#i hope they leave that in that was the funniest shit ever
firebird-inkheart · 2 years
Just One Good Thing
Pairing: I call shotgun! (Jason x Alyssa) Word Count: 1487 a/n: This is based on a conversation with @i-love-you-by-thunder and this vine, enjoy XD
Summary: Sometimes, to fix a problem, all you need is a good wrench. In which Alyssa has really good aim.
The day was against her from the moment she woke up. The wrong side of the bed would have been a good, convenient excuse to shove her crabbiness onto, except, Alyssa hadn’t woken up in her bed at all. Instead she had found herself at her desk, a crick in her neck, several complaints in her shoulders and back, and half of the schematics she had been working on the previous night stuck to her face.
That wasn’t an unusual occurrence, really. As it was, her bed went unused half the time anyway; living with a family of vigilantes made for more than was considered a reasonable amount of late nights. If she wasn’t busy revamping someone’s gear, she was either helping Oracle and her uncle manage communications or else she was left with her own thoughts to fret. The batcave practically constituted as her second bedroom at this point. 
If anything, maybe it was a miracle that she hadn’t woken up in the batcave this time. A consolation that paled when confronted with sore muscles and sharp twinges that lanced through her every time she moved.
Alyssa could have rolled with the punch though.
Could have, if the next inconvenience to strike hadn’t been such a personal attack.
Coffee was an absolute must in the morning. The heavenly aroma of freshly ground beans simmering away was the lifeline that tethered her to reality. No morning was complete unless she had her hands wrapped around a full, steaming mug of delicious caffeine.
Except there was no warm nutty scent to greet her when she entered the kitchen. It was possible that Alfred simply hadn’t gotten around to making any yet, although if he hadn’t then Tim most definitely would have; he lived off the stuff far more than she did, and at this point Alyssa suspected the only thing running in his veins was coffee. 
So if Alfred hadn’t made any coffee, that was fine. And if Tim hadn’t made any, that was mildly concerning at best, but also fine. It was absolutely fine. She could make her own coffee, no biggie. 
Or she would have, if the machine hadn’t made such an unsettling sound the second she turned it on. 
Guess that explained why no one had made anything yet. 
Okay. This was. Okay. All she needed to do was put an Out of Order note on it and she’d fix it later. She could handle being half dead for awhile. Maybe. Sort of.
Alyssa shuffled towards one of the drawers she kept sticky notes in. She opened it and promptly wondered what she did to have the universe mocking her like so. Steepling her fingers and pressing them against her mouth, Alyssa took in one finely controlled breath.
No bed. No coffee. No sticky notes.
Today was going to be a long day.
There were no more sticky notes in the batcave either. In a family with one butler, one inventor, and nine vigilantes, somehow not a single one of them had a spare pad of sticky notes between them. Amazing. 
Alyssa proceeded cautiously from there.
The universe continued laughing and racking up more points against her.
First was that someone had cleaned her work station. Which, first of all, it had already been cleaned. By her. If it still looked like a mess to others that wasn’t her fault; she knew where everything was and that was all that mattered. But now? Now she couldn’t find anything! She was going to have words with whoever had last been in the cave. 
Chances were it had either been Tim or Bruce. When they were waiting for results on something and had nothing else to work on they got bored. And when they got bored they got... Organizational. 
An hour later saw most of her stuff returned to their rightful place. Some of her notes and schematics were still missing― And on god if they had been confiscated and were going to show up later with suggestions on them she was going to bite someone.
The next straw to settle on the proverbial camel’s back was the unmistakable sound of tearing as she set up materials for her latest project.
Alyssa took another deep breath and held it as she raised her arm. From cuff to about mid forearm was mess of gnarled, torn fabric. She slowly exhaled and shrugged out of the jacket. She paused just before draping it over the back of her chair. At the rate she was going, if she left it this close to her workstation the universe might just be tempted to set it on fire, just to spite her. So, to be on the safe side, Alyssa hid her jacket in the changing room.
For a little while she was able to get on with her work. There was a rhythm to be absorbed into, stilted as it was. 
It began with a broken Bat Claw. There was no question on whether the grappling gun could fire, as was evidenced by the released hook resting in the middle of the table. The problem was that something in the device was preventing it from retracting. She mounted the Bat Claw onto a stand, pulled out a screwdriver and a wrench, and contemplated her next move. 
If the line wasn’t retracting then she could start by trying to recalibrate it externally. Alyssa gave an experimental flip of the hammer; it glided downward with no resistance whatsoever. Which meant manually reeling the line back in wouldn’t work. She’d have to take the plating off to find out what broke. 
Time was a blur in which the speed it moved at was indecipherable. Only two things were certain to her: One, whatever Bruce had done to this grappling hook was a crime in and of itself, and two, the universe also had a biting sense of humor.
After getting her fingers caught and pinched on another inner mechanism for the thousandth time, Alyssa was on the verge of.... something. Whether it be committing a great act of violence or an act of genius remained to be seen.
She replaced the outer plating and began tightening it into place.
‘Come on, come on. Please work.’
Somewhere at the edge of her peripheral she clocked someone approaching. A small part of her registered the heavy tread of steel toed boots, the tempo of long strides and a leisurely gait; familiarity lit like a light bulb and that traitorous part of her whispered his name in her ears with unabashed glee. 
A muscle feathered in her clenched jaw. Normally she didn’t mind Jason’s presence while she worked. As long as he didn’t get too nitpicky and snarky with how she went about things then even his commentary was enjoyable. But given today’s track record she knew the second he opened his pretty little mouth she would not like whatever came out.
“Please, God, just give me one good thing,” she growled, twisting a bolt a little harsher than necessary.
One thing that never ceased to amaze her was how everyone in this family seemed to have exceptional hearing. She had always supposed it came with the job, being able to pick up the slightest sound was the ultimate difference between life and death in some situations for them. But Jason’s hearing was always just a little better than the rest. And god if that didn’t make him so extra sometimes.
Smarmy smugness warmed his voice as he called out in response, “Oh my god, you again? Give it a rest buddy!”
No bed. No coffee. No sticky notes. Her workspace had been organized by someone other than her. Schematics were missing. Her favorite jacket ripped. Her fingers were bruised and smarting all over. And now here was Jason fancying himself a comedian.
Her eye twitched, a corner of her mouth curled with a repressed snarl. If one listened carefully they could potentially hear glass shattering in the cosmic void that was her sanity.
She wasn’t sure when she had raised her arm, or even when the wrench had left her grasp, but one moment the skies were clear and Jason was laughing, and the next it was raining wrenches right into his face.
“OOMF.” Jason went sprawling backwards. The wrench slid off his face and clattered against the floor. 
Alyssa leaned over the table, brow raised as she gave him an unimpressed look. When she’d asked for a good thing she’d been referring to the Bat Claw, but...“Huh. Well that works too.”
She turned back to the grappling hook and flipped the hammer again. This time it moved smoothly, the grasp of friction finally giving some resistance. Sometimes, to fix a problem, all she really needed was a good wrench. A smile spread across her face and she hit the button to make the line and hook retract; it was like music to her ears.
9 notes · View notes
ncteez · 11 months
Drippin’ [Dream ‘00 line] 
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“It's too late to run away, you started this game first.”
It was a joke, you swear. Sharing something like that with your group of horny man-friends was definitely a recipe for disaster. That one little tweet sets off a string of events that prevents you from pretending that you wouldn’t fuck your friends. Because you would, and they know it.  or the one where you’re considered a tease with the shit you share privately online, and they’re just about fed up with the way you act innocent and uninterested in what they’re packing.  ― this fic is based around this tweet.
ao3 | m.list | leave feedback and reblog to give ‘00 line a boner. 
minors do not interact. 
PAIRING― ‘00 line x afab reader
CONTENT― birthday sex, orgy (?), comedy, use of a camera
WARNING ― mild dub-con, jaemin kinda fruity, full bladder/squirting ―this fic is not entirely inclusive like my others because it’s written for someone specific. reader can be lifted up by the members, when she blushes it is visible to them but colors still aren’t used to describe it, she has huge tits too. don’t like it, don’t read it. 
NOTE―  this is my birthday gift to @neopuppy! I hope it scratches somewhere in your brain but I also hope this means you’re aware of how much I love and appreciate you!! I am happy to have met you and i just need you to know that you’re definitely stuck with me at this point ♡ so, happy birthday to jeno’s real life gf!!! he’s a lucky dude fr. ― not proof read tho lmao
smut tags under cut:: 
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smut tags :: pussy eating, eager haechan, neglected renjun, confident jeno, (un)solicited dick pics, huge cock jeno and renjun, recording of sexual acts, masturbation, tongue fucking, dirty talk, finger fucking, overstimulation, tit fondling, actual fucking, (forced) full bladder, squirting, blowjob, handjob, unprotected sex, cum eating, cum stuffing, cum dump reader, bunch of horny guys + one competitive horny guy 
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Scrolling on twitter is a normal part of your night especially when you’re bored. Your birthday is coming up and there’s not really anything planned. Aside from the spamming of messages from family and friends demanding to know what you want, or what you’d like to do, it feels like it’s just going to be a normal day rather than a celebration of your life.
No plans. You kind of just want to enjoy the day alone, relaxing, watching stupid videos, and maybe going for a coffee. 
Unknowing to you though, your future plan is slightly skewed when you run across a specific tweet. You share it as a joke, just like any other thing you’ve shared. Straight into the circle it goes, side eye emoji and all as if to imply something yet again, because you’re good at that apparently. Teasing, as Haechan would call it. 
To you, retweeting it with the side-eye emoji directly into the circle is normal and not asking for it to be considered by your friends. As much as you’d love to lie to yourself and believe that they’re down to earth, they’re really really not.
It’s not like you actively want to fuck your friends, but it’s also not like you wouldn’t. With all of the sexuality you all share online, it’s kind of difficult to not think about them inappropriately on some days. There was once a tweet that Jeno shared with absolutely no context involving some manga panel drawing of a man on a leash with his cute, unassuming girl standing in front of him. 
You hate to say that sometimes the images they share makes you think pretty hard. Learning their kinks, their sexual interests, and wondering if they’ve ever gotten to actually partake in them before. It’s a strange kind of feeling to think about your friends when these types of images pop up. The feeling is definitely arousal, but it’s kind of like a guilty arousal? 
After all, your friends may be constantly sharing their sex lives and blatantly liking all of the porn on twitter that they get off to, but it doesn’t mean they’d want to get you off. 
The funniest part about it is that you truly do view the circle tweets far differently compared to your group of friends. You, thinking they share stuff to show off, to be funny, or just to be a typical horny man. Then you have your friends and how they view it. 
Some of the tweets are intentionally for you to see, for you to get off to. Some are blatantly shared in the heat of the moment as one of them imagines you performing in the content. It’s a game to them really, to see which one will break you first. They love it for the most part, how you pretend you don’t notice. How you play dumb, even when they’re sharing images and videos of two people that could resemble you and said friend if you squint. It’s been this way for years. 
The entire friend group has spoken about you in their own group chat before. They’ve fantasized together about you through text and they’ve even discussed how there’s no way you don’t know what they’re doing. Time and time again you prove them wrong. So fucking aloof even when one of them blatantly makes a suggestion straight to your face. 
Jokes can only be funny for so long before it starts to be serious. 
To Jeno, it’s flooring to see you just a day after you liked one of his nastiest tweets, knowing you saw it, you probably watched the video too all while parading around like it didn’t get you wet or something. For Renjun, he finds it cute that you’re so different online. He almost feels lucky to be able to see that side of you. 
Haechan and Jaemin are the two in the group who will blatantly try to fluster you face to face. You both love and hate it, because sometimes you can’t tell if they’re being serious or not with you. The constant sarcastic and cocky smirks tend to make you lean more towards the fact that they must be joking. 
Either way, that tweet is nothing more than a funny joke to you. Since it was referring to a birthday it really is probably a crime to like, not share it. So, you did. 
Haechan was the first to read it, instantly screenshotting it and sending it in the secret group chat with a question mark. 
Haechan: ??
Haechan: she’s doing it again 
Jeno: she’s too dumb to actually follow through with it though
Jaemin: me first :)
Haechan: shut the fuck up jaemin
Renjun: it’s just a meme 
Haechan: a meme about eating her out for her birthday
Haechan: that she specifically shared to her circle
Haechan: with. the. eyeball. emoji. 
Jeno: he’s got a point. 
Renjun: well
Jaemin: it would be rude if she declined a birthday gift too y’know 
Haechan: do you guys think she would let us?
Renjun: um
Jeno: at some point she’s gonna have to learn that sharing all of this stuff with us is going to end in her getting fucked. 
Haechan: yeah, by me specifically
Jeno: you’d be lucky if she even thought of you when she shared that tweet
Haechan: It's gonna be so funny when you hear her moan my name, you gonna get mad?
Jeno: fuck around and find out.
Jaemin: really though
Jaemin: we should just go for it this time…….
Jaemin: bet she would love it
Renjun: lol…count me in too 
The last thing you expected to be waking up to on your birthday was a fucking birthday party. 
You wake to the sound of your front door opening, frantic footsteps, and then your bedroom door swinging open. Before you can even scream out of the assumption that it’s a fucking break in, Haechan is quite literally pouncing on you, shoving his face into the crook of your neck with muffled words of “wake up, baby.” 
You’re definitely awake. 
“How the fuck did you guys get into my house?!” You shout with a raspy, sleep filled voice, trying to focus on the four faces staring back at you and landing a glare at Renjun specifically, standing meekly at your bedroom door. 
He shoots an uncharacteristic smirk at you before raising his keys and dangling them at you. Of course you forgot that he had a key. He’s the only person outside of your family who has a key and it was strictly from when he helped you move in. You forgot to get it back from him all those years ago.
“Might want to change your locks.” Haechan laughs against your neck, lying his body weight against you. 
“What time is it?” You say, relieved now that your place isn’t being broken into, but still trying to shove Haechan off of you. 
He fights to stay in place, grabbing you in a bear hug, holding your arms down at your side, and not letting you go. 
“It’s noon.” Jeno calls out from the other side of your room in a nonchalant voice, letting his eyes search around before he opens one of your drawers. “What’s in here?”
You, again, try to shake Haechan from you as you go into panic mode. What kind of joke is this? Fucking room raiders? 
“Stop looking through my stuff!” You shout, glaring at Jeno, who definitely goes through your drawers now that he knows you have something to hide. 
“Haechan, hold her down,” Jeno laughs, opening another drawer, and then another, before coming to your bedside and looking at you. “What’s in this one?”
Actual panic now.
Before you can even get the words out, Jeno is opening the drawer and letting out a breathy chuckle. 
“Guys, look.” He laughs, glancing over at you before pulling one of the toys out. “You get off with this?” 
Jaemin comes over, looking into the drawer with two other toys that Jeno hasn’t yet pulled from their place. Renjun continues to watch, or stalk, really. 
“Did you wash them?” Jeno asks, waving the dildo in front of your face before bopping you on the nose with it. 
“Of course I fucking washed them!” You continue to glare, feeling Haechan squeeze you tighter to prevent you from moving. 
“Shame,” Haechan laughs at you, and then he very slowly lightens his grip on you. “Wanted to know what you smell like.” He says in a single breath, looking between you and the dildo, in deep thought. You stare at him before taking advantage of his loosening grip and rolling him off of you in one swift motion. 
You ignore the “oomf” sound Haechan makes when his head hits your headboard, and instantly rip the dildo from Jeno’s hands before throwing it back into the drawer and nearly slamming Jaemin’s fingers shut in it. 
“What the fuck are you guys doing?” You narrow your eyes as you look at each of them. You feel annoyed, and quite frankly, a little pissed because this is kind of crossing a line you didn’t even know you had. 
“It’s your birthday,” Renjun smiles, moving himself from the door and finally coming into your room. “You’re not seriously planning to just, like, stay home all day are you?”
“Yeah, actually. I am.” You grouch, rolling your eyes as you sit up and against your headboard with crossed arms. 
“That’s too bad, we’ve got a whole day planned for you.” Jeno says, seating himself next to you and softening his voice. “So get up and go get dressed.” 
If it weren’t for the fact that all four men are practically holding you hostage right now, you’d kick them out and enjoy your birthday as you planned it. Why is this year so fucking different? Why are they all over you like this? Poking fun at your toys, Haechan being weird and gross about it? 
As you get dressed, they make it incredibly obvious that there’s a shift in the air. You feel like prey, four pairs of eyes struggling to allow you to dress yourself without them in the room. You do eventually get them out though, so you can at least do as they say. 
When you open the door for them again, they’re all right there. Jeno, front and fucking center with his dopey smile that seems more menacing today than the usual, soft smile. 
You feel cornered in your own home, by the only people you trust, and you hate to say that it’s kind of getting to you in an uncomfortable way. It’s surprising to admit that you kind of like the uncomfortable feeling they’re giving to you right now.
The sheer amount of attention on you is overwhelming, and you wonder when they’ll let you in on this joke. 
The second you step into Jeno’s car, then tension dies down a little bit and the excitement rises. You haven’t done anything for your birthday in years so it’s kind of nice to think that your friends would plan something for you, and not being alone in your apartment with them solidified that they’re not about to eat you alive with a side of A1 steak sauce like you originally thought. 
As the drive starts and continues, you think about the dynamic between you and your friends. From how you met to how you became the group you are now. You realize that for the past few years, most interactions with them have felt more intense than they used to. Still, you’re a believer that women can be friends with men without the weird sexual tension ruining it. 
Until you keep thinking. Piling up all of the sexual jokes and implications they’ve made at you up until this morning.
One time, Jaemin took a photo with you, sent it in the group chat and said “she’s giving out blowjobs for $5 if anyone wants one.” and you’d be lying if you didn’t receive three cash app notifications of five dollars. 
Another time Jeno blatantly gave you a popsicle and told you to show him how deep you can take it in your mouth before laughing and shoving the popsicle deeper when you reached your limit. And god, don’t even get started on Haechan, that motherfucker has blatantly adjusted his length in front of you after staring at your chest for an entire conversation. 
Renjun is another story. The shy one who does a shit job at hiding that he absolutely has whore thoughts. You see it. That $5 donation for a blowjob didn’t go unnoticed, nor did his approval of you accidentally liking one of the porn videos deep in his retweets.
Still, you prefer to think that you wave off the jokes face to face despite how difficult it’s become to dodge said jokes. 
You turn to look at Jeno for a moment, noting his calm face as he drives, then you turn slightly to see the three in the back seat on their phones. Jeno’s phone is buzzing at lightning speed, and the boys in the back are typing miles per minute. 
You narrow your eyes. 
“What are you guys planning?” 
Jeno flashes a smile at you. 
“It’s a surprise, don’t try and ruin it for yourself.” He smiles wider at the implication that you really do always ruin this type of thing by pretending you don’t want it. That you don’t want him. 
You continue to glare at them, one at a time, and each of them just beams at you before you cross your arms and slump yourself back against the seat. 
“Better not be anything weird.” You grumble. 
“Define weird.” Jeno comments before moving his hand from the steering wheel and lying it against your leg. When you stiffen up against him, he rubs a gentle circle against the flesh of your thigh before continuing. “Relax, we already know you’re a freak.”
You whip your head around at the laughter, feeling flustered at how they’re not keeping the circle in the circle. Except, they are. It’s just being voiced now, and your leg is being caressed at the same damn time. 
“My favorite was when she shared that video of the girl getting her head pulled back by the hair, and dude spit in her face,” Jaemin says with a shrug, eyes still glued to his phone. “Went straight to the bookmarks.” 
You can feel the heat rise in your cheeks, and when you go to protest, Haechan jumps in. 
“What about the video where the girl took it in every hole? She even had a dildo because apparently she just wasn’t full enough.” He ticks his tongue when he says it, examining the way you shift in your seat. 
“Oh god, I remember that one. I didn’t think you’d be into that–” Renjun laughs, leaning forward between the front and passenger seat. “But you are into that, aren’t you?” He lowers his voice when he asks you.
You shift again, and note only slightly the way Jeno also shifts similar to the way you do at those words. 
“It’s just a video–” You try to defend, but Jeno speaks up and cuts you off.
“Did you get off to it?” He asks blatantly, turning the car onto a wide street and seemingly keeping his eyes on the road. 
There’s nothing but silence in the car and all four of them wait for your answer, but it never comes. 
“So you did.” Renjun chuckles, leaning himself back to the seat and unlocking his phone again. 
You’re kind of at a loss for words at this moment as you stare directly out of your window and try to avoid continuing the conversation. You hate the way your body is reacting to the way they’re talking to you. Of course you got off to the video. Of course you’re into that. It just looks bad when you’re sitting in a car full of men with cocks that seemingly want to talk about how much you’re into it. 
And god, the implication gets worse when you realize where Jeno has been driving this whole time. You can’t even protest either.
“Let’s get our girl some better toys to have fun with.” Jeno comments as he stops the car in the parking lot, turning to look at you and then at his friends as if this is the most normal birthday outing in the world. 
“Your girl?” You ask, side eyeing Jeno and then turning your entire body to look at the other three men in the car.
Suddenly, it feels like an intro to some porn video. Where the poor lonely woman is being eaten alive with eyes in a public space before it pans to her quite literally drowning in a bukakke scene. 
“Just for today, relax.” Jaemin smiles his stupid smile, shoving Haechan at the door of the car as if to force him to open it, and he does. “Besides, the toys you had seemed boring.” He laughs again, before sliding out of the car as well.
So, here you are now, walking into an adult store with four very attractive men, unsure as to why you’re even agreeing to let them bring you here. You don’t know what to do with yourself seeing as you’ve only ever bought toys online. 
 Jeno is the first to drag you away with him as the others disperse around the store. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel awkward, or like today isn’t entirely charged by sexual energy. Unfortunately, Jeno amplifies it with a casual voice and a slouched, relaxed posture as he snakes an arm around your waist and lifts your chin with his thumb so that you look directly at what he’s looking at. 
He barely lets you react to the way he’s being somewhat intimate with you, ushering any protest you could possibly have into a little insecure space in your brain. One that tells you that, based on how he’s acting, he would probably call you stupid if you said he was acting weird. 
Jeno knows damn well though, that he’s touching you right now more than he ever has. Brief hugs and brushes of the body are normal and expected, but this? This is intentionally not normal. He knows you’re picking up on the differences, and actively chooses to let you stew over it. He can see the confusion in your eyes and plays it off as if, yeah, this is normal and you’d make it weird if you decided to say it’s not. You’d be the one making it awkward, not him. 
“How do you feel about that?” He asks, eyes staring straight at an item hanging on the wall and pretending he doesn’t feel the way you let him touch you in the way a boyfriend should. 
“What? The vibrating panties?” You ask, looking at the item directly next to it. 
“Oh,” He chuckles at you, releasing your chin and pulling down the product with ease. “You’re looking at these?” He adds, keeping his other arm around your waist and pulling you right up against his side as he flips the box over and reads it. 
“Eight settings. Three pairs of panties are included–” He nods with a pleased face. “What are you looking at these for?”
You looked at them because it’s what you thought he was looking at too. 
“You gonna wear them to work? Staying wet all day in them?” He smiles, saying these words as if it’s not sexual at all. “I bet you’d wear them in front of me too. Wouldn’t even tell me how you’re getting off, would you?”
He loves the way you react when you’re flustered, looking away from him but not quite denying it or pulling from his grasp. 
“Dirty. I’ll buy them for you. ” He says, keeping hold of the box and reaching for the actual item he was originally looking at. “What about this?” 
You feel like your body is on fire with this one sided conversation. Honestly, your mind is still thinking about what would happen if you wore these panties to work. What would happen if you did wear them when hanging out with him? Surely he’d know, it’s not like you’re capable of hiding your pleasure. 
Still, you try to remain calm. Rubbing your legs together briefly, you stare at the way he tangles a leash in his fingers all while still holding the box with the vibrating panties. His hands are big, and his fingers are long. The material of the leash appears to be flimsy but the collar he grabs just next to it appears to be much stiffer. 
“A leash?” You ask, still not making eye contact but keeping your eyes on his hand and the way he holds all three items with ease.
“And a collar.” He adds, encouraging you to think about both items together, being used with him. 
“What am I supposed to do with that?” 
Jeno smirks, knowing damn well you know what he’s into. 
“You know exactly what you’re supposed to do with it.” He teases you, keeping hold of the toys and letting his eyes devour the way you buckle under every implication. He tunes in to the way your legs rub together, right here in front of him. God, you’re so cute with the way even the slightest implication seems to have you suffering. 
In your head, you do know what to do with these items for him, but the confirmation of Jeno’s words have reality hitting you like a bag of bricks. Is he really implying that these toys are to be used with him? 
And just as you try to mutter up a response, you can feel your arm being tugged at.
“Stop hogging her, dick.” Jaemin seethes through his teeth and narrowed eyes at Jeno, prying you away from him.
You look back at Jeno and his confident glare at you as you’re being pulled away. He seems slightly annoyed with Jaemin for taking you away just as the conversation was getting good but, overall proud of himself for making you think too hard. You practically see the confirmation in his hooded eyes when they trail down your body as you’re being pulled around the corner, up until he’s out of your view and you are forced to look at whatever the fuck Jaemin is trying to show you. 
“Look at this.” Jaemin says in a much sweeter voice to you, grabbing a box and presenting it to you. “There’s a sample thing too, hold on–” He continues, reaching up and grabbing the presumed sample that states “FINGERS ONLY.”
“Go on, try it.” He smiles, eyes staring straight at your hands. 
“You want me to test out a uh–”
“Pocket pussy.” He finishes for you, nodding his head and encouraging you to do it. 
Reluctantly you do, sliding your fingers into the silicone hole. Weirdly enough, you’ve always wondered what the inside of a pocket pussy felt like and well, it’s about what you expected. 
Jaemin’s intense eye contact on watching your fingers slide into that toy did not go unnoticed though. You can see the way they darken at the act in an instant. A once bright looking pervert now matching the word far too much to be comfortable doing this in front of him. If only you knew how he was imagining that this is how you touch yourself. Reluctantly at first and then sliding your fingers in deeper to feel everything it offers. 
“Well?” He asks, feeling his length twitch in his pants at the image. Wondering how much prettier your fingers would look glistening in the arousal that would spill out of you while doing this. “Do you think yours feels better?”
“Wha–” You go to ask, pulling your fingers from the sample and shoving it back into his hands. 
“You heard me,” He laughs as he drops the sample onto the floor and quickly picks it up before tossing it back onto the wrong shelf like an asshole. “Compare it. Give me something to work with here.” 
You dead-pan stare at him, processing the fact that he’s literally asking you what your pussy feels like.
“It’s, um–” You stop yourself again, not avoiding Jaemin’s eye contact this time as his smile fades into something a bit more serious. 
“Not as warm, right?” He asks, “not as wet?” 
Then he leans in to the point that you feel his breath below your ear, blowing gently as he continues his string of questions. 
“Not as tight–” He pulls back to look at you. “Hm?”
It’s insane how fast your little friend group seems to have switched on you. When you compare yesterday to today, the last thing you could imagine was Jaemin saying such a thing against your skin before pulling back, and looking at you with a face that seems to expect a genuine answer to his dirty questions. 
You’ve never felt so….shy before yet, into it entirely. You just don’t know how to process it all happening at once, with multiple people. Jeno, now Jaemin? 
You stare forward at him, cheeks warming up beyond belief as your fingers tingle from the recent silicone hole they fucked into. You think hard for a moment about all of the times you’ve plunged your fingers into yourself, comparing the feeling to the toy. You almost want to tell him that you’re definitely warmer, you’d definitely be wetter, and perhaps even tighter than that toy could ever offer him. 
And just as you were about to become the pick me girl of his dreams, an angel wearing a dick-head costume (Haechan), appears much like Jaemin did before. He prevents you from furthering the conversation, but he does little to nothing to help the warmth you’re feeling between your legs. 
“Stop being a freak,” Haechan stares at Jaemin, having heard the entire conversation and definitely liking where it was going, but also not wanting Jaemin to be the one to get you to break. “Come on, I have something a lot less weird to show you.”
Haechan drags you across the entire store before you can even protest, nearing the entrance. You almost want to get on your knees and thank him, assuming he’s walking you straight out the doors to safety before you realize he’s definitely not. 
“Lace or latex?” He asks, grabbing two skimpy outfits he presumably placed on the end of a rack for easy finding when he wanted to show you. 
“Lace.” You say without issue, still reeling from all of the other questions you’ve been asked within the past twenty minutes. Plus, clothing is much easier to discuss compared to things that fuck your friends, and things that fuck you. 
“Hm,” He stares down the lace outfit on the hanger, knowing for a fact that your tits would look fucking immaculate in it. Surely they’d be bulging out of the top, plush and bouncing with each movement. “If we got this for you, would you actually wear it?”
At this point, the feeling in your gut may or may not be matching the energy they’re giving you. There’s a hint of flirtiness coming to your mind now as you think of how to respond. You’ve flirted with them plenty, so it comes easy this time when you manage to actually answer him. 
“I guess,” You start, noting how his eyes light up. “I don’t see why not, because I do like lace.”
“Would you wear it for me though?” He corrects his question, proud of the way you look a bit confident now, not at all as flustered as you seemed when Jaemin had you back there finger fucking a sample toy.
“In front of you?” You ask, staring down the outfit and reaching out to feel the soft texture of the lace, trying to ignore the hefty price on the tag. 
“Yeah? I expect to be the one to take it off of you.” 
There goes your confidence. He’s so forward and you’re not sure if you can ever get used to such jarring comments toward you by the people you seem to be the closest to. They could talk to you like this all fucking day, and while you’d like it, your first instinct is to buckle, to hide. 
“So quiet now. Why? Because I want to see you in this?” He smirks, rubbing his fingers in circles against the lace before hardening his expression. 
“You can pretend that this isn’t happening all you want,” He narrows his eyes at you and the way you avoid his eye contact, taking a step forward and brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “But I think you’ve gotten your fair share of teasing me online. I think it’s time you finally give it up.” He finishes his train of thought with a frustrated whisper when you pull away from him slightly. 
It’s a lot of information to take in all at once. Jeno implying things, Jaemin asking about what’s between your legs, and now Haechan stating that he wants to see you in lace before sliding it off of you. It’s not entirely insane to be drawn in and then push yourself back. Really, it’s not. You can’t just let them in on the fact that you’re into it though. All of this, you’re so fucking into it.
“You thought I was teasing you?” You ask, finally making eye contact as you look him up and down, taking another step back. “Haechan, it’s just porn. None of it was because of you.”
He tics his tongue at your words, smirking and shaking his head. 
“You’re going to stand there and pretend like you don’t think about it?” He tilts his head knowingly before shaking the lace outfit in front of you. “If we leave here today with this, you’re going to wear it for me.” he continues with a cheeky voice, “and i’ll make you feel so good when I take it off of you.”
And for some reason, you find yourself turning away from him and walking away. You can hear him mutter something at you as you create a bigger distance, and can’t help the smile on your face. Your cheeks are tingling, your body is tingling and there’s a type of confirmation happening right now, that all of those thoughts you’ve had about them before aren’t entirely one sided. 
You find yourself in search of Renjun, the only normal motherfucker in this group. He hasn’t hunted you down within the aisles of toys, sex movies, or lube. He hasn’t pulled you away as if he’s a savior before forcing you to realize you fell into the grasp of another hunter. No, he’s normal. And he fills that role so well too, as you find him near the back of the store standing alone, looking at the most mundane and boring sex toys in the world. Dildos, just like what he saw being pulled out of your drawer this morning. 
“Do you think this one is a good size?” He asks you offhandedly as you stand next to him with a sigh of relief. Almost like he could sense it was you without even checking for himself.
“Yeah, it’s a little big but–” You go to say, comfortably and confidently because he’s not being a weirdo.
“Have you ever taken something this big before?” He looks at you, glancing down to your thighs before smiling. 
“Um, well-” You start, but he interrupts you again. 
“It’s the same size as mine, you know.” 
Anyway, fuck Renjun. 
He’s just like the rest of them, except apparently he doesn’t hunt. He prefers to be hunted himself, he prefers you come to him. A wolf in sheep's clothing, perhaps. 
The sexual innuendos and jokes are a bit overwhelming considering you’ve never been fucking attacked with them before. You really can’t lie to yourself though. As much as you pretend to be unnerved, you love the attention they’re giving you. Years worth of sexual things shared online seems to be making today feel like it was going to happen now or never. All of those stray thoughts you’ve had about each of them as you watched their shared porn and read their dirty words? They’re in the front of your mind right now.
Perhaps staying home all day today was a bad idea, because you find yourself genuinely enjoying the overwhelming tension in the air. You’re quite literally in a sex shop surrounded by friends who are implying they want sex from you. 
Even if it’s all just a prank-birthday thing. You know, like how friends get each other dildos and sex merchandise for a laugh. You can’t help but stare down the bulk of items all four of them begin to pile onto the counter. 
The vibrating panties, leashes, collars, lingerie, dildos, more vibrators, and lube. Not a single condom in sight, not a single pocket pussy either, implying that it can't be purchased because, well, you very well may be the pocket pussy. 
The price goes from fifty dollars to a sum of over six hundred, and none other than Jeno himself pulls out his wallet and slides his card into the machine. Signing his name on the device smoothly, almost prettily, before watching the cashier bag each item carefully and curiously.
You hate to say how attractive it is to see Jeno pay for things specifically meant to be used behind a locked door. He’s paid for your coffee plenty of times, but the act right now is seriously just so…..cocky? With the way his posture is perfect, his confidence is exuding when he presses the buttons, god. Is it the money or is it him doing this to your mind? 
You can’t make eye contact with the woman bagging your gifts, and for some reason find yourself reluctantly making that eye contact with Jeno instead. He gives you that droopy eyed smile, the one he usually gives on a normal, non-sex-fueled day to something endearing you said. Like he didn’t just drop hundreds on things to fuck yourself with, or wear while being fucked. He can tell you’re thanking him though, appreciating him. 
After leaving the store, four big bags being carried by four men, you realize that it’s really not a joke this time. There’s a clock in your head counting down to where Jeno will drive all of you to next. 
“Why’re you being so quiet?” Haechan pokes you from the back seat, pulling some of your hair and forcing your head back against the headrest. 
“What the fuck?” You ask in a panic, turning your entire body to look behind you at him. You can tell he can see the way that little tug had you release a hint of a moan before you started asking him the question so aggressively.  “I’m just enjoying the drive, what? I can’t have a moment of silence to myself?” 
You ignore the chuckle coming from Jeno, driving smoothly and keeping his eyes on the road. Then you glance at Jaemin, who is looking at you much the same way Haechan is. 
“Are you not enjoying yourself?” Renjun asks, leaning up to the center console again. “You’ve been acting kind of weird all day.”
“I’ve been acting weird?!” You huff. The audacity he has to say that you’re the one being weird. 
“You’re just trying to pretend that we don’t want to fuck you like always.” Haechan blurts out while rolling his eyes before Jaemin elbows him in the side. 
You stare at them wide eyed as Renjun slowly leans himself back defensively, as far into the seat as possible. 
“Relax, you act like you weren’t picking up on the hints,” Jeno glances at you as he pulls into another lot. “Secrets out now though.” He shrugs, searching for a parking space. 
“We weren’t even trying to make it a secret, damn.” Haechan rolls his eyes again. “She just likes to play dumb.”
“Or maybe she’s actually dumb.” Jaemin plays off of Haechan’s words.
“Were you guys not planning on letting me have any say in this?!” You ask, voice raised a bit from feeling incredibly flustered. 
“What, you don’t want to?” Jaemin asks, narrowing his eyes at you and trying to search for a hint of a lie when you answer.
“I–” You stop yourself. 
Any normal person would say no, right? Or would a normal person absolutely be down for this? Are you even a normal person? 
“Hm?” Jeno encourages you to finish what you were about to say as he parks and turns off the car. “You don’t want it?” He continues, glancing down and between his legs as if to imply he’s talking more about himself than the group. 
Your eyes follow his and you struggle to swallow around the lump in your throat, averting your eyes to the building that this parking lot belongs to. The fucking mall? 
“I don’t know what you guys are wanting me to say but, this is all a bit too much.” 
The three in the back nod happily at your half-assed rejection, messy hair waving with each nod, and then you look at Jeno as he responds. 
“With all things considered, we know you like it when things are ‘a bit too much’.” He says to you, shutting down any form of rejection you could possibly give. 
You stare at him as he unbuckles and opens the door to get out of the car. Your body is tingling just a little bit at his words. Goddamn that fucking tweet. Goddamn those fucking twitter circles. Goddamn you for having a bunch of horny burn out friends who suddenly feel the need to jump at the opportunity to fuck you that you would have given ages ago had they tried. 
“Always acting like you don’t want it, it’s kind of cute, you know?” Haechan says, pulling himself out of the car now. Jaemin continues his string of thoughts as he gets out of the car after him, “and fucking annoying.” 
There goes any ounce of self respect you could imagine having. Your brain is flooding with everything they said to you in the sex shop and, well, you’re well aware that it’s about to be a birthday to remember.
Walking through the mall with your friends should be normal, and it is. But the air is different now, knowing now a hint of the plans they seem to have for your birthday. If they hadn't said all of that in the car, surely you’d know now what the plan was. 
You’re sitting in front of Jeno with your drink, Renjun beside him, Jaemin beside you. Haechan ran off to the bathroom and was in there for a while. You’d make a joke, honestly, if it weren’t for the fact that your phone buzzes and the notification states it’s from him. 
Jaemin silently and curiously watches you open it from the side. 
Silence. Unnerving silence from the entire food court as you glance at your screen for a split second before slamming your phone face down on the table and refusing to look at any of them. 
You feel seen, and you know for a fact that Haechan is probably laughing his ass off in that fucking bathroom stall with the way you leave that image on read. 
“You’re blushing–” Jeno says, watching the way your eyes shift and you suck down your drink like there’s no tomorrow. “Why?” 
You pretend you don’t hear him before Jaemin laughs. 
“Haechan showed her his dick,” He smiles, leaning down onto the table and scooting close to you. “I think you liked it.”
“I barely saw it!” You defend in a tone louder than expected, continuously sipping your drink until it’s nearly empty. 
You can’t bear to make eye contact with any of them right now, not after seeing a raging cock like the one Haechan is sporting. He’s a menace, truly, and it’s not that you wouldn’t have wanted to see it or anything but like maybe sending it to you in such a public space was a dick move on his part.
Sensing the eyes of three men on you right now, judging to see what you really think of Haechan’s junk, you refuse to look up from the table. 
Jeno definitely takes advantage of your blind spots. Wanting so badly to see those cheeks blush the same way they’re doing for Haechan. If anything, for his own ego boost. He wants you to break for him, not for that slut Haechan who is obvious in his attempts to make you want him the most.
Your phone buzzes again. 
“Go on,” Jeno smiles. “Open it.” He encourages you, noting the way you still won’t look up at them. Loving how you’re somehow both entirely shameless and entirely cautious about this situation. 
You realize only now that these men are taking advantage of every single situation. 
Of course you didn’t notice Jeno skewing his phone down and under the table. How could you notice? You’re still trying to comprehend the fact that Haechan is in a bathroom right now raging hard and proud of it.
You don’t even know why you listen to him, opening the text from none other than Jeno himself and seeing a photo of his hand gripping himself. You can see the outline of his length and the way his fingers grip against the sheer size of it. Right fucking here, under this very table. You can see your shoes at the corner of the photo briefly as you stare at the photo a bit longer than you truly meant to. Kind of wishing he had just sent you a raw photo of it. 
Now he can fucking see you imagine what’s under these pants. The lump he’s gripping only offers so much to your imagination and it leaves you wanting more. He knows it’s doing something for you with the way you stare at it, eyes no longer darting over the screen of your phone but pointed at one specific place. 
Your eyes shift up to him on instinct now.
You whip your head over to Renjun when you see his name pop up on your screen. He does not look at you nor your reaction to the text but is smirking devilishly just like the rest of them. 
You’re a little thankful that his photo must’ve been a picture he took on some other day. You feel relief that at least he’s maybe not entirely hard like Jeno and Haechan are right now. (He is.)
“You guys are pussies,” Jaemin comments, shaming his friends for simply sending photos when you’re right here, looking all shy and reserved as if you haven’t been rubbing your legs together all day. “Come here.” He says quickly and quietly, grabbing your hand as if it’s to warm it up before blatantly pressing it between his legs and flexing his length under your palm.
He’s hard. Like, incredibly hard and it takes everything in you not to grab it. 
Then you hear him chuckle, looking at you and the way you haven’t even removed your hand from him yet. 
“So shameless,” Jeno side-eyes, annoyed. “We’re in public, at least act like you’re not enjoying this right now.” 
You’re quick to retract your hand, feeling Jaemin’s hips shift up and against it until he can no longer chase the feeling of your fingers. 
There, you’re left feeling a mess. The worst part is that they’re not even alone in being turned on right now in the middle of a food court. You regret wearing these shorts, the arousal is easily seeping through your panties and offering a very, very, uncomfortable sensation against you. Each shift of your legs feels like a jolt of pleasure and also a raw and rashed feeling of the denim being too harsh against an extremely sensitive area on your body.
Many times over the years, you’ve thought of each of these men at least once or twice. With all that porn they share on twitter, it really really is hard not to. Never did you expect them all to act this way toward you while together though. It was always a one on one thing in your head, but now? You’ve seen Haechan and Renjun’s cocks, you’ve gotten an idea of how big Jeno’s is, and you’ve blatantly felt Jaemin’s. 
The body tingles are worse now. There’s a burning in your stomach, and it travels straight between your legs. The arousal is there, but a release isn’t. At least not yet. 
“I’m going to the bathroom.” You jump up. 
Not only is this bathroom break there for like, actual bathroom purposes seeing as how you’ve had a coffee, an entire bottle of water, and now that tasty tea that you just downed within the span of three seconds, but, also because you need to breathe. You need to gather your thoughts desperately, and maybe get a better look at those photos. 
“No,” Jeno laughs, standing up after you. “You’re just trying to avoid it.” He looms over you as he stands, looking down at you with a smirk. “You don’t need to use the bathroom.”
“No, I actually do need to. I just drank that entire tea in less than five minutes thanks to you guys.” 
“That’s too bad,” He says in a mocking tone. “We have places to be.” 
And you just look at him, seeing Haechan appear in your peripheral vision as he talks in an animated way with Jaemin and Renjun. 
Store after store, you can feel the atmosphere become heavier and heavier between you and your group of friends. They’re entirely shameless in how they’re interacting with you and at this point, you can barely remember how the dynamic used to be. 
There used to be flirting, but it was all based on a joke. At least that’s what you thought back then. Now, after seeing specific parts of them as they were sitting right in front of and next to you, save for Haechan, all of this flirting seems more like fucking foreplay. 
It feels like torture, watching Jeno spend and spend his money on anything you so much as glance at. Haechan’s hands constantly stay on you in some way. Jaemin? Fucking Jaemin, cornering you alone every chance he gets, whispering things, pressing his dick against your ass when he’s behind you, asking you to touch him again.
You feel like you’re going insane with the amount of nervous arousal shaking within you. Your body loves it, your mind loves it. Every suggestion bursts vividly in your head, to the point that you very nearly feel like all of this could be a dream. 
Then, the very not normal Renjun shocks you when he tries to lace his fingers in yours as you walk. You did find comfort with his warm hands in yours, despite having a photo of his hard cock sitting in a text message. It was kind of grounding, maybe? Reminding you that this isn’t a dream at all. All four of your friends are trying to fuck you. 
Renjun kept fiddling with your fingers as you walked which, arguably, is a bit detrimental seeing as how you’re just a group of five people wandering around a mall with a desperate need to like, fuck something.
Safe to say you’re the one who may have shocked him. Thinking too hard about the way his fingers move and play against you. You focus on his birthmark, the way it contrasts with his skin tone and appears to be more like a bruise than anything else. The way his veins pulse languidly when he squeezes your fingers in his, you wonder if he moves his hands the same way when he’s using them for pleasure.
Renjun looks down at your fingers intertwined through the silence, loving the way you allow him to do this. He knows it’s not forward like everyone else even if he’s chasing the same thing. He likes to study the way you react, testing his own methods and noting how he’s somehow got you not even watching where you’re walking because you’re too busy staring at his fingers laced with yours. 
“What’re you thinking about?” He whispers right up against you as you walk behind the others, shifting his eyes to check and see that they’re not paying attention to this little moment.  
When you look back up at him, your attraction burns in your eyes and he sees that shit instantly.
“About my fingers?” He smirks.
You look away and relax your hand in his, as if to remove it from his grasp, but he takes this opportunity to show you the strength he has in his hands alone, squeezing tighter. 
“You were imagining what they could do to you, weren’t you?” He says it so proudly, like he could possibly be the first of the four to get you to actually incriminate yourself in wanting him just as badly as he wants you. 
“And if I was?” You glare before glancing down again. “What then?” 
“We could slip away right now, into that bathroom over there and I could show you–” 
You still need to go to the bathroom, but the arousal of fucking everything right now is taking high priority when it comes to how your body feels. The burn is…interesting when you think about it. You feel heavy between your legs, entirely turned on, and honestly, if he hadn't said that word you likely would have continued to pretend you don’t need to go. 
“Speaking of,” You announce so that the three walking in front turn to listen. “Bathroom break?” 
Jeno doesn’t stop walking, shaking his head.
“No, this is the last stop and the bathroom is like, across the mall.” He offers a genuine excuse, causing you to huff and completely miss the way he smirks at the small win. 
“There was a bathroom just back there.” You protest, halting where you are before turning to look at the door.
“Employees only.” Jeno continues, now turning himself around and walking backwards. “What? Gonna throw a tantrum? Just hold it, stop whining.”
You huff again, looking at Renjun and rolling your eyes.
“Was that for me, or do you actually need to go?” He asks as you try to speed up and walk with Jaemin instead. 
“I actually need to go, but I guess I’ll just deal for now.” Another eye roll. 
Damn, rejected. Still, you admitted to possibly thinking about what his fingers could do for you, and that’s a win in his book.
There’s a specific type of effort in the way you pretend you don’t care for what’s going on. You know they don’t believe your act, and they know you know. It feels like a game, and at some point all games come to an end.
The car ride back to your apartment felt like hell. Your body is far more aroused with the need to be filled compared to the need to be emptied. Thoughts of going to the bathroom are so far out of your mind with the way the silence in the car feels heavy and sex fueled. 
Every sound feels like it’s implied to be sexual. Haechan stretched for a moment and every single head turned to him for the sound he made. On any other day, that’s just a stretch. Today though, that’s probably what he would sound like if he were plunging into you. 
Jeno’s hand remains on your leg in a somewhat possessive way. Rubbing his thumb in circles and moving that touch higher and higher as he drives. The warmth you feel under his fingertips are forcing images to bleed into your mind. You wonder if he wants to move them higher, if he wants to tuck his fingers under the fabric and feel around the skin that’s not shown. You wonder if these simple touches would feel just as warm caressing other places on your body. Slipping under your shirt or down your shorts. Running through your hair, holding your chin up to look at him– 
You’re thankful they can’t read minds. You’d blow your whole cover at this moment, as you finally let your mind truly think about what’s happened today, and what will likely happen soon. If you were in your right mind, you think you would be able to understand where all of this is coming from. It truly was sudden with the way they’re acting, but it’s a natural instinct for you to not care why it’s happening, and only care about the fact that it should happen.
There’s no telling what will take place when you get back into your apartment. You can picture it so clearly but then again, you also can’t. There’s so many things you can do with four men at the same time but, the issue is that you want to do all of the things.
“So, you want us all to eat you out.” Jaemin deadpans through the silence. What he says should be a question, but it comes out more like a statement. 
In all fairness, he’s so hard that being quiet right now? Waiting like he has been all day? It’s too much. He needs to talk about it.
Only now do you tear your eyes away from Jeno’s hand on your leg. 
“What?” You ask, searching your brain for any sober thought that would indicate you ever invited them to do such a thing with your own words.
“You said you want us to eat you out on your couch.” He dead pans, sucking in a breath and adjusting himself in the seat to offer his length optimal comfort. 
“No? I didn’t?” 
“Bullshit!” Haechan argues, already pulling up the receipts on his phone and leaning forward to put it directly in your line of sight. “Eyeball emoji and all.”
You stare at the tweet you shared with the implications it gave to your friends. Now, you’re in a car with said friends, on your birthday, after an entire day of sex fueled conversations and acts. 
It definitely was an implication at its finest but it’s not like you knew this would come out of it. This specific tweet seems to have been the final straw for them and you can’t help but feel fucking proud of it. 
“Technically, I didn’t say that.” You still try to keep the energy you’ve had all day, but Jeno’s hand offers you a squeeze against your thigh and instantly you’re turning your head to look at him. 
“But you do want it,” Jeno says, pulling into the lot of your apartment building. “And we’re going to give it to you.”
You stare at him much like you have tried to avoid all day. 
“Stop.” He warns, cutting you off from any argument you try to form. “You want it.” He repeats again, this time letting his eyes scan you for a moment.
He’s not wrong. If anything, you want it more now than you did three seconds ago based on that tone of voice alone. That cold, scolding, deep voice that would make you agree to anything he says anyway. 
You don’t even turn to look at the nods of approval as Jeno shuts you down. Instead, you wait for him to park.
First things first, bathroom. Except that’s not anyone else’s priority. You wouldn’t be able to go even if you started running for the door. 
Why? Because the way Jaemin closes in on you before the front door is even closed. Shamefully, his eagerness does manage to push that need for a release into the back of your mind for just a little longer. 
After a full day of fantasizing, wanting, and needing, Jaemin made damn sure he was the first. Kicking his shoes off and helping you to get yours off before blatantly ignoring his friends and swooping you up in his arms.
You briefly glance back at the others, offering a pleading look of “save me please” but, there is no saving to be had here. All three of them have a dark look in their eyes, leaving the bags of gifts bought for you right there at the door as they watch Jaemin give in to his fantasy first. 
That, he does. There is no room to protest, to play games, or pretend like you’d push him away. Because you won’t, and he fucking knows it. 
He carries you to the couch with such ease, tossing you down onto it and adjusting you before you can do it yourself. 
You can’t look away from him. For a moment it feels like this instance with him is entirely hidden. Like there aren't three other guys watching the way he pushes you back against the couch, falls to his knees, and spreads your legs with a strong grip. 
“Oh fuck,” He comments to himself, noting the way you smell from the day of their hard work on arousing you. He stares directly between your legs and loves the way your shorts have ridden up to the point it must have been uncomfortable. “Look at you.” 
You can’t bear to admit the blatant truth of what he’s seeing. These shorts have been dampened over and over again today. You’d be shocked if they were dry. You can imagine how pathetic you look right now too, pussy nearly on display already while still being fully covered.  
On instinct you shoot your arms up to cover your face as if to avoid this embarrassment. The confirmation of wanting this all day, just like them, is shameful. Even as Jaemin unbuttons your shorts and starts to tug at them, you can’t help the way you feel like you’re spiraling. 
You want this so badly, and now Jaemin has the dirty, messy, wet proof. 
“So shy,” You hear from behind you, now feeling another pair of hands pull your arms from your face and hold them at your side, as he dips down to your neck from behind the couch. “You tried to hide it but,” He continues, blowing softly at the spot at the dip of your neck. “You were squeezing those legs together all day wanting someone between them, weren’t you?” 
Goddamn Jeno for being a talker. Fuck Jeno for having these strong hands and holding you down for Jaemin to toy around between your legs. Curse that man for having such a sensual voice as he talks to you, dumbing you down to the point that all you can do is fucking agree with him. 
Jaemin listens intently to the way Jeno talks to you as he continues to bask in the scent. Your shorts are now crumpled to the floor and your blatant arousal was evident in all forms of the word. Your panties leave nothing to the imagination, soaked to the point of not being able to hold any more of that dripping heat. They rode up much like your shorts did, exposing both lips and folds to envelope the fabric tightly as if you were intending to gain some sort of friction from them throughout the day. He thinks that you were, quite literally, fucking yourself against these flimsy panties for the majority of the time you spent with them, pretending that they weren’t rubbing against your clit the entire time. 
He hums from between your legs, digging his fingers into the flesh of your thighs to spread your legs out more. Haechan comes over now, wanting to see what it is that has Jaemin entirely speechless and holy fuck, anyone would be. 
Your folds are glistening in wet, unsticking and settling around your tightly stretched panties in a different way now. Haechan makes no attempt to pretend it’s not a beautiful sight. 
He’s the first to moan at the image of how pathetically horny you got for them. All while trying to hide it, parading around all fucking day with your panties hugging that clit in a way you wished he was– for sure. Him. You want him the most, and he’s going to fucking give it to you. 
“Aww,” Haechan coos, his eyes scanning you entirely. “You really do want me to eat it, don’t you?” 
The heat that runs down your body at those words is more telling than the small sigh that forces itself out of your throat. Your entire body jerks at the feeling of goosebumps reacting to his words, and for some reason, you shoot your eyes to Renjun as if seeing him right now will calm your embarrassment. It doesn’t though. Renjun is looming near the entry of your living room, staring blankly at what’s been revealed with the heavy length in his pants twitching and making itself known to you. He appears to be waiting for your response.
You don’t respond. How could you? There are no words in your head right now. Not with all of the sensations you’re feeling, not with all of the eyes on you. You try to offer a nod, feeling pathetic, but your hips answer for him.
Haechan watches the way they buck up at his words and instantly he’s shoving Jaemin over with a confident chuckle, slotting himself between your legs alongside him. He shows no shame in the way he hooks his fingers under the panties, digging in deep just to get a hold of them. You can feel his knuckle bump your hole and you clench at the feeling. Then, as if he’s making a show of it, he groans as he stretches your panties out of your folds and away from your body. 
“Damn,” Haechan says nearly in unison with Jaemin, both entirely too eager to be in a shared space between your legs right now. They barely even acknowledge the other, but there is a silent form of encouragement between the two. 
Never did you think you’d find your eyes glued to the way Haechan slips the panties off of you, or the way Jaemin pockets them instantly. Like they’re working together, even if not on the same team.
You breathe in audibly at the air that hits you. It’s cold, sending a shiver down your entire body. Jeno feels those goosebumps under his hold on you, his cock twitching wildly in his pants at seeing how you’re just letting this happen.
“So, so, dirty,” He starts in a whisper against your neck, so silent that it almost feels like he doesn’t want the others to hear. “I knew you’d get off to this.” 
You release the smallest of groans and you can’t tell if it’s because he’s calling you out or if it’s because someone down there just slid their fingers up your slit. 
Holy fuck, whose fingers are down there doing this right now?
Haechan is beaming up at you, giving himself the title of public enemy number one because he definitely centered himself between your legs and shoved Jaemin out of the way entirely. He wants to be the first one to taste you, and he fucking means it. 
He shows no shame in how desperate he is, which kind of makes you feel a little better as you watch him and his head of messy hair nearly lose sight of the goal while he spreads your pussy apart repeatedly just to see you clench around nothing.
God, he adores seeing your body reacting to what he’s not yet giving. The way you clench, the way your legs tense with each slide of his fingers. He’s inspecting the damage of your untouched and utterly soaked pussy as if it was entirely his fault that you’re in this state. 
The other’s let him have this one though, because they know for a fact that when they get between those thighs, they’ll humble him with confident ease. 
Jaemin, specifically, believes this. Taking defeat in being shoved from between your legs and losing his chance at being the first to fuck his tongue into you. The image of Haechan doing his thing is enough to give him the confidence to do twice as well when it’s his turn anyway. 
He busies himself instead.
There, as Haechan slides his fingers up your slit before landing right on your clit and pressing harshly against it, Jaemin unlocks his phone and opens his camera without a single hint of hesitation. His other hand goes straight to his jeans, skewing them down to let his cock spring free. Then, he’s reaching for your soaked panties and simply…hanging them off the head of his length as he records the scene in front of him with an eager glint in his eye. 
“Mm, look–” Jeno says as he nudges your cheek, holding you down more now in case you make an attempt to lunge forward and knock that phone out of his hands. “You must look so good down there for him to wanna record you like this.”
You don’t even protest, because the clench of your pussy that’s being recorded in 4k would tell on you. Jaemin’s eyes are glued to the screen of his phone as Haechan continues to spread you open, exploring, feeling. Your eyes are tuned in to the only bare cock in the room now, seeing your panties shield the majority of it but loving the imagine of how tall his length stands, and then, finally–
“Oh? What was that?” Jeno perks up at the now, louder, sigh you release from your shamed lips. “Do you like what he’s doing?” He adds, trailing his eyes down to see exactly what caused you to make such a pretty sound.
You moan a confirmation, feeling a warm pair of lips wrap around your clit and suck harshly. The sounds of Haechan’s pleased hum at the taste only amplifies the touch beyond belief. Your entire body tingles at how insane all of this feels. Lips on you, Jeno’s voice in your ear, Jaemin recording it for later use, and Renjun slowly inviting himself to join? 
Your legs immediately try to close around Haechan’s head when he continues to assault your clit with small grazes of his teeth, and wouldn’t you know it, Renjun finally approaches. Taking the struggle of your legs as a fucking invitation. He holds your legs with a stronger grip than you ever imagined he could have, spreading them wide enough that your ass nearly lifts from the couch.
 The stretch of how wide he spreads them burns, and you try to look up at him in a pleading way but he's too busy pressing his surprisingly large cock against the side of your leg as he watches Haechan lick against you.
Haechan is appreciative of what Renjun offers to the scenario, feeling your pussy spread out across his lips and chin. It’s enticing when he doesn’t have to spread it open with his fingers, and it’s hard not to lick the entirety of it as he abandons your clit. Tongue slipping through each fold, licking flat right against your hole, then pressing in slightly before returning back to your clit and skewing his head to really get at it.
So, this is actually a thing that is happening. All four of your friends are entirely tuned into you and you’re being held down as if you’d run away. As if you’re not enjoying it. Goddamn, you are though. 
In a split second decision, you prove that by overpowering Jeno and his weaker hold against you now. Seeing as how he was entirely lost in watching the way your legs and stomach tense at whatever Haechan’s tongue was doing. You rip your arms from his grasp and instantly grab Haechan’s hair, holding his face down and against your clit. Rubbing his nose in it, bucking your hips up against the pressure of his lips and tongue, wildly chasing what his lazy tongue struggles to offer. 
There’s the desperate need to fuck all of your friends that you’ve been hiding, and it’s showing. 
Jeno chuckles, nodding against your neck, still not touching and waiting for you to just fucking moan louder. More than Haechan, just overpower his sounds so he doesn’t have to hear how fucking good you taste, or how good you smell, or how good your pussy must look down there. 
Still, you don’t give them everything they want. You stay reserved in the sounds you make in terms of reactions, even as you use Haechan’s face like a toy. Even as Jaemin audibly gasps at what you’re doing, even as Renjun releases one of your legs out of a desperate need to hold the other one against him so that he can feel some type of release. 
Haechan knows his friends are jealous of him at this moment though. He’s lucky to feel your fingers tugging against his hair, he’s blessed to have your clit bumping his lips. He can feel your pussy drip against his chin the more you ride his face, and goddamn he must be doing a good job at being used. 
That, he is. You only struggle more and more to not moan at the feeling of the way he just…lets you. If you knew he was always this submissive when it comes to eating pussy, you would have jumped on his tongue years ago. 
Jaemin continues his recording, trying to zoom in and out to get a good angle that doesn’t involve the boners of his own friends, eventually deciding that he simply doesn’t care if Renjun is in the frame fucking that monster he’s got in his jeans against your leg. You’re the center of the world right now, and he’s a part of this just like his friends. 
He tries not to focus on the image of Haechan gripping your couch for dear life either.
Slowly though, he begins to realize there’s a strange type of arousal in this room, one that isn’t entirely burning just for you. There’s something about seeing Haechan being used, seeing Jeno try to remain in control, whispering cocky little words into your ear, like he’s not pressing his cock against the back of that couch, seeing Renjun blatantly lose his composure against you when he’s never so much as hinted to the others that he was into this sort of thing.
Jaemin really feels like he’s going insane over the realization of how alluring this situation is, how alluring his friends are, how alluring he must be.  
The speed of which he tosses the panties from his cock and shoves Haechan out of his way is not to be discussed. He feels a fire behind his thoughts at this moment that surely, Haechan won’t mind. Surely, you’ll not feel that split second of abandonment that’ll take place in the time span it takes for him to replace Haechan’s lips.
He forces his phone into a dazed Haechan’s hands who lazily raises the camera up to see Jaemin take his place. The way you barely even take a breath, the way you don’t even react to the change of mouth against you– goddamn, Haechan may very well fall into obsession with you at this moment. 
Replacing him with Jaemin like he’s trash? Why does he love it? The way you grab Jaemin’s hair the same way you did to his own? Is that what he looked like when you did that? Spreading your legs and fucking against his face? Seeing it from a different angle, with a different person to Haechan, makes him believe you may be the sexiest woman he’s ever had the pleasure of licking.
And if you knew of the crisis happening below, perhaps you’d be able to focus on that more than the sound of Jeno’s deep sighs against your neck. Really, maybe you would have realized that the hair tangled in your fingers is now Jaemin’s. 
Your brain focuses solely on the way Jeno’s lips brush against your skin, the wet feeling of his tongue darting out every few minutes, whispering deep mutterings of the things he loves about what’s happening. Words like “I can hear how wet you are, is it for me or for them?” and “You want more, don’t you? I could bury myself so deep for you–”
It’s kind of crazy how Jeno’s words somehow feel more intense than Jaemin’s tongue on you. There’s something within his words that feel damning. Like he’s belittling his friends despite blatantly seeing how they pleasure you. Like there’s a promise sprinkled in that after all of this, he would be the one you’d think about the most. He would be the one to leave the lasting impression. 
Arguably, he already has. Spending his money on you without question, calling you out in a way that shows he knows exactly what game you’re playing. You think that if you let Jeno have at you, it may very well be a lasting impression on everyone, not just you. 
Still, you try to focus on Jaemin’s lips through Jeno’s muttering. 
You can feel the way he uses more tongue than Haechan and you know your hips are chasing his mouth right now. You can also feel the vibrations of his moans against you and while that is a heavenly feeling, Jeno’s small grunts penetrate straight through that pleasure and center itself once again. Briefly, you almost imagine it’s Jeno between your legs.
You’re moaning softly right next to him, hips chasing a feeling that he’s not even offering to you but god these sounds are for him. You’d never tell Jaemin that the moans aren’t directed at the beautiful work he’s giving to you though. Never. 
These moans are for Jeno to react to, to take in, to use as encouragement. And he eats it up, tensing himself against your couch and finally using his hands for something other than helping you hold Jaemin’s head in place. 
He runs them up, now moving his head to the other side of your neck and leaving small kisses there as he lifts your shirt up, up, up until it’s bunched up under your arms. There, he cups the flesh of your chest and uses his pointer finger on both hands to tease your already hardened nipples through the fabric of your bra. 
He’s thought about playing with your tits so often, now that he can do it? He’d be damned not to savor it while his friends are busy fucking themselves and being used by you. 
He teases, and teases, and fucking teases.
“Sensitive?” He whispers against you at the way you arch your back into his touch more than the way your hips fuck up. 
You nod mindlessly, throwing your head back against the couch. Then, finally, he pulls your bra up too. An uncomfortable fit against your collar bone but his warm hands overpower the feeling of fabric that you’d rather have removed completely. 
At first, he just holds them in his hands, feeling the weight of them, bouncing them, and then caressing them. 
“Could drive me insane with these.” He whispers against your neck in a pleased sigh, pinching one of your nipples before mindlessly playing with them. “I’d like to slide my dick between them and feel how fucking soft they are,” He continues, losing his train of thought as he stares down, imagining how the slide would feel. “Fuck, so pretty.”
At that moment, you think he might have lost composure. The sound of his voice indicates that he was really thinking about it. You can feel the couch budge at the way he tenses up against it, and that paired with his teeth biting against your neck, you feel like the most desired person in the room. Which is true. 
The more Jeno talks, the more you find yourself willing to give him just about anything he asks for. His big hands grope your chest in such a firm way, blatantly showing interest in the way he touches and plays with them. Every fleshy expanse of skin there is warmed up by his hands and it’s not strange at all to feel incredibly turned on by it.
Haechan audibly moans at seeing your tits jiggle in Jeno’s hands, probably ruining the video he’s recording but god damn. He knew they were huge but they’re pretty too and that’s just the ultimate combination when it comes to tits for him. 
Just as Haechan goes to make his mouth useful again against a different part of you, Renjun takes what he needs. Which is fair, Haechan thinks, knowing that he’s already gotten to taste you, the least he can do is let Renjun suck some titties. 
Jaemin, is still below enjoying himself and shockingly, Haechan is keeping to himself as he records, slipping his hand down his pants just to edge himself every few minutes as he watches the situation unfold. Almost in a daze at how insane it is that finally, you’re letting them see and touch you like this.
Feeling Renjun finally put his mouth on you though? Damn. Feeling three of the four touching you is a lot to take in but you still manage to do it. Jolts of pleasure are sent straight to where Jaemin continuously grinds his lips against your clit. Renjun shows no shame in inviting himself onto the couch next to you, swatting one of Jeno’s hands away and laying claim on one of your tits, immediately sucking against it and feeling himself spiral at the way you arch into it. 
Jeno can’t say he’s too pleased with that though, staring straight at the way everyone has had their lips on part of you, but all he’s gotten was your fucking neck? All he’s gotten was to hump up against this couch to satiate his needs, and feel your nipples? 
Renjun doesn’t notice the dark look on Jeno’s face, but Haechan sure does as he double takes at both the image on the phone screen and Jeno. 
He recognizes that look and knows for a fact that Renjun better open his eyes and pay attention, or–
“Jaemin, get her off or move–” Jeno says, halting his fingers on your nipple as he backs away from the couch and now comes around in full view.
You stare, feeling Renjun continuously suck against your nipple, sending ripples down to your belly. Jeno’s pants are much tighter than before, and you can see the outline of his cock much like when you saw the photo he sent you.
It looks even bigger than before and your mouth nearly waters for it. The eye contact he’s keeping with you doesn’t do anything to help the situation either because he loves the way you struggle to decide on if you want to meet his eye or stare at his length. 
There, he grabs himself, thrusting his hips playfully toward you with a quirk of his brow, as if to suggest you could have more than just his tongue if you ask. 
You take in the implied suggestion, releasing Jaemin’s hair and struggling not to shove him clear across the room just to see what Jeno has to offer to you. It’s honestly like no one else in the room exists when he stands between your legs, looming over you and not at all falling to his knees. 
You, Haechan, and Jaemin watch as he stands there, making a show of unbuttoning his pants to get his cock out. Renjun remains in his own little world though, sucking your nipple as if his life depends on it while shoving his pants down and shamelessly fucking into his fist. 
Then, Jeno makes his move. It’s not exactly unwanted but damn, he really fucking goes for it. Dropping his pants to the floor and gripping Renjun by the hair, pulling him away from you as well.
“You got what you wanted while I had to watch,” Jeno comments harshly at his friends, grabbing your legs and pulling you down to wrap them around his waist. “Now, you watch me.”
Instantly, your pussy is throbbing at the image of how huge he is. His cock lays easily against you, heavy and leaking as it twitches to be inside of something. He’s going to fuck you. Jeno is going to fuck the life out of you. This wasn’t at all in the plan, then again, was any of this in your plan for the day? 
Do you want Jeno to fuck you? Your eyes scan the room, all three men and a camera pointing their eyes at you. There seems to be a bit of a hopeful glint in each eye.
You nod weakly, watching Jeno take a good look at your pussy before smirking. 
“So wet for this, no wonder they were moaning more than you were,” Jeno smiles, staring down at your hole before licking the tips of his fingers and dipping them into you without so much as a warning. “Feels good to finally have something to fuck, right Birthday girl?”
You’re speechless, wincing at how deep he buries his fingers. Never realizing just how perfect they’d reach inside of you. He bumps areas inside that you desperately need with so much ease.
Oh, oh fucking no.
There’s that burn. The reminder of a different release, pressure building up at lightning speed as your wet walls squeeze his fingers. 
“How long have you wanted this?” Jeno comments at how tight you’re squeezing his fingers. “How long have you wanted me?” He continues, ignoring the other three in the room and paying no mind to them.
You can barely answer, your body reacting in all sorts of ways that it never has when it comes to a pair of fingers and dirty words. Perhaps it’s the sudden burn of needing to get to the bathroom, or perhaps it’s just Jeno. He leaves no room for any of that though, as he continues to chase what he wants. 
“You want me?” He asks, urging you to nod, leaning over you and gripping your cheeks with one hand to look directly into his eyes. 
His other hand pulls from your pussy and he coats his length in that wet that soaks his fingers. There, he tugs, leaking just like you are for it. 
You blink up at him, sparing a single glance at the others and hoping that they don’t protest when you ultimately nod your head innocently.
“Take it then.” He seethes the words through his teeth before instantly adjusting his length and sliding into you in one go. Bottoming out entirely and holding himself there. 
The sound you let out is embarrassing and slightly choked. The stretch of him inside of you makes you shake, your legs falling open from around him at the weakness in your muscles trying to adjust to the intrusion. 
His two fingers were not enough to prepare for how thick he is inside of you. Every twitch he offers hurts, every breath he takes feels like he’s already fucking you senseless and you genuinely couldn’t muster up a single word of “wait,” if you wanted to.
Because you don’t want him to wait. You like the searing pain of fullness both inside of your pussy and bladder. It’s overwhelming and almost blinding to feel so utterly out of control of your body. 
“Oh, my god.” Jaemin whispers out, experiencing first hand how huge Jeno’s cock is and the way he makes it fit into you. 
He can see how tight you are around him, knowing for a fact that if Jeno were to jerk his hips back, your pussy would resist it. He shifts his eyes to the other’s in the room, seeing how Haechan has blatantly abandoned his phone and propped it up on the table to get his pants off, probably because he wants to see if he can fuck you after Jeno.
Renjun is just fucking gone, already having a fair share of cum on his shirt and breathing hard as he stares directly at the point of entry in a dazed and hopeful way. 
Then there’s himself. Jaemin wants to fuck something so goddamn bad that he’s actually a little upset that he left that store without a pocket pussy. If Jeno gets to do what he wants, why the fuck can’t he?
So, he not so reluctantly finds him moving to his feet and over to you– avoiding eye contact with Jeno as he kicks his pants off followed by his shirt and lounges next to you on the couch. 
He’s reluctant to reach for you at first, but when Jeno relieves that pressure inside of you for a moment and slams back in, he finds himself immediately reaching for your hand and lying it directly against his cock simply because of the sound you make.
You can barely think straight through the stars of Jeno’s cock spreading you open so slowly like this. He barely pulls out before pushing back in when you feel Jaemin grab your hand. You do your best, honestly, with all things considered. Opting to simply hold his cock tightly so that he can at least fuck into it. And that he does, especially when he hears the continuous string of whimpered moans spilling from your lips.
Jeno really does pay no mind to Jaemin because the point is, he’s the one who has his cock in you. They can take what they can get but he’s going to take exactly what he wants. 
You’re incredibly tight around him, strangling his cock in such a beautiful way despite still dripping around it. The slide is harsh when he pulls back again. He looks down, watching the way your pussy grips him before pushing back in a bit harder this time. 
“God, fuck,” He groans, gripping your legs and now pushing you back and fully onto the couch. He crawls over you, somehow managing to plant his cock even deeper when he thrusts this time. “You can barely take it–”
The way he moans breathlessly makes you feel proud despite your body feeling as if it’s on fire. Not a single mouth on your clit has gotten you close to orgasm because of his words overshadowing it. Now, though? With his cock bumping repeatedly against the softest spot in your pussy? You’re fucking shaking. 
His moans do little to help the situation as you clench tightly, panicking slightly at the familiar feeling in your gut.  You shoot up, nearly knocking heads with Jeno and abandoning Jaemin’s pathetically needy cock all together when you continue to push Jeno away. 
He barely budges, forcing his cock in and out of you, smiling at your panic. This is what he was waiting for, he can see exactly what you’re trying to do. 
“Just take it,” He laughs slowly, picking up the pace of his hips and watching that panic in your eyes. “Let it go.” 
You can’t bring yourself to do it. That burning sensation in your bladder making itself far too known when his cock bumps that spot inside of you. You aggressively shake your head. 
“Come on, let it go.” He encourages, now snaking his hand down and rubbing your clit at such speed that really, it’s not intentional. 
Your body tenses and you let out that breath you’ve been holding through this. On instinct your body pushes, it shakes, and you let go. Jeno knew exactly what he was doing throughout the day too, so he’s fucking beaming when your pussy forces him out along with the gushing liquid of your long awaited release. 
“God, so messy.” He compliments you, trying to force his cock back into place to feel that release in its full intensity. “Let it go, drench me–” He continues to talk, losing his goddamn mind at how soaked he’s getting. Fucking so harshly past your clenching walls, burying himself as deep as he can go just to feel the way your pussy jerks him off in an attempt to push him out.
He rumbles out a pleased sound, side eyeing Jaemin and the way he sits there fisting his own cock at a speed that is likely very painful. He can’t bear to turn to see the other’s though, but hopefully they know now who is calling the shots here after this.
It goes on for so long that you can barely even open your eyes by the time your body stops releasing. You choose not to comment on what just happened, knowing full well that you’ve never squirted in your life and feeling embarrassed that Jeno fucked you for a total of four minutes to force that out of you.
The relief you feel inside of you right now is…interesting to say the least. Still, you choose not to focus on the fact that Jeno is fucking beaming at you, still fucking into you, and the wet sounds below are far more telling than any porn you’ve ever watched. 
The room falls into silence save for the slapping of Jeno taking you for all you’re worth and the sounds of palms hitting the base of their assigned cocks, and– oh?
“You’re just taking it–” He groans out, short of breath as he drives himself deeper, harder, and then suddenly emptying you completely.
“Renjun,” Jeno says, lazily pumping his cock as if he didn’t just go fucking feral on top of you, and then abandon you.
You’re shocked at how fucking fast Renjun jumps up though, following orders as if he was born to do it. 
No words are spoken after that, all Jeno does is nod his head to the space between your legs and immediately you feel Renjun’s hands gripping your thighs and his tongue lapping away at the mess. 
Your legs start to shake again, feeling sensitive to the point that your hips try and fight to get away from his relentless probes of the tongue. He won’t let you go, holding you down and letting his lips follow wherever your hips go. 
You can’t get away, all you can feel is Renjun’s mouth cleaning up every single drop of that embarrassing mess that Jeno created, and the desperate whines that are coming from your lips only drive Renjun to eat harder. Making out with your clit in the way he’s wanted to do all fucking day, stiffening his tongue and tasting the insides of you, fingernails digging into your flesh just to prove how badly he needed this. 
It all happens so fast, a second orgasm approaching at the speed of light when Jeno coos out at the both of you. You both look pathetic, and it’s exactly how it’s supposed to be. 
Renjun goes, and goes, and fucking goes until– you realize how close he is. 
So close that, despite already having gotten off once without so much as letting anyone know, he’s standing to his feet and instantly fisting his cock. The speed of which he does it allows your clit to swell even more at the image despite your orgasm trickling back down. 
You focus on his face and the way his brows knit together, his mouth falls open, and then– a breathy moan. You can feel it spill, dripping down your slit and onto the couch. You’re shocked he has so much to offer as you lay there shaking, watching him empty himself entirely onto you. 
And then, the fucking whiplash you feel when Jeno moves him out of the way and, quite literally, drags you onto the floor before spreading you out wide for ultimate use. 
As long as he gets his cock in you again, they can do whatever they want for their release. 
You’re so silent, never feeling more like prey than you do now when you feel Jeno tuck a cushion up under your ass and fuck Renjun’s cum right into you in one slow and languid thrust. It’s animalistic in the way this turned from them trying to pleasure you into now, them trying to pleasure themselves. 
You can barely comprehend the way Jeno forces you to take his size again. Your mouth is left hanging open and Haechan uses that as a damn invitation, pressing his length past your lips and bumping the back of your throat. He holds your head there, feeling your throat constrict around him and releasing a long awaited moan that he’s been needing since he originally got to taste you. 
Relief is what they’re getting right now, and for some reason, you don’t feel ashamed at all with the way you let them. You’re a fucking mess despite Renjun cleaning you up and then promptly dirtying you twice as much. You open your eyes through your gagging at Haechan. 
He pauses at that. Staring down at the way the tears start to run down your cheek, but you’re implying with your slow blinks that you feel good. 
“Fuck, it’s just like the video–” Haechan chokes out, fucking his hips into your mouth at a rapid speed, reminding himself of that video you shared with the girl needing to be filled in every form of the word.
And you know, Jaemin would totally take you up on that offer, forcing all of you to stop just so he can get under you and fuck into that same hole Jeno has claimed, but, well, listen.
He’s so fucking close. He’s been edging himself this entire time and he will be damned to spill anywhere near someone else’s cock. Why? Because he’s way too attracted to everyone right now and he’s a bit concerned about getting off to someone other than you right now.
Which, that’s a hurdle he can deal with when he gets to it. He, instead, takes this opportunity to go for your hand again. Obsessing over the way your weak fingers grip him in an instant, dragging up and down his length with the help of Jeno’s insistent and harsh thrusts. 
He watches the way you moan with stretched lips, the way your legs lift to wrap around Jeno’s waist to try and hold him in place and then– Oh? You gain your composure back and grip his cock like you’re hell bent on milking him dry.
He groans with a smile, sinking down on his knees next to you and letting you work him up just like you’re doing for the others. 
You’re going with your hands, with your mouth, and with that tight little pussy of yours apparently because everything else happens in a blur.
To Renjun, he takes it upon himself to grab that phone and be sure to capture every messy second of what happens. 
First one down is Haechan. Once again, he grips your head and holds your face flat against his abdomen when he releases deep into your throat. His hands shake as he struggles not to suffocate you like this. He could feel you swallow around each spurt of his cum, utterly spending him of all energy before he releases you and lazily throws himself back against your floor in a huff.
Then, Jaemin. Despite being in his head, promising himself that your hand was good enough for him to finish, he couldn’t resist the absence of a cock in your mouth at that point. He immediately replaces Haechan, being far more gentle with the way he fucks himself against your tongue. Didn’t take long at all to have his hips stutter. He was more particular about his release though, snapping his hips back when his orgasm approached and jerking himself off right there against your face. He intentionally misses your mouth, wanting to see it drip down your cheeks and chin and onto those tits that have been long abandoned by now.
Which is a shame because he really likes those.
Then, Jeno, pulling the power moves he always does. 
He waits, and he waits, changing his pace time and time again to prevent you both from releasing. He does this until you’re practically gone. Your eyes roll back, your mouth is slack, and he can tell you have no thoughts at all in your head when you start babbling. Finally, he rubs your clit.
There, he holds himself off as your orgasm sends you straight into another dimension. You tremble through it as your entire body falls limp and out of breath and only then does he pull out and release the most pornographic, deep, moan you’ve ever heard in your life.
The amount of cum he releases on you is fucking obscene. To be fair, you drenched him first but holy fuck does he lay claim to as much of you as he can. 
It spurts up to your tits, some lands on your belly, a majority of it spills directly onto your clit and thighs.
You can’t help it when your fingers move to trace some of it around even more, feeling entirely sticky both inside and out. You help him lay his claim on every other part of you, even going as far as smearing that cum on your clit and gently dipping it inside of you with the tips of your fingers.
Jeno, out of breath and fucking watching you do that takes in a pained breath.
“Don’t” He warns, amazed by you. “Don’t do shit like that.”
You tilt your head with a dazed smile, pushing your fingers in deeper as if to ask “why not?”
He shakes his head, a smile creeping up on his face.
“Always such a damn tease.” 
a/n: there was a lot more i wanted to add to this, such as jeno getting his chance to eat and stuff, but i was writing too much so I hope you liked it anyway!
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astonmartinii · 10 months
into the arms of another part two | max verstappen social media au
pairing: max verstappen x reader
part two to this !! part three
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liked by arthurleclerc, maxverstappen1 and 661,230 others
yourusername: winner winner chicken dinner !! congrats maxy i’m so proud of you always
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user1: i know charles’ head is hot right now
user2: i hope netflix are taking notes cause this tea is steaming hot
maxverstappen1: thank you baby, helps when i have the prettiest cheerleader in the world
yourusername: i am the sexiest sargent in all of the orange army
maxverstappen1: too right you are
user3: i miss when y/n was the head of the tifosi the red monochromatic fits ate so hard
user4: i need charles to pull his head out of his ass and apologise so we can reclaim her before monza
user5: do not even bring up the fact we may not have custody of her for monza
danielricciardo: leave some for the rest of us maxy
yourusername: no actually i think it’s illegal for max not to win sorry
danielricciardo: will that change if charlie apologises?
yourusername: considering that hasn’t happened and doesn’t look to be happening any time soon - no.
user7: he doesn’t have to do anything, she’s just bitter cause she’s always been the bridesmaid and never the bride. we ALL know she’s always loved charles and she can’t handle that she’s not the centre of his attention it’s kinda pathetic
maxverstappen1: what made you think you know any of us enough to comment something like this? what told you that you even had a right to talk about y/n like that? she’s everything you could ever wish to be and more and she will never ever deserve the things you people are saying about her. charles would be lucky to have y/n in his life platonically or romantically but it’s his loss
user8: boyf of the year right here
user9: charles take note ^^^ this is how you’re meant to defend your best friend
landonorris: i am once again asking for photo credits i’m not gonna be your personal photographer for free
maxverstappen1: i literally paid for your dinner
yourusername: you’re literally a millionaire
landonorris: i don’t care a man still likes to be wined and dined
yourusername: just to make it clear we are not looking for a third
user10: i promise i can change your mind give me a chance
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liked by user11, user12 and 2,349 others
f1tea: charles leclerc caught liking this tweet about the situation between him and y/n. seems like he won’t back down on this. what do you think?
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user13: i need this mans head on a spike i’m so serious
user14: i want to play pinball with the single marble in his head
user15: i think ferrari have genuinely caused real head rot in him cause no way he thinks this is a serve
user16: let's be real charles' biggest rivals are ferrari and himself
user17: not this man at his BIG AGE is liking shady tweets about his best friend
user18: i think it's safe to say they're not best friends any more
user19: also "biggest rival" my ass max and charles are fucking friends now so this whole narrative is complete horse shit
user20: i'm so bored of charles playing the victim bro YOU ARE THE INSTIGATOR YOU ARE THE PROBLEM
user21: the way charles is liking shit like this but max is writing whole ass essays in the comments defending her
user22: and that''s why i'll always back that she ended up with the right man
user23: max is so far in the lead in the championship i need him to take charles out for the narrative
user24: are we in high school? like seriously this is so fucking petty i cannot wait for media day this weekend
user25: he's either gonna be the funniest man in the world or he's gonna bite someones fucking head off
user26: and i'll back it either way
user27: i know y/n is about to have her revenge dress moment in the paddock someone get kym illman ready STAT.
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liked by lilymunhe, carmenmundt and 4,530 others
tagged: yourusername
f1wagsupdates: REVENGE DRESS MOMENT !!! y/n y/ln enters the paddock in monza in this stunning black dress, showing the world what a catch she is, oh and that is max holding the umbrella for her, what a gentleman.
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user28: mother came to slay i cannot even
user29: this right after max came for charles in the press conference is PERFECTION + NO RED IN MONZA !!
user30: i see lily and carmen in the likes in knew they'd be on the right side
user31: girl i don't think anyone is on charles' side
user32: yall see the stink eye from the red bull garage when charles walked past they have y/n's back LOL
user33: the red bull garage been ride or dies for max so it defo makes sense that they would extend that to y/n
user34: christian was defo waiting for a question about it in the press conference
user35: someone on twitter got a clip of him putting his arm around fred going out of the paddock and telling him to get his driver under control
user36: yall are we on the kardashians what the fuck is going on
user37: people may hate christian but he defends his driver so much that he's inserting himself in the relationship drama
user38: i don't even follow f1 but whoever this is this serving oh my
user39: this is so exhausting like i need charles to just apologise so we can get cute y/n x max x charles content
user40: torturing myself thinking about how cute that dynamic could be
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liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1 and 1,203,457 others
f1: max verstappen clinches his tenth win of the season at monza, joined by sergio perez and oscar piastri. home heroes charles leclerc and carlos sainz came together at turn one, awful showing for ferrari in monza
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user41: this narrative is so so poetic
user42: i feel bad for the tifosi at this point y'all get your hopes up every season
user43: charles you aimed the wrong way if you wanted to take max out
user44: the way max kissed y/n after winning god they're so cute
user45: also the way christian got everyone to move so y/n could get to the front to see max
user46: even marko looked happy about it what is going on?
user47: y'all we knew it was gonna be bad for ferrari y/n wasn't wearing red, call me superstitious but every time she's worn red charles has either won or been on the podium
user48: well that's just what he gets for not appreciating her
user49: as fernando would say KARMA
user50: someone check charles' blood pressure please
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liked by christianhorner, yourusername and 1,304,662 others
tagged: yourusername
maxverstappen1: winning on and off the track, some of you can't relate.
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user51: parents omg
danielricciardo: fighting words maxy, not pulling your punches
maxverstappen1: i do my fighting on the track, not my fault people can't get past turn one to give me a real battle
danielricciardo: i need to be inside your brain
maxverstappen1: no there's images of y/n in my brain that no other man will ever see
danielricciardo: you crack me up maxy
yourusername: woah who's that fine ass piece of woman
maxverstappen1: she's taken sorry
yourusername: that's a shame, i hope that man is taking care of her
maxverstappen1: i don't believe she's got any complaints
yourusername: wow you sound like a gentleman, she's a lucky woman
maxverstappen1: believe me i am the lucky one.
yourusername: awwww maxy you're literally the sweetest person in the world
user52: if i was charles and i saw this after that race you'd have to restrain me i'm so serious
user53: i'm happy for y/n and max but i need them to stop being happy in my face
alexalbon: ur welcome for that first picture btw
yourusername: lily taught you well
alexalbon: so no thanks?
yourusername: i joke thank you very much sir albon
user54: so like all of the twitch quartet are on y/n's side? awkward.
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liked by maxverstappen1, georgerussell63, 706,835 others
tagged: charles_leclerc
yourusername: charles and i have been best friends since i knew what the word meant and it really hurts that is has gotten to this point. when charles got his first girlfriend i chalked it up to the excitement of the experience, but when he routinely got in and out of relationships and falling back on our friendship once scorned, i started to question what he really felt about our friendship. i overlooked it every time even when it made me doubt my worth and hoped our friendship meant more. however, the cycle continued and after being left stranded at a beach in a country i do not know i decided it was the end. i have reached out to you so, so many times and want nothing more than our friendship to work and so we can be life-long friends that we can tell our kids about. but i guess it's not worth that much to you and that's something i'll have to reconcile with. the only positive coming from this the fact that it pushed me to the love of my life, so thank you for that.
comments are turned off.
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liked by joristrouche, pierregasly and 1,305,783 others
charles_leclerc: i've already got my trophy, sorry not sorry.
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user57: my brain is actually scrambled
user58: charles' must be as well cause no way he thought this was a good idea
landonorris: so this is a low blow
charles_leclerc: since when were you the reference point for morals
landonorris: damn dude, you're in the wrong but go off i guess
user59: why do i actually want to cry for y/n right now? she did this whole ass heartfelt post with no comments so people wouldn't be able to speculate and he replies with a pic of his gf's ASS
danielricciardo: not cool dude
charles_leclerc: i see you all took her side and our friendships mean fuck all
danielricciardo: kinda ironic you bring up respecting friendships
charles_leclerc: spare me the lecture
maxverstappen1: you're a child. but this is the closure she needs. cheers to being an asshole.
charles_leclerc: so you managed to get some of my sloppy seconds, you're welcome
maxverstappen1: she's not sloppy seconds and i can't believe you'd refer to her as that. but if you wanna talk sloppy seconds you can hold the 100 point gap between us in the championship. and y/n will never say this so i'll say it for her GO FUCK YOURSELF
user61: men are so confusing
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yourusername added to their story
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[caption: taking some time for myself. thank you for your kind words and know i have an amazing support system around me now]
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liked by user65, user66 and 5,430 others
tagged: charles_leclerc
f1wagsupdates: charles leclerc spotted outside y/n y/ln's office with flowers this afternoon. idk at this point, any time i report on this man i lose more brain cells.
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user67: lol even wag page admins are done
f1wagsupdates: he gives me a lot of content but damn he needs to sort his head out
user68: lol this is gonna be an all time apology tour i can't wait
user69: i honestly don't want y/n to forgive him he doesn't deserve it.
user70: yeah max has proven ride or die for y/n so i know who she should stick with
user71: i need him to donate his brain to science cause in what world is a measly bouquet of flowers gonna cover all of this shit ?
user72: legit he's systematically ditched his best friend, let randomers on the internet drage her name through the mud and then liked it and then flaunted the fact that he didn't care about their friendship for everyone to see
maxverstappen1: lol nice try
user73: my petty king i love him so much
user74: i know y/n is taking a break from social media but i hope she knows how much love she's getting
user75: for real we're all on her side i hope she slammed that door in charles' face
user76: i hope that bouquet ended up in the bin
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maxverstappen1 added to their story
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[caption: special delivery for a special girl]
note: i know this was heavily requested so here it is!! i really like it and it's defo open for a third part if yall want charles and y/n to reconcile? thank you for reading xx
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imasimpforshanks · 1 year
voicemails they leave when they’re missing you
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ft. zoro, sanji, law, shanks
a/n: what i would give to have someone leave me a cute voicemail 🥲🥲 maybe part 1 of 2?????? Idk anyway sorry for not posting for a bit! Work has been insane lately????? Idk what it is with kids at the moment but they are kind of feral BUT I STILL LOVE THEM WITH MY WHOLE HEART
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— zoro —
“hey dumbass, i know you miss me so i thought I’d phone you so you could hear my voice or whatever… it’s not like i miss you or anything…. (sighs)
okay fine (quieter) i miss you so much, shit. it’s just getting crazier and crazier by the day out here and I- (louder) OI PISS OFF YOU STUPID CHEF IM ON THE PHONE - (voice back to normal) sorry about that, you know how that damn cook is… anyway what was i saying?
oh yeah… things are heating up and well i guess shit is going down soon so just… be safe out there. i love you.
i’ll see you soon.”
— sanji —
“HELLO THE ABSOLUTE LOVE OF MY LIFE! it is now day 2763 without seeing your face and i am just withering away!! okay so maybe not that many days, but i am indeed withering away. if i don’t get to see you soon i may DIE! And no, im not being “dramatic”. I’m being serious.
i miss your face, i miss your laughter, i miss your hugs and kisses, i miss the smell of your perfume… I miss the way you keep me company when i cook….
ANYWAY MY LOVE, I hope you are safe and well. Please call me as soon as you have the chance. I love you with all my heart.”
— law —
“uhh hi- hello- hey… i know it’s the middle of the night but ive come to the annoying realization that its even harder than normal for me to sleep without you around. so i just thought… maybe hearing your voice or something would help… I don’t know.
i’m actually happy you didn’t pick up though- no! wait! I didn’t mean it like that- i just… ugh. okay im barely functioning right now… but you got what i meant im sure… i just really miss you. I know we’re seeing each other again soon but ya know? (lets out a deep sigh).
i-uh i love you, yn. call me when you wake up.”
— shanks —
“i was really hoping you’d pick up baby, ive got so much to update you on!
i literally saw the funniest thing ever today and im not even exaggerating. we were out strolling through this new town and these kids ran passed me playing in the street but then i shit you not this bird just started swooping at them out of no where and they were screaming and crying and i know i should feel bad for him and im a bit of an asshole for laughing and shit but oh my god baby i was nearly pissing my pants with laughter.
(calms down) anyway… was hoping i’d get to hear your voice… (laughs awkwardly) this whole long distance shit never gets any easier does it? i hope everything is okay back home. I’ll try phoning you again later.
love ya baby, and miss you like crazy.”
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its-your-mind · 1 month
Jon Chester trying to communicate and/or comfort with statements is the cutest and funniest and most in-character shit.
Sam just joined a possibly-evil organization and seems way too interested in gaining knowledge from the stories? Has a history with the Magnus Institute? Well fuck I can’t let him end up back there.
Canaries should stay above ground.
Colin keeps looking too hard into what he shouldn’t, but he doesn’t know enough to stay safe. I have to warm him.
Voyeur needs to be seen to be believed. Scariest movie I have ever seen.
(Brief interlude when Jon finds out that Gerry is alive and has a permanent address which is a big enough ??? and feeling of relief and hope to risk a single email with an address so Sam can go see for him if it really is Gerry, if he’s really alive and if he’s okay (and then he is he’s happy and safe and he paints and goes to art shows and he calls Gertrude GeeGee). Bit of a shame about the name in the email address, though. Who knows, maybe that woman will stop calling him fucking Chester…)
Anyway, Sam won’t let the whole “Magnus Institute” thing go, and now Celia is here? Working here? Recognizing his voice? (Martin had to remind him who Celia was — Jon feels that his lack of remembrance is justified, in this case. Those tunnels blocked off his connection to the Eye! Remember what happened with the camera at Salesa’s? He forgot everything that happened there! Frankly, he’s impressed he even managed to remember meeting Melanie and Georgie down there, let alone the names of their awful annoying cult members. (Jon, be nice. It was the apocalypse). Well, I didn’t see you cozying up with that poet, whatever his name was— (*with sudden disgust* Arun.) *trying to keep a straight face* ah. yes, him.) What is Jon supposed to do about this? Well. Fine. If Sam intends to poke around, Jon can at least make the dangers present there clear.
Statement and Research assessment for artefact CD137. Magnus Institute. … [Transcription ends due to interruption. Statement giver declared dead by paramedics at scene.]
So. They went to the Institute. He knows about all of it, there was a tape recorder there. They were… in the Archives. In the assistants’ area where Tim used to throw the caps of his glitter pens to see how many he could get caught in Sasha’s hair before she noticed. Looking at the decrepit remains of the filing shelves he had been so fucking stressed about organizing. In his office.
Worms tracks on the ground. All paperwork removed or destroyed. And when Sam steps wrong, the tunnels. Oh, Christ. The tunnels. He drops a key down into them as he falls. Alice catches him. They leave. Some…thing takes the key Sam dropped. Unlocks the trapdoor, the one Leitner and Gertrude used to get in and out of the Archives. Here in Manchester, maybe the only way out of the underground passages. The trapdoor opens. Something pulls itself out.
And now, Alice has been being stalked by drowned corpses. Okay, sure. Yeah, shit uhhh… okay here’s one. Here, look, same kinda thing happened here. That tattoo artist shows up again too! Gotta keep track of reoccurrences. Learn as much as you can — the tip-off about the fire extinguishers saved Jon, Tim, and Martin in the archives. (And Sasha, before that… thing lured her into Artifact Storage.)
It belongs to the deep. I’m going to go get it and I’m going to find it and if they try and stop me I swear the ocean will claim us all. I can taste the salt and spray. It’s waiting in the water.
And now back to Sam. Back to warnings. It’s not just artifacts. The Institute deals with dangerous people, too.
This room, it’s a mess. Printouts, delivery notes, a bunch of rejection letters from some institute he pinned to the wall with a kitchen knife. And it's hot in here, dad. Too hot. Oh god. I can feel it. My throat is swelling. And it itches. I can still hear all the snakes brushing up against the door and... in the walls, I think. Christ, they’re in the walls...
Alice got attacked. He was there, he managed to get a tape on the scene, he heard it all. It was one of the drowned things.
Ink5oul knows something about them. What the hell, right? Michael gave Sasha the tip about the fire extinguishers. Let’s mine another colorful creep for information. Ink5oul dug one of these things up for some reason. Hold on, hold on, he just saw something about them, something about getting some kid to follow them to a graveyard…
We head on through the graves and then they point to one of ‘em and just give me a look. I was no cap shook and then they just said “dig”. I laughed, ‘cause, like, the ‘hell? But they were serious.
And at the same time, Celia keeps waking up on the ground, closer and closer to Oxford each time, like there’s something gently tugging her back towards the world she left. She doesn’t know how to stop it. Jon knows how that feels, the feeling like your own body is just a puppet tangled in invisible strings, at risk of starting a dance you don’t know, to music you can’t hear, at any moment, without any warning.
There isn’t anything that he can really do to help her. But he found it comforting to hear what happened to Gertrude.
I’ve lived Darien’s life for four years now. It wasn’t as hard as you’d think, turns out your world and mine are pretty similar.
CELIA (to computer): Thanks, I guess. Not exactly the same is it?
No. No, it’s not. He knows that there isn’t really any comfort to be found in knowledge when all you learn only points you more and more towards the conclusion that you are alone, and helpless, and powerless against the forces that are dead-set on fucking up your life.
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peter with a reader who always forgets things??!?!
like she forgets where she put her sword and to drink water and he has to constantly chase after her and remind her??
that's so cute
ty babe <3
peter pevensie with a gf who forgets things.
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♬ fandom: chronicles of narnia
♯ genre: fluff
♪ mars thoughts: AJAJAJAJJA I LOVE HIM SM <33 this is perfect because he’s the loml and i suck at remembering stuff 😭 also i put it as hcs cause that’s how i first imagined it in my head!! dividers by @/benkeibear
♮nav - masterlist
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hes so <3
like you’re just walking around minding your own business and then you’re like “hey. wait where’s my water???”
and then your pretty bf is beside you holding it like “you forgot it AGAIN”
and then he lovingly makes fun of you for forgetting you put your water bottle in his hands before walking away and not saying anything
other than the fact he’s constantly chasing you to remind you where you put something (and this can be fairly annoying to him) he finds it cute <3
he’d try to find a way to help you remember when you put them but you forgot how to remember it 😭
you tried dw
he also. kinda hoped you didn’t because he liked being the person you came to when you needed help finding stuff
he seems like one of those people who gets rlly happy knowing he helped another person
so it’s like a huge ego/energy boost for him
BUT if he’s leaving for somewhere and won’t be back for awhile he starts writing down where you put things and gives you the paper so you can look and add to it <3
would def say “don’t forget you have the paper” to be a lovingly boyfriend bitch
ALSO ALSO if you forgot your sword it’d be the funniest thing ever to him
cause like you’re this rlly strong and talented and very pretty sword wielding girlboss
and nobody knows that seconds before you wielded the sword you couldn’t even remember where you put it
and if you forget things like drinking water or even eating cause your busy
he’s a little upset cause like. you’ll die?? if you don’t?? but he doesn’t ever like chastise you cause he knows you’re busy
so he just reminds you or brings you water and food and is kinda just like “eat”
also. he didn’t cook that food. man can’t cook for shit
but if you forget it because you’re just forgetful and not busy hed def scold you a little
it’s not that like. effective 😭 cause he’s just standing there like “you can’t not eat y/n!! >:(”
AND if it takes place in the normal world instead of narnia and y’all go to the same school i have some thoughts
you’ll be like sitting in the cafeteria kinda upset cause you forgot your lunch
and he comes up and sits with you and has like a whole extra lunch prepared
hes so <3
and if you forget to do your homework or some shit like that right before the teacher comes to collect it he slides his hw onto your desk and tells you to write your name and gets in trouble for you
and then susan gets mad at him and everytime she knows you have homework she makes you come over and helps you with it <3
and he also helps!! i feel like he’s english/history smart and susan is geography/math smart so they like choose certain subjects to help with
it gets to the point where they have a whole detailed schedule
edmund is horrified with it because it hangs on the wall and is extremely visible
hes known for trying to destroy it with lucy’s help but that’s not important
he’s overbearing. and he knows it.
at first he tries to like not immediately think you’re leaving after forgetting something
he asks what you forgot and when you run back inside to get it he probably starts laughing
i’ve officially run out of ideas for this <3 but tysm for requesting it
it made my brain itch /pos
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sturniolowhore · 6 months
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summary ⎯ venus has had her eyes on her brother's best friend chris for as long as she can remember but she is far too scared that's all she is to him, his best friend's little sister. what happens when she realises he sees her in a different light and how will she and chris keep it hidden from her brother who has always told his friends never to meddle about with his sister?
part two! ♯ part three! ♯ part four! ♯ part five!
♯ part six!
warnings ⎯ suggestive and sexual, eventual smut, chris x fem!oc, fluff, cursing, kind of angst (?), not proofread
A/N ⎯ finally working on something with parts to it so i'm excited!! as a reminder, leo and venus do not exist irl, i just chose any random names for the sake of the story.
i hope you enjoy <3
❛ ━━・❪ ִ ࣪𖤐 ❫ ・━━ ❜
"vee! i think that's chris, can you let him in and tell him i'll be down in five minutes?" venus' brother leo asks her from upstairs, most likely doing something last minute as he always is.
she yells a quick response before heading towards the door, a nervous feeling bubbling up inside of her that always forms when she so much as thinks about chris. honestly speaking, she's liked him for years and everytime he comes over to hang out with her brother, she has to try and act as though she doesn't feel anything towards him. it's hard to do so when he's just so fucking hot and everything about him sends her into a spiral from his voice to his personality and everything in between.
she puts her thoughts aside quickly and opens the door after a brief nervous exhale and comes face to face with what she can only describe as the most gorgeous being she has ever seen, literally. he grins at her with that beautiful smile and she tries her utmost hardest not to fold right then and there at the sight.
"alright saturn?" he asks her, ruffling her hair in greeting as he steps into the house, shutting the door behind him and sliding his shoes off in the meantime.
chris and leo have been friends since they were very young and with that came a friendship between chris and venus. venus likes to think they're close given how long they've known each other but she knows her friendship with him will never surpass the one with him and her brother. he's basically acted like she's leo's little sister for their entire lives so she always doubts things but at the same time, it's reassuring to know chris will never hurt her because of leo.
she isn't actually sure when the nickname saturn appeared but as much as she pretends it annoys her, she's grown rather fond of it. maybe it's the way chris thinks it's the funniest thing in the world that expands her love for it but who's really paying any mind to that?
she smiles softly at him and nods her head before she can stare at him for too long and dwell on the feeling of his hand on her head, "i'm good, how are you?"
"i'm good, better now that i'm not arguing with nick and matt about pointless shit," his tone is slightly angry as he speaks about them and she mentally scolds herself for finding it attractive.
"lee's said he's going to be like five minutes, you can just wait in the living room," she tells him before making her way to the stairs in the hallway to get away without embarrassing herself somehow but before she can get too far, his hand catches her wrist and she turns to face him with somewhat wide eyes.
"don't leave me all bored, come sit with me," he says it as though he hasn't just made her heart race at a million beats per minute so she has no choice but to act nonchalant, offering him a small smile and following him to the living room in a silence that should be comforting but just makes her think about being in close proximity with him and alone at that.
she follows him to the couch and it's slightly amusing because well this is meant to be her house but it seems he's taking control entirely, not that she minds anyway. she'd pretty much do anything for chris, even if he himself is not aware of that fact. she does however sit first, leaving him to decide the distance between the two of them but it seems he isn't one for a lot of space and sits right beside her, his thigh lightly pressing into hers.
she tries not to think about it too much but she can't help it, there's something about chris that just sprouts these sexual thoughts in her head instantly and the fact that her thighs are barely covered with her shorts is just fuelling everything that much more. his hands are placed in his lap and she has to fight the urge to replace them with her own. just his best friend's little sister, she reminds herself mentally and tries not to sigh at the thought.
he turns to her with a curious look on his face and her eyes flicker to the slightest stubble decorating his chin, "lee told me you won the volleyball tournament, that's so fucking sick. i'm so proud of you."
chris sturniolo is proud of her. god he needs to get away immediately so she can scream her happiness into a pillow. but of course, he's right here so she remains calm, still beaming at him but not scaring him off in the process. she gives him a large grin that he returns so fucking beautifully.
"thank you," is all she can manage to get out, too occupied by the way his body is extremely close to hers.
he evidently isn't done with the conversation though because he starts to speak again easily, "so what's next? are you going to become a famous player so i can come to your games and cheer you on from the crowds?"
her heart flutters at the thought of chris coming to watch her play, coming to a game just for her but she quickly stops before she gets too far ahead. he isn't saying anything in the way she wants, he's just being his pure and friendly self.
"oh yeah, nevermind that, i'll give you special vip passes and you can watch from a private area and greet me after every match with signature goldfish," she jokes, remembering their common love for goldfish.
"goldfish? after you won a match? lame! i'll give you a little kiss instead," he beams at her and she rolls her eyes at him as a response.
there's also that. chris jokingly flirts with venus at every opportunity he gets and if she wasn't so used to seeing him flirt with other people, she might even think it was real but no such luck. all she can do when he acts in such a manner is shut him down instantly and act like her heart doesn't beat to the sound of his voice.
"c'mon saturn, you know you want it," he teases and all she can think is i really fucking do.
but of course she can't tell him that so she lies straight though her teeth, "as if i want that stinking mouth anywhere near me."
he laughs at her words before he settles on his own, "i'll get you to crack one day just wait for it. i'll make the fuck out with-" and then he stops mid sentence because leo walks in and honestly, venus thanks him internally because there's no way chris could have finished that sentence without her melting onto the couch in heat.
"chris sorry man, i was feeding lilo," he apologises, referring to the cat, and chris casts it aside instantly, standing up to pull leo into a short hug like usual.
"you could have just told me to do it," venus points out with a shrug but she's also not fussed that he didn't seeing as she spent even a little amount of time with chris.
"isn't lilo venus' cat anyway?" chris raises his brow because that's literally what he's been told ever since they got her.
"she is but lee steals her all the time. i keep telling him to get his own cat and then he can even name it stitch," she rambles excitedly before she gives chris a sheepish smile, knowing she probably seems too passionate about such a small thing.
instead of making fun of her though, chris instead praises her for the idea, "i fucking love lilo and stitch. lee you have to get a cat now and name it stitch."
lee shakes his head at the two of them before slumping onto the couch on the other side of chris, "maybe one day."
"we're gonna watch a movie vee, you staying?" lee questions and that sounds very appealing right now, especially because that means she gets to sit next to chris the entire time.
"yeah i'd love to," naturally, she finds herself agreeing and that's that.
they search netflix for a while before they settle on a random movie that venus has never heard of. if she's being entirely truthful, she wasn't even listening when chris and leo were deciding, she was too preoccupied with staring at chris' flawless side profile.
a while into the movie, she feels her eyes growing heavy and she knows she should probably get up and go to her room to sleep but chris threw his arm over her shoulder a bit ago and the feelings of his body against hers is really fucking comfortable. she attempts to keep her focus on the movie and the characters speaking and the scenes playing out and⎯
she falls alseep, not realising and with her head resting on chris' chest. she of course doesn't know how anyone reacts seeing as she's fallen asleep but when she wakes up after some time, she finds herself in the same position with the tv turned off and chris and leo talking away. chris never moved. his arm is still around her and her head is still glued to his body. her insides feel warm in unexplainable ways but she knows she needs to leave him and lee alone so they can spend some time together without her.
she pretends she's just woken up after a few minutes. okay so her plan was to get up straight away but chris just felt so warm, she couldn't help it.
said boy turns to face her as she stirs and stretches her arms, a small smile planted on her face. he smiles so softly at her, "morning saturn."
she scowls at him but she's enjoying every moment on the down low, "you're so funny chris."
"that's no way to talk to someone who let you use them as a personal pillow for two hours, is it lee?" he turns to leo and of fucking course, leo instantly backs chris up with a teasing grin of his own.
he shakes his head, "really disrespectful chris, some people need to learn manners."
"fuck you guys, i'm going upstairs," she stands up whilst chris and lee laugh with one another as though they've made the funniest jokes in the universe.
"bye saturn."
"bye vee," the two of them say at the same time and so she mumbles a small goodbye in response, following through with her words and heading to her bedroom with a foolish grin that can't be stopped on her face.
for the rest of the day and days after that, she obsesses with the little moments she shared with chris in the way she always does. it may be a little unhealthy how much she thinks about him but who can blame her? he's just so perfect.
❛ ━━・❪ ִ ࣪𖤐 ❫ ・━━ ❜
tags: @mattslolita
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brnesblogposts · 4 months
Loving you is the best thing i’ve ever done.
pairing: matty healy x reader
warnings: angst, fluff, mental health ?
reblogs appreciated if you liked it :)
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Staring at the ceiling, a million thoughts going through your head at once. Trying so hard to keep the tears from falling but the overthinking caught up to you as quiet sobs escaped your lips, trying to keep quiet as to not wake up the peaceful looking man beside you.
Your brain had yet again convinced you that you didn’t deserve love, that everyone was pretending to like you but in reality was repulsed by you. This kind of spiral hadn’t happened in awhile but it creeped up on you tonight and all you could do was ride it through and hope you felt better in the morning.
He started to stir beside you while you held your breath hoping you hadn’t woke him, being a burden to him as he was finally getting a good nights sleep is not what you wanted to do. You squeezed your eyes shut trying to stop the tears when you felt a hand push hair out of your face.
“Baby?” his soft voice broke the silence, “what’s wrong, darling?” he asked while looking at you with concern.
“I’m sorry, i’m so sorry” you repeated as you held your palms over your face. You climbed out of bed and went to leave the bedroom before his voice stopped you,
“where are you going?” there was a sadness to it, but that was probably because you’d woken him up, he’s better off without you anyway.
“I’ll just sleep on the sofa, go back to sleep I won’t bother you anymore” and before you could leave the room he leaped out of bed and grabbed your arm, turning you around where you could see his eyes sparkling in the dim lighting.
“Talk to me, did I do something?” he asked and you felt horrible for making him think he was the cause of your outburst.
“No, no it’s my fault, i’m sorry I disturbed you, i’m sorry for everything” you rambled on.. “what do you mean?” he asked while his thumbs stroked your cheeks, wiping away the tears.
“I’m sorry for being a burden, I know i’m annoying and weird and you put up with me out of pity, you deserve someone better, someone not.. broken” your tears falling harder now.
“I’m sorry for the shit you’ve had to put up with, Matty. I’m fucked in the head” you wanted the ground to swallow you whole, you felt vulnerable and like a freak.
“Listen to me, hey” he tilted your head up to look him in the eyes, “You. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me, you are never and could never be a burden. you know more than anyone how much I hate sincerity but I can do it with you, because you are my person. I love you. Don’t let your brain convince you otherwise”
He pulled you into his chest and let you ball, at some point moving you both to sit on the bed. Matty was stroking your hair and shushing you in a reassuring manner, telling you it was gonna be okay, eventually the sound of your sobs died down and you pushed away from Matty’s chest to wipe a hand over your eyes and push your now damp hair behind your ears.
“Baby, I need you to know that whenever you’re having these thoughts you can talk to me, I never want you to feel like you’re going through it alone because you’re not.” He put his hands on your upper arms and reassured you, “We’re all a little bit fucked up in the head, it’s apart of the human experience, there’s gonna be bad days but the good ones outweigh them, you’re the funniest, most loving, accepting and caring person i know, not to mention smoking hot” at that you let out a little laugh.
“You’re stuck with me, I love you and all your quirks and even that silly little beautiful brain of yours” he kissed the top of your head and pulled you into his side,
“I’m trying so hard to believe you but my brain won’t let me” you replied.
“Well know I mean it, even if you don’t believe me, it’s true.” He motioned for you to move back over to your side and you did, he got back under the covers and held out his arm as you shuffled into his side.
“Try get some sleep, okay? I’m right here if you need me” another kiss to the crown of your head as he started mindlessly brushing his fingers through your hair.
“I love you” you mumbled as sleep started to take over,
“I know” is all you heard before you passed out listening to the comforting sound of his heartbeat.
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grigori77 · 1 year
Reasons to LOVE Dungeons & Dragons: Honour Among Thieves
It's brand new in cinemas, so there are still plenty who ain't seen it, so if you're among 'em best skip this and just GO SEE IT, it's SO well worth it, genuinely it's one of the best new movies I've seen so far this year. Hope you love it as much as I did!
So, yeah, there you go - SPOILER WARNING, FOLKS!!! If you don't wanna get spoiled, RUN!!!
Still here? Okay, here we go then ...
This really is, UNAPOLOGETICALLY, a comedy. I mean yeah, this is a classic fantasy action adventure in the Willow, Krull or Ladyhawke mold, but it is also very enthusiastically POKING FUN at the classic conventions of the genre ... albeit CLEARLY done with great affection and love for the material, as only the best lampoons can be. So this is more The Princess Bride or Galaxy Quest than Your Highness or Spaceballs ...
Chris Pine is ALWAYS at his best when he's being FUNNY, so he is PERFECT here. Edgin is most definitely a bit of a douchebag, but he's the sweetest, most lovable douchebag you'll ever encounter.
Holga. Literally just EVERYTHING about Holga. She's my favourite character in this, this REALLY IS the best role that Michelle Rodriguez has EVER HAD, if you ask me. She's a total badass, a truly AMAZING FIGHTER, but I love that despite her dour demeanour she's actually quite sweet, gentle and really a great innocent in many ways. She's an absolute cinammon roll and must be protected at all costs.
OH MY GODS!!! All the easter eggs, SO MANY easter eggs ... FAR too many to count throughout, all the references and nods and winks to the game itself, all the spells and races and creatures and stuff ... but I love how the movie NEVER beats you over the head pointing any of it out, it just lets you enjoy it. So the proper fans will get a huge kick out of spotting it all, but casual viewers will just enjoy it as rich worldbuilding colour and flavour.
Seriously though, it's a D&D fan's DREAM!!! Not just the mimic, or the owlbear, or the gelatinous cube! SO MUCH to spot ...
Justice Smith's Simon gets THE CLEVEREST and best introduction in the film, I love the theatre scene, he's SO BAD at this while also simulataneously being really great. Totally sums up this gloriously clunky hot mess of a sorcerer ...
the opening is GENIUS, totally sets the movie up as it means to go on - the parole hearing is a brilliant comedic take on the scene-setting infodump which is brilliantly carried through in the way the movie delivers exposition in a fun way or just lets you absorb it through what's happening in each scene. This is the perfect, TEXTBOOK way to do it.
"That is one pudgy dragon!" LOL
Doric. Just EVERYTHING about Doric. Sophia Lillis' tiefling druid is a wonderful diminutive little action hero, so fiesty and capable. I love her. It's just a shame she's not primary coloured, I'd have loved it even more if she'd been blue, or red ...
The Wildshape Escape! XD Yeah, I love that, that's THE BEST set-piece in the whole movie, definitely, when Doric gets cught out spying and has to shapeshift on the fly to get away, and it all plays out in one immersive single shot that just leaves your heart in your mouth ...
Oh, the Speak With The Dead montage, that is comedy GOLD. Funniest scene in the whole movie. And with added payoff at the end! XD
Rege-Jean Page's Xenk Yendar. Oh boy, that paladin is something else. I love how LITERAL he is, he's like Drax in GOTG but much more intelligent. Y'know when Holga says: "You're not a lot of fun, are you?" to him? She's so wrong. I just wish there was more of him in this ...
The heist! Oh, the heist! So good ... the portal trick, it's great, love the way they did that, and then that HILARIOUS bard illusion distraction - Pine skipping the song like a broken record was just chef's kiss!
That wonderful wibbly-wobbly illusory reality thing whenever Simon tries to atune to the Helm ... wow, that is some spectacularly trippy shit. Granted, twice is fine for terms of pacing, but I could've done with a few more scenes of that, it's fascinating.
Hugh Grant really has just become a MASTER at playing smarmy, slimy duplicitous gits now, hasn't he? Forge is a reprehensible prick and I love it.
I love how they made Bradley Cooper a halfling for his cameo. They're never gonna let him live down the fact that he's now probably best known for playing a two-foot-tall talking racoon so forever after he will be a Short King.
Wow, Daisy Head's Sofina is a CRACKING villain, she's just SO CREEPY!!! I love how coolly menacing she is, a brilliant dark necromantic wizard that just makes your skin crawl. Especially at the end ... IS SHE a lich? Is that what they were doing there?
That whole big action climax, the showdown in the city centre is FIRE!!! It's so amazing, so brilliantly dynamic, with EVEN MORE great easter eggs! Simon and Sofina having an insanely awesome "arm wrestling" bout with Mage Hand versus Earthen Grasp (I think that's the spell, couldn't be sure), oh my gods! So cool ... and then the way they neutralised the threat! Brilliant.
Chloe Coleman's Kira is an absolutely adorable delight, and I think she's ENTIRELY JUSTIFIED in how pissed she is at Edgin for abandoning her. It makes the payoff when they finally make up so much better.
And that resurrection scene at the end? Yeah, sure, I saw that coming a mile off, but it was so well done, and they played it so well, that it was still SUCH a powerful scene even so. Just perfect.
Seriously, they just did this whole thing SO PERFECTLY. It's visually STUNNING, really it just looks AMAZING, and the action sequences are BRILLIANT but always feel entirely necessary for the story, which is how you want to do it. Best of all, though, is THE PACING!!! This is such a quick, breezy film, it just barrels along at a spectacular clip, so it never drags. Mark Kermode is right, even though this is two and a quarter hours long it doesn't FEEL LIKE IT, it feels like a super-trim 90-minute movie.
And it ties everything off nice and neat, too. Sure, there are definitely possibilities for the future, going forward if they make more, but if the movie DOES tank then it's fine, because this really does do a great job about feeling self-contained and telling its own complete story, so if we DON'T get more it won't be too big a disappointment ...
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ju1cyfru1t · 10 months
Yellow!! How are you? Hope you are doing good! Just wanna say your whipped Donnie?? Soft Donnie?? Headcanons?? :((( it was so cute :((( literally I’m like your pfp rn :((( absolutely adorable
Idk if you are accepting requests (if not you can ignore it!!) but could you do a similar one for either Raph or Mikey?? I adore the disaster twins, but Raph and Mikey get so little recognition, Headcanons or scenarios :( if you are not feeling it that’s totally ok!! Hope you have a good day! ♥️🧡💜💙
I’m so glad you liked it!!! Have some soft Raph hcs 🫶🏻❤️ hope this is alright???
Rise! Raphael x reader
fluff :D, gn reader, romantic
soft raph hcs :(
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- the first time you told him you loved him he just said “thank you” out of panic but tbh it was the funniest shit ever and his brothers never let him live it down.
- More than happy to help you with anything, he is doing it ALL for you.
- Opening and holding every door for you
- You can’t reach the top shelf? Don’t worry, Raph’s got it.
- You need help carrying your groceries in? You need help changing that lightbulb? You need someone to walk you home? Literally anything at all? He’ll be there in 5.
- You’re tired? Sure, he’ll carry you!
- He would pick up hot coals directly from a fire with his bare hands if you asked him to.
- He loves quality time and the little things! Like watching movies, playing games together, having lunch together, almost anything! All that matters to him is that he’s with you.
- He is so scared that he’ll accidentally hurt you yk cuz he’s big and spikey :( so, so gentle
- Treats you like you’re made of glass sometimes
- you make him very nervous, he’s scared he’ll say or do something wrong
- he lacks confidence sometimes, poor Raphie
- will explain all of the Lou Jitsu and Jupiter Jim lore to you as best he can + would insist that you watch all of the movies together (he just wants to spend time with you but he doesn’t know how to just say that)
- tries really hard to think of gifts that you would like
- protective and always looks out for you, not in a possessive way but in the way that he just wants to keep you safe yk? they got a lot of enemies
- “LEO! I told you not to make a mess!” “It was me, sorry-“ “don’t worry about it, let Raph take care of everything.”
- He wants to take care of you. It’s just how he’s used to showing his love.
- esp from his dumbass brothers (Mostly Leo. Donnie and Mikey USUALLY let you live in peace)
- -> “I thought I told you to leave Y/N alone!” “Whaaat? I was just saying hi!”
- Softens and completely drops his usual intimidating, angry demeanor whenever he sees you and the quick switch is painfully obvious. He just thinks you’re so cute. but don’t worry his brothers won’t forget to point out how obvious he is (LEO)
- idk why but I feel like he would have some kind of stuffed animal that you guys act like it’s your child and you take turns taking care of it 😭 yk what I’m talking abt?
- one time he accidentally called you babe in front of Leo, Mikey, Donnie, and April but denies it ever happened
- would never let anyone say anything bad about you
- really appreciates your private moments when you two are alone, he feels much more comfortable this way
- Hesitant, but he will be vulnerable with you because he knows he can be without judgement.
- Please give Raph any kind of reassurance and he is misty-eyed. Tell him he has nothing to worry about, that he is a great leader and boyfriend and you’re proud of him, too many things to list. TELL HIM HE’S PRETTY.
- He LOVES to hold you to his chest, it makes him feel like he’s keeping you safe that way.
- Stares at you all the time, and is embarrassed if you catch him. “sorry-“
- if he were to call you a pet name, most likely to call you ‘baby’ or ‘babe’, maybe even a ‘babydoll’ if he’s feeling bold
- very very sweet overall :(
ty for reading <333 rlly appreciate all the notes on everything
still working on + accepting requests !
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anton-luvr · 9 months
can you do anton x gender neutral reader where he picks you up from a blind date your friend set up for you and you got stood up and he comforts you and they kiss or whatever 😭 sorry if this it too much
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𖦹 bestfriend!anton x gn!reader | fluff & slight angst | friends to lovers au 𖦹 note; tysm for requesting!! hope u like it hehe ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ + join my 100 followers req event here!
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"It's okay, I'm here."
For the first time that night, relief surges through you.
When your friend set you up for your third blind date of the week, you had a feeling it wasn't going to turn out the way you hoped it would.
And sure enough, it didn't.
Thankfully, you had Anton to come to your rescue; he was at the restaurant your date stood you up at in ten minutes.
"I swear to God, that dude's a jackass for not even showing up." Anton huffs as he leads you to his car, opening the door for you. "Get in, I'll take you home."
Sniffling, you merely nod and get into his car.
The curly haired boy sighs as he gets into the driver's seat.
"You know, maybe you should stop going on these blind dates," he scolds lightly, putting his car into drive. "They're starting to take a toll on you."
You didn't want to agree, but he was right.
For the past few months, you had been going on blind date after blind date, just to meet weirdos or get rudely rejected, which left your self-esteem wounded.
But for some reason, today hurt even more than usual.
Maybe it was because of the endless months of loneliness stacking up against you, nights spent alone in your bed.
Maybe it was seeing all of your friends happy with their partners, a bittersweet pain piercing at your heart in wonders when it was going to be your turn.
Maybe it was the stupid delusion that things would work out this time with a complete stranger that your friend said was "nice".
"God, I hate this." you groan, right before bursting into tears.
Anton feels terrible to see you crying, and he quickly pulls over by the side of the road.
"Hey, hey," he says softly, rubbing your shoulders. "It's okay."
"It's not okay!" you sputter, tears falling down your cheeks freely now. "I try and try and try, but I never find someone! Am I that hard to love?"
A sob escapes from your throat and you bury your face in your hands.
Anger boils in Anton's chest, upset to see you hurt thanks to irrelevant strangers who didn't know your worth.
But he lets you cry it out, his hand never leaving your shoulder as he rubbed comforting circles.
"Feel better?" he asks gently, passing you a tissue when your sobs finally quiet down to sniffles.
You shake your head, eyes puffy.
"I feel like shit, Anton." you admit, leaning back against the headrest.
He sighs, softly wiping away a stray tear.
"Listen to me." he says firmly.
"You're one of the most hardworking, gorgeous, talented, funniest, and most caring person I've ever met. Don't let these stupid idiots define your worth. You'll find the right one for you eventually, I'm sure."
You smile sadly at his words, chuckling.
"Yeah, maybe after ten years." you murmur.
Anton scoffs, folding his arms.
"Go on a date with me then."
Your turn to face him so fast, you hear a small crack in your neck.
"M-Me? You?" you stammer, pointing at him and yourself.
Anton doesn't know where his sudden streak of confidence came from, but he nods and leans in closer.
"Give me a chance," he whispers against your lips, cupping your cheek. "I promise I'll treat you right."
It sounds like a line right out of a cringy rom-com, but the genuine sincerity and adoration shining in his eyes says otherwise.
Your heartbeat rings in your ears, thoughts flying through your mind at the speed of light.
Never in a million years would you expect to be face to face with your best friend, his lips just millimeters away from yours right after he asked you out.
Yet it all made sense.
He was always there for you, be it at your lowest or your highest. He knew you like the back of his hand, remembering your favorite coffee order and your favorite songs.
So without hesitation, you close the distance.
Now, you've always wondered what your first kiss would be like, building up all sorts of different scenarios in your head before you slept.
But kissing Anton right now was better than anything else you could imagine.
His lips were so soft against yours, his sweet cologne tickling your nose as he pulled you closer to him. The kiss deepens, and all the noise in your head silences.
It's still silent when he slowly pulls away, his lips swollen and slightly breathless.
"I promise." Anton repeats, sealing it with a soft kiss to your cheek.
It was such a romantic moment, until your stomach grumbling loudly interrupted it.
Your eyes widen, and the both of you burst out laughing. "I think my stomach likes your promise," you joke, slightly embarrassed.
Anton giggles at this, kissing you on the cheek again. "Let's get you some food then, hm?"
You nod as Anton puts the car into drive again.
As he speeds down the roads, he keeps one hand interlaced with yours while the other steers effortlessly.
"Do you want McDonald's? Or something like Waffle House?" he asks, eyes flickering between the GPS and the road.
"Anything is fine," you assure him, squeezing his hand. "I love free food."
Anton laughs, jokingly rolling his eyes at you.
"Anything for my favorite person in the world." he whispers, smiling at you.
"It's giving simp behavior." you tease, cheeks flushing red nevertheless.
He gasps dramatically, clutching his heart as if it was wounded.
"Okay, no more free food then," he declares, shrugging.
"Hey, I was just joking!" you protest.
He laughs again, slowing down the car as he starts parking.
"Alright, time to be a simp and get you your free food!" he announces cheerfully, turning off the engine.
You've barely taken your seatbelt off when he's already out of the car, running to open your door for you.
"I see that chivalry's not dead," you say, taking his stretched out hand as you step out of his car.
"Simp behavior, remember?" he boasts.
You laugh, holding on to his warm hand.
"My best simp."
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© anton-luvr, 2023.
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uc1wa · 10 months
hi girl!!!
i read your fics and i gotta say i LOVE your writing style its just 🤌✨🥹🥹
hope it’s not too much but since requests are open i was thinking reader in an established relationship with dick and being besties w jason and dick being a jealous lil shit🤭
OR maybe the other way around? idk i just love them batboys😩
don’t feel pressured to write this or anything!! just have fun and stick around. ill read anything you write anyway
lots of love ~ 🫧
HELLO?? THANK YOU SM this is so cute yes yes absolutely, thank you for the support you’re so cute :((
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tags: alcohol, kissing
if a sane person had looked at the way dick was holding his glass right now, they’d fear for their life. his knuckles turning white as they held onto the glass that had an ounce of whiskey in it.
his blue eyes were dramatically dark as he watched his brother tap your shoulder from the small dance floor at the bar you all occupied that night. handing you the fruity drink of your choice, which you took with a ‘thank you.’
you looked over to your long term boyfriend now, smiling widely, which he could only smile back to. his eyes upturning with crows feet in the corners.
"i could’ve given her that, y’know?" he says to jason as soon as he comes back to take the seat he was sitting in before. and jason chuckles, "it was sitting there."
"i obviously didn’t see it," he huffs. dick isn’t jealous of his brother, he would never be. have you seen the man you called your boyfriend? he was toned, tanned, and had the prettiest face you could’ve ever seen. he was jealous of your guys relationship—like a high schooler. because he’s supposed to be the only guy who goes out of his way for you, not his little brother too.
meanwhile you’re in your own little world, making friends with locals who must live on the street that your apartments on and dancing with them, sipping the drink that dick had ordered for you and jason had brought to you. only looking at you, dick can only smile to himself. you were his type as much as he was yours, and watching you move so freely despite the rough work week makes some small butterflies fly around his stomach.
jason had moved into yours and dick’s spare bedroom a few months ago, claiming to be a temporary move. and he wasn’t lying, he was actively looking, but he had already found comfort in the bedroom that was his for the time being.
and at first it was so nice to see you and jason get along. you meshed well with everyone, and were already on good terms with him, so it was just natural that everything had worked out. until dick started keeping too close of an eye on things that started pissing him off. things that everyone else in the world would argue is normal. he wasn’t used to you being so close with another person that wasn’t him.
dick rolls his eyes at jason in the bar, leaving his cup beside his taller brother and going towards you with a tight grin. "hey, pretty girl. come here often?" he teases as he slides an arm around your back, coming to your front and holding your hips. you laugh, one arm moving to hold dick’s neck.
and jason has realized dick has been getting jealous and thinks it is the funniest thing to happen, it’s the source of amusement in the group chats with his friends. he catches dick’s eye, which then proceeds to roll and look back down at you.
that makes your boyfriend’s grip tighten and your body’s get closer, leaning down to whisper to you. "you look really good tonight, making me want to take you back to our room," where jealousy plays, so does possession and you smirk, leaning in to press a short kiss to his lips.
"if you make me go home now, i’m gonna be pissed at you," now it’s dick’s turn to laugh, making sure that you and him are in jason’s view. "wouldn’t dream of it, baby," he presses another kiss to your lips, this one longer before pulling away and continuing to dance with you, body’s touching and smiles wide.
small words of banter and laughter are spilled between the two of you while you continue dancing. your body moving in rhythm with dick’s to the sound of the music playing in the local bar.
"we should’ve eaten before we left," you say, finishing your drink and setting it on a high top table beside you, going back to dick immediately. "i’m gonna ask jason to make his ramen when we get back, that sounds good as hell right now."
and dick’s eyes narrow in a way that says ‘really?’ without needing to move his lips. "or i can make you something," he says, his hand holding tight on your waist. "i can cook so much better than him," and you know that, but jason’s ramen is the perfect drunk food. "i eat your cooking every day baby, don’t you want jason’s greasy ramen? i know you do."
he does, but like hell he’s going to say that. instead, he’ll figure out the sauces jason puts in it so that he can be the one to make it for you now on, no more asking his little brother for anything. (until you and jason plan to get on dick’s nerves again, purposely).
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bedoballoons · 11 months
Hi!! May I request a version of someone bullying the reader, but with a reader who takes no shit, is very bold and feisty? And then, the reader themselves fights back the ones bullying them?
Hello!! Ooo feisty I love it!! I hope you enjoy and thank you so much for your request!!! <3
P.s: This is super long! Sorry >///<
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿─
A/n: Modern School AU!! Part 4! Warning for: bullying, being rough, curse words, and fights!! Requests/asks open!!
{༻~Standing up to a bully~༺}
(Includes: Albedo, Tighnari, Xiao, Kazuha, Heizou and Scaramouche!!)
You glared at the group of bullies surrounding you, your back against the the metal lockers, honestly who do these people think they are. "Leave me alone, I'm warning you!" You threaten, your heart already racing with slight fear but mostly courage, you weren't gonna let a group of jerks get the best of you. The group only snickered in response, gesturing to you as if to say look at this person, thinking they can actually do anything to us.
"Seriously, look dumbass, me and my friends are here to teach you a lesson, to make a lesson out of you, beat you up here for everyone to see. You and your freakish nerd of a boyfriend, whenever we find him." One of them said, spitting in your face with every word...making your face heat up red with anger, rage making your hands clench into fists. "Don't talk about him like that..." You said quietly, your words dripping with hatred as you used the locker as leverage, launching yourself off of it and kneeing the bully as hard as you could in the gut, watching in satisfaction as they hunched over in pain.
Suddenly you were enveloped by a familiar warmth, arms wrapping around you tightly as Albedo held you close to him. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" His eyes were wide with concern, but as you glanced at the bully, you couldn't help the smile that made its way onto your face. "I'm perfectly fine, if anything...they're the one who needs help." Their group of followers backed away, watching as their leader clutched their stomach in pain and you simply smirked at them.
You looked down at your homework, study books and papers as they scatter across the cement ground, your hard work fluttering around the cement. You bit your lip, anger bubbling inside of you as you turned around to the culprit, a smug bully, laughing with their friends and pointing at you like it was the funniest thing they had ever seen. You shook your head, trying to ignore them and pick up your stuff, but as you reached down one of them just had to say something, "Gosh next time don't be so clumsy, maybe your homework won't end up...ruined."
You glared daggers at them, fire burning in your eyes as you watched the one that had spoke pick up one of your papers and tear it right in half, letting the pieces get blown away with the wind while they laughed hysterically. "Bastards!" You shouted stepping closer to them, "Honestly, you think it's funny to pick on people, are you so low in IQ that you have to use peoples bad feelings to laugh! You're nothing but bottom of the barrel jerks!"
Their smiles fell as you shouted at them, some of them crossing their arms defensively while others cracked their knuckles...preparing for a fight. The one that had ripped your paper speaking first, "You would say something like that wouldn't you, dating one of the smartest guys in school clearly gave you to much confidence. We may be nothing but bottom of the barrel but you smartasses are hated by everyone alot more than we are! How about you go be with you boyfriend while he seduces his damn plants!"
Then just like that you snapped, your fist colliding with the bullies nose so hard they fell backwards, the rest of them stepping back in fear. Your hand stung with pain, but you'd never felt better and as you got pulled away by Tighnari to some unknown place so you wouldn't get in trouble, you felt a little proud. "You're lucky you didn't break your hand." Tighnari muttered while wrapping your bruised hand up with gauze and carefully making sure it was well taken care of, but then he paused, smiling slight as he kissed your forehead.
You shook your head, feeling done with the situation, as a well known group of trouble makers surrounded you, saying rude things and touching your bag, your clothes, pinching your skin while they laughed amongst themselves. You sighed in annoyance, your words filled with anger as you spoke, "Can you all just back off, I'm not in the mood for your childish antics, unlike you morons I actually want to make it to class on time."
They snickered, one of the smaller ones shoving you harshly, "Did you just call me a moron? Fuck you, how about just for that I show you who's actually a moron for opening their mouth when they shouldn't." You rolled your eyes, quickly recovering from being shoved and grabbing the one that had spoke by their collar, "Who's the moron again, because it certainly isn't me. In fact I'm pretty sure I was right the first time considering you're shaking in your boots like a baby about to cry."
The rest of the bullies scattered away, leaving you with the small one who looked like they were seconds away from pissing themselves. You let them go and they bolted away, making you chuckle, honestly why do they even bother. Then to add to it all a arm wrapped around your waist, Xiao smiling at you proudly before leaning in to give you what he would say was a victory kiss.
Kazuha held your hand, trying to calm you down as anger made even the tips of your ears red. A well known bullying standing smugly in front of you as the pieces of your favourite poem Kazuha had ever written fell from their hands, swirling across the floor with each step your schoolmates took. "Its alright my love, I can write you more poems, maybe even better ones." Kazuha tried, but that wasn't the point, this person had ruined something you cherished and you weren't just going to let them get away with it.
"You know, I wonder just how cruel someone has to be to take something someone else cherishes so much...and tear it to shreds in front of them. Do you ever look at yourself in the mirror? Do you see a monster? Because that's all you are and ever will be." You're voice was filled with spite and as you spoke you only got more furious. The bullies eyes narrowed, he took a step closer to you and Kazuha instantly moved to stand in front of you, only to be shoved harshly out of the way.
That was the final straw, the second the bully got close enough to you, you launched your foot up, kicking then right where it hurts. As they fell to the ground crying, you helped Kazuha up, checking to see if he was okay...when you noticed the blush on his face. "Are you alright?" You asked, he didn't seem to hear you though as he gently cupped your face and kissed you happily, god he fell more in love with you everyday.
You groaned quietly in disgust, wanting so desperately for the bully to leave you alone, they knew you were taken...hell most of the school knew and yet here they were, making you uncomfortable with their advances even though you had already made it clear you weren't interested. "Get it through your thick skull, I'm taken, have a boyfriend and even if I wasn't I wouldn't be interested in you!" You said...again, but the bully just shook their head, blowing a kiss in your direction as you cringed.
You rolled your eyes and attempted to walk away, done with them entirely...when they decided to stand in front of you, blocking your exit and making your hands ball up into fists, enough was enough. "Move, I already told you. Not. Interested." They smirked at you, not moving a inch, making the situation worse for themselves as you quickly dove around them, using the side of your body to harshly shove them out of the way as you pushed pass.
They bumped right into the wall with a loud satisfying thud and you hurried away, giggling as they curse under their breath. As you were walking down the hall freely you ran into your boyfriend himself, who was leaning against your locker, arms crossed and a small smirk on his face, "I heard what happened, sorry I wasn't there to help...but it sounds like you had it covered anyway." You blushed slightly, nodding as you walked up to him and he placed a gentle kiss on your cheek.
Scaramouche looked at you, a slight tinge of worry in his eyes as the bullies continued their attempts to annoy you...and you knew full well that worry wasn't because he thought you couldn't handle it, it was because if you didn't he would and it definitely wouldn't be pretty. You sighed angrily, wondering why you could never just have a moment of peace with your boyfriend. "Look just back off, I'm not in the mood for your stupid insults and if you don't quit it, I'll make sure you won't make anymore.." You sounded even more threatening then you meant to and from the way Scaramouche looked at you, you could tell he was impressed.
The group seemed to pause for a second, considering wether it was worth it or not to stay and clearly choosing the wrong answer as one of them spoke up, "What, you're just gonna make your boyfriend beat us up? What a pussy, at least do it yourself." You glanced at your boyfriends hands, he was seconds away from sending this bully to the hospital and getting yet another write up from the school.
"Asshole." You muttered and just like that the bully went to hit you, Scaramouche about to step in...but you were faster, punching the bully right in the nose as hard as you could. Your hand hurt like hell and blood dripped down the bullies shirt as they held their now broken nose, meanwhile Scaramouche was laughing hysterically. You grabbed his hand, running away from the crime scene and hoping you wouldn't get in trouble.
The second the two of you were alone Scaramouche pinned you to the wall, your hands above your head as he smiled, "God I love you so fucking much.."
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚Have a good day!!*⁠.⁠✧
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b4tasquad · 1 year
AHHH could you write abt meeting sharky’s siblings for the first time???
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Authors note: yet another sharky imagine… and tbh I’m loving to write them. But please send me requests for other beta squad members/ other people (pinned post) and I’ll happily write. Hope you liked this one<3
Warnings: none
“I actually think I’m going to throw up.”
Sat in Sharky’s car, you’re anxiously tapping your foot, a bad habit you’d been doing almost all your life. He had just parked in the driveway of his childhood home, and the nerves you had been feeling for the past few days slowly but surely started to appear again.
When your boyfriend of a couple of months suggested you meet his family, you were thrilled. Every girl loved a boy who took steps and showed initiative for the relationship to grow. Having not been the luckiest with guys earlier, you couldn’t feel better knowing Sharky was as genuine as they came.
Initially, you were supposed to meet the whole family over dinner, but when a family emergency came up you thought it was canceled. It wasn’t until a couple of hours ago, Sharky informed you that his little sister still wanted to meet you and would be able to.
Even if the rest of the family were gone, Sharky’s little sister Shakira was staying at home and insisted you still come over. The thing was that if it had been the original dinner plans, you would feel much more relieved. Not only would there be more people to keep the attention off of you, but you would have time to slowly build up your confidence by introducing yourself to everyone.
Now, with only Shakira there, you feared for the worst. What if she found it awkward? Or if she didn’t like you? Would she even approve?
Knowing how important the validation from his family was for Sharky, you tried your absolute best to look presentable. You were meeting a teenager, but still. They were opinionated, and some of those opinions they weren’t afraid to share.
Sharky laughs at your distressed look. “Babe, what’s the matter?” He asked genuinely, but you could still hear a tinge of humor in his voice. Typical him.
Your elbows are resting on your knees, face in your hands in the most dramatic position ever. How scared you were was starting to get ridiculous. “What if it all goes to shit?”
The YouTuber raises his brows at the mumble of words coming out of your mouth. He can faintly distinguish what you’re saying, but still questions either way. “What do you mean?”
Pulling away from your hands, you sideways glance at him. “What if she doesn’t like me, sharks.”
Usually, he would comment on the nickname you refused to stop calling him, but right now, even he could tell it wasn’t the right moment. He pulls your perfectly cured hair behind your ear, a show of affection as he leaves his hands tangled in your hair while caressing your cheek.
“There’s no reason for her not to like you,” he reassures. You had been sitting in the car for far too long, but Sharky didn’t care. “She knows how much you mean to me, and I’ve told her all about you. She loves you.”
“Swear you’re not just saying it to make me feel better?” You still want to make sure this isn’t some lie to bring a smile to your face.
Sharky quiets down, an awkward look on his face as he doesn’t speak. Reaching over, you hit him across the chest, a look of betrayal on your face.
“I’m joking.” He falls back into his seat in laughter, clutching his stomach like it was the funniest thing in the world. And to him it probably was. Annoying you must’ve been on the top 10 list of his favourite things to do on a daily. “I’m joking, I swear.”
Figuring facing his sister was better than watching him laugh at your misery, you unlock the door and get out. You can hear your boyfriend laugh even louder in the background before you close the door, silencing him for a second.
After the encouragement, you feel a newfound confidence, and even a little excitement to see a new side of Sharky and learn more about him. It wasn’t a secret that you were hopelessly in love with him. You made it clear to everyone with the way you looked at him. To meet his family, even if it was only his sister, meant much more to your than he knew.
Even in your faux annoyed state, you wait for your boyfriend, linking your hands together when he gets to you. With a smile on your face, you walk up to the front door. You’re about to ring the doorbell when Sharky playfully slaps your hand off the button.
“What are you doing?” He speaks, amused. Casually opening the door, he gestures for you to walk in and when you do he closes the door behind him. “Shakira!”
There’s no shame whatsoever present as he basically screams your ear off, calling for his sister. You look at him, casually throwing his shoes off and slap the back of his head. “What’s the matter with you? Why you trynna make me deaf?”
“Did you just hit me?” Sharky almost laughs in disbelief. You only nod.
“So what if I did?” You challenge. Your boyfriend chuckles with a straight face before nodding as if he’s accepting the “challenge” You think you're off the hook until he does something unexpected. Faster than you can even blink, he throws you over his shoulder. “Sharky!”
“It’s simple.” He tells you, holding you tightly, and you can only imagine the grin on his face. “Apologise or I’ll hold you here for the rest of the evening.”
“I’d rather die.”
Someone clearing their throat interrupts you guys, and you’re left to slowly look up as you make eyecontact with Sharky’s younger sister. Between bickering with him, and being thrown over his shoulder you had completely forgotten the fact that you weren’t in the comfort of your home.
You almost yank yourself from his grip, stumbling to stand in embarrassment. Almost sure you had blown it and made a bad first impression you can’t help but feel a little defeated. But still, you put your hand out to greet her, feeling like it was better if you did it rather than your boyfriend.
“I’m Y/n” you introduce, putting on your best smile. The teenager just looks at you weirdly, and now you’re really fucking scared. You’re about to retract your outstretched hand when she gently pushes it away, and instead leaps forward for a hug. You’re quick to hug her back, already feeling comforted by her genuine acts.
“We’re best friends already.” She tells you simply, completely ignoring her brother as she pulls away from you.
“Oh?” You say, a smile on your face. “We are?”
“Sharky’s told me all about you already.” You turn to him, eyebrows raised. And he’s stood there with an “ I know exactly what she’s talking about but I’m gonna act like i have no idea to save myself the embarrassment”
“I wouldn’t say all about you.” He throws his sister a glare.
“You sat me down to tell me about her whole skincare, I think I can confidently say I know a little too much.” The two of you follow Sharky as he tries to walk away from the situation. With a grin on your face, you throw your arm around his middle, stopping him from running away.
“ I thought you said my skin care was too boring.”
“ It is.”
Shakira laughs. “Doesn’t explain why you explained step for step how she did it.”
You laugh alongside her as the two of you watch the boy free himself from your arms and throw his body on the couch. “ I already hate you two together.”
With a confident smile passed between each other you speak for both you and Shakira. “We’ll make a great team.”
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sunwoowrites · 1 year
Just in the way ( P.2 )
| The highly requested part two is here. I hope you guys stay for more angst and comfort in the future. Love you loads. You guys can request through the ask-thingy about any angsty senarios you would like me to write. ♡ | - Bibi
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lee minho
Part 1
"You are so much more happy when shes not around min." Minho frowned. "How could you say that Ji. As much as she didn't recognize my feelings for her that doesn't mean that she doesn't make me happy. She is the funniest, the most talented and the kindest woman I know. Don't ever under-value our friendship." Jisung sighed. "You're right. I went over board. Sorry Jagi." Minho sighed before reaching out for his phone.
"what?" minho mumbled as he read the text message he recieved from you. He was just about to message his date that he wouldn't be able to make it when he got the notification from you. "what is it now?" Jisung questioned. "Y/n cancelled. Her sisters over. " Jisung hummed. "so the Gods heard your prayers. You must really like this date huh" Minho side-eyed Jisung. "Shut up." Minho grabbed his wallet and left for the date not batting another eye to the text.
He reached the movie theater and smiled when he saw his date waiting at the entrance. "Hii." She said. He smiled and held out his hand for her to hold. "Ready for that sit com?" He smiled. She nodded. Walking in they handed their tickets and went to buy popcorn. Minho stood in line when her heard a familiar laugh, he turned to his right and was surprised to see Y/n's sister and her husband standing in the line beside them, giggling over something.
"Oh noona?" Y/n/s turned and looked at him. "Oh minho! Hi!" He smiled in confusion. "We're getting popcorn dumbo, are you on a date!!??" he laughed, scratched the back of his neck and nodded. "okay well see you around!" they said leaving the till. Minho brushed off your lie, confused on why you had to lie to him about her coming over.
During the movie he felt a little distracted so he excused himself to the bathroom. He texted you.
Y/n, I just saw your sister at the movie theater. Why did you lie to me? Is something wrong.
read 07:55 pm
Because I heard that you were going to the movie theater Minho...and that's totally okay. You should have told me tho.
I don't mind really. I just think you should have told me. I'm still your best friend you know...
seen 08:04 pm
Minho contemplated leaving and going to y/n's apartment. He concluded that he couldn't just ditch his date. He went back into the cinema and sat down passing her a small smile. How did she know he had a date? Did Jisung call her and tell her off because she called him earlier? No way he did... did he? His mind was racing.
When the movie was finished his date asked if he wanted to come over. Using fatigue as an excuse Minho said goodbye and drove to your apartment. Would you be asleep? It was 9:30pm. He didn't think so. He rang the doorbell, knocked on the door and called out your name. You opened a little drowsily and frowned "The hell Minho." He huffed. "I'm sorry I didn't know you were asleep." he walked in.
"Why did you come here so late?" He noticed your red puffy eyes and his heart ached. He would beat Jisung's ass if he said something stupid and he hurt you. "How did you know I was at the cinema?" You sighed and sat on the couch. "You..." He frowned. "Me?" You sighed and wiped the sleep out of your eyes with your palms. "You didn't end the call you idiot..." His eyes widened. "Oh...gosh. Did you hear everything?" He grimaced. "No actually, I cut the call when jisung was about to go off about how I'm in the way of your happiness."
His faced flushed in embarressment. You knew about his feelings. He crouched down and hid his face in his hands. "Oh gosh." You frowned. "What is it." He whined. "I didn't mean to fall in love with you I swear." Your eye's widened. "You're in love with me?" He looked up and gasped. "Shit." You blushed. "and if you stayed on the call you would have heard how I bashed sungie for bad mouthing you because you always make me happy."
"Oh." you said and looked the other way. He stood up from where he was crouching and sat next to you. "Y/n." You looked at him. "I'm sorry for not realising that you had feelings for me." He sighed "Its okay, I always knew you were a dumbass." You rolled your eyes. "I'm serious you loser." He laughed. "Its okay. Its not your fault. You know that." You leaned back on the couch and sighed. "Maybe if you said something we'd be dating by now."
"What?" His eyes widened. You side-eyed him. "I like you too. I really really like you." He just stared at you. "Minho?" He blinked, and made an "o" expression. You chuckled. "Lee Minho?!" He held you hand and kept staring at you. "Marry Me." You pushed him and started laughing. "Yah!" He laughed. "WAE?!" You shook your head and looked away.
He turned your face to look at him. You gulped. "What?" He wiped your tear stained cheeks and then quickly pecked your lips. He immediately stood up and backed away. He pointed at you. "You're mine now okay?!" He stumbled backwards and headed out closing the door behind him. You laughed and went to text him.
He stood outside the door, hand on his chest. His phone chimed.
You're crazy.
Crazy for you.
Are you the same person that just ran out after kissing me?
seen 10:15 pm
Minho laughed and put his phone in his pocket before heading home. Although you were both oblivious of each others feelings , you both knew now. And he wouldn't have it any other way.
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queenofallimagines · 11 months
Hi! This is literally my first time requesting anything ( I couldn’t see if your requests were closed or not but if they are please ignore this), but I would like to request daisuga x first year (black) reader please? :)
Also, I love your blog! It’s so hard to find people who make hcs for black people so when I found you I was sooo excited :) love you, and have a great day!
This has so much flavor anon ily🥹
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- this is the funniest relationship ever congratulations
- Bc not only are you dating two third years daichi is constantly tired of you and suga’s shenanigans
- Suga can run w the best of em I fear so daichi is left in the dark when y’all start acting goofy 😭
- “No bc I’m not about to let her shenan😒”
- “???? What?”
- “Daichi keep up🙄🙄Bc if you let ‘em shenan once best believe they gon shenanigan!”
- He’s stressed!!
- Suga is just as chaotic as noya and hinata so he can be the mom friend but in more of a wine aunt “get they ass!!” Type way
- And he’s very “if you do it imma do it too” so god help whoever starts shit w you be he’s got your follow up💀
- Daichi making sure you do your homework
- Constantly pestering you to sleep and heat healthy too
- Likes bringing you to vollyball practice buuuut highkey lowkey you a distraction
- Noya and Tanaka asking you how you managed to pull them both and also you’re just really chill to hang with
- Hinata and kageyama have huge little sibling energy even tho your in the same year
- Putting tsukishima in his place Lmaoo
- Y’all gossip buddies sorry don’t make the rules he’s the devil on your shoulder encouraging you to be meaner
- “Drag them👀”
- Plus you’re besties w asahi by proxy so you get along w the whole team
- Sticking up for asahi to stress out daichi more>>>
- “Leave that little guy alone!!”
- “LITTLE HES LIKE 6”2????”
- Sleeping over at sugas house and cuddling is like the best past time activity
- he has a bonnet you left there that he keeps when you come over
- we will NOT let you put in on yourself he will put in in you like a crown lmao
- daichi gets jealous bc he insists on doing it every time you guys sleep together
- will oil and braid your hair up for bed
- I feel like daichi is really good at helping with your hair
-if you get either of them a durag as a joke they will wear them seriously and not take them off
- Along with working out!
- Daichi will definitely not let you ogle him and suga as they workout so you’re gunna be sweating too
- Which suga will definitely pull a “let me help you get in the right position” to feel you up
- He’s definitely shameless about how attracted he is to you like he’s NOT ashamed to show that he’s with two hot people
- Daichi is more reserved to where PDA is just holding hands, head pats and cheek kisses
- Really makes it look like you guys are just really good friends but will say your his partner without hesitation
- Suga is going around parading how hot his two partners are and how he’s the luckiest guy in the world
- Planning your wedding as we speak tbh
- Daichi was trying to bite his tongue when two classmates were making jokes about how he’s a third wheel and suga and you will ditch him and start dating
- Like at first he was like lmao you have no idea
- But they’re were really trying to make him insecure
- To which he goes
- “ACTUALLY both of my partners make sure to spare equal amounts of their time with me”
- Like he will subtly flex his relationship if people want to act up
- Suga will show up to your classroom to collect you for lunch lmao
- Everyone is all shook bc this super pretty third year shows up and he’s the volleyball teams setter?
- And he’s like “I’m here to get you so we can eat lunch together💕”
- Lmao he will embarrass you by being so sweet
- Asahi praying for you tbh bc you have to put up w both of them at once
- Also hope you don’t have any classes w tsuki bc he will “go as your boyfriends” YOU TO DEATH!!
- “Hey kei can I borrow a pencil?”
- “You can’t go ask your boyfriends if they have one??”
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