#i just watched stella look at someone getting out of their car like it was an Event and my heart melted. she is so precious.
ocheeva · 2 years
how do people walk their dogs without watching their little creatures the whole time… it is the greatest pleasure of my life to look at stella on a walk
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rafecameronssl4t · 3 months
Pilates princess || Rafe Cameron x fem!reader
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Summary: you let Rafe come with you and your daughter to his first Pilates session 🙈
Warnings: pure fluff hehehe
Word count: 662
MASTERLIST (dad!rafe au masterlist)
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divider @yoonitos
“How come no one’s here?” Rafe asks, locking the car and scanning the empty car park with a puzzled expression. You chuckle, adjusting your bag on your shoulder. “I always book out the studio so it’s just me and Mabel, and the instructor, of course,” you explain with a shrug.
Rafe nods in understanding, a small smile forming on his lips. At the mention of her name, Mabel babbles in Rafe’s arms, prompting both of you to chuckle. “See, Mabel knows where we are, don’t you, sweetie?” you coo, leaning in to tickle her gently as you approach the door to the Pilates studio.
The door swings open, and Stella beams at you both. “Hi!” she exclaims, her enthusiasm infectious. “Hi, Stella!” you reply warmly. “Hello, Mr. Cameron! Good to finally meet you,” Stella says, extending her hand towards Rafe. “Rafe is fine,” he chuckles, shaking her hand, as you giggle beside him.
“And hello, Mabel,” Stella coos, her eyes lighting up as your daughter grins in recognition. She gestures to Mabel, encouraging her to lean forward so she can carry her. Rafe hesitates, his protective instincts kicking in as he considers handing over his baby girl to someone he just met.
“Babe, it’s fine. Stella’s great with kids and she’ll take care of Mabel while we do our session,” you assure him, placing a comforting hand on his arm. He glances at you, then back at Stella, his concern slowly easing. “Sorry,” he says awkwardly as he carefully passes Mabel to Stella.
“Oh, don’t even worry about it,” Stella waves off his apology, lightly bouncing Mabel in her arms, making her giggle. “Shall we get started?” she suggests, her tone cheerful and inviting. You nod, taking Rafe’s hand and leading him to the reformer machines.
Around 15 minutes in, Rafe was already feeling the burn. He glanced over at you, noting your perfect posture as you effortlessly executed the moves. Meanwhile, he was struggling to keep up. “Rafe, try to hold that leg straight,” Stella gently corrected his posture, her tone encouraging yet firm, Mabel still in her arms as she watches her dad.
He groaned, adjusting his position as instructed. You turned your head slightly, giggling to yourself. “How do you do this shit every day?” Rafe shook his head in disbelief, his leg trembling with effort. “It takes practice,” you replied with a smile. “You’ll get the hang of it.”
Rafe attempted to mimic your form, his brow furrowed in concentration. Despite the difficulty, he couldn’t help but admire how graceful and strong you looked. “Remember to breathe,” Stella reminded him. “Inhale as you extend, exhale as you contract. Let’s do 5 more.”
Rafe tried to follow her instructions, but the movements felt anything but natural. “I don’t know how you make it look so easy,” he admitted, glancing at you. You flashed him an encouraging smile. “Just keep at it. You’ll be a pro in no time.”
About ten minutes later, Rafe decided he needed a “break.” He sat on the machine beside you, Mabel perched in his lap. The two of them watched and encouraged you as you continued your session. “Look at mommy go,” Rafe said, bouncing his leg gently. Mabel’s tiny hands were wrapped around his thumb as she gazed at you with wide eyes.
“Seriously, babe, how are you moving your body like that?” Rafe’s lips parted in awe as he watched you steadily execute a challenging move. “Like what?” you asked innocently, glancing back at them with a playful smile.
“I dunno know, you’re just so good at this. You’re not even sweating!” he marveled, lightly shaking his head at your impressive flexibility. You laughed softly, enjoying his reaction. “I think you forget I’ve been doing this since our days at kook academy,” you replied, effortlessly transitioning into the next move. “So like, 4 years ago?.”
Rafe watched you with a mix of admiration and disbelief, bouncing Mabel gently on his knee. “I don’t know, babe. You make it look so easy,” he chuckled, as Mabel’s tiny hands reached up to touch his face. You glanced over with a smile. “I’m almost done, baby,” you said gently to Mabel, who responded by clapping her hands, making everyone chuckle.
“Rafe, I’ll see you tomorrow?” Stella asks playfully as you all gather your things, preparing to leave the studio. Rafe’s face contorts into one of awkwardness. “Uhh, I think I’ll stick to the gym,” he chuckles, scratching the back of his neck.
You laugh, giving him a playful nudge. “Come on, it wasn’t that bad! You did great for your first time.” Rafe grins, shaking his head. “I’ll leave the Pilates to you and Mabel,” he adjusts Mabel in his arms before leaning in to kiss your cheek.
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strawberrysainz · 6 months
about you. charles leclerc
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“ snippets of times your paths cross. and how you begin to intertwine a little. / in which you, after many months, find your way back to him again. ”
charles leclerc x fem!reader
word count: 3.7k
strongly advise listening to ‘about you’ by the 1975 just for extra vibes idk
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The first thing you think, as he gestures for you to lean into the window of his car - Andrea is holding up your red iPhone to take this picture you may have dreamed of since forever - is that he smelled very real.
It sounds ridiculous. Of course it does, but there is a significant way in which he smells like almond and vanilla scented something that makes you feel like you’re sixteen in your shower with your mum’s body wash she was gifted that in turn was for your own use (she liked soap bars instead).
And as the man smiles and counts down from three, you try to smile effortlessly- you will be showing this photo for years to come- but instead your grin is real, because he is real now, you will remember the smell, his smile, the soft lilt of his voice that you knew wasn’t his proper one.
“Thank you,” you say for a moment, sincere. The Sunday evening is early and welcome, his race win is fresh on everyone’s minds.
“And congratulations.” You add, as an afterthought, smiling. “I seem to have forgotten that.”
He falters for a moment - your casualness has seemed to startle him - and your friends are already pulling you away from the car, wanting to beat the traffic. Andrea hands your phone back and you lean a bit awkwardly over Charles to get it. Charles is staring at you with some sort of amusement, and as you shout a goodbye and a thank you, he waves with a grin as some boys run up to the car.
You laugh into the night air as you get into the taxi, staring at the photos, some candid, some not, of the two of you.
His smile is as big as yours, clearly ecstatic about his win still.
A few months later - it’s summer - and you’re in Italy, hot nights and all the Aperol Spritzes are powering you through the days. You’re bundled up in the front seat of a little Volkswagen Beetle on your way to someone’s villa/winery when you notice two guys standing on the side of the road with a car that’s run out of petrol.
You gesture to your friend, and she sighs, and you pause the song and stick your head out of the yellow car. “Are you guys okay?” You say in that heavy accented English, and with a jolt you realise it’s Charles and Joris.
Your friend has realised too - she was at the Grand Prix with you that night - and Charles is staring at the two of you through those RayBans, a little laughing smirk on his face. “The car’s gone.“
“Are you sorting it out, or…?” You say, giggling a little; Joris looks very uncomfortable in the summer sun.
“Everyone’s closed. We called. It’s a Sunday.”
“Get in,” you say, sharing a glance with your friend, “Come have some lunch. One of our friend’s dad is a mechanic, we’ll see what he can do.”
You watch him debate with Joris silently, and then with a shrug they get in.
“This is Stella,” you say, smiling, and introduce yourself too. Charles’ face kind of squints with recognition. “Do I know you from somewhere?”
“I met you in Monaco the night you won,” you smile, kind of embarrassed, and he slaps his thigh, making a noise of recognition to be nice (but you know he doesn’t remember that interaction at all).
You nod and Stel talks to them for a while, talking about how lovely Italy’s been in August, and the road is winding away until you’re at Luca’s.
You friend Luca is very drunk, you note, the flush on his cheeks and the lazy lilt to his voice are very apparent. When he recognises Charles - this friend group is F1 mad - he hugs him and runs away immediately to get him a drink.
You’ve let your friends take on the role of entertainment for the guests, opting to strip down to your bikini and hop in the pool. It’s a scorching hot day, and you lather on sun cream before relaxing with a spicy margherita in your hands.
Your girlfriends pounce, Stella telling the story of picking up the hitchhikers and one of them thinks she can “totally bag Leclerc” before you’re all called inside for the food.
Before you walk in, you slip on the pair of denim shorts you were wearing and some sandals. Charles has a drink in hand and is sitting at the table already, the pasta and homemade bread having been broken into. Stel pulls you in to sit opposite him and Joris, and you lean over to dish some salad while Charles discusses the watch on his wrist with one of your friends (it’s the car chase robbery story that went viral a few months ago). Joris watches on, looking a bit awkward, so you lean in and begin to make some conversation.
He gladly accepts the invitation to talk, and you launch into a conversation about the holiday he is on before getting stuck on the road. You realise Charles is watching you speak now, oddly engaged, and you look down at your food, cheeks hot.
“So you two were in Monaco, right? For the Grand Prix? How was it?” Charles says, smiling sort of amicably, and a rush of embarrassment engulfs you as you smile at him. “So good. We loved it.” You say, and Stella launches into a story about a weird man who sat next to you on the grandstand.
You squeeze in to the middle of the backseat, between Charles and Joris: your bare legs brush against them both in a moment that has you scrunching your nose with disbelief, Luca’s dad rattles on in Italian in the passenger seat with a large petrol can in his lap.
Twenty minutes later, you’re back on the hill on the dark and you’re hugging Charles and Joris goodbye, waving them away. You blow a kiss and get back in the backseat, laughing, shaking your heads.
Seven months later, the cold February air finds you in Milan as you walk by an open window. You’re here for work, for Fashion Week, and you drift between fashion houses and shows, writing about them, chatting to models and designers and curators and it’s all so elegant, fun and exciting.
Next on your list is Ferrari’s show in the early evening, looking down to your list, and the waitress brings over your drink in the cosy restaurant.
Sitting on a cold hard (concrete?) bench across from the runway, you’re sitting between to an influencer with the most gorgeous pink jacket you’ve ever seen and an old fashionable Italian man with leathery tanned skin (how is he so tan?), and you launch into conversation with him about his experience this week so far, making notes. The show is as good as it could get for the brand, their classic leather, green and red and yellow ensembles with some gems in between that you adore. It’s alright, you think, it’s average, and just as you’re debating leaving someone roars in Italian and holy shit, Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz are walking down the runway.
You immediately begin to laugh a little under your breath, taking some pictures, and as Charles passes your side the girl next to you tries not to shout.
They look pretty cool, you think - all leather pants and shirts and vests, stuff you think they could use a little more of for their everyday fashion. You cheer along with everyone else as Carlos blows a kiss when they leave, laughing a little.
You’re just about to leave when a girl comes up to you and engulfs you in a hug, and you tentatively grip her back before looking back, only then relaxing. She’s from university, she eagerly recounts memories of 1st year linguistics class. She hands you a glass of champagne and invites you back to the after celebration, and with a shrug - it can’t hurt, right? - you follow, being led into a room at the back.
It smells like too much cologne, and you scrunch your nose as you find a stray canapé to munch on when Joris calls your name.
Of course he’s standing there, and you run over to give him a hug.
“My saviour!” He jokes, and you laughed, staying by his side to have a chat. You can’t believe he even remembered you. You’re chatting about your latest projects when you’re interrupted by a hand on your shoulder. It’s Charles and Carlos, and Charles has to stare at you for five seconds to figure out who you are before he says your name, squeezing your shoulder. You stand there, rocking on your high heels for a second before he introduces you to Carlos.
“She saved me and Joris in Italy last summer when our car ran out of petrol, we had lunch at their friend’s house.”
Carlos laughs a little when Joris chips in. You’re staring at someone walking past in a great pair of red leather pants when Joris taps your arm.
“We still have to pay you back for last year. Do you want to go for dinner with us?”
Now Carlos’ girlfriend, Rebecca, has turned up, achingly beautiful, and Carlos introduces you and you kiss cheeks before she nods and says she’s so hungry too.
So you end up in a big black car, and Charles is phoning the restaurant and they don’t have a table for 5pm until he does a subtle name drop and then they magically do. Italy has a big love for him, their il predestinato. When you all pull up, there are a lot of people milling about outside, in sparkly dresses and sweatpants, lots of makeup and bare-faced, and you spot Suki Waterhouse when you walk in.
They give you a spot near the back, the brown wall making the space warm as you and Rebecca slide in to the booth.
They order aperitifs and you all chat about what you’ve been seeing this fashion week, the boys’ experience walking, and then you talk to Rebecca about her life for a while.
Then you all order seafood, and it’s delicious and tastes like it’s been made with joy and love.
“I still feel like we have to repay you,” Charles says, catching your attention, and you laugh and shrug the idea away. “This dinner’s lovely. It’s okay.”
“Can I give you and … -“ Joris murmurs to him, “Stella nice tickets to Monaco? Or Monza? Is that fine?”
“Monaco,” Joris nods, and Charles looks at him then back to you. “Really, it’s the least we can do.”
You are busy turning down the offer when Charles shakes his head. “Sorry. See you in May.”
You and Stella giggle gleefully as you hear the little sound of your card authorising your access to the paddock. The two of you intertwine arms, walking down. You walk around, peering at everyone supposedly trying to get on with their business in the Thursday morning.
You send a text to Joris, and you just keep walking around for twenty minutes until he replies and says he’s sent someone to come get you. It’s a woman, and she has a lovely smile and she takes you to the hospitality - it’s upstairs, because the paddock is so small in Monaco, and you two have a glass of champagne before Joris appears, slightly sweaty. He’s just got here, he explains, him and Charles - they were slightly held up by fans.
You and Stella laugh and hug him.
You spent the day just talking with Joris and other people in the hospitality about their jobs. It’s genuinely the best experience, and it’s nearing 6pm when everyone starts closing up and you are standing near the entrance/exit of the paddock, Stella in the bathroom when Charles comes up to you.
You’re on your phone when you hear him walk up, and you look up with a smile. You haven’t seen him since that dinner - three months ago - and when he pulls you into a hug you feel a rush of energy (electricity?) flow through you. His smile is big and bright.
“How was your day?” You ask, fiddling with your phone case, and he sighs dramatically. “Busy. Monaco is always crazy.”
You nod.
“How was yours?”
“So great. The people in your team are so wonderful. I had a really lovely day.”
Your dress swishes in the wind and you see him cast a glance down at your exposed legs before meeting your eyes again. “Me and Joris are going to do pasta tonight. Do you want to come over for it?”
“Stella’s still here…” you say awkwardly. “I’m not sure what she wanted to do, she mentioned going out.”
“Oh.” He nods. “Ok.”
Stella comes back from the bathroom and she smiled at Charles. “I never got to say thanks for this trip, it’s been great so far.”
Charles smiles at her. “No problem.”
Friday comes and goes, a slightly uneventful day (you don’t see Charles, he’s too busy with the practices and the press) and there you are on a rainy Saturday morning.
Stella insisted on hiring a bicycle to get the ‘authentic experience’ so the two of you are busy cursing the weather in plastic rain jackets as you whiz down the streets on bright green bikes.
Your cheeks flush with embarrassment when you see that Charles and Andrea getting off their bikes as you arrive. He notices you, sodden like a wet rat, your nice jeans probably ruined, and giggles in the pouring rain, coming over to help you off your bike and give you an awfully cold hug. His arms wrap around you and you feel him kiss your cheeks, so you return them, but you’re shivering so much he keeps his arms around you until the same nice lady from Thursday comes with an umbrella and takes you inside. You wave goodbye to Charles as he goes to the garage and you blush, your hair soaked still.
The woman takes you and Stella to a tiny little room with cupboards and points to a drawer that contains a hairdryer and a Dyson airwrap (to your delight) so the two of you end up hair-drying yourselves dry - jeans and all. You also get to touch up your makeup after you dry your bag with the hairdryer too.
Nice and warm, you’re given cappuccinos and you peer out the floor-to-ceiling windows at the track, and see the boats rock in the harbour due to the rain and the wind.
“I don’t think we’ll have qualifying on time at this rate,” another man comments, also a guest of Ferrari, and you and Stella nod, trying to seem up to speed with track condition information.
So an hour later the two of you get to watch the boys film a YouTube video, and part of a vlog they seem to be making.
Afterwards, Charles comes over with Joris, and the four of you chat for twenty minutes before Charles is called away. It’s soft conversation, irritating talk about the weather because of the people around you, so you’re glad to change the topic when he leaves.
“What are your plans for tomorrow evening?” Joris comments. There’s a big party, you’ve heard from the groups of rich and famous people, happening on this gigantic yacht tomorrow, but you haven’t scored an invite so you might just go clubbing. But that sounds embarrassing, so you shrug. “Not sure yet.”
“You have to come to this big party an old friend of Charles is hosting. It’s on this yacht and everyone will be there.”
You and Stella fistbump under the table.
“And what are you guys doing tonight? Charles said you guys were having pasta last night.”
Joris looks a little surprised for a moment then quirks his lips in thought. “Probably not anything. He likes to be alone the night before the race. But last year we did this little dinner at his brother’s house which ended up being really nice.”
You nod.
Qualifying is postponed until five o’clock, and you’re taken to the paddock club by someone to be able to stand at the top and peer down at the track.
The rain has quietened down, yet there’s a lot of tyre warfare, teams mistakenly putting on hards before spinning out so there’s a red flag or two before Q3.
You watch the big screens to see Max score pole, and with a wince Charles is only third.
It’s highly upsetting because of how crucial qualifying is for Monaco. So everyone supporting Ferrari (Carlos is sixth) lets out a heavy sigh before going back to the hospitality.
It’s 8 now, the sky dimming, and Stella has plans to see an old school friend so you hang around the hospitality, dreading taking the stupid bike back to the hotel.
There’s an energy in the air tonight, the kind you only get in a different place at night. It’s that kind of powerful feeling. You’re talking to one of the chefs as they all finish their service for the night when Charles comes to pick up food, and you’re surprised to see him when he comes to stand next to you.
“Hi,” you say softly, smiling when the chef you’re talking to launches himself at Charles for a hug, speaking rapid French.
“Where’s Stella?” He asks, and he’s checking how his food looks through a peek at the polystyrene container when you reply. “She has plans with another friend tonight.”
“So what’re you doing?” He looks up at you.
“Avoiding taking the bike back to the hotel, then I’ll probably have dinner there.”
“If you ride that stupid big bicycle 5km back to the hotel now at night and in the rain alone I’m going to kill you.” His expression is one of concern.
You laugh as he laughs too, his cheeks warming.
“I’ll get someone to come pick it up, I know they work at the company. Please let me take you somewhere for some food?”
“Don’t you want to wind down before the race?” You ask, uncertain.
He shakes his head. “You won’t be a bother.” He says quietly, and you blush, looking down at the floor.
So you two leave, and he’s got a car waiting for him, and you sprint from the hospitality because the rain’s started to pour again.
You have to stop at his apartment so he can drop off the food that he now probably won’t eat and so he can change out of his garishly red clothing to be a little more discreet.
You two stand alone in the lift, and you look at him in the mirror for a moment before your eyes meet and he looks away.
His apartment is immediately cosy in the way a man just has stuff everywhere. He has a coat of his mom’s you can borrow after he noticed you shiver when you got out of the car, and when he hands it to you the look on his face is so tender you feel a little anxious.
Going back down, you stand a little closer and get back in the car. He smells comforting now, like that cologne you once caught a whiff of one hot Italian summer day.
Scrolling through your feed, your phone lights up the car and he gets a call from his mom, talking softly in French to her.
You lock your phone. The driver tells you to connect to the aux via Bluetooth and you freeze up with anxiety. But when you start with a Fleetwood Mac song Charles is mouthing the words silently as he texts someone so you relax.
Because of traffic, it takes you forty minutes to get to this restaurant tucked away on a quiet street. Charles opens your door for you.
Entering, the maître d’ is an elderly woman and she hugs Charles so tight. You stand there behind him and she comes to hug you too. She seats you two far away from the door after he asks.
“I think you should get pasta. It’s unreal here.” He says, after you’ve both ordered water.
You smile. “What are you eating?”
“Probably just a chicken salad. Have to stay in order for tomorrow,” he says.
You roll your eyes. “I’m not eating pasta if you have to eat a salad. That’s sad.”
You then bicker for ten minutes until the woman - Gilda - comes back. You make him order first - a chicken Parmesan salad - and then order the same and he shoots you a look (he thought he convinced you to order the pasta).
After supper you leave in the drizzle, and he takes your arm and loops it through his. His arm is so warm, and you end up leaning your head against the beginning of his shoulder as you stand against the wall, waiting for the driver again.
He turns his head to say something to you, then stares at you for a second. He then leans down to whisper something in your ear and you giggle and then he’s moved to face you properly.
You’re anxiously biting your lip because he’s looking at you like you hang the stars in the sky and you feel terribly awkward and then he leans down and kisses you and he tastes like Parmesan so you laugh in the kiss.
You feel his body shake with laughter beneath your touch and his body is warm even in the drizzle. And when you kiss his lips make your whole body fire up. And his hand is gripping your waist through his mother’s coat and his other hand is running through your slowly dampening hair and he groans and you’re electric.
You pull away when the driver drives up, flushed and awfully happy. His cheeks are pink and his eyes soft.
“Get in the car,” he murmurs softly, and when he opens the door he slides on to the backseat behind you and wraps a hand around your shoulder and everything feels perfect.
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back from hibernation. hope you enjoyed!!!!
here’s my masterlist
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papaya-twinks · 3 months
Can i get a Lando fluff+smut?
Maybe y/n is like Zak's daughter, and its like a forbidden love trope?
With a lot of teasing, almost getting caught, stolen glances, and Zak is totally not blind??
Love u
Warnings: Smut, 18+, fingering, oral (fem receiving)
Pairing: Lando Norris x ceo!daughter!reader
A/N - I’m gonna do Andrea Stella instead of Zak Brown coz Stella is a sexy ass surname
“So, basically, this is where we paint the car,” your father led you through the factory. You nodded, still bored out your kiln as you stared at everything, relatively uninterested. You weren’t the type of F1 fan who was interested in how the car works, more about the drivers and racing. “We’re gonna go see Lando and Oscar,” Andrea spoke, leading you lit the factory and to the main lobby of the MTC.
You knew them, having met them multiple times round the garage, and you’d much rather find yourself hanging out with them. You weren’t necessarily interested in looking at how they made the driver’s asses comfortable with the seating, so this was a welcome change. “Hey,” you smiled, seeing Lando and Oscar standing by some of the display cars in the MTC. 
“Hey,” Lando said, hands in his pockets as he smiled at you. “Hi,” Oscar said. “I’ll leave you with them,” Andrea said, “I have meetings,”. You nodded, shaking your head as you watched him leave. “Let me guess, he bored you to death with meetings?” Lando asked, as Oscar stood awkwardly beside you. “I’m gonna go to my room, leave you to it,” Oscar said. You did feel bad for doing it, but it was hard to include such an introverted person. 
 You sighed, watching him walk away before turning to Lando again. “Bit of an introvert, isn’t he?” he shrugged, hands still in his pockets. “Guess so,” you nodded, looking down at the car behind you. “Can’t image living with Andrea,” Lando pulled a face, making you snort. “A lot more annoying than he is with you,” you laughed. 
“So,” he raised an eyebrow. It was getting increasingly harder every single time you two spoke to ignore the sexual tension between the two of you, your conversations awkward. “Did well on your race,” you commented, looking down and then back up again. “P5?” he raised an eyebrow, “that’s good?”. You internally groaned - he’d been making it incredibly hard to converse normally with him. 
“I don’t know, Lando,” you groaned, standing up from leaning against the display car and walking. He followed, eyebrow raised. “You didn’t watch my race?” he said, a lock of mock- offence on his face, “I’m wounded,” he clutched his chest. You snorted, rolling your eyes at his words. “I did, just don’t remember,” you said, stating the truth. “Wow, thanks for showing how long little I mean to you,” he teased, poking your sides as you laughed. 
“Oh, you know you mean more,” you walked up the stairs, looking into the small rooms, some for massages, some for other things. “Oh yeah? How much, then?” he raised an eyebrow, a small smirk playing on his lips. “Hm?” you hummed absentmindedly, looking into the rooms. “I said, how much do I mean to you?” Lando stopped you, his hand on you waist, pushing you onto the room. 
“I, uh,” you flushed, looking at him, standing against you, your back to the wall, “a bit,”. Lando raised an eyebrow, his face centimetres from yours. “Is that all?” he put on a facade of mock hurt, his hand clutching his chest once more. “Well, more than that,” he said, almost as if he could hear your silent plea to him. ‘Please get rid of the sexual tension and just do it’. He raised an eyebrow at your almost desperate expression, hands coming to your waist. 
“Someone looks needy,” he commented, tugging at your tube top. In terms of appearance, he thought you looked like every pretty rich girl - the classic boss’ daughter. But in terms of personality? Oh you were refreshingly different. Not throwing yourself at him like other girls, but still showing your attraction. “D’you want this?” he asked, silently hoping you’d give him green light to go. 
Your nod was all he needed, his eyes darkening as he kicked the door shut behind him, lifting your tube top off and over your head. “Lando,” you gasped, his lips coming to your collarbone as his large hands pulled at your skirt. “Been wanting this for ages,” Lando mumbled against your warm skin, “wanted to just bend you over the second I saw you,”. His words were filthy, sending a jolt of heat between your legs. 
“Fuck, so pretty,” he muttered, turning on around so your chest was to the wall, his hands culling your breasts. “Lando,” you gasped again, his body rocking your slightly, before he pulled you back to the small massage bed, pushing you onto your knees. “So pretty like that,” Lando grinned, your add pushed against him as he bent you down, your chin resting on your hands. 
You didn’t even try to hold back the moans teasing on your tongue as he pushed a finger to your panties, your wetness spilling through, coating his finger. “You’re soaking, Y/N,” he said, using your name for the first time in ages, the way it rolled off his tongue making your body jolt in surprise. “Like that, d’you?” he asked, leaning down, pushing your panties down. 
“Lando!” you gasped, his tongue teasing your folds as he ran through your wetness, one hand pushing your back down and the other sliding his index finger into your opening. The moan you let out when he pumped you slowly with his finger, pushing another in. “Feels good, doesn’t it?” Lando ran his hand down your back, your hips bucking into his nose as he laughed, pulling back. 
“Someone’s needy?” he asked, pulling down his trousers, his cock springing onto your back. “Needy,” Lando said again, his hand pumping his length a few times before he aligned with your opening, pushing just the head in. “Oh fuck, Lando,” you moaned a he bottomed out, his hips stuttering as he twitched inside of you. “Fuck, Y/N, so tight,” he groaned, rocking his hips slowly as you gasped, eyes wide. 
“Feel s’good,” you whined as he quickened his pace, “like heaven,”. He chuckled at your words, his hips slamming into you as you moaned. “How long have you wanted this, hm?” he cooed into your ear. “Since I first saw you,” you mewled, “been wanting you for so long,”. Your words made him smirk slightly, “How much do I mean to you?”. You didn’t even need to think about it, and replied instantly, “so much, Lan, so fucking much,”. The knot in your stomach slowly unravelled as you shrieked, eyes rolling. 
“Shit,” he cursed, “your dad’s done,”. My eyes widened at his words, his orgasm following after. “Fuck, put your stuff back on,” he threw you his clothes, pulling out of you. This wasn’t the ideal way he wanted to finish with you, but he had to, or you’d both be dead. “Go,” he hissed, pushing you out the room. And your dad wasn’t fazed in the slightest, finding you both in the same position he’d left you. 
He didn’t need to know Lando had your panties stuffed in his pocket. 
A/N - my boyfriend told me I fucking MEWL wtf ??? 😀🔫
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eleni-cherie · 3 months
a thief's origin✨ || bts • kth - chapter 0.1
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"you're afraid I won't wait." "I'm afraid you will."
a criminal and a doctor should be as different as the sun and the moon - but unexpected things happened every day. like him finding his safe haven in her.
© 2024 | eleni_cherie
masterlist: here
— genre: thief au, gangster comedy, adventure, romcom, humour, angst, fluff, sexual tensiON, slowburn, mutual pining, strangers to friends to lovers s2f2l
age 25 // 1st year - assistant physician
16th August
Barcelona, Spain
"This is a terrible idea," Yoongi mumbled into his palm that was propping up his chin. Side-eyeing Jimin from his seat in the backseat. "They'll blow it."
"They won't, have a little trust," Jimin argued with a whine. Only earning an unconvinced raised brow from the older guy though.
"Why would I trust these guys I don't know?"
"You know and trust me, don't you?"
And Jimin's grin only widened as Yoongi found himself huffing, unable to object. The younger one taking it as a victory.
His glance then falling to Taehyung on the passenger's seat beside him who had been rather quiet the whole drive there to the docks.
"Yoongi might be right," he eventually spoke up then. It wasn't like Taehyung was too keen to disagreeing with Jimin, but Yoongi had a point.
Much to the master thief's dismay.
"Oh no, not you, too.." Jimin's voice faded, however, when seeing someone entering the warehouse then, catching his attention instead. And he hastily swung the car door open. "Ok, do what you want. I'm going in now!" he announced in a sing-song voice.
Causing the other two to groan in comical unison.
Obviously they wouldn't let him go there alone.
"Wait for us!"
"Take the vital signs from the patient in room 102, schedule an MRT appointment for room 106 -"
Cassandra was scribbling everything down on her clipboard as she followed one of the third-year's, Dr Moreno, down the hallways, almost bumping into a nurse who was helping an elderly patient going back to his room.
"Oh, and don't forget to get Mrs Oliviera's blood results before the laboratory guys leave."
The older physician came to an halt then, blowing off some of her loose strands, which tended falling in front of her eyes. Her gaze catching something in the distance then before glancing down to the shorter Cassandra, who was too busy noting the latest task down to notice her sudden unsettled demeanor and lightly bumped into her.
"Uhm, anyway, if you're done you can check out if they need help at ER. Heard they got lots going on there this weekend. And if there's any problem, page me. Alright?"
Cassandra quickly looked up and nodded, seeing the tall brunette flashing her a quick smile before stomping away to the direction of the cause of her distress. And Cassandra caught the glimpse of Dr Ramirez, another third-year, walking through the corridors.
"Huh, of course what else," she almost snickered to herself when remembering she might get overheard and instead pursed her lips.
She passed by the nurse station where her colleague and fellow first-year Stella was peeking over the desk with wiggling brows, sending Cassandra a curious look then. Always up for some good gossip.
"What's up with her today?"
Cassandra sighed, letting her gaze wander to where her supervisor and her ex-boyfriend had disappeared to. She had only been there for three months so far, but things like that quickly made rounds among first-years.
"No clue, I am guessing he got on her nerves again."
"As always."
One of the older nurses and someone you wouldn't want to get on bad terms with, rolled in her chair towards them with a knowing look. "Rumors has it the two have a bet going on."
Cassandra was about to ask further, her own curiosity often getting the best of her, when recalling all the tasks her supervisor assigned her to after the daily round. So she excused herself and hurriedly made her way to room 102 first.
First year was hard for most rookies. It apparently got better after entering the second year, but she dared to doubt that until proven wrong.
The daily round every morning was like a quiz show with the chief physician acting as the quiz master and cracking up bemused, knowing all rookies were scared of him.
Then followed the routine tasks and examinations, with an emergency here and there in between.
The intensive care unit was no joke, even if not all of Dr Moreno's patients - who essentially were also Cassandra's, Stella's and the other two rookies' in their team - were in the intensive unit, sometimes they did end up there. And that did take a toll on her, because intensive care usually meant critical conditions.
It wasn't like her intern days anymore - which only lasted three to four months straight - where she mainly assisted in easy routine tasks. This was the real deal now, even if as a rookie she still beared zero responsibilities. The attending physicians would have to face the consequences for a mistake, but that didn't lift the weight off Cassandra's shoulders. Not one bit.
Thankfully, she hadn't made a mistake so far. Yet. Sure, patients had died, but not out of a mistake from her side. Yet.
As one of the other senior physicians had pointed out in one of his very motivational speechess: sooner or later all of them would make a mistake.
His words haunting her ever since, even if he'd later argued that it shouldn't let them weigh down. Being afraid could be a good thing. It'd prevent them from becoming sloppy.
There was truth to that. However, it still left her unsettled.
It was 2am when Cassandra finally arrived at the ER after a busy day and found the ward physician down there. She remembered seeing her around before, Dr Estefan, who was running her fingers through the mop of dark curls while designating patients.
It was indeed a chaotic day there since it was the weekend and normal doctor's offices were closed. It felt like everyone with even a mild cold was coming there in fear of it being something severe.
Cassandra was about to approach her, when a clearly stressed nurse came seemingly out of nowhere, holding a patient's file in front of her face. "You're a doctor, right?"
Cassandra blinked, her mind going blank. Technically, she was one, right? She had the degree and everything. At least she had more medical knowledge than an average person.
"I -uh-" Before she could even stutter out a proper answer, the file was shoved into her hands. The nurse being called by another colleague to assist before Cassandra could object.
Dumbfounded, the young physician took a deep breath and began skimming the filled in pages.
"male - 25 - laceration left arm - sprained arm"
In that moment one of the third-year assistant surgeons passed by - easily recogniseble by the green scrubs contrary to her blue ones and his confident way of walking. He was also one of her supervisor's best friends, so she knew him.
"Eh, excuse me, Dr. Torres. The nurse gave me this file an-"
He had already snatched the papers from her hands, reading over the important info. He glanced at his watch then.
"Ah, you can manage that on your own," he grinned, handing her the file back without giving any sign of wanting to help her out, "Remember what we practiced." He was already walking away, waving. "And if needed, page one of the orthopedists for the shoulder."
Yet again, she was left speechless.
Admittedly, it indeed sounded like something she could actually handle herself. So she inhaled deeply and nodded to herself.
Well, she could take a look and if needed, still call in one of the attending physicians - if she even managed finding an unoccupied one in this chaos.
The note attached to the file said room 044, which was right behind her and where the nurse had probably emerged from.
An insecurity was audible in the knock she gave the door and she took out a pen to scribble down her name as the assigned doctor on the file while pushing it open.
"Hello, I'm here to take a look on a wound?"
There was a short moment of silence before she heard the patient respond. "Y-yeah.."
She hummed, still not taking her eyes from the file as she walked to the counter when hearing him speak up again. "Do I know you?"
"Do you?" she questioned unimpressed as she set the file down and got a pair of disposable gloves, almost knocking off a bottle of oitment. Her clumsiness resurfacing once again.
"Think so.."
"Perhaps you'll remember later," she mumbled, not taking him serious.
She only moved to the city a few months ago to start her medical training after graduation and barely went out. Therefore she highly doubted anyone outside of the hospital would know or recognise her.
Slipping over the gloves with some strange determination, she turned around swiftly. Long curls swaying over her shoulders. "Now let's take a look on th-"
She didn't manage completing the sentence, however, her words getting caught in her throat when meeting a pair of wondering brown eyes. Triggering her memory in the second their irises met and her brows soon joined his raised ones.
"Three.. no, two years ago. Right?"
He was the first one to speak up after the short silence. His attempt to chuckle coming to an abrupt halt as his arm moved, a wave of pain washing over him.
"T-two to three years.." she repeated with a stutter.
Eventually, the scales fell from her eyes as flashbacks from a particular night during one of her interships rushed in front of her mind's eye. Of course.
"Oh, don't say you don't remember me, Doc." He mocked offence only for his smile to grow wider.
"No, no, I do! I also remember your friends," she quickly reassured, almost tripping over her words, "One of them was named Yoongi. Right?"
At this, Taehyung only laughed under his breath. "You remember him but not me? Can I have another doctor, please?"
"Hey!" Cassandra groaned playfully. And she stepped closer, tilting her head at him in an almost marveling manner. "I must admit, I'm amazed you managed remembering me with that concussion though."
"What do you mean? Pops would've busted us without you." A scowl was contrasting his gentle features and she giggled, remembering that odd nickname they had for the interpol agent.
"True. You still owe me one for that, cool guy."
Her lips tucked into a grin full of fake cockiness. She was obviously only joking but Taehyung's expression softened, cracking a small smile.
Of course he remembered her. How couldn't he? He didn't visit many doctors after all - trying avoiding it as much as possible. And he'd especially not come across many with such lovely doe eyes like Cassandra's.
"So.." he cleared his throat then, "What are you doing here? You're an actual doctor now?"
She nodded, not able hiding a little proud smile. "Mhm, only assistant physician though. I'm in my first year."
"I see.."
The young physician decided to proceed with the examination then, feeling they'd spent enough time with small talk - if it could even be considered as 'small talk', considering that term held a randomness and insignificance to it, which didn't feel suitable to their conversation. 
Carefully, she touched his arm. His hand was pressing on it firmly to keep the cloth he put on it steady, preventing blood from flowing all over his skin. But it also prevented her from taking a proper look on the wound.
"I know it hurts, but I need to take a look.." she slowly began, giving him an inquiring look to which he nodded. And he let her fingers lower his hand.
The wound was indeed not too severe, aproximately 3cm only. But it must've been deep considering the amount of blood.
"Can you move your fingers for me?" she asked and he obeyed, his left hand moving. "Good, thank you," she smiled. It was indeed good, that meant none of the main nerves was injured. She lifted his sleeve next. There was a light swelling on his brachium as noted in the file. "As for the sprain, we should do an x-ray to rule out a fracture or other bone injury as the source of the problem. But if you can still move the arm, it should indeed be a simple sprain."
"Whatever you want, Doc."
"Here's the deal," she retreated then with a confident posture, pointing at his arm, "I can handle all this. The puncture doesn't seem to be severe and only needs a few stitches, but if you feel more comfortable waiting for an attending doctor, I'm happy to step back. Good luck seeing one before midnight, though."
Taehyung chuckled at her sarcasm. As if she hadn't already taken care of his injury when she'd been a mere intern. Though, frankly, they hadn't left her much choice back then. "Funny how you let me choose. You think I wouldn't trust you a second time?"
She shrugged, biting back a bashful smile. "It's my duty to inform patients about all their options."
Taehyung observed her for a moment, licking over his dry lips in a contemplating manner. "S'okay, I'll take a risk and let you do it."
Cassandra's lips curled into a grin. "Good call."
While she began getting all the needed utensils ready, he took a closer look on her. She hadn't changed much, hence why he'd recognised her so easily.
Same sweet smile, same beautiful coppery curls, same dazzingly chocolate eyes, same cute round nose.
He hadn't noticed her beginning to work, too absorbed in his own thoughts. Only when she desinfected the wound, his mind returned to the examination room and he flinched.
"Want me to inject you a local anaestheticum for the stitches this time?" she asked with an arched brow. An amused smile toying on her lips when remembering their first encounter. "Now I can finally do it after all."
Much to her surprise, however, the young marksman shook his head. "No, it's fine. It already hurts like hell. What is there a little additional pain anyway," he tried joking and playing it off. And Cassandra let him, still giving him a knowing look when preparing the needle and threat.
"Ah, indeed a cool guy," she smirked then and he brushed off the fact he liked that nickname, despite its purpose being to tease him. "Alright then. But if it hurts too much, just say and I'll stop. Promise?"
And his lips tucked into a genuine smile despite his state, enjoying her concern. He nodded. "Promise."
Cassandra began the stitches, peeking at him after each one to ensure it was durable. She could tell he was clenching his jaw, but otherwise didn't seem to mind it. Perhaps the overall pain was indeed higher.
"So.. your name was Taehyung, right?"
The basic trick of engaging patients in a conversation to help them ease up and distract them had proven itself as very helpful to her over the years. That hadn't changed.
"Oh, so you do remember my name," Taehyung scoffed playfully.
She frowned briefly, a short laugh escaping under her breath. "Why wouldn't I?"
He shrugged as much as his injured arm would let him. "Because a minute ago you didn't even recognise my face."
Raising a brow, she got ready to defend herself. Having all the arguments ready.
How she saw countless of patients and couldn't instantly remember all their names. How his face got rounder and his hair seemed darker and definitely longer since their last and only encounter. How it had been years.
But she decided against it, focusing back on her work with a sly smile.
"Since you're talking so big, do you remember m-"
Her eyes went round and they met his teasing ones. With a light blush, she huffed and went back to the stitches. "So Taehyung, how comes there's a different name in the file?" She cleared her throat then, the wit returning to her lips.
"A different name, huh?" he played along, "That's odd."
She hummed amused, knowing the reason very well. "And how did your arm end up like this?" she wondered then with pretended nativity.
He most likely wouldn't tell her the truth anyway, but it was her duty to ask either way. And her suspicion was only confirmed when he nervously laughed out, gaze wandering.
"Oh, you know.. stupid accidents happen all the time. Tripped and fell onto something sharp."
That wasn't even a complete lie. He hadn't tripped though, the goon had twisted his arm and rammed the knife right into it. Perhaps trying fighting a guy twice his height - to be dramatic - without his gun hadn't been the smartest idea. Then again, he was entirely blaming Jimin for his current situation. They shouldn't have trusted those guys after all.
The young woman only hummed at this answer, not buying it at all but not able to disprove it either. Simply playing along as well. "Hate when that happens."
They exchanged a small chuckle.
"What are you doing here in Spain anyway?" he wondered out loud then. "Last time I saw you in Germany after all."
She shrugged, her eyes briefly catching the sight of a small golden pedant around his neck. She tried recalling if she'd seen it that night back then as well or if it was new to her.
"Was only there for the internship. Now I was in the mood for something sunnier," she explained with eyes still fixated on the wound.
There was an odd familiarity while talking so casually to him. Reminiscing of long-lost friends when in reality, they had only met once. Though frankly, that one time had been quite a lasting encounter.
"Stitches are done," she announced then and cut the thread. He perked up at this before wincing at the abrupt move. "That fast?"
"Oh, don't you remember? I'm a pro at this," she grinned almost smugly, being sure Dr Torres would be proud of her stitches. And Taehyung chuckled under his breath. Recalling something along the lines.
At last, she smeared some antibiotic gel onto the now closed wound and bandaged it with gauze.
Picking up the file again, he watched her with curiosity scribbling down something.
"As for the sprain.. avoid activities that cause pain, swelling or discomfort and regularly ice the area for twenty minutes each time," she said, too focused on the file to notice his eyes following her. "To help stop swelling, you can also compress the area with an elastic bandage until the swelling stops. And elevate the the arm above heart level, especially at night, so it allows gravity to help reduce it."
He only hummed, making mental notes of everything. Or at least he tried to as he kept getting distracted from the small wrinkle between her brows and her pacing around the room. Being in awe with her professionality when she talked like that, knowing exactly what she was saying.
"I'll also let one of the nurses give you some pain medications, if you need."
He blinked as she had interrupted his train of thoughts. "Y-yeah. That wouldn't be too bad."
"Well, then.." She stiped off the gloves and tossed them into the bin. Extending her hand to him then with a bright smile. "I would say come back soon, but this is a hospital and that seems wildly inappropriate. So.. take care, cool guy."
She had to admit, it was a pity she'd never see him again like most patients coming in and out there. Especially considering he was a thief who was, she assumed, still on the run.
Even if this was technically the second time they met. She shouldn't press her luck, she knew.
Taken aback, Taehyung stared at her hand. Eyeing it for a second longer than intended.
This was the part where he should say something, he knew but he had no clue of what exactly or how.
So instead, he simply accepted her delicate hand. Giving it a light squeeze and a shake.
Her cheeks feeling warm at the brief touch and the sight of Taehyung's endearing smile before he let go.
"Thanks, Doc. You.. you, too."
18th September
A month had passed since Cassandra and Taehyung had met yet again in the ER. Ever since, she had often caught her thoughts swirling back to him. Filled with a mix of curiosity and fondness towards the mysterious criminal with the harmless aura. Although those thoughts became less and less frequent with time.
It was the middle of September now. The weather far from being autumn yet, but the hot summer days were gone as well and so she slipped into a light jacket when exiting the hospital that evening. Mindlessly, she shoved a piece of gum between her lips to keep her mind occupied and distracted from her rumbling belly until reaching home and getting to eat properly.
There were several people around the parking lot, some leaving, some arriving. Not paying much attention to any of them as her sole focus was to get home quickly.
Only when her name echoed over the buzzing city noises, she paused in her tracks.
Glancing confused over her shoulder, she quickly spotted a tall man waving at her lazily. He was leaning against the wall of the ER entrance. And her eyes widened further. Wondering if he had actually been the one calling her or if she had imagined things.
He had ash-blond, mid-long hair which covered his forehead messily. Eyes hidden behind round black sunglasses which matched his black blazer. And for a second she tensed, not recognising this person despite the inviting voice and cheeky rectangle grin ringing a bell in the depths of her memory.
The man huffed out a laugh when noticing her hesitation. Lowering the shades on the bridge of his nose as he tilted his head forward to glance past them.
"You keep hurting my ego, Doc, you know that?" he winked.
And her eyes lit up.
She quickly pursed her lips, realising how careless it might be to say his name out loud like this. Looking around then to ensure no one had heard her, she approached him with fast steps.
In all honesty, Cassandra hadn't expected seeing Taehyung again. Or at least not so soon. But frankly, she hadn't expected to ever see him again after that one night during her internship either and yet, a bit over two years later, their paths somehow had crossed again in a similar situation.
Funny how things worked in indecipherable ways sometimes. It wasn't all too predictable after all.
"I didn't recognise you with the new hair-colour and the glasses, sorry," she pouted apologetically when standing in front of him. Suddenly feeling very small under his striking appearance compared to hers, with a simple cardigan, shirt and jeans paired with a 'just finished a twelve hour shift'-tiredness on her face. Not much was left of it from the moment she'd seen him, though.
"But looks good. How comes?"
He only gave her an ambigious smirk. "Let's say it was time for a new look." Or rather disguise, he thought. Seeing an unconvinced glance behind her long lashes as she hummed.
"I see.. and how's the arm?" She motioned with her chin to the limb she'd taken care of only a few weeks prior. "Any better?"
"Mhm, fully recovered." He raised it with a nod, wiggling it as proof. "Great work as always by you."
She blushed and looked away at the unexpected praise. Coughing awkwardly then. "Well, I'm glad to see that," she nodded. Her heels rocking back and forth at the thought of her next question. "And to what do I owe the honour of this visit? Or was it just to update me on your recovery?"
Taehyung chuckled quietly. Shaking his head. "I still owe you, remember?" he said, matter-of-factly.
Her eyes widened at his words. "You owe me?" she repeated puzzled.
With a non-chalant shrug, he briefly glanced down to the ground.
Truth was, he hadn't expected seeing the young doctor with the warm smile and beaming eyes ever again either. He hadn't planned to. Because even if they relished more the challenge of stealing and there were times when they only stole the object in question to return to its rightful owner or someone who actually needed it - they still remained criminals.
He knew he should stay away from her. And yet, she was one of these people he just couldn't get out of his mind. Whether now or two years ago. No matter how hard he tried.
"You kept your promise two years ago," he said then, "And you didn't call the cops on me last time, either. So I want to make it up to you. If you let me."
Cassandra contemplated for a moment. Folding her lips as her conscience tried arguing with her about all the risks there were - and there were many - when getting involved with someone like him.
But then she glanced at him again and all she could do was smile.
It wasn't his handsome face, but the expression full of charming anticipation on it. It wasn't his heart-shaped lips, but the shy, boyish smile on them. It wasn't his mellow voice, but the words radiating warmth.
Her mind might've been trying warning her, but her chest was telling her otherwise.
"Lead the way, cool guy."
next chapter: 0.2 here
Don't forget to like, reblog & leave feedback!♡ It motivates me to keep writing :)
taglist: @lilanyxta @naoolammao345 @memna234 @tetehion
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lucidlivi · 1 year
Chosen For Pleasure (VII)
Series Masterlist/Warnings
Tag List: @ladysparkles78 @suckitands33 @little-x-wolf @stoneyggirl2 @creative-writing92 @jc-winchester @mrsjenniferwinchester @lessons-of-red @jamerlynn @deans-baby-momma @willow-sages @ritz-hell-hotel @perpetualabsurdity @mhessellund @itzabbyxx @chriszgirl92 @abbybarnesstuff @larrem88 @commonsenseishard (we are growing bigger and bigger! if you would like to be added to the growing list, please send me an ask or a message so I can keep track better! xoxo)
I’m making this part extra long as appreciation for all the love you’ve shown me and this story, (over 100 followers already, over 100 reblogs.. that’s crazy!) it will also help move the story along…I’m so sorry for this…. ya’ll ain’t ready!
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“call me as soon as you land so I know you made it safely.” Stella says giving me one last hug.
“I will.” I said squeezing her.
I was boarding my flight to California to see my mom. I thought that Jensen would have at least said goodbye, but he was really busy and I understood that. It wasn’t a terribly long flight to Santa Cruz, I kept my mind occupied with a book. As soon as I got off the plane I saw a familiar face waiting for me. I smiled dropping my bag and ran to hug my mother.
“look at you, you look so different.” my mom said placing a hand to my cheek.
“mom it hasn’t been that long.” I laughed.
“I know, I just mean you look happier, you’re glowing different.” she smiles.
I returned her grin grabbing my stuff and following her to the car.
“Richard is so excited to meet you.”
“you look happier too mom.”
I pulled out my phone to text Stella as I had promised. I furrowed my eyebrows seeing I had a missed called from Jensen. I quickly dialed him.
“thought you forgot about me for some surfer dude already.” He joked as he answered.
“a surfer dude? nah that’s not really my type, I prefer the uptight actors turned businessmen.” I shot back.
“woah woah I am not uptight.”
“just a little.”
“not at all.” He defended.
“whatever you say Ackles.”
there was a moment of silence.
“I uh wanted to tell you to have a good time with your mom, I meant to call but I’ve been trying to negotiate this deal for a new property but uh she’s not biting.”
“she?” I said hesitantly.
“the seller, she’s kind of stubborn, reminds me of someone else I know.”
“I am not stubborn.” I defended quickly.
“just a little.” He laughs mocking me from just seconds earlier.
“okay maybe a little.” I laughed.
His laughter grew too.
“but I can admit my flaws.” I huffed.
“yeah I think I’ll save that conversation for another time, but hey I gotta go, meeting in five minutes.”
“Say hi to your mom for me.” He said before hanging up the phone.
I could feel the smile on my face get just a bit bigger. He was trying.
Before I knew it we were pulling in to the driveway of my mom’s house. A man stood there waving at me. I watched my mom hop out wrapping her arms around Richard. He leaned down kissing her lips. I was really happy for her. I got out of the car walking to him.
“I’m so happy to meet you, I’ve heard so much about you, I’m Richard.” He said pulling me in for a hug.
I was nine when my father passed, I remembered him fondly. He was warm and kind. Richard kind of reminds me of him. I could tell I was going to like him. Once I got settled we had dinner, my mom and Richard were telling me the story of how they met. They looked so happy. So in love.
I thought back to Jensen. I wasn’t sure where we stood, we’re we dating, we’re we truly just friends with benefits?I was trying to be patient like Jared said but it was really hard when I felt like he was holding a lot back. I found the more I was with him, the harder it was getting to stay away. I was falling in love with him, and that scared the hell out of me.
Nightfall had come quickly. I said goodnight to my mom and Richard, settling down for the night. I couldn’t stop thinking about Jensen. I pulled out my phone sending him a text.
:california is boring without you… but lately everywhere is boring with you.
I bit my lip waiting for a reply. When it didn’t come right away I started to overthink. Was I getting too close? Was that too clingy? I saw the chat bubbles pop up as he typed a reply.
:having dinner with the seller tonight, hoping to finish deal.
:oh, like just you and her?
:don’t worry about it.
I sighed setting my phone on the night stand. Once again he pushes away when I try to get close. My phone buzzed on the side table prompting me to pick it up. I saw it was Jensen calling. I didn’t bother to answer. He told me not to worry, so I wasn’t.
I awoke to the warm California sun shining in to my eyes. I checked my phone seeing three missed calls from Jensen. I sighed about to redial him when my mom burst in to the room.
“get dressed, we’re going to the country club for breakfast, they have the best mimosas you’ve ever tasted!”
I laughed at her antics.
Jensen could wait. I needed a drink.
I threw on a simple sundress meeting my mom in the car. I took in the beautiful sights as she drove. I had never been to a country club before, but this place was pretty nice. We sat down ordering two mimosas.
“so, tell me about this guy.” my mom smiled sipping her drink.
Of course she wanted to talk about Jensen.
“what do you want to know?” I asked taking large gulps of mine.
Damn these were good.
“I don’t know, everything.”
I scoffed choking back a laugh. So would I.
“Uh there’s not much to know, he’s kind of closed off.” I said before chewing my bottom lip.
“what do you mean darling?”
“I mean, it’s complicated mama, one minute everything’s great and the next he shuts down. It’s like he’s afraid of me getting too close, so he pushes me away.”
I sighed chugging the rest of my drink. I definitely needed this.
“maybe he is, did I ever tell you that your dad was engaged when I met him?”
“no, what happened!?”
“long story short she ended up cheating on him, he was broken, he couldn’t trust anyone, not even me. It took awhile to break down his walls, but I knew your dad was special, so I kept trying. If you think this Jensen is worth it keep trying.”
I was quiet as I took in her words.
“I think I’m going to need another one of these.” I laughed holding up my empty glass.
A waiter brought me another mimosa. I took a big sip pulling out my phone to call Jensen back. Suddenly a text came through making me choke on my drink.
:might want to go easy on those mimosas, don’t want a repeat of last time you drank.
“holy shit.”
“what’s a matter honey?”
“It’s Jensen, he’s here.” I choked.
At my words Jensen walked up in his usual suit and tie attire.
“what? how?” I asked sitting my drink down.
I could see my mom smirk as she looked up at him.
“Ma’am it’s a pleasure to meet you, Jensen Ackles.” he said shaking my mother’s hand.
“nice to meet you.” she said.
she looked between me and Jensen.
“I’ll give you a minute.”
I watched her walk away before turning to him.
“what are you doing here?” I asked picking up my drink again sipping it.
“you didn’t answer my calls, I thought something happened to you.”
“no Jensen that was called me ignoring you.” I said rolling my eyes.
“okay I deserved that.”
“how was your dinner?” I sassed.
“very productive and professional, I closed the deal.” He said laughing at my jealousy.
“well then congratulations I guess.”
“and I’m here to take you out to celebrate.”
“wait what?”
“just come with me, I promise you won’t regret it.” He said offering his hand.
“where too?”
“It’s a surprise.” He laughed.
“I think I met my quota on surprises. Plus I can’t just leave my mom.” I spoke.
“of course you can…” she said popping up out of nowhere.
“of course you can.” Jensen repeated once again extending his hand.
I looked between him and my mother heaving a sigh as I grabbed his hand.
“I promise to have her back before dinner.” Jensen said winking at my mom.
He led me out to a rental car, I was surprised to see Cole waiting with the door open.
“you brought Cole too?” I asked giving Cole a smile.
“Ms. (L/N).” He said nodding his head as I climbed in the backseat.
“I mean he does work for me.” Jensen laughed.
“Poor Cole.” I smirked as Jensen rolled his eyes at my teasing.
Cole started to drive. It was quiet as Jensen rested a hand on my knee. I can’t believe he came all this way to see me.
“Jensen why did you come here?” I asked biting my lip.
“Ouch you’re not happy to see me? Is it the surfer dude? It is isn’t it?” He jokes turning towards me.
“you know I’m always happy to see you, I’m just surprised is all.”
“I told you to celebrate.” He said not meeting my eyes.
“you came all this way to celebrate.?” I asked not believing him.
“yeah, a good thing happened to me and I wanted to share that with you.” He said simply.
I thought my heart was going to burst out of my chest.
“I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever told me.” I said smiling.
“Yeah well don’t get used to it.” He smirked.
I playfully slapped his chest. I looked out the window as the car stopped.
“a dock?” I questioned.
“come on.” He smiled pulling me out of the car.
I saw a big yacht docked in the water.
“we’re going on that?” I asked smiling.
“yep.” He said pulling me onboard.
He pulled me on deck letting me look around. I had never been on a boat before so this was a new experience for me. Jensen disappeared down in the cabin, trading his suit and tie for just a pair of board shorts.
I swallowed looking at his toned chest. I had seen him naked already but somehow it still always got me flustered. He smirked at me before going to the wheel.
“wait you’re sailing this thing? I laughed coming to stand beside him.
“yep, and you’re going to help me.” He smiled starting to depart from the dock.
“I don’t think you want me to help, I mean do you want to crash?” I joked.
“It’s okay, it’s a private bay, can’t crash into the water.” He said.
The boat picked up speed as he sailed further and further into the bay. I felt so at peace as the wind blew through my hair. I couldn’t fight the smile that I donned. I noticed Jensen watching me intently.
“come on, you’re taking the wheel.” Jensen said pulling me in front of him.
“no I can’t.” I laughed nervously.
“I got you don’t worry.” He said placing a soft kiss to my neck.
He put his hands on top of mine, showing me how to sail the ship.
“Jensen don’t let go.” I laughed.
“I have too, you’ll be fine.”
Jensen moved his hands settling them around my waist as he held me against him.
“Oh my gosh I’m doing it!”
He laughed pecking my cheek. He took the wheel again slowing the boat to a stop. I walked to the edge looking at the beautifully calm water. Jensen came to my side, climbing over the railing and standing over the edge.
“what are you doing?”
“swimming.” He said jumping off in to the water below.
He submerged only for a second before popping back up.
“well what are you waiting for?” He asked calling up to me.
“you’re crazy.” I yelled.
“please for me?” He called smiling.
I bit my lip, finally letting my secret slip.
“don’t laugh, but I can’t swim.” I said my cheeks heating up with embarrassment.
He didn’t laugh.
“Don’t worry I got you.” He said for the second time today.
I sighed shaking my head before pulling my sundress over my head so I was just in my bra and underwear. I nervously looked at the water.
Was I really doing this?
I closed my eyes jumping in feet first. In an instant my body was engulfed in the cool water. I panicked momentarily before I felt warm hands go to my waist. Jensen smiled as he pulled me towards him. I wrapped my legs around his waist as we floated in the water.
“see you’re okay.” He said holding me up.
“you’re crazy.” I laughed my hands gripping his broad shoulders.
“Me? You’re the one jumping in to the ocean when you don’t know how to swim.” He joked giving me a wink.
“I find that my logic usually goes out the window with you Mr. Ackles.” I whispered.
“is this more?” He asked bringing a hand up to cup my cheek.
“At Jared’s you told me that you needed more, is this more?” He furrowed his eyebrows like he was really concerned what my answer would be.
I thought back to that day. I didn’t think he was really listening to me, but it turns out I was very wrong.
“so much more.” I smiled wrapping my arms around him and hugging him.
I pulled back to see him staring at me.
“what is it?” I asked feeling a blush come to my cheeks.
“I just like seeing you smile.” He whispered looking in my eyes.
I swallowed nervously as his gaze shifted between my eyes and my lips. He leaned in resting his forehead against mine. I could hear his breathing become shaky. He gulped as he moved his lips a little closer. I parted mine waiting and desperate for the contact but he quickly pulled away looking embarrassed.
“I’m sorry I can’t, just not right now.” He said turning his face away from me.
I grabbed his chin quickly making him face me again.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to apologize.” I said running a hand across the back of his neck.
I could see behind his eyes that someone really hurt him, it killed me to not know.
“what was her name?” I asked hesitantly.
He didn’t answer just swallowed nervously.
“who did this to you? who made you feel like this?” I asked getting emotional.
“It’s in the past now. Come on it’s getting late, we should start heading back. He said swimming over to the ladder at the side of the boat.
He helped me on, pushing me up so I could pull myself out of the water. He pulled himself up with ease going back to the wheel. I sighed pulling my sundress back on. Jensen was silent as he sailed us back to the dock. I walked up behind him, wrapping my arms around him, leaving a trail of kisses on his back up to his neck. Once we docked the boat Jensen turned around in my arms pulling me in to a bone crushing hug.
We stood there a minute in each others embrace.
“thank you for this, and for not making fun of my inability to swim.” I said offering him a smile.
He chuckled a little. He opened his mouth to reply but his phone ringing caught him off guard. He quickly answered, eyebrows furrowing with worry at whoever was talking.
“yeah, okay I’ll be right there.” He spoke before hanging up.
“everything okay?” I asked concerned.
“yeah just something came up at work.” He said grabbing my hand.
“come on Cole can drop you back at your moms house.”
“are you sure you can’t stay one more day sweetheart?” my mom asked as she hugged me for what seemed like the millionth time.
“I wish I could mama.” I said giving her a kiss on her cheek.
I pulled away wrapping my arms around Richard.
“take care of her for me won’t you?” I whispered in his ear.
“of course darling.”
I gave my mother one last hug before boarding my plane. It was another quiet plane ride. I was exhausted and just ready to be home. I was surprised to find Cole standing in the airport holding a sign with my name on it.
“did you think I wouldn’t recognize you Cole?” I asked laughing.
“Mr. Ackles requests your presence at his estate.” Cole said taking my bag from me and leading me out to his car.
“Is everything okay, what’s going on?” I asked nervously.
“I’m afraid I can’t discuss anything Ms. (L/N).”
“Is Jensen okay?” I panicked.
“He’s a little preoccupied I’m afraid.”
I got sick with nerves as we drove to his house. Everything seemed fine when he left. I jumped out of the car before Cole could bring it to a complete stop, running inside.
“Jensen?” I called.
I was relieved to see him sitting on the stairs, hunched over with something in his lap. I walked over closer to him.
“Jensen?” I said placing a hand on his arm.
He quickly shrugged it off, standing up and glaring at me.
“what’s going on?”
“you tell me.” He growled dropping a newspaper at my feet.
I picked it up, shocked to see Jensen and I on the front page. We were standing on the yacht wrapped up in each other. It wasn’t just that but under the picture was my name printed clearly.
“so the paparazzi caught us..?” I asked trying to understand the situation.
“It was a private bay they shouldn’t have been able to, unless of course someone tipped them off.” He said glaring at me.
Did he seriously think I would do something like that?
“Jensen you can’t be serious, I didn’t even know where we were going how could I have possibly done that?” I asked crossing my arms over my chest.
“I don’t know (y/n) how did they get all that information in the paper huh? How did they know I introduced you to the cast? How did they know I won’t kiss you huh? How did they know about our arrangement? HOW DID THEY KNOW?” He yelled in my face.
I shrunk back as he raised his voice. I never did well with people raising their voice at me, but when he did it, it felt like knives going into my chest.
“I don’t know but I didn’t say anything Jensen I swear.” I pleaded, tears running down my cheeks.
“God I’m so stupid. You’re just like her. Fuck.” Jensen growls grabbing a vase of flowers angrily hurling it against the wall.
The vase shatters on impact making me jump.
“Jensen please you have to believe me.” I begged reaching my hand out but he stopped me.
“you’re just like her.” He said the hurt evident in his eyes.
“Jensen I have no clue what you’re talking about because you don’t tell me ANYTHING. I’ve tried to be understanding but this is crazy. I would never sell you out to some sleazy journalist.” I yelled feeling my emotions on overload.
“I think you should leave.” He said sitting back on the stairs and putting his head in his hands.
I could feel my heart breaking.
“I’m falling in love with you.” I whispered desperately wiping some tears that fell.
He glances up at me quickly before glancing back down.
“well you shouldn’t, this was never a relationship.” He huffed.
“If I walk out that door I’m not coming back.” I said taking a shaky breath, the tears flowing like a waterfall.
He didn’t respond, just continued to stare at the floor. So I did the last thing I wanted to do.
I left.
I left without another word, without looking back.
I left.
Author Note:
I’m so sorry for breaking your heart! Butttt we’re getting a glance in to why Jensen is the way he is! We ain’t done yet so please stick around for more! And as always if you’re enjoying please let me know with a heart, reblog, comment or a follow!
Part (VIII)
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tw-inkl-e-tit-s · 1 year
𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒓 𝒄𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝑷𝒕2
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Pairing: Mason Thames x Fem!Reader
Type: Angst and Fluff
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: Alex being a d*ck, ch3ating, cussing, bl00d, crying, Maddy being a sweetheart
| Mason Thames Masterlist | Here is PT 1
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
𝒀/𝒏'𝒔 𝑷𝒐𝒗
I looked at myself in the mirror as I smiled at my reflection. I finally was confident in the way I looked and you could tell my mental health was better, I had moved on from Mason and I have never felt more better than I do right now.
"You ready, baby?" My boyfriend, Alex, asked as he walked into our shared bedroom
"Yeah, I'm ready," I said, he pulled me in a gave me a rough kiss
He pulled away and smiled down at me, he got a notification on his phone so he pulled it out and checked it, I watched as his cheeks flushed red.
"Who is it?" I asked, he looked up at me and quickly put his phone in his pocket
"Nobody important, sweets," He smiled as he grabbed my hand and we left the house
I and Alex had been invited to one of Maddy's events, of course, I would go, as she's my bestfriend. Alex didn't want to go but I told him he had to go since I needed a date for this, he then agreed with a very loud groan, one thing Alex didn't like was to be seen out in public with me but I just ignored it.
Alex placed his hand on my thigh as he started up the car, he looked over at me and smiled before looking back at the road and driving off.
We arrived at the large Dolby Theatre and watched as Many celebrities walked along the carpet getting their pictures taken, Alex grabbed my hand and walked me up the stairs and into the theater, he let go of my hand and stepped aside when someone tried snapping a picture of us together, I looked at him and rolled my eyes.
"Y/N OVER HERE!" I heard the paparazzi scream, I smiled as I walked onto the carpet and started posing for all of them
I felt a hand wrap around my waist and pull me in, I looked up to see Maddy, she smiled at me before turning back to the paparazzi and smiling at them.
"I'm so glad you could make it!" She said as she pulled me into a tight hug
"Aw, anything for you Mads, you're my girl," I smiled as I hugged her even tighter
She laced her hand with mine as we walked to a huge dining area with food being served by waiters, she dragged me to a table where I saw all our friends talking and laughing, I looked around for Alex but didn't see him anywhere, I sighed as I sat down in the middle of Maddy and Miguel.
"Hey, Y/n!" Miguel smiled as he hugged me
"Hey, Mikey!" I said hugging him back
"So where is your boyfriend, I thought he came with you?" Tristan asked
"He's around here somewhere," I said, looking around for him
"He'll show up soon," Maddy smiled as she patted my leg
"Hey guys sorry we're late, Stella couldn't find her ring," I sighed already knowing who it was, Mason smiled as he pulled out a chair for an unhappy-looking Stella, she rolled her eyes as she sat down, Mason pushed her chair in and then sat down beside her as he put an arm over her shoulder
"It's all good dude," Tristan said as he dabbed up Mason
"Are sure Alex is still here, like he didn't have an important meeting he had to get to or something?" Miguel asked as he looked at me with sympathetic eyes
"He would have told me, he wouldn't have just left, right?" I said, I pulled out my phone and opened Alexes contact in my phone
I listened to it ring a couple of times before it went to voicemail, I called again and it didn't even ring it just went straight to voice mail, I then texted him asking where he was and that he needed to hurry and get here since everyone was asking about him, It was so embarrassing for me.
"Did he text back?" Maddy whispered so the others wouldn't hear
I shook my head looking down, she smiled as she rubbed my back, and she quickly changed the topic so I wouldn't focus on my boyfriend's whereabouts, but I couldn't stop checking my phone every thirty seconds or looking around for him, why was he stressing me tonight?
"I'll be back," Stella said, as she got up and walked off, Mason quickly got up and followed after her
"You wanna go look for Alex?" Maddy asked I nodded, and she got up and grabbed my hand as we left to look for my missing boyfriend.
We had searched everywhere for Alex and had no luck finding him, I was starting to think Miguel was right, Maybe Alex really did leave and just not tell me, I mean he didn't even want to come in the first place, but why was he not picking up my calls, or answering my texts, maybe he's mad at me for making him come, but he didn't seem mad or upset when we left?
"Where the hell is he, he isn't answering me!?" I said, I was starting to get angry
"We should split up, maybe we'll find him faster that way," She said, I nodded my head
"I'll have the guys check all the boy's bathrooms and I'll check some other places," She said as she walked away
I sighed as I continued to search for him, I spotted one of my friends who knew Alex very well, he was the whole reason me and Alex met each other.
I walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder, he turned to look at me and he smiled, "Y/n It's good to see you!" He said as he pulled me into a hug
"It's good to see you too Jacob, Have you by chance seen Alex walking around here," I asked, he looked around before looking back at me
"I did see him earlier, I tried to say what's up but he just gave me a look and rushed out of here, he looked like he was in a hurry," He stated, taking a sip out of his drink
I sighed and quickly put on a smile, "Thank you, Jacob, I'll see you later," I said walking away
This is not how I planned to spend my night, I wanted to celebrate with my bestfriends but now I'm stuck searching for my grown-ass boyfriend, and what made it even worse was all my other friends were helping me look for him, I just want them to have fun and not worry about anything.
I grabbed my phone from my bag and texted our group chat to see if anyone had heard or seen anything.
Y/n: Any luck?
Maddy: No I've looked everywhere
Brady: Me and Tristan looked in all the guy's bathrooms and haven't seen him anywhere
Tristan: Miguel went to go find Mason so he could help look
Y/n: Why Mason?
Y/n: WHAT??
I quickly ran to the front and saw Maddy running and the guys followed behind her, we heard screaming and yelling coming from outside, and I couldn't see over the huge crowd that was formed in a circle, I heard grunting and cussing.
"YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" I heard Mason yell
I tried my best to get through everybody but they just kept pushing me away so they could see.
"SHE DIDN'T LOVE YOU ANYWAY BITCH!" Alex shouted as I heard a loud slap echo
I felt somebody grab my hand and pull me into the crowd of people, soon I was in the middle and watched as Mason threw a punch to Alex's face, I looked to see Miguel beside me who was still holding my arm so nothing would happen to me.
"WHY WOULD YOU DO IT ALEX!?" Mason shouted, what did he mean?
"For fun," Alex smirked
"You cheated on her, WITH MY GIRLFRIEND!" Mason shouted, he grabbed Alex by the collar and drug him to the ground, Alex tried pushing him off but Mason sent a punch to his face
I watched as Mason knelt over Alex's bloody body and Alex smirked up at him again.
"How could you cheat on her?" Mason asked, Alex rolled his eyes and Mason slapped him across the face
"HOW COULD YOU CHEAT ON HER!" He shouted, I furrowed my brows as I tried walking over to them but Miguel's grip on my arm tightened, he looked at me with that same look of sympathy and shook his head
"I don't love her, I was just using her while I was in town," Alex mumbled, but loud enough for everyone to hear, including me
"What?" I asked, everyone's heads snapped toward me
Stella looked like she was about to cry as she held the promise ring Mason gave her in the palm of her hand, and Alex had a look of terror on his face, Mason just looked at me and I could see the tears swelling up in his eyes.
"You cheated on me, you used me!?" I shouted not wanting to believe him
"Y/n, I'm sorry," Alex said, Mason looked down at him and punched him again, and again, and again, Alex wasn't moving anymore and I watched as he got carried off by guards
"Y/n let-" Miguel tried saying before I ran off through the crowd
I felt the hot tears stream down my face as I tried to find somewhere to go, There were people everywhere I went, and they all turned to look at me when I passed them, I quickly found a door that said 'fire escape' I promptly opened it and was immediately met with cold air, I stepped out and sat on the bench behind the big theater.
I let out a sob as I tried to find a reason why Alex would cheat on me, I did everything I could to keep him in my life and I was so happy with him, he would always smile around me and would never yell at me or make rude remarks, I never had a reason to be suspicious of him.
I should have known it was all too good to be true, everything, the gifts he would send me every day, the random money he would cash app me while he was at work or on a business trip, the kisses, the hugs, and the love, it was all fake I guess.
I kicked off my heels and sat them beside me, I brought my feet up to my chest as I continued to cry, I felt water drip on my head, I looked up and felt another water droplet hit my face, then all of a sudden rain started pouring down from the night sky, I let out another loud cry as I put my face in my hands, as if my night couldn't get any shitter.
"Y/n?" I heard someone say, I looked over to see Mason walking down the ally as he looked around for me, I just stayed quiet hoping he would go away, he was the last person I wanted to see at this moment
He looked in front of him and then his eyes snapped toward me, his eyes softened as he made eye contact with me, he walked toward me with his hands in his pockets, his hair and clothes were wet from the pouring rain, I cursed at myself for the way my cheeks heated up.
He sat beside me but left a little space between us which I mentally thanked him for, it was silent for a few minutes, the only thing being heard was the rain, passing traffic, the music from inside, and the sound of people as they passed by the theater.
Mason cleared his throat and I rolled my eyes as I looked off in the distance.
"I'm sorry, Y/n," He croaked, I couldn't tell if it was from the cold weather or if he was about to cry
"I know you really liked Alex-" He tried saying before I cut him off
"-Loved, I loved him, Mason," I said, god it felt so weird saying his name after not saying it for years
"I understand, and I'm sorry you had to find out this way," He whispered, I felt his hand land on my thigh but I quickly moved my leg and glared at him
"Don't touch me," I seethed, he lifted his hands and backed up on the bench a little
"Are you still upset about what happened?" He asked, I looked at him as if he had three heads
"Am I upset!? Of course, I'm fucking upset Mason, My boyfriend of nine months just cheated on me!?" I shouted
"With Stella of all fucking people!" I said, rolling my eyes and crossing my arms
"What the hell is that supposed to mean!?" He shouted back
"Stella wasn't the sharpest tool in the toolbox Mason, even you know that!" I said, rolling my eyes again
"That's my girlfriend Y/n!" He said, standing up and facing me
I scoffed and chuckled bitterly, "Oh, so she's still your girlfriend after she cheated on you not once but- I don't even know how many times, with MY BOYFRIEND!" I shouted as I stood up and got in his face
"You're not the only one who's hurting Y/n," He said, as he looked up and let out a sigh
I looked down and nodded my head, "You're right, I'm sorry," I said, taking a deep breath
It all fell silent again as we stood in front of each other, I wanted nothing more than to just hug him, even in a friendly way, I just wanted to feel his warm embrace once more.
"I felt like an idiot that day, Y/n," He said, I looked up at him to see him looking back at me
"What do you mean?" I asked, he laughed before looking back at me
"The day I kissed you, I liked it- No, I loved it, but I was scared, but now I-" He paused and looked me in my eyes, he gently grabbed the side of my face and glanced at my lips, I furrowed my brows as I flinched a little
"What are you doing?" I asked
"Something I've been wanting to do for a long time," He said as he pulled me
Our lips crashed together and it felt like a million fireworks being set off in the bottom of my stomach, his hands moved from my face to my waist gripping it as the kiss got more heated, he pushed me up against the cold brick wall as his lips traveled from my lips to my neck, leaving small kisses on my jaw, I sighed as my hands tangled in his wet hair.
All my feelings for him started bubbling to the surface and I couldn't help but remember what he said that day. "It was just a heat of the moment thing, I'm sorry," My breath stopped in my throat as my whole body tensed up, was he just leading me on again, was this another heat-of-the-moment thing?
"Mason?" I breathed out, he pulled away from my neck, his eyes low and full of lust
"What's wrong?" He asked, worry in his eyes once he saw how upset I looked
"Is this just another heat of the moment thing?" I asked, hoping it wasn't
"What? Oh my god- No no no, I like you- I mean I love you, a lot," He said, as he grabbed my face gently with both his hands
"I want to be with you, Y/n, till our hair is grey and I'm suffering from back problems," He said causing me to giggle and roll my eyes
"I love you, Y/n." He said, turning more serious
I looked up at him and smiled, this was it, I finally got to look into his eyes, kiss his lips, hold his hand, and laugh with him.
"I love you too, Mason," I said as I pulled him into another passionate kiss
Taglist: @joycrist @wandamilf @ophelialigh @atomicprincessangel
if you would like to be added to the taglist let me know!
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pengweng-quack · 7 months
Being a Witch with Vampires
Carlisle Cullen x Witch!OC
Summary: Stella (A witch) and Carlisle (A vampire), and how they blossomed from roommates to friends(?) to partners
Chapter 3/7
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7
This was inspired by this fanfic on tumblr by lis-likes-fics titled "In My Defense, I Was Left Unsupervised"
This is also on Ao3 under the same title and same username too if you'd like to read it there (https://archiveofourown.org/works/53448940)
Posting is random lol, hope you guys enjoy this story
Word Count: 2921 words
TW for this chapter: Hints of substance use (no direct mention)
Timeline: New Moon
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“Go enjoy a day out with your friends.” Carlisle urged her
“You’re not gonna stop until you make me agree, aren’t you?” Stella asked, her eyebrows raised at him
“Yes.” Carlisle giggled
“Fine.” Stella agreed, rolling her eyes at her persistent vegetarian vampire
And that might have been Stella’s worst mistake.
Her friends, people she’s met at Carlisle’s work and in her small flower boutique, had invited her out for a night of drinking. Stella wasn’t gonna be joining at first, but Carlisle persisted in convincing her to do so.
When she got home the next morning, she was confused as to why no one greeted her when she entered the house. Or as to why the house was empty in the first place. It was an unusually sunny day in Forks and she doubted that any of the Cullens would willingly step out the house in fear of exposing their secret
There was a growing pit in her stomach that was bothering her as she rushes back to the car and drove to Bella’s house, possibly knowing that Bella has some answers to her question
Parking in front of Bella’s truck, she quickly knocked in the house, and waited for someone to open the door. Chief Swan opened it for her, and she knew she had to explain the situation to him
“Is Bella here?” She asked, controlling every sense of nervousness in her in an attempt to look collected
“Upstairs, but I doubt she wants some—
She didn’t let Charlie finish talking and rushed to Bella’s room. Where she was staring quietly on the window of her room. Waiting for something, or someone perhaps
“Bella.” Stella quietly called, sitting on her bed
“You’re here.” Bella said, having some sense of hope in her eyes
“They’re not with me.” Stella confessed immediately, watching as the small spark of hope in Bella’s eyes disappear
“They—” Bella asked, realizing what the Cullens have done “—They left you too?”
“Left?” Stella asked
“They left.” Bella said, answering the growing suspicion that she had “Edward said that he didn’t want me anymore.”
Stella could only laugh at what was going on. Carlisle had never left her before, and she had never had the thought that it might happen. Maybe this was her long-awaited punishment for abandoning Sam without hesitation and joining Carlisle instead. Perhaps this was fate's twisted way of telling her that Carlisle isn't her mate. Whatever it was, she could only laugh at herself for allowing herself to let down her guard and trust them.
“I heard what you did.” Stella said, sitting down on her couch as she passes Bella a glass of wine
“I don’t want any—
“If you want that sort of adrenaline rush so bad, then I’ll help you!” Stella scolded “At least have someone that you know help you with your decisions.”
“I can’t—
“It’s safer if I accompany you. We’ll do things together, hell, I’ll even get you to cliff jump with me and you’ll be safe.” Stella continued “Ju-just don’t do this to yourself alone Bella. You don’t deserve this.”
“And you don’t deserve this either.” Bella softly argued “They shouldn’t have left you to deal with me. You came with them; you should have left with them too.”
“But they did, didn’t they?” Stella hissed “They left us alone, Bella. And it’s about time that we accept fully that the people we love can and will just do that.”
Stella has never dropped the word ‘love’ when talking about the Cullens in fear that the magic within her would count it as an offering. She needed to be careful, not wanting to hurt any of them. But now that they’ve hurt her, it’s only fair that she could get them back somehow.
“You know what they are? They’re filthy, self-centered liars that never thought of anyone else other than themselves!” She continued, doing her best to conceal her tears. She needed to be strong, for both her and Bella “They’re selfish! And vile! And mean! And everything that a typical vampire would be!”
“Starting tomorrow, we’re gonna do a shit ton of crazy things together.” Stella announced, putting down her wine glass “You want to drink? Then we’ll get bat shit drunk together. Want to carelessly drive? I’ll take you to where I’ve been doing that. Want to kill someone? I’ll do a bit of my magic to allow you to do so. We’re going to do this together. We’re going to deal with this together.”
“Can we visit Jake tomorrow?” Bella shyly asked. Stella didn’t like the wolves’ scent but she agreed, giving Bella her freedom to do whatever she wants
“Bella!” Stella called, rushing in the Cullen’s house the moment her gut feeling told her that she was there after doing something stupid
“You did something!” Stella yelled “Without me! I told you we’d do this together!”
“Do this together?” A familiar sweet voice asked
“Alice?” Stella called, putting Bella behind her in case it was some trick
“She’s here, she’s real.” Bella assured her once Alice stepped out to reveal herself
“Jacob.” Stella said, smelling the wolves’ scent “He’s here.”
“I couldn’t help myself.” Jacob said
“Alice, let’s go have a chat really quick.” Stella invited, sensing that the two needed a chat on their own. They quickly stepped out the house
“Who initiated the leaving?” Stella asked
“Edward.” Alice answered immediately, knowing that angering this certain witch with her won’t do any good at that moment
“Why leave me?” She asked again
“Carlisle wanted you safe and in peace.” Alice answered quicker than how she did the first one “Thought that Forks was the town you needed for it.”
Stella could only feel enraged when she founded out the truth. The very vampire that she fully trusted was the sole reason why she was in pain.
“We really didn’t want to leave you behind. Please know that.” Alice started “Even Edward knew that you were needed there with us. But Carlisle’s decision was set.”
“Send him this particular message when you see him again, will you?” Stella asked. Alice nodded and waited for her message “Fuck you.”
“That’s harsh.” Alice said, before seeing the death glare on Stella’s face “And well deserved, I supposed.”
In the airport, Stella was looking forward to seeing Bella and the Cullens. She was simply doing it to see Rosalie again since she had missed her. Or at least that's what she told herself was the reason she was there as it was unavoidable that she would run into Carlisle after seeing Rosalie.
She missed him.
No, she didn’t.
He’s dead to her.
“Stella.” Bella called out, getting her to see them all again. Stella rushed to her, pulling Bella in for a tight hug
“You’re alive.” She muttered as she pulled away from the hug
“Yeah, I am.” Bella said, rubbing her back
“Rosie.” Stella said, averting her attention from Bella to Rosalie, who was anxious in seeing her again
Stella went and hugged Rosalie, resting her head on his shoulders and feeling the cold touch that all vampires shared. Reminding her that someone spent multiple centuries helping her when she was in need to be cooled down, physically and mentally. And was the exact same person that left her, turning her into the cold, untrusting witch that she is now
Carlisle watched as Stella hugged everyone. Everyone except him and Edward. When they left her, he knew what sort of treatment he would get from Stella. And he was deeply regretting even thinking of leaving her. But what could he do? He was scared. Every time Carlisle would look into the witch’s grey eyes, the same grey eyes that he wanted to get lost in all those decades ago, he would only see how lifeless she looked at that moment. That moment where a vampire’s venom, something that he had in his system, overpowered his confident witch.
He was reminded, that someone like him was the reason why she was in deep pain at that moment.
A vampire like him was the reason why his Stella was in pain.
“Let’s take you home.” Rosalie invited her
“I don’t live there anymore.” Stella quickly declined
“Spend the night?” Rosalie invited her again. Knowing Rosalie was in denial about the possibility of not being able to have Stella around in the same manner she had before saddened Carlisle. And he was the one who was at fault.
“I made plans with Charlie.” Stella said, shaking her head no at her offer.
Carlisle knew that if he had been human at the time, his heart would have missed a beat, and he would have felt his heart drop
He was losing her.
To a human.
“Dad?” Bella asked
“Yeah, asked him out for a friendly dinner. Someone needed to give some information to him. Even if it’s not the truth.” Stella answered “And possibly clean the Cullens name to him as well, who knows.”
Carlisle was at ease, hearing the friendly dinner come out of Stella’s mouth. He wanted, no, needed, a second chance. A second chance to prove that he’ll never leave her. A second chance to show her that he is worthy of her love.
Just a second chance.
Because he was a coward in his first one.
“You don’t have to do that.” Carlisle said quietly, shocking everyone “We’ll explain our sudden disappearance ourselves. You don’t have to do that for us anymore.”
“I’m doing it for Bella.” Stella coldly said, shocking everyone with them. “Not everything is about you anymore.”
Everyone was aware of Carlisle and Stella's quick reconciliation. They were curious as to how upset Stella was at their leaving after seeing how cold she was with Carlisle. Or if it was just with Carlisle.
“Let’s go home.” Edward invited to everyone, knowing that the atmosphere between all of them was getting thicker as they spend more time together
The coven members knew that at that moment, they needed to act for their coven leader and his confident witch
“I told Charlie that you were with me.” Stella told Bella; it didn’t take much to figure out that she wanted to leave already, only doing what she told Charlie
“I-I’ll come home with Edward.” Bella answered to her “You should get some rest yourself. Looks like you haven’t slept properly.”
“Of course, I haven’t slept properly.” Stella hissed at her “Don’t act like you’ve gotten sleep much more than I did.”
Carlisle went to stay near where Stella has decided to reside. It was a small house, just enough for her. Much, much different from the Cullen’s house. He was going mad from his own actions. He needed to do something.
He made the decision to lurk when he smelled her blood when she picked Bella up from the airport. It was different, but still as intoxicating as it was when they first met. It meant that she was doing something, anything, to forget them.
Edward hid what Carlisle was doing to everyone, lying and saying that he was picking up more shift because he couldn’t be in a house without Stella.
He’d leave when he had shifts, only to come back with a stray animal always in the place where he stays. He had a feeling that Stella knew what he was doing, and was just too kind to kick her out.
He’d sit next to her when she was asleep, admiring her calm and resting nature. He’d leave just before she woke up, making sure that he’d leave her room the same way as he got in it.
After almost a week of lurking, Carlisle noticed a change in Stella’s blood. It was slowly starting to smell like before. She had dropped whatever she was doing to herself and it was making an effect.
After a shift, he has made his way back to his usual spot, only to see a deer for him to feast on, but it had a note attached on its antlers.
‘Talk to me in person instead of lurking like some stalker – Your Stella’
Stella knew what Carlisle had been doing, she’d been hyperaware of her surroundings after an attempted attack from Laurent. She decided that she was gonna ask him to leave then and there but his presence calmed her. Even though there was a distance between the two.
She decided that she’ll do it tomorrow. She just really needed this one night of peace.
She didn’t wake up to any nightmares that day.
On the day that she has decided that he’ll ask Carlisle to leave, she felt his thirst. He’s stayed there without leaving like she was some princess and he was a guard protecting her and immediately went to the hospital for his shift. She quickly went to the forest, finding a deer to offer for him to feast on.
‘An offering,’ she convinced herself.
‘It’s not like she cared,’ she added.
Stella knew that Carlisle sneaks in her room when she goes to sleep. She wanted to call him out, yell at him to leave. But his presence calmed her, she didn’t know what he had done to her, but she’s suffered too much already. It wouldn’t hurt if she was to use him for herself.
She stopped meeting with those sketchy guys at alleyways after being in the flower shop, wanting to clean her blood.
‘Maybe if she cleaned her system, Carlisle would leave her alone,’ she convinced herself again, adding that to the list of lies that she’s said this past week alone.
The one night that she noticed that Carlisle wasn’t near her place, the guys from the alleyways came to her place, asking why hasn’t she visited them. She lied, said that she felt sick. They’re suddenly starstruck by something behind her, they quickly bid her thank you’s and goodbyes before running away from her house.
Carlisle scared those men. Stella wished she wasn’t so prideful so she could turn around and face him already, give him some sort of gratitude before asking him to stop lurking and just leave her alone. But she waited until he can make his exit, before turning around to “check” what had caused them to leave.
It was a sick game of catch, the one waiting for the other to slip up so they could call it quits and discuss, like proper grownups. Both Carlisle and Stella were careful and calculating, they were just waiting for the other to slip up.
But Stella wasn’t patient, she wanted to hear what he wanted to say.
She needed to hear it.
Grabbing one of the deer for his meal, she grabbed a note and stuck it on the deer’s antlers and called it a night.
‘Talk to me in person instead of lurking like some stalker – Your Stella’
My Stella, I owe you a lot after our sudden disappearance. Never had I thought that our departure would cause such pain to you. I always saw you as a strong woman, much stronger than me I must say, so I just assumed. I should have given you at least a goodbye instead of cowering behind that night out. Leaving you has been my biggest mistake. I needed you every day. Just as much as you would have needed me. I messed up and I know that it’s beyond repair. I know that there is little to no chance that you would be able to forgive me, I would even say that I deserve to feel the wrath of your pain and anger because you experienced it. But I still want to apologize, for all the pain I’ve caused you. No words are enough to explain how sorry I feel for what I’ve done to you, and no words would be able to change your mind about your perception of us. But I believe that I owe you this apology. Take it as some sort of parting gift, I guess. I would understand if you would want to let go of what we had for the past 300 years, maybe even go back to Italy for Sam. I’m sure he will be delighted to see you again. Just tell him that I’ve taken you against your will, let me be damned among your kind. You deserve a life filled with peace and happiness. You deserve to live. You deserve to love and be loved. I wish that it could be me that gives you what you deserve. Yours truly, Your Carlisle
Carlisle reread the letter one last time, debating whether he’ll send it to her or not. If ever anyone from his family finds out that he’s hiding from talking to her in person with an email, he will be judged, especially with Stella offering that they could talk in person. But he didn’t have the heart to go face her, not when he figured out what Stella has done to herself in hopes of forgetting him.
Carlisle figured a lot of things out when they got home. Despite being a witch and being granted immortality, her body was still very human. Anything wrong that could happen in a human could happen to her, and she knew.
She was hurting herself, all because he was a coward.
He knew that he needed to let her go. He’s caused too much pain to Stella.
He deleted the last line of his message before sending it to her.
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Hannibal turn to faces the alumni of the summer camp for heroes of tomorrow, Camp Synoymous: First Summer Program, Lucius Vreedle. He suggests that Pakmar would fund her small business. Like as her sponsor? Or partnership? Or hire her to works in one of his businesses, that involves fashion.
“As her boss, sponsor, or business partner?” Hannibal asked. Lucius stared at the staryummy/lummy in Hannibal’s hands, scratching his head. “For now a partnership and then he will sponsor her as she gets older.” Said Lucius. “Although, let me warn you, Pakmar is known to be a tough negotiator and a cheap son of a bitch to a boot. It is a take it or leave it situation you will be in. I am not an expert in business, so it is better off for you come prepare with a file that hold pricing, rates, and requests,”
Hannibal looks at Velvet, who is still sobbing from being bald. He does not know if Velvet read or write. Her brother, Dan knows how to read. Pakmar could used her illiterate to his advantage and exploit her like how Stella exploit Emo Junior to be a mascot of her recent line of clothings and other products such as books.
“I see. Thanks you, for the advices, Miss Sceles Vreedle and Mr. Lucius Vreedle.” Said Hannibal. He takes out his wallet to pulls out ten Taydens to give to Lucius. “It is not much, but I promise to pays the rest for the informations you two gave me, once I settle down the situation for Velvet.”
Lucius looks surprised by this taydens in his hands. “We can’t take this, you should have it since you are ‘fostering’ a kid.” Said Lucius, trying to decline this.
“No, no, no. It is fine,” he said. Then his eyes widen and it looks like he is at a verge of panicking, as if he is running late. “Bye.”
Hannibal teleports, leaving Lucius to sigh with the taydens in his hands. “You are really something Zomboni.” Said Lucius. Sceles looks at her son and then at Zombozo’s son. In comparison to his past actions, The Mad Wolfhound, a villain mercenary/minion-for-hire and running Nuevo Circus Freaks with Frightwig and his present actions in being the Camp Counsellor of Camp Synonymous, he still seem to be acting like he is working poor due to his new spending habit of being a father. She hope he be able to opens up to getting support from others who have experiences in parenting.
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Hannibal is slumping down in his seat of the dining car. Both Velvet and Hannibal are in a train, heading to the next district in Undertown. Hannibal sigh, killing two birds with one stone - scouting anyone, ranging from teenagers to young adults who want to become heroes and helping Velvet on her dream all while finding, all while having her enrolls in Ultimos’ school, and looking for someone to look after her, after establishing a citizenship is done making her an official American citizen, for her at the same time is exhausting. The waiter arrives in their table, placing a plate of Gloppenbeef and a meatball sub. He looks at Velvet who is still crying. “It tastes good,” said Hannibal, persuading the staryummy/lummy to eat. Eating delicious foods comforts him, so why not have her eat something that she can enjoy. Hot dogs are his and her cousin, Elizabeth’s comfort food. Maybe a Gloppenbeef can be her comfort food. Hannibal picks up the meatball sub, ready to eat it, but the taste of a delicious sandwich got interrupted by a superheroine, who just happens to be in the same dining car as them.
“Zomboni!”. Hannibal stop himself from taking a bite out of the meatball sub. Hannibal could see people are watching them, confused. “What are you doing with this child?”
Hannibal did not look at the person who called out his name and interrogated him. “Relax Ms. Orange,” said Hannibal, trying to ease the tension. “I am babysitting this ‘disowned’ kid.” He explained bluntly. “DISOWNED?!” Mitzi exclaimed, shock by Hannibal’s answer, causing more people notice them. She looks at the Lummy wearing a bucket hat. Velvet stop crying. “Because I’m bald…” Velvet explained Hannibal’s explanation, then let out an ugly cry. Hannibal let out a tired sigh. He cradled Velvet like a baby, and goes far to feed her his meatball sub. “Keeping the stars safe is such a hard task.” He said with another sigh. Hannibal looks at Velvet with the expression of a tired parent “Stars?” Mitzi asked, even more confused.
Hannibal decide to explained the situation to her, instead of dodging the questions in her interrogation. The sounds of the wheels squeaking on the tracks and the occasional bumps that shift the car back and forth hopefully obscures the conversation. Mitzi’s pupils shrunk and feel sympathetic towards this alien. He continues to vent to the Rebel Rainbow after coming to his stop. Those who are eavesdropping, the passengers are proceeding to spread this information to others, creating gossips/rumors for Undertown about the staryummies, Lumenian co-monarchs, and the Solarian monarch that will one day reach Plumbers’ ears. Now they are sitting down on bench in the train station, with Mitzi holding a sleeping Velvet, passed out from crying.
“I cannot believe that the Plumber, tasked in looking after princesses from the outer space of sort-of-another dimension would let this happened.” Said Mitzi. “They are exiled from draining stars there and now dangerous to the stars in the Milky Way System.”
"Exactly! All because this deadbeat is a close associate to their parents from his parents," said Hannibal. "This princess, Dorana Junior was being unreasonable. Her action caused Townsfolks to suffer. Businesses pummeled as Staryummies stolen sweets and sodas as their alternative to starlight, and people becoming were-staryummies just by being bitten, even goes far to invite their extended family and friends to make the situation worst. I hope Alice notice this, but she never did. Dora and Astra thought they are well behaved when at home, but when they in kindergarten and daycare, that when trouble started that it lead to round up of the staryummies being send to the sanctuary in Paris, where they are leech off to the staffs and Keith. While Travis is working on the cure for staryummythropy. Speaking of Dorana Junior, one time she attacked me when she eavesdropped on me having a talk with Mrs. Solaria, whose child will be joining Camp Synonymous next summer. Like this six years old literally wanted me disintegrated. All because I was giving her a stern talking to Stella about her parenting and how her favouritism is affecting her kid."
Hannibal’s nostril flares up and he is now gouging down at the Gloppenbeef, now crushed by his hands, causing purple sauce to spill on his pants.
Mitzi, listening to him venting that this is definiety good informations. Poor Keith, the last time he saw him was when he helped her and Leona capture and contain Polly Roses from devouring Bellwood. He must be dealing with them back at the sanctuary he has run in Paris, France. And if Hannibal, now tired from the bullshits he went through, says is true that the staryummies/lummies are leeching off there.
“I’m so sorry that you and your colleagues have been through. I wish me and The Rebel Rainbow could help. Screw her parents for neglecting her to the point of child endangerment. They don’t deserve to be her parents, and any of her 100+ siblings! I can’t believe Niko would pull off all her furs and left her in some cold environment.” Said Mitzi.
“Well that is Niko for you, if you mess with her brothers or anyone or anyplace he cherish. She will pays you back full.” He explained in a lukewarmly. “Same goes for her brothers. He went above and beyond to get his sister back after Velvet kidnapped her for her little show.”
Hannibal looks at a sleeping Velvet in Mitzi’s arms. “It could have been her parents’ fault for not giving her the attention she needs. All she wanted ever wanted was their validation.”
“Oh….” Said Mitzi, looking at Velvet in sincere sympathy, that she know what it like to have a parent who failed to attend to her emotional needs. But not like this!
Mitzi pat Hannibal’s back for comfort.
“Don’t worry, I am sure Pakmar will help out in her business,” said Mitzi. Hannibal looks skeptical when she said it.
“I know, I know, you don’t trust the words of a superhero, whose happened to be the daughter, whose dad went from being a con-man/black market arm dealer to a founder of his own security company to anti-hero to the mayor of Undertown, and now President of Earth, it is possible,” said Mitzi. “Look. If you play your cards right for her, Pakmar will provide the money for her, or be a successor in one of his businesses, as long as Tennyson does not destroy them. I don’t blamed Pakmar for becoming the way he, but he needs to loosen up a bit for once. He is getting old. Plus he is now a grandpa since his 487 children are now all grow up and some of them have family of their own.” Mitzi continued to advise Hannibal, searching for signs that he would see hopes beneath the pessimism. “I can even come with you to negotiate if you want.”
Hannibal looks at Mitzi. There is determination in her big yellow eyes. The same sparks he see in Sandra, that he wants to extinguish so badly. But he couldn’t. She is using her time to help Velvet in her time of need. All because she is consider a downtrodden because she is a corrupted lumen, and she is on to something. She doesn’t need to use her privilege for her own selfish desire, but just to make Undertown better. Not to mention, she has her own ways of making a better life for the downtroddens, whether they are aliens and humans, both cybernetic, mutated/altered, or ‘normal’ with her friends from the Rebel Rainbow. Her words, actions, power, and connections.
Hannibal’s expression turns from a deadpan to a twisted smile. Mitzi shudder and her quills to go up and get goosebumps. Hannibal gets up and turns to Mitzi, smiling at her. He put his hands in his pockets.
“D-Don’t do any silly business,” she said. “I am warning you!”
She imagine what kind of horrors Hannibal have inside the pockets of The Mad Wolfhound. She pull out her quill ready to defend her and Velvet from this twisted man.
“Thanks you for helping me with my dilemma in managing to give Velvet a better future.” Said Hannibal. “I don’t like being indebted to people. So here.”
He pulls out folded papers that he dug out from his pocket of his long forest punk aesthetic jacket. “You earns my recommendation to you going to Camp Synonymous, and a potential ally in your team’s goal.”
Mitzi glued her eyes at what it is revealed to her Camp Synonymous pamphlet and the LPI poster. Mitzi is relax. “Oh. You want me to be in the summer camp Leona been to and… how could a community service from another city can help?”
“I cannot tell you, it is better you find out yourself Spider-Mousekey.” He said.
“Ugh,” said Mitzi, disliking the nickname he gave her. She thinks for a minute or two. She needs to get a renewal of her hero license, which her dad have given to her and her friends, plus she could really need to hone her skills and powers and it can really boost her team’s popularity more. Leona has done a lot for them, maybe it is time to repay the favour. “Can the rest of the Rebel Rainbow sign up too?”
Hannibal nod. Mitzi smiles.
“……Where should we sign up?” She said.
Mitzi aka Ms. Orange and Lucius Vreedle belong to @aprilbrowines
Velvet, Dan (mentioned), Elizabeth (mentioned), Plumber Alice (mentioned), Dorana Jr. Starling Lumenia (mentioned), and Astra Nova Lumenia (mentioned) belong to @gloriousdreamunknown
Niko Corduroy (mentioned), Leona Torasdottir da Costa (mentioned), and Hannibal Zomboni belong to @froppy-butterflyfan2000 (me)
Sandra Stoppable (mentioned) and Travis Mystery (mentioned) belong to @ej-cappy-universe
Keith Mystery (mentioned) belongs to @cooltmoney95
The design of Sceles Vreedle belongs to @princess-lunalu
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sevcasejay1chicago · 1 year
Can get a Kelly x reader where the reader is a new paramedic and she and Kelly get close and Stella( no hate towards her) doesn't like it because they recently just broke up and so she tries to steer the reader away from Kelly but fails
Tension- Kelly Severide
Warnings: mentions drinking, a few curse words
Author note: Sorry that I’m just getting to these requests. I’ve been in a total writers block and depression. I hope this is what you were looking for. It’s not proof read, but I wanted to get it to you as quickly as possible. ❤️
You have never been more excited to have a permanent position. You had a love/hate relationship with being in the floater pool, but you’ve always loved 51. You befriended everyone pretty quickly and hung out at Molly’s with them when you could. Once Gabby left, you were quick to ask Chief Boden for the position, which he immediately granted you.
Now, after four months of being here, you have found that since this house is tight knit, tension can rise quickly. You feel it in the air when Stella and Kelly are in the same room, but you assume it’s got to do with the way they act toward each other on the job. Kelly is hard on Stella when it comes to decisions she makes as a Lieutenant. You had no idea that they had just broken up because Kelly openly flirts with you any time you are in the room with him. You are more than happy to reciprocate, but you had no idea that Stella and Kelly were an item. At Molly’s, Stella is always behind the bar and you have never witnessed anything that would make you think they were a couple.
Now that you are in the same house and on the same schedule, you find yourself around Kelly all the time. He normally has an arm around somebody or is flirting with someone in some way, so you don’t think anything about it. Then, one night when you are decently tipsy, Kelly pulls you into his lap to keep away a guy who has been staring at you all night. You didn’t notice the man, but Kelly had caught on hours ago, and it looked like his friends were pushing him to come talk to you. That ceased when Kelly pulled you into his lap and you immediately leaned in like you were meant to be there.
Meanwhile, Stella is staring wide eyed at the interaction. Kelly hardly ever protected her from guys that were staring, but she was also very independent. The thought that Kelly never really loved her crossed her mind and instantly Stella was seeing red. You were taking Kelly from her, but she wasn’t going to let that happen.
Across the bar, you tilted your head back as you finished your drink before turning your head to face Kelly. Kelly was looking at Matt, who just continued to talk, not surprised at the situation since Kelly told him of his crush on you a couple days prior.
“I’m gonna get another drink. You guys want anything?” You asked, using Kelly’s leg as support as you stood, wavering just for a second.
“I think we should head out.” Kelly said, pulling you to stand in between his legs. “Maybe go grab a water and close your tab while I get the car?” Kelly said, like it was a suggestion, but he was actually telling you what to do as he slipped you his card.
You shook your head. “I’m not ready.” You whined, looking to Matt for help. He was no help at all. Just smiling and watching the moment unfold. When you met Kelly’s eyes again, he was giving you a look that said he meant business. “Fiiiine.” You whined, taking the card. “At least your paying.” You said before waving goodbye to Matt and approaching Stella at the bar.
“Closing out?” Stella asked, restraining herself from being hostile to you.
“Yep. Here’s the card.” You said, handing Kelly’s credit card over.
Stella had to take a deep breath when she saw who’s card it was. She swiped it and then started to hand it back to you, stopping it from sliding across the bar with a hand over it. “You know, Kelly just what’s to fuck you, right? Don’t think he actually cares for you. That’s just his game. Pay for your drinks, offer you a ride home, sleep with you, and then you are old news.” Stella said, knowing it was all lies, but also knowing that if you did like Kelly, you were the date to marry type and this wouldn’t fly.
You forced tears at bay as you looked down at the card that Stella still had trapped on the bar. “Uh, thanks for the warning. Can I have a bottled water please?” You asked, wanting her attention off you.
“Sure thing.” Stella said, tapping the card on the counter before handing it back to you. When her back was turned, you wiped your eyes and took a few breaths. “Here yah go. Have a good night and be safe.” Stella said, handing you the water with a glint in her eyes.
You nodded, not trusting your voice as you turned and walked out the door. Kelly was leaning against his car next to the passenger door when you came out.
“Hey.” He said, noticing the tears in your eyes. “You alright?” He came toward you and took your face in his hands to force you to look him in the eyes.
The alcohol made you more emotional and you just let the words tumble out. “Are you just trying to get in my bed?” You asked, tears slipping down your face and swallowing shock as you saw the hurt look cross Kelly’s face.
“What? No.” Kelly said, shaking his head. “That’s all behind me now. Who even told you about that part of my past?” Kelly asked, stepping back to try and reel in his anger.
“Stella warned me.” You mumbled, wiping the tears away.
Kelly blew out a breath and shook his head. “No. Stella knows that’s not who I am anymore. We just broke up, but it wasn’t because of that.” Kelly explained, leading you to the car. Once he had you sitting down and knew you weren’t in danger of tipping over, he crouched to meet your eyes. “She was becoming distant and honestly, I fell for you as soon as you walked into 51. At the time, I thought I was in love with Stella, but I now realize we were just each others life lines.” Kelly said, taking your face in his hands. “We don’t have to be together right now. I’m okay with just being your friend if that’s what you want, but I love you. You make me want to be better and if that means waiting for you, then that’s what I’ll do.” Kelly said, wiping the tears from your eyes.
“Kelly.” You whispered, bottom lip trembling. “I-I don’t know what to say. I felt a connection too, but what if it’s too early? What if I’m not all that you think I am?” You asked, very self conscious as you compared yourself with Stella.
“I told you I would wait.” Kelly replied. “We’ve known each other for years. Yeah, we haven’t been close until the last few months, but I knew the very first time you walked into the apparatus floor that there could be something and now, I’m certain. So I’ll wait. I’ll prove myself to you and I’ll do whatever you need me to, but I’ll wait. I promise.” Kelly said, standing to kiss your forehead before helping you buckle up. “Now, drink your water and I’m going to drive you home. I’ll make sure you are settled and then I am going home. Will you be alright?” Kelly asked once he got into the drivers seat.
“Yeah. I’ll be alright.” You confirmed, cracking the bottle of water open and taking a few sips. “And Kelly.”
“Yeah?” He replied, carefully pulling onto the road.
“I love you too.” You said, taking his hand.
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smittenbyvillains · 1 year
Hi! Could you do the Wizards of the black circle meeting and falling in love whit someone who has a really strong magic ability, and learned magic at hogwarts? They use a wand for spells and stuff. Their also kind of silly and unhinged, like they use the unforgivable curses, like avada kadabra(I think thats what its called) on a regular basics. They killed a lot of people, mostly on accident. They tend to accidentally use spells when explaining things as they move their hands a lot accidentally pointing at things and people. If you seen "Its a me, Silvia"s "If I was at hogwarts" videos on tictok, then their basically like that.
They dont really care for the winx they just kinda hangs around them. Nor do they really care that the wizards are villains or dangerous, they talk to them like if they were regular people. Unlike the winx who gets ready to fight them they just continue doing what they were doing unless they're attacked or dissrupted.
Sorry If its a bit long, and you absolutly dont have to do it if you dont want to.
I love this request <:
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You were glad to be out of Hogwarts. You didn't like your classmates much besides Draco. You were sad to leave him but you had to against your will. You had done a few questionable things that were close to going to Azazban. After completing your schooling you were on the platform and grinned at Draco.
"Have fun without me but not too much my ferret Boy!" You exclaimed with a laugh kissing his cheek. He rolled his eyes.
"I'll miss your crazy ass for sure." He said sighing. You skipped away accidentally throwing a few spells since your emotions were high. You giggled to yourself. You ended up going to Gardenia.
You were laughing to yourself. You were wearing a black skirt and green tank top and high boots with your wand safely hidden in them. You were just walking when a car almost hit you. You had wide eyes.
"Watch it muggles!" you snarled rolling your eyes. The wizards turned to you. You weren't fazed? You skipped away again walking to yourself. You ended up working at the fruity music bar. Not many liked you. Only a few. You noticed the group of girls always coming by talking with the owner's daughter. Surprisingly you got along with Roxy. She was different from anyone else here. Your ears perked up hearing Roxy upset. You went over.
"Are they bothering you Rox?" You asked tilting your head and looking at them with a glare. Roxy didn't get time to speak. A girl with blonde hair spoke.
"Roxy is friends with you? You don't even have good fashion sense." She said. You raised an eyebrow.
"You don't have the space to judge me." You said smirking. The girl looked shocked. The girls were quite shocked by how you were acting. "Rox, come help me with getting a few things down your dad forgot how short I am." You scoffed. Roxy nodded and smiled.
"Of course Yu." She said. You just grinned and laughed skipping away to that side again. You had no idea that the wizards were watching you from afar. They could tell you were something. You weren't from around here.
You muttered to yourself about the perky girls. You accidentally caused Stella's chair to pull out and you heard a whine.
"Who did that!?" Stella said. "My skirt is dirty!" She said. It reminded you of a few nasty purebloods. You looked at them and snickered. Stella looked at you. "It was you!" she said pointing at you. You laughed.
"Me? How could I? I am over here!" You said. "Maybe you are just clumsy." You said. That girl huffed.
A few days later Rox convinced you to apologize against your will. You walked with her and were talking about the ferret boy without mentioning the magic parts. No one knew about magic here. Figures as they were muggles. You reached the group of girls.
"Why is she here?" The blonde said. You rolled your eyes.
"Because I can't go against Roxy asking me to say sorry. So I'm sorry for being a bitch to you." You said crossing your arms. You watched Stella's hair turn green. You tried to keep a straight face and just giggled. The other girls were confused but Roxy who watched as well shocked.
"Stella your hair!" Roxy said.
"WHAT!!" Stella exclaimed as her hair was green now. You just giggled. "you witch!" She said straight at your face.
"I already know I am one." You grinned. They were shocked. "I wouldn't mess with me. I can do much worse." You said casually.
"You have magic?!" They all exclaimed. You looked bored. You had accidentally done a few of the unforgivable in front of them after this and different spells.
"Duh," You said. You laughed a bit before skipping off. What you didn't see was the wizards in hiding watching you. You decided to be nice and fix Stella's hair. From that day forward Roxy had to hang around them. You didn't want to but you knew something was up with them and wanted to see what it was. Soon you found out they were fairies. You just laughed and held your stomach.
Over the next few days, you started to talk to the wizards as they blended in. You enjoyed the attention. One day the Winx figured out who they were as you talked to them as they were blending in. You were confused when Bloom started to yell at the boys talking to you.
"Why are you yelling at them?" You said annoyed.
"There they are girls. Step away from them Y/N." Musa said. You frowned.
"Who are they exactly." You said.
"the wizards we are after," Stella said and the girls transformed. You just rolled your eyes and walked away. After that, you still talked to them as their normal selves. The girls were not pleased but you clearly were unstoppable. You were close to the wizards and they started to really like you. They wondered why you avoided anything violent even though it seemed to always be around you.
"Hello, little witch," Ogron said smirking. "Would you like to go somewhere with us today?" He asked you. You were about to say yes when you saw your best friend enter. You gasped and ran to him and hugged him. You missed Ogrons jealous face watching you embrace the young boy.
"Ferret!" You said grinning and laughing. He hugged you back.
"I wanted to stop by and see if you caused any trouble," Draco said.
"Of course I have!" You laughed and dragged Draco's hand to meet Ogron and his gang. "Meet the wizards of the black circle." They introduced themselves to Draco and Draco introduced himself as your best friend. You chatted with Draco for a while as the Wizards watched and muttered to each other. They did not like how close you were to that boy.
Draco left a little later to go to his work in the ministry. You ended up saying yes to Ogron. You were an insane mess the whole time. They felt like it was a date but you hadn't realized. Over time you realized you really liked them.
"Will you be our girlfriend," Gantlos said and you grinned giggling nodding.
"Of course, I will!" You said each gave them a kiss. They had fallen for you first then you fell for them.
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ravensilversea · 3 months
Title: I wish I may, I wish I might (have this wish I wish tonight)
Author: Raven_Silversea
Rating: G
Pairing: Fuuta de la Stella & Welt Yang
Prompt: Space AU/Found Family
Tags/Warnings: Light Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Found Family, Touch-Starved, Fuuta joins the Astral Express
Summary: His rankings tell him he's safe here, and Fuuta knows his rankings are true. But that doesn't mean he was prepared to be accepted as one of the crew so easily
The Astral Express is much bigger than Fuuta imagined when he first asked the Ranking Planet where he would be safest. The parlor car alone would fit almost an entire Famiglia, maybe not one of Vongola’s size but a smaller one like the Todds for sure, with long red leather couches, globulous chandeliers, and floor to ceiling windows looking out into the stars. A phonograph in the corner plays a record that fills the car with the sound of electronic-sounding strings and piano chords.
Fuuta inches closer to the phonograph. It doesn’t look like anything he’s ever seen before with it’s tall base and floating bowl, but it’s definitely got a record and it’s definitely playing music. The black disc spins around and around beneath a needle of made of light. 
“I see you’ve found the phonograph,” a voice says from above and behind Fuuta. 
Turning, Fuuta clutches his Ranking Book tightly to his chest. He knows his rankings are true and he knows everyone on the Astral Express ranks extremely low for using his rankings to further their own ambitions, but he also doesn’t really know that. The man standing behind him has a kind smile and kinder eyes behind rectangular-rimmed glasses. Brown hair almost flops in his face, the front strands already gray. There’s an itch to set his book down and rank the man in front of him: his combat ability, his favorite foods, anything he can think of.
“You must be our newest passenger- Himeko mentioned she brought someone aboard,” the man continues like Fuuta’s silence and intense scrutiny is nothing out of the ordinary. “My name’s Welt Yang,” he holds out a hand, and Fuuta takes it, carefully shaking it. 
Welt’s hand is warm and calloused and so much bigger than Fuuta’s, and something about this simple handshake makes Fuuta want to cry and fling himself into this stranger’s arms with the intent to stay there forever.
 Instead, he introduces himself as Fuuta de la Stella, watching the man carefully for any hint of recognition just like he always does because that brief spark of realization in someone’s eye is often the only warning he’ll ever get. There’s no spark in Welt’s eye, no tightening of his grip, no shift in his weight like he’s going to pull Fuuta to him and never let him go. In fact, he even releases Fuuta’s hand and folds his own hands behind his back. “What do think of the record? I found it in a used bookshop a couple planets back, and it’s become one of my favorites.”
Fuuta tilts his head, looks back at the phonograph and the spinning record. A frown tugs at his lips as he considers the music. “It’s… nice,” he settles on. “I like the sound of it, but it does get a bit repetitive.”
Welt laughs. “I suppose that’s fair. We’ll have to keep an eye out for something more to your taste then.” He says it so easily, so matter-of-factly, like Fuuta’s going to be with traveling with them for the foreseeable future and they should accommodate for that.
Like Fuuta already belongs.
This time tears do streak down his cheeks, and he frantically wipes them away with his jacket sleeve as he quietly hiccups. Welt immediately kneels down and reaches out, stopping just before touching Fuuta as if waiting for Fuuta to accept the offered comfort. 
It just makes the tears come even stronger.
It feels like ages pass before Fuuta is able to stem the tide, and the entire time, Welt just waits. His hand still held out in a silent offering and his eyes never leaving Fuuta’s face, even though his knee must be aching with how it’s digging into the red carpet below and his arm must be getting tired with how long he’s held it out. Sniffling and still clutching his damp sleeve, he asks, “Do you really mean that, Mr. Yang?”
Welt nods. “You’re a member of the Express Crew from now until you choose to leave us. Of course, we’ll find some records you’ll really like.”
“You… you really mean that.” The urge to do a ranking just to be sure is strong, but Fuuta has already ranked the Astral Express crew and Welt Yang ranks high on People Who Mean What They Say.
“I do.”
The Ranking Book falls to the floor as Fuuta flings himself into Welt’s chest. Strong arms wrap around him in a firm hug, and the steady rhythm of Welt’s heart fills his ears. It feels like a bubble bursts in Fuuta’s chest as he clings to Welt. The electronic music of the record continues it’s loop.
Fuuta was right: He wants to stay cradled in Welt’s arms forever.
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sweethoneyrose83 · 5 months
As the day continues, Cleo goes to Stella Greyber's office giving her, her clipboard. Stella looks at some of the papers when Cleo enters her office "Hello, Mrs.Sawyer, How are the children doing today?" She says softly. "They're doing great and so are the Smiling Critters" Cleo responds smiling. Stella smiles and nods "That's good to hear. I have some bad news, though..." "Bad news?" Cleo repeated. Stella sighs "Yes, it seems that we have to lay off a few staff members. You will be one of them..." "I'm sorry?..." Cleo asks confused. "Don't worry, it's nothing personal. We are just having some financial troubles and we can no longer afford to keep you here. I am so sorry..." Stella says smiling like she cares. "Oh...Okay...I..I..see I'll um start cleaning out my desk..." Cleo nods walking to her desk. Stella hugs Cleo tightly. "I know this is a difficult situation, but it will be okay. You can find another job, I promise you..." "What am I going to tell my husband, Dr. Sawyer he won't be happy..." Cleo whispers still in the hug embrace before pulling away. Stella nods and sighs " You can tell him the truth, that you lost your job. He will understand and he loves you too much to get angry at you..." Cleo giggles and turns away from Stella holding a box of her things "Right...love me...that's an understatement..." She mumbled then watched Stella walk back into her office she opened one of her desk drawers to find a book wrapped in brown paper She glanced up at her husband, Dr.Sawyer she quickly put it in the box and put the lid on it then smiled at him. Dr. Sawyer notices her packing up and walks over to her "Cleo, what's going on?" He asked as if he cared and not letting Cleo go was his idea. "I've been let go, Harley, financial troubles. Oh! but what am I going to tell the Smiling Critters or the kids" Cleo says concerned. Dr. Sawyer just shrugs and shakes his head. Soon holding the box of her desk supplies Cleo walks out of the building and into Playcare's main area. As she walks to Playcare, the Smiling Critters see her and rush over to her. Cleo smiles at them and tries not to cry. The Smiling Critters immediately sense that something is wrong and start to ask her what's wrong Craftycorn looks concerned "Miss Sawyer, are you okay?" Pickypiggy gets mad "Did someone hurt you?" Bubba handed her a tissue "You look like you are going to cry..." The Smiling Critters look devastated and all of them hug her tightly. Bobby Bearhug looks at her sadly "We're so sorry, Miss Sawyer. Craftycorn gives her a picture she drew "Don't worry, we will still be your friends even if you don't work here anymore!" The Smiling Critters all nod and promise to be good. DogDay smiles at her and puts a hand on her shoulder "We will take care of the children, Miss Sawyer. Don't worry about them!" Cleo smiles and cups DogDay's cheek nodding then looks at CatNap "I'll miss you all" she says sweetly then holds her box and makes her way to her car as she sits in the driver's seat she gets out the book wrapped in brown paper, unwrapping it she sees it's the Orientation Notebook, but it's all filled with post-it notes and pages of stuff found by Rowan Stoll. Cleo scans the pages of it all trying to wrap her head around it all. "This...This can't be right..."
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multiphandommess · 1 year
New Beginnings (And Burgers)
Summary - A fluff fic for Stella lovers. Her girlfriend picks her up when she gets out of prison and takes her back to their apartment.
Notes - I hope y'all like it. It's my first fic
I was driving down a dirt road. I’m currently on the way to pick up my girlfriend, Stella, from prison. She’s finally getting out today. We met when I was in prison for 8 months for assault (I do stupid things when I’m drunk) and she had 6 more months than me. She called last week and let me know that she was getting out today and asked if I could pick her up and I, of course, said yes. I’m super excited to see her again finally. I get up to the gate of the prison. 
“Hi, I’m here for Stella Carlin.” The guard looks up at me with a deadpan look and turns to call out over her shoulder.
“Get me the kangaroo will ya?” she turns back to me, “You can go sit in one of those chairs now.”
I sit down and wait for Stella. About five minutes later, I see my tattooed hottie walk through the door. “Hey baby,” I say, walking up to her and hugging her.
“Hi, dove. Are you ready to get out of here? I sure am,” she replies with her signature smile.
“Of course,” I say, leading her out to my car. “How about we go get lunch before we go to our apartment? I got you a room set up to put your stuff in and a bed in case you want some me time whenever you want.”
“That sounds lovely darling,” Stella says as she kisses my cheek. 
“What do you want to eat?” I ask her, “We can get anything you might want.”
“How about burgers? I haven’t had good food in so long and burgers sound so good,” she asked.
“Alright, next stop, burgers,” I say, pulling out of the Litchfield parking lot. There was a diner about 20 minutes from the prison. We pulled up and I got out of the car. 
“Actually babe, can we stop in that store really quick and pick me up a new outfit? This one is a bit too big,” Stella asked.
“Sure. Let’s go find you some clothes. You have lost quite a bit of weight on that bagged bullshit they try to call food,” I joke, pulling her into the thrift store next to the diner. 45 minutes later we were walking out of the store and into the diner. She picked out a pair of grey sweatpants, a black tank top, and a vegan leather jacket. She also picked out some jeans, hoodies, bras, and socks so that she had clothes that fit her until I could make enough money to take her on a real shopping spree; but of course, she can always wear my clothes. We walk into the diner, order our food, and sit down. After we eat our food we get back in the car and drive the almost 3-hour drive back to our apartment in NYC. 
We pull up to our building and unload what little stuff she has. We made our way up the stairs and up to our door. I pull out the key. “I’ll have a copy made for you tomorrow when I go out for groceries,” I tell her while opening our door.
“Um…thanks,” she said in an unsure tone.
“Are you ok Stell?” I asked worriedly. “I know getting used to being able to do what you want without someone looking over your shoulder all the time is a little hard to get used to after being in prison for even just a little bit but if there’s anything I can do for you at all baby, just let me know,” I said as I pulled her in and wrapped my arms around her waist. She pulled me flush against her body and laid her head on my chest. We just stood in our kitchen holding each other and making up for all the lost time. “Alright, let's put your stuff away and we can watch a movie or something. How does that sound” I ask.
“Like heaven, sweetie,” she replies, “But how about you show me the room and I can put my stuff away. I don’t want to make you do something that you shouldn’t have to do. Maybe you can make the popcorn or something?”
“I mean, if you’re sure. Also, I was wondering if you wanted to go to Target tomorrow and pick up some decor for your room.” I replied.
“That sounds good but I don’t know how much I’ll be using that room because I’m expecting some I’ll be spending all my time in your bed,” she said with a smirk.
“10 minutes and you're already trying to get in my pants,” I said with the same expression as Stella.
“Hey I could have meant snuggles cutie,” she replied playfully.
“Uh-huh, sure. THAT smirk could have meant anything,” I sarcastically replied with a smile, “Well your room is down this hall. Here you go.”
“Thank you babygirl,” she said with her signature wink. 
I blushed and didn’t reply but just walked away to go make some popcorn. “What do you want to watch?” I called back to Stella. Instead of answering, she walked up behind me and hugged me. “Why hello there,” I joked. 
“Hi,” she said quietly into my neck as she put her hands under my shirt, stopping just before my bra. 
“Watch your hands there dove,” I joked.
“What, can’t I hug my girlfriend?” she replied with a shrug and mumbled something I couldn’t make out.
“What was that?” I asked turning around in her hold. 
“I love you,” she said. This was the first time she had told me this since I got out. She hasn’t said those three words over the phone or at all so far today.
“I love you too baby,” I kissed her and took her hand, leading her over to the sofa. “Alright, you choose the movie.”
“Scream?” she asked.
“Of course darling,” I replied. We spent the rest of our day watching movies and cuddling. As I went to put on our 5th movie, I heard light snoring. I looked down to see Stella asleep, face looking calmer and happier than it had in awhile; even calmer than when I would slide into her bunk during the night and cuddle. I smiled, turned off the TV, and snuggled into her. I rubbed her back and it was enough to lull me to sleep as well.
We might have to get used to being with each other out of prison and living with someone we’ve only been in the same building with for 8 months but I know that we’ll adjust and make each other better people because of it. So here’s to new beginnings.
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aquaburst3 · 6 months
The thing about me being in my late twenties is that I'm at a point in my life where I look at the Helluva Boss characters as peers instead of older adult figures. Exactly like a lot of the Marauders Generation of Harry Potter. Honestly, Blitz and Stolas are both immature assholes, being on par with Ted Mosby from HIMYM.
Blitz is a self-sabotaging tsundere who pushes his loved ones away whenever something is bothering him to protect his own self image. He's overly controlling. He often spies on Millie and Moxxie while they're out on a date, sleeping or having sex to live out vicariously through their loving relationship. Seriously, who does that? He also uses Stolas to spy on Millie and Moxxie's date. His relationships often go up in flames due him ghosting people and doing shit like stealing someone's car for a joyride. (He actually reminds me a lot of Ace from Twisted Wonderland in that sense, considering he ghosted his ex girlfriend instead of breaking off the relationship himself. Only difference is that Ace is a teenager and Blitz is an adult.)
Stolas is a self-absorbed narcissist. He loves throwing himself a self pity party at the drop of a hat, but he doesn't care about how his self-gratifying behaviour affects those around him, including his own daughter.
Octavia clearly tells Stolas how his cheating was taking a toll on her and he apologizes for it, but yet Stolas’ overall behaviour doesn’t change in the slightest. In Seeing Stars, Octavia asked Stolas about going to see the stars like he promised, but he ignored her in favour of arguing with Stella. So instead of putting the phone down and focusing on his daughter, he just brushes her off to focus on his own problems. Also, why is Loona the one to do everything in her power to find Octavia and not Stolas? Stolas could have simply transported them both to a different location to get away from the showrunners to find his daughter instead of watching Blitz be in a sitcom. Objectively, it tells us Stolas is prioritizing this affair between him and Blitz over his relationship with his daughter, which is awful in every way.
Worst of all, he's using his power and status to strong arm Blitz into an agreement where he has to have sex with him once a month in order to use the Grimoire for his business while Blitz is running for his life. Blitz only agrees, because that's his and his employee's source of income on the line. Even if this arrangement was just dinner dates instead, it would still be sexual coercion, which is a form of SA, since he's still someone in a position of power taking advantage of someone who can't say no. Hell, Stolas even guilt trips Blitz into pity sex with him for their first time together! (Again, Blitz was in the wrong there as well, since Stolas was drunk and not in the right frame of mind. But that still doesn't excuse what Stolas did either, especially since Blitz was uncomfortable with the whole ordeal and didn't want to sex with him before he manipulated him into doing the act.) He constantly belittles and talks down to Blitz instead of talking to him as an equal, which visually makes him very uncomfortable. Honestly, if Blitz was a girl their relationship would be super uncomfortable. Hell, their relationship is exactly like Val/Angel, except with them it's viewed as toxic while with them it's true love.
Yes, Stolas is trying to get a device from Ozzie that would allow Blitz to traverse the human world freely. But, that still doesn't take away the ickiness of where their relationship started out, especially since he's the one who came up with it in the first place.
Blitz gets a pass. While he's a dick, it's due to his past trauma, including believing that he caused an accident that killed his mom, and those things are treated like flaws that he has to overcome to become a better person. That is how you write an effective character arc.
But Stolas? Not so much. He's the textbook definition of a woobie. Whenever there is a chance to call Stolas out for his actions and hold him accountable in order to make him grow, it's immediately dashed in order to let him completely off the hook and make us pity him. While I know that Stolas was originally intended to be a villain and that was changed midway through production, which is why he suffers from contradictory writing, it still doesn't excuse the writers dashing every opportunity to have him face the music for his actions now that he's a more heroic character. Actions have consequences, and that even goes for him.
(Said this before and I'll say it again, he reminds me of A LOT of Malleus from Twisted Wonderland. Both are powerful princes, who take interest of someone lower status than them, even if in Malleus' case it's in a platonic sense in canon. They constantly do some very fucked up actions that affects those around them, but the narrative never has the balls to call them out and hold them accountable for their actions. Worst yet, anyone who does call them out is treated as the bad guy. They are both prone to being selfish. The only things that makes Malleus more tolerable compared to Stolas are that he actually does care about his loved ones and he's not using his royal status to SA someone.)
Honestly, if they were real guys around my age, I wouldn't want to be around them thanks to them being toxic douchebags, especially Stolas. Which isn't automatically a bad thing. I love plenty of characters that I wouldn't want to befriend or be around in real life. Hell, Blitz is one of my favs in the show, despite him not being the best person. But the way the narrative bends over backwards to excuse Stolas' actions makes him not only a bad person, but ungodly annoying, since it feels the narrative is gaslighting me into believing he's likeable.
I think the reason why the fandom doesn't look at them this way is because it's mostly made of up teenagers. (Which is kinda disturbing since this show is for an 18+ audience. Considering I watched South Park and read spicy fics when I was their age, I can't really judge. xD) These younger fans are looking at the show from the perspective of a child watching adults much older them instead of the perspective that me and others my age are viewing it. They don't understand how immature they are, because they are young and have a lot of growing up to do themselves.
It makes me wonder how these younger fans will view this show once they are the same age as me and are adults out in the real world. Would their life experience make them dislike those two as well? Or would they go the Yana Toboso stan route and find ways to make excuses for the shitty writing due to the story meaning a lot to them as teenagers? I hope it's the former, but it's more likely gonna be the latter.
While I'm taking inspo from this series for an original idea I'm brewing, I want to read some fix-it rewrites fic of this series. This series has a lot of potential, but it's being all dumped in favour of stupid writing choices.
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dizzyduck44 · 1 year
So I saw the most ridiculous comment from a Danny Ric fan that led me down a thought process I really wasn’t ready for.
The original comment:
“McLaren are in the mess they are in now because they wouldn’t design a car around him like Renault did”.
So let’s start at the beginning. Daniel chose to leave Renault. No one held a gun to his head. As far as we know there was no bad blood. He walked away from this project that was allegedly designing a car around him.
When Daniel arrived at McLaren, the car was competitive. Lando sat 3rd in the Championship for some time. However almost immediately we heard Daniel doesn’t get on with the car, “it doesn’t suit his driving style”.
The more input Daniel had in that car, the worse it got. And it never brought the results he hoped, whilst compromising Lando as well. It says it all that Lando’s point alone secured McLaren’s 5th place in the constructors.
It seems at some point last year Zak Brown saw what was going on. There was slow development which wasn’t really improving the car. No matter what they did Daniel was not going to be able to extract the best from the car. James Key didn’t seem to be able to move the car forward. He’d got so far and now (with Daniel’s input) the car stopped improving. Given what had happened at Renault, why would the team develop a car around Daniel.
It seems that although we didn’t hear about changes at first, they were looking to make these changes 6 months or more before they happened.
The thing that finally hit me was Andreas Seidl. A man I have nothing but respect for was letting this happen. Why wasn’t he going to Zak saying I need to make changes. Andreas always came across as someone who wouldn’t suffer fools yet, this was going on under his watch.
I can’t imagine Horner or Otmar sitting there being silent while this was going on. Could you imagine Toto being oblivious to it?
When Andreas announced his departure I was shocked and sad, but understand. You can’t really expect to tell your employers in 3 years time I’m leaving for a rival and then expect them to say, by all means stay, see what we learn over that time. However maybe this was more of letting go what wasn’t working.
It’s funny to hear everyone talk about Andrea Stella as technically minded because two things jump to my head “so was Binotto” and “I thought so was Andreas, allegedly”.
As to the way forward I like what I see. The people coming on board and those they are bringing back now they have a better grip of the cost cap. Oscar is a fantastic addition. As someone else pointed out if Lando or Oscar fell 8/10ths behind the other, the team would probably get rid of them as well.
The thing I wasn’t prepared for was seeing people I like and respect, Daniel and Andreas and having my view of them somewhat soured.
It makes me appreciate, at least Lando has always been brutally honest. I know where I stand with him. Cars crap, he’ll tell you the car is crap. He out drove the car, he’ll tell you. When something is 100% his fault, he’ll tell you that as well. When another driver is in a different league, yeah not afraid to tell you that either.
What’s more, I think what is becoming clear, maybe it was never the car. Daniel seems to have lost his love for it. The fact that even not driving this year, he doesn’t want to be at every race (just in case) and apparently Horner has told him he needs to prove to them he is serious about wanting to drive again. He seems checked out. Even last year you could see, he loved the social side with the drivers and fans but the actual racing, the passion was gone.
Which brings me full circle. Did he leave Renault, a project built around him, because he already knew that the passion was going and he was looking for something to reignite it? I don’t think we will ever know. Does he know deep down that yes he got another win, but it required the two front runners taking each other out and his team issuing team orders. Maybe that’s a realisation he has accepted but doesn’t want to admit out loud.
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