#i kid you not it cured his homophobia
shadesofecclescakes · 6 months
Are you a big fanfic reader? What have you read lately and what's been your favourite fic so far?
Oh mannnnnnnnn. Why don't you ask me to pick a favourite child while you're at it???
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Just kidding. I don't have kids. But I assume having to pick a favourite would be hard if I did.
So, am I a big fanfic reader? YES. And what haven't I read lately? We are lucky enough to have so many talented writers in this fandom that it's possible to subscribe to numerous multi-chapter fics to the point where you're just constantly getting update emails. Which I do. It's great. It gives me something to do at work aside from, y'know, work.
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*Me at work being smug about being paid to read porn* (Also I just wanted to look at this gif)
So what is currently on my endless update list? Coming up after the cut!
I am an absolute whore for human AU, so if you like that then you will probably like:
The Cure for a Broken Heart by @rofell
a medical student AU based in the Canadian medical system (I'm a Canadian so I was pretty excited about that). It manages to tackle the continued systemic discrimination of Indigenous people in our medical system (and in general), homophobia and the ensuing trauma from those things all while also being informative, funny, sweet, romantic and hot af. Like. It's so good.
Free by @maaikeatthefullmoon
This is another one with with a heavy topic that also does a great job of making sure to break it up with some excellent fluff, hurt/comfort and humorous moments. And it's handled with the sensitivity and thoughtfulness necessary to write something that takes place in a mental health ward and deals with some intense situations. Definitely make sure to read those author notes before diving in. They lay it out very thoroughly.
The Sincere Way by @tsyvia48
A martial arts AU. Crowley is a karate sensei and Aziraphale is his student. Slow burn that keeps you on the edge. The screams I have scrumt at my screen over this one. Plus you learn a lot about karate (but it never gets boring or over-explainey. Excellently balanced) which is pretty cool. Mostly light (there is some angst. This is the Good Omens fandom. I think we are all sad, wet chihuahuas at heart). Funny and sweet.
Terminus by @emotional-support-demon-crowley
Plus One by @caedmonfaith
Astronaut AU. Aziraphale is an astronaut who meets his mission controller, Crowley, over the comms system when he finds himself in need of assistance.
Super cool concept and really well-done in my opinion. Like, I don't do any space or physics-related work (ok I straight-up failed math 9) but I find it entirely believable. And it's well-written which is the entire point. Cute, funny slow burn with an intriguing mystery happening in the background.
Aziraphale has family money but a shitty family (except for Muriel! Never Muriel!) and his shitty brother Gabriel is getting married to shitty Michael, an Earl's daughter.
Aziraphale's family disproves of his entire life pretty much and he has been lying to them about having a boyfriend. Now they are expecting him to bring said boyfriend to the wedding. His famous footballer friend sets him up with their mechanic, Crowley.
It starts as a slow-burn but becomes a hilarious, smutty romp that just gets more and more insane. The chapter titles alone have made me cackle out loud.
Some older human AUs I'm a huge fan of include Old Vines by @sevdrag. Crowley owns a vineyard and Aziraphale is a wine critic. It is so amazingly written. It makes me think of the author Joanna Harris (Chocolat, The Five Quarters of the Orange) because it's SO beautifully, vividly descriptive that I end up craaaaaving wine. So have a bottle on hand if you're giving this a read.
Also the love story in this. My god. I devoured it. The story and the (many bottles of) wine.
There is also Loosely Ballroom by marginalia_device and mortifyingideal. It's a Strictly Come Dancing (Dancing with the Stars in North America) AU and it is so. Fucking. Good.
But it comes with a disclaimer. It's unfinished and looks likely to stay that way. But honestly? Still worth it. It's nearly finished (I think) so you have most of the story. And it's just SO good. It's been a while since I read it but it was one of the first human AUs I read and what got me hooked on them.
If you're still with me...nice! Just know that was me holding back and that isn't my entire list by a long shot. If you want more recs, feel free to message me and also share your own!
I just finished Slow Show the actor AU by @mia-ugly and yes please.
Some serious angst, pining and hot hot smut.
There is another long-form multi-chapter actor au I loooved but I can't remember the name for the life of me. Just that the show they were on was basically good omens and that they swapped roles with great success (inspired by the whole Michael thinking Neil wanted him to play Crowley when he wanted Aziraphale thing).
Thanks for the ask! That was really fun!
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pippin-katz · 3 months
Reference To Heathers In Dead Boy Detectives
I was going through some of my notebooks and journals yesterday, and I found a composition notebook I got from a concert-style performance of Heathers: The Musical. It has yellow typewriter-style stickers on it that says the very first line of the show.
"September 1st, 1989: Dear Diary..."
My brain buffered so hard I gasped out loud. Obviously, that's the same year Charles died. At first, I was like, "Oh that's a cool coincidence!"
But then my brain went deeper, because I have seen and reblogged a piece of fanart of the Dead Boys with a caption referencing a quote from the film that was turned into a musical number: "I love my dead, gay son."
For those who are confused as hell, probably cause you're unfamiliar with the film/show, this is when I started to think it might not be a coincidence, and I'll explain why!
Brad & Hunter = Ram & Kurt
Anyone who knows Heathers is probably starting to be like, "OMG that's a great comparison!" But I'm not sure if this is just a comparison, or actually a hidden reference to Heathers.
⚠️ Warning! ⚠️ Heathers is a black comedy, also referred to as a dark comedy or morbid humor, meaning it makes light of subject matter that is generally considered taboo, particularly subjects that are normally considered serious or painful to discuss. TW: suicide, murder, attempted nonconsensual sex, homophobia Short Synopsis of Heathers: Veronica tries to join a toxic clique of three girls named Heather who rule high school. A new bad boy named Jason Dean, JD for short, arrives at the school. The two of them develop a relationship that leads to the murders and coverups of several of their incredibly toxic classmates.
(For those who want more specifics, to better understand the movie, keep reading. For those who don't need or want to read it, skip down to where the text turns back to the end of the parathesis and the text goes back to normal size.
Veronica was a nobody, but is gradually being inducted into the Heathers group. There are three Heathers: Heather Chandler, Heather Duke, and Heather McNamara. Veronica is an excellent forger, able to replicate hand writing. JD is new to school and gets sought out at lunch by the two biggest jocks, Ram and Kurt. They try to intimidate him, but it backfires because he pulls out a handgun. He shoots at them with blank bullets, scaring the shit out of them.
JD is a deeply traumatized and troubled person due to his shitty father, and the fact that his mother committed suicide in front of him when he was a kid by entering a building she knew was about to be demolished by her husband's construction company. His view on humanity is skewed and grim, and he can get violent when provoked or angered. He believes in extreme action to a sociopathic level, in this case, removing the problematic people who are the root of the toxicity in order to make a happier society.
Veronica and JD get into a relationship after she fights with Heather Chandler at a party. They go over to her house in the morning to suck up to her, but it ends in her death (will be explained). To cover it up, Veronica forges a suicide note.
JD sees it as a win, because with her gone and the contents of her fake suicide note, everyone is starting to be nicer to each other and be more open about their feelings. Veronica is torn up because she accidentally killed her "best friend" and "worst enemy", and also sees JD's point.
It spirals from there, but that should be enough specifics of the plot and characters for you to understand the rest of the essay better, at least in the sense of the tone of the film.)
Heather Chandler, the first victim, was killed because Veronica accidentally gave her toxic sink cleaner JD had joked about giving her instead of the hangover cure they're concocting. They stage it as a suicide so they don't get in trouble, but Veronica is a bit shaken, obviously. It was an accident, at least for her; JD saw her pick up the wrong mug and chose not to tell her.
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The next victim, or victims, is a pair of jocks who are the coolest guys on the football team, Ram Sweeney and Kurt Kelly. They sexually assault Veronica (unsuccessfully), lie about it to the school newspaper, claiming they had a threesome to humiliate her. She's upset, JD is furious, and they are the most toxic guys in the school. JD comes up with the idea to "prank" them; they'll "shoot" them and make it look like a gay suicide pact with a note and stereotypical gay items, humiliating them when they wake up. This is the '80s, so homophobia was super common.
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Veronica thinks they're going to use fake bullets on them, but JD obviously lies and puts real bullets in the guns. They do the "prank", JD kills Ram, but Veronica misses Kurt. She's laughing because they scared the shit out of them, but JD chases him down to finish the job. She realizes Ram is not unconscious, but dead, and JD kills Kurt as well. They stage it as a gay suicide pact in order not to get caught, again.
A funeral is held for the two boys, and in the film, one of their father's goes up to the casket and tearfully declares he's not going to be homophobic anymore, ending with the line: "I love my dead, gay son."
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A line so iconic that it got an entire musical number in the musical adaptation, with the line being the title and part of the chorus. It is absolutely hilarious.
Now, let's break that down into a simplified list:
two jocks who the coolest members on their team
said jocks have a reputation of mistreating girls
said mistreatment of girls leads to their murder
said murder is covered up by making it look like something self-induced
said murder is also committed unintentionally with the goal simply to make them unconscious
The fifth episode of Dead Boy Detectives is the same thing in a different font! Brad and Hunter were to two most popular jocks, on the baseball team rather than football team. They treated girls horribly, something Ram and Kurt were also notorious for. It's because of the way they treated Maren that they end up being killed, just like Ram and Kurt's treatment of Veronica is the cause for their deaths. Both of the murders are made to look self-induced, an intentional suicide pact for Ram and Kurt, and an accidental alcohol poisoning for Brad and Hunter. Both murders are also not intended to be murders by the girls behind them; Veronica and Maren both believe that they will only be knocking them out, not killing them.
That is a lot of specific parallels!
But what makes me even more suspicious of it being intentional is the fact that Twitchy Richie literally says, "But I also heard they died in a secret gay suicide pact."
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Back in the '80s? Unfortunately somewhat common, that's why they used in Heathers. It was made in the '80s and takes place in the '80s. Veronica and JD used it because it was easy to believe, and unlikely to draw suspicion. Back then, if something looked like a suicide, complete with a forged note, props, and whatnot, they tended not to bother investigating further; that's especially believable for a gay suicide since homophobia was so high.
Now? Definitely wouldn't be one of the first explanations you would think of. If a pair of guys died in a car accident, or surfing, or an activity they are doing together, and they did not have any indicators of it being suicide and/or queer (straight dudes Brad and Hunter's alcohol poisoning), I'm pretty sure "secret gay suicide pact" would not come up in the conversation by anyone other than conspiracy theorists, or dickheads like Richie. Crystal even refers to him bringing it up and making the "giving each other hand jobs" comment as him making "gay jokes". It's not even remotely considered to be an actual theory. He said it just to be an asshole.
There's also a small correlation that the only other victim in Heathers is Heather Chandler. Of the three victims, she's the only girl, and she also "commits suicide", at least in the eyes of the public. There is a third death relating to Brad and Hunter's case: Shelby. She's the singular female victim who actually commits suicide.
That is just too many similarities and parallels for it to be a coincidence, right? This all has to be an intentional nod to Heathers, right??
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cursedvicinity · 4 months
hi all! i have a question! so there’s a lot of discourse on the internet lately about whether or not identifying with an alternative (i don’t like the label either, i’m just using it as an umbrella term for the different subcultures) subculture is inherently political. personally, i believe that because subcultures have deep roots in punk, post punk, and hardcore that every subculture is at least somewhat political, and furthermore that you cant be ACTUALLY alternative without also having certain morals. (anti racism, anti homophobia, feminism, etc.) subcultures are more than just music and wearing black. subcultures are a lifestyle with communities, literature, art, and yes politics. i don’t see subcultures as labels that you can just slap on yourself if you wear enough eyeliner and listen to pierce the veil or the cure. i know a good majority of “elder emos” and goths are on this app and i’d love to hear some more (and probably wiser) opinions on this, that aren’t from tiktok “alt” kids. i’d also like to apologize for my horrific run on sentences, i’m not much of a grammatically correct writer. anyways let me know what you think!
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tetsunabouquet · 6 months
House Of Anubis: How the OG Dutch/Belgium show was butchered in its adaptation by Nickelodeon Part 1: Mick & Fabian
Given ATLA and Percy Jackson have gotten butchered again, I have decided to finally open my mouth about my favorite children's tv show: Het Huis Anubis. I am making this in several parts, because god this show was done dirty by Nickelodeon- especially the English adaptation. Today, we will go over exhibit A, Mick and Fabian and how they as individuals were butchered and their bromance was scrapped - all due to Nickelodeon's homophobia because OG Fabian's actor, Lucien van Geffen, came out as a gay man after the show ended. 1. Let's start with the most obvious thing: the boys appearance. Fabian is way cuter and way less nerdy looking in the English adaptation. The dude became Prom King for crying out loud. In the OG, whilst Fabian was cute, he was so in an overtly nerdy way and the idea of him becoming Prom King at all would have been an obvious prank. Mick was the dumb jock, the pretty boy of the cast who got played by a model. As a bisexual, this was the show that would get me bi-panicking because of Mick and Nienke (Nina in the English adaptation). 2. The aforementioned stereotyping was actually part of what made the bromance work. Because stereotypes are easier to understand for younger children and their contrasting stereotypes were written in such a beautiful way as they saw each other's value. Because in the OG, Mick has a lot of things going for him and he has a heart of gold but he has a dream he cannot accomplish being the dumb pretty boy he is but Fabian can. Because in the OG, Mick has a blind younger sister that he would like to cure more then anything but knows he's too dumb for medicine school unlike Fabian. He also knows Fabian is more courageous then he is and sees him as someone with lots of valuable traits whereas Fabian values Mick's loyalty and good, friendly nature as one of the show's primary himbo's. Their stereotypes allowed kids to understand each stereotype came with valuable traits. It's okay if you're a nerd or a jock. 3. MICK NEVER LEFT. Mick always remained the ignorant himbo walking around the house as his friends were busy dealing with cults. He was the breath of fresh air that brought normalcy throughout the show with his romance drama. Though he was ignorant of what they were doing, it's not like Mick was 100% oblivious throughout the entire show. For crying out loud Fabian had to fake his death at one point, with no one knowing he was still alive. Who was the one Fabian went to so he could say he was still alive? Mick. Really, a secret handshake is in no way on the same level as only telling your best friend you are still alive. 4. Which brings me to another character that never left: Nienke! Unlike her English counterpart Nina, Nienke remained as the leader of the Sibuna gang throughout the show with Fabian being the healthy kind of boyfriend who never felt like he had to take leadership away from her or anything. I swear in regards to Fabian in the English adaptation, they tried to hard to make a more alpha male version of Fabian. He's hotter, he gets more girls, he gets to be the leader and more. There is literal evidence they had toxic masculinity in mind: its Fabian falling to the sin of Pride in the show. Whilst the English adaptation was only faithful to the first season, the 7 deadly sins do show up in the first Anubis movie where Nienke is kidnapped by the antagonist. OG Fabian is literally the first person to win from all 7 deadly sins with the sin he ALMOST succumbs to being wrath as his friends and Nienke were about to die. Fabian was the virtuous knight in that movie and they actively made him more prideful in the English adaptation. Why would they change his relationship with Nienke and things like this, if it wasn't to make Fabian seem more masculine and whatnot because Lucien being gay emasculates Fabian in the eyes of Nickelodeon. For fuck's sake, Lucien was literally chosing to stay in the closet during the show because the ship was HUGE. He didn't wanted to break all of the little children's hearts by saying he was gay. Lucien was gracious 100%!
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babygirllinds · 1 year
WIP Masterlist
kitten - Icemav
Mav wears the collar Ice bought him to get what he wants in order to cure the feeling of emptiness he woke up with.
Very smutty (remember that self-indulgent fic I said I was writing a couple weeks back? Yeah, this is it)
Includes: dom/sub, cockwarming, slight daddy kink (I might indulge in this one more, but idk yet), dumbification/degradation, and I guess you could say petplay because Mav wears a collar and Ice calls him kitten/kitty, but Mav does not act like a cat
cowboy like me - Icemav
Song/lyric fic. Ice tries really hard to ignore the temptation of danger that is Maverick. He worked really hard to get where he was and his feelings for Mav could crumble that in seconds. Maverick is just in love and wants Ice to see that loving him might be worth the risk.
Smut/angst fic
This fic deals with Ice’s internalized homophobia and how he’s trying hard to ignore his feelings because it feels wrong, but also so, so right.
you’re my favorite secret - Icemav
Rear Admiral Tom Kazansky spent his whole life fighting to get to where he was. He’s the best of the best; entirely focused on his career and climbing through the ranks. That is until he meets a young lieutenant by the name of Pete Mitchell. He risks everything just to get a taste of life with Maverick in it.
Smut fic
Power imbalance relationship with a higher ranking military official. Obvious older man/younger man relationship with an age difference of 20 years (Ice will be in his 40s & Mav in his 20s)
stay in my arms - Icemav
Ice and Mav’s leave time lines up after months of not seeing each other and Mav invites Ice on a last minute road trip to go see Carole and Bradley. No matter how aloof Ice acts, he’s excited to be spending his time off with the man he’s in love with.
Smut fic that will most likely be turnt into a multi-chapter
Includes lots of mutual pining and only one bed trope!!!
words aren’t enough - Icemav
Sarah brings by a box of letters Ice had accumulated over the years, all addressed to one Pete Mitchell. Never sent and never seen, but holding all of the words he wasn’t brave enough to say. Maverick mourns a new loss in his life after already mourning the physical loss of Ice.
This is not smut! Surprise! I’d say it’s more T rated because of cussing and descriptions of homophobia, but it’s relatively tame for the most part, but lots of angst!!!
Descriptions of anxiety attacks and Maverick’s own internalized homophobia. Mentions of Ice’s death and how Maverick is navigating it.
the babysitter - Icemav
Pete is babysitting for the perfect family for extra money while in college. He adores the kids and the parents are absolutely gorgeous. He can’t help his budding feelings for the dad when he starts working from home rather than being out all the time for his job. He doesn’t plan on doing anything about his feelings, but then Tom Kazansky makes things difficult when he makes the first move.
Smut fic
Another power imbalance fic bc why not??? Obvious age gap relationship, but everyone is of age (Maverick is in his early 20s and Ice is in his late 30s)!!! Ice has a wife and kids in this one, folks, so cheating will happen
smooth operator - Icemav
Pete is straight… or so he thinks. He can’t stop thinking about Tom Kazansky — asshole extraordinare. He calls a phone sex line to help find where he stands on his sexuality. He asks for a man and winds up with someone named Ice. Ice is nice and comforting and he makes him feel good. He soon finds out that his true identity is someone he knows all too well…
Smut fic (I’m planning on making this a two-parter from both of their perspectives, but I only have some of Mav’s pov written at the moment)
AU!!! Frenemies to lovers type beat. Baby gay Mav trying to navigate his feelings for men (specifically Ice)
Let me Teach you a Lesson or Two - Icemav
Chapter 7: Tom decides it’s time to address his missing book but also rewards Pete for taking his pills consistently along with getting good marks on his recent exam.
Smut fic
Slips further into dom/sub relationship dynamics & soft dom!Tom really comes out to play (Pete finds out the wonders of being a rope bunny)
I saw him first - Slicemav
Chapter 2: Slider finds an opening when he catches Maverick alone in the locker room. Ice stumbles upon the two of them while looking for his RIO. The door ends up locked and Maverick finds himself being propositioned by both men. He’s shocked to say the least, but he’s not entirely opposed to the situation at hand.
Smut fic
Locker room sex because why not?
obey the motto - Slimav
Slider lives by the motto: flying comes first, loyalty comes second, and short pretty brunettes come last. Slider loves the feeling of being in the air, so he ensures he’ll do whatever it takes to keep that. Enter Iceman who becomes his pilot and makes sure they stay at the top by the way he flies. Then comes Maverick, the prettiest short brunet he’s met in a while. Then he witnesses the way Ice stares at Maverick and suddenly he’s reminded of his loyalty because without it, he’s not in the air being the best of the best.
Smut/angst fic
Lots of pining and unrequited love in here (between literally everybody). There will be lots of angst for Ice because Slimav is endgame in this
sweet on you - Slimav
Slider’s public distaste for Maverick to others is far from the truth. He finds himself with a soft spot for Maverick and enjoys the way they interact. It’s never-ending taunts and jokes that Maverick matches head on and makes Slider feel like he can be himself. Now he can’t stop picturing him in his bed and seeing how sweet on him he really was.
Smut fic
Friends to lovers and lots of pining
could this be more? - Slimav
Maverick keeps finding himself in someone else’s bed and then sneaking out in the middle of the night, but this time he finds himself sneaking out of bed with someone he knows personally. Slider proposes a solution.
Smut fic, possibly a multi-chapter fic
Friends with benefits to lovers!!! I’ve never done a FWB fic before so this is new, but I absolutely love the idea with Slimav
hungry for you - Slimav
Slider is face to face with temptation. Temptation’s name just so happens to be Pete “Maverick” Mitchell. Slider takes the leap and Maverick pulls him in further instead of pushing him away, much to Slider’s surprise.
Smut fic
Based on this post
you’ll always be taken care of - Goosemav/Icemav
Goose had always taken care of Mav — loved him with his whole heart. Then he dies. Goose watches Mav fall into a deep depression without being able to help. He aches to find a way to make Mav feel better again, but he can’t hear or see him. He then enlists the help of the one person who happens to hear him — Ice.
Starting out as an angst/fluff fic, but will most likely diverge into smut later on (if I decide to make this a multi-chapter)
Includes notes of depression & mentions of Goose’s death
shoulder to cry on - Icemav/Slimav
Slider is there for Maverick through his grief over losing Ice. Slider is hurting just as much at losing his best friend, but right now he’s just worried about making sure Ice’s husband is taken care of per his final request. Maverick knew that Ice was his soulmate, but somewhere along the way, Slider carves a spot into his heart.
Angst fic that will most likely diverge into a smut fic bc I can’t help myself
Everyone is hurting, then some pining happens
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castielmoriarty · 1 year
I’m probably repeating myself, but I find it very frustrating how poorly done the portrayal of Alex’s PTSD is in RNM. such a bad case of telling instead of showing. it’s mentioned several times but we never actually see it affect him at all. it’s not even made clear whether the PTSD is from the war and/or from Jesse’s abuse. it makes it hard to believe that Alex is particularly traumatized at all when they don’t seem to find a good way of ever showing it, except for in his internalized homophobia. like when Jesse is pretending to be weak after the stroke, there are times when he makes sudden aggressive movements, causing loud noises and Alex doesn’t even flinch. you want to me to believe that someone who was an abused kid would not flinch when his abuser makes a sudden move like that? even having experienced war wouldn’t cure you of being tense and skittish around your childhood abuser. that shit runs deep. there is just not the right kind of tension between them. Alex should still be tense around his dad, and he’s just not. having grown up with an emotionally, albeit not physically, abusive dad myself I’d expect to see myself in a character like Alex, but I don’t, at all. I get the vibe that the person or people who wrote their scenes does not have their own experiences of parental abuse, it just seems written from a “this is my idea of what it’d be like” type of perspective rather than that of someone having lived it, which is disappointing. and yes, I admit this frustration is in part because I’m an ahole who enjoys seeing characters I like suffer, and I would have very much liked some scenes with Alex having mental breakdowns or in some milder way being triggered. but I also really dislike mental illness being represented only through dialogue and not actually shown in any way, besides the obvious that it’s also bad writing.
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vzyee · 8 months
Wounded by percival everett im so obsessed with like every detail of this book thank you 2005 !! I mean the way that the inciting incident which is this gay hate crime. Is like kind of solved in the sense that all the evidence is presented to show that the guy they arrested for it was just the victims secret lover who got framed. But then its never actually acknowledged by any of the characters and its functionally dropped like 30 pages in.
Second. the dead wife grief plot except she was also annoying and its important that the narrator john gets to feel bad about her dying but we as readers are much more into his second wife/fiancee because shes fun and sexy and tells him she loves him once per page. And the fact that! The whole romance plot! Yet another thing from the inside cover no less! is also just like Yeah theres this lady shes into me i think i might be into her > cave sex > We're saying i love you once per page. None of this is even scratching the surface of the gay people discourse going on. The like gay son figure who's a respectable gay because he doesnt want to kiss his boyfriend in public and when his boyfriend does kiss him everyones like omg youre just doing that to be a jerk and accuse us of homophobia.. Back to the gay son figure thing. Gay son figure, Naked cave (sex cave!) spooning to cure hypothermia, narrator starts being all like Well i loved him until he did that and made it weird because now i have to grapple with my homophobic instincts..... (also the gay son figure has met this guy like perhaps three times) then starts having panic dreams where his dead wife accuses him of being gay (Because they dont have any kids!!!!! besides the gay son figure!) and every single person around him starts being like Well did you like it when he kissed you are you gay Including his new wife! who gets literally upset with him and treats it like a cheating incident but THEN that gets dropped because the gay son figure is also hate crime murdered and theres this moment where the narrators (80-year-old cancer diagnosed) uncle and this native teenager who's been mentioned like one other time are just like Okay bitches lets start mowing down neonazis ok wig!!!!!! End of book!
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worldismyne · 1 year
The Longest Sleepover: Ch 15 (End)
Summary: The first year of school did not go as planned for Harv and he’s never felt more alone. That is, until a loud kid from the saga studies course decides they’re best friends now.
(Year 1 AU, Harv deals with homophobia, Finn is oblivious.)
Series: Warrior U
Pairing: HarvFinn
Rating: T
Ao3 Link
Harv approached his home for the first time in weeks. The goats trotted about excitedly hoping for a treat or a head pat. He practically had to escort Finn to the door to keep them from munching on his very expensive clothes. Harv breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the clang of hot iron under a hammer. With his father in the smithy, it would make things easier. He entered the house with Finn close behind, his hands trembled as the door clicked shut behind him. His mother looked up from the fire pit casually, only to knock over her stool to run toward him.
"Harv!" She held him close, placing kisses on his head and cheeks. "I've been so worried." She looked over his shoulder at the stranger Harv had let into their home. Finn shifted uncomfortably and offered an awkward wave hello. "Is this your friend?" She asked.
"...In a way." Finn said. Harv peeled himself out of his mother's grasp.
"I brought money," Harv reached in his satchel and pulled out a coin purse, "it's not a lot, but it's a start."
"Harv, you don't need to do that." Clover tried to push it away, but Harv insisted.
"Is that what dad thinks too?" He asked. Her expression faltered and she ushered them to sit at the table. Finn took a seat next to him, clearly uncomfortable, but uncertain what to say.
"We saw your duel the other day," his mother said pouring tea, "it was very promising." Then they also had seen Finn crawling all over them. Harv took the tin cup a tad aggressively and sighed.
"I'm not going back." He said.
"I know." She said. "You'll do great at whatever you do, it's just a shame to see you give up so quickly." His grip tightened on the cup.
"This was a bad idea, we should-" Harv began, Finn laid a gentle hand on his arm.
"Harv deserves an apology." Finn said. "At the very least listen to what he has to say." Harv settled a little in his chair as Finn squeezed his arm. Harv knew running away had hurt his parents, his siblings, and he could only imagine the burden it put on the farm.
"I did everything I could to make you happy," Harv said, "but the one time I asked for something you didn't listen. You... made it sound like I was just being over emotional, but I was just tired of letting everyone down. I didn't like who I was becoming either." He took Finn's hand in his own. "Now that I'm on my own, at least this way I can help without... Without being a bad influence on my siblings."
"Harv, we've always been proud of you." His mother looked like she wanted to cry. "I just wanted to fix what was hurting you." She noticed the way he tensed. "I never meant to disregard your feelings. We love you so much. The last thing I wanted was for you to feel like you were hurting this family. I'm sorry."
"Then why..." Harv took a deep breath. "Why did you hide what was happening from my brothers? You told them I was looking for a cure, but I'm not. I'm staying at the witch's house because I want to." That was what hurt the most, how easily his parents had written over what he wanted without thinking of how it made him feel.
"They're just so young..."
"Even Rhodri?" Harv said. He knew his brother had already talked about courting someone rich. Those discussions seemed perfectly fine, but the moment Harv's feelings for Trevor had come up, suddenly it was taboo. "This is why I'm not coming back. I know it's been difficult, but... I have to be able to talk about myself without it being some kind of secret."
"I understand." His mother said sadly.
"And I'm not talking to dad until he's ready to apologize." Harv said, knowing the likelihood of that happening was poor at best. "If Puck or Biggie ask where I am, please tell them. I don't want them to feel like they can't talk to me." She nodded, but he could tell he'd have to ask Rhodri to pass that message along. "I just wanted to let you know I'm okay." He stood up from the table and offered her a tense hug. All in all, things could have gone worse, but he still felt like he'd reopened a healing wound. "I love you mom."
"I love you too honey." She let him go, biting her lip all the while.
"Come on Finn, let's go." Harv said. Finn hurried behind him, their tea left to cool on the kitchen table. They exited the farmhouse just as Puck had begun to bring out the goat's feed. He left the open bag where the goats could feast and ran toward them.
"Harv!" Puck clung to his leg. Harv crouched down hugging him so tight it almost hurt.
"Sorry buddy, I have to go." Harv said. The young child clung to him tighter.
"No, you can't leave. You're not allowed." Puck cried. It was hard for Harv to pry his sibling off him, but he couldn't hear the telltale sound of metalwork coming from the smithy anymore.
"Ask Rhodri to bring you over for a visit." Harv whispered in the boy's ear. "I'm sorry I have to go, but I do." He let go of his brother, despite the younger's protests. He wanted more time, but he caught sight of his father leaving the shed. They briefly made eye contact and Harv panicked. "Finn, we need to go now." They ran to the cart; his brother chased after them, nearly breaking his heart.
They drove back to the witch's house and as soon as the cart came to a stop, Harv sat in silence. Finn leaned against him, wrapping his arms around his waist. Harv's shoulders shook.
"They just need more time Harvey." Finn said sweetly, though his heart ached for the warrior. Things certainly could have gone better, but at the bare minimum they'd gotten an apology of sorts. "You'll be able to see your brothers again. Emet hangs out with Rhodri some time, we can talk to them through those two." Harv nodded mutely, trying his best to gain control of his emotions. "I'm sorry it didn't go how you hoped." Harv leaned his head against Finn's. It would be a while before he'd feel grounded enough to guide the sheep back to their shed. He'd get there eventually. For now he was content with Finn holding him.
The night of Finn's first performance with his band was... well Harv wasn't an expert, but it was not good. He'd found himself in the same music club Trevor took them to, though he went out of his way to pick a different seat. It was a small gig, with Finn's band opening for a headlining act. Unfortunately, the group still hadn't agreed on a band name and Shad was able to declare them Algal before either member could speak.
As they played their opening number, the crowd turned their attention away, talking over the performance. Some younger audience members even tried talking to Beatus who was actively playing. At the back of the room some of the gruffer attendees were tossing around a ball to keep them entertained. Where they had gotten it, Harv had no clue. Harv could see the disinterest take its toll during Finn's solo, as the blond caught sight of just how many people didn't care.
At the end of the first song, Harv swallowed his pride and stood. He clapped and cheered, generally making an utter fool of himself to be heard over the other concert goers. It caused Finn to light up with a brilliant smile and launch into his next song.
By the end of their set, the headliner still hadn't gotten ready, causing Finn's group to stall for time. They played more experimental pieces and even some of the earlier songs again when they still had to buy time. People grew restless, chanting the name of the group they actually came to see over them playing. At long last, the main act came on stage to a cheering, drunk audience and Finn was set free. Harv's empty table was suddenly swarmed by three tired bards.
"No one threw things at us!" Shad cheered, and the other bards celebrated less enthusiastically.
"The bar is that low, hunh?" Harv asked.
"Oh Harvey, no one appreciates the arts like you do." Finn sighed, snuggling up against him with a mischievous glint.
"It's not the art he's a fan of." Beatus rolled his eyes.
"Even better." Finn said and stuck out his tongue. "The last thing you need is a fan."
"Unfortunately, the bar is that low." Shad said with a sigh. "It's hard to establish yourself with less formal venues to attend at. People think since they see you walk to the stage, they're entitled to treat you the same as someone from the audience."
"Even harder since we'll have to change the name." Finn pouted. "Algal doesn't say anything about the band. It should be Fabulux or something that represents the sound, not some random thing only you know."
"I still think it should be a symbol." Beatus said.
"No one's going to know how to pronounce that." Harv added.
"Thank you, Harvey." Finn said, lacing their fingers together. "Majority rules, no symbols."
"You use your boyfriend to weigh the vote in your favor." Shad said, sensing a dangerous powerplay in motion. "He's not technically in the band anyway."
Even with everyone bickering around him, Harv smiled. Finn's friends could care less whether they were dating or not, and were rather encouraging all things considered. Finn never denied it when the term was flung as an insult, despite the fact that technically they hadn't discussed being exclusive yet. He knew when they'd get home, Leenan would be waiting to hear how the concert went and give Harv his next list of tasks. Finn would vent about the backstage drama and the pros putting them in a tough spot, and they'd stay up as late as possible before Harv would have to go back to his own room. If he opened his window a crack, he'd be able to hear Finn practicing the lyre a few doors down and be lulled to sleep by the sounds of Finn's music.
"Harvey, is everything okay?" Finn poked his cheek, having noticed his mind was elsewhere.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Harv said. "You think next time we could snag an extra ticket for my brothers?"
"Absolutely!" Finn shook him a little. "The more plants we have in the audience the better. I will not be upstaged by a ball in the audience again."
"Of course you won't." Harv pecked Finn's forehead. The blond gasped, a brilliant twinkle in his eye.
"Did you see that!?" Finn couldn't help but taunt. "Did you?" His friends rolled their eyes, already used to Finn's obsessive fascination with public displays of affection, no matter how small. No matter what Harv did, as long as Finn was by his side, he knew he'd never face silence again.
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livingecho-arch · 2 years
⚜ ・  like a shadow : i am and i am not . — MODERN VERSE !
tw : conversion therapy ( transphobia / homophobia , religious trauma , physical abuse ) , fucking BEAU AGAIN ( so emotional abuse , drug abuse ) , suicide attempt . 
vadik ( vahymn ) was raised with six other brothers . so when his wife , edith , wanted a child ⸻ he was tense . in the past he had thought about children but due to both his own childhood & mental illness he believed he would never have any . he pushed those feelings into work . vadik worked tirelessly into his coding until it bore fruit . a program named V.A.H.Y.M.N that could see or find anything you wanted - through almost any firewall . his program gained him a good paying job , a wife & well . . .  apparently a child came anyway . 
vissarion von hellbert is born on a cold winter day in moscow , russia to his mother & father . neither of them were very loving but they were not cold . simply plain . punished him when he got in trouble , praised when he did well & took him to church often . they put him into private , high end schools where he would grow well ⸻ he has his father mind . able to soak up anything told to him & build on it . improve it ! vis was a quiet kid , never really speaking put but he simply liked listening . everything was fine . 
until he dared to express himself . 
vis softly asked if he could grow his hair out at the age of seven . they allowed it . he asks for some jewelry ⸺ pretty like his mothers at the age eleven  . they bought him something masculine for his birthday . at age fourteen he cries & cries & cries as facial hairs starts to grow . his father tries to help but doesn’t understand so he asks : ❛ why are you crying , my little whale ? you’re becoming a fine young man . ❜ & vis screams out : I AM NOT A MAN !
vadik hugs his child tightly & tells him not to tell a soul . . . but his mother heard already & sends vis to ❛ therapy ❜ .
vis takes the therapy , thinking it was honest . he did have confusing ideas & troubles fitting in at school . the questions come & they only confuse him , but vis answers honestly ( ❛ i never felt like a man but i don't feel like a woman . i am adam before the creation of eve . i guess men are attractive but i don’t care for any of that - i don’t even like woman ! ❜ )  they cherry pick bible verses at him . so he cherry picks back ( ❛ jesus : blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven . jesus : A new command I give you : love one another . ) vis thinks himself smart ⸻ proud for standing up for himself . he was an honor student at one of the highest ranking schools in russia ! his father crafted perfect programs that can change the world ! he continues , thinking so highly of himself . he was untouchable . 
until the abuse becomes physical . 
he doesn’t talk about it . 
vis returns home on his sixteenth birthday : he has been ❛ cured ❜ . . . but truly ? vis learned how to lie through his teeth . he learned how to use others for his benefit . cheat his way out : IT’S A DOG EAT DOG WORLD ! once home he simply returns to the role as before ; the quiet good boy who did his homework on time & listened to his parents . but during those two years his parents fought & fought . his father stopped taking his medication & his schizophrenia worsened . his coding became deranged . he thought he was a god . in his time he became to work with AIs & crafted the first V.Y.O.T.O.U.S  ⸻ V.I.S ; named after his child .  these AIs were wildly intelligent , able to do any task set out for it in milliseconds . from mathematical equations that stumped any other programs to security when paired with V.A.H.Y.M.N . companies & other countries governments became very interested in his work .
vadik divorces his wife , takes full custody of vis & they move to the americas . 
vis never talks to his mother again . filled with fear he asks if he had to be a man here . his father says no & vis goes forward growing out his hair & buying dresses as he pleased . vis makes two friends in high school ; malachar & vanus . first time ever having friends ⸻ his father almost cries tears of joy when vis asks if they can come over . they plan to go to the same college when they graduate , all so excited for the future . once accepted ; vadik pays for an apartment for the three of them to stay at . vis decides to try to be more open - be more social but it’s hard at times . he gets invited to a college party & vis is practically glowing with joy ! he dresses up so nicely , all too much like an overly enthusiastic freshman . 
& he meets vivian beaugraud . . .  & he meets her again & again . she gives him drinks & pills that make his head spin so wonderful during her parties . she calls him beautiful & he melts in her arms . his friends tell him to slow down , don’t jump into the first person who shows you affection so quickly ! but vis doesn’t listen . he gives everything to her & they are married before the end of his second year . 
vis graduates ( double major in business & teaching ?? idk i didnt go to cool leg ) & they move into a small house together . beau ends up dropping out & going to the police academy . oh , like a good husband he supports her , values her highly & makes sure the home is taken care of while she is gone . . . but he is his father’s child . sitting still would never work . vis takes up work as a professor while building his own business ( with his fathers help , he’s a practically a millionaire ) he begins to fund himself to build schools in places where there weren’t many options ⸻ he could easily fit in nicely to politics & dabbles in it every now & then . with this , they build a large house together & everything seems perfect . . . but his wife grows resentful . . . 
beau ignores vis . he becomes desperate . she throws her parties with friends . they drink , they do drugs , sexual activities galore . frat parties like she used to do .  vis grows more desperate ; almost completely ignored during these parties & in daily life by her ⸻ like he wasn’t real . it gets to the point where vis wonders if he actually wasn’t real . he begs for her attention & she gives it , but only at these parties . it kills himself inside but he obeys ; anything to stay in her good graces . beau dresses him up & parades him around . . . & all he does his smile . until he can’t anymore . tired & high he stumbles to their bedroom & writes a note in his pocket before attempting to take his own life . 
vis is found before he could & is immediately placed into a psychiatric hospital ; where he spends a good year . during that year it was hard ⸻ he began to hallucinate , growing worse before he got better . his father & friends visited him when they could but he refused to leave his room when beau would show up . she would leave notes for him ; practically essays . for a while he would rip them up , not caring for what she had to say . until his friend malachar had his son & he was a god father . vis read the letters wondering if this  . . . sin could be fixed . could they , too , have children ? should he ? 
he returned home intome to meet his godson before his first birthday . vis loved that child more than anything in the world & beau saw that ⸻ she asked if he wanted one . oh so excited they tried & tried for years to have a child of their own ! soon enough they had a beautiful little girl : vivian von hellbert . ( still born with mermaid syndrome . vis refuses any surgery done to his new born & will have vivian decide when she's older ) 
they play the role of happy family for a while . but soon beau retreats back to her old ways : ignoring vis when he displeased her & even ignoring her child . . . vis could handle being the brunt of it , but he would NOT ALLOW HER HURT BY HER OWN MOTHER ! when vivian is three , vis files for divorce & fights for full custody of their daughter . he had collected evidence of her abusive ways through home security cameras , his journaling of events , beau’s own photos & paid her friends to testify anonymously . vis successfully gains full custody of his daughter . he refuses child support from her & also gets a restraining order . sadly , vis did not sign any prenuptial agreement as they married in such a blinding love & he was forced to give beau a large sum of his worth . it’s a small price to pay to keep vivian safe . money can be regrained . beau ends up spending & selling it anyway . 
vis hires a full time nanny named clara to help care for his daughter . when vivian is seven , he asks if she would like her ❛ one and a half ❜ leg be removed in favor or two ❛ robot legs ❜ . she says yes & they go forward with getting her prosthetics . it takes her a year to fully heal & learn how to walk , but vis cries when he sees her run in their backyard for the first time . 
vis is in his late thirties , early forties , clara is in her twenties & vivian is eight . beau is in her thirties , vadik is in his sixties & edith is also in her sixties . 
random shit i like to think happened :
- when vivian was born , vis’ mother called to congratulate him . instead of saying thank you vis goes into heavy detail about how he’s slept with both men & woman , as well as making sure she knows his wife likes him in dresses . edith never calls again .
- vadik ends up going legally blind & has a nurse who stays with him . they visit vis & vivian often & likes to do little science projects with vivian :) 
- vis had a wheelchair elevator installed in his house as well as also adjustments to help vivian feel like the more comfortable & independant . sometimes she still uses her wheelchair so vis makes sure those adjustments remain even after she gains her prosthetics . she has a tendency to forget to charge her legs so she gets stuck often . 
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friendofthecrows · 2 years
Yo, can I tell you the story of how my dad stopped being homophobic?
So he LOVES ice skating movies. He used to watch "The Ice Princess" with me on any occasion I would let him. He really likes the wholesome, inspirational themes that they often have.
So I tell him about Yuri On Ice, saying it's about learning to believe in yourself, and not letting doubts or past failures stop you from getting up and trying again. It's about family, love, and unlikely friendships, full of quirky characters and comedy. And of course, lots of skating.
So he agrees to watch it with me. At first, he's a bit pissy about the homosexuality aspect. When I ask him if he liked it after the first couple of episodes the was like "yeah, but not...those parts." He asks if we can watch more. Over the next couple of weeks, we finish the show.
At some point afterward he makes some comment about gay people, and I look him in the eye and say, "would you say that about Victor and Yuri?" in the most genuine, serious voice I can muster.
And so my dad has this horrified look of realization and goes, "...Of course I wouldn't."
He genuinely, as far as I can tell, stopped being homophobic after that. I could make some statements about the power of stories but it's just so funny: Gay Ice Skating Anime Cures Homophobia
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allwaswell16 · 3 years
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A fic rec of One Direction fics that crossover with or take place in another universe/fandom as requested in this ask. Thanks to the Rare Pair gc for helping me find some rare pairs for this rec! You can find my other fic recs here. Remember to leave kudos and comments to the writers if you enjoy the fics! Happy reading!
💘 Take My Breath Away by @realitybetterthanfiction
(E, 153k, Top Gun crossover, pilot Harry, flight instructor Louis, character injury, ptsd, angst with a happy ending, smut)
There is a prestigious school in the British Royal Navy classified as Premier Delta - or as it is known by its flyers, 1D.
💘 somewhere in between lightning by jassy117, @shiningdistraction / shiningdistractionwrites, @nauticalleeds
(E, 99k, Love Island crossover, reality show, exes to lovers, getting back together, pining, miscommunication, summer, law student Louis, baker Harry, sexual tension, smut)
A summer gone wrong (or very right) when, under Liam’s persuasion, Louis finds himself drunkenly applying for Love Island, and getting accepted.
💘 Who Painted the Moon Black by throughthedark
(E, 95k, Hunger Games crossover, angst, violence, friendship, romance, prostitution, mental health issues, happy ending)
Hunger Games AU where Louis Tomlinson is district six's victor from the 69th Hunger Games and Harry Styles is district seven's victor from the 72nd Hunger Games
💘 Felt Nothing Like Home by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird
(E, 61k, Bon Appetit crossover, friends to lovers, baker Harry, chef Louis, divorce, post divorce, sexual tension, flirting, youtube, fluff, smut)
The Bon Appétit YouTube channel has become an unexpected success partly due to the newest series developed by classically trained pastry chef Harry Styles who is intent on making the art of baking accessible to the masses.
💘 like cabbages and kings by you_explode / @nobodymoves
(E, 60k, Alice in Wonderland crossover, magic, magical tattoos, pining, friends to lovers, childhood friends, royal Harry, drug use, fantasy, smut)
When Louis was a kid, he had a series of very vivid dreams about a place called Wonderland.
💘 you came into my life by @disgruntledkittenface
(M, 57k, Queer Eye crossover, firefighters, closeted character, coming out, pining, fluff, slow dancing, kissing, smut)
When the Queer Eye cast and crew sweep into Louis’ small town and fire station to make over his best friend and coworker Liam, Louis’ carefully constructed walls start to fall down and he has to face his fears – and the only guy he’s ever been able to see a future with.
💘 As We Were, As We Are by @jaerie
(E, 51k, Dunkirk crossover, Harry as Alex, WWII, violence, injury recovery, amnesia, ptsd, smut)
Alex is a British soldier who has been injured in battle, Louis is a RAF pilot with amnesia.
💘 But I’m the Quarterback by 4ureyesonly28 / @evilovesyou
(E, 51k, But I'm a Cheerleader crossover, conversion therapy, religious guilt, homophobia, self harm, angst with a happy ending, strangers to friends to lovers, first time)
At True Directions, Harry meets four other boys and five girls, all there to be cured of their homosexuality.
💘 a promise lives within you now by sarcasticfluentry
(E, 45k, Lord of the Rings crossover, fantasy, Middle Earth, elf Louis, human Harry, royalty, friends to lovers, soulmates)
Louis is an Elven prince, next in line to become King of Mirkwood, and Harry is the orphaned Human boy who grows up alongside him.
💘 Just Me, Him, and the Sun and Moon by @sadaveniren
(M, 45k, Pokemon crossover, action/adventure, tournament, falling in love, farmer Harry, professor Louis, angst with a happy ending, smut)
a gratuitous Pokemon AU featuring farmer!harry, professor!louis, paradise, pokemon battles, love, and the fate of the world
💘 Breakable Heaven by amomentoflove / @daggerandrose
(E, 44k, Greek Mythology crossover, Hades, Persephone, kidnapping, falling in love, dark Harry)
“I think you’re the most magnificent creature I’ve ever met.”
💘 Love Like Wildfire by perfectdagger (sincerelyste) / @whatevertearsyou
(E, 21k, Harry Potter crossover, a/b/o, alpha Harry, omega Louis, Hogwarts, established relationship, friends to lovers, fluff, smut)
Louis was an Omega and a Prefect. Harry was an Alpha and a little rascal.
💘 You Tilted My Hand by @taggiecb
(G, 12k, Anne of Green Gables crossover, university, newspaper, small town, Canada, photographer Harry, artist Harry, writer Louis, insecurity)
Harry Styles arrives in Avonlea, Prince Edward Island for his first day of a coveted and prestigious summer internship at the Avonlea Chronicle.
💘 If Only We Wish Hard Enough by @lululawrence
(NR, 5k, Peter Pan crossover, Louis as Peter Pan, Harry as Tinkerbell, friends to lovers, innocence, pining, fluff, no smut)
the five times fic where Louis is Peter Pan, Harry is his best friend Tinkerbelle, and it takes them awhile but they figure things out
💘 Love's Extraction by asphodelknox / @iamasphodelknox
(NR, 3k, Star Wars crossover, established relationship, kidnapping, rescue mission)
Louis and Niall are kidnapped by Imperial spies on the planet Taris. Harry, Liam, and Zayn set out to rescue them.
-Rare Pair-
💘 Little Lion Man by @writcraft
(E, 123k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw, Harry Potter crossover, Hogwarts, age difference, coming of age, hurt/comfort, grief, ghosts, kink exploration, smut)
It’s his final year at Hogwarts, and Louis can’t wait to leave for good.
💘 tonight make me unstoppable by @1000-directions
(T, 20k, Louis/Bucky Barnes, Marvel crossover, Starbucks, PTSD, anxiety)
Bucky rolls and he rolls until he changes his luck.
💘 Nice Boys Sometimes Kiss Like That by yeah_alright / @uhoh-but-yeah-alright
(T, 7k, Harry & David Rose, Schitt's Creek crossover, pre-canon, strangers to friends, gallery opening)
Harry Styles showing up at David Rose’s latest gallery opening is certainly unexpected.
💘 Premier Fantasies by @haztobegood
(E, 3k, Harry/Ted Lasso, Ted Lasso crossover, coach Ted, kit man Harry, age difference, light d/s, smut)
Catching glimpses of Coach Lasso standing on the sidelines during matches had been one thing, but standing next to him on the sidelines was another.
💘 Copy of a Copy of a Copy by @fallinglikethis
(T, 3k, Zayn/Liam, Eureka crossover, scientists, scientist Zayn, sheriff Liam, exes to lovers, pranks, love confessions)
When a lab demonstration goes wrong, suddenly there are many Zayn Maliks running around town.
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akimarshmallow · 2 years
You can't be a queer ally and also support or apologize for the Mormon Church. Even if you're queer yourself.
You can't say that you hate homophobia and then turn around and give 10% of your income to rich bigots and say "well the church isn't that bad! I still believe in love and that heavenly father loves all his children even if the prophet sometimes makes a silly little mistake and says something hateful and homophobic :)"
As if the culture in the church doesn't breed an environment where queer kids are unsafe and have high rates of depression and suicide
As if they didn't do electroshock therapy and conversion therapy at BYU
As if the LDS church didn't support prop 8
If you're gay and still happy in the church then good for you, but don't pretend to be an ally.
And don't try to tell me that those were just mistakes and that the church leaders were just mislead, because Oaks gives a homophobic/transphobic talk every fucking year at GC.
Mormons don't clown in the notes I don't give a shit about your shitty excuses, I've already heard them all
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musingsofmyown · 2 years
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Missing Case #007
  [All trigger warnings are in the tags as well: drinking tw, past trauma tw, abuse tw, refrences to violence tw, homophobia tw, toxic christianity tw. If any of these are sensitive to you, then please do not read]
Harry and John never got along, that was pure and simple fact. 
  They were too much alike, always butting heads, yelling nonsense, shouting insults, anything went with them. Harry was a grand four years older than John, which wasn’t much but it was still enough to create a large gap between them. Though there were moments, few and far between, that brought them together.
  John had always wanted to be a doctor, he played ‘pretend clinic’ ever since he was a kid, and soon, all that practice would pay off. 
  Harry was gay. That’s the long and the short of it. She had girlfriends, some stayed longer than others, and she was happy with them. But their father, Mr. Watson, hated it. He was ‘a Christian man’, there is nothing more un-Chrisian-like than striking your child for loving someone, and firmly believed that love, of any kind, should be between man and woman. He had beaten Harry for loving girls, and that terrified John. Because in secret, he had a few ‘experiences’ with boys, and if his father ever found out, John may not make it out alive.
  One evening, after his usual rugby practice, he came home to an eerily quiet family. His mum and dad sat on the sofa watching some nonsense show, Harry was nowhere to be seen. John soon went upstairs to find his sister laying in the bathroom, beaten and silent.
  “Harry, Harry are you okay?” He held her in his lap, hoping to god she wasn’t hurt too badly.
  “Never better,” Sarcastic as ever.
  “Here sit against the wall,” The bathroom was small, but it fit both of them well enough to shut the door,”God, I’m so sorry I wasn’t here-”
  “Johnny boy, you can’t always protect me,”She smiled, lip busted,”I’m moving out next year, and I’ve talked to mum, she’s leaving dad and buying a house for you and her to live in.”
  He was conflicted, but set his feelings aside for now,”Let me patch you up.”
  There was a medkit under the sink, it was fully stocked. They kept it full-up because John was a rugby player, he got all sorts of bumps and cuts, but right now, right now it was going to help Harry,”I remember when you were little and you cured my headaches with bandaids on my forehead.”
  “Now I know that paracetamol works a bit better,”He dryly chuckled,”Here let me see.”
  John was gentle with Harry, knowing that she was probably all sorts of bruised and banged up from her confrontation with Mr. Watson. He slowly tended to the visible cuts and made sure she didn’t have any broken ribs, bruised more likely,”Take some more painkillers later, before bed.”
  “Aye, will do Dr. Watson.”
  “Here, water,”He took the water bottle from his rugby bag and handed it to her, still cold from earlier,”Keep yourself hydrated.”
  “You’ll get into medical school, and you’ll be the best and bravest doctor out there, Johnny boy.”
  He internally keened at the praise,”I hope so Harry.”
  A few decades later, he found himself in 221b Baker Street with his madman of a flatmate, Sherlock Holmes. In their line of work, scratches and injuries were an occupational hazard. So as he stitched a cut on Sherlock’s arm, he smiled at the tender moment shared between him and his sister.
  “Having fun playing doctor?” Sherlock inquired, more sarcastic than a genuine question.
  “Just remembering patching up Harry.”
  A moment passed,”I’m sorry… for what your father did to both of you.”
  “It’s in the past now, Sherlock,” he brushed the detective’s hair back with his wrist, his hand holding forceps,”and I am honoured to call you my husband,” he kissed Sherlock’s forehead, earning a satisfied hum in response.
End Case-
(and back to our regularly scheduled cases tomorrow)
^^Previous Case!!^^
@atomiccollectorcreation-blog @train-mossman @tjlcarchives @neverquiteeden @rhasima @bisexual-confusion @whatnext2020 @helloliriels @totallysilvergirl @jobooksncoffee @safedistancefrombeingsmart @iwannahavefrecklessodamnbad @7-percent @timberva @everyonebeatmetothegoodnames @erinswriting @myfirstisthefourth @salmonsown
(let me know if you want to be added or taken off!!!)
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merlinfic · 3 years
Reader’s Recs!
Matters of the Heart by a_written_dream
T | 12,387 | Canon | Summary: “You must find the person Arthur truly loves,” the Dragon says, and this time it’s Merlin who wants to laugh.
“Arthur doesn’t love anyone, not since Gwen,” he says, certain of it.
The air rumbles with the Dragon’s laughter. “It seems you do not know your prince quite as well as you thought, young warlock.”
A 2x10 Sweet Dreams rewrite. After the ordeal with Hengist, Gwen and Arthur decide they are better suited as friends. Arthur still gets enchanted to fall in love with Lady Vivian, Merlin still tries to save his royal ass, and True Loves' Kiss is still the cure. But if Gwen isn't Arthur's true love, then who could it possibly be?
Maybe You Could Be Mine by ingberry
E | 11,345 | Modern AU, High School | WARNINGS: Homophobia | Summary: Merlin is busy with school, work, and a mom who wants him to go to prom. He doesn’t have time for dating any of the rich kids at school, but he hadn’t considered that Arthur Pendragon isn’t quite what he expected. The differences between them threaten to keep them apart, but maybe they can find a way.
Or the Pretty in Pink AU where everyone is queer
Not Some Blushing Prude by vintagelilacs
E | 18,552 | Modern AU | Summary: Arthur gets dared to purchase from a sex shop to prove he isn't some delicate, blushing prude, thank you very much, Morgana.
He finds he’d much rather take the sales associate home with him than any of the vast assortment of vibrators and dildos. Even if Merlin is the most insufferable person he's ever met.
And None But Fools by horsecrazy
E | 42,994 | Modern AU | Summary: “Anyway, I was thinking, I’ve got loads of attractive friends, and not a single one I can actually sleep with. Gwaine: not into blokes. Percival: same problem. Gwen: with Lance. Lance: see Gwen. Morgana: I totally would, but you’d kill me.” Arthur scowled at him. “What about me?” “What about you?” “You didn’t even list me!” “Of course I didn’t list you, you tit, you’re my best mate; it would be weird.” “But it wouldn’t be weird for you to sleep with your best mate’s sister, who is a murderous harpy? She’d probably poison you.” “Yeah, but she’s really hot.” Merlin dropped a tidily rolled pair of socks into the luggage. “And I’m not?” Arthur demanded.
In which Merlin will not consider Arthur for a friends with benefits scenario, and Arthur is fine with it. Perfectly fine. And in which they go on holiday together, and Merlin changes his mind. It's not an astronomically stupid idea at all.
Thanks to @bloopulse for sending in these recs!
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crossdreamers · 2 years
Hi! I know this is sudden, and I'm sorry for bothering you with a question, but I have something that I've been struggling with for a while
I have trans friends. I'm nonbinary myself. I tell myself and other people that there's nothing wrong with being trans. Except, I think, despite that, I still have biases against it
To be clear, I don't Want to be biased against trans people. Yet, I still have hesitations and I think I get uncomfortable with the topic sometimes. I've been trying to change my thinking to avoid this, and I'm really worried that my biases are going to hurt people I really care about
I want to become the most supportive person I can be and I don't want to become someone who works against the community. Is there any recourses I can look into to be more open and more loving towards trans people? What can I do to prevent these biases from occuring?
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"I don't want to be biased against trans people"
Prejudices, biases and stereotypes are essential parts of what it means to be human. We cannot know everything, so we use stereotypes and biases as shortcuts to navigate the world.
That is simply a fact of life.
The problem is that if these biases are born out of a social system that aims at excluding some types of people, they will be oppressive and destructive.
Many grow up in social settings where misogyny, racism, homophobia and transphobia have become essential parts of the dominant mental maps of the people in power.
Included or excluded
These prejudices are reflected in the stories people tell each other in order to determine who are "in" and who are "out", who are considered "normal" and "safe" and who are considered a threat to the existing social order.
Social progress is normally a process whereby these implicit prejudices are made explicit. By holding up mirrors, we can make people see their own prejudices, so that the biases are no longer are considered given or self-evident.
What happens is that for them those excluded become included. They now see queer and trans people as people instead of "The Others".
You have already been through that process. The rest is easy compared to this.
Remnants of disgust
Why is it that some still feel some hostility or even disgust after having understood the destructive nature of their own biases?
It is mostly because we have internalized these prejudices when young. Our hostility is not intellectual, it is emotional. It is anchored in our bodies.
Homophobic and transphobic parents and peers often punish kids for gender transgressions and express disgust when they see or talk about queer people. That disgust becomes part of the emotional systems of those children.
The cure is to be around queer and trans people long enough to feel your common humanity. To see that we all are people, with out joys and our suffering, with our good sides and bad sides.
Again: You are already aware of all of this. Cut yourself some slack, and give yourself some time to adapt to this view of the world. And you can talk to other queer, trans and nonbinary people about this. You are, after all, already part of the LGBTQA family.
Illustration: Farakos
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monsterboyfriend · 2 years
📕 fanfic plot please!
Here's a Glee one (the Cohenofsky brOTP) that I talked about in discord:
In an alternate Season 3, Tina's dad gets a very lucrative job opportunity in Akron, resulting in her moving far from Lima and attending Carmel High instead. She is devastated by this and tries to find her place at this new school. In some ways, without her fellow gleeks' emotional support, she even regresses a bit to her S1 self. She can't even lean on Mike for support. She finds herself alone and without a creative outlet. In a fit of desperation, she tries out for Vocal Adrenaline, coached by Jesse St James. And who does she meet at the auditions but Dave Karofsky.
When Dave came out to his parents over the summer, his parents had wildly different reactions. His father was accepting, if a little perplexed, but his mother was hellbent on finding a cure. This resulted in an incredibly messy, ongoing divorce. To shield Dave from the drama, his father sent him to live with his aunt and uncle in Akron. What's worse is that he's forced to repeat junior year due to failing his classes last year. Although he originally planned to keep a low profile at Carmel, his cousin Harmony's interest in show choir made him her ride home, so there he was.
Vocal Adrenaline highly prioritizes dancing skills over singing ability, since they usually only have one star singer to lead them in competition. As a result, unless you are exceptionally vocally gifted, your best bet for auditioning is an impressive enough dance routine. Harmony knows this, and has been working on a set with Dave for a month. With competition so heated, Dave never expected to get in, so being accepted along with Harmony is a huge shock to him (and cause for a crisis).
Tina, on the other hand, goes the riskier route, prioritizing vocals and stage presence and impressing Jesse in the process (Journey To The Past from the movie Anastasia). In truth, Jesse also sees Tina's former membership to the New Directions as a great opportunity for psychological warfare against them.
And so Tina and Dave are thrusted into the brutal routines and cutthroat politics of this champion show choir.
Unfortunately, VA has fallen onto hard times. After they failed to win Nationals, most of the forever-seniors elected to graduate rather than stick around. The fact that the school hired Jesse, a college dropout with no credentials beyond being a former member of VA to coach is not a good sign at all, considering that previous coaches had extensive backgrounds in Hollywood and Broadway and most had performing arts degrees. So there's a lot of pressure on Jesse to win Nationals. Otherwise, Vocal Adrenaline will see huge cuts to their budget and people will stop sending their talented kids to Carmel. The prestige of VA will fade, and the boost these midwestern teens would get in their future careers, their one foot in the door to stardom, will be gone.
So Jesse is tasked with assembling an almost all new VA and win Nationals all while finding his footing as a first-time show choir coach.
To Jesse, Vocal Adrenaline is best thought of as a single organism, everyone perfectly in sync with one another with a near-telepathic bond. Meanwhile, Dave and Tina, but especially Dave, stick out like a sore thumb. Dave, who sings quietly and blushes at certain dance moves, and Tina, who looks perpetually terrified of her fellow teammates, are assigned a choreographed duet together by Jesse to sing in front of the club and to tackle their lack of confidence.
The song? Lollipop by MIKA. An objectively good song, but horrifying for Dave.
"I don't feel comfortable singing about sucking too hard on a lollipop," he tells Jesse, but Jesse came prepared. He knew Tina from his brief stint at McKinley, but Dave Karofsky was a mystery, so he dug deeper. And Jesse's like, I know what this is about. I see you and your homophobia. Of course you'd hate singing anything that could even erroneously be interpreted as gay. Don't even think about pulling that same shit here.
"If you have an issue with it, work through it," he says. "There's no place for embarrassment in show choir. As for you," he turns to Tina. "You need to learn to trust your teammates. You have a problem with Dave? I don't care, as long as you can perform with him. You both have issues. Work it out, or you're off the team."
Although Tina has her reservations about Dave, they quickly become good friends and manage to perform their duet marvelously and with amazing chemistry. They even go on a date together, in which Dave really wants to have romantic feelings for her, but then admits he's gay and that he's sorry for leading her on. She forgives him and they remain close.
They're very tactile as friends and often get mistaken for a couple, which they calmly say they're not. If people didn't believe them, that was their problem. Tina had offered to be his beard but Dave wouldn't allow it because Tina was still looking for a boyfriend and Dave didn't want her to be labeled a cheater. Not to mention, having a beard would be a step backwards for him, too. In any case, it was clear that they loved each other in that easy way that close friends do.
They even manage to find friends within VA. There's of course Harmony, Dave's little cousin, but also Chandler (Dave thinks he might be gay but is afraid to ask), and Wade Adams (who's name is Unique in private as she's not out yet). The five of them hang out a lot outside of school.
Jesse reaches out to New Directions for a "friendly" competition much like in S6. It's still decided to be hosted at McKinley since it's between Akron and Westerville. Jesse plans to showcase Tina and Dave in order to psych out ND (as well as give them an opportunity for solos since it'll only be Wade in competitions). However, ND has secretly planned for hecklers to show up for VA in retaliation for the Night of Neglect last year, not knowing Tina is in VA.
VA only finds out once they're backstage, and Tina's freaking out because they're opening with her solo. Tbh Dave is freaking out too because his old friends are in the crowd and his solo is after hers. But they both realize that they won't be alone on stage and that they have each other and their friends to back them up, which gives them enough confidence to get through their set.
Tina never told anyone in ND that she joined VA bc, tbh, she was a bit ashamed. Now though, she was only ashamed she didn't tell them sooner. She sings Break The Ice by Britney Spears, and she never felt more powerful. Most of the audience is either stunned that it's Tina or by how hot the performance was. When Dave takes centerstage to sing Working For The Weekend, the audience is thoroughly stunlocked. The dancing is getting even more impressive with backflips and shit. And Dave is belting the hell out of him. They end on The Chain by Fleetwood Mac (which Glee should have covered in the Rumours episode btw like wth). It's such a perfect blend of voices like 😚🤌 perfect and you can also hear individual members' voices.
So after the finish, Jesse is backstage thinking damn, that had heart and soul in it. I've never heard that in VA before. Huh. Anyway, he greets them with a smile like "Tina, you were amazing. Dave, I'm so proud of you," while squeezing his shoulder. They're both stunned bc Jesse has never been this complimentary before but also Dave is like "😍 is this what love feels like?" Little does he know that Tina is thinking the same exact thing.
Tbc I guess. I've already had this in my drafts for too long.
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