#i just wanted my thoguhts out
kitsumo · 2 years
CONTENT WARNING :: dicussion of HB (Helluva Boss), and abuse, if you don't wanna see stuff relating to this content the TL:DR is "grrrr i ahte the creator and the content" ok have a nice day.
Helluva boss is NOT good. I'm saying this outright, it is at best, mediocre, and at worst, a horrible piece of media that romanticizes abuse when it benefits from it. And as of the most recent episode, it leans far more into the worst-case scenario than the best.
*As a quick note; Yes, I’ve seen all the Helluva Boss episodes (As of S2E2). Do not try to claim anything relating to me just not having seen it, I have.
Helluva Boss for those uninformed, is an indie animation series by Vivienne Maree Medrano, more famously known as “Vivziepop”. The show follows boss of murder business Blitz as he struggles to balance his business and the encounters between him and Stolas.
The show, however, once you dive into it, is bad. It’s just. Bad. The writing is inconsistent, bland, and downright toxic at points.
The main plot line is a “Will they? Won’t they?” between Blitz & Stolas, y’know, the toxic ””couple””.
I’ll get more on the treatment of abuse within Helluva Boss later, but even without that; the story is plain and boring to watch because... You don’t really want the two to actually get together, and neither do the characters! With Blitz talking to Stolas at the end of S1E7 about how he can’t deal with the constant objectification and ignoring of his emotions.
Now that alone should’ve been an answer to “Will they? Won’t they?”, because they don’t want to.
The characters, however, are not a good source for how they feel because they flip-flop and lose character traits at a moment’s notice when the show wants them to. They never grow, and yet they never stay the same.
This is the main source of the inconsistencies, with characters acting unlike they should, making illogical choices, and of course, changing without reason and ignoring the change that they should’ve kept. 
(*The biggest examples of this I will provide are; Blitz promising Moxxie to be better and then instantly stalking him and his wife next episode; Octavia forgiving Stolas for no real reason besides being told to; and Blitz’s emotions about Stolas constantly swapping when the show so desires.)
The show’s writing is just downright bad, also. Boring, unfunny, and confusing, the show ignores its own setting and in-world rules, bends them to the character’s wills, and does whatever to make the plot it wants to happen, happen. In S2E2, Octavia asks for the book to “take her to the stars”. It then brought her to LA. But why? How does this book know lingo for a famous person? It’s obvious what Octavia wanted, and there is no real reason why she ended up in LA other than the episode’s plot called for it.
And at the end of the episode, Octavia forgives Stolas for no reason! Octavia is obviously upset that her dad doesn’t bother to check in on her or care for her in the slightest, (*He didn’t even know Octavia went missing, he had to be informed of this!) and what is the thing she’s told? “Oh well, everyone has issues, just because they don't act like they care doesn’t mean they don't!” 
Which... I don’t think I have to explain how that’s a terrible thing to say to a child who’s distressed about the situation regarding her parents.
Another thing, the whole “they met as kids”... Blitz is implied to be younger than Stolas, but then in S2E1, they’re the same age. This seems to be done purely for ship bait. Speaking of S2E1, let’s talk about how abuse is treated within Helluva Boss.
Stolitz is an inherently toxic and abusive relationship, the two meet when Blitz is sold to Paimon. And when they re-meet again years later, Stolas doesn’t even remember Blitz’s name but is far too eager to have sex with him. Although Blitz started that, he is clearly uninterested in the encounter, having snuck in to steal something from Stolas. 
Not to mention, the whole thing with Stolas being a prince of hell and Blitz being an imp. Vivzie has said (*Though this is never expanded upon, shown, reflected, or otherwise implied within the show itself besides snarky comments from Stolas and his dad.) that imps are at the lowest rank within hell’s hierarchy. With Stolas showing mild discomfort benign around imps before, it’s got bad implications when we’re supposed to see Stolas and Blitz as a cute couple. 
Stolas is shown being inappropriate with Blitz throughout the series, the worst example being his flirting with Blitz as he’s panicking instead of doing literally anything else in S2E2. Blitz is shown and outright states that he’s uncomfortable with this. Though with how inconsistent the characters act, this barely matters to the show except for when it can create fun ✨Drama.✨
But oh! No! Abuse is bad, actually! But only when characters we don’t like do it. At the end of S2E1, Stella (*Stolas’s wife.. Or, ex-wife.) is implied to be abusive towards Stolas, obviously, that isn’t good, abuse is bad… But... The abuse Stolas does… isn’t..? Oh when Stolas sexually harasses a person he perceives as being below him, and when he neglects the needs of his daughter, he’s just sad and lonely, isn’t he? Nope, he’s not abusive! He just needs someone to love him and fix him right up! (*Sarcasm.)
The show flips its moral when it so desires, and when it fits the narrative it wants to tell. Abuse is bad, but only when it happens to characters we like! Stalking and Sexual harassment is funny! Except when I decide it isn’t! You can’t have your cake and eat it, either the stuff that’s happening is bad, or it isn’t, you can’t portray abuse as fun and quirky but then turn around and say it isn’t when you benefit from it. 
And don’t anyone say anything like, “Oh but it’s hell! They’re supposed to be bad!” The show knows it’s bad. It just doesn’t want to portray things as bad if its darling characters do them.
And this isn’t... Just a Helluva Boss thing, either. There’s a weird pattern in Vivzie’s content where abuse is romanticized. Leaving little, if any, room to have the content get better when Vivzie’s the head writer and creator of the thing. 
It worries me heavily, mostly for the fans. 
Vivzie’s bred this weird, “creator’s word is law” community that praises her for breathing. And when this happens around a show and creator that treats abuse as something fun and cute, it’s concerning! Especially since a lot of her fans are not adults.
Her fandom attacks anything that opposes their norm, (*Sometimes, this includes Vivzie’s choices to change small details on designs!) blindly accepting whatever Vivzie does and dismissing flaws that breed into worse and worse problems.
It’s like a cockroach swarm, there’s never just “one” cockroach. And letting it just go, ignoring that it exists, will leave roaches infesting your cereal. 
And it’s... Not that you can separate the content Vivzie makes, after all, art is a personal thing. 
And if you can, what’s the line? When is too much, too much? If you can’t separate the art from the artist, what does that say about the artist themselves?
At the end of the day, Helluva boss and the likes concern me, not just for how bad it is, but for the fact that Vivzie’s brought back this weird, 2012 fandom that bullies, harasses, and pushes aside any criticism. Her fans, a large majority of them, lack media literacy, acknowledging the issues within a property you enjoy, is very important! It does suck when things turn out bad, but nothing good comes from ignoring issues. If you can’t handle a show you like maybe not being so great, how will you handle people you know ending up not being so great? 
Overall.. I’m concerned. Fans I have known, act not very great. Fans I’ve just seen passing by, act not very great, and Vivzie herself, doesn’t act very great.
I don’t think you can separate this art from its artist.
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ganondoodle · 3 months
okay, bc i have seen this argument alot now (and it also seems to be the view point of aonuma himself..) is that "zelda cant do everything link does bc whats the point then"
and i take personal offense on that bc its a stupid argument (in. my. very. personal. opinion.- not judging people for liking it. its a ME thing)
whats the point? its that its her. its still a different character, different in story, background, personality, but i WANT to play zelda and she can do everything link does, why does she have to be so restricted and be bend over backwards to find some new way to make her 'useful' when link gets to do basically everything no questions asked (the only thing thats hers is like .. sealing power and sacrificial maiden, which i find a little underwhelming to say the least), if theres no point to it why are there always modders that model swap link with someone else, and in that case it has even less impact bc its an artificial model swap with no changes to the story (which can and should still be different when its the vanilla game with a different protagonist... its still a different character), clearly theres joy in just the model being a different one- and that isnt even to mention the story possibilities, since, again, its stil a different character
if we ever (never ... i know who we are talking about here) get to play as ganondorf i want to him to be just as versatile and active as link is, if we got a point and click adventure game for him instead bc 'whats the point' id be disappointed too- you can find any sort of excuse/explanation for zelda to be singled out but the fact remains it tracks with how female characters are often treated, and that hits a very sore spot for me
i guess i am unfortunately one of those annoying people that want to see female characters be treated exactly the same as male characters, possibly bc i am myself afab but identify as agender and have a deeply personal dislike for anything 'traditional' feminine bc i cannot and never will be able to truly live as myself in real life, it influences all of my work, my work is as just as much as my opinion on this, very personal
and in line with my point about modding, i see theres joy in just beign able to play as her even if its like this, i get that, i also get it for the creative aspect (though that mechanic worries me even more for the future bc it really seems to be the path now that -freedom = good, linear anything = bad-) it is a different idea and its not like i cant see that value- im not trying be "right" either, just bc i have that opinion doesnt mean i need everyone to agree, its a very personal thing, if you like it good for you! not for me though, and i think both of that is equally valid
i just personally wish she was allowed to be just like link, fight just like him but be different bc its still her and not him in the end- to be physically/playstyle like jsut like him, but you know ... as her, i dont think shed stop being zelda if she could wield a sword just like him
i dont really know how to get my point/feelings across, i dont want to step too much into personal stuff nor spam people with something that ultimately doesnt interest me alot, im just saddened by it really
(EDIT: bc i forgot to add this on here again; this isnt as much of a problem as it might sound like here, just the main topic i wanted to talk about; why im so uninterested in it is MAINLY bc i dont trust them to write anything interesting/care about lore anymore after totk, im always on the more pessimistic side that thinks its most likely worse than id hope and i know even the past games arent perfect or super interestingly written, but now its much more just a general distrust, together with everything like the price ... im just much less hopeful and cant get excited until i see more of it, like im waiting for the game to get out and reveal that its just as much of a mess and money i regret spending- kind of fear)
#ganondoodles talks#zelda#person that send an ask about this in just as i was writing this- this isnt about you- i promise you#its soemthing thats been stirring in my mind since yesterday#and seeing so many of those comments- and even aonuma himself say it#just strikes a very very personal sore spot#also to that one commenter on a different post-#no- wanting female characters being allowed to wield a sword is not “badass female character mysogyni” (idk how to spell that rn)#the hollywood badass female character thing is annoying but thats bc-#its a super model woman (bc shes ALLOWED TO BE FEMININE you KNOW) fight people in high heels- bc you can be feminie AND badass-#and then does a cringy one liner 'what you thoguht a FEMALE couldnt kick your teeth in'#which comes with alot more baggage of tropes and hollywood etc etc#i long for the 'women are jsut as capable as men' in a very agender way#why do you think i intentionally design alot of female characters non tradtionally feminie or masculine#again this is a very pseronal thing to me#BUT i do think it IS questionable that its her that isnt allowed to fight with a sword#like i dont think thats much of my personal dislike there- but a valid thing to point out no matter the explanations you can come up with#anyway- i dont hate it- but its not for me- i dont want to talk much about it#i hope you can excuse me not answering the asks i got related to this- id just repeat myself#(i guess i should be glad that its the top down one that gets her as the protagonist-)#(i dont think i want to live through seeing her be animated like the typically girly feminine butt wiggle in your face tehehe)#(the botw/totk cutscnes were enough of that for me PERSONALLY)#i dont know how many times i have to say its my very biased personally personal opinion and no a judging of others#to make it clear that no one has to agree with me and i dont want to be convinced of the other opinions of this
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sallytwo · 2 years
literally been stuck in the academy misery for 2 weeks and straight up everyoneeee i talk to has made it worse. not on purpose but that’s how it is and then my nicest most angelic squad leader pulls me aside for an UNRELATED conversation for 10 minutes and it’s literally like. 😇❤️🌅💗🤝🫂👍😄. the world is amazing
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planet4546b · 2 years
realizing i may have to kill poor hegemony for the sake of making june so i can have her with me in tfs. hedgelet......im so sorry.........sniff sniff
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liminalpsych · 2 years
17. Let other people judge us with all their own assumptions
Laughter rang out through the glade of the king’s forest. All the birds fell silent for a moment in the wake of it. Then, seeming to realize that the sound did not spell danger, they thus resumed their singing.
A lady and a knight took their meal merrily upon a cloak spread over the forest floor. Nearby, their steeds grazed upon the greenery without a care. They were dressed for hawking, and indeed a hooded hawk roosted on a saddle atop a silver palfrey, yet there was no captured quarry to be seen.
Indeed, Gwenhwyfar and Lancelot had not been hunting at all, but rather sharing a meal in the peace and privacy of the glade, away from prying eyes or gossiping lips.
They shared other things, too: kisses, chaste and playful at first between bites of bread and cheese and sips of wine. In time, the two lovers also shared the taste of their mouths, and the taste of each other’s skin.
Yet something disturbed the peace of the kingswood. The birds fell silent once more, and this time they remained so, alert to a predator’s intent.
Lost as they were in one another, the lady and the knight noticed not the changes around them, too surrounded by their own soft sighs. Not until their horses paused in their grazing, ears pricked forward as they stared off into the woods, nostrils flared to scent the shifting breeze.
Not until Gwenhwyfar’s palfrey relaxed with recognition, and whuffled a soft greeting.
The lovers stilled, motionless as deer scenting a stalking wolf.
There was a rustling of leaves not far away, and then a tense silence that seemed to stretch on forever.
“Gwen,” Lancelot said, in a voice so soft and low that she did not so much hear it as feel it in the form of his lips moving against her ear rather than heard it, “wait until I stand and speak challenge, then take my horse and flee.”
Now Lancelot’s courser nickered, louder than the palfrey, his eyes alert with interest as he recognized someone in the wood.
Fear left Gwen shivering with cold despite the heat of the summer day. “We face this together–”
His hand tightened over hers. “I will send to Avalon if it is safe to return. You must go. For Arthur’s sake.”
She did not even know if she could stand; it seemed as though the ground spun beneath her, dizzy and sick with dread. Yet she knew her knight spoke truly. She gave a short, sharp nod, then turned to press her lips to his for one last desperate kiss.
Lancelot returned it for a heartbeat, his heart breaking within his chest, yet knew he could afford to tarry no longer. He turned away, taking up his sword as he rose to stand and face the silent forest.
“Come out, else you be craven and not merely ignoble spies!”
Gwenhwyfar did stand, somehow, and even run, her world tilting beneath her. She scrambled up into the saddle more than mounted, as Lancelot’s taller steed danced and snorted beneath an unfamiliar rider; she murmured soothing sounds despite the hammering of her heart, taking up the reins in hands that she willed not to shake.
“You dare call another ignoble, when you lie in treason with your king’s own wife?” It was a familiar voice, another of Arthur’s knights, although all the names of every knight save her own beloved seemed to flee her mind even as she fled the glade.
“Stand down, and I will surrender peacefully to you when my queen is well away,” said Lancelot. “Pursue her, and I will cut you all down where you stand.”
She bent low over the courser’s neck to urge him onward, not waiting to learn the outcome, not wanting to know if steel rang out behind her. The wind of her steed’s passage tore any sound of sorrow from her throat.
The roaring in her ears was the only sound she could hear as her entire world came crashing down behind her.
With all the years between us
I know your heart, you know I'd never lie
Let other people judge us with all their own assumptions
You know with me you never need to hide
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samkerrworshipper · 11 months
lost cause | leah williamson x reader
it’s a little blurb for my hurt girlies
warnings: depression, suicidal thoughts n discussions.
Tumblr media
“Would you let me die?”
You looked deep into Leah’s eyes, the both of you trying your very hardest to fight back tears as her eyes shot open towards you. She flipped you over in your shared bed, switching you from your position as her little spoon so you were face to face with her.
Leah’s words were laced with sleepiness, her body had been mere seconds away from sleep but your words had stopped her exhaustive haze, her eyes blinking furiously as they adjusted to the lack of light in the room, trying to gauge your facial expression.
“Would you let me die?”
Your words were murmured into the room, quiet that Leah was sure she stood a higher chance of hearing a mouse running across the floorboards then your words.
“What are you talking about?”
Leah’s voice waivered, trying to figure out exactly what you werte referring to.
“Would you?”
The conversation had been on your mind for days, the thoughts that had been humming steadily in your brain finally coming to surface in the moment.
“No shit I wouldn’t.”
Leah’s voice was as strong as it could be, her Milton Keynes accent coming on strong as she tried to decipher what exactly was playing in you brain at 3am in the morning that had led you to this point.
“Could you?”
Once again Leah struggled to understand the words and meaning of what you were saying. You’d had a impossible month, becoming the fifth arsenal player to be plagued with the acl disease. You’d had surgery two months ago, and revelry wise you were doing great, mentally you were struggling more than you ever had. Leah was working on it with you, trying her very hardest to keep you happy, to keep you alive. It was hard, there were days where you refused to leave bed, days where she found scars on your wrists that made her feel sick for not being there for you how she had to be.
“I just told you no.”
Leah’s voice held strong in the room, the only thing that could be heard was the sound of the two of you breathing. It had been a rough night to some extent, you were being weaned off the pain meds and it sucked, Leah was trying her hardest but she wasn’t a doctor, nor instant pain relief.
“What if I asked you to?”
Your words hung heavy in the space between you, like a weighted medicine ball falling directly between you on the bed.
It had been a thoguht that had been at the forefront of your brain for weeks, but for you, it felt like an obligation to talk to Leah about it, to prepare her for something that was very quickly beginning to feel inevitable to you.
“Why would you ask me that?l
Leah’s hand managed to travel its way down to your stomach, her fingers clutching onto your sharp stomach muscles, the lines were strong and deft, a map across your torso.
“Do you love me enough to just let me die?”
Leah looked directly into your eyes. Did she love you to death? Did she love you to your grave? It was a question that hurt Leah from the inside out. Was it selfish of her to say no, to say that it was stupid of you to leave her for the rest of her life, when you’d promised her forever.
“I know it’s selfish but-.”
“That’s a fucked up thing to say.”
Leahs voice harshly cut you off, the older woman try her hardest to stay composed as she kept her eye contact with you, it was the only glimpse she had into your thoughts, what exactly you were feeling in this moment.
“I know and I’m sorry Lee, but I had to ask.”
Leah shook her head, no you didn’t. There was a billion worlds where you never should have had to ask, to ask permission to live, to ask permission from her about whether or not she loved you enough to let you go.
“Do you want to die?”
Leah’s words struck a deep frown onto your face, like it had been plastered on with sticky tape and glue. It looked wrong on your face, nights like these were normally spent with you being the happiest you ever were, cuddled up in the arms thay you loved more than anything in the world.
“Are you planning on dying, could you?”
There was no illness, no surgery, no life threatening circumstance that could lead to the end of your life, so it was either planned or paranoia and Leah was leaning to believe it was the first one.
“Could I die?”
Her words twisted around in your brain, your heart racing furiously against Leah’s Arsenal hoodie as you tried to digest what she was saying to you, it wasn’t a meal that was agreeing with your stomach, you could feel the word vomit rising already.
“Could you love me enough to live for me?”
The rephrasing of her words made you feel even sicker, like the nausea you got after eating lactose when you definitely were not supposed to.
“You know I love you Leah.”
Leah’s brow furrowed, because yes, she knew you loved her, you reminded her at least once a day. But what about loving her made you want to die, enough to seek permission.
“So could you live for me, it might be selfish, but please.”
Leah’s words invoked an i necessary amount of uncomfortable silence that spread out like a blanket across your shared bedroom, even the dogs lying at the base of your bed seemed to understand the memo, their snores silencing for a second whilst you and Leah just stared at eachother.
“Leah, I can’t do this anymore.”
She knew that, knew that more than anyone this acl injury had been hell for you. Her once energetic and happy girl had changed, into a person that was completely unrecognisable, it hurt her heart and soul, wondering if she’d ever get her girl back, or if that version of you had died out in the pitch with your injury.
“I know your struggling bunny, but I need you to do this for me, I need you to try. If you can’t keep yourself alive then I will fight every single day for you. Suicide is not the answer for you, you have too good of a life ahead for suicide to be your last chapter.”
Leah often reflected, often prayed that maybe, for whatever reason some things were just meant to be, even when they sucked. Maybe, just maybe, life wasn’t supposed to be easy for you. Maybe you were one of the rare few who could handle tough times and still come out on the other end as a loving person. Maybe it was all falling into place because you are a strong person, you are having this experience for the good of yourself. Maybe it’s gods twisted way of loving you, pushing you through the hard times so you can see the good in life. Maybe for you, this is growth, pain is becoming the new normal. Maybe just giving your all was enough, or maybe it wasn’t. Maybe Leah made up things to make her life easier.
She reached her hands up to the loose hair strands that had fallen in front of your eyes, pushing them back behind your ears so you were forced to look at her dead on.
“How bad is it bunny, is it bad enough that you can’t just try your hardest for me?”
You bit down hard on your lip, contemplating the question silently in your head as Leah awaited your response. You stayed silent for a little while, the only sign you were still alive being your eyes blinking every once a while and your chest rising steadily.
“I’ll try.”
The words were pieces, like chunks of oranges sliced up and scattered across a chopping board, and whilst Leah didn’t exactly hear them she managed to put all the pieces together in her brain.
“I love you.”
Her words came out as one big breath. To Leah, you were as important as oxygen, without you she died as well, your contagious laugh and sparkly eyes were what got her through the rough days and nights and she couldn’t even imagine what life would look like waking up without you.
“I love you more.”
Leah smiled at you gently, coaxingly, how you’d look at a injured puppy.
“You could never.”
Leah pulled your body flush against hers, her hand coming up and under your hoodie and coming to rest on top of your heart, the feeling of your organ pumping against her was pure comfort, a luxury that she allowed herself to be granted. She exhaled deeply as she felt the feeling of your blood being pumped all over your body, to your little toes and your tiny hands.
She knew life right now sucked for you, knew just how much a acl injury made you question every single part of your life, but that didn’t matter to her, what mattered was that you weee slive, and in her arms, finding solace in her gentle touches and broad body.
You intertwined your legs with hers, wrapping her warm ones around your cold ones and slowly beginning to relax against her, as your emotional revelation began to fade from your brain, your promise to Leah breaking every single thought that had been marinating in your head.
“Go to sleep bunny, I’ve got you, nobody is harming you in my arms, even yourself.”
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danieyells · 4 months
Can I see Romeo's voicelines please? He's such a failguy, I need to knowwww
How dare you call him a failguy!
he is THE failguy. don't make him sound offbrand.
i love Romeo he is honestly so ridiculous like. . .you meet Romeo in the first chapter and you do NOT realize he's going to be like. . .that. . .in the Sinostra chapter. . . .
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"Hey! I'm talking to you, BB! If you've got time to wander around, you've got time to wipe the tables!"
i thoguht the pc was supposed to be doing uh background work for you at the casino. why is she cleaning tables!? go ask her to run drugs for you or something.
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"Excuse me? What sane person lets their messages pile up like this!? Deal with them or I'll deal with you!"
'clean up your inbox or they will have to clean you and put you in a box'
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"Fuji... Come out, come out, wherever you are... Tch, where did he go? Why is running away the only thing he's good at!?"
"Listen up—call me Fico. That's the only name I'll respond to, understand!?"
disregard the 'Lulu' from Taiga, 'Romi-sama'/'Ro-Ro' from Leo, 'RomiRomi' from Rui. . .'Fico' is for underlings, and you are an underling!
"Come to my private office later—I've got a little proposal I think you'll want to hear.  But make sure you come alone."
"Just go! I cannot deal with this WTWUT! Wall-To-Wall Useless Trash, obviously!"
that was a long acronym!
"Time to count this month's protection fees... Not bad. I'll up this group by 2% next month. This one could go a little higher too..."
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"Why does that DOF want to meet so early in the morning? If I get bags under my eyes because of this, I'm going to slit his throat."
we never learned what "DOF" stood for did we. we do know it's Hyde now, though!
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Hello? Yes, I was just eating lunch. Again?  ...Fine. Tonight? All right. Bye now."
booty call from hyde? in the middle of the day? shameless
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Have you seen Shinjo anywhere? I just asked him to organize some documents and he ran off to make copies!"
Ritsu has a line referencing this one!
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Mickey's bar? Yes, I am going again tonight, but it's only because there's nowhere else to go for a drink."
isn't there a bar in the casino. . .i guess he doesn't wanna spend time on the casino floor. also "Mickey" is Rui Mizuki, if you weren't able to figure that out haha
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"This is when the regulars usually come, so I have to sweeten the pot. I saw that HNTW out there earlier too."
i hate you and your acronyms LMAOOOO I THINK THIS IS REFERRING TO KAITO??? MAYBE??? he's the only character besides Taiga who frequents the casino that we're aware of!
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"How dare those Frostheim slugs start whispering the moment they see my face... One day they'll be groveling at my feet..."
oof. . .the frostheimers are gossiping about the collapse of his family. . .yeah i'd be mad too there bud. i'd like to think he wanted to transfer to Frostheim once he became a second year and he ended up not doing it because Frostheim was just so toxic.
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"...Looks like I'm due for a tune up soon. Keeping my posture beautiful isn't easy, no matter how much I train my core."
i assume he sees like a chiropractor or a physical therapist or something. gets his atlas adjusted. maybe don't lean over your EITS laptops lol
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"You're smelling the bedtime fragrance I bought from Kurossa earlier. He has a good eye, so I often ask him to pick things out for me."
'Kurossa' is Leo Kurosagi and his lines also reference this! I'm glad they get along so well haha I think they mesh pretty great. also the fact that Romeo gives little nicknames to people is cute. . . .
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"You want to see my Insta? I suppose that's fine, but do you even know anything about brands?"
brand ambassador romeo. . .god he probably does all sorts of dumb beauty shit on his instagram. do you think he participates in those health pyramid schemes? probably not, right, he's fairly legitimate in his business practices. . .sort of, sometimes, kind of, as long as you don't owe him money. . . .
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Fuji's pendant? Of course I haven't given up on it. He has no idea of the value of what's hanging around his neck."
neither do we! please inform us!! but on the upside that means that Romeo knows what it is, to some degree. I assume it's some rare, powerful artifact. Kaito at least knows it's important.
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"I have to drink a cup of room-temperature water, do an electric facial and a mask, apply body cream, do my neck routine... I have no free time in the morning."
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Hey! There's a hair on the ground over here! And there's dust over here! Can't you even clean something properly without me holding your hand!?"
this is directed at his underlings, not the pc(or not the pc by themself.) I also appreciate that the Japanese specifies this is one single hair he's pointing out. Somebody get this man a roomba.
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I maintain my bullets myself. You really think I'd let another man handle my crown jewels?"
handle your WHAT-- i mean anyone could've guessed you and taiga don't have a very active sex life
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"What is going on with your skin!? Do you even have a proper routine in place? Unacceptable. Your overnight skin cell turnover is suboptimal and it shows."
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"That BTH...! I was almost impressed to see him out so early until I realized he's been playing all night!!"
taiga pulling an all-nighter at his own goddamn casino lmao. . . .
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"What do you mean you don't need any more noni juice? I went out of my way to prepare it for you. Come on now, drink it."
he personally made it for you! now drink the bitter nasty health juice. don't make him feed it to you. (The fact that he made you a health dink--went out of his way to make it for you--shows that he's really starting to like you and now he's treating you like a pet.)
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Finally, some goods worth talking about. I have to ring that DOF and arrange the next event..."
so Hyde is an active participant in these auctions huh. . .are the secret missions he gives Romeo based on selling and distributing artifacts and anomalies in secret. . .?
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Money, hard work, and patience... That's the cost of true beauty. Don't think it's something you can easily imitate."
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"How about a smoke before bed? I'm joking. If I wasn't selling it, I wouldn't be touching this unhealthy garbage."
quick someone shoop the "quieres" meme with romeo HE DOESN'T ACTUALLY TELL YOU WHAT HE'S HANDLING. . .considering his line of work it could be anything but regular cigarettes or cigars. Is it weed? is it crack?? is it meth???? i find that romeo is essentially the campus dealer hilarious.
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"What? I'm on my way to the gym for a workout. ...You can join me if you're interested."
you know damn well he probably hates getting sweaty. but he's gotta keep up with his health and all so a little workout's not off the table. also you know he's wearing some fuckin. gucci leggings or some shit.
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Why are you carrying that!? What if you drop it and it breaks? I'll get one of our young guys to do it, so put it down already!"
aw he's worried about--oh no he's just worrying about you dropping his stuff.
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I won't let anyone destroy what I've built— not even my OAOF."
GOD I HOPE THEY EXPLAIN THESE ACRONYMS SOMEWHERE ALONG THE LINE. I assume the first word is "Own". . .the last word could be "Family" or "Followers"/"Faction" or "Feelings". . . .
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Most of humanity's problems can be solved with money. If you put that another way, without money, you don't stand a chance. That's the way the world works."
again, Taiga compared Ritsu's family to Romeo's before The Incident. Romeo lost everything he had at one point. He's afraid of ending up with nothing again. That's all. Even with the Casino, he doesn't want to lose it because it'd be losing everything he has again. Having no money means going back to 0.
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Coming here alone this time of night, haven't you made progress? Come over here, I'll evaluate your efforts."
pc's getting brave enough to go to Sinostra in the middle of the night! probably did some shady job for him too. Also the face he makes while praising you for coming to Sinostra alone late at night is a little. . . .
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Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"What could you possibly be afraid of? You're one of my people! Walk with your head held high or I'll step on it!"
BBY YOU CAN STEP ON HER HEAD ANYWAY. PLEASE DO IT. 👀 also you have been opted out of being one of Taiga's people I guess. You have chosen your faction. /joke
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"This year's AW collection is out... Tch. Not even a hint of taste in any of it. They'll bear this mark of shame for years."
I KNOW THIS ACRONYM! He's complaining about Autumn-Winter fashion!!! lbr romeo men's fashion is kinda boring anyway. I wonder if his family owned a fashion brand. . . .
(between 11am and 4pm)
"I don't mind the springtime in Japan. The mild weather is a bonus, but it's the transient beauty of the cherry blossoms I truly appreciate."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"The new prototype is a tear bomb? A lot of anomalies don't even have eyes, is this really going to be useful?"
i mean it might be useful for the ones that have eyes. . .or for hunting down Kaito.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Shut up! It's nearly time to settle the books so I'm completely run off my feet! I don't have time to deal with you, understand!?"
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"Summer is all about aquamarine... If you believe that, you're a follower. A trendsetter would know to go against the grain with a heavier jade piece."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Excuse me!? You really think I would stoop to petty theft!? This scarf and hat are UV protection!"
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"This? It's an original hot water blend with salt and lemon I came up with. You shouldn't be cooling your insides just because it's hot outside!"
i mean. i guess it'll technically help you sweat and cool down faster????
(between 8pm and 5am)
"The heat's finally starting to ease off. I want to take a shower, but it's nearly our peak hour..."
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"They gave us nothing but useless bottom feeders this year... I'd like to see who raised this bunch of idiots. They don't even have a grasp of basic etiquette."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"I'm going to the training grounds to demonstrate sharpshooting for the first- years. It's a waste of my time, but I'm the most skilled at it."
he just wants everyone to see how good he is lolol
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"The SS collections are out. What? Are you telling me you don't pay attention to Paris Fashion Week?"
(between 8pm and 5am)
"The boss won't stop whining about being hungry. Obviously I'm not going to cook. What are you all standing around for, you damn TGAs!?"
lol Romeo has his underlings feed Taiga as much as Taiga demands food of his own underlings. "please feed your father the boss before he eats one of the chancellor's cats again."
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"You look like a fat slug in those clothes. Keeping warm is important, but couldn't you at least tough it out when you're meeting me!?"
HARSH. how about you get her outfits then!!! lolol he's looking at you all bundled up and doesn't even wanna be seen with you
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Everywhere is so dry, it's unbearable. I want to go back to my room and moisturize..."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"I get aches when it's cold... I'm taking off early tonight to go drink, then I'll warm up with a low bath."
'i'm gonna put alcohol in me which will make me feel warm but actually make me colder, then get in the bath for a while' lol
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Tch... This is the most profitable time of year for us, where the hell is that BTH!?
well you see Taiga hates the cold too so he's probably in a blanket burrito. . . .
His birthday: (November 14th)
"Today is Fico's birthday, so you're dining in style. I'm not going to eat any though, so you can finish it off."
'it's my birthday, so i'm going to treat you! what? me? eat?? no, i'm on a diet!!' i am once again asking the ghouls to EAT PROPER MEALS PLEASE IT IS YOUR BIRTHDAY ROMEO HAVE ONE CHEAT DAY. DOESN'T EVEN HAVE TO BE CAKE.
Your birthday:
"It's your birthday? I suppose I can celebrate it for you, but you'd better be aware of how much of my precious time you're using."
he treats you better on his birthday than yours. . . .
New Years: (January 1st)
"Felice anno nuovo! This will be the year I claim Fuji's debt and his pendant!"
oh my god he does speak italian. you hear more tidbits of italian fromTaiga than him. also Kaito's pendant must be super important if that's his new years resolution. this is gonna matter in the long run isn't it.
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"Hmph. I'm not familiar with this packaging. If you're giving me chocolate, you better have selected it with the utmost care!"
'this is not brand name. how dare you.'
White Day: (March 13th)
"Here. They're mimosa cookies, a special order from an upmarket confectionary in Ginza. I can't say whether your peasant tastebuds can appreciate them though."
peasant? who are you, jin? fun fact, Taiga's White Day line references this one!
"What's that expectant look on your face? Lulu was harping on about mimosas or something before. That what you want?"
so Romeo gets the cookies whether or not he plans to give you some i guess lol
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"Just you try and fool me—I'll tear those rags off you and throw you in a cage. So? What do you want?"
converting your friends into human trafficking victims is the latest new prank sweeping the internet!
Halloween: (October 31st)
"Do you have face paint in your pores!? Go wash it off before you end up with hyperpigmentation!!"
Christmas: (December 25th)
"Buon Natale! Go get ready—that reindeer's around again. This year I'm going to catch it for sure!!"
he's going to auction off one of santa's reindeer. . . .
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"Tch... If you don't have any business for me, I'm leaving! You're wasting my precious time!"
(13 affinity and above)
"My drink is empty. Hey! I'm talking to you! Go bring me a refill!"
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"Well, look what the cat dragged in. Do I have to teach you how to maintain an adult relationship? This is your last chance, got it!?"
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG THE ADHD KICKED IN AND I GOT SUPER DISTRACTED i love Romeo so much he's so. . .silly lmao. he's a very fun character. even though i hate his acronyms. But he's also so worried about his image and his money. . .and as much as he complains I think he worries about Taiga too. And as he comes to like you more he worries about you too. It's just that strictness and maintaining control is how he feels most comfortable and how he expresses his attachments. He trusts you. So he wants you to be able to hold you to a high standard.
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ancha-aus · 3 months
RealAgeAu Drabble - Shopping
I am back at it again because I had ideas. (don't worry friend @spotaus things are being planned and I got many many ideas :3 but before those happen stuff needs to be established and put in place!)
I was debating between like four different drabble ideas but settled on this one. Something calming for a bit :)
First Drabble Prev Drabble Next Drabble
as always. No editing and no beta.
Dust shoots Killer another glare as he holds Nightmare clsoer "I mean it Killer. get out of my blindspot. It is getting annoying."
Nightmare looks from Dust to Killer and sees the large grin on Killer's face as he skips after Dust and Nightmare "Nah. I think it is good i am here because it is your blindspot!"
Dust grumbles as he holds Nightmare clsoer. Nightmare just pushes his skull under Dust's chin as he listens to the two bicker. Dust gives him a quick nuzzle before shooting Killer another glare "Why are you even here?" Killer still has a large grin on his face "I am backup!"
Dust groans "I am getting Nightmare clothes."
Killer nods as he follows them "backup!"
Dust huffs before looking back at Nightmare. Nightmare sees the glare disappear from his face as Dust lets out a sigh before smiling at Nightmare "makes you start to wonder who helped who out of getting stuck in a wall."
Killer gasps loudly "That only happened a few times!"
Ngihtmare grins and laughs as he leans fully against Dust again. He likes being held by Dust and Dust must like it too because he always holds him.
Nightmare figured it was because his spine is fragile and walking for too long starts to bother him but Dust still just holds him. always. Maybe he also likes being close like this?
Thoguht Nightmare isn't sure what Dust gets out of it but he must really like something abut the close contact.
They walk past another few people who look at them. Nightmare shoots a glance as Dust and Killer continue to bicker. They seem to shoot Dust and him worried looks but chuckle once they realise that Dust and Killer are just doing their way of bonding.
Nightmare always thought the flirting between those two was weird but then again he thought most things dating was weird. Maybe because he was still a child in his soul...
Not that it matters.
Nightmare shoots a glance and spots Killer grinning widely as his soul is clearly in soulshape and looks stable. Dust may have an annoyed look on his face but he has a tiny smile on his face.
Nightmare hides his face in Dust's sweater but he can't hide the purr. He wants them to be happy. They are happy even with him near.
Dust notices of course nad gives him another nuzzle "comfy? Spine okay?"
Nightmare nods "Yeah."
Dust hums to signal he heard him but still rubs his back.
They finally stop near one of the smaller houses which is the clothing shop for this town.
Dust tilts his skull as Killer snorts "oh that is adorable. ready to dress Nightmare as a tiny old man?" he grins
Dust shoots Killer a glare "It isn't that bad..." then he looks at the store "just... a bit old fashioned..." he looks at him "That okay?"
Nightmare nods before shrugging "I don't get why i need new things..."
Dust sighs. Killer leans on Dust's other shoulder and shoots him a wink "Because you are still wearing Dust's things. and quite honestly. Dusty does not have a large enough wardrobe to dress both of you."
Nightmare frowns as he pushes clsoer to Dust. He doesn't mind wearing stuff them them. It are things that are well worn and soft and smell of them and old laundry detergent.
Dust nuzzles his skull "It will be nice. You can check what you like and what feels nice and is comfortable."
Nightmare frowns "it is expensive." which is another reason why he doesn't want to get anything.
Dust frowns and Killer quickly answers "That is a worry for us. And Dusty said it is fine so it is fine." he grins.
Dust nods "made some money. more than enough to get you some things."
Nightmare wants to disagree more but Dust walks into the store.
The inside isn't like he thought it would be. there is actually quite a number of nice looking things and looks more modern than you would think from the outside.
DUst makes a pleased sound before smiling smugly "Seems like they were just showing off the knitwear because it is autumn." he shoots Killer a look "Almost as if i did my research and knew it would be okay here." and he walks further into the store.
Killer sputters before following them "I know that Dusty! You always do that! I was just joking around!" he pouts but doesn't offer anything. Really just a shadow. It reminds Nightmare a bit about how it was before. Killer beign his right hand and always by his side to help and protect him. It still feels different now and even when thinking back to those memories they feel different.
Killer spots him looking at him and grins before wriggling his phalanges in a tiny wave at him. Nightmare huffs and pushes back closer to Dust.
Dust is looking through some clothes on the hanger "Stop bothering Nightmare." he pulls something off and looks it over critically. he holds it up for him to inspect and Nightmare just shrugs.
Killer pouts as he crosses his arms "Just having fun. And tiny boss is fine with it!" he grins at him "Right nighty?"
Nightmare shrugs. he doens't mind. it is nice.
Dust rolls his eye lights and doesn't look at Killer "Even if he is fine with is safe it for later. first buying clothes. Then you can tire him out."
Nightmare huffs and grumbles. he doesn't need tiring out. he is perfectly fine. Dust holds up another sweater and he shrugs again.
"Oh hello there dears! Can you find it all?"
Killer nad Dust turn and Nightmare feels Dust freeze for a moment. Yeah not a surprise because the woman looks a lot like Toriel. But Nightmare doubts it is the her of this universe. The closer he looks the more this woman seems like a sheep monster.
Killer and Dust must see it too as Killer grins "Pretty much! but we got it!"
Dust shoots him a look "Killer knock it off." he looks at the lady "We are looking for stuff for the little guy."
The lady smiles sweetly "Oh! You two must be two of Sans- I am sorry, Crop's friends!" she looks them over and her gaze lingers on Dust for a moment before settling on Nightmare. Nightmare can't stop the instinct of holding on tighter to Dust. He doesn't like having stranger's gazes on him.
The smiles sweetly "I can see the resemblance! You must be very proud of such a young handsome little boy!"
Dust looks to the side and shrugs but his hold on him tightens. Killer snorts, which is fair as they aren't actually related. Maybe she just sees the resemblance before Nightmare now looks much more like a tiny swap sans, as that was the original form his mother used to craft their bodies. And Dust is the one of the four that still resemblance who he used to be.
At elast Nightmare assumes that is why people think they see a resemblance. That or they are just racists and think all skeletons look alike.
the woman smiles "I am sure there is something fitting for him. Do you need any help?"
Killer's laugh turns cold as he smiles widely "No thanks! We got this!"
Dust rolls his eye lights and nudges him in the side "Stop it." he looks back to the lady "I was wodnering what the... organisation was. I wanted to look at stuff his size..." and he looks at the things he had been looking at with a glare.
The sheep monster looks a bit paler after Killer's interaction but smiles sweetly at Dust. "It is a bit of a mixmatch. Of all the stuff that is handmade it only has a few of each size. you will have to guestimate those. The imported clothes are by the walls, those have more standard sizing."
Dust nods "I see." and he starts walking towards the side first to check the sizing.
Killer grins as he leans close and whispers "Holding a babybones does wonders for making you look approachable"
Dust shoots him a glare and hisses "One word and I will put you in a wall myself." and he stomps over towards the clothes.
Nightmare still doens't understand why Killer thinks that kinda flirting is efficient but what does he know.
Dust is clearly unimpressed with the clothing offered with the more standard design and fabric. but they use it to figure out which size he is before moving towards the handmade stuff.
DUst and Nightmare check what is nice and soft as Killer shadows them. Staying nearby and pretty much glaring at anyone who as much as glances in their direction.
They end up settling for two big sweaters and some sweats. They wait by the cash register as Dust has picked him up again.
The nice woman smiles at them "That will be 140!" she smiles.
Killer winces at the price and Nightmare pushes closer to Dust "I don't need two." wool sweaters are expensive...
Dust shrugs as he looks at Killer "Be usefull and hold him for a moment." and Ngihtamre feels hismelf be handed over to Killer. Dust takes out some cash from his inventory and counts quickly before putting most of the stash he had on the counter "That should be enough." he stashes whatever is left.
The lady counts it and smiles as she puts it away. She packs it in a bag and holds it out to Dust "Thank you for shopping! And Can I just say it is lovely to see such a devoted father."
Dust shrugs and mutters a thanks before shooting Killer a warning look.
Killer grins as he nuzzles Nightmare "How are you this huggable tiny boss?"
Nightmare shrugs but holds unto Killer. Killer is also nice to be held by.
They leave the store together and walk back towards the parking lot. Something about meeting up again to go back to Crop's farm. Nightmare isn't really sure. He is already getting tired again adn he mumbles unhappily.
Killer purrs and coos "It is okay tiny boss. babybones need their sleep and rest after all."
Dust nods "Shopping is always busy." he shoots Killer a glare "Why is why i didn't want you to get him tired or overwhelmed."
Killer groans "Yeah yeah you were right. you are always right. can i go back to nuzzlign the baby now?"
Dust looks considerate before nodding "You may."
Killer grins and the nuzzles resume and Nightmare wants to pout and push him off but it is so nice and he can feel himself start to relax as he starts to purr again.
He likes it when his family holds him.
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acarrcreations · 1 year
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I've spent the last 5 days putting together and painting this 3D printed model based on the Rayman 3 promotional Leptys statue!
Someone very kindly went out of his way to print one out for me so I could give painting it a go!
See the original model and info here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5279438
More pics and my process under the cut...
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It arrived in pieces which slotted together really easily and just needed a bit of glue. I've never worked with something 3D printed before so I was looking forward to putting this together.
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It was really light and fragile so that worried me when handling the pieces and sandpapering them, especially where there were parts that were really thin, such as the hair and the hoodie strings.
I sandpapered down the sharp edges and bits of plastic that were still stuck on. I was hoping I could sandpaper down the layer lines that are left behind by the printer, but the model has so many tiny details which I didn't want to lose.
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Cleaned it up as best as I could, assembled the pieces and gave it a plastic primer coating so it was ready for painting. It stands at roughly 17.5cm.
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Unlike a clay model, I wasn't used to having to put so many layers on. Usually a base coat is enough, but with plastic the light shines right through the model (can't really see it in photos) so I ended up spending a lot of time putting multiple coats on paint on.
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During painting I noticed a tiny piece on the bird's head at the top was missing.
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At first I thoguht there was no way I could fix it with clay because the figurine was made of plastic and would melt in the oven, but I figured I could eye-ball the shape and attach it on later. After a couple attempts I managed to get a similar looking shape made of clay glued on and sandpapered it to shape!
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I know the big promotional statue itself has the ball at the top be a blue colour, but I couldn't help but find it kinda dull to look at. After looking up how the leptys statue looks in-game, I realised that in the game it changes colour from blue to purple and has magical swirls so I figured why not let's paint something like that instead.
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After a couple coats of varnish and a felt bottom to protect surfaces, it was done. My photos don't do it justice, but I'm pretty happy with the result!
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Alright, my muse decided to get away with a new idea, that i am refusing to write at the moment because i have a bunch of works that i have to finish but i will write the general idea in here.
I read a Brookyn 99 fic once of a different fandom, as well as watched the series and somehow I thoguht what if it was with the supernatural characters? But not in a way that it would normally be done, no, I dont want Dean nor Cas as Jake and Amy, no, I want them to be like Hitchcock and Scully, with some differences, let me explain
So first we would have our main characters, right? So I am thinking something like
Sam as Boyle
Jo as Rosa
Charlie as Gina
Dean and Cas as Hitchcock and Scully
Ruffus as Jeffords
Bobby as Holt (Crowley is Bobby´s husband)
And our main characters: Adam as Jake and Michael as Amy
And of course the story would focus on the main pair of Michael and Adam, but with nods to Destiel in the background, how you might ask?
Well, for starters, for those who havent seen B99, the pilot presents the squad with Terry giving Holt a quick verison of everyone. So in my version Rufus would be introducing the squad to Bobby and when it is time for Dean and Cas, he would be like
Rufus: Oh yes, that is Destiel
Bobby: Destiel?
Rufus: Yeah, Dean and Castiel, they do everything together and honestly it is more trouble that it is worth separating them
Bobby: They are holding hands while writing reports
Rufus: Yes, they tend to do that all the time
Bobby: That cant be efficient
Rufus: Honestly cap, we are not even sure if Castiel is actually hired here, he kinda of just showed up one day and started to trail after Dean, and Dean let him
Bobby: So they are together?
Rufus: We are inclined to believe so
Bobby: Arent Sam and Adam Dean´s siblings?
Rufus: Yes and they are just as confused as the rest of us
And then the whole subplot would be everyone else trying to find out whether a) Cas is actually supposed to be in the bullpen and b) if Dean and Cas are married or in a relationship
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rustys-lodge · 2 years
It is but a little cold
Request by : @xpsidedownn​ :  Please more Hannibal x daughter reader! I love your stories sm. I have a request, if that’s okay? Maybe reader gets sick and stays home from school (if they go) and Hannibal takes care of her? If you feel uncomfortable in any way pls don’t do this! Thank you 
A/N : I’m so so so sorry, darling. I have been busy with school. I hope you like it  ❤❤❤❤
Warnings : none, just a bunch of fluff. 
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A shaken up noise left your lips as you attempted to lift your head off the pillow, indomitable and unwilling.
“Dad…I’m not sure i’ll be able to go today.” You whispered, drawing in a breath of air and exhaling it painfully. 
Your whole body hurt, your muscles, your head, even your eyes ached with each movement of the iris and your body burned flames, all the while you trembled from the cold. You were ill, you felt like you were…dying. 
“Dying ?” Your father sweetly chuckled. “You are not dying,It is but a little cold.” 
You growned, unsatisfied with his answer. 
“ It is said that contentment preserves one from catching a cold.” And just as if he needed to make you feel worse. “Have you been feeling down lately ?” 
You growned. “Oh, please.” As you rolled to your other side, facing away from him while whimpers followed each movement you made, right until you stopped moving “You, of all people should not be mingling philosphy and science.” 
Hannibal chuckled again at your response, pressing his warm hand on the back of your shoulder. “I am only joking. What a better way to lighten up your mood ?” 
Your eyebrows furrowed. Actually make me feel better, maybe ?
“Maybe try less boring jokes ?” You sugarcoated your own thoguhts, but still surpressed a laugh.And although you usually find yourself to be funny, he still was the man that kept you alive. And you’d much rather keep it that way.
“I’m going to let that one go, only because you are ill.” Your father flashed you a quick smile before getting off the bed. But you gripped his wrist and pulled him down, causing a gasp to leave his lips. 
Hannibal was a trained man, always aware of his surroundings because one little mistake, one little moment of relaxation would cost him his life, and much more. 
It seemed to you, though, that whenever you were around, he’d get calmer, like at that moment, if someone else would have done that to him, they’d be lamb for dinner....Not literally, hannibal is not a canniball. 
“Please don’t leave me;” You pouted. 
“I have to feed you, my darling. How else would you heal ?” Hannibal completely ignored your puppy eye attempt. He got up, again, tenser than before, prepared for another drag down. But you didn’t pull him again, you just gripped his wrist harder. 
“By staying with me, maybe ?” You sarcastically said, dragging your lower lip out even more. You thought, maybe if you looked cuter he’d stay ? 
But he didn’t. And you growled, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“Rest, darling. I’ll come back with the most delicious soup you’ve ever tasted” Your father bent down slightly, rubbing your cheek from above. “And i will come back with the most delicious soup you’ve ever tasted.
Thankful, you smiled weakly.  “No need, dad. I’ll stick to a chicken soup this time. I’d much rather you be with me, right now.” 
Jokes aside, you didn’t want to be alone at such a moment. Your whole body ached, and so did your brain. But your father’s presence eased that pain, somehow. And as much as you knew his lovely soups do ease the pain too, you’d rather stick to his presence, his smile and lame jokes. 
“You’ve won me over.” Hannibal stepped away from you, just a little warning step, before disappearing out of the room. And soon after that, his steps quickened, he was running. 
“Why are you-” Your voice cracked and you let out a loud cough. “Why are you running ?” You tried again, quieter this time.
“So that i can come back quickly.” He shouted from afar, and all you could do is grin. 
Your father was never one to take things lightly, smile, joke, even less play around. But there he was, doing it all , for you.
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ganondoodle · 5 months
zelda comic, totk rewrite, game stuff/pixelart, ocs are all fighting for attention in my head and i just end up sitting and staring blankly for hours aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Request for female reader poly volturi.
Im sorry if this is long but the idea popped into my head and I just need to get it out.
She’s the mate of the three kings. She’s becomes a target from another coven that wants to take down the volturi. They managed to kidnap her and all hell breaks loose the volturi immediately act. She’s held prisoner in the covens hideout but she make an uno reverse on them because she’s has the ability to create and control fire she’s had this ability all her life but kept it. A secret from everyone is hard to control for her and her ability is triggered by emotion. She sorta let the coven take her so she could flambéed them and help her mates in the process even thoguht she’s human and was terrified there was no way she was going to let them use her to take down her lovers.😤 so the place was held prisoner explodes and when the volturi get there the captures are on fire and running for their live only to be finished off by pissed off volturi kings.
Needless to say they are shook when they see the place in flames and her just walking out blue like flame surroingg her like halo and your hung the assholes who tried it. Her mates : reactions:👁️👄👁️
The guard:👁️👄👁️
So the kidnappers are taken care of (killed and finished off since they where already burning)
After they all go back home she has some explaining to do. She’s explains how she always had this ability but was scared of telling them because it’s hard for her to control and it sorta drains her energy which is why she sorta fainted afte setting everything on fire but she did it for them and because she was pissed off. She also didn’t know if she would hurt them but she found out that her powers are also controlled by her Will so if she want to harm her powers would do that of not they don’t. She shows them this by by touching them with her hands having flames but it’s not hurting them which makes her happy because she thought that would be impossible for her to have physical contact with them( hug ,kiss etc) turns out she can do that without worrying.
Hugs and kisses they are just happy she’s safe and proud of her 😊 relieved that their mate is ok but not gonna lie they where so scared of losing her 🥹 some ptsd might have happened poor Marcus would have been sweating if he was human . Shook all of them where after these events.
Sorry if this is long btw😂😅
Not a problem at all, i believe it’s you who’s sending in these long requests but I don’t mind, you’re being detailed which is great :)
↳ target on my back ↲
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➘ summary : You should know better than to mess with what belongs to the volturi
➘ aro x reader x caius x marcus, volturi kings x reader, twilight x reader
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The ancient halls of the Volturi castle echoed with the weight of history as (y/n) moved gracefully through its grand corridors. She was no ordinary vampire; she was the mate of the three Volturi kings: Aro, Caius, and Marcus. Her beauty was as captivating as her power, and her presence commanded respect from those within the castle's walls.
Today, (y/n) was perusing the extensive library, her fingers tracing the spines of leather-bound volumes. As she immersed herself in the knowledge within, a sense of tranquility settled over her. The bond between her and the Volturi kings was unbreakable, forged through centuries of loyalty and devotion.
However, that very bond also made her a target.
Rumors had been swirling about a rival coven, the Romans, who harbored a deep-seated hatred for the Volturi. They sought to take down the Volturi and establish their dominion over the vampire world. (y/n)'s unique position as the mate of the kings made her a valuable pawn in their dangerous game.
As the sun set and twilight painted the sky, (y/n) felt the presence of the Volturi kings drawing near. Aro, with his piercing crimson eyes and enigmatic smile, approached first.
"(y/n), my dear, I trust the library has provided you with some solace?" Aro's voice held a melodic quality as he spoke.
She smiled, her gaze meeting his. "Indeed, Aro. The knowledge contained within these walls is a treasure."
Caius, with his regal bearing and cold demeanor, joined them. "The Romans have grown bolder, (y/n). We must remain vigilant."
"Agreed," Marcus added, his gaze distant and mournful. "They will stop at nothing to tear down what we have built."
Aro's fingers lightly brushed (y/n)'s arm, his gaze intense. "They are aware of your significance to us, (y/n). You must take extra precautions."
(y/n) nodded, her expression determined. "I understand. I won't underestimate the danger they pose."
Days turned into nights, and (y/n) continued to live under the watchful eyes of the Volturi. She trained rigorously, honing her already formidable abilities to new heights. She knew that the Romans would strike when they perceived weakness, and she was determined not to give them that opportunity.
As she patrolled the castle walls one night, a chilling breeze swept through the air, sending a shiver down her spine. Her instincts kicked in, and she turned to face a group of menacing figures emerging from the shadows.
It was the Romans.
Their leader, a tall and imposing figure, stepped forward. "Ah, (y/n), it seems you've been well-protected by the Volturi."
(y/n) stood her ground, her voice unwavering. "I won't be swayed by your threats."
The Roman leader chuckled, his eyes gleaming with malice. "You underestimate our resolve, (y/n). Your connection to the Volturi is your weakness, and it will be your downfall."
The chilling night air hung heavy with tension as the Volturi gathered in the grand hall of their castle. News had reached them that (y/n), their mate and a crucial member of their coven, had been kidnapped by the Romans. The three kings exchanged grim looks, their expressions mirroring their shared concern.
"We must act swiftly," Aro declared, his voice carrying an edge of urgency. "The Romans have shown their hand, and they will not hesitate to use (y/n) against us."
Caius's eyes glittered with fury. "We will crush them and retrieve our mate."
Marcus, usually reserved, nodded in agreement. "We cannot afford to wait. Let us strike immediately."
As dawn approached, the Volturi assembled their forces and prepared to confront the Romans. Their resolve was unwavering, and the power they wielded was unlike any other in the vampire world.
Meanwhile, (y/n) found herself in a dimly lit chamber, the cold stone walls a stark reminder of her captivity. The Romans had used her own power against her, exploiting her vulnerability to fire by rendering her unconscious. As she slowly regained consciousness, her surroundings came into focus, and her heart raced with a mixture of anger and determination.
It was time to turn the tables.
Summoning her latent power, (y/n) focused her energy, creating a small flame in the palm of her hand. As the fire danced, she concentrated on her surroundings, igniting the edges of the ropes that bound her. The flames spread quickly, and within moments, the ropes were reduced to ashes.
With her hands free, (y/n) stood, her eyes blazing with intensity. She extended her power, flames licking across the walls of her prison. Panic spread through the Roman vampires as they realized the danger they were in. The fire roared to life, illuminating the chamber with an eerie glow.
"(y/n)!" the Roman leader shouted, his voice laced with desperation. "Stop this madness!"
She fixed him with a steely gaze. "You underestimated me. You may have taken me captive, but that’s only because I wanted you to. You may think you can control me, and those around me but I know one thing you can’t control.”
“And that is my power."
As the flames continued to rage, (y/n) moved with confidence, using her fire manipulation to keep the Romans at bay. She fought with a fierce determination, knowing that her ability was her greatest weapon.
Outside, the Volturi arrived at the Roman hideout, their presence like a storm descending upon the coven. The clash of powers and the chaos of battle echoed through the night as the two powerful factions collided.
Inside the chamber, (y/n) felt the familiar energy of the Volturi's arrival. She channeled her fire, creating a pathway through the walls. As the flames surged, she burst through the stone, emerging from the chamber in a blaze of fire and fury.
The Volturi fought with unmatched strength, their combined power a force to be reckoned with. Aro's crimson eyes blazed, Caius's wrath was unleashed, and Marcus's mournful gaze carried a weight of centuries.
Seeing their mate free and fighting alongside them only fueled their determination. The battle raged on, and (y/n) unleashed her fire against the Romans, their defenses crumbling in the face of her power.
In the midst of the chaos, (y/n) stood alongside the Volturi kings, her flames casting an ethereal light. The Romans were defeated, their plot shattered, and the Volturi's legacy remained intact.
And all remaining members were finished off by the kings themselves.
As the last embers of the battle flickered and faded, the Volturi kings and (y/n) stood amidst the aftermath of their victory. The scent of smoke lingered in the air, and the remnants of the Roman coven lay defeated around them. The bond that held the Volturi family together was stronger than ever.
Aro, his eyes alight with curiosity, approached (y/n) as she emerged from the dissipating flames. He regarded her with a mixture of intrigue and wonder. "My dear, I couldn't help but notice the way the flames danced around you. It was as if you were surrounded by a halo of fire."
Caius nodded in agreement, his stern expression giving way to genuine interest. "Indeed, your power over fire is remarkable."
(y/n) met their gazes, her own filled with a mix of emotions. She took a deep breath, choosing her words carefully. "I've always had these abilities, even before I became a vampire."
Marcus's voice, usually soft-spoken, held a touch of surprise. "You've had this power all along?"
She nodded, her gaze steady. "Yes, I've been able to create and control fire since I was a child. But I never saw fit to tell anyone. I didn't want my abilities to overshadow my role as your mate."
Aro's smile was genuine, his eyes reflecting a newfound appreciation. "My dear, you needn't have hidden such a remarkable gift. Your power is a testament to your strength and uniqueness."
Caius's lips curved into a rare smile, his tone carrying a hint of playfulness. "You've kept quite the secret, (y/n)."
She smiled back, her heart warming at their reactions. "I wanted to prove my worth through loyalty and action, rather than relying solely on my abilities."
Marcus's gaze held a sense of understanding. "And prove yourself you have."
As the realization sank in, (y/n) felt a weight lift from her shoulders. The Volturi kings accepted her not just for her bond to them, but for who she truly was. Her power was a part of her identity, and it was something she no longer needed to hide.
Aro's voice held a note of excitement. "Your power over fire will only enhance our family's strength. With your abilities, we are an unstoppable force."
Caius nodded, his tone resolute. "We will face any challenges that come our way, together."
Standing amidst the remnants of the battle, the Volturi kings and (y/n) looked to the horizon, their unity unbreakable. The flames that had once been her secret were now a symbol of her strength, their glow illuminating the path forward. As the night gave way to a new day, the legacy of the Volturi burned brighter than ever before.
As the Volturi kings and (y/n) discussed her newfound revelation of fire manipulation, the guards stood in the background, their expressions a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. Among them, Felix couldn't hold back his incredulous thoughts any longer.
His deep voice cut through the moment, and he spoke with a mixture of sarcasm and mock concern. "So, no one's going to talk about the fact that her powers are literal fire? Vampires fear fire, and she can literally burn us to dust and ash if she so feels like it."
A brief, awkward silence fell upon the group. Aro, Caius, and Marcus exchanged glances, their expressions a blend of amusement and understanding. (y/n) looked at them, her lips twitching as she fought to suppress a smile.
Aro finally spoke, his tone light yet carrying an air of assurance. "Felix, my dear guard, you bring up a valid point. However, I believe we can all trust (y/n)'s discretion in how she wields her power."
Caius's dry humor made an appearance as he added, "Indeed, I would prefer not to be turned to ash, should I accidentally upset her."
Marcus's gaze held a hint of mischief. "I suppose that's a mutual sentiment."
Felix blinked, caught off guard by the lack of surprise or panic in their responses. "Oh. Okay, then. I see how it is."
(y/n) couldn't help but chuckle at Felix's reaction. She stepped forward, her tone light. "Don't worry, Felix. I promise not to burn you to ash."
Felix raised an eyebrow, his lips quirking into a half-smile. "Appreciate that, (y/n). It's good to know our safety is a priority."
As the tension eased and laughter echoed through the hall, the Volturi guards and the kings shared a moment of camaraderie. (y/n)'s newfound ability had brought an unexpected twist to their dynamic, but they embraced it with the same unity that defined their coven.
Amidst the laughter and shared understanding, (y/n) felt a sense of belonging stronger than ever. Her fire was no longer a secret, but a source of strength that bound her even closer to the Volturi family. As the night gave way to the dawn, they stood together, ready to face whatever challenges the future might hold, fire and all.
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wolfclaire · 2 months
So, I have been pondering around and playing with a few stories I want to write. I was thinking about all of the different ideas and figured out that...I don't know where to start.
First two ideas could be interpretted as "add-ons" to my Alone together? multiverse. Both Pirate and Badger Cleo had parts of theirworlds thoguht out that I didn't get to write and I want to change that
I was also thinking about some other scenes that I didn't get to and questions I have left unanswered (examples: would Life Cleo and Pearl made up? How are the Lifers setting up in their new world? What about Saint Pearl?). I feel like I could make a oneshot/request book for it...but only if you guys would be interested in.
And then....there is this one story I thought of all the way back when Zombie Gem was introduced and I wasn't able to write it :( I had so much going on and this story just faded into the back of my mind....until now...
So, here I am, once again, turning to you, with a brand new poll! I want to create and write them all of them, I just don't know which one to pick first...
Because once again, I am unable to choose for myself, how fun!
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bayothemayo · 2 years
OMFGGG (ノ´ з `)ノ HI HI I RQ THAT AKIRA X YOR BASED READER AND UGGHGHGHGH YOU WROTE IT SO WELL !!!!!!! ESP WHEN YOU ADDED AMAGI (」°ロ°)」 !! ♡♡♡♡ I also saw you opening reqs again (or like, recently made a post abt it and putting it in some tags ( ̄▽ ̄;)ゞHEHE) and wanted to request AGAIN!!: this time for the Persona Protags (Seperately) with reader who is a persona user just like them, but reader's persona method is completely different to theirs?? (EXAMPLE: Akira x P4!reader, Yu x P3!reader, and Minato x P5!reader) HCs again!! I've seen other Persona blogs get similar req like this, where they write the reactions to the boys seeing reader using a persona different from theirs BUT!! (。•́︿•̀。) wouldn't it... lowk be funny if reader and the boys met after encountering each other in the Metaverse and getting into a fight with them?? LIKE in Akira's case where he and the other PTs learnt abt another intruder and they're on edge, imagine they meet reader and think she's the intruder ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)!!?? you can branch off whatever ideas you have for this since, tbh, IM NOT TOO SURE ABT IT EITHER!! i thoguht abt it in the spur of the moment ig but this can be optional for whether or not you want to write this in!! (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) ♡ hehe this ask is longer than the last one I sent in SO SORRY YOU HAVE TO READ MY INFO DUMP .. BUT WHATEVES!! TY AGAIN FOR ANSWERING MY LAST REQS AND REMEMBER, STAY SLAYING!!!!!!
Akira Kurusu, Yu Narukami, and Minato Arisato Mets Reader Who Summons Their Persona Differently
Note: This is a little bit of swearing and very long.
Akira Kurusu
After hearing about another person running around in the Metaverse, the group was on edge.
One time they were at the Mementos and Oracle detects a presence, a human presence.
Naturally, they thought the person were the Black Mask.
When they met you, they accused you of being the Black Mask
Obviously you were confused, “Black Mask? Causing mental shutdowns? Are you good?”
Then you got into the fight with them
If you used an Evoker, they would freak out. They literally thought you were going to…make yourself sleep forever. The entire team’s heart basically skipped a beat. Akira just stared at you with wide eyes and mouth open.
If you used a Tarot card, the team will be confused. Akira will notice what kind of card will be floating in your hand. The Fool, Emperor, Lovers, etc. You destroyed your Tarot card with your weapon
He got to hand it out to you, you are pretty good. You even got some critical hits, and able to get the correct weakness of Joker's Personas.
You were defeated
However, you convinced them that you were not the Black Mask. Oracle also agrees with you as she analyzes your Persona and their levels and concludes that you would be at a higher level.
The group apologizes, but you forgave them.
You join their group to take down the Black Mask.
You seem to get along with Akira the most. Most likely due to your other friend is almost like them.
You chat to him a how you summon your Persona. Accepting death or accepting yourself.
You help out the group if they are struggling on fighting shadows.
Akira, in turn, helps you out with all the Phantom Thieve stuff.
Being sneaky wasn't the main factor in your last adventure, so you often get caught by a shadow.
Yu Narukami
The Investigate Team was training inside the Midnight Channel when Kujikawa sense a presence.
Believing that this could be the person who keeps throwing people into the Midnight Channel, they immediately went to the area where the presence is at.
The team met you, who was wandering around because you can't see anything.
They accuse you of being the person who caused the killings. You objected to the accusation, saying that you would never attempt to kill someone.
Though they didn't seem to be convinced as they decide to start a fight with you.
If you summon your Persona with a Mask, which is most likely the reason why they thought you were a killer, they flinch at the sight of blood going down your face and the blood dripping down the floor. You seem unfazed by this, which make them a little concerned.
If you summon using an Evoker, expect the same reaction as the Phantom Thieves. When they saw you took out the Evoker. They thought it was a real gun and start to freak out. Pretty sure Yosuke will pee himself. The group will run to what ever object nearby in hopes that the bullet won't go through the object. Instead, you put the Evoker towards your head. Rise let out a shout, which in turn made the team look at you as you just pulled the trigger. Instead of seeing a corpse, they instead saw your Persona. Narukami was wide-eyed the entire event
During the battle, Rise senses another presence. However, the presence was weak and surrounded by shadows.
They stopped the fight after Rise told them that they believed that another victim was just thrown into the Midnight Channel.
Since you were with them while the person was thrown into here, they are now convinced you are not the killer.
You joined the Investigate Team!
Narukami asks you about your previous adventures when he hangs out with you. You always recount the good memories of your old teammates, and how Narukami reminds them of their old leaders.
If you are able to get your old teammates to help you with the investigation, you give Narukmai a nudge, "Don't mess with Kirijo-san/Niijima-san, they WILL whoop your ass."
Minato Arisato
While they were approaching the boss, Yamagishi sense a different presence.
The group got concern considering that ordinary people get stranded in the Dark Hour.
They quickly went to the location, and then they met you.
However, Yamagishi notices that you were quite strong. S.E.E.S immediately thought you were a member of Strega. You objected the claim.
"What the hell is Strega?"
You got into the fight, sadly.
If you summon through a Mask, he will be shock about the amount of blood on your face. It will take a little time for him to get used to it.
If you summon through a Tarot Card, they would be confused as how you summoned the card above your hand. Minato knows the card is, since they appear in his head time from time. Because of the Social Links, he can tell what card you had in your hand.
Kirijo stopped the battle when she notices that you didn't summon your Persona with an Evoker. She tells the group that summoning through a Mask/Card will be near impossible, because it will be difficult to make them function to summon a Persona just from Crushing/Ripping them.
The revelation was short-lived when the boss interrupted the conversation.
You fight alongside the S.E.E.S after that.
You talked about your old members to Arisato. Sometimes talked about your struggles in your adventures, either personal or the fighting.
All of Them
The year got closer to end. You were alone with Akira/Yu/Minato having small talk. You tap their shoulder, and you got close to their ear, "Someone might die in this journey...and a god might be behind all this. Be careful." They looked at you, to see a serious look in your eyes. A look of someone who seen a tragedy... Before they ask about what you are talking about, someone calls you over. You give them a pat on the back before walking over to the person that called you over. They are left to ponder on what you said.
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ventiij · 5 months
Could you request an au royal with prince!wanderer x servant!reader where wanderer during the night asks reader to stay until he falls asleep and she ends up falling asleep kneeling next to his bed? (Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, English is not my native language)
no worries anon, english isn’t my first language either so we’re twinning bbg (it’s four am help)
idk what got into me while I was writing
anyway, here my silly little requested fanfic is 🫢
before your family had gone broke, you never thoguht you’d find yourself in this situation. at the palace, you really were just a simple servant like everyone said.
before your father lost everything there was a rumor which was slowly passing from everyone’s mouth - whoever started working for the royal family wouldn’t make it out of a miserable life, they’d have you wrapped around their fingers.
there was a reason to think that though - the payment wasn’t enough to change job. yes, it was simpls like that. they do offer you a place to stay and food to survive, but overall it was just enough to afford taking a week off when you’re sick, apart from national holidays and all that.
your life isn’t a normal one, nor one somebody would aim at. you are nothing but one of the servants at the royal palace. no-one knows you for who you are, but it’s not all that bad. you have the whole palace for you and your friends, your families and many people you care about, who actually do know the real-you’s worth.
the royals aren’t so bad either! the queen is the one who rules the kingdom as there’s no king, she’s independent, enterprising and has an intimidating story behind her. her name is Raiden Shogun. meanwhile, her son, ‘the wanderer’, is a spoiled brat with an ass attitude who’s against the whole world.
this gremlin spends most of his time around the castle, glaring at every servant while they’re doing their job and stand there watching, only to walk away like nothing happened. there was this one time, when you were mopping the floor… he didn’t take his eyes off of you for a split second! …at least it felt like so.
after a couple more of such events happening to you for no reason, because you work properly (if not splendidly), he suddenly calls out your name while you’re doing your thing. “Y/n.” you turn around all freaked out since it couldn’t possibly mean good things when someone had to deal with this guy, he looked so stern and cold and and-
“meet me in my room after dinner.” he said and just left like that. eh?
His room? did he want you to clean it? Dust it? Make his bed? That wasn’t in the contract… he didn’t mention the reason, so you decide to just go with it.
after dinner, in his room
you greet, slightly bow and stand right before the doorframe, dressed up for the occasion, as you see him in his pajamas. he didn’t even bother to greet you - instead, he straight up ordered you: “stay with me for the night” what. you? what. what again? “me?” he nods and gets in bed looking skeptical as usual “who else?” you just watch from afar, scared you might do something to give him the ick. so this isn’t about cleaning, huh?
“well? aren’t you going to sit down somewhere?” he asks and you just kneel down next to his bed at his height, perfectly intersecating his gaze. “don’t you dare wake me up before 7 am.” ‘bitch?’ you want to reply as he just stares at you. ‘aNyThInG hIs mAjEsTy wAnTs’ like hell you were gonna stay like this for a whole night for no reason.
“Uh, no? This isn’t in the contract.” you contradict him and were prolly one of the few people who did that to him in his whole life,
“alright.” he says as he rolls in bed, turning around and closing his eyes to drift off to sleep.
…does he actually expect you to fall asleep in this position?
some time later
‘can’t deny he looks pretty though.’ you think as you finally come to terms with the fact that he wants you there. your mind can wander all it wants thinking of all the possibile reasons behind this blessing in disguise, but no true reason can be found.
well, it’s only for today. after all, how do you know who you might see as you get out of his room? and what will they think? ugh
aside from that, you could get in his majesty’s graces, soo
this is no occasion to waste.
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