#i just needed to vent and if i keep talking on the vent channel of discord ill get blocked
alltheoutsinfreeeee · 4 months
is there any magical girl anime still out there that doesn't have any fanservice? Shows like Precure, Cardcaptor Sakura or Madoka?
And if there isn't, are there at least any shows where the fanservice isn't with elementary school girls?
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eltehdork · 8 months
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franchufeuillassier · 11 months
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mouwrites · 11 months
Before I. forget can I request a Ninjago headcanon of reader swearing (no actual swears needed) and the others reacting? Or reader getting mad and needing to be comforted.
Love You!! (platonically) Bye!!!!
Right back at you (platonically)! <33
Ninjago - Ninjas When You Get Mad
He gets it
When you snap, shouting in a sudden outburst of anger, he hardly flinches
He's got a lot of experience with being angry, but he's also developed good coping skills because of this
He'll try to get you to use one of these skills
He knows it's not fun being mad, and that it can destroy you from the inside
He doesn't want that to happen to you
So, he'll approach you casually, not telling you to calm down or anything, instead just suggesting a way to channel your anger
"Hey, wanna come down to the dojo? There's a training dummy that really wants to get acquainted with your fist."
If you want to spar, he's down for that too
Anything you think will help cool you down
Though he'll be a little confused if you want to do something like draw or watch a movie
For him, it's the higher-energy activities that help
But, ultimately, whatever you need is fine with him
He'll wait until your anger's all burned up to ask what's wrong
From there he'll help you plot revenge
He's another one with empathy for what you're going through
He'll be a little surprised at your outburst, but he's quick to respond
Finding a way to control your anger would be his primary focus
He suggests activities he knows you like
“Do you want to ___? It will probably help.”
While you let the anger pour out, he'll encourage you to vent to him
If you don't want to, he understands, but he does want to know what made you so angry in the first place
He wants you to make peace with who/whatever made you angry
He'll act as a mediator if it's a person you're mad at
He doesn't want you making enemies, plus he's a strong advocate for peace
Won't condone revenge, but he might pull a little prank if you ask nice enough
Or if he thinks it's warranted
Will make you own up to it if you're caught though
His soul jumps from his body when you snap
Just stares at you with wide eyes, not even moving
He’ll watch you rampage for a second before trying to do anything
He talks in a quiet, meek voice
“Y/n? Uh, Y/n? Maybe… uh… you wanna try to cool down? …maybe?”
Realizing that you’re scaring him is what really makes your anger subside
He asks what made you so angry
Makes a mental note to keep you out of such a situation in the future
Or at least not to be around you when it arises again
When you’re calm enough that he knows you won’t snap again, he’ll request cuddles
He was scared, you were mad, you could both use some affection to heal
Barely reacts to your outburst
Focuses instead on calming you down
If he needs to remove someone/something from your presence, he does it without hesitation
You won’t even need to ask; he’ll be able to see it
He’ll try to take your hand, making you focus on him and not your anger
If that doesn’t work, he just backs away and lets you fume for a minute
When you’re starting to calm down, he’ll check on you
He probably already knows what made you mad, so he’ll just be seeing how much of the anger remains
“It’s been half an hour since your outburst. Are you much calmer now?”
If you need something to do to distract yourself, he’ll bring you whatever you ask for
He’ll just watch you with careful eyes, monitoring for signs that you’re calming down
Once you’re 100% cooled off, he tries to get you back on task
If there is no task, he joins you in whatever you’re doing
Won’t ask you to talk about it (again, he already knows why you were mad), but will listen if you do talk
Not surprised, just shocked
He looks at you with raised eyebrows and a gaping jaw
He starts to try and help right away
“Do you need to punch something? Draw, maybe? Run?”
Vent art is his jam though, so if you pick something artistic he’ll be thrilled
Don’t get me wrong, he likes a good workout to release energy, but not when he’s mad
He’ll sit with you while you draw or paint or play an instrument
He encourages you to try different mediums; you never know which might be useful
When you’re done, he asks you to tell him about it
You don’t have to share your art, but it might help illustrate your feelings while you talk
He’d also be satisfied just seeing/hearing whatever you made, no explanation necessary
To him it’s more important that you’re calm now
Will rage with you
Not in a competitive way, more in an instigating way
“Yeah!! Let’s go punch something!”
Though this is honestly just her knee-jerk reaction to anger, she’s also aware that it gives her the power to direct the situation
So she’ll take you to the dojo, where you’ll both beat the ever-loving jimmies out of every punching bag and dummy
When you’ve both tired yourselves out, she’ll get you to talk about it
She’ll probably already know why you were angry because she joined you when you first snapped
But she wants to talk it out still
Unlike Lloyd, she is not a peacemaker
Will complain and plot revenge with you
Very, very detailed revenge
Up to you whether you actually go through with it though; she’s down, but also accepts it if you’d rather just forget the whole thing
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Thanks for reading! And thank you for the request! Take care guys <33
(divider by saradika)
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bunnis-monsters · 2 months
lowkey you're a bitch. If you don't want people voicing their opinions, don't post your work online. I can fully respect you for writing, and for posting free fanfiction, but you can't get upset if people don't say things exactly the way you want them to lol. I used to be a moderator for your discord server, but I don't like the way you treat your fans. The world doesn't revolve around you. You need a reality check tf?
Either I know exactly who you are or you’re lying about being a moderator, because I’ve only had a handful of mods, and only two of them have left/been unmodded. The other one was unmodded after this ask was sent(July 2nd).
Anyways, if you can’t say this to my face, who really needs the reality check? I think I’m pretty good to my fans, but I’m definitely not perfect and sometimes I can take things the wrong way because I’m autistic, or misunderstand things.
It’s not always black and white. I’m human and won’t always be able to give kindness to people that are rude to me. Idk why people with such a small audience are expected to act like we’re goddamn celebrities with tons of influence.
I live with my parents. I write in my free time, and if I don’t like what someone has to say about me, I can damn well complain about it.
If people don’t like that they are free to leave! I keep most of my complaining and bitching in my discord server anyways(which y’all are free to join and look at. It’s all in the vent channel. Yeah, I complain when people piss me off or upset me. Sue me!)
I think you guys don’t have a grip on reality yourselves. This is my online experience and I don’t have to suck it up and be miserable just because I’ve gained a following.
You’re free to dislike me but voicing it means I CAN ALSO VOICE MY OPINION TOO! Am I just supposed to take whatever is thrown at me? Am I the only one not allowed to respond?
Lol. Makes no sense.
Come off anon next time you wanna talk big, because this is just… pathetic. Anyways I’m not answering anymore hateful anons. They’ll just get deleted.
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actuallysaiyan · 9 months
May I please request headcanons for Goku, Vegeta, and Piccolo having a female S/O who has anger issues and struggles with trying to control them?
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warnings: mentions of anger, mentions of fighting, fluff, kissing word count: o.7k pairings: Son Goku x Fem!Reader, Vegeta x Fem!Reader and Piccolo x Fem!Reader
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He has a hard time understanding sometimes. He’s a bit dense, but he does what he can to help soothe you whenever you feel so angry,
Even if he doesn’t have the right words to say or maybe doesn’t know what you’re going through, he has enough sense to be able to calm you down whenever you feel like you’ve lost your grip on your emotions.
Goku helps you channel your anger into your energy. He shows you how to channel your ki and eventually, you become very good at controlling your ki and in turn, helps you be able to control your emotions.
He’s big on wanting you to train and spar whenever you feel so angry. He knows that if you are able to get that anger and aggression out in a healthy way, you’ll learn to become more patient.
Whenever you feel so worn out from every emotion, he’ll gladly hold you close and allow you to cry or vent or anything else you need. He’s a big teddy bear, and he can handle some punches or crying.
Eventually, Goku has you training and sparring whenever you feel angry. He won’t give up on you even if you’re having a bad day. He’s always there with a bright smile and a pat on the back to remind you that you’re doing great.
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Vegeta knows all about anger. He’s a 5’4” tall thing just full of anger. He’ll lose his temper at the drop of a hat. But with you, he feels guilty about it. Especially if you become angry as a result.
He does what he can to keep his anger in check, but if you become angry as well, this could lead him to losing his temper as well and it becomes a shouting match between you two.
Never will he use violence against you. He promised himself and you that he’ll never resort to that. He wants to try and talk things through with you whenever he gets the chance.
One day, you’re both angry and soon he just pins you to the wall and kisses you to shut you up. The kiss is so fiery and passionate, it leaves you breathless and forgetting exactly what you were angry about.
If that doesn’t work, Vegeta also shows you how to channel your anger into your ki. This results in you becoming much more in tune with your own emotions. You learn to fight this way as well, training under Vegeta’s tutelage.
Even if he doesn’t always encourage the best habits, Vegeta understands what it means to be angry and how it can be so hard to control it. He’ll try desperately to calm you down everytime.
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Piccolo takes a different approach. He understands anger. He knows what it feels like when it builds inside and grows deeper and deeper and deeper. He’ll know what to say or do to have you calmed down in seconds.
If you show signs of becoming angry, Piccolo takes you aside and he helps you with a breathing technique. This has you soothed within a few minutes, and he continues to remind you to breathe easier.
Sometimes he can’t calm you, so he always brings you away from the situation so you can reassess everything. He’ll fly you around, allowing you to get a different perspective on things. When you’re so high up in the air, you calm yourself quickly.
And just like the two Saiyans, Piccolo teaches you how to channel your anger into your ki and helps you find the will to be able to calm yourself within seconds through this technique.
No matter what, he will always be patient with you. He’s really gentle with you too. Even if you want to scream or punch him, he’s got you covered. He’ll just take you into his arms and get you to use the breathing techniques he’s taught you.
Piccolo takes you to these beautiful cliff sides and has you meditating with him. When you’re here with him, you notice how things are so insignificant to hold onto. Meditating with Piccolo helps you put things into perspective and how you’ll always have him by your side.
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caparrucia · 8 months
Here's one of those uncomfortable tidbits that no one wants to think about and which people in cozy internet bubbles hate being reminded of:
The way you speak about people you dislike/hate is a red flag to people you do like/love.
The way you express anger and frustration and rage about people who wronged you, even people who wronged you badly, in a wider context, is very often a red flag for others around you. Do you let your anger be a justification to use dehumanizing language? Slurs? Are your personal feelings the measure you use to determine who is allowed personhood and who isn't?
This doesn't mean you're not allowed to be angry. This doesn't mean that you're not allowed to express said anger. It doesn't even mean your anger is not justified.
But if you find yourself sitting alone in your corner of rage, wondering why your personal connections tend to wither and fizz out, it probably is because you're constantly talking about people who make you angry and all the things you'd like to do to them. And like, people who first encounter that, might be sympathetic, might be wary, but the more visceral your anger is, the more readily you express it, the more people start wondering what's the threshold to trigger that behavior. Will you be talking about them in that tone too, if they piss you off? Will they be the subject of one of your tirades, if they make a mistake? Are you going to go on a rampage, calling them slurs, if it turns out they don't agree with you?
Anger is, for better or for worse, the kind of emotion you share with close friends, not with strangers trying to become friends, or new friends who don't know you yet. Anger is the kind of thing a good friend will know how to parse. But if it's a new person and all they know about you is how angry you are about something or someone, they will lack the context to understand that your anger is justified and that it's not the entirety of your personality... because you have made it so that's the only part of your personality they've seen.
Discord culture being what it is, it's fascinating how prevalent "vent" channels are, and how people just go in there and scream their rage in search of sympathy. But it tends to back fire, because to get sympathy from strangers, your venting needs to be edited to sound like you're in the right. Your anger needs to be righteous, to evoke support in those vent spaces. And it becomes a cycle.
Cause the thing is, anger isn't always justified or righteous. Sometimes you're BEC about someone! (Bitch Eating Crackers, a shorthand for "this person annoys me to an irrational amount, anything they do is parsed as a negative", "LOOK AT THE BITCH, EATING CRACKERS" etc.) And that's anger that needs to be expressed and processed! But that's the kind of anger that only close friends can handle. If you put that anger out, performing in the hopes of getting support, you're going to need to either lie egregiously about why you're angry, or you're going to alienate a ton of people because it turns out "is capable of irrational anger about things/people" is a pretty common red flag when that's all you know about someone.
I keep seeing post after post of people bemoaning being lonely and abandoned and failing to establish long-lasting connections and it's just.
It's the anger. You keep greeting people with anger and anger is a great emotion to fuel a lot of things, like change and protection and closing ranks, but it's kinda shit at building long lasting connections. Try curiosity or good will! It doesn't mean you have to stop being angry, either. If you're angry, you're angry! But when you're trying to build relationships, using anger as an all-purpose tool is like trying to hammer a nail with a saw.
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myfandomrealitea · 3 months
I had to check myself recently because I'm so used to being in discord servers with vent channels, that when I ended up joining one *without* a vent channel, I realized Holy shit, where can I go to complain about the day-to-day things that piss me off? And I thought of your post & took a step back, like You know what? I can complain on my own time, on my own blog, or in private to a close friend who offers to listen. I can just let this server be fun.
Anyway, I think people are still furious over your post because (and forgive me if someone's said this before) the availability and reach of the internet has conditioned ppl to believe that it's acceptable/required/encouraged to vent in any space, at any time, to anyone, and that the audience should willingly receive it. It's like a form of brainwashing.
Honestly, the single major response I've gotten is people screaming that I'm an evil racist white bitch oppressing people of color because I'm asking them not to talk about genocide or police brutality in fandom spaces.
There is a huge, huge difference between stopping someone who is actually, actively being racist within a public space and asking people not to force others to constantly engage with and expose themselves to the horrors of the world, especially in spaces where they have retreated specifically to recover from those things.
Its basically like going to a wellness and recovery retreat and forcing everyone there to watch the news and read articles and watch videos about world horrors.
Almost everyone in a Discord server has profiles on other social medias. Everyone on the internet sees, willingly or not, what is happening in the world right now. We all know these things happen. We are not blind. We are not ignoring it.
When I go onto Discord and go into my silly little fandom servers, its after I've spent an hour on Tumblr on my main blog reblogging aid posts. Circulating information. Doing my best to connect people to people who can help them. Its after I've spent my lunch break at work listening to my colleagues talking about the latest knifing or child kidnapping. Its after checking Snapchat only to see headlines like MAN BRUTALLY STABS DOG IN PUBLIC PARK.
When I go into those servers, its because I need to get away from all of that. I need to have that time away where I can recover and recharge or I simply won't go online because I know there is absolutely nowhere online where I can simply enjoy something without other people grabbing me by the head and forcing me to look elsewhere at things that are horrific and upsetting.
And the thing about those spaces is they themselves need protection and moderation in order to remain safe. And you know what that means?
It means preventing racism and homophobia. It means if someone is being unpleasant, they get shut down. If someone is being bigoted, they get removed. Because they are making that space unsafe.
Literally nobody except these idiots screaming about racism are suggesting that we just outright allow racism to keep happening.
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valentine-writes · 1 year
boys don't cry
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「 tws + notes: no tws, unedited, masc coded reader (kinda. no pronouns used!! but trust y'all i'll b writing masc reader stuff soon cuz I Need It), inconsistent lengths for each character i am Filled W/ Favouritism, kisses can be platonic (spider-noir part i love this man), reader is used to bottling emotions up, the spot's part is Not That Serious, characters all love u and wanna help :> 」
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「 gn!reader, can be platonic or romantic <3 」
↳ ft. gwen stacy, hobie brown/spider-punk, jessica drew, lyla, margo kess/spider-byte, miles morales (1610 and 42), miguel o'hara/spider-man 2099, (spider-man) noir, pavitr prabhakar, peter b parker, and the spot/johnathan ohnn
author's note: this song slaps╰(*°▽°*)╯ also see other songs below which influenced this <3 u can slowly see me losing the slash srsness as the character progress,,, apologies. many :(( anyways!! had this marinating in my drafts so im posting. hopefully will get time to clear my inbox and fulfill reqz! tysm for ur patience lovelies !!!!(。^▽^)<333
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“i try to laugh about it / hiding the tears in my eyes” – the cure, boys don't cry
“i didn’t want you to hear / that shake in my voice / my pain is my own” – car seat headrest, 1937 state park
“i don’t know why i am / the way i am, not strong enough to be your man” – boygenius, not strong enough
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▸ GWEN, who all too familiar with what it's like to keep up a tough act for the sake of not falling apart.
she's grown accustomed to letting emotions eat away at her until they're too big to deal with. which is why she's quick to feel empathy when she sees that you do the same thing.
she won't force you to talk about anything you don't want to– but if you need an outlet, she hands you her drum sticks.
"maybe it'll help you like it helps me." gwen explains, giving you that awkward little smile of hers that makes everything weighing on you feel a little less heavy.
always trying to help you find a way to channel your emotions. even if drumming doesn't work for you. maybe it's singing. maybe it's art. or maybe you just need to cry. no matter what it is, she doesn't mind. she just wants you to let it out in a healthy way.
▸ HOBIE is instantly aware of the fact you're the type to laugh and joke around to hold back tears.
you're trying your hardest to keep smiling, but he sees it falter as you try to speak, choking out the words while holding back a sob.
"'s okay to cry, y'know? no one 'round here but us anyways." he reassures.
you take a sharp inhale, knowing it was useless to pretend. he was always emotionally intelligent, able to read you like a book. sometimes you wondered if he could read your mind. or maybe he was just attentive with you.
he puts a hand on your back, gently rubbing as you feel the tears run down your cheeks. this turns into an arm around your shoulder as you cry, until you're fully sobbing– he decides to just pull your into his arms.
he's still holding you close, even as your cries subside into sniffles. always encourages you to be real with him. there's nothing he loves more than you being unfiltered– even if it means expressing negative emotions. to hobie, vulnerability is bravery.
▸ JESSICA DREW who's quick to notice you the minute you turn away to conceal your face.
she pulls you aside discreetly, knowing you probably didn't want attention of others. tries to meet you eye-level, asks you directly about what's wrong.
after a few seconds of silence, you finally break.
"i feel so weak." you sniffle, not meeting her eyes.
"for doing a little crying?" she sighs a little, shaking her head. "not at all. you're strong– you've been strong. but even strong people gotta cry."
she'll talk you through it or just sit beside you, offering you advice or even just a space to vent. she's very busy all the time– but she'll set aside time for you. tells you that hiding from emotions only works for so long and that tells you that you aren't any less tough in her eyes for feeling them.
you're only human after all. you deserve to live out the wholeness of the human experience.
▸ LYLA isn't really all too involved with your day-to-day life shenanigans (being the best ai assistant is hard), but she always makes a point to check up on you when she gets the chance.
besides, miguel sure isn't gonna gossip with her like you do.
"you doing good?" she'll ask, grinning.
you only respond with a weak "yeah" and the fakest chuckle she's ever heard, as you clearly attempt to blink back tears.
she doesn't know what to do. tries to wipe the tears that eventually fall with a virtual hand that phases right through your face. well. at least she had good intentions.
"hey, hey–" lyla gets you to take a deep breath. "look at me."
she says your name, regrounding you. you look up at her, and for a moment, she's certain that she's felt something akin to sympathy. she's felt something real.
lyla doesn't let that distract her from her objective– right now, she's gotta comfort you.
she repeats your name, "...it's okay. you cry if you feel like it."
▸ MARGO who sits you down, letting you be the one to speak first when your smile wavers.
"i hate fuckin' crying.." you laugh weakly, trying to make the situation better. it doesn't help control the tears. "i feel so lame for it."
"you know," she whispers, taking your hands in yours, "i still think you're pretty cool."
she gives you a grin that's so earnest– so sweet– that lets you know she's being honest.
"okay, so this might be stupid,, butttt–" encourages you two to listen to some moody music so you can get whatever you've bottled up out of you systems. it's cathartic, crying your eyes out with her as whatever the two of you have queued up blasts in the background.
doesn't judge you one bit for crying.
"only way out is through." she shrugs. "gotta feel it before you can actually let it go."
▸ MILES (1610) who had just asked an innocent question about how your doing, now watching as you struggle to respond.
after a strained moment of searching for words, you shrink away and hide your face in your hands. he scoots by your side, asking before gently taking your hands away from your face.
"what's wrong?" his voice is soft. gentle as he looks at you with the sweetest concerned expression.
"i shouldn't be crying.. it's stupid... i feel so, so stupid–"
he frowns at these words. "i don't think it's stupid."
societal expectations forcing people to put on a tough act just to conceal emotions deemed as "weakness?" not a new concept to him. he's just sad that it's impacted you so deeply.
after this, will actively check up on how you're doing emotionally. will pull you aside to have a heart-to-heart if he senses the slightest thing off. terrified of being shut out by you, will always offer for the two of you to deal with whatever you're struggling with together.
▸ MILES (42) who asks more bluntly than he had intended when he senses you're not doing okay.
you take a sharp inhale, giving him an unsteady smile which only makes him sigh. no matter how much you try to make the situation lighthearted, his expression never changes.
"nah. you're not fooling me." he walks over to you, his voice softening as he looks at you. "...what's got you upset?"
a really good listener. lets you rest your head on his shoulder as you vent and let it out.
he's not the most open himself, so of course he understands– but he doesn't want you to be like him.
you thank him for putting up with your breakdown, feeling a little awkward as you pull your cheek away from his shoulder and look at him.
you watch as he falters for a moment, gently grabbing your arm and pulling you in for a warm, slightly stiff, side-hug.
"don't thank me for that– it's just what you deserve." though his quick to dismissal of what you'd said seems to be the end of his sentence– you watch as he unclenches his jaw, hesitating before he says something else.
"anytime. i mean it."
▸ MIGUEL who is jus like u for reals doesn't quite know how to cope with emotions either. that doesn't give him an excuse to not try with you.
he can't find the right words, but you see the empathy in his eyes. he offers quiet comfort– places a hand on your back, rubbing it as you lean into his side
"don't hide your face from me." he mutters to you. "it's just me."
your hands fall from your face into your lap, shoulders slumping. he feels you tremble softly, as you to reply.
"this should be for me to deal with. i should be strong enough." your words echo in his mind.
maybe because he's told himself the same thing too many times before as well. it's painful, the way that this moment with you reflects a mirror image of himself.
will crumble his own walls if it means you'll do the same. tries to be open to encourage you. you'll learn together.
▸ NOIR who is a gentleman through and through. always. tells you that he'll give you anything you need.
"i don't know what nitwit told you it wasn't okay for you to cry," his choice of words makes you crack a slight genuine smile, "but you don't have to believe them one second."
as your facade slowly crumbles, his gloved hands cup your face as you cry. he dries your cheeks, patiently nodding as he listened to you ramble on about everything you've been holding back.
when you've calmed down, he presses a kiss to your forehead.
to ache like this and still be concerned over burdening others– he's now finds little ways to remind you how precious you are to him. that he'll always care.
▸ PAVITR, who approaches you as delicately as possible. he tries not to do anything that will make you feel backed into a corner.
he knows that feeling scared can lead to lashing out. tries to be casual about it to ensure you're as comfortable as possible.
you crack an obviously forced joke and he glances at you questioningly.
"you're not telling me something, aren't you?" he asks. pavitr's secretly hoping he was good at playing this careful– but you had picked up that he wanted to talk to you about it for a while now.
you're both obvious.
your grin fades as you chuckle dryly. "i don't... i don't want to– it's embarrassing."
"what's embarrassing is that i didn't notice earlier. don't be shy. we can figure it out together, okay?"
offers all the help he can. even (secretly) messages gayatri for "advice for a friend" you!!! you are friend!!!!! he doesn't name drop tho. privacy king.
▸ PETER B(E MY WIFE) PARKER. the one who drags you outside to chat about it and cracks a stupid joke himself. it alleviates no tension at all.
"..ahh,, no, nevermind that kid. you okay?"
a shake of your head and his smile fades a bit. he grips your shoulder, shaking you gently.
"been there plenty of times. trust me– better to get it out now."
and for a while, it's just a conversation. you're both sitting outside, the night air bringing a chill to your skin. he offers his jacket– and then proceeds to pull you into it while he still wears it, your back pressed to his chest.
it goes unspoken, but he knew you had been struggling for a while now. he's relieved to finally get a moment with you.
he'll always be looking out for you. even if you don't realize.
▸ THE SPOT/JOHNATHAN OHNN panics ever so slightly. this is the first time you've ever cried in front of him. so he does what he does best– and just asks questions.
"you've been bottling it up this whole time?"
"for how long?..." your response causes him to pause, blinking several times before parting his lips to speak again. "...oh. oh wow– yikes–" he means well i swear.
will scour the multiverse in search of a quiet place for you to lay this all to rest.
you admit, you're certain you don't need all this– but he seems happy to put in the effort and lead you into a portal into a nice area to relax.
"are we breaking and entering into someone's house?!"
"uh– don't worry about it for now."
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AITA for leaving my friend groups Discord server?
💐💐💐 So I can find this later. For context, I was in 2 servers that were friend groups, where my friends would all interact with each other, play & stream games, etc. However, recently we had a situation where someone, let's call her Sasha, would send many vent messages in the general channel, then delete said message before we could respond or even look at the messages, & get mad at us for not responding. She'd also complain about everything that happened in her life, school, in games, & she'd always repeat the same things, over & over again. In the end, we got tired of how she was forcing everyone to stop being as active in the server because of her behavior & actions, so we all made another server, without Sasha, so we could interact with peace without her interrupting conversations. This all happened 3-4 months ago. Then 3 of the people in our new server got a game on Roblox, Deepwoken. Another person, let's call him Kevin, already had the game for a while, so they all got the game & started playing all together. They were incredibly passionate about it, it would be the only thing talked about. One of them got me the currency to get Deepwoken, so I could play with them all. A while later, I got a hang of the game, then when I asked if any of them could play with me, one of them, let's call him Tim, would keep telling me that "Oh, you have to play the game alone to get the real experience, & to learn things better." every time I would ask. Sometimes, rarely, they'd answer some questions I had about the game that I didn't quite grasp yet, & a lot of the time i'd just, not receive any answer. After a while, I got tired of how they didn't respond to me at all, so I just stopped playing. Keep in mind, I don't have any other friends that have the game, so I didn't have anyone else to talk to about it. I love my friends but I felt ignored & was hurt, so I passed ownership to another friend of mine, & left. About a day after leaving, I ended up feeling extremely depressed & overwhelmed with schoolwork, eye appointments, a random limb & joint pain that I had no idea why I was having, & I accidentally unfriended Tim. With my being extremely overwhelmed, thinking it was a good idea at the time, I sent him a message saying "accidentally unfriended u mb. u could also not accep, that works too" Then another message after that one, "okay well um, im gonna assume that you arent going to accept it again so thank you for all youve done for me before you say that im making it sound like i gave up; i have given up i gave up a little while ago" After that, I got a message from him saying that I needed to calm down, that my friend request wasn't the most important thing in his mind right now, & that he's allowed to put it on hold for at least a day before I start telling him some "nvm shit". I sincerely apologized & told him that I needed to take a break, that I hope he's doing okay, & that I hope college goes well for him. I did indeed, take a break, for only 2 weeks because I felt extremely guilty, stupid & reckless. Those weeks felt like forever because that whole thing was on my mind 24/7. It was eating me alive. & No, I am not saying to gain pity. Just trying to explain what I felt. Tim answered, told me that I should grow & change as a person, & that he doesn't mean it in a condescending way, that the server was meant to be a safe space, that in order to make everyone comfortable, there's some things we need to just not say or some things we need to think about a lot before saying them. It's the reason Sasha got booted, & that we give as much as we get. I'm reading back on his messages, & I didn't say anything in the server to make everyone uncomfortable. Am I the asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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landinrris · 8 months
In which I keep seeing tweets hyping up Lando and McLaren for this season, so I needed to vent my expectations and bring myself back down to Earth. (1.1k, w/ Carlos popping up at the end) Set during the 2024 championship in which Lando and McLaren come out of the gates swinging.
Lando thought he was prepared for the possibility of getting out of his car as the newly crowned champion. God knows he’s spent enough time talking it through with his team and parents— with Carlos.
As soon as he’s across the line, he’s asking Will about the finishing order, his stomach up in his throat. The sound of Will’s voice, shaken from his usual calm as he tells Lando to hang on while the team checks the finishing positions of his main rivals nearly makes Lando lose his mind. 
The wait is reminiscent of his first pole position a few years ago— how torturously long it felt in the seconds while the few remaining drivers finished their laps. But now they’re in Abu Dhabi three years removed, and Lando needs a points deficit to George of at least three and a deficit of at least one to Charles.
There’s an ocean of distance between him now and September 2021.
When Lando’s radio crackles back to life after about fifteen or so torturous seconds, it’s Andrea whose voice greets him, unsettlingly more manic than Will’s, even though he’s trying to hide it. Then again, anything other than his normal calm makes Lando suspicious.
“Would you like to know the finishing order, Lando?”
“On your own time, I think.” Lando’s voice shakes more than it ever has over the radio, betraying his nonchalant words.
Andrea just chuckles. “P1, Verstappen; P2, Carlos; P3, you; P4, Russell.” The words hang in the air for only a second or two as Lando rounds the corner onto the start-finish straight.
Screams erupt in the background, but all Lando can think about is the basic mental math he’s calculating. “Does that—”
“Lando Norris, it means you’re champion of the world!”
The screams get louder then, becoming deafening behind Andrea as they filter through the open channel. His entire team is screaming, those who ran to climb the fence as he finished making their presence known so close to the pit wall. The goal they’ve been building towards for the entire year— for their entire careers— is theirs.
Lando’s vision blurs on command, his hands coming up to clutch at his visor for a split second before he has to direct the car to the third-place placard. Lando doesn’t know how he manages it once he starts yelling with the rest of the team. He wonders if he causes anyone to yank their headset off and decides he’ll have to apologize later. 
For now, though, this is his moment. This is his.
Lando manages to contain his emotions when Zak gets in on the celebration, but he loses it hearing Will’s voice again. He’s successfully parked the car and already set everything to mode zero, but Will’s voice is in his ear, and the least Lando owes this man is to listen to the rest of his engineer’s words.
“Alright buddy, get out there and celebrate.” 
As soon as Lando’s feet touch the asphalt, his legs buckle out from underneath him, and he collapses by the front left tire. He needs to get up, needs to pull his helmet from his head, and go celebrate in the arms of his team and his family. But here Lando is, his body wracked with sobs while he thanks every possible force in the universe that’s enabled him to get to this point.
The side of his car isn’t as blurry when Lando opens his eyes again and shoves his visor up, his knees not as shaky when he stands, leaning on the body of the car for support. 
Across the way, his team looks like they’re barely holding themselves back from storming the track. Their self-imposed barrier breaks when Lando takes a step in their direction, his car crew rushing him and sweeping him off his feet. He may not be as small as he used to be, but the arms of the guys who have been with him for six years pick him up like he is, and all Lando can do is hold on.
The bone-crushing team hugs Lando has been subject to over the years don’t come close to now— not even on the back of his first podium in Silverstone the year before. But, he supposes, nothing really is quite comparable to actually beating the odds as they have throughout this year. 
Everything from the last few years rushes to the surface— every emotion and catastrophizing thought. Every question he had about resigning or not looking elsewhere at a team that could take him to the top faster. They gave way to the base satisfaction that had come with improvements and with accurate correlations. 
Every thought triggers another swell of emotion, but Lando can’t think about what he looks like in the midst of it.
Later, there will be pictures Lando will probably never want to see again when he takes his helmet off to reveal his already puffy eyes, red from crying, but he doesn’t think of that now. Because now, even with his mind solidly in the present, he can’t stop getting teary-eyed with each new person who comes to congratulate him.
And then Carlos is there, his person, finished with his own team and weigh-in, and it’s a lot. 
Carlos’ eyes look almost as red as Lando’s feel, which is stupid because Carlos shouldn’t be the one crying, right? They’re only about five strides from each other, but Lando takes the distance in two and a half before he launches himself into Carlos’ arms, his legs coming up almost on instinct to wrap around Carlos’ hips.
Carlos seems to expect it thankfully, and they stay upright. Lando’s never felt more protected than he does right now. Strong and warm arms grip and wrap around his back with every ounce of strength Carlos has left after a grueling two hours in the car. They’re out in the middle of everyone with their image likely being broadcast across the world, and yet Lando can’t find it in himself to care about anyone but the way Carlos’ lips press against the side of his face, the barely audible, “You did it. My champion,” above all the noise.
Lando lets himself cry.
Someone breaks them apart eventually so that both of them can give their reactions on the finish to Coulthard, who’s standing a few feet away looking excited. The distance they put between themselves isn’t a lot, one of Carlos’ hands settles on Lando’s shoulders when Lando feels himself getting weak-kneed again while Carlos is talking. He wonders if he looks like he’s going to pass out or if Carlos is just that especially tuned to Lando.
He doesn’t wonder for long though before he’s being pulled to the camera and handed the microphone Carlos had just been holding.
This is the beginning of everything. The beginning of being a champion. The beginning of the rest of his career. Lando knows he’s ready for it.
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nothorses · 5 months
Hi! Since you have a Discord server, could you share some tips for both moderating and keeping the space active and free of toxicity? I am thinking of creating my own for a micro-comunnity, but I have no idea where to start (especially what basic action protocols to follow of someone breaks a rule or is reported as abusive in DMs and there isn't much concrete proof).
Thanks in advance. ;-)
Ooh, yes, this shit is my bread & butter! Here's the advice I'd give someone creating a new community Discord space:
Start with a very clear idea of what the space is for.
This is your reasoning for every single expectation you set & rule you enforce. If you cannot explain to someone why a rule exists, you shouldn't have that rule- and you probably won't have an easy time enforcing it anyway.
Ask yourself some questions upfront: is this a space for bonding over a shared interest? Is this a space for building community around a marginalized identity or experience? Why? Who does it benefit, and how does it benefit those people?
The transmasc discord server I run started as a space to build community for transmascs who could not talk about transmasc issues elsewhere, and is therefore a space for discussion of these issues first, a space to build community for a group that faces a lot of isolation second, and everything else third.
Ask yourself: what is this space not for?
Now that you know what your goal is, it should be easier to determine what is in conflict with your goal. If you're a fandom space, you should be asking things like: do you need a vent channel? Why? What level of venting is okay? How will you tell someone in crisis that this is not an appropriate place to seek help? (Or applied to other situations: do you need this? Does it serve your goal? How? Is there a line or a nuance you should clarify? How practical is it to enforce this line?)
Think about your role as server owner
Server owners have a lot of de-facto power, because that's how Discord is set up, like, functionally. Think about the worst server owners you have ever encountered, and ask: what could have prevented those servers from disaster? People make bad decisions without realizing how bad they are, and it sucks. And, frankly, communities shouldn't necessarily belong to just one person.
What is your responsibility to your community? How can you share your power with them? What can you commit to in order to mitigate that power imbalance?
I have some commitments in place within my server along the lines of like... we make decisions on the basis of consensus (if someone really disagrees, we talk about it and, if needed, figure out a different solution; we don't go with "majority rules", and I don't veto or whatever). If there's consensus among the rest of the server staff that I should step down, I will step down. Stuff like that. My staff know these things, which keeps me (and them!) accountable.
You should think about the role of staff in a similar way; they have power over users. How can you mitigate that power? How can you share it with users? What happens if a staff member abuses their power?
Start small.
Unless you have a massive following ready to join your new server right away, you're gonna be pretty small for a long time. Embrace it! Small servers have the benefit of tight-knit communities and a lot of flexibility; you can make changes super easily, and you can be really responsive to your community. Let them tell you what they want and need, and invite them into the process of shaping the space together.
I really recommend that you start with the bare minimum, and add new rules, channels, staff, etc. as the need comes up organically. This gives you lots of room to think and discuss, and it means everything you add is tailored to the actual people that make up your community.
To use my own server as an example again: we had like five channels when we started, and adding each new channel has been a conversation about why we're adding it, whether we can fit that topic into a different channel or if it's getting overcrowded, how it impacts the server atmosphere (heavy/negative channels really add up!), etc. Which means they're generally, like, not completely unnecessary and unused.
Think about scaling
As you gain more members, you'll need more staff (and more staff time), more infrastructure, and more consistency. There's no one perfect way to do this, but I want to name it because I think it's good to keep in mind; I've seen big servers who try to act like small servers and end up chaotic and under-moderated, and small servers who try to act like big servers and end up drowning in their own (completely unnecessary!) red tape.
Rule enforcement
I recommend having a blanket policy of "we reserve the right to kick you out if it's obvious that you're not here with good or honest intentions". Don't try to litigate every little thing with every single person; if they're not there because they wanna be a part of the community you've made, there's absolutely no obligation to entertain their bullshit. Being upfront about this cuts out a lot of "but I didn't technically break a rule!", and "explain to me exactly why you're doing this so I can argue it to death!" nonsense from bad actors.
I also recommend a blanket policy of "infinite honest mistake forgiveness". People forget, slip up, whatever; don't stress about it. Give them a reminder or a heads up and move on.
For the stuff in the middle, you'll figure out what systems work for you. I prefer DMing people about things; being specific, transparent, and offering support does wonders for most issues. Name some clear expectations if you're noticing patterns, and ask what you can do to help them meet those expectations. Assume they didn't mean to do any harm, and that they want to get better. Even if that's not the case, most people will rise to that assumption if given the opportunity (and if they don't, you can kick 'em then).
Encourage a self-regulating community
Do not get involved in petty bullshit!! If someone has an issue with someone else, your first step is always to ask yourself: is this something staff need to take care of, or could this be resolved with a conversation between these two people?
Oftentimes, even a broken rule is something people can sort out themselves. If someone forgot a rule or made an honest mistake, there is literally no reason that it needs to be you or other server staff telling them so. Encourage people to talk to each other! You will save yourself so much grief (and petty drama, and serious conflict) in the long-run if your community can talk to each other like humans.
Encourage people to set their own personal boundaries, too! If they have a unique trigger or a particular need, encourage them to communicate that need to other people. This also allows people to negotiate their own solutions to conflicting access needs, and prevents staff from "taking sides".
As a bonus, this will also make it super clear when someone is just an asshole.
Maintain the vibe!
Don't try to duke problems out in the middle of the server! It sucks, everyone hates it, and the people that don't hate it love it for all the wrong reasons. Drama breeds more drama, and toxicity breeds more toxicity.
I recommend telling people exactly where to take their disagreements, discontent, and emotional outbursts. My personal policy is: if you can't have a productive conversation or offer everyone else basic respect, you need to step back and cool off until you can. if you have personal beef with someone else, you can either talk it out in DMs, let it go, or block them and move on. If you disagree with a rule or how a rule is being enforced, you still need to listen to staff, but you can (and should!) bring that up in the appropriate channels to discuss for the next time it comes up.
We have the "ticket tool" bot- which is great for when one person wants to argue about stuff like that- and an "office" channel for all kinds of administrative-y suggestions, questions, discussions, etc. which is great for respectful disagreements/discussions. I recommend using Discord's "Time Out" feature to mute people if they won't respect a staff request to pause or step back, and even removing everyone's ability to post in a channel if it's getting rancid & you need to buy some time to figure out exactly what's happening and how to handle it. (Let people know what's going on when you do this, though!)
This is maybe the biggest thing for keeping a server active and not toxic, tbh. People do not want to spend time in a space that sucks! And while it's vital to make space for conflict to happen, that space doesn't need to be the same one that everyone else is trying to share art of their blorbos in. And that conflict should never be abusive.
(Note: not all disagreements are conflicts, and not all conflicts necessarily need to be stopped or moved! This is generalized advice; there's a lot of gray area, and you'll get a feel for it over time if you don't already have a clear idea.)
Be thoughtful and intentional about exactly what you're trying to do and why. Be responsive and responsible to your community. Have as much patience & forgiveness for earnest people as you refuse to have for ill-intentioned people. Don't be afraid to draw hard lines in order to protect the space for everyone when you need to, and encourage people to talk to each other, enforce their own boundaries, and help keep each other accountable in kind and compassionate ways.
I think this sounds very big and grand because I have run a lot of servers and I am also drawing on some educational philosophy background, but like, all you really need to do is start with a clear purpose and go from there. You can be flexible and make changes as stuff comes up, and focus on having fun with the process and the community you're creating!
Good luck!!
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rentheknightgale · 25 days
Thoughts on an ana/mia discord server?
If one already exists hmu. But I am also willing to make my own.
heres what my main rules would look like:
If you don't already have an 3d then don't join looking to get one. This isnt a place to get/start an ed but a place for people who already have it to talk. No coaches. This is for safety. Its okay to motivate people but no ana coaches as they are always no good. No fatphobia. I understand that fatphobia is woven into the fabric of 3ds but its still very harmful to decide that other people should change because of your opinions. This also means no f4tsp0, as it is inherently fatphobic. Keep your 3d to yourself, dont force it on anyone else. (this rule will be STRICT) Body checks are okay as long as they are in the dedicated channel and tw are put for si/sh. Also very little clothing is okay but no s3xualizing clothes or things that are meant to make you look s3xy. Also no br3ast or groin. Obviously. No substance talk. No no, nope. Talking about what meds you take is fine or whatever, but no promotion of alcohol, illegal dr-gs, vaping, grass or tobacco. Also no other forms of substance abuse, no matter how obscure. I am well versed enough to know the slick things and I know just how dangerous and horrible these kinds of things can get and while I can't stop you from doing it, I refuse to allow its influence to be spread. No homophobia, transphobia, ableism, racism, ect. I am also VERY well versed in minorities of all kinds and for these kinds of things its a one strike and you're out. If you say something and it comes off wrong then it will be a warning, but ignorance or hate will be immediately deleted. This would be a 17+ server strictly. oh, you're 16 and your birthday is in two months, nope. Got to wait. I wont ask for any personal info to prove age or anything of the sort, but If in some way I find out you are underage then you will be banned. NO CREEPS!!! I know redflags for gr00mers, and creeps. I will be on the look out. I have had other discord servers in the past where I had to put close friends on blast for creepy shit. I do not care if someone in the server is my best friend, if they are being a creep to you, you can tell me and I will take care of it. I wont shame you, or tell anyone who said something. I have been a victim too and had to go to court. I didn't get justice, I will not cause that kind of pain on even the smallest level to go without justice.
The last one is not even just for my discord server, but in general. If you are going through something my dms are open. Idc what the situation is, if you think you deserved it, if you are a boy, if they were a girl, if they were younger to you, if it was your partner. It doesnt matter to me. I'm here to listen, or to back you up if you want.
There would be other smaller rules, but these are the main ones. If theres some sort of issue with discord and why theres a reason people dont do this then also let me know pls. Also, if there are any other rules I should add, or questions put it in the notes or in my ask box and I'll answer!
Also, this would have a pretty thick authentication system. I hope I can figure it out. But I'm thinking some sort of level system where the more you are active the more access to the server you get. This will help with any raids or creeps. You would need to have quite a few days of talking in the main chat to get access to more and more channels. And the more sensitive ones (like body checking and vent) would be the kinds where you need to be talking daily for a week to get type thing. It sucks but I really need to weed out the minors, creeps, people who dont have 3ds and the like.
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oncillamoltres · 17 days
actually looking back at the archive i'm. not sure how much it got onto tumblr that connie's been a complete wreck this weekend. most of it was either on discord or like? vaguely implied? for like the first time in the history of lovenpeace-pkmn i've actually managed to get anthea to talk more about her feelings than concordia???
anyway. what's been going on is:
somewhere around Friday Nictoria @/ariadosanon had that video posted of her brutally murdering some Rocket's pokemon. Connie, veteran of last time Nic was on Rotomblr, was planning to just scroll past and ignore it, but it ended up becoming a major topic of discussion on the Taskforce Distortion Gliscord server. this was not great for Connie's mental health
literally the next day @/cherrytree-irl N was hospitalized by a hydreigon. neither Anthea nor Concordia took this well (a); Connie, who has herself been attacked by hydreigon, spent most of the day offline trying not to have panic attacks.
however she did ask the Taskforce server if they could keep discussion of Nic's crimes to the vent channels, which was very brave of her because she's bad at asking for what she needs and also more intimidated by Lynda than she lets on.
Sunday Connie made a concerted effort to Stay Home and Do Something Fun With Her Kid to like. recalibrate her nervous system. unfortunately Anthea ended up pissed off enough about some things Byrd @/swellowmypride said in the Taskforce gliscord that she ended up like. actually venting her frustrations for once. including the thoughts on Connie's self-hatred that she's been biting back.
I'm really happy there was an opportunity to throw that in actually Anthea's been quietly bothered by that for ages now
anyway. A+C apologized to each other offscreen (this is hardly their first argument) and have been trying to like. calm down and focus on normal and silly stuff. I was gonna have Connie call in sick from work on Monday but I forgot it was Labor Day and it would. be kind of silly to do that on Labor Day.
so the reason Anthea was surprised by that anon asking if she was okay was that from her perspective, Connie's been having PTSD flashbacks all weekend and then got yelled at by her sister, whereas she got mad about something and has since mostly calmed down and even kind of feels better for actually expressing her emotions instead of bottling them up, so why would she be the one who's not okay?
but like. very little of that actually got onto the page. so.
pro tip: don't pick a roleplay character who hates talking about their feelings.
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princelylove · 10 months
Oh I love how you add Holy and Lisa Lisa in, I love them too, need more content for them ~
I wonder how would their reaction/feeling and punishment when they discover darling's love is fake, they just pretending to love them so they can escape.
~ 🏵️ anon ~
Hii, 🏵️anon. Cutting a few out since I wanted to go into detail- I’ll probably make a continuation of the others down the line. 
Content warnings: Reader death, noncon/dubcon in Jolyne’s part, general violence, and gaslighting 
Holly would hate to hear that! She herself wouldn’t punish you, she’s definitely going to cry about it and lock herself in her kitchen for a little bit. She’s deeply hurt, how could you say something like that to your wife?? She channels her emotion into cooking or baking something she knows you like to eat. It’s an apology gift, and she’s prepared a list of things she’s going to do better for you! Holly hopes you forgive her, and understands if you still need some time to think about things. But, in the end, Holly’s not willing to get a “divorce,” so you’re not going anywhere. She sits on her knees and shoves her hands under her legs when she brings you breakfast, and tries not to talk too much. Is her voice annoying? Do you not like how she makes things cutesy? She rents books about marriage, watches programs on television about relationships, and calls her mother or father for advice. She might even vent to Jotaro, but she tries not to. She doesn’t want to worry him- mainly because he has no problem breaking bones. 
It… doesn’t really matter if you like Jotaro or not. As long as you submit, he’s going to lie to himself. You can say whatever you want, he’s just going to tell you to shut up and stop whining. You’re stupid, you have no idea what you’re talking about. You need him, and he needs you to just stay put and let him protect you from the evils of the world.. Jotaro’s convinced that everything is trying to eat you, and he’s not going to just let it. He won’t punish you until you actually do something- words are just words, and Jotaro is convinced you’re all bark and no bite. If he catches you storing ‘shit’ to take when you run away, he’ll drag you by your wrists into your room, make sure you sit and stay, put everything back, and give you a light slap on your wrist. Jotaro would prefer to restrain you with his own hands, but he can’t really sit there and hold you down all day, so chains will have to do until he’s ready to “cuddle” for the night- which is just him holding you down and smelling your neck for a couple hours. Try to run away too often and Jotaro will just take away your ability to walk. You can keep your legs, he won’t remove them, but he will break them. He babies you throughout the healing process. When your legs finally do heal, if you still aren’t willing, he’ll just break them again. It was fun taking care of you, why wouldn’t he? 
Josuke takes it pretty personally. It’s hard not to. I mean, you can’t just go around saying that he’s a “creep” and “not your boyfriend.” Words have meaning, babe. You can’t throw a tantrum just ‘cause he got a little handsy with you. It’s just him. Somebody’s gonna hear you and think he’s beating you or something, you gotta cut it out. Josuke’s fairly lenient compared to the rest of his family- what are you really escaping from? He’s not trapping you, and it’s not like he really gets in your way. You’re overreacting ‘cause he didn’t read the room right, jeez. Josuke’s going to gaslight you and physically get in the way of every exit. He scoffs a bit when you tell him he’s overbearing- who, him?? What’s he done that’s overbearing? Oh! Oh, he’s overbearing ‘cause he wants to know what his partner is doing?? Yeah, right, that makes total sense- look, why don’t you just blow off some steam and come talk to him when you have a real problem with his behavior. 
Giorno already knows. Did you truly believe that you would be able to hide something like that from him? Giorno survives off of hope- Perhaps Guido’s philosophy of “things will always work out in the end” has rubbed off on him. You’ll come around. He won’t react to minor threats or tantrums, not even directly getting in his face and screaming at him will make Giorno budge. The only real way to get under his skin is to attempt to abandon him- he feels everything he felt when he was little. He’s just a small, frail little boy again when he finds your hoard of essentials hidden away. If you want to leave him so badly, fine, leave him. One of his bodyguards will bring you back, and he’ll try again, after a bit of coping with his situation (Brooding in his room wondering what could possibly be so awful about him), and starving you of any enrichment or social interaction. If you ever were to strike him, or otherwise attempt his life, Giorno’s instincts would take over. His hands tremble so much that he drops whatever weapon he confiscated from you mid attempt, and he’ll stay frozen in place until Guido or Sheila E comes to check on him. 
Jolyne was hoping her insecure thoughts were wrong. Part of her wants to snap, The hell is wrong with you? Of course you love her, you’re making her sound like she’s Narciso or something. You were just cuddling up to her telling her how big her muscles were the other day, did you get a fuckin’ lobotomy done on you in the hour she left you alone? The other part of her falls into a bit of a depression. Of fucking course you don’t love her. She was really trying, too. She could beat your ass for lying to her, but she’s not gonna. She’s too miserable. She throws herself into the gym and replays every single interaction she’s ever had with you- that was seriously all a lie so you could get her off your ass? The next time you see her- which is likely her hunting you down- she traps you in a small room, probably your cell. She genuinely just wants to talk about how cruel you are. If you try to run, Jolyne gets in your way, and uses her stand to hold you in place. Looking down at you like this, all tied up… it just sorta clicks. This is how it’s meant to be. Your door locks, right? Probably not, she can put something in front of it. She’s got some pent up frustration to take out on you. 
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thegracelessfaceless · 8 months
Coming Home From Work to Sal
Tumblr media
Tw: drug use mention
It's been a long day
You might argue the longest
Regardless of the field you work in
Every interaction you had today was a difficult one
People where whiny and obstinate
Simple tasks turned tedious and frustrating
And the work hours just dragged by
Every second expanding and then collapsing on itself with each tick of the clock hand
Whatever they're paying you...
Today it just isn't enough
You want nothing more than this shift to end because at least you know that at clock out time, they can't exactly force you to stay
The moment finally gets here
Clock out time
And you beat feet to your ride home
And as you walk up the front steps
There he is framed in the doorway
Sal, hair mussed from his after work shower, baggy pajama bottoms featuring characters from Ricko's Modish Wife, and a band shirt for King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard
He holds the door for you and follows behind you as you shed your uniform on the way to the bathroom
And then listens as you unload your day
From the stupid overreaction about a small hiccup provided by Brandy in sales
To the complete Karen of an old woman who just kept haranguing you
To the fact that you totally overcommitted yourself with work duties today that were and weren't actually necessary
Sal diligently follows you from the bathroom and shower, to the bedroom (where he stole a few kisses and maybe a few squeezes too), to the kitchen where you both ate dinner standing up over the sink, and then finally to the living room
To console you on your bad day, Sal turns on your favorite guilty pleasure show
Even though watching it always makes him feel like happily slamming a door onto his head repeatedly
He engages in the show, and finds himself getting invested in it too
Also provided by Sal:
A foot rub after a long foot soak in the foot soaker Maple bought you for Christmas
Warm blankets
A big ol' bowl/joint/blunt/whathaveyou, if you partake. If not, Sal will have already handled this step himself before you got home
Your favorite snacks, along with some of his because he knows you secretly enjoy them
Hot tea/steamed milk/coffee, depending on your preference (Sal actually makes killer coffee despite not drinking it. He's surrounded by coffee drinkers, he had to learn at some point)
And then finally,
When you both retire for the night
Sal reads you a few chapters from whatever book he's reading
He could read you a stereo manual and you'd eat up every minute of it
You constantly suggest to Sal that he should make an ASMR channel on YouTube
Just his deep, raspy voice carefully articulating words so his Jersey doesn't show as much
Lulling you to sleep
And in those last few moments of consciousness, you feel Sal's lips press to your forehead
Goodnight Reader, I hope your day is better tomorrow and I love you
Vent section: For those of you who follow my blog and know my life, I work on a dementia ward. We got a new resident today. She is completely rude and hateful, incessantly talks, picks on/picks fights with other residents, argues for arguments sake, and biological functioned in the hall (TWICE). Needless to say, her presence has thrown off my entire work groove. I tried to compensate by deciding to do linens today, help out... For rooms 13-24... All of them. It was almost too much but I got it done right before my shift was done. I work 12 hour shifts so 15 loads was a completely doable task... Right? Anyway, while I was doing that, two of my residents (besties, Ms. Daisy and Ms. Eileen (all names have been changed for privacy and dignity)) managed to slip through the coded fire doors that lock down the hall (dementia patients wander and get lost easily, we have to keep them locked down for their safety). They didn't go far. The rest of the building caters to elderly people who just need a little help, and Daisy and Eileen went to the dining room on that wing. An elopement is when a resident manages to get completely out of the building, out in the world . So not even really an elopement. But mass panic ensued while we were trying to find out how they got out. Turns out they were camping the doors, and waited for a family member to come through and slipped out... Very crafty. One headcount later, administration finally left and it was back to dealing with the new lady, Glenda, who I'm sure will appear in many incorrect quotes on my blog. I normally completely loathe a new resident when we get them. As you can see, it throws off my whole day. I'll get used to her, figure out who she needs me to be, and be that person for her. I'm sure we'll end up thick as thieves. It's always the difficult ones that I end up liking the most.
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