#i like being able to say im hungry when i am like a normal person without wanting to kms
swdgf · 8 months
ed cw
thinking a little too much lately which is a dangerous place to be :-( but ughh it rly does suck that my ed was at its worst when (i feel) i peaked in every other aspect…academically! socially! dating! and all that happens to be when i think i looked best physically(warped perception) sometimes i catch myself romanticizing that period of my life.. but i have to remember the hair loss, the constant migraines, the random heart palpitations, always feeling cold and tired, how abjectly MISERABLE i was
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pointless-discourse · 5 months
hs diet/cooking skills headcandons :3
what would they eat. i prommy im not scrambling for ideas, i am being fully genuine when i say i think about (the majority) of these a lot. disregarding my trans hcs for consistency and to try to reign in my fanon perception and keep it at least semi-accurate
content warning for disordered eating
eats very well, if a little heavy on the sweets just based on how many are in his vicinity. his dad loves baking. there will be baked goods. despite how sick he gets of sugar, he's gonna nibble.
however, i'm sure his dad knows how to cook and passed that onto john, at least how to follow a recipe
i think john would be a recipe follower most of the time tbh
living with nanna on the ship wouldn't significantly alter his skills
maybe with all that free time he'd start to improv more in the kitchen?
anyway, he is a good cook and is probably going to end up cooking for his disaster friends a lot because he is a charming young man
well not really? like he'll be on it in a pinch if he's asked too, or immediately reminded that his friends can't fucking cook, but she, in typical egbert fashion, will remain doing her own thing a lot of the time
charming young june gets tradwife'd ig
fuck i transed her . oopsie
we've seen that his fridge is full of smuppets and he hides his food, so his stash is small and is made up of foods that don't need to be refrigerated
texan heat is def a catalyst for that rot
his stash is also made of cheap, low quality food, because i doubt he's getting a lot of money
just an assortment of non-ingredient food like apples and mcdonands
this is on the hypothesis that bro gives dave food money or dave's somehow monetized his skills
if bro is providing this food, it's probably semi-often paywalled behind weird shit or swordfights
TLDR: he likely doesn't have a consistent supply either. enough to sustain some muscle so he can live up to what we've seen in comic, but he's underweight
you think he'll learn to cook on the meteor? wrong. why learn to cook when you can alchemize? what's the point of alchemizing the ingredients for a PB&J and then assemble it when you can just magic up a sandwich?
he cannot cook. he will burn the water. the only appliance he can use is a microwave, and that is iffy in itself because, until he gets the hang of it, will leave a slightly lukewarm hamburger in there for ten minutes
plants. a lot of plants.
freshest thing near her. everything else she has to get through the airplane mail.
she'd forget to eat for a day or two, and then wonder why she's so hungry and then eat enough to feed a family of three. horses. three horess
she lost her grandpa at a young age and then was raised by a dog, so i doubt her eating habits are completely normal
she eats like a dog. jade does not use silverware because she does not like doing dishes. all food is finger food if you're not afraid.
what she eats is of very high quality. if she remembers to eat and can prepare her food correctly, she'll do fine.
on that topic, she's not a bad cook. her chem know-how would help her estimate what would work. but she's never had another person interact with her cooking, so it's lacking a lot of stuff.
research can get her cooking close to the real thing, but it's still mediocre. she doesn't even know what she's missing, because she's never known anything else.
she has a lot of weird tastes that can only come from an insane amount of time to kill. i'm talking mustard everywhere.
john and nanna might be able to reign her in a bit? they would definitely help her improve her cooking skills. watching her eat, there would still be something off about her.
however, she can cook for herself, and it tastes kinda good.
like john in that she had someone there who would cook for her.
mom lalonde is very absent, but she's still on top of things. she responds to rose's notes. she vaccums. she would still cook for rose on a regular basis, give or take a few off weeks.
that cooking would not be good, because she's wasted whilst making it.
even if the food was good, rose wouldn't admit it.
she often makes a show of pecking at her food, but still eats.
unlike john, mom never showed rose how to cook. rose never asked.
when she gets to the meteor, like dave, she alchemizes all the food she needs. there has never been a reason for her to learn how to cook.
she could probably put effort in and, with strife, successfully follow a recipe, but she is a horrible cook. she does not understand it for the life of her, and she won't until she studies it
she'll master it. eventually.
like june. their upbringings are very similar.
one exception is that she cooks more and is a much better cook than she is because jane genuinely cares about it.
she also has some mad pastry skills.
jane can make macarons.
she would attempt to teach her disaster friends to cook, but would quickly lose patience.
and then she would try to cook for them, but get sick of it a meal in. they are very picky and her temper is not long
survives purely off rations/canned food
again, dave's food is fuel mindset extends to him and he can stomach a lot of "gross" things, like an entire can of peanut butter. i may have mentioned that before, so i'll give you some PD lore. i have eaten an entire jar of peanut butter out of hunger and i think about that event a lot because it was not nice for my tastebuds
however, i think as a control freak he would be adamant about his food schedule, even mathing out the amount of calories he would need to consume for every meal proportional to what he does in a day
and then a half-hearted attempt to balance out protiens, fats, minerals, and the other stuff
he is very adamant about his schedule and consuming the food he needs to survive, but that schedule is fucked
ex. 3 cans of canned peaches for breakfast at 3:50 in the morning. two large, burnt mutated fish for dinner at noon. no lunch. or eats half a can of peaches for the twenty hours he is awake in a day.
he can cook, as in prepare meat to be consumed alright. it's edible, and it's not that bad. but he is assed at combining ingredients. he cannot create something successful. all his food tastes like shit because he does not pick up on taste. though, i believe if he was cooking for someone else, he could set aside a few days and come up with something that's high-tier in the mediocre range.
he eats only the meat of the beasts he's killed. he has scurvy.
he is a good cook (in the sense that he can competently prepare meat) though, and genuinely cares about the quality of the food he makes for the sake of his taste buds, and cooking is something he can get lost in
however: he has insane tastes. he is an expert in preparing food in this hyper-unique way that he is insane for but is absolutely disgusting to anyone else
ex. after years of eating similar tasting meat, he was motivated to use seasoning. he does not own seasoning. he is going insane and cannot eat the same thing again. he uses dirt. tastes bad, but god he is dying for something new after x years of eating the same thing for breakfast lunch and dinner. he continues to eat it because he cannot eat unseasoned meat anymore and repetition-causes-complacency's himself into genuinely enjoying the taste of dirt.
dirt is just the tip of the iceberg
jake is also unintentionally bulking (bodybuilders eat a lot of meat to gain muscle). he eats a lot of protien. however, he hasn't herd of the concept of 'cuts' (where you stop eating as much to let the muscles show) so he has a bit of a tummy
but also, he's sixteen so he's not a fridge. i also don't see him as that tall (huss draws him as shorter than dirk anyay huehuehue) but he has muscle if you look. twunk if anything
genuinely horrid diet
so zoned out and depressed she barely recognizes her own hunger and even then has no drive to do anything about it
will eat sugary stuff for the happy chemicals
roxy is the one trans headcanon i have where i am completely unable to distinguish it from canon
she is trans in my head. that is as much a part of her to me as her love for cats is
anyway like a lot of trans women she's pressured to be petite and small in her portion choices so even when she has the drive to eat i dont think its a lot
because of her likely not weighing a lot shes a lightweight
part one million on how is roxy not dead yet
and as expected, she cannot cook
she also has some really weird tastes
she is really good at baking a few specific sweets that she eats on repeat (with a lot of recipes from jane)
once she enters the medium and works on her drinking problem i think her eating problems would also get less intensive
not drinking as much she has to face her hunger more
and being around jane, a big gal, face to face, i think that would do something to her idea that to be a woman she has to be small
troll rations
not only is he poor so no money for all the nice stuff i also dont think troll society has a big focus on cooking
their only main professions are military based and art doesn't seem to be a big focus, just a highblood thing
again probably some nasty cheap ration bars that keep him alive
but i do think he eats regularly and normal amounts, he has that fighting spirit to stay alive and get stronger
but yeah i don't think troll society would require you to put a lot of effort into culinary stuff. but he can prepare the food well
the meteor inspired no one to cook, but he'd get the hang of human food and probably enjoy it as compared to tasteless lowblood troll slop
humanstuck karkat is a kid chef. he is so fucking good at cooking. baking too.
mmmmm yummy troll slop
same as karkat
ghost aradia didnt need to eat anyway so i doubt that would've affected her diet habits
same with got tiger aradia? don't think she would bother with it, too much else to do
but once she starts hanging around in the dreambubbles, exposed to non-troll slop cusine, she'd have a fun time trying to learn how to cook and delight in all those new flavors
then when she gets to earth c she's a good cook who loves cooking
i dont have any headcanons fro tavros because is hate him
sorry tavros fans
uhh he probably eats POOP!!! and LIKES IT!!! because he TAVROS!!!
troll-slop-enjoyer, but also likes aradia's cooking
humanstuck sollux survives purely off doritos and g-fuel
utter chad
survives solely off the giant beasts she kills herself
ripped yet still small and nimble
her diet is entirely protein
no troll slop for her
unfortunately for her, this means missing out on non protiens and fats
nepeta has scurvy
humanstuck nepeta is less feral and also eats cute japanese cat themed sweets
dont know if it was stated in canon but she would garden alongside eating troll slop
yumy blood
roses blood
you would not believe it from looking at her but humanstuck kanaya eats a lot of spicy food and has a horrifically high spice tolerance
she's also pretty good at cooking, mediocre at baking
?????? chalk???????
hopefully alongside the slop
either that or troll chalk is really nutritious
despite technically being a highblood i doubt she'd engage in their fancy food
she eats to survive, not for the taste
she may have access to higher quality sludge though
i think this part of her would persist, but she does love june's cooking
pure, distilled protien and milk
so much milk
its not 2%, not 3.25%, it's 100% milk
he suckles it straight from the moobeast teat
it is really weird and he does not get invited to parties
humanstuck equius's diet is 1/4 food and 3/4 protien shakes, bars, and the like
he'd probably also be like those bodybuilding influencers who eat eggs raw or camel nutsacks
similar to roxy in that he's too checked out to remember to eat
but what he does have as a highblood is insanely high quality
sober gamzee does not require any sustenance to survive in a similar fashion as to how he got shot down by caliborn and was fine afterwards
humanstuck gamzee can bake. he cannot cook. he has the diet of an insane college student, ramen cups interspersed with weed brownies
occasionally he gets the munchies and eats enough to feed four full grown goku
i like thinking that someone realized he wasn't doing alright tried to help him, maybe roxy? in a universe where he didn't get lil cal'd
only the finest fish food for him
he dines like a king
he projectile vomits when in a 50 mile radius of the sludge
agile, but weak
doesn't cook, has other people do it for him
humanstuck eridan has a private chef and is offended if you expect him to cook for himself
finest fish food for her, dines like a queen
but also attempts to live like the normies once and a while
and take a bite of the (highblood edition) slop
humanstuck fef also has a private chef but helps out in the kitchen from time to time
gonna b real dawgs, i cannot concieve of the dancestors in this manner. peace
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pjo-obsessed-nerd · 7 months
sometimes valentines day really sucks lmfao i was talking to a guy 2 weeks ago, we made plans to go on a coffee date, and see a movie, and then he ghosted me. i had to go to dillons for my dad, running on 2 hours of sleep, already overstimulated, and walked into a crowd of 20 ppl all around the florist stall (which is directly in the way of our pharmacy, my destination), and then a guy came up and stood less than an inch from my back to reach for a flower that was behind my shoulder, so i started panicking. When i tried to leave, more people had come in so i literally could not get to the front doors without touching over 3 ppl at once. I literally ran out of the store crying because i was freaking out and people were staring at me. On top of that, we had no food at home that i can eat without making a fiver person meal, so i went hungry. i made brownies, burned the tops while simultaneously making the bottoms too liquidy to taste any good, let alone be safe to eat. when i went to vent to my mom, instead of being sympathetic and saying it would get better (what i needed/wanted to hear) she told me to stop bitching about it. For dinner, we had tortallini, which is normally amazing, but the tomato sauce literally made my mouth itch (Which is something i only experience when i eat citrusy foods, and im allergic to citrus, but this feeling was 10x worse), and my paycheck dropped just in time for me to get a meal from wendys before going to work on another 2 hours of sleep. The 3rd book of the series im reading (Newsflesh Trilogy by Mira Grant, it's zombies, conspiracy, journalism, tiniest bit of romance but i would die for Shaun and Bekks to kiss just one more time, go check it out if that sounds cool to u) won't be here for another week after i finished the second one on a major cliffhanger, and i haven't written anything in nearly a month. the times tamps of my book says as much. Also, i'm single, all my friends have boyfriends or girlfriends, and every guy or girl i talk to ghosts me after learning i have adhd/am working on a autism diagnosis. that, and my friends are lowkey ignoring me. on valentines day of all days, so the one group of people i'm supposed to be able to talk to when my life gets shitty the same way they talk to me when their lives get shitty have just been ignoring me for like, a week. idk what to do, cus im torn between punching a wall and curling into a ball so tight that i just POP out of existence. Anyway, sorry for the rant. if you read this far, i appreciate and love you <3
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aanabear2803 · 5 months
hi i've seen your posts about body weight and I as a fat girl, was wondering if you are open to talk about it or give advice about it
I have been struggling real bad with it lately, I thought I was ok and had been for a few years, turns out I hate my body so much and you seem so confident, you got any advice? would you be open to talk about it in dm's?
feel free to ignore this if it's uncomfortable tho
Hi :3 um... so. I struggle with my own body weight a lot. I wont really talk about the bad thoughts that lurk about.
Ive been overweight since I was a wee lad. It especially hurts when my meds make me constantly hungry. Like I am always fucking hungry. So I just snacked the day away without any thoughts of consequences. I still eat these meds to this day. I am still as hungry as ever.
Id say I wont have very awesome advice? Because what I would normally do when those bad thoughts do happen is... post nudes on my kinky tumblr? Which, you know I dont expect others to do. Im sure there are healthier ways to express yourself than to go on tumblr and do shit like being half naked. However there are tons of gorgous women who dress in lingerie and post on tumblr all the time. You kinda just need to know where to look.
Ive also been trying to loose weight. But its more for a health thing since Im close to being diabetic and Im super duper not down for that myself. Im already tired of the meds Ive eaten I dont want to have to subject myself to stabs of insulin.
Im not on a fad diet of any kind. Im just eating 1200kcal a day watching as my weight slowly goes down~ I calculate all of this stuff too.
There's also the difference in how being fat and being unhealthy are wildly different. There's also that thing on how genetics have a say in the weight a person can be. But that is not my expertize at all! But you can be more than welcomed to go search and read up on those.
Ive been more open to exposing my skin a little at a time? Like wearing a bikini while in the pool when Im exercising. Ive been very recently trying to get corsets to work out too! Altho whether you like it or not there will be stares from people. But I would say start from the clothes, buy stuff you think would make you strut a runway. Dont just buy tshirts and pants and call it a day. Find a top in your size and fucking go for it. (Altho I understand many curvy people will not be able to find it cheap and Im just saying if you are desperate for the cash.... you can try Shein. Which I understand many Americans are banning and all the problems with fast fashion into overproduction but they do have many plus size clothes that most store dont normally have for people like us so you know its entirely up to you! But I was close to tears when I bought something and it just.... fits you know? Just dont go all out and buy their entire stock. I buy 5XL on there and dont worry about the number being so high, its probably based around the chinese style with their insane standards)
But hey look, people are going to judge no matter what ok? They always will. They will always find a way to trash talk. Its hard to ignore them, I get it. But theyre not you. They dont know if youre trying to loose weight or whether the food youre eating is a reward for having done a week of gym. Id honestly just say the fries are delicious and they should try it and we move on with our day. Its like online haters, you dont waste an hour of your life justifying things to them, so you have no reason to need to justify things to irl people.
I do hope this helps a little? I dont mind dms if you have any other questions of course :3
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mischiefmanifold · 1 year
since you’re level 2 can I ask if my experience sounds similar to yours? im trying to figure out which level I am and everyone says different things abt each. i am med? support needs and do need help with BADLS, change has always been distressing for me, verbal loss episodes I think, in general knowing what to say and translating my thoughts into sentences can be hard and social interaction is hard, hard to not just say the same things all the time bc idk how to respond and how to rlly make a friend even after knowing a. Person for years so I only have three/four, I rarely talk sometimes and am rlly quiet and hard to not be quiet and extremely shy, extreme sensory issues, flat effect, big introspection issues, don’t know what counts as being able to masking or not bc even if I could try I know I don’t come off “normal” all the time although to some (who don’t realize the behavior is off bc they’re also autistic or have adhd lol), aaah etc etc idk could u tell me some about your experience?
Some of My Autism Symptoms (From a Level Two Autistic)
Extremely poor interoception (I regularly piss myself and can't control my bladder, as well as not being able to tell when I'm hungry or have to use the bathroom)
Incredible difficulty forming thoughts into words and even separating thoughts
Frequent periods where I can't speak at all, and when I can speak it's hard for me to sound coherent without LOTS of scripting
Meltdowns from very small things such as touching the wrong texture
I have panic attacks or meltdowns when plans change suddenly or without my input
I accidentally eat too much food because I can't tell when I'm full
I can't identify sarcasm in others and also can't use it correctly myself
My repetitive behaviors are so bad I regularly injure myself (I bite my nails past the start of my fingers, causing bleeding and infection, meltdowns cause bruises and scratches)
When having meltdowns I become a danger to myself and anyone in my vicinity (I once threw books all over my room because a plan had changed)
I have only had two or three real friends in my entire life
I do not initiate social interactions unless I am speaking about my special interest (at which point I will not shut up)
Poor affect and ability to match my facial expressions to specific emotions or situations
I have such big issues with food that I can only eat like seven different textures/flavors of food (ARFID is a bitch)
Even if I try to hide my autism symptoms, I am still noticeably autistic
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futurebicon · 3 years
Im just an absolute mess over here reading all your nonbinary jules, as someone nonbinary who goes by my shortened deadname it's like absolute christmas to see that there's a character I love so also deals with that and just marc being an absolute pie and I would sell my right arm for more content, you are an angel among mortals and I'm always :,,,,) when I get a notification that you post
More Non-Binary Jules coming right up. I got an ask earlier about Jules coming out to their parents so here it is.
Please leave any more prompt ideas you have!!
CW- Misgendering and deadname (don’t know the name or pronoun change), a lot of food mentions
“Babe?” Marc whispered as he laid his head on Jules’s chest.
“Yeah, darling?”
“Love you.” 
“Love you too.” Jules shook lightly with an easy laugh. “Is that all?”
Marc let out a hum. “Are you going to tell your parents soon?”  
Jules froze. “Baby.” 
“I know you’re nervous but nothing’s going to happen. Your parents are some of the most accepting people I’ve ever met in my life. They aren’t going to care.” 
“I know. But they always talk about me and Katie together and talk about me finding a nice girl.” 
“I know for a fact that they said the same thing to Remus.” 
“But that’s the point. They aren’t going to get the ‘normal’ wedding experience. And add in the fact that it wouldn’t even be a stereotypical ‘gay’ wedding. Considering the fact that I’m not even a guy.” 
“Which you also should tell them.” 
“Which I also should tell them.” They echoed back. 
“Truly Jules. They will not care at all.” 
“But how do tell them?” 
“Make them a cake?” Marc shrugged.
“Hey, mom.” Marc leaned against the kitchen island. “Would you possibly be able to make a chocolate cake for Jules’s parents?” 
“Sure, sweetheart.” Celeste smiled. “Any special occasion?”
“That’s how Jules decided to come out. Write it on a cake.” 
Celeste let out a small laugh. “Well tell them I am very happy and proud of them. I’ll have that ready by tonight.” She turned and started pulling ingredients out of the fridge. 
“What do we say? ‘Congrats on raising not one, but two queer kids. One uses they/them pronouns. And is also dating the brother of the person you keep trying to set them up with.’” Jules asked. 
“I don’t think that will fit, but probably that should be the gist of things.” Dumo laughed. 
“Alright. ‘Congrats on raising two gay kids. And one nonbinary.’ and then just tell them about Marc.” Jules said. 
“Yeah, that works.” Celeste nodded, handing them and Marc icing bags. 
“Hi, Julian.” Hope smiled as Jules walked into the house. 
“Hey- oh, hi.” Jules greeted their brothers who were also over.
“We’re out of leftovers and neither of us can cook so we’re here,” Sirius explained.
“Celeste baked a cake and told me to bring it so I guess we have that for after.” Jules held up the box with the cake inside. 
“I’ll take that from you, Julian.” Lyall reached for the cake. 
“Uh, I got it.” They said as they moved it to the back of the counter, not wanted them to see what was written inside of it. 
Remus gave them an odd look. Jules nodded back microscopically. 
“Jules come sit.” Sirius pulled out a chair beside him. 
“Thanks.” Jules nodded and sat down. Quickly realizing they were too anxious to eat much.
“You’ve barely touched your food, Julian,” Lyall noted.
“Oh, yeah, um, just not hungry. I ate at Marc’s house.” They set down their fork. 
“How’s Katie?” Hope asked with a smile.
“Um, she’s good,” Jules said. “She was at Macie’s house when I was over so I didn’t really get to talk to her.” 
“Mom, how’s that new plant you got doing?” Remus changed the subject as soon as he could. Smiling when Jules mouthed out a ‘thank you.’ 
“Ready for cake?” Lyall asked everyone. 
“I’ll get it.” Jules jumped up and ran to get the cake. 
They hesitated as they went to open the box. The thought of just dropping it became more and more tempting. 
“Need help?” Sirius’s voice made them jump. 
“Yeah.” They breathed out shakily. 
“Oh. Nice.” He laughed when he opened the lid. “You ready?” 
“Not at all.” They shook their head, stopping as their phone went off in their pocket. 
Everything will be okay. Only downside is that we have to sneak around at two houses now. Love you lots, baby.
Jules smiled as they read over the text. 
“Aww” Sirius read over their shoulder. 
“Hey!” They hid their phone. 
“Let's go show your parents the cake and put an end to your schemes.” He nudged their shoulder. “Want to carry it or are you too weak?” 
“Um, can you please?” 
“Sure bud.” Sirius smiled and scooped up the cake. 
“Cake time! Jules designed it by the way.” He set it down on the table. 
“Oh, honey.” Hope gasped lightly as she read the words. 
Jules stood off to the side, looking down at their feet. 
“Non-binary means they/them pronouns right?” Lyall asked with a smile. 
“Yeah. And, uh, I go by Jules now. Instead of Julian.” They nodded.  
Hope walked over and hugged them with tears in her eyes. “I love you so much, sweetie.” 
“Love you too Mom.” They hugged her tightly. 
“I love you, Jules.” Lyall joined the hug. 
“Love you too Dad.” 
“Wait, what about Katie?” Hope pulled away.
“She, uh, she’s not the only Dumais my age.” They smiled.
 “Oh. Marc?” Lyall asked. 
Jules nodded again with a smile. 
“I am so, very, very happy for you both.” Hope kissed his cheek. “But you two.” She spun towards Remus and Sirius. “How long have you known?” 
Jules phone buzzed as Hope interrogated Remus and Sirius about how long they had known. 
M- Told you it would all be okay. ;) 
How’d you know I told them
M- Because I can feel that you’re happy
M- And Remus texted me
M- I love you
I love you more stupid
Jules smiled and stuck their phone back in their pocket. “Who wants cake?” 
Characters belong to the always amazing @lumosinlove
Kind of rushed. All my stories are written between 11 p.m. - 1 a.m. while I fight sleep and it is currently 1:42 a.m. so the ending is a little of a lot a bit all over the place. (Yes I do have school tomorrow and yes I do have to get up in 3 hours.)
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sentence starters:  text posts i have saved, part 2. tw: bullying, death, decomposition, murder, nsfw, violence.        
❝ “are you a boy or a girl?” im a god ❞
❝ i’m what the kids call really exhausted. i’m so tired. ❞
❝ inflation is honestly the strangest shit. like someone rn is thinking of getting blown up like a balloon and they’ve got a boner. ❞
❝ might fuck around and read a 600 page physical published book in one sitting like it’s 2006 and i’m being bullied in middle school so i take refuge in the library and inhale books at a frightening speed that i have not been able to replicate since ❞
❝ fellas is it gay to be straight? you’re literally attracted to people who are attracted to guys ❞
❝ my wife is struggling with her gardening and i go outside and ask is this guy bothering you and start punching the dirt ❞
❝ i dont know about you but i love using containers as mini garbage cans. i put the napkins in the cup and then i throw that whole shebang away. it’s like a little mini package of trash. it makes me feel crazy in love ❞
❝ i can hear my kid playing supermarket by herself and she’s telling all the customers that they are disgusting and they need to leave ❞
❝ gen v was so ambitious.  the region was populated almost entirely with new pokemon, it introduced the first ever milf professor, komaeda was there ❞
❝ the worst thing yzma did in emperor’s new groove is hating on kronk’s spinach puffs. everything she did to kuzco is understandable because he’s been a dick to her so many times, but kronk is an innocent ❞
❝ second grade fire safety psa voice: now firefighters may look scary. firefighters look like the devil. when you see a firefighter, you might think, “aaah, this is a cyclops, like the one that killed my dad, and now it’s here to kill me too”, and you might want to kill the firefighter, ❞
❝ does anyone else get mischievous joy out of being nice sometimes? like “haha, i knew you were going to be hungry so i got you your favorite food so i can surprise you with it being ready when you get here GOT YOU” ❞
❝ lying is so funny. you just say shit that isn’t true. ❞
❝ why do bigfoot hunters try to lure him with a mating call? do they have a game plan for if a squatch comesbarreling toward them out of the woods full tilt with a raging boner? ❞
❝ manga lied to me. i never see bad boy types protecting stray kittens therefore revealing to me their soft side. its always me picking up the cats. ...maybe im the bad boy ❞
❝ heres something for you to think about: me ❞
❝ you can be positive and break a bottle over someone’s head though. multiplicity of identity. ❞
❝ my brains is so strong. holy shit another  THOUGHT IS COMINGGGGG HHHH RAHHHHHHHHGHHGHGG ❞
❝ [you kill me but i clip through the floor so you can’t loot my corpse as my final act of revenge] ❞
❝ my kink is when people admit i was right ❞
❝ say this with me. manifest it. make it real. “i am not harmed by fire or explosives.” say that outloud. remember it. the only thing that’s stopping you is your own head. never stop grinding. ❞
❝ normalize being an awful person who kills people and likes it. normalize being an abhorrent piece of shit who lies cheats and steals. ❞
❝ oh to cook with my wife and stand directly in front of cabinets and drawers she needs to open ❞
❝ when the power went out i heard an explosion and my boyfriend was like “a transformer probably busted” and i deadass thought he meant optimus prime was out there nutting ❞
❝ people are always saying some things to me and well im SICK of it ❞
❝ your anger amuses me. please don’t find inner peace. please. ❞
❝ psyduck is probably like. the most achievable pokemon probably. like i don’t think i could teach a cabbage to grow legs and be a bulbasaur but there’s probably a certain threshold of mental torment i could subject a duck to that would make a psyduck ❞
❝ a favourite hobby of mine lately is rotting in my room ❤️ you should try it sometime. ❞
❝ who needs swag when you have class...ical music ❞
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secretsniper3 · 3 years
Part 2: Wet..
I wake, rolling over my alarm says 08:00, my day starts now. Blinking and drinking in my surroundings im surprised that im not bound anymore, Master probably released me from my situation before he too went to sleep, makes sense since I still have my morning routine to do. Spreading my thighs my hand creeps under the sheets and massages my clit, moisture instantly wetting my fingers as i rub up and down, fingers dancing expertly over my throbbing clit, being denied for so long my reaction is second nature now as my back arches up off my bed as my hand continues its assault on my senses. 1 edge moments later my mind abuzz with desire. Another edge, 3 to go and my morning can really begin. On and on my fingers go, dancing circles around my needy clit. Stopping just shy of another orgasm, 3 edges down. Pushing a finger and then another into my wet pussy I rub the walls and pull out seconds later. 4 edges down, returning my fingers to my box as my other hand clutches my breast, back still arched high, I slams down to the bed and thrusts my hands to my pillow. 5 edges done.
Climbing out of bed I go and brush my hair and then my teeth. A outfit is already laid out by my Master. A latex sleeveless shirt and matching pants, black high heels and a corset. My day will clearly be a tough one for me. Looking around I cannot find anything even resembling underwear. Knowing my punishment would be beyond measure if I were to dress my pussy myself I don my latex outfit for the day. Shirt, then the pants, sliding easily up my smooth legs as my juices made for handy lubricant. Pressing the latex on my pussy I pause. A simple deep breath removes my hand from what I know is forbidden to me now my morning edges are complete. Sitting on the bedside I clip my heels on so it doesnt fall off and put on my corset, only being able to loosly cinche it without help.
With great care, I walk out my bedroom door, slow paces in my high heels, my pussy rubbing against the latex with every step sending chills down my spine making my mind drift to my little buzzer throbbing away relentlessly. down the stairs, Master was waiting for me. Standing before him I assume my position on my knees, legs open palms up, head down.
“Good morning Master” I say keeping my head low.
“Morning my dear, sleep well i hope, i have a few fun things for you to enjoy today” my Master sounds eager.. its a little unsettling.
Standing up at his command I follow him to the dining room. Breakfast is already served. Im stunned, something is going on and Im concerned by what this means, my Master has almost never made breakfast for me. Heading to my seat I spot it. A large dildo, right where my pulsing pussy would lay, with my Masters guiding hand I ease down onto the large toy. The latex over my pussy parting at the intrusion! how could I not notice that gap when I put it on?? sliding down the thick cock my pussy serving to lubricate it all the way to the base. With a wet shlop Im completely full and I havnt even touched my bacon and eggs! perhaps a drink to calm my nerves, as I take a large gulp I feel warm.. a little too warm. Looking to my Master, he confirms my suspicions by raising his own glass. My pussy now spasming around the dildo as the aphrodisiac runs its course as I lean forward and stifle a moan.
My Master laughs at my situation. “Eat up my dear, your going to need your strength.” he says sending a flurry of chills down my spine leading right to my throbbing womanhood! gasping for air I raise a shaking hand to my fork and eat my food, likely spiked as well.. yes, its spiked. With each piece I swallow I feel the heat burn hotter, like a raging inferno my body craving the 1 thing my mind knows it must never have without consent! finishing my drugged meal my Master takes me by the hand and raises me up. Stopping several times to prevent a unauthorised orgasm. Leading me to the play room I see a device I have never seen before but it scares the hell out of me.
Standing, or lying in the middle of the room is a series of Stock restraints circling a large padded seat, leading me over to it, my Master lays me down flat. locking my wrists in their own personal Stock holders, followed by my ankles. Breathing faster at this development and my need constantly rising im hoisted in the air by the cushion im laying on, my restraints following suit. Standing beside me my Master reveals more holes in my latex, a hole per nipple with which he inserts a suction cup with a wire and covering it with the latex again, leaving just the wire exposed. moving down to my clit he reveals a suction cup, its thin and long and now, attached to my maddening, throbbing buzzer, he begins pumping. My eyes fly open in a combination of fear and arousal as my clit starts to get sucked into the tube, further and further its pulled from its hood till I feel it. Something hard is touching my clit, looking down Im greeted with a wire, pressing the tip of my isolated clit with the means to make me thrash around were I not restrained already. My drug ridden mind flooding with thoughts of my soon to be, hellish day that started too calmly as my Master slides a thick metal cock into my ass. I cant see it but I can bet theres a wire attached to it as well.
Moving to my head Master puts a dildo gag in my mouth and a latex hood over my head, my long red hair pulled through the back and the hood sealed tight. I cant see, I can barely hear and I can only weakly moan around this toy in my mouth, and as my thoughts go to the toy in my mouth, it expands, and again, and again! My mouth now completely full with cock my pleas and moans now a dull grunt, barely audible to those outside my hood. My pussy feels cold air, Master has moved the latex away from my drooling slit, heat radiating off my hungry hole, I breathe deep as Master presses his tongue against my slick folds. If I could scream, I would have. instead my legs tremble uncontrollably and my arms spasm, locked in my restraints thats all I really can do. Master licks again and again drawing more fluid from me. My breathing now very audible as air rushes in and out through my nose, Then I feel it. its coming, shit IM CUMMING! and then.. pure agony. My nipples cop it first, but only by microseconds, as they light up with electricity, followed by my ass and worst of all, my throbbing clit. My eyes shoot up into my skull as Im torn down from the plateau I was cresting mere moments ago! My pussy spasms in need as my Masters tongue only redoubles its assault knowing he has me, right where he wants me.
A full hour passes, and Masters Tongue leaves my pussy as another orgasm is slammed away by the electricity as this setup is designed to deny, not reward so I scream into my inflated cock gag. A few moments pass by idle as Im left to stew in my burning need, electricity occasionally zapping my nipples to make sure im denied release from my drug fuelled arousal. I hear Master say something outside my latex hood, I cant make out the words but he seems to know that I was only moments from cumming just now and thats led his to this pause to let me calm down, if that were possible with the drugs coursing through my veins and the intoxicating latex still coating my body and head Im swimming in a sea of arousal and Im not allowed to cum even a little even in my intense exhaustion im allowed only this peace of not being dragged kicking and screaming to more denial! A familiar sensation returns as Masters tongue reaffixes itself to my Labia and once again im lit of with electricity as another orgasm is beaten back, Round 2 begins.
2 Whole hours of torturous orgasm denial at Masters hands and tongue pass as im finally lowered to the ground, it only took a minute to unlock my limbs from the hellish devices that held me down, and another minute to free my ass, nipples and clit from their own hellish devices. A flick to the clit confirms Im still conscious. My Master picks me up and carries me to the nearby lounge, there he removes my hood and gag, and rests my head on his lap and runs his fingers through my sweat soaked hair. Stripping me of my latex suit, leaving only my heels on he continues my massage, as I regain my senses slowly.
“Master.. Thank you for training this slave to serve” I say weakly, as he cups my cheek with his tender hand, I roll over and fish out his throbbing cock and begin sucking, after all that pain and denial i need something I love, i need Masters cum in my mouth to savour the taste then swallow like the Good Slave I am. Eventually im rewarded with a mouthful as i drink every drop im given and swallow, it really is delicious to me now, I cant go back to a normal life, I belong to my Master.
Taking me to the loungeroom Master instructs me to edge for my lunch. A simple task but as he turns to leave he gives me the number. 30 edges.. My pussy pulses again and the flood gates reopen, I still havnt had that orgasm my body just remembered it was desperate for. oh god could I really do 30 in a row without stopping or spilling over? My Master seems to think so. Already days into my denial and with drugs wracking my brain I begin my edges. It only took a hour but I finally got them all. Another dose of drugged lunch and Im back to normal, if horny out of my mind is normal. The rest of my day is fairly standard compared to my morning training, part of me wants to do it again but not any time soon.
Pleasuring my Masters cock I polish his shoes after that in my favourite maid outfit, remembering to always bend at the waist, never the knees, my Master loves a good show. My daily chores complete Im taken to the shower and cleaned by my Master, taking great care not to rub over my pussy too hard. A lovely steak for dinner with some wine, I could hardly taste the drug in that wine, but my pussy sure felt it. My Master, eager to set me to bed attaches a chastity belt tightly to my pussy. I dont see the point as I would never touch without permission.. right?
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tricewithaz · 4 years
Can I please get some Zoyalai kids headcannons
Not sure if you mean Zoyalai's own kids or zoyalai with kids but in any case i have opinions lmao
When it comes to the former refer to this, i participated in a lot of it lmao, but i will probably also add onto it
so here we go i guess
both of them are very good with kids in different ways
essentially nikolai is the Cool Older Guy™ who all the kids want to be friends with and look up to, older children (like, tweens) have crushes on him and the smaller ones love to play with him
zoya on the other side is the reliable authority. She is severe and the kids are lowkey scared of her but they also know she will protect them and be patient with them
Oh yeah zoya aside from her royal palace duties teaches the young etherealki. she could... not do it.... but she chooses to
and nikolai sometimes gets around their classes, and even their rooms (ill ellaborate dont worry)
contrary to what she may say, zoya *likes* kids, and knows how to handle them.
Shes normally the one to make them feel better if theres something wrong. Maybe make them a tea, cuddle them when they cry. With a bit of tough love if what happened was their fault of course.
Nikolai teaches the kids to swordfight if the chance arises. Hes surprisingly good at it.
And he reads to them!!! sometimes in the library, somwtimes in their common rooms with all the kids coddled up around one bed.
Hes an avid storyteller by himself too, and he is known to be a war hero and to have lived many adventures, so the kids always ask him about them and he tells all his tales passionately and interactively. Sometimes props are included.
Zoya always intervenes "that didnt happen like that" "excuse you what about the commander that literally saved his majestys life" "oh you mean when alina starkov rejected you.... thrice"
He also tells his tales as Capitain Sturmhond, theyre always mesmerized and somw of them find aspirstions to be pirates privateers
Theres a lot of bantering, a lot of kids pick up on their tension. they gossip about it. Others are a bit less discreet and directly ask them about it.
And they ask a lot about Sankta Alina. Nikolai is very epic about it, Zoya tells them shit like how it was. "she was small and stupid enough to reject a kings marriage proposal", thats normally the end of it.
No one knows how she does it but zoya is able to shut a kid up immedistely, children, toddlers and even babies.
Shese never one to play with kids. they try but they end uo just sitting around her in silence, maybe drawing or just observing her.
NIKOLAI THO, listen he gives them toys, and jumps them around. If he doesnt have a kid on his arm or his shoulders then hes probably hifing from them, getting chased or fake dying (dramatically). At the orphanage Mal and him make the perfect play buddies, a lot of the times theyre capitains of different teams and really play out their rivalry (and they hit where it hurts. "thats for kissing my wife" mal says stepping on nikolais chest with a wooden sword up to his neck) . Zoya and Alina wonder where they get that energy from.
Theres a particular little girl that always calls nikolai "mister majesty", zoya insists in how its incorrect and inappropriate but nikolai just lets her call him whatever she wants.
Listen both zoya and nikolai get serious marriage propositions from like 7 year olds. with flowers and sometimes even diy rings and all. its cute 😔
I think Nikolai always wanted to be a dad but never feels ready for it really.
Hes all "love kids but i can barely take care of myself how am i supposed to care for a whole another human being"
Zoya says she likes kids only 10 metres away from her.
But whenever they see a cute kid something blooms in their chests cause theyre so tiNY
goes without saying but the YEARNIBG when they see each other with kids..... its intense
But when they DO have their own kids 🥺🥺🥺
as i said, the kind of people that "look how the fuck am i gonna take care of children i can barely support myself and a country absolutely fucking not"
they end up with three. THREE.
I imagine the first one with her hair and his nose, same eye color as his, but she also has The Glare™
Shes sweet but ever since shes born she has an attitude like she takes no shit. What do you mean peas arent illegal. father, peas need to be made illegal. immediately. shes so serioys about the things she cares for. She grows into a very competent leader. Nikolai of course plays along. He makes everyone play along. He will kick someone out of the wsr room if the little girl finds then somewhat scary.
(Theres lots about the kids actual like personalities and shit on the post i linked so go read that if youre interested)
Nikolai is a sweet dad, spoils the kids just a bit and hell be the understanding one if conflict ensues. Hes the one to calm them down and convince them to say sorry if necessary.
They always come to him first if theyre sad, but go to zoya if theyre hurt. Depending on the topic both are the advice parent.
Zoya is the severe parent, shes always the one to tell the kids off. But shes also the one to stand up for them against anything, including Nikolai if necessary. She treats them with fairness.
Of course if the children ask for bedtime stories hell give in, he loves to see them fascinated by their dads adventures. Zoya adores it too.
Hes also the paranoid parent. Your knee is bleeding? oh saints, hell bleed to death, must be so painful. A bit of a headsche? thats it, ill bury my daughter. Its ironic considering he spent his childhood scraping his knees and elboys, climbing trees and fighting other boys.
BUT, hes also the trusting one. When the kids grow up a bit and get in bigger conflicts and even scape off into the city, Zoya gets so nervous and angry about it but precisely cause Nikolais childhood was so hectic hes the one to trust their judgement and let them fail, he will also give them useful advice.
Essentially, zoya is the abstinence parent, nikolai is the condom parent. Shell be the first to warn them of all the horrible outcomes of them doing anything slightly wrong.
Just.... imagine nikolai sleeping with a little baby on his chest.... just do it.....
The kids have his dimples!!!! (no this is not in the book yes this is canon) Especially after theyre just born (cause,,, hormones ya know) zoya prsctically cries about it.
But also theyve all got her eyebrows and with her eyebrows come the deadly glare. Especially their eldest daughter but the other two can manage it too. Its scary when they all look at nikolai the same way at the same time.
But they also have his smile 🥺🥺
okay i think thats all im hungry and my brain wont work anymore xoxo
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ironkissedmage · 4 years
Sub Count
Whoops I had a small idea and once again it got a little out of hand. I tend to write more than I think I will so here’s a little treat I guess! Not sure if it’s long enough to put on ao3, so I’ll let you guys have it first.
Word Count: 2,279
Title: Sub Count
Premise: Dean and Cas have a little bit of a different life after beating Chuck. Cas has started a surprising new job and today he needs Dean’s help. 
“Dean, can you help me set something up?” 
Dean looked up from where he was seated at the kitchen table, a half-empty beer slowly warming in his hands. Castiel was standing in the doorway in one of Dean’s old shirts. They really needed to go shopping for him now that he was human again, but Dean was more than a little happy seeing him in his clothes, so that could wait. Since rescuing Cas from the Empty, he has had to readjust to a life where he needs things. Dean makes sure he eats and doesn’t spend all day in bed. (That one could be a struggle sometimes; he has never seen anyone more reluctant to get out of bed than a newly human Cas.) 
They have all had things to adjust to though. Sam was now the head honcho that all the other hunters called upon for help. He organized hunts and kept the bunker stocked up with rooms ready to go. To say Dean was proud would be an understatement.
Even Dean had done some adjusting after they beat Chuck and got Cas back. He helped Sam out with a few more hunts, killing the occasional vamp or stopping a witch here or there. But by now, Dean realized that he was just plain tired of hunting. He had given so much of himself and his life to it, that what he really longed for was a normal, everyday kind of job. 
So that’s how they ended up here. Sam was always busy, either at the other end of the bunker or out teaming up with others to help out. Dean spent most days at his new job in the nearest town, fixing up cars. And Cas… well Cas found a new job of his own. 
“I need to fix the lighting, Dean. It isn’t right for what I have planned.” Castiel deadpanned, not-so-patiently waiting for Dean to get up from his seat. 
Dean released an amused sigh and pulled himself up out of his chair and followed Cas towards his room. They walked together, Cas being unusually silent.
“So, uh, what is it you’ve got planned that you need me to change the lighting for, Cas?” Dean scratched at the back of his head and turned his eyes away from his best friend. He was reminded of the confession Cas made to him not that long ago. The one Dean never officially responded to. His throat ran dry at the thought and he tried to push it back to the safe little spot it was usually stored away in his mind. He knew how he felt about that and he was sure Cas knew too. He didn’t have to say it. Not yet. Not really.
Instead of answering, Cas just swung his door open to reveal his current setup. Dean had been able to find him an old office chair by the side of the road one day at the start of Cas’s new hobby. Sam had gifted him one of his old laptops then as well. Since then, Cas has managed to upgrade a few things and obtain a decent microphone and camera. Dean never would have pegged Cas as a streamer, but apparently some people liked watching a man with rusty social skills play silly farm games. Dean thought it was endearing. 
What he wasn’t sure was so endearing was the piece of clothing laid on on Cas’s bed.
“Uh, Cas, what’s that?” Dean asked hesitantly. He wasn’t even sure he wanted to know.
“It’s why you’re helping me. I reached 500 subs and this is what the people wanted Dean.”
“They wanted you to put on a maid costume?” The words came out harsher than intended, but come on, Cas.
Dean blinked. “And you’re going to do that?” 
“Yes. Dean, I don’t understand what is so confusing about this. Do you want to help with the lighting or not?” 
Dean hesitated, but ultimately agreed. He had already said yes; it would just be rude to leave him to do it himself now. So, Dean stowed his crap and moved around the lighting fixtures. Cas had said before that he wanted something called a ring light, and Dean was beginning to understand why. The lighting setup in this place was crap. It’s not like Dean has ever had to worry about that before, but it certainly posed an issue now. 
“You know, Dean,” Cas spoke up as they finally agreed on the outcome of the lighting situation, “They have also expressed interest in having you here with me. You are welcome to stay for the stream.” 
Dean thought he was going to choke.
“Wh-what? Cas, how do they even know about me?” He wouldn’t admit it, but he would be nervous enough in front of a camera, but next to Cas as he was in that, Dean wasn’t sure he would survive. 
“I talk about you a lot. You are my best friend, Dean.” 
And there it was. The proverbial knife in his chest again. Best Friend. It’s not like it wasn’t a title he had forced on them, even after Cas’s confession. Still, it hurt when Cas talked about them like that. 
“Well, fine then. I guess, uh, call me back in when you’re… ready.” Dean scratched at the back of his neck while he spoke, eyes averted from Cas’s gaze.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to, Dean. It was only an offer.” Cas clarified as he pulled off his trenchcoat. Dean’s breath got caught in his throat. 
“No!” He coughed, cleared his throat, and tried again. “No, uh, I’ll do it. I’ll just… give you a minute.” Dean rushed out the rest of his words and swiftly removed himself from Cas’s room, shutting the door behind him. He had to compose himself before seeing Cas in that thing. 
Leaning against the door, Dean forced himself to think about what he wanted. He had gotten out of the life for the most part. He had an ex-angel living a few rooms away from him who was in love with him and who he loved back but hadn’t had the guts to say it. What the Hell was he so afraid of? Losing him? Of course that had always been part of it, but now? They beat the biggest bad you could think of and their days of running headlong into danger were over. His other obstacle was thinking Cas couldn’t love him the way Dean loved Cas. But that too had been proven not to be the case. So what the Hell was he still pussy-footing around like this for? 
The door swung open from behind him and he stumbled back into the room, his back hitting square against Cas’s chest. They both tumbled to the floor, a flailing heap of limbs grasping at each other for purchase. They landed hard and Dean’s weight firmly pushed Cas into the firm ground.
“Shit.” Dean hissed, quickly rolling off of Cas and kneeling beside him to be sure he didn’t break anything. “You okay?” 
Cas groaned. “Yes, I’m fine.” It sounded strange and he sat up, rubbing at his elbow. That’s when Dean’s brain caught up with his eyes. Cas was crumbled on the floor -checking himself for bumps and bruises- in the maid dress. It frilled above his knees, enticingly short. The small apron on the front wrinkled over his lap from the fall and Dean could just picture how short the dress would be if he stood up. The sleeves were poofed, a thin line of lace running around the edges to keep it tight on his arms. Dean could never have imagined Cas looking this good in something like this. It should look silly, but Dean was entirely sure he was liking it. 
“Cas-” His words broke off as they fled his mouth. Cas looked up from his personal assessment to rake his eyes over Dean. 
“Yes, Dean?” Cas’s eyes were stormy and Dean couldn’t read them. Instead, he inched a little closer. He wanted to say it. He needed to say it back. He had meant to do it when he first saw Cas but it never felt right. Sitting on the floor while the person of interest was dressed up in a maid costume was doubtfully the right time, but he had waited far too long already. He was done waiting. 
“Cas.” He started again, more sure of himself. “I gotta say something.” Cas stiffened then and straightened himself up onto his knees, giving Dean his full attention. 
“Dean, you don’t have to say anything. You know how I feel. I am happy with being your friend. I-”
“Damn it, Cas, just give me a second!” And Cas stopped. His shoulders slouched some and it hurt Dean deep in his chest to think Cas could ever think he didn’t feel the same. “Cas,” he started for the third time, “I don’t know why I didn’t say it back. I couldn’t. I don’t know. But… but I do. Cas, you gotta know I do too.”
“Dean…” It sounded like a warning. Like Cas was telling him he didn’t have to risk changing things if he didn’t want this. But Cas was as much an idiot as Dean if he didn’t know Dean wanted this. 
“I love you.” He said it fast, pushing the words past his lips before his brain could think too hard about it and mess it up. When his mind caught up, he released a hasty breath and his lips involuntarily ticked up at one end. “I love you.” He said it again. And then a third and fourth ime. The more he voiced it the more it tasted like candy on his tongue. When he met Cas’s eyes, they were shiny, dewey pools gathering at the corners, threatening to overflow and spill down his cheeks.
Dean’s hands moved on their own. He came up and gathered Cas’s face in them, pulling his lips to his own and not caring how hard they crashed together. The heat of the moment was intoxicating, stealing every breath Dean could hope to take right out of his lungs. Cas was everything. He was human now and he felt like it. He tasted like it, he sounded like it. Divinity reduced into the palm of his hands. 
When they broke apart, desperate for air, Dean could feel the tears sliding down his fingers.
“Dean-” Cas broke, his voice rasped and low, impossibly hungry. 
“I’m sorry it took me so long, Cas. I’m sorry it took me ‘til now to say it. But, I love you. If you… if you still want this, I swear you can have it-you can have me, Cas. I’m so sorry.” 
Cas let out a broken sob, lips curling up into a smile in spite of it. “Yes, Dean. Of course I still want this. God, I could never want anything but this; but you.” His laugh was chopped, but it made Dean smile nevertheless. 
“Good… Good.” 
And Dean kissed him again. He was greedy for it, starving for his touch. He had let himself want for far too long and now that his self-imposed obstacles had been drawn and quartered, he was going to take everything Cas would give him. 
When Cas pulled away, it was with a laugh- a real laugh, low and hearty and no longer tainted by tears.
“Dean, I… I still have to do the stream.”
Dean blinked. The what? 
“Hm?” He placed a small kiss at the corner of Cas’s mouth where it was upturned. 
“The stream, Dean. I didn’t get in this silly thing for nothing, you know.” 
Dean leaned back and surveyed Cas’s attire again. Fuck, it looked good on him. Way better than it should. 
“Would you still like to join me?” The grin held mischief behind it and Dean felt his interest in his pants. 
“I uh… Cas, I don’t think that’s such a good idea anymore.” He gulped. Cas just squinted his eyes in that totally-shouldn’t-be-attractive way and tilted his head with it. Dean stuttered on. “I’m not sure I can uh… behave on a livestream if you’re going to be in this thing.” Dean averted his gaze from the smirk he knew would be resting on Cas’s stupid perfect lips. 
“I see…” Cas trailed off, forcing Dean to look back in curiosity. He really shouldn’t have done that. “Then you’ll just have to come back when I’m done, hm? It was very difficult to put on. Perhaps you can help me out of it?” 
Dean’s jaw dropped. What was he getting himself into? He ended up nodding, far too enthusiastically, in response. That garnered another toothy grin as Cas stood up. Still kneeled on the floor, Dean could practically see all the way up the dress and he averted his gaze once more as his cheeks flared red, taking Cas’s offered hands for help up. Cas walked him backwards to the door and out into the hall. 
“Good things come to those who wait, Dean. So be a good boy and wait for me, okay?”
Every tiny bit of composure Dean had hoped to hold onto flew out the window and was replaced by a frantic, bussing warmth that spread through his chest like wildfire. Holy Hell, why was that hot? Dean strangled himself for a breath, to just swallow the lump in his throat and look back up at Cas. When he did, Cas just raised a brow and shut the door.
Fuck, Cas was going to be the death of him. But you know what? What a way to go.
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night-rhea · 3 years
Fasting Problems with Night and Badeea
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Warning: Doodles are made in late night. With no working brain. So they will be very very absurt
Probably not everyone will find it interesting, so its under cut ✨
Night: Finally, here we are. We should have been here like week ago but someone hate their doodle style.
Badeea: While they shouldnt! İts just doodle after all.
Naz: Im that someone. Anyway. I feel like i am the only one who could do this. So. Why i wouldnt. It will be mostly Night and Badeea talking to each other. Maybe some npc character too.
Night: Let me guess. I will symbolize 'bad' ones, and Badeea will symbolize 'good' ones.
Naz: I love how you know me dear.
Badeea:.... At least we are here, right?
Naz: Damn right girl. Shall we start? Lets just explain veeery basically what fasting is. Badeea?
Badeea: Fasting is 'basically' Not eating or drinking anything from sunrise to sunset.
Night: We say basically, because there is more. You are actually training your self control. When you want to eat, you wont. When you want to curse, you wont. When you want to lie, you wont. Aaand list is going like that.
Badeea: So this is we trying to be best person we can be for month!
Naz: İsnt it sounds lovely? Lets see how we are dealing with it.
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Night: Most common one... Forgetting youre fasting and just eat or drink something. The moment you realize.... *sighes*
Badeea: But worry not! İf you really forget it, it doesnt break your fast. Just, be more carefull!
Night: ı know there is something else you want to say it. Go ahead...
Badeea: Pls dont make me 'shower' like that, like, ever....
Night: I said im sorry-
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Night: Okay this is very, VERY, very bad one. You just, CANT, do anything makes you sweat much. Because you already have NO ENERGY. AND CANT DRİNK WATER AFTER İT!
Badeea: Yes.. You should really be carefull about what you are doing. We dont want you to fall down from your broom..
Night: Haha not that it happened.
Badeea: .....
Night: ...... Anywayy. You should just, do your other hobbies, which doesnt make you thirsty or hungry. Like-
Badeea: Drawing! Painting! Reading! Writing! There is so much thing you actually can!
Night: She is right. You should wait for after sunset to do these tiring hobbies. Like me.
Badeea: Ah right. You are practising alone in Training Ground after sunset right?
Night: Yep! İts actually so peaceful. While im sad about not being able to practise with team, for a limited time this is really good too.
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Badeea: Here, youre seeing two type of person. One, who stays awake until sunrise, eat and goes to bed. And two, who goes bed early, woke up at sunrise and eat, and go back to sleep.
Night: Clearly, second one is better if you need to go class in morning.... But i just cant sleep early in nights! So im jıst staying awake until three am, and then eat, and go to sleep. And im sleeping in lunch break too. Have nothing else to do anyway..
Badeea: Im telling you to not, but you never listen.. İts not healty for you. But i guess its your own system..
Night: I love you more when you dont force me to do something.
Naz: I would say something too, but since im writing this in three am with very sleepy head, i feel like i shouldnt.
Badeea: :)
Night: For next one, we dont need a doodle. Here. İ will show you myself. Lets pretend Badeea is someone who just, pushed me into dirt.
Badeea: Oh my...
Naz: ......
Badeea: .....
Badeea: This one is not being able to curse... And im imagining its something, uhm, hard for Night..
Night: Of course its hard! You are trying to not say even basic ones. Yeah being not rude is rather easier but not saying things that you normally say without thinking, yeah its hard.
Naz: .... Thats it for tonight i guess. I might do second part, or "how to treat ones who fasting" part but whoooo knoooows. Im really, really too sleepy to know. I hope i wont regret when im normal XD If you have some, questions?? You can send it to me and i let Night and Badeea answer ✨ Have a nice day! Or night!
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shra-vasti · 4 years
MAKES ME WONDER [6/40] The Longing
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→ Synopsis : Your dream to attend a Seventeen concert was finally coming true but you weren't prepared for the events that were going to follow after Joshua made eye contact with you and chose to make you his partner for the mini game and take you out on a date as a winning prize.
→ Genre : fluff, a little bit of angst
→ Type : Idol x fan au
→ Word count : 1.3k
→ Taglist : @mngyuheart @vannie24 @uglyratlmao @rjsmochii @dwcljh @noniesgirl @yuriewolfhard @jisungsdreamy (let me know if you want to be added to the taglist)
→ Pairing : idol!Joshua x fan!reader
→ Main Seventeen Masterlist
→ Makes Me Wonder Masterlist
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Joshua kept on looking towards the retreating car till it was out of his sight, he sighed tiredly, why was he feeling so nostalgic and empty? 
He shook his head, knowing all too well where his feelings were trying to lead him but he couldn't allow himself to go through them, you were just one of his fans, he wasn't allowed to be committed to anything other than his work. 
He made his way towards the hotel room but before he could reach his room he felt someone tap his shoulder. He turned around gulping to see his manager with a not so pleasant look on his face. 
"I want to have some talk with you."
"Yes, come in."
He opened his room door inviting his manager hyung with him and made himself comfortable in his bed whereas the manager sat in one of the chairs near it.
"You do realize that there can be numerous disadvantages of your irresponsible shenanigans right? I left you alone because I thought you were responsible enough."
"Im sorry Hyung."
The manager just looked at him knowing him all too well that he won't say anything and just listen to him blabbering till he quit and leave and he had known Joshua since their debut. 
"Joshua, I didn't inform PDnim about this."
The confession made Joshua look up to his masher with a complete shock, he had been making up his mind and practicing his sorry speech to face PDnim only for him to realize that they didn't tell him. 
"Joshua, I know you since a long time ago and I know you are responsible enough to never put your group's image in danger and I know how much you've been dying to have a day where you could be you, you had the chance you took it, I'm not angry at you but just a little bit frustrated. I know you but not the fan, I wouldn't mind you running off alone but what if that fan posts something on social media or uses it against you?"
Joshua laughed feeling somewhat relieved that he was surrounded by people who understood him well. 
"She didn't even ask me for my autograph let alone a selca together hyung, she even paid for this cap and neck scarf to help me disguise and she didn't take me to any of the crowded places, she just showed me some of the most beautiful places I've been and let me enjoy my peace alone."
The manager gave him a confused look. 
"She didn't even ask for your selca? What in the world was she thinking while being with you the entire day?" 
"I don't know, maybe her prime goal was to see me happy."
He smiled at the manager who gave him a suspicious look in return. 
"You gave her your number or asked her hers?" 
"Neither, she doesn't have any physical memory of being alone with me but a mental one aside from these things she bought for me of course."
He chuckled biding his manager goodbye immediately feeling the heaviness of his heart return, he didn't understand why he was missing you so much. 
He was about to close the door when a hand stopped it and he looked up to see Seungcheol, Jihoon, Wonwoo and Jeonghan standing in front of his door with a pointed look. 
"Come in."
He sighed as others pushed passed him and plopped upon his bed or the chair. 
"What was going on inside that head on yours?" 
Jeonghan flicked his forehead as soon as he laid down beside him and he winced in pain. 
"Joshua, I didn't expect this from you, do you realize how worried the manager hyung was?" 
"You were never so spontaneous Hyung."
Joshua sighed as the four just looked at him, wanting to hear a clarification. He laid back down on his back, arms and legs spread widely as he looked up at the ceiling with a faraway look. 
"I don't even know what I was doing, I was just talking with her and then she suggested me the idea playfully when I told her I sometimes wish to live as a normal person just for a day and then I just led her on not having a single care, but I really enjoyed it, it was one of the best day of my life."
The four just exchanged a look before Jihoon continued. 
"Hyung, she was the same girl you gave the flowers too right? I saw you giving her and then you chose her for the dance competition too and then you win and you got to have a date with her and then you ran away with her for a day, what's all of this?" 
"I don't know, I seriously don't know what I am doing, she's just a fan and I would probably never see her but she made me take so many actions which I never thought would take and I surprisingly didn't feel bad I actually liked it."
There was a long pause after he said that, none of the boys said anything as Wonwoo's eyes suddenly widened in realization. 
Everyone looked at him in anticipation by the look on his face and his dumbstruck smile. 
"You have a crush on that fan isn't it? You like her, I can see it in your face Hyung, I was the same before I realized I was in love with Mina too and I still have that look even when she's with me."
All of the eyes were now on Joshua but he just looked at Wonwoo with a blank expression not being able to digest the fact, did he really have a crush on a fan that he wasn't going to see anytime in the near future? 
"Her name is Y/N right?'
Jeonghan asked as Joshua nodded his head slowly. 
"Beware Joshua, I don't trust her, you never know she is doing all of this to get closer to you, she could be a really sly sasaeng fan for all we know."
Joshua looked at Seungcheol, he did have a point but Joshua was sure you weren't someone like that, he wasn't going to argue with his leader for a fan who he wouldn't probably see anyway. 
You reached your apartment and as soon as you did a really excited Miu tackled you in a mind crashing hug. You groan in pain pushing her off you, taking your coat and showing off you made your way towards the couch and sit on it feeling your body ache due to exhaustion. 
"How was the date?" 
Miu asked, handing you the water bottle which you gladly accepted. 
"It was great, much better than I thought, I was nervous about it for a bit but I got the hang of it but I miss him already."
Your voice was low as you leaned sideways on the armrest of the sofa which gave Miu an access to see your face clearly. 
"Did you cry?" 
She grabbed your face with her hands to make you look up at her, she was worried about you. 
"I miss him Miu, why is my heart feeling so heavy?" 
You hugged her as you let out another sob. 
"I'm just his fan, but why do I feel as if I've lost someone who was so dear to me."
Miu just stroked your hair as you let out your feelings, feeling bad for you. Of course you were going to feel sad about biding him goodbye, she understood because she would have felt the same if she was in your place. 
"Everything will get back to normal, wanna have some food with me? I'm hungry."
You nodded your head slowly walking to your bedroom to get fresh as Miu prepared dinner. 
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secretsniper2 · 3 years
Part 2: Wet..
I wake, rolling over my alarm says 08:00, my day starts now. Blinking and drinking in my surroundings im surprised that im not bound anymore, Master probably released me from my situation before he too went to sleep, makes sense since I still have my morning routine to do. Spreading my thighs my hand creeps under the sheets and massages my clit, moisture instantly wetting my fingers as i rub up and down, fingers dancing expertly over my throbbing clit, being denied for so long my reaction is second nature now as my back arches up off my bed as my hand continues its assault on my senses. 1 edge moments later my mind abuzz with desire. Another edge, 3 to go and my morning can really begin. On and on my fingers go, dancing circles around my needy clit. Stopping just shy of another orgasm, 3 edges down. Pushing a finger and then another into my wet pussy I rub the walls and pull out seconds later. 4 edges down, returning my fingers to my box as my other hand clutches my breast, back still arched high, I slams down to the bed and thrusts my hands to my pillow. 5 edges done.
Climbing out of bed I go and brush my hair and then my teeth. A outfit is already laid out by my Master. A latex sleeveless shirt and matching pants, black high heels and a corset. My day will clearly be a tough one for me. Looking around I cannot find anything even resembling underwear. Knowing my punishment would be beyond measure if I were to dress my pussy myself I don my latex outfit for the day. Shirt, then the pants, sliding easily up my smooth legs as my juices made for handy lubricant. Pressing the latex on my pussy I pause. A simple deep breath removes my hand from what I know is forbidden to me now my morning edges are complete. Sitting on the bedside I clip my heels on so it doesn't fall off and put on my corset, only being able to loosely cinch it without help.
With great care, I walk out my bedroom door, slow paces in my high heels, my pussy rubbing against the latex with every step sending chills down my spine making my mind drift to my little buzzer throbbing away relentlessly. down the stairs, Master was waiting for me. Standing before him I assume my position on my knees, legs open palms up, head down.
“Good morning Master” I say keeping my head low.
“Morning my dear, sleep well i hope, i have a few fun things for you to enjoy today” my Master sounds eager.. its a little unsettling.
Standing up at his command I follow him to the dining room. Breakfast is already served. Im stunned, something is going on and Im concerned by what this means, my Master has almost never made breakfast for me. Heading to my seat I spot it. A large dildo, right where my pulsing pussy would lay, with my Masters guiding hand I ease down onto the large toy. The latex over my pussy parting at the intrusion! how could I not notice that gap when I put it on?? sliding down the thick cock my pussy serving to lubricate it all the way to the base. With a wet shlop Im completely full and I havnt even touched my bacon and eggs! perhaps a drink to calm my nerves, as I take a large gulp I feel warm.. a little too warm. Looking to my Master, he confirms my suspicions by raising his own glass. My pussy now spasming around the dildo as the aphrodisiac runs its course as I lean forward and stifle a moan.
My Master laughs at my situation. “Eat up my dear, your going to need your strength.” he says sending a flurry of chills down my spine leading right to my throbbing womanhood! gasping for air I raise a shaking hand to my fork and eat my food, likely spiked as well.. yes, its spiked. With each piece I swallow I feel the heat burn hotter, like a raging inferno my body craving the 1 thing my mind knows it must never have without consent! finishing my drugged meal my Master takes me by the hand and raises me up. Stopping several times to prevent a unauthorised orgasm. Leading me to the play room I see a device I have never seen before but it scares the hell out of me.
Standing, or lying in the middle of the room is a series of Stock restraints circling a large padded seat, leading me over to it, my Master lays me down flat. locking my wrists in their own personal Stock holders, followed by my ankles. Breathing faster at this development and my need constantly rising im hoisted in the air by the cushion im laying on, my restraints following suit. Standing beside me my Master reveals more holes in my latex, a hole per nipple with which he inserts a suction cup with a wire and covering it with the latex again, leaving just the wire exposed. moving down to my clit he reveals a suction cup, its thin and long and now, attached to my maddening, throbbing buzzer, he begins pumping. My eyes fly open in a combination of fear and arousal as my clit starts to get sucked into the tube, further and further its pulled from its hood till I feel it. Something hard is touching my clit, looking down Im greeted with a wire, pressing the tip of my isolated clit with the means to make me thrash around were I not restrained already. My drug ridden mind flooding with thoughts of my soon to be, hellish day that started too calmly as my Master slides a thick metal cock into my ass. I cant see it but I can bet theres a wire attached to it as well.
Moving to my head Master puts a dildo gag in my mouth and a latex hood over my head, my long red hair pulled through the back and the hood sealed tight. I cant see, I can barely hear and I can only weakly moan around this toy in my mouth, and as my thoughts go to the toy in my mouth, it expands, and again, and again! My mouth now completely full with cock my pleas and moans now a dull grunt, barely audible to those outside my hood. My pussy feels cold air, Master has moved the latex away from my drooling slit, heat radiating off my hungry hole, I breathe deep as Master presses his tongue against my slick folds. If I could scream, I would have. instead my legs tremble uncontrollably and my arms spasm, locked in my restraints thats all I really can do. Master licks again and again drawing more fluid from me. My breathing now very audible as air rushes in and out through my nose, Then I feel it. its coming, shit IM CUMMING! and then.. pure agony. My nipples cop it first, but only by microseconds, as they light up with electricity, followed by my ass and worst of all, my throbbing clit. My eyes shoot up into my skull as Im torn down from the plateau I was cresting mere moments ago! My pussy spasms in need as my Masters tongue only redoubles its assault knowing he has me, right where he wants me.
A full hour passes, and Masters Tongue leaves my pussy as another orgasm is slammed away by the electricity as this setup is designed to deny, not reward so I scream into my inflated cock gag. A few moments pass by idle as Im left to stew in my burning need, electricity occasionally zapping my nipples to make sure im denied release from my drug fuelled arousal. I hear Master say something outside my latex hood, I cant make out the words but he seems to know that I was only moments from cumming just now and thats led his to this pause to let me calm down, if that were possible with the drugs coursing through my veins and the intoxicating latex still coating my body and head Im swimming in a sea of arousal and Im not allowed to cum even a little even in my intense exhaustion im allowed only this peace of not being dragged kicking and screaming to more denial! A familiar sensation returns as Masters tongue reaffixes itself to my Labia and once again im lit of with electricity as another orgasm is beaten back, Round 2 begins.
2 Whole hours of torturous orgasm denial at Masters hands and tongue pass as im finally lowered to the ground, it only took a minute to unlock my limbs from the hellish devices that held me down, and another minute to free my ass, nipples and clit from their own hellish devices. A flick to the clit confirms Im still conscious. My Master picks me up and carries me to the nearby lounge, there he removes my hood and gag, and rests my head on his lap and runs his fingers through my sweat soaked hair. Stripping me of my latex suit, leaving only my heels on he continues my massage, as I regain my senses slowly.
“Master.. Thank you for training this slave to serve” I say weakly, as he cups my cheek with his tender hand, I roll over and fish out his throbbing cock and begin sucking, after all that pain and denial i need something I love, i need Masters cum in my mouth to savour the taste then swallow like the Good Slave I am. Eventually im rewarded with a mouthful as i drink every drop im given and swallow, it really is delicious to me now, I cant go back to a normal life, I belong to my Master.
Taking me to the loungeroom Master instructs me to edge for my lunch. A simple task but as he turns to leave he gives me the number. 30 edges.. My pussy pulses again and the flood gates reopen, I still havnt had that orgasm my body just remembered it was desperate for. oh god could I really do 30 in a row without stopping or spilling over? My Master seems to think so. Already days into my denial and with drugs wracking my brain I begin my edges. It only took a hour but I finally got them all. Another dose of drugged lunch and Im back to normal, if horny out of my mind is normal. The rest of my day is fairly standard compared to my morning training, part of me wants to do it again but not any time soon.
Pleasuring my Masters cock I polish his shoes after that in my favourite maid outfit, remembering to always bend at the waist, never the knees, my Master loves a good show. My daily chores complete Im taken to the shower and cleaned by my Master, taking great care not to rub over my pussy too hard. A lovely steak for dinner with some wine, I could hardly taste the drug in that wine, but my pussy sure felt it. My Master, eager to set me to bed attaches a chastity belt tightly to my pussy. I dont see the point as I would never touch without permission.. right?
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Wanda vision thoughts of episode 6 spoliers ofc
It’s startttttinggg I’m so excited I’ve heard good things.
I love the new into im trying to think of what show it’s related too it’s defiantly familiar.
The way it’s filmed like a show with the talks to the camera is making be very happy.
“I don’t remember it like that,”
“Probably because you suppressed a lot of the trauma,” Now they’re saying it like it is.
“Mom and Dad have been not fighting just different?” Vision is still on edge as he should be honestly
Ugh now the sword agents are here with the plane and nasty Hayward.
Hayward is trying to pin the whole thing on Wanda again.
“We can’t outgun her and clearly antagonizing isn’t only making things worse,”
He brought up Monica’s mother then quicked the trio off the mission ig.
They took out the sword agents escorting them.
It’s back to the trick or treating and Peter/Pietro said “Raise hell demon spawn,” I may be reading too deep into this but that made me kind of suspicious.
“Do you remember we were in the orphanage after mom and dad died what was the name of that kid who was always trying to steal your boots. He had the... He had the skin thing?” Wanda to Peter/Pietro
“You’re testing me,” Peter/Pietro
“No I’m not,” Wanda
“Hey it’s cool. I know I look different,”
“Why do you... look different?”
Wanda knows this Pietro is different and doesn’t have the same knowledge as the other one which is why she was testing them she just doesn’t know where this version of him came from she’s still clueless to (the multiverse) that world.
This has to be like Uncle Jesse a bit he keeps calling himself Uncle P
“Say it again now all the candy has dissapeared?” Herb then cuts to all the kids looking down cause their candy is gone.
“And now all the jack-o-lanterns have been smashed?” Product of Quicksilver and the twins they’re using powers very openly this episode.
She just found out Vision wasn’t on duty
“Is there something I can do for you Wanda? Do you want something changed?” Herb
She seems caught off by the question I’m assuming that’s her subconscious trying to make up for the fact that vision lied to her and she wants to fix it.
Now she’s confused again.
He sees this woman who is glitching and crying she is trying to put a ghost decoration up over and over again. The she pain she is in is seeping through and I guess the control over her isn’t allowing her to do anything else but struggle to put up the decorations.
“I’m so hungry I’d eat anything,” Commercial snacked on Yo-Magic the kid is too weak to open it and they died. Yo-magic the snack for survivors. Still trying to figure out this commercial
“I got shot like a chump on the street for no reason and the next thing I know I heard you calling me. I knew you needed me,” Pietro/Peter very suspicious it’s a different multiverse Pietro but he definitely has bad intentions. He also brought up “isn’t that what you wanted?” Hinting to Wanda calling the shots.
Tommy had super speed now great now he’s running everywhere after Wanda told him to take it slow because she can’t control him.
“Do go past Ellis Lane,” I’m assuming that’s where that’s where hex cuts off.
The people near the edge are barely moving because they’re out of Wanda magic reach I think.
Also where’d Wanda get all those kids from there were none before.
Monica and the Jimmy and Darcy trio found out Hayward is tracking vision so now they can find out how sus be really is.
Vision is flying up to see everything and he here’s Halloween phrases and he sees a parked car
Should be Agnes from the trailer.
“ Town square scare. Where is it?” Agnes
“Oh, well the Town square I expect,” Vision
Agnes let out a creepy laugh.
“Took a wrong turn got lost,” there are tears in her eyes.
“In the town you grew up in?”
Vision pulls her out of the control.
“You... you’re one of the avengers youre vision are you here to help us?”
“I am Visuon. I do want to help. What’s an Avenger?” I guess Wanda does have some control over him if she was able to make him forget about everything before hand or maybe because he doesn’t have the mind stone he doesn’t have the memories but Shuri said without the mind stone there were so much vision still there. I’m gonna assume it’s Wanda
“What why don’t you remember?” Agnes “Am I dead?”
“No why would you think that?”
“Cause you are?”
“I am what?”
“Dead,” She confines to shout that she is dead.
She has brought up how no one leaves Wanda won’t even let them think about it. Her witch laugh is definitely a sign on Agatha she’s even wearing a witch costume and Peter Wanda and Vision all have their comic costumes on. 
AHHH THATS WHY THEY CANT GO PAST ELLIS LANE BECAUSE THATS WHERE EVERYONE STOPS MOVING. They can’t move and it’s almost like they’re dead. There stuck in a cloud of Wanda grief.
I think Monica‘s powers are coming in because Darcy is talking about how her Energy in her cells on A molecular level is being rewritten and it’s unsafe too go back in the hex. In the comics Monica can turn herself into any form of energy I believe she can turn herself into pure energy.
“It’s changing you,” Darcy to Monica
Monica wants to stop Wanda’s grief.
Darcy is trying to breakthrough the into what Hayward is hiding which is the fact they’re trying to weaponize Vision.
“Where were you hiding all these kids up until now?” Pietro/Peter.
"What?” Wanda
“ I assumd they were all sleeping peacefully in their beds no need to traumatize beyond the occasional Holiday episode cameo, am I right?”
“No I dont-”
“You were always the empathic twin. hey don’t get me wrong you’ve handled the ethical considerations of this scenario as best as you could, families and couples stay together, most personalities aren’t far off from what’s underneath, people got better jobs, better haircuts for sure”
“You don’t think it’s wrong?” Wanda
“What, are you kidding? I am impressed seriously it’s a pretty big leap from giving people nightmares and shooting red wiggly-woos out of your hands” Like in age of ultron reaching into the Avengers biggest fears. On the other hand the phrase wiggly-woos is very cute.
He’s telling her how he can’t talk to her. And she said she doesn’t know how she did it she only remembers feeling completely alone and empty. So she was grieving and depressed. She just saw the gunshot wound and the white eyes on Pietro like she did to Vision with his head crushed earlier on. She’s losing touch to this made up world and is now getting glimpses of reality.
Darcy is almost at my into Hayward’s stuff.
Idk if these names are important but they’re in Hayward’s email so I’m gonna write them down.
James D. Gadd,
James J. Alexander 
James X-ND Seckler.
James woo wasn’t listed in his contact either. He’s either been blocked or was never there.
Vision is at the edge of the hex HES breaking through now. He’s halfway out. Now he’s all the way out. The hex is pulling him back in and now he’s falling apart because he’s exciting.
Hayward doesn’t want to help Vision so he’s handcuffing Darcy too a car.
Y’all really made Vision die again.
“It’s not like your dead husband can die twice,” Peter/Pietro she flung him backwards at that.
He can also see the soldiers and could hear Hayward. The hex is expanding outward to reach Vision and it swallowed Darcy and many other soldiers turning them into Circus performers and clowns. All the cars and shops it swallows turn into things to fit the aesthetic of her town.
I’m not sure if the hex is still moving outwards she opened her eyes so I think that was a signal that it stopped when her eyes went back from red to normal. Guess I gotta wait till next week.

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nyomjoon · 4 years
why Kou is the best character in Ao Haru Ride
Why Kou is the best character in Ao Haru Ride & the most deserving of a fangirl club
to preface, the main girl (futaba) and main guy (kou) had crushes on each other in middle school, which would’ve progressed when kou invited her out to see her at a place near a clock. however, kou did not show up because one of their classmates questioned futaba on whether she fancied kou, and she was extremely introverted and replied that she hated boys - which she did. but, she had felt differently for kou since he was more gentle and less brutish than the other guys who were really the epitome of pubescent boys. so i see the appeal to kou. upon hearing this, kou decided not to show up in fear that she would not reciprocate his feelings. alas, she was left waiting in the cold for most of the night, and would not hear from him till highschool because he moved away due to his parents’ divorce. he also changes his last name from tanaka to mabuchi (this is significant). 
edit: it has been brought to my attention that kou hadn’t shown up bc it was his parents divorce that day. i might’ve missed this detail but i assume when he tells futaba it’s not at the beginning so rlly mayb it’s another element to the ~character development~
When reminiscing, i only remember Kou to be the nonchalant, token tsundere, yeah he doesn’t care about you or your feelings. and upon surface level i found it to be so annoying, because he was the guy who left futaba out of his own fear. she was owed an explanation because despite it being middleschool, i too, would’ve been traumatised if the boy i liked had stood me up and not to mention leave school without a word to any of this classmates. i can side with futaba because i am also an introvert and it plucks a lot of courage to be able to ask someone out in the first place. however, that being said - being an asshole straight off the bat can only mean that there’s room or character development which to my little 12 year old self - failed to realise. 
when kou moved middle schools, he struggled to find his group of friends, which in hindsight would probably be difficult for anyone who was going through what he had - his parents splitting. however, he meets ms. narumi, who initially we are grateful that she was able to help kou break out of his shell and develop friendships at school albeit he wasn’t besties with anyone. despite this, i will never forgive what she does later. as i’ve mentioned earlier, when kou enters highschool he becomes an asshole. this is because he experiences his mother dying and as anyone would be, he became bitter. he was more closed off than before and upon this revelation, we begin to sympathise for kou. because losing a loved one is as depressing as it comes and we begin to understand that with his parents divorce there was no one else there for his mother except for him. his older brother, given the split, had stayed with his father and so to satisfy his mother kou spent all his middle school years studying, with a realisation too late that he had made no better memories with his late mother. 
consequent to his loss, we accept that his “asshole” personality is justified and he had become a man full of regret. during highschool, he moved back in with his father however, avoided spending time with his family at all costs. he’s revealed to be hanging around a group of friends to merely ‘waste time’ and really, he doesn’t enjoy anything in life. yet, ms. futaba, is persistent in nature and still has feelings for him so attempts to develop a friendship because of their previous relationship. much to his dismay, he still harbours remnants of his crush for her, however, he cannot and refuses to acknowledge it - he does this by not saying it aloud but he’s written her name in a notebook and despite the knowledge of its existence he does not tear or throw it away. 
as futaba and kou’s relationship develop even further - she convinces him to stop seeing the friends and instead he has better friends at school who are all in this event committee or something like that. however, as the story progresses, narumi comes back and asks kou to help her because shes moved to the same town and has also experienced the death of a parent - which also happened after her parents divorced. knowing what that feels like, he felt obligated to help her out. i’m not sure if he intended to be an anchor for her, but this situation turned out to be very manipulative - because narumi was purposefully trying to hold down kou and drag him away from his character development, because as you would assume, futaba & co. are the steps towards moving on from his bitterness, regret and anger, and narumi tries her best to pull him away from it which inherently just inhibited his growth. 
kou isn’t aware of this manipulation, because despite being an asshole prior he sympathises with narumi - which, really shows how kind hearted he is. he goes even further with his generosity by rejecting futaba, because even if they had dated, he still could not leave narumi because he felt as it was his duty to help her overcome her own adversities, which would’ve made futaba uncomfortable. it was/is in fact not his duty to help her overcome her trauma because as we all know it’s part of her own journey, and by helping her, he is still being tied to the past and he himself cannot overcome his trauma. 
because he had rejected futaba, she decides to move on and although it does not happen immediately, she starts dating this other guy who in my opinion (which is completely objective btw) is so pushy and forward and he’s just a rat. because she starts to date this dude, kou realises that he still likes her, and depsite seeing them together he is unable to move on, or get rid of his feelings for her. now normally, this would be a bit problematic, however, because i hated kikuchi (futaba’s new bf) i don’t care. so, what i enjoyed about this particular bit of his transformation is that he was able to preserve the good things of his childhood which was fundamentally, memories of futaba and the times he spent with her. so when kou has his final talk with narumi - he lets himself out of that toxic environment, which is probably step five of his character development. and he goes back to the town he lived in when his mum died. he takes futaba with him to override the horrible memories that he had made - ones that reminded him of his parents divorce and his mum’s death. his logic behind this method was because when he was in the infirmary he was able to overcome his hate of the disinfectant smell because he was with futaba. 
he also reconciled with his mother’s passing by visiting her grave and letting her know that he is finally able to move on. 
another bit i wanted to mention, because it was so chivalrous of kou - basically, futaba got mugged and her bag had a strap that meant a lot to her. and so she tried chasing him, however, she got lost because she kicked the guy in the face and tried to run away. eventually, kou found her and she was really shocked and she actually had a fever so he had to carry her all the way to her hotel room. and then she mentioned that she lost her bag and really needed it. so, he left the hotel room and retrieved it and during his absence was when all the friends gathered in her room. when he comes back, he’s found the bag and throws it at her boyfriend which is funny because it shows how useless the boyfriend is lol. 
after this, he does not give up trying to chase after futaba, because she’s been such a pivotal element to his life - which we can all see. his hard work does not go in vain, they do end up together which is very pleasing. but the final bit to his reform is his last name change. as you can imagine, the initial change from tanaka to mabuchi was probably something that was traumatic but then when he changes it back to tanaka he’s able to move on from his bitterness from his mother’s death. not to mention, he was very adamant on futaba to stop calling him tanaka but its pretty significant that he was able to overcome his personal struggles. 
im too hungry so i can’t think anymore, if any of u read the manga add to the list!!1!!!111!!!!!
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sparklingpax · 4 years
Oh the forgetting to follow is one whole mood, srsly
It was actually peas, I forgot we were out of broccoli
You're making perfect sense, am sorry ur brain is a crisp toasty homework fritter
Im v v sleepy currently, so, A Thought (EDIT: A Thought that's quickly getting a much higher word count than I bargained for)
Any of the Team Prime humans might end up on a long road trip with Optimus for Episode Plot Reasons (ground bridge who, maybe it's temporarily broken), and especially if it was a kid they couldn't just check into a hotel at night because Wait, Who's In Charge Of You, Small Child, Do You Need Help?? But if you wanted to make the concept with an adult you could just say they couldn't do it because Soundwave might be able to find them in the hotel's database or something, or more likely they just didn't want to pull up to a hotel/motel in a semitruck because that's a recipe for ending up as a story on the internet
Either way, Optimus ends up pulling into a truck stop for the night, and the human gets to experience falling asleep inside a Transformer, which is probably a trip but is also Incredibly Cozy because that's a very powerful living being who also probably loves them very much (even if he doesnt always say it the usual way) and it is like being Held Gently
Jack would just fall asleep quickly because he's a Tired Teenager and Optimus' engine has a rumbling purr like an enormous cat would and it's Very Relaxing also even though he'd hide it, he would maybe get a little emotional because it really is like being held and he misses being a little kid ok
Miko would chat with Optimus like it's a sleepover because she's constantly got an energy level like she had a cup of coffee and she forgets that giant robots need to sleep too (maybe she actually bought coffee at whatever gas station she picked up her supper from and Optimus couldn't exactly tell her no, only Please Don't Spill That, Miko) and OP ends up laughing so hard at her memes/puns that he accidentally wakes up the actual trucker a few parking spaces over and there is a moment of Panic at their almost-blown cover before the trucker falls back asleep and they go back to laughing more quietly
Raf would probably be fairly quiet, but would alternately be insomniac-ing on his phone or just staring at the roof of the cab for so long that Optimus asks if anything's wrong and scares the crap out of the poor kid because he forgot he was in a car-person for a minute okay im sorry Optimus also yes I'm fine, yes, definitely, I can sleep anytime I want to I swear, no you dont have to turn the radio on....okay actually that's kinda nice.....are you...humming?? No wait don't stop that's really nice actually thank you
June Darby would probably drift into a very meaningful conversation with him about responsibility and parenthood and personal identity in relation to those things, leaving both of them somehow comforted and melancholy at the same time, looking up at the stars together
Fowler... probably awkward silence for a while, ngl. He can't quit overthinking about how he's actually trying to sleep inside a living person and that's weird and also it's kind of uncomfortable to realize that he has no idea how to interact with the Autobots in the absence of some kind of mission to drive the conversation/set the tone/give him something to ground himself. I do feel like they'd both loosen up with each other a lot after a while, particularly if the road trip lasted a few days. Not sure what they'd talk about, though... what are some interests they might share? Or things they could discuss? The fact that the kids are getting into the habit of talking him into bringing pizza, maybe-- "Are you feeding them, Prime? Do they get enough food at home??" "I once expressed a similar concern to Nurse Darby, but she assured me that human children consume large amounts of fuel to account for their rapidly changing frames, and that their caregivers do take this into account as far as she knows." "Well, yeah, kids are always hungry I guess. I can't keep feeding them pizza, though, that's not healthy." "It isn't? Why not?" "Well y'see, when foods are processed to a certain point, they become less nutrient-rich, and--" They spend a bit longer than they'd bargained for on the Wikipedia pages for different parts of the human body, and Fowler is Rather Grumpy the next morning because he went down an internet rabbit hole with a 30-foot metal man instead of sleeping like normal people do. (He brightens up when he gets his morning coffee, but this ask is already way long enough)
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