#i konw this is long
irregularbillcipher · 9 months
i do think it's funny how many people in the lisa fandom seemed to go "oh nern is one of the oldest party members," because it's something i've seen sort of consistently. i know he had a wife (god rest her soul) and they seem to have been married a while, so he had to have been an adult long before the flash, but he's not the only one who was married-- the DE even implies that olan's children reached adulthood pre-flash so there's a strong possibility olan is meant to be older than nern but everyone just assigned nern as the group's resident Old Man
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forwantofacalling · 1 year
new jjk season has me crawling back to old fic ideas......my low confidence, need for serontonin, spite, and lack of time are currently beating each other up in backyard and they havent stopped since last night
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dodgebolts · 1 year
Dnf is a slow burn romance novel ala Jane Austen
Knf is an 80’s movie romance
Skephalo is a mix between a Mitski song and the Sixth asoiaf book that people have been waiting 11 years to come out and bets are on if the author will die before it comes out.
in terms of mcyt popularity lifespans skephalo have probably passed the 11 year threshold which is fucking crazy
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strwberri-milk · 1 year
Just read one of your ao3 fics and immediately came here. Could you possibly do Kaeya's first reaction to reader squirting for the first time?
ooo nice!! i didnt konw if people would really see my tumblr from my ao3 so im glad to hear that <33 also i. literally just accidentally posted this so people who sent asks before this/a few days ago YES i have your asks i just forgot to save this as a draft im sorry ;-;
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One thing about Kaeya is he is incredibly diligent in whatever he does. He does everything to 100%, even if it doesn't seem like it. What his priorities are is an entirely different matter.
This is doubly so whenever it comes to you. He adores you with every fiber of his being, loving to be around you and spend time with you and learn what makes you laugh and smile. Making you happy is the only thing he thinks he's okay with doing for the rest of his life.
When you first began to spend nights at his place he liked to try and rile you up, see what kinds of things get you going and how to make you a flustered mess. It was a fun past time of his and he really quite enjoyed it.
Once you started having sex with him you realised fully the true extent of his devotion to you. He used his body to make you melt under his hold, desperate for more and more of him. It didn't matter how much you pushed against him, as long as you didn't tell him no, he had no issues working over the edge over and over again.
His favourite was to see how much overstimulation you could take after a bout of edging before the only thing you could say was his name, body shaking as sweat ran down your skin that he couldn't help but kiss. The way your hands trembled in his as he held you could make him rock hard in an instant, gently nosing against you with the light ask of "again?" in that soft husky voice you could never resist.
All of his experimentation paid off one night in a big way, and the only way you could describe his reaction was excited. You knew in you'd never rest again after this joint discovery, but the way he pulled you into his chest made you not mind too much.
"Fuck, you're doing so good," Kaeya pants into your ear, ramming into your used hole over and over.
Your nails are scratching against his chest, pressed up against him in a way that would be uncomfortable were it not for him stealing any coherent thought you could have with the way he's fucking you. It's endless, almost maddening but you can't help the way your body reacts. His hands hold your hips still, forcing you to take whatever it is he wants to give you as your knees weakly rest against his waist.
"Mmn, Kaeya -" you keen, feeling another orgasm beginning to crest.
He was fighting for this one, feeling you on the precipice for a while now but for some reason, he wasn't yet able to push you over the edge. Now that it was coming again, he had to just have it. Your walls were clenching so tightly over him and you were biting your lip again, trying to hide your moans from him but he would just have to ignore it for now.
Kaeya is relentless, sitting up and pushing your thigh towards your chest so he can mount you better, watching as your body bounces against the sheets hungrily. There's nothing he loves the sight of more and when your expression begins to shift he knows he has you.
He fucks you through the orgasm, chasing his own peak as he feels your arousal soak his pelvis. The sound you make and the feeling is so erotic it makes him cum on the spot, almost collapsing onto you as his hips continue grinding into you slowly.
"You fucking squirted," he huffs into your ear, almost offended you held out on him.
"Why are you mad at me?!" you retort, brain too fuzzy to think right as you smack his face in retaliation.
"Have you never done that before?" You shake your head and an evil grin spreads across his face as he flips you over, pulling your back into an arch as he manages to get his half-hard cock inside of you.
"Really? I'll see how many times I can make you do it then," he practically growls at you, brutal pace starting up again.
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crmsnmth · 4 months
My Favorite Thing To Say
I want to dance on your lips and I want to drown in your ocean blue eyes I'll be happy as long as the memory of your name still graces my voice My favorite thing to say
I want to live witht in your mouth and I want hide in the small of your ear So i can whisper my proclomation of love And konw that you here my shining tongue A little softer every time
Please sing for again I could listen to that sound for hours Soft and gentle and aggressive and slippery It used to be your name but now I love you is my facorite thing to say
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thessalian · 9 months
Thess vs An Inauspicious Return
Sweet and blessed gods, my workplace would fall apart without me.
We were at about 250 bits of typing in the queue when I logged in this morning. Just about everybody left me the long ones to type. No one seemed even remotely interested in stepping it up a little bit to clear some backlog. I couldn't even make much of a dent today because, again, all the long ones. The worst was a fifteen-minute monstrosity that just ... no.
And I didn't even get a "welcome back" email.
So ... again, when they're out because "unexpected absence", I work myself ragged to the point where I'm still not fully recovered after a whole week's recovery time trying to keep our heads above water. But if I go away on a planned absence - as in, everyone knew about this weeks ago - they just keep crawling along like normal.
I konw there's a whole lot of "I shouldn't have to put up with this" ... but come on. Those of you who've been here since the beginning know damn well that this kind of shit has happened in every job I've been in. Like, I get that "quiet quitting" is bullshit and is literally just working to wage, but they're not working to wage. They're cutting corners and being slow as fuck and lumping all the shit they don't want to deal with on the person who shouldn't have to because of disability issues! It was bad enough before the fibromyalgia; now it's just taking the piss.
But needs must - a gender-noncommital entity needs food and internet access. I just wish they'd make a little more effort. Just a little. It'd be more than what I'm getting right now, which is the shitty end of the stick, frankly.
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dimdiamond · 10 months
girl I was reading a fanfic about haddotin in a different language which I had to translate it in English and I tell you the fic pissed me off so bad lol,like I know we all love haddotin and ship them and all but I really don't like the stories where haddock literally bullies tintin and bosses him around just because he's older and in that story he bloody locked tintin in his room and did forbid him from doing anything like wtf?I konw it's just a fic but even in comics tintin was always his own person and didn't let anyone even haddock tells him to what to do these kind of stories just bothers me because even if a person belongs to another he or she is still their own person too and I don't like to see people normalizing these stuff in relationships what's your take on it buddy
I haven't read that fic but it sounds like a fic I wouldn't pick to read and if I did, it would be from curiosity (and probably drop it in the middle lol).
I agree with you, this trope and dynamic is extremely out of character for these two. Haddock didn't lock Tintin in a room even for his safety but EVEN if he did I am sure we would have Tintin get out of the room in seconds. Actually now that I am thinking about it, it would be Tintin who asks Haddock to lock him and count how long it would take him to get out because "I feel rusty lately, Captain, and you never know when I will got trapped somewhere again :)". But yes, Haddock's thing is that he respects Tintin EXTREMELY and he never stops him from doing what he wants, the most he has done is yell and scold but then here they go again to the danger together. Tintin would never stay with someone who would treat him like an object and limit his freedom, and he stays with Haddock because he treats Tintin as an equal despite the differences and I am sure this is what Tintin needs from a partner, among other things.
About fics in general I don't think it's my business what anyone writes, if it's in my tastes, great, if it's not, cool I go to another. I highly doubt a fic from a fan, especially in a small fandom, has the power to "normalize" anything. For whatever reason, the writer wanted to explore this topic and it's their right to do so using fiction. I simply believe that creative storytelling in any form, especially fanfiction, has no obligation to teach morals and you can't base your knowledge and education on them. The only difference between us two and the fan of these tropes is that they like them and we don't. It's a difference of tastes, we all know it isn't normal and healthy to lock someone in a room but some people like to read about it in stories and some don't.
Anyway I am not an expert in the topic and I'm just a fan, so I know how irritating it is to fall upon a fic not in your tastes or just a line pissing you off and the only thing you should do is close the tab (I would NEVER support leaving hate comments or negative ones). There are many great haddotin fics, however, and I can recommend some if you'd like!
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natigail · 9 months
I'm still in a bit of a writing chill phrase post-PEDIA (and because I decided to buy a PS5 and play Baldur's Gate for many hours on end - it's awesome), but all the while, I've been receiving such a huge influx of feedback for my skz ace/wolfpack AU after it completed, both in the comments and bookmarks on AO3 and in a surprising twist of events on Twitter where I don't even konw how to engage in fandom.
I knew this fic was special as I was writing it for the last 11-ish months just for myself to pour a tiny piece of my aspec heart into Jisung, and let Minho's presence be a soothing balm. It was a fic that purposely played to my strength with long scenes, dialogue heavy, and a very introspective narrator. It was the fic I turned when life took too much out of me or my other fics felt overwhelming.
And now to see that it's making people cry and connect so deeply with the characters and feel seen. It always feels incredible when your stories touch people's hearts, but particularly the subject of asexuality connecting so deeply is incredible to me. It feels as if I gathered in front of a big crowd, clutching my story between my hands and then got to watch it get passed around, tears falling but smiles spreading and then pulled into a massive group hug.
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itsjustalark · 10 months
" I hope you don't mind me breaking that ask up into smaller chunks to respond to instead of actually answering the ask in my inbox. Sometimes people send me really long things, and then I know having it on my blog and then having to read my probably accordingly long answer is not going to happen, and I just. Feel bad about it."
Mind? Hell no. I'm honoured that you've decided to give me the time of the day at all. It is completely fine with me and thank you for letting me konw. Next time ill make sure to post on my blog and just tag you.
"Tiadane's not actually a boy; this is made clear relatively early on, and he's not picky about pronouns because his home doesn't have a good concept of things like "gender" and "lots of gendered pronouns." I tend to alternate what I use for him when not in the book, and even in the book he shrugs off a couple "she's." And there's actually not any romance in that one; Tiadane and my deuteragonist's relationship is platonically weird in that one. I don't always like writing romance, but I usually have a deuteragonist running around because I just like paired character dynamics a lot."
I'm really sorry for just asssuming Tiadane to be a guy. On the other hand I love when fantasy worlds explore cultures that dont have the same understanding of gender as us. I feel it isnt done enough and where it is atempted its never done with the enough care.
Also when I said 'relationships' I didn't mean them as explicit romantic ones. I'm a big fan of interesting dynamics and I dont believe they always have to be romantic to get me interested. There are so many ways humans interact with one another. That is whats most facinating to me.
"I'm actually not super great at worldbuilding, either. I tend to do it as little as possible and only when I need to; a lot of my current revisions are fleshing the worldbuilding out. And now that I'm focusing on, a lot of the results are good, but it's often just sort of not really the most fun focus for me. "
I'm also not an intricate world builder and cant even imagine going to the flora and fauna level of detail. My points of interest in world building is societities. How they function different from our and how they effect the people living in it accordingly. I build my worlds around my characters becaude i also feel that a fleshed out world only gives more depth to the characters.
Glad to know your world building is going well. I cant even imagine the revisions i have to make one i finish first draft as ive completely given up ingraining the magic system as part of the characters perspective and how it effects their thing cause it was gettjng to complicated. So i will now have to add all of that stuff later on.
"What I shared was actually the query; queries and synopses are different in the publishing word. Basically, my query is supposed to sell people on making it sound interesting, so I'm glad it's working for those functions for now. It still needs to be edited some more later. "
Oh I didnt know that. Still new to all the publishing jargon but always happy to learn more.
"Tiadane's book originally came from playing too much Smash Bros and staring at Pit for too many hours in a row. And then I just typed some random shit to get some words out when I was stuck revising something and not having fun, and started writing this introduction to his world."
I love how we writers get ideas from the most rediculous of senarios.
"I am a very character-focused writer and have had recurring problems with getting a plot to attach correctly over the years. I think Tiadane's book is the first time I didn't have (too) many issues with one by the time I sent to to a CP, and I'm still ripping a lot out to replace it with something better. "
I also write character focused works. Characters are why i read books. I dont reallyenjoy plot heavy books. Every aspect of plot, fleshing out the world or magic i enjoy because it makes tge characters feel more real and elps highlights the themes if the book.
"Each of my fantasy worlds (I also write sci-fi sometimes, and some stuff just...set in our world) has its own magic system. I don't know how writers just have The One for tons of stories. Large universes to play in can be fun, but so is making up new stuff every time."
Also, would you mind telling me about your magic systems? I love that stumm. It facinates me how maging systems ingrain themselves into a story. When i was first materializing my story it was set in a normal world but my mund was like: no no no this story need a magic system and an exploration of the chosen one narrative even though back then it didnt have anything to do with the main plot. But thats me cause i love over complicating thing for myself.
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kimageddon · 2 years
Sins of The Father - 1:3
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Contains/Warnings: None
Chapter Summary: Zaiya meets up with drisgraced Reporter, Fives.
Notes: at the end!
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Conspiracies and Deceit
It hadn’t taken long for Zaiya to receive a message back from Fives. All of a few hours, and she had an email in her inbox that looked a little frantically typed.
How did uou getthat pic??? Who are u? How do you konw him??? where did you et this? How do I contact? I need to see profo of it! 
I can meet inan hour where are you?>
Just a little frantic, nothing too serious. It had actually given her a little chuckle as she contemplated what her response might be. As she thought about it, wondering whether to tease him, another email came in a few minutes later.
Sorry about that. I seem to have gotten a little carried away. This information is something I have been looking for for a long time. If you are available I can meet at the following address in one hour:
Then he’d included a link to a location, a little restaurant, one she guessed was close to wherever he was. She also suspected that even though he’d said an hour, he was already at the location, or was headed there now to wait for her. Try and make up his mind on her before talking to size her up before he would likely step into the seat opposite and take control of the conversation. 
It’s what she would do. She grinned to herself and grabbed up her things, the location wasn’t far, so she might have a chance to eat before he tried to step in and sus her out. 
Zaiya sat at the little table in the back of the tiny restaurant. By some miracle, she’d been able to beat him there and was leaning into the corner booth, one foot propped on the seat as she held her bowl an inch from her mouth. 
Noodles were messy. Delicious. But messy. 
She spied the man that had just walked in and sat at one of the far tables. She recognised him from the photos she’d seen when looking him up on the net. His dark eyes had swept past her, and despite her stand out appearance, she suspected he didn’t realise the one he was to meet was already there. 
He wore jeans, a black t-shirt and a cobalt jacket, Zaiya thought the colour rather suited him. He looked tired though, his hair needed a bit of a cut and his clothes seemed a little rumpled, like he’d had a few too many late nights. She noticed that he only ordered a drink, and grimaced as he pulled out his wallet. Hm, he might be hard up for cash since he was now a disgraced reporter.
As one of the staff passed her, she grabbed the twi’lek’s attention, speaking to them in Huttese. She’d noticed most of the staff spoke it and he seemed to pay her greater attention after exchanging a few words. With a smile, she threw a few credits on the table and explained what she wanted of him. The Twi seemed amused and nodded enthusiastically, grinning and assuring her it would be done. 
Zaiya sat back and waited.
Sure enough, after a few minutes, she watched the same twi’lek take over a big bowl of noodles and plate of dumplings to Fives’ table. He was bewildered and denied ordering it and clearly didn’t understand what the twi’lek was saying at first.
“No I’m tellin’ ya, it’s not my order…!”
“Tagwa soong do yafulkee, soong moolee-rah che! Do pateesa moolee-rah che u!” 
“What? Look I don’t--”
“Tagwa! Tagwa! Do Pateesa! Friend!” The last word got his attention.
“Friend?” Fives asked with a blink. The twi’lek pointed over to the dim corner.
Zaiya smiled and wiggled her fingers in a wave. Realisation came across his handsome face. 
“Right… friend…” he muttered. After gathering up his things and the plates, he made his way over and sat opposite her. “Z?” he asked. Zaiya nodded and Fives gave her a once over. “You’re twenty minutes early…” he said and Zaiya swallowed her mouthful.
“No,” she replied, and set her half-empty bowl down, she flicked her wrist to check the watch on the inside of her left wrist. “I was forty minutes early, and you were thirty,” she smiled smugly and he scoffed, though there was amusement in those bourbon eyes.
“So what’s this? An attempt to butter me up?” he gestured to the large plates before him. She held up her hands in mock surrender.
“You have exposed me,” she told him with a grin, “that… and you look hungry.” she gestured at him with her chopsticks. He rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled.
“Maybe a little.” 
“Eat up, then,” she urged and watched him tuck in for a moment before going back to her own. She ate a bit slower than he did, he must have been famished, poor thing. After he had demolished half of the noodles and a few dumplings, he took a moment to pause and had a longer look at her this time.
“You’re… not what I expected,” he admitted. She let out a puff of air from her nose in a semi-laugh. 
“I never am,” she replied cryptically.
“You said you wanted to trade, I assume you mean about Pal--”
“Don’t speak his name,” she hissed, her expression turning dark. Fives eyes widened and he looked around. 
“What, you think he’s listening…?”
“Maybe…” she shrugged, her face smoothing out again, “mostly I just don’t like to hear it. Better safe than sorry, right?”
“I’m not afraid of him,” Fives scoffed again, a frown crossing his brow.
“Hm…” she finished her bowl and laid it to one side, “that’s because you don’t know everything,” she mused, and with chopsticks still in hand, pinched one of the dumplings on the plate between them.
“Hey…!” he protested but Zaiya just winked.
“Tax,” she replied, and took a bite. Fives rolled his eyes at her yet again and her smile grew. She quite liked this former reporter. 
“So, what do you propose we trade about… that guy?” he asked, pulling the conversation back to business. 
“I have information, eye witness accounts and detailed goings on when it comes to his life before Coruscant. In return I want everything you have of him here. People that work for him, names, business dealings, everything that you have.” 
It was a big ask. And a big request for trust from a stranger. The silence that followed was evidence enough. 
“What makes you think I will trust you? Or vice versa…?” Fives asked warily, putting his bowl down. Zaiya swallowed the mouthful she had and placed the chopsticks atop her own bowl. 
“You have passion, Fives, you speak your truth and damn the consequences. You do not hide, you do not run. You fight. And I need that.” Brown eyes stared into blue as they measured each other carefully, a silent test of the waters so to speak.
“What do you need it for…?” She didn’t answer him, she let her eyes communicate her desires. After a moment his own widened. “You’re gonna take him down…” he whispered.
Zaiya’s black smile became wicked. 
“Holy shit…” Fives gasped, a breathless chuckle escaping him as he rested his chin in his hand, taking in the revelation. 
He swore in what she recognised as Mando’a. She knew that tongue well, seeing as Jango, Adaji and even her father Temuss had spoken it. She chuckled to herself and relaxed her posture, gesturing with her hands, palms upward. 
“So… you in?” she asked with a smirk.
“Wait, wait, wait…” he shook his head, “what informants have you got? What resources? I can’t exactly get this to print.” She could see the hope burning in his eyes, he was wary, but he wanted to do this. He wanted to make Palpatine pay as much as she did. How interesting, she wondered what he could have done to hurt Fives. Passion such as this had to come from somewhere. Was it just the job? Or more than that?
“I arrived here last night,” she explained, “I know the past, but I need to know the present, and I will follow the pieces from there.” It wasn’t what he wanted to hear, he wanted her to have a plan, clearly. His shoulders slumped a little. 
“It doesn’t give me anything to go on…” he let out a sigh. “Look, kid, I have been doing this for a while, I tried to make a splash with the truth and look where it got me…” he gestured to himself, “I wanna help you, I do. But I need more than promises before I stick my neck out that far again. I don’t even know your name.” 
It was a reasonable request, of course, though it involved trusting this man she had just met with information about her family, her own past she didn’t talk about. For the first time since Fives had sat down, her expression of confidence wavered.
 “Well…” she began, her fingers drummed atop her knee for a moment as she contemplated her next move. After a long pausr she met his eyes again and sat up a little straighter. “To begin, how about I show you the full photograph, and you give me a place to start my own investigation…?” Fives took a moment and nodded. 
“Alright, show me what you got,” he grabbed the last dumpling and took a big bite, seemingly feeling a little better about the situation. Zaiya meanwhile scrolled through her phone and brought up the picture, uncensored and handed the device to him. She watched his eyes widen as he took in the information of the image. 
“You are looking at the ‘Youth Brigade of the People’s Faith of Dathomir,’” Zaiya said with a roll of her eyes. It was the most ridiculous name… she remembered it being so important at the time. A stupid name being something to be proud of. How stupid she had been. The picture in question showed a man and a woman, standing together behind a group of about a dozen children. Two in particular stood front and centre, a dour-faced girl with intense eyes and no smile and a boy with horns on his head and sharp black tattoos across his face. 
“Dathomir…?” Fives breathed, there was a spark of recognition at the name, but not the way it would if he knew. She supposed some of what had happened there had leaked out to the rest of the world. Something so big would not have been able to be covered up completely. 
Though Dathomir had closed ranks after the fire… they had hidden back into themselves again, turning away the rest of the world that they held no trust for. The small group that did remain… well it was no better than it used to be. 
“Wasn’t there some murder or something that happened there?” Fives frowned, seemingly trying to remember what he knew of it. 
“Something like that,” Zaiya replied humourlessly. 
“Who's the woman?” 
“She was called Mother Talzin,” she replied softly, “the one in front of her, that’s her son.” Five’s eyes widened impossibly larger. 
“I know him…” he gasped. “That’s…. That’s uhm…” he snapped his fingers as if to summon the name. 
“Maul,” she provided, she didn’t like how her voice softened when she said it. She had to remind herself, he wouldn’t be the same boy she once knew. 
“Yeah! There was a big to do about him a few years ago, some scandal or indictment, but nothing came of it and he seemed to vanish,” Fives explained as he zoomed in on the picture going through the faces. “What about this girl next to him? The one with Pa-- uh… his hand on her shoulder?” 
“One of the congregation children, he liked to seem magnanimous whenever official photographs were taken,” she sneered.
“You knew him…?” Fives looked up finally and a fluch of hot anger ran through her at the question. Anger and shame at having revealed too much. 
“I heard about what he was like,” she replied, it was the truth, technically. “Apparently most of the evidence was destroyed, like fifteen years ago or something I think. I managed to get a hold of a few things, but Dathomir is not a place you can get into,” she shrugged, and Fives eyed her suspiciously.
She could see the cogs turning in his mind, he was clever, he’d figure it out sooner or later but she was in no rush to broach the topic more than she already had. 
“Well… seeing as how the Maul kid is in this picture, it’s as good a place as any to start-- can you send this to me?” he handed back the phone and she nodded, quickly sharing the image via email along with her other contact info. “There was a professor, one from the Jedi Academy,” Fives took a sip of his drink, his dark eyes searching the table as though the memory were written there. “Some of my sources said Maul had something to do with it, but accusations surfaced about this guy, I can’t remember the name. One of his students, a lawyer, managed to prove it was untrue, but by then it was too late. The Professor lost his job and he essentially had a career homicide. It was after the lawyer made a statement about how the professor was framed, he named Maul as one of the people that was behind it and accused him of coercing witnesses…” Fives took another long drink from the bottle, some fruity soda of some kind. “After that, he disappeared. Not completely but I am guessing Pa-- the Old Man didn’t want the guy to cause him more trouble, worked for him, though the reports are vague at best.”
“So they didn’t advertise it? Huh…” Zaiya mused out loud, it made sense, why would the Old Man, as Fives aptly called him, ever offer any extra information at all?
“Why did he take this random kid with him from Dathomir?” Fives frowned, leaning forward, elbows on the table and chin on the backs of his clasped hands.
“Because he was not a random kid… that’s his son,” Zaiya replied and Fives froze. 
“You serious?” he gaped. Zaiya nodded. “I… I didn’t think…!” he hid his face behind his hands for a minute, “they look nothing alike… I just…!” 
“Hm…” she replied with an amused smirk. Just wait til he found out about the other two brothers, she thought. “So where do I find him?” she asked, bringing Fives back to the conversation. 
“That’s the thing…” he looked back at her. “I don’t know.” He shook his head, some of the longer curls shaking over his forehead, “I am sure he’s around, but like I said, I stopped digging into that side of things, I didn’t need to have any more late night visits,” 
“He sent people after you?” Zaiya frowned.
“Yeah, so we’re gonna have to be stealthy so he won’t know what hit him til it’s too late,” he nodded. The white haired girl grinned, some of her black lipstick having worn off while she’d been eating. 
“Good to know we’re on the same page,” she chuckled. “So if you start getting in touch with old contacts, I can start at another angle… where do I find the professor? I can learn more of the story from him,” the more information she had, the better. 
“I think I can do that, let me see…” he pulled out his phone, and began scrolling. Zaiya made her own notes on her device in order to remember everything Fives had told her. After a while, Fives had an address for her, and programmed her number into his phone to text her the information. 
“Well, I think this first meeting has been wonderful, I think we should do this again sometime,” she grinned, and stood, she didn’t want to waste time, and wanted to speak to this Professor as soon as possible. 
“So, I’ll call you?” he blurted as she slid out from the booth. She raised a brow at him and he realised how it sounded.
“You know what I mean!” he huffed, “Or you call me… with information… or whatever.” he suddenly seemed a little flustered, oh this was cute.
“Sure thing Fives, with information or whatever,” she laughed softly and moved to head past him to the door. 
“Wait…!” he gasped and grasped her wrist. She turned sharply, alarmed at the sudden aggressive contact and he let go immediately. “Sorry… I just, you didn’t tell me your name.” She couldn’t quite describe the look on his face, those bourbon eyes glittering wide and hopeful, the way his hand lingered near hers even though he’d released her. It seems she’d stoked the embers in him into a fire once more, and he was ready to jump back into his old passions for the truth. She allowed her face to relax again and her smirk to return. 
“It’s Zaiya,” she told him.
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Notes: Hello there!
Now, I love Fives, I love his charisma and intelligence. He is damn smart and I think this role suits him. I am struggling a bit today guys, I am pretty sick atm and I am doing my best to keep my brain from melting. In other news it is my Birthday on Sunday so I plan to drop you another chapter next week as my gift to you!
Next week we will meet the Fallen Instructor. Have you already guessed who it is? Leave your guesses in the comments! As always I love your comments and feedback so any and all comments are welcome. I hope you are well and I will see you next week!
Taglist! @two-black-leviathans @fallenrepublick @eyecandyeoz @ashotofspotchka @sitherin-mxschief @littlepossss @octupus-on-the-moon @justalittletomato @nxctuaryninetythree @mach-opress @mustluvecho @nahoney22 @leotatombs @eloquentmoon @the-chains-are-the-easy-part @maulslittlemeowmeow @misogirl828 @alwayssnivellus @stardustbee @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @bacarasbabe @morganlefaye13
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irregularbillcipher · 11 months
my flatland confession that i feel is gonna alienate me from 90% of the fandom on tumblr is i do not like the film
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
After posting a chapter do you wait for some special readers to give you a feedback ? I know everyone's opinion is important but sometimes you have old friends you like to hear from especially !
Yes! I don't say that to add pressure to anyone haha, no one is obligated to read or like anything! But I always feel antsy and exposed when I post a chapter, and I don't feel like I can relax until at least one person (it's always a regular, and usually one of a few people) basically gives me a thumbs up haha. And there are definitely regulars whose opinions and insight I really treasure, so once I hear from them it's just a warm blanket of joy and I feel good about the fact that I posted 🥰 I also worry when I don't hear from someone regular for a long time, just because I hope they're doing well!
I will say though too that hearing from a new person I've never heard from before is it's own brand of magic too. Sometimes I'll get a DM or an anon or tumblr will let me konw someone has tagged me, talking about my stories. And it's a whoel different zap of magic because omg, people besides 5 regulars have seen my stuff??? You can't beat that unexpected warmth.
So consider this a friendly psa, ff readers, even the tiniest comment is SO appreciated from writers! Don't assume other people are commenting because that's often not the case and your comment is worth so much to a writer! 💖
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cinematicnomad · 2 years
7 and/or 8, 12 for 911, and 28 for the fic writer questions please 😊
007. share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it. answered here ✌️
008. share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
“He doesn’t remember me looking away, doesn’t remember how I got distracted trying to help other people and he fell into the water—to him, all that matters is that I was there. So I’m going to be there for him today. Because he needs me, and I need to be there for him. Even if he doesn’t ask for me by name.”  There’s a moment, and then his breath hitches, and he says, wrecked, “He’s my kid. You both need to accept that.”  Mom looks shocked, and Dad shakes his head, confused. His voice is adamant. “He’s your friend’s child, Evan. Don’t be absurd.”  “He’s mine. And—and maybe Eddie’s mine too. We haven’t—I mean, this is new but—” he’s floundering now, his gaze anywhere but on them, his parents. He thinks of last night, of Eddie’s forehead pressed to his, of that moment before anything could have happened. He wets his lips with his tongue. “But—I want him to be.”  Stunned, his mother starts, “Evan—” “You know my name is Buck,” he interrupts. “People call me Buck, they have since I was a kid. You know that.” 
this was v hard to choose, but i selected this exchange between buck and his parents from my fic so show me (family) (written before s4)—i like how much emotion is packed into this exchange, how much conflict. the way buck's dad is dismissive and buck's mom is confused and there are layers of issues here—how they don't know about how important chris is to him, how buck is working out his feelings for eddie in real time in front of an audience, how buck is realizing how little his parents know him, not even konwing the name he prefers to be called, etc etc.
012. is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more? um. nahhh, not for me i don't think. my inspiration comes so sporadically that there's really not enough data to pinpoint a pattern lol
028. share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much. @woodchoc-magnum is insanely prolific and writes wildly different fics while always making sure to keep her characterization on point. i love that there's almost always a guarantee of some solid angst but ALWAYS with a promise of a happy ending. AND i get the bonus of reading her drafts as she works through the fics which just makes me feel all sorts of special 😅
@isthatbloodonhisshirt talk about prolific, over the winter this year i went on a tear reading (and sometimes re-reading) an insane number of their sterek fics. i love long fics and some of these are a doozy (their longest is over 400k!) but they are ALWAYS interesting and well-written and totally in-character.
@seperis i have been making my way through my...i don't even know, 6th? re-read of the down to agincourt series. this is the best example of insane world building i've ever witnessed not to mention the slowest slow burn to ever burn. every time i return to this series i discover something new and i just can't wait to see what it goes.
also i know you only asked for 3 but here's an extra 4th:
@ellanainthetardis i don't really know how i stumbled across their fics—i've honestly never been a big hunger games fan, i read the books once in college and otherwise enjoyed the movies and never sought out fic. but a few years back i somehow came across their hayffie fics and they just opened my eyes to this whole dynamic i hadn't considered. again, this is another person who is insanely prolific and i've read almost all of their ao3 and i read their HADS updates every week and have done for years now because they are just. THAT good.
✨40 questions for fic writers✨
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strwberri-milk · 1 year
hello welcome to pt. 2 of I Know You'll Always Love Me (And I Wish It'd Be Enough) that i like didnt konw when to post but now feels like a good time anyway it is a happy ending bc. i like happy endings
Paper Hearts
Kaeya x AFAB!Reader || Angst/Comf, Smut || 2 690 words
-> His mind was forever caught on "I love you"
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The shards of your heart have always rested in Kaeya’s palms, knowing that even broken apart like this they’ll find solace simply in being near him. You wonder what’ll happen to you, if one day this ache will finally leave, if one day you can think back to him without sobbing so hard your head is pounding. 
Your knuckles are white, hands clasped tightly against each other as you wait. Each agonising moment deepens the indentations in your palm and you pray more than anything that you can get this done and over with. You can’t even afford to let your mind wander, constantly drifting back to the way his body feels against you, the way he kisses you – 
The way you ruined everything by telling him you love him. 
The image of it will never leave your head, biting down on your lip so hard you think you’ll break skin soon. Everything comes flooding back as though he just got off of you, the way he looked at you, the weight in the air from your voice. 
He never texted you again after that. 
You remember spiraling, checking his social media constantly to see if you could find who his new partner was. Every photo he posted you scrutinised, working yourself feverishly as you compared each person to you. She was so much thinner than you, he had the prettiest eyes, everyone he spent time with was so much better for him, nothing like you. 
You had no idea Kaeya was standing behind you, watching as you picked nervously at the grass on the ground. He was working up the nerve to walk over, knowing that he’s responsible for all of this. He ignored you for months on end, texted you today to get your hopes up but he’d be lying if his own weren’t resting up in the heavens. 
The smallest smile rests on his lips, remembering each and every of your little quirks so well. He knew that soon enough, you’d be lying on the ground, staring up at the sky to try and bring yourself down. Your beautiful eyes would forget him for a minute, the pain that he’s putting you through and he takes a deep breath, finally walking over to you. 
The sound of his footsteps brings you to attention, quickly turning to face the direction he came from. As soon as you see him you can’t help the smile on your face, bringing your hands up to cover it to avoid coming off as too desperate. You know this Kaeya, the one who’s cold and calculated, waiting for you to mess up to mark it to some secret ledger in his head. This one won’t snort at your jokes, mortified at the sound he made or whine because you ate the last piece of candy as he tries to kiss it out of you. 
No, this is the one that left you. 
For a second it seems like he’s heart at your reflex, shaking it off as he sits next to you without saying anything. His proximity sets your heart ablaze, aching to love him again. Your heart that was almost healed falls apart again, feeling the pain as raw as it was the day he told you he didn’t love you anymore. 
Did he ever?
“I’m glad to see you’re doing well,” he says, making you scoff. 
“I guess I’m doing well then.” 
You can tell he’s pulling back, cursing yourself for saying something so impulsively again. That’s what landed you into this situation in the first place. 
“Are you trying to ask me to start up our agreement again?” you try instead, holding back your tears. 
He stays silent, and you decide you’re fed up. 
“I can’t just stay at your beck and call Kaeya! You can’t keep doing shit like this to me!”
The anger you’ve been holding back finally courses through your veins, unaware of how much he was struggling to hold himself back right now. He wanted this for so long, for your love for him to turn into righteous fury so he could leave without hurting you but now that it’s happening it only reminds him that you’re still holding his heart and there’s nothing he can do to stop you from keeping it. 
“I waited for you day and night just for you to come over and leave me when we’re done! Now you text me saying you want to talk and you just sit here in silence? Tell me I “look well”? You can’t seriously be that dumb, can you?!”
You’re not fully yelling at him but he can feel the bite in your words, wanting to curl in on himself or throw himself at your mercy to beg for your forgiveness. 
“If you’re just going to sit here and make me do this for you I’m done. I’m not breaking up with myself for you this time. I’ll lose your number and that’s that. I’ll be rid of you. Do you want that? Do you?!” 
At that his eye widens, grabbing your wrist without thinking and pulling you onto his lap. You try your best to fight it, pushing against his chest but he holds you tighter, burying his face in your neck as you try to curse him out pathetically. Your anger turns back to sadness, nails digging into his chest. You can feel his own nails digging into your back and feel the stuttering of his chest. 
“Please,” he barely manages to beg, voice raw and cracked. 
“Please don’t.”
That’s as far as he gets before you feel his breath skipping, tears falling onto your shoulder as he cries. 
You’re taken aback, expecting to become the sobbing mess but your instincts kick in, combing your fingers through his hair as you try to calm him down. It doesn’t seem to be working and you can barely understand what he’s trying to say but he refuses to let you go. 
“Kaeya, you need to breathe,” you try to tell him, not expecting him to shake his head to just cry harder. 
You keep calling his name, worried he’ll soak his eyepatch through to the point of discomfort so you untie it for him, finally able to push his face back to wipe away his tears. They seem never ending, mismatched eyes staring up at you glossily as they dart around your face desperately. 
“Don’t leave me, I’m sorry for everything I did to you.” 
“Kaeya I-”
“Listen to me, please.” 
He sounds so broken, bringing his hand up to brush a tear away from your face as you start crying yourself. 
“I was so afraid of you. I was afraid of how much you loved me, how much I love you. You made me feel safe for once and I didn’t want to lose that so I broke up with you. I ruined the only good thing that’s ever happened to me because I was scared and I’ve spent every minute wishing I could just get over myself so I could have you back,” he says, cupping your face reverentially in his hands. 
“I’ve never loved someone like you and I never will. You don’t have to take me back – I don’t even expect you to. I was awful to you, breaking up with you and texting you just to have sex because I thought it would hurt less if I could see you like that but every time I just missed you more and more. It was getting so hard to leave and then you said you love me I just –” 
His voice cracks again, thumb running over your cheek as though it would be the last time he would ever see you. 
“I love you too. I love you so much that I could die. I would die, if it meant you would love me again and to hear that you did destroyed me. I was so self centered I didn’t even think about how much I was hurting you and I thought ignoring you would give you the chance to move on but I’m so greedy I didn’t even want to give you that chance. I just want you so bad I don’t know what to do. Please, you always know what to say to make me feel better. How do I fix this? Please, just tell me what I have to do, I'll do it,” he pleads, pulling you into a desperate kiss. 
If his words weren’t clear enough for you this kiss sure was, mixed with salt from both your tears and a frailty that you would never associate with him. His lips slide over yours in a way that’s both hesitant and practised, giving you the chance to pull away but you refuse, pressing into him more. The slight moan that slips past his lips makes you whine, letting him take control as he kisses you harder. 
“You’re always so mean to me, you know that?” you say when he finally lets you breathe, panting against him as he peppers more kisses down your neck and shoulder. 
“I always tell you that. You need to stop bullying me before you say something you’ll regret.” 
He can hear the shake in your voice and nods, putting his hands on your waist. 
“If I didn’t tell you now I’d regret it so much. This can mean nothing if you want it to, but just know that I’ll always love you, no matter what,” he replies softly, biting back his noise of surprise when you press a kiss to his lips. 
“Thank you.” 
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“Kaeya!” you moan, struggling to stay conscious as he continues to ram into the spot that makes you see stars. 
You wish that he’d let you hide your face, hands struggling against his interlocked fingers that he’s insisted need to stay pinned by your head. Your whole body is flush under his attention, unsure how many times you’ve cum at this point. The space where your bodies meet is drenched in your arousal and you know your throat is hoarse but this time not from tears. 
“What is it love? Doesn’t it feel good?” he purrs into your ear, falling back into his affectionate habits as he grunts from the way you clench over him at the pet name. 
“You feel good,” you whine, knees locking up against his waist as he makes you cum again. Your eyes flutter shut at the feeling, arching into his chest as he hungrily takes it all in. 
Somehow, he’d managed to convince you to take him back and now was showing you his gratitude. You have no idea how many hours it’s been and for all you know it could have been days of him using his mouth all over your body before slipping into your soaking cunt. The familiar heat made him cum almost instantly, grinding into your body before he filled you up just to go all over again. 
Kaeya’s chest feels so warm, brimming with nothing but affection for you as he shudders from your orgasm. It’s still not enough for him, wanting to make up for all the hurt he’s caused you. He won’t be satisfied until you’re nearly passed out under him, nothing but his name on your lips to remind him that this is real. 
That he’s yours again. 
The thought makes him cum, hungrily kissing you to press his moans into your mouth. His cockhead is practically stinging with oversensitivity by how many loads he’s fucked into you at this point and it makes his legs jittery but he refuses to let it stop him, continuing as though he hasn’t just had the strongest orgasm he’s had in months. 
“I love you, I love you,” he groans as a mantra against your lips while his hips pick up more speed, hands tightening their hold on you. 
You try to return his sentiment, words stolen as you devolve into moans when he releases one of your hands to travel between your bodies. His fingers circle your clit tightly which makes you gasp in his ear as he gets even rougher. He knows your body better than he knows his own, eyes screwing shut in pleasure when he feels your nails drag angry lines down his back. 
“It’s too much - you’re -” 
That’s a sound he missed. Your gasps, your pleas, the way he can force your mind to go blank whenever you cum thanks to him as he sits back up, taking in the image of you underneath him. 
He’s covered your chest and neck in hickies and bites. The ones he left on your thighs have already begun to fade but he doesn’t mind. He’s going to keep you close to him, continue to spoil you in attention because you’re the only person he’ll ever love like this. His affection and lust swirl as a result of the potent drug that is you, a pathetic whine slipping past his lips from the way your eyes roll back into your head when he presses your thighs into your chest by the backs of your knees. This way he can feel himself sinking further into you, the mattress still bouncing up onto his creamed cock. He can see the ring of white on the base of his balls slamming into your wrecked pussy that’s brightly flushed from all of his attention. 
“You’ve done so well for me this whole time,” he coos sweetly, still keeping up his pace as you shake your head. 
“C’mon, just one more for me. Can’t you manage that? Make me cum again, please? Just for me? I love you after all.” 
He won’t stop saying it. He can’t stop. He has to remind you how much he loves you, that he will always love you, no matter what. 
“I love you too,” you finally manage, hands grabbing blindly at his arms as you squirt all over him for the nth time. 
“Fuck you’ve always been so good,” he pants, your words pushing him over the edge. 
He drops your knees, bringing his hands to your hips as he moves them for you. In your fucked out state you can only whimper at the feeling of him using you, choked gasps leaving your throat. His cum fills you up and his arms wrap around your body, pulling you so close to him not even your sweat has room to move. 
He starts to catch his breath, panting in your ear with low groans every once in a while as he comes down from his high. It makes you shudder, collapsing back down onto the bed with him as he holds you to his chest. 
“I’m not going anywhere,” he mumbles against your hair and twining your legs together. 
“I didn’t try to kick you out,” you tease, gently running your fingers down the path your nails took. 
“I’m trying not to kick myself out,” Kaeya pouts, brushing your hair out of your face. 
“Kaeya Alberich I swear to God - if you leave me again after everything you said and did to me I really won’t forgive you this time.” 
He laughs a little, the sound so familiar it makes your heart ache. You feel his hands cup your face, tilting you to face him so he can press a kiss to your lips. 
“I’m never leaving you, not again, okay? So just take your time to forgive me and I’ll figure out what else I need to do to make sure you know that.” 
You smile softly at him, resting your head on his arm as he wraps it around your shoulder. 
“I’ll hold you to that. Get ready for some groveling,” you smile, unable to take your eyes off him. 
“I’m prepared to do anything.” 
You know that he means it, the earnest glint in his eyes and the way he keeps muttering your name in his sleep confirming it for you. Even in his sleep, he’s thinking about nothing but you, the sound of his breathing next to you lulling you into a restful slumber. 
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faultywires125 · 6 months
No more long drives No more turnpike nights No more chances For me to prove
You can keep living like this For the rest of your life Convincing yourself that You were always right Have to wonder how you sleep at night Are you self aware or are you self reliant? Think about all those times you said To other people, "He is my best friend" Looking backwards I think I knew then How full of shit you would be in the end
I don't care what you say About me or my friends I gave you a chance I thought you'd grow up Now you're the one Wondering why you're alone Don't give a fuck what you say About me or my friends Now you're the one Wondering why you're alone
You come around again and Try to act so nice But it devolves back into Old wounds and tired fights I'm pouring effort into This old sunk-cost fallacy Cuz we've been friends forever But you're not good for me You're just extracting value When there's no juice left to squeeze, I'm empty (You've lost your grip, it's time for you to let it go True friendship, is something you'll never konw You're desperate, cuz your heart has turned to stone You hide it, but you know what lies below Maybe someday you'll finally grow)
Living in the moment Finding opportune Times to strike at you I'll start and end fights too With friends like you, Enemies are safer So I guess I'll see ya later
I won't struggle with your omissioins Controlling others, is your life's mission The mistakes you've made And would never own it Save all pictures taken, Clipping your worst moments
Straddled the state to separate my chores from play We found a groove Things going smooth Until they weren't It all got fucked You blew it all up Half of my life It splattered all over me
Squeeze blood from stone Turn half to whole Begin again Learn to let go What you love most Find a new home Reduce your friends Down to opinions Not what you wanted So you shed all of them
Be explicit cuz I can't take a hint Move the goalposts to fit Your thirst for vengeance Damn the consequences Puzzle of shards don't fit I caught shrapnel From your damn explosion
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
Wooden Boat Building Step 7: Stitching and Gluing the Hull
and this is stich and glue. and terrible.  but....
our son said to make it cheaper.  not pricey.  you an do it like this. and the wood is similar.  with wood.  
there are several glaring issues and it iis dirt dirt cheap and not classed painted. leaks all the time and is not seamed at all.  now he threw it away after two tries.  ad it sank mostly. and a crap design. and build.  most use 3/8 plywood at least. and glass it and a quarter inch and solid ok.  this is crap. and nonsense too the zip ties are backwards and push out.  but it is how.  and the cuts are decent. but he bow blows. our son said you can fit a main bem there and true
but we do it like this.
- similar construction wood weith plywood hull and woodeen frame.  and plywood is good for the cross members.  you need to make a space on the bottom for drainage though.  
-we use the one layer approach nope. never works.  use stiching no never works and use only plywood no never works.  but it is a decent medium to avoid cross bracing that is hard to make takes eime and a professional carpenter this doesnt.  our Wooden Boat Kit shows yu you bolt it.  and with bolts.  and we discussed.  they lock. are not mcuch wehn in bullk..  so you use 3/8 and it is an mdo no it is a cdx no it is not interior they make a decent outdoor one better than cdz which is crap now and not allowed.  bends ok.  and we have templatestes you use.  a  joinery system for plywood and yes that is what stitch is for not to connect to framing. usually it has blocks. so they hold the plywoo together and always fails.  no matter what you use.  we use a system that most dont konw about yes.  an it works. the plywood is cut to match up best you can. and you seam it no.  you leave it. and form aseam with the glass yes.  and need a straight edge line ok. but to hold the plywood you use the frame. most dont get it.  our son did. why stich if you have the frame. and it is attched continueous both sides of the plywood frame  and a 2x and cut to mold fit and join wiht each other no one piece if you can. a 2x12 and we send a template and it is angled in some cases. hard to do but works  and we show theangles and when it changes mostly  and hard for some but two templates and ut slow works.  and our son says a dectnt saw like makita or milwakee and you loosen the base and move it slowly as you cut and watch it below and above not hard. and he can do it yes.  not hard too. and he can be very close and power sand it off.  and you see the spacing.  and it is too far.  some say a board the long way too hard to cut.  good but wont seam inside.  and you make blocks about a foot long.  and cut to the edges shape and you seam it firsst and apply it into the glass all over i t.  bolt up.  and from the underside yes bottomof boat. up.  and the seaming is an epoxy glue and holds forever. very hard and for wood.  waterproof.  glue and then you seam. and applly the glass.  and yoiu need onliy four blocks each side on this boat. well this one is a failure.  
this is a ten foot long boat and has  several vertical seams so you need to lap them and we do it from framiing member to framing and lap each.
once bolted and seamed.  you apply the second layer of ply wood and unlike contac cement you put it on one and hod it screw it and then it sets. bolt the scond layer fully.  
coatings make or break it.  and we use the glass and high performance. and not pricey.  its worth it.  and tons of old boats are around using thismthod close ok  seamed it all and that is why.  wiht epoxy now it is not needed, true too.  and there are afew need the meash. and it overlaps yes. thick and wide good. and it wil require several layers about three. and overlap all. and then the mud coat. and level it all.  not hard a trowel is included.  and glassing takes a while. and no you cant epoxy it. or plastic. you ave to glass it.  
ech coat you eed only an hour dry time as it is new.  and has epoxy resin and yes is very very hard
strong durable.  flame spread is average for epoxy not too bad.
the final coat needs hours about five  is toxic.  so close it off.  and then sanding. final sand is a fine grit and use a vuffer.  and spray paint.  and yes works and is cheap..but not hthat cheap.
it costs about 7500 dollars and is not workth it there is no plywood tht bears water. and the type of wood that does costs a fortune. no paint protects it.  real wood its about 112500 and plank and yes it is bad news.  caulk it annuall y or nothing.
we ued it and tried it it is ok strong woerks.  and is time consuming dangerous and makes you high in seconds.
and there are not really any great materials for boat building no.  panels come off and more.  aluminum is about 20k and more for steel.
and our son and daughter say the strenght of the boat comes fromo te mold and frame and you need it. he means it.  this method is very aweful the strenth of all fiberglass boats is frm continueous fiberglass and thats what eh emans. and we use our idea to make a produclt to sell to you for your use. only.  
hehe lol fun we sell a kit and viola a solution.
later we sell the same boat wiht the interlocking panels a diy dream boat. yes.
for now. the penals dont interlock you have afame on the outside and it is basic metal you canot walk in it.  well.  if you mst shoe protectoin and a harder sponge we sell with the kit.  and the frame will not hav edepth ok it is flat mostlly about 2/16″ and a plastic hull. and remembe if yo pout it on  a dent it stays. lol.
and up to 35′ kit. and plastic like the brown garbage cans.  tough but not keepers.  and smooth inside and countoured and iwth chine and some triangulaar long trim all iniegral with the glass.  and for this boat only about 300 dollars for the kit. and we have a lsit of manufactueres and no did not work well yeh it did and a book too with cd.  we send a hull and form our company.  and the glass and all for this would only be 2000 and then all the other frame and more are about 1500 add on the engine and inserts and accessories and it is 5500 plus paint.  rub rail.  yeh 7500 and or more.  but beetter and has been tried.
so here we go and introduce our idea
Thor Freya and he rtried and nope
we do know how no. it is hard ok
air lol ok paper mache works but ok lumpy lol
Zig zag form it wiht clay and pay for tons of clay hehe ok hollow  alog lol
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