#i kissed them shut up i vouch
biancalattei · 9 months
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captured to smother them with kisses mwah mwah mwah!! 💋💋💋
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between-two-fandoms · 1 month
Thinking about after Buck and Tommy have been dating a while, and they're like having Maddie and Chim around for dinner or something, and it's getting late and Tommy and Buck are cleaning up and have settled into easy domesticity and Maddie and Chimney are having their own little conversation still at the table, but Maddie is watching because that's her brother and she's curious. Buck is talking about whatever his latest research subject is and he realises he's been talking for like ten-minutes straight and that Tommy hasn't been able to get a word in (not that he wants to because he likes listening to Buck) and Buck kind of bashfully apologises for rambling and Tommy just jokingly goes "that's okay, I love you anyway." And Buck doesn't clock it, and him and Tommy continue on, but Maddie does. Because she remembers her brother when he was hurt and yelling at their parents. She remembers younger Evan with his broken bones and desperate eyes, and she's looking at Evan now and he's calm and happy and knows without a doubt that he is loved.
Sorry, my replies tend to be three times the length they probably should be. I just like to babble about how much I love these characters. Sorry for any typos or grammar errors I don't know how to shut up sometimes.
My heart. Nonnie you're making me feel things. Maddie would be so happy for Evan. She's a little hesitant about Tommy at first, he's Buck's first boyfriend. It's all new waters, she's his sister, it's in her blood to be nervous for him. But she trusts her brother's judgment and Tommy seemed like a good guy at the wedding. Plus Chimney vouched for him, he's probably not the worst guy her brother could fall for. (More under cut)
Her sweet, precious, little brother who just wanted to be loved found someone. He found someone who loves him anyway. Evan found someone who she can see loves him so, so much. She didn't have to look too closely to see it. It's not a fake, surface-level puppy dog love either. What surprises her the most is that this is Evan, not Buck, in her kitchen with this person who's opened the world to him. It's Evan who's smiling and rambling and gentle and kind. It's been so long since she's seen him be Evan, and not live with the weight of Buck on his shoulders.
She knows in her Big Sister Bones that Tommy's someone who will keep her little brother's heart safe. Maddie will never be able to explain to Tommy what that means to her in words. But she watches them. (maybe not as subtle as she hoped). She watches her brother interact with him, watches Evan be all happy and relaxed and content. Unafraid to love and unafraid to be loved back.
She listens to how Tommy speaks to her brother. In a low, deep timbre that settles into Evan's bones. Tommy speaks like Evan was made to be cherished, holding his cheek as if Evan was his entire world, standing in her kitchen as they put dinner away. Tommy looks content too, enamored from the sheer energy radiating off of Evan as the night continues. As if being able to have Evan is enough, as if Tommy knows her brother doesn't have to be anything but himself to be worthy of love.
She sees the look in Tommy's eyes and is suddenly reminded of Chimney, reminded of the love she shares with her husband. She thinks Tommy already knows how special it is for Evan to choose you, to be important in Evan's life. She wonders if Evan has realized how gone for the Pilot is for him, probably not. She loves her brother but he can be a bit stupid unless someone spells it out for him. Still though, can tell Tommy's planning on sticking around for a long time, and she hopes he does. Evan and Tommy are good together, good for each other. She relaxes into Chimney's chest, leaning back as they watch Buck and Tommy try to set up a game of Pictionary. "So what do you think?" Chimney whispers, setting Maddie's wine glass aside for her. She looks up and kisses him on the chin.
"I like him," she says, smiling when Tommy somehow gets stuck in the legs of the whiteboard stand trying to set it up. Buck helps him get out of it, then plants a kiss on his lips, all rosy-cheeked and sappy. Yeah, Maddie thinks, Tommy's worthy of her little brother's heart.
I love supportive big sister Maddie with my whole chest.
If anyone's interested I might make this a fic. Maddie's POV ofc.
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justwonder113 · 4 months
Showering Seungmin with affection
Bang Chan; Lee Know ; Changbin; Hyunjin; Han; Felix; IN;
Part 2 Here
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Summary: Everything between you and Seungmin was a competition and to win and make him shut up you were even willing to kiss him sensless Warning: Gender neutral reader but if I missed anything please let me know; Bold reader; mentions of consumption of alcohol; Both reader and Seungmin are little bit tipsy; some cursing because I'm cute like that; reader feeling a bit claustrophobic at the beginning. Seungmin being hit on by a drunk girl; unclear feelings; Both reader and Seungmin are brats and really chaotic to put it simply; Bit graphic descriptions of possible scenarios. Making out in the middle of nowhere; Slightly suggestive; Please notify me if I missed something. A/N- I really hope you will like it, It's not really enemies to lovers but It's the first time I've written something inspired by the dynamic. I'm really curious on anything you have to say so please feel free to interact Word count-4.7k
You loved your friends, you really did, but sometimes you just couldn't understand them. It was beyond your imagination why they chose to go to a bar on your first day of vocation, as the first thing to do here. There were so many things to do!
Lately you've been really swarmed with work and it really took it's toll on you, so as a way to unwinde you and your friends alligned your schedules together and decided to go to a winter resort. You arrived just today, and you already fell in love. It was the type of place you see in tvshows and movied. It was a place straight out of fairytail. You were simply mesmerized by this place and you wanted nothing more than to explore every part of it, to get aquitanced with this majestic place, but, unfortunately for you, convincing your friends to go with you was more challenging than you could think it would be. They kept insisting that they were too tired from the road and just wanted to relax and drink today. It kind of bummed you out when no one out of so many people shared the same idea as you. You pondered over the idea to go exploring by yourself, but you also didn't really feel like roaming unknown places in the middle of the night all alone.
Okay, to be fair, Seungmin vouched for you and said it was a good idea to go. But it was Seungmin! Everyone and their mama knew that you two didn't get along with each other. You had conflicated feelings about him, you were by any means no friends but you respected him, but you also really hated how narcissistic, snobbish and so rude! He was like the human boquet of the quialities you disliked in a person. You knew he's an unique character from the start, you were even intrigued by it for a while, you only started hating him when he something Snarky and rude to your best friend. YOUR FUCKING BEST FRIEND! Of course it was eons ago and your best friend was way past over this and now was friends with him, but still. Your friend also explained that he was just like that and didn't mean half of the things he said. That you would just get him if you gave it time and effort but here you were. He failed in your eyes once and there was no going back. Sometimes you pondered of you should let go of the negative feelings, after all he was in your friend group and people were getting tired of your constant bickering. Truth be told, you thought that it was a huge progress from your side that you were now more benevolent and maybe even more friendly towards him. At least you could be in a room with him and parttake in conversations that involved him. By all means you were not friends, you had this weird rivalry between you. You didn't even know when it started but now everything was just competitions between you. And you took great pride whenever you beat him. You just loved rubbing your victories in his face and teasing him about it, but sadly, when you lost he always returned the energy sometimes even ten times more just to piss you off. He was just a huge brat! And to think that only Kim fucking Seungmin was on same wavelength as you.
You took another shot as if on reflex. You wouldn't lie, you enjoyed yourself. Hanging out with your friends was always a pleasure, you had comfortable and had fun with extended friend group it was nice to meet up together after a while ,but you couldn't help but feel restless. Also alcohol didn't hit right today, you were worst kind of drunk, your mind was fully alert while your body felt like it was slowed down and didn't fully listen to you. You tried to engage in conversations but most seemed like they were already out of it, some of them were dancing without a care in the life, you saw few of them chatting up with people. You sighed this wasn't how you imagined your first day of vocation. The main reason you felt overjoyed to go here was that you were tired of being surrounded by four walls constantly and that's what you were doing now, you were stuck in this stuffy place. You didn't want to be a buzzkill but you were getting really restless here. It felt so staffy and full that you felt like you couldn't breathe properly. So after a few you just excused yourself grabbed your coat and went outside.
The cold air caressing your skin immediately soothed your senses, you felt like you could finally breathe again. You looked around the streets were mostly empty, it was way past midnight after all, everyone was probably at home. The streets were lit by vintage looking streetlights which eluminated soft yellowish glow. The streeets were covered with thick layer of fresh snow which crunched with every step you took. What you loved the most other than calmness of this small old city was that how beautiful it looked in the night. The scenery looked like one from the old french drawings you see in antique stores. Also it just simply amazeed you how mesmerizing it was to watch it snow on lampion lights. The snowflakes looked extra beautiful on the light. You were really glad you decided to go here.
The sound of the familliar voice made you groan in distaste. Couldn't let you be at peace for a minute huh? You turned around to scold jim for ruining your perfect picture but the sight had you let's just say rendered speechless. He wasn't alone, he was with some girl who was literally hanging on his arm for dear life? Was she flirting with him? She was really beautiful and stunning, but why did he look so awkward? You scoffed, sure he was really handsome and pretty too but really? Him? Or has he not opened his mouth yet?... You didn't like it.
You prepared yourself to leave this perfect place and go inside when you heard Seungmin say that he wasn't interested and ask to respect his boundaries. You were going to ignore it and just mind your business, you just didn't like how this girl kept pushing despite him declining her offers. Honestly what happened to taking no as an answer? This was just plain disrespectful.
You groaned out and approached them while cursing at yourself. Couldn't you just mind your business? "Baby there you are! I was just going to call you! Do you see how prettily it is snowing? Lets' take some pictures!" You tried to sound as sweet as possible while trying not to die from cringing too hard at yourself. Seungmin's eyes almost went up to his forehead. What a dumbass- you thought as you stood next to him and hugged his armn. "Who's this?" You acted all confused, honestly, you felt like you deserved an oscar. Seungmin atammered for an answer while the girl pouted ar you. She definerly had too much to drink. Where were her friends? Why was she alone?
"You're together?" She looked dishartened, what a poor thing.
"Yes, I tried to explain but you wouldn't listen." Seungmin sighed. The girl pouted, looking offended suddenly she started huffing-" There's no way you're toghether!" Oh she was getting annoying now, you glared at her, how dare she doubt you "I beg your pardon?"
"I've been here with my friends all evening, you two didn't even talk not even once, how would that make you a couple?" So she's been stalking Seungmin all evening, kind of creepy. You were really hating whis whole interaction so damn much!
"Okay I will prove it to you then no problem." You turned to Seungmin who looked confused, unaware of what you were planning to to. You couldn't blame him you also had no idea what the fuck came to you. He looked at you for a second but then gave you a nod, giving you a green light to do whatever you deemed nescessary. You iternally thanked yourself for taking all those shots earlier, there was no way you could do this sober. You grabbed Seungmin by his collar brought him to you and smashed your lips against his. Seungmin immediately leaned into the kiss and kissed you back. Suddenly you were surrounded by him, his soft lips, his warmth, his hands around your waist which felt so hot you felt them through your coat, the intoxicating smell of his perfume. Never woud you have imagined that you would love kissing the Kim Seungmin this much. You mentally counted up till five and then leaned back, already missing the touch. The girl sighed in defeat and left you. This had to be one of the weirdest interactions you've ever had. Well it was another win on your side so you didn't really care.
You quickly let go of Seungmin once you made sure the girl left you two. You had to get out of here so you started walking towards random direction, you had to be anywhere but with him. What the fuck had come onto you? How could you kiss him like that? You don't kiss people you're supposed to hate! It was so embarassing, you wanted the ground to swallow you whole, there's no way you could look him in the eyes after this.
You knew he followed after you by the sound of hurried footsteps and crunching snow, not as satisfying sounding when you're running from your problems, or one big problem called Kim Seungmin.
"Thank you for helping me our there, it was getting really awkward." He said it as if you just casually get him out of the situaation. How was he so calm? Was he even human? Did he even feel even ounce of human emotions, except maybe the need to be annoying all the time. You took a deep breath, there's no way you would show it to him how much this affected you. "Didn't know you had thank you in your vocabulary, the more you know huh?" He scoffed,"don't be a brat." you couldn't help but chuckle, "there you go being your charming old self. seungmin grinned. Oh no. " So you think I'm charming?"He looked at you with "Innocent" smile which made you groan, he sure had a talent for being annoying. "Goodbye." You were not in mood for his teasing. You were somewhere in this city might as well explore it. You thought that Seungmin listened to you for once and left you but no, he had to start yelling in the middle of the night while everyone normal slept "You're the one who kissed me but now you're the one running away?" God sure blessed him to be the most infuriating little creature that ever excisted.
"First of all don't be loud it's middle of the night and people might be sleeping, also I'm not running away, I just don't like to be with you. I'm already starting to regret that I helped you, I should've just minded my business." Seungmin looked unamused.
"But you didn't. You stayed and helped me. You even went as far and kissed me!"
"You're really annoying do you know that?" He smirked and you instantly regretted not ignoring him, so what if he woke half the people here? You didn't know anyone here. Seungmin got closer to you. "While are you backing down and trying to run away from me? Is it that you're flustered baby?" He emphasised the word baby, mimicking the sweet tone you used earlier. The audacity of this fucker! You wanted to just punch him in the nose. You rolled your eyes, dissmissing him entierly. "Please, like you could fluster me." You continiued walking away from him, you wouldn't give him satisfaction to poke fun at you. You didn't hear any steps maybe luck did exist and he left you. You heard a step, a yelp and a loud thud.
Turning around you were greeted with the image of Seungmin laying flat on the ground. You quickly rushed to him, yes the roads were slippery but how did his ass manage to slip this bad to fall flat on the ground? He looked up to the sky with poker face, no sign of pain no nothing, his face completely unreadable? Is it possible to die just from a simple fall? "Seungmin are you okay?" No answer, You shook his shoulders, "Min?" He looked at you for a second, when slowly and dramatically lifted his hands to cover his face. What the hell? " Min? Did you hit your head? Are you hurt? What the fuck are you doing?" Still no answer, it only hit you that he was just embarrased when you noticed how red his neck and ears were. You couldn't help but laugh, and he immediately answered with a groan. "Are you embarassed?" Another groan which made you laugh harder also following by an unimpressed grunt. "Sorry, sorry, it's just ironic, you were the one talking about flustering me and stuff, now you can't even look me in the eyes." He could be cute after all.
"I want to die." Seungmin groaned out after a while, you were hysterical at this point.
You tried to get him get up or at least to remove his hands from his face but to no awail. "Oh stop being difficult, what do you want to get up? You will catch a cold dipshit." What bug did bite you today, why were you kind to him? It really was beyond you.
"I want a kiss on the lips." Oh so he could talk now, you scoffed and got up.
"Nevermind I hope you get pneoumonia! You either get up or I'm leaving you here!" He peaked at you through his fingers, you tried not to crack and not to smile, he looked so silly. He shook his head and covered his eyes again. Wow what a serious adult.
"No you won't you're too kind for your own good." This fucking! You hated how he was right. You really should just leave him here, that's what he's asking for!
After not hearing anything from you, Seungmin took his hands of his faces, to check if you in fact leave him here, he looked baffled when he noticed that instead of leaving him you laid next to him looking at the sky with unreadable face. "What are you doing? The fact about Kim Seungmin was that he was always calm and collected no matter the situation and to think he showed so many emotions today.
"If poeple were to look at you they would think that you're crazy or some drunk asshole, Someome might call cops on you or an ambulance and that's such a headache. If I lay here people most likely will ignore us because we're plain crazy or drunk, I think I am still tipsy." Honestly you were more or less sober now, who wouldn't be after laying on snow? He better pray you don't get sick, or him because you would most certainly beat his ass.
Seungmin looked at you for a second, you could feel his gaze even though you weren't looking at him he turned his head towards the sky after a while though. "Or they might think someone ran us over with a car, someone more creative might even think we were shot, although there's not blood." You couldn't help but huff out a laugh. He seemed more talkative now, even though the subject of conversation was quite unique. You somehow prefered it this way.
"Depends on where we were shot, also we should consider the sound effect. By the way it's snowing the blood might get covered soon. Car theory is also silly, the road is too narrow."
"Hm, you're right." You felt the urge to tease him for finally admitting for once that you were right but you didn't want to disrupt the peaceful moment. The silence was comforting. "It's really pretty, looking up at the snow."
"It is." It really was, in fact it was one of the most majestic sights you've ever witnessed. Streetlights were making it even more beautiful, it was like you could see every snowflake clearly.
You laid for a while enjoying the sight, the sliense, the comfort being with him brought. It felt good to just exist and simply enjoy a simple moment. You didn't even realize when your hands moved towards each other and started holding onto each other so tightly. What baffled you more was why didn't hate the feeling. Mere couple of hours ago you would've simply laughed at the idea of you holding hands with Seungmin. You wondered what shifted inside you.
"I think it's safe to say you do care about me." Of course he had to ruin the moment. Groaning in disdain you straightened up, his hold on your hand immediately tightened, one might even think he was afraid you would let go. He looked at you with the mischevious smile which unforunately tugged quite hard on your heartstrings, you obviously ignored it. "Says the one who literally fell for me." You couldn't help but quip back. He huffed dissaprovingly, his cheeks puffing up so cutely in the meantime you just waned to poke it. "I didn't fall for you!" He protested, you just rolled your eyes, "okay okay, you fell down while chasing after me." He looked uniimpressed. "I only did that because you kept running away god knows where! Do you even know where we are?" It was infuriating how he always pointed out right thing, but you didn't care. Backing down wasn't an option, this was a matter of pride." Do you?" 5 year old kid comeback but hey as long as it worked. Seungmin averted his eyes, he also had no idea. "Damn Seungmin, I didn't know you were so dedicated to me that you would go literally god knows where for me." He scoffed and crossed his hands. "You know what? Nevermind, I hope something finds you and eats you up." Satisfied that you were getting under his skin you grinned. "Oo Kinky."
"I hate you."
"As it turns out my dear Sungsung you don't."
"Okay I don't." You didn't like how his answer made you feel giddy.
"So you do have a heart! I'm impressed." You were not going to lie, you enjoyed this fucked up weird dynamic you two had.
"Yeah, can't seem to get rid of it, it's vital or whatever," he even made a point to dramatically roll his eyes as if he was annoyed at his heart.
"Tell me about it."
It was silent for a second or two but of course Seungmin had to break it. "What about you?" You looked at him expectantly, unsure on what he was getting at, Seungmin sighed as if dissapointed you didn't know what he meant. "Do you hate me?" He really loved asking those tough questions huh.
"Are you curious now?" What were you supposed to say, you knew you didn't hate him but you couldn't also name what you felt towards him.
"I am." He looked at you with wide eyes and you gulped in awe, it was first time you saw so many emotions reflect in his eyes, you had to tell him the truth or it would be ruthless.
"I don't hate you..." You paused hoping he caught the hint that you wouldn't be able to provide him with better answer for now. He smiled at you and shook his head.
"What a sap." Oh this little asshole!
"Oh shut up, you're literally being delusional!" Seungmin was full on grinning now, "why should I shut up? Are you getting shy perhaps?" You made a point to laugh dramatically as possible, "last time you teased me about being all shy and flustered you fell flat on the back, have you even considered to learn your fucking lesson? Or you want Karma to get you back, I knew you were masochistic freak! Be gone evil!" You got up and started walking, again he caought up with you, god this was getting boring.
"It's fun teasing you, I don't care if I might get hurt again because Karma got to me, I like seeing you all flustered up."
"You call this flustered? Oh baby boy how naive you are." It's really a shame you don't have a single oscar, maybe you should've gone into theatrics.
Seungmins face looked almost challenging. "Care to show me then?"
"I don't think you can handle me."
Seungmin did the thing everyone, unfortunately even you, thinks is attractive as fuck, he smiled at you while poking his cheek with his tongue, what a smug asshole. "Try me!"
You just blinked at him, eyebrow raised, -"really now?" You started approaching him while he looked at you with challenging eyes. You got close and close until there was literally no space between you. His face was unreadable once again but you took noticed how heavily he gulped once he felt your body against his. How cute of him to think you wouldn't see right through him. You smirked, "It's kind of funny, really, because I clearly remember how shy you got after I kissed you." He scoffed but didn't say anything, clearly waiting for your next move. He was simply watching you, analyzing you, just stydying you as if you were the most interesting subject. You stared back at him, challenging him back, you slowly started sliding your hands up his arms until they rested on his shoulders. "Can't even deny it, see? Didn't know you could actually be somewhat cute.
Seungmin made a point to just as slowly put his arms around your waist as you did, slowly dragging his hands up your hips and onto your waist. "What are you going to do about it?"
When did you even start whispering to each other? "God, you're so annoying, can you literally shut up for a second?"
Seungmin huffed, clearly amused by the situation, he once again looked dead into your eyes and mused "Make me!"
Oh he was on! You were absolutely set on on ruining him now. "Brat!" You mumbled against his lips before smashing your lips against his. There was literally nothing romantic or slow or emotional about the kiss. It was passionate, hungry, aggressive, hot and full of yearning. You two kissed each other like you two were starved of each other, you kept devouring each other's lips as if you wanted to become whole. You kissed him with as much passion as you could, he almost immediately kissed back, you fought for dominance at first but Seungmin gave in pretty soon, you knew it wasn't because he couldn't keep up, you just knew he could get you weak in the knees if he wanted to. He was thinking of something with his twisted head of this, there was no fucking way you were going to let him win, you were more set on making him flustered mess now. Maybe you were overthinking things but you didn't fucking care.
Seungmin let you do whatever you pleased, it was amazing how pliant he was being. You know he enjoyed just as much as you by the soft sounds he made occasionaly, every gasp of air, every tiniest little whimper did things to your heart you were shamed to admit. You felt excited, greedy, hungry for more! You've never felt more greedy in your life. You wanted to kiss him till your lips fell off. As much as you hated to admit it you just loved how his lips felt against yours, how soft they were even though they were chapped from the cold, how warm they were...You really hated how he made you feel so many emotions at once. What you hated even more was how alive he made you feel.
You slowly slid your hand through his hair, loving the feeling of his soft locks between your fingers, you just couldn't help yourself now. You grabbed the fistful on his nape and pulled on them experimentaly. He groaned against your lips and your heart almost did a backflip at this, you weren't even going to mention other parts of your body. The buttierflies in your stomach were full on raving now. Was he always this hot? You wanted to hear more! You slowly bit his lip and the soft whimper he let out was simply delicious.
Seungmin kissed you with more passion now, his hands migrated from your waist to your neck. His hands were really big and warm, it was something to feel them directly onto your skin, what made you weak in the knees was how he held you, right underneath your jaw, his thumbs caressing your cheeks. He slid his tounge briefly against your lower lip asking for entrance, who were you to deny him? You almost melted into a puddle when his tongue brushed over yours. You would have given in and let him take the lead if you weren't so set on winning this battle you've convinced yourself this was.
Eventually you two had to part because there was this thing called oxygen you needed to live or whatever. Your lungs were burning. Both of you could barely breathe, your lips felt as if they were buzzing, and you were hot all over, but it didn't stop you. You softly held him with one hand on his cheek and the other on his shoulder. You showered his jaw with slow kisses, when you decided to slowly migrate your little attack down his neck, down along his pulseline. You dragged each and every one of them as much as you could to torture him more. His whole body was so tense, so warm. Held onto your hips so tightly, you wondered if it would leave marks on your skin. You kissed your way down his carotid artery feeling perfectly fine how fast and strongly his heat was beating. You wondered for a second if your heart was any better.
You just knew you found just the right spot near his collar when his whole body shruddered and he let out a cutest little noise of both complaint and pleasure, you waited for a second but he did nothing to stop you. He held onto you so tightly you were afraid your back could break in half when you slowly bit him on his sweet spot. He looked deep into your eyes looking unimpressed while you looked at him like you were an angel sent to earth just for him. You felt proud on the reddening spot on his neck. Maybe it would even be visible for days.
"What the fuck?"Both of you got startled by Han's shocked voice. He looked at you all wide eyed clearly waiting for any kind of explanation. You and Seungmin quickly let go of each other.
"We've been searching all over for your asses while you're here eating each other's faces off? What the fuck gyus! Sincw when are you two fucking?" Han kept berating you while you two sat in silence. You looked at Seungmin who looked like he wanted to die, his face all red. You couldn't help but just laugh, . "He wishes I fucked him. Also I win Minnie" You softly patted his butt, honestly even his but was great how was it fair? Seungmin looked like he was about to die from embarassment. You've absolutely won this battle, he coudln't even say a word, he was speechless! Kim fucking Seungmin speechless!
"I'm coming, lead the way Sungie." You ran towards Han completely ignoring Seungmin, smiling like you've never done anything wrong in your life.
"I need details, what the fuck happened here?"Han wasn't giving up. You wondered if you could sneak Seungmin into your room later without anyone noticing.
A/N - Can't believe I finally finished it, you've no idea how many times I have rewritten it. I really hope you enjoyed it. Any type of feedback is always welcomed, or anything really, if you want to send a request, an ask, a thought, headcannon or you simply want to chat. I live for all these interactions. They literally make my whole days! Thanks for reading, love you all and please take care of yourselves^^
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apomaro-mellow · 8 months
Matchmaking Harringtons 4
Eddie was gone for Steve. Absolutely gone for him. Steve had come by, his gleaming car sitting right outside Eddie's trailer.
"I was thinking about you", was all he said.
And honestly, how could Eddie not kiss him? After pulling him inside and shutting the door (with Steve's own body) he kissed him with a fervor unmatched by anyone else Steve had dated before. Eddie's passion was the kind Steve had dreamed of this exact thing when he realized he was into men. He loved being pushed against things. He loved the feel of Eddie pinning him down.
He loved now, how Eddie was grabbing him by the thighs and hoisting him up. Steve steadied himself by wrapping his legs around his waist and arms around his neck. He wasn't even sure where Eddie was taking him but he'd go anywhere in this man's arms.
Steve felt himself being set on a hard surface and knew he was on the kitchen counter. But whatever else was going on melted away as Eddie nibbled on his lips. Steve's hands got lost in his hair and he dove in deep to suck on his tongue. Eddie let out the sweetest whimper and pawed at Steve legs.
Every sound he wrung out of Eddie made him feel so powerful. Like he could ask him to commit murder and Eddie would only say 'right away'.
This man was a dream come true. Except for when he was pulling away.
"We gotta-we gotta stop, Stevie."
"Why?", Steve asked, not even ashamed of how whiny his voice came out. This wasn't the first time Eddie had done this. Just when things were getting to the good part, Eddie put a pause on things.
"Because I'm about to lose control."
Steve couldn't help but pout. He removed his hands from those dark curls and instead gripped Eddie's shirt. "What if I want you to lose control? What are you afraid of?"
Steve expected any number of responses. Afraid of falling too deep, of scaring him away, of being too much, of what society might think. But instead, after a long pause, Eddie said this:
"Your parents."
Well that was one way to lose a boner.
"My...my what?"
"Your mom. And your dad."
"What do they have to do with this?"
"They um-", Eddie's mouth snapped shut as he realized Steve might not even know the smallest of involvements that his parents had in all this.
"They what?"
"They're the ones who gave out your house's number so I could call you. Remember when we first met at my job?"
"Yeah?", Steve rose a brow.
"Before I rang you up, your dad uh, well he uh, vouched for you."
"I can't believe this!", Steve got off the counter. "My dad told you to talk to me?"
Eddie nodded and now Steve was running through that first interaction in his mind. He had felt terribly awkward as Eddie had laid on the thick flirtation. He'd thought Eddie had just been making fun of him somehow. So he'd been shocked to receive his call. Steve hadn't even questioned how he'd gotten the number.
"Did they tell you to ask me out too? Did they...", Steve's brow furrowed as he thought about his boyfriend and parents having secret conversations. "Did they tell you to not have sex with me?"
"They didn't tell me to ask you out", Eddie said holding his hands up. "They only told me that if I did, you'd probably say yes. And I have NOT discussed anything sexual with them, Jesus Christ Almighty."
Steve started to pace around the living room. Because that meant Eddie was still talking to them about some things.
"Is that why you took me out to Le Petit's? Because they told you to?"
Eddie let out a groan. "That was the worst. I should've never listened to them that time." He sat on the couch and put his head in his hands.
Steve sat next to him. "Eds. Tell me everything."
Jonas sat across from his wife in a cafe. Both of them had some coffee. They'd come to terms with the fact that they had been giving Eddie conflicting advice.
"I thought the whole point of this was to get Steve on the straight and narrow." Jonas cleared his throat. "So to speak."
"Yes", Diane agreed. "But it seems we're on different pages of what that means. Do you not like Eddie?"
"I like him. He's just not, well he doesn't look ready to settle down, is all."
"Steve is nineteen. He shouldn't be settling down."
"But he should be getting ready to."
"Jonas, you and I didn't get married until we were in our twenties."
"After dating in high school", Jonas reminded her.
"This is Steve's first boyfriend", Diane whispered the last word.
"But not his first relationship. I like Eddie, I think he can do right by Steve. But-"
"But his image isn't clean enough? Goodness, you sound just like my father. Remember when he didn't want me dating some dirty greaser?"
"I cleaned up my image for you."
"You still use more hair products than my father ever did, still read motorcycle magazines, and I highly doubt he would have ever entertained the notion of me romancing a woman."
"So am I like your father or not?", Jonas asked.
"We need to let Steve find his own way. He already looks more serious with Eddie than any of those girls he dated. Maybe they will get married. Maybe they won't."
Jonas let out a sigh. Even he had to admit Steve looked happier. Maybe it was just a nice summer romance, maybe it'd be a forever thing. But they had to let Steve and Eddie figure it out.
"Hm, not that I think of it, I'm not even sure what a gay wedding would look like. Would they both wear tuxes?"
"Well, I'm sure they'd-", Diane paused as she thought about it. "You know, I don't know. But if anyone should wear a dress, it's Steve. He's got the figure for it."
"Hold the phone, the gays can't even get married", Jonas said like a great epiphany.
Diane's eyes got wide as she realized it too. In the chaos of finding their son a boyfriend and trying to set them up properly, they had forgotten the true politics of their situation at large.
"Jonas, can't you speak to someone?"
"The highest person I know is Don at the bank. What about you? Who's that gal who's always in the salon with you?"
"Mary Ellen, that's right! She's on the city council. How hard do you think it would be to get a bill started?"
Jonas swirled his cup around. "I'm sure it can't be too hard. Lobbying's going to put a dent in our savings though."
"Well, Steve's not going off to college yet, his fund can help foot that bill", Diane said with a wave of her hand. "Eddie can consider it his dowry."
"I thought we weren't rushing them into marriage?", Jonas grinned.
"No.... but maybe we should invite Eddie to dinner in the meantime."
Later on, when the two of them returned home, their son's car was the only one in the driveway, yet they could tell he wasn't alone the moment they entered the house.
"Steve! We're home!", Diane called out. She shared a knowing look with her husband when they heard a shuffling upstairs and what sounded like someone falling.
Jonas was the one who went up the stairs and opened the door to Steve's room.
Steve was lying innocently on his bed, reading a sports magazine. "Dad, you of all people should know that you can't walk into a dude's room without knocking."
"Oh I know plenty", Jonas said. "Would Eddie like to stay for dinner? We're having salmon."
Eddie stuck a thumbs up from under the bed. "Sure thing, Mr. H."
Part 6
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scarletts-scribbles · 4 months
𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Hey! Here's a compiled list of prompts for people to use, feel free to submit any of these for requests or to use in your own writing. I didn't come up with all of these myself so check out the credited creators! Requests are not limited to these prompts, feel free to think of your own or change these up!
𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 «» 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬: 𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐧
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: ̗̀➛ 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟
“I’d rather sit and do nothing with you than do anything with anyone else.”
“Would a hug make things better?”
"You wanna cuddle for the rest of the morning?"
"Just hold me?"
"You're being extra cuddly this morning."
"Quiet night on the couch?"
“You make me want to be the best I can be.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone that you like to be the little spoon.”
“Do I really have to spell it out for you?”
“You look really cute in my clothes.”
“You’re special. People like you don’t come around often.”
“I’ve only ever loved you.”
"You're hogging the blankets."
"May I have this dance?"
“Are you blushing?! That’s adorable.”
“Breathtaking. You’re breathtaking.”
“You should smile more often, it looks good on you.”
“Did you just kiss me to shut me up?”
“Should we make it official?”
“Can you wash my hair for me?” 
"You're crazy if you think I'm letting you sleep on the couch."
"Can I braid your hair?"
"I'm not giving up on you, ever. I promise you.”
“You’re being very unsubtle with your heart eyes for them.” 
“I’m proud of you, no matter what.”
"You're the worst, I love you so much."
"You got me flowers?"
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: ̗̀➛ 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭
“Did you ever really love me?”
"Why did you come back?"
“You couldn’t just let me have this, could you?”
“Just because you hate your life doesn’t mine to get to dictate mine!”
“Look what you’ve done…”
"You promised you wouldn’t forget me."
“I don’t have an attitude, I just answered your question.”
“Please say something!”
"I get it! You're jealous!"
“Us? There was never an ‘us’.”
“Is this how it really ends?”
“Why can’t you be happy for me for once?”
“It’s too late for ‘I’m sorries’.”
"I thought I'd lost you forever."
“Ha… I told you you’d outlive me.” 
“Since when did you ever care about me?!”
“Tell me how I’m supposed to un-love you, then. Tell me. Spare me.” 
“Kiss me one last time?
“Why did you think you could change this?! You’re nothing!”
“This is all your fault.”
“I vouched for you! How could you?!"
"God, how blind can you be?"
“You’re either a fool for not knowing or an idiot for not doing something!”
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: ̗̀➛ 𝐇𝐮𝐫𝐭/𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭
“Shut up and just let me take care of you!”
“Either go to bed and get some rest willingly, or I will drag your ass down the hall kicking and screaming. you know i’ll have no problem with either option.”
"How long have you been hiding this?"
“And just when were you planning to tell me you were sick?"
“Please be okay. Please be okay, please be okay—”
“You’re awfully quiet today.”
“Get behind me.”
“Here, lean on me. I can carry you.”
“Hey! Hey, relax it was just a nightmare, I’m right here.”
“You dumbass. Don’t do that. Ever again.”
“Try and get some sleep. I’ll stay right here- I won’t let anything happen to you, I swear.”
“We’re gonna fix you up, brand new. I promise.”
“Bless you! Jesus that nearly gave me a heart attack, how about a little warning next time?”
“Your hands are freezing! come here, let me warm you up.”
“Show me?”
“Your bedside manner is awful.”
“Your not exactly a good patient.”
"Did you eat something bad?"
“Would you like a heating pad?”
“I think I just started my period…”
“Oh darling, this fever, you’re totally burning up.”
“You can sleep in my bed, if it'd be of any help.”
"How many fingers am I holding up? ... I don't have six fingers."
“What the hell happened to you?”
“Did you remember to take your meds this morning?”
“Don’t be stupid, now sit down before you pass out.”
“Does it hurt?”
“Who did this to you?”
“You’re not fine! You’re bleeding for gods sake!”
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: ̗̀➛ 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭
"I want to taste you so badly." 
"Make me beg for it." 
"Oh I can do this all night long." 
"Be a good girl and use your words darling." 
"You surprise me every day." 
"Let's find out how much you want it." 
"Kiss me, I can't wait any longer." 
"Come on, please, do it." 
“Don’t worry, I’d take you out for dinner before I eat you out for dessert. It’s the polite thing to do.”  
"Do you like it when I talk like that?" 
"Oh, you like that?" 
"Hmm, you're not very patient, are you?" 
"Well, let's see what happens tonight." 
“I’ll be gentle, baby.  Don’t worry.” 
"Can you kiss it better?" 
"Keep the noise down, baby.  Someone's gonna walk in." 
“God, you look amazing like this.” 
"Let’s put that smart mouth to good use.” 
"Oh, you're hard to please." 
"I had a very nice dream that started like this." 
"Can you be good for me?" 
"It's so hot when you talk like that." 
"I'll go as long as you need." 
prompt sources: @.scealaiscoite, @.sleepywriter00, @.dumplingsjinson, @.euthymiaaa, @.novelbear, @.luvmmarner, @.promptsbytaurie, @.creativepromptsforwriting, @.rosewritingprompts
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yiiyiiwrites · 2 months
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Summary: burnt out, overachieving kook vouching for Rafe. Featuring Barry 🫢 my fave duo is Rafe/Barry in the obx. Based on this [prompt]
She didn’t know why, but a sleepy Rafe drew her attention and kept her in her spot. His large form sprawled out on the moth eaten sofa, arm hanging off the edge and fingers twitching against the stained rug.
She’s sat on the floor, elbow propped up on the sofa close, but not too close to the snoozing kook. Her papers spread across the coffee table but her focus on Rafe’s low snores. Tilting her head, she peaked at his face beneath the curtain of hair that covered his eyes, hand reaching out to sweep them out of the way.
The stomping of boots pulled her out of her trance. She whipped round, Barry looming over her with two mugs.
Barry placed a mug on the table, “keep it business, girl,” he said sliding the coffee into her hands. There’s a smirk on his face, but she knows it’s a warning and not some friendly advice from a someone that cares.
“Always, B.” She hummed wrapping her hands around the hot mug, palms stinging the tighter she gripped it. The burning sensation distracting her from the grimy trailer and the dealer smirking down at her.
“Well fucking him, ain’t getting me no money.”
The knot in her stomach twisted, she knew he was testing her and the way Barry’s eyes flitted between her and Rafe it was only a matter of time till he questioned her loyalty. She’s not foolish though, her only loyalty being to herself.
Hungry dogs are never loyal and the scraps Barry’s been feeding her are only enough to make her stay for now.
“That’s not what I’m doing,” she whispered, the trailer silent and vacant of low snores and deep breaths. She almost jumped as Rafe’s finger traced her leg.
“You’re the one that vouched for him and I want my money, do something about it,” Barry spat, he jabbed her shoulder and held up one finger, “you got one day.”
A stained ring mark from her coffee bled into the papers. She huffed gathering them all up and stuffing them back in the plastic bag Barry gave her to keep them in. No longer in the mood to stare at numbers with his warning hanging over her head. Padding down the narrow hall way, the sliver of light coming from her room gave her a spec of comfort. She was so close to crossing into the safe territory when she felt a tug on the back of her T-shirt.
She groaned, willing herself to face whoever demanded her attention. What she didn’t bargain for was Rafe Cameron’s lips on hers as soon as she spun round, hands on her hips guiding her into her room. He kicked the door shut behind him, sliding the lock over with one hand whilst the other held her chin, fingers digging into her cheek as he leaned into the kiss.
“Stop,” she said pushing him away and trying to catch her breath. Her chest rose up and down, lips tingling and cheeks prickling with heat.
Rafe wiped his lips, nodding his head before he fell back into the lumpy mattress. “Too early?”
She shook her head and stood between his spread legs. “No, it’s just B’s on my case about the money. Wants you to have it by tomorrow.” She smoothed her hands along his broad shoulders, touch faltering as he tensed.
Smiling Rafe leant back on his elbows, nudging his head for her to follow. She hovered over him, brows furrowed as she waited for him to reply. His eyes roamed her face, but she knew his mind was racing and about to spiral. To what she doesn’t know.
She’d seen him once before, like a switch had flipped and his first instinct was to hit out. Whether that be with his tongue dripping with hateful words or his fists aiming to hurt. Never had he directed it at her, but she knew that someone wound up like that would eventually turn against anyone, including her. So she wanted to tread carefully.
He flipped her over, “what you want me to roll over because I’m in your bed?” He whispered against the shell of her ear.
The low chuckle that shook his body, sent a shiver down her spine. She didn’t move until he’s off the bed and halfway out the door. “I’m serious, Rafe.”
“Maybe you should stay in bed, you’re good at that.”
It shouldn’t burn as much as it did. She’s used to the fiery push and pull, hell she’s the one normally dishing it out, but she’s resigned to the fact that maybe she deserved being on the receiving end.
The silence making the delivery of his line punch more on impact. She didn’t bother going after him, just gave in to whatever would come from vouching for Rafe.
The perk of living at the trailer with Barry, was the lack of other people hanging around in the morning. Most of the visitors long gone whether that be at home or passed out in a ditch. She found herself checking her phone. Both Barry and Rafe ignoring her since yesterday. She didn’t know what was worse, no contact or all of their attention.
The front screen door flung open and crashed against the trailer. She clambered off the deck chair, boots kicking up dirt as Barry came stomping towards her. His thick brows furrowed, eyes narrowing as soon as they fell on her.
“Come on,” Barry said tugging her by the arm. “Let’s go see country club.”
It’s exactly twenty fours hours to the dot, since he warned her yesterday. No room for anymore excuses or a plea for an extension.
The gun strapped to Barry’s waistband is glaring at her as she followed him to his motorbike. She doesn’t try to talk her way out of it, she knows it won’t do her any good. So she blindly allowed him to guide her to the bike, hand clasped in his as if she’s going to flee. Some warmth in the action, keeping her steady as she trailed further down the path she paved with spite.
Barry turned to her, stopping before she could take the helmet dangling from the handlebars. “You’re my favourite girl,” Barry mused stroking her hair like he would a dog. “But even you don’t get a free pass, you’ll learn.”
Releasing a deep breath, she clasped the helmet over her head and climbed on after Barry, arms wrapping around his torso. Her gaze caught his in the side mirror, a gentle tap to her thigh letting her know he was about to pull off and for her to hold on.
The dirt roads of the cut fell away behind them, a familiar sting igniting in her chest as the houses got larger the closer they got to the Cameron’s house.
She wondered what her family was doing, but didn’t care enough to dig too deep in the thought. Her home a few houses down from the Cameron’s. The distance enough to make her tighten her hold on Barry as if he was going to drop her off to her father.
Before she could get off the bike, Rafe was charging down the driveway. She hung back watching the exchange, both guys red faced and spit flying as they hurled threats. She’s not sure who threw the first punch, but she rushed to them and shoved them apart.
“You damn Kooks, always sticking together,” Barry spat, wiping the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand.
She shook her head, “B, wait,” she called after him reaching out to pull him back.
Barry shrugged her off. “You wanna vouch someone,” he shouted in her face. “That’s what’s going to happen.” He pointed to Rafe, whose nose was dripping with blood and knuckles grazed.
The rage directed at her, mere frustration for her getting caught up in the politics of dealing. In a twisted way Barry was just teaching her how to handle her affairs. She knew he meant well, knew the person standing before at face level. Part of her scared to discover more.
Without so much as another glance he left her standing in the driveway, motorbike disappearing beyond the brick wall.
“You need to go.”
Rafe’s words were on repeat in her head, thoughts scrambling on if she’d see her family. Her focus on the gate closing, much like her freedom if she stayed in the figure eight for too long.
“Are you listening?”
She flinched as his hands squeezed her arms, not realising how close he’d been to her a second ago. The red stains marring his face already dry, swirling on his white teeth as he spoke once more.
“I told you…” her voice trembled, she wasn’t sure whether it was from the anger or fear of watching the two go head to head.
“I said go!” Rafe nudged her away, hand on her lower back guiding her down the driveway. “Or better yet go home instead of playing dealer. You’re a fucking Kook.”
She knew they were both on fragile grounds. The weight of their choices digging their own graves. Hers a lot shallower his. So she did what she did best and pushed back.
“Says the kook moonlighting as a dealer.”
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Really wanted to write this duo 😅 hope you like this little continuation from my burnt out, overachieving kook prompt - Yiiyii
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starbellbunny · 5 months
I am in LOVE with your fiction about the cop Sans! The poor reader has no idea what storm is coming for her, but gosh I can’t wait! I have a question, what if the MC woken up and seen Horror in her apartment? What on earth would she and Horror do? Thank you for your hard work! 💕
:-( THANK YOU !! I've been struggling for motivation to write anything for a while, I'm glad to hear you like it hehe 💕 I’m trying very hard to make a comeback on this account, as well as on Ao3, I know I've neglected it for a while!
Heres horror getting caught ;p
Now, it was time to see his shortcake. He came out of the kitchen, and rounded the sofa.
…Oh my god.
You were sleeping soundly on the sofa, with your hands cushioning your head. You lay on your side with your legs brought up to a 90° angle. He didn’t even have it in him to be upset that the reason you didn’t mind him being here was because you were sleeping, because you were so fucking cute.
He was grinning like a maniac, as he pulled his phone out his pocket and snapped a picture- or, like, 50- of your sleeping form. He immediately set it as his lock screen picture.
He could already feel the ache in his chest dissolving, at this distance, and you visibly relaxed when he stepped so he could see you.
…He wanted to get closer.
He took a step towards the sofa, and knelt down. He brought a knuckle up to your face, and stroked your cheek. You were so soft- softer then any monster he’d ever touched. He brought his hand down, and thumbed your bottom lip. It looked plump- soft, and kissable. He wanted to kiss you.
He got up from his kneeling position, and climbed carefully onto the sofa over you. He was straddling your hip now, and he took another couple of pictures. Could you blame him, really? That was his soulmate. The vouch groaned under his weight, unhappy to be holding a monster of his size.
He couldn't help but stare at you. He has never been so... Entranced with a single being- let alone a human.
He brought his hand up, ever so gently cupping the left side of your face, as he brought his skull down to press his teeth to your right cheek.
He felt ecstatic. His sockets fluttered shut, absolutely reveling in the moment.
He pulled away- short, but sweet.
He opened his sockets again slowly, to appreciate your form once again, soft, flushed cheeks, gentle snoring, a head of cute, messy hair...
What he didn't expect, however, was for you to be staring directly back at him. That caught him off guard.
All he could do was stare back hopelessly. What was he meant to do in this situation? His face felt very hot.
"What the fuck," you said eventually. His soul, once again, was thrumming in his chest.
You put your hands on either side of his shoulders, as well as your right foot on his chest, pushing him away... He allowed it, sitting on his knees, his hands hanging dumbly at his sides. He wasn't supposed to be caught.
"What the fuck," you repeated. As much as it ashamed him, the only thing he could think of at the moment was how small you seemed. How small your hands were, when you placed them on his shoulders.. How cute that was. How- no matter how fierce you tried to sound, small your voice sounded.
He didn't like how scared you sounded, under the anger that you projected.
You scooted away from him, and he wanted nothing more to pull you back to him. Your legs were angled up, as if you were ready to kick the shit out of him if he were to move even an inch closer to you. Your skin looked increasingly clammy as the moments went by. You were terrified.
Did you recognise him? You continued ti stare at him. He could only imagine how scary this was first you… Poor, little lamb.
He could see you glance around the room, quickly, rapidly, trying to see if anything would help you...
Horror took this as an out.
He shortcutted out of the room, stumbling into Paps' bedroom. It was late, he was already tucked up in his bed reading a book silently, with the bedside lamp on, casting a warm light across the room. He looked up from his book, and shut it quickly.
"Brother? Is Everything Okay?" he asked., his voice cracking in odd places.
Horror couldn't reply.
You looked so scared.
This certainly fucked up his plans a little..
He took the steps towards his brothers bed, sitting on it with a huff. His elbows were planted in his knees, and he rubbed a palm over his face.
No matter, he'd make it work. This was his soulmate, after all.
Yes, you couldn't be that scared of him. Something primal, deep within your soul knew that you were destine to be together, he deluded told himself.
It'd work out. It would.
He always, always had his brother to help, anyways.
He'd do whatever it takes.
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ashbrat488 · 9 months
Flower In The Desert - Chapter 11
Captain Syverson Fanfic
Violet laughed, handing over the bottle of whiskey she was drinking from to Matt. The house was alive tonight, filled with music and flowing alcohol. She weaved through the crowd, making her way out of the room and into the dimly lit hallway. As she stepped into the hallway, someone grabbed her forcefully and pulled her into a room. Panic surged through her as she recognized that the grip was not Syverson's.
She struggled against the strong arms that held her, feeling a cloth shoved into her mouth.
"Been servicing the Captain every night, we're starting to feel left out," one of the men hissed, his weight bearing down on her after throwing her to the floor. Another man joined in, holding her wrists above her head while the first one groped her through her shirt. She fought against them, trying to scream through the gag in her mouth.
"Where's Vi?" Matt glanced around the room where everyone was drinking, sensing that something was wrong.
Harper jumped to his feet, quickly shutting off the music. "Vi?"
Outside the room, her name was being shouted as she tried to yell through the gag, whimpering as the man on top of her struck her hard across the cheek. Her vision blurred, and she slipped into unconsciousness for a moment, only to be jolted back by the sensation of the man being pulled off her.
Syverson scooped her into his arms and carried her into his bedroom, gently laying her on the bed to inspect her injuries. His face contorted with anger as he noted her ripped shirt and a bruise forming on her cheek. He left her covered with a blanket and closed the bedroom door behind him, stepping into the hallway where Violet's men were clashing with some of his own.
"Enough!" He forcefully separated the brawling men.
Matt pushed Syverson back, frustration and anger in his eyes. "This is all your fault! I told her to stay away from you!"
"Hey!" Syverson held Matt back, his voice dangerously low. "I'm going to let that go because she's your friend. But you lay your hands on me again, and I'll lay you out. You understand me, Private?"
"What are you going to do about it?!" Matt yelled, taking a step back as he met Syverson's furious gaze. "Yes, Captain," he mumbled as Syverson sighed.
Syverson motioned for Matt to enter his bedroom. "Check on her."
Matt walked into the room to find Violet curled up in the middle of the bed, sobbing. He approached her and sat on the edge of the bed, his hand gently touching her shoulder. "Vi? Are you okay?"
She flinched slightly but then turned to bury her head in his lap as he comforted her. "I'm okay," she managed to mumble through her tears before sitting up and wiping her eyes. "He didn't..." She shook her head, unable to finish her sentence. "I'm fine, really."
"She's mine! If I see any one of you even look at her, I'll kill you! Accidents happen all the time out here in the desert!"
Violet groaned as Syverson entered the room and slammed the door shut. "You can't say that, Sy!"
"I can say whatever the fuck I want, Vi." He turned to Matt and extended his hand, which Matt accepted hesitantly. "Thank you. She'll be sleeping in here with me from now on. No reason to hide now."
"Sure." Matt stood up and looked back at Violet, who nodded, giving him permission to leave.
Alone with Syverson, she met his gaze, her eyes filled with concern. "What if they report you? Or us?"
"Then I'll report them. We have your entire convoy of men to vouch for you." He gently cupped her cheek, wiping away a stray tear. "Are you alright, flower?"
"I'm okay, Sy. Really. Can we just sleep?"
"Of course." He shifted down on the bed and pulled her tightly against his chest, pressing a loving kiss to the top of her head.
"Where is our engineer?" Harper's question hung heavy in the air, a sentiment shared by everyone present. The tension in the house had reached its peak, with both sets of men avoiding each other, leaving Syverson caught in the middle. A silent pact had formed among them, an unspoken agreement not to discuss the events of the previous night. Violet was grateful for this, though she couldn't shake the feeling of her men standing closer, protective, flanking her as they waited.
After an excruciatingly long hour, they all piled into their Humvees and set off toward the school where they distributed water daily. The journey was eerily silent compared to the bustling market they had passed the day before.
A crowd had gathered in the courtyard of the school when they arrived. Violet followed Matt, a sense of foreboding creeping over her as she approached the commotion. The sounds of sobbing and prayers reached their ears, and the source of the distress soon came into view: the teacher who had helped them find an engineer was hanging from a pole, his body horribly scorched, the sickening scent of burnt flesh lingering in the air. Violet couldn't stifle a gasp. "Oh my god."
Matt's hands shot up to his head, and he dropped his helmet to the ground, staring at the gruesome sight. Violet tried to comfort him, her voice a whisper as tears silently streamed down her cheeks. "It's not your fault, Matt." She reached for his hand, but he pulled away abruptly and hurried back to the truck.
She stood there for a moment, watching as some of the other men retrieved a ladder to bring down the body. Then, with a heavy heart burdened by the horrors of war, she turned away and joined her convoy, emotions swirling within her.
Chapter 12
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The Dream - Chapter Nineteen.
Woah... So this chapter got away from me a little in the word count, a nice, long update to finish the week off with for you all, besties! Thank you so much to my usual little group who so tirelessly comment and reblog, you are beautiful people. Big love :)
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Previous chapters - Prologue  One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven  Eight  Nine  Ten  Eleven  Twelve  Thirteen  Fourteen  Fifteen  Sixteen  Seventeen  Eighteen
Tag list - In the comments, please DM to be added/removed (note: those not engaging will be automatically removed from the tag list, FYI)
Words - 3,852 
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, minors DNI!
“Oh man, I got the whole team assembled here!” Angel exclaimed, a week on from Keri’s visit to him, arriving in Provo to have four girls all run at him. “How y’all doing?” He greeted Rachel, Frankie and Jaime with a kiss, reserving the hugest one for Keri, looking up to notice a middle-aged man eyeing the scene with curiosity. “Yeah, dude. All four of ‘em. All mine. I’m fucking exhausted!”  
He had them in hysterics, the man just shaking his head as he laughed and carried on, Angel and his little female entourage leaving the airport, all ready to drive right on up to the slopes for a day of snowboarding. He’d managed to get an early Friday morning flight, so they arrived at just gone 8am, everywhere still pretty quiet.
“Easy with those,” Keri advised, Angel diving right into a bag of his favourite chocolates, all the misshapes from the store that the staff got for less than half price. “That’s my last bag now I’ve left.”
“Oh, you actually did it?” he exclaimed through a mouthful of dark chocolate covered cinder toffee, referring to the fact Keri had revealed she was strongly considering quitting her part-time job at the chocolatier. “I thought you were only contemplating it last week.”
“I was,” she hummed, tying her boots on a little tighter, Angel wrapping up the chocolates again and placing them back into the front of her car. “But it made sense with all the work I have on, especially since wanting to keep my weekends free to see you means I’d have to indefinitely swap all my shifts to weeknight ones. Plus, I’d have been leaving anyway in just over a month when I finish up at college.”  
“Yeah, that makes sense. And hey, if you need anything, cash wise? I gotchu, mamas,” he vouched, closing the car door and kissing her forehead.
“Angel, I don’t want to mooch off of you, it’s fine,” she protested lightly, although she did think it very sweet of him to offer.  
“I will!” Rachel called after overhearing. “I’ll mooch!”  
“Oh, you will, huh?” Angel laughed. “And what do I get in return huh, red?”  
She smiled sultrily, beginning to undo her jacket, Angel’s eyebrows rising as she grabbed either side, about to reveal her cleavage before swiftly shutting it again. “Nah, not today!”
“Rachel, you have no commitment!” Frankie shouted, striding around and quickly checking her surroundings for other people before unzipping her jacket, grabbing her sweater, and promptly flashing Angel.  
“Woah, pierced nipple titties, and it ain’t even 9am yet. Happy Friday to me!” he laughed, Frankie grinning as she adjusted her clothes again, the three girls shrieking with laughter at her antics.
“And you have no shame!” Jaime cried, shaking her head.
“Doesn’t matter!” Frankie chirped. “I’m gay, it doesn’t count!”
“Yeah, but I ain’t,” Angel grinned, snapping his teeth at her. Keri was in hysterics, even more so when Frankie held out her hand towards him.  
“Bitch better have my money!”  
He fished around in his pocket, pulling out a one-dollar bill. “You got change for that?”
She was aghast. “You sir, are rude! I’m so tripping you up for that.”
He shrugged, giving her a playful shove on his way past, heading over to the hire shop. “Y’all gotta catch me first.” She ran at him, jumping up onto his back, Angel hauling her up properly and continuing, carrying her into the shop with him, Keri beaming as she locked her car. She utterly adored how well he got along with her friends. She witnessed it all the more after four hours of snowboard hurtling, stopping for a few drinks at the bar.  
“It’s gon’ hurt like fuck, Rach,” Angel warned, Rachel showing him the design she’d drawn for a tattoo she was planning, clusters of flowers with bumblebees and butterflies all around. “As soon as it hits your spine, trust me, y’all feel like screaming. I did.”
“Which one was worst for you?” Jaime began, who apart from Angel was the only other tattooed person at the table. “Spine or elbow?”
He snorted, shuddering. “I’d take spine over elbow a thousand times over. Elbow is straight devil bullshit.”  
“Right, because it goes over that little nerve between the bones...” she began, her eyes widening as she pointed to her Shiva tattoo that extended over the entire area.
“And you feel like death would be better, right?” he interrupted with, Jaime in heavy agreement. “I fucking suck at getting tattooed, makes me miserable. That’s why none of mine really connect. I wanted full sleeves, but fuck that. Forearms and chest were the only ones that didn’t really bother me.”  
“Right?” he confirmed, turning back to Rachel. “You found anyone to do that for you yet? Because if not, one of our guys in the club does fuckin’ badass colour stuff. Hang on, lemme find some of his work.” Grabbing his phone, he looked through to find Hank’s tattoo Instagram, leaning to kiss Keri as he did, resting his hand her leg so she didn’t feel left out of the conversation, being a person without tattoos and also no plans to have any. “Here.”
Rachel scrolled for all of ten seconds. “Okay, what’s his hourly rate?”  
“Two hundred, but I could probably swing you a little discount. Just know that getting tattooed with a bunch of outlaws loitering ain’t gonna be the best first experience, though. If you cry, you’ll likely get razzed for it. Hank’s great, though. He’ll be patient with you regardless, he’s a kind dude.”  
Keri snorted softly. “Someone’ll need to put a gag on Coco.” How well she knew him after only spending a short time in his company. “Perhaps not solely in the interests of keeping him quiet either.” Oh yes. She truly did.
Her statement had Angel laughing immediately. “Yeah, mamas. Can’t say he wouldn’t enjoy that, though. Mind you, if there’s anyone we gotta tie down, it’ll be Gilly. That man and redheads.” He let out a long, low whistle, turning to Rachel, who was nothing but curious in expression. Keri noticed, taking out her phone and flicking through her camera roll of all the pictures she’d taken during her stay in Santo Padre, handing it over to her friend. “That’s him.”
The noise that came from her mouth as she took Keri’s phone had Frankie snorting into her beer, blowing foam all over herself. “Is he a hottie, Rach?” she teased, the whole table entertained at the way her face continued to contort.  
“I think that means she wants to bang him,” Keri whispered.
“Yeah I got that, dulce,” Angel replied, turning to kiss her head as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “So, you’re likely getting more than tattoo needles stuck in you when you come down, then?”  
“Yes,” she finally confirmed, after a few more unintelligible noises. “Oh, that man could go to town on my lady junk for as long as he fucking wanted to. Turn me inside out and back again, I don’t care. Damn.”  
Angel was in mild hysterics, grasping Rachel’s hand and giving it an emphatic squeeze and soft thump against the table. “I think somebody gon’ be damned popular with the big guy.” He then told her that he’d work something out with Hank for her tattoo during the time she’d be in Santo Padre, since earlier that week Keri had mentioned that she and her friends planned to head down there once their final semester was over, asking if he minded having an extra couple of houseguests.  
Speaking of a woman being turned inside out and back again, that was exactly his plan a few hours later, once he’d checked into the hotel a block away from Frankie’s apartment. He’d politely refused hers and Jaime’s offer of staying with them, on account of the fact that, as he’d stated, ‘I’ve missed my girl, and I don’t plan on showing her that quietly.’ He didn’t, either.  
“You missed me, my pretty little honey?” he panted, plunging into her from behind, the bed shaking, Keri reaching to grip the headboard as she cried out. “Yeah, you missed that big dick, huh?”  
A blaze of nirvana burned through her as he assailed her soaking walls with long, hard strokes, his hand pounding off her butt, the sting prickling her skin. “Oh fuck, I really did. Harder, baby. Please, fucking ruin me.” she panted. He didn’t need to be asked twice, the surge in him like a live wire, the sound of their flesh smacking together filling the air, Keri wailing, his hand weaving through her hair and slowly tugging until he had her head pulled back, grinning at how she thrived on it.  
“Yeah, my lil’ baby likes it when I’m rough, don’t she?” And god, how she did. How she thrived on the rapid delivery of his cock as it cut through the soaking squeeze of her hot cunt, pleasure throbbing through her as she shattered around him, like the ice upon a frozen lake cracking, her nerves in utter symphony as he slowed a little, tongue swiping a long lick up her spine.  
She took that moment of calm within the storm of their sex to pull away from him, a smouldering look making his insides burn as she turned to him, her mouth pressing kisses against his sweaty chest. “Get on your back.”  
He smirked, lifting his chin. “Oh, you gonna make me, mamacita?” A hand clasped at his neck a second later, Keri fixing him with stare of smoky allure, licking her lip, a seductive sweep that had his nerves bouncing.  
“I am,” she purred, pushing until he moved, climbing astride him. “That’s it. Mmm, down boy.” Fire shot through him, the sensuality of the moment, his groan all grit and salt as she sank down on him, her tongue dragging a hot lick over his nipple, closing in a soft bite.  
In their dreams, she’d once told him that she enjoyed that he brought out the bad girl in her. The live action version of that was utterly mind-blowing, Angel never being particularly yielding to anyone else, yet thriving when Keri did it to him, quite happily letting her pin him down by his neck, her fingers gently squeezing as she rode the hell out of his cock.  
What felt even greater was knowing that she now felt comfortable enough with him to be that person in reality, which if he was honest, was probably the bigger turn on for him. Only just, though, being pinned there as she rode him, sparks skittering up his spine as he felt himself wind tighter, the coil snapping within him as he came hard, flooding her with thick ropes of cum before she collapsed down on top of him.  
“Fuck...” he panted, stroking her back as she laid kisses against his neck. “Can we do that all over again before we gotta think about going out?”  
Looking down at him, she planted a soft kiss upon his lips, moaning softly at the feel of his cock still twitching inside of her. “Oh, we’d better be. I think I want a little nap, but after that I’m going to take a shower, one I don’t plan on being alone for.”  
An hour of sleep, an early room service dinner and twenty minutes of very hot fun in the shower later and Angel was sitting on the bed, watching Keri finish getting ready. Frankie and Jaime were having a small party, so of course they were heading there rather than going out alone.  
Keri was coating her eyelashes in a second coat of mascara when she caught him staring out of the corner of her eye. “What?”
“Nothing,” he smiled, “I just love you, is all. I know it’s only been a month, but you’re so fucking incredible, and you make me really happy, querida.”  
Her heart thrummed with the buzz such words evoked. “And I love you, too. We began so unbelievably, and I know it’s only early days, but we have so much to look forward to, don’t we? I can’t wait.” Her smile lit up her entire face, finishing putting her makeup on before dressing in a simple ensemble of a grey cropped top, a long black skirt and black boots, putting in her large hoop earrings and pulling on her jacket before they left.
“Oh, just to warn you, Aaron will be there tonight,” she told him as they left the hotel, Angel taking her hand in his.  
“I don’t care,” he shrugged, noting her mildly affronted facial expression and adjusting his attitude a little. “Look, what I mean is that if he don’t like me, then it’s his problem. I ain’t gonna be frosty with him, but if he doesn’t like me then he’s entitled not to, and I’m not gonna change his mind.”  
As it turned out, Aaron was the one to answer the door to them, greeting Keri with his usual warmth and banter, Angel receiving a nod of acknowledgement, but nothing more. Ash, however, made up for it.  
“My dude!” he yelled from across the apartment, jumping the coffee table and arriving to give him a big hug. “Keri, I’m stealing your man!”  
Angel turned to give her a quick kiss before Ash engaged him in conversation, Aaron pushing his glasses up his nose with a sour look on his face. Of course, she noticed.  
“Hey.” Grabbing his forearms gently, she steered him to face her. “Look, he knows you don’t like him, and he even said he won’t try to change your mind, but he has no issue with you. Please, for me, will you just try to get along with him? I get that you think he’s a dangerous guy, and if I’m honest with myself then yes, I have to admit that he is. He’s into things I don’t necessarily condone, but that’s not every facet of him. Do you really think the others would like him as much if he was really just as bad to the bone as you sum him up to be?”  
He looked uncomfortable to have been approached so directly about it, Aaron often not particularly enjoying when his own tactics were turned back on him. He had a habit of being the one who domineered the conversation. “I can’t be fake, Keri. Listen, I’ll be cordial with your boyfriend, but I still stand firm on the fact I don’t think he’s good for you. I can’t help but worry that something bad will happen to you because of you being with him.”
She sighed, nodding as she released the gentle grip on his arms. “Alright.” Cordial was all she could hope for, fixing a smile back on her face as she greeted Sam and Meredith, two of Frankie and Jaime’s friends who the latter knew from work, pouring herself a drink and chattering with them for a while before moving around to be social, eventually sliding into place back at her boyfriend’s side.  
They flitted to and from one another for the rest of the night, Frankie stealing him halfway through to go and buy weed with her (‘the guy scares me, I want some literal muscle with me!’ as she worded it) before she, Angel and Jaime went out onto the fire escape to smoke it, where the party had spilled over, a few other of the younger tenants from the apartments out being social, bringing their own beers out, people blending and getting to know one another.  
Not everyone was quite so magnanimous, though.  
“Who’s that guy in the kitchen getting into Jaime’s gin?” Keri asked, watching a guy literally upending the bottle into his mouth. She didn’t recognise him, and certainly even if he was a friend, basic etiquette dictated that you do not knock back someone else’s booze, of which he’d pulled from a cupboard, no less, drinking as if it was water. It was her Sakurao, a Japanese gin which she tended to keep back just for her and Frankie on account of the price tag.  
“I dunno, K,” Ash mused, scratching his hair as he wobbled slightly. “I haven’t ever seen him before.”  
She frowned, walking into the kitchen, Ash following. “Hey, excuse me? That’s Jaime’s gin, and it costs a fortune. Did she say you could have some?”  
The guy paused, scoffing. “Who the fuck is Jaime?”
“Erm, you’re in her apartment,” Keri revealed, gesturing around herself. “Come on, dude. This isn’t cool.” Reaching for the bottle, she pulled it away from him, locating the lid and screwing it back on.  
“Hey!” he suddenly bellowed, making her jump. “Who the fuck are you, goddamned alcohol police? Hand it over!”  
She gaped at him. “Are you seriously talking to me like this in my best friend’s home? Get out here!” Being that it was like a second home to her, she felt bolstered by that fact, and that she knew she was in the right. What she hadn’t taken into consideration though, was just how drunk the guy was. A guy she didn’t know at all. A guy who, unlike her own friends, likely wouldn’t have taken her gentle reprimanding well; because he didn’t.  
His hand shot out, shoving her in the face, snatching the bottle back and grabbing her jaw. “You fucking come near me again and I’ll smack you down, little girl!”  
“Hey!” she heard from behind her, Rachel steaming in out of nowhere. “Don’t fucking touch her!”  
He snorted with entertainment, reaching out and shoving Keri again, Rachel catching her, putting herself between him and her tiny friend. “I do what I like.”
She was aghast at his audacity. “No, you fucking don’t! You have no right to touch any woman like that, do you understand?” she cried, just about to move and yell for Angel when Ash, who’d been distracted by someone pulling him into conversation, acted for her. Pushing through the doors, he let out a piecing whistle. “Angel! Come up here, bro. We got a situation.” He then turned to the guy, grinning smugly. “You’re in fucking trouble now, man.”
Angel was with them quickly, moving straight to Keri as soon as he saw her looking a little wide eyed, cuddled against Rachel. His eyes darkened. “What the fuck happened?”
Rachel pointed to where the guy and his friends were leaving, trying to exit out of the kitchen door and back onto the fire escape. “Guy in the Chicago Bulls jersey just shoved Keri around.”  
The look on his face turned from dark to completely thunderous in a nanosecond. “Hold these.” Sliding his rings off of both hands, he gave them to Rachel, Keri reaching to try and stop him. “No, no. Nobody puts a fucking hand on you.” Storming back out, he saw the guys hadn’t gotten far, Angel reaching and hauling him back by the neck of his identifying jersey, getting right up in his face.  
“Hey, what’s your problem, man?” the guy spat, gesturing wide with his arms.  
“You, putting a hand on my girl. That’s my problem.”  
He received a slight sneer, the guy opening his mouth before promptly and without pause, Angel punched him in it. The silence of the people who had stopped to watch it unfold was rippled by a chorus of ‘oooh’ at witnessing the guy slump against the wall, Angel laying into him, throwing another three flesh splitting, bone fracturing punches before grabbing hold of him.
A hand fastened around his wrist, another grasping his jeans, before the guy who thought he could do whatever he wanted discovered that there were certain repercussions to such; like being thrown over the fire escape and dangled there by an irate outlaw.  
A deathly hush fell over the small crowd.  
“What the fuck, man? Let me go!” the guy yelled, his legs flailing, trying not to look four floors down at the ground.
Angel snorted, glaring down at him. “You fucking touch my girl again and I will. Do not try me. You think this is angry? Bitch you ain’t even seen angry yet.” He then loosened his grip, just a fraction, enough to scare the shit out of him.  
Immediately, the target of his rage screamed. “Please, please I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”  
“Ain’t me you gotta apologise to,” Angel began. “Keri? Come here, baby.” She moved past Rachel and Ash, arriving at his side, quivering a little. Nobody had ever defended her like that before, and it was an adrenaline-stirring sight. Angel truly did not play when it came to someone he loved. “Now tell her you’re sorry for putting your fucking hands on her.”
“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry I shoved you. I take it back, I do. Please, please don’t let your guy drop me!”  
Angel looked to her. “Satisfied?”  
She nodded, stepping back. “Yeah, that’s good enough for me.”  
Hauling him back up over the fire escape, Angel dumped him unceremoniously upon the black iron, the guy standing up and gathering himself. “You got five seconds to move, or you meet my fists again. Get your bitch ass outta here.” The warning was heeded, the three guys making a speedy exit, passing a glaring Frankie by, who then came hurtling up the steps to throw her arms around Angel.  
“You’re the fucking best!” Taking his face in her hands, she planted a huge kiss on his lips, pulling away and crinkling her nose. “Nope. Thankful, but definitely gay.” Everyone cracked up at that, her usual comedy cutting the lingering tension from the air as people all around told Angel how awesome he was for handling the situation like that. Well, the ones who weren’t scared stiff after witnessing him dangle someone off a fire escape.  
One of those who was appreciative came in an unlikely source, Aaron approaching, standing square in front of him. Angel wondered for a moment, just what kind of response his fairly extreme actions would get from a guy who already had admitted to not liking him for being a violent outlaw, looking down to see a hand extended to him.  
“You look out for Keri like that, and you and I don’t have a problem any longer. I see she’s gonna be just fine with you. Wanna go get a beer?”  
Angel smiled, shaking his hand before clasping his shoulder. “Yeah, c’mon, bro.”
Inside, Keri breathed a huge sigh of relief, Angel turning to kiss her and Aaron checking she was alright after her ordeal before they entered the kitchen, fetching a few beers from the ice-filled sink and beginning to talk.  
Frankie put her arm around her, nodding towards the guys. “Who knew all it took for Aaron to be cool with Angel was to see something as small and simple as someone being thrown over a fire escape?”  
Her light sarcasm had Keri in stitches, leaning into her as she sipped her drink. Yes, he was definitely becoming at home in her world, and nothing could please her more.  
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sparkywrites25 · 1 year
Hello! I don't know if you take requests but would you write erwin x reader? Its totally fine if you don't wanna!
Choosing One's Fate
Summary: You and Erwin share a late night talk of hope and humanity.
"Have you ever thought of retiring the cape? To tell the whole world to solve their problems without you?"
"Retiring is probably not in my future. I just can't let people die, knowing I could save them."
Prompt credit goes to @creativepromptsforwriting @creativepromptfills
Taglist: @ladycheesington
Notes: As this was asked on anon, I can't vouch for their age so this is SFW.
Silently, you stare down at the street-lamps, admiring the cozy glow they cast over the street. Very few people are out walking this late but occasionally your eyes will follow someone’s shadow as they walk beneath a lamp or cross the street. 
You try and imagine who they are, what they are going home to, if they are even going home at all. You fold your arm and lean into the comfortable curtain that presses against the side of your face. You should find something else to occupy your time. There are a few other things that you could be doing instead. An entire two shelves on your bookcase hold novels that you haven’t devoured yet. A small pile of cups, glasses and plates sit in the sink ready to take up some of your time. You could even write a letter to your sister. It’s been a while since you’ve heard from her and you miss hearing about her busy life on the farm outside Ragako. 
You’ve been meaning to visit but right now travel isn’t a priority. You also don’t want to admit that since Wall Maria was breached, you’ve been feeling a lot more uneasy about venturing into Rose as much. Shaking your head of those thoughts, you chide yourself. You need to let some of that fear go. You remind yourself of how many times you have visited Rosalia in the last five years, all of them being safe trips. Maybe you’re just over-thinking things. In fact, you are definitely over-thinking things. Staring out of the window like this isn’t helping either. 
As you begin to turn away from the window, a movement catches your eye down in the street and, instinctively you look towards it. You light up when you recognize the strong, tall build of the man striding towards your apartment building. The emerald green cloak lightens under the lamp lights and you smile as that same light catches the blue in very familiar eyes, making them sparkle for a second. 
Stepping away from the curtains, you throw on a robe and some slippers. You’re halfway out of the apartment door when you hear slow thumps coming from the stairway. You turn, already smiling as you see Erwin reaching the top of the stairs. 
He smiles at you. His eyes are crinkled by warmth but you can see some darkness under his eyes. You wish you could be surprised that he’s not been sleeping as he should. But you say none of that as you reach for his hand and pull him back into the apartment with you, into your private world. You shut the door behind him, closing yourselves away from the world and no words are exchanged for the moment. 
You step into his arms and meet his lips with a tender kiss and a whispered, “Hello.”
His hand cups the back of your head and holds you against him though you need no further encouragement to prolong the kiss. His other arm wraps around your waist and you lean into his chest. welcoming the sturdy reminder of his presence. Your chest loosens with each second and your muscles relax against him instantly. 
Only the need to breathe separates your lips and Erwin rests his head against yours, his breath caressing your face with warmth. You notice a subtle aroma of wine on his breath. Your hands rub circles on his chest as your lips meet his again. 
Somewhere in the next few minutes you both manage your way to the couch and soon you’re sitting with Erwin’s arms around you, his mouth still on yours. Minutes fly by one by one as you lose yourself in lingering kisses, soft touches to waists, lips and shoulders. Erwin’s mouth trails gentle kisses down your neck and you hum into his. 
He’s home. He’s here. He’s safe. You let these truths linger over you. You want to stay still, here with him in this bubble, away from the reality of humanity’s demands. 
“Mmm,” he muses as he withdraws properly from you, licking his lips. His hand on the back of your head moves to cup your cheek instead. “That’s quite the welcome.”
“You should come home more often,” you tease, leaning in for another peck of his lips. You smile and sit back, taking in his eyes that are half-closed and drowsy but the smile that sits on his lips is bright and defiant. It’s as if his energy and his mood are doing battle right now. You push aside the desire to keep him awake when he clearly needs rest. You place your hands on his kneecaps and squeeze softly. “You seem happier today.”
Erwin’s hands move to cup your elbows, his thumbs brushing the tips. “I am indeed,” he confirms. His fingers on your cheek stroke gently. “I think humanity may have just found itself a new hope,” he announced thoughtfully. “A cautious hope,” he adds with haste, “but hope nonetheless.”
You sit up straighter, your eyes bright with unbridled curiosity. You think of some of the talk that’s been spreading around Wall Sina since the attack on Trost and the more recent trial of the captured boy, Eren Jaeger. “Is this to do with the titan that blocked off Trosts’ gate?” you ask, recalling the news that had flooded into Sina lately. “This kid, Eren Jaeger.” 
“Yes,” Erwin confirmed. “There’s only so much I can say at this point. But he’s in the custody of the Scouts for now.”
You bow your head, not sure what to think of a boy with that kind of responsibility on his shoulders, that kind of power in his hands. Your heart goes out to him a little bit, hearing words like custody thrown about. You wonder how such things would impact on such a person, and what kind of person the boy is. The kind to join the military at the very least, you suppose.
You smile cautiously. “Surely he will save many Scout lives if he can fight some of the titans for you,” you muse. The thought of using a young boy for such a purpose seems so unjust but then that is the nature of this world and every cadet who joins the military knows that they may well die serving it. It’s something you’ve heard many a soldier say even if you don’t exactly like it. Just thinking about Erwin commanding the branch that faces the most danger tends to spark such feelings within you. 
You rub his leg as your mind automatically flashes back to the many times Erwin has walked through your door, tired and disheartened after another expedition which claimed too many Scout lives.
“That is one hope we have for him,” Erwin lowers his hands to take yours. He squeezes your fingers. “The wielder of this titan has access to information that may help us to learn more about our enemy.” 
Closing your eyes for a moment, you can already sense where this conversation is going, where it always goes. The impromptu drop-in was a warning.
“The trouble is,” Erwin continues as his smile diminishes, “the information itself lies all the way back in Shiganshina.��
“Wall Maria territory,” you answer as the prospect begins to sink on top of you.
You adjust on the sofa, sitting back against the cushions, still holding Erwin’s hands. You think of all the titans that must be lurking around, waiting, within Wall Maria. You frown and rub your fingers against his. You can visualize the scene too clearly - so many Scouts riding out and only some of them returning. You can see Erwin there, at the head of it all. 
“So this Eren will help kill titans so you can forge a path through Wall Maria,” you guess. The prospect seems no less horrifying since a kid would be relied upon for it. 
“Between him and our veterans,” mused Erwin, “we may be able to make another trip, maybe even make it as far as Shiganshina. We could even try and use what we can find to block up the hole in Wall Maria. At the very least, we can try and reclaim that land back for our people.”
 You lift Erwin’s hand to your lip. You wish you had his optimism and determination. But, at the same time, you’re also glad that you don’t. He makes the prospect sound so simple but how can it be when even snatching just bits of Wall Maria land has been so fruitless? Titans keep reclaiming that territory. How can he possibly expect to reclaim the entirety of Wall Maria?
“Shouldn’t you be careful of over-estimating what you can achieve?” You hate the doubt that fills your words but you can’t not say anything at this point. “Even with Eren’s titan, there are still gonna be so many titans out there. The mission to retake Wall Maria had so many people on it and most of them still died.”
“Most of them were refugees,” Erwin explained. He smiles a little at you, like he’s not offended by your doubt of his goals. “And we both know that that was nothing less than a population cull.”
You shiver. “Yeah.” You rub your thumbs over his hands. “Every mission you go on costs you many lives,” you say in a quieter tone, taking long careful breaths and considering your words. “Every time you set up bases, the titans destroy them… and that’s just little pieces of Maria territory.”
Erwin considers your words and his attention shifts to the window. Instantly your chest constricts and your grip on his hands tighten. 
“I’m sorry,” you say. “I don’t mean to sound like- like I have no faith, you know? But-”
“No, you’re right,” Erwin answers after a pause. He still isn’t looking at you though. “You’re conscientious enough to say it.” He rises from his seat and walks to the window, letting your hands drop from his grip. You wonder if he’s annoyed with you after all.
“It’s been a vicious cycle for decades,” Erwin remarks as he stares outside, in the very place you’d been stood earlier. “An endless game of snatch and steal or in the titan’s case, crush and destroy. We can’t keep going, wasting resources like that. We need to plug up that hole in the Wall. We need to stop the titans getting in again.”
“What if the Colossal and the Armoured come back though?” you ask, lowering your eyes to the floor. “While they are around, the Walls can always be breached again.”
“That’s another problem,” Erwin agrees. “They’re stacking up but Eren is the first chance humanity has had in a long time. We have to make use of his ability and try to make life easier. If we can reclaim Wall Maria, the refugees can go home. Those who survived anyway.”
“It sounds like there’s a lot of work for you to do,” you admit with a mixture of sadness and resentment in your tone and it’s immediately followed by a gut-punching guilt. You shake your head and clasp your hands together.
You hear his footsteps approaching you again and you feel the sofa dip. His hand moves to cover both of yours. You cling to his long fingers again. 
“There is. But then you’ve always known that.” Despite his words, Erwin’s tone is gentle and you lift your eyes to his blue ones with a sigh.
“Do you think…?” you trail off but Erwin nods at you to go on. You lick your lips and summon the words with a heavy inhale. “You know… in years to come, do you think… I mean… have you ever thought about retiring the cape? To tell the whole world to solve their problems without you?” You grimace as you finish, knowing full well how harsh that will sound, how selfish you’ll sound but saying those words loosens something in your chest that has been sitting there for a long time. Like finally finding a part of a knot that you can untangle, knowing that it’ll undo the rest. 
Erwin’s hand squeezes yours, almost like he can read your mind. “It’d be a very long way off before I would have to make that choice,” he admits. “And I would be lying if I said that I hadn’t thought about it.”
“Yeah?” Hope flickers into life like a flame inside your chest.
“As Scouts, we have to consider the future especially for our loved ones if something should happen to us.” Erwin nodded, turning his gaze away from you, towards the barely lit fireplace that you forgot to top up. “We have to consider the likelihood of our own death.” Erwin insists as he watches the weakening flames. “It’s something we force ourselves to get our head around. We can’t get bogged down by fear about it. We have to be able to perform at our best.”
You nod along. 
“I’ve thought a lot about previous commanders and those who will follow after me.” Erwin continued. “But, the truth is that I can’t dwell too much on that. I have to focus on the work that I need to do now and there’s a lot of it. It would be remiss for me to daydream about leaving my duties behind. I owe it to humanity to give it my all,” he adds. “I can’t imagine that I’ll ever want to pass the responsibility on while I still have capacity to work towards my goals.”
The hope in your chest is rapidly being extinguished and you wish that you hadn’t asked now, that you could have kept hold of the uncertainty instead. “Right.”
You rise from the sofa and pull your hands away. Trying to walk as calmly as possible, you focus your attention on retrieving some logs and bringing them to the fire. You added three or four logs on and welcome the surge in heat as you finish attending to the flames. 
“So, you’re basically telling me that there’s a better chance that I’ll lose you on the battlefield than to old age,” you finally answer. You remain standing by the fire, your back to Erwin as your hands move to your stomach were the smallest of bumps is visible beneath your robe. You allow your exhale to sound out but you blink back the stinging presence of tears and swipe at the corners of your eyes. 
Once again you hear him approach. The sofa creaks a little as he gets up and his footsteps soon advance. You remain facing away from him even as his hands slide onto your shoulders and cup them. His chest presses up against your back and you fight the urge to lean on him.
“That’s how I feel now,” he murmurs into your ear. “Who knows what steps forward humanity might bring? We can’t predict the future when the present is so unpredictable,” he points out as his hands lower themselves, gently caressing your arms and then moving across to cradle the growing life in your stomach. A life you created together. A life he might never get to know. Despite the pain of that thought, you cover his hands with yours. 
“But it has no bearing on my feelings for you.” Erwin’s lips touch your temple. “You-”
“-aren’t enough to entice you to choose a quieter, simpler life,” you say monotonously. “Not right now but not even one day.”
“I can’t give guarantees.”
“Guarantees don’t exist,” you say as watch the flames dancing below you. “This world knows that.”
“I am working towards a day when I can pass the reins to someone else,” Erwin promises you. “That would be an excellent day, indeed. But I refuse to give you false hope,” he adds and his tone shifts into solemnity, the kind he usually uses when he’s giving one of his grim speeches. 
You sigh and finally lean back into him. “I’m sorry.” you admit. “I knew this when we started this, when we married.” You gaze down at the small golden band on your hand. You can feel the chain Erwin wears against the back of your head, and the feel of the ring that hangs from it. “It’s just hard now that we have this one on the way.” You rub the bump and turn in Erwin’s arms to meet his eyes with yours. “It’s so very easy to daydream about living a quiet life.”
Your husband’s hands move up to cup your cheeks. “You say that like I don’t think about it too. Us living together in peace. Living an ordinary life away from talk of titans and death.” He leans down and his lips caress yours with a light touch and then a more insistent press. “I wasn’t supposed to fall in love again,” he muses, his lips quirking in fondness. “I made my choice after Marie and my life would have been simpler. But then you walked into it. You slipped through the door and opened my heart again.” He kisses you again. “With you, I knew I wasn’t going to walk away from love a second time.”
His words - he’s always been so good with them - bring a smile back to your lips and you place your hands on his sides, nestling closer to him. “If you’re waiting for an apology for corrupting your plan, Mr Smith,” you tease, “you can forget it.”
Erwin chuckles and brings you into a full embrace, hands holding you closer to him. “If there is anything you should apologize for, it is encouraging my arrogance,” he muses as he holds you. “Allowing me to crave having you and being able to save our world too. What a big head I seem to have developed.”
You giggle quietly. “It’s your heart that’s big, Erwin,” you tell him. “And if there’s a man out there who can do both, then that’s you,” you add. “Because you’re too stubborn to back down from either.”
Erwin’s next chuckle rumbles through his chest and into your cheek. 
“I won’t ask you to back down from your dream, Erwin,” you murmur quietly. “But I won’t give up on mine either.” You lift your head to hold his gaze. “One day.”
He nods. “One day.” He reaches down to rub your bump. “Meanwhile you’re soon going to be too busy to worry much about me,” he remarks with a smile. Sliding an arm around your waist, he guides you back to the sofa. 
Once you’re both settled down again, you curling up against his side, you finally let out the chuckle you were holding onto. 
“Never underestimate my ability to multitask.” You warn him. “I’ll do plenty of worrying about you too. I can combine it with sleep deprivation,” you add with a smirk. 
Erwin kisses your head. “You are going to be an incredible mother. But you know people will talk about who the father is.”
“I’ve kept quiet about our marriage so far,” you remind him with a small frown. “The only people who know are people you’ve trusted with this. Captain Levi, Section Commanders Hange and Miche and that assistant of Hange’s, Moblit.” You raise your chin. “If anyone asks, I’ll make something up.” You rub at Erwin’s chest. “Don’t go worrying about that.”
“I’m not worried about your discretion. But things will be harder for you and I won’t be able to be as involved as I would like.” He kisses your lips. “At least our cherub is due in the winter months. We’ll have more time together then.”
“Yeah but it’ll be colder,” you remind him. “Winter’s a vulnerable time.”
“Plenty of children are born and thrive in the winter,” Erwin reminds you. “Our child will be strong, I believe it.” His hand moves to your stomach, caressing it. “So don’t worry yourself more than you need to.”
You know he’s right and you nod though you can’t shake the worry entirely. However that’s something you can dwell on when Erwin’s not here. For now, you need to focus on the fact that he is here and safe and huggable. So you snuggle into his side, leaning your head against his chest. His heat beats steadily beneath your cheek. 
The pair of you sit there in silence at first, watching and listening to the crackling flames. The feel of Erwin’s hand on your bump while the other strokes your hair fills you with an aura of peace and relaxation. Your thoughts linger to the possibility of what Erwin was saying - that this kid, Eren and his powers could turn the tide for humanity. The thought of your child being able to grow up in a titan-free world is a pretty wonderful prospect. Maybe too wonderful to ever be real though.
“I hope this new titan ally can really move us forward,” you admit as you stare out the window into the increasingly darkening sky. “It’s a nice thought,” you add, “that we could find a way to move on from these creatures.”
“Indeed,” Erwin says as he kisses your hair, “it could be that this Eren is just what humanity needs.”
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aqueeracademic · 1 year
morse being queer (and other commentary) pt 14:
season 4, episode 2, “Canticle”:
- so far this season isn’t very gay 🫤
- i miss jakes ‼️‼️
- this music video would be a target pride ad tbh
- don’t even try to say i’m wrong
- wait isn’t this episode super gay?
- omg
- get ready for me to go absolutely ballistic
- character hasn’t even introduced himself yet and we r already seeing his entire ass
- also can this lady stfu?
- “‘kiss me.’” “what?!”
- morse panicking every time theres even a suggestion of physically intimacy is so….
- anyways
- as someone who grew up in colorado, i forget constantly that weed has ever been illegal
- the way morse looks at the younger brother when he meets the band
- clocks the queer and is immediately interested 🥰
- i actually have 0 clue if that’s the gay one i’m just guessing
- “never did anything for me.”
- thursday smokes pot and listens to the grateful dead is my new hc for him
- “you ever tried it?” “i’m a serving police officer!” MORSE U ARE LAME BOO BOO BOO
- “you put enough beer away.”
- “beer is brain food.”
- [i am fully joking. smoking is bad for you, and i would never encourage it under any circumstances. i would also never shame anyone for partaking. i do vouch for the legalization of drugs such as marijuana and shrooms tho. just do what u wanna do!]
- i love summertime because they’re all walking around in just their shirt sleeves 🥰
- thursday and morse just laughing at this lady is so real of them
- the daughter immediately becoming attracted to morse because of how he talks to her mom is the realest shit i’ve ever seen
- i am obsessed with The Wildwood
- like i said in the tiger episode, the episodes where a woman is guilty are always more interesting and this one is the PRIME example
- let’s not pretend like loads of rock songs aren’t based on poetry
- they could have been onto something 🙄🙄
- this band is a bunch of 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
- debryn choking morse ???????
- like okay
- pressing up against his back and shit
- i love these two together
- given the marching band coats they’re all wearing i wanna say this band is supposed to represent the beatles during their sergeant pepper days which had me wondering which of the beatles this writer thinks is gay
- joy pettybon is SO ANNOYING 🙄🙄
- this song is an absolute banger
- so basically the position the gay guy has in the band is the same as john lennon for the most part
- so this writer thinks john is a lil 💅
- and i respect that
- however!
- the english band that was supposed to tour with the kinks and got denied their visas was the Moody Blues so they could be referencing that band also
- pettybon’s daughter is kinda…
- jk
- free her from this hell tho!
- the way he goes 🤫 at her after she asks him not to tell about the cigarette
- i’m obsessed w him 😭
- the way her talking about homosexuals is not even an outdated argument
- like
- we have not progressed
- props to this guy for standing up for himself and other queer people
- and i hate that nick is the one she said all that homophobic shit to directly
- i know morse hated her ass
- “he’s a pervert” SHUT UR BITCHASS UP
- as a gay, i can guarantee you gay people want nothing to do w ur dirty ass kids
- “it was about love. she said it was dirty. how can love be dirty?” “well if it isn’t then i suspect you aren’t doing it right.”
- this man jessop is talking about writing about the queer experience and wondering how it can be dirty and morse tells him that if it isn’t a little bit then he isn’t doing it right
- that’s like a quadruple entendre
- he’s fucking queer and that line alone proved it to me
- also good on him for telling joy her supporters got violent with jessop
- she’s a bitch
- her performative goodwill-doing is SO ACCURATE
- oh this bettina girl is a hoe
- good for her!
- morse instinctively straightening up when he decided to have a drink w her 💀💀
- he’s such a whore
- this girl straight up called his life sad because he’s alone 😭😭😭
- like she’s right but goddam girl
- “you seem lonely”
- death by chocolate is so wild
- the way she catches morse’s eye the day after and he just looks away 😬
- “the threat was made against you. so far as i can see, you’re still here.”
- the way morse smiles while jessop goes off about pettybon
- and the way that after they accuse him he looks to morse
- people go to morse for comfort in every scenario i hate it here
- her daughter has NO FRIENDS and sought comfort in an older man via CONVERSATION because her father died and she’s projecting and her mom slaps her across the face for it
- like what the fuck 😀
- i. hate. her.
- the way nick is mourning a lover this entire episode and we don’t know until the very end
- and the way that queer people had to mourn silently for lovers, dead or alive, just because they couldn’t be together
- and people still now have to do that
- i’m sick.
- this is my favorite episode if you couldn’t tell
- combines my two favorite things
- gay people and the 1960s progressive movement via its ties to rock music and bands
- like i live for this shit
- also detectives
- i love a detective
- “comparing his [nick’s] lyrics to james joyce and oscar wilde” AKA TWO QUEER AUTHORS (joyce was only alleged it’s never been proven)
- like how did people not clock him as a homosexual
- tf?
- trewlove is so real for being a serious police officer and genuinely a genius while also being a boy band fan
- the reverend literally shit himself to death
- i’m not laughing 😐😐
- morse listening to rock and roll agenda ‼️‼️‼️
- nah this girl is wild for showing up to his flat
- him letting her in is even crazier
- his face when he says “no more than usual” IM SCREAMING
- why is he so 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
- i’m gonna lose my mind over him
- her asking him if she’s gonna burn in hell and him being like 🫤 like girl he does not believe in hell
- “i love you” GIRL WHAT?????????
- his face
- boy said
- 😮😧
- “there’s someone else” GIRL U WERE NOT EVEN ON THE ROSTER
- “nick wrote it about me”
- girl….
- and then says she’s not allowed to go to the Enchanted Place but fully lets morse go
- like queen
- she looked at nick and said I Know What You Are and then committed murder over it
- so wild!
- bro gets offered a drink and says no SO aggressively
- trying not to catch the sleeping with suspects allegations out here
- nick reaching for his drink the second barry comes up 😭😭
- i feel so bad for this kid 😀 but i’m normal about it i swear 😀
- “don’t you want to expand your mind?” translates directly to “i know ur gay and u should act on it”
- “you ever tried em [mushrooms]?” “only as part of an english breakfast.”
- and then BOTH OF THEM GIGGLING?????
- morse couldn’t help but flirt huh
- i hate him
- and then smiling at him genuinely and asking him about his interests???
- hello.
- he figures it out really early on he just didn’t want to out him
- i stand by that
- “there is no shame. no guilt.”
- and morse finally breaks eye contact and looks away??????
- this scene is so inherently queer
- and then nick finally breaking down over barry 😭😭😭😭
- and morse is just not judgmental
- he KNOWS what happened between them 😐 and he won’t out nick 😐
- i’m normal about this episode 😀
- morse refusing to look at her naked 😧 sir i need you to be normal
- “Well, i hope you’ve arrested him. Dudley Jessop. He’s an abomination in the eyes of our lord.”
- “Strangely enough, the police training manual omits to mention abominations.”
- i just want to point out that no one in this entire show defends queer people the way morse does and i feel like it’s really telling
- just like jessop, he stands up for queer people
- they are comparing the two of them
- and they juxtapose him to nick while also making it clear that there’s something similar between them
- like HELLO????
- wake up.
- writing my dissertation about this episode
- anyways ‼️
- “Thankfully, Thursday and I can remember a time when people were decent.”
- the way morse looks absolutely disgusted by her
- i love him
- morse is literally celebrating in his mind when this lady gets arrested
- he’s so fucking happy 💀
- “he’s hiding something.”
- once again, i fully believe that morse KNOWS that nick is queer
- he knows that nick was with barry
- but he refuses to out him
- morse going back to nick’s spot because he knows where he goes to escape is so…
- morse just understands the queer people in this show and i’m obsessed w it
- nick 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
- justice for my boy!
- his brother is so real for keeping the girls away from him
- this girl is FUCKED for fully melting his brain to cover for herself
- i hate her
- debryn is awfully aware of the culture surrounding acid 🤨
- anything you’d like to tell us doctor?
- i like thursday referencing cain and abel
- makes u think it might have been the brother’s doing
- but no!
- i love a lil red herring
- morse finding the proof of nick’s relationship with barry 😬
- he can’t keep it on the dl now
- how unfortunate
- always sucks when ur fellow gays are tied up in murder 🙄
- “it was what he deserved.”
- saying that someone deserved to die because of how they were “carrying on”???????
- ma’am
- you married a gay man
- it’s as simple as that
- there’s no need for all this hatred
- just divorce and move on there’s no need to drive people to end it all
- “she’ll be back.” “no. she won’t.”
- trewlove being a fan of boy bands is the ONLY reason morse solved this case so here’s a shoutout to all my boy band girlies out there!
- it’s me. i am the boy band girlie
- morse’s freckles 🥰🥰🥰
- the lemonade was already spiked when he drank it which means that girl was tripping ballsack and speaking completely normally
- good for her
- he drank so much 💀💀💀
- bro is about to meet god
- ope i was wrong
- nick is bisexual
- bisexual awareness!!
- morse being privy to the contents of a book about… actually i won’t say 🤨
- the book is called Justine by de Sade
- if ur curious
- the contents are sensitive tho so be wary
- i always appreciate queer people from that period using oscar wilde as a means of communication or identifying other queer people
- and the fact that morse knows that off the top of his head…
- oh my god
- chris and nick 💀
- what all of you don’t know is that i assumed chris was the gay one at the beginning of the episode because i couldn’t remember which of them was gay
- and i wrote in these notes that it was him
- and then went back and deleted it because i was wrong and it was nick
- i’m losing my mind
- just like morse is about to 🥰
- morse having a bad trip is so unfortunate
- it would b interesting to see him have a good trip and change his entire perspective on drugs tbh
- except that he has an addictive personality
- so it’s actually good he had a bad trip and will never even attempt drugs again!
- we won ladies
- his waist is soO SNATCHED
- morse 🥺🥺
- i don’t wanna know what he was hallucinating but yes i do
- because i’m a nosy bitch.
- “he went to hell and back.”
- thursday gets it
- morse in a wife beater agenda‼️‼️🗣️
- “what day is it?” “corned beef.” “it’s friday.”
- i hate it here
- there’s no way that pillow is comfy
- why is it up so high
- oh my god he’s so fine
- nah joan is foul for calling him and then not saying anything
- absolutely foul.
- to be quite honest i’m not sure i can forgive her after this little plot point
- so for anyone who isn’t privy to tarot card meanings:
- the hanged man, upright, means the person is experiencing sacrifice and martyrdom. this is obviously applicable to morse as he is very self sacrificial. martyrdom is typically defined as suffering or death to obtain sympathy; this can be applied to morse as he is intentionally being made to suffer by the people around him and it is causing people to swarm to him. we will see more of this in the future.
- the lovers, upright, represents duality and union as well as an important relationship. it is interesting that they chose to display this card upright given he keeps losing people he loves and the card in reverse (representing loss of balance and disharmony) would be more fitting. it does mean, though, that he could be seeing a relationship coming into his life that will provide him balance and unity
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sleepyfaceandsnark · 1 year
TK has anxiety about Carlos going back to work.
If we're still alive My regrets are few If my life is mine What shouldn't I do?
TK wakes to the sound of their dresser drawer being opened and shut.  He rolls over and feels that Carlos isn't there. Okay, so someone wasn't breaking in to steal their socks. 
TK sits up slowly. "What're you doing?" 
"Getting ready for work," Carlos says nonchalantly, closing the drawer after he gets what he's looking for. 
"Work?" TK pulls the covers off himself. "Already?" 
"It's been a few weeks," Carlos pulls his shirt over his head. "I have to go back eventually." 
TK makes his way over to his fiancé. "Yeah, but isn't it a little soon?" He asks. "You were kidnapped by a serial killer. You died. If you need someone to vouch for you about that I was literally there. Your dad too." 
"I don't need that," Carlos says.
He looks to TK who's looking down at the ground. Carlos grabs TK's hand and squeezes it. "But thank you." He smiles. 
TK looks at him and sighs. He gives him a small smile but it's still not confident enough for Carlos.
"I'll be fine," he assures TK putting both of his hands on TK's shoulders. "Okay?" 
TK nods. "Okay." 
Carlos moves his hands to TK's cheeks and kisses him. "Okay." He leaves one hand still holding TK's face. "I'll see you tonight." 
TK nods again. His shift starts an hour or so after Carlos', so he'll get home just as Carlos finishes dinner. He keeps that thought in his mind to help him get through the day. Carlos will be back here when he's out of work. He won't be out looking for the boogeyman. He'll be safe. 
"What's with you?" Nancy asks.
It's 3 hours into their shift and they've gotten exactly one call so far. Since it's determined as a slow day (though no one says it from fear of jinxing it) they've all been gathered at the dining table for the past half hour. 
"Nothing," TK says. 
"Dude, you're shaking the table," Nancy comments and points to TK's leg. 
TK looks at his leg bouncing and grabs it to stop it. 
"What is it?" Nancy asks again. 
TK bites his lip, not really wanting to say but Nancy's look tells him she'll get it out of him eventually. "Carlos is back at work today." 
"Already?" Paul asks. 
"That's what I said!" TK exclaims. 
"Well, the only one to know if he's ready is himself, right?" Judd comments. "Maybe he is."
"Or maybe he's not but he thinks he needs to be," TK comments. 
"Do you think he's getting pressured to come back?" Paul asks.
"I don't know," TK says. "He told me he chose. Even said they offered him more time, but he denied it but I..." TK looks away, he starts biting his nail. 
"Have you called him?" Paul asks. 
"No," TK drops his hand. "I'm afraid he'll think I think he can't handle it." 
"When it's really you that can't?" Nancy asks. 
"I mean what if he freezes up or what if he goes off on his own again and gets stuck?" TK asks. His eyes are wide just like how they were the day Carlos went missing. 
"I doubt he's going to make that mistake again," Nancy tries to make light of it but TK isn't taking it. 
"Look we all have dangerous jobs," Judd says. "There are no guarantees." 
"I mean look at you. How many near death experiences have you had?" Nancy says. 
The fact that TK is running out of fingers to count them on should tell him something. "Yeah," TK scratches his head. 
"This ought to take your mind off of it," Judd says, putting a plate in front of TK. "My great Aunt's recipe."
TK gives a half assed smile up to Judd. "Thanks, but I'm not really hungry."
TK pushes his chair back and moves away from the table. Nancy, Paul, and Judd watch TK walk over to the TK and sit on the couch. His foot rests on the corner of the coffee table, vibrating like it was at dining table a few minutes ago, as he starts biting his thumbnail again.
Mateo comes back from the restroom and takes TK's spot at the table. He starts complimenting Judd's cooking as the rest look from TK to him.
"What?" Mateo asks, mouth full of food. 
Judd sighs. "Alright. Let's eat. Before Mateo hogs it all." 
Nancy and Paul get in line as they advert their eyes away from TK.  
"Gimme a minute," Nancy says as she slides her phone out of her pocket. 
"What're you doing?" Paul asks. 
"Calling the only other person that can talk TK down." 
Carlos feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. He excuses himself from his coworker as he takes it out of his pocket. The caller ID tells him it's Nancy and it arises a slight panic in him. It's not like she hasn't called him for other reasons, but his body will always flashback to that one call during the blizzard a year ago. 
"Hey!" Nancy greets friendly and Carlos relaxes. 
"Your fiancé'," Nancy draws out playfully. Then she looks over at TK. His leg bouncing, his nail biting, and now his hands gripping his head as if he was begging the thoughts to stop. She sobers up her voice. "TK's worried about you."
Carlos sighs. "I told him I'm fine."
"And you never say that and don't mean it, right?" Nancy asks knowingly. 
Carlos lets out a small laugh. "Maybe. But really, I am."
"Yeah, well he doesn't seem to think that."
"I thought work would take his mind off worrying?" Carlos asks. 
"Yeah, we've gotten about...one call so far?" 
"Jesus," Carlos sighs and looks at the piles of paper in front of him. He rubs his temples.  
"I'd come by but," Carlos stops to lift one of the piles off and put it on top of another. "Got a lot of paperwork here."
"Yeah of course. It stacks up I bet. Look I just wanted to let you know. TK didn't want to say anything. Didn't want you thinking he didn't trust that you'd know you were okay or something but..."
"Yeah. I'll talk to him at dinner. Or if this workload lightens up." 
"Okay. Hey maybe we'll get a few emergencies in a bit and take his mind off of it."
"Begging for emergencies. You sound like TK." 
Nancy laughs. "You know," she says serious again. "Not that TK hasn't told you a million times, I'm sure, but if you're not ready to be back."
"I know. Thank you."
"No problem." 
They hang up. 
‘Luckily’ about 10 minutes after Nancy hangs up, they get a call and from there it was call after call until their shifts were over. 
TK checks in on Carlos after the second call with Carlos reassuring him again that he’s okay. They get interrupted by TK’s 3rd emergency and then TK doesn't have the time the rest of the night. 
TK gets home exhausted both physically and mentally. As much as the emergencies took his mind off of worrying for the time being, he still found time to in between. He hates the extreme sigh of relief he breathes out when he opens the loft doors and sees Carlos safe, smiling, setting the table up. 
"Hey, babe," He greets TK with a smile. "Dinner will be ready in a few minutes." 
TK's stomach was in knots all day but he doesn't want to make Carlos think anything is wrong so he musters the best fake smile he can. "Smells good." 
Carlos turns away to grab the sizzling pan and TK drops his smile. Carlos doesn't notice. He's too busy fixing their plates. TK takes off his jacket and drapes it on the couch as Carlos goes to put the plates on the table. 
"Dinner is-" 
Carlos is cut off by TK grabbing him for a hug. 
TK doesn't answer, just squeezes tighter. 
Carlos runs his hands on the back of TK's neck and pulls himself to the crook of TK's neck. He rub's TK's sides. "Hey." 
TK pulls away. Carlos grips his face and tries to look into his eyes but TK's are meeting the floor. Carlos takes a quick look back at the dining table, hot food that he spent the past hour making getting cooler by the minute. He looks back at TK. 
"We need to talk," he says. He needs TK's undivided attention, not distracted by food he may or may not eat. 
"Food's getting cold," TK comments.
"Were you going to eat much of it?" Carlos asks fully aware that it was unlikely.  "It was going to get cold either way." 
"You should eat though," Not even defending himself from Carlos' comment. 
"I can wait a bit. Come on," Carlos says. He nudges his head to towards the living room. "I'll be there in a few minutes. Let me just put these away in some containers."
As much as he really wanted a hot home cooked meal this is more important. 
TK listens and disappears to the other side of the loft.
As soon as the food is put away Carlos makes his way over to the couch. TK's leg is shaking ever so slightly in nervousness. If it was anyone else besides Carlos, they wouldn't have even noticed. Carlos touches TK's legs gently as he sits next to him. The shaking stops as if by magic. 
"What'd you want to talk about?" TK asks and Carlos almost laughs. It's so innocent, not that TK was in trouble or anything, but he had to at least have some clue what this was about. 
Carlos sighs and scoots even closer to his fiancé. "Nancy called." 
"She did?" TK asks, genuinely surprised. "When?"
"Earlier today," Carlos says. He tries to wait for TK to connect what it possibly would be regarding but when it's silence for a while Carlos lets it out. "She was worried...about you...worrying about me." Carlos smiles softly.
"That's a lot of worrying," TK comments. He looks to Carlos to laugh it off and let it go but he doesn't. TK sighs and looks down at his hands and starts wringing them. 
"What? I'm not allowed to worry?"
"No one is saying that," Carlos places his hand on top of TK's. His thumb massages TKs knuckles. 
"It's just...it's too soon." TK says now gripping Carlos' hand "You didn't have enough time. You're not ready to go back." 
"I'm not ready?" Carlos asks. "Or you're not ready for me to go back?" 
"Both?" TK shrugs. 
"TK, I told you-"
"I know what you told me, but you could just be saying that. You're always trying to hide how you feel and I get it but," Tk stops himself. "You don't have to bury it anymore." 
"I know I have a history of doing that, but I promise you I'm ready." 
TK opens his mouth but hesitates. 
"You don't believe me," Carlos says. 
TK sighs. "You don't get it. You died under me. "
"I don't get it?" Carlos asks. His voice is soft, no anger in his voice detected. "You don't think I worry any time you go on a call? With the track record of the 126. You don't think I worry every time Nancy calls like she did today? Thinking it'd be like the snowstorm."
TK tries to look away from Carlos' eyes, but Carlos moves his head so slightly to look back into them.   
"TK you've almost died on me twice, at least once before we met, got kidnapped, and were in apparently 3 comas. I worry about you every minute of every day."
TK looks down but Carlos touches his chin to raise his face back up to his eye line.  "But I trust you and I know you're doing what you love, and I'd never stop you from it. So, I need you to trust me that I know I'm ready to get back and do what I love." 
TK nods slowly. "Doesn't mean I'm going to stop worrying." 
Carlos smiles. "I didn't say you had to. But you can't let it get in the way of work. Or of us." 
TK sighs and smooths his hands over his legs. "Okay," he says softly. 
"Okay," Carlos says back. He grabs TK's hand as he sands back up. 
"I love you," TK says. 
"I love you too," Carlos says back. "Now let's eat. I'm starving and if we hurry it might still be warm." 
Now they wish it was all up from there, anxiety free days for both of them, but there will always be an added worry to both of them now every time they leave the house or part from each other. It's just how life goes. Some days TK gets in his head too much when Carlos doesn't answer the phone right away and Carlos still panics when Nancy calls him even if it's just to ask what snacks to bring for a loft hang after work. They both make promises to talk it out with each other if it gets too much and to never tell the other to quit or leave unless it was truly their best interest. 
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dark9896 · 1 year
Second-in [Head Cannon]
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Requested by @oo00oo00ooooo 👮
(Side Note, tagging doesn't work if the blogs are devoid of posts but that won't stop me from having the right user name on here <3)
Klaus x Police Lieutenant - married (also fem)
Every morning, sitting with a cup of coffee/ tea and just mentally preparing for the day
If you've had a long night, he is extra careful to not wake you up
Given that you stir every. single. time. Klaus always leaves with a soft kiss to your forehead, playfully acts like he isn't in arm's reach, and lets you have the "victory" of pulling him back down for a quick peck on the lips
He is always watching the news when you're on patrol or just in the office. Though he can't get involved if Libra isn't invited
It pains him to have to be like this, because he doesn't want you getting hurt, but he also doesn't want to cost you your job
When he is able to be in the fray, he is protecting you with every fiber of his being, far better than the metal suits that's for sure
During collab briefings, he is extremely professional, something Daniel tries calling out but you shoot that down real fast
Daniel, on the other hand, will not stop pestering you about being with "one of them" and asking if that's why you keep vouching for them to the Chief/ Commissioner
Klaus has, on a number of occasions, asked you specifically not to do so if it becomes a risk to your job
Every once in a while, you force Daniel into silence (by flustering Klaus) simply by suggesting that he (Daniel) is just jealous of you for dating Klaus
Calling Klaus a "very cute/ handsome criminal" also shuts everyone up for a few minutes
Daniel is always giving you an earful afterward
Klaus can and will (has several times by now) sent flowers or chocolates or a small gift basket (especially for Valentine's Day, your birthday, and Christmas/ other important holidays) just because he can get away with it by sending it "anonymously"
That's probably the only time Daniel doesn't complain about your relationship in general (cause he's too busy enjoying the bribe you gave to keep quiet... when it's edible of course)
If/ when you two have a day off together, Klaus is full of cuddles. He just wants to make up for "lost" time and make sure you know how beloved you are
Naturally, Klaus wants to pamper you for all your hard work (even though it's arguable that you work equally hard... Klaus very likely has the lead in that sense) and will insist on almost daily/nightly back rubs and massages (double if a certain area [ie your leg] is stiff from doing your job)
He is easily flustered and overpowered when you want to return the favor (and his affections) and will gladly accept the clause "I get to do to you whatever you do to me"
On the nights when you come home exhausted beyond reason, Klaus is ready with tea/ hot cocoa, a hot meal, a warm bath, fuzzy blankets, and the coziest pajamas you own... (you are going to be cuddled, do not resist)
Spicy: If you wear a 'sexy' policeman/woman suit... Klaus will compliment you by saying you always look sexy to him (especially in your uniform)
Spicy: Yes Klaus will concede to wearing a prisoner uniform and cuffs if you'd like, but he can break the cuffs... you have been warned
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starlitangels · 2 years
Lord and Lady
I was showing @zozo-01 a drawing I was working on and the poses I found in the app looked good together even if they weren’t the vibes for the characters that I wanted, but I realized they were really good poses for an Imperium version of them. 3.5k words (This one is featuring my OC for Morgan’s listener, Everly, because I have cover art lower in the post!) (Part 2)
Asher growled in frustration, crumpling up a paper and hurling it into the fireplace as hard as he could, where it shriveled up and vanished. “This is pointless,” he grumbled. “The demon who wrote this—this Avior—” he shook a piece of paper with the demon’s name on it. “—is right. There’s no way to get the word out. The imperium controls all the media and if anyone finds out the information came from a demon, no one would believe it.”
I sighed and leaned back on the threadbare sofa of the pack den. “There’s gotta be some way.” I rubbed my temples, trying to stave off a headache. “Someone with no love left for the Imperium but a lot of power in the Imperium... Asher?”
The shifter’s eyes had glazed over, but he was staring at me. “There is one. High-ranking. Everyone knows he hates the Imperium, but he’s too powerful to mess with. They say even the King-Imperial is scared of him.”
“So... someone way out of our league, then.”
Asher made a face. “Technically... yes. But... remember Milo’s mate?”
“The Stealth?”
He nodded. “Yeah. They’re the most powerful Stealth in the country. And this guy values power. He tried to recruit them at one point. If they were to make an introduction... vouch for us... I am still the alpha of the largest shifter pack in Dahlia. We might be able to score an audience with him.”
“Do you think this guy will listen to us?”
Asher picked at his nails. His amber eyes caught the warm incandescent light and turned gold. “Only way to know is to try. But... I think he might.”
“He knows what’s coming. He has to.”
Asher met my gaze. When had he looked away? “He’s a Seer. And he’s Obscura.”
I swore under my breath. No wonder the King-Imperial was scared of him. The king could surround himself with as many Seers as he damn well pleased and would never know something was coming for him from a Seer Obscura.
Asher pulled out his phone and dialed a number. I recognized the name of Milo’s mate as it auto-filled. “Hey. I need you to figure out how to get in touch with Lord Morgan Kyne.”
I perched lightly on the arm of Morgan’s chair, crossing my ankles, regarding the man in front of us thoughtfully, head tilted just slightly to the side to keep my hair out of my face.
“What do you think, gumdrop?” Morgan asked, running the back of one knuckle down my bare thigh that my dress left exposed. He barely glanced at me, bottomless ocean blue eyes piercing right into my soul, as they always did.
I flicked my gaze back to the man in the reception room. “I think he needs to take some time to cool off.” I glanced at one of the guards at the back of the room. “Put him on ice. Two hours should do the trick, don’t you think, darling?” I leaned just slightly against Morgan’s shoulder.
“A perfect decision, as always, my dear,” Morgan replied. He waved for the guard to come forward.
Xavier wasted no time in cooling the man off and dragging the popsicle out of the room. Morgan chuckled and wrapped an arm around my waist.
Once the door was shut, he relaxed a little. I reached up and brushed a few fingers into the glossy black hair on the back of his head. He gave me that wicked smile of his that made my heart flutter. “Oh, my dear Everly, you really are vicious, you know that?”
I smirked at him. “I learned from the best, darling.” I hooked one finger under his chin, drew it up, popped a kiss on his smiling mouth, flicked my finger out from under his chin, and slid off the arm of his chair, moving toward the door at the back of the reception room.
It burst open before I could reach it. “Sir!” a young voice exclaimed.
“What is it, Wexler?” Morgan asked sharply as I backed up to stand beside his chair again. Ever the dutiful lieutenant.
Nate held out a piece of paper as he came around to the front of the chair. I could see the format of a printed email on it. “Remember that Stealth you tried to recruit a few years ago?”
“That powerful one down in Dahlia? Who refused to leave on account of their shifter mate?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Obviously. What about them?”
“They reached out to us. Their mate’s alpha would like an audience with you. They vouched for him.”
Morgan held out a hand. Wexler passed the paper over. I read the email over Morgan’s shoulder, putting one hand on his back and rubbing between his shoulder blades.
“What do you think?” Morgan asked, looking up at me. No mask of ruthlessness painted over his features. Just genuine curiosity.
I flicked my hair out of my face. “I will admit to being curious,” I said. “The wording of this feels... urgent. Why don’t we hear him out?”
“Very well.” He passed the paper back to Wexler. “Respond and agree. Pick an appointment time.”
Wexler bowed. “Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.” He scurried out of the room. The door shut loudly behind him.
“Mm... you frighten him,” I remarked.
“I should,” Morgan replied with a scoff. “You’d scare him even more if he knew you weren’t actually an Illusory.”
“Mmhmm.” I went to follow Nate back through the door.
“Miss Tanner. I didn’t say you could go.”
I rolled my eyes, an amused smile on my face. “Then come with me. We have an hour or so before our next appointment. Might as well make some good use of that time, huh?” I winked at him, backing up toward the door.
Morgan’s wicked smirk turned lascivious. “Mm. Why didn’t you just say so?”
“I like to keep my lord in suspense,” I teased as he stood from his chair and strode toward me.
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This wasn’t the first time Asher had presented himself before high-ranking members of the Imperium. Even before he became the alpha, he’d been before powerful people. Usually standing on David’s right side and slightly behind as the second-in-command.
He kept the unempowered human behind him as they strode into the... audience chamber.
“Make this worth my time, alpha,” a voice ordered.
“I’ll do my best, Lord Kyne,” Asher replied.
At the far end of the room, on a large red-and-mahogany chair, sat Lord Morgan Kyne. Seer Obscura. His hair was cold black, almost blue in the light. His eyes were deep blue and Asher knew they were looking at more than just him, here and now. He and the woman beside his chair were fair of complexion. Neither of their skins blemished by scars. Asher wasn’t ashamed of his scars, but the wolf lurking just beneath his skin raged at the idea that the Imperium didn’t leave everyone hurt.
Asher focused on the woman beside the throne-like chair. She was petite. Not much taller than five-feet. A shock of long hair tumbled down past her hips, pure white despite the obvious youth in her face. Her eyes were even darker blue than Lord Kyne’s—so deep they were practically violet. Though, perhaps that was an optical illusion given the short, satin dress she wore was a dark purple. Speaking of illusions... her aura was that of an Illusory.
Asher hated himself for bowing, but he did it anyway. A sign of respect for a man who could do much worse things than just throw him and the unempowered human beside him out of the building. They bowed too, looking less awkward about it. They were probably used to it.
Asher’s blood boiled again.
“Lord Kyne,” Asher began. “If I may, I requested to speak with you alone.”
“We are alone.” Lord Kyne gestured to the lack of guards in the room.
Asher’s eyes flicked to the woman as he tried to figure out how to politely ask the lord to get her to leave.
Morgan Kyne’s gaze followed. He smirked. “Ah,” he said. He looked back to Asher. “She stays. She is my lieutenant—and the only person on this godforsaken plane that I trust.”
“Trust isn’t something that’s been afforded to me,” Asher remarked.
“Well. Let’s just say Everly and I have a lot in common. Now stop wasting my time, alpha. Get to the point, or get out,” Morgan snapped.
Asher wanted to growl, but managed to keep it down. He glanced at the unempowered human behind him. They nodded reassuringly. He looked back to Morgan and... Everly, was it?
“The Meridian is going to collapse,” he said.
Everly’s face was completely calm. “We know,” she said.
“And you’re not concerned?” Asher asked sharply. “We’re all going to die if it falls!”
“Watch your tone,” Morgan snapped.
It was harder for Asher to keep the wolf in his chest from rearing its head.
I watched the unempowered human set a hand on the small of the shifter’s back. The contact seemed to calm him down. An easy smirk began to spread up my face. I managed not to chuckle, but only barely.
How quaint. In a world that was going to Hell in a handbasket, a human and a shifter had fallen in love.
Though, according to the future stretched out ahead of them, neither had admitted it yet. They would, apparently, in just about every possibility. But hadn’t yet.
“What would you have me do?” Morgan asked the alpha.
Who took a step forward. “Get the word out! Tell everyone that we’re all going to die within the next few years—max—if we don’t put sanctions on magic usage. Start putting some pressure on the King-Imperial to do the same. He’s scared of you—he’ll listen to you.”
I watched the amber eyes of the shifter seem to glow.
“And if I don’t?” Morgan continued blithely.
“Then all the power and Sight in the world won’t keep us all from dissolving the second the Meridian collapses,” the alpha snarled. “Everything you’ve built will come undone and humanity will be at an end. Can’t enjoy your wealth and power when we’re all dead!”
“Mind your tone,” Morgan said, not rising to the bait. The deathly calm in his voice caught the alpha’s attention. His amber eyes flicked to me. I stared back at him with an impassive expression. I doubted he could even feel my magic burning, Seeing his future. Non-Seers never really could tell when a hidden Seer was using their Sight, I’d noticed.
The alpha looked back to Morgan. “Talk to the King-Imperial. Put some pressure on him to limit magic usage long enough to save the Meridian. The only way to save our plane of existence is to reduce the amount of magic constantly being ripped from Aria.”
Morgan glanced at me. “Gumdrop?” He held an arm out. I sat on his lap, the way he drew me closer to him, and looked at the alpha. “What do you think, my dear?”
I tilted my head, letting my hair fall away from my face. “Is this a cause you believe in, alpha?”
“When my pack calls me that, it’s a sign of respect. Why does it sound like an insult from you two?”
I smirked. “Years of practice,” I replied. “Is this a cause you’re willing to die for, alpha?”
“It’s a cause we’ll all die for,” he retorted.
“That doesn’t answer my question.” I surged off of Morgan’s lap and flared my magic. Illusory blades started spinning in the air as real fire ignited on the floor. The shifter alpha grabbed the unempowered human—who had been decidedly quiet, despite the look of defiance and fury I’d seen on their face—to his chest, holding them close. Protectively.
“Everly,” Morgan warned. “You’re going to give yourself away.”
“He’s close, darling,” I whispered. “His threads are on the cusp.”
“This is the wrong way to go about it.”
“Don’t tell me what to do,” I hissed.
I stepped closer, drawing the ring of fire closer to the alpha and his human. The room started to warm up, feeling came back into my bare toes that had gone numb hours ago.
“Are you willing to die for this cause, alpha?” I repeated.
“Leave them alone, they didn’t ask for this!” the alpha said, indicating the human in his arms.
“Are you willing to die for them—and their cause?” I asked.
Morgan hopped off the chair and yanked me back toward him by my elbow. “That’s enough, Everly.”
I dropped the fire and the illusions.
The alpha stared at me. “How did you do that?” he asked breathlessly, coughing on smoke and rubbing the human’s back. “An Illusory shouldn’t be able to use that much fire magic.”
I shrugged. “You’ll figure it out tonight when you stub your toe on the desk in your hotel room,” I replied.
The alpha took the human’s hand. “C’mon. We’re wasting our time and theirs. We’ll figure something else out.” He started to storm toward the door.
“It worked,” I whispered.
“Wait,” Morgan called. A snap of his fingers made iron bars spring from the floor in front of the door.
The shifter looked like he was going to take on his wolf form and pry the bars apart with his bare paws if he had to.
“Tell him, darling,” I said to Morgan.
“The threads of your future shifted, Asher,” Morgan said.
Asher turned around, slowly. “What?” he ground out.
“When you walked in here, you were determined, and the most likely outcome of your future was a fight to save our reality,” Morgan explained. I tightened my grip on Asher’s hand.
“And now?”
“Now your future strayed toward the likelihood of being willing to die for that fight.” Morgan folded his arms. The white-haired woman—Everly, Lord Kyne had called her—leaned against his shoulder. “It was that willingness that we were looking for. Because that’s the conviction of someone who truly believes in the cause they fight for. And the only thing worth our time.”
Asher looked like he was going to lose his temper any second. I let go of his hand and wrapped my arms around him to stop him from shaking with fury. “Asher,” I whispered. “Don’t.”
Everly was watching us with those dark eyes of hers, violet in the deep light. There was something I couldn’t fathom in her gaze. Her impassive expression held the barest trace of a grin.
Morgan Kyne leaned back against his lieutenant. “Everly, my dear,” he said, not looking at her while regarding us. “How does it sound to play a little game with our... old friend, the King-Imperial?”
That trace of a grin turned into a wicked smirk. “It sounds delightful, my darling. I think I know just the pressure point to squeeze on him.” She examined her nails. One closer peek revealed to me that they were heavily bitten, not as perfectly-manicured as I’d expect from someone in her position. She finally met Morgan’s gaze, raising a finger and running it lightly over her bottom lip. “Xavier!” she called.
A guard slipped through a hidden door in the wall. He was about as tall as Asher and similarly-built. Toned, but not so muscular that it looked uncomfortable. Athletic but agile. He stood at attention, not looking at either Asher or me, but I could tell he’d clocked us and sized us up the second he entered the room. His eyes were the frostiest blue I’d ever seen.
“Escort these two back to their hotel,” Everly ordered. “With all the perks that entails.”
Asher pushed himself between me and the guard. “I can keep us both safe. I’m an alpha, for God’s sake.”
Everly smiled wickedly. “Nevertheless, you’re playing with the big kids now, Asher. Xavier, don’t let them out of your sight.”
“Yes, my lady,” he replied. He looked at us. “Come with me.”
Asher looked like he wasn’t going to agree, but I tightened my grip on him. “Asher. Let’s go with it for now.”
He ground his jaw. “Fine.”
We followed Xavier out of the audience chamber as the bars lowered back into the floor.
Xavier stuck with us through the city as we made our way back to the hotel. Lord Morgan Kyne didn’t live in Dahlia, despite most people of significant power staying close to the King-Imperial, but the flight had been short.
At the hotel, Xavier stopped us before we got to the elevators, instead taking us to the front desk. He leaned against the wood, and I saw ice crystals gathering on it around his touch. A Fire Contra-Elemental. “Good afternoon,” he said, good-naturedly. “Lord Morgan Kyne sends his regards, and asked for the perks for these two.” He gestured to me and Asher, setting an ID badge on the table, proving he was really with Lord Kyne.
The desk manager went a bit green around the gills. “Of course, sir.” She swallowed and looked at the two of us. “We’ll get your bags moved to the new rooms right away.”
“Wait, what—” Asher started to protest.
Xavier winked at the woman as she handed him a pair of key cards and whisked back to us. “Follow me,” he said.
He took us to the elevators and hit the button for the top floor. “What’s going on?” Asher growled, taking my hand protectively. “What did Kyne and that woman mean?”
“Lord Kyne and Lady Tanner like to... protect their friends, shall we say.”
“You’ll see.”
We rode the rest of the elevator shaft in silence, though I could tell Asher was about to vibrate out of his skin with irritation. I squeezed his hand again.
Xavier led us down the hall to a pair of doors. He handed us each a key card. “Like Her Ladyship said, you’re playing with the big kids now,” he said. “Go on. They open up into each other, if you’re worried.” He chuckled as I tentatively approached the door he indicated, Asher going to the other.
The suite that opened up in front of me was grander than anything I’d ever seen in my life. Unempowered humans didn’t tend to be afforded much luxury in the Imperium.
“What the hell...” Asher sounded astounded. And I remembered the threadbare furniture back in Dahlia at the den. Shifters weren’t afforded luxury either.
Xavier chuckled. “Get some good sleep. I’ll come get you both in the morning for a proper meeting with Lord Kyne and Lady Tanner.”
“Great,” Asher muttered sarcastically.
We ducked into the rooms and shut the doors. I crossed immediately to the one that would open up the suites to each other and yanked my side of the door open. His door didn’t have a knob on my side. I knocked. His side opened. “You really think this is gonna work?” I asked. “Do you trust them?”
“Kyne and that woman? No. But I have to trust that they’ll keep their word. Both have a reputation for doing so. No matter what that promise is.”
“Who is that woman, anyway?”
“Apparently, his right-hand. And probably lover.” He waved me into his suite and gestured toward a sofa. I sat down on it. “Whether there’s any real love between them is none of my business. If there is it’s twisted. You saw what they were like.”
“Yeah,” I agreed. “Not uncomfortable at all.”
He snorted. “No kidding.” He moved to the small, but full kitchen in the suite—and slammed his toe right into the desk between the living area and the kitchen. “Motherf—” He cut himself off. “Oh my God.”
“Everly—her aura read as an Illusory. But she said I’d figure out why her fire magic was so strong when I came back to the hotel and stubbed my toe on the desk.”
“Uh... okay?”
“She’s not an Illusory. She’s another Seer!” Asher swore, throwing his hands in the air. “No wonder she and Kyne get along so well! They’re both Seers! They can both learn any magic at a specialist level. She just hides what she is—it’s a damn power play and we fell right for it.”
“Does it change anything?”
“No. But no wonder they scare the King-Imperial so much. They could overthrow him in one night,” Asher said. He scuffed his fingers through his hair. “This just got a whole lot more complicated.”
“It’ll be okay, Asher. We’re still fighting. And those two seem like they’re going to help. Even if they’re just doing it to spite the King-Imperial.”
He gave me a soft look. “Yeah. We’ll keep fighting.”
I love you, I thought. I don’t know how to say it yet. But I’ve fallen in love with you. I’m not just fighting for our reality, anymore. I’m fighting for a proper future with you. Would you want that? If we save our world, would you spend your life with me? The way I want to spend mine with you?
“So... what’s next?”
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uselessidiotsquad · 1 year
30 and 38 for Campfire Cats too, forgot to add them in the OG ask
AW YIS Campfire Cats hours! Ty for the ask and sorry for late reply.
30. What is their favorite place to kiss the other? (Cheek, hand, closed eyelid, neck, nose, etc.)
Phil loves trying to sneak up behind Crecia and smooch her on the back of the neck. Note I say 'try' he's not good at being sneaky at all but the attempt is so hilarious that Crecia puts up with it.
Meanwhile Cre just loves giving him a smooch on the cheek, she's not an overly showy affectionate type. But sometimes he's just so endearingly ridiculous and very 'not guarded and putting on a show for appearances' that she does.
38. What was their most memorable date?
Getting Phil to visit the Black Citadel for the first time. He was high-key nervous about going, thinking he was going to be shot at on sight because he's so obviously Flame. But she vouched for him and they stayed out of Heroes Canton and majorly populated areas. This is fairly soon after IBS so why relations with the newer form of Flame Legion are better, they are by no means great.
When they got there he was more worried about her reputation getting spotted with him than he was getting shot at. Luckily she holds enough sway that anyone who would have said something about it elected to shut up (voluntarily or otherwise). Phil got the long tour that avoided clusters of jerks who might cause problems. Thought it was fascinating but like 80% of it went over his head. He's not a 'mechanical war machine ingenuity' fan and doesn't get it.
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petrockadventure · 5 months
It's morning. You wake up and are startled. For Shayne is looking right at you. He blushes.
"Hey there," he says shyly. What is happening?
"You sure are a very… hard… piece of granite. I feel like we've known each other for a long time, and, frankly, I've fallen for you. For only you, my rock, are harder than my rock-hard biceps. You will forever be my fitspiration."
As the morning light falls on his hair, seemingly igniting it in a blonde fire, Shane picks you up. He looks at you intently, slowly brings you to his pink lips, and carefully places a kiss on your form…
Now you wake up forreal.
You take a peak at the bed, and Shayne just woke up as well. He dresses, absent-mindedly picks you up and puts you into his front pocket.
He drives you two to the Smosh office. He winks and flirts with everyone he meets. They all blush profusely and whisper to each other once you pass them.
"What is happening? Has Shayne finally found his mojo?"
As Shayne passes the editing area, a man stands up. He has a face graced by laugh-wrinkles and a twinkle in his eye. His dark, long hair a ferocious wave of masculinity.
"Hi Matt!"
"You look extra handsome today, did you do something with your hair?"
"I could ask you the same, blondie. Why don't you come over here and give me a kiss!"
Shayne laughs and kisses Matt's nose.
"Goofball," Matt protests.
Shayne ruffles Matt's beautiful locks and makes his way into the dining area.
"Shayneyyy!" Damien puts a hand on Shayne's shoulder. "Wow, you have been working out!"
"You know it."
"Shayne, our talk last night really helped me figure things out. Check it!"
Damien shows Shayne his phone. He has made a dating app account.
"Good for you!" Shayne laughs. He is happy that his friend is making moves to connect with people. "You're hot, I'm sure you will find a partner like, immediately."
"Do you think I look hot?" Damien bats his eyes in jest.
"Of course," Shayne says as he grabs Damien's hand and rubs it with his thumb.
Their moment is interrupted by Courtney, who looks like they are up to something.
"What's up, Court?"
"Shayne, you will never guess this. But my good friend watched Smosh for the first time, after I finally convinced her! And she is sooo into you! So I am here on behalf of her, to ask you out on a date! She's really cute, I can vouch for that!"
Shayne and Damien chuckled.
"I guess the old fashion way still does the trick as well!" Damien said, beaming at his best friend.
"Hi guys, look at you! You're glowing!"
"You've been glowing for weeks now, boss!"
"Ew, don't call me boss…"
"But you are…"
"Shut up."
"Okay, boss."
Everyone gathers around Ian and he does a little happy hippity hop. "Hey, everyone!"
As Ian delivers a speech, Rhett and Link arrive, and then another person appears.
Anthony Padilla, co-founder of Smosh, walks into the room. He passes Shayne and picks you right out of his front pocket, like he knew you were sitting there. Shayne looks at him in awe.
Anthony puts you in his jeans pocket, and stands right beside Ian.
"We bought Smosh!"
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