#i hope this maybe helps? i'm never sure if i actually answered the original question when i get long-winded like this
fen-luciel · 2 months
The witches' covenant
Part.1 part.2
Here's the smut story I promised. It was supposed to be short, but of course, I dragged it out. I'm not yet sure if it will be divided into two or three parts, as the original draft is becoming darker than initially intended.
I hope you enjoy it.
Smut/Manipulation/coven/dubious consent
Witch reader X Sith Qimir
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There are things you take for granted in life.
Breathing is a rhythmic movement of the body, automatic but fundamental. Maybe no one ever explained to you how or why, but you know it works that way. It's natural. Maybe you've never asked yourself because you take it for granted.
Growing up in a coven of witches led to asking a lot of questions to which you often didn't get an answer, at least not a sensible one. I still remember the first times I asked my mother about the thread, actually, I don't remember her answer, but I do remember being confused. I think she wanted me to find my own logic, and if needed, she would correct me. But I was ashamed, afraid of saying something stupid, and I felt embarrassed when the older members gave me that amused courteous smile after I had said something silly. I know they didn't mean to judge me, but the knot in my stomach that formed every single time was suffocating. So, I developed a bad habit.
I stopped asking. I would nod, at most I would ask to have the explanation repeated, but I never took the first step. "Do you understand?" I would nod. "Do you have any questions?" I would deny.
Yes, I had questions. I had a lot of them, many of which kept me up at night, like doubts about the thread, about our coven, about our planet, about what was outside the galaxy... but I didn't ask.
I tried to give myself answers. As the years went by, I realized that I wasn't the only one without answers. It was clear that many, like me, blindly followed my mother's will as the head of the coven.
Do you have a doubt? Talk to Aniseya.
Don't know what to do? Aniseya.
Are you suffering? Talk to Mother Aniseya.
Everyone sought answers from my mother, and I could understand why, she was... ethereal.
Always calm, with a warm smile, a gentle hand... she made you feel safe.
When I was younger, one of the things that terrified me the most was the fear that something bad would come to harm us one day. I was too young to give a real shape to the evil, it was more an unpleasant sensation that I imagined, and my mother could perceive it without me saying anything.
So, sometimes, in the evening, when everyone else was asleep, we would go out into the woods alone, with a small light to guide us, and we would reach the golden tree.
I loved that place even though it was another one of those things I couldn't explain since it seemed to be the only tree of its kind. I would rest my head on my mother's lap, and as she gently stroked my hair, she would tell me a lot of different stories, fairy tales, adventures, legends. She seemed to know an infinite number of them. I would have liked to ask her where she had heard them, but even in that case, I didn't ask. And so, every time, the next morning, I would wake up in my room, comfortably lying under the covers, the nightmares completely forgotten... at least for a while.
Growing up, many of those childhood fears disappeared, or I managed to answer them on my own thanks to years of study. However, other doubts occupied my mind.
For example, why were we so isolated from the rest of the world?
Why could we use the power of the thread?
Where did our traditions come from?
How ancient were they?
And how were other witches born?
I had seen pregnant women in the village, I had heard the cries of childbirth, the first cries of the babies, the birth of new life in the world was fascinating even though I had never seen the act in person, being too young or unable to help. But it was what happened before that confused me.
Every five years, a meeting was held, after which ten women would leave the walls of the fortress, and after a few months, they would return expecting.
I didn't know what happened, what they did. I believed there was some sort of ritual I wasn't yet admitted to. I imagined that one day it would happen to me too. As the daughter of the matriarch, I had more responsibilities than the others, I would take my mother's place one day. I imagined I was obliged to participate in any ritual presented to me in the coming years. As I was the future of the coven, one day I would have to create the new generation.
When I was about twelve years old, I realized something was off in my mother's stories and finally decided to ask her a question.
"What is a man?"
The embarrassment was still there, under my skin, but she smiled at me gently. Her answer was cryptic as always, but it made me feel better to hear it. "Everything in the galaxy has its opposite. Light and dark, peace and chaos, ice and fire. Woman and man. And between these opposites, many shades that draw closer until they merge. We are opposites and the same thing at the same time"
I nodded, but as usual, more because I felt stupid asking further.
"So... are men evil?" I tried one last time.
She shook her head.
"Do you think you are pure? Gender is only a physical limit, not a mental one. Don't combine the two, it would be a grave mistake" I was ashamed of that question, but I felt better. I felt like I understood.
Years passed, I began to mature, to train more vigorously, to study even more. I was increasingly involved in meetings, though some were still off-limits to me. And the more I became aware of the thread, the more... something called to me.
At first, it was like an unwanted gaze. I would wake up in the middle of the night believing there was someone with me, but upon waking, the room was intact. I even took extra precautions, but none of the alarms went off. I thought I was just stressed.
But the sensation worsened. I felt chills on my skin when I was in the waking world ready to fall asleep, a light touch that grazed my bare skin. At first, I thought it was the wind. Then, the fabric sliding over me at night. Maybe a chill or pajamas tickling me unintentionally, but that wasn't possible.
It seemed like a physical touch, hands, perhaps a feather, I don't know. But it warmed my skin. I would wake up in the middle of the night, uncomfortable, with a damp sensation between my legs that I had never experienced before. Sometimes, I mistook it for other types of discharge only to check and realize it wasn't what I imagined. I blushed, seeing how wet my underwear had become, leaving a sticky, damp spot in the center, the same liquid trickling between my legs or down the cheeks of my butt.
One evening, whether by luck or misfortune, as I headed to the laundry to leave my panties, I ran into Mother Koril.
"What are you doing awake at this hour? And wandering the corridors, Moreover." her tone always harsh and imperious.
It took an enormous amount of courage to explain to her what was happening, but despite my worst fears, she simply nodded. "It's normal for a girl your age. You shouldn't resist it" She ordered me to hurry and go back to bed, then disappeared down the corridor.
But I didn't understand. Resist it? Resist what? It was just another doubt I couldn't answer.
But now the seed of doubt had been planted. I wanted to understand what she was talking about, to see if I could fix this problem that kept recurring every night.
So, one evening I lay down in bed, making sure I was securely locked in, and against all logical reason, I decided to wear only a light tank top, leaving my lower half uncovered.
The only protection was the bedcovers, but I didn't think it would be a problem.
I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
To this day, I didn’t know exactly what happened that first night. I have scattered and confused memories. I was aware of my body lying on the mattress, but it was completely dark around me, and I couldn't tell if it was because I had my eyes closed or if it was so dark that I couldn't see a hand in front of my face.
All I knew is that the tingling sensation returned, that shiver that ran through my body from my forehead slowly downwards, my nipples hardening as if a gust of cold air made me shiver and even lower on my stomach, finally settling between my legs.
It was a light touch, a slow, long movement that grazed my center externally. I could feel the wetness beginning to seep from my core. Normally, that would have been the moment when I forced myself to wake up, but I repeated Mother Koril's words in my head "let yourself go"
And so I did.
Instinctively, I spread my legs wider, bending my knees, that touch lingering on the bud between my legs that I had never dared to touch in my life, starting to tease me inexorably in a slow, circular motion. I could hear myself panting, my hips moving erratically. It didn't matter if I was trying to escape or seek out that sensation, that touch didn't stop. I didn't understand what was happening, but I could concentrated my internal muscle in one of those natural movements like when I breathed, I did it automatically.
My body knew what I needed, even if I hadn't yet processed it mentally.
It was only a moment later when that caress moved further down where a pool of juices wet my behind that I became clear-headed again.
A pressure pushing into my wet center made me react suddenly, frightened. I woke up, sitting up in bed in one swift motion, as if walking from a nightmare. Moving the covers, I immediately saw the stain spreading and soaking through the sheets' fabric.
I was so ashamed of it that I decided not to tell anyone, tried to dab the stain hoping that it would not be visible the next day, had to dry between my legs with numerous tissues and hissed when I indirectly brushed my still sensitive clit.
I went to sleep with a sense of dissatisfaction that I did not understand.
For two days I pretended that nothing was happening, when I lay down and started to feel that tingling sensation I immediately opened my eyes again, unfortunately in this way the hours of sleep were broken and I rested with more difficulty being slow in everything I did.
On the third day, my mother realised my discomfort and after a particularly bad training session, she took me aside.
"Koril informed me of your conversation the other night" she began.
I could do nothing but tighten my lips in discomfort.
"There is nothing to be ashamed of. Your body is changing as you grow. This is the connection to the thread that shows you the way. You don't have to resist it"
I replied with only a nod of my head.
I didn't understand what she was talking about, what I was resisting but I didn't know who to ask more of, I didn't want to look stupid.
But I trusted my mother.
So that night I tried again.
One thing I realised was that that touch had become more insistent on those evenings that I had run away from it. As if it was chasing me before I woke up, I closed my eyes and could already feel it between my legs.
Again, one new evening I tried against all my primal instincts to let go. One thing I realised was that the sensation I felt on my skin was actually an imitation of a hand's touch, the mornings I showered before joining the others had become a time of personal exploration where I tried to imitate that touch and soon realised that I could actually register that as the caress of a hand on my body. But I did not have the courage to do more.
Instead that evening as I concentrated on breathing in the darkness of my consciousness those phantom fingers returned insistently, they did not lose a second in teasing me by pressing directly on my clit, it was gentle yes, but firm. My legs instinctively spread wide, my hips in the air hungry for touch as that circular motion returned to tease my flesh.
I could feel a steady trickle of juices sliding from me and wetting the mattress as I trembled and tensed.
I gasped open-mouthed, little noises escaped my mouth, I wanted more even though I didn't understand what exactly I was chasing, and then again, that pressure where I needed it most.
There was no doubt when that itch opened my folds pushing deep between my legs, it was like feeling long, thick fingers digging directly into my womb, I panicked as I tried to wake up, but something was blinding me. Someone was tied to me in the wire holding me still and open to whatever was being done to me.
I was stuck with my legs open as that force pressed my inner walls, stretching and teasing me in a slow movement.
I could only continue to whimper as those fingers opened me inexorably.
Everything slippery, the sound of juices coming out noisily from the pressure as yet another caress returned to tease my bud, my swollen, wet flesh trembling from the stimulation, a hint of tears forming at the corners of my eyes, I wanted to look at what or who was doing this to me but it was all dark, I could only feel the mattress beneath me, my arms locked along my sides, my only outlet was in clutching the blankets in my fist.
I felt my body tense up in a vice bordering on painful before that touch continued to force its way into my folds even more deeper than before, I felt like I was going crazy not fully understanding how many fingers were in me, I moaned out loud for the first time as the soft walls stretched to make room, I held my legs open in a desperate search for something more almost hoping it might come in, harder, wetter, a ringing in my ears made everything muffled blocking out the rest of my senses.
And finally almost in a cruel gesture the touch on my clit became faster joining the thrusts in my core, a fire burning my skin, vibrating with a pleasure I had never felt before, a tide flooding my senses rhythmically until I reached the limit I cried out with no voice in my body, the walls contracted around those fingers almost as if they wanted to suck them inside me and these, covered by my fluids, slid easily in and out of me without leaving me a moment to breathe, my clitoris pinched hard one last time making more tears fall from my eyes, my hips galloping the air as I reached the first orgasm of my life.
Maybe I was crazy, but I swore I heard a low voice whispering "Good girl".
When I opened my eyes it was morning, it was like waking up from a nightmare in reality, I had dry skin around my eyes from spilled tears and between my legs a dirty, wet feeling, underneath me the sheet still damp in a stain under my bottom.
I didn't know what was happening, none of it made sense, why was this only happening to me now? And who was on the other end of the line?
By now I was sure of it, someone was luring me during the night hours by drawing my consciousness through the link, but I was still not good enough to be in control of what was going on around me, I was becoming vulnerable in the hands of someone I didn't know, or at least it felt like I didn't know.
Over the next few days I concentrated on searching for that signature in the coven, I found it hard to believe that anyone would dare use the power of the thread on me, I was the matriarch's daughter, I was respected, we were united and yet no matter how hard I searched nothing seemed to resemble what I had felt that night, not to mention that bond itself was silent.
On the one hand I was glad that it was no longer coming to disturb my sleep, but on the other hand... I blushed at the idea of feeling those shivers again, I had even (not without a huge dose of embarrassment) tried to do it on my own, but clearly I was doing something wrong, I was too hard, too hasty and in the end I was left with a sense of incompleteness that irritated me all day long.
I felt used, it seemed like whoever had sought me out had taken what he wanted and then left, it had been so persistent in the beginning and now? I needed... more.
And I knew I wouldn't fight it.
I wasn't a bad student, my mothers were proud of the results I brought I was consistent and diligent, but I improved even more after that experience, I studied harder, more intensely... I would never explain to either of them why I had changed.
And what was I supposed to tell them anyway?
Someone touches me between my legs at night and I realised I want more...? No it was better to avoid.
The subject of private parts was not taboo in the coven, in fact there were specific rituals regarding the sensuality of the body, I didn't know much about them since I wasn't admitted to those yet, but the body is a temple of physical and mental wellbeing and as such should be cared for.
I was simply too embarrassed to ask for more, as usual, I knew more about the medical side of it, but I had never wanted more, I hadn't even thought about it and there weren't really any girls my age to vent to.
All I knew was that by now I had made up my mind.
I would be the one pulling the strings this time and I hoped that whoever was on the other end would respond.
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lemotmo · 3 months
Hey I found that one BT blog and this answer is even better. The question they got was basically why don't Buddie shippers remember that the original plan for Eddie was Maddie, and why don't we understand that's proof Buddie has never been the plan. They also went on a rant about the date scene from the finale. The ask also mentioned being blocked by Ryan and Oliver and threw in some Ryan/Oliver hate so just a heads up!
A. Hi anon! Okay you're correct, and I believe it was Jennifer herself (I could be wrong) that let us know the original plan was Eddie/Maddie but she lobbied hard for Chimney (go Jen!) and it means absolutely nothing. I hope that doesn't sound mean but it has no bearing whatsoever on anything at all. Nothing. Buddie doesn't have to have always been the plan to go canon. It can go that way if the natural trajectory of the story and characters lead things that way. And right now that looks like where it's going. I could be wrong, but it feels like that's what's coming. I mean Eddie and Maddie aren't even friends at this point, lol. I can't remember the last time they even had a scene together. I know both Ryan and Jennifer said they wanted more Eddie/Maddie interaction, which might mean they know they're going to have scenes together in the coming season. I hope they do, it's weird that they haven't interacted more. And none of that has anything at all to do with Tommy. I'm not at all sure what you mean by that? There is no Tommy connection running through the history of this show. That is not a thing. Yes he has history on the show but not to every character on this show. And certainly not to the degree you're trying to imply.
I have zero idea why people are choosing the finale date scene as their Tommy hill to die on. It was a terrible scene. It was wildly out of place in the context of that episode, and people should be willing to admit that. It was unequivocally and universally panned. The journalists who review and cover the show, the general audience, no one understood or liked that scene. The fact that Tim had to come out and flat out tell us it was supposed to be flirting is embarrassing. And tells you everything you need to know about how hard of a dud that scene was. We have all seen Buck flirt. And that wasn't even close. And it felt entirely out of character for Buck in every possible way. A lot of it can be pinned to K, who is a terrible writer in general, but, in my opinion, has never known how to actually write Buck. I also think Oliver wasn't trying to make it flirty, which maybe if he had tried it would have helped some but he clearly wasn't going for flirty. The episode as a whole was abysmal and that scene was no different. There is no need to pretend otherwise.
Now I'm going to lecture. I haven't seen a single Buddie shipper excuse Ryan's past comment. Not a single one, I'm sure someone somewhere has, but I haven't seen it. What I have seen is plenty of excuses offered for Lou's problematic history. What Ryan said was wrong, flat out inexcusably wrong. And guess what? He owned it. Publicly. He made a public apology and clearly worded himself. You can tell between then and now he's grown as a person. You only need to look at his relationship with Aisha to know that. We don't tear down or try to erase someone's personal growth to excuse the behavior of someone else. That's not how life works. You don't get to diminish Ryan's growth and personal journey to make you feel better about Lou's twitter history. Lou could have addressed things, and he chose not to. Actually he chose to go radio silent. Whether that turns out to be work related or not remains to be seen. I'm sorry you're upset that you've been blocked by Ryan, but if you sent him what you sent me in this ask, I can see why he blocked you. I also don't think it should be surprising that Oliver also blocked you. I don't think they're sitting around talking about Tommy fans like you're saying, but it wouldn't at all surprise me if they're sharing certain things they're being sent. They're friends. They're going to talk. They're allowed to be friends. You're not the first person who's mentioned being blocked by both of them. They are both huge mental health advocates and them blocking nasty comments should surprise no one. It is surprising, and incredibly disappointing, to kind of see how many people they appear to have had to block though. Look the bottom line is the story has already been decided. Whatever the direction is won't be altered by being assholes to the cast. And if we did have any kind of power to change things, which we don't, being openly hostile toward, and an asshole to, the main cast, would accomplish the opposite of what you want.
Imagine what this anon had to have sent to Ryan. I don't want to know. Also, imagine choosing the date scene as your favorite scene 🤣. Good on the answer though, it was I'm sure, humiliating to have to publicly explain that scene.
Wow. Thank you Nonny. :)
I have to admit, the eloquent way this person explains everything is incredible. They say all the things I've thought about, but might not have voiced so clearly in my previous posts.
So, I'm just going to leave this here for everyone to read. I encourage you all to take a look at it. It's highly interesting.
And again, please no hate on this post. I'm not posting this to mock anyone or to generate more hate.
I'm merely posting this because this is clearly written by a BT fan who has not been lead on by Lou's headcanons in his cameos. This person sees the show for what it. They see the way the story is unfolding and respectfully speaks their mind about it without any insults towards anyone else in the 911 fandom. I can appreciate that from anyone, no matter what they ship.
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fixing-bad-posts · 1 year
I looked around and didn't see anything about this on your blog but I apologize if I missed it.
I was wondering, what does doing the work behind this blog...feel like? I guess what I'm asking is if it does anything to you. Like, I had a thought. For a flash, I imagined you as Butters from South Park in that episode where he is tasked with filtering out all the negative comments on Cartman's social media. It ended up really messing with Butters, what with him having to see all that negativity.
You're definitely not being affected to that extreme, I assume, but I wonder if you would have anything to say about the process of finding these negative posts and reading them several times to edit them. Has it exposed you to unpleasantness that you wouldn't have otherwise seen? Or is there perhaps a kind of catharsis in editing such filth?
I'm making a lot of assumptions here. Maybe I'm also asking about your process. I just think what you're doing is neat and would love to hear about your experience with it.
Thanks for reading and I hope you have plenty of reasons to feel joy <3
oh boy, i love talking about myself haha—so thank you for giving me an excuse to do so! i have answered similar questions in the past, though never at length. every once in a while, someone pops into the inbox to ask about my mental health (which, rest assured, is just fine—i don’t put this blog’s operation above anything; it’s honestly pretty low on my list of life-priorities), and it’s always quite sweet. having a mob of strangers following one’s sideblog has its perks: one being that sometimes parasociality results in some well wishes, kind thoughts, and general goodwill. which is very nice, and probably an unearned vanity-boost for my ego.
what does the work behind this blog feel like? in turns: mundane, challenging, vindicating, annoying, amusing… and probably other things that i’m forgetting. most of the work i do on this blog is actually me procrastinating! i am a certified adult with a job™, and i’m definitely guilty of slacking off at work sometimes to queue posts submissions from my inbox, which is more fun than like… proofreading financial documents and making spreadsheets. other times, i’m sitting in a café with my partner, and allegedly i’m “writing” fanfiction. but, uh, if you know any writers, you know that sometimes “writing” means, ‘looking at a blinking cursor’. so it’s in those moments that i open up tumblr and start writing image descriptions and adding tags to prep posts for my queue. that’s mainly when the blog feels mundane.
something that i think helps me avoid negative doomscroll-spirals is that i don’t actively seek out bad posts for this blog. being a citizen of the internet delivers fodder to me naturally. that, and running a semi-popular sideblog on tumblr. when i see a bad post in the wild, that’s when the feeling is annoying/challenging. challenging, because ever since starting this sideblog, hateful posts don’t feel as vicious to me. once i see them, they stop being posts and turn into word-puzzles. and i love word puzzles!
solving the word puzzle is amusing for me, as is getting to look at my resulting “blackout poem.” it makes me laugh, it stretches my brain. when i started, i used to have to read a post several times to find the ‘good post within the bad post’ so to speak. these days, i’m so used to it, i barely read the bad posts more than a handful of times. but as i was saying to my partner, one of the reasons i love found poetry (erasure poetry, and cut-up poetry) is that it uses the same part of my brain that loves scrabble (the board game). then, of course, it's vindicating to see my posts get so many notes, sometimes surpassing the original bad post. that's more of my own vanity, i'm sure.
as for the last part of your message: yes, i have plenty of reasons to feel joy. i work with people who respect me, i live walking distance from a bubble tea café, and have friends and family whom i love. i have the good fortune to be safely out as a queer person. i’m a fanbinder. i’m currently working on a long fanfiction which is getting some very nice comments on ao3. and i’ve recently decided to become a poet (like, for real).
i must admit, i’m fascinated by how you imagine me. i often wonder how i am perceived, especially because i keep many cards close to my chest here on my sideblog.
anyhow, thank you for this excuse to ramble about myself and the process of running this blog. i hope you also have plenty of reasons to feel joy 💛
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14muffinz · 7 months
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Whoops! It seems like twin-sync leo has run off to who knows where! Have you seen him?
[this answer is a collaboration with the original asker. the parts in april's perspective are mine, and the parts in donnie's perspective are hers. I hope this still makes some semblance of sense]
April nearly crashes into the turtle, just barely managing to catch herself in time. Maybe running around the arena isn't the best idea, but, well, she's gotta find her brother somehow.
After stumbling into an alternate April, Donnie blinked a few times in surprise, sure he knew there was other April's, but there weren't too many around in here.
"Uh, no, I don't think so," she says. She might have, for all she knows, but with how hyperfocused she's been on finding her own, she's spotted plenty of different ages, heights, eye colours, and so on. She hasn't focused to hard on anyone in purple, though, and thus she can't help but startle when she realises that this Donnie seems to have slider markings on top of his own. (She should probably be used to weirdness by now, but there's something especially off-putting about seeing something unknown in one of her brothers. "Have you seen my Leo?"
A moment too late, she realises that he probably doesn't know what her Leo actually looks like.
After registering her question he grimaced slightly as he spoke, “Ah… well maybe?? There's a shocking amount of blue here actually..” he ended his statement with a nervous chuckle.
April huffs, figuring she might as well take a bit of a breather. "No kidding. At least my bro's will be able to catch up with me if they don't have any better luck, I'm sticking out a bit I think."
She figures that they're probably still looking for Leon. She can't exactly imagine any of them giving up, unless they do something stupid like trying to use their ninpo to aid in the search.
"I wonder if there's a better way at catching their attention here than just running around aimlessly. I went to the, uh, lost and found corner earlier with my bros, but that place seemed to make it worse than better, to be honest. And, like, this is a really good opportunity to find my brother, since he's been missing for a while, so I can't just…" she trails off, then winces. "Right, sorry, you don't need my life story. Did your brother run off while he was here, or have you been looking for him the whole time?"
Donnie tilted his head to the side as he began recounting the earlier events that lead to Leo running away, “So we may have made friend while we were here, and he thought it would be fun to introduce one of HIS friends to US…” the striped turtle paused for a second “…which wouldn't have been a PROBLEM if he wasn't so… menacing, to put it lightly.”
The purple-clad turtle looked back at April with a nervous expression, “And he kinda… ran off at the sight of him…” the turtle sighed in frustration, “and apparently he got REALLY fast cause I couldn't catch up to him..”
"Ah. Good luck finding him, I guess," she responds awkwardly.
He then directed the question back at her “What about you? Has your Leo been missing long?” He asked.
April nods in response to his question, shoving her hands into her pockets and wrapping one hand around the fidget cube that she's got stored inside. She starts frantically tapping at buttons while she says, "Uh, yeah. He's been missing for over a year at this point, and we haven't had a lot of leads. He just... up and left one night."
It's not really the whole story. It's his missing arm, the one that's still in beta and specially made for fighting at that. It's the nail marks in Draxum's table, as though someone had frantically gripped it, and how Big Mama has been on their asses for months about a robbery that never even happened.
"When we got here, we realised that a lot of other reunions were going on, so we figured that he had to be here somewhere. But so far, no dice. The costumes really aren't helping any."
he took in her response and said “Oh, well my Leo was trapped in another dimension before this whole thing started, but we could still talk, sometimes at least.” He got quieter as he spoke, truly thinking about going a whole year without ever knowing if Leo was even alive… finally came to a resolve with a determined expression, empathy filled eyes looked back to the alternate version of his sister.
"That's good," she says weekly, forcing herself to push down the jealousy that builds. She'd give anything to talk to her missing brother right about now, but she isn't going to allow herself to get upset over something she's glad someone had.
He offered her a hand and with a smile he spoke “How about we team up and look for him together?” In his mind he resolved that his own Leo would be okay for a little longer.
April smiles and nods, reaching out her non-fidgeting hand to shake his. "I'll help find yours too, y'know. It's only fair. The more eyes the better, and all."
When they release the handshake, she grabs her phone out of her pocket, quickly flipping over to a folder full of comfort videos with her and her family. They'd made it shortly after the Kraang Incident, when emotions and separation anxiety were running rampant, and it's been getting tons of use since Leon vanished. She scrolls over to a group photo, taken just a few weeks before he'd gone missing, and shows it to the alternate version of her brother. "This is my fam, so that you can help look. I don't really know if I need help looking for my brothers, since supposedly we'll get tossed back home when all this is over, but... I don't know, it seemed important, I guess."
She twists the cube in her pocket, starting to toy with another side. She's definitely sure that the clicking of the button is now audible, but doesn't particularly care.
Donnie did his best to not acknowledge the faint, but still audible, clicking he heard in an effort to not stress April out any more than he may have already.
Looking towards the picture, he made sure to commit the faces- but in particular Leo's- to memory so he could accurately search alongside her.
As they searched, Donnie encouraged and contributed to telling stories of their respective Leos in an effort to lighten the mood.
Thanks for writing this with me, was a blast!
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n0v4t33z · 1 year
Dark Desires: Chapter II - Eternally Yours
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Pairings: VampireCatHybrid~Seonghwa x Female Reader, VampireCatHybrid~Ateez x Female Reader
Genre: Horror, Angst, Romance, Vampire Ateez, Paranormal?
Word Count: 10.1k
Tags/Warnings: For Mature Audiences, Violence, Language, mentions blood, Magic, Fantasy, Some Fluff, Highly Suggestive at times (This is a warning for the whole story overall)
Chapter specific: Lots of kissing, intimate situations but not explicit, flirting, blood, Y/n speaks about death and magic with the boys, (I'll add more later if more come to mind)
Author's Note💌: Okay so in this chapter there was originally supposed to be smut but I omitted that part due to being short on time because of my schedule. Unfortunately I'm not very fast at typing up smut because how much I struggle to write it so that'll come out on a later date so that I can put more thought into it. Since I don't write smut I felt like maybe it would have probably been a bad Idea if I forced myself to do it right now so to save you from cringe I decided not to include it! Either way I still hope you enjoy the chapter! 🌙
Spotify Playlist🩸
☽ ──── ༺𖤐༻ ──── ☾
A few days go by and I never find out who's scream it was that I heard a few nights ago, it didn't help that the door Seonghwa told me not to go into kept teasing me. So me being me I finish my work for the day so I could have more time to explore the house. The door was near the basement of the house from what I noticed is that they usually come here or the basement after feeding at night or after going out in general. I look around to make sure no one is around and I walk into the dark room I reach into my pocket and I turn on the spare candle in my pocket from when I was replacing them earlier, I walk around the dark room and notice a beautiful golden hourglass with a sigil on it, the same one in my room. I carefully look around and I notice a drawing on the wall, from what I could read it seemed to be from 1646. The drawing was of a woman whose features were almost identical like mine, could this woman in the drawing be me? Why was that drawing here? On the floor was that same sigil drawn in blood, In the corner I notice alot of black and white photos along with some drawings and pictures of different girls, were those their previous victims? All the girls were exceptionally gorgeous. From the corner of my eye I see the spine of a book, the front of the book was empty with no title so I decide to open the book. I slowly begin to realize they were diary entries, 1863, 1925, 1958. Under my breath I whisper to myself "When I called Master Seonghwa a history book I didn't realize he was actually writing one himself…"
I decide to look up my birthday as a strange curiosity and while skimming through the entry I come across something interesting "I had a dream of that girl again. It's been a while since I've seen her. I have a strong feeling she was born today, I can feel it. I can't wait until I find her. I'll do everything in my power to protect her, she's going to be the only reason worth living this cursed life only then I'll know what true happiness is." When I read those words I can't help but to begin to tear up, for the first time in my life someone was happy I was born. Yeah, my family might've been happy that I was born but they never really showed it. My family was rarely the type to show any affection for me at all so to think someone wanted to show that affection towards me really shocked me. This man has literally been waiting to be with me for hundreds of years even before I was born. Is this true love? Is true love when someone waits for you even years before you're actually born? Will he be disappointed if I'm not what he expects me to be? What if he realizes he doesn't like who I am and he kills me, then what? I have so many questions but yet I'm scared of how they'll be answered.
Suddenly the door behind me opens and I jump and drop the book and candle in the process. When I turn around and see it's Mingi I scream when I notice him charging at me, I try to move out of the way but he grabs both of my arms and begins to violently shake and yell at me "What were you doing in here?! Didn't Seonghwa tell you to stay out of here?! You're not supposed to be in here!" I look up at him and noticed his eyes were now glowing blood red "Master Mingi I'm so sorry, I'll never do it again!" he grabs me by the throat and squeezes my throat just enough to choke me but not snap my neck. He pins me against the wall then answers in a low growl "There won't be a next time, Hongjoong was right we should have sacrificed you that night." I cough trying to catch my breath while I try to claw his hand off of my throat. Suddenly everyone else runs into the room with Seonghwa yelling at Mingi "Let her go you bastard! You're going to kill her!" He then tries to run over to Mingi but Hongjoong and Yeosang hold him back then Mingi turns and smirks in his direction "She has to die now Seonghwa, Draven is going to be really upset. That time you bought her won't do her any good anyway, I was right not trusting this dumb witch. They're such deceitful and sneaky humans." San, Wooyoung,and Jongho run over to over to hold Mingi back.
Yunho gently puts his hand on Mingi’s shoulder and gently squeezes it. "Calm down, you know you can't be the one who does the sacrifice. You're a young vampire remember that, so if you kill her you'll ruin everything not just for you but for all of us. So let go of her, come on." Mingi hesitantly puts me down throwing me onto the floor then Hongjoong lets go of Seonghwa and helps Yunho escort Mingi out of the room while Yeosang stays with the rest of us. Seonghwa runs over to me and holds me tightly in his arms, his breathing still ragged from the scare "Miss y/n, I told you not to come in here.. " I continue coughing for a bit then I say in a slightly hoarse voice "I'm so sorry Master Seonghwa, curiosity got the best of me."  He sighs deeply "You scared me, you put yourself in such danger.." San gives me a worried look "You know If Wooyoung hadn't called us telepathically because he heard screaming, you would have most likely been killed by Mingi."
Wooyoung looks down slightly frowning "He's one of the youngest out of all of us with the youngest being Jongho, luckily Jongho's strong willpower helps him from giving into his vampiric instincts. Mingi on the other hand is terrible at it, he's still learning to control himself."  God this is so embarrassing... "I'm so sorry for betraying your trust. I promise I didn't have bad intentions." Yeosang courteously nods "it know, but now that means we'll all have to keep an eye on Mingi now. " Seonghwa says "She's going to stay at my side at all times.." I shake my head "No! I'll be okay I promise I'll just stay away from him. I'll just do what I'm supposed to from now on and not stray from my duties." Seonghwa worriedly looks at me "Are you sure? You really don't have to risk it." I get up and nod "It's ok Master Seonghwa I'll be fine." San looks at Seonghwa "We'll just do what Yeosang said if that's the case, let's just watch him. I'm sure ostracizing him won't help at all but make him resent Miss y/n even more than he already does. "
They all get up and Seonghwa looks over at me then at the guys and flatly says "Okay that's fine, I just need to have a word with Miss y/n can you guys please give us some privacy?" They nod in obedience and head out. Once it's just him and I he looks down at the floor and sees the book I was reading left open on the last page I read, he picks it up and puts it on a table near him then shyly smiles "I guess you found my diary." Embarrassed, I fidget with my hands "Well, it's more like a history book now." he chuckles "Okay you got me there." he takes my hand and pulls me a little closer to him "I've been looking for you almost all my immortal life, and now that I've finally found you I just want to protect you." His gaze connects with mine "Which is why when you I heard Wooyoung tell me you were in trouble, I was terrified of losing you." Now I feel bad for coming in here, he told me explicitly not to and I disobeyed him. I would have died by my own ignorance. It definitely proves that curiosity killed the cat. "I'm so sorry. I promise you I won't do something like that ever again. That was just way too close."
He clears some stray hairs from my face "Next time you want to see something just ask me, you'll be much safer with me okay?" I nod and rest my head on his chest "So, it was true that you're in love with me then?" He softly hums and gently strokes my cheek with his thumb "I knew what you were going to look like way before you were born, in person you're much more beautiful than the drawing I have of you, Hongjoong drew it for me." I pull away and look at him in shock then look over at the drawing again "Wow, really? How did you know though? Like how were you able to see my face?" He shyly smiles and holds my hands in his "I actually dreamt about you, which is why I was only able to see you a handful of times but everytime I did my heart felt something it usually doesn't." I giggle "So, you mean you felt butterflies in your stomach and you felt happy?" He smiles and nods then leans in close to my face, centimeters away gently caressing my cheek. "I'm sorry if this is too sudden but will you be mine?" His beautiful emerald eyes look deep into my eyes and for some strange reason I’m compelled to just give in without thinking twice about it.
Why is my heart beating so fast I can't breathe. He's so beautiful. "I- " My stomach churns and the longer I stand there the harder it becomes to speak until I blurt out "What if I disappoint you?" Seonghwa tilts his head and asks in a slight sad tone "Why would I be disappointed my love? I've been looking for you for almost my whole vampire life.." I stammer "Well, I mean, we've never met prior to this so our personalities may clash." He brings my hand up to his ice cold lips and gently presses a kiss on the back of my hand and looks deep into my eyes "There's a reason why I kept seeing you in my dreams my dear y/n. I'm willing to work with our differences if that's the case. That's how important you are to me." I look down slightly flustered from all the attention and how gorgeous the man is in general. Well he's nice right? I should be okay, he's definitely been treating me better than any of my ex's and that's a start. Seonghwa gently lifts my chin so that our eyes meet once again "So what do you say princess?" I nod staring deep into his eyes unable to look away.
"Of course I will Master Seonghwa, as long as you don't hurt me I'm all yours " He leans a little closer, he smelled nice. Nothing like how people usually say vampires smell like, dusty, and gross. His oddly sweet smell being quite soft and warm despite how cold his skin is in reality. "I promise you my eternal life I will never hurt you darling." He steps closer to me gently pressing his chest against mine "Just call me Seonghwa ." He gently places his ice cold lips on mine and kisses me. Slowly, while the kiss intensifies he slithers his free arm around my waist. I gently rest my hand on his chest while I kiss him, he then slowly kisses down my chin and onto my neck causing me let out a soft sigh. He slowly pulls away and re collects himself “I- not here. I don't want to risk anyone um.... Hearing things." I nod and shyly look away feeling my cheeks burning he takes my hand and gently kisses it "I guess I'll get back to my duties now." He nods looking at me very lovingly "Please be careful my love." He gently presses his ice cold lips on my forehead for a kiss goodbye.
When I step into the kitchen I stand there for a few seconds looking out the window thinking what I should make for dinner. A few moments later while getting all the ingredients ready Jongho enters and gently puts his hand on my shoulder "Miss y/n, how are you doing?" I slightly jump and I turn and look at him "Oh, Master Jongho hello. I'm okay, I’m still a bit spooked." He sits on a chair next to the table "I'm honestly glad you're okay. I'm sure having an angry vampire trying to kill you is pretty traumatic in itself." I begin chopping a few vegetables and let out a soft sigh just remembering the way Mingi’s eyes were burning into mine, his eyes had so much hatred in them that remembering made me feel unsafe and uneasy. "it was, but knowing you guys were there really comforted me. Although that made me want to go home alot more than before knowing there's someone here who hates me enough to hurt me."
He stares off straight ahead and walks up next to me clearly still upset from what happened "I'm so sorry, I can only imagine how you feel right now. I know this won't change how you feel but if it helps we all like having you here. Not because you do housework but because you're really nice, you're an amazing friend and because you really remind me alot of my own mother." I smile then I look over at Jongho and hug him tightly "I'll be here as long as I'm allowed to be here." He pulls away and looks at me, his cold grey eyes staring deep into mine. He then gently touches my face with his ice cold hands "it's like my mother never left me, when you came in to the practice room to cheer up my singing it reminded me of what my mom used to do." I gently hold his hand on my face then I gently smooth out his blazer "And I'll continue to do so as she did and cheer you on for as long as my human self is alive don't worry."
He rests his forehead on my shoulder and hides his face from my view "We can't sacrifice you to Draven anymore, I don't want you to be gone. You have to stay here with us.” He pauses for a few seconds then he continues  “You see, I'm not usually the one to freak out but Draven really scares me. To point where the thought of him taking everything we have from us all over again and being helpless terrifies me because that's not the position that I like to be put in. It's embarrassing being so vulnerable like that. " I gently lift his head and I look at him while gently stroking his soft Auburn hair "it's okay, we'll find a way to stop this I promise." I felt bad because I knew my reassurance was a straight up lie. How could I compete against this Draven guy? I have to somehow find out what's going on.
"I'll have to talk to Hongjoong about this, he has to know a way to stop this." He clears his throat trying get himself together "Of course, you should do that but for now just sit here and enjoy a meal with me and San, yes?" He hums in agreement and watches me cook while he waits for the food to be finished I pour him a warm cup of Earl grey tea infused with blood. San and Wooyoung eventually come in and sit next to Jongho "oh hi Master Wooyoung, don't worry I made extra food today."  I turn and serve them some tea then I begin to serve their plates and place the plates in front of them "let me know how I did today guys." They all take a spoonful of food then Jongho says "Oh wow, this is actually really good now I know why San's been eating with you because your ability to merge human and vampiric pallets is seamless."
I sit down and watch them eat with a smile on my face "Thank you so much Master Jongho but all I did was just add blood." San and Wooyoung look over at me then San says "Hey, aren't you going to eat?" I rest my hand under my chin “Oh yeah, I'll eat the leftovers don't worry"  San shakes his head and gets up "No, Miss y/n you're going to eat with us remember? That's what we agreed on." He serves me a plate of regular food and sets it in front of me "Ahh fine, I was just trying to be a normal maid." San sets a glass of grape juice in front of me and Wooyoung laughs "A normal maid? You stopped being a normal maid the moment you befriended us." Jongho then says "Remember how i said you're a great friend? I wasn't just talking about myself you know" 
I take a sip of my grape juice then in a slightly disappointed tone Wooyoung says "Times like these is when I wish we could do fun things together like normal friends instead of being at home rotting." San's face lights up and says "We can have a little picnic party in the garden tomorrow!" Wooyoung and Jongho nod in agreement then I say "We can, I'll make the food and the desserts!" Wooyoung gives me puppy eyes and says "can I help you cook please?" I nod "of course that would be amazing! You'll be a huge help" Jongho says "Well, I'll ask the rest of the guys if they want to help decorate since the garden is kind of big but don't worry Miss y/n, I won't ask Mingi out of protection for you."
I feel bad he’s getting excluded now. “Are you sure that he’ll be fine with that?” Jongho nods giving me a reassuring smile “I promise you he’ll be fine. Maybe him not being in attendance he’ll realize his mistake.” I hum in response then I give them a serious look "Okay so I have a question, who's Draven? And why am I supposed to be sacrificed to him?" They look at each other nervously for a couple of seconds then Wooyoung blurts out "He's a vampire demon we work for, We call him Draven but his real name is Zuphroi. Oh, and you were supposed to be sacrificed to him because Draven loves to feed on the life force and blood of humans." My stomach drops and my hands fidget under the table to try and calm myself “Hm okay, so who’s the guy in the painting that I saw in the main room of the house?” everyone stays silent for a bit then San says “Oh, that’s our creator. Sir Kim Jongkook.”
I look at their expressions and I could tell they seemed very sad. “If I may ask, what happened to him?” San looks at the guys almost like asking for permission then they both nod and San continues “Well, Sir Jongkook is actually Draven’s older brother..The thing is though that body is no longer Sir Jongkook’s brother because the demon known as Zuphroi possesed it yet he still presents and goes by Draven. The demonic powers Draven got also enhanced his vampiric powers which let him be able to easily surpass his already very powerful older brother and defeat him. Years ago he drained Sir Jongkook of his life force but kept his brother’s remains in his castle, to which remain there till this day. All of this happened because we all became very close to Sir Jongkook and Draven became jealous, the reason being was that he was like a father to all of us and we were like his children but his brother got upset he couldn’t form the same bond we had with his brother which is why he seeked Zuphroi’s power to destroy his own brother out of envy. Our bond was naturally stronger with Sir Jongkook because he was our creator.” I sit there for a moment processing everything “So that man in the painting is Draven’s deceased older brother?” San nods “Correct.”  I slightly raise my eyebrows in shock “Wow…That’s incredibly dark.”
Wooyoung nods looking a bit sullen “Yeah, you’d think because they were brothers Draven would have had mercy on Sir Jongkook since from what they told us they both suffered alot as children. They might not have been brothers by blood but they spent a good portion of their lives together. ” Wooyoung clears his throat clearly not wanting to get emotional and says “Anyway, any other questions?” I nod “Ah yes, why do San and Yeosang turn into cats?” San tilts his head “You know It’s not just us that can turn into cats, all eight of us do actually including Seonghwa.” Oh my gosh, Seonghwa as a cat? If San and Yeosang were so cute I'm sure Seonghwa would be adorable! I raise my eyebrow and blink then San continues “We all turn into cats because Draven put a curse on us.
The upside is we can obviously turn into cats and switch back to our “undead” selves at will but a few downsides are when we need to feed and are on the brink of starvation we become too weak and are unable to turn back into our “undead” selves until we feed on blood again. Another and I guess the worst one is Draven has complete control over our curse so if the amulet around his neck is destroyed then so is the curse, freeing us. Which is why we’re kind of scared of him and try to avoid him showing up at all costs. because we're usually totally vulnerable around him.” I sit back in my seat and look at the three guys sitting in front of me in complete shock “Wow, I’m so sorry this curse is such a burden to all of you. This Draven guy sounds scary. Honestly I would have never thought it would be possible to turn from one species into another.” Wooyoung smiles and wiggles his fingers in the air “That’s magic baby, the dark arts.” Jongho looks at me with a faint smile "Anything else? These guys are basically an open book.” 
I nod  "Hm yeah actually, so all those drawings and photos of those girls in in that room, who are they?" Jongho responds "That room is a room Seonghwa usually frequents as you can see most things in there are his, but those girls are girls he thought were you and instead of returning them we just sacrificed them to Draven because it was easier to keep the sacrifices going since we're kinda forced to keep them coming for him because we have a pact with him." I look down trying to re gather my thoughts then I say "So, you guys knew about Seonghwa's situation?" They all nod then I look at them worriedly "Then how come Mingi hates me and Hongjoong is always so uptight? Wouldn't they at least be a bit nicer?" They shrug then Wooyoung says "Hongjoong is just naturally like that since he's the leader, he takes his position very seriously but he's actually pretty cool and Mingi, honestly we don't know why he acted the way he did we were pretty shocked he attacked you."
I know he probably won't hurt me but knowing that because of me so many innocent girls were killed makes me feel terrible. San taps my hand to get my attention and says "Hey, Please don't tell anyone we told you any of this, I don't think Seonghwa wants you to know." I quietly nod "I understand Master San." Jongho reaches over for my other hand "I hope you don't think differently about any of us." I shake my head "Oh no, I understand you have to honor the pact." I get up and start to gather the dishes San turns to look at me "I hope you're not upset Miss y/n." I shake my head "Well, I can't be It's not in my place to be upset. From the looks of it if you don't honor your pact with him I'm sure you'll be in huge trouble."  Wooyoung looks at the floor for a second then shakes his head "Yep no, I don't want to think about it. Tomorrow night we're supposed to go find someone new for Draven, Hongjoong told San earlier."
I felt a pit in my stomach knowing someone was about to get killed in my place again. San looks at Wooyoung puts his finger on his lips "Shh, Wooyoung stop. It's making Miss y/n very uncomfortable." San holds my hand and gives me his sweet eye smile "How about I help you wash the dishes Miss y/n, today was alot of people who ate with us." He glances over at Jongho and Wooyoung "Evryeone, say goodbye to Miss y/n" Wooyoung narrows his eyes at San while Jongho sits there slightly confused. Shortly after they excuse themselves and both say their goodbyes while San stays behind and helps me clean up the kitchen and do the dishes.
“I’m so sorry for scaring you like that. I know as a human it’s pretty scary feeling so helpless.” I shake my head while clearing out the stove area “You really don’t need to apologize. It was done with good intentions. If anything I really appreciate you giving me a heads up.” San looks out the window looking at the darkening sky. "even so, I feel like I still need to apologize. It just feels wrong if i don't you know?" He glances down at his hand bubbles gently squeezing the bubbles between his fingers onto a bowl below. “You really are such a sweet person, Seonghwa really does know how to pick them.” I turn to San slightly taken aback "You think so?" He gives me a dimpled smile and pokes my cheek leaving a bubble on my cheek "I know so, I can feel you've been through alot. So I think you deserve someone who will love you and protect you, the way a beautiful girl like you should be treated."
He feels that I've been through alot? If only he really knew. Does that mean he has some sort of variant of being clairvoyant or can he just read my mind? Wait... I look to see a smirking San then I poke his side "You're cheating! You can read my mind! That's not fair!" San lets out a yelp and pouts "It's not cheating if you mean well! I'm just emotionally intelligent! Seonghwa reads your mind all the time why me?! " I part my lips in shock then I cover my face in embarrassment Oh god, he knows about me thinking he's beautiful.. "He wha-" San nervously chuckles and points out the window "Look, it's a legion of cats..." Confused I glance out the window and by the time I look back I see his little cat self running away. "Wait! Master San I thought you were going to help me do the dishes?!"
Later after finishing the dishes and bringing a drink over to Yeosang, I run into Hongjoong. He looks at me slightly suspicious and approaches me hastily "Why were you in that room?" I shake my head "I was just curious, I'm so sorry Master Hongjoong." He sighs and runs his hand through his hair. "Look, Seonghwa reminded me who you are now but that doesn't excuse you going around behind our backs sneaking around into rooms you're specifically supposed to stay out of. You're human, you can't expose yourself to some of these things because they will kill you.
Look what happened last time when you wandered off by yourself." I clench onto the beverage plate tightly trying not to look directly at the man’s clearly upset face  "I understand, I'm sorry Master I promise it will never happen again." He pats my head and his voice softens "Good news for you though, we've decided to use someone else as a sacrifice. The only thing is that we hope Draven accepts it." I fidget with the plate in my hands "So, does that mean I get to go home soon?" He clicks his tongue and shakes his head "I'm afraid not, you have to stay here with us."
I nod silently in disappointment. He then looks at me with worry in his eyes "Look, I know what happened with Mingi was really traumatic and it didn't help I was also being a bit rude and going around scaring you. I just didn't know if I could trust you, it wasn't until Seonghwa let me know that you for sure the person he was looking for and you were in fact the girl in the drawing. That's when I realized that I should be nicer since you'll be around here for a long time. So, my apologies for all the misunderstandings. I hope you can forgive me." He holds my hand and puts his other one on top of my free hand "Ahh, Master Hongjoong it's ok I understand." He warmly smiles "Thank you for being so understanding.."
For a few seconds it stays quiet before I decide I need to hear it from the leader himself so I look over at Hongjoong and quietly whisper "So Master, do you know why Master Mingi hates me so much?” he stays quiet for a bit and presses lips into a pained smile "I actually don't know about that one, he's very closed off and usually keeps to himself and distances himself from us alot. The only person he's truly close to is Yunho." Man, Mingi really is unpredictable if his own friends aren't as close to him as they want to. "I see, well I'll let you go now Master your laundry is almost finished I just need to fold it." He gives me an understanding nod "Thank you, you have my permission to leave it in my room when you're finished. "Once Hongjoong is gone I head over to the chapel in search of Yunho. He must be with Mingi. When I open the door and I notice he wasn't in here.
I turn and see Seonghwa standing behind me and I let out a muffled shriek "S-Seonghwa hi, I was just looking for Yunho." He smiles and gently pulls me into a kiss "It's time for your bath my love." I blink and look at him confused "Oh, but it's only 8:30?" He rests his forehead on mine and says "I want to spend extra time with you since I've barely seen you around all day." A flush crept up on my face Oh my gosh what is happening?! "Besides we were in the middle of something earlier remember?" He gently kisses me again, afterwards I swallow the nervous knot in my throat "Oh, of course I remember." He pulls back and he holds my face in his hands "Does that make you uncomfortable my love?" I shake my head "I- Uh no.." He grabs my hand and leads me to his room. It was so romantic looking, the lights being very dim with the red bedding contrasting beautifully with the black Victorian furniture. The room smelled like him too, that same sweet almond vanilla scent that makes me feel warm and safe.
I hear him lock the door behind him and take off his long cape-like jacket in one swift motion, gently hanging it into the matte black coat rack in the corner of the room. Without his cape on I notice he has a small, slim waist. Wow, he looks like a textbook vampire from his hair to his beautiful features, everything a girl could ever want all wrapped up in one being and he's all for me. I mean wha- He glances at me and smirks almost like he really is actually reading my thoughts. He reaches over for me and pulls me over to the bathroom. San was right, he is reading my thoughts.. Everything was set up, from the romantic lighting and ambience to the blood red petals in and leading to the bathtub. Amazed, I look at him not knowing how to react and he says “I hope you like it my love, you deserve to relax and unwind after a long day..” I look at how beautiful the tub is keeping my gaze away from his "I love it, the rose petals were a nice touch.."
He gently tugs on my hand and turns my face towards him "Are you shy?" I nod "I- Yeah, you're just so gorgeous It's hard for me to even look at you." He chuckles "How do you think I feel sweetheart?" He rests his forehead on mine "It's taking so much of me not to ravish you right now." He kisses me and without breaking the kiss he pulls me up onto his arms wrapping my legs around his waist and walks me over to sit me down on the sink. He swiftly undoes my dress, his cold fingertips gently brushing against my warm bare skin. "You're so warm my love." He then slowly pushes my dress off of my shoulders and pulls it off letting it fall onto the floor. He steps back to admire my figure in the lacy bra and panties he chose. "You look delicious.." My cheeks burn causing me to cover myself by pulling him closer to me while he leans into my neck and peppers kisses along my neck and collarbones. He runs his hands up my thighs and squeezes them. I'm going to get railed tonight aren't I? Seonghwa chuckles "I'm most definitely going to enjoy you tonight my love."
The next morning I slowly open my eyes and realize my head is resting on Seonghwa’s chest. Unlike a regular person, whose heart beat would wake you up his was nothing but silence which is slightly off putting. Giving me the urge to look up at him to make sure he was actually real. When I meet his eyes he looks down at me gently stroking my hair and says “Good morning my love, did you sleep well?” I nod then I bury my face in the crook of his neck, still slightly sleepy and he says “I wish we could stay like this forever.” I hum back quietly while he gently kisses the top of my head. After what happened last night it made me realize how much he longed for that moment to be with me. The fact that this beautiful man loved me enough to wait all these years for me. I still can’t believe it. I gently hold his hand to which he laces his fingers between mine “I wish we could too.” I say then he brushes a loose strand of my hair behind my ear and kisses me while he gently rests his hand on my neck and mine on his chest. He pulls me on top of him and without breaking the kiss I pull back.
“As much as I'd love to stay in bed with you for a little while I have to go and finish Master Hongjoong’s laundry from yesterday.” He nods then gently kisses the side of my jaw "That's okay, just stay here with me for a bit." He pulls me to lay on top of him while resting my head on his chest again, only this time his arm was around my waist while the other ran his fingers through my hair. "I'm happy I no longer have to wake up alone, I'm glad I finally found you." I gently boop his nose "Thank you for taking care of me. Hwa." He takes my hand in his and kisses the back of my hand "You've got nothing to thank me for my love. I only showed you how much I love you, because it comes from the deepest most sincere part of me." A small knot forms in my throat as he utters those words, for some reason evreytime he speaks his truth. I still can't believe someone actually feels that way towards me, he seems too unreal. "You know, I kind of feel bad because I feel like I have nothing to offer." Seonghwa tilts my head to face him, and looks at me with slight hurt in his eyes "Don't say such a thing, you have plenty to offer. Your love and respect is more than enough to me. I'm so sorry you might have experienced injustices in your life where you had been giving far too much than what you were receiving but I promise you I won't ever hurt you. I'll be with you forever. and coming from me, that's a long time."
My eyes begin to sting from the tears so I blink them away and bury my face in his neck. Seonghwa chuckles and pats my head "Don't cry my love, it's okay." I let out a slightly embarrassed laugh and wipe my eyes "Don't worry they're happy tears, I'm just moved by your words." He his thumb gently caresses my bottom lip "My age is showing again isn't it?" I shake my head and sit up on his lap "No, I like it. Trust me, people my age are usually stupid more than anything because of how selfish they are, at least you're empathetic and wise. That's very attractive in my eyes." Seonghwa smirks and nods "Alright princess, I'll take your word for it." I glance over at the clock next to Seonghwa's bed and it read "8:15 am" Ah damn, I have to go I need to start cooking for the picnic today or I won't finish in time.. I rest my arms on either side of his head and gently kiss his cheek "Okay, I've got to go now! No peaking in the kitchen until I tell you to.." He pulls me down on top of him again and smiles “Alright my love, if you run into any problems don’t hesitate to look for me okay?” I nod "No problem, you've got my word."
In the garden behind the house I stand outside taking down the laundry that I left to dry the night before due to Hongjoong's special request. While I fold laundry and look at the garden, I realize today is the picnic we planned so I try and fold as fast as my little  hands would let me. Eventually when I finish folding the clothes I walk to Hongjoong’s room and drop off his basket of clothes. His room is amazing, but yet somehow still messy so while I was there I decide to do some cleaning up so while cleaning up Hongjoong's desk I notice a stray sheet of paper that appeared to be ripped out of a book that said "The sacred blood of the witch is the elixir of magic and power.” I stand there for a few seconds wondering what that meant then I set the papers into a neat stack. Maybe I shouldn't meddle in his things and just go, I can probably get something out of San or Wooyoung. I carefully clean up the rest of the stray papers and books on the ground and exit his room.
After dropping off Hongjoong's laundry my next stop was the kitchen so I begin to prepare the food and some desserts, shortly after Wooyoung comes into the kitchen and says “It smells delicious, can I help? Remember you promised to let me!” I nod while I prepare the dough for some cookies “If you want you can help me with the food and I’ll do the desserts fair?” he nods and grabs an apron from the kitchen closet. A few minutes later while Wooyoung chops a few vegetables he says in a low voice “We’re getting that sacrifice tonight Miss y/n. If you don’t mind is it okay if you help us?” As soon as Wooyoung uttered those words my hands ran cold. Immediately I turn and look at Wooyoung and I slightly stammer “I-I don’t know if that’s a great idea Master Wooyoung.” He slightly raises his eyebrow and says “And why is that?” I begin to fidget with my hands then I look out the kitchen window “I can’t do that knowing you guys will kill that poor person because of me.” Wooyoung sets the knife down he then turns to me and puts his hands on my shoulders “But we have to go through with the sacrifice, especially if you want to stay alive. We just need your help to keep them calm that’s all, you won’t see the moment that person is sacrificed.”
I shake my head then I turn and look at Wooyoung “I can’t. Knowing that person is going to die because of me doesn’t sit right with me at all.” He sighs “But that person’s death is what’s going to keep you alive. I’m not supposed to tell you this but if Draven gets a hold of you, his power levels will increase and we really don’t want that. That man is already dangerous as it is.” I blink then a confused expression grows onto my face “What do you mean me? Is there something wrong with me?” He puts his hand on his hips and the other one gently tugging his dark hair clearly regretting he even said anything to begin with. ”Okay, look. So, you have a relative from a few hundred years ago who was a very powerful witch her name was Ursula but she was known as Sorceress Ursula. She was very well known among the underworld community which is why you're probably not very aware of it. So obviously, you being related to a witch especially a very powerful one you have literal magic running through your veins, the thing is Draven is not aware you’re related to her right now but once he smells your blood he’ll instantly know then you’ll be in big trouble.”
I swear I feel like a normal human I don’t get it, I’m most definitely not liking where this is going either. ”It's not just you who's going to be in trouble though so are we. Seonghwa for falling in love with a witch and us for helping him keep you alive. Witches and Vampires are forbidden to fall in love due to the fact that we are undead and to witches vampires are a perversion of life itself or in other words we aren't natural. We are not meant to be alive despite being considered dead." So Seonghwa is risking not only his life but his friends as well all because he loves me. I have to at least help out, I don’t want Seonghwa or my friends to get in trouble because of me. I sigh “Alright Master Wooyoung I’ll help.” He smiles and hugs me tight “Thank you so much, also please don’t tell anyone not even Seonghwa about what I told you.” The oven dings causing both of us to jump so I pull away and hurriedly get the oven mitts and I take out the other batch of cookies ”Don’t worry, I won’t say anything I promise. It'll stay safe with me.”
A few hours later San comes in with Jongho then he cheekily smiles “Can I have a cookie?” I nod and hand him the plate of cookies “Sure but just one, we have to eat first.” he takes one and puts it in his mouth “Oh my, these are delicious.” he chews on the cookie while he takes another plate of sweets and heads outside to put them on the picnic table. Jongho smiles and walks over to me and shyly nods his head “Good afternoon Miss y/n I hope making all these treats and food wasn’t too much of a hassle for you.” I smile and shake my head “Oh, no worries Master Wooyoung helped me, it was very nice to have someone help me but something funny is that I found out he’s actually a very good cook.” he steps over to the pots of food on the stove “Well, I’m glad it wasn’t an inconvenience for you, I can’t wait to taste all of these they smell delicious.” I smile then I hand him a pot of food to take outside “I’m honestly excited for the food too. I kinda skipped breakfast and I'm starving.” I grab another pot of food and we both head outside eventually fixing everything and setting everything up. I look at the table then I realize I forgot the tea so I walk back inside the kitchen and I notice Yunho In the kitchen with Yeosang heading outside to the picnic.
Oh my gosh Yunho. Maybe I could ask him about Mingi. Both Yunho and Yeosang say hi with Yeosang following up with “Miss y/n, Wooyung let me know about the picnic today. If I may ask will there be blood?” I nod “Yes Master Yeosang I prepared a pitcher full of pure blood but we will also be having some blood tea, Masters San, Jongho and Wooyung really enjoy that one as well so don’t worry. I also have a feeling the menu will be to your liking with blood since Wooyoung helped me prepare a special blood sauce to go with the food.” A small smile appears on his beautifully angelic face then he says “Ah, alright then sounds great. Come on Yunho let’s go get some food, I haven’t eaten human food in a few decades” I glance over at Yunho then I blurt out “Actually Master Yeosang, I have a question to ask Yunho we’ll catch up to you in a little.”
He nods and heads outside towards the beautiful gazebo where the picnic is being held. Yunho then turns his attention towards me then says “So, what exactly is your question Miss y/n? I also hope you’re doing okay from yesterday’s attack.” I look down and tightly grip the side of my dress then I fidget with my hands “I’m doing a bit better, still very much freaked out though. Although my question actually has to do with the attack. Master Yunho, why did Mingi attack me?” Yunho averts his gaze from mine for a few seconds then looks back at me “Well, Mingi is just sort of a younger vampire who can’t control himself and you happened to upset him when he noticed you were in that room. Thus, creating a very dangerous mix of elements.” His guard is up, I have to try harder. “Well that makes sense but even before that I sensed Master Mingi didn’t like me.” Yunho looks out the window clearly worried about all the questions being asked “Well, Mingi has always had trouble opening up to people just give him time and he’ll warm up to you.” I shake my head “I’m sorry Master but I have a feeling It goes far beyond him acting cold towards me, he literally almost killed me.”
Yunho slightly leans onto the kitchen counter almost leveling his height to mine “It’s just like what I said earlier, him being a young vampire and him being terrible at controlling himself is the reason why he attacked.” Hongjoong and Seonghwa are talking in the distance then Yunho quickly walks off outside with the rest of the guys leaving me alone in the kitchen until a few seconds later Hongjoong and Seonghwa enter the kitchen. Immediately I play off my interaction with Yunho by grabbing the tea kettles “Oh hello Master Hongjoong, hi Seonghwa I was just getting some blood tea for you guys and regular tea for myself.” Hongjoong waves and grabs a tray of cookies on the counter "Hello there Miss y/n I'll be taking this outside" He gives me a kind smile and leaves Seonghwa and I alone.
“I can help you my love” He reaches for one of the kettles from my hands “Oh, careful it's hot.” I say while I make sure the kettle doesn't touch his skin. Seonghwa glances down at me then smiles "You're so precious, you know that?" I cover one of my ears with my available hand hiding bright red ear and he chuckles "Your shyness is telling me you agree with my words." I look down slightly embarrassed "I'm just still in shock someone as sweet and loving as you has been waiting for me all these years." He kisses the top of my head and pulls my shoulder onto his chest "Which is why now I'm going to make up for all that time I lost not being with you." I raise my eyebrow with a cheeky smile "Well, I hope you enjoy being with all wrinkly old woman Sir." Seonghwa tilts my chin up looking deep into my eyes "Just know no matter how much time changes you, just know my love for you will never change." I meant that as a joke but why do I feel like crying? This knot in my throat... Unable to speak Seonghwa gently kisses my forehead and smiles "Let's go, I'm sure you're very hungry after all that cooking." We both walk outside towards the gazebo and I begin to pour tea in their tea cups then San says “Oh, hey Miss y/n don’t worry about pouring tea just sit and eat comfortably, after all we’re all sitting here enjoying a meal as friends even though it might be a little weird since we’re not exactly human.”
I set down the tea pot and I sit down “That’s okay, friends are friends. I mean you guys were human at one point in your lives so that counts.” I serve myself a plate then I look around “The garden is beautiful and so is this gazebo but from the looks of it it’s rarely ever used.” Jongho says “Oh yeah, usually just me and San are the ones that come out here. I really like to look at the graden and sing.” after swallowing a spoonful of food San says “I like to come out here and play in my cat form it’s so fun being able to run around since Hongjoong and Seonghwa don’t let me do it inside.” I pick up the floral golden rimmed tea cup and take a sip “Oh I’m sure being a cat must be fun. It must feel nice being so free, but how come none of you guys burst into flames when we came outside? Aren't vampires deathly allergic to the sun?”
The guys look at each other and laugh as if I've said the most hilarious thing even until Hongjoong clears his throat “Well, the sun severely hurts our eyes Miss y/n. The whole catching on fire or having sparkling skin thing is a myth. The only way to kill us really is by a stab in the heart with a wooden or silver steak, beheading or burning is also an option.”  Well, that's gruesome, I didn't think he'd mention that so nonchalantly. I slowly nod “Ah, that explains the sunglasses then? So how often do you guys need to feed? Is that an everyday thing or..” Everyone looks over at Seonghwa then he gently pats my head and says “Well, to be truthful we only need to feed at least once a week or every 3 days, meaning we each feed an average of 52 times in a year maybe a little more.” Wow that’s kind of a lot, 52 victims every year. With Draven involved though I'm sure the amount of victims is double the amount of death.
Seonghwa gently reaches over to hold my hand Wooyoung then smirks and says “The thing is though when a vampire falls in love with a human their thirst for their blood becomes very strong.” My hands grow cold then San turns to Wooyoung and smacks his arm “Hey, Wooyoung don’t tell her that you’ll freak her out. I’m sure she still doesn’t trust us like that yet..” Seonghwa gently squeezes my hand “Do you trust me Miss y/n?” His green and gold eyes look right at me very tenderly with no trace of malice. “Of course I trust you, I’m just still a bit scared from what happened. So knowing you might eat me in any second kinda scares me a bit. especially since um..” Oh my god, no wonder he would get extra riled up when he was anywhere near my neck last night. I glance at the rest of the vampires at the table then back over at Seonghwa who gently kisses my forehead and chuckles keeping his cool “I would never do that sweetheart, I love you too much.” Yeosang then says “You don’t have to worry about Seonghwa not controlling himself, he keeps his vampiric instincts under control very well.”
Wooyoung then cheekily smiles “Guys, I’ve never seen Seonghwa look at anyone like that, I like it, he looks less scary.” Yeosang shoots him a look then smiles “I mean when you’ve been looking for your soul mate for most of your vampire life then you finally find them I’m sure you’d act the same way.” Yunho looks over at Seonghwa and says “I know you’re happy but please keep an eye on her if something happens to her before we can get to her I really don’t want to think about it.” Seonghwa looks over at me then turns to Yunho slightly annoyed “Actually my dear Yunho, Mingi needs to be the one who's careful he should know better. Just because he’s a younger vampire doesn’t excuse him attacking people. he doesn't intend to feed on.” Yunho looks over at Hongjoong almost pleading him to step in but in return Hongjoong shrugs and says “He’s right, that can’t be an excuse. Look at Jongho, he's the youngest and he controls himself very well.” Yunho sighs in frustration then says “How can you just be on the witch’s side?! I’m sorry but you guys out of anyone here know how hard it is for Mingi to control himself. ”
Everyone turns and looks at Yunho in shock I then feel Seonghwa’s hand clench I hold his arm and gently squeeze it then he responds in a low tone “Yunho, don’t ever disrespect Miss y/n like that ever again.” Yunho grows a very sullen expression “I’m sorry, but I couldn’t stand hearing you guys say those things about Mingi. I promise Miss y/n he’s a great person. It’s just that…” He looks over at everyone for a second then he looks back at me “MIngi doesn’t like you because of your witches descent...You’re a witch.” Hongjoong gets up and grabs Yunho by the arm “Alright come on Yunho, you’ve said enough today.” I know Wooyoung told me earlier but hearing him say it that way makes me realize I'm somewhere I shouldn’t be. I have a feeling I’m going to die here.  
While Hongjoong escorts Yunho back to the house I sit there in shock and embarrassment. Seonghwa pulls me close and gently pats my head and without thinking I say “I honestly wish I was gone. Ever since I arrived here I’ve brought so many problems to you guys, you especially Seonghwa. I’m so sorry.” He gently kisses the top of my head and gently strokes my cheek “No, it’s not your fault please don’t say that. From the day you were born I hoped to have you in my arms that’s how much I love you. Being born of a witch's descent isn’t your fault at all, to me you’re just human.” San, Jongho, Yeosang and Wooyoung walk over to me and Seonghwa. Jongho puts his hand on my shoulder and gently squeezes it he then sits next to me and holds my hand “I also am glad you were born because who else Is going to cheer on my singing?”
San moves some plates aside and sits on the table “Yes, and who else is going to play with me or give me really delicious snacks. Only you Miss y/n” Wooyoung then says “If you weren’t here I'd have no one to test recipes for, you’re also an amazing cooking buddy. It’s really fun cooking with you.” And finally Yeosang says “Not to mention if you weren’t here I'd have no one to help me out with experiments since none of these guys ever want to help.” I sigh “I’m so sorry for being selfish, but please understand where I'm coming from. I’m terrified just being here, don’t get me wrong being with you guys has its upsides because if I'm honest in the back of my mind there’s always that thought that maybe one day i’ll end up dead. I’m just a mere human, I’m not a witch I don’t have powers or powerful spells.”
Seonghwa slightly smiles and turns my face towards him “As long as I'm here I'll protect you with my life so you have nothing to worry about.” San looks over at the other guys then says “Us too, I know we just met not long ago but we’re all so fond of you now so don’t mind grouchy Mingi. We’ll protect you.” San then turns into his cat form and walks over to me purring and rubbing his tiny head on my arm I gently pick him up put him on my lap and pet him. My throat grows a heavy knot but not one of sadness but one of happiness and slowly my vision blurs and tears well up in my eyes. “Thank you so much…” I gently hug San in my arms while Seonghwa wipes away my tears “Oh no, don’t cry my love.” I smile and shake my head “I’m sorry I'm such a crybaby it was just happy tears.” Everyone else smiles then Jongho says “How about we help Miss y/n clean up?” I put San on the table and I get up and pick up all the plates “All the dirty dishes can go in the sink I'll wash them when I’m finished packing up all the food” they nod and take the pots of food inside San stays behind then turns back into his regular form “About what Yunho said, just ignore that. He got a bit emotional because he’s really close friends with Mingi.”
“It’s okay, I know I'm a witch by blood he wasn’t wrong about that, It just hurts because of the way he said it. I thought he was my friend and I’d never thought he’d say those things, but I totally understand I honestly would have stood up for my best friend too.” San sighs then grabs a cookie from the plate and takes a bite “True, but he didn’t have to use the fact that you’re a witch against you it’s like getting upset because fire is hot. It makes no sense because you can’t change who you are although I do think the fact that vampires and witches have a strong rivalry against each other plays a strong role as to why they’re acting that way especially Mingi, for him everything that Draven says he follows. Draven hates witches but he loves the power that comes with them so when he drinks their blood he favors that over human blood any day.”
San picks up some pots of food and we walk back towards the kitchen. He leans over close to me and says “Do you need help with the dishes again?” I shake my head and smile “Oh no, it’s okay Master San you can just bring me the remaining food from outside besides I'm sure you need to rest and prepare yourself for um… That thing happening tonight.” He looks over at Seonghwa, Wooyoung, Jongho and Yeosang talking to eachother while they bring in the rest of the food then San gives me an eye smile and says in a low whisper “Oh right, I almost forgot about that it’s today.” The rest of the boys walk into the kitchen and set the remaining food onto the kitchen table then Wooyoung says “Forgot about what San?” San then turns to Wooyoung and awkwardly smiles “Oh you know, that thing that’s happening tonight” Seonghwa then says “Oh, did you let Miss y/n in on what we’re doing?” Wooyoung nods and says “Yes, I told her this morning and she says it’s okay.”
Seonghwa looks over at me slightly worried “Are you sure you want to do this my love? I don’t want you to get scared over what happens or you know see us in a different light.” I force a smile and hold Seonghwa’s hand “It’s okay, I understand. You guys are in a pact after all and the last thing I want is for you guys to get in trouble so I decided it’ll be best I help and not be useless. I need to put my personal feelings aside.” Yeosang then says “I don’t know if Wooyoung told you this but please try not to get attached to this person, I know you’ll probably want to make friends with someone but It’s best you don’t we don’t want to risk an escapee.” I nod “Yes Master Yeosang understood.” Yeosang puts his hands on my shoulders his ruby red eyes looking into mine "Seriously, you cannot get attached Miss y/n, no matter how kind they are and how much you want to comfort them do not get attached." Huh, I wonder why...
☽ ──── ༺𖤐༻ ──── ☾
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baejax-the-great · 8 months
[First, I was rereading "Agua Caliente" and I remembered a song that played a lot in my childhood (and I had kind of forgotten) bc the lyrics somehow matched the Patrochilles dynamic in this fic. This is kind of funny bc I would never in my life associate sertanejo (it's a type of country music, I think? Idk I've never heard country, but the aesthetic is kind of similar. Anyway, it's pretty popular here) with shipping an ancient Greek couple in modern AU, but ok. And I went to listen to this song again and now I'm listening to it on a loop, so thanks for that.]
Now the real question! It's perhaps a strange question, but do you plan what you write? Like, before you write, do you have the whole structured idea in mind? I could have sworn it was like that reading the fics, but then some notes on Ao3 and certain things you say on Tumblr started to make me reflect that maybe you don't plan as much as I thought… in that case, how do you manage to connect everything so well without looking like something was left out/without prior planning??? It's magic, technique, luck or actually do you plan?
Sorry if the question is a bit "???" but I'm REALLY thinking about this! I used to write fics years ago and I was in the "won't plan" group and as expected the fics came out obviously unplanned (but that was ok with me bc it was just to pass the time and I didn't expect it to be an engaging story or anything), and here's why this ask exists: it's precisely bc I was in the “won't plan” group that I'm really intrigued by the possibility of you NOT planning bc it just doesn't seem that way reading your fics...
The short answer is that I do plan what I write, but probably not enough.
I rarely start writing a fic with an entire idea. Often it's just a vibe. But I won't start posting a fic until I know exactly what the conflict is and how it will be resolved.
This was easy in ATG, for example, because I'd already written the resolution before I even decided to write the fic. Structuring it by Patroclus's age also helped, because I could make an outline with the stuff that needed to happen and then jam stuff I wanted to happen around it. That "Stuff" could be really specific--obviously Pat had to graduate school and Achilles had to go to the Olympics on specific years, and it was also like, this section should have them fighting. This section should have them getting along, but Achilles is hiding this big lie so there should be a weird tension.
In Sunset, it took me longer to figure out the conflict/resolution. Sure, I knew that Achilles was going to cry on a Chicago street corner and get naked in Pat's kitchen, but why was he there? How did he get there? I had already written Achilles settling in to Pat's place and the scene where he gets into the lake before I decided on Aphrodite being the key to explain this whole thing. Then I knew Pat had to die. But a lot of the stuff that happened in the middle was sort of on a whim (particularly Achilles getting on the wrong L train-that was definitely just an impulse I had while finishing that chapter). Tecmessa's chapter was also a later addition, and a deeply self-indulgent one, hah.
Agua was the least planned of these three, and in some ways it was because the idea was a lot simpler. After three years, Achilles runs into Patroclus again and they reconcile in some way. I knew exactly how Patroclus would feel about the whole thing (relieved, guilty, upset, wounded, hopeful, upset about feeling hopeful). My original plan was just to set up Achilles in his shop and his new life doing his best and have him run into Patroclus at the beach, and eventually they'd go to the desert. I wrote parts of their meeting first, and then I started writing the beginning and ended up scrapping most of that. I realized I was going to have to do a lot more writing for poor Achilles. My lack of planning here did cause some difficulties--I had like three versions of that date he went on with Pat with different endings. One involved Pat in the hospital, lmao. Zag and Meg coming to stay with Achilles were kind of whims, and I had meant to have Hypnos show up for "his turn" and have Achilles send him home because no, these were not team-building exercises, but then I forgot 😩.
The reason that I need to know the conflict/resolution at the start is because I do think all the scenes in a fic should relate to it in some way, either by building up the conflict or setting the groundwork for a resolution. Even for the impulsive scenes I add just for fun, I think about how they can do this. For example, Achilles getting lost on the L allowed me to build up Pat's unreasonable anxiety, show that Ajax was also feeling it to some extent, and end in Pat saying "fuck it" and just giving in to making out with his hot, ancient boyfriend. It was also something that happened to a friend who was visiting me from out of the country and didn't have a working cell phone. That moment of watching him through the window of the L as it slowly pulled away is just etched in my memory.
In Agua Caliente, almost anything could relate to the resolution, because the resolution was "Achilles having a life," thus it didn't require as much planning. Zagreus's apartment getting flooded (something that happened to me in grad school) showed Achilles attempting to be flexible with some success while allowing himself to become closer to Zagreus, which led to a point of connection with his kids. It also made it easier to explain why Achilles was doing Zag's delivery that day when he ran into Pat. There were only a couple things that truly needed to happen in AC for the fic to make sense, and that was a resolution with Achilles' kids and then with Patroclus, of course.
I do get loose threads sometimes, side conflicts or things that didn't end up going anywhere, and those things tend to annoy me until I figure out a way to resolve them or make them otherwise relevant. Or I don't. Or sometimes I realize I need to add something/someone into the fic, and it would have been smoother if I'd added it in an earlier chapter so it didn't seem like a convenient thing I'd just thought of to solve a problem. That's always annoying to me. But whatever. It's fanfic. That's the risk of posting while you write.
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sansxfuckyou · 10 months
maybe it's just me (built to snap eventually)
Summary: Technoblade and Dream have a rivalry, and the both of them are sure it's as simple as that, a rivalry- definitely not something that'll lead to an all consuming culmination of hatred and obsession, it couldn't be
Warnings: heavy gore, graphic & poetic character death, awkward conversations, the rivalsduo is meant to be read as a possessive/obsessive thing instead of a romantic thing, injury recovery, swearing, not actually character death, funerals, please read with caution
Authors Note: you know, this was originally an SBI-centric fic in my head, but then I had a lot of fun with the rivalsduo dynamic, so here we are now. I don't even know how we got here, but the end product is really fun. rip awesamdude. @sobredunia i subjected you to some of my mad ramblings, heres the full thing, i'm too tired for the ending to be perfectly formulated. hope ya'll enjoy, and if you do consider dropping a reblog, ao3 port comes out hopefully tomorrow
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"Look, Techno," Phil began with as he glanced at his second son. His beloved son, who he cared for dearly despite his rather odd choice of form, "We need to have a talk."
The Piglin hesitantly made eye contact, "Yeah dad?"
"You have the most non-human blood of all my sons, given the fact you can shape-shift. I still don't get why you want to be a pig, but you do you. Really though, a pig?" Phil rambled.
"Dad. The point," Techno said rather sternly.
"Right, yeah, this conversations topic," Phil said cautiously.
"Is this about sex? I know about sex," Techno blurted out before he could stop himself from making an assumption.
"Fuck no, definitely not," He answered with, his wings gave a fluff of discomfort. He cleared his throat, "But, as you may know, immortals grow attached to mortals. Usually picking a specific one without realizing it in the moment, and sometimes we take it upon ourselves to protect them until they die of natural causes."
"That explains Wilbur's obsession with Sapnap," Techno mused with an eye roll.
Phil gives a hum, "No, he just really wants to fuck Sapnap- it's Tommy's situation with Tubbo though."
"Ah," Techno said, a wave of understanding washed over him, "I don't have one of those."
"You do," Phil answered with, "It's not always friendship, or romance, sometimes it's hatred. Immortals grow deeply attached to a mortal to the point of obsession, brutalization even, to make sure we can take care of them or take advantage of them. It's like," He paused, "It's like our tether to mortality, we live mortal lives through their existence. Even if their mortal lives put them so close to death everyday; even if the mortal lives they lead are ones we hate them for; we grow obsessed and can't help it."
"An example," Techno demanded.
"Well," Phil said, "I don't have one of the aggressive type off the top of my head, but I'd say it's similar to your predicament with Dream, no?"
Deep red flared on Techno's face at the accusation, it didn't show much considering the hue of his skin. He cleared his throat roughly and gave a feeble defense, "Is not."
"Is too," Phil countered with.
"I fucking hate him! I want him dead! I would never do anything to protect him, ever," Techno snapped aggressively. And the way he snarled and nearly yelled would scare everyone but Philza, Tommyinnit, and Wilbur Soot. They were just used too it.
"What if I said he was dying right now, what would you do? He's on the floor, bleeding out, what do you do?" Phil asked.
It made Techno pause, he hated the fact it did but he needed to think about a question this grave. He dropped further into his chair, cape awkwardly pooling around him. He opened his mouth to speak but paused, "I'd kill him I'd finish him off myself."
"Why," Phil demands.
"Because blood loss is a terrible way to go," Techno answered with.
"What if someone else was about to finish Dream and you could save him momentarily? Then what?" Phil asked carefully. Each word interlocking to paint a beautiful picture in Techno's head.
"I'd save him, and then I'd kill him," Techno answered with, and he sounds ashamed of his answer even though he can't say someone else gets the honors of killing Dream. He takes a heavy breath, "I save him, kill his attacker, give him a potion, tell him to find me once he's healed, and then I'd kill him."
"Then go," Phil said as he stood up, "You don't have any omnipotence yet, but I do, and I just wanna say that you're about to lose him."
"What? He can handle some fucking bandits," Techno said defensively as Phil started to walk off.
There's a hum, "Yeah, but I doubt he can handle someone like Sam given his new Netherite gear."
Techno stayed silent, a deep knot of confusion settling in his gut. He stays here and lets Sam kill his one true rival, or he goes out there and tries to find said rival before Sam does. He gives an annoyed groan as he flips onto his side, "Sam can kill him."
"I'll be in the kitchen if you need me then," Phil answered with, a smirk on his face but Techno can't see it.
The second that Phil is in the kitchen the piglin is on his feet and leaving, he can already feel his tusks jut out a little bit more than usual. Stupid divinity in his genetics, he hates and loves it. But, he'll put that godly wrath to good use, just to make sure he's the one who gets to kill Dream in the end of it all.
An axe is in his hands when he reaches the door, diamond, enchanted, it will tear open someone's skull once again. He doesn't bother to grab any armor, a totem and he's well on his way out the door and into the wilderness.
He really hopes that Sam has a spare life, just to make sure he'll wake up and understand why people don't mess with an immortals mortal.
"Do you have any idea how hard it was to track you down?" Sam asked as he took another step into the bloody snow, a deep crimson turning to ice from Dream's previous death.
The man shakes his head as the tip of a sword goes to reach under his chin. He lifts his head with the blade, "How long?" He gives that trademark grin, that undying smile, the thing he's known for most on wanted posters. His hands are resting in the snow behind him, and his jacket is slashed up, no armor, he didn't think he'd need it. How wrong he was.
"Months. I spent fucking months trying to track you down after you got out just so I could have the pleasure," Sam explained in an exasperated tone. He jutted he sword forward and Dream lurched backwards till he was flat on the snow. A paw came to rest on his knee and pressed until it shattered, he bit his tongue and didn't scream, "And you have more fucking lives than you're supposed to. You should be dead right now, unable to return."
Dream laughed, "Naw, that's not how someone like me works. I can't let you of all people kill me," He tries to push himself up to face the centaur, resting on his elbows, "Only one person out there gets the honor, and trust me, he won't be pleased to find you trying to steal it."
"We all want you dead, and you think any of us care who finishes you? They don't," Sam snarled as he leaned in, raising his paw up to Dream's femur and presses until it shatters, a bloody burst as the bones splits roughly, "I'll be fucking praised."
There's an amused hum from Dream at the sudden lurch back on Sam's end, the way his ears swivel around. Snow crunching under feet, fast, closing in on them very fast. And in the instant that Sam is looking back to see who it is, he's being tackled down by a seemingly amorphous wild boar. Tusks sharp as an axe tearing into his hide and cloven hooves (almost paws), the fur is pink, striking red down the back.
"Technoblade," Dream said as he looked at his temporary savior, "He was just bluffing."
The beast whips it's head around to snarl at Dream. The beast-like characteristics are fading, until the red separates into a cape and the horns to a crown. His breathing is labored, eyes still glazed over red, he can form words just barely; "Your life is fucking mine."
Dream would stand up and walk condescending circles around Techno at this point, but considering how ruined his left leg is he can't do so. He shrugs, "I think our friend the prison warden understands that now."
Techno still indulges, killing Sam rather swiftly, tearing out his chest and spreading the ribs. A gut wrenching scream, and a snap of teeth around a heart, he's gone before he can ask why. The boar still feasts, the boar feasts until the human half of the corpse has been thoroughly desecrated, to the point it can barely be called a corpse.
Dream just watches, fully aware of the fact that'll be him one day, when Techno has finally decided to end their game of cat and mouse. Dream quite likes this right now, just watching, mentally preparing himself for the final bell to toll. Readying himself for the day Techno decides that killing someone when they're wounded is viable and far better than letting them heal to fight at full strength.
When he raises from the corpse, so close to just being another guy, but bereft of the simplicity of a human form, he looks at Dream. He licks the blood from the back of his hand before walking over to his rival, his enemy, his beloathed, but he wouldn't dare call him a friend. He crouches down and gently prods at the shattered limb and Dream hisses, "Guess you can't make it back to your place on your own."
"Kill me now, I'm on my last life," Dream answered with, "You want too, don't you?"
"Not when you're pathetic like this," Techno said bluntly as he slid an arm under his rivals knees, black pants still intact but in need of being cut up to tend to the wound. He slides an arm around the shoulders, lowering to his back and picking him up, "I'll patch you up."
Dream feebly pushes against the torso of his rival, "No, fuck you. I have an extra life, let me freeze to death."
"That's a lame way to go," Techno said as he carried Dream, he was cold, worryingly so. Techno catches the clasp of his cape on his task and attempts to swing it over.
"Are you using your cape, as a blanket?" Dream asked, he did reach for the velvety red fabric to curl himself up in it a little bit.
"Like I said, it would suck to freeze to death," Techno said as he clutched his rivals body a little closer, he can hear a zombie groaning below the ground. It's a defensive motion, like hell he's letting Dream get struck down permanently by anything other than his own two hands.
Dream hums, "I've frozen to death before."
"How was that for you?" Techno asked as that purple glow of the portal came into view past the trunk of a tree. He slows a bit, can sudden shift from cold to hot kill a human? Demi-human, because he knows that some part of Dream isn't human just like he isn't.
Dream shrugged, "It was lame, just cold," His raises a hand to touch one of Techno's tusks and the hybrid bites, fangs just barely nipping the edge of Dream's fingernail. Shock is on his face, it's pure shock, usually held behind an arrogant mask. Techno revels in the fact he's one of the few who gets to see Dream with the mask off, even if only for a second, "Dude, dick move."
"I know," Techno said, and he grinned, it made Dream's blood boil.
He crosses his arms like a defiant teen, which, yeah, he never really grew out of the defiant part. He rests his head on the fabric of Techno's shirt, and despite the pain coursing through him he keeps a straight face. He's felt worse, "Fuck you."
Techno gives a singular laugh, "I would never."
"Neither would I," Dream spits back, "I was using hyperbole."
"Shut up before I strangle you into a coma," Techno threatened.
Dream shut up.
"Hey dad," Wilbur began with as he walked past Techno and into the kitchen.
"Yeah Wil?" Phil responded with as he pivoted on his heel to face his first son.
"Why is Techno sitting on the couch staring at the ceiling?" Wilbur asked, "His hands are bloody."
Phil shrugged, "He has an 'acquaintance' over and he's worried about how Tommy will react," He gestured around vaguely with his spatula as he spoke.
"Oh my fuck, Techno got a girlfriend?" Wilbur asked excitedly, trying to keep his voice hushed but failing.
"I do not have a girlfriend!" Techno shouted from the living room.
"Trust me, this visitor is not a girlfriend," Phil said with an amused hum, "Far from it."
"Who is it?" Wilbur asked, making a point of getting up in his dads face as he spoke, the Elytrian shifter edged back.
"You'll have to wait and see," Phil said as he pushed away his son with the tip of his spatula, "Go bother Techno about it."
"He'll rip my head off dad," Wilbur said, he snatched away the Elytrian's cooking utensil, "I'll help cook instead."
"An extra set of hands is always welcome in my kitchen," Phil said as he grabbed a spatula for himself.
On the other side of the house Tommy, the youngest of Phil's sons, is kicking off his boots and shaking down his tail of the snow. Striped fur stands on end when he catches the scent of blood, heavy on the air. Before he can even announce he's home he's following that fresh blood smell that burns his nose down the halls to Techno's room.
He doesn't knock, just swings open the door, "Techno are you-"
Words die in his throat as he stares at the man in his brothers bed, it isn't his brother. His heart rate picks up when that cunt in green tilts his head to be greeted with the sight of the blonde. There's a small smile void of malicious intent, but Tommy sees violence in those emerald eyes. He slams the door shut before Dream can even get out a weak 'hi,' his fur is bristled now.
"Technoblade, why the fuck is Dream in your bed?!" Tommy exclaimed as he walked into the living room.
"I don't fucking know!" Techno shot back as he snapped up from his sitting position, "I couldn't just let him freeze to death, that'd be cruel!"
"I thought you hated him!" Tommy practically screamed.
"I do hate him! I promise, but I need to be the one to kill him! And you wouldn't fucking get it!" Techno roared back at the considerably smaller of the two.
"Then why in the name of Philza Minecraft, Foolish Gamers, and so on and so forth! Is he, in your, bedroom?!" Tommy yelled, his throat hurt just a bit, "If you're fucking him I'm going to disown you."
"That's disgusting! I would never fuck someone as low as him," Techno snapped, tone lowering as he spoke. He heaved a long sigh, "He's staying."
"I'm killing him in his sleep," Tommy said venomously.
Techno would be snapping Tommy's neck right about now if they weren't brothers, instead he stands up and walks past Tommy who gives an annoyed sound. He leans in the doorway of the kitchen, "Is dinner ready yet?"
"I take it you don't want to eat dinner with us?" Phil asked as he portioned a couple of diagonally cut sandwiches onto a platter.
"Not if Tommy is being a bitch about Dream staying here," Techno said as kindly as he could, which wasn't kindly at all. He crossed his arms bitterly, "Can I have a plate?"
Phil hands the plate to Wilbur who hands the plate to Techno.
"Thanks," Techno said.
The living room is empty, his bedroom door is propped open. He tries to stay calm as he enters his room to find Tommy above Dream, dagger so close to piercing his heart. A pair of weak hands grasp desperately at the blade to stop it from puncturing his skin.
"Tommy," Techno said coldly, he placed the plate of sandwiches on his desk.
The blonde looked up, "This isn't what it looks like."
"Yes, yes it is what it looks like! Get this thing off of me!" Dream snapped as he attempted to use his one good leg to kick off Tommy. His attempts were feeble, he just wanted to scare off the Procyonidae, not hurt him.
"Dream, shut up," Techno snapped, "Tommy, get out of my room."
"But-" The plead was desperate.
"Now," Techno snarled and the raccoon was skittering out of the room in mere seconds. He heaves a sigh before grabbing the plate of sandwiches and dropping down his bed beside Dream.
Dream reaches for a sandwich and Techno shifts the plate a little closer.
"Think twice before badmouthing any member of my family," Techno said.
Dream nodded, "Got it."
"Sorry that Tommy just, did that," Techno said weakly as he tore a chunk out of his sandwich, cheese stuck to one of his tusks.
"I probably deserved it," Dream answered without any chalantness in his voice as he ate his sandwich.
"If you want to stay here,"
"I don't,"
"You'll have to live with that, and Wilbur, and Phil, and the humans they drag along. You aren't gonna have any control here, you're just here to heal up,"
"I didn't want to be here at all,"
"I know, but I couldn't let you freeze to death, it's so fucking lame,"
Dream gives a small sigh, "Thanks anyways."
"You're welcome," Techno said and it hurt to say it to Dream, "On account of the fact that you're sleeping in my bed-"
Dream quirked a brow and smirked at the words.
"Not sexually," Techno quickly defended with, "Fuck, you have a dirty mind."
"That I do," Dream said with a small laugh, "Please continue."
"I'm sleeping on the couch now, so if you need me, just roll out of bed and drag yourself across the floors and wake me up," Techno said.
"How hospitable," Dream said with a roll of the eyes, "I'll keep that in mind."
Techno grabs another triangle of cheese and bread, "Yeah, yeah, get some sleep."
Dream gives a sickly sweet expression, "Good night, Techno," His voice was sugar sweet and it made the piglin gag, that made Dream laugh.
"Watch your fucking mouth bud," Techno snarled out, "I'm not above killing you in your sleep."
Dreams legs are shaking, and he's holding onto Techno's hand like a vice as he tries to take steps. Everything still hurts so much, and his bones aren't quite set, but he needs to try. He's already overstayed his welcome and he needs to heal up and learn how to walk again.
"Hey, dude, you can just lay down again," Techno offered quietly as he led Dream to the kitchen, "I'll bring you some leftovers."
He shook his head, "You said that Phil, Wilbur, and Tommy were bringing over their mortals, I want to be at the dinner table."
"Uh huh, and whys that?" Techno asked, tilting Dream off balance just a bit. It garnered a heavy glare that made the Piglin grin.
"I'm your mortal according to Phil, so I want to be there," Dream explained as he took yet another shaky step. At least it wasn't bleeding anymore, the gauze holding his leg in one piece.
Techno nearly laughed, "You're definitely not my mortal, I just want to be the one who kills you," He knocks his tusk gently against the side of Dream's head, "Is it not fair for me to make sure you're at your best when I do?"
"It's kinda gay, that's what it is," Dream accused rather boldly, "But really, it's just like what Phil was telling me about. You act like you own my mortality, more so than usual," He pauses, "I appreciate all the help getting back to my best again but people don't just do that."
Techno paused, "I'm built different."
And Dream just laughs, "Yeah you fucking are, you're built like a brick house and a pig for fucks sake! I'm lucky to have an enemy like you."
"I'd say the term 'rival' works better," Techno corrected as he rolled his eyes and led Dream into the kitchen.
Tommy glances up and instead of doing anything he just leans further into Tubbo. His breathing picks up.
"Dream! Glad to see you're joining us for dinner," Phil said with a grin.
"Can't stay in Techno's room the whole time I'm here, it'd be rude," Dream said, almost nervously, but not quite.
"I trust everyone here knows each other?" Phil asked as he glanced over the table.
Dream sat down next to Phil, Techno sat down next to Dream, acting as a comfortable barrier between Tommy and Dream. Schlatt leaned over the table a bit, to get a good look at the man Dream had become. He's softer now, just as gnarled with scars but physically, he's softer, less malnourished.
"Not personally," Schlatt said, "But we all know Dream."
Quackity gives a hum of agreement, "We know him very well, I guess having bad taste in men runs in the family."
Both Phil and Techno glare at Quackity.
"I'm just being honest," Quackity mused.
"Firstly, fuck off," Techno said, "Secondly, I hate this man," He gestured to said man who was sitting beside him, "Thirdly, Wilbur has dogshit taste in men and you're proof of it, lastly Tommy is, he's Tommy."
"I love debates," Tubbo said, butting into the conversation with ease, "But can we not kill each other over this little dinner?"
"Sounds fine," Quackity said as he glared at Techno, "Peachy keen."
Techno lounged back further into his chair and grabbed his plate, "I'm going to my room."
Dream gave an offended gasp, "You're gonna leave me out here to die?"
"No I'm not," Techno said before roughly hoisting up dream and slinging him onto his shoulders.
Wilbur gives a hum, "Don't be too loud, might ruin our appetites."
The glare Techno shoots at Wilbur is sharp enough to cut through steel. Wilbur just smiles.
"You're gross," Techno said.
"And hot," Wilbur answered with, "One of those two things, you aren't."
"I am this fucking close to throwing Dream at you, he will claw your eyes out," Techno threatened, holding his fingers mere millimeters apart.
"I'll have to agree with Wilbur," Quackity said smugly.
Techno places his plate down on the table and gently lifts Dream from his shoulders.
"Hey now, let's be rational, we're all adults here," Dream said rather nervously as Techno shifted how he was held.
"Yeah, and what's a couple more months with you healing up," Techno said, and despite phrasing it as a question it was a statement.
"And that's enough! From the both of you," Phil demanded as he stood up, voice cold and stern in such a way it made his children freeze. He glared at each of them, "None of you are going to your room, I plan full well on having dinner with my family present for the first time in over a month."
"Since Dream got here," Tommy muttered.
"What was that Tommy?" Phil growled out.
"He takes up all of Techno's time! They have to be doing something right under our noses," Tommy accused.
"I would never!" Techno snapped back, "I hate him."
"Then how come you're taking care of him?" Wilbur asked before Tommy could.
"Because," Techno faltered, "Because I, he-"
"He owes me one," Dream quickly stepped in with, "I saved his life and he's doing the same."
Phil knows that Dream is lying, omnipotence will do that to you. He doesn't say anything about it though.
"He doesn't have to do so in the house I live in," Tommy answered with, extremely exasperated at that.
"Tommy, Dream is a guest in our household and I expect you to at least try and respect him," Phil said, "I don't like it either, but he's Techno's mortal, we're respecting that."
"He fucking isn't!" Techno said desperately.
"Kid," Schlatt began, "Look at yourself, you're fucking obsessed with that green guy- he's your mortal, and you're his immortal, whether you like it or not."
"He's not my fucking immortal," Dream spat venomously.
"That's what I said when Phil started fawning over my existence, making sure I didn't get hurt and shit," Schlatt said as he stood up, "Porch?"
"Porch," Dream answered with as the rest of the family argued over the table.
"Look, I'm not an expert on this shit," Schlatt said, "But I sure as hell have experience."
"Then start talking," Techno demanded.
"Watch your tone, I could have smited for that," Schlatt said as he pointed to Techno with his cigar.
Dream scoffed, "Sure."
"When you sleep with someones dad anything can happen," Schlatt said with a casual shrug.
"I'll be up questioning my life decisions tonight," Techno said, "Forget late night training."
"Do you want my advice or not?" Schlatt asked coldly.
They both nodded.
"You, green," Schlatt started with, "Deal with it, Techno is gonna be making sure you don't die for a very long time. Even if you do die, I wouldn't put him past trying to bring you back if he didn't get the honors. No one will so much as lay a hand on you if they find out that you 'belong' to Techno."
"But I hate him," Dream said as the Piglin unloaded him onto a lawn chair.
"For now. You hate him for. I hated Phil and here I am, fucking him," Schlatt said with a bit of a laugh, "I guess some of me still hates him, and I'm not trying to say you two will end up fucking, but you belong to each other now."
"Like some fucked up and lazy soulmate trope?" Techno asked.
"Exactly like that," Schlatt answered with, "You're a fast learner."
"Thanks, I've been told I get it from my dad," Techno said stiffly.
"Where was I? Right, Piglin," Schlatt said, "Dream belongs to you, you can defy it, distance yourself from him, try to forget him- but if you catch wind of anyone trying to hurt him you're gonna end up fucking them up. Like what you did to Sam. Tommy would do the same for Tubbo, but that's because he cares about Tubbo as a friend, not because Tommy wants to be the one to kill Tubbo."
Techno nodded.
"You want to kill Dream when he's at his full power, you'll do anything you can to make sure you can fulfill that. Your obsession turned into a necessity somewhere along the line, sure, if you fail to kill him permanently, you'll move on. But there will be a very long mourning period of something you failed to do," Schlatt tried to explain.
"So, basically, I have a divine being here to protect me, so he can kill me?" Dream asked, "Cause that is, it's kind of stupid and hard to wrap my head around."
"How do you think I feel?" Techno asked, "We were supposed to be killing each other, dying of blood loss in a heap on the ground, buried in the same coffin."
"See? That's the whole 'immortals have a mortal' thing kicking in," Schlatt said.
"I've always thought of Dream like that," Techno said.
"And that's always how I've thought of Techno, we're supposed to die together, he kills me, I kill him," Dream defended.
"That won't happen," Schlatt said, "Techno is immortal."
"Then I'll find a way to kill him," Dream said, "I have too."
Schlatt's eyes widened a bit, "Okay, this is clearly a lot more in depth and messy than whatever Phil thinks it is that you too have going on."
Techno hoisted up Dream, "That was useless advice then."
Before Schlatt could say anything else Techno ferried Dream throughout the house, his family was still arguing. He dropped Dream down onto the bed, then he laid down on the ground.
"Don't you sleep on the couch?" Dream asked.
"They're screaming at each other, I do not want to be out there," Techno said.
Dream took a tentative breath, "You don't have to sleep on the floor."
"I'm not fucking you," Techno said.
"I'm not asking you to fuck me," Dream said, "That would sound a lot more like 'we should have sex to piss them off' instead of what I said."
Techno sat up and pulled himself onto his bed, tossing aside his cape and gently placing down his crown. He laid down on his back, Dream rested on his side facing away, towards the window.
"Don't make this gay," Techno said before Dream could even bother to say anything.
Instead he rolled over until his head was resting top of the Piglins chest, "Okay."
"This is pretty fucking gay," Techno said carefully. Maybe he enjoyed having someone lying down on top of him, it's a nice pressure, like a weight blanket shaped like a human.
"Don't care, go to sleep," Dream said, "I'll be gone in the morning."
Dream wasn't lying when he said he'd be gone in the morning.
When Techno woke up he was alone in bed, and when he opened the top drawer of his dresser one of his shirts was gone along with a gem out of his crown. Dream's mask was there, the physical one, the cracked and bloodstained porcelain left behind on top of Techno's desk. He lifted it up and out fell a small note.
I really hope that you do end up killing me, and I want to kill you too, ask Phil to bury us together, that would be nice. I want to rot with you, I want to die with you, it'd be a lot harder to say this in person, so I wrote it, and left. Like a pussy. Because sometimes you gotta be a bit of a pussy, if you ever want to find me you should be able to use the pantleg you cut off to scent track me
When you decide that it's time, make sure it's somewhere they'll find our bodies
I would say yours truly, but if you're so concerned about it being gay, I won't
There goes Techno's concerns of Tommy scaring off Dream. He places the letter down gently and clasps his cape around his neck, velvety fabric flowing comfortably. He rests his crown atop his head, now he has even more reason to kill Dream, he stole one of the crown jewels.
He finds Tommy sitting on the couch and he looks guilt ridden. He glances up to see Techno, alone, without Dream. A little bit of worry worms it's way into Tommy's stomach, did he fuck it up that badly? He really hopes he didn't, "Where's Dream?"
"Gone," Techno answered with, "You didn't cause it."
His nerves ease just a bit, "Sorry," He doesn't mean it, Techno chooses to believe he does.
"Don't worry about it," Techno said, "Just do me a favor."
"What is it?" Tommy asked.
"Make sure that me and Dream go down in the same coffin when we die," Techno said before pushing his way into the kitchen where he found Wilbur biting through an apple at a worrying pace.
Techno grabs a cooked strip of beef and tears into it as he leans against the counter.
"I'm engaged to Quackity," Wilbur said quietly, "It happened last night, when you weren't in the room."
Techno nearly chokes on his food, "Really?"
Wilbur nodded, "Yeah, really, I was waiting until we could all be together to get down on one knee. It's a big deal."
"Sorry," Techno said quietly.
"Is Dream still asleep?" Wilbur asked.
Techno shook his head, "Dream left."
"He could barely walk," Wilbur said, "Where are you going?"
Techno shrugged, "On a walk, don't know if I'll be back."
"I'll tell Phil," Wilbur said.
"you know he's a bit omnipotent, he already knows," Techno said bluntly before starting on his way off.
The morning air is cold on his face, he doesn't care about that though. Not when he has a brand new search to begin anyways, it's been forever since he's had a chance to hunt someone like Dream. The difference is that this time he's actually going to kill what he finds, and he hopes that they both go down in flames by the end of it all.
Dream is holding a dagger in his hands when Techno finds him, it's enchanted, a deep purple hue that keeps flashing this sickly green. He stuffs it in his pocket and flops onto his back, the Piglin joins him on the ground.
"You know what I've been thinking about lately?" Dream asked.
"Enlighten me," Techno answered with.
"What you said when Schlatt took us aside to try and explain the 'immortals having a mortal' thing," Dream answered with, "How we've both always thought of rotting together."
Techno gives a hum, "Doesn't everyone think that way about their true rival?"
"I don't think so, Techno," Dream said with a laugh, "It's been months since we last met, I talked with my acquaintances who have rivals, they don't think like that of their rivals. They just want their rivals to die so they can come out on top, they don't want to die with them, they'd kill their rivals in their sleep, Techno."
"Oh," Techno said quietly.
"What we have isn't normal for rivals," Dream said, "It's so fucking stupid, we hate each other, we need each other, and then, we'll kill each other."
"We're supposed to do that," Techno said.
Dream shook his head, "One of us is supposed to come out on top, we aren't both supposed to end up in the dirt."
Techno sat up, "We've dreamed of rotting together since we first met. Dream, we've wanted to slit each others throats for as long as I can remember, so fucking what if it's not normal?"
"It's pretty fucking gay," Dream said as he sat up.
"To die together? For me to rot in your arms and you in mine? That's just fucking destiny, how is that pretty fucking gay if we don't have control?" Techno questioned, "I'm dying of blood loss, and you're going down with me, understood?"
There's this odd stinging at the corner of his eyes, he classifies it as crying even though he shouldn't be. They're talking about how they're meant to die together, to be buried together, because that's their twisted rendition of this song and dance immortals do. He nods, "Yeah," He pulls out the dagger, "I found an enchantment to make sure you'll die with me."
Techno bumps the side of a tusk against Dream's head, "Thank you," He's not quite sure why he's saying thanks over a promised death, but he is.
Dream heaves a sigh, "I suppose this is it then."
"I don't want this to be it," Techno said, "I want to keep living so going down with you will be even better."
"I made stew last night," Dream offered awkwardly, "Beef, lamb, potatoes."
"No pork?" Techno asked.
"I can't eat pork even if I wanted to," Dream said, "It feels, wrong."
"Could I have a bowl?" Techno asked.
Dream gestured to the campfire behind him, "It's boiling away in the pot, help yourself."
The answer is a quiet, "Thanks."
"I don't want to kill you tomorrow," Dream said rather absently.
"Neither do I," Techno answered with.
"Then when?" Dream asked.
Techno didn't know, "I guess we'll just know when it's time."
Dream nodded, "Yeah, yeah that sounds good to me."
There's this gravitational pull when it's finally time to close the circuit, the both of them swirling to the same point like they've been caught in a hurricane. Drawn to the center point where everything coalces and becomes one, rage, blood, hatred, bones, screaming, crying- they both know why they're gridlock.
Blade of an axe pressed to the edge of Dream's sword, bright blue diamond edges clashing and shards splitting off. It blends with the sand below them, glassy, glimmering, red spills into it and darkens it in splotches. Technoblade's blood isn't red, Technoblade's blood is maroon and it shines like oil, it's not mortal.
A heady exclamation as they lurch back from each other once again, breathing labored. A dagger is raised, the one and only, the blade that will seal their fates, the blade that will spell out the ending of their tales as one. Two creatures so different brought to the same point all over again, they both started with the same weapon, and now they'll both end with the same weapon.
Technoblade loses his form, axe in one hand as he lunges at Dream, the humanity of his form fading until he's naught but a beast. A wild animal, eyes glazed over in red, crown turned to horns built to rend flesh like his tusks. And Dream just grins even wider, this is it, this is time.
He is finished. His god is finished. His god will finish him. He will finish his god. They will end it all. They will fade in each others arms. They will be go rancid in the desert heat. Their bones will twine till archeologists don't know what they are. They will end everything. His god will feast on his flesh in their last moments. He will drink his gods blood until he sees the light of reincarnation.
A tusk tears into his stomach and tears up behind his sternum, he screams and it sounds like a laugh despite how guttural and agonized it is. The hand with the dagger is pressed flush in Technoblade's throat, the enchantment shooting through the immortals blood, destroying divinity. Allowing him to die with Dream like they're supposed too, like they've been meant to do since before they were born, even in the afterlife they'll kill each other.
They'll kill each other in every world because who else is bold enough to kill either of them? Who else is smart enough to figure out the enchantment to kill a god?
Who else is meant for Technoblade the way Dream is and that in itself begs the question of who else is meant for Dream the way Technoblade is.
There's a laugh as the enchantment winds through Technoblades veins, destroying him as he destroyed Dream. The tusk is unmoving in Dreams chest as he laughs with Technoblade, even as fangs bite into his flesh. He is meat. He is flesh. He is sustenance. Technoblade is a predator. Technoblade is a devourer. And he will die of food poisoning because nothing else can kill him.
A hand, slowly losing strength because Dream drank his potions like a good boy, raises up to clutch at Technoblades shoulder. Blunt nails tear into the fabric as he laughs. It's a wet sound. He sounds like death. And he supposes that killing a god could make him death. He takes a breath, deep despite all of the red in his lungs, and he speaks.
"This is how it was meant to be," The words come out on a whisper, spoken with reverence because this is how it's supposed to be. Technoblade kills him. He kills Technoblade.
And the god gives a deep hum, a reverberating sound that shakes into Dreams bones. His immortality is being stripped from his blood, the oily sheen, glistening a rainbow of colors in the most unnatural way, is gone. He can feel himself fading and he's glad that it's Dream who did it. A hand, rough, desperate, hungry, clutches at the small of the mortals back and clutches him so very close. Snout burrowing around inside of Dream's chest, everything he has to offer in this destined death until Technoblade is choking in it all.
Strangled in greed or strangled with gifts he can't tell the difference, all he knows is that the taste of Dream's blood is perfect. The way bloody hands tangle into pink hair so long and left unbraided. Head mashed into his shoulder and breathing a susurration against his ear, it's hedonism with how much he keeps taking even though they're both to die in moments.
"I love you,"
Neither of them know who said it, they both know those aren't the right words with how sick this fulfillment of their existence is. The engulfing and ever consuming flame of obsession ate them both. The difference is that Dream's god is still eating him even as he fades and slumps further into the warm body just barely holding on.
And when it's finally over, they lay in the sand. They go rancid in the heat. They rot in the heat. Limbs entangled and weapons caught in each others flesh even as their corpses release everything else. They fade from reality together as they were meant too. Neither of them know. Neither of them see. They are gone.
Phil is the only one who knows they rotted out there for a week when someone finds their corpses being picked at by the vultures. Phil is the only one who knows what went down with the curse of his omnipotence. And even as he hates having to bury his own son, he knows in the back of his mind this was inevitable. Dream was his sons mortal. His on was Dreams immortal. It was bound to spiral, it was bound to end in bloody promises.
"How does it feel Phil?" Schlatt asked as Phil sat down beside him.
"How does what feel?" Phil shot back with weakly.
"Attending your kids funeral," Schlatt said.
"Terrible, you're staying at my place tonight," Phil answered with, "For emotional support."
"Figured as much," Schlatt sighed.
Wilbur is the final person at the casket with the rotting bodies, Quackity stands beside him. They both place a flower on the rotting flesh.
"This sucks ass," Wilbur choked out quietly.
Quackity nodded, "Definitely."
"There goes Techno, my favorite brother," Wilbur said, "What am I gonna do now?"
"You have me," Quackity supplied gently.
"I know I do, but it's not the same," Wilbur said, "It's just, not the same."
Tommy is crying, head buried in his hands as the smell of rotting flesh makes his stomach turn. He hates it. He feels like he's going to vomit even with a hand rubbing gentle circles on his back.
"Hey, dude," Tubbo said gently, "It's gonna be fine."
"It would be fine if he didn't make me bury him with Dream," Tommy practically sobbed into his hands, "That cunt broke me, and Techno gave him the honors to be buried together."
Tubbo just pulled his friend into a hug, silently.
"I'm gonna do it though," Tommy said weakly, "Because that's what he wanted."
Techno revives with Dream in his arms and while it isn't unwelcome it is unexpected. They did die like this, it makes sense they'd revive like this. He recognizes the room as his own and Dream is still asleep, locked firmly under one of Techno's arms.
They weren't supposed to revive, that was supposed to be it. He's never lost a life, he must've had extras. So much for that whole event happening. It was for absolutely nothing aside from feeling a little bit less weighted about the odd form of rivalry he holds with Dream.
Said man is starting to wake up, shuffling just a bit. He goes ramrod straight in mere moments before sitting up, "We should be dead."
Techno gives a hum, "Oh well."
"What a fucking waste!"
"Dude! Keep it down, Phil isn't a heavy sleeper,"
Dream dropped down onto Techno's chest again, "This is bullshit, it took me so long to find that dagger, and get the resources to actually kill you."
"We could do it again," Techno offered.
"That's not," Dream began, then he stopped himself. Right, they already aren't conventional rivals. They're already breaking the fundamental rules of rivalry, "Yeah, sure, we'll go on some grand adventures to find ourselves and end up in each others arms all over again."
"Don't make it gay," Techno said quietly.
"It already is gay," Dream said.
"Again, not gay if we have no say in how shit happens," Techno said, "Besides, I still hate you deeply."
"And so do I, fuck, we were supposed to stay dead," Dream gave an exasperated sigh, "It would tie off all those loose ends."
"Life isn't simple," Techno said as he shrugged off Dream and moved towards his desk. Everything ached from the brutality of his death, he picks up the mask, "You left this here."
Dream gives a hum, catching it when it's tossed over, "Thanks."
"How long do you think we were dead for?" Techno asked.
"A month, maybe two," Dream answered with, "Wanna go give Phil a heart attack?"
"Oh, absolutely," Techno said as he tugged Dream off the bed.
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callisteios · 1 year
Hey you seem to know a lot more about this than I do so I’m hoping you can help. Was Homer actually real? I’ve heard contrasting stories and I know what my emotional attachments would like to be the truth but I don’t actually know what the scholarly consensus is. Additionally if he was real, did he/they/whomever write more beyond the Iliad and the Odyssey? Trying to expand my Greek epics beyond the two big ones (although to be clear, I love them both). Thanks for any help you can give!
woahh hey anon. love that you've come to me for this. the person my greek lit prof did not love because i would only read the texts and none of the context...
this is not a question that has a yes/no answer unfortunately. from what i remember (when i studied this like 6 years ago??) sure (!?!?!) is the simplest answer. because long before the epics were written down (8th/7th cent BCE) they were oral poems for possibly many hundreds of years.
the yes scenario:
imagine for a moment that you're a guy homer and it's the 11th century BCE. you compose 2 (or more) really cool epic poems. they're so good that other bards learn them and they're repeated long after your death. all the way until writing is invented and everyone is like. my gods, this will be perfect to finally immortalise homer's poems.
In this scenario there's problems, particularly; are we really certain that the words written down in the 8th century are the exact same ones uttered by a guy generations earlier?
that's not a hypothetical we're quite sure it's a no. there were different versions floating around in antiquity, i believe (though may be wrong) that the versions of the iliad and odyssey we have today were codified in athens somtime in the 6th (?????) century.
so even in the 'yes, homer is a completely real guy who wrote 2+ poems, the version that we have today is not the work of one man, but countless communities and people who have all added and changed the stories to fit meter, culture, and current events.
The no scenario is simpler:
homer didn't write the original epics. maybe he's just the guy who wrote them down. maybe a disciple of homer did. maybe he wrote one but not the other. maybe homer was a woman. maybe homer never existed but by spending millenia attributing the poems to him we've made a god and homer is real but only because we believe. maybe a million things.
I'm really sorry that my answer is essentially ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but it is what is. pick the answer you like the most, argue it to the death with everyone you know. that's the classics way
As for other homeric works,
you're in more luck. i must confess to not be super well versed in the entire homeric cycle or the homeric hymns. I don't believe any of these works are actually attributed to homer but they're all written about similar topics/in the same style.
most are lost i'm p sure which is super sad, i have however read the homeric hymns to demeter and hermes, i thought they were super fun. love demeter nearly damning humanity to eternal winter, love hermes being born and immidiately deciding to cause problems.
if anyone more knowledgable than i wants to let me know if any of that was horribly wrong, do let me know!
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thetimberchasebranch · 10 months
You mentioned that some of the characters were based on Pokémon. Which Pokémon were the characters based off of? Some of them are more obvious than others - I immediately recognized Tichiko as Lucario, for instance - but I'm curious where the rest came from!
(also their designs slap immensely. I hope you know that.)
I feel like I'm cheating, picking all the easy to answer questions first--
SO, the truth is
The main cast were actually based off all the pokemon and fakemon I had on my team at some point in time that I got super emotionally attached to in a pokemon fan game called Pokemon: Xenoverse (Per Aspera Ad Astra)
I had been thinking about the idea of making them characters and a story for awhile, and I had even started to while I was playing, but then my laptop broke (we literally can't even lift the screen :,) ) and I would never be able to play with that particular team again, and I was super crushed! Sure, I could get the game on my new computer, but it would never be the same, yknow?
That's when I really dived into making these guys their own story!
So, let me tell you what each of these characters were based off of;
Shi-Shi - Shyleon (all 3 forms!)
Karu - Hikooloo (although I finally evolved him shortly before my computer broke,,,)
Lancelot - (shiny) Hercurcules
Vee - gen 1 Eevee
La Bomba - Xenoverse Electabuzz
Shein - Xenoverse Sharpedo
Leona - Xenoverse Ponyta
Leep - Mareep
Feal - (shiny) Feraligatr (I evolved him from a totodile,,)
Lancelot, Vee, Feal, and I think maybe even Leep too, where all pokemon I'd received from events!
Once I started expanding the world, I really liked the idea of sticking to inspiration from Pokemon fan games-- it just seemed like a silly little quirk! But the only other fan games I had been playing I'd started making a separate story based off of them too!
And thats when I discovered the Pokemon Infinite Fusion fan game and its fusion calculator
I thought it would be really silly to use that for the base of the rest of the characters, so, let me tell you who their bases are too;
Aellera - Dragonair/Zoroark
Baena - Charizard/Zoroark
Tichiko - Poliwrath/Luzario
Ripp - Larvesta/Riolu
Kertz - Entei/Donphan
(And I don't know if I've quite introduced all of these guys yet, but--)
Vienna - Vileplume/Roserade
Dusty - Mareep/Duskull
Vein - Houndoom/Genesect (I believe?? I dont entirely remember tbh)
Spatz - Raichu/Sandslash
(I also used the fusion calculator a little bit to help inspire me with Feal and Leep to pull their designs away from their original inspos a little more, but they're still mostly their original bases!)
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thewertsearch · 2 years
Asks Compilation 16/10
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The old finale of SBaHJ. (201?-201?) Gone, but not forgotten.
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Homestuck is SBaHJ #55. Dave's trying something new this time.
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Honestly, spam away. It's become a lot more easier to handle asks now that I'm doing them every weekend.
WTF, SBaHJ historians rewriting history!
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Well if that ain't absolutely perfect casting. Grey's Mandy would be a perfect Rose, and honestly, her Azula is a pretty flawless Vriska.
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Both of these ideas for Dave's modus refer to him dealing with arbitrary restrictions - and I have talked before about how Dave seems pretty good at working within Sburb's.
The Tree Modus is harder to untangle, though. Trees are such a general symbol (and John's the one with the apple symbolism), and as a data structure, they're awfully abstract. The fact that she calls it elegant when it's obviously as janky as all the others is a good metaphor for her own feigned elegance, though.
I do really like the idea of analyzing people's modi, so I'm going to keep doing it.
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[ this is actually true, I didn't know! it was announced in April 2021 apparently, this is what you miss when you stop following the fandom 😂
"In early 2020, Hussie officially left What Pumpkin to work on new projects unrelated to Homestuck. In the time since, they completed a new project called Psycholonials. The final chapter of this visual novel was just posted today, and is available on Steam and mobile platforms. While Hussie still retains ownership of the Homestuck IP, they decided last year to fully discontinue their creative involvement in any future Homestuck projects, and instead plans to continue independently developing more projects like Psycholonials." ]
No kidding?
It's kind of weird to be liveblogging the heyday of a comic which has essentially been orphaned by its author. It's a little sad, to be honest - it means that eventually, I'll run out of original Homestuck material, and there'll never be any more. Well, what can ya do.
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The worldbuilding, of course, I'll love, but it'd also be fascinating to read a deconstruction of a fandom I was never part of. Maybe I'll try to reverse-engineer what the fandom was like from the fic itself.
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I'm building up a proper list here! I'm going to have to make a page for it on the blog, I think, so I can compile my recs.
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We know he's not really omniscient - and so does Terezi, actually - but it seems as if Vriska completely buys into it. I'd still call it an assumption, but it's a completely reasonable one, given the circumstances, and especially given that he's trying to mess with her head.
It's interesting, because if Vriska really believes he's 'never wrong', then how could she possibly expect him to lose at Battlefield-chess? Is she just that competitive? Why am I asking a question I already know the answer to?
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Shit that's good. I'd love to get my hands on a compilation of these ship names.
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Oh, I actually didn't catch the pool reference! And it's funny that someone whose name alludes to the Father Of Lies claims never to lie...
So that's the scratch explained, but what about the doc? He sure ain't healing anyone, and the 'omniscient' have no need for research.
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The table actually kind of makes sense, since he wears an enormous, green, rectangular-looking coat. It's also fuel for my half-serious 'Felt megafusion' theory - all the cueballs are in the pool table at the end of the game, after all.
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Yup! Hass (I presume) knows how to name 'em.
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If it helps, Notepad++ is what all my initial notes go into as I liveblog. In a way, it is a wertsearch application!
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Hell yes! I find it weirdly complimentary that anyone would pull a late-nighter to read my ramblings. Hope the rest doesn't disappoint, and welcome to the live readers' club!
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I'm not sure if the market for Meow Tower enjoyers who read fanfiction is much bigger on here, but I wanted to repost it to Tumblr, anyway
Spoilers for Morris' story
Still a little kitten in a big world, Morris gets separated from his mother, at a train station. Luckily, the local station master's cat is there to help him. An encounter that changes the course of his life.
(A deeper look into the backstory he provides you with, in-game)
Despite the late hour, the sun shines brightly onto the roofs of the station's gigantic machines, as they stand idly on top of the seemingly endless tracks. The shadows of the wheels, alone, cast the kitten into complete darkness. He carefully approaches the round monstrosities, when they start moving with a deafening, terrifying hissing sound, sending the poor thing onto the floor, shivering. "Moriss.", an older cat calls out to him, sitting down next to his shivering form. "Don't get too close to the trains, sweetie. I don't want you to trip." With his mother as support, he gets back to his feet, catching a glimpse between the borders of different train station sections. The blurry carts race across the thick metal rails, leaving behind an empty canyon, as if they had flattened the very earth itself, marking their territory. The bottom is easily visible, but so far away at the same time.
"Are you alright, if we keep going?", his mother, rubs her head soothingly against his tiny back. "Yeah, we can go.", he answers quietly, forcing his eyes away from the metals and machines, focused instead on the ground before him. "Don't worry, hun, I'm here." At last, the two return to their original course.
Moriss' mother has gone the way through the central station probably a dozen times now, but this is the first time she is able to take her son with her. She is hoping he'll learn a little more about the vast world, outside of their home. It's not his first time outside, but he has never been this far away, and has never seen this much action in one place. And especially not these tall…beings. They're not cats, that's for sure, but Moriss has never seen something like them. Maybe it's rude to stare, but the kitten can't help, but be curious about these mysterious non-cat giants. He feels as if he almost breaks his neck, trying to look at their faces.
"Please, look at the road, hun.", his mother catches him slowly drifting off to the side. "Oh, yes, sorry." Moriss has always been teased as being a 'head-in-the-clouds' type of cat, by basically everyone who knows him. Though, he likes to call himself 'attentive'. And how could he not be, when there is so much to see, and so little time? And every time he thinks he's close to seeing it all, his parents show him some new place or new food or introduce a new cat into his life. Sometimes, he wishes he could just spend his life traveling around, seeing it all. Even just from this station, he can see new trees, birds, and even a few hills in the horizon. What must lie behind them? Not to mention these new creatures all around him! He could spend all day, just finding new things around here. But his mom told him to look at the road. Almost forgot.
…Wait. "Mommy?" Where is she?
Moriss frantically spins his little body in circles, but he can't see his mother anymore. A few meters away, he spots a pair of furry legs beneath the crowd, and quickly follows the hint, without much though. But once he's close enough, he realizes this cat doesn't actually share his spotty pattern. She tilts her head in confusion, but before she can ask the kitten any questions, he runs towards the next cat he sees. Though this one doesn't have quite the right colours.
The next has too much fur, the one after is a bit too tall. Two others have the wrong eye colour, and the last is actually just a short dog. Yet, he runs after them all. And now, he's even more lost.
Having lost any possible means of orientation, Moriss sits down on the gravely, train station floor, still moving his head in all directions. A few tears roll down his cheeks. The crowd of giants has circled in on him, obscuring every inch of the world around the kitten, and making him unable to see anything, but their seemingly never ending legs. They move around him, like an impenetrable wall, some just barely avoiding toppling him over. Maybe they're too big to see, maybe they're too big to care, who knows? As his breathing speeds up, the thoughts inside Moriss' little head start swirling around uncontrolled, slowly pulling him down into their vicious circle.
"Excuse me?" With wide eyes, Moriss turns towards the source of the noise, fearing it to be his own, fear-filled head. Then he sees a cat approach him. She effortlessly cuts through the mass of legs, every single one of them, freeing the way for her without a moment of hesitation. A little, blue-golden cap, and a tie in those same colours, compliment the orangy-yellow tiger stripes, covering her fur. A little bell is attached to her long tail, with a blue ribbon, softly jingling with each minor motion. The cat stops, only a couple feet away from the kitten.
"Hello, little one.", she speaks with a silky-smooth tone, a gentle smile grazing her face. "You seem lost. Do you need help, finding your adult?" Something rises in Moriss; a feeling of relief. But he won't allow himself to indulge in it, just yet. He might not be particularly old yet, but his mom has already taught him rule number one: Do not talk to strangers.
Seemingly reading the time of departure for his train of thought, the other cat tilts her head, in a playful manner. "My name is Skim. I'm the station master around here. Do you know what a station master is?" Moriss relaxes just a bit, still has to shake his head, however. "It means that I make sure that everything at this train station works, like it is supposed to. I make sure the trains and the signs are all up to date, and that everyone here is always provided with the help they might need." Skim lays down, holding her head more on eye-level of the kitten before her. "Did you come here with an adult?"
After briefly looking over the cat once more, Moriss nods. "I lost my mommy.", he sniffles. "Do you think she knows where the station master's office is?" "I think so. She comes here a lot."
"Alrighty then.", she smiles, getting up very slowly. "How about I bring you to the office, and we wait for your mommy there, together?" Finally, relief washes over Moriss, as a few more tears escape his eyes. He nods, sticking closely to Skim's side. While they walk, the older cat never losses sight of her companion, simply letting her body automatically guide her along a path she has walked a million times before. Moriss doesn't feel in any way weirded out by this close supervision. He feels safe; protected in the same way he feels when his parents watch over him, when he plays alone outside. And it's nice to be sure that he won't accidentally get lost again. Not a single obstacle stops the two in their path, and when Moriss flinches and stops at the sound of a train whistle, Skim gentle presses against his side, giving him something to hold on to. She herself doesn't seem bothered by the sounds in any way, helping a little with the kitten's fear.
Before he can even really realize, they arrive in front of a large, dark-blue door. In bedded in the bottom is a smaller, yellow silicone clap, resting between the wood. Skim steps halfway through, holding the flap up, so Moriss can step through without worries. Once both are inside, she lets the cat-door close, though it swings in its hinges for a while, before it comes to a standstill, which mesmerizes Moriss.
He stares at the room in the same awe. Dozens of pictures, in colourful frames, line the walls, in the midst, certificates and hand-drawn pictures. A small stove stands next to a bench, in the corner of the small room. And right in front of Moriss, sits a giant, in a big, blue armchair, stretching his legs over the wooden table in front of him. His whole body is covered in the blue and gold fabric that Skim wears, too, and he wears a big version of her hat. From this angle, Moriss can see that he is almost completely furless, only singular hairs covering his arms and face. On top of that, two of his paws are a shiny black, while the other two, smaller paws, are white. He turns his head towards the two cats. Moriss startles a bit, at the sight of his big, brown eyes. Or more, his big irises. Whoever he is, he must be really excited to see them.
"Ah, Skim. Who's our little fella here?", his voice easily fills the entire room. "We are just going to wait for his mom, he lost her. You think, you could maybe go on look out?" He laughs softly. "Of course. I'll find her in no time, no worries.", he now looks directly at Moriss, who hides part of himself behind Skim. The tall creature steps over the two cats, opening the big door, before stepping out.
"Can they understand us?", Moriss immediately asks. Skim is slightly caught off guard by the sudden enthusiasm of the previously shaken kitten, but she catches herself fast. "Not all of them can. Gerald is one of the lucky few." She starts walking further into the small room. "You probably haven't met a lot of these guys yet, right?" He shakes his head. "They're odd." "At first, yeah, but they tend to grow on you really fast, trust me.", she chuckles, jumping on the bench, to reach the stove. "Some of them think, we are odd, too."
The kitten also fully enters the room, now, letting the entire atmosphere settle in on him. It's a nice change of pace, after the constant excitement going on outside.
"Do you think, you can make it up the chair, by yourself?", Skim asks from her position, watching Moriss silently approach the armchair. "I can do it!", he smiles confidently, aiming his shot. The seat is definitely a little higher than what he would usually jump on, but it's nothing he can't handle! Lowering himself a little to the ground, he wiggles around, waiting for the perfect moment. Then he strikes, stretching his body as far as he has ever stretched before. After what feels like an eternity in the air, he hits the edge of the cushion. It was a close call, but he made it.
Skim silently sighs in relief, walking over with a warm kettle in her mouth, easily following him onto the furniture. She has to fight a snicker, as she sets down the kettle on the table. Moriss has practically melted into the soft cushion of the armchair. "You should have seen it when it was new.", she says, though she can't guarantee that the kitten hears her, swimming in all of his bliss. In the meantime, she pulls the bowl, standing on the other edge of the table, towards her, carefully pouring a good amount of milk into it. A little bit of white steam steams off the white liquid, as it settles flat into shape. Moriss perks back up.
"I warmed up some milk, if you want it. It always cheers me up!", Skim pushes the bowl further towards Moriss, before gently lifting him onto the table, by the scruff of his neck. Looking into the bowl in awe, he sticks out his tongue, to take a single sip. Never, in his life, has he had warm milk before. Though, as the warmth spreads through him, followed by a high and gentle purr, he slowly starts drinking every last bit of the milk.
The warm, orange evening sun reflects in the wet trails, left behind on the inner walls of the bowl, jumping between the different spots. And the quiet, satisfied sips of the milk, are underlined by the soft 'chugga-chugga' of a nearby train, following its path. From another direction, a whistle blows, greeting the other trains with a jolly 'choo-choo'. Unintelligible, interchangeable conversations, audible through the office's window, show the life going on inside the train station. A few drops of milk drip off of Moriss' chin, and Skim chuckles. Moriss laughs with her, swooped up by her good mood.
The big door opens, with a soft click, as the handle moves down. "And here you go, ma'am." Between Gerald's legs, another cat steps into the office. Upon seeing his quickly rising joy, Skim lowers the kitten to the ground, his legs already running towards his mother. "Mommy!", he calls out, running face-first into her fluffy chest. Rather out of breath, but also relieved, she nuzzles her head into her son's fur. "There you are, sweety! I was so worried about you!" He purrs softly. When she manages to take her gaze off of her child, her eyes fixate on the cat on the chair. "Thank you so much for finding him." "Oh, it's no biggie. All a station master's work!"
Skim leaps off the seat, directly walking up to the kitten. "Well then, I hope we see each other again, very soon. And if you ever need help again, you know who to ask.", she flashes her kind smile again. With a high-pitched noise of glee, Moriss pushes his head against the station master's fur, in a content 'goodbye'.
Gerald closes the door behind the duo, who closely stick together throughout their walk. "Well, I've certainly had enough excitement for today. How about, we just go back home?", his mother laughs, though the signs of worry are still clearly painted on her face. "Okay.", Moriss pushes himself slightly into her side.
As they make their way back, he once again takes in all the sounds and sensations around him, though this time also focused on his mom beside him. Thanks to the gentle rumbling, he can already feel the next train coming, from underneath his feet. A lot of the Geralt-like 'guys' are gathering at the edge of the track, though careful to avoid the mysterious white line. So many of them are carrying large or small bags with them, ready to face whatever adventure awaits them next. And even as time goes on, and the sky colours itself in different hues of pinks and reds, the trains never become less full.
In the train station, time stands still, and space becomes obsolete. You can travel around the world, with all of its wonders and miracles. And no matter where you land, there will always be somebody you can rely on.
"Mommy?" "Yes, hun?" "I want to be a station master!"
Thank you so much for reading, especially to those on AO3 :)
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zenkindoflove · 3 months
Do you have any advice for making yourself just sit down and write?
I really want to start writing again (I have not written since high school[and I’m old]) and I have so many ideas in my head but for some reason I can’t make myself write them. It’s not even writers block. It’s like fear? And not even fear about the quality of the writing. I’m super delulu and think I’ll be good at everything on the first try 😅
It’s like stage fright over writing even if it’s only for myself. I think if I can just make myself start I’ll find a groove. But I can’t make myself start.
Hey anon!
First of all "I'm super delulu and think I'll be good at everything on the first try" - Hello are you me? LMAO, this is me and my big, unnerving ego. I'm always like "oh, I think I'd fucking EAT." Even counter to evidence.
First, I want to say I relate a lot to the state you are in now. I wrote a ton when I was younger. First original stuff as a pre-teen/teen and then when I was around 16, I started writing fanfic regularly in my first fandom. I would say I wrote and posted (though I've deleted a lot of these fics since then) regularly from 2006-2012. I then had some pretty big life altering stuff happen, and I only wrote very sparingly up until late 2023 after I finished ACOTAR.
I've always thought of myself as a "writer" but during those 10 years where I wasn't really writing (fiction that is. I was writing plenty as an academic scientist going through graduate school, postdoc, and then the few years of adjuncting trying to keep my career afloat) I kind of thought that it was all just something I used to do. And then I got a new obsession with Elucien and felt like "oh, I can definitely write about this." And here I am. And I think I'm doing really well. I've really shown myself that being a writer never really leaves you. You just need the motivation, space in your life, and some discipline to do it.
Okay, but to your question, how to get started writing? Well, the answer is truly "just start writing". Which sounds like I'm blowing you off, but I think I have a few tips that might help you.
Take those daydreams that you keep having to chase away the crazy pain of life and jot down little details about them. Don't think of it as you're writing the story down. Maybe you're just making a bulleted list of the things you like to fixate on. Maybe it's capturing a cute moment with a few vibey words. Maybe you're really inspired and you write out a outline of a basic plot. Some of these may end up becoming a story down the line as you build momentum.
And if you do feel the urge, just sit down and write 100 words of a scene. No one is watching. No one will read it. It's just you and your computer. Who cares if it's fragmented sentences and half baked thoughts? And then when you return to it, maybe you realize "Oh, I could add some here, and maybe a bit there." And suddenly you're actually writing out a one-shot.
I also highly recommend looking up prompts for when you feel like your ideas are tapped out or you need just a little push to get the ball rolling.
For me, I have also made it a point to write a little bit each day or every other day. Some days nothing will happen and that's okay. But now that I've started again, writing has become a rush for me. I've really found myself again. I had such an identity crisis during the pandemic. I became a mom completely alone and isolated from friends and family. I became disillusioned with becoming a professor which I had been working towards since I was 18. And sure enough, coming back to this hobby that I did in my teens/early twenties really grounded me in the person I always have known. I just needed something that was only mine to have again.
I hope you can start that journey too, anon! And if you ever want to come off anon and chat, my DMs are always open!
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yanderelovlies · 2 years
Here have some platonic merman!Joesph x gn!Reader fluff. I might write a part that would go from platonic feelings to more romantic, but I'm not sure yet.
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Mermaids are fantastic creatures that you've always been fascinated by. You knew they were only fictional creatures, but your little 10-year-old mind couldn't help but wonder and speculate as if they were. What would they be like? Would they be friendly like most of your fairy tales predicted, or like the mean ones in Peterpan? Did they know magic? So many questions are unanswered that you hoped would be answered on the off chance you did meet a mermaid.
So every evening after school you would haphazardly throw your backpack into your room, changed into clothes you knew your parents wouldn't mind you playing in, and with an old pot in hand you made your way down to the beach hoping to find shells, snails, or maybe spot a mermaid! You would stay there until nightfall, always playing while trying to be observant. 
One evening while gathering the prettiest shells in the old pot to show your mom when she got home there was a loud screech followed by hisses. Curious, you looked up to see fishermen Dan struggling with something in his net. Whatever it was it screeched, and hissed it sounded scary….it sounded interesting. So as quickly as you could you made your way to fisherman Dan excited to see what he brought, and what your eyes landed on was astonishing. There in his net screeching hissing was a real-life mermaid! Both parties noticed your arrival as the mermaid began screeching and hissing at you louder than before.
"Stay back little one! Don't want ya getten hurt or nothin'!" Dan put one hand out to keep you from getting any closer and the mythical being began to squirm and try to claw at the two of you. 
You were excited at first, but now that you were closer you could see how scared they were. Their long brown hair is still wet covering most of their face. The only thing you could make out was their one red eye showing, and their sharp teeth as they hissed and screeched. They were afraid….they probably wanted to be home like you knew you would if you were in their position. 
"Oh grandpa Don, can you let them go?" As soon as those words left your mouth he looked at you astonished.
"Let 'em go?! Are you crazy kid?? This is the find of the century!" You looked up at him with the angriest face you could make. 
"But look at them! They're scared they don't belong up here! Didn't you ever read the fairytales?!" All the old man could do was to look at you astonishment. He finally got a good look at the creature. It did look scared, and if he was being honest it looked like a kid. Not that he would know he has never seen one of their kind before. 
Well, shit now he can't keep the poor thing! With a sigh, he backed further away making you back away further with him. 
"Alright alright I hear ya kid!.....stand back I don't know what will happen once it's free….I don't want ya getten hurt." You did as you were told as you stood back watching him throw open the net leaving it open for its escape. Surprised, the creature looked back at the two of you and then at the ocean. Not wanting to take its chances it clawed its way back to the ocean and away from the two of you.
With a sigh, Dan began gathering the net again. He was mumbling something you couldn't understand as he walked away, but you couldn't move. Mermaids existed! You saw one with your very eyes! Excitedly you made your way to the ocean but stopped once it got to your ankles. Will you ever see them again?? You sure hoped so. You went home with less shells than originally planned, but that was okay you saw something cooler.
Under the waters Joseph swam till his fins hurt. He can't believe he actually got caught. He was so careful too! He just wanted to find a place to be alone, and the next thing he knew the net had wrapped itself around his body. Most of it was a chaotic hazy blur of curse words he had heard his father say, and him trying to seem menacing. When he thought things couldn't get worse another human smaller then first came out of nowhere eyes filled with wonder. He wasn't sure why but that angered him more as he got more violent. However, that didn't last long as he got quiet when the smaller one began to yell at the taller one. He wasn't very good at the human language, but he was pretty sure you didn't like him being caught? He didn't have time to put thought into such a strange thing when the net came off of him. He looked over to the human before making his way away from them so far away. 
Once he felt safe he stopped trying to catch his breath. He was exhausted from all the fighting and swimming. He isn't even sure he will make it home though he isn't sure if that is a good thing or not either though. He sank to the bottom, hiding himself in some rocks close to the color of his dark brown scales. Since daylight couldn't reach him he knew he wouldn't have to worry about his scales reflecting red and attracting danger. 
All he could think about was that interaction. Why did you do it? Why did you want him free? Didn't all humans want his kind as a prize? He was confused, and he wanted answers. So the next evening he cautiously got as close as he could to the shore without being noticed, and waited for you. Once he spotted you he let out a loud hiss hoping you would hear him, and luckily you did. He watched your face light up as cautiously made your way to him trying not to scare him off. Joseph appreciated what you were trying to do, but he was getting impatient and motioned you to get closer. Getting the message you left a respectable distance between the two of you as you sat in the sand.
You smiled at him as you waved “hi” your voice was breathless as your eyes still filled with wonder observing him.
Not used to such attention, Joseph feels his face grow warm as he glares at you. Not sure how to respond he nodded at you giving huff. It didn't take long for you to learn he didn't understand your language at all. Being the helpful kid you are, you offered to teach him the best you could. He was unsure what he was agreeing to, but something about you made him agree. So everyday you would bring your older kindergarten books to the beach to teach him how to read and speak your language. It took a bit of time, but eventually he was able to tell you his name (this was also the first time you learned he was a boy).
However with time comes the changing of season, which also means it's getting colder. So in order to survive Joseph had to leave. Though it was choppy he was able to tell you as such which saddened you , but you understand. So a few nights before you got all the freezer bags in the house and put each page of your books in the bag so Joseph can read them even under water! 
The night before he left, both promised to meet back again. You were friends now after all, and friends stick together! You knew you would miss him, but you were excited for when you next meet.
That was years ago. Now you were an adult still hanging on to that childish hope that you would be able to see Joseph once again. Not wanting to leave him behind, you couldn't bring yourself to leave your town so you found a place in town, and came to visit your parents as an excuse to visit the beach  on your way home. Slowly but surely you began to lose hope that you even met a merman in the first place. Maybe your mind made it up?it was starting to feel that way. 
With sigh you began to make your way off the beach when you heard an unknown voice called your name. Confused and scared you began to look around until your eyes landed on a figure in the ocean. His scarred muscular top half was lounging on a rock as he waved his hand at you. You squinted trying to figure out who this man was when he let out a sigh. He rested his head on his hand when he replied with “Joseph…?”
Then it clicked! This was your merman friend you've been waiting on! You excitedly ran over to him tackling him into a hug knocking you both off the rock and into shallow water.
You both pulled away from each other laughing. God you missed him. Though the days you spent didn't last long before he left, it was so nice . He was easy to talk to (when he could choppily communicate), and he always showed you the really cool shells that laid deeper in the ocean. You hoped he was here to stay this time.
“You got some explaining to do mr merman”
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submalevolentgrace · 2 years
I saw your post about prosthetics, and it got me wondering about settings with widespread use of magic items -- if your doctor can easily enchant you an animated glove that responds to your thoughts, enchant a boot that painlessly supports your leg, or you can pick up a headband that gives you minor telekinesis, how does that look from your perspective? I'm specifically wondering how to resolve the dilemma between (1/2)
(2/2) "if I'm writing an idyllic fantasy world, I'd rather write about social accommodation" and "I've already established that minor telekinesis is very easy to learn so it makes logical sense that some disabled people might use it".I may have answered my own question with "don't make anything universal", but I'm curious to hear your thoughts!
so, i sat on this for two months because i did want to say something, but my initial reaction was very emotionally charged so i took some time to roll it around in my head, and instead of another long essay talking at a hundred issues you didn't actually ask about, i've got some friendly simple advice:
if you have an idyllic wish fulfillment fantasy world with headbands of minor telekinesis, i think there's zero positive reason anyone would want or need an upper limb prosthesis, so i personally wouldn't even mention them, just how useful telekinesis is for many bodily disabilities!
the negative reasons an individual might want one all come down to; pressure from society and doctors to present a normative abled body, and internalised ableism or denial. aka the thesis of my original post regarding why i believe real world upper limb prostheses exist. i think magical enchantment only makes those negative pressures worse tbh...
enchanted boots for amputees are proooooobably okay and chill, based on how many lower-limb-different people feel positively about their prostheses? maybe ask someone with experience there if you wanna be super sure.
but whatever you do regarding disability, if you're making any reference at all to magical accommodations, i'd suggest put in cool magical wheelchairs. not enough cool (or even real-world useful) wheelchairs depicted in fictions, especially relative to how many people use them irl! and the more easily wheelchair friendly a society and infrastructure is, the less need there is for lower limb prostheses to be a thing
no group is a monolith so i'm sure there's differing opinion, but i've never heard a wheelchair user say they want to see less depictions of cool wheelchairs (just less sad hospital chairs and angry in-denial or pitiable characters)
hope that helps?
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lem-20 · 2 years
Summary: Ethan and Cecilia slip off to the supply closet for some special alone time...
Book/Pairing: Open Heart/Ethan Ramsey x f!mc (Cecilia Gibson)
Category/Rating: Fluffy smut/Explicit 🔞
Word Count: 2.6k
Prompts: @choicesficwriterscreations Naughty & Nice event: Naughty - Public Venue @choicesmonthlychallenge Picktober event: Kinktober - Against a wall
A/N: This fic is finally finished more than a year after I started writing it! Originally inspired by an anon reply to a fic wish game (thanks anon 😘), this sat 50% complete for a very long time. I've loved getting back into it and I hope you enjoy the filth 🙊 (obviously it's sandwiched between fluff because I can never resist.)
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Cecilia stands outside Ethan's office watching him through the window. He has the phone pressed to his ear, his eyes closed as he rubs his forehead. Whatever the subject of the conversation is it looks stressful and she can't help but feel sad for him.
This isn't what he really wants—being chief—not that he would admit it, not even to her. But she knows him well enough by now to know that he misses the daily interaction with patients and the problem solving that came with the job as head of diagnostics.
The way his face lights up as she talks about her day and the cases she's been working on show her that he'd much rather be back in that role.
The chief job brought lots of stress and worries with it, which were beginning to show in the increasing dark circles under his eyes and the deepening of the creases on his forehead.
He tells her that he's glad to be chief and to have more control over big decisions, but she's certain he's trying to convince himself more than he is her.
She wishes she could do more to help him avoid the stress, but the stubbornness of that man makes it difficult, so instead she resorts to trying to take his mind off of it whenever she can and today she has a proposition she's sure will help him get through the rest of the day.
Ethan looks up and spots her, the traces of a smile creep over his handsome features as he beckons for her to come in.
He's putting the phone down as she enters and she walks towards him.
"To what do I owe this pleasure?" he asks, his smile growing bigger and some of the signs of stress dissipating.
She leans down placing a gentle kiss on his lips before perching herself on the edge of his desk.
"I just wanted to see you and to cheer you up a little."
"Do I look like I need cheering up?" he asks, brows raised.
"Yes," she teases.
"Well good job you're very good at it then," he replies taking her hand in his and rubbing the back of it with his thumb.
"I did actually have another reason for my visit today. I have a question for you."
"You do?"
She nods. "Do you know what today is?"
His brow furrows as he thinks, then he shakes his head.
"It's an anniversary of sorts," she smiles. "If I said it involved me pressed against the window of your apartment, would that ring any bells?"
He gives a little smirk "I'm afraid you'd have to be a bit more specific."
"You make a good point," she giggles. "Okay then, how about if I said it's been three years?"
His face breaks into a smile, confident that he now knows the answer. "Three years since we first slept together."
"Bingo," she replies.
"You remember the date?" He asks, placing his hand on her knee and giving a gentle squeeze.
"Of course. I know it wasn't the perfect first time, but getting to finally have you after all those months of waiting..." she leans forward and brushes her hand slowly down his cheek, "that's something I'll never forget."
"It was a pretty incredible night." He puts his hand on the side of her face and kisses her.
"It was, it was amazing. I was thinking that tonight, maybe we could..." she places her hand on his chest and slips a couple of fingers between his buttons, "...recreate it?
He let's out a moan, slumping back in his chair.
"I'd love nothing more, but I have to stay late tonight."
"Anything I could help with?" she asks plopping herself onto his lap.
"No. It's just boring chief stuff and to be honest knowing the things we'd be doing if we weren't here would make it far too difficult for me to be around you."
"That's a real shame," she responds dragging her hand up his thigh until she reaches his groin, causing him to let out a little gasp. "Maybe tomorrow then?"
She moves her hand between his legs, cupping him through his pants and giving a gentle squeeze.
"Are you trying to turn me on?" he asks.
She leans in, pressing her lips to his ear. "Always."
"Well it's not fair if I can't do anything about it." His fingers glide up the inside of her leg and under her skirt, skimming across the material of her underwear before he retracts them.
Her mouth falls open as she's left with an instant ache between her legs.
"See what I mean," he smiles.
Shit, she didn't think that one through and now she's certain she won't be able to wait until tomorrow to have him.
"Well if you're not busy now you could help me get some stuff from the fourth floor supply closet?"
Her raises his eyebrows at her.
"But of course if you're busy I'll just..." she puts her hand on her own thigh, fiddling with the hem of her skirt "...do it myself."
He sucks in a shuddery breath then turns away, clearing his throat trying hard to keep his composure, but she knows his attempt is futile. He's fallen for her hook line and sinker, in more ways than one, but right now she knows he's going to need to do something about the growing bulge in his pants—the one that's pressing against her leg.
He lets out a sigh. "You will never cease to be a bad influence on me."
"A bad influence? Yet it takes so little to convince you," she giggles.
But he doesnt even smile in response,  he just looks at her with an intensity she can almost feel cutting into her.
"I'll meet you there in five minutes."
There's nothing she can do to prevent the huge smile that's spreading across her face as a rush of excitement courses through her. She jumps up from his lap and heads for the door.
She leaves the office, rushing through the corridors as she makes her way to their agreed meeting point, keeping her head down, hoping that no one stops her and praying she doesn't get a page.
She enters the supply closet, closing the door behind her. Her heart pounds in her chest as she waits eagerly for Ethan to join her.
She looks at her watch, she's got a meeting in the diagnostics office in 20 minutes and being late is not something she's known for, so to hurry things along she drops her underwear to her ankles before hooking them over the edge of a shelf. Not only will it save time, but she's certain Ethan will appreciate the surprise.
It's not long until Ethan joins her and his pace is as eager as hers. Without uttering a word he pulls her into his arms and their lips crash together.
There isn't time, or the need to remove all of their clothes so her hands head straight for the button of his pants. She undoes them quickly and lets them drop, forming a puddle around his ankles. She follows with his underwear, allowing his long hard length to bounce free.
Her hand wraps around him, pumping him once, twice and he lets out a moan.
He reaches for the hem of her skirt as she continues to work him and hitches it up high around her waist. His eyes remain locked on hers as his hand touches between her legs, eyebrows raising when he finds that her underwear has already been removed.
"I wanted to save some time," she states.
He gives a small smirk before his lips are back on hers. His fingers slide between her legs collecting the wet that has already gathered there and spreads it around her entrance and gently over her clit.
Now it's her time to let out a moan.
Her breaths are already getting fast and heavy as his fingers trace over her in precise circles, but then he stops abruptly and she almost lets out a whimper at the loss of the stimulation. She doesn't have time to complain though as he's quick to drop to his knees, replacing his fingers with his skilled tongue.
He can never resist having a taste of her, even in their most rushed sessions and she's certainly not complaining. She couldn't possibly when it feels so fucking good, especially when he slides in a long finger, then another.
She has to lean against the wall as she stands there, eyes closed, one leg hooked over his shoulder, her hips rocking as she fucks his face and his fingers simultaneously.
The combination of his hot tongue lapping at her and his plunging fingers are pure ecstasy. He's so good at it that it only takes a couple of minutes before she's pulsing against his mouth, her moans perhaps a little louder than they should be considering their location.
He continues to lick and suck as he sees her through to the end of her orgasm, her fingers gripping onto his hair as she presses herself hard against his mouth one last time.
Her body is still trembling as Ethan stands and hoists her into his arms. She wraps her legs tightly around him as he presses her back against the wall and she helps to guide him in.
Every throbbing inch of him slides in with ease thanks to how wet she now is and they both moan in unison as they relish in the intimate connection. After a moment of savouring the feeling their movements begin.
It's a position mainly reserved for their quickies but it's one of her favourites, allowing him to reach deep inside her as she bounces up and down furiously on his long thick cock.
"Harder," she pants and he places a hand on the wall allowing him more leverage to increase the force of his thrusts.
Her nails dig into his back as her grip tightens. "Oh my God Ethan."
She can feel the pleasure building as she gets close to her second orgasm, especially when Ethan moves a hand between her legs and starts to rub at her swollen clit.
But then they hear a creak and both instinctively turn their heads towards the source.
In the doorway stands someone familiar to her, one of the interns—Dr. Stevens—his mouth open wide in shock.
"Oh shit I'm so sorry," he mumbles as he hastily reverses back out of the room, closing the door as he goes.
Cecilia turns back to Ethan, immediately breaking into a fit of awkward laughter, "Oh my God, I can't believe that just happened."
"Damn interns," Ethan groans.
"I think you'll find we're the ones misusing the room Ethan," Cecilia states with an amused smile. "It sure is a mood killer though." She shifts to detach from him, but his grip on her thighs remains.
"I wouldn't say it had killed it," and he gives a gentle thrust to show her that he is still very much up for continuing.
She raises her eyebrows at him with a giggle, "and again I question you calling me the bad influence?"
He smiles back at her. "We can stop if you'd prefer?" he says, then follows by placing a trail of warm kisses from her collar bone up to behind her ear.
The shivers they send down her spine are enough to push the embarrassment right to the back of her mind.
"No, I want to finish. I was so close," she whispers, her head dizzy with her need for him.
"So was I," he replies as he resumes his gentle thrusting. "I want to come in you Cecilia."
His words are so hot and she's certain he knows the effect they'd have on her. Her mind is completely clouded by her intense desire to continue and nothing will stop her, not even worries of Dr. Stevens broadcasting his discovery or someone else walking in on them. Nothing else exists or matters in this moment.
She starts to roll her hips and clenches tightly around him, wanting to feel every inch of his rock hard cock rubbing her on the inside—in all the right places. He feels amazing.
Their eagerness to finish soon has them increasing their speed and Ethan thrusts into her over and over again as she feels that build up returning.
"I've got you Cecilia," he pants and she comes hard, moaning into his ear.
The sounds of her pleasure allows him to get his wish only moments later and he lets out a heavy breath as he fills her. 
She tastes herself on him as their lips come together in a desperate kiss, during which he lowers her legs to the floor allowing him to place his hands on either side of her face.
"I think it's safe to say that you succeeded in cheering me up," he states after their lips part. "Thank you."
She smiles broadly at him. "I should be thanking you for the two amazing orgasms you just gave me."
"Glad I could be of service," he smirks.
They both redress their bottom halves, then Cecilia looks towards the door. "I suppose we'd better go back out there now. Do you think it's safe to leave at the same time?"
Ethan nods. "If anyone says anything I'll tell them I was helping you to get something you really needed."
"Well it's not a lie," she chuckles, "but I'm not holding anything."
He shrugs. "I couldn't find it."
"Oh, but you did. You always do."
He bites back a smile and gives her quick kiss before opening the door.
They step out into the corridor and find Dr. Stevens leaning against the wall. He turns a deep shade of red as he spots them.
Ethan glares at him. "You waited?"
"I'm sorry chief, I really need to get those supplies."
Cecilia struggles to hold back a laugh as she practically feels the annoyance radiating off of Ethan.
"I did stop someone else walking in though."
"What did you say?" Ethan snaps.
"Dont worry I didn't tell them. I said someone was crying in there."
Ethan's eyes scan the corridor, making sure that no one is within earshot. "Mention this to no one."
"Of course chief, I wouldn't dare."
"Well go on then," Ethan barks gesturing towards the supply closet door.
Dr. Stevens instantly rushes in, shutting the door behind him.
"Do you get some sort of sick thrill out of intimidating people?" Cecilia teases.
"I wouldn't call it a thrill, but it definitely comes in handy in situations such as this. The last thing I want is for us to become the subject of the interns salacious gossip."
"You're pretty naive if you think he won't say anything. I bet half the hospital will have heard by the end of the day."
"Well maybe I should go in there and have another word with him." He steps towards the door.
Cecilia grabs his arm. "Just leave it Ethan. People gossip about us all the time."
"No they don't. I never hear anyone talking about us," he responds.
"That's because they make sure it doesn't get back to you."
"It sounds like they need to get some new hobbies then," he retorts.
"Well we hardly help the situation do we?" she grins. "All the things we get up to."
"Maybe we should stop doing it then," he suggests, but the softening of his expression tells her he doesn't mean it.
"You couldn't even if you wanted to," she smiles.
"True. I can never resist you." He takes her hand in his and gives it a squeeze. "Are we still on for tomorrow night?" he asks.
"Of course," she replies. "This was just the warm up act."
Thank you for reading ❤️
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divine-elixir · 7 months
Got flavored blasted with prophetic revelations at 4 am. By that I mean, I don't remember the exact things that were said, but I do know it was encouraging and that I shouldn't care about things making sense.
Okay, maybe I do remember some things. But basically I asked some questions and whomever in me answered back. The "gestalt consciousness" never fails me, so basically they said something like "You're more than everything, but also every thing, and nothing at all. Stop asking questions and just start knowing. Why would a being who is everything, everywhere, all at the same time need to worry about specifics?" And you know, it's right. I used to worry about consistency, where things happened, why it happened, when it happened, how, who happened. No one ever asks when is Nemi. The answer is yesterday, tomorrow, now, today, and never.
Worrying about the specifics just makes me anxious and it makes me not feel like myself, whatever myself is. I see and feel everything like a dream, and dreams don't care about time or making sense. They mold and morph at the tiniest assumptions or feelings, so maybe whatever anyone or I sees in me is simply an assumption or idea. I'm scared about not making sense to others. Yeah. maybe everything from my personality, to my looks and colouring, ect. were a choice for consistency but I'm not actually consistent or interested in being so outside of whatever I do to lessen confusion for others. When I'm not trying to brain blast my way into making a some what coherent post on this blog, my mind is doing things that would kill a victorian child if he were to take a little peek. (I'm sure all my imaginings, barring the nervous and scary ones born from some kind of anxiety, are true on every level. And I want to see the world inhabited by friendly anthropomorphic beasts who subsist on nothing but hugs. I know it's out there, no matter how absurd it sounds. I am absurd.)
I guess I should be more messy and unpredictable on purpose because it feels more natural. I don't know what I'll become or want to embody an hour from now, so I might as well keep everyone else on their toes.......I need to also make my posts more senseless. Can't risk others thinking they understand me. I'm like that dream you had that stuck with you for years after experiencing the most grilling fever in your life. Vivid, prophetic, nonsensical, and life changing. Maybe I am a dream, a figment of the imagination and the thing that gets a story rolling. Ive always liked stories, and if each life has its own story then Im also life itself......or the origin of everything, the little spark. Inspiration? The primordial soup? That eldritch thing from down the street that changes every time you look at it or assume something of it? whatever you want to call it. I don't really care since im all of those things. Plain and simple. I hope that doesn't help. 💗
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