#i just want to squish her and attach her to my car
petrolandchlorine · 2 years
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Age of Machine - B.Barnes
Summary - Bucky and his wife just want their kids to unplug from the electronics and the internet for the holidays, so they take a trip to a cabin in the mountains. 
Word Count - 812
Warnings - Use of Y/N, female reader, mentions of food, not proofread
Author’s Note - I know this was uploaded later than I wanted but welcome to day 14! Two weeks in and somehow still going strong! Of course I had to add one of my favorite songs by my favorite band into at least one of my fics. I hope you enjoy!
my masterlist
25 days of fics masterlist
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
not my gif
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not my gif
Bucky had taken notice that as his twins got older, they were more attached to their phones, reliant on the internet. He was getting tired of his kids texting back and forth when they were right next to each other. In turn, he brought up an idea to his wife, that for the holidays they should rent a cabin in the mountains which she thought was a great idea. The couple just wanted to have quality family time together, no electronics, no internet, no cable, just them and maybe a record player.
With Bucky’s avenger status, he was able to find one last minute at a good price. The deal was, the kids wouldn’t have their phones or tablets, they would bring a record player with them and some records and the only person that will have a phone is Bucky. As the kids packed, Y/N popped into their rooms and snagged their phones and tablets as well as making sure their laptops were sitting on their desks.
Their kids were in high school so at this point, they were quite upset that their electronics weren’t coming along with them on the trip. “I don’t want to hear any whining. You need to unplug from the internet for a few days. Tell your friends that you won’t have any internet or phones until after Christmas. If there’s an emergency they can call your father’s cell,” Y/N explained to the twins. In classic teenager fashion, the two of them groaned but complied with telling their friends that they won’t have their phones until after Christmas.
After everyone was packed, they got into the car and drove off towards the mountains. Bucky had assured his wife that there was a record player there and to just bring a few records to switch through for the 3 days they were going to be there. It was a 3 hour drive to get there, the kids sleeping most of the time as their parents quietly made their plans in the front seats. 
“If there’s not a lot of snow maybe we should do a hike together. That’s my favorite way to check out scenery in a new place,” Y/N suggested to her husband.
“Do you really think they would want to go on a hike with us? We’re not cool anymore, didn’t you get the memo? Apparently it’s not cool to have an Avenger as a dad,” Bucky joked to his wife, earning a slight giggle from her.
“It was never cool to have a teacher as a parent, especially if their friends are failing my class,” She joked back.
As they pulled into the cabin’s driveway, Y/N shook the twins awake. “Time to wake up babes, we’re here. You guys need to help me and dad bring everything inside.” She earned a noncommittal grunt from Steve and a groan from Sarah. “Let’s go you two. You’ll have plenty of time to sleep once we get settled in.”
The twins slowly got out of the car, going to the trunk and grabbing a few things before heading inside after their dad. They got themselves settled and then got comfy on the couch, squished between their parents. Their first night wasn’t very eventful, just settling in and lounging with each other.
However, the next morning was where the fun began. Y/N and Bucky working in the kitchen to make a huge breakfast for their family. They had all of the twins’ favorites as well as their own favorites, a Christmas record being spun on the player as the couple bustled around in the kitchen. Sarah and Steve hadn’t woken up until after breakfast was ready and the table was set. They ate breakfast together like they did every single morning, having sleepy conversations about their weeks and how they felt sleeping in the cabin.
The kids were already bored, which is when Bucky pulled out his worn out copy of The Hobbit from his bag. Y/N had started a fire to help warm up the cabin and changed the record over to her personal favorite album, The Battle at Garden’s Gate by Greta Van Fleet, trying to line up the needle to the right spot to play a song that was very fitting for what they were trying to drill into their children, Age of Machine. A song about relying too much on technology and needing to unplug from it.
As the song started, so did Bucky, rekindling their old holiday tradition of reading The Hobbit to their kids. “In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort.”
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bitchinbarzal · 2 years
maybe some angst or trouble when it comes to co-parenting iris or even maybe iris is with one parent, and during the night cries for the other parent
Iris had ratted Nico out well and truly.
You’d asked her all about her night at prudential watching her dad play
“It was good! I sit with Kristen, Tynka, Clare, Darya and Naomi”
You quirk your brow and ask “baby who’s Naomi?”
Iris smiles “Daddy’s girlfriend”
Your eyes go wide “Oh okay, did Naomi stay over at daddy’s house with you?”
She shakes her head “No she had dinner but then she went away”
“Okay, I’ve gotta go call your daddy ok baby? I’ll be back in a minute”
You call Nico, he sends you to voicemail and follows up with a text.
what’s up? everything ok?
why are you bringing your girlfriend around iris without talking to me first?
where did you hear that?
… listen she just showed up at the game and then I invited her to dinner it’s no big deal!
you don’t get to decide that on your own nico. you didn’t even mention it to me afterwards or when I picked her up! I don’t appreciate you undermining me as her mom.
I’m not undermining you!
could’ve fooled me. don’t bother coming to dinner on wednesday before your roadie.
what? you can’t do that! I’m not going to see her for a week!
i can and i will. it’s my day with her and I was being nice by letting you come to dinner, I’ve taken that kindness back after this situation. maybe you can have dinner with naomi instead
she’s OUR daughter y/n
you seem to have forgotten that nico when you made decisions about her without me. If you want to discuss this further give me two days notice and I’ll inform my lawyer.
you’re not serious?
deadly. have a nice night nico.
He tried calling you but you sent it straight to voicemail.
“Mommy?” You snapped out of your thoughts by Iris’ voice.
“Yeah, baby?”
“Come play?” “Sure thing”
The next night when Nico came by to pick Iris up he approached the door and where he would usually walk in he found the door locked.
You put Iris’ coat on her and opened the door, ignoring Nico and only focusing on her “Have nice night baby I’ll see you later, okay?”
Before you could shut the door Nico’s hand pushed it open, you looked up at him and his eyes were soft.
“Let me explain, ok?”
“Ni… i don’t want to hear it”
“I’m sorry! Okay? I was wrong-“ You put your hand up to stop him.
“You were wrong Nico, but you’re not sorry for doing what you did. You’re sorry i was going to stop you seeing her Wednesday night which would lead to you not getting all the things I do for you that other separated parents don’t. That means the late night stop by’s after trips, month long stints in Switzerland, taking her out of school for the bye week in February… you’re apologising for selfish reasons Ni and I’m actually really ashamed of you for it”
He looked deflated, going in to defend himself again before you said “Have her home by eight”
Nico crouched down and said to Iris “Baby go sit in daddy’s car please” she did as asked and skipped off to his Mercedes.
He turned to you “Naomi will not be around Iris until you’ve met her-“
“Nico i don’t want to meet her. I would’ve been up to that last week but the fact that neither of you thought about my feelings… i don’t care for her if I’m honest and clearly you didn’t think about Iris either. You told her Naomi was your girlfriend! That gets her attached immediately and when you break up I hope you’re prepared to either see your ex again to maintain that relationship between them or prepared to break our daughters heart”
Nico could tell this was clearly bothering you. All along Iris’ life you’ve been pretty happy go lucky and co-parenting had been breezy.
“Well for What it’s worth… I’m sorry”
“It’s not worth much” you snap “Goodnight nico”
When Nico gets in the car Iris chirps from the backseat
“Daddy are you in trouble with mommy?”
“So much trouble, squish”
“Is she gonna make you sit on the naughty step?”
“I wish that’s all she’d make me do”
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bloodyknucklesforme · 11 months
Don't Blame Me 2.0 | Sneak Peak
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So here's just a little sneak peak of my re write of Don't Blame Me. I've been wanting to revisit this for a while. I will post the rest of it in one go probably on Ao3 for ease but here's just a little peak of some of the extended stuff I'm doing. This is probably chapter 1 or 2. I haven't decided the order yet. It is 100% new material and I hope it gives a good example of what the rest of the re write is gonna be. Hope you enjoy 💕
Word Count: 2k
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Nina stared up at the ceiling. It was ugly. Grayish plaster smeared across to form a minuscule mountain range. She was angry at them with their manmade topography. She wanted to climb up and scrape them smooth. She wanted to destroy something without consequence. 
The bed in the safe house was too hard and the covers were too thin. Made it impossible to sleep and yet she’d spent the past three days laying in it. She missed the warm comfort of her old bed, layers of wool blankets and a fluffy down mattress. She missed the feathers that poked her in the middle of the night. 
Kyle, sat guard by the door - rifle in hand. The curtains always drawn close. She’d long lost track of time, only gauging when offered food. Shopping bags laid scattered across the floor. Price had bought clothes, guessing her size and getting it wrong most of the time. She’d finally asked for something warm and big. 
He’d come back with a large navy sweatshirt and grey sweatpants. They were nice and soft and the sweatshirt was large enough she could tuck her knees inside of it and pull her hands into the sleeves. A small comfort. 
She didn’t like it here but she wasn’t given a choice. Hunted like an animal across countries and continents. All because of her father. Some people may be attached together with red string but he was the rope around her neck. 
The house somehow felt more sterile than the hospital they had her at initially. She didn’t like it there either with doctors and nurses constantly prodding her. Taking blood for various tests, physical exams where she was expected to strip for strangers. Their hands were always cold. 
A week ago she hadn’t even seen another person in years and now she didn’t think any part of her had gone untouched. She’d fought and screamed every time they pulled another needle out. They’d had to sedate her after she kicked a nurse in the shoulder and almost knocked her over. Price stepped in at that point and refused to let them do any more tests or exams until she’d relaxed. She never got the chance.
She woke up to a man forcing his way into the room. Kyle dragged her out of bed and into a corner, ripping an IV out of her arm. Price had met the man at the threshold. The intruder got one good hit in before Price slammed his head into the door. 
Her stomach flipped, hearing his skull crack. Death wasn’t an unfamiliar face but she ached having seen him so often recently. How many just in the past week? She’d lost count. Blood dripped down the door, like a bug that got squished. 
Kyle was holding her arm, bandaging where the IV got ripped out.
“We’re moving her.” Price said. “Now!”
Kyle scooped her up easily, carrying her bridal style, down the halls and stairs of the hospital. 
“Kate, I need a safe house.” Price barked into a radio. Nina clung to Kyle, letting herself get carried away once again. It had been futile to fight previously so she allowed it now. She also didn’t want to complain about not walking across the parking deck barefoot. 
Price drove while Kyle sat in the back, having her lay down on the seats next to him. She stayed quiet, she was good at that. Quiet and surviving. They drove what felt like hours around London in order to lose any possible tails. Eventually Price pulled into an underground parking deck and they switched cars. 
The Russian was driving this time, she believed his name was Nik. A large white utility van. She sat with her back against the side. Her feet were cold. Kyle and Price flanked her. She felt like she should be wearing a black bag over her head. 
It was dark when they got to the safe house. A coat was thrown over her head and she was kept bent over as they led her inside. Lights off until the blinds could be pulled shut. 
“You should be safe here. Kyle will keep watch over ya,” Price assured, holding her shoulders. She was older than he was when they last saw each other. A stranger but the only person on Earth who seemed to remember her name.  A friend of her father’s, his sergeant. He’d stop by their on base house often enough to be a familiar face. He got her a birthday gift once or twice. He’d had dinner with her family. She felt ashamed to say she hadn’t thought about him in years yet there he was at the edge of the world to hold her on the helicopter ride home. “How are you feeling Nina?”
“I’m okay.” What else was there to say? It felt like the ground was constantly collapsing under her and she was treading ice water. “I’m tired.”
“Let’s get the bedroom set up for you.” He rubbed her back as he led her upstairs. She waited in the hall as he checked over the room and pulled the blinds shut. She was glad they left her alone to sleep, even if one of them was always outside the cracked open door. She’d barely left the bed since. Kyle had moved a chair in at one point.
“Just keeping you company.” He smiled. She imagined the true reason was so he could stop her if she tried to kill herself. There was a reason she had to ask for any pain medication, there were no knives in the kitchen and the sweatpants came without strings. Truthfully she didn’t have the motivation for all that. 
She thought about taking another shower or maybe a bath. Hot water on demand was another comfort. Something she’d missed. 
She got up wordlessly and walked into the ensuite bathroom. Bottles, jars and tubes also scattered across the counter. Kyle had explained what it all did. Moisturiser, cleanser, masks and other words she didn’t remember. She slathered it all on anyway. It did make her skin feel less tight. If it made a physical difference, she wouldn’t know. The mirror was gone. 
Kyle had taken it off the wall the day before. She’d needed his help turning on the water. Her reflection frightened her. She knew she was older, a woman of twenty five. She still expected to see a little girl staring back at her. In a way there was, how small she looked. How starved she looked. She didn’t like her skin or hair or her face at all really. Price had remarked how much she looked like her mother. She couldn’t even hold her face in her mind. She knew that she never looked sick like this. As tattered and forgotten. 
She’d hung a towel over the edges of the mirror. Kyle took it down and she put it back up. He seemed to understand and it was laid in the hallway facing the wall the next morning. 
She filled the tub with steaming water and squirted some soap into it. She wasn’t allowed to lock the door so she left it cracked to let the steam out. She sunk down till her nose barely scraped the water’s edge. She soaked until the bubbles all popped and disappeared and her skin was pruned. 
There was a knock on the door. 
“The captain is going to be back soon with food,” Kyle broke the hours-long silence. He was extraordinarily kind to her despite having not said more than a couple words to him over the past days. “He asked if there’s anything else you want or need.”
“I’m okay,” she said. She didn’t know what she needed or wanted. Everything seemed like a distant dream, half real. She thought about the things she ate as a child and wondered what was real and what was some elaborate coping daydream. It all just seemed out of her grasp. 
“…Nina?” He asked. It still felt weird to hear people say her name aloud. It was something she had kept like a secret for so long. “Do you like cake?”
She could hear the smile in his voice. She didn’t remember the last time she had cake. Her 11th birthday maybe. 
“I can have Price pick some up for you. I’d say you deserve it.”
“I’d like that…thank you, Kyle.”
“I’ll text him.”
Price arrived a little less than an hour later. She was back in bed, wearing the same sweatshirt and pants. Kyle had shown her how to work the telly. There was nothing familiar on. 
Price had given up on getting her to eat anywhere but her bed, bringing up the food with a tray. 
“Thank you,” She said as he laid a plate of lamb, rice and veggies in front of her. The three of them ate in silence as she periodically flipped through the channels on the telly. 
“What day is it?” she asked as another holiday ad came on. 
“December sixteenth,” Kyle answered around a bite of lamb. 
She didn’t realise Christmas was so close. She changed the channel again, wanting to avoid any possibility of raising hope. 
“Gaz, take the dishes downstairs. I need to talk to Nina.” Price said as they finished eating. She thanked Kyle as he took her plate and pulled her knees to her chest. 
Price had a serious look on his face, more serious than usual. 
“We have to move you again.” He said. She nodded, chewing on the idea of having to leave again.
“My contact in M16 believes there’s a leak and you’re at risk again. They shouldn’t have known what hospital you were in.” He sat down on the edge of the bed. “These men are dangerous, Nina. They believe you know where your father is.”
“I don’t.”
“I know you don’t, love. We’re working on tracking them down but until we do you need to be kept safe. You’re going to the United States tomorrow afternoon.”
“The United States? Why all the way there?”
“It’ll be easier to hide you. You’ll be under cover, new name, travelling with one of my mine.”
“No, unfortunately I need him here.”
“Then who?” She wasn’t sure if she trusted anyone else. She wasn’t even sure if she could trust Price. 
“His name is John.”
“Your name is John.”
“Different John.” He chuckled. “MacTavish. A scot. He’ll look after you.” He patted her shoulder. “Get some rest. We’ll talk more tomorrow.”
“Yes, love?”
“Will I ever be safe?”
He laid his hands on her shoulders and got eye level with her. 
“I will make you safe.” He said firmly, like he believed it to be true. “Try to get some sleep. Lots to brief on tomorrow.”
The idea of having to move again twisted her stomach. More helicopters? More high speed chases down mountain roads? More bullets whizzing by? Her hands were shaking already. She pulled her arms into her sweatshirt and scratched at them. Every red line was a release of tension in her body. Another strange man who’s side she would be tucked into. She knew Price wouldn’t put her with someone who would hurt her, at least not knowingly. 
There was a knock on the door.
“Nina? Can I come in?” Kyle asked. 
“Uh…yeah…you can.” She pushed her arms back through her sleeves. He was smiling as he came in. A pastry box and fork in hand. 
“Price says you need protein but cake has eggs so I think it counts.” He handed her the box. She laid it in her lap and opened it. It was a small chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and cadbury flakes on top. Her mouth watered. She wanted to feel the sugar grit against her teeth. 
“Thank you, Kyle.” She said, holding the box close. There was a time when she was younger and she used to close her eyes and imagine a great big party with cake and balloons and streamers and friends and her family. She held onto that fantasy for a long time. She hoped the cake tasted as good as it did in her head. 
“Eat it all if you want but don’t get sick, yeah?” He handed her the fork before going to leave. “Soap’s a decent bloke. He’ll take care of you.”
What a stupid nickname, she thought as she stabbed her fork into the centre of the cake and dug out a chunk. 
It was better than she imagined. 
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I would also like to shout out some of the people who've supported this story over the past year. There are more than I could ever list (I'm adding as I remember usernames) but thank you all so much
@macravishedbymactavish @queen-ilmaree @argella1300 @purplemarmar @devcica @avidreadee123 @water-bearz @glitterypirateduck @murdersheghostwrote @sea--biscuit @coolmaybelateruniverse @pssytrux @mykneeshurt @yearningforsappho @celestiialspheres @fleetwoodmoth
I appreciate more than y'all could ever know 💕
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shares-a-vest · 11 months
WIP Weekend
I was tagged last weekend by @momotonescreaming 💖💖💖Thanks Momo 😊
My wips are in absolute shambles atm. I've been ping-ponging between stressful rl situations. Buuut stuff is okay-ish now and my brain is working again, so yayyy!
The Rules:
In a reblog of this post (so people can find you in the notes) or new thread (w/ rules attached) if you want to play on your own, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to play!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post.
The Files:
I'm just working on Flufftober and Eddie Month (i still intend to post for days I had planned on but missed). The first two files are essentially masterlists, the next few are individual days/themes that have kinda gone off the rails in word count:
Flufftober 2023
Eddie Month
Fast Car
Day 12
Padam Padam
From 'Fast Car' aka, Flufftober Day 16: Singing each other to sleep
Joanie is curled up under a blanket, with her Mr Spider, the patriarch of her family of plush spiders. She holds it tight, eyes both tired and weary. “Hey, munchkin,” he says, taking Eddie’s spot and hoisting their daughter onto his lap while Eddie rearranges some pillows and the blanket, “Looks like no one is sleeping tonight, huh?” “M’sick,” she says, her voice muffled as she hugs his side. He hums and attempts to look her over without too much fuss, settling for running his hand through her thick fringe. She yawns, clicking her teeth. “What kind... of… sick?” he asks through a sympathetic yawn. “Sniffles and a tummy ache,” she clarifies, mumbling. Her eyes droop a little and glaze over as she struggles to flit a glance at the book she and Eddie had presumably been reading. It’s a photo album, turned open to a page from Christmas 1986. He smiles at a polaroid of himself holding up a Hellfire t-shirt, squished in between a grinning Dustin and Eddie - who quickly pressed a kiss to his cheek just as Robin took the picture. They’d made him a shirt, an honorary one of course. Mike never did approve of the elaborate initiation ‘ritual’ Lucas had explained he needed to undergo to become a full member.
Tags: (no pressure as always) @spoookysix @thefreakandthehair @farahsamboolents @cranberrymoons @rocknrollsalad
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andro-dino · 1 year
for the oc ask. axel. 8 for luther, 16 for ezekial, and 38 for any of your ocs!
for creator asks, how about F?
What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child?
I think probably a lot of what you’d kinda expect from someone in Luther’s kind of situation. A whole lot of “toughen up” “stand up straight” “treat this more seriously” that sort of thing. But in the more specific, probably more concerning areas, some “Stop showing your feelings so much” “Don’t get so attached” and “Don’t look away.” that last one particularly haunts him.
What makes their stomach turn?
At first, Ezekial was most put off when he started realizing what made Luther anxious. When they were waiting to get picked up from school and Luther would smile and wave goodbye when he walked away from him, but seeing how his face turned to stone as soon as closed the door of the sleek black car that always picked him up, when Luther would suddenly become panicked and jittery when that same car passed by them when they were out. At one point, it was the way Luther leveled out his voice while he lied to his face with frozen eyes that refused to tell him their secrets. Now, it’s not the way Luther speaks to him; he’s okay hearing Luther say how much he hates him and wants him gone because he knows it’s not true, and it’s not the way Luther treats him either; he’s endured enough that getting punched and kicked and thrown doesn’t really phase him anymore, no, what really makes Ezekial feel particularly sick now is having to watch what Luther’s become. It’s the same face he’s always known, if maybe a bit more refined, the same face that used to be so kind and bright, but now won’t even show so much as a quirk of the corner of his lips. It’s the same voice he’s always heard, that’s always laughed and joked with him and sung his praise and support, but now it’s lower, more level, never daring to ever be any louder or more expressive unless it’s to yell at him. It’s the way that he has to wonder what Luther has had to do, to experience, to force himself to commit to, that makes Ezekial particularly uneasy.
What memory do they revisit the most often? 
Axyl often tends to think about the first time they “quit” beyblade. When they took the tear stained wooden practice bey Ryo carved for them and threw it right back at his chest, vowing they’d never pick up a bey again, and the talk Hyoma and aer had later. In contrast, it also often thinks back to the way they were first drawn to its gemios. How they felt compelled to pick it up in the sand and how well it fit in aer hand.
Essi tends to dwell a lot on the first time she lost to Gingka and felt good about it, and how that was what lit the fire in her to keep going and continue to become stronger and stronger.
Ezekial never forgets his and Luther’s big argument. It haunts his every living moment, it’s his biggest regret and fear and strongest driving force. He remembers how Luther yelled at him like he’d never yelled before and how quickly his attempt at a solemn face broke into frustration and hot, angry tears. He will never stop thinking about the moment Luther finally turned away from him.
Luther doesn’t dwell on the past.
What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?
I think it changes for every one of my characters.
For Juno, I kinda just always “IBWIBWIBWIBWIBWIBWIBWIBIIIIII 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞” whenever I think about her. She makes me extremely happy and I want to put her on a little velvet cushion in a glass case and display her on a shelf in a big fancy main hall of a big fancy palace.
Essi I want to squish and roll out like a little ball of play doh. She brings me joy, though also kinda hits really hard when I think about her primary conflicts and how heavily and personally I project onto her in those regards.
Axyl i tend to kinda be embarrassed about because I remember that he’s a character that is a very obvious beyblade self insert and I go “this is so cringe” but I’m also very affectionate towards him because despite being a very close self insert he’s also very much his own character and I enjoy getting to take the things I think and experience as the person I am and flesh them out and voice them on a vessel besides myself. It’s very therapeutic but also just an interesting story for a character. I feel like media tends to focus a lot on characters who are very skilled and strong already getting stronger and more strong and I constantly want more serious focus on characters who actually kinda suck and what they do and are weak and lame because that’s kinda what I am at most things, and Axyl’s kinda my opportunity to see that. I enjoy fleshing out its character because it gives me an opportunity to write something I wanna see more of.
Kosuke brings me psychic damage most of the time tbh. I’ve had kinda bastard characters before but I have no idea how he specifically morphed into the bastard he is today. It is literally so far off now from what I originally wanted him to be and I’m not entirely unconvinced that it wasn’t his own doing and willing their being into existence thru sheer freak energy alone. I like that other people are interested in him but he’s become such a freak at this point that I don’t even know what to do with them. They are more of a weirdo than any character I’ve ever had and I feel like that’s saying something. They’ve become more powerful than I am at this point. I’m kinda afraid of him, but they’re also stupid and dumb and I very frequently slap him against the wall like a wet wad of spaghetti in my head.
Ezekial is interesting because I feel like I’ve only recently started to take him more seriously. Looking back at a lot of old doodles of him and revisiting the ideas I had for him is interesting bc he used to be a lot more goofy and comedic all the time and while that is still partially a part of his character, it’s a lot more sad now and he just makes me sad /pos. He’s such a poor wet dog trying to make the best of what he can and he makes me so upset and I want to tuck him gently into bed and give him a cup of hot cocoa but I know very well that that is not what I’m going to do. He’s an interesting character to write and think about and he’s just so incredibly upsetting.
Luther I want to squeeze aggressively until his eyes pop out of his head like one of those pencil toppers you’d see at school book fairs. He’s so repressed and sad and pathetic and has so many problems and he’s so infuriating and dumb. He also makes me immensely sad, with how messed up his backstory is and how is present actions are very much a reflection of everything he’s endured and how long it’d take for him to recover, if ever. There’s one scene specifically that I probably won’t share publicly for a very long time if at all that is such an emotional rollercoaster with the false security it brings at first and HEAVY emotional drop at the end that just. ourgh. ourghhh. a lot of emotional scenes with him in them make me feel like that. I love writing him so much but oooooooouuuuurghhhh he hurts me so bad.
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kaidenfm · 2 years
summary →  kaiden gets very very drunk and crashes his car . he wakes up handcuffed to a hospital bed , an officer informs him that he’s being booked for drunk driving , driving without a license and destruction of property . he’s finally arranged and sentenced . he spends a month in jail , a two months in rehab and then is finally allowed to go home . 
featuring →  brief mentions of his mom persephone sinclair  ​
triggers →  drinking , drugs , police 
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“      i'm  sorry  i  haven't  been  myself  ,  something's  got  me  down  .  what  it  is  ,  i cannot  tell  .      ”
kaiden had never felt this way before . sure sadness he was used to but it was never a boulder rolling down a hill of anguish threatening to squish him like the bug he was . long talks with everyone around him had left him feeling like there was a weight around his ankles . the heft of their expectations was a burden he was unsure if he could bear . he promised that he’d try . so he did , tucked away the parts of him that were jagged and rough into the dark dank basement they’d crawled from , but some demons aren’t as easily forgotten as others . i deserve just one final night out . that was the expectation he’d set for himself ; just one night , just one drink , just one cigarette but one turned into two , which turned into three and by then he stopped counting all together .
the night started like this , loud music from the club speakers rattled his bones , the beat of it so strong he thought it was his own heartbeat thumping from his feet to his fingertips . he held a glass of tequila in one hand , a blunt in the other , lines of coke cut up on the table in front of him . he’s not sure of the name of the girl in his lap , just that her skin feels like the softest silk , her breath on his neck made every part of him stand on edge . her walls were a warm comfort that pulled him deeper and deeper . staggering from the bathroom in a haze , bleary eyes trying ( and failing ) to blink the world into focus , shaky breath hands reaching for the walls as he feels his way back to his table . i need to sober up . the line of coke left energy surging through him like a fresh cup of coffee . the world sharpened under his focused gaze . eyes tracing over the bodies pressed together squeezing closer and closer still until they were one being . then another drink is shoved in his hand and thoughts of the anamorphic blobs that swayed to the beat fading to the back of his mind as a cheshire grin swallowed his face .
last call came faster than he’d thought . the dark lights exchanged for the fluorescent whites . everything looked different in that light , the people around him no longer friends but leeches who’d attached themselves to the thing with the most money , still he paid his tab and lurched towards his car . the hum of the engine is a familiar hug , hands squeezing the wheel as his mind spun . it took a moment before he registered that the crunch in his ears was his car scraping along the brick wall as he peeled out of the emptying parking lot . his eyes wanted to close with each blink but he never slowed . pressing harder on the pedal while he zipped in and out of traffic . the rush of air on his face was the only thing cooling the fire that raged in his belly . let it go , just ignore it , just forget it , just accept it , just be better. he wished that he could do that . it sounded so simple when it came from their lips but nobody seemed to understand that his emotions weren’t a switch he could flick . they were a wildfire that ravaged everything in their wake . just when you thought you’d gotten the flames contained, a spark sets off a chain reaction that ignites it all over again . flying through red lights and even clipping a car along the way he hit the wall hard . placed the car in park and fell into the plush mattress . it was a standard drive home for him .
“      never  feeling  like  i'm  all  the  way  home  .  stones  inside  my  raincoat  pocket  ,  i  gotta keep  . oh  ,  won't  you  hold  them  for  me  ?      ”
when his eyes opened he wasn’t in his bed . brows furrowing one hand reached to rub his eyes but was jerked back to his side . a clinking drawing focus on the metal attaching his wrist to the bed . tugging at the handcuff wild eyes searching for his mother . she’ll know what's going on . she always knows . but he doesn’t find persephone, instead they find an officer who sneered in his direction , “ oh good , you’re awake . kaiden sinclair , you’re under arrest . ” they listed off the charges and with glee . each one made eyes widen ; drunk driving , driving with a suspended license , dui hit and run , destruction of government property and reckless endangerment . “ wha.. ? ” brows furrowing as he shook his head , “ i don’t know what you’re talking about . i didn’t destroy anything . i drove home last night . you’ve got to be thinking of someone else . ”
that drew a laugh , “ you don’t even remember what happened ? ” his head shook furiously mind desperately going through the events of last night . i drove home . i was home . i know i was . the officer pulls out their phone a youtube video titled “ SINCLAIR SON’S WILD NIGHT OUT ! ” it’s a compilation of footage . the video starts with him fumbling with his car keys , “ that’s you right ? ” he nodded in confirmation before turning back to the footage. it took at least four tries for him to unlock the door , then you see the long swipes of cracked paint and dented metal on his precious porsche as he whipped out of the lot . then it cuts to his car running a red light , clipping a honda and then continuing on . it ends with his car crashing at full speed into a fire station . the garage door smashing open as the car rammed into it only slowed when he hit the firetruck . then you see his body being pried from the car , paramedics surrounded him , then moving his car out of the way so an ambulance could pull out lights flashing . the screen goes black and the officer places the phone back in their pocket . he doesn’t say anything else . turning onto his side he stared at the walls .
a doctor enters the room , they never even glance in his direction , instead telling the officer , “ we want to keep him for one more day then he’s okay to be discharged . ”
“ can i see my mom ? ”
the doctor only turns to leave the officer rolls their eyes before snapping in response , “ no visitors . ”
“      and  you  got  a  lot  on  your  mind  and  your  heart,  it  looks  just  like  mine  there's  no  use  in  wasting  your  time  ,  anymore  .      ”
he’s used to this part . he tried to commit every building to memory during the long drive to the police station . unsure of when he’d be able to see this part of town again his heart thumped harder and harder . his fingerprints are taken once again and he couldn’t help but wonder why this has to happen every time he’s arrested while wiping the ink against his jeans . they shuttle him off to another part of the station to take his picture . his stomach dropped as he held the placard . there was no way this would be publicized . his mugshots lined up in a row for the world to see his slow descent into madness . he’s used to sitting in a cell , a phone shoved in his hand while he’d call someone to come get him . it’d usually take a few hours but they’d show up , give him a lecture , and drive him home . this time he’s not in the cell for long before they place cuffs on him and they’re shoving him down the ramp cuffing his feet to the bottom of a van that moves slower than he thought possible . county jail isn’t as terrifying as he thought it’d be . he has his own cell and every few days he’s allowed to use the phone . his lawyer came to visit him on his fifth day in , “ you’re about to be taken down for your arraignment , don’t say anything , don’t do anything stupid . please . ”
the judge glowered at him , “ this is the fourth time i’ve seen you just this month . i told you last time you were here that i didn’t want to see you again . ”  
“ i know , i apologize your honor . ” the judge listed the charges that’d be filed against him , including two additional charges the officer hadn’t listed . gulping when the judge finished the list and asked if he understood . “ yes, your honor . ”
“ now i want you to be clear about this . you will be going to jail , there is some discussion about the amount of time you’ll spend there , but if this is resolved today understand that there will be jail time . i don’t want you to be a repeat offender , i want you to be able to move on with your life , to reach your full potential . how do you plead ? ”
“ no contest . ” they nod a ghost of a smile on their face, making kaiden’s mind spin . is that good ? is it bad ? did i make the wrong choice ?
“ okay . i’m going to sentence you to ninety days in the county jail , with leniency for behavior , and two years probation . terms of your probation are as follows ; you are not to drive , consume alcohol or illegal drugs . you are required to complete a sixty day drug treatment program . after which be subject to random drug testing at the rate of once a week . you are to see a therapist once a week for at least six months . you must find a reliable sponsor , outside of your family , hopefully someone who is not moved by anything other than seeing you succeed will help you properly cope without turning to drugs or alcohol . you are required to attend all of your alcohol classes as scheduled , the only time you are allowed to cancel is if you are taking a random drug test , the drug test is the priority . you are to do fifty days of community serve at the county morgue , they will help you set up a schedule . do you understand ? ” he nodded solemnly before the judge waved to the officers to take him away .
before they take him he’s allowed to stop before his family , “ i’m sorry . ” he whispered tears in his eyes as comforting arms were wrapped around him . “ i’m sorry . ” they’re pulling him away and that’s all he can muster up the courage to say . 
the first month was the hardest . jail time wasn’t as fun as he thought it’d be he relished the day they came to put him in rehab . there weren’t any drugs but at least the food was good and his parents could come visit , though he turned away asher any time he tried to appear , the day before he was released he had an extra session with his therapist . they wanted to make sure he could handle it , if he was honest he wasn’t sure if he could but without hesitation he answered , yes . 
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dawnluvspossums · 2 years
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These little dudes are so smart! I saved this guy after what must have been a heck of a ride. I found him on my car near the hood when I was re-attaching my solar panels, who knows where he was (under or above the hood) when I was driving. Anyway, I had to pick him up to make sure he didn't get squished & he wouldn't just get off me when I tried setting him down & wanted me to keep paying attention to him, so I carried him around awhile & finally got him off at my front door on the window, which is a prime bug area at night, so he must've been pretty happy that night. There's just always some sweet little (or big) animal around. I've been too sick to see much of anyone lately, but someone's always around. I've been seeing lots of tree frogs & snails this year. They're so cute! Even the snails are really curious & like to get attention. All these animals seem to get so excited & happy just to really be seen & appreciated. One of my really dark wild opossums is getting so chunky! She's super smart & fast, so getting a pic of her (and the other dark one) has been impossible. I only have a cruddy angle of one on video running away. I think the ferals are in collusion with them by how chunky this girl is. The boys ask for food, then when I'm not looking, must run over & tell the possums, the coast is clear. I'm really hoping to get pics of them. They are gorgeous!!! I haven't seen any racoons lately though. I hope they're ok & just fed up with my unpredictable feral cat feeding schedule. Really hoping I can get a pic of these beautiful possums though. I should know better than to set foot outside without my camera ready! https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj-GRebu_JH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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4dtk · 3 years
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pairing: gojo x reader
a/n: gojo with your child! under read more bc it’s loooong! hints of manga spoilers, but nothing big. nothing but fluff with a sprinkle of angst if you squint <3
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literally the gentlest guy ever, that man who ruthlessly owned jogo in episode 7? gone.
he wouldn’t mind a boy or a girl, he would love them nevertheless. i’ll use a girl in the hcs tho lol
cries when he holds the baby for the first time, just taking in the little tufts of white hair that’s barely visible, and when the baby opens his eyes you have to support gojo’s arms from under because you’re so afraid of him dropping your newborn
it’s bc he saw the blue eyes that match his and it’s so similar to his yet different, sure to have a bit of yours bc it’s duller than his.
but he loves it all the same
i don’t know how genes work i can only hope that is correct
you name her tsukiko, gojo tsukiko, a child of the moon since you gave birth in the night with a full moon in the sky
gojo is 24/7 in the baby’s room, playing with the overhead toys you got for the infant, talking to her and babbling god knows what in response. it’s cute but you’d have to pry him from the room multiple times because he was so attached
adamant about sleeping there sometimes, just so he can be close to tsukiko, asks if he can move the cot to the master bedroom. you agree until you find out that gojo’s crazy ass blue eyes scares the baby LMAO
poor baby was so hurt over it and pouted even more when tsukiko immediately relaxes in your arms
he’ll come around it
i can definitely see him being so anxious in the car too, looking back at the baby car seat and always getting honked at by other people bc he’s going so fucking slow
he’s terrified okay
gojo drives in sudden, unplanned stops too, and keeps below 50kmph at all times (sorry america u have to do the conversion yourself), another reason why you’re always late to events (gojo clan meetings, baby shower, hospital appointments)
one cute thing gojo does is bring her outside to the balcony (when she’s warmed up to his glow in the dark eyes) and then bounce her on his hip, singing songs and playing with her facial features (booping her nose, squishing her cheeks, kissing her non-existent head of hair repeatedly) and relishes in her childish, bubbly laughter.
gojo’s heart can’t take it!
when he eventually gets tired, he’ll nod towards the moon and say “that moon was in the sky when you were born, you know? tsukiko is a moon child! she’s my moon child.” and absolutely smothers her with kisses and blows raspberries into her skin
gojo’s balcony time with tsukiko is honestly your favourite, you get to see it first-hand as you clean up the house for the night, etc., and it breaks your heart sometimes when you have to interrupt them for bedtime
helps out around the house a lot, even during your pregnancy, he’s always doting on you. hanging the clothes, making the food (it tasted rancid so you did most of the meals), cleaning the house, etc.
it’s cute how the strongest sorcerer has to call you to ask what kind of diapers you need to buy bc there’s just so many brands and versions at the store
you had to convince gojo that no, babies cannot eat solid food, and no, it is not an invitation for him to give her sweets to suck on, as small as they are
he’s trying guys, don’t worry
shamelessly wears the baby carrier outside, he loves the attention he gets tbh and you just have to roll your eyes at times. otherwise, he doesn’t like to use a pram (doesn’t trust it) and would rather have tsukiko in his arms (you don’t trust his arms)
gojo doesn’t... want to introduce her to the students and his colleagues just yet. he wants to keep her with him for the first few months, just in the comfort of his penthouse
wants the best for tsukiko, best cot, best room, that you even proposed eating just bread for the week bc he was spending so MUCH
god knows how much money he has, and i’m def exaggerating but, someone has to be the sensible one in this relationship, but you can’t bring yourself to reprimand him and his use of money when you see your baby dripped out and giggling in her cot
one more thing, if gojo has the time (he. will. make. time.) he’ll handmake her toys, fun things to play with, her room was probably 70% done by him, decorations, painted walls and all. he passed on the cot because he thought of the time when he assembled an IKEA cabinet with you and did so bad that you had to console him... no no, never again
in tsukiko’s toddler form, gojo exerts so much energy to entertain her, tbh, but it’s cute. letting her ride on his back around the spacious living room, making up dances to her favourite shows, playing old games like catch and hopscotch, whatever she wants
she’s a daddy’s girl if you’re being honest, but she loves mama too!
tsukiko loves curling up to you in bed, she always picks out items in stores that matches your technique (pocket watches, pendulums), always thinking about gifting you flowers when she’s out with gojo.
gojo wants tsukiko to have the best childhood she can ever have but doesn’t miss out on teaching her the basics like consent, please and thank yous, politeness
the sorcerer would probably buy her a tablet secretly and then come home to you demanding that you’re going to limit her time on it because it’s not healthy!!!! and then he’ll just give the excuse that her puppy eyes were too good to reject lol
the two of you decide to introduce her to the students and shoko, nanami, etc., at this age. tengen’s barrier is safer than the incident-we-do-not-name (toji’s whole arc lol) along with how much fun she seems to be having with the first and second years. even shoko tries not to smoke when she’s around the kid
now, tsukiko developed her technique around five and is similar to gojo’s, obviously inheriting infinity (thank god, gojo didn’t want her to go through head-splitting headaches like he did and because gojo already knows how to control it, tsukiko doesn’t have to learn it back like he did. it’s like a free gift lol)
and he’s also glad that she’s able to guard herself with infinity, already now, it might only be the default version (the sorcerer might need to find out if she knows what endangers her and what doesn’t!)
it’s so fitting, in a way, because your technique involves time and the ability to manipulate matter, it combines with gojo’s technique to make your kid literally invincible. why fitting? because with all the matter she could choose, your little gal takes advantage of your time technique and harnesses matter from OTHER PLANETS?
crazy! but yeah, you discover pretty early that tsukiko is able to travel to planets all over the galaxy, with the help of infinity, and your time technique to bring matter into earth’s atmosphere. to her hands of course, if not, everyone will die.
extra: one night you ask why gojo has never tried travelling into space before and says that the pressure there is too strong (he tried once when he was young, never again), coming to the conclusion that tsukiko only has a split second to think while she’s up there while also extracting planets’ elements for a battle in offence mode.
it deepens the fear that gojo has, that the clan will use her as a pawn, to implement a burden on her when gojo finally dies or something that he swore to never bring her into the jujutsu world. he’d introduce her a little but only because he wants his daughter to fend for herself and nothing else
no overbearing conventionalists, no missions, nothing.
gojo doesn’t wish for something like this to be put on her, since he’s experienced it before, but he is down to teach her whatever he knows
it was pretty funny how it played out at first: you were watching a movie, distracted by gojo’s touches and teasing comments while tsukiko plays below on the floor
you find her missing later, letting out a yelp as she warps back to your home in front of the television with arms filled with many colourful rocks and she then starts rambling about the solar system and nebulas and everything and the both of you are just stunned
“tsuki, you went to space??!!! i’m so proud of you!” and you have to smack him for encouraging such dangerous behaviour LMFAO but instantly your heart melts when she passes the both of you moon rocks with a cute little, “look! it’s a moon, one for dada, one for mama, and one for me!”
(she’s so cute 😭)
i would to love more into depth with tsukiko’s technique but we’ll focus on gojo + baby rn
meetings with the gojo clan (assuming gojo isn’t the only one)... can be stressful sometimes, it’s difficult to convince them to keep tsukiko in the dark about how powerful her father actually is and how she might need to take his place later on
he hates it, how everyone is so fixated on power, but it is selfish if there’s so much power in one kid, right? because she could actually help the future of humans and their respective cursed energy from harmful curses like pseudo-geto, mahito, etc.
gojo is torn on it, because he doesn’t want tsukiko to bear the burdens of others and yet his humanity begs him to think of how many lives can be saved
nothing is said tbh, still torn on it even after returning home with the girl in hand and tsukiko asks gojo, “what’s wrong dada? do you need rainbow sprinkles and ice cream like you always do for tsukiko?”
and there’s just that little cute pout she has on her face and gojo crouches down to meet her height, reassuring her that daddy’s alright and she needn’t worry.
“okay, remember if dada has any fears, you call tsukiko! maybe i could even use jupiter’s oceans to drown them!” and gojo just has to go in for a hug while you watch from beside them. it was an important moment for the both of them and you rather not say anything, but tsukiko’s voice snaps you out of it, “and you too mama! i’ll do anything! i want to see dada and mama happy, and today you weren’t that happy...”
you reply with an equally animated answer, but your heart warms at how selfless tsukiko already seems to be, the little girl getting tired within seconds
“how does she know the planet’s names already? did you give her access to the internet or something?” you ask that night in bed after tucking her in, in her adjoined room (bc gojo can’t bear to have her far away), while the other’s arms are around you
“i might’ve taught her a bit about her powers. i don’t want her to accidentally hurt someone,” he says sympathetically, knowing how he was the one to be hesitant about cursed techniques and jujutsu, “we need our baby to be strong enough to defend herself, right?”
sighing, you curl more into gojo’s arms, “i know, but i’m just afraid for her. what if the higher-ups never get off our asses?”
“i’ll kill them. it’s... unorthodox but—”
“satoru, as much as i find that hot, we’ll probably be charged with murder.”
and the other has to audacity to laugh, peppering kisses all over your face, “as long as tsukiko is safe, i’m doing whatever it takes.”
and with a gasp, you can feel her snake her way into your embrace, too distracted by the conversation to even know she came in.
“nighty night, dada. nighty night, mama! tsukiko’s going to sleep with you tonight.” you exchange a smile with gojo, who cuddles the both of you closer for a good night’s sleep before you’re the victim of a long kiss, grinning into his lips as your mind goes to places of the three of you on outings, seeing tsukiko grow up, witnessing her growth in technique.
but for now, she’d remain your little girl.
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reblogs are appreciated <3
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wayward-dreamer · 3 years
The Cost Of Friendship - Chapter 16
Pairing: Bartender!Dean x Female!Reader
Word count: 6,481
Summary: After a string of troubled ex’s and bad dates, Y/N is frustrated, wanting something with no strings attached for a while. She turns to her best friend Dean and they find themselves in a friends with benefits arrangement. However, Dean has a secret. He’s been in love with Y/N since their high school days and he’s never found the courage to tell her. Could now be his chance or will he end up with his heart broken?
Warnings: Swearing, lots of fluff. Like... LOTS. Smut: dirty talk, oral sex (male receiving), anal fingering (male receiving), unprotected sex (wrap it up people).
Music: In These Arms by Bon Jovi (Dean's birthday scene), Waiting For The Sun by Powderfinger (for vibes, last scene). The Cost Of Friendship Spotify Playlist
A/N: This is written for @supernatural-jackles​ Tell Me A Story Bingo, square filled: friends to lovers. Well... here it is. The last chapter. I can't believe we're done. Thank you everyone for being around for this incredibly turbulent story, but I'm just happy that you all loved it despite that. Epilogue will be up soon! As always, happy reading and enjoy! :) Beta’d by my darling @downanddirtydean​.
The Cost Of Friendship Masterlist
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Y/N shut her car door, her boots crunching against the snow as walked across the white blanket over the yard. She took the porch steps up to the house, and rang the doorbell twice. She fixed her scarf and coat, making sure it was tight around her body as she waited. Smiling as the door opened, she was greeted by Donna, stepping in and hugging her instantly.
“Morning,” she said, closing the door behind her.
“Mornin’,” Donna responded, wrapping her arm around Y/N’s shoulders as they walked into the kitchen. “Hope you’re hungry, because I’ve got breakfast covered twice over for the birthday boy.”
“No shit,” Y/N huffed a small laugh, looking at the table. In addition to bagels, cream cheese, toast, and a bunch of jams and jellies, Donna had made pancakes and waffles, scrambled eggs, hash browns, and bacon, of course. “Is he awake?”
“No, not yet,” Donna replied, a small smile spreading across her face as she looked up at Y/N from the pan. “Do you wanna-”
“On it,” Y/N added, taking off her coat and scarf before turning around and heading in the direction of the room Dean was using.
She slowly turned the doorknob, peeking in slightly and snorting a laugh as she saw her boyfriend, completely dead to the world. He was sleeping on his stomach, his face squished into the pillow with his mouth open slightly, snoring. Quietly, she slipped into the room and shut the door as lightly as possible. She skulked over to the bed, pulling back the covers and settling in next to him, facing him as she laid on her side.
“Dean,” she cooed softly, waiting for a sign he was awake.
When he didn’t stir she knew she had to up her game. Shifting closer, she leaned into him, pressing a light kiss to his cheek, moving to his jaw and down to his neck, nipping softly. He hummed, a small crack of his bones as he moved, but that was it. Shaking her head, she rolled her eyes as she continued to kiss his neck, nipping a little harder. He groaned slightly, a chuckle leaving him as he shifted, causing her to snicker quietly.
“Dean, wake up,” she whispered in a sing-song tone, lightly biting his flesh.
She moved down, leaving kisses along his chest and torso, a dreamy smile on his face as he turned onto his back. She continued to descend down his body, her hand sliding under the waistband of his boxers, her fingers running lightly over his morning hard on. She bit down on his hip bone, causing him to jolt, his eyes snapping open as he sat up slightly. She giggled as she watched him turn to her, his shoulders relaxing as he saw her, his hair sticking up in different directions.
“Morning, sleepyhead,” she said, softly as she slinked across the bed, kissing him lightly.
“Mornin,” he groaned, his voice rough and deep in the morning. “Thought I was dreamin’ for a minute there…”
“Well, I’m definitely real,” she reassured him, smiling as she bit her lip.
“And I’m very glad you are,” he stated, lying back down on the bed, pulling her on top of him.
She rested her hands and chin on his chest as his arms wrapped around her body, a warmth spreading through her as his thumbs stroked over the exposed strip of skin from where her sweater had slipped up. She smiled at him, his green eyes hooded from sleep as he smirked down at her.
“Happy birthday,” she said, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to his lips.
“Thank you,” he muttered, his hand sliding up her back and stroking her hair away from her face. “And that was a great wake up call, kinda wish we could’ve taken it somewhere…”
“We’re not having sex when Donna and Benny are literally down the hall,” she countered, laughing. “She doesn’t need to hear us going at it.”
“Well, our noises would’ve been good to try and drown out their noises last night,” he stated, shaking his head.
“Good for Donna,” she said, wiggling her eyebrows.
“Yeah well, not good for me,” he added, a look of disgust on his features. “Headphones didn’t help either.”
She giggled, leaning in and kissing him once more. “Why don’t you forget about that for a while and have breakfast? Donna made all your favorites.”
“Five more minutes,” he whispered, his voice low and husky, causing her to shiver.
Pulling her close, they snuggled for a few more minutes, basking in each other’s warmth before they had to get up and eat, lest Donna send Benny in search of them. They ate and talked with their friends, making sure the plan was in motion for the day. Benny, Donna, Cas and Gabe were taking Dean to the football game, their beloved Kansas Chiefs coincidentally playing on his birthday, which he thought was a good sign. Y/N had no interest in the sport, so she had enlisted Charlie’s help to do some last-minute things for Dean’s party at the bar later that night.
“Remember to be back before 5, though,” Y/N reminded Benny, looking between him and Dean. “I have to take you somewhere.”
“Oh really?” he asked, lifting an eyebrow. “Where?”
“Can’t tell you that, you just have to trust me,” she replied, winking.
They continued to eat, Dean’s eyes on her every now and then, smiling as he watched her. Just like for Donna’s birthday, Y/N had taken every action to make sure his 30th birthday would be amazing. It was going to be great night with the people he cared about, at his bar with a lot of drinks, great food and awesome music. Just the way he liked things to be, and she knew that.
If someone had told him that all the years of pining for her would pay off, he wouldn’t have believed them, but he was really grateful that it was true.
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Benny’s car pulled up to the curb, right in front of Y/N’s. She got out and locked it, smiling as Dean stepped out of Benny’s. He thanked them for a great day and told them he’d see them later at home before the party, as Y/N waved them off once they drove away. She turned to him, taking his hand in hers as he looked up at the building in front of them.
“This is my old building,” he observed, looking back at her. “What’re you up to?”
“You’ll see,” she said, grinning as she dragged him behind her, up the stairs.
She pressed the buzzer for one of the apartments, the door opening and allowing them to walk in. They took the three flights of stairs and reached the familiar floor, flashes of a past not too long ago coming to his mind. As they stepped in front of the door to his old apartment, more memories of his time there came to him. She opened the door, walking through and immediately seeing an older man inside, standing at the kitchen counter looking through some papers.
“Sal!” she called out, smiling as she shook his hand.
Dean smirked as he saw his old landlord, shaking his hand as well. “Good to see ya again, Sal.”
“You too, Dean,” Sal said, stepping back slightly and gesturing to the papers on the counter. “So, have a look through these, talk, and then we go from there.”
“Thanks, Sal,” Y/N muttered, looking at Dean as he waited patiently.
“Okay, what’s going on?” he asked, turning to her as soon as Sal left, the door closing behind him.
“Well…” she started, moving closer to him as she looked down at the papers, his gaze landing on them as well. “These are papers to own the apartment, and I thought we could sign it together. If you want to, that is.”
She looked up at him, her smile widening as she placed her hands on his shoulders, waiting for him to realize what she was implying. He lowered his head, nodding slowly as he understood what she was trying to say. He lifted his head and smirked, cupping her face in his hands.
“Are you saying we should move in together?” he asked, even though he already knew the answer. He just needed to know for sure.
She hummed, acting coy as she shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know, am I?”
He pulled her forward and reached down, lightly tapping her denim covered ass, causing her to squeal with laughter as he brought her closer. She giggled as his arms wrapped around her, his forehead resting on hers as he chuckled.
“You really wanna do this?” he wondered, his green orbs peering into hers.
“Yes,” she replied, simply, unphased by the question. “I want us to make a life together… something we should’ve been doing this whole time, but we’re here now. I don’t want to waste any more years with you.”
“Me neither,” he agreed, a soft exhale leaving him as he closed his eyes.
“So, Dean Winchester… do you want to move in together?” she asked, biting her lip to keep from getting too excited just yet.
“Let’s do it,” he replied, without missing a beat, his grin widening.
She beamed as he lifted her up, her feet dangling above the ground as she wrapped her arms around his neck, their lips molded together in a passionate kiss. It became heated quickly, neither of them ready to pull away from the other. He shifted forward slightly, leaning her back against the kitchen counter as his lips trailed down her jaw to her neck.
“Dean,” she gasped, her eyes shutting tightly, already overwhelmed by his touch. “We can’t, Sal could come back any minute and-”
“Technically we’re in my apartment, soon to be ours, and he’s probably all the way down on the ground floor,” he reasoned, looking deep into her eyes.
“Let’s not take any chances, plus we have to get ready for tonight,” she countered, raising her eyebrows.
“Fine,” he gave up, rolling his eyes.
“Don’t you worry, I plan to treat you very well tonight,” she whispered against his lips.
“Oh really?” he grinned.
“Oh yeah,” she confirmed, a mischievous smile on her face.
“Alright, let’s go talk to Sal and then get outta here,” he said, taking her hand in hers as they left the apartment, papers in hand.
Y/N knew things would go well when she brought Dean here, but nothing had prepared her for the sense of complete joy that filled her heart as they decided how to go about the process of owning the apartment together. They were finally on the track they should’ve always been, and despite some of the issues that came from that arrangement between them, it had eventually brought them together.
It didn’t ruin them, and she was glad that they could still stand strong and have a future together because of it.
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Dean weaved between people, chatting and laughing with everyone there for a few minutes each, everyone wishing him for his birthday and receiving his thanks as he made sure they all had food and drinks, and of course, that they were having a good time. Y/N had taken his usual spot behind the bar as she helped Benny serve drinks, refusing to let Dean lift a finger on his special night. Between talking to guests, Dean’s gaze would fall on her as she walked around the room, handing out cocktails or wine or bottles of beer, her short, black lace dress hugging her figure impeccably, the v-neckline giving her the perfect amount of cleavage. He couldn’t keep his eyes off her, wanting nothing more than to blow off the party and take her back to her apartment.
That said, she had really done an amazing job of organizing the party. The food was great, the drinks were unlimited, partly their stock and then some more, and she had even hired a band to play, their set up in the corner of the bar. They were pretty damn good and playing all his favorites, making the night even better. Everyone he cared about was there, even Sam and Jess made it in time, just there for the weekend before they left Monday morning.
As she walked past him, she threw him an enchanting smile, his hand slipping into hers and pulling her close enough to whisper into her ear. “You have no idea what that dress is doing to me.”
She giggled softly, humming as she leaned into him, looking up into his green orbs through her lashes. “I think I do.”
Pushing herself up on her toes, she pressed a searing kiss to his lips, pulling away sooner than he would’ve liked, leaving him wanting more as he leaned into her. She pushed him away lightly, laughing as he rolled his eyes and sent a grimace her way, his eyes glancing down to the curve of her ass in that dress as she walked away.
He really couldn’t wait to get her home.
“Dean!” someone yelled, pulling his attention away from her.
He looked around the room, trying to find the person who called out to him, a guffaw leaving him as he spotted them. He excused himself as he pushed past people, grinning as he saw his old friend.
“Lee Webb! What the hell ya doing here, man?” he asked, clasping his hand as they pulled each other into a hug, clapping each other on the back before they pulled away.
“Well, Y/N called, reminded me it’s your birthday, well your 30th… so of course I had to be here,” Lee replied, shrugging his shoulders.
“Thanks, man. Alright, come on, Benny’s gonna be glad you’re here,” Dean stated, putting his arm around the man’s shoulders as they walked over to the bar.
Dean, Benny and Lee were best friends in high school, before Lee moved to Texas for a new job opportunity. He had been in town to visit family and Y/N’s timing had been great when she called him as he had to leave in a few days’ time.
“Son of a bitch, Lee fuckin’ Webb,” Benny muttered, chuckling as he came around the bar top and hugged them in the same way Dean had.
“Good to see ya, man,” Lee said, patting Benny’s shoulder.
“Lee!” Y/N yelled as she ran over to him, hugging him tightly.
“Damn girl, the strength on ya,” he jested, chuckling as he held onto his sides once she pulled away. “You look amazing, if I do say so myself.”
“Thanks,” she said, smiling.
Dean looked between them, frowning as they chatted and caught up with each other. He knew it was all innocent talk, but he knew how Lee could be— like him when he was younger but just up several more notches. Though he also knew if they told him about their relationship, he would be supportive, and no doubt give Dean some shit about it finally happening.
“So, tell me… are you seeing anybody?” Lee asked her, sipping the beer that Benny had given him. “Cause there’s just absolutely no way I’d believe you’re not.”
She huffed a small laugh, nodding. “Well, you’d be right. I am seeing someone.”
“Damn,” he breathed, shaking his head with a chuckle. “Kidding, who’s the lucky bastard?”
Y/N looked over at Dean, both sharing a smile as he leaned over and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close as he turned his gaze to Lee, a smug smile on his face. “Me.”
Lee’s eyes widened as he looked between them. “You’re… no way. You’re serious?”
“As a heart attack,” Dean replied, bringing the beer bottle to his lips and taking a swig.
“Well, fuck,” Lee muttered, placing his bottle on the ledge, before glancing between them. “It’s about damn time.”
“Definitely,” she agreed, smiling up at Dean.
“I’m happy for you guys,” Lee added, patting Dean’s shoulder.
“Thanks, man,” Dean said, smirking.
“So, how’d you do it, huh? The way you wanted to when we were in school or some new plan?” Lee asked, chuckling.
Y/N frowned in curiosity, looking between them. “What’re you talking about? How’d you plan to ask me out?”
Dean glared daggers at his friend before his eyes shut tightly, an embarrassed grimace on his face. “Let’s not get into that.”
“Oh come on, tell her,” Lee insisted, turning to Benny. “Please tell me you remember.”
Benny nodded, laughing. “Oh, I do.”
“What’s going on? Dean,” she looked confused as she turned to him, lifting an eyebrow in question.
“It’s really not a big deal-” he started but Lee cut him off.
“He was gonna sing ya a song and play the guitar, and then confess his undying love for ya,” Lee explained, grinning.
Dean groaned as he stared at him. “I hate you so much.”
Y/N giggled as she turned to Dean, her eyes softening as she looked up at him. “Were you really going to do that?”
He sighed heavily, hanging his head before he looked at him. “Maybe.”
“That’s really sweet,” she sighed, leaning in and kissing his cheek.
“Hey, ya still can,” Benny chimed in, gesturing to the small stage where the band had set up and were playing.
“Yeah, he can,” Lee added, looking between Benny and Dean, a sly smile on his face.
“What’re you doing?” Dean asked, glaring at him.
Benny moved around the bar, both him and Lee walking backwards slowly towards the band before they turned and ran across the room, pushing past people.
“Don’t you fucking dare- guys!” Dean yelled, as he took off after them.
Y/N threw her head back and guffawed, shaking her head as she watched Dean struggling to get the mic out of their hands. He threw his hands up in defeat, his shoulders slumping as he scratched the back of his neck, both of his friends getting up on the stage and grabbing the attention of everyone in the room.
“Hey, everybody! Are we having a good time tonight?” Lee asked the crowd, smiling as they all cheered. “Anyone up for hearing the man of the hour sing something for us?”
Everyone cheered again, causing Dean to shake his head, his heart beating rapidly in his chest as he breathed heavily. He looked across the room at Y/N, rolling his eyes as he smiled softly. She blew him a kiss with a quick wink, letting him know he was going to be okay. He smirked, feeling his nerves calm down after the little interaction, her powers of making him feel better instantly working even at a distance.
“Our man here has somethin’ to say that he’s been hidin’ for a long time, so… ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy the rockin’ vocal stylings of Dean Winchester!” Benny concluded, pointing at Dean as he got up on the stage.
“I’m gonna kill you both,” he ground out through his clenched teeth, pretending to smile as he looked out at everyone in the bar.
“Sure,” they both said at the same time, patting him on the back as they stepped down from the stage.
Dean turned to the band, whispering the song in the main singer’s ear, who nodded and told the rest of them, as he picked up a guitar. He stood in front of the mic, tapping it slightly, jumping at the feedback before he settled, looking at all the sets of eyes staring at him.
“Uh… this song is um, this song is for my girlfriend, Y/N,” he said, his voice wavering from nerves as he spoke.
“Did you know anything about this?” Donna asked Y/N, now situated on the stool next to her.
“Just found out, but uh… I really have no idea what’s about to happen,” Y/N replied, shaking her head in wonder.
The drummer counted the band in, the music starting and being instantly recognized by everyone in the room. Dean looked at her one last time before he stepped up to the mic, his eyes closing as he opened his mouth to let out the first notes.
You want commitment, and take a look into these eyes. They burn with fire, Yeah, until the end of time. And I would do anything, I'd beg, I'd steal, I'd die to have you in these arms tonight.
Y/N’s eyes widened as she watched him take the mic off the stand, far more relaxed now that the start was over. She knew he could sing, but never quite like how he was now, the Bon Jovi song being one of their mutual favorites. Knowing that he had intended to sing this to her and tell her how he felt when they were younger made it even more special.
Baby I want you like the roses want the rain, You know I need you like a poet needs the pain. And I would give anything. My blood, my love, my life. If you were in these arms tonight. I'd hold you, I'd need you, I'd get down on my knees for you. And make everything alright, If you were in these arms. I'd love you, I'd please you, I'd tell you that I'd never leave you. And love you till the end of time, if you were in these arms tonight.
He grinned as he looked over at her, making her giggle with pure joy, her heart beating wildly as their eyes never strayed from each other. Just when she thought she couldn’t love him anymore than she already did, he went and did this. It was cheesy as all hell, he would probably get teased by his friends, but he clearly didn’t care and neither did she. It was incredibly sweet, and he just proved how perfect he was in every single way.
The song continued as he brought it home, the last notes playing out as everyone roared and clapped. Dean shook the hands of each band member and thanked them, stepping off and making his way through the crowd, straight to her. She put her drink down and slid off the stool, launching herself into his arms as they held onto each other, tight.
“That was incredible,” she whispered into his ear. “You really wanted to sing that to me when we were younger?”
“Yeah,” he replied, shrugging as he lowered his gaze.
She cupped his face, bringing his head up again to look into his eyes. “Thank you.”
“No, thank you. You uh… you really know how to make a guy feel special,” he countered, his eyes glancing around them at the people in the room.
“You’re welcome,” she said, softly as she kissed his cheek, leaning his ear again as she smiled. “And I’m going to make you feel really special tonight.”
“Fuck,” he groaned, pulling back to look at her. “Can’t we just leave now?”
“After birthday cake and pie,” she replied, tapping his shoulder to tell to let her down.
“Fine,” he breathed, as they walked over to the food table.
Everyone sung him ‘Happy Birthday’, clapping as he cut the cake and one of the pies that Y/N had ordered, both desserts more than enough for everyone there. Dean stuck to pie, only taking a small bite of cake from Y/N to taste, which was amazing but he preferred the other baked treat. After another round of drinks, several guests said their goodbyes and made their way out, Benny telling them to go home as well.
“Are you sure?” Y/N asked, unsure. “I can help.”
“I know you can, but you’ve done more than enough. Now, go,” he replied, smiling at her.
“Okay,” she agreed quickly, knowing she still had more of the night left to celebrate her boyfriend’s birthday.
“So, we heading out?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows as he smirked.
“We are, but give me a ten minute head start,” she ordered.
His brows lowered into a frown. “For what?”
“You’ll see,” she stated, a cheeky grin on her face as she winked.
She put on her coat and scarf, making sure she was wrapped up tightly to protect herself from the cold, blowing him a kiss before she walked out of the bar. He watched her leave, shaking his head as he wondered what the hell she was up to.
Whatever it was, he was definitely looking forward to it.
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Dean pulled the Impala up to the curb, the rumbling engine cutting as he turned the car off. He spun the rear view mirror towards himself, making sure his hair was okay, checking that there was nothing stuck in his teeth before he places it back into the proper position. He took out a metallic box of breath mints from the glove compartment, popping one in his mouth and breaking it with his teeth. He opened his door and got out of the car, the mint dissolving by the time he locked the Impala and walked up the stairs of Y/N’s building. He took his keys and found her building’s on it, opening the front door and making his way up the stairs to her apartment, taking the other key and unlocking it.
He saw the darkened room, the only source of light coming from the moon shining through the glass doors that led out to the balcony. He made his way through the living area without tripping, seeing Y/N’s bedroom light dimmed. He smiled as he anticipated what she might be up to, but it faltered as soon as he stepped into the room. She had candles lit around the room, but she had fallen asleep, the covers pulled all the way under her chin. He sighed, trying not to be disappointed because he knew she had put so much work into the party and must have been tired. He walked over slowly, sitting down on the bed next to her, lifting his hand to stroke her hair gently.
Y/N stirred, her eyelids blinking rapidly as she smiled up at him. “Hi.”
“Hey,” he whispered, returning her smile. “It’s okay, go back to sleep.”
“No, no, it’s okay,” she started as she shifted in bed, but he stopped her.
“I know you’re tired, sweetheart. We can uh, we can fuck like rabbits in the mornin’,” he suggested.
“Oh no, no,” she said, looking up at him, her eyes more alert. “You didn’t think I’d break my promise on your birthday, did you?”
She pulled the covers back, revealing the black, sheer lace bra and panties she was wearing, complete with garter and thigh-high stockings, a sexy smile on her face. He took her in, a grin widening across his lips as his eyes scanned over her.
“God, you’re fucking awesome,” he muttered, taking her hands in his.
She sat up on her knees, her hands sliding up his arms as he pulled her close to his body, her fingers combing into his hair as their lips locked together in a passionate kiss. It became heated instantly, as her hands slipped down under his jacket and maroon button-up shirt, pushing it off his shoulders. She pulled at his black t-shirt, her lips leaving his along enough to push him onto the bed, his back hitting the mattress as she straddled his hips.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, sweetheart,” he stated, his calloused hands running over the smooth skin of her thighs, causing her to shiver.
She pulled him up by his shoulders, taking the edge of his t-shirt and tugging it up his arms, throwing it behind her. Her delicate hands roaming over his chest had him jerk slightly, a chill running down his spine at her light touch.
“Pretty sure you’re the beautiful one,” she whispered, taking in his physique.
She pushed him back on the bed, making quick work of removing his jeans and boxers, biting her lip as she ran her fingers over his length, curling around the girth and beginning to stroke him, slowly. He groaned, pressing his head back into the mattress under him, his eyes closed. He started to become harder in her hand, as she leaned down and kissed the tip, her tongue circling over it and licking away the pre-cum. Taking him into her mouth, she sank down to the base, drawing back and dropping her saliva along his length, taking him in again. Repeating the action a few times, she took him deep into her throat, relaxing as she prided herself on not have a gag reflex.
“Fuck,” he breathed, his hand sliding into her hair and tugging slightly, knowing how much she loved it.
Sure enough, it urged her on, causing her to bob her head and she drew back, circling her skilled tongue around the head of his dick every stroke upward. Her free hand cupped his balls, a deep, long groan falling from his lips as he felt her rolling them in her palm.
“Fucking- shit, Y/N, you’re way too good at that,” he growled, looking down at her with hooded eyes.
Slowly, her hand descended between his spread legs, her forefinger lightly running between the sac and lower, repeating the movement a few times as she let him figure out whether he wanted to go further. She smiled around his cock as he spread his legs slightly, allowing her to drop her finger lower, teasing the puckered hole. Drawing back, she spat on her finger and pressed it to the tight entrance, continuing to tease him.
“Sweetheart, I- you gotta, please,” he stuttered, his neck straining as he felt overwhelmed by the sensations running through his body.
Slowly, she pushed her finger into the tight hole, past the first knuckle. He grunted as he threw his head back, his eyes shut tightly as he panted, his lips pulling up in a one-sided smirk. She hummed around his length, the noise vibrating and making him quiver, a huffed chuckle leaving his lips. She sank her finger in a little deeper, beginning to thrust in and out of the puckered rim, in a slow pace. She pulled back, stroking his dick with her other hand as she continued to pleasure his tight entrance, her tongue licking over his balls.
“Y/N, s-so good, fuck,” he groaned, pushing up on his elbows to watch her, his green orbs darkened from the bliss coursing through him.
“Fucking love your cock,” she mumbled, as she licked over the tip, her gaze locked on his. “So big, so perfect…”
“Sw-sweetheart, we gotta… I’m gonna make it if you keep-” he muttered but she cut him off, her lips pressing to his in a searing kiss.
“You want to fuck me, Dean?” she asked, lightly biting at his lower lip. “You want your cock inside my tight pussy?”
“Yeah,” he breathed, his voice husky as he kept his eyes on her.
“Or do you want me to fuck you?” she suggested, wiggling her eyebrows.
Gently, she removed her finger from him as she pushed him back once more, straddling him again. She pressed her hands into his chest, smiling down at him as she grinded her lace panties against his shaft.
“You want to be inside me, don’t you, baby?” she asked, softly, teasing him with her words and her actions. “You feel how wet… how warm I am, how perfectly you fit inside me…”
“Y/N, seriously,” he ground out, losing his resolve very quickly.
“Patience, baby,” she quipped, a mischievous smile on her features.
She reached down between her legs, pulling her panties aside as she took a hold of his shaft in the other, lining him up to her entrance. She sank down onto him, a long moan leaving her as her walls completely sheathed him, his cock deep within her. He groaned as he held onto her hips, helping her rock back and forth against him, her thrusts at a moderate pace.
“Fuck, oh god, so good,” she moaned, her fingers digging into the flesh of his chest. “Feels so good inside me, so deep…”
“So fucking perfect, sweetheart,” he gritted out between his clenched teeth, her hands gripping her hips tightly. “So perfect for me.”
She reached behind her back, unclasping her bra and tossing it over her shoulder. He sat up, settling her into his lap properly as they continued to move against each other. She whimpered softly as his lips moved from her jaw to her neck, nipping at her flesh as his hands roamed over her smooth back. Her fingers combed through the short spikes of his hair, tugging him harshly and making him look up at her, a hiss leaving him at the sting.
“Fuck me harder, Dean,” she demanded, breathlessly. “Fuck me harder, faster, please.”
He granted her wish, thrusting up into her at a faster pace, his hips driving harder against her. She continued to grip his hair tightly, moving his head down her neck to her chest, crying out as his lips closed over her breast, his tongue circling the stiff peak. Her walls clenched around his shaft as he moved deep within her, the tip pressing against her g-spot with every thrust into her.
“God, I… I can’t wait to do this with you everyday,” she muttered, gasping as he continued to pleasure her.
“Shit,” he hissed, his jaw clenching as he closed his eyes. “Oh fuck, me neither…”
She hummed, laying her temple against his, her hand roaming over his sweat slicked back. “In our apartment, together… every morning, waking up next to each other… fucking like rabbits in our bed before we leave for work… just to come home and be together again.”
He groaned as he felt her walls continuing grip around him, tightly, and he knew that she was close to her release. Pulling her close, he picked up the pace, wanting both of them to go over the edge together.
“Dean, I-” she started but he nodded, understanding her.
“Me too, sweetheart,” he grunted, kissing along her neck.
“Dean, oh god… fuck, fuck, fuck!” she yelled, her fingernails digging into the toned flesh of his back. The dam broke as her walls contracted around his shaft, her slick covering him as his name fell from her lips in a sharp cry.
“Y/N, fuck-”
Her orgasm triggered his, his neck straining back as he let out a strangled moan, ropes of his seed coating her walls. They came down from their euphoric high, their foreheads pressed to each other’s as their breath fanned against each other’s lips. Chuckling softly, Dean dropped back on the mattress, taking her with him. They basked in the afterglow, enjoying the silence as their breathing patterns returned to normal.
“Shower?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Yeah,” he replied, softly.
Dean gathered Y/N in his arms, standing up and carrying her into the bathroom. They stood under the warm spray together, allowing the water to sooth their muscles before they got out, wiped down and walked back into the bedroom. They settled under the covers, her head laying on his chest as her fingers drew random patterns on his chest.
“There’s still ten minutes left of your birthday,” she said, giggling softly.
“I’m good, sweetheart.” He huffed, chuckling as he pressed his lips to her forehead. “Luckily you gave me everything I’ve ever wanted already.”
“I’m glad,” she whispered, closing her eyes, a pleasant smile on her face.
Soon, Y/N’s breath evened out as she drifted off to sleep, her body pressed into Dean’s as he kissed her forehead. He let sleep find him, too, satisfied with the way the day and night had turned out, falling into a peaceful slumber because of it.
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Y/N’s eyes fluttered as she reached out on the bed, smiling as she expected to find the love of her life still next to her. When she didn’t feel him, she woke with a start, sitting up as she pulled the sheets close to her body. She slid off the mattress, keeping them tight around but grabbing a plaid blanket from the armchair in her room, walking out. She glanced around the living area, frowning when she didn’t see him. Turning her head towards the sliding doors out to the balcony, her eyebrows raised in surprise as she saw Dean outside, wearing his jacket as he sat on the chair they had outside, a blanket over him. She wrapped herself up tighter, sliding the door open and smiling at him, his smirk wide as he saw her.
“Was wondering when you’d be up,” he muttered, sniffling slightly from the chill.
“It’s just after 6,” she yawned, sitting down in his lap, pulling his blanket over both of them as his arms wrapped around her as well. “What’re you doing up so early?”
“Just… waitin’ on that sunrise,” he breathed, looking down at her. “Was hoping I’d see it with you… which I can now.”
“Any reason for that?” she asked, softly.
Shaking his head, he smiled. “Nope. Just… wanted to.”
This will be an uncertain time for us my love I can hear the echo of your voice in my head Singing my love
I can see your face there in my hands my love I have been blessed by your grace and care my love Singing my love
Biting her lip, she leaned into him, laying her head under his chin as they both gazed out over the railing, watching the rays of sunrise coming up over the park across the street. They snuggled close to each other, their eyes never leaving the amazing sight. They both continued to muse in peaceful silence about how they managed to get to that place, both grateful that they found their way to each other, despite some tumultuous and unexpected turns. They came out of it better and stronger, and ready to face anything.
There's a place for us sitting here waiting for the sun And it calls me back into the safe arms that I know
“I love you,” he whispered, his lips hovering above hers.
“I love you, too,” she whispered back, beaming.
He leaned in, kissing her passionately as they held onto each other, never wanting to let go. Eventually they pulled away from the kiss, their gaze returning to the horizon as the orange rays continued to light up the sky.
There's a place for us sitting here waiting for the sun And it calls me back into the safe arms that I know
Their life resembled the horizon, endless and full of possibilities, ones that seemed more possible as they remained safe in each other’s embrace.
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If you’re crossed out, I couldn’t tag you! Join my taglist! :)
Forevers: @downanddirtydean // @treat-winchesterswith-kindness​ // @wonder-cole // @flamencodiva // @that-one-gay-girl // @440mxs-wife​ // @zooaliaa​ // @defenderrosetyler​ // @lunarmoon8​ // @foxyjwls007​ // @weepingwillowphoenix​ // @sexyvixen7​ // @prettyboyswow​ // @babypink224221​ // @vicmc624​ // @redbarn1995​ // @stoneyggirl​ // @stoneyggirl2​ //
Supernatural: @catching-up-with-kayla​ // @winchest09​ // @deanwanddamons​ // @jensengirl83​ // @watermelonlipstick​ // @thinkinghardhardlythinking​ // @deans-baby-momma​ // @idreamofdeanie​ // @krazykelly​ // @emoryhemsworth​ // @tatted-trina6​ // @whiskey-infused-dreams​ // @chaoticpersonasploural​ // @danneelsmain​ // @smellingofpoetry​ // @kyjey​ // @snowlovespie​ // @hobby27​ // @stixnstripesworld​ // @pixie88​ // @kazsrm67 // @wickedinspirations​ //
Dean/Jensen: @whatareyousearchingfordean​ // @jerkbitchidjitassbutt​ // @perpetualabsurdity​ // @siospins2​ // @roonyxx​ // @pink-sparkly-witch​ // @supernatural-love14​ // @michellethetvaddict​ // @akshi8278​ // @deanswaywardgirl​ // @verytoadpapersoul​ // @waynes-multiverse​ // @teresa-67​ // @sexysirius​ // @dean-winchesters-gardian-angel​ //
TCOF: @stunudo​ //
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simplyfandomish · 2 years
Test Subject 101: BITTEN Chapter 7: Finding the Kids
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SUMMARY: Hawkins, Indiana was a quiet town that travelers would use as a pitstop to Disneyland.
There was nothing special about the small community...Unless you're talking about the super-secret government facility at the edge of town that experiments on children and is home to a gateway to another dimension.
Now that's strange.
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An (eventual) Steve Harrington x Reader 
(not as much romance this first season as story needs to be set up first. More romance will come with our beloved mother of six within later books)
Trigger Warnings: Blood, lots of blood mainly from nosebleeds, usual Stranger Things gore and spookiness. The demogorgon is an asshole...all my homies hate the demogorgon.     
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Story cross posted on ao3 & Quotev
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The ragtag group of Princess Nancy Wheeler, loner pervert Jonathan Byers, Chief of Hawkins Police, a frantic mother with a bird’s nest for hair, and the freak with a nosebleed piled into Hopper’s car and raced towards the Wheeler household.
As you pulled up to the street parallel to the house you could see multiple shiny black cars parked in the driveway and the street in front of the pretty two-story home. The Wheeler household had been compromised by them. 
You grew nervous at the sight of the cars.  
“I have to go home.” Nancy stared horrified at the suspicious men in suits and earpieces. 
“No, you can’t,” Hopper stated. He had a pair of binoculars glued to his face as he took in the situation going on the street below.
“My mom…my dad are in there!” 
“They’re gonna be ok.” But Nancy didn’t want to listen. She tried to march past Hopper, but he quickly caught her arm. “The last thing we need is for them to know that you’re involved with this!”
“Mike is over there-!”
“They haven’t found him! Not yet at least.” He pointed at the helicopter flying around the treeline.  
“For Mike?!” She screeched as she was thrown back inside the car. 
You shifted your legs to keep some sort of personal space between you, Nancy, and Jonathan. But personal space didn’t exist when you were squished in the middle seat. Hopper got back into the car and turned to the three of you. “Look, we need to find them before they do.” He stared at you and you knew what was about to be asked. “(Y/n), can you find them?”
You raised a brow in amusement. “Is the sky blue?” Hopper glared at you and you raised your hands in surrender, “All I need is a picture of one of them.” 
Nancy and Jonathan stared at each other in confusion. 
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Hopper slammed on the brakes as he pulled back into the Byers’ dirt driveway. All of you piled out of the car and into the small home. You four marched inside to find the photo album book that Joyce had of the kids, while Nancy stopped and stared at the mess inside the home. 
Joyce went into Will’s bedroom and grabbed the thick book filled with photos. She pulled out a cute photo of the group of friends dressed in DND costumes and presented the picture to you. 
You sat at the dining table again and got comfortable in the wooden seat. “All the boys should be together right?” You asked. Nancy nodded. “Those dweebs are always attached at the hip.” 
“What’s his full name?”
“Michael Owen Wheeler,” Nancy answered as she pointed to the tallest boy with pale skin, shaggy black hair, and dressed in a cardboard knight’s outfit. You nodded and sighed, relaxing your shoulders. You stared down at the picture of the boy, memorizing his face. 
“Show me…Michael Owen Wheeler.” You exhaled and your eyes rolled back. 
Nancy and Jonathan gasped and jumped back. 
“Mom, what the Hell is going on??”
“Is she okay?!”
Hopper nodded and calmed them, “She’s fine. Just some weird party trick she has. She’ll find your brother, don’t worry.”
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You found yourself in the aisle of an abandoned bus. The metal interior was rusted and the leather seats were shredded and leaking plush. 
“What. The. Fuck?!” 
In front of you was the group of kids that were being hunted down by seemingly everyone in Hawkins. You made eye contact with them and they all freaked out. 
“What is that?!” Lucas scrambled away from you. “A ghost??”
“An angel?” Dustin with his cute curls and missing teeth began to freak out, “Oh god! Are we dead?!” He patted his chest to try and feel his heartbeat. 
“S-Stay back!” Mike Wheeler raised his arm to protect the young girl in a dirty pink dress and shaved hair.
“Eleven…” You breathed. The girl narrowed her eyes at you before they squinted into confusion.  “You probably won’t remember me but I’m an old friend.” Eleven took a careful step closer. 
“O-one-zero-one?” She asked in a soft voice. 
You grimaced at the name, “Yes. But my real name is (Y/n)-“
“(Y/n)?! As in the chick we heard on the radio? With Will??” Dustin was the first to eagerly approach you. It seemed to click with the two other boys as well. Dustin gasped again even louder, “You’re the flea!”
“Excuse me?” You shook off the confusion and returned to the task. “Look I don’t have enough time to explain all this, but you have to trust me. Where is your location?”
“Wait! How do we know we can trust her?” Lucas interjected. “What if she’s with the bad people? What if this is a Lando Calrissian situation?”
“Oh, I know you didn’t just say that, kid. I would never side with those white-coated bastards! I’m with Chief Hopper, Joyce Byers, Jonathan, and Nancy right now. We’re at the Byers’ home and we know that you’re in trouble. Now pleasetell me your exact location so we can help you.” You stared into Mike’s eyes as you pleaded. 
He glanced at his friends and they glanced back as if talking to one another with their minds. “We’re at the junkyard. Eastern part of town.” Mike answered. 
You smiled at him and nodded, “Perfect. Chief Hopper is going to go over and help you. For now, just sit tight and be patient. If anything happens we’re on Channel 11 on the walkies.” You nodded at the walkie-talkie hanging from one of the backpacks. You smirked at the young girl when you said the number of the channel. She smiled softly. 
You blinked and you were thrown back into the Byers’ kitchen. You panted and took the offered napkin from someone’s hands to wipe away your nosebleed. “Did you find them?” Hopper asked. 
You nodded. “Junkyard. East of the town. In an old school bus with white and red paint.” The Chief nodded and grabbed his keys. He was out of the house and drove away in a flash. 
Joyce - the Amazing and Blessed Queen - sat a cup of water down in front of you. “You did amazing, sweetie.” She wrapped an arm around your shoulder and rubbed your arm in comfort. You could really get used to this mother thing. If you were a cat you would have purred and curled your tail. You noticed Jonathan and Nancy stare at you with wide eyes. 
You sighed and pinched your nose tighter, “I’ll answer any and all questions when everyone gets here so I don’t have to keep repeating myself.”
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Chapter 8: Bitten
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unloved-cadillac · 3 years
LMAO an idea has come into my noggin. Levi’s Fem s/o brings home an animal. I’m thinking a cat, but a dog would be fun too. Honestly up to you what animal! It could be a hedgehog for all I care. Anyways, Levi pulls the “I said I didn’t want a pet” act but ends up being VERY attached to the new animal. Like puts a cravat on it, baby talks it, etc. Maybe carries it around when he can. I just see this happening lol. Thanks!
C/n: I loved writing this! Thanks for requesting and I hope that you enjoy🤍
A Turn of Events. (Levi x Reader)
The day quickly turned to night in the city of Sina as a young couple walks on the sidewalk. “Honey, I’m thinking about getting another car.” You say and Levi looks at you. “Another car? Why?”
“Well, I need to get another one. It’s costing the same as a new car so might as well just get another one.” You sigh and take Levi’s hand and lean on his shoulder. “I wish life wasn’t so expensive.” You say and he kisses the top of your head. “I know. We’ll be okay though.”
The both of you chat and as you cross a path that led to an alleyway, that’s when you heard it. “Levi.” You stop him and look into the dark alley. “Do you hear that?” You ask and he looks. A soft whining noise came from there and you gasped. “It’s probably a puppy. Let’s go see.” You were about to walk into it but the back of your jacket was caught by Levi. “And do what? It’s probably there for a reason.” You scoff and pull away from him. “How can you be so cold? I’m going to see if it’s okay, you’re welcome to join.” You say and turn on your phone flashlight as you head in. Levi groans and follows you.
You follow the soft whines as you headed deeper into the alley. “Here here, sweetheart. I’m here. Where are you?” You talk to the animal and it whined louder and you turned to the left to see a box next to a dumpster. You shined your flashlight on it and there it was. A puppy. “Oh no. Baby, are you okay? What happened?” You ask and squat down to see it. It curled up as it shivered and whined. You tried to examine its body and you saw it’s leg bleeding.
“Y/n!” You hear Levi call as his footsteps approached you. “Over here. I found the pup!” You yell back and then you continued to coo at the puppy. “Let me help you.” You whisper to it and it looks up to you with big black eyes. You smile as you gently pet its head. “Don’t worry.”
Levi stood behind you as you talked to the creature. Only you were crazy enough to do this, in the dirt nonetheless. “Hold this.” You give your phone and he continued to shine the light on you. You gently lifted the box up and held it in front of him. “Levi, it’s so light.” You sounded like you were on the verge of tears and he sighs. “What now? We can’t take him to the vet. They’ll be closed now.” He says and he sees you smile while looking at the pup. “We take him home for the night. First thing tomorrow, we take him to the vet.” You say and begin to walk out of the alley.
Levi didn’t even argue. He knew he wouldn’t stand a chance once there’s an animal involved.
Once you took the pup home, you gently dressed it’s wound and wrapped a bandage around it. You put a plastic bag over it and tied it up so you could bathe it. “Oh, you’re a boy! Hello, handsome.” Levi heard you say and he groans. “This cannot be happening.” He mumbles in his hands. When you were finished, you dried the pup and brought him out to the kitchen. You had some leftover chicken from dinner and gave it to him in a bowl which he gulped down.
“We aren’t keeping him, by the way.” Levi suddenly says and you look at him. “What?! Why?!” You ask and he shakes his head. “I do not want a pet in the house. They’re too much to handle and filthy. Once we take him to the vet, that’s it.” He says, trying to hold his ground.
But then you walked over to him and wrapped your arms around his torso and laid your chin on his chest, looking up to him. “Levi.” You coo and he shakes his head and looks up. “No.”
“I said no.”
“But LLeevvviiiiii, look at him. He’s an innocent soul who did nothing wrong in this selfish world of ours. A horrible human being threw him away and now he finally got another chance at having a happy and good life with a loving family. Don’t throw him away.” You whisper and Levi listens as he looks at the puppy with the bandage on his leg, eating. He lifted his head to look at Levi and you turned to watch him and as you looked at the pup, his tail wagged so hard.
“He’s a baby, Levi.” You finally say and let go of Levi to go to the puppy. You sat on the floor as you played and petted the pup and Levi just groaned. Why did you have to make so much of sense? He heard you baby talking and he shook his head. “Tch. Fine. But he’s your responsibility.” Levi finally says and you squeal and run into Levi’s arms. “Oh thank you, Levi.” He holds you as he looks at the puppy who looked like he had a smile on. “Yeah.”
At the vet, they said that he was a pure German Shepherd. His leg was scarred and hurt but nothing drastic. “And what is this little ones name?” The vet asked, ready to write. You looked at Levi as you thought.
“I didn’t even think of a name.” You say and scratch your head. Before you could say anything else Levi spoke up.
“His name is Tiger.” You look at Levi who looked at the vet, not wanting to look at you. You smiled to yourself and held Levi’s arm. “Tiger it is. We want to keep him overnight just to run some extra tests just to make sure. You can come get him tomorrow.” You and Levi nod and leave the vet. “Tiger? What made you think of that?” You finally ask Levi as you both walked to the car.
“Dunno. It suited him.” Levi glanced to you and you smiled. “Alright. So let’s go get some stuff for him. Bed, toys. Collar.” Levi hums in agreement and you both head to a pet store. A big white bed for Tiger was bought along with toys, shampoo, brushes, and a leash.
When Tiger came back, needless to say he felt right at home. He was energetic, playful and just a happy pup. You had to have a whole album on your phone dedicated to him. Levi took longer to allow Tiger in but he eventually did. And it was amazing.
Tiger was four months, so he was at the age where you could carry him. So Levi, always had him in his arms. Tiger’s front paws would be on Levi’s shoulders as Levi held his back and cleaned. Tiger was afraid of the vacuum so Levi had to hold him while he vacuumed. You even caught him baby taking to Tiger.
“You are such a handsome boy. Yes you are. You’re my handsome boy. Who’s handsome boy are you? Yes that’s right. Mine.” He says as he plays with Tiger and you chuckle and Levi immediately looked at you. “H-Hey Y/n. We were just playing around.” Levi stutters and you nod. “Oh I know. You and your handsome boy.” You play the recording and Levi’s eyes widened. “Delete that.” He says and you shake your head. “No.”
“I said delete it! Tiger get her.” Levi orders Tiger but he just walks to you and sits in front of you. “Mama’s boy.” You show Levi your tongue and run away from him. Levi chased you and Tiger joined and all three of you ended up on the couch, on top of one another.
Tiger didn’t like to sleep alone. His bed was in the living room, just in case he needed to eat or drink but he whined and whined at your bedroom door and only stopped when he was let it. So now he sleeps in between you and Levi.
Levi even got Tiger a cravat. A cute one with paw prints and you were in awe. “Look at our baby, Levi! So handsome.” You squish Tiger’s face and kiss him all over. Levi chuckled and carried Tiger as you all laughed.
One time, Levi fell asleep on the couch and Tiger jumped up and slept on his chest. Levi unconsciously wrapped and arm around him and now that it is your lock screen. Levi’s lock screen is you holding Tiger as he smiled at the camera and you smiled at him.
Levi and you had a family. Not a fully human family, but a family nonetheless.
“I miss my girl and boy so much. I hope that they’re in a better place now.”
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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lothirielswandc · 3 years
I SCREAM, YOU SCREAM (Starring John Constantine's Impeccable Parenting skills)
*This is a one-shot special for 3k views; it can be read regardless of where you are in the story*
“This is so stupid.”
“Oi! I’m not enjoying myself, either. I could be doing a lot more interesting things on a Saturday afternoon.”
“Yeah, I’m sure liver failure is a big commitment.”
“Okay,” Zatanna scooted forward, leaning between Raven and Constantine from the back seat. Raven’s knuckles were white as she gripped the steering wheel. When she glanced in the rearview mirror, she saw Etrigan calmly lick his thumb and turn the page on his copy of People Magazine.
“You’re a bloody seventeen year-old. How do you not know how to drive?” Constantine complained, turning in shotgun to give Raven a judgemental look.
She gritted her teeth. She did not like being in such close confines with him. His comments were getting on her nerves. And he smelled. The sharp aroma of liquor mixed with stale vomit. “I’ve been busy.”
“Like you’re one to judge, John.” Zatanna quipped, shifting to keep her uncomfortable position. “You’re terrible behind the wheel. How did you even get a license?”
“When most sods my age were reenacting the end of Thelma and Louise, I was mastering the dark arts.”
“Mastering is generous. Oh, Katy Perry’s new album is venerous,” Etrigan flipped to another page.
“Alright—we’re off topic, I don't want to be parked here all day. Set the knob to drive and let’s shove off.” Constantine grumbled.
Raven did as she was told and pulled on the “knob.” When it was level with the drive setting, the car started to inch forward in the empty parking lot.
“You’re doing great, sweetie. Let’s go over some basic driving rules first—” Zatanna offered.
Constantine dismissed her with a hand. “Blah blah blah, just ignore her. Here’s what you need to know: green means go. Yellow means go faster. Red means go when the coppers aren't looking.”
“Yeah, most of what you said is illegal,” Raven rolled her eyes. In the process, her gaze was drawn to the dashboard, “Can we turn the music on?”
Zatanna and Constantine exchanged a glare.
“She needs to focus. She’s not used to this,” Zatanna remarked.
“Any situation is improved with Led Zeppelin, Zee,” Constantine gestured at the slowly-inching car, “and this one is in dire need of some improvement. Roth, go to the stop sign. It’s time to release you into the population—and there’s a gas pedal there for a reason. Step on it.”
Raven tapped the other pedal with her foot. The car lurched forward and the stop sign blurred past as they met oncoming traffic.
“WOAH—!” Zatanna leaned over and straightened the wheel. Constantine’s face was squished up against the window. Etrigan barely glanced up from his magazine.
“I never gave Chaz enough credit for raising a daughter,” Constantine yanked himself off the glass surface, rubbing his face. “Bloody hell.”
Raven hardly caught his words. She was too busy trying to figure out the maze of roads before her. Everything was backwards: Londoners drove on the left, opposing every American street she’d been exposed to for the past few years. She hunched down, squinting, trying to stay in between the lines. Raven’s foot cried out in protest of being set at such an odd angle for a long period of time.
“You’re not even on the road—you’re in the other lane, you have to level yourself!” Constantine gripped the dashboard in front of him.
“I’m trying—stop yelling at me!” Raven snapped at him.
“Should’ve let Boston join us. He’s dead; he can't die in a car accident. He’s immune,” Constantine covered his eyes.
Something red filled the rearview mirror. “Here’s Boston—oh, fuck.”
“Shit—shit!” The car swerved. Raven winced as horns blared around her. She sank down lower in her seat.
“Boston!” Zee swatted the air that depicted the ex-trapeze artist’s spectral form. “Bad timing! We’re busy!”
“What? Etrigan texted and said you were getting ice cream.” Boston Brand settled into the empty seat behind Constantine, floating in the unoccupied space.
“You can't even eat it.” Zatanna pointed out.
“Don't rub it in! I don’t go for the food: I love scaring the kids that work at Dairy Queen by turning the machines on and off.”
Raven shook her head, keeping her eyes on the road. “I should’ve never returned to society. I should’ve stayed in Themyscira—no, I should’ve sailed to an empty island and lived out the rest of my life with a coconut named Wilson.”
“Don't steal my plan B,” Warned Constantine.
Boston’s form went through Constantine’s chair, his face hovering before the infamous Hellblazer. “You don’t look so good, Johnny. ‘Ey, kiddo, maybe you should stop by a bathroom.”
“Don’t bother. I went on that last turn.”
“Ew.” Boston shuddered and melted into the backseat. Raven chewed on her bottom lip as a traffic light appeared ahead.
“We’re turning right,” Zee instructed her.
“If you run over pedestrians, you get bonus points!”
“Boston, I will banish you to hell, so help me...”
Raven turned on the blinker and the car started to slow. She heard someone uncap a marker and scribble across parchment.
Raven’s eyes slid towards Constantine’s seat. “Are you drawing a pentagram right now?”
“It’s a sign. ‘Says impaired driver. Boston, take this and tape it to the back of the car. Give the wankers some warning.”
“Uh, this says insane driver, not impaired—”
“Shh! Just do it!”
The car steadily approached the crosswalk. Raven looked up and down the street for anyone walking, hopefully not future victims.
“Is that...Nanaue?”
The massive shark was hurrying across the road with his laptop; he was attending MIT online in order to spend more time with John. Apparently, the half-man, half-shark hybrid was an excellent tech wiz.
“Do not hit my boyfriend,” Constantine ordered.
“I'm not—although, for the record, I do not enjoy listening to you hook up with a shark every night.” Raven involuntarily shuddered, shoving away flashbacks of certain thuds late at night that reverberated throughout the House of Mystery.
“Agreed,” Boston nodded along with her. “Thank god for the vinyl records—that Marina lady’s a saint. What is she, Welsh?”
“And Greek.”
“Wow. A literal Greek goddess. Can we listen to her right now?”
The stop light turned yellow.
“Speed up, Raven. This light takes forever,” Zatanna replied.
“Slow down,” Constantine countered. “Do not hit Nanaue. That tall pile of earth-defying genetics is my one source of happiness.”
“High talk from the guy who just said ‘yellow’ means speed up,” Zatanna rolled her eyes in the rearview mirror. “Raven, step on it. We have places to be.”
“Why the rush, Zee? Is there a specific reason you don't want to see him—? You will stop at that crosswalk, young lady!”
“John, don't be an ass. This has nothing to do with us, and everything to do with me wanting ice cream before Boston terrifies the villagers!”
Raven turned her attention back to the road. A tower of silver with a glimmering sheen rose before her. In a hoodie with khakis.
Raven slammed on the breaks. Constantine face-planted against the windshield. Zatanna yelped as her seatbelt tugged her back against the tan leather seats. Boston went flying forward, floating past the outside of the car.
When the car fully stopped, Raven shut her eyes for a second and took a deep breath. She opened them, and a massive shark (with all limbs attached) waved at them from the front of the car.
Constantine pulled his face away from the glass (again) and turned to her, “No casualties. A broken nose. An intact boyfriend. Not bad, Roth.”
Boston floated back to the car, scowling, “Uh, I’d like to revisit the ‘no casualties’ part!”
Etrigan finally looked up from his copy of People Magazine, “Are we there yet? Why is Constantine covered in sweat?”
“Because parenting bloody sucks, that's why!”
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goldensstateofgrace · 3 years
- Love Along The Way-   Chapter I
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Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Asks/ Lmk what you thought | 
Series Summary:  Reader joins the band in writing songs for their third album (Youngblood) and love finds her along the way. 
Chapter Summary: Y/n is working in the studio when Calum walks in on her writing ‘Babylon’ and it goes from there. 
A/N:  SURPRISE BESTIES!!! IT’S HERE!! AHH i’m so happy with this chapter!! I hope you all love this series as much as i love writing it!! All I am asking is that you give me your patience between chapters because i am a slow writer and i’ve been going through a hard time mentally. 
Warnings: talk of cheating, mom reader, heartbreak, cancer ( not in detail), lmk if i missed anything! 
Word count: 6k
I hope you guys enjoy!! I worked very hard on this and I’m super proud of it!! 
Happy reading!! - G
You’d had these lyrics stuck in your head, replaying on a loop for a while now, but hadn’t had any time to actually get them down on paper. 
You weren’t going to lie, this last year has been a clusterfuck.  From Easton breaking up with you,  basically telling you he found someone else and that he wants nothing to do with you or Elijah, to not being able to write because you’ve been transitioning Elijah into preschool (he was not having it.) It was safe to say it had been a very rough year for you. 
When you did sit down and try to write, nothing would come to mind. All of your anger and heartbreak were there and ready to be used to make beautiful music others could relate to, but you just couldn’t come up with anything. Well, besides those lyrics, it was a longshot trying to come up with anything for that either. 
Maybe it was still too fresh, and maybe you were still heartbroken, but you just needed to do something besides sit in bed wallowing in your self pity. 
Of course, Elijah didn’t know what was happening. He just knew ‘daddy’ left and that he hasn’t been back. You didn’t have the guts or the courage to break his heart by telling him ‘daddy’ wasn’t coming back. He was three, he wouldn’t understand, but it also broke your heart all over again when he asked in his tiny curious voice ‘da-ddy?’ 
What were you supposed to say, “I'm sorry baby, but ‘daddy’ doesn’t love us anymore and he’s not coming back?” No, you weren’t going to do that to him. 
But as you sit there on the dark studio couch, the lyrics on the tip of your tongue, it's like you can’t get anything out. You have them right there in front of you, your black bass guitar sitting in your lap as you strum the bass line softly and hum along until you finally try and sing out the lyrics. 
“We said we’d both love harder than we knew we could go,” you sang softly into the empty room, thinking back to nights when you laid next to Easton, talking about how much you loved each other and how neither of you would ever stop because you loved each other more and more everyday. 
“But still knowing when to let go- no” you shake your head, not liking how that sounded.  “But still the hardest part is knowing when to let go” nodding, you scratch out your previous lyrics and replace them before you go back to picking at the cords, finding where you left off. 
You were so focused on the lyrics, mumbling to yourself and scratching out lyrics and replacing them you didn’t hear the studio door open. 
You were struggling on a particular verse, mumbling to yourself as you read off the lyrics written in what looks like chicken scratch in the notebook layed out in front of you. 
“You wanted to go higher, higher, higher, we-” but you stopped, stumped on what should come next. You sing what you already have out, trying to come up with anything but fall back into the couch cushions groaning when you don’t. 
“We burn too bright, now the fire’s gone, watch it all fall down” a voice sings out, startling you, and you let out a gasp. Looking up at the tall curly headed man standing at the door, your brows furrow. You were supposed to have this studio for two hours. He was dressed in a pair of basketball shorts, and a ‘The tonight show, Starring Jimmy Fallon’ gray shirt. A pair of Vans covered his feet and tattoos covered his arms. 
“Just thought I'd suggest something that came to mind,” the accented man voices, walking down the small step from the door and down where you are. You watch as he takes a seat on the small black loveseat against the wall across from yours. 
You close your eyes and sing the words in your head, strumming the bass as you do. “Thanks, that’s actually really helpful,” you tell him, writing it down. “How long were you standing there?” you ask him, looking over his dark curly hair and down to his brown eyes that look over you just as you are him. 
“Just a minute or two. Didn’t expect anyone to be in here, the band is supposed to have booked it for a few hours today.” 
You look down at your watch hearing his words and gasp at the time.You were almost twenty minutes late to pick up Elijah from preschool. 
“Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I lost track of time” you tell him, quickly placing the bass back on its stand in the corner next to the couch and packing your notebook and music sheets in your bag. 
“It’s ok, happens to the best of us,” his deep accented voice carries towards you as you see him shrug his shoulder out of the corner of your eye. “I’m Calum by the way,” he introduces himself, holding out his hands as you move to walk past him. 
“Nice to meet you, I’m Y/n and also very late to -” you hesitate, not wanting to tell a stranger you just met about your son. “ To a dinner” you finish, shaking his hand before walking around him and to the door. 
Your hand is on the handle and pulling it open, before you hesitate, awkwardly turning over your shoulder to say, “It was nice to meet you, thank you for the lyrics,” you smile at him. 
He nods, sending you a friendly smile. “Any time”. 
You watch his eyes roam over you before you wave and head out, a smirk playing on your lips. 
Quickly, you make it to your car, driving 10 over the speed limit and making it to the preschool near your house in record time. You run up the sidewalk, signing Elijah out at the front desk before making your way down the hall to his classroom. 
He’s playing blocks with two other kids who happen to be siblings, Avery and Jase, not even paying you any mind, too engrossed in building a tall tower just for it to fall down landing all over the play mat. 
“Elijah, mommy’s here,” his teacher, Miss. Rachel, calls him when she sees you in the doorway. You watch as his head quickly turns your way, a bright smile spreading across his chubby cheeks. 
“Mommy!” he squeals, standing to his feet and running to you. His small arms wrap around your thighs, his cheeks squished as he looks up at you with his bright smile. 
“Hi baby! Did you have fun today?” You smile, squatting down to his level and squeezing him to your chest as you place kisses all over his face. 
He nods against you, pulling back as he tells you all about how he painted you a picture but that you had to wait to see it because it had to dry overnight. 
“I can’t wait to see it, baby! We’ll have to hang it on the fridge” you tell him as you grab his bag off the hook, telling him to go help clean up the blocks and a few cars that were laying out when you see that the parents of Avery and Jase are also here. 
When he’s all done you pick him up, placing him on your hip as you walk out to the car, his head resting on your shoulder as his eyes fall heavy. You know he’ll fall asleep the minute you start driving. 
You load him into his car seat and buckle him in before heading down the street, taking a few left turns and passing tall, two story gated houses before you pull into your own gated driveway. You bought this house with Easton, but only you signed the mortgage, so it was easy for him to move out. No need to sign paperwork or go to court. You’re so thankful for that. 
You wanted a safe neighborhood for Elijah to grow up in, and this is it. You moved in when he was a newborn, you did have to sign an NDA because some celebrity lived in one of the houses across from you, but you'd never seen them so you didn’t know who it was.
As you expected, when you went to grab Elijah out of his car seat he was out like a light, his mouth open as he rested the side of his tanned forehead on the side of the padded car seat. 
Smiling softly at his sleeping form, you gently unbuckled him and rested him on your chest as you walked into your house and to the couch. You had a net that attached to one end of your couch that stopped about mid center of the cushions to stop him from rolling off. He doesn’t roll around in his sleep often, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. You place him behind it and lay his favorite blanket over him before you walk into the kitchen to start on dinner. 
It’s been a week since you ran late in the studio and Calum walked in on you. For some odd reason, you couldn’t get him out of your head. You had barely even talked to the guy but yet he was stuck in your head. His lyrics were stuck, replaying in your mind. He had only stood there for a minute or two, but yet the lyrics he sang went so well with yours. 
You were back in the same studio today, placing the finishing touches on the lyrics before you recorded the demo for it and eventually sold it to an artist or band to make their own. 
You look up, your brows furrowing when you hear loud laughter out in the hall, but you brush it off and finish setting up your computer on the panel so you could record the demo when you were done with the lyrics. 
Standing, you make your way into the booth, setting up a stool and pulling the bass guitar and it’s stand into the booth as well. You didn’t hear the door open, or the four laughing men walk into the room until you go to step back into the studio where the panel is. 
Your brows furrow when your eyes meet Calum’s brown ones, his face showing shock before it turns into a bright smile as his cheeks scrunch up. It reminds you of Elijah’s. You know you weren’t late to pick him up or running over your studio time because you booked the studio until lunch; it was only 10:30am. 
“We really gotta stop meeting like this,” Calum jokes with you, his bright smile making something flutter in you. 
“But this time it’s not my fault,” you tell him, smiling and looking at the three other very tall men standing behind him. 
The tall blonde with blue eyes and curly hair that ends at his ears smiles at you, showing off his dimples, “I’m Luke, it’s nice to meet you.” he introduces. 
You smile politely. “It’s nice to meet you too, I'm Y/n.” 
“Oh we know,” the red head chuckles. His hair is clearly dyed, but it suits him. His smile is bright and contagious. “Cal over here couldn’t stop talking about you and how amazing of a songwriter you are. I’m Ashton,” he tells you, holding out his hand for you to shake. 
You quirked an eyebrow up in Calum’s direction. “Is that so,” you tease, watching as his cheeks tint a shade of pink while you shake Ashton’s hand. 
“Oh yeah,” the shorter blonde one speaks up. “He even looked you up, wanted to know if you were selling that song you were working on. I’m Michael, but you can call me Mikey.” 
“Well you’re in luck, I was just about to record the demo for it. But if you’re interested you can have a look at the finished lyrics,” you tell them, pulling out the pages of printed lyrics from your bag.
They all nod, sitting down on the couches. You hand Calum the papers, smiling down at him before you take a seat at the panel, watching as they all huddle around Calum to read the lyrics. 
A chorus of ‘holy shit’s’ and ‘fuck that’s good’ sound as they finally put the paper down and stare at you. 
“So, you like it?” you ask. 
“Do we like it?” Ashton asks incredulously, looking at the boys and shaking his head in a way that says he can’t believe you asked that. 
“Yeah, y/n. We like it.” Calum tells you. “We're working on our third album right now and I think it would be great to add it to the album,” he says, looking at the other guys as they nod along in agreement. 
“That’s great, we can sign all of the paperwork soon.” you say, excited you don’t have to record the demo now. It’s always the hardest part. “I wrote a bit of a bass line, but nothing else so do whatever with it.” 
“We actually have something to ask you,” Ashton says, nudging Cal in the arm. Cal glares at him with a look like ‘knock it off’. 
“We were talking after I played some of the other songs you’ve written.You’re an amazing songwriter and we wanted to know if you wanted to help us write our album?” he asks, a bit shyly you notice. 
You’ve never written with someone or a band, not because you didn’t want to, you’ve just never had the opportunity. The only reason you would even consider turning this down was Elijah; you couldn’t take this opportunity if it was going to keep you from him. 
You weren’t really keen on telling people you barely knew about your son, but if you wanted to work with them and still have enough time for Elijah they needed to know. 
“Look,” you sigh, watching their shoulders deflate a bit and their hopeful expressions drop a tad. “I would love to, but you need to know I have a 3 year old  son, and I can’t have this taking me away from him. I promised myself when I got pregnant that I would always choose him over anything. Even if it is my dream. So,” you prompt, “if we can work around me having time with him then I’m in.”  
They all assure you that they’d help you make time for him. Ashton really hit home with you when he tells you, “I totally understand you wanting to make time for him, I grew up with only my mom and my two little siblings. We’ll make sure you get time with him.” he smiles softly at you, a knowing but sad look in his eyes. 
You smiled at him softly, thanking him and the guys, “I grew up with only my mom too. It was hard, but she was the best mother and role model. She was the strongest woman I know.” 
“Was?” Calum asked softly. Looking at you with gentle but curious eyes. 
You nod, smiling sadly. “She passed away a year and a half after Elijah was born. Breast cancer. It was really hard.” The memories come rushing back, and tears well up in your eyes, but you push them down, not wanting to cry. 
You all talked for a while, working out when you were available and what times it would be good to meet at the studio. It was when you were all packing up that Ashton proposed a chill night. “We should all hang out and have a night where we get to know each other better, drink and just talk.” 
There was a chorus of agreements, but when you hadn’t said anything they all stared at you waiting for your answer. 
“That actually sounds like fun, I'll be there. Just let me know a time and place,” you tell them smiling. You haven’t had a night to yourself since before Easton left, so you were long overdue. 
Calum offered to host it at his house, before you all exchanged numbers and left for the day. You planned on picking up Elijah early and taking him out for ice cream. It was his favorite treat and it was pretty hot today, so you decided it was a good day to indulge. 
You were just pulling up outside of the preschool when your phone vibrated in the cup holder next to you. Pulling it out, you see the message notification reading ‘Calum Hood’ swiping it and unlocking your phone the text pulls up.  
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That should work for you, Elijah has been going to sleep around that time and you should be able to get Jessie to come over and watch him for a few hours while you’re over there. His address sticks out to you, not because you thought you’ve heard of it before but because it was basically your address just a few numbers off. 
Maybe he’s why you had to sign the NDA. He most likely has had fans coming to his home and waiting around to even get a glimpse of him in the past and didn’t want this address to get out to the public. 
Quickly sending him back a text, you put your phone back in the cupholder and go in to grab Elijah. 
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The next day you were up and finishing off the last ‘Mickey Mouse’ pancake for a late breakfast. You were surprised Elijah stayed asleep past 8am, it was currently almost 11am and you were just about to go check on him and tell him breakfast was ready when he came padding around the corner rubbing his eyes with his tiny fists. 
“Well good morning little man,” you smile down at him, placing blueberries on his ‘Mickey Mouse’ pancake for eyes, chocolate chips for the mouth and a blackberry as the nose all adhered with whipped cream. Elijah was allergic to strawberries, or otherwise you would have added those in somehow. 
You woke to a message from Calum, replying to your message from last night. It was only sent about forty minutes before you woke up, but you didn’t see it until you were in the middle of making breakfast. 
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You typed out a reply with one hand while flipping a normal round pancake for you and sending it. 
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 You couldn’t figure out why you were smiling. He was a very attractive man, nothing like the guys you’ve dated in the past. Maybe that’s why you’re attracted to him. He’s not like the other guys who have treated you badly in the past; he’s nice and caring and didn’t run the second you mentioned you had a son. 
When you and the guys had been talking yesterday in the studio he asked to see a photo of Elijah. He told you how adorable he was, and how he looked just like you. Calum seems to be such a genuine and down to earth guy and if you weren’t careful you would fall for him. And hard. 
Carefully, you cut Elijah’s pancake up in little bites for him to eat, and pour a small amount of syrup over his and yours. 
You watch as he uses his green plastic fork. He has his mouth wide open the whole time as he carefully brings it up to his mouth. 
You cheer and kiss his cheek happily when he looks up at you excited when he got it in his mouth without dropping it. 
“Look at you! You don’t even need mommy anymore, you're such a big boy!” you smile down at him, taking a bite of your own pancake. He laughs his small contagious laugh, picking up another piece of pancake. 
“Baby, I need to talk to you about something” you say to him, making him look up at you with his wide brown eyes, his fork just at the entrance of his mouth. 
“T-trouble?” he asks you over his chewing, still looking up at you. 
“No, baby,” you chuckle, wiping the corner of his mouth where there was a bit of syrup threatening to drip down on his pj’s. “You’re not in trouble.” 
“But I have a big job.’ you tell him, “ A band asked me to help them write music for their album, so it might not always be me picking you up from daycare, it might be Miss. Jessie sometimes, is that ok?” 
He nods excitedly. “Yeah! Mi-miss Jessie is nice to m-me!” he stutters a bit as he gets excited. 
“Okay, also, i have a friend and he invited us over to swim! Do you want to go swimming?” you ask him as you sip the last of your coffee before eating the last bit of your pancakes. 
“Yeah!” he shouts. He’s been taking swimming lessons since he was two, he knows what to do if he falls into the pool. He loves the water too, he's a little fish when it comes to the water. 
You both finish eating and while you rinse off the dishes and place them in the dishwasher Elijah runs into his room screaming excitedly about going swimming. You laugh, shaking your head at his antics before following after him when you’re done loading the dishwasher. 
You change his diaper into one of those swimming ones with cars on it, before pulling a pair of yellow swim shorts over the diaper.  When you have him changed, you pack his diaper bag with a change of clothes, an extra swim and regular diaper along with sunscreen and his yellow bucket hat. 
You double check you have everything before you put his sandals on and bring him into your room so you can change into your blue bikini. It had high rise bottoms and the cups actually covered all of your breasts. You throw on a white cover up before sliding your own sandals on and heading out. 
Since his house is literally one house down from yours and across the street, you decide to just walk over. 
The sun was beating down on you as you walked out of the front door and locked it behind you. You text Calum that you’re on your way over before putting your phone in the diaper bag and heading down your driveway. 
It only takes you a minute to walk down the sidewalk and cross the street to his house. Checking your phone to see if he messaged you back when you’re outside the black gate, he did, telling you the gate was open and just to come in. 
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You push open the gate, closing it behind you once you’re on the other side. There’s a black range rover parked in front of the open garage where you heard what sounded like an air pump. 
Walking towards the garage and around the black SUV, you see Calum’s familiar dark curls  as he kneels on the concrete blowing up a small turtle pool floaty. 
“Hey,” you greet Calum as you place Elijah down on his feet and squat behind him, pulling up his yellow shorts from where they fell down on the walk over. 
Looking up, you’re greeted with that bright white smile you’ve seen a few times at the studio but never fails to warm your heart. 
“Hey, I'm glad you guys could come!” Calum greets you, plugging the hole on the floaty before he turns off the air pump. He stands up just to walk a few steps in front of you and kneel down to Elijah’s level. “It’s nice to meet you Elijah, I’m Calum,”  he introduces himself sweetly as he smiles down at your son. 
Elijah giggles, turning into you as hiding his face on your leg. “Don’t be shy, baby,” you chuckle, running your hand over the back of his dark hair. You smile up at Calum, his face showing nothing but happiness and  eyes  lit up with pure adoration. 
“Can you say hi? Say, ‘Hi Calum’” you whispered in Elijah's ear, chuckling when  he shook his head and held on tighter to you. 
 “The tickle monster is gonna get you,” you sing out, your hands unwinding from him and to his sides where you tickle him. Elijah lets out his high pitched laughter, giggling at  you to stop as he tries to squirm out of your hold. 
“Hi!” he squeals loudly and you stop tickling him. Elijah turns around to face Calum, smiling up at him as he says, “Hi, Ca- calum.” 
“Hi, buddy. Are you ready to go swimming?” 
Elijah shouts out a ‘Yes!’ throwing his hands in the air and singing the song he was singing this morning about going swimming. 
“Sw-imming swimm-ing i going swimming” he shouts, causing you and Cal to break out in laughter. 
Calum was amazing. 
He was so sweet and caring with Elijah. Playing the same game over and over for almost an hour just to hear Elijah’s loud laughter. 
Catching your three year old over and over when he learned it was okay to jump into the pool and dunking him when he caught him just to throw him a few feet away in the water. 
Elijah’s loud laugher reverberated around the backyard and the trees that were planted against the walls encasing the closed off area. You felt pure joy at hearing his laughter. You knew he was feeling down with everything that’s happened with Easton, and hearing his laughter reminded you just what you have to live for, what’s waiting for you on good days and bad. 
Elijah is your whole world, your little sunshine, and you couldn’t imagine life without him. 
Looking over at the pool where Elijah and Calum were splashing each other, big contagious smiles spread across their faces and laughter flowing from their chests, you can’t help but smile. Watching them warms your heart. 
You were sitting on a couch in the shade next to the pool, Duke in your lap sleeping peacefully until Ashton’s loud voice invaded the bubble you all had been wrapped up in for the last four hours. 
“Hey, why wasn’t I invited?” he fake pouts as he stands in the doorway of the sliding glass doors. His hands rest on his hips as his eyes flicker around to all of you. 
“Thought you were with Kaykay,” Calum calls over to him, shrugging as he holds Elijah to his chest. That makes your heart flutter, seeing how tightly he holds him and how Elijah wraps his arms around Calums neck, a huge smile playing on his face. 
“Again,” Elijah giggled out. 
“Again? Ok,” Calum chuckled, throwing Elijah up in the air, his contagious laughter ringing out before he fell into the water below. You watch as Elijah swims to the surface,wiping his face of water and calling out ‘Again!’
Time flew by, because the last time you checked your phone was when you all sat down to have a bit of lunch around two, and it was now almost four thirty. 
Ashton made his way over to the long outdoor couch you were sitting on and took a seat in the spot next to you. 
“Is that Elijah?” he asks you softly, his eyes trained on Calum and Elijah who were spinning in the water before Calum launched your son in the air again as he let out a squeal of happiness. 
“Yeah,” you chuckled. “That’s E. He’s a handful.” 
Ashton smiles, letting out a deep chuckle, “I bet. He’s adorable, he looks just like you,” he tells you. 
“Thank you. When he was a baby he looked so much like my mom it was crazy.” you smile softly to yourself, remembering when you found old pictures of your mom and put one side by side with one of Elijah’s. They were practically identical. 
You were brought out of your thoughts when a small wet body climbed up in your lap and laid his head on your shoulder tiredly. “Are you tired, E?” you ask him softly, moving his wet hair - he needs a haircut - off his forehead before placing a light kiss upon it. 
He nods tiredly against you, his small hand lazily stroking the top of Duke’s head. The dog  had moved to  cuddle into the side of your thigh when Ashton sat down. 
Calum appeared in front of you, a towel wrapped around his hips as he smiled down at you softly, holding out a towel for you. “Thank you,” you tell him, taking the towel and wrapping it around Elijah to try and keep him warm and dry him off. 
“Should we just call Luke and Mikey and tell them to come over now? Since we're already here?” Ashton asks as Calum sits on the ‘L’ part of the couch next to your legs. “Did you drive here?” he asks you, his brows furrowed. “I didn’t see your car out there when I pulled in.” 
“Oh, no,” you shake your head. “I live across the street.” 
Ashtons eyebrows raise in surprise before he lets out a chuckle, “wow, small world.” 
You nod, “if you guys want to call Luke and Mikey that’s okay with me, but the babysitter I have  for E can’t come until 7, she has a family thing.” you tell them, looking down at the small boy in your arms who has fallen asleep against your shoulder. 
“That’s fine. If you want you can go lay him down in my bed? So he can take a nap until your babysitter gets to your house,” Calum tells you softly. 
“Yeah,” you nod. “That would be good.” you tell him, smiling up at him gently. 
You all head inside, Elijah on your hip sleeping soundly against your shoulder as Calum leads you down the hall just off the kitchen and to the last door on the right. It was nothing like you’d picture his room to be. 
The  walls are white, and there’s a tv hanging on the gray accent wall in front of the bed. The bed is made with the white fluffy comforter folded where it meets the firm, white pillows at the top of the bed. The floor is clear, save a few cords to the tall lamp in the corner of the room and a charger. 
“Bathroom’s through there,” he tells you pointing to the open door next to the tv. 
“Thank you, Cal,” you tell him sincerely. Thankful for him offering to let E nap in his room. 
“Yeah, of course y/n. Make yourself at home,” he smiles before leaving you and walking back to the living room. 
You unwrap the towel from around Elijah, laying it out on the bed before placing your sleeping boy down gently. You change him into his regular diaper, causing him to whine and thrash around before you change him into a pair of navy blue cotton shorts and  a plain white shirt . He quiets down, falling back to sleep as you move him up to the pillows, forming a sort of wall around him with a pillow on both sides of his body before you gently place a kiss to his forehead. 
Picking up the diaper bag you walk into the bathroom, which is just as clean as the bedroom, to change yourself. 
You untie your bikini top and reach into the bag, only to find a swim diaper and the sunblock. You swore quietly, thinking back to when you packed the bag and realizing you didn’t pack a pair of extra clothes for yourself. 
Quickly you put your top and your white cover up back on, swearing at yourself in your head for forgetting clothes before walking out of the bathroom quietly so you didn’t wake Elijah up. 
You padded down the hallway and into the kitchen where Cal was sitting at the counter as Ashton rummaged through the fridge talking about a song he started writing. 
Calum looks up when you appear in the kitchen doorway, his eyes flickering over your body as his brows furrow, “You didn’t change?” he points out more than asks. 
You nod, biting your lip as your cheeks blush. “Uh, yeah. I forgot to pack any clothes for myself,” you tell him, smiling shyly, “But i’m ok in this,” you assure him. 
“Are you sure?” he asks, concerned. “I can watch Elijah while you go home to change-” he pauses, “or actually I think Mali might have left some clothes behind when she was here last.” he tells you, hopping off his stool and walking down the hall again. 
Mali? Is that his girlfriend? 
Your stomach fills with dread. Just when you thought you finally met someone that didn’t run at the mention of your son, he probably has a girlfriend. Just look at him, of course he has a girlfriend. 
“She’s always buying way too many new clothes while she’s here, she can’t fit them all back into her suitcase when she needs to leave,” he tells you chuckling as he holds out a pair of grey sweat pants and a green hoodie. 
You hesitate a second, not really wanting to wear his girlfriend's clothes. But the chill in his house is causing goosebumps to appear on your arms. “Thank you,” you say, taking them from his hands and walking back down the hall to change rooms and check on Elijah. 
“No,” Luke sighs, shaking his head.
“Yeah,” you nod, your mood a stark difference from what it was an hour ago. “He came home one day and said ‘I found someone else, I don’t love you and I'm leaving’ he didn’t even mention Elijah. Just packed up all of his shit while I sat on the couch crying trying to wrap my head around what was happening.” 
“From the moment I found out I was pregnant it felt like he was on a different planet. We didn’t match anymore, we didn’t have that spark. If I'm being honest with myself that spark died out a long time ago, I just didn’t want to admit it. He was obviously not excited about the pregnancy- and I wasn't either at first, but when I heard E’s heartbeat for the first time-” you pause, “I can’t even describe it. It was like all my motherly instincts clicked in and I loved him more than I could ever have imagined,” you sigh, smiling at the memory of  the day you heard Elijah’s heartbeat. 
“I kept telling myself that Easton would come around once Elijah got here. It never really happened though. We were both in our twenties, he wanted to party, and drink and just have fun, and he did, and I stayed home with a screaming newborn while he was out living it up.” shrugging you looked up at all of them, smiling softly. 
When you came out from changing into the clothes Calum lent you, all the guys were in the kitchen talking. Luke brought Chinese and you all just sat around talking for hours. You learned a lot of eye opening things. Elijah went home about an hour after they all got there, Jessie coming over to grab him before going back over to your house.  
They formed their band when they were still in highschool, which was crazy to you. How they were still friends amazed you; you had lost contact with all your highschool friends when you moved to LA. 
Ashton was the oldest out of all of them. Mikey told the story of how he messaged Ashton on facebook messaged Ashton asking if he wanted to join the band. You laughed so hard at how the story was told, it was like one of those boards with all the strings connecting different things that all come to one big conclusion. They were all over the place. 
Then it was Mikey and Calum in the middle and Luke was the baby. They were all amazing, genuine guys and you couldn’t have been happier to call them your friends. 
You somehow had gotten on the topic of siblings at one point. Mikey doesn’t have any, but he was chessy when he said, “yeah but I have these guys as my brothers,” all the guys ahh’d and called him out on being cheesy but you could tell they were family. 
Ashton talked more about his sister and brother, telling you about how his dad walked out on him and then his mom met his stepdad and they had Lauren and Harry before he eventually walked out too. Your heart hurt for him, because you knew just how that felt. 
Luke has two brothers, Jack and Ben. You smiled and laughed as he told stories of his childhood and how he and all the guys got up too. 
You told them all about your brother, Jaxon. How he was back home in Nashville playing baseball and how he dreamed of going pro.  
Calum talked about his sister, how she visits every once and a while when she’s not in the studio or writing her own music. 
“Yeah, Mali lives in London so I don’t get to see her much. We talk at least twice a week just to catch up. She’s supposed to visit in a few months so you’ll get to meet her soon,” he smiles over at you. 
Mali is his sister? Well, that makes a whole lot of sense. 
“That’s great, I can’t wait to meet her!” you tell him, smiling over at him happily. 
You all talked for another hour or so, laughing and telling stories before you decided it was time to go. You said bye to everyone, hugging them and telling them you’d see them on friday when you and Alec met them at the studio after lunch. 
Calum politely walked you home just to be safe. 
“I had a great day, thank you for inviting us over. I know Elijah had a blast,” you tell him, smiling softly up at him. “You were so great with him, he’s normally pretty shy around new people.” 
“I did too, we’ll have to do it again.” he tells you. “He’s a great kid, he’s so adorable,” he tells you, smiling. 
“Definitely,” you nod up at him.
There was that awkward silence where you both just looked at each other, your eyes flicking between his as his eyes flicked over your face and fell to your plump lips. Your breath hitched as his eyes linger there before returning to your eyes. 
“Goodnight, Y/n,” he whispers, pulling you into a tight hug.
You relax in his arms, hugging him back as your face hides in his neck. “Goodnight, Cal” you whisper back lingering in the hug before he kisses the top of your head and lets go. 
“I’ll see you Friday,” he calls, descending the three steps of your  porch. 
“See you friday!” you call back before walking into your house. Your back pressing to the back of your front door as you let out a sigh, closing your eyes. 
“Oh my god! That was Calum Hood!,” you hear excitedly from your couch making your eyes pop wide open.
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lost-souls-wander · 3 years
Hunter x Reader
Chapter 1
It happened very fast, and everything went out of control. One moment humanity was just doing its thing and living in order. The next week however, everything had changed for the worst. All because of some kind of green flue. Don't take me wrong, I was concerned in the beginning, the fear of losing my slightly rhythmic life sure had taken its toll on me, especially after everyone around me started to panic, including my parents.
"HANNA! You cant just leave us! HANNA!-" those were my dads last words to his ex-lover and wife as she had taken the car, and drove off with our supplies and food. Dad was a mess after after what happened. He couldn't properly take care of us anymore, he had lost a lot of sleep in a few weeks time, his behavior also worsened. He was quick to anger, and constantly irritated. So I took it upon myself to learn things on my own as he continued to reign terror on the last of his family. I had snuck out just a few hours before sun rise and grabbed my bike. My fastest form of transport at the moment, and made a quick tour to the library, as usual, but my dad never knew. And it was possibly better this way.It was empty and deserted, I could hear a few inhuman groans here and there but couldn't quite picture what these "zombie" like creatures looked like, our dad was pretty much a helicopter when it came to the outside world when the apocalypse hit and mom left. None was allowed outside the house at all, just him. And he alone went scouting for food and food alone, here and there some materials but never something for us, his children.I could see his state worsening by the day, and considered it top priority to get away as soon as possible with as much knowledge on how to survive as possible. The building of the library was thick with a musty sent of old books and dust, lots of iron too, which I could only guess was blood. I stayed away from the strong scent of iron and focused on getting to the herbology section of the library.In these times mankind forgot that the true power of surviving came from knowledge, no knowledge? No advantage. No advantage? Possibly a gruesome death would follow.My hands brushed the polished wood that kept the books in their place on the shelves, thinking of how many people had touched these books, read through them, and possibly never did something with the knowledge inside. It was a shame really. I wanted to perhaps become member of this society and yet here it was, crumbling away at these un-dead. It saddened me a little, and I was horrified for a while when I heard it. What was I gonna do now? My degree in art and drawing was pretty much useless now. At least I could scavenge for a cabin in the mountains and settle down there, far away from society, where no zombies or humans could reach so I could exist in peace.
I chuckled, a mid-tone raspy chuckle filled my throat and echo'd a little through the empty apocalyptic library as I stopped and continued thinking about what to do and where to go. But first order of business was to get knowledge from the books and find a place to escape to. Grabbing my black old school bag I ripped it open quickly, wanting to fill it with the necessary books and just get out of here, The sounds of the un-dead in the distance was off putting, and I wasn't taking a chance to be caught in the middle of a group of them. I might have not seen them. But I knew damn well that from the clips on TV that those fuckers were fast. And me without my bike? Not so much.
I grabbed the books by pairs, quickly turning them to their back side and skimming through what the book would hold.
Edible herbal plants... Seasonal plants... Look alike's and their dangers... Looked valid enough. It went like this for a few minutes until my bag was full with books about surviving in nature, herbs, and making shelters for the night. Although I doubted it would help against zombie apocalypses it was always good to know how to make something remotely sheltering and how to acquire food from its natural source.
I quickly flung my backpack over my back and quickly took in the noise around me, the hoard had gotten ever so closer, and it started to make me anxious. If I didn't get out of here soon and back home I would be in a LOT of trouble, perhaps more trouble than being chased down the streets by a hoard of zombies. So I speed-walked towards the exit, the broken doors were leaning against the framework that had red and black splotches all over it the doors pretty much being smashed in two pieces by something extraordinary big. A shiver ran down her spine, May did NOT want to know what was big enough to do that.
after leaving the library doors she quickly hid in the bushes, peeking in between the leaves to see there was any danger, the branches poked and prodded at her form, the twigs leaving nasty marks on her clothes and bare skin.
There! in the distance she spotted her bike, old and a bit rusty, but it did the job well, I looked around if there were any zombies walking around and about, the road was clear, and so was the road ahead. It was a bit strange considering I hear an entire group of them just a few minutes ago but that must have been the other side of the building, luckily not the way I needed to go in order to get home.
I got partially up and half crouched/ran towards my bike which was placed against the opposite building in an alleyway, the alleyway was filled with trashcans and bags that had been ripped open by rats and other critters that roamed the streets and needed some food. Not that it was of any use now, it was all rotten and left a horrid stench that made my nose scrunch up in disgust.
I got on my bike and quickly started to get home, it was then that I started to feel like I was being watched. I felt it crawling over my skin that there was something or someone watching me, maybe some of the other survivors? or perhaps a zombie? I didn't want to find out and started to bike a little faster.
And then it happened all so fast, an inhuman growl came from my left and I was flung off my bike, panic setting into my very bones as I felt the bike get out of my grip, my face looked upwards as I saw the dark sky with a few light rays from the sun. I felt the cold harsh ground on my back and the air flew from my lungs as I tumbled down the steep hill, the creature flung with me yelping in surprise at it's own actions, we both rolled harshly down the wall of the construction site that was never finished.
I felt whatever air I had in me leave my body as I harshly was flung onto ground and came to a stop on my back, I groaned in agony face twisting in pain. everything hurt, my shoulders were probably bruised beyond belief and my legs felt like they had been ripped off whilst still being attached to me. And don't even get me started on my head, it hurt like a bitch!
I continued to wallow in my own pain for a brief moment until I heard a scream that sounded like it came from the depth's of hell itself, and a squishing like sound like flesh had been impaled on high impact, until all that was left was sound of screams of pure agony.
I didn't want to look at what had happened, I was in so much pain and the adrenaline was so high in my system that I made a run for the hill and grabbed what was left of my bike and just went, the howls of pain in the background growing fainter and fainter as the black concrete enveloped my mind, the scent of iron in the air was even more noticeable than before, and the distant sound of zombies screaming left me in even more panic than before as I skidded to a stop in front of my house, put my bike back in its place and threw myself over the fence to climb in the tree, and get inside of my room.
I did not come down that day for food or anything else.
That night I laid in bed curled up in fear and confusion, what had attacked me? what was it even? was that a zombie?! panic and fear had settled itself deep into my mind, I did not want to go back to the library in fear of coming across whatever that was, but fear soon turned into a guilty sympathetic feeling as I remembered what had happened to it, it had gotten pierced by metal rods and maybe was there, slowly dying, starving to death. If it even was alive that is.
I shut my eyes, letting my dark room filled with plants and comfortable blankets fall from my vision as I let a restless sleep take over me, for the next up coming week I did not sleep well, only thinking about the creature that might still be stuck there. Waiting for whatever was next to come.
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Meeting and Dating Wade Walker
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(As much as I love the vaccine scene in the movie, I tried my best to make a different “meeting” scenario)
- You and Crybaby meet at school. You’re not exactly a square or a drape, you mainly just keep to yourself which means that you both stand out yet are invisible at the same time.
- That’s the reason Crybaby never really noticed you before: he was more occupied with his gang; and occasionally fighting with the squares, to pay anyone else any mind.
- The thing about Crybaby is that he attaches himself to girls very quickly. He falls hard and fast for a multitude of reasons, all of which one can gather from his past. There’s this hole in his soul that he just keeps failing to fill …but then he sees you.
- You see, there’s this area of the school that only the drapes really go in. It’s the corridor that’s away from everything, where they put all the classrooms for the delinquents and those who don’t do their work.
- But your school doesn’t have separate teachers for every single class so when you need to talk to one of your teachers, you’re forced to go down that hall to do so. So go down there you did, and boy did people stare.
- As you’re walking; and feeling the gazes of people who aren’t too keen on you being there, you can’t help but take notice of the difference in a certain boys stare. While the others are borderline hostile, his is …beckoning, it’s like he’s calling you towards him. But that can’t be true, right?
- You quickly avert your eyes, gulp, and make your way into your teachers second classroom, trying your best to pay him and his gang no mind.
- Well, from then on, Wade Walker has his eyes set on you. You’ll find him watching you, staring from across parking lots, hallways, and lunchrooms. You would have assumed he was looking at something else had his gaze not been so intense and focused. You wondered if he was waiting for you to do something, or if he was giving you a warning; a promise that he was coming towards you soon.
- He finally does so after school one day. Like so many other days, you’d locked eyes as you walked down the front steps of the school. You’d contemplated just going up to him and finally saying hi, but you were brought out of the lure of his eyes by his gang sneering at everyone from beside him.
- That was when he decided to make his move; when he was sure that you liked him but just didn’t have the nerve to let him know yourself. He thought it was sweet; you were cute in a way that most drapes weren’t.
- As I mentioned before: people didn’t pay much attention to you so as you were going to begin your journey home, you got bumped into and subsequently ignored as your things went rocketing towards the ground.
- As you were knelt down, gathering your books, two scuffed up boots came into view and soon enough, Crybaby Walker had leant down and was handing you one in all his ever intense glory.
- You straightened up and took it from him, thanking him and shyly introducing yourself. By that point, the rest of his gang had made their way over and Wade told you his name before introducing the rest of them.
- He asked if you wanted to hang out with them, you told him that you had to get home before your parents worried, causing his gang to “ooo” at you. He didn’t pay them any mind and followed you as you slowly walked, offering you a ride home.
- Figuring that this was your chance, you gave him a smile and accepted, bringing a smile to his face as well. He slung an arm around your shoulder and nodded back at his hot rod, leading you along with him as he walked.
- You ended up in the back of the car, squished between Wanda and both Hatchet-face and Milton; Hatchet being on Milton's lap. Every now and again, you’d lock eyes with Crybaby in the mirror as he made conversation and a small smile would make its way to your face.
- He’d been telling you about the performance he was going to give that night just as he pulled up in front of your house. Right before your mother called you in, you’d leaned down to look through the window, telling him that you’d like to hear him sing sometime before thanking him for the ride and running inside.
- Boy, you should have seen how flustered you had him.
- The two of you have your first date later that day. You said you wanted to see him sing, didn’t you? Well, he rode his way right up to your house and knocked on your door, asking your mother if you were home.
- You peeked out from behind her and smiled at him before he explained that he wanted to take you out. With a little urging, you convinced her to let you go and soon enough you were hopping on his bike and gathering with the drapes to see him perform.
- The two of you share your first kiss that same night. He’d just finished performing and the two of you were stood a little ways from the party by his brand new bike. He’d led you over there and as you were talking and walking, he’d turned for a moment and pressed his lips to yours.
- He paused to see your reaction and when you didn’t react negatively, he gave you a little smirk and kissed you longer. After that, he may or may not have taken you to “makeout point”.
- And thus, you became the king’s queen.
- Crybaby can’t keep his hands off of you; he’s extremely affectionate and touchy with you no matter where you are.
- He’ll usually have one arm around Peppers shoulder and another around your waist/shoulder.
- Him pinching your cheeks, usually after you do or say something that he thinks is cute. Other times, he’ll just do it after you catch him watching you with this fond look on his face.
- Cheek kisses.
- Hard kisses.
- Making out and French kisses. Never done it before? That’s obviously not a problem.
- Being dipped into kisses.
- Him laying his head in your lap or resting his chin on your shoulder; depending on where you are and your stance on getting hair grease on your clothes.
- He usually won’t initiate cuddling himself but he’ll certainly let you snuggle into him and then slowly cuddle back himself. He sort of just doesn’t know how to express that he just wants to hold you so he lets you do it when you want it. 
- Orphans have special needs. No matter how much he’ll try to not admit it or how much he doesn’t think that he is, Crybaby is definitely touch starved. He just really needs your affection sometimes so please just be nice to this borderline traumatized boy. 
- He calls you a lot of pet names so I’ll just list a few: baby, sugar, little thing, queenie, kitten, honey, and angel, amongst others.
- Compliments. He thinks you’re the greatest and nothing can change his mind.
- Being sung to. Sometimes, he’ll just break out into song; usually love songs and usually with him bringing you into a little dance with him whenever you sort of give a giggle in response.
- Winking, teasing, and flirting. He’s damn good at making you flustered but you can make him just as flustered, just through different means.
- It’s surprisingly easy for you to turn him on; you do it without even meaning to, but at the same time, he still just thinks you’re the sweetest.
- Air kisses; you all know what I’m talking about. Some of the time he does it affectionately, other times he’ll do it sarcastically; all depends on the situation.
- Getting close to his sister and family; you’re always invited to come visit. Ramona probably embarrasses him by talking about what cute grandchildren the two of you would make. 
- His friends teasing the two of you. 
- Leaning against his car with him and his gang.
- Bridal carrying and getting thrown over his shoulder. He likes the little squeals and giggles that you make when he does it unexpectedly.
- Puppy dog eyes. Wade can convince you to do just about anything and it’s adorably frustrating.
- Having him occasionally check in and make sure you’re okay with things. You can always let him know that you don’t like something and he’ll stop it and/or bring you someplace else.
- Having to put up with Lenora. She’s constantly trying to cause problems between the two of you though her plots rarely ever manage to actually do anything.
- He always tries his best to impress you. His singing, his bike, his personality, his stories, whatever he thinks will interest you, he’ll use.
- I’m not gonna lie, he probably gets your name tattooed on him in one of those stereotypical red hearts.
- Wearing his jacket and/or getting your own shiny leather number.
- He loves being able to show you off and let everyone know that you’re together. He’s very proud of you so expect him to make your relationship obvious to everyone.
- Going to turkey point. Everyone there loves you, even if they don’t outwardly act like it all the time.
- Oftentimes, he’ll just show up at your house or wherever you are unannounced, just to see if you’re not busy and would like to come do something with him. He just likes seeing you, alright?
- Motorcycle rides. The two of you make quite an entrance when you’re arriving at places.
- Laying out under the stars together, though you’re probably more occupied with each other than looking at them.
- Drive-in movies.
- Sneaking out to see him, especially if your parents don't approve of him. 
- Washing his car and bike with him. The two of you usually end up having water fight; he’ll occasionally grab you and squeeze you against him before giving you a kiss while you both sit there slightly soaked. 
- Standing up for him. He’s all smiles whenever he listens to you tell someone off for talking bad about him.
- It doesn’t matter what it is, any punishment that you may have to receive, he’ll try and take it for you; even if why you’re being punished has nothing to do with him. He just can’t stand the thought of you having to suffer.
- He’s surprisingly well mannered and chivalrous for a drape. It may not be entirely authentic but he can certainly leave a good impression when he has to, like when he’s meeting your parents for instance.
- Even though he’s sort of a delinquent, Crybaby is still really sweet; and handsome, which is why your mother probably just can’t help but like him. He’s rough around the edges and wears ridiculous clothes but he’s nice. Your dad on the other hand....
- Since there’s always at least one girl trying to make it with him, he always reassures you that he doesn’t want anyone but you; and that’s the honest truth. Whenever he shoo’s someone off, he’ll turn to you and make sure you didn’t take their flirting too personal.
- Crybaby gets extremely jealous; especially when it comes to certain people like ex boyfriends or people who are obviously interested in you. He’ll always demand that you leave with him immediately; it’s the way he makes sure that you’ve chosen him and are sticking to your decision.
- He’s incredibly protective of you so expect him to jump to your defense and possibly; most likely, fight people over/for you.
- The two of you don’t really fight all too often; mainly because you understand him enough to know that it usually isn’t you that he’s actually upset with. When you do fight, he’ll usually have a bit of an outburst before calming down and trying his best to explain what’s got him so worked up.
- It’s easy to forgive him; especially when his sister tells you how he’s been moping around all day. He’ll approach you a bit hesitantly and ask if you can talk before telling you that he’s sorry and; usually, giving you a soft kiss on the cheek or forehead.
- Wade certainly isn’t scared of telling you he loves you; especially through song, so you’ll always know that he does.
- Even though it’s no secret that he adores you, he always gets sorta shy after he absentmindedly says things like “when we get married” or “when I have kids”.
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