#i keep reblogging to the wrong blog please shout at me in the asks when i do
bigender-everyday · 5 months
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buckys-little-belle · 2 years
k i know you don’t write for them, but you reblog the marauder boys so much 👀 so i was wondering if you would write for them? i have this idea that the reader has a bad relationship with their family 😭, like never goes home on holidays and never gets mail, never wants to talk about their childhood, and the boys ALWAYS wonder why. remus, because he’s so smart 😌, reads lots of books, and he has heard of regression, and realizes that the reader is one because they want to remember being happy as a kid and when little they feel happy and then maybe the boys ask to be their care giver and let them be a happy baby all the time and remus is happy because he feels so out of control when turned and now he feels good and maybe james is a little? and sirius is the fun dad? and it’s like a little family at hog waters and they just all alllllll are happy?
Happy Family
The Marauders x Little!Reader (They/Them pronouns) (Cg! Remus, Cg!Sirius, Little!James, Little!Reader)
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Warnings - Vague talks about family issues, vague talks about childhood trauma, they all eat meals, food, crying, angst, but very much fluff and comfort as well!
Notes - I did change this up a little, just time wise, it’s the same thing, I just know your ask could be decoded and analyzed a different way for a different storyline, this is just what I came up with! I did try my best, I’m super new to writing these three, and I’m very sorry if it’s not good!
SFW - Please keep all interactions with this post, and with this blog, SFW.
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The grand hall was loud, conversations coming from each angle as students ate, the murmur of plates moving, and the sound of footsteps seeming to be constant. The first dinner of the year was always a wild one, new students buzzing, old students getting back together, and people eating as if they had never seen a bread roll before. “Hi, could I sit here?” A voice called out, Remus, Sirius, and James looking up towards the person.
Y/n stood frozen, a deer in the headlights sort of moment, their robes tousled, their eyes panicked. Remus spoke first. “Yah sure.” He said, gesturing to the seat beside himself, James and Sirius opposite of him on the other bench, both shocked that someone was asking to sit instead of just sitting, after all it is one big table full of people. “You’re.” Remus began. “Sorry I forgot your name.” He adds, genuinely embarrassed at his lack of information.
“Um, I’m Y/n, yah I kind of keep to the back of the class, so I don’t expect you to know me.” They hurriedly said, sitting down and reaching for a bread roll, their eyes immediately searching the room.
“Are you okay?” James asked, his eyes following where Y/n had gone, now looking at the Ravenclaw table.
“Oh, Yeah, don’t mind me, sorry for sitting here, I missed the train and someone sat in my usual seat.” They rambled, stuffing the bread roll in their mouth hurriedly.
“Slow down there.” Sirius laughed, watching Y/n eat as if it was their last meal on earth.
“I just want to get out of your way quickly is all.” They muffled, mouth stuffed, looking at Sirius with panicked eyes, hoping they weren’t bothering him.
“If you leave quickly how are we gonna be friends?” James asked, his smile suddenly replaced with a frown, his mind slowly going foggy, wondering if he was doing something wrong.
“Oh.” Y/n said, realizing they hadn’t even taken a second to recognize that the boys weren’t angry at them, that they actually enjoyed their company for some reason.
Remus picked up Y/n’s plate, looking down at them. “What do you want to eat?” He asked, Y/n’s expression growing confused before James interrupted.
“He has long arms s’ he gets our food.” James smiled, digging back in to his dinner.
“I like everything, can you just make sure the foods don’t touch please?” Y/n asked, looking over the different dishes placed along the table as Remus began platting the different foods.
“Hey that’s ten points!” James shouted excitedly, looking at Y/n with pure excitement. “Do I get to share points with them?” He asked, turning to Sirius.
Sirius whispered to James, the boy now back to eating, dropping the prior topic. “Here.” Remus said, handing Y/n the plate, all the foods separated, a good few millimetres between each different one.
“Thank you.” They said as hey began eating too.
“Ten more points.” James whispered, hardly above hearing level.
“So Y/n, what classes do you have this semester?” Sirius asked, the three boys turning their attention to them.
Y/n reached into their pocket, pulling out a tattered piece of paper, one that was wrinkled and had a few rips. “This term I have potions, Apparitions, Herbology, and then.” They paused, pulling the page closer to their face. “I actually don’t know what class I have last, sorry.” They sighed, a wave of defeat washing over them.
“That’s okay, I can get you another paper for tomorrow morning.” Remus said in between his own bites. “Sorry, I don’t think we introduced ourselves I’m-“
“Remus, Gryffindor prefect, your James, Gryffindor’s Quidditch captain, and your Sirius, you-“
“You can stop there.” Sirius smiled, not wanting to know what label he had been given by the general public.
Y/n nodded, placing a bite of food in their mouth and then looked across the room. “Are you looking for someone?” Remus asked, the three boys now looking at the Ravenclaw table, scanning it for whatever Y/n was scanning it for.
“I have a younger cousin, Henry, it’s his first year I just want to make sure he’s okay.” Y/n laughed, the first genuine laugh they had heard from them. “He’s fine, he’s the one standing on the bench there.” Y/n pointed, their finger pointing to a young boy standing on a bench, telling a story very dramatically.
“I wonder what he’s saying.” James asked.
“He’s probably just talking about his dad, he works with dragons.” Y/n mumbled.
“No way!” James yelled. “Actually?”
“Mhm.” Y/n said, clearly not wanting to talk about it, James looking to Sirius when Y/n didn’t perk up at the mention of dragons. “I actually have to go, I have a thing to do.” They stood up, putting their piece of paper back in their pocket and giving a weak smile. “Thanks for the company.”
Before the boys could say anything Y/n had run off, Sirius and Remus sharing an all knowing glance, James just getting back to dinner, knowing ten points awaited him if he ate all of his vegetables.
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“Y/n!” Sirius shouted down the hallway, trying to catch Y/n to give them a new schedule. Y/n finally stopping and turning, looking surprised to see him. “Here.” He said, handing them the paper. “I put a protection spell on it so it shouldn’t get ripped again.” He smiled, slightly out of breath. “Well, Remus did, but he’s not here so I can say I did.” He laughed, making Y/n smile and chuckle in response.
“Thank you, tell him thank you.” Y/n said before turning around again, walking away.
“Why don’t you?” Sirius asked.
“What?” Y/n turned back around.
“At dinner, sit with us again.” Sirius said, standing in the middle of the hallways like a fool, a slight plead evident in his voice.
“I don’t want to-“
“You aren’t going to bother us I promise.” He smiled. “Just think about, okay?” Y/n nodded in response, finally leaving to get to class.
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“Are they coming?” James asked Remus, the boy just shrugging his shoulders as a silent answer.
“Hi.” Y/n said, sitting down beside Remus, just like they had the first night.
“Hi.” The three boys said in unison. Remus talking alone next. “What do you want tonight?” He asked, picking up Y/n’s plate.
“You know you don’t have to put the food on my plate right?” Y/n smiled, the smile not quite reaching their eyes, but seemingly getting the job done.
“I know, I just.” He paused and sighed. “I like taking care of people, so just let me do this.” He smiled, putting food on the plate, making sure the food was separated from each other.
“Wait can you-“ Before Y/n could ask for the food to be separated their plate was put in front of them on the table, the food separated perfectly. “Thanks.” They confusedly mumbled.
“So what did you do last night?” James asked, the two other boys cringing, they wanted to know, sure, but they knew there was a time and a place to ask such personal questions.
“Um, I just read a bit before bed.” They smiled, picking around at the food on their plate.
“Don’t play with your food, darling.” Remus said nonchalantly, as if it was second nature, the nickname shocking Y/n slightly.
“Sorry.” Y/n apologized, looking at their plate to figure out where to start.
“I always eat my veggies first, because then I get ten points.” James whispered loudly, trying to keep his words hidden from Sirius and Remus, but failing to do so.
“What are points?” Y/n asked. “Like house points?” They looked to both Sirius and Remus, flipping between the two, both boys giving each other a look, seemingly arguing with their eyes.
“No, Um.” Remus tried to begin, trying to explain their situation without making Y/n confused.
“What did you read last night?” James blurts out, having checked out of the current conversation a while ago, now just asking whats on his mind.
Y/n, who was mid bite, mouth full of vegetables, eating them because they desperately wanted know what the points meant, something both Sirius and Remus picked up on, paused, their eyes going wide. How do you tell three nice people who are maybe your friends that you read childrens books in your spare time. “Just some short stories.” Y/n answered, proud of their cover up.
Remus chuckled, the excuse exactly what James used to say, before they boys knew he was a little. As if on cue, James began speaking. “Oh, I like short stories too, my favourite is the muggle book ‘Frog and Toad are Friends’!” He smiled before shouting. “Toad Toad!”
“Wake up. It is Spring!” Y/n shouted back, laughing with James, them locking eyes before shouting in unison. “Blah!”
“So you read kids books, in your free time?” Sirius questioned, trying to make sure what he was hearing was right, Y/n immediately shrinking into their seat at the question.
Remus placed his hand reassuringly on Y/n’s back, a gestured allowed by the bench seats having no back rest. “He’s not making fun of you.” Remus gave a quiet chuckle. “Maybe you can borrow some of James’ books.” He offered. “Which books do you have?”
Y/n’s eyes lit up at his words, feeling accepted for the first time. Their mind swirling, finally figuring out that Sirius and Remus were caregivers, James just like Y/n an oddly comforting fact. Quickly though they once again sank back into themselves, their mind telling them they won’t be welcome back after this, the boys most likely not wanting another person to care for. “Um, just the toad one, but I don’t want any others.” Y/n quickly stood up, a few tears gathering in their eyes. “I really don’t want to bother you, thank you for dinner.” They said, before running off once again.
“Why do they do that?” James asked as he saw Y/n practically run out of the grand hall for a second time.
Remus turned his attention back to James, Y/n figure now out of sight. “Well.” He began. “You regress because you had a good childhood and want to feel that happiness again, where Y/n regresses because they had a bad childhood and want to experience being happy when being a kid. It might be hard for them to be happy with us because we remind them of a family and the bad memories of their own.” Remus explained, sounding like he read the words out of a book, because in all actuality most of it did come from a book.
“That’s really sad.” James confessed, laying his head on Sirius’ shoulder. “I hope we get to see them again.” He said, missing the person he had met two days ago, their company already something he longed for.
“Why don’t we buy them a book tomorrow when we go to Hogsmeade?” Sirius suggested, trying to cheer James up, which he successfully did.
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Y/n sat in their dorm room, the castle just gaining back it’s noise, the rest of the students away all day, off shopping, while Y/n did homework and read a book, sad that they couldn’t go, no permission slip signed in sight, but happy for some silence, and no roommates nosing their way around their stuff. “Y/n?” A voice called from behind their bedroom door, a hesitant knock following it.
Y/n stood up, their wand in hand, not sure who would be calling on them, especially since everyone had two more hours left on their trip. Y/n opened the door, peeking from behind the wood, met with the three boys, James upfront, a large bag in his hand, Sirius stood behind him, his hands on the boy’s shoulders, and Remus stood behind the two of them, slightly out of sight.
“Hi?” Y/n cautioned, opening the door more so they could be fully seen.
“Can we come in? We have gifts!” James beamed, walking past Y/n before they could answer, sitting on the floor contently, waiting for everyone else.
“Sorry about him, he’s excited.” Sirius said, walking in, sitting behind James on the floor, his arms going around the boy, whispering something in his ear.
“I’m sorry about the both of them, can we come in?” Remus chuckled, still stood outside of the room, his eyes sincere.
Y/n just nodded, a weary smile on their face, unsure of the reason for the visit. “Sit! Sit!” James cheered, gesturing to the floor in front of him and Sirius, Y/n sitting down quickly opposite of him, Remus sitting beside Sirius instead, the three practically viewing Y/n as if they were on display.
Y/n placed their hands in their lap, their fingers immediately intertwining with each other, fumbling over one another. “How was your trip?” Y/n questioned, trying to ease the awkward silence that had settled.
“It w‘s great!” James began. “We got you this.” He said, handing the paper bag to Y/n, who just placed it in front of themselves, unsure if they should open it right away, their focus stuck on the bag.
“Darling?” Remus questioned, causing Y/n to look up at him, a few tears threatening to spill. Remus frowned, shuffling to sit next to Y/n, his hand now placed on their back. “Why don’t you open it?” He suggested, Y/n nodding.
Y/n reached in, their hands hitting something hard, their fingers grasping a book. “ ‘s the second Frog and Toad book!” James beamed, a large smile plastered on his face. “You din’ want to borrow m’ books, so we got you one.” He mumbled, his back falling further into Sirius’ torso.
Y/n didn’t answer, their sniffle the only sound heard in the room. “I don’ want it.” They whispered, a few tears now rolling down their cheeks as they stood up. “I know you’re jus’ bein’ nice, i’s not fair.” They cried, stepping away from the boys to create distance.
“What do you mean ‘it’s not fair’?” Sirius questioned, sitting up straight, his eyes fixed on Y/n.
“You have James, you don’ want me, an’ you jus’.” Y/n sputtered. “I really like the book, and i’s jus’.”
“Y/n.” Remus began, cutting them off.
“No, i’s unfair, you’re jus’ feelin’ bad f’r me.” They cried, tears streaming down their cheeks as their bottom lip quivered uncontrollably.
“We don’t pity you Love.” Sirius said, his eyes genuine, his tone filled with sorrow. “Me and Remus want to take care of you, you’re sweet, you have great manners, and you get along with James.” He added.
Remus gestured Y/n to sit back down, them taking up the spot right next to him, no longer wanting distance from them. Remus’s hand went to their back, a gesture Y/n had grown to love and look forward to, the feeling comforting. “I know you’re unsure, it’s scary to trust new people.” Y/n nodded their head. “So why don’t we just take it one day at a time, okay?” He asked, his hand rubbing comforting circles on their back.
“C’n I eat wif’ yous at dinner then?” They asked, their gaze meeting each of them, as if asking them each individually.
“YES!” James cheered, genuinely excited for someone to play with. “Please.” He added.
“You can stick by our sides all you want Love, you’re apart of the family now.” Serious smiled, the rest of them following, the four of them sat their like a bunch of fools, smiling at each other, excited to start the new journey, excited for dinner that night. The little family taking things one day at a time from now on.
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My Kingdom, Your Kingdom | two
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Pairing: secret king!Steve Rogers x heir apparent!female Reader
Summary: Revealing where the girls come from couldn't become a problem could it? Even less of a misconception. Right?
Warnings: none
Wordcount: 3.6k
If you enjoyed reading this, please consider leaving a comment or reblogging. I don't allow for my content to be copied, translated, or resposted on other websites/apps. Please don't steal my work.
A/N: Both chapter 1 and this one were rather plot/introduction heavy and I know that isn't for everyone. It was necessary to set the world & story up, ok. From chapter 3 onward, we'll be focusing on Steve & Y/N slowly falling in love. I promise. I want to give a shout-out and big thanks to @imaginedreamwrite who helped me work out some troubles I had at the end of the chapter. You are awesome <3 The lovely red dividers are from @/firefly-graphics, go check her blog out.
Taglist: open, will be tagged in the comments, let me know if you want to be added
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“There you go,” Steve said, holding out a thick and warm blanket in his hands. 
“Thank you,” she answered, reaching out to take the blanket from him, when he moved.
“Let me,” he mumbled and draped the blanket over her shoulders, its added warmth surrounded her. The heaviness of the dense but soft wool was soothing. A cocoon of comfort that helped quench the uneasy feeling residing in the pit of her stomach. 
Steve’s offer had come to be their saving. Half frozen, they’d wandered through the forest for hours, dread overtaking them the further the sun set. The welcoming and generous blonde with his grumpy friends and the warm cabin they were staying at had been their salvation.
Yet she couldn’t shake the feeling it would turn bad. She’d feared they would turn hostile if they knew who they had truly invited into their home. Yelena had almost revealed the secret a couple of times. Her youngest sister had a bad habit of speaking before thinking, too open for her own good. 
Right now she was occupied sitting in front of the warm fireplace, holding her hands close to the flames to warm the frozen digits. Natasha sat just behind her in one of the armchairs, keeping watchful eyes over the youngest of them. 
Not long did Y/N’s eyes stay on her two sisters. Looming in the doorway and in one corner of the big and open room were Steve’s two friends. Ever since the invitation, they had been broody and quiet and if they had spoken up they’d been short and curt. She couldn’t shake the feeling they weren’t truly welcome here. It was when Bucky stepped forward and crossed the room to take a seat on the couch just opposite them that the unease started to overwhelm her once more.
“So who are you?” He asked them bluntly. “We already introduced ourselves, didn’t we?” Natasha’s answer was almost as blunt and not any less stoic.
“Wrong. You told us your names but nothing more.” 
“Bucky,” Steve glared at his friend as he sat down on the same couch. Instead of putting the most possible distance between him and them, Steve sat on the point closest to Y/N.
“What Bucky is trying to say is, we are a little confused about who you are and where you came from.” She could tell that Steve tried to mediate. He was equally as curious as his friends. His curiosity was barely hidden behind his warm and welcoming eyes, whereas they concealed it behind sobriety and hardened, cold eyes.
“Let’s be frank and put the cards on the table.” Sam added from the doorframe, “This is the last town before the border from the direction you were coming from, which means you had to have come from there or even beyond. ”
A thick lump had formed in the back of her throat, making it hard for her to swallow. Or maybe it was her heart beating so strongly that it had jumped into her throat, making it nearly impossible for her to swallow. It had only been a matter of time for that question to come up and while she had known it would come, she had dreaded it no less strongly. 
Glancing up, Steve’s eyes were focused solely on her. The curiosity in his eyes was thinly veiled, more so now than before. It was only shadowed by the absolute openness and warmth he exuded. A warmth that took the hesitation out of her and instead replaced it with the courage to answer him. In her stomach, a tingling, warm sensation blossomed. She found herself wanting to open up to him.
“You are right.'' Steve's eyes widened in surprise. From him she turned to look towards Sam, “We were coming from Sokovia.” 
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The empty landscape passed by the car. Nothing but fields, trees, and hills around them. They’d left behind the last point of civilization miles ago and exchanged it for no-man’s-land. Most people would have felt unsettled by the lacking signs of humanity. Not them. Not when it felt like freedom to drive around with no true destination. Not when for the first time they were able to choose on their own where to go and where to stop.
Y/n glanced over at her sister in the driver's seat. Natasha had never looked more relaxed and at ease than behind the steering wheel now. Her sister was a put-together person, always calculating and listening to everything around her. There was nothing Natasha wasn’t aware of, nothing that slipped past here, and in return, she’d always kept her guard up. Every step was calculated, every reaction of everyone around her something to analyze. Sometimes she wondered if her sister ever truly rested or if even in her room she stayed aware, never just being and letting things happen on their own.
“Hey, what if we drive to Brooklyn?” Yelena had leaned forward in her seat, scooted to the edge of it no less, her elbows digging into the headrests of the two front seats. 
“Are you crazy?” Natasha countered the question with another, rhetorical, one.
“Why would you want to go there anyway? There’s nothing over there besides wastelands and despair. Haven’t you listened when they taught us about it in history class? How that country is nothing more than a barren and broken ruin anymore–”
“– devastated by the financial ruin of their greedy King, blundered by his dark and dangerous knights that won’t hold back even against their own countrymen, women, and children’? Jeez, Nat, when did you swallow the fairytales of that old geezer?” 
“The old fart talks a lot of rubbish but that doesn’t mean that all of his words hold no truth,” Y/N interfered, sensing the approaching argument between her younger siblings. Yelena’s proposition certainly was exciting. That didn’t mean it wasn’t also dangerous if not right out foolish.
“Oh please. Can’t we drive close to the border? I just want to see it! We wanted to go on an adventure, didn’t we?”
With a sigh, Y/N leaned her head back. She was right. They’d wanted to go on an adventure. When she glanced over at Natasha, the redhead was already looking at her. As they looked at each other grins slowly formed on their faces, a giddy feeling rising below the surface.
“Let’s do it then.”
And so they continued to drive towards the mountains, through winding roads with endless serpentines and the most breathtaking views. It was one mountain range separating everything new and exciting from their home and everything they’d ever known.
“Hey isn’t that the great lake?” Yelena yelled as the road curled around the side of one mountain. Before them the landscape opened up from gray rock and evergreen conifers, to reveal a short valley dotted in shadows and light as the sun came between the mountains. Just behind a great lake with crystalline, azure blue water stretched out from one side of the mountains to the other, reaching seemingly infinite. 
Y/N felt awe upon the sight, the sheer vastness had her sitting up in her seat. The beauty took her breath away. She had heard many things about the great lake and seen pictures just as paintings. Nothing could compare to actually seeing it. The water sparkled and rippled in the sun, even from way up. The pool of water was so clear a portion of its surface turned into a giant natural mirror, reflecting the snow peaked mountains curling around its edges. From their position out, high up, they could see as far as the opposite edge of the lake, spying the lands of Brooklyn behind. 
It didn’t look like a particular wasteland to her, she thought as her eyes were focused on the land beyond. It was beautiful in fact, the mountains dusted with snow and the valley between them so long it vanished beyond the horizon.
“Can we get closer?” Yelena whispered in awe.
“There should be a road branching off in a bit that leads closer so we can drive directly by the lake.” 
There was no question of do or don’t after Natasha informed them of this. But when they arrived at the junction there was no sign. Or rather there was none anymore, as it lay beside the road, bent and clearly run over.
“Can you tell which way is which?” Natasha asked her. The sign was still anchored in the bottom, in theory, it should still display the correct way. 
Briefly unbuckling her seatbelt, she leaned out of the window and squinted at the sign. It consisted of two arrows pointing in different directions, one straight ahead to follow the street further curling around the mountain and one to the left, forking away and up. One way was leading across the border and over to Brooklyn, the other one to the edge of the Lake. 
“Y/N?” Natasha asked once more, impatience bleeding into her voice as they were standing in the middle of the road.
“Uhm, go ahead, not left.” 
Her decision was made on pure gut feeling. Something deep down told her to drive ahead, pulled her in that direction. And so they went that way, coming closer to the lake until finally, they drove to its edge.
“Wait. Didn’t we come from those mountains?” Y/N asked, pointing to the other side of the lake, where the mountain range was much more drastic. Big mountains stuck up toward the sky, some of the peaks ripping up the clouds around them while others entirely vanished with no apparent end beyond the clouds. The side they were driving on was full of mountains too, yet those were calmer and softer, streaked by extensive patches of forest.
“No, that can’t be.” 
But it could be. All three of them watched in anticipation as a sign on the side of the road kept approaching. ‘Kingdom of Brooklyn’ it read. Stunned silence encompassed the car, the sign passed them by in the blink of an eye.
“Let’s turn around,” Natasha suggested instantaneously as the car slowed to a walking pace. 
“NO! Why should we? We can have a trip here as much as we can back home. Didn’t we want to go on an adventure? This is an adventure! What more could you ask for?” Yelena protested loudly.
“Are you crazy? We are in enemy territory! What if they find out who we are?”
“How should they? No one knows us here. Come on, please~” 
Natasha’s grip on the steering wheel turned deadly. Her knuckles paled as she pressed her lips in a thin line. Y/N knew that look too well.
“You decide,” Natasha told her, glancing at her older sister. Loudly she sighed and leaned her head back. She didn’t want to turn back around. It was beautiful here and it looked nothing like the descriptions they heard.
Which led her to wonder what else they’d been told to be the truth but turned out to be nothing but lies. On the other hand loomed the danger they were exposing themselves to. She glanced back at Yelena through the rear-view mirror. Her sister looked so hopeful and excited. Y/N had never seen Yelena like that. They'd never gotten the opportunity to do something like this and she would likely never get another. So with a rapidly beating heart, she made her decision.
“Let’s continue driving. We can stay the night and then drive back tomorrow.”
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“What’s going on?” She asked, sitting up as the car slowed down and made a weird noise.
“I don’t know,” Natasha told her, pressing her foot harder on the gas pedal but nothing happened.
“Nat.” She became more serious as the lights in front of the car started to flicker, shortly before the engine died with a pathetic splutter. They rolled to a silent stop at the side of a long and winding street in the middle of a dense forest.
“Come on,” Natasha muttered, twisting the key in the car to restart the engine. It rattled for a moment, spluttering and coughing before it died again. It didn’t stir the second time at all. “What does that mean?” Y/N pointed at the red, blinking light on the display behind the steering wheel. It looked like a small canister of some sort with a hose.
“Don’t cars run on something? Gas or Fuel?” Yelena asked as she leaned forward in between the driver's and passenger's seats.
“They do?” 
“Yep,” Yelena nodded. “And it looks like we just ran out of it.”
“Shit.” Y/N screwed her eyes shut. This couldn’t be happening. Not now. Not when they were in the middle of nowhere. They’d been driving for hours
“I saw a sign some time ago mentioning a town. If we keep walking along the road we should reach it.”
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“You are from Sokovia?” 
She shook her head, “We are from Widovia.”
Steve’s eyes - widened in curiosity - now dilated further in surprise, perhaps even shock. She could see emotions and thoughts pass by in intervals of mere seconds, flitting past his eyes.
The three men that had offered their home up were speechless. Had it not been for the continuous cracking of the fireplace and the accompanying flickering of the flames, she’d have believed time to be frozen.
“Shit,” Bucky murmured and leaned back on the couch. He stretched his arms over his head, rubbing his flat palm over his hair.
“And you just left there with nothing on you? No phone, no wallet?” Sam asked. The shock had waned and he was back to questioning them in a serious manner.
“There wasn’t exactly time to prepare or gather our things. We had only a small window of time,” Yelena butted in, sounding rather annoyed. Her words were matter-of-factly and so dry as she looked at them with a glint in her eyes that was challenging them to challenge their words further.
Instead of prodding further, Sam snapped his mouth shut and furrowed his brows. And neither Bucky seemed to have another question for them. It was Steve who spoke up next and who presented his question. One that was neither prodding in nature nor accusing. Instead, he asked, “Are you okay?”, and reached a hand out to her. 
Only after she didn’t flinch did he lean towards her and dropped his hand to her knee. It was big and warm and caused another tingling sensation to rise up in her. Full of compassion were his eyes, and concern just as comfort too. His openness and the care he displayed for her, just a stranger to him, warmed her heart. He didn’t know her and her sister and yet, when he had seen them in need of help, he hadn’t hesitated. Instead, Steve had gone against his friends and stood his ground.
“Yeah.” Without wanting to, her voice shook, overwhelmed by the way he made her feel.
“I’m sorry.” Bucky leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. Deep wrinkles drew across his forehead as he stared into the flames.
“You are sorry?” Natasha asked him with a raised eyebrow. The surprise in her voice was mutual with what she felt.
“I was nothing but a heartless jerk because I thought you were dangerous.” With a groan, he drew his hand over his face.
“We kinda assumed you were spies or assassins,” Sam added, causing Bucky to grunt once more. It had the three girls chuckle amusedly.
“I wish we were. That would be so cool!” Yelena groaned dramatically as she fell back against the backrest of the couch.
“Assassins?” Y/N asked, her lips twitching upwards in a smile. She glanced back at Steve and raised her brow in question. His answer was a lopsided grin on his own as he shrugged his shoulders. 
“These idiots are as paranoid as they are protective of me.”
“Yeah well we have to save your ass on a regular basis since you love getting yourself in trouble,” Bucky barked, a smile tugging on his face too. The first non-stoic or serious expression she had seen from him. It made the brick that had been sitting uncomfortably in her stomach somewhat lighter. 
“Anyways…Didn’t think you’d turn out to be refugees instead.” 
Refugees? Y/N glanced at Natasha, who was already looking back at her. The boys thought they had fled from Widovia? Thinking about it, it did make sense that they didn’t have anything on them that bound them to their ‘old life’. In reality, it couldn’t have been further from the truth. Y/N hated lying to them, but they couldn’t tell the truth, could they? It was safer and far wiser to let them assume they had flown.
A loud yawn sounding from the other end of the room caught Y/N off guard. Her eyes flitted over to her youngest sister. Just as Yelena had made her exhaustion known loudly, Natasha and she felt it too. It sat boned deep, far deeper than the chill that had thawed the longer they sat before the warm fire. Steve’s hand, still remaining on her knee, was so warm she’d felt it to her core.
She couldn’t put a number on the length of their travel, it must have taken them the better part of the day to cross the border and get stranded in the middle of a snowy road, even before they had spent hours walking along the road, tracking through the woods until the sun had set.
“I think it’s time to go to bed,” Steve announced. “Any other questions, should you be willing to answer them, can wait ‘till the morning.” With that, he withdrew his hand from her knee and stood up. His warmth left behind a spot of coldness that made her crave to be touched once more.
Slowly they all shuffled out of the living room. The cabin was big, she had noticed already. Much too big for only three people, and certainly way too expensive to pay for by them alone too. Maybe they had rented it from someone? Or was it a family possession? She’d been mesmerized by its grandeur from the first moment she had seen it. It was cozy and deluxe, nothing she had expected to see in Brooklyn. 
In the middle of the first floor sat a big wooden staircase leading up to a landing and the rooms of the second floor. A hallway each led behind the stairs on the left and the right, meeting behind it in a small, quadratic room. Its ceiling was modeled into a beautiful cross vault, which reminded her of the stone hallways at home. Steve led them down the left hallway, which continued after the small room even further into the house.
“You can choose any room you’d like,” he told them with a smile as he pointed to the many doors. “Bucky, Sam, and I are sleeping upstairs. Feel free to come look for one of us if something should be.” 
The glare Bucky sent the blonde over his shoulder made her lips tuck upward. He hadn’t been lying when he said they were protective of him. She found it sweet how much they looked out for their friend. It reminded her a lot of Natasha and her. She’d protect her sister just the same way if she had to.
“I doubt it will be needed, we appreciate it though,” Natasha told Steve with a nod, as Yelena was too busy eyeing the different doors. 
“Well, good night then.” A chorus of ‘good nights’ followed after, with the boys turning around to head down the hallway. Y/n turned to her sisters, smiling at them.
“Let’s go to bed. We’ll talk about what we’ll do tomorrow.” There was still a lot they had to talk about, but for now, she didn’t want to think of all of that. She was too tired for it.
“You want the first pick?” Yelena asked her, whipping on her feet.
“No, you too can pick first.” Yelena didn’t need another go, she turned around before the last word had even left her lips and sprinted to a door further down the hall. Natasha huffed amusedly and chose the first door to the right of her. And she? 
She turned back around and glanced at the retreating form of Steve. Grateful didn’t even convey all she felt. In a split second decision, made from solely her instinct, she jogged after him, rather than going into the room he had used as an example to show them the bedrooms. Quietly she called out his name, causing him to slow but not halt. Only when she grasped the sleeve of his arm, did he stop and turn around to her. Back was the boyish and cute curiosity on his face and the sparkle in his eyes. 
In her mind her decision had been a good one but now, standing there with him, she suddenly didn’t know what she wanted or should do. Her lip took the brunt of it, teeth nibbling on the bottom one. Thank you,” she whispered.
“For Everything.”
Curiosity yielded to surprise. Quietly he stood before her, stunned, with his eyes flitting over the plains of her face. Steve was a handsome guy, the soft smile he shared with her only amplified this. Or maybe it only did in her mind. 
“Of course.” The velvet smooth rumble of his voice, so low and full of warmth and a hint of something she couldn’t pinpoint, set fire to her cheeks. Speechless beyond control the only thing left for her to act was nod. 
They stared at each other in comfortable silence, for a few seconds that well could have been minutes or even eternity. “Good night,” she murmured, slowly shifting and turning around. Steve looked after her, rooted to his spot in the hallway. His heart was beating a rapid melody in his chest. “Good Night Y/N,” he whispered after her.
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Whump Intro
Hi, hello! 
Um, I’ve been avoiding this intro bc I am a shy awkward hermit that usually just lurks and likes stuff, but that doesn’t really work on Tumblr so here I am! Plus I wanted to use Whumptober to force myself into sharing my writing and figured it might be useful to introduce myself first.
You can call me starlit, or anna, or hey you, I don’t really care lol. She/her pronouns. I love reading fantasy & fantasy romance, writing, and playing RPG video games when I have the time (usually fantasy based-are we sensing a theme here? 😂)
Before we get to more about me nonsense-
Shout out to @i-can-even-burn-salad
For beta reading for me and then being brave enough to share her stories with me. And for sucking me into Tumbler lol. And for talking to me all the time and making me laugh. And for being such a great person. <3
I love her writing and stories so much. Please, please, check her writing out. It's worth it, I promise! Bring tissues though!!
Best internet friend ever trophy, where is it? I need to send it… oh, there it is. Here you go, Elli! 🏆🎉💜
I haven't had the opportunity to check out many other blogs yet, bc someone has such an extensive back catalog 👀 😂 but tagged below is the one I have read. I devoured Traces in one day because it was so good. Highly recommend!
Traces by @whumping-in-the-wings - Thanks for writing such a great story! Can't wait to see what happens next :)
(Obligatory disclaimer: heed the warnings. They are well-tagged.)
I've got my eye on several other blogs once I have a little more time. Hope ya'll like spam likes/reblogs/comments, bc I'm a bit enthusiastic 😂
Ok, back to me, I suppose. Under the cut 🤣
I tend to use emojis excessively, but don’t expect me to know the meaning of them beyond face-value expressions. I shamelessly claim elder millennial status as an excuse (which means I’m 18+, obviously).
I’m audhd (combo autistic/adhd), but I didn’t find that out until earlier this year, so I’m still very used to tiptoeing around people and holding myself back out of self-preservation. Working on that though, bc I’m tired of that shit. 
Erm, also… fuck is my favorite word. If you don’t like foul language, I might not be a great fit for you. 
I joined Tumblr about a month ago, so I am still learning and ask for your patience. (I will probably be learning for quite some time, tbh) If I’m doing something wrong, please let me know so I can fix it.
Asks are welcome, although not sure what you would ask me lol. With asks, keep in mind that I’m literal as fuck and context is everything :D
As is fairly common from what I’ve seen in this community, I’ve daydreamed whump for as long as I can remember, and it’s nice to:
1. know what to call it 🥲
2. find someplace where I don’t feel weird about getting it out of my head and putting it on digital paper. Well, not quite as weird haha.
I’m super nervous to post on here, but that’s what I’m here for, so… deep breaths 😶
*Fantasy whump 
Magic w/ consequences
Emotional whump/angst 
Defiant whumpee
Breaking whumpee to the point of hopeless despair before building them back up again
Revenge against whumper 
Creepy/intimate whumper 
Named characters 
Recovery arcs, bonus points for romance <3
Eventual Happy endings after copious amounts of suffering
I write what I like, btw. I have written explicit romance previously, but I’m not sure if I will here.
I will try to be diligent with my warnings, but as those are new for me as well, I may miss some. Please let me know if I do and I will fix it! (within reason, don't ask me to tag something like sadness. that's a typical emotion. extremes like depression, yes. sadness, no.)
* Disclaimer: I will only ever write fantasy. I prefer to read fantasy as well, but I have made exceptions when I get the tropes I want :D 
I’m willing to try most anything once. 
In general though, I tend to avoid cannibalism, major character death, hard-core conditioning, whumper redemptions, bad caretakers 
I’m excited to join the community here and looking forward to participating in Whumptober! I have no idea how well I’ll keep up since I only decided to write for it 3 days before the event, but I’m willing to try 😅
Even if I can’t keep up during October's events, I do plan to finish the storyline and there will be a happy end :D  
Fuck, this got long. Sorry!!!
See you all around! 💜
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cjtheghost-14 · 2 years
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I posted 2,330 times in 2022
That's 2,228 more posts than 2021!
40 posts created (2%)
2,290 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 54 of my posts in 2022
#genshin impact - 10 posts
#diluc - 9 posts
#diluc ragnvindr - 9 posts
#diluc x reader - 8 posts
#diluc fluff - 6 posts
#xen speaks - 6 posts
#diluc genshin impact - 6 posts
#diluc ragnivindr x reader - 6 posts
#genshin fluff - 5 posts
#genshin x reader - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 97 characters
#weve hit the face reveal and name reveal point a while back and call eachother on a regular basis
My Top Posts in 2022:
Aubadoir - Diluc Ragnvindr x Reader
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Requests: None (but are open)
Notes: I’m currently working on a Diluc au that might turn into a series, but here’s this for now!
Summary: What better time to be comforted by your husband than right before 5 a.m.?
Warnings: Fluff, overworked Diluc, sleep deprived reader
Diluc Discord Server
Diluc had gotten home late that night, no doubt saving Mondstadt from yet another threat. Normally, you would have fallen asleep by now, but tonight was different. You felt restless as you gazed out of the frost covered window. When your husband did manage to make it home, the clock had just turned to 4:00 a.m. He quickly scooped you up in his arms and brought you to the warm bed rather than sitting next to the drafty window. And yet, sleep still escaped you. So, Diluc decided to stay up with you until he was sure you were sleeping soundly, despite all of your protests. He must have been exhausted, but he put you first, just like always. 
“Hm, I love you so much.” He whispers sleepily, pressing his forehead against your own. 
“I love you too, Diluc… but please, go to bed…” You say softly, guilt weighing on your chest. Diluc had a tendency to overwork himself, and you knew rest was precious to him. It felt wrong being the one to take that away from him.
“No, not yet, dear. Something is bothering you and keeping you from sleeping, it’s my job to take care of you.” He explains, pulling back enough to look into your eyes. You could practically feel your heart melting as you stared into his ruby red eyes that only seemed to soften for you. And while he was right about something bothering you, you didn’t want to burden him. And so, you kept your mouth shut. 
“And it’s my job to take care of you, love. Go to sleep, please, nothing is bothering me.”
He takes a moment to study your expression before his gaze settles on your eyes again. A small smile dances on his lips as he speaks. “Liar, come now, follow me downstairs.”
Before you could question him he gets out of the bed, a t-shirt and plaid pajama pants hanging loosely off of him as he walks out of the bedroom door. 
“Wh- Diluc!” You shout, sitting up, bunching the blankets close to you as the cold air hits your skin. 
You hear a soft chuckle from down the hall as you sigh, crawling out of bed to follow him. Your eyes take a moment to adjust to the bright Christmas lights still hung up around Dawn Winery. But when they do, you see Diluc disappearing into the kitchen. “Hey! Come back here!”
You skip down the stairs, hands ghosting over the mahogany railing as you run after your husband. When you round the corner into the kitchen you see Diluc standing at the counter, back facing you as he fiddles with something. 
“Why are we in the kitchen right now?” You ask, rubbing your eyes. 
“I’m cheering you up.” He says simply before turning, revealing two mugs of eggnog and whipped cream in his hands. “We still had some left over from Christmas.” 
You stare at him for a moment before a bright smile appears on your lips. 
“Oh, darling…” You trail off before walking up to him, taking the cold mug in your hands. “Thank you.”
A soft smile appears on his lips as he leads you to the living room, settling down into the couch as you gaze outside of the window, the twilight sky beginning to melt into sunny hues. 
You bring the drink to your lips as you whisper. “You’ll have to get to work soon… huh?”
“Hm.. I don’t have to, I can take the day off.” He says softly, leaning his head on top of yours. 
You smile brightly, a wave of relief washing over you. Diluc was always busy with work, you rarely saw him. “Really?”
“Of course.” He whispers before gazing down at you, chuckling at your happy expression before hesitating. “Oh.. is that it, love?”
“Hm? What do you mean?” You question, snuggling into his side. 
“Is that why you're upset? I know I’ve been busy lately, darling, but I didn’t know it was affecting you this much.” He says, voice becoming quiet, guilt seeping into him. How had he not noticed before? 
“Oh… love, it’s ok…” You whisper. Damn, he could always tell exactly what was wrong with you. You should've known this time was no different. 
“So that is what's upsetting you? By the archons, dear, why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve made sure to take more time off.” He whispers, kissing the top of your head. 
“But you couldn’t have afforded that, Diluc, business is booming for you, it’s an important time.” You argue, frowning as you close your eyes. 
See the full post
141 notes - Posted December 31, 2021
Spa Day - Arataki Itto x Reader
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Summary: You give Itto a spa day
Notes: Let me know if you want to see a similar fic with any other characters! Also.. I’ve entered my Itto simp phase
Warnings: Swearing, a kinda stereotypical joke
Requests are open
See the full post
157 notes - Posted March 4, 2022
Wanderlust - Diluc Ragnvindr x Reader
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“laughing into the kiss”
For @xiaosmoon​ valentines day writing collab!
Warning: Mentions of Diluc’s Dad, Fluff (didnt have a lot of time to edit, sorry in advance lmao)
Words: 1,015
See the full post
239 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
Can I request Diluc and Zhongli with prompt 23 and Chocolate Chip Pancakes plz?🥺
Of course!
Havn't written for Zhongli yet so I hope you like it!
Prompt 23
“I’m not letting you sleep on the couch. Come on, get under the blankets.” (modern au)
Characters: Diluc, Zhongli
Notes: Sorry that this isn’t my best work! I’ve been sick for two weeks now :|
Warning: None, just fluff!
Requests are open
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It was still early in your relationship with Diluc when you stayed over at his apartment for the first time.
The end of your 4th date was quickly coming to an end. That night you had opted to watch a movie with him. But, as the first movie ended, Diluc recommended another, and another. And by the time the seemingly never-ending list of movies came to a close it was already the next day. 2 am to be precise. He saw no point in having you go home this late, and offered for you to stay over.
“Oh no, Diluc. It’s fine, really.” You argue, not wanting to impose. At least that’s what you told yourself. To be honest, it felt a little awkward to be staying over so early in your relationship. Although, this was your first time seriously dating, so you weren’t sure if this was standard or not. 
“Y/N, please, it’s quite late, I don’t mind.” He promises, planting a gentle kiss on your cheek. His voice comforted you, his tone like a silk blanket rolling over you. You couldn’t help but decide to stay. But, as you were settling into the couch, Diluc interrupts. 
“I’m not letting you sleep on the couch.” He says, almost exasperated. He quickly takes your hand and leads you to the bedroom. “Come on, get under the blankets.”
You feel your face grow red, looking over at him, only to see a soft smile dancing on his lips. A rare sight indeed. The sight gives you the confidence you need as you settle into the blankets, feeling his arms around you a moment later. He was surprisingly warm, his fluffy hair falling onto your bare skin. Before you can speak he pulls you closer, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. It was almost like this was planned...
See the full post
377 notes - Posted March 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Prompt 14
“Hey… sorry to just show up like this but I heard you weren’t feeling well so I got you some of your favorite snacks. Oh, and your favorite movie, just in case you were up to watch it with me?”
Characters: Thoma, Diluc, Itto, Xiao
Warnings: Fluff
Requests are open
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It was the dead of night when he showed up at your doorstep
You were surprised he was still awake, Thoma usually went to bed relativley early
You were even more surprised to see his arms full of different bags of all shapes and sizes, stamps and packing info on them
“Y/N! Hi... hi... I hope I didn’t wake you.” He says out of breath, smiling softly. 
“Thoma?” You ask sleepily, rubbing your eyes.
“I brought your favorite snacks!” He says sheepishly, holding up the bags.
“Why... so late?”
“Oh, uhm... I had heard you weren’t feeling that great... and so I had some authentic Mondstadt food shipped in.”
You couldve sworn you heart skipped a beat.
You and Thoma both grew up in Mondstadt. This gesture was something very important to you, Thoma always knew exactly how to cheer you up
“Oh! I uh, also got your favorite movie!” He exclaims, struggling to hold up a disc along with the bags of food. “I didn’t happen to hear why your upset, and you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to! But uh, I’ll be here to cheer you up either way!”
You had barley heard the soft knocking on your door over all the loud music you had been playing
But when you opened it you were suprised to see your boyfriend standing there, holding a to-go box and flowers
“Uhm... please excuse me for showing up so suddenly, but... I heard you were unwell, and came bearing gifts.”
Upon closer inspection it was a to-go box from Good Hunter, no doubt your favorite meal. In his other hand was a group of bright Cecilia.
 “Oh, Diluc...” You whisper, smiling softly at the red head in front of you.
He blushes slightly as you gaze at him, shifting his weight. “Oh, don’t look at me like that... I care about you is all, I want to keep you happy.”
That statement only made you smile more, which in turn made his face grow even redder
He sighs heavily, trying to hide his blush with the flowers. “Can I please just come in?”
When Itto showed up at 3 in the morning it wasn’t that big of a surprise, Itto often showed up without any warning. 
But this time he was carrying an armload full of boxes on his back.
“Hey Y/N!” He says happily.
See the full post
529 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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legomonkiekidfan1223 · 11 months
Dude everyone is trying to be as nice as possible about this but you’re hurting the artists you claim to “shout out” ( shout outs like this usually include actual names/credit btw ) by re posting screenshots of other people’s art. A lot of these artists are on tumblr and you know how to reblog. Even even if they aren’t on tumblr you need to ask permission to share the art and then properly credit them on top of that. How would you feel if they found this blog and were as they most likely would be upset with it? People keep trying to explain this nicely and maybe you’re young or English isn’t your first language but that isn’t an excuse for the way you’ve treated this situation. How would you feel if you spent hours or even days working on something only to have another person take your work take it and re upload it without a whisper of your name. Deep down you have to know what you’re doing is wrong please listen to that part of yourself. I’ve said this as kindly as possible but you need to stop dodging this and responding hostilely when people try to explain or help.
Well everyone needs kindness to them but am I doing something wrong with reposting someone's comic or art can you tell me what I am doing wrong so I can fix it I don't want the original artist to be mad at me for doing something wrong can you tell me what I am doing wrong so I don't do it again.
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
Okay, so everyone gather around, we need to talk about something, well a lot of things. I sat on this a while and was just not sure if I wanted to post this or just deal with it in private. Multiple topics under the cut.
As we know, interaction is terrible on this site now and 90% of people are using it like instagram or twitter. scroll, like, scroll, like. For the love of god, this is tumblr, not instagram or twitter. Please, if you are new here, keep this hellshit enjoyable and listen to creators and other users when we offer suggestions.
New here? read this | and this
Now the topic of reblogs. YES there are some creators who don't care about this and love to shout "no one owes you anything" and everyone is entitled to their options and feelings. That being said, there are many creators who DO CARE about this, me included.
There are many creators who are negatively affected by shitty and no interaction. We love what we do, so will we still do it without you? yes. But we chose to share here because we like sharing, we also like the interaction, we like the community. We do write for ourselves, and because we love it ( so please stop saying that as a generic response when a creator is venting, even if you mean well, it's still not helpful).
We are sharing works FOR FREE with the public and there is nothing wrong with wanting some interaction and reblogs, it's nice, it's a sign of appreciation, for some it boosts our morale as we offer up our babies for public viewing. I know for me, I have been very impacted by the way people use this site now, it sucks, it depresses me. Will it make me stop writing? Never. Will it make me consider keeping my work private at some point and just write in my own little corner of the world where my work is no longer free to view, yeah maybe. This place used to be so inspiring, and that is gone. Sure, some will disagree and that's okay. My blog, my option, my post.
So, when creators are like " hey it would be nice if you reblogged or interacted" it is not us begging, it is not us being babies, it's not us being ungrateful, it is not us disregarding shy or anon readers, its not us saying “wah you owe me!” - its us asking for something that is a great gesture of appreciation for the content you consume, FOR FREE. We are not asking for payout or to praise us, just show some signs of life people. That like button is in the same place at the reblog one, use it. Don't want to mess up your page aesthetic? Well you could make a reblog account. Those are great. I have two of them to support writers.
Am i saying you should reblog everything, no. So don't even bring that up. Reblog what you like. Help it get seen. Likes do NOTHING on tumblr aside from say "hey cool" or “liked this” and there is nothing wrong with that, just if you want to step up your game, reblog it, comment, interact. Have you ever seen a fic on your dash, one someone else shared and loved it? Well, do you know how you saw it? because someone reblogged it. A like did not do that. reblogs = exposure and fic circulation. The fic/gif set/art lives on in a bigger orbit!
Addition: reblog accounts are a thing! Many people do them. It’s an easy way you can keep your page however you want, but still reblog (means share, circulate) the original authors work. You do this by making a Sideblog and can dedicate that to reblogs only. I do that too! I have more than one RB account that is only dedicated to sharing other ppls work.
Now, the next topic...Updates
In the last month I have received lots of messages like "when is so and so being updated" "are you finishing ____" but on these same works, as I'm busting my ass, no one comments, no one reblogs and there's like 4 likes. Many of these messages don't even start with a greeting either.
Sooooo if readers are so ardent to see something, if you are actually reading it, if you want to support the author, how about showing some signs of life? Even if you just go anon and throw a bunch of emojis in their mailbox, that's good too! You can stay anon and be like " hey i really am enjoying that fic" - trust me, you will make the author smile.
One of the issues with this liking only thing is we can't tell if our work is actually being read or valued. And it sucks. Honestly, I don't look at my notifications for likes anymore, I don't. It's discouraging and it feels like no one is reading anything, just blankly liking it as if this was instagram or twitter. Could I be wrong? Sure. Of course. I mean I like stuff to find it later in the day so we have systems right? But this is just me venting on my own page so I'm holding the mic...
All of this is to say, don't demand updates from creators. If you like something, great. If you are excited, great. We love it! I love a well intentioned message from someone excited for an update. Tone matters, don't be a dick, don't be entitled, don't be rude. A creator is sharing their work with you FOR FREE, shit if they want to take 5 months to update, let them take 5 months. if they want to drop it for now and write in a totally new fandom for a bit, let them live.
So, do we love your excitement for updates? YES. But don't be a dick about it, don't demand it. And when said work is posted, how about you hit that reblog button or leave a comment or send some keyboard smashing excitement to their mailbox as a "yay its here, thank you creator"
Now, minors and sketchy looking blank accounts…
We are tired. I AM TIRED. I have never in my life had to do so much followers-list maintenance and I took a break because that shit is exhausting. Please, if you are a minor, do not follow adult blogs, stop ignoring our warnings. if you are a blank blog, take some time to not have a sketchy looking blog. More on this topic in this post.
Next…Complaining how there is no new content
YES there is! Some of you only read works by big blogs and only read their work on certain characters. So no, you can't complain there is nothing new for you to read. Many people do not give other writers a chance and only go to 1-3 blogs as the “be all end all” for a fandom or said characters. There is nothing wrong with favorites. That’s not what I’m taking about here. Branch out, there are so many writers, so many creatives, so many stories. The big and popular blogs are not the only ones who have stories to tell and share. Give other people a damn chance.
Okay, that's all I have to say. If anyone is sick of hearing about any of this, I don’t care. You can filter it out or unfollow. All this needs to be said, so I said it. Not just for me, but for all the creators who are frustrated. And trust me, many, if not most are. Some have left already for the above reasons, plus other reasons. This place could end up without content, slowly, eventually if creators continue to leave. So many have already.
Another topic is inner fandom drama but I’m not gonna touch that. Just be kind to each other, don’t be an asshole. Try to keep these spaces enjoyable. For many of us, this is out little escape.
Writing round up / hiatus news
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hansensgirl · 3 years
push it to the limit.
summary. | As he watches you ogle the man who would pop champagne moments before touching heaven, he puts his foot on the gas pedal and his hand on one of the levers, ready to push it to the limit. Maybe this time, you’ll finally notice him.
warnings. | Non/Dubcon, watersports, obsessive behaviour, coercion, bribery, dark themes, drinking (champagne), hate fucking, unprotected sex, rough sex, public sex, dumbification, degradation, dirty talk, humiliation, breeding kink, choking, allusions to anal, reader is really rude (so is Niki), *sexism/misogyny/paying for sex (see a/n), and more. 18+, MINORS DNI.
word count. | 8.4k
pairings. | Dark!Niki Lauda x Reader, James Hunt x Reader (it’s one-sided).
author’s note. | please enjoy, and please don’t forget to reblog! if you take ANY inspiration from my fics (i’ll know, trust me) and you don’t give credit, you will be blocked and i’ll let others know. *he talks about paying you for sex as a way to degrade you, it’s brief and in german! it does not reflect anything about me or my blog. we are pro-sex work here! it’s just fiction.
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“Look! There he is!” a small voice tells you, pointing somewhere with a great distance. You’re not sure how he manages to spot his favourite racer from so far. Among the sea of heads, your younger brother sits on your shoulders. You can feel him touching you down to your bones, and you try to ignore the pain just for him. “You sure? You said that five times before, y’know,” you denote, and you hear the six-year-old groan. “Yes, I’m sure! Look, he’s drinking that nasty stuff like always,” he adds, and you realize he’s talking about James’s signature champagne.
“It’s not nasty,” you mumble under your breath, remembering the way the pleasant liquid felt and tasted against your tongue. Sticky gold is what you’d describe it as, and you recall how it stained your skin. Shaky hands are bound to tremor even more under pressure, and your friend is an absolute clutz. It’s no wonder she made such a mess, as it is one of her best traits. But a particular pair of hands that seemed to have Midas’s touch cleaned you up, and you still to this day wish you were awake to thank them. You have many regrets, but that’s just a small one.
“Can we go closer to the fence? I want to try and talk to him,” your brother politely requests, and you let out a heavy sigh. Your mouth is pressed in a line, and you begin to shift your feet. You’ve got boots made of suede, a brown colour that always seems to go best with your all-black outfits. There’s a matching jacket on you as well, and it has fur on the cuffs and collar.
“What’s the marvel of watching it in person rather than watching it on television? Out here, we struggle so much, and you can barely even watch them properly. On the television, well, you see it all, and you can be as comfortable as you want,” you wonder out loud, and the child holds onto you tightly. He squeezes your head tightly, and the ribbon in your hair begins to fall in your face. It’s white silk, with a lovely hem to it. You save it for these races your sibling always wants to go to. Your other coloured ones are left for daily excursions, and sometimes a good party, too.
“Excuse me!” you loudly call out, and other women cast you nasty glares. You’ve seen those same looks one too many times, and you don’t pay any mind to them. If they truly care about their spots, they’d stand up and fight for them. But they’re just like babies with a piece of candy in their tiny fists. Maybe a jellybean, or perhaps even a pack of those oh so enjoyable Sour Patch Kids. “Why do you like only him?” you ask, raising both your eyebrows as you get closer to the fence. “I like James and Niki!” he exclaims loudly, and you loop your fingers between the holes of the fence.
“Niki? As in Niki Lauda? That arrogant, Austrian asshole?” you question in shock, not minding your foul language at all. “Yes! The guy that Dad hates. He’s cool, and he’s fast,” he explains, rolling his eyes. “Honestly? There’s nothing cool about him. He’s just… fast. James is the cool one,” you argue, and you can hear him groaning. “You like James Hunt because he looked at you that one time,” he snaps back in annoyance, and you sigh dreamily in remembrance. “Exactly! Now I need to look for Niki, I wanna say hi to him!” your brother exclaims, and your eyes scan the entrance area for Niki Lauda.
“Don’t just say hi to him; ask him for an autograph! We can sell it to one of his fans afterwards. They’re always dying for anything of his,” you propose, and your brother simply ignores the swindling ways that you’ve inherited from your grandfather since you were a kid. It’s the reason why you tend to find purses with deep pockets and smooth zippers that don’t pinch on the inner fabric. You reach into your bag, and you grab a marker that you’ve always got with you.
The crowd gets louder and louder, almost as if you’ve got headphones on your head and you want to turn down the volume, but you keep hitting the wrong button. A woman shrieks in your left ear, and a man whoops in the other. More bodies press against you, and with the marker in between two of your digits, you hope that you don’t return home with billions of bruises. On the big screen, recaps from the previous races are being played. It’s win after win, all on behalf of Niki Lauda and his incredible luck that doesn’t seem to have any end.
You’re finally able to make out what people are screaming; the curly-haired man’s name. “Niki! I love you!” they all shout, and you wonder if any of them like James. It seems like you haven’t found your people, and maybe just for today, you’re the odd one out. “Seems like you’re not the only one that has Niki amongst their favourites,” you grumble, and your brother lets out a giggle. A few moments later, he sits up far more proper on your shoulders. The hand with the marker in it grabs onto one of his legs, and you make sure he doesn’t fall down and ends up being the true loser of this race.
“Niki! I’m your biggest fan!” he shouts at the top of his lungs, using his full voice and then some. You look over to the entrance, and you spot the brooding Austrian wrapped in red walking out with a deep frown on his face. You fight the urge to roll your eyes, but your brother doesn’t care about your deep annoyance towards his idol. Niki shoots a look over to where you’re both standing, and your brother waves his arms from side to side, trying to get the racer’s attention. Even if he doesn’t, you have a feeling that Niki will be more displeased than anything.
It only makes sense, as he always acts that way with his fans though they’re the only people who appreciate him.
His nose is upturned, and he tries to pinpoint your brother and his powerful screams. High-pitched yet so loud, it’s no wonder why his tantrums are the root for almost all household headaches. “He’s looking over here,” you tell him, and your brother nods. “Yeah, because of me! He’s going to come, and I’m going to meet him!” he squeals, somehow connecting none existent dots to fuel a form of hope that dwindles inside him. You can be mean, but you’re not cruel. So you won’t be a realist, and you’ll let the youth on your shoulders believe what he wants to think.
“And when you meet him, ask him to sign something,” you advise, not letting go of your chance to make a few hundred dollars. He doesn’t say anything, but you know he’s pondering whether or not he should do it. “Niki! I love you!” the woman next to you screams as if she’s using every bit of her energy to get him to notice her. Your head already starts to ache just a bit, and you wish you brought some form of a pain killer. Niki saunters over to the fence, and for some reason, you don’t feel proper behind the fence.
It’s the way he carries himself with the highest of heads, a sort of confidence dragging with his every step. He knows he can do anything right now, and everybody except you would love him for it. He could make an entire turn and not greet his fans, and they’ll laugh it off. You’ve witnessed his haughtiness, and there’s no doubt inside you that you’ll see it again. “Niki! Good luck on the race!” a person says, and the rest of the crowd laughs at them.
“Dude, he doesn’t need your luck,” someone next to them says before elbowing the poor fan’s ribs. You can hear them wince in pain before they start to scream at the racer once again. Niki raises his hands up to his chest, almost as if he’s surrendering to something. That bratty smirk of his is replaced by a cheerful smile, and while everyone adores it, you see right through the façade. “Hello, everyone!” he greets, and you already want to roll your eyes until they fall back into your skull.
Niki stands right in front of you, and you try to look somewhere other than his face. Your view darts wildly until you finally settle on looking at the exceptionally boring asphalt underneath your feet. The screaming quiets down, and you wonder if everything is okay. “Uhm, Mr. Niki Lauda? I love you! I’m such a big fan! I watch all of your races, and I try to go to them all! Can I have an autograph?” your brother gleefully expresses, and you snap your head up at his words.
Much to your dismay, you lock gazes with the man you hate most in this entire stadium. His eyes are rather dull, yet they’ve got a sort of darkness in them that makes you feel just a tad bit uneasy. Both begrudgingly and excitedly, you hand the marker to your brother, who, in turn, gives it to his idol. Niki takes it gratefully, and he raises his least dominant hand. The other fans try to reach for it, for him. But he ignores them, and he gives a high-five to your brother.
You can’t hear the sound of their palms meeting because the displeasure of the crowd drowns it all out. “What do you want me to write it on?” Niki questions, taking the cap off of the marker. “Uhm, my shirt?” he offers, stretching the red fabric towards the elder. You observe as the racer awkwardly signs his name on your brother’s clothing, and you know that your Mother is going to be more than angry. Your Father, on the other hand, will be filled with pride and excitement.
“Thank you so much!” the child squeals, and Niki simply waves his hand as if it was no big deal to him. But you know that deep down inside, he was probably a bit annoyed. “Do you want an autograph, Miss?” Niki asks, and you take note of how his demeanour has changed. His features are softer, and his eyes seem to be lit up. “Oh, uh, no, thank you. I’m waiting for James. I love him a lot,” you tell him, pushing your shoulders back in confidence. The people around you let out gasps, and they follow their sounds up with whispers that aren’t so hushed.
Niki’s face drops, and you give him your fakest smile. He stares at you, almost as if he wants to lash out and scream. Maybe even call you a name or two. “That’s alright,” he assures after a while, and you have the urge to say something snarky. He hands the marker back to your brother, who is too busy being in awe of his favourite racer to listen to you being on your worst behaviour. Niki walks off, but this time, his stride lacks his boldness. “He’s so cool!” your brother squeals, staring at the Sharpie. You sigh, knowing that you two will constantly butt heads over Niki.
“Well, I beg to disagree.”
“Niki! Is everything okay?” one of the mechanics asks, and the star nods his head mindlessly. Instead of pressing him for some sort of answer, he leaves Niki alone to mull all by himself. There is not one person who dares to talk to him before the race unless it has to do with the car or the competition itself. It’s out of pure fear because nobody likes to face the Austrian’s wrath. From screaming way too loudly to piercing, uncomfortable stares, he never knows how to properly communicate with others.
He gazes at you from just a few mere metres away. His eyes are like ice, and he hopes you can feel the coldness from where you are. He really fucking hopes you do. You’ve got that sultry look to you, and it’s not cast towards him. No, it isn’t at all, and it irks him all the way to his bones. You ogle James fucking Hunt. Of all the other inferior racers there, you choose to admire James, and Niki hates you both for that. At every single race, he’s seen you show up to, you never look at him.
You don’t acknowledge him at all. It doesn't just hurt his ego; it also breaks his heart. Your preference and love for the Englishman injure those butterflies inside Niki’s stomach, and yet they still continue to flutter. The funniest, most ironic part of everything is that the races you attend always end with Niki being the winner. Never James. But you still idolize him over the Austrian, and he’s tired of it.
“Make sure it goes fast, okay? Fast, but nothing should catch on fire or malfunction,” Niki tells his technicians, and they halt what they’re doing. “But, Sir-” one of them starts, and Niki closes his fist for them. “No,” he simply states before crossing his arms once again. Niki looks back over to you, and you’ve now got a smile on your face. He loves the sight, but he knows his adoration will turn sour in a few seconds once he follows your line of gaze. So he chooses not to, and he decides to use you as his motivation.
The racers all go to their cars, and they pull their helmets on. Some are dressed in black, some in white, and only two in red. James and Niki. Niki is surrounded by his team, and James has twice the number of people next to him. Along with mechanics are girls in short skirts with jackets similar to yours. Deep down, you wish you could switch places with one of them, but maybe it isn’t as good as it seems to be. Perhaps your spot behind the fence with your younger sibling is what’s meant for you.
Your neck is more than exhausted. Your shoulders have a unique pain to them, one that not even doctors can begin to describe. Your bones are in desperate need of a crack, and your muscles crave a lengthy stretch that’ll leave you shaking. Yet, you continue to stand there with no complaints ready to fly off your tongue. The whooping behind you is so loud, but you’ve gotten used to it. “C’mon, Niki! You can do it!” your brother cries out, clapping his hands in excitement.
Niki flashes a thumbs up, and he looks at you one last time. As he watches you ogle the man who would pop champagne moments before touching heaven, he puts his foot on the gas pedal and his hand on one of the levers, ready to push it to the limit. Maybe this time, you’ll finally notice him. Perhaps this time, you’ll realize he’s the best racer there is. He takes a deep breath, and he reassures himself that he’ll win as always.
“I have a feeling Niki is going to win this one,” the lady next to you says, and her friends nod their heads in utter agreement. You want to ask why she thinks that, but you’ve already left a bad taste in the crowd’s mouth. “Do you think Niki will win?” you ask your brother, looking up at him as best as you can. “I think so, but maybe James will surprise us!” he predicts, and you nod your head. “I hope James wins,” you whisper under your breath. Your bottom lip falls victim to your teeth, and you gnaw on it out of stress.
You keep your sights on James, and occasionally, you glance at Niki. Perhaps it’s simply just morbid curiosity that’s eating at you because there’s no way you’d just casually look at a man you despise with all your heart. As all the racers go to their designated spots in their cars, excitement fills your stomach. But it’s mixed with fear, as anything can go wrong at these tracks, and that’s the last thing you want to happen. You get lost in your thoughts, thinking about all possibilities.
Who will win? Who will get hurt? Who will get angry? Who will become sad? You ask yourself all these questions that don’t truly matter much to your life, and yet you still try to find an answer inside of you.
Suddenly, the sound of engines revving and then taking off fills your ears. Screams follow them up, and you realize that the race has started. You wait until every single car leaves your view before looking at the scoreboard. You can’t bear to watch them risk their lives while you stand not so comfortably yet safe behind a fence. “Oh my God! James is in the first place!” you squeal like a kid in a candy store, and your brother claps.
Some of the people around you cheer for James, and others for Niki. But you ignore them, and you simply focus on what the orangish-yellow neon lights say. Some names switch spots rapidly, perhaps too quickly for you to keep up with. But you stay trained on the upper two; I. HUN, II. LAU. The former stays on top for most of the race, and the latter switches with him every now and then. “C’mon, c’mon, c’mon,” you nervously mumble, hoping that the Englishman stays on top.
“Seems like your favourite is going to win,” the known lady cleverly smirks, and you give her the side-eye. “Yes, because he’s good at what he does,” you confidently agree, hoping that you won’t have to eat your words in the next few minutes. She chuckles before shaking her head. “No wonder you don’t like Niki Lauda,” she expresses, shaking her head practically in some form of awe. “What are you talking about?” you annoyingly press, already growing tired of whatever conversation she’s trying to make.
“You’re both egotistical and full of yourselves. You do it because that’s who you are, and Niki does it for his own reasons, like pure enjoyment. It’s so obvious for you to dislike him because he’s a reflection of you, and you hate that,” she states, proud of herself for whatever reasons. “That’s dumb, and so are you. He does it because that’s who he is. I do it because I don’t like some people—such as yourself—and because I have plenty of reasons to be prideful. Not egotistical,” you snap, and she raises her hands as if she’s surrendering.
“Sure, whatever you say.”
Your mood has turned absolutely irritable, and the bitterness has claimed you entirely. You realize that you haven’t checked the places since before speaking to the lady, and you get excited. Flicking your head up, you expect to have your preferred person’s name at the very top, but instead, you see the name of the one and only Niki Lauda. I. LAU, II. HUN. “No, no, no!” you panic, watching as James stays in second place. None of the names change places at all, and you find yourself to be absolutely crushed. “Yes, yes, yes!” the crowd cheers and your face has fallen in disappointment.
Niki’s name gets announced, and everyone is absolutely elated. Everyone apart from you. Your brother celebrates the win from his high spot, and everybody jumps for joy. You stay silent, and you try your hardest to not swallow your pride. Each driver gets out of their cars slowly, and they congratulate the Austrian with smiles on their faces. You stare at him callously before you notice that James is still grinning. Despite not winning entirely, he never actually lost. So there’s no reason for you to be so dull and gloomy.
He walks off with his posse of men and women, and you realize maybe it’s time for you to head home as well. “So, your favourite won,” you say to your brother, and he giggles. “Yep! And yours lost!” he jokes, and you let out a forced giggle. “Yeah, yeah,” you brush off, making your way through the energetic body of people you strongly dislike.
Niki is engulfed in overly suffocating hugs. Some hands shake him, and some even slap him on the back, not so lightly. He doesn’t know which pairs belong to which bodies, and yet he goes with them all anyway. “You did great, Niki!” one voice praises. “Yeah, great job, Niki!” another adds. He thanks everybody in one sentence, and he pulls away once they start to mingle amongst themselves. The fantastic win of his isn’t what’s on his mind. It’s the thing that’s been etched and burned into his brain for him to think about, even though it should be appreciated now.
No. You’re what’s on Niki’s mind, and he has no intention of letting you leave.
He looks over at the swarm of heads that may have drowned you, and he can’t find you there. Not one trace of you is left behind, and his blood boils. Do you truly hate him to the point where you can’t even stay back for a few more seconds? Niki swears in Austrian under his breath, and he frustratingly walks over to the crowd. Fingers that aren’t yours reach out for him, and he ignores them all. “Have any of you seen that woman with the little boy on her shoulders?” he angrily questions, cracking his knuckles in anticipation.
His heart is still clamouring wildly in his chest, practically beating against him to be let out. “Uhm, she just left… She went that way! But I could easily replace her if you want…” a woman flirts, and Niki completely ignores her words after he gets what he wants. He leaves abruptly, and they are still yelling after him. “So eine verdammte Schlampe. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, dir eine Lektion zu erteilen, du hast darum gebettelt, seit ich dich gesehen habe,” he grumbles, walking through the crowded entrance.
Niki emerges with perseverance and even more anger than before. He searches through the sea of racing enthusiasts, and he spots you being bent over. It’s a wildly lewd position for you to be in, and Niki finds himself feeling flushed and displeased at the way you let others leer at you. He should be the only one to see you that way, nobody else. The Austrian wants to storm his way to you, to grab you and drag you somewhere more private so that he can put you in your place, but he knows the current setting isn’t right.
“Uhm, Mr. Lauda? Would you like a drink in honour of your win? It’ll be on us!” a shy waitress offers, appearing out of nowhere. He jumps in fear, but he quickly calms down. “Well…” he ponders, even though he’s not a fan of drinking after a race. In a trice, the lightbulb in his brain goes off. It shines brightly, and a clever idea starts to nag him. “Do you, uh, mind doing me a favour? I’ll even pay you extra,” he quickly prompts, and the waitress smirks. “Sure!” she agrees, carefully balancing the glasses on her tray.
“I need you to take all these glasses—maybe add some more champagne and make sure they’re really full—to that person over there,” he instructs, pointing to where you are. He watches as you wave to your family, who drives off without you. “The one with the brown jacket?” she double checks, and he nods in assurance. “Yeah, that one. Take them to her, and tell her they’re from someone who adores her and her love for champagne quite a bit,” Niki directs while trying to hold in a villain-like laugh.
“Ok! Then I just leave?” she asks, tilting her head innocently. “Yes. And don’t mention my name or anything about me at all,” he adds quickly before placing a hundred-dollar bill on the tray. The waitress slips it into her pocket before walking to where you’re standing idly. Niki watches the innocent worker make her way towards you until he realizes he should hide away before she makes a mistake.
“Excuse me, ma’am? Hi, I have something for you,” a waitress tells you, and you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. “I- What? I never ordered anything, I think you have the wrong person,” you tell her, turning your back and facing elsewhere. “No! I have the right person. They said they’re someone who adores you and your love for champagne!” she gleefully clarifies, and only one person comes to mind. James. You let out an excited, eager gasp. One that can’t be rivalled by any of Niki’s fans from his win.
She hands you the two full glasses, and you can just tell that the golden liquid is of high quality. You get drunk quickly, perhaps a little too easily. But that’s never stopped you from enjoying yourself at all. “Thank you so much! Oh, and I’m sorry for being rude at first,” you softly whisper to her, and she simply waves you away. “No worries,” she reassures, and she walks off before you can finish your first glass.
Tilting your head back, you bring the first flute to your mouth and you down everything it has to offer in just a few gulps. The drink slides down your throat with such ease. It’s brut, and it has a sort of bitter yet sweet taste to it. Sighing, you smack your lips and take whatever is left of the first glass gratefully. You then switch the glasses around with shaky yet skillful hands. “Thank you, James, for being such a lovely guy,” you murmur to yourself, dragging out the last letters of each word.
The alcohol quickly settles inside you, and it starts to distort you as always. Blurry eyes and a hazy mind, you’ve turned into a drunken mess in a matter of a few seconds. You slowly sip on your second and last glass before your temptations grow tired of your sluggishness. You down the entire thing until there’s a small drop at the bottom that just won’t budge. You let out a tiny sound of amazement, and you find yourself wanting to have some more. You lick your lips, trying to search for a slight hint of the sort of melon flavour until it goes away.
“Uhm? Does anyone know where that waitress went?” you ask loudly, and those who hear you shake their heads ‘no.’ “Damn,” you frustratingly mutter, lightly stomping your foot against the concrete. You roll your head backwards, in both a stretch and a habit. Your mind feels heavy, but your bones and muscles are even more burdensome. You bring your skull back to its normal position, and you decide to go look for her. Stumbling clumsily, you walk back into the dreaded arena where everyone is still celebrating Niki Lauda’s victory.
Niki watches you amongst a crowd of fans who are trying to form some sort of discussion with him. They hound him with all kinds of questions, some about the race itself and some about the esteemed racer and his personal life. Like a hunter stalking his prey, his eyes stay trained on you until you disappear behind the red door that leads to rooms that only named people are allowed to go to. “So, what are you going to do now, Mr. Lauda? How are you going to celebrate?” one of them asks, with a sort of sultry tone to their voice that he fails to notice.
“I have plans with a friend of mine for tonight,” he briefly states before pushing through them and following you into the stadium. “Can I join?” another asks, and he simply ignores them as they call after Niki with even more curiosity. It’s not hard to spot someone in bright red overalls suddenly walking into somewhere he shouldn’t be, but it’s easy to pay no mind to him because he’s a champion and most people who see him aren’t.
“Where, where, where are you, kleine Maus?” he hauntingly calls out, and his voice echoes back. Niki can hear the sound of your shoes clicking against the ground, and he decides to follow it. He tries his hardest to calm his heart down, but it’s hard to both hold your breath and make sure you’re not nearing cardiac arrest. The racer quickens the paces of his feet, practically jogging towards you as you decide to turn around and forget about the champagne.
Your jacket slips off your shoulders as you whip your body around, and suddenly, you’re pushed against a wall. The brick is painted over with a sort of cream colour. You begin to panic as strong hands keep you from fighting your attacker. “Du bellst wohl nicht nur, kleine Maus,” he notes out loud, and you don’t understand a word of what he’s saying. The voice is familiar, though, except for the fact it’s a few octaves deeper than you last heard.
“Niki?” you question, halting your flailing fists and restless legs. “Yes, kleine Maus?” the man questions and your jaw drops in shock. “What the fuck?! Are you insane? Get off of me!” you scream loudly, and his hopes of getting you still begin to die like a flower in the wintertime. Niki grabs ahold of your wrists in his dominant hand, and he swiftly turns you around and stomps on your ankles. “Help!” you cry out, but his other hand presses your face against the wall.
“Shut up, shut the fuck up,” he orders in your ear, pushing your white ribbon out of your face. You listen to him, but you disobey his commands at the same time. Writhing around, you try to escape the claws that squeeze you tightly, and you fail miserably. “Cute. Now stop fighting me, or else I’ll hurt you so badly you wouldn’t be able to go to anyone for help,” he threatens, and you gulp thickly in fear. Your saliva tastes of alcohol still, and you regret ever coming to the race.
“Good girl. See? That wasn’t so hard. All you need to do is listen to me,” Niki instructs, talking down to you like you’re some child who doesn’t know any better. “Why?” you choke out through gritted teeth. Your cheekbones rub against the brick, and the pain is gruesome. “Because I need to put you in your place. Do you seriously think you can just mouth off to me like that? To disrespect me like that? To prefer that pathetic racer over me?” he asks, and you let out a whimper. Each of his words sinks into you like needles filled with anesthesia.
They numb your mind until you realize what’s really happening, but by then, it’s too late.
“Well, obviously, I prefer James over you! Look at you, you’re rude, and you’re a horrible, shitty person. Now get off of me!” you lash out, even though your body doesn’t move. Niki simply laughs like a maniac, and you find yourself wanting to take back your words. “Maybe I’m so rude because I like you. Like how little boys tease little girls when they have crushes. You do know what a crush is, right? Just making sure since you’re so cold-hearted. Bet you don’t know anything other than hatred,” he spits, and you’re pretty offended.
“I know what you’re talking about! I’ve had feelings for people, okay?” you bite back, and Niki becomes curious. “Really? Let me guess. James Hunt? Some old boyfriend of yours? A man at a party who cleaned you up because you don’t know how to take care of yourself?” the Austrian questions, and you don’t realize who he’s talking about until you look at his hands. They’re the same as those gracious ones, except they’re more rough and lack gentleness. “That was you?” you ask, and you’ve lost all fight in your body at the realization.
“Well, of course, kleine Maus. Someone had to watch your back, and that someone is me! Du bist nicht so klug, wie du dich selbst darstellst, ganz ehrlich. But that’s okay, it’ll be okay. It’ll be just alright now that I’m here to put you in your place,” he reassures you, and you don’t even have the energy to ask him what he means. “Look, I’m sorry, I really am. I’ve learnt my lesson now, can you let me go? I won’t tell anyone, Sir, I promise!” you plea and your words start to blur into one another.
“I don’t think you’re sorry, kleine Maus. I need to do what’s necessary because I’m fucking tired of you and your bullshit,” Niki snaps, and you whimper from the harsh tone of his words. His change in behaviour gives you whiplash, and you realize that there’s no way out of whatever he has planned for you. “So careless, so mean, so ignorant… So clumsy. I guess you aren’t as independent or as strong as you claim to be,” he whispers, and he causes tears to sting your almost empty eyes. They hurt, and they carry such maliciousness to them that you can’t help but be terrified of Niki.
A hand comes up to the waist of your jeans. They flare out at the bottom, and well, they look pretty damn good on you. But maybe a little too good because they make Niki think wild thoughts. He expertly takes the buttons out of their holes, and he unzips your rusted zipper. “P- Please, Niki,” you beg one last time, but Niki ignores you. He pulls down your pants against your protests, and he lets them get tangled with your tired feet. Your bare ass is exposed to the cool air of the arena, and goosebumps begin to rise on your skin.
“Such a lovely ass, kleine Maus. Maybe I should fuck it instead of doing what I had planned. Would you like that?” Niki politely asks, and your eyes nearly fall out of your skull. “N- No, thank you, Niki,” you shakily reject, and he nods. “You see, unlike you, I’m not so mean. So I’ll spare you, but only this once,” he cheerfully tells you, acting as if you’re supposed to start jumping up and down at his words. The closest thing to gratitude he’ll ever get from you is silence.
Niki still has a tight grip on your hands, and with your legs now immobilized from the mess by your feet, you can’t do much to save yourself. He wraps his arm around your waist, and he grabs at the crotch of your panties with no care at all. The cotton bunches up, and his fingers graze lightly against your folds. You try to ignore his touch, but he does the opposite and forces you to focus on it. He’s frozen, and you’re waiting for his next malevolent move. You can hear his heavy breathing, and he angles his digits upwards so he can touch you even more.
You press a fist against the wall, and you try to brace yourself as best as you can. Unexpectedly, a fierce pain strikes you in your hips, and it hurts more than you can describe. His hand has left you, and you can feel the air breeze against your pussy. Your panties are on the floor, ripped into a shred of fabric that no longer has any good use other than reminding you of how you could’ve avoided this entire situation. “I’ll get you better ones, don’t worry,” he reassures you in a humorous manner, and you squeeze your eyes shut in annoyance.
Instead of having your hips jut out for easy access, he pushes your torso against the wall until there’s a pressure inside your stomach. Instead of pain, it’s a sort of tingling sensation that makes your eyes bulge out in shock. “Uhm...” you hesitate, and his ears perk up. “What is it?” he frustratingly asks you, and his harsh tone snivelling. “N- Nevermind,” you mumble, and you just try to take deep breaths. “Are you ever going to shut up?” Niki questions as his other hand skillfully unzips his red overalls.
He’s wearing a simple pair of shorts and a t-shirt for the hot weather and occasional coolness. You keep quiet, not sure if you should answer him or not. Niki grumbles in another language that you don’t understand, and you realize that no matter what you do, you’ll always make him angry. Even your begging doesn’t bring you any fruits of labour. Only disappointment.
His shorts join the pile of clothing on the ground, many colours clashing that leave his eyes to be sore. Sunset pink panties, pale blue jeans, vibrant red overalls, and black shorts. It’s a fashionista’s worst nightmare. His hard cock is left in his boxers, and he’s just too impatient to fully undress. He throbs out of want and need, with a swollen tip that leaks with pre-cum. “I know this isn’t so… What’s the word you people use? ...Ah, romantic! I know this isn’t so romantic, but it’s not supposed to be. I’m the only one who’s supposed to enjoy this, not you. So I don’t care if you want to fake a smile or anything like that, all you need to do is not say anything,” he explains, and you nod your head.
“O- Okay, Niki,” you assure, and he lets out a groan that is followed by his tongue clicking against his pearly teeth. “Dumb whore,” he spits, and his hand wraps around your throat. You’re inebriated beyond belief, and you don’t realize he can crush your windpipe in a split second until he whispers in your ear. “Can’t do one thing right, can you?” he retorts. The grip he has on your wrists suddenly loosens up, but you’re too sluggish to fight him. And even if you try, you’ll end up a pathetic loser with even less honour than before.
The fat tip of his large cock presses against your mildly slick pussy. “You’re already wet for me, kleine Maus! Oh, such a whore. You say you don’t want this, yet your little cunt is telling me otherwise. Maybe you should use it to think instead of your empty brain. You’d end up in better places if you did so,” he advises, and you try to tune him out. But he’s like an alarm that just won’t stop until you do something, and yet, you’re helpless. “Ich kann es kaum erwarten, dich zu meiner Hure zu machen. Wie viel verlangen Sie? Einen Dollar? So oder so, du wirst von mir gefickt werden,” Niki snickers, and you have a feeling his words lack kindness.
But who the hell are you to worry about kindness?
Niki pushes his hips forward as his cock slowly sheathes itself inside of your tight pussy. The way you hug him makes him moan immediately, and he wonders if he’s the first you’ve ever had. “Jesus Fucking Christ, you’re so right, kleine Maus,” he groans, slowly bottoming out inside of you. You’re biting down on your wobbly bottom lip, trying your hardest to keep quiet and not let out any cries. The pain is searing. It’s the worst thing you’ve ever felt, and it ingrains itself into your mind until it’s all but an illusion. You’re practically about to be torn in half from his cock, and you’re at an impasse.
The racer curses as his balls rest against your ass, heavy and swollen. He’s deep inside you, filling you up until you’re bursting and you don’t know what to focus on; the pressure in your stomach that just seems to grow with each passing second, or the pain that leisurely turns into pleasure you’ll be addicted to? Everything is so much all at once. “Feel that, kleine Maus? Do you feel how deep inside you I am? Good, because you’ll have to get used to it,” he tells you, and you writhe around.
“So desperate already…” he whispers, watching as you can’t stand still at all. Niki’s hand leaves the base of his cock, as he thrusts his hips forward to elicit a reaction from you. He holds onto you tightly, and your body jerks from his movement. Your swollen stomach is pushed further against the wall, much to your dismay. You let out a gasp, and you try to close your legs as much as Niki will let you. He chuckles before he drags his cock backwards. His tip is the only thing inside you, and he suddenly begins to pump into you roughly. “Oh my God,” you whimper quietly, and your words are drowned out by the sound of skin against skin.
He thrusts up into you at a quick pace, one that your fingers or past lovers could never rival. It seems as though he’s fast when it comes to almost anything. “Die beste Muschi, die ich je hatte,” Niki whispers. Your pussy slickens up as he fucks you, coating him with your sticky wetness. The sight is something to behold, and his cock slips in and out of you with each thrust. “Make some pretty noises, kleine Maus. I want to hear how much of a slut you are for my cock,” he demands, and a loud moan moves past your lips without warning. It’s lewd and pornographic, yet it’s not as debauched as the sounds your wet pussy makes.
“Yeah, that’s more like it, hure,” Niki praises, and you mewl once his cock begins to touch that sweet spot of yours. It makes you go dizzy and hazy, and it also makes your legs weak. You involuntarily stop clenching your thighs together. Each thrust brings you against the wall, and you feel like you’re about to explode. Your pussy clenches down on Niki’s cock tightly, and his motions stutter. “Are you going to come already, my little slut?” he questions, slowing down his thrusts just to see you get frustrated. But the reaction you have is quite the opposite of what he wants, and he’s confused.
You let out a shaky breath that is filled with relief. You try to cross your legs together and push your ass backwards so that you’re far from the wall, even if it means that you’re closer to Niki. Your efforts don’t do much, and you want to wail in defeat. Niki observes you carefully before he shoves you back against the wall. You cry out before whispering a simple ‘please’ to him. He doesn’t realize what you’re talking about until he watches you place one of your hands on your stomach. You splay your fingers out delicately, and Niki chuckles.
The hold he has on your hips goes away, and he reaches for your hand. “Shh, it’s okay,” he reassures, and you furrow your eyebrows in both confusion and surprise. Niki pulls his cock out of you until you’re an empty, gaping mess. Suddenly, he presses down on your bladder until warmth trickles down your legs, soaking the fabric at your feet. A few tears leak from your eyes, and Niki watches as you burn up with embarrassment and shame. The pain and pressure in your abdomen go away as you finally alleviate yourself.
“Dreckig, dreckig, kleine Maus,” he degrades, and you don’t have it in you to be offended. The streams of liquid eventually come to an end, and you’re so ashamed. You press your face against the wall and wait for Niki’s next word. But he doesn’t say anything at all. Zip, zilch, nada. Instead, he pulls his hand away from your stomach and uses it to silently guide his cock back to your drooling, aching hole. “Couldn’t help yourself, I know. It’s okay, it’s not entirely your fault, liebling,” Niki tells you, even though he’s more patronizing than comforting.
“Es ist nicht deine Schuld, dass du nicht weißt, wie man etwas richtig macht. Keine Manieren, keine Höflichkeiten... Ich verstehe, dass du so bist, aber ich bin hier, um dich zu ändern. Ich bin hier, um dir beizubringen, dass du unter mir stehst und dass du nichts anderes tun solltest, als meine Hure zu sein und mich zu verehren,” he continues, and you’ve decided to give up entirely. You forehead rests on the white brick, and Niki begins to fuck you roughly once again.
He pounds against your sweet spot relentlessly, not one error in his rhythmic thrusts. “Poor little thing acts all tough until it comes down to it… And now look at you, you’re a complete mess with my cock stuffed inside this perfect pussy,” Niki grunts, leaning his body forward. His chest is right up against your back, and his chin rests on your sweaty shoulder. Your white ribbon is a tangled mess, the two ends of it twisting together and falling in your face. The silk material is no longer cooling, and the styling purpose of it has lost its touch.
The plunges of his cock are more deep than quick, and each shove of his hips sends you spiralling in pleasure. “F- Fuck,” you moan, seeing stars in your vision as your legs twitch from overwhelming gratification. “Yeah, you like that? You like the way my cock makes your pussy feel, kleine Maus?” he questions, and he further pushes his head down until his mentum digs into your skin. You wail loudly out of pain before nodding your head desperately. Niki squeezes the sides of your neck even more, but he also pushes down on your windpipe until you’re gasping for air.
You wheeze resoundingly, and the sound of you suffering for breath sends even more blood down to Niki’s pulsating cock. “Say it, tell me how much you love my cock and how much of a slut you are for me,” he demands, and you grasp at whatever’s left in your vocabulary. “I- I love your cock, Niki. I’m such a slut for you and your cock. You make me feel so good. I love your cock so much,” you pathetically mewl, and you can feel a form of tightening building up in you. Your lower abdomen burns up with searing flames, ones that trail all the way down to where you’re both connected.
You get wetter and wetter, more loud and desirous as your climax builds up. It’s like a staggering tower that reaches up to the sky and past the clouds; it has an end, but it keeps growing. “Are you going to come, kleine Maus? Are you going to come around my fat cock? I know you are. C’mon, do it,” Niki urges, and you moan his name loudly. “Do it, come on my cock right fucking now, or else I’ll make this worse for you,” he demands, and your back arches violently. You let out a gasp as your jaw goes slack. Red fills your vision, and you’re clamping down on his cock.
You moan his name loudly, and your juices coat his already sticky cock. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you mewl, digging your nails into your skin as you struggle to keep quiet like he ordered you to do. Your pussy spasms wildly, and your clit throbs, desperate for a few fingers to rub it. Your legs shake just a little bit, and you find yourself meeting Niki at his every thrust, desperate to keep going. Your ass moves backwards, and his hips move forwards, and the Austrian fucks you through your orgasm. Your nerves have sparks flying from them, and every part of you is sensitive.
“You’re so pretty when you come, kleine Maus. You look just like a desperate whore,” Niki grunts, and he can feel himself inching closer to his own climax. It’s like the light at the end of a tunnel or the chequered flag that usually waits for him at the race track before he’s announced to be the winner. “I’m gonna come inside you, kleine Maus, even if you don’t want me to. I’m going to fill you up with my seed and make you all nice and round. That way, you’ll know who you belong to, and you won’t be whoring around for the James Hunt you love so much,” he whispers in your ear, and you rapidly shake your head.
No, no, no, no.
“Yes, yes, yes, kleine Maus, you’re going to take my seed because I said so. Now stop fighting me,” he moans in your ear, and his thrusts grow sloppy and lazy. Niki shallowly fucks into you, and his balls begin to tighten up. His chest rises and falls, and he can feel his high beginning to climb up to the sky. Up, up, up, and away. Niki moans out the little pet name he’s applied to you, and he entirely shoves his cock inside you until he can’t move anymore. Growling, he comes inside you without a care in the world.
The raging, red tip of his fat cock is so deep. White ropes of his seed shoot into your womb, filling you up until you’re an upset, messy cumdump. “This is all you’re good for, kleine Maus,” Niki whispers in your ear, reminding you of your so-called place that he believes you belong in. His cum drips down your inner walls and leaks past his cock, and your fluids mix with each other. Niki’s cock twitches inside of you, but he remains as hard as a rock.
“Can’t wait to see you with my baby, kleine Maus. And I can’t wait to see James’s face when he sees you with me. Er wird so schockiert sein, dass sein Gesichtsausdruck unbezahlbar sein wird,” Niki laughs wickedly, and you can’t imagine you’ll ever meet anyone as cruel or as twisted as he is. “Can you get off of me now? I want to go home, and I want to stay as far away from you as I can,” you snap in both annoyance and exhaustion. “Nu-uh,” he tuts in a disciplinary manner. “You’re not going anywhere, kleine Maus,” Niki tells you. He tilts his head up until his lips touch the skin of your ear.
“I still have to celebrate my win with you, and I’ll make sure to push you to the limit, kleine Maus.”
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littlemissnoname13 · 3 years
Fortunate Misfortune (D.M x Reader)| Chapter 8: Weasley & Weasley
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Summary: Its his last year at Hogwarts and former Hogwarts bully, Draco Malfoy just wants to clean up his act and get through the year. Maybe even apply for a potions fellowship and date Astoria Greengrass. His plan seems perfect on paper except for a minor hiccup in the form of a feisty Hufflepuff girl…
A/n: This multi-chapter has been in my Drafts since before I started posting on here and I’ve used so many scenes from it and turned them into one shots in the past. The series is almost completed and ill just be dumping it on my blog because I don’t know what to do with it. Please do not feel pressured to read it. 😅🥲.
Reblogs and Feedbacks are always welcomed :)
special shout out to @lilmissquackson & @vodkandjin​ I ended up keeping most of the parts thanks to you guys.
Warnings: Coarse Language, soft!draco, mutual pining, some angst
Words: 1972 give or take
Chapter 7| Masterlist| Chapter 9 (vol. 1)
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You were never able to trace back to the beginnings of your friendship with Astoria. You didn’t know how or even why, but she was just around sharing the sweets she’d brought back from home, and understanding you when the world just seemed to shun you for simply being you. 
“Sweets are a great way to make friends.” She would always say and you’d begrudgingly agree, stuffing your mouth full with licorice wands and chocolate frogs. 
Some days the two of you would just sit in silence and some days you’d complain about everything that was wrong in this twisted little world.
Your friendship was tacit and quiet. There was never the need to show the world that you were friends. 
And now, Astoria was sick.
Your only friend was sick and there was nothing you could do about it. 
You ran as far from the courtyard as possible till the only sounds in the air were that of muffled laughter and faint music from the frog choir reminiscent of music from the Elizabethan era. 
Sinking on the cold floor, with your arms wrapped around your knees, you fought back the tears that were on the verge of spilling from your lined eyes. 
“Y/n? I saw you run from the party so I followed.” 
You looked up, sniffling to find Astoria standing in front of you, her left hand rubbing her right arm as she contemplated walking closer. 
“You know.” Her voice cracked when she realised the reason behind your tears and you nodded at her, still a sniffling mess. 
Astoria hurriedly got rid of her heels and walked over to you before sinking on the ground next to you. She placed a tired arm around your shoulders and you rested your head on hers.
“I do.” You said quietly and tilted your head upward to look up at the sky. The pale white moon was tucked away between wispy almost feather-like clouds. 
It was a grim sight. Fitting for the situation. 
“I’m sorry, Astoria.” You began. “You should have listened to Daphne and everyone else. You can’t keep making excuses for me. Fuck, you even got diagnosed with—”
“Excuses?” She backed away looking almost offended. “You’re my best friend y/n. I don’t say that enough or at all, but you are and I am not making excuses. I just think the rumours are utter rubbish.” 
“How can they be rubbish?” You exclaimed, frustrated. “Look at what’s happening to you!” 
“Nothing is happening to me.” She stated firmly and you looked at her with a tiny glimmer of hope in your eyes. “Nothings happening to me….yet.” 
You narrowed your eyes at her and she shrugged, fighting hard to maintain a smile even though her lips were wobbling. 
“How long?” 
“A couple years, five years, I don’t know yet.” She sighed, finally letting her tears pool over and you pulled her into a hug, sobbing. 
You couldn’t tell how long the two of you sat there but the sky had started to replace the dark blue hues with a lighter shade. 
“So, what happened with Blaise tonight?” Astoria asked as she tied the straps of her shoes. 
“Nothing.” You mumbled. “Well we almost kissed, but then I don’t know, I couldn’t.” 
“But you have been dying to kiss him for the longest time!” 
“Thank you for reminding me.” You scoffed. “How were things with Malfoy though? You do like him right?” 
“I did—I do...” She trailed off. “I don’t know, maybe I’m overanalysing but there was something missing between us.” 
“Morning Hufflepuff.” Draco smirked when you sat down on your usual assigned seat next to him.
“Hmm.” You muttered back, trying your hardest to ignore that tingly feeling inside of you. 
“So, how was it?” Draco lowered his voice as Snape entered the classroom. His head was still turned towards you but his left hand was flipping the pages of the potions textbook like he knew every page by heart. 
“It was fine.” You said weakly, as you took note of the ingredients snape was talking about. Your brain was a haphazard mess and you did not want to forget the instructions for brewing the potion. God forbid, you land into another detention. 
“Are you sure?” He whispered, now placing his hand on top of yours. “Because Blaise told me that—”
“How was your night?” You cut him off, swiftly retrieving your hand away from his. 
“Fine.” He muttered back curtly, as your shared cauldron started to bubble. “I'm meeting Astoria in the common room later.” 
You didn’t know a thing about brewing vertiaserum but Draco somehow knew every step like it was wired into his system. He was careful with the ingredients—when, how much, what amount. His shirt sleeves were rolled all the way up to his elbows and the veins on his arm protruded every time he stirred the cauldron. 
How can someone manage to look like that while doing something so mundane?
“Someone’s been studying.” You mumbled, still looking at him, dropping the ladle back into the cauldron. “I am right to presume that you have finished your fellowship application?”
“Completed and submitted.” He sighed. “Waiting for a response, now that's the hard part.”
It seemed like no one in class except Draco had even managed to make a clear and odourless potion like the book instructed. Not even Hermione Granger and you could easily make out the smugness now appearing on his face. 
Typical Malfoy.
His smugness didn't even get to last a few minutes though. 
Before Snape could even walk up to your desk and look at the potion, Pansy Parkinson casually passed by and dropped a foreign Ingredient that wasn’t called for in the recipe. 
What happened next annoyed both you, Draco and Professor Snape. 
Your cauldron started to smoke and bubble over, spilling slimy green liquid all around your desk and onto the floor. 
That’s how it began.
The war with Pansy Parkinson. 
Prank wars begin rather innocently at first. They seem like Harmless little acts to get the last laugh. 
You weren’t going to let the potions incident slide, and neither was Draco. 
Draco courteously let you into the Slytherin common room after class and Astoria gave you the directions to Pansy’s room and where she kept her precious shampoo. 
What happened the next day was unforgettable to say the least when a bleached blonde Pansy Parkinson walked into the great hall, fuming. 
Of course Pansy retaliated by enchanting the plants in your room that you barely cared for to grow tenfold and cover every piece of furniture you owned in a tangled mess. 
In order to restore peace and put an end to the prank war once and for all, you had to seek help from two rather legendary pranksters.
It was the only way.
Draco hid behind a stone pillar at the Astronomy tower and watched you watch the grounds while nervously tapping on the railing with your fingernails.
You anxiously checked the time every and then like you were waiting for someone to show up.
Because your back was faced towards him, he could peacefully watch the way your hair swayed gently with the wind and the way your jeans hugged your body. 
He hadn’t gotten a moment alone with you in the last couple of days following the party. You always seemed to be wrapped up with homework and whatever warfare you had going on with Pansy. 
Draco had even asked you if you wanted to go to four broomsticks with him last night and you had quickly declined his invite before proceeding to shut the door on his face. 
Had he done something wrong to make you act this way? 
What actually happened with Blaise?
What was going on between you and Pansy? 
So many questions but no answers.
“You’re stalking me.” You said, with your back still facing him. The tone of your voice suggested that you were aware of his watchful eyes this whole time. 
“You’re avoiding me.” He decided to say as he walked up next to you before reclining against the railing to watch life pass by in the school ground below him. 
You simply shrugged and continued to stand next to him and your nonchalance frustrated him. How you managed to remain calm when he was out there feeling his turmoil grow was beyond him.
“Are you?” He asked again and this time, you turned to face him. 
“I don’t believe you for a second.” He stated firmly, as he maintained eye contact. 
“Why does it matter If I’m avoiding you Draco?” You sighed frustratedly, nostrils now flaring. The Hungarian Horntail he knew was back. “We had a deal. I help you with Astoria and you help me with Blaise.There was nothing beyond that. You know it and I know it!”
“Nothing?!” Draco jeered, suddenly seeing red all around him. His blood was pumping and pressure was building. He quickly rubbed his face before settling to pinch the bridge of his nose. 
 “Absolutely nothing, y/n?”
“Want me to spell it out for you, Malfoy?” You seethed, with your chest heaving as you turned away from him.
In his mind, he began to wonder if this was in fact the end of it all.
End of the cozy nights spent at four broomsticks, end of those early mornings in the courtyard. He’d miss that run down kettle in your room. He’d miss the look you gave him when your stomach growled as a result of skipping dinner. He’d miss your lips. 
God, he’d miss those lips. 
“You can keep pretending like nothing is happening between us, Y/L/n.” He said, grabbing you by the arm before you could walk away from him. “But for how long?—It is happening. It’s happening this very second.”
“Fine!” You barked back at him. “Something is happening. Is that what you want me to say?! I left my big date with Blasie to come and see you at the Party. I don’t know why I did it but I just couldn’t help myself.”
“You came?”
“I don’t know. I just wanted to—I—Just forget it, Draco.” You sighed, and he reluctantly let go of your hand and watched you start to walk away from him. 
One slow step at first, and then two and then three. On your fifth step away from him, you paused. Draco maintained his gaze on you and the way you clenched your fingers into a fist, like you are still bubbling with rage. 
“Draco—”  You said as you whirled around and took a step back towards him. 
Your eyes looked conflicted like you were considering the option of running away from him again but this time around, he wasn’t going to let you. 
Instead, he did something he’d been wanting to do since the minute he saw you at the tower.
Walking right up to you, Draco tilted your chin up and captured your lips in his. 
You stood there frozen and he half expected you to push him away. You even lifted your arm to do so.
But as the seconds passed, your hands ranked themselves onto his hair, deepening the kiss even further.
The way you moved your lips against his made him feel feelings he wasn’t capable of understanding or deciphering yet. All he knew was that he wanted to kiss you for as long as possible.
“Who knew Malfoy was the romantic type?” A very familiar voice startled him, making the two of you quickly back away. 
“Do you think his father will be hearing about this, George?” Fred Weasley looked at his twin brother who was now scanning Draco from his head to his toes. 
“Don't you have a joke shop to run at Diagon Alley?” Draco muttered the only response he could think of because In his head, he was still thinking about the way your lips moved against his.
“We do.” The twins said in unison. 
“Then what on earth are you two doing here?”
“We’re here to prank Pansy Parkinson.” 
🏷 Series Tag-list: @sycathorn-slush @badass-yn @louweasleymalfoy @writeandtranslate @silentkiller2374 @lilmissquackson @mzmalice3 @mvdbldd @emptycanvasthings @likediamondsandgold @hey-asstown @dr4cking @flacalatke
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shreddedparchment · 3 years
A Wife for Thor Pt.22
Pairing: King!Thor x Reader          Word Count: 5,413
Warnings: angst, jealousy, marital problems, pregnancy, allusions to cheating (no actual infidelity), fluff, smug Loki
A/N: It took me SO long to get this chapter down. I wrote literally like a few sentence a day for a bit and then finally got some good chunks out. This has been a tough week but this chapter makes it all worth it! I hope y’all think so too. A lot of good stuff happens in this chapter, as in stuff that I really like. If you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work!
Please DO NOT repost my stories on any other sites or blogs.
REBLOGS are always welcome!
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The shuffle around the palace as Loki escorts you through the front gate is overwhelming.
It’s safe to say that judging by your reception when you’d shown up in Heimdall’s tower located on the far side of the city, the Asgardians are happy to see you.
Armod is also happy to see you and you rush to get into your car before you can get swarmed by eager Asgardians.
Loki joins you in the back seat and lets Armod gush over his happiness at seeing you back home and healthy. And pregnant! More than anything, the people are happy to see the swell of your belly.
Many of the women are crying as you step out of the car at the palace gate, the men cheering enthusiastically.
Some of the children have found flower petals to throw into the air and it rains white, pink, and yellow blossoms.
It's the small waving hand of a little girl with ebony floor length braids that tugs too hard on your heartstrings and you give in to your impulse.
“Armod, stop the car, I’d like to greet the people,” you ask, swayed further by the eager faces of the young girl's siblings who flank her..
As much as being Queen had come unexpectedly and as much work as it's been, loving the Asgardians has never been a challenge and you've missed your people.
Their kindness has always been the best part of your day.
Armod gives Loki a quick look but stops the car just as the palace gates are opening.
He pulls over to the side, putting it in park before hurrying out to open the door for you.
“Are you sure?” Loki checks, reaching over to place his hand over yours on the seat.
“Of course. I owe them this. I’ve been gone for so long.”
“If you’d rather go in, we can find an excuse.”
“Loki,” you laugh once. “Is something wrong? Is there a reason I shouldn’t get out of the car?”
“Not at all,” he assures you. “I just don’t want you to force yourself. I know this pregnancy hasn’t exactly been easy on you.”
“I’m okay. And I’m sure they wanna see the proof that they have an heir coming. Really, Loki, I don't mind.”
Loki sighs, but gets out quickly to move around and take Armod’s place and offer you his arm.
Taking it, you pull yourself out, and after a long moment to steady yourself on your feet, you turn to face your people.
A large number of Valkyries suddenly pour from the open palace gateway and you wait as they line themselves in front of the gathering crowd. A simple border of control to keep you safe.
The people don’t seem threatened by the guard either and they continue to cheer until you raise your hand and call them to silence.
It only takes a few seconds for the noise to die, leaving only the ambient sounds of the city, wind, and the shuffling feet as more Asgardians and visiting humans gather.
“Hello,” you begin, voice a little shaky from nerves. “I’m...I-I’d like to start by first apologizing for disappearing. And then for being gone so long.”
The people watch and listen attentively, hanging on your every word. As your hands drop down to your belly to stroke it anxiously out of habit, their eyes are drawn to it and they seem to rattle with excitement again.
Looking down at your tummy, you contemplate the little one inside and the kicks he gave you earlier in the day.
He's really in there.
“It’s been a long journey to do what’s been expected of me. Difficult, actually. Giving you and Thor what we’ve all been hoping for is a privilege though. It's important that you all know that.
"However, I'm not as strong as all of you. I'm not as resilient. As soon as I knew that I was expecting the future prince or princess of New Asgard, I knew that I had to take precautions. I had to stop thinking like your Queen and just for a while, think like a mom. I told Thor that I wanted to take some time away from my duties as Queen if only to make sure that my pregnancy would take. In order to ensure the health of this baby.
“Im so very sorry if I caused any of you any worry or pain by disappearing. That was never my intention and it makes me...I can only say that I'm sorry. I hope that you all can understand why I left. The The thing is I’m happy to say that my efforts weren't wasted, clearly."
There's a rumble of gentle laughter that flows through the crowd and breaks the slightly somber mood your speech is causing. You give them a smile and they smile back.
"And while that does make me very happy, it has not been easy to carry this baby. I have been sick and weak but after some rest I'm now feeling stronger than ever. With the constant and careful care provided by Doctors Wilson and Alric, I’m finally able to resume my duties as Queen with the knowledge that this baby is strong and healthy and my body can take the strain of bringing him-or her into this world.
“I’m so happy to be back among my people, my home. You all are my family and it fills me with such joy to know that I have made you all proud.”
The people cheer, more and more gathering along the street so that it’s now clogged and impassable. Others have taken to peeking out of windows from the surrounding buildings or finding balconies and roofs to stand on to get a better look at you.
Their excitement changes to trepidation at the look on your face as you realize that now is the perfect time to address what happened yesterday.
They’re so attuned to your mood that they quiet down again and wait nervously for you to speak.
"On a more serious note, I know that many of you must have been shocked by the lies spewed onto the pages of the Watch. And I'd like to be as clear as I possibly can about my absence from the palace.
"I only left because of the concern I had for our future prince or princess. There was absolutely no other reason for my absence in our great city. While it is true that something did happen between Thor, Jane, and myself--well, I will only say that now I know that His Majesty the King of Asgard is wholly devoted to me and our family, just as he has been from the moment he accepted me as his wife.
"Not that I ever doubted it," you lie. No one needs to know how bad things are and it is true that now you know Thor is devoted to you.
So, it's not completely a lie.
"As a people," you continue. "We'll need to be vigilant about the people we choose to trust to come into our homes. We will be more cautious now, and as a woman…"
You swallow hard, thinking about the words itching on the tip of your tongue to tumble forward and make your heart clear. Maybe it's not right to say it? Maybe it isn't the queenly thing to do?
You don't care.
"As a wife and a soon-to-be mother, I will say that Doctor Jane Foster is not welcome in my home. She has proven to be unworthy of the trust we placed in her and while her expertise is an invaluable commodity that I am sad to lose, I would rather have the second best than risk the stability of my family."
To your surprise, there are a flutter of approving nods and smiles, wives and husband's looking scandalized by the confirmation that something went down but clearly it was Thor that had Jane kicked out. A few cheers come but they quiet down quickly.
"My love for His Majesty is unwavering. As is his for me. No marriage can be without it's struggles but Thor and I are as united as we have ever been. Both in love, devotion, to each other and you, our people. Together we will strive to protect this kingdom to the best of our abilities and with this child, I hope we can begin to lay down proper roots for us so that everyone on Earth will know that New Asgard is here to stay."
The crowd cheers. It's deafening and your hands are trembling so terribly even clenched into fists they shake.
"LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!" someone shouts and the others fall into the chant as it's picked up by what sounds like everyone in the crowd.
A cool hand presses against the center of your back and you lean towards him as he whispers in your ear.
"That was beautifully done, Y/N," Loki admires. "Now come along. You need your rest."
You cradle your bump and the crowd cheers louder as you wave while Loki leads you back into the car.
As it pulls away from the curb, the Valkyrie turn to follow behind you. Faces full of stern pride. Their gleaming armor shining bright in the late afternoon sun.
The large wooden and steel reinforced gates of the palace close with a thundering clatter and you lean back, heart suddenly clenching painfully. Your stomach turns and you feel like you might throw up.
You shut your eyes and open the window allowing the cooling air to help drive your nausea away.
"Y/N? You alright?" Loki checks, putting his hand on your arm.
"I'm fine," you assure him, unwilling to open your eyes.
"Are you sure? Only, you're looking a little green."
That doesn't actually happen does it? Do people look green when they're gonna throw up?
You assume he's exaggerating, but as the last bit of the swirl in your belly passes, you look at him with fearful eyes.
"I'm nervous," you admit.
"To see Thor?"
"Mm," you nod.
"He's missed you. He will probably try and hug you. Might even kiss you."
"I don't know if I can handle that, Loki."
"You'll have to. The guards around the palace are sworn to secrecy about anything that happens in here, but with the amount of information that magazine was able to get we're pretty sure there's a mole amongst our number."
You look away from him, frowning because the last thing you want is to hug and kiss Thor.
Well, that is, you really want to do those things. Which is why you shouldn't. Not until you can be around him with some kind of rational thought and control over your feelings.
You need to get a grip and come to terms with the reality of your situation before you can let yourself love hum.
You have to protect yourself.
It turns out that you have nothing to worry about.
Estrid who had come before you with your things is there to greet you. A few others of the palace staff come to see you and you're welcome back with fondness.
Because you know you have to play the part, you look for him.
"His Majesty had a sudden summons from the Lady Sif and the Warriors Three, my Queen. He apologizes for missing your arrival but he's had the small dining room filled with all of your favorites.
"When you are finished with dinner, he has asked that you wait for him in his study."
Estrid's tone tells you she's wary for you. She wants to make sure you're okay.
The disappointment you feel gives you away not only to yourself, but everyone there to see your face fall as you caress your belly.
"A blessing in disguise?" Loki suggests in your ear for just you, but the smile on his lips says he knows better.
"He'll be back before it gets too late, Your Majesty," Estrid assures you, trying to soothe your sadness. "He promised. There’s nothing more he wants than to see you."
"I know," you smile at her, then the others before you head for the dining room, your stomach grumbling in anticipation of the foods you know are waiting.
Waiting is torture. You keep trying to read your book but your attention is pulled back to the door of Thor’s study every few seconds.
You groan, dropping the book onto the desk before throwing your head back with scrunched up eyes.
How is it possible to be desperate to see someone while also dreading it?
It feels like you'll die if you don't lay eyes on Thor but also like it'll tear you to shreds if you do. There's no winning here.
You gasp as the door opens and get to your feet in the same breath.
Thor's body is rising and falling heavily with his own labored breathing. He'd been running.
To get to you? No. You can't be swayed.
"I'm here."
His declaration is soft but heavy with meaning. More than just him announcing his arrival.
"Oh, aren't you a vision," he gushes.
"Hi," you whisper, only because you can't catch your breath.
He's wearing jeans, a plain black t-shirt stretched across his bulging chest. He's even more massive than you remember. Three months away has deprived you so fully that suddenly being in his presence leaves you hungry for him.
You want him so much.
"I've missed you, desperately," he confesses. "May I greet you properly?"
You frown, so undecided.
"Or not," Thor relents. "Forgive me, I just got caught up in the moment."
Why is this so hard?
You want to feel him.
"You can greet our baby properly," you give in.
A big part of you needs to feel him and this is the only way you can give in and feel like you're still doing your best to hold strong in your resolve to get some distance.
Thor’s eye lights up and quickly finds the swell of your tummy with recognition.
"I will never keep you from our baby, Thor. Even if I'm not ready for things to go back to normal between us just yet."
Thor takes a half step towards you and watches you carefully for any indication that you're not comfortable with his proximity.
You sigh, head tilted to the left slightly before you hold out your hand to him, beckoning him closer.
In three long strides Thor takes your hand and stops when he's only a foot away.
"Here," you gasp.
Your heart is in overdrive. Thor’s touch is doing things to your body. There's an initial rush of butterflies in your stomach and quickly you pull Thor’s hands to the spots where your baby is kicking in response.
Thor’s body freezes. He goes rigid. He even stops breathing.
For a moment you begin to worry that maybe you've broken him, until he suddenly drops to his knees.
He swallows hard, eyes pooling as he stares at the swell of your stomach as the baby continues to kick.
“They’re really in there,” he’s so choked up about it that his voice cracks around the words.
As he speaks, the baby kicks more.
Thor laughs but then leans in to kiss your stomach over the fabric of your dress.
“We really made her,” Thor gushes.
He looks up at you, confused for a second before he smiles wide, “Or him. It doesn’t matter. What matters is our baby is coming.”
Your heart swells, and you’re so happy that you could float away like a hot air balloon with the warmth flooding your limbs.
This is the moment you’d dreamt of. This is the moment that had been stolen from you by Jane and her lies. This is the moment that you and Thor had both been yearning for.
He’s so caught up in it, floating through the glow of this perfect moment that he presses his lips to your tummy again two more times before he’s rising, his hand hooked behind your neck as he meets your lips as he gets to his feet.
You’re so unprepared for it, so utterly lost in this sweet exchange between him and your baby that your lips pucker on their own.
He opens his eye and yours, already open, stare into his. He looks slightly shocked to find himself kissing you but he doesn’t stop.
Instead, his expression shifts into a pained look of desire. He pulls back, his hand dropping to grip your bicep.
“I would say that I’m sorry but I have been wanting to kiss you since the moment I left you three months ago.”
You say nothing, watching him, listening. You’re searching your soul to see if this is okay with you because it feels okay. Despite the sirens blaring in your mind about the restrictions you’d set for yourself when you’d decided to come back home, your body is telling you it needs this. Your heart is painfully aching at Thor’s touch.
You’ve missed it. You’ve missed him. 
“Is this alright? I can go.”
The idea of him going now feels like the end of the world. Rationally, you know that isn’t an appropriate response to his offering to leave you be, especially when you know you asked him for space for specific reasons.
“No,” your hands grip the sides of his t-shirt tightly, holding him in place without any actual strength since compared to him, you’re as mighty as a little mouse.
You refuse to look up at him, despite the crumbling of your resolve.
“No, don’t go.”
It’s an almost involuntary shy response to your diminishing shame at losing all control after his touch. After one kiss. You should be disappointed in yourself. And part of you is. However, that part of you grows increasingly small as Thor gently takes hold of your chin and guides your gaze up until you can meet his.
“I’m sorry, cherub. I will try and be worthy of you again.”
“I know,” you admit, knowing how sorry he’s been from the moment he realized that he’d done something that hurt you badly. “I know you are.”
“Can I kiss you, cherub?”
His voice is so deep, so alluring and coaxing that you drop your gaze again, fixing it on his collarbone before slowly you nod.
His arm winds its way around your waist and he pulls you to him before dipping down and catching your lips with his again.
He pulls away after a second because the swell of your belly gets in the way, but he laughs and looks down at it.
The pleasant sound of his happiness gives you too much joy.
As you begin to smile, Thor reaches down to press one hand to the side of your stomach while he pulls you against him again and kisses you this time with more fervor.
The longer he has his lips pressed to yours, the more enthusiastic he gets until finally you’re breathless and you pull back but instead of pulling away, you wrap your arms around him and fist the back of his t-shirt,
You bury your face against his wide chest and Thor brings his hands back up to caress the sides of your face, his lips kissing the top of your head.
“I know I may not have a right to say this, but thank you for coming home. Thank you for coming back to me. I thought I’d lost you."
His arms grow a little tighter, his heart is in an absolute stampede.
You turn your head sideways so that you can listen to his heartbeat.
"This is what I'd wanted," you whimper, starting to be overcome with the emotion of being reunited with Thor and things falling into place more easily. "This is how I'd wanted us to share this moment."
Thor sighs heavily, giving you one more squeeze before he pushes you back a little so that he can look at you.
“I’m so sorry that I robbed you of that. I was a fool,” he nods, his eye intense as he stares into yours with wordless declarations piercing into you.
The memory of your speech with the people when you arrived pops into your head and now with Thor’s arms around you it all feels a little like an overreaction. The past three months feels like a distant nightmare.
Or does this feel like a dream?
“Thor,” you begin but Thor’s lips are on you again, drowning out your words.
“Oh, to hear you say my name,” he declares and kisses you again.
Your mouth opens for him and you absolutely melt against his chest as he nearly dips you in passion.
He pulls back again, “Is this real?”
He kisses you.
“You feel so good in my arms.”
He kisses you.
“Your skin is so…” but then he hums and kisses you.
He dips down and with his arms tight around your waist but also careful with the swell of your stomach, he lifts you so that you’re level with his eye.
“I love you, so much, my cherub. Thank you, thank you for coming home. Thank you.”
“I’m sorry I stayed away,” you sigh. “I need to be strong without you, Thor. I was hurt but I never stopped loving you.”
His face goes through shame, understanding, and then elation.
In a burst of subdued anger and aggression for what he put you through, you reach up and grab his shoulder. You dig your fingers in against the taut muscle then reach up to pull one of his ears.
You’re clearly not hurting him but he allows you to move his head, understanding the need to express your anger even if you’re not doing any damage.
“Never do that to me again,” you growl. “Never say that you’ll leave me. Why would you say that? Even in passing? You were so damn sure.”
“No, Y/N, I wasn’t. The moment I saw you, I knew that I could never leave you. I’m sorry. I could never even think those thoughts again.”
“You better not, or I won’t come back next time. I’ll disappear and you’ll never see me again.”
Thor takes your threat for what it is. A promise. Truth.
He shakes his head as he leans forward to press his forehead to yours, shutting his eye.
“I swear,” he begins. “On my life.”
He keeps you there, hovering over the ground with your heads together for a few minutes before he slowly lowers you to the ground. You realize it’s because he wants to stroke your belly and you take a slight step back so that he can.
He smiles, happy. It reminds you of the look your people had when you’d arrived only a hundred times as possessive and joyful.
Again, your speech intrudes on your reunion and this time, you won’t let him distract you.
“Thor,” you coax, placing your hands over his where they rest on the sides of your stomach.
“Yes, my cherub?”
He’s excessive in the affection he puts in his voice but you know that he must be floating on cloud nine after what you both went through when you made him leave you at your house.
“I-I did something and I’m not sure if it was right of me to do it,” you watch his brow wrinkle and for a split second you almost lose yourself in the beauty of his face.
Has he always been this handsome?
“When I got back I kinda made a speech? Everyone was so happy to see me and to see me carrying our heir and I wanted to apologize to them for leaving and for making them worry. I wanted to share in their excitement for the baby and with that stupid tabloid having come out yesterday-”
“Right, the article,” there’s guilt in his voice despite there being no truth to the rumors it printed.
“I wanted to put their minds at ease and I...I did confirm that something happened with Jane but not what they were thinking.”
Thor’s expression hardens just a tad and he pulls backs towards a large armchair. He grabs your hand though and pulls you along with him until he can sit and then carefully attempts to offer you his lap, unsure if you’ll sit.
You do, because you’re tired and because you’re not eager to be away from him again. Now that you’re touching him, you’re not in a hurry to change that again.
“What did you say exactly?”
Swallowing hard, you lick your lips nervously, “Um...I told them the truth. Not exactly the truth, but enough of it that they’ll understand that Jane isn’t welcome here. I said that the only reason I left is for my health and the health of the baby, which is true. I didn’t want them to worry about us because even if we didn’t reconcile, I want us to be united for them at least.
“But I don’t trust Jane, Thor. Not after what she did. Not after how she treated me when you weren’t looking, and the people need to know that I will protect them from anyone, no matter who they are to you or me.”
Thor’s face grows pained as you speak, his arm wrapping around your waist as his other hand caresses the side of your stomach. You’re starting to realize that it’s going to be hard to get his hands off it, but that doesn’t seem like a terrible problem.
“I wish you had told me that she’d been rude to you,” Thor sighs, taking his hand off of his stomach to stroke your cheek. “If I had known-”
“She wasn’t rude to me Thor, she dismissed me. I wasn’t even worth acknowledging to her and now I know it’s because she was jealous and wanted you back because what? She saw what we had together and suddenly it was good enough for her?
“I was in her way. That’s all I was. Even if in the end she couldn’t go through with it whether it was because she felt guilty for doing this to us or for lying or for having second thoughts and knowing that she doesn’t want to be Queen or a mom, she’s a bad person to me. And I have every right to protect myself, my baby, and our marriage from her. She’s not welcome here Thor. I never want to see her again. Ever.”
He’s cradling you now, holding you close because the intensity with which you're telling him that Jane is not welcome in your home is transferring to him.
“And if you’d known, you wouldn’t have done anything, Thor. You’d probably have talked to her and asked her what was going on and she would have lied to you and you would have believed her.”
He doesn’t deny it. He does look like it hurts him to know that you know though. That’s enough for you.
“I think it took her lying and doing this to us to make you see what she’s capable of.”
Thor shuts his eye, resting his head against your chest as he wraps his arms around you again.
“I’m sorry.”
“I know you are, Thor. But you weren’t the one who lied. I mean, you didn’t tell me what was happening, but you weren’t the reason that this happened. If Jane hadn’t lied-”
“But she did,” Thor says, his deep voice anguished. “And I failed to honor my vows. You are my Queen and I should have come to you the moment she told me she was pregnant.”
You both fall into silence as you reach over to stroke his bicep. His skin is so soft. Touching it gives you comfort in a way you weren’t aware you needed. The more you touch it the more you need to feel it.
A finger stroking his skin turns into two, then four, then your entire hand is running up under the sleeve of his t-shirt.
With the way his hand curls around your thigh, you know that both your bodies are responding to your touch. Both of you are heated but instead of giving into that because you aren’t ready for that yet, you lay your head on his shoulder and curl in closer to his chest.
Thor sighs heavily, wrapping you up in his arms as he cradles you close.
“Now we know better,” you whisper.
“Now I know what losing you will do to me,” Thor agrees. “I’ve missed you so much, cherub.”
You don’t respond. You’re too choked up to say anything without your voice cracking so both of you stay like that for a while.
The cocoon of Thor’s arms is toasty and from the exhaustion you’re feeling plus all of the emotions that have drained you, your eyes are heavy and difficult to keep open.
“What about you?”
Thor’s chest rumbles with a chuckle.
“We can talk more tomorrow, cherub. Sleep.”
“I’m not sleepy,” you lie.
“Very well, then. What about me?”
“You’re sleepy?” you look up at him, full of concern.
He chuckles again, “No, cherub. What were you asking?”
“Oh! I just wanted to know if you’re okay. What Jane did to you can’t have been easy. Despite what she did to us as a couple, she said she was pregnant. You’ve been wanting a baby for so long and she dangled that in front of you like the rat that she is. And then she wasn’t even pregnant?”
Thor’s arms constrict around you as he pulls you up towards him to kiss you.
It’s slow and full of emotion.
“Even after all of that, you’re still worried about me?”
“It took time,” you admit. “Once I wasn’t so angry and I thought about what Jane really did. I hate the idea that your heart broke over her lies. I can’t believe she ever loved you if she was willing to make you feel that way.”
Thor just stares at you, searching your eyes before he rubs his nose gently against your own. When he speaks, his voice is so low, so deep, an intimate whisper. It burrows into your chest and settles right there underneath your ribs and makes you breathless with missing him and desire.
“That’s why you’re my Queen, Y/N. And she is not.”
You’re not sure if it’s an Asgardian ability or if maybe it’s something specific to Thor, but he has a way of making you swoon.
“I missed you so much,” he confesses again, that whisper sinful. “Did you not miss me?”
You nod because you can’t speak. There’s a lump in your throat made of both sadness and want.
“Was your bed as frigid as mine was in your absence? Did you miss my breath on your neck as I did yours? Or the steady beat of your heart when you pressed your breast to my back as you held me while I slept?”
Fuck, he’s making this so impossible.
“I hate you so much,” you counter, but his lips stretch into a small knowing smile as you take a tight hold of the neck of his shirt and pull him up to meet your lips.
He exhales heavily into you, tasting you, relishing in every pulsating touch as both your hearts ache and yearn almost in disbelief as if both of you can’t believe that these wants, these needs are finally being met.
As he pulls back to tilt his head the other way, he takes hold of the sides of your face again, his lips grazing yours, “I love you.”
Before you can reply or yank him back into that torturous yet blissful kiss, a voice at the doorway clears their throat.
“Well, that was fast, what happened to keeping him at a distance?”
Loki’s voice pulls your gaze and you can feel your cheeks and neck burn at how easily it seems you’ve crumbled when finally face to face with Thor.
You frown at your brother-in-law, while Thor ignores his brother and leans up to press very non-chaste kisses to your neck, “I told you coming back was a bad idea.”
But Loki’s smile is blinding and with one chuckle he backs out of the room, shutting the door quietly as Thor turns you back to him so that he can get back to kissing you.
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mandoalorian · 3 years
hello, lovely. i'm stalking you today but not on purpose. can i pretty please request general - #12 on the prompt list with din djarin? i'm feeling soft today. 🥰 thank you.
Glittering Silver [Din Djarin x Gender Neutral!Reader]
Prompt: “Come back to bed, please.”
Summary: The Mandalorian hasn’t been sleeping much lately, and tonight is the night you find out why.
Warnings: mutual pining, soft fluff/smidge of angst. [Rated T]
Reblogs appreciated because it’s not showing up in tags🤍
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It was hard to tell whether or not you were overstepping. You were, after all, only ‘crew’ on the Crest. You weren’t even sure if you could call Din a friend, really. You’d like to think he considered you a friend. You helped with his kid and he occasionally showed you sentiments of gratitude. But, he wasn’t the easiest of people to read.
The past few nights, something had been preying on his mind. Something had been keeping him awake. In the darkness of the hull, you could hear the clattering off his beskar armour as he dropped it to the ground. You usually slept on the floor, with a crocheted blanket that Din purchased especially for you, from a market in the Illenium System. “My pilot chair is a lot more comfortable,” his gruff voice would tell you, every damned night. “Or my bed.”
But you were used to sleeping on the floor; and with the blanket, it truly wasn’t so bad.
Despite it being completely pitch black, you could just about make out the glittering silver that shone by your feet. He’d discarded his plates of armour into a pile and was now wearing only his dark grey sweatshirt and black pants. He was circling around you, his footsteps heavy as he paced back and forth.
“...Din?” you rasped out, rubbing your tired eyes. There was no way of telling just how late it was.
The footsteps suddenly stopped.
“You’re awake.” Din’s voice was sweet like honey, but also, unmodulated. His words came out like a statement, rather than a question, and for a fleeting moment, you thought he sounded panicked.
You didn’t exactly want to tell him how his antics had been keeping you awake these past few nights; or how you were more than aware of his newfound habit of pacing around in anxious circles by your feet.
You knew he wasn’t wearing his helmet and so, out of respect, you closed your eyes again.
“What’s wrong?” you simply asked, tredding lightly on your words. Din was never one to open up or talk about his feelings.
“Can’t sleep.” he responded.
Go figure.
Another pause.
“You can’t be comfortable on the floor,” he huffed, and Maker, he sounded frustrated more than anything else. “Just— come to bed with me, please.”
It’s what he’d been asking of you for weeks now.
Was that really what had been preying on his mind? Your comfort? Surely not. You’d expressed more than enough times you were fine sleeping on the floor.
It’s not that you didn’t want to sleep with Din... you actually really liked the thought of your bodies crushed up together in such a close proximity. You liked the feeling of being snug against his chest and hearing his gentle snores. Maker, you liked him. It’s just, you didn’t want to overstep your boundaries.
“There’s not a chance the two of us will fit in that metal slab you call a bed,” you chuckled softly, dodging his request just like he’d dodged yours. “Why don’t you lay here, on the floor? There’s more than enough room.”
“I can’t.” he replied sadly. His dejected tone only confused you further.
“What do you mean, you can’t?” You padded down the floor next to you with your hand and straightened out your blanket.
“It won’t help.”
Won’t help what, exactly? You stiffened slightly. “I’m not following...”
Din sighed. “It won’t help,” he snapped again, this time his voice even more gruff and angrier than you’d ever heard him before. “You were only meant to be crew. Only meant to help with repairs on the ship and take care of the kid and— that’s it! That’s all you were supposed to be!”
“Din I don’t— I don’t understand—“
“Do you not want to sleep with me, is that it? Because I’d never force you, but just— make it clear. Be clear with me.”
“Is that what this is about?” you quizzed, completely and utterly baffled.
“I— I— agh,” Din kicked the pile of beskar armour, and cursed in a language you could only assume was Mando’a. “I have feelings for you!” He shouted, his voice bouncing off the walls in the dead of night. “And I shouldn’t! I know I shouldn’t. But listen, you always look so pretty when you’re fixing up the engine and you have grease on your cheeks and oil splatters on your clothes, and your hair is sticking up in random directions. When I see you holding Grogu, my heart melts. And I feel bad for him because he loves you so much. He’ll be broken when you eventually leave. Because everyone always leaves eventually.”
Sometime during his outburst, you had stood up and tried to make your way over to him, your eyes still shut. Your arms were extended, trying your hardest to feel the way. Your stomach burst into butterflies when Din grabbed onto your hands and steadied you.
“Who says that I want to leave?” you sniffed, feeling completely and utterly full by his revelation. “I— I have feelings for you too.”
Din made a exasperated sound and dropped one of your hands. “No,” he muttered. “You haven’t even seen my face. How can you have feelings for me? You won’t even sleep with me.”
You let go off his hands and reached up, cupping his face. In the darkness, you could feel the brassiness of his stubble and the sharpness of his jaw. No, you couldn’t see his face, and you were fine with that, but there was something so special about him letting you touch you this way. It was an intimacy you’d never experienced before.
“Come back to bed, please.” you whispered.
“I don’t want to lose you.” Din croaked, trying to fight back tears.
“I’m not going anywhere,” you promised, softly shushing the bounty hunter. “Come back to bed with me. Let me hold you.”
He did, eventually, without any further protest.
Knowing he was comfortable in his own bed, you slipped in next to him. There was no need for any more fighting or arguing when you both felt the same way about each other. Your mind was racing a million miles an hour, in complete disbelief that he actually liked you back. It felt like a dream you were unable to even fathom.
It was cozy at least, your warm bodies pressed against each other just like you’d imagined. You wrapped a tired arm around Din’s torso and shuffled into his chest.
“I do have feelings for you, Din,” you admitted. “I have for a long time. I didn’t want to sleep with you because I was scared.”
“Scared of me?” Din asked.
“No,” you replied. “Scared of what it might do to us. I didn’t know where we stood.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”
You smiled to yourself and reached down to hold his hand. “I’m just glad I know now.”
Permanent taglist: @paintballkid711 @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @xoxo-callie @stardust-galaxies​ @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal l @castiel-barnes @honeymandos @rocketqueen @girl-obsessed-with-things @elena-myth @moth-guillotine @pedro-pascal-love @hayley-the-comet @pinkninja200 @maxiarapamaya @autumnleaves1991-blog @artsymaddie @harrys-stan @kennedywxlsh @cripplingmoon @cheekygeek05 @mrschiltoncat @rye-flower @theamuz @persie33 @sleepylunarwolf @martellthemandalor @pedro-pastel @steeevienicks @rrtxcmt @saphic-susperia @readsalot73 @softmedics @jade10077 @dodgerandevans @planetariumx @pascals-cat @ajeff855 @spideysimpossiblegirl @smoldjarin
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tetsurousharlot · 3 years
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Dabi x female reader, for @bakuroo-writings Hello Gourd-geous collab! Thank you @nocturnalazura for beta reading!
Word Count: 1,012 words
Warnings: all characters are 18+, porn with (light) plot, public sex, unprotected sex (wrap it irl), I think that's everything? I WILL BLOCK MINORS 17 AND UNDER AND AGELESS BLOGS IF YOU LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG, AND/OR FOLLOW. I don’t own the characters
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Vibrant yellows, oranges, and reds contrast against the gloomy, grey sky as you and Dabi walk down the quaint street of the small town shopping centre. His thumb rubs against the back of your captured hand as he leans over to press a quick kiss to your cheek. Giggling, you turn to look at him as thunder roars overhead.
“It’s gonna rain,” you comment.
“Nah, doll, it’s just thunder. Weather said no rain.”
“Because weathermen have never been wrong before?”
He opens his mouth to respond when the skies open, trapping you both in a downpour. Thunder cracks again and rain beats down against the black asphalt as you and Dabi run for cover.
You shout over the rain pouring down around you both, “So glad you checked the weather!”
“It’s not my fault the idiot can’t tell the weather!” He shouts back as he pulls you into a small semi covered alley.
Small droplets fall around the two of you as you squish under the small awning that offers the slightest bit of shelter for the two of you. Beside you, Dabi shakes off some of the water in his hair before offering you a small frown. You return a frown of your own before doing your best to get some of the water off you before sighing at your drenched skirt. Turning your head, you pout up at him as the loud crack of thunder sounds behind you, making you flinch towards him slightly.
“Scared of a little thunder, doll?” He teases as the rain starts to come down harder.
“Sure you’re not.”
“I’m not!” You say stubbornly, before wrapping your arms around yourself tightly as the autumn chill finally starts to seep into your wet clothing. Shivering slightly, you step a little closer to him. He raises a brow at you but stays silent. “Can you warm me up? I’m freezing.”
“You sure it’s not because you’re scared?”
“No, asshole, it’s because I’m freezing my ass off.”
“Alright, alright. Come here, brat,” he holds his arms open and lets you curl into his chest.
You wrap your arms around his waist and soak in his warmth. His hands move along your back pulling you close and doing his best to keep you warm. One of his hands moves to cup your cheek and tilts your head up slightly so he can press a soft kiss to your lips. His free hand slowly slides down your back and under your skirt to squeeze your ass softly. You can feel his lips shift into a little grin as you shift a little closer to him with a small whine. The hand cupping your ass cheek starts to heat up before coming down with a small smack.
“You know, if you were interested, I have other ways of warming you up,” he whispers against your lips.
“Yeah? I assume one of those ways has to do with your hand on my ass?”
“It might. Wanna find out?” He asks, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
Rolling your eyes, you nod and bring a hand up to his neck and pull him down for another long kiss. Smiling into the kiss, he lets his other hand join the one on your ass, squeezing as he turns you until your back hits the cold damp bricks. One hand moves around to slip into your underwear and rubs small, quick circles around your clit, before sliding down to slip into your soaking entrance. Slipping his tongue past your lips, he deepens the kiss as he slowly scissors his fingers stretching you open every time he curls them.
“Dabi, I’m ready. Please, I need more.” You whine into his mouth.
“Yeah? You ready for my cock, doll?”
“Yes, please, just do it.”
Pushing away from you, he undoes his belt and pops the button on his pants to shove them down just low enough to get his cock out. Moving back towards you, he pulls one of your legs up around his waist and shoves your underwear to the side and lines himself up. Leaning down, he pulls you up into a rough kiss as he finally pushes in. You can’t help the moan that escapes you as you moan into his mouth once you feel him bottom out within you. His hips roll into yours in long, deep thrusts, the soft sound of your skin slapping together is covered by the loud drumming of rain.
Rain comes pouring down around the two of you, splashing you gently as it rolls off the little awning above you. Your hands claw at his shoulders as he picks up his pace slamming into you with a rough, fast pace. He finally pulls away from the kiss and drops his lips to your neck, sucking harshly as he feels you start to tighten around him. Sneaking his free hand up your shirt and under your bra, he palms at your breast, before tugging at your nipple.
His lips move away from your lips and press against your ear. “Go ahead and cum for me, doll.”
You barely make out his words over a sudden clap of thunder but a sudden hard thrust has you falling apart on his cock. Cumming hard around him, you release a loud moan as your soft walls squeeze tightly along his length. Dabi lets out a surprised groan as his hips stutter as he fills you with hot ropes of cum. Rolling his hips slowly into yours to work the two of you through your ends, he finally stops and rests against you heavily. Dropping your leg, he pulls out and tucks himself away before leaning down to kiss you quickly. Leaning his forehead against yours, he catches his breath as the two of you listen to the steady sound of pouring rain.
“Feel a little warmer now?”
“Yeah, a lot warmer.” You smile.
“Wanna make the run home?”
“Honestly, I kind of wanna stay here and just listen to the rain as you hold me for a bit.”
“We can do that, doll.”
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reblogs appreciated, especially with comments! 💕
general taglist: @chibishae34
© 2021 to tetsurousharlot. Do not re-upload to wattpad, ao3, or tiktok. Do not recommend on tiktok.
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luna-writes-stuff · 3 years
It’s December 24th! Merry Christmas Eve!!
Giving a special shoutout to the blogs that really did make my year better:
Bestie, we might have only talked like three times, but it’s cool! I’m not good in maintaining contact, but you’re amazing!!! I love your content (your Jesper headcanons👀) and you truly are a fun person to message. I feel like we have the same type of humor, so ty for messaging me😌 Wishing you lots of love and health!
You send me a message for a request halfway through this year, I believe, and you kept in contact for a while!! Thank you so much for that!! You have always been one of my favorite blogs, so when you texted me, I swear I nearly screamed. I hope you’re doing better now, and that life will treat you better. You deserve all the happiness this world has to give❤️
Now I know you went offline for a few weeks (months?) I believe, but you supported my Kili X OC series from the moment I released the prologue. Your comments really did urge me to continue writing so thank you so so much for that!! I’ve always loved your writing, so when I saw your reblog, I nearly thought I read it wrong….Merry Christmas sweetheart!!!
We never really had any contact I believe, but I love your Bofur and Leanna art!! It’s so amazing and beautiful and each time I see a new post, it just makes me feel all happy and excited! Don’t you ever stop what you’re doing! You are so talented! Thank you so much for sharing your art with us for free!
Probably one of the best Tolkien fic blogs I’ve ever seen or came in contact with. I believe you are the first blog I followed when I created my account on Tumblr, actually. Your writing is so amazing and well structured! It’s so easy to fall in love with! I hope you’re doing well and may you get all the joy this world has to give❤️
Your writing? Immaculate. Your energy? Unmatched. Your oc Tullaina? Absolutely amazing. Everything about your blog is so good! If I’m being honest, when you first began talking about Tullaina, it kind of fueled me to write about my oc as well, so thank you so much for doing that! Even though you probably didn’t even know you did that…wishing you all the best!!
You, who always reblogs my Grishaverse fics and then proceeded to recommend my writings TWO TIMES!!! Thank you darling!! I really love your blog and thank you so so much for sharing my work with everyone else!! Merry Christmas!
Your grISHAVERSE FICS???? AMAZING!!! MORE SPECIFICALLY YOUR KAZ BREKKER FICS!!! You just write him so well????? Truly do love it, so please don’t ever stop writing for him. I wish you a very merry Christmas!! Enjoy the last week of December!!
Hello my fellow Luna. Where do I truly begin about you? You are one of the kindest people I have come across on this app. I don’t think we ever privately talked, but I feel as if your reblogs and responses to asks say enough… your writing is absolutely wonderful and I always find myself looking back on your master lists and re-reading every single thing. Have a very merry Christmas!
your jespER FAHEY SHADOW AND BONE SERIES??? AAAAHHHHHH I LOVE IT SO MUCH??? YOUR WRITE JESPER SO PERFECT!!! I’m still planning on going through the entire fic again just to reblog with comments, so keep your eyes peeled👀
MORE ROBB STARK FICS. WE NEED THEM. I DON’T CARE WHAT IT’S ABOUT. FUEL MY LOVE FOR ROBB PLEASE. Though I do admit, I’m not a Kirigan fan, your fics about him? The absolute best. Top tier reads, definitely. 10/10 would recommend to any Grishaverse lover. Even if you don’t like him.
Special shout-out to my personal cult❤️
Let’s start of with the fact that your dedication to my fic is UNREAL. YOU WERE IN THE LITERAL HOSPITAL AND YOU MADE MEMES ABOUT MY WRITING???? Please your comments always make me laugh, so thank you so much for that!! I feel like, if there would be a Raewyn protection squad, you’d be the leader, so kudos to you for that!! Cannot wait for your what-if series!
First of all, if that name is a game of thrones reference, I love you. Second of all, you probably had no idea you were in a cult but people who interact with my Starcrossed Losers fic are immediately my cult members, so; welcome❤️. Thank you for all your kind comments about the chapters and thank you so much for your support!! Merry Christmas!
Another cult member who loves to comment on my fics. Thank you so much for doing that!! It lets me know people actually like it and it really fuels me to write more, so thank you for the motivation!!!
Your memes about my writings gives me LIFE!! THEY’RE SO FUNNY EVERY SINGLE TIME AND THEY MAKE ME LAUGH SO MUCH AT TIMES!! Thank you so much for that and I appreciate the fact that you love my fic enough to make memes about it❤️
THERE ARE MORE CULT MEMBERS I KNOW!!! @writingawaymylife @radbarbariancupcake @spidergirla5 @the-cranck-hobbit @m-sterboggins @erathene @bianavacker-is-bi-as-hell ALL OF YOU ARE SO AMAZING FOR SUPPORTING MY FIC SERIES THANK YOU SO MUCH! WISHING YOU AN AMAZING CHRISTMAS!!!
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saigonharrington · 4 years
boyfriend // g.w angsty one shot
I would like to say hi to my 30 followers I love you so freaking much thanks (and sorry) for following me 🧡 and to all my non-followers thank you for reading my story
It would be nice if you guys could reblog my works, it helps me grow and motivates me so much
By the way, it’s the angstiest one shot I have ever written so before you can ask, I can assure you that I will make a part two ( there will be link to it if it will be posted) because I don’t want to leave your relationship with George like that
My last one shot was for non gryffindor readers so this one’s for you gryffindorks
George Weasley x fem!gryffindor!reader
The year when the Yule ball was held
Warnings: swearing and different swear words, cheating, mentions of cheating, crying, some unkind words about slytherin (im so sorry guys really I love you)
Word count: 2k I think
angst angst and once more angst
also I did it in 2nd person (I wrote it in 1st and then changed it so sorry if there are mistakes) because I read on someone’s blog that you prefer it like that ❤️
The Triwizard tournament despite being a dangerous experience had some perks. Maybe not for me, but for some, the Yule Ball was the hot topic all the time. Boys were freaking out because they didn’t know if the girl they’d planned to ask will say yes, while girls were comparing their dresses and talked about crushes they developed to have. Everything was a mess, even teachers seemed to talk only about the night that the ball is held.
And here you were, not going.
“Honestly, Y/N, even though Adrian doesn’t want to go, does not mean that you should spend this night alone. You can always join our group.” Angelina spoke to you, seeing your upset face. You were sitting in the dormitory, girls were putting their dresses and make-up on, trying not to mess up their hairstyles.
“You’re going with Fred, each one of you has a pair, I don’t want to interrupt.” You explained.
“Don’t be silly, we’re going as friends and nothing more. And I bet everyone would agree with us that you should go, for once thinking about yourself. I’m sure Pucey won���t mind. Although he’s sick, that doesn’t mean you should babysit him or sit all damn night here without a soul to talk to.” Alicia encouraged you.
“I’m not sure. It’s too late to start preparing. I don’t even want to go, dancing isn’t my thing. And all that stuff that makes this night official, it’s so stressful.” You are a good friend, right? It isn’t your night, tonight is only about them. You don’t want to third wheel anyone.
“You know we can help you. Boys can wait 30 minutes longer. And think about it, you’re not the only one who’s going without a pair. George, Katie, and Lee are going alone. Also, Harry and Ron set up with Patil twins, these girls will leave them after ten minutes, because boys do not match their personalities, I tell you. Believe it or not, maybe 30 percent of people will be at the ball with the one they fancy. It’s about fun, not significant others. Some younger students are also attending this ball, you can’t tell me that you resign because of your boyfriend. He wouldn’t feel betrayed just for the reason that you’ll show up to the dance where are teenagers, or frankly speaking - children. You’re going with us.” Alicia ranted, sick of your excuses.
“And I agree with Alicia. No time to mope around. What could be wrong with spending time with your favorite people? We’re gonna dance until our knees become weak, and then we’ll be eating til’ our tummies can’t take more. Also, can you imagine those Durmstrang boys in suits? You can’t say no to them. Bet they look freaking good and every one of them will want to dance with a girl like you. Now get your butt here, someone’s got to help you with make-up. Alicia can you do her hair then?” Angelina got excited and made you sit in front of her to have your make-up done.
“But what will you wear?” Spinnet asked when she finished her job.
“Actually, my mom sent me a dress, which I keep deep in my closet because I knew I won’t go…” You whispered.
“Shut up! And you didn’t tell us?” Angelina exclaimed. “Now it would be extremely dumb not to go. This dress can’t be wasted, put it on!”
You did as they wished, putting on the clothes. You didn’t have the right shoes, so you decided to wear casual black sneakers.
“You look amazing, Y/N” “Yeah, Adrian would’ve been sad if he knew how fine you look tonight.” Girls complimented you. “I bet our friends are waiting in the common room. We should go.”
Lee, Katie, George, Fred, and Alicia’s partner sat by the fireplace talking about something.
“You’re finally here!” Katie shouted smiling wide. “And Y/N! I’m so happy that you’re going. Your dress is phenomenal.” She squealed.
“It’s their fault.” You pointed at Angelina and Alicia. “They persuaded me.”
“That’s good! It’s going to be our night, and you’ll have fun despite Pucey’s absence. I can’t wait!” If Katie could fly, she would do it right now.
“Confidence looks good on you.” George interjected, walking closer to you. You were friends for a couple of years. He was always by your side, along with his twin, but You never bonded with Fred that well as with his younger copy. You got through so much together, that only made your friendship stronger. Frankly speaking, You were quite happy that he was going alone. Since your boyfriend didn’t go at all, You wanted to have someone to talk to.
“Thank you, Georgie. Do you think it would be alright if I tried to check up on Adrian? I’m worried about him and I don’t want to seem selfish.” You changed the subject.
“You know that it’s hard to get to a different gender’s dorm. Not to mention that it’s the slytherin boy’s dorm.”
“I won’t go then. But please try not to joke about slytherins this night. It’s my boyfriend’s house therefore it hurts me a little.”
“Whatever you want.” He didn’t seem to worry, but You were completely serious. His pranks sometimes went too far. Adrian didn’t care bout them, while you personally found them inappropriate. You love George, he’s your best friend, but his hate towards slytherin house and all the members drove you mad. You thought that people are done with stereotypes and generalizing.
“What are you thinking about?” He asked you, seeing that you do not pay attention to what’s happening.
“Nothing important. Let’s head to the table.” You replied, intertwining your hands, taking empty seats next to Fred and Angelina.
“You know guys, we’re gonna dance first, we’ll come to eat later.” Alicia took her partner’s hand and dived into a crowd on the dance floor.
As time went by, Angelina and Fred disappeared as well, showing their moves as if they were taking part in some kind of competition. The next thing You knew is that you and George were left alone by the table because even Katie and Lee were in the mood for a party.
“It would be lame if we stayed there and eat all night. If you will?” George asked for your hand, and you joined your group on the floor. Everything was great, You wanted to thank the girls for making you go, but before You had a chance, a slow song started playing, and people divided into pairs, leaving you and George next to each other.
“You know, I might go check on Adrian, I’m sure he doesn’t want to sit in the dorm all night, and maybe we could talk for a bit.” You panicked, seeing a couple of slytherins looking at you as if they wanted to kill you for spending time with the Weasley. To be honest, You felt uncomfortable with it and you didn’t want to seem careless.
“Just one dance, please? Then you can go.” George pleased.
“Georgie?” You asked, while resting yout head on his arm. “These people are staring, and it makes me very anxious.”
“Maybe we should give them the show that they’re asking for.” George replied and before You could think about a response, he kissed you in your mouth. If felt so strange, yet so good. His lips were so soft, his big hands on your waist were holding you tightly, warm feeling entered your body. You returned the kiss, forgetting about the whole world and people around you, who probably glanced at you, but you couldn’t care until it hit you.
“George, I’ve got a boyfriend.” You almost cried, knowing that now You cheated on Adrian and the whole hall witnessed this.
“And yet you kissed me back.” He smirked, not worrying about it as much as you did.
“I should tell him the truth.” You said to yourself, exiting the ballroom, running in panic to Slytherin’s common room.
“No, Y/N, wait!” George shouted. “I wanted to do it for so freaking long. And you showed me that you might feel the same way about me, you can’t just walk out of the Great Hall and leave me alone. I deserve explanation.”
To say you were furious would be an understatement. How could he make this about him, when clearly You were in worse situation.
“George shut up for a moment! Can’t you see what I did? I let you kiss me, returning it. Don’t you know what people will gossip about? Me. Only me and my bad actions, because t’s always the girl’s fault. I do have to tell him before he finds out from someone else. You have to understand me and for once, give me some time. We’ll talk later, I promise.”
“But I love you. I love you since our second year, and now that I showed my affection and had the courage to make the first move, you’re leaving me. You’re always talking about Adrian. It makes me sick. How can you be with someone like him? He’s bad, like most of the Slytherins plus you must be blind not to see the way he treats you. He’s always so mean, doesn’t like to hold hands with you, does not understand your jokes. But I do. I’m always with you and for you. I’m the one who wipes your tears after he does something stupid, I’m the one who’s wanting the best for you. I’m really fucking mad that you’re with him. I should be your damn boyfriend who can hold your hand forever and will never let go, who will kiss you so passionately until you lose your breath. And I wouldn’t cheat on you as he does. I couldn’t help myself. When we danced, you looked so fucking perfect. You always look like that. And Pucey cheated on you, at least twice. I saw it with my eyes, I swear. I thought about it all the time, wanting to punch his face so bad that his own mother wouldn’t recognize him. No one cheats on a girl like you, Y/N. No one should ever cheat. He managed to do it more than once and I hate him for that.” He admitted, not noticing that You were already crying. “But you know what? If it makes you feel better, you can go to him. I know he’s not sick, he’s sitting with one of his girls, avoiding you, and no doubt, he’s doing more than kissing her. You can see it for yourself if you don’t believe me.” He almost shouted.
“Fine! I will! Even if it’s true, it wasn’t the right time to kiss me in front of that many people! I’m going to be called a whore and no one will protect me, because they saw what we did. It’s not going to be your fault, but I’m blaming you. Because you said no one should ever cheat. And what you did, was the exact opposite. If all boys are like that, then I’m fucking done.” You exclaimed, leaving him outside the common room.
You tried to control my tears, yet you lost your control while you heard weird noises from your boyfriend’s dorm.
“I was so damn stupid that I believed you! Do what you want, asshole, I’m not your girlfriend anymore. As if it mattered anytime.” You screamed, being pissed off at him, yourself, and George. Because his words were true, and you didn’t notice it earlier. You felt so fucking stupid.
You ran through the empty corridors, trying to focus on finding the shortest way to your dorm room. You passed by some couples kissing, but they did not saw you. Or they didn’t want to. You tried not to stare at them too, being in the worst mood you ever could be.
“Do not say a thing Weasley. I want to be alone.” You spoke, seeing George waiting outside your common room, and before the boy could reply, you disappeared at the door.
please reblog and comment because I want to interact with you and the more people are enjoying the story the sooner I’ll write the second part 😊
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adxmparriish · 3 years
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sirens in the beat of your heart - read on ao3
writer: lizziebxnnet / godgavemelou words: 3510 rating: explicit
As Jude’s hands grab Cardan’s face, cradling him between her palms, the pounding on the door rattles her nerves. She can hear them trying to pry it open. They only have a few moments.
“Everything is going to be fine,” Jude assures him. It feels ridiculous coming from her mouth, with the alarms blaring and the door on the brink of being busted down. She knows she’s right, though. She can feel it.
OR an AU where Jude and Cardan rob a bank.
I'm tagging a few blogs I tagged for Folktober! If you enjoy please reblog and share <3 @jurdanhell @jurdannet @slightlyrebelliouswriter23 @clockworkgraystairs​ 
As the alarm rings loudly inside the Southern Standard Bank, Jude thinks to herself, We’ve really done it this time.
There is endless shouting and random popping coming from behind her as she sprints down the hall, her shoes pounding the marble floor. Her breath is ragged, her heart is racing, and she prays to a God she doesn’t believe in that she can get to the vault in time. The long red wig she’s wearing keeps getting in her eyes and her mouth, and she brushes it back again as she makes her way to where she needs to go. Another pop and a bullet wizzes past her shoulder. The cops are narrowing in on her.
She counts the doors as she runs. One, two, three, four, until she reaches the eighth, kicking it in and slamming it behind her when she’s safely inside. Someone’s desk sits abandoned, and quickly she realizes it’s owner is knocked out cold underneath it, his hands tied behind his back. Jude lets out a relieved breath. She quickly moves, throwing all her weight into moving the desk in front of the door. It won’t hold the police long, but hopefully long enough so she can get out of here.
Right as she’s positioning the desk, fists begin to pound the hard steel of the door. They’re all shouting, their words mixing together. She does her best to ignore them, moving away from the door and into the vault that’s standing wide-open, fluorescent lights bleeding into the room.
“We’ve got company!” Jude shouts into the vault before she enters.
“The bags are full, we just need to get to the underground.”
Jude sees Cardan kneeling on the floor, zipping up two duffel bags. He hasn’t packed up all the money, nowhere close, but it’s enough to keep them going for a long time, years probably, and that’s enough. Cardan’s blonde wig sticks to his forehead with sweat, his hands shaky as he finishes his work. After all their years of robbing, it’s never gotten easier on him. Sure, they mostly steal from smaller places, just enough to get by for a few weeks. Robbing a well-known bank… well, it’s certainly new for both of them.
Jude kneels beside him, grabbing a handle of her bag, before looking him in the eyes. He’s so nervous and scared, it bleeds into all his features. Jude is scared too, every inch of her lit up with nerves, but she keeps it together. For Cardan, she can do that. They need this.
“Give me the plan,” she demands, hoping it’ll calm him down to talk to her.
“There’s a door behind the vault that leads to an underground tunnel. We are going to take it all the way to the end, where the car is waiting. Then we ditch the disguises, and drive as far south as we can.” Cardan exhales shakily.
As Jude’s hands grab Cardan’s face, cradling him between her palms, the pounding on the door rattles her nerves. She can hear them trying to pry it open. They only have a few moments.
“Everything is going to be fine,” Jude assures him. It feels ridiculous coming from her mouth, with the alarms blaring and the door on the brink of being busted down. She knows she’s right, though. She can feel it.
Cardan’s inky eyes look misty, but he nods. His hands grab his own bag, shouldering it as they stand. Jude puts her own on as well, and quickly they move to the hidden door behind the massive vault. When they’re both inside the passageway, the door separating them from the police finally crashes open. Quickly, they slam the door, Cardan pulling out a chain from his own bag. 
He hands it to Jude and her hands fumble as she wraps it around the handles, finally snapping the heavy duty lock. The snap of it rattles them both, and at once they begin to run. Jude’s hand finds Cardan’s as they sprint through the tunnels, the low yellow of the emergency lights their only companion. 
Jude has studied the map of the tunnels Vivi stole for her a thousand times. She knows they don’t have long to go. The curves are winding and narrow, but only a mile or so away from the bank. It’s eerie as they run, the only sounds being their feet on the concrete and their ragged breathing. Cardan’s hand is sweaty, his fingers struggling to keep hold on hers as they grow tired. The bag of money on her shoulder slams against her thigh every time she takes a step.
Finally, when Jude is pretty sure she can’t run another minute, the dim light of the outside shines underneath another door at the end of the tunnel. They slow down when they reach it, Cardan putting his ear to the metal to listen. They’re quiet for a few moments before he smiles wide, the first bit of happiness Jude has seen on his face in days.
“No sirens, no nothing. I think we’re clear.”
They open the door and light blinds them, the afternoon sun blazing down brightly. Their car sits exactly where Vivi parked it, a beat up old Honda she bought with cash a few weeks ago. They move with haste, opening the trunk and finding their new clothes. They change behind the car, discarding their other clothes and their wigs. Jude wraps them in a trash bag before throwing them in the trunk and closing it. They’ll discard everything later - now, time is of the essence. Cardan climbs in the driver’s seat, Jude next to him, and they both take a deep breath.
“Remember Cardan, we want to go slow. We don’t want to look suspicious. They don’t know about this car, if we aren’t here when they get here, they won’t find us.”
“Got it,” he says, fingers shaking as he tries to start the ignition.
Jude grabs his hand, squeezing his fingers tightly. Her own hand threatens to tremble but she can’t let it take over. Not right now.
“Baby, we can do this. We are almost done, and then we don’t have to worry again. Not for a long time. Maybe not ever.”
Cardan’s eyes find her own and his breathing is shallow as he tries to stay calm.
“We can do this,” he repeats back to her. Jude grins. He doesn’t look completely sure, but regardless, his fingers finally turn the key and the car starts.
Slowly but surely, they pull out of the alley. They leave the radio off, listening closely as they edge on to the street, heading to the highway. Jude can hear sirens, but the sound is distant. They must still be back at the bank. They move at the speed limit, keeping their eyes peeled, but so far, they don’t see anything suspicious. They aren’t being followed.
The few minutes it takes to get the highway seem to drag on forever, Jude’s leg shaking as anxiety pricks at her. Cardan’s own hands tremble on the steering wheel. They don’t say a word to each other as they drive. Right before they need to turn on to the highway, they get stopped by a red light. Of course, Jude thinks.
The car is stifling, so Jude rolls her window down. Only a little longer before they truly get away. Only a couple miles of interstate before they can find some back roads and get lost, head south, completely start over. She has to fight a smile from breaking over her features. If only the damn red light could turn green.
Then, like a sledgehammer to the heart, she hears more sirens. They start to grow louder, and the light isn’t changing. They can’t run the red without looking suspicious, and Cardan looks over at her, his eyes wide and terrified. Her own breathing grows stuttered and she looks in her side mirror, trying to find the blue and red lights. How did they find them already? There weren’t any cars around them. 
“What do we do, Jude?” Cardan asks, his knuckles white as he grips the wheel.
“If they’ve found us, we have to go as fast as we can. Hit the gas and go. Don’t stop for anything.” Jude’s voice quivers, but she tries to hide it. They were so close, she really thought they were going to get away.
Like a gift from the Heavens, the light finally turns green but they can’t move, as the car in front of them hasn’t. Jude fights the urge to scream as they remain still, the sirens growing louder in her ears. They need to move, and quickly.
A few more seconds tick by and Cardan’s fist pounds on the dashboard, shaking the car. Jude jumps in her seat, her nerves shot.
“What the fuck is going on?”
Finally, at the same time, they see it. An ambulance flies through the intersection, the lights and siren blaring as they go. They watch it go by, mouths hanging open, not even noticing the car in front of them has finally gone on. Someone behind them honks their horn and finally, Cardan moves, taking their exit and merging onto the highway. 
When their tires hit the black of the asphalt, the long expanse of road that will take them south, Cardan’s lips break into a smile that overtakes his entire face. A laugh erupts from his chest, and Jude can’t help herself but to do the same, giggles overtaking her quickly as she finally realizes they made it. They fucking did it.
Tears leak from Jude’s eyes as she laughs, her cheeks beginning to hurt from it. One of Cardan’s hands finds her own, gripping it tight over the center console as they drive. 
“I can’t believe we mistook the sirens for cops and didn’t recognize them as an ambulance,” Jude says when her laughs finally calm down.
“I was a little busy shitting myself from robbing the biggest bank in the area, Jude. I had more important things on my mind than the sound of a siren.” His words hold no malice as he speaks, but Jude knows he’s telling the truth. He’s been worried for weeks about this going wrong.
“I told you we could do it,” she says. His reply is a smirk, and she takes it.
In about twenty miles, they pull off the highway, merging on to a smaller one. It’s quieter, less police presence, and it goes for hundreds of miles. They plan to take it as far as they can. Cardan finally gets the nerve to turn on the radio, and the only station he can find is playing old country music. He rolls his eyes but settles there, turning it up enough to drown out the noise of the car.
Jude’s hair whips in the wind coming from her lowered window, as does Cardan’s. When she looks at him, the afternoon glow of the sun lighting up his features, her heart aches. They’ve been through so much together. Living on the streets, stealing here and there to eat, to live. When they met in college, everything had seemed destined to be perfect. Years later, when student debt, no job offers, and no opportunity greeted them, they did what they could to survive. It hasn’t been easy, but they’ve made it and that’s what matters. She can’t imagine doing any of it without him.
Jude rotates in her seat, her head leaned against the headrest, so she can watch Cardan drive. This reminds her of their first date, both of them barely nineteen, driving to a local diner at golden hour. She smiles at the memory, at him, and he notices, glancing over at her with an eyebrow cocked.
“What’s going through that devious brain of yours?” he wonders.
“Nothing,” she replies. She glances at the clock on the dash, noticing it will be getting dark in a few hours.
“We should try to find somewhere to stay tonight. We can grab food, a room, and think about where we want to head.”
Stacks of twenty dollar bills and abandoned take-out boxes lay all across the floor of the motel room. Jude and Cardan sit with the stacks surrounding them, slowly counting everything they have. They move the money from one pile to another, Jude jotting down the numbers on the little notepad provided by the motel. When their last stack is accounted for, Jude does a tally and almost cries when she sees the final number.
“Well? How much is it?” Cardan asks, leaning over the look at the notepad.
Tears collect in Jude’s eyes, her voice cracking as she speaks.
“There’s almost 2 million here.”
Cardan snatches the paper, eyes grazing over the tally again, ensuring she’s correct. Jude’s heart hammers in her chest as she takes it all in. As Cardan double checks, his eyes grow wider.
Finally, Cardan glances up at her, a breathtaking smile causing her heart to skip a beat.
He laughs, wrapping his arms around her neck and they tumble to the floor, knocking over the pile of money, the stacks cascading all around them. His breath warms her neck as he laughs, and her hands find his hair, tears falling from her eyes as she does. 
“We fucking did it,” she murmurs. All of the struggles, the pain, the fights, the bad luck. It’s gone. They’ll never want for another thing again.
“We did,” Cardan replies.
He lifts his head from her neck and moves to kiss her, his lips sliding over her own. She deepens it immediately, clutching at his inky black hair and pulling it hard. He groans into her mouth as she does. Desire pools inside her, making her want more, more, more.
A stack digs into her back as they kiss and suddenly, an idea pops into her head. Reluctantly, she moves away from him. Cardan frowns.
Jude sits up, grabbing a few of the bundles and ripping off the paper strap holding them together. He watches as she scatters the money on their queen bed and suddenly his eyes light up, mischief dancing in the darkness of them.
“My sweet villain,” he says, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist. Jude grins wickedly.
As the last bill floats to the sheets, she spins them and pushes Cardan down to the mattress. All around him is the money they stole, wrapping around him like a blanket and she smiles so wide, she’s afraid her face might crack.
“Haven’t you ever wanted to fuck on a pile of cash?” she asks, leaning down to remove Cardan’s t-shirt. The milky white of his skin taunts her and she runs her hands over his chest, nails making tiny red lines as she does.
“Of course,” he replies, doing his part to remove Jude’s own clothes. “Just never thought we’d have the chance.”
“We can do it every day for the rest of our lives,” she replies, her jeans finally coming off as she does. 
“As long as I’m with you, I’d be ready and willing.”
Jude captures Cardan’s lips, kissing him fiercely at his words. She finally gets his pants removed after a few minutes, their inability to stop kissing causing some slowness. Jude goes to move her hand between Cardan’s thighs but he beats her to it, his own hand sneaking it’s way into her underwear. She gasps as he finds the small bundle of nerves, his middle finger caressing it carefully.
Jude’s head falls to Cardan’s shoulder as he plays with her slowly, teasingly. Every once in a while he’ll dip a finger inside her, making her cry out, before withdrawing it again. A warmth builds in her belly and before she can ask him to, Cardan dips two fingers in, his thumb rubbing furiously at her clit. It’s like he can read her gasps, the way her breath hitches in her throat. He knows her like their favorite song.
Jude bites her lip and grips the sheets, bills collecting in her fist as she does. Cardan moves his head up, his other hand pushing aside her bra so she can capture her nipple in his mouth. Overstimulation lights a ravenous fire inside of her. It’s all Jude can do not to scream out as his teeth graze her nipple slightly, causing her to tip over the edge, an orgasm crashing over her.
She shivers and shakes as she comes down, Cardan’s hand moving slower as he helps her ride it out. Before she can protest, he flips her over so her back is on the mattress. His lips find her lips, her cheek, her earlobe, her neck, her chest, her stomach, and then finally, the one place she’s been waiting for.
Jude looks down just in time to meet his eyes before his tongue finds her folds, licking a hot, wet stripe. She’s still sensitive so she moans loudly, the sensation overwhelming. Cardan places her thighs on his shoulders, moving closer to her as he does.
“You deserve this,” he says, licking at her again, making her writhe in his grip. “Your plan got us here. Your determination, your brain.”
“I’d do anything for you, for us,” Jude pants. And it’s true. Her happiness with Cardan was more important than anything. It still is.
Cardan doesn’t respond with words, but in action. He doesn’t come up for air for minutes, feasting on her like he’s a starving man. Jude bucks against him at every turn and he welcomes it, pulling her closer and closer until she’s sure she’ll suffocate him. The fire burning inside her begins to build again. Her fingers find his hair, gripping and pulling hard as she rides his face. 
Her hips begin to buck against him as she threatens to spill over again, only this time Cardan removes himself before she can. Jude pounds a fist on the bed, and at that, Cardan smirks.
“Don’t worry my dear criminal,” he says, leaning over her to kiss her. “I’d just rather you come around my cock instead of my tongue.”
Jude gasps as he enters her slowly, taking all the time in the world. She can taste herself on his tongue as he kisses her. She has so many feelings trying to override another. Her hands scramble to find purchase before they finally settle on Cardan’s arms that are framing her face. He pulls away so he can look in her eyes as he bottoms out. Jude wraps her legs around his waist, pulling him closer, deeper.
Moonlight filters through the curtains of their room, threads of silver highlighting Cardan’s face. Jude reaches up, wrapping her arms around his neck to bring him closer. She loves him, with every piece of her soul. She loves him enough to fight tooth and nail, to steal, to lie, so they can live happily. She’d risk herself every day for him, for her Cardan.
Like he can read her mind, Cardan bends down, kissing her roughly.
“I love you,” he moans into her mouth. 
He begins to move faster, a hand snaking between her thighs so he can play with her clit. Jude bites her lip to fight the scream that threatens to rip from her throat. She loves him so much she can hardly breathe, or think, or feel anything else.
“More than all this money?” he asks, teasing. He pulls away and looks into her eyes. 
“More than anything.”
He grips her hair and yanks, exposing her neck to him. He mouths at her throat, sucking a bruise into the light mocha of her skin. Everything is too much. Jude feels like she’s burning from the inside out. Her arms around Cardan’s neck circle tighter and she lets herself be taken completely over. Everything fades away and it’s nothing but Cardan. The way he makes her feel, his eyes, his laugh, his voice, the pounding of his heart, his everything. 
Jude erupts for the second time, her orgasm crashing over her like a wave. Cardan follows soon after, a moan falling from his mouth and into the skin of her shoulder. When they’re both completely spent, he rolls off of her. He immediately pulls her into his chest, her forehead meeting his neck.
A twenty dollar bill sticks up from underneath Cardan’s arm and Jude laughs lightly, pulling it away from him and throwing it to the floor. It’s everywhere, sticking to their sweaty skin as they’ve moved across the bed.
“I meant what I said, Jude,” Cardan says, eyeing her carefully. “All this money… well, it wouldn’t mean a damn thing if I didn’t have you.”
Jude fights a lump in her throat at his words. She’s never been the type to say how she feels, it’s always been more of Cardan’s thing. She blinks away the mist in her eyes before grinning at him.
“I know what you mean.” Jude pauses. “I love you so much.”
Cardan leans in, kissing her forehead.
“Let’s start our new beginning.”
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Too Late to be Saved
Document link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GF_jZevunsCA5QKPWXfaVO_OO61ZaAtxkzPdoJNJHUM/edit?usp=sharing
When Aqua and Aria reach the Dark Margin at the edge of the realm of darkness, they meet Ansem the Wise, who is quickly sought by Ansem, Seeker of Darkness. Aria angrily confronts the fellow Heartless, but finds herself unable to get back to the End of Sea before Riku and King Mickey arrive. (2351 words) Replaces the KH3 cutscene “An Unexpected Encounter” and changes some story events so that “Too Late” and “Braving the Darkness” no longer occur.
My first new piece of selfship writing on this blog, and oh boy is it a big one! I had a lot of fun writing this, so hopefully it makes for a good read, haha ^-^
Tag list: @softskiesahead | @dragonsmooch | @thatslikesometaldude | @lilacslovers | @insomniaships | @candyforthebrain | @goldenworldsabound | @setzale
A transcript of the document is under the readmore! Reblogs of this post would be greatly appreciated, since I was really happy with how this turned out, but they’re not required by any means~
“What is this place..?”
The blue-haired woman slowly walked forwards, marvelling at the sight before her. The endless dark caverns that she had wandered for so long had opened out to a clouded grey beach, lit by what appeared to be a glowing white moon above the horizon. The hard stone underfoot was giving way to soft sand of the same ash-like colour, as waves of murky water gently grazed the shore. It was an eerily tranquil place by the standards of all she had witnessed before, something her companion was quick to notice.
“There are no Heartless here.” she said. “I almost feel as though I shouldn’t be here, either. Aqua.. I think this might be the edge of the realm.”
“So, we’ve made it to the end?” replied Aqua, now making her way towards the shoreline.
“Yes, it would appear so. Whatever lies beyond this shore.. It seems less like part of the darkness, and more like something between dark and light. Something that doesn’t belong to either force..”
As her partner spoke, Aqua became aware that her voice was growing fainter. When she turned around, she saw that she had made far less progress towards the water, standing awkwardly some distance away with her wings curled around her body. She looked nervous, and unsure what to expect, yet the catlike ears poking straight up through her messy blonde hair showed that she was still as alert as ever, constantly listening for danger even in the silence of the new place they had stumbled across.
“Aria, it’s okay! We can keep going, if you’d prefer that. You look tense, and I don’t want you to be unsettled.”  A worried expression flitted across Aqua’s face as she reached out to hold Aria’s hand - the sudden movement made her flinch in surprise, but she quickly and visibly relaxed as Aqua drew closer. When the two were standing together again, Aqua gently closed both of her hands over Aria’s, unfazed by the patches of open darkness that ran along them, and smiled as she looked down at her partner.
“Thank you..” she mumbled quietly. “I’m alright, I just- don’t know what to expect here.”
It was then that, behind the Keyblade Master, Aria spotted a hooded figure sitting some distance away, hidden by a black coat but appearing to gaze out over the barely-moving water. Though she still let Aqua hold her right hand, she slowly shifted to free her left and moved to stand at Aqua’s side in one fluid movement. Then she extended her left arm and a mass of dark energy enveloped the space beside her, dissipating quickly to reveal a jagged dark red Keyblade.
“Identify yourself!”
Her shout echoed across the shore, leading the figure to turn its head and slowly stand up. As it started to walk across the sand, it removed its hood to reveal an older-looking man with piercing orange eyes and wispy light blond hair. He looked tired, and his face bore the wrinkled lines of worry as he observed the two Keyblade wielders.
“Please, stay your weapon. I mean you no harm.”
Aria wasn’t overly convinced, but she could see that the man did not have the strength to be a threat, so she lowered her Keyblade. Aqua was curious to find out more, taking a step forward.
“Who are you? How did you end up in this place?”
The man sighed wistfully, folding his hands behind his back. “My name was.. stolen by another, and I can feel this place taking its toll on my memory. I’m sorry. I know that I have only been here for a fairly short time, and that I was sent here by the destruction of the machine I created to encode Kingdom Hearts in data.”
“Before that..” He turned to look out over the water again, unwilling to meet Aqua’s gaze. “I caused a great deal of misery to many individuals, through both my recent actions and my previous research. It is clear to me now that I was deeply in the wrong about some of my original beliefs.. Now, I can only hope for a chance to atone for my deeds.”
“It’s alright.” Aria’s Keyblade had disappeared from her hand. “I can see now that your heart holds a true desire for.. repentance, or something of that nature. I’m not sure what the right word is, but.. The point is that you won’t be harmed, by either of us.”
“Yes, of course!” Aqua added. “I think you’ll be safe here, at least, since the Heartless don’t seem to come here. And, I can’t claim to know what you’ve done, but.. What’s important is that you recognise your mistakes, and that you want to make up for them.”
The man seemed relieved, and turned back to face the pair with a shadow of a smile on his face. “Thank you, both of you. I admit that I was not expecting to meet anyone else in this infernal prison. If I may ask, what are your names?”
“Oh, there’s no time for that now.”
A dark portal had opened up, and from it stepped an imposing and well-built man in a similar black coat. He had slicked-back long silver hair and similarly piercing eyes to the old man, though his were a cold golden colour. Aria’s eyes narrowed at his approach, as it was clear that he was a powerful user of darkness, though the true nuance was only visible to her.
“What- What’s going on?” Aqua asked, turning to face the man with suspicion. He ignored her for the moment, focusing only on the older man, who in turn was glaring fiercely at the intruder as he approached.
“Master.. I must have a word with you.”
“Master?” he echoed. “So now you mock me..” The disapproval dripped from his voice like bitter venom. The interloper opened his mouth to respond, but-
Aria had broken away from Aqua’s grasp and now stood defiantly before the intruder, Keyblade still in hand.
“Excuse me?” The man raised an eyebrow and sneered down at her, surprised by her actions.
“I know what you are, Ansem.” she snarled back. “I have known your power since before you even existed. A villainous Heartless with a natural human form - the one that took the title of “seeker of darkness” and is shadowed by a twisted dark figure. You think you’re so strong, but you are not the one who holds power here.”
This last statement had clearly struck a nerve, and Ansem’s expression of contempt soured into anger. “You’re certainly an astute one.. But what makes you think you could possibly face me?”
“Have your eyes gone blind as well as gold? If I can tell what you are, you can tell what I am. I have seen more than you will ever achieve, especially now that you’re afflicted with some other presence. That-” - she pointed up at his eyes - “-is Xehanort’s power, isn’t it? If you’re with him, that makes you our enemy.”
At this point, Aqua’s worried expression had returned. “Aria, be careful..”
“Aqua, get that man somewhere out of the way. I’m going to stop this before it becomes a problem.”
“You are a fool to challenge me, girl!” 
An eruption of darkness burst forth from the Heartless, and the powerful frame of the Dark Figure rose up from his shadow. Aria quickly leapt up into the air, spreading her wings to soar over Ansem’s head as he lashed out. To deflect the residual impact of his outburst, Aqua summoned a Barrier spell, then started to help the old man escape once he had turned around.
The force of that initial burst - not even a targeted attack, merely an effect driven by the might of his anger - instantly made Aria aware of the strength Ansem possessed, and she knew she would have to be careful. Her advantage was agility, as the darkness she could draw from her surroundings to aid her flight was limitless. She darted out of his reach and flew up and away from the Dark Figure’s grasp, firing shockwaves of unearthly blue energy at both it and Ansem. The monster seemed unfazed, but Ansem himself was slowed down in his pursuit of her, only to then retaliate with a barrage of violet orbs, which Aria was able to flit between. At every twist and turn, she flew further away from him, enraging him even more as he was forced to give chase.
“What is this insolence?!” Ansem yelled. “You should be obeying me!”
“Does it look like that matters?” she replied, deftly evading another blast of dark energy. “I already told you - you’re not the one who holds power here. Even if you did, Ves’ presence is enough to protect me. I don’t care what you think you deserve!”
Another flash of darkness, this time from Aria herself - she had switched her Keyblade from its dark mode to its diamond mode, now shimmering with cold blue light, and enveloped herself in a shadowy aura to strengthen herself. Still soaring on her wings, their black feathers gleaming with energy drawn from the realm, she sent a rain of insightful flames down from above, then her Keyblade became electrified and she hurled it spinning towards him.
“Maybe you meant something, once. But now you’ve let yourself be taken over by someone who’s not even strong enough to control you completely. Take it from someone who knows - all that does is weaken you!”
“Enough of this!”
Suddenly, the Dark Figure wrested itself from Ansem’s shadow and lunged forwards into the air, followed swiftly by Ansem himself, roaring and surrounding himself with a wall of intense darkness. As Aria dropped through the air to avoid his charge, a blast of ice struck him from behind. It was Aqua, channeling magic even without her Keyblade to act as a conduit. The impact threw Ansem off-course, but the Dark Figure swept around and managed to grab hold of Aria.
“Let go of her!” Aqua cried, trying to fire more magic without hitting Aria. Ansem’s attention remained focused on the Keyblade Master, while the Dark Figure tightened its powerful grip as if to crush Aria entirely. She desperately writhed and struggled, holding onto the figure with her right hand and trying to slash at it with the Keyblade in her left. After a few moments, it became shrouded in a dark mist, as if dissipating, and she was able to slip from its hold when another direct hit from Aqua made Ansem stumble.
Anger still pulsed through him like a poison as he shouted at the both of them. “I will not lose to an obstinate recusant and a lost guardian with no Keyblade to protect herself!”
Clearing the space around him by emitting a shockwave of energy, Ansem started to summon a massive crest of darkness above him, reaching all the way up to the ceiling. The Dark Figure was still clawing at Aria, as if enraged at how she had stolen some of its power to escape it, but she felt confident she would be able to evade the incoming blow. She could tell that he was not at his full strength anymore, and the intricate crest was already starting to lose its shape, contorting into a misshapen orb of raw darkness.
Then she saw where Ansem was aiming.
“Don’t you dare!-”
In the instant before the orb struck her, all Aqua saw was a flurry of feathers, and then came the dark impetus. Something fell from her sash as she was knocked to the ground, and she was only aware of something- someone- Aria being launched through the air above her, sent flying further back into the dark. 
Just then, a shower of stars came soaring in from the direction of the otherworldly beach. Their light seemed to pierce through the darkness like a blade through fog, and Aqua couldn’t help but feel a surge of hope as she saw them strike the Heartless.
“Oh no you don’t!”
A familiar and determined cry from none other than King Mickey himself - the little mouse had leapt to the fray and brandished his Star Cluster Keyblade to help Aqua out. From behind him, another Keyblade wielder in plaid clothing was running towards them, carrying a sword of grey metal with ease.
Aqua recognised him immediately, even though he had grown considerably. “Riku! Mickey! Is it really you?”
“Gah..” Ansem staggered back to his feet, clearly injured from Mickey’s attack, and glared at them all in turn. “You have not won this.. You will not prevail!”
Another dark corridor opened up, then it was gone, and he was gone.
“I don’t feel good about letting him get away like that..” said Mickey. “Should we try and go after him?”
“There’s no time!” Riku exclaimed, his green eyes clouded with concern. “We need to get you out of here, Aqua, and bring Ansem the Wise with us, too. I don’t know how long the corridor I made will stay open for.”
“Wait, but-”
Mickey nodded at Riku’s words with a determined expression. “You’re right. I’m not leaving without you again, Aqua!”
All the while, Aria was desperately flying.
The light of all their hearts, and of the corridor, was blinding, especially for one so accustomed to the dark - but she kept racing forwards, using them as a guiding beacon. Sharp spikes of rock loomed down from the ceiling, as if the jaws of a monster were trying to consume her, to keep her trapped in the realm that had already held her for so long. No. She wouldn’t lose her. This would be her only chance to escape.
The lights flickered, once, twice, three times - and then it was all extinguished. Fatigue from her injuries mixed with overwhelming emotions brought Aria to the ground with a sob. She crashed to the floor just metres away from where her love had been so cruelly rescued, clinging onto what Aqua had so sadly left behind.
All she had left was a blue glass Wayfinder.
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