#i hope my future girlfriend never reads this and finds me weird for liking a fictional lego woman
thatonethimbo · 2 years
a random nya x reader 'cause i'm gay as f-
The horizon stretched on and on, the cerulean blue of the ocean meeting the lazuli blue of the skies above. Leaning on the railing of the Destiny's Bounty, deep in thought, as though you were stuck in a trance, you observed the shimmering surface of the sea.
A breeze lightly brushed against your cheek, swaying parts of your hair with it, you giggled before a strand of hair almost ended up being inhaled. Darn. With a cough, a grumble escaped you.
The old wooden boards of the deck creaked too loudly behind, you whipped around in response to spot Nya, your girlfriend of two going on three years. She still looked as captivating as the day you first knew her. It wasn't an instant falling in love, but rather a slow burn that was worth all the while. Friends at the start, and now lovers.
The Master of Water warmly smiled as she approached, stopping when she was only a meter away- and yet you wanted her to be a bit closer. Her eyes, reminiscent of the water she controlled, flecks of blue amidst a stormy grey, continued to intrigue you even to this day.
You didn't realise you had been staring until a hand touched one of your own. Its owner was unsurprisingly Nya, who then placed a finger under your chin to lift your head so both of your gazes could meet.
''You really like staring at me, huh,'' Nya murmured, loud enough for you to hear. ''I could almost say we were together.''
''That hit too close to home!'' You playfully whine, pretending to be hurt as you lightly batted at the Master of Water, who for a moment took a step back and with trained ninja skill, evaded your ''attacks''. She let one attack hit, and let out a horribly fake groan of pain.
Both of you attempted to hold back your laughter as the play-fighting continued, each side growing more ridiculous in the attacks, with you ducking down the deck to then come back out with silly string Jay had hidden in his part of the ship.
The Master of Water was not prepared. She didn't see it coming as you sprayed silly string all over her face, and on her hair for good measure. Finally, the two of you let out your laughter, collapsing onto the deck, clutching your chests from all the pain. Despite this, it felt so good at this moment.
When the laughter (and the pain stitches from such) died down, you sat up, with Nya following your example. Her hand went to yours, and you gently grabbed her hand, holding it in yours. A nice silence followed as you were enjoying each other's presence.
Nya then pointed finger guns with her other hand, water shooting out from the tip of her pointer finger and splashing onto your recently dried clothes. You dramatically gasped as the Master of Water shot you a smug grin, which you retaliated with by spraying the last of the silly string onto her.
Some of it missed the Water Ninja due to the fact Nya had redirected it by using her element. You stood up, glaring at the now empty silly string container. A snort escaped Nya, but she was quick to be silent as you turned and walked below deck.
Of course, she followed you. You were no stranger to that, knowing her. Going into your room, she copied what you did as you flopped down onto your bed. One of her muscular arms flopped onto your chest by accident, and in an instant, you were winded, letting out a wheeze. Regaining your breath was all of a sudden difficult as her face was above your own.
Well, heck. You couldn't help observing how her eyes examined you from above, warmth growing underneath your very skin while you lay there, stunned by the beauty aloft. Then, slowly, she cupped your cheeks, moving in closer as she repositioned herself to do so.
Softly, it came from her lips. ''May I kiss you?" A slight nod and that was all she needed, irresistibly sweet lips meeting your own in a gentle embrace, your hands going up to clasp behind her neck as her hands went around your waist, holding you close. The sensation had never faded, even after all these years. Eyes closed in bliss, the faint scent of sea salt wrapping you in it like the tide to the sands that came and went, washing all it covered with the ocean's reach.
When the two of you pulled away, Nya ran her thumb along your jaw, then leaned her forehead on yours. It was just you. And her. Kept in the ocean's embrace forevermore.
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saralayne · 1 year
All My Life 🩵💜
As Isabel resurfaces. Lucy feels self conscious. Tim reassures her.
Tim was doing paperwork at his desk at the end of the day. He was trying his hardest to get out of Wilshire at a respectable time. His hours were all over the place as Metro Sargent. Lucy was not only working patrol hours but was also preparing to take the detective exam. It was becoming increasingly hard to find quality time with one another. As he was finishing, his phone dinged. Tim’s eyes widened when he saw a number he didn’t recognize but as he started reading…Quickly aware who it was. His ex wife Isabel. Tim not knowing what to even think. The text was short. Isobel wanted to meet up with him and talk about something. She was very vague. Tim felt conflicted. Tim hadn’t had any contact with Isabel in 2 years, since they officially divorced. On one hand he was curious to see how she was doing and how life has been treating her. On the other hand, he felt they had moved on with their lives. Scared of any unnecessary drama he could be pulled into. He was incredibly happy these days. Lucy was everything he had ever wanted. She is the love of his life. Their relationship is everything he had always longed for. A healthy, loving and supportive relationship that Isobel couldn’t provide. Tim has often thought, that he did of course love Isobel but that Lucy was so much more to him. A love he never imagined. She was going to be his wife down the road. She was going to be the mother to his children. Lucy was his last. They would grow old together. She was his for eternity. He replied to her text and asked her to come to Lucy’s. There was no secrets between them. His main priority was for Lucy to know she was his future. He wanted her there when he met with Isabel so there was no confusion on where his heart lies.
As Tim arrived to Lucy’s and she was buried in books. Studying hard. She barely noticed he had come in.
“Hi Babe. Studying hard?”
“Hey Baby. I didn’t even hear you come in.”
“I know. Must mean you are studying hard. NERD”
As they both laughed. Lucy rolling her eyes.
“Would you mind taking a small break? I have to talk to you about something”
“Of course, Baby. This sounds ominous. Is everything OK?”
“YES. At least I hope so.”
“When I was finishing my paperwork, I received a text from…Ah…From Isabel”
“Isabel? Like your ex wife, Isabel?”
“What does she want?”
“I’m not sure. She wants to meet to talk to me. I told her I would meet with her but I want her to come here to talk. I want you to be here. We have no secrets and I understand this is awkward. So, I feel her coming here was the best option”
“OK. Tim. It’s ok. You didn’t have to meet her here. I don’t want anything to be weird for you. Having your ex wife coming over to your girlfriends apartment. Isn’t that going to be awkward for you?”
“No. Lucy. I am curious to see what she wants and what she’s doing with her life. I hope everything is good and I won’t get caught up in any drama with her but I think it’s probably innocent. It will be good for her to come here and she can see first hand, how great my life is now”
“OK. Sounds good”
Tim could tell Lucy was uneasy. She put on a brave face but he knew. Tim didn’t blame her what so ever. If Chris was coming to see her unexpectedly, he would also be uneasy. Even a little jealous. Isabel was his wife. Lucy feeling self conscious was a natural reaction. He hated that she felt that way. Because in his mind and heart, Lucy was absolutely it for him. He hadn’t had any feelings for Isabel in a long time. Even more so since he being with his former rookie. He would see what Isabel wanted. Have a nice talk with her (he hoped) and then he would make sure Lucy knew exactly how he felt. Tim, not always good at communicating his feelings. Not a man of many words. Regardless, he would express himself to take any worry away for his girlfriend.
Isabel came the next morning. Lucy let them have time. Tamara questioning why she was here. Lucy admitting that it is a little weird but it’s OK. Tamara not believing her words.
Lucy was feeling uneasy. She whole heartedly trusts Tim. Rationally, knowing there was no feelings there. What made her nervous was she didn’t know how Isabel felt about Tim. She looked healthy. Beautiful even. Definitely different than the last time she saw her. Lucy’s stomach was turning. Why did she feel this way? She loved Tim, he loved her. Even though neither of them had said those three magic words. Lucy knew it was true in their hearts. All she wanted was to not feel like this. Feeling these insecurities.
As it turns out. Isabel was living a great life now. In recovery. Wanting to make amends with Tim as part of her program. Wanting to apologize for everything she had put him through. It was all very understandable and innocent as Tim thought it would be. As Isabel made her way to the door. Telling Tim he looked very happy, offering Lucy a wide smile. Knowing full well she was the reason for his happiness. Tim gave Isabel a friendly hug as she walked out the door.
Tim walked over to his girlfriend, grabbed her hand and led her to the couch. As they cuddled on the couch. Silence. Until it wasn’t.
“Luce. Baby. Are you OK? I know this was weird for you. As it would be for me if the situation was reversed. Your feelings about this are completely valid. I need you to know that”
“Thank you, Tim. No secrets right?”
“Truthfully. I felt insecure. I trust you completely Tim. It’s just she was your wife. The love of your life. I know you divorced for a reason and have moved on. It’s just she looks amazing. She looks healthy. I’m sorry”
“Baby. Don’t apologize. You have nothing to apologize for. I need you to hear me. So please hear my words. I want to make this crystal clear. For one, Yes she does look good and healthy. I have absolutely NO attraction to her anymore. Lucy, you are the most gorgeous woman I could ever dream of being with. You are the most beautiful woman in the world. BEAUTIFUL. For two. And hear me when I say this. I did love her at one time. BUT, YOU are the love of my life. Even more than Isabel. You are the woman I never thought I deserved. You are the woman I dreamed of. ALL MY LIFE I have waited for YOU. I have NEVER felt this way before. NEVER felt a love like this before. I know we haven’t said this yet. I’m absolutely head over heels in love with you. Crazy, in love with you. If I’m being honest. I have been in love with you for a while. Way before I was willing to admit. You are my forever.”
“I’m glad Isabel is doing well. I want good things for her. I’m happy she’s healthy and striving. She is a part of my past. But you, my beautiful girl are my future.
Tears streaming down Lucy’s rosy cheeks.
“Tim. Baby. Thank you for that. I am so in love with you too. I have been for so long. I know without any doubt you are my forever too. I have had relationships but I have never felt the way I feel about you. I LOVE YOU”
“I LOVE YOU TOO, Luce. So much”
“Wow. We just said those three magic words to one another with no hesitation.”
“Yes we did, Luce. When you know, you know”
They spent the night immersed with one another. Enjoying each other. Knowing their future was going to be filled with joy and love. Eventually, they would be husband and wife. Eventually, little Lucy’s and Tim’s running around. Their pasts would be in the past. Their future was bright.
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ramblinblogger · 1 year
Hello, Mr. Heartache, I’ve BEEN WAITING FOR YOU TO GTFO
WELL MR.HEARTACHE I kinda was expecting you and now you’ve overstayed your welcome so don’t let the door hit you on the way out!!
Hello again my dear friends (future self). It’s been a minute ;) Nothing to cure insomnia like little tickling of the ole keyboard?!? Weird way to phrase that I guess. Why is tickling the ivories a little more poetic? Sorry-sidetracked. 
Any-who- hello. I am back for more fun and more venting. One could say...rambling... 
What do you call someone that is having a difficult time getting over a two month fling with someone who had no interest in a long term relationship, with two thumbs? RB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s been, not an embarrassing amount of time but a decent amount of time and the feelings need to dissipate. I want them to go into the ether and never return. The worst part is that I know he doesn’t feel these feelings that I am, which is even more annoying. At times, I find myself embodying “Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde” and I try to have conversations with myself to get over it. Actually, it’s more like Gollum and Smeagol. Smeagol is a naive, narcissist with her head in the clouds and Gollum is just trying to keep it real. Gollum wants Smeagol to stop creating narratives that do not exist while Smeagol has read one too many romance novels. It’s going really well!!
The worst part you ask? Acting like nothing affects me (also don’t know if I am supposed to use effect or affect- effect is a noun so affect is the verb so I think I am correct. HONEY, WHERE IS THE GRAMMAR POLICE?!?). See- can’t even make a serious reflection without making a joke. The real worst part- I knew that he didn’t want anything serious and convinced myself that through his actions of treating me like his girlfriend that he was considering it. Poor, naive Smeagol.
Lesson learned and fingies crossed it’s not repeated. Onto the next poor soul I guess ;) Hope he likes pina coladas and getting caught in the rain!  My dream guy!
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moonlitkilljoy · 2 years
Howdy 🤠 Pacrim anon back again from the rabbit hole I’ve gladly jumped down LMAO
Apparently it’s Newt’s birthday today! And he’s apparently a Capricorn which makes me fucking die because my birthday was two days ago so we are that 🤏🏻 close. Also the amount of myself I’m beginning to see in Newt is terrifying. I did not intend to be blorbo’d here, but it’s like I’m looking into a foggy mirror shaped like Charlie Day
I’m watching Uprising right now and…it’s certainly a movie. It was filmed. It exists. But. BUT! Every scene with Newt so far has made me want to bite through my own femur. Like I’ve read all the spoilers. I’ve read all the fics. But seeing it happen, and knowing what’s really going on with the precursors, it makes the viewing experience so much better. I can get through the slog of the rest of the movie just for that.
Also, I hate how quick the jager’s in this movie movie??? Like bruh you’re several tons of metal, please act like it.
I’ve already been scouring AO3 for all the fics I can find, but if you have any that scratch your brain just right let me know. I will never turn down more Pacrim!
I hope you’re having a good day/night! ✌🏻
Hello!!!! welcome back!!!! i'm gonna be honest with you, reading this message put a grin on my face very early this morning when i first read it, which absolutely isn't an easy thing to do that early in the day. So, thank you for this ask and for making my day brighter right off the bat :]
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! I want you to know how enamored i am with the phrase "its like im looking into a foggy mirror shaped like charlie day" because i absolutely adore it. and, i ABSOLUTELY understand that, even if its not the exact same degree! i definitely see some of myself in newt, but probably relate to hermann a lot more (mostly with the weird vernacular, eccentric propensity for math, tendency to talk in an "all at once" manner, etc etc). i have a friend who jokingly calls me a combination of the two, which i think sums it up pretty well (i'm also a weird, rambly, punk [aspiring] biologist so it evens out). though, i'm really glad you could find a character to see yourself in like that— imo it's always really neat when that happens. congrats on your blorboning ^_^
As for uprising... YEAH. YEAH. it truly is 'a movie.' i honestly haven't been able to stomach watching it in its entirely, so all my information comes from friends, my girlfriend, analysis on tumblr, clips, and summaries (and criticism through fic-it fics, of course, though i recognize that thats far from a reliable source for canon fgdfklg)
AND THE JAEGERS. YEAH THAT SOUNDS RIDICULOUS. i keep hearing about how weird and off the jaegers are in pr:u, its bizarre </3
I WOULD BE DELIGHTED TO SHARE SOME OF THE FICS SCRATCHING MY BRAIN!!!! i don't wanna leave this ask to rot in my inbox by accident so im answering this first BUT i will reblog a bit later in the day with a comprehensible list of my favorite pacrim fics so far (read: newmann fics. i think they're literally all newmann centered, mostly at least) or make a separate post and link it here! THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN MY RECCOMENDATIONS!! it seriously means a lot and truly delights me :3
i hope you're having a nice day/night as well!!! may the future be kinder to you than it was to the "pacific rim sequel" ヾ(•ω•`)o
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wrenesque · 2 years
II. — NOV. 26 '22
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dear you,
how to begin? you will never read this; i will never let you. this is for my peace of mind and that alone, and as such i will keep this letter tucked close to my heart, corner of the paper folded just so you know that it is there (even in writing, i cannot escape the desperate need for attention i desire from you, i would laugh if it didn't hurt so much).
we met in fifth grade. you were humming a song i recognized (the origin will be omitted here, for my sake) and i was intrigued, interested, fascinated. we became friends, and we were horrible about it. here is what i will never admit: i told you once i don't remember much of middle school, of my peers. i was lying. i remember it all (or, most of it. the important chunks). this is something i will also keep private, not for my peace of mind, but rather yours. i think if you remembered the things i did, you would understand that forgetting isn't all that bad sometimes. i think you already understand that.
i had a middle school crush on you, as one does. you lied about having one on me. i think at the time i believed you, but i know better now. obviously, nothing ever came of it, but maybe what was was something we both forgot (another lie: i remember what, i remember. i'll allow myself to laugh now, because it really is funny. it is. i'd share with you but i think i can laugh about it by myself). i think it was proximity. i would not call a middle school crush 'love' by any means. to do so is a disgrace to all lovers, present, past, and future, but i don't think real lovers particularly care about one's definition of love. that's the whole point, i think.
so where does that leave me now? you've always been one of my favorite friends. i find you very charming in your own way, in a way i very much enjoy bouncing off of. i think the residual weirdness from middle school always drew you into my peripheral vision, but after the whole First Girlfriend ordeal i latched onto the first person who gave me a significant amount of attention like a vice. it was not you intentionally (if i had known what would've come of having an obsession over someone i would've never fucking bothered) but you always talked to me, day after day. i liked talking to you, even if our conversations bordered on dry sometimes, because it proved that i was wanted somewhere. i took your attention at face value: you talked to me because you liked to, but now there is a shriveled corner of my brain insisting it was out of obligation, to which i say—obligation to what? i am not so far gone that i will pretend that my friends talk to me out of some sick requirement in their head that says they cannot leave me alone. i feel it sometimes, i am loved, wanted. not all the time, but i feel it.
you do not love me. i do not think i love you. romantically, is what i mean. i don't think you'd say this out loud, but i do love you platonically. i do with all my friends; this is something i would say readily if they just asked. i do not think i love you like that. i know you do not. i hope i don't. not because i wouldn't want to be, because nothing would ever come of it, because you don't. you'd be an okay person to fall in love with, i think. you will pray for both of our sakes that it never happens with me, because i care about you and would not wish my love upon my worst enemy.
so if this is not love, then what is it? why is it you i crave attention from, touch and words? what is it about you that makes my brain desperately want to throw itself onto the tracks and be pulverized into nothingness? then maybe it is love, because love is the only possible reason for this insanity to be occurring. that's what love is! insanity, heaps of it: breathtaking and painful and agonizing and warm, so so so very warm.
the insanity comes with the territory, i think. but the part i hate the most about it is the jealousy. oh god, the jealousy. anything but the jealousy. my friend told me the best way to deal with these things is to compartmentalize them for later, and now is later, so now i will go over the jealousy.
i think the jealousy is the number 1 reason why i feel that this might be love. which is horrid, because whenever i think of romantic love i'll think of jealousy. but what can you do. i feel it, burning in the pit of my stomach whenever you touch them like that or talk to them or look at them when i am looking at you. i want to know what it is that draws you to them. what is it that i lack? i want you to do these things with me too, but whenever i think you come close something in me screams to pull away. but i continue to want. and i continue to burn. and i do not think i'd hate it as much if the person you like more than me was not one of my friends. thats the worst part. the horrible part. i feel so guilty, all the time. wanting to be close to you while wanting the other person to just stand away just for a little. i am glad my friends are getting along. i like the group we have, but when we're all out together i cannot help but avoiding to look at you two to save myself. i observe anyways, because i cannot help that either. i hate it. i hate this. it reduces me to feeling like a kicked puppy every single time. just thinking about it has me spiraling, and part of me wants to tell you this because sometimes i think if i asked you to stop looking for a bit that maybe you would. but never in a thousand fucking years would i do that because i love my friends more than i love myself and i will not let my selfishness get in the way of that. so i tell myself that i can cope and that in two years or so i will be fine, but that doesn't make the raw pain i feel disappear whenever the jealousy kicks back up again. it is not exclusive to this person at all. it's anyone you interact with i think is more interesting, better looking, cooler, literally more anything than me. and i hate it every single time. i don't think i will ever stop hating it, even a little, at this point.
it would not be that bad if i hadn't deceived myself into thinking that i was your favorite. maybe the term deceived is too harsh, but it's my fault i didn't look deeper into the things you were saying to me. you said i was your favorite, maybe a couple of times, last year. you told me you liked me the most out of all your friends this year. i am not going to call you a liar, because these things you said are things you believe to be true. but it doesn't stop me from observing the way you treat your other friends versus how you treat me. i don't think i am your favorite. maybe at some point i was, but now i think i might just be second best. it's not your fault, i promise. i just wish you hadn't said those things if you weren't able to back them up. oh, god. i want to be your favorite so bad my heart fucking lurches thinking about it. i think i just want to be anyone's favorite, anyone. but this feels so close, if i just act like this or if i give you this or if i say this maybe i will be number 1, i'm almost there, god, i'm almost there. i want to hear you say it. i want tangible proof i want to spend time with you i want you to hug me or something but i don't want to ask these things of you because i know better. i need to stop hoping i need to stop reaching but i still want to be your best friend and that overrides any common sense in my brain. like magic. i think if you knew these things you would be a little mortified. i would be too, if anyone ever admitted this to me. so i keep quiet. i keep my heart held tight in my palms, but i know that if you pried, if you asked, i'd give it to you. i'd spill all of this. but you won't, so i won't. and i will have to accept that.
i dont know how to properly end this letter. i don't write these very often, but i feel like i will again some day. i'm sorry. i love you? maybe. probably. i'm sorry.
your friend,
v. o
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kiwixlime · 2 years
Between You and I - Part Five
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Halfway there!!! This update is shorter than I anticipated but if I added everything I had planned I would never update lmfao. So if it seems a little out of place it's because I omitted a lot of stuff. But don't worry! I have some exciting things planned for future updates!! I hope you enjoy and as always, thank you so much for reading, sharing, letting me know your thoughts. It means so much to me!! 18+ Minors DNI
Three weeks. Three whole weeks. That’s how long you and Joel have been seeing each other. You don’t know how to describe your relationship, and if someone asked, you wouldn’t know where to start. You don’t really go on dates, but you spend almost all of your free time together. 
You guess, in a word, you could say you’re exclusive. But Joel does not call you his girlfriend. And you would never refer to him as your boyfriend. Those labels would scare both of you. And they wouldn’t fit, anyway. What you and Joel have is beyond something as simple as boyfriend/girlfriend. It’s more intense. 
At least it is for you. 
Joel does call you his girl, though. And that is something you are perfectly fine with. You kind of are, after all. Even if no one really knows about you. Well, except Harmony. And Sophia. And Tommy, kind of. But only because Joel insists his brother has an "inkling". It’s nothing solid unless Joel confesses.  
But the most important thing is that you and Joel seem happy with your arrangement. You still have your own life. And Joel has his. You go out with Harmony; he spends time with Tommy. You work. Joel works. But at the end of the day, you make your way back to each other. 
It does scare you a bit because each day you spend with him, those feelings inside of you get stronger. Whenever you hear his voice, your heart skips a beat. Just one look into his eyes warms your soul. The way he touches you makes your stomach swarm with butterflies. 
Joel once told you that he was addicted to you. But now, you think you’re just as dependent. Joel’s your drug, and you need your fix. 
The only person you can talk about this with is Harmony. Your roommate may know of your small fling, but she doesn’t know how deep it runs. She doesn’t know that you feel like that lovestruck teenager again, only this time, you don’t have to shame yourself for wanting Mr. Miller. This time, you can have him. 
So that’s how you find yourself at Harmony’s place in the middle of the day, sipping peach sangria and listening to the weird acoustic playlist she uses to meditate. You never meant to interrupt her practice, but she welcomes you with open arms, ready for the gossip. Luckily for you, she has so many questions, and you are happy to answer and get some of these words off your chest. 
“So like, he’s good, right?” She giggles, and you don’t know if it’s the alcohol or her genuine curiosity that makes her face flush crimson, but her bubbly laughter rubs off on you, and you find yourself joining in. 
“He’s so good,” you sigh dreamily, giggling uncontrollably. “Harmony, he’s… Oh, my god. He’s so fucking hot.” You squeak and hide your face behind your hands. It's hard not to feel all tingly inside as you explain your relationship with Joel. In detail. Harmony doesn’t mind hearing the dirty details. She encourages it, which you are thankful for. Because you need to talk this man out of your system. 
Harmony smiles and fills her glass up again. Her face is still burning, and she looks like she has something on her mind. Of course, you aren't surprised when she asks the most important question of all. “Is he big?” Her cherry red cheeks glow as she waits patiently for the answer. 
“Yes,” you say, nodding your head slowly as her smile contorts into something ditzy. She's too drunk for this. But you kind of are, too. So you divulge a little more. “And he’s so into dirty talk,” you admit between giggles. “Seriously, I cannot believe some of the things he says. Or the things he does. It’s like…take our greatest fantasies of him and multiply them by a thousand.” 
“You lucky bitch,” she huffs, but that idiotic smile is still plastered to her face. It's a smile that tells you she’s happy for you. And it’s all because she knows you’re happy. She can see it on your face. Hear it in your voice. And after the rough couple of years you’ve had, this kind of happiness is something that you deserve. “Who knew Mr. Miller liked them young.” 
“Oh,” you cringe at her careless words. “Don’t say that. It makes him sound creepy," you frown. 
She raises her hands in defense. “You’re right, you’re right," she admits. She's coming down from her fit of laughter as she breathes out. "This is crazy, though, right? But I am so happy for you!”
“Really?” You question, your voice barely audible over the soundtrack of your afternoon. 
“Of course, girl,” Harmony voices, taking your hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. “I mean, I know we always joked about him being our hot dad fantasy. But you are glowing. Not a pregnancy glow!” She rushes out, and you roll your eyes. “But you look different. You look like you again.” 
“I hate that it took a man…” You begin, gnawing on your lip at the insinuation. 
“It didn’t, though,” your friend assures you. “You’ve just been in a dark place. And Joel helped brighten it up. But you’ve done the rest on your own, honey.” 
“I’m scared, Harmony,” you say with a whisper. “It’s not just about the sex anymore. I think I’m really falling for him. And I know that it’s impossible. We’re impossible. It’ll never work. And I’m just…I’m so scared of how this is going to end.” 
Your voice cracks, and you do your best to hold back tears. But your emotions are all over the place lately. Stupid feelings, always ruining shit. 
“Hey,” Harmony glares, as she usually does when you’re feeling down on yourself. “You don’t know that. Stranger things have happened. Odd couples make it all the time. And yeah, Sarah’s someone you need to talk about. But I think it’ll be okay. We’ve known Joel since we were kids. He’s always been that great guy. I don’t think that’ll change.” 
“You believe that?” You ask as you wipe the tears from your eyes. You must look ridiculous. Crying over a boy. No, not even a boy. A man! But you’re not really crying over him. You’re crying because…because your heart gushes for him. 
Harmony offers a sympathetic smile, and you take it. You need it. She has no idea what you are going through. She got lucky with Elijah. She never had to date around. She never fell for someone unsuitable for her. But you still believe her when she comforts you. “I really do,” she answers you. “Something tells me you two will be fine.” 
She looks down at your phone, arching her eyebrows as it vibrates against her table again. You know it’s Joel. She knows it’s Joel. It’s the third time it’s gone off since you’ve started talking. And aside from her, you don't text anyone that much. It's only confirmed when the screen lights up, flashing Joel's name across it. 
“See what I mean?” She teases, sliding your phone across the table towards her. She grabs it before you can snatch it away. “Wow, five notifications, all from Joel. Someone is needy.” She shakes her head with a grin. 
“Harmony!” You threaten with grabby hands. “Give it back! He’s just having a bad day.” 
You tell her that it’s no big deal. You’ll answer back when you have a minute. You don’t mind letting it go so you can talk to her uninterrupted. She doesn’t care, though. She’s curious. 
“A bad day, huh?” She purses her lips as she enters your passcode. Your phone dances in her hands as it goes off again. She nearly drops it from surprise, but quickly catches it, her thumb opening the message without meaning to. Her eyes fall to the exchange between you and Joel and she wheezes. “Oh my god!” She yelps and tosses the device back over to you. “I did not mean to do that. I’m so sorry. Oh my god.” 
You take your phone back, giving her a strange look. Then you look down at your messages and see what made her so flustered. You suppress a giggle and hold your phone to your chest. “Well, that’s what you get!” You scold playfully. You pull your phone away and smile at the message thread and the last image attached. Joel Miller, grown man, father, and business owner, has sent you a dick pic. 
A nice one, too. 
“Wow,” she reddens, fanning her face with her hand, a wild look in her eyes. “Well, you weren’t lying,” she manages to choke out, still shocked by the photo. “He sends you nudes? How old is he!” 
“I told you, he’s having a bad day!” You defend as you get another message. This one even makes your face heat up. He’s filthy, even through text. 
Be at my apartment by the time I’m off work. Shit day. Need that sweet little pussy to make me feel better. 
“Oh god, what did he send now?” Harmony pushes, noticing the aroused look on your face. 
You don’t say anything, typing out a simple reply of “okay” with a winky face emoticon. Joel may be years older than you, but sometimes, he has the personality of a horny teen. And the string of emojis he sends to show his appreciation solidifies that fact. 
“Nothing,” you finally shrug and lock your phone, putting it away in your purse to avoid further embarrassment. “I just have a date tonight.” 
“A date,” she snorts, quotation marks around the word date. “Elijah always sexts me when he wants a date," she mocks. 
“Mhm,” you stick out your tongue and reach for your sangria. You raise your glass, and Harmony rolls her eyes but joins you in a toast. “To happiness,” you say with a satisfied smile. 
“To happiness,” Harmony replies as your glasses clink. 
The outside of Joel’s apartment is dull. The paint is a dark heather gray, and wall sconces are dimly lit. You feel like a creeper as you sit in front of his door. But you don’t have a key. And you were being the good girl you always are, doing as he requested and showing up at his apartment by the time he got off work. He's the one not following his own plan. 
The elevator finally dings, and you stand, brushing off your short skirt. You figured the look might impress Joel and make that tension lessen. You dressed up in a pretty package for him to unwrap. 
“You’re late,” you scold as soon as Joel steps foot off the elevator. He walks up to you, a pouty look on his lips and his head down. 
“I know, princess,” he sighs. “I’m sorry. Tommy held me back for a little to talk about this pain in the ass client. I tried to get away sooner, but he’s so damn chatty.” 
You laugh a little and bring your hands up to his shoulders. You press hard into his tensed muscles, rubbing deep patterns to help him relax. “It’s okay, you’re here now. Tell me what happened. Maybe I can make it better?” 
Joel grins and grabs your hips as you step up on your tiptoes. He pulls you up to him, kissing your soft, silky lips, and inhales deeply, breathing in your sweet, candylike scent. He brushes his hands down around your ass, up the frilly skirt you’re wearing, pleased and turned on to find you without panties. 
“Bad day, good girl,” he mumbles against your lips, backing you up against his front door. Your arms circle his neck, kissing him harder as he fumbles with his keys. You don’t let up until he gets the door unlocked and grabs you by the hair, forcing you to stop. “Don’t think my neighbors would approve of a show,” he says, nipping down to your neck. He glides one of his hands up your thigh, squeezing your ass possessively. “That and I don’t want anyone else to see you like this,” he whispers. 
You smile and tap on his shoulders, pouting up at him. “Then take me inside, Mr. Miller,” you purr, trailing your fingers down his chest. “You tease me all day with your dirty words and pretty pictures of your cock. Don’t you think I deserve a reward?” 
Joel smirks and forces open his door. You turn and bounce into the apartment, the sting of Joel’s hand against your ass making you giggle. He follows closely behind you, touching you wherever he can until you fumble your way into his bedroom. 
He flicks on the lights and moves you over to the bed. You kiss him again, desperate for his lips anywhere on you. He tastes like coffee, and it’s a flavor you hate, but god, it tastes delicious on him. You moan into his mouth, flicking your tongue against his as your fingers work to undo his stubborn belt. 
To your surprise, Joel swats your hands away. You complain, of course, which causes him to laugh. He pulls back and bops you on the nose, making you flinch. “So impatient, baby,” he says, cupping your face in his hands. “Maybe I just wanna talk, huh? You’re just so eager to hop on my dick.” 
“Hey!” You gasp, wiggling out of his hold. “We can talk if you want. I like talking to you,” you take his hands in yours, holding them tight. “But you’re the one who said something about an annoying client, and needing me to make you feel better… Or was it my pussy?” 
“Okay, you little shit,” Joel spins you around as you laugh. He grabs your hips roughly and pushes your knees against the mattress. “Get on the bed, ass in the air,” he says darkly, giving your bottom a smack for good measure. 
You do as you're told and climb onto the bed on all fours. Joel wastes no time as he pulls your ass up, pushing your head down against the mattress and lifting up your skirt. He groans at the sight of you and undoes his jeans. 
“Do you know how fucking perfect you are?” He asks, pulling his cock out and stroking himself slowly. You are such a pretty view. He's the luckiest guy in the world to have you. You're young, stunning, and in a way, you complete him. 
You nod wordlessly, pushing your ass out, begging for any kind of touch from him. You wish you could see Joel - see his expressions, the attractive look on his face as he touches himself. It’s not fair. 
But then he drops to his knees and grabs you by your hips, earning a gasp from your throat. You feel his warm hands caress your ass and let out a happy sigh, resting your forehead against his fluffy blankets. His wet tongue startles you, slipping between your folds, lapping up your sweetness. You groan as he licks up your slit, his rough beard tickling your sensitive skin as he goes. 
“Yes, Joel,” you whimper out, pushing back against his face. He encourages you, delving his tongue deeper inside you, pulling another erotic sound from your lips. You grab at the blankets on the bed, gritting your teeth together as you revel in Joel’s expert mouth working on your clit. 
He eats you out with intensity, starting slow and making you squirm until you drive back against him for more. Then he moves his skilled tongue quicker, dragging through your dripping core, gathering your slick on his lips. He moans at how good you taste, his hand dropping back down to his painfully hard dick. 
“Oh god, Joel,” you moan as his mouth teases your clit again. “Mr. Miller, please,” you whimper, spurring him on. He flicks his tongue inside you as a response, coaxing you to keep going. He likes when you praise him. He likes when you beg. “Fuck, just like that,” you mewl. 
Your noises are loud, sounding through the room, and Joel jerks himself faster at the way you cry out for him, burying his face into your cunt. You pant out his name, struggling to hold yourself up, nearly collapsing when he pushes a finger into you. These feelings are almost too much. You can barely take it, and when he hums into you, you begin to unravel. 
He breaks away from you for only a second, his finger still plunging in and out of you. “Go ahead, baby girl, cum on my tongue. Fuck, I wanna taste all of you. Give me everything.” And that’s enough. Joel presses his tongue back into you, and you tremble as your orgasm crashes over your body, making you cum all over Joel’s tongue. He groans and licks up all of your juices before standing back up, swatting your reddening ass cheeks again. 
His rough hands trail up the curves of your sides, and he slams his throbbing dick into you, knocking the air from your lungs. A strangled cry breaks free, and you crumple onto the bed. “Harder,” you groan into your arm, pushing for him to keep going. 
“Dirty girl,” he growls as he pulls your body up. Your back is firmly pressed to his chest. One of his hands holds your hip tightly while the other grabs your throat. “You like that?” He grunts, snapping up into you. “Like when I use you? Oh, princess,” he sighs, digging his fingers into the sides of your neck. “Feel so good… Best fuck I’ve ever had,” he compliments, pounding into your sensitive pussy hard and fast. 
“Yes,” is all you manage to breathe out as you lean back on him. He thrusts up into you, hitting deeper, your hand grabbing the one he has wrapped tightly around your throat. You feel powerless against him, like a doll he can throw around. But it turns you on the way his strong figure takes over your smaller frame, grabbing you, moving you into any position he wants. 
“You’re exactly what I needed,” he grumbles in your ear. “Needed this pretty pussy to fuck. Christ, you’re incredible.” He groans, holding your body as he picks up speed. “Fuck, and you’re mine, right? My girl?” You whimper, and he takes that as a yes, smiling into your hair. “Mr. Miller’s girl.”
“Fuck me,” you whine so desperately it almost sounds like you’re crying. Joel laughs at your exhaustion, and you groan. He’s so sexy it’s absurd. “Use me, Mr. Miller,” you beg, your mind cloudy and vision blurry. “Fuck me harder. I can take it. Give it to me.”
He tightens his grip on your throat and moves faster, just as you ask. You feel yourself getting dizzy, his hard dick so deep inside you and his hand on your throat sending you into ecstasy. Joel forces you to face him, panting in his mouth as he kisses you. Your lidded eyes meet his eyes, and you see something so different swimming in those hazel hues. You see adoration. 
Joel groans as he releases his grip on you, pushing you onto your hands and knees. You gasp hard for air, mewling when his hand slaps your ass hard. He’s really giving you his all, slamming into you with no mercy, forcing you to take his thick cock. You grab at the mattress and beg for more even though he’s given you everything. It just doesn’t seem like enough. You need this man more than you’ve ever needed anyone. 
“So good to me, baby girl,” Joel praises you. You hang your head down and seize your eyes shut. Another sting on your ass makes you moan out, and Joel grunts as your walls squeeze his cock. “My favorite girl, you know that? Always have been. Just now for different reasons.” 
His confession goes straight to your heart, making it beat faster. It’s too soon. Far too soon. But you’re falling in love with this man. You know you are. 
“Joel!” You cry out as he grabs your hair, tangling his fingers in it. The sound of his skin slapping against yours echoes through his room, and it’s such a fucking dirty sound that makes him fuck you harder. His mattress shamefully squeaks beneath you. The roots of your hair tingle from his grip, but it feels so good to be fucked like this. 
“You close, sweetheart?” He asks as you collapse onto the bed, concealing your face in your arms. Joel leans over you and bites your shoulder. “Are you gonna be a good girl and cum again for me?” 
“Yes, yes,” you gasp, and he pushes you down flat, grabbing your arms and pulling them behind you. He holds them back, drilling into you, moaning your name in a deep, raspy voice. 
“Mr. Miller,” you whimper, and he likes the sound so much that he growls and lowers himself against your back. His breath is hot on your neck as he pins your arms to the bed. 
“Yes, baby girl?” Joel purrs, sliding in and out of you quickly. “You wanna cum? You think you can cum just like this? Huh?” 
“Uh huh,” you moan, your head a mess, overwhelmed by pleasure. Joel sits up, grabbing your ass again because he can’t get enough of it. And you’re right there. Just one more push, and you’ll lose it. 
“So gorgeous, baby girl,” he says. And it's just what you need. His charming words send you over the edge, and you clench around him. He twitches and buries his face into your neck. “Can I cum inside you, baby? You know you look so pretty filled with my cum.” 
“Yes, please, Joel,” you gasp, tired, sweaty, and out of breath. With your consent, Joel thrusts into you one more time, shooting his load deep inside of you. 
Bright colors flash behind your eyelids as you come down from your high. Joel slips out of you and falls to your side, his arm eagerly wrapping around you and pulling you close. You can hear his heavy breathing and can sense how tired he looks. It makes a smile etch onto your lips. You open your eyes and blink over at him. 
“Are you okay?” He asks, much softer than his previous touches. He gently wipes your sticky hair from your face and traces your lips. “It wasn’t too much?” 
“I’m fine,” you assure him, though your cracked voice would suggest otherwise. “Why do you ask?” You roll closer to him, his hot skin prickling with sweat. Your bodies are searing, but you feel comfortable next to him.  
“Just makin’ sure I didn’t hurt you,” he says quietly. 
“Not at all,” you giggle, sitting up slightly to press kisses to his bare chest. “You can take your frustrations out on me if it means more sex like that,” you wink. 
“You’re filthy,” he snorts and sits up, urging you to follow. He slouches off the bed and pulls you up with him, your weak legs working hard. 
“I’m sorry you had a bad day,” you say as he leads you to the bathroom, hand linked with yours. 
“Fucking awful,” he scoffs as you stop at the shower. He rotates the nozzle, letting the water heat up. “But I’m so thankful to come home to you,” he says, and you’re not sure if he realizes that those words have a huge impact on you. “Thank you. Really, princess. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
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Series Masterlist
96 notes · View notes
krappykawa · 4 years
fake dating headcanons with atsumu, oikawa, and kuroo
ANON ASKED: “hi i really like your writing 🥺🥺 could i request fake dating with atsumu, oikawa, and kuroo? like they told their teams that they have a girlfriend but they dont lmao so they ask one of their classmates to pretend to be their gf so the team can meet her? and they end up falling for her along the way :)) i look forward to reading more of ur works!! 💖”
atsumu x f!reader, oikawa x f!reader, kuroo x f!reader
genre. fluff
warnings. language
word count. 6.3k
note. DAMN this one got away from me ... 6.3k words for a headcanon post ...... sorry anon i’m not sure if you wanted a long post but i mean, here we are lol 
note 2. had to repost because something was up with the tags lol i hope it works fine this time
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- the team has a favorite twin and it’s osamu, we all know it
- one day after practice, the team finds out that one of the first-years managed to get a girlfriend
- most of the inarizaki vb team is single at that point in time so it starts a conversation about relationships
- somewhere in the conversation, aran says, “osamu, man. I can’t believe ya haven’t gotten a girlfriend yet. yer easily one of the best-looking people in the school.”
- osamu just shrugs, but atsumu’s like “huh??”
- “hey ‘samu and i have the same face. don’t cha mean that we’re some of the best-looking people in the school??”
- the guys in the locker room exchange glances
- aran‘s like “look, atsumu. don’t blow up on me or anything, but most girls don’t really want to date you.” (keep in mind that aran’s strictly speaking about the girls that aren’t a part of the miya twins fan club)
- “and why the hell not?”
- at this point, aran’s looking at literally everyone in the room and pleading with his eyes for help because he doesn’t want to start a fight with atsumu
- suna takes pity on aran and says, “hate to break it you, miya, but girls don’t want to date a guy who’s a massive asshole”
- now, atsumu could care less if the entire goddamn world thinks he’s an asshole, but it rubs him the wrong way that his teammates think that osamu’s a better catch than he is
- sibling rivalry pride or whatever
- so atsumu goes “i think my girlfriend would disagree because oh will ya look at that, she’s dating me!”
- he was most definitely not dating anyone
- osamu raises an eyebrow at him because to his knowledge, atsumu didn’t have a girlfriend
- “since when did you have a girlfriend?”
- osamu looks at atsumu with knowing eyes and smirks. “yeah sumu, who’s this girlfriend of yours? I don’t think i’ve met her yet.”
- atsumu knows he’s gotten himself in some deep shit
- but still he’s still full of pride, so he says, “i’ll bring her by to practice tomorrow.”
- now miya atsumu has a dilemma because there are some things he just shouldn’t lie about (because now he’ll never live it down if he can’t figure out a way to get himself out of this one)
- atsumu knows that he’s got that fanclub that would probably be more than willing to date him, but the thought of being in their presence for longer than two seconds makes his skin crawl because he doesn’t think he could handle the excessive screaming
- so that night he decides to go to the bakery down the street that he frequents because they have some of the best macarons in town
- you’re one of the bakers at that bakery that works the shift when he usually comes in for his weekly macarons so you two are acquainted
- you also go to inarizaki, so you hear the rumors that circulate around atsumu, but you don’t really pay much attention to them because he’s not that bad whenever he comes into the bakery
- like sometimes if he tries to only order 2 macarons but notices that there are only 5 macarons left, he’ll buy them all just to make your life easier
- when he comes in that day, he has this troubled look on his face. “hey y/n. can i just have my usual? oh and an iced matcha.”
- you like to keep tabs on your regulars and what they order, so when he orders an iced matcha, you know that something’s probably up (he never orders drinks from there because he said that his brother would kill him if he didn’t bring him home a drink too and having to carry the two drinks up to their apartment is hassle enough)
- you’re in the middle of making his drink when you decide to ask him what’s up “everything alright?”
- it’s almost time to close up and you two are the only two left so you figured you had time for small talk
- “i may have outright lied to my team about havin’ a girlfriend.”
- “you don’t?” that surprises you because so many girls at your school have a crush on the miya twins (you would know because your best friend is practically in love with osamu)
- when atsumu shakes his head dejectedly, you don’t quite understand what he’s so down for
- “you do know that there are like 50 girls that are practically lining up to date you right?”
- “yeah, but they’d expect a real relationship and i’m no good at those.”
- “why not?”
- “i’m too argumentative, let's just say, plus i’ve been told that i kinda come off as an asshole.”
- “and volleyball right?” you would know since he always comes into the bakery after a practice and he looks like he’s both dead and alive
- when you hand him his matcha and packet of macarons, he pauses
- “listen, don’t take this the wrong way but yer single right?”
- you almost smile to yourself because wow for a guy so attractive, his way with words isn’t great
- “i am.”
- he stands there for a good 20 seconds just looking at you with that look in his eyes that tells you that he’s trying to ask you something but he doesn’t know how to do it
- “you want me to act as your fake girlfriend don’t you?”
- cue atsumu chuckle @%EUTYDJBCJWER)*&# hhhhfs
- “ya know, i’m kinda seein’ why i get called an asshole all the time. it doesn’t sound as great when ya’ say it like that.”
- you agree to pretend to be his girlfriend, but on the condition that your best friend will be able to tag along if osamu’s gonna be there
- and that’s the start of it
- you visit his practice the next day before work and his team looks at you in surprise because they were 100% sure that having a girlfriend was just another one of atsumu’s lies
- they all kinda stare at you a little extra too because you’re really pretty
- “aye, get yer asses back to volleyball and stop starin’ at my girl like that.”
- you know it’s all fake, but him saying that kinda makes you blush anyways
- when you first agreed to fake dating him, you weren’t expecting that you’d have to spend too much time with him (he did tell you that he wasn’t looking for a real relationship) but that changes because osamu’s insistent that atsumu should at least try to be a good boyfriend and eat lunch with you and stuff
- you’re both aware that osamu doesn’t buy your little arrangement one bit
- atsumu’s got this raging pride when it comes to his twin brother, so he actually listens because now he’s made it his personal mission to convince osamu that you and him are actually dating
- it takes a while for you two to get into the hang of it, but once you do, it’s like a regular routine
- you and your best friend eat lunch with the twins (you and atsumu both watch as your best friend fumbles her way into talking with osamu), you drop by before work to give atsumu a kiss on the cheek before practice, he drops by the bakery after practice nearly everyday, and you come to his games while wearing a jersey that he lent you
- his teammates like you a lot and tease atsumu all the time because they claim that you’re way too good for him
- surprisingly, he always gets a little protective when they say things like that and always slips an arm around your waist
- one day when you’re over at his apartment, you help atsumu learn how to make macarons (with some help from osamu)
- it takes a while because he would get mad at the macarons when they would come out in weird shapes
- “stupid macarons! they got it out for me i’m tellin’ ya! they’re being like that on purpose!”
- you learn to like that about him though
- dates with him are usually on the weekends (you both drag osamu and your best friend out with you) and it’s always something fun that osamu suggests because atsumu wasn’t joking when he said he sucks at real relationships
- most of these dates consist of holding hands as you walk around the streets until osamu sees a restaurant he wants to try out
- he always insists on feeding you at least once in your meal
- he also loves doing the walrus-chopsticks face?? (he only started doing it because he liked hearing you laugh)
- as time passes, you two start going on dates without osamu and your best friend (atsumu always claims that it’s because he wants to show osamu up, but you start to notice that osamu doesn’t even find out about these dates most of the time)
- you secretly like these dates better than those with osamu and your best friend because atsumu feels more at ease and will develop a softer tone around you during these dates
- eventually, he starts to always greet you with a forehead kiss whenever you’re in public (you’re not sure if he does it just because his brother is watching, or if maybe he might be starting to like you)
- you try to make your brain forget that most of the time, he kisses your forehead before osamu even walks in
- one day after practice, you’re waiting for him because you didn’t have a shift at the bakery that day
- he walks out of the club room looking mildly pissed and you’re a little wary
- but then he gets to where you’re standing and just pulls your waist towards him and full on kisses you
- mind you, this is your first kiss on the lips with him
- it’s not a quick peck either, like you can hear the wolf whistles from his teammates in the back and you’re left breathing hard and flushed pink afterwards
- damn if that’s what his kisses are like, you suddenly wish he’d do it more often
- “what was that for?”
- “nothin’”
- sometime in the future you find out that he did that because his teammates were once again talking about your relationship and one of them joked that atsumu paid you to pretend to be his girlfriend
- he knew that what you had wasn’t necessarily real, but he just had the urge to kiss you then (he swears to you that he doesn’t know why)
- he does know why. it was because it was starting to slip his mind that your relationship was fake and the reminder made him a little mad at himself
- he realizes that maybe he’s fallen in love with you when osamu brings it up
- atsumu had asked for osamu’s help because he wanted to surprise you by making you mochis for your upcoming four month anniversary of being his fake girlfriend (typing this out was so funny, this man is so whipped he doesn’t know it)
- “ya know, when i first met y/n, i was sure that it was all fake and that you’d slip up about it one day. i guess i was wrong.”
- atsumu doesn’t say anything to that because in his head he’s trying to convince himself that “no. this is all still fake.” but it’s hard to convince himself of that when his hands are covered in the rice flower that he’s using to make your favorite dessert for your four months of faking being together
- he tries not to think about what osamu said when he gives you the gifts later that night
- he tries not to think about it when he gets that funny feeling that he’s been feeling for a while now when he sees the way you light up upon opening the box of mochis
- he most definitely tries not to think about it when you accidentally give him your second kiss of the relationship because you were caught up in the spur of the moment
- it’s on the way home back to his apartment that night that he realizes he’s fucked
- because good god he’s fallen for you
- he tries to break it off after that
- you’re confused at how sudden it is, but you let him break it off because at that point you’re already in love with him and are still too scared to say it because you keep remembering how he always said that he didn’t want a real relationship
- he tries to go back to normal after that
- but for the love of everything he just . can’t
- his eyes always linger a little too long on the door right before practice because you would always come see him before going to work
- his feet would instinctively move in the direction of the bakery after practices until he realizes what he’s doing and forces himself to go home
- his eyes would scan for your figure wearing his jersey during games until he remembers that you probably weren’t there and that you most definitely wouldn’t be wearing his jersey
- he wants to kick himself because the reason he asked you to be his fake girlfriend in the first place was because he didn’t want a real relationship
- yet here he was. wallowing because if there’s anything more he wants, it’s a real relationship with you
- osamu gets fed up with him eventually
- “take yer ass to the bakery right after practice. i’m not letting you into the apartment until you see her.”
- and surprisingly, he actually listens to his twin brother
- he walks into the bakery for the first time in a while and says “hey y/n. can i just have my usual? oh and an iced matcha.”
- you look up at him then because you vividly remember that night. how could you not?
- you’re in the middle of making his drink when you decide to ask him what’s up “everything alright?”
- “i may have outright lied to myself about loving you.”
- you nearly drop the drink in your hands
- “‘tsumu? what are you on about?”
- “i know i said that i’m no good at real relationships. but i’ve found that i want to learn to be good.”
- a pause
- “i want to learn with ya.”
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- this poor boy is always the butt of the jokes that come from his team
- seriously though. it’s always “tease oikawa day” (he teases them back so it’s all good)
- but one day, they’re all in the locker room when hanamaki brings up this girl that he’s planning on asking out because he’s not sure how to do it
- oikawa, being the little shit that he is, goes “step one, makki. have my face. step two, have my amazing personality. step three, ask her out.”
- he barely ducks in time to miss the shoe that comes flying towards his head
- “makki! such unbecoming behavior! my advice is perfect!”
- matsukawa snorts and says “perfect advice my ass. you can’t even get anyone to like you. let alone go out with you, crappykawa.”
- “don’t spread lies, mattsun.” oikawa clicks his tongue like a mother scolding his child. “or do you seem to forget the dozens of confessions i get on the daily along with the girls that you three complain about all the time because ugh shittykawa’s gonna make us late if he keeps talking to them” (he’s so dramatic lol he says that last part in this weird, whiny voice)
- iwaizumi scoffs. “doesn’t count when you reject every single one.”
- “i do not!”
- “right. right. as if you don’t make them cry because you’re so nice about rejecting them too.” (oikawa frowns at that one because he doesn’t mean to make them cry)
- “yeah, shittykawa, you’re pretty bad at love in general. i’d die before listening to your advice.” (this one is from matsukawa)
- “there’s also the fact that the girlfriend’s you did have all broke up with you because you would rather cuddle with a volleyball than cuddle with them.” (this one is from hanamaki)
- oikawa scowls at them “i don’t cuddle my volleyball.”
- “sure you don’t. just like you most definitely don’t have a name for it either.”
- “leave iwa-chan the second out of this!” (he drew an angry face on his volleyball too because he claims it looks like iwaizumi)
- iwaizumi groans. “i hate you. so so much.”
- at this point, oikawa knows they’re right, but he’s also really prideful. “and besides. i would suggest taking my advice because i got a girlfriend just today!”
- he most definitely did not
- “sure you did. hey mattsun, i bet a week tops until she breaks up with him.”
- “nah i’ll bet five days.”
- after practice, oikawa came up with a plan for the next day to get himself out of the hole he dug for himself
- he usually got confessions before school, so he told iwaizumi that he was going to school early to practice and instead waited for a girl to confess to him
- but the moment he saw this second-year walk up to him with a little box, he knew he wouldn’t be able to do it
- he couldn’t do that to this innocent girl
- and he tries to say yes to her. he really does.
- but he can practically hear his older sister’s voice yelling at him about how “even when you get popular and get confessions from people left and right, i don’t want you leading anyone on. you only accept a confession if you actually like them.”
- he’s probably more scared of his sister than he is of his own mother, so he says no to that second-year, even when she starts to frown and walk away
- he’s leaning against the gym and rubbing the bridge of his nose when he hears you
- “everything alright?”
- you two were pretty close because he found out that you had a crush on iwaizumi in your second year and tried to set you two up (it didn’t work because he’s pretty bad at being a wingman)
- even when iwaizumi rejected you, oikawa had already grown to like your presence, so you two stayed friends despite how his best friend broke your heart
- “y/n-chan! what are you doing here so early?”
- “just returning a book to the library before the librarian knocks down my door and kicks my ass for having an overdue library book. what are you doing here so early?”
- “would you believe me if i said that i was practicing volleyball?”
- you look him up and down, and the smell of fresh cologne reaches your nostrils. his uniform is neatly put together.
- “looking like that? no, no i would not.”
- “well, what would you believe?”
- “i don’t know .. the truth maybe?”
- “the truth is embarrassing and is defamation to my good name.” that makes you raise your brow at him.
- “okay now i only want to hear the truth. i will not accept anything but the truth. now tell me, what kind of embarrassment have you proved yourself to be this morning?”
- “so mean, y/n-chan! now i see why you so very adored our precious iwa-chan.”
- you groan because you don’t want to remember that rejection. “oh just hurry up and embarrass yourself instead of embarrassing me.”
- “but it’s quite embarrassing.”
- “come on, spit it out.”
- “i may or may not have told iwa-chan, makki, and mattsun that i have a girlfriend when i don’t have one.”
- you look at him like he’s the dumbest person you’ve ever met, because at that moment, you really believed that he was. “couldn’t you just … i don’t know … accept one of your many, many confessions?”
- oikawa tells you about his fear of his sister and the second-year that just confessed to him
- you find yourself admiring his sister because she’s probably the one person on this planet that can humble oikawa tooru (the next person to be able to do so will be you, but you don’t know that yet)
- after hearing his explanation you get an idea. “can’t you ask someone to fake being in a relationship with you? you know, so you don’t get the angry sister devil/angel thing on your shoulder?” (LOL if you don’t get what the angel/devil thing that i’m talking about is, it’s like when you have an imaginary angel and a devil that sits on your shoulders and criticizes every choice you make)
- “are you offering, y/n?” he has that shit-eating grin on his face again, so you know he’s mostly joking
- “hmm, i don’t know. i think you’ll have to formally ask me to be your fake girlfriend. it’s only polite after all.”
- oikawa blinks for a second because he didn’t actually think you were serious. “what?”
- “are you going to ask me to be your fake girlfriend or not? maybe throw in a flower and i’ll say yes.”
- oh. oh.
- well, he wasn’t going to let what might be his only opportunity to get someone to fake date him pass by
- he looks around and sees a small flower on the ground and picks it
- he takes both your hands and puts the flower in one of them before saying, “y/n-chan will you, take me, oikawa tooru, as your loving pretend boyfriend, and save me from irrevocable embarrassment?”
- you laugh in his face because he’s trying so hard not to laugh through his “proposal.”
- “minus points for not getting on one knee but i guess i do.”
- you mainly did it because you may have already gotten rejected by iwaizumi, but you did like the possibility of being friends with him, and fake dating oikawa would probably let you do that
- you also kind of felt bad for oikawa, knowing that he wasn’t exaggerating how embarrassing it would be if his teammates found out he was lying
- when you and oikawa walk up to the seijoh third-years while holding hands, makki and mattsun are jostling each other while iwaizumi looks mildly surprised
- “see matsun! pay up!”
- oikawa and you both look in surprise as mattsun reluctantly shoves a few bills into makki’s awaiting hand
- oikawa’s looking between them both. “what bet did you use me for this time?”
- “i bet mattsun that you and y/n secretly liked each other.”
- blink blink
- iwaizumi sees the mildly awkward situation brewing so he says, “anyways, y/n if you ever get tired of this dumbass, you’re more than welcome into our group. we’ll just kick oikawa out.”
- after that, you and oikawa fall into a dating routine easily (you have a pretty busy schedule too so both you and oikawa understand each other schedules well)
- usually this is where oikawa’s relationships fail. he spends so much time with volleyball and the team that he doesn’t really spend time with his significant others
- it’s different with you though. maybe it’s the fact that the stakes aren’t so high because it’s only a fake relationship after all, or maybe it’s because unlike his past significant others, you don’t mind spending most of your time and “dates” with the other seijoh third-years, or maybe it’s because he remembers that locker room conversation and he wants to prove to makki, mattsun, and iwaizumi that he can be a good boyfriend (even if it’s a good fake boyfriend)
- dates with oikawa are usually laid-back because he’s tired from practice (so like walks in the park, getting ice cream, or study dates where you don’t get much done because you spend most of it just laughing and cooking in his kitchen)
- you find that he’s secretly a decent cook (the only thing keeping from saying that he’s a good cook is because he can’t cut vegetables for his life, and he also managed to accidently burn the onions you were trying to caramelize).
- neither of you acknowledge the fact that since nobody’s there to see those dates, you two technically don’t have to go on them since it’s only a fake relationship
- oh and takeru LOVES you
- seriously. he thinks you’re probably the coolest person ever (he tells you one day that he thinks you’re even cooler than oikawa and oikawa is a pouting mess the rest of your day. you can only pull him out of his slump when you jump on his back and force him to run to the bakery and buy milk bread)
- sometimes you’ll come with oikawa when he needs to watch takeru
- as takeru teaches you how to receive a volleyball, oikawa will watch you two with a little smile on his face (this loser is so whipped like man people passing by reminisce on how they were young and in love once because oikawa looks at you like that. oikawa doesn’t notice that he’s doing it though.)
- you sometimes spend time at his house with iwaizumi or on select days just by yourself (mostly for study dates or for watching weird sci-fi movies that oikawa seems to love)
- since you’re at his house so often, oikawa’s mother takes a liking to you because “you finally got her boy to care about something that isn’t volleyball.”
- it’s when oikawa groans a “moooom” in response that you start to feel those pesky butterflies
- oikawa will run up to you after games and just hold you tightly (he tells himself that it’s because his fan club and the team are watching, but really it’s because he can’t thank you enough for being there because he just plays better when you’re watching)
- my god, dUDE . he has no idea that he loves you like . MAN .
- mattsun, makki, and iwaizumi always tease oikawa about how you’re so much cooler than him
- oikawa whines to you and says, “y/n-channn they’re being mean again!”
- “what do you want me to do about it?”
- oikawa pouts like the baby he is and says, “kiss,” while pointing to his cheek. you give in and a round of groans comes from mattsun and makki. oikawa looks so smug and those pesky stomach feelings come back. iwaizumi is smiling to himself.
- speaking of iwaizumi
- you two become best friends after he finds you looking dejected as you wait for oikawa to get out of practice. you confided with him about how your relationship was all pretend. you might have also told him that you may be teensy bit in love with his captain
- iwaizumi tells you that, “there are some things you just ... can’t fake. the way that shithead looks at you is one of them. trust me.”
- he also tells you that his suspicion that you and oikawa had this weird spark was what kept him from ever reciprocating your feelings and why he rejected you (oikawa literally tried being your wingman before by texting iwaizumi things like “did you see how pretty y/n was today? don’t you think she was pretty?” and “iwa-chan! y/n is so funny and that’s coming from me, so she really is funny! i think maybe you should talk to her to see what i’m talking about (≧◡≦)”)
- at this point everyone knows that you’re in love with oikawa for real (except for oikawa himself)
- everyone also knows that oikawa’s fallen for you (except for oikawa himself, and you because you refuse to believe it)
- the moment he realizes he’s in love with you is on another one of those dates that you both know you don’t have to have but still choose to have anyway
- you’re making milk bread and he’s helping to measure the ingredients when he turns around to see you covered in flour and he just kinda stops
- and he realizes
- like yeah he’s been getting that small tugging feeling with you a lot over these past few months
- but now he finally realizes it’s because he’s in love with you
- he’s staring for a long time and for a second you think he’s going to make fun of your flour-coated self, but he’s staring at you with that look and you’re confused
- “everything okay? is there something wrong? did you mess up the measurements?”
- then an idea hits him
- “something’s wrong. it’s kind of embarassing though.”
- “what is it?”
- “no but it’s really embarrassing.”
- “what .. what is it?”
- cue cheeky little grin. “i think i might’ve fallen in love with my fake girlfriend. i don’t have another flower to ask her out though. i hope she doesn’t say no.”
- you kiss him for the first time then and take pride in the fact that you get him covered in flour in the process
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- it happened the second day that you were at the tokyo training camp
- kuroo was with bokuto and a few of the karasuno first-years when bokuto started telling the first-years that kuroo had a girlfriend because he saw kuroo helping you carry your bags the day before (listen . this man is like . clueless when it comes to emotions sometimes i’msosorry)
- kuroo got this confused look on his face because he thought he would remember getting a girlfriend. “i do?”
- “don’t you? remember the girl you were holding hands with yesterday?”
- this was all some big misunderstanding
- so basically what happened was this: you’re shinzen’s team manager and you were tasked with carrying bags of equipment to the training center. kuroo was waiting for kenma to finish talking with lev (more like trying to avoid though lmao) and noticed that you were struggling so he came over to help
- kuroo figured that bokuto must’ve seen him holding the bags for you and assumed that something must’ve been going on (or maybe he looked over for the split second when kuroo held your hand in order to transfer the bags to his hand)
- he was about to clear things up when lo and behold, you walked into the gym
- “kuroo look! it’s your girlfriend! hey, come join us!”
- bless bokuto’s soul. bless that poor, oblivious soul.
- you walked up to them and looked at kuroo like “what??”
- you remembered him from the day before, but you didn’t remember ever agreeing to being his girlfriend of any sort
- he smiled apologetically at you and asked to talk to you on the side
- “what’s going on? why did he call me your .. girlfriend?”
- “look i’m sorry, bo’s a little … i don’t know. he saw me carrying your bags yesterday and assumed. i’ll clear things up, don’t worry.”
- when you two headed back to where bokuto is standing, it was obvious that kuroo’s smooth-sailing explanation wasn’t happening anytime soon
- because lev was there, and so was yaku
- “KUROO-SENPAI? THIS IS YOUR GIRLFRIEND? SHE’S VERY PRETTY SENPAI!” (bless lev’s soul too. another part of the extremely oblivious club.)
- yaku took no hesitation in teasing kuroo. “since when does kuroo ever get any girl to like him? this is new. no offense, of course.”
- kuroo tried clearing up the air by saying, “guys- listen this has all been som-“
- hinata doesn’t let him finish either lmao “YOU’RE THE TEAM MANAGER FOR SHINZEN!” (extremely oblivious club member number 3 here)
- “a team manager, kuroo? what’d you do to get her to say yes? is she a chemistry nerd too?”
- “bo-“
- they kinda just went like that back and forth, and kuroo kept getting interrupted
- you were just laughing to the side because it was kind of funny
- you also kinda felt bad for kuroo because damn his friends had like no faith in his romantic skills at all??
- maybe that was what made you say it, but after his friends were done teasing him you said, “he’s kind of a catch though, don’t you think? nerdy and funny is a girl’s dream isn’t that what they say?”
- kuroo blinked at you because what??
- once kuroo got you alone by asking you to take a walk outside of the gym, he asked, “so … what does this make us?” (surprise, surprise, he never got the chance to tell them about the misunderstanding)
- you just shrugged because really how bad could this be? “i felt bad at how much they were teasing you, so we could keep up the fake boyfriend/girlfriend thing for the week. it shouldn’t be too bad. plus it’ll save you the embarrassment of having to tell your friends that you didn’t actually get a girlfriend.”
- you guys did pretty good for the week of the training camp
- you’d cheer him on in secret if he got a spike or a block during a practice game while simultaneously still watching shinzen’s game
- you two walked around the halls when bokuto was watching just to keep up pretenses
- you learned that he’s a major nerd during these walks, which you found really endearing
- on the last day of camp, he tried to throw pieces of broccoli in your mouth (he didn’t stop until he finally got it in after his 9th try)
- you guys initially planned to “break up” after the camp was over
- but here comes bokuto again
- “hey y/n! kuroo, akaashi, and i were gonna go out for karaoke tomorrow if you wanna join.”
- you grew to like bokuto too so you said you’d come
- it was actually a really fun night
- you and kuroo sang a duet together
- he also stole some of your ramen
- you took a video of bokuto as he serenaded akaashi
- when you guys are leaving to go home, bokuto goes “you two are so cute. y/n do me a favor and don’t break up with kuroo until after the qualifiers would you? i wanna play him at his full game.” (again. seriously, he basically is the greatest accidental wingman ever)
- “we can’t break his heart, can we?”
- “no, we can’t.”
- and so your fake relationship starts
- you don’t get to visit each other often because you don’t live in the same vicinity, but you guys text often (it’s a friend thing, you both swear to yourselves)
- on weekends when kuroo’s not spending time with kenma, he’ll ask you to meet him at a park or a cafe (you two always send selfies to bokuto during every date)
- dates with him are always really fun because he’s spontaneous and also very active so sometimes he’ll take you by the hand and just drag you places
- he is not afraid to smear different colors of ice cream on your nose and call you some obscure name from some really old movie that he may have watched that week
- he also makes you push him on the swings
- the little kids get mad because what is this rooster man doing taking up a swing when he’s so old
- you laugh at him when the kids eventually come up to him and ask if they can use the swing
- dates will usually last the whole day because you’re both fine with just walking around and randomly finding stuff to do
- with all that time spent talking, you two also get to know each other really well
- like basically your life stories
- it took him a while to open up and at first he insists that you tell your story first, but after a while you notice how he starts letting little things about his life slip here and there until he starts telling you bigger portions
- you also get really close with kenma
- not close close the way him and kuroo are, but kenma would probably see you as his second closest friend
- that’s why sometimes kenma tags along with you guys (it doesn’t feel like third wheeling or anything because both you and kuroo enjoy kenma’s presence as much as each other’s)
- eventually, once you two got the hang of it, you’re like the couple that everyone likes
- because you’re both pretty funny and overall just have nice vibes
- his team starts to call you mom and dad as a joke because sometimes when shinzen doesn’t have practice, you’ll stop by at nekoma at the end of practice just to say hi
- they’re not wrong about the mom and dad thing though (it’s a really cute dynamic though i swear)
- your team used to not like him at first because they were protective of you, but eventually they reluctantly warmed up to him
- they threatened to demolish him if he hurt you though
- you guys have lots of study dates too!!
- since you’re both busy because of volleyball related things, a lot of your schedule lines up with each other (this also means that kuroo knows when you haven’t had time to study)
- you’ll be sitting on his bed on your stomach with your legs draped across his thighs as you read your textbook and he’ll be sitting against his bed frame reading one of his assigned readings (i also like to think that kuroo has glasses for these readings that only you and kenma have seen)
- sometimes, when you finish studying before he finishes, you’ll come up behind him and just start to play with his hair
- his hair is actually really soft despite looking like a bird built its nest in it
- you also have two of his jackets that are just lying around your house
- he likes when you wear them because he thinks you look so cute (he doesn’t tell you that though)
- after a while, it’s like both of you have forgotten that this was all a ruse just so bokuto wouldn’t get heartbroken after you two break up
- at this point, kuroo has learned all your quirks, habits, and has also memorized your schedule
- like … he doesn’t realize that he’s fallen for you until someone points it out
- he realizes he’s fallen for you on the day that shinzen loses in the tournament (this would be your last match)
- now nekoma just played a game, but kuroo’s first instinct is to check whether or not shinzen won (he’s been doing this for every game in the tournament)
- when he sees that you lost, he knows that you’ll be sad and in need of a pick me up
- as kenma and him are packing up, he says, “shinzen lost today. i probably can’t make it to your house tonight. y/n will probably want to go out with her team for a bit, but she’ll probably crash at my place. do you think i should make her a strawberry cake? or maybe she’ll want onigiri? no, she’ll probably want the cake. she always gets the little smile with her one dimple whenever she eats my strawberry cake. makes me proud.”
- kenma’s just looking at kuroo with arched eyebrows because HIS BEST FRIEND IS WHIPPED
- kuroo doesn’t get why kenma’s looking at him like that because he thinks about things like that all the time. “what??”
- oh kenma knows your relationship is fake
- so he just looks at kuroo and says, “try to refrain getting down on one knee today. i doubt you have a ring, and i’ll bet that y/n will want a confession of you being hopelessly, madly in love with her before you propose by the way.”
- kuroo kind of freezes and blinks at him.
- “wh … what?”
- “kuro, do i really need to spell out for you that you’re totally smitten with her? you have been for a while now.”
- “have not.”
- “yes, you have.”
- “have not.”
- “yes, you have.”
- “have not.”
- “yes, you have.”
- at this point, kuroo knows that kenma’s onto something, but kuroo doesn’t wanna jump to conclusions until he sees you again
- when you knock on his door and run straight into his arms that night, he knows kenma’s right
- like you’re balling into his chest and he gets that feeling that he wants to hold you forever and never let go
- and he knows. he knows.
- after you start to calm down, he offers you the cake that he made just for you
- he swears that he feels ten times lighter after he sees that exact smile with the exact dimple on your face
- now kuroo may be loud, and rambunctious at times, but when he loves, it’s quiet, simple, but not any less there
- as you finish eating the cake, kuroo notices that there’s a few pink crumbs on your lips
- and he kisses you
- like a “slow, hand on the cheek, nose touching after he pulls away” kind of kiss
- “i made a realization today. kenma told me to hold back on proposing, so i’ll go with confessing instead.”
- you’re looking up at him with your heart beating hard in your chest
- “i think you might’ve made me fall in love with you.”
sorry if there are any mistakes lmao i tried catching all of them but ... 6k words ...... yanno. .....
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luvcherry · 3 years
Let Me In [2] ✾
Natasha Romanoff x Reader. 3rd POV. Word Count: 5.6k.
Part One || Part Three ✾ Complete Chatroom Masterlist
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Summary: Y/n has dinner at Natasha's place.
Content: mentions of a past toxic relationship, angsts, mentions of death.
A/N: Wanted to post this last week but I got caught up with some personal stuff so I ran a bit behind on all my fics. But, I hope you enjoy!
Y/n wanted to look pretty.
She felt like a girl getting ready for prom, obsessing over how she looked in the mirror and if she accomplished her goal of looking pretty enough. Later that night at the hotel after running into Natasha, she realized she had nothing appropriate to wear to dinner. She was not expecting this to happen to her as it all occurred on her first day back in this city. She didn't want to show up in something shoddy, so she grabbed Kennedy from the daycare center and the two went downtown for Y/n to find something. The price tag on the dress she settled on is going to be felt next month when she's budgeting, but she doesn't pay it any mind. She feels like it's worth it and maybe in the future she will feel like she was stupid for buying that dress and going through with the dinner, but not right now. She had been thinking about how tonight will play out for the past 4 days. This is either her revenge or the funeral for her 20 year old self.
"You look pretty," Kennedy praises as she turns away from her stuffed giraffe for one second.
"Thank you," Y/n huffs as she straightens her dress out. She was so nervous that even the little girl could feel it, but she interrupted much differently.
"Why do you have to get so dressed up? Where are we going?"
"We're going to see my friend."
"Is it that lady from the frog store? She was kind of weird, she kept looking at me funny."
"She's not weird. She's just an old friend of mine and was surprised to see you with me."
"But, if she's your friend why would she be surprised to see me with you?"
"Because she's an old friend, Kennedy. I haven't seen her in years," Y/n finally stops looking at herself in the mirror so she can turn to face the five year old, "go put your shoes on and then we'll be ready to go. And don't forget your socks; it's warm now but it's going to get much cooler tonight."
Kennedy sighed in annoyance which made Y/n laugh in disbelief. Sometimes she feels like she's raising a teenager. Kennedy is a smart and normally a good kid, but she is the opposite of Y/n as a young girl. She's not timid or overtly obedient, she's one of those kids who doesn't have a filter and it doesn't help that she's too young to read the room. Y/n purposely didn't tell her much about Natasha because she knows the little girl will snitch on her somehow. But, she did feel a bit guilty about not telling Kennedy more while they're in a big city together for the first time. Although Y/n has her personal problems with Natasha, she knows that her ex-girlfriend would never ever do anything that would lead Kennedy to harm. Y/n trusts Natasha with a small child, just not her heart.
Y/n takes one last glance at herself in the mirror, admiring the gold earrings she found in the discounted section of one of the stores and how the black dress she found just fits her perfectly. She was dressed more for going out to one of those nice restaurants like Agwi or that one with the statue outside that scared Kennedy. She was dressed up as if she was going out on a date, but she can't admit that to herself, at least not right now.
"You ready?"
Kennedy gives her a nod, her little backpack hanging off of her shoulder, and Y/n takes her hand and holds onto it tight.
She's so damn nervous that she feels like she's going to throw up. Kennedy talked the entire drive over to the new address Natasha gave Y/n. Y/n tried to engage with her to take her mind off of the butterflies bumping intensely in her stomach but it was hard for her to find anything to say besides "oh" and "hmm."
Y/n noticed that her GPS was taking her to the area of the city with the more expensive apartments. She felt like an imposter just driving through the streets of this district. Natasha's last apartment was probably pricey simply due to location but there was nothing super fancy about. Stark Industries has to pay someone with a position like Natasha well, but it was just so surprising for Y/n to be coming around these parts to visit Natasha. Just because Natasha had a nice job and rubbed elbows with upper-class entrepreneurs and Silicon Valley tech workers doesn't mean she was like them. Or at least that's what Y/n thought. She doesn't really know anymore (and she isn't sure if she ever knew), but she isn't going to judge her. Y/n's sure that once she moves up the ranks in her job she's going to buy something better than the small 2 bedroom apartment she has back at home.
'You have arrived at your destination'
The robotic voice sounds out throughout the car and it makes Y/n's stomach churn. She's so damn nervous that she almost misses the entrance to the apartment's parking garage. There was a limited parking area for guests just like Natasha said. All the spots were nearly filled but Y/n managed to find one.
Natasha lived on the 5th floor. It was a pretty tall building but it had many floors because the apartments on each floor were huge (that's what she discovered when she went snooping online when she was deathly curious about where Natasha lived now).
"You have to be on your best behavior, okay?" Y/n bent down to be at Kennedy's level, balanced on the slight elevation from the boots she decided to wear. "You're normally very good for me, but I just want to remind you to keep your hands to yourself and not touch everything that interests you, okay?"
"Okay," Kennedy nods her head as her voice is filled with annoyance. Y/n always gives her this lecture when they go somewhere important and she's tired of hearing it. As long as she has her entertainment in the form of her giraffe and her child-proof tablet then she'll be fine.
"Okay, let's go."
It was intimidating walking through the garage and seeing all the nice cars parked in their assigned spots; not even the staff parking lot at the college was filled with this many newer car models. The building itself was secured and Y/n had to walk through a long hallway that only led to the lobby. She wasn't surprised to see a receptionist at the desk separating him from visitors. She felt like she was in a hotel again, but this is just one of the amenities the stupidly rich have.
"Hi, I'm here to see someone on floor five," her voice slightly shakes. The man doesn't even look at her which makes her feel a bit small, like she's not relevant at all.
"Apartment number?"
"Uhh, I'm not sure. I'm here to see Natasha Romanoff?"
"Sorry, I need an apartment number."
Y/n furrowed her brow in confusion. This is one of those buildings that don't want to confirm any of their residents that live there for the sake of anonymity but Y/n felt like the whole process was ridiculous. She had to dig her phone out of her purse and text Natasha to give her the apartment number. It took her a little bit to receive a text back with 'E53'.
"The apartment number is E53." The man seems slightly annoyed at Y/n's interjection but she doesn't care. She just wants to be at Natasha's door already because at least she'll feel a smudge more comfortable around someone she knows.
"Okay, you have access to the elevator."
It was such a weird process for something so simple, but Y/n didn't protest and soon enough her and Kennedy were riding up the elevator to Natasha's floor. Kennedy held onto her hand tight at the quick ascension. Y/n looked down at her to make sure she was okay. It may not be the most correct thing to do, but Y/n knows if she somehow needs to make an escape from an awkward conversation or Natasha tonight then she can use Kennedy being "tired" as an excuse to get out of there.
The elevator dinged and Y/n's heart dropped. She was realizing that this is very real and she's stupidly agreed to this. Just because she's older now doesn't mean she wasn't going to fold at the mere sight of her ex-girlfriend's face. She's desperate for this to go her way so she doesn't leave her with egg on her face.
She stops right at apartment E53, but she hesitates to knock. She lets go of Kennedy's hand and adjusts her hair to make sure it looks good. She takes in a deep breath and lets it out in a sigh which makes the five-year-old look up at her like she's crazy. Finally she knocks on the door and she's never been so nervous in her life; Y/n wishes she was in Kennedy's position, just oblivious to everything that's going on.
"Just a minute!" A muffled voice calls from the other side of the door. Y/n nods her head as if Natasha can see her. She hears the shuffling of feet getting closer to the door until it opens up. The second that door cracks open Y/n feels like she's too dressed up. She can't ignore how Natasha's eyes travel up and down her body with an expression she can't read. "Wow, you look great," the redhead croons.
"Thank you. So do you."
Natasha looked like she was still wearing her work clothes which made Y/n feel young again for being the only person to put so much into something. It was fitting for the occasion, something she would laugh about because of the irony if she wasn't the person in the situation.
"You two can come on in," Natasha steps out of the way to make room for Y/n and her...not-daughter to step into her apartment. She wanted to catch up with Y/n in general but she had so many questions about the little girl holding her hand. She doesn't resemble Y/n at all so they're not sisters, besides Y/n would've just said that on the phone. She fully understands if Y/n is hesitant to tell her why she's taking care of a whole human, but she might die if she doesn't find out somehow.
"It's really...spacious here."
Y/n remembers Natasha's old apartment as if the last time she stepped inside was yesterday. If Natasha still stayed at that apartment she thinks it would've made her more hesitant to accept this invite. It wasn't a bad apartment, quite the opposite. It was way smaller than her new apartment but that's what gave it that quaint, cozy feeling. There were books haphazardly stacked and placed on a bookshelf while papers were always somewhere on the floor. Natasha's old apartment was the apartment of someone who was too busy to get their life together, and that should've been a sign for Y/n. Still, she was very fond of that apartment although the thought of it was too painful at times. Even after the years began to grow longer and longer, she remembered the instant warmth she felt the first time she went there, that first day she met Natasha in person. It was a stupid pipe dream to think that that would be their apartment someday, but she used to fantasize about it a lot when they were dating.
"Dinners' almost done. You two can sit in the living room and wait while I set up the dining table, okay?'" Natasha's voice snapped Y/n out of her daze.
They awkwardly parted and Y/n guided Kennedy to the couch. It looked very expensive just like everything else in here. The walls were decorated with paintings and there were vases placed on end tables. Y/n never took Natasha to be the one who decorated her home in such a nice and neat fashion. Sure there were posters on the wall of her old apartment, but that doesn't compare to paintings.
Natasha was mentally berating herself the entire time while in the kitchen. She worried about not making Y/n feel comfortable enough or not really acknowledging Kennedy enough. She didn't regret asking Y/n to come over for dinner, but she wishes she would've sorted her thoughts out first before ever making an offer like this. It would be a lie to say she hasn't thought about Y/n in these last seven years, but she knows what type of girl Y/n is (or at least what type of girl she was), and she can bet that Y/n thought about everything ten times more than Natasha did. She felt a bit guilty thinking about Y/n losing sleep over their failed relationship, but Natasha has mastered the art of distracting herself from her personal life using work. So many things have happened in her career that it would be impossible to sit down and tell Y/n everything within these next two hours. She doesn't want to anyway, she wants to focus on Y/n.
"Dinner's ready!"
Y/n grabs Kennedy's ipad and stuffs it back into her little book bag.
"Can I bring Raffie?"
Y/n looked at the look on her face and then to how tight she was holding the stuffed animal. She seemed a bit stressed due to the new location, but it was also because she didn't see Y/n react warmly to the redheaded woman so she doesn't know if she can trust her either.
"Sure," Y/n says, sympathy painting her voice and her eyes. She felt bad for dragging Kennedy along but the university's daycare closes around this time, so she had no other options.
Natasha is just finishing adding the dishes to the table when Y/n and Kennedy walk in. Her eyes light up when she sees them and she urges them to take a seat. It's not a big dining table so there aren't many options, but Y/n did not want to sit next to Natasha. Instead she sat across from her with Kennedy taking the seat to her right, her stuffed giraffe sitting on the extra space of her chair.
"I didn't know if the table would be too tall for her, so I bought a booster seat if she needed one."
"Natasha, you didn't have to do that."
"I wanted to do that. It's the least I can do."
"I think she's fine," Y/n turns her attention from Natasha to the girl, "you okay, Kennedy?"
"Yeah, I'm fine."
Natasha wasn't super fond of kids as she hadn't really been around them, but Kennedy was adorable. She knows she's not Y/n's daughter or anything like that, but it's still very surreal to see them together. Natasha can tell by the way Y/n's eyes linger on her that she's very protective of her and they must have some sort of bond that mimics a mother-daughter relationship, or at least the relationship of two sisters.
"I made spaghetti. I made other stuff, but I figured spaghetti would be a good option because I heard young kids can be picky — I was at that age."
"Spaghetti is perfect. Kennedy likes it a lot." Kennedy nods her head in agreement with Y/n's words. She was nervous about this stranger, but that began to dissipate when she learned she would be eating spaghetti.
Watching Y/n fix her plate and remind Kennedy not to make a mess was interesting to say the least. She sounded like such a mother Natasha was still unable to grasp the entire situation, including that Y/n is here in her apartment, right in front of her, right now. Y/n's slight nagging reminded Natasha of her mother, but a much nicer, softer version. She only wanted the best for Kennedy and wasn't going to make her feel dumb when talking to her.
"So," Natasha interjects while fixing her own plate, "is the city like you remembered?
"Pretty much...I mean nothing has really changed, but I also hadn't explored the city much in the first place."
"That's true. We didn't go that many places. Which hotel are you at?"
"The Echo, it's more towards the outside of the city."
"I've heard of it before. Very fancy."
"Yeah I'm surprised my job put up the money for me honestly."
"Mmm," Natasha hums.
This dinner is more awkward than she wanted it to be. She suspects it's because there is an elephant in the form of a five year old in the room that severely limits Natasha.
"So, are you in preschool, Kennedy?" Natasha's voice is stiff as she asks the child a question. She has had conversations with very powerful people but no one makes her quite as nervous as children. She just doesn't know what to say to them or how to talk to them because she's not a child.
"I'm in kindergarten," she answers, mouth full of spaghetti.
"Chew and swallow your food before speaking, okay? It's rude to talk with a mouth full of food."
"Okay, Y/n."
It was surreal to see Y/n in this motherly role, but from how Kennedy talked to her it was obvious that they didn't have an explicit mother and daughter relationship. They acted more like sisters which made Natasha nearly desperate to know what the full backstory of this is. Y/n tries to speak to Kennedy in a stern voice but it always comes off as soft and gentle. Her words sounded more like suggestions than concrete rules for life.
"Sorry," Kennedy apologized to Natasha who really did not mind that a kid was being a kid, "I'm in kindergarten!"
If this was any other child Natasha would probably not be too fond of them, but this little girl seems to mean a lot to Y/n. She can see it in the way she looks at her. She can also see the insecurity in Y/n's eyes which she guesses is in regards to being a parental figure.
"What's kindergarten like?"
"I don't know...it's easy. I like coloring and playing with my friend," she explains to which Natasha nods.
Kennedy is very different from both Natasha and Y/n as children. She has that sense of freedom the two of them never felt at that age. Y/n was not going to raise this girl like her mother did her; it wouldn't be fair to neuter a young girl's potential before she even knows what that word means.
Kennedy had finished dinner faster than the two adults which resulted in a tummy ache.
"I told you about eating too quickly, Ken," Y/n softly chides her as Kennedy starts to cry crocodile tears.
"I'm sorry...can I lay down?"
Y/n suspected that she was tired and that's why she's making a bit of a fuss. She had a long day playing at the daycare and now she's worn out. Y/n looks to Natasha before she can answer the question.
"She can go lay down on the couch. I'll grab a blanket for her."
Y/n nods before pushing herself out of the seat and picking Kennedy up. She carries her to the living room where Natasha is there grabbing a blanket for one of the closets'. She lays Kennedy on the couch and grabs the blanket from Natasha who stands closer to her. It's one of the softest blankets Y/n has ever felt as she unfolds it and lays it over Kennedy.
"If you need me just call my name, okay?" She reminds her as she tucks her in like they do at home.
"Alright," Kennedy says through a yawn. From the look of it, she'll be out in a minute or two.
Y/n stands up and watches over her for a few seconds. She stares at her to make sure she doesn't magically disappear before she's comfortable enough to leave the girl alone to fall asleep.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt dinner," she apologizes after turning to Natasha.
"It's okay. We can finish up."
Now they were alone; the adults in the room. Natasha could finally talk candidly without worrying about her language around a child.
"Is it easy?"
"Is what easy?"
"Being a...parent? I don't know what to call you," she admits truthfully, "but you're clearly her guardian and she's very fond of you."
"You should see her when I'm trying to make her turn off PJ Masks so she can go to bed," Y/n quips.
"But she definitely listens to you and respects you. She seems like a good kid."
"She is. No child is "easy" to raise per say, but I am glad that Kennedy makes things a little bit easier."
Natasha was beating around the bush, trying her best to avoid the real question that has been plaguing her mind. But she wants Y/n to feel comfortable enough to tell her. Prying it out of her would be too scummy in her opinion.
"Have you been seeing anyone?" Natasha pivots the conversation with the other bold question she wanted to ask.
"I don't have time. Between work and Kennedy, I barely get enough time to myself, yet alone time to date. There is this guy at my work who flirts with me but he reminds me of my father — huge turn off."
It's true that Y/n is too busy to date, but she could make time if she really wanted to. She's just too jaded right now to date. She's always had the fear that anyone she dated would move on from her because she didn't fit into their lives. Even when it was someone who lived a similar life to her, she just felt like she was a bit too odd to fit into someone's life. Then Kennedy came along and she was afraid of the stigma of dating as a single "mother." She's not going to talk about the circumstances surrounding her and Kennedy all willy-nilly so many of potential suitors have written her off when they found out about the little girl.
"I haven't gotten out much either. The con of being a career woman."
Y/n wasn't sure if that was supposed to reassure her or not. She doesn't care to know about Natasha's dating history after their relationship because she knows it will set off some jealousy inside of her. But she can't help but compare herself to the hypothetical partners in her head.
"I'm sure we'll both find the time to date someone someday."
"Maybe...it might take a little longer for me since my career quite isn't where I want it like yours is. I have a ways to go. And I rather focus my extra energy on raising Kennedy. She needs me."
"I have to ask," Natasha couldn't hold it in any longer, "what is Kennedy to you? Is she your sister?"
"Oh, hell no. My parents stopped touching each other when I was like 12. I don't even think they like each other anymore. Kennedy isn't mine and I'm not related to her by blood. It's just...do you ever have a story that is too complicated to tell? One that has too many side stories and footnotes that tie all together to make the story make complete sense?"
"That's it every story I have from college," Natasha jokes.
"Well this is mine."
"If you don't mind, you can indulge me. I don't mean to offend, but you were never really one to have a lot of friends so I worry you may have not had anyone to talk about all of...that."
"It doesn't offend me because you're right. It was never easy for me to make friends and that hasn't changed. I do talk to a few coworkers so I'm not alone. Sometimes it's better to just keep things to myself."
"But, you don't have to with me."
Y/n knows that, but what's the point? She's only here for a week-and-a-half, and she isn't even sure what she wants from Natasha. She accepted this dinner for a reason but now she's backing out.
"If you don't trust me, I understand. You have the right not to-"
"It's not about trust. I trust you with the story. I just don't want you to feel like you have to shoulder the burden of it."
"It's the least I can do."
'The least I can do'
That was becoming the tone of this trip. Y/n noticed Natasha say that to her more than once. It was her way of atoning, hoping that all those small gestures could make up for what she had done. Neither of them are naïve enough to think forgiveness works that way. One dinner and one talk isn't going to give Y/n what she wants, and neither is it going to make Natasha feel less guilty. Both of them are scarred from this and it's time to either patch up the wound or rip it open again.
"Amy and I became really close," Y/n begins, "it was random and came out of nowhere. Cindy kind of...she kind of faded out of the picture but it wasn't by any of our choices. Amy and I moved in together after graduating and Cindy went to grad school across the country. Amy got in a relationship with this really awful guy. Long story short he knocked her up and left her. We were practically raising Kennedy together," she pauses for what feels like a minute but is only a few seconds, "then she got in a really bad car crash. I don't want to go into the details of it. I had to fight really hard to get custody of Kennedy — I was so lost and clueless while doing it, but she had no one else but me. Amy's grandmother died a year after she was born and she really has no other family besides an estranged older brother. They wanted to put Kennedy in foster care, but she knew me and loved me, I couldn't let her go."
Natasha inhaled sharply at the story. She didn't think it would have taken a turn like that. She feels awful for Y/n; awful that she was probably alone in the process too, it makes her guilt grow even larger.
"I wish I would've reached out."
"It's okay, Nat. You didn't know and no one expected this to happen. Neither of them can change the past, but I'm just glad that everything is okay now. Kennedy doesn't really remember much about her mother, but I like to remind her everyday. Amy really loved her and it's unfair they were separated like that. I could never replace the spot of a mother, but I will try my best."
"I can tell you're doing a great job, Y/n."
"Now it's my turn to ask a personal question...Natasha, why did you invite me here? Are you trying to say sorry without saying it? I don't want to dwell on the past..." It was such a lie because that's all Y/n has been doing for these last few years, but she doesn't want to admit that in fear of looking pathetic. Natasha may not have been in any long-term, serious relationships since the two of them broke-up, but she's sure Natasha has had someone in her life since.
"Honestly? I'm not sure. I do feel bad. What I did wasn't right. I don't want you to think I regret our relationship, but I do hold most of the blame because I don't think I should've progressed it any further. You were young and only in college while I was reaching some of the heights of my career."
"But, it was my choice," Y/n says hastily, "I made the choice to be in the relationship too, not just you."
"I'm aware, your consent was always important to me, but did I ever make you feel like you were pushed to be with me?" Natasha asked that for the sake of herself. She can be domineering at work but sometimes it spills into her personal life. The last thing she wants to be is the person who forces relationships (romantic, platonic, professional, whatever) onto people.
"No. I wanted to be with you and I enjoyed it. It wasn't always easy but I just figured that it was because of my first relationship. Plus relationships are not easy in general and heartbreak is inevitable."
It is, but Natasha certainly could've gone about the break-up in a better way since she was the older party. But, she doesn't admit that out loud.
"Do you think we were a good match?" Y/n asks.
"You want my honest answer?"
"Of course," no matter how painful it might be, Y/n needed to hear the truth so she could maybe start the process of getting over this.
"It was just the right person, wrong time."
Y/n never noticed the small things like the hesitation and vague answers before, but now it's glaringly obvious and it's almost upsetting.
"Ugh, don't say that. I don't like stuff like that. It was either we were a good match or not."
"Things are more complicated than that, Y/n."
"Oh, spare me that," she responds with a bit of anger. She didn't mean to let her emotions get the best of her but she has wanted to say something for years and now she's sitting directly across from the person she needed to get these things off of her chest to. "I know things are complicated, but sometimes there are clear distinctions of right and wrong. I'm not a little girl anymore, and I know that some of the stuff you did to me back then was fucked up." Y/n's anger begins to bubble but she keeps her voice low so Kennedy doesn't wake up to her saying "no-no" words.
"I know, I know. I'm sorry. I told you I regret a lot of things, including even starting the relationship. When I realized that maybe a relationship wasn't what you needed, I should've been more careful."
It was hard for Y/n to get what Natasha was saying. Just because time has passed doesn't mean she has grown all that wiser. She just felt like Natasha was being cruel with her power because she simply could. Y/n couldn't bring herself to regret their relationship (even the arguments they had), but she did mull over what maybe she could've done differently to change the outcome.
"I guess," Y/n says defiantly. She wasn't going to see eye to eye with Natasha tonight, and maybe not ever.
"Regardless, I don't think you should give up on love because of what happened between us. I'm sure you can easily find somebody."
"Well, the same goes to you."
"I'm pushing 40 Y/n, I'm old," Natasha jokes. She always had this air around her that she was too bothered to be in a relationship and now that she's older she wonders if it's even worth it.
"40 isn't old, Nat.
"Maybe old isn't the right word, but I'm definitely...definitely settled into my ways."
Y/n hums; she couldn't disagree with that.
It was later than Y/n expected. She was grateful for having to go in later for work tomorrow since it's a Friday."
"We should be heading out. I don't want to keep Kennedy out too late."
Natasha almost forgot about the little girl since she was so quiet in the living room. "Of course," she responds before standing up from the table. Their dinners were partially eaten, a sign that their conversation swept them up more than the food.
Kennedy was sound asleep on the couch and Y/n was hesitant to wake her up, but she had no choice. "C'mon Ken, we gotta go." Y/n was met with groans from the fussy five-year-old. She knew she was going to have to carry her all the way back to the car.
"Do you need any help? I can walk you both to the car."
"No, no, it's fine," she answers as she throws Kennedy's book bag on the same shoulder as her purse. "She looks heavy but you develop a super strength when you have to carry a sleeping child," Y/n jokes.
With a half-sleep Kennedy in tow, Y/n lets Natasha open the front door for her.
"Thank you for dinner. It was nice to eat something other than fast food and college cafeteria food."
"No problem. I hope you enjoyed it — and I hope our talk wasn't too much."
"It was fine."
The two kind of linger for a bit, the air around them becomes stiffly awkward again. Was this goodbye-goodbye or just a 'see you later'?
"Have a good night, Nat."
Y/n begins to walk down the hall before Natasha can respond. She pokes her head out the door to watch the two and make sure they make it to the elevator. Natasha wanted Y/n to look back at her, maybe give her a little wave or something, but Y/n kept looking forward.
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
Always You | JJK (Eight-Part 1)
Summary: you and Jungkook have been best friends since freshmen year of college, there’s a lot of unsaid feelings and tension but neither make a move. what happens when his friend Taehyung (also your crush) needs a fake girlfriend?
Pairing: Jungkook x Female reader
Genre: friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, slight slow burn, roommate au, college au, SMUT (starting ch2), fluff, angst (in later chapters) slight crack, lots of drama
Word Count: 11.5k (part 1)
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, sexual tension (!!!), mentions of sex, oc struggles with her future, mentions of vibrator, mentions of cum eating, dirty talk, vaginal fingering, oral (female receiving), masturbation, swallowing
Notes: I am having to post this chapter in two parts, I am so sorry about that! But here it is!! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter:) feel free to send an ask if you want to be added to the taglist or just want to chat about the story:) I LOVE talking with ya’ll!
Taglist: @mooniyooni @thisartemisnevermisses @giadalin @kookiebunny097 @cosmosjk @moonchild1 @just-jeon @anpanman-sonyeondan @starlight-night0 @yessii-i @apollukee @mikasaredscarf1 @kaye-rosales @bunnyjeonjk @dyriddle @aclowe13 @bishuthot @271101 @seagulljk @hass-mich-los @peachy-skz0325 @wonusbitch @not-your-lion @flowersgirl02 @justinetingball @fiantomartell @fairysunooo @taebae19
© taestefully-in-luv
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“What about this one?” You hold up another birthday banner, showing Vanessa yet another option.
“Ugly.” She says.
This is the fourth fucking birthday banner you’ve shown her and she doesn’t approve of any of them. But you have to admit this one is a little ugly.
“Vanessa…” you groan out, getting very obviously frustrated.
“I like this one.” She points to a banner. The very first one you showed her.
“Seriously?” you grab the banner and place it in your cart. “Okay, we still have to pick up the cake at 3. And we need to make sure we have enough plates for everyone…oh! We also still have to pick up the bottles at the liquor store.”
“I can get the cake.” She replies smoothly.
“We can just go together?”
Today is Jungkook’s birthday and you and Vanessa have been (Kind of) texting throughout the last week trying to find a good day to meet up. The day happened to be today of all days, so you’re feeling quite rushed.
“Fine.” Vanessa picks at her cuticles, just standing here looking gorgeous.
You on the other hand…were not expecting this to be a fashion show! You’re in shorts and a t shirt while she wears a flowy green dress and sandals.
“I want to be the one to present his cake to him though,” Vanessa begins, her eyes never leaving her fingers, “I am his girlfriend after all.”
You hate that your chest tightens at her words, you hate how her words affect you like this, how she affects you like this. Just being in her presence alone makes your heart twist.
“Got it.” You place some birthday plates in the cart, “So…what did you get him for his birthday?” you try to make conversation.
“A cologne.”
“You know he’s sensitive to smells—”
“He likes this one.”
“I know him better than you think y/n.” her smooth voice cuts you like a butcher knife.
You nod your head, not knowing what to say. Maybe she does. But like, you still know him better right? You got to, right?
“What about you?” Vanessa lifts her eyes to meet yours, her eyes are small and dark and inviting.
“Uh, to be honest…I’m meeting with Jimin after this so we can go shopping for his gifts. So, I don’t know yet but I have an idea.”
“And what’s your idea?” her eyes go back down to her nails that she keeps picking at.
“Friendship bracelets.” You state.
“Hm.” Vanessa pushes the cart forward and walks towards the isle with candles. “We still need nice candles for the cake.”
“It couldn’t have been that bad, babe.” Jimin holds up a plain black hoodie and nods approvingly. “Another one for his collection, what do you think?”
“Looks like something I’d steal, so yes.” You give him a quick thumbs up, “And it was bad dude. She’s so hard to talk to!”
“Yeah, I could see that.” Jimin stands in front of a full body length mirror and checks himself out, pushing his hair out of his face. “Forehead or no forehead, tonight?”
“Hmm, no forehead.”
“Forehead it is.”
“Wow, you never listen to me!”
Jimin chuckles wholeheartedly, shrugging his shoulders like he agrees with you.
“So, where are these bracelets you keep going on about?”
“That one weird shop buy the smoothie place has these cute bracelets with letters for names on them! I was thinking I could get him a black one with my initial on it and I would get myself one with his initial.”
“You guys are so…that’s cute I guess.” Jimin giggles, he holds up his wrist as if imagining himself with the bracelet. “I want one too!” he whines.
“Maybe for your birthday.” You wink. “Anyway, do you think Vanessa knows Jungkook better than me?”
Jimin stops walking to get a look at you, an expressions that reads: Are you serious? Plastered on his face.
“It’s a valid question.” You say.
“No one knows Jungkook like you honey.”
“Okay…Also, you’ll be meeting my friend Yoongi tonight!”
“The not date, date guy?” Jimin pouts, “I thought you weren’t going to lead him on…”
You scrunch up your face in confusion,
“I can have friends Jimin, I’m not leading him on!” you try to defend.
“If you say so. Just like, try to focus on one boy at a time, you know?” Jimin teases.
You two walk to the shop that sells the bracelets and go inside. You find the bracelets you’re looking for rather quickly, feeling nice and lucky. You grab them and go to pay, when you finish up at the register you notice a Jack Skellington key chain and add it on to Jungkook’s gifts. You always have trouble finding good gifts for people, okay? You take what you can get.
“Shit, it’s already 6. I still need to go home and get ready!”
Nick lets you and Vanessa use their place as the spot to celebrate, it’s bigger than your place and Vanessa agrees saying it’s bigger than hers as well. Nick and his bro that believes in aliens (You really got to learn his name but at this point you are too afraid to ask) are the only ones here as you and Vanessa set up.
“Bro AI is out to get us man—” Aaanndd you are tuning him out, you watch as Nick listens closely, nodding his head every few minutes and whispering ‘Bro’. You and Vanessa hang up decorations in silence, the sound of Nick and his bro chatting away filling the room.
“People should start arriving soon…” you try to make small talk with Vanessa, she only hums in response not even sparing you a glance.
“You look nice.” You try giving her a compliment, she turns her head to the side to look at you and a sly smile grows on her face.
“Do you have feelings for Jungkook?”
You immediately choke on your fucking spit, what the actual fuck? You try to compose yourself when you hear the front door opening. Thank God.
“It is I!” You know that voice. “Where is my Jungkookie?” You hear Jin entering the living room along with Namjoon and Hobi.
“Jimin should be bringing him in the next 30 or so minutes!” you yell out. Once Jin and the other two boys spot you they light up.
“y/n!!!” Jin hurries to your side and bring you in for a quick hug. “How are you?!”
“Good, good.” You laugh, hugging him back.
“Good to see you y/n” Namjoon says with a soft smile and then you hear your named being shouted even though Hobi is a foot away from you.
“Long time no see!!!” He hugs you, shaking you around in his embrace. You can’t help but chuckle at your friend.
“Hi guys, I’m so glad you could make it.”
“Would we miss our Jungkookie’s birthday? No way.” Jin says.
“Oh,” you turn around to see Vanessa just standing behind you, not saying anything just staring. “This is Vanessa. Jungkook’s—”
“We know!” Hobi says, “Jungkook has brought her to Jin’s. Nice to see you again Vanessa!”
Vanessa tilts her head and nods, her lips not even attempting to curve into a smile.
“You too.” She finally says.
This girl either has no manners or just does not know how to properly socialize? Maybe she gets anxiety being around too many people?
You feel your phone buzz.
Yoongs 7:14pm
Im outside
“Be right back guys, a friend of mine just got here.” You try talking over your group of friends. You head towards the front door, swinging it open to a Min Yoongi waiting patiently.
He smiles at you when he sees you, he holds up a bottle of wine and shakes it around a bit.
“For the party.” He says.
“Perfect, let’s pour us a glass right now!” you gesture him to enter the apartment.
You two walk into the kitchen, and you start searching for a wine bottle opener but can’t seem to find it.
“Hey Nick!” You yell out, hoping to get his attention, “Where’s the wine opener?”
Nick shuffles into the kitchen and gives you an expression that screams he has no idea.
“I know where it’s at.” Vanessa’s silky voice fills your ears as she enters the kitchen.
“Oh.” Of course she does. Why wouldn’t Vanessa know? She probably comes here more than you do…
“Thanks.” You finally say when she hands you the wine opener.
“Well, let’s open this baby up!” you turn to face Yoongi and he smiles at you.
“Hi Vanessa.” Yoongi waves at the girl and she hums in response, walking out of the kitchen.
“Sorry, she’s…” but you don’t know what to say. Also, why are you trying to excuse her?
You pour you and Yoongi a glass and gulp it down quickly, you finish your first glass in just seconds.
“I need another one.”
“What’s got you so stressed in a time of celebration?” Yoongi casually sips on his wine, one baby sip after the other.
“Nothing, nothing.”
“y/n…” his soft tone makes you feel comforted already and he hasn’t even said anything yet.
“I don’t know how to say it without sounding psychotic.” You admit, pouring yourself your second glass of wine.
“Try me.”
“I feel like I am competing…with…”
“With Vanessa?” He gladly finishes for you.
“Yeah, like…I don’t know, I feel like she’s trying to take my place. But my place isn’t ‘girlfriend’ so I don’t know what I’m freaking out about.”
Yoongi sets his glass down and studies you for a moment, you begin to feel antsy under his gaze.
“I’m obviously on your side,” Yoongi begins in a hushed voice, “But maybe she’s worried too?”
“I wish I knew if she felt worried, or felt like, anything. This girl is hard to crack!” you quietly say.
“Just try to enjoy the night, okay?” Yoongi smiles and you don’t even feel like smiling back but you do. Suddenly, you feel your phone going off.
Jungkook 7:32pm
Why is Jimin making me dress up? I thought it was just a couple of us? Why do I need to look nice, I’m tired from work
Jungkook 7:33pm
Seriously y/n…it’s just a couple of us, right?
y/n 7:35pm
omg yes Jungkook it’s nothing big I swear, he just wants you to look nice for pictures
Jungkook 7:36pm
I always look nice for pics lol
y/n 7:38pm
No comment
Jungkook 7:40pm
Don’t be fukin rude
` y/n 7:40pm
Can you guys hurry up?
Jungkook 7:44pm
Jimin is in the mirror deciding if he’s showing his forehead or not
y/n 7:45pm
classic Jimin
Jungkook 7:45pm
Classic Jimin
You stuff your phone in your back pocket and grab your glass of wine and begin sipping on it again. Yoongi eyes you up and smirks.
“That the birthday boy?”
“Hm? Oh, sorry…yes. He and Jimin should be here soon.” You watch as Yoongi nods his head and then you realize…”Oh my god, let me introduce you to the guys!” you set your glass down on the counter and reach for Yoongi’s hand and pull him towards the living room. Unfortunately for you, you miss the way Yoongi blushes at the contact.
“Guys, guys.” You interrupt the boys from their conversations, “This is my friend Yoongi…” you gesture towards the boy, “Yoongi, this is Jin…Namjoon, Hobi, and Nick and his pal, uh…” you blink at Alien Dude and he just grins at you, not realizing you don’t know his fucking name. “Yeah, anyway.” You decide to move on, “Jungkook and Jimin should be here soon—” Suddenly, there is soft knocking on the door. You raise a brow because who else could it be?
You walk towards the front door and look through the peep hole and much to your surprise you see Holly and Trina waiting outside the door. You’re quick to open it with a wide smile on your face.
“I thought you didn’t want to come?” You ask, your question directed towards Trina.
“I…” her eyes slide to Holly, “…Had a change of heart.” She huffs out quietly.
“You’re going to be civil?” you smirk at your friend and she rolls her eyes at you.
“She’s going to be more than civil.” Holly pipes up, “She’s going to be nice.”
“Hey we never agreed to that!” Trina crosses her arms over her chest, “But whatever.”
“Thanks for coming T.” your smirk transitions into a soft smile. This means a lot to you, that Trina is trying to accept Jungkook.
“Well? Are you going to let us in or what?”
“Right, right.” You move to the side and let the girls through. They step inside and make their way towards the boys.
“Oh? You must be Mister Oatmeal Raisin!” Trina grins towards Yoongi, who stands here chatting with Hobi.
“You’re…let me guess, Trina? And you must be Holly?” he nods at both girls, “I’ve heard a lot about you two.”
“I hope good things?” Trina teases.
“Only the best.” Yoongi raises his glass to her and she turns her head to smirk at you.
You watch as everyone gets along, talking, laughing and having a good time—all except Vanessa. She is sitting on the sofa on her phone, tapping away. She doesn’t even try to converse with any of Jungkook’s friends? Strange. You hate her, technically. But you can’t help but feel bad? Like, why does she isolate herself so much? Does she really just have some social anxiety or something? There’s got to be a reason for her odd behavior.
“Hey.” You say, sitting on the sofa next to her. “You okay?”
“Hm?” Vanessa doesn’t look up from her phone as she barely acknowledges you.
“Why don’t you come hang out with the rest of us?”
Vanessa tilts her head to get a look at you and she blinks at you repeatedly.
“Why?” she finally asks. “I’m only here for Jungkook.”
Okay, ouch.
“You never answered my question from earlier,” Vanessas coy smile begins growing on her face. “How you feel about Jungkook.”
You feel your palms get sweaty when you process her words. How the hell do you respond to that?
“I—I…” Then the front door is opening and you hear Jimin obnoxiously announce their arrival, that he has the birthday boy.
You immediately jump to your feet and rush towards the entrance of the apartment to greet your friends.
“Too bad you can’t admit it, “ Vanessa whispers, her eyes going back to her phone, “I could help you too.”
“JUNGKOOKIE!!!” Jin opens his arms wide, “Come and embrace me! It’s your birthday gift.” Jungkook stumbles in the apartment with wide eyes as he searches the living room. His eyes find yours and he smiles. He shows you his bunny grin and you can’t help but smile back. He looks breathtaking, Jimin didn’t play around picking Jungkook’s outfit. Ripped black jeans, chunky boots, a plaid shirt with a leather jacket—he looks hot as hell. Vanessa is a lucky girl, you think bitterly to yourself.
Jungkook greets his friends one by one until he sees Yoongi walk from the kitchen into the living room. Yoongi has refilled his wine glass and stops just in front of Jungkook and bows his head in greeting. You rush to the two boys, joining them in this awkward encounter.
“Oh, I invited Yoongi.” You begin to explain, “You remember Yoongi, right?” you ask Jungkook.
“Of course…” Jungkook tries smiling but it’s tense and strained. At this, Yoongi smirks.
Yoongi steps closer to you and wraps an arm around your shoulder and he smiles at Jungkook.
“I’m y/n’s plus one tonight—or I guess her…date?”
“D-Date?” You and Jungkook both stutter out.
Yoongi brings you in closer, nice and snug against his shoulder as he chuckles.
“Something like that.”
Jungkook tries releasing a breath but finds it to be troublesome. He looks at you with an expression you cannot really decipher, but he doesn’t look all too pleased.
“That’s nice.” He finally says, scratching the back of his neck.
“What’s nice?” It’s a smooth and silky voice. Vanessa. “Happy birthday babe.” She joins your circle next to Jungkook and places a kiss on his cheek.
“Right…” you butt in, “Happy birthday Jungkook.” You smile, still in Yoongi’s arms.
“What do you want to do first?” Vanessa links arms with Jungkook and you feel your body go tense. You don’t want her to touch him.
“Eat.” Jungkook laughs, “I’m so hungry.”
“Well, we have pizza for everyone.” You say loudly, getting the rest of everyone’s attention.
“You say pizza? Hell yeah.” Trina walks towards you four with Holly following behind her.
“Oh hey Trina…” Jungkook says, not entirely too sure how to talk to the girl that hates him.
“Hey Jungkook,” she says quickly with a smile, “So where’s the pizza?”
Jungkook and you share a look of pleasant surprise. Trina? Being nice?
The rest of the boys follow and you all head inside the kitchen to snag a few slices of pizza from the pizzeria that Jungkook is fond of. Vanessa stays close to Jungkook’s side, not that you are surprised. But what is surprising you is that Yoongi has suddenly become slightly more affectionate with you?
Yoongi takes any chance he can get to touch you in some way, whether it be picking a piece of thread off your shirt, or placing a wild strand of hair behind your ear. He doesn’t really strike you as the type to be so openly affectionate…at least not the one to initiate it.
But can picking a piece of thread off your shirt really be counted as affectionate? Maybe he’s just trying to help. What you don’t know though…Jungkook has picked up on too. He has watched as Yoongi smiles at you and you smile back, he has watched as Yoongi subtlety touches your arm when he talks to you and how your hand finds his shoulder when you laugh.
Jungkook sits on his couch, chowing down on a slice of pizza as he glares at you and Yoongi. He doesn’t mean to glare but why is he here? This is a small get together between close friends. How close have you and Yoongi gotten?
“And then bro, I was like no fucking way bro.” Alien bro talks animatedly, his hands motioning all around the place.
Nick stuffs another slice of pizza in his mouth, nodding along to Alien bro’s story.
“That is fucking wild.” You hear Trina pitch in, “Like, did that really happen to you?”
“It may have been a dream, but let me tell you…” Alien bro closes his eyes, “I think it was real, like a memory.”
You internally laugh, because this dude has got some wild fucking stories and you don’t know how to take him seriously. But everyone seems to be enjoying it.
“Let’s do cake!” You hear Jimin yell out, “I have such a sweet tooth right now.”
At this you see Vanessa actually light up, like she has been waiting all night for someone to mention the cake. You two agreed she could present it to Jungkook, maybe that’s why she’s so visibly excited.
“I’ll go get it…” She speaks up, “I’ll be right back.” She says, facing Jungkook. Vanessa stands from her spot next to Jungkook on the couch and heads towards the kitchen.
A few minutes pass by when you hear your name being called. You get up and walk to the kitchen when you see Vanessa with the cake in her hands, the candles already lit up.
“Can you turn off the lights?” she asks, “And you can start the Birthday song.”
You nod your head, walking back into the living room to switch the lights off.
“Okay, ready Jungkook?” you smile at him and he rolls his eyes with a smirk.
“I guess.” He says, amusement laced in his voice.
“Happy birthday to you!” you begin singing, the rest of the gang joins in and the living room is soon being filled with the sound of everyone’s voices singing Jungkook a happy birthday. You pull out your phone and begin recording, Vanessa walks in with the cake and she keeps her face neutral. She doesn’t even sing, wow. You can’t help but kind of laugh, that’s so in character for her.
“Happy birthday dear Juuuungkoook, Happy birthday to you!” You all finish up and start whooping and hollering.
“Make a wish.” Vanessa sets the cake down in front of him and Jungkook nods his head. He takes a deep breath before his eyes find yours. You guys share a brief moment before he’s blowing out his candles.
“What did you wish for?!” Hobi asks, excitement filling the room as everyone agrees that they want to know.
“Secret.” He says, still looking at you.
“Here,” Vanessa nudges a perfectly wrapped box in Jungkook’s hands, “Present.”
“You didn’t have to Vanessa.” Jungkook grins at her but he’s already unwrapping his gift, he throws the wrapping paper to the floor and takes a look at the cologne box.
“This is so expensive!” he whines, “But thank you!” He looks at you for a moment when he awkwardly pecks Vanessas lips in front of everyone.
“My turn!” Jimin shouts, “My turn, my turn!” he stands up and walks by the front door where he left the gift. He picks up the bag and walks back into the living room, standing in front of Jungkook, handing him the bag.
“You’ll love it.” Jimin wiggles his brows at the boy.
Jungkook wiggles his brows back as he opens up the bag and pulls out a black hoodie.
“Fuck yeah.” Jungkook stands up to hug Jimin, “This one is so soft.”
The rest of the gang gives Jungkook a gift one by one until all eyes are on you. Suddenly, you feel super fucking shy and lame that you got matching bracelets.
“Uh, I haven’t gotten anything for you yet…” you lie. “But I will soon, promise.”
Jungkook’s bunny smile begins to fade as he processes your words,
“No worries, y/n.” he smiles again, “You don’t have to get me anything.”
“It’s just a little late, is all.” You shift awkwardly from one foot to another. You wish you weren’t such an idiot. You notice Jimin staring at you from across the room, he looks disappointed.
“What about the bracelets y/n?” Vanessa’s voice can be heard by everyone. She looks at you with a blank expression and you never wanted to strangle someone more.
“What bracelets?” Jungkook’s curiosity showing.
“It’s nothing.”
“It’s not nothing. They’re friendship bracelets. Such a sweet idea.” Vanessa smiles at you.
“You got me and you friendship bracelets?” Jungkook stands up and walks to you, he extends his right hand out and waits expectantly.
“Thanks Vanessa.” You deadpan.
“No problem.”
“It’s really nothing Jungkook…”
“I want the damn bracelet y/n.”
You stare at him for a moment, his big doe eyes making you feel like you must give in.
“okay, they’re in my bag…” you turn around and search for your purse. You notice Yoongi trying to hand it you and you smile at him gratefully.
“Here.” You hand him his bracelet and he inspects it, rolling it through his fingers.
“Your initial?” Jungkook clenches the bracelet in his fist and looks up at you.
“I fucking love it.” He brings the bracelet to his heart, “I will wear it every day.”
“I have one too…” you pull it from your bag and dangle in around.
“It has a J?” Jungkook bunny smile grows ten times as wide. He takes the bracelet from your fingers and chuckles at the two bracelets.
“I love it.”
“I’m glad you like it—”
“No, love it. I love…” Then he’s clearing his throat, remembering he is in a room full of people.
“Thank you.”
“Oh! There’s one more thing…” you pull out the key chain and you watch as Jungkook’s face lights up. Of course he is more excited about the key chain, you laugh.
“Fucking awesome!” Jungkook takes it from you, “I’ll put it on my keys!”
“That’s the idea,” you chuckle. “Anyway, let’s play games now.”
You and Jungkook stand at the front of the living room, in front of the T.V in battle mode.
“You’re going down Jeon.” You snicker at him, he only rolls his eyes at you as he readies himself.
“I’m just glad I’m not going against Jimin.” Jungkook shoots Jimin a look and Jimin winks.
You two have to chug an entire beer can, trying to beat the other.
“Honestly, same.” You admit, if anyone can down a drink in seconds—it’s Jimin.
Trina stands up and joins your side,
“Okay, are we ready everyone?”
Everyone begins cheering, the sound motivating you and making you feel excited.
“Okay. When I yell…BAM…you start drinking and don’t stop until that can is empty…got it?”
“Yes, we know how to chug a drink, Trina.”
“Damn girl, I was just sayin’.” Trina throws a hand on her hip, “Okay, 3…2…1…BAM!”
You and Jungkook scramble to start drinking, the chilly liquid making its way down your throats. The drink is cold and carbonated and you’re trying to ignore the way it sizzles, instead pretending it’s as smooth as water and you down it back.
“Jungkook is going to win!” Namjoon yells out, he has risen to his feet, the excitement too much.
“No, y/n is! Look how much her head it tilting back!” You hear Jin chime in.
Truth is, you aren’t really sure how much you’ve drank, or how much is left! You’re just wanting it to be over!
“Holy shit, they’re both so close!”
And right as you’re about to finish your drink you hear the sound of a can being crushed right next to you. He won.
“WHAT’S UP…LOSER!” Jungkook shakes his empty, crushed can in your face as you finally finish your own drink.
“Okay, okay. Literally only let you win because it’s your birthday.” You snide playfully.
“Sure y/n, sure.” Jungkook grins down at you, his laughter bounces off the walls and you feel so whole when you hear the sound. He leans forward until his arms are wrapped around you in a quick yet loving hug.
“Whatever you got to say to yourself…loser.” He chuckles out, letting go of you.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” Your pout is so cute, Jungkook thinks.
Yoongi stands up, his gummy smile lighting up the room as he approaches you two. He stands next to you and asks if you’re alright.
“You’ve already had so much to drink, I’m just making sure you can make it back to the sofa.” Yoongi’s shoulders shake as he laughs.
“She can handle herself.” You hear Jungkook say in a somewhat serious tone, “She knows how to drink.” He tries to say a little more lightly.
“But she doesn’t really have to do the penalty, right?” Yoongi asks.
“No, I definitely do.” You laugh out, “Where’s the shot, huh?”
Jungkook gives you a silly looking smirk as he heads towards the kitchen to fetch you that shot. He’s only gone for a moment when you realize he has returned with the liquid of fire.
“For you, princess.”
You roll your eyes at his little nick name he’s given you but you cannot help the blush that creeps on your cheeks…
“Please…please.” You pant, rolling your hips into his as you meet his desperate thrusts.
“Please what, princess?” he breathes out heavily, “Told you that when you’re with—” He begins fucking into you faster, “When you’re with me…to use your words.” His pace is bruising, causing you to choke on the air around you.
The little nick name causing you to remember something you have tied burying.
“I think you should take one too, since it is your birthday after all.” You tease.
“But I’m the winner…” Jungkook pouts, his bottom lip jutting out so far.
“Come on, I bet you won’t.” Jimin pipes in.
“Yeah dude.” You hear Nick say.
“FINE!” Jungkook throws his hands up in defeat, “But you have to go pour it for me.” He says, looking at you.
“Done deal, baby.”
“Pour me one too.” Vanessa walks up to you, her strap on her shoulder sliding down.
“Oh?” you ask, but you nod your head in approval and head towards the kitchen to pour two more shots.
You return with the shots, but feel your stomach drop when you see Jungkook and Vanessa laughing together, her hand laying on his chest, his arm wrapped around her waist.
“Oh!” Jungkook looks at you and smiles, “The shots!”
And then Min Yoongi is at your side with his own shot, he looks at you and gives you a sweet smile and eyes full of understanding.
“Let’s take them.” He says. His hand going to yours, he squeezes it tight and you feel yourself trying to breathe.
“Here you go.” You hand the two shots to Jungkook and Vanessa, they take them and you four look at one another before raising your glasses.
“Happy birthday, Jungkook.” You whisper, taking the shot.
Hours pass, and things are starting to wind down, you think. Jin, Namjoon and Hobi are at the front door saying their goodbyes and you feel your time is coming soon too.
“Us too.” Trina says, “Our uber is almost here.” Her and Holly gather their things and make their way out the door.
“Jimin, you coming with us?” Trina asks.
“Um, what about you y/n?” Jimin makes it to your side, his hand going to rub your shoulder.
“You guys go without me, I’m going to help clean up. Hostess duties!” You salute towards your friends and they giggle.
“Okay babe, I’ll see you soon?” Jimin goes in for a tight hug and you hug him back even tighter.
“I’ll help you clean up.” Yoongi offers, but you shake your head.
“No, I couldn’t ask that. Me and Vanessa got it. You go home too, it’s so late. I will come by to see you soon though.”
“Are you sure?” Yoongi asks as he catches Jungkook watching you two. “Well, if you insist y/n.” he inches towards you and to your surprise, you feel his lips leave a small kiss on your cheek. Yoongi smirks when he sees Jungkook react. Jungkook glares at the boy and Yoongi feels like hopefully he helped enough tonight.
“What was that for?” you feel yourself turn red.
“Nothing.” He whispers before he’s turning around and walking out of the door.
You are left here shocked and confused but you cannot help but smile at Yoongi’s small gesture. He really is too sweet.
“Well,” you turn around to face Jungkook and Vanessa, “Let’s clean up,” you say to Vanessa, “And then I’ll get out of your hair.”
“Actually,” Vanessa curls her lips upwards, “I am feeling quite tired.” Her eyes find yours, “So maybe Jungkook can help you clean up.”
“You’re going home already?” Jungkook looks confused. He was probably expecting birthday sex or some shit.
“Mhm.” She breathes out easily, “See you later babe.” She leans over and pecks his cheek, you immediately twist your head to look away. Vanessa notices and she fucking smiles that sly ass smile. “See you later, y/n.”
And with that she is out of the apartment, leaving just you and Jungkook and Nick and Alien Bro.
“We will be out on the balcony smoking, if you guys want to join.” Nick offers to you, but you’re shaking your head no.
“Nah, you guys enjoy.” Jungkook says. Nick and Alien bro (You really got to learn this dudes name) are opening the back door and leaving you guys for the balcony.
“And then there was two.” Jungkook jokes, he chews on his lips as he watches you begin the cleaning up process. You get a large black trash bag and start throwing away the empty beer bottles and other trash around the living room and kitchen.
“Help me clean, birthday boy.”
Jungkook grins at you and starts helping, he’s gathering the shot glasses and setting them in the kitchen sink. You two work like this for around 10-15 minutes when the place is finally looking like his apartment again.
“Well, I guess that’s it.” You set the last trash bag in the kitchen, “You and Nick can take these out later, right?” “Yes, y/n. You did enough, I swear.” Jungkook smiles at you. “Hey, where’s your bracelet?” he dangles his wrist around, showing you his.
“Oh…” You dig around in your pockets until you finally find the piece of jewelry.
“Let me.” Jungkook stands closer to you, reaching his hand out, expecting you to hand over the bracelet. You place it in his hand and he grabs your wrist and clips the bracelet on.
“There.” He breathes out, “Never take it off.” He half jokes.
“You really like it?”
“I really love it.” Jungkook pulls you in for a hug, but he’s letting go much faster than you would like.
“Wanna chill for a bit?” He asks you, his hands still on your arms from your hug that you just shared.
“For a bit, sure.”
You two walk to the living room sofa and plop down, the long day finally catching up to you. It’s around 1 am now, you’ve been running around all day.
“So…” Jungkook looks at you with an unreadable expression, “What’s going on with you and this Yoongi guy?”
“What do you mean?”
“Was tonight like, a date for you two?”
“What? No?”
“Really? Could of fooled me and like, everyone else.”
“He was just joking…I think.” You groan into your hands, and laugh. “Why?”
“I was just wondering.” He turns to face forward, his face hardening as he thinks. “Is he going to be like, your boyfriend?”
“What?!” you choke on your spit, “Yoongi is my friend.”
“Does he know that?” Jungkook continues to look forward, “He was all over you.”
“He definitely was not all over me. Oh my god. What are you getting so crazy for?”
Crazy. That’s the word you use, but he knows you mean jealous. Jungkook sits here, biting on his bottom lip. He has to admit, he doesn’t like this ‘crazy’ feeling. He feels like he’s suffocating just remembering you with Yoongi tonight. He has no right to feel crazy or jealous. He has a girlfriend for fucks sake!
“I just hope he’s treating you right.”
“He’s just a friend Jungkook. But you know what? And if he was trying to date me?”
Jungkook feels his chest tighten, not liking the idea already.
“Then like I said, I hope he’s treating you right.” He says more softly, turning to look at you again.
“Did you enjoy your birthday?”
“It was nice, thank you.”
“What’s your favorite birthday in your life so far?”
Jungkook tilts his head as he thinks, rocking it side to side. He folds his arms behind his head and lets out a long breath.
“There’s two I can think of.” He says, “When I was 10 all I wanted to do was see one of those drive thru zoo things. But I wasn’t expecting much because I guess birthdays and holidays were stressful for my parents…” he takes a deep breath, “they always fought so much and so I didn’t think we would be doing anything for my birthday at all. But they for once, they got along this day. They took me to the zoo and I just remember being so on edge like something may go wrong…but it never did, it was a perfect day.”
“I bet 10 year old Jungkook was so cute.”
“I was the cutest!”
“And what’s the second?”
“Sophomore year of college.” He states quickly making you choke on air. Really? That birthday of all birthdays?
“Jungkook, there has to be a better one than that…” you begin, “We literally didn’t even do anything.”
It seemed everyone happened to become busy the day of Jungkook’s birthday, everyone except you. You and Jungkook spent the day just the two of you in his dorm room watching movies and playing video games. You didn’t even buy him a present, much too broke!
“That day meant a lot to me.” Jungkook explains, “You didn’t leave my side, no matter what.”
“Well, you were my best friend.”
“And now?” Jungkook turns his head to face you, “Am I your best friend now?”
“Jungkook…” you caress his thigh, “Of course.”
Jungkook throws his head back as he smiles that bunny smile and you can’t help but giggle.
“Were you worried?”
“So worried.” He continues to laugh, “You’re my best friend too.”
“I don’t know guys!” you whine, bringing the cup of coffee in for a sip. “Marketing…can someone even be passionate about that?”
“What did I say y/n? You’re so concerned if you’re passionate or not, why don’t you start off small—finding something you just like.” Yoongi offers his piece of advice but you groan.
“What do you think Tae?” you point your head in his direction, “Wait, I am asking one of the most passionate people I know.” You complain.
“I agree with Yoongi, y/n.” Taehyung says, he drinks his water in gulps.
“Of course, who wouldn’t agree with Yoongi?” You hit your head on the table a few times.
You three are seated in Yoongi’s record shop in the cozy corner of the store, discussing the burden of dreams.
“I mean, guys.” You begin, “I don’t want to be making cookies forever.”
“But I really like them.” Yoongi whispers.
“Me too,” Taehyung says as he shoves a sugar cookie down his throat. “So good.”
“Guys, you aren’t helping.”
“Honestly y/n…” Yoongi stands from his seat to get some more coffee, “Stop trying to force a dream to happen. It will come to you naturally, just trust in that.”
“You make it sound so easy.” You hand Taehyung another cookie and he takes it with a grin.
“So y/n…” Taehyung swallows down the last bits of the cookie before he’s turning to face you in his chair, “How was Jungkook’s birthday, I forgot to ask.”
“It went really well actually.”
“Why do you say ‘actually’?” Taehyung laughs, “Were you expecting it to go bad?”
“It’s not that…I don’t know. Maybe.”
“Is it because of Vanessa?” Yoongi comes back with two fresh coffees.
“That’s his girlfriend, right? I just don’t get it. Should we come up with an evil plan to break them up?” Taehyung snickers.
“Tae, chill.” You giggle.
“I’m joking but I am also totally serious.” He comments. “Anyway guys, I gotta head back to the museum. But same time next week?”
“You know it.” You blow on your hot coffee, waving him goodbye.
The last few weeks the three of you meet up for coffee (Tae usually brings his own drink of choice, says coffee is too bitter for him) and chit chat just like now. It’s an interesting group but you feel comfortable. After time has passed, forgiving and moving on from Taehyung’s crushing you has gotten easier and now you even find his friendship to be quite valuable. You guess they weren’t kidding when they say time heals all wounds.
“Are you two ever going to tell me what happened between you? You were so tense when he first started hanging out.” Yoongi says, observant as usual.
“I will. But another day,” you smile.
“No rush.” Yoongi drinks his coffee slowly, “Whenever you’re ready.”
“By the way, did it work?” Yoongi asks between sips.
You can’t help but raise your brows in question,
“Did what work?”
“Did Jungkook say anything? About being jealous?” He gives you a smirk.
“What are you talk—wait, were you purposely trying to be affectionate with me to see if Jungkook would get a rise out of it?” You ask, completely shocked. That seems almost out of character for Yoongi!
“I tried. I’m a little awkward being the first to show affection, “ he admits, “But for you, my friend, I was willing to try.” He gives you a shy smile and you feel your heart race.
“You really don’t even have to answer because I know the truth. I could see it on his face, but I was curious if he said anything to you.”
You think back to Jungkook’s birthday and well…he technically did say something to you. He was being a little crazy (jealous) but you cannot understand why. Jungkook is your friend and not to mention he has a girlfriend.
“Sorry to disappoint Yoongs, but he did not.” You decide to say.
“Did you know you avoid all eye contact when you want to lie.” Yoongi takes another sip of his coffee, his sly smile telling you he knows the truth.
“Jeez, why do you pick up on things so quickly?!” you groan, “I can’t even tell one little nothing lie in front of you.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t try to lie to me then.” He laughs. “So what did he say?”
“He just—I don’t know. He just…wanted to know what was up with you basically.”
Yoongi opens his mouth to say ‘Ah’ and then continues to drink his coffee.
“He’s not going to be rude to you or anything!” you quickly say, “he’s just a little protective over me, is all.”
“Oh? That’s all?” Yoongi teases.
“Hey…” you set your cup down and fold your hands in your lap, “What makes you think Jungkook feels the same way?”
Yoongi breathes out slowly, his fingers tapping against his mug when he looks up at you and smiles.
“There’s an obvious tension between you two, “ he starts, “The way he looks at you. That honestly gave everything away. His eyes always find you, no matter what.” Yoongi quietly chuckles, “The way he’s threatened by me. He doesn’t even try to hide it.” Yoongi thinks for a moment, “And…you two, the way you are together…god, it’s like watching two people who are in a relationship but don’t know they’re in a relationship.”
“What—what do you mean by that?” you pry further. Curious about your own dynamic with Jungkook that maybe even you can’t see.
“I don’t know like, you guys act like boyfriend and girlfriend already!” he laughs, “That’s when I knew I didn’t stand a chance.”
“It’s okay,” his gummy smile lights up his whole face, “being your friend has been so much more rewarding.”
You feel yourself smile at his words…although, you do feel bad. But keeping a friend like Yoongi around has been amazing. And maybe if you weren’t already in love with someone else…no, you shouldn’t even think that, that’s not fair.
“Thanks Yoongs.”
“We need to talk.”
Jimin is shoving his way through Jungkook’s front door, his hair pushed back in frustration like his fingers have been running through it for hours.
“Jesus man, it’s like 8 in the fucking morning.” Jungkook’s low, groggy voice booms from his chest.
“This couldn’t wait. I have to be at work at 9 and I’ve been up all night with the same one thing on my mind.” Jimin takes off his shoes and makes his way to the couch.
“And what’s that?” Jungkook asks, clearly annoyed.
“You need to tell y/n how you feel.” Jimin decides to go with the straight forward approach, he does not have the time to beat around the bush today.
Jungkook closes the door and swings around to face Jimin,
“Listen man, I’ve been racking my brain about it all fucking night. It’s got to be you. You have to do it, she won’t.”
“Why the fuck would I do that?”
“Grow the fucking balls, man!” Jimin sits back on the sofa, his head falling into the cushion.
“Look dude, I don’t know what you—”
“You’re in love with her, you have been since freshmen year. You guys fucked, I know. She didn’t talk to you for however long, I know that too. But come on man, it’s so clear how you both feel.”
Jungkook continues to stand here, not knowing what to say. Where is all this coming from?
“I have a girlfriend, Jimin.”
“Oh please, give me a fucking break.” Jimin stands up, walking towards Jungkook. “There is almost zero chemistry between you two. Like emotional chemistry…I don’t know what your sex life is like…” Jimin holds up a hand, “And I don’t want to know.”
“Wasn’t going to tell you anyway,” Jungkook pouts. “Listen, how can you be so sure y/n would even feel the same way?”
“Can’t you just fucking trust me?” Jimin yells out, exasperated.
“Did she say the words Jimin?” Jungkook becomes very serious, making Jimin shudder. “Did she tell you she has feelings for me?” his dark eyes pierce into Jimin’s.
Jimin looks down at the ground, feeling defeated.
“You know I can’t tell you that.” Jimin finally says, “You just have to have the courage man. Are you really going to go your whole life not telling her? Why torture yourself like that?”
Jungkook stands here feeling so lost, and fucking emotional. Like, he could god damn cry about it.
“Because,” Jungkook sniffles into his sleeve. “It’s guaranteed she would be in my life. I can’t risk losing her. I couldn’t handle that man…” Jungkook begins to choke up.
Jimin walks closer to Jungkook and pulls him in for a tight hug, Jungkook keeps his arms to his side.
“I know. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Jimin whispers.
“I think though…that there will be a moment where you finally have the courage…”
“I don’t know.”
“You will, Jungkook. When the timing is right…but I don’t know when that is for you two.”
“I really do love her…” Jungkook allows a few tears to slip from his closed eyes into Jimin’s shoulder. “I’m so frustrated like, all the time.” He admits, “Seeing her, talking to her, I just want to tell her how I feel. I hate how hard I have to try just to stay in the zone of friendship. But you don’t understand the risk…” Jungkook leans back, pulling away from Jimin. “If she doesn’t feel the same, I could lose her.” His puffy eyes avoid Jimin. “Can I handle a loss like that again?”
“But she…” Jimin has to bite his tongue…seeing his two best friends like this hurts his heart beyond belief.
“Yeah, I understand.” Jimin decides to say, “But I think you might be surprised.”
Jungkook pulls his brows together, his face scrunching up and he scoffs.
“Maybe, but maybe not.”
“I’m sorry to bring this all on you so early in the morning…I’ve just been so worried about you two…” Jimin starts to put his shoes back on.
“Maybe you could stay until you really need to leave for work? You still go like 45 minutes, right?” Jungkook practically begs with sad, soft eyes.
“Sure.” Jimin takes his shoes back off and grabs a hold of Jungkook’s shoulder, “Let’s sit down for a while.”
The two boys head to the couch and take a seat, leaving little space between them. Jungkook needs the presence of another human being right now, he needs to feel real live warmth. Jimin wishes he could mend Jungkook’s cracked heart but he knows only you can do that. But Jimin can try his best. The two sit in comfortable silence, the only sound that can be heard is Jungkook’s light sniffling and Jimin humming a soft tune.
“It’s almost 9.” Jimin mentions regretfully.
“I know. Thanks for staying for a bit.”
“Of course.” Jimin rises from the couch, “You guys are my best friends but you two sure are fucking idiots.” He smiles and makes his way to leave.
Bored. So fucking bored. Trina and Holly went out for dinner tonight and you were not invited! You kind of wonder what’s going on between them…but that’s a thought for another day, right now you are so fucking bored.
It’s Friday night and you don’t know what to do with yourself. Jimin has some party he’s going to tonight but you didn’t really feel like going so you rejected his invitation, Jin and the guy’s invited you over for a cookout but you said no because you didn’t feel like driving all the way to Jin’s place—you know, lazy.
And you haven’t heard from Jungkook all day so he’s probably tired from work or worse—with Vanessa. But would it hurt to try? To see what he’s up to?
y/n 9:04pm
Jungkook 9:10pm
y/n 9:12pm
Whatcha up to tonight?
Jungkook 9:13pm
Nothing really, you?
y/n 9:13pm
nothing either…
y/n 9:13pm
Wanna have a movie night with some wine?
Jungkook 9:20pm
Jungkook 9:23pm
Lemme guess, I have to bring the wine
y/n 9:23pm
Jungkook 9:50pm
I’m almost there
Not even 5 minutes later you hear your door being knocked on, and you yell a ‘come in’. Jungkook pushes the door open and finds you sitting on the couch wrapped up in your favorite blanket. He shuts the door behind him, and walks to the kitchen for some wine glasses. You two only nod at one another in greeting, getting comfortable in each others presence.
“I brought 2 bottles,” Jungkook says, “One for you, one for me.”
“Wow, you’re so smart.” You smile up at him and his heart clenches in his chest. Your smile is so special, it’s so soft and so fucking pretty he almost cannot handle it.
“Y-Yeah.” He sets the glasses down on the table that sits in front of the sofa. “What movie do you have in mind?”
“You can choose.”
“Iron Man?” “No, not that.”
“Fine.” He pouts, “Let’s find something new on Netflix.”
An hour into some random drama, you find yourself getting sleepy.
“Wakey wakey.” You feel Jungkook’s breath on your ear, you open your eyes a little wider to prove your consciousness.
“I am awake…hey,” you suddenly get an idea, “Remember a little while ago you said you felt like our friendship kind of started over?”
“Hm? Yeah?”
“Would if we do?”
“I don’t get it?” Jungkook asks clearly confused.
“Let’s play a game! Of getting to know each other better. Everything out on the table.” You say with a pleased smile, obviously loving your own idea.
“hmmmmm…” Jungkook wraps his blanket closer around his body, “Sure.”
“Yay! I’ll pull out a list of questions from the internet.” You get your phone and google a list of questions. “You ready?” you say with a wink.
“I guess so.” He playfully shrugs his shoulders and shows you a small smile.
“Okay one…What’s your favorite way to spend a day off?”
“hmm…sleeping in, working out, playing video games, making videos, sleeping some more, hanging out with you.”
“Wow, honored.” You tease. “For me, it’s sleeping all day.”
“That’s it? That’s your whole answer?” Jungkook giggles.
“What type of music are into to?”
“y/n…” Jungkook whines, “You already know these answers…”
“We’re pretending we don’t!”
“Fine, I like almost all genres but I really prefer ballads.”
“I like music with meaningful lyrics,” you say.
“I agree.” Jungkook grins at you.
“Next…Do you have a favorite holiday. Why or why not?”
Jungkook nibbles on his lips as he thinks…is he honest?
“I use to hate holidays.” He admits softly, slightly slurring thanks to the wine, “But now it’s Christmas and New Year’s. And why? Both reasons are because of you.”
You feel your cheeks become warmer and probably pinker.
“Mine too.” You say quickly, “Next,” you are in a rush to change the subject. “Do you want a family of your own?”
“One day, yes. With the right person…”
“I’m the same.” You scroll through the questions, “If you had only one sense…hearing, touch, sight, etc, which would you want?”
“Touch. Imagine not being able to feel things?” Jungkook asks, he thinks about not being able to feel the soft touch of sheets on a bed, the feel of your hair between his fingers, your skin, your lips—wait, he needs to chill. “Yeah, touch.”
“Really? I would choose sight.” You say, “Who do you admire most in this world?”
“Mom.” Jungkook whispers, “She was so strong, she went through so much yet still found the strength to love me.”
“You.” Your hand finds Jungkook’s, you hold on to him softly, “My answer is you.”
“y/n…” Jungkook leans into your side, “Thank you.”
You clear you throat and continue scrolling through your phone, looking for the next question.
“If you found out today is your last day on Earth, what would you do?”
“Exactly what I’m doing right now.”
“Honestly? Me too.” You whisper, you feel your heart beginning to race as you and Jungkook admit that if it were your last day, you would spend it together. Somehow the thought almost seems romantic to you…that’s obviously your imagination but you can dream.
“What’s the last thing you do at night?”
Jungkook wiggles his brows at you and you hit his arm, laughing.
“Gross.” You giggle. “Something besides that.”
“What? You think it’s gross to mast—”
“Don’t!” you yell out laughing. “Don’t be gross.”
“Everyone does it y/n…I bet even you.” Jungkook voice goes low. “in fact, I have a question for you.” Jungkook scoots closer to you, “When was the last time you got yourself off?” your eyes go wide, “It’s not like you’re seeing anyone…unless you and Yoon—”
“No!” You begin to panic, “I’m not seeing anyone, you’re right.”
Jungkook releases a long breath and he smiles, “Thought so.” Then he’s scooting even closer to you.
“How do you touch yourself y/n?” He slurs out, “With your fingers only? Perhaps you use a vibrator?”
You push your head back in shock, there’s no way in hell Jungkook just asked you that? Is he drunk? Barely.
“Why do you want to know that?” you scoot a little closer to him too.
“Best friends know this type of stuff about each other all the time, don’t they?”
“Not really…but I’ll play. I use both.”
Jungkook raises a brow in amusement, he bites on his bottom lip as his smirks at you.
“You own a vibrator?” Jungkook chuckles darkly, “How come I didn’t know?”
“Why would I tell you that?”
“I bet Jimin knows.”
“Fine, he does.”
Jungkook narrows his eyes at you as he tries to hold in his slight laughter, his hand comes to his mouth and he chuckles into it.
“Thought so…when’s the last time you used it?”
“Last night before bed.”
“So, it’s the last thing you did at night?” Jungkook points his finger at you knowingly and you can’t help but laugh.
“Okay, I see where this is going. Fine, I get. We all masturbate. It’s completely normal and not gross and a totally valid answer for something you do before bed.” You throw your hands up as you giggle.
“Thank you.” Jungkook knees touch yours as he scoots just an inch closer, “But I wasn’t trying to make a point, I was genuinely curious about you.” He admits in a deep voice and you squeeze your thighs together, an action that does not go unnoticed by him. His eyes land to your lap and he chuckles. His voice is so low and inviting as he speaks, “Are you curious about me too?”
“What do you mean?”
“About when’s the last time I—”
“Fine, when’s the last time?” you ask lightly.
“Right before I came here.” He admits easily.
You and Jungkook stare at one another for what feels like at least an hour but in reality probably seconds. But his dark gaze is so raw and powerful, you find yourself leaning into his space.
“The last time I used my vibrator was yes, last night. But the last time I touched myself was tonight. Before you arrived.”
Jungkook nods his head in understanding, or maybe it’s approval? Either way he nods his head as a sly smile creeps on his lips.
“Can I ask you what you thought about?” Even Jungkook widens his eyes in surprise as he asks that. Where did that confidence come from? “Sorry that’s TMI.” He quickly rushes to say, not wanting to really hear your answer because he shouldn’t know what you fantasize about especially if he’s not in said fantasies.
You lean your head back and snicker. You wish you had the fucking courage to tell him the truth. Him. You thought about him.
In your fantasy his head was between your legs, licking you up and making you squirm. He would moan into your greedy cunt, basking in your juices. God, you can just picture it now. His mouth and nose covered in you, the shine on his face evidence of how well he’s eaten you. His fingers still buried inside you as he lifts his head up to smirk down at you, his hair a fucking mess from how much you have tugged on it.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t thinking about it right now and getting so heavily turned on. Your chest heaves just a little more than usual, and there’s an ache between your legs that you wish Jungkook would soothe. Your fantasy of him going down on you? You took that straight from your memories.
“Not going to say anything?” Jungkook leans in a little closer.
“Sorry, just thinking.”
Jungkook’s eyes expand as he processes what you just say until—
“Wait, wait. That came out wrong.” Your hands scramble to hold on to his shoulders. “I mean, I was thinking about you. But not like that.” You lie. Because you have to lie.
“Oh…right, that makes sense.” Jungkook visibly deflates at your confession.
“Anyway, yeah. That’s a TMI for sure.” You laugh awkwardly and Jungkook leans back away from you.
“For sure.” Jungkook leans back on the sofa, “So, what’s the next question?”
“Ever had a threesome?” you ask from your own brain.
“You already know I have.”
“With two girls or with another guy…?”
“Two girls.”
“Would you ever with another guy?”
“Maybe if it’s with a girl that doesn’t mean something to me…but if it’s with someone I care about, probably not. I think I may be too possessive. Don’t wanna share.”
“Ah, I see.”
“What about you?”
“I would do both.” You admit. “Sounds like fun…”
“It is fun,” Jungkook laughs, “But there’s something special about just being with one person, if it’s special…”
“Have you ever had sex with someone special?”
Oh. Jungkook’s never been in a serious relationship since you’ve known him so you weren’t expecting him to answer that with a yes…but he is with Vanessa now. So obviously…
“I see.”
“What’s the next question?”
“I’m looking up a new list. It’s kind of sexy, is that okay?”
“A list of dirty questions? I’m down.” Jungkook smirks and you feel the heat between your legs grow.
“Okay the first one is asking if you’re a virgin and I think the whole town knows the answer to that…”
“Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?!”
You laugh out, “Nothing, nothing.” Then continue scrolling, “Okay, opinion on shower sex?”
“Hmm, I’ve done, and I will do it again.”
“For me, it’s a little uncomfortable but I’ll do it,” you say, “boob or butt guy?”
“Fuck. Both of them, can I say both?” Jungkook pleads and you giggle.
“Sure, both.” Your eyes light up when you find the next question. “Oooh. What is your most embarrassing sex story?”
“Oh god…okay. When I was in high school I was getting head from this girl…”
“Uh huh…and then?”
“We got caught by our teacher and that’s a total mood killer right?”
“Well, when the teacher was scolding me I popped another boner. And I was wearing sweats so it was super obvious and she was trying so hard not to make it obvious. But I don’t know, my body betrayed me.”
“You got hard from getting scolded?”
You burst out into giggles, the story absolutely killing you. Who does that? Who pops a boner from getting scolded…by their fucking teacher?
“Your turn, your turn.”
“Okay…one time I was giving head…”
“Uh huh…and then?” he copies you.
“And I guess I swallowed his cum too fast because it shot out of my nose like milk.”
“What the fuck y/n.” Jungkook laughs out hysterically. “That’s so awesome.”
“It wasn’t awesome Jungkook, it was embarrassing.”
“In what world is someone’s perspective on this awesome?” “Mine.”
“Well, you’re fucking weird.
“Maybe so.” Jungkook continues to laugh, “What’s next?”
“Do you prefer to give or receive?”
“Who doesn’t love to receive? That’s obvious. But me? I am a giver, 100%”
And he’s right. Hence why you’re able to use the memory of him going down on you as good masturbation material.
“I see.”
“I think I am a giver too.” You look down at your phone, “But who doesn’t love to receive?”
“You do give nicely.” Jungkook whispers, “Anyway what’s the next one?”
“Do you like sexting?”
“Fucking love it. I love the dirty words and pictures.” He admits.
“Yeah, me too.”
What would it be like to be texting Jungkook throughout the work day, sending one another your dirtiest fantasies and pictures to go along with it.
“I’ll read the next one now…If I came home from work stressed, how you do you relax me?” your eyes go wide when you realize, “Wait, pretends it’s asking about someone else. So a girl you’re with comes home from work stressed, how do you relax her?”
Jungkook is quiet for a few moments, he chews on his bottom lip and breathes out heavily.
“How would I relax you? I mean, some girl?”
“First, I would kiss you breathless.”
“You mean her.”
“Right. I would kiss her lips over and over, taking off one article of clothing at a time, sit her down on the couch while I make my way into the kitchen…pour her a glass of her favorite wine and hand it to her. Then I would kiss down her body, telling her sweet words. How much I love her, how much I missed her today, how much she means to me. I will kiss down until I am taking off her pants along with her underwear…” “And then?” you breathe out.
“Kiss her sweet, soft skin…taste her. Taste how fucking good she tastes. Eat her out while she sips on her wine…”
“Oh nice.” You laugh a little.
“Make her come all over my tongue, getting her drunk on her orgasm.”
“And her wine.” You point out.
“Yes, both. After she comes, I will kiss back up her body and hold her.” Jungkook releases short breath after the other. “Make her feel wanted.”
“That does sound relaxing…”
“You like?”
“Then maybe—”
“Next question is ‘What turns you on almost instantly?”
“Dirty talk.”
“I see.”
“You have to answer too, remember?”
“My stomach being touched.” You admit. “How do you feel about toys?”
“Not against them, could be fun to try out.”
“I agree…how do you feel about blindfolds?”
“You answer first.” Jungkook says shyly.
“I’m into it.”
“Being blinded? Or blinding someone?”
“Both? Yes, both.”
“Fuck, me too.” He folds his arms behind him as he leans back further into the sofa.
“Both for you too?”
“Yes. It would be boring if I was only into one thing right?”
You laugh, “Yes, I think we think similarly.”
“Very.” You smile at him and he smirks, “Would you like to watch me touch myself?”
“—Wait, like your partner, not me.” You both say at the same time.
“Oh, well yes.” Jungkook says again. “Watching your fingers travel down to your pussy, rubbing your clit…well, not you but you get my point.” He says, his breathing becoming heavy again.
“Oh. I would also like to watch you.”
“But not me.”
“Spit or swallow?”
“I like a girl who swallows.”
“I like to swallow most times and if I don’t swallow it’s because I’m letting the guy come on my face or my tits or—”
“God damn it, y/n.” Jungkook breathes out erratically. His hand goes to his crotch as he tries to hide his growing member.
“Rough or sensual?”
“Fuck. Both, definitely both.”
“I agree. Why not both all the time?” you squeeze your thighs together again as you watch Jungkook shift uncomfortably in his seat on the couch.
“Would you let me pleasure you as you drive? I mean, your partner. Sorry it’s just the way the questions read…”
“Yes. I would.”
“Seems a bit unsafe…but I would give it a try.” You say, “Do you like your hair to be pulled?” you ask with a smirk, already knowing the answer.
“Fucking love it.” He admits between heavy breaths, “But I like to pull hair too.” He winks.
“I do too, but I prefer being the one pulling.” You wink back. “Are you quiet during sex?”
“I—I don’t know…Am I?” Jungkook looks into your eyes, and you blank. Is he actually referring to the time you two had sex? Without him getting weird? “You aren’t the quietest.” You admit, “But it’s so fucking hot.”
“Well, you definitely aren’t quiet.” He says, “Can barely touch you and you’re already whimpering out.”
“Depends who the guy is.”
“Well, when it’s with me…sorry, I shouldn’t bring that up.”
“Right…” your fingers find their way into Jungkook’s hair, “But why not?”
“y/n…” he warns and you chuckle.
“What?” you decide to play innocent. “It was so long ago, Jungkook. We should be able to talk about it by now.”
But Jungkook can’t. Because although it’s almost been 4 years, it’s still so fresh for him. Not just the feeling of being inside you but the emotional shit he was feeling too.
“I’ll tell you one thing and one thing only about that night,” Jungkook decides to say, his hand goes to yours and gently places it back in your lap. “It felt so fucking good.” He whispers out and you feel all the heat in your body rush to your aching pussy.
“Oh.” You breathe out erratically. “I guess, I would have to agree.”
“Should we sleep soon?” Jungkook leans back as he asks you this.
“Don’t you want me to share one thing about that night?”
“You…felt so…good…inside me…” you say between deep breaths.
“You felt even better, y/n.”
It’s Saturday morning, and you find yourself waking up on the couch, a big blanket draped around your body and you can’t help but snuggle into it, not wanting to get up quite yet.
On the other side of the couch is a still sleeping Jungkook, his light snores filling your ears. You two didn’t even finish your wine last night, so you are waking up hang over free. The sun is shining today, it’s rays peeking through your window blinds and you want to throw the blanket over your head to hide yourself from the brightness but you decide to actually wake up and get up instead.
You throw the blanket off your body and on to Jungkook, who gratefully takes it and cuddles deeper into the covers. You stand up and head towards the bathroom to wash up, turning on a hot shower.
You wonder what you’ll be up to today, will you stay in? Go out? Hang with the girls? By the way, did they ever come home last night? You stop by Holly’s room to find it empty. Interesting, you guess they went to Trina’s.
The shower is ready for you so you slip in and let the warm water cascade over your tired body. You shampoo, condition and wash your body, when you hear insistent knowing on the bathroom door.
“y/n!!! I gotta pee!!” Jungkook’s worried voice is heard over the running water, “That’s it, I’m coming in okay?!”
And before you can respond, you hear the door being swung open and Jungkook lifting the toilet seat lid up and releasing himself. You fucking laugh. He literally says ‘Aaahhh’ for the same amount of time he is peeing.
“Fucking finally, I thought I was going to piss myself.” He says when he’s finishing up.
“Sorry.” You reply lamely. “Shower felt too good to leave.”
“Well, hurry up so we can go get something to eat. I’m so hungry!”
“Okay, okay.” And with that, Jungkook is leaving the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.
You finish washing up, stepping out of the shower and drying off. You quickly leave the bathroom in just your towel to head to your bedroom. Thankfully, Jungkook is on the couch watching some show on Netflix—too busy to notice your half naked state.
You get dressed in a rush, not wanting Jungkook to wait much longer for you. You settle for some jeans and a cute yellow shirt.
“I like yellow on you.” Jungkook says when he sees you. “Pretty.”
You are sure your cheeks are turning a nice shade of red at his compliment but you cover them with your hands to hide yourself.
“Thanks JK.”
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nevertheless-moving · 4 years
INFODUMP AU continued
(Star Wars AU #22)
Possible Continuations from INFODUMP. I headcanon that exchange taking place about a year before episode II and episode IV
A) Anakin Force Shenanigans
Anakin walks up: “master- who’s this guy?
“You can SEE him/me?”
Obi-Wan urgently cry/yelling at Anakin to either wear a condom with Padme or at least take her to a healer if you’re worried about her pregnancy (seriously healer BEFORE evil sith wtf)
(its been a number of years for Ben so he’s pretty much puzzled out the ‘doing this for padme’ bit)
just before obi-wan fades out anakin panics because ben hasn’t told him how he gets together with padme
yanks him into this timeline and now Old Ben has to deal with Obi-Wan and Anakin freaking out over all the info he just vomited at them AND everything else
B) Brush Off
Obi-Wan practices some good old fashioned repression to mostly convince himself it was all a weird dream
yoda always says in motion, the future is anyway
he mostly puts it out of his head until a year later when Anakin VERY obliquely references having dreams of his mother
“...what kind of dreams, exactly?”
end-up rescuing Shmi shortly after her capture, Obi-Wan’s there to make sure Anakin doesn’t go off the deep end
Council is a little disapproving of their side mission because now Anakin is even more attached/devoted Obi-Wan 
Obi-Wan is a LITTLE freaked out but Shmi being in danger isn’t exactly a hard prediction to make considering they left her on Tatooine but...
almost immediately after they get specially requested to protect Senator Amidala.
things proceed like canon and when Dex says the dart is from Kamino, Obi-Wan has a little panic attack attack
the whole trip to Kamino he’s just thinking pleasenoclonearmy  pleasenoclonearmy  pleasenoawFUCK THAT’S A CLONE ARMY
good news here is when he’s bullshitting his way through the meeting/ inspection he very confidently brings up removing the control chips
at first there’s some hemming and hawing ‘oh you mean the inhibitor chips, are you sure you want them removed we’ve already installed them’
“I DEMAND they be removed- I- can i speak to your manger? Do I need to take my business elsewhere??”
Nala Se is very reluctant, “I was ensured by certain high level parties that the chips were intended to be an important safeguard...”
*Obi-Wan sweating, but all-in at this point* “Well, uh, Master Dooku and Chancellor Palpatine themselves told me they were concerned about the chips being abused by the wrong parties, and sent me to supervise, so,”
“Oh, I didn’t realize you were read-in on the project architecture to that extent, well here are our options-”
Obi-Wan still chases to Jango to Genosis because he’s got a mission and ‘this might as well happen’
Still gets captured in that stupid rotating energy field by Dooku 
“What if I told you the senate was now controlled by a dark lord of the sith?”
“...I would say that I would be very interested in any holo-recordings or legal documents you might have to that effect”
“would very much like some sort of proof to bring before a court of law, yeah.”
The rescue attempt actually goes well this time! Anakin is well rested and practically glowing after his week-long all-expense paid vacation at Varykino
They all manage to escape and intercept reinforcement mid-flight
The council is pleased Obi-Wan is safe and not surprised to find Anakin there, but it doesn’t really change their mission as the senate has ordered them to take out the federation army before they can attack...
“The Senate ordered it?”
“Yes, much has happened, while gone you were. Were given to the chancellor, emergency powers. Drafted a military, he has. Generals, the Jedi have been made. Uneasy we are, but serve the senate, we do.”
“Oh kark, the Chancellor ordered it? We DEFINITELY can not invade.” Obi-Wan's starting to have another panic attack, not sure how to get out of the sith trap
Anakin’s a little offended. “Obi-Wan! The Chancellor is a good man; the Jedi must do this, for the good of -”
C) He tries, ok? (inspired by @ourhitofsucrose )
Very similar to B except for the full year between the ‘vision’ and aotc, Obi-Wan is desperately trying to follow the future’s warnings but failing hysterically
kamino and genosis have both erased from the archives and it doesn’t occur to him to ask dex so he doesn’t even have a direction to go on
tries to find some proof about Palpatine but he is a sneaky bastard
tries to separate palpatine from anakin but he’s like I’M AN ADULT NOW YOU CAN’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO
tentatively brings up Dooku falling ‘in a vision’ to the council because that is something they can check up on- Yoda gets really offended
‘garbage planet on the outer rim’ is not a lot to go on
when he tries to get help searching because he knows that the sith who killed Qui-Gon is still alive and planning to kill his ex-girlfriend even Anakin is like... ‘ok buddy, i think you might be under too much stress, maybe we should visit the healers...”
best he can do for Shmi is leaving her an emergency beacon
A+ success in relationship repair with Anakin tho! through the application of a very awkward hug and a mumbled “you know I love you, right?”
Anakin drags him to the healers immediately, and after a drug test and an overnight stay finally responds by bursting into tears and ugly crying on Obi-Wan’s robes because “YOU’RE A FATHER TO ME BUT I THOUGHT YOU HAATED ME”
Obi-Wan is uncomfortably patting him on the back “Of course I don’t hate you! You’re my padawan! Why would you think that?”
Then when Shmi activates her emergency comm the same night Anakin has his first nightmare about his Mom and they fly to her rescue he’s even more OBI-WAN 5EVER  than canon or scenario B because
“You...checked in on my mom?? Why wouldn’t you tell me?”
“I’m sorry Anakin, I knew the council wouldn’t approve...”
hugs Anakin again since that is the only piece of advice he can follow from his future self and he just thinks ‘well its a long shot but hopefully this is enough to prevent any lava planet incidents’
it is 
Seriously in this version of events Anakin actively RESISTS being knighted because he was already obsessed with Obi-Wan in canon and now with hugs + verbal affection + protecting Mom proactively he is ALL IN FOR OBI NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN
low-key ruins palpatine’s plans by itself because now when he tries to drive a wedge between them with his bullshit ‘your master doesn’t truly trust you’ Anakin gets huffy and responds with a space powerpoint presentation
i mean other stuff is going to go down once we get to the armies but already the stage is set for him to go running to Obi-Wan the minute he has a nightmare about Padme dying and him responding “J. Force Christ, lets just... go to a healer, fuck’s sake Anakin I hope it doesn’t need to be said but do NOT turn to the darkside over this”
canon would definitely diverge before that point but its also very funny to me to imagine RotS playing out more or less the same but when he gets to Palpatine’s big offer he just goes ‘sorry dad told me no’
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randomshyperson · 3 years
hiii hope you’re doing well and drinking enough water!!! I’ve got an idea for high school nerdy wanda that I wanna share with you and you feel free to write it or not! so wanda is nerdy, shy and adorable and reader is popular and actually nice and has always been intrigued by wanda. I was listening to drivers license by olivia rodrigo when this idea came to me so, reader probably gives wanda a ride and it becomes their thing and reader is always saying wanda should get her driver’s license and they eventually get together and it’s all cute and fluffy but there’s this blonde girl (for the sake of the song lol) who’s obsessed with reader and always makes wanda nervous and jealous. so when said girl finds out about reader and wanda (let’s just consider this girl the typical most popular girl in school trope) she threatens reader and makes reader break up with wanda and get with her. you decide what the threat would be. maybe something really personal about reader or wanda’s past that would haunt them if people were to find out. but then reader and wanda get back together in the end of course. sorry it’s so long and again you don’t have to write this!!
Hi, honey, is everything alright? I hope so! I had to listen to Drivers Licence One Hour Version to write this, but I liked it haha This song is great for dramatizing a romance I never experienced, and I hope you'll be pleased! By the way, i kept the original drama of the singers (the whole guy was older and stuff)
Happy reading.
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Drivers License - Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Warnings: 13+, Language, mentions of abuse/sexual harassment, bullying, underage kissing.
Words: 2.642K // Read on AO3 too 
You met Wanda Maximoff in your senior year of high school. 
It was raining heavily, and you had stayed late at school to take care of your responsibilities as leader of the athletic team. You figured that at that time there would only be you and the janitor in school, but as you were leaving towards the parking lot, you bumped into someone.
- Damn it, I'm sorry! - you said, looking at the person. It was a girl about your age, but you had never seen her before. She looked away from you immediately, as she bent down to pick up the books you dropped. - Hey, let me help you with that.
You bent down and helped her pick up the books, and when you stood up, you handed them to her with a smile.
- Thank you. - She spoke softly without looking at you. Maybe she was shy, you thought. 
And then you heard thunder and let out an exclamation, an idea occurring to you.
- Hey, are you driving? - you asked gently, and the girl frowned, but denied it with her head. - I can give you a ride, because of the rain.
- Oh, that's okay. No need. - She denied, blushing. You let out a little giggle when a louder thunderclap sounded.
- It's no bother, really. - You said, smiling. - Where do you live?
- On the Sokovia complex.
- Wow, you see? We are practically neighbors. - You reply cheerfully. - I live two streets away from your house.
The girl nods, looking away. You put your hand in your pocket.
- All right then. - She finally agrees, and you smile as you open the door to the parking lot, and walk out in front with her walking slightly behind.
You walk in silence to your car, but when you start the vehicle, you want to talk to her.
- So, what's your name? - you ask gently as you drive in reverse to leave the parking lot.
- Wanda. - She answers in a small voice looking out of the window. - Wanda Maximoff.
- I've never seen you before, Wanda. - You comment, and then you are outside, and the rain makes a loud noise against the car. 
- I'm a first-year. - She says and you let out a sigh of understanding. That' s why you didn't know her, she was a freshman. - But I know you.
You let out a surprised little laugh.
- Oh yeah?
- Everybody knows.
- Is it bad?
She shrugs, smiling slightly. You think you already like her. You then turn on the radio, letting some pop song play softly, and then you start tapping your fingers on the steering wheel to the rhythm of the song. 
- Since you are a first-year, you must not have a driver's license yet, right? - You comment, and Wanda denies it with a grumble.
- I'm only 15. - she says. You stop at a traffic light.
- Why were you in school until now? - you ask curiously.
- It's the best time to be in the library. - She answers, looking at you briefly. 
You are silent again, and then you arrive in the area of the Sokovia residences.
- Hey, Wanda. - You call out to her before she opens the door. - I can drive you to school if you want. - And seeing her surprised expression, you quickly add with amusement. - Just until you get your license.
Wanda smiles, and nods in agreement before leaving. 
It took 160 rides for you to realize that you were in love with Wanda Maximoff. And you thought it was not surprising at all.
From the first time you saw her, you thought she was impressive. And then every day of the week, you had a vision of her half-asleep leaving the house, and greeting you with a smile. You talked about everything, from the most superficial and random things, to your insecurities and fears. You shared your breakfast, and sang songs together. But then you'd get to school, and your friends would surround you, and Wanda would disappear. You only got her back on the way out, when you gave her a ride home.
You didn't say anything about it, and neither did Wanda. It was as if your car was the safe space in your relationship. And you were completely terrified of messing it up.
And then it rained again, but this time your car was in the outside parking lot. You ran to the car through the rain, and when you finally took cover you were soaked. You started laughing the next second, and when you looked at Wanda, you couldn't control yourself. 
- I want to kiss you. - You breathlessly confessed when you stopped laughing, Wanda blinked in surprise, her face red. - Is that all right?
It takes a moment, but she nods. Then you move on the seat toward her, and she meets you halfway. When your mouths meet, you both sigh. It's sweet and tender, and you part, leaving your foreheads together.
- Why did you stop? - She whispered with her eyes closed, making you gasp. And then you kissed her again, this time until the windows were fogged up.
Unfortunately things don't get amazing after that. The routine comes back to you, and then you are overwhelmed with end-of-year tasks. Even though you are completely in love with Wanda, and steal kisses between one ride and the next, you see the distance between you grow. Maybe it's the way you two act like you didn't know each other at school, or how Wanda won't tell you what your friend Sharon Carter was talking to her about the other day at school, or maybe it's the way you don't tell her that Tony Stark made fun of you for weird freshman.
And then things get much worse when you turn eighteen, because your friends start mocking you with the law on their side. And it's hard to concentrate on the good memories with Wanda while they tease and mock, and you want to go back to the car, but you have to smile and nod politely, because that's what they expect of you, and soon you're graduating.
You receive your acceptance letters from the universities, and you want to tell Wanda, but she is traveling with her family, and you are bored. And so you agree to celebrate with your friends who also got their letters, at some bar in town. When you start drinking, it's easy to dance and laugh all night, and when they tease you again, you want to leave, but there is a gentle touch on your shoulder. Sharon hugs you, and tells you that everything will be all right, that you should go out with someone who looks more like you, who is compatible, and when she says lots of sweet words, you want to remember smiles and stolen glances at school and gentle touches in your car, but your head is spinning and you accept her kissing you.
When you wake up, you are wearing no clothes, and there is a hand on your waist. You want to throw up, because even though you and Wanda never made a commitment, you feel the betrayal burning in your bones.
You want to yell at Sharon and tell her to leave, but then she's threatening you, with pictures you don't even remember taking. And when you get back to school, she tells everyone that you two are dating, and you wait for Wanda in the parking lot, but she doesn't show up.
You cry at your graduation, and not from happiness. And when the ceremony is over, you get in your car and drive one last time to Wanda's house, and you cry against the steering wheel. You are 18 now, with a diploma and a girlfriend. This is over, and you have to move on.
In college you meet someone who helps you, her name is Shuri, and after you have spent the whole first year being completely miserable, you have a literature assignment together. When you are going over the details of the presentation, at the third coffee meeting, you cry when you tell her about the photos.
- My girlfriend is blackmailing me. - You whisper, and she looks surprised for a moment, but then she hugs you, and assures you that she will help you.
There are police for a while, and then courts and court orders, and then therapy. You also make new friends now, good friends who don't judge or make fun of you. And then you pay attention in class again, and agree to join the track team. 
You try not to think that there is only one thing missing in your life, because you have no right to disappear and go back to her life, but you can't help it missing her.
But you swallow your feelings, and try to pay attention to the future.
You come home in the fall, and your past comes back to you. You don't think you've ever talked much to your brother about school, but then you find yourself asking. And as he talks, you ask about Wanda.
- Wow, I remember her. - He says. - That girl you used to drive around with, right? - he asks and you nod. - I never understood why Sharon was so mean to her, but I guess it all makes sense now.
You blink in confusion.
- What do you mean?
- I thought you knew that story. - He remarked nonchalantly while you were in the kitchen, he was looking for cookies. - She used to say such bad things to Wanda, as if she was superior to her, you know? I think she acted completely different around you.
Your heart is racing. Confused and angry.
- Why didn't anyone ever tell me this? - You complain and your brother frowns.
- Look, it wasn't anyone's problem. 
- It was my problem. - You retort. - I would have interfered, I liked Wanda!
Your brother is surprised by your outburst, but says no more. You drag your feet out of the kitchen.
You want to scream in anger, or punch Sharon in the face, but it's not mature and there's a court order. So you throw yourself on the bed, sinking your face into the pillow. When you fall asleep, you dream of Wanda.
On your last day at home, you know you shouldn't, but you drive to her house. You think your heart is going to burst out of your chest, but you swallow your nervousness and get out of the car. Wanda is on the porch, with her brother, and she looks surprised to see you. You assume that she didn't want to see you, but when she is close enough, she hugs you around the waist, putting her face into your chest. Your body instantly relaxes. You don't know if you're blushing from the hug, or from her brother's gaze on you, maybe a little of both, you think as you hug her back.
When you two are left alone on her veranda, you apologize for long minutes, because you're just sorry you lost her. But Wanda smiles, and holds your hand. And you are silent for a while, swinging your feet on the rocking chair. And then Wanda giggles.
- I got my driver's license. - She comments, and you let out a surprised and happy exclamation. 
- Let's drive somewhere now. - you say excitedly. Wanda laughs.
- Where?
- Anywhere. - You answer already getting up, pulling her by the hand.
While you are in the car, she tells you that she is going to a university in the south, forty minutes away from yours, and you can't hide your excitement. And then you are turning on the radio and singing along with Wanda loudly as she drives down a highway.
When she drops you off, you exchange numbers, and you know that this time you're not going to let her get away.
You are busy with college. Very busy. But this time, there are messages and video calls from Wanda almost every day. And then she's in college, and she's just as busy as you are. And you start missing her a lot, and your friends comment that you should tell her how you feel.
So you're driving to her dorm, but when you get out of the car, she's arriving, distracted with some books.
You hug her from behind, lifting her slightly in the air, she is startled at first, but as soon as she realizes it's you, she laughs. She turns around quickly, hugging you by the neck, the books are pressed against you, but you don't mind.
- What are you doing here? - she asks with a smile. You think she looks beautiful.
- I miss you. - You say, making her blush. - Can we go somewhere?
Wanda thinks for a moment, but smiles.
- Sure, I just need to leave some notes with my roommate. - She says. - You can visit my dorm.
You nod, escorting her into the dormitory. When you walk in you try not to get too excited. Everything is so organized, even for a college dorm.
Wanda's roommate is not here, so she just leaves her notes on the desk while you admire her polaroid collection.
- Where did you take this one? - you ask, pointing to a photo where Wanda was wearing a sailor costume.
She walked from the table to you, and let her chin rest on your shoulder. 
- At Sam Wilson's birthday party last year. - She answered, looking at the picture. 
- You look nice. - You commented, letting your gaze wander to the other pictures. Then Wanda's hands encircle your waist, in an embrace, and you bite the smile from your lips. - And this one?
You point to a photo where she is with Pietro.
- Halloween. - She answers after a moment. - I think we were on the street outside the house. - You murmur in agreement, looking at the photos, and then Wanda is moving her face. - You smell good.
- Thank you. - You comment, ignoring the fast beating of your heart. And then your gaze catches an interesting photo. - Ulala.
Wanda looks at the photo you are reaching for with your hand, and lets out a sigh, hiding her face behind your back as she laughs.
- Wanda Maximoff in a bikini, world. - You playfully try to look at her, but she just lets go of the hug, hiding her reddened face in her hands.
You raise your hands to her belly, tickling her until she pulls her hands away from her face. And while you're laughing, Wanda tries to push you away, but you hold onto her waist, and you both end up falling onto her bed. 
Your laughter slowly dies down, and you realize that Wanda is on top of you, your faces close together, and you swallow dry.
- I want to kiss you. - She confesses with reddened cheeks. - Is that okay?
You sigh and smile.
- Of course.
She smiles before bringing your lips together. It's as good as you remember, and then you're kissing until you're breathless, and Wanda sits on your lap at some point, and when your hands are on her waist and your fingers are through the fabric, you remember:
- I thought we were leaving. - You play out of breath.
- You're not going anywhere. - She replies with a smile and her lips swollen, before kissing you again.
Many dates happen after that, and two weeks later, you come back late from one of these, and you were planning something beautiful and impressive, but Wanda is smiling as she says goodbye and the words just slip out:
- Will you be my girlfriend?
Wanda blinks in surprise, taking her hand off the doorknob.  And then she smiles, and advances against you, kissing you on the mouth.
-Of course, you idiot. - She says against your lips, kissing you again.
And you are smiling, and kissing. And you don't want to let her out of the car, but you do, knowing that she would come back.
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The Perfect White Flower--and Other Nonexistent Things
disclaimer--wont follow the show exactly 
Pairing: Harry Styles x latina! reader (a key factor of the show revolves around the lead being latina, and im latina and honestly love writing for us but anyone can still read and understand/hopefully enjoy and the fic doesn’t involve any physical descriptions:)) 
Series Summary: Y/n l/n has had the world figured out since she was a child. She won’t be a writer because it’s risky, she’ll just focus on school and becoming a teacher. She’s never been a child, because her mother had her at sixteen and hasn’t aged a single year since. That’s part of the reason the promise she made to her grandmother means so much to her--if she doesn’t have sex before marriage, her child will never have to grow up as quickly as she did. And Harry Styles is at the top of the world--his music has never been more successful, he has a lovely girlfriend, and he’s never been more in demand. He has everything in the world...except a child, and through a series of unbelievable events--y/n might be his only chance to have one. Ever. 
Chapter One Summary: Who knew getting a pap smear on two hours of sleep and three cups of coffee was as bad as having unprotected sex? 
There’s something dangerous about taking public transportation in LA. And no, I don’t mean it in the ‘there are bad people in the world’ type of way. I mean it in the ‘I live in one of the casual influencer, celebrity, tourist hubs of the world and each time I step onto the bus I find myself mesmerized by all the stories I see in them’ way. Kind of pathetic, I know, but sometimes a child with blonde pig tails or a woman streaming on instagram live will catch my eye and the urge to pull out my lap top and start something I’ll never finish. 
I know that writing isn’t some kind of disease. But I can’t let myself fall in love with it the way I want to. There’s nothing wrong with writing a short story or two, but trying to write a novel? That’s impractical. It will distract me from school, from the four year plan I’m almost done with.
Sighing, I brave taking at my surroundings. I deserve this today, after the anonymous, rude costumer at the hotel today, I need positivity. No one is particularly inspiring. The bus stops and I watch out the window. At first the crowd is ordinary, and then i see them...paparazzi. Flashing cameras from all angles, grown men violating all rules of personal space. It never sits right with me, but I guess it’s just part of living in LA. The bus starts moving again. When it stops again, I see even more paparazzis, but their cameras aren’t flashing. Good for whoever escaped that. 
The bus door opens and I snap my attention back to my computer screen. I rub my eyes as I stare at my word document. How is there more that needs to be edited? This professor is the harshest grader I’ve ever had, and my friend, Gisa, is kind for giving me even more notes. But I’m exhausted. Two tests and an essay due before 12:00. And it’s...11:38. Great--I have to upload it the second I’m at my doctor’s office and have WiFi again. 
I spend some time highlighting and rewording sentences, and once I’m done I reward myself with more people watching because I deserve it and I can’t fall asleep here. I’m kind of invested in the girl live streaming her bus ride...maybe she’ll say her instagram handle. 
But when I look up, she’s not on the bus anymore. Almost no one is. An elderly couple is sitting towards the back. A woman with a toddler sit two rows in front of me...and there’s now a man directly across from me. I blink for a moment, imagining a story for someone who’s face I can’t quite see beneath such dark sun glasses. His dark waves and strong jaw do most of the imagining for me--he deserves a mystery, a dramatic one with a happy ending and just enough romance to keep the people interested. A good romance, too--not too sappy. Enemies to lovers, maybe. A mysterious stranger that’s not really a stranger because something about him is just...familiar. 
He turns his head and I drop my gaze immediately. There’s no doubt he caught that, but I still pretend to edit the title of my essay. “You’ve been typing stubbornly since I first got on the bus.” There’s an accent--of course he’s english. But it’s more than that, I’ve heard that voice before. I’ve been...soothed by it. And--oh my god, I’m sitting across from Harry Styles.
Okay, don’t freak out. Don’t freak him out. He’s probably on here to escape the the whole ‘oh my god, you’re Harry Styles!’ thing.  
“What are you writing?” Harry Styles just spoke to me. I greeted my one direction poster every single day in middle school, and Harry Styles just spoke to me. Okay--relax, breathe--it’s only weird if you make it weird. 
There’s a kind of curt curiosity to his question. He could have been ruder, considering how blatantly I was staring at him. “I um...an essay.” I’m temped to turn the screen so that he can see I’m telling the truth. Though he wasn’t hostile, a part of me is paranoid that he thinks I am writing about him. It’s a fair assumption, for all he knows I’m drafting a tweet about who I saw on the bus this morning or preparing to send something in to some gossip girl-esque blog. “It’s due today at noon and normally I’m way more on top of things, but I had this last minute doctor’s appointment rescheduling because my usual doctor is out of town and--” I cut myself off before I can tell Harry Styles that I’m ovulating and that if I don’t go to my OBGYN now, I have to wait an entire month and I’ve already been off birth control longer than I’d like. I might not have actual sex in my near future, but my cramps have been extra terrible. “An essay, I just finished an essay.”
He nods once. Maybe he feels bad for so thoroughly startling me into such a rambling, because the corner of his mouth tilts upwards. A soft smile adds even more grace to his features, I focus on the dimple that appears in his cheek. “An aggravating essay, I take it, considering the death glares you’ve been giving your laptop screen.”
I smile at his polite humor. “It’s for the harshest grader on campus. She took three points off of my first essay freshman year because I spaced my bibliography wrong.” 
He cringes in sympathy. “Good luck.” 
“Thanks,” I hum, proud of myself for not letting him know that I know who he is. The bus stops, I can see my doctor’s office behind a few paparazzi. “This is my stop.” 
Harry nods once, ducking his head slightly. A tiny part of me feels sympathy for him; from what I’ve gathered, he genuinely loves his fans and the relationship they have, but it must be draining to never have a moment of privacy. Especially when it’s people who care more about selling your picture than your mental health. 
I linger on the bus’s step, watching the men with large cameras look around. “Excuse me, are you guys looking for Harry Styles?” Most of the men disregard me, but one looks at me. “I know he’s near here because I’m a really big fan and my friend just texted that she saw him.” This gets me the attention I wanted. “He’s at Northfield--a cafe like three blocks down. I just know that if she got a picture with Harry in like a magazine or something she’d totally lose it--in a good way, and she’s been having a bad time so if you see her can you try to make it happen? Knowing her she’ll be at his side, she’s blonde, shortish hair.” 
The men seem skeptical, but I guess they realize that this is the best lead they have. I think the fact that I gave a reason to justify selling Harry out for no reason helped. They disperse together, heading at least three blocks away from Harry. I don’t know if I’ve actually helped him, but I hope I have. 
“Essay girl.” I freeze, half cringing. Did he hear that? That’s embarrassing. I consider darting away, but decide that would just make me cringe more. So I turn on my heels. “You...you forgot your phone.” 
He just saved my life. “Thank you.” I take my phone from his outstretched hand, ignoring the slight thrill that runs through me when our fingers brush. “You’re my hero--the last thing I needed today was to run all over the city searching for my phone.” I finish the awkward admission with a partial laugh. 
“Least I could do,” he mumbles, “especially considering what you just did.” 
...He did see that. “Oh um--it was nothing, I just kind of made a connection and assumed the only reason you’d be on a public bus is because you were trying to avoid some things, and you make really great music and a lot of people happy, so you deserve that break.” Why does it feel like I’ve been talking forever? “Anyways, thanks for the whole phone thing, and I hope I got them off your tail.” 
My joke seems to somewhat land. His lips part, like he’s planning on saying something else. A timer on my phone interrupts him. I instinctually look down--great, the alarm on my phone warning me that I’m only ten minutes away from being late. “I’m late.” I turn towards the bus’s exit. “I gotta go, but thanks again, and I hope you have a good day.” 
I disappear after that, still not sure that that whole thing wasn’t some kind of hallucination. Did I just meet Harry Styles? He...he gave me my phone. Harry Styles has touched my phone. I can’t wait to tell Gisa, she’ll lose it.
I’m still thinking about Harry Styles when I finally reach my OBGYN’s office. When I get there, things are a lot more hectic than I thought they’d be. Many people crowd the waiting area and the receptionist’s desk is clearly understaffed. Two young girls are trying to address multiple upset pregnant women and take phone calls at the same time, all while practically buried in a sea pf paperwork. Wow, I didn’t realize that transferring was such chaos. One of the girls waves me over and barely checks my name before shoving a form towards me. I fill out as quickly as possible. 
 I upload my essay quickly after checking in. Who knows, maybe Harry Styles’s blessing will get me an A? A third person in scrubs emerges from the back after a moment and ushers me into a room. I tell myself to focus on going over the facts I need for the test I have to take in a little over an hour. Or to focus on the fact that I just met Harry Styles. But instead, I feel my heavy eyelids fall shut. 
I don’t know how long I sleep, but I know that I wake up during the middle of a doctor’s sentence, “...I know I’m not your usual, so I just want to make sure you’re comfortable.” 
“Hm...Yeah, yeah I’m comfortable.” She nods once, her wide eyes slightly red. “But I do have a class today in like an hour, so I was wondering if this was going to take longer because of the office’s move?” 
“Oh, no,” she shakes her head. “Just because Dr. Rodriguez gave us no notice before deciding that she no longer wanted to work here...or in the country. Or even live in the US, despite the fact that we just signed a lease on a place together...” Tears well in the stranger’s eyes, pity settles in my stomach. 
“That sounds incredibly complicated, I didn’t mean to rush you.” 
She blinks twice, her expression blanking as she fights against the pain of what’s clearly a terrible break up. “No, no--you have every right. Today is your day and if..honestly, if you’re strong enough to go to a class after this, and do what you’re about to do by yourself, then I’m strong enough to get through today.” 
Um...didn’t realize a pap smear counted as something that needs moral support, but I’ll chalk it up to her heightened emotions. “Thanks.” 
She snaps on her medical gloves. “No, thank you for your patience. Now lay down.” 
I do as told, preparing for a sensation I haven’t often experienced. A moment passes and I know she’s started. She’s moving away from me much faster than expected. Oh--I guess pap smears are a lot shorter than I expected. 
“That’s it?” 
“Yep,” she hums, pulling her gloves off. “Now just take it easy, and hydrate.”
Weird...but that’s like general doctor advice. “Thanks!” 
I’ve never wanted to keep a secret from Gisa, but sometimes I really regret telling her I met Harry Styles. It’s been almost a month and I find my mind wandering back to the moment in which our fingers brushed more than I should. Sometimes I let myself wonder what he might have said if my phone hadn’t rang. I was probably just imagining the way his lips parted, but my ind refuses to let it go. 
“...You know it’s kind of sad, I read an interview in which he spoke about the fact that he has some genetic condition that makes it hard to have kids. He has so many godchildren, and I feel like he’d make such a great father.” 
I try to keep up with Gisa’s words, but the dull ache in my head makes it feel so far away. “Yeah...he seemed really patient.” 
Gisa nods, turning to face me. “You alright, you’re looking kinda green?” 
“Yeah...” I reach for my canvas bag. “I think I just...I probably just need some water.” 
My hand grazes the metal of my water bottle and then the corners of my vision blur into blackness. I sway, Gisa’s hand is on my shoulder...and then it all goes black. 
I sit uncomfortably on the hospital’s cot. Gisa is a traitor for telling my mom that I fainted. I knew she’d just drag me here--hispanic mothers, they either believe they can cure you with vic’s vapor rub or they want you in the ER. No in between. 
“I know you didn’t want another test, but you’ve been throwing up in the morning for days and now you’re fainting.” 
“Fainted,” I correct, “it happened once.” 
“C’mon, mija, it’s just one doctor’s appointment.” 
Speaking of, an ER nurse returns. “Fainting and nausea spells explained,” he says, glancing at his clipboard, “you’re pregnant.” 
My mom and I can’t help but exchange a look before bursting into laughter. Pregnant. If I’m pregnant then the second coming is here. “That’s impossible, I’m a virgin.” 
He glances at my mom, “maybe we should have this conversation in private.” 
“No, what you say in front of me you can say in front of my mom.” 
My mom raises an eyebrow. “Y/n, did you and that guy from your english class--” 
“No! No, we did not. I am a virgin and there’s no way I’m pregnant.” I glare at the nurse. 
He then ushers me to a bathroom so that I can provide a urine sample. After I’m finished, he shows me a pregnancy test strip. “Pink means pregnant.” I bite my tongue as he tests the strip in my sample. He pulls it out and it’s...it’s bright pink.
“I’m calling my doctor, because this has to be a mistake. It has to be like a hormonal thing.” 
“Exactly, pregnancy hormones.” 
I glare even harder, calling the doctor that I saw last week. “Hello, Dr. Ash? I was wondering if I could get a consultation because I’m in the ER and some crazy doctor is trying to tell me I’m pregnant.” 
Silence on the line for a long second. “...I actually cleared my calendar for you.” 
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Announcement - Alex Morgan X Reader
Prompt: Can you do a Alex Morgan imagine where her and R just announce their relationship (which have been going on for let’s say for almost a year and R is younger then Alex as well). And some fans don’t like that they are together and are mad about it. So R ends up going into a little of a dark hole (like being a hemit, not going out anywhere, not answering Alex phones calls, and also ignoring her as well, showing up for practice late, not playing good, ignoring everyone on the team including her Bestfriend’s/ Team moms Ash and Ali just not being R normally bubbly slef,) until someone on the team (Ali) shows Alex what the fans have been doing and Alex plans a day full of surprise for R to show her how much she love R?
“Dinner tonight? My place?” Alex asked Y/N as they walked out of the practice facility.
“Umm, I don’t know, I’m pretty tired Al. I think I’m just going to head home and go to bed early,” Y/N wouldn’t look at Alex. She awkwardly adjusted her backpack straps, her shoulders hunched over, watching the ground as she walked.
Alex grabbed her girlfriends’ elbow, tugging her to a stop. She glanced around the parking lot to see if anyone else was close to them. As Y/N turned around, keeping head down, nervously tugging the straps on backpack more. Alex reached out and tried to hold Y/N’s hand, Y/N pulled her hand away, stepping backwards.
“Y/N…”Alex trained off, eyebrows creased. Heart breaking when her girlfriend physically pulled away from her. She had been pulling away for the past week. Y/N was never interested in spending time together, hardly replied to texts, never answered her calls, avoiding her at practice, now Alex couldn’t even touch her. “Is everything alright?”  
“Uhh yea, of course, just tired,” Y/N nodded, still refusing to look up, shuffling her feet.
“It’s just, things seem weird between us.”
“Oh no, all good,” Y/N stiffly closed the distance between them, hesitating before placing an awkward kiss to Alex’s cheek before walking away. “I’ll call you later.”
Alex sighed and watched her girlfriend walk away, before slowing making her way to her car.
Y/N didn’t call Alex that night. Alex spent the night trying to find things keep herself busy, trying not to wait for her phone to ring. Finally, Alex caved as she got ready for bed, pulling up her text conversation with Y/N, hoping maybe she just missed a text from Y/N. Disappointed she hadn’t, she called her girlfriend.
Alex nervously paced back and forth next to her bed while she waited for Y/N to pick up the call. When it didn’t, she let out a groan, tossing her phone on her bed. She had no idea what happened between her and her girlfriend. They had been together for over a year, both teams had been incredibly supportive. Of course, some fans had started to speculate, but they always did. Everyone on the team had “dated” several other people also on the team, every look and touch was looked into and over looked in to. Alex and Y/N finally just stopped hiding it, confirming their relationship with a simple photo of them on Instagram, Y/N kissing Alex’s cheek, both smiling.
Alex didn’t think anything else about it, happy she no longer felt like she needed hide any aspect of her life. Y/N made her happy, Alex saw a future with the younger woman. She was proud Y/N was her girlfriend, she wanted everyone to know, wanted to show her off. After they posted the picture Alex had posted several other pictures of them, struggling to limit herself; she had so many good ones of them.
She finished getting ready for bed, calling Y/N one more time before going to sleep. Y/N didn’t answer again, this time sending Alex to voicemail. Alex pulled the phone away and glanced at the screen, sighing she put her phone on the end table and settled into bed, staring at the ceiling.
Y/N sighed when she saw her phone ringing again, she wanted to answer, she did. She wanted to talk to Alex, wanted to spend the night held in Alex’s arms, really wanted to explain to Alex why she had pulled away this week. Y/N loved Alex, she knew Alex was happy with her, that she made Alex happy in return. Y/N couldn’t agree fast enough when Alex said she wanted to stop hiding their relationship and announce it.
And then they did; they announced it. And then the comments came in. Lots of comments came in and they didn’t stop. Some were supportive, some said how happy they looked as a couple, how well suited they were for each other, some were proud of them, thanked them for the courage to come out themselves.
There unfortunately weren’t many of those, or at least not enough of them to make up for plethora of negative, offensive comments. So many people commented that their age difference was too significant. That Y/N was using Alex to advance her soccer career, to get more exposure. Fans said Alex could do much better, that Y/N was not good enough for Alex.
The fans were ruthless. Picking apart previous pictures, speculating other relationships. Tearing apart all of Y/N’s physical attributes. They didn’t hold back at all, they were ruthless.
It was everything she already thought, having other people seeing it, confirming it, was hitting her hard. Y/N had tried to avoid reading the comments, tried to avoid all social media. When that didn’t work, she turned her phone off entirely. But then she just sat and thought, which was worse than reading her phone.
So, she tried to keep herself busy. Her apartment was spotless. She went for a long run every night. She snuck back in their training facility to train. Everything she could do to distract herself; to exhaust herself so she could actually sleep at night.
“Did you get a good night sleep?” Alex sat on the chair next to Y/N the next morning before training.
“Oh, umm, yea, Y/N’s hands paused before continuing to tie her cleats, giving Alex a brief glance and a small smile.
“You look tired,” Alex commented, resting a hand on Y/N’s thigh.
“Thanks Alex, you really know how to make a girl feel special,” Y/N gave a sarcastic laugh, standing up and walking away before Alex could even say anything else.
Alex sighed and leaned her head against the wall, closing her eyes.
“You read the comments to then?” Ashlyn asked softly.
Alex’s eyes shot open, head turning quickly to the keepers.
“Yea…” Ashlyn’s brow furrowed. “If it’s not the comments, what’s going on?”
Alex stared at Ashlyn for a second, expression blank, before she released another sigh and leaned against the wall. “Y/N’s avoiding me. What comments?”
Ashlyn didn’t say anything, just pulled her phone out, pulling up the photo Alex and Y/N posted a week earlier declaring their relationship. Alex gave Ashlyn a skeptical look before tentatively reaching for the phone.
Alex slowly scrolled through all the comments, mouth falling open the more she read, letting out a small gasp at the especially vicious comments. Having read enough, Alex hastily handed the phone back to Ashlyn.
“How could they say that about her? Us?” Alex had paled now; how had she missed this? “Is this why Y/N is avoiding me? You don’t think she believes any of this?” She shook her head, tears now threatening to fall.
“I don’t know, she won’t talk to me or Ali either. And she’s all over the place in practice, missed tackles, bad touches, you name it.” That Alex had started to notice. “Ali went out to warm up with her, she’s hoping to get her to talk.”
Alex quickly stood up, rushing out of the change room to find her girlfriend. As soon she got to the field, she saw Y/N already kicking balls at the empty net, no real intention other than aggression behind the kicks. The forward began to jog over to her girlfriend before she was intercepted by Ali.
“Fix this,” Ali said firmly, holding Alex’s arm to prevent her from moving forward.
“I’m trying to, Ashlyn showed me some of the comments. I had no idea,” Alex hung her head, guilt obvious in her expression.
“She won’t talk to me or Ash, but you need to remind her they aren’t true and how much you love her, how wrong every single negative comment is.”
Alex nodded along, eyes now watching her girlfriend across the field. She was already soaked in sweat, face scrunched as she focused, her jaw clenched tight, and the tension clear though out her body.  Seeing her like this and now knowing about the comments, she suddenly felt lightheaded. This was the woman she supposedly cared, supposedly loved, and she had missed how much she was clearly hurting, struggling.
Before Alex could get to her girlfriend, the rest of players made their way on the field, Marc starting practice soon after. As Marc gave his pre practice meeting, Alex stood as close to Y/N as she could, the lengths on their bodies touching. Alex could see Y/N glance towards her out of the corner of her eye, jaw clenching before she shuffled away. Alex sighed and shuffled with her, remaining as close as possible, this time loosely gripping the hem of Y/N’s jersey.
Y/N turned her head slightly to see Alex’s hand on her jersey but didn’t move away this time. Alex shuffled the smallest amount closer, angling her body so her front was pressed against Y/N’s side. She tugged on the jersey as she leaned up on her toes to reach Y/N’s ear, “I love you gorgeous.”
Alex heard the sharp intake of breath and the catch before she could release it, she felt the slight tremble suddenly taking over. The forward remained as close as she could, this hadn’t been the reaction she expected. She hadn’t expected any reaction really.
Y/N let out a grateful sigh and pulled away from Alex as soon as Marc dismissed them to start their warmup. She then proceeded to do everything she could to avoid Alex the entire practice.
By the time Marc called practice to an end Y/N was exhausted. She dragged her feet to the locker room, shoulder slumped forward, completely in her head and unaware of anything around her.
Alex took advantage of this, sliding her arm along Y/N’s waist, pulling herself into Y/N’s chest. Y/N stumbled slightly; Alex tightened her grip to keep her up. She felt her girlfriend go rigid. “Hey love of my life,” she leaned up placing a gentle kiss on the underside of Y/N’s jaw. “I’ve decided I am coming over right now; we are going to have a hot bath together and cuddle on the couch. We have tomorrow off, we can order in and not leave the couch the whole night.”
Now Y/N began to pull away, “I’m exhausted Alex, I just want to shower and have a nap on the couch.”
“I know you are, beautiful,” Alex’s arms remained firm around Y/N’s waist. “you look ready to fall asleep standing up, so let me help.” She wanted to add, maybe you’ll tell me what’s wrong, but didn’t want to push her luck. “We can cuddle, I know you always sleep better with me.”
Alex waited for some of the tension to leave her body, then saw the small nod as she looked up with hopeful eyes. “Perfect, I’ll come over now.” She kept herself attached to Y/N as they continued into the change room.
The couple silently through the parking lot to their vehicles after gathering their things.
“Umm I guess I’ll see you at my place then?” Y/N awkwardly stopped at her car door.
“You bet,” Alex smiled, trying to draw some kind of smile from her girlfriend, “I’ll order food when I get there while you shower.” Alex stretched up and kissed Y/N the cheek before turning and going to her own car.
Y/N didn’t even wait for Alex when they got to her apartment. Alex let out a breath as she watched Y/N rush out of her car and go inside without looking her way.
By the time Alex made it into the condo, Y/N was already in the shower. She ordered supper for the two of them before getting everything ready for them to spend the rest of the night on the couch, pulling out a couple fluffy blankets, lighting a couple candles. Waiting for Y/N, she nervously paced the condo, trying to figure out how to talk to her.
Y/N shuffled out of the bedroom a few minutes later, finally giving Alex a small smile when she saw the small set up in the living room.
“Hey supper should be here any minute, why don’t you get settled and I’ll bring it over,” Alex gave Y/N a small smile. Y/N nodded and tentatively moved to the couch, sitting on the far end and pulled her knees to her chest, resting her chin on top. Alex watched, hating how uncomfortable Y/N looked in her own home now.
Alex brought the food over to the living room after it was delivered. Y/N didn’t even move while Alex pulled food cartons out. The silence tense and awkward. She shifted closer to Y/N on the couch, resting a hand on her thigh, “I got Italian, chicken parm for you, fettuccini for me,” Alex handed the container.
“Thanks,” Y/N rasped out. Alex kept herself close while they ate in uncomfortable silence, some random movie playing in the background.
Y/N placed her empty container on the coffee table, pulling her knees to her chest. Alex put her container down too, leaning into Y/N’s side, gentling pulling one arm off her knees to wrap around herself. Alex could feel the tension through Y/N’s body.
“What’s going on Y/N?” Alex whispered, rubbing a hand gently on her thigh. “Don’t tell me nothing, Ash showed me the comments.”
“Oh,” Y/N’s body deflated, she chewed on her bottom lip.
Alex reached up and rubbed her thumb along Y/N’s creased eyebrow, easing some of the tension, “none of it is true Y/N. I love you.”
“But,” Y/N started, releasing out a breath, “so many people are saying the same things Al, that must means it’s true, that they all see it too.”
“They’re just jealous,” Alex pushed herself up, so she was face to face with Y/N.
“I’m serious Alex,” Y/N grunted out, frustrated.
“So am I, Y/N. They are all projecting their feelings. You are living a life they want, living your dream, successful, happily in love. It’s what everyone wants, you have it and they don’t. So, they are tearing you down to make themselves feel better. Those things are all people hiding behind keyboards and screens, but I bet none of them have near the skill or drive or intelligence or passion you do,” Alex drew herself even closer, wrapping both hands around Y/N’s face and forcing her to make eye contact.
“So? You’re still so out of my league Alex, everyone else sees it. Maybe I am only getting called up because I’m dating you, because Vlatko thinks you won’t come or something,” Y/N tried to turn her face out of Alex’s grasp, fidgeting in her seat. Her anxiety spiking the more she spoke, the more she talked about her insecurities. She could feel tears beginning the build up behind her eyes, the urge to move becoming overwhelming.
Feeling her girlfriend beginning to shake, Alex shifted her hand down and began methodically squeezing the muscles, compressing them as she worked down her arms, all the way down to her fingers, tugging each one individually before moving back up.
“What do you need? To move or more compression?” Alex asked, sensing the building anxiety attack in her girlfriend. She knew Y/N needed to move around, that it help her think, process, that too much sitting made her anxious. She also knew that sometimes she needed the compression, needed her muscles to be squeezed tight. And that sometimes she needed both. But most importantly, she knew that Y/N needed to be given the option and the space to choose.
Y/N scrambled to get up, “move,” she mumbled beginning to pace, “both maybe,” she squeezed her fists, rapping her knuckles against her thigh.
Alex slowly got up and hesitantly approached her girlfriend, waiting to see what Y/N needed. When Y/N remained where she was, Alex closed the distance entirely, wrapping her in a tight hug. Alex just held firm, slowly beginning to sway them on the spot. They stayed that way for several minutes before Y/N finally began to relax in her arms, it happened slow than suddenly Alex felt like she was holding all of Y/N’s weight.
“Let’s go to bed beautiful,” Alex murmured softly into her ear, feeling her girlfriends breathing already slowing as she began to fall asleep, the small anxiety attack taking her last bit of energy.
Y/N nodded her head, hands tightening on the hem of Alex’s shirt, fingers scrapping the skin along with it. Alex gave her another second before pushing them apart and leading Y/N to the bedroom by one hand.
Alex began pulling sleep clothes for them both from Y/N’s dresser, when she felt a finger tap her forearm. She turned her head to see Y/N nervously chewing on her bottom lip, eyes focused on her finger resting on Alex’s arm, “can we, I like the skin contact,” her jaw flex as she clenched her teeth. “No shirts?”
“Of course,” Alex soothed, turning into Y/N’s touch, pulling her shirt off before reaching and assisting Y/N in removing hers. They both removed their pants and crawled into bed. Y/N blindly shot a hand out, gripping Alex’s hip to pull her to lay on top.
Alex understood Y/N’s intention, that she needed the weight, the heat of another body, the comfort of her familiar scent, the soft breath against her chest, and the gentle caress of her fingers along her hip bones. Y/N was asleep almost instantly, the past week of over training and under sleeping catching up to her. The comfort of having Alex with her settling her mind for the time being.
Y/N woke the next morning by Alex spreading kisses along her bare shoulders, her thumbs gently massaging her thumbs into her hips bones, slowly encouraging her to wake up.
Y/N sighed as she slowly awoke, burrowing her head under the pillow.
“Wake up Y/N/N,” Alex shifted the pillow out of the way, whispering in her ear.
“No,” Y/N grumbled, blinding reaching to pull Alex’s hand back to massage her hips, “more massage.”
Alex chuckled and began to work the muscles of Y/N’s lower back. She glided her hands up, working her shoulder blades, “how about a massage tonight? For now, Ash and Ali are going to meet us at the beach so you two fishies can surf.”
“I like surfing,” Y/N’s head popped up, her voice still thick and gravely with sleep.
“There she is,” Alex pressed Y/N’s shoulders, guiding her to lay on her back, leaning down to gently kiss her, “so that’s a yes to surfing?”
“Always yes to surfing,” Y/N sat up, hands on Alex’s hips, her mood already improving after spending the night with her girlfriend.
Alex rolled herself off, “then get up, time to go.”
Y/N got ready to go and was ready to leave the house in record time. She stood by the apartment door with her surfboard in hand, swim bag on her shoulders, she excitedly bounced on the spot.
Alex laughed when she walked to the door, “you look like a little kid ready for the first day of school.”
Y/N grinned back, a full smile spreading across her cheeks, eyes crinkling as it finally reached her eyes for the first time in days.
The couple spent the morning at the beach with Ali and Ashlyn; Y/N and Ashlyn spending majority of the time in the water. Once the two women were able to fish their partners from the water, Ali and Ashlyn left the couple to allow them to have the day together.
Alex guided Y/N along the boardwalk, leading her to small beach front café where they sat watching the water, having a peaceful brunch.
After brunch the couple returned home, “how about that massage now, then we take a nap for the afternoon?” Alex guided Y/N back to her bedroom, pulling her shirt off before getting a response.
Y/N nodded and let herself be pulled along, lifting her arms to let Alex undress her.
The striker pushed Y/N’s shorts past her hips, pushing her to sit on the bed before pulling her own off, leaving them both nude. Alex straddled Y/N’s hips, bringing their lips together she kissed her long and slow, tongue teasingly tapping her lips before pulling away entirely, “turn over,” she whispered, lips brushing but not quite touching.
Y/N did as she was told, Alex raising herself slightly to allow the movement, hands quickly finding the bare skin of her back.
Alex worked the strong muscles for several minutes, the silence only broken by Y/N’s sighs and soft moans, the occasional whimper when a sensitive spot was found. When Alex pressed on the spots that earned a whimper, she would lean down and gently press her lips to it, kissing it better. She gently guided Y/N’s arms above her head, working into the curve of her lats, gliding a thumb along each indented rib. Guiding her hands up the younger woman’s arms, she brought her body until her bare chest was pressed into Y/N’s back, interlacing their fingers at the top.
Alex turned her head so her cheek rested between Y/N’s shoulder blades, chin angled up so Y/N could hear her whispers, “how do you feel?” her lips brushed the skin.
Y/N gave a content moan, lips ticking up into a small grin.
“Good,” Alex whispered back, she released one hand to wrestle the blankets out from under them to cover them for a nap, “I know today won’t fix how you are feeling, but I hope you know how much I love you, and I will do everything I can do show you how much love you deserve. Promise me you’ll come talk to me instead of shutting me out next time? Even its just to tell me you need space; I’ll understand and respect whatever you need.”
Y/N slowly nodded, “I love you Alex.”
“I love you too,” Alex whispered back, “now go to sleep for now.” She tightened her hold, pulling Y/N closer to her chest.
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riversofmars · 3 years
i wonder if you might do a story on river/13 going to a gay bar in space and they meet a bunch of previous companions/friends there too? (definitely jack for sure!) thanks
Okay first off, I love this prompt!! And it’s perfect for Pride month! I may, however, have taken some liberties and gone a bit bigger than a simple gay bar.... anyway :D I set out to write the gayest thing you’ll read all month... I hope I’ve succeeded! Happy Pride!
Invitation With A Kiss
“So what is this place, Doc?“ Graham asked as they made their way to the door of the TARDIS.
“Had an invitation!“ The Doctor retorted with a grin double-checking her psychic paper to make sure she had the right place and time.
“Who from?“ Yaz asked curiously.
“Ah, well, you know…“ The Doctor tried to wave it off but Yaz was quick enough to snatch the psychic paper from her fingers before she could try to hide it.
“Signed with a kiss?“ Yaz gaped and a wide grin spread across her features. Finally something to truly wind their friend up with and Ryan smirked as well:
“You sure you want us to tag along?“
“Oh, shut up, it’s not exactly a private party.“ The Doctor huffed trying to hide the blush that crept onto her cheeks. Quickly, she opened the door before any of her friends could comment and stepped outside.
“Oh wow, I don’t think I have words for this…“ Yaz started laughing as she joined the Doctor. They found themselves at the side of a most colourful parade. There were rainbows EVERYWHERE! Balloons, confetti, flags, people were dancing, hugging, kissing, having the time of their lives. “Please tell me this is…“
“Planet Pride.“ The Doctor grinned and put her hands on her hips as she took in the atmosphere. It was elating. There was a mild breeze that carried music and exotic smells, the sun was blazing down but not unpleasantly and the joy surrounding them was almost palpable. “Think of your 21st century Pride celebrations, multiply it by, I don’t know, a whole galaxy celebrating togetherness and inclusivity, and you get the greatest queer party this side of the universe.“ The Doctor turned to her friends who were still in awe.
“Isn’t this like… the future?“ Yaz finally found her voice and looked to the Doctor who was surprised to find concern in her eyes: “Is there a need for Pride still? Like I would have thought the issue would long be resolved and…“
“Oh it is, don’t worry!“ The Doctor grinned as she understood what she was getting at. “Doesn’t erase the past though. It’s part of the history of humankind… very sad, pointless, stupid part, but history nonetheless. Can’t and shouldn’t erase history, else you can’t learn from past mistakes… But let’s face it, Pride is brilliant. By this point it’s just an excuse to have one hell of a party.“ She pushed her hands into her pockets and they started walking down the street.
“This is brilliant.“ The Fam quickly found themselves accessorised by strangers, flower garlands and all sorts of amusing party hats were being passed out.
“Who’s the invite from, then?“ Ryan asked as they quickly caught up with the Doctor who was looking around the sea of people, clearly searching for someone.
“My wife.“ The Doctor answered knowing full well that there was no way she could keep it from them. She stopped and gnawed her bottom lip as she scanned the crowd. Where was she? Like she stood a chance of finding her amongst all these people…
“Your what now?“ Graham’s face fell and he nearly ran into her.
“Wife.“ The Doctor retorted matter-of-factly looking back to her friends. “We’re here to celebrate Pride, remember?“
“Yes but… you’re married?!“ Yaz exclaimed and carried on teasingly: “Who would agree to that?!“
“Well, we have always wondered that at one point or another…“ A voice sounded behind them and they all whirled around.
“Jack!“ The Fam exclaimed in unison as Captain Jack Harkness saluted with a grin.
“Hello, Doctor.“ He scooped the Doctor up in a tight hug who squeaked as the air was pushed from her lungs. “Fancy seeing you here! Are you ready for a party?“
“Hello Jack.“ She managed as she tried to extricate herself from his arms. “Bit too much to drink already?“ Jack ignored her comment and turned to the Fam, extending his arms.
“Ryan. Yaz. … Graham.“ He winked at Graham who blushed a little. Jack’s flirting was not lost on him or anyone else for that matter. “Missed me?“ He grinned. “Did you come here to see me?“
“While I knew you’d be here, no, not exactly.“ The Doctor retorted, trying to let him down gently.
“Well, that’s just as well.“ Jack huffed, trying not to look too offended. “I’m here with a Doctor of my own anyway. Though I seem to have lost him… and Donna just keeps trying to pass me drink after drink so…“
“You’re here with me? And Donna?“ The Doctor’s eyes widened in shock.
“There’s another version of you here?“ Yaz asked, utterly confused. The Doctor had told them plenty of times about how she had been a different person before and how Time Lords could regenerate their body, but they had never actually seen proof of it.
“And I don’t remember it… timelines crossing…“ The Doctor realised running her hands through her hair nervously. There was potential for disastrous chaos here.
“Doctor?“ A voice called and they all looked around. The girl that had called out wasn’t looking at them though, she was scanning the crowd and turned to another girl whose hand she was holding. “He must be here somewhere, that’s his TARDIS over there.“ They were searching for the Doctor too.
“Well, I’ve got a Doctor here if you’re looking for one!“ Jack called out without thinking. He didn't know the girls but the look on the Doctor’s face revealed that she did. She was simply too stunned to respond just yet. The girls looked at Jack who waved with a wide grin. “I think you mean to say: Her TARDIS. Times change!“
“Bill…“ The Doctor finally found her voice again as she stared at her long lost friend. There she was. Brilliant, beautiful Bill Potts. Cyberman no longer, holding on to her girlfriend’s hand and shock painted all over her face as the realisation hit her.
“Oh my GOD!“ Bill exclaimed, frozen to the spot.
“And Heather.“ The Doctor was beginning to grin now and hurried over.
“You have to be joking!“ Bill was still in shock, she shook her head to herself as the Doctor came to a halt in front of her with the Fam and Jack following close behind.
“Hello Bill!“ The Doctor smirked, amused by how her brain was reeling. “What? Not even a hug?“ She chuckled as Bill was finally pulled from her stupor.
“I really don't think I should hug you…“ Bill found her voice at last as she looked her up and down. “Cause you’re like… dead hot right now…“ She glanced at Heather who just laughed. “But also, you’re my weird space grandpa! So come here!“ She pulled the Doctor in a tight hug laughing.
“Fam, this is my friend Bill and her girlfriend Heather.“ The Doctor introduced them all.
“Lovely to meet you.“ Heather smiled. “I have a feeling you will be seeing quite a few familiar faces.“ She told the Doctor with a knowing smile.
“Yeah, it’ll get complicated when you run into yourself…“ Bill grinned, amused at the very prospect of it.
“He’s here, too?“ The Doctor’s face fell. Things were bound to get even more complicated with two of her former regenerations around!
“Well yeah, we were looking for him, lost him somewhere along the way…“ Bill explained. “Oh God…“
“What?“ The Doctor frowned, alarmed at the dread in her friend’s voice.
“Quickly, hide!“ She pulled the Doctor and Heather behind a make-shift beach bar that served all sorts of colourful cocktails. The other’s mirrored their actions. While they didn’t know what was going on, it seemed like the right course of action.
“Bill, what…“ The Doctor started to protest but forgot where she was going with it when her eyes fell on two very familiar people, making their way towards the bar.
“I really don’t know why you insisted on coming here.“ Missy gave a huff as they came within earshot.
“Why not? It’s fun.“ Clara retorted, amused at the displeasure on the Time Lady’s face.
“I don’t see what’s so exciting about drawing rainbows on your face and parading around the street.“ Missy rather stood out in her almost completely black outfit.
“Humour me.“ Clara retorted, who - in her colourful waitress uniform - looked the complete opposite. “I’ll make it worth your while.“ She looped her arm around Missy’s.
“You better.“ Missy pursed her lips, looking to the girl at her side, then continued to scan the crowd.
“If you didn’t want to come, why did you?“ Clara asked and scoffed as Missy paid her little attention and kept looking around: “You’re hoping the Doctor will be here, aren’t you. And here I was thinking you actually wanted to spend time with me.“
“Doctor, who are they?“ Yaz whispered to the Doctor, struggling to follow what was going on. Those two women clearly knew her and the Doctor seemed to know them too as all colour had drained from her face.
“Doctor, what do you want to do?“ Bill whispered to her but she didn’t respond, she was transfixed.
“Don’t get me wrong, Clara, dear, I enjoy a booty call as much as the next Time Lady.“ Missy smirked, looking back to Clara. “Particularly one where my sweet little plaything is intoxicated on sweet drinks and self righteousness but if I just happen to run into the Doctor and get the opportunity to kill him, that would be a two birds one stone kind of scenario. Particularly if I get to mortally embarrass him by putting you in a rather compromising position first.“ Missy ran her fingertips along Clara’s jaw, pushing her head up a little.
“Right, that’s it!“ The Doctor exclaimed. “Clara!“ She called, marching out of their hiding place.
“Huh?“ Clara and Missy looked around confused, annoyed at the moment being so rudely interrupted.
“Oh God…“ Bill groaned and they all rushed after the Doctor.
“Sorry dear, this is a private conversation, pick a number and I’ll get to you in a sec.“ Missy gave a dismissive wave of her hand, refocusing her attention on Clara but the Doctor wouldn’t have it.
“Missy, get your hands off her right now!“ The Doctor threatened.
“Who’s this, Doctor?“ Yaz asked, hoping for an explanation.
“Doctor?“ Missy raised her eyebrows, her lips pulling into a smirk.
“Doctor?“ Clara echoed, surprised, excited and embarrassed in equal measures.
“What are you doing with her??“ The Doctor demanded to know off Clara as she wildly gestured at her nemesis.
“My my my, isn’t this some sight. Finally had the upgrade as well?“ Missy ignored the comment as she regarded her childhood friend’s new body. She snaked her arm around Clara and pulled her close to her side.
“Missy!“ The Doctor growled. “Get away from her!“
“Why?“ Missy feigned innocence and hurt. “She asked me here? She wants me here. You could even say she wants me .“ She gave a triumphant smirk and the Doctor flushed scarlet with embarrassment and anger.
“Clara, is that…“
“Uhhh…“ Clara blushed even more deeply than the Doctor herself.
“Does anyone else feel like they're slightly out of the loop?“ Ryan piped up, trying to make sense of the situation in front of them. For whatever reason, the Doctor was interrupting what looked like a perfectly consensual, happy date…
“This is the Master.“ The Doctor spat angrily. “Earlier version… don’t let the lipstick fool you, just as deadly.“
“Lipstick makes for a wonderful weapon, particularly in the right hands. Just ask your lovely wife.“ Missy retorted with a smile. “Where is she, by the way? You’re not here single , are you?“ She tightened the grip on Clara for emphasis.
“Missy!“ Clara slapped the Time Lady’s shoulder. “Come on, we’re all here to have some fun, can’t we just do that.“
“I can have fun with you anywhere I like.“ Missy smirked, moving her hand lower to the hem of her skirt, just enough to make the Doctor nearly lose it. “Fine. Alright.“ She let go of her. “Be a good little puppy now and fetch me a drink then.“ She smirked at the Doctor who balled her hands to tight fits, looking like she was about to burst. Missy laying her hands on one of her friends like that was just too much.
“Anyone else for a cocktail?“ Clara turned back to the group, hoping to move to conversation along to where she wouldn’t be mortally embarrassed in front of her best friend.
“I’ll help you carry.“ Heather volunteered quickly following Clara to the bar.
“So the Master used to be a woman?“ Graham exclaimed at last, when the situation seemed to have defused a little.
“Spoilers.“ Missy tutted at him.
“This is going to get very complicated with everyone here.“ The Doctor had to agree. “You can’t reveal anything about anyone’s future or we could be ripping space and time apart.“
“Yes, this is quite the explosive combination.“ Missy had to concede as she regarded the Doctor’s entourage. “Which begs the question, Doctor, what brings you here? Other than the rainbow candy floss?“
“River invited me.“ The Doctor shot back, almost too quickly, as if to make the point that Missy didn’t have one over in her.
“Well, she’s here somewhere…“ Missy smirked, delighting in the fact that she knew something the Doctor didn’t. “Busy though, really busy…“
“Busy?“ The Doctor frowned. She didn’t like the way Missy was saying that but she couldn’t help her hearts somersaulting just a little bit at the confirmation that her wife was here somewhere. She would get to see her again. It had been such a long time.
“Your bride dances at numerous weddings, as usual.“ Missy hummed just as Clara and Heather returned with colourful cocktails. “Thank you dear.“ She took a bright red drink that was unsettlingly reminiscent of blood and took the opportunity to press a firm kiss to Clara’s lips. “Oh I should start doing this to all your companions, the look on your face!“ Missy laughed at the Doctor’s expression. She looked like she was about to throw a punch. “Or, you know, your wife… now that would be fun.“
“Watch it!“ The Doctor growled threateningly.
“Wherever is Professor Song?“ Missy hummed in a sing-song voice and sip her drink in delight.  
“Clara!“ Everyone looked around as two female voices chanted in unison.
“Oh hello!“ Clara recognised Vastra and Jenny immediately as they were heading straight towards them.
“More old friends?“ Ryan asked and the Doctor’s face brightened. It was hard to worry about the timeline when it was so nice to see so many of her friends.
“Vastra! Jenny!“ She grinned at them in greeting and while Jenny frowned, confused, her wife’s superior senses helped her recognise her immediately.
“Doctor!“ The lizard woman looked at her in shock. “Now that makes a change.“ She looked her up and down, surprised, but not unpleasantly. Jenny must have noticed the look on her face as she gave Vastra’s arm a playful slap.
“Oi! Married!“ She reminded her. “Hello Doctor.“ She carried on cheerfully and gave a wave to everyone else, who, with the exception of Clara, they didn’t know yet.
“It’s getting rather crowded, isn’t it.“ Missy pursed her lips shooting Clara a glance with the intention of getting out of there soon but her companion was more concerned with meeting the Doctor’s other friends, past and present. “Oi!“ She shot Jack a glare who was just putting his arm around Clara all too familiarly.
“Sorry, dear.“ Vastra gave her wife an appeasing smile and turned back to the Doctor. “We didn’t expect to see you, Doctor. At least not like this.“
“Don’t tell me.“ The Doctor groaned, sensing where this was going.
“We didn’t mean to interrupt, we just thought, when we saw Miss Oswald, perhaps she’d know where the Doctor was, a younger one, that is. Suspenders too, but bow tie…“ Vastra explained apologetically. They had lost the Doctor they had arrived with quite a while ago.
“Is that who you’re here with?“ The Doctor asked, wincing at the prospect of yet another version of hers running around this place.
“Following an invitation from your wife, as I understand it. He didn’t want to go alone.“ Jenny added.
“Where is he now?“ The Doctor asked, sensing where all this was going.
“That is a very good question.“ Vastra agreed and they all looked around, everyone scanning the crowd for their particular Doctors.
“I already have a very bad feeling about this…“ The Doctor sighed.
“Are you sure you want to find your wife?“ Missy snickered, highly amused.
“I would if I knew how.“ The Doctor huffed, as a cheerful voice carried over from the other side of the cocktail bar:
“That River Song really is something, isn’t she.“ Everyone looked around and saw a blonde pulling herself onto a bar stool, setting down a nearly empty glass.
“Don’t say it like that.“ A second woman, brunette with shoulder length hair, huffed as she climbed onto a stool beside her. The Doctor looked around to her friends, none of whom recognised the two women, with the exception of herself and Missy who pursed her lips with intrigue. Now there were two people she hadn't seen in quite some time.
“Like what?“ Helen laughed, twirling the straw of her drink between her fingers.
“Like you admire the woman…“ Liv answered, clearly not enjoying the conversation.
“You’re just jealous.“ Helen retorted playfully.
“Jealous? Of what? Don’t be ridiculous.“ Liv shot back a little too quickly.
“Then stop sulking!“ Helen grinned. “The Doctor is having fun, leave him to it. And let’s have some fun too! These cocktails are really good…“ She waved at the bar keep for another.
“And really strong, you sure you want another one.“ Liv couldn’t help but point out.
“Most definitely.“ Helen nodded full of enthusiasm and nearly fell off her stool. Perhaps she had had a little bit too much after all. Liv was quick to hold her up. “Thank you Liv, you’re the best you know that?“ Helen smiled happily and reached out to stroke her friend’s cheek.
“I try.“ Liv replied, blushing at the gesture and her friend pulled her forward into a tight hug.
“No really, you are…“ Helen held her tightly, nuzzling into the crook of her neck and Liv didn’t know what to do with her hands. She nearly fell off her stool herself but she didn’t want to pull back either, so she wrapped her arms around Helen’s shoulders, glad she wouldn’t be able to see her blush. Helen was completely oblivious to her discomfort, she just carried on mumbling: “You’re so kind and clever and brave and… so pretty…“
“I think you’ve had enough to drink…“ Liv pulled away, momentarily worried for her friend’s state but Helen wouldn’t let her go. Instead she grabbed Liv’s head and kissed her.
“I had money on that, you know.“ Missy smirked as the Doctor just watched, delighted and confused in equal measures. How had she never picked up on this when they were travelling together?
“Oh God…“ Helen pulled away when she realised what she was doing. But only after thoroughly snogging her best friend’s face off. She blushed deeply, her intoxication seemingly gone in an instant as sobering reality hit her. Liv blinked overwhelmed still, her heart nearly jumping out of her chest. “Sorry, I was just… getting carried away and…“ Helen stammered, letting go of her but this time it was Liv that wouldn’t let go.
“You can do it again… you know in the spirit of… or just because you want to…“ Liv bit her bottom lip nervously.
“I don’t know why I did that…“ Helen carried on stuttering until Liv’s words sunk in: “What?“
“Oh Helen… my beautiful, clueless friend…“ Liv shook her head and laughed.
“Sorry, I have no idea what I’m doing.“ Helen admitted, blushing scarlet.
“I do.“ Liv assured her more confidently and leaned in to kiss her again when Helen stopped her.
“What?“ Liv’s heart sank, wondering if Helen had thought better of it but she realised her friend was stopped for another reason. She was looking past her and Liv noticed they had an audience.
“Oh, don’t stop on my account.“ Missy gave a wave of her hand when she realised she had been spotted. Of course, she was the only one Helen Sinclair and Liv Chenka would recognise. “Wasn’t sure where we were, timelines and all!“
“You again!“ Helen exclaimed and Missy sighed. Why were the Doctor’s friends always so stuck up on the past? So what if she had kidnapped and nearly killed her?
“I was hoping we would bump into you again, now I can finally…“ Liv was about to go for Missy but the Doctor quickly intervened.
“No, no, no, none of that!“ She held Liv back and Missy chuckled.
“Come on, Doctor, if Miss Chenka wasn’t to play, that can be arranged.“ Her eyes flashed dangerously.
“Missy! Timelines!“ The Doctor scolded. The time lines were already all messed up, without anyone losing their life before their time. Missy gave a shrug.
“Doctor?“ Liv echoed, looking at the blonde in front of her bewildered. She took a step back, accepting that maybe violence was not the right course of action right now.
“While I’m sure the Doctor is elated to see you two finally stopped doing that silly little I don’t know how she’s feeling about me - but what if she doesn’t like me - but she’s from the past - but she’s from the future - I can’t ruin our friendship dance of yours, she’d rather like to know where her wife is and you seem to know.“ Missy sighed, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“The Doctor?“ Helen repeated incredulously.
“Wow…“ Was all Liv could manage staring at the blonde and Helen, gripped by a wave of jealousy, hit her arm:
“Not to interrupt the happy reunion or whatever but I think your search is over, Doctor.“ Jack announced and everyone looked around to where he was pointing.
“She didn’t just invite you, did she…“ Missy chuckled as they watched River push through the crowd accompanied by no less than thirteen Doctors, all of them competing for her attention and affection.
“She invited all of us, didn’t she…“ The Doctor sighed, realising that the same message she had received would have popped up on every other Doctor’s psychic paper as well.
“Go on then, Doctor.“ Jack put his arm around her slender shoulders and pulled her along. “Because if you don’t go over there, I might.“ He smirked. “Professor Song!“ He called before the Doctor could protest. River looked over to them, grinning, as she recognised Jack.
“Captain.“ She smirked flirtily as she sauntered over, while the other Doctors shot Jack annoyed glances.
“Think this is who you were looking for.“ Jack gave the Doctor a shove forward and decided that for once, he should be the wing man instead of going for the prize himself.
“Hello River.“ The Doctor managed a half smile and her feelings were incredibly conflicting. She was thrilled to see her wife; who looked beautiful in a flowing dress with the sun dancing in her curls. She was jealous that the other Doctor’s got there before her. And most importantly, she was annoyed: How could she have been so irresponsible?! All of space and time could rip apart if they put a foot wrong!
“My my my, now that makes a change.“ River smirked as she only took a moment to realise who she was. She stepped closer, looking her up and down far more obviously would have been necessary. The Doctor blushed and decided to go on the offensive to get herself out of the awkward situation:
“You know you will have to make them forget!“ She pointed to all her other selves. “This could end so badly!“
“Timelines will do that. Relax, Sweetie. None of you will remember a thing after crossing your own time stream. I can’t believe I’ve had to have this conversation fourteen times.“ River sighed but the expression on her face indicated that she had no problem repeating herself with her spouses. “Now, less sulking, how about a kiss for your old wife, hm?“ She smirked, grabbed the Doctor by the collar of her coat. She pulled her in for a kiss that quickly muted any sort of protest.
Just then, a confetti cannon went off, dousing the group in a rainbow of colours.
“Sorry, couldn’t help it.“ Missy grinned as the Doctor’s friends shot her accusing glances and she hid her sonic umbrella behind her back. “Anyway, I wonder if there are more versions of me about…“
The Doctor didn’t even notice. She was too occupied kissing her wife to the chorus of jealous calls from several of her past selves. She had missed her so much .
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triptuckers · 3 years
Twirl for me - Jesper Fahey (Our Future 2/3)
Request: yes “I am soooo obsessed with your ‘our future’ story with Jesper!! Do you maybe write part 2’s? Because I would love to have a sequel with like the actual wedding (and also to find out who will win the bet of whether Kaz will cry at their wedding👀) But only if you want and are okay with it of course ☺️!” Pairing:  Jesper Fahey x reader Summary:  you and jesper finally get married, but it seems like you’re more focused on a bet you have than the actual wedding Warnings: none Word count:  981 A/N: I'm so glad you liked ‘our future’! :) thanks for requesting this, enjoy reading! this is part two of our future
A couple of months had passed since that wonderful morning when Jesper had proposed to you. 
He had thought of what he wanted the wedding to be like, so you let him figure out most of the details. You trusted he’d get it right, given that the parties he throws are usually amazing. 
It’s a small wedding. The rest of the crows are there, and a handful of other dregs. Jesper had picked a beautiful location. Even though it was far away from the Barrel, you’re on edge. After all, it’s still Ketterdam. But one look at Jesper makes all of your worries fade away.
He had been right. He looks absolutely stunning. He’s wearing a new suit that perfectly hugs his body. You take your time looking up and down before approaching him. 
‘It’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding.’ he says.
‘This is Ketterdam.’ you say. ‘Everyone has bad luck.’
You step closer to him and wrap your arms around his waist, looking up at him. He smirks as he looks down at you.
‘Do you like what you see, darling?’ he teases.
‘Oh, I do.’ you say. ‘You weren’t lying when you said you were going to look stunningly handsome.’
‘I also remember telling you you’d look beautiful as well.’ he says. He removes one of your hands from his waist and steps back.
‘Twirl for me, love?’ he asks.
You smile brightly and twirl once, your dress flowing around you. Jesper smiles brightly at you. 
‘You were right about the smiling as well.’ you say. 
‘I know we’re not married yet, but what do you think of it so far? The wedding?’ says Jesper.
‘I love it, Jesper.’ you say. ‘I'd marry you anywhere, no matter the circumstances. You did forget one thing though.’
Jesper frowns. ‘What did I forget?’ he says. ‘Trust me, I spent a lot of time thinking about this, I'm pretty sure I remembered everything.’
You shake your head. ‘We still have a bet to place.’ you say. 
Jesper laughs, remembering the morning when he proposed. ‘You still want to bet on Kaz?’ he says.
‘Of course.’ you say. ‘And I'm gonna win that bet.’
‘Alright, alright.’ he says. ‘I bet you 10 kruge Kaz isn’t going to cry. I'm pretty sure his emotions are locked in a safe somewhere with a lock even Kaz himself can’t pick.’
‘10 kruge?’ you say. ‘Make it 30. And he is gonna cry, watch. All those bottled up emotions have to get out eventually.’ 
Jesper holds out his hand for you to shake. ‘30 kruge it is. Now let’s go, we don’t want to be late for our own wedding.’ 
During the ceremony, you can’t keep your eyes off of Jesper or stop smiling. You can’t believe it’s finally happening. It’s exactly like Jesper had described.
Small, intimate, all of the most important people in your life are there. And yes, Jesper looks absolutely stunning. And he can’t stop smiling at you. 
And the party is great as well, Jesper had exceeded all expectations. You’re happily dancing with everyone, laughing and singing along to the songs. Halfway through the night, you’d taken off your heels, dancing barefoot.
It’s spring, and even though the sun is setting, it’s not cold. Besides, the dancing keeps you warm. You enjoy the time you’re spending with your friends, and you’re over the moon because of the fact you’re now no longer Jesper’s girlfriend, but you’re married to him.
You look at the people surrounding you and can’t help but to smile again. 
But then you notice someone is missing. Kaz is nowhere to be seen. You frown and turn around, trying to find him. You knew running the dregs was important to him, but you had hoped he’d stay until the end. A wedding wasn’t a regular thing in the Barrel.
Just as you want to walk back over to continue dancing, you notice a silhouette in the distance. Your first instinct is that it’s someone who’s here to hurt you - or worse. 
You slowly inch closer, and notice a black suit and a cane.
‘Kaz?’ you say as you approach him. ‘What are you doing? Why are you hiding in the shadows?’
You walk closer so you can stand in front of him and he immediately turns his back to you.
‘Are you alright?’ you say, getting worried. He was acting weird, and you’d never seen him like this.
‘Kaz?’ you say, trying to get his attention again.
‘I'm fine.’ he says with a sniffle. 
Your eyes widen and you gasp. ‘Kaz, are you crying?’ you ask.
He turns around and gives you an angry look. But there are indeed tears in his eyes.
‘You are!’ you say, failing to hide your smile. ‘Did you love the wedding that much?’
‘No.’ says Kaz. ‘It’s spring. Shut up, this is because of my allergies. You know, spring. Pollen. Not because you and Jesper got married. Why did you have to pick a spring wedding anyway?’ 
You start to laugh and jog back to the dancing guests.
‘Jes!’ you yell, making him turn around. ‘You owe me 30 kruge!’
You see his eyes widen as well and his jaw drops. ‘But I don’t have 30 kruge.’ he says.
‘Then take me out for dinner!’ you say.
‘I was going to do that anyway.’ says Jesper.
You look over your shoulder and wink at Kaz. ‘You just got me a free dinner! Thanks Kaz!’
‘Allergies!’ he grumbles. ‘This is because of all these flowers around.’
You laugh and walk over to Jesper so you can dance with him again. You’d never heard Kaz talk about allergies before. But you also know he was never going to admit he actually cried at your wedding. You and Jesper were going to tease him about it for the rest of his life. 
read part three here
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rules Here’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Marit
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yarn rants with dandelion
3.5k of Geralt poorly hiding the fact that he knits from his family and, in general, being an idiot, read here on AO3
Geralt slams his laptop shut as his apartment door swings open, causing Eskel to quirk an eyebrow. “Whatcha doin’?” he asks. 
“Nothing,” Geralt says in a rush. 
“Uh huh.” Eskel raises his hands. “Can’t be any weirder than the porn Lambert watches.”
Geralt grunts, scrubbing a hand down his face. “You’re not supposed to be here yet.”
Eskel glances at his watch. “I figured you might want help before the game.”
“I’m ordering pizza,” Geralt says. “Actually, do you want to do it? I have cleaning I still need to do before everyone else gets here.”
Eskel’s eyebrows climb higher on his forehead, and Geralt starts to sweat as he sees Eskel's skepticism. Geralt always makes a spread on game day, telling everyone he’s not going to wait two hours for delivery while they’ll be so busy. 
“Um. Okay.” Eskel stares at him for a beat before finally pulling out his phone. “What am I ordering?” 
Geralt shrugs. “Whatever you want.”
He goes to his room, shutting the door behind him and hearing Eskel’s voice as he talks to the pizza place. Geralt looks to his bed, where a half finished baby blanket is laid out, before hastily gathering it and its attached ball of yarn up and stuffing them in a basket, piled high with various colors and weights. He throws some dirty clothes from his floor on top for good measure before reemerging from his bedroom, Eskel looking at him suspiciously from his spot on the couch. 
“Sure you don’t need help with anything?” Eskel asks. 
“No, I’m, uh, I’m good.” Geralt goes to the fridge and pulls out two beers, passing one to Eskel and keeping one for himself. 
Thankfully, Eskel doesn’t say anything about his odd behavior, just watches the pregame show with him without comment until Letho arrives, followed shortly after by Lambert and Aiden. Geralt’s relieved, because then Eskel’s attention goes to their ridiculous dancing around each other instead of scrutinizing Geralt. 
After everyone has left for the night, Geralt pulls his laptop back out, settling it on the coffee table in front of him and goes to get his blanket. He spreads it across his lap as he clicks play, the sound of a cheerful voice filling his living room. 
“Hey, guys! It’s Dandelion, back with my latest yarn haul! I’ve got some awesome ones, and ones you should avoid at all costs, so watch and see which is which!”
Geralt lets himself stare for a second before he jerks himself out of the trance and looks back down while his needles click together as he starts to knit. 
Geralt lets the feeling of the yarn between his fingers soothe him. That’s why he watches these yarn reviews, after all. He hates going to the store for yarn, but he hates wasting his money on yarn that’s scratchy and uncomfortable against his skin even more. 
Needless to say, he’s grateful to Dandelion for doing all the prep work for him, and he may or may not have developed a crush on the man.  Who watches these videos and hasn’t? Geralt reasons.
Dandelion has an infectious enthusiasm, and Geralt can’t help the soft smile from spreading across his face as he listens.
Geralt keeps knitting until his skein is almost out. When he has less of a ball and more of a tangle left, he casts his eyes around for the next one before looking despairingly back at his blanket when he doesn’t find it. 
He knew he should have ordered extra; he always does this to himself, but somehow he never learns. He groans as he pulls his computer onto his lap and opens up the website he orders his yarn from. He goes into his history and clicks on the link to his blanket yarn. It’s teal, velvety, and Geralt can’t stop running his fingers over it. When the page finally loads,  out of stock  blinks back at him. 
Double fuck. 
He’s never made a blanket before, and he’s drastically underestimated how much it would take. He’s going to need at least three more skeins. Yen’s baby shower is in a month and a half, and there’s no telling when the yarn is going to come back in stock. What if they discontinued it? 
There’s nothing for it; he’s going to have to go into the store. He looks at the clock. First thing tomorrow, he decides, before it gets busy. He’ll go right when they open, before the store gets noisy and filled with women who always try to draw him into conversation for some reason. 
Geralt huffs at the thought. 
Geralt tugs his scarf a little tighter against his neck before he gets out of the car and heads into the store. There’s only four cars in the parking lot, so Geralt hopes he’ll be able to get in and out quickly. 
Once he’s inside, he makes a beeline for the yarn aisle, trying to hold in his noise of dismay when he sees someone already standing there. Geralt avoids eye contact and feigns interest in the brightly colored acrylic yarns at the end of the aisle. The person is right in front of the baby yarn section, and Geralt tries not to tap his foot. 
Just when Geralt is getting ready to pretend to browse other aisles while he waits, there’s movement behind him. “Lovely scarf,” a man’s voice says. “Looks very soft.”
Geralt turns around, only for his eyes to widen as he comes face to face with Dandelion. 
He’s sure something very intelligent sounding comes out of his mouth, but he doesn’t register it. 
Whatever it was makes Dandelion laugh, sounding familiar and alarmingly close when they’re not separated by a screen. Geralt glances down at Dandelion’s basket to see it piled high with yarn. 
“Nice colors you have there,” Geralt finally manages. 
Dandelion beams. “Thank you!” 
Geralt takes a closer look and realizes they’re rainbow colors. He heaves a tiny sigh. He’s a disaster. Does Dandelion think he’s flirting with him? Not that Geralt doesn’t want to be, per se, but—it’s complicated. 
“Did you make your scarf yourself? Or did a boyfriend make it for you?” Dandelion asks. 
“I made it myself,” Geralt mumbles. He’s not sure whether he’s relieved by this line of questioning or not.
“No boyfriend.”
Dandelion turns another smile on him, and Geralt tries not to melt. “What are you shopping for?” 
“Oh. Um. A blanket.”
Dandelion turns back towards the shelves with a critical eye before he plucks out a chunky bright yellow and holds it out to Geralt for his inspection. Geralt runs his fingers over it absently. “Feels nice.”
“Right? I love this brand. How big of a blanket are you making?”
“It’s for a baby.”
Dandelion’s eyebrow arches in question. 
“My friend is adopting soon; I thought this would be nice,” Geralt says, crossing his arms over his chest defensively.
Dandelion shifts his basket from one hand to the other. “Oh, my. That is very nice.”
Geralt grumbles as he piles more yarn than can surely be reasonable into his own basket while Dandelion eyes the shelf thoughtfully. 
Geralt finishes putting the yarn into his basket and goes to leave the aisle, but Dandelion stops him before he takes more than three steps. 
“Better get more than you think. I get what I expect to use, and then add 25 percent more.”
That makes Geralt crack a smile. “That makes an expensive hobby even worse.”
Dandelion shrugs. “The curse of being a creative.”
Geralt picks two more bundles from the shelf. “I suppose you’re right.”
Dandelion clears his throat. “Hey, what’s your name?”
Geralt answers, and Dandelion looks him up and down. “Would you like to join our yarn circle?”
“What?” Geralt asks, throat dry.
Dandelion shakes his head glumly. “Nevermind. It’s just there are so few men…”
“I’ll join,” Geralt says, before he fully thinks out his words. 
Dandelion brightens instantly. “Excellent!”
Dandelion follows him to the register, chattering the whole way, and by the time Geralt leaves the store, Dandelion has his number saved in his phone. Geralt can’t help but notice how the women are leaving him alone today, just shooting him the occasional baleful look. It’s a nice change of pace. Maybe he should run into Dandelion more often. 
“I’ll text you, okay?” Dandelion says after he’s walked with Geralt to his car. 
“Um, yeah, okay,” Geralt replies. 
He slides into his car and watches Dandelion walk to a bright yellow slug bug. He quirks a grin. It fits him. Geralt’s just turned the key in his ignition when he realizes he didn’t even get the yarn that he came for. He sighs and shuts the engine off. 
If he reemerges from the store with the yarn for the rest of his blanket in addition to two skeins of blue that remind him of Dandelion’s eyes, well, that’d be creepy, and it’s nobody’s business but his, anyway. 
Geralt looks down at his phone.  yarn circle at that coffee place on Main tomorrow at ten! you in?
He saves the contact in his phone, debating with himself before typing  Dandelion 🌼.
He puffs a breath through his lips. He shouldn’t be this worked up about a text. 
See you then  , he types, and goes back to make the  s  lowercase. 
“Who are you texting?” Eskel asks from his spot on the couch, setting down his own phone.
“Who are  you  texting?” Geralt retorts weakly. 
Eskel looks at him, unimpressed. “My girlfriend, dude. Did you finally get yourself one? You know, it’s kind of weird Yen’s replacing you with a baby…”
Geralt grits his teeth. “She’s not replacing me. We just had conflicting goals for the future.”
“And what, pray tell, are these goals?”
Geralt shrugs. “Not kids. I’d be a terrible dad.”
Eskel rolls his eyes. It’s a conversation they’ve hashed out many times before. “Hmm,” Eskel says pointedly, and Geralt gives him an eye roll right back. 
“Are we watching this movie or not?”
Eskel mumbles something too low for Geralt to hear. 
The next morning dawns bright and early. Too early for Geralt to reasonably head out to the coffee shop by the time he’s ready, so he takes the time to work on the blanket. He’s inching closer to being done, and he’s looking forward to starting something with the yellow yarn, but he’s not quite sure what he wants to make yet. 
He wonders if he’s supposed to take his blanket to this yarn circle. Do they knit? Or just talk about it? What if they gossip the whole time? Geralt doesn’t have anything juicy to contribute; he doubts they want to hear about Eskel’s latest problems with his goat yoga business. Giving customers ringworm probably isn’t the best breakfast conversation. He takes in a deep breath, trying to stop the panic spiral. 
It’s fine. It’s going to be fine. 
It’s not fine.
When he walks in, Dandelion is already sitting at a table, wearing a floral button down that has entirely too many buttons undone to be decent. Geralt tries not to imagine what Dandelion’s chest hair would feel like under his finger tips, if it would be coarse and wiry or smooth and silky. 
Geralt shakes his head and grunts a greeting when Dandelion waves him over. 
“Hello, hello! Find the place okay?”
“No issues,” Geralt says, pulling out a chair and settling his bag with his knitting awkwardly on the ground. 
Dandelion glances down at his phone, and whatever he sees makes his face tighten. 
“Hmm, looks like the rest of the circle isn’t going to be able to make it. Flat tire.”
Geralt arches an eyebrow at him. “Do they...need help? I could go change it.”
Dandelion mutters something to himself before looking back up at Geralt. “I think they already have that covered.”
Geralt laughs and rubs a hand on his neck. “You know, I’m going to start thinking you were just trying to get me alone.”
Dandelion returns the nervous laugh and warms his hands on his mug. “Are you going to get some coffee?” he asks. 
“Uh, yeah.” Geralt stands up before turning back to Dandelion. “What do you recommend? I don’t come places like this very often.”
“Yeah, I bet. You seem like a coffee, black kind of person.”
“I don’t drink coffee,” Geralt admits. 
Dandelion’s eyes practically bug out of his head. “What do you mean you don’t drink coffee?”
“Makes me jumpy. My hands shake.”
Dandelion lets out a sharp exhale. “Wow.”
Geralt scowls. “Don’t make fun of me.”
“I’m not! Well, maybe a little. You just better get hot chocolate, then.”
“Fine. I will.”
Dandelion’s laughter when Geralt returns to the table with a mug piled high with whipped cream is infectious.
He’s not sure what comes over him, but Geralt sticks out his tongue. 
It’s not until he gets home that he realizes he never even pulled out his knitting. 
Dandelion starts texting him more and more, and Geralt feels vaguely guilty when he watches Dandelion’s latest video. 
He should probably tell Dandelion he watches them, but he doesn’t want it to turn into a  thing , and he certainly doesn’t read too much into it when Dandelion mentions running into a handsome stranger on his latest yarn expedition. 
He could be talking about anyone. 
Geralt finishes his blanket for Yen, and he starts to think about what his next project should be. The yellow yarn is bright and warm; silky smooth between his fingers. He starts another blanket, because why not? He’s been wanting to practice cabling, anyway. 
He brings it to the next yarn circle Dandelion invites him to, but it doesn’t get worked on, and Dandelion doesn’t say anything about where the rest of the circle is. Geralt doesn’t ask. 
Finally, four yarn circles in where no knitting is accomplished, Dandelion gives up the ghost and asks Geralt out on a date. “That’s not what we’ve been doing?” Geralt asks with a small smile. 
Dandelion shoves him in the chest, a teasing glint in his eye before his hand lingers on Geralt’s pec for a little too long. He jerks his hand back and clears his throat. “Great. I can’t wait," Geralt says.
“I’ll choose to believe that’s not sarcastic.”
Geralt pokes at him. “It’s not.”
Geralt rolls his eyes and  hmm s right back. 
A few weeks later finds Geralt sifting through Netflix for a movie to watch. “Hey, Dandelion!” Geralt calls from the couch, tugging a blanket up to his chin. 
Dandelion freezes from his spot just outside the living room with a bowl of popcorn in hand. 
“I have some white cheddar for that,” Geralt says.
“What did you just say?”
“I have some white cheddar for that,” Geralt repeats, more slowly this time. 
“No, no, before that.”
Geralt thinks. “Your...name?”
Dandelion blinks at him. “My name is Jaskier.”
Now Geralt is the one who’s confused. “No, it’s not?”
“Geralt, I think I know my own name.” Dandelion’s face pinches. “Wait. You watch my videos?”
Geralt steels himself for the conversation. He had been wondering if he'd just be able to take the fact that he watches them to his grave. “Yes?”
“And you didn’t think to mention this?”
“It seemed...weird," Geralt says haltingly.
Geralt’s still reeling from the revelation. He’s the world’s worst boyfriend; Dandelion has to be playing a cruel prank on him. 
“And it didn’t seem weird to you that you were watching me literally sing your praises last week?”
“I thought it was kind of sweet.”
Dand—Jaskier drags a hand down his face. “I can’t believe this.”
“How was I supposed to know that wasn’t your actual name?”
“Geralt, we have been together for a month. How do you not know my  name ?”
“It’s never come up!” Geralt says defensively. “You’re the one who never even introduced yourself. Talk about bad manners.”
Jaskier splutters, and Geralt can’t help but quirk a grin at the ridiculousness of the situation. 
Jaskier finally rallies. “We’re going to have a talk about online boundaries, but—”
“But what?”
“You’re so god damned stupid,” Jaskier says, before dragging Geralt into a kiss. 
Geralt goes without complaint. 
While Geralt ponders the new nature of their relationship, he finally finds a use for the blue yarn he’s been hoarding. The whole time he’s knitting the hat, he thinks of Jaskier. It’s exactly the right shade of his eyes, but Geralt doesn’t let himself contemplate it too hard. 
When he’s finished, he finds an index card and scrawls a message. He wraps up the whole thing and gives it to Jaskier the next time he sees him. 
Jaskier tears the package open and rubs the yarn between his fingers in delight. “You made this for me? No one’s ever knitted something for me before.”
“I’m glad I could remedy that,” Geralt says gruffly, shifting uncomfortably at the adoring look Jaskier is giving him. 
Jaskier notices the card and reads it before bursting into laughter. 
Sorry I didn’t know your name <3
“You’re forgiven.”
On to the next order of business, then. Geralt clears his throat. “Yen’s baby shower is next week.”
Jaskier makes a noise of polite interest, not looking up from where he’s examining the stitches in the hat. Geralt really hopes he doesn’t notice where he dropped one. 
Geralt waits for a few more seconds and sighs. Jaskier is really going to make him ask. “I was wondering if you would want to go with me.”
Jaskier tilts his head up and gives Geralt a bright smile. “Of course I would!” He pauses to think for a moment. “Are you...out to them?”
“Yes,” Geralt grumbles. “It turns out my hiding spot for my play girls when I was 16 wasn’t as clever as I thought.”
Jaskier snorts. “It never is, is it?”
In the days leading up to the shower, Jaskier’s anxiety starts to show, but Geralt politely doesn’t comment. They walk up to the party arm in arm, Geralt carrying both of their gift bags. Geralt had told him he didn’t need to get anything, but he had anyway, insisting that he had just happened to stumble across  the cutest onesie, Geralt! What a coincidence!
Geralt can’t help but smile as he looks over at Jaskier. Jaskier’s thumb is compulsively stroking over a spot on Geralt’s hand, and he’s even wearing the hat Geralt knitted him. Geralt’s chest feels tighter than normal. 
“Oh, so this is why you haven’t been such a grump lately?” Triss asks once they walk through the door, taking their gift bags to set on a side table. 
“I’m never grumpy,” Geralt says, and Jaskier has the audacity to laugh, so Geralt elbows him in the side. 
Triss laughs at that, too, before she goes off to find Yennefer and drags her back to them. “Geralt!” she exclaims, rubbing a hand up his arm. “I’m glad you could drag yourself away from your very important activities that you refuse to tell anyone about.”
Geralt rolls his eyes and looks over to see Jaskier staring at him curiously. 
“Ah, and this must be Dandelion!” Yen says, turning to Jaskier. 
“Eskel wasn’t supposed to tell anyone about that!” Geralt hisses, but Yen just gives him a delighted smile. 
Geralt sighs as she moves on to terrorize her next guest. 
“Your friends are pretty brutal, Geralt,” Jaskier says lightly. 
“You have no idea.” 
Geralt leads Jaskier over to where Eskel and Lambert are sitting by the food table and attempts to make small talk. 
Almost immediately, Lambert asks, “What’d you get her?” 
Eskel and Geralt share an exasperated look. “Why so competitive, Lamb? Over compensating?”
Lambert scowls. “I was just curious. You’re not going to be able to top what I got her, anyway. Best uncle ever.”
“You’re not going to be an uncle,” Eskel says. 
Lambert is unconcerned. “Best uncle ever.”
Geralt crosses his arms and leans into Jaskier, trying to block out Eskel and Lambert’s bickering. 
“I hate things like this,” Geralt mutters. 
“Oh, don’t worry, Geralt. You being an unbearable softie is our little secret. I won’t breathe a word.”
Geralt grumbles. “That’s not why.” He pauses, then, “Why do I put up with you?”
“I can think of a few reasons,” Jaskier says, turning his head to press a kiss against Geralt’s temple. 
Geralt flushes at the touch and looks around, but no one is staring at them like anything out of the ordinary happened. Geralt relaxes back against him. 
He’s almost dozing off by the time Yen gets to his gift, and he only realizes it by Jaskier digging a bony elbow into his stomach. He pinches Jaskier in retribution. 
Yen opens the gift carefully, making the appropriate polite noises as she does so. 
“Isn’t it soft?” Jaskier asks as she strokes her fingers over the blanket. “Geralt chose some great yarn.”
Geralt whips his neck around to look at Jaskier so quickly he thinks he heard something pop.
“The yarn! It’s so nice and such a lovely color, don’t you think? Geralt did a wonderful job.”
“Geralt, you made this?” Yennefer asks incredulously, and great, her voice cracks. 
Geralt sighs and tries to accept his fate of all the merciless jokes that are going to be made in his defense. “Yes?”
“And you didn’t think to tell me this?”
“When the fuck did you learn how to do that?” Lambert asks. 
Geralt shrugs defensively. “I’ve been knitting for years.”
Everyone’s eyes are drawn to the blue cap perched on top of Jaskier’s head, and teasing grins spread over their faces. 
Geralt groans. He’s never going to hear the end of this.
As Jaskier takes his hand in his and squeezes, he thinks maybe that’s okay. 
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