#i hit my arm on a doorframe really hard!!
jasmines-library · 4 months
Hey! i just wanted to say that your work is phenomenal! You got me sobbing in bed at 3 in the morning. I was wondering if I could request a Batfam x child!Wayne!Reader (maybe 4/5 years old) and what they’re all like (individually) when picking her up from school? In her class, they were learning about the great Batman, and all the hard work he does for the city, keeping everybody safe and whatnot. And obviously, she’s too small to know Bruce is Batman.. how would they all react to little baby Wayne rambling about cool Batman who has his own car and sidekick? I’d imagine she’s a very talkative kid, very sweet and friendly, and a very big-Daddy’s girl, but it’s completely up to you.
Thanks for listening to my rambling.. and keep up your awesome work!
Baby Wayne
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Note: This is one of the most adorable requests ever anon! Thank you for requesting and thank you for your kind words. I hope I’ve done your request justice.
He could see the smile on your face from the doorway. Bright and beaming as you sat cross-legged on the floor, leaning forward to listen to your teacher. The second you saw him lingering in the doorframe however, the smile grew and you were up on your feet in seconds and tottering over to him.
Wrapping your arms around his legs you hugged him tightly and looked up at him with big eyes. Picking you up and resting you on his hip, Bruce pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“Hey sweetheart. Good day?”
You nodded excitedly, clinging to your dad. “We learnt about Batman today!” You exclaimed.
Bruce couldn’t help the small smirk that crept onto his face. You were still too young to know about his identity and he did well to keep it from you. You were always exploring and wondering off in the manor. He was sure you would make a fine vigilante one day, but for now he was keep to keep you sheltered.
“Oh really?” He raised a brow.
“Yep!” You said, popping the ‘p’. “He’s awesome! He has a cool car and side kicks! And he keeps the city safe! He’s super cool.”
Bruce bounced you up in his arms, savouring the joy in your voice. “Is that so?”
“Uh-huh.” You nodded. “When I grow up I wanna be just like him Daddy!”
“I’m sure you will be kiddo.” Bruce smiled. “I’m sure you will.”
He was waiting by the school gates, leaning up against the metal framing when your class came piling out of the doors. Bruce was out on a meeting, so he was tasked with collecting you from school, which of course he had no problem doing.
When you saw him, he made his way over slowly, watching as your face lit up at the sight of him and you came running over him with your bag hanging halfway off one shoulder.
“Dick look!” You beamed crashing into him as you ran a little too fast. Moving away you pointed to the yellow and black sticker you had plastered to the hem of the coat.
Dick crouched down to your height. “What you got there, squirt?”
“It’s the bat signal.” You announced proudly. “We learnt about it in class today.”
“You learnt about Batman?” Dick asked. He had wondered how long it would be until you began to learn about what they did.
“Yes we learnt about all of the heroes. But Batman is my favourite because he saves the city and he has a sidekick!” You grinned “Robin! I like him too.”
Dick hid his little grin by tussling your hair. He couldn’t wait for you to learn more.
Seeing Jason picking you up was a nice surprise for you when you finished class. You were ecstatic to see him and ran up to him squealing.
“Jay!” You giggled and he picked up and spun you around in the air. “I missed you.”
He had been away on business. You had constantly been asking Bruce about when you would see him again. You had began to miss his face at home.
“Guess what we’ve been learning about!?”
“Hmm.” Jason bit his lip pretending to think “pirate ballerinas”
You placed a playful hit to his chest with a laugh. “No silly. Batman!”
A-ha. Jason thought. this would be interesting. He wondered how much you had been told, though he doubted no matter how much you had learnt, that you had managed to piece things together.
“Was it good?” He asked you.
“It was great! He saves all of the people and is a real hero!” You said waving your arms animatedly. “He’s so brave!”
“He is.” Jason agreed. “Just like you little Wayne”
Tim found you doodling at one of the tables in the library. You had an array of colours sprawled out in front of you as you scribbled on the pieces of paper infront of you.
He peered over your shoulder trying to catch a glimpse of your drawing. You had draw stick figures, which made it hard to go by but even with your messy doodles he could make out the distinctive domino masks of the Robin and the black of Batman’s suit and cowl. He knew them like the back of his hand, so it was no surprise.
“What you drawing, kiddo?” He asked you.
You gripped the drawing with your hands and held it up proudly to him. “Batman and Robin. We learnt about them in class so I wanted to draw them.”
“It’s very good kid.” Tim told you, handing you back the drawing of the lopsided people only for you to hand it back to him.
“Can we put it on the fridge?” You asked curiously “I want to show it to Dad. I bet he thinks Batman is awesome too!” You blabbed “do you think he will like it, Timmy?”
“I’m sure he will.”
Dami was reading in the library when you plonked yourself beside him. Well…kind of. You struggled up onto the couch first.
“What are you doing?” You frowned, trying to read see over his shoulder.
He was reading up on one of Gotham’s villains that was causing havoc in the city. His first instinct was to shut it so you couldn’t read any of it…but then he remembered that you were still only learning to read.
“I’m reading a book on Batman.” He half-lied, setting the book to one side so you could clamber into his lap.
“Ooh I like Batman too.” You nodded.
Damian frowned. You weren’t supposed to know about that yet. “Where did you learn about him?”
“At school.”
Damian relaxed a little.
“He has a super cool cape! And a big car that he drives really fast around the city to stop the bad guys!”
“Sounds dangerous.” Damian smirked.
“Yes…” you trailed off. “But he is allowed to do it because he is Batman.” You decided.
“Is that right? He teased.
I hope that was okay! I hope you don’t mind that I changed it a little at the end: I didn’t want it to get too repetitive.
@aestheticdaisies @hearts4robs @xxrougefangxx @mamapucket @hell-o-kittys @harleycao
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letorip · 10 days
kiss with a fist
“you hit me once, i hit you back, you gave a kick, i gave a slap”
pairing: tara carpenter x reader
summary: tara needs a favour from perhaps the person she hates most on earth, but it just ends up drawing the both of you closer together.
warnings: explicit sexual content, fake dating 🤯, enemies to lovers, contrived plot because ha ha ha
word count: 4.8k
A/N: kinda had a lot of fun with this one. might do a part two, might just leave it as is, but let me know. inspired by kiss with a fist by florence + the machine (duh), lovely night from la la land, and various other inspirations.
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The moment your front door opened on its hinges, Tara Carpenter was pushing past you and barging straight into your apartment, stepping right over the threshold and checking you with her shoulder. You barely had a chance to process it, before she had wandered down the hall and into your kitchen in a blur.
You rolled your eyes, knowing you were in for an annoying ass conversation and slamming the door shut. “What do you want?” You called into your own apartment loud enough for her to hear you in the other room.
“Don’t be a prick about it. This is the last place I wanted to go,” she shot back, and you sighed to yourself in your dark hallway before fixing your hair in the mirror and following her inside. There was only about an hour of her bullshit you could put up with and then you’d be saved by the bell anyhow.
“Whatever happened to ‘hello,’ Tara?” You said, crossing your arms and coming in to against the doorframe. She had jumped up onto your counter, legs swinging and fingers gripping the edge of the blue ice glass tiles. In her left hand she picked up the bottle of wine you had left out next to some glasses and began to read the label.
"Lecture me later,” she said, not looking up at you, You were about to reply, or more aptly, tell her to get the hell out of your apartment, but she put the bottle down and narrowed her eyes at you, clearly struggling to say what she was really there for.
“Look, (Y/n), I need your help.” Ah. There it was.
"Hah," you scoffed without hesitation. "No."
She threw up her hands. "I didn’t even say what I was asking for.”
“Still, no. I’m not helping you.”
“Could you just not be an asshat for five minutes and listen to me? Like, is that too hard for you? Are you medically incapable?" She shot back.
"You're sitting on my counter. I didn't bust into your house and start making demands but here you are in mine,” you said.
"I'm asking for a favour," said Tara, raising her voice. "Asking."
"Wasn't much of a question though, was it," you replied. Maybe being a dick back to her would make her leave. She had always been able to dish it but never able to take it, and you wanted to make her. "You said 'I need a favour.' There's no question in that."
"No, I actually said I need your help, now would you shut up and listen?"
You scowled. "Y'know, I'm not really in a helpful mood tonight."
"Like you have something better to do,” Tara scoffed, raising her eyebrows at you.
"And what if I do?"
"Then I'd say you're lying. What, you don’t want to help me because you’re watching your stupid show, or reading or something?” she challenged back, getting up off your counter and walking towards you. You straightened up, glaring down at her. She only came up to about your chest, but the short girl still did her best to seem intimidating.
With you she always frustratingly failed to even make the smallest dent, though that probably stemmed from the fact you could pick her up and punt her like a football if you wanted to. On the days she managed to really piss you off, the thought grew more enticing.
"For your information, I was supposed to have a date," you said. Tara blinked at this, looking down from your stupid face. You wore a thick black turtleneck and some pleated black pants that hung stylishly from your waist. The wine made sense now, and Tara felt like an idiot.
“What’d you pay them?” she clapped back, covering for the feeling of intense heat rising to her cheeks. This was humiliating. She had come begging for your help of all people- you, and now she had nothing to show for it but the stupid, smug look on your stupid, smug face.
“Ha ha,” you said, dryly. “Get out.”
“Yes,” you insisted.
"So you're busy then…” she trailed off.
“Nooo,” she groaned, throwing up her hands in frustration.
You weren't sure what it was, maybe the pout of her lip or the shining of her eyes, but you shut your own for a second and let out a sigh. "Why? What's the favour?"
Tara shook her head in a generally amusing display of defeat. "It's whatever. Have fun on your date," she said, heading for the door and trying to brush past you, but you reached your arm across the doorway, stopping her from going.
"No, what's-" you stopped, rolling your eyes upon realising you were about to help Tara Carpenter of all people- "What's the favour, Tara?" Her face instantly lit up with a bright, beaming smile, the exact opposite of what it had been before, and it suddenly occurred to you she had been playing you like a fiddle.
"Oh my god, you're actually helping for once! Did you finally wake up on the right side of the bed?”
"Don't push it," you muttered. "I don't even know what I'm agreeing to, yet."
"See, about that..." she trailed off.
“We have to make Sam really, really mad.”
You shook your head at her. "Never mind. I'm not helping you anymore."
"You're trying to get me murdered," you said. "I don't have a death wish."
Tara was fully frustrated now, dark eyes fiery and staring up at you in the candle lighting. “You don’t even know what it is you’re doing to make her mad yet!”
“Doesn’t matter, if it’s Sam I don’t want to do it.”
“It would be a big help!” Tara said, clasping her hands in front of her like a prayer. You narrowed your eyes at her, more upset her expression and clear desperation was actually working on you, and that you felt compelled to help this idiot with an undoubtedly idiotic plan.
“What are you trying to do?”
Tara jumped up and down in excitement, smiling widely in a way you had rarely seen her. “Okay! Okay, so Sam said last month that she didn’t want me going to parties and meeting people because she was worried they were murderers.”
“Uh huh,” you said.
“Buuut, she said I could go if I had someone always with me. Like, someone with me that she approved of. So I didn’t wander off to hook up or drink, which is, y’know, the actual fun ‘college party’ stuff.”
“Uh huh.”
“The thing is though, that if I had a ‘partner,’” she raised her fingers to put quotes around it, “then Sam wouldn’t need to worry about me doing that, because she’d assume I’d be with them, hanging out, or even if we did go to a party, it would be together. Buddy system style.”
You raised your eyebrows, realising where this was probably going. “Uh huh?”
“Which is where you’d come in. Sam wouldn’t trust just anybody, if I told her I was seeing someone. But she would trust someone from our group, who she knows for sure isn’t going to murder me. And you- as fucking annoying as you are- are exactly that.” She had a twinkle in her eyes when she explained it to you, and you realised Tara had probably been plotting this- or at least considering it- for a while now, the little devil.
“You really expect Sam to believe we can tolerate each other?” You asked, squeezing your arms tighter against your chest. “She knows how much I hate you, and only person I hate more is her.”
“Trust me, I’ve complained about you to her too,” she rolled her eyes. “But you were literally my only option. Call it a romance of passion. We only ‘hated’ other to cover up for our real feelings or whatever. Sam doesn’t have to like you but she definitely trusts you.”
“How romantic,” you wrinkled your nose, disgusted by the suggestion. “Wait, why am I your only option? Chad is right there, he’s already in love with you and everything. He’s like the built-in boyfriend.”
She winced. “See, I thought about that. But I just know it would probably hurt him, with the hooking up and it not being real. He probably wouldn’t feel too great about me ‘cheating’ on him.” Tara did the finger quotes around it again and you let out a whistle.
“Wow, so you do have a heart.”
She scoffed. “More than you do. Besides, we only need to pretend to be together until I find someone actually tolerable. After that, you’re free again.”
“I had a date tonight,” you narrowed your eyes at her.
“But you’re still here talking to me for some reason?” She raised her eyebrows at you. “And the way you said ‘had’ I’m thinking you don’t anymore.” Tara could be annoyingly perceptive sometimes. She always seemed to zero in on the way you spoke or what you said.
“I wasn’t too excited for it anyways,” you grumbled, and Tara laughed, realising she had been correct and being all too pleased with herself. She clasped her hands together.
“Well then. Are you going to help me, or are you going to glare at me some more?”
“The second one sounds really appealing right now,” you shot back.
“Oh, come on. Don’t be too proud of an asshole to admit this is a great plan.”
“It’s a terrible plan, and it’s absolutely going to fail when Sam tries to murder me.”
“But you didn’t say no.”
You looked at her for a long minute, contemplating if this was really the path you were going to go down. You let out a sigh, shaking your head. “I’ll do it. But you’ll sure as hell owe me.”
“Yeah yeah,” Tara waved you off, beaming from ear to ear. “Great! We’re going on a double date with her and Danny this Friday.”
“What?!” Your mouth dropped open.
“Yep,” she said, annoyingly skipping down your hallway. “I’ll text you the address and time!” she said.
“Now wait a minute-” you called after her, but she had already latched open your door and left, leaving you to watch her go. Fuck, this would end terribly. You sighed again, taking out your phone to cancel your date.
This was so unbelievably stupid. The longer you stood outside the Italian restaurant, the more you regretted agreeing to help her.
The restaurant was nice at least, with giant marble stones and dark red accents, and you could see through the massive float glass windows that the lighting mostly featured romantic candles and potted floribunda roses against dark wood. It would ironically be the most expensive date you ever had, and you realised that with bitter sentimentality.
Tara was late, like always, and you had begun to pace along the sidewalk, tracing the cracks with the centre of your shoe while you waited for her. It was boring, out on the street, and the more couples that passed you and walked right inside, the more nauseous you felt. You grabbed your phone out of your pocket, thumbing over the cracked display.
She was ten minutes late. You swiped open your text messages, still seeing nothing from her.
are you here yet???
You sent the message hastily, waiting for the typing icon to pop up or even show that she read it, but nothing. Suddenly the screen lit up and your phone started vibrating it, and you almost dropped it in surprise. “Fuck,” you cussed quietly, seeing the call incoming screen and Little Shit (do not pick up) appear at the top. You frowned, hitting the green button and accepting the call.
“Where the hell are you??? I don’t know if you noticed but we’re late,” you immediately said into the phone, aware of just how annoyed you sounded.
“Relax,” replied Tara on the other end of the line, and you could hear her eye roll from here. “Danny is a late guy too, Sam gets on him all the time for it.”
“Yeah well, I’m standing outside waiting for your late ass.” You felt someone awkwardly push past you and you winced, spinning around to usher them an apology.
“I’ll be there in a minute, I had to pick something up,” she dismissed you. “Just don’t let Sam and Danny see you. I told them we were showing up together.”
“Well how the hell am I supposed to do that?” You frowned, looking around. There was a row of bushes off to the side but you were too tall and not at all willing to crouch behind them like an idiot.
“I don’t know. Figure. It. Out.” Tara spoke slowly like you were a child and you narrowed your eyes.
“Y’know, I’m doing you a favour?”
“Ha!” Tara exclaimed, and you hissed, pulling your ear away from the phone’s speaker at the loud noise. “So you admit, it was a favour!”
“Shut up and get your ass over here," you grumbled before hanging up shortly, looking around and wandering down a side alley. It smelled disgusting back there, in the ironic, almost-dark of sunset, and it would've been a lovely night to take a walk on, had it not been for wasting it on Tara of all people.
You pulled out a box of cigarettes from your pocket, fumbling one out and sticking it between your lips. You stuck the box back in your pocket and pulled out your fancy lighter that had your name engraved on the side, thumbing over the lettering for a moment before lighting the cigarette and sticking it between your two fingers.
It felt stupid, to standing there next to the dumpster and watching some rats scurry by, but you let out a huff of smoke, remembering how much Tara had seemed excited for the parties and having fun. You didn't like her very much, nor could you really claim to be much of a saint, but you weren't a monster either.
"What are you doing??" called a voice from the end of the alley, and you spun to see Tara near the line of bushes with a bouquet of flowers in her hands. She had her eyes narrowed at the cigarette, looking frustrated.
"Having a smoke. Why, want one?"
She let out a sigh of exasperation, marching straight up to you. "You can't go on a double date with my sister smelling like cigarette smoke. You know she hates that kind of stuff."
"I've smoked with her, before. Her and Mindy," you argued, pulling it from your lips to take a breath in. "I've literally given her cigarettes."
Tara glared at you, taking it from your hand and crushing it under her heel. "Yeah, well, she still hates you, and now that we're allegedly 'dating' it's different. We can't give her any reason not to trust us, and you smoking cigarettes is going to make her think I'm going to start smoking cigarettes."
You shrugged. "If she hates me so much, then she's never gonna let us 'hang out' alone or go to parties anyway."
"No, she-" Tara rolled her eyes. "She hates you, but she sure as hell trusts you. Enough to babysit me."
"Fine. What's with the flowers?" you asked, crossing your arms.
"You got them for me," Tara shrugged. "Pinnacle of romance."
You whistled to be funny, but it was a little bit impressive that she had planned that out. The plan wasn't especially well thought out, but she at least had her moments of surprising intelligence, which you couldn't begrudge her.
"Well then," she frowned. "Let's go, lover." She clutched the flowers in one hand and slid her arm to interlock with yours. You narrowed your eyes but started to walk her in.
"Don't call me that. It's weird," you muttered.
"Get used to it. Tonight we're the happiest couple on planet Earth."
The restaurant was somehow even nicer on the inside than it had been on the outside. Tara gripped your hand, tugging you along with her as she headed towards Sam and Danny's table and followed the waiter, but you were looking a little dumbfounded at the marble columns and Italian frescos painted to the walls and roof.
You made your way back, led into a giant room with a lot of people. Danny sent you a welcoming wave when they saw you; Sam looked like she was about ready to blow a gasket. She stared at you, eyeing you up and down and then lasering in on the bouquet in Tara's hands with a frown.
"Did you tell her your secret partner was me???" you whispered to Tara as you approached.
She smirked evilly. "Nope."
Fucking amazing. "Hey guys!" Danny said, friendly and open. He seemed just thrilled to be there, while Sam seethed right next to him. Tara smiled right at her sister, gesturing for you to sit next to her.
"Sorry we were late," Tara says, a little awkward but trying to seem comfortable. "We were, um..." she looked at you for help.
You blanked, throwing out the first thing you could think of. "Kissing!"
Sam nearly spit out her water, eyes widening at staring at you. Tara whipped to you, jaw slack and you sent her a sorry glance. Improv was not your thing by any means.
"Um," Danny blinked at you. "No worries. You're here now," he said with an awkward smile. His hand went to Sam's, trying to give it a comforting squeeze, but she looked like she wanted to jump over the table and then jump you. She was glowering.
"So," she said, eyes narrowed. "How long has 'this,'" she gestured between you and Tara, "been a thing?" She looked at you intensely, and you looked to Tara, trying to shrug it off. You both laughed, playing the part of the happy couple.
"Oh, a month," you said.
"Two months," Tara said, at the exact same time. Fuck.
You tried not to glare at each other. "Well, which is it?" Sam squinted at her sister, and Tara sent a kick at your leg under the table. Your knee hit the bottom of the table with a painful 'thud,' and it took everything in you to not yell out in pain from your knee cap hitting the wood.
You tried to smile it off. "Tara just said two months, because we went on a few study dates, but it wasn't official until a month ago."
"So two months then," Sam said, crossing her arms on the table.
"I get it," Danny said, nodding. "I'm bad at dates and stuff too," he laughed a bit. "I almost forgot how long Sam and I had been together after our four month anniversary." You nodded, sending him your best grin. Sam didn’t look too happy about that either, though.
"Yeah, long day, I guess." Tara said next to you, sending you her best smile, her hand coming up to rub your back. It was weird, having her this close, but you put on your best face, as if she touched you all the time.
"You go to Blackmore too, right?" he asked, and you nodded. "What do you study?"
"I'm in architecture," you replied. Finally, something you could talk about without feeling like you were crossing a minefield. From the corner of your eye, you could still see Sam staring you down with suspicion.
"Oh! That's awesome!" Danny replied, taking a sip of wine from his glass. "I love architecture, it's interesting."
"Mhm," you nodded, looking over at Tara and smirking with just a hint of malicious glee. "I tease her- my degree is actually useful. People don't really like film majors. They usually smell bad."
"Do they?" he asked, genuinely curious, and you turned back, nodding.
"Yeah, it's an unfortunately common stereotype. Film majors are annoying, smelly-," your words were cut off, feeling Tara's nail dig into your back for revenge and trying to stifle a wince. She gave the table a fake giggle.
"Okay, that's enough out of you," she said, and you grinned, cursing her out in your head.
"Why didn't you tell me it was (Y/n), Tara?" Sam asked, leaning forwards and studying you both. She seemed a bit miffed with the whole situation. You sent each other fake smiles, as if you were about to share a secret.
"Well," she said, trying to seem excited. "We just didn't want anyone ruining it, really. It was kind of a secret, and we didn't know what it would turn into. But it's just...it's been so fucking magic."
"Magic. Mhm," you hummed in agreement, looking off into the distance and pulling out the menu. You were just a bit too hungry to keep up with the game for the moment. Seriously? she shot you a glare, and you snapped to attention. "It is genuinely one of the happiest times of my life," you rushed, quickly smiling and then dropping your attention back down to the menu to look at some pasta.
“Does Chad know?” Sam asked, sitting back and staring at you both. Tara shook her head.
“Not yet. I don’t want to hurt him, but really, (Y/n)’s the one for me.” This was also a little bit impressive. Tara seemed to be a far better actor than you were, and Sam just nodded, suspicious but trusting her sister’s words.
The moment you walked down the block and out of Sam and Danny's eyesight, your hand dropped from Tara's. The sun was just about setting in the distance, and city traffic was starting to slow down a little.
"Oh. My. God. Her face!" Tara said, laughing. She keeled over, and you smiled a little, remembering Sam's look of disgust, but quiet monitoring of your hand clutching onto Tara's. She looked like a very conservative nun, witnessing a sin being performed in real time. It was a little funny, you had to admit, not that you'd ever be caught laughing along with her.
"Danny seems nice," you said, after you walked a little farther.
Tara nodded. "He's surprisingly not a douchebag. I thought he would be, like you or something, but he's not that bad for Sam."
You scoffed. "I'm not a douchebag."
"You definitely are," Tara said, shaking her head. "One month because it wasn't official? You said we were going on dates before then. That's definitely douchebag behaviour. Sam probably thought that meant you were seeing other people."
"Yeah, oh," Tara said, rolling her eyes. "And 'kissing'??? Literally anything would've been better."
"I'm trying to help you, it's either this or nothing," you huffed in annoyance. "I'm not an on-the-spot person."
"Clearly," Tara said, shaking her head in overdramatic emphasis. She stopped suddenly and you jerked backwards, seeing her mess with her shoes.
"You good?" you asked, shoving your hands into your pockets.
"These damn shoes- making me walk home- god dammit," she grumbled, messing with the straps and the buckle on the side. You waited patiently, leaning against a stone wall as you waited for her to finish.
The sky above you had turned a deep purple, small hues of orange and pink in the form of clouds sitting at the edges. It was really something, and you stopped to watch it, whistling. Tara jerked upwards, planting her foot down to stomp her shoe into place.
"What is it?" she asked.
"The sky," you said, and she craned her neck up to watch it with you. "It's just really beautiful tonight."
She hummed for a moment before looking back to you. "It's a shame I'm spending it with you, of all people," Tara snorted. "I'm sure this would be romantic to any other couple."
"It would probably really be something," you said absentmindedly, looking up in thought. "A real waste on you and me though."
"Glad we agree," she said, leading the way. You and her had taken a separate path from Danny and Sam under the guise of getting some ice cream, but neither of you were willing to pay for it. Instead, you had to figure out what you would do with ten extra minutes.
"Do you want to cross?" you asked, gesturing to the other street, she nodded and you walked up, pressing the button. When you turned back to her, her nose was wrinkled.
She shrugged. "Nothing. You just hit the button weird."
"What?" you blinked at her. "How can someone 'hit the button weird'?"
"I don't know, but you, like, pushed it weird. With your fingers."
You rolled your eyes. "Do you have a problem with everything I do?"
“Yep,” she nodded back. “It’s annoying.”
You guys kept walking in silence for the next block or two, making a square so that you could return to Sam and Tara’s apartment together. The sun had disappeared now and faded into night, and when you turned the corner to split off, she tugged on your arm.
“Hey wait, you have to walk me home.”
“What?” you raised your eyebrows at her.
Tara shrugged. “You have to, to make Sam think we’re dating.”
You blinked at her. “But we live on opposite sides of the city.”
“Tara if I walk you home I’ll miss the last train,” you grumbled. “That’s a long ass walk.”
“Cmon, we have to or she won’t believe it.”
You frowned. “You’re paying for my cab then.”
She sighed. “Fine, but come on.”
She tugged you down the long strip by the hand, stopping suddenly, a block from her apartment. “Here wait,” she said, turning to you. “Give me your jacket.”
“What?” you raised your eyebrows at her. “Why would I want to do that?”
“Oh just do it, do you have to argue about everything?”
You took it off with a glare, handing it to Tara. She tried to slide it on but it was massive on her, so she bunched up the sleeves. With the flowers in her hand and your jacket, it definitely looked like you two had gone on a date.
She grabbed your hand again, pulling you forwards along the street and smiling brightly in case anyone looked out the window and saw you both. It felt a bit odd to be playing dress up, but it was helping someone out, so you didn’t begrudge her on getting you to smile either.
“Wait wait wait,” Tara said, stopping abruptly.
You groaned. “Now what.”
She pulled you to the side, near a row of shrubs that sat next to the red brick of her apartment building. “Sam’s watching us through the window.”
You turned your head, trying to see for yourself, and there she was, hanging right out the window and watching you with intense suspicion.
"Don't look at her!" Tara snapped at you, whispering with a glare. You rolled your eyes.
"What do you want me to do then, Tara?"
She frowned, biting her lip while she thought. She gave you a grimace. "We need to do, like, a goodnight kiss or something."
You glared at the suggestion. "I think I'd rather die."
"Trust me, I don't want to either," she said, glowering right back at you. "But if we do this now, we won't have to ever again."
You thought for a moment. She'd probably taste disgusting anyways, and then it would just confirm what you already knew- you hated Tara Carpenter. "Fine. Just convincing enough though."
"Okay," she nodded. When neither of you made a move to close the distance, she frowned. "Do like, a countdown or something?"
"A fucking countdown," you repeated. "We're not five."
"Just do it!" she demanded, glaring again.
"Okay, fine, Jesus Christ. Three...," your face moved a bit closer to hers. "Two," you muttered quietly, still leaning in. "One," you said, and then Tara pushed her face onto yours.
It was a chaste kiss, probably sprouting from the fact that neither of you especially wanted to do it. Her lips were softer than you expected them to be and her breath nowhere as near as it would be in your head. You pulled away quickly, and there she was, smiling up at you in the fake way she had been at the restaurant.
"Party next Friday?" she asked. "Now that Sam thinks we're together she won't care if I go. Just pick me up and we can go 'together.' Plus there's a cute kid from my film class who said she would be there."
You nodded. "Whatever."
"Great," she said with similar shortness, and she brushed right past you, heading into her building. You watched her walk off, making sure she got in the door safe. Sam was still looking at you from overhead, even when Tara had gone, and you could see Quinn standing behind her, looking with morbid curiosity.
It had never even crossed your mind to kiss Tara, just because of how annoying her personality was, and you would have rather died than admit it had been nice- that she had been nice for a night. Instead you turned around, walking off. You were sure Sam was still watching you, as you went.
part two??? it shouldn't be too long before the next one, i had to split this up because it was getting insanely long and there's another half to the story. i didn't want this one to be like 8k words long, i'll just probably have another one that's 4-5k soon.
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savannahsdeath · 11 months
hiii i love ur fics ive read them all i ws wondering if you could like do a 18+ with a extremely jealous ellie??
thank you sm ily😭💞and yes ofc i tried my best!!
mdni please<3
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summary: els didnt like some of the messages she found on your phone..
warnings: 18+!! smut, jealousy(obv), language
writers note: sorry it took me so long to post it😓ive actually written it like one day after you requested but i had already some posts planned and i didnt want to change everything now💔
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You came back after a meeting with your co-workers to see your girlfriend waiting for you. As soon as she heard the door open, she leaned on the doorframe of the living room, looking at you with an undefined expression.
"You're late." She mumbled, her voice sounding mad but the way she planted wet little kisses all over your face said otherwise.
Ellie's closeness wasn't just out of greeting, but out of an act of possessiveness and jealousy that you grew accustomed to in the relationship.
You sighed and looked at Ellie for a second, before saying, "Yeah, I'm late. Sorry." You gave her a quick kiss too while looking for your keys. "Meeting ended late." Your voice wasn't as cheery as it usually is.
Ellie then rolled her eyes. "Did you really had to stay that long?" She muttered loudly, trying to hide the jealousy that was so clearly showing.
"It was important." You said, finding your keys and pulling them out of your pockets. You didn't sound upset because it was hard to be upset with Ellie. She was like a little kitten who was possessive and needy at times, but still oh so sweet.
Ellie rolled her eyes again but smiled, and she leaned onto you with her arms wrapped around your waist in a hug. This was where you felt safe and home.
"C'mon," she said softly, "let's go to bed."
You nodded. "I'll just go to the bathroom, 'kay?" You asked, giving her your bag, like you always did after work - she'll lug it upstairs for you.
"Of course, darling." Ellie smiled as she took the bag from you, her expression now fully warm and affectionate. You were lucky to have her, and you knew that.
You went to the bathroom and started to wash your face and brush your teeth, taking a moment to yourself.
After a few minutes, and a good splash of cold water on your face, you exited the bathroom and made your way upstairs. Ellie was waiting for you in the bedroom.
She was doing something on your phone, which didn't surprise you - she was probably just going through your gallery, staring at your pics. You had nothing to hide anyway.
She often did that, smiling widely and mumbling things like 'my wife's so pretty'.
This time, though, she was silent and had a frown on her face.
"Who's Steve?" She asked when she saw you.
"I don't know." You answered honestly. You had no idea who is she talking about, probably a random boy following you.
"You two texted." She passed your phone to you with an opened short conversation. He replied to your story, complimenting you, you thanked him, that's all.
"Yeah, I remember now. What about him?" You lied down next to her, curiously staring at the screen, expecting some more messages to magically appear and explain the situation.
Ellie sat on top of you, playing with the hem of your shirt. "He's hitting on you." She said as she got more bold, now not only fingers but her whole hands sliding up and down your waist.
"I don't know him. He just texted me once." You shrugged, reading the conversation over and over again to find which part made your girlfriend act like that.
"Yeah, and what does his text say?" She smirked, not in her usual innocent way, but in a 'think twice before you answer' way.
You scrolled to his first message and read it out loud. It was simple "stunning💞" in a reply to your story - a photo Ellie took of you at the beach a week ago but you forgot to post it before.
"Exactly. Now, what are you wearing on that pic?" Her smirk widened as she started to undo the button of your jeans.
You didn't pay much attention to her moves, focusing on her orders. "A swimsuit. I mean, we were at th-"
She shushed you, pressing her lips against yours. She pulled away after a good minute, leaving you breathless. She forced the phone, which slipped off of your embrace while she kissed you, back between your fingers.
"Stop explaining yourself or I'll think you actually have something to explain. For now, I'm just asking simple questions. Do I look like I'm mad?" She held your chin with one of her hands, while the other was unbuttoning your formal-looking work shirt.
She really didn't look mad, but you knew it's just her ability to camouflage.
You let out a relieved sigh as soon as you catched your breath. "Oh. Right. Look, it's not a big deal, I told him I'm-"
"Busy. Yeah, I know." She cut you off. "Pretty pathetic excuse."
"What was I supposed to say?" You barely managed to say as she started tracing a path of messy, wet kisses from your neck down your body.
"Are you seriously asking me that?" She laughed and you could feel the vibrations in her breath caused by her sudden outburst on your stomach, right were she stopped to answer you.
You stayed quiet, not wanting to make it worse or seem even dumber in her eyes than you already do, if that's even possible. She noticed your confusion and didn't pressure you to read her mind.
"That you have a girlfriend. That she told you to post it. That she took this pic." She made a pause after every sentence to cling her tongue, followed quickly after with her mouth, to your core, watching your body slightly squirm. You didn't even realize when she arrived that low, and when she took off your underwear, but that wasn't important anymore. "That it was her idea to go to the beach. That she helped you pick your swimsuit. That she saw you in it first..."
"Els... Stop..." You moaned out, feeling jealous of how unbothered she looks while you were already soaking.
"Stop what?" She laughed, sucking on your clit while taking off her rings.
This simple, two-words question, turned out to be more difficult to answer than you'd thought. Actually, what did you had in mind while telling her to stop? Hers 'that she...' calculations? Her hand placement, which had a bruising grip on your thighs? Or her tongue, that had definitely affected you the most, making you drop the phone, screen-down on the bed, and hopefully hold into the bed sheets?
"That's what I thought." She said before you could think of a correct answer.
She had a whole scolding prepared in her mind, but you wasn't honoured to hear it as she had a better plan. Still, she wanted to talk to you through it, watching you do your best to answer or just understand her while she makes you look and feel like a total mess. In order to not leave your cunt hopelessly tremble, right after she took her tongue off of your clit, she pushed two fingers into your entrance.
You gasped, squeezing your thighs together, which made Ellie laugh. It was a normal reaction - her move was unexpected - but your eyes rolling back always got a reaction out of her.
"Back to the topic, want to tell me why you decided saying 'you're busy' will work?" She smirked, her fingers pumping in and out, clenching and unclenching, in a painfully fast and rough way. Her thumb rubbed your clit, replacing her tongue.
"I... If I-'d" You stuttered, taking a deep breath after every letter you managed to say.
"Y-Y...You what?" She mocked your mumbling, her smirk turning into a smile.
Your back arched, making your hips move higher, but Ellie held them down with her free arm. Even though her nails were trimmed short, so she won't have to worry she'll hurt your pretty cunt, you swore you feel them digging into your waist.
"That hurt-s..." You whispered, but you weren't really bothered by it, even though your eyes were starting to get teary.
"Yeah? Don't worry, I'm sure Steve would make it hurt more... if you'd give him a chance, that is. But you didn't and won't." Her free hand let go of your hip, taking your phone and staring at the unlocked screen, clearly thinking or considering something. "I know you're mine and you know that too." She finally concluded, but right before she put the device down, you got a notification.
She mischievously smiled as she saw who's the message from.
"You got yourself a fan." She laughed as she opened your conversation with the reason of her jealous behaviour. "'Still busy?' and a fucking winking emoji. Jesus, that's just embarrasing."
You couldn't help but admire how good her attention span was - one hand making you a whining mess, other typing on your phone, eyes barely looking away from you (only to read his text, she typed hers blindly), mind probably racing with ideas to make him, or you, or both of you, regret your little conversation. She was obviously overreacting, but then again, your profile was full of Ellie and there's no way he missed all the cute posts about her.
"Should I show him how 'stunning' you look right now?" She chuckled and shook her head. "Nah, this view is for me only."
"What d-id you do?" You stuttered, trying to take your phone back, but she placed it out of your reach and aggressively grabbed your wrist.
"I liked it more when you moaned instead of asking questions." And just as she said that, she got faster again, making your cunt tighten even more around her fingers. Even though it may seem she's not paying much attention to how precise she is, she kept violating your sensitive spot, not missing it once.
Your head hit the pillow, leaning back on it and exposing your throat from which many signs of your pleasure came.
She was wondering again, her eyes looking you up and down before finally staying at your face. Her smile faded as she looked at you for a few moments. Then, she picked up your phone and passed it to you, following by simple but stern words; "Block him."
Your hands were shaky, so instead of pressing the block button, you almost accidentally called him a few times.
Ellie's smirk came back as she looked at you obediently fulfill her requests. She knew she could make you do anything she wanted now, but she didn't feel the need to. The only thing she needed was you with her - her only.
She took the mobile from you, whispering soft 'good girl' as she saw you succeed to do what she asked you to.
"Next time, if someone bothers you, just tell me straight away." She patted your cheek, her focus going back to what's her right hand doing.
This boy didn't bother you at all, he was just nice. But you knew what Ellie meant - he bothered her. Without arguing, you silently nodded, knowing this is the last time you posted a swimsuit photo on your account.
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princessbrunette · 4 months
pervyneighbor!rafe mixed w innocent!reader fhfufj .. imagine he's scarin off guys that leave her apt, workin behind the scenes to make sure he's the only man in her life she'll need. sabotaging friendships or relationships even. gettin a real ego boost outta her walkin across to his door like :((( the shower's broken again n i dunno how to fix it .. - 🍓
🌺⋆。°🧉°⋆. ࿔*:・🤍
the funniest thing is he acts like it’s a total inconvenience to him because he’s such a brat at his core, not sure how to express the softness he feels towards you without being a dick about it.
he feels like he’s hit the jackpot when he gets a knock at his door — opening to find you, a little damp, wearing a silk robe so thin that your hard nipples poke right through. you suck on a swollen bottom lip, eyes all worried and nervy.
“and what seems to be the problem today?” he leans on the doorframe, glancing behind you to see if his dad was lurking about anywhere before back at your sweet face.
“i’m really sorry to bother you, but my shower suddenly turned cold and won’t turn warm again. m’not sure what happened.” you huff and he nods slowly, scratching his cheek.
“and… you don’t have the phone number of a single handyman who can fix that shit for you, s’what you’re tellin’ me.” he licks his lips making you press your thighs together beneath your robe. you could have called a plumber sure — but you didn’t like letting strange men into your home when no one was around. you knew rafe — and he always looked after you.
“just trust you more…” you look down at your fluffy pink slides, awkwardly wiggling painted toenails as you await an answer. he smirks when you look away, knowing he’s always got you right where he wants you.
“damn right. lemme uh, lemme come take a look, yeah? probably something fixable.” he leads you back to your house with a hand on your back— just a step behind you so that he could see the way the skin of your damp ass cheeks cling to the silk fabric of the robe, the movement of them clear beneath their cloak.
he moves you aside to take a look at your shower, fiddling about with things, occasionally walking over to the boiler before you hear a small “ah.” and the water runs once more, steam eventually apparent.
“rafe! you’re so smart! what did you do?” you grin.
“dont worry about what i did alright— y’see this? dont turn this lever anymore. doesn’t work, thats what broke it. alright, sweetheart?”
“thank you rafe!” you wrap your arms around his neck, warm tits pressing to his chest through the silk. if he just pulled the string keeping it together, you’d be totally exposed. he feels his cock bloat at the thought.
“yeah, yeah. you don’t call anyone else if you’ve got trouble in here. okay? i’m your guy.”
“you’re my guy.” you repeat softly, before staring pensively at the shower. “would you mind staying? just incase it breaks again when i’m showering…” you pout and he huffs out a chuckle of disbelief through a smirk. you had to be messing with him.
“i’ll be just outside. yeah?”
you keep the door ajar, a perfect gift for him to peep through the gap into the mirror, seeing you lather your soft body through the steamy glass of the shower door. one of these days you were gonna pay for teasing him like this.
🌺⋆。°🧉°⋆. ࿔*:・🤍
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estellan0vella · 12 days
No Pass, Just BITCH ❀ includes: Gojo, Sukuna ft Uraume, Toji & Ino (Requested)
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You’re in the kitchen, the savory aroma of dinner filling the air as you move around, checking the oven and stirring the pot on the stove. It’s been a long day, but you’re almost done preparing a meal that you know Satoru will love. You smile to yourself, thinking about how he always appreciates your cooking.
Just as you’re about to finish up, you hear him call from the other room, his voice loud and clear, "Hey, bitch! When’s dinner ready?"
The words hit you like a punch to the gut, and you freeze. Did he really just call you that? Your heart sinks, and a wave of hurt washes over you. You’ve never heard him speak to you like that before. You try to brush it off, thinking maybe you misheard, but the sting lingers.
You turn off the stove and wipe your hands on a towel, your appetite suddenly gone. As you walk into the living room, you see Gojo lounging on the couch, a casual smile on his face as he scrolls through his phone.
"Did you just call me a bitch?" you ask, your voice shaking slightly.
He looks up, a hint of surprise in his eyes. "Yeah, why? What’s the problem?"
You feel a lump form in your throat. "That’s not okay, Satoru. It really hurt my feelings."
For a moment, there’s silence. Then, Gojo’s eyes widen, and he jumps up from the couch, his face filled with genuine concern. "Oh my god, babe, I’m so sorry. I was just messing with you! It was supposed to be a prank. I didn’t mean to hurt you."
You cross your arms, looking away as tears threaten to spill. "Well, it wasn’t funny."
He steps closer, reaching out to gently cup your face. "I’m really sorry. I thought it would be a harmless joke, but I see now that it wasn’t. Please forgive me?"
You take a deep breath, feeling the sincerity in his apology. Slowly, you nod, still feeling a bit shaken. "Just… don’t do it again, okay? Words like that aren’t a joke."
Gojo pulls you into a tight hug, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "I promise, I won’t. I love you too much to ever hurt you again. Now, how about we finish making dinner together? I’ll even do the dishes."
A small smile tugs at your lips as you lean into his embrace. "Okay. But you’re on dish duty for the rest of the week."
He chuckles, rubbing your back soothingly. "Deal. And again, I’m really sorry."
You nod, feeling the tension slowly melt away. "Just make sure the food doesn’t burn while we’re in here."
Gojo grins, leading you back to the kitchen. "I’ll be your sous chef tonight. Let’s make this the best dinner ever."
"Asshole," You mutter under your breath and Gojo huffs out a laugh.
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You’re in the kitchen, carefully chopping vegetables for dinner, when you hear Sukuna’s voice booming from outside the kitchen.
“Hey, bitch! When’s dinner ready?”
You freeze, the knife hovering mid-air. The insult stings, and you feel your face heat up with a mix of anger and hurt. You take a deep breath, trying to steady your emotions, but the sharpness of his words makes it hard.
Before you can respond, Uraume whirls around from the sink, their usually calm expression twisted in disapproval. They cross their arms and fix Sukuna with a stern look.
“Lord Sukuna, that was completely uncalled for,” Uraume says, their voice sharp and reprimanding. “You can’t speak to them like that.”
Sukuna leans against the doorframe, a smirk playing on his lips. He seems entirely unbothered by Uraume’s scolding.
“Oh, come on, Uraume. It’s just a joke,” he says, waving a dismissive hand. “Lighten up a bit.”
Uraume’s eyes narrow, and they take a step closer to him. “A joke or not, it was disrespectful. You owe them an apology.”
You glance between the two of them, feeling a bit lost and still stung by Sukuna’s words. Sukuna’s smirk fades slightly as he looks at you, realizing the impact of his “joke.”
He sighs, pushing off the doorframe and walking over to you. “Alright, alright. I’m sorry. It was just a prank, I didn’t mean to upset you.” His tone is softer now, more sincere.
You stare at him for a moment, the sincerity in his eyes making it hard to stay angry. Finally, you nod, accepting his apology. “Just… don’t do it again, okay?”
Sukuna grins and ruffles your hair playfully. “Promise. Now, how about that dinner?”
You roll your eyes but can’t help the small smile tugging at your lips. As you turn back to the vegetables, you hear Uraume give a small, satisfied huff.
“Thank you, Lord Sukuna,” Uraume says, their tone lighter before they glance at you with a small smirk. “And don’t forget, respect goes both ways. So go ahead”
"Dickhead," You say and Sukuna laughs, tossing his head back.
"Nicely done,"
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You're in the kitchen, chopping vegetables and humming softly to yourself, enjoying the quiet moment of preparation. The evening sun filters through the window, casting a warm glow over the countertops and filling the room with a cosy ambience.
Suddenly, Toji Fushiguro strides in, his presence as commanding as ever. Without so much as a greeting, he leans against the doorway and crosses his arms, a smirk playing at his lips.
"Hey, bitch, when's dinner gonna be ready?" he asks, his tone casual but the words hitting you like a slap in the face.
Your hands freeze mid-chop, and you turn to glare at him, anger bubbling up inside you. "Excuse me?" you snap, your voice sharp. "What did you just call me?"
Toji's smirk widens, his eyes twinkling with a mischievous glint. "You heard me," he says, clearly unfazed by your reaction.
Without thinking, you grab the nearest spatula and hurl it in his direction. It whizzes past his head and clatters against the wall behind him. Toji bursts into laughter, the sound echoing through the kitchen.
"What the hell, Toji?" you shout, your face flushed with anger. "What's wrong with you?"
He raises his hands in a placating gesture, still chuckling. "Relax, it's just a prank," he says, shaking his head. "I didn't mean it. I was just messing with you."
You stare at him, your heart still pounding with fury, but now mixed with a hint of confusion. "A prank?" you repeat, your voice laced with disbelief.
Toji nods, his laughter dying down as he walks over to you. "Yeah, just a prank," he says, placing a hand on your shoulder. "I didn't mean to piss you off. Just wanted to see your reaction."
You take a deep breath, trying to calm yourself. "Well, congratulations, you got one," you mutter, swatting his hand away.
Toji grins and pulls you into a quick hug. "Sorry, couldn't resist," he says, his voice softer now. "Dinner smells great, by the way."
You sigh, shaking your head but unable to suppress a small smile. "Just don't call me that again," you warn, pointing a finger at him.
"Promise," he replies, holding up his hands in mock surrender. "Now, how can I help to make it up to you?"
You hand him a knife, the tension easing out of the room as you both get back to preparing dinner together, the earlier anger fading into the background.
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You’re bustling around the kitchen, trying to get dinner ready after a long day. The scent of sizzling garlic and onions fills the air, mixing with the tangy aroma of tomatoes and herbs simmering in a pot. You’re focused, almost lost in the rhythmic chopping of vegetables when you hear the front door creak open.
Ino strides in, his usual confident swagger evident in every step. He tosses his bag onto the couch and makes a beeline for the kitchen. Without any preamble, he leans against the counter, crosses his arms, and smirks. “Hey, bitch, when’s dinner ready?”
The words hit you like a slap. Your jaw tightens, and you can feel a hot flush creeping up your neck. You turn to face him, eyes narrowing. “Excuse me?” you snap, gripping the wooden spoon in your hand like a weapon. “What did you just call me?”
Ino’s smirk doesn’t falter. “You heard me. I asked when dinner’s ready.”
You see red. Without thinking, you grab the nearest object—a half-full glass of water—and hurl it at him. He dodges, but not quickly enough. The glass shatters against the wall, and water splashes across his shirt.
“Are you out of your mind?” you shout, furious. “How dare you talk to me like that!”
For a moment, the room is silent, the tension thick and suffocating. Then, Ino bursts into laughter, holding up his hands in surrender. “Wait, wait! It’s just a prank! Relax, okay?”
You glare at him, chest heaving, trying to process his words. “A prank?” you echo, incredulous.
“Yeah,” he says, still chuckling. “I was just messing with you. I didn’t think you’d get so mad. Look, I’m sorry. It was supposed to be funny.”
You take a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions swirling inside you. Slowly, the anger starts to ebb, replaced by a reluctant amusement. “You’re an idiot,” you mutter, shaking your head. “A complete idiot.”
Ino grins, wiping water off his face. “But I’m your idiot,” he says, stepping closer and pulling you into a hug. “Come on, let’s finish dinner together. I promise no more pranks. At least not today.”
You can’t help but smile, the warmth of his embrace melting the last of your anger. “Fine,” you say, leaning into him. “But you owe me. Big time.”
“Deal,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Now, what’s next on the menu, chef? You hopefully"
"Kepp dreaming dickhead," You mutter. "I'm off the menu all week because you think you're a comedian"
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Requested by @alixezae
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enkvyu · 9 months
"good morning."
your breath condenses as you exhale in soften shock, the presence of your boyfriend waiting by your bedroom door at a time when the moon still shone simply perplexing to you. gojo smiles, kindly, patiently, as you sniffle and force the gears in your head to turn.
finally, you shuffle up and sit upright in bed. "what are you doing here?" you croak, throat protesting from the lack of use.
"i came as fast as i could when you told me you were sick."
"it's almost three in the morning."
"that's why i said good morning."
your body takes a screenshot.
gojo laughs in a single breath and pushes himself off the doorframe, untucking his hands from behind his back.
he isn't in his usual jujutsu uniform you realise, as he steps into a spot where the moonlight shines through your window and spills onto the carpet. instead of his uniform, he's wearing a tight black shirt that's riddled with cuts and it's styled with an outrageous amount of scars on his face.
you can't help it, worry forces you up.
gojo catches you in his arms as you attempt to get out of bed, the rush of motion causing your head to spin but you don't care, you couldn't possibly. you trace a scar by his lips with your thumb.
"what happened to you?"
his lips quirk upward and you catch the movement with the tip of your finger. "do you think i look tougher with the scars?"
"what do i think? are you serious? you look like you’re on your deathbed, what happened?" your voice rises and he shushes you gently.
"okay, okay, i'm sorry. don't be mad, please?"
"why are you covered in scars?" you say instead.
"i got into a fight."
there's another scar across his cheek and you trace it. "with who?"
gojo tilts his head towards your hand so that your palm ends up caressing his cheek. "no one important especially because, you know, he's dead now."
"and you're definitely okay?"
he nods into your hand. "i think the one who isn't okay, is you."
you sniffle. "i took medicine already, i'll be fine. but you, god gojo, where do i even start?"
"you can start by getting over your fever."
your boyfriend tries to wiggle out of your hold but you only clench tighter, intent on keeping him close by. "are you sure you're okay?"
the smile he gives you is pure sweetness. he leans forward to kiss your cheek and you feel his grin even then. "of course. i’m more than okay, you’ll never guess who i just won against."
there's still doubt in your gaze when he pulls back and he laughs, breath hitting your face.
"i already went and got checked up by a doctor that i really trust." he adds.
it’s hard to not believe him when he looks at you like this, so you relent, sitting back. “shouldn't you be sleeping and resting up, then?”
gojo takes something out from the bag you didn't know he had been carrying, and places it on your bedside table. "shouldn't you? how could i sleep well knowing you were probably suffocating from all that snot in your nose?"
you scrunch up your face and glance quickly at the pile of used tissues on the table that he had to brush aside. "i was just about to blow my nose actually." your argue sounds weak even to your own ears.
he hums like he believes you. "right. and when was the last time you took any fever medication?"
"i think i went to bed at around eight?"
he tsks. "you're long overdue for something."
you recall his earlier words. “so, who was the guy you just beat?”
his eyes glint in the light. “guess.”
you groan. “i don’t know, was it the guy you were talking about a few weeks ago?”
“why are you asking me like i know?”
gojo makes a face at you. “but yeah, it was him. i beat him real good too.”
you’ve never really believed in gojo’s outlandish tales, of scary monsters and magic people, but sometimes your boyfriend will come home with injuries just as mindboggling, and you must admit you’d believe him a little then.
still, you can’t hide the taunting smile that passes through. “yeah babe, you really showed him.”
he sticks out his tongue and unpacks the bag he brought.
you watch as he walks in and out your room, holding nothing in his hands one second and appearing with a thermos later. he pours steaming water into a mug and places that down next to the bottle of medicine. it's the liquid type, and you wonder if it became a habit to buy it over tablets and pills, from raising megumi and tsukimi.
"babe, i don't want you to stay up just for me." your blocked nose causes the b's to come out as m's. “especially if you’re injured.”
"i'm your boyfriend, this is what i'm meant to do." he says. “and i’m fine, seriously.”
"i'm pretty sure this is a job for my parents, not you."
"i'm trying to be romantic." gojo sighs, measuring out the bright red liquid into a medicine cup. "but of course, you have to be incredibly snarky, even more so now that you're sick."
you rub your nose. "careful, i'm extremely emotional right now. you could easily make me cry."
he spares you a quick glance. "you'll live. here, take this."
gojo hands you the medicine cup and nudges forward the mug of warm water. looking up, he eyes you expectantly.
you meet his gaze hesitantly. "does this... taste gross?"
there's a silence until gojo starts laughing. "are you a child? i don't even think you could taste it even if you tried."
"i'm literally a patient, don't laugh at me."
"just drink the syrup."
"in shoujo mangas, isn't this when you're meant to be nicer to me?" you mumble underneath your breath, though he catches it anyway.
in the silence that ensues, you begin mentally prepping yourself for the unnaturally sweet taste of raspberry medicine, the kind that has always reminded you of childhood sickness. back then, you were lucky to have your family hovering over you with a wet towel and a warm hand.
just as you go in for a sip, gojo suddenly speaks.
"want me to make this more shoujo-esque, then?"
you blink at him. "huh?" you ask intelligently.
under the moon, you can barely make out the soft smirk on his face and the look in his eyes that you know all too well. it's a feature of his from when the two of you were still in highschool, and though this kind of cheekiness has faded away with time, you still recognise it.
it's the look he gives you when he's up to nothing good.
something in the air changes, and your fever can’t completely explain the sudden heat.
gojo leans over, carefully taking the cup from your hands. making eye contact, he tips the red liquid into his mouth, careful not to spill any. you gape at him, captured in his gaze, as he lifts your chin with a finger and presses his lips on yours.
he swallows the gasp that tumbles out from your mouth, flooding your senses with raspberry, though not the kind that reminds you of sickness. you can only think of his hand that creeps up to cup your cheek, the other tucking hair away from your face. he coaxes your mouth open with his tongue and forces you to drink.
when you’ve gulped it all down, his hands leave your side. he tries to lean away but you follow after, deepening the kiss.
gojo's fingers curl into your bedsheets and you feel his weight dip into the mattress as as he uses his knee to lean forward. you feel yourself fall backwards but he catches the small of your back with a hand and a chuckle.
eventually, he pulls away for air and though you need it just as bad, your lips trail after his.
eyes meet and spark in the dim lit room.
"was that still gross?" he asks, and it takes you a while to realise he was talking about the taste of the medicine.
you swipe your tongue against your bottom lip to relive the flavour, and his eyes follow the motion.
"no." you murmur. "actually, i don't remember. why don't we do it again so i can find out?"
gojo grins, using the hand on your back to press you against him, the other resting on the wall behind you. "only once more."
just like he promised, his lips fall back on yours and you sigh into the contact.
the night ends in raspberry sweetness, but not the kind that is unpleasant.
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if you saw this somewhere else, no you didn't <3
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the-princess-of-loki · 2 months
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Pairing: Loki x Fem!Reader x Loki
Warnings: smut, graphic descriptions of smut, if you don't like it DON'T READ IT. There's a paragraph that's MXM (LokixLoki). You could read it without reading that paragraph, but again, if you don't like it, don't read it.
I was tired. So fucking tired I could barely keep my eyes open to see the door in front of me. I jiggled the keys in my hands as I tried to remember which key was the one to open the door of Loki’s and my flat. The work week has burned me down mentally and I wasn’t able to do a simple task like opening a fucking door. At least, I had the whole weekend with Loki ahead of me to look for. Maybe Loki was in a good mood and wanted to give me one of his famous massages. I smiled at the thought. His big hands always felt so good on me…
I finally found the key so I opened the door. I left my keys on the bowl we had next to the door for them and hung my bag on the rack. Our flat was really not that big, so I was surprised when I didn’t see Loki sitting on his usual spot on our two-place sofa reading a book. As I walked towards our small kitchen, I heard laughter and flirting coming from our bedroom. I walked there slowly as if moving by an automatic response more than real will. I felt my heart throbbing against my chest and my ears started to get blocked. I could only hear the fast rhythm of my heart and a piercing whistling.
As I stood in front of the door, the doorknob on my trembling hand, I pondered for a moment if I really wanted to see what was waiting for me on the other side. Was I ready for it? Hell, no. Did I need to see it? My gut was telling me that I should. Just for the sake of not doing a scene and seeming even more pathetic, I took a few deep breaths before daring to move again. As I slowly recovered my hearing, I noticed that everything was silent. Obviously, Loki knew I was there. Why he hadn’t come out of the room to make up some kind of excuse was beyond my comprehension at that moment.
Once I was calm enough given the circumstances, I opened the door slowly. I couldn’t have prepared myself for what I saw in a thousand years. The sight in front of me left me utterly speechless. I think I forgot how to breathe at some moment. I just stood in the doorframe, not able to move or look away. It was impossible.
Loki was there on the bed, kneeling on it, in all his naked glory. But even if that was a sight to be left breathless, it wasn’t all. There were not one but two naked Lokis kneeling on our bed. Did I pass out and hit my head that hard? Was I in heaven? I didn’t know but this felt like a wild version of paradise. The two Lokis smiled at me and both of them extended one of their arms towards me. Only one of them spoke, though.
“Hello, my dear princess,” he said, his smile intact. “Come to bed, my love.” It was more of an invitation than an order but my legs moved on their own accord as if he were the owner. Once I reached the side of the bed, the two Lokis helped me get on it, kneeling right in between them. The Loki behind me started to unbutton my shirt just enough for my collarbone to be exposed. He placed both of his hands on each side of my hips as his lips started a travel from my neck to my collarbone and back. I sighed at the sensation of his warm lips on my exposed skin. “We both know how tired you are, my dear,” the Loki in front of me went on as he caressed my cheek. “So we thought about a little game to wind you down a little.”
“Wh-what kind of game?” I asked, my breathing getting heavier because of the kisses I was receiving from the Loki behind me.
“One that you’ll enjoy, of course,” the Loki in front of me answered, mischief shining in his green eyes.
“Where’s the catch?” I asked before moaning as the Loki behind me started to nibble on my skin. The Loki in front of me laughed.
“You know me so well, my dear,” he chuckled as he kept caressing one of my cheeks. “There’s a little condition or pre-game if you’d like. If you win, we’ll both take care of your pleasure.” That notion itself seemed mind-blowing but there had to be something else.
“And if I lose…?” I asked a little wary, closing my eyes as the Loki behind me tilted my head back to have full access to my throat.
“If you lose, you will take care of our pleasure. Pretty fair, isn’t it?” The Loki in front of me asked after a small chuckle. Still, I wasn’t convinced. Loki’s thinking was too complex for this game to be so simple.
“And what do I have to do?”
“Oh, that’s easy, love. You only have to tell us which one of us is the real one and which one is the magic copy. It should be easy enough for you. As I said before: you know me so well…” he smirked.
And it was easy. I could definitely tell the difference without a second of a doubt. But I was conflicted about my answer. On the one hand, I couldn’t even phantom the kind of pleasure that not one but two Lokis could bring me. After all, only one Loki always drove me crazy with pleasure. However, pleasuring Loki was as much enjoyable to me as his pleasuring me. I loved to be able to drive him completely insane with my actions. Every time he moaned my name in pleasure, he grabbed my hair tightly and lost control of himself was as blissful as when I reached my own climax. So I had to think carefully about my answer.
However, how could I think about anything at all in my current situation? I had two beautifully naked Lokis in bed with me. One of them talking sweet nothings to me; the other slowly unbuttoning my shirt, kissing my neck, throat and collarbone, nibbling them softly and caressing every bit of newly exposed skin. There was no way I could think.
“This one,” I said in a breathy whisper as I grabbed a bunch of the Loki behind me hair. “You’re the real one,” both Lokis chuckled at the same time.
“What makes you say that, my dear?” The Loki in front of me asked with a smirk. The Loki behind me stopped his ministrations on my skin so I could take a moment to at least answer coherently.
“A few things. First, the real Loki would never make it easy for me to guess it. He’d think that I’d think the one doing all the talking was the real one because we know how much he likes being in control. So he would change roles to try to confuse me. Secondly, the copy hasn’t touched me in any private area, while the real one already kissed my neck, my throat, my collarbone and caressed my whole body. But there is one thing that Loki has no control over and that thing is defining to know which one of you is real.”
“May I know which thing is that, princess?” The Loki behind me spoke for the first time since I entered the room. I smiled.
“The way your touch makes me feel, love,” both Lokis looked at me with a surprised expression. They were so cute that I couldn’t help smiling more and caressing one cheek of both of them. “When the real one touched me first, I felt this warm, fuzzy, comfortable and safe feeling that I always feel when you’re around. When the copy caressed my cheek, the same feelings aroused except for the safety. And the real Loki always makes me feel safe, even when he’s angry. It’s always like that,” I shrugged, blushing a little. Loki looked at me still surprised but after some minutes, he smiled sweetly. Although I must admit it was a little weird to see his copy do exactly the same thing as him at exactly the same time.
“You do have me figured out, don’t you, princess?” The real Loki chuckled. “Well, we made a deal and it’s time for us to deliver...”
I shivered involuntarily at the way his sultry voice left that sentence hanging in the air. I felt his smirk on my ear where his lips were and I saw his copy in front of me smirking too. The real Loki put two of his long fingers below my chin and softly moved my head to the side. He joined our lips in a sweet but passionate kiss. I didn’t doubt to return his kiss; our breaths mingled and so did our tongues. I gasped when I felt both my shirt and my bra disappear but I kept kissing Loki all the same. While the real Loki kept kissing me passionately, I felt his copy’s mouth and tongue on my collarbone. The copy’s tongue moved down my torso until he reached one of my nipples. He blew some cold air into it and then surrounded the pink bud with his mouth, lazily stroking it with his tongue. I had to break Loki’s kiss as I moaned and arched my back. The real Loki smirked again as he grabbed my work skirt and tore it to pieces. I was already heaving and this was just starting.
Loki caressed the sides of my body while his copy moved to my other nipple. Loki grabbed the sides of my panties and I could see a smirk on his lips as he tore them into pieces too. His hands caressed my belly, going lower inch by inch. Before he reached my core, he stopped, though. He was, without a doubt, enjoying this as much as I was.
“Are you wet yet, my princess?” Loki asked in a sexy whisper.
One of his hands still wandered around my core while the other caressed its way to my butt. I gasped when he grabbed tightly one of my asscheeks, squeezing it; I moaned a second later when he slapped it at the same exact moment his copy sucked harder on my nipple. My air and lungs weren’t enough to moan out my pleasure. Loki slapped my other asscheek, a little harder this time, making my hips move away from him involuntarily. Right in that instant, he massaged my external walls with two of his long digits. I heard him chuckle through my moan.
“You are always wet and ready for me, my princess,” he praised me still chuckling.
Loki teased my clit for some moments while his copy sucked my nipple and squeezed my asscheeks. The real one rubbed my clit with his thumb and I moved my hips with his movements until the copy grabbed my ass more tightly so I couldn’t move. I whimpered and they both chuckled at the same time. Then, Loki inserted one of his fingers inside me, while he kept rubbing my clit with his thumb. I moaned, tilting my head back so much that it ended up resting on his shoulder. He moved his finger inside and out of me, teasing that fantastic spot with each thrust, all the while he rubbed my clit with his thumb and his copy kept sucking on my nipples, alternating between the two of them.
When Loki felt I was used to his finger, he nodded to his copy. The copy smirked and left my breasts and one of my asscheeks as he inserted the same finger that Loki had inside me. I moaned as both of them moved their fingers at the same time, just teasing me. They kept adding fingers inside me as they felt how I was getting more and more aroused every second that passed by. I got excited as I saw them both taking his fingers out of me completely; that only meant one thing. However, when my lust-clouded mind was able to think, I got worried. They were both preparing to penetrate me. Both.
“Loki…I…both…I won’t be able…” I stuttered, looking back at the real Loki behind me who smiled at me sweetly but with mischief shining on his green eyes.
“My princes, have I ever done something to you that you didn’t enjoy? Have I ever hurt you?” Loki asked as he kissed and nibbled my neck.
“N-no, but…” It was difficult to concentrate on words at that moment. Almost impossible.
“Then, keep trusting me, my love. I will always do what’s best for you and I promised you pleasure, not pain. So relax, my love, and give yourself to me.”
I was still a little hesitant, to be honest. But what Loki had said was true so I decided to do what I always did in these situations: I trusted him and gave myself to him. He always knew, sometimes better than me, what, how and when I needed something. So I just nodded to him, giving him my express consent. I knew that he wouldn’t go on until I had fully and expressly consented. It was one of the things, of many things, that made me fall in love with him. Even for our first kiss, he’d asked for my permission.
Once I’ve consented, both Loki and his copy started to prepare to penetrate me again. They had to move on the bed so they’d be able to do it. I was excited but hesitant at the same time. Loki knew it, of course he did, so he grabbed my neck with one hand to bring me towards his chest as he was still behind me. His lips lingered on mine, his warm breath hitting my face as a hypnotic fragrance.
“Feel me,” he whispered in a low, sultry voice.
Loki crashed his lips on mine and I lost every ability to think. I was only able to feel him, just as he had told me to. After a short while, I had to break the kiss as I felt both Loki and his copy thrust inside me at the same time. I moaned high. I felt a little bit of pain, I wasn’t going to lie. Loki was big enough on his own and now he was doubled in size and completely inside me. Loki, of course, knew it, so both he and his copy stayed still inside me.
“Good girl,” Loki praised me as he breathed heavily. His chest went up and down against my back and the same went for Loki’s copy in front of me. A thought crossed my mind then; a dangerous thought without a doubt. Loki knew about it as soon as it crossed my mind and he chuckled. “Oh, my princess. Who would’ve known you had such dirty thoughts, my good girl? But I’ve promised you pleasure and I’m a god of my word, aren’t I?”
I couldn’t believe it, but was really excited and amazed to see, when Loki grabbed his copy’s neck and brought him forward to him with me still in the middle. They kissed passionately right next to my face. It was an exaggerated kiss so I could see every movement. Loki looked at me the whole time, making sure that I was looking and enjoying the show he was putting up for me. And hell, I was enjoying it more than I thought I would. When I saw their tongues playing together, I couldn’t stop myself and joined their kiss with my own tongue. I moaned as soon as they kissed me back.
Once I was lost in that passionate and wild kiss -really, not even in my wildest fantasies I’d imagined that I’d get to kiss two Lokis at the same time. Loki and his copy started to move slowly, thrusting inside me in a rhythm which made sure that one of them was all the time inside me. I broke the kiss and moaned with each thrust, as they both hit my G-spot all the time stimulating me non-stop. To make matters better in this particular situation, Loki started to rub my clit with his thumb again. I was being over-stimulated and I didn’t know how much time I was going to last. I even started to feel my walls getting tighter around both Loki’s and his copy’s hard members inside me.
“You’re so close, princes…” Loki whispered in my ear in his sensual, breathy voice. “Cum for me, my good girl…cum for both of us.”
Immediately after he finished speaking, I cum hard with a high moan of his name. I trembled as I felt my orgasm in every inch of my body. However, Loki and his copy didn’t stop or slow down his movements. If something, they moved harder and faster. My mind was in no state to think about anything but my body responded automatically to their movements, getting ready for yet another orgasm. I was still trembling from the first one but it seemed that my body wanted to please both Lokis with an orgasm for each. It didn’t take me long until another climax hit me and this time I felt both Lokis cumming too, filling me with their semen so much that it started to fall down my inner thighs before they got out of me. It was, without a doubt, the hottest experience of my life.
Once they both took out their member of me, I fell on the bed, breathing heavily and completely exhausted and satisfied. Loki laid next to me, caressing my back with the tip of his fingers as he too tried to recover his breath. I turned my face to the other side to look at him and we both smiled tiredly to each other, the look of complete satisfaction present in both our faces.
“Would you like my copy to give you that massage you were hoping for, my princess?” Loki asked with half a smirk. I laughed and nodded.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
eddie x reader
wayne & her r gonna meet but they already know each other so they prank eddie that he doesn’t like her
You've got your game face on, Eddie just misunderstands why. He thinks you've squared your shoulders and furrowed your brow to remind yourself that you're tough, that you're awesome, and that it doesn't matter what his uncle thinks of you (even though he knows he'll love you). Really, it's because you're about to rage against the man currently opening the door.
"Wayne," Eddie grins, holding up your joined hands, "This is-"
"You," Wayne seethes, glare sharp enough to fool his nephew, "What the hell are you doing bringin' 'round a criminal, son?"
"A- A what?"
"Oh, not you," You scoff, dropping Eddie's hand to cross your arms over your chest, "Eddie, you didn't tell me your uncle was a psychopath."
"Psycho- What? You're the one that keyed my car!"
"You hit me with it," You seethe, spitting mad, "And then you just drove away! You laughed, you're fucking insane!"
"You- you what? Wayne!" Eddie looks aghast at his uncle, "The first time I get a girlfriend you run her over?"
"She was in my way," The old man gripes, "Tell her to stop jaywalking."
"Jaywalking? And- and baby," He turns to you, eyes wide and afraid, "You slashed his tires? I- I mean, that's fucked up that he did that but- but did you really do that?"
"She called me a coot, too," Wayne insists, but after punctuating his sentence, his frown falters, and his jaw nearly snaps from how hard he's clenching it, trying to keep his laughter in."
"You are a coot," You huff, but his concealed laughter only makes your own bubble up, "And- and another thing, old man..."
"Yeah? Gimme a reason," Wayne raises a fist, all bark and no bite, "Just- just gimme a reason to, and I'll- I'm sorry, I can't."
His chest puffs with laughter, and the way Eddie's standing fear-stricken makes you dissolve as well. He's perhaps more afraid of the two of you when you break down laughing together, leaning on the doorframe or folded over at the waist. He almost wishes you'd start shouting again.
"Okay, guys," He calls warily, "What's going on?"
"She works at the gas station I stop by for cigarettes." Wayne waves a hand at Eddie, "I knew you two were together when I saw that ring on her hand." He points to a particularly gaudy one of Eddie's that he'd given you as a token of his admiration."
"Sorry, Eddie," Your sentence begins with a giggle and ends with a sigh as you butt your head against his chest, "We just wanted to freak you out."
"You did," He shakes his head, eyes closed, "i thought you were gonna knock her lights out, Wayne. And- wait! You said you quit smoking!"
This time it's Eddie with fire in his eyes, and you give Wayne a teasingly panicked look from over Eddie's shoulder.
"Yeah, I told you that 'cause I wanted you to think it," Wayne drawls, "I buy a pack after work every week."
"You're not allowed to sell him any more," Eddie whirls on you, and you drop the face, "Understand?"
"Yes, sir." You fake-salute, "Now can we get inside? I want to hang out with your uncle."
"I've been meanin' t'ask you," Wayne welcomes you into the trailer with an arm out that wraps around your shoulders as you cross the threshold, leaving Eddie alone on the front steps, "Did you ever get that car radio of yours workin' again? 'Cause a buddy of mine just totaled his car, the stereo's workin' fine. I figured I could swap it out for you."
As you get into a discussion of car radios and junkyard ethics, Eddie stands with furrowed brows in the doorway. He's watching his girlfriend and his uncle chat like college friends, and he can barely shake off the bewilderment enough to step inside his own home.
"You two are crazy," He cuts you off, frowning at the both of you, "I- God, I need a beer."
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evieelyzabethh · 4 months
Love your work. <3 Could you write something with reader x spike where they're kinda' pining for one another, but one night he gets injured and has to stay over at her house? She patches him up and maybe offers him a bite? Doesn't have to be nsfw but +5 cool points if it is. <3
Hello, my loves, long time no see!!! I hope this is to your liking <3
Spike is so incredibly reckless. You knew this, he knew, everybody knew that Spike was a walking accident waiting to happen'. He likes to think he can handle himself. "I'm bad, baby," he'd tell you, "M' the big bad slayer killer. I can handle a few scratches." But you were never worried about what he could handle, you were worried about the fact that his blood was always staining your couch. That and the fact that his lack of self-preservation kept you up at night.
Usually, he has some decorum. He doesn't come to you with every scrape and bruise, even though you handled him with much more care than he was capable of extending to himself. It was his way of punishing himself, depriving himself of your head scratches and soft hands for bothering you too much. You scolded him for this, of course. It seems like its every other week (more like every other day) when you and he argue, most often in front of the Scoobies who waited anxiously for you take your arguments to the bedroom, about him leaving you to worry about whether or not he was ash.
"I mean, fuck Spike. Is it really that hard to just give me a call if you plan on bleeding at your place. A little 'Hi, yeah, I don't think I need my wounds treated with modern medicine, I'm gonna take my chances with old whisky and tetanus like the good ol' days'." And every time he takes his well-earned lecture with a smirk and a bowed head.
"Yes, mother, next time I'll break your door down at three in the morning for some pretty pink bandages."
"If you were so ashamed of the pretty pink bandages, maybe you should think before you run into knives!"
Spike has maybe told the truth a grand total of two times in his whole life, so his word means absolutely nothing. He continues to ignore your street like the plague unless it's an absolute emergency.
Now was an emergency.
You barely heard the faint knocks on your door from your bedroom, where you sat on your bed, music blasting from your stereo and some reality court show droning on in the background, catching your attention when someone decided to be particularly messy. You had thought it was your neighbors blind dog scratching at your door again until something large and loud hit it. Quickly arming yourself with a frying pan, you crept to your door, tearing it open for a very injured Spike to nearly fall flat on your floor before he caught himself using your doorframe.
His left hand clutched at his bleeding side and he walked with a limp over to his couch which now had a plastic cover. His dead heart was touched.
"Aw, you were waiting for me, " he croaked out. He fell on his back, one of his hands falling over the side and his eyes closing as soon as his head at the pillow. His shirt had claw marks that were lined with blood and his duster had barely escaped the carnage, a few holes separate from the preexisting moth holes sticky with some supernatural substance.
"Have to be prepared when it comes to you." You patted his cheek, thumbing over his cheekbones to try and arouse some consciousness. "Can't have you fallin' asleep on me. You might not wake up." You weren't going to leave his side until you were sure he wasn't going to die in your absence.
He babbled unintelligently, his mouth moving but having no connection to his brain to form any sort of actual thought. His eyes flit between closed and aware, his head moving to catch up with the spinning room, his mouth impossibly dry, and his head pounding. In his head, he insisted he was fine, but the words wouldn't come out right. He spat them out garbled and messy until he was too choked up to even try anymore.
He was barely conscious when he felt your wrist at his mouth. He had enough sense to shake his head and nudge away your wrist with his nose, but his lack of strength made his attempts futile. "No," he mumbled.
"You'll feel better," your voice swam around in his head until the words lost meaning and he just smiled at the sound of your voice. You swiped your thumb across one of his canines, the red contrasting with the pearly whites of his teeth swiftly wiped away by the pink of his tongue. After the taste of your blood was on his tongue, his sense was surrendered to instinct as he brought your wrist to his lips.
You didn't know what you were getting into. Vampires get their life force from blood, so it just made sense to have him feed from you to expedite the healing process. The more he drank, the louder your heartbeat grew in your ear and the closer he pulled you to him. You had only done this once before, when you were both drink and dizzy and jokes being whispered in your ear turned into tiny nips from your neck that Buffy nearly walked in on.
In complete shock of what had happened then, you never brought it up, halfway convincing yourself that it never happened in the first place. If it did happen, he had enough sense to pull away then and you hoped he had the sense the pull away now, but now was much different. Now, there was a newfound hunger. A desperation. Like he had been starving himself for years and you were the first bite of food he had eaten. Had to have been good food to, with the way he inhaled you, indulged in you like you were some ambrosia or golden mead.
"Spike," you moaned. "I'm getting a bit light-headed." Your voice was high and thin, fearful as you made attempts to pull your arm from his lips. Through his haze, his fangs contracted back, and his tongue swiped whatever lingered on your skin.
"I'm sorry." Sorry for going too far, sorry for almost turning you into an empty Capri Sun pouch, sorry for being reckless again.
" 's ok."
You wobbled a bit as you stood, fingers wrapped around your wound as you shuffled into your kitchen in pursuit of your first aid kit. "You gonna tell me what happened?" He only groaned from the couch.
"Maybe tomorrow. I'm tired." You laughed on your way over to him, wrist already covered in gauze with an all too familiar needle and thread in hand.
"You're tired?" The smell of your blood was all too pungent, still. He turned his head towards the wall, studying the numerous music posters and paintings you had hanging.
"Going out to fight evil is a very hard job." You chuckled.
"I know. That's why I stay in here to patch you up." Your fingers were like magic. They always had a way of calming him down. Especially the way you hummed to yourself while you worked. You were never content with just silence. "I expect an answer in the morning." He smiled.
"Yes, ma'am." He fell asleep before you even finished and by the time you were done, you were too tired to walk the down the hall to your bed. You laid your head down on his chest, with no heartbeat to thrum and no breath to rock you, you still fell asleep just like that. Who knew cold bodies were so comfortable.
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christinarowie332 · 6 months
my boys .
chris and matt sturniolo x bestfriend
chris sturniolo x best friend original character
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warnings : drunk character , swearing , will be a part 2 .
one drink .
it was supposed to be anyway.
as i sit on the toilet of a random friend of a friends house it suddenly hits me how drunk i actually am . im still , but it feels like im rocking back and forth . am i rocking back and forth?
im not too bad with my drink , as in , i won’t throw up , and i don’t really get hangovers, however my stubbornness always gets the best of me when im drinking . like now , one glass of rose with a friend turns into me on my 7th shot at someone’s house party because i believed my own tolerance was higher then it actually was .
i close my eyes and swallow the acid that tries to surface, my face contorts at the taste and a feel a surge of anxiety fill my spine . is this the night i throw up ?
i open my phone and scroll through my snapchat , random people’s story’s , some from the same party i’m at now . i’m guessing anyway , my blurred vision makes it hard to see anything , especially as i open text messages to ask someone to pick me up , and the text on my keyboard seems to shift and dance around the screen . opening mine and chris’s messages with a slight smile , i start typing . i love that boy .
chrus are you homw?
who the fuck is chrus ?
yes i am home u ok?
can yoi comw pick me up plx i’m with gracee!
i hate grace
me tpo
love yoi tho
i love you too casey
are you at graces house ?
okay so where ??
just send me your location, i’ll get matt to come pick you up .
but i wann see you ??
i’ll obviously come with him
cant have u puking on his seats !!!!
how tf doe u being there stop me puuilking ??
i’ll catch it with my hands 🥰😍😍
your diss gusting
i’ll slurp it like soup 😜😘
cheis stop ur gonnna makie me throw up
love you
be there iab cdawg
i giggle slightly at the conversation. full confidence in my typing skills as i send him my location and get up from the toilet . too fast . i make my way out side and sit on the porch of the house , scrolling through tiktok as i wait for the boys to come get me . i love them so much .
the cold weather makes it hard for me to scroll properly, the temperature making my fingers work in slow motion as i watch every video on my for you page extremely intensely, trying my hardest to focus on that instead of the hangziety that currently is deciding to reside in my brain . after a few minutes, i hear bass of a car approach the house and lift my head up wobbly, seeing the familiar headlights and number plate .
i smile and attempt to get up , but as i said before . it’s cold as shit . my legs fail me and i only make it half the way up before i start back right where i started . ass on the ground.
chris’s croaky voice allows my eyes to snap away from the ground , meeting his raised eyebrows and his dumbfounded smile as he watches me gather my surroundings.
“christopher!” i say happily, getting up slight too fast and stumbling into his chest . his arms catch me around my waist and i look up to him sheepishly , seeing him allready looking at me with a shit eating grin .
“hello casey , come on let’s get you home” he says as he turns me to his side , supporting my weight against his hip and under his arm , making his way to the car .
as we reach the door he opens it and attempts to put me in the back seat . i don’t duck quite as quick and i end up bashing my head against the car doorframe.
“shit sorry!” he says before hissing through his teeth and continues to help me in the car , following my own path and sitting next to me in the back . i rub my head dramatically and slowly look to chris beside me , his smile not meeting his eyes as he looks at my hand and takes it away from my head , looking for bruising .
his one hand stays on mine as the other brushes my hair from my forehead, making sure i wasn’t hurt . my eyes stay on him . his lips curled in concentration, his eyebrows furrowed in worry . he meets my eyes and smiles . then they move down to his other hand that is still on mine in my lap . he tries to pull it away awkwardly but in drunken confidence i grab it . swinging my body around and laying on his side , putting my head on his shoulder . after a few minutes he relaxes , and i feel his curls touch my forehead as his head leans on top of mine . drawing out a sigh of relief from me .
“i feel like a fucking uber driver” matt says from the front , breaking the comfortable silence .
“you are our fucking uber driver” i reply , my eyes still closed against chris’s shoulder. i feel chris’s shoulders move as he laughs , making me smile and open my eyes .
“oh so i’m getting paid for this ?” he says looking at me through the mirror.
i stay silent
“i know your not asleep casey i can see your eyes”
i close my eyes .
idk i’ll post part 2 tomorrow i just cba to do the whole thing now lmao !!!
@querenciasturniolo @ermdontmindthisaccount @recklesssturniolo @udonotknowme @iheart2021chris @its-jennarose @oversturn @plasticferal @paper-crab @parkerssecrets @strniohoeee @daddyslilchickenfingers @flowerxbunnie @kvtie2 @kenzieiskoolaid @kvtie444 @lovingmattysposts @loveesiren @lustfulslxt @lunarsturniolo @littlebookworm803 @chrisenthusiast @carolsturns1 @bluesturniolo333 @biimpanicking @nickdevora @mattslolita @mattsbratt @mangosrar @starsessense @rac00ns-are-c00l4
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fandomfucker · 13 days
Self-Conscious-Rhea Ripley X Gn!Reader
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Summary: Reader gets uncomfortable in clothes while out on date with girlfriend Rhea Ripley, Rhea gives reader jacket
A/N: Happy pride month!🏳️‍🌈 Im actually on vaca rn (where I got the idea for this) so get ready for a couple more (long) fic drops this week. 
Word Count: 1,192
2nd Person POV
With your girlfriend Rhea Ripley's wrestling career, she was constantly on the move. So, whenever she was home, you two always made the most of it.
And, to keep the relationship from getting boring or too repetitive, you tried to have as many date nights as you could.
You'd both dress up a little bit and then go out and have fun. Sometimes to a nearby theme park, the movies, coffee, bowling, zoos, or aquariums, you name it and it was at least on the list of date ideas if it hadn't already happened yet.
On this particular date night, the two of you had decided to go out and play minigolf before going to get ice cream. Since Rhea was currently out injured and you worked remotely, you had thought it was the perfect opportunity to take a cute little beach vacation for the week.
And while, yes, technically the whole week was one big date, having official little dates throughout the week intermitted between you just hanging out was really nice.
Finishing up getting dressed in the condo you'd rented, you did a quick turn in the mirror, looking at your new outfit from all angles. It was a pair of your favorite jean shorts and some plain black flip-flops paired with a new top you'd gotten from one of the beach stores.
It was a bit on the more revealing side, something you weren't quite as used to as your girlfriend who regularly went on live television in front of thousands wearing very little clothing.
Debating on whether or not to bring your trusty zip-up hoodie with you to wear should you get too cold or uncomfortable, you decided against it, feeling super hot and confident in your new outfit.
"Babe! Are you ready yet?" Rhea came bounding around the corner into your bedroom, swinging herself on the doorframe. "Ooh, babe you look good!"
She came up behind you and held your hips as she kissed your shoulder, looking at the way the two of you fit together in the mirror.
You smiled at her and pulled her arms around your hips to fully encircle you, holding on to them like a safety bar as you watched your movements in the mirror in front of you.
"Mmm." You hummed in agreement as you studied the two of you, "We look good, babe." You corrected.
"We do." She kissed your shoulder again before resting her chin on top of it. "You ready to go get your ass kicked?"
You feigned a large gasp as you turned around in her arms, gently pushing her away with one hand as the other went to your chest like you were clutching your pearls.
"My ass kicked? Oh, it is so on, Ripley." You taunted, inches from her face with a daring grin.
Once you had paid for your game and gotten your clubs and balls, you stood at the practice hole making small talk until the group in front of you had finished and you two were able to actually start playing.
Taking a look around at the other holes, you noticed an eye or two trained on you. You managed to look away without making any eye contact but the feeling of being watched was there.
Finally, the group in front had moved on and you and Rhea were able to start.
"Ladies first," She swung out her arm, showcasing you to the fake grass. You smiled at her and gave a mock bow as you walked up to the plate. You set the ball down, taking care as to where exactly you wanted it placed.
You made your calculations, pulled back, and swung hitting the ball just a tad too hard sending it flying down to the other side. You watched it bounce off the brick wall, rolling until it stopped about a foot away from the hole.
You groaned jokingly in annoyance as you stepped out of the way to make room for Rhea.
She made a show of walking up to what was essentially the pitcher, shaking out her legs and arms the same way she does before a match, getting ready for her first swing.
She pulled back, and she hit the ball. Unlike yours, hers wasn't hit hard enough and stopped about a foot away from the hole on the opposite side of where yours ended up.
Disappointedly, she shuffled her feet down to where her ball had landed as you laughed, making your way to where your own ball had landed.
"Shut up," She groaned, then motioned for you to go first.
You made it in two.
Rhea, however, made it in four.
Halfway through the game, you were almost tied, you were one point ahead. It was agreed that the overall loser would have to pay for the ice cream, and you did not want to pay.
You managed to not think about what you were wearing once so far, even though you had caught those same eyes from before on you once or twice more. That is until a large gust of wind came through and goosebumps danced along your skin. You could feel your nipples harden slightly but thought nothing of it until you caught another pair of wandering eyes on you, your shirt too tight to not see anything.
You lowered your eyes, embarrassment and anxiety clouding your mind and you went silent while Rhea excitedly told you about something or other. You wish you had brought your damn jacket. That way, you wouldn't be cold anymore or, super self-conscious.
It was while waiting for the next group to finish in front of you that Rhea noticed something was up. 
"You've been quiet, babe. What's wrong?"
You tried to just brush it off, it wasn't serious, it was just you overthinking things again, like usual.
"Nothing, babe. I'm all good."
Rhea persisted, "No, I can tell when you're all good, and you're not. What's wrong, did something happen?"
Wanting the conversation to just be over at this point, you caved. "I'm just a little cold and uncomfortable in my new shirt, nothing to worry about."
Rhea frowned at this, taking obvious offense that this was "nothing to worry about" because you bet your ass she was going to worry about it.
Wordlessly, she shrugged off her own jacket and began swinging it around to lay it on your shoulders.
You stepped back, "No, no, no, Rhe. It's fine, keep your jacket. I'll get over it once the wind dies down."
At that very moment, the wind picked up even bigger than before, making Rhea's hair fly around your faces as your goosebumps increased tenfold.
She gave you that look like, "told you so" before continuing to put her jacket on you.
You blushed like it was the first date all over again as you slid your arms into the sleeves.
Rhea had a shit-eating grin on her face, looking super proud of herself as she looked you up and down wearing her jacket.
"You look good wearing my clothes. Should do that more often." She leaned forward and kissed your cheek before swaggering away to play the next hole, leaving you there a blushing mess.
Rhea wound up winning, but, being the best girlfriend ever she paid for your ice cream anyway. And, she let you keep the jacket. Just in case.
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d-hasselhoff · 1 year
Dean Winchester
Sam says something he didn’t mean to in the midst of an argument.
Sam and Dean were arguing again.
You weren’t sure the exact argument, but it had something to do with Dean not understanding what Sam felt when he lost Jessica. After hearing that, you slinked off to the Deancave, leaving the brothers to settle it out on their own.
Minutes later Dean came down, grunting something about his keys, and left. You sighed, running a hand through your hair. He would be out, driving around, and then he’d come back. You decided maybe you should talk to Sam, see what his side of the story was before Dean made him out to be the villain.
“Sam? Everything alright?” You knocked on the doorframe of his open bedroom. He looked up at you from his desk.
“Y/n? Oh, yeah. Just a little fight.” Sam gave you a small, unsure smile.
“Wanna talk about it?” You asked lightly, sitting down on his bed.
He nodded, turning his chair toward you.
“What happened?”
“We uh, we were talking the mark, and about sacrifices, and he said that I’d never had to give up anything major and then I kind of yelled at him about Jessica and how he’d never really had to sacrifice anything. He wanted to be in this life, he wanted you and he wanted a hunting life. He got everything he wanted. I never wanted anything like this. I wanted to practice law and live in my suburban house with Jess and our kids. And now I can’t. But you two, you’ve got it all! You’ve got all you wanted.”
You licked your lips, listening intently. “D’ya know I was pregnant?”
Sam raised an eyebrow at you. “You were? When?”
“Years ago. ‘Bout when Jess died and your dad went missing. I was five months along when Dean realized your dad was gone too long and decided he wanted to go lookin’ for him.
So, we did. And we went to collect you, and Dean saw how happy you and Jess looked, and that night he told me he was really ready to settle down once he found your dad. He was ready to settle down and live a normal life.” You sniffled slightly, the memory hitting you like a semi. Sam looked up, and Dean stood in the doorway, unnoticed by you. “And then Jess died. Jess died, and you were so determined to find her killer that Dean realized he couldn’t leave you to hunt alone. And so I had a decision to make. I could either have this baby and try to raise it on my own, which I knew wouldn’t work, or I could have it and give it up.”
“So you gave it up?”
“I did. I gave it up. Dean gave it up. Dean gave up the life he was promised, and the life he was so ready to live so that you could find and kill the thing that killed your ticket out of the hunting life.
So, yes, he’s sacrificed a lot. An entire life. And I know it feels as though it’ll never be the same as losing Jess, and I’m sure it’s not exactly the same, but it’s just as hard. It’s just as demanding. And honestly, I’m kind of glad we didn’t give up hunting. I would love to be able to settle down, but I think we’d get so bored. The most fun we’d get is fuckin’ church bingo.” Sam snorted at that, imagining Dean at a church bingo.
Dean laughed, catching your attention. “Hey, baby,” you greeted, patting the spot next to you on the bed.
He wandered over and sat behind you, wrapping his arms around your torso. “Hey, sweetheart. Do we need to attend a church bingo now?”
You laughed, throwing your head back onto his shoulder. “I think we might. You gonna join us, Sammy?”
“Only if I get to keep our winnings,”
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fieldofdaisiies · 18 days
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Modern AU - Azriel worries there are too many constrasts between him and Eris, but he would never address it, not wanting to hurt his boyfriend. Obviously Eris notices and they... for @azrisweek | azrisweek masterlist | read on ao3 | no warnings
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“Are you ready, my love?” Eris‘ voice is laden with impatience when it reaches Azriel through the bathroom door. 
Azriel presses his lips in a thin line.
He technically is ready. But also not. Appearance wise he has been ready for nearly an hour, mentality wise…not. This is not for him. This whole rich people get together isn’t for him, has never been and he feels nervousness bloom rapidly in his chest at the thought of it.
“Five minut—,” he calls back, but is interrupted when the door opens behind him (damn him for accepting the no-lock bathroom doors). 
The door hits the wall with a silent thump, and Eris, wearing a perfectly tailored suit, is revealed, his appearance absolutely immaculate. Azriel nearly gasps, would have done so under different circumstances. If he wasn’t so…stressed and uncomfortable at this moment.
Eris steps forward and leans against the doorframe, gives his boyfriend a once-over, then smiles. “I would say you are very ready, my love.” He wants to walk up to Azriel and softly smack his backside, but when he sees the look on his lover‘s face, he immediately stops himself.
“Tell me what’s going on.” No question, an order. He doesn’t like dancing around topics — any sort of problems or issues or discomforts should be addressed immediately.
“Nothing,” Azriel mumbles silently, not able to meet Eris‘ gaze through the mirror. His eyes are lowered to the sink he has his hands braced on. His scarred and ugly hands, marred forever from an accident in his childhood. A shudder courses down his spine.
“I won’t leave this bathroom until you tell me.”
“But the department dinner, we can’t be late,” Azriel grumbles.
Eris snorts, and shakes his head, his arms curling around Azriel’s waist, his body flush against his lovers. “Tell me.”
Azriel straightens a little when he leans into his boyfriend’s hold, his own hands sliding over Eris‘ lower arms. “Do you really want to bring me? Wouldn’t you like to be seen with someone more…someone who is better?”
“Better?” Eris repeats, tone tinged with disbelief.
“Better at what?”
Azriel frowns. “Just better than me!”
“Better than my stunning and marvellous boyfriend?”
Azriel wants to hum and accept the compliment, but he can’t, not right now. Not when doubts gnaw so heavily on his heart he finds it even hard to breathe.
“Someone who fits in better than I do.”
“Why wouldn’t you fit in?” Eris rests his chin atop Azriel’s shoulder. “You are there with me. As my partner, my plus one. I won’t leave your side all evening, there is nothing to worry about.”
But there is so much to worry about, Azriel thinks and closes his eyes. 
Last time when he joined Eris for one of these fancy dinners, he felt immensely ashamed. There were at least three forks and two spoons and only God knows how many knives around his plate and he had no idea which one to use for what. Eris explained the table customs to him, not minding at all that Azriel didn’t know, but for Azriel it was still an awkward situation. One he doesn’t want to repeat. But one he has been replaying in his mind many times.
Because Azriel often finds himself wondering if he truly fits into Eris‘ world. He wasn’t born into a rich family like Eris. His mother was a single parent and while growing up they only ever had the bare minimum. 
Eris has always had a different life — he has always known what fortune meant, growing up as the prime minister’s son and now working as a renowned doctor. How and why he chose to be someone like him, still often surprises Azriel.
“Hm?” Eris asks, not yet having received an answer from his boyfriend.
“Just my usual doubts,” Azriel answers. He has to smile a little when lips brush the side of his neck, sending wrong signals to a southern part of his body. Eris just knows which levers to push inside of his boyfriend to distract him from his bad thoughts. Most of the time it truly works wonders, but other times…other times he needs more than that.
Either them talking for hours, or Eris holding Azriel throughout the whole night, kissing his hair, gently rubbing his back with his warm hand. 
But there isn’t time for any of these things now. They need to leave.
“Don‘t worry, I‘m happy to be your plus one tonight.”
The simply lie is needed because he doesn’t want Eris to be sad. He wants Eris to enjoy this dinner and he wants to be a good boyfriend. Eris’ should have the life he deserves, because Azriel knows that growing up —despite never having to worry about money— wasn’t easy for Eris either and if there is one thing Eris now truly deserves then it is happiness.
“You know I always worry, Azriel,” Eris mumbles. “Especially when it comes to you and your happiness. I want you to be—”
“I know.” Azriel forces a smile onto his lips and finally meets Eris‘ gaze through the mirror. “We‘ll talk when we get home.”
His hands have turned so sweaty that the champagne glass nearly slides out of his palm, and a buzzing sound borne from nervousness starts in his ears. Carefully, Azriel places the glass on one of the cocktail tables, and glances around him, hoping to make out his boyfriend in the bustling crowd of all of Eris‘ coworkers.
Where the hell is he? Azriel asks himself. Eris had promised him to stay with him all night, but then he went to the restroom and hasn’t returned since. He is probably talking to someone… Azriel ponders and absentmindedly rubs his palm over his jaw.
While Eris is kind of a social butterfly at such gatherings, Azriel would always love to just morph into the wall or disappear completely — they contrast like night and day.
Maybe I’m really not the right one for someone like Eris? They are similar in many aspects, but also as different as cats and dogs in many other ways. In too many ways. What if they won’t work out in the end?
Azriel loves Eris more than anything, more than his own life. He  knows the sentiment is returned. But what if in the end, they find out that their differences are too big to truly lead a life together?
Azriel shakes his head, and is brought back to the moment when someone bumps into his shoulder. A short woman with black hair whom he knows as Doctor Amren. He only knows about her from stories that Eris told him — apparently she looks much younger than she actually is, and is dating one of the doctors in training, Varian.
Eris, although he always tries to deny it, loves gossip. Just like Azriel. The corners of his mouth lift the tiniest bit. He would also never admit it, so at least this is something they have in common (among other things, of course). 
Despite that small comfort, the doubts won’t leave Azriel. After checking once more to see if he can find Eris somewhere in the crowd, but still not catching sight of him, he knows he doesn’t want to stay here.
He needs a moment for himself. And since this place is filled with people, he knows he needs to get out. There are three options: restroom, balcony or the elevator. The elevator sounds like the least rational and so does the balcony where everyone can see him and maybe get the idea to walk out to him and talk to him. So restroom is his only hope to find solace there and catch a moment to calm his mind.
“Azriel?” He can hear Eris outside the door, and decides that it is quite silly to stay hidden here and let his boyfriend keep on searching. So he does the only thing he considers rational and mature. 
“I‘m here,” he says matter-of-factly, feeling stupid the moment the words leave him. Of course, he is here.
“Can I come in?”
Azriel doesn’t answer him, only turns the key and wordlessly opens the door. His shoulders are slightly drooped, the corners of his mouth downturned.
“I‘m sorry for leaving you alone.”
“I had to relieve myself.”
Eris shoots Azriel an incredulous look, not one bit buying that poor lie. “I have been looking for you for at least fifteen minutes, my love.”
Azriel shrugs a shoulder, somehow at a loss for words now that he feels an immense amount of shame creep in again.
He is an adult and not a little child, but with how he is behaving now he definitely resembles a little five year old boy more than a 35 year old man.
“Let me show you something.” Eris uncrosses his arms and reaches out his hand. 
Reluctantly, Azriel agrees, glad that Eris changed the topic. He follows after his boyfriend, his hand sliding into his Eris‘, and slowly and with a lack of motivation he is trailing after Eris until they are outside on one of the large glass balconies. The cool night air embraces him like a cloak and Azriel inhales a deep breath, letting the crisp air cool his racing mind and heavy heart.
He doesn’t really know why they are out here, but he likes it. The thick windows drown out most of the noises — the chatters and music— from the inside and there are no people here.
He glances around, trying to figure out what Eris wanted to show him or if he just wanted to bring him out here for Azriel to relax? There is nothing. Only skyscrapers surrounding them, so Azriel guesses it is the latter option.
“What did you want to show me?” he asks nevertheless.
“Nothing.” Eris shrugs a casual shoulder, then also reaches for Azriel’s other hand, taking it into his and brushing his thumb over the back of Azriel’s. “I only wanted to talk to you. And for you to tell me what is going on.”
Azriel lowers his chin to his chest and suddenly feels even more ashamed and disappointed in himself — in the end he really managed to ruin the evening for Eris. Again…
“Our earlier conversation is still on my mind.”
“Oh, Azriel,” Eris begins to chuckle. “I told you that there would not be a single person that I would rather have here with me than you. You are perfect and amazing, and I love you. And I love having you here. I love having you here with me.”
“That’s not the problem, Eris.” Azriel’s gaze drops to their intertwined hands, his large, scarred hands in Eris pale and neatly manicured ones. Eris‘ are slimmer, softer, his fingers long and boney and his caress always tender. Not like his own which is somehow…brutish, he thinks.
“I don’t fit into your world, Eris,” Azriel answers wistfully. “This,” —he removes one hand from Eris‘ hold to tug at the collar of his tux— “isn’t me. This doesn’t fit me. I look absolutely silly and—”
“Beautiful.” A sad smile appears on Eris‘ lips. “But I understand, and I am sorry.”
Azriel’s eyes open wide, and he flashes Eris an incredulous look. “Wait! Why are you sorry? I just ruined your perfect evening with dinner and—”
“I‘m sorry for forcing you to come with me when you clearly feel uncomfortable. I should have asked, should have noticed earlier that you don’t like these sorts of things. And honestly…the only perfect thing about this dinner is spending time with you.”
“That‘s not true.”
“It is.” Eris hums, and then pecks his boyfriend’s lips. “It really is. I don’t care much about this dinner either. But I care about you, and spending time with you — time you enjoy as well.” His lips coast to the corner of Azriel’s mouth. “Let’s get out of here, and get McDonald‘s?”
“My beloved doctor, you always say it is unhealthy!” Azriel laughs. “And you don’t like—”
“It is unhealthy, but if it means that we are sitting in my car together for hours, talking and eating, in an empty fast food restaurant parking lot, then I love it.”
“Talking and eating?” Azriel cocks a brow, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Rounding it off with sex on the backseat?” Eris grins. “The perfect evening.”
“What will you tell your co-workers?”
“That we are going home. I don’t need to give them a reason.” His hand cradles Azriel‘s cheek and he kisses him softly. “But I can also tell them that my boyfriend has some issues with one of his southern body parts,” —Eris pushes against Azriel to make him aware of exactly which body part he is talking about— “and he desperately wants me to take a look at it.” 
“You are impossible,” Azriel laughs, but is now the one to kiss the other. “I love you.”
“You remember your birthday party?” Eris shoves two fries into his mouth and leans his head against the headrest, looking at Azriel while chewing happily.
“I was quite drunk so you might need to help me a bit,” Azriel chuckles, reaching over to Eris to wipe a droplet of ketchup from the corner of Eris‘ mouth. “What are you getting at?”
“I know exactly how you felt this evening.” Eris curls his fingers around Azriel’s hand before he can pull it back and kisses his knuckles. “I also felt out of place. You, Cass and Rhys and their wives were dancing and partying all night and I asked myself the whole time what I was actually doing there — I don’t like drinking, I don’t like that sort of music, smoking or dancing like this.”
The corners of Azriel’s mouth drop just like his shoulders.
Eris attaches his lips to the back of his boyfriend’s hand again. “But I know why I was there. Because of you. Because I love you, because you are my boyfriend and in a relationship there are always two people and you may not like everything the other likes, but that is alright. It adds variety to the relationship and teaches you that you can and should adapt from time to time.”
Their gazes meet and Eris says in a soft and affectionate tone, “I don’t want you to feel bad for what happened this evening.” 
Azriel presses his lips in a thin line, grinding his teeth hard. “I wanted you to have a good evening.”
“This evening is perfect, Azriel.” The doctor smiles. “And I know we may contrast in a few ways, but that is alright. We love each other, and you despite not wanting to go, coming with me to this dinner proved this to me once more.”
“Don’t you think we contrast too much?”
Eris vehemently shakes his head. “No,” he says. “It would be boring if we were the exact same and liked the exact same things. Relationships and love are all about complementing each other. Sometimes this means doing things for the other you may not like yourself but because you love the other it is alright and acceptable. Making small sacrifices is fine and okay. Of course we shouldn’t completely transform ourselves into a version where we are no longer true to ourselves, but small changes, adaptations…they are alright.”
He pauses for a moment and draws in a deep breath, shoulders and chest lifting, then falling with a loud sigh.
“I love you, Azriel, and nothing will ever change that just because you may not enjoy all the same things I do.”
“I love you,” Azriel whispers, his voice tinged with affection. “And I think…you are right.”
“You think?” Eris raises a brow, a playful smirk on his lips.
“I know you are right because my smart and deadly handsome boyfriend is always right!” Azriel‘s laughter fills the inside of the car and Eris joins in, chest warming and relief seeping into his heart. It is good that they talked. Talking to Eris always helps — already helped at a time where they weren’t even dating yet. 
“Everything’s alright between us?” Azriel asks a little sheepishly, nervous despite the former lightness of the conversation.
Eris smiles behind the napkin he is dabbing his face with. “It is.”
“The evening was really alright?”
“Almost perfect.” Eris grins, tossing the napkin into the bag and a crease appears on Azriel’s forehead. He raises a brow. “Almost?”
The grin turns into a smirk, and playfully flashes in Eris‘ amber eyes. “Get in the back seat.”
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general Azris tag list (please let me know if you want to be added/removed): @azrielsbabyg @lady-riel @moonlightazriel @aayo-whatt @brekkershadowsinger @ladyelain @banasheefan56 @a-frog-with-a-laptop @ofduskanddreams @acourtofladydeath @secret-third-thing @born-to-riot @chunkypossum
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thank you so much @chunkypossum & @queercontrarian for beta reading💛
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 10 months
Something To Look Forward To
Something simple, sweet and fluffy for this Sunday 🤭
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"Hey, babe", Jack allowed his words to trail off as he leaned against the doorframe of your shared bedroom, watching you deep in concentration. You were nose deep in a book, your eyebrows scrunched together, quietly mumbling the words as you worked down the page.
"Hey, you." Jack chuckled to himself, calling out you a second time. You finally lifted your head, your eyes growing wide at the sight of your boyfriend, his white shirt covered in what you believed to be tomato sauce, a dish towel bunched in his fist. "Sorry, this book is just getting really good. What's going on?"
He ran his fingers through his messy curls, wiping away the sweat that began to bead at his brow. He had promised to cook you dinner tonight to celebrate your anniversary, and had been at it for a good three hours, banning you from the kitchen while he worked.
"How attached were you to me cooking you dinner tonight?" He pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to stave off an oncoming headache. You covered your mouth with your book to hide your giggles, the creasing at your eyes giving you away.
"Jack, please let me help you." You considered Jack to be a cooking novice, and honestly that was putting it nicely.
"No, this is your surprise. You're not allowed to help. Let me rephrase my question. Are you okay with eating at 10pm tonight?" You let out a humorous breath, marking your place in the book before you stood up. He blocked your way out of the door by jutting out his hip, his free hand grabbing at your waist.
"Can you let me out of the room, please?" You pushed at his chest, but he barely moved, standing strong. You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest in annoyance. "Uh huh, I'm not going to let you ruin it."
"I just want to go to the bathroom, if that's okay with you?" Jack narrowed his eyes at you, gesturing with his head back into the room. "There's a bathroom in there."
"Dammit." You whispered under your breath. You were in a stalemate with your boyfriend, both too stubborn to give up.
"Is something burning?" You exaggerated the sniff of your nose.
"Nice try. Nothing is burning." Jack scoffed, his face quickly dropping when he smelled smoke wafting into the hallway. "Shit!"
You followed behind Jack into the kitchen, stifling a cough as he swiftly pulled the oven door open, black smoke filling the room. He threw the baking sheet onto the counter with a huff. "Fuck."
"What is that?" You examined the charred item, trying to make out what it was before he put it in the oven.
"Garlic bread." He whimpered, leaning against the counter. "I was going to surprise you with lasagna, my mom's recipe."
"Oh baby, that's so sweet. I'm sure we can salvage the rest of the food. In fact, this lasagna looks really good." You grabbed a fork from the drawer and took a bite out of the glass dish containing the lasagna, grimacing as the food hit your tastebuds. "I love it", you edged out with your mouthful, resisting the urge to hurl.
"It's not cooked yet, you liar" Jack chuckled, throwing the dish towel over his shoulder as you spit the food out in the sink.
"I'm sorry, but I didn't want to hurt your feelings. I know you worked really hard on this." You snaked your arms around his waist, leaning your chin on his chest as you looked up at him. "If it makes you feel any better, you make for a really sexy chef." You pucker your lips at him, Jack meeting you the rest of the way for a quick peck.
"It does help, thank you." He gave you a cheeky grin as he pulled you in for another kiss by the back of your neck, both of you quickly getting lost in the passion.
You felt him grab that back of your thighs, turning to lift you onto the counter. His hands roamed your body, his fingertips pressing into your sides as you deepened the kiss, pulling his bottom lip into your mouth. You broke apart to catch your breath, your chests rising in sync as you leaned your forehead against his.
"Is something else burning?", you questioned. Jack's eyes shot open, letting out a sharp breath. You watched as he took a pot of boiling water and placed it into the sink, the liquid evaporating against the steel with a hiss.
"People have joked about it, but I think you're the only person to actually burn water." You joked in between belly laughs, jumping off the counter. "Pizza sound good?"
Jack propped himself on his elbow as the two of you settled in on the floor of the living room. You placed your wooden tile down on the Scrabble board as you took another bite of pizza, handing Jack the leftover crust. He ate it in two bites, watching as you spelled out your word.
"Uh huh, that's not a word", he grumbled out, dusting the crumbs off his hands.
"What are you talking about? Alot is a word." You retorted, taking a sip of your wine.
"No", he shook his head, pulling out his phone. "A LOT is a word, Alot is not." He held out his phone to you. You grabbed it, rolling your eyes when you realized he was technically right. "Are you really going to challenge me on a technicality?"
"Hey, your rules. I lost last time because you said "y'all" wasn't a word", Jack shrugged.
"Whatever. You're turn then. I'm gonna get some more wine", you gritted out between your teeth. As you stood up, you conveniently knocked the board over with your toe, scrambling the tiles across the floor. "Oops. My bad", you stuck out your tongue at Jack in jest.
"Hey, you sore loser! Get back here." Jack grabbed at the hem of your sweatshirt, pulling you down into his lap. You rested your back against his chest, his nose nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
"Sorry that dinner was a bust", Jack mumbled against your skin, rubbing his hands up and down your arms. He pulled you into a tight hug, his arms wrapped around your chest.
"Jack, it really wasn't. I love you so much for even trying." You turned your head towards him, your eyes closing as Jack grazed his fingers against your jawline. "You have a lot of time to practice, and I'll help you. You can cook for our second anniversary." Jack hummed, leaning his head back against the couch. "Sounds like a plan."
"Something to look forward to." You agreed, pressing a kiss into forearm.
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casablancarossa · 3 months
Follow your body rhythm..
<<a [medium spicy] taemin x reader scenario>>
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Pairing: Taemin x Female!Reader
Genre: Slightly smutty.
Content Warning: Not Advised for Minors. Minors DNI. Usage of pet names.
Synopsis: In preparing for your comeback, your practice session is rudely interrupted by your ex-boyfriend and suddenly bad ideas become good ones.
Author's Note: Sometimes the way that man dances is just so sinful. Like sir who allowed you. Do you think his hip rolls in bed are just as lethal?
The music pulsated a little too loud in your head this time. Maybe that's what happens after 6 hours on the floor without taking a break, but you would get so lost in the zone, and no one else was in the studio to really remind you to chill out for a bit.
As the last note rang through the room, it was like it had hit an off switch in your body and now you are on the floor, breathing so heavily and out of breath. Your vision wasn't any better as it felt like the room was spinning and honestly you'd had better vision, blind drunk without your contact lenses than you do now. Your eyes flutter shut as you bring up your arm to cover your eyes for a bit, audibly panting as you unzip your hoodie to cool your body off.
"Mmm, be careful, being a temptress could get you hurt", a voice reacted seeing your sweatpants riding low on your hips, paired with a half mesh sports bra, almost leaving nothing to the imagination as your breasts practically pool over the top.
The sudden presence of someone shocked you and you didn't even think twice to stand up and bow your back, greeting whoever was in the room. "Hello, sunbae!", your voice tried to sound respectful and less annoyed and by the time you stand fully straight, you noticed it was Taemin standing at the doorway of the dance studio, leaning against the doorframe with his arms folded. "Oh--it's ... you", the words left your breathless as you collapse down onto the ground again.
Taemin's eyes widened, flinching to reach out to you, witnessing your body drop, but seeing you groan in anger as you shift to sit up, pressing your back against the cool mirror. "Sorry, sunbae, I'll leave in a bit, just.. let me catch my breath.." you mumbled, throwing your head back to rest against the mirror.
"Working hard again hm? How's prepping for your comeback?" Taemin smiled as he steps into the room, walking towards you.
"It can't be that bad..."
"I think I prefer it when I used to be a back-up dancer"
"3 years as an idol can feel like a lifetime, I suppose. Boa-noona misses you by the way. " Taemin smirks, settling down beside you.
"Has it only been three years?" , your eyes roll just enough that Taemin makes a note of it before you lie back down on the ground, suddenly feeling less pressure to leave.
"And yet you still use our studio..", he mused quietly.
Your turn your head to get a view of Taemin before rolling your eyes once more and stare at the ceiling. If it has been 3 years since you debuted, then it has been almost 4 years since you broke up with Taemin and roughly a few weeks since you last hooked up with him.
Taemin and you are old enough to know what you two were doing , and within reason, it was absolutely insane and totally wrong. The both of you were never really the 'casual sex' type of people but at the same time, you two never really had a deep meaningful conversation to know where you both stand together. You had prioritized your career, and so did Taemin, and unsurprisingly the two of you had needs. Sexual needs, that only you two could fulfil for each other.
Every morning after a 'playtime sessions' (you two have labelled it as such), you and Taemin would laugh about it over coffee, claiming that the previous night was going to be the last time and then acknowledge later on that 'last time' was not going to the 'last time'. But it worked for the both of you or at least you though it did.
"When's your first stage? How long is the promo?" Taemin's questions pulls you out of your thoughts.
"Jeez mom, relax." you giggled "Promo for 3 weeks and first stage is I think in 2 weeks, maybe later"
Taemin nodded his head and ponders for a moment before scooting his body across the floor to lie down beside you, resting on his elbows. His eyes bore holes into your body as he slowly analyses your face, biting his lips by the time his eyes cast over your plump lips, to your jawline, downwards your neck and continuing further to just the top of your exposed cleavage. He curses to himself internally, he was a fool to have let you go this long.
"So... anyone catch your eye recently?" Taemin tries to downplay his curiosity but his words carried the tone of spite behind it.
"Depends, any of your peers curious?" you hummed lightly, rotating your head to look at Taemin's reaction through his reflection. "You know, I did miss the chance to give my number to Taeyong oppa, do you think he'd still be interested?"
Taemin's face did not disappoint, you could see his jaw clench at the mention of Taeyong's name before muttering audible curses, thinking you wouldn't hear him. A fog washed over his gaze, he was deep in thought, the same blank stare he would give when he was angry. It would all steep deep in his core and he would never let it bubble over. Taemin's anger scared you before. The empty hooded gaze, the low voice, the way he'd flex his hands open only to ball up into a tight fist along with the sickly sweet tone he would adopt that has nothing but malice behind it. He mouths Taeyong's name, each time looking more and more annoyed.
You reach over to flick Taemin's forehead, sighing as you roll onto your side, looking at him. "Oppa, I was joking. Relax.."
He doesn't react, but his eyes were now on you and it felt hot and uncomfortable, like you were being judged.
"You say this, but I know he is featured in your stage as the male dance partner", Taemin's voice betrayed his apparent 'no-shits-given' appearance with a jealous tone.
"Aww baby, are you jealous?" you teased lightly, while your hand reaches up to caress his cheeks.
Instantly he melts with your touch as his head leans into your hold. You haven't called him by any sort of pet-name in a very long time. Taemin didn't even realize how much he missed it until he heard it from you. His reaction to your touch catches you off guard, quickly you pull your hand away and pull yourself upwards to a standing position, somewhat struggling to convince your body to do anything but stay beside Taemin.
"Ah oppa, I'll just get my stuff and you can have the studio" you announced without looking at him and when he gave no verbal cue back, you start walking away to the benches, quickly gathering your stuff, carelessly piling them into your duffel bag.
It was all the sudden, and you didn't even hear Taemin move across the floor, hell you didn't even hear him calling out your name, but out of nowhere, his hand was on your wrist, pulling you towards him, physically shortening the distance you created between you two. "Dance with me, y/n."
"I've sat in a few of Taeyong's practices with the choreographer. I'd like to think I know the dance pretty well."
You stare at Taemin with wide eyes, slightly shocked unsure how to respond.
"Your phone is still connected right?" he said firmly, turning on his heel to walk towards the speakers, grabbing your phone and pausing to look at you.
Accept now and you'd look to eager. Reject and you'd be considered pretty rude. No one ever denies Taemin a chance to dance, whether he is pushing his back-up dancers for one more round, or inviting an idol to perform a song with him, and you would be no different. Without saying anything, the action of dropping whatever was in your hand while peeling off your hoodie, and walking to the middle of the studio was enough of an answer to the senior idol, who quickly presses play and shuffle.
Your body shifts into your starting position with Taemin standing off to the side, waiting for the cue to begin. As the beat drops and music plays, you begin to dance your routine as you always have but now instead of practicing it alone, you had someone with you instead. Technically, there was a list of male idols who you would share the stage with for the duration of your promotions, but you actually had not practiced with any of them yet.
It really didn't click in your head that the dance was really intimate in some ways and maybe you might be faced with a lot of hate for performing a sensual dance, with a male idol. You think it's rather tasteful, and quite a technical dance. You would count the beats in your head until Taemin's cue to essentially slide into his spot so you two could dance together.
Every longing pause, every hit of the beat, every sway of the hips, Taemin matched your rhythm and movement perfectly. Effortlessly, there was no hesitation when Taemin's body would be pressed against yours, or when you would need to lean on him as he supports your weight for a twirl. Suddenly the choreo felt electric. Any time Taemin's hands would be positioned at your hips, he would grip lightly, causing a hitch in your breath and those ghostly touches would fluidly move around your body when the choreo needed it.o
When your faces would meet, he'd have this alluring, almost seductive stare. Taemin wouldn't hold back during parts that required 'closeness' and would purposely graze, occasionally bumping his lips against the skin of your arm or shoulders.
"Mmm, tell me you aren't tempted to ditch Taeyong and have me as your partner instead" Taemin muses into your ear as he pauses.
You sigh, slightly annoyed, dropping out of your own pose to flick Taemin at the forehead. "Idiot. You are jealous"
"Why would I be? I'm not the jealous type. If you really want to dance with Yongie.. then fine." his voice laced with defeat and annoyance.
"Taem... come on. It's me. Be honest"
"Okay, maybe I am a bit jealous.." Taemin sighs as he reaches his arm out to hook around your waist, pulling you to him. "I can't help it...something about you, just makes it hard to control myself.."
"Yeah right.."
"Do I need to remind you?"
"Ah ah ah, you don't have to" you let out an annoyed groan.
At your protests, Taemin attempts to pick you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as he support you by your ass. The sudden movement causes you to yelp, trying to smack his shoulders as your arms cling around his neck. You and Taemin have been far more intimate than this but you couldn't help but to be shy at this moment. He had a childish smile on his face as he walks in circles around the studio, carrying you up and playing childish tricks on you, by pretending to drop you.
Each time you felt a pit in your stomach, you would wrap your arms tighter around him. The closeness of your two bodies gave you the chills. Did he get stronger? Why does it feel like his grip has gotten tighter? Does he look at me the same way I look at him? Thoughts flooded your brain, but it was suddenly interrupted by a cold shock running down your body.
Taemin had taken the liberty to walk towards the large mirrors, slamming your body against the cool screen, making you hiss a little. He uses the friction and leverage to slightly hoist you a little higher so he would be head height with your chest.
"Ow? What was that for?" you questioned, but there was quiver in your voice and that unmistakable glint in your eye like something had triggered within you.
"Oh sorry, I distinctively remember, that you love being pinned to the wall" the snarky yet alluring comment from Taemin caused your legs to tremble and suddenly your arousal made its presence known.
"Seriously in the studio? Where people can walk in?"
"Don't you think it's fun that way? Besides Y/N..I'm hungry" Taemin flashes a quick dirty smile before latching his lips at the top of your breasts, clamping down with a needy bite.
You barely had time to react, groaning as your head throws back. You would wantonly mewl Taemin's name as his teeth navigated closer to the hem of your sports bra, nipping at the fabric to release your nipple from its confinements. Your head lowers just in time to see him lick his lips, immediately going for the sensitive bud. "Ah..Taem..min..nggh", your words fail you.
Taemin's eyes look up to see your panting reddened face. Nothing excited him more that looking at your panicked, aroused state.
"It's about that time again Y/N..." he whispers lowly, the cool air of his breath gives you goosbumps. "Time for us to commit sin against god"
"Here, I was thinking that last time was the last time.." you chuckled, feeling a sudden twinge in your lower region.
"Oh baby, you and I both know, that's never going to happen" Taemin pushes his neck out so he could nip at your throat, before lovingly decorating it with kisses and bites.
You could only hum and lose yourself in his actions. Those damn lips were a curse, a curse you never wanted to end. It wasn't long before your fingers were wrapped in Taemin's hair, pulling him closer to you, letting him ravish you. Just beneath you, you could also feel his need for you pressing into your thigh and you couldn't help but shift just to feel it more at the spots that mattered.
"What's this princess? I though the studio was too lowly for you", he chuckles.
"Mmf, Taemin.. I can't.. I think I need you now..." you managed to speak in staggered breath.
Taemin grants you a moment of relief as your lips collide to a passionate kiss. Full of want and hotness. You couldn't help but cup his face in your hands as your tongues begin to dance, the way you two would hungrily bite each others lips.
In the deep desire to make Taemin's idol life harder, you wanted to lay your mark. Your fingers once more curl into Taemin's dark locks, now grabbing a fistful and yanking his head back so you can grant him the same 'gifts' he has blessed your neck with.
Taemin lowly growls, finding the dominance you were displaying very attractive. So he continues to allow you to place the bites. He is a grown man and resourced with talented makeup artists; a few hickeys would be no problem. What took him off guard was the way your free hand slipped to the base of his neck, applying slight pressure that ellicited a delightful moan out of him.
"Princess.. you are playing a dangerous game" he snarls, immediately grabbing your wrist and pinning it to the mirrored wall along with the slight slam of your body.
"Why? Scared I'd win..",you cocked a single brow up, taunting Taemin.
"Only because I'd let you win. Don't forget the only one begging and screaming is you.." he chuckles.
A foreign voice suddenly erupts. "Taemin-ah! Taemin-ah! Are you here Taemin-ah?"
As the door of the studio swings open, you had never found yourself and Taemin move so quick as you unfurl your legs as he quickly but gently lets you down before taking a step back.
"Oh hyung I'm here" Taemin calls out as his eyes widened staring at your chest, reaching out to quickly raise the fabric of your sport bra to hide your nipple.
"Oh Taemin you're here. Ah Y/N too. You were practicing too huh"
You raise your head to see Euisoo walking towards you two with coffee in hand. You quickly bow in greeting and keeping your head down, you rush towards your bag, picking it up from the floor and grabbing your hoodie and zipping it up to cover yourself more.
"I'm.. uh... I finished practicing.. I'll uhhh... I'll get out of your way" you stumbled to find your words after almost being caught by Taemin's manager.
Your feet quickly shuffled towards the speakers and unplugging your phone before heading to the door. You bow once more, waving your hands out to Euisoo and Taemin.
"Umm.. bye. I'll uhh.. I'll see you guys around." you nervously laughed before leaving the room.
Euisoo and Taemin chuckle to themselves, seeing you extra flustered.
Meanwhile you take the phone into your hand trying to think of what to send to Taemin as you navigate your way out of the building.
*beep beep*
Y/N sent a message : Name a place and time. Tonight. I'll show you, I can win the game too.
Despite the fact Euisoo rambling on about future schedules in line for Taemin, the idol only chuckles at the sight of your message, immediately coming up with a response.
Taemin sent a message: How about your place? Let's give your housemates something to talk about.
Y/N sent a message: Fine. But you better bring beer and rabboki.
Taemin sent a message: Food and drinks. Check. By the way, loser wears a collar for their next stage. ♥️
Y/N sent a message: 🥵 Can't wait.
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narcissarina · 3 months
𝔊𝔬𝔩𝔡𝔢𝔫 ℭ𝔞𝔤𝔢, 𝔅𝔩𝔲𝔢 𝔅𝔬𝔫𝔡𝔰
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જ⁀➴Previous chapter
Pairings: bodyguard!Leon × college billionaire!reader
Word count: 2,948
Tw: suggestive, mentions of trauma(?), chase play
Summary: after last nights incident, you came to Leon’s meeting and met everyone and got to the training room. He helps you train.
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You woke up, in a different clothing and staring blankly to Leon. He wore a black polo, red tie and some black jeans. He was leaning against your wall, beside the doorframe and his arms were folded.
Leon just told you about last night, you were crying and hitting your pillow repeatedly until you calm down then finally bore your eyes to Leon. “Are you done, princess?” he asked, stepping forward then sit on the edge, his hand supporting his weight when he leans, you nodded and flop nod face first.
“It’s not your fault, don’t beat yourself to it.” Leon said, he was hesitant at first but placed his hand to your thigh—giving it a squeeze, you hum at his touch but didn’t show signs of disapproval nor discomfort. You’re hugging your pillow and muffling your sniffles.
“I’m just glad you came…”
“I came, because you called.” Leon assured and his hand left your thigh and took that pillow away that’s been blocking your face. If it helps, Leon will compliment you, “Let me see that pretty crying face of yours, sweetheart.” He chuckle and use both of his hand to help you sit up.
But you added weight to stay in bed, Leon’s stronger than you so you’re pretty light to him. “Come here.” He said and open his arms, you didn’t bother to lift a finger and just bury your face to the crook of his neck—you swift your position a little and your forehead to his neck. Looking down at his tie that he didn’t tie up yet.
“Where you going?” you asked, Leon’s hand caress your back to comfort you, “I’m going to a meeting, they need me.” Leon replied, his tone low. He fights himself not to bury his nostrils to your hair and inhale your scent, it oddly calms him down. Yet, he doesn’t know why he finds solace to your scent.
“Can I come?” you plead, your chin to his chest—giving your best puppy eyes. It made Leon crack a small smile as his hand found contact with your cheeks, brushing away those tears from your eyes and tracing the tear burns away. “I don’t know, will you be good?” he asked, raising a brow.
You gave a weak nod, your chin still to his chest as he pulled himself away.
“Okay then, go get ready.”
You muster up all your energy to got out of bed, Leon even praises you for it since he knew you’re really having a hard time right now ever since last night, “my parents didn’t know about last night, right?” your words came out like a hush to the wind, Leon shakes his head and pats your head. “Look at that, you got out of bed.”
You rolled your eyes and get yourself ready.
Leon waited at the gate, his motorcycle parked. You bid farewell to your parents and catch up with him, “Leon!” you called, he turns and tuck his hand to his pockets, “ready to go?” you nodded at his question as he handed you a helmet.
“I hope you like thrill rides.” Leon said, putting his own helmet on as you got to his back, good thing you wore soft cotton pants today and a long sleeve fitted top, “what do you mean? We’re on your bike.” You spoke as Leon starts to rev.
“You’ll see what I mean, princess. Hold on tight.” You squeeze your hands together around his waist, feeling his rock hard abs, you want your fingers to brush up and down and tease him. You poke and before he starts, he leans back—grabs both of your hands and squeeze them together, pull you close as he turns to see you. “Don’t too naughty now.”
You felt your cheeks and ear burning hot, you nod and hold yourself close to him. Then took off.
The ride was okay, you didn’t quite know what Leon just said about thrill rides. He turns to look at his watch, “let’s not be late.” He mutter, “what?” your question were muffled when Leon rev again as he sped up.
Skipping lines and squeezing in to possible space to get in time, your hold tightens—your head resting to his back as he increases the speed. “Wanna see a trick?” Leon yelled for you to hear, desperately shaking your head but feels like he’s lifting the front wheel off the ground, “oh, fuck no!” you curses, causing you to hold on much tighter as if you’re now holding on for your dear life.
Good thing that nightmare finally ended, you were left shaking at the backseat. Leon took his helmet off as he could feel you trembling, “you can let go now,” he chuckle, tapping your fingers but you shake your head. Hugging him tighter, Chris came to the door, “Oh, Leon. Jesus,” His friend was surprised that he brought you with him.
“No need to worry, Chris. She’s my responsibility.” Leon assured, “you better,” Chris hates his head and gestures inside, “come on, the meeting is starting soon.”
“I’ll be with you after I calm her down.” Leon struggles to take your hand apart so you could let him go, he now has both of your wrist as he slowly guide you off his bike. “See? I warned you, didn’t I?” you hit him and weakly try fighting him because he gave you a scare for life.
“Come on, I’ll be late.” Leon smirks and get off your helmet and put it in the bike, “I’ll buy you ice cream.” He bribe and finally got you to calm down and guide you inside.
He was greeted by people, as he came to his group.
“Oh my.” Claire gasp, Rebecca supposed to say something but got cut off by Chris, “don’t worry, Leon brought her here.” Leon nodded at his words, “if anything happens, she’s my responsibility.” Leon assured.
“Hey, guys. Just so you know, meetings gonna start s—” Luis spoke and cut himself off when he laid eyes to the group, “well, well, well. Who do we have here?” Luis chuckle and asked, his eyes scanning you and Leon.
“is this the Señorita that you’re guarding?” his his hispanic tone strong as he asked your bodyguard. “Sure is.” Leon answered Luis question, “You’re doing a great job guarding a dime.” Luis chuckle and walk over to Leon and hand him a file.
You felt embarrassed at the mans flattering words, “where are my manners?” Luis said and turn to you, “my names Luis, encantado.” He flashes a smile and wave the group, “ciao.”
“Well then,” Leon put the file aside and put his hand over your shoulder, “let me introduce you to some friends, this is Rebecca, Claire and Chris.” Leon points to each and one of them, “the guy who you just met is Luis. He just introduce himself and dip.” Leon added and you could hear Rebecca chuckle at Leon’s remark, “that’s good ‘ol Luis.” The girl with short boy cut said with a smile.
“Meetings starting… I’ll be going first.” Claire dismiss herself and left, Chris followed and smiled at you before disappearing out of sight. Which left you, Rebecca and Leon alone.
“Is there a training ground here?” you whisper to Leon, you tip toe to meet his ears height, “the training room?” Rebecca shift her weight and tilt her head, “we do have one here, currently empty since meeting is being held.” She added before looking at the watch, “I’ll be off now, don’t keep us waiting, agent Kennedy.” She pats Leon’s shoulder and walk off.
“Don’t cause trouble, okay?”
“I’m not a little girl, Leon.”
“I know,” Leon shuffles your hair and look down at you, “training room at the second floor, third door. There’s a bunch of equipment there too.” Leon added, “I’ll be off now.” You nodded and waved him goodbye as you made your way to the elevator and press the third floor button.
You found the room, full of equipment, either weapons or anything to train on. It’s like half of a gym, you packed some extra clothes just incase you get too much sweaty as you train.
Remembering past lessons as you get on with it, taking off your top and revealing your sport bra—you hope no one sees you. It’ll be embarrassing for you if someone barged in as you train and workout, right?
You put on your knuckle sleeve where you beg keeps dropping hints to your father to buy you one, it took a while but at least he finally got the hint and bought you three pairs of it.
You walk to the punching bag, taking a couple of deep breaths—tying your hair up into a messy bun, giving a hit for a couple few times until anger built within you, as if the fire finally receive the fuel to burn. Your hatred and how you almost put yourself in danger because of how unaware you are and how oblivious you can be. You hated people who take other people for granted, knowing that most of them are men.
You imagine the punching bag as the guy who put fucking drugs into your cocktail, you didn’t lie when you texted Leon that you’re just drinking cocktails and never an alcohol because you would want yourself to be sober than be a wasted fool, pass out then people would take advantage on your passed out form where you are fucking vulnerable.
Fingers starts to hurt, hands becoming numb, an aching feeling in your heart—you image what would happen if Leon didn’t really made it in time, you’d be harass, kidnap or worse. Tears starts to form in your eyes, your hands red from all the strike you put your energy to. Even the knuckle pads weren’t enough to bruising your hand.
Each strike was hit by anger, despair, the pain it caused you—the trauma you gain and an experience that you wouldn’t forget as it was craved at the back of your head.
You screamed at it and give it a final blow, causing it to break and get thrown at the ground as it can’t hold the impact of every punch you gave it, tears were already slipping to your cheeks—sobbing and shaking. Looking at your hands, red and bruised. You ignored the pain, probably because you’re punishing yourself for it.
You don’t know what to do since you broke their punching bag, you don’t know how much it cost and you’d be damn if you talk to your father to replace their punching bag. You got to carried away, and you can’t blame yourself when you got too much thoughts and anger to let out.
Leon was at the door, watching you punish yourself—beating the shit out of the punching bag until it breaks and pour floor with sands. Meetings just ended and he went straight to this room to look for you.
He walk towards you, taking off his tie and putting it on the side, “hey.” He called, you heard his voice and turn around to see him, “I broke the…” you mutter, looking down at the ground as you feel ashamed to yourself for breaking something that clearly doesn’t belong to you. Leon nodded, walking up to your vulnerable figure, you fidgeting your fingers as he puts both of his hands to your shoulder. Making you shudder how cold his hands were, probably the AC was on when the meeting started.
“I’ll replace it, didn’t I say that you’re my responsibility?” Leon assured and wipe the tear off that fell down from your cheek, “say, let me help you train, yeah?” he suggested, his hands retreating and going to the opposite side. “You strike, I do defense. Let me see how well you train yourself to fight.”
You nodded to his words and chuckle, you never thought your father also hired a fucking mentor. “What’s so funny, princess? Come on, get on your fighting stance.” Leon spoke, lighting up the room, to lift your sadness and sorrows and help you improve your fighting skill—so if ever Leon wasn’t around, you’d buy him time to get to your aid when you’re in danger.
You strike, he blocks your attack with his forearm. “again,” Leon command, you hit again—giving your best hit to his forearm, “come on,” he chuckle and hit you lightly which caught you off guard, “hey! You said you’ll only do defense.” You frown, he smirk and stood straight—rolling up his sleeve to show his muscles.
“I mean, where’s the thrill in that?” you rolled your eyes at his words and charged at him, lifting your leg up and trying your best to beat him to the floor.
This turned into a play fight, which got Rebecca, Claire, and Chris curious and just watched—they feel like they’re watching two cats fighting since you’re the one throwing a fit to Leon and he’s just enabling you to fight him and make him get on his ground.
It was tiring, but you learn so much from him. You were having fun, but at the same time Leon is trying to piss you off to let out your steam of anger. You quickly learn to get which move he’ll make and you change your fighting pace.
Which finally got you on top of him as he finally was defeated to the ground, making you yelp in victory. “I got you!” you yelp, panting—chest rising up and down as Leon’s hair was a mess and full of sweat.
A whistle was heard from the door, “so much sexual tension.” Luis said before running off because Rebecca would hit him with a file in her hand, Claire backed off quickly and motion the others to leave the room.
You felt embarrassed as crimson rise from your cheeks and ears, you feel yourself pulsing. You sat on his hard abs, not to his pants or else you would’ve feel the boner that Leon has. “Get up, princess. Don’t get use to this.”
You nodded and got off of him, helping him up as both of you were covered in sweat. Leon’s polo felt tight and so is the confinement of his pants. “there’s the door to the changing room.” Leon points behind you, you turn to see as he approach your bag and hand it to you.
“go change, I’ll take you home.”
You follow his words and got change to an oversize sweater and a baggy pants, you fresh up and put on some perfume so that your father wouldn’t question the sweat that you had with Leon when he trained with you.
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You got home, got greeted by the servants again. Leon chuckle at what he thought is a tradition of this household, you called out for your parents to let them know you’re home, “Father, we’re back!” you called, but no response. You got to the stairs and called out again, “Father!”
Someone cleared their throat loudly to capture your attention, “your father and mother went out of country for official business.” The butler said, “where to?” you asked, jogging down and meeting him face to face, “I do not know, he just told me to inform you that they will be out for a while.” You nodded and mouth “thank you.”
So… you have the house to yourself. Great! You could do anything you want, dress how you want and be whoever you want. No parents to tell you what to do, tell you how to act and you could do shit without getting scolded. But one problem, Leon’s still here.
“Don’t get too excited, princess.” He said, walking up behind you—he leans and whispered to your ear, “you know I’m still here, hm?” he tilts his head, his lips dangerously close to your ear.
“You can shoo now!” you exclaim, turning around to push him away, “after all this time, you still push me away? You wound me…” you squint at him and hit him a couple of times, but you stomp on his foot which got him pissed.
“Listen here, doll.” You yelp when he growls and start chasing you, “you better run,” you could hear him chuckle and smile with amusement. You shut every door that you go but he ended up bursting through them and chasing you.
He’s having fun, but you feel your heart race.
You went to your room and hid under your bed, calm your breath and wait for him to barge in and find you. He came in, you see his shoe taking every step, you felt the excitement of this little cat and mouse chasing game but you also feel the suspense.
“come on out, sweetheart.” He spoke softly, his voice deep and luring. “Come on, you still push me away?” he teases, he finds amusement to your little playfulness.
You give out a breathy giggle and lift your feet a little to give a little small light stomp, not until you feel hands on your ankle—you screamed as you got pulled out, got manhandled, as you flop to bed with your back on the softness of your bed.
“let go!” you whine and giggle, “you like this?” he asked, struggling to catch your wrist until he puts them up your head and his nose buried to the crook of your neck. Inhaling your scent once again, you feel ticklish and his hip separating your legs, making them wide apart.
“Leon, stop! You’re tickling me. Stop poking your gun.”
He chuckle and place soft kisses to your neck as he whispers, “that’s not a gun, I don’t have it with me.”
Your heart drop.
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