#i just think Meg 2.0 is hot okay
kit-o-nine-tales · 2 years
Read on AO3
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Meg/Castiel
Rated M for canonical character death
Summary: They say that demons don't dream. Meg knows that's a lie. They say that demons can't change. Unfortunately for her, that turns out to be a lie too.
Aka: The demon known as Meg thinks about Castiel a lot over the years... and ultimately flies too close to the sun. A songfic using "Sunlight" by Hozier.
I would shun the light, share in evening's cool and quiet Who would trade that hum of night? For sunlight, sunlight, sunlight
She is a demon. She’s been a demon for longer than she can remember. She’s known all the different domains of hell intimately, been on both sides of the knife so many times that she imagines that nothing of who she’d been before remains. And she’s happy like this. She has a mission; something she believes in. Their father will walk the earth again, will rip the wings from all the angels and remake the earth so that his children can walk it without suffering under the cursed, purifying light of life and the sun. Angels and hunters would believe that demons can’t dream, but they do. And the one who calls herself “Meg” dreams of the day when she can leave hell behind forever, and stride across the earth in her true form without having to fear the light.
But whose heart would not take flight? Betray the moon as acolyte On first and fierce affirming sight Of sunlight, sunlight, sunlight
And then the Winchesters and their pet angel ruin everything, sealing her father back inside his cage, putting Armageddon on hold, maybe forever. Father’s trapped with one of his brothers, the one he’d meant to kill. Sometimes she sits outside of the cage, her head propped up in her hands as she listens to the sounds of them fighting. He’d been angry with her, before they put him there. She’d gone against the plan, wanting revenge on Sam and Dean. She failed, over and over. And she wonders if maybe this might be for the better. As much as she might wish otherwise, something changed within her during her encounter with Castiel, no matter how much she’d tried not to believe him, even if he did cast her into the flames and walk on her right afterwards.
She’s a demon, for fucks sake. What’s a little holy fire compared to countless centuries spent on the rack, having your own entrails fed to you, millimeter by millimeter?
Nothing, that’s what.
She sits outside her father’s cage, her chin in her hands, and she dreams. Meg, Queen of Hell has a nice ring to it —  if she can manage to get Crowley out of the way. And she knows just the people she can use to help her do that.
I had been lost to you, sunlight And flew like a moth to you, sunlight, oh, sunlight Oh, your love is sunlight Oh, your love is sunlight But it is sunlight
When she next sees Castiel, she has her own goals now. Granted, they're fairly simple: kill Crowley and take over hell. She wants the Winchesters to owe her, she wants the Winchesters to help her. She wants — she wants to live. And she’s drawn to Castiel. She's not ashamed to admit it, because again, demon. What could be more demonic than potentially corrupting an angel, drawing it into the sin of lust?
She’s no stranger to using her attractiveness as a weapon, or corrupting the innocent (though the so-called "innocence" of angels is a crock; as far as she knows, a lot of them have just as much blood on their hands as the average demon, if not more, even if they do claim it's for righteous reasons.) But when she kisses Castiel to steal his angel blade, it proves itself more than just that. She actually enjoys it. And so, it seems, does he, if the way he presses her up against the wall and kisses her back is any indication. It’s at that moment Meg knows she’s completely fucked. The plan’s gone to shit, and she’s actually risking herself just to give the Winchesters and the angel a chance of winning. Clarence and the Winchesters leave her to the hounds and she chuckles at herself. That angel is a bad influence, and she’s hardly even spent any time around him. But he has her feeling. Wanting. Dreaming.
They say that demons don’t dream; but they only say that because demons shouldn’t dream. They’ll only start to get ideas. And that never ends well.
All the tales the same Told before and told again A soul that's born in cold and rain Knows sunlight, sunlight, sunlight
The Winchesters don’t trust her. Smart of them, really. She is what she is, they are what they are — tales as old as time and all that. But they have little other choice, with Clarence’s noggin scrambled by Sam’s hell memories. Part of her finds it funny; the angel can’t withstand even a small taste of what would just be another Tuesday to her — but at the same time, she knows what it is to suffer under the artistic hands of her father, and it is not something anyone can just shrug off. She honestly kind of respects Sam for managing to hold himself together as long as he did.
This altered Castiel is strange, which means something, coming from a demon. He’s got no filter, and has this… unsettling innocence. He looks at her and he sees her. The real her.
And he looks at all that pain, all the scars and artful carving that twisted up her soul, making it sharp, dark, and bloody — and he calls it beautiful. Looking back at him in these moments is like staring into the sun. Antithetical to the core of what she is, painful and altering, and yet... she can't tear herself away. Like something out of a dream... or a nightmare. She brushes it off with a dirty joke, but once again she finds herself being changed against her will by forces outside her control —  only this time, part of her... allows it. Part of her dreams of where this new path will lead.
And at last can grant a name To a buried and a burning flame As love and its decisive pain Oh, my sunlight, sunlight, sunlight
He calls her his caretaker — and as much as she wants to reject it, the name has power over her. She kills for him, and she knows it’s not just out of pragmatism. Like this, he lacks the fire that drew her to him originally, but still she finds she can’t ignore him. Just as she can't ignore the twinges of pain as parts of her reshape themselves under the influence of their strange connection. It's nothing compared to being strung up and remade on the racks, of course. More like a sunburn, maybe.
She surprises herself with how well she’s come to know the habits of this altered Castiel. He comes when she calls, and she can’t deny that she gets a thrill out of holding that over the Winchesters’ heads. Whatever changes Castiel might be triggering in her, she is still a demon, after all.
She dreams, all the same. She’s always been quite the dreamer, for a demon. Azazel and Lucifer had said it was what made her special. Demons aren't supposed to dream, but they do. Still, her dreams have always been different than those of her of kind. And now she dreams of a recovered Castiel, of power and dominion and safety and a powerful angel at her side, sexy and dangerous and likely to be the death of her. She's a loyal creature, for better or worse. She is what she is, and he is what he is, even if it doesn't seem like it right now.  So after she saves him from Hester, she runs. She can only really rely on herself, despite everything. Still, she dreams, and avoids staring into the sun.
All that was shown to me, sunlight Was somethin' foreknown to me, sunlight, oh sunlight Oh, your love is sunlight Oh, your love is sunlight But it is sunlight
Of course, it can't be that easy. She makes it half-way across the world, where the local supernatural denizens have no connection to Crowley (demons from other cultures and religions have fairly different power structures) and Castiel, he of the pleading eyes and deep, disjointed thoughts pops up in front of her, scaring away the Kitsune she'd been bargaining with for some fresh virgin's blood to power her cloaking sigil.
"You know, lamb's blood would work just as well," Castiel says conversationally, "though I'd prefer it if you didn't kill the lamb. I could keep it calm, make sure it doesn't feel the pain or get scared."
"Why are you here, Clarence?" Meg asks tiredly. So much for avoiding the sunlight.
"It's gone quiet," Castiel says sadly. "But my fighting days are over."
"So you need a big bad demon to do the fighting for you, huh?" She pulls out her angel blade.
She'll do it, of course. She is what she is; loyal, for better or worse. She can't say who is using who here, anymore. But she supposes it doesn't really make a difference.
"I don't like conflict," Castiel says once again.
"I know, Clarence," she says, giving him a pat on the shoulder.
He places one of his own hands on her shoulder, and suddenly she's standing outside that extremely cliche hunter's cabin again. The only thing it's missing is a plaid flannel of its own.
Meg sighs, and goes to knock on the door, while Castiel zaps himself into the Winchesters's car, hiding. She rolls her eyes. The things she does for her cloud hopper.
Oh, your love is sunlight Oh, your love is sunlight But it is sunlight, sunlight
The Winchesters ask their questions, she redirects them to Clarence (she is still a demon, after all —  she's not going to fight all his battles for him. Especially not his ex-boyfriend drama.) Still, she keeps an ear out, telling herself she's not going soft. Though she can't lie to herself as well as she'd like.
Then it turns out Rocky and Bullwinkle were stupid enough to try and summon Crowley. She tries to run, calling for Cas, but it's too late. The Rat King of Hell arrives, and she can taste how badly he wants to kill her.
Her little problem only gets worse when Clarence steps in to protect her from Crowley. For all that he hates conflict, he's willing to step up for her. It... touches something in her. She can't remember anyone ever doing that for her, not since she became what she is.
And it's enough to scare away Crowley, at least for now. The Winchesters need Castiel, and Crowley wants the Winchesters to deal with Dick Roman for him... and as Crowley says, Castiel would be upset if something were to happen for her. When the King of Hell can see that there’s something there, she knows it must be real. Crowley can smell manipulable connections like a shark can scent a drop of blood in the water. For now, Castiel’s attachment to her keeps her safe. But there’s no guarantee it will stay that way.
There's proof enough of that in her dreams; more often then not, when her mind drifts, things take a darker turn. She sees herself, burning up in the light of Castiel. She sees herself dying for him, sometimes at the hands of other angels, sometimes demons — prophecy was never her gift, but she can feel which way the wind's blowing. Whatever this thing between them is, it will be the death of her. She knows it in her gut.
Oh, and these colors fade for you only Hold me, carry me slowly, my sunlight Oh, all these colors fade for you only Hold me, carry me slowly, my sunlight
It's only more true when she agrees to help the Winchesters in their shitty plan to take down Dick Roman. If the demon she was seven years ago could see her now, it would stab her with her own angel blade. Meg, child of Azazel, student of Alistair, devotee to Lucifer —  once again willingly serving as a distraction on the Winchesters' behalf.
This is all Castiel's fault. Being around him... she can feel the sharpness of her fading, her thorns rounding out, slowly.
It's made her stupid — but then, maybe she's always been like this. Loyalty is loyalty. A cause is a cause. She'd started down this path planning to use Clarence and the Winchesters to her own ends, but now she's driving Dean's stupid, over-compensating muscle car towards a building filled with the kind of creatures that  angels and the first demons had nightmares about. Armed with just a knife and a jug of Power Clean.
She and Castiel exchanged glances right before they went their separate ways. He seemed... sharper. Like he got a little bit of himself back. They said a lot without saying anything. It gave her something to dream of.
And she's going to need that, she thinks, as Crowley's goons take advantage of the damage the leviathans did to her to throw her up against a wall and capture her.
Each day, you'd rise with me Know that I would gladly be The Icarus to your certainty Oh, my sunlight, sunlight, sunlight
Months pass. Meg endures. Meg dreams. Compared to Azazel, to Alistair, to Lucifer, Crowley and his goons' attempts at torture are nothing; drops of spit in the ocean. She lies, she acts, she lets them think they're getting information out of her, all the while she keeps them from finding what they're actually looking for.
She thinks about Castiel, lets herself dream through the torture. Sometimes she thinks of calling for him. He'd come, if she called. She still believes that.
She doesn't call.
Crowley comes to gloat a few times, tells her that her little angel is dead, along with Dean Winchester. She doesn't want to believe that. She doesn't want to prove him right. So she doesn't call. If she were to call, and he never showed, then it would mean that Crowley's right.
Even though part of her thinks that if he were alive, he would have come for her by now. Unless he doesn't know she's been taken. Maybe he's lying low, making plans, searching... if she called, it would put him at risk.
So she doesn't call. There's not much she can do to protect her cloud hopper where she is right now, but that much, she can manage.
She scoffs at herself —  when did she become such a damn softie? Nothing good ever comes from staring at the sun. Nothing good ever comes from dreaming. Not for a demon.
But she stared anyway. She dreamed anyway. And she just keeps dreaming.
Strap the wing to me Death trap clad happily With wax melted, I'd meet the sea Under sunlight, sunlight, sunlight
She knows the end is coming, one way or another, when Crowley starts complaining that some one is killing his minions. Maybe it's Sam, out for revenge. Maybe it's both of the Winchesters; Dean turning back up like the bad penny that he is. Or maybe it's her Clarence, finally coming to find her.
Yeah right.
Even when Dean, Sam, and Clarence do show up, she knows it's not for her. It's for the Angel Tablet, same as Crowley. Still, she's glad to see Castiel again. He seems different. More focused. Better, but still, not quite the Angel she remembers. She can tell Dean notices too. But she doesn't say anything. She knows what she is. Hell, if she said something, Dean probably wouldn't believe her. Better to just get out of here, save her own skin.
But then Castiel turns to her. "We need your help."
How can she say no? "Any of you dummies got a map?" She chuckles.
This will be the death of her. She knows it. But she just can't seem to stop looking at the sun. Reaching for it, dreaming of it. She lets them take her to their temporary base, wincing in the light of day.
Sam and Dean leave her and Clarence alone, and he looks at her like... like she matters. Like he cares. He takes care of her, cleaning her wounds even though eventually they'll close up on their own.
"These wounds have festered," he says worriedly.
"You really do know how to make a girl's nethers quiver, don't you?" She smiles at him and takes a swig of her booze. Trashy stuff, exactly what she'd expect from the Winchesters. Not that she really cares. She just likes to rag on them. Since, well... she's a demon. Funny how she has to keep reminding herself that, these days. Doesn't help that him taking care of her is actually really hot. Never thought she was one to get off on the touchy-feely crap. But here she is.
"I am aware of how to do that. Although it doesn't usually involve cleaning wounds," Castiel replies, far too seriously.
She raises an eyebrow. Damn Crowley for the shitty bleach-job. She's much better looking as a brunnette. Funny, how body just feels like hers now. The girl from Cheboygan's long gone. She almost feels... bad about that. Ew.
"Why are you so sweet on me, Clarence?" She asks. Even now, even when he clearly doesn't need her anymore, there's still something there.
"I don't know. And I still don't know who Clarence is."
She laughs. "Would it kill you to watch a movie, read a book?"
"A movie, no. But a book with the proper spells -- yeah, it could, theoretically, kill me."
He would give her a real answer for that. Funny though, she feels the need to tell him that he shouldn't be sharing that kind of information with a demon. She doesn't mention it. Instead, she keeps flirting, curious to see where it might lead. "You know, you're much cuter when you're shutting up. So, which Cas are you now? Original make and model or crazy town?"
"I'm just me."
A lie, but one she'll pretend she believes for now. Not like she knows anything about deprograming angels. Aside from maybe doing it the old fashioned way, original sin and all that. "So, your noodle's back in order?"
"Yeah, my... noodle remembers everything. I think it's a pretty good noodle."
Even though he's better, he's still... cute. She shouldn't even be capable of finding things cute. What is he doing to her? "Really? You remember everything?" But like Icarus, she just keeps reaching for the sun.
"If you're referring to the pizza man... Yes, I remember the pizza man. And it's a good memory."
They let that sit for a moment, staring at each other. She winces a little. "What are you doing to me, Clarence?" She finally asks.
He cocks his head to the side. "I believe it's called flirting."
"Not that," she sighs. "Look at my true form."
He blinks at her. "I don't think that was my doing."
She rolls her eyes. "Who else could it have been, Clarence?"
"You," he replies.
She sighs, raising the bottle to her lips again. "You ever miss the Apocalypse?"
"No. Why would I miss the end of times?"
He just doesn't get it. It makes sense, she guesses. Not like the sun cared that it melted Icarus's wings.
"I miss the simplicity. I was bad. You were good. Life was easier. Now it's all so messy. I'm kind of good, which sucks." An understatement. "And you're kind of bad -- which is actually all manner of hot. We survive this... I'm gonna order some pizza and we're gonna move some furniture around. You understand?" She might as well keep dreaming, though. She's come this far.
"No, I-I  — " He seems confused.
Meg gives him a sly smirk and waits, watching as understanding dawns on his stupidly kissable face.
"Wait —  actually... Yes, I — "
But before he can finish that thought, the cock-blocking Winchesters make their return. And joy of joys, they have another one of their shitty plans.
The dream was nice, while it lasted.
Oh, your love is sunlight Oh, your love is sunlight But it is sunlight
They stand outside a warehouse after dark. She could run. She could tell them she's done, that she's given them what they want. Save herself before she gets too close to the sun.
But she won't. The light is inside her now. There's no running from that.
When Sam suggests that she watch their backs, she's ready to do it. They don't trust her, even after everything. Not that she blames them. Light or no, she is what she is. That's why it burns so much.
But Castiel trusts her. Castiel cares. "....You should stay here and protect Meg."
"Since when do I need protecting?" She wants, suddenly, to hear him say it. That she's worth protecting.
"Since you were held captive and tortured for over a year."
Not quite what she was hoping for, but she'll take it. "Touché."
For all that the Winchesters talk about not trusting her, Dean does still leave her with Sam, which says more than words ever could. Even with the torture, she's pretty sure she could take Sam out it she wanted to, given the state he's in.
They're lucky that she doesn't want to. She's... fond of Sam, weirdly enough.
Oh, your love is sunlight Oh, your love is sunlight But it is sunlight
Not that he appreciates that.
"Wait -- so I took how many bullets for you guys, and you didn't even look for me?" She asks as they work together to ward the building. "Like, once?" She scoffs. Stupid of her to hope otherwise, really. Going soft sucks. "My hero. What's with all the "trial" and "being damaged" crap?" Even so, she's still concerned. Stupid sunlight, burning inside her, smoothing down her thorns.
"Look, no disrespect, but you haven't exactly been the most, uh, trustworthy person in our lives, Meg."
She can't deny that one, but still. "You're not gonna tell me? Seriously? How am I not team Sam?" She scoffs again. He doesn't get it. Or he doesn't want to. Fair enough.  "Fine. Whatever it is, you okay dying over it?"
He ignores her. Which, fair; but if she's going to die for these bozos — and she is, she can feel it, like a sudden free-fall in her belly — she's going to say her piece first. He's fighting for a cause —  she wants him to decide if he's really willing to commit to it.
"You don't want to say, fine. But remember, I spent time in that walking corpse of yours. I know your sad, little thoughts and feelings."
"That's creepy," he replies dryly.
It is. "You think I want to have little lingering bits of Winchester-thoughts bouncing around in my noggin? Honestly —  You should be paying for me to see a shrink." She shakes her head. Stay on topic. "Here's what I remember. Deep down, in parts you never let see the light of day, you want to live a long, normal life away from creepy old things like me."
Of course, that's an easy one. She doesn't even need the Winchester leftovers to know that.
"I do," Sam scoffs. Then he sighs. "You know, I spent last year with... someone, and, um... ...now I know that's actually possible." He looks like he doesn't even know why he's telling her this.
Frankly, she doesn't either. She's said what she wanted to, so maybe she should quiet while she's ahead. "Wait —  that's how you spent your last year? With a chick? Lame."
"You know, how about we just wait quietly?" He shakes his empty spray can.
She almost laughs. That's the Sammy she remembers having so much fun with. He's always at his best when he's being a little on the bitchy side. Whoever said blondes have more fun got it wrong; bitches have more fun.
"What was her name? You don't even trust me with a name? Cut me, do I not bleed, Sam?"
Surprisingly, she genuinely wants to know. Did this woman change him, like Clarence has changed her? Did he fly too close to the sun too? Or did he shed his wings and save himself?
"So, some chick actually got you off hunting, huh? That's one rare creature. Tell me —  how'd you meet this unicorn?"
Demons aren't supposed to dream, and neither, she thinks, are hunters. It never ends well.
Oh, your love is sunlight Oh, your love is sunlight
Even more surprisingly, Sam tells her. Maybe part of him senses the light in her, burning away at what she ought to be. Or maybe he just wants to tell someone, and figures nobody cares what Meg has to say. Maybe he senses the end coming for her too —  prophecy was his thing, even if he doesn't do it anymore, now that Azazel's blood's gone dormant with the demon's death.
"You fell in love with a unicorn. It was beautiful, then sad, then sadder. I laughed, I cried, I puked in my mouth a little. And honestly, I kind of get it."
Her dreams never have a happy ending. Castiel is the sun, and it's going to destroy her in the end. It might be warm, it might make her feel nice in all the right places and the wrong ones, but that doesn't change what it is. What she is.
"Really?" Sam sounds like he might actually be willing to believe her. Like he might want to hear her story too.
But they're out of time. "We've got company."
Crowley's goons come out in force. And she's sure that the King of Hell himself won't be far behind.
But it is sunlight
And of course, she's right. Maybe she's got more prophecy in her than she thought. Bitching isn't as fun when Crowley does it. And she can tell that Sam doesn't have much more fight in him. She's gotta get him out of here. She sighs internally. Sunlight might be the biggest bitch of them all. Sure stings like one.
"You gonna talk us to death or get down to it already?" She taunts, drawing Crowley's attention away from Sam. She knows how this ends. But Sam doesn't have to die here too.
Crowley pulls out an angel blade, and Meg feels like she's seen this moment a thousand times since she let the sunlight in. Yeah, she knows how this ends. She's fucked. Damn that angel. Damn her. Damn everything.
Meg steps up to the plate, looking back over her shoulder at Sam. "Go. Save your brother... and my unicorn."
"Did Timon and Pumbaa..."  Crowley asks tauntingly. The door to the warehouse closes behind Sam. "...tell you their big plan? Did they share that little chestnut with you? They mean to close the Gates of Hell, sweetheart. They mean to kill me and all the demons -- you included."
She figured as much. One way another, her dreams were doomed from the start. It doesn't change a thing.
"You had me at "kill you," Crowley," she drawls with a smile.
He raises his fists. She braces for impact.
Oh, your love is sunlight
She does her best not to laugh at him as he lands another brutal hit on one of her kidneys.
"I could beat on you for eternity." He says. Dumbass.
Oh, your love is sunlight
"Take all the time you want, you pig." They hear the sound of car doors closing, and they both look up.
Meg finally lets herself laugh. "No Cas in the back seat. Your stone is long gone." She knows how this will end, but she's going to go down fighting. She stabs him in the shoulder.
But it is sunlight
Crowley gasps angrily, pulls out the blade, and drives it into her. Lightning sparks. Time slows.
Sunlight, sunlight,
She’s always wondered where demons go when they die. She knows it’s not purgatory, and even though it would make sense for them to just wind up back in hell, she knows that’s not how it works either. Maybe there’s just… nothing.
Can dead demons dream? She doesn’t know, but dying ones can — because even in the milliseconds she’s has left after Crowley stabs her, she’s still dreaming. She dreams of Castiel, finding her body and grieving. She dreams of Cas, showing up in the nick of time and healing her, rounding away even more of her thorns. It would hurt, but she’d live.
But she knows her dreams won’t come true. She’s a demon, and demons aren’t meant to dream.
Maybe dead demons don’t go anywhere. Maybe it’s just dark, quiet nothingness.
Once upon a time, she might have welcomed that. But not anymore.
Now… her last thought as the blade in her chest sparks its last, tearing all that she is to shreds, is that she’s going to miss the light of her unicorn.
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s7e21 reading is fundamental (w. ben edlund)
i recognize the name kevin tran but i have no clue who he is. another question soon to be answered. the cello playing not super obviously fake, good job everyone!
the classical music overplayed action dudes setting up gear and getting settled in dark and industrial setting, very reminiscent of... something. maybe it's a general action movie trope. but thinking of nessun dorma in the sum of all fears (one of my favorite usages of music in a movie). anyway. it's a vibe. and not one this show usually has. i like it
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DEAN That sound like somebody saying, "No, wait – stop," to you? SAM Uh... Yeah. Yeah. DEAN Yeah. [shrugs] Oh, well.
all right then. did lightning daddy zap the kid some juice
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meg livin it up
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DEAN So, what? We start the storm heard 'round the world?
maybe i'm just sad but, oof. this better not be something to feel guilty about again
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same, sam, same.
DEAN All right, so big daddy chomper lands here, he grabs himself some Dick…
they're really ramming the Dick jokes down our throats
DEAN Rufus' cabin, then? SAM Yeah. DEAN This time, I'm doing the shopping.
thank you for all the little domestic moments lately, show
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literally busted out laughing. got the sad, sad trench back on. staring out the window. is it raining?
are dean and sam both forgiving and forgetting cas?
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CASTIEL Will you look at her? My caretaker. All of that thorny pain. So beautiful. MEG We've been over this. I don't like poetry. Put up or shut up.
i'm with sam. okay.
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CASTIEL If someone was going to free the Word from the vault of the earth, it would end up being you two. Oh, I love you guys. DEAN Oh. Uck. Okay. All right. Okay.
laughing at the transcription but he totally said uck
this sam confusion over megatron/metatron thing is making me laugh but it's so ridiculous. speaking of ridiculous, leaving the word of god on the floor to go bicker with meg, sam. he knows better, c'mon
MEG We both call, who do you think Cas will come to? I'm guessing me. You heard him – thorny beauty, blah, blah. I'm the saint who stayed with him. He owes me. His words. SAM Yeah, what about what he owes us? MEG Well, work on him a little. Maybe he'll start crushing on you, too, hot stuff.
this kind of feels like ruby 2.0, what they're doing with meg
DEAN No, I want you to button up your coat and help us take down Leviathans. Do you remember what you did?
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CASTIEL We live in a "sorry" universe. It's engineered to create conflict. I mean, why should I prosper from... your misfortune? But these are the rules. I didn't make them. DEAN You made some of them. When you tried to become God, when you cut that hole into that wall.
tell him, dean
FEMALE ANGEL A demon whore and a Winchester… again.
okay addressing the ruby of it all out loud
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SAM Meg, where did you get that? MEG A lot of angels died this year.
that was a good one
KEVIN So, these Leviathans – these monsters are real. And angels with wings? SAM No. Uh... no wings. No anything. DEAN No junk. Junkless.
COMMERCIAL We know you're hungry. Why not enjoy Biggerson's homemade pie bar? It's like a salad bar but with pie.
i'm there
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awkward family road trips
CASTIEL We were assigned to watch the earth. Often, it was boring. The wars were very boring and the sex – you know, the repetition.
okay again
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KEVIN This looks like a sex-torture dungeon. Is this a sex-torture dungeon? DEAN picks up a scythe. DEAN No, this is not a sex-torture...
this is some episode
CASTIEL (to sam) You seem troubled. Of course, that's a primary aspect of your personality, so I sometimes ignore it.
don't hold back, cas
CASTIEL The weight of all my mistakes, all those lives and souls lost, I... I couldn't take it, either. I was… I was lost until I took on your pain. It's strange to think that that helped, but – SAM I know you never did anything but try to help. I realize that, Cas, and I'm grateful. We're all grateful. And we're gonna help you get better, okay? No matter what it takes.
schmoopy music and all, looks like we are forgiving and forgetting
DEAN Oh, I don't know, man. What can I say? You've been chosen. And it sucks. Believe me. There's no use asking "why me?" 'Cause the angels – they don't care. I think maybe they just don't have the equipment to care. Seems like when they try, it just... breaks them apart.
can't get mad at a shark for being a shark?
SAM Here. “Leviathan cannot be slain but by a bone of a righteous mortal washed in the three bloods of the fallen.” Uh... It says we need to start with the blood of a fallen angel. CASTIEL Well, you know me. [He holds out a small bottle.] I'm always happy to bleed for the Winchesters.
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laufire · 2 years
ALL OF YOUR SPN WIPS SOUND SO GOOD. okay hard to narrow down but for the wip game can I ask about 1) caswena met before 2) endverse sastiel 3) demonblood kids 2.0 and 4) time traveling jack?
also on the btvs side, 100% support the vampire kendra sequel she deserved wayyy more screentime
Thank you <3
Okay, one by one.
-Caswena met before: this is... one out of three, maybe four? WIPs where I plan to address Castiel's stolen memories. Because I still think it's ridiculous that the show dropped that information to never address it again!
The basic premise is simple: what if Castiel and Rowena had met in the past (likely in less than friendly circumstances), and that memory was stolen from him? She wouldn't be aware of it either, as Castiel would've showed up with a different vessel. Maybe I'd bring back the one from "Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets", because of totally not shallow reasons.
I don't have much more yet, as it's lower on my list of priorities than other WIPs. I just got the idea and added it to the list because I think Caswena is a hot, fun rareship people should pay more attention to xD (I also plan to indulge in some fake married!Caswena in the Desperate Housewives crossover lmao).
-Endverse Sastiel: we never saw endverse!Castiel dead, so I choose to believe he isn't. I mean, I'd consider it very in character for Lucifer to leave Castiel alive (especially season 5 Lucifer, who lbr, feels different than the rest...). Maybe out of some distant sentimentality. And/or enjoying having a righteous angel to torment (like Lucifer taunting him with the possibility of returning some powers to him, for example).
This Castiel would feel even more defeated than we saw in the episode after Dean's death and he'd just... give up. At least, until something happened that, for a brief moment, was enough to bring Sam to the surface. And anger and hope would return then.
I both envision this as one of my "darker" ideas, even for the Endverse (the others don't deal as much with Lucifer. Lucifer is awful xD), yet somehow the one with a chance at a happy-ish/bittersweet ending lmao (within the parameters of the Endverse, where err... about everyone and everything is dead ^^U).
-Demon Blood Kids 2.0: this was an idea surged by some asks from a mutual. Basically, what if at some point demons in Hell tried to bring back this experiment, albeit with different goals than the original?
The story would, ofc, centre around Sam. My idea right now is making it 100% canon compliant. As in, including the information about his life in 15x20 lol. I find the idea of trying to make All Of That make sense and fit within this plot (the random blurry woman, the kid, etc.) a stimulating challenge, what can I say xD. I want to see if I can pull it off.
So the premise would be Sam finding out about those new experiments and being thrown back into that world, with all his conflicting feelings about him. Other returning cast members would be Rowena, as queen of Hell of course; Castiel, Meg and Ruby from the Empty (because Drama. But also because I have this headcanon of Meg as a demon blood kid 0.1 version. I think Hell tried this before and Meg was one of the original Azazel kids, basically. Tom as well). Eileen, because even if I don't ship it and I'm disappointed with how canon wrote them, the resolution is bullshit. And some others.
-Time Travelling Jack: I love time travelling fics and time travelling angst in all its forms. It's actually preposterous it took so long for me to get a solid idea with this premise, tbh.
I started thinking, hey, what if Jack not only was stuck in the past, but specifically in season 9? human!Castiel, possessed!Sam era? And, to make things even angstier, what if it happens after 15x18, precisely at that moment in 15x19 where he's on the street alone, quietly mourning Castiel?
So yeah, that's the Jack that travels back in time. Before Dean gets the Mark of Cain, setting the chain of events that lead to Lucifer escaping the cage. Which, spoiler alert, Jack is going to be determined to prevent. Yeah... he's not in the best emotional state on this one asñdlkfjasf.
Oh, one thing I'm looking forward to with this fic is the possibility of Jack interacting with Gadreel. I think it would be very very neat LOL. Another spoiler is that Kevin doesn't die here, of course :)))
-Vampire Kendra sequel: it would be a continuation of "Beware of Greeks bearing gifs", a one-shot I wrote a couple years ago. I have a lot of ideas of what happens after (Buffy returning to Sunnydale and finding out, Kendra and Faith meeting and how that would alter s3, Angel & Kendra bonding, Kendra & Drusilla's... very messy sire/sired dynamic xD, and so on). It's just I don't have anything concrete inspiring me at the moment. But I love Kendra and I want to write more about her, so I will eventually return to that AU.
ask me about my WIPs!
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
15x13: Destiny’s Child
Welcome to our last new recap for a while (frowny face). We’ve got a couple requests that we’re going to work on in the next couple weeks, and then chip away at all the episodes we have yet to do while we not-so-patiently wait for more episodes. If you have requests, don’t hesitate to ask! 
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Cas loves one (1) pizza man.
Late night study sesh in the bunker is interrupted when Sam and Dean hear a weird noise down the hall. They take off for the armory, only to find a Fiat and ---SAM AND DEAN?! (And while I guess it’s not, I’m just rolling with the idea that Savage Garden is blasting from that little clown car. I mean, really, what a perfect song and one I never thought would EVER pop up on this show --okay, or any show, it’s been like 20 years since I’ve heard that song, lol.)
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The rift flickers and Alt!Sam and Dean disappear. 
They tell Cas about what happened. Billie pops up to tell them that Chuck is almost done destroying all the other worlds. They have to be ready --and by that, she means, it’s time for the next step in Jack’s training. He needs to find the Occultum. Sam helpfully translates that as “hidden.” It is hidden --lost for centuries. 
Once Billie takes off, Sam sets to learning more about the Occultum. There isn’t much. Dean ponders the futility of killing God. Doesn’t Jack need to kill Amara too? Cas gets a lead on the Occultum from Sergei. Dean and Cas flirt unnecessarily. Cas is so patient with all of Dean’s ideas, I can’t help but think that this is a common thing with these two.
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Anyway, the Occultum was owned by the Jacobson family for a long time, until they used it as payment to heal their son. The healer was “attractive, and she healed the child by laying on hands which glowed.” I don’t know if there’s been an unattractive person in this universe, so good luck finding the healer! 
Lol, j/k, there’s only one angel healer that’s attractive out there! Sam and Dean find Anael and want her help with killing God. She thinks it’s wiser to stay on the side of the all-powerful being. When the brothers flash their angel blades (eerrr…), Anael confesses that the Occultum is really with Ruby. (I was one of the many rage viewers with this, but well, we’ve been rage watching these writers for so long, and we’ve had to handwave SO much over the years. What’s another plot point that we can easily headcanon at this point? Sigh.)
We get a flashback of Ruby and Anael negotiating the sale of the Occultum. Anael then tells them that the Occultum was never actually sold because they ganked Ruby before she could do anything with it. It’s now safely hidden in Hell. 
Jack, meanwhile, is busy getting back to life. 
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Cas finds him in the kitchen eating EVERYTHING. Jack notes that coming back alive really makes you pay attention to what life is. “Hot, cold, sweet, spicy, funny, scary.” (Kind of like Sam when he was soulless, Jack is describing sensations, and not feelings, emotions, not really getting at what life really is.) They talk about Jack’s soul and what he felt when he had one.
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Jack admits that he understands that he hurt Sam and Dean, and wonders if Dean will ever forgive him for what he did to Mary. “Dean, he feels things, more acutely than any human I’ve ever known. So, it’s possible he could work through this. One day, he may explode, and let it all out, and breathe deeply and move on.” 
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Okayokayokayokay. Jack wants to know how long that’ll take and Cas admits that he doesn’t know, and I’M FEELING about how this ageless, ancient being is just WAITING for Dean to do this very thing. He has all the time in the world from his perspective. He knows Dean --really knows him, and it doesn’t matter how long for him because time doesn’t really matter for Cas (I mean, I think being close to humanity and all it probably means more than it used to but...I’m just rambling about my feelings right now. This is Boris --Natasha is far more coherent and eloquent with her thoughts, lol.)
The brothers make it back to the bunker, planning on heading to Hell. Cas leads them to a room where Alt!Sam and Dean are stuck between the worlds. Dean doesn’t care at this moment --he wants to get the Occultum. They tell Cas their plan and he thinks they’re crazy. They could be searching forever down there. (UH, they’re LITERALLY BFFs with the Queen of Hell.) 
Anyway, Dean and Sam head south while Cas babysits the spell. 
Cas still doesn’t like this plan and hatches a plan with Jack so he can talk with Ruby in the Empty. 
(I know, you just have to roll with Buckleming episodes, etc., but their insistence on making it beyond easy to jump from realm to realm is MADDENING.) 
We get a mention of Cas’s deal with the Empty, so that really is still a thing. Cas is “far from happy”, so we’re good!
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His plan is for Jack to “draw out most of [his] lifeforce” and store it in a flask. What’s his “lifeforce”? His grace? Something more? Something else? How does he die without his grace? How is he just mostly dead but still able to go to the Empty? 
We’re also giving this exchange: “If I screw up?” “Well, then I’ll be lost forever.” WHOA. What kind of fucked up parenting are you writing, Buckleming? Good thing Jack doesn’t have a soul, because that’ll mess with a child forever.
Also, why can Jack use his powers now? 
Sam and Dean are ambushed in Hell. Anael wanted them dead apparently and made a deal with some demons (ONCE AGAIN, like Rowena would allow this to happen!?!??) They’re Sam and Dean Winchester though and easily dispatch the demons. 
Cas stalks through the Empty calling for Ruby. “Hello, Clarence,” a familiar voice says and Cas turns to find Meg reclining on a throne. He looks sweetly surprised to see her before his face falls as he realizes she’s the Shadow from the Empty. 
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The Shadow may be allied with Billie, but they’re definitely not good buds with Cas. Nevertheless, “Go get her, pizza man,” Shadow!Meg says and a ball of flame swirls towards Cas and turns into Ruby. 
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Cas asks about the Occultum, and Ruby asks after Sam. Cas refuses to answer and, since I’ve been stress re-reading some regency romances lately, I’m gonna go ahead and say he acts like an affronted chaperone. 
For Gratuitous Cas Science:
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We see another flashback of Ruby and Sister Jo’s wild adventures, only this time Jo is the one who invited Ruby to talk to her. Jo tries to tempt Ruby into hiding from the apocalypse in the Occultum. It turns out it’s a place AND a thing. A whatever, if you will. Ruby cut a deal with Jo, hid the object, and then died her noble death. 
Ruby promises to help Cas as long as he can get her out of the Empty. You see, instead of lullabies and sweet dreams, or even quiet and no dreams, the Empty is nothing but endless reels of regrets playing over and over for every angel and demon trapped there. “Yeah, I know,” Cas says quietly and we all break a little bit thinking about how he swore it was nothingness instead of constant emotional torture. (That’s SO on brand.) Cas promises to try to free Ruby in exchange for her intel.
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The Winchesters return to find Jack babysitting the spell alongside a MOSTLY DEAD Cas. Despite Jack’s (actually really terrible) explanation, Dean and Sam demand that Jack bring Cas back right away. Jack unscrews the flask.
Cas isn’t getting out of this so easily, though. The Shadow smirks and clenches Shadow!Meg’s fist, sending Cas to the ground in pain. The Shadow still is no fan of Cas, and is only willing to uphold deals with Billie, who promised to send the Shadow back to a lovely snooze if they cooperate. 
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The Shadow ruminates on the fact that Billie has never mentioned Cas as being essential to her plan. This makes Cas expendable. 
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Cas sputters to life suddenly, only to face Dean’s angry-worried greeting. “You’re an idiot, by the way!” Apparently still in pain or just suffering from almost-not-quite-dead-and-now-actually-quite-alive syndrome, Cas hauls himself up slowly and explains that he now has all the info they need to find the Occultum. “Am I still an idiot?” Listen, boys. Kiss and make up, mmkay?
They’re off to tackle the Occultum quest, but before they go they need to set out some decoys to throw Chuck off their scent if he tries to spy on the bunker. Dean suggests pulling AU Dean and Sam out of the void and setting them up as fake Sam and Dean. He flippantly suggests using Cas’s grace to power the rift this time and FOR THE LOVE OF PIZZA DEAN it’s called body autonomy. 
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Cut to the Winchesters Set One and Set Two seated at the map table with beers all around. We learn:
Alt Winchesters are also hunters
Their dad is alive (but still SUPER controlling)
They don’t drink beer or watch porn
Private planes fly them all over the world to fight monsters
Their AU could be a middling CW pilot about wealthy monster hunters called “Hunter Corp”
I have a greater appreciation of our flannel-clad boys
Dean and Sam clumsily explain their ploy and their relationship with God and it’s not weird at all! 
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Later, Team Free Will 2.0 heads to a small church. It’s guarded by a hellhound, which makes Dean SUPER happy and comfortable in his skin. They break into the church and look for clues about where the treasure is hiding. The clue is that the top of a cross points to the treasure. Moonlight streams conveniently through the window and at JUST the right angle to cast a cross of light on the floor. They pull out a little velvet bag from the floorboards.
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Cas reads Enochian on the little golden snitch-style ball. “In order to be in the Occultum, the Occultum must be in you.” 
Back at the bunker, Alt!Dean and Sam enjoy their new rugged life. Sam watches kitten videos, and we continue to identify very strongly with him, indeed. Alt!Dean finds porn on Dean’s computer and I continue to ask WHY WHY we have to constantly cycle back to Busty Asian Beauties. Porn isn’t objectionable, but that SPECIFIC porn franchise should have died a swift death back in season two. (Boris: AMEN)
Jack swallows the Occultum, as one does. “Spit it out,” Dean demands. But Jack disappears into a flare of light. He wakes up in a garden. 
No, he wakes up in THE Garden. He’s greeted by a young girl who tells him that humans are prohibited. A snake confronts Jack. “Who are you really? Who are you meant to be?” Jack flashes through his good and bad memories and suffers an epiphany. 
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He flutters back into the church like Tinkerbell in a ball of light before zapping back into reality. His reappearance burns away the two hellhounds. 
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Back at the bunker, Dean sends the Alt Winchesters off to Brazil to enjoy the beach. He’s a little uncomfortable around them until he learns that the Alt Winchesters drove Baby. Then they get shoved out of the bunker just as fast as you please.
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Once they’re gone, Cas tells Sam and Dean that Jack has returned changed. He leads them to Jack who hunches over the kitchen table. Jack is crying. He apologizes for killing Mary. He has his soul back!
“Please forgive me,” Jack whispers, and a symphonic line carries us into the black.
Overall Surprisingly Enjoyable Quotes:
The healthcare system sucks so I pick up the slack
Cas, you know what’s good about being dead?
I’m far from happy, so I should be fine
We had a good thing until he killed me
You’re gonna have to lose the man bun
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justcryingxx · 5 years
Bryce’s stepsister pt 1 (2.0)
summary: you’re Bryce Walker his new stepsister and you get welcomed to the world on liberty high as a junior. 
Names:            Amy Everly, your mother
                       Luke Everly, your brother
                       Megan Everly, yourself
Words: 2,2 K
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(gif is not mine)
Bryce already knew the drill; his father got a new girlfriend, it lasted for 2 months tops and again. It was like that since around 3 years ago, his mother died 4 years ago in a car accident, first his father didn’t come out of the house more than once a week but then that happened, he got out there again. But this time it didn’t went like this. He didn’t know his father was seeing someone again since a week ago and now they were moving, new house, new mother figure, new sister, new brother. 
 Bryce’s POV –
 I was bringing my boxes upstairs to my room, I started with putting up my closet and put my clothes away when my father shouted. “Bryce, can you come downstairs for a second?” I sighed not wanting to quit halfway trough something but still went downstairs.
“Bryce this is Luke, Amy’s son. He’s already attending college, so I don’t think you’ll see him around much. But I think you’ll get along great!” I greeted him and we had a little chat, we got along pretty great (like my dad already thought)
So, when we went for dinner that night we just kept talking, no awkward silences or something. My dad and Amy really liked we got along great. “I hope you get along with Meg, just as good.” Amy exclaimed, I assumed meg was short for Megan, her 17-year-old daughter who will attend Liberty when school starts again.
Which was only just 2 weeks left. “Oh, while we’re talking about Megan, her flight lands tomorrow so can you maybe pick her up or something? Amy and I still need to do some shopping for the new house, maybe Luke wants to come with? “my father asked. I wasn’t planning on doing much tomorrow, so I agreed. “oh, I can’t come with, I’m sorry. My girlfriend and I are going to the city tomorrow.” Luke apologized. I shook it off saying he didn’t need to feel sorry.
Instead I asked my friends to come with, since it was a pretty long ride to the airport so I could talk to someone, and then she could already meet some more people.
Brothaas 💪
I:                    are you guys doing something tomorrow? Cuz I need to pick up                            Amy’s daughter from the airport tmrw, but I need some company                          ya know.
Monty:         depends on if she’s hot 😉
I:                   mkay Monty’s not coming with, anyone else?
Scott:           sorry bro, I can’t. I promised my little sister to help her with                                   something.
Monty:         why don’t I know your sister Scottie?
Scott           probably because she’s 9 but sure
I:                 Monty you coming with then? Because the rest takes too long to
Monty:         yea sure, how late are you picking me up?
I:                   Idk when her plain lands so I’ll let you know when I know
 “Amy, why is Megan alone on vacation anyway?” I asked looking up from my phone
before I responded I glanced at my father showing him the texts, well not really just the ones confirming Monty’s coming with. He gave a thumbs up. “she was visiting her father, but Luke came back earlier because of preparing for college but since they can’t see their father that much Megan decided to stay longer.” Amy answered after taking a sip of her water.
Later that night I searched her flight and texted Monty, he then responded he sadly couldn’t come with since he needed to help his mother with something. So, I went alone the next morning.
I put on some music and started driving, it was about a 40-minute ride, but it wasn’t as boring as I thought it would be. When I arrived at the airport, I parked my car and went inside to wait where she would go after checking out and grabbing her luggage and stuff. I took a seat and went on my phone. After a few minutes I wasn’t really paying attention to my surroundings anymore, so I didn’t notice when a girl came up to me.
 “hey, I’m Megan you must be Bryce.” She smiled but looked a little bit tired from traveling or something. “yea that’s me, nice to meet you. Can I help you with your luggage?” I asked knowing my father wanted me to be polite which is pretty normal. “yes, thank you.” She smiled while pointing to one of her bags “you can take that one, it’s pretty light.”
We walked to the car getting to know each other a little better, I got to know that she wanted to try out for cheerleading, that she was kind of clumsy, that she had humor and that she was drop dread gorgeous and I already knew what the topic in the locker room was going to be around the next coming weeks.
When we came home everything with moving was already done, well everything unless Megan’s room. Which she went and did right away. I was bored so decided to throw a party tonight since why not.
I asked my father and Amy if they couldn’t go to a hotel or something and they were like why not it’s like a date so that was fixed. I then texted Chloe and Mont to tell everyone and I then went to Megan’s room. “hey Megan, I’m throwing a party tonight, maybe I can introduce you to some people for the school starts again?” I said standing in her doorway “oh yea that would be nice thanks” she said turning around flashing a smile. 
“I can ask Chloe if she wants to get ready with you and maybe some other friends of her?” I proposed thinking she would maybe appreciate that. “depends on if she’s nice but if she is, I would really like that.” I laughed “yea she’s a good person, I wouldn’t date her otherwise” I smirked “oh I’m sorry I didn’t know” I snorted “it’s okay really, I’ll text her if she would want to come around 8.” I said before I walked out of her room. “oh, and I’ll add you to the group app if you want” she nodded.
Breakfast at Bryce’s
Bryce Walker added Megan Everly
Bryce: this is Megan, Amy’s daughter. She’s joining Liberty as well and if u don’t like her suck it up
Jessica: hey Megan, welcome to this I wish you good luck and I would escape now you still can x
Bryce: fuck u Jessica
Jessica: no thanks :)
Megan: hahaha
Bryce: oh, guys party at mine’s tonight 9 ish you probably already knew but idc
Bryce: ^ Megan’s and I’s
Jessica: Megan I heard from Chloe, me Chloe and Sheri will be there around 8 xx
Megan: thanks x
 Megan’s POV (it’ll probably be like that most of the time but yea)
 It was almost 8 and the girls could be here any second and to be honest I was pretty nervous, especially since I knew no one but Bryce. I was sitting on the couch with Bryce trying to get our parents away. When they were finally gone, almost immediately the doorbell rang. I went to open it because Bryce was already heading to the store to get some plastic cups and some more ping pong balls.
When I opened the door, I saw 3 girls, as expected. One girl with blonde hair, and two with brown curls. They were all so pretty so I understood why Bryce would date one of them. “omg you’re so pretty! Oh, I’m sorry I’m Jessica, this is Sheri and that’ll be Chloe” I smiled because I could already tell they were really nice, we got to know each other and then went to my room to get ready.
I was curling my hair while we were talking about boys. “so, I’m dating Justin, so you know, Chloe is with Bryce and Sheri is on and off with Scott, so I don’t really know about that. But you definitely need a boyfriend.” Jessica said while looking trough my closet for a cute outfit. She then turned around and looked at Chloe and Sheri with a certain look. “what does that look mean?” I asked confused. “okay so, we’re going to introduce you to some boys, Jeff, Zach, and Montgomery.” Chloe explained. “you’ll then pick the cutest and we’ll set you two up” Sheri said excited.
“wow, you got that from one look?!” I laughed but still agreed with their little plan expecting them to introduce all of the friends anyway. When I was done doing my hair and Jessica picked a cute outfit, we were all ready. I just did on some mascara and lip gloss and was ready.
I was wearing a black toned see trough turtleneck shirt with a black bra underneath, (not a slutty one tho) black jeans, some white converse and some jewelry, my hair was curled and hung loose over my shoulders. We took some selfies before and then went downstairs.  It was a quarter past nine at this moment. There weren’t many people yet, Sheri explained that around the time it started only the non-friends were there, most of the times their friends started to show up a half hour later.
They introduced me to one or two people who they thought were important enough. I was talking to someone whom I already forget the name of when I decided to get a drink, I couldn’t find the girls anymore, but I figured I would run into them now or then. I poured myself a drink making sure there was alcohol in it. I took a sip and looked around me for a second. I was taking in my surrounding when someone came up to me, “hey, you’re Megan right? Bryce is looking for you, he’s in the living room.” The boy told me. “oh yeah that’s me, I’ll go look for him. Thanks”
I walked towards the living room looking for Bryce. I bumped into someone. “hey watch were you’re going.” He said before he walked off. I apologized but he probably didn’t hear it. I took a sip of my drink and spotted Bryce. “Bryce!” I yelled trying to come above the music. “Bryce!” I tried again coming closer to him. He heard me. “hey Megan, here you are, I wanted to introduce you to some people.” I nodded taking another sip of my drink, feeling the alcohol kick in a little. He introduced me to some off his friends, I met jess’s boyfriend, Jeff Atkins, Scott Reed and I was now talking with Zach.
“Megan, Zach come here, Bryce vs Monty with beerpong” Jeff yelled. “who’s Monty?” I asked while Zach guided me to the beerpong table. “Bryce hasn’t introduced you yet? He’s Bryce’s best friend” I nodded slowly not really understanding why he wouldn’t introduce his best friend, but I didn’t think to much about it.
“heyyy Megan there you areeee” Jessica slurred hanging over Justin’s shoulders. “I’m going to lay her in a bed or something” Justin snorted escorting her inside. I grinned taking another sip of my drink. When we came there, I wanted to lose up a little since I wasn’t doing much for most of the night. So, I decided to join beerpong, I was with Bryce’s friend (forgot his name) since Chloe was with Bryce.
I sucked at it, so badly. There was one cup left by us and 4 by Bryce and Chloe. I was so drunk at this moment since it was like the third round we played because let’s be honest, it’s a fun game. At this point I was about to throw the ball when I leaned forward and fell on the table, but since it was just a plastic table it fell down just like me.      
I laid on the ground giggling when Bryce decided it was enough, so he made sure I was going to sleep. He brought me to my room and laid me in bed he grabbed a glass water and an aspirin for me thinking I would need it in the morning the next day, well actually still the same day. “night night Brycie” I slurred “goodnight Meg” he grinned before he closed my door and walked back to the party. It didn’t take long before I fell asleep.  
When I woke up my head hurt so bad, and to make it better my mother was back home already and she didn’t like it that much that just woke up at 2 pm with the biggest hangover I’ve ever had. When I showered and came downstairs she was cleaning the kitchen. “morning mom” I said while grabbing a plate. “it’s not morning anymore” she answered coldly.
I grabbed a towel and threw it at her back since she wasn’t facing me. “mooom don’t be mad, it’s my fault, I know that so you don’t have to be mad” she turned around and laughed while throwing the towel back at me. “young lady we’re not throwing towels without permission here.” I stuck out my tongue while grabbing my plate and some food sitting at the kitchen island. She laughed, “well then, how was the party, you met some new people?” my mother asked pouring in some orange juice for me. “thanks mom, yeah I did. I met most of Bryce’s friends, they’re nice” she smiled and then continued cleaning the kitchen while I was scrolling through my phone seeing al the pictures and videos from last night.
 I think I can get used to Liberty High if it’s with these people.                                                                                    
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drunkbooksellers · 6 years
Ep 17: Holland Saltsman - The Novel Neighbor
Welcome to episode 17! We're interviewing the a.m.a.z.i.n.g Holland Saltsman, owner of The Novel Neighbor in Webster Groves, MO.
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  Chapter I
In which We Discuss Bookstore Bathrooms, Discover that Staff Picks Work, and Talk About... Books...
Before we start drinking, check out Novel Neighbor's bathroom:
We’re Drinking
It's too hot for bourbon, so we're rocking dirty gin martinis out of mason jars, coffee mugs, and martini glasses (apparently Kim's the classy one this episode).
  Holland's Reading
Amazing Adventures of Aaron Broom by A E Hotchner (for Novel Neighbor's Subscription program)
Paperback Crush: The Totally Radical History of '80s and '90s Teen Fiction by Gabrielle Moss (pubs 10/30/18)
The Good Neighbor: The Life and Work of Fred Rogers by Maxwell King (the audiobook is read by LeVar Burton!)
Harry's Trees by Jon Cohen
The Anna Karenina Fix: Life Lessons from Russian Literature by Viv Groskop (pubs 10/23/18)
Emma's Reading
I'm Fine, But You Appear to Be Sinking by Leyna Krow
They Can't Kill Us Until They Kill Us by Hanif Abdurraqib
Betwixt-And-Between: Essays on the Writing Life by Jenny Boully
Educated: A Memoir by Tara Westover
Kim's Reading
Unbound: Transgender Men and the Remaking of Identity by Arlene Stein
When Katie Met Cassidy by Camille Perri
Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabby Rivera
Forthcoming & Newly-New Titles We're Excited About
Hannah's Excited About
The Diary of a Bookseller by Shaun Bythell
What If This Were Enough? by Heather Havrilesky (pubs 2018 Oct 2)
The Disasters by M K England (pubs 2018 Dec 12) - The Breakfast Club meets Guardians of the Galaxy!
Hungover: The Morning After and One Man's Quest for the Cure by Shaughnessy Bishop-Stall (pubs 2018 Nov 20)
Time's Convert by Deborah Harkness
Kim's Excited About
Washington Black by Esi Edugyan (author of Half-Blood for folks who love Sing Unburied Sing and The Underground Railroad. author of Half-Blood Blues)
Monstress Volume 3 by Marjorie Liu
Vengeful by V E Schwab (follow up to Vicious)
The Fifth Risk by Michael Lewis
Shade: A Tale of Two Presidents by Pete Souza (author of Obama: An Intimate Portrait)
Emma's Excited About
Severence by Ling Ma
Rosewater by Tade Thompson
Also mentioned: The Murders of Molly Southbourne
Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles by Mark Russell and Mike Feehan (author of the Flintstones comic reboot)
Bonus Podcast Recommendation: Super Skull
All You Can Ever Know by Nicole Chung (pubs 2 Oct 2018)
Friday Black by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah (pubs 23 Oct 2018)
Y'all. Hot take here. Staff picks work! Emma had a staff pick on All the Lives I Want and Holland actually picked it up at Elliott Bay while visiting Seattle before our episode! (Shout out to our episode with Amy Stephenson from The Booksmith, who initially recommended it to us, and to our favorite audiobook provider, Libro.fm.)
      View this post on Instagram
Picked this up @elliottbaybookco from their #stafffavorite shelf, cracking it open tonight. #essays #hollandreads #literarytourism #shoplocal @grandcentralpub
A post shared by The Novel Neighbor (@novelneighbor) on Jul 29, 2018 at 4:54pm PDT
Chapter II [26:37]
In Which No One Tells Holland She's Crazy, People Love Their Greeting Cards, The Drunk Booksellers Marvel at Novel Neighbor's Ability to Handsell Events, and We Reiterate that Bookstores are a Business (whaaaa?)
The Novel Neighbor: More Than A Bookstore
The Novel Neighbor is not just a bookstore. In addition to author events, they host birthday parties, summer camps, bookstore yoga, and adult classes (like continuing ed, but sexier), among other things (sorry Amanda!).
Recommended reading for staff retreats:
StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath
168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think by Laura VanderKam
Beware of squirreling, y'all.
  Chapter III [47:06]
In Which We Move From Books to Books, Talk About Hybridity, and We Finally Meet a Bookseller Who Has Read Harry Potter
Book Description Guaranteed to Get You Reading 
Anything meets anything. NOT "It's the next" NOT EVERYTHING IS THE NEXT HUNGER GAMES, Y'ALL. Hybridity.
Holland loved a book that was Comic Con meets The Help. FYI, it's called The Almost Sisters by Joshilyn Jackson.
Emma recommends Hawkeye by Matt Friction. It's Buffy meets Veronica Mars. Which apparently is listed on Emma's shelf talker. But, like, who reads those?
Desert Island Pick
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Emma hasn't finished The Secret Garden, but The Little Princess might be Emma's Desert Island pick. That said, she hearts Mandy by Julie Andrews, which is kinda the same thing, so that counts, right?
Station Eleven Picks
Practical: anything from the Did you Know shelf, such as How to Stay Alive in the Woods: A Complete Guide to Food, Shelter and Self-Preservation Anywhere by Bradford Angier
Political: Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, Medicine and the Murder of a President by Candice Millard
Wild Pick
The Amazing Adventures of a Nobody and The Kindness Diaries: One Man's Quest to Ignite Goodwill and Transform Lives Around the World by Leon Logothetis
Book of Joy by the Dalai Lama
Bookseller Confession
Holland hated Fates and Furies by Lauren Groff and The Nest by Cynthia D'Aprix Sweeney. Also, she never read Catcher in the Rye, which both Kim and Emma are totally okay with. Emma says you should skip Catcher and read Franny and Zooey. 
Shout out to a bookseller who has actually read Harry Potter.
Go-To Handsell
Best book Holland has read since she opened the bookstore (whoa): The One-In-A-Million Boy by Monica Wood
Kids of Appetite by David Arnold (if you liked Outsiders, read this)
Go-To Picture Books:
Lady Pancake and Sir French Toast by John Funk, illustrated by Brendan Kearney
Interstellar Cinderella by Deborah Underwood, illustrated by Meg Hunt
Impossible Handsell
Good Luck of Right Now by Matthew Quick (author of Silver Linings Playbook and The Reason You're Alive)
FYI: Emma's really into Richard Gere.  
Book for Booksellers
Throw back to Laura VanderKam
10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works by Dan Harris
Favorite Bookstores
Flyleaf Books - Chapel Hill, NC
Elliott Bay Book Company - Seattle, WA
Strand Book Store - New York, NY
novel. - Memphis, TN
The Last Bookstore - Los Angeles, CA
Road Trips are for bookstores, right?
Favorite Literary Media
Shelf Awareness
What Should I Read Next Podcast (hosted by Anne Bogel, author of Reading People: How Seeing the World through the Lens of Personality Changes Everything and I'd Rather Be Reading: The Delights and Dilemmas of the Reading Life)
Book Riot
Drunk Booksellers
In which we tell you where to find Novel Neighbor on the Internets
Website: thenovelneighbor.com
Facebook: @novelneighbor
Twitter: @novelneighbor
Instagram: @novelneighbor
You can find us on:
Twitter: @drunkbookseller
Litsy: @drunkbooksellers
Join us for our FIRST EVER LIVE EPISODE on Friday, September 28th at 10pm at King's Books in Tacoma, WA. Also, spoiler alert, this will be our next episode. And it will be fucking incredible. Promise.
Emma tweets from @thebibliot and writes bookish things for Book Riot. Kim occasionally tweets from @finaleofseem, but not enough to justify you bothering to follow her.
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Check out this episode!
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lunarsaturn88 · 7 years
Prompts for SPN Breaks
I know another list. I shouldn’t be doing this lol, but I needed to have another list to work from. Please choose a number from the following and please tell me which character you would like along with the saying. Keep it to SPN and their actors please since I will be writing these over the breaks when there is no SPN on.
Fluffy Fluff:
“I love you. I hope you know that.”
“I bought this because I thought you’d like it.” Sam x Reader
“I just feel safe with you. Like nothing bad can happen.” Gabriel x Reader
“You’re adorable, and I can’t believe I have you all to myself.” Misha Collins x Reader
“Are you warm enough? “ Sam x Reader
“I don’t like when you say things like that. To me, you’re perfect.” Sam x Reader
“I like it when you say my name.” John Winchester x Reader
“I care about you. I’ve always cared about you.” John Winchester x Reader
“You’re soft and warm and I don’t want you to move.” Gabriel x Reader
 “I love kissing you.”
“I’m just glad you’re safe. I wouldn’t know what to do if I lost you.” Jensen Ackles x Reader
“Welcome home.” Jared Padalecki x Reader
“God, you’re so beautiful.” Jeffery Dean Morgan x Reader
“You make me want to become a better person.” Castiel x Reader
“She’s/he’s not my boyfriend!”
“I always want to kiss you.” Meg 2.0 x Reader
 “I’m really lucky to have you.” Jared Padalecki x Reader
 “I think it’s adorable how easily you blush.” Jared Padalecki x Reader
 “I just want to take care of you.”
“Don’t tell me not to worry, because I’m going to do that anyway.” Jared Padalecki x Reader
 “I made you some breakfast.”
 “If you’re so cold, why didn’t you say something? Come here.” Dean x Reader
 “I guess time flies when you’re with somebody you love.”
 “I never want you to think you’re anything less than my top priority.” Chuck x Reader
“You look really cute in that.” Jensen Ackles x Reader
 “No, I don’t want to say goodbye. Not now.” Ruby 2.0 x Reader
 “I think I might be better off without you.” Sam x Reader
 “Don’t tell me what to do.” Crowley x Reader
 “I don’t want to do this without you.” Benny x Reader
 “I thought we were friends.” Gabriel x Reader
 “Stop yelling and listen for a second.” Chuck x Reader
 “What you did was stupid and dangerous and scared the hell out of me.” Benny x Reader
 “I just want you to be safe. I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you.” Castiel x Reader
 “Please, just…be safe. Come back to me.” Charlie x Reader
 “Why didn’t you tell me? I thought you trusted me.” Mick x Reader
 “Don’t cry. Everything’s going to be okay.”
 “Who did this? Who hurt you?” Sam x Reader
 “I love you, not them.”
 “Am I not good enough?” / “I’m not good enough.” Sam x Reader
 “I’m so, so sorry.” Charlie x Reader
 “This is all your fault.”
 “But I only just got home.”
 “Don’t say that. You’re going to be okay.” Donna x Reader
 “Please don’t leave.”
 “I know you didn’t mean it, but it still hurt.” Dean x Reader
 “I wish I didn’t have these feelings, but I do.” Ketch x Reader
 “Why would you think something like that?”
 “Look me in the eye and tell me you love me.” Mick x Reader
 “I thought I’d never see you again.” Gabriel x Reader
“You can’t just leave like this.”
 “I missed you so much.” Michael x Reader
 “Like what you see?” Gabriel x Reader
 “I’ve been thinking about you all day.” Dean x Reader
 “You’re so perfect. And I’m so fucking lucky.” Jared Padalecki x Reader
 “Try to stay quiet, understand?” Sam x Reader
 “We’re in public, you know.” Chuck x Reader
 “I didn’t know you were so sensitive.” Dean x Reader
 “Don’t be so rough. There can’t be any marks.” Sam x Reader
 “Don’t smile at me like that. You know it drives me crazy.” Jensen Ackles x Reader
 “I like it when you say my name like that.” Jared Padalecki x Reader
 “I heard shower sex is dangerous, but right now, I’m willing to take the risk.” Dean x Reader
 “I really don’t care. You still look hot and I’m trying not to kiss you senseless right now.” Sam x Reader
 “You’re so much fun to touch.” Charlie x Reader
 “Can I at least take my shoes off before you pounce on me?” Sam x Reader
 “Are you sure? Once we start, I might not be able to stop.” Misha Collins x Reader
 “No, I’m supposed to be making you feel good.”
 “Oh my God, do that again.”
 “You can be wearing a trashbag, and I’d still want you.” Castiel x Reader
 “I thought maybe we can do a little more than just kissing.” Sam x Reader
 “I’m going to be late because you can’t keep it in your pants.” Dean x Reader
Tagging: @mamaredd123 @faegal04 @fandommaniacx @oneshoeshort @crazysocklovingfangirl @tinalynn91 @justanotherdeangirl @sandlee44 @sofreddie @goldenolaf25 @myloveforyouxx @spn-applepie-imagines @sammy-moo
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babygirl06301 · 7 years
Tag Time
Okay, @misspoogy, let’s do this.
I started watching something like 3 episodes into season ten. I’d heard about it long before then, of course, but I always thought it’d be lame. I watched season one through half of season two, and then I gave up. But then Christmas break came, and I got bored, so I binged the rest in two weeks. Boom, super fan.
Well, I mean, in the beginning, your choices were basically Sam or Dean. So, for me it was Dean. But for the record, I was immediately drawn to Castiel when I saw him.
I love my unpopular opinions. Okay. Charlie. Honestly, I found her super annoying in the beginning and I never looked forward to her episodes. However, by the time I got to season ten, I was really sad to see her go.
Dean, God bless. Just his loyalty and passion alone are good enough reasons for me to want to be with that boy forever.
If I could go on a singular date with a character? I was gonna say Sam because he’s the sweetest butterball, but I’m actually going to say Castiel. 
Honestly, I’d just want to sit at a table in a random restaurant and talk to Cas. You know, get his opinions and thoughts on the issues. Ask him what his thoughts are on the Northern Lights. What his favorite smell is. Just questions that I’ve no doubt Castiel would answer in the most interesting ways.
I would most likely want to be like either Jody with her strength and will, or I’d want to be like Kevin with his intelligence and bravery.
There are so many characters that I want back, but the primary person I’ve been itching to see again is Bobby. Not just because he’s Bobby, but because he brought such soul to the show that it’s honestly been lacking since his death. 
Overall? I’m gonna go with Zachariah. I absolutely hated him when he was on the show.   
Well, Dean, but that’s obvious so I’m gonna go for supporting cast. In which case, Kevin. 100%.
The “worst” meaning “such a great villian!!”: Crowley. Obviously.
The “worst” meaning “the worst written”: Samuel. I did not like him. at. all. 
Castiel, for sure. A dork. Socially awkward. Lots of rage in a compact package. 
It’s probably gotta be Kevin. His is the only death I simultaneously was shocked by and cared about enough for it to effect me.
 I’d say S5′s finale. Sam’s sacrifice always gets me.
1. Don’t Call Me Shurley
2. Hell’s Angel
3. The End
4. Swan Song
5. The French Mistake
6. Changing Channels
7. Mystery Spot
8. The Man Who Would Be King
9. Hunter Heroici
10. Goodbye Stranger
Season five. I think that’s the quintessential “best season” for most of the fandom.
Okay, I’m going with angels other than arch. So, Gadreel. Even though he did shitty shit, sure, he was still a sweetie in the end (to me). So he is my baby.
Other than Crowley, probably Meg. Meg 2.0, specifically. 
Pick a dark TFW plotline, any dark TFW plotline. From those plotlines, I’d have to say Demon!Dean. Blood Junkie Sam is close, but Sam wasn’t ever evil, he just did the right thing in his mind, so.
LOL. Besides Destiel? Ummmmm... Sam and Eileen? That’s probably the biggest one I can think of right now.
Kim. She’s badass. So is Brianna. So is Osric. So is Ruth. I can’t pick.
“I’m proud of us.”
Tom Welling and Danneel Ackles in literally any role at all.
Um... that’s super hard. Mermaids? So the boys could go to a beach?
Lisa? I mean, the sex scene with Anna was hot and all, but I liked Lisa’s character the best... I guess? I don’t know.
Ruby. Not because she was a morally sound character. But because she wasn’t. Which made that scene infinitely more interesting. 
The con I went to (PHXCON 2016), my friend was able to ask Misha a question for me: what vehicle Cas would have if he didn’t have the Pimpmobile, so that was a fun answer from him (he said a smart car so Cas could go broom broom).
“No, no. Listen. You do not want to fuck with this chick. Trust me” -Dean 
Christ. Dean mourning over Cas for once in his life. Some actual tears would be nice. Maybe an acknowledgment of how scared he was to lose Cas (said to Cas’s face when he comes home). 
Or maybe just a penguin for a guest star. You know. Simple stuff. 
SAM OR DEAN? Dean, for the rest of my life.
I’M TAGGING: anyone. It’s kind of a fun time-killer. So, go for it.
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mycasandstarrs · 6 years
SPN 4x09: “I Know What You Did Last Summer”
I always have the hardest time getting myself to watch this episode, but I’m biting the bullet and finally getting through this. 
Anna was so pretty.
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When this episode first premiered, I would have loved to have seen the general audience reaction to Anna go from “Ok, here’s another person thinking the Apocalypse is coming, and she ain’t wrong, but she’s got no idea that she’s right” to “HOLY SHIT, how does she know all of this????”
Oh fuck that, run girl!
Sam and Dean scamming people at pool, lmao. After S1!Sam was so up and arms about it, hahaha.
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Too bad Ruby ruins it.
Just like how once Cas and Dean are talking, anyone else is out, once Sam and Ruby are talking, Dean is out.
I understand Dean’s reluctance to work the case, but this is a case.
“You got something to say, say it.”
“Oh, I’m saying it- this sucks.”
“As far as you’re concerned, the hell-bitch is practically family.” Hmm, had Ruby not turned out to be evil, could she have been like the Crowley of the family? Family friend, mayhaps?
(Oh my god, could you imagine Mary’s reaction to Ruby??)
Low blow, Sam. Fuck off. You know damn well that between an explanation for trusting a demon versus asking someone to talk about their deepest trauma, the former warrants a conversation w a y more.
Sam is drunk out of his mind, trying to summon a crossroad demon. We’ll unfortunately see a repeat of this in S10.
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According to that demon’s taunt, this might have happened soon after the burial. How soon did Sam bury Dean, and how soon did Sam come to do this?
Sam was completely off the rails, oh my goodness.
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“Dean’s in Hell, right where we want him. We’ve got everything exactly the way we want it.” He’s right.
Sam looks like he wants to talk to Dean...but doesn’t. Typical.
Anna started this behavior two months ago.
lmao Dean.
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There we go, the transition from “She doesn’t know she’s right about the Apocalypse, but it’s probably a coincidence” to “Holy shit, who is she and how can she know this?”
Her sketches were really beautiful tho.
The Milton household.
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RIP Mr. and Mrs. Milton. Sam’s reaction is very much accurate.
Off to the church of the drawings.
Sam, Dean, meet Anna...who already knows you.
The moment Dean gave the “oh wow she’s pretty” look, I knew they were gonna at least kiss at some point.
Anna can hear angels. She’s just spilling all this information, damn.
The iconic quote.
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Convenient timing, Ruby.
But she is here to help soooo
Ruby demands a special Sam exorcism of “the demon”. Dean objects.
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Sam didn’t even give it a moment’s thought, just went straight to prepping himself for a psychic exorcism. Jesus, dude.
(But A G A I N, Ruby is right. Sam will use his powers to get rid of Alastair later on in the season.)
“You don’t have the juice to take me on, Sam.”
Ruby takes Anna.
The official introduction.
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Confirmation that the knife doesn’t work on Alastair.
Oh I looovveee the little insight on how the boys patch themselves up after a fight.
Sam’s stitching is actually pretty good.
I love that joke.
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Nope, you gotta fess up Sam.
“Because...she saved my life.”
Ruby 1.5! No one ever talks about her.
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Ruby’s tryin’ to lighten the mood. Girl, don’t.
“I’m a fugitive for you Sam.” Hmmm, where do we hear this kind of proclamation again and from whom?? (Spoiler alert: it’s Cas to Dean in S5.)
Well, at least she was honest about not being able to save Dean. Took a second try to get it right.
Sam asks about the current vessel. Ruby’s got a point, why ask now? The Rising of the Witness had Meg Masters confronting Sam about this, and that was after this.
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 And for that matter, who was Ruby 1.0?
Ruby 1.5 is “some secretary”.
So Ruby 2.0 was a Jane Doe....which still makes me curious about who she really was.
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She brought a literal receipt, lol.
Ruby is literally the “it’s free real estate” meme rn.
On her third try/intro, she tells a partial truth. She can give Sam the opportunity to kill Lilith.
Sam didn’t even need a speech from Ruby to say yes, he just immediately demanded it from her, goddamnit.
Sam really doesn’t look good, good lord.
"Okay. What do you want from me?”
“Well, a little patience...and sobriety. Promise me that, and I will teach you everything I know.”
“First thing I learned...I’m a crappy student.”
(How’d he make it through college then? I guess with the psychic things, he was fighting an emotional and moral battle that probably hindered his learning.)
Oh lord, is the sex scene coming up?
Yeah it is, I recognize the outfit Sam’s wearing.
Hmmm, did Ruby lose a loved one as a human? How’d that tragedy unfold? Or this could just be another lie...
Oh christ, the sexual tension is palpable.
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(How can the body be warm if she’s technically dead? I’m overthinking it.)
How did Sam not realize he was detailing sex with Ruby??? Why did he think that was necessary to the story????
“I told you I was coming clean.”
“Yeah, but now I feel dirty.” Brilliant comeback, oh my god.
Dean nails it. “So far, all you've told me about is a manipulative bitch who, uh, screwed you, played mind games with you, and did everything in the book to get you to go bad.”
Lilith was in town... 
I know it must’ve been a gradual process with Sam, but at what point did he just start forgetting that Ruby was a demon? ‘Cause I sense that it probably happened along the way, and he came to see her more as a hunter helping him out...
It was a trap, what a shocker...
Ruby comes in to save Sam.
Sam, upon seeing Ruby in trouble, can finally use his powers. I can’t fully express how much I resent that.
”Whatever you have to say, she saved me.” Yeeaahh...but at what cost?
“What she said to me...it’s what you would’ve said.” That is like, Grade A manipulation, Sam.
Considering how much they were bleeding, they probably do need the fresh towels.
Ruby 2.5!
Dean can’t spit out a thank you, lmao.
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Gotta admit, I love Ruby’s reaction to Dean’s attempt at a thank you.
Poor Anna.
“They’re coming.”
Dean threw Sam under the bus.
And that’s Ruby’s second time sarcastically calling a decision “peachy”. Nice continuity there.
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“Are you gonna help her?”
“No, she has to die.”
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atakportal · 6 years
Summer entertainment we (still) can't wait for
New Post has been published on https://idealz.cloud/2018/07/10/summer-entertainment-we-still-cant-wait-for/
Summer entertainment we (still) can't wait for
At times the summer months seem to drag on with their sweltering temperatures and seemingly limitless supply of eye- and skin-damaging sunshine.
But there’s a less oppressive light at the end of this very bright tunnel, and it’s made out of thousands of tiny pixels. Yes, I’m talking about screens, an important part of the most enjoyable summer experience: staying inside and watching shit.
Lucky for us, there are still so many summer releases to look forward to this season, from block-busting monster movies to steamy romance films, lawyer-centric dramas to Mama Mia sequels. And we are so excited for them to come out.
Man, it’s a hot one this year, so put these bad boys on your list of excuses to stay out of the sun:
Eighth Grade, July 13
The voice of Agnes in Despicable Me is all grown up! And she’s facing the painful, cringe-worthy middle school years we all have to get through. Bo Burnham’s feature film debut, Eighth Grade, promises to take a sincere and comedic look at the reality of those awkward stages in-between playground and prom—with bonus insight into what 2018 middle schoolers are experiencing.
Aside from the delightful trailer, the film’s promise is held in its Rotten Tomatoes score. A few dozen early reviews gave it a critics consensus of 98%. That’s good news for Burnham and even better news for those of us who look back fondly as ourselves at our most earnest. –Alison Foreman
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again, July 20
Slap on some sparkly boots and your favorite hairbrush microphone — we’re going back to a magical Greek island. Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again has everything one could want in a prequel/sequel: ABBA songs, Christine Baranski, relationship ~ drama ~. Plus Lily James is playing young Meryl Streep and Cher (yes CHER) is playing Streep’s mother. Can you honestly think of anything more blissful than sitting in some nice air conditioning eating some popcorn and watching all that? I CANNOT. – Erin Strecker
Hot Summer Nights, July 27
A24 may have another indie smash hit this summer — luckily, with a lighter tone than the record-breaking Hereditary. 
In ’90s Cape Cod, Daniel is trying to stumble his way through adolescence when he smokes weed for the first time. Rather than extrapolate on the size of the universe or scarf down a large cheese pizza, he opts to haphazardly enter the world of drug dealing. 
Alongside It Follows star Maika Monroe, Timothée Chalamet seems primed to explore more of the Ladybird era with an exciting storyline that will begin as mischief, but quickly descend into mayhem. I love Timothée. I love drama. I love turquoise and pink cups. Let’s go. –Alison Foreman
Better Call Saul Season 4, Aug. 6
Better Call Saul’s third season finale was a heartbreaker, a tearjerker, an absolute jaw-dropper — which means that I’m facing Season 4 with equal parts dread and anticipation. We already know Mike’s gonna be okay, at least until he’s not. And we already know Jimmy won’t be, since he’s teetering on the edge of Saul-dom. But please, for the love of God, just tell me Kim makes it out of this thing unscathed. –Angie Han
The Meg, Aug. 10
Look, some days you just want to sit back, relax, and down a dino-sized bucket of popcorn while Jason Statham battles a prehistoric shark. And The Meg seems to be playing the tone exactly right, at least based on the marketing – leaning into the utter cheesiness of the premise with punny taglines (“pleased to eat you”) and on-the-nose song choices (“Beyond the Sea”). Because sometimes, the simple pleasures are the sweetest ones. –Angie Han
Insecure Season 3, Aug. 12
It’s nice to live in a time where you can choose your own millennial self-discovery series, and Insecure is arguably the best choice. Issa Rae has such a distinct and powerful voice in helming the series that it’s impossible to not feel part of her characters’ world when you watch. It’ll be a long summer, but I’m ready to see my friends again.-Proma Khosla
Crazy Rich Asians, Aug. 15
I first picked up Kevin Kwan’s addictive and extravagant novel in 2015, after my roommate became a recluse in the week that it took her to read it. This is a book that belongs on the big screen, where you can witness the unimaginable opulence of characters’ lives, relish the petty drama, and salivate over the food (someone fly me to Singapore, plz).-Proma Khosla
Spider-Man, Sept. 7
The web-slinger is swinging back into action on PlayStation 4 this summer and it looks absolutely amazing. Spider-Man allows you to step into the shoes and skin-tight suit of Spider-Man in an open recreation of New York City packed full of classic villains for you to live out your superhero fantasies in. It’s the most beautiful and smooth-looking Spider-Man game yet, and there’s no better way to ignore responsibilities and enjoy some AC than sinking dozens of hours into a Marvel simulator.-Kellen Beck
!function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s)if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments);if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script','https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '1453039084979896'); if (window.mashKit) mashKit.gdpr.trackerFactory(function() fbq('track', "PageView"); ).render(); Source link
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imagineteamfreewill · 5 years
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Pairing: Reader x Dean
Prompt: Coffee Shop AU
25 Days of Tropes Masterlist
You could’ve sworn that the guy in the corner had been staring at you. When you glanced over, however, he’d been reading something on his laptop, and you felt like an idiot.
Not everyone is staring at you all the time, Y/N, you scolded yourself.
Sighing, you sat back in your seat and let your book fall shut. You’d promised yourself that you would study over the break and try to get ahead for your classes, but it was proving to be harder than you thought to focus on schoolwork when your best friend’s New Year’s Eve party was in a few hours. The thought of a cute guy watching you wasn’t helping either.
“Slow going?”
You jumped, startled, and looked up to find a pair of bright green eyes staring back at you. The guy from the corner was standing by your table, a small smirk tugging at his lips.
“Uh, yeah,” you laughed, glancing down at your book before looking back up at him. “Thought I could try and get ahead but I feel like I’m just moving backwards at this point.”
He grinned. “I feel that. I’ve been researching for over three hours and I’ve only got a page.”
“What are you researching?” you asked, your hand slipping away from your book. Who cares if you lost your page? Pages were easy to find—cute, friendly boys in your hometown? A rarity at best.
“The history of ghost hunting. You’d think it would be interesting, but apparently not,” he said.
Wincing, you reached for your cup, going to take a sip until you realized it was empty. The guy held out his hand and you realized he was holding his own cup with the other.
“Let me get you a refill, and then you can tell me what you’re trying to read about?”
You smiled a little, turning in your chair to face him more. “On one condition,” you said.
“And what’s that?”
“You tell me your name.”
The guy grinned. “Dean.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Dean,” you said, handing over your empty cup. “I’m Y/N, and I usually just get hot chocolate.”
He grinned a little wider at that and went up to the counter, ordering the drinks. In the time it took the barista to make them, he glanced at you four times—you counted.
“So, the history of ghost hunting?” you asked as he slid into the chair across from you, setting the drinks down on the table.
Dean nodded. “I’m a history major, and my mentor suggested that I use the break to learn about something I’d never gotten to hear about in my classes…”
“That’s really cool,” you said, smiling. “I’m a history major too. A professor suggested I read this book, have you ever read it?” You turned the book around so he could read the title, and he smiled after a second.
“Sure have. My mentor’s the author. He’s a really great guy—I can give you his email, if you want. He loves talking to people about it.”
You sat up in your seat, surprised. “Wait, really? You barely know me, what if I’m some crazy conspiracist who’s gonna rant and rail at your friend?”
Chuckling, Dean picked up his mug and took a sip. “I think he’ll be okay. Bobby’s a tough guy.”
You grinned and picked up your own cup, taking a long drink.
“I’ve never seen you around here,” Dean said after a second. “Do you live nearby or are you here to escape your family?”
“I live down the street in the apartment building with the big tree out front,” you told him.
“The one that they put all the fake icicles on for Christmas?” Dean asked, and you nodded in response. He grinned. “My brother and I used to love trying to jump and hit those when we were little.”
“You live around here too?”
“I grew up in the subdivision next to the high school, but now I live in an apartment by my school.”
“Oh, where do you go to school?” you asked, setting your drink down. You grabbed the book, tucking it away in your bag as you glanced at Dean, waiting for him to answer.
“Western University? You’ve probably never heard of it, it’s—”
“Pretty tiny,” you finished with a grin. “Only about 1,000 undergrads.”
Dean looked surprised and you couldn’t help but laugh. You pulled your drink closer and grabbed a napkin just in case.
“I go there too. I live on campus.”
“Huh. I was wondering why you looked so familiar. I think I’ve seen you around!”
“Maybe you could see a lot more of me,” you offered, butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
Dean’s face broke out into a grin. “I’d like that.”
Want to be tagged? Send me an ask! Tag lists include:
Forever, Sam, Dean, Cas, Deaf!Reader, Words Series (Multiple Pairings/Characters), Home Series (Reader x Marine!Sam) - Unposted, From The Dead Series (Reader x Soldier!Dean), The Switch Series (Reader x Sam), Consort Series (Goddess!Reader x Dean), Sam x Meg 2.0, Blog/Series Updates, and Drabble Days/Writing Events
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atakportal · 6 years
Summer entertainment we (still) can't wait for
New Post has been published on https://idealz.cloud/2018/07/10/summer-entertainment-we-still-cant-wait-for/
Summer entertainment we (still) can't wait for
At times the summer months seem to drag on with their sweltering temperatures and seemingly limitless supply of eye- and skin-damaging sunshine.
But there’s a less oppressive light at the end of this very bright tunnel, and it’s made out of thousands of tiny pixels. Yes, I’m talking about screens, an important part of the most enjoyable summer experience: staying inside and watching shit.
Lucky for us, there are still so many summer releases to look forward to this season, from block-busting monster movies to steamy romance films, lawyer-centric dramas to Mama Mia sequels. And we are so excited for them to come out.
Man, it’s a hot one this year, so put these bad boys on your list of excuses to stay out of the sun:
Eighth Grade, July 13
The voice of Agnes in Despicable Me is all grown up! And she’s facing the painful, cringe-worthy middle school years we all have to get through. Bo Burnham’s feature film debut, Eighth Grade, promises to take a sincere and comedic look at the reality of those awkward stages in-between playground and prom—with bonus insight into what 2018 middle schoolers are experiencing.
Aside from the delightful trailer, the film’s promise is held in its Rotten Tomatoes score. A few dozen early reviews gave it a critics consensus of 98%. That’s good news for Burnham and even better news for those of us who look back fondly as ourselves at our most earnest. –Alison Foreman
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again, July 20
Slap on some sparkly boots and your favorite hairbrush microphone — we’re going back to a magical Greek island. Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again has everything one could want in a prequel/sequel: ABBA songs, Christine Baranski, relationship ~ drama ~. Plus Lily James is playing young Meryl Streep and Cher (yes CHER) is playing Streep’s mother. Can you honestly think of anything more blissful than sitting in some nice air conditioning eating some popcorn and watching all that? I CANNOT. – Erin Strecker
Hot Summer Nights, July 27
A24 may have another indie smash hit this summer — luckily, with a lighter tone than the record-breaking Hereditary. 
In ’90s Cape Cod, Daniel is trying to stumble his way through adolescence when he smokes weed for the first time. Rather than extrapolate on the size of the universe or scarf down a large cheese pizza, he opts to haphazardly enter the world of drug dealing. 
Alongside It Follows star Maika Monroe, Timothée Chalamet seems primed to explore more of the Ladybird era with an exciting storyline that will begin as mischief, but quickly descend into mayhem. I love Timothée. I love drama. I love turquoise and pink cups. Let’s go. –Alison Foreman
Better Call Saul Season 4, Aug. 6
Better Call Saul’s third season finale was a heartbreaker, a tearjerker, an absolute jaw-dropper — which means that I’m facing Season 4 with equal parts dread and anticipation. We already know Mike’s gonna be okay, at least until he’s not. And we already know Jimmy won’t be, since he’s teetering on the edge of Saul-dom. But please, for the love of God, just tell me Kim makes it out of this thing unscathed. –Angie Han
The Meg, Aug. 10
Look, some days you just want to sit back, relax, and down a dino-sized bucket of popcorn while Jason Statham battles a prehistoric shark. And The Meg seems to be playing the tone exactly right, at least based on the marketing – leaning into the utter cheesiness of the premise with punny taglines (“pleased to eat you”) and on-the-nose song choices (“Beyond the Sea”). Because sometimes, the simple pleasures are the sweetest ones. –Angie Han
Insecure Season 3, Aug. 12
It’s nice to live in a time where you can choose your own millennial self-discovery series, and Insecure is arguably the best choice. Issa Rae has such a distinct and powerful voice in helming the series that it’s impossible to not feel part of her characters’ world when you watch. It’ll be a long summer, but I’m ready to see my friends again.-Proma Khosla
Crazy Rich Asians, Aug. 15
I first picked up Kevin Kwan’s addictive and extravagant novel in 2015, after my roommate became a recluse in the week that it took her to read it. This is a book that belongs on the big screen, where you can witness the unimaginable opulence of characters’ lives, relish the petty drama, and salivate over the food (someone fly me to Singapore, plz).-Proma Khosla
Spider-Man, Sept. 7
The web-slinger is swinging back into action on PlayStation 4 this summer and it looks absolutely amazing. Spider-Man allows you to step into the shoes and skin-tight suit of Spider-Man in an open recreation of New York City packed full of classic villains for you to live out your superhero fantasies in. It’s the most beautiful and smooth-looking Spider-Man game yet, and there’s no better way to ignore responsibilities and enjoy some AC than sinking dozens of hours into a Marvel simulator.-Kellen Beck
!function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s)if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments);if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script','https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '1453039084979896'); if (window.mashKit) mashKit.gdpr.trackerFactory(function() fbq('track', "PageView"); ).render(); Source link
0 notes
atakportal · 6 years
Summer entertainment we (still) can't wait for
New Post has been published on https://idealz.cloud/2018/07/10/summer-entertainment-we-still-cant-wait-for/
Summer entertainment we (still) can't wait for
At times the summer months seem to drag on with their sweltering temperatures and seemingly limitless supply of eye- and skin-damaging sunshine.
But there’s a less oppressive light at the end of this very bright tunnel, and it’s made out of thousands of tiny pixels. Yes, I’m talking about screens, an important part of the most enjoyable summer experience: staying inside and watching shit.
Lucky for us, there are still so many summer releases to look forward to this season, from block-busting monster movies to steamy romance films, lawyer-centric dramas to Mama Mia sequels. And we are so excited for them to come out.
Man, it’s a hot one this year, so put these bad boys on your list of excuses to stay out of the sun:
Eighth Grade, July 13
The voice of Agnes in Despicable Me is all grown up! And she’s facing the painful, cringe-worthy middle school years we all have to get through. Bo Burnham’s feature film debut, Eighth Grade, promises to take a sincere and comedic look at the reality of those awkward stages in-between playground and prom—with bonus insight into what 2018 middle schoolers are experiencing.
Aside from the delightful trailer, the film’s promise is held in its Rotten Tomatoes score. A few dozen early reviews gave it a critics consensus of 98%. That’s good news for Burnham and even better news for those of us who look back fondly as ourselves at our most earnest. –Alison Foreman
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again, July 20
Slap on some sparkly boots and your favorite hairbrush microphone — we’re going back to a magical Greek island. Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again has everything one could want in a prequel/sequel: ABBA songs, Christine Baranski, relationship ~ drama ~. Plus Lily James is playing young Meryl Streep and Cher (yes CHER) is playing Streep’s mother. Can you honestly think of anything more blissful than sitting in some nice air conditioning eating some popcorn and watching all that? I CANNOT. – Erin Strecker
Hot Summer Nights, July 27
A24 may have another indie smash hit this summer — luckily, with a lighter tone than the record-breaking Hereditary. 
In ’90s Cape Cod, Daniel is trying to stumble his way through adolescence when he smokes weed for the first time. Rather than extrapolate on the size of the universe or scarf down a large cheese pizza, he opts to haphazardly enter the world of drug dealing. 
Alongside It Follows star Maika Monroe, Timothée Chalamet seems primed to explore more of the Ladybird era with an exciting storyline that will begin as mischief, but quickly descend into mayhem. I love Timothée. I love drama. I love turquoise and pink cups. Let’s go. –Alison Foreman
Better Call Saul Season 4, Aug. 6
Better Call Saul’s third season finale was a heartbreaker, a tearjerker, an absolute jaw-dropper — which means that I’m facing Season 4 with equal parts dread and anticipation. We already know Mike’s gonna be okay, at least until he’s not. And we already know Jimmy won’t be, since he’s teetering on the edge of Saul-dom. But please, for the love of God, just tell me Kim makes it out of this thing unscathed. –Angie Han
The Meg, Aug. 10
Look, some days you just want to sit back, relax, and down a dino-sized bucket of popcorn while Jason Statham battles a prehistoric shark. And The Meg seems to be playing the tone exactly right, at least based on the marketing – leaning into the utter cheesiness of the premise with punny taglines (“pleased to eat you”) and on-the-nose song choices (“Beyond the Sea”). Because sometimes, the simple pleasures are the sweetest ones. –Angie Han
Insecure Season 3, Aug. 12
It’s nice to live in a time where you can choose your own millennial self-discovery series, and Insecure is arguably the best choice. Issa Rae has such a distinct and powerful voice in helming the series that it’s impossible to not feel part of her characters’ world when you watch. It’ll be a long summer, but I’m ready to see my friends again.-Proma Khosla
Crazy Rich Asians, Aug. 15
I first picked up Kevin Kwan’s addictive and extravagant novel in 2015, after my roommate became a recluse in the week that it took her to read it. This is a book that belongs on the big screen, where you can witness the unimaginable opulence of characters’ lives, relish the petty drama, and salivate over the food (someone fly me to Singapore, plz).-Proma Khosla
Spider-Man, Sept. 7
The web-slinger is swinging back into action on PlayStation 4 this summer and it looks absolutely amazing. Spider-Man allows you to step into the shoes and skin-tight suit of Spider-Man in an open recreation of New York City packed full of classic villains for you to live out your superhero fantasies in. It’s the most beautiful and smooth-looking Spider-Man game yet, and there’s no better way to ignore responsibilities and enjoy some AC than sinking dozens of hours into a Marvel simulator.-Kellen Beck
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