#i hope this answered the question
ricky-tiki-tah · 4 months
What that scrapped Anti takeover???
As far as I’m aware, Jack himself is no longer a character in the Altrverse, and nearly the entirety of Anti’s storyline before the IRIS project was centered around him having killed/put Jack in a coma that brought the other egos(minus JJ) together to save him.
With Jack himself gone from the storyline, most of Anti’s lore is no longer canon. The only videos that didn’t include Jack are the latest Marvin one, and the IRIS Project videos.
Jack being unwritten from the narrative impacts the other egos as well, though their stories were not focused on Jack. Parts of their stories, like when Chase was trying to wake Jack up, or when Henrik called Jack “a good friend”, are no longer canon.
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helladirections · 5 months
What do u think of the phrase “from the river to the sea Palestine will be free”? Apparently it’s antisemitic and I wanted ur opinion
Short answer: Yes, mostly.
Long answer: below the cut. I need to preface with a few things:
My statement on the war is the same as it has always been. Dying is bad, I am concerned about people living in imminent danger (including people I know and people I don't). Also, I have always been for a two state solution, human rights, self determination, etc. for everybody.
There's a narrative about how it's not necessarily the responsibility of a person to explain what is / isn't offensive to their culture / identity, which is valid. But most of my Jewish community is very into educating others, and I'd rather you come to me than not at all.
There's an old saying, "2 Jews, 3 opinions." So don't take what I have to say as the end all be all. Also, while I've spent a lot of time intentionally educating myself on this issue (especially beyond what they just teach us growing up), I have never claimed to be an expert.
Resources you might be interested in at the bottom.
Like most things in Judaism and surrounding modern day Israel, this answer can be a bit complicated when going into the full context. So please bear with me. And remember that one of our main texts (Talmud) is a tiny section of Torah surrounded by a giant page of two ancient rabbis literally arguing with each other. Please don't be mad that the answer isn't super easy.
First, a bit of history.
Claims to the land: Both Jews and Palestinians have ancestral claims to the piece of land that we call modern Israel. There's really not a way to argue around that, nor should anyone. In ancient times, Jews / Israelites / Hebrews were not the only people to be living there. Sometimes they lived in peace with others, sometimes they were at war. (As was typical for the time period). Up until about the time of the 1948 UN resolution, there wasn't really a concept of "Palestinians" as a specifically Arab people. Palestine was just one of the names used for the land, in addition to Israel, Zion, and others.
Theology: Jews have religious texts claiming that Israel is our homeland given by Gd. Much (but not all) of the religious context actually comes directly from the story of Passover, a holiday which is starting on Monday night. Jews were slaves in Egypt, Pharoah was bad, 10 plagues, parting of the Red Sea, 40 years in the desert, Israel. Etc. Do I think that this should actually matter in a modern day political / civil conflict? No. But I think it's worth mentioning for context because some people think it is relevant.
Religious Spaces: Jews, Christians, and Muslims all have highly important landmarks around what is now Israel.
Jews in the land: Although the Jews were as a whole kicked out of Israel in the post Temple period (after the second Temple was destroyed, leaving only the Western Wall that we have now), a portion of Jews remained in the area. Additionally, there has been a pretty through line of belief that Jews would some day be back in that land. (Also Passover: at the end of the service we say "next year in Jerusalem!") Zionism - the belief that there should be a modern state of Israel, has always existed in some form, although sometimes not using that name.
Modern Political Agreements: There were some phases of individual Jewish communities going into the land and building what is now Tel Aviv, parts of Jerusalem, etc. Then there was the British Mandate. I forget the timeline, but there were multiple international offers to give Jews a piece of land was smaller than what Israel is now, or didn't even include Jewish holy sites, and from my knowledge, most of the Jewish leaders at those times were ready to accept anything they were offered.
Then after the Holocaust, there were millions of displaced Jews with nowhere to go. One of the primary reasons why the UN established the modern state of Israel was to address that problem - No one wanted to let them in, they didn't want to go anywhere random, and a general sense that there had to be a place that Jews could go to a be safe if something like the Holocaust were to happen again. That UN resolution was in 1948. There has been on and off war in the region since well before 1948, but the day after that resolution, all hell broke loose.
Gaza & Hamas: A lot of progress has been made since 1948. Israel has peace treaties with many Arab countries, Egypt being a prime example. Most relevant to this question and this moment in time is that in 2005, Israel left Gaza. The Israeli government displaced tons of Jewish & non Jewish Israelis to give that land to Palestinians. After leaving, Gaza was left to govern itself. The government that was chosen was Hamas. Hamas is not really a government and does not look after its people, its goal is not to govern, but to destroy Israel. And not only to destroy Israel because it is the political entity, but because it is the Jewish state specifically.
Now, the actual phrase
Meaning of From The River to The Sea: This phrase directly references from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. It calls to completely eliminate the existence of the modern, democratic, Jewish state of Israel, and replace it with a modern, most likely undemocratic and led by Hamas, state of Palestine.
Also: This catchy chant was created and continues to be pushed by people who are antisemitic and want to destroy not only modern Israel, but see all Jews as inherently evil.
However: It's a catchy chant. People want peace, human rights, and self determination, just as I said above. If all the people around you are claiming to want those same things, and this is the catchy chant that has become part of the brand, it makes sense to join in on it.
Plus: From the the river to the sea, no one should be oppressed, deprived of human rights, or living in imminent danger. Dying is bad.
So what does that all mean?
One of the major reasons why modern Israel exists is for the protection of the Jewish people. One of the (many) major reasons why Palestinians do not have a modern state is because Hamas and other Palestinian leadership have refused to negotiate with Israel and have only ever called for its complete and total destruction. Hamas has always called for destruction through violent means not just because Israel is currently there, but because Israel is Jewish.
So my "final answer": The chant was created by, is in line with, and supports movements which not only seek to eliminate the modern state of Israel, but do so through violent and destructive means specifically because it is Jewish. Therefore, in my opinion and that of most of the Jewish community, From The River To The Sea Palestine Will Be Free is an antisemitic slogan.
Furthermore, regardless of if the slogan is defined formally as antisemitic or not, it often accompanies people and actions which make Jews, including myself, feel unsafe.
That being said, there have always been Jewish voices calling for the elimination of Israel. After all, 2 Jews, 3 Opinions. And, many, if not most, people who repeat that phrase don't know the full history and don't intend to be antisemitic - the Pro Palestinian movement has done a wonderful job at branding around human rights.
Some more of my opinions, just for the record if I still managed to have your attention.
Just because you disagree with a government or the way a country was formed, does not mean the country does not have a right to exist. I disagree with the American government almost all the time, and the founding of this country relied on abusing BIPOC. But America is here, and so we deal with it and try to make the best of it.
I hate Netanyahu. I always have. My grandpa, who used to like him, now hates him as much as I do. We talked last night about how he is making it so difficult to be Jewish around the world right now.
My definition of the word Zionism: The belief that modern Israel has a right to exist as a democratic Jewish state.
My perfect version of that land: People stop killing each other, everyone has the right to self governance, universal human rights, everyone has safe access to their own holy sites. I think the most likely way to get there is through some sort of two state solution. I do not know what the lines look like.
Israel policy and politics used to be a hobby for me, something I cared about and found interesting. It was also an entry point into my political career. Then it was my job. Now it's not fun and I do try to avoid it because I get too emotional and I can't really do anything about it anyway. I said Netanyahu is making it hard to be Jewish anywhere in the world, because diaspora Jews are constantly being blamed for the actions of an independent country. It gets hard.
I have generally avoided talking about October 7th, and the ongoing war. That is because there are images from that day that I cannot unsee. My intrusive thoughts are those images. It's not healthy for me to be plagued by that constantly.
You may have read me write about this before, but I know a lot of people in Israel right now. My best friend and her son - my nephew, live just west of Jerusalem in a small Orthodox community, which means it sometimes takes days for me to get responses from her after a big event, especially if it overlaps with Shabbat or another holiday. I check in with her just a couple of days ago though, and she said she's doing well and she feels safe.
Resources you might be interested in:
ADL on From The River to The Sea AJC on From The River to The Sea AP on From The River to The Sea
History.com overview of Israel history MyJewishLearning overview of Israel history US State Department on the creation of Israel in 1948 Brittanica on history & conflict in Israel
Anyway, I hope this answers your question, I'm sorry it was so long, and I'm aware that I'm about to get some hateful comments. If you are going to send me a hateful anon, just know that I'm going to block you, then check my blocked list, and know who you are. I'm not going to sacrifice my mental health and stability over people who don't understand the full context of what they are talking about and choose to just attack with hate.
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angeart · 8 months
for the ask thing: 26 and/or 31
26. a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
i'm actually struggling to understand this question. if it's about memories, then yeah, but it's those that i prefer not to think about (it do be like that huh?) - but the question says scenario, so i guess this is about something fictional/play-pretend/could-be? or is it about things that happened again and again? (pls help me understand what you want to know here i am confused by this one sorryy)
31. what type of music keeps you grounded?
this is an interesting question! and i am someone who knows absolutely nothing about putting music in boxes and sorting genres, but i'll do my best to answer!
there's different ways to tackle this, depending on what i need.
if we're talking using music to combat general unease/light anxiety/trying to stay focused? i either defer to my playlists that have a mixture of songs i like in varying tones and genres, orrrr... i go to my musical playlist. which is 50% random encounters, i'll be honest with you, bUT it also has things like markiplier's I don't wanna be free, Gideon's songs, PARANOiD DJ (Smile like you mean it), Frankie (Desert Sand), and Lizzie's and Scott's Deal with destiny, to list a few. Just fun, familiar things.
if we're talking about grounding. as in. not-doing-well grounding.
there are two ways to go about it. one is gentler, which is songs like Cavetown: Talk to me, or The Script: Flares.
then there is what i'd go for if i really need to drown things out. i tried to ask my friend to categorise it, and i guess it'd be indie/some kind of rock? i am not sure if that is helpful, so here are some examples:
Måneskin - Gasoline
Lø Spirit - Mind of Mine
SAINT PHNX - Death of me
Once Monsters - Trapped; Take my throne; House of pain
Seb Adams - Nightmares & Flare guns
Citizen Soldier - Monster made of memories
Three Days Grace - Riot
to make things easier (and also because i realised i do not have these kinds of songs compiled anywhere) i made a makeshift spotify playlist:
the questions are from this >>ask game<<
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pls rb if you think cuddling doesn't have to be s3xual
im tryna prove a point to my bf's mother help me out
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future-crab · 4 months
What if you were Pluto’s most devout nun and you found out the only two people you’ve ever had romantic feelings for were God’s dead girlfriend and God’s dead daughter. Like what are you even supposed to do with that information.
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cherryfennec · 2 months
Summer Times
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Hi! I'm finally back from my two week abroad trip!
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bobacupcake · 1 year
begging... pleading... for a bigger version of that pikachu gif (if possible), i am so utterly enchanted with it its unreal (i have that exact plush in my house!!!)
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hattiestgal · 10 months
If you don't mind my asking, how do you go about drawing fat? :3
So, for me personally, a lot of the time when I draw fat characters, I'm not looking to specifically capture the specifics of fat as much as the feel of fat. Bulkier, rounder shapes in the right places that has a feeling of weight to em! A lot of that is intuition and simplification at this point, but it all works on the same frame as just any ol' person. Like take this-
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For example. This is the basis for any body shape, not just the more average one that it may imply. Sure- it can be that average body shape:
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But also a fat one too!
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And a big part of that is knowing where fat usually tends to bunch up on the body, so lets take a look piece by piece! (Please keep in mind this is very simplified, and not completely precise in some parts)
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THE FACE: Cheeks (in purple) and especially the chin (in light blue) are the places where a lot of the fat is gonna wanna gather and round out on your face! Additionally, theres a small pocket of fat beneath the cranium on the backside of your head. It's small, but it is there. I believe fat can build up elsewhere like the bridge of your nose and forehead, but generally speaking, you're gonna have a whole lot more buildup in other places first.
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THE TORSO: A lot of the fat built up on the torso is gonna be sent to your tummy. More cushioning for vital organs, mostly out of the way, it just makes sense. Additionally, the lower backs fat builds up and joins with a patch of fat on your sides that forms what is typically referred to as the love handles to make that double belly look. Along with this, the immediate next target for the torso is the breasts, followed by the upper back!
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THE ARMS: For this limb, a VERY notable amount of the fat present builds up on the tricep and bicep areas, lessening once you get towards the flexor and extensor areas. You can almost think of the arm as a sort of triangular shape, wide side starting from the shoulder and tapering towards the hand, which itself mostly builds up fat around the back of the hand and the fingers. The shoulders themselves don't build up too much fat unless you got a lot
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THE LEGS: And finally, you can think of the legs having pretty similar curves to what you're probably already used to thinking. The front of the thighs getting a big buildup, along with the back of the calves, the other parts being flatter in turn. As far as the feet go- similarly to the hands, the top of the feet, along with the heels get most of the buildup, as fat on your soles would impede mobility. The glute, hip and crotch area will also especially build up fat, lending to the same triangular shape that you can see in the arm!
A big thing to note with fat is that it tends to taper off towards joints. Your knees, elbows, shoulders, hips, and all the other places are gonna have significantly less fat so that you remain mobile and flexible, as that's important!
Now that we have an idea of where fat builds up on the body, you might have something that looks kinda like this
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Which yes, does demonstrate a solid understanding of the places fat builds up, lacks the weight you're probably trying to convey, which brings us to out next point! Fat is well... heavy! Gravity is what gives fat much of it's shape, especially as you tread towards larger and larger bodies.
This is demonstrated really well on the arms especially-
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Those big ol' bits of fat'll really start to sag when left hanging, and they will squish like hell if they run into something. I like to think of these bits of fat as big ol' ovals that squash and stretch depending on if there's an obstacle in their way or not
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These are the important shapes to remember when it comes to the weightiness of fat! If you take all of this into mind, you should be getting something a lot closer to that shape you've been after!
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Oh, and always remember that fat bodies come in all variety of shapes and sizes! Play around with a whole lot, and seek out all the resources you can! it'll really lend to your knowledge when it comes to this kinda stuff!
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And as I always recommend when it comes to learning art- look at what your favorite artists do with fat bodies. See what you really like about the fat bodies they draw and try to replicate it in your own work, I promise you it's one of the most helpful things ever.
This is like the most basic of basics when it comes to drawing fat bodies though. If there's any additional thing about fat bodies, or maybe you want clarification on something, don't be afraid to ask! If there's enough to cover, I'll make an addition to this post!
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beartitled · 24 days
So if Billy's parents became monsters, what happened to Billy's old Henchmaniacs?
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The dudes found real jobs
Look at them go 🧑‍💼👷🧑‍⚕️
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setacin · 7 months
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"she's dead scar.... you won."
my cosplay of scar's secret life red life skin!
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linkvcr · 2 months
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HELLO HELLO! i decided to draw ur POTS hc for Link :-] hope u like it ^_^
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shkika · 2 months
AUGH I love VV1 so much!!! I’d love to see a wholesome bonding moment between the two of them, possibly they were questioning their identity and started to get worked up but then they coaxed themselves down
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Little reassurance before they make their way to hell.
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the-catboy-minyan · 5 months
Does this mean catboys can't loaf during Passover...
holy shit wait
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idk why I made this
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finehs · 28 days
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It's difficult for you to say aloud, I know, so I won't ask you to. Rather, I would ask you to consider a proposal. Stay on permanently. 
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hasello · 2 months
So, about Blue’s love life… 😳
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Questions about Usagi and Blue’s love life was the most frequent one I got but I kind of ignored it till I got another one not so long ago! Decided it’s finally time to answer. Also sorry this took so long, but I’m really busy + I decided to make it nice quality, since you had to wait so long anyway. Hope y’all like it! ❤️
bonus 2
what bouquet?
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
Hi! Sorry to bother, but could you please tell me why you refer to Little Apple as her? When I looked up the wiki page, they used the it pronoun, and novel translations into my native tongue all use male pronoun. Is it audio-drama exclusive or something? P.S. I really love your art and appreciate you sharing it here! <3
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Never ask a donkey her pronouns.
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