#i just loved this programme so much
herewegobebe · 1 year
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The SHINee Clownery I Live For 🤡😂💞 | [Idol Human Theatre]
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theladyyavilee · 6 months
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and all of the steps that led me to you and all of the hell I had to walk through but I wouldn’t trade a day for the chance to say: my love, I’m in love with you
Christina Perri - The Words
[Image Description in alt text]
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I'm gonna love the hell out of you Take all the pain that you're going through I'll bring you heaven if that's what you need 'Cause you've always loved the hell out of me - Lewis Capaldi
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deargravity · 8 days
one of the many things that bothers me about goku luck is the fact that they have kenta (a minor) in a penitentiary full of adult convicts. where was the juvenile welfare officer and why are they not doing their job. hope they’re fired
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alisonscotlock · 2 days
add in the tags what your favourite quote of theirs is too!!
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y'know, I've been seeing a lot more posts talking about how fanfic, specifically, puts characters into boxes and takes away the nuance of them, and while I think that's an important discussion to have, I also find it quite perplexing? Like, these posts seem to come from people who don't even, or maybe very rarely, consume fics in the first place, and I say that because, if you do consume fics semi-regularly, you kind of learn? how to gage what the stories and characterisation are going to be like based on the tags and summary? Sometimes, you do have to step into the fic to figure it out, but it hardly takes very long to realise if it gels with you or not. Idk, it's not anything serious or important, but it does give me... "girl, what were you doing at the devil's sacrament" vibes, you know?
#this gets posted here because my main has mutuals (whom i still love v much) who are part of the girls suspiciously at the sacrament#fanfiction#ao3#i feel like the post doesnt properly address what i mean. i understand that these posts arent talking about fics exactly but rather how#mischaracterisation in fics permeates into how characters are portrayed in the fandom at large but even then it's a bit. like i dont think#you can put that all on the fics/writers (and these posts usually do) alone?? like yes the mischaracterisation is more prominent in fics#by virtue of their medium but if it's resonating with artists and other creators then that's clearly indicative of a general#cognisance issue in the fandom??? and like. maybe it's because tumblr is the only socmed site i use but i dont find it difficult to curate#my fandom experience. people generally know how to use tags and while the sudden influx of x reader stuff for every single character isnt#something im fond of either they're generally good at tagging their stuff. it's annoying but you can blacklist that. you can.#also fic isnt like art where you look at it and you've seen it. you have to engage with a fic to understand so then it /really/ feels like#girl what were you doing at the devil's sacrament to me. idk this post isnt complaining about fandom mischaracterisation in general#i complain about that all the time but more so the inclination to put it on fics & their writers. because if you know how to move through#fic spaces and read the summaries and tags#you can generally find works that are really really good. could you argue they're rare? sure. but saying all fics propogate#mischaracterisation is just... a lie?#this got so long. im not even really bothered or annoyed by it im just confused#these are also often the people who espouse rhetoric about being unafraid to post cringe and embracing your weirdness#and it's like. okay do you want people to post unabashedly or do you want them to shut up.#anyway. back to our regularly scheduled programme now
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brionyjae · 11 months
Fandom: Julie and The Phantoms (TV 2020) Relationships: Alex Mercer/Reggie Peters Characters: Alex Mercer, Reggie Peters Additional Tags: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, like just a dash of h/c bc i can't help myself lol, Mutual Pining, Pre-Canon, pre-prom feels, Reggie Peters Has ADHD, it's not explicitly mentioned in this fic but it's how i write him!
Written for the prompt: "And on that note, we're going to stop having this conversation." Prom is approaching, and Alex is trying his best to pretend he's fine with not having a date. Luke and Bobby both have dates, which is fine, it's not like Alex thought the band was going together or anything. Reggie notices, however, because of course he does.
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evilmom · 4 months
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sardinesandhumbugs · 2 years
A Weasel’s Will: How I Became the Chief of the Weasels
By Crispin Weasel
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[Hello! As I promised ages ago here is the transcribed version of the Chief’s letter from the West End programme! This was something written by the Chief’s actor, Neil McDermott, as a bit of character flavouring, and it is. a bit of a wild ride from start to finish. Let me know what you think of it!]
Greetings, friends! It is I, Crispin Weasel, Chief of the Weasels. And yes, Crispin is my real name. Apparently, when I was born a packet of Chicken flavoured ‘crisps’ was dropped ‘in’ our home. My (if I’m honest) slightly simple parents saw the crisps as a sign that I would bring them a change in fortune. You see, we didn’t have much. We were poor, hungry, dirty, and scared. So, needless to say, they scoffed the crisps and my father, often the bad joker, thought it would be funny to name me Crispin. After the crisps that had just dropped in. Could have been worse I suppose. They could have called me Chicken.
As you can imagine, my rather unusual name caused many problems in the schoolyard. At the time, the Weasel Chiefs encouraged the youngsters to all be the same. They believe this was the best way for us to be strong. The pack would all look the same, and HUNT the same. Which was a pity for me, as I just wasn’t the same. Not only did I have an odd name, I also had an odd voice. It was higher pitched than all the other Weasels. Squeakier. Still is. Not only that but I looked different too. I was skinnier than the rest, as my family could never feed me. And I also had, what was considered, an unfortunate taste in fashion. It seemed whatever I wore, however I styled my hair, whichever music I listened to was wrong. And thus, I was constantly bullied. Every day of my childhood. I had no friends. I was an outcast. And I was angry. Not angry as in shouting and screaming, thumping and scratching. But hidden, deep inside. For now.
Now, like many creatures that are forced to live a lonely existence, I had to provide my own entertainment. This I did by focusing on my one joy in life. Dancing. Unlike the other Weasels I had an appetite for shaking my booty. I would spend all my spare time finding a quiet part of the Wild Woods perfecting my art of dance. My own individual style that came from all that anger I was holding inside, bursting out in a surge of energy. It was the one thing that not only made me smile, but made me feel powerful. It may sound like a useless hobby, but it became my greatest friend and deadliest weapon…
So yes, my childhood was all rather wretched. But the most devastating tragedy was yet to occur. One Spring afternoon, the Weasel Chiefs came home with their biggest ever prize. They had managed to capture a Mrs Badger. It was unheard of for a pack of Weasels to bring home an animal as large and dangerous as a Badger. The party that ensued as we feasted on the badger was like nothing I had witnessed before. The screeches of delight could be heard all through the Wild Wood. In hindsight, it may have been wiser to have held the party in silence. A Mr Badger heard all the squealing and shrieking and charged into the soiree, avenging his mate, massacring any Weasel that stood in his way. The Weasels all scattered like wildfire, myself included. I wasn’t the fastest but I did know lots of hiding places in the Wild Wood. I was spared. But many weren’t. My own parents included. Now as much as my parents were simple, often selfish, unbelievable foolish and terrible hunters, they did love me very much. They always encouraged me to express myself as I saw fit. They were the things my parents loved most about me and I loved them back because of that. If I thought I was angry before it was nothing to the overwhelming feeling I now had of despair and fury. The carelessness of The Pack had caused the death of the only family I had in the world. I ran away. As fast as I could. The pack had no longer any leaders and we would all have to fend for ourselves.
They say, it is often in our lowest moments that you find out the most about yourself. Never was this more apparent than after my escape. I sat in woods, sobbing in anguish, when I looked up to see a hare staring at me. I couldn’t be sure if the animal was feeling sorry for me or about to consume me. But I had been taught to always expect the worst. To attack before being attacked. The problem was I didn’t know how to. I was the weak, spineless Weasel I had always been told I was. I would run before I fought. I was my father’s son. And I was petrified. So I did the only thing I knew how to do. I danced. Like I’d never danced before. Like it was the last time I would, which it most likely would be. Eventually I paused. And the hare… was frozen. In a trance. Unable to move. I slowly moved towards the animal. It seemed, somehow, my dancing had debilitated it. It couldn’t move a muscle. It was mine. My prey. My food. I would survive.
I lived alone for some time as I perfected my skill on different prey. Don’t think badly of me. It is the circle of life. An animal has to eat and a Weasel cannot survive on shrubs and berries alone. After a period of time I returned to The Pack. What I saw disgusted me. My kind was near extinction, living in squalor. I released I had a greater duty. And so I brought them food. Brought them hope. The Weasel that was once thought of as being the lowest of the low, the feeblest of the feeble, was now treated as a hero. It wasn’t long before I took my rightful place as the sole Chief of the Weasels. And it felt good. Those differences of mine that once made my life hell were now the very reasons that I was looked up to. I shared my new found hunting style, saving a few of my most fearsome moves so as not to be overthrown, and it became known as The Weasel War Dance. The deadliest weapon a weasel would possess for generations to come.
So, life was complete. I was happy, for the first time in my life. But with power comes pressure. And so I started to formulate my plan. As usual I thought outside of the box as to what would make us even stronger. And here it is.
In the future I plan to join forces with the other smaller predators, the stoats, the foxes, whoever wants to join our crusade. Together, in larger numbers, we can become the most feared of all the Wild Wooders. One day, perhaps, I can create a super predator. Half Weasel. Half Stoat. An all-powerful crossbreed. We have always been considered a weak breed, but in time The Weasel will rule not only The Wild Wood, but The Riverbank and The Wide World too. And as for the Badger. He will eventually feel my revenge!
(Just don’t tell him that, just yet… I’m not quite ready… he is quite the force of nature… I’d certainly need an army… please. This is just between us, friends.)
Yours Weasely,
Chief Crispin Weasel
By Neil McDermott        
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engagemythrusters · 9 months
re: wanting to go back to grad school. It will be hard but that doesn't make it impossible. You may also be surprised how many of your cohort and even professors may have similar struggles. I'm also in humanities and looking to go back to grad school and I'm actually in a group chat with some other neurodivergent professionals in my field where we swap tips, memes, and venting support! Fight against the self-doubt in your brain and take advantage of the resources available to you through your university. Be honest with your professors about your needs! A lot of them will be incredibly understanding--especially at that level in that field I've found. Also be sure to look into programs and schools that work for you and have the environment you need to succeed. And if the course load does end up being too much or the degree part of the deal isn't worth the costs, you could also look into auditing options with the university. Follow your passions! You can do this!
Thank you sm <3 that was really helpful
Okay. Deep breath. Worse case scenario I leave with only my masters right? And that’s not an “only” situatuon! That’s a good job done! So. Yeah.
Thank you <3
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thinkingnot · 1 year
thinking about how the average age of getting electronics exposure has been getting lower and lower and how it probably contributed to tiktok blowing up as a platform
(a correlation)
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donuts4evry1 · 2 years
Absolutely in love with the concept of Jellyfish dating sim!!!!!!!!!! .0. !!
If you ever need anything like assets, bgs, or someone to bounce ideas off of, I would absolutely LOVE to be a part of it and lend you whatever helping hands you might want ^u^
Of course you don't have to take me up on the offer, I know that you're fully capable on your own. I'm so excited about the concept though!!!!!!! I hope that this goes somewhere, whether that somewhere ends up being an actual finished game, or not. If it's just a more developing of this base idea, I'm excited to see it unfold. It's a great idea, that carries potential that I'm mad hype to exolore
AHH Thank you so much for your kind words ;w;!!!
I'll be sure to keep that in mind as well :). Maybe once I start stitching together code I'll make a discord server for the game so people can bounce off ideas (and also for possible beta testers... 👀👀?), and also be more uniform when helping me find assets
I don't have many solid ideas on what this game is going to be about, but I do know that it's probably going to be one of my most ambitious undertakings yet, so it'll be exciting ^v^!!
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melonpond · 2 years
just had a Peter B. Parker moment
#melon rambles#I was thinking about this kid that just joined my robotics team#he's a bit too young to officially join but we're still going to try to include him in things and teach him stuff#and like the entire time during the meeting I was less focused on what I was supposed to be doing and just fully in#'how to involve the kid and give him things to do so he's not bored and try to make this fun for him'#and I've always thought that I didn't want to work with kids because loud noises and I'm not always great at knowing what to do#but every time recently that I can think of where I've interacted with kids I really love talking to them and making things fun for them#and now I'm like 'do I want to pursue a job where I work with kids??'#I'm officially going off to college next year so ideally I should figure it out before I pursue a major#especially since I've already completed my gen education classes so I'll pretty much jump right into my major specific classes in college#but like my plan for the last couple years was to major in computer science and be a video game programmer#or just some kind of programmer if that specific industry didn't work out#so it's quite the jump#but I actually feel like I'm more suited towards working with kids than for programming#especially if I get a boring programming job#hhhhgggngngfgfggf I don't know#I guess I could get a job at like a daycare or something that doesn't require a full on degree#and see how I like that#and potentially see about changing career plans based on that?#my plan for life doesn't have to be set in stone I can always change careers in the future#but I would like to avoid pointless crippling college debt if I could#hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I hate planning and thinking about the futureeeeee
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fingertipsmp3 · 8 months
Okay. Is it delusional of me to try to signal to this guy in my class that I like him… through my choice of earrings
#okay hear me out. it’s an online class#so it’s not as if i exactly have opportunities to talk to him outside the class… we kind of just enter the meeting; the lecturer talks#there’s some learner engagement (almost entirely from people who are not me; i’m not gonna lie)#and then the class ends. i mean if i wanted to talk to him i could message him on slack but that’s… so much#i guess i could blast in there like ‘hey sam how’re you doing’ but… who does that#i mean someone did do that to me but that was in like week 2 of the class. you don’t do it in week… *checks notes* TEN???#(oh we’re codenaming him sam now because apparently!!! i’m unwell enough to need to name him here and i’m not using his actual name because#even though it’s a common name; fuck that entirely)#so anyway. sam likes to do a rubiks cube. twice now when we’ve been given a task to do i’ve seen him finish before the time limit and start#solving a cube and i’m ngl i like his hands and we’ll leave that train of thought THERE#well. it just so happens that i own a pair of rubiks cube earrings. they’re not actual cubes; it’s like a 2d drawing of a rubiks cube#backed by plastic. i bought them literally just because they’re cute. i think i was looking for dice earrings and found these#they’re not like super gaudy imo but they are one of my bigger earring pairs… eclipsed only by the tennis themed ones tbh#and the dog ones i bought because they looked like mabel 🥲#so what i’m thinking is i wear the rubiks cube earrings because honestly the worst case scenario is just that he doesn’t notice and no one#notices and nothing happens. i’m not sure what i’m expecting TO happen actually… it’s not as if he’s going to slide in my dms like ‘did you#wear those because you like me’ ‘yes sam yes i did. and if i had redheaded programmer earrings i would wear those too#that is how much i like you’#probably all that will happen is the most talkative person in class (who usually gets in early & strikes up a conversation with somebody;#either the teacher about his dog or one of us about a project) will compliment me on them and i’ll be like ‘oh thanks! i love cubes’#and stare into sam’s soul and he won’t be able to tell it’s him i’m looking at because there’s 12 of us all in a mosaic#so. that. i DO hope no one asks me if i can actually do a rubiks cube though because no i absolutely cannot but sam can & it’s embarrassing#personal
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totallyfluxd · 8 months
wondered why I felt so tired, and then I came to bed and sat here in the quiet and fucking hell is the anxiety and stress doing a number on me
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fated-normal-767 · 10 months
I love making characters. whatever. Gay And Transgender Robot. Also He’s Unwell In The Brain. I can make whatever I want.
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