ask you about it because… how is he even supposed to ask you about it in a casual, non-confrontational way?!
he doesn’t want to embarrass you or anything like that!!
the only reason why he’s only slightly nervous about the whole situation because he doesn’t think he… oozes sex appeal?
so it was more than surprising to find out that you had a naughty dream about him
he’s like 90% leg and 10% dimple for crying out loud
and it’s not like he hasn’t done anything before, because he has, but it’s just different because it’s… you.
you’re his girlfriend and if he flubs this up the first time around then it’d be even more embarrassing than if you were just some random girl!
“말해줘여어 (you have to tell me).” namjoon whips around from where he’s standing by the tree, cradling the box of baubles to his chest, “you have to!”
“싫어 (nah).” yoongi shakes his head, tossing a kernel of popcorn into his mouth only for it to bounce off his cheek and onto the couch
he purses his lips before kicking it under the coffee table
it’s fine
the dust bunnies will get rid of it 
“말해줘여어! (you have to tell me!)”
“야 안돼 (no way).”  
namjoon clenches his jaw and sets the box down onto the floor promptly before balling his hands into fists and setting them on his hips, puffing his chest out
“아 왜여어어어~ (why not??)” he whines, deflating and resisting the urge to stamp his foot and throw an actual tantrum
“아니 비밀이라고 했으니까 그렇지! (it’s not my thing to tell! and i can’t betray y/n like that-)” yoongi shrugs as he keeps his eyes glued on the screen, “by the way, you didn’t even choose a cool nature documentary. what are we even watching?? the guy’s been talking about seaweed for the past ten minutes-”
“what do you mean it’s not your thing to tell??” namjoon scoffs, not even paying attention to the fact that yoongi just insulted his favourite nature documentary about plants in the ocean, “형이 먼저 말 꺼냈잖아! (you were the one who told me that she dreamt about me in the first place-!)” he snaps
“잠깐만 (wait, wait-)” yoongi sits up quickly, a couple kernels of popcorn rolling off his chest and falling onto his lap, “일주일이 지났는데 아무것도 안 했단 말이야?? (are you telling me that you… it’s been a whole week and you haven’t done anything about it??)”
namjoon shrinks down before reaching up to scratch the back of his neck, “노 코멘트 (…no comment.)”
“킄 정말로? (really? wow.)” yoongi snorts before shaking his head and leaning back against the couch, “both of you- i mean, both of you deserve each other, seriously-”
namjoon resists the urge to flop down on the couch dramatically, “아니 뭐라고 말하는 거예요 (well, i’m sorry, what am i even supposed to say-)”
“아우 그러지좀마 걍- (you don’t have to say anything, all you have to do is-)”
“yoongi!” namjoon and yoongi look over when you stick your head out around the kitchen door, “cream cheese or vanilla?”
“vanilla, duh.” yoongi raises a brow
you should know by this point that he prefers vanilla frosting over cream cheese!
halfway through the documentary you decided that you were going to make a carrot cake
(and yes, part of the reason why you made that decision was because you were bored of the documentary and wanted to do literally anything else, but you’ll never admit that to namjoon in case it breaks his heart)
namjoon stays quiet until after you disappear into the kitchen again and then he turns to face yoongi with both of his hands clasped together, “말해줘요오! (you have to tell me, c’mon!)”
“말해주면 제발 다른 거 보면 안 될까? (if i tell you, can we watch something else?)”
namjoon scowls
“아 됐어요 도와줄 거라도 있는지 확인 해볼게요- (fine, forget it. i’m gonna go see if y/n needs any help.)” he steps over the boxes of decorations on the ground before turning to look back at yoongi, “부엌에서 필요한 거 있어요? (you need anything?)”
“아니 (nah.)” yoongi responds before shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth, “oh! actually, see if y/n would be willing to make little carrot cupcakes instead of a whole carrot cake. holding a tiny little cupcake in my hand makes me feel like a giant.”
                                     »»————- ☁️ ————-««
“knock, knock…” namjoon knocks on the kitchen door quietly before pushing it open, “everything going okay in here?”  
he smiles when you look up from the bowl and beam at him, “hi!”
“hi-” he comes in and shuts the door behind him, “you need any help?”
“help? from you?” you giggle lightly and shake your head, “i’m good.”
ever since he accidentally poured salt into your batter that one time he hasn’t been allowed to help you
“yoongi changed his mind, by the way.” namjoon gestures back to the direction of the living room, “king min would like cupcakes now.” 
your shoulders immediately droop and you gesture to the already greased cake-pans sitting on the side
what a waste! 
“hey, don’t shoot the messenger!” namjoon raises both his hands in defence before shrugging, “the man wants what he wants.”
you resist the urge to go out there just to throw the cake pans at yoongi
you’re definitely going to force him to wash everything for you later 
“also... you’re just doing this to get out of watching the nature doc, aren’t you?” namjoon wraps both his arms around you from behind and leans down to prop his chin up on your shoulder
you could’ve helped with the decorating, but somehow everything looks better when namjoon does it 
he hung a big red bow on your front door and it looks great! 
you pause in the middle of shredding carrots before letting out a nervous chuckle, “whaaat? no...”
“it’s about the types of plants in the ocean!” namjoon points out, “is that not cool?? plants are cool.”
you shake your head no almost immediately 
not cool
two and a half hours of someone talking about grass that lives in salty water?
not cool at aLL
“how’s the decorating going?” you ask, giggling lightly when namjoon nudges his nose under your jaw before planting a kiss against your neck
“it’s going fine… yoongi isn’t helping, obviously. i handed him one bauble to hang and he hooked it on the collar of his hoodie and told me he’d do it later.”
a brief moment passes where the only sound that can be heard is the carrot you’re shredding against the grater
namjoon purses his lips as he thinks about what yoongi just said to him 
fuck it
“hey, can i ask you something?” namjoon sighs, smiling in delight when you suddenly turn your head to press a sweet little kiss into his cheek
“mhm!” you turn back, continuing to grate away
“it’s not a big deal or anything, but, uh... when were you planning on telling me about that nice little dream you had two weeks ago?” namjoon asks cockily, biting back a grin when he feels you freeze in his arms 
it’s at this moment that the fact that you had a wet dream about him has finally sunk into the depths of his brain and now he’s actually feeling... really good about it 
you had a sex dream about him
what’s not to love?  
he can almost hear the alarms wailing in your head
and now that he’s got the ball rolling- he’s not as nervous as he thought he’d be!
as a matter of fact... this could be fun.
“w-” you clear your throat quietly and the half-shredded carrot drops into the metal bowl with a muted plunk, “i- what dream? i didn’t have a dream about you.”
he knows you’re trying to play it cool but he can see how tightly you’re gripping the grater and he can feel your ears getting hotter against his cheek 
“i never said the dream was about me.”
oh, shit
you messed up
“so...?” namjoon moves your hair to the other side before leaning in to plant a warm kiss under your jaw, “this dream that you had… about me. tell me what happened in it.”
you swallow thickly, the gears working overtime in your brain as you try to come up with some kind of an excuse to get yourself out of this situation
you know that now isn’t the most appropriate moment to be thinking about this but you’re 100% going to slaughter yoongi the moment you get a chance to 
the secret ingredient to make these cupcakes taste good will not be love
it will be BLEACH 
you can’t believe he ratted you out like that!!
how embarrassing!!
“you were-” you cough, “um, you were… you… we…”
oh boy
this is already a train wreck
this is exactly why you didn’t want to tell namjoon about it!
because you know yourself and you knEW you were going to get all flustered and twitchy bringing it up
“well, i was-” you pause, “i was sitting on- sitting on the counter-”
“this one right here?” namjoon’s hand leaves your waist to pat the surface of the counter lightly and you nod gingerly, staring down at his obscenely pretty fingers, “what else?”
“that was it.” you blurt out, “the end!”
namjoon steps back a little and spins you around quickly before pressing you up against the counter, “what else, y/n?”
he traps you in between his arms and you fight the urge to explode into a million bits 
oh god
just tell him!
just SAY it
it’s time to get it over with!!
“you were…” your eyes flicker downwards and your nose scrunches slightly
you really don’t want to say it but you don’t think you can back out at this point because you’ve already said too much 
“…eating me out.” you force out before averting your gaze and looking off to the side  
you really wish there was a better way to say that because the phrase eating me out just sounds so… in your face, you know?
namjoon swallows thickly
so you had a dream about him eating you out?
“y/n, there’s really nothing to be embarrassed about, i promise-” namjoon laughs lightly when he notices your entire face starting to go red
you let out a particularly pathetic whine before leaning your forehead against his chest and gently shoving at his (firm) abdomen
“what’s the problem?” he asks, rubbing comforting circles into your back, “i think about you, you know.”
“you’re just saying that…” you mumble, reaching up to pinch the bridge of your nose, “you’re lying...” 
“no, i’m serious!” namjoon pulls away to look at you, “i… i think about you. i think about things.”
you blink twice 
he thinks about you
he thinks about things 
he thinks about you?
he thinks about things?? 
…what kind of things does he think about?
“y-you do?” 
“of course i do.”
a moment of silence ticks by 
“i think about a lot of things, y/n.”
“like what?” you look up at him, the corner of namjoon’s pretty mouth curling upwards
“you really wanna know?”
“yes.” you respond a little too quickly before clearing your throat quietly, “…please.”
“hm.” he smiles, “as polite as always-” 
you gasp in surprise when namjoon suddenly lifts you up and plops you down on the countertop in one swift movement and your stomach flutters at how effortlessly he just did that
he places both hands flat on the surface on either side of you before looking up at you with his head tilted slightly
you keep your hands folded in your lap, nervously picking at the worn edges of the sweatshirt you’re wearing (it’s namjoon’s coffee-coloured sweatshirt that you ‘borrowed’ from him) 
“mostly about fucking you into the headboard.” namjoon confesses, a smirk twitching at the corner of his mouth when he notices the way your eyes flicker
you definitely seemed to like that idea
“i think about your fingers pulling at my hair when i have my face in between your legs...” he hums, trailing a finger up from your kneecap to your thigh, “i think about how pretty you’d look bent over the counter for me. i think about the sounds you’d make, how soft your moans and gasps would be… i especially like thinking about you moaning my name. i think about you riding me wearing nothing but that cute little apron of yours - you know, the one with the little honeybees on them?”
“apron’s in the.. in the washing machine.” your breathing’s become a bit more shallow and you haven’t blinked in nearly a minute so it’s safe to say that he has your attention
“you know… i think you know what you do to me when you walk around wearing nothing but one of my sweatshirts and a pair of panties, or when you come out of the shower wrapped in a little towel because you ‘forgot’ your clothes in the bedroom…” namjoon murmurs lowly, “and don’t think i don’t notice the way you look at me whenever you suck frosting off your fingers.”
“frosting?” you whisper, namjoon nodding as his eyes flicker down to your lips briefly
your tongue pokes out to swipe over your bottom lip for a split second 
“that’s right.” the metal bowl scrapes against the counter as namjoon drags it over and you jump in surprise at the feeling of the chilled metal bumping up against your bare thigh
“you think you’re so innocent, don’t you?” namjoon chuckles lowly, lifting the spatula up before swiping some frosting off of it with the side of his thumb, “you think i don’t know what you’re up to?”
“i don’t…” you trail off, going cross-eyed when namjoon’s hand comes closer only for his pointer finger to tap at your bottom lip
“you do. open.”
you’re just a little thrown off because namjoon’s never... you’ve never seen him like this before
he’s never spoken to you like this before
he’s never looked at you like this before 
you’re certainly not complaining, of course 
“you taunt me because you like to-” you can’t seem to break away from namjoon’s gaze, the side of his pointer finger hooking underneath your chin as he pushes his thumb into your mouth, “i know you do it on purpose.”
almost immediately, the taste of sweet vanilla frosting washes over your palette
“you want me to think about you, don’t you?” namjoon swallows a groan when you start sucking, your cheeks hollowing slightly as your tongue swirls around his thumb to make sure no frosting gets left behind, “you like the thought of that? like leaving me high and dry because it forces me to use my own imagination?”
(admittedly, yes. a little part of you likes the thought of you completely consuming every corner of namjoon’s mind... just a little part, though.)
you nod slowly in response with glazed over eyes and namjoon clenches his jaw 
he flattens his thumb down on your tongue to get you to open your mouth a little more for him and hums contently when you do so obediently
a thin line of spit stretches from your tongue to namjoon’s slick thumb as he pulls his hand away and you don’t even get a chance to register whatever that moment was before he’s leaning forward to slant his mouth over yours
namjoon kisses you purposefully, pulling you closer to him as you fist at his shirt tightly 
he savours the faint sweetness of the frosting left behind on your tongue and can’t help but smile when he hears you whimper
“can i tell you something?” namjoon pulls away only to start sponging kisses to your neck and you tilt your head to the side for him
“uh-huh, y-yeah-” you nod quickly, slinging an arm around his neck to keep him close while the other hand grips at his shoulder
your eyes roll to the back of your head for a split second and you can’t help but quietly mouth an ‘oh my god’ to yourself because you never knew it could feel this good to have your neck kissed
“i think it’s hot as fuck that you had a wet dream about me,” namjoon groans lowly and you immediately feel a zing! of electricity travel straight down south from the sound of him speaking to you in such a deep, gravelly voice, “and you definitely don’t have to be shy about asking me to touch you… because i’m very willing to do so.”
“i want you to- w-want you to touch me-” you stutter, feeling your cheeks warm from hearing those words come out of your mouth, “want it so bad-”
your eyes pop open when namjoon suddenly pulls away and you frown, instantly missing the feeling of him being pressed up so tightly against you
“lift your hips-” namjoon pushes the bowl of frosting to the side before tapping two fingers on your upper thigh, “-up off the counter.”
your brows knit together in confusion
why would you-
your eyes widen in realisation when it dawns on you what exactly is happening here
“w-what-” you glance at the (for the most part, closed) kitchen door frantically before looking down at joon, “but yoongi’s in the-” you turn back and jump in surprise when you see that namjoon’s face is right in front of yours
you’re practically nose to nose with him
“i know.” namjoon leans in to give you a quick peck before pulling away with a particularly smug grin, “so you’re just going to have to stay quiet for me then, aren’t you?”
you WHAT
“why don’t we get these off, hm?” namjoon hooks a finger into the waistband of your shorts and gives it a gentle tug
you look at the door once again and then back at namjoon, who offers you an innocent little smile as if he didn’t just suggest going down on you on the kitchen counter with your friend in the room next door
think about this!
think about this with your logical brain and not your bonk horny brain
would you rather see your very hot boyfriend’s face in between your legs or would you rather send him away so you can continue making a cake for your very picky friend?
you plant both palms on the counter before raising your hips a little, namjoon grinning in victory before yanking your shorts down in one go
if you would’ve known this was going to happen today you definitely would’ve worn a sexier pair of panties
white cotton is boring!!!
also you know this is the wrong time to be thinking this but you’re wondering if it would be possible to rope yoongi into a shopping spree at victoria’s secret next week because you’re going to need better looking panties if namjoon’s going to keep springing these spontaneous sessions on you
“cute.” namjoon hums, poking at the little blue bow that sits at the centre of the waistband
your breathing stills as he slowly lowers himself to his knees in front of you and you feel like your heart is about to beat out of your chest at the sight alone 
“soaked right through…” namjoon observes quietly, turning his head to press a kiss to the pillowy flesh of your inner thigh, “i’ve barely touched you, baby.”
you jolt in surprise when he runs his thumb slowly up your slit through the thinned fabric of your panties, though he stops right as he’s about to reach your clit
so close yet so, so painfully far
you nudge him with your foot, “you’re teasing.” you swallow thickly, namjoon offering you a boyish grin as he tilts his head, pushing his bottom lip out in a mocking pout
“aw… am i?” he coos, and you shiver when he leans in to press a kiss over your clothed clit, “i’m sorry, darling… that must be so hard for you…”
“and you’re being mean.” you murmur, namjoon chuckling to himself as he pulls your panties down your legs
“am not.”
“are too.”
“am not.” namjoon perks a brow, pushing your thighs apart gently, “take it back.”
“no wa-!” your back immediately straightens as if a jolt of electricity just shot straight up your spine at the first feeling of namjoon licking one long stripe up your centre, and you fight back the urge to snap your legs shut
that’s.,., new!
very new
very new feeling
you’re certainly not against it and it’s not a bad feeling 
it’s just…
“good?” your breath wavers when namjoon hums against you, your eyelids fluttering shut at the feeling of his tongue slowly pressing in deep, “hm?”
namjoon slips his tongue in between your folds before sliding it flat and straight up to your swollen clit, grinning to himself when you finally give in to pleasure and lie back on the counter
you whimper, rolling your hips down towards his mouth as he drags his tongue over your slit in repetitive strokes before flicking his tongue over the top of your clit
it’s too much and not enough at the same time, your legs instinctively starting to squeeze shut around him
“nuh-uh, baby…” you find that you can barely move, namjoon’s fingers digging into your thigh as a warning as he keeps your legs open, “keep them spread for me.”
namjoon watches your reaction intensely, finding pleasure in the way that your chest rises and falls quickly and in the way you twitch every now and again
from here, he can see the way your brows furrow and the way you bite and tug at your bottom lip in a poor effort to keep yourself quiet 
“you can use your words like a good girl, can’t you?” namjoon teases, two fingers rolling tight little circles into your clit as he watches you, barely blinking, “tell me how good it feels…”
“good- ungh, feels good-” you whimper, hips bucking up against his fingers desperately
namjoon looks down to see you practically dripping onto the counter
he would’ve done this a lot sooner had he known you’d be acting like this from his touch 
“fuck me,” namjoon groans suddenly, and all of a sudden it seems like everything’s moving ten times faster than before, “you look so fucking hot right now-”, he wraps his strong arms underneath both your thighs before yanking you closer to him, practically burying his entire face in between your legs
your right leg gets hitched up over his shoulder and you quickly sit back up, digging your fingers into the soft strands of namjoon’s hair as his tongue laves back and forth against your folds
your back arches and you tilt your head up towards the ceiling, namjoon instinctively pushing his clothed crotch against the bottom part of the counter for some kind of relief 
he’s so painfully hard from just hearing you hold back moans and watching you squirm and twitch 
you remind yourself to loosen your grip on namjoon’s hair because you’re worried that you might accidentally rip some strands out and leave him with a bald patch, but namjoon obviously doesn’t seem to mind as he doubles his efforts and starts to lick and and suck with tremendous fervour 
“fuck, you taste good-” he curses, his right hand sliding underneath your sweatshirt to cup your bare breast before he pinches and rolls your nipple in between his fingers
he drags his tongue down to circle around your tight hole and you jerk immediately, “oh my god-” you pant, overwhelmed by all the different feelings your body is experiencing at this moment, “that feels so-”
your bum is teetering on the edge of the counter at this point because namjoon’s basically pulled you off of it and you reach down to grip at the edges so you don’t fall off 
“gonna cum?” namjoon murmurs, eyes locking on your face almost immediately as he feels you starting to squirm underneath him 
he really wants to watch you cum
“j-joonie, god, don’t stop-” the arm wrapped around your waist tightens around you and your eyes roll to the back of your head as he continues his torturous onslaught of pleasure, “i-i- nngh- namjoon-!”
“i’ve got you, baby… you can cum…” namjoon feels himself twitch in his sweats upon hearing you moan his name like that 
the thought of gagging you with your own panties to mute your moans briefly flits through his mind but... he wants to hear you moaning his name over and over and over again 
he wants to make you scream for him
when it happens, you practically bite your bottom lip off trying not to cry out in ecstasy
namjoon has to hold your trembling thighs open to keep them from snapping his head right off
your hips buck lazily as you quiver around namjoon’s hot tongue, your body glistening in a sheen layer of sweat as you bask in the slow, rolling waves of ecstasy
you lie back down against the counter, chest heaving beneath your sweater as you stare dazedly up at the ceiling
oh, wow
you watch as the ceiling fan whirrs around and around and around
you feel like you’re not physically here right now 
like your soul left your body and you’re just floating in the air like a bunch of particles 
“-!” you twitch when namjoon carefully wipes you off with your panties before setting them onto the counter next to you 
you slowly prop yourself up onto your elbows so you can look at him, feeling your cheeks flush when you see that he’s looking right at you 
you’re not sure why you’ve gone all shy again as if his tongue wasn’t licking you out ten seconds ago 
“hi, pretty girl...” he smiles, his dimple popping up in his right cheek, “welcome back.” he jokes, rising to his feet while keeping your right leg propped up onto his shoulder
he turns to give your ankle a kiss before gently bringing your leg down and helping you sit up
“that was really something...” you wrap your arms loosely around his neck as he grasps your hips before leaning down to give you a sweet little kiss 
“oh yeah? did i live up to dreamjoon?” namjoon teases, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear before pinching the apple of your cheek 
“you did a much better job than dreamjoon.” you hum, and it’s only then that you’re aware of the very prominent bulge pressing into your centre, “but i... i wanna make you feel good, too…” you murmur, namjoon biting back a groan when you nudge your bare centre against him, a darkened splotch now staining the front of his sweatpants  “and…” you lean upwards to whisper something into namjoon’s ear
holy shit
yes please
“yeah, shit, we can definitely do that-” namjoon hates to admit to how horny he is but he can’t help it when you go around saying stuff like that to him, “we-” he pauses suddenly, eyes going wide in panic, “oh, shit!” 
“wh- what??” you look around the kitchen frantically before grabbing the closest thing to you as a form of defence (a silicone whisk) 
“friggin’ yoongi-!” namjoon hisses in pain as he adjusts himself in his sweatpants, “i forgot about yoongi-”
a little weird of him to be thinking about yoongi while he’s touching his- 
“oh my god, yoongi!” you hiss quietly, hopping off the counter with wobbly legs 
namjoon hands you your shorts and you quickly wiggle into them before pulling your sweatshirt down  
you completely forgot that yoongi was in the room right next to you guys and that last moan of yours wasn’t exactly quiet
and you know that yoongi might not have a lot of knowledge when it comes to baking, but you’re sure that he knows enough to know that practically screaming namjoon’s name out loud isn’t a key step in achieving a fluffy cake batter 
“we weren’t doing anything!” 
the two of you stumble out into the living room and you file through your brain to come up with some kind of a logical excuse as to why you’re hot and sweaty and why namjoon’s hiding his lower half behind a kitchen towel and how in the world those two facts are related to his precious carrot cake cupcakes
you pause when you notice that yoongi’s nowhere to be found 
the documentary’s still playing on the TV, the boxes of tinsel and baubles have been completely abandoned, and there’s nothing but a blue sticky note sitting on the couch 
taking a nap in my car. text me when you guys are done being horny. also - you’re welcome. 
christmas with cee 2020 masterlist
🎁what would you like from ceenta this year? 🎁
966 notes · View notes
semisgroupie · 3 years
Third Time's The Charm
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Club Member!Taichi x Fem. Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: fingering (f!receiving), exhibitionism (Oikawa watches), condom usage (i know, crazy right?), praise, many many check ins, safe word mention, characters are college aged (both seniors in college so 21/22)
A/N: this is my submission for the @hqintheclub Haikyuu University Sex Club collab! Read the rest of the works here! I am so thankful for this network and to contribute to the collab, I hope this does a good job in conveying safe sex practices. Also a huge huge thank you to @meiansmistress for beta-reading!!! Yes the safe word is a little tribute to what Taichi does in the timeskip.
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Once Shinsuke called the end of the meeting, Kawanishi stood up and made his way to the front of the room with his clipboard in hand.
“Alright my fellow club members, I’m just going to go over the statistics before the end of the month, who need to go for their STD tests and the notes I took from this meeting.” He adjusted his glasses and flipped through the papers. “Okay, so some recommendations from this meeting are, ‘buy scented toilet paper’ by Tooru. Yeah, not happening.”
A whine came from the back of the meeting room.
“Dude, why not? You know how girls have to pee after sex? They could have something that smells good while they do it!” Tooru’s eyes lit up offering his proposal, just like every other month, only to have it shut down again.
“Buy scented candles or something for your smelly bathroom.” Chuckles and snickers erupted in the room while Tooru sat back and pouted like a child. Kawanishi went through the rest of the recommendations and other areas of concern before moving onto the last topic.
“Okay, so for the fun part. Time to see who has had the most and least sex this month.” The room went dead silent as Kawanishi went over the log book. He did a onceover of the totals before looking at the group.
“So the lucky guy with the most amount of happy customers is… Osamu with eighteen.”
“Huh? ‘Samu? He isn’t even here! Not even a member.” Atsumu huffed and kept on ranting and raving about his brother until Kawanishi interrupted him.
“Actually, he’s an unofficial/official member who does not need to really attend meetings since we haven’t properly officiated his membership. But we definitely need to do that since he’s definitely bringing popularity to the club. Next is Mr. Chairperson Tooru and Mr. President Shinsuke both tying in with twelve happy ladies. Congratulations to the both of you. So, now the two least are—well you guys shouldn’t be surprised as these results have been consistent for a while now. But in good spirit, it’s me with two and Keiji with one.”
A shrug came from Keiji as the results were read. Kawanishi felt the same way, it got annoying every single time he had to read the results. They both knew they had to get laid but Kawanishi had his eye on a special someone.
The meeting was called to an end and Kawanishi made his way to his room to get ready for his chemistry lab. There was only one thing circling in his brain—he had to raise his number, but how? There was that one person he wanted but he wasn’t even sure if she even had plans to use the services the club provided, let alone choose him.
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You were Kawanishi’s cute little lab partner. Always looking at him with bright doe eyes and always greeting him with a huge smile. You were too cute, too innocent to use the sex club. Kawanishi was sure of that. You probably even had a boyfriend so any hope he had for you was gone.
That was until he overheard you talking to your friends.
You were huffing and complaining about your sex life as you stood in front of the lab room—well, lack of sex in your life. You had a cute pout on your face as you rambled on, completely unaware of Kawanishi eavesdropping on such a private conversation.
“My toys aren’t even as enjoyable anymore! I just give up halfway through because it's the same thing over and over, I’m tired of it! And there’s absolutely no way I’m going to find a random guy on Tinder because he could be a creep or just horrible at sex.”
You sighed and started scrolling through your phone while your friend started thinking about what you said. Kawanishi recognized her, he knew her name started with a J and she was with Osamu last week. He remembered her moaning—well, screams—of Osamu’s name. As Kawanishi shook the thought from his head, “J” spoke.
“Remember that hook up I told you about last week?” She waited for you to nod before she continued speaking, “Well, there’s a website I met him off of. I’ll give it to you now and check it out. I think I saw a picture of your lab partner on the site. But check it out and let me know who you pick. Enjoy your class!”
You gave her a quick thanks before walking into the lab room, getting your goggles and supplies as Kawanishi soon followed. You made small conversation but every time you snuck a glance at him, you couldn’t see him as the type to be a part of the university’s sex club. Jay probably got him confused with someone else but for some reason you couldn’t wait until you got back to your apartment.
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You just had to make sure. It was just curiosity. Well, that was what you kept telling yourself when you opened up your laptop and typed the web address in. You were met with the website, seeing the names of all the members and things that they specialized in. While you were scrolling through, your eyes widened and your heart dropped to your stomach.
Secretary: Taichi Kawanishi Specialty: Fingering
“Holy shit. It’s him.”
You read the name over and over again. Maybe it was just the lack of sleep finally getting to you or maybe it was because you unknowingly inhaled some drug that caused you to hallucinate and see his name. No matter how many times you refreshed the screen and rubbed your eyes, nothing changed. His name was still there and so was his specialty.
“Fingering? Well, he does have nice fingers. They are very long.”
You started thinking about his slim fingers, wondering how they would feel on your skin, grazing your most sensitive parts, but before you got too deep in thought you snapped yourself out of it. This was your lab partner! Not some pornstar or prostitute. Not some rando you met on a dating site. You would see him again if you decided to go through with it. How would that change how you two interacted with each other? Would it bring unnecessary tension?
You had this back and forth with yourself all night. You finally made your decision when you couldn’t get yourself off, the toy on your clit no longer bringing the same satisfaction it used to. With a huff you grabbed your laptop and went back to the website. Once the page loaded, you looked through all the guys and their specialties.
“Corsetry? What is that?”
You looked through the rest of the other specialties and you were equally intrigued and confused. You went back to Kawanishi and stared at his name. You didn’t want to ruin anything but you couldn’t stand this any longer—you needed a good fuck and you needed it badly.
“Fuck it.”
You scheduled an appointment with him, Saturday evening, a time where the site said he would be free. You put your laptop away and went to sleep.
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The next morning Kawanishi woke up to frantic knocking on his door. He rolled out of bed and opened the door to be welcomed by Tooru.
“Dude, what the fuck? Did someone die?”
“No but check your phone, someone has been scheduled for tomorrow evening.”
Kawanishi rolled his eyes and checked his phone, the notification woke him up.
“Y/N scheduled me for tomorrow evening?”
“Don’t worry my friend. I will get you condoms. But aren’t you glad I sent you for STD testing on Monday? You can thank me later.”
The rest of the day went by normally, then Kawanishi remembered one of the main rules.
“New members and members who fuck the least need to fuck in front of an official club member.”
Kawanishi went to some of the other guys first, but Keiji and Koutarou both said they couldn’t. Shinsuke had to visit his grandmother and some of the other club members were occupied. That left  only one person.
“Tooru, are you busy tomorrow evening?”
Tooru thought for a few seconds then shook his head. He furrowed his eyebrows in a silent question as to why he would be needed tomorrow evening.
“You forgot the rule, didn’t you?” Tooru kept a confused look and shrugged his shoulders.
Kawanishi pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed before continuing. Only if anyone else was free. He would take anyone at this moment over Tooru.
“People who fuck the least in the club need to fuck in front of an official member, and everyone one else is busy so I’m asking you.”
A smile grew on Tooru’s face as he got up and wrapped his arm around Kawanishi’s shoulder.
“Oh my friend, don’t make me seem like I’m the last choice—“
“—you are.”
“Ouch, anyways I’ll be glad to watch. Do you need any tips? All the girls have left with a smile on their face after a night with me. You know I would’ve never thought I’d say this but you should’ve gone to Seijoh or maybe I should’ve gone to Shiratorizawa… I would have gotten you laid all the time, or at least done a better job than stupid Ushiwaka, you wouldn’t have had this little dry spout you’re having now—hey!”
Kawanishi removed Tooru’s arm and walked out of his room.
“Thanks for doing it, I don’t need your help though. If you try coaching me, I don’t care what I’m doing, I will throw you out of the room myself.”
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Kawanishi spent the rest of the night and most of the day Saturday organizing his room, making it neat and stuffing his mini fridge with drinks and snacks. When it was time for you to come over, he waited for you in front of the club house.
As he waited, his nerves were getting the best of him. He hadn’t felt this nervous since he lost his virginity. Before he could really start worrying, he saw you approaching, giving him a small wave before you could greet him with a hug.
“Hey, well first off, thank you for choosing me for this. I should explain that we will have someone watch us, so if that makes you uncomfortable I completely understand. It’s just a rule we have for the club and I can show you the rule book if you need me to once we get to my room.”
“It’s okay. If you don’t mind me asking, who will it be?”
Before Kawanishi could answer your question the man in question wrapped his arms around the both of you.
“Hello you two! I shouldn’t need to introduce myself but I’m Tooru and—oh! I recognize you, Y/N right? I think we had biology together last year. You saved my ass so many times with your notes. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure Kawanishi here treats you right—ow!”
Kawanishi pinched Tooru’s side and gave him a mean side eye.
“Tooru, remember what I told you yesterday.”
Tooru raised his hands in surrender at Kawanishi’s warning and you couldn’t help but laugh at the interaction. The sound of your laughter helped calm Kawanishi down a bit. He just had to get it through his mind that you were just a regular person with needs just like him, and he was going to help you satisfy those needs.
Light conversation was shared between the three of you as you all walked to his room. Once you crossed the threshold of his bedroom, Kawanishi took your hand as he led you to the bed and sat next to you. You rested your hand on top of his and offered him a shy smile, leaning in slowly.
“C-can I kiss you Kawanishi?”
He cupped your cheek and closed the distance between the both of you. Your lips felt so soft against his and he couldn’t stop himself from deepening the kiss. His hand moved to squeeze the fat of your thigh that was exposed by the skirt you were wearing. He broke away from the kiss to sit against his headboard, patting his thighs.
“Come on, come sit on my lap, pretty girl and we can get started. If you feel uncomfortable, your safe word is mojito. Once you say it, I will stop whatever I’m doing and we can just cuddle or do whatever you want, okay?”
You settled yourself on his lap with a meek “yes” before leaning back in to kiss him. Tooru was sitting on the spare chair in the room, scrolling on his phone. It was adorable to see you get so shy. You were always so confident and so outspoken, but once Kawanishi got you inside his room you crawled into a little shell.
He pulled you down to kiss you this time as his hands wandered over your body. His hands moved over your clothed breasts, squeezing them softly, making whimpers leave your lips. He moved his hands lower to your ass, squishing the flesh, and when you bucked your hips into his he gave it a light smack, swallowing the moan that left you. He pulled away to look at you.
“Can I touch you some more? I just want you to feel really good for me.”
“P-please touch me, w-want more.”
He smirked at your stuttering—it made this even more enjoyable. He leaned in and trailed kisses from your lips to your jaw and neck, your hips bucking more. You were so sensitive he couldn’t wait to see how you would react to his fingers. His hand trailed up your thigh and his thumb grazed against your panties. You bit down on your lip, trying to hide your moans.
It was embarrassing to you how quickly you were falling apart; he hadn’t even touched your skin for more than a few seconds and you already felt like once his fingers touched your bare pussy, you would cum.
Kawanishi licked your neck as he slid your panties to the side.
“Are you ready? I’ll go nice and slow for you.” He spoke into the skin of your neck as his fingers rubbed your slick folds.
“Yes, please.”
Your head dropped to his shoulder once he slid his middle finger inside you, moving slowly. He hissed at the way your cunt swallowed his finger, thinking about how it would feel once his cock was buried inside you. He sped up his thrusts, your muffled moans and whimpers encouraging his actions further. He slipped another finger in, leaning back to see your expressions as you quickly lifted your head from his shoulder.
Your jaw went slack as moans kept falling from your mouth, your hips bucking into his hand as you got lost in the pleasure, chasing your orgasm. His fingers were so long and hit so deep. They felt so good, better than any toy you had used in the past month or so. You were embarrassingly close to your orgasm after only a short time.
“Ka-Kawanishi, ‘m close!”
“I know, just cum for me, okay? Cum all over my fingers, let me know how good I’m making you feel.”
He thrusted his fingers faster, using his thumb to rub your clit. He rubbed your back with his free hand while watching all your expressions. Your hands made their way to his shirt, balling the fabric in your fists as you came undone on his fingers with a moan of his name. He slowed his fingers down to help you relax, making sure he wasn’t overstimulating you.
“You did such a good job for me. You look so beautiful when you cum. So good for me. Are you okay?”
“Yes I’m fine,” you reply breathlessly.
“We can stop here. All I care about is you cumming. I could continue fingering you until my fingers turn pruney if you want or I could get you some snacks and water and just talk.”
You shook your head; you couldn’t leave him hard. You wanted to fuck him, and the snacks and drinks could always come later.
“I-I want to fuck you. I want you to feel good too.”
“Don’t worry about me, this is all about you and your pleasure. I’m here for you, okay?”
You nodded as he reached over for a condom on his nightstand. You lifted yourself off his lap slightly to remove your panties and skirt as he pulled off his sweatpants and boxers, revealing how hard he was.
“Okay, so how do you want to do this? I want you to be comfortable and enjoy yourself.”
“I want to ride you.”
You sat yourself on his thigh as he opened the foil package and rolled the condom onto his cock, pinching the tip of it. Once it was on, he placed his hands on your hips to help you guide you down on his cock. His grip tightened, feeling your warmth envelop his cock and fighting the urge to just thrust up into you. He moved you down slowly until you bottomed out.
“You did amazing, now take your time. I’ll help guide your hips so you don’t go too fast.”
You placed your hands on his shoulders as you slowly bounced yourself on his cock, the tip brushing against your g-spot over and over again. Praises kept falling from Kawanishi’s lips as moans kept coming out from yours. Tooru couldn’t help but start palming himself over his sweatpants at the sight of you and Kawanishi, your sweet moans and cries filling the room. Your hands went under your shirt, freeing your breasts from the confines of your bra. You played with and teased your nipples, adding extra stimulation to the pleasure you were already feeling.
The closer you got to your orgasm, the more your legs shook, making him take more control. He bounced you up and down on his cock, thrusting his hips up to meet yours. You felt so good around him and the sight of you playing with your nipples turned him on even more. If he thought you looked beautiful when you were fucking yourself on his fingers, you looked like a goddess now. Your pussy clenched his cock tighter and tighter with each thrust, signalling to him that your orgasm was approaching.
“Cum for me Y/N, cum for me. I know you’re close, I feel you clenching me so tightly. Come on and cum for me.”
Once the soft commands were spoken, you came around his cock, your eyes clenched shut as your jaw went slack letting out a silent moan. As you were riding out your orgasm Kawanishi couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. Small beads of sweat rolled down your neck and you finally opened your eyes to make eye contact with him. You leaned down and connected your lips with his once more.
Kawanishi kept thrusting until he filled up the condom with his cum. Once he felt you relax around him, he lifted you up slowly and laid you down on the bed, covering you with a blanket. He pulled the condom off, tying a knot and throwing it out in the trash can in his room. He nodded at Tooru, giving him the signal to leave, and so he did with a wink and a wave.
Kawanishi reached out for your hand and helped you get up as he walked you to the bathroom.
“I just need you to go to the bathroom and then we could watch something.”
You did your business and left the bathroom with a small smile on your face.
“Is there any way we could have this happen again? I don’t know if you guys can have regulars or if it's against the rules.”
Kawanishi chuckled and walked you back to his bed.
“We have no rules about regulars and I’d love to do this with you again.”
He kissed you on the forehead and handed you a water bottle to drink from before laying down next to you.
As he laid down next to you, talking about a random topic you brought up, he finally understood when people said the third time's the charm. He couldn’t have asked for a better person to raise his total to three.
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