#i know this is like months late
I agree with you re: kind female characters, I sort of feel the same way about people who hype up characters that are feminine and act like such characters are an endangered species in popular fiction, when that's far from the case. If anything, even the hyper-feminine characters being shallow villains doesn't take away from the fact that the 'tomboy' protagonists are often also feminine, just less outwardly so. And tbh it's really tiring that these types of people advocate for more kinder/feminine female characters and admonish any character that is (at times wrongly) interpreted as a girlboss instead of requesting that more female characters just contain multitudes and aren't strictly written with a number of single defined characteristics? Since honestly even apparently feminine characters whom the social media public all advocates for can still get an insane amount of hate thrown at them if they don't behave up to those people's standards, like Edwina. And she and Kate aren't even "proper" examples of feminine villain/tomboy hero female characters, just that these types of "we need more such and such characters" are useless if the same people only choose to accept certain types of characters if they fit within what they want or like, and don't care to extend that sort of sympathy or understanding to any other character that may also be interesting/complicated.
i remember seeing this post which said something along the lines of tumblr's problem is that they think legally blonde was the apex of feminism. i think that pretty much sums it up. its why we see this trend people claiming that feminine characters are endangered species of always hated but in a special way that's worse than the way any other female character is hated. and the thing is i can understand being annoyed that lots of things that stereotypically feminine are made fun of on tv and seen as frivolous in a way that stereo-typically masculine things aren't. and this is often done by characters who are meant to be a "tomboy". but like you said these tomboy characters also tend to be appropriately feminine. they make fun of make up or hair while wearing makeup and having their hair perfectly done by professionals. ultimately what they want is for woman to look perfect and feminine but without any effort or pretending they care. but yeah femininity is in no way an endangered "trait" or whatever. in all honesty we barely see GNC woman on tv. and if we ever did people would scream and cry about how the existence of this one character is a hate crime against all the million other appropriately feminine characters.
lmao the edwina/kate discourse was always so weird. you had one side of people claiming that kate was hated because she wasn't properly feminine and too authoritative and masculine compared to edwina. same with edwina where loads of kate fans were claiming that edwina was only popular because she was soft spoken, appropriately feminine and 1/4 white (lmao i will never get over that). and then you had the edwina fans claiming that edwina was hated because she was the soft feminine one. the truth is that edwina could have been wearing pants, smoking cigars and riding astride and she would still have recieved the same hate because her real crime was was being in the middle of fandom's favourite ship. no amount of pants or pink ballgowns would change the hate because fandom's hate has nothing to do with her being feminine or masculine, but purely because she was in the middle of their otp. and that is ultimately a female character's biggest sin, but yeah i agree, kate and edwina could have been written better but analysing them as being either feminine or masculine is really such a rigid, narrow and regressive way of looking at female characters.
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sunbloomdew · 9 months
do you ever see a person and you are overcome with incredible fondness? and you just think "oh." but not in a romantic or sexual way you are just filled with warmth and it makes you happy, it just does. and you think "i'm so happy you exist. i'm happy you are somewhere out there in the world, doing your thing". it's love but also not entirely
like people are lovely and i feel it in my entire chest like a burning candle that smells like roses and a sunny day
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noecoded · 1 month
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ur favorite employee :3
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poisondionaea-art · 1 year
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Based on this text from leviathan:
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skitkattl · 4 months
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you love it when it's about you, don't you?
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+ up close standalone portraits
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alicenpai · 9 months
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i love...wanpee...........🍊🍶🧡💚
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fantasy au scribbles!!
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iffasart · 22 days
@campbenji JWCTcountdown Day 5: fav ship (part 2)
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I love themmmm!!!
Bonus because i think i'm funny
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This was funnier in my head 🥲
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sableeira · 1 year
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whoever edited that bsd official art to make it look like chuuya is holding onto dazai’s arm will be put on trial for irrevocably changing my brain chemistry and making me so much worse
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the original and the edit in question. this artwork really makes me crave a mid to late 19th century historical au where Chuuya is a swordsman struggling with changes to his job due to the meiji restoration and with Dazai as a detective/private investigator who hires Chuuya as his bodyguard when a seemingly harmless investigation turns dangerous. they kind of hate each other (as per usual) but Chuuya needs the job and Dazai, while he proclaims to dislike chuuya, is also very smitten with chuuya’s fighting style and temper (as per usual).
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transgenbur · 2 years
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in a month or in five years; i’ll be waiting
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randomminty · 10 months
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If i dont get that eevee bag ill die in the next 5 seconds im serious
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hotchfiles · 2 months
↪ day twelve. dinner party stories — #marchhotchness
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ❝ [family line] ❞
pairing: hotchner x fem!reader. summary: he snickers when he secretly whispers you that and you’re sure this is the family you were born to be after all, it just took you a little while to find it. or: aaron shows what the unconditional love of a family should be like. content warnings: not proofread, a lot of family issues brought up, weight gain mention (negatively once, then positively), reader's parents being annoying and kind of mean. word count: 2.4K
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      Aaron sees it in your eyes, in your breathing, in the way you move. He sees it in the way you’ve been playing more with your necklace and by how you can’t seem to stop spinning your engagement ring around your finger. He hasn’t seen you this anxious in months, and back then you were working on finishing your dissertation and it collided with the company you worked at losing clients, it was chaos. He knew right now there was no chaos in sight, so it could only mean one thing. 
      “Honey, did you speak to your parents recently?” His voice is always as soft as a feather when talking to you, even in the rare instances you argue. 
      You turn from the scrabble pieces and set your wine glass down, not minding the interruption to the cozy game when his voice sounded like that and his eyes looked at you like you were something so precious you could break. 
      “No, babe, why d’you ask?” 
      “You’re fidgeting like an hyperactive kid who hasn’t been put on Ritalin yet lately.” His explanation catches you off guard in a way that you almost reprehend him saying his name in a high pitched voice and slapping his arm in between laughter. His smirk shows you just how accomplished he feels that he made you laugh like that. 
      Aaron takes both of your hands in his, kissing your knuckles and urging you to talk with him just by the way he looked into your eyes, eagerly waiting for you to vent about what was making you so restless. 
      “I haven’t told them about the engagement yet. I want to have them over for dinner, to share the news but they are so…” You sigh profoundly, looking up to the ceiling trying to finish that though in a way that made sense. “Difficult.” 
      Aaron knows what difficult really means. It means patronizing. It means unsupportive. Unwilling. Unhelpful. It doesn’t mean unloving, but it means old fashioned in a way that it feels unloving. “We could have dinner in a nice restaurant instead, to ease up some of that pressure.” He suggests, always the problem solver. 
      “It would be perfect, handsome, but we did that last time…” Your voice trails off, laying your head on his lap, urging him to gently pass his fingers through your hair by that act alone, cozying up to him in an attempt to ignore the problem at hand. 
      Hotch follows your lead, not forgetting to place a kiss on your forehead, but also, not letting the problem go. “And my dear future mother in law will start dropping hints again that we don’t want them here.” You nod quietly. “Alright. Don’t call. Text her inviting them over with the details. Less talking.” 
      You groan, “She will complain about that too…”
      “Once they’re here.” He kisses your forehead, “So it’s only one,” and your nose, “Night,” your right cheek, “Of,” your left cheek, and you’re already grinning like an idiot, holding in your laughter at his boyishness, “Complaining.” Aaron finishes, brushing his lips against yours. you nod and pull your head up slightly, finally connecting you two in a sweet slow kiss.
      You get your big girl pants on after a delicious making out session with your fiancé, the scrabble pieces long forgotten as you gulp down your whole glass of wine and pick up your phone. His hair is messy, his cheeks are flushed and he grins at you with reassurance pouring from his sweet eyes as you send your mother the text, throwing your phone back to the table before seeing a response and going back straight to his arms.
      He made it easier, always. Helped you sort your feelings out, helped you find out the less stressing way to solve your problems. It was a joy to have him, to watch how he talked to Jack and see how it should be.
      More often than you would like to admit, you caught yourself thinking wow my parents would not let that slide, and then you would be faced with the reality that they were in the wrong, not Aaron.
      You talked to him about it once, asked how could he be so sweet and so effortlessly so to Jack, his answer came quickly, no hesitation: Jack had lost enough, losing his trust on his dad was not something Aaron would let happen, he didn’t want Jack to go through what he had as a child.
      Then it clicked to you once more, how you would never want to treat your hypothetical children like you had been treated too. 
      You try not to think too much about these things too often nowadays, but even as you laid on Aaron’s chest and felt his fingers lightly, softly, trace designs on your skin, now all you could think about was the damned dinner.
      Your mom wasn’t too judgy when it came to what you cooked, your dad was and annoyingly so, always had some remark about what would have made the food better, just like he did to your mother back home. 
      So first thing you did the next morning was think through all dinners and remarks and find something you could do following his tips to lessen the complaining, Aaron’s idea, of course. 
      “He always says my lasagna is delicious but too dry,” You mumble to yourself, but not really, you have your earphones on and Aaron on call, in the office doing reports he was able to entertain you as you picked up ingredients for extra sauce.
      You can hear him smiling, the sound of his aggressive pen on paper stopping for a second, “Even Rossi loves your lasagna, it is delicious. Just give your father a bowl full of sauce, he will be happier.” You snort and he goes back to his papers, satisfied to have made you laugh through the stress.
      Gathering the rest of the ingredients is easy enough, you’re already used to the grocery store’s layout and setup, you keep him on the line either way, a tradition you both kept whenever you were doing monotonous tasks, even when he didn’t speak, listening to his breathing, the shuffling of papers and his pen quickly making work through all his reports made you smile, calmed you down.
      Hotch thought it was silly at first, but quickly warmed up to it when he heard you softly,  secretive so, humming songs to yourself as you worked on your own reports, or went shopping, not to mention how adorable he found you to be when you forgot he was on the line and jumped scared as he spoke something.
      Most of all, he loved being immersed in a paper trail and being surprised by a hey I love you right in his ear as if you were there.
      It pained him to know how much of yourself you tried to mute down to please your parents when he loved every single tiny piece of what made you… You.  
      Hotch excused himself from the call to talk to Rossi just as you were about to go back home, satisfied you convinced him to get Rossi’s sauce recipe. 
      “Hers is great, why does she need mine?” Rossi sound almost exasperated, as if Hotch himself had said something about your cooking. He is quick to reassure that’s not the case and explain how you’re trying to please your father, Dave doesn’t seem that much happier about it, always pleased with the dishes you made for dinner parties at his mansion, but he still takes his phone and sends you a voice note explaining each step of his homemade tomato sauce. “Anything else?”
      “I need a favor as well. I’m gonna need the next weekend off for this.” Hotch begins, he knows Rossi would never mind that, no one would, in fact most people from the Bureau agreed he needed time off. “I know myself enough, I need to be completely off, no calls, no briefings.” He’s learnt his lesson from too many past mistakes, if he knows the case, if he knows the team needs him, he will be putting his job above anything else, Aaron can’t afford to do that anymore, so he prevents it. 
      His left thumb rubs the side of his index finger, his way to calm his racing thoughts, just the possibility of ruining this dinner has him anxious, this little habit of his was something he hadn’t even noticed he did before he met you. It was one of his tells and he never realized before you took his hand in yours and looked sweetly into his eyes saying you’re stimming, what’s wrong? In the softest tone he had ever heard anyone speak to him. 
      You were always quick to notice if anyone around you didn’t feel well, always a caretaker, it was a sight to take in and a pain to prove you so, being seen as selfish your whole life at home. 
      That day he got home late, Jack was doing his homework with your help while you worked on a few things on your laptop—a presentation you needed to finish soon as possible to get the next Friday off. 
      His office had become a shared office with your help, a U shaped desk where both of you could work being one of the first changes you made to it as soon as you moved in, it was perfect and it gave Jack space to sit close to either of you when he needed help.
      The sides faced the walls while and front faced the window where you and Jack sat, focused, it gave Hotch time to lean in the door frame and watch you both.
      “I’m not sure about that one, Jack-Jack…” You stop typing to read the question in his book again, impressed with how little you remember of school math. “If I Google this up, promise not to tell your teacher?” Aaron clears his throat at the question, catching your attention and making you laugh: Caught in the act. 
      “No Google, buddy, sorry.” Jack scrunches his nose at his father’s ruling out, a loud groan coming from his pre teen little voice. 
      “Told ya we should have started this earlierrrr—” You tease the boy, insinuating you two would have been able to find the answer online without his dad knowing then, you ruffle his short hair softly, loving the endearing smile he always gives you when you do that.
      His smile quickly turns into a yawn, the weight of the time stamped on Aaron’s watch getting to Jack’s eyes, “I’m sleepy.” 
      “You can finish tomorrow, let’s get you two to bed, buddy.” 
      Hotch picks Jack up and the young Hotchner is nothing but a ball of giggles, always saying he’s too big for that now, but obviously still loving the attention. 
      “Enjoy while you can, Jack-Jack, your old man is not getting any younger.” 
      “Yeah? I’m carrying your ass to bed soon too, my back can handle you both for years still.” You and Jack both laugh at him. It’s always almost as if a harsh mask melted when he got home, in its place would remain his soft features and the bickering you loved so dearly. 
      It was warm. And kind. Even when he came back home stressed, you never had to worry about accidentally setting him off or saying the wrong thing. It was a completely different dynamic than what you were used to. 
      It takes a few minutes for Hotch to come back, but he comes ready to make true of his promise, hands straight to your waist to carry you, tickling his way into your defenses, he laughs at your laughter and at how easy you melt to his touch. “I’m just finishing this up, babyy—” Your voice is purposefully whiny, pouting at him and getting a kiss in return, “Go eat your dinner while I do it, I heated it up when I got your text!”
      He stops trying to pull you up his shoulder or around his waist then, the look he gives you then reminds you of why you fell for him: Sweet like caramel, always betraying his known frown. 
      Aaron looks at you like every act of kindness you do makes him fall in love again, and it does. He traces your features with his thumb in silence, the mix of his calloused fingers and the softness of his actions makes you sigh, leaning into it.
      “I love you. I love our little family.” He kisses your forehead and leaves you to your presentation before you can even reply, before you can even tell him the two Hotchner boys are the first healthy family you’ve ever been in.
      You don’t even mind your dad complaining about your lasagna having way too much sauce the week after. Aaron eats for the both of them, compliments every single decision you made while cooking.
      The second your mother tells you you’ve been gaining weight, Aaron replies with a simple “If anything, we’re both getting bigger and happier.” A squeeze tight to your knee, stopping you from tearing up at how that was the only thing your mother did notice.
      They seemed happy about the engagement, but not too sure you’ll be able to care for him and his child as they needed to be cared for. You’re forgetful. You’re not maternal. You worry about work too much.
      You’re not even sure how good news could lead to such rambling about your flaws but again, before you can either cry or lose control and yell—Aaron comes in, his soft smile being completely betrayed by his furrowed brows and stern tone. He’s trying to be polite. “We take care of each other well, and together we care for Jack. It works. We work.”
      It’s simple but effective, what he wants is to shield you, to tell them how lucky they are you grew up as kind and hardworking when all they did was bring you down and doubt your feelings and your dreams.
      He wants to show them drawings Jack made of you and essays he wrote about his family. 
      But for now he settles on being polite. There’s still the whole wedding preparation and the actual wedding to go through. He has time to do all that. Right now he just makes sure to show you and them how much he supports you and how nothing they can ever say will change how he sees you. 
      At least he’s glad his mother is dead, one less problematic in law to deal with.
      He snickers when he secretly whispers you that and you’re sure this is the family you were born to be after all, it just took you a little while to find it.
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goldensunset · 4 months
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joining the war on autism on the side of the autism etc etc
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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It's the 6 month anniversary of this blog! Check out these cool bugs I found.
(EDIT: Check out this amazing fanart by thecornermushroom!)
Part 2 - Part 3
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abstrekt · 1 year
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Finally got around to doing some redraws of THE BEST lower decks episode!!!! No I am not biased
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s-h-a-s-e · 4 months
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The Doctor doesn't understand how this keeps happening.
Jamie doesn't understand how he's still surprised.
plus a black and white version as a treat↴
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