#i know he thinks hes a really weird looking guy but dang
I was thinking about something yesterday and that comic only solidified the thought. This is gonna be a ramble, I apologize in advance, I'm sorry.
But anyway, I made a post a few weeks ago about how fiddleford must have REALLY wanted to get away from his family in order to stick around in that psychological thriller for so long. (Someone commented on that post with a fucking manuscript and it was AWESOME and they deleted it and I'm sad about it. But that's neither here nor there) The thing I was thinking about yesterday was how ***CRAZY*** Ford was for bill, if he was going to question his trust for fiddleford, his LONG TIME FRIEND he's known since COLLEGE, in favor for a fucking demon!! What!!! He was so so so down bad for bill you guys. It actually reeks of cult-like manipulation if I'm being honest. Bill really did wiggle his way into ford's brain and he set up camp.
But the other thing I was thinking about... the portal required radioactive waste to power. Fiddleford had to have known about this, since he contributed in building the thing. He had to of known how it worked. So... was Ford playing up some sort of lie to fiddleford??? That their project was actually funded and vetted by something?? That he was getting the stuff legally?? Or did fiddleford know that Ford was STEALING RADIOACTIVE WASTE?? My personal thought here is that it was a lie - even though fiddlfords home life was shaky, and he wanted to leave because his marriage was circling the drain, I don't think he would agree to doing something illegal. He still cared about his family and wouldn't want to do something that could put him in jail, put his family in a position of having their provider taken away, AND put government eyes on them.
And you KNOW that shit was illegal. The entirety of the portal. And you know dang well Stanley knew that shit was criminal, he KNOWS what an undercover operation looks like. Otherwise none of it would be kept a secret.
So my thinking is that it was a lie, and eventually that lie came out. Maybe when Ford was especially sleep deprived or weird cuz of bill. He blurted out something about having to steal the waste in the name of science. And fiddleford did a double take. But of COURSE fidds is already in so so deep, and he's pining so bad for Ford, and the thought of going back home at this point is unbearable, and they've made it this far, etc etc. Shits absolutely crazy when you think about it.
THAT BEING SAID my knowledge of gravity falls is mostly limited to the show and book of bill, so if there's info I'm missing, let me know!! Maybe I'm wrong about this. But the backstory we've been painted here with the stan twins, fiddleford, and bill is absolutely bonkers, and you can read into that shit for DAYS.
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chaoticallyfluffy · 4 months
I’ve been forced into reading Danny phantom fanfics because I’m desperate for Billy Batson content and for some reason half the stuff on ao3 is crossover stuff so I guess I like Danny phantom now?? Kind of?? I haven’t watched it and I don’t plan on it but I really like the idea of it.
Billy has maintained a very delicate balance of half truths and lies of ommision over the years to protect his identity as a literal child. He uses facts he learned from his patrons and his interest and knowledge in history, specifically Ancient Greece, to convince people he’s ancient.
Then one day this ghost guy joins the league claiming to be incredibly old as well except he just goes around straight up lying about stuff, saying whatever the hell he feels like about the past if it’s convenient to him or just funny. Most of it contradicts with the story Billy has been delicately weaving over the years and he’s kind of panicking.
One day he confronts the ghost guy and is like “I know your not actually ancient but I’m not a snitch, how old are you?”
And Danny kind of feels bad about pretending to be ancient in front of someone who has literally been around since at least Ancient Greece and confesses that he’s 14. Captain Marvel stares at him for a few minutes before breaking out in a big grin and transforming into a 12 year old Billy. They instantly become inseparable.
You’d think that Billy would ask Danny to stop lying all the time because it’s gonna get them caught, but no, he thinks it’s hilarious. Now whenever Danny says something absurd or directly contradictory of the actual history that Billy told them, they’re just like “oh yeah both of those happened at the same time but all the scribes were at the same spot so no one wrote about the other one and it was lost to time” or “there was a time loop for a good few years back in good old Greece so a lot of weird things happened that just didn’t stick.” Or “that did happen but only ghosts could perceive it.” Or sometimes, if they absolutely cannot get away with any other explanation, “dang must have dreamt it!”
The league is hopelessly confused and 90% sure they’re being messed with but they have no proof and if they look at the history at least MOST of the stuff they say is true so there’s really no reason to doubt it when Danny claims he once fist fought the god of time while the entirety of Rome cheered for him and placed bets, especially when Billy nods sagely and says he remembers having to clean up the space time continuum after the fight and that he lost the modern equivalent of ten bucks in the bet (he still doesn’t lie, just doesn’t disagree with the blatant dishonesty. He honestly did have to clean up the space time continuum multiple times after Danny messes with time a bit too much thanks to Clockwork + shenanigans. They make bets all the time too lol)
I think the contrast between ‘never lies’ and ‘lies all the time for funsies’ with the same motivation of ‘do the funniest thing possible at all times’ can be extremely entertaining and interesting.
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hotnbloodied · 3 months
Hiiii can I request popular yandere classmate x oblivious reader, oh and can it be smut pleassee?
Thanks for your ask! I started randomly naming all my yanderes even if they are all one shots, I don't know if I want to keep it though. We'll see. This one almost fucking tore me to shreds, I might need a break after this. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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Yan!Popular Boy X Oblivious Reader (!!SMUT!!)
!Warning! This post contains yandere themes and topics that may be uncomfortable to people who are sensitive to the topic, read at your own discretion.
CW: not proof read, yous/yours used, gn reader, there is SEX, sloppy lewd writing, yandere tendencies, reader is kind of silly here. (LMK if I'm missing anything.)
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It was the first group project of the year! You and three other people were going to be randomly assigned together to work on a research project about something or another. The first two seemed like nice people but the third was Atticus, your friends have talked about him before. Wasn’t he popular or something? When the group met face to face you finally understood why, he was funny, charismatic and quite the looker. Your group decided to meet up in the library and you thanked your lucky stars that it seemed everyone was working well with each other. The other two in the group knew each other and were friends so when one of them had to leave later on in the day the other one did so as well leaving you and Atticus the only ones in the group still in the library.
Without the other two here, people were more inclined to come by to say hi to Atticus causing him to get distracted, you didn’t care much honestly, you had work to do after all. You overheard a couple of the people who came to talk to Atticus talk about some sort of group karaoke and that he should join them. “Sorry guys, I’m still with my group partner,” he apologized. You looked up, “it’s all good, this is just the first day after all.” Atticus looked at you incredulously. “See? Even your groupmate thinks it’s fine. Join us, Atticus, the girls are asking for you.” Internally he was annoyed, he already said no and the least his groupmate could do was back him up. Were you really that stupid? Eventually though, he was able to convince them to leave him alone. But when he turned expecting to see you still sitting there you were gone. Your stuff was still here so he assumed you went to get more material to research.
Scanning over the library he spots you eventually, struggling to reach for a book on a higher shelf. He sighs and starts walking over to assist but it turns into a run when he notices that you’re about to get toppled by said books. He covers you from getting hurt and curses at himself because having books fall on him fucking hurts. “What are you doing?” He says sternly, “if you can’t reach something ask for help.” He gasps, some of his true self leaked out, his image of a prince type is over. “Dang I’m sorry, you’re right. No sense in getting myself hurt, thanks! By the way, are you okay?” Suddenly, his heart raced, he didn’t know why. It might have been the way you looked under him currently, or it might have been the way you accept his rough tone with you, but either way he was going to explore it, explore you.
The project goes by smoothly, you still hang out with Atticus since the two of you exchanged numbers due to the project. You found it really weird though, each time you hung out with him and his friends, his friends were never able to make it. You hope you’re not scaring them away. Little did you know that if anyone is scaring people away it’s Atticus. The more time he spent with you was like heaven but also hell. He loved spending time and learning new things about you but, fuck, why were you not picking up any of the hints and flirty signs he was giving you?! Like today when it was just the two of you again, you two were at the movies and he tried to get an arm over your shoulder. “Oh my! Are you cold? Here, you can have my jacket.” And wrapped him up in your jacket! Sure, being able to smell your scent was nice but that’s not what he wanted! To rub salt on the wound too, after the movies his friends spotted him and invited you two to join them and you ACCEPTED! “Oh sorry, were you guys on a date?” One of his friends asked. “Oh no, we’re just chilling! We’d love to join you!” You responded. He almost choked up blood.
He went to his last resort and feigned sickness. Worry etched your face and you apologized as you helped carry him away. He convinced you to go to his place since it was nearby and was a bit hurt that you agreed so readily, you were going to be in a private space with him after all. Arriving at his place you helped him inside, all the way to his room. As you wished him better and got up to leave he tugged your arm. “Wait a minute,” he says. “Hm? What’s up, need something?” He hugs you, “I… I need you.” Not sure what he meant, but feeling like he needed this, you hugged him and both of you stayed like that for a while. That was, until his lower half decided to act up. “Do you, uh, need help with that?” You ask, almost too innocently. His face flushed, “help with this…?” “Of course, a boner is a natural part of your body, you know. Though I also heard that boners don’t happen just because someone is horny though…are you horny?” Atticus felt the blood rush to his head, all he could do was meekly nod.
You were sucking on his member, he could tell that you’ve done something like this before but maybe not too often due to the slight hesitation you exhibited. Regardless though he never imagined you would have been so willing to do this for him, should he have asked sooner? The sight of your mouth wrapped so prettily around his cock, he wasn’t the type that was quick to cum but just because it was you doing this act on him he felt close. He couldn’t have that, so he grabbed your shoulder and urged you on to his bed. “Take off your clothes,” he instructs. You did as he told, he gulped, he wanted this for how long now? It felt surreal that this was real. He couldn’t help but use his hands to explore your body, groping, touching, feeling your warmth. Your breathing quickened, you weren’t sure why he was taking so long, his exploration of your body started making you feel needy. You were close to telling him to hurry but let out a yelp when he started to suck and lick on your chest. He worked his way down to your lower area.
“What are you doing? Is all this necessary?” You ask him. “Please,” he begged, “I just need this, won’t you let me?” You whimpered, this is good and all but all this teasing is something you aren’t used to. He sucked and tongue prodded you for a while, you said that you would let him do what he wanted but you wanted to release soon and his tongue wasn’t doing that for you. “Hey, uh– hnn!!” Before you could say anything more he inserted a finger then two into you, rhythmically finger fucking you. Making sure to brush against your g spot each time. You were so close and Atticus knew it, so he stopped making you whine even louder. “Why did you stop?” “Grind on my dick,” he ordered. Sluggishly you got up and did as he was told. “Don’t even try to insert before I allow you to.” So you rubbed your sensitive area against him, slow at first but even you can grow impatient and you’ve been that for a while. Your wetness making a mess and with your bodies grinding against each other a squelching sound reverberated through the room along with the heavy panting and moaning. “Soon please?” You begged. Atticus needed you badly as well so he pushed you down on the bed again and aligned himself before pushing in causing you to scream out from the intrusion. He jackhammered you silly, “fuck, fuck, fuck, please. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,” he chanted like a mantra, “I need you so bad.” What followed was one of the hardest orgasms you ever had. He unsheathed from you and quickly went to your face marking your face all over with his seed.
After a couple of beats you asked, “hey, uh, can I have some napkins?” “S-sorry,” he scrambled to his drawer and took out a box of tissues. After you cleaned yourself up you asked, “I’d like to borrow your bathroom.” He told you that it was down the hall. You took your clothes and left his room, when you came back you thanked him. “Well that was fun! I’m going to head home now. I’ll see you later alright?” And left. He was shocked, how fucking clueless can you be?? He was going to make sure you understood that you were his now and he was going to move heaven and hell to make sure that happens, his darling.
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meanbossart · 7 months
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Oh boy, VaM is kind of a trial and error experience LOL I couldn't really show you how to use the interface and stuff without a whole video or something, but it's not THAT difficult to get a hang of if you just give yourself a day or two to play around, not to mention the number of tutorials you find out there. Luckily, if you only want to use it as a reference software that makes the process far easier (to this day I have no idea how to animate on that thing, since that's not what I use it for)
As for how I use it, it's pretty self explanatory - if there's a complicated pose I want to draw but I'm either having trouble with it, or just want to double-check angles/anatomy, I will use it as a resource! I use for most of my "proper" pieces (y'know, the nicer looking ones) and every once in a while for my silly comics if I'm having trouble with a pose.
Lets use this drawing for example (the character on top of DU drow belongs to @namespara )
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I don't draw a lot of mud-wrestling (shocking, I know) but I had an idea of the kind of pose I wanted them to be in. So the very first thing I did was make a rough sketch of what I was envisioning:
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I often do a rough sketch first, even If I know I'm going to be pulling the program up because A) It's less tedious than adjusting the models over and over again until I pick a pose and B) because sometimes I'll decide I don't need the reference, after all, and so that's 30 minutes I'll have spared myself of playing around on the software.
Now, this is a pretty complicated pose! It's in a weird angle and the bodies are making contact in ways I'm not used to depicting, so I did choose to whip out VaM for this one. I went into the program and after some messing around, I flopped my little dolls together like this:
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Now something really cool about VaM is that you can completely customize your models, and if you have the patience, I would definitely encourage you to do so! Obviously, you don't have to make picture perfect replicas of every single character you have, but as you can see here I have made a DU drow "decoy" to help me better understand some of his features when I draw him: he has a strong brow, a short nose, a square jawline - these are all going to look a very specific way from certain angles, and I might not always be sure of how to draw it right! So it's useful to have models that bear SOME semblance to the character so you can better understand how different viewpoints will affect their bone structure and mass.
Also thank fucking god for the elf-ear slider. Figuring out how to draw those shits from certain angles was a huge pain in the ass when I started drawing DnD races.
So, with the reference in hand, I go over the sketch again:
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Now you may notice that I don't stick to the reference 100%. There's three reasons for this:
posing on VaM is tedious as hell. You can get something incredibly natural looking and picture-perfect to reference from if you wish, but it's going to take you hours to do. So, for the most part I just slap guys together until the results are "close enough" and use that.
In my opinion, you should always aim to ENHANCE your reference material, not replicate it exactly!
While VaM is a PRETTY DANG GOOD source of anatomical reference, it isn't perfect, I often supplement it with further reference from real life resources or make tweaks based on my own knowledge where I catch it falling short (and, antithetical to what I just said, I sometimes fuck the anatomy up further on purpose if I think it looks better that way LOL it's all jazz baby).
Then lines, color, yada yada. I don't have a tutorial on that and I don't think I could make one, because my process is chaotic as hell, but I do at times use Virt-a-mate as loose reference for lighting too when coloring - waaaaayyyy less so however, because that process is even more tedious and I feel like I often get better results by just winging it. It is a feature of the program though, and I'm sure it would be helpful for someone who has a difficult time visualizing lights and shadows. I only started using this program a few months ago, so I happened to already have a pretty good understanding of that kind of thing and just don't personally feel like I get much out of that particular mechanic.
Here's a few other examples of pieces that I made reference for (WARNING: Suggestive)
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Now, for the question many of you may want to ask:
"Can I trace this junk?"
And to that, I say: Buddy, you can do whatever the hell you want with the reference material you created.
If your goal is to learn and improve your art, and to recreate realistic proportions and anatomy from memory, tracing won't help you.
Developing your own style, your muscle memory, and personal technique will all be hindered by choosing to trace instead of drawing from observation, so I would encourage against it. Hell - even when tracing is employed as a technique, it's usually by high-skill realism & concept artists who are looking to either cut some corners, save time, or just double-check their own proportions in order to improve further - if you try tracing as a beginner, you will most definitely find the result to still look stiff and "off".
So trust me, there is so much more to be gained from drawing from observation. Make note of tangents, compare proportions, use all the elements of the picture to dictate where and how things should go - it will be a far more rewarding experience.
Hopefully this has been helpful! VaM is a really cheap program (you get it on the guys' patreon for I think 8 dollars, just google it!) and it's definitely been worth my money as an artist since I found it. Learning to use it can be a little intimidating at first glance, but as I said above you only really need a day plus one or two tutorials to get a hang of the interface.
A fair warning though, IT IS A SOFTWARE MADE FOR VIRTUAL SEX/ADULT ANIMATION So when looking it up expect to see a some spicy content.
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callooopie · 2 months
Modern!Davos Blackwood headcannons (pt. 2)
— The hastily written during work break edition —
I get messages from the stars, when you’re making love to me — Messages From the Stars // The Rah Band
i go to college to get more knowledge but why does college interfere with my tumblr writing 😔 I’m not even at school yet and I’ve gotta start kicking into academic gear..
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In light of some recent episode developments. I think I’ll rescind the headcannon that his name is Benjicot Davos. It’s just Davos now. (Lowkey… I thought HBO would just honestly write out the character of Benjicot… I was apparently wrong when they just mentioned him ig) anyways new headcannon Davos has a little brother, surprise. Ben’s gotta learn unhinged behavior from somewhere after all.. and what better way to start than with his “cool” older brother.
You know that text post that goes like “Have you ever argued with your girlfriend?” “Nope. She tells me to shut up and I do.” That was actually a text convo between Davos and his friend. He’s dumb, but not stupid. If you tell him to do something he’s doing it (as long as it’s legal… then again he’s really not the type to listen to the law)
He likes slow and domestic mornings. Getting up late, brushing your teeth together. He’ll flick water at you as you’re brushing your hair or doing your skincare routine with the most dopey and tired smile. He knows he’s won when you stop what you’re doing to stare at him with an unamused look. He washes his face like a lunatic though (both hands just furiously rubbing his face with little to no product). He’ll make the coffee and you turn on the tv. Pure silence except for the background noise of a news channel or show. Don’t even get him started on the part where you both fall back asleep on the couch as the sun rises and sunlight funnels in through the curtains. Pure bliss.
He LOVES girls night. How did he get an invite? He didn’t! But he’s quiet and normal, so he gets the girls night pass. It could be just you, or a few friends, even a group. But Davos will be there using the face masks, eating the finger food, drinking the fancy drinks. His girls night pass gets revoked though because he does not pay attention to the talk. He’s too busy devouring the charcuterie board to care about drama! …oh that’s the whole point of girls night? Oh… “Oh—and we like her right? …she’s problematic? …So we hate her? Oh… okay yeah she sounded weird—“
“Unique” pet names. There’s always the classics (love, darling, cutie, honey) but he’s got a few under his belt that turn heads, in a bad way maybe. He starts off pretty tame, he uses “my lady” a lot (chivalry-pilled). “Ma’am” too. “My lady” has a chance to devolve into “my liege” :/ Davos calls you pookie and you call him pookie back. You’re both pookie what can I say (sometimes uses the shortened ‘pooks’). Every single pet name he uses must have ‘my’ in front of it. “Do you want to get that pizza from that one place, my lady? Yeah? Okay—No I can pay don’t worry about it, my lovely.”
If you’re not a gamer, but you like to play in both casual and competitive games with him. The only reason you’re having a pretty good game in a competitive game is because Davos is fighting for his life to give you guys the W. Sometimes you’re a little lost, sometimes you clutch up. But usually it’s him, keyboard furiously clicking, eyes darting around his monitor. His face is literally in the monitor he’s so locked in. And you’re just in the call like (“Aw dang it I died.. woww you make it look so easy!”) “Me? No you’re doing work too—look at all those assists and kills you got. You’re pulling your weight too. You get ‘em low I clean up. It’s these other fuckers on our team that aren’t—“ (he went 30/14/5 and you went 10/21/16)
Regardless of your skills in video games, he gets so hype for you in them. Casual or competitive, he’s screaming about every single achievement you or you both make. A clutch round you win all by yourself? GG EZ TELL EM TO GO NEXT THEY DON’T WANT YOUR SMOKE. You build something in your shared Minecraft world? Stunning, beautiful. The architecture is to die for. The redstone? You did that all yourself? He would’ve thought you followed a tutorial it was so good!
Can eat, will eat. He’s a big strong boy, he’s gotta eat. Which means if you ask for Taco Bell or McDonald’s at 2 am? He’s gonna get some with you! You can honestly just text him an order and he’ll understand right away. This turns into you both driving around late at night, music blasting and you feeding him fries. Speaking of food; he’s a heavy believer in the ‘boyfriend tax’. He will steal a sip of your drink or a bite of your food, regardless of consequences.
I do believe Davos is sassy. It’s like dangerous levels of sass he gives you sometimes. It makes you do a double take. Side-eyes, eye rolls, scoffs, dramatic sighs. He is a drama queen.
How he deals with others who bother you in public can range between normal and not normal. Davos has a few options that run through his mind when you encounter a catcaller or unwanted advances. He can either tell the guy to fuck off, start a fight, start barking at him. He will bark, he has barked. It startled you more than the offending guy. But also Davos knows when to get serious, when to actually deal with someone who’s invading your space or not leaving you alone. He’s a tall dude, he works out. He can be pretty imposing. And he’s not afraid to be the first one to hit or push, especially if the offending man has gotten on his nerves too. And not just because they were trying to flirt or shoot a shot at you.
A big aquarium date guy. Or any date really. Actually, any way he can hang out or be near you is considered a date to him and something that makes his day much better. He likes spending time with you, and he likes showing you off to the public. He gets to walk next to you and say “that’s my date! They’re on a date with me!” It’s perhaps the best part of the whole day, being able to be seen right with you. Even if you’re just a passing couple, two people in the midst of a whole crowd, it’s still something to Davos. And that something tells everyone that you’re his.
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weirdmarioenemies · 11 months
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Name: Neo Bowser City (aka Koopa City in PAL regions)
Debut: Mario Kart 7
Do you ever think of all the weird locations we only ever see in Mario Kart games? Despite being the biggest of all of Mario's spin-off franchises, when you really get down to it, remarkably few Mario Kart courses are actually based on established Mario locations!
It's not none, there's the occasional Donut Plains and Tick-Tock Clock and Airship Fortress, but most of the courses are these weird one-off locations we never see outside the context of that specific racetrack.
But have you ever taken a moment to step back and like, think of the Lore Implications of some of these places?
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Like okay! Bowser just owns this whole dang cyberpunk city and we only ever see it in the context of Kart Racing! How messed up is that?!
One day Mario and Friends were looking for new places to race, and Bowser must have said something like "Gwah-hah-hah! I bet you puny punks could NEVER beat me in a race in my cyberpunk metropolis!" and right then and there it was established that Bowser owns a cyberpunk metropolis. Neo Bowser City is a city that exists in the Super Mario World and aside from returning in other Mario Kart games, it hasn't been acknowledged before or since.
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Neo Bowser City first appeared in Mario Kart 7, as the third course in the Star Cup. Despite its flashy visuals, it actually doesn't really have a whole lot going on. It's a difficult track with some tight turns made more difficult by the rain making things more slippery, but besides that it doesn't really have any of the Wacky Obstacles that define so many Mario Kart courses.
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Then it returned in Mario Kart 8 looking more gorgeous than ever! The bright colors really pop out, and the whole track is just oozing with detail that really emphasizes the scale of this city!
But like, the emphasized scale really only further raises the question of where this exists in the Mario World. Clearly, the fact that Bowser is plastered all over the billboards and the fact it's named "Neo Bowser City" helps us deduce that this city probably belongs to Bowser. Is this located in Bowser's Kingdom? Just how big is Bowser's Kingdom? And why does he own so many separate castles?
Maybe Neo Bowser City exists in the future? Is this a bad timeline? I mean, Mario Kart is allowed to have time-travel shenanigans. There's a Splatoon battle arena and that exists thousands of years in the future so sure, dust off Mario's Time Machine and head to the bad future where Bowser wins. Should've pressed that New Super Mario Bros. big yellow P-Switch!
I asked my friend Mod Chikako for their input and their theory is that Neo Bowser City isn't the future of Mario's world, but of our world. Clearly Bowser just couldn't take Wreck-It-Ralph losing the Oscar vote!
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But in that case I guess it's a cooler cyberpunk future than the one we're living in right now. Corporate monopolies that run mass-surveillance with little government intervention due to their extreme wealth giving them extensive political power? No thank you! Neo Bowser City has bright neon colors, and flying cars! If I'm going to live in a dystopia, I want it to be a fun one. The only advertisements I want to see plastered everywhere are ones advertising Bowser!
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Boo! That's the bad guy! Thumbs down!
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The course returns again in that pitiful mobile game with another redesign, this time letting us see his Coney Island Disco Palace off in the distance. Does Bowser live in his Neo City? Is this worldbuilding we've been missing out on for decades, finally answered by a kart racer? Is this the capital city of Bowser's Kingdom? Am I once again falling victim to my perpetual hubris of overthinking the Mario franchise?
Really, I can't offer too much in terms of wacky fan theories, because I'm still thinking about this location existing in the first place. I'd love to know the Lore and worldbuilding here, but I guess the nature of Mario's canon is that it doesn't need to be over-analyzed. Bowser simply owns a cyberpunk metropolis, we'll only ever see it in the context of kart racing, and maybe that's okay.
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Of course, this post wouldn't be complete if I didn't mention Dinohattan from the 1993 Super Mario Bros. Movie, which we've barely talked about on this blog somehow. You see, when the meteor hit, some of the dinosaurs escaped into a parallel timeline where they then evolved into humans, and then they built Dinohattan instead of Manhattan. Get it? Yeah, that movie is all sorts of bonkers. I wouldn't say it's very good, but I kinda love it. I'd recommend checking it out, if only to see a vastly different take on Mario than you'd be used to.
Anyway I bring this up because it's a completely separate instance of a version of Bowser building a large cyberpunk metropolis, and it actually predates Neo Bowser City! Do you think they could be connected? Are Dinohattan and Neo Bowser City one and the same...?
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simpfr · 1 year
There isn't enough of him.
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I love this lil guy even though i haven't watched the movie yet and I can't find any fanfics of him? Not even on ao3 dude. So I'm gonna do it myself. Correct me if i make mistakes or if he's out of character.
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I wish you knew.
Part 1.
"You don't think that's weird, do you?" he asked with worry in his voice as he looked you deep in the eye, searching for the slightest twitch or look of of disgust to confirm that you did in fact, think it was weird.
He just confessed his undying love for one of your friends, gayatri, and how he would stare at her constantly while admiring her every move from afar. Her smile, the way she talks, everything.
But, what he wasn't aware of, was that you already knew all of that and how it saddened you to know that you really never stood a chance of capturing his heart for it was already in the hands of someone far better than you.
Oh how you much you wish he would think of you like that instead.
You couldn't help but crack a smile out of both sorrow and jealousy, "of course not. I would've been a fool to not have realized that months ago."
"Wait what... YOU KNEW??" he exclaimed while crawling over to your side of the bed to hold your shoulders in a tight grasp.
With the way he was acting you would've thought i confessed to being a master mind behind a mass genocide.
"Well, who wouldn't be able to recognize that luxurious hair of yours nearly everywhere they go?" you sassed while rolling your eyes playfully to which he smiled at.
"Should've followed y'all with a bald cap on then."
was it wrong that you liked how close he was to you right now? If only you leaned in a little closer so you could—
"Oh no, You don't think she realized too do you!?" dang it.
with a long sigh, you answered, "No pavitr, I- she's as busy as bee. She doesn't have time to look around her surroundings and look at people."
for a split moment, it looked as if he had something to say but decided to go against it and just nod instead.
Nothing after was said. Just pure silence that was neither comfortable or awkward. A loud beep came from his watch he for some reason randomly got three months ago as a disappointed look arose upon his face.
"Uh, I gotta go. Remember to close the door and leave the key in the machine, okay?" he smiled before leaving with a bag in hand not giving you the opportunity to respond.
"Sure." you said to..well, technically the door.
Surprisingly, you didn't end up leaving but instead ended up accidentally falling asleep which, in your mind, was considered disrespectful but it's not like you did it on purpose.
You got out of his bed and remade it before proceeding to clean the house as a way of saying "sorry for over staying my stay". Pavitr was a tidy person so there wasn't much of a mess in the first place and it made you finish right in time to hear a crash from inside the hall.
Quickly, you grabbed the most damage doing item, which was ironically a bat, and began to approach the room.
"Shit. I really did a number on myself this time.." the voice you guessed belonged to whoever cause the loud bang before said. Wait was it—
"Pavitr?..." the boy looked at you in shock, face fully appalled as if he was caught in the midst of committing a crime.
He had cuts and bruises everywhere while his breath was clearly unsteady making you even more concerned than you were before.
"Are you okay!??!" you exclaimed as you rush towards him dropping the bat in your hand as you did so. you began looking all over him for more injuries that you haven't seen while asking questions like, "who did this?" "does it hurt?" and not before long you realize he had a deep gash on his left cheek.
You carefully placed your hand behind it, rubbing the area to cease the pain, "you aren't in a gang, Are you?" the question was dumb and naive yet you still asked, and to that he let out a heart filled laugh as he placed his hand over yours, "I'm fine, and no I'm not in a gang, y/n." he gave your hand a quick squeeze before placing back to your side.
"Are you sure? You look like you've been working out a lot..."
What you said didn't click for a hot minute before, boom.
You wanted to off yourself.
And of course, the boy who you complimented had the most cockiest smirk known to man on his face, "that's where your mind was at?"
Not even bothering to explain yourself, you went for the first kid and returned.
He compiled without a fight, probably exhausted from the standing up for so long after already being tired.
And with that, you began to work your magic.
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳
You ended up cuddling after you both took a shower (not together) and pavitr immediately fell asleep while you were caught up with your thoughts.
Does anything I do make him feel like i do whenever he does something?
Does what we're doing right now make him as flustered as I am?
Did anything I do matter?
Truthfully, you wanted the fact you did what you did to consume his mind and make him feel the way you do for him which could be admitted as...weird.
You just wanted your feelings to be returned, was that too much to ask for?
You couldn't help but stare and admire his features and the way the dim moonlight blocked by the curtains complimented his features so well.
"I wish you knew."
Part 2
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anonymous-dentist · 6 months
A tiny little merpepito au for the week
Pepito misses Apa Roier. Pepito misses Apa Roier so much it hurts, and Apa Roier is so close! He’s just on the other side of the ship, and Pepito can tug on his shirt and get picked up and held the way Apa Roier used to hold Pepito in The Ocean, but. But he’s sad, and it’s all Pepito’s fault, because Pepito is a Very Bad Pepito.
Every night, Pepito eats dinner at the same table as everybody else. He sits by Pomme, because she’s nice, and by Richarlyson, because Richarlyson is too small to sit at the adult side of the table. But Pomme sometimes leaves her seat and asks her mom to hold her, and Richarlyson always goes to bother his dads. But Pepito… can’t. Because Apa Roier looks so sad when he looks at Pepito, and Pepito might start crying if Apa Roier tells him why.
Tonight, four days after Apa Roier joined the crew, Pepito sits alone and eats Pepito’s dinner. Pomme is with Miss Baghera, and Richarlyson is with Captain Celbi, and Pepito. Is. Alone.
Pepito sits with his head down, and he picks at his food idly with a fork.
He jumps as a plate it dropped in front of him.
He looks up, and there is Apa Roier with a fish bone sticking out of his mouth.
In the Language Of The Ocean, Apa Roier says, “Ayyyy, Pepito! There you are! I’ve been looking for you all day!”
He sits, and Pepito’s hands shake.
“Have you been avoiding me?” Apa Roier gasps.
Pepito doesn’t like lying, so Pepito almost nods. But then Pepito remembers that he’s a pirate now, and pirates are evil. So Pepito shakes his head slowly.
Apa Roier nods. “Ahhh, I see. You’re just too busy for me now, I get it.”
Pepito’s stomach turns uncomfortably.
“You’re a big Pepito now,” Apa Roier says. “And I’m just an old man.”
He even puts on his old man voice- the one that he does to piss Ama Rivers off that makes Pepito laugh- when he says that, but all Pepito does is put his fork down and stare at his plate with a chilly-feeling heart. He feels bad.
Miss Mouse laughs at the other end of the table. Misters Pacandmike are arguing with Captain Celbi.
Apa Roier is quiet.
Pepito isn’t going to cry. He isn’t!!! He’s a Strong Pepito! And he’s a pirate! Pirates don’t cry, they make people cry!
…Pepito probably made Apa Roier cry. Apa Roier probably broke down the second he heard what Pepito did, all because Pepito did a Very Bad Thing because Pepito is a Very Bad Pepito and and and and-
“Pepito,” Apa Roier quietly says, “I’m not angry.”
Pepito looks up with wet eyes. He makes eye contact with Apa Roier, which honestly makes Pepito feels so much worse because Apa Roier looks kinda depressed with only two eyes. The Sea Witch took his eyes because of Pepito; just one more bad thing that Pepito has done.
Apa Roier gives a small smile. “I don’t know why you ran away, but I’m not angry. I mean, I’m pissed, but I’m not angry, you know?”
Pepito doesn’t know, but he also doesn’t care, because what does Apa Roier mean, he doesn’t know why Pepito ran away? He has to know! He’s a genius!
“BadBoy might be a real fucking creep sometimes, but he brought you to a real good guy,” Apa Roier continues. He glances over at Captain Celbi, his smile turning Weird. “I mean, Cellbit is kind of an asshole and he’s probably going to Hell, but he’s a nice guy.”
“Are you talking about me?” Captain Celbi calls, the same Weird smile on his face. Huh.
Apa Roier rolls his eyes and flips him off.
Pepito’s eyes widen. Apa Roier is so brave! Everybody knows not to mess with Captain Celbi, he’s evil! Mister Mike says so at least once a day!
“But listen, Pepito,” Apa Roier says, looking back at Pepito, “if you think I swam for a month to come and get you just for me to say I hate you or something, then you really are as stupid as your Apa Mariana. Because I-” (He reaches across the table and boops Pepito right on the nose.) “-will never let any stupid human pirates bully my Pepito. Only I get to bully you.”
Pepito’s eyes are starting to water again, dang it. Pepito is a Strong Pepito!
But then Apa Roier looks at Pepito’s plate of food and sighs and starts moving stuff from his own plate to Pepito’s, saying, “Pepito, Pepito, Pepito… You’re allowed to have more than fish for dinner. We’re pirates now, have pirate food. Here.”
And Pepito can’t help it. He missed Apa Roier so much…!
He jumps from his spot at the table and runs around to Apa Roier. He holds his arms up, and Apa Roier clicks his tongue annoyedly, but Apa Roier picks him up with a groan:
“Pepito, what the fuck? When did you get so big, eh? You’ll be taller than Mariana at this rate!”
Pepito is a growing Pepito, Pepito knows this. But he settles down in Apa Roier’s lap, anyway, and he hugs him because he can because Apa Roier doesn’t know that Pepito is a Bad Pepito. He still thinks that Pepito is a Good Pepito even if he is a Pirate Pepito now.
Apa Roier doesn’t know what happened. And Apa Roier never will.
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happypotato48 · 2 months
Century of Love EP 2 Unhinged Tangent Thoughts
Ok let's get back to old man yaoi??? BL.
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It's a very common thing for men your age don't worry gramp, i think, idk i'm not there yet i'm still a youthful young man full of vigor and what not :3 also the phrase they use here roughly translates to the cock (as in the bird) not crowing.
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This old man still haven't realized that he's in a BL written by the OG Y girl Nu Wa. i know that bitch made her clay men kissed each other the first thing she did after making humanity.
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Sorry grandma i'm still 50/50 on that it isn't scary sometime but othertime it fucking terrifying. i think that's how it suppose to be though.
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Wow, whose is that going to be i wonder >_>
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As a clumsy disaster of a man why is this never happened to me ever. i'm mad where my god dang BL moments!
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Future husband future husband!. shhhh i'm manifesting.
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We stan a communicating family, even when the thing they communicate is a old man wet dream :)
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I probably have a relative like this somewhere that i never met. my extended family is pretty gigantic.
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What in yaoi hell is this, god this show is ridiculous.
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Kids are weird so meh i'm not bother by the willingness of Wee to go along with this.
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K the show is smart for having someone stating the obvious solution.
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This is kinda sad. San kept the place where the love of his life died unchaging, it's like he stuck in that moment for 100 years relive it again and again unable to move on.
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Time only moves in one direction, san is literally frozen both physically and emotionally in time waiting to relive the happiness that long gone.
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Back to being unhinged, Dude your fight scene is weaker than forking ironfist. good thing that this a BL show and not an action show cause my god this is Thailand we know how to do action!
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The hair it's the hair like one look at that and anyone can tell that this mofo is suppose to be the bad guy.
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My man that dude has a knife sticking out of his shoulder. is Wee a himbo?? verdict yes no ?
I liked this EP the pacing is very good and juxtaposition in the theater scene is immaculately well done. and here come the tin foil hat and clown makeup, i don't think Wee is Wad, even though all the signs pointed to that i really loved the the theme of moving forward and continue living past grief that Wee represent. and maybe that will be the case, finger crossed.
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moosh2727 · 2 months
this took forever but finally i get to see him!! spoilers ahead :3
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first of all, amazing cover. jet and the gang look amazing just in that one snippet
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extreme gear dodgeball... thats interesting, reminds me of the multiplayer modes in riders zg that was not racing but fun!
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HOW DARE YOU MAKE MY BOY ANGRY wave helping jet focus is nice like in zero gravity 💚
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the rouges being in shock is always so funny, im glad to see wave and storm join in on the fun 💚
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WOAHHH LOL dang sonic's going hard!!
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i now headcannon wave has a mindfullness youtube video she makes jet begrudgingly watch LOL 💚
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i love seeing them using their gear more, it fuels my autism 💚💚💚
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AMAZING I WANNA SEE HIM ANGRYYY, BEAT THEM UP JET!!! 💚100 gonna use this part for art ref because it looks so good
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the silence is so loud in this picture i love it, i wonder what jets gonna do? 😊
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oh my gosh this is so heartbreaking actually what the heck- ALSO WAVE TELLING JET TO RUN IS SO ON POINT
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the story telling via art is on point, theres not much words needed to convey the emotions the characters are feeling
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THEY HAVE A NEW ROOM, I REPEAT THEY HAVE A KITCHEEEEEEEEN, storm being the cook fits so well i love it.
the food (curry im guessing) fits their background and double points for looking extra yummy.
jet's first sentence fits him so well, im really glad they're doing good depiction with him and everything relating to them, considering the idw special where jewel broke her wing SUCKED because of idw ppl not thinking about where jet lives on the ship, so they made it SUPER inacurate.
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it makes me happy to see storm contributing and not being a stupid fat joke like in free riders. we need to appreciate this silly guy who got brain damage from amy hitting him many times, and he still manages to fulfil jets orders.
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storm doing this with his eyes is as good as his eyes in free riders, but way better than his weird blink in the zero gravity black hole cutscene
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jet being ahead of the game and i love it!!! NEW MISSION LETS GOOO!!!!!! 💚💚💚💚
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these riders designs are really helping me in the future with my own oc 🫶
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ouch my heart
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oh gosh thats so sweet but sad ugh
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jet has become more thoughtful! i just hope he doesn't lose his edge, but even if he does i'll love him anyway /p 💚
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i love how much talented ppl are in this community, im so glad for more jet content via idw and fan creations. jet needs all the praise and love. 💚
Overall i loved this idw issue, i can always make the excuse " use more jet content!" but they did a really good job with expressing all the characters fairly. (still, i still want more jet tho :P)
i waited so long for this issue its crazy, idk why it took so long to come out digitally since i don't have the money to buy them in person.
knowing more rooms, might create an accurate layout of their blimp soon!
anyway, i got a gaming pc and not a stupid mac earlier this week, meaning that i can finally play free riders yayy!!!
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picaroroboto · 6 months
When someone does a terrible thing, in both real life and in fiction, we as onlookers find ourselves immediately asking "Why?". In real life even an understandable or relatable motive rarely justifies most crimes, while in fiction, we may actually judge evil actions less harshly if they were done with good intentions (or if the perpetrator is hot, but that's another issue)
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(forgive me for interrupting my scheduled Fateposting for Zenosposting. again.)
From the moment he first appears on-screen, Zenos is just so dang weird that I think most players' reactions to him, whether they like him or not, is to wonder "Why?" - "Who is this guy, why is he like this, why does he do what he does, why is he obsessed with my player character?" and so on. What's interesting about this urge to know what's up with him is that understanding/not understanding others is a key theme of Zenos's character. He doesn't understand other people or care about their motives, doesn't even really care to try because he treats others as if they're a different species of animal than him, and doesn't even care to explain or justify his own motives until confronted. To him any motive is as good as any other, he's just chosen to live for his own hedonism. Even on a meta-level he resists being understood - which is to say that it's very possible to get a shallow reading of him, "Oh, he's just crazy.", and run with that without ever looking at the deeper level because you've already decided that this perceived insanity doesn't justify his crimes.
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This is why it feels like such a huge and meaningful change that his character development in Endwalker is marked by him asking the WoL so many questions - genuinely trying to understand them instead of projecting himself onto them, genuinely trying to connect with another person for the first time.
Now that I reach the end of this post I realize that there's not really any major points here that I haven't made in other posts. When I played Endwalker, I approached the idea of the final confrontation with Zenos with my WoL wanting to ask "Why?" - not that he's looking for a justification, because he finds Zenos's actions unforgivable, but because he's the type of hero who wants to understand even his enemies. Ironically, or fittingly, that need to understand is what keeps him human, from being like the mindless beast Zenos thought he was.
I don't really ship ZenosWoL because I can't see the feelings as being mutual for my WoL, but the desire to understand one another counts for something. His pursuit of the WoL might be what constitutes "love" in Zenos's mind, but as far as I'm concerned, "wanting to understand" another person is what I consider "love".
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paperultra · 1 year
daisy, sweet pea, darling.
Pairing: OPLA!Usopp x Reader Word Count: 1,295 words Warnings: None
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serendipity (noun): finding something good without looking for it
“Yo, Usopp.” You walk over to where your friend slouches against a tree and crouch down beside him. “Guess what I found.”
Usopp blinks at you, chewing idly on several slices of a tangerine. “Treasure?” he ventures through a full mouth.
He swallows. “What, then?”
Triumphantly, you move your hand out from behind your back, presenting the daisy you’d found in front of his face. “A freaky-looking flower. Check it out.”
“Oh, dang!” Usopp drops his tangerine peels on the ground and takes the daisy, poking at the elongated flowerhead. “Hey, it looks like a smile.” He twirls it upside down. “Or a frown. Where’d you get it?”
“On that hill over there. I almost stepped on it while I was looking for actual treasure with Nami.”
He nods thoughtfully for a few seconds. “… You know,” he drawls, eyebrows arching pridefully in a way that tells you that whatever’s coming next is a total lie, “I found a three-headed rose in Kaya’s garden once.”
“Really,” you say.
“Yeah. It was huge. Easily the size of my face. And redder than a pirate’s blood.” Usopp rubs his chin, squinting at your daisy. “I was gonna pick it to show you and Kaya, but then Sham showed up out of nowhere with this giant shovel … I wasn’t in the mood for a fight, so I decided on a tactical retreat to prevent a commotion from disturbing you guys.”
Cue a slight pause for effect. You stare at him, then snort and poke his forehead.
“Please,” you laugh as Usopp makes a face. “You love making a commotion, Usopp.”
He gasps in offense. “Excuse me? I only make a commotion if the situation calls for it.”
“Uh-huh.” A grin spreading across your face, you fall back to sit properly and rest your back against the tree. “Then I guess we’re in a lot of situations that call for it?”
“Look, as your captain, I made a solemn vow to protect you guys. I have an eye for danger, okay? Just because you don’t see it as quickly as I do doesn’t mean it’s not there.”
“Aye, Cap’n.” Despite your teasing, there’s some truth to his words. “You do have a good eye for things that want to kill us, I admit.”
Usopp’s chest puffs out with pride, and you chuckle, sliding further down the tree until you’re lying on the ground, head resting on a large root.
A warm breeze brushes past the two of you. Your eyelids fall halfway, a sudden drowsiness taking over.
Your gaze moves to the weird flower still in Usopp’s hand. “Hey, ’Sopp, could you hold onto that daisy for me? Just while I take a quick nap. I’m really … sleepy all of a sudden …”
“Oh. Uh, sure.”
“Thanks.” You yawn, closing your eyes completely. “’M gonna pick some more later to bring on board. Haven’t seen flowers in a while …”
As you drift off, you think that Usopp pats your shoulder gently, murmuring for you to have a good nap, but you’re not totally sure.
You dream about three-headed roses and daisies with centers that stretch on for miles.
When Nami shakes you awake, the sun has gotten a little lower, but the sky is still as blue as ever.
“We’re heading off soon,” she tells you.
“Okay.” You stretch and get to your feet, looking down towards the Going Merry. Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji are already on deck. “Where’s Usopp?” you ask.
“Oh, I saw him earlier back on that hill,” she replies, casting a glance over her shoulder. “He told me to go on ahead without him.”
Humming and brushing the dirt off the seat of your pants, you wonder whether Usopp went to look for more weird daisies. “I see. We’ll meet him at the ship, then?”
The two of you take the short journey down to Merry. Nami laments the empty treasure chests she had found while you were napping, and you sympathize with her, concluding that the legendary treasure island was not what it cracked up to be.
You help out with ship preparations while waiting for Usopp to get back, and once he does, you greet him happily.
“Found what you were looking for, Usopp?”
“Yeah. I mean, kind of. Er.”
One of his hands is behind his back, a mirror image of yourself when you had approached him at the tree, and you tilt your head curiously as he chews his bottom lip.
“What is it?”
Nami passes by behind him, and Usopp yelps as he suddenly stumbles forward. He trips over his feet, arms shooting out to steady himself.
A flash of white and pink catches the corner of your eye. Turning your attention to Usopp’s hand, your eyebrows raise and your lips part in surprise.
“Usopp,” you start.
He finally catches his balance and peers up at you. Perplexed, he turns his head slowly towards his outstretched arm, and then he slumps in resignation.
“Yeah,” he says with a sigh, extending the bouquet in your direction. “It’s for you.”
Gingerly, you take the flowers into your hands. Daisies and sweet pea flowers smile up at you, their stems held together with a long stem of grass tied into a bow. Buried in the middle is the stretched-out daisy you had left in Usopp’s care.
As you lift the bouquet to your nose to take a sniff, Usopp shifts awkwardly in front of you. “I was gonna make it a whole bunch of those weird daisies, but I think you picked the only one on the island,” he says. “I looked everywhere. Nami told me to just add some sweet peas so it at least smells really good.”
“It does,” you assure him, not bothering to bite down the grin on your face as you meet his eyes. Your heart flip-flops in your chest. “I love it, Usopp. Thank you.”
His eyes light up. “Well,” Usopp says, and he seems uncharacteristically bashful despite the giant smile on his own face, gripping the strap of his knapsack and rocking back on his heels. “I was also, like. Kinda thinking that maybe you’d wanna, y’know … check out the stars with me out on the deck later tonight, when we have time? If you want.”
“Will you tell me some stories about them?” you ask.
“Of course,” he immediately replies. “I have tons … y’know, I actually have a constellation named after me. Maybe we’ll see it.”
“Really? That’s something I’d like to see.” You step closer. “It’s a date, then?”
“It’s a …” Usopp stares at you, opening and closing his mouth for a split second. He wets his lips and coughs. “Yeah, it’s a date! I mean, I meant to say that explicitly at the beginning, but I didn’t want to pressure you in case that wasn’t what you wanted, so …”
“I’d love to go on a date with the mighty Captain Usopp,” you say.
“You would? I-I mean, cool. You won’t be disappointed.”
His usual swaggering persona returns, and you laugh, keeping your bouquet close to your chest. Your mind goes hazy with fondness.
Luffy shouts something from Merry’s figurehead, pulling the pair of you out of your little bubble and back into the real world. With one last shared smile, you reluctantly drift away from each other to go where you’re needed.
For the rest of the day, neither of you are particularly helpful. Those who are aware of the reason and its significance (Nami, Sanji, and Zoro) don’t give you or Usopp much scolding for it, though mischievous remarks are found around every corner and all throughout dinner.
You don’t mind, not at all – especially with how bright the stars are that night.
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bdudette · 2 years
Since you wrote for an Ever reader, what about Teddy and Hort falling for a Never reader?
Characters: Hort and Tedros
Warnings: Mentions of Hort being a Creep, Tedros being Tedros, Hort being Weird, Hort wanting to sniff your hair —
A|N: Oh geeze, oh man ! This is gonna be awesome !
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✫ Hort
• Okay, but how can someone — who’s supposed to be fugly af — look so freaking hot !? He wasn’t sure if you were supposed to be a never at all honestly !
• You do prove him wrong at some point at how you probably should be a never by almost killing him when he tried to flirt with you the first time — hah —
• But dang, work it ! He is so freaking in love with your beauty, he stares at you almost all day every day whenever he sees you. Even if you try to kill him for it he doesn’t stop —
• Pretty sure he doesn’t care that he creeps you out because of it but — he’ll try to keep his staring to a minimum of 5 hours a day if you tell him to stop staring so much.
• He actually starts liking you a lot more than physically when you start to kind of hang around with him and you both get to know each other a little more. And you don’t try to kill him as much.
• Randomly confesses his love for you three to five times every day depending on what you are doing, don’t mind him, “ Did you know I love you ? “ “ I know Hort, you’ve said that 4 times already. “ “ Okay but — I am so in love with you. “
• Please, never hold his hand or give him a little kiss on his cheek unless you’re ready for this man to combust into a freaking wolf all of a sudden from how flustered he is. Though — you’d be helping him pass his ‘ Transformation ‘ and ‘ Evil ‘ classes in no time if you do.
• Overall, just let him sniff your hair and profess his love for you. He would so freak out if you actually like him back.
• Might be a little too cheesy and dumb for him to say out loud but he could so find his ever after with you by his side.
✫ Tedros
• No, no, no, no, no ! It wasn’t supposed to be like this ! He wasn’t supposed to find his princess out of a never.
• You both weren’t really all that fond of each other at all when you met, you making snarky comments at him and him being passively aggressive by making low tide comments back at you.
• At some point you two did tolerate each other and could make simple conversation behind everyone’s back without trying to bite at each other’s neck — but it wasn’t soon after that Tedros started to feel — different towards you.
• He is so freaking scared at how you made him feel when he sees you now. You weren’t kind, you weren’t extraordinarily beautiful nor were you even close to being an ever — and yet, you were so unique and pretty in your own way that you actually caught his attention more so than before.
• You are the first person to ever make him feel like this so — after he asked some space to think away from you and you having poked at him to tell you what was going on ( you really need to have patience ) he bursted out with frustration, “ I need some space to think about my feelings for you, okay !? “
• That was enough for you to give him some space — albeit only after stuttering an awkward ‘ okay ‘ as you walked off with a slight stumble and flustered expression
• So he took a day to think about everything — from pros to cons and all — and he decided that — yeah, he wants to freaking court you so bad.
• With the hopes of you perhaps — maybe — feeling the same way. And in hopes of this big difference between you and him of being a never and an ever not getting in the way. He goes off to profess his growing love to you and ever so hopes that you will accept rather than reject him.
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Being Team Japan’s Manager
Manager is Stressed
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Team Japan x GN! Manager (platonic relationship)
Warnings: Manager is feeling stress (I didn’t go into specific stressors because I wanted to make this as general as possible), Stress symptoms (sleep struggles, overthinking, lack of eating/overeating, etc. I tried to keep them neutral but I did have to give a little something), MEGA FLUFF
AN: this is a special request for @rae-is-typing! I apologize if it looks weird, it’s because tumblr hates me and I had to move it all over to word and then back again : D
• Honestly YN, I don’t know how you do it
• Literally, if it were me, I would have had a mental break down the first week of dealing with these idiots
• On the surface, it seems as if you have everything together
• I mean, you not only deal with your life but the lives of countless man-children
• Where as most people’s day starts at 8am and ends around 4-5pm
• You’re essentially on call 24/7, 365
• Literally you can’t even use the bathroom without Hinata or Bokuto knocking and asking what you are doing
• “Hey Yn, are you in there?” Bokuto and/or Hinata say knocking on the door
• You 👉🏻 maybe if I stay quiet they won’t think anyone’s in here….
• Honestly it’s a pipe dream Yn
• Just ignore them YN they will go away…
• Suddenly the door burst open and Bokuto and Hinata are in a full panic
• “OMG YN WE THOUGHT YOU DIED OR WORSE FAINTED!!” Bokuto screamed as Hinata is now hyperventilating
• And thus, the curtains close on your .02 seconds of peace and quiet
• Sakusa comes from beside saying, “you two really need to straighten out your priorities.”
• Then Iwaizumi is coming up yelling at you for leaving the door open to the bathroom 🙄
• You seriously cannot win
• Butalas everyone has their breakpoint YN and honestly I’m surprised you lasted as long as you did
• The Olympics were coming up and you were dealing with your own personal issues in your home life
• Seriously adding more stress to your already stressful life
• You never seemed to have time to do anything
• And you know how they say “things always come in threes”?
• You seriously cannot catch a break!!
• Your stress levels are skyrocking and with stress comes the unfortunate stress symptoms
• Some days you forget to eat while some days you feel like you can’t stop eating
• You’ve so little and yet you feel like you don’t have time to sleep
• The days seem long but yet you can’t accomplish anything 😩
• Honestly it’s just a nightmare
• You choose to suffer in silence, not wanting to bother anyone with your issues
• You know everyone else has problems and you don’t want to be that person to add more to someone else’s plate
• Deep down, you knew it wasn’t healthy to hold it in
• However everyone has their breaking point
• And our amazing YN’s cup has finally ran out
• You woke up feeling exhausted and it was a chore just to get yourself out of bed
• The stress was finally wearing on you and you needed a break
• Thank god tomorrow was the weekend, you just had to make it through today
• You headed to work, already looking forward to the 5pm whistle
• The guys were on their usual bullshit so you knew you’d have very little reprieve
• Yaku was the first to notice something
• “Hey Yn- you look run down?” He says as you look up at him
• “Dang Yn you look like you just got hit by a bus!” Atsumu chimes in
• You 👉🏻😐 thank you for that…
• Unfortunately you have very little time to breathe because Aran and Iwa surround you
• “Hey YN! We need you to get copies of the training schedules out to everyone,” Aran says
• “Yeah and I need you to go through the guys training manuals and replace the old sheets with the updated ones. It has to be done today Yn!” Iwa shouts
• Unwillingly adding more to your already tipped over plate
• “YN I need you to fill up all the volleyballs too,” the coach chimes in
• “Oh and we got a new sponsorship for some energy drink so we need you to make that pronto YN!” Ushijima just throws in there
• Meanwhile, the other dummies are all adding more and more until finally
• You break
• The tears start the flow and everything in your mind blanks as the damn of emotions finally cracks
• Everyone just stares at you, some in confusion and some in horror as you essentially break down on site
• “Hey YN, are you ok?” Aran asks, cautiously approaching you
• You just keep crying while trying to speak
• “N-no e-everything’s not-not ok!” You cry out, “I-I’m so-so T-tired and I-I can-can’t do T-this anymore!”
• The gym is filled with your sobs as the guys slowly began to realize how much they’ve been putting on you
• They have come to rely on you as their support, their go to person
• But they never took the time to check on you
• “Oh Yn, come on, let’s go sit on the bench,” Komori says, grabbing you and hauling you over
• Everyone follows in silence as you try to control your tears and your breathing
• It’s so much at once and all you can think about is how you’ve failed them
• “I’m s-sorry, I-I’ll get to wo-work,” you cry as Sakusa sits down beside you, essentially holding you in place
• “You’ll do no such thing Yn, take a break,” he says as the rest of the team nods
• They all feel horrible for neglecting you and not realizing how much stress you were under
• They just keep piling it on, not knowing the stress you were also dealing with in your personal life
• “YN, we are so sorry,” Hakuba says as the team nods
• “If we would have know Yn, we wouldn’t have been so hard on you,” Bokuto adds
• “It’s oh-ok, I-I need to d-do my j-job,” you stammer out
• “No Yn, you need to take care of yourself,” Iwa says
• “You need a break Yn, a few days off!” Kageyama chimes in
• “Yeah you need to get away from us for a while,” Hyakuzawa says
• Bokuto, Hinata, Atsumu 👉🏻 offended 🙄
• “Guys we have so much to do before the Olympics and I can’t just leave!” You cry out
• “YN if you aren’t going to take care of yourself, then I’m going to haul your ass home right now,” Iwa yells
• You 👉🏻👀 I mean…
• Iwa 👉🏻😐
• “Just take a few days Yn, take some time to rest and we can help you handle everything! I mean we have an entire team of capable men here!” Yaku says
• “I’d say 60% at more are capable,” Sakusa interjects
• Again Hinata, Bokuto and Atsumu 👉🏻 offended 🙄
• “If you think that’s best,” you say, deflated
• “YN we love you and we want you to be healthy! We would die if we didn’t have you cheering us on!” Komori says as the entire team nods frantically
• You sigh in defeat, knowing you need the rest
• “Ok but if you need me, make sure to message me!” You say, leaving the gym
• “We’ll be fine YN! Try to sleep and just breathe or something,” Aran says
• Omg run YN, run while you still can 😂
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thomatri · 18 days
Not my bully(enemies to lovers)
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Synopsis- Tsukishima is a rude person. But if a rude person then why is he lokey hot
Paring - Tsukishima x Reader
(Apart of a little series I’m making. I’m writing different types of romance genres with Haikyuu there’s gonna be like 8 of these)
“I can’t believe that Tsukishima ! I mean seriously what gave him the right to be an ass hole to Shoyo?!” I say to my best friends
“Are You mad because he’s mean to Hinata or are you mad because he’s mean to Hinata and he’s hot” my friend Kiyo asks sipping her juice
“Drink your damn juice and hush” I say rolling my eyes not wanting to even think of that
“Wow y/n falling inlove with your brother bully that’s low” my other friend An says snickering
“IM NOT INLOVE” I say groaning
“That’s something an inlove person would say” Kiyo says snickering
“You guys are cut off my only friend is Mio now” I say hugging Mio and she just smiles
My next class is orchestra which I have with Tsukishima sadly. Actually I have like all my classes with Tsukishima, I’m just in denial
We sit in our chairs and tune our instruments. Somehow Tsukishima is first chair violin while I’m third chair cello. We’re first years how does he even get first chair
“Alright everyone base will count” Tsukishima says. I know cello usually doesn’t count off but still I feel like he’s targeting me
Shit I missed my cue
“Pft maybe if you’d stop staring at me you’d not miss your cue and sound like an idiot, your lucky I didn’t call it out” Tsukishima says snickering packing his violin up
“Whatever I wasent staring I was looking at the very motivational poster behind your big ass head” I say rolling my eyes walking away
We sadly walk together because we’re going to the same class
“Dang staring at me and now stalking me geez y/n you must really like me” Tsukishima says snickering
“Why don’t You Like me?” Tsukishima asks and I can’t lie it caught me off gaurd
“Uh cause you’re an ass hole” I say obviously
“Why don’t You Like me?” I ask and now it’s his turn to look caught off gaurd
“It’s not that I dont like you” He says and I’m confused
“Ok then what is it?”
“I don’t know ok?! I feel like it would be weird if I was just nice to you ok?!” He says and I’m shocked at his out burst
“That’s weird” I say and he rolls his eyes
I try not to think about the interaction too hard as we walk to class and even after
As me and Tsukishima exit the classroom Tsukishima and I head to our respective clubs
“Your in art club?” He asks and I nod
He kinda stands in the doorway for a second
“Are You gonna come in or…?” I ask and he shakes his head softly
“My bad I actually have practice” he says sheepishly which I hate to admit is kinda cute
“Oh What do You Play?” I already know the answer to this question of course since he did bully Shoyo
“Uh volleyball” he says and I nod
“You know my brother plays volleyball” I say and he perks up
“Who’s your brother” he asks
“Hinata Shoyo” I say smirking and he immediately apologizes and I bust out laughing
“It’s fine, If im being completely honest I didn’t like you at first because you were rude to him” I say and he stares at me with a unreadable expression but it dips
“Oh well I guess I’m sorry…can we start over?” He asks and I can’t help but smile, maybe Kiyo and An were a little right. Not that I’d ever tell them that to there faces
“Of course Tsukishima” I say gathering my art supplies
“Though I have to ask” he says and I perk up
“Why were you pissed off at me because of your brother” he asks and now I’m ticked off again
“Because I hate seeing people crush his dreams. No matter how impossible or insignificant people tell him his dreams are” I say prepping my canvas
“Hm” he says rolling his eyes
“Clearly you have no heart” I say glaring at him and he smirks
“Maybe” he says
“What about you, what’s your dream” I say starting to paint
I look up at him and he’s looking away
“I don’t have one” he says shrugging
“What about you” he asks
“Hm id say being an artist though I’d probably pick up a corporate job to fund it at the start” I say
And he nods
“By the way volleyball practice isn’t today it’s tomorrow” I say painting
He looks shocked but relief immediately as I tell him
“Guess I lost track. Talking to you makes me feel like it’s just the two of us” he says making me shocked but I try to hide it and continue to paint
“Where’s eveyone in art club?” He asks
“Art club was canceled but I wanted to start on this painting” I say and he walks in the room fully standing behind me
“Is that?”
“Don’t worry I’m going to blur the face but I want to paint it first” I say and he nods
Tsukishima offers to walk me home. I usually bike with Hinata but I’ll take the bus
As I go to cover my painting with a sheet I take one last look
The painting is of a boy my age in school uniform. Headphones around his neck. Short blonde hair. And hazel eyes
I cover the painting and turn off the art club painting light
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dongfuck · 2 years
His Wish - l.dh
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pairing: stranger!haechan x fem!reader
genre: angst, a little fluff, smut
warnings: consensual sex (figured i had to state that considering the plot), blowjob, cum swallowing, blindfold, teasing, fingering, cunnilingus, unprotected sex, degradation, anal, cum inside (not where you think it is)
wc: 4.8k
note: very weird plot but it grows on you
taglist: @smuchsmut , @nctgirlok297 , @jenojammin , @matchahyuck , @johnniverse , @220513080208 , @ablackbtsstan , @tyongspice1
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[ hyckiesncream ] : hello pretty :)
[ hyckiesncream ] : i see you’re ignoring me again
[ hyckiesncream ] : that’s okay. you’ll learn to appreciate me one day
You stared at your phone as you contemplated whether or not to answer this stranger’s dms. You have looked at their profile once in a while but it’s always the same; pictures of his dog and nothing more. You sighed for the nth time that day and switched off your phone before you continued to watch the newly released series on Netflix, Friday. As you were focused on the TV, you heard another chime coming from your phone. You took a peek at the notification and that’s when something the person from earlier said caught your interest.
[ hyckiesncream ] : i know you’re reading this.
[ hyckiesncream ] : aren’t you the slightest bit curious to know who I am?
[ hyckiesncream ] : i would recommend you replying if you are. I’m about to get really generous
Sighing in defeat, you lifted your phone and decided to finally reply to whatever bullshit game he was playing on you.
you: what if I say I am?
[ hyckiesncream ] : dang you really replied
you: just say what you have to say or I’m blocking you
[ hyckiesncream ] : and I wonder why you chose not to in the first place
you: i’m leaving
[ hyckiesncream ] : i know you.
you: ofc you do. it’s me who doesn’t know you.
[ hyckiesncream ] : no you know me. we’ve met before
you: what? where?
[ hyckiesncream ] : i’ll explain that if you agree to go out with me this Saturday
you: hell no
[ hyckiesncream ] : then i guess you’re never finding out who i am
you: fine! where do you want to meet?
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You stood by the frozen fountain with your arms crossed as you waited for your date to arrive. The stranger to be specific. You looked around the around at the empty park before realisation dawns upon you. This is some dangerous shit you’re doing. Your breathing turned heavy after you looked down at your watch and realised that he was 10 minutes late. Thinking this was probably a bad idea and he most likely stood you up, you decided to leave the place. With a heavy heart at that.
But just as you were about to open the door to your car. A voice spoke to you. The voice high pitched and almost female-like but you knew from the slight rasp in his voice that it was a male. He’s the guy that you were waiting for just a minute ago. “Y/n.” the man said. Gulping harshly, you twisted your head his direction and there he was, the guy that has been dming you for the past three months, standing right before you. You couldn’t make out his face though. It was a dark night and the only source of light was from the street lights. Which was so dim that the only thing you could make of him was his shadow.
He was tall… and broad. And the way he said your name ran a cold shiver down your spine. At that moment, you felt like the coldness radiating off him was colder than the air in the dark night. You felt scared. He had this aura that would keep you awake at night and just hope to survive it. But oddly enough, there’s also something so romantic about it. About the way he makes you feel so uncomfortable. So afraid. Your eyes fluttered as you tried to make out the man standing in front of you but nothing comes to mind. “Who are you?” you said in a hushed voice. Almost not wanting him to hear it.
“I’m aware it’s dark but you can’t possibly not remember me, can you? I’m quite hard to forget.” You couldn’t see him, but you knew he had an eyebrow raised and the way he spoke just brings this sense of familiarity to you. Like you’ve heard it somewhere before. Like you’ve once grown a liking towards it. “I don’t know…” your gaze shifted to the ground as you played with the car door with your left hand. You felt your breathing halt when the man leaned in so close to your face that you’d kiss the moment you lift your head up. “Still don’t recognise me now?” you knew you shouldn’t have. You knew you shouldn’t have looked him in the face but the moment you raised your head, you could feel his nose bumping against yours as you stared at the smirk carved on his face.
At the exact moment, you knew who the fuck you were dealing with. And there’s no backing out. Your eyes flickered to his before you immediately pushed him away as you took a few steps back out of instinct and watched him properly raise his body with both hands in his pockets. “Donghyuck…” your mouth quivered as you said his name, full of fright. “That’s me. I knew you had it in you.” Donghyuck chuckled lowly before he let out a moan and stared at the starless night. “Beautiful night isn’t it? So dark and bright at the same time.” he smiled and looked back down on you. The way his gaze was fixed on you has you fidgeting with the hem of your sweater. He’s making you feel all sorts of things and he knows it. In fact, he’s even proud of it.
Donghyuck wants you to be scared of him. It gets him off. But that was only because he knows you enjoyed it as much as he does. He loves seeing you get all nervous and panicky around him. He couldn’t be more than happy to see you like this. Especially in the dead of night. “You’ve proven yourself pathetic once again, my love. I thought you’d be better at hiding those emotions after all these years.” Slowly, he took small steps towards you as he tilted his head slightly. “Please, just… just stay away from me…” you bit your lower lip softly, not sparing him a single glance. “You and I both know that’s the last thing you’d want. In fact, you’re enjoying this aren’t you? The thrill of being cornered like this has you a whore, isn’t that right?”
He just kept walking and walking until you had nowhere else to go and you’re now up against a brick wall that you were sure you hadn’t seen before. You sucked in a deep breath once you noticed that he was closing up all the distance between you two with how close he was getting. The trees shivers around you as you finally meet the eyes of the man that has seen so many sides of you that you never display, the cold breeze hitting you right in the face. His eyes were… what’s the word it… hypnotising. The second you looked into them, you felt the air suddenly being knocked out of your lungs and you felt like you couldn’t breathe.
You held onto Donghyuck’s chest before looking the other way and starting to cough breathlessly. You heard the man chuckle at this. Seeming to enjoy the way you act when you’re with him. “Still can’t look at me in the eye, ey? You never change.” He wasn’t looking at you nor was he paying any attention to you. He simply held your hand that was stiff on his chest to prevent you from falling face first onto the cold hard cement floor. “Be careful.” he laughed at the sight of you. It was a genuine laugh, you could tell. And it made you smile. Not that Donghyuck noticed though. It was too dark.
It took you about two minutes to calm yourself down and once you finally did, you looked back up at him. This time with more confidence. “How’d you find me?” you were asking a question but your tone made it seem like you didn’t want him to answer. “I mean it was pretty hard not to. All of your social media accounts seemed to be blowing up all of a sudden and I’d see you everywhere. It’s not like I’d intended on even following your Instagram in the first place but I was tempted to. You tempted me Y/n and it’s not my fault that we meet again. It was all on you really.” you clenched his shirt in your palms and you made sure he felt it. How dare this guy say that it’s your fault everything’d happened when in reality, there were so many things he could’ve done to prevent this.
“Excuse me? Am I hearing you right? I’m the one at fault here? You could’ve simply blocked me on all accounts. That way, you wouldn’t have to see me again. I haven’t even thought of you since that night until today. When you have me all up against a wall with my car unlocked. You know anyone could come and steal my car right now?” you furrowed your eyebrows at him in anger as you gestured towards your car with the door still wide open. Just waiting for anyone to come get her.
You saw the way Donghyuck rolled his eyes at you. The action was almost as if he meant it for you to feel like he was mocking you. Like you’re some dumb girl who doesn’t know anything but talk shit and he’s the one who has to correct you every time. You were annoyed. I mean, you might’ve gotten turned on a second ago but now you’re just annoyed. “Y/n, Y/n, Y/n. I would’ve if I could, you know? I mean I was this close to blocking and reporting you for inappropriate content,” At this, you looked at him with wide eyes. What about your content did he find inappropriate? Did he feel seduced by your content? All you ever posted was pictures of your cat and sometimes you too whenever you felt hot.
“But I couldn’t. And you know exactly why. Plus, this place is deserted, Y/n. For fucks sake, look around. Have you seen anyone else here besides us? No. So what does that mean? That means we’re safe. And a safe town means a safe car. Got it?” Donghyuck took his right arm and placed his palm to the wall on your right as he looked at you expectingly. You were at lost for words. How could he be so good at convincing you that everything is fine without sounding like some psycho that just wants to get in your pants? His demeanour couldn’t have been more romantic. And you liked that.
You liked the way his soft voice melodised in your ears and in that moment, you thought him beautiful. No matter how harsh he can be at times, you always know that he’d never do anything to harm you. But your next words were a total contrast to your thoughts. “I hate you.” your voice laced with venom. Different from his that was soft and light. “And you still have your hand on my chest.” said Donghyuck matter-of-factly. The words you said didn’t seem to affect him one bit and you were pissed. You thought it would at least change the way he looked at you but no. It was as if you were talking to a chair.
Since the mention of your still hand, you decided to move it. Not take it away though. You simply moved it lower and lower until you’ve reached the dip of his waist. You always admired his waist. The way they curved perfectly had you curling. Of course, you envied him a little about it but it can’t help but be one of your favourite body parts on him. “Got a little bold, I see.” he laughed it off but you just hummed, tugging him closer to you occasionally. You noticed the way Donghyuck gulped even with little to no lighting and you knew this was turning him on. You too, were turned on. But he wouldn’t find out until later. You’re too good at hiding it.
You lifted your head slightly to meet his eyes because of the height difference and took note of the way there were beads of sweat aligned under the thin layer of his smooth brown hair that stuck to his forehead. How is he sweating in a weather like this? you thought. Pulling away your hand from his waist, you now took both of your hands and placed them on his neck. Massaging the skin gently with the pads of your thumbs. “Y/n…” his right hand that was on the wall quivered before it fell to your hips, his hands keeping you warm. Your body seemed to have a mind of its own when it starts to lean forwards towards Hyuck who had his eyes shut.
Your lips were leaving wet kisses along his jawline and cheekbones until one point, you were so close to his lips that he just couldn’t take it anymore. Donghyuck slightly shifts his face so that his lips met yours before he melted into it just like you did. Your lips moved against each other as you sucked on his upper lip. His tongue licked a swipe across your bottom lip and you gave the pink muscle a peck of approval at that. He seemed to be holding himself back too much so you pulled away from the kiss and left a trail of saliva from his lips leading towards his neck before you gave little kisses to the moles littering his tan skin. Just as you were about to take his leather jacket off, he immediately stops you by holding both of your shoulders and detaching your lips form his neck.
“Not the right place. Let’s go.”
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You stumbled into Hyuck’s apartment as you made out along the way to his room. You knew this place all too well. It was almost like it was your second home. Until that night. You couldn’t forget it no matter how much you try to. It’ll always haunt the back of your mind and there will always be something that’ll trigger the memory back. There always has. For example, right now. The scent of his favourite chocolate scented candle filled the place and you couldn’t help but sigh into the kiss at the feeling. You’ve always loved the smell of his scented candles. Every time, it was the same pattern all over again. Chocolate, vanilla, caramel. If it’s chocolate today, it’d be vanilla on the next.
As you were pushed onto the bed of his room, you couldn’t help but look around and notice the tidiness and how much he paid attention to the details of his room. The furnitures were neatly arranged and even the albums on his shelf were colour-coordinated. Standing up from the bed, you nodded subconsciously in approval of his way of doing things. “You’ve got a great place.” you compliment. “Can you please not keep me waiting?” Donghyuck sounded impatient and needy with each word that left his mouth but that’s more of a reason to tease him. “Relax, we’ve got all night.” you assured him after walking up to his sitting position on the edge of the bed and rubbing his clothed arm up and down. “Nu uh. Not until morning. Did you forget what day it is tomorrow?” he squinted his eyes at you.
What day is it tomorrow? Is it a special day? Do you have to know what day it is— Oh my God. How could you have forgotten? The best day of the year. It’s fucking Christmas tomorrow. “Oh shit.” you stared at him with wide eyes and a racing mind. “Jesus fucking Christ, Y/n. You love Christmas. At least you used to. Can’t believe you forgot.” he snickered with a teasing glint in his eyes. “I still do! It’s just… I got so caught up in the heat of the m— Wait. Why do I even need to explain anything to you? It’s not a sin to forget Christmas.” you stated and Hyuck simply shrugs at this. But then you saw it. The boner in his pants. He’s gonna get blue balls if you keep this up. You would’ve felt sympathy towards him but something about making him beg and plead has you thinking.
Should I? Wouldn’t it be a sight of a lifetime? The thoughts were running wild in your mind and Hyuck seems to be taking note of the way you stood still without uttering a single word. “You okay? I’m worried.” he reached out a hand to you and caressed it with his. Maybe I shouldn’t… he’s so nice… But the way his eyes softened at the sight of you has you on a chokehold. He’d look perfect wouldn’t he? No, no. That wouldn’t be nice. Alas, you chose not to seeing as you’re in a good mood and you wouldn’t want to get on Hyuck’s nerves. “Yeah, I’m… I’m fine.” you shook your head side to to side to get rid of the earlier thoughts and surprisingly enough, you’ve found yourself seated on his lap, arms around his neck.
Immediately, his lips are attached to your neck, smothering open-mouthed kisses all over. A sense of déjà vu shoots through you at the familiarity of the feeling. You almost felt like you were reliving your life two years ago with Donghyuck up against you like this. He lips moved the same way it used to. So skilfully and teasingly. He knows his way around you, that’s for sure. And at times, you get slightly embarrassed at this because of how well he knows you. “Hyuck…” you tugged at the ends of his hair and tightened your hold around his neck by a fraction.
His left hand slid its way down your ass before he squeezes it gently in his palm. You let out a squeal of delight at the action as you bit your lower lip desperately. “Hyuck s-stop…” your words came out less than a mere mutter but you were sure that Donghyuck heard it. “What’s wrong?” he lifted his head from the crook of your neck and searched for your eyes in worry. “Nothing I just… fuck it.” you got off his lap, kneeled in front of him and hurriedly unbuckled his belt before pulling out his hard cock from his boxers and popping it into your mouth. “Y/n— Shit.” he gripped the top of your head and threw his head back lewdly.
He looks so pretty like this, doesn’t he? The way his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down and his thighs shaking on either sides of your head. The sight of it all is simply… seductive. So much so that you wish you could’ve taken a picture. Your head moved along his length just the way he liked it: fast and messy. Figuring you could take more of him, you lowered your head until his tip met the back of your throat, you gagging a little on the way there. “Bloody Christ.” said Donghyuck airily as he moans contently. Your tongue patterned its way along the base of his dick in zigzags and he seemed to be enjoying it when strings of curses left his gaping mouth.
“Fuck— I’m close… S-So fucking c-lose…” his thighs shook again and you reached a hand to his neglected sack and began massaging it in your palm. “Shit!” just as he exclaimed, ropes of white splurged down your throat with a loud groan from the man above you. His release seemed never ending as it kept filling your mouth until drops of hot liquid began dripping down the corners of your mouth. “Swallow. All of it.” he grimaced as he pulled his cock out of your mouth and watched you swallow every bit of him. You held eye contact with him as you felt the thick liquid run down your bruised throat easily. When you’d thought you finished, you stared up at him in await of what’s next. “You can’t possibly be done, can you?”
Donghyuck took his thumb to the corners of your lips and pushed in the remaining cum into your mouth, making sure you really swallow all of him. The sweet salty taste of him has you trembling in front of him. Your shut your eyes slowly as you savoured the taste on your tongue, taking your time swallowing it all. Once you opened your eyes again, he was already staring at you like you’re some kind of prey. You felt so small under his gaze so you looked away from him and focused on everything but Donghyuck. He seemed to notice this when he suddenly laughs silently, as if mocking you. “Are you really scared of me? When you literally just sucked my dick off?”
When you didn’t answer, he manhandles you onto the bed behind him before climbing above you and looking straight into your eyes. When the fuck did he get this strong? “You look so pretty like this, Y/n.” he took a finger and traced your jaw smoothly. The feeling would’ve been soothing but the way his finger moves made it feel ticklish. So ticklish that you let out a small giggle before holding onto his arm. “What’s so funny?” you could see the way his lips twitched as if trying to hold back a smile and you burst into a fit of laughter at this. Instinctively, you threw your hands over him and hid yourself in the crook of his neck to conceal your embarrassment. “You know what, I think we might need to cover your eyes.”
He reached for his drawer and pulls out a black velvet piece of fabric. Except it’s not just a fabric, it’s a blindfold. “Donghyuck.” you said in a tone full of warning. You weren’t the most fond of not being able to see during sex. Sure, not seeing does heighten your senses but you want to be able to know what you’re dealing with, y’know? Or maybe you just like being in control. “What? You like it.” he shrugged knowingly. “No, I don’t.” It was the truth. You didn’t. “Well, you might just have to get used to it.” he smiled sweetly at you before wrapping the fabric around your hand. “Hyuck.” you called for him once again. This time, your hand was on his arm to stop him. “It’s not an option, Y/n.” his slender fingers worked behind your head to tie the piece in place and you finally accepted defeat when you let go of his arm.
“Fuck you.” you said. “Mhm. Good luck with that.” And with that he leaned back to take a good look at you but now you couldn’t see anything but pitch black. You unconsciously touched your covered eyes before your hands fall back in complete loss of hope. “Aren’t you just the cutest?” Donghyuck giggled softly and pinched your cheeks in a way that you’d do when you see babies. “Shut up or I’ll have you down my throat again but this time I’m biting it off.” He couldn’t see it but he sure could sense the way your eyes sent a glare his way which he gulped soundlessly at.
Out of a sudden, you felt the cool breeze hitting your lower half and only then did you realise: he’s stripped you bare and the only clothing you have left is your sweater and your bra. Just then two of his fingers prodded your lips and you instantly part them for him, not wasting any time and began sucking and licking them. Hard. Your tongue slid between his fingers and you licked the bottom of it as a moan slipped your mouth. Slowly, Hyuck pulled them out and teased your clit with them in small circles. “Donghyuck— Fuck—” you released a small moan when his hands began moving at a faster pace on your clit.
Just as you were at the brink of an orgasm, he suddenly stuffs his fingers inside you, his movements not once faltering. He always knew how to please you. Knows the spots that would make you cum all over his fingers within seconds. Seconds that seem too long for you to handle when he’s pleasuring you like no one else can. It hurts. The way his fingers grazed your walls so deliciously and hitting that spot over and over again hurts. But you like it. The pain it serves feeds to your needs and you couldn’t ask for anything more.
His fingers curls inside you and there’s this shit-eating smug grin on his face that you’d wish you could wipe off if you were to witness it. You couldn’t see him but you knew he was enjoying this. A little too much though. “Can you stop being so annoying— Fuck!” he keeps hitting your sweet spot like it’s some kind of punching bag. Moans and curses left your lips as he keeps getting off on your sounds. “What was that, baby? I’m fucking annoying? Yeah? Am I now?” he attached his red lips to your swollen clit before starting to suck on it, his fingers still working wonders on you. “H-Hyuck… C-Close… So close…” Right then, you released all over his face and fingers with a loud moan.
“Fuck, taste so good, baby.” Donghyuck gave your sex one last kiss before getting up and aligning his cock to your entrance. Not forgetting to tease your pussy with it before. “You ready?” he asked with a wiggle of his eyebrows. “Just put it in, already.” There was a soft chuckle coming from the man in front of you before he finally slides himself inside you. Only halfway though. “S-o tight, baby…” he spoke through gritted teeth and a hold on the bed frame. “Hyuck…” you whimpered as you clenched on the bed sheets on your sides. He began dragging his cock in and out of you at an agonisingly slow pace and you couldn’t help but want more.
“Deeper…” you breathed out softly and to be frank, you were quite afraid of asking things from him when you know he’d be blackmailing with every word that you say. “Deeper? My baby’s a little whore isn’t she?” despite his teasing, he still placed his length deeper inside you until his balls was kissing your ass. “Hyuck!” you yelled out in pain as you gripped on his shoulder harshly. His movements began speeding up and you could feel his skin slapping against yours painfully. “Bloody hell.” groaning loudly, he flipped you over and placed you on all fours before spitting on your asshole and entering two fingers into it.
Your eyes went wide at this (not that he’d notice though) since you’ve only done anal once. And that was with Donghyuck so he probably knows how to do it. Pulling them out hurriedly, he replaced his fingers with his cock instead and moved in sloppy movements. “Hyuck! Please…” your breathing started turning ragged and heavy as your back arched slowly. “You’re enjoying this aren’t you? Getting your ass fucked by a big cock like this.” you let out a strangled moan at this and he took that as an agreement. “I’ll take that as a yes.” he smirked as he pounded into you almost too aggressively. But you didn’t mind though. You like it rough. “You talk too fucking much Lee Donghyuck.”
You fucked back onto him by pushing back your ass and right then, his semen came filling your ass up to the brim. Giving a few last thrust to your gaping hole, he finally pulls out of you and stare at the cum dripping from your ass with admiration. “So pretty.” a hand of his caressed the tender skin as he placed little pecks on it. “Can you take the fucking blindfold off now?” you plead with annoyance laced in your voice. “If you ask nicely.” he offered with a shrug that went unnoticed by you. “Can you please take this blindfold off for me now, Hyuck?” laughing a little, Donghyuck untied the velvet that was wrapped around your head and turned you over before giving you a kiss on your lips.
Tilting his head slightly to look at the clock at his desk, he smiled a little before looking back at you and saying the words, “Merry Christmas, Y/n.” he gave you a peck on the cheek and looked into your eyes with adoration in them. “Merry Christmas, Lee Donghyuck.”
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only a few hours till christmassss FUCK IM EXCITED
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