#i keep good tabs on the stuff happening in my city
monster-noises · 11 months
Me: I understand if i want to make more connections and find more cool things to be a part of i have to get out there and Do things and got to Events; so I am going to try and go to some local art events!
My job: i thinK the fuck NOT!!!!!
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moonlight1234 · 5 months
Aether Sail MMO/ Treasure Planet MMO
i am a person of many ideas, all of them too much for me to do, so after many years of hoarding my ideas, and without making any progress towards any of them, i have decided to make some of my ideas public, i started with the RPG system that now has a blog that i will probably not post that much, so i ask you to judge this without thinking the scope is too big or whatever, i know all of that all too painfully, but i want to interact and maybe if this gets enough popularity i will get a contract or something. if you do decide to make my idea, please get in contact, i can work for you.
so, the basic idea is a MMORPG with Treasure Planet aesthetics and the 70% Victorian and 30% fantastic, the medium is cell phones, and you play with the phone standing upwards and the game should be made to be played with only one hand, both for accessibility and to make it easier to play. so you slide around to walk and tap to interact, if you interact with a enemy you get into attack mode. the combat should be something close to monster hunter but with a tab target system, idk if this could work but it would interact very well with the notion that you can only do one action at any time.
for guilds, one idea that i found somewhere that i don't remember is, that guilds are badly designed because it assumes that people only have one social circle, so my idea is to make it like Discord servers, where you can get into any numbers of servers you want, but you always get into the lowest role, and you can go up on roles if people like you or any criteria people want. you could also have multiple bank accounts per server and lock the bank accounts by roles, so you can really customize who has what money, and even share accounts with other guilds.
for dungeons, i want something like Tarkov with their loot n' scoot system, or extraction looter if you are boring, basically the idea of going in, getting stuff and either backing off to be safe or going farther to get more at the risk of losing everything you got. so its actually a risk and reward game to get better loot, to support that you can create encampment to create better gear, store loot and get out of game bonus.
PvP is optional, but its guild based, so you are in war against any other player that your guilds are enemies with. so it is optional, but its also social. enemy players can steal your items from boxes that otherwise they couldn't access, open doors, even if with some difficulty, and other PvP related stuff. to support that you have guild options that make you not enemies with everyone or be enemies with everyone (except if they have the previous setting activated). idk how overlapping would work, but i think its a good system overall.
for cities i think people should be able to buy terrain and houses, with limits, and create things like shops, also have a way for players to create laws and stuff, so basically player driven bureaucracy, that could be fun if balanced for fun, even if might generate too much conflict and be bad for some players.
crafting is something that i thought some amount of it, and i am thinking chore play, so instead of having placing things in a grid and happening instantly, something closer to Potion Craft, with some real physicality to it to make it satisfying, with a bunch of materials and ways to mix them to make it crunchy and let information on how to make some type of material be a political tool, a new way to interact with other players, so if you have a specific recipe that you got from dismantling a specific weapon.
notes are a way to create notes, you can at any time create a note and put information at it, you can sign them and they keep day and hour of creation or last change, they can work as documents, patterns of drawings like Animal Crossing, work like checks, material recipes to make crafting faster but at the risk of people discovering your recipes, and to give people temporary guild roles or other permissions. you can seal notes with wax and stamp it with a pattern. you can also create coins the same way, but not like the original coin, but side coins, so its really a player driven economy, player created coins need a stamp and a material to be made.
combat is like monster hunter but tab targeted, so you aim at the enemy you tap and get your weapons, and when you tap you attack, if you drag you move, if you slide quickly you can dash or roll depending on the distance and you have a block/parry or secondary attack button, a change weapon button, a change target button and 3 abilities buttons. so the combat is about playing towards the win condition of your weapon and using abilities to create openings or getting a big payoff from openings. the enemies would stun or throw you away with every hit, regardless of damage to make you really change how you play depending on what they do, but if you parry attacks you have a chance to throw the enemy away and if the enemy is really big you need multiple people to parry to push the enemy back.
Hades like dialogue, just add something about a player or tell a myth or something interesting but prioritizing things that are important.
and contest that the players can create to play around with other players, basically create rules for a sport or a arena, ways to allow light hearted conflict between players. be a fight to glory or a fashion show, ways to facilitate that type of stuff.
out of game bonus like World of Warcraft, but you can get better ones if you are in a good city or has a decorated house.
for monetization i would like a premium currency that you can trade with other players for coins only, but you can buy something from the game, but i am not sure what, probably some convenience or fuel for better out of game bonus. i think any form of monetization hurts the game, but this hurts the game less.
ships, with a velocity based on cloth released, and functions like cannon, helm, boarder and engineer, idk if the canons should use ammo or have a cd. we have a radar, that has info about enemies like position, speed, cooldowns, so its worth to keep someone there. idk how to make this exactly, but in Starfinder each spaceship has a number of rooms that it has to be able to hold stuff, so something like that, basically a room for people to sleep, a room for medicine stuff, a room for radars, basically space slots, but the trade off would be speed for size.
i think that's all and i would really like other peoples opinions on this, even just for the fun of talking, and if you see a future for this idea, pls send me a message because we can definitely have a deal. thanks for reading, luv ya.
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coldchains · 26 days
Tips for getting involved in the IRL kink scene
(Based on my experience as a BDSM event organizer living in a midsized town in the bible belt)
Making a FetLife account.
First of all, your username is what you'll likely use to RSVP to events and keep in touch with people you meet, so make it something that won't make you cringe to hear out loud lol.
Secondly, set a profile pic, write a little something in your About, and add a few fetishes so that people know you're a real person.
Thirdly, keep in mind that FetLife is not a dating site. I don't recommend it as a way to meet people, it's mainly useful for finding events. Speaking of:
Looking for events
Go to the FetLife events tab and see what's happening near you. Make sure to see who the organizers are; I don't recommend going to anything that's run by a single person, you wanna look for stuff that's run by an established group.
To start out with, I'd RSVP to a munch. Munches are public social events where you can meet people in a casual setting (I've also seen them called Meet n Greets). That way, when you start going to play parties you might already know a few people.
Getting to know people
In my experience, people in the kink scene are very welcoming. Don't worry about being weird or awkward, I promise you're not going to be the weirdest guy at the freak convention (affectionate).
Don't get laser focused on finding people to play with or fuck. If you're a sub/bottom, it's good to talk with other subs/bottoms. They can give you advice, and help you figure out who is safe to play with. Same for if you're a Dom/top; other doms/tops can teach you things and help you vet potential subs/bottoms.
Play Parties
To get a misconception out of the way: play parties are not orgies. The ones I help organize actually don't have any sex at all, but that varies from group to group.
If you don't live in/near a big city, they're probably not going to be in an actual dungeon, either. They might be in rented spaces, hotels, someone's house, etc.
A lot of people don't play at their first party, so don't feel pressured to do so. No one will care if you want to just scope out the scene and watch what other people are doing.
Getting involved really isn't as hard as it seems. I was really daunted at the beginning, but I'm so glad I took that leap because my life is wayyyyyy better since joining the kink scene. It can be scary to put yourself out there, but I promise it's 100% worth it.
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grape-xx-soda · 4 months
Fizzy Factory !!
Items + Services (with carbon price and description) count: 15 
Bottle caps and soda tabs: found in a bag mixed together, I happen to collect a lot. Feel free to mix and match. 10 for 1c 
Cold Sodas: I've got a small fridge in the store, don't know how its running but it keeps stuff cold and that's good enough. 1 for 2c 
Pens/pencils/markers/sharpies/etc: I got a whole bunch in this big jar, don't know which ones work feel free to test it out. 2 for 1c 
Spray paint: no guarantee on what colors I have it’s just what's in stock, but I do make sure they work and are full. 1 can for 3c 
Jar of glitter: usually only red and blue but I try to get other colors. 1 for 2c 
Map of Batt City and the Zones: I make these myself! If you buy one and come back later I will always update it with any stuff you need. I try to mark all stationary locations and what I know about the streets of Batt City. 1 for 4c 
Radio parts: miscellaneous parts from broken radios and speakers 50/50 ish shot I actually have what you need. 1 for 1c or 5 for 3c (bundle deal) 
Water: as simple as it sounds. 1 bottle for 1c 
Postcards: for my homecoming I stole a bunch of these cause i think they're funny lol. 2 for 1c 
Band-Aids: big and small, gauze, as well as some nonstick pads. They come in small bundles of 4 Band-Aids (2 big 2 small), 1 yard roll of gauze, and a nonstick pad. 1 bundle for 3c 
Sewing repair: killjoys can drop off clothes and Soda will repair rips and tears and give them a wash if he has the means, price varies. 1c-5c per clothing item 
Sewing upgrades: killjoys can drop off their clothes and pick out some scrap fabric and Soda will sew on pockets/patterns/patches/etc., prices vary will be less if you bring your own fabric. 2c-6c per item 
Minor mechanical repairs: I'm certainly not the best, but I can do very minor repairs to radios, cameras, toys, and ray guns depending on the problem 1c-3c per item 
Small trinkets and toys: things like those metal puzzles, small plushies, blocks, slinkies, little matchbox cars, plastic animals, sticky hands. Found in a box under the main window. 3 for 1c, 4 for 1c for children 12 and under.  
Gum: usually only bubblegum pink and fruit flavors. 1 pack (5 sticks) for 1c 
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A Vision in the Mirror Masterpost (OOC)
Taking the same concept from my old masterpost, this one will start out with a few FAQs and follow with a plot summary of what's going on under the cut, to keep up easily! Tags for this arc include #a vision in the mirror and for previous leadup posts, #vision prelude. Posts will also be tagged with appropriate stakes for the scene/consequences of what's going on, but on average, stuff is high stakes.
What should I know going in?
Similar to my last high stakes arc, this arc will cover some sensitive topics (all of which will be tagged alongside the arc tag and stakes)! Among them are mental health topics like anxiety, paranoia, depression, suicidality and self-injury, happenings like impersonation, defamation/blackmail, violence/death, fire (natural disaster), and general philosophizing in the "are humans and Pokémon actually equal" direction. A lot of these will largely only be alluded to on here, but better safe than sorry! Feel free to block the tag if it's not for you, I'll probably have a few lower-stakes posts somewhere in there (or maybe some ask games to break stuff up).
Also, this time, not everything is going to be RP'd live on-blog. If you're interested in seeing the behind-the-scenes you're welcome to the planning server (I can shoot you a link), but it'll be a bit heavier. The reason I'm doing this is both to reduce the intensity here, and to not flood everyone's dashboards. I'll still make summary posts of what's going on and am happy to answer asks about that! And of course, Vanilla or Cross will still be liveblogging everything crucial.
How can I participate?
Honestly, just send asks! Reblog stuff! This is pretty open, though if you'd like to be involved in anything in-person, DM me so I can add you to the planning server. I'd love to hear anyone's ideas along the way!
Know also that you can be as involved as you want in this. Some parts of this event will have wider-ranging consequences (city-wide, tops) but also, I absolutely don't expect people to get involved in that unless they want to! (If you do decide to dash-commentary things, please tag it with the arc tag so I can see it? Pretty please? And also use the appropriate stakes tags?)
Who's important in this?
(Not listing my friends' blogs in this, though they're welcome to reblog!)
Vanilla: Vanilla (26, any) is the guy on the blog, a Hisuian Zorua hybrid, and probably a bit well-known for his own good at the moment. They've currently just finished their Unovan Gym Challenge (badge-gathering), and are trying to investigate what has caused their impersonation across several situations.
Colress: Colress (39, he/him) is back from wherever he was, and certainly not better than ever. His aims are unclear, but Vanilla has been keeping tabs on him via a pager gifted by Cheri, and holds some key information from his laptop. He currently has expressed intentions to reclaim his Klinklang from Rune.
Vision: A strange being (?, ??/??) who seems to be impersonating Vanilla perfectly. Believed to be tied to Colress, but in what way? Has a soft spot for Wolfgang, and has met with Cheri and Vanilla's parents.
Cross: Vanilla's Rotom, Cross (5, she/her), is a sweet, non-battling Pokémon whose main goal is Vanilla's safety. While she's normally sworn to secrecy, she'll break that in the name of saving her "boss". She's also quite nervous, pzzt.
Wolfgang: Wolfgang, or Wolfy (27, he/him) is a Hisuian Zoroark, Vanilla's half-sibling, and the father of four adorable Zorua kits with his mate, Mozart. He's currently serving as the interim leader of the Lostlorn Zoroark pack, but he's in frequent contact with Vanilla thanks to the power of cheap cell phones.
Cobalion: One of the Swords of Justice, Cobalion (many centuries, they/he) is convinced Vanilla will one day be a worthy chosen for their aims. As it is, however, they've left Vanilla to find her own answers. Unless the answers involve using the cool sword they've been gifted, in which case Cobalion is all in.
Cheri: Cheri (28, she/her) is the perpetual thorn in Vanilla's side, who also happens to be their recent ex and current "rival" after selling them out to Colress (and apologizing endlessly after the fact). A strong battler, she gifted Vanilla Chibi (formerly Fluffybutt) the Shiny Vanilluxe, and has expressed every intention of protecting Vanilla. As much as Vanilla insists he's really fine without the help.
Aspear: Aspear (28, he/him) is Cheri's twin, also a "rival" of Vanilla's, and perfectly happy to stay out of this situation, thank you.
What's the plot so far?
(Plot kept under the readmore for previously mentioned potentially triggering content.)
Prelude: After a battle with Cheri, Vanilla was bestowed with a pager Cheri had previously used to keep contact with Colress. Over the past few months, they've heard Colress speaking from the pager, but, frustratingly, nothing crucial. Lately, though, they've been hearing strange noises much like their own voice...
These strange noises seem corroborated by Wolfgang claiming to have seen somebody who looks, speaks, and even smells exactly like Vanilla, and by Cheri's own claims that she has talked to Vanilla's doppelganger.
At the same time, Colress has begun taking action, reaching out to Rune to demand the return of his Klinklang, to which he received a solid refusal. And at the same time, the Swords of Justice seem on edge...
Main Arc: Vanilla, with his increasing concern about being impersonated, begins to lower contact with others, and eventually, decides to return to their adoptive parents' home to lay low. When she finally returns, though, she learns that Maamaa, who was in her parent's care, was taken by her copycat to some unknown location. In order to figure out where, Vanilla tries working out who they're dealing with, before finally settling on making themselves distinguishable from the copy when in-person (fun fact for the summary people: what they settled on was 'way too much body spray'). This doesn't solve their problem though, and so they finally decide to try and make contact with Colress and this mystery person via Cheri's pager.
On the other side of things, we learn that this person's name is Vision, that she seems to have some sort of high title... and that she intends to be the one to respond to Vanilla's message, it seems. But what will come of that...?
[To be continued!]
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sege-h · 8 months
Thoughts on the State of Play reveal
Under a readmore just in case
1- I know I said I'd keep the Son*dow tag blocked for a bit after Prime ended but I think I'll keep it blocked till the end of the year now lmao
2- I know the rumor has been going around since yesterday but I took it with a grain of salt since it's. Yknow. A rumor. But even when I let myself think 'what if its real tho' this is SO FAR FROM WHAT I EXPECTED. A!!! I thought at most we'd get is a remaster that'd also make Shadow playable! As soon as I saw the new level I was like WAIT WHAT. WAIT WHAT!!?!? and it just kept going from there!!!
I'm so happy we'll be getting a HD biolizard fight! He'll no longer be contained to the 3DS! Also from what little we saw Shadow will get to have some dynamic posing in the boss fights, like Super Sonic did in Frontiers. Good! I loved those!
3- Ian Flynn has #KnowingSmile'd the announcement and I'm hoping this means he got to write for whatever new content there is.
And speaking of Frontiers! I'm hoping that this ends up being Shadow's 'Frontiers' moment. In that his writing and character get what Amy's, Tails', and Knuckles' did in Frontiers.
4-I had the stream off to the side in another tab since I wasn't interested in most of what was shown. And then I heard the first few notes of the Generations music and i immediately switched tabs and I just!!! Feel like I did in 2011 except my computer/internet is way better, and you tube is shittier!
5- I'm excited for this for such Me reasons. For those new here- I live in a country that had no Sonic stuff for...well, never, really. Not until about 2022. The second movie did what I'd hoped the first movie would do (but then the pandemic happened) and brought over Sonic stuff here. For the first time in my life I went to a toy store here and it had Sonic stuff. I got to buy physical Sonic comics for the first time. For the first time in my life I can go to a video game store and actually see Sonic games there. It's been wild
That being said, 2011 had Nothing. Sonic Generations came out. And I didn't want to pirate it because a friend of mine had worked on it. I was determined to find it. And I only saw it irl one time- for the Playstation. A console I've never had. It was pretty upsetting! I remember posting about it here even....I've been on tumblr too long SHDGSHDHS
Later I'd find that there was a 3DS version. I have that! So I looked for that version of it alongside the PC one
So, for almost a decade, I looked, to no avail. And for this whole time I refused to look at any playthroughs! Any knowledge I had on whats in the game came from the trailers we saw
And then in 2019 my best friend helped me buy the 3DS version. I had 9 dollars on my 3DS and whenever the game went on sale it'd be on for 10 dollars. So he gave me a dollar and helped me get it SHDGSHDH
So I finally experienced Generations! It was surprise after surprise in that one, because I knew it was different but I didn't know how. I didn't expect a Rush level in it, or for the Biolizard to be in there!
And then in late 2020 when I got my new computer and could finally get steam, another close friend got me Generations for the PC! I'd somehow managed to dodge spoilers on it all those years so all I knew about it was: Theres Green Hill, Chemical Plant, City Escape, and a Silver boss fight.
I got to play modern City Escape for myself- which is the level that inspired the current iteration of my main OC, Storm. It was a joy
All this rambling to say...it's wild to think that once this remaster comes out, I'll be able to get it day 1, at least I hope I will. Still-it won't take me almost a decade to get to it
And if there's a physical release? I'll be able to go to a store here- HERE, not in one of our neighboring countries, not from somewhere else, but in a store here. Right across the street. And I'll finally have a physical copy of Generations. That was my final goal with the game-- I love it, I have two versions of it! And the plan was always that even though I'd gotten to play them now, if I ever ran into a physical copy of the game, I'd buy it. And now I'll really get to do it
6- Bonus thought of me being silly: Wowow my OC was shown at the State of Play--
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sevicia · 1 year
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(art by @/turnipoddity)(not rbing cause too many thoughts for tags)
this is captioned "meet cute" and it's driving me CRAY Z I have this image saved on my phone multiple times because I get more insane every time I see it. The idea of Edward and Bruce (in drifter mode) seeing each other late at night on the subway is something so dear to my heart because Edward recognizing him as Bruce Wayne while he's not being, well, Bruce Wayne, would mean that he has something "over" him in a way, and I think it would drive him a bit crazy seeing as he already obsesses over Bruce and sees him as "everything wrong with the city", so seeing him in a "casual" setting like this one would do one of two things: 1) convince him that Bruce, much like other powerful people in the city, is up to shady shit OR 2) make him angry that Bruce is taking the subway instead of parading in his fancy car: does he think he'll understand what other people in Gotham go through if he shares one single experience with them? because the idea of it is so absurd, there's a sea of difference between an actual BILLIONAIRE and the rest of the city, and this might seem like Edward is assuming things of Bruce and his intentions, and that is because he would and he does! Of course, Bruce is a public figure (and a billionaire) so everyone assumes things, especially Edward who grew up in Wayne Manor, staring at Bruce's face, hating him for so long.
It's also canon that Edward is the type of person to smile at others in the subway (even if he calls himself a "repulsive fool" when they don't reciprocate), and I think that (personal HC and projection time) he had the idea of being "good" to others hammered into his head so much as a child that he just bites his tongue and smiles and tries to be nice. So he WOULD smile.
Bruce on the other hand would only go around at night without his face covered if he was sure there was no one around. Yes, he could beat Edward up if he needed to, and he could also keep tabs on him if he sensed anything worrying about him, but I don't really think that stuff aligns with his whole Thing (since he is very driven and has tunnel vision for pretty much the entire movie). But I like to think he is just too late in covering his face when Edward gets on the train, a way in which he becomes slightly vulnerable to him, and in which they now share something, even if it makes Edward angry and Bruce uncomfortable and both of them paranoid. Because that's the only way I see their relationship being: angry and uncomfortable and paranoid and sad and ultimately tragic. The things I see on like, the riddlebat tag are very fun and cute and I love them but realistically That would not fucking happen.
IDK I was gonna say something else but I forgor. Basically bla bla bla I crazy now
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katie5000 · 2 years
So this synopsis (or analysis?) of last week's Stampede episode came across my dash, and I may have gotten frustrated and written a point-by-point rebuttal. >_>
First of all, OP, this isn't the best synopsis - it reads more like first impressions, and it would seem like you missed a lot of stuff when you watched this. Let's go:
Wow, maximum badass. Why? Wolfwood needs to be a maximum badass, that’s why.
The series opens by illustrating Wolfwood's job duties, basically. I mean, he's literally called "The Punisher" for a reason. But the fact that they're opening with this suggests that whatever's going on here will be relevant or important later in the episode. That it incidentally looks "badass" is an added bonus.
Vash and Wolfwood are pouting over something and Meryl jokingly asks if they are having a spat over candy…I get she’s trying to defuse the situation but are we to think this is due to Wolfwood shooting Rollo - last night?…I’m going to take the easiest option and say that they are pouting about the fact that Wolfwood killed Rollo - last night.
Okay good, because I think it's supposed to be set the next day. They've been driving all night and well into the next day. As for Meryl's line: Remember that Meryl and Roberto don't actually have any idea what happened, because they weren't there to witness it. They screwed off earlier in the previous episode to go dig through the remains of Rollo's house and find the picture of Vash holding him as a baby. For all Meryl knows, they could be fighting over candy. They're just…mad at each other for some reason now. (And no, this is not an indicator of bad writing. She did not witness the "why," and Vash never told her. This is realistic.)
He’s clear that he wants Meryl to take the steamer but it was vague if he was going to go with her or if he wanted her to take it for safety. Uncle info dump isn’t info dumping this episode much.
Did you not see him turn his head around to face the back seat? He was telling Vash (and presumably Wolfwood) to take the Steamer, and Meryl assumes they're going to follow, so she starts to ask how they will get the car on board. Roberto says they're not going.
It has been even less time for Wolfwood to know Vash and he’s sticking to him like crazy glue, again being an ass.
Yes, because this is his job. He was sent by the Eye of Michael/Knives/Whoever to keep tabs on Vash and eventually lead him back to his brother. I'm pretty sure this is revealed in the manga at some point, though I can't remember where.
Meanwhile, Meryl is working hard to convince Roberto that they need to continue to track the Humanoid Typhoon. Interestingly, that she doesn’t call him Vash, but by his destructive nickname here...
Mhm, because that's how the public knows him. They work for a tabloid, and the "Humanoid Typhoon" would be a big break/hell of a story. In short, she's trying to entice Roberto to keep following him.
This episode will frequently use the word monster to describe Wolfwood a lot and Vash as well. This is the writers trying to get us to connect the two of them and make us feel that they should be friends and a dynamic duo - which they aren’t currently.
But they probably will be, before the series is over. Calm down.
As for the writers, they are attempting to draw a parallel between the two characters. Friends or not, there are similarities present.
On the steamer there is a route map telling use they are leaving the Terminal - which literally is just a single terminal in the desert? What? Ports develop around such locations but this is just a terminal.
I think you mean "cities develop around such locations." If the steamer's going there, there's probably already a port. (I'm glad to see they spelled "July" properly on the map, though.)
Vash finally gets around to directly asking Wolfwood what his job is and he replies that he’s babysitting him. From Wolfwood we can understand that it is his ‘job’ to make sure Vash gets somewhere. Or at least those are the orders that Wolfwood has.
Bingo! Now, don't forget this before next week's episode.
Their conversation doesn’t get very far since Livio appears on the scene almost immediately and shoots at both of them.
Vash's line of dialogue beforehand - something like, "Don't you have something you care about?" is an interesting bit of foreshadowing here.
We get it, there was a time when Wolfwood was cute and he was friends with Livio.
More importantly, it's meant to establish that there's a history between the two characters - and that, despite his aloof exterior, Wolfwood does have something he cares about. He is able to care about things.
Wolfwood’s flashback continues that he’s been selected as a ‘Child of Blessing’ just like Rollo by [the] mysterious church.
And everyone gathers on the porch to say goodbye. Wolfwood looks for Livio there, but doesn't see him. Disappointing, but also curious.
There is a weird psychedelic flashback were Wolfwood is a test subject…
Yes, because they are pumping him full of drugs. And holy shit, do they have some side effects…
…and shows S+ levels of possibilities. This is clearly a term added for the Japanese audience as the States does not have this type of ranking which is a trope specific to Japanese media.
…And? So what. They're not making this exclusively for an American audience. Just learn what it means and go on your way. So Wolfwood's really unusual and rare, from a physiological standpoint.
Just like the breakneck pace of the anime, his own physical development is rapidly accelerated - much more so than with the manga.
But it did happen in the manga. So they're keeping that plot point.
As the original anime put it, he was taken in as a child and trained by Chapel the Evergreen for ten years before striking out on his own for an unclear amount of time making his age over twenty. The manga has the unclear timeline where you’d think he was around twenty at the end, but maybe seventeen. Either way, manga and ‘98 anime Wolfwoods were more emotionally mature and had seen things.
At this point, I don't think I'd be using the 90s anime as a yardstick for anything in this series because of the fact that it was not based on all (or even most) of the source material. A lot was embellished, because a lot didn't exist yet. In the manga, the basic setup seems to be that Wolfwood was trained first before being given drugs, but even so, he probably wasn't older than high-school age (14-17). Stampede seems to have flipped this for the narrative - he's given drugs first, then his training.
Of course, being likely only twelve, he tries to escape his now adult form declaring he’s returning to the orphanage before getting caught.
So this is the setup here for that plot point - Wolfwood eventually returning to the place he called "home". He feels like a monster, he feels like he shouldn't go back, he eventually does anyway, and…well, read the manga. There's a couch and some confetti. ;~;
Now, he’s a man with a child’s mind. Yeah.
He was always a man with a child's mind. A teenager's mind, anyway.
Continue with Part 2 here.
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Secret’s Out
Father of Mine – Part 1 and Part 2
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Bruce was looking at his emails when Y/N arrived at the table.
She was breathing heavily and her hair was a bit messy, just further proving she had rushed to get there.
“I’m so sorry I’m late,” she huffed embarrassingly. “My shoot ran over and every one was moving so slowly.”
Bruce smiled. “Y/N. Relax.”
Then he stood up to greet her with a kiss on the cheek.
The two of them hadn’t seen each other in over a month. Y/N had been traveling for work constantly. And between the vigilante life and Wayne Enterprises, Bruce was running on 2 hours of sleep on the daily.
“I need a drink,” Y/N finally sighed after she got situated.
As if on cue, their waitress dropped Y/N’s favorite drink in front of her.
Y/N eyed Bruce with surprise.
He just shrugged.
Sometimes Y/N forgot how much her father noticed literally everything.
“Thank you,” she told the waitress.
“You’re overworking yourself,” Bruce said with a disapproving look.
She rolled her eyes. “Really? You’re not one to talk, Bruce.”
“You deserve a vacation. I’ll pay for it. Pick wherever you want. Bring Jason. Or some friends.”
She narrowed her eyes. “Bruce…”
It was a warning.
From the very start of their unconventional father-daughter relationship, Y/N had made it clear that she could not be bought. And Bruce spoiling her made her extremely uncomfortable. Even now, she still tried to at least split restaurant checks with him. Bruce always won those battles though.
“I’ll take a vacation when you do,” she finally countered.
That sure shut him up.
“Hey, I actually brought you something,” Y/N changed the subject as she reached for her bag.
A moment later, she lightly placed a manila folder onto the table.
Bruce’s brow furrowed as he reached for it.
As soon as he opened it, he froze.
“I had to clean out some stuff and put things into storage,” Y/N explained. “I found all my mom’s photos. I figured I could make copies of some childhood photos for you.”
Bruce’s silence made Y/N nervous.
“If you don’t want them, that’s totally fine.” She started to reach for the folder out of Bruce’s grip with awkward embarrassment. “It was stupid–”
But Bruce quickly pulled the folder closer to him and stopped her from taking the photos from him.
“Thank you,” he announced.
It made Y/N quickly sit back in her chair, caught off guard by his sincere reaction and how he’d immediately become protective of the photos.
Bruce awkwardly cleared his throat. “Thank you, Y/N.”
He repeated to make sure she understood how thankful he truly was. And Y/N suspected the throat clearing was to hide his emotions.
Now she watched as Bruce slowly went through every picture. He took in every detail with a soft smile.
These weren’t just photos. These were all of Y/N’s memories that Bruce missed, that he could never get back. And he was savoring all of them.
Then Bruce paused and was fully smiling now.
“What?” Y/N asked.
She didn’t know why all of this made her so nervous.
Bruce didn’t say anything as he lifted a photo and flipped it to show her.
It wasn’t from her childhood.
It was a black and white photo of Jason. A candid from when he had escorted her around the slums of Gotham for her most recent gallery show.
After months of thinking about it, Y/N finally had decided she wanted to frame it and hang it somewhere in her apartment. 
Y/N’s jaw dropped with embarrassment and she ripped it from his hands.
“I was developing some photos at the same time as I was making the copies. Must’ve gotten mixed up in those,” Y/N explained too quickly, unable to meet Bruce’s gaze.
It made Bruce happy to know that Y/N didn’t have the same inability to love someone and let people in like he did. It was a relief that she didn’t isolate herself from it like he had. If her mother was still alive, Bruce would thank her for it. But if Y/N’s mother were alive, he would’ve never known about Y/N in the first place.
Their entire dinner was spent with Bruce looking at the old photos. He had at least two questions for each one. Some of them Y/N didn’t remember being taken. But most of them came with stories or a loving memory.
Y/N talked for most of the meal. But that’s exactly what Bruce wanted.
Furthermore, Bruce had nothing of value to update her on. Batman business had consumed his life as of lately, and he had made a promise to never involve Y/N in any of it. And Jason seemed to be on the same page when it came to his other life as Red Hood. 
Both men seemed determined to keep her safe and away from it all. 
Two hours later, Bruce was paying the check and helping Y/N into her coat.
“I’ll give you a ride home,” he muttered as they started walking out.
Y/N had learned by now to give up on those small battles. Jason was the same way when it came to making sure she got home safely.
As they made their way to the exit, Y/N caught a few stares from other patrons who were still eating.
“Do you ever get used to it?” She asked her father in a low voice.
“Get used to what?” He asked, genuinely unaware of what she was getting at.
“People gawking at you.”
Bruce glanced around and unintentionally glared at anyone who was staring at Y/N.
“It’s good that I’m seen in public…for obvious reason,” he hinted in a quiet voice, obviously talking about needing the cover to continue his life as a masked vigilante.
Once they were outside, Alfred was already waiting at the curb with the Rolls-Royce. He greeted Y/N with a hug and a kiss to her cheek before opening the door for her and Bruce.
When they got to Y/N’s apartment building, she said her goodbyes to Alfred. And Bruce walked Y/N all the way up to her door.
Even though Y/N insisted it was overkill and she could get up the stairs on her own just fine, Bruce had seen too many terrible things in this forsaken city. He could think of thousands of things that could happen to Y/N between the car and her front door.
Once Y/N realized that Bruce’s paranoia came from experience, she stopped trying to stop his chivalry and overprotective ways. She finally understood that Bruce had seen things that would prevent her from ever sleeping again. So if walking Y/N to her door gave him a little peace of mind, she wasn’t going to take that away from him.
Y/N turned to Bruce when they reached her door. “Thanks again for dinner.”
“Of course. I’m glad we could spend some time together. Thank you again for the photos.”
Y/N didn’t realize that Bruce was about to hang every single one around Wayne Manor. 
She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and a hug. “Get home safe.”
Y/N woke up wrapped strong arms, her body overheating slightly.
When she had come home from dinner last night, Jason had already left for patrol.
He hadn’t woken her up when he got back home, just proving how exhausted Y/N had been these past few weeks.
But it was the continuous buzzing vibrations of her phone that woke her up. When she brightened the screen, she saw that she had dozens of text messages and three missed called from Bruce.
“What the fuck,” Y/N whispered as she started opening them.
But they were all about the same thing.
Everyone had sent her similar articles from various gossip websites or news outlets.
All of the headlines were joined with photos of Bruce and Y/N having dinner last night. Apparently other customers at the restaurant had snuck photos of Bruce greeting her with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
Y/N could see how it would be misinterpreted as romantic and not familial or platonic. But it still made her sick to see the photos twisted in such a way.
Then there were paparazzi photos of them getting in a car together. Of course there were none of Bruce dropping her off and them going their separate ways. That would be just too convenient for the two of them. 
Y/N’s stomach dropped with panic.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” she gasped without realizing it.
Jason immediately woke up. “What is it?”
Y/N ignored him and called Bruce.
“I’m handling it,” was how Bruce answered her call.
“Handling it? How exactly?” She challenged. “We can deny the rumors all we want. But everyone is going to keep tabs on us now, and they’re going to see us together again.”
Jason grabbed his own phone.
One of his brothers must’ve sent him a similar article because he rubbed his face in annoyance, finally understanding the situation. 
Nothing like your girlfriend being rumored to have a relationship with her father, who was also your mentor and adoptive father. 
“Y/N, it will blow over. It always does,” Bruce tried to calm her down.
“So what happens when I get photographed with Jason? Huh? They’re going to just say I’m cheating on both of you with each other or some fucked up shit like that.”
Bruce was silent, because they both knew she was right.
Y/N glanced at Jason, who was already waiting for her gaze.
She took in a deep breath and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Maybe we should…Maybe we should just tell the truth.”
“You’ve never wanted that, Y/N.” Bruce tried to argue.
And he was right.
Y/N was terrified of being associated with the Wayne family. People would start believing she secretly built her career off of nepotism that no one was aware of. She also didn’t want that type of attention from the media and the upperclass of Gotham.
“I don’t think we have any other choice,” Y/N finally answered.
Jason reached for thigh and gripped it, trying to offer her some sort of comfort.
“Y/N, are you sure about this?” Bruce asked slowly.
“No. Not at all. But I’d rather not have the public think I’m dating my biological father.”
“OK,” Bruce sighed. “I’ll talk to my publicist today.”
“OK.” She bit her lip before adding. “Just…tell them the whole story.”
“Y/N, if you’re worried how it will make me look, don’t.”
“But I am worried about it, Bruce. They’re going to drag you for being an absent father. And none of that is true. They’re not gonna understand.”
“I’ll call you later with an update,” he told her softly before hanging up.
Y/N tossed her phone to the foot of the bed in frustration.
Jason watched as she buried her face in her hands.
“You OK?” He asked as he rubbed her back.
“No,” she answered honestly.
“Come here.” Jason pulled her into his chest.
There was no fight from her as he cuddled her tightly.
“This is a fucking nightmare,” she groaned into his shoulder.
“I know. But maybe it’s for the best,” he tried to reason with her.
“And what happens when they catch wind that I’m dating my father’s adoptive son? Huh?”
“We’re not actually related, Y/N.”
She pulled her face back so she could glare at him. “Yeah! We know that! But you do understand that people are going to see it that way, right? Like we’re gonna look like some fucked up incestual couple to them.”
“I don’t really care,” Jason finally told her.
“You don’t care?” She scoffed.
“No,” his answer and confidence didn’t waver. “I don’t give a fuck what people say about us, Y/N. If exposing the truth means we don’t have to think twice about going to events or even just going out to dinner, then I’m all for it. I’m sick of hiding our relationship.”
Y/N blinked. She never considered that their subtle relationship bothered him in any way. She was always a strangely private person, so it felt normal to her. But clearly Jason had been wanting to be a bit more public with their relationship.
“What if this changes everything?” Y/N whispered, not meeting his eyes.
Jason smirked at that and gripped her chin, lifting it up so she would look at him. “Some paparazzi and trash tabloids aren’t going to change how I feel about you, Y/N.”
Y/N laughed lightly at that.
“Maybe we should leave Gotham for a bit,” she offered. “Bruce won’t shut up about paying for a vacation for us.”
Jason nodded. “I think that sounds like a good idea. You’ve needed a break for awhile now.”
“Well…where do you wanna go?” Y/N asked.
“Doesn’t matter to me. As long as you’re there.”
She rolled her eyes and hit Jason in the face with a pillow. “God, you really are a sap.”
Y/N appreciated Jason always being able to make her feel better and feel supported. 
But even he couldn’t stop her from wondering...
What would life be like as a Wayne?
Father of Mine – Bonus Content
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bigilante · 3 years
〖 her best friend ❣ zendaya 〗
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「 zendaya x gender-neutral!reader 」 ┅ 「 2.7k words 」
: a.n : back at it again with the unsolicited fics :)) i hope you guys like it 👉🏼👈🏼
⤷ : prompt : separated forcefully or for reasons you can’t control, run into each other again years later on accident.
“Do you think they’ll ever stop making headlines calling us ‘very good friends’?” You halfheartedly laughed at yet another Instagram post by some magazine that showed you and Zendaya out and about LA. “Like, the minute you hang out with any guy they’re like, ‘Oh! Date alert!’ But I’m just your ‘best friend’” You were ranting now, unable to hide the annoyance you felt.
“Why does it matter what they say?” Zendaya quizzed, her hands playing with the waist string of your sweats. She looked up at you from her slumped down position on the sofa, her faint frown making you sigh.
“Because... don’t you feel is a bit homophobic?” You wondered, placing your phone face down on top of your stomach to give her your full attention. The brunette just shrugged nonchalantly and you let out another sigh picking your phone again to close the app, “I’m gonna head out.” It was best to just leave then, you didn’t want to get in a stupid argument with her not before you were set to leave for New York the very next morning. You began to incorporate but Zendaya’s hands gripped your thighs keeping them draped over hers.
“Y/n, come on.” She said, gorgeous hazel eyes pleading at you. What exactly? You had no idea but for a second, you were about to give in however a loud ding coming from your phone stopped you. Your eyes scanned the screen and the reminder that had popped up read ‘PACK ! 4 ! N Y C !’, you sent her an apologetic glance before getting off the sofa, gathering your stuff and petting Noon goodbye.
Zendaya had stood up from the sofa too, watching your every move intently, probably trying to figure out if you were upset with her. The truth was, you didn’t know if you were upset with her or with the media, it was possible that both had a little part in your now sour mood. “See you next week, best friend. Love you.” You joked before swinging the front door open and leaving. The week was going to feel like a month, you knew, but the hope that making that simple joke followed by the declaration would ease things up was strong.
But what did hopefulness ever bring if not disappointment and heartache?
Seeing medium-quality paparazzi pictures of your girlfriend as soon as you landed from a five-hour flight wasn’t exactly the way you wanted to be welcomed to New York. You sat quietly in the back of an Uber trying not to cry as your eyes stared at the images on your phone. A series of pictures of Zendaya and Tom leaving her house, —they must had been taken that morning while you were on your way to the airport— the further you scrolled down the Twitter trends the more you felt like throwing up. Them in his car. Tom’s hand reaching for Zendaya’s jaw. Both leaning in. Kissing. Laughing.
It felt like a punch to the face, it was the worst feeling you had ever endured and the people that caused it were the last you would’ve thought could ever dare to hurt you. Your trembling hands fumbled with the settings on your account, privating it and blocking her and Tom, doing the same with Instagram followed by their numbers on your phone. It felt like doing a cleansing, the pressure in your chest easing only minimally when you locked your phone and looked out into the running city. You wanted to scream and cry, break stuff, throw your phone away and not show to work, you just wanted to go hide in your Airbnb for the rest of the week and pretend you and Zendaya never happened.
The reality was that you two had happened and it was far too hard to pretend it didn’t, your heart ached both physically and metaphorically and you hated every second of it. For that week you spent in New York no one shut up about the photos, every person you worked with had that hot, brand new ‘goss’ about the pair that had hurt you so badly.
You sat in the quiet living room of the apartment you had been living in whilst in the big city, laptop sitting in front of you as you cancelled your flight back to LA, changing the tab to the Airbnb’s one to pay for a few more days. You had been holding yourself together the whole time you were there, work keeping you busy and sleeping pills doing their magic at the end of the day but it could only go so far. Glassy, stinging eyes stared blankly at the empty inbox of your email, the cursed images projecting over the blank space and you just weren’t strong enough anymore, you couldn’t, so you cried and choked and screamed until your throat and eyes were sore; until your whole body was drained of every bit of energy.
Little by little you were sweeping your life clean of her, clearing out your phone’s camera roll, changing your number. Deleting social media was a big no for your job so filtering everything and anything that had to do with them was the only option, that and spending little to no time online. You had stopped to think one night of the what-ifs of the situation, you were aware that Zendaya’s publicist wasn’t so happy about you and her dating publically and Tom’s was obsessed with boosting the Spider-man movies at all cost, still, giving you a heads up about it would had been the right thing to do.
For a year and a half, you made yourself busy, going back and forth wasn’t something you enjoyed but it worked to avoid unwanted visits and accidental encounters. Enough time had passed, you thought as you stopped booking in so many clients across the country and settled back in your LA home. “You know what? I could go for a thick, sugary milkshake, right now.” Naomi told you as you put down your half-empty box of fried noodles on the coffee table.
“Are you serious?” You asked incredulous receiving an enthusiastic nod from your friend. “Naomi, we just had Chinese and you wanna wash it down with a milkshake?” She rolled her eyes at you when you pointed it out.
“Fine, what about Bubble U? Bubble tea is Chinese isn’t it?” She offered, her question prompting you to send her an unamused glare. “Yep, Bubble U it is, then!” Naomi jumped up, going straight to the door. Reluctantly you got up from the floor, groaning all the way to the door where you got ready to go out, “Come on! It’ll be fun!” She chirped while she pulled you out of the house. You hated to admit it but you had completely modified your life after the heartbreak, once you settled back home you barely left it, you didn’t attend parties unless it was for work or go out with your friends unless it was at any of their houses. You didn’t walk around the city that often anymore in fear of bumping into her.
“I miss this.” You sighed as you walked down Chinatown with your friend, the coldness of your drink pleasant against the palm of your hand. “Just walking around town.” You continued taking a sip of the milk tea.
“I still don’t get why you had to stop going out with us.” Naomi said inciting you to turn to look at her, “I mean, I know why it’s just… you didn’t have to stop.” She rephrased it giving you an apologetic glance. You knew how much your friends hated the idea of you not being able to be you after the whole thing with Zendaya and Tom happened but it was your way of coping with it and even though they didn’t agree with it, they supported you.
“Well, I’m outside now, aren’t I?” You nudged her side with your elbow making her giggle as she nudged you back. “Maybe this is me getting back to my old self.” Hope laced your every word as you looked around the busy street. The way the golden light of the setting sun washed over the buildings made the outing worth the risk.
LA was the second-largest city in the United States, with a population of nearly four million that one could think the chances of crossing paths with a lover-turned-stranger was one in millions, yet, there you were rooted to the pavement as your wide eyes stared at the tall and thin figure coming out of one of the many restaurants that dotted the street. “Come on, let’s go back.” Naomi said, placing her hand on the crook of your elbow ready to pull you out of there but something inside your chest told you to keep moving forward.
So you did, you started walking again letting your friend’s hand slip away from you. She was quick to follow, whisper-shouting at you that whatever you were doing probably wasn’t the best idea. The closer you got to her the more nervous you felt, it’s been over a year since you last saw her and god, was she even more beautiful than before; long legs clagged in camel coloured trousers, feet sporting her beloved black converse. Her top was white, a little see-through and you cursed at how much it still drove you absolutely crazy in the most irritating sense.
Curls tucked into an elastic on top of her head in a carefree and relaxed way, a few stubborn strands hanging out framing her face and gracing her neck. She was laughing loudly at something Darnell said, that laugh you had forced yourself to forget but the second it hit your ears, you realised how badly you had missed it. Then everything stopped, Naomi’s panicked telling off, Darnell’s chatting and Zendaya’s laughing. It all had stopped but the rambling around the four of you.
You stood in front of Darnell while Naomi stood in front of Zendaya, your friend’s usually amicable attitude disrupted by the scowl on her face as she glared Zendaya’s way only the brunette’s pupils were set on you with no apparent intention of averting. “It’s you,” She breathed out, hope barely perceivable in her tone. You only hummed at the observation, your eyes moving from hers down to her hands that were gripping the long lanyard that held her phone around her neck. Her nerves were evident then, the intensity with which she clutched it seemed to be draining the blood flow from her fingers. “I— How—” Zendaya tried to speak but failed, letting out a shaky breath. “How have you been?”
“Are you fucking kidding me!?” Naomi protested, you understood where your friend was coming from but you also needed that, you needed to speak to Zendaya just one more time to be able to finally let everything go. You needed her to confirm your theory just so you could move on and Darnell seemed to be on the same page as you for he stepped in between you and Naomi, throwing his arm around her shoulders to guide her away from you two. You heard her object some more but ultimately she complied and walked away.
“I’ve been fine. You?” You eventually spoke after short but agonising seconds of silence.
“I don’t know. There are good days among the terrible ones, so... fine, I guess?” She shrugged a shoulder. With a nod of your head, you looked past her over her shoulder to see a man pointing a camera at you, you were about to warn her when she began speaking again. “Y/n, I’m so sorry about—” Zendaya started but you shook your head no making her stop, you realised then that you did want to talk to her but not on the street in front of that many people and certainly not when there were paparazzi nearby.
“Heard the movie did well.” Your tongue betrayed your brain. Zendaya tried to speak once more but you cut her again. “I’m glad it did. Made it all worth it, didn’t it?” You faked a small smile nearly choking on the words, the anxious lump in your throat threatening to cut your airflow.
“No, It didn’t.” Zendaya denied taking a step closer to you forcing you to hold your breath with the sudden move. “I was a total asshole to you before you left, then Marla wanted me and Tom to do that for a while and I don’t even know why I did it.” She ranted in one breath.
“I upset you.” The statement earned you a furious head shake from the tall girl. “I did. I kept bugging you about the articles,” You carried on, inconspicuously your eyes started to line with tears. The more you talked the more you realised that maybe, just maybe there was a bit of blame in you too, however, that didn’t mean Zendaya was absolved from any. “You never said a thing to me about the stunt.”
“I felt like I didn’t need to, I wasn’t gonna do it.”
“But you did. The morning I left LA.” You mumbled, trying to hide from the second man with a camera that had appeared closer than the first.
“Fuck, I know it was a shitty thing to do and I’m sorry,” She took another small step forward.
“You always told me kissing in public wasn’t your thing.” You exposed, tears irrevocably breaking the surface tension and cascading down your cheeks. Flicking your gaze up at her you saw nothing but hurt and regret written all over her gorgeous face and your heart squeezed at the sight. She had never spoken about it and neither had you asked, you just felt it in your heart that she was scared of how the media would treat you both if they ever found out you were dating, you knew the times had changed but there were still closed-minded people that ran gossip magazines and could make your lives a living hell the moment they caught you holding hands in public or worst, kissing.
The murmuring around you increased, reminding you that you were in a very public place crying in front of your secret ex-girlfriend. “Fuck that.” Zendaya grumbled. One moment she was a small step away from you and the next her hands were cupping your face and her lips were softly pressed against yours. The action took your breath away instantly, still, you found yourself powerless against the familiar taste and feel of her and allowed her to kiss you as long as she wanted to in front of how many people she wanted to. There were yelps and gasps all around the two of you and you started to regain conscience and pulled away.
Wide, watery eyes staring up at the girl mere inches away from your face. “Th-there’s pap—”
“I don’t care.” She whispered before she captured your lips once more, this time deeper and twice as intensely as the first time. Your hands scurried to her waist, bringing her flush to your body as you kissed her back gladly, desperately wanting her lips to make the past year bleep out of your core memories.
The night went by slowly as if the universe was granting you more time to spend in the arms of the girl you loved. She never once let a second of silence go by you, filling it with a whispered apology and a kiss. You talked about everything the time you spent apart brought to both of you, she told you about firing her publicist right after the pictures came out, about how she understood why you had cut her off without any explanation and how bad both her and Tom felt with the whole thing.
Articles flooded the internet that very night as well as the next morning, however, neither of you knew of them right away for any device that could be hooked to a WiFi signal was rightfully turned off while you basked in the presence of each other under the covers of Zendaya’s bed.
“Spider-man Star Zendaya shares intense kiss with BFF, Celeb Stylist y/n l/n in the middle of Chinatown! Swipe to see the pictures!”
It might be 2021 but some things refused to change.
【 thank you so much for reading! ♡ please, consider reblogging and letting me know what you thought of this ♡ kit xx 】
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dittomander · 2 years
Sooo if you'd still want to talk about EoA, how do you think magic and magic users were organized before Shuriki, uh, happened? And not exactly related but do you think there are some kinds of in born magic in Avalor?
oh Blue, I always want to talk about EoA -- thank you for asking, and for your patience! this is one of those things I’ve thought a lot about ahahaha
normally I like trying to dig into the text and use excruciatingly small details from that as the basis for my headcanons, but since, as you put it, Shuriki happened, we don’t really have much to go off of here. So, this is pretty much entirely headcanon (although I still ended up doing research aslkdjsdf):
On the Perception/Distribution of Magic:
wizardry was (obviously) more prevalent in Avalor than it is during the show, although it still wasn’t exactly ubiquitous, either. Villagers outside the major cities could go their entire lives without ever meeting a wizard.
in fact, in outlying villages, you were more likely to meet a malvago -- the royal guard had less presence there, so it was easier for them to get away with malvago-y stuff.
in major cities, though, even if you didn’t meet an actual wizard at any point, chances were pretty good that you’d meet a wizard hopeful.
Magic held a place in people’s minds somewhere between fear and reverence, and since a lot of established wizarding families were pretty well-off, it was also seen as something of a status symbol.
Wizards didn’t need a formal license or anything, but getting the materials needed to practice magic (namely, a tamborita) was really difficult if you didn’t either A: inherit one from either a relative or master, or B: get one issued from a formal magic academy (more on those in a bit), so it was still pretty easy to keep some tabs on who all was practicing
(and hell, if you could find la cuna del fuego, harvest a chispa, and just make a tamborita yourself, you probably knew enough about magic to handle the title of “wizard”)
(and then of course there was the option of “Use the Malvago Ritual”... but that’d get you arrested/banned from the main wizarding community real fast)
other parts of the EverRealm do have more formal structures in place for wizards, like board certifications for doctors or bar exams for lawyers, but a lot of those developments were more recent, and Avalor was still fairly isolated pre-Shuriki anyway, so the lack of a formal qualification wasn’t really an issue back then
...but basically everyone in the Avaloran wizarding community knew everyone else (or at least knew of everyone else) in the Avaloran wizarding community, so if a wizard was a known clown they’d be hard pressed to find anyone that took them seriously
magic was far more common in the days of Maru, but just as Shuriki wiped out most of Avalor’s magical history, the collapse of Maru lost a lot of knowledge, too. Early Avaloran wizards were as much archeologists as they were spellcasters, and were considered part of the academic community.
Basically this region has had two magical equivalents to the burning of Alexandria, they really just can’t win
On Magical Education:
standard education is required in Avalor up through lower secondary/middle school. at this point (15-ish years old), students could choose to go on to upper secondary for university prep, trade school, or an apprenticeship, and pre-Shuriki, wizardry was one of those apprenticeship options
Avalor City and Nueva Vista both had branches of a formal magic academy where students could attend after lower secondary, provided they could pass the admissions exam
These schools were considered stepping stones to an apprenticeship -- those that could cut it in class would, on graduation, be assigned to an established wizard that (if they were lucky) specialized in their preferred field of magic
5 years was the standard time spent at the academy, but it had been done in as few as 3 for students with an especially strong aptitude for magic
apprenticeship, then, typically lasted another 5-10 years depending again on the student’s aptitude and their teacher’s standards
(the schools were still pretty small and pretty new, with the NV branch being established by the RW before Alacazar, so they just didn’t have the resources available to do advanced magical training, hence why the apprenticeship was so much longer)
some aspiring wizards could skip the magic school entirely and go straight into an apprenticeship at 15. These students were typically either those who lived too far from the major cities to attend school there and needed a more local wizard, or those who had Connections ahead of time
in either case, it typically took about 8-15 years of magical education for someone to become a fully-fledged wizard
the aforementioned people with Connections (or aspiring young wizards that just got really lucky) would sometimes start studying with a wizard after their regular classes at an even younger age, but they wouldn’t be doing any of the “work” expected of actual apprentices, yet
it was uncommon for these informal apprentices to be as young as Olivia, but not unheard of.
(Alacazar and Fiero were 11 and 13 respectively when they began training with the previous Royal Wizard.)
like in other parts of the EverRealm, simple magical training eventually became part of primary school education for the upper-class
wizards weren’t required to specialize, but often did as a matter of practicality -- there’s such a wide range of things that fall under the umbrella of magic that no one person can actually become an expert at all of them (although this is hardly unique to Avalor)
(Mateo will later be remembered in the rest of the EverRealm as an abjuration specialist since that’s an area he’s particularly skilled at, but he doesn’t actually have the luxury of specializing and is really more of a magical jack-of-all-trades)
On the Royal Wizard:
there technically weren’t any specific age or experience requirements for the RW beyond “shows a high degree of skill in magic,” but the ruler would usually appoint someone that had at least A: finished all their aforementioned apprenticeships and B: came recommended by the previous RW (or the general wizarding community if the previous RW was unavailable)
the position was generally respected by the rest of the wizarding community -- the position came with a pretty decent amount of authority, and the RW usually knew what they were doing -- but was often coveted by more ambitious wizards as well -- the, uh. The position came with a pretty decent amount of authority, at least amongst other wizards.
(and access to more research material and funds and fancy room and board at the palace and rubbing elbows with nobles wasn’t anything to sneeze at, either.)
since the magic academies were publicly funded, their curriculum needed to be govt. approved. This responsibility usually got handed off to the RW.
other responsibilities included: providing magical assistance to the royal family and other government officials, being the representative of the Avaloran magical community to other kingdoms, advising the monarch on issues/policy related to magic, and serving as the head of staff to any other wizards/magical creatures in the Crown’s employ
there technically wasn’t a line of succession for the position, but if the Royal Wizard had an apprentice, they were considered the de facto “next in line” and were almost always appointed after them, provided they were of age and had finished their training when the previous RW died or retired
if the RW had multiple apprentices, the elder/more experienced of the two was considered the next in line
the fact that Raúl appointed Alacazar instead of Fiero was a pretty jarring break from tradition. Fiero was not the only one surprised by it. (god I could do an entire other headcanon dump just on the Alacazar & Fiero situation asldfjkasd)
On Wizard Politics (both interpersonal and like, actual laws and stuff):
being as broad as it was, magic was difficult to regulate, and a lot of what was considered taboo was more based on judgement from the rest of the wizarding community than from the law
That said, malvagoism was illegal, which was defined as either casting the malvago ritual or other banned spells, knowingly and willingly aiding a known malvago, or knowingly and willingly performing magic with a deliberate intent to cause harm (formal duels aside. more on that later).
not all ‘typical’ malvago spells (i.e. meyázami, boqato, etc.) were banned outright, but you’d get a lot of suspicious looks from other wizards if you used those instead of the equivalent canaza, vetzi, etc.
the actual restricted spells were blanket bans on mind-altering magic, necromancy (communing with the dead is A-OK, but trying to bring them back is not), and the creation of legal tender. (Hectoria either doesn’t have that last one or Bronzino is especially careless. Either one seems possible, honestly.)
as far as interpersonal politics go... as mentioned before, wizards were a pretty small and niche group -- they all knew each other and all that hot wizard gossip, and there were absolutely tensions amongst them
the ‘old magic’, the folks from established wizarding families, often took issue with the magic school system, ostensibly because of issues with them not teaching magic ‘the old ways’ but honestly because it made magic more accessible and reduced the exclusivity of their little club
meanwhile, ‘new magic’ folks that started with the schools and wouldn’t have been able to get into wizardry otherwise often found ‘the old ways’ stale and restrictive
(although there was also a divide amongst the New Kids bc of those who tried to conform to the established families’ perspectives on magic to try and be considered part of the in-group)
and then there were the folks who saw magic more as an expression of art and history than a tool and generally took issue with other wizards trying to use magic for clout, whether amongst each other or among regular folks...
basically, there was a lot of infighting. but like, academic infighting. elitist infighting. passive-aggressive peer reviews on each others’ magical theses and backhanded compliments of their potion-making techniques -type infighting.
they did have wizard duels to settle the worst disputes, and these could very much turn into “pistols at dawn” type situations. The crown eventually had to start placing regulations on these because of the amount of collateral wizards can cause (and also y’know maybe discourage wizards from turning each other inside-out whenever they disagreed on something)
these regulations included things like requiring duels to take place a certain distance from any populated area and requiring the victor to perform any cleanup and pay any damages to the city/bereaved family if applicable.
(Mateo’s tenure as Royal Wizard has him ((almost accidentally)) spearheading a massive cultural shift across the EverRealm regarding the whole “magical elitism” thing -- being exclusive in who he teaches magic never even occurs to him)
And regarding the second question... I figure there probably were folks that were born with magic! I was sorta under the impression in Sofia the First that sorcerers/wizards were trained spellcasters whereas witches were born with magic, so it seems reasonable that there was an equivalent in Avalor. Uh, keyword “was,” though. Somehow I doubt Shuriki would’ve let them carry on with their lives under her “no magic but mine” policy.
I imagine “inherent magicalness” was probably a genetic thing that could skip some generations or just randomly mutate on occasion, so I could see that coming back now that spellcasters aren’t being persecuted in Avalor anymore. Although, their culture was probably just about wiped out the same way learned spellcasting was (and I figure they must have had their own culture -- the witches in Enchancia have their own set of traditions apart from the rest of the magical community, so again, it stands to reason), so it will probably take quite a while to properly rebuild.
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turtle-go-brrrr · 3 years
General bayverse headcanons part 2
A very light sleeper
Anytime something happens in the lair, he knows
He knows so many of his son’s secrets but act as if he didn’t to protect their feelings
Like that one time he saw Leo flex in front of his mirror (he never did it again because ‘what if it was Raph or Mikey’)
Or that one time he went to ask Donnie a question and realized too late he was having some... alone time... and Donnie tried to play it off to save what was left of his dignity: “haha no I’m not doing anything, I’m fine, how can I help you?” but left a tab open
Let’s just say Splinter knows way more about his sons than he wish he did
He feels honored every time one of them, or hell, April or Casey, come to him for advice or just to vent
He’s jsut so happy to know they trust him
He loves watching movies with them
Doesn’t really understand pop culture but is thrilled when they take the time to explain it to him anyway
He keeps every single drawing Mikey ever made him, he has multiple boxes of them and he keeps his favorite in his room
It takes so much space, but they’re really important to him
Raph made him a really soft scarf that he wears every time they go to the surface (it reassures him)
He also has a sweater and a blanket, and he loves bragging about them: “Oh, this? Yes, my son made it for me :) Isn’t he talented :)”
He finds Donnie’s smarts both impressive and intimidating
Sometimes he’s scared he will never truly understand him or that he won’t have anything else to teach him
But then Donnie comes to him when he can’t sleep or had a nightmare, and he feels warm inside
He’s really scared for Leo
He has so much pressure on his shoulder and so many responsabilities, he’s terrified he will break someday
But Leo knows he can count on his family to support him if anything turns sour and is learning to open up (thanks to Splinter)
All in all, he’s the proudest dad there could be and definitely bragged and showed embarassing memories to April and Casey when they joined the mutants
His favorite animal is the canary
Mom Friend ™ 
She’s the one to bring them snacks or useless trinkets they might like
Leo thinks it’s stupid and they should hoard that kind of things
(he does anyway)
She’s also the one to bring medical supplies to the lair when they’re getting short on them
She knows many people because of her job, and comes so often to the pharmacy that the people who work her eknow her and know to not ask too many questions
She doesn’t care about the sight of blood but the smell makes her sick
She still follows Splinter’s instruction when doing stitches and she took a few first aid courses with Casey
She’s the one who takes care of the biggest bugs of the lair
She’s also the one they all go to when they have an embarrassing question to ask (the kind of stuff you’re too embarrassed to ask one of your parents, no matter how close you are)
Doesn’t really listen to anyone, really
Except maybe Splinter from time to time
But like, if she wants to investigate something messy or dangerous, she won’t let anyone stop her
She won’t run straight into danger, she’s not stupid, but she’s not gonna back off just because it might be dangerous
“Okay, April, I’m sorry but you’ll have to sit this one out, it’s way too dangerous for a hum-” “She’s already inside”
 She’s brave like that <3
The best at Just Dance
Even beat Raph from time to time
She has a terrible singing voice tho and loves to scream-sing just because she knows it drives Leo crazy
Sometimes will get picked up by one of the boys and just acts as if nothing hapened and keep talking about whatever the conversation was while being carried around everywhere
Speaks 3 other languages to varying degrees of fluentness: Spanish (fluent), French (still learning but she’s getting there), Arabic (beginner)
She knows insults in a lot of other languages tho (you know, just in case ;) )
The only one who doesn’t pull pranks on Casey (she takes pity on him and he gives her kisses when she takes his side so win-win)
Her favorite animal is the fox
Pray for him
He’s so fed up with their sibling nonsense
He’s always in the middle of their fights and he’s tired of this
But he’s even more tired of being the victim of their endless pranks (especially Raph and Mikey)
The payback is worth it tho
Surprisingly good with kids
Especially troubled kids (he used to be one, so he knows what to say to help them)
Also really found of small animals
Unlike Mikey who talks to them as equals, Casey baby talks and it’s both adorable and kind of silly
He’s well known in most of the rescue centers of the city because he always brings in stray animals here
Also volunteer in some of them from time to time
He’s really conflicted because of all of the horrible things othe cops do  and he often wants to quit because of that
But if he leaves, he knows no one will try to make a change
He believes he can make things right and tries his best to callout his collegues when they say or do fucked up things
Also completely understand all the hate against cops, and don’t hesitate to let everyone know it’s justified when his colleagues try to play the victim
Despite his anger issues he tries to keep a level head when on the job
He wants to be a good cop, but being a good person is even more important (and almost got him fired multiple times, the only thing keeping him from that being his connection to Chief Vincent)
This is why he’s also doing his vigilante stuff at night
He knows that sometimes, the law won’t protect the most vulnerable people
But that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t
Once accidentally cut himself on the left with a piece of glass
He broke a glass jar, cleaned it up but forgot one little piece, and later stepped on it
It didn’t cut his foot, but he felt something under it and tried to get it off by rubbing his foot against his leg
Hence the stupid cut
Most of his scars aren’t really from his numerous fights, they’re just stupid injuries like that
His favorite animal is the cheetah
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vannybarber · 4 years
Put Some Respect On My Name!
Summary: As a wife and a mother to the kids of this asshole, respect is the one thing you better be recieving from him...after some good 🍆 of course. That's number one right there.😏
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Ransom Drysdale x Black Reader
Words: 5.3k
Warnings: Pregnant¡Reader, swearing, insults, angst, mentions of cheating, SMUT, breeding kink, spanking, oral (female receiving), praise kink, unprotected sex, mentions of religion, threats of violence (nothing extreme).
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So here your are. Sitting on you and Ransom's shared California King bed looking at his friend, Derek's Instagram story, disappointed and angry. But mostly angry. Some nasty ass trick is sitting on your baby daddy's lap. Her loppy floppy tits out with a drink in hand and him drinking a Moscato, the one beverage he loved to order everytime he went out.
Last year for New Year's, you had to stop him from ordering more or else you were going to be cleaning him up after puking everywhere at midnight instead of getting a kiss to start off another year.
Your two year old daughter was in her playroom across the hall making a mess with her toys. Usually you'd be down there playing with her but your swollen stomach done prohibited you from doing a lot of things now. But it most definitely ain't stop you from getting what you want from Ransom every day and night. Nothing could ever stop you guys from getting yo freak on. Nothing.
Hugh Ransom Drysdale is most definitely an asshole and you're not gonna sit here and lie, acting like he completely changed when you guys came together. That boy still has his moments, but of course, it would be a chilly ass day in hell before you sit there and take his bullshit. He been learned that.
At this point ,you were thinking of ways to get on his ass about it when he comes home. Should you get the bat and wait at the door on some Beyonce shit ? Or put some bleach in his Fruit Loops like Cardi the next day ? Those sounded a lot better than what you decided to do. You were gonna wait till he got back home and calmly confront him on it, regardless of what your hormones wanted. 6 months pregnant and anger do not go together. You're WAAAAY more vulnerable and bound to do anything now. So you just watch your daughter brush her baby doll, hitting her on the head cause she won't sit still, rubbing your bump and wait for him to come home.
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You hear shuffling downstairs and keys hitting the bowl by the front door. His big head home now and you're beyond ready.
You check the time and it's 2:46 am. You been put your child to sleep hours ago. You were just watching Wild N' Out to pass the time, thinking of how you were gonna start off without making yourself even more mad. The baby nor you need any of that. You were internally praying he was gonna get his ass over here soon cause your ass knocked out for a little bit. You were sleepy as hell right now.
Hearing those expensive ass Chelsea boots hit the sleek stairs and up to the second floor, you woke the fuck up real quick. You stay quiet and watch him walk in your daughters room and check on her. You can see with the nightlight him smile and rub her brown cheek with the back of his forefinger, whispering inaudible words to her. Fuck him and his adorable ass.
He bends back up straight and walks out her room closing the door a little and make his way across the hall to your room. He sees you and your pregnant state in your white tube top and grey booty shorts. Simple yet the baddest bitch he's ever laid eyes on and ever will. He smiles while locking eyes with you and all you do is narrow yours back at him getting upset all over again, regardless of the sweet previous moment shared with your baby girl.
He gives you a 'what the hell ?' look and comes over to give you a kiss but you jerk your head back with the stank face and a 'boy move out my face' quietly leaving your mouth. Now he's REALLY confused.
"Mama, what's wrong with you?"
You look at him like he just asked you to get on your knees and bark like a dog.
"What's wrong with me? You really asking that?" raising your voice on the second question.
Technically, he has the right to ask, being that he doesn't know what you know. He probably doesn't even know that Derek was recording him and that broad. Nor does he know that you texted Derek to keep recording him so you know nothing escalates.
Call it what you want, but you know how your man is. He's immature and irresponsible as HELL. If something had popped off that really threatened y'all's relationship, you would've been in that bar with your child on your right hip, earphones in her ear and tablet in hand, cussing him and that girl out.
"You wanna tell me how your night went?" You tilt your head asking sweetly, with a drop of sarcasm. You truly are a petty ass piece of work. And you love it.
"Just get to the point Y/N. The fuck did I do this time ?" At this point he's now visibly annoyed. But you ain't care. This situation is on his part. Y'all could've had a nice night, fucking while Big City Greens playing in the background on the T.V. eventually waking your child up cause you loud as hell, but nooooo. That ain't happening now.
You grab your phone and open back up Instagram, Marta popping up on your feed with Harlan reading a book. You like it and search up Derek's @ then click his story. You flip through countless tabs until you see the man-child standing in front of you, on the screen. You motion him over to the bed.
"Come here, asswipe."
He rolls his eyes, but moves them feets anyway. You turn your phone to him and let the video play. You watched it about a thousand times so you know exactly when it ends. After it does you pull the phone back in your lap and give him a questioning look.
Sometimes it's hard to read his expressions and this was one. It was a mix of slight guilt and double the annoyance. He backs up and stands back at the end of the bed, arms crossed.
"Really? This why you're upset?"
You swear you almost slapped him. And this time you couldn't blame the hormones because it was gonna be ALL YOU. You take a deep breath and lean your back against the cushion headboard.
"I KNOW you did not just ask me that as if I ain't supposed to be bothered by the fact that my husband got some random woman on his lap while I'm at home with his daughter and his growing child."
You deadass don't believe him right now. He really pressing you as if he don't know how you get when you're angry, especially while pregnant.
"My feet hurt. I am TIRED. I can't even move for more than 5 minutes without getting sick and having to sit down. The you come at me with this bullshit" you continue. "What the hell is wrong with you ?"
He just deadpans you. And you stare at his ass right back. You not playing right now.
"Y/N, you never get upset when I go out with my buddies and get hammered." He's flapping his arms around raising his voice at every word.
"What is the big deal now? It's fucking late and you're doing all this right now. What the hell?"
You gather the strength and get out the bed to close the bedroom door cause you about to go AWF.
Getting back on the bed fully sitting up and supporting your own weight, you tie your butterfly braids up in ponytail.
"Listen, you raggedy shitball,"
It's about to go down. You adjust yourself, ready to release the wrath.
"I don't give a damn how late it is. You know better than to go out and let some bitch get close up on you like that. Were you even thinking about me or your kids while she was on you? The fuck was going through your mind? Oh wait, I forgot. You don't fucking think. You have to actually have a damn brain."
"Raggedy shitball? Real mature, babe. Real fucking mature." He says rolling his eyes, finally getting his shoes off and putting them under the chair were his scarf and coat are draped over.
You continue with your rant.
"Ironic for you to comment on maturity, Hugh."
Yep, that's right. You said it. You called him by his ugly ass first name. Linda and Richard must've been out they damn mind naming him that shit. He whipped his head around, any sense of expression just completely wiping from his face. Perfect. Just the reaction you wanted.
"Don't call me that." He stated, pure disgust in his words. To be honest, you don't even blame him. But like stated before, you petty as hell.
"Hugh, Hugh, Hugh. Your name is fucking Hugh" you say in a sing songy voice. Damn, it feels good to be a gangsta.
"You don't get to tell me what to do right now. And back to what I said before. Why you let that girl in your lap like that ?"
"It was completely harmless. We were just having fun. Like you said before, you aren't a jealous person. Stuff like that shouldn't even be affecting you like this." He gets on the bed beside you and your face tore back up again. He's really getting in this fucking bed beside you like nothing.
But he was right though. You aren't a jealous person. A girl can come up to him at a party and flirt right in your face, but you'd never be bothered. Cause at the end of the day, her ass is getting rejected and he's gonna be inside you later the same night. He's yours and you're his. Simple.
"Ransom, just because I'm not a jealous person doesn't mean I'm gonna keep my mouth if our relationship is threatened." This man is actually delusional.
"You never entertain other girls when I'm around and here you are with a girl on your lap and I'm not there to say or do nothing. And you know your shitty friends will just encourage it. "
At this point, you started to get really insecure. Maybe it's the hormones, maybe it's just your logic. But your mind started racing like NASCAR. What really happens when he's out and you're at home? He wouldn't put your marriage and family at risk over a bitch...right? He hasn't cheated on you, has he? These thoughts really weren't good for your right now.
But he must've read your expressions. You were zoned out and he knows you're an over thinker so he had to stop you real quick. He puts his large left hand over your thigh, rubbing it and his right around your ass, leaning his head against your arm, trying to get you to chill. It almost worked, him knowing you liked your thighs rubbed, especially in your state.
But you caught that shit right away. You moved out of his hold and turn your body completely towards him. And then you ask him.
"Have you ever cheated on me?"
He freezes, you swear for at least 2.4 milliseconds and whips his head around to look at you. You turn your head away, somewhat regretting you even asked. You know this fucker loved you and your family with everything. He even said in his vows he would give his all into you. And you believed him. But fuck that right now. You need to know.
"Are you GODDAMN serious right now?!"
Okay, you paused for two things; he used God's name in vain, which you HATED, due to you growing up religious. Even though you don't practice it very often, it still bothered you. And two, he yelled, completely disregarding the fact that your kid is across the hall sleeping.
You snap your head around, braids hitting your face with super saiyan speed and kick him in his hip.
"What the shit, Y/N?"
"First of all, you know how I feel about that fucking word. STOP USING IT. And two, your daughter is sleeping so you need to keep your damn voice down!"
He's rubbing his side with a distorted look, but you could care less. You were fed up. This imbecile wasn't showing you any respect and your weren't gonna wait for him to get it right.
"How the hell would you feel if I went out, sat on some random dude's lap and entertained him while you were at home with our kid? Matter a fact, I'll do one even better. How about while I'm PREGNANT with YOUR baby, that YOU put in me, I sit on him and letting him rub my belly?"
Ransom has a big ass breeding kink. When you told him you were pregnant he was ecstatic. The though of him knocking you up, his seed growing inside of you just gave him pure ecstacy. And don't even get started on when your bump started to form. He was fucking every chance he got. He was in a theme park and you were his favorite ride.
You know you were playing with fire, but that shit felt AMAZING. He was really feeling how you were feeling right now. Them veins were popping out his neck and his face was slightly turning red. Baby boy was LIVID.
"Y/N, cut that shit out. I'm not doing this with your ass tonight." He looked at you with these eyes you've only seen when his family pissed him off at those gatherings he dragged both of you to. Before you had your first child of course. You went to them less after your daughter's birth because he didn't want her around his shitty family. You completely understood.
"Nah, baby boy. Since you want to be so inconsiderate and a triple asshole tonight, you can lay here by yourself and bathe in it." You got your big ass out the bed after minutes of struggling. Grabbing your black Betty Boop pillow with her cute afro, your charger, phone and your Hot Cheetos out the night stand and slipped on your slides, you waddle across the room, heading into the guest bedroom.
You refuse to sleep in the same bed as him, especially since he refuses to admit he's in the wrong. If you stay in there, you're just going to get even more frustrated and you don't want to harm your baby.
"Y/N, baby. What are you doing? Come back in here" he called you from the bedroom.
You shut the door and lock it. You'll be damned if you're gonna come running back cause he aSkEd you to. You settle in the bed, plug your phone up, grab your chips and turn When They See Us on the T.V.
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Ransom just lays back on the bed in defeat. He didn't even make an effort to get you back in the room because you're stubborn as a mule. But he takes this time to go over what just happened.
He truly didn't think you would make a big deal. Like you said before, you're not a jealous person, so he didn't think he'd have to worry. Boy, was he all the way wrong. And you did have a point about you entertaining another man. That had his blood boiling. He gets at most irritated when you come with him to events, like the Oakley Country Club in Watertown and you're everyone's distraction.
It was your first appearance with him there and you being a sight to see, had all eyes on you and your body. Hell, even the women were checking you out, no envy or jealousy in sight. He knew then, he was gonna keep you close. You don't remember ever leaving his side that evening. He even volunteered to go into the bathroom with you. He didn't want to take a chance with the females either.
But in all seriousness, he couldn't bear the thought of you with another man. Especially now that you're married and have two kids together. But he really couldn't believe that you'd even suggest that he had been unfaithful to you. Your reasons were plausible, yes, but he was honestly...hurt. He knows what kind of guy he is comes off as, but he'd never intentionally ruin what you guys have built. You were the only one he truly let close.
He knew what he had to do, even though he dreaded it. He had to go apologize. He hates when you're upset with him. Absolutely hates it. Plus you were looking sexy as hell tonight and he need some of that round brown ASAP, no rocky.
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Ransom got up and opened the door, making his way down the hall to the guest bedroom, but not before checking his baby's room. She was still fast asleep, little snores leaving her body. Exiting her room, he knew your door would be locked but tried to open it anyway. When it didn't budge, he knocked a couple of times. But you was knocked out.
Then he remembered. Lifting his hand to the top of the door frame, he searched for the thin key that unlocked the bedroom doors. Once he felt it, he grabbed it and inserted it in the door knob. Click. He pushed the door open and looked around to see the T.V. screen on, but paused, and you lying on your side with the Cheeto bag still open like a damn fool.
He shut the door quietly and made his way around the bed. He closed the loud ass bag, which caused you to stir and reposition your legs. He set the bag on the nightstand and crawled into the bed with you. He stared at you for a moment. Looking at your full lips and your wide nose.
Your afrocentric features were always so mesmerizing to him because they were different from all the other women. They were unique and he understood why you took so much pride in them. You had the damn right, especially looking that good. You were never afraid to embrace them. No person of color should ever be afraid to. Ever.
After what felt like an hour of weird ass staring, Ransom started to shake your arm, trying to wake you. You're a heavy ass sleeper, so it took him a while. You opened your eyes, squinting trying to figure what the fuck just woke your ass up. Feeling a dip in the bed and a presence next to you, Ransom comes into sight.
Even though this man is finer than a MOTHERFUCKER, you still turned your nose up when you looked at him. Your ass was still mad and it was ridiculous. Understandable, but ridiculous as hell. You could only imagine what he wanted now. You roll your eyes.
"Listen, I know you're still pissed at me and whatever, but I just came in here to.... apologize."
He averted his gaze to the T.V. You know how difficult it is for your baby to apologize for anything because even though he clearly in the wrong, he will never ever accept it nor admit it. And damn sure never apologize.
"I realize how you felt when you saw that video", he continued. "I would be even more pissed if you were the one in someone else's lap and I couldn't kick their ass as soon as I saw it."
You chuckled a little bit because it's true. He would be angry as shit. Although, you'd never be in that position because you love and respect him too much. But you let him finish before you spoke.
"With that being said, I'm sorry for my actions. Believe it or not, I'm still getting adjusted to being a husband and a father. I'm still struggling to give up my old habits and the shit I'm so used to doing. It's not easy, baby."
You grab is strong jaw and make him face you. He hasn't made eye contact with you this entire time. You almost felt bad, but he needed to understand. Understand where you were coming from and understand how it made you feel.
"Ransom, I'm not asking you to completely change who you are. I just want to know that you're in this for good. Because you can't turn back now. We've come too damn far. And I'll be damned if you decide to give up your responsibilities. Your ass gon' be grass."
He smiled a teeny bit, because what can you say? You're a natural born comedian. You can turn any situation in to some funny ass shit. But you get back to your point.
"I want you to be able to go out and have fun, but also come back and be a husband and a father. I value my independence just as much as you, so I get it. Just remember what you have. Don't fuck it up for some pussy, alright? That's all I'm saying."
You look him in his sea blue eyes. Damn, them thangs are hypnotic as hell. But you search for something that tells you he understands. That's all you fucking want. Him to understand. But you definitely got your answer.
Just as you were about to ask him, he shoots his face towards you and attacks your mouth like a damn wild ass pig. You were thrown all the way off, but you checked back into reality and kissed him back. You guys had this amazing ass way of getting in sync when you kissed. No matter who initiates it, you flow amazingly.
After a few mintues of saliva attack, you pull away tryna breathe cause he was about to take all your fucking oxygen. He laughs at the look on your face. You end up cracking up too. You can't help it. And he knows it.
"I completely understand, mama. I've definitely taken this into consideration. I learned my lesson." He smiles down at you. Internally you're proud as fuck because it's like you raised a bad ass kid into a well behaved one. The power your ass holds is amazing.
Then you look at the door trying to figure out how the hell he got in the room. "The key." You nod in realization. He rubs your thigh again, and this time, you don't stop him. Instead he stops himself. You look at him confused as fuck.
"But I'm gonna let you sleep in here, since you seem to be so cozy." He was messing with you. Fuck him. He gets up off the bed and head towards the door, but not before looking back to catch your reaction. You had a 'get your ass back over here' look on your face. But he just smirked. That signature smirk.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" He really out here testing you right now. The balls on this motherfucker...
"Ransom, get your ass over here and give me what I want." You look down at his crotch, imagining him without his wool Reiss pants. He follows your eyes, still holding that smirk, but not forgetting to widen it. You lusting after his fLeSh turned him on bad. And it felt so good.
You already know you're to hard to resist. Everyone loves chocolate. Even Ransom's lactose intolerant ass.
You start to rub your belly, purposely drawing his attention, really making him turned on for you. You can feel that that tropical rain storm in your Fenty underwear.
And that boy was ready to start swimming. He expediTiously got back on the bed and in between your legs. You give him that look and that's all he needed. Connecting your lips to his and moving them in perfect sync like always, he starts rubbing up and down the side of your full belly.
"So fucking perfect and all of it's for me."
You pause.
"And who said all of this was for you, Mr. Drysdale?"
Not amused by your comment, he slaps your ass louder than a bitch and you shut your ass up real quick. Not before letting out a little giggle though.
He lifts your heavy ass and pulls the tube top over your head, letting your swole breasteses fall into position. Your areolas widened since having your daughter and Ransom LIVED for it. You were definitely enjoying them massages and those lips treatments he gave you when they were sore, just like now.
He starts kneading the left breast and continues to make out with your face like an animal. His left arm is holding your ass up. He eventually lays you back down, knowing damn well his ass is tired of holding you. You ain't blaming him either.
He hooks his lips on the nipple of the same breast, twirling his deadly tongue all around it. You moan with your head thrown back cause it feels good as hell. He lets go and replaces his mouth with his hands and twirls the nipple with his mouth on the other.
All you could do was mumble cuss words and grab his hair. He was really fucking you up and the real fucking didn't even start yet.
Trailing kisses all the way down your beautiful bump, down all the stretch marks till he reaches your shorts. He wasted no time getting them off and disposing them on the clean floor. Whatever he throw on the floor HE'S picking that shit up, not you. You'll make sure of that.
He looks directly at your covered pussy with excitement in his eyes. More excited than you were, if that's even possible. He takes his thick index finger and rubs you through your panties, completely soaking them. You just watch him, lust dialating your pupils.
He yanks them off, almost taking you off the damn bed at the same time, so you had to re-adjust yourself. He spreads your legs on their sides of his wide shoulders and licks from your core to the hood that covered your clit. You jerked a little cause you were in your second trimester, the horny trimester. You were 🌃 sensitive 🌃.
Then his annoying ass starts lapping in circles in super saiyan speed. You cry out and grab your left breast, squeezing and rubbing it. He stretches his left hand out and takes the right one, doing the same thing. Your back was continuously arching. You know your baby was fed up.
After a couple of more laps, your body finally can't take anymore and you cum all over his mouth. He has the audacity to keep going, even when your clit is hypersensitive, making you literally whimper, so you have to slap his head to get him to stop.
He pulls away with that stupid famous smirk.
"All that shit you're always talking, but you couldn't take a little sensitivity?" He teases you. But that's alright, cause you gon' remember that next time you're on your knees for him. When he comes, you not taking your mouth off him until you feel like it.
"Just fuck me already before I change my mind." You don't know why you even said that shit. He can tease you all you want. You'll never not have your legs or mouth open, ready for him to stick his dick wherever he feels.
He just chuckles, cause he knows that too.
Taking your body, he flips you on your left side and settles behind you, dick right against your ass. Its one of your favorite positions because he could hit your sweet spot perfectly this way. And he could rub your bump at the same time. Beneficial for the both of your greedy asses.
He was taking way to long so you grab his dick and line it up with your pussy and push the tip in slowly, playing with your own arousal. Ransom just watched. He loved seeing you desperate for his stupid ass, but you gave zero fucks at the moment.
Finally you slip his huge ass girth inside you and you moan out loud as hell. You really just be turned on by anything at this point. He then takes back the lead and pushes further till he bottoms out inside you. He's heavily breathing his hot ass breath on your neck like a weirdo, but fuck it.
Once both of you are adjusted, he starts moving in and out of you. The position made your walls hella tighter and he was already hitting your spot. His tight arm is wrapped around your stomach now. You constantly moan his name and he's just encouraging it.
"Ransom, fuck, baby just like that"
"You love when I fuck you like this, don't you pretty girl?"
You hated when he called you "pretty girl, sweet girl, or good girl" because you become a straight whore for him right away. He's such an asshole.
"Yes, Daddy- please don't stop"
"Tell me how bad you want it baby"
There he go with these fucking games. Always wanting to hear you beg.
"I want it so bad, Daddy ! pleASe give it to mE"
Happy Ransom?
He starts to pick up the pace and you feel the pleasure in your toes. It just travel from there all around your body and you can't say anything but "don't stop" and moan uncontrollably.
You start getting close and he can tell by the way you pick up the moans. So he starts going faster. But never forgetting to add a little nasty dialogue.
"I can feel you ready to come sweet girl. Keep clenching around me baby" That shit just made you even more whore-knee. If you weren't already pregnant, he was definitely gonna put a baby in you that night.
"Baby I'm close- fill me up Ransom please "
You're begging for this man to cum inside you, but he always wanna play a damn game.
"Hmmm do you truly deserve to cum baby? I don't know if you do.."
You wanted to hit him so bad, but he wouldn't let you come if you did. So you go along with it.
"Yes Daddy I'll do anything- Please just let me cum !" You screamed.
At this point you were loud as 🌃fuck🌃 .
After more begging he finally let you come.
"Oh shit Ransom- FUCK" You come all over his dick and shortly after, he came right behind you. Filling you up just like you wanted. He slumped against your back and you lowered your shaky leg.
"You always take me so well baby girl." He starts kissing your neck. You could literally hear that loppy ass smile he has on his face everytime y'all get done. But you get all tingly inside because you love when he praises you. Makes you feel proud of yourself.
"Well there's not much to take so...it's whatever." What are you without a teasing remark after every other sentence? But he always has a clapback.
"Its funny you say that because the other day you were practically in tears because my dick was "too much for one woman to take" and that I was practically torturing you." At this point you're turned over facing him grinning like a Cheshire cat and him smiling right back at you.
"Oh shut the fuck up, with your annoying ass." You snap back at him playfully, rolling your eyes.
"You love me, my chocolate bunny." He let's out an audible yelp when you kick him in his leg. You hate when he calls you that. "Cut it out Ransom, or you're not touching me for a week."
There you go again saying the dumb shit. You both know that YOU could never go through with that.
"Fine by me", he states unphased. Cause he knows you could never.
You roll your eyes for the 50thousanth time.
"You're lucky I love your ass."
"I love you too pretty girl" he winks.
Just as you were about to get up, you hear something jiggle the doorknob and someone huffing and puffing outside the door. That little girl over here jumping up and down tryna to open the damn door. You're literally hollering at her struggle. Truly sick in the fucking head.
"Mama! Where Papa ?" Ransom grins as he throws you his blue sweater so you can cover up and gets up to let your baby girl in.
You truly cannot stand this guy.
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This all came to me so fast 😭 I hope y'all like it lmaoo
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fnf-amateur-writing · 3 years
Hello! Can I request a scenario where l Updike with an s/o who got kidnapped and now he has to go save them- if u feel uncomfortable with that you can just do general relationship headcanons for him!
Hey there, Anon. I'm cool with your prompt, no worries!
TW: Kidnapping and violence.
Updike finding out S/O was kidnapped
Everything was rather dull at work. Sure, dealing with anomalies can be cool, but it wears on Updike after a while. Everyday was starting to become nothing more than paperwork, keeping tabs on the freely roaming safer anomalies, and trying and failing to kill Whitmore. Fortunately, his lunch break finally started after a long and boring morning.
Once he readjusted his tie and tucked away his trusty gun in his pocket, he went on a near daily walk to a local cafe. To be honest, it wasn't all that boring, since he now got to be with you during his lunch breaks. About a month ago, you two found out that you took your breaks at the same time. The cafe was also conveniently in between your workplaces, allowing you to walk an equal distance.
Without any incidents or that pestering metal head, Updike made his last turn, with the cafe now being just two buildings down. Strangely, the police were also two buildings down, talking to an employee that Updike recognised in front of the prematurely closed cafe. Avoiding involvement, Updike quickly turned around, waiting until he out of sight of them before checking his phone. You were always there first, so you probably texted him a heads up, but his phone showed no new messages.
It was pretty annoying, but no big deal. He'll just go somewhere else, and maybe you'll be there too if he's lucky.
The phone next to him rings, whilst Updike sat alone in his office, showing the front desk receptionist's name. That was rather unusual; that number almost never calls him directly, so it was probably important enough to be an exception. "Updike speaking," he spoke in his monotone voice, which was in a tone that easily showed how he says that a dozen times a day.
"Mr. Updike, the police are requesting your presence outside."
Okay, now that was very unusual. Not that the police are here, they show up all the time whenever a case involves an anomaly. But for them to make him go outside, when they usually go up to see him or a collegue, was odd. And he had a clean record too, so it's not like they were going to arrest him.
"I'll be right there," he said. He felt somewhat stressed from the sudden request, so he went a faster pace to the lift--to which he almost pressed the wrong button. He and a cop quickly made eye contact the moment the lift opened, and he followed the man as he beckoned him outside.
"Now, I know you're busy, so I'll get right to the point," the officer says, pulling a phone from his pocket. "Do you recognise this phone and the owner of it?" Updike wish he could say no, but he couldn't; it was clearly your phone, except it now has a large crack on the screen. "Yes, it belongs to my partner. Their name is (Y/N) (L/N)." As clear as he made those sentences, his throat was sore from the dread.
"Sir, are you aware that they've been kidnapped."
... No.
Looking back at it, he wasn't sure how he kept calm the whole time as the police explained what had happened. Some man had taken you right in front of the cafe. It happened so quickly, that the witnesses didn't seem to notice anything wrong until it was too late. They contacted him when told by employees that he always sat at the same table as you.
As he rushed home, he didn't quite know what he felt. It was a mixture of sadness, anger, stress, and whatever the hell else that couldn't be named that made his hair grey. But he wasn't going home just to wait in misery until the police did something; he was going to look for some clues, as recommended by the authorities. He wasn't aware of any troubles you may have wih your family and friends, but he was informed that most kidnappings are done by people the victim knows, so he had to snoop around your stuff to see if he could find anything to report.
However, he almost slammed himself into his own front door when something else caught his attention: a plain white envelope taped to the door. There was no markings or writing on the outside, Updike noted as he took it for inspection, but he could tell it had a letter in it. Surely, it couldn't be a coincidence this showed up the same day you were taken.
As he went inside, closing the door behind him, he didn't take another step away from the door before tearing the letter open. Within the envelope was a typed letter, which had a clear message despite never mentioning you or Updike by name. Also made clear was that this was nobody you knew, nor was it an anomaly trying to spite him, but rather a particularly greedy criminal who took notice of who you were with.
The letter demanded an absurd amount of cash to be hand delivered, an amount that clearly overestimated even his own wealth. And if he brought anyone with him or brought a weapon, then you would be shot on the spot. Finally, he had until midnight to do so, too, adding onto the stress.
The stress started to become a bit much as his hair grew darker. He had no way of knowing whether the bastard was bluffing, but it wasn't worth trying to find out. But still, there didn't seem to be a good way out anyways. It felt like he was about to snap, feeling some sparks from his head and... a spark of an idea.
He went up a flight of stairs to a closet within the hallway. There wasn't anything remarkable about it's contents, but he took interest on one side, where some suitcases of his were stored. Only one of these was useful right now: a sleek metal suitcase he can't remember even using, but he remembered it being there. After grabbing the case, he ran back downstairs while neglecting to close the closet door.
Now, he wasn't going to place any money in it. No, nothing would be in it. But he had an idea, because maybe the guy didn't quite know who they decided to mess with.
Updike parked his car on the side of the road, getting out in the abandoned yet familiar area. It was a small part of the outskirts of the city that eventually lost it's population and was left to rot, which amazed him that it hasn't been torn down yet. The only people who regularly come here are the homeless and obnoxious teenagers with cameras who pretend that one of the buildings are haunted for internet clout. However, he does remember coming here too a long time ago to hunt down Whitmore a couple times.
The meeting place was a short walk away, having used to be a local library. The evening sky was getting darker by the minute, and the sun was near set behind Updike as he looked into the old library. As dark as it was, a light was barely visible from the entrance, partially blocked by empty bookshelves. With the case in hand, he walked through the shattered glass double doors and in between two of the shelves.
"I'm here."
The light across the library shifted and footsteps approached. The man looked as dodgy as he expected, except with a bit of a 1950's greaser look to him, and the gun the man held never pointed to anything but Updike. He placed the lantern onto the shelve and approached, saying "hand it over." Definitely not a negotiating type.
Time passed too slow, yet also too fast. Though he normally used his head, Updike had to channel what was within him elsewhere or else the man would shoot him seeing the thunder from his head. Hard, sure, but dong it for you was a pretty good motivator.
In three, two...
As soon as both hands were on the case's handle, Updike managed to give a hard zap through his hand. The case's material made it guaranteed it would shock him, and shock him very badly. He shouted at the sensation comparable to that of a taser, unable to pull the trigger before collapsing. Updike wasn't sure if he was conscious, but it didn't matter since he was already slamming the case into his face. Giving a man a free nose bleed such as this one was usually seen as too barbaric for Updike's taste, but damn it was satisfying.
He took the man's gun and briefly searched his pockets for anything else he might use as a weapon. He pocketed the lighter for the box of cigarettes he carried, since he might wake up and pull a fast one by burning the place down. And then there was a key, and not a usual key one would think of. In fact, Updike knew from the shape that it was meant to unlock a pair of handcuffs. It may be best if he took that as well.
"(Y/N)!" he called out, "are you there?" He made his way to the back, peeking into some rooms as he passed. He heard some sounds coming from nearby, causing him to peek through the old bathroom door. There you were, gagged with a cloth and both hands cuffed to a pipe beneath a sink. You were trying to say something, so he quickly worked the cloth off your mouth and let it fall under your chin. Upon closer inspection he now saw how disheveled you looked and that one of your eyes was black and swollen.
"G-GABRIEL!" you finally managed to scream before coughing from finally having your mouth to breathe through. "I thought you- I thought..." He hushed you before using the key he found on your cuffs, allowing you give him a much needed embrace. "Shhh, it's okay," he said as you cried, "I've dealt with him."
"Now," he picks you off the ground and carries you away from the dreaded building, "let's go. I have an interesting story for the cops."
Now for a surprise bonus ;)
Aftermath headcanons:
Unsurprisingly, you both took off work for a while.
Regardless of how well you can handle trauma, Updike WILL take you to a therapist. He's already got one booked, so you don't have a choice really.
For the first time in the relationship, Updike has been the one to initiate cuddles. He's also just as paranoid as you are, and has become somewhat clingy as a result.
When it was nearing the day you two would return to work, you discussed plans on preventing another incident. Though it may seem a bit far, you agreed on wearing a small tracking device clipped to your clothes until the fear wore off.
The forced therapy sessions did come with benefits for the future. When you eventually had to testify against your kidnapper in court, you felt more confident in your words and managed to tell them everything without a breakdown.
The man didn't stand a chance and earned himself several years in prison.
Finally, once you felt everything was behind you, you walked together to the cafe again. It was a nice cafe and it would be a shame if they stopped visiting.
Some of the regulars and employees recognised you two, and welcomed you back. And as you two sat in your usual spots with drinks on the house, you could finally say it was a pretty nice day with nothing to worry about.
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JJK; Itadori/Fushiguro, ABO, mention of Sukuna
“I’ll be going into heat tomorrow, so you and Nobara will be drilling by yourself.”
“Huh?” Yuuji’s eyes got big, well, bigger, “You’ll be, what?”
Megumi’s chin lifted slightly, his mouth almost pursing, “Heat.  Tomorrow.”
Yuuji blinked rapidly and leaned against the doorway in thought, “Oh, I guess, it must be that people from the big city just randomly blurt those kinds of things out, huh?”
Megumi sighed, “No, but as my colleague you need to know about that kind of stuff.”
“Okay, well,” Yuuji floundered, “Have a good heat, I guess?  Don’t overdo it?”
Megumi sighed again, “I’m leaving.”
“Drink lots of water?” Yuuji shouted down the hallway at him.
“So,” Yuuji drew out, fiddling with the tab on his drink, “Did you, how did your heat go?  Everything…working good?”
“Not appropriate.”
“It’s tomorrow.”
“Didn’t you just have one? How often do you—”
“So, I feel like I’ve been stepping on a lot of landmines concerning your…you know, your biology.”
“We don’t need to talk about this.”
“But, we do, because I keep asking things that aren’t okay, and certain people keep telling me things that even I know are outdated.”
“What people?” Megumi raised his eyebrow.
Yuuji rolled his eyes, “I used the term ‘people’ extremely loosely.”
Yuuji grimaced, “Yeah.”
“Sukuna has…opinions on my heat?”
“You could call them that, let’s just say it used to be a very forward invitation when an omega told you their heat was coming.”
“It can be, yeah,” Megumi conceded, fixing Yuuji with a hard stare, “But, mine was purely a courtesy. Most sorcerers disclose this information to their partners when they work together.”
“Yeah!” Yuuji’s voice almost broke on the word as it forced itself out of his mouth, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know that!  I know that, it’s just, he’s kinda hard to shut up, you know?”
Megumi shrugged, “Just keep your Sukuna-to-mouth filter up and we won’t have a problem.”
“It’s kinda hard when the guy can literally make a mouth appear on my face.”
“Try harder.”
“Got it,” Yuuji flashed a thumbs up, “I can totally do that!”
Yuuji was left standing by the vending machines, wide eyed with cold coffee dripping down his head onto his uniform.
Nobara peeked her head around the corner and burst out laughing, “Haha!  Your hair turned brown!  Brown as shit, shit-for-brains!”
“I don’t get it!”
“You have shit,” She raised her eyebrow, leaning closer to him, “For brains.”
“No, I mean,” Yuuji raised his arms, “What did I say?”
“Hell if I know, I only came because I saw Fushiguro storm off the field.  Must have been bad though, ‘cause he looked pissed, and he dumped his coffee all over you.  Unless, you did that to yourself for some reason,” Nobara took her phone out and snapped a quick picture.  Then took another one.
“Shut up, I’m going to show this to Maki-senpai, she’s going to laugh so hard.  Can you make that stupid face again?  Yep, that one.”
“Yuuji, is Sukuna listening to everything that happens around you?”
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure. Sometimes I think he can see things that I—”
“Good, I’m going to tell him something, so listen up,” Megumi turned, kneeling completely on the bed so he was looking down at the other boy. Looking down at Sukuna.
“Anything that I tell Yuuji about my heat is not meant for you, it has nothing to do with you, you will not comment on it, you will not ask questions about it, you will not tell Yuuji to ask questions about it.  I’m never going to ask you to share my heat with me.  And when the day comes that I ask Yuuji to share my heat, that will have nothing to do with you either.”
“‘When’?” Yuuji gasped out, his voice barely a wheeze.
Fushiguro ignored him.
“This will be the last time I will address this issue.”
“Hey, wait, how—I mean, I’m gonna circle back around to the ‘when’ part later, but—how do you know Sukuna is gonna listen to you?”
“Unfortunately, one of his goals runs parallel to mine.  It’s annoying, but unavoidable.”
“What is it?  And what did you mean by ‘when’?”
“When is when.”
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miracleonice87 · 4 years
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a Mathew Barzal one shot
a/n: and here it is! the recent news-inspired secret baby fic. Huge thanks to all who reached out and encouraged me to write it and to those who gave me ideas and advice. completely fictitious timeline and hockey-related events here, and we’re pretending the pandemic is not a thing in this one.
summary: Mat Barzal and his longtime girlfriend welcome their first baby after keeping her pregnancy well-hidden from the public eye.
warnings: morning sickness and childbirth (nothing graphic or detailed). dad Barzy, which deserves a warning. swearing. super fluff.
Never in your life did you imagine that you would be attempting to conceal your first pregnancy — or any pregnancy — from members of the media.
Then again, you never could have predicted that you would end up being the long-term girlfriend of one of the most recognizable figures in the National Hockey League, and, more specifically, on the New York City sports scene. But if there’s one thing you had learned over the course of your more than four-year relationship, it was that life is full of the unexpected.
Currently, that aforementioned figure was whipping his car as quickly as possible into a private parking area at New York Presbyterian, glancing at you every ten seconds as you breathed through the early stages of labor with your firstborn baby, your water having broken just as you and Mat were settling in for sleep around midnight.
Only a small, select group of people knew that you and Mat were expecting, and as you checked in to the maternity ward just before one o’clock in the morning, you were grateful that there were very few people around you. You were hurried to your private room, Mat faithfully carrying your bags and nearly stepping on the heels of the poor nurse pushing your wheelchair, refusing to let you out of his sight for even a second.
Only once you were settled into bed, changed into a most unflattering hospital gown, hooked up to several monitors, and examined, did you allow yourself to look up at Mat and announce your practically inevitable victory.
“As long as that nurse doesn’t moonlight as a reporter, I think we did it,” you ventured with an incredulous chuckle. Mat shook his head in disbelief as he stood next to your bed, holding one of your hands in both of his.
“Don’t wanna speak too soon, but yeah, I think we did,” he agreed. “I can’t believe we managed to keep this a secret.”
Six weeks
It certainly wasn’t the first time you’d ever had your head hanging above a toilet bowl on New Year’s Day.
But it sure as hell was the first time it had ever happened when you had no hangover to speak of.
In fact, you’d only had two sips of champagne the previous night before you felt weirdly dizzy and passed out in bed watching the Isles battle the Bruins.
The next thing you knew, you were being gently roused from deep sleep by your boyfriend, whose brow was creased with concern as he leaned over you.
“Sweetheart?” Mat spoke softly when you finally opened your eyes, his fingers smoothing your hair against your heavy head. “You okay?”
You inhaled deeply, feeling completely off. “Yeah... yeah,” you insisted softly. “What time is it?” you asked, discombobulated.
“It’s almost midnight,” Mat answered. “How long have you been sleeping?”
You slowly pushed yourself up on your elbows in bed. “Uh... I don’t know,” you admitted. “I watched the first period... I think.”
That wasn’t like you, and Mat knew it. A lifelong hockey fan, you kept close tabs on not only Mat and the Islanders, but the scores from around the entire league each night. Coming from a hockey-loving family, watching highlights on NHL Network was your late night routine. On top of that, you looked flushed to him, and dark circles hung around your eyes, a rarity for you except when you were ill.
“Baby... are you sick?” Mat shrugged off his suit jacket, tossing it on the end of the bed and quickly taking a seat next to you on the edge of the mattress. He put the back of his hand to your forehead and studied you carefully. “You don’t feel fevered.”
“I don’t know. Maybe it’s just a cold,” you replied, remembering the strange feeling that had overcome you when you sipped your champagne earlier. “I do feel kinda dizzy... nauseous.”
Mat nodded, eyes still full of worry. “Maybe you’re getting the flu,” he suggested. “That’s been going around lately.” You nodded too, yawning.
“Well, listen,” Mat continued, motioning for you to lie back as he pulled the covers over you again. “Go back to sleep, and tomorrow if you still aren’t feeling well, I’ll run to the pharmacy and get you some medicine and stuff. Okay?”
You nodded again, overcome once more by exhaustion as you settled back into your bed. “Okay,” you whispered. “Thanks, babe. Hey, did you win?”
Mat smiled. “Yeah, baby, we won. Now get some rest. I love you, sweet girl,” he said, pressing a warm kiss to your temple.
“I love you, Maty,” you breathed. “Happy New Year.”
“Happy New Year, my love,” he whispered, his thumb tracing your bottom lip slowly as you immediately drifted back to sleep.
And now here you were, seven hours later, heaving into the toilet as Mat dropped to his knees behind you on the tile, gathering your long hair into his hands as quickly as possible.
“Oh, honey,” he groaned, rubbing your back. “You poor thing.”
After flushing the toilet several times to get rid of the contents, you finally sat upright, cautiously, slowly.
“God, I feel like shit,” you whispered, pressing a hand to your forehead as Mat ran his hands back and forth down your legs, trying to soothe you.
“I can tell,” he said sadly, standing. You looked up at him helplessly as he said, “I’m gonna go get you flu meds from the pharmacy. Let me just get dressed.”
You nodded once, feeling too lightheaded to move your head any more than that. You didn’t budge from your place on the floor as Mat took his robe from the hook on the door and wrapped it around your shoulders, kissing the crown of your head before exiting the bathroom. You heard him shuffling around in his drawers as you closed your eyes, willing the queasy feeling in the pit of your stomach to cease.
Moments later, Mat called out to you from the bedroom.
“Do you need anything else from the drugstore while I’m there, baby?”
You opened your eyes to glance around the bathroom, trying to keep your head as still as possible. You saw toothpaste, Tylenol, and... did you have enough tampons?
You reached next to you to open the drawer that held your monthly supplies, and you were surprised to find two boxes of tampons, not even opened, along with a plethora of pads and liners.
Finally, it hit you like a crashing wave. Suddenly, your world started spinning, and it wasn’t because of the nausea.
“Holy fuck,” you whispered, slamming the drawer shut.
“Maty...” you called out hoarsely, causing him to rush back toward the bathroom. Your heart was racing.
“What’s wrong?” he asked anxiously as he appeared in the doorway, ready to take up residence on the floor with you again if necessary.
You bit your bottom lip and inhaled a shaky breath before answering, sounding much more calm than you felt.
“I need you to buy me a test,” you said matter-of-factly.
At first, Mat wore a blank expression. “What kinda te— wait…” he said as you watched the wheels turning in his head. You couldn’t help but allow a small smile to spread across your lips as the realization hit him, too. He froze, mouth slightly agape, wide eyes searching yours to try and determine whether you were serious. Reading him, you nodded, which caused his eyes to widen even further.
“A pregnancy test,” you confirmed in a shaky voice.
“Holy fuck,” he whispered familiarly, his own smile beginning to play on his lips.
“That was Liana,” Mat said, sliding his phone back into the pocket of his sweats after ending the brief call. “She’s catching a flight in the morning.”
You nodded gratefully as Mat returned to your side, dutifully grabbing your hand and running his other over your rounded stomach.
“She said to tell you she loves you, and baby, too,” he added with a warm grin. “And that she—“
Mat stopped short the second he heard you groan softly, the smile you’d worn upon hearing Liana’s name having morphed quickly into a wince.
“Another contraction?” Mat asked, hastily pulling the stool by the bed closer and taking a seat.
“Mhm,” you confirmed tightly, rolling on your side to look into his eyes, seeking a diversion. The pain in your face absolutely shattered Mat’s heart. He despised how helpless he felt watching you.
“Just look at me. Breathe, baby,” Mat coached before breathing in and out just as your Lamaze instructor had taught you both, nodding his head to urge you to mimic him. You did your best, squeezing his big hand hard enough that Mat saw his fingertips turning white, though he was too smart and too concerned with your labor pains to point that out.
“Good girl. Breathe, sweetheart. Good girl,” Mat encouraged. “That’s my girl,” he added softly, lightly dragging his fingernails along your scalp, combing his hand through your hair, in an attempt to comfort you.
“I seriously hate you right now,” you spat between pants and gasps. “You did this to me.”
Though he tried to hold back, a breathy laugh passed through Mat’s nose. “Yeah, my mom warned me you might say that,” he told you. “I’d hate me right now, too,” he added, running his fingers along your forearm lightly as you grimaced in agony.
Finally, your muscles relaxed as the contraction passed. Your face softened and your eyes fluttered open to see Mat staring at you intently, concern etched into his gorgeous features. You reached out your hand to run a thumb over his strong jaw.
“I’m okay,” you whispered, giving him your best smile as you caught your breath.
Mat nodded. “I just hate seeing you hurting,” he whispered back. You gave him an understanding look and then grinned brightly.
“But it’s gonna be worth it,” you assured, making Mat’s eyes light up. He kissed your palm and you asked, “Now what else did Liana say? Distract me.”
With a smile, Mat said, “That she can’t wait to meet this little one.” He leaned his head forward to kiss your belly sweetly as you smiled softly, leaning back against the mattress to rest up momentarily before the next wave, as the memory of telling Liana the news months ago came to mind.
Twelve weeks
Your phone buzzed on the dining room table, vibrating against the glass top. Normally, you would never answer a call during a Valentine’s Day dinner with Mat, even at home, but these particular circumstances allowed for an exception.
“It’s Liana,” you smirked, swiping to answer the FaceTime call as Mat muttered, “Nice of her to call you and not her own brother.”
You ignored his complaint and smiled at the woman who was basically your sister-in-law.
“Hi, Li,” you said happily. “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
Liana didn’t even let you finish your greeting before she asked hurriedly, “What the fuck is going on?”
Mat leaned closer into you in order to be included in the camera’s view. “That’s rude,” he chirped, trying to sound angry, but being betrayed by the smirk twitching at his pink lips.
“No, seriously, you guys,” Liana continued, sounding anxious. “What does this mean?” She lifted the card from the full bouquet of blush pink roses before her. “‘Happy Valentine’s Day, Li,’” she read. “‘We’re so excited to give you another member of the family to love this August.’  And it’s signed from you guys and ‘Baby B...’”
Liana’s eyes flicked back up to your own and she couldn’t stand still, pacing her kitchen. “It’s not funny to joke about this,” she insisted, sounding confused and slightly offended.
“It isn’t a joke, dude,” Mat giggled. “We’re having a baby.”
Liana started screaming after “having.”
Laughter racked your body as you watched her jump up and down, tears streaming down her face as she squealed and asked a dozen times whether you were serious. You nodded each time until her hysteria finally subsided.
“Do Mom and Dad know?” Liana asked with a quaking voice, wiping the dampness from her cheeks.
“Yeah, they know,” you confirmed, swiping at a couple of your own fallen tears. Damn hormones.
“But listen, Liana,” Mat interjected, putting on his most serious tone. “They know, and her family knows, but past that, we haven’t told a soul. We honestly might not tell anyone else, depending on how soon she starts to show. We don’t want crazy fans or, God forbid, the media to get ahold of it and just be intrusive. We’ve seen how that goes. We just want this to be as private as possible. So you can’t post anything, can’t tell any of your friends. Okay?”
Liana nodded, sniffling throughout her brother’s command. “Yeah, totally,” she immediately concurred. “I get it. I think you guys are smart for doing it this way. This is like Kylie Jenner shit.”
You and Mat both snickered at that comparison for multiple reasons, then Liana began truly processing the news.
“Wait... so,” she began. “How far along are you?”
“Twelve weeks,” you replied. “So barring anything out of the ordinary, that kind of means we’re in the clear, risk-wise.”
“And you’re okay? Everything is okay?” Liana asked nervously.
Mat nodded, appreciating his little sister’s obvious concern for you and the baby. “She’s okay, Liana,” he assured as you smiled at him. “She’s perfect,” he added, picking up your hand to press a kiss to your fingers, causing Liana to tear up once again.
“You better take such good fucking care of her, Mat. You hear me? She doesn’t have her mom or any of us nearby, so she needs you,” Liana said firmly to her brother. You warmed at her display of womanly solidarity, ever thankful to have an ally in her.
Mat rolled his eyes. “Yes, Liana, I’ve been taking care of her for years,” he said, unamused.
“Yeah, well, it’s different now,” Liana pointed out. “Now she’s carrying my niece or nephew!”
You and Mat grinned at each other once more, Mat rubbing his hand slowly across your lower belly, which was mostly still flat, save for a slight, bloated curve.
“Yeah, she is,” Mat said airily, gazing into your blue eyes deeply as his sister resumed her squealing in the background.
“Can I please have more ice chips?” you asked as you came down from yet another contraction, sounding whinier than you meant to and slightly hating yourself for it.
Mat smiled warmly down at you, pushing some of your hair back from your forehead and tenderly placing a kiss to your temple.
“Yes. You get all the ice chips you want, sweet girl,” Mat cooed, nuzzling his nose in your hair before stepping back and winking at you, grabbing the ice bucket from the bedside table. If there was one thing you had enjoyed most about the experience of pregnancy and labor, it was the way Mat spoiled you, ever attentive to your needs and wants. “I’ll be right back. Don’t have that baby while I’m gone,” he instructed, pointing at you.
Despite the discomfort you felt, you still breathed a laugh and rolled your eyes at him, Mat positively beaming at you as he walked backwards out of your suite, then turned down the hall.
As you rested your hands against your belly and your head back on the pillow, spotting the big bouquet of flowers Tito had sent for you, another memory from the past several months flashed in your mind.
Twenty weeks
“I’m sorry,” Tito choked out once he stopped coughing on the Easter ham you’d made for a small group of the Isles boys, who had just begun playoffs and therefore weren’t traveling for the holiday, and their significant others. “You’re what?!”
You and Mat giggled, Mat squeezing your thigh under the table reassuringly. Sydney, late in her own pregnancy, jumped from her seat, tears springing to her eyes, and squealed as she ran to you, throwing her arms around your shoulders as you sat grinning at the others — Tito, Marty, Anders, Grace, Josh, and Meg — whose mouths hung open as they tried to process your announcement.
You turned back to Mat, the same broad smile seemingly permanently plastered on his handsome features the past few months stretching across his face once again.
“You wanna show them?” he asked softly, the tone in his voice telling you the decision was yours completely. You nodded, grasping the fabric of your knit sweater, the same casually chic, baggy style that you’d stocked up on to hide your growing stomach.
Sydney let go of you, allowing you to stand from your chair, as she nearly shouted, “What do you mean, show us?! How pregnant are you?!”
You bit your bottom lip, still smiling from ear to ear, and turned sideways, lifting your sweater to reveal your noticeable, ever-rounding bump beneath your high-waisted leggings.
A collective gasp sucked the oxygen from the room, Mat smirking at your friends, as you quietly admitted, “I’m twenty weeks...”
Tito pounded a fist to the table in disbelief and let out a holler. Anders raised his own fists over his head so fast that he knocked off the black baseball cap he wore. Josh and Marty couldn’t stop yelling, “No!” and “No fucking way,” respectively. Meg and Grace immediately leapt to their feet, too. “You’re halfway?!” they shouted in unison.
All Mat could do was beam proudly at you, bringing your waist close as he pressed a reverent, chaste kiss to your stomach over your sweater.
“Surprise!” you sang softly to the onlookers, your voice watery as a couple of happy tears escaped your eyes. The girls all embraced you, taking turns rubbing your belly, as the guys uttered boyish praises to Mat, joking that they didn’t know he had it in him.
Besides your and Mat’s parents and siblings, you still hadn’t told any friends of your pregnancy — making this sacred time that much more special for you and Mat.
But it was time to tell this circle. It had gotten more and more difficult and complicated to refuse drinks when the wives and girlfriends met for brunch, and even Mat was struggling to come up with excuses for why he wanted to rush home from the arena when the rest of the guys his age wanted to go to the bar to celebrate big wins. This close-knit group knowing the truth would help combat that.
You certainly didn’t plan to tell the whole team — quite frankly, there were some recently-added guys you just didn’t know well enough yet, along with some newer girlfriends who seemed a little suspect when it came to keeping team matters close to the vest. You and Mat agreed that you’d tell your close group of Isles friends and leave it at that. And that group, this group, these friends who had become much more like family — these felt like the right people to let in on the secret.
“I’m scared,” you whimpered. “I don’t know if I can do it.” The pain was excruciating now, the pressure was building, and your doctor had just informed you that it was time to push. You felt like crying, but you were so paralyzed by the fear that gripped your chest that no tears were flowing.
“Hey…” Mat began softly, gently taking your face in both of his hands and angling it to look up at him, his eyes radiating confidence and pride. “Listen to me, okay? You’ve been so strong throughout this whole pregnancy. I know better than to believe that that’s gonna end now. You can do this, my love. I know you can,” he encouraged. “And I’ll be right here the whole time.”
You nodded, still feeling completely unprepared but somehow strengthened by Mat’s faith in you. As the doctor approached, gowned and gloved, she looked at you with anticipation.
“You ready, sweetie?” she asked. With one last look up at Mat, who nodded and kissed your knuckles, you turned back to her with a nod of your own. She patted your knee and said, “Okay, let’s have a baby. On the count of three, I want you to push, just the way we talked about. Daddy, you hold this knee. Ready? One… two… three… push.”
Twenty-three weeks
The Isles had lost in the second round of the playoffs. Mat was obviously disappointed, but he was also more excited for this offseason than he’d ever been for a summer before, which certainly softened the blow. You were having his baby in just three more months, and he absolutely could not wait. Mat was ready to commence full dad mode — getting the nursery ready, reading the books, and most importantly, keeping a close eye on you every moment that he could.
On the same day the guys were cleaning out their lockers and giving final interviews following the end of the playoff series loss, Mat had scheduled a meeting with the coaching staff and team public relations executives to inform them of your pregnancy. He wanted them to be aware of the situation in case the news got out before the birth, especially as your baby bump was getting harder to hide. Since the two of you had decided to stay in New York for the summer instead of returning to British Columbia, to avoid travel late in your pregnancy, he knew that the chances of someone spotting your round stomach and starting to talk about it was higher on Long Island than in Coquitlam. It wouldn’t be the end of the world if the news got out, but if you and Mat could help it, you’d much prefer that it didn’t. He wanted this experience to be peaceful for you and as enjoyable as possible.
The meeting had gone well, which was unsurprising. The staff was thrilled for the two of you and promised to keep a tight lid on the information until you were ready to share it publicly after the baby had been born — they also agreed to evade any questions that their office might encounter on the topic during the summer.
Mat had thanked them profusely and said his goodbyes before leaving the building, heaving his heavy equipment bags into his trunk, and heading back home to you. A few minutes later, his phone dinged with a text from you and he glanced down at it at the next stoplight. It was a photo of the two of you in front of Big Ben on a rare sunny day in England, Mat hugging you close to his chest.
“This just popped up in my memories. Four years ago today we were in London and you told me you loved me for the first time. Look at us now. 💋”
Mat grinned at the message before returning the phone to his cupholder, his mind traveling back in time to that first big vacation the two of you had taken together. He knew your affinity for English culture — the fashion, the history, and, of course, the royal family, so he decided to take you on a trip across the pond a couple of months after you started dating.
It was one of the best decisions he’d ever made, as it brought the two of you much closer in those early days of your relationship — so close, in fact, that he found himself professing his love for you over a candlelight dinner on your last night in London. You had frozen, just for a moment, before a broad smile lit up your face, your eyes sparkling.
“I love you, too, Maty,” you’d said softly, allowing Mat to finally exhale as he basked in the knowledge that you felt the same way as he.
London was a landmark in your love story. Mat blinked a few times at that thought, an idea suddenly coming over him.
London Riley Barzal, named for the city where you fell in love and given your current last name as a middle name, was born August 15 at 8:13 p.m., after twenty hours of labor.
You and Mat had never known a love like the one you found the moment your baby girl was laid on your chest, and he had never been more fiercely in love with you than he was as he watched you snuggle her close.
“God, she’s so beautiful,” Mat breathed, voice quivering as he realized that this tiny girl belonged to him — to both of you.
“She’s perfect. Just perfect,” you agreed as her strong cries suddenly quieted into small whimpers.
Immediately, Mat looked you in the eye. “She knows your voice,” he said in astonishment.
As your baby blinked and squinted before opening her eyes for the very first time, she seemed to look directly up at her daddy. You smiled knowingly at Mat, who was frozen in place as he locked eyes with his baby daughter for the first time.
“I think she knows yours, too,” you suggested, the two of you smoothing your fingertips over her tiny face and hands in wonder.
You spent several minutes soaking it all in as a brand new family of three, both talking to London softly and placing kisses on her tiny head, before the nurse took her from your arms to take her vitals and give her a brief exam.
As you watched your healthy, gorgeous baby being fawned over by the medical team, you breathed a deep sigh of relief and a silent prayer of gratitude before opening your eyes again to see the love of your life staring down at you in absolute amazement.
“You did so good, baby,” Mat said through tears of pure joy. He pressed his lips to your damp forehead, cupping your cheek in his hand. “You did so good. You’re unbelievable, you know that? I’m so goddamn proud of you,” he praised.
“We have a baby, Maty,” you said with an awestruck, tearful chuckle. “I just had our baby.”
Mat nodded, grinning. “We have a daughter, my love,” he said. “Our little London.”
One week later…
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