#i honestly loved this shorter formatting
impactedfates · 10 months
hehhaharhar i so totally not deprived of father figure! genshin men with kidnapped child reader? pls pls 💓💓💓any man is fine but perferably the tall ones ☝
★ A/N: Yeah sure you aren't...anyways, yep I got you covered with this request :))
☆ Genre/Trope: Platonic + Familial
★ Format: HeadCannons (Characters Included (Separate): Diluc, Zhongli, Kaeya, Childe, Kaveh)
☆ Warnings: Mentions and hints of kidnapping // Mentions of death (In Diluc and Childes) // Spoilers for the Liyue Archon quest if you have not done it yet // Mentions of going to the hospital (Kavehs)
★ Extra: Reader is adopted in Zhonglis one // Reader is shorter then most characters (They're about 6-7 age wise) // Reader has no vision // Reader is ofc NOT traveler
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For whatever reason I can see it being a Fatui that kidnapped you. Perhaps to get payback for the massacre Diluc caused back in Snenznaya. Whatever the reason, once Diluc finds out you’re gone and it was because of the Fatui? Oh he’s more then pissed.
If they wanted to upset him, they succeeded. Perhaps too successfully as when he finally finds you, most of the Fatui that’s been there to ensure you don’t escape has been soaking in a pool of their own blood. He of course won’t hurt anyone violently if you’re in the room, but he will knock the other people in there out. He’ll pick you up and hide your face in his chest as he calmly walks out.
When you are back home, he’ll take a few days off work to ensure you’re okay after what happened, and maybe if it comes to it he may actually ask some of the Knights of Favonius for help as well.
Honestly whether or not he actually hurt anyone is up to you, however I do think that when it comes to family, he isn't that hesitant to be a bit more violent then usual.
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Getting adopted and having your father being the ex-archon of Liyue had it's ups and downs, especially as you witnessed your father continuously forget his wallet, however never have you thought you'd get kidnapped.
You weren't sure why though, Zhongli had kept his identity a secret and the only ones knowing were other Archons and the traveler as far as you knew plus Zhongli in his "mortal" form isn't that much of an important figure to others, nor is he famous. Yet here you were, treasure hoarders surrounding you.
Meanwhile, Zhongli was panicking wondering where you went. One second you were close behind him, the next you were gone. So he quickly called upon some of the adeptus to search for you and thankfully, you also had the privilege to call upon Xiaos name and he'll come right to your side. Whatever happened to the treasure hoarders?
You're not sure, Xiao simply teleported you away and right into your fathers arms as he held you tight before disappearing into the green mist once again. Zhongli checks all over you to ensure you aren't hurt. After that day, he's sure to always have an eye on you and when he cannot. An adeptus will look out for you from afar.
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Being a Knight, and a captain in fact. Kaeya definitely encountered people wanting to push his cool persona over the edge. It's part of the reason why he's a bit hesitant on growing closer to certain loved ones.
He's afraid of loosing them, so when he lost you. He did not take it well, despite his cool demeanour when he ordered some knights to go search for you, people like Jean and his brother Diluc were quick to see he was in a state of panic, Jean even offered to take over the search so Kaeya could relax but he didn't want too. He had to find you safe and sound, even if that meant he had to get hurt.
When you are finally found, he's quick to take whoever's responsible away and have Jean deal with them properly as he himself brings you to Barbara who checks for injuries you may have sustained. He's by your side at all times and may even be hesitant to leave your side.
Even though Jean likely did give him some time off to spend time with you and for him to cool down after what happened, he's still unwilling to leave you alone, even with another babysitter. He does reluctantly agree when his older brother offers to take care of you. He knows Diluc is strong and will be able to protect you. (Better than Diluc protecting him anyways)
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Whoever kidnapped you must have a death wish or something...
Of course it's easy to see why someone were to kidnap you. I mean, being the kid of not only the fatui, but a harbinger. It's clear why someone tried to kidnap Tartaglia's kid but...it's not smart either.
The Fatui have a large amount of people working for them, and most aren't afraid to attack. And due to the fact Childe is a harbinger, it's easy for him to get people to find you as soon as he knows of your disappearance and when you are found, he asks his subordinates to take you back to his house where his family will look after you whilst Childe *cough cough* uh...deals with the perps responsible.
He'll come back soon, cleaned up but faintly smelling of blood and double checks to see you're okay. Now he does go back to work faster then anyone else, this is mainly because I don't think he'll really be allowed time off, however he does have some subordinates keep an eye on you from afar.
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Oh archons, he is p a n i c k i n g. Once Kaveh finds out you've been kidnapped he's so worried, it takes Alhaitham to actually shake him to get him to finally focus on finding you. Unfortunately unlike the others listed in this post so far, he cannot easily go looking for you himself. However being friends with Cyno does mean you have the General of the Mahamatra looking for you and he is good at his job.
It may take awhile but eventually Cyno does find you, and after dealing with the kidnappers and arresting them. Takes you to the Sumeru hospital (they have one right?) to get healed as he tells Kaveh that you've been found.
Kaveh stays by your side no matter what, he'll sleep on the damn floor of the hospital if he has too, he doesn't even leave you once you're discharged from it either. He feels so guilty about what happened and blames himself so he tries his best to make more time with you. Even if this means his debts may increase, he just wants to spend as much time with you as possible encase this happens again.
And hey, Alhaitham may be kind enough to dismiss Kavehs missed rent payment that month.
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Weehee. I actually enjoyed writing this :D However next time please make sure to check to see if my requests are open before sending one in, in any case I hope you liked this <33
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maybank-archives · 1 year
jj and cuddling just go perfect together !! I would love if you can write something about that ☺️
comfort - jj maybank
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warning: none
words count: 0.3k
author's notes: this request rented a condo in my mind cause I thought of so many cute scenarios that now, my docs are full of unfinished drafts! sorry that this is shorter than usual, let me know what y'all think of this format! anyway, hope you liked it!
JJ and Y/N found a spot on the beach, they grabbed a bunch of blankets and pillows. With lots of laughs and a bit of chaos, they managed to put together a cozy fort by draping the blankets over a wooden structure loaded with pillows.
Once they got inside, it was like their own little hideout. They squeezed onto the pillows, giggling as they tried to get comfy. JJ threw an arm around Y/N, pulling her close. They talked about random stuff – their fave memories, silly dreams, and even argued about the best way to eat a PBJ.
As the sun started to dip, they watched the birds flying over the waves. They hung out there, cuddling into each other’s arms.
"This feels so perfect, right?" Y/N said, letting out a contented sigh.
JJ nuzzled her hair and planted a kiss on the top of her head. "It’s like living in slow motion."
Y/N chuckled softly at his comparison. "Honestly, I could stay here forever, all wrapped up in your arms, just watching the ocean."
"I wouldn’t mind spending forever like this," JJ grinned.
"Yeah, right. But what about food? You'd barely last a day," Y/N teased.
"Fine, maybe we’ll stash some goodies nearby, just in case," JJ joked. "But let's be real, you'd go crazy without your snacks, lady."
"Ugh, you know me too well. I'd totally go nuts for some Sour Patch," Y/N giggled.
JJ gave her forehead a kiss. "I've had some practice, you know?"
With the calming sound of the waves in the background, Y/N looked up at him, her eyes sparkling with affection.
"I love you," Y/N whispered.
"I love you too, Y/N, way more than you can imagine," JJ’s fingers found Y/N’s, and their hands intertwined as they stared into each other’s eyes. JJ pressed his lips against hers. The kiss was sweet, their lips moving together in a soft and intimate dance.
As they pulled apart, JJ pulled Y/N closer. His fingers lazily traced circles on Y/N’s arm as she rested her head against his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. 
They watched the stars pop out one by one in the darkening sky, sharing hushed talks and stolen kisses. As the night grew deeper, they wrapped themselves in a shared blanket, holding each other tight.
© maybank-archives 2023 — no one has permission to copy or translate any of my works, if you see any of my work being reproduced in another platform please contact me! :)
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askfallenroyalty · 13 days
important post
hey so I've been doing some heavy thoughts on Fallen Royalty. I've realized I didn't really treat this as a proper reboot as I only really treated it that way from Ch2, after I dropped the ask format.
Firstly, I want to say I'll be doing massive edits/additions to chapter 1 to remove the ask format. I'm unsure if I'll adapt the sidestories as visual novels or massively edit Baker's Trouble.
So I'm going to be talking about an alternative choice I want to make, but for clarity both are going to take a major effort from me.
Like, really analyzing and thinking about this story I'd do some things different. Mainly: I'd love to see a version where Frisk and Chara share a SOUL and where Asriel isn't a teen right away. I'd love to allow the story got to breathe and focus on the premise more than jumping to bigger plot points.
Fallen Royalty is the story of what it's like to return from the dead and living with the consequences of that. I feel that gets lost in the larger plot that happened because, well, franky 6 years ago I thought it'd be cool.
Like, honestly, I think Chapter 3 does a good job dealing with things where they're at. I love it, it's thrilling, mysterious and fun. It's a good story in my eyes and I'm excited for it. And even with some structural changes, I can't see chapter 3 being much different as it revolves so heavily on the Fallen kids who I don't want to change.
But ultimately, and I think this is important, a Real Reboot would also theoretically be much smaller in scope. Having the Deltarune Darkworld chapter, as the story stands, is necessary. With this reboot I could easily change the foundation to make the story less ambitious in scope creep.
Im unsure what to do. I have so many options!!! Regardless of the choice I end up with, I'll be making this story I want to.
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imsobadatnicknames2 · 2 years
Sort of a Pet Peeve I tend to have with something that people in the indie TTRPG community do sometimes:
I LOVE one-page RPGs, but I often notice a lot of people tend to recommend them to folks who are just starting out with RPGs, or to folks with no TTRPG experience outside of D&D to convince them that branching out of D&D doesn’t have to be a massive investment of money and time, but honestly I think in msot cases one-page RPG are not a particularly good starting point to start exploring the medium. 
And like... I get the logic of recommending them because shorter = easier and less intimidating to get through, and the rhetorical utility of being able to take a D&D-only gamer who keeps insisting that playing another system would be too costly and take too long and be like “NO LOOK NOT EVERY RPG IS THREE BOOKS LONG AND COSTS 90 DOLLARS SOME LITERALLY FIT IN A SINGLE PAGE LOOK!”, but I think that one-page RPGs function best when all (or at least SOME) of the people participating are already familiar with the medium and have some prior experience with more mechanically complex systems, and the reason they are able to be that minimal and short in the first place is because they sorta piggyback off of a lot of intuitive knowledge that they assume from the players and gm (if there is one).
Gonna be speaking primarily from the point of view as a GM because that’s mainly what I am, so sorry if I sorta neglect GMless games or solo journaling games or stuff like that here. Most one page RPGs that follow the traditional format of “group of players + GM” tend to be like. A few short steps for character creation, a simple core resolution mechanic, a description of the flow of the game, and usually nothing (or very very little) in terms of GM tools (at best a few GM principles and a couple of random oracles/tables). And like. Yeah, that’s more than enough to run and play a game, but IMO it’s probably not enough FOR A GROUP OF NEWBIES to run and play a game, because this level of extreme abstraction and mechanical minimalism it’s not inherently more newbie-friendly than the other extreme of high-crunch mechanical density. 
The way I conceptualize mechanics, they are a tool to delegate decisions and rulings from the players and GM to the game system. Like, some games have HP so that the GM doesn’t have to decide and rule through pure narrative and logic how much violence everyone involved in a combat is able to withstand, etc. So like, obviously, less mechanics means the game takes less time to read, learn and remember, but there also comes a point where less mechanics means more specific, situational decisions piled onto the GM (or in case of GMless games, spread among the players) to attempt to rule fairly, consistently, and satisfyingly, and being able to make this kind of ruling is a skill that takes practice to develop. If you hand me a piece of paper that says the typical “The GM describes the situation, the players describe how they react and what actions they take, the GM describes how the situation changes in response. When the outcome of the players’ actions is uncertain or there are interesting consequences for failure, then [insert core resolution mechanic here]” I would probably be able to run a game off of that combined with my current GM skills, but if you had handed me that when I was just stating to dip my toe into RPGs, I would have probably be almost as intimidated as I’d have been if you handed me something dense and rules-heavy like Shadowrun.
Just some thoughts, idk. 
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axolotlwrites · 1 month
Good Puppy
Sub!Sam x M!Reader
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It started with that innocuous little title… “golden retriever”.
Hey. It's been a bit, and I'm sorry it took so long, but I'm back. Again.
Here's a shorter little... drabble, I think you'd call it. Love y'all, and I'll see you with more stuff later.
P.S. Formatted on mobile, so I'm sorry if it's janky and weird
CW: deepthroating, oral sex, pet play, leash and collar play, "good boy", choking and gagging
It's funny, really. How all this ended up happening. How your blonde haired little “golden retriever” boyfriend ended up with his lips around your cock, a collar around his neck, moaning and whimpering as he bobbed, drool and spit slathered across his mouth.
It started with that innocuous little title… “golden retriever”.
Sam always giggled at the mention of it. He liked it, obviously, and it fit. He was always so energetic, playful, and nice.
And then, one night, during a jam session with his friends, you called him a good boy just to tease him.
He took it with stride, honestly. You'd expected him to crawl up in a blushing, giggling, little mess right on his bedroom floor but he laughed it off, a small blush running along his cute face. Afterwards, though?
He'd made an effort to show you just how much he loved the name.
So, it became an ongoing thing. Whenever you and him needed a signal to… get going and have your own little party, it'd be brought up.
Then, earlier tonight, you'd found a little secret he'd been hiding away in the closet. A black leather collar, with gold clasps and metal and such, complete with a leash.
And that's how he ended up on his knees at the foot of the bed, going down on you harder and faster than he ever had before, aided by your hand in his silky blonde hair and the leash wrapped around your other, pulling him down onto your cock.
“Such a good pup, baby. You've always wanted this, haven't you? To be my good little puppy?” You said it with that domineering, almost condescending tone reserved for moments of utter domination like this. And God, the way he whimpered as he slobbered all over your shaft. A sure, sloppy sign of affirmation.
This was always what he wanted, even if he didn't know it at the time.
Sam gagged on you, hard, his throat tightening around you as you moaned out into the air. “Good pet. Such a good puppy.” Your voice was wavering under the pleasure he was giving you. Yoba, his mouth felt amazing. His tongue was flat on the underside of your shaft, practically hugging you as he looked up with that half-lidded cock-drunk look in his eye.
He was trying so hard to please you, and it was paying off. “Gonna cum down your throat, pup. Fuck, you’re so good for me…” Your voice trailed off into moans and gasps, as you gripped his hair a little tighter, pulled the leash a little bit harder, and thrust your hips against his face a little faster.
Sam’s tongue felt amazing on your cock, and it was hard to get enough. You could barely think, your mind blurring into a haze as the hand in his hair started to push him down against your crotch. You were practically fucking his face now, if you weren’t before. “Be good for me and swallow it all, okay? Be good for me. So good…” You were leaning over him now, bucking your hips against his face, wild grunts and groans escaping your throat. You could hear the way his hands pumped around his own length, slick with precum and anticipation.
His moans were what really drove you over the edge. The way his tongue and mouth vibrated, deep and guttural around your dick as he voiced his own pleasure had your skin running wild. You couldn’t hold it anymore, your body shaking as you pulled the leash taut, choking him further as you forced him, albeit very willingly, to deepthroat you. What felt like gallons of strings of thick, sticky, hot cum spilled down his throat, as he spurted his own seed onto the floor. You held him there for a good couple seconds, letting him swallow, feeling those last little bits of undulation and pleasure you can get him to muster, before finally letting the leash go slack.
Sam pulls his mouth off you, coughing a little and sputtering as he recollects himself, leaning his head against your thigh. In between small coughing fits and catching his breath, he looks up at you. “Did… Did I do good?” You nod, hand gently carding through his hair, your dick softening as you rest back on your elbows. “Yeah. You were amazing for me, Sam. Perfect, even.”
You used what grip you had left on the leash to make him stand up, pulling him onto your lap. You slide your hand up to his neck, gently stroking the black leather of the collar. You let a finger slide into the ring on the front, pulling him closer as you unclipped the leash. “Wait, do you really wanna kiss me after I just-” You laughed, bringing your lips to rest just in front of his. “Sam, I do not give a fuck. Let me kiss you.” He smiled, that sort of gentle and genuine smile that brightens your day, and lets you pull him into it.
The kiss itself is gentle, passionate, short, and loving. He sits on your lap, gently moving as you place a hand behind his head and stroke his hair. As your lips finally part, he looks at you with an adorable smile. Your look, however, is of mischief. “Now… you’re gonna go clean your cum off the floor, and I’ll go get a bath ready.” He groans a little before stepping off your lap, still entirely naked, and grabs a towel.
As you walk past him to go get the bath ready, you stop next to him. He cranes his neck to look up at you, as you pat his head. You look him up and down, smiling gently. “Good boy.”
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urfrenfishy · 3 months
Do You Hear Marimbas?
A New Jersey Rats Short Story - M4A - Implied Masc Presenting Listener
I do not own these characters they are all made by the wicked @escapedaudios , this is a fan fiction of said characters :)
notes: this is my first time writing on tumblr please be nice idk how to format this shit, also this takes place a month after the new orlean rats
Intern breathed in, breathed out. This is meant to be fun, it’ll be fun...right?
It had been weeks since Jean and the brothers had told them about Stacy. It had been weeks since they and the brothers planned this. They had weeks of rehearsals. Alone.
Why was this so different? Jean and the brothers the only audience members and they rented out the whole fucking building! Jean won't care if they mess up, he wasn't even aware this was happening to begin with.
God, what were they thinking?! Oh yeah, let's put Intern on a stage in some fancy clothes and they'll sing all sexy for Jean! At a rented-out jazz club! They're sure that's exactly what Jean would like as an impromptu seven-month anniversary gift. A reminder of his ex.
God, they'll probably look so pathetic. Like really? Jazz singing just because his ex was a singer? Talk about insecurity.
But...wait no- this was never a jealousy thing. At least, they never wanted it to be. Well, maybe a little- but come on, you find out your lover's ex was a sexy jazz club singer, and he settled for an accounting intern who has about the same amount of social skills as a Batman villain. You'd feel a little insecure too.
So- no, they wouldn't say this was a jealousy thing, because they knew that Jean wouldn't leave them, or at least, wouldn't leave them over Stacy. They weren't worried about Stacy. Maybe...maybe they just wanted to prove they could be as...cool as she was? Yeah. Cool. They'll try their best.
"Aight Jean, sit right...there," Badaboom explained as he gripped Jean's shoulders.
"Guys- what's- what is going on right now? I mean, when you put a sack over my head and shoved me in the driver's seat of a car- only to make me drive. With the sack still on my head. Honestly, I don't even know how we survived the trip but- Anyway! What- what are we doing at a jazz club? And why-"
As Jean prattled on, Badabing sat him down, front row. And cut him off because Jesus Christ, Jean.
"Okay okay okay- Jean- Jeany boy, just- just chill out alright? You're gonna like this, we promise!"
The music started (a slightly pitched-up version of Michael Bublé's Sway) and Jean couldn't help but grunt a witty remark.
"You promising anything doesn't actually promise any-"
Then they walked out, he heard them even before he saw them. The click of heels against waxed tempered hardboard. As he turned his head, he felt time slow. They..He had never felt like this before. There was no way to describe it. He couldn’t believe they settled for him. 
At first, he only saw their shoes, he didn't realize they would be so close. Then their legs, god- their legs. Finally, he was able to meet their eyes, only to find they were already locked on his. They weren't wearing their glasses, could they even see him? Doesn't matter. The spotlight behind them, a halo. An angel.
Then they started to sing.
Jean wasn't even listening to the lyrics. Just them. Just their tone. Their cadence. Their eyes. God, he loved them so much.
As the first verse began, they lifted the mic off of its stand and started walking, never breaking their gaze. Jean had never seen them like this. Sure, they knew how to set a mood, and they were pretty charismatic when they wanted to be, but this. Their confidence. Even the way they walked- it was a strut, honestly.
He could feel Badabing staring at him with a shit-eating grin.
"Yeah you're definitely bi-cycleul or however you say it..."
Jean couldn't afford to look away so he just sort of.. whacked his hand around the shorter man's general vicinity to shut him up.
A music break. A moment to focus on the physical alone. And god knows there was a lot to focus on.
Where did they even get that outfit? Jean had never seen it before, did they buy it just for this? Well- yeah that would make sense they had enough money for a lifetime supply of new outfits if they wanted.
Their skin shined under the spotlight, so did their clothes, their hair. But somehow their eyes were always visible- never drowned out in beams.
And soon they were singing again.
"Other dancers may be on the floor,"
Every sway and footstep was a dance. Jean couldn't even imagine how much time they put into this.
"Dear, but my eyes will see only you,"
They stared at him, into him. They reached their hand out to him and it took everything for him not to reach back, he could even feel his hand starting to rise all on its own.
"Only you have that magic technique,"
They receded their hand, twisting the mic back onto its stand and jutting it beside them as if it were their dance partner.
"When we sway, I go weak."
Their knees bent and the mic was dipped, their eyes shut as they held the note, and their eyebrows curled upwards; they almost looked sad. It was beautiful. Jean wasn't ashamed to say he was pretty envious of the mic at that moment.
As they seamlessly transitioned from lyric to lyric, Jean was positively awed. How could they sing a line so- so...seductively? Then immediately jump to the next lyric like it didn't even happen! It was like magic. Hypnosis.
The last chorus, the last verse. Jean didn't think he would survive.
Each note just kept climbing higher, he didn't know they had a range like...like this. Sure, he had heard them singing in the shower occasionally, or in the kitchen when they thought he couldn't hear but...never like this.
They held onto the mic and reached down to Jean, their glove becoming God's hand, and Jean had become their Adam. If only Michelangelo could see humanity now.
The final note was held. Their head momentarily snapped to the left to briefly bend into the mic before it snapped back forward again. And the performance was over. Jesus. Christ.
They did it. They actually did it. Holy shit, they- they didn't think they'd actually be able to. Knowing their luck they would have tripped on a cord or had a voice crack so bad they'd permanently lose their voice or something but, no they- they really did it!
Sure they probably strained some notes at the end there, and they were so sweaty. Those lights were so hot. They hoped it didn't show. Jean was still staring. Did he like it? He looked like he liked it, but- you can never tell can you?
They were breathing so heavily. This outfit felt so heavy. They really hoped he liked it. They just kept their eyes on him.
Clapping. Oh- The brothers were clapping. Cheering even. And Jean followed. He stood up, cupping his mouth and practically yelling in support. He was always so supportive.
Jean ran up to the edge of the stage as they walked to him. He practically jumped them as he helped them off the edge. Just as their shoes grazed the floor, Jean's arms were already around them.
"Sweetheart that was- I- I don't even have the words-"
They laughed, and he laughed with them. They were so relieved. He didn't think it was weird.
"I'm...I'm just glad you liked it," They rested their hand on his chest, his heart was pounding.
"Liked it? Of course, I liked it, you- you were...I mean- you were fucking gorgeous," His voice grew quiet as his forehead rested on theirs. They loved it when he did this. They felt so close.
They felt even closer when he kissed them. Definitely closer then.
"Alright lovebirds, cut it out, don't make us singles feel too homicidal," Badabing blurted as he shoved his hands in his pockets.
"I don't know, I 'tink it's sweet," His taller brother defended.
"Well, no one asked you, did they?"
Intern always was amazed how those two could turn anything into an argument. The 'lovebirds' chuckled to each other at the sight. Then they felt him tugging on their hand. They turned, he was pulling them towards the stage.
As they walked, the intern gripped his hand tightly and whispered, almost overtaken by the noise of the brothers.
"What are you doing?"
Jean smiled and turned his head to them as they both walked up the steps of the stage, "Taking us backstage."
Oh? Backstage? Alone? Well damn, they thought they performed well but not that well, but they're not complaining.
As soon as the two of them got into the wings, the intern was met with another kiss, a deeper kiss than before.
"Baby- Do- are we really gonna do this here? I mean Badabing and-"
Jean cut them off. His hands gripped their arms.
"You didn't do this because of Stacy right?"
And just like that. Mood, gone. Jean had an unparalleled ability to do that. Intern probably wasn't much better. It took them a second to respond.
"That's...a good question actually, I don't...think so?"
He stared at them, his lips pursed.
"You don't...think.. so?"
"Well- I- Okay it's not- I'm not jealous. I swear to god I'm not. I just...I don't know- I guess- I guess I just wanted to prove myself," They looked down, smiling at the stupidity of it all.
He tilted his head in confusion and inched closer.
"Prove yourself of what?"
"To prove to myself that I'm worthy of you?"
Jean sighed, managing a sad smile. His hands slid from their arms to their back, pulling them towards him. A hug. He breathed in the scent of their hair and they breathed in the scent of his shirt.
"You don't have to prove anything, honey, you've already got me," Jean comforted while he rubbed their back.
"I know," They dug their fingers into his shirt, the fabric felt cool compared to how high their body temperature was.
He slid his hands down and hugged their waist and began to shift his weight back and forth. Soon, so did they. Swaying.
Jean kissed the top of their head.
"I love you so much."
They smiled into the crook of his neck, he felt it.
"I love you too." 
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vrisrezis · 2 years
General waluigi relationship hcs because nobody will write for my man’s . Don’t judge me for this one
Also I haven’t done this formate for writing in so longggg
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MY MANNNSSS waluigi !!
• He may seem like a jerk to others but to you he’s the absolute sweetest dork of all time☹️☹️☹️☹️❤️❤️ like I swear whenever your around he’s got nothing up his sleeve he is on his best behavior and wario is just like 😐 bro u are down so bad .
• also he’s a blushy dork whenever you’re around especially if he does a nice gesture and your like “omg ur so sweet! ^_^” he dies inside he just gives you a stupid toothy smile he cannot handle that shit his face is pure red
• SMOOCHIES!!! Listen he’s too shy to initiate believe it or not… so whenever you do.. OMGGGG he dies and he loves smooches on the cheek so much
• when it comes to sports he goes easy on you and wario wants him dead for being the reason they lost a tennis match
• silly goof of course he gives you flowers … ROSES . OF COURSE
• but if you give him roses he would die on the inside he’s just like “… nobody’s given me flowers b4 wtf” his heart explodes!!!
• don’t get that I can fix him mentality tho . He is who he is even if he tries to hide it from you, you’ll know eventually.
• he’s not that bad tho let’s be honest 🤷‍♀️
• he is a bit shy in your relationship but at the same time a big flirt, he’s all talk but no action, pretty much.
• he worries abt u a lot he’s such a dad ok . Don’t let him catch you without a scarf when it’s snowing outside
• fashion icon ok if you two are dating you guys are wearing matching outfits when it comes to tennis and any other sport you guys play with everyone else
• I hc that he’s Puerto Rican so he probably says romantic shit in Spanish to you LMFAO
• you may think he’s the one carrying you bridal style but really it’s the other way around and he may act like he hates it but he loves it so :)
• also might I add that he loves sleeping on your lap, anyway possible
• likes shorter s/o’s but wouldn’t mind it if you were taller
• not the hero type but lets just say if bowser were to ever mess with you… oh boy not good he’ll fuck up bowser so badly
• likes to share hoodies with you because he thinks you look cute in his and he looks adorable in hoodies so it’s a win win
• loves them innocent neck kisses :))
• one smooch will make him feel better when he’s angry or upset
• also a sap he’s the type to stare at you with love in his eyes with a stupid warm smile on his face and the type to just be in awe when the wind is blowing your hair just right and time slows down for him when you kiss and blah blah blah he’s a dork
• although he comes across as confident I see waluigi being insecure in a relationship as it’s not something he’s used to at all.
• he gets jealous of Luigi a lot I’m just gonna say it lmao
• but honestly just kiss him and make it better , maybe have a talk about it
• likes to slow dance with you AGRUSBXKNS he’s so cute
• also he’s on the trans hc list for me so he helps you out if youre trans lol
• body positivity for you both ayyy totally not because I get literally nightmares about my body no not at all no this is not me projecting cuz I love waluigi
• cosplaying eachothers outfits
• he hates playing Mario party now because you kick his ass LMFAO
• likes to spin you around, also likes to be spun around. Idk cute romantic shit what can I say
• big on stupid one liners he can use on you, he is such a loser
• loves to tease you but it’s all in good fun and jokes lol
• overall waluigi is a dorkkkk imo <3 love him
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cookii-moon · 10 months
Okay so before I mentioned the emoticon visors as a half joke but TBH I think prime empire needs more love
Like. Does it have flaws? Sure, the final fight may have been rushed (I don’t see it tbh but to each their own) and the skybound style elimination format means some of the characters (COLEEEEEE) get fake out death-ed and don’t really show up for the rest of the season, or Jay not getting a lot of character development
But also I think Prime empire is just fun.
Like. It’s just. It’s just fun to watch.
The colors and designs in Prime Empire are amazing and super pretty, the shorter episodes means it doesn’t take too much time, and it’s full of gems like the detective Zane episode, Okino, etc.
I dunno something about prime empire is so simple but just really fun to watch. You don’t NEED to think about any sort of lore or messaging or anything, just enjoy the silly ninjas driving cars in a pretty video game world.
Prime empire is honestly one of my favorite seasons, and part of it is because it’s just really fun to go back and watch it. I don’t need to care about any sort of overarching lore implications or character arcs, I can just turn my brain off and have fun. And it’s not shallow, either - there’s some really good parts in the story like Okino, Racer Seven, the Detective Zane episodes or Milton Dyer and his attitude towards robots eventually evolving and resulting in him reconciling with Unagami. It’s fun to watch but it also does have some amount of depth to the characters and story.
I dunno I think it’s a fun season with some nice stories in it and I think it should get more love because it’s always sort of overlooked.
…Except for Jay fans they’re obsessed with prime empire and sky bound
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bunnys-kisses · 26 days
Oh my gosh, that mafia!Esteban was brilliant.
It was extremely well written, fascinating and dare I say, delectable.
I don't read loads for Esteban but probably because there isn't loads for him. But that was just brilliant. Thank you so much for blessing us with that masterpiece
I'm obsessed and I love it (and you) x
ahh!! thank you so much! while i am not shifting more to this smaller format (i am still a lover of long fics), it's sometimes nice to do something a little shorter and sweeter! for a busy reader on the go! so i'm glad that this attempt at shorter work is liked! just to add something different to the fold!
i wanted to write more mafia au (i am have other aus in my lil brain) and i picked randomly from a wheel who to do it for and i got our lovely estaban. i'm honestly surprised there isn't more fan fics of him! i guess the tags have a lot of hamilton, verstappen and norris. so maybe i should get a little more adventitious with my drivers, give everyone a lil love!
but thank you for the warm words, this made my day! <3
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impactedfates · 10 months
hii hellos pls yanqing and jing yuan hcs 🫶🏻
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★ A/N: Yanqing and JY best Father Son Duo!
☆ Genre/Trope: Platonic + Familial
★ Format: HeadCannons
☆ Warnings: None
★ Extra: Most are just general HCs so reader is not stated too much // 10 HCs each // Not fully proof-read // Jing Yuan has some Romantic HCs with reader // Yanqing has some Platonic HCs with reader
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He has photos of the HCQT in his room. A picture of each individual one and one with the whole group. He refuses to move them or sell them.
He knows Dan Heng isn't Dan Feng but seeing an old friend not remember you and bascially be someone different hurts him. He knows he shouldn't see DH as DF as he wants to listen to DHs wishes but his heart cannot forget the connection. He's trying his best though.
Once broke a hairbrush with how untidy his hair is. Like, the hairdresser was casually brushing it when suddenly the brush broke. JY paid for the damages ofc.
We all knew this, but bro's a Disney Princess. He attracts all kinds of animals and somehow, can understand them. If he had it his way his house would be overrun by all sorts of animals.
He would love to see his lover in his clothes if they were shorter then him. In fact, he'd purposefully leave out his clothes for you to take. If you don't, then he'll eventually outright ask for you to wear it.
If his partner was taller tho, then he'd love it as well. I mean, I doubt he meets many people taller then him. Just know you are now his personal pillow if he ever feels sleepy.
Loves when you run your fingers through his hair, even if it's tangled. He's used to it, so he'll be comforted even if you're trying your best not to tug and you end up doing so.
If you date him, now you have a child. No questions asked, Yanqing is your son now. I don't make the rules.
If you ever needed a day off work due to stress or what not, even if he himself cannot take the day off. Expect to be pampered none the less :> You have breakfast premade, gifts waiting for you and there's Mimi ready to give you rides around the house if you don't feel like getting up. And when he's home? Cuddles!
He loves staring at you, and is NOT ashamed by it. Who cares if you feel flustered or not? Or if people see or not? He wants to look at his lover and he will.
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Probably has attempted to steal JYs credit card once to buy more swords.
When that didn't work he opted to using puppy dog eyes which worked for a long while...until JY got used to it...looks like he'll need to find another way to get swords.
The type of guy who'll say he's not hungry then take your food.
Most definitely knows the history of each and every sword. (Well, most of the history)
His room was stored with so many swords that eventually there's now a room DEDICATED to the swords he gets. Now under moderation.
Cannot bake for the life of him, he tried once to bake treats once for the Cloud Knights to thank them for their work but more batter got on him then in the cupcake trays...
If you're introverted and don't like to talk, that's okay! He'll do the talking, and if you do talk as well. He'll listen and engage with what you say.
If you're more extroverted however, then you two can be outgoing together! I see him enjoying to go on runs and even going on races with his friends! So if you're up for that, then you two can race each other a lot :>
He loves getting compliments and loves giving compliments. If you do as well, then picture a battle with him but it's just who can give out the most compliments in a minute.
Once you two are close enough, he'll see you as a younger/older sibling to him. But he won't say anything.
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Teehee, honestly they're the best found family every in HSR dgriong
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Book Review 18 – Princess Floralinda and the Forty-Flight Tower by Tamsyn Muir
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This is the first in the giant pile of shorter books and novellas I’ve been powering through over the last three weeks to catch up with my extremely aspirational ‘read and review 60 books in 2023’ new years resolution. It’s also possibly the only thing longer than a short story I’ve listened to in audiobook format in, like, a decade? (and that was one of the Veronica Mars spinoff novels).
All to say I may have rushed this one a bit more than I should have to properly appreciate it, and definitely didn’t retain as much from listening to it as I would from reading it. So this is going to be shorter and probably sloppier than previous reviews.
And with all those disclaimers out of the way – this was such a fun fucking book.
The basic premise is that a witch has kidnapped a princess and locked her at the very top of her tower until a prince fights his way up forty floors of monsters (as is the done thing among witches). Unfortunately, this time the witch has rather outdone herself, and the diamond-scaled dragon she has to on the ground floor (putting the most expensive monster on the ground floor being the sort of artistic, avante-garde move this witch wanted to try) turns out to be really quite excellent at the job of prince-slaying. So it’s left to Princess Floralinda, with the variably voluntary help of a stranded fairy by the name of Cobweb, to fight her way all the way down the tower and free herself.
I’ve always really loved the whole fractured fairy tale genre when it’s done with the right sort of sense of humour, and Muir is just perfect at it. Dry and sardonic without ever really tipping all the way into meanspirtedness, and always playful and willing to indulge in a bit of absurdity. Listening to it as an audiobook really did help as well, I think – the narrator was just a delight, and had an amazing sense of timing and delivery for most of the jokes.
I know I say this about altogether too many things, but the whole novella honestly reminded me quite a lot of the old adventure games I played as a kid? Both the tone and just the fact that so many problems required the ruthless exploitation of the automatically regenerating bread, orange and water the witch had left Floralinda with. ‘Use bread knife and fire on curtain rod to make a spear you can use to fight the goblins with’ just very much seems like the sort of thing that would end up in a GameFAQs walkthrough, you know?
Speaking of ruthless exploitation – Cobweb and their interactions with Floralinda were just a delight. Honestly wish fewer words had been devoted to mechanically working their way down floors so we could get more on their dynamic developing. But then I’m a sucker for affection hidden behind sarcastic unpleasantness.
And they are both really truly unpleasant at times, in amusing sorts of ways. Floralinda’s whole arc takes her from sheltered passivity to something more active and terrifying, but it never exactly makes her likeable. Which, to be clear, is not a complaint. Quite the opposite, really. Muir really is excellent at writing spiky women.
Anyway yeah, not the most substantial read in the world, but incredibly fun time.
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meleth03 · 1 year
do you have haikyuu fanfic recommendations?
First of all, thanks for the question ❤️ (it’s actually the first one I get, so I’m feeling kinda nervous >.<)
I gotta say, it’s been a while since my Haikyuu era finished, so there might be some new fics I haven’t read but are actually really good. Also you didn’t specify the ship, so I’ll just go with the ones that I absolutely loved and ended up reading more than just a couple times… (this won’t be like a top ten though, cause honestly I wouldn’t know how to classify these masterpieces. They’re all perfect in their own way)
(I’m not sure how to do this, so sorry if I mess up with the links)
Sakuatsu (this is my main ship, so it’s probably gonna be just abt them):
“Play among the stars” by @/buttostuck (https://archiveofourown.org/works/34822336) Words:103,116                 Explicit
“Mechanical Hearts” by @/buttostuck (https://archiveofourown.org/works/35746831) Words:112,070                 Explicit
“The tide will turn” by @/morethanlines (https://archiveofourown.org/works/38313442) Words:80,826                   Explicit
“Three Sheets to the Wind” by @/fairycake (https://archiveofourown.org/works/33166132) Words:117,190                 Mature
“Insert Coin to Play” by @/fairycake (https://archiveofourown.org/works/35492335) Words:178,379                 Explicit
“Stick With You” by @/lettersinpetals (https://archiveofourown.org/works/27206239) Words:99,365                   Explicit
“A Liar’s Truth” by @/ internetpistol (orphan_account) (https://archiveofourown.org/works/27074200) Words:49,668                   Explicit
“Royal Negotiations” by @/WolfyWordWeaver (https://archiveofourown.org/works/36015190) Words:16,669                   Mature
Alright I think this is it… I mean, there’s a ton more, way shorter than these ones I’ve added, but I feel like these are the ones I would want all skts lover to give a try, cause they’re just *chef’s kiss*.
Again, thanks for the question and I hope I didn’t mess this up too much with the format and all :')
Have a good day ❤️
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starlitangels · 1 year
Hi. I have a useless and possibly worthless opinion
All the stories Erik is telling really only work in this format
Like, if these stories were all running concurrently as several book series all in the same universe, they'd be expensive a lot to try to keep track of
But imagine this: we get the stories of, say, Vincent, Sam, David, Asher, and Milo first in a book saga. We kinda understand how magic works, but it's hugely centered on vampires and shifters.
Also, for the sake of understanding, the listener characters are either not present or are real characters with names in their own right
Then we get the D.A.M.N. Fam storyline and we get to learn more about how magic works for Physically Intrinsic Magical Cores rather than the Physically Extrinsic Cores that vampires and shifters have. We learn more about empowered culture as a whole (especially with bridging) and get our introduction to d(a)emons for real, rather than offhanded comments from the characters we'd already had
Let's also say Guy is a short spin-off standalone book. Geordi is too. Ollie is only a side-character in the Ivan chapters of the D.A.M.N. Fam storyline. Aaron is mentioned, but never really seen
Then we get The Balance and Sovereign State and Carpe Deus. And Aaron gets a proper introduction as Elliott's older brother
Look me in the face and tell me that you wouldn't think at least one of these stories jumps the shark
Look at me and say, that after what would probably be years of Redactedverse books establishing the rules of the universe, that you would feasibly believe that it'd be possible for there to be another plane of existence (Death), or that it'd be possible for there to be people stuck in the Meridian
Without believing that he was running out of ideas and jumping the shark in order for the stakes to be higher than ever and the stories to be bigger than ever like when TV shows do that from season to season
They'd have to be running concurrently. So a set of TV shows like when Arrow and The Flash were running at the same time might work
But I honestly think for everything to stay believable, they have to be happening at the same time in shorter, episode format so that the rules of the universe feel flexible enough to allow for the whacky stories like The Balance and Sovereign State
Because if I was reading this as a book series and understood that the Meridian was just a magic quilt between Aria and Earth/Terra/Elegy and I read Sovereign State, I'd be like, "That doesn't work with established lore! Author, sir, I love the snarky demon main character but what are you doing?!"
But in this format, I was totally willing to accept it because it's all going on concurrently.
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dreaming-marchling · 7 months
fic writer meme
Thank you @smilebackwards for tagging me!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 33
2. What's your total Ao3 word count? 1,855,326 per my stats page - it's kind of wild!
3. What fandoms do you write for? My current two mains are Shadowhunters and Fast and Furious. I have in the past posted stories for Daredevil, Merlin, Harry Potter, Torchwood, The Defenders, Sherlock, Four Brothers and Suits. I have other fandoms I've started fics in but not finished/posted
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Day Forty Seven [7055] Set Free [4285] Marked in Trust [4132] Listen [3934] Four Centuries and Also Nineteen Years [3876]
5. Do you respond to comments? I respond to all comments while the story is in progress and then for probably a couple of months after it ends before I stop. Unless someone asks a specific question, then I always respond. I wish I could do all of them ever but life makes it hard.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I almost answered none of them before I remembered Addicted, which is about Brian and Dom hooking up during the first movie which I mostly wrote to prove to myself I could do smut. I'm pretty sure it ends with Brian realizing Mia (who he's supposed to be maybe getting together with as per the movie) heard them do that and Dom knew she would and from there Brian understanding that they're imploding even without him and the FBI.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Literally all the others, lol. I'm a happy ending girlie.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Yes, in the Shadowhunters fandom if I write Jace as a good parabatai. Occasionally for if I write Isabelle as a good sister or Clary as not a total piece of shit. Also sometimes if I write Alec in a way that suggests maybe Magnus isn't the greatest in the world who has suffered more than Alec ever will.
9. Do you write smut? Yes but I generally prefer the fade to black approach
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you have written? I've never written a crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of I don't think. I don't even know if I would want to know, like that would consume me in the worst way
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, but not as Marchling. All of the comments were telling me that the translator was changing things and it was a bad translation and the person doing it was getting really weird. It was just like a nightmare kind of so now I request no one translate my fics. I'm sure someone would do it better and I'm just being all oversensitive because I got burned once but I'd rather just not go down that road again.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, but also not as Marchling.
14. What's your all time favorite ship? I honestly don't think I have one, it really depends on my mood.
15. What is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Oh absolutely. I have a couple of Shadowhunters stories that I doubt will ever be finished because they just don't want to be written I think. I love the ideas but the ideas don't love me
16. What are your writing strengths? I think I write dialogue well. I try to make sure that I include some sort of realistic recovery even if the story is shorter. I like to experiment with formatting to help tell the story and I think it's generally effective
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I can't write drabbles. I am not good at action scenes. I don't do enough description.
18. Thoughts of writing dialogue in another language in fics? I've been corrected in the comments more than once, lol. I like to do the dialogue in another language but write the English in italics so even if I'm wrong everyone still knows what it was meant to be.
19. First fandom you wrote for? I was like 11 or 12 and I posted my first two stories at the same time. One for a fandom I won't name because they're still out there and it's small enough you could find them and I'd rather die. The other for Angel the TV series. I got more comments on the other fandom one and so I was embarrassed that the Angel one got way less and I deleted it lmao. Did I mention I was in middle school?
20. Favorite fic you have written? I am so proud of so many of my stories but I think the Marked in Trust series is always going to be just the tiniest bit extra special in my heart.
tagging literally anyone who wants to play
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spider-xan · 2 years
Honestly, I feel like there would be a lot less frustration with the Coppola film if it was completely irredeemable trash with zero good things going for it bc then we could just write it off as an awful film and laugh at it for what it is - but the fact that there are SO MANY great things about it that are worthy of praise, and we know Coppola generally isn't a bad filmmaker, is what makes it so frustrating, precisely it could have been an amazing high-budget film adaptation that was accurate to the novel and the indisputable definitive version, and then it swerved and made the framing and other choices that it did, with its specific vision superseding the actual text; and ofc there's the title issue of including Bram Stoker's name and implying a faithful adaptation, though I think Coppola tends to do that with straight book adaptations to credit the author, like how The Godfather's full title is actually Mario Puzo's The Godfather.
Like, the casting is amazing! Winona Ryder is perfect as Mina! Anthony Hopkins is inspired casting for Van Helsing! Even Keanu Reeves, with his questionable acting and accent, is at least cute as Jonathan, and his star power at the time makes sense for why he played the role. The costumes designed by Eiko Ishioka are honestly among the greatest film costumes ever, and she rightfully won the Best Costume Design Oscar that year! Love the liminal creepiness of Dracula's castle and how his shadow has a life of its own! Everything about the way the scene of Lucy entering her tomb as a vampire is filmed is sublime - the lighting, the cinematography, the camera angles, the eerily chilling on a visceral level music and sound design, the make up and costume, the way the candles supernaturally light themselves, etc. Quincey is actually included for once! Even some of the epistolary format is retained, with things like the log of the Demeter narrated over scenes on the ship, Mina typing on her typewriter, Jack recording on a phonograph, etc. There are honestly a lot of positive things that can be said about the film, and Coppola does know what he's doing on a technical level, along with the talented cast and crew.
And obviously, no adaptation is going to just copy the text exactly for various reasons, like film being an audio-visual medium with a shorter length than a novel, adaptations being filtered through the lens of their creators and reflective of the social milieu they are being created in, commercial box office considerations bc capitalism, etc., and I think being faithful to the spirit of the source material is more important than textual purity, and a lot of this is going to be subjective on the part of viewers as well. But yeah, it's like, personal preferences aside, the Coppola film just came SO CLOSE to being a film adaptation that's both accurate to the novel and incredible cinema at the same time, but then it made directing and screenwriting choices like Mina just being Dracula's love interest and having none of her heroic moments (all removed or given to the men), everyone being a total asshole, Dracula going back and forth in characterization bc the film can't decide if he's a sympathetic romantic hero who just wants true love or a scary monster villain who wants to take over England and eat people, and you kind of need the latter to drive the plot outside of the romance, etc.
We could have had it all, and that's what is so frustrating to me, along with how the film is so definitive that it gets projected back onto the original novel and just about anything Dracula.
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mrswhozeewhatsis · 11 months
Hey :) does anyone have a lpmg spn series fic to binge that you recommend?
Could be a Sam or Dean or Cas fic I don't mind
That could happen in the world of spn but it isn't a show rewrite
Thanks <3
I'm gonna make some assumptions, and if I'm wrong, you're gonna have to send me another ask to clarify. First, I'm guessing that lmpg is a typo and is meant to be long. Second, I'm assuming you're looking for reader inserts and not ship fics. Third, I'm going to assume that you are okay with poly fics, because I hate to choose just one member of TFW, and poly fics are all the bee's erogenous zones, not just the bee's knees. Finally, I'm pretty sure you want canon-compliant fics, not AUs. If any of these assumptions are wrong, send me another ask and I'll change my answers!
Looking for canon-compliant (or at least, world-compliant) epic tales with awesome reader-insert characters who fall in bed (and sometimes in love) with various members of Team Free Will, sometimes all of them. I'll start with my own masterlist because it's what I'm most familiar with. 🤣
Cracker Jack Prize - 87k words - My first ever piece of fiction, and it shows. Not a reader insert, but it reads like one (2nd person POV). Myka gets with everyone in this one! It's very Mary Sue, and it's formatted poorly on AO3, but it has my favorite Cas smut scene I ever wrote.
Oasis - 46k words - My answer to the question, "After Cas freaks out the hooker at the den of iniquity, how would YOU get him to relax and seduce him?" No Sam lovin' in this one, but some super hot Dean, and a threesome scene! (A little dubcon in one scene.)
A Woman of Letters (Getting a Feel For Sam Winchester) - 70k words - After Oasis, I needed some Sam lovin'. And some angst, apparently.
Third Wheel - 64k words - This comes closest to a series rewrite, as it closely follows season 6. I challenged myself to write a fuck ton of fucking. Soulless Sam helped. And then Dean got involved.
Those are all of my epic TFW fics. If you also like John, I've got two more epic tales involving him. Except for one AU fic (Priest!Cas with some Sam on the side - another long fic)), everything else in my masterlist is also canon-compliant, just shorter. 🤣
I tried to search my blog for fics, but discovered that I don't have a tag for series, sadly. So, I went through my AO3 bookmarks. Here are a couple fics from other folks:
Toil and Trouble by @littlegreenplasticsoldier - 70k words - Dean x Reader - It's Cat!Dean and a psychic connection. Need I say more? So much angst and pining and silly Dean as a cat. He knows how to weaponize his ability to lick his own butt. 🤣 (Honestly, just binge-read all of Ally's stuff. It's SO WORTH IT!!)
From The Wreckage by @sp-oops - 22k words - Destiel x reader - I love all of Sp-oops's Destiel x Reader stuff, and I wish there was more of it!!! Set in episode 12x01, with flashbacks to 11x23 and Dean going off to kill Amara.
Collared by @spnexploration - 40 chapters, so it's a long one - Dean x reader - A witch turned you into a mindless slave. Dean and Sam save you.
Tattered by @stusbunker - 11 chapters - Dean x reader, Sam x reader, A/B/O - So much angst!!! Adding the A/B/O world to canon stuff just makes it all so angsty!! And smutty!
I just went looking for Not Unless Sam Says by @spectaculacularsammy and discovered that both the writer and the fic are completely gone and I'm crushed. I'm off to go cry about how the world is a much worse place because of this loss. 😭😭😭
If I think of any others, I'll come back and add them, In the meantime, maybe someone else can add some? I know I'm forgetting some that are here on Tumblr because my brain is Swiss cheese.
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