#i love dat fish
loveofbots · 2 years
Nothing to see here just my radioactive space child being enamoured with the beauty of the earth
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Carry on
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fishmongeringstudies · 10 months
#40092: woxer won’t stop texting me in all caps about its incredibly bad black friday sale and it’s starting to stress me out but i want new underwear eventually, just not right now, so i can’t unsubscribe yet
Do you remember those big red bags they gave us in freshman year? They had square bases reinforced with a layer of cardboard and fabric so we could put our takeout boxes inside and not worry about them sliding open. Everything was takeout-only that year. In the fall everyone sat in big circles on the grass outside and when I arrived in the spring I would take my food home in that big red bag, my hands shoved all the way down my pockets. It snowed hard that winter. I have photos on my old phone of Mertz field turned completely white, of pockets of water in the grass that had frozen over. The brick flooring of the patio behind Willets stayed frozen for so long, you had to pick up your feet when you walked on it or you’d fall over.
The Saturday of Thanksgiving break I looked up on my way to get dinner and saw a clear blue sky. It was cold that evening, three degrees Celcius and steadily falling. Maybe the cold had scared all the clouds away. The sky yawned wide across the domed world to the other side of campus, where it was slowly turning pink. The air was still.
When I got back I watched Dan and Phil from Youtube play a horror game about really liking golf in the first floor lounge and picked at my rice. I read the last four chapters of Kakukaku Shikajika and felt my eyes water like they did every year when I read Kakukaku Shikajika. I did a handstand.
Do you remember when campus was a ghost town without ghosts and you had gotten off at the wrong stop? Looking at Google Maps on your phone you thought to yourself, this must be the wrong place. You rubbed dust from your eyes.
From year to year to year I learned to associate quiet with nothingness. We’re the ones that got here when the fire was still burning, after all. It makes sense that we didn’t know how to be people to each other, let alone ourselves. Burning and freezing and burning and freezing in each other’s dingles in Willets with too much furniture and not enough of anything else.
That winter I spilled chicken pot pie in that old red bag and forgot to clean it up. By the time I found it by sheer smell alone it was molding hard and would cost too much effort to save. So I threw it away with all the other things I didn’t need anymore.
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gurorori · 8 months
i miss salmon i wanna eat salmon
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reallyromealone · 1 year
🦉 °°°
Can I request toman and takemichis little twin brothers again. Where toman decide to go fishing and start to get the stuff out of the car and the twins just decide to go in the boat and end up in the middle of the lake or idk. Lol
( ・∇・)
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10. camping
24. Boating
Toman x toddler male reader /w twin
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"i help" (twins name) mimbled as he held a small bag with snacks in it, (name) dragging his and his brothers little back packs with their car toys in them "thank you, do helpful!" Mitsuya said to the boys who beamed before waddling off hand in hand to go help other people, Sanzu and Smiley going over the food their beinging "we bring oyos?" (Name) asked hopefully and the two looked down at the toddlers "wouldnt be a camping weekend without oreos yeah?"
The adults let the twins "help" it kept them out of trouble and everyone kept an eye on them before it was time to strap the boys in their car seats "all comfy?" Takemichi asked his brothers who nodded with their sippy cups filled with juice, hakkai between them so they dont fight, Mitsuya and Takemichi in front.
"You two excited to go camping?" Mitsuya asked the twins who bounced happily "we make smore!" (Name) yelled "and fishing! Draken is gonna teach you guys how to pitch a tent!" Hakkai said and the twins looked fascinated at this concept.
When the twins were finally freed they held their brothers hands and wanted to help set up, Draken indeed showing them how to set up a tent and the Kawata twins watching them while everyone got stuff ready, the twins loving the elder twins as they never met other twins.
"Smore.." (twins name) grumbled as he and his brother ate the delicious treat like a couple of wolf cubs, messy and enthusiastically and the rest of Toman watched with smiles on their faces.
Come morning, the twins had little life jackets and bucket hats and toddler fishing rods, sandals strapped on and ready to fish with the others.
The men didnt give the tots ant real directions as they stood beside the adults "we should get in the boats" takemichi mumbled as he looked over everything, the tots not hearing Chifuyu say they cant as Mikey was still getting ready.
The tots got into the boat, the movement causing the boat to drift and before they knew it they were thirty feet out "ok you two, you rea-- where are they" everyone looked horrified before Mitsuya pointed to the boat now in the middle of the lake, the two tots looking VERY distressed as they cried out for their brother.
A bunch of soaked toman members and two sobbing tots later and the twins were free and a little terrified of boats, the gang deciding to just fish on the dock and smiled when they caught a tiny fish "you caight a fish!" Baji said hyping them up "caught dat mowfukin fsh" (name) mumbled and the others tried not to break out into laughter at the toddlers cursing.
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thethreeeyed-raven · 1 year
Hi !!! First I wanna say that I love the aesthetic of ur account it’s so pretty and nicely put together I’m obsessed. Second, I was wondering if I could request something for a Legolas x half elf reader where the reader is very like, unladylike, and doesn’t follow elven traditions ?? Like she’s very brash, flirts with lots of people, drinks a lot, doesn’t really have any of that elegance or poise that he’s used to when it comes to eleven girls and is a extremely good fighter. She’s a trusted friend of Gandalf and he brings her to the council of Elrond and she joins the fellowship and all dat.
Ok I’m done sorry if that’s too detailed feel free to not write it if you don’t want to, don’t want you to feel pressured to jus cause I asked 😅
i think you are beautiful
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navigation | warnings : gimlis a little bitch, a little bit of angst? a little bit of gimli/dwarf slander😭 | a/n : if this isn’t what you want then i’m sorry😭, also of the elvish is wrong PLEASE LMK i literally used an sindarin, i kind of forgot about the flirty part and half elf part, but it’s mentioned a little bit, i asp used british slang for ‘hello’ IM BRITISH | lotr masterlist | tags : @knight-of-flowerss @lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom
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Legolas hadn't expected to see you at Elrond's secret meeting.
He didn't even know you knew Gandalf. Well, he didn't know much about you at all really. Of course, Legolas has seen you before, with the adventures he went on with Aragorn and what not, he was hardly ever seen around Lothlórien, and he was sure you were too.
But when you entered the circle of middle-earth creatures with your eccentric aura and manly stance, he thought of you intriguing.
"Another bloody elf?!" Gimli explained in disgust.
Legolas turned to the dwarf seated beside him, opening his mouth ready to throw a remark back when you interrupted.
"Well you are in the Rivendell, dwarf. If you are willing to help with the destruction of the ring, you must watch your tongue, before I cut it out." You threw him a smirk, and watched as Gimli shrunk back in his seat.
"Y/n! I've been expecting you for quite some time." Gandalf made his way over and enveloped you into a hug, which you reciprocated.
"You did show up in the middle of nowhere when I was trying to fish, you owe me a pint, don't forget."
You patted his back and made you way over to an empty chair, which was ironically beside Legolas.
"Oreyt there Legolas?" You patted his shoulder and look towards Elrond. "Let's get on with it then!"
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It had been about a week since you and the fellowship had attended Elrond's secret council meeting, and since then, you hadn't really bonded with anyone like everyone else had, though you thoroughly enjoyed flirting.
You knew Aragorn already had his heart set on Arwen, Gimli couldn't stand you (you found it funny to rile him up).
Legolas was your favourite to tease.
He wasn't used to your heavy drinking, swordsmanship, the way your eyes glistened in the moonlight...
You weren't at all what he had thought.
You had a kind heart. And your beauty went beyond those of the other elven women.
And Gimli made sure to point out that you were different.
"Are you sure you're not a man?"
You turned around to look at him, holding back a frown.
"Wait, you're not a man?" Pippin chimed in, finally causing the frown to appear and you started to walk ahead of Gandalf. "Did I say something wrong?"
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Nearly an hour later, you all had found a place to rest, yet you didn't talk throughout the whole way through.
Legolas and Aragorn were relieving themselves of their weapons when Legolas peered over at you who stood in the far corner away from everyone else, but near enough for you to hear him insult Gimli.
"I norn na- an imbecile." He placed his arrows next to his bow and Aragorn turned to look at him.
"Whui ceri- cin eithad Gimli? Does ha gar- something na ceri- with ui/n?" Aragorn questioned him.
"-o iór ha does! How berth- ho ask hen such a nad! At least with ammen galadrim mín know what mín are!"
Gimli looked up at Boromir who wasn't paying any mind to the rather loud conversation they were having.
"What are the elf and the man speaking about?"
Boromir just shrugged. "I don't know, I don't speak Sindarin.
You, having understood their conversation, smiled a little to yourself, happy that at least someone here would defend you.
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You sat quietly beside a lake, inspecting the flora surrounding you, when you heard footsteps.
You swung your body round, placing your hand on the blade strapped to your leg.
The sound revealed itself to be Legolas. "There you are, Gandalf sent me to make sure you weren't missing."
You nodded and motioned him to sit next to you.
"You were being rather loud with Aragorn earlier." You chuckled as you watched a red tint spread across Legolas' cheeks. "Thank you."
Legolas nodded in acknowledgment and he was about to stand up when you grabbed ahold of his hand.
Your hand was rough, no doubt from the countless weapons you have wielded or practised with.
"Legolas, do you think I'm pretty?"
He was taken aback by your sudden question.
Since you were little you had struggled with femininity. Your hobbies were 'un-ladylike', your looks were considered to be 'manly'.
The silence was too loud, too long. So you took that as a no.
"I think you are beautiful. And I think you're too good for anyone here." He sat back down next to you. "Not only are your combat skills exceptional, but the way you carry yourself outshines any of the elvish women. They can't compete."
You moved closer, until your pinky was touching his.
"I may not know you that well, I've hardly ever seen you around Rivendell or any of the elven parts for that matter, and quite frankly, I couldn't care less if you were half elf, or half dwarf, or half whatever. I've still admired you from afar-"
You shut him up with a quick kiss to his lips.
Aragorn watched further away from the bushes, shaking his head with a grin, then going to tell Gandalf that you were safe.
"Im like cin verui limb legolas, a im gar- admired cin o palan too."
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‘I norn na- an imbecile’ - the dwarf is an imbecile
‘Whui ceri- cin eithad Gimli?’ - why do you insult Gimli?
‘Does ha gar- something na ceri- with ui/n?’ - does it have something to do with Y/n?
‘-o iór ha does! How berth- ho ask hen such a nad! At least with ammen galadrim mín know what mín are!’ - of course it does! how dare he ask her such a thing! at least with us elves we know what we are!
‘Im like cin verui limb legolas, a im gar- admired cin o palan too’ - i like you very much legolas, and i have admired you from afar too
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xxnomadsxx · 7 months
What would Synth x Branch be like in the nomade au? Do you have headcannons?
How'd the Tribe react to Synth and Branch datting?
(I suspect the farals just wouldn't really care unless they saw Synth as a threat- or if they could eat him)
Would Thing care? Would he try and give Synth a shovel talk??(one really scary growl?)
Well the relationship is very similar to Poppy’s and Branch’s dynamic (sunshine and cloudy) The relationship itself would also start way earlier than Broppy (since Branch and Poppy need a lot of character development done before they start dating in this au) Brynth probably starts a year after they first meet.
Headcannon wise I don’t have a lot besides a few
Branch and Synths dates are either raves, or survival stuff (Synth thinks the stuff’s cool)
Branch probably stopped eating anything fish after they started dating (Synth doesn’t care if he eats fish but loves the gesture)
Synth constantly wakes up Branch at strange times just to rave (similar to the 4am raves in the show)
Branch gets very insecure about himself and Synth tries to cheer him up with his cheer skills (he not very good at cheerleading but he’s got the spirit, witch does cheer Branch up)
The tribe was shocked when they started dating because Branch was…. dating someone?!?!! (they all thought he’d be single his whole life with all the issues he had) after the shock passed no one really cared, except…. Thing.
Thing stepped up in his role as an “older sibling” and basically gave Synth the shovel talk
On the dinner when they were introduced to one another Branch left the room at one point and Thing just pulled a machete out of his hair and just growled at Synth, untill Branch came back in the room and he completely switched up his attitude.
(Thing acts nice whenever Branch is looking but when he’s not Thing just starts glaring daggers at Synth)
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razorblade180 · 10 months
Charlotte:Miss Furina!!! I have a very important question to ask, off the record of course.
Furina:A question? I don’t see why not.
Charlotte:Are you being courted by world renowned traveler, Aether!?
Furina:*red* C-Courted!? I wouldn’t exactly say-
The journalist whips out a polaroid photo of Furina with a warm smile on her face as she sits across from Aether during a late candle lit dinner.
Furina:Oh my god this came out so well. You can even see the- how did you have this!? Where were you!?
Charlotte:I was posed as a waitress!
Charlotte:…For a job! Not for you. Heavens no. By the way, I wouldn’t eat there again. Back to the topic at hand, good for you.! It’s a cute look. Your smile is brighter.
Furina:You just have good lighting.
Charlotte:Ha! Oh Furina…candle light is agonizing for photography.
Furina:Sounds like a hit a sore spot. Anyways, if you’re asking I assume you’re more or less aware of everything I am when it comes to Aether and romance.
Charlotte:Of course! I actually brought it up to him around our first time meeting. Had proof and everything so I can ask him “why an open relationship”
Furina:…You’re kinda scary at times.
Charlotte:If you’re not intense in my field then people try to circle around the truth. Like you were about to do until I showed the photo. You can keep that by the way. *fiddles with camera*
Furina:If you don’t mind, I’d like to ask you a question as well.
Charlotte:Ooo okay! I’m all ears!
Furina:You’ve known him longer, engaged with him more often, and seem interested from where I stand; yet I’m the one dat- is involved with him.
Charlotte:Do you have commitment issues?
Furina:Let me finish! What I’m getting at is why aren’t you two item. I’ve the comedically sized document about the dynamic. As it stands now…if I was close minded or acted selfishly…
Charlotte:Ah, I see. It’s interesting to see your mind at work, but unfortunately you’re overthinking things waaaay too much. This isn’t chess game or battle of wits. It would pretty low to treat others feelings like that without thought. Neither him or I would be able to stand ourselves to put a person filled with in a position where they either find new love or be forced to deal with the fact there’s someone else. Kinda defeats the point of an open relationship.
Furina:That’s…I see your point.
Charlotte:If you want Aether romantically all to yourself when it comes to Fontainian’s then by all means exercise that right. He’s still going to be one of my closest friends and partner in journalism! Though to be clear, this isn’t me conceding in any way. I do hope you enjoy my company as much as I love yours! Also… *pulls out photo*
It’s nothing particularly special. Just a really good picture of Aether in the middle of fishing without a care in the world.
Charlotte: Let’s be honest, he has a very nice face. Just ask Lyney! He thinks so too.
Furina:*red* I mean I guess it has its appeal.
Charlotte:You can keep that one too. Anyways, I gotta go before no more Aquabuses run. My latest story has gotten popular so you know…I’ll be back in the city in like three weeks? Hopefully? Eh, we’ll see.
Furina:What did you expose!?
Charlotte:It’ll be front page tomorrow! Read all about it! Bye! *runs off*
Furina thought she was pretty good at reading people, especially her audience. Right now she had no clue if the conversation just now was casual chatter, a weird bargain, or even pleasant congratulations with a side of flirting? She only knew what she’s known from the beginning. Charlotte is a really interesting, kind person who takes phenomenal photos.
Furina:…(I wonder if he knows that this photo was taken?)
Aether:I was fishing alone.
Furina:For the love of- how strong is that lens!? By the way…would you consider us…courting or something? *red*
Aether: You literally made out with me a few days ago. Grabbed my scarf, and smooched my face. We spend time together consistently.
Furina:*nods slowly* You bring up a valid point.
Aether:A valid point!? *shows hickey*
Furina:Okay, several points! Wrap your scarf back up before someone sees!
Aether:Breaking news, crystal pure celebrity actually filters her murky mind.
Furina:I want my kisses back!
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blkdivinefeminine · 4 months
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SILVER SPRINGS, a challengers story
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ramona’s mixtape
▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊|• 0:10
track one- silver springs, fleetwood mac
track two- storms, fleetwood mac
track three- drew barrymore, sza
track four- fade into you, mazzy star
track five- cellophane, fka twigs
track six- dear april, frank ocean
track seven- bad religion, frank ocean
track eight- boyfriends, harry style
s track nine- cool about it, boygenius
track ten-strangers, ethel cain
track eleven- the bomb, florence + the machine
track twelve-how to disappear, lana del rey
track thirteen- is it a crime?, sade
track fourteen- mirrored hearts, fka twigs
track fifteen- ex-factor, lauryn hill
track sixteen -nude, radiohead
track seventeen- all i wanted, paramore
track eighteen- the other woman, nina simone
track nineteen- losing you, solange
track twenty- linger, the cranberries
track twenty one- dancing on my own, robyn
track twenty two- the less i know the better, tame impala
track twenty three- lacy, olivia rodrigo
track twenty four - garden (say it like dat), sza
track twenty five-the end of love, florence + the machine
track twenty six- writer in the dark, lorde
track twenty seven- norman fucking rockwell, lana del rey track
twenty eight- landslide, fleetwood mac
track twenty nine-love ridden, fiona apple
track thirty- turning tables, adele
track thirty one-cayendo, frank ocean
track thirty two - cherry, harry styles
track thirty three - boyish, japanese breakfast
track thirty four-goodnight n go, ariana grande
track thirty five- love on the brain, rihanna
track thirty six- no ordinary love, sade
track thirty seven - fine line, harry styles
patrick’s mixtape
▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊|• 0:10
track one- house of cards, radiohead
track two- dark red, steve lacy
track three- flamenco, beyonce
track four- are we still friends?, tyler the creator
track five-chanel, frank ocean
track six- crack baby, mitski
track seven- killer, phoebe bridgers
track eight-self control, frank ocean
track nine- i want someone badly, jeff buckley
track ten-right down the line, greg rafferty
track eleven- crush, cigarettes after sex
track twelve- all i need, radiohead
track thirteen- moth to a flame, swedish house mafia w/ the weeknd
track fourteen-house of balloons/ glass table girls, the weeknd
track fifteen- west end girls, pet shop boys
track sixteen- baby came home 2/ valentines, the neighborhood
track seventeen-thunder, lana del rey
track eighteen- right my wrongs, bryson tiller
track nineteen-nature feels, frank ocean
track twenty- cinderella, mac miller ft. ty dolla sign
track twenty two- nights, frank ocean
track twenty three- s&m, rihanna
track twenty four- same ol' mistakes, tame impala
track twenty five- super rich kids, frank
track twenty six- slow dancing in the dark, joji
track twenty seven- favorite crime,olivia rodrigo
track twenty eight- do i wanna know, artic monkeys
track twenty nine- forget her, jeff buckley
track thirty- beetlebum, blur
track thirty one- don't let me down, the beatles
track thirty two - futile devices, sufjan stevens
track thirty three -i wanna be yours, artic monkeys
track thirty four- water under the bridge, adele
track thirty five-sanctuary, joji
track thirty six- something, the beatles
track thirty seven-congratulations, mac miller
art’s playlist
▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊|• 0:10
track one-white ferrari, frank ocean
track two-lover you should've come over,jeff buckley
track three- weird fishes/arpeggi, radiohead
track four- black star, radiohead
track five-don't let me go, cigarettes after sex
track six- uncle ACE, blood orange
track seven-somebody that I used to know, goyte
track eight-step on me, the cardigans
track nine-ivy, frank ocean
track ten- im your man, mitski
track eleven-champagne coast, blood orange
track twelve- last goodbye, jeff buckley
track thirteen- when the sun hits, slowdive
track fourteen- bad habit, steve lacy
y track fifteen- high and dry, radiohead
track sixteen- earfquake, tyler the creator
track seventeen-puppet, tyler the creator
track eighteen- close to you, frank ocean
track nineteen- apocalypse, cigarettes after sex
track twenty- no distance left to run, blur
track twenty one- pink matter, frank ocean
track twenty two-somebody else, the 1975
track twenty three- true love waits, radiohead
track twenty four- pride, kendrick lamar
track twenty five- glimpse of us, joji
track twenty six-distant lover, marvin gaye
track twenty seven- from the dining table, harry styles
track twenty eight-savior complex, phoebe bridgers
track twenty nine -to be so lonely, harry styles
track thirty- a boy is a gun, tyler the creator
track thirty one- two slow dancers, mitski
track thirty two- tomorrow never came, lana del rey
track thirty three- different this time, cornelia murr
track thirty four- say something living, the xx
track thirty five- kiss it off me, cigarettes after sex
track thirty six- seigfried, frank ocean
track thirty seven-pistol, cigarettes after sex
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willesredlights · 2 months
Simon's month 2024 - "Memories" series
A post season 3 young royals fanfic by @willesredlights (sariscribbles on ao3) where every chapter is another prompt for Simon's month, an event hosted by @youngroyals-events .
I wanted to make this masterlist where I link up all the chapters of this fic. Although it's a fanfic and the chapters follow each other, you can read them apart as they are just little stories that happend through the summer after Hillerska closes. It's a collection of Simon's memories throughout the summer.
I still have a few prompts to go which I will finish when I can!
Much much much thanks to @youngroyals-events for organising these kinds of events! This was really fun to participate in and I really had a lot of fun writing these!
Memories I hold to keep safe
Day 1: Pencil case: a feeling of the past living under the summer sun (G)
Day 2: Food: Engraved that day and smile, you gave into my memory (G)
Day 3: Dodgeball: Payback (G)
Day 4: Beach: You're the only one for me (G)
Day 5: Towel: I love the way you're screaming my name (M/E)
Dat 6: Sara: I'd love to have somebody never filter what they say (G)
Day 7: Purple: A new flavour (G)
Day 8: Identity/Discrimination: Don't apologize for crying, I will always hold you space (G)
Day 9: Anime: Hold me close until the end (G)
Day 10: Travel: I feel a little bit lighter when I'm with you (M/E)
Day 11: Revolution: Let them see you for who you are (G)
Day 12: Music: You were singing straight from your heart (G)
Day 13 + 14: Hoodie + Senses: The colours shine a bit brighter when I'm with you (G)
Day 15 + 28: Secrets + Birthday: 17th birthday
Day 17: Friendship: I got the best friends in this place (G)
Day 19: Fish: Yellow and Blue (G)
Day 20: Nightmare: Are you having a bad dream, baby? (G)
Day 21: Red Light: You and I forever (G)
Day 23: Parents: Childhood memories (G)
Day 26: Dancing
Day 27: Physical Touch
Day 29: Stars
Day 31: Photos
I'll give you the best years (sequel)
Day 16: Venezuela
Day 18: Pride
Day 22: Labour Day
Day 24: Winter
Day 25: Soulmates
Day 30 Home
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l0viez · 2 years
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚. Genshin Impact Characters as Younger Sibilings!
Ft ; Klee, Diona, Sayu, Chongyun, Thoma, Dori ! ♡
* Im sorry in advance for making this long:')!
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💥Klee ! ;
Being klee's older sibling,,, Is quite a adventure!
Whenever Albedo or Alice or maybe both leave you to babysit klee
You would have a "who wants to be a billioner" mindset
"(N/N)! Let's go fish blasting there's plently of fishes out right now!!"
Bascally inside your mind :
A.) Go and agree with Klee
B.) Say No and tell her to do it another time
C.) Play dead
D.) Tell her to play something else that doesn't include any.. bombs!
It depends on your mood tho tbh
like if your mad or upset at something you would accept klee's fish blasting idea no hestation
then jean founds out and you both gets in the confinement room
Whenever klee finds you crying or upset about something she would offer dodoco to you !
you can have dodoco until you feel better , her words not mine
sometimes whenever you both go on a adventure and she gets too tired
you would piggyback carry her back to your house<3!
Tbh you and klee's sibiling relationship is mostly a partner in crime
Whenever klee bombs something you would take the blame for it so she wont get in trouble
and if you "accidently" did something bad for example uhm slap someone (LMAO)
Klee would take the blame for it instead
Jean would be so tired bc of you both /jk
Imagine this ; You protected klee because of a suprise attack from a abyss mage and klee panicked and threw one of her bombs and it hitted you
which leads you both to this situation ;
Barbara giggling because of your antics while patching you up and Jean scholding you both, Klee explaining her best what happened with crocodile tears while hugging you from the side and you just sitting there sweatdropping also trying to explain what happened
" (Y/N) is the very very very very very very very best bro/sissy klee could ever ask for !! they would always always try to keep klee out of trouble and would even talk their way to let us go fish blasting !! Who wouldn't have a sibiling like her!! they would even give me homemade cookies whenever klee behaved well!! Don't worry traveller once we meet again klee will make sure to ask (Y/n) to give me extra cookies for you to try!:DD"
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🍧Diona ! ;
Your either diona's favorite person or diona's least favorite person/hj
theres no in between
(She also gives me overprotected little sister vibes but she pretends shes not overprotected and worried about you 24/7)
If you spend more time with her than your drunked "father" (draff) then your her favorite
but if you spend more time with your "father" (draff) trying to help him as much as possible then your... still her favorite but like she would have mixed feelings
because like what if you also become a addict to alcohols?? What if you turn out like draff?? What if you give her some poor excuses as well like draff on why your away?? (thats only if you spend more time with draff)
You and diona favorite thing to do together is collect ingredients and to mess around with them ! (and possibly make the most deadliest drink , but yk it would fail because of diona's special talent )
Diona would most likey to rant or vent out some stuff to you than you do
When you visit the Cat Tail Tavern you get a special discount
the "sibling discount"
I feel like some drunk people would ask diona to help them date you
and diona would look at them like she wants to choke them out
You WOULD and WILL spoil with planotic love and affection because draff failed to do so
You would hug her randomly and she would act like she dont want it
but she secretly likes it bc she never got 100% planotic love from her father so you giving her what she needed the most is very relaxing to know she still have you even if draff is absent most of the time<3
Shes very lucky to have you
but she'd rather have a handshake with diluc than even tell you that
[ a more funny idea too if you and diluc are secretly dating and she found out like she would glare at diluc for even trying to steal you away from her >:((( ]
" Huh whats that? Your asking me about my sibling? What are you trying to collect information me to date them as well!?Tsk.. I'll have you know im not afraid to scratch you! You may be the traveller who so happens to save our nation but I'll be damned if you even try to flirt with her! H-huh? Me ? Overprotecting ?! Ah. Ha! Don't even try to fill your mind with nonsense that is clearly not true!.."
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🍃Sayu! ;
Now being sayu's older sibling get ready to sleep 24/7
because whenever you two go out and she falls asleep YOU yes YOU will BECOME her personal pillow and theres no way out
Even if your not like her , not quick to sleep or like her , quick to sleep.
Your still going to be forced to sleep or get tired whenever shes around lmao
You would be at work and before you know it
Yae would be asking for your presence at the shrine
At first that you got called you were worried for sayu because like??? Who wouldnt
then once you got there...
Yae gave you a "important task"
To get your sister while she is SLEEPING
you had the most dumbfounded face cause like ?? why me ??
either way you still went out to find your sister !
When you found her either at the Chinju Forest or somewhere in ritou or Inazuma City hiding from someone or just sleeping
Once you found her you already found her asleep
Well,, that was easy
now you had to decided whether to turn her in to yae or any shrine maiden or carry her to your house so she can peacefully sleep without a problem and just tell the shrine maidens & Yae that you couldnt find her
but the problem is you know how intimidating yae could be if she knows you just kept sayu at your house just for her to sleep
she would probably electrocute you in a bad way☠️..
Now mostly since sayu is asleep you would carry her from left to right just so she can peacefully sleep
for her birthday you always buy her the most SOFTEST, FLUFFIEST, SILKYIEST , COMFYIEST pillow ever
Unlike diona's one with the giving affection and etc, you give sayu items she might need and wants instead‼️ but ofc you still give u siblingly affections from time to time!
you and diona mostly see eachother because you had to do your work to provide money for both of you and to give her gifts
and since because sayu is mostly busy at the shrine as well😭...
But if you have any free time or its your day off at your work and so is sayu
sayu would make to sure to get enough sleep and to stay up so you guys can hangout more without her sleeping again
but ofc that doesnt work well, abit of walks there and abit of goofing around she would start to feel sleepy again
once she tells you that shes feeling tired you will immediately go to the place to view the prettiest sunsets while she lays on your lap!<3
"hmm, I thought you told me you won't fall asleep this time ?"
"*yawns* look you wouldn't get it (n/n)... Im a growing girl after all and.. i still have to grow tall,, taller than yo-zzz"
like whenever you jokingly ask her on why shes always sleepy she would always replies to you that shes a growing girl and still has to grow tall and even fall asleep mid sentence 😭
"They always teases me about my height when their height isn't even that high! (n/n) always gives me the most comfortable pillows... i might as well have the full inazuma collection pillow because of her *yawn* speaking of pillows.. I feel abit sleepy .. If (y/n) ever asks where I am can you tell her I'll be at ritou? but of course don't tell the shrine maidens.."
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❄️Chongyun! ;
Are you really siblings with Chongyun
or are you Xingqiu's sibling instead??☠️/hj
You and Xingqiu would always prank chongyun when you both get the chance or when you three are together
As much as you love love your sibling, you also love to annoy him as much as possible or prank him
But ofc you also know your limits whenever to stop or not!
You and hu tao would be secretly best friends
Whenever you and chongyun go home
he would rant out about hu tao's doings whenever he gets too annoyed at her and you would just silently listen
there was that one time where you and xingqiu's harmless prank turned into a non so harmless
You wanted to prank chongyun by putting a candy that looks like pepper
You were going to be in charge of making the soup and xingqiu is incharge with the fake pepper
Xingqiu putted the fake pepper near the counter so he would know where it was easily
and xiangling who happens to just come back after a little ingredients shopping accidently putted the REAL peppers near it
and when xingqiu went to grab the "fake pepper" he grabed the real one and putted it to the soup you were about to serve chongyun
and well,,, lets just say it didn't end well.. like at all☠️
Chongyun has higher trust issues with you both ever since that day..
You are like chongyun's extra ice pops storage holder LMAO like if chongyun runs out of ice pops you would always have extra
You, Shenhe, & Chongyun would train abit every weekends
Sometimes you would just be the one serving the foods for both of them once theyre done just to avoid training😭LMAO
Chongyun loves you dearly but like.. Calm down with the pranks
He has mixed feelings about you bc of it
If he gets prank by you two , before going to sleep he would be looking up at the ceiling all tucked in and be wondering
whos the bad influencer between you both??
but jokes aside chongyun would drop any jobs or works he has if you ever call him even if its not urgent he would be there:) ( and so would you )
He will also be there for you if you ever have any stressful day like he will ask you if you want to go around liyue to take your mind off things!
Even though sometimes your pranks sets his mind filled with bombs that are about to explode because of it
He will always accept you as the older sibling<3
"(Y/n) is my older sibling , even though she's quite the opposite of me.. her determination and bravery are more skilled and polished than mine. She's one of my top 5 idols to be when I grow up. But then (Y/n)'s like .. the other twin of Xingqiu at this point.. Don't get me wrong It's not that Im saying I dont want them as my sibling! Its just that whenever those two are around eachother there's always a prank that will be set, even if it's not me getting pranked someone else will be. They might as well rename the "Victims of Xingqiu" to "Victims of Xingqiu and (Y/n)" at this point..
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🧹Thoma! ;
Okay this one is abit of a strech
While his at Inazuma
your at Mondstadt
We all know the story of why he's at inazuma
and if you dont here ; (googled;))
"He originally went to Inazuma to bring his father Dandelion Wine, but after falling overboard, he ended up in Inazuma with no connections and Mora. Despite the dangers he faced at the time, Thoma was able to make the most of his situation and eventually obtained the Kamisato Clan's trust."
During that time where he told you that he will be the wine to your guys father and that he will contact you once he gets there
you insisted that you will do it instead because your the older sibling
but then you both had a small fight on why and whos going😭
He won.. suprisingly because you have a job at the wine industry and because you had more responsibilities at Mondstadt
leaving you with no choice but to agree
you did pack him some food and some spare mora you had on you if he wanted to buy something incase
After like a few day you were getting worried over your little bro
some days you would feel so guilty on letting him go alone and not coming with him
the more days he couldnt contact you the more anxious you got that it even messed up your work a couple of times
"Y/n. you're adding the wrong ingredients.."
"Huh? Oh sorry diluc.. My bad I'll do better next time Im really sorry"
like you almost crash into a wall.. wait no remove the almost YOU DID.
You Crashed into a wall because of WORRY for thoma.☠️
more days and more days past you had enough and even plan to go to inazuma yourself
but then you found out that inazuma is a closed nation and litterally even if you begged the people with cruises or ships to get you there they would refuse
abit more days of waiting and you finally manage to get a letter from thoma! You were so relieved and happy like you cried tears of joy knowing his still alright!
You immediately wrote him a letter back and asking him how he was and how he was doing and more questions
Sometimes he would even send you some inazuma items and you would send him some Mondstadt items! Whether it be clothes, figurines, foods, ingredients you can only find at Mondstadt or Inazuma<3
You both would send letter everyday and some would get delayed due to works or the delievery man/hj
once the inazuma problems got solved you quickly went to inazuma to visit you lil bro isnt that sweet
once you got there, the first thing you did was ask people if they ever know anyone named "thoma" and ofc someone lead you to thoma
Once you saw thoma with 2 other light blue haired people
you didnt even think you quickly went out and hug him
Thoma was like so shock with that suprise pikachu face when he saw you he was wondering who you were then he realized that it was you! His older sibling
hes the type of man who would probalby sob of happiness silently bc of a very long reunion
the blue haired people was wondering who you were and thoma introduced you who you were to them and etc!
Ayato even gave thoma a 1 week vacation so you two would hangout because he would also feel how both siblings who clearly misses eachother for like forever would feel
You and thoma would goof around while he tours you around inazuma
you meet plently of his friends and his pet friends as well!<3
thoma treated you to eat some meal with him in a fancy ass resuturant
when someone tried flirting with you, thoma was already there behind you glaring abit and ready to make that person back away from you
thoma just wants to make your stay at inazuma the most comfortable as it can!
😭Imagine seeing itto though while you both were examing the onikabuto or like thoma is explaining its kind to you and you both just see a big ass hand grab it
"Yo!! Thoma bro!! I see you have someone new with you! Whos that huh?? Your new friend?! Oh oh your sibling perhaps?? Oh wait! Is this a kidnapper?! Thoma bro just tell me if theyre keeping you hostage the one and only numero itto will help you my dude!"
you and thoma would just nervously try to leave the area...
but thoma being a gentlemen he is still answered ittos "questions"
Itto calls you (y/n) homie now. theres option you can say "no please" to this man.
Thoma just had that "i'm sorry." face and pitying you while itto introduce his legendary self to you and even offered for you to join his squad😭
Once you had to return to Mondstadt you gave thoma a special gift so he would remeber of you and you both had your last hug before you depart
the kamisato siblings also came along to say their goodbyes and his other friends and.. as well as the itto gang😭
You both promised to keep sending letters to eachother though so its ight:)!
Once you got to mondstadt you already gotten a letter from thoma if you gotten home safetly
Its really nice to have someone worrying about you huh<3.
"Oh! wait sorry sorry , i didnt mean it as a offensive way I just got suprised that you know (y/n) *chuckles*, why you may ask? well theyre always at work or at their home writing me letters sometimes when i forget to send back the mails would be bombarded with their letters for me haha.. I didn't think you would be friends with them,! don't take it the wrong way it's nice that my sibling is finally opening up because before they would always tell me that "our survival is more better than having friends". — Hey, Traveller can you me a favour? If you ever go back to Mondstadt again can you tell her to not over work their self and to watch over them , because apprently the letters i wrote them don't seem to work.. *sigh*"
He's just worried about you too much as you are worried about him!<3.
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💷Dori! ;
You two are knowned as the mora hoggers/jk
you both like to scam people,, but ofc your more experienced
it runs in the family afterall💵💵💵💵💸💸
while dori sells the like rare items and like expensive ones
you sell the mysterious and shady ones
whenever you both get like a "vacation" or a break from all that scamming people
selling items i mean***
your favourite activity with dori is scamming people/jk
(also it be cute if like her glasses came from you<3 like you used to wore it when you were young but then you gave it to her because it dont fit you anymore)
dori would act so independent but be dependent whenever shes with you🙏😭
dori is the type of sibling who would say i love you too sis/bro or i miss you without hestitation like she will be confident on saying it<3!
you both have rare matching accessories:)
dori's favorite activity or hangout activity with you is finding artifacts out in the wild and make a competition out of it
You both would have a secret hideout and count your moras you gotten and whoever has the largest sum of mora wins!
and whoever loses has to pay 1M mora to the winner,,😭
dori has that very layback younger sister vibes , yeah shes abit mischievous at most times but she only learned it from you🙄
Dori would sometimes steal some shady items from you for her to sell whenever your not watching
and your stealing hers too😀"eye for a eye"
your sibling relationship with her is just honestly,, calming to say the least like not much problems and etc
but if any buyers get aggresive and tries to argue or attack dori you would quickly make a fake act and scream
after all violence is not the answer
and yeah that buyer had to go to jail for a few days and have to pay you both 900k mora inorder to shorten their stay at prison😄!!
I feel like you both have a secret mansion that only you two would enter, ONLY YOU TWO.
Dori likes to hold your hand whenever shes feeling unsure of her actions or if shes in deep thought
whenever noone is really buying any of ur guys items you both would play like board games that is supposed to be your items to sell
like imagine this ;
Mostly everyone is going back to their houses because the sun is going down and you and dori are waiting for a Vip customer to arrive
and you both got bored and decided to play around with the vip customer requested item
and the vip customer just sees you both like playing catch with their requested item while his holding his mora LMAO
that vip customer has higher trust issues now thank you both of you
"They really really like getting some of my items and would put it at their side and say it's their item Im suppose to sell to annoy me off whenever there's no customers around *sighs* ! but sometimes though they would give me unique artifacts as a "sorry" when i get too upset at it,, but hey atleast im getting artifacts to sell! (n/n) is that type of sibling who would try and test your patience for their entertainment! And tha— huh??? I act like them sometimes??? Well duh we're siblings of course! heh I wouldn't learn how to sca- I mean sell stuff ! Do I dislike them? Oh archons never! Hey I may look like I dont have the type to love my siblings 100% but I can say "I love you" and "I missed you" no problem to them! How did they teached me how to sell artifacts and how to gain customers? well.. that's a secret now! Your asking too much questions If you want to know more you should pay me about.. 200k mora! heh."
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Hi! My name is Kymmie Jackson, daughter of Percy Jackson + Annabeth Chase. You might’ve heard of them? They saved the world like… a lot. Other than that, I like surfing, talkin’ to my fish buds, watching disney movies… creating tumblr accounts without Chiron’s permission. Anyways- excited to answer questions and stuff!
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(PS here’s a picture of me)
Sup. I’m Aglaea Valdez. But you can call me- Laea. I’m a daughter of Hephaestus. Not the sister of Leo Valdez. Well. Not the full sister of Leo Valdez. Obviously we have the same father. But like- you know. Our mom’s are different. He just like adopted me… kinda? So I’m a mechanic, inventor, cyborg thing. I run a cult of fish whose main objective is worshiping the granddaughter of Poseidon.
(I’m not going to subject you to looking at my face. My younger self is on the account profile though.)
Helloo~ I’m Risa Valdez. The daughter of (dat boi) Leo Valdez!🔥 Fun facts about me, I have a mechanical arm- I used to be a mechanic but got bored of that and decided to be a ✨DESIGNER✨. Not to brag but the Hephaestus cabin says I can bake a delicious concha bread. Cannot wait to answer your questions. (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
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Good morning, afternoon and evening to all you lovely people reading this. My name is Asmodeus, the cabin 10 counsellor. In my free time, I like to workout. Especially sparring with the Ares kids. I enjoy long walks on the beach with my best friend Jason Chase. But enough about me! I would love to get to know you all better!
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That’s me. 6’9. If you’re interested. ;)
Jason Chase(19M). Currently on a quest. Son of Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. Named after Jason Grace. Don’t question why me and my sister have different names. It’s just a thing my parents decided. 🙂👍🐠
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hzbinnerdlover · 2 months
Porn Star Love
(Yes I'm immediately writing after posting- I can't help it I'm bored lol let's see how long it takes me this time. Usual snz kink warnings blah blah blah let's get to the good shit)
"Gesundheit, again."
"Gesundheit- Bless you, Jesus", Vox sighs as he reaches into his pocket and fishes out a handkerchief, handing it to his lover. "Summer Allergies are hitting you hard aren't they? You sure you're gonna be okay to work?"
Valentino quickly snatches the handkerchief and rolls eyes and gives a very congested reply. "Des- I'll be f'dine Vox. I don't exactly have a choice now do I?" He gives a huff as he blows heavily into the piece of fabric, more than once. Once he's finished he folds rhe cloth and hands it back to Vox, who promptly puts it into his pocket again.
"Alright, just don't go too wild in there okay?", the elevator door opens and the two overlord step out, Vox reaching up to kiss Val on the cheek. "I'll see you later, love you hon." He gives a smile as he walks off towards his office to work.
Val sighs as he rolls eyes, heading to set rather annoyed as another itch comes in. "O-Oh you gotta- ACHEEW! Be fucking- ASHIEEEW! Kidding me. Ugh....", with a damp sniffle he walks in and crosses his arms. "Please tell me everyone is here and ready to work?" Glancing around he notices that one notable fluffy spider wasn't here, his antenna twitching in annoyance.
"Where. Is. Angel? Someone better fucking answer me!!!!"
Travis gave a small squeak as he gulps and nods. "Um- he's getting ready still sir...he says he'll be out soon." Facepalming hard Val gives a much louder groan. "Fucking ANGEL!" Storming off towards his dressing room he rubs his irritated nose and knocks on the door loudly. "ANGEL! I swear your hot ass better be fucking ready or I'm gonna-" he stops mid sentence when the door opens and the spider demon reveals himself wearing one of his usual slutty outfits, crossing his arms.
"Jeez will you calm your tits, I'm here okay-? I'm assuming the set is read-", looking at Val's face and sees the bright red coming from Val's nose and blinks, wondering what happened. "Um- it's ready right?"
"Yes Angel, it's BEEN ready. And you weren't. So let's get a fucking move on!" Sniffling rapidly he feels the itch coming again and shakes his head. "Not again- Hi'shuu! Hi'shuu! HICK'SHEEEEW!!!!"
"Oh jeez- bless ya Val"
".....um, bless y-"
"HA'SHEEEEW!!!", sniffling desperately he rolls his sleeve slightly over his hand, sneezing into it as tho his life depended on it. "Wh-Why do I- ACK'CHUUUU!!! KI'SHUUUU!! Have to suffer through this?"
Finally took a moment to catch a breath through the sneezing chaos, rubbing his head as he felt a headache start to form.
"Bless you- lemme guess. Allergies?"
Val simply nods. "Allergies. And it's fucking hell." Angel gave hum a sympathetic look as he reached over and gently caressed his arm. "Oh you poor thing...do you want me to get you some tissues...? You sound like you need to blow your nose hon."
Sniffling again Val gives another nod. "Dat would be wonderful Andel Cakes, than- Heh-HI'SHUUUU! Eugh. Excuse me. Gracias." Angel nods and quickly rushes into his dressing room, coming back with a travel pack of tissues and hands Val a few.
"There ya are, I always make sure to keep a few packs handy, so I got plenty more if ya need them." Val takes the tissues and empties his sinuses with a loud blow and a sigh of relief. "That's so much better. Thank you."
"Hey of course", Angel says as he gently rubs Val's fluff* Why don't we go back to set, but you only br there to observe today. Sit back and let Travis take over today, okay? I'll even be your own personal assistant today~" he chuckles as he goes and rubs his chest gently. "Come on daddy, what do you say hm? Sound good...?"
Val glances down at him and gives a chuckle and nods. "Alright alright, I suppose we could today. I'm to tired to really use my voice. Besides, how could I not when you're being so...so convincing...I-" quickly Val looks away and hides face into the tissues in his hand. "A'SHIIIIEEEEEW!!!! HA'SHOOOO!!! I-IP'SHIEEEEEW!!!!" Giving a couple tired sniffles he groans wiping his nose with the now soaked tissues.
"Bless you there toots, here. Lemme take those off your hands", Angel insists as he carefully takes the used tissues, walking inside the dressing room to toss them out. He then takes his hand and smiles softly.
"Come on, let's get you to a seat here." He says as he starts dragging Val back to the set, immediately sitting him in the director's chair. Val immediately slumps down and leans back against it, watching as Angel instructs Travis to do the directing today.
The constant itch just wouldn't leave him alone, and having too big of a sneezing fit on set just wasn't gonna do for him. Fighting back as much as he can he raises his coat/fluff over his face and tries to stifle. "H'ssh! H'ssh! H'ssh!", resulting in high pitched, squeaky sneezes. Luckily he was a good distance away so no one could really notice.
As the next few shots started to get taken, he did his best to observe closely, doing what he could to ignore his pounding and itchy sinuses, massaging them with his fingers before retreating his face back into his coat.
"H-H'sssh! H'sssh! H'sssh! Ugh..." unable to hide the damp sniffle Angel finally glanced down and eyes widen. "Val? You good there hon...?"
Val gave a nod as he let out a small congested cough. "Y-Yeah fine- just a bit itchy in here is all-", he holds up a finger to give him a moment, hiding back into his coat. "H'sssh! H'ssssh!"
Angel stared for a moment as he listened to the high pitched stifled sneezes, trying his best not to laugh as he covered his mouth. "Oh my god- pfffft- that has the be the cutest thing I've ever heard."
"Hey! Don't fucking laugh at me you bitch!"
"Haha- I'm sorry I'm sorry I'll stop. Lemme see if we have any allergy meds okay? I'll be right back", he leans down and gives Val a kiss on the cheek before quickly rushing off.
Val rolled his eyes as he looked at the scene going on, trying to focus on thus hot bdsm scene as he shakes his head.
"God fucking-" he mutters to himself before hiding in his coat once again. "H-H'sssh! H'ssssh!" The stifling was getting harder and harder to control. "F-Fuuuck...H'sssh! H-H'SSSSSH! H'SSSSSH!!!!" He hears Travis call cut as he looked around.
"Uuuuh, anyone else hear that high pitch sound?", the crew started looking around for the source as they finally turned to Val's direction. "H-Heh...H-H'SSSSSH! Don't you fucking stare at me. What are you looking at! H-Heh-HE'CHIEEEEW!!! HECK'SHIEEEEW!!" Unable to hold back he brought his sleeve to his face and sneezed again. "HIP'SSHUUUUUU!!!! Ugh...."
Travis blinks for a moment before nodding. "Oh um- Gesundheit Mr.Valentino sir"
Val only nodded in response as he laid back, exhausted from the fit as Angel finally returns with the meds. "Here are are, let's have ya take these yeah?" Leaning he hands it to Val, who immediately swallow the pills dry as he groans.
"I don't think I can- SNF- do this. Angel, will you take me back to my room. My head hurts so bad..."
With a softened look he nods and quickly takes out some more tissues for Val. "Yeah of course babe, come on. Let's get going." Val nods as he takes rhe tissues and blows his nose again, groaning as Angel carefully steadies him. "We're gonna getcha a nice bath for your sinuses, maybe turn on a humidifier, I'll getcha some warm tea, and you can just relax all day there hon", Angel cooed as he gently massaged Val's fluff, the poor overlord simply giving a nod.
"Mmm....sounds nice. The rest of you better get back to fucking work. I'll let you know when I'm ready to come back", he announces as Angel starts walking him off.
"Ugh...thank you Angel, for taking care of your poor...poor daddy here. It means so much to me here."
"Of course of course Val, like I said, I can take care of you all day today if you need me to. I'll make sure you-" he stops for a moment as Val turns away. "I-IP'SHIEEEEEW! A-AH'CHUUUU!! Ugh....SNF excuse me"
"Bless you- like I was saying", he continues as they step into the elevator and gives a soft smile while dabbing Val's nose with a tissue. "I'll make sure you're resting as much as you need to."
(Edit- this took me almost a week cause again I've been busy as Hell TvT I'm so sorry- I hope yall enjoy at least- I know I had fun writing this one.)
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babiebucksworld · 2 months
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Buck here! But you can just call me Bee. Just a few things about me: I have a fluffy shark journal that I write about my little!days that I titled 'Little!Days With Bee (& Daddy)'. I write about what I did (as a little) that day, how much I love Daddy, the yummy snackies and lunch he gave me and what we do together. Sometimes we can't do little activities together cuz he's busy but when he's free again he babies the heck out of me. When I'm a toddler Daddy says I get really bratty and he has to deal with my tamtrums. Daddy got me Shark Week stickers that I loves and I stuck one on his coffee table but it wont come off (not that he really tried anyway cuz he said he didnt wanna ruin the sticker or the coffee table and also it makes our house look more loved and it was the one that said 'nice to eat you' so he also thought it was kinda fitting since I eats all my snacks there). I have a lil trinkit tray to put all my pacis, chewelry and my paci clip in. My favorite jammies are my deep sea themed ones but i can't wear dem when Eds comes over cuz the shorts are really just undies and I don't need him seeing all dat. The first 3 stuffies Daddy got me are Samezu eating a seal, Mr. Hammertime and CoCo. The first time I showed CoCo to Eds, He said "Dios! Bee! I thought i was about to get possessed!", and now he calls her the 'demonic fish' so when he comes over while I'm already in my favorite jammies and I have to put some real pajama pants over them and I'm feeling particularly bratty about it... I smack him with CoCo (just a little bit A lot actually). I made Daddy get me the Shark paperclips when we were out and about one day and I saw them in a store, I just likes to play with them (and chew on them but every time I does that Daddy threatens to ground me from them so I stops. "Babyboy, thats what your Chewelry and Pacifiers are for"). I love sea stuffies and I have a whole bunch (cuz you can never have enough stuffies) strewn about my bed, on the floor by my bookshelves and in a stuffy net in a corner of my room. Daddy says they're strewn about but I say they're placed lovingly. And Daddy got me the cutest shark themed cup (and sippy cup) for my juice so I'll stop drinking juice from my water bottle (Daddy says the reason I still does it sometimes cuz I just a brat like that he's right).
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tksavvy · 10 months
🐍[REQUEST/Ler Only] Affogato Cookie Headcanons💜
(Created at the request of {ANONYMOUS USER}) (Scale not available in Ler Only function.)
Notes: Two-faced Ler
Tickle Notes: Is murderler a thing? Because that's what he is.
Ah yes, the fish with the femboy attitude. He do be pretty tho
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💜Ler!Affogato Cookie Headcanons🐍
-He's a good cop and a bad cop. Good cop=Okay, I'll stop for now... Bad cop=Mercy? Who dat? If you happen to be Caramel Arrow Cookie, get ready for the bad cop.
-Complete wild card. The spot is completely random, so you never know where he'll strike.
-"Look at you~ All weak and futile at my reach. I wonder when should I help you...? I've decided---never! You're just so adorable~!" -💜🐍
-Compliments the lee (all the time bc he finds them cute). Which is melting them...
-Can actually detect when someone is flustered with complete ease.
-"Oh, that blush color compliments you so well~! You look perfect with it!" -💜🐍
-And to make it all worse, he trills and whispers the teases into your ear.
-Pokes the lee a LOT. And if you happen to be Caramel, then...severe poking ensues.
-Sometimes gives their lee small nuzzles on their stomach and slightly nomming them, as if "eating" them.
-Loves sliding his fingers down his victim's ribs, and finds it fun, it's "readying the ice cream" to him.
-"Time to brew!" *proceeds to do small raspberries on Lee's stomach* -💜🐍
-tools: fingers, literally any soft object he finds
-in conclusion, watch out for him. You never know when (or where) he's gonna strike to make his next brew...
Any requests for headcanons? File 'em in!
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wttt-dirus-work · 1 month
do you perchance have any new brunswick thoughts?? (im writing something that features them and thought to look at your blog for reference!)
Ooooh yes
(Also im so sorry about the other asks that ive yet to answer, life is crazy my bad)
Ok so im on a break at work and on mobile so im sorry about the mistakes
First of all, NB is that cousin who like never shut up about anything, but will look away when shit happens; he's neutral most of the time and wont take part in fights.
He loves fishing, and Nova Scotia and PEI are his bestfriends; they rarely disagree on things, and if they do they just dont talk about it.
He's extremely proud of August 15th (the Acadian national day) and love the Tintamarre, the point is to make as much noise a possible
(i want to go to one someday ^^)
He's easy going, has an half-french half-canadian accent (think of Louisiana but less pronounced, "aboot" and "dat t'ing"); he plays percussion and is not too outgoing.
He and Maine gets along really well (they share the Acadian national park) and prefer fish to lobster (dont tell maine).
He has no problem with french people, and is the only true bilingual province.
His culture is different than Quebec's and hes not afraid to lose his acadians heritage (they're still there today after all). He is proud of Acadian people, but not overly talkative about it (not like Texas if you get it?)
I headcanon him a little chubby, like a fisherman loving his beer and his fish; hes a big teddy bear ^^
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
ᵀʰᵒᵘᵍʰ ᶦᵈᵗ ʸᵘ ᵏⁿᵒ ʷʰᵒ ᵐᵉᵉ ᶦˢ-
to say you is speed is an understatement- i too, get excited when i see you posting croc man content- your writing is just muah 💪💪💪💪
Also- yes i would like a nickname :D, dats hec COOL-
✨Helicopter anon✨
Bc ykno- it goes brrrr and brrr is good for health 😌
I hope im not spamming requests- you can take your time of course 😤
These are just ideas for you :)
Ok business time 👹
👏Crocman dad👏trying👏to👏protect👏his👏child's👏innocence 👏
Like crocodile has bad habits right-: smoking (a l o t o f s m o k i n g), mafia business, cussing, angery and stuff like that.
To start- He wont smoke around his child, if his child appears out of nowhere he would most prob like yeet his cigar somewhere HAHAHAHAH
Doesnt talk about his underworld business when his child is present, imagine his agents or his clients coming in straight up with details of his work like "sir i got rid of tha-" *croc staring daggers at dem with his kid playing in his office*
Also, since he spends alot of time with his wife and child, when there is a needed time to k e e l somebody he just hands his child that he's holding, to his wife c a l m l y and the wife who knows whats abouta go down and just goes "whoops lets go buy ice cream shall we" *walks away* bc queen knows 😌
He just avoids everything possibly bad
I hope this gave you some ideas-
Again, you can take 1% of these or add and its still foine
Thank youuuu
OH MY GOODNESS, i was waiting for you to put in another request lol. i love your requests so much they give me so much writing inspiration! seriously though, your requests are amazing. And helicopter anon is literally perfect, when i tell you me and my sister were cracking up when you chose that name. I love it. and i love these croc as a father writings, they are so good! now onward! i did what i could, so please enjoy and have a great day helicopter anon!! <333
Croc as a father part 4!
Warnings - none!
Word Count - 550
Notes - again, thank you for the request helicopter anon! i love these and now my requests are finally open so you can request another if you're down!! have a great day and i really hope you enjoy!!! stay hydrated!!! <33333 (image not mine)
and now requests are OPEN!!! please check my pinned post before requesting!!
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“Dear,” you played with the collar of Crocodile’s button up trying to ignore the cigar smoke flying around your face. “I've been meaning to talk to you about…” you flicked his cigar and he giggled, kissing your neck. “This.”
“Huh?” Crocodile moved from his neck looking down at his cigar. “This? What about this?”
“Uhm… It's just… our son. I don't want-”
“Oh, I haven't been doing it around him.”
You tilted your head, trying to think back to the times of all of you hanging out together. “You haven't?”
“Nope. You think I want my six year old to know what I do for a living?”
You giggled and played with the bottom of Croc’s hair. “I don't know why I ever doubted you.”
If Crocodile was being fully honest with you though, it was the most impossible thing he had to do. Hiding your mafia identity from a sporadic child was hands down the hardest thing in the world.
For example, one time, he was just in his office working when his six year old burst in the room making airplane noises as he ran back and forth with a toy plane. Crocodile has never thrown something so long and far, but his cigar ended up on the other side of the room while his child turned to him with a goofy smile asking what that was.
Or when Crocodile was teaching his son how to use a map and one of his employees walked in.
“Sir, we took care of the body you wanted us to hi-”
Crocodile had never stared at someone with such force. He pointed to his child who was coloring the map with sharks and fish and pointed to the door, forcing his employee out.
All Crocodile’s son knew Crocodile to be a big teddy bear. Someone who would help him whenever he had a nightmare. Someone who loved his momma with all of his heart and soul. Someone he looked up to.
Crocodile knew that eventually he would have to tell his son about his business, hopefully have him take it over when the time came. But for now he was learning. Trying to figure out the world. The last thing he needed to know was Crocodile’s grudge against Monkey D. Luffy and the fact that he had been to jail and that he had committed multiple crimes. That was for another day.
Whenever he was curious though, it was always your job to step up.
“Honey,” Crocodile handed you your son, his employees standing behind him. “I have to go take care of something. Take him out to go get some frozen yogurt and get yourself something nice, love.”
He placed a kiss on your head and your sons, walking out of the room with that evil, but sexy look on his face that made you swoon.
“Momma?” You set your son down and grabbed his hand. “Where’s daddy going?”
You just smiled and rubbed the top of his jet black hair. “He's going to work dear.”
“What does daddy do for work?”
You grabbed the keys off of the wall and smirked. “Daddy takes care of business, buddy.”
You kissed him on the forehead and took him out for frozen yogurt while Crocodile did just that.
Take care of business.
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