#i keep gathering information and changing my opinion
wontbyers · 2 years
someone: [says something]
me: oh my god, that’s absolutely right
someone else: [says the literal opposite]
me: oh shit that’s true!! yeah you’re right
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cosmicpuzzle · 5 months
Negatives of Mercury in Each House
Mercury in 1st House: Overthinker, mental overload, takes things too literally, impatient, not a good listener, interrupts while talking, opinionated, critical, argumentative, fussy with details, nervous.
Mercury in 2nd House: Does not keep promises, mismanages money, financial trickster, bad salesman, lies about money matters, stammering.
Mercury in 3rd House: Too much into details, information gatherer, thinks but not acts, cluttered mind, breathing and lungs issues, smoker, loses the big picture, media addict, smartphone addicts.
Mercury in 4th House: Unsettled mind, emotional issues, analyses feelings than feeling them, not able to settle at one place /city, frequent mover, shy outside home, nervous, anxious mother, tension at home, sibling quarrels, property troubles, documentation troubles.
Mercury in 5th House: flirtatious, casual lover, critical of children's education, too mental in love and expressing affections, takes risk with speculation, poor gambler, worried over children, micromanages children's life.
Mercury in 6th House: Argumentative, picks intellectual fights, overzealous in health matters, troubles with co worker, gossips at office/ workplace, criticizes others work, perfectionist, makes mistakes at work, skin eruptions.
Mercury in 7th House: changes partners frequently, falls in love then discards, trouble with contracts, marries for documents purpose(like spouse sponsoring a visa), mental relationships, not serious in love, experiments new partners, falls in love with 2 people at same time.
Mercury in 8th House: Secretive, schemer, cold, sarcastic, suspicious, corporate frauds, abuses through words, foul language, trouble through inheritance, relatives, nervous disorders like paralysis, respiratory illnesses, obsessed about death.
Mercury in 9th House: Fundamentalist, thinks too optimistically than practically, can't see immediate consequences, focused only on the big vision but doesn't take practical steps, questions religion and faith systems, cannot believe without proof.
Mercury in 10th House: Changes career frequently for promotion or increments, too smart and then deceives oneself, lies at work, thinks only about gain, not emotional, works only for results, no imagination or creativity at work, works as per the letter of law than to the spirit.
Mercury in 11th House: Makes more acquaintances than true friends, social climbers, makes contacts for sake of it, deceitful friends or deceits friends, financial mismanagement, greedy for profits, attracted to quick rich schemes, cheats others financially, lies to others.
Mercury in 12th House: Poor concentration, poor focus, dreamy, impractical, poor memory, lack of action, forgets important things, does not solve problems, not good with details, does not speak properly, not responsive to others, over imagination.
For Readings DM
I post more on my twitter/X page . Follow me for more short and interesting post over there. (Eventually may shift there)
Magha Sidereal Astrology🌙 (@maghastrology) / X (twitter.com)
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Desire for your Affinity
|| Regina George x fem!reader
|| Warnings: y/sport means your sport of choosing, y/sexuality means your sexuality, y/position means your team position, use of y/n, hook up briefly mentioned, some stalker-ish tendencies from both Regina and reader (nothing too crazy)
|| Summary: You're a mystery kid that's apart of y/sports team. Regina doesn't know anything about you, so she sends Gretchen to gather information. Eventually you become a plastic and then more.
Request from: @syarinaxo Can I request a stalker x stalker with Regina? Thanks ❤️
Requests open!
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It was another regular lunch. Regina, Gretchen, Karen and Cady all sat together at the usual 'plastics' table. Talking about the latest gossip and whatever else when someone catches Regina's eye. A girl from the y/sport team who seemed to be looking directly at her from where the y/sport team usually sits. Whispering to her teammate while pointing at Regina. Regina George knew basically everyone. From loners to jocks. She knows them all. Some just by face others by face and name. So when she didn't recognize you? Someone who was clearly on a sports team... it didn't make any sense to her.
"Gretchen." Regina interrupts whatever conversation the three were having before. Though, it was mostly Cady and Gretchen talking while Karen kinda just stared.
Gretchen turns her attention to Regina, "Yes, Regina?"
"Who's that?" Regina nods her head in your direction, not turning to look at Gretchen.
Gretchen turns to see where Regina's looking and frowns," I don't... actually know who that is."
"Well find out." Regina says with a slight hiss to her tone, making Gretchen tense and nod, "Now!"
With that, Gretchen left the table to go learn more about you. She found it odd that she didn't know who you were. She walks over to the y/sport table and smiles at the group.
"Hi, ladies!" She makes her presence known. You and your team look at Gretchen, exchanging a couple of confused stares amongst each other. Why was a plastic over at your table?
Gretchen immediately sat down next to you as she smiles. "Oh my God, I like totally love your shirt! So fetch!" Gretchen looked at the shirt you're wearing, you give her an awkward smile.
"Um, thanks?" You reply, your confusion evident in your tone. One of your teammates stifles a laugh and you shoot her a 'well what would you do?' look. She shrugs.
"Do you have instagram?" Gretchen asks, getting your attention again. Why was this plastic so interested in you? That's when you notice Regina watching the interaction from the plastics table. You quickly change your gaze back to Gretchen. A soft blush on your cheeks. If you're being honest, you've had a crush on Regina George since you first realized you were y/sexuality. She was literally your awakening. Since then, you've been obsessed with her. More than you care to admit. A few times you've caught yourself just following her around. For her to take notice of you? That was a pretty big deal in your books.
"Who doesn't?" You respond to Gretchen's question, she laughs at your joke. Though in your opinion it seems forced.
"Can I have it? I'll totally follow you back!" Shrugging, you take out your phone and open instagram. Showing her your handle," your aesthetic is so fetch!" She smiles at you. Again with the fetch? What the hell is fetch? From context, you assume it's good.
"Thanks, Gretchen." Gretchen takes out her own phone and searches Instagram for your account, giving it a follow. You were already following her; because who isn't?
Gretchen looks at your bio for your name and smiles to herself: Y/N L/N. Now that she thinks about it, she's definitely heard the name at least once in passing. But not too many people outside of y/sports team really talk about you. You were kind of a mystery to everyone. Gretchen stays and chats for a few minutes longer, just keeping up with gossip and seeing what else she can find out. If she had left right after she got your Instagram that might have looked suspicious. Soon enough, she returns to the plastics table and Regina looks at her expectantly.
"That's Y/N L/N, on her insta it says she's y/sexuality and plays y/position for North Shore. The rest is still like totally mysterious but I'll see what else I can get." Gretchen explains to Regina, who hasn't taken her eyes off you.
"Send me her handle." Regina demands, Gretchen immediately listens and messages it to Regina. Regina takes out her phone and looks at your account. Going through your various photos and seeing what all she can learn about you.
The next few days; Regina's started noticing you more. How you always seem to be around her. She's even gone out of her way to dig up as much information on you as she could find. Your birthday, favourite colour, school grades, hangout places, etc. She's had Gretchen keeping tabs on you.
The two of you never interacted. Until one day when you left your science homeroom and she walked right up to you. You felt your heart flutter and cheeks burn.
"Y/N. Right?" Regina smirks at you, hands rested on her hips as she watched your movements. Almost in a studying like manner. Was this really happening? Was Regina George actually talking to you?
"I... yes!" You responded quickly, internally facepalming at yourself. Regina laughs.
"Oh my God, she's so cute." Regina says to Gretchen, you couldn't tell if it was in a mocking way or not. Gretchen just nodded and smiled while Karen kind of stared at you.
"Wait, isn't she that Y/N girl Regina keeps talking about?" Karen suddenly speaks up, looking at Gretchen for confirmation. Regina rolls her eyes as Gretchen nods. Hold on. Regina talks about you?
"You should sit with us at lunch tomorrow." Regina says, ignoring Karen and Gretchen. Her full focus seemed to be on you, you didn't know how red your face looked but if it was anywhere near as red as it felt... God, that would be embarrassing.
"Okay! Yeah! Totally!" You nodded, Regina internally rolled her eyes at how quickly you agreed to her. Part of her found it endearing in a way, though. Knowing that she would already have you wrapped around her finger without much effort on her part.
Over the next week you would start spending more time with the plastics, which in turn made you popular and more noticed by everyone. You and Regina grew closer. Until you inevitably hooked up one night at a house party which kicked off a relationship between the two of you. People weren't overly surprised when the news spread. But still. No one dared to comment about it or even you. Most people straight up avoided you. Not wanting to do the wrong thing and risk pissing of Regina George.
Hope you like it! 🫶
Sorry for the ending being a little rushed, I wasn't sure about how to end this one
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ozai-the-bonsai · 7 days
Memento Mori
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 |
Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader
Warnings: loads and loads of tension in the air!!!!
A/N: I absolutely loved writing this chapter, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did - I am excited to see what you think about it!!!
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After supper, Daemon found her lurking around Caraxes, she shined like a beacon in the dark of the night.
During the meetings with the riverlords, Lúthril had been by Daemon’s side, keeping her distance from everyone around her, only interfering to offer Daemon her wisdom or when Daemon asked her to provide her opinion on certain matters. Even though she kept saying that she had no King, in front of the little lords of the Riverlands, she did indeed act as if she had pledged her loyalty to Daemon as her king.
In everything she did, she was just too perfect: the way she carried herself ever so gracefully, the way she talked, her choice of words… It felt somehow wrong, making Daemon feel uneasy around her. Of course, at such moments, he would remember that she was no human and the uneasy feeling would go away. Deep down, he knew it only made sense for her to be perfect after having spent many years with the Gods.
Others in Harrenhal were mesmerised by her beauty the moment they saw Lúthril for the very first time that day – Daemon could swear he had seen Simon Strong drooling. Many tried to question her about where she came from and who she really was but Lúthril had a way with words – before they even knew it, she would brush the questions under the table, changing the subject or offering her wisdom about something completely irrelevant.
Before supper, Simon Strong had ordered the servants to prepare a room for the Lady to use as her chambers. Daemon could only imagine how different it had to feel to finally have a bed after hundred years of imprisonment.
As he approached Caraxes, the memories of the conversation earlier haunted him once again that day. Lúthril’s knowledge of his darkest deeds unnerved him. She was not just an advisor. She was a force—one he could not yet comprehend. But whether she was his salvation or his undoing, only time would tell.
“You give me the feeling that you enjoy the presence of my dragon more than my own, my Lady.” Daemon said, causing Lúthril to raise her head to meet his gaze. Throughout the day, he had got used to addressing her as my Lady to make the riverlords believe that she was some lady from somewhere. “Have you ever seen one this close before?”
Lúthril nodded as she placed her right hand on Caraxes’ scales. To Daemon’s surprise, the dragon was actually allowing her to touch itself, to come near itself. Daemon had no information about the Valargon’s relationship to the dragons; however, the view in front of his eyes was enough to intrigue him.
“We lived in Valyria amongst the dragonlords for a long time,” she responded, “but long before Daenys the Dreamer had her visions about the Doom, our Seers told us that we had to move to Westros.”
“So you can speak High Valyrian,” Daemon swiftly switched to his mother-tongue, causing Lúthril to giggle as she walked towards him.
“Of course I can,” Lúthril responded in High Valyrian. “Back then, the wealthiest dragonlords of Valyria could also speak the language of my people.”
Daemon took a few moments before continuing the conversation – the way Lúthril spoke the language had him mesmerised. The way the words rolled off her tongue, how High Valyrian added even more grace to her (as if it was possible) made Daemon want to stay there and just listen to her speaking in the language of his ancestors for the rest of his life.
“What about the dragons? Why do they know you?” Daemon asked, trying to gather his thoughts on the present moment but it was hard not to drift away. “Your people were no dragonlords, yet Caraxes seems to recognise your blood somehow.”
“Do you know how Targaryens became dragonlords, Daemon?” Lúthril asked, switching to the common tongue. Her intense gaze was causing different emotions to rise within Daemon, which had been confusing him ever since he met her. He didn’t really know her and yet, he was feeling the strongest attraction he has ever experienced in his life. It was exhilarating and also unsettling.
Daemon followed her when she started walking. “Of course,” he said, trying to understand where she was headed with this question. “They used blood magic – even Targaryen babes know about this.”
Lúthril sent him a confident look as she slowed down her steps. “And who do you think taught them how to carry out the blood magic to bind the dragons to the descendants of Valyrian blood?” Upon seeing the change in Daemon’s expression, she laughed. “I believe you now know the answer.”
“So it was your people?” Daemon asked, he found it hard to believe that the Valargon had played such a huge part in shaping the Targaryen dynasty – by teaching them how to be dragonlords. “That made us kings?”
She shook her head, causing her long hair to sway. “No, we simply taught you how to bind the dragons – the rest, you have accomplished yourselves.” Taking a deep breath, she rested her forehead against Caraxes’ scales, her feet stopping. It was astonishing that Caraxes was allowing her to get that close to him and that Lúthril was not getting any burns since the scales of a dragon tended to get very hot, even steaming during cold nights. “We gave you dragonfire, which eventually became our death. Destiny works in funny ways.”
Standing behind her, Daemon kept still for a moment, trying to decide whether he should listen to the wicked whispers crowding his thoughts. His reason was screaming at its lungs, telling him it was wrong, flashing him memories with Rhaenyra to make him feel awful about himself. However, the yearning after Lúthril and the desire to touch her skin was way stronger, coming from his very essence. The moment he laid his eyes on her, he would forget about Rhaenyra in a heartbeat.
At that instant, all Daemon wanted was to have her.
Listening to the whispers, Daemon took a big step towards Lúthril, resting his hands on either sides of her head, which still leaned the warm scales of Caraxes. The dragon’s hard scales were warm against Daemon’s skin, still leaving his hands unburnt. Upon realising the movements around him, Caraxes raised his long neck in an uneasy manner; however, upon seeing Daemon, the dragon let itself rest again.
“How interesting that might be, it still doesn’t answer my question – why does Caraxes recognise you?” Daemon whispered in her ear in High Valyrian. The way Lúthril shivered when his warm breath reached her ear was visible to Daemon as well, causing the edge of his lips to curl upwards.
“It is not just Caraxes,” She responded in High Valyrian, still her back was facing Daemon. “All dragons recognise us – the Valargon blood has been known to them ever since the first hatchling flapped its wings. They can smell our magic and realise its similarity to theirs.”
With slow movements, Daemon raised his right hand for a brief moment to gather Lúthril’s hair on her right shoulder. Then, he leant in for his lips to be on a level with her ear. His warm breath licked her exposed neck, causing her to take a deep breath. “In that case, I am certain Caraxes would gladly let you fly with me.” Daemon’s words were lower than a whisper. “Have you ever ridden a dragon?”
Lúthril paused for a moment before speaking, Daemon wished he could know what she thought at that moment or how she felt; however, she had a strong grip on herself, trying to show Daemon as little as she could. Well, the Rogue Prince always welcomed a challenge – the harder it was to unravel her mysteries, the more satisfaction the prize at the end brought.
“Flown I have,” Lúthril switched to the common tongue as she slowly turned inside Daemon’s arms to face him. The small distance between their bodies felt like it could burn any moment with the tension heavy in the air. “But not on dragonback.”
Daemon raised an eyebrow at her, looking down to meet her gaze. She seemed to know how to play this game as well; however, her moments of hesitation were more visible to the naked eye than his. “I believe you have to provide me more details as to how it is possible to fly without a dragon.”
A smirk found its way to her lips as she pushed back a strand of hair falling in front of her eyes. “Daemon Targaryen, you do forget who I am often enough,” she spoke with a playful tone. “Why should it puzzle you that a being able to see your past, present and future can fly too?”
“I have never seen a person floating on their own in the sky,” Daemon responded with his quick wit, following the same playful tone Lúthril has set. He leaned in even further so that his lips were brushing against hers when he spoke, “have you?”
Even the brief touch of their lips in that single moment sent a shiver down her spine, Daemon had to try hard not to put on his victory smirk. He wanted to make her desperate for himself for he enjoyed this little game more than he could put into words.
He felt… alive after a long, long time.
Lúthril’s response took him by surprise. “It saddens me that your mind insists on restricting me to the fragile human body.”
“Ah,” Daemon spoke as he took a step back. “A shapeshifter, then.” It was a thought which has not occurred to him before; however, given everything the enchantress could do with her magic, shapeshifting was really not so surprising. “Which body does my Lady prefer for a pleasant flight?”
A giggle escaped her lips as she followed Daemon on his way to Caraxes’ saddle. “An eagle,” she responded, “a white eagle.”
[POV change]
You wrapped your hands tighter around Daemon’s waist as Caraxes flew through the night sky. Even though you had flown yourself, dragonback was a far different experience – far more thrilling and far more terrifying – even for someone like yourself.
In Valyria, conquering the skies amongst the dragons used to be one of your greatest pleasures in life – but that was another time, another life, when fire had not yet consumed your world, turning everyone you once held dear to ashes.
The wind tugged at your hair, the cold air biting against your skin and for a brief moment, you allowed yourself to feel the warmth of Daemon’s body through the leather garments he carried. Strange, you thought. He had a fire burning within him, one that not even the flames of his dragon could match.
And yet, he did not know how easily he could be consumed by it.
Perhaps I myself, too, do not know how easily I can be consumed by it. The fire burning with the dragon.
For centuries, you had been untouchable, even in your imprisonment. Men, mortal or otherwise, held no sway over you. Yet, this one—Daemon Targaryen—made you question your restraint. His touch was a flame you didn’t wish to extinguish, though you knew it was dangerous to let it burn too brightly.
Your fingers, so accustomed to cold distance, now gripped him as though clinging to the last rays of the eternal light. Vulnerability, once alien, now crept beneath your skin like an uninvited guest, and you wondered how long you could allow yourself to burn.
Knowledge made it even more sweeter, the taste of the fruit. Knowing that the connection between you and Daemon had been woven into the very fabric of the time.
Is this why I find it impossible to walk away from him? you thought as you inhaled his scent, which somehow brought peace to your mind. Or is it something else?
Being close to him was becoming more intoxicating each time – you could not even recall the last time you had experienced such feelings towards another person, Valargon or human. It felt… exciting, in a different way. Despite knowing his past, present and future; Daemon was still a mysterious new book needed to be read – you had to let yourself get lost between its pages to taste its mysteries.
Desire was, indeed, quite hard to put a leash on.
“You have been quite,” Daemon spoke, breaking the silence. “Is everything alright?”
“I am simply enjoying the skies,” you responded with a content tone, “it is truly wonderous – exploring the night sky on dragonback.”
For a quick moment, Daemon looked over his shoulder to meet your gaze, his purple eyes shinning with joy. “I am glad you are enjoying yourself, my Lady.”
After a short pause, you spoke. “I do enjoy your presence, too, Daemon Targaryen.” A soft chuckle followed. “Not just your dragon’s.”
Daemon’s laugh sent shivers down your spine, you found it hard to believe how much you had grown you like that sound. It was utterly enchanting, leaving you wanting to crawl into his arms.
After dismounting Caraxes, you both stood next to each other, looking at the cursed castle of Harrenhal in silence. The night was still calm but the wind was getting colder and the full moon was slowly leaving its place to the waning crescent, its light reflecting from the diamonds on your dress.
Upon feeling his gaze on yourself, you turned your head to the left, Daemon’s purple eyes awaiting you. The flirtatious aura he normally had around himself was quite thin at that moment; all you could see in his eyes was… adoration. You couldn’t recall the last time someone looked at you that exact way.
“The diamonds on your dress,” Daemon spoke slowly as he raised his right hand. His fingers brushed against the diamonds adorning the neckline of your dress. “They make me feel like as if they have captured the light of the stars inside.”
A small smile formed on your lips. “You are not entirely wrong,” you responded, causing him to raise an eyebrow. “These diamonds were forged under the light of thousand stars, during the brightest night in the Land of the Gods.”
Daemon’s hand moved up to your shoulder, the ghost of his fingers trailing down your left arm over the fabric of your silver dress, giving you goosebumps. You took a deep breath. The effect of his touch on you was terrifying – your heart was on a race, breaths getting deeper, your body aching for more.
“So they did capture the light of the stars,” Daemon muttered as he gently held your hand. “Any less wouldn’t do your beauty any justice.”
Your heart skipped a beat.
The distance between your bodies seemed to get less and less, until you stopped yourself – you knew today was not the right time. Upon seeing the confused look in Daemon’s purple eyes, you placed your right hand on the side of his face, your left hand holding his right one.
“Not today,” you whispered, your lips slightly touching his as you spoke. “The stars move in their own time, Daemon. Let us not rush what’s already written.”
Standing on your fingertips, you left a kiss on his left cheek, a chuckle leaving Daemon’s lips. “You are a strange kind of woman,” he spoke as you stepped back.
With a smile on your lips, you turned around to head back to the castle. “Good night, Daemon.”
Taglist: @throughgoeshamilton @mirandastuckinthe80s @xicesam @mariamyousef702 @eddiemadmunson @dont-try-pesticide @sweetybuzz25 @hc-geralt-23 @schniiipsel @ttae-yong @syrma-sensei @asiludida164 @kaitieskidmore1 @irmavanity-blog @pax-2735 @trickrtreatart @shanzeyxsyed @random-human02 @scarwicht @xcallmetaniax @instabull @niiight-dreamerrrr @my-dark-prince @stargaryenx @abaker74 @babywolff @sonnensplitter @bi-narystars @softtina @sadmonke @avalyaaa @superintenseart @immyowndefender @claud012 @ayamenimthiriel @vavafaure1994 @ilovegrishaverse @avadakadabra93
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dr-spectre · 2 months
Splatoon - Callie 101!
I have gathered EVERY Callie analysis and ramble I've done and complied them together into one post for your viewing convenience! I go over all the different aspects relating to Callie's arc in Splatoon 2, diving deep into Hypno Callie and clearing up ALL of her misconceptions. Some of these posts are just me rambling and some of them do have overlapping information, but these posts still provide valuable and important information regarding Callie.
In the posts i go over the following:
Clearing up wrong info (She was kidnapped and brainwashed)
During hypnosis and her behaviour
Explaining hypnosis and it's differences compared to brainwashing
Her being flung out of hypnosis
How she remembers the Squid Sisters
Why she put the shades back on
I love this character to death and i only want the best for her, i hope more and more people come to learn about her true arc and i hope i can inspire some change in the community. Either via more people in the community saying the right terminology across social media and changing the wording from "brainwashing" to hypnosis.
PLEEEAASSEEE!!! reblog and share with others in the Splatoon community because I really do want some change and i want this wonderful character that i love to death to be treated with some more respect. Although she may not seem that important, Callie is one of the most important and significant characters in the franchise and i want more people to treat her as such, rather than some airheaded idiot.
Hearing people say the same stuff over and over again like "Oh she was kidnapped, overpowered and then brainwashed, losing all of her memories, etc." Genuinely gave me a lot of discomfort and i avoided consuming Splatoon 2 content because i was actually scared of seeing Hypno Callie and hearing those words.... That was until i actually did research and began making all of these posts that i shall link.
So here you go and i hope you learn something new about Callie Cuttlefish! (Press Keep reading to view the posts.) 
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caustinen · 3 months
Omg I’m actually so in love with your Hollywood au 😭😭 do you have any headcanons for them? Like how they started dating, or what they do on a daily basis, general domestic things!!
Hi!! Sorry I took so long to reply but your ask sent me SPIRALLING — this whole au was such a random quick thing and I never expected it to go anywhere, but thinking of a response to this I got so into it I might actually manage to write something!
Just the first meeting hc got so ridiculously long that I’ll respond to the domestic hc’s (I HAVE SO MANY) on a separate post and tag you! Thank you for the inspiration luv 💘
HOLLYWOOD AU! First meeting:
Their first impressions are not very good… John hasn’t made it big yet but he’s definitely getting some attention so he decides to relocate to Hollywood and find a good PR-team around himself despite having always thought that the marketing/branding side of his profession is capitalistic nonsense — and while he has changed his attitude to the exctent of ”if you can’t beat them join them”, he’d still expect all the suits to be cold business men who don’t care about the art of it all.
Gale on the other hand expects all actor clients to be self-obsessed nepo pricks; he’s been climbing in the industry steadily for years and enjoys the challenge of bringing the best versions of people out and finding them their best options (he takes pride in being very good at what he does) but since initially he ended up in the industry through his love for film, he’s also often annoyed by the up-and-coming stars who only care for the fame.
Loud, relaxed and seemingly no-care-in-the-world John fits this prejudice perfectly, as does John’s expectation for an uptight, borderline rude PR-executive in a suit — at the end of the meeting he chooses a much more laid-back seeming guy called Brady to represent him, and Gale is relieved he’s not stuck with him, he really is, despite the teasing, annoying smile of that bastard refusing to leave his mind for the rest of the day.
Their second meeting is somehow WORSE, in a week or so a meeting runs long so Brady invites John to after-work drinks. Gale looks so different out of his suit (now in a white t-shirt and black pants that hug his waist tightly, hair mussled and curlier after a long day of running his hands through it) that Bucky is absolutely blinded for a second and goes to introduce himself flirtily. Gale stares at him for a bit before informing him they met last week and while John is able to laugh it off with the others, this doesn’t exactly help with Gale’s image of him (why can’t i get that smirk off my mind when he couldn’t even bother to note me??)
It doesn’t help that Bucky gets very drunk and keeps seeking his company, not caring he’s only receiving grunts as reply to his stories told draped over the blonde’s shoulders as Gale sips on his non-alcoholic beer (he also shares the Buck story and starts calling him Buck like in the show), and whatever progress John might’ve done to make him almost smile a couple of times is undone immediately as he flirts with everyone else just as much when he leaves Gale’s side, cementing him in Gale’s mind as a playboy who’s gotten a bit too into his own head with his modest success lately and decides to forget all about him.
After that they run each other a couple of times at the office and social gatherings, and things are civil enough, they chat briefly each time but there’s some strange tension between them that makes Gale uneasy and John confused and a bit frustrated because he usually gets along with everyone but this man just seems to be immune to his usual charm; he can’t understand why the man is seems so cold and barely ever speaks up, that sweet smile he rarely sees him show others is completely wasted on him in his opinion.
They only properly meet again at a premier of John’s new movie a couple of months down the road, the first one under Gale’s firm, and end up in the backroom between the red carpet and John walking into the theater post-film (Brady is busy with organizing everything) and it’s TENSE, they’ve never been in a room by just the two of them and John is obviously nervous wreck which makes him antsy and Gale isn’t making any effort to make small-talk to ease his nerves (he’s not a natural at that okay, and esp with John he doesn’t know what to say)
Only when John is basically doubled over on the couch groaning into his hands as the film approaches its end Gale is forced to interfere. ”Why are you so upset?” ”They’re gonna hate it.” Gale is thrown off, never expecting to see this vulerable side underneath all that loud confidence. ”They’re not gonna hate it.” John scoffs. ”And how would you know?” Gale frowns, annoyed. ”Listen, it’s not Casablanca but you had to know that walking into the project, and you give it enough life to keep the tension up ’till the end. This is your best work since Thorpe Abbotts so just sit back and relax.”
John stares at him, mouth open, despair forgotten for a while. ”You know my work?” he asks, blindsighted, and Gale blushes and turns away. ”Maybe. I go to most films they show in my local theatre so don’t make too much of it.” John doesn’t have time to digest the words properly before he’s ushered to take the applause of the crowd, but it stays with him.
Things shift after that. John starts to pay attention to what Gale says, and realizes while he might speak rarely, when he does it’s always meaningful and thought-out. When Brady wants to make him do some new audition tapes he asks him to bring some of his collegues for second opinions, and he’s satisfied to see Gale roll up to the little studio they’ve rented one afternoon.
Wanting to impress Gale apparently works wonders because he feels like he reaches a new level with scene they’re working with, and the feedback reflects this. Even Gale gives him an approving nod, which somehow sends butterflies down his insides.
He turns his show-off when they go for drinks as a group next time to actually have a conversation with the blonde, and it turns out Gale is OBSESSED with old hollywood — whenever things were bad in his childhood home (often) he’d hide himself into the world of fiction of all kinds, and he’s seen an obscene number of films and loves learning trivia about it too, film star biographies are his favorite genre of books. He used to go to his little local movie theatre so much he was eventually offered a job there and could help with picking the movies, but his brief dreams of being an actor were never realized as he knew he needed a less pecarious job to give himself the stability his childhood home didn’t offer.
Learning these pieces of information draws John even more facinated with him, and Gale seems to be laughing at more and more of his jokes too. Once Gale lets his guard down he has also started to see John underneath the bravado, and makes mental notes to check out the books he recommends and he might even lightly flirt back these days, secretly enjoying the those dark, observant eyes fixed on him and squeezing into a surprised smile.
All in all, it’s been going better for a while until a faithful day, when they’re doing another auditiong tape. Bucky’s been rejected from a film he really wanted earlier that day, and his previous film has gotten some lukrwarm reviews upon getting into streaming services, so he’s in a shitty mood, and the unimpressed faces Gale keeps making annoy him to no end.
They call it a day and they agree to meet at a bar closeby to start the weekend and get everyone’s spirits up. The beer only serves to make Bucky more upset tho, espescially when he sees Gale hitting it up with someone who walks up to him, laughing at his stuff and looking relaxed in a way he never quite does with him. A bit drunk and a lot angry he follows him to the bathroom, Gale noticing him as he walks in with the same swing of the door. He turns around and greets him, the smile from talking to that whatever dude still lingering on his lips being John’s final straw.
”Oh, so you can be happy? Thought it was fucking impossible to achieve.” Gale’s smile immediately drops and his posture shifts, arms crossing over his chest. ”What are you talking about?” ”You’re always making those faces no matter what I do. You’ll ruin your pretty face with all that frowning.” ”What on earth are you-” ”When I try to talk with you. Or when I do a scene and you’re supposed to help but you just keep looking at me like I’m an idiot. I don’r get it.”
Gale starts to get upset too now, something John has never seen before, his calmness finally breaking. ”What do you want me to say?!” ”I don’t know, be fucking supportive for once?!” ”I am being supportive by being honest! Do you think that was the best you can do?” It surprises John, but he’s already too worked up to back down. ”Well what if it is?” They’ve gotten closer to each other in the empty men’s room, and Gale’s hands are no longer crossed, he’s pointing at John’s chest and staring him down. ”You have so much goddman potential, John Egan, and it’s killing me to see you waste it like that. Reach for something bigger. Get more complex charachters, more nunaced scripts. If it takes you hating me to hear that then so be it.” John scoffs despite the blush trying to creep to his cheeks. ”Well since you know fucking everything maybe you should help me find those roles.” ”I’m not your agent, or your publicist, or your mom, or your boyfriend, I don’t see how it’s any of my-” They’re practically yelling at each other, and without thinking John takes the wrist of Gale’s hand poking his chest to his and pushes it down so they’re chest to chest, noses almost touching, so close they’ve gotten. ”Maybe you could just help me out if you didn’t hate me so much.” John isn’t yelling anymore, and all of Gale’s nerves are on fire, he can feel John’s breath on his cheeks, his own pulse pounding in his chest. ”I don’t hate-” And that’s as far as he gets before John crashes their lips together, the small movement inevidable as the sun coming up each morning.
Gale makes a muffled sound into the kiss and goes to grab his shirt, pulling him closer as John reaches to cup the back of his head. The kiss is just as messy and teethy and perfect as the months of growing tension between them has promised. Gale wants to climb him and bite him and drag him down the floor, his own desire punching air out of him as John stumbles until his back hits the wall, his big hand protecting his head from the hard impact. They are lost in it until their lips are swollen and bruised and they’re both more than half-hard after being pressed so tightly together, and Gale bites his abused lips to silence a moan trying to escape him as John dips down to suck and lick on his sweaty neck, his own hand tangling in his curls and pulling and feeling victorious as John makes a choked sound. He pulls until their eyes meet again, and he’s sure his own pupils are as big as John’s as they stare at each other for a moment, both of them trying to catch their breath like they just ran a marathon. ”You drive me fucking insane,” Gale grits at him, and John laughs a short sound. ”I drive you insane?! You’re the one prancing around… Being all, you know, intelligent and sexy with your James Dean features and Paul Newman eyes.” Gale stares at him for a little bit, mouth open, before pulling him into another kiss.
They go back to Gale’s eventually (Gale comes back to himself enough to realize he does not want to be caught with all his collegues on the other side of the bathroom wall) and they make out for a while more, little less heated but just as passionate, but when it’s getting more intense again John has a moment of clarity and pulls away. He’s drunk and tired and overwhelmed and he doesn’t want this to be just a hook-up. Gale understands but asks John to stay the night anyway and he ends up sleeping on his coach that night. It’s a bit awkward in the morning because neither of them really knows what to say and John’s just about to leave, thinking this was a mistake after all, when Gale suggest they’d watch a movie, and the nervous hope in his face grips John’s heart enough to realize there’s no walking away from what he’s started to feel for this man. They watch a film, and another, and by the third the funny commentary both of them make has shifted into the movie playing in the background as they make out, Gale in John’s lap, and it feels right.
John ends up staying the whole weekend, they just watch films and make dinner together and get to know each other. John is scared he’ll overstay his welcome but Gale makes it feel natural, and the exciting newness of it all is addicting, and perhaps exactly because they’ve had to overcome so many of their own prejudices about the other everything feels more vibrant and exciting. Seeing Gale relaxed and smiely and silly and nervous as he rolls his eyes at him when he sings along to the radio as they cook makes his heart miss a beat. He’s completely prepared to not go further than kissing for now but after a delicious, footsie heavy dinner on Sunday evening at Gale’s kitchen they finally end up in bed, and it feels just right that their first time together is slow and searching and absolutely perfect, and they get the final confirmation that their chemistry seems to be working out pretty fucking well.
After that weekend, John never accepts a role without running it by Gale first (they often read them together naked in bed on the weekends, making each other giggle while dramatically imaging the scenes while leaning into each other amongst the fluffy pillows), and within a year he’s a rising star and his name is on everyone’s lips, but he’s only got one pair of lips in mind.
It isn’t just smooth sailing after that either, navigating a relationship and his career and the publicy, but as slow as their love might have started it’s all the more steady for it, and it never stops growing.
SORRY THIS GOT SO INTENSE!!! Literally all of this came to me as I thought how to respond to your ask so thank you for being a major motivation 🖤
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onceuponapuffin · 4 months
Fanatic Intervention Part 15!!!
Okay, this is gonna be a long one, but I promise it's important. There was just a lot that I had to get in here. Also we had our first ever tie! So I chose between the two. Alright, let's do this. Enjoy!
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The bar in question is rowdy and rustic. The crowd that has already gathered is loud, probably drunk, and honestly makes you wish you had some anxiety meds with you or something because the button in your pocket is a single thread holding you together when you could really do with a rope. You look over to Aziraphale, who’s grimacing at the scene. Oh good, so you’re not the only one who isn’t a fan of this place. You notice Crowley studying the bar – no doubt trying to get a sense for their selection.
“Over there,” Anathema shouts over the noise. You follow her pointing arm to see Sardis, already at a table and waving you over. Well, at least you definitely have a space to sit. That’s something.
The four of you approach Sardis who waves you into the seats around him with an enormous smile.
“Welcome!” He says grandly, “To my favourite place this side of town.”
“Your favourite place,” You repeat with skepticism, “Is a dive bar?”
“Oh not just any dive bar Little Moth,” Sardis winks as he speaks, “The best karaoke bar this side of the bayou. Personal opinion, of course. But I am an angel after all so feel free to take that as gospel.” He laughs loudly at his own joke. You chuckle uncertainly. Aziraphale shakes his head. Anathema rolls her eyes. Crowley looks like he could vomit. Basically, Sardis is the only one amused. Once he finally stops laughing, he looks around at you. “Such sour faces, my friends. But of course you have, I’ve forgotten my manners! Let me get you some drinks before the festivities start.”
“The festivities?” asks Aziraphale, “I’m sure you don’t mean...”
“The karaoke, of course!” Sardis smiles before leaving the table with a wink. “Be back in a sec!”
“I am not singing,” Crowley states firmly.
“Nor am I,” Aziraphale frowns.
“We may need to consider it,” Anathema says after a pause, “He has information that we need, and we may have to play his game to get it.”
“I mean, I don’t exactly…dislike him...but he's weird,” You, the dimensional traveler, observe.
“Oh absolutely weird,” agrees the witch.
“A very weird one indeed, yes,” affirms the angel of the Eastern Gate.
“Weird as all fuck,” confirms the demon.
Sardis returns carrying a tray with five drinks and lays it proudly on the table in front of them.
“Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but I took my best guess,” Sardis announces as he hands around the drinks, “Sherry for the angel, whiskey for the demon, margarita for the witch, and I played it safe and got you a sangria.” He lays the alcohol in front of each of you. You take a sip and holy crow is it ever delicious. “’S that good, Little Moth?” Sardis asks you as he takes his own seat. You nod, and his smile grows. “Good, glad to hear it.”
“Thank you kindly, Sardis,” Aziraphale ventures, taking a sip of his sherry, “Now, perhaps would you mind telling us what you know?”
Sardis laughs again. He laughs a lot, you notice. Probably having the time of his life with all of this.
“What I know is that I’m not saying anything about Jesus until you sign up and sing me a song.”
Honestly, you need to take a deep breath at that. The irritation is building. First he wouldn’t say anything until you came here, and now he won’t say anything until you sing for him. He keeps changing the goal posts on you. Anathema had said you might need to play his game to get information from him, but you honestly didn’t think it would feel so...condescending.
Anathema’s phone suddenly starts ringing. She pulls it out of her pocket, and you briefly notice the What’s App logo and Newt’s face lighting up the screen. After a brief apology, she excuses herself from the table and leaves the bar. Well. Lucky her. You sigh and stand.
“Yeah okay fine, I’ll be right back.”
“Where’re you going?” Crowley asks. His question has bite, but you’re sure it isn’t anger – he just doesn’t want everyone to end up leaving him with Sardis.
“I’m going to sign up,” You say, “Sing a song. Karaoke, right?” You look at Sardis, who nods appreciatively.
“There now! Little Moth gets it!”
Crowley and Aziraphale both gawk at you, but you’re already turning and beelining for the sign-up table.
Now here, dear Reader, let’s take a moment to talk about the Anxiety Loophole. In ordinary circumstances, you’d be lucky to talk to a crowd and sound normal about it (not to mention the possibility of nausea and such), but the Anxiety Loophole is a magical and gracious thing. In a situation where there is something that must be done, and everyone around you is too scared or embarrassed or anxious themselves to do it, suddenly it becomes possible for you. You may never dream of asking for your food to be sent back at a restaurant, but if your friend needs more ketchup and is too nervous to ask for it, you will put the chef in a headlock if you have to in order to get it for them. Or, say, if an angel and a demon have expressly stated their discomfort with singing in public, and another angel with vital information demands a performance before telling you said information, signing up for karaoke suddenly seems like a piece of cake. Besides, you figure, most of the people in the room are drunk. So you pick something easy, something loud, something most people here probably know already. That way, they’ll do most of the work for you, and then you’re singing with them, instead of for them. Are you a genius? Yes, yes you are. Take the praise, Reader, you’re going to want that confidence in a few minutes.
You return to the table, having put your name and song on the list, and take a seat (and a very large sip of your sangria).
“There,” You declare, “Now how about we talk about Jesus while we wait for my name to be called.”
“You’re not actually serious about this,” Crowley asks. You look to Sardis.
“I am if he is.”
Sardis’ eyes widen in surprise before he smiles again. “Oh, I most definitely like you, Little Moth.” He leans his chin on his hands. “Tell me, what has Metatron had to say about you?”
Oh good. You’re actually getting somewhere.
“Nothing good,” You admit with a frown, “He tried to turn me into salt once, and then trapped me in a bathroom and tried to manipulate me.”
Sardis hums and nods in affirmation. Then he turns to Crowley and Aziraphale.
“And tell me, what have the two of you done about that?” he asks them. The both of them practically jump in surprise.
“W-well,” Aziraphale starts and stops.
“Ngggk,” says Crowley.
“Well you see, it’s a bit more complicated than…”
“So nothing then,” Sardis concludes.
“Wait,” You say, “That’s not fair.”
“Have you given Little Moth any way to defend or protect themselves?”
“They don’t need to!” You all but shout, “They’re with me basically all the time!”
But Sardis doesn’t seem to hear you. He stares at the celestials with an offended glare. Neither Aziraphale or Crowley seem to know what to make of it, but he doesn’t give them much of a chance to before he reaches into his jacket pocket, pulls out a card, and hands it to you. You take it from him, worried that if you don’t he might get upset with Aziraphale and Crowley and really it’s the Metatron’s fault, not theirs. Put the blame in the right place. Your hands are starting to shake a little as you look at the card.
“Oh!” You exclaim, relaxing a little. Actually it’s not all that bad. It’s a punch card of sorts. It reminds you a little bit of Furfur’s card from the 1941 minisode, but instead of being a Miracle Blocker, it’s a Miracle Enabler numbered 1 to 12. You notice that each number is perforated – meant to be torn off so that you don’t need to carry around a hole punch. Clever, actually. You show it to Aziraphale and Crowley.
“Oh my,” says Aziraphale, “That really is clever. I’m rather embarrassed to admit that the idea never came to me.”
“Huh,” Crowley adds, helpfully.
“Yeah,” says Sardis, “You probably never had to think about things like, what if they ever turn off your miracles Up There. Probably helps that your only mention in the Bible isn’t about how shit you are.”
You look at the card thoughtfully for a minute. You think about all the genie questions you’ve seen online.
“Go on, Little Moth,” Sardis coos gently, “Try it out.”
You glance at him and then back at the card. Well he’s not giving you any hints about how this thing works, so probably best to just follow your instincts. After taking a second to think, you rip off the number 1 and make a wish.
The number has disappeared from your fingers and reappeared attached to the card.
“Oop,” Sardis says, “Looks like that didn’t go through. What were you trying to do?”
“I was trying to make it so that I could do miracles without the card.”
Sardis starts to laugh. “Oh you have a clever mind! I like the way you think!” His laughter continues for a moment before he calms himself, though you notice it takes him some time. Then he shakes his head.
“Listen,” he says to you, “Humans just can’t do miracles. For you to be able to do them without the card, you would have to change your entire species. And this little thing just isn’t built for that sort of miracle. Try again, something smaller this time.”
Your brow furrows in concentration as you stare back at the card. Something reasonable that wouldn’t need a big change in order to work. Oh, wait a minute. You rip off the number 1, and make a wish. Suddenly, you notice that you are holding a second Miracle Enabler, full up.
“There you go, Little Moth,” Sardis sighs approvingly, “Now that’s how you do it!” The first card goes in a place you can easily reach – your jeans pocket, perhaps. The second one you fold up and place in your sock. For emergencies.
“What did you mean about your mention in the Bible?” Aziraphale ventures, apparently sensing that he isn’t in trouble anymore. Sardis raises an eyebrow.
“Didn’t you read Revelation?” he asks.
“Well yes, of course,” Aziraphale replies, “But I don’t recall it saying you were...well...bad.”
“Shit, Angel,” corrects Crowley, “He said it calls him shit.”
“I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead,” Sardis quotes, “Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God. Remember, therefore, what you received and heard; obey it, and repent.” He shakes his head. “Does that sound like a glowing report to you? No, see, I invited that asshat John over for brunch one time, okay? ONE. He gets the runs, blames it on the bacon. Next thing I know, I’m getting hate mail, supposedly from Jesus, with passive aggressive notes about people who haven’t soiled their clothes. Yeah, no, I know exactly whose message that was.” He huffs angrily and sips his drink.
“So….” You interject cautiously, “You stayed down here because...oh, because Heaven endorsed it?”
“Enthusiastically,” he confirms, “I’m just a minor angel – ha, barely that. More of a guardian. They don’t care about me as much as the message.”
You nod, Gabriel’s trial coming to mind. It’s all about the message.
“We know all about that,” You say gently, “They threatened to erase Aziraphale’s name from the Book of Life. Well, anyone really, who uh, helped Gabriel escape judgment.” Sardis raises an eyebrow at that.
“Oh yeah? What did that bureaucratic ass do?”
“He fell in love with Beelzebub and said ‘Nah’ to Armageddon Part 2.”
“Psh, oh yeah, that’ll do it,” Sardis says, taking another sip, “Not that any of them could erase anyone. Not really. You need to know someone’s true name for that.”
“Hold up,” says Crowley, “The Book of Life isn’t actually real?”
“Oh, it is,” says Sardis, “I know it for a fact. You see, one of the things of being an Original Angel of the Church,” he says the title mockingly, you notice, “is that you end up with a gift. Something to give the worthy when they ascend. Mine happens to be knowing everyone’s true name.”
“Wait a minute, wait,” You say, “That’s...that’s...”
“I know,” Sardis says, “Look, it’s like this. Most books that you read, the words are 2-dimensional, right? The Book of Life sort of has more than 2 dimensions to it. And it records everything. Now look,” he takes a packet of coarse sugar, “This is a soul,” he opens it and pours the chunks onto the table, “Each soul can be different people throughout its existence, and the Book, for accuracy purposes, records your name in whatever life you're living,” he picks up one crystal, “on the first dimension,” he places it on top of the paper pouch, “and your true name on the dimensions that lie underneath.” He sits up triumphantly. “So before you can actually erase anyone you need to know their true name, and before you know that, you need to know how to read the Book, and before that you need the gift to be able to perceive the different dimensions.”
“Which you have,” Crowley concludes. Sardis nods.
“Which I have, yes. Unfortunately, I also have the misfortune of never being able to be anywhere near the Book of Life. So I’m basically the angelic equivalent of a dolphin who knows all the secrets of Super Mario. I know it, but fat lot of good it does me. Or will ever, for that matter.”
You’re about to say something else, but your name gets called to the stage.
Oh. Oh right.
Oh shit.
You walk up to the stage and take the microphone uncertainly as the intro music for Taylor Swift’s Shake it Off starts to play. You chose it because you know some of the actions to it and I mean, the lyrics are so simple that you’re hoping the drunk crowd will start singing along with you.
“I stay out too late,
Got nothing in my brain,
At least that’s what people say,
That’s what people say,”
A random drunk person in the back cheers.
“But I keep cruisin’
Can’t stop won’t stop movin’
It’s like I got this music in my mind sayin’
It’s gonna be alright”
The entire bar claps three times. Oh wow.
Basically, your plan works. They all can’t help but join in for the chorus, and you end up having a lot of fun with it. Their enthusiasm is so validating, and after a minute or two you don’t care if it’s because of the alcohol or if they actually think you’re good. You just sing the song and you have a fabulous time of it. Honestly, it's hard to have a bad time singing and dancing to that song. You forget about saving the world, you forget that Crowley and Aziraphale are watching you, everything just fades away for a few minutes except for the lyrics on the screen in front of you and the energy of the people in the bar. For a few minutes, you’re just having fun, and that’s the most important thing about this, dear Reader.
When the song is over you return to the table. Anathema is finally back, and you notice she’s finished her drink pretty quickly. Good thing you ate before coming. Sardis is clapping for you.
“That was excellent! Great job, Little Moth! Here, have another one on me.” He waves his hand and a second sangria appears IN A FISHBOWL. Oh...Aziraphale and Crowley better cover you later, a hangover while one world-saving duty would suck.
Anathema clears her throat.
“So,” she says, you notice her voice shakes a little. Probably because she downed that drink so fast. “About Jesus.”
“Ah yes,” sighs Sardis, “The prodigal son himself. Well, I will tell you that he is here, though not in this city. Came down in a plane and everything.”
“Ha!” You say, pointing triumphantly, “I told you!”
Sardis chuckles. “Yes, what a day that was. Landed in Los Angeles thirteen years ago.”
You nearly choke on your drink.
“Los Angeles,” says Aziraphale, “Well that’s awfully on the nose, isn’t it?”
“Wait a minute,” You say, “So he’s an adult then, right? Not a baby?” You’re hoping. Your fingers are crossed that maybe he arrived in the states when he was a toddler, or a small kid.
“Oh no, not a baby, but not an adult either,” confirms Sardis.
“Don’t say it,” You beg.
“What’s wrong?” Aziraphale asks. Crowley looks like he’s on alert. Even Anathema looks a little unsure what to make of you.
“Okay actually just say it,” You decide, “How old is he?”
“He’s thirteen.”
“Oh shit,” says Anathema.
“Is he at least one of the nice thirteen year-olds?” You ask hopefully.
“Well,” says Sardis, “He’s definitely white this time, and his family is rich so, what do you think.”
You drop your head into your hands.
“Um, I’m sorry,” Aziraphale interrupts, “But, ah, what exactly is the problem here?”
When, dear Reader, was the last time you were around a 13-year-old boy? The age when they are all about proving how masculine they are, the age when they like to play rough in places where they really shouldn’t be playing rough, be mean for no reason other than because it makes them feel like a badass, jump and hoot and holler and laugh at anyone with sense because they get a kick out of adults getting angry with them. There is no force more annoying or enraging than a 13 year old, of any gender. But now add privileged and spoiled to that and you have a force to be reckoned with. You briefly relay this to Aziraphale.
“So,” You conclude, “The person who we need to convince to save the world, the person who needs to take this seriously or everyone dies terribly, the person who we need to care, has all the makings of the one person who is the least likely to care on the entire planet.”
“Ugh,” Anathema groans, “Why did they have to do it like that? I thought Jesus was supposed to be all about the outsiders and being kind to each other and things.”
“Well,” suggests Aziraphale, “I suppose that was probably the first time around. This time, they’re probably a bit less concerned about the, ah, morality of the whole thing, and more concerned about the messiah bit.”
“Right,” Anathema says with a disillusioned sigh, “And the fastest and easiest way for anyone to become a messiah in this world is to be rich, white, and male.”
“Cutting corners, I believe humans would say,” concludes Aziraphale.
Sardis nods, a frown upon his face. The previously cheerful angel isn’t laughing anymore as he raises his glass and says “To the world.”
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🖤
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vodika-vibes · 10 months
so in the delta squad masterlist (my autocorrect wanted to write masterpiece….not wrong…) we’re missing Fixer and this is a pity. So I would like to request something for him. Maybe the reader once saves his life and he’s like super mad because ItS aGaInSt ThE rEgUlAtIoNs or something but then some time later it’s the other way around and he does not hesitate to save the reader (and break the rules) because surprise! He’s madly in love
that would be nice…🫣
The Delta's Jedi
Summary: You've been working alone for the majority of your career, so when you're assigned Delta Squad, you're less than thrilled. But your opinion quickly changes.
Pairing: Clone Commando Fixer x Jedi!Reader
Word Count: 2548
Warnings: Mentions of torture (nothing detailed)
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: So, my plan had been to write my normal four stories for today, but this idea had me in a stranglehold, so this is the only other thing I'm going to write today. Also, there might be a minor implication that the reader is also in a relationship with the other members of Delta, but it could also be seen as just being a close friendship.
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When you were assigned to assist Delta Squad, you weren’t sure it was a good idea. Mostly because as a Jedi Shadow, you’ve always been better suited to working alone, and partly because you were pretty sure that your specific skill set wouldn’t mesh with theirs.
And, by and large, you were right.
You specialize in information gathering. A spy, for lack of a better word. And while you are handy with a saber, the truth is you rarely use yours and you actually have a preference towards blasters.
After all, lightsabers are the opposite of stealthy. 
And Delta Squad already had an intelligence person. In the form of Fixer. So you argued against it, at length. But you were overruled. Of course, you’ve never been one to follow orders directly.
So, here you are. Ostensibly on the same mission as Delta Squad, just…not attached to them directly. In fact, you’re pretty sure that they aren't aware that they have a Jedi yet.
Yikes. You’re going to write a stern letter to the Council about important information slipping through the cracks.
But, that’s a problem for later.
You absently reach out through the force, pinging the four men under your care almost absently, so you’re able to keep track of where they are and if they’re in danger, and then you slip into the ventilation shaft and silently enter the facility.
You manage to secure the information you need, plus some extra, and you’re about to leave the facility to wait at the ship for Delta, when you get a ping from the force string you attached to the four men. 
Three of them, Boss, Sev, and Scorch, are fine. Stressed and worried, but largely fine, but Fixer has been separated from them, and appears to be going down.
On the one hand, you could trust his brothers to save him. On the other, however-
You slip your comm extension into your ear, and effortlessly slice into Delta’s comms, “Pull back to the drop ship,” You order as your gaze tracks Fixer’s location, “
There’s silence for a moment, and then a deep voice, “Who’s this?”
“What, you weren’t told you were getting a Jedi?”
“No,” Boss said, sounding annoyed, “We weren’t.”
You hiss out a sharp breath as you jump back into the vent and start navigating your way down, “This war is a hot mess,” You bitch under your breath, “The left hand doesn’t know what the right is up to.”
“We can’t just leave,” Scorch, your mind provides, says irritably, “We haven’t gotten the intel, and they have Fixer!”
“Relax Scorch.” You hear his sputter, “I have the intel plus some bonus intel. And I’m heading to Fixer as we speak.”
“We can be your backup.” Sev offers.
“You can go back to the ship,” You silently drop down a floor, and then pause to get your bearings, “Listen. You’re all very good. But so am I. They didn’t assign just any old Jedi to Delta. Ah, there it is.” You turn and crawl down a vent, “Fixer isn’t going to be able to get out the way that I got in, which means I need you all to make some noise.”
“A diversion.” Boss says thoughtfully.
“Just so. I’m very good, but I’m not ‘take on a whole army solo’ good. Not with someone to protect, at least.” You grimace as you slide through a suddenly smaller section, “So, I’m thinking a series of explosions-”
“Based at different locations-” Scorch continues.
“And with me keeping the crowd thin-” Sev adds.
“That might just work,” Boss agrees, “You’ll get Fixer out?”
“You have my word.”
“Alright General,” You make a face at the title, “Happy hunting.” And then the comm cuts out, and you heave out a sigh as you continue your trek downward.
Eventually you find the small room that Fixer is being held in. A handful of droids, some Geonosians. Nothing too bad. Aside, of course, from the entire army standing between you, Fixer, and the dropship.
Oh well.
You carefully balance yourself on the vent opening and then you kick down.
All attention turns to you, and you casually, as though you don’t have a dozen blasters aimed at you, cross the room and pick up Fixer’s helmet. And then you turn to the room at large and you smile. 
You lift your hands, Fixer’s helmet hanging from your fingers, and you push-
The droids slam into the wall with enough force that they shatter, the Geonosians, tragically, do not. So you draw your saber, and you move. 45 seconds later, the three Geonosian guards are no longer a threat, and you’re kneeling behind Fixer to free him from his manacles. 
“Who the kriff are you?” He asks as you hand him your helmet.
“I’m Delta Squad’s Jedi General. Nice to meet you.”
He blinks at you, twice, and then he frowns, “Regulations dictate that any clone captured by the enemy get left behind.”
You move so you’re crouching in front of him, “I cannot emphasize this enough, but fuck regulations.”
Fixer scowls, “I think I hate you.”
“So long as you’re alive at the end of this, you can hate me as much as you like.” You stand and pull a second saber off your belt and you press your finger to your comm, “Boss? I have Fixer, just waiting for an opening.”
“Copy that, General.” Boss says steadily, “One distraction in 3…2…now!”
The building shakes as there’s a massive explosion somewhere above you, “I found a fuel tank,” Scorch sounds far too pleased with himself.
“We’ll see you both at the drop ship,” Boss says, “Good luck.”
One hour later, you’re safely sitting on the gunship, your lightsabers stowed at the small of your back once more, and you’re wrapping your hand in bacta infused bandages.
“So, why didn’t you tell us that you were on the mission to begin with?” Boss asks, his arms folded over his chest.
You flex your hand, grimace, and unwrap the bandage to try again, “I’m not used to working with other people. I figured that I would just work tangentially alongside you until I was able to convince the Council that you didn’t actually need a Jedi.”
“And then Fixer got snatched.”
“And then Fixer got snatched.” You agree, “I’m a Jedi, it’s not in my nature to leave people behind.” This time, when you flex your hand, it doesn’t feel half as bad, so you leave the bandage as is, and then you flash a small grin and introduce yourself.
Contrary to your worries, you actually fit in pretty well with Delta squad. Sure, there were a few bumps to work out, but it didn’t take long before you developed a strong working relationship with the group. Which very quickly turned into a genuine friendship.
Well. With most of them.
Fixer doesn’t like you. At you, you don’t think he likes you, he’s kind of hard to read in the force, and, well, you don’t like prodding at emotions in the force. It makes you feel guilty.
So you make due with a professional relationship Fixer. He knows his stuff, after all. And your specialties tend to cross in some ways, so you actually end up working together a lot.
And sometimes you might think that he actually likes you, when you’re talking about the latest advances in tech and cybersecurity, and then it’s almost like he suddenly remembers who he’s talking to, and he goes cold again.
Honestly. Fixer’s just confusing.
It is too bad. He’s cute, and you are nursing a small crush on him. But that’s your problem to deal with, and if he’s not interested then he’s not interested.
So you put it aside and focus on building a strong work relationship.
And you think it’s working, none of the missions you go on with Delta go horribly wrong, after all.
And then the Council assigns you a solo mission.
And while Delta Squad argued against it, claiming that having back-up is important, you do manage to talk them into letting you go on the mission solo. They’re just protective. It’s adorable.
After all, it’s just a simple intel gathering mission. You’ve been doing them solo since you were a child.
Famous last words, so to speak.
“-eneral. General, can you hear me?”
You groan as pain shoots through your entire body, “F’xer?” You slur his name out, the mixture of pain, drugs, and suppressors making it incredibly difficult to focus. 
“Oh, thank the force.” He sounds relieved, “General, are you alright?”
“Depends,” You manage to get out, your voice slightly clearer.
“Oh what?”
“Your definition of alright.”
“Are you injured?” Fixer asks.
“Yeah. P-pretty badly, by the feel of it.” You grimace as you try to keep your balance. You’re not quite hanging from the middle of the cell you’re in. Not quite in the sense that the chains holding your arms over your head are just long enough that you can balance on your toes, but they’re also too short for you to actually be able to relax.
And you’ve been hanging here for a while, based on the ache in your shoulders, and the fact that you can’t feel your hands.
“General,” Fixer’s voice cuts through the haze, “Look around you, what can you see?”
“I’m…in a cell. Underground maybe. There are no windows.” You answer, “Fixer, what are you doing here?”
“It’s not just me. We’re all here.”
He’s quiet for a moment, “It’s been almost a month, General. Did you think we wouldn’t come for you?”
“I thought that regulations said that I was supposed to be left behind.” You joke weakly.
There’s a long moment of silence, before he sighs softly, “I would never. Even if it is regulation.”
You release a slow breath, “Well…that's good to know.”
“We’re going to be there soon, General. Just…just hold on, okay?”
“Copy that. I’ll just…hang out.” A delirious giggle bubbles from your lips, and you can hear Fixer’s concern over the comm. It’s fine, when they get here they’ll realize it’s hilarious.
You must have blacked out again, because the next thing you’re aware of is rapid gunfire, and shouting. And then your cell door slams open. You blink blearily at the man standing in the door. You can’t see clearly, but you’re pretty sure you see white and green, which means Fixer.
He crosses over to you and reaches up to pick the manacles holding your hands over your head. And he catches you when you fall into him. “I have you General. I have you. We’re going to get you home, and you’re going to get a nice bacta bath.”
You blink up at him, hazily, and he curses, “What did they give to you?”
“Just about everything, I think.” You admit, and then, when the world spins nauseatingly, you press your forehead against his armor, “I don’t think I’m going to be able to walk.”
And you think you’re imagining it, but you swear you feel his gloved hand press against the back of your head, “That’s alright, we brought a stretcher.” He turns away from you, long enough to pull the hover stretcher into the room, and then he carefully sets you on it.
Just before you slip back into unconsciousness, you feel the prick of an IV sliding into your arm, and you hear Fixer’s voice, “Everything’s going to be fine, General. We’ll take care of you now.”
The next time you wake, it’s to the annoying beep of a heart monitor, and the sharp smell of antiseptic.
“Welcome back to the land of the living,” You turn your head slightly and see Fixer sitting next to the bed you’re in, “Good morning, General.”
“Morning,” You mumble, “We’re back at base?”
“We are. You’ve been in a bacta tank for two weeks. And you’ve been under 24 hour watch since you were pulled out a day ago.” Fixer explains, “It…it was pretty close there, for a bit.”
You press an arm over your eyes, “Sorry.”
“Not your fault. You shouldn’t have been sent alone.” He hesitantly takes your hand, the one closest to him, “It’s not going to happen again.”
“Boss called the Jedi Council after we got you back and there was no small amount of threatening done.” Fixer sounds amused, “And when the council asked about the intel rather than you, Sev and Scorch exploded on them too.”
“And that worked?”
“It was accepted that Delta Squad is far too valuable to risk us going AWOL due to losing you.” Fixer says dryly.
You laugh weakly, “You would never.”
“If we lost you, we just might.”
You shook your head, and smiled at him, “You’re loyal soldiers.”
“We are. Loyal to the person who expected us to be more than soldiers. To the person who expected us to use our best judgment rather than mindlessly following orders.”
You drop your arm and blink at him in surprise.
“You seem surprised.”
“I would expect this kind of talk from Scorch or Sev…not so much you.” You admit.
He chuckles, “The 212 is fiercely loyal to their Jedi, as is the 104. Is it so surprising that we’re just as loyal to our Jedi?”
You sigh and sink back against your pillow, “No. I suppose not.”
“Good.” He pauses and his grip around your hand tightens, “I need to tell you something.”
“Go ahead.”
“I don’t hate you. I know I’m not as…overtly affectionate with you as, say, Scorch is, but I don’t hate you.” Fixer explains quietly, “It just took me some time to figure out what it is I do feel for you.”
“And what’s that?”
He smiles wryly, “I’m afraid I’m in love with you. And I know you’re a Jedi, and I know it’s not allowed, but-”
You laugh softly, “I’m a Shadow, Fixer. The rules don’t necessarily apply to me like they do with most other Jedi.” Slowly, painfully, you roll onto you side and you reach out to lightly touch his cheek, “For what it’s worth, the only reason everyone knows that Jedi don’t do relationships is to protect us from people trying to use sex or romance to influence us.”
He blinks, twice, and then huffs out a sharp breath, “That makes so much sense. The Jedi are seen as incorruptible because they can’t be bribed.”
“The ancient Jedi were clever assholes. There are those who have decided to adhere to that rumor as the truth, but you won’t find a single Shadow who views it as anything more than rumor.” You smile softly.
“So,” You continue, “I’m willing to take a relationship a day at a time with you, if that’s agreeable to you?”
“Very agreeable.” He pauses, “Does that mean I can kiss you?”
“I taste like bacta.”
“Don’t care, and also not an answer.”
You smile at him gently, “Yes, you can kiss me.”
Fixer leans in and gently, very gently, brushes his lips against yours. And then he pulls away, “I’ll kiss you properly when you’re not still laying in a hospital bed.”
You laugh softly, and settle back on your pillow, “Alright, give me an update. What’s been going on the last…month and a half?”
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punksocks · 1 year
Astrology Analysis: You - Joe and his many loves
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I heard the people loud and clear! I was a bit intimidated by this at first but as a longtime fan of the show my astrology opinion soon flowed pretty easily. Please enjoy and let me know what you think!
**You is a dark show, most of the placements here are underdeveloped/extreme shadow versions, please don’t feel disrespected if any of your placements appear here
*** major spoilers below (for every season!)
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Virgo rising: He’s able to appear as calm, intelligent, helpful, and overall more “normal” than someone who murders so much should be able to (he barely gets away with presenting like this and for some people he just irks them, but not as much as say a Scorpio rising would). People tend to want to believe he’s good within the universe of the show, even when he gets caught red handed. He’s also so analytical, he finds out everything about anyone he interacts with and takes note of all their responses. He tries to stay subtle and use information to connect the dots and he catalogs all the information he finds out to use later. He’s communicative in a very minimalist way too, no matter how much information he’s gathering on those around him.
Scorpio Sun: Like no one has guessed this before lol, but he’s really the poster child for a nightmare Scorpio boyfriend (on like extreme mode lol). He’s intense and attractive, and his ego is tied to possessing his partner. He needs to be in control and keeping them safe….but his view of what this means is distorted by his own ego and (later? Always??) psychosis. He’s a f*ckin menace. He’s such a if I can’t have you no one will dude, and he’s so frickin jealous my god. And he’s been cheated on before and he loses it when it comes down to it. But he’s cheated on/with his romantic interests before too. He’s very emotionally charged about the situations at hand and like a toxic water sign he never takes real responsibility for his actions.
Cancer Moon: I struggled a bit here because he’s so tied up emotionally but can easily falter when his idealized version of his love interests doesn’t work out. He’s both super fixated and fickle. Bc he’s a psycho… But who does that work for? I personally thought Cancer moon. He’s got deep mommy issues and he acts like a guy that has moon square his mars, an unfortunately common trait in domestic ab*sers. He’s constantly emotionally battling his anger and his s*x drive, and that he has a violent time actually working out his anger when it comes down to it (so many m*rders). He’s able to be very sweet one minute but literally k*ll the next. And he has a loose set of standards for his violent actions that screamed water moon to me (didn’t k*ll Love because she was pregnant… but that didn’t matter so much after she had his baby oml). Also, he frequently sees himself as the victim of circumstances he created which is kind of Cancer’s thing, especially in a man’s chart.
Virgo Mercury (conjunct rising): He communicates as efficiently as possible while overthinking and over analyzing every word in his head. He’s intelligent and good enough at analyzing literature that he’s able to bluff his way into being a literary professor (also he’s a white guy that’s why). He lies a lot but not in the way Beck does, he usually lies by telling as little as possible or changing minor details, which seems like a more virgo Mercury way to do it. He also moves really in a wirey frenetic way, especially when he’s scheming or fighting to get himself out of a corner he’s backed into.
Scorpio Venus (conjunct Pluto): (sorry Venus conjunct Pluto gang, it’s not you it’s him lol) he’s drawn to very passionate and beautiful women. Stunning s*xiness/attractiveness is an important precursor to a romantic fixation for him. Like he very frequently goes after one of the most complimented women in the room, but like in a Venus ruled way many of his love interests have something darker going on he wants to rescue them from. (He kind of breezes past Kate at first and she’s very pretty ofc but the least complimented on her looks in the show out of all his love interests so far). The more passion comes through, and the more “trials” (bad communication, rivals gotten rid of, cheating, etch) that are “passed” in the relationship, the more connected he feels to the women he’s interested in. I say trials in quotes because if things are going that sideways y’all should probably just breakup (I’m a Sagittarius Venus, no man is about to become my problem lol). And I say passed in quotes because he manipulates the situation as much as he can for his desired outcome (from stalking and stealing phones, to k*lling romantic rivals). He also stalks his love interests every time, on all their public profiles, just to find out who they present themselves to be, and this can be a habit in the most tame Scorpio Venus/Venus conjunct Pluto people lowkey. But he’ll escalate immediately to stalking them in person and getting copies of their itenerary and breaking into their phones and getting keepsakes of their things (oml his teeth jar, I’ll never forget). He’s very emotional and possessive and projects onto his romantic interests pretty much as soon as he says hello. Pluto just turns this intensity up as much as it can.
Aries Mars: because of all the m*rders. But lemme not skip ahead lol. He’s a chaser, he “competes” with rival love interests, and he loves his twisted art of winning a woman over. He acts on impulse s*xually. He’s super competitive but mostly in relationships and making sure he comes out on top romantically. He finished super fast the first time he got with Beck (sorry Aries mars, no shade). He reacts impulsively to most situations and violently when he feels threatened physically or emotionally. I feel like water mars can be overwhelming because they really feel anger and can act unpredictably but Joe is so freaking impulsive Aries mars just fit right, even with all this methodical Scorpio in his chart he’ll just take someone out without a plan because they say the wrong thing to him. Also again, moon square mars can be dangerous if underdeveloped in a man’s chart. Lots of explosive/ab*sive tendencies.
Scorpio Stellium: he needed to work on resolving his trauma and looking inwardly to figure out his emotional insecurities before getting all tied up in his possessive and wild ways, but oops that was like good healing advice before all the stalking and m*rder began.
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(My Beck section stayed empty the longest lol oh no)
Sagittarius Rising: Beck is lighthearted and fun, she likes to approach people in her life through a worldly attitude. She likes to come off as philosophical and like she’s enjoying all the little adventures in life. She puts a deal of effort into coming off as interesting. But she tends to sort of just attract abundance in her life, she has a lot of friends/romantic partners that tend to support her and her goals monetarily or otherwise.
Gemini Sun: She’s smart and vivacious. She takes pride in her writing skills and has a deep interest in “making it” as a writer. She also lies a lot, in major ways (infidelity and the death of a parent). Duplicity shows up in different ways for all Geminis but Beck has a lot of faces she shows to different people and ways she carries herself only in certain situations. Everyone knows a different version of her depending on who they are in her life. (Joe does not like this later on)
Pisces moon: (ok I changed this after I started it lol. Twice! When I tell you I struggled…) i had to refresh my memory on Beck’s emotional state oml. Ok ok I went through a few moons and I settled on Pisces moon, because she has such a fairytale/disillusionment arch with her whole season. She longs for the perfect romance and she really wants a knight in shining armor but she ends up idealizing her partners and her friends through this distorted lens and so she gets guys that are kind of douchey and has endgame with a total psycho. There’s a lot of infidelity and lies too. She wants to appear to be more magnetic and like “worldly” than she is and will often distort the truth to do so. (Her moon would square her ascendant and sun leading to identity issues) And of course Joe projects his idealized version of Beck onto her (Joe and guys like him are gonna project lol but this placement only enhances that)
(Also, Local Capricorn moon struggles to explain emotional motivations, lol that’s how it goes)
Libra Mercury: Beck writes and communicates in a creative and flowery way. She uses her words to come off as intelligent and balanced. She gets backlash from her professor for coming off as too superficial and lacking depth in her writing. She charms her way in and out of situations (until she can’t- Venus ruled meet pluto ruled). Her writing seems to align most easily with her how she thinks of herself(Sun trine Mercury).
Pisces Venus: at first I wrote this line as a joke but this is the only way I can think to explain it actually—— Beck does get very attached but also doesn’t? It’s that very specific Pisces/12th house placement vibe. Like people that are both emotionally involved and vulnerable but are like detached at the same time. Like tethered to everyone and nothing all at once. She’s sort of lost in how she identifies herself and constantly terns to be another way (I notice this quite a bit with Pisces placements). Also again she embellishes her past and lies about her present, and has a distorted view of her friends and romantic relationships that even she can’t seem to see through until the end.
Sagittarius Mars: ok for a few reasons. Beck doesn’t really have a textbook type (I feel like Sagittarius mars/Venus are less likely to have a set type and more likely to be attracted to personalities). She’s attracted to Joe when he comes off as cultured and interesting. When he gets overshadowed by her friends she starts to shrug him off. She has a passionate s*xual appetite and tends to have a few people she’s seeing at once. She also has a tinge of not like other girls energy I find to be common in Mars rising women.
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Libra rising: She comes across as a gentle, affable beauty. A lovely, community minded person that’s able to balance it all with her friends and her partner. She’s social, creative, and enterprising without coming off as imposing. No one sees all of that darkness she’s got bubbling beneath the surface, until she chooses to bring it out.
(As a Scorpio rising/Libra 12th house I think I subconsciously associate Libra/Venus ruled with hiding something under a very pleasant nature lol that’s my bias)
Cancer sun: she’s so invested in her family. Her ego is aligned with caring for others, especially those that are close to her in her family. She committed her first acts of violence to protect her brother (at least that’s how she tells it). She loves her son and her sibling fiercely and does the most work to keep them at ease. She uses her dark inclination in guise of protection. She’s manipulative and has fooled many people into trusting/underestimating her, by the time they realize she’s not on their side it’s too late.
Scorpio moon (conjunct Venus): she’s so in love!! Don’t betray her or she’s gonna get ya!! Fr though Love loves with her whole twisted heart, so she also feels betrayed and protects her loved ones with her whole twisted heart. Not a woman to be trifled with, (so ofc Joe trifles with her.
Pisces Mercury: I think she’s a better liar than Joe. She just constructs a truth all her own. She tells the stories she wants to because that’s exactly what she believes happened (Moon and Sun trine Mercury). Most people truly don’t see through her lies or feel the need to look through what she’s telling them
Scorpio Venus (conjunct Pluto): (I’m sorry scorpio Venus folks, I’m like trying to be cool here lol, it’s not a bad placement.) Joe and Love just both came into the relationship hot and passionate and jealous and possessive, lol. I really do think that Joe and Love mirror each other and I love how the writers handled their mad love. She takes on his problems as her problems, including k*liking anyone in Joe’s (I.e their) way. And once Joe made Love jealous, she did not hesitate to take Natalie out. So much passion and possessiveness and assuming that love in a relationship is forged through intensity and pain (their cheating, arguing, Joe’s probable emotional ab*se), definitely giving shadow Scorpio Venus being amped up 1000% by that Scorpio Pluto.
Pisces Mars: Unconventional because this is a passive aggressive placement but mutables can be m*rderous pretty commonly (I cannot tell you why lol just so many serial killer charts are peppered with mutable signs) and I’m going off of a few things. Love is in love with Joe, she falls for him when he projects being a total sentimental romantic (since Love is a femme, mars can show her type). She also cheats on Joe as she gets disillusioned. She’s usually pretty fluid even opening up their marriage to bring the sparks back. She also also does get that anger out indirectly…. through m*rder!! Lol
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Leo Rising: She often attracts attention but also chases it. She’s charismatic enough to be the front man in a band and to make Beck jealous. She’s flirty and fun.
Aries Sun: Impulsive and charismatic. She clashes with people around her. She is a great frontman for her band. There’s a lot of impulsivity in how she goes after Joe (sis needed a plan and her only plan was get him lol)
Scorpio moon: feels deeply and is very protective of how she feels. she’s very invested in getting revenge on Joe (which is fair he was a shit for trying to k*ll her). If she was the protagonist of any other tale I’m sure she would’ve gotten payback. But she follows him across country to torture him herself when all else fails and nothing can be done to hold him accountable. (Also moon square rising for how at odds she was with people believing the depth of her trauma and what was done to her and how much people projected onto her.)
Scorpio Mercury: She can’t really get a lot of people to believe her, and idk but I feel like Scorpio placements are the least likely to be believed when it comes to water placements. She lies to keep her revenge plan going but she has trouble faking it and keeping up with the lies. She communicates with intensity and pointedly. She fights to try to reveal the truth (unfortunately it doesn’t work out great).
Sagittarius Venus: she actually is pretty worldly and very charming. She’s enthusiastic in her relationships, but rarely in love. Pretty untethered in that we’re not really dating we’re just having fun sagittarius Venus sort of way. She cheats on Joe because she’s not serious about him. She gets mad and tries to leave when Joe gets too possessive and controlling of her of her.
Scorpio Mars: this was hard, I feel like I got everything else easy. I’m going with Scorpio mars because she was very much into revenge before reason. She went out of her way to try to expose Joe instead of just calling the cops when she had the upper hand and it backfired. She’s also protective in her quest for truth. At the heart of her revenge motives, she’s concerned that Joe is going to hurt other people. She also was attracted to Joe’s passion and intensity and how much of a romantic he seemed to be. (She got tired of him and went to someone more connected)
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(Omg poor Marienne right?? Christ, just minding her own business and pulled into mess…)
Scorpio Rising: She’s very alluring and has a kind of dark tinge to her appearance. She’s very perceptive and will call out someone out if they’re faking any behavior around her. She’s able to sense when something’s off with other people.
Virgo Sun: Marienne, for all her troubles, she works to stay grounded. She makes sure she does better for the sake of her daughter and her future. She bounces back through constant adversity and holds down a structured, healthy, and supportive routine. One of her big journeys in life seems to deal with her aligning her head and her heart (sun opposition moon).
Pisces Moon: She’s emotionally in tuned to her daughter and creates a loving environment for her. She’s very creative as well and her heart is in her work. She has struggled with addiction and keeps clean out of efforts to make a better life for her and her daughter. She has a lot of men lie to her and project onto her and deceive her in an effort to get close to her.
Virgo Mercury: intelligent and capable. When Joe is out of his depth on missing white woman syndrome (immediately, he’s out of his depth immediately lol) she swiftly corrects him.
Taurus Venus (trine Mercury): charming with her words. She writes and illustrates story books. Most people are attracted by her creativity and her calm nature.
Gemini Mars (square moon): just attracting (and unconsciously being attracted to) very duplicitous men. Both Joe and her ex try/tried to come off as intellectual and rational to get close to her before their ab*sive sides came out. She also fights her battles with her wits and knows how much to say and when to say it in dangerous situations.
*bonus: strong Lilith placements- Lilith conjunction/square/opposition 1st or 7th or 10th house (maybe in virgo): I’m totally becoming the Lilith lady lol, but nothing explains guys getting *weird* like Lilith does. Marienne has to have a significant Lilith placement in her chart. Her ab*sive ex husband trying to destroy her life unless she submits to him, but then Joe comes in to save her. Oops he’s actually obsessed with her and he travels across the ocean to track her down (he’s Joe, but even this is a lot for him) and he refuses to accept how desperately he’s trying to chain her to him to the point where Joe’s personality literally splits so he can keep Marienne under lock and key? Marienne already knew, in that exhausted way, that she had to make herself truly inaccessible in order to escape this obsession. It’s giving strong Lilith and bringing out the worst in bad guys.
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Capricorn Rising: She really seems to have her shit together and she takes no bs from anyone. And her dad is super rich so she grew up in luxury.
Pisces Sun: I said Aries before because she really didn’t like Joe and let him know it in the beginning. But I say Pisces because she seems to mirror some element of her environment. I had a friend say that since Pisces were the last zodiac sign they tended to be able to embody a lot of traits of other signs. I also have noticed that Pisces placements tend to have personalities that are mailable to the people around them. Kate acts different around her cultivated group of friends and her dad for example. Yet it runs so deep that she seems to have a different set of morals around different groups as well.
Aquarius Moon: Shes a bit…detached. She poisoned a bunch of kids and saw it as a means to an end, then she remade herself into a humanitarian to atone for her sins. But she’s fallen for Joe after he’s done some pretty inhumane things to “save” her. And now she’s perfectly happy to clean Joe’s record and take over her dad’s evil company. she’s pretty apt to take on her own morality and that reminds me of underdeveloped Aquarius moons. This is no shade to Saturn moons (I’m a Saturn moon too) but there’s something emotionally lacking from her lack of horror at finding out her boyfriend is a serial m*rderer and a bunch of the other wild sh*t she surrounds herself with. I thought about Capricorn moon but I couldn’t find any structure/career climbing in her overall actions. Aquarius seemed to fit better, especially with how at one point she really prided herself on being the most morally aware of her friends and saw her involvement in the arts as such a benevolent thing.
(Also lowkey I feel like a Capricorn moon would’ve sensed if their parents were pulling strings for them and wouldn’t be down with how randomly m*rderous Joe could be. Not the moral issue, not in this show, but the not knowing who he’s going to k*ll next issue— just like Kate’s dad ran into)
Mercury Capricorn: She communicates in a directly to the point sort of way. She’s verbally sharp and sort of pokes at Joe no matter how she feels about him. She tends to tell her friends how to hey their shit together.
Gemini Venus: She’s very clever and witty and all of her flirting/foreplay is bantering and screwing with Joe’s head by baiting him. She also knows all of her friends’ secrets.(is that an astrology observation?) Gemini placements tend to have a knack for getting information out of people)
Virgo Mars: Actually seems to go from annoyed by to attracted to Joe when he’s coming in to help her. She also is corrective when she’s upset. She handles her upsetting emotions in strategic way until she’s cornered.
Bonus - Rhys (major season 4 spoiler):
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(He was basically Joe’s love in the latest season— bc he loves himself!! But the real Rhys…Poor guy! Oml)
I have no idea bc he was an hallucination for 98%(??) of his screen time lol, but at minimum I’d say Capricorn Neptune in the 1st house. He came across as knowledgeable and in control and very ambitious. A lot of people related to his life story as he told it, a story of rags to riches… and he had a terrible stalker that projected a completely different personality onto him. And that’s all I got for the real Rhys.
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mitamicah · 5 months
Gig report: Käärijä at Böle Arena and Club 05.04.24
It has now been five days since my first Käärijä gig in Finland and my first stadium gig with him as well. In short it was an amazing experience and one of those concerts I probably will keep with me forever. However, there were both great and less great parts of the whole thing.
TLDR; I loved the shows especially because we were able to see Jere live out his Rammstein fanboy dreams and that we got Paidaton Riehuja during the spontaneous DJ booth set which made me cry. However, I was more than once annoyed about security and their lack of communication to the fans.
Disclaimer: this report is written from my point of view. Keep in mind that this is just the opinion of one kääryle and some of these experiences are very much subjective to my unique situation.
My trip to Helsinki was far from ideal. The flight I was meant to take on Friday May 3 2024 was cancelled and so I have to wander around in Copenhagen Airport for eight hours before flying to Stockholm then Helsinki and landing around dinner time instead of the originally plan 9.20 in the morning. For this reason I had to cancel the tattoo appointment I just made and mentally cancel my plans to explore the inner city of Helsinki. Luckily I wasn’t alone since another fan had been scheduled to take the same flight so we hung out together. Our luck didn’t improve however so we caught the Joker Out travelling curse in Helsinki when our bags were missing for half an hour to an hour. Because of this we were only arriving to Pasila station around 8-9 o’clock in the evening.
I blame me having been up very early (2 am), the annoyance of all we’ve gone through and my autism making me like clear cut rules that people actually following for my feelings about the next part. The thing is that we were a group of four going to Böle just to see the venue after eating some Korean/Japanese food to be met by a big group of campers outside the venue. This confused me since the venue had informed on more than one occasion that queuing before 8 am Saturday was prohibited. From what I gather from Elmi (ehaapasalo on ig) that talked to some of the campers the security personnel had given into the campers to be allowed to camp at the venue although NOT at the main entrance. Yet they (the venue) had not make an official statement about this making it so half or more of the fans would not have known about this chance of plans. I was way too tired and it was way too late for me mentally to change my plans so I went to my hotel where I slept horribly given I worried about the queue the entire night.
Next morning I woke up as I’d planned at 5.30 (would’ve been more than enough time had the queue started at 8 am) to be informed through IG group message that there were already 60+ numbers given in the unofficial queue. Already slightly sleep deprived I went to the queue a little past 7 am with a big, lurking cloud (figuratively) over my head. I got number 99.
At 8 am the second big change of plans where announced: Instead of starting giving out official numbers at 11 the security would now ask people to line up so the numbers could be given at 8 am. This change didn’t bother me as much as the previous one but it was still not a great feeling I was left with since this was not clearly communicated before now. We got our numbers (mine was 95) and pretty much 85-90% if not more went home to sleep and/or eat. That meant me that had looked forward to hang out and meet people in the queue felt I was getting even more punished for following the rules.
Because of this and my foolish hope of getting Käärijä to notice my sign asking for a tattoo, when a fan told me there were still tickets to the day show I ended up buying one for myself. (and so I ended up with yet another number being 38). More people slowly starting to arrive after that, and with the company the anxiety and sour taste in my mouth subsided slightly.
The dayshow would start at 3 pm, so we had been asked to be back at 1. The line however only started to form because we (the fans) got impatient at 1.30. Other than that the personnel did alright when double checking our numbers and I’d say getting inside seemed to go smooth and easy so cookie points for that at least.
The day event would be the first (and so far only) time I’ve gotten barricade (however I wouldn’t have it for long since I allowed two squeaks fourth of my height to stand in front of me – it was an all-ages show after all). I was standing next to @duekko a bit to the right of the stage yet still somewhat close to the middle and we had a lovely time waiting (and enjoying the concert) together I’d say.
The show itself was amazing- I loved seeing Jere fulfill all his Rammstein fanboy dreams with amazing outfits, outfit changes, pyro, smoke and silly gags. I especially enjoyed hearing People’s Champion (laughed my ass off seeing häärijä in the mushroom hat) live for the first time and the Tequila interlude and having the dancers around for Huhhahhei, Kot Kot (although in chicken costumes) and of course Cha Cha Cha was a treat.
The one thing that might have slightly made the experience less enjoyable for me was definitely my own fault. The barricade seemed miles away from the stage (to make space for pyro) and it was so dark that you could not see anything from the stage (I believe). That meant that no matter how much I tried it was definitely not going to work out with having Jere notice my sign. I did try both here and at the evening event yet I felt much more in the way and self conscious about it than I had hoped. So that slightly coloured my experience since I personally like to be as little aware of myself when I’m at a concert as possible. It also seemed that Jere were a bit nervous (understandably so) inbetween songs having to keep to a schedule yet as soon as the songs started he was back in performance mode and seemed to have a great time so that was lovely to see.
After the day show I got about an hour of queuing with people again which was lovely yet far from enough to speak to everybody I wanted to. A third little annoyance with the security arrived when we were lining up for the evening and then got the message to go inside 15 min before but just stay inside awkwardly in our queue until the doors opened for real. That truly was a strange experience and I have no idea what the security was thinking. Of course somebody in front started running as soon as we was allowed to move so to not getting stampeded everybody had to move. This whole chaos ended with me getting a way better spot than I’d imagined (third row a bit to the right yet still closer to the middle than in the day show). In some ways I think this spot was better than the day show at least in terms of the angle I was looking at the stage from.
The support band from the evening show was decent yet I am not sure they’d be added to my spotify playlist anytime soon. The evening show felt a lot like the day show just turned up to eleven with Erika joining for Rouska (as expected yet still very much appreciated) and songs like Rock Rock (the original version) and Menestynyt Yksilö being added to the setlist. Before Urheilujätkä (that was also being played at the day show) we held a little memorial for Hanna which made me teary eyed. We also got Cha Cha Cha twice this time which gave me big flash backs to the Europe tour which is only a good thing. (but yeah again my sign quest was a dud).
After the concert I was able to meet Aarni which was really cool (I went into big golden retriever puppy mode so by the off chance you are reading this Aarni, I am sorry for being so in your face x’D). I got a picture with him and gave him three stickers so he could give some to Jere and Häärijä (later in the evening I met him again and he confirmed that the boy had indeed gotten the stickers). My sidequest did cost me a setlist however but that is okay because Anniina (@formulalakana) got it instead which I am more than happy about (you may have seen it going around since it is the one with the Bojan picture at the bottom).
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Joining the afterparty the first I did was finally buying that green hoodie I’d wanted since the Stockholm gig and then I went to buy water since I hadn’t really drunk anything since that morning. Sonny was the DJ of the evening and he played Käärijä songs – new, old, known and unknown – all evening. It was great hearing studio versions of People’s Champion and Ihan Sama yet also just hearing Morgan and Kovis being played on speakers at a club healed my soul.
I ended up joining the dancers just at the right time because 3-4 songs later Käärijä and crew joined the DJ booth to play a very spontaneous extra set for us. This was by far my favourite part of the evening because unlike the stadium shows the vibe was way more personal and intimate and heat of the moment. We bullied Jere into performing Kovis, we got the demo version of Cha Cha Cha, we got Ihan Sama and Punainen Marli. Heck, we even got to hear the new collab between him and Joost called Traffik! Everything seemed to go too well when suddenly a person behind me fainted and we immediately called for the show to stop. While it took a bit for the people on stage and security around to notice we were able to help the person (I really hope they are okay). I will give a few cookies to the security there as well – they seemed to react pretty quickly and professionally in this situation (they’d also actually been taking us seriously during the concert when asking for water unlike at Joker Out at Kulttuuritalo day 2 where we had to almost have people fainting before we were allowed water).
The DJ set ended in the most magical way because Jere decided to end with Paidaton Riehuja. Now I am a transmasculine person who like many transmasc kääryleet probably have a very strong connection to this song. Because of that I had been daydreaming about one day being lucky enough to be at a käärijä show where this song would play (preferably after my top surgery) so I could confidently and comfortably throw my shirt off and join Jere being shirtless and just feel the relief of not caring about my looks together with the wind on my chest. I had never imagined this would actually happen and definitely not here at Böle not even half a year into my hrt journey and pre op. Because of the rarity of the moment however I without thinking struggled my way through four layers of shirts to by the half way point of the song stand in only my sports bra howling with the little bit of the voice I had left. When the song was finished it hit me what I’d just done (for context: this is the first and only time I’ve willfully stripped down shirtless in public after coming out and the first time as long as I can remember I’ve been this unclothed and felt completely safe about it). I cried. And that is a first. I have never cried at a concert like that- always after the fact. So this is the one moment that make it so I think I will remember Böle forever. (I also cried at least two more times after exiting the dancefloor). Before exiting the danceflor however somebody next to me found a flower pin that they thought was mine (it wasn't) that I ended up taking with me home - so if anybody lost a flower that day (you can see it in the picture below) and what it back feel free to let me know :'D xD.
I stayed till the end of the evening chatting with new and old friends and dancing with strangers. I at one point saw Jesse yet was not fast enough to get over to meet him. I didn’t managed to meet everybody else yet heard about others having amazing moments with the guys which made me very happy for them (even if I myself also felt a bit sad that it hadn’t been me but you cannot get everything).
In the end I’d say Käärijä was a good first gig for the venue yet there are things they can definitely approve such as their ability to communicate and stick to what they have put out there as the official rules to make it the fairest for everybody involved.
As always I thank all of you for the amazing stickers, bracelets and other gifts I got this evening!!! (I got 23 bracelets which has definitely broken the last record which was held by Joker Out in Helsinki day 2). It was amazing meeting you all, taking pictures with you, getting excited with you, dancing and laughing with you and just overall sharing this amazing time together.
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For the ones that are curious I did manage to get my tattoo appointment rescheduled for Sunday (that will probably be its own post) and because of that I also had time to add in a spontaneous tattoo to celebrate the milestone that is me being comfortable enough to take off my shirt first time in public. The rest of the trip in Helsinki was spend going on a Käärijä related solo tourist tour that you may-may not have seen me post about already.
Thank you for reading this gig report and I hope to see some of you again in July.  
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yullen · 11 months
D.Gray-man c249 p1~18 TL
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D.Gray-man 第249後: AWに別れを告げる Night 249: Saying Farewell to A.W.
束の間の団欒僅かな幸せを頬ばりながら While stuffing one’s cheeks with a brief moment of happiness together, gathered in a circle
google doc | JP transcription | proofreading: @/kudouusagi ※there are likely inaccuracies, feel free to check back.
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さて!  Now, then!
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あの......  Allen: Um……
ずっと同じ服装だと危険だから着替えなさい It’s dangerous to keep the same attire, so please change.
逃亡もののジョーシキ!  Common sense, for fugitives!
ここの物は自由に使っていいから Feel free to use these.
Link: 私は結構てす  I'm good.
お金のニオイがする A:  I smell money
これブランド品では...!? A: These are brand-name...?!
うーんちょっと大きいな   動きやすく手直しするね Johnny: Hm, a little big. I’ll adjust it for ease of movement.
いやこれブランド品... A: No but wait— these are brand-name...
科学班モード [ Science Department Mode ]
昨日からずっと気になってたんですが... この高級なお宅は元帥の一体どういう......? A: I’ve been wondering since yesterday, but... what is this posh place of yours, General......?
ついでに髪も切ろっか!座ってアレン J: While we’re at it, why don’t I give your hair a cut! Sit, Allen.
ああ  はい.. A: Ah, sure...
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靴はこれでいいかな Wonder if these shoes will do.
ここは私のパトロンの別邸だから気にしないで This is a secondary residence of a patron’s, so don’t mind it.
え!?  Eh?!
元帥は画家としても有名なんだよ   いくつかこういう拠点を持ってる The General is also famous as a painter. He has a few of these places.
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なるほど...   師匠の愛人と似たようなものか... I see... So it’s like with Master’s lovers, huh...
あの不良と一緒にしないでね Please don’t lump me in with that hoodlum.
すみませんっ!!!   [ アレン ] Pardon, my bad!!!  [ Allen ]
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パトロン......   あっ Patrons......  Ah,
クロスが一番信用してた人間に聞いてみるといい Try asking the person Cross trusted most.
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オレの精神世界に在る屋敷 あの場所を目指せとクロスに言われたんだろ? The mansion in my inner world  (lit. inner psychological world) Cross told you to head to that place, didn’t he?
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はいカットできあがり~! Cut complete~!
あのッ  ここ電話機はあります? Um, do you have a phone (I can use)?
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ジリリリリン  ジリリリリン  Riririririring  Riririririring 
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なんだ  おまえか  Oh hey, it’s you.
マザーーー!!  Mother———!!
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「クロス元師が一番信用してた人間」かぁ... The person General Cross trusted most, huh…
ネアがわざわざウォーカーにメッセージしてきたのなら 何か進展がありそうですね If Nea (went out of his way) to leave Walker this message, then there (should) likely be some progress from this.
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でもさぁ〜〜〜  それってなんか 罠っぽく思えちゃうのは感が過ぎないのかなぁ But you know~~~  It’s just that, it seems much too like a trap.
ネアと言う男はそういう小細工を嫌うタイプかと Link: Nea seems to be the type of man to dislike such cheap tricks. (this is the revised JP script, cr for JP script: @/ponkotsubluuues)
アレンの上着をつめてます Sewing Allen’s jacket (つめて is used for e.g. ‘taking in’ a shirt, but chose ‘adjust’ since it’s vaguer  chose the more liberal option for more amusing tone)
私が思うにですが   ネアという男は   ちゃうのは考え過ぎなのかなぁ~~~~ This is (just) my opinion, but a man such as Nea might say,  “I wonder if you aren’t overthinking it~~~~”
ホントぉ〜〜〜!?  Really~~~?!
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どちらかといえば”手段を選んでいられない”というように思える... If anything, I think it’s more like he “isn’t at liberty to choose his methods”...
ネアにとってこの現状は計画通りにいっていないのかもな Perhaps things aren’t going as planned for Nea.
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わざわざメッセージを寄越したんだ 罠じゃなくても屋敷へ行ってもらいたい狙いがあんだろ おそらくネアは聖戦の真実や自分のことをモヤシに知られることを怖れていない   知って欲しいんだ He went out of his way to send this message, so even if it's not a trap, he (must have a reason) he wants him to go to that mansion. Nea likely isn’t afraid of letting the beansprout know the truth of the holy war or about himself. He wants (him) to know.
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キャンベル邸には根深いものがあると思ったほうがいい It’s better to think there’s something deeply rooted within the Campbell estate.
ネアからはそれ以上の情報は聞けなかったとウォーカーは言っていたが ネアが助言してきた理由を問わなかったとは思えない 本当は何か聞いたのではないのか...? でなければウォーカーがネアの言葉をすんなりと信じるわけがない Walker said he didn’t any information more than that from Nea, but I don’t think he wouldn’t question Nea's motives for giving counsel. Did he really not ask/hear anything (else)...? Otherwise, Walker wouldn’t be believing Nea’s words without any trouble.
あの時鏡の前でウォーカーは確かにうろたえていた... ネアに何を言われた? ここまできて我々に伝えることをためらうようなことがまだあるのか At that time, in front of the mirror, Walker did seem perturbed... What did Nea say to him? Is there still something he’s hesitant to share with us, who’ve come this far?
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元気そうじゃないか   で?用件は何だい   Don’t you seem well.   Well? Something you need?
マザーじゃなかったら他に心当たりがないのでどうか頼みます……! If not Mother, then I have no idea who else to ask, so please......!
あ? Huh?
カテリーナ"イヴ"キャンベルという人を知りませんか? Do you know anyone named Katerina “Eve” Campbell?
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?  マザー?  Mother?
...どこでその名を?  ...Where did you hear that name?
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その...師匠から   幻だったかもしれませんが...    Well, that’s... from Master.   It might’ve just been a dream/illusion, but…
え~~と... でいいよな? Eerm...   This is fine, right?
あいつめ... 生きていたんだね That man...  He’s alive, isn’t he.
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...いつかおまえにその名を尋ねられたら   ”ある人物”を紹介するようクロスから言付かってるよ ...Cross told me that if you ever asked about that name, I should introduce you to "a certain person".
この役目を果たす時がきたか... So it’s come time for me to fulfill this role... 
今から言うことは書いて残さず頭で覚えな From now, without writing anything down, remember what I say in your head.
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ウィンダーミアの街に鳩と梟を掲げた「ズーグル」という名の古書店がある そのマスターが「宿主」を待っているだろう In the town of Windermere, there is an antiquarian bookshop named "Zoogle", raising on it a dove and an owl. Its owner will be there, waiting for “the host”.
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証となるティムキャンピーをみせな   それが信用を得る唯一の合図だ As evidence, show Timcanpy as proof.   That is the sole sign to earn their trust.
……!? ティムが...Tim...
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マザー   実は  ティムは…… Mother.   Actually, Tim is already......
そうか...   アタシが言えるのはこれだけだ あとはおまえが何とかするしかないよ Is that so... That’s all I have to say. You’ll have to manage the rest.
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おそらくただの古書店じゃないだろうさ 宿主だと証明できなければ殺されるかもしれない   油断するんじゃないよ It’s most likely not just any antiquarian bookstore. If you can’t prove you’re the host, they might kill you.  Don’t be careless, now.
うん  やってみます     ありがとうマザー Alright, I’ll give it a try.   Thank you, Mother.
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.....はっ  Haー   なにが油断するなだ......   馬鹿かアタシは......   What’s that about carelessness...   What am I, a fool…
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宿主を待ってる人物ってことはネアの協力者ってことなのかな? The one waiting for the host, I wonder if that means he’s a collaborator of Nea’s?
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すっすごく危険な気がするんだけど! That–That sounds super dangerous!
安心しろよどこへ行こうがおまえとモヤシは危険だ Relax, no matter where you go, you and the beansprout will be in danger.
うぐぅ    それはたしかに Gerk–!    Well, that’s for certain.
そのズーグルさん??といいクロス元帥やリンク監査官... ネアに協力したい人間って意外といるのかなぁ    何なんだろうネアって That Mr. Zoogle?? General Cross, and Inspector Link... I wonder if there aren’t a surprising amount of people who are willing to collaborate with Nea. (lit. want to) What’s with this Nea?
ギル私はもう監査官ではありませんので    何度もいいますが Gill, I’m already no longer an Inspector.    I’ve said it many times, but.
あっ    また呼んじゃった?  Ah, I called you that again, did I?
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おそらくズーグル古書店はキャンベル邸への案内役... 危険なのはキャンベル邸だ   もしかしたらネアの生家なんじゃねぇのか 奴のホームグラウンドってわけだ The Zoogle Antiquarian Bookstore might be our guide to the Campbell Manor... The danger here is the Campbell Manor. It may be the birthplace of Nea, meaning his home ground.
ネアのメモリーが最も濃密な場所...... The place thickest with Nea’s memories...
僕もそう思う   ネアの侵食が始まってからずっと呼ばれてる気がするんです I think so as well. That place has been calling to me since Nea’s encroachment.
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夕焼けに照らされたコーネリアの木……   そこに佇むあの屋敷 The mansion standing... by Cornelia’s tree, lit by the glow of the sunset
ネアの精神世界で師匠は言ってました「ここがアレン・ウォーカーの消える場所」だって それってつまり... キャンベル邸でネアが復活するって意味なのかも In Nea’s inner world, Master said “This is where Allen Walker will disappear.” So, that is to say...  Campbell Manor might be where Nea will be reborn.
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このままクロス・マリアンの筋書きにのって良いのですかウォーカー Is it alright to follow along with Cross Marian’s plot like this, Walker?
いいじゃねーか    どの道ネアと白黒つけなきゃならねぇんだろ Isn’t it fine? We have to settle things (deal with matters of white/black) with Nea at any rate.
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どこぞの鴉もそのほうが好都合じゃねーの? Isn’t that more convenient for some Crow?
今はウォーカーの同行者ですのでウォーカーの決断に従います Now, I am Walker’s comrade, thus I will abide by Walker's decision.
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同行者だったり協力者だったり   切り替えが大変だよなぁ A comrade and a collaborator, must be so hard switching between the two, huh.
トゲ トゲ トゲ トゲ トゲ prickly x5
ウォーカーが問題ないというのですから私も全く問題ありません   ご心配なく If Walker has no issues with it, then I am also completely without issue. No worries.
ギッズギス creak/grate
仲悪~い   On ba~d terms
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うーん Umm...
まぁ神田の反応は仕方ないか……  リンク監査官のうしろにいるルベリエ長官の思惑もわかんないままだし Well, Kanda’s reaction can’t be helped… Since we still don’t know the intentions of Director Lvellie behind Inspector Link.
はは   確かに師匠の筋書きの通りにいっちゃってる感はありますよねー Haha, It definitely does seem like things are going according to Master’s plans...
このまま先へ進んだところで  宿主「アレン」が消える末路は変わらんぞ If things continue like this, the fate of the host “Allen” disappearing won’t change.
おまえはオレに宿主にされたんじゃない 自ら進んでその身をオレに捧げたんだよ おまえは  アポクリフォスに作り変えられてる I did not make you my host. You offered/sacrificed yourself to me of your own free will. You   were remade by Aprocryphos.
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…決着をつけるために教団を出てきたんですから   このまま進みます ...Since I left the Order to settle this,   I’ll keep moving forward like this.
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宿主の証か…… 師匠が僕にティムキャンピーを託してくれたのはこの為だったのかな Proof of the host...... I wonder if Master entrusted me with Timcanpy for this purpose.
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ともだちになっていいですか……? Can I become friends with him......?
師匠もティムもずっと僕に宿主の役目を果たさせるために育ててくれたのかもしれない そうだとしても  僕にとってふたりが大事な存在なのは変わらない…… Master and Tim may have been raising me for the sake of fulfilling the role of the host all along. Even so, those two being precious existences to me will not change...... 
ずっとともだちだ You were always my friend.
どこまでも一緒に行こうなティム No matter where, let’s go there together, Tim.
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着いたよ We’ve arrived.
ここで別れよう Let us part ways here.
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色々とありがとうございましたティエドール元節 Thank you, General Tiedoll. For many things.
なに  大変なのはこれからだウォーカーくん What’s that?  The hard part comes now, Walker-kun.
私とユーくんは一度教団に戻り隠密に一「マナ」の墓とアポクリフォスについて調べよう 手紙も電信も危険だろうからしばらくは連絡はとれないが  必ず情報をもってキミたちを追う Yuu-kun and I will return to the Order, and secretly investigate Mana’s grave and Aprocryphos. Since letters and telegraphs are too dangerous, we won’t be able to contact you for a while, but   we’ll definitely bring you the information and follow along.
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About REO Speedwagon breaking up…
So, earlier this week, an announcement went out on the official REO Speedwagon social media pages that blindsided pretty much every REO fan… including the very small handful of REO fans here on Tumblr.  It’s been a rough week.
I’ve done some digging around for information, and have managed to get somewhat of a blurry picture of what happened from everything I’ve found, so here’s a post to hopefully help the small few of us here make sense of it all.  Due to the length, I’m keeping this under a read-more, and I’m going to try to (aside from where I must clarify) put the timeline of basic information I’ve gathered up top, and analysis down lower, so that those who don’t want to read further don’t have to sort through it. 
Two Disclaimers before jumping into it:
1 -While it is fair that anyone might have their opinions from the information here (as I do, too), this post is not an invitation to hate on the members of the band, and I do not condone the making hate comments toward any of the members on any social media pages with posts on the matter.  At this point, talking smack about Bruce Hall, Kevin Cronin, or Neal Doughty is not what’s going to change the situation -if anything will at all.
2 -For every Facebook post I mention, I do have screenshots, though I will not be posting them in the main post, as some social media screenshots have a way of being removed here.  Most of those pages are publicly viewable even to those not logged in, so I will link to REO’s official page and Bruce Hall’s official page to those who would like to look, and anyone who would rather not look there at all who would still like to see is welcome to request that I DM the screenshots.
Alright, let’s do this, starting with the Basic Timeline of Events:
Starting with the line of perspective given on the official REO Speedwagon Facebook Page (and I believe everything on there is cross-posted to their Instagram for anyone who has that). This Facebook page is viewable without an account. Kevin Cronin makes a lot of posts here himself in a blog-like format, so we can consider posts here as Kevin’s side of the story.
-Back on November 7th of 2023, it was announced by Kevin on social media that Bruce Hall, the longtime bassist of REO Speedwagon, would be off the road and replaced with a substitute to undergo back surgery and the subsequent recovery.  Matt Bissonette, who has been with multiple groups, was the bassist who took over touring duties while REO has been on tour with Train.  As Kevin’s post read, one line stated, “Bruce is our brother. And times like these test us all. We have faith that Bruce’s surgery will be successful, that he will make a complete recovery, and that he will be back to being the hard rocking bassist/singer that we all know. Bruce has our love and support, as we have encouraged him to take all the time he needs to get himself back to 100% strength.”
Very little information has been given there on Bruce since, up until recently, but going back through, I found:
-November 27th, 2023, at the end of Kevin’s “Happy Thanksgiving” journal entry, a PS note stating, “Received a photo of the newly repaired Bruce Hall, sitting up in his hospital bed and smiling. The nurse in the shot was all smiles and hands in the air, reacting favorably to Bruce making progress. I am giving him space, while my thoughts are with Bruce and wishing him a full recovery.”  So by this point, Bruce had undergone his procedure and was doing well in early recovery.
—June 1st, a post from Bruce on the Official REO Facebook Page, mentioning he had been featured on “A Fishing Story With Ronald Green”.  No telling if this was filmed before or after Bruce’s operation.  He does look good in the video, and is on his feet, though not holding anything of substantial weight.
—One of Kevin’s journal entry-like posts on July 12th, 2024, where Kevin was talking about the Milwaukee Summerfest performances, and mentioned, “Bruce told me he would love to be out here, but we both agreed that his health and recovery need to come first.”  So by Kevin’s account here, Bruce was not in condition to play.
Nothing further came on the REO Speedwagon page until the recent unfolding of events within the last week -so let’s jump over to Bruce’s official Facebook page, Bruce Hall of REO Speedwagon, (also viewable without an account) and backtrack to get his side of the story:
-On November 7th, 2023, Bruce made his own announcement letting fans know he would be off the road, stating that he had been powering through a “traumatic back injury” for quite some time and was unable to do so any longer.  He assured fans that REO had a plan to find a good substitute while he was away.
-On November 20th, Bruce’s wife, Kimmie, made a post saying that Bruce had his surgery that morning.  She assured that “Everything went really well”, and that Bruce had “already gotten up and walked a couple of steps”.
-On December 10th, Bruce posted his first picture of himself with his then newborn grandchild.  He looks a bit rough (rightfully so), and is sitting on a couch, so unsure how steady he was at this time, but he was at home in recovery.  In his post, he stated “My surgery was a huge success, and I’m getting better everyday.” 
[I’m not going to list every one of Bruce’s posts, because there were a lot while he was home in recovery, but over the next month or so, there were several around the Holidays where Bruce was with his family, back on his feet and looking better, and even a few where Neal Doughty was visiting with him]
-Worth mentioning, on January 27th of 2024, Bruce mentioned in a post that he had been working on bass tracks for an album his daughter was recording over the last couple of days.  A post came the next day featuring a video of Bruce playing bass, if sitting down and leaned over, but playing as great as usual for him.
[Multiple posts continued of Bruce living life in recovery, including a trip to Disney World with his wife in February, his feature on Ronald Green’s fishing show in March, confirming that it was filmed at that time, and another family gathering with the Doughty’s in early April]
-On April 8th, Bruce made a post with pictures of an REO Speedwagon Make-A-Wish Benefit show, in which he did come onstage for one song and perform.  He excitedly mentions this as the first time he had performed since October.  Pictures show him playing standing up, if bent over.  (Very strangely, there are no posts about this show on the REO Facebook page, when they are typically very prolific with posts made about benefit shows).  The day prior, the 7th, Bruce had a video featuring him and Neal Doughty at soundcheck (Neal had also shown up and was playing Piano for “Can’t Fight This Feeling”)
[More posts follow, including ones where Bruce posted Facebook-generated “memory” posts of pictures with him performing with Kevin and Dave, stating how much he misses this, and pictures of being out and about fishing and golfing.]
On June 14th, Bruce made the first post directly addressing the length of his time absent, accompanied by a picture of playing bass while sitting down.  Within his statement, the most notable information is as follows: “I'm feeling better every day and have been cleared by my doctor to perform.  If it were up to just me, I'd be there rocking tonight...but it's unfortunately not.  The consensus feeling is that I don't have good enough posture to perform at the level expected by our fans.”  Amid assurances he was still undergoing physical therapy and training to continue recovery, he added, “Trust me, I have no intention of retiring or walking away from the band I have loved for almost 50 years.  I would never ever walk away.”
[More generalized Bruce living life and being physically active in recovery follow]
On September 5th, Bruce made a post with a picture of his wife that seems a bit cryptic, stating that he appreciates the support of fans and misses them.  It seems this coincided with an article that had come out on September 3rd by Ultimate Classic Rock, regarding Bruce’s absence, titled “Is Bad Posture Keeping REO Speedwagon’s Bruce Hall Off The Road?”  My guess is this is what began stirring up a lot of talk from fans, and led to the official statement eventually being made, and Bruce was answering to concern given by fans who might not have been following his page to be aware of his condition until this time.  Now, Ultimate Classic Rock is somewhat of a clickbait site (there’s no other way to get around putting it as such), and the article was quoting information from Bruce’s post made back in July, but in this case, it is true to Bruce’s post.  Anyone who is trying to avoid Facebook who would like to see it can find it here.
This ends anything relevant on any Facebook page up until everything unfolded within the last week, so the next part of the timeline that follows, I’m going to mix posts from the REO Speedwagon Facebook Page and Bruce’s page in chronological order, rather than separating them out.  I will also attempt to hot link the individual posts to the dates here (Tumblr tends to limit how many of these I can do, which is why I have saved that for the most pertinent posts).
-On September 14th, 2024, on the REO Speedwagon Facebook Page, Kevin made an announcement entry along with a performance video regarding the end of the Summer Road Trip Tour, and expressing gratitude for the good touring partners Train have been.  He then addressed REO Speedwagon having to miss the last two shows of the tour, revealing that he had emergency surgery, and suggested that he was making this post from the hospital.  Kevin then went on to leave this somewhat cryptic message, “I have so much more life to live, and have re-examined what I want to do with the rest of my time here, and who I want to be surrounded by while I do it. I need to be lifted by those around me, and in return, to lift them. I feel excited at the prospect of creating and playing the best music I have in me, with the best artists, musicians, and people who will have me.”
Many comments were left on the September 14th post, requesting clarification on what Kevin meant about this, as well as asking “What about Bruce?  When will he be back?”  
One person made a comment claiming that they had privately spoken to Kevin on Facebook, and that Kevin had said that Bruce had quit the band on his own.  Bruce himself came into the comments on his verified account to say that Kevin does not have his own Facebook page, and that it was a fake imposter account whom that person had spoken with, warning to look for blue checkmarks after the names.  In his first of two comments clarifying this, he noted, “I would NEVER leave the band.”  This was less than two days before major news came to light.
The speculation on this post inevitably led to the next…
-On September 16th, an announcement came up on the REO Speedwagon Facebook Page that most REO fans have seen by now -if not on the band’s socials, by many news articles featuring it.  This one was worded as if written by management.  It stated that if it were up to Bruce alone, Bruce would be back to touring, but “it’s not up to just him”, and stated that there was a consensus that Bruce could not perform up to expected standards.  It also stated that Kevin had never had any intentions of leaving the band, but then cited irreconcilable differences between Bruce and Kevin as cause that REO Speedwagon will stop touring at the end of this year.
Comments were disabled on this post, as well as the next couple that followed.  Many people still shared this post and commented on their own pages
—Bruce shared the post on his own page, expressing that he is heartbroken that it has ended this way, that he in no way expected this, and that he and Neal did everything to try and keep the band going after his recovery. (Should be noted that while Neal has retired from touring, he is still very much a member of the band with some background control).  Many fans commented on Bruce’s shared post, expressing anger toward Kevin, and some suggested that Bruce and Neal should find a singer who can do justice to Kevin’s voice, as well as a strong guitarist who can back them.  (To the effect of “Do what Journey did”, etc).  Bruce has said over and over again in responses to those comments that he believes Kevin is the voice of REO and that he will not tour as REO without Kevin, that he is protecting the legacy of the band and the wishes of Alan, Neal, and Gary’s family.  (Also, we don’t know if there’s some contractual agreement between Neal, Bruce, and Kevin as owning members where it’s a tiebreak situation, and Kevin can’t continue permanently by himself, and if Bruce and Neal refuse to do this.)  Even though he has been deemed healthy and ready to return by his doctor, he has said that if Kevin would rather “go solo”, he cannot stop him from doing so.  He has suggested through these comments that despite being upset, he does not want anybody talking disrespectfully about Kevin in his comments.
—A share that I will not be linking, but I have a screenshot of that anyone may request by DM, Eric Richrath, the son of late classic era guitarist, Gary Richrath, whom in the past has occasionally joined REO onstage for a couple of songs, shared the post, making some scathing comments about his feelings on the situation.  For the sake of keeping this part of the post neutral, and for the sake of his dignity, I will not repeat publicly what he said about Kevin.  The relevant point he makes is that he believes this is a sad way for the band to have gone out, that fans and the members deserved at least some proper farewell shows, and brought up the good point that Alan Gratzer and Neal Doughty may have wanted the opportunity to rejoin the band for a couple of songs at said shows to send off the band they founded in a good way.
Alright… phew.  That was already a lot.  Now, discussion, analysis, if anyone wishes to continue further:
From what I can understand from all this, is technically, Bruce is medically cleared to travel and perform, but he is under certain limits as to how he is allowed to perform.  For the sake of putting on a good show, is the show diminished somewhat if Bruce can’t jump around as he has in the past, or if he’s required to play sitting down for part of the show?  To a point, yes… However, this has been done before.  Members of various bands have sustained injuries before and have had to do this, and some found their ways to still make it fun.  (Actually, more recently, Bruce posted a throwback picture performing onstage, where Kevin was sitting down after injuring his foot, so this isn’t the first time REO has dealt with something like this… in the comments, when asked about Neal’s stance, Bruce stated that Neal is his best friend, and that Neal is “100% in [his] corner”).
And honestly, none of our aging rockers are able to jump around the way they used to.  That’s life, that’s fair whether anyone likes it or not, and that’s what’s going to happen.  Sure, I have more fun when I watch live videos of -say, let me pick on Heart, and compare just the videos from even the late 2000s/early 2010s to now.  Nancy Wilson isn’t kicking and jumping as high as she did less than a decade ago, but I still love her.  And she’s 70 -it’s lucky she was still doing that as long as she was, and that she can still kick at all.  I don’t see any reason to view Bruce any differently.  Now, maybe not ideal to continue for years like that, but for the sake of having some official farewell shows here and there, as many fans, and Gary’s son have suggested they would have liked to have, it would have probably been feasible.  It is worth mentioning that traveling for multiple shows in close proximity can be a little harder on the body (it’s ultimately why Neal chose to retire even though he can still play fine).  Bruce has traveled, per the timeline posts I went through, though there could be some valid risk.  Nobody’s necessarily saying that farewell shows would have to be close together, though -one a month in different locations could limit the toll of the traveling.
And then, the side of the issue with Kevin.  My intent here is to put this into an objective viewpoint, because some people who know me well may know I have some opinions about what happened in the past with Gary, and I’m not alone in that among REO fans -and I have seen it brought up in comments on Facebook.  Which is fair, and I especially find it fair for Eric Richrath to leave the comments on his share he did, after he had to witness the impact of that fallout on his father -but let’s put the situation with Gary aside and look at this as an isolated incident, because this is about Kevin and Bruce.  And while I’m not here to defend Kevin, I’m also not here to trash talk him -and I would discourage anyone who has decided to side against him to not go wild with negative comments, as Bruce’s Facebook comments have made it abundantly clear, he doesn’t want this.
Is it kind of cruddy for Kevin to just spring this on everyone suddenly the moment he decides he wants to do something else?  Yeah!  Could he have handled this better, and would it have been more fair of him to just agree to stick around to do even just a couple of official farewell shows?  Probably so.  But the reality is, while Kevin does share a great deal of what goes on in his life on REO’s official pages, there’s a lot we still don’t know about, because we don’t know Kevin.  We do know he recently had emergency surgery.  We don’t know what for.  We don’t know what’s going on in his life or his true health status, or whatever news he’s potentially been given.  Apparently, based on Bruce’s replies mentioning “going solo”, he’s decided he’s got other things he wants to do, and I hate saying it (because it breaks my heart), but we’re not going to have these guys around forever.  So again, while it would have been great for Kevin to stick with it for a farewell tour even just a week long, he’s got a need to do something else, and the reality is, there’s only but so much time he’s going to have to make that happen.  If that’s what he’s choosing to do with the remaining time he has where he is still able to perform, that’s a choice that has understandable and respectable merits, regardless of how much there might be to disagree over.
My advice to fans who have chosen to pick sides in this situation?  If you’ve sided with Kevin, keep your eyes out for whatever he’s going to do next.  It won’t be REO, but maybe it might just be something worthwhile -so give him a chance.  If you’ve sided with Bruce, and you feel the need to say anything, go show him some love on any of his socials, but please keep comments expressing frustration toward Kevin to yourself or to your own private posts away from him.  I cannot stress this enough (I’ll say it again), Bruce has politely suggested that he does not want that.  I imagine comments of such on his socials at this point are only serving to rub this in his face.  I can also imagine that if Kevin can see any comments like that, it’s only serving to fuel whatever animosity he might feel toward Bruce right now, and it’s making any small chance of reconciliation in the future smaller.  So please don’t do this. 
And for those neutral in the situation, let’s just stand back and watch this situation.  Give Kevin a chance, show Bruce some love…  Maybe Kevin will get whatever he feels he needs to do out of his system and will rethink things and decide maybe he wants to get together again for some farewells (situations in the past -including the fallout with Gary -have told that he doesn’t go back and change his mind after making a big change like this, but who knows… time will tell).  Hopefully, everyone will make good choices, and as the shock settles, “irreconcilable differences” may seem a bit less than they were in the moment.  We can only love these guys while we’ve still got them.  This situation is hard, and nasty thoughts aren’t going to make it any easier.  We know what’s said before every live performance of “Ridin’ the Storm Out”, and I think it holds true here as we process all this.
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i've never been vocal about bnha before but chapter 382 leaks depiction of AFO and Hawks as equal opposites got me so good I will explode if I don't rant about it and Hawks character development in general
If you want to read about the chapter 382 only, skip to the part with the manga pages
But I think it's necessary to start from the beginning so here are my quick thoughts
Given his late introduction, sparse appearances and mostly support role in any given situation Hawks can be narratively classified as a side character even to side characters (pro-heroes, with students being the main heroes). Within the narrative he himself insists on being a support to other heroes, from cheering them up (mostly through manipulating emotions and lying, but that's a topic for another rant) to gathering information on the enemy, and assisting in fights.
What I think we the readers and he himself has been failing to see is that he's not just supporting, he's actually leading. He was initially shown as an arrogant hero who works alone and ignores his sidekicks and interns because he couldn't bother with them being slow, but the moment a given situation gets more serious we can see that he's actually good at working with others. He's good at reading people and circumstances, bending any given situation even as it actively unfolds, manipulating people and coordinating fights.
When we first see him, he successfully pulls an 'ignorant brat' stunt on both public and heroes, which manipulates public opinion on Endeavor and Endeavor's opinion on him, both to his desired outcomes.
The High-End fight was basically staged by him, and when it happens in the middle of a city very much not according to plan he still manages to ensure that it ends with no casualties.
Operation against the PLF is once again his doing and I personally would've very much loved to see him coordinating it instead of being incapacitated at the very start.
Then again, the moment he gets up from the hospital bed, he's taking everything in his hands. He encourages Endeavor to keep fighting by walking in on his family meeting just at the right time (absolutely not a coincidence) and saying just the right words. He's the one to come up with heroes' public speech. He appears to support Deku and other heroes politely suggesting what they should do and how they should behave when basically he's giving orders right and left to three most experienced and proper adult heroes. All while being a crippled 23yo who never had a normal life. He's two days out of Comissions control, he's injured beyond recognition, and he opts to leading others, which he still views as just supporting them.
And now the final fight against the final Big Bad of the entire series. Hawks enters it yet again considering himself an Endeavor's sidekick. After all, the final battle should be between the Worst Villain and the Top Hero, right? And then this rapidly changes to show us who is actually carrying that fight. Even while Endeavor is still fighting, we see how Hawks is the one coordinating the fight and keeping Endeavor focused.
When Endeavor falls, Hawk's role as the leader shines to its fullest. He is still crippled and so he understands he's no match to AFO and yet he's succesfull in fighting, stalling, manipulating, and annoying the main villain.
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He denies AFO leaving, denies him proceeding with his plans, gets support from other heroes and supports them in return, he's now successfully leading a team effort. And even though Hawks doesn't know who may or may not come to his aid, he's fast to adapt to the changes. He's relentless and AFO is noticing it.
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Enters chapter 382 and its composition.
Hawks is now actually mirrored to AFO. Through art and panels and phrases.
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First of all notice how they are being simultaneously addressed to as "2人の男" - "Two men". Their panels are obviously mirrored despite them not actually facing each other since Hawks is standing behind Tokoyami's back at the moment and AFO is in the air. This mirror is getting even better in the page below. They now have a same sentence for both of them with a one word difference.
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For AFO it's "The situation still isn't the best" and for Hawks "The situation still isn't the worst", with 'best' and 'worst' written on their respective sides.
Then we get main focus of this chapter on Toga, but in the end we're brought full circle to AFO and Hawks, with the same mirror panels and almost the exact same sentence again.
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Once again 'two men' and once again 'the situation' sentence starts being written for both characters but then it changes.
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First of all 'still' (まだ) changes to 'already' (もう), and continues for AFO as 'The situation is already becoming the best'. But then suddenly it starts over and has 'still' in it as in the beginning. As if Hawks is refusing to recognise the change of circumstances in AFO's favor. For Hawks it's 'The situation is still' - and then even continued by Hawks himself speaking it out loud - "not the worst"'. Hawks insists on saying 'still' though he too clearly sees that things just got worse for the heroes. (And I have a feeling that this sentence and Hawks' response is a big nod to his "I'm an optimist" line).
So in this chapter Hawks is obviously shown as an equal opposite to AFO. He's finally acknowledged having the same role as the mastermind and the leader but on the heroes' side. Throughout the battle (and the whole previous manga) he's been shown as smart, quick-thinking, both parts supportive and leading, and most of all unyielding despite all the circumstances. Getting him finally recognised for these qualities is a huge development and an acknowledgement for a 'side character'.
Insane part is that he himself still doesn't seem to get it. At that moment he's supporting Tokoyami and feeling unworthy of it.
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illdothehotvoice · 20 days
Here are some notes I have about the new information we know about Brothership (aka my thoughts and opinions)
Changing the Hammer and Jump attacks to be collaborative is an interesting choice?? Idk how I feel about it I think it's one of those things I just gotta experience and feel out when I play it I don't mind as long as it doesn't mess up the timing I guess dshgjkfdh
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that's it those are my thoughts the website is in japanese so that's all i could really gather myself
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brocktonsbestrobocop · 4 months
Personal log #58B.1:
Project "Nano-thorns" is finally stable enough for active combat.... the suit's photonic capacitors should function for long enough.. I-I'm ready..... I have my armour, the Nano-thorns, the prediction program.
Yes, Dragon? I see it....it's changing course!
The program is estimating a 67.34% chance of it striking somewhere on the East Coast... We both know any errors would be smaller than 0.00000009%....
The Wards... They've already decided... If... It attacks the city, they will participate
All major preparations are complete, I'm starting final checks now....
Dragon... ? Any information on response times or suitable staging area? Ok, keep me posted
*whisper* I'm ready, this... this should be enough... I-I can do it
[OOC: Hi everyone, this will be my final post before I stop using this account. I hope you enjoy the voice log from Colin's lab that somehow made its way to Wormblr. Our boy really needs some sleep and to dial down the coffee and other stimulants.
I will try to post this somewhere around 02:00 - 04:00 on the 15th so it corresponds to the date and time of Leviathan's attack (I think he attacked somewhere between 06:40-07:00 in the morning).
I'd like to begin by saying how amazing all of you are and how much fun I've had interacting with you, seeing your opinions and ideas. I started this blog because I love the character of Colin Wallis, his personality, his powers, and his journey. In hindsight, a normal blog (rather than an RP one) where I can freely share my thoughts about him would have been a lot better, and I will probably make one in the future.
As for why I'm abandoning this profile, while trying to think of what exactly Colin would post on his official Armsmaster blog, I came to the conclusion that he most likely wouldn't post much of anything at all. Maybe he'd reblog important posts from the PRT, Protectorate, or other government officials but nothing personal or inappropriate (the PR department wouldn't let him, at the very least). In my opinion, he definitely has a couple of unofficial social media accounts that he uses to gather information, plus one that he uses to share funny pictures (memes?) and/or jokes with Dragon. This is why I haven't been posting much recently; I just don't think it would be in character.
Thank you all for being with me on my first ever blog on Tumblr! You can hopefully expect to see my new profile among your followers in the next few days.]
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the-little-moment · 7 months
The Dress
@freesia-writes super cute Crosshair fic inspired me to finally post this Echo/Senna one shot I wrote last year. It was going to be part of "Carcass" but I didn't think it fit the vibe. And the trope is so, well, tropey. 😂 Anyway, enjoy!
Echo has never had an opinion on flowers, never even really noticed them, until now.
Words: 822
Warnings: None
“Cid will die for this,” Senna gritted out, looking down at the fat bundle of plum-colored fabric in her hands. 
“It can’t be that bad,” Echo encouraged from beyond the fresher door. “And it’s just for one night.” 
The doctor glared at her reflection in the dirty mirror. Changing into a gown in the tiny fresher was going to be a nightmare that she was dreading already. “Would you like to wear it then?”
“Somehow I don’t think that’d have the desired effect.” 
“I don’t know, I think you’d be very distracting!” 
Echo was chuckling when the fresher door hissed open, revealing a deeply disgruntled Senna. 
“Do I get to see it?” He stepped back to let her out into the small hall of the Marauder. 
“Not until it’s absolutely unavoidable.”
“Something to look forward to then.”
Senna rounded on the pale clone, sticking out a finger in accusation. “Don’t you dare enjoy this. This is just what I needed to really round out my month, public humiliation.” 
Echo raised his hand and scomp in a placating gesture, but she could see he was biting back a grin. 
“Sen, you look…really nice.”
“No,” the doctor sighed. “But thank you anyway.”
“You really don’t think so?”
“Let’s just say that mine and Cid’s tastes differ.”
Echo snorted. “Can’t imagine that’s a bad thing.” 
It was the evening of the party in the sparkling city of Canto Bight and Echo was waiting with Senna while the others finished scoping out the lavish hotel that the doctor would be infiltrating. From the outside, it would be a gathering like any other, but Cid had told them that information was changing hands that night, information that was very valuable to the Trandoshan. If they completed this job, they'd be eating well. And Senna was the only one of them who could really blend in. 
Echo looked at her softly for a moment, taking in the smooth, brown skin of her bare arms. She’d look perfect in anything. “Well, what would you wear if you could choose?”
Senna frowned as she adjusted an earring. “I wouldn’t be going if it was my choice.”
“That’s a given. I meant more like, to something you actually wanted to attend.”
That made the doctor smile wistfully. She turned her back and lifted the fall of her hair so Echo could see the 99 on her shoulder blade. “Can you do the little hook at the top? Those things are literally impossible.”
Echo held his breath as his fingers brushed against her spine. He had to pull his glove off in order to get the infinitesimally tiny hook through the even more stupidly small loop, grunting in satisfaction when it caught. Add that to the list of things that would be easier with two hands. 
“When I was in school on Corrie, we had this dance every year. I only went once, because I was too busy the other years, but my roommate begged me. Anyway, my dress for that was probably my favorite thing I’ve ever worn.” She turned back to face him.
“What was it?” 
“It was—well actually it was about the same color as your Five-Oh-First armor, and it came down to the floor. There was a pattern of gold, four-point stars on the skirt. High collar, but sleeveless and no back.”
Echo swallowed. “Right. That sounds…”
“It was more my style than all this fluff,” the doctor sighed as she tried again to smooth down the gown’s exuberant skirt. 
“Well, I still say you look nice. Kinda like a flower.”
Senna smiled up at him. “A big, fluffy, purple flower named Sen.”
Echo was supposed to be keeping an eye on their target, but he was having trouble keeping his attention from wandering to a certain fluffy flower who was currently doing what he thought was an impressive job of playing the wealthy socialite. No one there would be able to guess that, only hours earlier, Senna had been changing in a tiny fresher on a beat up military shuttle.
He’d never seen her like this before, sparkling, with all of those genteel mannerisms she must have used in her life before Kamino. She’d always been elegant, with her Bar’lethi accent and gentle poise, but this was something else. Something she must not have needed for a long time now. 
The thought of her in the blue dress drifted across his mind. He would have paid good credits to see her in 501st blue, although it was difficult to imagine her looking more beautiful than she did right now. He barely managed not to jump when Hunter’s dry voice came through his comm. 
“Enjoying the view, Corporal?”
Echo was glad Hunter couldn’t see him grimace. “Just keeping an eye on…the situation.”
“Uh huh. Tech’s got eyes on Senna. You focus on our special friend.”
A sigh welled up inside Echo, but he wasn’t going to give Hunter the satisfaction of hearing it. It was going to be a long night.
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