#i love caelum i do i swear
stupd000 · 6 months
My favorite redacted characters in order
1. Milo
2. Sam
3. David
5. Guy
6. Lasko
7. Elliot
8. Aaron
9. Ollie
10. Geordi(he would be higher if he didn’t make me cry so much)
11. Gavin
12. Hush
13. Blake(lore not affection)
14. Asher
15. Morgan (mostly bc of how little we know him)
16. Huxley
17. Caelum
18. Kody
19. Avior
20. Marcus
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autisticempathydaemon · 2 months
sorry if this is a lil long ( ̄□ ̄;)!!
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why?
there are a few albums (igor, damn., songs) ive been listening to on loop for a few weeks now, but if i were to narrow it down to one song it would be “forwards beckon rebound” by adrianne lenker ^_^. i liked it when i first listened to the album in full but then found out my boyfriend liked it, so i LOVE it now. 
What is your Enneagram type?
INFP-T, 4w3
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
i LOVE them!! i really enjoy jacob geller’s video essays, specifically his video “how can we bear to throw anything away?”. i think its SUPER cool and very poetically justifies my hoarding. though for GARGANTUAN, i like flawed peacock’s 7 hour and 42 minute video on “who’s lila”, which i still havent finished.
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend.
when i was around 9 i used to be called “daffodil” when teased so i turned daffodil into my alter ego and spoke to her with pure hatred
What is your go-to way to fall asleep?
most of the time i scroll and scroll and scroll until im about to pass out from exhaustion, but when im NOT doing that, either put on music or a sleep aid audio n stare at my ceiling til i fall asleep.
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?)
im trans and have been out to my friends for around 3-4 years now, and i changed my name to my current one due to dissatisfaction with my previous name choice and my fixation on the character i named myself after.
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why?
ashers 2021 hbs. its so sweet and silly and full of love <3 i love asher and i love fluff :3
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.)
guy. hes alright but i just dont see the appeal character-wise. hes kind of just erik’s self-insert or low-effort character which is great for him but not that interesting for me.
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to.
book + movie: the perks of being a wallflower, and tv show: brooklyn 99. i was DEEPLY into tpobaw a few months ago and finished the book (with annotations) in 4 days. charlie kelmeckis is me!! as for b99, its my comfort show and i’ve rewatched it at least 6 times in full.
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?
caelum :3 i need to hug him asap!! need to bake with him!!
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.)
no specific topic, but ill start talking about how much i love something or someone. tired me is very loving. according to my best friend i talk a lot about my boyfriend when im sleepy.
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
diet coke and ice cream ^_^ 
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment. 
there are a few, but my top three are a playlist containing every alex g song i like, a playlist full of love songs of all different genres and artists, and a playlist i made in 2022 when i was into more obscure rock ^_^. but mostly i listen to adrianne lenker or kendrick lamar on shuffle.
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why?
video essays talking about drake vs kendrick. i swear ive watched over a hundred videos related to that drama, mostly cause i love kendrick so much and have been a drake hater since 2015. 
And whatever else you think tells me about who you are!
im a big lover of the arts!! both visual (i draw both traditionally and digitally, and have tried painting) and musical (big music fan + very amateur singer and guitarist). i really like movies, but i like movie analysis youtube videos more! in that same vein, i love horror media but am too scared most of the time to actually consume it, so i watch a lot of horror explanation or analysis videos.
im an extremely awkward person to talk to, like severely. also i like minecraft a lot, avid hermitcraft watcher.
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Type Fours are so lovely, so internally complex and magnificent and creative despite and perhaps in conjunction with their introversion. I think a fellow introvert would especially appreciate that about you- Anton, specifically.
Another reason I like y’all together is this enneagram type (and MBTI) tends to be very feelings based, very pathos motivated, and that would contrast from Anton whose life and job are so technical, so logos-y. You bring so much light and verve into his life; whenever he sees art, he thinks of you and how it would make you feel. You make him think more about how he feels, you know? The art you create and the way you experience art, the way you enjoy things, makes him marvel.
And you do love to enjoy things with him, to show new things and movies and shows, because his marvel in turn makes things even more fun for you! Anton strikes me as the type of guy who knows nothing about pop culture if left alone, so you get to show him everything. He likes Brooklyn Nine Nine a lot more than he thought. (Terry is his favorite; he also likes yogurt and wants to be a girl dad.) He doesn’t give a single shit about the Kendrick/Drake beef but you’re so animated when you talk about it, he listens raptly. He doesn’t really enjoy horror, but it doesn’t scare him either so he’s a comforting presence whenever you decide to try watching some.
A volcano erupted/ And the stars fell one by one/ And finally I'm done right/ And it's a kite trapped in my mind/ But I don't mind/ I think of your hands on my body/ And they feel nice/ Just one more night
(Thank you again, Spotify Artist Radios, because I don’t listen to a lot of folk! This is a new song for me!) I chose this one for you and Anton because of the phrase “velvet kind of mood”, because it makes me think of how Anton’s love would tactile-y feel- warm, plush, heavy like a weighted blanket and just as comforting. The lyric “just one more night” also made me think of Anton holding onto you the night before he leaves, so I could not resist.
Geordi is the first runner-up that came to mind because he strikes me as the most… artistically inept of the redacted bois if you will- thus, he would feel the most awe and reverence and your prowess. Plus, I like to headcanon him as trans, and we love a t4t couple. Asher is my favorite runner up for you though, but I can’t quite word why. I think it’s something about his extrovert energy against yours.
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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paracosmicparadox · 1 year
So I finished FFXV ages ago, but I've been thinking about it lately bc you know, I elaborated the chocobros' story far further than it was meant to go and got way more attached to them than I should have. So here're some things that the game did really well and some of the things it didn't. (you don't have to agree w anything here; I'm not trying to corrupt y'all w my opinions; I just feel like talking)
Let's start with the bad to get it out of the way:
CINDY. I swear to everything holy her character had the potential to be So Cool if she hadn't been so overtly over-sexualized. Like, I'm a woman-liker too and I get it, lady mechanics are hot af, but you know what else is attractive? Safety in the workplace. Cindy's outfit was not something any mechanic would be caught dead wearing. Yeah, it was designed to be sexy, but do you know how many burns she would've accumulated from the hot oil and metal she works with? There's a reason mechanics typically wear clothing zipped up when they're actually working on something. If anything, Cindy's character design just made me uncomfortable. Her character itself? Great. No qualms there. Her design? Please acquire more than two square feet of fabric I'm begging you. I just feel like Cindy deserved to be so much more than fan service.
Luna's brief time on-screen. Yet another potentially incredible and deep female protagonist who got short change from this game. People joke a lot that Luna wasn't at all an important character because the game never really treated her like one. She was MEANT to be important, clearly, but it felt like she existed just for her tearjerking death scene? Like there was SO MUCH overlooked potential to bring her into the storyline as more than Tragic Love Interest In White, and yet?? Idk it frustrated me.
The emotional aspect of the game felt rushed. There were a lot of emotional scenes covered throughout the plotline ranging from King Regis's death to the deal with Prompto at Zegnautus Keep. I feel like the game TRIED to cover them realistically and show the characters' grief, but it didn't quite get there. It was just sort of an "Oh, how sad. I'm so upset and angry. Hm, what's that? My friends believe in me without truly understanding and I can kill someone to ease my pain? Oh okay I'm better now." I get that realistic healing cycles are kinda hard to portray within a set timeframe, but having some lingering effects of the blatant trauma inflicted would've been nice. You don't recover from shit like that in a week's time.
Character personalities tended to be one-sided. Noctis was edgy, Prompto was happy-go-lucky, Gladio was tough-guy, and Ignis was... nevermind, Iggy was great--- HE had some on-screen depth. Personally, I've developed these characters myself far more than what the game gave us, but I wish we'd gotten more canon depth beyond their surface-level traits. I love them with my whole heart and they deserve genuine complexity.
Now the things I actually really enjoyed:
The graphics were on-point. The amount of detail put into character design and into monsters was insane. You could zoom in and see individual textures on skin and hair and feathers, bringing a level of realism to the game that I personally enjoyed.
All of the Latin and Norse mythological references!! As a Latin nerd, I found little gems everywhere in this game. Esp in the names--- (Noctis Lucis Caelum = Of-the-night Sky-of-light (the genitives in there make the literal translation kinda a mouthful ik) Gladiolus Amicitia = Sword-flower Friendship (the gladiolus is an actual flower that gets its name from the Latin word gladius, meaning sword, for its sword-like shape) Ignis Scientia = Fire Knowledge; Prompto Argentum = Ready Silver (the word prompto is actually in the dative (possibly ablative), making the literal translation nonsense, but if they'd made his name Promptus, it would've sounded awkward, so I can see why they picked the dative/ablative form of the adjective for stylistic reasons and I put the rough translation instead)) WOW THAT WAS A LOT OF PARENTHETICAL INFO WHOOPS
Ardyn's character. I'm not saying this bc I'm one of the fans who fawn over him---Ardyn is DEFINITELY NOT MY PREFERRED FLAVOR OF MAN, but character-wise, he made an excellent antagonist. He was witty, slick, and classy in an I'm-gonna-outstep-you-like-it's-hopscotch sorta way. He was a poetic villain done well, which made him an antagonist you could both sympathize for and absolutely detest given the situation. He was both the master manipulator and the pawn one space away from the edge of the board. He can sway a crowd, but you know deep in your gut just by the cunning greed in his eyes that You Cannot Trust The Man. He was definitely Not a good person (tragic backstory isn't an excuse), but he was a good villain.
I loved the bond between the chocobros?? This is probably bc I'm a sucker for the found family trope, but their interactions were so amazing to me?? Like, not even the cutscene stuff. Just their little sidebar conversations during fights or while you're walking around or driving the Regalia. They're Roadtrip Buddies™ and I think that's excellent.
THE FOOD. By god, the food in this game looked absolutely scrumptious and I would like to partake. The Daggerquill Soup? Give it to me I'll pay you. The Creamy Crustacean Omelet? Stop it right now I'll eat that so fast it'll be a criminal offense. Like I know I touched on the graphics earlier, but broski I was not kidding. I guess I know why the game took so long to make it to the market bc the detail that went into these recipes is absolutely mouthwatering.
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goldensunset · 11 months
What do you think of Kairi, Xion, Naminé, and Aqua? Just general feelings, nothing too detailed if you don't want to-
like as a team, or individually?
as a team: oh how i WISH we could see it in canon. even if it were to end up borderline tokenism-y like with marvel. i would love to see the girl power squad idc i think they should hype each other up their color schemes together would be so pretty
kairi: my dearly beloved. yes the writers need to treat her better but so do the fans. she does have clearly defined character motivations and it’s weird to act like she doesn’t just bc they’re not ones that people like. she just wants stability and a home after having lost her memories and crash-landed somewhere as a toddler. she’s afraid of change but will do anything to stay with her friends in the midst of a fast-moving world because she’s lost them too many times. she’s a bit out of touch with them and sometimes clearly doesn’t know the right thing to do or say. i hope kh4 treats her kindly and gently and gives her more agency without trying to flatten her into a hashtag strong independent woman. i have high hopes for my little strawberry and wild daydreams about what i would love to see as her precise role in coming games. wrote some stuff in the tags here. i swear i thought i had more pre-written essays to draw on than that i know there’s so much i’m leaving out but i think i got the main points
xion: truly i will never be able to get over her story and especially her theme. what an incredibly well composed piece of music. honestly she and her theme were like a major factor as to me getting into this series. i’m very happy she’s alive after all that. i said a lot about her here already recently so i won’t burn myself out going into detail again. even that i feel like is a minor weak attempt at fully conveying my emotions regarding her. oh and a few more thoughts here
naminé: tbh thinking about chain of memories reduces me to a puddle but like in a bittersweet way as opposed to the pure bitterness of days. like sora’s interactions with her… their relationship even if it was brief and based on an illusion…the writing and animation and voice acting was legit so good man. i’m a wreck. nami is so beautiful and strong and horribly horribly sad but she gets overlooked… the thing is that even if she has people who love her she’s still nobody’s first choice. she doesn’t have her own place to go. she’s still lonely…
aqua: MAN she’s so interesting.. the way she’s carrying on eraqus’ legacy in both good and bad ways… the way she was corrupted after wandering a distorted world alone for a decade… the way she’s headstrong and determined and fights so hard yet can hardly make a difference as her world falls down around her… the way she’s incredibly strong and proud yet you see her once-firm core begin to shake as time passes on… not entirely related but i hope we get to see her (and the other two) (and kairi as her student!) visit the ruins of scala ad caelum bc they’re the last ones carrying on that legacy
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teddybasmanov · 2 years
I know I've said multiple times that d(a)emons don't struggle with language barrier and just know all the languages, but... what if mostly speaking English still has its consequences? Anyway, d(a)emons accents/speech quirks when speaking not English headcanons.
Caelum has slight rhotacism (trouble pronouncing hard 'R's - switching them to 'L's usually) and it's the cutest thing ever.
Gavin usually speaks clearly but can sometimes slip into a bit of accent (whatever the "hot mysterious foreigner" accent sounds for the language), mixes up colloquial and high language pretty often.
Avior is a little embarrassed that he can't use as many big complicated words in other languages, so practices on his free time if he needs to speak something other than English.
Cam has a bit of a struggles with vowels and diphthongs that are absent in English, also speaks slower in other languages.
Vega sucks at languages - he despises humans and doesn't think that learning more about and for them is worth it - who needs languages when you can communicate telepathically. He does surprisingly know quite a few swears.
Scorpius loves proverbs and sometimes mistakes from which language which comes and has to explain them.
About Regulus I'm undecided, because on the one hand he speaks telepathically so it's only logical that he doesn't have an accent, on the other hand I want him to have a cute and just slightly noticeable accent, so he does have it because I said so.
People who know languages please do add!
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faydingrain · 1 year
Cu-wip-osity Tag Game~!
Thank you @bvbyphoenix for tagging me!
(My main was tagged, but I'm posting this here to keep writing to the writing blog~)
Rules: reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. (I'll only include fandom-relevant ones for this post, and idk many people in the fandom, so if you see this: Tag! You're it!)
ets log: rec(Obsession.lov) Part [2]: Eden(Love) manages to recover her Obsession code successfully, as it's become her only reason for living. She continues trying to hold onto the code without it being found and removed again, while also obeying ETS's tests so she can get outside the facility and start looking for Marcus again.
Part [3] will be her excursions outside, mostly about clubs and parties she goes to between her work (which I'm making that she has to find a proper "opening" or something to the Meridian). ETS allows her to have fun so she can learn better how to blend in with people, but truthfully, she's gathering info about Marcus's wherabouts.
Untitled: A brief drabble that takes place during Inversion: Another Story about how Chelsie is glad Kody got kicked out so he wouldn't have to be in that situation.
Untitled: Kody is talking with his therapist about people can be burdened with grief even without the physical death of another.
A Clearing in the Algae: An update on Chelsie and Kody, and how things are starting to get better for them.
Imperium Willow(Darlin'): I admittedly forgot why I wanted to write this oops- Willow manages to survive this AU, and swears revenge after holding David's lifeless body in her arms.
Aftershock: Another Lament: I still want to work on this okay- But just for fun, I'll briefly list the parts I had in mind for it:
P1 - Angel: How Angel is doing after hearing about David's death. Will end with Milo and Chrys(Sweetheart) trying to reach her so she's not alone.
P2 - Alpha: Asher is having nightmares, and he and Emmanuel(Baabe) talk about Asher's becoming Alpha, and how he would rather have David back.
P3 - Sire: An update on Vincent and Gracie(Lovely). Will end vaguely in order to branch off with the person they chose to let Vincent turn.
P4 - The 69: Huxley was chosen to be reborn in Route 1. After being greeted by Vincent, Lasko (wearing an eyepatch) and Damien (in a wheelchair) enter to check on him. They discuss what happened and grieve their losses, while also including the fact that Gavin returned to Aria for an undetermined amount of time.
P5 - Detective: Milo is having nightmares about being outside the ward watching people die. Chrys tries to reassure him, and they continue into talk about the investigation. Chrys is on leave do to their motorcycle injury, but has received a promotion due to their work during the Inversion.
P6 - Healer: Willow joins Sam alone on a rooftop to reflect on the Inversion. She asks about how the kids are doing, and Sam provides updates. He also mentions that D.A.M.N. is now extremely shortstaffed, but they're having a flood of people wanting to study healing, and they've offered him a job knowing he's very skilled in that area. Willow thinks he should accept the offer, but he's not sure if teaching is what he wants to do.
P7 - The Freelancer: Cora was chosen to be reborn in Route 2. After being greeted by Vincent, Gavin and Caelum enter to check on her. They discuss what happened, including Lasko and Damien being in the hospital, and grieve their losses.
P8 - Dreamer: To end the series, we cut to Jessi(Blake's Listener) and Blake out on a date. Blake basically goes "uhuhu according to keikaku" while Jessi has no clue that her bf is a psycho.
Pending P? - Sister: This was a bonus chapter I've already sorta decided to pull, but it was going to purely revolve around my Blake's Sister OC Ava, and her feelings about this new case opening up as a result of the Invesion. This includes the police chief asking her (probably offscreen) if she'll be able to handle a case that involves her sibling, and revealing to Kieran (maybe Chrys on call) that the dreamwalker that interfered may be her brother. She reveals to them that while the two had a tense relationship growing up, and haven't spoken in years, she still loves her brother as a family member and may find it difficult to combat him.
Lovestruck: This drabble series has 3 chapters already, but here's my super secret list of other drabbles with their songs that I intended to write but haven't gotten to:
All of Me or Everytime We Touch- David/Angie
Drag Me Down - Emmy/Asher
Stereo Hearts x Zaalima - Milo/Chrys
Love Me Like You Do [Cello/Piano]  - Vincent/Gracie
*I Like It [Remix] - Amalia (OC)/Briar(Bright Eyes)
*I Like It [Remix] - Fred/Ryder (OC)
*This one was technically the next one I intended to write, and was left off in progress. It's going to be a double-drabble.
Rather Be - Avior/Stella
Birds of a Feather - Elliot/Sunny(Sunshine)
Hypnotic - Vega/Hydra(Warden)
Fever Dream or Shut Up and Dance - Blake/Jessi
Burn Break Crash or Accidentally in Love - Guy/Amy(Honey)
Can’t Help Falling in Love [Dark ver] - Ivan/Rivka(Baby)
Glad You Came - Kieran (OC)/Lasko
A Thousand Years ["Wedding" Ver] - Will/Kalila (OC) [Probably won't make]
Fever Dream - [Bonus gn listener if I feel like it] James/"Darling" (This was before he had a real listener, lmao. I don't actually know what the listener's name is though...)
Bad Things Happen Bingo (for Redacted):
Hanahaki: I've had an idea scribbled down to write this for Sam and Willow, specifically Sam since I've been enjoying the one-sided yearning on his part, ehehe~
Basically, Sam gets Hanahaki Disease, and the clan is trying to figure out what's wrong with him. William cites that it's an old and rare disease he hasn't seen in a while, and tbh, I have no idea how else it would go other than that, lol.
Locked in a Cage: Angie(Angel) right before her execution in the Imperium.
This is For Your Own Good: Avior realizes he completely fucked up handling Stella's(Starlight's) memory loss. Before their relationship shatters beyond repair, he holds her down and erases her memories to have one more shot...again.
Vague Ideas:
Vega/Warden: I just wanted to write about Hydra, and reference how she's friends with Caelum 💞
Vaelum Fluff: ...Okay soooo I kinda want to make a Vega/Caelum fic, but I don't really have any ideas for how to go about writing it, so it's just been a desire of mine silently floating through the void. I just know I want it to be soft and fluffy 💕
Kody Redemption P?: Maybe or maybe not a part where Chelsie goes to get her things back from her ex, but he tricks her into getting her alone so he can hurt her. Chelsie manages to reach Kody and in a very melodramatic fashion, Kody goes fisticuffs with her ex. He somehow gets out of it less harmed than Chelsie is, so she ends up in the hospital longer. This will be the second time she meets Damien, who will now be in a wheelchair.
Kody Redemption P?: I did want to include somewhere that he started going back to college somewhere else and met a cute and sweet girl that he likes and likes him back. It will also touch on how he slips back into his bad habits of stalking and possessiveness, but whether he stops talking to the girl or forces himself to correct his behaviours, I haven't decided yet.
Quinn Arc Shorts [My Ver]: I did intend once upon a time to fill in some of those blanks that Yours in Eternity, My Dearest had about what was going on with Quinn, but I'm not sure I have the desire to anymore honestly. I still have the spot reserved for it tho.
Vincent/Gracie&Dana(Stranger) Date OR Future Vincent/Dana: I have tossed the idea around to expand on Never Let You Go Again a little and have the three of them doing stuff together one day. I also had the idea of distant future Vincent after Gracie's passed away and how he and Dana start to hook up {Vampire/Mermaid couple anyone??] but idkkkk
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hello, i am asking for your thoughts on What Lies Beyond The Veil :)
Thank you for asking. So first of all, remember that Haters Bookclub is for haters only.
I started this book because I wanted the pretty special edition cover and thought- wait, no, read it first otherwise it's just taking up space on your shelves. The first 3-5 chapters are perfectly fine. Standard, predictable KU fantasy imo. Dead parent, a brother protecting a sister, a sprinkling of sexual assault and a protagonist who is not like other girls, which makes her better.
I went in wanting to like this, which is maybe why I'm so frustrated. The books reads like an unpolished first draft. There was absolutely the bare minimum of editing which shows endlessly in the repetition of words/phrases, often in the same dialogue tags which was making me insane. It also felt VERY rushed through most of it, and then slow in the scenes the author wanted to write and I think if she'd even taken a breather after writing and come back like, a week or two later to re-read and make edits, the flow would have been so much nicer.
The internalized misogyny of the main character (Estrella) was unreadable half the time. She has a moment where she's talking about how she's harmed because she didn't want to SEW like the other girls- she wanted to play with BOYS like I'm so sick of authors creating this misogynistic world and instead of having their MC examine the structures that harm ALL women, instead makes their MC hate women for...not fighting hard enough, despite the fact the MC is beaten and assaulted when she does. I saw reviews that MC was a feminist and I'm sorry but slapping masculine coded traits on your MC and refusing to let her think one positive thing about any woman who doesn't also share those characteristics, is no feminism.
The MC spends an inordinate amount of time swearing she's done being abused, pushed around, or told what to do EXCEPT of course when the LI does it. THEY JUST MET and he grabs her face and demands she NEVER lie to him and shes like, "yes daddy" like JESUS CHRIST. She has the personality of a wet mop which is perfect because Caelum wants someone he can walk all over, tell what to do, and sexually harass without impunity. She lets him. But she's a strong woman because despite having Z E R O training as a warrior, is a natural with a sword somehow??? And he respects that, despite respecting absolutely no other boundary she sets, which is how you know its true love.
The twist is so embarrassingly obvious and the only reason the LI doesn't know is because she's too dumb to live, naive, and easily manipulated (perfect for Caelum because that's clearly what he wants out of a relationship). If she'd asked even one question out of this stranger she could have pieced it together. All men want to fuck her, all women want to be her/fuck her boyfriend/hate her, so you know book two has a prophecy around her or something. This is chosen one behavior.
Would I recommend it? No. I finished it because I wanted to see how the reveal was gonna go and I have absolutely zero hope Estrella will hold him accountable for his lies given she's never once held him accountable for ANYTHING ELSE. He'll manipulate and gaslight her into being his wife, which has been the most EVIL THING EVER (gross marriage is for OTHER GIRLS not ME I'm BETTER than them) which will then be totally fine because she did it for the right reasons or whatever nonsense I'm sure the narrative will construct.
Also, it's painfully obvious this author is a fan of ACOTAR. Like. If you read it, you're like- I've seen all this before, sometimes word for word.
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meissashush · 2 years
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I posted 738 times in 2022
That's 493 more posts than 2021!
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678 posts reblogged (92%)
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#ffxv - 624 posts
#prompto argentum - 235 posts
#fan art - 215 posts
#noctis lucis caelum - 212 posts
#ignis scientia - 173 posts
#gladiolus amicitia - 166 posts
#nyx ulric - 132 posts
#kingsglaive - 123 posts
#cor leonis - 114 posts
#my stuff - 48 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#meanwhile over here in ffxv lokichan is shippong two guys who did kill each other with a third who isn't even mentioned in their movie
My Top Posts in 2022:
Waking up 4 with CorNyx, please?
4. “Did you know that you talk in your sleep?”
“Did you know you talk in your sleep?” Cor squinted up at Nyx, who had his head propped up on one hand, as he tried to process what was just said to him. Nyx was smirking, that careful quirk of his lips that was always betrayed by the softness of his gaze in the dim light of their bedroom. Cor took a few seconds to enjoy the way Nyx’s tongue peaked out to wet chapped lips before his brain decided there wasn’t any emergency worth being awake for. “Seriously, you’re just going to ignore me?” Nyx asked, shaking Cor’s shoulder as he turned to burrow his face back into his pillow. Cor got a few blissful moments of silence before Nyx was draping himself across his back. “I alert you to a source of possible critical information leaks pertinent to the security of the Citadel, and the Lord Marshal dismisses it? I could have you sacked for this, you know?” “Lotta big words,” Cor mumbled into the fabric, trying to shrug off Nyx as he pressed his lips along the neckline of his shirt. Nyx laughed into his shoulder blade. “I love how stupid you are first thing in the morning.” Cor tried to ignore Nyx as his warm hands rubbed slow circles along his back, the pull of sleep still more tempting than whatever the hell Nyx was trying to get out of him. He burrowed his own arms further under the pillow as Nyx’s attentions wandered back to his neck, trying in vain to keep warm lips and rough stubble from making their way up to his jaw. “Fuck off,” Cor muttered to the lips that were pressing themselves into his cheek. The lips smirked against him. “What do you want?” “Well, I was going to be nice to you, since you were being cute in your sleep, but now I’m not so sure.” Cor closed his eyes tightly, blinking a few times to clear away the exhaustion. “What was I doing?” “Talking. In your sleep.” “What? I don’t—” “You do,” Nyx said, rolling off him to lay his head on his own pillow, nose centimeters from Cor’s. “Not often, but usually on mornings like these.” Mornings where they both had fallen heavily into bed the night before, asleep before they had the chance to revel in the relief of finally being off their feet. The types of mornings Cor preferred to sleep through. “What was I saying?” “Something about moogles,” Nyx laughed. “Apparently they’re banned?” Cor blinked a few times, trying to recall what he had been dreaming about. There was nothing. “Weird.” Nyx was still smirking as Cor leaned forward to kiss him on the lips, soft pressure mixed with softer chuckles that devolved into outright laughter as Cor collapsed back into his pillow face-first.
16 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cor Leonis/Nyx Ulric Characters: Nyx Ulric, Cor Leonis Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Swearing, Threats of Violence, but its mostly nyx being dramatic, Galahdian Culture (Final Fantasy XV), Mild Blood, Aggression, Emotional Constipation, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Crush, NyxWeek2022, Chronic Pain, Cultural Differences Series: Part 3 of NyxWeek2022 Summary:
Nyx loves a good storm, he really does. But the lead up? Not so much. Dealing with the pains of an incoming storm has always left him feeling on edge, but in Insomnia, relief is a lot harder to come by.
Written for NyxWeek2022, Day 3: Storm, Scars.
16 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
Nyx mourns his family and the traditions of Galahd that are made difficult by city life.
Written for NyxWeek2022, Day 1: Tradition.
17 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
CorNyx - either Morning 5 "Sorry, I didn't want to wake you" or Night 18 "Do you want to keep the light on?"? ♥️
18. “Do you want to keep the light on?”
Cor looked like hell. They both did, Nyx knew, but there was something so much worse about seeing the unflappable Immortal exhausted. He’d seen the edges of it before, yeah. The dark circles and the blank looks in response to bad jokes that would usually warrant at least a glare and the minor spelling mistakes in otherwise flawless reports. He’d seen the pile of coffee cups on his desk at disgusting hours in the morning. He’d even seen him with his shirt on backwards, one notable morning, and had the honor of seeing him flush with embarrassment when Nyx pointed it out. This was different. Cor was sitting on one of the cots that had been laid out for them, staring blankly at his phone. The phone that had died about three hours ago, the event of which had elicited a series of expletives from the Marshal that the rest of them had respectfully ignored. Nyx had kept silent on the subject, his own phone long since dead due to its abysmal battery-life, but he knew worry was eating Cor at the seams. Now, alone in the room designated for those ‘off-shift’, Nyx did not know how to approach him. They had only been… whatever it was they were for a short time. It was something so fragile that he was still harboring it from even Libertus, and so tenuous that he was constantly walking on eggshells. He knew Cor was probably worried. They all were, cut off from the outside world and waiting on a signal that might not come. Nyx himself had been pacing so much that he had been ordered by an under-ranking Crownsguard to go cool off, the same soldier that had the brass balls to tell Cor to take a nap in the very same breath. Now, shoved together into the tiny ‘bedroom’ of the safe-house, Nyx could feel the depth of that worry clawing at his skin. “They’re fine,” Nyx said, wincing at the hollow way it fell off his tongue. “Regis, Clarus, the prince. They’re fine. We got the alert, remember? They’re safe in the Citadel.”
Cor did not even grunt in response. He just sat, blank-eyed, staring at the plastic brick in his hands.  Nyx swallowed the building unease in his throat, taking a step towards him. Cor did not acknowledge the movement, so Nyx cautiously approached. He knew, on some level, that he was being a bit ridiculous, but at the moment he felt like he was on the very edge of something unknown and did not want to stick his foot through some boundary he’d yet to encounter. “We’re on the south end,” he ventured carefully to the ledge, perching on the cot in front of Cor. “No where near your apartment.” No where near his home. No where near where he kept his heart hidden, as Nyx now knew well, ever since Cor had started to let him in. Cor kept staring at his phone. Nyx took a deep breath, steeling himself for the worst, then took the leap. He put his hand gently over the blank screen. Cor’s eyes shot up to him, instantly sharpening out of their dull revere. Nyx forced down the urge to flinch, but only just. “She’s okay,” Nyx said, soft words from the man with his hand in a dog’s mouth. “You don’t know that,” Cor growled. “No,” Nyx conceded. “But there’s no reason she should have been anywhere near it. Your kid hates crowds, Cor. The speech was televised. There’s no reason she would have gone.” Cor was still glaring at him, blue eyes sharp above bruise-black circles. Watching him, cautious but not quite hostile. Nyx pressed his luck. “She would have told you, right? If she had planned to go?” Nyx did not know if his kid would have told him. Nyx did not know the kid much at all, given the way she avoided him like the plague. But he knew she was reasonably responsible and more than a little shy, and he was banking on her being the sort of kid to stay home and sleep the weekends through. Cor was still staring at him, but his eyes were losing their bite. Just a bit. “Kid’s probably sitting at home, worried just like you, but safe. She wouldn’t want you to be driving yourself up a wall all night. She knows we couldn’t call her, anyway, even if our phone’s weren’t dead. She’s a smart kid.” Nyx continued, gently easing the phone out of Cor’s hand. By some miracle, he let him. Cor buried his face into his newly freed hands, scrubbing at his eyes. “I can’t sleep like this.” “What can I do to help?” Cor glanced up at him, eyes soft now with exhaustion and gentle in the way Nyx had only seen tucked away in the dark of a bedroom. Nyx gave him a small smile. Cor barely managed one in return, eyes darting to the phone in Nyx’s hands before falling back into his cupped palms. “I don’t know,” Cor confessed to the concrete floor. “Distract me?” Nyx bit back a rueful laugh, “don’t think we have enough privacy for that, unfortunately.” Cor shot him a glare that didn’t quite manage it’s usual heat, “I meant talk. About something other than this.” “Now, that,” Nyx chuckled. “That I can do. But you have to lay down, first. I’m not catching you if you fall asleep sitting up.” Cor rolled his eyes, tipping himself backwards into the cot in a way that made the steel frame creak from the effort. Nyx placed Cor’s phone on the folding table beside them before fishing his own out of his pocket and depositing it there too. He almost stood to hit the over-head light switch, before he considered the situation more. “Light on?” “Nah,” Cor said to the ceiling. “Eyes fucking hurt.” Nyx snorted as he took a few steps to hit the switch, the room still illuminated enough from the light spilling in from the ajar door helping him find his way back to the cot. He tipped himself into it with as much grace as Cor, letting himself settle into the familiar cradle of a shit canvas cot.
He reached out across the small gulf between them, palm offered upward. Warm, calloused fingers slipped between his, and the anxiety that was still fluttering in Nyx’s chest finally settled. He rubbed his thumb along the side of Cor’s hand, slow and gentle. “Did I ever tell you about that time we convinced Crowe that unicorns were real?”
17 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cor Leonis/Nyx Ulric Characters: Nyx Ulric, Cor Leonis, Regis Lucis Caelum, Clarus Amicitia, Libertus Ostium, Crowe Altius, Luche Lazarus Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Swearing, Galahdian Culture (Final Fantasy XV), in which i make nyx wrestle his anxiety and do a silly little dance, no beta we die like fools Series: Part 2 of NyxWeek2022 Summary:
His Royal Majesty Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII has asked Nyx to preform a traditional Galahdian dance for him. There is nothing on Eos Nyx wants to do less, but who can say no to a king, really?
Written for NyxWeek2022, Day 2: Dance.
17 notes - Posted September 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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alexstandoll · 3 months
What's your favorite book? Do you have a favorite kdrama? What about a favorite character? Do you have a favorite song? <3<3<3
did i just get a cute random anonymous ask! 💙
What’s your favorite book?
sadly, i don’t read books as much as i like to lately, but so far from what i’ve read, my favorite book up to this date is The Song Of Achilles by Madeline Miller. oh and Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe
Do you have a favorite kdrama?
i have a number of favorite kdramas. but if i have to pick one, i’m currently obsessing over Twinkling Watermelon.
What about a favorite character?
now it’s hard to pick one favorite character since i have a lot from different fandoms 😂 i will list a few:
lightning farron (final fantasy 13)
noctis lucis caelum (final fantasy 15)
monty, alex, winston, jessica, hannah and justin (13 reasons why)
kassandra (ac odyssey)
edward kenway (ac black flag)
jim hawkins (treasure planet)
eugene sledge and robert leckie (the pacific)
ha eungyeol, on eunyu, yi-chan and cheong-ah (twinkling watermelon)
eunsom, tanya, taelha and tagon (arthdal chronicles)
sim chung (legend of the blue sea)
i swear the list can go on but yeah, those are just few.
Do you have a favorite song?
i have a tons. i actually don’t have a particular favorite since i love listening to music. but i’ll list down some of which i listen on repeat:
seven by jungkook
fade into you by mazzy star
lovers rock by tv girl
fake plastic trees by radiohead
love by lana del rey
the night we met by lord huron
girls like girls by hayley kiyoko
i wanna be yours by arctic monkeys
and the list goes on …
☺️ thanks for this cute ask, anon.
0 notes
ipromptography · 7 years
Prompto’s upgraded his fanfare singing! 
I never heard this before the new update so I’m wondering if they’ve added some more voice lines? Please tell me if I’m wrong!
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ivorydice · 7 years
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NOCTIS WEEK | Day 7: Free choice / Happy Birthday
♛ Happy Birthday, Noctis! ♛
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{redacted asmr incorrect quotes}
has this been done before? yes. 
do I still want to contribute one of my own? also yes. 
will this mostly be shaw pack because they take up 80% of my brain? yes again.
(I’ll try to use quotes I haven’t really seen used before but some of my favourites are just popular and there’s no getting around that lol)
Freelancer: Without you Damien, we’re just three idiots who live together.
Lasko: You make us a family, Damien.
Damien: Well, I’m like the cool rebel sibling of course.
Huxley: No, you’re the mom.
Lasko & FL: Yeah, definitely the mom.
Huxley: Look, Damien, if you come back to us, I’ll let you clean my room.
Damien: Deal.
Asher: Racoons!
Milo: Oh for god’s sake, Ash, just swear like an adult.
Asher, mildly hysterical: No! [points to the racoons.] Part of me always knew that this is how I was gonna go out.
Milo: In a Max’s Rustic Pizza parking lot surrounded by racoons?
*Angel, Babe and Sweetheart get accidently locked in a room (3 hours in)*
Angel, hysterical: What if nobody looks down here?! You know, how are we going to survive? I-I had a protein bar in my car. I don’t know why I didn’t bring it in. [on the verge of tears]
Babe: Guys, if it comes to it, and I mean this… I want you guys to eat me.
Sweetheart, exasperated: As I told you before, Babe, in those elevators and in the traffic jam years ago, I am not going to eat you.
Babe: Okay, you say that now, but we may not get out of here, and that means we may need to make some hard decisions!
Sweetheart: [sighs]
Lovely: We are screwed.
Vincent: Hey, no, I don’t want to hear that defeatist attitude. I want to hear you upbeat.
Lovely, with a mocking smile: We’re screwed!
Vincent: There you go.
One of Sam’s newborns, in tears: I’m sorry.
Darlin’: Oh, newborn, crying…Don’t know what to do.
Darlin’: Pat, pat. This feels wrong.
Caelum: Wait, what just happened?
Gavin: I don’t know. I think Freelancer’s not used to feeling emotions. Maybe it was too much for them.
Freelancer, far away: Shut up!
*a while before they started dating*
Smartass, handing him papers: It kind of feels like you’re prioritizing work over our friendship.
Aaron: Because I barely know you?
Smartass: Fine, message received.
*Asher trying to convince David to stay out late back in high school*
Asher: David, what have I told you about staying out past your curfew?
David: I need to do it more often.
Asher: Exactly.
Angel: Tank and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us
David: *Sighing* What did Tank do?
Angel: They chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and...
Darlin’: Who wants a steering wheel?
Asher, at a restaurant: You guys should get the orange soda, it's amazing.
David: Okay
Waiter: Can I get you guys anything to drink?
Asher: Orange soda, please!
David: I'll have the strawberry soda.
Milo: Me too, strawberry soda.
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obbystars · 2 years
Redactedverse but it’s Sonic fandub
Sweetheart: What’s a crime in space?
David: *sighs*
David: I miss my dad Asher…
David: I miss him a lot.
David: I’ll be back.
Asher: 🧍
Caelum: Hey Gavin, I have a question! Since I’m literally five, can you please explain to me how you fucked crops?
Gavin: I didn’t wanna have to explain that to you Caelum, I didn’t wanna!! You forced my hand!
Caelum: PLEASE
Gavin: Now you’re scarred for life and I’m gonna have to take you to therapy and it’s just-
Vincent: What’s up everybody? It’s your favorite boy!
Vincent: NO-!
Bright: Welcome to Wonderworld!!
Fred: Oh-!
Quinn, literally coming out of nowhere: Welcome to Worderworld humans.
Sam, with a piece of the truck’s door stuck inside him: That was an illegal left by the way!
Lovely, tranced: I don’t feel so good…why are all my limbs slack? Why can’t I move my eyes? Why can’t I move my mouth, is this an internal dialogue? I can’t see the end of the horizon-
Lovely: HATSUNE MIKU??????
Vega, approaching Gavin, Freelancer, and Caelum: Mmm, let me get a good smell of you, little boy…
Gavin: No-
Darlin: Okay so, the google maps said the Denny’s would be just around this corner… Denny’s?
Some vampires: Hi-
Darlin: Augh! *punches* Get out of my way please!
Darlin: Thank you!
Sam: Darlin!! Darlin!!
Darlin: Huh?
Sam, points: The Denny’s is that way!
Darlin: Finally… A Grand Slam! *runs off* LET’S GO!!
Sam: Save a cheese melt for me darlin!
Kody: I, too, have insomnia, but unlike you, mine is not caused by depression!
Freelancer: Hey that’s not-! Well, yes, I am depressed, okay…
Kody: Mine is because I play so much Fortnite, I stay up late and go to Tilted Towers.
Kody: …I don’t actually play Fortnite, I don’t know any other places…
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starlitangels · 3 years
Redacted Incorrect Quotes, Part 4
Vincent: Are you free on Friday? Like, around 8PM?
Sam: Yes?
Vincent, to Darlin': What about you?
Darlin': I think so, yeah.
Vincent: Great, because I'm not. You two go on without me. Enjoy your date! *zips off home to Lovely*
Sam: Did he just—?
Caelum: What do you deserve that is also a type of bagel?
Freelancer: Uh... I don't know. What?
Caelum: Everything!
Asher: David sent me a Get Better Soon card
Milo: That's nice
Asher: I'm not sick. He just thinks I can do better
Vincent: Hey, Tank, those are nice pants.
Darlin': Thanks
Vincent: I bet they'd look even better on Sam's floor
Darlin': *chokes on own saliva*
Sam: Vincent, are you flirting with Tank... *for* me?!
Milo: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Asher: IDK, why?
Milo: To get to the idiot's house. Knock knock
Asher: Who's there?
Milo: The chicken
Asher: ... I won't punch you on one condition
Milo: Okay
Asher: Go tell that joke to Christian
Ollie: One time I ended an English presentation with, "these fatal flaws brought MacBeth to his MacDeath" and at least 60% of the class groaned
Gavin: I win
Freelancer: I have you pinned to the ground
Gavin: I know
Elliot: We should have a holiday called Space Day where all lights around the world are all shut off for the night so we can see the galaxy
Asher: I want to be mysterious so bad but I just cannot shut the f*&^ up
Damien: One time in elementary school the principal asked who knew what the hardest word to say was. I put my hand up and said "antidisestablismentarianism" and the principal said "no the correct answer is 'sorry'" and that was the day I lost all my faith in the entire education system
Elliot: If you're bored you can literally close your eyes and rotate a cow in your mind. It's free and the cops can't stop you
Freelancer, staring at Huxley: Jane Austen really just repeatedly said "the sexiest thing a man can be is kind, selfless, attentive, and honest about his feelings" and she was correct every single time
Lasko: How do people find their soulmate within the first two months of college? It took me four months to find the administration building
Gavin: I may not be your cup of tea but I am your tenth shot of tequila
Freelancer, settling in for a study session: Boil up some Mountain Dew, it's gonna be a long night
Damien: You could have said literally anything else
Freelancer: Cauldron boil and cauldron bubble, baja blast to fuel my trouble
Geordi: *singing ABCs in his head all out of order*
Cutie: Yasss! Remix!
Lasko: Go ahead, ask Damien something no one should have an opinion on
Freelancer: What's the worst multiple of 4?
Damien, scowling: Twelve, obviously
Sam: Hey Vincent, I... think I need relationship advice
Vincent: Just because I'm dating Lovely doesn't mean I know how I did it
Asher: I advise you, don't f*&^ with me
Asher: I know karate, kung fu, jiu jitsu, tae kwon do, and 28 other dangerous words
Geordi: Swear words are illegal now. If you say one you'll be fined
Cutie: Heck
Geordi: You're on thin f*&^ing ice
Geordi: Oh no
Gavin: How's the most beautiful person in the world doing?
Freelancer, not looking up from homework: I don't know, how *are* you doing?
Gavin, trying not to cry: I'm fine
Asher: Is that a vampire bite on your neck?
Darlin': No. It's a mosquito bite
Sam, walking in: Hey y'all—
Asher: Hey, mosquito
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kitheking · 2 years
Redacted ASMR incorrect yet somewhat accurate quotes pt. 2
Somebody: How many kids do you have? William: Biologically, emotionally, or legally?
Asher, trying to cheer the group up: Things could be worse, you know!  Babe: How?  Asher: How what?  Babe: How could they be worse?  Asher: They couldn’t, I lied.  Babe:
David: Do you take constructive criticism? Angel: I only take cash or credit.
Angel : Who thinks I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?  Babe: You’re a hazard to society  Sweeheart : And a coward. DO TWENTY.
Sam: You know those things will kill you, right?  Darlin, pouring another glass of whiskey: That’s the point.  Bright, smoking a cigarette: We’re trying to speed up the process.  Fred: *Nods while eating raw cookie dough*
Vincent: I made tea. Lovely: I don’t want tea. Vincent: I did not make tea for you. This is my tea. Lovely: Then why are you telling me? Vincent: It is a conversation starter. Lovely: That’s a lousy conversation starter. Vincent: Oh, is it? We are conversing. Checkmate.
Milo: You often use humor to deflect trauma  Sweetheart: Thank you  Milo: I didn't say that was a good thing  Sweetheart: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny
Caelum: Freelancer , what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean? Freelancer : I don’t know, love you, talk to you later Caelum: Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask Gavin.
Freelancer: I’m kind of crushing on someone, but I’m worried about telling you who it is, because you’re not going to like it Damien: Just rip the bandage off. Freelancer: It’s Gavin. Damien: Put the bandage back on.
Honey: Can you please be serious for five minutes?  Guy: My record is four, but I think I can do it.
Geordi: Oh just so you know, it's very muggy outside Cutie: Cutie: Geordi, I swear, if I step outside and all of our mugs are on the front lawn... Geordi: *Sips coffee from bowl*
Warden: Hey, it's your turn to wash dishes.  Vega: I'LL WASH THE WALLS RED WITH YOUR BLOOD.  Warden: 'Kay, but before that, wash the dishes, also use soap this time?
*when they were younger*
David: Darlin and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us  Gabe: *Sighing* What did Darlin do?  David: They chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and...  Darlin: Who wants a steering wheel?
Aaron: How petty can you get? Smartass: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
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In Plain Sight -- Part 15
A Klaus Mikaelson Imagine
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
Word length: 1890
Warnings: typical violence and stuff you’d see in the show (oh and swearing)
Request: Hello! I just found your blog and I’m living it! Can you do a Klaus story where the reader has twins with him but he didn’t know (maybe one of his siblings helped them hid or something?) But that they are older then Hope by like a year so when their Aunt comes for a firstborn and funds Hope is not it she goes after the reader who Klaus was in fact in love with? If not its cool no pressure :) (requested by @poemfreak306 )
Summary: emotional damage
Taglist @burningmusicmachine @sophiasotherdaughter @thatweirdoleigh @quaint-and-curious-being @hoeofnjadaka @slowlybeautifulprinces @angel34jolly-blog @princess-of-the-fandoms @skeletoresinthebasement @sollyemad-blog @chfyu @britt-mf @happy-sunny-flowers @aomi-nabi @teenwolfbitches28 @sw-eat-ing @elle88531 @selena8712 @itsalaurelhell @cuddlyklaus @kathrynisadogperson @poemfreak306 @cuddlyklaus @kathrynisadogperson @youngestxhearts @angelsfallingdown @itskindofafairything @nobody7102 @theroyalbrownbarbie @fangirlbitch02 @fandomrulesall-blog @katykat71114 @salvatoreitmeanssaviour @mschellehitt @loki-is-loved @queenofkings121 @thegingerthatwaited @littlemissslytherinprincess @youngestxhearts @roxytheimmortal @pisicakawritesshitatfour @abitchforbarnes @nonvoglioperderti00 @melaniin-monroe @caelum-the-part-time-nihilist @exyqueenkvnday @queenofkings121-blog @itsyaboi-uhhh-skinnypenis @avengers-fixation @crackhead1-800 @feelinrosier @jana-jaeynneee @romyislief @tired-meg @duskrosee @sagittarianwolf @megatron07 @fandomrulesall-blog @geekofmanyforms @creative-diaries @snowblazeblack @okkulta @voiddylanobrosey @lotteword @kobababy @aehsct @mimischaos @mishacollins74 @woodworthti666 @happilykrispypirate
(if you want to be tagged in the next parts, let me know! And if I’ve forgotten you on the tag list, let me know that as well!)
Author’s note: get your predictions in now for what's going to happen next!
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Rebekah had disappeared, not having stayed long at all by your side once her impossible promises had been made. Once again alone, you wished they had at least placed you so that you could see Klaus. Although, perhaps the image of his desiccated body would have been too much.
A sound caught your attention. You held your breath, well you would have if you’d have had any say over your body’s actions. You waited, wondering if your mind was playing tricks on you because it had sounded like it came from Klaus’s coffin.
That it had come from Klaus.
Another sound, unmistakeably from the coffin this time. A grunt. A groan. Shifting. Klaus was waking up.
You didn’t know how he was doing it, but you felt relief flood your body. If you’d have been able to, you’d have shouted the relief at the top of your lungs.
You watched behind the prison of your body as Klaus sat up. Your heart nearly burst at the sight. Klaus was swaying in the coffin. His body was recovering from the effects of the dagger and you knew he would be weak until he drank.
Slowly, Klaus’s breathing steadied and his gaze turned as he got full control over his body. You watched him spot you, his eyes blowing wide at the sight. You wished you could reach out or say something. Klaus’s expression turned from shock to pain to anger within seconds.
Unable to do anything, you watched as he pushed his weak body to grip the sides of the coffin and haul himself out. You heard the thump of his body hitting the floor, but you couldn’t see him as he fell too far out down your body. You swore at Rebekah for not even letting you move your eyes.
The grunt at his impact reassured you that he was still awake. You heard him pick himself up, heard the sound of him shuffling towards you. You couldn’t react outwardly, but inside you were desperate to see his face and feel his warm, very much non-desiccated, touch on your skin.
Klaus didn’t make you wait very long. His face came into view as he pulled himself over you, propping himself up on unstable arms as he looked down at your frozen face. His eyes were shining. He reached a finger out to gently touch your face.
A tear fell from your eye and his eyes widened in understanding.
“I’ll break this spell,” he promised you in a hushed and urgent voice. He wiped the tear from your cheek. He searched your eyes and you desperately wished you could give him some kind of sign. “But for now,” he said, a tear slipping down his own cheek now, “I have to go.”
You wanted to tell him that you understood. That of course he had to go. He was the one that could save your children. You knew he would come back for you. You trusted him. You knew he would never let anything happen to any of you. He loved you. He wanted his family together as much as you did. You just wished you could tell him that.
You wished you’d never left.
Klaus leant forward and pressed a hard, emotion-filled kiss into your forehead, as if he could force you to understand the depth of his promise by the pressure of his kiss alone.
You stared up at him with hope back in your heart. Your children would be fine. You’d all be fine. Sudden realisation hit you with panic.
Klaus didn’t know. He didn’t know their plan. Their stupid, never-going-to-work plan. You fought with everything you had to get a single sound out of your mouth. You needed to give him a sign of some sort at the very least that there was more to know. That his siblings had plotted something with him daggered and you knew what it was. More importantly, that he had to stop it.
But the magic binding you was too strong and Klaus saw no sign. He saw nothing but your frozen body beneath him. Useless. With that, he left and you stared up at the ceiling, tears of frustration once again falling from your eyes.
A door opened somewhere close by. Someone’s footsteps sounded and fear coursed through you. If they saw Klaus was awake they’d just dagger him again. You doubted he’d be as lucky to wake up again this time.
Furniture was being moved by the sound of it. You strained your human ears to listen. Someone was preparing something in the courtyard. Chanting started after a few minutes and you were able to distinguish a voice: Freya.
You didn’t understand the Latin she was saying and you had no hope of stopping her. You hoped that Klaus was still nearby and listening.
Someone else’s footsteps echoed across the courtyard, just barely audible over Freya’s chanting.
“Once the spell is set,” Freya said, stopping her chanting, “Dahlia won’t be able to enter without being rendered mortal.” You could hear the happiness in Freya’s voice. “Where are the twins, Elijah?” she asked, her voice dropping into a warning.
You internally sighed with relief. Elijah had left the twins with Hayley or Rebekah. You hoped it was the latter, but a nagging feeling told you it was Hayley. At least they weren’t here.
“If we use their power to lure Dahlia, swear to me that they will come to no harm,” he asked of Freya, and although his voice was calm you knew the threat that lay in Elijah’s tone.
“Dahlia won’t get close enough to hurt them,” Freya promised in return, sounding as if she meant it. You hoped she wasn’t as good a liar as she was a witch. “She won’t be able to hurt any child ever again.”
Freya gasped suddenly and you strained even further to hear what was happening. It sounded like she was in pain. Had Elijah grabbed her by the neck to drive home his threat? It was something he and his siblings did tend to do after all.
“I do hope that is true,” you heard him say, still calm. Freya cried out, gasping in pain. Seconds later you heard her crash into something. “You are now the bait,” Elijah announced.
“What did you do to me?” Freya asked, fear coating her words.
“Their blood is now in you,” Elijah explained.
Their blood? The vial, you remembered. He must have injected it into her.
“Therefore, Dahlia will now be hunting you,” Elijah continued. “All we needed was a beating heart.” Well, at least they had realised that part on their own. “And though I question the purity of your heart’s intent, I hear it beating just fine.”
You silently thanked whatever entity might be listening that Elijah had finally realised to at least question his sister’s motives, family or not.
“No,” Freya said, sounding close to tears. “If Dahlia senses the ruse –“
“Rebekah assures me that this will work and I trust her far more than I trust you.”
“I am not your enemy, Elijah!”
If you weren’t bound, you’d have argued that point immediately, with facts to back it up.
“We shall see,” Elijah responded.
You wanted to curse him out for still trusting her, even a little bit after his own admittance to her complete lack of care for the twins or Hope. She just wanted her freedom. Why couldn’t any of them see it?
“Proceed with your preparations,” Elijah ordered and then you heard him walk away.
You were surprised to hear him enter the room adjacent to the one you lay in. Rebekah walked into your field of vision and you wondered how long she had been there. She glanced at you before opening the door to the room her brother was in. You couldn’t see Elijah, but the sigh he let out told you that he spotted his sister.
“Rebekah,” he said, walking over to her. Rebekah met him in the middle. They stood just close enough that when you strained, you could focus on your peripheral vision just enough to see them.
A buzzing sound echoed in the silence and you watched as Elijah pulled out his phone. You could tell by his expression that he expected something bad from whatever was staring back at him.
“Hayley?” Rebekah asked.
Elijah hesitated.
“Play it,” his sister ordered, and knowing that Rebekah would not hesitate to take the phone from him, Elijah obliged.
Hayley’s voice filled the room just as you spotted Klaus leaning heavily on the wall behind Elijah and Rebekah. His expression was blank as he stared at his brother and sister, his betrayers.
As Hayley’s message played, the air in the room shifted. Hayley had called to say goodbye. You weren’t surprised that she would leave. She chose her pack, her husband, over the Mikaelsons. Over her real family. You knew she couldn’t be trusted.
Then Hayley said she was taking the children.
Your mind shorted for a second. Taking the children? She was running. She was running and she was taking your children with her. You could feel your body and the magic battling inside of you as your body went into a blind panic but the magic wouldn’t let it react. It felt like your heart might explode.
You focused your attention on Klaus, needing to know that he had heard it. Needing to know that he would stop this. Klaus’s face was blank with shock.
“I don’t want Hope to be a Mikaelson,” Hayley was saying now. “None of them deserve all the pain that comes with that name.”
You felt waves of anger flood your system, quieting your panic dangerously. How dare she. They were her family. There was no choice. She was a Mikaelson. And if she took her and ran it would not change. She would always be a Mikaelson.
Rebekah and Elijah had sad, but understanding looks on their faces. You wanted to throttle them. How could they be so naïve? They better than anyone knew what being born into this family meant. There was no escape. Nowhere that Hayley could run that Hope would not be a Mikaelson.
Hope would be hunted, tracked down, and used for her power. Or for leverage against her father or uncles and aunts. Hope would never be safe if Hayley ran with her.
But what you couldn’t understand more than anything was what right Hayley thought she had to take the twins with her. What right did she think she had to decide for them? She was not their mother.
Another wave of anger flowed over you as you thought about her words. She was scared and she was an idiot and it would get all three children killed. She was blaming Klaus, which only fuelled your anger.
You could see her words sinking into Klaus. You could see the self-loathing, the acceptance of her words settle into his skin. Everything he was so afraid of, she threw into his face.
“She’s right, Elijah,” Rebekah said, looking sadly at a heartbroken Elijah.
Behind them, Klaus’s face contorted in rage. He glanced to you, his face softening momentarily before hardening with determination. You saw a plan form and unshakable determination snap into place.
Klaus was gone seconds later.
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