#i like mashing my brainrots together too much
ihatebrainstorm · 4 months
Continuing my Batman Arkham games playthrough bc I forgot I never finished Arkham Knight or Origins, and now I can't stop thinking about how Brainstorm-coded Riddler is...
I'm not gonna make a Batman/DC Transformers crossover, I'm not gonna make a Batman Transformers crossover I'm not gon-
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Undertale Yellow AU idea: SequenceShift
Since my boyfriend @cent-the-proto and I still have severe Undertale Yellow brainrot, we decided to make an AU together. The main concept is UTY characters taking the places of OG Undertale ones, and mashing plot beats from both stories together with some new locations (which are a hybrid of Japanese and Western inspiration).
While this is a 'shift' AU, I'm keeping the personalities of the characters intact rather than swapping both character placements AND personalities. It's what I found frustrating about most Shift AUs: changing the personalities just defeats the point of the AU in the first place imo. I'll be honest, I haven't looked into many other AUs, so if our concept is too similar to someone else's, please let me know. Also, we only figured out the characters and setting, so any suggestions are welcome! (comments or ask box) . Also, should go without warning, this has spoilers for both Undertale and Undertale Yellow, so read at your own risk. Again, not an artist, so I don't have any drawings yet.
Also, quick shoutout to @s0ckh3adstudios and their Undertale Gold AU for inspiring me to make my own.
With that out of the way, let's get into the core characters of SequenceShift! (title is a placeholder, unless I can't think of anything else)
Clover, The Fallen Human
Gunhat Clover is largely unchanged from their cannon standpoint. Cowboy-themed human, fall down to the Underground intentionally to search for the six fallen humans (yes, six, they're taking Frisk's place), embodiment of justice and all that. Not much else to say, so let's move onto the big changes.
Kanako Ketsukane, The Crown Princess
Kanako takes the place of Asriel/Flowey. Daughter of Empress Ceroba and Prince-Consort Chujin, before having passed away years ago in what has only been publicly stated as 'natural causes'. She's also reincarnated as Flowey (who might or might not get a name change), but she takes the form of a Japanese Water Iris this time around. She also acts as the SAVE function like Flowey in OG UTY, keeps up the friendly facade all the way through, and insists on calling Clover Gunhat despite knowing their actual name.
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Ceroba Ketsukane, Empress of the Underground
Ceroba is the Asgore of the AU (originally it was going to be Toriel, but I thought it'd be more interesting). She is the Empress of the Underground, generally seen as a level-headed, yet passionate monarch. However, following her daughter's demise, she has grown a bit of a more bitter streak, and like Asgore is focusing on collecting the souls of fallen humans. Unlike Asgore, she doesn't hold malice for mankind as a whole nor is she interested on waging war on the surface. Instead, she merely collects the souls of humans in the hopes of resurrecting Kanako. Also, both she and Chujin are boss monsters in this AU.
Chujin Ketsukane, the Prince-in-Exile
Chujin takes the place of both Toriel (with a bit of Gaster) in SequenceShift. Originally, he was the Royal Scientist, who's kind nature and ingenuity caught the attention of then-Princess Ceroba, who he eventually married. They lived happily at first, but things took a turn for the worst after Kanako's death. Ceroba's obsessiveness with collecting human souls displeased him and he refused to take part in the experiments. He's since gone into self-exile within the Remnants (aka the Ruins but with a more Japanese architectural influence) and has settled within Ceroba's childhood home. Here, he keeps a watchful eye for any humans who fall to the Underground, hoping to keep them away from the Empress's grasp.
Dalv, the Introvert
Dalv takes the place of Nabstablook. As much of a socially awkward looser (affectionate) as ever, and corn obsessed. Like the OG, he was friends with Kanako before her death, tho I'm not sure if I'm keeping him being a victim of Integrity's bs. Unlike the OG, he's not restricted entirely to the Remnants and actually has a place within the Dunes. He also has a bit of a secret crush on the leader of the Royal Ranger Starlo, just to satisfy you Corn Yaoi lovers.
Moray and Mooch, Ranger Sentries
Moray and Mooch take the place of Sans and Papyrus, respectively. They act as sentries of the Royal Rangers (the Feisty Five taking the place of the Royal Guard), who are responsible for apprehending humans and bringing them to Ceroba. Mooch is as mischievous as ever, still trying to get her hands on every shiny object she sees, much to her partner's dismay. Nevertheless, they remain vigilant at watching over any humans that emerge from the Remnants. In this AU, they're responsible for surveying the region of Lakeside, which is modeled off of the rural Japanese countryside, and takes Snowdin's place.
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North Star/Starlo, Sheriff of the Royal Rangers
Starlo is obviously the Undyne of the AU, being the leader of the Royal Rangers. A lot of his backstory is the same, him crushing on Ceroba and sadly not getting her, but still remaining good friends, even after she was made Empress. He and the Feisty Five started in the Sand Dunes (aka just the Dunes from UTY with a bit of Waterfall inspiration) similar to how they were in the original, before Ceroba elevated them to being her personal enforcers. He's still pretty self-centered and idealizes Western culture (hence why he still refers to himself as Sheriff), but he does have a more serious and dedicated side to him. He knows what he's doing is wrong and while he hides it, he's fairly reluctant to bring more humans to Ceroba. Nevertheless, he still carries out his orders in the hopes of making his childhood friend happy. One fun fact, we had the idea for his pacifist encounter taking you to Frostpeak (a MT. Fuji inspired area taking the place of Hotland), where the chase there leads to him freezing, kinda like how Undyne overheats. Bro is not built for the cold.
Martlet, the Royal Scientist
Martlet, surprisingly enough, takes the place of Alphys. Like in UTY, she started as the protégé of Chujin, helping him out with the Steamworks and in building Axis. However, after Chujin fled, Ceroba made her the next Royal Scientist. She works at the Steamworks, which take the place of the Core and instead located in Frostpeak, where it harvests Geothermal energy to power the Underground. While Martlet actually is pretty competent at her job, she's as scatterbrained as ever, leading to a few hiccups in her work and leading some to wonder why she's the head scientist. This is actually due to the fact that she has been tasked by Ceroba to continue Chujin's work on humans. She's complied so far, for now, but she might reach a breaking point soon enough...
And that's the main cast so far! Axis and Dalv still being worked around with and I gotta think up ideas for the side characters along with whatever the OG cast of Undertale is up to, but we got a good thing going on. Again, my comments and ask box are always open, so if you're wanna know more or have a suggestion to bring forth, we'd love to hear. And if my AU is too similar to a concept that's already been done, you're more than welcome to yell at me.
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clockworkcheetah · 11 days
*shaking your shoulders* hiiiii tell me everything about your thought process behind writing your incredible bangfic the bad dog nerves, inspiration characters writing EVERYTHING it's so good tell us more
hiii getting to talk about my creations!!! ahhh
ok so cause its been a couple of months and my memory is nothingness aka im a little hazy on some stuff. buuuuuut i distinctly remember several things that heavily inspired TBDN im just gonna run my thoughts as they come so i apologise if its incoherent. i am also putting this under a readmore for the sake of everyone. and because spoilers for the fic
first inspo was deathmark2 cause it got its english translation earlier this year (i love deathmark but ill say everytime i talk of it its very difficult to recommend cause it needs so many content warnings). im very much the kinda person who can and will mash fandoms together- ill make those parallels. god cant stop me. basically dm is what got the ball rolling for me- spirits and possession and influenced moods. its only inspired pretty loosely by dm- very much the general concept/brainrot for both fandoms kinda deal. also more horror elements in dghda yes pls
another thing that inspired it was the doctor who ep 'midnight'. that ep was chilling- i think about how you can tell ten is fully awake and aware during his possession and it stuck with me- a+ acting from david. its a fear of mine being fully awake/aware whilst having no control of your body/immobilised and you cant do anything but wait for the inevitable. granted todd leaned more towards anger, or like the five stages of grief, than fear. but that felt more him also cause it went on longer than a few hours (or rather he expresses his fear through anger/lashing out) but i wanted that ugly rawness of it- hes nervous like a bad dog ay ayyyyyyy
(i sorta wish i went harder with it at the end with his scene with dirk, but alas he was burnt out and healing)
also tbh i just love scenes like that in media too. the character is right there! its so close and nobody is helping them so they gotta save their own ass and be a bitch about it
also i just kinda wanted more fics where dirk just fucks up?? like theres no hoops being jumped through to make what he said right (im not exactly a fan of this fanon!dirk where hes this saint who does no wrong/is always right/everyone else is to blame) so that was a goal in mind when writing this- dirk mostly, but also amanda to an extent of being wrong (not like in some horrible malicious way just. you made a bad call. u gotta live with it). also why todd was quicker to forgive farah (or at least be on better terms with her than the others- i really wish i included a convo between them aw well) granted these arent really specific to this fic- i like to have it in other fics, i need those two to fuck up. as well as todd getting to be angry/upset without this notion that he cant cause he did bad things therefore can only be bad, undeserving person forever cause thats how it works obviously (look if i wanted content of todd fucking up id watch the show lemme have something else with fics- ok ill stop being salty now asdfghjkl;)
i also really wanted the aftermath of what happened to be explored (i love the concept of possession/mindcontrol but shows kinda brush it off after the character is freed. like??? youre telling theyre all sunshine and fine now??? no way, theres gonna be a recovery period. aka todds body being weak from literally having zero nutrients, miru not taking care of the body, also learning to have control of his own body again
with the characters or i guess specifically project miru, she wasnt inspired by anything specific. i really like tragic but unsympathetic characters in media so wanted to have a try at it, and to explore the whole riggins' favouritism towards dirk and how the other projects may have felt. idk how well i pulled it off but i had fun writing her interactions with todd even if it was mostly them being dicks to eachother and being a dick to everyone
ok my brain is starting to run on empty so ill close up this haha.
im sure this is universal but when i got the idea of this fic i had the immediate The Scenes™️ for it. they were: amandas confrontation and realising that oh shit it isnt todd the whole time that scene was vivid in my head (also fave scene to write!!) and the other is the final scene with dirk and todd and todd breaking down. todds kinda the 'strong' one of the two (to dirk) and the caretaker- so someone takes care of him and lets him be upset with everyone
but yeah!!! some of my thoughts behind the creation of TBDN 💖🥰🧡 theres stuff i wish i included in the fic and ideas i had after i had already posted but im happy with it regardless. at its core i just wanted some sweet sweet todd whump i wanna traumatise that little man
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rebloggedsunsox · 11 months
Thoughts I'm scrambling together as fast as I can just off the top of my head. Im back from the cinemas, and I first off can't say anything other than wow.
That post I made earlier about waiting a week to talk about it? I lied I'm talking now I can't not talk about it I can't wait the brainrot is far too strong LMAO so heres my ramble.
• The movie actually didn't feel out of place or too mashed together with series and new content at all. Some choices were definitely confusing from a game and lore background knowledge standpoint, but in its own universe and continuity it didn't hinder the overall quality of the movie. Still an extremely enjoyable time that didn't leave me frustrated or unsatisfied! And s big mention also to the fact that I went to see it with 2 friends - one who knew the lore like me, and one who didn't. The latter loved it as much as the former and I, no problems in understanding either! Lots of questions on what we knew afterwards, but no complaints all around!
• I think it's really good that they blatantly established that the animatronics, as kids and not when they were controlled by Afton, were just that: kids. They liked pictures and play and never wanted to hurt their new friend Abby. Golden Freddy is definitely a seperate problem that I'll get into, but they were all so cute together it warmed my heart so much :']]
• Mike was played very well by his actor (except for that one scene with Vanessa and the dry delivered "What are you scared of?" line), and I did grow to enjoy his character in the end. Definitely took me a while to get there though. I don't think his emotional connection with Abby was established very well in the beginning, but I think it was still remedied enough to be satisfying after everything had happened.
• The Balloon Boy bit was hilarious. He absolutely is that goddamn creepy, and they somehow MADE HIM CREEPIER in the film! I'm glad that he didn't end up posing an actual threat and stamping over the terror of the main 5, but I was definitely considering it in the back of my mind.
• Wow. Golden Freddy was intense. All the way through. From the phenomenal work of the child actor who played him throughout most of the movie, to the TERRIFYING animatronic who made its mark without even being in the movie that long? Wow. I'm definitely still confused about where the movie was trying to take the plot point of Golden Freddy's existence since a lot was left out and not really explained, but again, overall didn't make understanding the movie much harder. Just leaves me curious as to why they went with what they did. That scene at the very very end of Golden Freddy closing the door on Afton convulsing in the back room? Chilling. That actor played the part perfectly.
• CAMEOS!!!! Claps and cheers for Cory and the very brief Employees cameo! My theatre erupted into screams so loud that when MatPat was on screen in the diner, I kid you not I have 0 idea what he even said. Gonna have to rewatch it and see for myself. My friend who had no idea who he was got jumpscared by the theatre crowd itself and it was very, very funny.
• THE SONG!!! THE song for the end credits!!!! I broke out into singing so fast man, literally the best feeling and a wonderful way to bring the movie home right back to those who had been waiting for it for so long.
• The animatronics were incredible. Just amazing. All practical effects, fully built they were for most of that, right? Regardless, they really took my breath away in that movie. From their movements to expressions to their funny "haha uhoh robot moment" scenes. So so awesome.
• Vanessa's whole deal was probably where I was left the most confused. My whole crowd audibly gasped when she outright said that William was her father. So, the problem that I came to was,,,, basically all of it. Vanessa was told, by Afton, to make sure that Mike never found out what was happening at the pizzeria and to kill him if he got to close. Why hire him there then? Because he wanted to kill him himself? In order to get him to take Abby there to kill her? But non of that would have been something he was going to make happen if not by chance like how it did! She had no problem with Abby being there and playing with the animatronics one moment, and then made Mike ensure she was never going back the next. And the whole "I wont be much use to you if I go with you" said by Vanessa. I was assuming it was a Vanny mind control type sitch, but literally nothing happened? They argued, she shot him, he strangled her, he stabbed her, basically end of confrontation between them. She didn't do anything to hurt Abby or Mike at all? And her somehow knowing about Mike believing his dreams could change the past. Her connection was to Afton, not really the kids, right? Someone please tell me how they interpreted that whole thing, I really couldn't nail it down. Again, weirdly didn't damage my experience much? I guess I'm just used to some things not being understandable within the fnaf lore, huh. Im also just not hugely invested in Vanny/Vanessa's deal in the games either, so maybe that's why lol.
• Abby handing Bonnie the heart, and then Bonnie showing it to the others was the single sweetest thing oh my god. So adorable.
• It's me on the mirror. Glitching in the training video to show Golden Freddy. Mwah chef's kiss. Don't really know how the Its Me bit ties into this version of the lore but I really don't mind. The callouts made me giggle.
• That whole scene with the men trashing the place and getting murdered was madness. The tension was so thick, I love the atmosphere and how they really nailed it where it mattered in that part of the movie. The girl(Max?) Getting literally chomped in half was so unexpected. Poor Max, I can't believe she got roped into it. Also the???? Auntie said nothing about the disappearance of any of them either??? What???? Im only just realising that???? Why was she at all those court discussions with the lawyer again????
• No Honk Freddy's Nose bit. How dare they.
I'm gonna be thinking about this a lot, but thats all the points I have to make right now! I'll definitely comb over all my thoughts again, maybe post about them some more, we'll see. Really good all round, can't wait to watch it again when I get my hands on a copy of it!!! Id love to hear everyone elses thoughts on it too, and the possibility of a sequel? Thank you for reading!!
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 7 months
Can I just say that as much as I'm usually talking into the void here, I'm so grateful for this community, even if I'm usually hanging out on the sidelines?
It's so nice to be able to come on here and write my silly little posts about the things Taylor's music makes me think about and to then have you wonderful people continue the discussion, or to read what you are all observing or analyzing and have my mind blown or chuckle or share in the joy or whatever.
For comparison, there are people who I used to love talking about this stuff with but over the years they've soured on Taylor (totally her prerogative) and we've stopped being able to have these discussions, because the nuance just goes out the window in the process. Like thinking Taylor was obsessive for writing as much as she did about JG because they were only together three months (when those of us who follow her realize it was more complicated than that), or insisting Midnights is a breakup album and the last year and a half of the relationship with Joe was fake going through the motions or fake and that they broke up way before tour (when... it's pretty damn obvious when it happened from the set list alone) and thinking TTPD is just going to be a diss album used to bury a helpless ex (...) or using the situation last May (ahem) as proof of her callousness or whatever, when again a more human answer is that she wasn't exactly thinking clearly and in The Pit in the wake of a life-changing upheaval etc. Or what really gets me, dismissing the Snakegate stuff as her being petty and holding onto grudges and ignoring the really intense mental and physical consequences that she dealt with for years afterwards.
Which is not to say this is all about her personal life, but that by being able to look at the music through a more nuanced lens instead of, like, taking it literally, for lack of better word, it colours in the lines and not only situates the music more in the context in which it was created, but also makes it feel richer to our own interpretations and associations with it. I LOVE when we all go back and find parallels with her other songs, and it's even more fun now because the mash-ups on stage show Taylor does the same thing with her own music! It's such a rich tapestry and we're in such a unique position as fans where an artist is reaching (if not has reached) living legend status in real time, while at an unprecedented level of creative output, and we get to digest the music and study it and watch it evolve before our eyes!
It's just really nice to have a space online where we *can* do that, because I feel like there just is nowhere else to really do that? It seems like people I know in real life either a) actively avoid her music (totally fair, not everyone's cup of tea) b) only care in terms of current pop culture value (also fair, although it gets annoying when it veers into TikTok brainrot into easter egging and shit instead of being about hte music) or c) obsessed with the Travis romance of it all. And I think most online spaces are kind of caught in these camps too. It's either unrelenting criticism (which is fine, not everyone has to like her and there are valid things to critique, even if I don't particularly care to myself) veering into hatred for the sake of hatred, or obsessing over her personal life to the point of dehumanizing her as a person and artist.
I know I'm being a cupcake but like, this is the cupcake website, so who cares. I use this space to delve into the shows and movies and music I love because there isn't anywhere else you can curate your experience as much as you can here. And when it comes to Taylor's music, I love that I can just spill my guts about what sets my brain on fire (affectionate) and the connections that emerge and just how much it makes me feel. And between the reblogs and comments and messages, it's slightly less lonely talking to everyone else too.
So, thank you friends! I don't know why I'm in my feels today but it seems like as good a time as any!
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eddiebrainrots · 4 months
i still find it funny how my one (1) setting exists because i really like the cyberpunk aesthetic and the fantasy one mashed together
and it allows me to make ANY fucking character and find a place for it
i still haven't gotten to agreeing fully on the plot line but i like it so far
it has detroit: become human vibes with the one race against humanity and livin amongst them disguised, but it's much bigger in scale and started off looong ago and well into the modern age
oh well, if it was a game it would have multiple endings and very traumatic ones too and multiple eh.. pov's i guess, like detroit:become human has
true ending would be.. good? i think.
just me brainrotting y'know
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Roq-and-roll {HFR}
Screw it, posting this online. I had no idea what to name this lmao.
I've been having Wario-like thoughts ever since Pizza Tower released (and now I think I have Antonblast brainrot because conversation for that is coming back up and I decided to play the free demo), and I now have HFR Roquefort brainrot because he's gender envy, so now my brain is mashing them together as "Roquefort in his own Wario-like" because I think it'd be more fitting for Roquefort specifically. Ended up sketching this yesterday and showing it to fellow Roqefort-brainrot-haver @alonsotigerheart before deciding to post this here.
I gave the plating/shell of his head a crack to imply that whatever Roquefort's own little tale would be takes place somewhere after the events of HFR, waking up after he got buried under the gold and clonked upside the head by the golden Kale statue. Considering how much Wario-likes seem to like enemy-busting/obstacle-busting/tiny tunnel-squeezing rolls, I decided to give him one featuring his tail. I also gave his tail a different design, partially because I feel that him accessing parts of his werewolf form in his smaller main form would necessitate a different design, a little bit because I wanted him to have a bit more "personalized" details, and another bit because it would be a (bigger) pain in the ass to draw otherwise lmao.
I put the same little "three prong" shape that he has for his chest fluff at the base of his tail and at the end before the blue flame tip. I gave his "speed roll" a panicked °A° face because while he does roll around a lot in "human" form as dodge rolls in his fight, I have a feeling he wouldn't be too used to rolling with enough speed to break obstacles/barrel through enemies. I also decided to have him put the cane in his mouth (at least for this mock up) partially because I wasn't sure where else to put it and partially because I feel that he'd have some doggy instincts 83
I hope you like it!
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I've written a ton this year btw. I just haven't been posting because I'm trying to finish multiple very long stories before I start posting them just so they will for sure get finished. My goal is to be a lot more active on this blog this summer.
ANYWAY, going back to the good old days of posting "goals" I wish to achieve, here are some things I'm hoping to finish/start this year.
Sunset, Moonrise. Top of my priority list right now because the Spooky Month brainrot has sunk in so severely again after the new episode released.
The next two installments of my Epithet Erased series, which I have decided to start calling The Convergence AU. I've actually been working on these on and off for a year now. The first is a one shot that I just keep revising and revising and should probably just post, and it's called "It'll Be Okay," and its the AUs version of Giovanni "kidnapping" Molly at the end of PoP. The other is called Waking Nightmare, and it's Lorelai-focused, but naturally there's a lot of Sylvie in it too because I can't help but pop him into situations.
Heroes (And How Not to Assign Them). Just finish all of it.
I've been working on a Villainous series about Dark Phantom and Ghoul for about a year now. It's called Name of My Own and currently I have 5/8 fics in the series finished, and have begun to write the 6th one.
I've also been working on a small series about Caine from the Amazing Digital Circus, so I'm hoping to have some of that stuff out by the end of the year.
It's Dangerous Not to Feel Loved, my Adventure Time fic, will be finished sometime this year as well. I have four more chapters proper to write, and then all that's left will be posting a revisions. I'll probably post another chapter here very soon.
I started by never finished a character study for Khan from Murder Drones, so I'm hoping to finish that too, since I've been tinkering around with some ideas recently, given the new episode.
I'm like 2 chapters away from finishing the first installment to a silly little Rayman fic series. It's just kind of a remix of the original stories taking the aspects of the different lores I like and mashing them all up together. Also: OCs.
A Captain Laserhawk fic about Ramon, Bullfrog, and the clone Rayman. Because Bullfrog is so so so beloved to me. So far there's 3ish chapters finished and I don't know how long it'll be. Maybe 5 or six chapters long? Not too much more to go though; it's about halfway done.
I've been working on a crossover between The Amazing Digital Circus and The Pink City (another show by Gooseworx) and I'm hoping to get the first installment out sometime this year, but I will at least be starting it. It's going to be called The Pink Digital City (creative, I know /sarcasm).
I want to write more Spooky Month. Maybe something about Roy and the Cult because I love those "Roy in the Cult" AUs.
Might do something about a Spooky Month OC I've got, too.
Super early in the planning phases still, but I'd like to start the next installment of The Convergence AU after I finished Waking Nightmare. It'll focus on Crusher.
The next chapter of Operation: E.P.I.T.H.E.T.
More Pokemon crossover things, particularly more for the South Park crossover and actually getting something for the Ed, Edd, n Eddy AU I keep talking about finished and out there.
More oneshots. I need to write more oneshots. I never have oneshot ideas anymore because I really have been enjoying long form stories these days, but I need to keep practicing short form stories too or I'll get rusty lol. Feel free to send me oneshot requests for any of the fandoms listed here.
Okay, if you actually ready this gigantic thing, thanks lol. I appreciate it tons.
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starified-lizzy · 8 months
I really don’t want to do my Psych essay, so here’s a list of all the FNF AUs I have made since coming up with the OG, extensive au.
Edit: I should mention, if you want to use any of these ideas (EXCEPT FOR MY OG AU) for your own fanfic/plot, go ahead! All I ask is you credit me and even ping me so I can see your take on it! 👀
Starting off; OG au, Just because I can. Started off as Corruption mod brainrot, turned into a whole ass au with a fully functional plot line that I am SEVERELY procrastinating on because ✨frighten✨
I want you to keep in mind that a lot of my au’s after actually spiral from my main OG au.
Then we have an Avatar: The Last Airbender au. I basically said “fuck Korra, she don’t exist” and made Blue(BF) the water bending avatar. The plot line is changing from what I originally had it, but here’s everyone and their bending skill that I have come up with so far: (also more airbenders exist because yeah)
Blue(BF); water bender. Also the avatar
Sophie(GF); fire bender (and so are her parents).
Pico; earth bender, with an affinity for metal bending
Nene; air bending. She gives me gymnast/acrobatic vibes so yeah.
Darnell; Fire bender with blue flame and access to lightning bending.
Cass; combustion. Idk, I don’t care for Cassandra or her goons much, but it felt right.
Cyclops; earth bender, affinity for metal bending
Hanzo; non-bender but is a Chi blocker.
Alucard; air bender. He feels like an air bender to me.
Spirit; water bender
Soul; is Blue’s little animal guardian thing. Whatever the fuck Korra’s polar-bear-dog thing is is what Soul is. Melanistic with little white freckles down his back and pale blue eyes, but still the polar-bear-dog thing.
C; a black cat with a missing eye. Yes, I shit you not. Just a genuine fucking black cat with an attitude problem. Blue saw him and went “he’s mine now.”
- then is my FNAF security breach au. The story for it is a bit all over the place, but Blue is 12, and got lost and the Plex. Everyone else are robos lol
- next one is actually based off of the game Lethal Company. THATS RIGHT, A LETHAL COMPANY AU- but it’s almost nothing like how the game functions. Basically, Blue is a child when he gets trapped on a moon (fuck if I can decide which one-) and it’s basically like- he’s human but, he gets raised by the monsters (some monsters being Soph, Pico, Ne, and Darnell, among the actual game-monsters) so he’s liek- a monster by association.
- a Day of Dragons au. Because yes. I like dragons; and I like the funky beep boop game so, immediately mashing them together once I realized I can create shit from it lmfao
-this one is actually inspired by another take on FNF and Hazbin Hotel. Because I love the show. Alastor is surprisingly goofy. ANYWAYS- the reference it has to the other take on FNF(idk who’s take it is, but I love it plz lemme know who’s au/take it is so I can credit them) is that GF(Soph, in my case), is an Angel, and BF(Blue) is a demon. Pico and the others are thrown around at random depending on how I end up deciding they fit so they’re kinda unknown rn, but those two for sure.
-last au i recently came up with and kinda adore, is an apocalypse au, but instead of zombies, it’s just monsters. Like- each monster is different from another, but they all have a basic element that determines their overall design. Like the basic Fire, water, air, and earth, but it also includes ice, metal, life, necrotic(death), shadow and light. And when a human gets bit by one of these monsters, they too become a monster. I already have a general beginning plot laid out for this it’s kinda sad lmfao
Anyways have these memes from PhantomFear’s server. IYKYK
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e17omm · 10 months
do you ever wanna write something new and different (tm) or are you content with the stories you have?
Most of the time I get a few short ideas of things that could be fun but I dont write anything so they just kinda fade away.
Most of the time though, I write what has my brainrot going. My brain thinks a lot - and its not always a good thing. I started writing Himeko adopts a stray Herrscher because I could not stop thinking about it. It gave me a headache.
So the reason why I write so much of Snippets is because Ive kinda broken out of the "I cant keep track of a long-ass story because if I write down notes (like what happened to HaasH) then my brain just hits the brakes and stops there." shell.
Because I can write Snippets of Sirin Schariac's life in whatever order I write it in. So absolutely; Snippets AU is kinda an amalgination of ideas that Ive had of the HI3 story that I mash together and make work.
Sirin is alive. Bella is alive. They have a better life with Cecilia and Kiana is their little sister. Mobius is alive (though that one is more "I read the Soul Eater manga recently and I cant believe the anime ends 40% through the story. Also Medusa is fucking great and I basically copy how she is written while undercover as the school nurse and write Mobius like that"). Mei accepts being a Herrscher early on. Kurikara isnt Bella's reincarnated corpse but Mei's version of Benares. Kevin actually does shit. Kiana got to use the Judgement of Shamash. Himeko becomes a Herrscher. The Herrscher of Dominance isnt stupid and will abuse the hell out of the massive advantage that they threw away in canon. The ending wont take a wierd turn into a stigmata dream thing that wasn't foreshadowed at all.
What if Sirin survived? What if Mei accepted being a Herrscher early on? What if the Will of the Herrscher (chapters 7-9) never happened? What if Project Stigma was what it was foreshadowed to be? What if the Will of Honkai was the Will of Honkai and not Prometheus wierdly hacking into it?
You can (or will) see those independent ideas that I had in Snippets of Sirin Schariac's life. That's why Im writing so much of it, its like 8 different fanfiction/canon divergences that I've thought about turned into one long fanfic AU.
That's not as to say I dont have other ideas. That Fallen Moon AU is like a side-gig I'll definitely return too when I want/need a little break from Snippets.
I have minor fic ideas like "what if every battlesuit was a person in a FGO-style of way?" and other stuff like "what if Reaper in the Black Reaper RWBY fanfic was sent back in time and met her earlier self?" I like fics like that.
For Black Reaper, since its a fanfic of a show I barely mention; it is a fanfic of one of the main characters (Ruby) falling from grace, takes on her dead sisters Semblance (special power), but since its anger-based, and Ruby wasnt meant to have it, she completely loses control of her emotions. Shes much angrier and violent because Yang's semblance turned anger/pain into strength. And Ruby just spirals down until she accidentally (yes, accidentally) murders someone in cold blood. She runs away, teams up with everyones favorite criminal duo, Roman and Neo, and does crime.
What Black Reaper does that sets it apart from other "fallen from grace" fanfics I've read is that - it stick to what it did.
But it also almost didnt.
So, the original ship is Ruby x Velvet. Perfectly fine, cute ship.
The much more interesting ship is Ruby/Reaper x Neo.
Because Reaper does turn back to the good side. So you'd expect the boring "angsty return coz Ruby did horrible stuff and is trying to be good again with Velvet." turn.
But NO! The author, vengfulfate, posted in their notes that the original plan was to have that boring return to 'Ruby'. What they decided seeing the comments though. Was to have 'Reaper' return to the good side. Not Ruby. (Fall from grace fics turning around and making the whole thing mostly pointless, and BR not doing that, is likely one of the main reason why I love consequences from events in stories. Bronya's legs being fucked and needing to be robotic. Mei's horns staying there. Sirin's arm being chopped off. I have nothing against them, but those are consequences from events and just, undoing them is so boring!)
So Ruby falls from grace, turns to crime, renames herself Reaper, returns to the good side as Reaper. She fully embraces her new life with Neo. The most important thing is that Reaper learns to tame Yang's semblance, so ultimately, Reaper does get something out of having turned to crime. And it just makes it all feel like it had a point to it.
I would've hated Black Reaper if Reaper turned back to Ruby. Because it just undoes so much and makes it pointless.
And the reason I went on this Black Reaper rant, is because Ive always had a small want to write a fic where Reaper is sent back to a time pre-Yang death. Because Reaper is VERY different from Ruby.
It'll also be so unheard of. Most "sent back in time" has a character develop, get experience, then sent back to their younger, more inexperience self.
But this would be a character getting traumatised, losing control of themselves due to things out of their control, turn to a life in crime, radically change their moral compass (Reaper casually steals snacks she thinks is too expensive and will break into a clothing shop in the middle of the night just to get a new fit. While still being a quote unquote Good Guy™. I love her. Reaper Rose is a great character), and have THAT person, transported back in time to a point where their moral compass would NEVER allow them to even think about doing those things? (Would also be great angst because Reaper get to see her sister again. And Neo wouldnt know her. So it would just be oh, so angsty with Reaper trying not to turn into a murderer again because oh, murdering Adam and Cinder would be all that she had left in her life with Neo gone from it. The only reason Reaper eventually stays as a Good Guy™ is because after turning Neo into a Good Guy™, Neo really liked that life and didnt want to go back to crime. But Reaper would also have to protect her younger self from becoming Reaper. So she would still have to be a Good Guy™ but only for the reason of murdering two specific people she absolutely hates. This is to say nothing of Ruby reacting to "oh god this is me in the future!")
Oh, I feel like I could just talk of some of my own ideas, Black Reaper, or Fragments of Chaldea for hours (not literally, but feel free to ask).
Anyways, yeah, I do have some more fanfic ideas. Some Honkai related and some not.
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stridingwriter · 1 year
I am screaming into the void but my god am I going to use this place as a way to keep track of my own thoughts for my own fic since it was written more with the intent of a character study more than anything and to put this in the notes means it would be so long. So link, then more under the read more (think of this like a director’s commentary lol.)
One of the key things I wanted to explore with Miguel is a mish mash of his comic book self and the one we get to see in the movie, obviously too very different versions that come together. And well? How we get to see him in the actual canon of the movie. At that point he’s blinded by so many things. 
We all know that Miguel - the one that’s mean and angry. Guilt. The last one being a key reason why he acts the way he does when we meet him in ATSV but he couldn’t have started out that way. To be that cynical at the world is something that takes something to break someone and we know that it’s the loss of that universe (we get to see a version of an interpretation of what went on in the fic Much Later). But for now, he likes to see the good in people, genuinely wants to get to know them and has his own brand of humour. 
So really, what’s the better way than to have a softer Miguel in contrast to a much more brittle OC? They will later swap places by the end of the narrative if you care lol. 
Their first meeting is anything but kind with Viktor implied to have gone through some sort of loss - it is because of (Spoiler) and well, he’s not taking it too well. He’s snappy angry, everything that Spiderman isn’t. But he is that universe’s Spiderman (let’s call this universe 1757) but also not considered how he calls him retired. Miguel, at this point, argues against it and isn’t completely blinded by grief so he doesn’t get it. Not really. It’s a huge disconnect but it’s still a decent talk. Two different conversations but they’re at least on the same wavelengths. 
Cut to the second meeting, one that starts off in a fight. Viktor doesn’t know Miguel’s name in this context because he never thought to ask but y’know, they’re on opposing sides rather than on the same. It’s chaotic, back and forth in a way that’s hard to keep up and Miguel is more than confused. It’s more about competency, how equally levelled they are despite not knowing WHO the other person is. The thing is, they work well as a team and the dynamic is more or less established. 
Viktor takes off his mask and this is the first instance where Miguel tries to talk him down. After all, Spiderman is supposed to protect people rather than doing what THEY think is right. It doesn’t get through to Viktor who at this point, probably doesn’t give two shits about the right thing as much as he PERSONALLY wants vindication for his own loss. If it means nearly killing a politician than so be it. The grief blinds his sight and he can’t see through it even though Miguel can see how it’s metaphorically making him reckless and sapping the life from him with the knowledge that y’know, Viktor drinks 5+ coffees on a bad day. 
May their next meeting go more normally (to share more brainrot about this fic). 
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Well, I finished Future Redeemed. As a whole, I'm glad I experienced it. I think the self-contained story with Matthew and Nael was really good. I'm also very shalvis brainrot with A. I think my impression of Rex was just a bit too ruined by my distaste for Xenoblade 2, but his class is very fun. It sure is a shame for brainrot. I really wish there was a bit more time dedicated to Glimmer and Nikol. Their arcs were sort of glossed over, which bugs me because Glimmer was shaping up to be a really interesting character but then the writers sort of dropped it. Mio's family should start a band. Nael, Mio, and Glimmer would emotionally annihilate me. Nael's theme and Mio's themes alone already did that. And Glimmer has to be there because Cello Supremecy (I play cello :D!!). I like how this was just the world's most convoluted family road trip. Like, so we're clear, Glimmer is Rex's Daughter, Nael and Matthew are Rex's great great grandchildren. A is Pyra and Mythra's sibling, which makes them Matthew's second cousin technically. Meanwhile, Shulk is a recreation of Klaus more or less, which makes him Rex's brother-in-law technically. And Mikol is Shulk's kid. Phenomenal. Really liked the final boss theme too. I also have mixed opinions about Matthew. On one hand, I really like him. On the other hand, I really would have liked to see more of him since I don't think I fully warmed up to the character by the time the game expected you to. Or rather, I don't think it felt like he had proved himself as the rightful protagonist. I'll have to mull over it some more before I can put my finger on why exactly tho.
I also really loved the weapon aesthetics for the party this game. The designs and animations for them were just really fun. I don't think I got the chance to properly appreciate everyone's kits because I superglued myself to A, but I will want to replay this dlc some day, and when I do, I want to try out Glimmer, Rex, and Nikol. I think the gameplay here is overall a step down from 3 tho. A lot of my favorite things in 3's combat just weren't very applicable here, and I really dislike existence of the notifications in the exploration, since it just really drained the magic out of the world for me. Mainly, there really wasn't that wonder of "I wonder how much of the world is left for me to explore, cant wait to find out" that the first game and X really fucking captured for me. And with the combat, the lack of a class system and weaker character customization really downgraded my enjoyment. I think it's also that 3 managed to capture a specific magic for me with its complex yet understandable combat system that made slowly mastering it over the course of several hundred hours such a treat. Especially with how many options there were to approach any given problem. I literally spent a week straight grinding the final fight with N and managed to not get frustrated once nor did I ever feel the desire to lower the difficulty (by, like, not being horrifically underlevelled or changing the mode to anything but hard) because the game's combat system managed to reach this sweet spot where I both understood the cause of every death, had the room to adapt and evolve my strategies, and had room to tinker with character load-outs until I reached something I was satisfied with. The game just also just managed to make finding synergies, exploiting iframes, and finding unique valuable assets and mashing them together, that actually building the party felt really good. But also, the way the game uses iframes and leniency mechanics made them really satisfying to exploit. Stuff like, you could protect a character from dying by making them interlink, because they will survive at 1HP if they start that animation. Or timing the dodge abilities to match with big attacks. And utilizing chain attacks as a defensive tool. Having to calculate when the best time is to be on a specific character and when not to. These are all things I really enjoyed doing with 3's combat. But they weren't applicable to FR.
So, with party customization, it's going to be a lot more limitted than in 3 and I don't blame that, but I was caught off guard by just how much that disengaged me from the combat. I will say that I really liked FR's affinity system. I've always disliked the concept of EXP as a growth stat. It doesn't feel meaningful and it generally makes power levels feel rather arbitrary. I think Xenoblade X is the only game I can think of where I actually liked its inclusion and implementation, and even then, levels stop really meaning much of anything after a point. But Affinity does feel rewarding and meaningful. I like how it's a shared resource and the game asks you to distribute it wisely. I also like how it's tied to exploration and defeating optional enemies, granting a better reward for facing them. It's not an unheard of concept, it's literally just a skill tree, but I really hope Monolith continues to iterate on it in future games. I'm also a fan of the chain attack books. It was fun tinkering with them. I hope Monolith iterates on that concept. I also liked A's kit. I really like how you can heal allies and you can heal yourself, but you can't do both at the same time. I also really liked the ludonarrative yummies of how well A and Shulk synergize with each other. Also, I really like how A's kit embodies the supportive nature of the Monado in 1's gameplay, while Shulk's kit embodies his will to protect. But also, I really wish that Shulk's kit has a dodge button. It feels way less interactive spamming the Evasion Up art than it did using the dodge buttons in the dodge-tank classes in 2 and 3. I also felt like it was a bit frustrating trying to build up aggro on Shulk. The Unity Attack mechanics also felt less flexible than the Ouroboros Forms in application, even if they are more flexible in theory. The problem is that every Unity Attack is designed go be used against a launched target, which makes them so much less flexible. I also dislike the prevalence of damage over time status effects. They don't feel meaningful as an intended mechanic, but they basically render clutch plays where you keep two characters alive on 1HP null. It also really bugged me that A's AI is capable of using their talent art and there's no way to disable it. That oversight alone managed to kill my interest in the gameplay because it ruined any potential skill curve on using the character since every time you swap to check on someone else, there's a chance of A using their once-per-battle super-art at the worst times possible. This alone resulted in several deaths where I wanted to save Vision for a boss's big attack in Phase 2 but the AI was like "nah." Also if you die repeatedly, the game keeps prompting you to lower the difficulty, which did more to piss me off than help. As a general rule for game design, having those kinds of prompts show up repeatedly only really serves to shorten a player's fuse when frustrated.
I also think the Valak Mountain section fell into the trapping of "the plot is picking up massively so I don't want to go through these long gameplay sections, I want to know what happens next." I think all of the Xenoblade games fall into this issue or a similar one where at some point, I either get burnt out on the sidequests or too invested in the plot so I bombrush past the gameplay. I just felt it extra hard here because I went into the mountains with the wrong idea about how much game was left and I was eager to see the finale. Though, there were also external factors at play.
I also found the way the map was connected to feel a bit clunky. Specifically with the ether rails. It felt like the devs wanted to make a looping in world design but had to cheat a little to get there, which diminished the payoff of the loops. It felt clunky because the transportation felt unnatural as it often involved characters sliding up slopes at high velocity.
It's not that the exploration was bad in a way I disrespect, but I really hope that Monolith does not take its exploration mechanics in this direction for future entries.
Overall, I have some major issues with the dlc, but I'm still very happy to have experienced it.
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tealenko · 1 year
TV Show Brainrot Tag
Errmm... Get ready for this one XD And thanks again to the lovely @sillyliterature for the tag :D
This is gonna be loooooooong (I may have a problem with TV series upsss~~)
There's no precise order (I love them all)
The Queen's Gambit: My current obsession. Seen it many times. I still giggle whenever Benny opens his mouth. Just finished reading the book a week ago (and tons of fics right after)
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An now, presenting my favorite section: I don't actually like that much crime procedural dramas but I'm a sucker for the "my consultant is a _" fill the blank trope.
1: "my consultant is a former con artist that used to fake he was a psychic "
The mentalist: PERFECTION. 10/10. Forever in love with Patrick Jane. Lisbon is a badass. Cho is just amazing. Love every single season and almost every character to death. *chef's kiss*
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Gif de simonbakeralbum
2: "my consultant is a fake psychic that's lies to avoid going to jail"
Psych: I'll explain myself with the best dialogue ever in TV history:
Gus: What can you possibly ask to that girl that the police already haven't? //fades to black Shawn, already talking to her : Want to split a pineapple? *while holding a pineapple, of course*
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3: "my consultant is THE DEVIL"
Lucifer: Hell to the yeah! This has been an obsession of mine since uni (and still is), but I mean... Tom Ellis, what could go wrong? Of course I'm in love with this shit. It got a bit too angsty at the end for me (but still... it was amazing)
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And to close this section:
5: "I'm gonna consult whether you like me or not, plus my partner is... A severed hand?"
I know, it's a stretch, but they're solving crimes too.
Wednesday: Decided to check it out while I was waiting for my train... Ended up watching the entire thing in a day XDDD Can't wait for season 2
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All that done XD Here's one you won't know about...
Gran Hotel: OOOOOMMMMMYYYYYY I didn't want to include spanish things into this list, but this one is A MUST!!! sorry #notsorry To sum it up quickly it's a Dowton Abbey + Murder mistery (But in this one *spoiler warning* they do not kill the main guy in a christmas special T-T #yeahimstillmadaboutthat) btw the main ship is AMAAAAAZING (I mean, poor guy falls in love with rich woman never disappoints, am I right?)
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MASH: My parents grew up watching this, bought it in DVD, and show it to us when we were kid... I fell in love. I'm still in love. I can quote almost every episode from memory, love all the characters and love how the show started as goofy and funny and grew little by little into cynical and critical. The caracters were flawed, which made them realistic and (considering when this air on TV) way ahead of their time.
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Community: There's a before and after after the pool episode in season one. What an amazing show. Love it to death. #andamovie
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Romance is a Bonus Book: I've seen a lot of kdramas, this one takes the win. Has everything they never want to give you in TV: main ship is friend from childhood, constant appreciation for books, they do not break up for stupid reasons once they are together, mega happy ending, no one has amnesia, no one gets kidnaped, you actually get to see them as a couple instead of getting together in the last chapter... and I could keep going, but I'll stop here. Well, and the main guy is drop-dead gorgeous (with kinda helps too XDDDDD)
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And last, but not least:
Wizards of Waverly Place: This is my childhood... And also my present, let's be honest. Love the show, love Selena Gomez, LOOOOVE her as Alex. Still obsessed to this day, I mean, I rewatched it last month lol.
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I should stop here... @sillyliterature see what happens when you ask?? XDDDDD And I could keep going ehehehehe
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auniverseforgotten · 4 months
I see you reblogged that character ship ask~ [slides Bedivere towards you] Have fun uwu <3
Ask game is here if anyone wants it or wants to ask anything else!
As per usual my Bedivere remembers and went through all of Camelot <3
My NOTP for them 
Proooobably Bedivere/Mordred just bcus, as u will see below, they're more of a BROTP for me!
My BROTP for them
ANOTHER ONE with several BROTPs!!
So Bedivere and Mordred is a huge BROTP for me which. I know maybe makes no sense to anyone else. Given they mostly antagonize each other purposefully or accidentally. BUT CONSIDER. Bedivere purposefully is Extra polite bcus he knows it drives him Slightly crazy and Mordred is just who he is. Idk I feel like there's a ton of arguing and more casual, playful fighting [which looks. Serious.] but they can also talk more seriously too,,,,
Also this is. My severe brainrot for both of these two but it miiiight kind of make sense given mythos timelines, but I really like the idea of Bedivere and lancer Diarmuid being pretty good friends! Just occasionally see them hanging out together, maybe chilling in singularities not reeeaaally together but yknow. Aware of each other lmao.
AND ALSO Bedivere and all the Hassans being friends, this is my favest HC i think they should be friends,,,I KNOW they should be friends,,,,they'll just pour out of his vents and he is always happy to see him! Also I think since his arm is special and magic I think he should be able to hug Serenity with it.
ALSO like Berserker Lancelot and Bedivere is a fun BROTP but they're also. A ship as well I think hmmm but I've seen some art of Bedivere being able to understand Lancelot in berserker form and I really like that dfxhvgb
Also Bedivere should be Fou's favorite knight [not counting Mash ofc] just because. I say so.
OH ONE more I no longer remember where I'm sorry but I saw Bedivere and Yu Mei-ren meeting during his 1.5k years of Suffering which kinfa made me like. Yeah they should have met,,,,maybe Bedivere helped her out,,,,maybe they're kinda friends now,,,
My OTP for them 
Unsurprisingly my OTP for Bedivere is Bedivere/Tristan! I'm just soft okay, I'm just soft, the soft sad poetry man should hold hands with the soft sad lived centuries alone and suffering man,,,Tristan very clearly holds Bedivere in high regard given one of his servant dialogues, and while Bedivere's is more general for knights of the round, he does still hold them all in high regard as well. And I just. Want them to be soft,,,,hold hands,,,go to thERAPY.
My second choice pairing for them 
Hmmm I have a few.
Bedivere/Merlin is one of them because exhausting deadly journey,,,,the one to care for the one who undertook the journey while also having to send him back out to die,,,,healing and care but knowing it's cruel in the end because. There is no happy ending. I JUST LIKE IT OKAY but my real OTP for Merlin is Merovinci so this one,,,sits only Slightly under that one for Merlin.
Also after thinking about Berserker Lancelot wow. I think that would be a fun ship too. Bedivere/Berserker Lancelot like. Completely unintelligible a lot of the time to a lot of people and imagine Bedivere is finally summoned and Berserker Lancelot is roaring and he just. Answers. And Berserkerlot is ?????? this is. nice???? IDK LOOK I JUST THINK IT WOULD BE FUN.
My fluffy pairing for them
Okay look listen LISTEN I know I've posted 0 fic about him but Bedivere. Is one of the characters I put through the wringer the most, I inflict so much pain on him SO MOST SHIPS I SHIP HIM WITH ARE FLUFFY.
Tristan/Bedivere, Tristan wants to be a soft, gentle place for Bedivere to turn to so yahoooo he gets therapy [and so does Bedivere] and they just. Sit together,,,train and spend time and Tristan keeps Bedivere from kicking people's asses and convinces him to calm down and Bedivere helps him see the good in the world again,,,,
My angsty pairing for them 
WELL given what I said about Bedivere and Merlin they are definitely one BUT ALSO Bedivere/Lion King!Artoria because that specifically is the Artoria he Failed so he is especially attentive to her which can make the dynamic unhealthy pretty fast,,,
Especially given that I think Lion King Artoria would want him by her side no matter what so it is. An unhealthy ship for quite a while until that Artoria is Confident she won't lose Bedivere and then she can encourage him to focus on recovery,,,,
My favorite poly ship for them 
Honestly I don't think I have one? Sometimes I smoosh together my fave pairings but. Tristan/Bedivere/Merlin would just result in Tristan getting more and more irritated @ Merlin and Merlin being an irritating fuck just for the hell of it, and they'd be way more metamours than anything else since I don't ship the two of them,,,so yeah no poly ship for Bedi, that's weird for me dfghcvnbj
My weirdest pairing for them
I feel like none of the ships I listed are really outrageously weird for him?? So I went on Fate to see who I could see him with that also seemed weird. Regretfully I still got nothing, sorry Bedivere. I guess he prob had to visit medical bay more often due to his spirit origin and arm and background,,,so maybe idk him and Ascelpius or Nightingale? But I don't really ship either of those, now I'm just tryna think of weird ships which isn't the point XD
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nimuetheseawitch · 1 year
lol I didn't even realize this bingo post going around was an ask meme until I saw your tag.
You say I love you but I cannot stay and/or The problem with starting halfway through
I'll do both. Why not?
You say I love you but I cannot stay
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I love Sometimes You Hear the Bullet. And I was haunted by the idea that Hawkeye would write an introduction to Tommy's book and make sure it got published. And because I'm me, I wanted to write the letters Hawkeye would write. And then I realized BJ would be a complete weirdo about Hawkeye having other friends. Even early on in my hunnihawk days, I was into BJ being really, really weird about it (not that this is hunnihawk - it's just BJ being obsessed with Hawkeye and not understanding boundaries). And BJ *would* be so fucked up about learning how traumatized Hawkeye is/should be, that he would freak out and Hawkeye would have to comfort him. Thinking about this now I almost want to write it again but different.
The problem with starting halfway through
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I don't entirely remember where this all started, but I had a lot of feelings. I had already written Hawkeye goes to California, and I was obsessing over every little line where BJ flirts with Hawkeye, and I wanted BJ to think it was a good idea to hook up as the war was ending. This line in particular sunk it's teeth into my brain:
"I know this is an ending and not the start of something, and I wish maybe we could've started something sooner, but I want to know. I want to know what I'm missing"
Specifically because this is a terrible fucking idea and I've been there. But I was also just listening to Tegan and Sara's album Hey, I'm Just Like You, and the song Keep Them Close 'Cause They Will Fuck You Too invaded my brain and combined with my MASH brainrot and the hunnihawk and spewed out this idea of how they could keep fucking up at being together. I needed them to have a really poorly thought out last hookup that ate at BJ until he pursued something more, while Hawkeye convinced himself BJ was happy. And then I needed everyone to be gay and fell in love with gay Peg who gives BJ permission to love Hawkeye but also breaks the fuck out of BJ's heart. And I'm gonna take any chance I get to write love letters and fell hard for the idea of Hawkeye pretending to fish but just reading letters from everyone from the 4077.
Oh, and I was having thoughts and feelings about Hawkeye's inconsistency around messing around with married people.
I also wanted to fix BJ Goes to Maine (which I have a soft spot for, but BJ is too into his family and California to go to Maine, and he'd have to be 100% sure of Hawkeye, which he does not have the confidence for).
I promise I will get back to this series because honestly, I have outlines for several more fics. Even though my brain wants to give them a happy ending, none of the stories I've started give them that (although I have a self-indulgent little Peg/Miriam (my OFC) happily ever after planned because sapphic joy). Just lots and lots of misunderstandings and complication.
In the end, it's a story of two people who have wildly different interpretations of what point of the relationship they're in, and they never really got a start, so how can they have a beginning? And did they start at the end? Keep Them Close 'Cause They Will Fuck You Too is a post-breakup song that I decided to apply to a ship I thought I wanted to give a happy ending, so we'll see what happens.
Caveat to everything I've said here: my memory is shitty, and I probably talked about everything over on discord, but I'd have to track down late night conversations and rants from over a year ago to make sure I got everything.
I enjoyed thinking about this and wow do I wish my wrist wasn't as shitty because I feel like writing things down on paper but it is so fucking annoying to hold a pen with my wrist brace. Maybe I'll type some things. Also, this introspection reminded me how much I like to slowly rotate BJ as I consider what a hot mess he is and how much he can manage to hurt the people around him while he flails figuring himself out.
Thanks @marley--manson, I love answering your questions.
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mawofthemagnetar · 2 years
hello! where exactly does the eldritch horror!keralis stuff come from? like is there a canonical basis for his lore or is it all au, and if it's the former, where is that canon? sorry if this is blunt, but i'm trying to figure out where it all came from because i'm making a character design for him. thank you! and i really love your work, i've read it several times despite not really watching keralis.
Hello there friend!
Eldritch Horror Keralis is entirely an AU. It's a blend of things I like all mashed together into a big pile.
The main points of inspiration were Keralis's overwhelming Oddness As A Guy and the fact that all his builds come off like a space alien trying waaaaay too hard to be a human being. You should watch him- he has Vibes that are incredible and need to be seen to be believed.
Another primary inspiration for this series was Ren's second-to-last episode for season 8- the bit where he and Doc ran around decapitating hermits. One of those hermits was Keralis, and the idea hit me one day- what if Keralis wanted his head back? What if he couldn't respawn without it?
EHK's "lore" is largely my own creation, with the obvious exceptions of where it leans into canon events (such as his dare with iskall which gave me terminal brainrot for literal days and had me foaming all over the xBfam's liveblogging channel.)
I hope that was helpful! I can't wait to see your design, I'm excited!
And this is for everyone: Go watch Keralis! The man's a godly builder and he opens every episode with "hello sweet faces". What's not to love?
Thank you so much!
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