#ok gotta shit now love you bye
fishmongeringstudies · 6 months
#40092: woxer won’t stop texting me in all caps about its incredibly bad black friday sale and it’s starting to stress me out but i want new underwear eventually, just not right now, so i can’t unsubscribe yet
Do you remember those big red bags they gave us in freshman year? They had square bases reinforced with a layer of cardboard and fabric so we could put our takeout boxes inside and not worry about them sliding open. Everything was takeout-only that year. In the fall everyone sat in big circles on the grass outside and when I arrived in the spring I would take my food home in that big red bag, my hands shoved all the way down my pockets. It snowed hard that winter. I have photos on my old phone of Mertz field turned completely white, of pockets of water in the grass that had frozen over. The brick flooring of the patio behind Willets stayed frozen for so long, you had to pick up your feet when you walked on it or you’d fall over.
The Saturday of Thanksgiving break I looked up on my way to get dinner and saw a clear blue sky. It was cold that evening, three degrees Celcius and steadily falling. Maybe the cold had scared all the clouds away. The sky yawned wide across the domed world to the other side of campus, where it was slowly turning pink. The air was still.
When I got back I watched Dan and Phil from Youtube play a horror game about really liking golf in the first floor lounge and picked at my rice. I read the last four chapters of Kakukaku Shikajika and felt my eyes water like they did every year when I read Kakukaku Shikajika. I did a handstand.
Do you remember when campus was a ghost town without ghosts and you had gotten off at the wrong stop? Looking at Google Maps on your phone you thought to yourself, this must be the wrong place. You rubbed dust from your eyes.
From year to year to year I learned to associate quiet with nothingness. We’re the ones that got here when the fire was still burning, after all. It makes sense that we didn’t know how to be people to each other, let alone ourselves. Burning and freezing and burning and freezing in each other’s dingles in Willets with too much furniture and not enough of anything else.
That winter I spilled chicken pot pie in that old red bag and forgot to clean it up. By the time I found it by sheer smell alone it was molding hard and would cost too much effort to save. So I threw it away with all the other things I didn’t need anymore.
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wolf-2099 · 5 months
No more fighting and shaming people for their type of f/os. Support and love for all kinds of f/os Now.
✰ You have live action f/os? Maybe even only live action f/os?? That's awesome!! Your f/os from movies? Tv shows? Some independent series/project? That's so cool!
✰ You have anime f/os? Does your f/o list have popular characters from this season's newest anime or the most popular anime phone games? Love that for you! Glad you're having fun with your latest interests.
✰ You have f/os from video games? That's cool! Recent releases? Maybe even older games, last generation? Or maybe games even older than that? Indie games only a handful of people know, or indie games everyone knows? That's amazing!
✰ Your f/os come from children's shows or movies? Are they animated, or maybe live action, or one of the shows that use puppets? That's really great, I'm glad you can find beauty in these shows people might say you're too old for. Never let anyone stop your love for your interests.
✰ Your f/os are from comic?? Me too! Are they from big name series or maybe the lesser known ones? Are they indie comics? Maybe even webcomics?? Hell yeah, great taste.
✰ F/os from podcasts? Actual plays/liveplays?? Novels?? Yes!! How fun!! It can be hard when there's very few visuals of your f/os and all of your content is just audio/writing, but it's sweet that you can find so much love for them that you don't need visuals.
✰ Maybe your f/os are from something I didn't even think of. If so, I love that. Your taste and love for your f/os is unique!! And I'm glad I get to learn more about it :)
I think it's great that there is such a wide variety of types and tastes when it comes to self shipping. Some people's f/o lists are only super attractive anime pretty boys, some are from clunky PS2/Xbox games, some don't even have visuals of what they look like, some you've seen everywhere and some you've never heard of in your life. It's great, our differences are what make all of us coming together even more beautiful, I think.
[If you're an adult that ages up characters under 18 or are pro.ship or whatever, this post isn't for you to reblog]
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7roaches · 7 months
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filler oc stuff while i work on shit
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todayisafridaynight · 10 months
there's normal thought exercise questions to be had about fave charas like 'what would your fave do in X situation' or 'does your fave like Y why or why not' but the most important question to me i could ever answer about my faves is 'do they like shadow the hedgehog and is it purely ironic or do they have all 326 route titles memorized'
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mutedeclipse · 1 year
"people dont appreciate my genius" it says, slaving away every day to draw the most deranged bomberman content for YOUR viewing pleasure.
Then again i dont do it for other people but itd be nice if there was more of the fandom here to feed me metaphorical cookies and tell me im doing a good job (???)
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sucharide · 2 years
Okay. it is 22:15 and I am HIGHLY caffeinated (it's fine lmao totally fine) and it is time, folks. Time to have a terrible and very unhealthy study session. See you on the other side. If i post increasingly deranged, unhinged things here well. You know why.
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matchaskiiess · 1 year
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in which you keep seeing people prank their lovers by not saying ‘I love you back’ and you wanted to try it out on your lover.
warnings: mild swearing, happiness can also be a trigger to some people, so there’s happiness, also love and laughing if that’s triggering for you.
AN — hope you enjoy :)
WHITE FERRARI (f1) NAVIGATION (main info centre)
“shit baby, I gotta go, I am late for a meeting!” you heard lewis shouting as he ran around the apartment looking for things he needed.
“ok, have fun.” you shouted back, keeping your eyes fixated on the film as you held your phone slightly under the blanket so that the camera could still see lewis.
“bye love you.” he shouted, as he walked towards the front door.
“ok bye.” you responded, keeping your eyes on the film.
“I love you.” he heard lewis say again, stopping at the door waiting for your response as he held a confused expression.
“yeah, I heard the first time, now go before your really late.” you told him, waving a hand at him as you finally looking at him.
“say it back.” he spoke, closing the door and walking towards his girlfriend of three years.
“say what back.” you asked, acting oblivious to the obvious.
(that is a horrific line 💀 - author)
“baby, I love you.” lewis spoke again, getting closer to your face trying to withhold a smile while you tried to stop yourself from folding at his stare.
“yeah, you too.” you said, finally thinking of something to say as you slightly pushed him out of the way to look at the film again.
“ok, what’s going on?” he asked, taking the remote and turning off the tv.
“excuse me, I was watching that.”
“you can continue to watch it when you say you love me back.” he explained to you hiding the remote behind his back.
you were silent. you obviously didn’t want to give up, but you also didn’t want him to be late for his meeting. and you knew that he wasn’t going to leave without hearing the three words.
“I love you.”
“THERE WE GO!” he shouted happily, bending down to give you a kiss whilst placing the remote down.
“it was a prank.” he told him quietly, giggling slightly to yourself.
“I know. I saw the camera and you have never not said I love you back to me.” he explained, a cocky smile on his face as he gives you one last kiss before walking to the door once again.
“I love you.” you told him with a smile on your face.
“just makes my day, love you too my love.” he responded happily, shutting the door with a wide smile making you almost burst out into laughter.
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delimeats-000 · 7 months
Just the Editor - pt. 2
summary: chris comes to get his sweater back after the edit session him and the reader had.
warning: idk, shit writing
(two days after pt 1)
he’s all i can think about. his lips on mine ad i sit in his lap. what i wouldn’t give to be that close again. im scared to call, what if he’s not really interested? maybe im just another girl that he can fuck and dip.
i don’t want to be that.
fuck this, im just gonna call. i gotta play it cool though.
“ok” i say outloud to myself, in my shitty one bed apartment.
that was fast.
“Hey chris.”
“Sup, goof?”
“I uh, I still got your sweatshirt. I dunno if you want it back or whatever.”
“Uh if you want to keep it that’s cool.”
“Nah im good you can have it back.”
does he want me to keep it?
“Oh, ok.” he sounds disappointed, “Should i come by and get it right now?”
“Yeah sure.”
“Alright send your lo and i’ll be there.”
“K, bye.”
i hang up before i could get a response.
that was awful, i feel awful. maybe he does like me. maybe im just overthinking it. no he could have literally anyone. he’s not gonna like some editor.
an hour goes by and i hear a knock at my door. i grab the sweatshirt and take it with me to the door expecting him to take it and leave, as i open the door i realize i was wrong.
“Hi.” his voice is gentle, he seems nervous.
“Hey?” i look down he’s holding bags of chick-fil-a.
“Can i come in?”
“Oh right, yeah.”
he walks in right by me with a faint smile. “I didn’t know what you liked so i got a few things.”
“Yeah, no problem.” he pauses for a minute, i can tell he has something to say. “I uh, im sorry for the other day.”
i knew it, i knew i was just another fuck buddy.
“Oh it’s cool, i get it.”
“Get what?”
“You just needed to get off, right?”
“No. No, not at all.” he seems kinda offended. he looks down before continuing. “I like you, a lot. I thought that you’d get weirded out or some shit if i told you and in the heat of the moment i thought you liked me too.”
that’s all i could manage to say.
“Look im sorry, ill just go home.” he starts to stand up but then i grab his hand and pull him back down towards me.
“Dont go. I like you too chris. I just dont want to be a booty call.”
“Never. I want you, only you.”
“Chris, im just the editor. You gotta know that im not special.”
“You are tho, you’re so sweet and pretty and ever since the other day your lips are all i can think about.” he grabs my face with both hands and pulls me closer to him. “I’ve always been scared of relationships, but for you, i want to try. I want you all to myself.”
“Ok.” i smile and hold his hands that still rest on my face. he leans in and kisses me.
we both laugh and eat the chick fil a he brought while finally reviewing the newest pod i editited.
pt 1, love you🫶
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ephedrathirsts · 1 year
Teach me
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Synopsis: Your best friend asks you to take his virginity. As the both of you spend more time getting intimate with each other, you are forced to acknowledge your feelings for one another.
Contains: idiots in love trope, friends to lovers trope, lovers in denial, one-bed trope, crack and sarcasm, mutual pining, smut, fingering (reader receiving), dry-humping, fluff, afab reader, eventual angst, anger issues, allusions to surgery
Pairing: Hunter Sylvester! x afab! reader
Word count: 4900
Parts: I, II
You woke up feeling Hunter's breath tickling the back of your neck, his hand still resting firmly on top of you. You turned around to look at him as he was asleep. He looked very peaceful- a huge contrast with his usual state of being. His eyebrows were scrunched up and his mouth was slightly open. He looked cute just lying there. He pulled you closer and nuzzled into you.
  "I could feel you staring at me even in my sleep." He yawned and swallowed.
 You were caught, embarrassment flooding your head. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." You whispered apologetically.
 "It's ok, you can make it up to me by staying like this for a little bit." You flushed. He wanted to hold you close. You were baffled but also incredibly joyful about it.
 "I can do that." You assured
  He made a clicking noise with his tongue and pecked your cheek. You were melting. The last thing you had ever imagined is Hunter being so soft and loving. I guess it is true what people say- harsh exterior, mushy interior. His hair was getting all messy as he adjusted to lay on your chest and put his arms on your sides.
 This whole course or whatever he called it was working all too well with you realizing that you might in fact have feelings for this weirdo. You couldn't keep lying to yourself anymore. Your heart was getting warmer for him by the second and the lovey-dovey act made it all the worse. You needed to snap out of it. Detach before it got fatal.
 "I think I need to go home."
 "We haven't even had breakfast yet. There is Captain Crunch in the kitchen, especially for you." He smiled
 "Oh, fuck you, asshole." You jabbed him lightly in the ribs and giggled.
 "Ouch, that hurt a lot. Don't you want to kiss it better?" He pouted, pleading to you with his eyes.
 You lowered your head to level with his ribs and kissed them over his T-shirt. Then you quickly got out of bed and got your clothes from his desk. "Ok, I gotta run now. Hope you feel better." You nudged yourself to get dressed as fast as possible and head out of the door but before you knew it he was out of bed and hugging you.
 "I'm not going to be keeping you. Just wanted to say bye." He declared as he put one loose strand of hair behind your ear.
 Your heart was in your throat. Or somewhere else entirely, you weren't sure. But all you knew was that you couldn't speak. You couldn't say anything. You tried to calm down your breathing discreetly, bit down on your tongue, and coughed up a quiet "goodbye". You let go of him and rushed out the door.
 His face dropped once you had gone. He knew he had fucked up. Maybe you wouldn't want to even see him again. He probably freaked you out with how needy he was acting but he couldn’t control it. His plan wasn’t going so great after all.
 "Fuck!" He hissed as he punched the kitchen island. "Shit, that actually did hurt. Fuck!" He snickered again, holding his fist close to his face so he could inspect it.
 "Don't break any of my furniture, kid!" His dad came into the room. "You had a rough night? Wanna talk about it..." For a moment Hunter considered it and then..
 "... I mean I get it; they always look prettier at night and in the morning... Uh... Real hags, am I right?" He tried to sound as if he empathized with his son.
 "You are talking about my best friend!" Hunter snapped.
 "Oh, she spent the night. She is a good kid. But what I said still applies. Everyone looks better at night and when you wake up you realize you made a mistake..."
 "Yeah, I get that," Hunter mumbled to himself with a pained expression. "I'm alright, I'm just gonna go down to my room."
 "Ok, kiddo. I'm gonna make bacon later, you can help yourself to a serving.." Hunter had already left.
  In the meantime, you were sprinting home, galloping even, floating through the air. But why? You felt so nice with him. There was no actual reason for you to go. You couldn't take it. All this uncertainty. All of these intrusive thoughts clouding your judgment. You couldn’t like your friend. Especially not now. Not after what you agreed to do. It is only bound to become worse for you while in the back of his mind there was probably a mental list of all of the girls he was going to bed or whatever.
You had to put your feelings aside. Your friend needed you and you promised to help. And to start making things right you needed to apologize. "I'm sorry I ran off in such a hurry. I remembered I had to look after my uncle's dog. I had a really good time last night! Next time you can pick the show :)"  
  You texted, wanting to make sure you didn't offend him in any way with your behavior, sprinkling in a little white lie to seem as not so big of an asshole.
 Hunter's phone buzzed. He saw he got a text from you. He wasn't prepared for whatever you had sent but curiosity urged him to open the message. "It's no problem. Next time we are doing it at yours and ur ordering."  He replied, a smile appearing on his face.
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  Hunter came over to your house the next weekend. He made a mental note: no funny business, no overdoing it, no scaring you off. He wanted to do anything and everything with you. Go all the way, but you didn't need to know it or sense it. He shouldn't have made it obvious. "Ok, here goes nothing." He whispered to himself.
 You opened the door after hearing him knock, shivers and cold sweats running down your body. You could do this. It was just a normal hang-out with your friend. Nothing more. The two of you hadn't spent one on one time for a whole week. That's probably why you were feeling so anxious. "Hello there.." you said awkwardly."Come on in. I've ordered Chinese food and I have snacks."
 "Cool.." he smiled politely, shoving his hands into his pockets.
  "What do you want to watch.."
 "Look I'm sorry. I can't just not say anything. I know I weirded you out last time and I didn't mean to. We can stop with the lessons. I can learn the old-fashioned way." He cleared his throat
 "Hunter, you can't possibly weird me out, we've known each other for so long that there Is nothing you could do to achieve that..." You stated well-intentioned, completely lying through your teeth. "I said I was going to help you and from the beginning, you told me how you wanted it to be. You don't want it to seem fabricated, you want it to be natural, and if that's how you are around people you like then whoever gets on your rooster will be incredibly lucky." You smiled at him invitingly
 "Thank you.." he still felt a bit shy and out of place but he appreciated your words. "So we are continuing this experiment?" He asked, waiting for a confirmation.
 "As long as you want to, yes."
 "Great, that's great, yeah. It is totally going to help in the future... you know... when I like someone.."
  "Yeah, I do know." You mumbled disappointedly.
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  The both of you were seated on the sofa in the living room, barely speaking to each other, not because you were so engulfed in the incredible storytelling of "Extreme Cheapskates" but because the both of you were too afraid to disturb the peace, to ruin everything. There was an uncomfortable amount of distance between you and both of you secretly wanted to break it, but you were set on restraining yourselves. Wishing that the other would be the one to make the first move or to speak up.
 "I'm gonna go get the popcorn out of the microwave. Be right back"
 "Ok, don't take too much time or you might miss the juicy part."
 "Sure, as if there is a juicy part." You welled sarcastically from the kitchen, reaching into the microwave, distractedly feeling for the hot bag of popcorn, palms first. You yelped in pain.
 "Fuck, ouch" you hissed. Hunter jumped out of his seat and hurried over to you. He looked at you with worry as you ran your hand under the kitchen sink, cold water splashing over your skin.
 "I'm ok, don't worry. Just slightly burned myself, a common mistake. Just me being clumsy." You joked but you could still see him coming closer to you to inspect your hand, drying it off with a towel and holding it caringly.
  "Do you have Band-Aids or a plaster?" He asked
  "Don't be silly, this is nothing. It's not even an actual burn. It just stung a little bit. That's all." You said reassuringly, becoming increasingly aware of his proximity. You could smell his cologne, see every little scratch on his face. As he was holding your gaze, he brought your hand to his mouth and started planting little kisses over it. You gulped. You couldn't take it. His eyes boring into yours. Into your soul even.
  He opened his mouth to speak a soft "Is that better?" but you hungrily hushed him with your lips, gripping tightly onto the fabric of his jacket.
 He kissed you back, hands on your waist, pulling you close, sensing the scent of your shampoo. He wanted you and maybe you wanted him too.
  Not letting go of each other, you led him back into the living room and pushed him down onto the sofa. You were on top of him, looking down with a sheepish smile. He reached up and cupped your face, kissing you way more confidently this time, his tongue meeting yours and playing with it. He put his hands on the small of your back, pushing you down to close the gap between you. As you broke away, he started looking at you all starstruck.
 "Do you want to go up to my room?" You asked in a hushed voice. That's all he ever wanted for as long as he could remember, but now when the possibility was so close he panicked. He wasn't ready to have you this close not knowing whether it was going to last.
 "Yeah, I do," he said as he gently kissed your neck. "But I can't…I can't do it tonight…I'm sorry." He broke away from your skin
 "Oh?" Flush set over your face. "I didn't mean... I get it if you're not ready, I just wanted more privacy... Not sure when my parents are gonna come bursting through the door. I can't have them seeing me on top of you like this."
 Fuck, that's how it sounded. I mean maybe you wanted it. You did want to actually. But you were going to let it play out slow and steady. You didn't mean to rush things.
 "Oh, ok then.. let’s go.." Hunter chuckled embarrassedly.
 "I mean, I thought you were staying over. Like when I stayed over last time. I'm sorry I made things awkward. I didn't mean to kill the mood." You fidgeted with your fingers.
  "It's ok, you didn't." He laughed softly and pecked your lips.
  Both of you went up the stairs and straight to your room. You were getting progressively hornier. Inexplicably so, right? You hushed the lighting a bit and played music from one of his playlists so he feels more at home. Then you held his hand and whispered: "Do you want to come to bed with me?"
  "Yes, positively so." He answered excitedly.
 He was such a kid. You loved him for it. Uh.. the l-word. Nope, too early for that. Time to push the thought down and not examine it ever again.
 He laid on top of you this time, stroking your hair and slowly kissing down your neck, being careful not to leave any marks. He looked down at you adoringly and played with the hem of your shirt.
  "You can take it off if you want to." You told him almost inaudibly
 A rush coursed through his body, he put his arms on your stomach and slowly started to peel it off of you when a voice echoed through the house. "Honey, we are home." Shit, cockblocks. The nation's favorites. "Come down for a moment, you need to put away all these plates if you are going to bed. You can't just leave a mess like that." Your mom shouted.
  "Coming" you answered with annoyance. "I'm sorry.." you started massaging your temples angrily
 "It's ok, I'll come down with you. It's my mess too." He grinned lovingly and you gave him an appreciative kiss in response. "Thanks"
After you were done washing the dishes and organizing them back into their respective places, the two of you went up to your room again. "I'm sorry for the interruption." You looked at him apologetically
 "It's ok, we can pick up where we left off some other time right?" He asked all hopeful and giddy.
 "Yes, of course." You went to the bathroom and undressed. Putting on one of your favorite slip dress. Maybe you weren't going to have sex tonight but you could still give him a view. Hunter peeled off his T-shirt and jeans and tucked himself in bed, sniffing your pillows before you came back in.
  "I'm sorry. It is so warm. I'm going to boil if I wear the T-shirt..." He spat out distractedly as he saw you come closer to him.
 "That's ok. I want you to be comfortable." You were holding his gaze and you could see his eyes all too obviously roaming your body. Your hair was down, the skirt of the gown ending only a couple of inches after your thighs. One of the straps had slid down your shoulders and the material of the dress was leaving pretty little to the imagination.
 Without a beat, he grabbed you by the hips and positioned you on top of him, your skirt riding up and revealing more of your skin to him. Both of your straps were slightly off your shoulders now and your breath had hitched in your throat. "Hunter.."
  "…You said you weren't ready.." you uttered as his lips came down to your neck, not so tentatively this time, not caring at all whether he left a mark. You gasped loudly at this action.
 "I can still make you feel good, right?" He said in a hushed husky tone. "What else are a guitarist’s fingers good for? Just don't make too much noise. I don't want your parents banning me from your house." He smirked and flipped you over getting on top of you. You had never wanted him more. You bit your bottom lip. You were getting so wet just by listening to him talk.
  He continued kissing and sucking on your neck and slowly touching up your thighs, scratching them, making you hiss. "May I?" He said pleading.
 "Ye-yes... Please do.."
 He was getting so fucking hard seeing you like this. But he wanted to prove himself to you. Show you how much he values your pleasure over his. He started massaging your clit, warranting a gasp or two from you. As he found the right tempo, he could see you fully letting go, gripping tightly onto his biceps. Scratching him as you did, which he loved.
 When he was sure you were wet enough, he inserted one of his fingers into you, hitting you just in the right spot. Your legs were shaking. You were nothing but a sweating, cursing mess under his touch."Fuck, Hunter, don't stop!"
  "Not planning to."He dipped his head to suck on the upper part of your breasts and added in another finger. Pumping in and out at a steady pace he started moving faster into you, making you moan. Damn all of his experience plucking strings. It felt waay too good.
 He thrusted into you faster, knowing all too well you weren't going to last much longer. He bore into your eyes. He could see you were close, you just needed a little encouragement and encouraging he was:  -"It's ok, you can let go. Come all over my fingers. I'll lick them clean later."
 That was all you needed to hear. You gripped him harder, pushing yourself up to crash into him, and bit down on his shoulder as you finished all over his hand. He continued fingering you until you came down from your high.
 He removed his fingers from you and inserted them into his mouth, savoring every little drop of you. "You taste fucking amazing." He exclaimed as he bent down to kiss your lips. Your cheeks were red and there was no hiding it.
  You held up a glass of water to him. You were mesmerized as if you were seeing him with new eyes. This was Hunter, your presumed ‘just friend’. The one who had just made you come and put you on cloud nine. After he gulped down his water he asked with a concerned expression: "Did I do well?"
 You wrapped your arms around him and kissed him gently. “Yes, you did fantastically." You smiled into his lips and he smiled too.
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   The metal aficionado was extremely geeked. Reviewing his notes every day and replaying the time you had spent together in his head constantly. He was trying to be slick, but he wasn't sure how long it would take before he crumbled.
 He had fooled you. Unbeknownst to you, he had no intention of even entertaining the idea of getting with his so-called ‘groupies’. He wanted you to be his teacher because was only interested in pleasing one person- you. Studying what you desire and what puts you off.
  It probably sounded a bit scheming but he couldn't just go up to you to confess that he liked you, you know, as a normal fucking human being would. He didn't even want to fully admit it to himself. Emotions were tricky for him and so were for you. The situation wouldn't have gone anywhere if he were to breach the gap with you not returning his feelings. No, he needed a plan to make you want him too and he was willing to do anything to achieve it. That's why when you finally followed up on your next lesson, he was ecstatic.
 "I'm gonna come by your place later tonight."
  "Cool, text me when ur close." He wanted to sound nonchalant but he was freaking out. Acting like a fangirl watching fancams of one of her favorite kpop idols. He was so giddy and happy that even his father got worried.
"What the fuck is that squeaky noise coming out of your room, kid? Are you ok?"
"I'm doing amazing birth enabler! Also don't just pop in the stairway without announcing yourself. I could be wanting my privacy."
 "When you get yourself a fancy house with a pool, music studio, three bedrooms, three bathrooms, kitchen and living room by cutting and filling up tits is when you will be entitled to your privacy."
"I know you would rather be FEELING up tits instead-but if I were to properly think about doing some of that myself I would still need my fucking space, so leave! Now!"
"I'm paying your therapist way too much!"
"That's all of the precious boob money for you!" Hunter screamed annoyed, trying to sound witty while he heard a different set of footsteps down the stairs.
"I'm sorry, did I come at the wrong time? I texted you ten minutes ago and rang the doorbell but you didn't reply so I let myself in. Oh, and hello mister Sylvester."
"Well hello to you too, looks like some people your age still have manners, Hunter! Always a pleasure to have you home, darling. I wanted to say I'm sorry about your aunt… It's terrible what happened to her. You know you're basically family so if you ever want to have a breast augmentation, I can make you a deal for the implants afterward. With a chest your size, not too big to be a burden to your back but still eye-catching enough you should keep the volume so..."
 "Father, get the fuck out! And stop staring at students’ tits!"
 "Don't get ridiculous Hunter, she is like a daughter to me. I would never.. anyways I think I have some work to do. I'm gonna leave you kids to it." He replied as he not so discreetly winked at Hunter
 "Fuck... Fucking finally. I'm so sorry! He was incredibly fucking insensitive and creepy."
 "He was staring directly at my chest, like eyeing it reeal good."
 "Yeah, he is fucking disgusting. I'm so sorry."
 "It isn't your fault; you don't have to apologize for his behavior. I'm fine."
 "Do you want to come some other time; I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."
 "No, I take all of my ventures very seriously. I told you I was going to be here so here I am."
"Yeah," Hunter said self-consciously, scratching the back of his neck. He noticed how pretty you looked. You always looked pretty, but you had gone out of your way to do so this time. With your hair done, make-up on, a familiar scent of your perfume drifting through the air and the pendent Hunter had gifted you for your birthday hanging around your neck. He was entranced.
 "I don't think we should go all the way tonight. We are still testing things out, being in the beginning stages and all."
 Hunter snapped back awake from his daydream."Mhm" was all he could muster. He wanted to go and grab you, kiss you right this moment but he couldn't just do that after his father's speech. He needed to get the mood going. "Firstly, do you want to listen to some music? You can play whatever you want. Even your shitty the Weeknd knockoffs."
 "Chase Atlantic have some good songs, ok? And it's not so much about quality with them. It's about the vibe of it all. The experience. But that's a great suggestion for the occasion."
 "I don't know, they sound like try-hard vampire wannabes."
 "Yeah, that’s the beauty of it."
 You turned on the speaker and played one of your playlists. For a moment you were somewhere else, mouthing the lyrics, humming to yourself, slowly rocking your hips in tune with the music as Hunter came up behind you and turned your head so you were facing him."Good thing you're also beautiful, otherwise I would never listen to that crap." He muttered in a hushed voice.
  You mustered a barely audible "thank you" and he shushed you with his lips. It was hard to get used to. Him touching you like that, talking to you like he wasn't little old Hunter. The one you grew up with, the one you had known ever since diapers, but right now it was too hard to perceive him that way. You had already gone over the crossing line and there was no going back.
 He held your hand in his and whispered into your mouth: "Do you want to come to bed with me? I promise I won't do anything to scare you off." Batting his eyelashes, trying to look as innocent as possible.
 "Do you even know how to?" You teased, feeling him come up against you again way more assertively this time.
  His hands landed on your hips, yours entangled in his hair. His tongue slithered into your mouth, soft gasps escaping both of you. He was calculated at first, confident but measured until he got progressively hungrier for your kiss. As you started reaching for his back, pushing him closer and closer to you he deepened the kiss and began roaming your body with his hands. Your knees were getting weak just from the slightest touch. He was a virgin but that didn’t mean he wasn’t a hell of a good kisser. You started to lose balance. He prompted you up by sliding his knee between your legs. A dirty trick that was working very well in his favor.
You parted to get some air and he whispered again. "I hope not." You were flushed, all knots in your stomach and trembling pulsing sensation all over your limbs. He had turned you into jello just by kissing you and that did scare you because you didn't expect to feel this good, to want him so much.
 "Lead the way." You your heart was racing.
 Hunter grabbed your hand again and sat on top of his bed. To his surprise, you didn't sit next to him or opposite him. You made yourself comfortable in his lap, lightly grinding down on him. All of his confidence from before flew out the window. You looked at him with lust in your eyes, your lips forming a devilish smile as you scanned his face. He was getting nervous. He wanted to impress you and he loved every second of it but he wasn't expecting you to look at him the same way. He guessed you were committed to your job. He was speechless just looking at you, wanting to remember this forever.
"What are you getting so shy for, didn't you invite me here?" You grinned cockily "It's ok baby boy, I can do some of the work now. You just relax." You whispered into his lips kissing him yourself with none of the measure or sensitivity of some of your previous kisses. You were boiling from the inside. A volcano ready to erupt. You grinded on him wantingly, letting him feel the wetness seeping through your underwear as your skirt had ridden up your thighs, exposing them deliciously. He moaned in response when you pulled on his hair, nibbling and sucking on his lips and finishing him off by biting the lower one.
 You being so desperately horny for him got him so incredibly hard. He was a mess under your touch but he needed you to be one under his as well. He couldn't control it anymore. He held down your inner thighs, squeezing them hard as his fingers dug into your skin. You gasped and moaned. He began sucking on your neck, leaving purple bruises on his path. He licked and kissed your calves and upper breasts as you purred into his ear."Hunter, this feels so damn good."
 Electricity coursed through his body. He needed to have you all to himself like this forever. He gripped your hips hard, moving you on top of him faster and faster. He kissed you just like you had kissed him
before. With his lustful tongue making patterns in your mouth, sucking on your lips, and then biting you playfully. He put more and more speed in, feeling your heat press against his erection so violently. He was going to come; he couldn't contain himself but he needed you to come with him too.
 "God, you make me insane. You are so fucking hot." He hissed while bucking his hips upwards, hitting your core in the most sinful way.
 You could see he was close and you needed something to push both of you off the edge so without even thinking you whimpered into his mouth. "If you get this hard and desperate for me now, I could only imagine what you would do when you're stretching me out with your dick."
 That was the last straw. He couldn't hold on anymore. He came under you, cum bursting all over his boxers and he couldn't be happier about it. Your legs were twitching as you came a second later, a vibration coursing through your body. You closed your eyes for a moment just to open them and to remember -you just made your best friend cream his pants and you wanted to do it again and again.
 But then the sinking feeling came in. He wanted to do this as a form of practice for other girls. He was going to creep up under your skin,  get to your heart, and then use all of the moments you've spent together to please someone else. Like it didn't mean anything. And the worst part was that this was exactly what you agreed to, so why did it make you ache?
  Hunter was blissful. He was much closer to you than he had ever been before and it seemed like you were feeling this newfound closeness too, that you liked It, but this voice in the back of his head came back rushing in: "She is just following up on her promise. If she feels anything towards me right now, it's probably pity."
 You slowly untangled yourself from the metalhead, got up, and straightened up your skirt. "Well, I gotta go now. Good job today, partner.. uh student." You gave him an awkward high-five and bolted out of his room.
 Yeah, it was definitely pity.
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aleksa-sims · 1 month
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RL Story
CW: Divorce, addiction
It was a Friday, October 13th to be exact. Daniel and I are getting a divorce today. After weeks, he finally signed the divorce papers. I was devastated. It was so hard for me to take this step. But I had to finish it, for my Baby and also for myself, to finally forget Daniel. We met near the city hall, where we had an appointment with a divorce-case officer and judge.
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Once there, I saw Daniel coming towards me. I honestly didn’t want to divorce him. I loved him, still, so much. 😥But... that's just the way life is. 😞... He looked at me... I wanted to hug him but instead I just said sadly, hi. Daniel seemed absent for a moment, staring at my belly. 🩵👶
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He had this... empty look. Not sad or angry, rather.... emotionless.
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With my eyes lowered, I just stood there. I struggled to hold back my tears. Exactly a year ago we moved together. I was so happy with him and now this. 😞
Me: I'm so sorry. I never wanted this! And I still don’t want it. I wish we could just go home together.
Daniel: Same, but...let's not get into that now. Relax and think about your Baby.
Me: What?
Daniel: It's gonna be okay. Trust me.... C'mon, let’s get this over with.
Me: Yea,,...whatever you say. 😞
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Um.... well! Daniel and I didn’t get divorced today. The judge asked us why we wanted to divorce? D.'s & my statements left some question marks with the judge, I think? We have to wait six months, before we get divorced.... Daniel said that my jealousy (Tina, Irma...) & insecurity were the biggest probs for him in our relationship.😠... However, the real reason for postponing our divorce was bcs Daniel inherited Dominick’s plot & house. (division of property) Although I refused any claim to Daniel’s property!!
Me: Did you really, seriously mean what you said to them?
Daniel: I answered all questions honestly.
Me: Why didn’t you just give the real reason for our divorce? You took off!!! I didn't know where you were!! And my Baby isn't yours. This fact is the reason for our divorce! You can't handle that I'm pregnant. Or that we are both addicts, which would have been a good reason why we can’t stay together! 🤦‍♀️
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Daniel: The juge asked me WHY, I left! You got it?.... You and my borther, your secrets drove me crazy. That fucking shit about Tina. I was overwhelmed with my shit, our drugs you and your delusions. I kept trying to make you happy! I only loved you and I only wanted you. But you just didn’t believe me. Be honest, it wasn’t my fault, just yours!! You don’t know what you want! And you can’t make decisions! But I’m not like N.! I don’t want to tell you what to do or how to live your life. You are responsible for yourself! Finally get it, or just stay with your soccer player and let him control you.
Me: What kind of shit are you talking?? Nico doesn’t do any of this to me.
Daniel: I talked to him! He said, you won’t be the same after he’s done with you. He told me this to my face!! And btw, I can’t stand Alex calling you Lexi!! 😠
Me: You must have misunderstood N. He isn't like that! He was just upset, bcs I confessed what I wanted from you the other day. Besides, you’re jealous too!!! Anyway.... I-.. I just can’t stand it around you anymore. And I’m sorry I was so jealous. I loved you so much. I wanted to do anything for you. I was terrified to lose you. I’m sorry. Sorry I was such a freak to you. But I didn’t do anything wrong with your brother, D.!! There was NOTHING between Alex and me!! IDK how many times I’ve had to say this damn sentence. Finally get it!....
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Me: It hurts so much and it just doesn’t stop.... I don’t want to love you anymore. I wish you’d never married me. 😢
Daniel: Damn, I-... I'm sorry. I still struggle with that... stress disorder. Either I feel nothing-... or I boil with rage.🤦‍♂️
Me: It's ok.. I'm leaving.... See you in 6 moths. And.. stay off drugs, just... take care, Daniel. 😢
Daniel: Wait!
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Me: I gotta go. Sorry. Bye!.... 😭
Daniel: I-...... love you.
I just wanted to get away from there. Far away from.... him.💔 Not really, but.... agh, you know what I mean. And I’ll see Daniel again sooner than I thought. Right after delivery. It was about that annoying name change. D. and I were officially still married, but I didn't want to give my Son his surname. D. is not his Dad, but N. Such a mess!!
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dakotalun · 1 year
Want | Eddie Munson
pairing: Eddie Munson X Fem Reader
summary: Eddie hangs out with someone and you confront him about it.
warnings: angst, yelling, self-doubt
word count: 1.9k
a/n: shit haven't posted in a little bit, but hey getting back into it with a little Eddie angst!
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We both stormed into the trailer. It's been heated ever since this morning at the coffee shop. One of the workers thought I was cute and wrote his number on my cup. I thought it was a cute gesture but when Eddie saw it he flipped out.
"You can't just go around getting other guys' numbers!" He was furious about it as if I had asked for the number in the first place.
"I didn't ask him to find me attractive and prompt him to give me his number, I was texting YOU the entire time!" That went on for a good half hour before my alarm went off alerting me that I had an hour before work.
"I have work soon, and I still need to shower," I grab my towel off the back of a chair, "We're not talking about this anymore."
But sadly that was only the beginning of this day-long fight.
I get a call from Eddie right before my lunch break begins.
"Hey, babe."
"Hey, what's up?" I can't help the smile that forms on my lips upon hearing his voice.
"Just checking in. Making sure we're okay after this morning. We are okay, right?" I can hear the slight pain in his voice as if I'd say no to his question.
"Yes, we're okay. You wanna grab lunch together today? I heard of this new Chinese spot down the street and I thought it could be good."
"I'd love to but I have a Hellfire thing and then I've got, um," He stops short of his sentence.
"Got what? Eds, are you ok?"
"Hm oh yeah look I've gotta run, talk later. Bye love you." Then the line goes dead. Weird Eddie's never declined lunch with me, ever. Why was he in such a rush anyways?
I try to push the thoughts out of my mind and focus on work for the rest of the day. But a huge part of my mind wonders why Eddie is acting so strange. Was something bad going on between us? Did I do something wrong?
At 5:30 pm I'm walking home, tired and hungry. I decide to take a shortcut through the woods to get back to the trailer park, which Eddie had shown me a while ago. The walk wasn't that bad, there was a slightly clear path on the way. As I walk I hear voices in the distance.
The further I walk the louder they get. There are two of them, one a high-pitched one, who seems to be laughing a lot, and another one, deeper, quieter. I try my best to avoid any sticks or dry leaves so as to not disturb the two. Then I hear it. The loud boisterous laugh, one I could pick out from any crowd, Eddie's laugh.
What the hell was Eddie doing in the middle of the woods so late? And who the hell was he with? I crouch down a little and walk closer to the voices, trying to get a look at them. And there I see it. Eddie, my Eddie, sitting at an old wooden picnic table with the popular, golden girl, Chrissy Fucking Cunningham.
My heart races, my stomach churns, and my head spins. My body refuses to move, my eyes refuse to turn away. Eddie and Chrissy are sitting across from each other, faces close together, laughing and smiling like their old friends who haven't seen each other in months. As I look closer at the pair I notice Eddie's lunch tin, the one he uses for deals.
He'd told me he quit selling months ago. I told him I wasn't comfortable with him putting himself in danger like that, and he happily agreed. So why was he carrying it now, and why with Chrissy?
I run off into the woods, trying my best to remember the way Eddie'd shown me. I finally reach the trailer park and start the walk to me and Eddie's shared one, which is on the other side of the lot.
I'm barely a few feet away from our front door when I hear the loud metal music pouring from the van. I look over my shoulder and there's Eddie, looking as handsome as ever.
"Hi, sweetie! How was work?" He closes the driver's door and heads up to me, planting a small kiss on the top of my head. He sounds out of breath.
"It was fine. Long," I pull out my keys and walk up the steps to the door, "How was your day?" I'm hoping he'll explain why he was out with Chrissy.
"Eh lame. I can't wait to finally graduate, I am so done with high school!" He walks in behind me, shedding his jacket and throwing it on the couch before plopping down. I walk to the bedroom and grab some pajamas to wear after my shower.
"What do you want for dinner tonight?" I hear Eddie say before turning on the t.v.
"I don't know, pizza?" I walk back out to the small living room with a towel in hand, "Or maybe we can go to that good Italian place you love?"
"Whatever you want, I'm not really hungry," I want to ask about Chrissy but then he'd know I was out there earlier.
"You sure? I'm happy with anything, babe."
"Yeah, just get what you want. I'm gonna take a shower, wash this day off of me."
"Oh okay, see you in a bit," I hum a response before turning on my heels and going to the small bathroom. Once I'm inside I lock the door and turn on the shower. I shed my clothes, step inside and sink to the floor. Cries being drowned out by the rush of water.
After what feels like hours in the hot stream of water, I climb out and wrap myself in a towel. I open the door and quickly close my eyes at the blast of cold air that hits me. I smell the familiar scent of pepperoni and mushroom in the trailer. Walking out of the bathroom and into Eddie and I's joint room I grab a pair of pajamas to wear.
After getting dressed and drying my hair a bit I walk out to the living room to get some dinner. Eddie is sitting on the couch, eating a piece of pizza and watching some slasher movie on the tv.
"Hey," He turns to me, "Where did you go today?"
"Work," I sit down on the other end of the couch.
"Oh yeah, what were you doing all day?"
I sigh and take a bite of pizza, "Just some paperwork and filing. You know the usual." I swallow my bite and hesitate before asking my question, "What did you do today?"
Eddie's eyes stay glued on the screen, almost as if he's scared to look at me. "Just school,"
"Nothing else? You were out kinda late."
"Oh, I guess I saw an old friend afterward. But that was nothing."
Finally, we're getting somewhere, "Oh that's nice. Who were you with?" I lean forward a little bit, eager to hear an answer other than 'Chrissy'.
"Just someone I went to middle school with," Eddie says.
"Who?" I ask again, pressing a little harder.
"Her name is Chrissy. Why?"
"No reason, I just like to know who your friends are," I get up and throw my plate in the sink.
"I wouldn't call her a 'friend' more like an old acquaintance," He gets up and follows me into the kitchen, reaching for another slice of pizza.
"Is she pretty?" I ask, fiddling with my hands.
"Pretty?! Yeah, I guess," Eddie gives me a questioning look.
"She must be if you were with her all day," I walk over to the fridge and grab a beer, "That or you were selling to her. Which can't be the case since you promised me you wouldn't do that anymore."
Eddie stops mid-bite, his eyes growing wide at my words. He drops his plate down on the counter, "Wha- How do you know I was out with her today?"
"What do you mean? You just told me," A small smirk plays on my lips before I take a sip of my drink.
"Yeah I know but how the hell did you know I was with her all day? I never told you that!" His voice is louder now.
"I saw you together," His eyes grow huge, almost as if they could pop out at any moment, "At the picnic table in the woods. She was laughing and smiling, I think I even saw her put her hand on your arm at some point."
I turn around from the fridge and look him dead in the eye, "Did you fuck her?" I whisper, almost afraid to speak loudly enough for him to hear me.
Eddie's face goes white, "No! God no!"
"Then why did you have your lunchbox with you? I know that you only use it for deals," Tears start threatening to spill from my eyes.
"Jesus Christ because I had a deal earlier that day. And before you say anything, I know I said I would stop selling but they offered me like 600 for it and we really need the money babe," He looks at me with pain in his eyes.
"Why didn't you tell me you were going to meet her?" I finally can't hold back my tears any longer and they fall.
"Because I knew you'd worry and freak out if you found out! Just like you are now!"
My voice cracks, "How the hell am I supposed to believe you, Eddie? You're out with a pretty girl for god knows how long then come home late and just expect me to believe she's 'just an old friend'?!"
"Yes! Because I love you and I would never do anything to hurt you! You know that" Eddie takes a step toward me, but I step back.
I place my beer on the counter and wrap my arms around myself, "I want to believe you Eds I really do but," I struggle to find the words, "I don't trust you anymore, I can't. You lied to me and you kept secrets from me! What else are you hiding? What else have you done that I don't know about?"
Eddie grabs my shoulders and pulls me towards him, "Baby please listen to me," His voice is soft and delicate, "Do you know how much I fucking love you?"
The words hurt me when I think of them but I need to know the answer, "Yeah but, do you want me?"
Eddie drops his hands from my shoulders and pulls away. He looks at me, the tears that have stained my cheeks, and the way my lip quivers. It breaks him to know that his hanging out with Chrissy has hurt you this much. He can't come up with a good explanation or a way to make you feel better so he grabs his jacket and keys, opens the front door, and leaves.
I crumble to my knees, cries breaking out for the third time that day. My stomach tenses and my head becomes light, making me dizzy. I cry for god knows how long, holding myself on the kitchen floor of the small trailer. Knowing that I just ruined the only good thing that has ever come into my life.
Eddie Taglist: @ali-r3n @dixontardis
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zouyceth · 6 days
ice rinks tragedy, gojo satoru
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what if gojo fell in love with an old friend he casually met at the ice skating rink? gs x femreader gojos POV.
"i just want a girl that loves me, you know?" i say, sulking in evidencial sorrow. geto laughs, nudging me. "we will both get it one day, ya' just gotta wait, gojo. and besides you got the looks, and uh, personality too, i guess-"
"-maaaan shutup. my personality is charming too, right?" i inturrupt, evidently embarrassed. "i was gonna say that, duh." geto replied, eye rolling. we both laugh, walking to the ice skating rink i begged we go. it's been so long since we hung out like this, and i was pleased that we did.
"i forgot my socks.." geto said, irritated. i sigh, as we walk back to the counter where they had the socks. 
"hi, i just need so—"
"(y/n)? that you?" i say, shock written all over my face. "?? TORU???SATORU???" she says, almost as everyone could hear her from the blasting music. "what are you doing here? oh my god wait i haven't seen your ass in YEARS!!" she squealed, coming over to hug me. 
"i don't know.. to maybe.. ice skate?" i reply, joking around. she tuts, rolling her eyes. "shut it. anyways, ive missed you so much! id never know i'd see you, oh and yes i do work here." she said, eyes gleaming.
she's still as pretty as when i last saw her. despite not looking any different, she looked really stunning. "you work here? oh that's nice. i thought you moved out to a different city?" i ask, confusion written. 
"yeah i did. but i really do miss being here so i saved up to come back and i just got a job so i can be financially ok. but how about you? how's life going?" she said. i could just notice the minor wrinkles on her face move whenever she spoke, or the sparkle in her eyes. even how she presented herself.
she was so beautiful. 
"earth to.. gojo? she's talking to ya" geto said, as he starts laugh seeing me look at her. i was in love.
but she was oblivious to shit like that so im good.  "what you say again?"
"i asked how u were."
"im.. im happy.. im so happy right now."
she giggles, confusion written on her face. "why's that?" she asks, arms resting besides the counter. "it's just—"
"he's happy to be here. let's go, we have limited time here!" geto interrupts, annoyed. "oh you guys are fine. you can stay all day ..it's on me." she spoke, smiling. i continue staring at her with nothing but love and adoration in my eyes. "thank you, (y/n)? is that your name?" geto said. she nodded, walking back to the counter she was at.
"i'll let you guys have your fun, bye!" 
i couldn't stop staring at her, and i swore i nearly cried. she's so pretty i nearly cried. 
"gojo.. be civilised, ain't she just an old friend?"
"my wife, actually." i followed him along. geto laughs, i don't know why but he does. i roll my eyes. i wasn't lying. i wanted her to be my wife.
—turns out she had a boyfriend the entire time. 
"dude just let it rest, with a girl as pretty as her, it was quite clear she probably had a significant other."  "so? i should've been her signature shit whatever shit you just said" i say, frowning. he sighs, passing me the controller.
"let's just play cod and forget about this, ok?" geto said, switching on the console. 
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marlenesluv · 8 months
bro i gotta add to @twinkodium tags on my reply LOL
below cut is some…18+ for sure
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my thoughts cuz yes:
oscar is fucking adorable. the way he would take you on the cutest and most thoughtful dates. like picnics in the spring, wanting to just be alone and away from the press and the world. he would probably buy you some sort of sweet gift too.
cuddles would be insane. i feel like he would definitely switch between big and little spoon. after he looses a race? little spoon. he wants to feel safe, and he does in your arms. your hands running through his hair as he takes deep breaths on your chest, maybe a few tears slip out, but you’re there to kiss them away :( but big spoon oscar? oh he loves being big spoon. the way he can wrap his big arms around you and your stomach, pulling you closer to him. maybe he even gets a hard on…maybe you grind your ass when you notice, earning a hiss from oscar as he slightly humps your ass🫠 (did i go too far…)
now…fucking up against a wall? i’m going feral. it wouldn’t even be a challenge. you get home late from dinner with the grid, and he’s sick of the guys flirting with you. besides the obvious hand on your thigh the light dinner, scooting closer to you every few minutes, and neck kisses for everyone to see, he thinks he could have done more. (omfg possessive oscar bye omg) so he brings you home, and immediately pushes you against your foyer wall, taking your heels and panties off, just to fuck you right there. because why would he go to your shared room? noo, he wants to fuck you where people hang their coats. maybe even the kitchen table after. where two weeks later, lando, carlos, charles, and max come over for dinner. and all he can think of is that you came on the place where one of his friends was sitting…ok i rly went too far now
riding his thighs?? oh dear lord yesss. like LOOK AT THIS MAN.
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OoOoOoOoOoOoOohjh myyyy. his thighs are so muscular and inviting, i agree. they are beggingggg to me rode atp. he would definitely flex his thigh too just to fuck with you. and if you rode him? holyyyy shit.
he would love that. his head back, mouth open letting out little gasps and moans as his hair was being pulled on a bit by you. he would help you when you got tired too, hands on your hips to help guide when you get exhausted.
mhmm, his humor is unmatched. he’s genuinely so hilarious and idk why people aren’t realizing. he kinda gives kimi vibes in the way that he doesn’t gaf which is so funny and hot. mmm also, side note: oscar knows some japanese which is also vvv hot
its fine, i am also over the top and acting a bit unhinged, but i mean, it’s okay
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But boyfriend or roomate!spencer who accidentally got into the habit of stealing your panties🫣
akj;dsg fkj;as this got a lil out of hand OOPS PLS ENJOY
perv!roomate!spencer x fem!reader, smut 18+, 1.7k words CW: masturbation, degrading, annoyed!spencer, oral (m-recieving), unprotected piv (don’t forget to wrap it up pls), he's kinda a dick at the end tbh
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This is the third week in a row that you’ve had to go out and buy more panties. You have no idea where they’re disappearing to, maybe the washer is eating them? Or the dryer? At least that’s what your roommate, Spencer, said.
It makes a little sense, especially since your washer and dryer are old as shit.
But it’s really annoying.
“Spence! I’m back!” you say as you open the door to your shared apartment. “I grabbed us some snacks for movie night tonight.”
You don’t hear him acknowledge you coming home but you don’t think anything of it. Until you walk towards your room and notice it’s propped open slightly when you remember closed it before you left.
You step in and notice some dirty laundry that was definitely in your hamper is now on the floor.
“Hey Spence? You’re here right? Did you go through my laundry?” you ask at his door.
You hear a grunt or two from Spencer’s room before he responds, “one sec, I’m cleaning my room real quick.”
You wait patiently until his door opens and he pops his head out, “what’s up?”
“Did you go through my laundry? My door was closed when I left and it looks like my hamper was gone through?”
“Oh yeah, sorry you borrowed a shirt from me last week remember? I need it for work tomorrow so I grabbed it from your hamper so I could put it in my laundry load earlier.”
“Oh right right, makes sense,” you laugh. “Is your stuff out of the wash? I gotta put one in too.”
“Yup it’s out, I finished that all an hour ago.”
“Ok great! Thanks, I’m gonna start that, when do you wanna do dinner and our movie?”
“How about an hour or two? Maybe once you’re done with your load, that way there’s no background noice for us.”
“Sounds good to me,” you smile.
Spencer smiles back at you and you turn to get your laundry started, his door closing again echos behind you as you walk back to your room down the hall. You put your headphones in and start on your laundry and chores, so you don’t notice the moaning and grunting happening in the other room.
What you do notice though, is your favorite pair of black lace panties not being in your basket like they should be. And the only person who had been in your room, and your hamper, since this morning was Spencer.
Before thinking about any kind of repercussions, you stop the washer and barge into Spencer’s room, taking off your headphones as you enter.
“Did you take my panties?” you accuse, but your voice falls when you see and hear him.
“Fuck, ah, yeah y/n, yeah,” Spencer moans as he fucks his hand. You’re silent, mouth agape as you take in his long, thick cock and his hand with a familiar piece of fabric wrapped around it. His eyes are closed when he addresses you, his hand never stopping it’s movements. “Don’t you know how to knock?” he spits out.
His eyes meet your own, “are you going to stand there and watch or-?”
You spin around. “I-I’m sorry. I-“
A deep moan interrupts your thought.
“Are you not going to stop? Do you have no shame?”
“You’re—fuck—you’re the one who barged in on me,” he says, a groan punctuating his statement.
“You stole my panties!” you huff, crossing your arms angrily.
The slick sound of his lubed up hand on his cock is making you wet, you clench your thighs together as you think about how big he was.
“Are you going to leave?”
“No I-I want my panties back.”
“Suit yourself,” he replies, you can feel the words laced with a grin. Behind you, he pumps his cock a few more times before moaning out your name and cumming in his hand, all over your panties. His bed creaks as he gets up, and you hear his footsteps move towards you.
Spencer’s arm stretches out beside you and holds out your cum covered black panties.
You turn around and are met with a smirking, and pants-less, Spencer. “Well?“ he questions, still holding your soiled panties out to you. “You wanted to wash them right?”
“You’ve been stealing my panties?”
You wait for a minute, patient for an apology that doesn’t look like it’ll come. “Are you not gonna apologize? Really?”
“Nah, I’m not sorry about it, I am annoyed that I got caught. I really thought you’d be out for longer,” he laughs to himself.
“Seriously, Spence?! You’re such a perv!”
“You’re the one who came in to my room without knocking, y/n,” he spits. “Where are your manners huh?”
You look down but Spencer grabs your chin harshly with his free hand. “Do I need to teach you some manners?”
His cock rests between the two of you, semi-hard. You clench your thighs, mouth watering.
You want this. God you want this. You wanted this shortly after Spencer agreed to lease your second bedroom when your last roommate left.
So you nod, and Spencer smiles. The smile turning into a chuckle when he drops your chin and tosses your panties into his own hamper.
“Manners, manners, manners, where to begin,” he teases. “How about, doing what you’re told? On your knees.”
You slink down onto your knees in front of him, his cock at eye level to you now.
“Good girl,” he smiles down at you.
Your palms rest on the tops of your thighs as you look up at him from your position.
“You’re a fast learner, huh?” He brushes a strand of hair behind your ear before grabbing a handful of hair and yanking your head down so your mouth drops open in a groan. “Say ah.”
You stick your tongue out and say ah as he grasps his cock with his free hand and taps it on your awaiting tongue.
And you do. Your lips wrap around his tip, tongue circling the sensitive head and you moan at the salty, perfect taste of him. You take him deeper into your warm, wet mouth and his head falls back in a groan, the hand in your hair gripping tighter as you bob on his cock.
“Fuck, yeah, just like that y/n,” he moans looking down to watch as his cock disappears in and out of your mouth. Your eyes are watering and there’s drool dripping out of the corners of your mouth as you look up at him with fucked out eyes.
You keep sucking, your tongue tracing the vein on the underside of his dick as you pull back to breathe. Your mouth comes off his cock with a pop and a trail of spit connecting you to him.
“Good girl,” he smiles as he combs a hand through your hair. “Up.”
You move to stand in front of him.
“Pants and panties off.”
You unbutton and unzip your pants, and shimmy them and your panties down your legs. He holds a hand out and you pick up and place your panties in his palm.
What you don’t expect is for him to bring them up to your own lips.
“Open,” he smirks.
And of course, you do, and he stuffs your panties in your own mouth before grabbing your wrists and bringing you towards his bed. He moves behind you, bends you over the side of his bed, pushing you down by the back of your neck. He smacks your ass, before slipping a hand between your thighs. His fingers slip through your pussy, “so wet for me.” He chuckles. “How long have you wanted this?”
So long,you try to say through your stuffed mouth. A moan starts deep in your throat when his deft fingers meet your clit. He flicks the bud back and forth, your legs quivering at his ministrations. His unoccupied hand squeezes your ass while the other shifts from your clit to your entrance and he pushes two fingers in. Another muffled groan leaves your throat as he pumps his fingers in and out and in and out.
You try and close your legs when he removes his hand but he keeps them open with his free hand. The one coated in your arousal grips his cock and strokes a few times before his tip meets your hole and he pushes in, roughly. He trusts in to the hilt, his balls slapping against your clit when he bottoms out with a groan of your name.
One hand goes back to the back of your neck and keeps you pinned in pace while he frantically pistons into you at a rough pace. “Fuckin, taking me like such a good girl huh?”
Your yes is muffled again, but you clench around him as he continues to thrust into you, the coil in your stomach tightens with every tap of his mushroom tip against that perfect spot inside of you.
He pauses, his dick pulsing in your warm sheath as he grabs a pillow and pulls your waist up slightly to place it under your hips. The new angle is too much for you. You snap, trying to cave in on yourself as Spencer continues to fuck you through your orgasm.
“You’re squeezing me so tight, y/n. So-tight,” he huffs. He reaches up to you and pulls your panties from your mouth. “Wanna hear you this time.”
Your moans and fucks are audible now and grow louder when his hand finds your clit and starts to rub tight circles into it. The sound of your wetness, skin slapping skin and your quick, hot whines are the only thing the two of you can hear.
Your second orgasm hits like a train, your legs trembling, your mouth hung open in a silent scream of his name. Spencer pulls out of you and you whine at the loss. He picks up the wet panties that were previously in your mouth and wraps them around his dick. He fucks his hand while watching your release trail down your legs. A few strokes and he’s coming undone over you, his warm cum painting your back.
“God, that was good,” he laughs walking to drop another pair of abused panties into his hamper. “‘You gonna make sure to knock next time?”
“Mhm,” you whine into his bedspread. 
You hear his footsteps leave his room and you hear the bathroom door close and the shower start, all while you still lay, bent over his bed, ass in the air, cum dripping out of your cunt.
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imaginestuffs · 2 years
Who Do You Love?- Eddie Munson x Reader
word count:2438
warnings: language, angst, mentions of cheating.
summary: Eddie seems to have fallen out of love with the reader, and is with someone new right behind her back. despite him believing he's hiding it well, you see what's going on and all you want him to do is admit it. who does he love?
based on the song 'Who Do You Love?' by the chainsmokers and 5 seconds of summer.
Part 2 is now up!!
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(gif not mine!)
“Well, keep switchin' your alibi
Or stutterin' when you reply
You can't even look me in the eye
Oh, I can tell, I know you're lyin'
'Cause you've been actin' so conspicuous
You flip it on me, say I think too much
We're movin' different while we're makin' love
So, baby, tell me, tell me
Who do you love, do you love now?
I wanna know the truth 
Who do you love, do you love now?
I know it's someone new
You ain't gotta make it easy, where you been sleepin'?
This shit is keepin' me up at night, just admit it
Who do you love, do you love now?
I wanna know, I wanna know who”
You could feel Eddie pulling away from you, and deep down you knew why. Nothing about your relationship felt normal now, it had been almost perfect for two years. But you saw the way he looked at her, with her blonde hair and endearing blue eyes. She was kind and beautiful, practically perfect. Chrissy Cunnighman. 
His eyes wandered to her every chance he got. He looked at her the way he used to look at you, his bright brown hues locked on her. It broke your heart seeing the love of your life fall out of love with you. You just wanted him to admit it. 
Walking into the cafeteria you saw the boys and smiled softly as Dustin waved at you. You made your way over to them and sat down, “Hey (y/n)” Dustin greeted. “Hey,” you said softly. “Do you know where Eddie is?” Lucas asked and you shook your head. “I, uh, haven’t seen him since this morning actually,” you cleared your throat awkwardly. “Oh, ok, maybe he’s just running late,” he said and you nodded. “Yeah,” You knew that everyone could sense a change, and it made you feel uneasy. 
You felt embarrassed that he was falling for someone else in front of everyone slowly giving up on you as everyone just sat and watched. You heard a loud laugh and your head lifted up to see Eddie and Chrissy walking in together, her arm was linked with his as he walked her to her table. You could see the blush on her cheeks and the large grin that occupied your boyfriend’s lips. Seeing her hold onto him like that made you sick, he used to do that with you. Before she sat down she placed a kiss on his cheek and your breath hitched in your throat. You sat there with your heart in your stomach as he weaved his way through the crowd and toward the table. You hadn’t noticed but Mike had seen what happened and he could have sworn he heard your heart break. The look on your face made his heart ache for you. 
Eddie greeted everyone as he took his seat next to you, and you could smell her perfume. Tears welled in your eyes as you stared down at your shoes. “(y/n)?” you heard your name being called and you blinked harshly to keep the tears at bay. “Yeah,” you breathed out as you looked at the boy next to you. Ever-caring you could see the concern in his eyes. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “Nothing,” you said and fiddled with the rings on your fingers. “You sure?” he asked once again. “Yeah, um, I actually have to go now. Bye,” you said and gathered your things before making a quick exit. Eddie looked at your retreating figure and shook his head. “She’s being weird,” he said under his breath. Mike sent a glare his way and rolled his eyes. 
 You heard footsteps behind you and it made you move faster, “Hey, hey slow down, what’s going on?” you heard Robin from over your shoulder. Your shoulders sagged as you sighed in relief. You turned to see her and Nancy catching up with you. They saw the tears in your eyes and immediately escorted you out of the large room and into the bathroom. 
“What happened?” they asked and you took a shaky breath. “He doesn’t love me anymore,” you finally got out. The girls looked at you in surprise, “What do you mean?” Robin asked. “Eddie, he tells me not to worry about her, and that they’re just friends. He tells me that he loves me, and then goes and acts all conspicuous. He doesn’t know that I see the way he looks at her, I saw her linking arms with him and kissing his cheek. I just want him to tell me the truth,” you finally rambled out. Tears were pouring down your face at this point. Nancy pulled you into a hug, and you let yourself lean against her and just cry. Robin wanted to go out there and chew him out but she knew you wouldn’t let her. “Who is it?” Robin asked. You pulled away from Nancy and tried to wipe your tears away. “Chrissy Cunningham,” you told them. “You’re kidding me right?” Nancy asked in surprise. You shook your head, “I saw them,” you said. “She’s dating Jason, what the fuck?” Robin asked. You could hear the anger in her voice. You had never seen Robin get angry like this, and it surprised you. “He can’t seriously be going for a girl who’s taken,” Nancy said. “He obviously isn’t thinking about the consequences of his actions,” she spoke again. 
I get it,” you said softly. They looked at you in confusion. “I mean, I’d leave me for Chrissy too. I’m nothing special, I’m not a cheerleader, I’m not primped and pretty, I’m nothing like her and I guess he just figured that out,” you explained and their hearts broke. They had no idea you thought like that, you had always been the one who seemingly didn’t care if you looked like other girls or acted like them. You always seemed secure in yourself but apparently, that was all wrong. 
“You’re so special (y/n),” Robin spoke up. “You’re gorgeous, you have a great sense of humor, you’re so smart, and talented you’re fun and interesting. You have more than one special thing about you, and cheerleading isn’t very special it’s pretty basic,” Nancy said and you looked at her with a watery smile. “He fucked up really bad,” Robin said and you nodded. “I guess so,” you sadly agreed. “Damn right,” Nancy affirmed. “Let’s get you out of here, you have your next classes with Robin anyway and the last class of the day is with me. I’ll take you home ok,” Nancy said and you nodded your head. “Thank you guys,” you said and pulled them both into a hug. “You have nothing to thank us for, we’re always here for you,” Robin said and you hugged them tighter. 
The bell rang which signified it was time to get to your next class. You quickly cleaned up the mascara that had run down your face and grabbed your bag before linking arms with Robin to walk to Chemistry. You passed Eddie in the hallway, as he walked with Chrissy to class. You knew for a fact that Eddie had a free period and so you knew he was walking her to class, not even bothering to find you. You squeezed Robin’s arm and she looked over at you. She quickly noticed what you were looking at and guided you more swiftly through the halls to the classroom. 
The end of the day came quicker than you thought it would and you sighed heavily as you exited the school next to Nancy. You passed by Dustin, Lucas, and Mike on the way out. 
“Hey, where are you going we have Hellfire remember?” Dustin said and you smiled weakly. “Yeah, I’m not feeling very well so, I’m gonna go home. Have fun for me though ok,” you said and waved at them softly as you walked away. 
“What’s wrong with her?” Lucas asked as he watched you walk away. “You didn’t see it?” Mike asked them. “See what?” Dustin asked with furrowed brows. “Eddie and Chrissy earlier in the cafeteria. They walked in together, they were linking arms and she kissed him on the cheek. That must be why things are so different between them,” Mike said. “Oh, shit, no way,” Lucas said in surprise. “No, no way Eddie would do that,” Dustin tried to defend his friend. 
“Yeah, well he did, that’s why she left like that,” Mike stated. “This is crazy what do we do?” Dustin asked. “I don’t know. I guess we just let them work it out on their own,” Lucas said, and though Mike wanted to say something he knew it was the smart thing to do, to not get involved. 
The boys walked into Hellfire that day upset and angry at their Dungeon Master. “What’s wrong with you guys?” Eddie asked as he saw the sour looks on their faces. “Nothing,” they simultaneously responded. Eddie looked at them with a brow raised. “Sure, ok, where’s (y/n)?” he asked as he looked around. “She’s not feeling well, she went home,” Dustin told him. “Oh, I guess we’ll just have to try and do this without her,” he said with a slight shrug. “I guess so,” Gareth said and you could see that the whole room was dimmer than it ever would have been with you. 
You had stayed home from school the next day, you knew you had to prepare yourself for the confrontation that needed to happen. You always had movie nights with Eddie on Fridays and it just so happened that he hadn’t canceled on you this time. 
You grabbed your jacket when you heard him pull up to your house. You bid your parent's goodnight as you walked down your front steps. He didn’t even come to the door anymore, he didn’t get the door for you like he used to. You got into the van and tried your best to smile at him, “Hey,” you said and he gave you a tight-lipped smile, barely even looking you in the eye. “Hey, you ready?” he asked and you nodded. “Yeah,” you said and as expected he didn’t bother to hold your hand or place his hand on your thigh as you drove to the trailer park. 
You didn’t sing along to your favorite songs anymore, There was nothing there anymore and it made your stomach turn. Knowing that he was probably doing those things with Chrissy behind your back. He was probably skipping out on time with you to be with her, spending his nights with her. The thought of even lying on his bed now made you want to be sick, knowing damn well that they had slept together there. 
You pulled up outside the trailer and got out, following him to the door. He opened it and let you in first, flipping on the light. You slowly walked into his room and just stood there, not knowing what to do anymore. Eddie walked in, “What are you doing?” he asked in confusion as you stood there awkwardly. “I need to ask you something, and I need you to be honest,” You took a deep breath as you looked up at him. Still, you got no eye contact, as he tried to avoid your gaze. 
“What is it?” he asked. “Who is she?” you asked him. He looked confused. “What are you talking about?” he walked closer. “Just admit it, Eddie. I want to know who. Who do love now? because I know for damn sure that it’s not me I need to hear you say her name,” you just wanted the truth from him. 
“I- I have no idea what you’re going on about,” he spat out quickly. “Don’t bullshit me, you can’t even look me in the eye, you won’t hang out with me you keep feeding me these excuses. I’m done with these things keeping me awake at night. Just tell me,” you sneered. 
He sighed heavily and dragged a hand over his face. “(y/n), don’t start this,” he exasperated. “If you’re not gonna say it then I will,” you spat out. There was a brief pause, with you just hoping he would give in and say it himself, but he didn’t. “You’re in love with Chrissy. I see the way you look at her, the way you treat her like you used to treat me. You don’t touch me the way you used to. You don’t love me anymore. After giving you two years of love and everything I had, you fall for the girl you told me not to worry about. What a cliche right?” you scoffed. “Jesus, fine. Ok, I love Chrissy, I do. I’m sorry for not telling you, I’m sorry I’ve been sneaking around. You have to know I didn’t mean for this to happen, I don’t want to hurt you,” he said with sad eyes. “Right, of course, you didn’t. You kept it from me to spare my feelings. You left me to watch you fall out of love with me while you fell in love with someone else. That didn’t hurt at all,” you sarcastically bit. He rolled his eyes. “Fuck, can you please just listen!” he practically yelled at you. Tears already came to your eyes. The room went silent. 
“It was just a deal ok, it wasn’t meant to be anything more than her buying. I didn’t think anything of it until it happened more frequently and we got closer, one thing lead to another and I just so happen to fall in love along the way. I’m sorry, ok, I’m sorry,” he explained and your tears fell. 
“Ok, then, that’s it. You don’t have to drag me around anymore, congratulations you lost the one person who was ready to love you for the rest of her life,” you said and shoved past him and to the door. He couldn’t do anything, he was frozen to his spot. He swore his heart stopped beating as he watched you walk away. The fact that you had known and had been hoping that he would finally come clean and tell you the truth made his heart ache. He hadn’t even realized he’d been so blatantly obvious. 
Deep down in your heart, you hoped he would come chasing after you begging for your forgiveness. You hoped he’d come back and say he loved you and it had always been you, but you knew he wouldn’t. It was over and that was that. 
You wanted to know who he loved and you got your answer. 
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emmaiooo · 9 months
realization pt.3 ; regrets
kazuha x reader
(ok this took long enough, i don’t have motivation at all for part 3 but i'm pushing it now and writing my ass off.)
-752 words-
nsfw warning ^ ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿︵‿︵︵‿︵
ayato was left in despair, he felt so empty without you. he couldn’t do anything without thinking about you. even boba started to taste bland. (his fault LMAO) he wanted you back. he knew your boat was heading to mondstat, but what if you changed courses? well, your ex husband powerless, he was the clan head of course! he’ll find you. to make everything back the way it was, so he could get you back. little does he know, you were having the time of your life. you were moaning loudly, both of you panting. he thrust into you with love as both of you dropped down on your shared bed. he caressed your face, and brushed the stray hairs out of your sweaty forehead. “how are you feeling love, was i too rough?” he smiled slightly at you. “no no, it was perfect kazuha.” ayato never cared about what you felt, it was usually how he felt because you had to make sure he could put his seed in you so you can get pregnant with an heir. it was a chore, a tiring chore. you looked at the time, “oh shoot, i gotta do my commission.” you scurried to wear your clothes and kissed kazuha on the lips sweetly and stopped at the door. “be safe sweetheart, love you.” he waved bye to you as you smiled brightly, “love you too babe!” you ran off and shut the door behind you. as you leave the inn, you start walking to the place where you had been told to. (from what i learned from the lore, people gain visions from how strong their ambitions are.) as you were walking, ayato was busy with trying to get settled in liyue. he planned to search for you here, and if he didn’t find you, he would go to mondstat. at that time, you were walking down the streets as you were looking at the nice kid toys when you wondered to yourself how nice it would be to have a kid of your own. from the corner of your eye, you saw someone familiar, he had light blue hair and that particular beauty mark under his lips. shit. it was your ex husband. you quickly tried to turn around and walk the other way but then that bastard had to call out your name. “y/n! wait stop please!” he ran up to you, grabbing your arm as he gripped on tightly. now you couldn’t ignore him. “oh you fucker.” you grabbed him by the collar and dragged him to a quiet alley. “what do you want from me now? i already gave you everything i had in the divorce!” you put your hand to your chest, glaring at him. “no-y/n please let me explain.” he looked at you sadly, so you gave him some sympathy. “i’ll give you 3 minutes.” you looked at him. the air felt suddenly cold as a little trinket on the side of your hips caught his attention. “y-you got a vision? he looked at the glowing piece and pointed to it. “you’re running out of time ayato.” you glared a him even harder. ah, yes. you called him by his name. you used to always call him honey or sweetheart. but that’s in the past, but ayato is desperate to get it back. “give me another chance. please y/n. i’ll do better, i’ll be better!” his hands reached for yours as he begged for a second chance. but you didn’t need him. you already found a new life, it’s exciting and fun, and your boyfriend kazuha brought you so much joy. “no. i refuse to give you a second chance. from the shit you put me through its hard to imagine life with you again. and you don’t really want a poly relationship right?” you smirked, “you treated me like air, didn’t even dare to acknowledge me, everything done with you was a tiring chore. i rather live with rats than go back to inazuma.” you walked out and left the man in the alleyway shocked from your words. 
after finishing up your commission, you went back to the inn where you found kazuha sleeping soundly on the bed. you kissed his forehead and smiled. he opened his eyes slightly, “love? your home?” he smiled at the sight of you. “yea, do you want to go somewhere to eat?” you helped him get up and then you both went out the door, smiling together happily.
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