#i heard how you treated Ryan.
max-headroomfiles · 4 months
The more I sit. The more I let it stew, the more I look back and think about April. I truly realized something, I truly realized no matter what I can never trust the fandom. No matter how "normal" things may seem now, no matter how we can pretend to go back and do our funny shitposting or whatever, there is something I can never shake and it's how I can never truly look at the fandom the same way again.
I can never trust you guys, because when I look back, all I can ever remember is the vitriolic racism you guys spewed towards the two men of color (mainly Steven Lim) and yet let your precious white man off the hook all because he made some "funny" anti capitalist jokes.
I will never ever forget the way you guys made me feel, the extreme rage you projected all because you didn't like what they did. I will never forget how you all ruined something that gave me motivation and the inspiration to create. I will never forget how you ruined an interest that helped me out of a bad mental health space. And I will never forgive you for that either.
I was naive to think back then this community was "safe", that these were creative fans who shared a passion like me. But again, I was naive, I was so naive to think that wasn't I?
Because I had a life lesson alright, I learned that as a biracial girl, to never trust a white fandom.
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outro-jo · 1 year
skz when your brother doesn’t like them
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pairing: skz member x reader
type: scenario
warnings: reader gets groped in minho’s, reader gets burnt in changbin’s (a lil hurt/comfort), han is pretty mistreated, i can’t think of anything else
request: yes
note: i couldn’t find individual pics i like and i didn’t feel like digging too much to ot8 it is 😅
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chan- you were kind enough to give him a warning in advance that your brother was overprotective and he’s never liked anyone you’ve brought home. chris LOVES a challenge so he did his homework ahead of time. when you finally went over to your family’s house, chris was ready. one thing your brother loved more than anything was marvel and… ryan reynolds. all it took was a quick message to his bestie and chris had an in like no other partner you brought home before had. that wall your brother had built up came crumbling down the second chris handed him the signed piece of deadpool merch. that evening after dinner your brother told you, “you better marry him” before the two of you left which certainly wasn’t a problem.
lee know- minho is the type to not care. if people don’t like him, that’s not his problem. however, this was your family and he wanted to leave a good impression with them. he was off to a good start with both your mom and dad liking him… it was your brother that was a different story. you two are so close and always have been. he’s seen you get hurt too many times to like someone right off the bat. minho, of course, understood so he didn’t push anything. it was icy at first. your brother giving him cold blank looks while the smile faded on minho’s face and he cleared his throat. the conversation was mostly one sided until minho decided to give up and give your brother space. it wasn’t until the three of you ran out to pick up some ice and a few other things your mom needed for dinner that things changed. someone groped your ass, making you cry out in surprise and before your brother could come to your defense, minho was already cussing them out then comforting you. an extremely unfortunate event but it made your brother have a little respect for minho and the way he looked after you.
changbin- someone hating THE seo changbin was something he simply could not fathom. he’s incredible so like??? it broke your heart to see when your brother and he met how he absolutely deflated. but to changbin’s credit, he kept trying. every conversation was shot down. changbin eventually gave up and came to hide in the kitchen where you were helping your mom prepare dinner. sure, he sulked for a minute but just like when he was at home with you, the second he saw you try and lift something heavy, he rushed over to take it from you. then he helped open a jar with a lid that would not budge. then it was helping clean vegetables. soon enough, changbin was fully and happily helping you and your mom in the kitchen. the three of you were laughing at a joke that was made when you suddenly felt the sting on your finger, making you yelp and jolt back. binnie was over to you in a second checking on your burnt finger and ushering you over to the sink to run it under cold water. your brother had come in to check the commotion but found you and changbin at the sink where changbin was babying you and tending to your wound. your mother sent your brother a look who just scoffed it off but from then on he started treating changbin a little better.
hyunjin- one thing about your brother is he despised wealthy people and as soon as your brother heard you were dating the literal ambassador for versace, he couldn’t have been more annoyed. he immediately wrote hyunjin off as some rich, snotty brat who couldn’t hold an intelligent conversation or care in the slightest about people “beneath him”. so when the two of you went to meet your family, your brother wouldn’t even look at hyunjin. it was incredibly disheartening but hyunjin shrugged it off. instead, he went and talked with your parents, sharing his experiences with travel and meeting all kinds of people. he gushed over learning the different cultures and trying new foods and everything he loved about travel. then he talked about when the group went to meet a little boy minho had “adopted” and been financially caring for over many years. that day they met the boy and his family, playing soccer with him and taking him to get ice cream. he shared the memory so fondly your brother started to see him in a slightly different light and when he saw how he attended to you throughout the meal, he decided to give him a chance… just one.
han- so things were not going well. jisung was anxious the whole week before and he was a mess on the drive over only for his worst nightmare to come true. your brother hated him. it was so apparent in your brother’s body language and facial expressions and even in the way he spoke to jisung. thankfully your parents liked him but the treatment from your brother was getting out of hand. seeing the defeat written all over jisung face broke your heart and after one particularly snarky comment about his job you finally snapped. your fists pounded against the table as you stood to your feet and roared at your brother, giving him absolute hell. when you finished you took jisung’s hand, thanked your mother for the food, and pulled jisung to the exit. days later your brother came over to your shared apartment to apologize and eventually it was a funny story that was included in his best man speech.
felix- when your mom invited you and felix over for dinner, you were curious to know how it would go especially since you knew your older brother would be there. you loved your older brother but he’s always been a little too protective. you knew it was sure to be an interesting dynamic because your boyfriend is a literal ray of sunshine and there was no way anyone could be rude to him when they met him. felix didn’t seem too fazed when you warned him, quite honestly, he was expecting it. that afternoon he came prepared with wine, flowers, and some of his homemade brownies which he did purely because he wanted to and wanted to give your family a good impression. the second your brother saw your boyfriend’s bright smile and that he brought sunflowers and fucking homemade brownies???? there’s no way he could be as cold to him as he had been to your other partners. he wasn’t overly nice but he didn’t even have the heart to give the tight gripped handshake me normally did. eventually they really got along and even made plans to hang out… without you.
seungmin- seungmin did not care. he gets thousands of vile comments on the internet, if you think some intimidation from some guy well on his way to fifty was gonna get to him, then think again. he was far too happy to ignore the deadpanned looks and the tightly gripped handshakes to just go into the kitchen and have pleasant conversation with you and your parents. your brother was FULL-ON sulking because seungmin was pretty much ignoring him but he had to respect it a little. you were more important to him and your brother would just have to accept that he planned on spending his life with you… and he really didn’t care if your brother was a part of that.
i.n- not only was jeongin completely unbothered by it, he was also to utterly likable that your brother couldn’t even keep up the facade for long. the dinner started off quiet but once the two found a common interest, they couldn’t stop talking. it was so adorable to watch both of their stupid (lovingly) faces light up while they were talking. suddenly the two boys were best friends and the dinner ended with the two of them in front of the tv in the living room playing mario kart. before you started to feel too forgotten about, jeongin, who had just lost a race, called you over so he could have his “good luck charm”. it must have worked because he won every match after that. the night ended with the promise of the two of them meeting up again to hang out when jeongin’s schedule cleared.
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roostersbby69 · 3 months
2. Fun with the groomsman
Summary: It was your sisters wedding today and you, as a bridesmaid, and your older sister, as her maid of honor, got ready for the wedding. Her soon to be husband has a friend that catches your eye. And you catch his
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You sipped on your wine as you listened to your family go on and on about your sisters wedding. They told their friends, their coworkers, everyone. Which was sweet of them of course, since their daughter did get married but… she did get married two months ago.
Oh, and the guy from the bathroom incident…you didn’t speak to him again.
Sometimes you thought back on it and wondered where he was in life now. But you knew you’d never see him again.
“Yes and the ring is huge!” Your mother put her mimosa down and held her hands out an exaggerating amount.
You rolled your eyes and excused yourself to go to the restroom, the resturant wasn’t busy since it was around 1:00. It was a nice little place just on the corner of the street that had a little shop inside, you looked around before going to a clothes rack and flipping through the different dresses.
You stopped on one and went to take it off back before the dress slipped off of the hanger and fell onto the floor, “Shoot.” You muttered, bending down to pick up the clothing. You put it back on the hanger and bumped into someone and heard glass shattering.
“Oh my god!” You turned around with your hand on your mouth, “I am so sorry!”
The man stumbled and looked at the glass figure that was in pieces on the floor.
“Shit, it’s alright.” He bent down and started to pick up the pieces, you also bent down to scoop up the glass.
“I wasn’t looking where I was going, I am so sorry, I can pay for it.” You rambled as you stood back up with a handful of glass.
“It’s okay.” He shook his head before standing up in front of you.
He was much taller than you and bigger.
“Wait,” you furrowed your eyebrows and scrunched your face, “Do I know you?”
He turned and looked you in your eyes before his eyebrows raised, “You’re the bridesmaid.”
Your face heated up, “Um, yeah.” You tucked a piece of hair behind your hair and stuttered.
“Good to see you?” He questioned more than a statement.
“Yeah, good to see you.” You swallowed as you stood awkwardly.
“Um, how are you doing?” He dumped the glass in a nearby trash can.
You copied him and dusted your hands off, “I’m okay, how are you?”
He shrugged, “can’t complain.”
You nodded and stood awkwardly in front of him, “Well, good to see you.” You waved as you turned off.
“Good to see you too.”
Your sister, Hallie, invited you to a night out to drink and have fun at a local bar. Your sister was on her honeymoon in the Dominican Republic and you found this as the perfect opportunity to hang out with your sister. You agreed and set up a time to meet at your house since you lived closer.
You knew the bar and had went for a few drinks a couple times with some friends but you didn’t go frequently.
You weren’t going to dress up but when she showed a picture of what she was wearing you groaned and pulled out your skirt.
“I’ll take whatever that is.” You pointed to a picture on the drink menu to the bartender.
“You got it.” She turned around and grabbed a tall glass.
You turned to Hallie as she was scanning the menu, “What do you think I should get?”
“Nothing strong.” You shrugged, “well I guess get whatever you want since Ryan is driving.” Ryan, Hallie’s husband, came with y’all since you both wanted to drink. And you figured you’d just meet up at your house so he could drop you off and pick up her car. Ryan doesn’t really drink, tonight he wanted Hallie to have fun.
A guy came up beside you to order a drink, you scooted to the side to give him more room as he rest his elbows on the bar top. “Just a beer please, Penny. You treat me too well, sweetheart.” He drummed his knuckles onto the counter.
She handed you your drink and you thanked her before sticking the straw in the drink.
Bradley looked to the side at you and smirked before facing forward again, “Long time no see, sugar.”
As you sipped your mixed drink you looked up to him with a raised brow, as you saw who he was you set the drink down and groaned.
“Why are you following me?” You turned to him and rested your elbow on the top.
Penny slid an open beer to him and he sipped it before answering, “I think you’re the one following me, I come here almost every night.”
You rolled your eyes at his attitude, “Why on earth would I want to follow you?”
“I don’t know,” he shrugged, he leaned down to your level and whispered in your ear, “Maybe you want some more of me.” He leaned back up as you sipped your drink again, he brought the bottle back to his lips and walked off.
You smacked your lips and tugged out a barstool as Hallie finally decided what she was ordering. She told Penny what she wanted then turned to you, “Hey, wasn’t that the groomsman from the wedding?”
You nodded, “Yeah.”
She elbowed your shoulder and smirked, “He’s good looking.”
“Hey.” Ryan leaned over and threw a peanut at her.
She rubbed his arm and turned back to you, “All I’m saying is that you should get out there. Have some fun.”
“I’m good.” You sipped your drink and took the pineapple off of the rim, you bit into it and turned back to watch as he threw darts at a target. You watched his hawaiian shirt as it stretched around his biceps as his arm drew near to his head.
You watched as when he licked his lips the tip of his tongue skimmed the bottom of his mustache. You can still remember how it felt when it tickled your thighs as he kissed them, and how it felt on your pussy.
“Y/n!” Hallie waved her hand in front of your face. You snapped out of your trance and looked towards her.
“You zoned out for a second, something on your mind?” She sipped her drink.
You shook your head, “No, I’m good.” You ordered another drink and watched as Bradley came back up to the bar.
“A shot of whiskey please.” He rest himself on his elbows before turning to you. “Well don’t you look like you’re having fun.”
You rolled your eyes, “I’ve never had fun in this bar.”
“Well we’ll just have to change that.” He smirked and grabbed his bottle. He held his hand out to you and you shook your head.
“No thanks I’m fine here.” You turned and sipped your drink.
“Oh come on.” He gestured for you to come to him, “I won’t make you do anything serious, just come with me. Please.”
You thought for a second, you turned to your sister who was on her third drink, she was laughing at something Ryan had said.
You turned back to Bradley and took a big gulp of your drink before taking his hand and letting him pull you out of your seat. He led you to a pool table and smiled when his friends laughed at something.
“How many beers you having Rooster?” One of the guys asked, he was taller, darker skinned, and had a slight mustache.
“This is my last one.” He lifted the bottle and sipped it.
“Yeah right.” He laughed and rolled his eyes.
“Uh oh, who’s the new girl, Rooster?” A handsome guy approached you. He had neat, blonde hair, straight teeth, blue eyes, and was tall.
“Back off, Hangman, she’s a friend.” Rooster pushed his hand on his chest and got a little in front of you.
“A friend huh?” He smirked before winking at you, “Lieutenant Jake Seresin, ma’am.” He stuck his hand out to you. You shook his gently and smiled.
“Pretty name for a pretty girl.” He put his hands into his pockets and stood a little straighter.
“Alright that’s enough.” Rooster took your waist in his hand and led you to a nearby table.
You sat down and he sat across from you, “So your friend, he’s nice.”
“Don’t even.” He finished his beer, “You got a ride tonight?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, “My sisters husband is taking us home.”
He nodded, “Want me to take you home?” He pursed his lips and looked to the ceiling.
“You’ve been drinking.” You laughed.
“Trust me, sweetheart, it takes a lot more than two beers to get me buzzed.”
You shook your head and smiled, “That doesn’t make me feel any better.”
“Just let me take you home. It’s the least I can do.” He shrugged. You got a good look at him now, his unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt, his wife beater underneath, his mustache, his arms, and his brown eyes that you seemed to love to look into.
“Fine. But if you get us killed, it’s your fault.” You pointed to him and fought back a smile.
“I’ll take it.” He smiled and started to get his keys out of his pocket. He got up and waited on you to get out of your seat before taking your hand and leading you to the front door.
“Let me text my sister.” You pulled out your phone as he opened the door for you, “Thank you.” You looked at him and smiled.
“No problem.” He looked down at you with a smile as well.
You: Bradley is taking me home
Hallie: The groomsman?! Have funnn ;)
You rolled your eyes and bit your Iip, you looked back to Bradley who was waiting patiently for you.
“Ready?” He asked when he noticed you looking at him.
You liked his car, it was cute, you complimented it and he told you all of his stories about it. How his mom got it for him, how he almost wrecked it in high school, and how he took such good care of it.
He was a gentleman, he opened your door for you, made sure you had your seatbelt on, and let you pick the music. Much different from any other guy you’ve hung out with. And you could get used to this.
He pulled up to your house and turned the car off, “Nice place.” He muttered to himself, but you heard him.
“Thank you.” You undid your seatbelt and opened the door, “It needs a lot of work but… it’s home.”
You walked with him up to the door and pulled out your keys, Bradley took the time to look around your porch and notice the various flowers and trinkets.
You unlocked the door and stepped inside, the house was warm and the kitchen light was still on. Bradley stepped inside and smiled at how homey it was. It reminded him of his parents house, the plants, the pictures, the record player in the corner, and the small dining table.
“Thanks for bringing me home.” You turned and smiled to him. He stopped snooping and looked down at you.
“Oh, it’s not a problem.” He shook his head.
“Do you want a coke or something?” You walked to the fridge and opened it, you took out a can and coozie for you.
“Sure, thank you.” He sat down at the table and you brought him a coke. He cracked it open and sipped it, still looking around.
“Thank you, again, for bringing me home.” You smiled and sat down in front of him.
“Like I said, it’s no problem at all.” He shook his head and lightly smiled.
Your eyes trailed down to his neck and his lips, god this alcohol was really getting to you, you squeezed your thighs together and shifted in your seat.
“Something wrong?” He asked as he watched you stop squirming.
“No, no I’m fine.” You sipped your drink.
“You sure? You look uncomfortable.”
“No, I’m okay.” You waved him off.
You looked at his mustache and imagined how it felt when he ate you out. How his lips felt when he sucked on your clit softly.
You bit your lip as he stood up slowly and walked towards you, he took his knuckle and placed it under your chin to make you look up at him. He admired how your breasts spilled out of your top, how your eyes had gotten darker, how your lips seemed redder and puffier.
“You’re lying.” He said lowly. You swallowed and stared up at him, he looked so much more sexy at this angle.
“What do you mean?” You said pathetically.
“Want me to take you to bed?” His thumb played with your bottom lip as he pulled it between his fingers.
You nodded and whined when his hand came and grabbed your neck. He stood you up and walked as close to you as he could, until his belt was touching your belly and you had to crane your neck back to look up at him. His hand slid down to the side of your neck as he tilted down towards your face.
You grabbed his face and smashed your lips against his, your hands slid to his back and bunched up his shirt as his lips moved against yours. His tongue shoved its way into your mouth, you moaned against him as he backed you into the fridge.
His hands came to your ass as he hoisted you up into his arms, easily. You grabbed the sides of his face and continued to kiss him he started to walk but remembered he didn’t know where your room is.
He set you down gently, “Where’s your room?”
He watched your ass as you led him to the back and opened the door. He wasted no time to have his lips back on yours, he grabbed your neck and walked you back to your bed, once your knees hit it you fell backwards, you grabbed onto his shoulders and took him down with you.
He smiled against your lips as his hands found your sides under your shirt.
You reached your hands down and brought it over your head. His lips found your neck and sucked harshly, finding your sweet spot.
You sighed as his lips traveled down to your collarbone and the top of your boobs.
He sucked there as you pushed him back and switched sides. You dropped down to your knees and undid his buckle. He smirked and watched as you pulled down his pants and boxers, with his help.
His rock hard dick sprang out and hit his stomach where his happy trail ran down in his pants.
You grabbed him and pumped him slowly, he groaned and watched as your eyes were on his dick the whole time. He throbbed in your hands and you watched as precum beaded from his tip and ran down the side of him.
His tip was red and ready to be inside of you. You took your tongue and flattened it against his tip and looked up at him, you kitten licked him and kissed down the sides of him. He groaned and laced his fingers through your hair tightly.
“Fuck.” He sighed once you finally took him in your mouth, he watched as your lips spread around him and how you gagged when he hit the back of your throat. You were better than any other girl that’s given him head, and you acted like you wanted to do it.
You placed your free hand on his balls and took the other to fit around what didn’t fit in your mouth.
He moaned at the feeling and felt his cock throbbing inside your mouth.
He pulled you back and told you to lay on the bed, so you did.
You laid on your back and he climbed over you to take his shirt off, “Take your shorts off.”
You obeyed and also slipped your panties off as well. “Turn around.” He looked you in your eyes which were full of lust.
You turned and he grabbed your hips to stick your ass in the air.
He kissed your ass before taking his large hands and grabbing each cheek, he spread you open and attached his mouth on your dripping pussy.
“Fuck.” You sighed and dipped your head into the bed, he licked up and down your slit with the tip of his tongue and shoved his face into your pussy.
You could hear the slurping noises he was making and the sucking as he pulled at your clit.
You could feel his mustache scraping your pussy in the most delicious way. His nose poked at your hole and you clenched around nothing.
“Fuck Bradley.” You moaned and gripped the sheets in your fingers.
Bradley kissed your clit before pulling away and smacking your ass hard.
He sat up and lined his cock up, and rolled on a condom, with your entrance before shoving inside of you.
“Oh!” You cried out as you weren’t expecting his length inside of you, you could feel him pulsing inside of you and he could feel you clenching around him tightly.
“Fuck you’re so right.” He groaned and squeezed your ass in his hands.
He drew back and snapped into you, “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He moaned as your pussy gripped him for dear life.
He snapped into you and set a pace to where he was pounding in your pussy and your moans broke.
“F-fuck!” Your eyes rolled back and you moaned out.
He gripped your hips hard and snapped his hips into yours and watched as your ass moved for him. He slapped your ass hard and rubbed it, he pushed your torso deeper into the mattress and listened as you cried and moaned for him.
“Fuck you’re so tight, you’re so good for me. I knew you liked to be fucked.” He smirked to himself as he kept his pace.
“Fuck Bradley! Your dick is so big.” Your jaw opened wide as his fingers slipped between your legs and rubbed your clit tight.
“Cum for me. Be a good girl a cum.” His balls tightened and he snapped harder into you.
You could feel his cum shooting into you as he rubbed harder on your clit. “Fuck!” You screamed as your body shook from your orgasm.
You moaned out as he thrusted into you slowly and waited until you milked him of every last drop of cum.
He pulled out and gave your ass one more squeeze before laying you down and grabbing his shirt from the floor. He cleaned you up and rubbed your back as his dick softened.
“You ok?” He rubber your shoulder and moved your hair to the side.
“Yeah, just need a minute.” You nodded and moved the hair out of your mouth. That was probably one of the best fucks you’ve ever had.
He laughed and patted your ass before getting up and gathering his clothes.
“Are you going?” You sat up and covered your chest with your blanket.
He looked at you while he slipped his boxers on, “Yeah, I figured I would.”
You nodded, “Oh, ok. Are you sure you’re able to drive?”
He stopped from putting on his shorts and smirked at you, “You know what, I might be too buzzed to drive home, mind if I stay?”
You smiled at him, “Anytime.”
Note: hey yall! Sorry I haven’t been posting as much/ taking long to post, I’m currently on vacation and am trying to spend time with my family and post at the same time! So please be patient with me if it takes a little bit longer! Thanks for the love! xoxo
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xmasterofmunsonx · 9 days
Under Pressure
Pairing: Carmen Berzatto x Reader
Rating: 18+ eventually - mentions of miscarriage, drugs, and language
Summary: You’re a top chef from Atlanta, who gets scouted for a program to help integrate temporary chefs into restaurants across the US to bring something new to each restaurant. Your assignment? The Bear, in Chicago. Your new head chef? Carmen Berzatto.
Your morning started off rough, the coffee pot in the short term rental wasn’t working, and you barely slept the night before in anticipation of this day. Your boss Ryan had already sent you a good luck text knowing how nervous you probably were. This was a new program where restaurants were switching out chefs for a few months at a time to bring in new ideas, and hopefully improve business. You’d been scouted by Natalie from the Bear, and as soon as you heard that it was a chance to be in Chicago with your brother for 3-6 months depending on how well it went, you jumped at the opportunity.
Your rental was just a few minutes walk to the restaurant, Natalie had scouted the place out for you over a few FaceTime calls, and the company organizing this program handled everything else.
You took a few deep breaths before walking into The Bear, where you were greeted by Natalie’s smiling face. She must have spotted and announced that you were standing outside waiting, because by the time you were walking in you could see heads peeking through the kitchen window. You were dressed casually, not knowing what to expect for tonight- what station you’d be put at, or if you’d be dealing with the front of the house at all. You wiped your nervous, sweaty hands on your jeans before shaking her hand and introducing yourself to her.
Her smile was warm, and she held out a hand to you, “it’s so nice to see you in person finally! Welcome to the Bear, we’re so excited to have you here. And thank you for being so willing to come spend time here.”
You offered a smile, your southern accent slipped out more than you meant to, “Thanks Natalie, I’m looking forward to it. I’ve heard so much about this place.”
“Please, just call me Nat, okay? Your accent is precious- it’s even more in person.” She offered another big smile to you.
“Yeah,” you laughed, “at dinner last night I had three people say something about it so I guess it’s stronger than I thought.” You scratched your neck nervously, “am I dressed okay? I didn’t know how you guys were with tattoos, but I figured I could stay in the back tonight if I had to and wear something to cover them up tomorrow-”
“Please, you’re going to fit right in. C’mon back here and I’ll introduce you to everyone. They’re all prepping for the day, you got here at a perfect time.”
Nat lead you into the kitchen, where the team was already starting to prep for the day. You looked around at the organized chaos and smiled to yourself, it felt like a good fit already despite the nerves still in your stomach. You could tell they took pride in their kitchen by the pristine countertops, and the organization of each station. You were too busy looking around to realize that everyone had stopped what they were doing and had their attention on you.
Nat clapped to get everyone out of their strange daze, “Hey everyone, listen! Here’s our guest chef we’ve been talking about. Just a reminder, she’ll be here for 3-6 months depending on how things go, so treat her nicely, all of you. She’s here to help us, bring in some fresh ideas, and maybe even get things running a little bit smoother.”
You waved at everyone nervously with a small smile, “Hey everyone. I’m really excited to be here. Nat’s done a wonderful job telling me all about everything amazing y’all already have going on for you, and I’m honored to be here. I couldn’t believe I was scouted over my head chef, Ryan.”
A woman in the back made a comment, “that’s because we need more calm in this place. That one beside you can get a hot head sometimes, we needed another woman in here. I’m Tina, by the way.” She smiled at you, and you looked to your left at the well known chef you had heard about already - Carmen Berzatto. You may have been all the way in Atlanta but you knew him and you knew his reputation. He was shorter than you had expected, but his presence was strong.
Carmen was standing with his arms crossed over his chest, and you felt like you were under his microscope. You knew how he felt, you were a guest in his kitchen, and you knew what it was like to have someone who could potentially be invading upon your space. You’d read all the articles, done your research and you knew this kitchen ran like a well oiled machine.
“Good to have you here, Chef.” He spoke calmly, and extended his hand, his large one completely enveloping your small tattooed one. You saw him take a glance at them, but he made no comment.
Another girl stepped forward, a much warmer smile on her face, “I’m Chef Sydney, and we’re excited to have you here even if someone doesn’t know how to show it.” She was motioning her head to Carmen and you just shook your head with her.
“I’m Richie,” a tall man emerged from the side of the kitchen, “welcome to the jungle of this kitchen. We’re all a bunch of fuckin’ lunatics, so I wish you the best of luck.” You laughed at his introduction and shook his hand politely too.
“Believe me, I’ve worked in chaos before. I fully believe I can keep up with it here.”
“You? A Michelin star chef have worked in a wild kitchen before? That’s hard to believe.” You blushed at the fact that he’d also done his research on you. It was something you were proud of accomplishing so early on in your career, but you stayed humble about it. “But you’ve never worked with bear over there. He’s a tough one.”
“Shut up, cousin.” Carmen snapped at him quickly without looking up.
The rest of the team laughed, the tension easing slightly as they adjusted to your laid back energy.
Nat guided you over to Carmen’s station where he had resumed his prep for the day, “As we discussed on our calls, Carmen’s in full charge of the kitchen. He’s the one who will keep you updated everyday, and if you need anything, or if he makes you cry, tell me or Richie.” She winked as Carmen tensed and rolled his eyes.
“Your kitchen is beautiful, I heard about all the renovations.” Carmen nodded, his expression was serious, but not angry.
“Thanks, it took a lot to get here.” He put down his utensils and walked you over to a blank prep space, “You’re on sauce for tonight, think you can handle that?” You nodded, “alright then, we’ll get you settled.”
You took your place in the kitchen, already starting to acclimate to the flow of the kitchen after he explained everything to you. The staff started out initially a little wary, and you could tell by their glances, so you tried to play it as cool as you could, which seemed to make everyone warm up to you quickly. You knew you tended to have an exterior calm demeanor, no matter how you were feeling inside, but your quick wit fit in perfectly with the jokes floating around all night.
You felt Carmen’s eyes on you almost the entire first shift, and you wondered what it was about. Was he regretting his choice of you over Ryan? Were you overstepping in some way he wasn’t voicing to you? Thoughts about you being unwanted were already starting to intrude on your thoughts, and because of your overthinking, you had one small slip up with the sauce that you hoped he hadn’t seen, but his raised eyebrow seemed to clue you in that you weren’t as sly as you thought.
“Won’t happen again, Chef.” You said, as you passed the fixed dish to him. He observed the plate, nodded and called for it to be taken to the table.
The kitchen was finally quiet for the night, and you were sweaty. Your hair had made it up into a bun on top of your head, your bangs stuck to your forehead, and you had shed your layers of chef coat down to your simple black t-shirt. You loved staying past close, the lack of clattering dishes, orders being barked, “behind!”, “hands!”, etc. hadn’t been spoken in about 20 minutes and all you could hear were softer noises of things being scrubbed down.
Carmen was busy wiping down the counter tops after you’d cleared them all off, and he’d dismissed everyone else to go home. He didn’t say it to you, and you didn’t want to seem lazy on your first day, so you took the initiative to start organizing prep for tomorrow thanks to the lists and clipboards all around. You appreciated the way the kitchen was similarly organized to yours, but his was a little more controlled, and yours a little more relaxed.
“So, that accent of yours.” Carmen had a smirk on his face as he glanced up at you, “didn’t know people in Atlanta sounded quite like that.” He raised an eyebrow at you and you chuckled.
“I’m actually not from Atlanta.” Carmen leaned against the countertop, crossing his arms again, ready to listen. “I’m from a tiny town a few hours outside of Atlanta, went to school-”
“Oh, I know where you’ve been. We can skip all that.” You wiped your hands nervously on a kitchen towel and leaned against a different counter, facing him. He was trying to intimidate you, but you weren’t giving in. “So, you landed in Atlanta, huh? That’s a good food scene.”
“Yeah, it’s been a ride. I started in this tiny diner back home as a teenager, nothing fancy, but I learned a lot there, and that’s what originally made me want to become a chef. My parents would always ask what I wanted for my birthday and from about age 10 and up, I’d ask for a nice meal at a fancy restaurant in the big city.”
“That’s cute.” Carmen was listening intently and you were wondering what his intentions were with this conversation. “How would you say today went? Feel good about it?”
“Actually, yeah. You definitely know how to run a kitchen. I mean- I didn’t think you didn’t, but I felt really comfortable here and only fucked up once so I would say that’s pretty good. You run it like it’s nothing.”
“I wouldn’t say it’s nothing, I’ve been doing it for a while now. You get a pass for today, but we don’t have time for fuckups, even if they’re small, m’kay? I could tell you were on the verge of a panic attack once you noticed I saw it so I let it slide since you fixed it, but I expect perfection every day, just so you know.”
You nodded, understanding completely since you were the same way. “Understood, just first day jitters.” You glanced around again, “You can tell this is a special kitchen. You, or someone has put a lot of heart into it and I can tell just from the first day of being here, feels right at home. I was so nervous about it.”
There was a look in Carmen’s eyes that you couldn’t quite figure out, “Yeah, we’ve put a lot of heart into this place. All of us. And we’re trying to keep it that way.”
You nodded understanding him, he was setting some soft boundaries already about not wanting to change much. You could tell he appreciated you noticing that he’d put his heart into it as he went back to cleaning off the counters, it was something you hoped people would always feel in your own space.
Carmen glanced up again, “So really, what brought you here? Other than the program, why Chicago- the Bear? We don’t have a star.”
You pause, unsure of how deep you wanted to go with the answer. You started to smile as you spoke, “I needed a change. And when I was offered the opportunity by the program, and here was one of the options, after speaking to Nat, I knew it would be the right move.”
You couldn’t help but turn your smile into a grin as you felt an understood respect between the two of you that couldn’t have happened during service earlier today. You were much more at ease now that he understood why you were here.
The air between you two was more comfortable, as you were finishing up the last bits of the closing duties. You heard Carmen clear his throat, trying to keep his tone casual as he glances over at you, wiping down the last of the counters.
“So, you’ve got anyone waiting for you back in Atlanta? Married, dating...?”
You looked up, raising an eyebrow at him as you felt a smile creep onto your face. This isn’t the first time you’ve been nonchalantly asked about your personal life in a kitchen, by a male especially, and you could tell he was just curious by his other questions about where you came from.
“Not anymore. I was married, divorced now. A uh, very brief marriage.” You could tell the word shocked him, it did most people.
“What uh, what happened?”
You sighed, finishing up completely for the night. “Yeah, married very briefly- it didn’t last long. Six months, to be exact. He started cheating on me after I got sober, and I found out six months after we got married.”
You watched as Carmen’s eyebrows knitted together, something in him darkening a little. “Thats fucked up.”
You nodded, “Yeah, it wasn’t easy. He was an enabler, and I guess he couldn’t handle the positive changes I was making for myself. The most fucked up part, was he told me he was cheating on me while I was in the hospital miscarrying, from all the goddamn stress he was putting me through. He left me there alone, and moved his shit out of my house and once I was discharged, I came home to a half empty house. So, that’s why I needed Chicago.” You don’t know why you were so vulnerable so quick, and you regretted immediately when there was a moment of silence between you two that lasted just a little too long.
“Thats really fucking heavy. I uh, I’m really sorry. I wouldn’t have asked if I knew about all of that.” You nodded, appreciating his understanding. “How long have you been sober now?”
“Two years and a few weeks.” You said simply. You saw a look in his eyes again as he scratched at his eye, but not saying anything back. You sighed again, “Sorry for just… laying all of that on you. The city, restaurant, pretty much... everything was tied to him, to that past life. I just needed a small break, a fresh start. Ryan was really supportive, and I still can’t believe I got picked over him, so thank you.”
Carmen nodded, “Yeah, yeah. I totally get needing a change, finding something new without the weight of the past can be hard but I think we’re all glad you’re here. Sydney and I talked for a long time before we decided on you.”
His eyes were softer now, and you could tell there was more he wanted to say but he didn’t allow himself to be anymore vulnerable than he already was.
“Well, I think that’s enough for today. You did a good job today, Chef. Thanks for putting in the extra work tonight too, you didn’t have to do that.”
“If you don’t mind, it’s kinda my favorite part of the day to participate in, I like the quiet before going home. Helps me relax some and leave anything at work, at work.”
Carmen nodded, “Well, it wasn’t expected but it was appreciated. I know they’ll appreciate it tomorrow too when they come in.”
You two walked out together, and told each other goodbye and went your separate ways.
You picked up your phone to call your brother who was living in Chicago too- he had been for a while, you had had dinner with him last night and you knew he was eagerly waiting to hear about your first day.
“So, is he hotter in person than in the pictures?” Your brother asked before he even greeted you, and you heard his boyfriend Blake laughing in the background. You turned around to see Carmen still walking the opposite direction.
“God, shut up. I don’t know, I’m just here to work. My day was fine, by the way. Actually only fucked up once and I didn’t get yelled at.”
“Probably because he thinks you’re cuuuute.” Blake was teasing- you knew at this point you were on speaker phone.
“Fuck both of you.” You were blushing at this point. “I’m working at one of the best restaurants in the city and all you care about is how hot the chef is?”
“C’mon, he’s practically a model. His arms- are they that big, or are they photoshopped?” You rolled your eyes, you should have known this was coming from them.
“They’re really that big and only a little distracting, okay?” You bit your lip, trying not to smile. “He’s alright.” You couldn’t let them know about the post work conversation you both had.
“Ugh, just imagine him all sweaty and yelling out orders. I’d thank him for yelling at me.”
“Blake, come on! I’m a professional chef and you’re being ridiculous.” You were glad they couldn’t see your blushing face, because there were a few times tonight you were thankful the kitchen was as hot as it was because his voice did sound rather… hot as he was barking orders. The way he had full control over his staff, versus your calm demeanor in your kitchen. “He’s intense, but he’s really good at what he does.”
“Ugh, the hot brooding type, and the skills to go with it? I bet he’s good with his hands.” Blake said, and you hollered for your brother to take over the phone call before you got overwhelmed.
“Stop it, he’s my boss.” You continued walking at a fast pace to get back to your apartment.
“So no sneaky make out sessions in the walk-in?”
“BROTHER! GET YOUR PARTNER OFF THE PHONE!” You yelled as you laughed.
“I’m glad you had a good day.” Your brother had picked up the phone, finally. “And who knows, maybe the hot chef with the temper is just what-”
“Fuck off! Both of you!” Your heart was actually warm at the teasing, you knew they were worried about you and wanted the best for you.
“I’m glad you had a good day. Even though you have to let us know if things heat up with you two.” Your brother spoke.
“Thanks, and I truly needed the laugh. I’m almost to the house now, so I’ll talk to you both later.” You ended the call, biting your lip to hold back a smirk as you thought about your day. You plopped down on your couch, thinking of nothing but the intense chef you spent the whole day with, and now you couldn’t get him off of your mind.
Your second day started off different than the first. Maybe it’s because you were more comfortable, or because you let some walls down last night, but you felt a lot of tension in the air tonight as you were all busy during dinner service.
Carmen had assumed his position at the pass, his eyes constantly scanning the kitchen, but you felt them burning into you, and every chance you looked at him, you caught him stealing a look at you.
Your technique was not one to be fucked with, honestly. You were smooth, well practiced, and efficient. You knew what you were doing, and you were doing it really well. Other members of the staff had complimented you all night, and you couldn’t thank them enough for their kindness.
What you didn’t know, was that this was starting to gnaw at Carmen already. His temper was flaring as the orders picked up, and his voice had a new edge to it that had you making sure you were doing everything perfectly tonight.
You knew he knew about you, and you felt respected by him after last nights talk, but you couldn’t help but wonder if he was acting like this tonight to prove that this was his kitchen, no matter who was receiving the compliments.
“Sauce, NOW! We don’t have all fuckin’ night for this!” He yelled out harshly, and you responded completely unfazed by this tonal change.
Your hands picked up the pace, working quicker than before and more precise than before as well. It seemed to piss him off more that you weren’t barking back, just yet at least, and you couldn’t let him get under your skin like you knew you were under his.
“Yes, Chef, sending sauce now!” You observed him as he took the plate. He analyzed everything about it, and you knew what he was doing. You’d seen it time and time again in men-ran kitchens. They loved to critique the women more than anything and they were willing to throw out a perfectly good dish just for the sake of their ego.
“Too thick. Sending back, didn’t I tell you we don’t have time for this?” He handed it back to you, and looked elsewhere, barking out another order.
You nodded and immediately got back to work, adjusting the sauce the tiniest bit because you knew it was the perfect thickness. It was identical to last nights, and he hadn’t said anything about it last night. Your eyebrows were furrowed as you put together the dish again. You wanted to argue back the more you thought about it, but you decided not to.
Everyone was on edge at this point. Carmen had turned into the chef you’d been warned about, the volatile, temper tantrum throwing chef. You glanced up at Sydney and she offered you a smile with her shrug, mouthing that it was okay.
Carmen’s frustration continued to build as the night went on, and it’s as if each dish you sent up that was perfect only pissed him off more and more. You could tell it was bothering him.
“C’mon guys, move faster! We’re behind as it is!” He snapped and you looked back over at him, as he was glaring daggers at you.
You took a deep breath to calm yourself, but picked up your pace even more, staying just as precise as before. You weren’t letting him get to you, and you could tell he was growing more frustrated. He was being too hard on you, but he couldn’t stop- he was starting to feel lesser in his own kitchen and it was only your second day. How the hell could you do this for three months?
You sent up another flawless dish, and he glared at you.
“Carmen, I’ve got this.” You put your hand on top of his gently. He froze and snapped his eyes back to you. You were quiet, and confident, and it wasn’t something he was used to having to deal with.
“I need this shit done my way.” His voice was low, and his jaw was clenched. Okay, maybe your brother and his boyfriend were right. He was kinda hot.
You locked eyes with him, “I’m aware. This is your kitchen, I’m just here to help, chef.“
There was a thickness in the air between you two, and he paused before speaking. You realized in that moment that Carmen was going to be hard on you just because you were good. He’s not used to being the one not being complimented, or in control. Somehow, your calm demeanor had changed the air of the kitchen and almost made it seem like you were the one running it because you were being so efficient, and that’s what pissed him off.
The rest of the night continued on, but you could tell Carmen was exhausted in every way possible. He’d pushed you and everyone else too hard tonight. You were cleaning up your station with ease, not letting it show how defeated and beat down you had been made to feel, but you knew it was because of his insecurity.
One by one, the kitchen clears up. Carmen leans against the counter with his arms tightly crossed, his biceps practically bulging out of his tshirt, watching you finish up. The room is quiet again, but the tension from earlier still lingered in the air.
“Been on my case all fuckin’ day, Carmy.” You’d picked the name up from everyone else around you and decided to pull it out while you two were alone. “What’s the problem?”
Carmen stiffens slightly at the sound of your voice, the nickname rolling off your tongue so smoothly, but he doesn’t respond right away. Instead, he pushes off the counter, walking slowly towards you, his jaw tight. He knows you’re right—he’s been harder on you than anyone else.
“I’m just making sure things get done right.” He answered through his clenched jaw.
You raised your eyebrow at him, matching his posture and pose. You could smell bullshit from a mile away. Your frustration was simmering, and you tried to not let it show. “That’s not what this is about. I’ve been running kitchens long enough to know when someone’s got a problem with me. So what’s the fucking problem?”
He sighed, running a hand through his messy hair. He leaned against the counter next to you, and you could tell he was searching for the right response. He was quiet, and less defensive when he answered. “You’ve been doing everything right. That’s the problem.”
You titled your head, completely confused by his answer. “Not following here. Like, at all. I get picked on when I do things correctly? Because that’s… not exactly what I signed up for, Carmen.”
Carmen gripped the roots of his hair and let out an exasperated breath when he looked at you. “You’re good—really fuckin’ good. Better than most people I’ve worked with. And it’s... you’re throwing me off.”
You watch him, your brow furrowing as your mind starts to race. You know exactly what it’s like to work with people who can’t handle someone who’s just as good, or better, than they are, especially men. But Carmen’s answer feels different- he isn’t just being competitive.
You dropped your attitude, “You feel like I’m stepping on your toes?”
You watched as his sharp jaw got tighter, and he looked away from you as he avoided answering you. You let him simmer, waiting for him to come up with what he was trying to say.
“Yeah, I mean, maybe. You’ve got the Michelin star restaurant, the experience... It’s hard not to feel like I’m being compared to that. You’ve been here 2 days and everyone already loves you and what you’re making.” Ah, he felt like he was going to lose control of his kitchen.
You felt your frustration melt a little but as you calmed your voice down, l“I didn’t come here to compete with you. I’m here to help. That’s it.”
Carmen exhales, and you hope he realizes that’s all you’re here for.
His voice was low, “I know... it’s just...” He pauses, insecurity written all over his face.
You finish the sentence for him, “It’s hard to let someone else take some of the control.”
Carmen nods, his eyes meeting yours again. You totally got it- you know what it’s like to be in his position, to feel like you have to prove yourself every day, even when you’ve already proven it a hundred times over.
“Yeah. Something like that.”
You smile gently, feeling the tension between you two easing as she steps even closer, standing just a few steps away from him now.
“Look, I promise I’m not here to take over. This is your kitchen. I respect that. But I’m good at what I do, and I think we can make this place even better if we work together. I can take whatever step back that I need to. Fuck, put me on dishes tomorrow. But you can not take this insecure shit out on me tomorrow. I’ve paid my dues in hell kitchens before and I know yours is not one, but you’re not going to make it one for me either. I’m here to help.”
He nods, his shoulders relaxing a bit. “What’s your favorite late night snack?”
“What?” You looked at him like he had two heads because he changed the subject so quickly.
“What’s your favorite late night snack? You’re here late enough, what can I make you?”
“Nothing, I’ve got some leftovers at home.” You lied- you had something frozen at home, but honestly you were probably just going to eat a piece of bread with peanut butter before you pass out.
“Nah, I’m making you something. If you don’t tell me anything I’m gonna just pick something.”
“But we already cleaned!” You stomped your foot, and that earned a smile out of him. “Grilled cheese.”
He clapped his hands together, “Yes, that sounds delicious. Garlic butter or salted butter?”
Your mouth was already watering, “garlic butter of course.”
“That’s the correct answer.” He got to work quickly, not making a mess of the counters to undo any of your work. You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket, and saw it was your brother so you answered it.
“You’re still there?” He asked you.
“Yes, I’m still here. Stop stalking my location or I’m turning it off for you. Closing down a restaurant takes a while.” You said back to him, quickly. Carmen turned around to watch you as you paced the kitchen and he waited for the pan to warm up.
“You sure you’re just closing the restaurant?” His partner chimed in.
“Blake, shut the fuck up.” You knew you were as red as a tomato. Carmen mouthed the word, “what?” “My brother and his partner think you’re the hottest chef in Chicago.”
You held the phone away from your ear as they both cussed you out and yelled at you for outing them, saying they’d never be able to show their face at the restaurant.
“Then quit giving me shit!” You yelled back.
“How was today?” Your brother asked, calmed down.
“It was…” you looked around and Carmen had turned back around to the pan on the gas stove. “It was a day.”
“Oooooh. You’ll have to give the hot tea later. About the hottie.”
“Stop iiiiiiiiiit.” You whined, and Carmen turned around again, laughing at you. “I gotta go, you two go to bed. It’s past your bedtime.” You hung up the phone before they could say anything else, and you placed your phone on the counter. “Sorry. He lives like, five minutes down the road and he is so excited to have me in town that he calls me all the time, and checks in on me-”
“You okay over there? You look a little flustered.” Carmen teased you, and you were mortified.
“Yes, I’m fine.”
“You two seem pretty close.”
“Yeah, we are, we’re actually twins.” You were born first, and you would always brag about it.
“Oh shit! That’s cool.”
“Yeah, except I got all the brains apparently. He’s an idiot and doesn’t know how to act. Sorry about all the uh, stuff.” You vaguely motioned, and blushed, suddenly focused on the fact that Carmen’s arms were naturally flexing as he flipped the grilled cheese sandwich in the pan. Your brother wasn’t completely wrong.
“He thinks I’m the hottest chef in Chicago, does he? Don’t twins like, share brain cells or something?” He turned around to make you blush even more.
“God, stop it, Carmen. It’s been two days and you’re technically my boss, so stop.” You buried your face in your hands, until you felt two hands grab onto your wrists and pull them away.
“Sorry, I overstepped. I was just going along with his teasing. Is he as southern as you?” He squeezed your hands before he let go and went back to the stove.
“God, no. He learned how to talk differently in high school and he never got his accent back. Moved up here for college and stayed ever since.”
“So you’ve come up here to see him before?” He was cooking a sandwich for himself and he was testing the sides to see if they were done yet.
“Once or twice. Not enough, I’m really glad to be able to be here to see him for this long.”
“You know, the program is kind of a placement program too, so if you wanted to-”
“I’m not trying to get ahead of myself here. I’m just needing a vacation from Atlanta, a working vacation, and somewhere that everyone doesn’t call me ma’am.” You joked.
“Triangles or squares?” Carmen asked, putting the sandwiches on paper towels.
“What?” You were confused at his question.
“You seem like a square sandwich kinda person, don’t tell me you like triangles?”
“Is there any other way to cut a grilled cheese, Berzatto?” He raised his eyebrow at you and said nothing, just cut the sandwich into four slices. “They taste better.”
He laughed at your childish comment, “you’re honestly not wrong.”
You helped him clean up the small mess he made and walked out of the restaurant with him again, but you both hesitated at the door tonight.
Carmen’s hands were shoved into his pockets as he cleared his throat, “Hey, you wanna come in early tomorrow and help me with the special?”
Your jaw almost dropped to the floor. You weren’t expecting this kind of integration into the staff or menu yet- three days in. This was a huge deal.
“You really want me to help?”
He scratched his head, “Didn’t we just have a conversation about how you were here to help? I think you’ve got some good ideas, and I think you can handle it.”
“Yeah, yeah, I will.” You tried to fight back the smile you had on your face at the recognition he was giving you after a bad day today.
“Just uh, don’t be late.” He teased you.
“I wouldn’t dare.” You teased back, already wishing this was the Carmen that you were dealing with every day for the next three months. “Thanks for the sandwich.”
“Thanks for everything tonight, Chef.” You blushed again at the comment and waved bye as you made your way to your home, your cheeks keeping you warm the entire walk back.
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The Malicious Daughter Is Back! - 15
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Character : Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Summary: It's just a business marriage. Bucky thought it would be easy until he encountered the stepsister of his fiancée. She turned his world upside down.
Warning: Tragedy, Angst, Manipulation, Intimidation
The Malicious Daughter Is Back! Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist || Support : Ko-fi 🙏🏻
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Leave a comment and Reblog, please. I'd love to hear your thoughts. ❤️
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Her body shivered as she heard him admit his actions without remorse. This scary man’s name is Lance. He’s dangerous and sadistic, with no moral compass.
Lance’s presence was intimidating. He was a hulking figure with a sinister smile that never quite reached his cold, calculating eyes. His hands, large and scarred, rested on the table with a casual menace. His voice was a deep, gravelly rumble that carried an unspoken threat, making it clear that he was a man who thrived on fear and chaos.
He will do anything to get what he wants. She had heard from some people that Lance had a plan to kidnap a billionaire’s kid and demand a ransom.
Genevieve didn’t want to participate and felt lucky that she had escaped that circle of hell. But right now, she was walking back into hell to stop the humiliation her family received from you.
Lance put out his cigar and leaned back, his eyes glinting with malevolence. “You’re not here for a cup of tea, right?”
Genevieve took a seat beside him, trying to steady her trembling hands. “I need your advice. I’ll give you money.”
He let out a low chuckle, sending chills down her spine. “Now we’re speaking the same language.”
Bucky went to visit the new manufacturing company. He felt a wave of fear when he stepped into the factory. As he was receiving the tour, he passed by some workers. One particular worker, with a larger build than the others, wore a big hat that covered his upper face. Bucky shivered. It was the same feeling he had when he was kidnapped. His trauma was triggered again.
He turned to take a good look at the man again, catching only a side view. But that smirk—he knew it. He had seen it a million times in his nightmares. That man was his kidnapper.
Bucky's heart started beating fast, and he couldn't keep standing. He struggled to breathe and then collapsed. Everyone around him panicked.
"Boss!!!" His assistant and secretary quickly rushed to help Bucky, but their touch only made his symptoms more severe.
"Call an ambulance!" the assistant yelled, and others frantically tried to assist.
Except for Lance. He looked on from afar and smirked. This was exactly what Genevieve had asked Lance to do: trigger Bucky's trauma and trap him in his own nightmare.
You received a call from Juliana informing you that Bucky had been taken to the hospital. When you arrived, you found out that Bucky had lost consciousness. You felt an overwhelming sense of guilt for not being able to help him.
Juliana looked at you with concern, her eyes filled with worry. You clenched your fists, your heart aching for Bucky. "I should have been there for him."
Juliana put a comforting hand on your shoulder. "There's no way you could have known. All we can do now is be here for him when he wakes up."
You nodded, determined. "I will. I won't let him face this alone."
While Genevieve felt great that her plan was working, she didn’t know that Jonathan had another idea: to arrange an engagement between Victoria and another successful family.
Victoria pointed at the photo of a man she knew from her social circle. "Him?" It was Ryan Henken, a rich daddy's boy.
Jonathan nodded. "You both already know each other. It will be easy to fast-track the engagement."
Victoria's face twisted in disbelief. "He’s not the right person to marry. His mind is messed up." It was true; she hung out with Ryan and others, but he was the type of man suited for parties, not family life. She knew how Ryan treated his former girlfriends. The man was crazy.
Even after listening to his daughter, he remained firm. "His parents have already agreed to this."
"You didn't even discuss this with me! Are you going to let me have a miserable marriage?" Victoria's voice was filled with desperation.
"You still live under my roof. My rule," Jonathan said coldly, leaving the room. His decision was final, and no one could change it.
Victoria clenched her fists in frustration. Her peaceful life had started crumbling after you ruined her engagement with Bucky. This was all because of you.
Upset, Victoria drove around the city aimlessly. She eventually stopped at a park and began walking, trying to clear her mind.
“Pretty lady, you dropped your keys,” she heard an elderly voice say.
Turning around, she widened her eyes. She knew this older woman—it was your grandmother, Cassandra.
Victoria clenched her fists as she approached. "Thank you," she said, leaning down to pick up the keys. She leaned closer and whispered to Cassandra, "The woman who stays with you is not Ophelia, but your granddaughter. Your daughter is dead, killed by her husband. And the granddaughter who stays with you shares the same blood as the man who killed Ophelia."
Cassandra's breath shortened, and she pulled at her hair in distress. "Ophelia… No… My baby!"
“Hey! What did you do to her?” Cassandra's caretaker pushed Victoria away from the elderly woman.
Seeing Cassandra devastated made Victoria feel a twisted sense of fulfillment. "I'm just telling the truth," she said, then left, acting as if she had nothing to do with Cassandra's agony.
Cassandra's mind was in turmoil, unable to accept that her daughter was dead.
You rushed home immediately when you heard your grandma had fainted from a panic attack. What was happening? First Bucky, now your grandma?
As you entered her room, the first thing Cassandra said when she saw you made your heart ache. Her weak hands trembled as she tried to reach for you. "Ophelia, you're here." You went into her arms, only for her to push you away, leaving you flabbergasted.
Her frantic eyes bore into you. "No. You died!" Cassandra's voice broke with grief. "It's my fault." She kept mumbling, "I'm sorry… I'm sorry." The caretaker had to calm her down with medication.
Slowly, you walked out of her bedroom, not realizing tears had started slipping from your eyes. You were the type of person who found it difficult to cry.
The first time you fully remembered crying was when your mother got sick. The second time was at Ophelia's funeral. The third time was when Genevieve tore down the glass house your mother had built. The fourth time was when Cassandra began forgetting you because of her dementia.
You leaned your back against the wall and slowly slid down, sitting on the floor as you cried.
Suddenly, you heard footsteps and someone calling your name. You lifted your head and saw Patrick standing there.
Patrick saw you crying for the first time, and his heart ached for you. He knelt down and hugged you tightly. "It's alright, you can get through this," he whispered.
As he held you, you felt a sense of security you had longed for. It would be a lie to say you never craved affection from your father. But with Patrick, you could sense his genuine desire to protect you.
Patrick's embrace was strong and warm, his hand gently rubbing your back. "I wish I could have been here for you sooner," he said softly, his voice tinged with regret. "But I'm here now, and I won't let you go through this alone."
You clung to him, your tears soaking his shirt. For the first time in a long while, you felt the kind of support and love you had missed so desperately. It was a bittersweet comfort, knowing that Patrick was there for you while feeling the weight of your losses even more keenly.
Patrick gently wiped away your tears, his eyes filled with determination. "We'll get through this together," he promised, his voice steady and reassuring. "I won't let anything else happen to you or your grandma."
At the charity event, where many guests and influential people were gathered in the ballroom, the spokesperson said, “We’re grateful for the generous donation from our biggest benefactor, Jonathan Sinclair,” gesturing for Jonathan to stand up so the guests could see him and give him an ovation.
Jonathan stood up and smiled, but suddenly, Patrick appeared and punched him hard. Jonathan fell to the ground, and the crowd gasped in shock, some screaming.
This was Patrick’s purpose. He wanted to ruin Jonathan's good name since he had cultivated an image of a quiet yet charitable man, along with Genevieve and Victoria.
Patrick, now on top of Jonathan, continued to punch him. "This man left his wife dying for his mistress," he shouted, loud enough for everyone to hear. "After his wife was buried, he brought in his mistress and daughter. A daughter he had while still married."
Patrick paused, his fist hovering in the air, his eyes red and glassy with anger and tears. "I shouldn't have left Ophelia with you. You have a good daughter and a kind mother-in-law. You don’t deserve them!"
He landed another punch so hard at Jonathan's face that someone swore they saw a tooth fly out.
“Stop! You’re going to kill him!” Genevieve screamed, running toward them as if she had arrived late.
The security finally intervened, restraining Patrick, who spat, “I should’ve done that a long time ago.”
Genevieve carefully touched Jonathan’s bloody face and glared at Patrick. “You won’t get away with this.”
Patrick smirked. “I’ll be waiting.” He walked away, satisfied after doing something he felt should have been done long ago.
Jonathan lay on the ground, coughing up blood. If he could open his eyes, he would see the judgment in everyone’s eyes as they realized he wasn’t so great after all.
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pugh-bug · 4 months
No.42 Chapter 5
Art Donaldson x reader slow burn friends to lovers
As always I hope you enjoy! 🍉✨ My taglist is always open
Part 4
‘Pass me the sauce now bitch!’
Patrick responded by throwing a pillow at your head. Mature.
‘You’d never talk to Art like that.’ He looked amused for a moment, a smirk brewing as his eyes darted from Art’s face to yours. The three of you were eye deep in miso sauce, spring rolls and pad thai - Art’s treat. It was almost strange, seeing Art eat take out in your cosy flat knowing he probably had a maid growing up. You’d once heard Liam say Art’s parents place was obnoxiously bigger than even Tashi Duncan’s, as if you needed further convincing of his affluence.
Still, he was settled. He seemed it. He always thanked you for washing up or tidying, if he wasn’t offering or doing it himself, as if he was content with living lesser than his other peers. Of course they all had maids for the sort of things you and Patrick did, or pretended to do on lazy days, but Art never announced judgement. Besides his constant bantering with Patrick and the occasional dig at you for not being too sporty, Art was always pleasant. Pleasant or impressively good at bottling things in.
‘That’s because Y/N,’ Art raised his eyebrow at Patrick’s smirking face. ‘Actually has manners, she just doesn’t waste them on you.’ The pair beamed at each other, as they always did when they were ‘arguing’ over you. It was almost expected for you now, owed even. You loved it.
‘I don’t get this movie, why’s it just talking?’
You’d decided to put ‘When Harry Met Sally’ on as a break from the constant tennis. The background drum of your life had become the incessant whacking of tennis balls, if it didn’t make Art so content you’d have quickly deleted SkySports.
Patrick half watched half texted his now ex girlfriend back, to your dismay. It wasn’t long before he’d finished his food, shovelling it in like an animal as always, and announced he was going to bed. He ruffled your hair in his brotherly way before returning to his room. The door had barely closed before Art paused the movie from his spot on the floor.
‘Do you agree?’
You looked down at Art’s inquisitive face and the charming face of 80s Meg Ryan, knowing what he meant. Harry had just made his ‘men and women can’t be friends’ speech. You shoved the blanket off your hot legs to escape the extra heat and settled into your couch position comfortably.
‘Do you see me fucking Pat?’
Art grinned widely, almost boyishly, at your remark. You noticed he seemed to get almost giddy whenever you were a little crude, like you both intimidated and entertained him simultaneously. He hung his head, still smiling, before shaking it. ‘No but just - just tell me. I wanna know what you really think.’
No man ever wanted to know how you really thought more than Art. He’d asked you more about your beliefs and emotions than a reporter on the cusp of ‘making it big’. You seemed almost to be his scoop, his challenge, his big win but you wondered what would happen when you ran out of answers.
He was waiting for you to speak. Eager. You cast your mind back to all of your past male friendships, the times they hit on you unexpectedly or bullied you to ‘flirt’ or worst of all: told you they’d never seen you as a friend at all. That one always hurt. Most of those friendships had hurt and most of them had left Patrick waving the ‘not all men’ flag proudly as he stood victorious. The last man standing. Your last good, platonic best friend.
‘You can ask all you want Donaldson, I don’t see Patrick that way.’
He wasn’t completely satisfied with your answer, or he made sure he wasn’t just to encourage his own bad behaviour.
‘Not once? You’re telling me you two never had too much to drink or got dared? Not even spin the bottle when you were like 14?’
‘Sorry to disappoint.’
He looked elated and horrified all at once. The man was desperate and for a moment you couldn’t tell if he was devastated more for Patrick or for you.
‘What made you turn the poor guy down?’
Oh. For Patrick.
‘What makes you so sure he asked me out? Didn’t you watch the movie?’
Art finished his last spring roll, shaking his head. ‘I watched the movie that said ‘men and women can’t be friends’ a hundred times.’ He crossed his legs, his baggy t shirt exposing his collarbone. Ashamed as you were, you couldn’t deny the urge you had to just bite and kiss him. That made your following question all the more ironic.
‘So you don’t think men and women can just be friends?’
You made sure to ask it in such a way that implied he was wrong, foolish for believing something so immature despite your very thoughts proving him right.
‘I think if she’s attracted to guys and he likes girls it can’t ever be just a friendship. Sorry.’
You listened to the sad sound of Patrick’s fan fighting for its life against the heatwave. Every time you and Art had a moment of silence the whir of the fan provided ambience.
‘You wanna wash up?’ Art asked, as if he was offering a special treat of some kind and not your least favourite task of all time.
‘Not even a little bit.’
That was when he did it, what until that point only Patrick had been honoured enough to do, he ruffled your hair. A small gesture? Absolutely. One you’d forget? Unlikely.
Once Art was elbow deep in washing up liquid he asked you a question he’d been longing to ask you for days. Did you enjoy living with him?
‘Of course I do.’ You couldn’t help but scoff at his question. Was he truly that insecure? Still, you revelled in messing with him a little - just for fun. ‘I’m happy for Pat, he always wanted a boyfriend to move in. He finally committed.’ That earned you a splash of noodle water to the face. A long pause followed, one that lead you to believe it was time for bed.
‘I am grateful,’ Art sighed, his voice low and his eyes down. ‘I know I could have asked my parents to get me my own place but …’ You watched him stop scrubbing the plate in his hand all together, his eyes unfocused. ‘I don’t like being alone.’
With his back to you, Art stacked the pots with intense precision. You weren’t sure what to say except:
‘Who does?’
Chapter 6
Taglist: @gatorgirl007 @imblushingrn @soy-garbage
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doctorpandorica · 1 month
So Fanfiction, Deadpool and Wolverine, and Logan, made have a fucking epiphany about my mental health. Seeing it sky rocket at the box office, gives me hope that A, I am not alone and B, the world can be a better place. And I have to say, I really do believe both Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman deserve the world.
For the first time in my life yesterday, I looked at myself and thought I look pretty. The FUCKING kicker is I did again this morning and I felt the same way. Maybe just a baby step, but it's a step in the right fucking direction mother fuckers. But, How did I get here (Yes, I'm pulling this shit on you).....
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I have horrendous fear of endings and I finally learned....or accepted it's because it's symptomatic of my misery. Things like desperation, depression and anxiety can trick you into the allure of mistaking familiarity as comforting, even when it's hurting you. That you are far less that what you are actually and are deserving of far less than you actually do, that the consequences of our choices are proof that our pessimistic view is the whole of reality.
But, it's only half of the truth and that is the majesty of realism, seeing the glass is both half full and half empty. The best understanding of Pessimism, Optimism and realism can be explained in a quote by William Arthur Ward. Where the three are stuck out at sea on a sail boat,
"The Pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
To make the best choices in life you need to see every possibility and my heart goes out to those that are so blinded by pessimism, hope seems like fairy tale. I mean it's hard enough even if you can see things are possible but, it's still a bitch of an up road battle.
Which brings me to one of the most devastating ones in my life, the death of my dad. I always wondered how someone who seemed so sure of himself, could understand my pain so well. In hindsight I knew he had very hard life, it shouldn't have surprised me that he not only had crippling OCD, Anxiety but, depressions that at times reached suicidal ideations.
I was more my father's daughter than I realized, and took those fucking movie, to really appreciate what that meant.
Don't blindly accept things, ask questions.
If I had, I would've realized it's not that I don't care what others think, I'm really fucking depressed. And that's why I don't put effort in what I wear, or personal hygiene or wear make up. Never assume to know who you are, that's part of the majesty of life, that not knowing.
You never truly fail, until you give up.
For more clarity , I would like to add, some words of wisdom from a beloved science teacher,
"If at first you don't succeed, find out why"
Treat people fairly, across the board "Give people a chance"
To be sparingly coupled with, both
Trust your gut
This requires a lot of hard work, with self regulation and introspection. I've found DBT or Dialectical Behavioral Therapy to be very helpful. Which I must add the following because, I was wrongfully diagnosed with Autism (feeds into the dangers of acceptance). My therapist who diagnosed me ironically introduced to me the saving grace that is DBT. But, told me it wouldn't help me because I am autistic which she came to the conclusion based on ...
Flat Effect
Only developed when I hit puberty, the same time I developed depression and anxiety. People don't develop autism later on in their life, they are born with it.
Black and white thinking
If anything I think this is the problem with society and for anyone to say this about me, has obviously never heard me talk about anything. I found this utterly insulting
Anger prone
Repressed emotions and didn't start happening until 20's
Lack of Eye contact
I get really nervous around meeting new people, particularly if they stand really close to me for some fucking reason.  Once I get to know people I have no problem looking them in the eye.
Lack of Socialization
Low self-esteem brought on by my Depression
Social Anxiety and general Anxiety (fear of doing something wrong)
I actually do have a desire to socialize, but mistook relief after social based anxious episodes as me not liking it.
The same was done with someone very close to me, who was told they were Bipolar even though it didn't fit. They chose to trust they 're doctor, and was proven insanely wrong by they're new Doctor who aptly diagnosed them as having Borderline Personality and they are doing so much better.
Anyway I participated in a DBT group for about 16 weeks or so, one of which was diagnosed late in life with a form of autism. And the difference by the end of those weeks only strengthened my faith in DBT.
Don't start anything, but always finish
Don't go looking for a fight but, stand up for yourself when necessary, emphasis on necessary.
As long as people aren't hurting others or themselves, mind your own business
For some people this can be tricky, especially for those guided by their idealized narratives of the world. Again DBT can help with this in the grand scheme of things.
I mistakenly thought, that because I didn't seem to react how I would expect (bad assumptions) that I was fine. Even though, I was able to acknowledge that I was deeply depressed, which I was able to trace back to age 11, which for clarity was 20 years ago. Which fun fact I only discovered in my senior year of high school, followed by my anxiety a year later my first year of college. IT IS NEVER TOO LATE !!! EVEN IF YOU ARE GOING TO DIE TOMORROW!!! HAPPYNESS MAY NOT BE A CHOICE BUT THE PATH TO IT IS!!!
More In-depth analysis of how Hugh Jackman, Ryan Reynolds and Marvel factor into follow in follow up post. Because This post is too damn long, already. Thank you to those who read it all the way through , I wish you contentment.
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nerdygaymormon · 9 months
Queer Gospel Music
This past year I came across several songs that I enjoy listening to on Sundays. I created a playlist for myself for Sundays and thought I'd share with y'all.
Yet : Ashley Hess - Ashley Hess was a finalist on the 2019 season of American Idol. I heard her perform this song at the Gather Conference where she introduced it by saying, "The next song that I'm gonna play is a song that I wrote in my lowest time. But it's a song that's so special to me because it was the moment that I felt like I finally came out of hiding, and that the Lord not only saw me, but loved me and embraced me." I can relate so much to that. Plus, I don't hear many songs from the perspective of "I'm trying, so God please don't give up on me."
God Loves Me Too : Brian Falduto - Brian played the gay kid in the movie School of Rock, and catapulted the character into an LGBTQ icon when he delivered the line “You’re tacky and I hate you.” Now as an adult, Brian is back and singing that no one has to earn God’s love. Brian wrote the song after visiting a church that was welcoming and accepting of queer people. I look around and see I’ve found a place where peace and love abound. I’ve waited my whole life for the truth. It is true, God loves you. It don’t matter if you’re LGBTQ
My Little Prayer : David Archuleta - David wasn't out yet when he recorded this, but I imagine he really related to some of these lyrics, such as I'm beginning to understand that you (God) have a plan for me.
The Queer Gospel : Erin McKeown - I love these lyrics. There are those who think we're wicked. There are those who call us names: depraved, lost and sick, and would rather bathe us in shame. But we put the "sin" in sincere, we put the "do" in the doubt. God is perfectly clear. We are perfectly out. Love us as we are. See us and we're holy. In this shall we ever be wholly ourselves.
Good Day (feat. Derek Webb) : Flamy Grant - Matthew Blake was a worship leader for 22 years who has become a “shame-slaying, hip-swaying, singing-songwriting drag queen” named Flamy Grant (it's a play on the name of gospel singer Amy Grant). The lyrics talk of coming back to church after having left for feeling oppressed. They’ve come back to church because despite what some say, God’s love is expansive enough for everyone. God made me good in every way, so I raise my voice to celebrate a good day. 
Believe : GENTRI - The pianist for this group is gay. After coming out, he was having a hard time with faith and was angry at God, and he felt God gave him this song as part of his healing process. Believe there is an answer. And while you feel you're buried deep in a disaster, believe more hands are waiting, ready to lift you up and carry you back to safety. You're not alone, keep holding on. And believe.
Explaining Jesus : Jordy Searcy - In 2014, Jordan was a contestant on The Voice. He grew up active in a church and since being on the television show he has written several religious songs, including this one. Jordy discusses the shortcomings of churches, comparing the ways in which church members act and interact with each other, including how they treat the gay community and oppress women. If you're gay and over 85, you've felt for your whole life that when God made you, he just messed up. In the chorus he apologizes that this has been the experience, I'm sorry no one explained Jesus to you.
Satan's Tears : Kyler O'Neal - Did anyone ask how real you are? Has anyone said that you are loved, or that you’re the one they’re dreaming of? Those questions start this beautiful song by trans woman Kyler O’Neal. The song addresses a young gender non-conforming person unaccepted by their world, and the singer promises to wipe away Satan’s tears which were created by a cruel society
Same Love : Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Mary Lambert - Macklemore sings that his gay uncles should be allowed to marry, and speaks of how Christianity has hurt gay people. "God loves all his children" is somehow forgotten, but we paraphrase a book written thirty-five hundred years ago. The song concludes with Mary Lambert singing I’m not crying on Sundays, which I think means not letting religious intolerance and churches harm us anymore
No Place in Heaven : MIKA - Mika is singing about how religion teaches there’s no place in heaven for gay people because the way we love is sinful. Father, won’t you forgive me for my sins? Father, if there’s a heaven let me in
God Is : The Outer Banks - I don't know that they had queer people in mind when they wrote the song, but the lyrics relate to the conflict between one’s queerness and relationship with God. God was never angry. God was not against me. God was never far away. God is not disappointed.
I Know it Hurts : Paul Cardall & Tyler Glenn - I just wanted to believe, but how am I supposed to believe this about me? And then we find each other, queer church members who can understand what we’re going through, who know the hurt. For most queer people, they leave church and go on a different path. They’re not lost, a faint light at the end is guiding their way, they’re finding another way back home.
Losing My Religion : R.E.M. - The song was interpreted as the struggle of a closeted gay man coming to terms with what his religion taught about gay people and is seen as an example of queer coding in the era of “don’t ask, don’t tell.” Lead singer Michael Stipe had declined to address his sexuality, so when “Losing My Religion” came out, people assumed Stipe was coming out as gay. Consider this the hint of the century. Consider this the slip.
HIM : Sam Smith - This is a song about a boy in Mississippi coming out and the conflict between his sexuality and his religious upbringing. He is grappling with the feeling that there’s no place in church for him because he’s gay. Holy Father, we need to talk. I have a secret that I can’t keep. I’m not the boy that you thought you wanted. Please don’t get angry, have faith in me.
Pray : Sam Smith - You won’t see Sam in church, but they say they’re a child of God at heart and are begging God to show the way. I’m not a saint, I’m more of a sinner. I don’t wanna lose, but I fear for the winners
Faith : Semler -  This song reached No. 1 on the iTunes Christian music chart and is about growing up queer in a faith community and how the rejection by the church left them scarred. When my religion turned against me, they said my hopes and dreams were faulty. I showed these holes inside my hands, and they claimed they couldn’t see.” Even as they struggled with the church, Semler kept a relationship with Jesus and flourished far more than she did in any church building. But I don’t wanna get small to be in those rooms
Hey Jesus : Trey Pearson - Trey made headlines in 2016 when as the lead singer of the Christian rock band Everyday Sunday, he came out as gay. Three years later and Trey has a question: Hey Jesus can you hear me now? It's been awhile since I came out, I was wonderin' do you love me the same? As a person who struggles to reconcile faith with sexual orientation, I find this song quite moving.
Heaven : Troye Sivan feat. Betty Who - Troye sings about what it’s like for a religious teenager to come out as gay. Without losing a piece of me, how do I get to heaven? Without changing a part of me, how do I get to heaven? All my time is wasted, feeling like my heart’s mistaken, oh, so if I’m losing a piece of me, maybe I don’t want heaven? Troye explains “When I first started to realise that I might be gay, I had to ask myself all these questions—these really really terrifying questions. Am I ever going to find someone? Am I ever going to be able to have a family? If there is a God, does that God hate? If there is a heaven, am I ever going to make it to heaven?” The video features footage from LGBTQ+ protests throughout history.
Revelation : Troye Sivan and Jónsi -This song was written for the movie Boy Erased, which is about a young man being sent by his parents to a conversion therapy camp to try to change him to not be gay. The lyrics are about feeling liberated from the toxic teachings he learned at church about LGBTQ+ people. It’s a revelation. There’s no hell in what I’ve found, and no kingdom shout. How the tides are changing as you liberate me now and the walls come down. In other words, God doesn't condemn me for my queerness.
Orphans of God : Ty Herndon & Kristin Chenoweth feat. Paul Cardall - The message of the song is we are all loved by God, we are all thought about, we are all created equally and God loves us all the same.
Midnight : Tyler Glenn - The Neon Trees frontman gives an emotional song about his departure from the Mormon church but not from God. The ballad is accompanied by a video that shows Glenn removing his religious garments and replacing them with a glittery jacket, which is such a powerful metaphor.
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lemotmo · 2 months
She responded 🤣
Q. Ali! Now can we say they're trolling? Please let us call it trolling now!? Holy shit!
Q. I desperately need to hear you try to make this sound professional 🤣🤣🤣. I freaking love him!
Q. Ryan said wah cry more 😂😂
A. Okay I had to watch it several times because I didn't quite believe it on my first watch. For starters it is a genuinely funny video. The part about only introducing him to like 4 people and just calling everyone else extra absolutely took me out. Genius. I don't think he shared it with cruel intentions. I think he honestly thought it was funny and that most of the people who follow him would find it funny. Having said that though I don't think he actually cares if it offends anyone. And he shouldn't care. Things have been uncomfortable and unfortunate for Oliver but what they attempted to do to Ryan was grotesque and indefensible. If anyone has the right to be over their bullshit it's him. Oliver is getting hate from them because he doesn't ship it and doesn't appear to be friendly with Lou. Ryan is getting hate because he's the one Oliver prefers and he plays the character the audience prefers. That's it. That's what they're so upset about and for that reason, and only that reason they tried to assassinate his character.
Everything that we have seen, heard and experienced over the last 3 months would not have happened if his name was Loretta instead of Lou and he was playing a Tammy instead of a Tommy. The entire thing has been endlessly ridiculous and entirely exhausting. If we're this over the entire thing imagine how over it Oliver and Ryan are. He's going to appear in some capacity in season 8. They're going to get to see him for at least a bit. They need to take what they get and let the rest go. He was never going to be treated like or added as a main. It's not our fault they decided to believe proven liars instead of facts directly presented to them. If the cast wants to have a little fun over how stupid the entire situation is, then more power to them. And it was a truly funny video. Voodoo dolls and all 😂
Thank you Nonny for dropping this in my inbox. :)
As for the rest of this post? I agree with all of it. :D
It's a genuinly funny video. He shouldn't be afraid to post it, because some fans might not like it. He is free to post whatever he wants to post.
¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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camjsad0 · 3 months
Birthday wish ‧₊˚✩彡
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- Ryan ross x reader oneshot !! got bored and js wrote this lol. this is my first oneshot so expect to see a few mistakes sorry😞💪💔
- Fluff <3
- WC: 741
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It was 6:30pm on a tuesday, just a few days after ryan’s birthday. I was laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling thinking about random stuff while listening to my favorite band. This was usually what i did everyday.
My thoughts were quickly cut off when i felt my phone vibrate.
I lazily grabbed my phone and saw that ryan had sent me a text. I instantly checked what the message said.
“Hey, can i come over??”
I nervously typed on my phone and sent him back a text,
“yeah sure, what time r u coming over?”
“ill be there in 10 mins :)” he replied.
I sent him a like and got off my bed, making my way to the vanity.
I didn’t know why i was so nervous, it was normal for ryan to come over. However, i never really cared about what i looked like. But for some reason i’ve been developing feelings for ryan—— although i keep trying to be indenial about it because i knew that telling him how i felt can result into having my long-time friendship with ryan ruined. I knew for a fact that ryan viewed me only as his friend, nothing else.
I pushed away my thoughts and quickly started to brush my hair, put a decent amount of lipstick; just making myself look like i totally haven’t been rotting in my bed for days.
A few minutes have passed, and i heard a knock at my door. My mom probably had already let him in, I opened the door to see ryan’s surprised look on his face. “What got you all dressed up?” in a teasing manner. “I went out earlier.” clearly i was lying, unfortunately ryan picked up from my weird tone and replied “You’re totally dressing up for me, aren’t you?” smirking as the words flew off his mouth. “Oh shut up” trying to hide my flushed face, quickly turning around and making my way to my bed as i sat down on it.
“Wanna watch a movie?” looking up at him as i asked. “Yeah sure, how about this one?” he said as he picked up a CD from the small shelf. He comfortably sat down on my bed as i set it up and hurriedly sat down beside him.
30 minutes in, and i sensed that ryan was getting bored of the movie, and honestly so did i, it was just your typical horror movie. He yawned and placed his head on your shoulder. You awkwardly sat there until you finally felt comfortable enough to lean your head on top of his.
“You’ve been acting weird lately, what’s wrong?” he randomly blurted out. I didn’t know how to reply and froze for a few minutes before i finally replied, “It’s nothing.” I stuttered out before getting up and rushing to my bathroom. My heart beating fast, as if it was about to fly out of my chest.
Why were you feeling this way towards ryan? Your bestfriend for years?
You stood there for a few minutes and realized that you had probably left ryan startled. You hesitantly pushed the door knob open.
Ryan was holding your journal in his hands, casually flipping through the pages. Reading it with a smile on his face, I don’t even think he noticed you.
You almost fled there to snatch your journal back, although you knew that ryan had probably already read enough to know how you felt towards him.
“Why did you never tell me how you felt?”
“I’m sorry, but i knew that you only viewed me as your friend-“ you were cut off. “Why would you assume that? What if i liked you too?” He admitted. I couldn’t believe what i just heard. I never even noticed that he had feelings for me too. “What do you mean?”
“God, you’re so oblivious (y/n). I’ve liked you for years. But you were always busy being with some guy that didn’t even treat you right. It crushed me to see you being treated that way. I never had the chance to tell you how i felt-“ you immediately cut him off by placing a soft kiss on his lips. Leaving a faint pink kiss mark on his lips, making you giggle. He leaned forward to kiss you again, this time being more passionate. He pulled off and reached a hand to your cheek.
“I guess my birthday wish came true.”
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eddiediazismyhusband · 3 months
Thanks so much for your thoughtful response! I definitely see Eddie leaning towards gay as well. If anything I think he’s demi just based on the way he has such a hard time connecting to his past love interests (who he barely knew before dating) vs Shannon (his best friend) and how he treats that relationship. I’m not sure I’m fully on the aro Eddie train yet either but I love hearing everyone else thoughts. I was just curious about it because as someone who discovered they were aro-spec later in life as an adult, a lot of Eddie’s behaviors and things he’s said (dating feeling like a performance standing out a lot to me) just really resonate with the way I feel. Plus regardless of whether you ship Buddie platonically or romantically, there’s just something incredibly queer about their dynamic.
Even if we never get Buddie (I still believe we’re heading in that direction tho!) their relationship just screams queer platonic life partners to me which is something I don’t think I’ve ever really seen on TV and it’s just soooo important to me.
Ryan’s interviews truly mean so much to me for all the reasons you said. I love how much he loves Eddie and how much love and respect he not only treats him, but h tbh e fans.
Anyway thanks for sharing your thoughts! I love hearing your perspective and obviously these are only my thoughts/opinions as a probably very biased ace aro-spec queer woman. Lots of love! Hope your day…night…morning also is going amazing <3
No I agree, Ryan’s interviews always showcase how much love and care he has for both the fans and the characters, especially with how supportive he is of the fans interpreting Eddie in a way they can relate too, and how important that is to have a character like that.
Like I’ve mentioned plenty of times before I deeply relate to Eddie for various reasons, and having Ryan say that those of us who do are seen and heard in our love for the character is so special.
I may not always like that he gets put in PR jail and sometimes has to be really can-y, scripted, answering-without-really-answering questions in interviews when we all know that man is a little chaos demon who lives on trying to back the writers into a corner (along with oliver, forever the captains of our ship 🫡) but even still, you can always tell that he is so deeply intune with Eddie and how much the audience loves and cares for him, and all the nuances and complexities that come with a character like him.
I genuinely mean this when I say it, but I don’t think I have ever seen a character with as much emotional complexity and depth on a procedural drama, and i unfortunately think that’s a reason why so many people don’t like him because they don’t necessarily understand where he’s at mentally, and where he has come from, which just makes him all the more special to me.
I love getting to dive deep into the minds of characters, so your original ask (and this one too!) was so fun for me to sit down and think out— thanks for giving me an excuse to yap about eddie 💕💕
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ghostiiess · 2 years
[NSB IMAGINES] - next round
pov: who would have thought that losing at a video game would turn out this way..?
warnings: mention of sex & kisses, a little making out towards the end, one use of a pickupline, intimacy
type: spicy (not smut, but let's say it's not 100% wholesome)
member: ryan nguyen (azngami)
wc: around 2.33K
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Your boyfriend, Ryan Nguyen, had just texted you privately if you wanted to spend the night at his place and spend some quality time with him. Obviously, you didn't hesitate to answer his request: you said yes and brought all the objects, products, clothes you would need for the rest of the evening and the night, that would come in a few hours already.
You looked at yourself one last time, and applied a layer of toothpaste on your toothbrush. As you cleaned up, you put some hair elastics, a spare toothbrush and a tube of extra toothpaste in your travel bag just in case. You still had your belongings at Ryan's house, but you always made sure you had a second one just to be safe. With 6 other boys in the house, a lot could happen and you didn't want to take any chances.
Finishing brushing your teeth, you smiled in the mirror, made sure you didn't have any stains or food left in your mouth, and turned off the light. You finally left your apartment and locked the door. You walked to your car and drove to the house of the six others boys, who were very close to you because of your relationship with their best friends, and your boyfriend's.
(the rest of the imagines is under the cut!)
Finally arriving, you got out of your car and smiled, locking the doors of your car and walking to the front door of the big house.
You rang the bell and heard screams from the other side of the door and footsteps coming closer and closer to the "wall" that separated you from them.
The door finally opened, leaving you to admire the smile on Kane's face as he took you in his arms.
-Y/N! Haven't seen you in a while!
Taking him in your arms, you smiled and walked into the big house that shouted the words "comfort" and "happiness". Pulling yourself out of the doorway, Darren, who was leaning on the bedside table by the front door, smiled.
-Please, tell me that you're going to spend the night here.. It's already pretty late outside.
-Yeah, Ryan invited me.
The boys were treating you like their little sister in the group. Even though, you weren't in their music band, they were always taking care of you, and trying their best to protect you in any case possible.
Kane smiled.
-Do you want something to drink? Are you hungry?
-I'm good, but thanks for the invitation.
The oldest of the group grinned at you as he went back into the living room with Darren to finish the show they had started.
-Is the rest of the boys upstairs? you asked
You took off your shoes and walked up the stairs towards the first room: Justin's. It was something the boys were used to see when you were coming over. You were always going in their rooms to say hi, and see how they were doing.
Knockering before entering, you heard his voice:
-Come on in!
You opened the door slowly and gently, letting the quietness of the room overwhelm you with his soft music in the background.
-Y/N! Hi! I didn't know you were coming! How are you?
-I'm good, thank you for asking. How are you?
-I'm good, I'm good. Just chilling, y'know?
You nodded.
-I just wanted to say hi before I went to see Ryan.
JP smiled and laughed softly.
-He didn't even go downstairs to see you? Damn.. Usually, he do!
-Yeah I know, but I don't think he noticed that I'm here. After all, he plays video games and we all know how hard is it to distract him from those.
Phan nodded with a soft laugh and motioned for you to come closer.
-Look at my thumbnail! Do you think it's cool?
-Yeah! I love the effects you did on the texts. It's really interesting!
The conversation over, you walked into Regie's room, who was emptying his travelling bags.
-Hey Reg'!
-Hum? Oh hey Y/N! What's up?
-Nothing much, to be honest. Just chilling. How about you?
-Same. Were you looking for Ryan?
-Nah, I was just passing to every one say hi.
He nodded and smiled.
-Seb and Oli are in the studio, right?
-As always, he smiled
-Alright! Have fun unpacking lol.
You continued down the hallway to hear Seb and Oli's voices mingling with the melody that was coming through the creation room, more known as the music studio.
-Sounding good, here.
The two turned, seeing you, and smiled.
-Y/N! Little sis'!! I missed you! Seb exclaimed
-I'm literally older than you, Seb.
-Whatever, you're still my little sister.
You laughed softly, while rolling your eyes, and responded to his request for a hug.
Oliver grinned and took off his headphones completely while standing up in front of you, and his younger brother Sebastian.
-Hey Y/N. How's it going?
-Pretty great. How about you two?
They answered your question, then smiled. The oldest Moy brother in the group opened his arms, asking for a hug as well, which you accepted, and smiled.
-Do you want to hear the music we're working on? Oliver Moy said while letting you go from the hug
Nodding, you listened to the melodious sound they had just created, and couldn't help it, but smile at their newest song they were making. If the song had to be described in a word, it'll probably be "safety". The lyrics they were both singing was really deep and way more personal, then the others songs they already wrote for the two latest years.
-The stars are going to love it, I'm telling you.
-I hope they do.
You finished talking, then concluded the conversation by telling them you would talk to them later. The two nodded and continued to work, leaving you to leave the room to go see your boyfriend.
Nguyen's bedroom door was closed. You knocked gently before entering, and saw your boyfriend playing his video games, then smiled, meaning he had just seen you.
-I'll finish my game real' quick and I'm all yours, baby.
You nodded as you placed your bag on the floor, on the same side you where going to sleep in his bed. You layed down on the soft, comfortable bed and sighed. The bed was really comfortable.
A few minutes, about ten, had passed between the time you walked through the door and the time you laid down in his bed. Finally putting his headphones down on his stand, Ryan turned, still being in his gaming chair, and put his eyes in yours.
His hand went through his dark black hair and his smile came to warm you up. His right hand was now resting on the arm of the chair while his left was still in his hair to remove the headphone mark he had made from his gaming session.
-I missed you, sweetheart.
-I missed you too, Ryan.
Suddenly, his eyes left yours and went to the floor with his right hand going to his neck, something he did when he was feeling nervous or anxious.
-Sorry I didn't greet you earlier. I was really concentrated in my game and didn't hear the door open.
You shrugged.
-It's okay, Ry', don't need to apologize for that kind of thing. Plus, it allows me to say hello to the boys, and have my intimacy with you for the rest of the night..
-What do you mean?
-Well.. Most of the times, the boys don't come in after I finished up talked with them.
Without answering, he walked over to the bed and laid down like you. He sighed.
-I know I told you this before, but I really, really missed you.
You smiled while kissing his forehead, and caressed his eyes with yours, as you laid them down.
-What were you playing before I got here?
-Valorant. I really love this game. Today, I've been able to do all what I needed to do, and I even bought some special kits to help me during my game.
His eyes sparkled. He was really cute when he started talking about something he liked.. Wisps of sparkle could be seen in his brown eyes and according to you, it was one of the cutest things you could see on his face.
-I'd love to play it with you someday, you admitted
His smile widened, while tooking your hand and kissing it gently.
-Well…I could teach you tonight. What do you think about that?
-I think it would be cute.
-It would.., he said while kissing your hand one more time. But on one condition.
You raised an eyebrow.
-I want you to give me a kiss on the lips every time you succeed in a mission. I don't want a kiss on my cheek, or my nose, or even my forehead. I want one on my lips.
-That's a little bit specific, but sure.
-Maybe, but remember the last time we did this this kind of thing? You gave me kisses on my cheeks, while I wanted them on my lips.
-You didn't said it was supposed to be on the lips???
-I thought it was obvious! he rolled his eyes. But now I'm telling you. I want them on my lips.
You softly laughed.
-Someone is in the mood tonight.
He raised his eyes to the ceiling, then got up from the bed.
-Yeah, yeah, think whatever you want. Sit there, I'll be right back. I brought bubba for you, this morning.
The game was about to end, and let's say the number of kisses you had given Ryan was two.
-Press space, press space! exclaimed your boyfriend
The game had only a few seconds left. Your life gauge was almost empty, while your opponent's was full.
The game officially over, you sighed, and looked at the words on Ryan's computer screen saying "GAME OVER", and "YOU LOST".
-Sorry, I did my best-
He quickly interrupted you by putting his hands on your shoulders.
-That's okay, Y/N. I don't mind, for real. It was cute seeing you focused on the game. Even if you were.. a bit bad at it, not gonna lie.
You sighed.
-I still want your kisses.. even if you don't win.
He smiled as you moved closer to him, and cupped the tips of your lips with his, closing your eyes for more intimacy with him. Smiling through the kiss, Ryan lifted you up from the chair into his strong arms and continued to peck your pinky lips. Slowly, opening your eyes, you pulled back from the kiss, then put your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck like he asked you to do.
-You won't be comfortable if we do it in my gaming chair, I'm telling you.
Ryan quickly went to his bed, and placed you on it. Laying on top of you, the young man smiled as he moved closer and closer from your lips.
-Maybe you lost the game, but you won my heart.
You laughed at his pickup line.
-It was so cheesy.
-Don't act like you didn't liked it.
He smiled back, coming closer and closer to you, so close you could feel his breath on your warm neck. His breath on it was like an ice cube. He put his lips back together with yours, then moved his hands to caress your cheek, while your hand went to his black hair.
-You did well to go and say hello to the rest of the group, because I would be damn angry if someone came to disturb us, right now only to say hello to you.., whispered Nguyen between two kisses, then cut the tiny distance between you guys two mouths.
His right hand caressed your cheek and moved to the texture of your tshirt, which was crumpled by his fingers. His left hand, on the other hand, stayed long like the letter L, just to have a little balance: the vertical straight line from the 12th letter, forming his arm, and the horizontal bar being his hand.
He interrupted the kiss, to take some more air, and smiled shyly.
-Do you want to pursue farther, my love?
-I want to, but only if you want to aswell.
He smiled a bit more, then approached you.
-Are you sure? I don't want to force you to do anything you don't want to do.
-I am sure. Are you?
He nodded.
-I am.
You gently took his face in your hands, and connected your lips with his once again. Your hands ran down his body, letting your fingers do whatever they wanted on him. You smiled into him, then saw him take off his hoodie and throw it across the room, while continuing to kiss you.
-You'll have to be discreet, the boys are still in the house..
You nodded and felt his lips go to your neck. Your arms wrapped around his neck even more than they were before, making you closing your eyes, and clearing your throat to avoid making a noise that the boys shouldn't hear.
-I know it's hard, but keep it quiet baby, he quietly said while smiling, knowing the effects he have on you. I don't want the others boys to hear your voice.
Leaving marks on your neck, you quickly took off your shirt, letting Ryan look at you, and smile before continuing what he was doing before.
-You're beautiful, Y/N.
He also took off his shirt, leaving him shirtless, and reached up to your neck to give more marks that only him could see. He then whispered the following words meaning he was going to move on from kissing your neck..
-Next round, pretty girl.
hope you guys liked it!! :D i'm sorry if i made any mistakes. i don't think i will ever go more further than this for the spicy imagines, but i still hope you guys liked it, and that it wasn't too cringe or weird to read lol. let me know what you guys think!!
taglist open! if you guys want to be in it, please send an ask! not on my taglist bc i have a problem there (im trying my best to fix it)! : @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf
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slasher-smasher · 5 months
Teleporting Keys (Homelander x OC)
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This is for my very first submission to @cozycornerevents, prompt: "Where are my keys?" Masterlist
No warning besides not beta read, just HL having terrible hiding spots for things, OC is Cassidy Bishop.
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Cassidy wasn't the most meticulous person but she did like to have her everyday items to have a specific place for easy locating. With her hectic schedule, she needed to be able to be out of the door when she got paged from the hospital. 
Her phone –depending on its battery charge– gets set down on the counter in the kitchen so she will be able to hear its ringing when she has her nose shoved into a book on the couch or if she was in a baking mood and was mixing batter while listening to her gramophone.
Her wallet on her dresser, next to the phone charger she uses when she goes to bed.
The sketchbook and pencils had their home on the bookshelf in the living room. Normally she kept them under her bed so she would be able to reach under when inspiration struck but her nosey boyfriend liked to snoop and pull it out to flick through her sketches making her face flush when he gives her a cheeky grin as he sees a new picture of him. His favorites are the ones where he looked heroic mid-flight. 
Her keys hanging from their hook by the door. The little Lego versions of Ryan and Homelander that former made her for her birthday swung by their keychain.
Usually, Homelander comes by to pick her up to spend the night at the tower –which she insisted that she could drive herself there but he just sneers at the idea of her getting in the death box on wheels more than she has to– and takes her home so she can drive to work.
After a serious sit down, she made it clear to Homeander how important her job is to her and that she was a professional so being late is unacceptable. Though that did little to deter the clingy superhero from dragging her back to the warm bed for early morning cuddles. He still made sure she had time to get ready at home. This week was odd though.
One day, after coming home from a long night of celebration of his newly appointed Homelander Day –much to Cassidy’s exasperation about his need to be the center of attention– Cassidy was just about to reach for her keys before stopping short when she saw an empty space.
“Uh. That's strange,” she mumbled as she turned back to the kitchen to see if she left them on the counter. Homelander practically snatched her up and flew out of the window right as she walked through the front door so she couldn't remember where she set them.
After checking other places when she couldn't locate them in the kitchen, she glanced at her watch and started to worry as her time to start her shift crept closer. Biting her lip she pulled out her phone and dialed her lover.
The deep teasing voice that greeted her ears as he answered almost made her immediately hang up and surrender to public transportation and take the lateness, “Changed your mind already? I was just thinking that sunlight would look amazing on you when you're pressed against the glass overlooking the city as I fuck you.”
Over a hundred years old and she still felt flustered at his vulgarity.
“Hush you pervert. I need a favor. I cannot find my keys and I am going to be late. Do you think you can fly here and take me to work?” she knew he would be more insufferable since he has been whining about how dangerous vehicles are and she had a safer way of transportation. His godly self. He would think this as going out of his way to her rescue.
She heard Homelander let out a dramatic sigh, clearly relishing the opportunity to be her knight in shining armor. “I suppose I can make an exception this time, kitten. But you owe me a special treat for this favor,” he purred into the phone, his tone full of smug satisfaction.
Bastard acting like it would inconvenience him. That brat.
She rolled her eyes at his predictable request, Cassidy simply replied, “Fine, fine. Just hurry up before I'm late for work. And no flying too fast this time, you know how much it messes up my hair. I look like fucking Doc Brown before I can fix it.”
With a chuckle, Homelander assured her he would be there shortly and hung up the call. Cassidy couldn't help but smile despite her annoyance at his arrogance. As she waited by the door for him to arrive, she wondered where the keys could be.
She ended up finding them in her bag that she keeps all her art supplies in on the floor by the bookshelf. She forgot that she put them in there when she parked.
That’s when things got weird. Every other day her keys would go missing. She was incredibly confused because she swore that she would put them on their hook when she gets home but it’s not totally strange how often Homelander would sweep in and steal her attention. Plus he was more than eager to take her to work. What made her suspicious was the odd locations she found her keys later in the week.
Once, she found them in the refrigerator, chilling next to a carton of milk. Another time, they were nestled on the cushion of her favorite armchair, as if they were taking a nap. The most perplexing discovery was when Cassidy stumbled upon her keys hanging from a tree branch in her backyard, glinting in the sunlight.
She wasn’t oblivious. She could correlate the teleporting keys and Homelanders earnest want to have her fly with him. Cassidy couldn't help but feel a mix of exasperation and amusement at Homelander's need to have her to himself just a little longer and knew his distrust of cars was legitimate so his fear for her safety was very sweet. Even if she could heal if anything happened.
She decided to confront him about it one evening as they lounged on the couch, his arm wrapped around her shoulders possessively. "John, where are my keys?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
Homelander feigned innocence, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief. "Keys? What keys, babe? I have no idea what you're talking about," he replied smoothly, though a flicker of a smirk danced on his lips.
“Uh huh,” Cassidy wasn’t buying it as she craned her neck back to glance at the once again empty key hook.
He chuckled softly and pulled her closer. “Hey now, you’re the one that keeps having old lady moments and puts them in weird places. Not my fault.”
The jab about her real age and him turning this around on her made her eye twitch but she just sighed and snuggled more into his side. “You know, if you wanna go flying, you can just ask. No need to be sneaky. Nice attempt though.”
Homelander's smirk widened as he leaned down to press a kiss to Cassidy's temple. "Who said I was being sneaky? Just trying to keep you on your toes," he replied playfully, running a hand through her hair.
Cassidy couldn't help but laugh at his antics as she shook her head in fond exasperation. "Well, consider me on my toes then. But seriously, what were you thinking with the fridge and the tree in the backyard?" she teased, poking him in the side.
Homelander let out a dramatic scoff, pretending to be offended. "The tree was genius, you just got lucky missy. For the fridge, I actually didn’t mean to leave the keys in there. I might have gotten distracted," he said with an impish grin, knowing his slip-up had been caught. Cassidy couldn't help but chuckle at his admission, shaking her head in amusement.
"Well, I’ll need to remember milk is a good Homelander diversion," she teased, giving him a playful nudge. Homelander chuckled and pulled her into a tight embrace, planting a soft kiss on her lips.
After a moment Homelander asked in that unsure quiet voice, “So you do want to go flying with me?”
Cassidy looked up at Homelander with a soft smile, her eyes filled with affection. "Of course I do, John. I always enjoy flying with you," she replied, running a hand through his hair “Besides that one time.” They both remembered how their reunion went about. Homelander's face lit up with a bright smile as he lifted her effortlessly into his arms, preparing to take off into the night sky.
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ftm-megamind · 2 years
some general Chad/Ryan headcanons!!
their favorite things abt each other - i think Chad really loves Ryan's smile, like a genuine smile, not a forced one, just an actual happy smile. and Ryan mostly smiles like that because of Chad which makes him even more ecstatic!! and also Ryan's irony and sense of humor in general
as for Ryan, he definitely loves the sorta "hidden" side of Chad (him being really romantic and clingy or sensitive emotionally in general, but also really smart and witty); that usually surfaces when they're alone and they can feel comfortable, and definitely Chad's eyes (they're very expressive i imagine!!)
in class, they probably pass a ton of notes to one another, or when they sit together they just write to each other on a piece of paper and giggle about it (mostly something they find funny - like something in the workbook or something the teacher said) and sometimes they're so hysteric they try so hard not to laugh that they cry
and also when something outrageous or absurd happens they look at each other like at the cameras in the office (if you know what i mean???)
i imagine Ryan is pretty insecure about playing sports because of how he was treated (read: experience with homophobic guys that were so mean that he just gave up whatever sport he was doing, probably baseball) but then when he plays Chad is smitten (lets face it he loves sports and he probably finds the way Ryan pitches or shoots a hoop borderline poetic)
Chad is probably shy to sing but when he does his voice is really beautiful and he puts his heart in it and Ryan is just :heart eyes:
but also driving somewhere far at night, listening to mixtapes which they made for one another and stopping to look at the stars or maybe dance a little bit under the night sky :)
and also karaoke
Chad had to take a lot of time to come out to the group i think, just because he was a little worried after all
so when they were official and Chad was so happy and excited to announce it, everyone just told them that they been knew, because i mean... what kinda friends hold hands and look at each other with dreamy smiles
also Sharpay's approach to Chad.
at first sharpay was very hostile towards Chad (in a protective way, she just said stuff like "if you break my brother's heart i'll ruin your life") but as time went by and the more Ryan told Sharpay about how wonderful Chad is she warmed up
i think they talk sometimes about the kardashians episodes
and maybe when Sharpay goes shopping she even invites Chad and makes him try on certain clothes, and proceeds to buy them for him, because "if you want to date my brother you have to dress properly"
gabi is defintely a big ally and stands up for Chad and Ryan when needed, and so does Troy, except he just doesn't grasp the concept of being gay, much less HATING someone for being gay. and it took him so long to figure out that there's something going on between Chad and Ryan. Gabriella had to explain to him that Ryan didn't want to steal Troy's best friend all for himself, he just wanted to date him
gabi and ryan are DEFINITELY besties. i mean it was literally shown in hsm2
they frequently hang out and do each others' nails and watch some cheesy romcoms and gush about Chad and Troy
and also they both sit on the girlfriend row and attend all of their boys' practices and gossip so much
as for Chad and Troy... Chad talks about Ryan more than Troy talks abt Gabi (impressive)
they definitely had bro nights since like. forever. but after the lava springs baseball incident Troy noticed that Chad is sometimes distracted by texting Ryan and he would often go on and on about how amazing Ryan is. and troy of course didn't get it and had the "ok but its our sleepover" approach, and he was honestly a bit jealous
Chad had to tell him that "no Troy hes my boyfriend."
so Troy is like OOOOOH and since he's heard so much about Chad's significant other, he asks whether he can tell Chad more about Gabi, and Chad of course says yes and Troy is smiling like a little boy (probably the first time Chad's seen him so head over heels and displaying it fully)
im sure they giggle together a bit too
and they play dumb games like "3 things i like most about them" or something
prom time!!! before everything, Ryan took Chad shopping and bought them both matching suits
and Chad surprised ryan with a corsage the color of Ryan's suit, and when Ryan saw it he probably cried a little bit because he quite literally experienced the teenage dream of going to prom with the love of his life AND getting a corsage
when they got to the party they were both a little nervous at first and had to take a little break, so they went outside and watched the stars together
and they promised each other to be together forever, and they planned their future, like Chad picking a uni that's close to juilliard so they could see each other as often as possible
then after graduating they decided they want a cozy apartment in new york and travel around the world, then of course get married when it would get legalized, adopt a kitty and all of this while still being best friends with Troy, Gabi, Kelsi, Tay and everyone else
and then they probably had some smoochy time but eventually got back inside and danced the night away
bonus: chad being stupid but in a way that he sees Taylor and Kelsi giggling together and acting very obviously gay and he's like "oh i didn't know they were friends!! seems like they're pretty close :))" (clueless)
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agent-barnes40 · 9 months
Can't Catch Me Now
Part 1 here and Part 2 here
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13th Doctor x Reader (Platonic by Reader, Romantic by Doctor)
Dhawan!Master X Reader (romantic)
Kinda jumps around this time but ends up at Timeless Child episodes. It took ten days, but I got this part finished!
2,242 Words
You had been happier the last couple of weeks, running around with the Fam and The Doctor. It was like a switch had been flipped in your brain with that headache you had, you had become who you were during the start of adventuring with her. You still talked about your boyfriend, mentioning that you hadn't heard from him.
Today's adventure was meeting Mary Shelley. You had dressed for the occasion, something Regency era. Of course, you were the one that really dressed for the occasion, the rest were supplied with whatever The TARDIS had given them. You spun in the console room, catching the Doctor rolling her eyes at how over the top your outfit was. "You always say fit in to the time period. Thought I'd actually do it this time."
Yaz rose a brow and looked at you. You were still you but it was different to the rest of the Fam, you went from being like this to hanging off The Master's arm and then being back to that happy, trying to fit in person you are, it was a hard adjustment. The TARDIS landed and Yaz just shook her head, when Graham had sent her a look.
The group of you stepped directly into a downpour, drenching all of you. You groaned and looked over at The Doctor who also was just as drenched as the rest of the Fam. "What's wrong with a little rain?"
"We're humans, we get to cold and then we get sick. I'm gonna end up with an illness from 1816!" You weren't really that angry but you wanted it known that you didn't want to die from an illness that she couldn't treat.
"Can't believe we're fighting in the rain." The Doctor grumbled and you laughed softly, the Time Lord seeming to brighten even more at the sound.
You shook your head and pointed to the Villa in front of you. "I'm going to see if we can get shelter there if anyone wants to join me."
Graham had immediately joined you on your trek up to the villa while Ryan stalled for a moment before rushing to catch up, leaving Yaz and The Doctor to trail behind. You didn't hide your flinch when a lightning strike happened and The Doctor started to speed up, leaving Yaz behind to grab your hand. That instinctual need to protect you still raging in her hearts.
Of course you all had to investigate what was wrong with the villa. Of course Byron had to start flirting with The Doctor and each time The Doctor ignored him, he had turned to you and started to try on you. The man had stepped up next to you as you watched The Doctor check the walls.
"You really are beautiful." Byron whispered.
Your head whipped around and you didn't even think and slapped him. "Excuse me! I am happily in a relationship!"
The Doctor whipped around to see what had happened and sighed at the sight of you glaring at Byron while the man held his cheek. "Now Doctor, I think you need to get your companion under control!"
Your mouth dropped open and you glared at him. "No wonder you can't return to London! All you do is flirt with everyone and at the first sight of someone actually disgusted at your actions, you try to blame it on the person!"
Byron and you did not get along well after that and of course you got separated from The Doctor and The Fam, instead stuck in a room where the only entertaining thing was to stare at the wall. You tried to ignore the headache that was brewing, one that you thought was caused by the moving villa issue and being constantly annoyed.
You noticed a purple sleeve and a familiar hand waving at the other side of the room. "Hey doc!"
"Yeah? What's wrong?" The Doctor shouted back.
"Have any of you seen a purple sleeve coming out of the wall yet?" You shouted.
"Do not grab it! I mean it!" The Doctor yelled.
You turned to face the wall where her voice was coming from. "The hand looks familiar, Doc. Are ya sure I shouldn't grab it?"
You barely had time to think before that arm and hand turned into a grumpy looking Renegade Time-Lord, his eyebrow raised and staring right at you. "Come on, pet. Its time to go."
You heard thumping on the wall next to you as you stared at The Master, your brain raising alarms as he walked closer. "Come on! It's time to get you home."
"Do not go with him! Just stay there, love!" The Doctor shouted.
Your body made the choice for you and grabbed his hand, and he pulled you tight to his body, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Sorry, Doctor! Took your favorite pet!"
You were curled up under a blanket in The Master's TARDIS, on his couch and you just stared him down. Your body seemed to relax around him and yet your brain was giving you warning signs left, right and center. The Master just ignored your stare as he piloted.
"Why did you take me?"
"Because you are mine, love. I don't know what she did to your head but you have no memories of me." He said, turning to look at you.
"You look like my boyfriend, but he doesn't wear all purple." You had turned your head, you couldn't look into his eyes.
"Yeah, he does. Sure, I didn't wear it undercover because that would be just way to obvious."
“Why me?”
“Because I am dating you, I swore to protect you and she did something to your head to make you forget all about who I actually am.”
It took a minute for your brain to catch up. His face was oddly familiar and suddenly you were surging towards him to pull him into a hug. Your brain was still figuring out pieces but you got the major factor, O and this Master guy was the same. The Master eagerly clutched onto you and pressed multiple kisses to your head. He wasn't about to tell you how long he had been just in your peripherals the last couple of weeks, trying to get your attention. He certainly wasn't going to tell you about how much he had missed you.
The two of you just clutched onto each other for awhile, you finally pulled away from him when you started to think about The Doctor. "What do you mean she did something to my head?"
The Master grabbed your hands, rubbing them with his thumbs. "I think she removed every bit of me using my name and who I am from your brain while keeping my alias there, and of course, my real name. Probably a big shock for her to realize you knew the name I used all those lifetimes ago."
You just listened to him, you hadn't heard from him in so long, at least in your brain it felt like it had been forever. You barely noticed how tired you had started to get. The Master kept his eyes on yours, gently, very gently pushing on the block he had assumed The Doctor had made.
"It's okay if you fall asleep, I still have your room ready." He quietly said, his eyes catching how yours had started to go distant.
You could feel that headache starting to build again and you absentmindedly started to fight against him. His grip tightened on your hands. "I know, I know. Its probably going to hurt with how much you were in pain last time."
"W-we thought you caused that one, Master." Your voice breaking as you tried to focus on him and not on the pain in your head.
"Wasn't me, sweetheart. I wouldn't knowingly cause you that much pain unless I absolutely have to, like right now." The Master mumbled, closing his eyes to focus fully on breaking apart the block.
You waited for The Doctor to show up, you were sat next to Feekar, a soft smile on your face. "The Doctor will come. She always will. She likes saving humanity even if it's at the last second."
You could hear her from a mile away, she was never able to keep her voice quiet, even in battle fields. You slowly stood up and looked for her, catching her jacket in the distance. "Doctor!"
You watched as she stopped, head twisting in your direction, and you waved your arms. The Doctor stilled and it was like she physically relaxed when you jumped so she could see your face.
The Doctor practically ordered the Fam to follow behind her while she hurried to get to you. You were running to her and you smiled at the sight of her. "How long has it been for you guys?"
"We've been hunting down Ashad, from the villa!" Yaz snapped and your brows furrowed.
"Who?" You asked, looking over at her.
"There was a Cyberman inside the villa, it was crazy!" Ryan chimed in and you smiled.
"Okay, makes sense why you guys are here in the future then, during a Cyberman invasion." You looked over at The Doctor, whose brows furrowed.
"How long have you been here?"
You shrugged and then pulled a little writing pad from your pocket, looking at the marks on it. "Like a month or two. Days get blurry when the attacks happen."
The Doctor's face fell and she reached out to grab your hand and you pulled your hand away, shoving the pad back into your pocket. "No time for sentiments, Doc. I have people I'm trying to protect. These people are the last of humanity here. I'm not having my people die and be upgraded because we're here chatting."
"How did you even get here?" Yaz and Graham asked at the same time.
"I'm guessing The Master. I mean, the last thing I remember is him grabbing my hand at the Villa." You replied, turning to head back to Feekar.
The Doctor hurried to reach your side, pressing next to you, her hand grabbing yours. "Did he hurt you?"
You shrugged. "Probably, he's the Master. He doesn't like humans."
"But he likes you." The Doctor pointed out and you scoffed.
"Oh yeah, enough to dump me in the middle of humanity's last stand against the Cybermen with no protective gear, no way to get in contact and I'm the only one in this group who knows how to contact you. It's by sheer luck I've lived this long, and kept my race alive. So if you are truly here to help, then ask me questions later, save my people now." You ordered, pulling away from her and looking up at the sound of the whirring.
"Whatever you guys have in your hands, I hope its enough to keep them safe." You snapped.
You turned to Feekar and nodded. "Lets get people into buildings!"
You all were separated. You stuck with The Doctor, Ryan and Ethan, as you all headed to Ko Sharmus, to the boundary. The Doctor kept looking over at you, it was like you had vastly changed from back at the Villa. You had held yourself more confidently, and more secure in who you were. Something had changed, and it probably had to do with The Master.
You were wearing 21st century clothing that had been patched up with other fabric, which led her to assume you had gotten hurt during the attacks. You looked like you had aged a lot during the month or two you had been fighting the Cyberman, but it was probably just stress.
The shuttle landed and you all got out, she watched as you took a moment to straighten your clothes.
You watched as the sky started to shift to purple as the Boundary started to open up again, you took a deep breath. You were going to get at least Ethan to safety, that's what matters.
"Yaz looking for The Doctor on all frequencies!"
The Doctor rushed over to the radio. "Yaz! We can hear you! Can you hear me?"
"Where are you?"
"We're on a cyberbattle cruiser, with that cyber guy, with a lot of cyber troops that are waking up."
"Yaz, get off that ship now."
"We can't! We're trapped and they're about to break in."
The sky started turning a deeper purple and you took another deep breath. Everything was just about to start. You could see the capital city of Gallifrey.
"What is that?"
You turned to look at Ethan, shrugging. "Looks like home."
The Doctor turned to look at you, her eyes widening. "That's not possible."
"That's my home planet." The Doctor mumbled, turning back to look at the burning city through the portal.
You turned to look at Ko Sharmus. "That's Gallifrey."
"Well I've never seen it look like that!"
"How is Gallifrey here?"
The Master suddenly appeared, stumbling forward and groaning a small bit. "Wow!"
"Great entrance, Master! Right on time!" You called, starting to step forward towards him while The Doctor stared in shock.
The Master held his hand out and you grabbed it, smiling. He turned to face you while keeping an eye on The Doctor, subtly checking you for injuries while you turned to face back toward The Doctor.
"You should be afraid, Doctor, 'cause everything you thought you knew, is going to change. Forever."
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blackgirlfariy · 2 years
Lick Back Pt1
This is taken place after that wonderful video surfaced of Letitia and Kehlani- lol
Paring: Letitia x F!reader
Warning: 18+ please
Summary: You and Letitia have been messing around on the low a little before BP2. To the public you’re her best friend but when it’s just you two she’s the love of your life. After an interesting video appear on twitter you were sick of waiting so you decided to get your “lick back”.
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*Ring* *Ring* *Ring* *Ring*
“Bitch go look at what I sent you on twitter.” Your best friend, Mimi, told you.
I rolled my eyes at her for cutting me off but go look at it anyway. My eyeballs popped out of my head when I saw my so called “girlfriend” letting the singer Kehlani grind on her. I don’t if it’s my crazy eyes but if I’m not mistaken, I see a smile on her face.
 “Girl, you want me to cut her or you gon’ do it?” Mimi said after my long silence on the phone.
“Nope. I want you to come over and we’re going to go out and have fun and forget about these nothing ass men and women.” I said before walking into my closet trying to find the perfect outfit for tonight. 
“Ouu bitch, I like when you get like this. Makes me remember our old college days. I’ll be on my way and better have bottles ready for our pregame.” She hung up after that and I sprang into action. 
I’m a famous songwriter and singer who worked with big names in the industry. I wrote songs for Beyonce on her lemonade album, I wrote songs for Ariana Grande and many more artists. I have a few awards under my belt. With my background in writing music, I was asked to write a song for Black panther 2, Lift me up, it was such an honor. I met Letitia through my childhood friend Ryan who is also the creator of Black panther 1 and 2, I was a fan of hers since watching her episode in Black Mirror. 
The moment I looked her my heart flutter and I wanted her to be mine right then and there. We went out to dinner during one of our breaks from the famous world and we’ve been close ever since. Until one night I ended up in her bed with her head in between my legs. Ever since the two of us have on the low with each other. My only complaint in the way she acts when the two of us are in public, she treats me like a best friend would. I would understand it if we weren’t fucking each other brains out every night. 
It hurts to be in a position like this, in a position where you have to go out the way to show someone who you thought valued you that others can do and feel the same. Simple. I wasn’t planning on going crazy tonight but every time I see that video; I get upset and start thinking who was going to this ass thrown back on them. 
After I got out of the shower, and I walked to my vanity to give myself a beautiful beat face and once I was done with that, I walked to my room where my outfit laid on my bed. I put on my outfit and turned around in the mirror looking at how my ass sit just right and how my boobs sit in the dress. I wore a short black dress that was a little higher than my mid-thigh and wore black heels from LV. 
I heard the doorbell ring which alerted me Mimi have arrived. I walked down my spiral staircase walking up to my front door opening it seeing Mimi looking fine but what’s new. She was always the fashion friend. 
“Soooo you trying to get fucked up tonight huh? You look good girl.” Mimi said walking in giving me hug.
“If I’m getting fucked tonight it’s by somebody else because she acts like shit sweet. You beautiful by the way.” I responded leading her to the bar in my house where all my favorite liquor is. 
Time skip
By the time my driver dropped us off at the club we were beyond tipsy. I had to hold on to her in order to make inside. I was giggling about everything I looked at, when we walked in, I heard my favorite artist Megen Thee Stallion playing. We walked up to our section where I saw some of my other friends Mimi must’ve invited. We all grabbed shots and took them with a lime right after. 
“All right y’all like I told y’all Y/n is supposed to be getting her lick back tonight because her lil boo got her out looking a stupid. So, we gotta go all out tonight because if she gets caught, we might not see her again, okay?” Mimi laughed while we cheered and agreed. 
After some time, my friend Toni went to get us more shots while everyone else stood on the couch shaking ass and rapping lyrics obnoxiously. Before I knew it, I was on the dance floor with a homegirl dancing to twerk by the city girls. I’m throwing it back on her and she was keeping up with me the whole time. Mimi found her a man to the same. I at this point and time the last thing I was worried about Letitia at all. Honestly fuck her, it’s not fair that she can act the way she does but if i do it, it’s a problem.
I was still dancing with my home girl, when I glanced up to one of the top sections and saw the one and only… Letitia Wright. I thought I was seeing things so I just ignored it and walked to the bar for a water. I felt the club energy shift drastically, I looked over my shoulder and I saw her standing in the middle of the club floor. I could feel her eye on me even with her dark shades on. I didn’t want to pay her any mind but her aura is suffocating.
“Here all alone?” I heard a women’s voice on the right of me. I looked over and saw this tall dark skin women. She was beautiful and she wore a jumpsuit and she smelled vanilla, I was mesmerized.
“No I’m not. Im here with some friends. You need some company?” I asked with a smirk on my face.
Now my plan for the night was just to get a couple of dances and get some videos to post. I didn’t expect to maybe go home with someone.
“I would love some of your company. Let me order something- “ the sexy women was cut off by you know who.
“Y/n how you been? I haven’t seen you in a while it’s nice to see your back in London.” Letitia said making her presence known.
“Well I called you and you didn’t answer. I just assumed you were too busy.” I responded with a little attitude in my voice. I’m not weak in the knees for her right now because I’m mad so I’m not afraid of what she could do to me.
“Well I’m about to go. You wanna come with me?” The women said, I didn’t get her name but hey.
“I was hoping you would come with me. I was hoping we could catch up with each other.” Letitia said while sneaking her to my ass and giving a squeeze.
“Uhh well your right Titia we haven’t talked in a while. So we’ll um… can I have your number so we can talk and get to know each other?” I asked the women. If Letitia want to be petty so can I.
After I got her number me and Titia walked out the club. I didn’t miss the looks all my friends gave me. They can’t judge cause my situation is no different than mine. Expect Mimi, she gon’ be a hoe until the day she die.
We walked outside getting slightly blinded by the excessive flashing lights. I wasn’t worried because like I said she treats me like a best friend on the outs. Her car pulled up and she opened the door for me and she got inside herself.
“Imma fuck you up.”
To Be Continued
A/n- hey you guys so with the growth in the Letitia Wright fandom I wanted to take a stab at it. Please be nice it’s been a LONG time since I’ve written. I do take requests for her and the characters she played.
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