#i like writing. i was told i was good at it. english teacher in middle school begged me for 3 years to do writing competitions
dragonflylady77 · 24 hours
people like us
So... yesterday (today? timezones, man...) was @thissortofsorcery's birthday and I decided around 5pm that I'd write a fic for her.
2502 words later... read on Ao3
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Billy apologizes, Robin helps Steve with something, then she helps Billy with something.
Steve was standing against his car when he spotted Hargrove walking towards him. He planted his feet, crossing his arms over his chest and waited. It had been a couple of months since the fight at the Byers’ and they’d both done a good job avoiding each other.
He’d heard from Dustin that Max had told the gang Billy was sticking to his word and staying out of her way. The guy didn’t seem to hang around Tommy and his clique anymore and Steve wondered who he was hanging out with. He wasn’t sure why he wondered, but he did.
Hargrove stopped a couple of feet away, taking a deep drag on his cigarette before dropping it on the ground and crushing it with his boot. “Harrington.”
“Hargrove,” Steve said, his face showing none of the turmoil he was feeling inside. He wondered what had compelled him to press a finger to Billy’s chest that night, but he couldn’t get out of his head how warm and soft Billy’s skin had been.
“I took it too far that night, and for that I am sorry. My dad, um, my dad made it very clear that I needed to bring Maxine home and when you lied to me about it and wouldn’t let me take her with me, I saw red. That wasn’t your fault, but you have to agree that a thirteen-year-old girl had no business being alone with a bunch of boys at night in a house in the middle of nowhere.”
Steve felt his face heat up. “That’s not… I mean… I don’t…” he sputtered. What the fuck ?
“Yeah, I know that now, but you gotta admit it looked dodgy as hell. Anyway, you don’t have to forgive me or anything, but I wanted to say I’m sorry I made your face my punching bag.”
“Oh, um, okay.” Steve was having a hard time processing.
Billy nodded. “See ya.”
A car door slamming shut snapped Steve out of his trance and he realized Hargrove had left while he was staring into space. He heard the bell and swore under his breath, grabbing his bag out of his car before running towards the school.
The day passed in a daze and last period found Steve in the library for his tutoring session. His English teacher had arranged for someone from his AP class to help Steve with his college essays. Steve couldn’t ask Nancy anymore, obviously, things were too awkward. Part of him hoped it would be Billy Hargrove, though he doubted the new King of Hawkins High would want to spend more time with a washed out loser like Steve…
“Steve Harrington?” a decidedly female voice said next to him and he sat up, blinking. 
“Hi. I’m Robin Buckley. Mr. Crowder asked me to help you with your college essays.” Robin sat in the chair next to him, dumping her backpack in the chair next to her. She pulled out a purple pencil case that was bursting at the seams and turned to him expectantly. “Well?”
“Well, what?” Steve had no idea what was going on and he was sure it showed on his face. This girl would no doubt tell everyone he was an idiot.
“Show me. Your essay.”
“Oh, right.” Steve reached in his bag and pulled out a slightly mangled sheet of paper. He passed it to Robin and tried to ignore the face she made as she flattened the sheet with her hand. “Sorry,” he mumbled, looking down at his hands on the table.
“It’s okay.” 
Steve felt her shrug then she started reading, a red pen at the ready. She read it slowly, clearly taking her time, and rereading it a few times as well. The amount of red marks on his essay made Steve wonder why he’d bothered at all.
Once she was done, she put her pen down and looked at Steve, an apologetic look on her face. “Okay, Steve. Um, it’s not all bad. You have some good ideas in there, but the execution is, um, shall we say, clunky.”
Letting out a groan that earned him a glare from the librarian, Steve crossed his arms on the table and hid his head in them. “I suck, I know.”
“Do you even want to go to college?” Robin asked, her voice muffled.
Steve shrugged. He was tired of his father yelling at him about his shit grades, his lack of prospects if he didn’t get into college, even how short-sighted he had been breaking it off with the Wheeler girl. Life sucked, and now he was kinda maybe having daydreams about what it would feel like to kiss Billy Hargrove.
“Ugh,” was the answer he gave Robin, lifting his head to peer at her. “My dad won’t shut up about it, threatens to cut me off if I don’t get in somewhere. But this study thing? Not sure it’s for me, yanno. Senior year is hard enough. From what all my teachers are saying, I’ll be lucky to graduate.”
“What are you going to do then? Work for your dad?”
“Ha!” Steve scoffed. “As if the great Richard Harrington, Jr. would stoop so low as to give his dumbass son a job in his successful empire.”
“Wow, okay… well, I work at Melvald’s on the weekend and they’re looking for a delivery boy. You have a car, you should apply. Don’t tell your dad and earn your own money.”
“Why are you helping me? I mean, you seem great, don’t get me wrong, but we don’t even know each other…”
“Everyone in the school knows who you are, Steve… but I don’t know.” Robin shrugged. “You don’t seem to have many friends and you look sad a lot.”
Steve had nothing to say to that. Her assessment was almost spot on. “I have friends…” he mumbled, embarrassed.
“Middle schoolers do not count, Steve, I don’t care what they tell you to get rides everywhere.”
“How do you know about that?” Steve sat back in his chair, staring. What the hell? Who was this girl and how did she know so much about him?
“I’m in the school band, dingus. I’m as good as invisible. And I’m very observant. For example, I saw you and Billy Hargrove have a chat this morning.”
“Yeah. It surprised me because, last I’d heard, he was leaving you alone after he bashed your head in, last November.”
“He, um, he came to apologize for that, actually.”
“Nice. So… are you going to see him again?”
“What? What are you—no!” Steve looked around, checking to see if anyone was paying attention to them. Thankfully, the few students in the library seemed busy with their own things and they were far enough away that they wouldn’t have heard Robin. “No, it’s not like that,” he whispered furiously, inwardly shushing the little voice in his head saying that he would like it to be.
“Awww, you’re blushing… Your secret is safe with me.” Robin leaned closer and whispered, “I love a good enemies to lovers romance.”
Steve couldn’t make words, he could barely breathe, his mind stuck on a loop of ‘ whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck ’ until the bell rang, moments later, snapping him out of it. He heard someone walk in, the stomping of boots familiar as hell, and he whipped his head to look, even if he already knew. Throwing Robin a small smile, he grabbed his essay from the table and shoved it in his bag. “I have to go.”
He forced himself to walk past Hargrove on his way to the exit, nodding back when Hargrove nodded, and managed to stop himself from running all the way to his car. He sat in his BMW, shaking like a leaf, trying to get his breathing under control before the kids showed up.
“What was that about, Bird?” Billy asked Robin as he sat in the chair Harrington had just vacated. He tried not to react to the residual warmth of the plastic, considering who had been sitting on it. He failed.
“Not sure yet, my sweet. Crowder asked me to help Harrington with his college essay, and, hoo boy, he needs all the help he can get.” She smiled at him. “How was your day since your little chat with our former king this morning?”
Billy groaned, low enough that the librarian didn’t hear, leaning back in the chair. “Ugh. Of course, you know about that.”
“I was literally in the parking lot, and watched the painfully awkward encounter with my own eyes when I was chaining my bike.”
“Painful is accurate.” Billy rubbed both hands over his face then looked at Robin. He knew he was lucky they’d found each other. The two resident queer secret besties.
The basketball team had had an away game a couple of weeks after Billy had arrived in Hawkins. Unlike the cheerleaders, the band traveled with them. As the new guy on the team, Billy’d been assigned the last bed available, sharing a room with the member of the marching band that no one wanted to room with. 
Robin had told him as soon as the door had closed that she knew about his crush and that he needed to be more careful. Once Billy had recovered from the shock, they’d spend the night talking, exchanging stories and tips on how to appear less queer than they actually were. On the bus back to Hawkins, they’d gone into details about their current crushes, vowing to help each other. Billy had agreed to pose as Robin’s boyfriend in front of her parents, so they’d stop asking her about gross boys, and he was able to drop Robin’s name and keep Neil off his back—about the queer thing at least.
“I asked him what you said to him, and he said you had apologized.”
“I did.” Didn’t Robin say she had witnessed the interaction?
“Uh huh, that’s great, I’m proud of you, but wha—”
“Wow, you don’t have to sound so enthusiastic…” Billy deadpanned, hearing Robin’s complete lack of interest.
“Shut up. I asked him if he was going to see you again, and he blushed. He turned bright red, in front of my eyes, my sweet.”
“And?” Billy said, confused. What was Robin getting at?
“He didn’t deny it, he looked so flustered then you walked in and he ran off.”
“Again, and?”
“I think you should go to his house and, and, do that thing you do, you know, with your eyelashes and your mouth.”
“Yes, that. Go now, while he’s still all in a state. It’s your best chance.”
“Fly, my pretty, go get your love,” Robin said, and she honest to god giggled. 
Billy rolled his eyes but had no choice but to do what she said because she started shoo-ing him and the librarian was now looking in their direction. 
He parked a couple of houses down from the Harringtons’ fancy mansion and made his way to the front door, ringing the bell and waiting. No matter what Robin had said, he really didn’t think Steve would open the door. He took a slow spin, taking in the surroundings, noticing the overwhelming amount of greenery in this part of town, especially compared to Cherry Lane.
“Billy?” Steve’s shocked voice said behind him. “What, um, what are you doing here?”
Billy turned around, taking in the soft looking sweater and joggers Steve was now wearing. “I came to see you, pretty boy. Robin said you needed some help and, well, here I am.”
“You… Come in already, it’s freezing out.” 
Steve moved to let Billy in and closed the door behind him. “ You want to help me ?” His tone was saying one thing but the way his eyes swept over Billy were saying another.
Billy took the two steps separating them, crowding Steve, but not quite touching him.
“You bet, pretty boy,” he whispered in the gap between them. “In any way I can…” He let his eyes drop to Steve’s mouth before making eye contact again. This close, he could see the flakes of gold in the brown. He wondered what Steve’s chocolate eyes would look like in the early morning sunlight.
Steve’s hands were on his jaw before Billy could react as Steve pulled Billy to him, slanting their mouths together. The surprised gasp that breached Billy’s lips was all Steve needed to slide his tongue in Billy’s mouth. 
The shock of Steve making the first move only lasted a moment. Billy wasted no time pressing Steve’s body against the door, his hands reaching under the hem of his sweater. His fingers encountered warm naked skin and Billy moaned.
“Fuck, Steve…”
“Not on the first date,” Steve said with a smile, burying his hands in Billy’s hair and pressing their foreheads together.
“Could be a date,” Billy replied, sliding a thigh between Steve’s legs, his heart rate picking up speed when he felt Steve grow hard against him.
Billy never thought that hearing a guy whine his name would get him hot under the collar, but today was fraught with new and unexpected experiences.
“Yeah, baby, I’m here. I’ve got you. What do you need?” he asked Steve, nibbling along Steve’s jaw, before mouthing at the column of his neck.
“You. Me. Naked. My bed.”
“Billy?” Steve asked, his head resting on Billy’s chest, fingers drawing patterns along his barely visible treasure trail. Billy had gone down on him then Steve had given his first every blow job and he was pretty sure Billy had enjoyed it. He hoped Billy would let him do it again.
“Yeah?” Billy’s hand on Steve’s back didn’t stop; Steve took comfort in that.
“I… Robin said something earlier, about enemies to lovers romance and I want you to know, this isn’t an experiment for me.”
“No?” Billy’s voice was devoid of emotion and Steve didn’t like it.
“I really like you, Billy. I know what happened in November happened, but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.”
“What I’m saying is, I know we can’t go out on dates, because it’s dangerous for people like us, but if you wanted, we could hang out here. Order in. Make out in the hot pool my parents installed last year.”
“I like your idea, Stevie, a lot.”
“So you’ll stay?”
Instead of answering with words, Billy flipped them over so he was on top, his hands in Steve’s hair holding him still as he licked into Steve’s mouth. Steve’s hands found Billy’s hips, helping the rolling rhythm that made them both groan and gasp. They never stopped kissing, moving against each other until they both reached their peak.
The ensuing shower to clean the mess that covered them both took so long that they ran out of hot water but they didn’t care. 
With the help of a little birdie, they’d found each other, and, well, that was worth all the cold showers in the world.
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autisticlee · 7 months
so many christian conservatives that hate/criticize science and don't believe in it because "it's not always right/it always changes/they don't know for sure/there's no solid proof/etc" sure do love to believe in their magical sky daddy they never saw with their own eyes but swear is real, just because mommy and daddy and the old bald man at church had told them this since they were babies.
just like much of the scientific theories they're talking about, this god also has no actual solid proof. no one knows for absolute sure that this magical being exists, or anything in the bible actually happened. this god, his son, and every other religious figure could be nothing more than a character in an ancient fictional fantasy novel the ancient people wrote for fun because they had nothing better to do. some say there's proof the "person" existed. but there's no proof they performed magic or had magical things happen to them. maybe the readers got so engrossed and obsessed that it took on this religious culture that persisted for centuries. (imagine if the twilight series took on this form and a religion about worshiping vampires emerged and people a few centuries from now though bella and edward are their original, very real existing, saviors and everyone worships them hoping to become a vampire. I remember seeing articles that thar series started getting religious cults around it. don't know if it was true of just male journalists hating that teenage girls enjoyed something —let's be honest, it was probably that.)
but if you say those things to conservatives, that there's no proof, that it could be nothing more than an ancient fantasy novel, they get so upset and defensive. they won't admit it. they come up with excuses. they turn around and point fingers instead. at least the science they hate for "having no proof" or being proven wrong always admits when it's wrong and is always trying to disprove *itself* in order to find the truth. it's based on theory and everyone should have learned about that in school, so i won't explain it. science, in general, is the study of trying to prove and disprove theories and gain evidence needed to reach a truth. it's ongoing. even these truths are usually accepted as things that can still expand and get rewritten as we learn more.
yet most christian conservatives are often over there saying those bad things about science, which actually realistically applies better to their sky daddy and his son's story. even the meanings of their bible change depending on the language/translation and who's interpreting it, with no solid proof one way or another. their religion is very stagnant. they have forbidden questioning it. they know it won't hold if you do.
they can't believe in science because there is never any concrete evidence, and scientists never know for sure....... yet at the same time, though they won't admit it, they truly don't even know if their magical god exists up in the clouds for sure. all they do is "believe" but "belief" is not proof, no matter how much they try telling you it is. but,,,,it only is if it's directed at their god. if it's belief in anything science? "no, you're brainwashed! it's all fake!"
they preach to you from a kid that you need to blindly believe and if you question it or don't believe hard enough, you get sent to hell to suffer. you're not allowed to think or choose for yourself! but they try really hard to make it look and feel like you're "choosing" it. it sounds very brainwashy to me. it FELT very brainwashy as a kid experiencing this, being foeced to go to church 2-3 times a week and a catholic school for 11 years. it's truly the opposite of what most conservatives preach and rant about. they're all about ~individualism and not being a sheep and free speech and freedom of choice~ and whatever else they yell about that is generally the opposite of how they actually live, lead, and raise their young.
science doesn't do that to you. science is more forgiving. if you dont believe, go prove it wrong! yet they claim scientists are trying to "brainwash" everyone; if you listen to and believe science, you are being "brainwashed." but *they* aren't. no. they're definitely not brainwashed by their big benevolent sky daddy and his magical story book, who threatens to strike them down into the pits of hell to suffer if they get even the smallest inkling of questioning or doubt in their tiny brains.
hypocrites they are!
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redroomwidows · 4 months
'I got one🙋🏻‍♀️ can’t you do Lee Russell x Neal’s younger sister reader? They’re secretly seeing each other behind his back and Neal walked in Lee’s office about to have sex or always having sex…. Up to you ☺️'
notes: everyone loves a good frenemies sister fic. I didn't go fully NSFW with this, it's just a bit steamy, and I made the reader plus-size cos I do what I like lol. Reader is not mentioned to be adopted or biological so view her as you wish. Lee is already divorced from Christine even if it's set at the start of S2!! Christine is a legend and I stand with her.
warnings: making out, inferences to sex, strong language (I mean come on). NSFW! Semi-public sex (they're in an office in a school in the middle of the day lol) Reader smokes and is described as wearing skirts and makeup. Reader is shorter than Lee. Blood mentions. unedited because I'm sleepy. Lee is definitely out if character because he is HARD to write for.
Lee Russell x plus size!fem! reader
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North Jackson High was somewhat of a shit hole. Not a huge one, but there was definitely a mild stain somewhere. Two Principles in two semesters - three if you included the singular day Neal Gamby had walked through the halls - and five English teachers teaching one class in a year. The school was cursed.
That’s what you’d told yourself when you were offered the job as a TA for the next semester of school. Your brother, Neal, had insisted you take it - happy to stop seeing your worried face every day when you visited him at his ex-wife's.
“Look, one Gamby leaves, another enters,”
“That’s bullshit. You’ll be back there in no time,”
He was not, and his newfound friend had practically begged you to join the staff after your interview - you tried to tell yourself it wasn’t because of your brother, or the lowcut top you’d chosen to wear. 
A few weeks into your new job, you found that Lee Russell was rather… eccentric. Loud, and unapologetic, he had a strange aura that had you pulled in, ending up with both of you going for smoke breaks in the forest near the back end of the school, and ending up with your cheeks flushed and skirt askew.
You didn’t expect it to take Lee so long to initiate office sex - he seemed like the type - but he was surprisingly sweet when it came to intimacy. As foul-mouthed as he was, it seemed he genuinely liked you.
It had become somewhat of a ritual, that every Friday during your final free period, you’d find yourself in Lee’s office, either helping him plan for his ‘get the teachers to like me scheme’, or bent over his desk, his cock buried in you.
“Long day?” you ask when you enter his office, shutting the door behind you and starting to pull down the blinds: Lee was sitting at his desk, head in his hands.
“Better now you’re here sweetheart,” he grinned, flashing you his teeth, you hum unbelievably and continue to pull down the rest of the blinds, before you can turn to him, Lee has stood up against you, his hands snaking over your curves and to rest over your stomach.
“Lee,” you warn gently, his lips starting to kiss along the right hand side of your neck “You gotta lock the door,”
“I’m just playin’,” he mutters, but there’s a teasing tilt to his voice, you smile, and let your head fall back onto his shoulder “I spoke with Neal today,” he starts
“Can we not talk about my brother whilst you’re trying to get into my pants?” 
“Yes ma’am,” he smirks and spins you around, playfully pushing you behind his desk, you let out a soft giggle and lean by the centre of it as he approaches, swaying his hips dramatically before grabbing your face in his hands and pressing a long kiss to your lips.
He pulls away to breathe for a moment and you notice his eyes staying on yours “Hi,”
“Hi,” you giggle “What’s up?”
“Just wanted to see that pretty smile of yours,” that makes you smile more, and he leans in for another kiss, helping you to sit on his desk before his hands rest on your spread thighs to steady himself, he squeezes gently and runs his hand up closer to your clothed core. The small moan you let out allows him to slip his tongue inside, and your arms wrap around his neck, Lee pulls away, smudging your lipstick over your chin, and he returns to your neck, lightly nipping at it.
“Lee,” you moan out “I can’t go out there with hicky’s all over me,”
“I’ll be gentle,”
“You’ve never been before,” Lee lets out a huff of laughter that sends tingles down your spine, he breaths into you ear and speaks lowly
“Never complained before doll,” 
“Oh, just fuck me,” you sigh, the foreplay already had you near soaked, and although it was only an hour ‘till the bell rang for the end of the day, you were desperate.
Lee hooks his pinky finger under your chin, tilting your head to look at him “Who’s the principle here darlin’?”
“You,” you breathe out and he grins, his other hand cupping at your sex before he drops your chin and goes to unbutton your trousers, he looks down.
“Jeans really? Miss Gamby, that violates our dress code,” he tuts
“You gonna write me up Mr. Russell?” he groans at that and leans his head back 
“Oh you know just how to get a man rock hard darlin’” he presses his lips to yours again, and reopens your thighs, this time actually unzipping your jeans and attempting to pull them down. Your own hands keep themselves busy, unbuckling his belt, and slipping a hand down his trousers to palm at his underwear - he really was rock hard.
“Just been waintin’ to ravish you here,” he mutters, biting at your neck again “Wanna show all those cunts who’s boss,” you use your right hand to make him look up again, leaning in for a harsher kiss, biting at his bottom lip, he groans, tasting his own blood slightly. You two become too lost in your own lust too hear the office door open.
“Jesus Christ!”
“Shit!” you pull back, and turn around quickly, seeing your older brother standing there, jaw on the floor, he slams the door shut.
“What the hell Russell?! You’re fucking my sister?!”
Lee backs away quickly as you wipe the lipstick from your chin, staring to rezip your jeans.
“Well we hadn't quite got to that bit yet, and sometimes she fucks me,”
“Lee!” you scold, he puts his hands up in surrender - causing his trousers to drop down, showing only his underwear “Oh lord,”
“You wear briefs?” Neal questions
“Stop looking at my dick!” Lee exclaims
“You’re practically shoving it in my face!”
“Boys!” you jumps off the desk “Let-”
“Oh, you’re not in the clear here either missy!”
“Missy?! I’m a grown woman!”
“Who’s fucking her boss!” Neal shouts
“Do you want the whole school to know?!”
“I do,” Lee raises his hand
“Not now,”
“And we’re not just fucking Neal, we’re in a loving committed relationship,” Lee places his right hand on your waist and pulls you closer, you look down.
“Your dick’s poking me,” you say bluntly and Neal covers his eyes - finally.
“Pull your pants up Russell, you,” he points “I’m taking you home,”
“I’m technically on the clock…”
“So you’ll fuck him but not go home?”
“Yep,” you nod confidently “Look Neal, I get this is hard - Lee’s your closest friend,”
“He is not -”
“I’m not that fucker’s best friend,”
“I didn’t say best friend did I?! You’re close, okay! And I’m your sister, maybe of you read a book you’d know this happens a lot,”
“Ask Amanda, she writes Y/A novels…”
“Getting off track darlin’,” Lee nudges
“Right! Anyway, I like Lee, and I can do whatever the hell I want! So get the hell out so he can bend me over this desk ,”
“That’s my girl,”. 
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aliceismypixie · 1 year
Please can you so a jasper x reader where the cullens and Bella all think that the reader or oc isn't good enough for jasper so jasper and the oc or reader elope and the cullens meet them again you can make the rest up.....
Can you please tag me if possible if you end up writing this weird story idea thats keeping me up at night
Thank you
Let's run away together
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Pairing - Jasper x human!reader
Pronoun - She/her
Warning - No proof read, meantion of blood bag (vampire stuff yk yk), light swearing, Jasper gets mad but no Major
Words count - Too lazy to count y'all will have to do with it
Set - After Eclipse to after Breaking Dawn
Main Masterlist - Characters Masterlist
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"Let's run away together."
These were the words Jasper told you a few years ago. You met each other at school, you were sixteen, almost seventeen, and he was supposed to be eighteen. You arrived in the middle of the semester of senior year. Due to you amazing intellect, you were a year advanced and you found yourself in the same english literature class as him.
"Alright class, we have a new student joining us for the rest of the year." Mrs. Danvers told and you entered the class.
The sound of your heels click-clacked on the ground as you entered in the class, a low waisted blue jean along with a black off shoulder with pale pink furr at the top. Your hand bag in your right hand was made of pale pink furr to match your top and your school hand bag was around your left shoulder. You had a golden necklace with a heart locket, a bunch of golden bracelet around both wrists and very rosy cheek. Overall you guessed ut, you looked like the perfect mean, fake and plastic girl.
"Hi, I'm Y/n L/n/n I moved here from New York and I'm sixteen, almost seventeen." Your voice was sweet like honey and suddenly every boys of the class were drooling.
"Thank you miss. Y/n/n you can sit beside Longbottom." The teacher told and a red head boy quickly rose his hand to the annoyance of the rest of the class. The girls because you were competition, and the boys they were jealous.
As you reached your sit, you saw your new sitmate move the chair for you and you widened your eyes a little before letting out a soft giggle. At this sound every boys of the class awwed while the girls huffed as you sat down.
From the back of the class, Jasper heard his brother, Edward, scoff before rolling his eyes and the blond empath looked at you once again. He didn't knew why but he couldn't feel anything from you. He was curious, because he couldn't feel anything from you but you weren't numb either. It was as if you were feeling something but you weren't. Then Jasper realize that in fact you were feeling something, he was the one not feeling anything anymore. From the moment you stepped inside of the classroom, everyone else's emotions disappeared and only your calm state stayed. At the end of the class, Jasper wanted to greet you, only to be blocked by a bunch of boy running to carry your bag or propose you a bunch of snack and you disappeared between the hue of students.
The next time Jasper saw you it was at lunch. At first he didn't notice you, but when Bella's akwardness toward Mike and Carter's love sick feeling for Alice suddenly disappear, Jasper couldn't help but look up. And there you were, surrounded by a bunch of guys as they were holding your bag, trail of food or handing you some homeworks to copy.
"Please not the new girl." Jessica groaned and everyone at the table looked toward you.
"I had a class with her this morning. I heard that her father was the CEO of a car company that was moving here. She is so spoiled, in class she almost crying because Jane took her notebook and wouldn't give it back when she asked." Jessica started her daily gossip and Edward rolled his eyes.
"She can't fool just anyone with that smile." The mind reader huffed as you passed beside their table.
"Hey Y/n !" Mike grinned like a lost puppy and you looked up from your pink cell phone toward the sound.
"Oh hey, Micheal right ? In spanish ?" You tilted your head and Jasper suddenly felt like his dead heart skipped a bit.
"It's Mike actually... but it's fine ! Wanna sit with us ?" The boy grinned and you looked around the table.
Then there was a silence as you glanced at everyone, noticing their rather annoyed or uneasy expression on their face before that your e/c eyes met his golden eyes. It was as if the world stopped, you held your breath in aww as you looked at his golden lock and his sharp jawline. He had a pale skin, very pale, like three other people at the table but his looked the best of them all. His golden orbs were shining due to the light of the cantine and you couldn't help but want to press your pink glossed lips over his.
"Y/n ?" Mike called and you snapped out of your trance, looking back at him with an apologetic smile.
"I'm sorry. But I don't think I'll sit here." You walked away and the group could here the boys bombarding you with invitation to lunch as you went to the back of the cantine.
"Shoot ! Man ! It's your weird hair that scared her !" Eric teased and the two boys started to bicker.
"She doesn't seem that bad...?" Angela hesitated and Carter passed his arm around Alice's shoulders who looked tense.
"I don't think we should be friend her." The petite vampire expressed and Jasper frowned.
"Why ?" He asked and Alice shared a glance at Edward before looking back at her untouched trail of food.
"Just because."
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After this day Jasper would see you everywhere, in the corridor, the parking lot, in class, he even saw you in the forest a few time, by a lake that flowed close to the town. Yet even with Alice and Edward's warning he couldn't help but want to see you. Whenever you were around, he would feel at peace. So he started to chance his path at school, passing by your locker so you would be near by, waiting until you start to head inside to head in english, parking his car near yours every morning. He wanted to be beside you as much as possible but still respect your boundaries.
"Alright class ! Today we'll start a few group project about the book rode in class. You will be paired up by two and work on a presentation of one of the book we studied in class." Mrs. Danvers announced and you looked up from your pink fluffy notebook.
"Before anyone ask. I am making the group and I want no complaining." The teacher told and everyone groaned in annoyance.
"I said no complaining ! Alright now let's form the group." The brunette teacher announced and started to name a few people of the class.
You weren't expecting anything. You would go along with anyone. You just hoped that you wouldn't be paired with Edward Cullen or Jasper Hale, even if he was handsome, because strangely enough, their entire family and himself hated you for some reasons.
"Tonny and Mark." Mrs. Danvers told and Tonny, your sitmate, groaned.
"Sad we could have been together !" He told you and you sent him a half sad smile.
"That's unfortunate." You replied and he slouched on his chair.
"Y/n and Jasper." The teacher announced and you felt your blood run cold.
Turning around toward the said blond, you ignored the whine of the boys and your eyes locked with his for the second time since you moved here. You couldn't read him. You didn't knew if he felt happy or horrified that he was paired up with you. Yet you knew that it was definitly not going to well between the two of you. He hated you for whatever reason and your father hated boys in general.
At the end of the class, you went to your locker, followed by your usual among of boys and put your english stuff in your locker before seeing Jasper approching you from afar. You quickly told the four boys around you to go and fixed your high poney tail before that the godlike blond stops before you.
"Hey." Jasper greeted you and you sent him a shy smile with a tiny wave.
"Hey, Jasper right ?" You asked. It was a habit of yours, always checking if you had their name correctluy first.
"Right, and you're Y/n right ?" He asked back even if he knew it.
"Right, that's me." You let out a shy, uneasy laugh and the boy smiled softly.
"So for the english project, are we doing it at your house or mine ?" Jasper asked and you frowned slightly.
"Cloud we do it at yours ? My father isn't really happy when I bring someone home, especially when it's a boy you know." You looked and away and Jasper nodded.
"Right okay. So this afternoon at mine ?" He clarified and you nodded quickly.
"Yes ! This afternoon, at yours !" You confirmed with an excited shime in your eyes and Jasper chuckled.
You were cute. He could feel how excited you were. He didn't knew if it was because you wanted to work of if it was because you would get to see his house, or even if it was because you wanted to spend some time with him, but he hoped it was the later, because he couldn't wait to spend some time with you.
So for the rest of the afternoon he waited patiebtly for the end of class to arrive and once he finished his biology class, he quickly made his way to the parking lot, seeing you already waiting by your car.
"Hey !" You greeted and he smiled a little.
"Hey, ready to go ?" Jasper asked and you nodded closing your cell phone before putting it in your hand bag.
Luckily, today your father was the one to drop you off at school which mean you didn't need ton follow Jasper in your car but could simply ride with him to his house. On the way there, the two of you had a short discussion. You discovered that he had two more sibling as a plus of Edward, Carter and Alice and that they liked to go hiking on sun days. You learned that the loved to have game nights when everyone was at home and you couldn't help but smile at the way he was talking about his family with such a big smile on his face.
"What about you ? Anything to share ?" Jasper offered and you thought, your eyes drifting to the scenery around you.
"Well, my mother dies when I was seven, since then I live with my father. In contrary of what people could think, he's a very present father even if he's busy with work. Sometimes, when he comes home, we have a few dinner together and we always share a few joke. He loves to bake so whenever we can' we're baking together ! We also paint a lot together, whivh you saw me a bunch of time by the river painting the scenery." You grinned and Jasper's eyes widened.
"How do you know that I see you ?" The golden eyes boy questioned and you giggled.
"You're not very well hidden by the trees you know ?" You teased and if he could, Jasper would have blush in embarrassement.
"It's okay, you can join me next time Jaz." You giggled before realizing how you called him.
"I mean-"
"It's alright. You can call me that." Jasper cut your apologize and you mirrored his smile.
"Alright." You looked back at the road as a soft music was playing from the radio.
You couldn't wait to know him more.
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Then you and Jasper got closer. At first it was only a few shy 'hi' or tiny waves but after two weeks on working on your project together, Jasper would pick you up everyday, and bring you home everyday. At first your father didn't like it, but he came around eventually. After three weeks of hanging out together, Jasper told you that he was a vampire. He knew it was dangerous but when you squealed and told him how cool this was, the empath couldn't help but love you even more.
"You can't be serious ?" Edward glared and Jasper huffed.
"Yes I am, I don't see why Bella could have dinner with us but Y/n can't." The empath replied angrily.
"Come on, you should have told us sooner, Esme didn't cook enough for two ! And Alice already told you to not hang out with that girl ! She is dangerous !" The golden brunette scolded.
"We all know that Bella never eat everything Esme made and no Y/n is not ! No one of you even tried to befriend her ! And what did you even see to be so reculant into meeting her ?" Jasper glared toward his sister.
"Jasper don't talk to your sister like that !" Esme stepped in and the blond rolled his eyes.
He had enough. Everytime you would come to his house for the english project, his family would say rude comment regarding you. From the way you dress for Alice to your weak looking body from Emmett to your parfum from Rosalie, they were always criticizing you somehow and each time Jasper could feel how it upset you or made you sad. He had enough of it.
"What did Alice see for you all to be so rude with Y/n !? Even you are Esme when we know that you are the sweetest woman on walking on Earth !" Jasper pointed out and the rest of the family stayed silent. Even Bella was there and she looked incredibly uncomfortable.
Then Emmett moved to open the door, revealing your figure about to knock at the door. He boy shoot you a tiny glare and you sent him an uneasy smile with a hint of fear.
"How long have you been standing there ?" The bearlike vampire asked and you shifted nervously under his gaze.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to overheard anything but then I heard shouting and I didn't want to knock in the middle of an argument. I can leave if you-"
"No." Jasper glared at Rosalie, who rolled her eyes, before sitting and joining you at the entrance.
Looking at you, Jasper frowned a little as he notived how you weren't wearing your usual tight shirt with dentel and a vest but you had a fletter sleeve white t-shirt instead, your usual low waisted jean was replaced by a high waisted jean with large leg, your heels were replaced by a pair of sneakers and your usual high pony tail was down, letting your hair cover your neck as much as possible, blocking the slight ordor of the different fragrance you used tonight. Jasper noticed how you tried your best to hide the freckles on your face with some make as one time Bella made abad comment about them. He noticed how you changed your entire look just to please his family's taste and he hated it. He loved how you would always ask him to tie your hair for you, or how he would count your freckles when he was bored.
"You look different." He acknowledged and you smiled brightly, but he could see it was fake.
"Yeah ! I didn't want to wear my usual style today ! Trying something new you know. Do you like it ?" You asked hopefully and Jasper frowned slightly as he heard Edward's snicker in the living room.
"It's... unusual for sure ?" The blond vampire replied as he moved out of the way, inviting you in.
"I must say, this smells really good Mrs. Cullen." You tried to compliment as everyone sat around the dinning table.
"Surely it smells better than you." Rosalie muttered, but made it loud enough as you could hear it from your sit and your smile fell a little while Jasper glared.
During the dinner the mood was tense. You knew it was because of you and Jasper could feel your guilty from across the room as you slowly ate your food.
"So Y/n ?" You immediately rose your head and looked toward Carter curiously.
"Jasper told us your mother was dead when you were younger. It must have hurt." The bruney male pointed out and you let out an uneasy laugh while looking away.
"Yeah it was." You muttered.
"How did she die ?" Bella asked blantly and you held your breath a little, image of your mother's death replaying in your head.
"She hum... she died in a car accident." You tried your best to not stutter and Jasper looked at you with worry, all he wanted was to comfort you.
"How old were you again ?" Edward smirked slightly, keeping the topic on.
"I was seven." You lowered your head and they hummed.
"That's young, how can you be so okay with it ?" Alice asked and Jasper glared at his siblings.
"Guys, stop." He growled lowly.
"No no, we want to know how did she cope with it all." Rosalie gave you a sickening sweet smile and you felt your stomach fell inside of you.
"I... Well I guess it was with time. And I was young, I didn't knew my mom very well-"
"So you didn't felt a tiny bit sad ?"
"What ? Oh no I felt devastated-"
"Were you in the car accident too ?"
"Yeah I was-"
"But you're fine ? Don't you think it's a little unfair for your mother ?"
"Guys. Stop. That."
"I think-"
"Don't you wish it was you ?"
"You don't even have a scar."
"I fould feel guilty if I were you."
"That's kind of unsensitive if you don't."
"I'm sorry. My father want me home." You stood up quickly without even looking up, afraid to show them you tears stained face.
Quickly walking out of the three story mansion, you didn't see the grins on the Cullen kids' faces and Jasper's worried and alarmed expression as you stepped in your car;
"Y/n/n I'm so sorry, I didn't-"
"It's okay Jaz. I don't even know why I showed up when I knew that your family hated me." You wiped away a tear as Jasper stood by the window of your car.
"No no, none of this is your fault don't feel guilty please I should have known they were going to be like that. None of this is your fault they were just a bunch of asshole please don't cry darling." Jasper put one of his cold hand against your cheek and you grabbed his hand in yours leaning in his familiar touch.
"I'm sorry Jaz... For not being good enough for you or your family... I'm sorry I couldn't reach their expectation." You started your car and Jasper moved away with sad eyes.
"Please don't leave me darling." He whispered and you looked down at your lap before sending him a sad look.
"I'll see you later Jaz." You drove away and Jasper watched your car disappear between the trees of the forest, his hand slowly clenching into fist.
He was mad. He didn't understand why was his family so rude with you. They all accepted Bella when she forced herself on the family why could they not accept you even after how hard you tried to reach their standart, how hard you tried to understand their life style and always covering for them whenever a teacher would ask here they are when they hunt. Jasper hated how his family blantly hated you for no reasons at all when all you did was making him happier than he ever was.
"Why would you do that ?" Jasper whispered not even turning around to face his family.
"Jasper you have to understand-"
"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT !?" It was the first time Jasper rose his voice and his eyes were dark, almost black.
"Jasper don't-"
"Please don't. You two did nothing while they are harassing Y/n questiong that clearly made her uncomfotable what is wrong with you all !? I was finally at peace !! I was finally truly happy, not because someone else felt happy but because I felt genuinly happy for once in my immortal life and you had to ruin it !? You had to be rude, you have to make her feel worthless !?" Jasper growled and his siblings and Bella frowned slightly.
"Why do you care so much anyways ?" Emmett crossed his arms on his chest.
"BECAUSE I LOVE HER !!" The empath reveale and everyone stood there in disbelief.
"I love her so much it fucking hurt to see her and feel her so demaged by the one who are supposed to support me forever. I don't understand why you would accept Bella when she pratically forced herself on our famil but can't accept the strongest and kindest girl walking on Earth. Why do you all hate Y/n so much ?" Jasper asked deseperatly but only got the silence as an answer causing him to scoff at his family before starting walk away.
"You all are unbelievable."
That night, Jasper showed up at your window to see you curved into a ball, soft whimper and sniffs audible from under your cover.
"Oh darling..." The words slipped from his lips and you looked out of your cover with glossy eyes, only killing his dead heart even more.
"I'm so sorry darling... I love you so much I'm so sorry..." Jasper whispered as he slided beside you and you immediately vurled inside of his arms, seeking for the warmth only he could give you even with a cold skin.
The both of you stayed in that position, for a while, him slowly caressing your hair and you sniffing from time to time as you listened to the silence inside his chest, calming your nerves. After a while, Jasper looked down at your figure debating if he should do his next move or not. But you needed to get away from them. Both of you.
"Let's run away together" His voice was calm and you looked up at him with red eyes from crying.
"But your family-"
"Won't do anything. I don't think I can trust them for a while after tonight." Jasper cut you and you frowned.
"Is it because of m-"
"Darling, nothing is your fault. We're going to pack your bag and tell you're dad what happened. He will understand." The vampire told you and you hesitated before nodding.
"But what about your family ?" You questioned silently.
"This is their fault. They will have to assume the result of their actions."
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So here you were six years later, barely twenty-three years old, cooking in the kitchen waiting for your husband to come back from his day at work. Yeah Jasper was working. He was actually working in the library near the town you decided to settle in. You worked too, you were a teacher for pre-schooler. Then you heard the bell ring at the door and your dog, Fanny, barked loudly causing you to frown.
"Fanny ! Don't growl !" You scolded as youi wiped your hand on your appron before opening the door.
There stood a girl, she looked like she was eleven or something, and she held a box of cookies in her hands with a smile. To be honest she kind you reminded you of someone but you didn't knew who.
"Hey, can I help you dearie ?" Your soft adult side came out and Fanny ran at your feet.
"Hello ! My name is Renesmee and I'm here on behalf of my family ! My four siblings, our two parents and I moved a couple of miles away and we wanted to invite you and your family for dinner. These are for you." The girl grinned while handind you the box of cookie and you sent her an apologetic smile.
"I'm so sorry, I'm already making dinner. Come on in thought." You invited and the golden brunette smile while stepping inside of the house after you.
The little looked around in aww as the vintage style was all around the house. On the wall there was a few painting, along with some pictures of your dog, yourself and Jasper all around and the smell of fresh bread greeted Renesmee as she sat down.
"It's very pretty here." She complimented and you smiled.
"Thank you, my husband and I settled here a few years back ourselves. You could invite your family for dinner thought. I always love to meet new people." You replied and Renesmee nodded gently.
"Come by in thirty minutes, everything should be ready by then." You added and the girl nodded before walking out of your house, escorted by Fanny who got a few scratches behind the ears as a reward before that the little waved see you later.
So now, thirty minutes later, you were placing seven more plates around your dinner table that you extanded. You texted Jasper to tell him about the unexpected guests so he could prepare and you smiled as the bell rang and Fanny ran to the door.
"Ay you big girl, out of the way." You shooed her away before opening the door, a bright smile plastered on your face as you saw seven people by your door. They all looked oddly familiar but you and your amazing memory couldn't remember from where you knew them.
"Hi, hello ! You must be our new neighbor. I'm Y/n L/n/n-Hale, please come on in." You moved out of the way, missing the glance the family shared between themselves before stepping walked in the dinning room and they all sat around the dinning table while you grabbed some hot plat with a kitchen glove.
"You're house is lovely." A wavy brunette woman complimented and you grinned, she looked around twenty-six to twenty-eight years old.
"Thank you, my husband and I designed it a few years back, he should probably be home soo-" Your reply was cut short when Jasper bargged inside of the house with a serious yet worried expression.
"Darling are you alright !? I've smell a couples of vampires around the house and-" Jasper cut himself when he noticed who was sitting around your dinner table while you froze in confusion.
"Jasper ?" The father of the family asked and you forwned slightly before that it cklicked inside of your head.
"Shit !" You swore under your breath as you finally recognized the people in your dinning room.
"What are you all doing here ?" Jasper growled slowly making his way to you.
"Jasper we weren't-"
"Why are you here ?" Jasper glared and you moved around the table to join his side.
"Jaz, honey, calm down alright ? They were not going to do anything." You bit the inside of your cheek as your husband leaned into your touch.
"If he is my uncle Jasper then are you the problematic mean girl ?" Renesmee asked and you turned to her in confusion.
"I'm sorry ?" You replied.
"Y/n was anything but problematic." The ex-soldier stepped in and Edward glared at him.
"She made you run away from us ! We're literally your family !" The golden brunet replied and you looked down, it was the same thing all over again.
"If you all weren't that awful with her I would have never proposed her to run away with me. You all were blantly rude and totally ignored her discomfort, you made her question her whole being from her personality to her way of dressing, I had to spent years, YEARS, to help her regain her confidence again do you know how helpless I felt ? Listening to the love of my life criyng herself to sleep without being able to make her feel better because it would have just creat her some fake happiness ? Do you know how I felt when no one of you even tried to befriend her while alml of you sacrified your life plenty of times for Bella while she was just human ?! You disregarded my feelings and thought only because you were selfish enough to think that I only belonged with you. You made me run away from you." Jasper revealed with venom as his eyes darkened and the room fell silent.
"Jasper we're so sorry..." Alice's voice was small as she took a step foward and you felt Jasper hold tighten around your waist.
"The day Y/n arrived at school I- I saw you both together. And you were happy. But the rest of us weren't. And then I saw you both running away and I thought- I thought that Y/n somehow turned you against us. I saw us fighting over her I thought- I thought that she would break us apart somehow and..." Alice trailed off and you frowned slightly at the realization.
"You didn't want to lose your best friend and brother..." You finished silently and everyone turned to you.
"I know how that feels." You chuckled bitterly before moving away from Jasper's hold.
"Jasper was the first person you ever considerated family, you both spent years together before finding the rest of your family. Even I could see the close bond between you two. Between you all." You smiled softly, disappearing in the kitchen before coming back with a letter.
"I understand why you did what you did. You could have probably be less harsh sure, but I understand. And I forgive you. Not because I know that Jasper would never forgive you if I don't but because I genuinly forgive you all." You put the letter on the table and everyone awwed at your kindness.
"We got your letter Rosalie. At first I didn't believe that you would be the first one apologizing, after all you were probably the scariest, but your words really had an effect on me." You told and the blond godess smiled.
She sent you this letter over four years ago, you didn't knew how the letter actually got delivered at your house but when you received this letter, you and Jasper just had marry and it was probably one of the best wedding gift ever.
After that everyone was now in the living room, catching up with each other. Jasper was still a little bit tense, his family understood why, but you didn't pay attention to it and continued to smile, offering them a cup of blood you had in your fridge in case Jasper had an emergency. You learned about Bella's pregnancy and the whole half-human, half-vampire baby war while the Cullens learned how Jasper made a lot of improvement being around humans.
"We're very sorry for the way we treated you before Y/n." Esme apologized one last time and you shrugged it off.
"Please forget it, the past is the past and we have plenty of years ahead of us." You joked and they all smiled.
"Are you planning on being turned by the way ?" Bella asked you and shook your head causing a few of them to rose their eyes.
"I'm waiting until I'm atleast 25 years old. I want to enjoy my youth as much as possible without passing like a weird girl being married to a twenty year old librarian. But until then I'm just fine while being human." You announced and the rest of the Cullen nodded in understanding while you poured Renesmee some apple juice in a tea cup.
"I still can't believe we thought you were bad..." Emmett muttered and they all shared an awkward laugh while you brusted in a fit of giggle.
"It's okay really. And it got me some times alone with Jaz for a while." You replied and your lover passed his arms around your waist, resting her chin on your shoulder.
Then a loud gasp was heard.
"ENGAGED OR MARRIED ALREADY ?" Alice rushed to your side, grabbing yours and Jasper's hand quickly and the rest of the family widened their eyes.
"Engaged. Y/n forced me to wait until all of us will get along again. She wanted my family to attend the wedding as much as hers." Jasper kissed you cheek and you chuckled leaning into his touch.
"Bless that girl, I hope you didn't expected to have you wedding without me." Alice playfully glared and everyone laughed.
If someone would have told you five years ago that you were getting along with Jasper's family you would have give them a big sad smile with an 'I wish' for answer. Now you couldn't wait for the awaiting future with your new family.
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Taglist - @thisismyblogname5678
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yurislotusgarden · 10 months
ʚїɞ There are hc's just about teacher Dazai but also some including reader so-
ʚїɞ Dazai x reader
ʚїɞ Keep in mind English is not my first language, so you may find mistakes!
ʚїɞ word count: 845
ʚїɞ My current ongoing Christmas event
ʚїɞ Part 2
ʚїɞ Tw’s: None! Just some regular fluff and stuff
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ཐིཋྀ The teacher that all students love
ཐིཋྀ Whatever he would be teaching, no one would mind the subject because he manages to make anything interesting
ཐིཋྀ Speaking of, depending on what institute he teaches at, his subject would differ
ཐིཋྀ If he was in middle/high school he would probably be an English teacher (yes he would be the one to tell the class to read books in English but no one would complain because he’d choose interesting ones)
ཐིཋྀ I feel like he would be a professor at a university more though, he’s giving the vibes of a literature teacher, I would say (still could be the English professor ngl but I think only if there was no free spot for a literature one)
(Yes I know many people who write teacher!Dazai make him a literature prof but it just fits this man)
ཐིཋྀ Let's go with the university professor because I have more ideas for that
ཐིཋྀ There’s only 2 options for cheating
ཐིཋྀ There's absolutely no way you're cheating in his class if he doesn’t let you, probably will allow it ONLY if he likes you though💀
ཐིཋྀ Or he would be one of the teachers who would turn a blind eye to it if he sees that you need a better grade at the moment (if you're cheating while having good grades then that's a no-no)
ཐིཋྀ I picture him wearing black gloves, but I'm blaming it on the Beast novel where he has them
ཐིཋྀ Fucker almost never sits in the actual chair when one would expect him to do it (like when students are writing a test)
ཐིཋྀ He just straight up sits on the edge of his desk or on top and does his stuff in silence
ཐིཋྀ While teaching he either sits on the edge of the desk or walks around a little
ཐིཋྀ Cracks jokes all the time and people always laugh at them or at least smile because he knows when to say them and what kind fits the moment
ཐིཋྀ His students would accidentally find out that he has a drawer with sweets (he sometimes uses it for bribery, for example ‘you turn your work in on time = a candy for you’ when he assigns a hard project, it works)
ཐིཋྀ If Chuuya teaches at the same place then no one is escaping their bickering, the students actually made a bet on how long it would take before Chuuya hits Dazai for one of his insults
ཐིཋྀ There was also another bet that came about after the previous one
ཐིཋྀ At first, students were curious if Dazai was taken because 'how would someone like that not be in a relationship guys, he has to!'
ཐིཋྀ Little did they know some other professor heard it and told Dazai about it so he gave subtle hints but not clear enough, confusing people even more
ཐིཋྀ Going back to the gloves part, he once had to take them off because ‘they got dirty’ right before a break, revealing a ring on his left hand, causing the class at the time to erupt in chaos
ཐིཋྀ “Oh, I forgot to tell you all that I'm married? My bad, guys!” -he said right before he slipped out of the class for his lunch break
ཐིཋྀ The whole school knew he was married the very same day 
ཐིཋྀ Then came the other bet, ‘Who is he married to?’
ཐིཋྀ Some students proposed other professors, others said that it could be someone whom they had never seen, and someone else thought it might be a joke from Dazai's side because he found out about the previous bet
ཐིཋྀ They knew it was real when Chuuya of all people confirmed it 
“Sir I have a question, it's unrelated to the lesson though”
“Don't worry about it, what is the question?”
“Is it true that Professor Dazai is married?”
“Yeah, why?”
ཐིཋྀ Yeah he also confirmed it was someone they most likely hadn’t met as the brunet’s spouse works somewhere else/stays at home
ཐིཋྀ They would meet you because you either came to Dazai's classroom because mf forgot his lunch or a few of his students came to the room in the middle of a break, and you were there for some reason (in the 2nd option they probably asked you to come to class once so the class can meet you. They adore you either way)
ཐིཋྀ When it comes to you, Dazai is probably so goddamn soft that if any of his students saw him, they would think it's someone else trying to impersonate him
ཐིཋྀ You make him bentos and stuff and he never fails to eat them <3
ཐིཋྀ He appreciates it so goddamn much when you help him when he has a lot of stuff to grade at once because he procrastinated it 
ཐིཋྀ It can be making sure he isn't dehydrated, doesn't forget to eat or sleep, or even help in grading anything 
ཐིཋྀ Give him those forehead kisses after a long day, don't be shy, I dare you he’s so weak for them
ཐིཋྀ I recommend running your fingers through his hair while he's lying down on top of you or on your lap, he will melt
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Notes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated
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lizsgraveyard · 1 year
Detention : S.Shinazugawa (+18)
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Author’s note: Reblogging is allowed but please do not post anywhere else without permission, I saw someone else stealing fics from demon slayer and posting it somewhere else
Author - Lizsgraveyard
Summary: What’s the best way to spend your Friday night? With your teacher in detention, who you just so happen to have feelings for.
Pairing- teacher. Sanemi x f!reader
Warnings: smut 18+, Jealous Sanemi, spanking, fingering, oral, student-teacher (this takes place in a college AU)
note: I posted this originally on me Ao3 but finally decided to post it here. Side note: I’m not very good at smut, so I apologize. Not spell checked. I very much love math teacher Sanemi.
I sighed as I walked into my next class. My eyes struggled to stay open. I mentally kicked myself for leaving my English essay until the last minute, resulting in only four hours of sleep. Fortunately it was my last class of the day, and the last day before the weekend. But unfortunately it was math. My worst nightmare. I barely skimmed by in high school, but it’s even worse in college. But there is one positive thing about the class, the professor. 
The first day he walked into the classroom I could help but fall for him. He looked to be around 25. With his white hair and his shirt unbuttoned revealing his built body, it was a bit of a distraction. 
But I can’t help but to push these thoughts aside. He is a professor and I am a student, I couldn’t risk him getting fired. Also, he seems to be close with our other professor, Kocho.
I entered the classroom, walking to my usual seat in the back of the classroom. As I was walking though, I could shake the feeling of a pair of eyes watching my every movement.
I sat down at my seat. Class began as soon as I did. I pulled out a notebook and began jotting down notes as Professor Shinazugawa began to explain new equations from the unit we started just recently. Just listening to his voice is enough to distract me. What is wrong with me? I let the very existence of this man take over my thoughts.
Those thoughts were interrupted by a note landing on my notebook. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I looked up to my right and saw my friend Akira, who was not in his usual seat. He was looking ahead, to not look suspicious. I rolled my eyes and picked up the note and read it discreetly.
“Having a party tonight, wanna come?”
I rolled my eyes. And leaned over to whisper, “Couldn’t you have asked me before class or waited until it was over?” If Shinazugawa caught him passing notes, I would hate to see what would happen to him. I mean, he threw a student out a window for saying math was useless.
“What are you worrying about, we’re in the back of the class, he’s not gonna notice,” He whispered back. 
“While that might be true, it’s a risk I’m not willing to take, you know I’m not doing so hot in his class, it wouldn’t make it look any better if he caught me talking during the middle of his lecture.”
I’m not trying to get him to hate me more than he already does. Did I mention that, I’m probably his least favorite student. 
“Let’s just pay attention Akira before we get into trouble,” I told him sternly.
“Come on (Y/n),” he began begging like a child.
I shook my head no and started writing down notes.
“(Y/n) please?”
“No, Akira.”
“Akira, I said-“
“Hehe, that wasn’t me,” Akira said sheepishly.
I could feel my stomach drop and my heart beating out of my chest. I slowly looked to the front of the room and saw him glaring at me. I made a mental note to clobber Akira later but that is the least of my worries right now. I am in so much trouble right now.
“If you like to talk during my lecture, then I hope you will like sitting through detention, after class!”
 He went back to his lecture, not even sparing another minute on the matter. Which I’m thankful for. Usually he will scream you out, sometimes it takes up the entire class time. But still, I did get in trouble in front of everyone.
I slumped back in my chair, my face burning from embarrassment. I glanced over at Akira, who gave me a sheepish smile. I glared at him and turned my attention back to the lecture. The least I can do is to get back to work, as I was doing before. This time without a certain someone yapping in my ear.
What’s the worst that can happen? Maybe he’ll just yell at me. Maybe he won’t throw me out a window. Or maybe something else can happen.
The last bell of the day finally rang. I would be more excited, but I have to stay behind while everyone else gets to go home for the day. There goes my plans for sleeping as soon as I get home. I groaned silently as I started packing up my things so I could move to the front of the classroom. 
Before I got very far though I was stopped by Akira. Who still had the same sheepish smile on his face.
“Sorry about that Y/n, I was just trying to prove you wrong, guess you were right,” he apologized, “Are you still gonna come to my party?”
”I’ll think about it.”
He smiled before hugging me. He let go and waved me goodbye, mouthing ‘good luck’ as he left the classroom. I continued my way towards the front of the class and sat in one of the seats. I took out the math homework he had assigned for today and started working on it. Pulling out the notes to help me. I read over my notes trying to do the problems the best that I could, but I didn’t seem to help in any sort of way possible. 
Suddenly I felt someone standing behind me, looking at me failing miserably to solve just one problem on the worksheet. I turned my head around slightly and saw my professor looming over me, it was a little intimidating.
“We went over that formula, when you were disrupting my class,” he sighed, taking a seat next to me, “Do you want to tell me exactly why you decided to ignore my lecture to talk to a boy?”
“I-I wasn’t talking to him, I mean I was, b-but he spoke to m-me first,” I rambled on. I must look like I was trying to come up with an excuse right now, but it doesn’t help that he’s sitting so close to me.
”And you let him continue talking to you.” Why did it sound like he was jealous? No, he couldn’t be. I’m sure he’s seen Akira and I talking after class and outside of it. We were just friends and nothing more.
”Believe me sir, I was trying to get him to stop but he wouldn’t listen to me.”
He tensed up after I called him sir but immediately composed himself. Why was he acting like this? I didn’t want to offend him in any way, and sir was very polite.
”There are other guys you can talk to besides him you know,” he grumbled a little bit.
My mind went blank as I stared at the worksheet. Maybe I’m just reading too much into it. That tends to happen when you have a crush on people. All kinds of thoughts ran through my head at that moment.
Did he not approve of Akira?
Did he know something about Akira that I don’t?
Was he referring to himself when he said that?
Am I just an actual idiot for actually thinking these things?
I decided to ask him about it, “What do you mean professor, who would you suggest I talk to then?”
He smirked at me a little bit, causing a blush to spread across my face.
”I think you’re looking at him, darling.”
I was at a loss for words. This isn’t really happening. 
He leaned in closer to my face, our lips just inches apart, but he hadn’t connected them yet. He just stayed in that position for a moment. Not moving an inch closer. I wanted to beg for him to just close the gap.
”One thing, don’t call me professor, I want to use my name,” he said, “Because it’s what you’ll be screaming for the next two hours.”
He closed the remaining space between us, slipping his tongue in while my mouth was open because of shock. I let out a soft moan as his tongue explored my mouth. I soon snapped out of my daze and placed my hands on the back of his head and pulled myself closer to him. His lips left mine and I felt him nip at my neck. I let out a surprised gasp as he did so. He pulled away, satisfied with the hickey he left.
“Now darling before we do anything, I still have to punish you,” he huskily. I stared at him in confusion. I felt him lift me up and bend me over his knee, pulling my skirt up, revealing my white lace panties. He ran his hand over my ass before giving it a harsh slap. I yelped, it hurt, but in a good way.
”Let’s see, I caught you talking five times and there were two of you talking, so how about I ten, don’t you agree darling?” He asked.
I nodded my head. “You better speak before I double that.”
“Yes, Sanemi,” I replied to him. He smiles, before running hand over my ass again before saying, “Count with me.”
“Three!” I moaned out.
I heard him chuckling, “are you enjoying this?”
”Yes,” I answered sheepishly.
He continued on with the punishment. Each of his slaps, each getting harsher as he made way to ten. I could feel my panties drenched afterwards. I felt him grope me before sitting me back up in his lap, leaving a kiss on my shoulder. Without him asking, I stripped down my underwear down my legs.
”Eager are we?” He asked and I nodded my head. He slipped his hand between my legs and into my folds. I moaned a little as he did so. His fingers found their way to my clit and he started rubbing it in circles. I whimpered, my hips bucking at the contact. I was wishing for more than just that. “What do you want darling?”
“Your fingers,” I begged him.
I felt his fingers trail down into my folds. He inserted two fingers, thrusting them at slow pace. I started bucking my hips again to meet with his fingers. He groaned behind me and wrapped an arm around my waist to keep me from moving. I felt something poke me from below, my face grew more red than I already was. I felt him add another finger as he quickened his pace a little bit. 
I let out a loud mewl as I felt a familiar knot starting to form. I felt him add another finger as he quickened pace. I was so close to my climax. But before I could feel my release, he removed his fingers. I let out a whine at the loss of contact, and the fact that I was so close to my release. 
“Darling, what did I say I wanted to hear from you?” He asked, letting his thumb rub my nub at a slow pace, “I want to hear you scream my name, don’t hold anything back, okay.”
“Alright,” I replied. He slowly added his fingers back, keeping his thumb on my nub. He was pumping his fingers at a slow pace.
“Sanemi, please go faster,” I begged him. He did as I asked and started pumping his fingers at a faster pace than he was going before. I felt him nipping and kissing my neck. I continued letting out loud moans, his pace kept getting quicker.
I finally felt that knot in my stomach again, “Sanemi, I’m gonna come!” I moaned loudly. He quickened his pace, rubbing my clit faster as well. I kept letting out loud mewls, until the knot finally came undone.
“Sanemi!” I screamed as my high came. Short quick breaths came out of my mouth. I turned to kiss him on the lips.  I pulled away and got off his lap to start unbuckling his pants. He grabbed my hand away, stopping me from what I was about to do. He continued on, unzipping his and pulling them down to his knees with his boxers. Stared at the size of it it was big but not too big, exactly what I imagined it would be.
“As much as I would love to see your mouth around my cock, we can’t stay in here forever, your detention is almost up,” he said. I moaned at the thought of it. He spit into his hand and stroked his member before lifting me, pulling up my skirt, and slowly inserting it. I winced a little bit and dug my head into his shoulder. He stopped and asked, “Are you okay, do you want me to continue?”
I nodded, “Yeah just don’t go too fast please.” He continued sitting me down on his cock slowly. I bit into his shoulder and he groaned softly. He lifted up his hips and slowly thrusted into me. 
It took a little bit before the pain turned into pleasure and I moaned when he thrusted into one last time. “You can go a little faster.” He didn’t waste any time as he picked up his pace, bouncing me on top of him as he did so. He lifted up my shirt and bra and started sucking at my nipples. I let out loud moans, if anyone were to walk by, they would know exactly what was going on. But thankfully, all the students are usually at home and the teachers are in the teachers lounge, which is on the other side of the building. 
“Do I make you feel good?” He asked.
“Yes!” I said loudly.
“I wouldn’t compare to anyone else? No boy would ever make you feel this way?” His thrusts started getting faster and harder. 
“No Sanemi, you can only make me feel this way.”
“Good, because I better not see you around anyone else. You’re mine.”
I felt that familiar feeling come back, and I can tell he knew too. He picked me up and sat me on the desk, so he could thrust into me even harder. Endless moans left my mouth.
“Come for me darling,” he said, “Don’t hold anything back, show me how good of a girl you are.”
I threw my head back and screamed his name as I came. He came shortly after me, cumming deep inside of me. Thank god I was on the pill. He leaned down and placed one last kiss on my lips before sliding my panties back up. He picked up a piece of paper and scribbled something down and handed it to me before pulling up his pants. 
“Have fun at your party, no boys,” he said sternly.
“Yes Sanemi,” I said before standing up, grabbing my stuff, and waved at him one last time before exiting the classroom.
I looked down at what he wrote down.
“Call me later tonight.” He wrote down along with his phone number.
Maybe I won’t beat up Akira after all.
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mybworlds · 2 months
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status: ongoing
pairing: joel miller x f!reader
summary: your life is full of 'must'. You live with your overprotective mother who controls every aspect of your life. You have a dream, to write romance novels, but love - real love - you haven't found yet. Your mother has even decided what you must do in your free time: play music. One day, however, when you go to your music teacher's house, you will have an unexpected encounter and from that day on things change…
rating: 18+ explicit (minors, DNI)
Before to start... thank you for your support, for your likes and reblog, thank you, thank you, thank you ❤️ If you like it pls leave a like/comment/reblog it, if you don't like it don't be rude and keep going. Please remember English is not my first language, so please be merciful!
Thanks @vase-of-lilies for the banner and thanks @saradika-graphics for the divider.
Taglist: @harriedandharassed
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Joel is there and he's in your house, sitting at the kitchen table and he's sitting across from your mother. The two have a deeply tense expression and you too, you zigzag your gaze from one to the other.
"What happens?" you ask in dismay.
"I called Mr. Miller," you swallow, unable to bear the gaze of either of them, "and I begged him to find a little more time for you and your music," you swallow again "he is even willing to come here to us if you don't have time to go to him." she says again and you are dumbfounded, you wanted to call Joel later but instead. . .
"Yes and then I told your mother" Joel says to whom you look up only for a moment and then look towards your mother "to Mrs. Eleanor" he specifies looking into her eyes making her smile cheekily, you are dumbfounded by your mother's reaction "that's a shame not to intensify your lessons, you're a natural." he adds.
"I had a good teacher, that's all." you say.
"No, you're a natural." he reiterates and you look up at him and so after almost a month your eyes meet again and your heart starts beating fast and you find yourself thinking that, if you had been alone, you would have thrown yourself into his arms and would never have allowed him to leave you again.
"Thank you." you simply reply.
"Well, if you want Mr Miller I'll make you some coffee or maybe I can offer you some pancakes, would you like that?" your mother suggests, heading towards the kitchen.
Joel clears his throat and stands up too, "No, thanks. I'm fine. I just wanted to talk to you about your daughter, we can arrange a meeting maybe once a week here and the other two at my place? We could do everything here, but there are great acoustics there at my place and then I feel a little more comfortable composing as well."
“Oh, honey, did you know that your teacher writes songs too?” your mother informs you enthusiastically.
Oh, yes, of course you know... you clearly remember that day at his house, your arousal, his hands on you, you find yourself instinctively squeezing your legs together as if trying to contain that heat that you feel at the mere memory.
"Yes, I know. I heard one a while ago and it was shocking." you reply, but directing your gaze towards Joel.
"Ma'am, if it's okay, we can have the lesson right away at my place." Joel says taking the car keys.
"Oh, why not here? I'll be leaving in half an hour, I wouldn't disturb you."
"Mom, I don't think it's appropriate..." you start to say.
Joel, however, interrupts you immediately "Okay, but I just have to go get the sheet music at home," then he turns his gaze towards you and says your name so sweetly that it almost makes you dizzy "Would you like to come with me?"
No! Say, no. No!
"All right." you reply standing there stiffly in the middle of the room "Shall we go?" you ask hastily "See you later." you say, taking leave of your mother.
You put on your shoes and then open the door, Joel is right behind you. You go down one step away from the other, you look down at your feet, Joel looks towards you. He would like to apologize for making you feel wrong, for making you feel useless, it's not like that, you are very important to him, but precisely because you are important to him he is even more afraid, fear of losing you.
You get into his car and without saying a word, he starts the car and you drive away from there, he parks in front of his house, he puts on the handbrake and turns towards you, "Can we talk?"
You look at him, “I heard about your daughter.” you tell him straight away.
You see him frown and look sadly into your eyes, “How did you know?”
"Earlier on my way to work, I took another road and passed an old school and there I met your daughter's teacher, Sarah's teacher." you answer him, you see him breathing deeply and then look towards his house "I don't know what you felt, what you feel. . . I. . . I can't even imagine what this kind of loss is." you unhook your belt and move closer to him "I'm so sorry." you put a hand on his cheek making his face turn towards you, you find yourselves eye to eye "Joel, I'm sorry." you repeat "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it, but I want you to know that if you ever want to, I'll listen to you." he places his hand on yours, he pushes it away, but just so he can kiss the palm of your hand, you shiver as you feel his soft lips in contact with your skin. You bring your face closer to his, kissing him on the lips, you move away just enough to look him in the eyes, then he closes the distance again by kissing you deeply. It's like hearing hundreds of fireworks exploding all around you, you can almost feel the electricity passing between you. You would also like to tell him that, although you understand his pain, you would have liked him to talk to you about it, to open his heart, to not make you feel excluded from his life, you would have liked to know his joys and sorrows and instead you discovered his great immense pain on your own, you would like to understand what he does when he talks to Jess if it's not what you think, then what is it like? What do they do? They talk?
You move away only for a few moments, just long enough to get out of the car and enter his house, the time he closes the door and you are once again against each other, he envelops you completely making you feel small and defenseless, you kiss as if you wanted to devour each other, you have your hands in his hair, he holds you tightly to him.
"I missed you," he whispers in your ear, placing a kiss on your earlobe that makes you instinctively - and if possible - press even more against him, his wet lips go down your neck, while his hand sweetly pulls your hair back making you lean your head back against the wall and close your eyes.
I missed you too, you want to tell him, but something stops you, perhaps his inability to speak to you openly, perhaps the fact that he didn't trust you, perhaps the fact that he told you he loves you, but he actually didn't have the need to open up to you, to tell you about himself, about his life, perhaps this is what really hurts you.
He must have sensed that you're a little distant because he stops with his hands on the edges of your shirt, "I mean it," he insists, looking into your eyes, you look at him, your lips are parted and your eyes are shining, but the words are stuck in your throat "I still care about you," you missed hearing your name pronounced by his lips, you close your eyes relaxing imperceptibly against him “what about you?”
"Not to me." you answer, but you answer too quickly and without looking him in the eyes, it's not true and he knows it.
"Say it again, looking into my eyes." he tells you, placing his hands on the sides of your face so that his eyes can meet yours, his eyes in this light look like pure honey and God, how you missed drowning in it!
"Joel, stop it!" you try to free yourself from his grip, but without success, he is stronger than you, he holds you firmly there in place.
"Say it, say it and this time I will disappear from your life forever." Joel urges you knowing that you could never say those words, both you and him, in fact, know well that that bond is still very strong between the two of you "Use your words," he urges you, as you once again try to free yourself, but once again you fail miserably "D' you know why you don't say it? Because both you and I know how we still feel about each other and if you said you didn't care about me anymore, I wouldn't believe you."
You sigh loudly, in fact that's not the problem...
"So?" he urges again looking into your eyes, it's an instant and your lips crash against each other again, his lips so soft, the contact with his beard and mustache, you missed his hands holding your hair, your tongues caressing and chasing each other, you missed this so much.
You enjoy his strong scent and the taste of coffee, he wraps you in his arms making you find yourself on his sofa, you don't even know how you got there "I love you, baby." he says between a kiss and another "I really mean it." he continues giving you a kiss on the tip of your nose, then again on your lips and then along the jaw down along the neck "And you?"
“I wish I could tell you that I don't care about you.” you respond by abandoning your head against a pillow, keeping your eyes closed, while you feel his lips lapping your neck with kisses "But that wouldn't be true," you add, holding your breath, as he stops kissing you and you open your eyes, "I missed you. So much." you squeak.
"I missed you too, angel" you kiss him first again, you put your hands in his hair which feels soft under your fingers, you lightly pull a few strands of his hair hearing him hold his breath, you pull away from his lips just to smile at him for a moment and then lift your head to slowly kiss his jaw, his beard tickles your lips and it's a sensation you've always loved, then you slowly move down to his neck feeling him breathe heavier, you notice his Adam's apple bobbing up and down "Baby," he groans, threading a hand through your hair, making you find eye contact again.
You remember the first time he touched you right here on this couch, you were shaking. Not out of fear, you were never afraid of him or what he could do, you always trusted and relied on him.
You remember how you didn't know how to handle those sensations that upset you deeply, you remember how overwhelming it was to feel his big, strong hands on you, you remember how you felt protected and safe despite that unknown sea of sensations.
“Joel,” you say, then clutching his t-shirt in the fists of your hands, “can I take this off?” you ask him.
He gives you another kiss on your lips, then moves away slightly to allow you to undress him. Once again you enjoy his wide chest, full of wounds and this time you will do what you always wanted to do: kiss them.
"Lie down." you tell him, smiling at him, while he gives you a look between lustful and amused, he does as you say.
You smile at him as you lie on top of him. You kiss him deeply, languidly feeling his hands wander over your covered back first and then under your clothes. You reach for his hands, finding them and bringing them above his head intertwining your fingers with his, you pull away from him for a moment breaking your kiss, “Stay still.” you tell him.
"What do you want to do?" he asks you in an amused tone, but you don't answer, you kiss his neck and then you kiss a first small pink scar on his collarbone, another whitish one longer on the deltoid, another slightly larger whitish one a little further down, you feel his chest hair tickling your lips, you feel him holding his breath, "Let go." this time you say it by looking up at him, his lips are parted and his eyes are full of lust. You then go down to the last wound on his side, the scar is wide and still red - pink, you release your grip from his hands and take a moment to caress it with a thumb, as he gently threads a hand through your hair and then moves the hair that has partly fallen in front of your face.
He whispers your name as you look up at him again, “I love this mouth.” he says, as you start placing kisses on his belly again, until you reach the strip of darker hair that disappears into his trousers where you notice his obvious erection still covered, "Do you wanna drive me crazy?" he asks, breathing heavily through his nose and closing his eyes.
You don't answer him, you straddle him and kiss him again, when your still covered private parts touch you both moan, Joel places his hands on your hips and looks at you with eyes full of desire, you exchange a long silent look, you - both of you - feel a shiver and not because of the cold, but because of the sensations you are experiencing.
He pulls himself up, you are face to face, you enjoy the sight of the wonderful man in front of you, the hair you love to sink your hands into, his dark eyes that you love to drown in, the wrinkles that form at the corners of his eyes and lips, his angular nose, the lips that you would never stop kissing.
"Baby," he says, caressing your face and kissing you lightly, "you're wonderful."
He nods, “Never doubt about that, darling.” he adds, caressing your face again.
He pulls you down onto him, then reverses positions. You have your head resting on the pillow and he is delicately resting on you, you look at each other. It's your turn to be undressed, but he doesn't limit to take off your shirt, he also gets rid of your jeans and underwear.
“You are a beautiful sight, I can't get enough of you,” he tells you, carefully scrutinizing every detail of you.
You feel the heat rising to your cheeks, you're naked under him again, but it's like it's the first time. You feel a slight embarrassment, but the desire you feel in finding yourself under him, caressed by him, wanted by him is stronger.
"What are your intentions?" this time you're the one teasing him.
"I want to kiss your body inch by inch," his eyes become two black pools, while with a thumb he runs over your exposed breast, giving greater attention to your nipples which immediately harden making you gasp and close your eyes "I want to dedicate all the time necessary to this magnificent breast," he says, lowering his face towards your breast, wrapping your nipple between his lips, sucking it gently and then running his tongue over it, "Joel," you moan with your eyes closed, writhing under him, feeling a warm sensation spread up your body, then he kisses the crease between your breasts, then wrapping the other one, giving it the same attention.
Stronger and stronger shivers spread through your body, reverberating there, you're soaked, you must be wetting his sofa because of how strong you feel the excitement.
"Joel..." you moan, squeezing your eyes shut.
"'s there something wrong?" he quips.
You open your eyes to find his eyes made even darker by excitement, if possible, "You still have your jeans on." you point out, “Move over, it's my turn.”
"What is a carousel?" he asks smiling at you, but without moving.
You give him a little grin, "It looks like both of our favorite carousel."
"I'm not done with you yet," he warns you, his mouth moving down to your belly where he leaves a series of small wet kisses, "Does it bother you?" he asks, you shake your head as you slide your hand into his hair again "Oh, baby girl, you're soaked, look at you!" he exclaims, you don't know if he really wants you to look or if it's just an exclamation, in doubt you find yourself swallowing and feeling even wetter seeing how Joel is staring at your intimacy completely exposed to his eyes "I want to treat her like she deserves,” he tells you, stroking your inner thighs with both hands, doing it several times and getting closer and closer to where you want it most.
"Joel. . ." you moan, feeling your intimacy contract at the mere thought of having his hands there again.
"Don't worry, little one," he says and, before you can say anything else, he bends down even more and kisses your mound, you widen your eyes and open your lips, you want to say something, but that gesture takes your breath away "Oh, darling, now I will take care of this delicious little hole." having said this he licks it up to the clit making you gasp and tilt your head back, his tongue seems to want to gently dig inside you, as the contractions increase more and more and you find yourself moaning without restraint and writhing under him "Stay still, love" he says, moving his face slightly away from your intimacy, making his hot breath shatter against your arousal, as he grabs your hips with his hands to keep you still, then his languid caress continues.
"Joel, fuck. . . fuck. . . fuck. . ." you find yourself cursing, squeezing your eyes tightly between one broken moan and another, you're literally on fire, his hands on your hips, his lips and tongue inside you, his nose insistently touching your throbbing center makes you come against him.
He keeps licking until he feels you are relaxing again, he wants to enjoy your nectar until the last drop, when you reopen your eyes you immediately find his dark eyes, he kisses your mound again in a sweet gesture, then he goes up giving you small kisses along your belly, fleetingly on your breasts and then kisses you. That kiss now tastes of you, no longer just of him, but of you and him.
He kisses the tip of your nose and then you stay nose to nose for a while without saying anything, your heart is still beating fast in your chest, his hand reaches for yours, intertwining your fingers and bringing it to his lips, kissing it, “Are you okay?” he asks you.
"Never been better." you reply by smiling at him and tightening your hand grip "Now will you allow me to do something?" you ask him, stroking first his cheek and then his hair with the other hand.
"Whatever you want, darling." he just tells you, as you slide your hand from his hair to his face, to his neck, then you let your hand wander along his chest to the belt of his pants which you slowly undo, you let your gaze wander from his trousers to his absorbed and lustful gaze, you lower your gaze again to his trousers and more precisely to where his already half-hard manhood is, you slowly stroke him up and down, while you continue to study his expression which gradually becomes more tense until he releases a small grunt.
"May I?" you ask him almost intimidated by his reaction, he nods with a small shiver, you place your hands on his chest pushing him back and making him lie down on the sofa.
You lie on him again, you give him a quick kiss and then slowly undo the button on his trousers and lower the zipper, you open his pants revealing his boxers and his growing erection, "Oh, Joel, you are so big," you moan, sliding his jeans down his hips and legs.
"You like it?" he asks you with a half-grin painted on his face.
"Oh, yes." you just reply.
"You have no idea how much I want you. . ." he lets out panting looking for your cheek with one hand, you lean towards him kissing him and savoring his large hand on your cheek, it's so warm, it envelops you completely, it caresses you tenderly, you pull away from him for a moment, gently rubbing your nose against his "I really love you." he adds looking into your eyes, "I didn't think you could be so important in my life, I never thought it possible."
You breathe deeply, stroking with a thumb the profile of his jaw covered by his patchy beard, then you run the same thumb over his soft lips which he promptly kisses, "I know it will be difficult to believe me, but it's true. Please believe me." he insists again.
You nod, even if the deep sadness that this whole story has caused you doesn't disappear at all.
You move away from his face and begin to kiss the crook of his neck, his collarbone, you savor his strong scent and the contact with his tanned skin, you let your lips wander first and then your hands over his broad chest and then you get there where there is a line of darker hairs that disappear into his boxers, you look at him almost looking for permission with your gaze, permission which is immediately granted. You pull them down revealing his huge shaft hitting his soft belly, you stare at him in fascination. The veins are already clearly visible, his big tip is pink, his balls swollen, you find yourself holding your breath without even realizing it, "You wanna touch it?" he offers in a low growl.
The lewdness of his words resonates within you, making the arousal within you grow again, you grab his big arousal, slowly move the foreskin up and down two or three times revealing his big reddened glans, "Yes, that's right, baby, just like that" he encourages you, whispering these words in a low and strangled tone of voice. As before, you see drops of pre cum coming out of the tip and you can't resist, you bring a finger closer, picking them up and bringing them to your mouth, Joel makes a strangled sound "How's it?" he asks in a hoarse voice, looking into your eyes.
It has a particular, strong, intoxicating flavour. "It tastes like you," you say, taking a little more of that pearl and bringing it to your mouth, you like it. You've always thought of sex in general, and then more specifically oral sex, as something humiliating, gross and degrading, but with him nothing is.
"May I?" you ask him, moving your face closer to his shaft.
"You don't have to do this," he says in the voice of someone who craves something.
"I'm the one who wants it," you say and then place a chaste kiss on his reddened tip, you feel him tremble beneath you, then you turn your eyes towards him and see him with his head tilted back slightly, his eyes narrowed, the jaw tightened and the veins in the neck clearly visible, that reaction of his makes you start licking his tip slowly as if it were a sweet ice cream cone.
"Fuck, you're fucking perfect!" he exclaims in a strangled tone, while he begins to slowly caress one of your breasts making you moan.
His words and his reaction make you take him into your mouth a little more and his taste is even stronger, even more intoxicating, it tastes like him, a moan escapes you that makes him make a strangled sound, your eyes sting slightly as you open your mouth even more to welcome him "Oh, baby. . ." he moans, slipping his hand into your hair and stroking it slowly.
You didn't think that giving him pleasure with your mouth was so destabilizing for him, you didn't even think you were capable of it. You caress his shaft with your tongue slowly, fearing you'll do something wrong, you look for his eyes, but his tense expression and his strangled moans make you understand that you are not wrong, you feel his excitement contracting more and more in your mouth, until he lets out a louder moan than the others and in a panting voice says, "Stop, darling, I'm about to come." he warns you, looking at you with shiny eyes full of desire, you move your lips away from him, he's about to get up and reverse the positions as he had already done, but you, with a courage unknown to you, place a hand on his chest, stopping him.
"May I. . .?" you ask him hesitantly, wrapping him in your hand as he pulls you towards him, kissing you hard and deeply, meanwhile you begin your rhythmic caress along his shaft, you hear almost animalistic noises coming from his throat. You are hypnotized by the absolutely erotic moment you are experiencing, his throbbing erection in your fist, you held tight to him in a sweet grip, his lips on you and your tongues busy chasing each other in each other's mouths.
He moans deeply and long into your mouth when he comes, his seed falls in hot, thick spurts along your hand still gripping him and partly onto his belly, only then you move your lips away from his to observe his huge, still throbbing erection held tightly in your fist, the red tip and the streams on your hand, you taste it "Christ. . ." he exclaims in a strangled voice, you look at him quizzically "You are the most beautiful and most erotic thing I have ever laid my eyes on, little brat” you smile without taking your eyes off him.
You never thought that licking the cum, his cum, was so erotic and that it wouldn't disgust you, but above all you never thought you would do this with him. You help him clean his belly from his release, then he pulls you towards him, hugging you tightly to his chest. You're both breathless.
"You were perfect," he comments giving you a kiss on the forehead holding you even tighter to him, you feel good, so good, but a small part of you still continues to feel disappointed by him, a small part that in this moment almost seems to scream and it hurts you to think of him in these terms after what you lived together.
"You're still thinking about my silence with you, aren't ya?" you look into his eyes and he looks back “You just can't let it go, can you?” he adds, moving a lock of hair behind your ear "I made a mistake, I know. You can't just forgive me?"
You move away from him and sit on the edge of the sofa with your back to him, you place your forehead against the palms of your open hands and breathe deeply before answering him "It's not something that happens like that. You don't tell me openly about your ex, I find out about your daughter by myself because of some photos scattered here and there," you lift your head and look towards him “it’s a lot to take in.”
“I know,” he just says without taking his eyes off your face.
"I knew you had a past, but I didn't believe that. I thought you divorced your ex-wife, I thought you had a daughter maybe with her mother somewhere and that you saw her every now and then. I imagined this." you confide in him.
"Would you have preferred this?" he asks you.
You look away for a moment, preferred maybe not, maybe you would have been jealous of the time he would have had to spend with his daughter and maybe with his ex, but maybe you would have accepted it.
Instead, you find yourself fighting a ghost, a pain so strong that neither you nor anyone else could put aside.
"Joel. . . I don't know. In short, I'd have understood. What I really can't understand is why not talk about it? Unfortunately your daughter is no longer here, why not say so? I'd have hugged you in silence and in silence I'd have listened to you talk to me about her." you reply, looking again at his hazel eyes.
"I know," he says sitting up and kissing your still bare shoulder, you get shivers feeling his soft lips contrasting with his beard against your skin "and since we're in the mood for confessions, she's not my ex-wife, she was my partner, girlfriend if you like, there was never any marriage between us, just Sarah." you look into each other's eyes "After she died, I accused her and she accused me, this led to both of us going our separate ways. We were only hurting ourselves. Then every year, when that day came, we found ourselves remembering her and remembering our fleeting family. Things worked for one, maximum two months and then everything exploded again, you already know the rest."
His previous silence hurt and still hurts you, but you appreciate that he told you about this other little corner of himself, you sigh "There's still one thing you didn't tell me," he looks at your face, "you told me it wasn't what I thought about you and your ex, so what do you do when you see each other? You talk, um. . . you - you fuck, what did you do?" you gulp, you're scared to hear his response, but you need to know.
"The first few times we did both, we talked and we fucked. A lot. A few times we even dared to think about having a child together again," you feel like you're sinking at the idea that they even planned all of this "but then we decided that it wasn't right to relive all over again. So, when we see each other, and this is increasingly rare, we talk. We just remember our daughter. You know, it's a pain that doesn't go away. You can find a thousand things to do, but. . ." he sighs "the pain never leaves you." he's telling you the truth, you feel it, his eyes don't lie, his sad expression is the confirmation of this, you lean against him and place your head in the crook of his neck, you turn your head towards his neck and you deeply inhale his scent, holding him tightly to you, thus making him feel your closeness.
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agendabymooner · 1 year
about names: an amazing boy with an amazing name || cl16 scenario (1)
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dad!charles leclerc x mom!ofc (hearth sister!ofc)
Summary: The Leclerc boys and their names go hand in hand. OR times when Charles and his wife Aimee had to explain that their children’s names are meaningful. 
Scenario summary: Charles and Aimee wondered what Hervé meant when he said that his name was silly and that he hated it. Thank goodness, Pascale Leclerc was the one that the boy cannot refuse as she comforts her grandson.
Content warning: Kids teasing kids, possible use of explicit language, fluff, dad!Charles content, the Leclerc family (Pascale and Leclerc brothers) content, briefly mentions Charles' dad, crappy French translations by Apple, sad kids being comforted, fluff, what is beta reading we write things at 2am and post it after lol
Note: One more before I dash out of my dorm for the day lmfaoo
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Aimee Leclerc was no stranger to chatty kids and pick-up schedules, so it was no wonder why she immediately found herself in front of the elementary school that stood gloriously in the middle of Monte-Carlo as she waited for her two children to be dismissed from the class for the day. 
It was a routine of hers now that her work in McLaren had become remote. Five children took up all of her time and between them and her work— she would’ve immediately left the company if the team made her choose. She’d rather be in Monaco while Charles continued to pursue his career as a racing driver. 
Zak Brown was empathetic enough to understand that a set of children wouldn’t be able to have a stable routine should they continue to travel around the world just to be with their parents who worked overseas, offering Aimee a chance to work at home and adapt to a better routine as she took care of her children. 
She could wait patiently if anybody ever asked her. She had no problem, knowing that she was able to finish her work long before she could pick up her eldest children. 
But the energy that her children had shown merely told her enough: they might have been either excited to see her or they thought that she was rushing them. She caught a glimpse of her twins as they stepped out of the elementary school, their uniforms somehow tidy and less wrinkled despite their busy day. 
“Maman! Devinez quoi?” Guess what? Jules jumped excitedly as he wrapped his arms around Aimee tightly, still jumpy and giddy as he spoke in English, “We did our quiz in maths!” 
“Oh? Is that right, J?” Aimee asked with a smile, her fingers running through her son’s wavy hair. It was surprising how her children’s hair continued to lose its volume as years passed— it was becoming more like Charles’ hair.
They were mini Charleses, indeed.
“Yes, Maman! I also— uh…” It seemed like Jules ran out of English immediately as he said, “J'ai fait si bien! Je n'ai perdu qu'un point!” I did so good! I only lost one point!
Aimee was merely thankful that she could understand French and Italian, or rather, she was thankful her private teacher taught her how to speak those languages; otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to understand her multilingual-speaking children. 
She primarily spoke English and had grown up practicing a standard accent in her Received Pronunciation. She never adapted to her husband’s speaking style, but learned to understand it nevertheless. Their children were being raised in Monaco, after all, and most people spoke in French or Italian. She was only thankful that she was able to teach them to speak English to preserve that part of them. Most of their cousins are raised in England and this gave them the opportunity to converse in that language. 
Aimee beamed at her son and exclaimed, “A good job done, Jules!” Then she turned to look at her other son, who was unusually quiet for such a normal day. Hervé, as Aimee learned while nurturing her ever-growing children, was never quiet — he was one of the boys who would often cause ruckus inside the Leclerc home. If he’s silent like this then Aimee knew he was feeling something along the lines of upset. 
Hervé was never upset. He was so much like his grandfather— his namesake. So joyous. Why was he feeling so down? Aimee didn’t know.
“Hervé, my love,” Aimee called softly, but he couldn’t hear. Jules turned to look at his twin and noticed the boy disassociated, giving his brother’s shirt a tug as Hervé finally looked up. The Leclerc matriarch (2.0) smiled gently and asked, “Is it a long day for you?” 
“Oui, Maman,” he replied quietly, offering her a nod and nothing more. 
Aimee had led them to the Aston Martin family SUV as soon as he answered and drove off to head home. Jules was chatting Aimee’s ears off and it somehow defeaned her. It wasn’t because Jules was loud, no; Hervé wasn’t even talking, and his silence defeaned her.
“Herb,” she called as she looked at the rear view mirror, noticing how his jaw clenched before crossing his arms. “Hervé?”
“Stupid, silly name,” Jules hadn’t seen Hervé mutter those words beneath his breath but Aimee certainly had, leaving the mother confused. What the hell was happening?
“H,” Aimee called once more. Hervé’s angry eyes finally looked up to meet Aimee’s worried ones. Even if she wanted to remind him to calm down, she knew that it would lead to his outburst so she avoided it and asked, “Da’s home? Do you want to tell him about your maths quiz today? Maybe you and Jules can show him the art you made for Mademoiselle Blanc?” 
“Hmp,” the eldest Leclerc twin huffed, turning away from his mother and looking out the window. 
Jules’s eyes narrowed as he gave a brief glimpse at Aimee, turning towards his twin, “Are you okay, H?” 
“Oui,” Hervé muttered, acting as some sort of assurance, but this only made Jules look at his mother with worry. Aimee flashed a smile at her son before continuing to drive on the way home. It was another thing that the Leclerc boys had gotten from their father; they were bad liars. 
It only got worse when Aimee pulled up to their driveway, and the boys made their way inside. Jules dashed out of the car with his backpack to navigate his way around the house, trying to find their father before he gasped, “Da!” 
Aimee watched her other son carefully, trying to read Hervé’s behaviour as he walked past Aimee. She still wasn’t sure what was going on. 
“Oh! Hello, Jules!” Charles Leclerc, a Ferrari driver who had just returned from a doubleheader, grinned gracefully at the sight of his son. In his arm was one of his young twins, Anthoine — or Tony, for most people — while the other half of the pair, Alain, sat on the playmat with his book propped open. “Comment va l'école aujourd'hui?” How is school today?
“Very good, Da!” Jules grinned toothily, “Madame Hurst m'a donné une étoile pour mon quiz de mathématiques!” Mrs. Hurst gave me a star for my maths quiz! 
“Ah, really? Cela signifie que vous avez fait un excellent travail en étudiant avec maman alors,” it means you’ve done a good job at studying with Mummy, then. Charles glanced past Aimee’s legs, seeing the other pair of his twins as he greeted the quiet boy, “Bonjour, Hervé. Comment allez-vous?” Good afternoon, Hervé. How are you?
“D'accord, Da,” Fine. Hervé muttered, his irritation noticed easily by his father as Charles scowled lightly. Every adult in their family knew that it meant trouble if Charles gave this look. 
At first, the Ferrari driver tried to make a light of the situation, “Why the long face, Hervé? The more you do that, the more you’ll look like your Uncle Toto. Give Da a smile?”
“No,” but Hervé wasn’t having it as he snapped at his father firmly, the tip of his ears turning red as he stomped off.
“Don’t call me that!” Hervé snapped, his eyes turning dark as he got angry and upset.
“What? Hervé—“ Charles tried to reason out, but the 7-year-old was anything but reasonable at the moment. 
“I’m not Hervé! Don’t call me that! It’s a stupid name!” 
Charles could have sworn that he, too, was seeing red as he placed the toddler in his arms before marching off the playroom. He followed after his son and exclaimed, “Hervé Louis Sebastien René Mathieu Leclerc! Come back here!” 
“No! No more talking! Leave me alone, Da!”
Thud. The boy had just slammed the door on his father’s face, and Charles— Charles was fuming. 
He loves his boys dearly; he does. But it was moments like this that somehow made him different from the loving father that he is. He wasn’t even sure why he was so upset— was it because of the fact that his son just yelled that he didn’t want to talk, or did he just hear his son say that his father’s name was stupid? He wasn’t sure. 
He was just… upset and confused. 
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Charles wasn’t sure where he’d gone wrong with becoming a parent to his sons. He did everything he could despite being a busy driver— he took care of them whenever Aimee was out, he taught them how to be kind to other people and he taught them how to love. Hervé had never been this upset before and it bothered Charles and Aimee to no end. What was he genuinely upset about?
Then they both recalled what the boy said. Hervé wasn’t his name. He thought that the name was silly, from what Aimee had told Charles. Where did that even come from? 
“I— truthfully, I don’t even know where that came from, Charles,” Aimee admitted as she sat with him on the couch that night, sighing heavily while the driver rested his head against his hand. 
They tried asking the boy, from asking him to come down for dinner (with Aimee giving up and leaving a bowl of rice and chicken in front of his door) to Charles asking to come into his room (with Charles not receiving any form of response). But alas, Hervé had no response. He didn’t even respond when they tried to ask if he’d like to come over to his Uncle Lorenzo or Arthur’s place. 
No luck. 
“He didn’t mention anything at all,” she continued, keeping her voice down to avoid waking any of their children up. “He was muttering to himself, I’ve no bloody clue he was upset.” 
“I didn’t know either,” Charles murmured, grabbing a hold of her hand and kissing the knuckles of it. “He isn’t normally like this— he’d tell us if there’s something wrong.”
It was true. Hervé, much like the other Leclerc children, never got into a fight with a friend before. He was upfront about his feelings and would tell either his parents or playmate about being upset. There were some instances when he almost snapped but otherwise managed to control his emotions— he was so much like his brothers and mother in a sense. Aimee always approached them with the five-finger solution before they could even burst into tears or anger. 
So, for Hervé to keep quiet? 
Even Aimee couldn’t get an answer from him. What did he mean by his name was a stupid name? Charles asked himself this a couple of times. 
His name was Hervé— that was a typical French name, no? What made Hervé think that his name, his late grandfather’s name, was silly? Charles tried approaching his son about the matter every minute since the boys got home from school, but much to his dismay, the boy evaded him. 
But there was only one person that Hervé wouldn’t refuse to answer. Much like his late grandfather, Hervé never refused his Mamé. 
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So the next day, Pascale Leclerc — the grandmother of the Leclerc boys — took the liberty to have a day off with the upset boy. Jules felt incomplete without Hervé in the school but went nonetheless, and the five-year-old boy PJ went to kindergarten while Aimee, Charles and the youngest twins went out. Pascale stayed at home with Hervé and baked cookies with him. 
After putting the cookie dough into the preheated oven, Pascale served the boy some tea, to which Hervé gratefully drank as his grandmother sat across from him.
She sighed and placed a hand on his knee, “Est-il vrai que tu t'es fâché contre ton père, Hervé?” Is it true that you got angry with your dad, Hervé? She asked, her question leaving him frozen as he looked at Pascale guiltily. 
Hervé carefully sat his mug down on the table and nodded solemnly, not uttering a word. Pascale asked, “Has it been a rough day for you? That’s why you got angry?” 
Hervé shook his head as Pascale suggested, “Veux-tu dire à Mamé ce qui t'a mis en colère? Peut-être pouvons-nous trouver une solution ensemble?” Will you tell Mamé what has gotten you angry? Maybe we can find a solution together?
The longer the silence lasted, the more the tears flowed out of Hervé’s eyes as his lips pursed and trembled. The poor boy couldn’t help but stammer, “Mon nom est tellement silly et stupide, Mamé!” My name is so silly and stupid! He continued to cry out, “Kylian a dit que mon nom venait de «Herbe et fromage» et c'est très stupide! Je n'aime pas mon nom, Mamé!” Kylian said that my name came from ‘Herb and cheese’ and that it’s stupid! I don’t like my name, Mamé! 
Pascale’s eyes nearly teared up at the confession that Hervé made. He hated his name because someone made him feel like it wasn’t worth appreciating. Her poor grandson was subjected to this kind of behaviour, which felt so… disheartening. 
“Oh, Hervé,” Pascale immediately reached out to soothe the boy, shushing him quietly while he sobbed. His eyes shut as tears continued to flow down, soaking Pascale’s cardigan in the process. “Your name is not stupid or silly; did you know that?”
His crying lasted for several minutes, with Pascale patiently soothing him in the process. When his sobbing quietened, Pascale took this as an opportunity to tell him about his name.
She sighed shakily, not wanting to shed a tear or two as she explained, “Da, Uncle Lorenzo and Uncle Arthur had their own Da— you have seen him before in the pictures, oui?” She felt the boy nod through her chest as she hummed and continued, “That was your Papy. Do you know what his name was? His name was Hervé.” 
“Her—“ the boy hiccuped. “Hervé? Like me?”
“Oui, mon amour,” Pascale replied with a soft smile, “Hervé like you.”
“You are sooo much like your Papy Hervé, that is why Maman and Da named you after him,” Pascale continued, “you are as funny and happy as him. When he was still alive I used to call him Herb. I loved him so much, mon chou.
“And when he was gone, your Da and your uncles filled the rest of the space in my heart that you and your brothers soon took over,” Pascale smiled, “and I think that your name is beautiful like it is with my Herb’s.” 
“It is?” 
“Oui, my love,” Pascale replied, “your name is what keeps your Papy’s memories alive for your Da and your uncles. Do not let anyone think that it is a silly name because you are an amazing boy with an amazing name. Your Maman and Da love you so much, and your Da? He loved his Papa so much that he decided to name another person he loved after him. That’s you, mon cœur.” 
Ever since then, Hervé learned how to embrace his name and would often explain to everyone where his name came from, even in the grid and paddock. 
Nobody needed to ask where his name came from— after all, he is Hervé Leclerc. He was just as joyful and enthusiastic as his grandfather. 
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inkareds · 1 year
Hiya there!
I just discovered your tumblr and I wondered if you were still writing for Wally West? Because if you do, I'd love a lil' something about Wally West and a gender neutral reader being domestic and cute and stuff. Maybe the reader could be reading to him while they're cuddling. Maybe the reader can say cute stuff to him in another language? (I personally speak french but whichever language floats your boat!)
Thank you very much nonetheless and have a very beautiful weekend. Take care! ♡♡♡
Classical Boredom Wally West
nav // dc m.list // ko-fi
✧.* word count: 1.8k ✧.* genre: FLUFFFF DOMESTIC FLUFF ✧.* warnings: The reader speaks French
Wally West hates classic literature, but when it comes to you, he's open to giving it a second chance
this request is so cute and I literally couldn't help smiling throughout writing this. Also kudos to my French friend who helped translate the French parts of this. ALSO I'M GETTING THROUGH MY REQUESTS FINALLY!!! I'm not ridiculously busy anymore!!!
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“I never understand how you’re always so patient to finish a book.”
Wally West, nicknamed the fastest man alive should also probably be given the nickname most impatient man alive as well. As with a lifestyle like his that bred on how quickly he could finish his task at hand, things that he couldn’t rush or just didn’t have a shortcut felt tedious to him. 
Yet somehow he was blessed with a partner like you. Someone who loved the slower things in life, the small domestic moments between the two of you. The slow mornings when he’d groan any time you’d try to leave the bed. The quiet trickling of rain as you read a good book. 
That was another thing Wally didn’t understand. 
How people could read books. 
Especially classics. He loathed classics. He absolutely hated it when he needed to read a classic in school. He just couldn’t see someone actually choosing to read a piece of classic literature and enjoying it when they’re not forced to. 
That is until he met you. 
“It’s interesting,” you shrugged before going back to your book. 
At this point, you’ve dated Wally long enough to get used to his bewildered expression every time he found you nose-deep into another classic book. It wasn’t a month ago that he saw you just as you were about to finish Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. The sight of the grey-bound book caused him to go on a rant on how annoying his middle school English teacher was when he had given the book to read as Summer homework. 
You remembered laughing whilst softly caressing his hair, as he lay on your lap, content in distracting you from finishing the book. Like always you told him to give the book another try as you assumed the reason he never enjoyed reading was because he never actually read due to his own volition. And like clockwork, he refused, jokingly stating that he’ll leave the academia stuff to you whilst he saves the real damsels in distress. 
“What are you reading now?” He asks, coming out of the bathroom in just his sweatpants.
Wally had just finished a day’s work of saving people and was now ready to just collapse in bed with you. But since you seemed so engrossed in your book, the least he could do is entertain your interest as well. 
“Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë,” you told him, smiling to yourself as you watched your drop-dead gorgeous boyfriend look for a comfortable t-shirt to sleep in. 
Gone was the focus you put onto your book when Wally West in all his red-headed glory was in front of you, brows furrowed as he picked up one shirt after the other. If it was up to you, he should just sleep shirtless, but for now, you kept your mouth shut. 
“You know I can feel you staring?” He chuckled turning towards you. 
Unabashedly you rolled your eyes and continued to stare at him. With his gorgeous muscled physique and messy, still slightly damp, hair, he looked positively radiant. 
“Can’t help it, I have a really attractive boyfriend.” You shrugged. 
Wally beamed at your compliment, grinning widely and flexing his muscles at you. Causing you to laugh and throw a pillow from the armchair you were sitting on. He obviously easily caught it and watched you laugh, thinking to himself that nothing could sound more beautiful than the sound of your laughter. 
When you stopped, a comfortable silence lay between the two of you. Two lovers staring at each other, content and happy at the mere existence of the other. Your smile never left you, even when Wally zoomed over towards you, quickly picking you up and speeding to the bed, making sure your hand didn’t let go of your book. 
“Walls!” You scolded him, lightly punching him on his chest as he pulled you towards him. 
He didn’t respond, only embracing your body tight against his own, deliberately squeezing you so much you almost felt suffocated. All before relaxing and peppering a lot of kisses on your face. 
Not a second goes by when he’s out on the street that he doesn’t miss you. Now here he was, able to give you all the love and devotion he knows you deserve. Even as you giggled and tried to wriggle out of his ticklish hold, he held you tight against him as he planted kiss after kiss all over your face and neck. 
“Okay! Okay! Walls! I’m going to drop my book!” You yelled out trying to push him away, causing a boisterous laugh to leave him, rumbling against your back as he finally relaxed. 
“Oh, so your book is more important than me? I see how it is.” He pouted while burying his face deep into your neck. 
You rolled your eyes at how clingy he was being. 
“Yes, Wally West, it definitely is.” At your statement, Wally groaned loudly. 
“What’s so interesting about Wuthering Heights anyways?” 
You smiled warmly at him, any other time you’d brush his question off, knowing he probably wouldn't be interested in the content of your book. But this time, you decided that the book might be fitting for both of you. 
So, you lifted up the book so you could read it properly while Wally was still nestled beside you. You bookmarked the current page you were on and instead went back to a page you had tabbed a few days prior seeing how it was a heartwarming section. 
“This specific book is a romance and it’s just really sweet. Like here, for example.” You pointed at a part on the page, Wally cracked open his eyes slightly to see what you were pointing out, seeing a part that you underlined. 
“Read it for me.” He hummed against your skin, making himself even more comfortable beside you underneath the blankets causing you to giggle. 
“He’s more myself than I am,” you began, “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same. My great thought in living is himself.” 
You felt Wally’s breath hitched as he listened on. 
“If all else perished, and he remained,” you decided to continue, “I should still continue to be; and if all else remained and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger. I should not seem a part of it.” You finished. 
When Wally stayed silent and still, you bit the inside of your lip in slight anxiety. He probably thought it was boring and cliche. 
“I know it’s kinda cliche but it’s a bit cute and I don’t know-” You rambled, “It’s silly, I know.” You nervously giggled, going to close the book and put it away. 
The last thing you wanted Wally to think of you is a hopeless romantic who lived between the lines and letters of books. Yet before you could put the book away Wally’s hand reached to stop your own. 
“No, I think it’s sweet,” he said opening his eyes to look straight at you, “Read me more.” 
You felt embarrassment creep into your face with how earnestly Wally was looking at you after stating that. Quickly going to a different part of the book you tabbed to read. 
“My love for Heathcliff, resembles the eternal rocks beneath: a source of visible delight, but necessary. Nelly, I am Heathcliff! He’s always, always in my mind: not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself, but as my own being.” You chose to stay silent after that one. 
You felt the way Wally grinned against your skin after you finished, when he looked up at you he had such a boyish grin that you wanted to flood him with your love. 
“This feels like a roundabout way to say how much you love me.” 
His statement immediately made a tirade of embarrassment flush your system as you quickly placed down your book and pushed him off in a small tantrum. 
“You’re insufferable!” You yelled out causing him to erupt into bursts of laughter. 
“No! Baby! I didn’t mean it!” He was able to speak through his own laughter, grasping at you to pull you back into his embrace. 
When you finally let him, he still hasn’t stopped laughing. 
“Awwww stop pouting. I love you too. You’re everything I am and for that I love you.” 
Though you tried holding it in you couldn’t help the smile from creeping up into your face at his confession. 
“Was that poetic enough for you?” 
You rolled your eyes and would’ve reached for a pillow to hit him over the head with it had he not held your arms in place from his tight embrace. When the two of you finally settled, you wiggled one of your hands out of his tight hold to caress his hair. 
Gently untangling some knots from his tossing and turning just before, he hummed in appreciation as he leaned more into your touch. The comfort of it all warmed both of you in a way that would heat your entire being even in the coldest of winters. His being was like fire embers and sunlight personified. But to him? You were the home and shelter that would house his never-ending passion. You were comfort and he was warmth. 
“Je ne peux pas vivre sans toi.” You muttered thinking he was asleep only for him to hum lazily. I can’t live without you.
You chuckled, shaking your head slightly. “Nothing mon amour.” 
“Nuh-uh, you said something in French.” Wally stated, suddenly awake. 
“Mhm, I did.”
“So, what’d you say?” he propped himself up on his elbows, his body above your own. 
“Nothing important.” 
“I don’t believe that.”
You threw your head back in laughter.
“Believe what you want to believe!” 
“Tell me!” he complained causing you to shake your head again. 
“Je suis à toi, Wally West. Mon cœur t'appartient.” You brought your hand up to his face, telling him with so much conviction that even though Wally didn’t know what you said, he could feel love tug against his heart. I am yours, Wally West. My heart belongs to you.
Wally grinned at a mischievous idea snuck itself into his head. 
“Fine then, speak your fancy language. I’ll just make you tell me.” Before you could query what he meant by that his lips were quick to assault your neck.
His feather-like kisses littered against your neck in such a light way that it felt way too ticklish. You laughed and squirmed under him especially when his hands started ticking at your sides. Causing bursts of laughter to leave you as you try and try to push Wally away. 
Wally laughed between his little kisses, knowing nothing in life would feel better than now. 
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AITA for almost killing my 8th grade english teacher? (warning: racism, sa mention)
I (M16, 14 at the time, white (this is important later)) was part of the newspaper in middle school. The teacher running the newspaper (F… 50? 60? i have no idea) was always really nice to me, and we got along really well. I was ecstatic to see that she would be my english teacher in 8th grade.
That is, until the class actually began.
This english class we mostly read books about oppression and historical atrocities and genocide because our history class wouldn’t cover that for some reason (the reason is racism). It seemed like this teacher would have done a good job of teaching this material, but well. you can see where this is going.
a week into the school year the whole class saw that she was pretty racist - not like overtly racist; she sort of said she cared about fighting oppression and then… was a part of that oppression. like she’d say “i could never be racist” and then she would be racist. it’s hard to explain. she would always be incredibly weird about disciplining the Black kids in the class, blaming one guy in particular for like. every time a guy in the class acted like and eighth grade boy would act. she was also really condescending to him; she’d constantly make comments about how he couldn’t follow rules (which obviously isn’t true). she did this to an extent to all the other Black kids in the class as well; later when some of them went to the principal to talk about what happened they said they didn’t feel safe in her class.
additionally, pretty much nobody even stood for the pledge of allegiance (we were usually busy reading cause the library in that school was really nice and had a really good collection of books), and when they did they’d never actually say it. this teacher had a problem with this, and every time she saw absolutely nobody in the class standing for the pledge of allegiance, she’d make the entire homeroom (oh yeah i was in her homeroom too, forgot to mention that) tell her why they didn’t for literally the entire class period. Every time someone mentioned systemic racism or racist history she’d butt in either saying “my parents were immigrants and they stood for the pledge” or she’d start talking about her gay son. some kids told stories of being called slurs when they were younger. some kids cried. she would always bring up her gay son as a rebuttal. and i get that being gay is hard, i’m gay myself, but that is not in any way applicable to the situation at hand here. This happened on three separate occasions - sometimes a single person would stand for the pledge just so there was at least one person doing it and so we wouldn’t have to have that conversation.
And then there was the actual teaching. oh boy. so, as i said before, almost all of our books in this class were about some sort of historical atrocity because the history class didn’t have time for it apparently. and uh. uhhhhhhh yeah. with this teacher it was not a good experience.
We had read books about racism for summer reading and we were reading the novel Chains at the beginning of the school year, and the teacher would always talk about how “resilient” the characters in the books were and how they made the best of their situations and fought back, but never about how these characters should have never had to be in these situations in the first place and WHO PUT THEM IN THESE SITUATIONS, WHAT SYSTEMS PUT THEM IN THESE SITUATIONS YOU KNOW THE KIND OF STUFF ONE WOULD NEED TO KNOW FROM A COURSE LIKE THIS TO MAKE SURE HISTORY DOESNT REPEAT ITSELF. Later in the year we read Warriors Don’t Cry and it went exactly how you’d expect. “Resiliency”. Also worse than you’d expect. The teacher victim blamed the author, a real ass person writing about real fucking events, for almost being assaulted at a young age. And though we focused more on the systems of oppression, thankfully, we also watched and interview with the little rock nine and some of the people who harassed them in school, and one of them, a white woman, said the n word and refused to apologize. and this teacher defended her???? On another occasion we had a lesson about feminism and we read some of Sojourner Truth’s writing, and she interpreted it as solely being about womanhood and not race - and when I tried to talk about how race is an important factor in the message of one of the speeches, the teacher called my parents. We also read books about the holocaust and this teacher was surprisingly respectful throughout the whole thing. No victim blaming, no talk of resilience, nothing.
I had talked to her about all of this before. We knew each other from the newspaper, and it even seemed like I was her favorite student. She would not budge. Sometimes she even made the argument that I was smarter than the other kids, that I cared more than the other kids, that I would notice these things and care about them but other kids wouldn’t and I should just shut up because nobody understands me because i’m just so smart. which made me fucking pissed. i don’t care any more than the other kids who told you stories of being harassed and ridiculed at 8:30 am on a weekday so that the whole class could excercise their freedom of speech. i’m not any smarter than the other kids who cited countless examples of the atrocities this country committed against people of color to you who you didn’t listen to. in fact, i’m not even that smart. i’d say i’m kind of an idiot. and i want to be an idiot, because then i’m not put on a pedestal to push other people down.
This happened two years ago so i don’t exactly remember the order in which these next three events happened.
Since during these talks sometimes i’d start to cry, in may my french teacher asked me if i wanted to transfer to her homeroom and i did. It was a lot better there.
Around this time about eight of the kids from my old homeroom went to the principal to talk about this teacher and how her class made them feel unsafe.
Anyway, my backpack is very heavy. I usually have a lot of books in there, until this year I used five subject notebooks, I never clean out my folders and I brought a laptop as well. Even with all this though, my backpack always ends up being heavier than I expected.
So, one day my anger toward this teacher boiled over. On my way out of english class, when she went to say goodbye to me, I shoved her to the side with my backpack. It turns out that broke her hip, and she was out of school for two weeks. When she came back she said she had almost died in the hospital. She also announced her retirement, and that she was going to go and “end racism”, ironically. She knew I was the one who hit her, but she didn’t say anything about that. I was still her favorite, apparently. It left a bad taste in my mouth that she still thought of me like this. Eventually I graduated from that school and I haven’t seen her since.
tldr: A teacher of mine was racist and making a lot of the kids in the class feel unsafe, and she tried to keep me from arguing with her about it, so I hit her with my backpack and broke her hip, almost killing her.
What are these acronyms?
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shelbystales · 1 year
Ceramic Lessons - Part Three
Cillian Murphy X Reader - Masterlist
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Previous parts: 1 - 2
Summary: after much insistence from his sister, Cillian attends a ceramics class with her. To his surprise, he feels a connection to the teacher, you. Will this connection go any further or will it be smashed like a bad ceramic project?
Warning: smut smut smut. Mention of abusive relatjonship
A/N: this is my first time writing for Cillian, so a small reminder that this has nothing to do with his real life.
English is my second language, so I apologize in advance for any grammar mistake
The next day, you were getting ready for your date with Cillian. You felt a bit nervous, a flutter in your stomach, and an excitement you hadn't felt in a while. After taking a long shower, you went through your usual skincare routine, applied your lavender-scented lotion, did your skincare routine, styled your hair, and now you were sitting on your bed, staring at your closet, thinking about what to wear. In the end, you decided on a black midi slip dress with a crochet cardigan.
Once you picked out your accessories, your phone buzzed with a notification from Cillian. "Hey, I'm leaving. I’ll be there in 15 min"
"okk" you sent back. You had exchanged a few messages after he got your number.
You took a deep breath and glanced at the mirror one last time. You looked good and you felt good.
As you stepped outside, you noticed the weather was a bit colder than expected. Soon enough, Cillian arrived, his car pulling up by the curb. He stepped out, looking charming in a simple beige linen button-down shirt and black jeans. He looked so charming. As he approached you he had a warm smile, his hands slightly shoved into his pockets.
"Hey," he greeted, his eyes locking onto yours, and you felt a tingling sensation in your chest.
"Hi," you replied, returning his smile.
He left a kiss on your cheek and said, "You look stunning," making you feel even better about yourself.
"Thank you. You look good too... very handsome," you praised him, playfully tugging on the middle of his shirt where the buttons were.
"Thank you. Shall we?" he said, motioning toward his car. You nodded and followed him in.
The car ride was short and accompanied by easy conversation and laughter. He was so easy to talk to. He asked about your day, and you told him you spent most of it making a series of kitchen utensils for a restaurant.
You arrived at a restaurant you had never heard of before, but it had a nice appearance. The interior was cozy and dimly lit with many candles, with soft music playing in the background. As you were led to your table, you couldn't help but admire the charming decor and the warm atmosphere. Arriving at your table, Cillian pulled out your chair, a gesture that made you smile.
The waiter handed you the menu and left, giving you both the chance to browse through the options. You were pleasantly surprised by the variety of vegetarian choices available.
“This is a lovely, place,” you said
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it. The food looks good” he said, with a cute smile. You both continued perusing the menu, occasionally sharing a comment or two about the dishes that caught your eye.
“So, I didn't get a chance to ask in the car. How was your day?” you asked starting the conversation
“Good. Nothing too special spent the day with my son. Took him to the zoo” he answered making you smile
“Your son? didn't know you had a son, tell me more about him” you asked genuinely interested
Cillian's smile grew as he began to share. "Yeah, I have a son. His name is Lukas. He's eight years old, and he's the most energetic and curious kid you'll ever meet” You smiled seeing how he talked about his boy “I was surprised to see how many random facts he knew about the animals in the zoo today” he chuckled
“He sounds adorable,” you said, imagining a young boy enthusiastically rattling off animal facts.
Cillian nodded, his eyes lighting up with fondness. "He definitely is. He keeps me on my toes, that's for sure. But I wouldn't have it any other way."
“If you don’t mind me asking, why didn’t things work out between you and his mom?” you asked a bit unsure about the question
Cillian's expression turned more serious as he considered your question. "No, I don't mind at all. We're getting to know each other,” he smiled, making you feel less inquisitive. “It's a long story, but in short, we just grew apart over time. Our priorities and goals shifted, and we realized that we were heading in different directions." He sighed softly, his gaze briefly distant.
“So you guys went your separate ways friendly?” you asked, and he chuckled, shaking his head.
“No… that didn’t happen. It wasn't an easy divorce."
“Oh, sorry about that. we don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to” you said giving him a way out if he wanted to. The waiter came and took your orders, forcing a pause in the conversation. Cillian ordered an expensive bottle of wine as well.
"It's alright," Cillian replied, offering you a small smile. "I don't mind talking about it. It's a part of my life, after all. She had an affair while I was away shooting"
“Oh, I am sorry,” you said
“You have nothing to be sorry about” he gave you a gentle smile “She wanted to make things work, but I didn't. She didn't let us go easily, made it tough for me to leave. Put Lukas in the spot and that wasn't nice," he explained, and you listened with a caring and understanding look. But then Cillian's smile returned. "So, tell me more about your day. Making kitchen utensils, was it?"
You chuckled, relieved to switch to a lighter topic.
"Yeah, besides the classes, I take some orders from places like restaurants, hotels... anywhere, really," you smiled.
"That's nice, I must say you are very good at it," he said, making you blush.
"Thank you, you're very kind."
The waiter brought the wine, and when he inquired who would sample it first, Cillian volunteered you, making you smile. What a kind gentleman, you thought as you took the initial sip. After your approval, the waiter proceeded to pour the wine into your glass and then into Cillian's.
"So it's your turn," he said after sipping his wine. You cocked one eyebrow, waiting for him to continue. "Have you ever been married?"
You nervously smiled. "Ugh, no. But I've been engaged."
"What happened?" he asked.
"Sure, let's talk about it," you said, preparing yourself. "He was abusive."
"Oh," his smile transformed into a concerned face. "We don't have to go there if you don't want to."
"It's okay, as you said, we are getting to know each other," you smiled and continued. "Okay, are you ready?" you asked, and he nodded. "We broke up around three years ago. Like any normal relationship, it started well. He was kind at first, treated me like a queen until he had me. After we started dating, he began showing tiny red flags that I ignored because I was in love with him. Eventually, those tiny flags weren't so tiny anymore. He became jealous and aggressive, especially around the time he proposed. And after about half a year, I think, everything's a bit confusing from that time, he started hitting me whenever he got angry. That was the red flag I couldn't ignore. So, I broke things off, and he almost killed me because of that. He's in jail now," you finished, and Cillian took a sip of his wine.
"That's awful, y/n. I'm sorry you had to go through that," he said with genuine sympathy.
"Yeah, me too. But hey, after that, I went through a lot of therapy, and that's when I fell in love with ceramics. I went on a very long journey of getting to know myself. I guess that was the silver lining," you said with a small smile. “Now, I guess I can affirm that I am my best self,” you said confidently. Cillian nodded, a look of admiration in his eyes.
“Yes, you can,” he smiled. “You're very strong," his statement, though already familiar to you, made you blush. It's always nice to be recognized. “How did you end up not eating meat?”
"Political statement," you answered, a curious look forming on his face.
"Oh really? Tell me more," he said, his curiosity piqued, making you chuckle.
“hum, ok. First, meat is a very expensive resource and consumes a significant amount of resources – water, grains, and land. We could definitely put those resources to better use, perhaps even tackling hunger issues. And we have all that save water, reduce usage, turn off your faucets while you brush your teeth… while one cow drinks up to 64 liters of water per day. And its exploitation of animals’ lives I don’t agree. I think it's a bit cruel”
“Wow, you have some fair points. Never thought much about it. Was it hard, giving up meat?” he said
“Yeah… I loved a good steak” you chuckled “but I transitioned slowly and sometimes I crave it, and I must admit once in a while I give into my cravings” you smiled shyly
“You do enough, what's once in a while, right?”
“Right” you chuckled
The waiter arrived with the food, the aroma filled the air, making your stomach growl in anticipation. The two of you exchanged a knowing glance and thanked the waiter before digging into your meals.
As you savored the flavors of the dish, you realized that despite the heavy topic of conversation earlier, the atmosphere between you and Cillian remained light and comfortable.
“This is really good,” you said and he smiled
“Yeah, it’s very flavorful,” he said
As you ate, the conversation continued to flow effortlessly between you, touching on various topics from hobbies to travel aspirations. He told you about his projects and you told yours.
The more you talked, the more you felt a genuine connection forming. It was refreshing to be with someone who was not only easy to talk to but also genuinely interested in getting to know you.
After finishing your meal, the waiter came to clear the table and offered dessert options. You both declined, feeling content with the satisfying dinner you had just enjoyed. Cillian leaned back in his chair, a relaxed smile on his face.
"I have to admit, this has been a really wonderful evening," he said, his eyes meeting yours.
"I feel the same way," you agreed, genuinely pleased with how the evening had turned out.
As the waiter brought the check, you reached for it, but he stopped you with a playful smile. "Oh no, this one's on me," he insisted, taking the bill from the waiter.
You chuckled, shaking your head. "Alright then, I won't argue. Thank you."
With the bill settled, you both stood up from the table and made your way outside. The night air was colder than before, but your cardigan was doing a good enough job of keeping you warm. You followed Cillian to his car, and as you reached it, he went to open the door for you. Your bodies closed in on each other, and in a bold move, you placed a hand on his chest and leaned closer. He responded by leaning in as well, and your lips met.
The kiss was soft and gentle, as your lips touched, you felt a warmth spread from the point of contact, igniting a spark of electricity that seemed to course through your veins. the soft pressure of his lips against yours, the faint taste of the wine you had shared lingering on both of your mouths.
You felt his hand on your waist, pushing you closer to him. His other hand rested on your neck, holding your face gently.
As the kiss gradually ended, your face remained close, his nose brushing against yours. A contented sigh escaped your lips as the excitement of the kiss lingered in the air. "Hm, I hope that was ok," you mumbled, feeling a bit flustered.
"More than okay," he replied with a smile, and you couldn't help but grin, your heart racing. With that, he opened the car door for you, and you got in, your cheeks still flushed from the wonderful kiss. As he started to drive, you couldn't help but replay the kiss in your mind.
“Here we are,” he said as he pulled up in front of your apartment.
“Thank you, I had a wonderful night,” you said, unbuckling your seatbelt.
“Me too,” he said with a smile.
You leaned in for a hug, but as you pulled away, your lips seemed to gravitate toward each other. His gaze was intense, his desire palpable. The kiss that followed was more intense than the last, his hand rested on your thigh, pressuring it the right amount. A tingling sensation coursed through your body, anticipation growing with every second.
“Hm, do you want to… go up?” you asked, your voice laced with a mix of desire and uncertainty.
Cillian's eyes held a mix of longing and respect as he looked at you, his hand still resting on your thigh. He nodded slowly, his voice low and husky. "If you're comfortable with it, then yes." his thumb brushed against your thigh in a reassuring gesture.
You felt your heart race, a combination of excitement and nervousness flooding your senses. With a small smile, you nodded back, your hand finding its way to his cheek as you leaned in to kiss him a short kiss.
A mixture of emotions swirling within you as you both got out of the car. Walking into your apartment building, Cillian's hand found yours, and you intertwined your fingers.
Your apartment building is a bit old and does not have an elevator. You live on the third floor and the stairs are the only way up.
“Here we are,” you said as you reached your door. Opening the door, you led him inside, your hands still intertwined.
Your apartment was a simple, cozy, and inviting space, designed with a mix of modern simplicity and urban jungle aesthetics. The open layout of the loft allowed for an easy flow between the different areas.
The furniture was a blend of neutral tones and natural textures, with comfortable cushions and throws strewn across the seating areas. A variety of potted plants and hanging vines added a touch of lushness to the urban atmosphere, giving your space a calming and earthy vibe. The rich green hues of the plants contrasted beautifully with the muted color palette of the walls and furnishings.
The kitchen area was sleek and modern, with stainless steel appliances and marble countertops. A few ceramic pieces that you had crafted adorned the shelves, showcasing your creative touch.
Cillian's gaze swept over the space, and a smile tugged at his lips. "You have a beautiful home," he remarked, his voice sincere.
"Thank you," you replied, warmth spreading through you. "Do you want something to drink? Water? Or wine?" you offered with a smile.
He took a few steps towards you, his hand finding its place on your waist. "Thanks, I'm good," he said, his voice hoarse, leaning in to kiss you. Your arms wrapped loosely around his neck. His fingers trailed gently down your spine, reaching your lower back and pushing you against him. "If you say stop, anytime, we stop. If you say it in thirty seconds or an hour, we stop, ok?" he asked, breaking the contact, and as soon as he did, you found yourself desperately wanting him again.
"Ok," you replied almost in a whisper and leaned in to kiss him.
The kiss deepened, a surge of intensity passing between you. Your fingers entwined in his hair, pulling him closer as you arch your lower back.
You could feel his heartbeat, steady and strong, beneath your chest pressed to his.
His hand moved from your lower back to your ass, squeezing it. Your hips moved forward, drawing you closer to him, and you could feel his hardness pressing against you.
Shit, your legs felt weaker than normal. You were overwhelmed by the sensation of being desired and so horny for him.
One of his hands went to your hair, his fingers tangling in the strands before he firmly, yet gently, pulled it, tilting your head back, granting him access to your neck.
"Fuck," you sighed, feeling a wave of desire wash over you as his movement consumed you.
His lips began to trail down the soft, lavender-scented skin, leaving soft kisses and gentle bites. Eventually, his lips reached your ear, and the sensation and sound of his breath made you shiver.
“Should we go to your room?” he asked, and you sighed, nodding.
You led him to your room, feeling a mixture of anticipation and nervous excitement. As you entered, his eyes scanned the space, taking in the details of your urban jungle-themed decor. The room was softly illuminated by the warm glow of string lights hung around the bed frame and as the living room, you had many potted plants scattered around.
He closed the door behind him, his eyes locking onto yours with a mix of desire and tenderness.
His hand found yours, fingers intertwining as he pulled you closer. The distance between you disappeared, and his lips met yours once again in a passionate kiss. Your heart raced as his hands roamed over your body, his touch igniting a fire within you. His fingers danced along the edges of your clothing, fingers grazing your skin, making your cardigan slip from your shoulders and fall to the ground.
Embracing the same fervor, your hands found the hem of his shirt, slipping underneath the fabric to explore his abdomen and back. A soft moan escaped his lips as you traced the contours of his body. The anticipation between you both grew as his shirt joined your cardigan on the floor. His bare chest was revealed to your hungry gaze, and the desire in his eyes mirrored your own.
Your gaze was intense, and as your lips met again, his hands caressed your skin while he gently pulled up your midi dress. The soft fabric slid over your body, revealing more of your bare skin to him.
“You’re so beautiful” he whispered, as his lips left a trail of kisses from your neck down to your collarbone.
He took a few small and slow steps towards your bed, all the while maintaining the contact of your bodies.
His hands continued their exploration, tracing the curves of your body. As his fingers worked to unhook your bra, you found yourself lost in the moment, completely caught up in the intoxicating chemistry between you two.
His lips left your collarbone to give your breasts some attention, kissing, nibbling, and sucking at them. The sensations he evoked were electrifying, and you couldn't help but let out a soft moan as he pressed his body against yours, the heat radiating between you.
You moved your hand to his belt and began to unbuckle it, then you undid the button and the zip of his fly, sliding his pants down.
He gently pushed you to lay on the bed, his body hovering over yours. Kissing you tenderly from your lips to your chest, then around your belly, finally reaching your panty. He pushed your legs apart and kissed you through your panty making you let out a moan, making more and more turned on. He left wet kisses on your inner thighs, eventually brushing his teeth, taking his time on making you ready for him.
You were growing impatience and rather desperate for his touch, you buckled up your hips, hoping he would get the message. You felt the vibration of his chuckle and he looked up at you.
“You’re being impatient,” he said, his voice making waves of pleasure rush over you.
“I am,” you said and he smirked
“Well, I’m not,” he said as he brushed his lips around your inner thighs.
he moved up, kissing your lower abdomen, kissing all around your panty. You could feel your juices leaving you and wetting your panty. One of his hands reached up to your breasts, squeezing it as he kissed you over your panty again. His other hand squeezed your inner thigh and brushed his finger over your panty.
“Jesus, Cillian. You’re going to kill me” you said out of breath, hazed with desire and he chuckled
His finger found the hem of your panty, sliding it to the side. His eyes locked on your face as he slid his finger between your folds.
“You are so wet,” he said as a praise
“After all of that, impossible not to,” you said chuckling, making him smile. He moved to take your panty out and tossed it on the floor.
he kissed one of your toes and trailed kisses up to your inner thigh.
You let out a moan as you felt his tongue on your clit, arching your back but he stilled you, holding your hips firmly. He began to alternate the movement of his tongue between light and intense strokes, adjusting according to your responses. He could hear your breathing harder and faster, assuming you were getting closer. Your moans began to sound more labored.
His lips closed on your clit, as sucked it, making you feel a shock of pleasure never felt before
“Fuck!” you let out, groaning deep in your throat, setting your head back into the pillow
You didn't know how he did but, in a matter of seconds you felt your abdomen burst into an incredible feeling, you arched your back again as the orgasm washed over your body. His tongue only stopped its movements when you stopped your erratic moves.
He then moved up, his lips meeting yours.
“Shit, that was something…” you said out of breath, he smiled
“Do you have a condom?” he asked and you nodded
“Top drawer” you indicated to your bedside table. He stood up to take his briefs out and search for the condom. As soon as he opened the drawer he saw not only condoms but a few sex toys. He smiled and looked at you, you sat on the bed and gave him a playful smile
“I’m single,” you said and he chuckled, picking up the condom and making his way back to you.
“Next time we could ask them to join,” he said, kissing you.
“Oh, that sounds like a party,” you said smiling as your hand cupped his cock and you started to stroke him gently. H
e sat down on the bed, his back resting against the headboard. He was about to open the condom but stopped when your lips touched the tip of his length. Your tongue flickering around the tip, salty precum leaking out of him. You slowly stroke his hard cock while your tongue continues to tease. Your eyes locked on his as you finally took him into your mouth.
His hand cups your hair, getting it out of the way as you teased him, licking his entire length, from tip to bottom, from bottom to tip. Licking, kissing, and sucking at the head.
Eventually taking his hardness into your mouth.
You started pumping your head, each time taking his cock deeper into your mouth. He dropped his head back, a deep groan leaving his lips.
you continued pumping, your head doing your best not to gag, as your hand held his length, stroking the rhythm of your pumping. His hand eventually wrapped around yours, putting some pressure on it.
“You can hold it harder” he encouraged you. You tightened your grip and continued to pump your head. You eventually used your other hand to cup his balls, caressing and massaging them gently. “fuck, yeah. That’s good” he praised, the grip he had on your hair getting stronger.
You were glad he was responding to your touch, letting you know what he liked, how he liked it.
As you looked at him, you saw fire in his eyes. The way his gaze burned into you, making you crave for him. “Stop, stop, stop,” he said, and you stopped, looking at him a bit confused
“Did I hurt you?” you asked and he shook his head, cupping your face and pushing you into a kiss.
“No, you were amazing” he smiled moving on top of you, making you lay back. He kissed your collarbone and the skin of your chest and breasts.
He took the condom wrap to his mouth and opened it with his teeth so that he could put it on.
You felt him sliding the head of his cock between your entrance, His eyes were locked onto your every reaction. You held his gaze, one hand resting on his back, the other gently cradling the back of his neck. The tension in the air was palpable, the anticipation growing with every passing moment.
He pressured against you, slowly sliding inside. You gasped at the feeling.
You wrapped your legs around his lower back and he started to thrust gently and slowly into you. His mouth wrapped yours, kissing you with the same intensity of his thrusts, slowly, savoring every feeling.
“Feels so good” you moaned against his lips
“So fucking good” he agreed, speeding up, every thrust going deeper, you matching his moves, pulling your hip up at every move. You both rocking together.
he ran his hands through your hair, caressing you as he smiled at you, kissing your lips. He was so kind, so caring and you loved it… but you wanted him to be a bit more.. intense.
“Harder” you whispered against his lips.
He looked at you with a smirk, his thrusts intensifying, making you moan louder. digging your nails into his skin at every thrust hitting you deeper and deeper. One of his hands cupped your breasts, pinching at your nipples.
Then, his fingers went to your clit, rubbing it intensively. He didn’t have to do much, you were so turned on, so ready that you quickly felt that knot in your stomach grow and another orgasm washed over you, making you loudly moan, your nails scratching the skin on his back.
“Fuck” you moaned breathlessly, recovering from your orgasm. “let me ride you,” you said and he simply turned you both on the bed, you ending on top.
There’s something about being on top that just turns you on. You feel like you are on top of the world. you rocked your hips back and forward, hands resting on his chest, his lips half open, small sighs leaving.
You let your head fall back, delighting at the feeling of his cock so deep inside you.
His hands held both sides of your hips, following and encouraging your hip movement. Cillian thought you’ve never looked prettier, the soft light of the room made every curve of your body prettier. He loved how your breasts bounced as you moved, how your lips looked as your moans trailed off them, the sexy pleasure in your face you made every time you lowered your body against his… you looked perfect.
“I’m a bit tired,” you said kissing him, after riding him for a long time
“Let me fuck you from behind,” he said and you smiled, getting off him and getting on all fours.
you felt his hand slide over your spine, resting at your lower back as he lined himself against you before thrusting into you. Both your skins were now glowing with sweat.
As he started thrusting, both his hands squeezed your asscheeks, spreading them apart as he watched his dick disappear inside of you. A gentle slap followed as his movements got faster.
“You feel so good, Cillian. Fuck me harder” you said, thinking he was holding back, being afraid to hurt you… and you were right.
he squeezed your ass again and his thrusts began to be so intense you had to hold into the bedsheets not to fall. You moaned loudly as he did. He slapped your ass again, now a slap that burned on your skin, but at the same time, didn't hurt. Just that right delicious incentive.
“Fuck, y/n” he growled. He was close, you could tell by how his movements began to lose rhythm. And after a few hard thrusts, he came. A loud sighed left his lips as he dropped his body on the bed.
you shifted to lie beside him, your breaths gradually slowing down as you both recovered. He raised one of his arms, inviting you to lay close to him. And so you did. Cillian turned his head to look at you, a genuine smile gracing his lips.
"That was..." he began, his voice still a bit husky, "...incredible." He reached out, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, his fingers trailing down your cheek in a tender gesture.
You returned his smile, feeling a warmth spread through you. "Yeah," you agreed softly, your heart still racing.
He pulled you closer, his arm wrapping around you, and you nestled against his chest, your head resting on his shoulder.
You felt relieved you were able to go all the way with him. You felt a bit scared that it would end up like your previous date, but being with Cillian felt different.
His fingers traded random patterns in your back, as both your breathing were now normal. You lifted your head to look at him and smiled.
Cillian gently brushed his fingers through your hair, and you moved to place a kiss on his lips.
“Thank you for today” you said and he smiled
“Did you have a good time?” he said
“You bet I did” you chuckled
“Good, let's do it again then”
“Absolutely” you said and kissed his lips again.
He looked at his wristwatch and sighed “I have to go. Sile has Lukas for the night”
“Ok” you both sat up and began the search for the clothes around the room.
After getting dressed you accompanied him to the entrance of your building and you said goodbye with a gentle kiss.
Tags: I am currently working on the taglist for this series. If you want to get tagged leave a comment letting me know 😘
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pagemasters · 6 months
Fantasies He…
Author’s notes: So after reading so many for years I thought maybe it’s my turn to take a crack at it. There’s I think 3 parts to this, with the first one having basically no smut and mostly platonic fluff between Az and Feyre, but part 3? Can’t say the same thing for the middle Archeron sister lmao
I swear this started out to be one part but the story told me otherwise, part 2 is fully drafted I’m just revising and editing
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I’m a very visual person, so enjoy the floor plan of the nursery and a rough sketch of what I think her mural would be and the star! I am a painter if it wasn’t obvious so the whole portion on starfall stars is actually based on how Bob Ross paints his northern lights, just with modifications BUT I haven’t tried it myself for this specific purpose. Also the colour of Feyre and Rhys’s stars are the colours of the first ones that hit them during Starfall btw! I love the platonic relationships between the inner circle and we don’t get enough of it
If you enjoyed it I would love u forever if you let me know!! :)
Ps. Omg dialogue is so difficult to make realistic but also in character, none of that “hey big brother” etc. shit you see in tv shows where you’re like who tf says that to their sibling ?? Ps.ps. I haven’t taken an English writing class for 5 years so if punctuation was wrong let’s pretend it wasn’t LMAO
Azriel spends the day with Feyre, only to get caught in the rain on the way home. Good thing the townhouse is empty. Or is it…
The rain finally decided to make its appearance as Azriel stepped out of the River house. Taking a deep breath, he let the soothing scent wash over him as he relaxed his wings. 
The meeting with Rhys was short, just a weekly update on the goings around the other courts and allies, nothing that required the full inner circle to make an appearance. Something he knew after centuries of this work should be a good thing, but it doesn’t stop the pang in his chest at the missed opportunity of seeing her. 
Not that he didn’t try to catch a glimpse of her. He did take a walk through the beautiful home his brother had built for his mate after seeing him, the smell of cedar and masonry long since faded from the construction days; replaced with flowers and candles and the dinner his shadows whispered Nuala and Cerridwen were working on. The scent of paint lingered though, and he discovered the reason why as he got to the residential wing. His High Lady wasn’t in her studio, but he found her nonetheless with a brush in her tattooed hand. 
“I think you missed a spot.” Az said from the doorway, trying to repress his smile at her startled reaction. Even though Feyre and Rhys opted for doorways fashioned with wings in mind, he kept his drawn in tight, not wanting to risk smearing her paint as he stepped inside. 
“Rhys won’t let me use the step ladder without him holding it. And me. And the bump.” Feyre twisted to look up from her spot on the floor and smiled in greeting before lowering the brush to pat her stomach in emphasis. She gave her mate’s antics an affectionate eye roll and shake of her head before releasing a heavy sigh, glancing back at her work. 
“If I remember correctly,” Az teased, “you are prone to falling quite spectacularly.”
She let out an indignat squawk so loud he had to bite his lips to prevent laughing, her body spinning so fast to face him fully that paint ended up splattering from her brush to the white drop cloth. 
Their flying lessons had ceased for the most part since the war, so watching her fly into a tree or eat rocks wasn’t as common an occurrence— but that’s not to say that still doesn’t happen. Knowledge he happens to be privy to not just as her flight teacher, but as the spymaster, something she’s very aware of if the narrowing of her eyes and mouth hanging open are any indication. 
It’s hard not to notice the similarities between the sisters, when even with your eyes closed the cadence of their speech was also similar. But it was never so apparent between youngest and oldest Archeron as when Feyre’s eyes pinned him in place, the expression of mock outrage was so much like Nesta’s it was almost comical. 
“Ruuuude,” she said, drawing the word out in a whine with pouted lips, no doubt remembering the amount of face plants he’d witnessed when she first began to fly. “I see how you treat your High Lady, Shadowsinger. Just wait, it’s not too late for me to paint a little something in your bedroom.”
“And here I thought pouting and grumbling was beneath royalty, at least you can say you’re a tree hugger.”
She gave him a gesture that was certainly beneath royalty, and he didn’t hold back his chuckle this time. 
“What gave you that idea, have you even met Rhys?” 
“Oh trust me, you should’ve seen him when we were kids.” He said, grabbing her hands to help her stand. “He discovered in a book that while bat wings look identical to ours, the anatomy of their wing is labeled similar to that of the hand. So for them, their talons are their thumbs. After that, he took it upon himself to hang upside down in silent protest whenever he was mad, but didn’t want his mother to wash his mouth out with soap for swearing.”
“He did not.”
“Mhmm, until his faced turned purple.”
“And where were you and Cass for all this?” Feyre said through her giggling, a wide grin of unrestrained joy plastered on her face. 
“He couldn’t have done it alone, a thumbs down by yourself would look stupid.”
“Ah yes, because the three of you hanging upside down like overgrown bats isn’t ridiculous.” She cackled, “How long until he gave it up?”
“A few weeks. After Cassian passed out in the middle of camp and we all got broken capillaries on our faces. Still, a better alternative than the awful tasting soap in Illyria.” 
“What, as opposed to other tasting soap?” He just shrugged, smiling. 
Rhys’s mom’s reaction to warriors dragging them across the rocky ground home was as lively in his memory as she was when she berated them when her son fessed up. She was less thrilled to hear the real reason than Devlon was having passed out children strewn about the place, but she never did call them out on the lie they fed to Devlon about it being a dare when he came banging on their door. That night though when they were more lucid, she brought them on foot to one of the mountains surrounding their outpost and stood them at the opening of a cave. He still remembers the eyes he felt on them, the warning bells ringing from his shadows as she gestures her hands out and said, “If you want to act like bats, you can join them; or you can toughen up, learn how and when to pick battles and what hills are worth to dying on. Because there will be more people who will piss you off, but this is not an option when you’re leading armies. So,” her hazel eyes meeting each of theirs, “What will it be? Do you want to stay here or take the soap and fly right on home.” Needless to say they bolted home with the taste of pine tar suds coating their mouths like a film no amount of water could rid them of the taste. He could still feel the eyes of whatever was in that cave the entire way home, but thank the cauldron he could fly at that point. His heart ached at the memory of the female, the one he knew picked a low cave for him to make her point, just in case. The one his shadows caught a few times after that upside down on the couch after a rough day when she thought she was alone. 
As Feyre’s amusement continued with eyes glazed over—no doubt having a silent conversation with Rhys—Az cleared his throat, his shadows pulling back as he gestured to their surroundings and asked, “So how’s the nursery coming along?” 
“It’s going great,” she replied after a moment, her laughter subsiding as she surveyed the mural.  “I know it’s not geographically correct, and that Starfall and the time when our courts insignia’s stars show don’t overlap, but I couldn’t not include them. I want  him and any possible future child to see the night court as I did when I first fell in love with it and their dad.” 
Indeed, while he knew Rhys was already in love with her, he got to watch Feyre love him back as much as he deserved in real time the longer she was here. And the way she captured the land they all loved so much here was… breathtaking. 
On the wall that held the doorway he just stepped through lay the mountain with the moonstone palace atop it. The first place she saw here. They both knew where the doors to Hewn city rest below, but it was covered by the landscape. As if there were no room for nightmares in this room, even if it was a court this babe may one day rule. 
“I have no idea how you made that mountain so realistic,” he said to her in awe, pointing to the painting adjacent to the wall they just looked at. 
“The crib is going to go right below it when the rooms done. I want it to watch over him.” She replied almost reverently as she looked up. 
The mountain was the tallest of the three she painted, and it looked just as it had on his trek up there with his brothers during the rite. Physically it was practically stone for stone, those three stars lines up overhead perfectly, but the energy differed. Instead of the cold and foreboding thing he remembered on the way up, it seemed almost… euphoric? As if the wild joy and love Rhysand, Cassian and he felt as they made their way to the top and won seeped its way onto the painting. Like the unyielding strength from that mountain and what it brought out of them would guide and protect him, just like it did for the three winged dots surrounding the monolith at the tip. How that was even possible was beyond him. 
He could barely tear his gaze away, but snickered as he saw the tiny but recognizable building at the base of it to the right. “The cabin, huh?”
“Of course, gotta prep him for one day kicking all of your asses during your snowball fight.” She added, blushing. “I put few snowballs flying just for good luck.”
Though he knew the other reason the cabin was significant to Feyre and Rhys, the thought of his future nephew joining their game warmed him. But It did make trying not to focus on other non-winged and winged babies that could one day join in the snowball fight impossible. Children have always been an abstract idea, a figment he knew existed but besides Rhys’s sister, he wasn’t around. And after what happened to her… He thought for a long time he would never have one of his own, but that sentiment start to change in recent years. He could avoid it most days though, but being surrounded by the baby stuff made the hypothetical harder to ignore. The thoughts on if he’d have his own little ones propped on his hip and curled into his chest with their chubby cheeks and inquisitive eyes. If they would have his hazel or her golden brown ones, or something different if they adopted. Would their little hands or clothes or hair get caught in the scales of his armour just like hers did when he took her on her first flight to the town house from the House of Wind, when he held her for the first time. Would Elain… Az paused, stopping that train of thought before it just twisted the knife even further, seeing more things he can’t have. 
His shadows began to circle him, and if Feyre noticed she politely didn’t comment on it before pointing out what she was working on when he interrupted her. 
To the right of the cabin and right were she was sat Velaris, and it really did look like a city of starlight with how she painted the glowing nightscape. He could make out the four markets that were the heart of the city, with extra emphasis on where the town house sat along with the new residence they were currently in. Bisecting through it all, the Sidra River looked so realistic he could probably skip a rock across its surface. It flowed like a living thing, reflecting the lights from the buildings on its edge and even the stars above. Two of which weren’t normal stars. 
Above the city proper and even the flat topped mountain that held the House of Wind was the beginnings of starfall. 
“How-“Azriel could barely get out, “how is this even possible?”
“Perks of now being immortal; plenty of time to practice. And having a husband with wings who takes you to get aerial views.” She simply said gesturing to their city, as if she didn’t create magic with swipes of colours. 
“The green one is mine, and the light blue one is Rhys’s. I’m planning to get everyone to add their own star to the wall.” Now looking him, she smirked. “Which means you came at a perfect time, Shadowsinger. Your turn.”
He gave her an unbelieving expression, shadows instantly vanishing. “You can’t be serious.”
Her eyes twinkled with mischief, “if I trust Cassian with a paintbrush, you’ll be fine. He’s coming by in a few days when he gets a free moment, Nesta and her two friends are keeping him busy with training.” Nesta is keeping him busy with more than just that, it’s a wonder he even has energy to train them. 
But looking at Rhysand’s mate, Azriel saw her glow in a way different from her powers. Feyre radiated joy as her hand cradled her stomach despite barely showing, not caring about paint getting on her already splattered clothes. For his brother, for the friend beside him and his nephew in her womb, he removed his jacket and let out a resounding sigh in defeat. “What do you need me to do?” 
So Feyre excitedly brought him over to her pile of paint tubes on the drop cloth. She grabbed the white and as he selected the colour phthalo blue she went off to prep the clean, dry brushes and a fresh palette for him. 
“So pick the area of the sky you want your star to be, I’d like to keep the inner circle’s additions mostly above Velaris, but I’ll add tiny ones fading out once everyone is done. Amren and Mor are away, Cass is busy and who knows if or when Nesta would want to contribute. That means besides Rhys and I, you have the pick of the litter.”
“What about Elain?” He asked, trying to keep his voice and face as neutral as possible when she handed him a 3 inch brush already dipped in his blue. 
“I’ll drag her in here after dinner when she gets in from the garden. The colour of the sky is already dry which is the important part, so there’s no time constraint on when everyone adds theirs besides my due date.” She gave him a knowing smile which he dutifully ignored, along with the disappointment in his chest as she confirmed Elain wasn’t in. “Now I want you to cover a large area of where you generally want the shape of the star to go, it doesn’t have to be perfect but cover much more than you think you’d need to.”
He hesitates, “won’t this cover up your sky? It’s a dark colour.”
“Just trust me.”
He followed her instructions, cringing as his brush made contact with her beautiful wall and went over the faint background stars she had already done, but relaxed when he saw they were still partially visible. 
Az looked back at her, seeing his shadows lazily inspecting them, as if they wanted a part in the activity their master is occupied with. Feyre playfully eyed the curious one that grazed her hand as she took his current brush from his scarred hand to switch it. “Now with this fan brush, I want you to coat it in the white paint. And as you do so, get a feel for how the bristles bend and move.”
Doing as High Lady said, he got her guidance once he brought the loaded brush to the wall, being sure to dab, not swipe the white in a near full coverage circle followed by a line over the shade of blue he had no idea how to pronounce. 
“So this is where the magic begins,” she stated when he finished and passed a third brush over, a flat paddle one identical to the first and this time a cloth. “You see that perfectly clean teardrop you made? You’re gonna ruin it.”
At the alarmed look he gave her, she just cackled. “I knew you’d make that face, Rhys did the exact same. I want you to very lightly swipe the brush starting at the largest end of the teardrop and out towards the tail of the star. That’s the only motion you’ll be doing. And after each swipe you can gently wipe off the brush before starting again. You can also practice the strokes around the mountain until you feel ready like Rhys did, the sky there is also dry.”
With a deep breath, he took a step away and tried it until he felt like he got the technique she wanted down. This was for his family, he reminded himself, he will not let his nephew down. And despite getting her nod of approval, he still felt like he was going in blind as he did what she said and his jaw dropped. 
Well shit. Now he understood why she wanted him to put down the colour he chose first. 
“The blue is actually transparent; so while it looks dark in the tube, it blends out much lighter. Especially with white under or overtop. You’re doing wet-on-wet blending.” What was once just a bright blob over blue so dark you couldn’t see it on her perfect walls, he could now see how the white faded. How the light and the dark mixed until they became one. So Az wiped the excess off his brush, and continued on and on until it looked similar enough to what she and Rhys created. They fell into a rhythm, Feyre handing him back the fan brush to brighten or a new one with bristles so impossibly soft as they worked as a team. She barely had to tell him what to do now, so with next to no pressure he feathered it out vertical rather than the almost horizontal strokes from before, until only a streak of blue light remained. They could’ve been at this for minutes or hours, he had no idea. He didn’t even question her instruction to use a densely bristled tool he could’ve sworn was a toothbrush to flick on watered down white paint for the star trail. 
“This is incredible, Feyre.” He stated, stepping back at last.
“That wasn’t me, that was all you my friend.” She grinned at him. “Once everyone’s is dry, I’m adding a sheer shimmery paint to make them pop, but even without it you did a beautiful job.”
He felt heat rise to his face, and inclined his head in thanks without removing his eyes from the wall. 
“You certainly have an eye for this, Az. Care to quit and become a painter? I could use an assistant.”
A chill went through him, and he started to turn in her direction before the window caught his attention. Dusk must have fallen along with the rain who knows how long ago. About to rub his temples, Feyre squeaked out a warning before he remembered the task at hand and looked down at himself. The plain black long sleeve shirt covered in splatters didn’t matter, he goes through them like water for work but the paint coating his skin made his stomach drop the same way her jest did. Much different than the red he was used to seeing there, all the blood he still couldn’t wash away.
He can paint a picture with his knife, but nothing like Feyre’s ability of creation. Each slash he makes as delicate and precise a dance as any Nesta favours, but instead it’s to a symphony of screams. And unlike Elain… the only soil he sees is grave dirt. If the bodies make it that far. 
His work is never meant to been seen by others, it’s means to and end, a way to protect his family and his court. Unlike their work, where it would be a crime to hide it from the world.
“Tempting offer, Cursebreaker,” Az murmured, swapping the dirty cloth for a damp one his shadows brought him. Paying close attention to his siphons and not his scars, he still didn’t feel clean enough no matter how hard he wiped the paint from his skin. “Sadly, I don’t think your mate would be too thrilled to have to hire someone else to feed the creatures in Hewn City.”
She snorted, making a lighthearted comment about at least no one had to feed Byraxis, for now… The forced tease in her voice didn’t fool him as she realized she must’ve hit a nerve, but he appreciated her effort anyway.
“I do have to head out, but I’ll pop by soon to see the progress when I drop off paperwork.” He told her, his lips pressed to the top of her head and shockingly made contact with her hair in a brief farewell. Rhys must’ve lessened the shield knowing Az was with her, but not by much considering both her and the babe’s scent was still concealed. 
Feyre did invited him to stay for dinner which he politely declined. It wouldn’t be served for an hour, but he needed space and to fly to clear his head—still feeling like if he looked down he’d be dripping blood that didn’t belong to him as he made his was out. He did try not to rush out as he walk through the maze of supplies strewn about the covered floor, keeping his wings high even as his shadows tugged at him, but he had a feeling she knew his reason for leaving. Well, at least the other reason. 
Lightning cracks through the sky, snapping Azriel out of his memories. Damn, He must be more tired than he thought. If breaking one of the cardinal rules of flying—also known as “PAY ATTENTION JACKASS!” by his brothers when they taught him—wasn’t enough, he’s not even going to the right place. Despite not living there for years, he’d been heading towards the town house and not the House of Wind. 
The storm just seems to be picking up, but at least with the downpour he no longer felt the warm spray of blood coating him rather than the paint, he just felt nothing at all. Well, nothing besides wanting to get the fuck home. Az really didn’t have the energy to fly up a mountain or winnowing through this even if it wouldn’t be his first time. But considering how often lightning hits the rocks rather than the surrounding city, crashing at the town house is easiest. It’s for the best, with it sitting empty now. At least he’d be alone. 
Az pauses mid-flight though, when he notices the lights already on inside. And the smoke rising from the chimney only to dissipate in the rain.
What the hell? Who would be dumb enough to break into their high lord and inner circle’s home? It’s not like it’s broadcasted who owns the house but it’s pretty common knowledge after this long. 
At least storms can be a great tool for his field of work, it’s almost a blessing in disguise he plans to use to its full advantage. Landing atop the roof as gently as possible, he ensures his wing beat blends in with the rain like it has hundreds of times before. Using his siphons to unlock the door and slipping inside, the creak of the hinge merely just a gust of wind as he shuts it behind him. 
That’s when the smell of jasmine and honey hits him so strongly he has to bite back his moan. But it seems like he was the only one who did. 
Because mixed within that scent ingrained in his brain, is Elain’s arousal. 
And she’s…
Oh fuck. 
Fuck fuck fuck fuck
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tamales78 · 5 months
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Series: Teacher!Slenderman X OC!Reader
Chapter 2
Warning: Teacher X Student relationship, College Teacher &Student, Mention & use of drugs, smut 18+, reader is 21, alcohol use
Summary: Amelia is used to being a straight-A student since middle school. Her English teacher Professor Slender grades her an F after finding out she used AI. How will she be able to keep her good grades? And have the English teacher do her favors?
"YOU DIDN'T!" Jane gasped as Amelia nodded sipping her latte as they sat at the cafe table.
"I damn sure did!"
Jane began laughing making her nearly choke on her blueberry muffin.
"So, you going to Jeff's party?" Nina asks Amelia.
"Maybe. To be honest, I don't know. I don't really want to go, Nina."
"Why do you want to go other than to hook up with a guy who has clearly shown you no interest?" Jane asked Nina.
"Yeah, Nina. Last time, E.J. told me that he was planning on asking a girl out at this so-called party."
"It might be me! Is it?! Is it?! TELL ME!" Nina grabbed Amelia shaking her back and forth.
"I-I don't know!"
Amelia trembled at just the sight of her English teacher's door. After yesterday's outburst, she was sure he definitely would make her fail. So with a big gulp, she grew confident and walked in.
The few students that came also gulped and their eyes widened at seeing her. They all watched at her fearing for her.
When Slender walked in with the suitcase in hand they all expected him to call her out, however, they were surprised when he simply began passing out papers after the bell rang.
After he handed a kid a packet, five students walked in calmly with no bother in the world. They were dead. Slender hated-no he despised students who came in. Especially, if it showed that they had no care in the world.
"Why are you five late?" He angrily asked them.
"We were talking to some friends, jeez." One of them rolled their eyes as they walked to their desks.
"Talking? You came in late to my class 'cause you were talking?"
"Uhh, are you deaf?"
Slender chuckled walking to the kids desking and standing in front of him. He slams the packet on his desk jumping the kid.
"You and your four friends are to complete this assessment on paper by tomorrow." He informs the kid before passing his friends with the same packet.
"Oh, and since you decided to be a smart mouth also make sure to write another essay talking about why it's important to respect your peers. This goes to you four as well." Slender glares at them before going to Amelia and handing her a packet.
She expected Slender to ask her to do the same thing but she was astounded when he simply handed her the paper and passed it to the rest of the class.
"The rest of you, you're to simply write me what's in the packet. Based on the notes you guys did yesterday." Slender eyes Amelia making her look down in embarrassment.
"Your prompt is on the document. Articles are already provided for you, however, you're free to use other articles. Start working on your essay, meanwhile, I'll be talking to someone outside. Amelia come with me." Slender announces before heading out with a paper in hand.
Amelia gulps and gets up as she feels everyone's eyes on her. When she exits the class, Slender closes the door behind her and turns back to her.
"You do remember why you're here, right?"
Amelia nods looking down at her teacher in shame. Slender chuckles catching her off-guard and slightly scaring her.
"It humors me how a girl like you who was top of her class seems to be so..."
"So, confusing." He chuckles looking down at her.
"My brothers and all your other teachers adore you, yet I somehow can't see it."
"Maybe, 'cause they value my work?"
Slender leans closer handing Amelia the paper. She expected it to be a detention slip, however, she held her breath when she saw the evidence of her grade check.
Her notes from yesterday now had an "A" instead of a "C". Along with the same essay she was doing while talking shit about the man in front of her.
"Maybe, you were right." He chuckled as Amelia looked up at him.
She nearly teared up and Slender could sense it.
"S-Sorry." She sniffed wiping her teary eyes.
"No, i should apologize."
Amelia nodded looking up at him and her teary eyes nearly brought him to his knees. With his hand he wipes the tear away, catching both of them off-guard.
"Hey, Nina I won't be able to go." Amelia tells her friend as she walked to the library to start on the essay Slender left her.
"WHAT?! PLEASE! Jane won't go! She says she's busy doing something for her art class with Liu!"
"She so has a crush on him." Amelia teases stopping by her schools coffee stand to get a ice latte.
"Right! I even think they're already hooking up!"
"Why do you think that?"
"So, the other day she told me she was gonna go to yours, however, after you told me how you were studying for Splendor's class, that's when L.J told me he saw her exit Liu's room!"
"$4.99." The barista tells Amelia.
She nods listening to the rest of the gossip, however, before she can hand him the money a familiar hand gives the barista a 20-dollar bill.
"Make sure to get me the same thing but warm, I'll pay for hers," Slender tells the barista as he turns to Amelia who accidentally focuses on him instead of Nina.
"T-Thank you, profe-"
"Just call me Slender." He smiles at Amelia as the barista hands him his change.
"So, where are you heading if you don't mind telling me?"
"Oh, um to the library." She tells Slender.
"One Ice and a hot latte." The barista tells them.
Slender takes both of them and hands Amelia her iced latte.
"So, what do you think about the prompt?"
"Umm, well I do think it's pretty simple." She tells him as they walk side by side.
Slender nods taking a sip of his coffee and looks down as he walks by her side. He doesn't know why but all of a sudden his sight began drifting from her soft plumpy lips to down the valley of her breast, her curves, and down her ass.
Amelia pretended to not notice, and if she was honest she would freak out. However, she didn't care. It was weird. If he were another guy she would be running away from him, or even making the shit out of him. Both verbally and physically!
"So, how long have you been teaching?"
"Well, I have five years here." He nodded looking away and only looking at her lips as she smiled up at him.
"Where are you heading, if you also don't mind me asking?" They both laugh and continue walking.
"Back home to grade some papers." He nods as they come to a halt.
"Good luck, Amelia." He nods taking a detour.
Slender turns back to Amelia and his eyes immediately meet her blue ones.
"I'm sorry for my behavior yesterday... and for talking smack about you."
Slender chuckles nodding and smiling at his student.
"Let's leave it in the past, Amelia." He smiles walking away from Amelia, leaving her a blushing and slightly panting mess.
"Oh my gosh!" Nina yelled from the other line, as Amelia bit her lip.
"I'm so fucked."
As she sat during class, for once she was distracted. And not at the assignment.
Amelia bit her pen as she watched the way Slender's grey dress shirt hugged his muscles. She had to hold back from breaking the pen as she began looking at the way his pants slightly hugged his waist and his ass.
She had to cross her legs just to feel some sort of friction as her panties grew wetter.
"Who here has already started the essay?" Slender asked, and a few along with Amelia raised their hands.
"If you wish for any help tell me." He nods eyeing Amelia who eyed him back and kept on biting her pen.
Slender began walking around and began walking indirectly towards Amelia.
"Need help?" He whispers leaning into her ear.
"Yeah," She lies.
Slender knew she didn't need help. He knew this assessment was a piece of candy for Amelia.
"Do you want the evidence to be in MLA format?" She asks him as all Slender pays attention to the cleavage of her breasts.
"As long as you make the point clear, Amelia." He growled out her name bringing a shiver up her spine and down her dripping core.
"Mhm," She nods as she continues to type into her laptop.
His hands caressed hers as he began walking to help another student. Throughout the whole class, they eyed one another and Amelia forgot about the essay in front of her.
When the bell rang, Amelia was the last to leave and as she walked out she spared Slender one last glance while he put some papers into his briefcase. Slender looked back at her and smiled softly when she giggled and walked out.
"I only need to finish three paragraphs, Nina. So, I'll only be there for you for a little while. Okay?"
Nina nodded squealing as Amelia added lipgloss to complete her look. As they got off their Uber they were pulled into a hug by E.J. who dragged them inside the house.
"Is Jane with you?!" E.J. yelled over the loud music.
"She's doing a work with Liu!" Amelia winks turning to Nina only to find her gone and probably looking for Jeff.
"So she's not here?!"
Amelia shakes her head turning to Hoodie as he snorts some white powder which Amelia is familiar with. Toby sat drinking a beer, meanwhile, Masky took a blunt from some random girl as she gave him a lap dance.
"Have you guys seen, Jeff?" Amelia asked them as she sat by Toby's side.
"Waiting for Jane." A drunk Toby tells Amelia.
"Why? She's not here."
"WHAT?!" All three guys yell out.
"She's working on an assignment!"
"Weren't you working on Slender's essay?" Hoodie asked her.
"I'm almost done! I'm just here for a little for Nina."
"Wait, where is she?"
"Looking for Jeff," Amelia tells them before taking a shot, and getting up to look for her friend.
"Anne!" Amelia yelled to her nursing friend who turned to her.
"I thought you med-students were not into parties!" Amelia jokes as Anne hugs her.
"I needed a break!" She laughs handing Amelia another shot.
"CHEERS TO FUCKING STRESS!" Amelia yelled out loud enough for her friends to hear.
Anne laughs and with Amelia takes a shot.
"Have you seen Nina?"
"She went upstairs! Jeff's upstairs!" She tells her before going back to talk to her friends.
Amelia walked upstairs and stumbled through the hall, as the alcohol took over her system. She laughed and stumbled open a door finding Nina crying and Jeff across from her.
"N-Nina, look I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong signs, but I was planning on asking Jane." Amelia hears Jeff confess to the girl who was obsessed with him.
"Fuck you and Jane!" She screamed out to Jeff before turning to Amelia.
"Did you know? Of course, you did!"
"What? Nina, no-"
"You did! You said E.J. told you!"
"Wait he told you?!" Jeff gasps afraid Jane knows, however, as if on cue E.J. comes rushing upstairs.
"DUDE YOU TOLD HER?!" Jeff pointed at Amelia.
"No!" E.J. yelled turning to Amelia.
"Nina, E.J. only told me Jeff was planning on asking a girl! He didn't tell me who! Plus, I told you!"
"N-No, t-that's not what I mean."
Nina walks out pushing the tipsy Amelia out of her way.
"Thanks, E.J." Amelia sniffed as he led her to her dorm.
"Anytime." He nods opening her door for her.
"Hey, remember your essay for Slender."
"Fuck, I forgot." She groans throwing her heels to the floor, and E.J. chuckles.
"Dude, just use ChatGpt. I bet he won't notice."
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ash5monster01 · 9 months
Goes On Chapter One
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Pairing: Charlie Dalton x OC!FemReader
Warnings: 18+, depression, mentions of suicide, heavy topics, eventual smut, slow burn romance, fluff, gender themes/stereotypes.
Summary: Against his best efforts Charlie has to start at a new preparatory school after the tragic events that took place at Welton. The very events that led to the loss of his best friend and getting expelled in the first place. He has no plans to make friends let alone get close to anyone ever again. That is until he meets Evelyn and her interesting group of friends. No matter how hard he tries to push them away he finds it to be impossible. So he caves and in the end learns that life can still be enjoyable even if it feels like everyone is against you.
word count: 2.6k
Prologue ←→ Two
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Ridge Academy, NY
Coming back from break was always the worst. The good part was you knew you were already halfway there. The bad part was now it was time to get serious. No more silly Holidays or breaks. Now it was time for excessive studying, finals, and college applications. It meant being real for the next five months. The teachers knew this to which explained why Evelyn had a mountain of books to carry in her arms and enough homework to keep her up all night.
At least she had English. The one class she wouldn’t mind having an excessive amount of work. As long as she got to read and write it would be okay. A whole forty minutes to relax and enjoy the only lesson of the day that wouldn’t bore her entirely. Something to clear her mind. Or at least she thought.
“Isn’t he so cute, I told you” Evelyn heard Laurie whisper to Violet as she plopped down in her seat next to her. Laurie was the school gossip, most popular, most blonde, most perfect, and an in on every secret that flooded through the school. She had the power to be friends with anyone and for some reason she had chosen Evelyn and her friends.
Violet on the other hand was more outspoken. Gentle, kind, blue eyes as deep as the ocean and hair as dark as a raven. She had been Evelyn’s roommate the entirety of their time at the Academy and best friend in the world. So if Violet was part taking in Laurie’s gossip it only made sense Evelyn did too.
“Who’s cute?” Evelyn asked as she slid into her desk beside them and the two girls instantly shushed her, students turning, and giving the three confused looks.
“The new guy, he was in my math class” Violet whispered and Laurie nodded behind her, a grin etched across her face. New students meant fresh meat for Laurie. New gossip, new excitement, and possibly someone new to flirt with.
“Yeah he was in Latin with me first period. Real mysterious and quiet. It’s hot” Laurie spoke and Evelyn chuckled at her blonde friends antics. Only she could romanticize the idea of a new guy in Latin class with Mr. Miller who was bald and fat, and for some reason always smelled like moth balls.
“Well I wanna see the new guy” Evelyn pouted, now intrigued by the fact there was a new student randomly in the middle of the year and she not only hadn’t seen him yet but had been so busy with school she didn’t even hear about it.
“Don’t worry if you don’t have a class with him I heard he’s rooming with Nate” Violet said speaking of their male best friend. Nate hadn’t mentioned getting a new roommate but they also hadn’t really had the chance to see each other since they came back from the Holidays.
“Wait, quiet, there he is” Laurie hissed before Evelyn could yell about Nate not telling her. Evelyn nearly snapped her neck as she turned to the door where sure enough an unrecognizable boy walked through. His white button down was tucked into his required grey slacks, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up effortlessly. He was cute, and normally she wasn’t one to admit that so quickly.
“Wow” was all she could muster and the girls giggled at their normally not so shocked friend. Evelyn turned to see he had taken one of the open seats in the back, immediately dropping his head as if not to be seen.
“I wonder why he transferred?” Violet whispered back and Evelyn shrugged. Until now she hadn’t known anything of him and she hated that he actually was cute because now there was no way she could focus on class.
“Maybe his parents got a new job” she offered and the girls nodded as they accepted the answer and began to open their English books.
“Alright students today we’re going to be learning a little about Dr. J Evans Prichard” the room froze as a small scoff came from the back of the room, heads turning to spot the new kid.
“Is there an issue-” Mrs. Clark paused as her eyes scanned her papers for the new kids name. “Mr. Dalton?”
“No issue, just clearing my throat” Mrs. Clark rose her eyebrows, unconvinced with his excuse, but moved on nonetheless. Evelyn was surprised by such an outburst from the boy and grew even more curious about him. Suddenly his eyes locked on hers and she quickly turned her head away to avoid being caught staring.
“Well then, let’s open Chapter One of our books, Understanding Poetry” the class moved and did as told as Mrs. Clark got started with the lesson. Evelyn found it wasn’t only the boy that kept her distracted during the lesson but his reaction to the material as well. Why didn’t he like Prichard and how did he even know about him? She figured these were questions she may never get to learn the answers too.
Charlie had grown used to the staring. He figured he’d stick out like a sore thumb considering the fact most of the students were expecting the same old classmates from before. Add in the fact it was during the middle of the year. He thought he’d have fun admiring the girls and being around them considering he now went to a co-ed school but he still didn’t feel enough like himself to care. The Charlie that answered a phone call from God would be disappointed to see him now.
As Evelyn continued throughout her day she noticed the new kid ended up being in all the same classes with her. Guess it didn’t matter he was rooming with Nate because she couldn’t seem to get away from him after English class. With the shared amount of time together she learned he was quiet and mysterious just like Laurie had said, which perked her interest about him even more. So it was a total loss trying to pay attention in any of her classes, she was in another world, curious thoughts swirling her mind about him.
“Hey has anyone seen Nate?” Martin, Violets boyfriend, asked. They were sat in the students lounge, determined to get study group rolling so they didn’t have as much homework to do after dinner. Martin also needed all the help with classes that he could get. Martin wasn’t as smart as the rest of them but he was at least willing to work at it. He was determined and Evelyn figured that was exactly the reason Violet had fallen in love with him. Evelyn now realized that being stuck in her thoughts the rest of the day made her unaware of the fact she hadn’t seen her friend all day or at the very least talked to him.
“No not since lunch” Violet spoke, realizing their friend had been A-wall for a while.
“I’ll go find him” Evelyn popped up, curious herself as to why Nate hadn’t been around all day. She needed a distraction too, she couldn’t start the new semester with clouded judgement.
“Don’t get caught on the boys dorm floor!” Violet called after her, always worried about her careless friend, and Evelyn waved a hand back. Mostly unbothered considering Violet had Martin in their shared room almost every night.
“Nate, why are you hiding?” Evelyn shoved the familiar dorm door open to spot not only Nate at his desk doing homework but the new kid shirtless on the usually empty bed. She had already forgotten her friend had gained the new kid. What a waste of a distraction.
“Eve can you learn how to knock, what if we didn’t have pants on?” Evelyn rose her eyebrows to which the new boy snickered at the look on the girls face. He hadn’t meant to respond but seeing her expression made him laugh. She was cute he thought, someone he might’ve spent more time thinking about if his head wasn’t so crowded with grief.
“If you didn’t have pants on I’d probably be a little concerned as to what you two were doing and then I might’ve snuck a peek” Evelyn shot a wink towards the new boy, figuring if he was so quiet she could mess with him. Charlie was surprised by this response, not realizing the girl from most of his classes could be so outspoken.
“Evelyn could you stop embarrassing me for once, I meant if we were changing” he tried pushing her out the door and she giggled lightly, fighting back and forcing the door open.
“Oh lighten up Nate, it’s all in good fun. I just came to drag your ass to study group, Trig is killing me” she pouted at the boy, knowing he would cave. He always did. Nate held a soft spot for Evelyn and sometimes she abused her power, without even realizing she had it.
“Eve you’re gonna have to learn math at some point” Nate crossed his arms, hoping if he did homework in the dorm he could get his new roommate to open up a little. Martin was a cool guy but him and Nate were on different spectrums and if Martin wasn’t dating Violet he figured they’d never talk to each other.
“Yeah, but todays not that day. Let’s go” Evelyn shoved him towards the door and he sighed as she collected his books. Not willing to take no for an answer.
“Fine, you’re so annoying” Nate huffed as he went to grab his books from her before she messed his notes up. Now free of the books she turned to the new kid, ready to take her opportunity while she had it. The sooner her questions were answered the better off she’d be. No curiosities to keep her distracted.
“You too newbie, let’s move it” Evelyn collected the shirt she saw him wearing earlier from the ground and tossed it at him. He wore a surprised look but quickly collected himself.
“I think I’m okay sweetheart” he quipped and she rose her eyebrows, surprised to hear the confidence in his voice, but she didn’t falter as she held her ground.
“Save the pet names for Nate, we’re studying now” she told him, arms crossing over her chest. Charlie stared at her in shock for a moment and Nate sighed as he looked at Evelyn. The girl he had been in love with since he was thirteen. For a moment he realized having a room mate meant having someone new to steal her away.
“Man, she doesn’t take no for an answer. So save us the time and just come” Nate suggested a little defeated and Charlie looked to the girl, he saw how she held her shoulders high and waited for him to stand. She was brave.
Without answering Charlie stood and shrugged on the button up shirt he had planned on abandoning for the rest of the night. Evelyn grinned in victory as she watched his fingers glide up the buttons and hide away his chest. Evelyn tried her best not to seem too smug but it was hard not to when she had already convinced the new boy to tag along.
“I think you’re cool new kid” Evelyn said as he started to grab his own textbooks. Charlie gave her an amused look before shaking his head.
“It’s Charlie” he corrected her and she shrugged before turning towards the door and leading the pair of boys back to the study group.
“Found him and a straggler” Evelyn announced as she pushed the door open. The friend group turned to find the familiar faces of their friends was accompanied by a new one.
“Of course Evelyn would bully the new kid into spending time with us” Laurie said gesturing to him as they all took their seats at the table.
“I had to, Nate was talking about them not wearing pants together. It was my duty to save him” Charlie was surprised as she grabbed his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. He had never met someone so unbothered by the world around her. Most girls he knew were uptight or dumb.
“She took that out of context, she just opened my dorm door. One of us could’ve been changing” Nate quickly defended himself and the group laughed.
“That won’t stop her Nate, she would’ve enjoyed the view” Violet said and Evelyn let out a proud hmph because that was exactly what she said.
“Well Nate, introduce us to your friend” Laurie leaned forward on the table, dropping the nail file she held in her hands. Evelyn was surprised by the jealousy the bubbled in her stomach as she spotted the way Laurie looked at him.
“This is my new roommate Charlie, he just transferred from Welton” surprised faces appeared as they heard this. Shock filling almost each and every one of the group.
“A Welton boy, guess it is true that they’re all cute” Laurie smirked and Charlie gave a surprised look that these girls were so free willed with their speech. He figured majority of them were shy but maybe this is what happened when you went to a co-ed school.
“How did a Welton boy end up here of all places?” Violet asked him, curious as to how you could go from one of the best schools to here.
“Yeah, I tried to get into Welton and they denied me. Weird that someone who actually could attend comes here?” Martin asked a bit surprised. He already struggled at Ridge, Welton took one look at his grades and said hell no.
“You guys know you’re a prep school too right?” Charlie asked and Evelyn laughed like he just told the best joke of the year.
“Yeah but not a good one, maybe a quarter of our graduates go to ivy leagues and since we’re a co-ed school we’re frowned upon. The Ridge Rejects” Evelyn bumped her shoulder with his, surprised he wasn’t aware of this. Then again why would someone from the big times bother to know anything about the left behind kids.
“Yeah, exactly. We’re the kids who were too smart to go to public school but not smart or rich enough to go places like Welton or Henley Hall” Violet explained and Charlie nodded as he learned this new information. No wonder he ended up here of all places.
“Well I’m here because I’m the king of the rejects. Welton booted me” Charlie spoke so nonchalantly but the rest of the group gasped.
“They kicked you out?” Martin eyed him, shock covering his features.
“How did you get kicked out?” Nate asked, new to this information as well. He had been dying to know since last night.
“I hit a kid, he deserved it, and I’d like to do it again. On top of that they wanted me to sign some bullshit contract and I wouldn’t so they shoved me out the doors” Charlie stated, flipping through his assignments, already having come to terms with the fact he was no longer apart of that school.
“That’s really bad ass new kid” Evelyn spoke, eyes glimmering with admiration, and Nate burned with jealousy the same way he had been since she shoved open their dorm door and winked at him.
“Thanks” Charlie spoke and Evelyn was surprised to see he was much more than they had thought.
“Well Charlie welcome to the school of Rejects, you’ll fit right in”
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icyhottodo178 · 9 months
New Year’s Confession: Atsumu Miya X Female Reader
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Description: You have been crushing on your best friend for some time so you decide to confess to him on New Years Eve before he goes abroad for a volleyball tournament with his team.
Contains: Fluff, cursing, adorable moments, love blossoming, romantic moments and confessions.
Word count: 1210
Note: Happy New Years to everyone and I hope you all have a great year in 2024. Thank you all so much for the love and support you’ve given me as I really appreciate it. I will continue to write a hate of different oneshots and possibly some series in the future so be sure to look forward to those. Anyways this is my first fluff oneshot so I hope you all enjoy.
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Being best friends with Miya Atsumu since childhood has made you realise that you’ve been falling in love with him as the two of you got older and now that he was a professional volleyball player on the MSBY Black Jackals while you were a English teacher, you knew that you had to confess to him before it was too late otherwise you knew how much you’d regret it. Atsumu was a year older than you as he was 23 and you were 22 years old but you remembered when you two first met when you were younger.
He was an amazing person as he’s always looked out for you and you always helped him with his homework since he would sometimes struggle on subjects like maths or science. As the two of you grew older, you started to develop feelings for Atsumu as they became stronger in middle school but you never told him anything because you were scared of being rejected or your love being unrequited so you kept quiet about it.
Once you two had finished high school, you went to different places as Atsumu was invited to the All-Japan Youth Intensive Training Camp while you went off to university to study English and you both kept in touch but only when you two were free. After graduating from university, you went on to become an English teacher as you found out that Atsumu was apart of the MSBY Black Jackals when you saw the team playing on television once.
On New Year’s Eve, you were invited to a party by Oikawa as you decided to go in hopes of meeting Atsumu again since you really missed him and you got ready. You wore a simple dress along with your favourite shoes as you decided to get going since the party started at half past ten but you wanted to get there early. You decided to walk to Oikawa’s place since you didn’t want to drive in case you got drunk as you were glad that the place wasn’t too far away and it took you twenty minutes to get there.
You knocked on the front door as you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and the door was opened by Oikawa who was happy to see you. You both greeted each other as he steps to the side to let you enter before closing the door behind you and you make your way inside. You saw some familiar faces as you were hoping to see Atsumu but you couldn’t see him anywhere until your eyes were covered by someone and you already knew who it was.
“Guess who?” Atsumu said to you as you smiled since you instantly knew who it was and he removes his hands from your eyes before he hugs you. You were so glad to see him again as you missed him so much and you knew that you had to confess to him soon. You pulled away from the hug as you smiled at Atsumu.
“It’s so good to see you again, Atsumu. How have you been lately? We haven’t talked in months and the last time we did was during the summer. I guess we’ve both been pretty busy with our lives but I’m so glad to see you again. I’ve missed you so much,” You told Atsumu as he could tell that you were glad to see him and he noticed how much you’ve changed.
“It’s good to see you again and I’ve been doing well. I’ve missed you too and I’m glad that we’re able to see each other but I’m going abroad tomorrow morning so let’s make this night memorable, alright?” Atsumu replied as you were surprised that he had to go abroad tomorrow and you knew that you had to confess to him before it was too late.
One hour passed as there was some time left until midnight since it was currently 11:30 and you had only two drinks of alcohol but didn’t drink anymore since you didn’t want to be too drunk when you confessed to Atsumu or make a complete fool of yourself. You were playing Truth Or Dare with Shoyo, Kuroo, Osamu, Bokuto, Oikawa and Ushijima as it was currently your turn so you decided to go for a dare.
“I date you to kiss the most attractive person here,” Oikawa said as you wanted to kiss Atsumu but he wasn’t playing right now so you kissed Bokuto on the cheek and you sighed in relief that you didn’t have to kiss him on the lips. The game continued for another ten minutes or so as you decided to go and see what Atsumu was doing. You saw him talking to Kenma, Iwaizumi and Akaashi as you went over to the group to join in their conversation.
“Hey guys. It’s so good to see you again. How have you all been?” You said to Kenma, Iwaizumi and Kenma as they smiled at you and gave you their own replies. You all talked for some time until it was announced by Oikawa that there was a few minutes left before the countdown as you had to speak to Atsumu on his own and you pulled him away from the group into a corner of the house.
“Woah! What’s going on? Is everything alright? I wasn’t excepting you to drag me like that,” Atsumu said to you as you sighed and let go of his hand before taking a deep breath. This was your chance to tell Atsumu your feelings towards him and you did.
“I love you so fucking much, Miya Atsumu ever since middle school but I never confessed earlier because I was scared that you didn’t feel the same way as I did so I kept my feelings all bottled up until this moment. I know it must so fucking pathetic that I did that but I had to do it because I was scared. You probably don’t love me the same way as I do but I’m letting you know now before it was too late and I never got another chance,” You told Atsumu as he was stunned by your confession and you waited for his answer.
“You love me? I love you too and I was also scared of confessing to you because I thought you were already in love with someone else but you’re not in love with anymore which I’m thankful that wasn’t the case. You’re not fucking pathetic for keeping your feelings bottled up and I understand that it must’ve taken some courage to confess so I’m proud of you,” Atsumu said as you teared up at his words before he pulls you closer and he kissed you on the lips.
You kissed him back as you heard the fireworks go off and you pulled away from the kiss. You hugged Atsumu as you were looking forward to your future with the person you love and you were hoping the new year would bring you two even closer than before. Dating Miya Atsumu was going to be interesting as you were glad to have finally confessed to him after so long and you couldn’t wait for start the new year together with him.
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Note: I hope you all enjoyed this New Years themed fluff one-shot as this was my first time writing one so I hope that it turned out well. If you have any ideas on a oneshot then please let me know down below and I’ll try my best to write it. Anyways please make sure to comment and like this post as I would really appreciate it.
This is @icyhottodo178 signing off until next time!! Peace out!!
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Reading for Context
I don’t really feel like scrolling through community profiles has taught me anything. People tend to just post normal tumblr posts and not tirades about shipping. I was told to just scroll OTNF go understand, but OTNF’s feed is just screenshots from a K-drama and idiots pestering him about pronouns for some reason. Is there like a specific way to do it? So… i’ve actually never understood the social conventions of other people in any group i’ve been in. I haven’t really had in real life friends since middle school.
This is actually kind of an interesting question.
First, let me be plain, what you've been asking repeatedly over the last couple of weeks or however long it's been is this:
How does a neurodivergent person who fundamentally is not good at social nuance, reading comprehension, and picking up on context get better at those things?
I've known people whose parents hired coaches to work with them on a weekly basis for years. "How does socializing work?" is not a simple question.
Teaching reading comprehension is hard too.
I vaguely remember a lot of times in school where English teachers spent whole semesters trying to get us to understand not only what figurative language meant in context but how to detect that it was present in the first place. I still remember this one 9th grade classmate wailing "But why does it have to be a metaphor?"
What you're asking about is something most people work on for decades, yet you want randos to summarize it simply in a few sentences.
The first thing that jumps out at me here is the superficiality of how you're describing engaging.
When people say to lurk, they're talking about a deep engagement with a community. They're talking about reading closely, including comments, for a month, not scrolling back through a week and just skimming the top-level posts.
Did you open the replies on my tumblr posts where other people besides me are discussing things? Did you look at the reblogs with content, and not just the ones I reblogged back onto my own tumblr?
Beyond the exact number of days you should read or the exact procedure, people are talking about a very in-depth kind of engagement in general. The point is that it's difficult to just come into a new space and know how it works without studying it.
For example, I talk about oldschool fanfic stuff a lot. A logical default assumption is that I'm a woman. Are you not familiar enough with fanfic spaces to assume that, or are you coming from Spacebattles or something?
Why on earth would you default to 'him'?
I'm not insulted: it just shows a staggering lack of clue about the context you found me in.
I've linked you to my patreon where you can see my pro writing pseudonym, which is obviously female. My tumblr itself links to my pro writing and gives my actual name, which is also fairly obviously feminine. I've also recently talked about being pregnant. Yes, it was oblique and I only confirmed it in the replies, not a top-level post, but plenty of regulars noticed. (Yes, yes, biology is not gender, but still...)
There are plenty of clues I'm not a "him", but you missed them all. I don't care about pronouns, but I do care about people who don't bother to or aren't capable of reading closely.
Quite a few people have sent me asks asking what I'm watching. I have repeatedly said that it's DMBJ and described it as "the Chinese tomb raider franchise". Yet you assumed it was Korean for some reason. This suggests that you just scrolled through quickly and did not actually thoroughly read the text of the posts or the replies. It suggests that your eyes skipped over the boring-looking short text posts in between the picspams.
It suggests you didn't bother to google what I was watching when I did say the name because you don't give enough of a shit to bother. That doesn't suggest a very high level of interest in my blog or any reason I should cut you any slack or pay attention to what you think.
It also suggests that you didn't look back all that far. I've been posting a lot about DMBJ, but I only started downloading Ultimate Note on July 15th and Tomb of the Sea on August 1st.
If you want to understand a community, scrolling hurriedly through one month of content and not actually reading it closely is insufficient.
This is what people mean when they say you're not willing to put in the work and want other people to do it for you.
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