#i like to think keith misses lance alot
callmelyc · 5 months
Can you imagine how deeply Keith misses Lance post war?
But not the Lance of that moment, no.
The Lance of before the war ended. The one that was his right hand/co leader, the one that kept him afloat when shiro went missing again, the one that he'd grown close to.
Because now all he sees when he looks at the boy he loves, is a shell.
In his dreams it's always the Lance without the marks, the Lance that had a smile actually reach his eyes, the Lance that would laugh genuinely and so bright.
Keith goes on a mission to find some lost object and it leads him to a woman known for helping do just that.
She throws Keith and his team into a blank dreamscape saying the guardian of lost things will take shape of ones deepest trust. Ones deepest love, ones deepest wish.
The gaurdian takes the shape of Paladin Lance. The one that used to confide in him, the one that used to spend so much time with him.
Keith is frozen still as he looks at a Lance that's so happy, so playful. Nothing at all like the Lance he'd grown used to seeing now.
The guardian dances around him teasingly with Lances voice, with his smile, with his laugh.
Someone asks why it's Lance and the gaurdian chuckles in a way Keith hadn't heard from real Lance in years.
"because..." Those blue eyes focus in on Keith with the brightest twinkle "Keith missed me the most~"
The guardian steps closer running a hand across Keith's arm as he walks around him in observation. "I simply took the appearance of his heart, he trusts this face so I will Keep it as I guide you."
No one says anything else and Keith's eyes never once leave that face. No Altean markings, no visible depression, no dulled skin.
He's so unfairly alive it hurts. Keith never thought he mourned someone still living so deeply but he did. He was mourning a Lance that no longer existed.
Once the objects location is shown to them the gaurdian turns to Keith for the final time. This time he wears a gentle smile, eyes soft and filled with worry "you love him don't you?"
Keith doesn't even have to think "I do."
The gaurdian is silent for a moment as if milling over its options "speak to him, he is lost too."
And they wake up with the missing object sitting safely in Keith's hands.
All he can think about though is Lances face, young and free.
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drowninginblox · 1 year
Rewatching voltron
I’m only on season one and- I want to filter my thoughts I guess
Okay so full disclosure-
I forgot most of Voltron and I wanted to watch it again just to see where it went wrong + maybe rewrite it. Most of this list is grievances and high praises. But yknow- it’s fun for me.
Hunk deserves better
Of course best boy is going first
I distinctly remember from the end of voltron that hunk didn’t have alot of moments to shine. I’m only in episode 5 as of writing this point and I see SO MUCH PROMISE. He’s a great middle man, he’s loyal as hell, and he’s so smart! The following seasons are gonna be painful for me I know it.
“You have a better idea?” / “Actually yes I do.”
That’s it. That’s the red talk.
Coran deserves better
I want more caring dad
Why couldn’t we have more??
He cares so much for Allura and for w h a t
The “we make a good team” line + TW: Klance in general
Holy shit us Klance shippers were sooooo desperate. Like- my god. We fucking ran with that shit to the universe and back god damn. And it all started from that one line. I don’t know if I should be proud or disappointed my god.
Since we’re talking about this ship- there are a lot of missed opportunities for Keith and Lance’s dynamic and individual character. Like, I think, we all forget that Lance was the person who came up with the plan, when him and Keith were supposed to sabotage the galra forces at Balmera (living mining planet). Lance was actively aware of the planets saltines and he stopped kids from acting on his impulses, resulting in them (initially) covertly deactivating  the hanger so they can prevent further reinforcements.
I also don’t like how the scene introduces Keith’s heritage. I understand that this is a set up for a greater plot point and we’re not really supposed to know how Keith activates galra tech but- fuck I need to go on a tangent in the later seasons if I go along with this series of blog posts, I guess
Gundom every few episode format
Holy shit I LOVE that a group of episodes are dedicated to arcs that help the main story and THAT THE BIG MONSTER DOESN’T SHOW UP EVERY EPISODE
If only we had this more often-
I do not know how old these fuckers are and that is concerning. The only information I have on age is one of the Galra generals calling Pidge a child when they were taking over the castle. Like- Voltron please tell me how old these mfs are.
I have my own HCs ofc but like- CMON.
Speaking of, Pidge is giving 14-16, Hunk, Lance, Keith and Allura are giving 17 to 18, Shiro is giving 18-25, and Coran is at a good 34-40 not including the 10000 year long freeze Allura and Coran went through
Minor characters
I love the tribal civilization at inhabits allura’s home planet
The POWs, Shay’s people, the mercenaries, I love all of these guys
I like how the planets are alive
Just- good job Voltron for universe building
The lions are their own characters
I really like the idea of the lions being specific with who they allow in as their pilots. However, I wish that the selectiveness was a longer process. And key situation it was a life or death one. It felt like the redline had to actively choose, whether or not to save him from the deep vacuum of space. Meanwhile, for pitch it was just oh hop in and get going you know. Same with Shiro I get that he unlocked the synchronicity of the lien and pilot relationship immediately, but it feels too give in.
Piggybacking off of that I don’t like that Alura basically assigns the paladins Hogwarts houses as soon as she sees them. I think that’s bullshit. I got that she grew up with the lions and was born shortly after their creation but still. 
I also like how during battle of the lines actively recommend which strategies and weapons, the pilot should use, and which ones they refused to go along with
Also- element powers?? I miss those
Idk the yellow goo before being refined into quintessence having healing properties- WHY WAS THAT FORGOTTEN??? That could’ve been huge! Even if it only applies to galuras
Also- god I wish there was rules for Allurans powers and wtf quintessence is.
The Black Lion (the episode not the actual mech)
I forgot so much of this season holy shit.
The main conflict being tied to Shiro connection w/ his lion is a great plot point
It also is a great reveal that Zarkon is the original black palidin. I love how the B
Also- Shiro coming head to head with his PTSD is m w a h
Peak Keith in this ep (for this season ofc) Ofc he would take on Zarkon by himself. I’m so mad I forgot about that
THE BLADE!!!!!!!!!!!! I literally screamed when I saw them lol
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pastery1 · 2 years
Voltron Legendary Defenders tk hcs
A/n: I'm on like sz2 of this anime and I realized I hv to do a tk fic of it. Correct me if I miss up on any hidden or small details that r important (idk).
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He ain't ticklish. He was locked in a capsule looking thing for 10,000 yrs, so u would imagine him being extremely sensitive for not being tickled for that many years, but he's not, sadly.
Him being a mean ler, makes up the fact he isn't a lee.
His main target has gotta be Keith, js bc he needs cheering up since he's always down in the dumps. (Yh not much info for Coran).
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Pretty much js like Coran, not ticklish at all and never was for a matter of fact.
She loves to tickle Lance, js bc his reactions are priceless. She laughs with him ALOT, and it's so hilarious.
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Yes please🥴. He's adorable, and his ticklish scale has gotta be a 5. He likes being tickled and tickling ppl, but he will never ever admit to it. (He thinks it's embarrassing). His worst spot has gotta be his ears, and he thinks that one spot is embarrassing bc it's too cute. His laugh is like deep and manly, but if u get his ears it's high pitch, squeaky, and tottally out of character. Yes Hunk dose tickle him, but not that much bc Shiro is a ruthless ler.
Speaking of lers, he's EVIL. He won't stop. Not even if ur screaming or surrendering. He likes to go for ur least ticklish spot that'll make u giggle but not laugh, then he'll work his way up to ur death spot, AND JS WRECKS U LIKE THERE IS NO TMMRW. If u ever tickle him (even if he hates or likes it) he will seek revenge, and do it in front of ppl js to embarrass u. He usually tickles Keith bc they have a strong brotherly bond.
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Her ticklish scale is a 7. She dosen't hate nor like it. Ofc she wouldn't provoke anyone in to tickling her, but she wouldn't mind if someone did. She would always get tickled by her older brother, so when she sees a tickle fight, u wouldn't be surprised that she joined it. She thinks tickling makes her remeber her brother, but she dose some times like to avoid it bc she's been busy trying to get her brother back. Her worst spot is her plams, I mean the girl cracks codes for a living, u would be surprised that her plams WASN'T extremely sensitive. Her laugh is very cute, and squeaky.
Yh she is a giant ler, and loves being one too. She would tease u relentlessly and js be tottally wicked to u. Her main target is Hunk, bc he's always is annoying to her abt his yakking and everything else. So she likes to get pay back every now and then. Don't get her wrong, she absolutely loves Lance's reactions, but Hunk needs to learn to stop being an annoying shit, respectfully.
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He is ticklish on a scale of 6. He loves being tickled and everyone knows it, but he dosen't know they know. He js provokes everyone into tickling him and sometimes starts tickle fights with anyone he can get his hands on. His stomach has gotta be the worst spot on him. Especially his navel. I mean the guy spends his life yakking and cooking, ofc it be hella sensitive. If someone some what pokes him there, he will squeal and his laugh is very cute and feminine some what, but it's hella adorable.
Him being a ler is a yes. He will stop if u say to our if u start begging and pleading. His main target is Lance js bc, and Keith has gotta come in second place for the target. He's v strong and skillful at tickling, so I highly recommend u don't get in his grasp.
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His ticklishness is a 9.5. He hates being tickled. Keithy boy here js thinks it's a waste of time and space. He's tickled by everyone sometimes even more than once. Yes he kicks and protests, anything that'll get them teasy fingers away from his body, but nothing seemed to work out. After getting wrecked, his face is bright red, which is another reason of why he hates being tickled. His laugh is non chalant and melotone, tho if u get his weak spot, it's very high pitch and his kicking increases. His worst spot has gotta be his knees and anywhere around his knees. Like knead, scribble, scratch, claw, squeeze, anything will get him going.
He dosen't wanna risk getting tickled, so being a ler is off the table. Tho Lance is the only exception. Hence their bickering, Keith always needed to sort the blue paladin straight, and what better way than a little tickling?😏 Ofc Keith won't stop if it comes to Lance.
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He's a solid 10. He beats Keith, which makes him everyone's bloody target. He hates it, no, more like despises it. He dosen't like being so weak to a little touching, especially if Shiro, his hero, tickles him. It'll make him feel and look week. He gets tickled infront of everyone most of the time, js bc the ler feels like he needs a little motivation? Perhaps. His laugh is bubbly and adorable, but his worst spot will get him cackling. His worst spot is his feet and any where on his feet. Like. Don't. Touch. Him. There. He actually passed out due to Shiro's and Keith's torment. The aftermath of what he looks like is, red faced, messy hair (sometimes sticking to his forehead), sweat, and teary eyes, plus a few coughs and hiccups. Yes he is deathly ticklish. He can't do massages, back massages, neck massages, or feet massages. He's that damn sensitive.
He isn't a ler AT ALL. Though sometimes he tickles Keith back, v rarely. He dosen't wanna tickle abt any one who is strong enough to take him down. So he stands clear on the tickling.
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toocool2btrue · 5 years
I Just Do..
Lance leisurely strolled to one of his favorite places in the Garrison. The corridors that are usually filled with the various staff members were now mostly empty consisting of only a few people saying goodbye to their colleagues or discussing last minute issues.
Lance shook his head at the sight of a man rapidly flipping through his file , while simultaneously discussing about the flight details on his ear peice. He felt bad, knowing that man would be still working for a few more hours. After all being part of the Defenders project wasn't easy.
A few other officers acknowledged him as he walked further along the corridor to a certain lab.
He chuckled to himself, it's been almost 10 years since he was cocky cadet here. It would be no exaggeration to say that he had gone through alot of changes but if there was one thing still constant was his need to check up on Pidge.
Over the years the reasons have changed several times but as always he was again walking around the hallways with a firm destination in his mind.
Although the amount of times he had gone seeking for her is uncountable. There was specific time, that would forever stay in his mind....
"Are you gonna keep standing there and watching me like that ?" Pidge asked, eyes not leaving the screen of her computer.
Lance jumped in surprise.
"Uh.. no" he mumbled, scratching the back of his head, He hadn't realized he had been staring.
"Sorry" he whispered, finally walking inside.
She simply shrugged in reply, ducking down in her laptop screen more. She was sitting on the floor surrounded by different wires and machine parts but as Lance made his way towards her, she cleared a bunch of parts to make a place for him.
He accepted the invitation and took a seat beside her, "So what are you working on?" he questioned.
"I am modifying the-" she explained as Lance leaned closer to inspect the codes onthe screen. The tips of her uneven hair brushed against his neck, sending a faint shiver down his back.
He glanced at Pidge. She was still looking intently at the screen, Unbothered.
"I also installed a surveillance camera for Katlenecker" she informed, her eyes still not meeting his.
She opened the tab which showed Katlenecker in her den, chewing on hay.
"No way!" Lance grinned, leaning more close.
Pidge grinned, finally looking at him, "And you thought I was a neglectful parent"
"I sincerely apologize. Your a great parent in your own tech savvy way" he teased.
"Moo!!" a sound echoed from the laptop.
"Wha-" He jumped in surprise, almost falling back on a pile of wires.
"Sorry...I forgot to tell you about the.. spea-speakers" she managed to utter, clutching her stomach tightly trying to hold back her laughter.
Lance grinned as Katlecnecker once again mooed in the background accompanied by Pidge's laughter.
After a moment Pidge finally composed herself, turning her attention back to the codes.
"I don't suppose you came to check my progress on the modification. So what's up?" she questioned.
Lance mentally facepalmed, he had completely forgotten about his original plan.
"So Pidge you are a girl.."
She faced him again with a mischievous grin gracing her face.
"Took you sometime to finally register that" she teased.
Lance gulped, this might be a bit more difficult than he anticipated.
He scratched his head, trying to peice together the words.
"What I meant to say was that you are the only other girl on this ship and I need your help" he held his breath.
The sound of typing momentarily stopped.
"Oh" she simply replied, this time her tone was missing it's cheekiness.
"I know this might not be your ideal topic for a conversation but please help me" he begged.
"What kind of help?" she finally asked.
"Thank you so much!" he grinned, opening his arms for a hug.
Pidge simply rolled her eyes at the gesture, "Lance.." she warned.
Lance pouted, dropping his arms but the pout was quickly replaced by a excited smile.
"So what do girls look in a guy other than good looks ?" he asked curiously earning a surprised look from Pidge.
"What?" she questioned.
"Come Pidgey, don't tell me you never had a crush. I won't believe it" he exclaimed.
"Probably someone very smart" he wondered
His eyes perked up as she muttered something inaudible to herself.
"Your going off topic and I am losing my patience" she reminded turning her attention back to her computer.
"Sorry" he nodded getting up.
"So what should I do to make Allura like me?"
"Do you think she likes the serious leader type. I could probably stop joking around and focus on my sharp shooting skills."
"Lance.." Pidge called.
"Although sword fighting looks more impressive and heroic but no way I am gonna ask Keith for help" he decided, pacing around the room.
"Lance..." she tried to interrupt again but to no success.
"Maybe I should ask Shiro for some pointers, also maybe his workout schedule too. Do you think I should learn to cook some traditional Altean food?"
Pidge watched as her friend paced around the room talking to himself. She finally decided that it was time to take action, abandoning her work she walked towards the unsuspecting boy.
She grabbed both of his shoulders tightly and gave him a firm shake.
"Lance!! Listen to me" she demanded, looking furiously at him and for a second he thought it was his end.
Fortunately her demeanor relaxed and her grip loosened on him.
She sighed, testing the sentences in her mind before speaking.
"Look.." she started in a softer tone.
"You want my advice right?" she asked.
He simply nodded, noticing the lack of space between them. His face hovered right above hers,in turn she looked at him with thoughtful eyes as if there was a complex equation written on his forehead.
"Just be yourself" she simply stated, the distance between them increased as she finally moved, walking towards her equipment.
"I know it sounds cliche but it's true. You don't need to be a leader, learn how to sword fight or cook Altean food to make Allura like you. Just be yourself and when the right time comes..." she whispered.
"She will love you for who you are" she added with a small smile.
"Really?" Lance asked, his heart filling with joy to which Pidge simply nodded.
She turned her attention back to working onthe machine, she promised Hunk to complete.
"Although you might want to tone down the flirting. It's annoying" she commented to which he chuckled.
"Aye aye ma'am" he gave a mock salute.
"So are you gonna let me work now?" she asked.
"Thanks again for the pep talk " he grinned.
"No problem. See you later"
As Lance turned towards the door to leave, one last question made him pause.
"Hey Pidge" he called out again, he was now facing her back.
"Hmm?" she asked, still not facing him. For some reason he felt easier asking the question that way.
"Do you really think someone could like me for...me?" he held his breath.
There was a short pause.
"Of course" she reassured but he there was still a doubt creeping in his mind.
"How do you know?" he wondered.
Pidge sighed to herself , grateful for the fact Lance couldn't see her face.
"I just do..." she whispered
Lance smiled softly at the memory. It still surprised him that how blind he had been at that time, the one he was searching for had always been beside him.
He counted himself one of the luckiest people alive, despite unknowingly hurting Katie Holt in the past.
He still got a chance to hold her hand.
His pace quickened seeing the familiar lab in sight, he quickly typed the password and was greeted by one of his favorite sights.
Guess somethings never, despite all the changes Katie Holt had gone through herself. She still couldn't help herself from overworking, of course being the head of The Defenders Operation didn't help either.
He carefully made his way towards her, Katie Holt was fast asleep surrounded four empty mugs of coffee. The desk was covered with different designs of the ships, she had been earlier working on with Matt.
Lance quickly packed her things and although didn't have the heart to lightly shook his fiancee.
She shifted slightly but still didn't wake up.
"Katie.." he whispered but she still didn't budge.
"Pidge!" he called, shaking her a bit more.
"What is it?" she grumbled in her sleep.
"Time to go home. Enough work for today" he chuckled.
"Just leave me inthe lab" she replied still not opening her eyes.
"You know.." Lance grinned leaning closer.
"Your mom is still here and I could just call her" he suggested.
He grinned in satisfaction as Katie Holt immediately opened her eyes.
"I am awake" she stated, grumpily getting up.
"I hate you" she stated, still half asleep.
Lance wrapped his arm around her small frame and then kissed her the forehead.
"Love you too" he whispered as she leaned closer to him.
"I am sleepy" she complained.
"We need to get dinner first. You didn't have lunch either" he informed.
"How do you know that?" she asked yawning.
He simply grinned, "I just do.."
Hope you liked it!
Please Reblog if you enjoyed the story.
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prinzcake · 5 years
incoming WOT
----About Klance
This final season was just a hurricane of emotions
I came back from watching with rachel and sat in the shower for a long time
Klance was the most beautiful in this season. Their quiet love and support for each other was so genuine and Lance looked so content whenever he was with Keith
My heart feels like its bursting
Its really difficult to accept that I won’t see them anymore
The most bittersweet feeling is that both of them grew up so peacefully. I so happy and so glad but also sad that their journey as paladins came to an end. i miss the bickering and teasing and all the shenanigans in space. i miss their adventures among all the different stars and planets. i miss their teamwork
Keith just shone!!! 
He was amazing as a leader, and just as amazing when he turned down being the leader. He has so much talent but never had any ambition for it because he treasured family and friends so much more. Im sooo proud of him. Alot of people think I stan Lance more, but Keith is my star and my one true north. 
Lance grew so much and became so gentle. 
In a way, I feel like it took alot of courage for Lance to be a farmer. Its not easy to choose the simpler/quieter life and be content with it. But I also fell in love with him because of his passion for flying and excitement for new things, so its a really complicated emotion i can’t quite come to agree with yet. (Im waiting for Keith to come in and take Lance away on more adventures haha)
I truly feel that klance are my endgame, that they are so good for each other. my love and hope for them will never change.
----About the season
Its a conflicted feeling because the writing has alot to answer for, there were so much window for amazing story telling and character development that was missed.
Lotor could have been a really great character! he had a good heart even tho he had no example to get it from (Also he was so freaking cute as a kid!!!) I wish that they could have factored him into saving the universe instead of a catalyst for Honerva’s insanity.
Honerva’s actions were all really, really hard to connect with...I even felt that Zarkon had a better redemption scene compared to hers
Also, RIP matt holt’s hot hairdo
Hunk was just perfect. He was solid and a pillar of support for everyone, and never let anyone tell him otherwise what he wanted or was supposed to do or feel. He’s as warm as the sun!
I can’t believe they all went to Clear Day carnival, Shiro tells Keith to relax and have fun, then the first thing Shiro does is go and have an arm wrestling match WITH HIS ADVANCED ALTEAN ARM Im crying Shiro you are terrible. im glad Shiro is canonically happy with Curtis, but I also really miss Adam.
Ryan Kinkade is so far off from what i imagined.. but also i love him and all the MFE pilots, and especially James...James was a Mood
The scenes were all done beautifully. I really loved the lighting and atmosphere for all of it....it makes me so emotional and I’m really going to miss all the different worlds that they created
please yell or cry at me because I am both   😭
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breezy-cheezy · 5 years
Your drawing of Tim in the Voltron AU is so lovely! I love you added freckles in his face, he's such a cutie 💚 I would love to hear your ideas for this AU! More about Tim's role and the other batfam members as well, it sounds like a really interesting AU :D
HE IS SUCH A CUTIE DANG IT I LOVE HIM???? Timmy needs more love. I can’t help the freckles, I’m glad you like them >v
Oh! Thanks for asking! I can try and give a synopsis…of sorts…I haven’t hashed this out very well yet but!! Musings and extra doodles under the cut!!
Timmy is Pidge’s role! I think he was enrolled in the Galaxy Garrison by his parents; they paid alot, they’re super rich. Now he’s in a very high standing education, and they don’t have to care for him anymore…it stings a lil for Tim, but he’s used to it. What he’s not prepared for…is Bruce. (Bruce is Shiro’s role) He takes Tim under his wing; he tends to do that for students he sees something really special in. He saw it in Richard (Lance’s role), in Jason (Keith’s role) but he dropped out. I wish i knew more about how the garrison worked, I’d be able to flesh this out more. But yeah, Bruce looks out for Tim, and it’s very clear to him Tim is extraordinary. He gets absolutely bored in classes; he’s so ahead already. Bruce teaches him all he knows, and prepares ways for Tim to flourish without the system getting in his way. Bruce becomes the father figure Tim never really had.
Bruce is pronounced dead on the Kerberos mission.
Kinda like in the comics, where Bruce disappears and no one believes he’s alive except for Tim, he draws into himself, doing everything he can to search for Bruce. He knows he’s not dead. He can’t be…
I’m thinking…around here, Tim’s unnamed roomie drops out; he doesn’t care. Except he gets put with a very LOUD and irritatingly friendly roomie. Richard Grayson. Even more irritating is that the notorious Damian Wayne (Hunk’s role…it’s not perfect, but it works) is put in with them as well, since Dick is literally the only person that can deal with the brat. (Damian is also a prodigy, but instead of drawing into himself like Tim, he lashes out and belittles others for not keeping up. He gets bullied alot, which only feeds the flames. Dick watched a bullying episode and immediately adopted the kid in his mind lol)
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(some sketches of their Garrison days lol, and some Galra Jays) 
Anyway, Tim’s main focus is finding Bruce, and Dick is pretty annoying at first, but quickly worms his way into his heart as almost like a brother. As he does to many, he’s a sunshiney guy ^^ Damian appreciates him too, he’ll never admit it. Tim never tells them of his search, but they unintentionally help from time to time. 
The day the meteor hits, Tim KNOWS he has to check it out. Richard is curious and follows along, to his dismay. Damian goes because Dick is going. As usual. Jason is in the facility before them, having been searching for his mother all this time (after uncovering some information of her being missing in space long ago) and is shocked to find Bruce of all people here. Drugged up, scarred beyond belief, and with a cold, metal, alien right arm. They had a falling out of sorts long ago, but can’t help worrying about his past mentor and wanting to rescue him. In comes the rest of the gang, Dick is a HUGE fan of Bruce’s, and insists on helping as well. This is who Tim was looking for too!! Bruce is literally Damian’s father in this AU too, I just haven’t figured out the details of his backstory yet ^^;;; Anyway, cue rescue hijinks!
The rest goes about the same. Jason points out the mysterious cave, Damian figures out the coordinates, and they discover the blue lion. Dick is accepted as the blue paladin (shocked as he is) and flies them all to the castle ship, where they meet Starfire (I was debating Kori or Cass for Allura, but Suki pointed out she’s already a powerful alien space princess…so yeah. It works) and Alfred (Coran). 
“Hi. I’m Richard Grayson. And you’re right here in my arms…you’re safe.” Is very likely something Dickie would say, but in a more reassuring manner…before Kori beats him up anyway X’‘D He’s head over heels for her from the beginning, poor bab. 
Anyway! So Tim is Green, Dickie is Blue, Jason is Red, Damian is Yellow, and Bruce is Black. As for the rest of the batfam/dc verse, they’re either rebellion fighters, aliens, etc. Cass is Shay here, part of some shadow alien race that can’t speak very well. Damian is still obsessed with animals and misplaced creatures, so he’d be a total advocate for her oppressed race, and many others. I like to imagine she goes with the team. I could easily see Duke and Steph as Rebels…it could go on. Kent fam is already aliens, I’d love to see Jon meet Damian…haven’t figured that out yet though. Also I have hilarious images of Bruce struggling to trust Clark’s super powered alien race and build an alliance, but genuinely becoming friends over time! 
So yeah! Lots to play with here! Granted, I haven’t finished Voltron yet, so I don’t have it super solidly planned, but…it’s still fun! Here are some more sketches of the au:
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Let me know if you have anymore questions! They help plan more  ^^ Thank you for asking!!
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headspacedad · 6 years
When you really think about it, Shiro's feelings toward the Clone don't make any sense if he has Kuron's memories like the EPs said he does. If he did then he would realize how confused and scared Kuron was, how unaware and worried for his team he was because he wasn't acting like 'himself'. Shiro, by having those memories, should know better than anyone how Kuron felt and yet he still calls him 'Evil Clone' in the only instance Kuron is brought up ins s7. Just wtf?
I got the distinct impression from the interviews that came out after the clone saga went down that the EPs were surprised to hear anyone cared about the clone.  Which is strange considering how hard the story itself worked to get us to adore the clone.  His struggle to win Black’s trust again for the sake of his team in danger, vulnerability admitting his confusion to Lance and his stint during the M&M episode were emotional and endearing (though the EPs referred to him as boring and uncreative and said they wanted to make fun of that in that episode (which honestly tells you alot about how badly they misjudged how people would react to him being such a sincere dork)).   Even in the final fight, the story told you how hard he fought Haggar, how much it hurt him and, once his arm was gone, how broken and lost and confused he sounded when he said Keith’s name.  And yet - the story also had him as a disposable body for Shiro to get vacuumed into and never once acknowledged how horrifying the implications of that is and how little was done to figure out if the clone’s awareness was still in there.  I could be wrong but the EPs answering that it was a mind merge and brushing over it like it was no big deal doesn’t sound like something they had to stay up long and hard to think about and decide about the moral ramifications of and what makes a human a human and all the tangles that go with that.  They just got caught off guard the fandom actually still cared about the clone despite also being glad to have Shiro back and the moral implications that were brought up needed a quick fix solution so - oh, its fine, they just share memories now.
Hence why it was never addressed in the actual story. Because no one, when it was being written far in advance, on the writing team cared and no one thought anyone else would either even after we’d had the clone as one of our team for four seasons.
I’m not happy with it.  I’m a little horrified with it if I think about it too hard and the clone’s body rejecting Shiro in the first episode of seven takes on all kinds of new shades if the clone’s awareness was still inside (which wasn’t what was indicated and frankly, a missed story opportunity as well as a missed chance to tell us what had happened to the clone’s conscious).  I’ll still take it because it means (unless we’re writing an AU that ends better) that the clone isn’t entirely gone and frankly we’ve got amazing fic writers here that can dig right into this and really turn out something amazing.
But the writers lack of awareness that anyone would care about the clone would mean that the ‘merge’ idea hadn’t even come up yet and ‘evil clone’ line was what they assumed the entire audience would view him as instead of the manipulated, tortured, trying, sincere, honest clone we do.  (also the implications that Shiro is completely interchangeable because why would the audience care if they lost a version of him they’d had for four seasons? might say something about the way the EPs view Shiro too.....)
but lets fix it.  We’ve got no in-story answer so we are completely free to either make up our own or use what the EPs gave us and none of it is going to go against the story canon.  I’d like to recommend starting with szzzt-captain’s fic because its a really good place to start.  The clone deserved better - and by gum, we’ll give it to him.
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superiormomo · 5 years
How Voltron should have been.
I know the levels of salt after s8 are super high but like hear me out. Btw I wrote this at 1am without my glasses so if there are any errors I will fix them when I wake up.
Lance shouldn't have been the one to ask for a date. He has dodged his feelings for Allura all s7 after being open about them since the beginning which meant he was trying to get over her. She was the one trying to get all cosy with Lance.
Veronica should have invited Allura to the dinner since she saw the 'connection' they had. That way they could've had a nice moment where Veronica helps Allura come to terms with her feelings about what happened with Lotor and about how she feels about Lance now.
Meanwhile Lance is freaking out because he's not sure about how he feels now because he really likes Allura but still feels heartbroken so he goes to Keith for advice. So then they share a sweet moment together (similar to the one they had during the sunset) and Lance notices (finally) how close they've gotten which triggers an awkward moment and Lance kinda just "well uh yeah well I gotta go" and Keith just heavy sighs cuz he KNOWS but there isn't anything he can do.
They all still have the shopping moment but this time they are giving Allura pep talks about Lance and how much he likes her and whatever, it's sweet and funny and Pidge still thinks it's weird.
Anyway Lance meets up with Shiro at some point before the dinner and they talk for a while then Lance bring up what he noticed about Keith (and he has that cute face he puts yeah y'all know the one) and Shiro KNOWS.
So as disguised support Shiro tells Lance about Adam and Lance just 'ohhs' and Shiro laughs and tells him 'you know love isn't like war, you don't have to pick a side.' and Lance is cute confused, then Shiro does that parent thing and puts his hand on Lance's shoulder and says 'its fine to like both' then Sam comes to ask him to see something and they leave and Lance is left there to think about what Shiro meant.
The Coran moment still happens(cuz I love him, fight me)
After the dinner Lance and Allura still have their date and she still revives the park but Lance is just a bit hesitant and Allura can tell and he explains feeling confused because of how heartbroken he was but he still liked her so she offers him some time to figure himself out and they hug and its cute.
During that time Shiro finds Keith with Krolia and Hunk(Hunk is trying to teach them to cook) Keith is enjoying the mess Krolia is making but he looks withdrawn. Shiro asks to borrow Keith and they leave Hunk and Krolia with the huge mess in the kitchen.
Shiro and Keith walk for a bit and obviously Keith is a worrisome little shit and thinks something is wrong with Shiro. Shiro just laughs is off and says he fine, and asks Keith if he's alright. Keith hesitates for a second and says no which of course Shiro knows its bs so as a good boy that Shiro is he tells Keith he spook to Lance earlier.
And Keith being Keith he crosses his arms and is all "oh yeah me to, I uh he was asking for advice about <heavy sigh> Allura and their date." And at this point Shiro KNOWS but says nothing at first and then Keith asks Shiro if he misses Adam. This obviously surprises Shiro who just looks sad for a second and says "we broke off the engagement before the Kerberos mission so I knew I wasn't coming back to him but he didn't deserve to die like that, he was a good man. I miss him as the friend I once had" then Keith does the whole sorry I asked bs and Shiro knows he got Keith trapped just says "it's fine, it's good to talk about your feelings sometimes it helps it really does" them Keith just gives him the 'what does he know' look and "well uh I um I gotta go' his way out of the conversation.
Well that's alot, I have more but I don't wanna throw it all at once cuz hardly anyone reads long posts but yeah I promise it's not just me pushing Klance there is relevance later in this revision.
If y'all interested in reading more let me know if not eh maybe I will post more later on.
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darkspellmaster · 6 years
Do you think Shiro x Romelle is gonna be a thing? How do you see it playing out in VLD?
Honestly I hope it is a thing. I’ll be blunt, I’m a huge fan of that Ship as a whole, but I’m trying to be as open about the idea of Keith and Romelle as implications seem that Keith met her first so…there is that. But if I had to say anything about Shiro x Romelle (Shiromelle? Shirelle? Romehiro?) I would say it would play out in a very interesting way. 
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We know that Shiro is missing his arm and will probably get it back by the end of the season or the middle of the season, as Hunk and Pidge and Matt will probably build one for him with Coran while they are working on the castle. During this time you’re going to see Keith working with Allura and Lance to figure out what to do about the Galra, which means that Shiro is going to be on his own for a while. I’m pretty sure Krolia is going to be with Keith, and since Romelle doesn’t have the skills the others have, probably limited magic as well, she’d find a kindred spirit in Shiro. 
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Knowing Shiro the two would probably talk alot about her family, and he’d want to know about the Alteans and what their lives were like before Lotor’s plans. I can see the two probably bonding over the lions and Shiro talking to her about his fears and worries for the team. Knowing him, while he wouldn’t outright say to the others he feels useless, he’d probably confide in Romelle that he doesn’t think they need him anymore, and she’d sympathize as an older sister, and seeing how Bandor grew up before her own eyes. He’d understand how she felt about losing someone close to her, as he felt that when he thought he’d lost the Professor and Matt. Not to mention that he’d probably be willing to understand her fears about the Galra and Lotor more seeing as what Haggar did to him. 
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Romelle would help Shiro find a part of himself that he hasn’t seen in a while, and mention that she wants to go back and help her people but not being able to fly nor fight, nor maybe understanding Altean tech, would be a problem for her. On the opposite end, Shiro may, given the white hair and all, be gifted with Altean magic, so maybe Romelle could help him get a better grasp on that. She’d have him learn smaller things than Allura would, as Allura would be more focused on the bigger picture, and Coran, bless his heart, probably would confuse Shiro as to what to do. Eventually the two would have a moment where they hug when Shiro manages to do some form of Altean magic and it would be an awkward, cute thing. 
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In the mean time Shiro would be showing Romelle how to fly the ship, using probably some sort of small plane that they have there, or a test simulator. Also how to actually throw a punch or maybe use Allura’s old staff that she had before. As such the two would learn each others weaknesses and talk a lot about what their desires were regarding Romelle’s return. When she finally found a way to fly the plane, Shiro would be thrilled and seeing her look happy and sure of herself he’d become more and more smitten with her. 
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Eventually Shiro would tell Romelle to talk to Allura about going after the Colony and Allura would agree. The team would head out, with a plan, and Shiro and Romelle would take the lead on this as she is the one that knows where they need to go, with Keith. I see Shiro working hard with her to figure out a plan to free the Alteans that were captured in the testing area, and then those on the Colony. While the people are shocked to see Allura and finally believe Romelle, whom Shiro would back about the issues earlier, the two would allow Allura space to meet her people and Shiro would tell her how nice the place was, but also understand why she felt so trapped. 
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Romelle would agree that she wants to see more of space and the two would hold hands at this point causing both to blush and be unsure of themselves. After the Colony is freed, and while they’re dealing with probably Lotor and the other alteans, we may learn more about Romelle’s and Lotor’s connection (because again I have a feeling there’s more there than just Bandor’s death going on with them) and the two, Shiro and Romelle, would have to face the consequences of whatever comes from that situation. I can see at one point, Romelle and Allura switching places to protect Allura and when Shiro finds out he flips, because by this point he’s fallen for her and wants to help and protect her. The group manage, eventually to free her, and probably deal with Lotor in some way (either forcing him and Merla to become allies due to Haggar or defeating them) and now have to face Haggar and whatever monster is coming from the stuff she was studying.
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Before that battle though, Romelle talks with Shiro and he tells her he was worried about her and scared and pretty much blurts out that he loves her, surprising her and even himself. Then he thinks about it for a moment and says that yeah he’s in love with her, and wants to stay with her, wherever she ends up. Weather that’s helping Allura restart Altea (or Pollux) or back on earth, he’ll go with her. Romelle says she loves him too, and tells him when they get out of this she wants to see the galaxy with him. Of course they kiss, and get caught by probably the others, with Hunk and Coran and Pidge teasing the hell out of them for it. While Allura, Keith, Lance and Krolia all congradult them in their own way. I’m pretty sure by the time the epiloge of the series comes we see the two working together on new Altea, or earth, and possibly wedding bands on their fingers signifiying that they’re married at this point. Shiro may or may not have an arm, but he’s helping Romelle look at something, possibly weird food, and trying to figure out with her what it is, only to be suprised to find it being some sort of cute animal and him jumping back and her giggling. That’s at least how I see it playing out. I don’t know if it will happen or not. But I kind of hope it does. Yeah that would be my OTP in this series and I’m a hard core shipper of it. It’s one of the reasons why I have a hard time seeing Shiro with Allura or anyone because these two are so cute when you really think about it. 
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I was looking for Lance’s “Razzle-Dazzle” moments because he is the best. Which I did find in case you were wondering...
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Then I just started watching the episode and found this.
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“Beautiful aliens from here to Vlexlar will know your name.” And I realized it wasn’t gender specific, I mean, we ALL know how much Lance LOVES the LADIES. Then I remembered something about Coran...
So in season one when Pidge is like “Woah guys btw I’m a girl.” Here is coran.
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“Wait, we were supposed to think you were a boy?” Coran isn’t oblivious (well maybe a little) and he’s definitely intelligent and observant. He immediately knew Pidge was a girl while for everyone else they either had to figure it out or be told (then there’s Keith saying “Oh yeah, me too.” Really Keith? The most oblivious person in the room?)
From this we could deduce that the “beautiful aliens” which isn’t gender specific, could be Coran referring to Lance being bisexual. He would know these things about everyone, he is definitely thinking about everything and all things most likely. I mean he ranked them all by height, when and why? Dunno, I just know that yes he is observant. 
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Note: I’m going through the episodes looking for pics and oh boy there are alot of interactions between Coran and Lance. Could this parallel Pidge and Allura? Although I can’t recall a lot of Pidge and Allura interactions on hand. Since I can’t I’ll just go straight to the bottom line and say that since Allura went to Pidge to talk about “something personal”*wink* about Pidge being a girl, there could be a possibility that Lance and Coran have something in common (which they do, they miss their home.)
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But could they have something more in common?
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Atleast out of context these pictures look pretty gay.
Another characteristic that they have in common (just because I remembered and it might be useful to type for later) would be their narcissism.
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(Another side note: Going through watching just Coran has given me a new found love for Coran that I didn’t have before.)
As I was just about to post this I though about when and how Coran would know if Lance is Bisexual. So, as the Klance shipper I am, I looked for moments that Lance and Keith were basically flirting with each other when Coran was in the room.
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I just wrote the title after finding this. (Below)
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Coran literally leads Keith to Lance’s room. He COINCIDENTALLY stopped in front of Lane’s door. HMMMMMM (I also just realized that Keith and Lance’s rooms are right next to each other.)
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The above is the last pic I’ll add. alien diversity? So does that mean we’re good on the LGBT diversity already that we are going right on ahead to aliens? Okie dokie~
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violetrance · 6 years
lance has been so present for keith (in s3 mostly). we know that keith was oprhaned at a young age. his mom left when he was a baby and his dad most likely died. then he had shiro, the most important person in his life, go missing and "dead". that mustve hurt alot. then he went missing AGAIN and it affected keith but lance was there for him? lance supported him and made keith feel not alone. thats why its heartbreaking that keith left in s4,,hes alone again,, i just want them to hug and be happy
YES, I don't think it's a coincidence that Lance was his emotional support through that either, it definitely means something
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callmelyc · 11 months
Written for Twitter julance
Week 1: sharpshooter PART 2- Life of the Title
Pridge groans "there is it AGAIN, that's the fifth time this week!"
Lance pauses his game from his place hanging upside down off the bed "there's what again?"
"Is it that code name again?" Hunk ask coming in with all their movie snacks leaning over to read pidges screen.
"I think so?" She's typing again trying to get to a good stoping point "we don't actually have any proof it's a name, the galra just talk about it alot...it keeps coming up & its in almost all the logs now."
"What's the name?"
She huffs "again, no proof it's a name- and it's Ghost Rite"
Lance snorts "that's so lame for the galra no way that's a name"
Hunk just frowns a bit "well whatever it is isn't invited to this sleepover, can we just watch the movie...please?"
As movie night goes off without a hitch lance can't help but feel like this won't be the last time he hears that name.
They're having a meeting with the blade today to discuss Keith's return to team Voltron when the name gets confirmed as a name.
"Kolivan, do you happen to know why the Galran keep discussing a Ghost Rite?" Allura says since she knows everyone has been worried about it and knowing something like this could be beneficial to them.
If lance had been daydreaming before he sure wasn't now, the moment the not name was mentioned the blades behind kolivan stiffened.as miniscule as the difference might have been lance has good eyes for a reason, he noticed things he knows no one else will. His focuses zeroed in on them, they knew something and based on kolivans pause at responding he'd say they might even know more than they'll let on.
"The Ghost Rite has become a marker of fear for the galra these last few pheobs. Their name alone has become a threat of sorts..." Kolivans eyes stay forward but some of the men behind glance briefly towards lance so quickly most wouldn't notice "has...Voltron not heard of this?"
Shiro frowns a bit "we've only been picking up on the name in the data we've collected from missions and stray com signals. Until today we didn't even know if it was a name."
This time kolivans eyes look towards lance "This individual is a key player in this war, we only ask Voltron keep him in check."
With a few more subtle glances noted and diplomatic goodbyes the meeting ends with only more confusion. No one comments on the way the blades kept looking towards lance but one thing they do focus on is the confirmation it's a name.
"Do you think it's a vigilante?" Hunk ask nervously "y-you don't think he's a bad guy right? The blade asked us to keep an eye on this guy and the galra fear him he's gotta be terrifying!"
Shiro pats his shoulder "calm down hunk, I'm sure whoever this Ghost Rite is will be a good ally if we ever meet. He might even be part of the resistance."
"I can ask mat to keep an eye out for the guy?" Pidge suggest.
Shiro smiles "that's an excellent idea"
Lance watches everyone from afar unable to shake those glances the blade gave him. He feels like he's missing something...oh well, how important can it really be?
That thing lance thought he was missing? Yeah, turns out it was really important.
They're on a mission split into three teams: shiro and allura handling the diplomacy, Keith and hunk handing evacuation, and pidge and lance doing some sneaky infiltration to rescue some stray prisoners that managed to get captured and sent off planet. Easy right?
This ship was a maze, unlike any they'd seen before and the only thing bringing comfort to lance right now was the fact he had red who could get them out of here the fastest. It was eerily quiet, full of upgrades and still far too easy to sneak into.
"You think this is a trap?" Lance whispers to pidge while she hacks into the door systems "I mean...this is too easy, right?"
"That's what ur here for loverboy, your the fighting force here-" her fingers fly across the keys then there's a audible click to go with her triumphed woop "and I'm the brains!" Pidge swats at lances arm "let's go!"
The moment they get to where pidge needs to be all hell breaks lose. The galra aboard the ship come rushing down the halls flanked by sentries "pidge lock yourself inside the control room, I'll distract them while you get ur data-"
"Oh it!" She shouts "and lance?...good luck"
Lance is flying around the corner listening to the door latch itself shut with an override faster than you can call him sharpshooter. He's ready to face these galra head to head, ready to be the wall protecting pidge a meer wall away!
But when those galra get around to face him and lance materializes his Bayard into his trusty blaster? they stop rushing forward. Lance holds his position, Bayard pointed directly towards the line of galra that came to a stop and a stare down commences.
Not letting his gaurd down at this strange behavior, lance observes. This is when he starts to realize what that important thing was.
The galra before him aren't just at a pause, they're terrified. Their hands are trembling, faces pulled into a defensive snarl, some even take cautionary steps backwards to get further away.
The back of lances mind is itching with an answer, it's right at the top of his tongue-
"It's the Ghost Rite" one whispers, voice as shaken as his clawed hands that grip his polearm. Then it clicks-
All the times they've talked to the Blade glances have been thrown lances way, every time they go on a mission the mentions of the name increase. When pidge asked her brother to keep an eye out for the Ghost Rite he looked confused-
It's him, God lance can't believe they all missed this! He can't believe the galra gave him such a lame name when he's been trying to get sharpshooter to stick- /no, focus! Now is not the time!/
Looking back at these men and seeing how shaken they are about lance standing here, he thinks maybe....maybe he should test the waters a little?
Ya know, for science.
Lance steps forward making them step back twice the distance. He repositions his gun causing the weaker to flinch while the rest to either drop their weapons or hold theirs unsteady.
He smirks....someone whimpers.
/Oh/ lance thinks trying not to laugh /this will be fun/
The rest of the mission goes off without a hitch, with lance using his newly acquired info to get them to bend to his whims a little things went faster than usual. Data collected, prisoners saved, planet freed and another win for voltron all the while lance is the only one to know about the Ghost Rite.
Of course, he didn't tell anyone about it not when he has no proof. Who would believe him anyways? His entire team thinks he's great with people, super kind and an all around great guy! Of course they think him capable, they saw what went down on Euble and all the other missions they go on, but that doesn't mean they'd think him a sign of fear for the galra.
So with every mission they go on lance watches the galra freeze or stutter at spotting him, he smirks or lets them know it would be on sight- they drop things or put up much less of a fight, then they all go on their merry way!
It's been a lot of fun. Some ships don't even leave actual galra stationed anymore, there's been more and more sentries and less intense battles. Lance counts it as a win.
The name even spreads past the galra, soon enough any criminals in general know about lance, even the ones trying to take over part of their own home planets. All lance has to do is stand behind his lovely team during diplomatic missions and the secretly horrible ones will glance towards him, freeze up and excuse themselves.
He's becoming a master at subtle threats too. When these people recognize him he just has to wave his hand a certain way and they blanch faster than the vegetables Hunk preps.
In the end these people are almost always working with the galra...but still lance is having a blast with it. There's nothing quite like being the secret weapon.
When doing meetings with the Blade he can tell they've noticed that Lance is...aware of his title. The next time it's brought up lance smiles at their inevitable glances his way, kolivans eyes alight with recognition then things continue forward as if a revelation didn't just occur.
The next time the blade are physically aboard the castle kolivan pulls lance aside alone "you are aware now."
It's not a question this time "I am" lance confirms meeting kolivan eye for eye.
"I trust we are in your good graces?" He ask lance reluctantly as if worried for his response.
It's the first time lance remembers the blade are all galra too "yeah, you guys are on our side...I trust you."
Kolivan looks at him a little longer like he's making sure lance isn't just lying to have an edge "this will be beneficial then."
Lance watches him leave wondering just how deep this all goes.
He's protecting a small group of civilians in a diplomatic mission gone wrong when their hiding spot he chose is blown. Well...sorta.
The galran throw down a group the planets higher ranking individuals right Infront of lances hiding spot. Each and every one of them is tied up, disarmed and panicked. Standing before them is a huge burly beefcake of a Galra, seriously this guy is massive, all snarls and glower.
And this guy Is clearly not happy, nor are his little henchmen.
"Where is he?" The burly one lance has dubbed boss man ask, brandishing his sword.
"Where is who?" One of the council members voice, he's terrified lance notes but the Galra man only growls.
"The Ghost Rite!" He shows his teeth "we know he's amongst you and we want revenge"
The civilians next to lance start to shake "We don't know who that is!"
Lance lays low, calling his Bayard to his side.
"Lies! He's rumored to be a member of Voltron, where is he!" A blade is held to the counselors neck now and that's when lance decides to act.
He ignores the hushed begging from the people beside him asking him not to leave. He steps into the open.
"I heard you're looking for me?" Lance says with a smile
Boss man turns eyeing lance up and down taking notes of the V on his chest and blaster in hand "So it's true then, the sniper of vld is Ghost Rite"
"You've killed almost all of my men-" he takes a fighting stance growling at Lance "you've ruined everything!"
"What, like it's hard?" He distantly hears the few of the prisoners off to the side curse under their breath but that's ok they don't know how good lance is at games like this "maybe you should've trained them better to not get spotted so easily"
He watches the henchmen start to tremble and shoots them a smirk. If he can buy enough time maybe his team will be able to get here, either way the prisoners will be freed even if he has to do it himself.
The Galra growls and tells his last two men to stand gaurd for the prisoners. He charges at lance "they only fear you because you can kill at a distance!"
He's clawing at lance viscously, at every dodge he makes "you are NOTHING in close combat!"
Lance spins changing his stance to go towards the galran coming at him. Everyone shouts terrified before a light zings through the air a sharp polearm taking its place and stabbing through the commanders chest.
"The Ghost part of my name comes from people never getting away to tell others I can defend myself upclose too" lance says low enough that only the one infront of him can hear "I won't be the only ghost here."
"You-" he gargles in response.
Lance pushes him off the polearm with his leg before spinning around to the final two "do you wanna try me or will you yield for arrest?"
When he turns ready to free the prisoners he finds his team looking back at him slack jawed in a mix of pride and shock.
The final two men are detained, practically begging to be away and that was the day his team discovered he was the Ghost Rite all along.
(it also meant them freaking out bc the galra are afraid of him "lance! Even the blade are a little scared of you wtf!")
(Allura taught him the polearm she's so proud)
Part 1
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dent-de-leon · 6 years
you always say that when lance and keith communicate they always miss the mark and i find it funnt because excluding framing because you cover that alot they do keith tells lance that he doesnt have to worry about being kicked off the team but lances initial worry that there werent enough lions for six paladins still stood at that point?? they never dealt with the problem there just the effect of it
Yeah, this is something I’ve always seen differently from the majority of fandom I think. The thing is, though Lance and Keith are closer now, and their bond was certainly headed in a much better direction–they still have some issues to work out. Through no fault of their own, even when they do open up, they both really struggle with communicating their needs. And yeah, I have talked about this quite a bit in respect to the scene where Lance goes to Keith for advice. 
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The main problem there is that Lance is struggling with his own insecurities. Really, that’s the issue. But rather than just directly addressing that, both Keith and Lance kind of tiptoe around it. And, though he was clearly trying to understand and work out a solution, Keith’s answer isn’t much help. He basically says things will work themselves out, and not to worry about it. So we have Lance who’s worried about the team but also this is very much a more personal issue, and he’s trying to pass it off as if it’s not. But then we also have Keith giving a very abstract, almost dismissive answer. “Stop worrying about who flies what, and just focus on your missions. Things will work themselves out.”
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For examples of better communication, I would cite a lot of Keith’s conversations with Shiro, where they’re clearly more comfortable with opening up and expressing their needs. The fact that Keith’s first impulse is to make a joke that things must be really bad if Lance is going to him for help–that says a lot about their dynamic. In terms of open communication and comfort, they’re just not quite there yet. And for a better example of dealing with Lance’s insecurities in particular, we have Allura. She very firmly reassures Lance by directly citing the qualities that mean he’s meant to pilot Red and she’s the one who really encourages him to be part of the team again. It’s a very clear, descriptive, and resolute answer, which was more than what Keith was able to put together–because while he clearly cares, there’s this disconnect there with him and Lance. 
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Consider also when Lance tries to comfort Keith about Shiro’s loss–because I always see people cite it as the epitome of good counsel, and it makes me sick. Lance, like everyone else–with the exception of Allura–never discusses how much Shiro means to Keith. Instead, he makes the moment about him, and how he feels. “…we all miss Shiro. I remember what a thrill it was to meet him when the two of us carried him out of that garrison hospital.” Again, Lance is trying here, but it clearly doesn’t hit the mark. For Keith, Shiro was never just some thrill. That was a very personal rescue mission, the first time he’d seen the person he loved most in a year. There’s a clear disconnect in what Lance is saying and what Keith is feeling here.
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Even more heartbreaking, like Pidge and Hunk, Lance never speaks about Takashi the person, but Shiro the heroic paladin. They refer to him as a “legend,” a level of idolazation that is so very far removed from Keith’s very intimate connection and doesn’t take into account Shiro’s personal character at all. Lance also tells Keith, “But you know that he would be the first one to tell you to move on,” and honestly? Look at Keith’s face. 
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This isn’t someone who’s comforted. He’s gone his whole life firmly believing Shiro is the one person who never gave up on him, and now he’s just being told to let them go and move on. And he’s being told that by the person who basically called him heartless for not being onboard to go back for Allura no less. There’s a lot of reasons here why Keith wouldn’t be able to take any measure of solace in hearing this. 
After all, if this was truly comforting to Keith, if Lance really honestly understood Keith’s situation and the depth of his loss, he never would have maliciously accused Keith of using Shiro’s absence just to put himself in charge and completely trivialize the importance of their intimate relationship. Let alone do so in the very next episode:
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It especially hurts when interpretations of Lance singlehandedly saving Keith in this moment were headcanons that came off the heals of tons of other k/l fans being excited Shiro was gone because now Lance could step in and “fill” that void. And it’s painfully obvious to me people who see it that way are very much unaware how much this kind of loss takes its toll. How utterly irreplaceable someone like Shiro is to Keith. Allura understands, though. She’s the only one in this scene who does, the only one who talks about Keith and his feelings and how much Shiro means to him and actually brings him some sort of comfort: 
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So yeah. While it’s nice that they are making that effort to reach out to try and connect, I definitely think they have some communication issues to work through. And I really hope that they do. 
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cccrystalclear · 6 years
Some thoughts on season 5 of Voltron? Do you trust Lotor?
As a Lotor fan I really liked the attention he got this season, showing more of his softer side. (though I miss his smirky devilishly smirk). Kinda still sad Keith is put on the back burner considering he is in my top 3, but I think he will have a big part to come in S 6-7. Loving the extra attention Lance have gotten, the lad deserves it and I’m glad Shiro’s story is progressing again with the whole clone Kuron project. I find the interaction between Allura and Lotor very interesting and a part of me ships it BUT I don’t trust Lotor at all. Lotor only cares about his own interests, and gladly puts his own head into the mouth of the lion if he can profit from it. I think 99% of what he says is true, but he withholds alot of information which will make team Voltron pissed at him for in the future. I think Lotor will develop an attachment to Allura, and her to him, only for project Kuron to come inbetween them (Lotor don’t like being spied on by his moma as we have seen earlier on RIP Narti) My biggest disappointment was the lack of episodes
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toocool2btrue · 5 years
Lance absentmindedly played with his food, unaware of his surroundings.
"Lance!" Hunk called out to him, taking a seat opposite to his best friend.
"Everything alright?" Hunk questioned in concern.
Lance simply nodded, faking a yawn as he assured his friend.
"I just didn't get enough sleep last night."
Hunk simply nodded turning his attention back to his lunch.
"I get you buddy, things have been so busy lately I haven't even gotten the time to call Shay. I miss her so much" he sighed sadly
Lance gave his bestfriend a small smile, "How is she doing?" he asked.
"Great, Infact she is going to visit earth soon. I am so excited!" Hunk pumped his fist in the air enthusiastically and Lance simply chuckled.
The pair fell silent resuming their lunch.
"Did you see Princess Allura and Keith in the meeting today. They looked so cute!" a female officer commented to her friend.
"I wish they were dating" the other giggled.
Hunk watched as the two girls passed by their table and turned his warm brown eyes towards his friend.
"Buddy?" he quietly questioned.
"Relax Hunk. You know that our breakup was mutual, I even asked you advice on how to break up with her." he recalled the stressful yet hilarious memory.
But Hunk was not satisfied, this was not the first time he noticed the dark cloud surrounding his friend.
"Then what is it?" Hunk asked sharply surprising Lance with his tone.
"I just-don't understand." he confessed.
"I thought Allura was the one but when I started dating her. Everything seemed like a challenge, I realized that I didn't know her. We weren't comfortable with each other and that was... disappointing" he breathed.
"Not that I blame her. Allura is still amazing but I guess not the one for me" he stated, his eyes widening in realization.
Hunk secretly smiled in satisfaction,
"Who do you think is the one for you?" Hunk asked.
Lance rubbed his neck, "I don't know..someone with whom I am comfortable. Someone I could tease and we would probably bicker alot" a smile cracked on his face.
"And?" Hunk encouraged.
"Someone with whom I have common interests. So we could do stuff together but still be a bit different, so I could learn new things from them" Lance trailed on, slowly a image had started to form in his head.
"I see.." Hunk's grin was no longer hidden.
"A partner in crime. Someone that could help me with pranks. Someone to laugh with...someone like a.."
"Best friend?" Hunk finished, his eyes were now following the newcomer who was making way towards their table.
"Yeah!" Lance grinned at Hunk's suggestions.
His blue eyes widened as realization finally hit him. Hit him hard, one might daresay.
The image had finally completed.
Lance couldn't believe that how blind he had been.
The person was all along Pidge.
"Lance!" she called out, her amber eyes twinkling with excitement.
"You won't believe what game I have found for us to play!!" she stated, shaking his shoulders in excitement.
But Lance was frozen.
She frowned at her friend's lack of reaction.
"What happened to him?" she asked the bemused Hunk.
"Oh he is just having a moment" he stated slyly.
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heero-yuy · 7 years
Why the Lion Switch is perfect
I’m gonna try to keep this short and to the point.
If you’re complaining about the lion switch and how it feels wrong and out of character, it’s probably because you were listening to what they were telling you all this time and not looking at what they were actually showing you, and missed what these characters are really all about.
Lets start with Red:
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The way to Red’s heart is through “self sacrifice” and “selflessness”
This is how Keith impresses her the first time, by ejecting himself into space and putting himself in danger to free her.
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Then you can see their bond growing each time Keith gives something up for the team or risks himself in some way for it.
Like In the BOM dream, where he chooses to give up his knife.
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That’s how Lance ends up in it now.
He gives up an important part of himself for the team. 
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He goes “It doesn’t matter if I’m not the best and will never prove myself good at anything or ever be worthy, the team is more important.”
And if you watch from the beginning of the series you’ll see hints of what Lance is actually all about and what’s his true strength
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There’s actually a post about this going around I can’t find now, but Lance is the guy that would always do something risky to save his friends.
And despite how he always acts, he’s actually the most selfless guy on the team
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This is also why Red doesn’t accept Allura and why it’s so hard for her, because she feels like she sacrifices EVERYTHING for the team and their mission.
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But I think deep inside she knows there’s some stuff that she does for selfish reasons or things she still keeps a secret from the paladins.
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Then we have Black:
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The way to Black’s heart is through “Confidence” and “Trust”
This is why Shiro struggles with it so much in the first two seasons. 
Shiro appears like a confident leader but inside he’s full of doubts. 
He’s trying SO HARD to be the best leader he can be but he has so much fear in him all the time.
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And sometimes he has confidence and he manages to bond with Black, and sometime he doesn’t and Zarkon snatches his control away. So he ends up being very unstable.
This is also why Black won’t accept him anymore, Shiro lost the confidence again (after Zarkon snatched his control again and teleported him back to Galra prison) he lost trust in the lion and trust in himself.
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He's full of fears again and Black doesn’t want a pilot like that. (no it’s not cause he’s a clone)
But who always had alot of confidence? Keith.
Keith seems like a hot head that doesn’t think about what he’s doing because what he suggests and does always seems insane.
But he only does these crazy things because he’s confident he can do them.
One of his first action in the show is driving off a cliff saying “Shut up and trust me”. And he makes it with no problem.
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This is why he’s the perfect person for Black. He knows what he’s capable of, he has so much confidence he is able to face Zarkon all by himself! He almost has too much confidence at times haha
(He’s not a crazy hot head like Lance says, he’s just confident he can do stuff most people can’t, and he does.)
Now the way to Blue’s heart
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is through something like “eagerness to prove themselves”
I’m just gonna quote what the show runners said about her:
"..but really the Blue Lion is kind of like the mother Lion. She looks for potential in a new pilot. Something to nurture and foster. And I think she saw that in Lance. She saw someone who needed confirmation that they were valuable to this team. Even though they didn’t believe it in themselves.”
That’s why she accepts Allura.
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And that’s why it eventually will accept Shiro aswell, because now that Black won’t accept him and he has no part on the team but he really wants to be part of Voltron, she’ll see his eagerness and will help him. (And Allura will have to pilot the Castle sometimes)
Blue was also said to be the “Teamwork” lion. 
And uniting people and making people work together is Shiro’s true strength. 
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Again, you can see from the first episode. He won’t shut up about teamwork. 
Which is also a big part of leadership that Keith is struggling with and why they will eventually find perfect balance as the two main co leaders.
So the lion switch is not there to put them in their DOTU lions for the old fans, or promote one paladin over the other or ignore the bonding they had with their lions until now.
It’s to show that these characters are finally at a place where they stop trying to be who they think they need to be, and embracing their true selves and true strengths.
This is all very well thought through character development.
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