#i love ezra but that boy is annoying
harrysmimi · 1 year
Synopsis: One where Harry and YN go from Friends to lovers
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"Your girlfriend was here the other day and she said that you jumped out of window again, is that true?" Howard Stern asked Harry, "is that you have a bandage on your hand again?"
Harry looked at the man puzzled, even though he knew who the man was talking about. It was annoying for many different reasons, and most annoying one was that he doesn't have a girlfriend.
"YN, your girlfriend." Howard explained.
"She's my best friend, Howard," Harry corrected him, "and no, I almost jumped off a window but she stopped me. This is from injury. I, uhh, I was filming the new Eternals. Had a bit of a surgery done."
Harry was pissed the whole interview because Howard kept calling YN his girlfriend.
As much as he wants it to be true, he doesn't think it ever will be.
A bit of a back story, YN and Harry met at Brits back in 2019. She was there to perform and took home almost all of the major categories. He even presented her with one award himself. He had just gotten to see her perform at Grammy's where she took all major categories home as well. This time around he got to talk to her.
He has always been smitten by her since she first blew up in media. YN's former Miss World. And he didn't know why, he kept up with the pageant that year. To add to it, she was his favourite contestant even. So being able to present her with an achievement she deserved so much and worked so hard for was like a fan-boy moment for him.
He then got to meet her at the after party, they were joint to the hip that night. Their friendship only grew from there and so did his feelings for her. From infatuation it went to crush, to likeness and now he thinks he's really in love with her.
Good lord, they've been friends for almost four years! That's more than enough time for him to fall for her.
He also couldn't bring himself to speak his feelings to her. He can't live this anymore. Until, he went and fucked it all up.
No, quite literally.
They both drunkenly hooked up in a bathroom of his hotel room after her three time platinum album party two weeks ago ago. They both haven't talked since then. YN was called right in the morning urgently and none of them to sit down and talk about their drunk shenanigans.
To be fair, both of them are on tour. He shouldn't have been drinking when he had to go on tour in two days, and so did her when she had a show the very next day. From that very next, it have been interviews and shows for her, and constant travel for him.
He tried to call her but she's busy and when calls him back, he's busy. It isn't just working out and it's eating him inside out. He just want to talk to her that's all. He feels guilty because he remembers everything, he just hopes she does too and doesn't regret it in anyway.
He didn't get to talk to her for whole two weeks. He was on tour. She's busy with recording another one of her Album.
It's been nothing but small talk. And it's bothering him.
He gets to see her today on her last show. He just got in time when her sound check was almost done at the Madison Square Garden. She was checking the visuals of the show with her manager and her producer at the very back of the pit.
"Can we have Ezra's guitar a two notches louder, please?" She spoke in her sparkly microphone asking to make her lead guitarists sound a little bit up. "Yup that's perfect!" She handed the mic to producer and her manager had something to say to her in instant as Harry was about to approach her.
But YN quickly excused herself and sprinted towards him at the entrance, in five inch heels she wore to practice in for her performance. He still couldn't fathom how she can run in those, but his thoughts were put on a hault as she jumped up on him with her arms wrapped around his neck and her legs around his hips tightly, her face buried in his neck. If it weren't for his fast reflexes they would have both fallen down on the hard ground. But he wrapped one his arm around her waist and other under her bum to keep her supported. And before he could say anything else when she finally lifted her head up to look at him. Her lips were on his.
He was taken back. But so was she as she immediately pulled back again, "I'm so sorry!" He carefully placed her back on her feet, she stood almost as tall as him with her heels. He pulled in for another kiss with her hand behind her neck now. A sweet quick peck.
He didn't know he missed her so much that he remembered how she tasted. "I missed you so much!" She hugged him again when he pulled away this time.
"I missed you too, baby." He held her tightly close to her.
"You're not mad at me, are you?" She asked.
"No, I'm just confused." He admitted.
"YN come on, chop chop." YN's manager called for her interrupting Harry. She had no opening act for tonight as she had released a new album last night and she'll be performing for three hours and forty-five minutes there. With a new album, it only added to the pile of six other albums of her. But this was only her third English language album. They would start letting people in next ten minutes.
Her manager wasn't being rude, the lady loved Harry like her son. She just wants YN to be safe as people start coming in. And she also had to get ready.
"I'm sorry." She looked at him with sad puppy eyes, "I feel so bad we didn't even get to talk." She was on urge of crying.
"I know." He cooed, "it's okay. I promise. It's a big day, I don't want you to be anxious. I promise we'll sit down and talk after this, yeah?"
"Okay." She nodded.
"I'll be here when you come back, we're leaving together." He assured her. "Now give me a kiss before you go back." And she did.
Giving him a last squeeze she ran off to the backstage. Harry went back to the VIP standing area. He just hopes she's not anxious.
She tends to get very anxious and shut down. Full on pass out black when she's anxious. It's scary for him. Especially when he had encountered her that way not once but twice. He didn't realise YN's family had started to show up. She had a few relatives in New York plus her own parents and older and little siblings.
"You know there is going to be a secret guest tonight." One of the twin sister spoke.
"Yeah, she won't tell me about it!"
"Harry, do you know who that us?" The ten year old walked upto him, followed by her twin.
Harry has grown to love these kids, YN's affection and adoration for these little girls have rubbed off on him. Especially when that was all she talked about for first few months after they first become friends. She loved her little sisters with her life.
"I don't know darling, who do you think that is going to be?" He asked, holding both their hands back as he walked them to a side as the crew moved around.
He had a nice chat with both of them. They gave him the little birthday cards they made him as they missed his birthday this year. They ever made him a drawing each.
Now Harry wondered who the surprise guest is going to be. He can think of only three people at that time.
Harry danced with the twins as YN came on the stage well to halfway through the show. But the girls went to go get their sugary drinks leaving him alone.
He took the opportunity to admire her for that time. She wore a black dress sith puffy sleeves which hemed just above her knees, with her black tights and black heeled boots she wore earlier. The sweet heart neckline of her dress showed her collarbone, where he remembered leaving a very very in-your-face hickey drunkenly. Maybe she had covered it up or it might have healed.
Yeah, she might have covered it because her mother would kicked her and his ass at the same time. Her mother's very religious for context. And YN's mum is a softie but can be very intimidating.
It was a mother's day show. He wouldn't want YN's mum to be upset. Especially when he knows she have practically adopted him into her family. Maybe like a little lost puppy but she adores him.
It was complete one-eighty from her usually, grafic t-shirts and baggy jeans.
She looks gorgeous none the less. He just couldn't take his eyes off of her there. He shouldn't be looking at anyone else but it was obvious he's oogling at her. Just until the twins interrupted him offering him a Cool-aid.
The lights went down as YN finished her first Grammy winning song. Just a spot light on the elevator downstage.
Our secret moments in your crowded room
Taylor Swift herself rose up on the stage as she sung. Harry almost choked on his drink.
He thought YN only joked about bringing her girl crush who ironically is his ex on the stage with her. But she actually did it.
They got no idea about me and you
There is an indentation in the shape of you
Made your mark on me, a golden tattoo
Taylor sang as she walked upto YN beaming. As YN sang the chorus.
All of this silence and patience, pining in anticipation
My hands are shaking from holding back from you
All of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting
My hands are shaking from all this
It felt theatrical, with YN's amazing band and insanely  talented background vocalists. With the most genius lyricist, and in YN's glory. It was truly magical. YN's sister were going feral on the side. Sobbing by now.
Say my name and everything just stops
I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off
Carve your name into my bedpost
'Cause I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off
Both of the girls sang together. Taylor singing in beautiful harmonies with YN.
Then it hit him there. He froze as YN sung the next verse. Standing closer on the side of stage where he stood.
Inescapable, I'm not even gonna try
And if I get burned, at least we were electrified
And he knew exactly what she was talking about. Not her words but they held different meaning for both of them now.
His fans already hated her enough, thinking she's using him for fame. But little did they knew, she's more known than he is. And the narrative can be flipped around on him by YN's fans who are double and scarier. But they never di that. Because of YN.
I'm spilling wine in the bathtub
You kiss my face and we're both drunk
Everyone thinks that they know us
But they know nothing about
His jaw dropped for a moment. That's exactly what happened. It was nothing new for both of them to hang out, but this time she just felt like taking a bath. Harry supported her by running her a bath as she continued to get shit faced straight from a bottle of wine she picked up from the party.
He initiated it, in her defence. But she was as guilty as he he was.
Afterall, it takes two to Tango!
But it was also true, no one knew about their secret hang outs. They both practically lived together on their off months. Sharing a bed., Sharing their clothes, fighting over little disagreements then making up by bringing one another's favourite food. All of the cuddles all of the secrets they shared with one another, all of the vulnerable moments, which made their friendship that much stronger and every doubted like they every single detail about them.
All of this silence and patience, pining in anticipation
My hands are shaking from holding back from you
All of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting
My hands are shaking from all this
YN sang as Taylor joined her in.
Say my name and everything just stops
I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off
Carve your name into my bedpost
'Cause I don't want you like a best friend
Both the girls flirted with one another as they both sang the chorus outro.
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Taylor took on from here. YN stood there fangirling, singing the bridge her lung off without ber mic. The crowd was too loud so she blended right in.
Flashback when you met me
Your buzzcut and my hair bleached
Even in my worst times
You could see the best of me
Flashback to my mistakes
My rebounds, my earthquakes
Even in my worst lies
You saw the truth in me
And I woke up just in time
Now I wake up by your side
My one and only, my lifeline
I woke up just in time
Now I wake up by your side
My hands shake, I can't explain this ah, ha, ha, ha
YN sang the next line.
Say my name and everything just stops
And lights went down again. Pitche black. As the light came back on, Taylor's outfit was changed making the crowd go even more feral.
I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off
Carve your name into my bedpost
'Cause I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off
The girls had their best time singing together.
There is an indentation in the shape of you
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
You made your mark on me, golden tattoo
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
And they ended the song singing one line at a time.
"Give it up for Doctor Taylor Swift everyone!" YN hyped up the crowd. Harry clapped and cheered as well. "Thank you so much for joining us here tonight. And thank you Taylor for joining us tonight. This took, so, so, so long to happen. Tonight is extra, extra special to me. Because it mother's day, and my Mummy is in the crowd."
The crowd cheered up, "and also we had to bring The Mother herself with us tonight." Taylor laughed as she grabbed her guitar from the crew member. "No seriously Taylor, this is my fangirl moment right here. And can't tell you how much this means to me. Have been you fan since I was seven, since Tim McGraw." YN grabbed her guitar well as the girls walked up to the middle stage on the catwalk. They both perched up their mic on the stand.
Taylor started strumming the guitar as she introduced her first ever song which gave boost to her career.
They both then sang more of her songs, like Clean, I Knew You Were Trouble, Delicate, and of course, Out Of The Wolds and Style.
Harry knew YN still wasn't going to leave his ass. She would tease him all the time. And it actually became reality tonight.
The show still went on until YN closes out with one of her party songs. And ran down the stage. Harry and YN's family was escorted backstage.
She was immediately greeted by her little sisters. And then her mum.
Harry stood back, mainly for two reasons, her family was going back home immediately and he was still scared of her mum. He promised her that they'll talk later anyway. Though it was super hard not to just kiss her right there.
YN bid her family bye as their car left. Her and Harry got into one car.
"That amazing. You killed it!" Harry hyped her up as she sat back and relaxed.
Back at YN's hotel room, the first thing she did was took off her boots as Harry shut the door behind him.
"Should I bring out the wine again?" He teased her and he pinned her against the wall.
"I don't think we need that right now." She answered, "I'm all sweaty stop."
"Like I haven't seen the worse of you." He scoffed but leaned down to button his mouth on hers in a delicate kiss, making her melt like an ice cube on a hot summer day. She now stood shorter than him with her heels off.
"I could really use a large pizza and a hot shower right now, please?" She suggested when he pulled away feeling her tummy growl.
"Yeah? I'll order us one." He offered as the walked into her room. "You want to put on our show?"
"No, I just want a quiet night." She shared as she picked out a change of clothes from her luggage. She was believer of not unpacking because she found it too tedious.
"Don't you want me to take off that dress of your." He walked up closer to her behind as he teased her. "Hey, is that my shirt?" Harry noticed making her take a run to the bathroom, "hey, come out here you little thief!" But the door was slammed on his face.
By the time YN was back from her shower, the fold had arrived. Harry ordered two pizzas for both of them and a few bottles of water and cut mixed fruits for dessert. He knows she isn't going to share because she gets so hungry after her shows as she doesn't like to eat before. And he was hungry too!
They both cuddled up in her bed under the sheets as it was getting quite cold. "I missed you."
"I missed you too." He placed a kiss on her temple. "Do you want to talk about the night we had sex?"
"Yeah." She nodded taking a bite of her pizza. "Did it mean anything to you?"
"Everything." He admitted, "you?"
"Mhmm. I couldn't focus on anything after. I was so scared that you'd be mad because I had to run out." She shared.
"But you woke me up, didn't you?" She did. She did woke him up telling him that her manager and the tour manager had to talk to her about one of the band member falling sick, and they had to look for someone new for the night. It was urgent, and only YN knew who were those people, because the girl made connections everywhere she went.
YN's a completely different human when it some to her work and her personal life.
And then later he got called for work and things went down hill from there. At least for two weeks.
"I did but that still didn't help." She glanced at him once.
"Yeah? Tell me about it baby." He urged her gently. He wants to know how she feels too.
"No, how about you go first?"
"Okay." He admitted, "you know I'm going to be honest and tell you I've always been smitten by you." He let her eat in peace he spoke, she's listening to him he knows. And he does not lime to interrupt her eating, not wanting to trigger her in anyway. "The night we met and talked was a fangirl moment for me. I don't know when we came best friends and I fell for you. It was scary, you know how bad I had to keep these feelings to myself knowing I won't be able to, thinking I might loose one of my only closest best friend."
"Do you regret it?" She asked, finally looking up at him, "us having sex that night?"
"Gosh no, I could never!" He exclaimed softly as he rested his forehead on hers, "could never. I was dying to kiss you and you hold that way." He pulled back, "do you regret it."
"No!" She exclaimed as well, "I guess I have always been stupid because I don't even know when fell for you. I've known it for a long time. But I had the same fear."
"You did?"
"Hmm." She nodded and leaned back into cuddles with him.
"I'm so glad our feels are mutual here, because I love you so much, I don't know if I can go a day without you knowing that." He confessed.
"You're not going let me have cuddle in peace." She made a puppy face she lifted her head up to kiss him again, "I love you too! So much!"
He chuckled, "come back here." He pulled her in again. That's when he saw the fading hickey just above her right collarbone. The shirt wore was bug on him, it was pretty evident it was almost falling off of her shoulders.
They ate their late dinner in silence until they were done. Harry threw away the boxes in trash before she slipped back in bed with her. He made sure to bring the mixed fruits bowl with him.
"You full now?" He asked cautiously, "you want fruit for dessert?" She's been doing so well lately.
Harry had suggested she goes to therapy but she never felt like it, which, fair enough. He's been trying his best to offer her any help he can. And it's working. But he hopes one day she feels comfor enough to get some professional help.
"Oh I'd love to!" She nodded. He let her pick out her favourites and ate the rest. "Harry?"
"What are we now?" She asked.
"Hmm..." He sounded again but as if he's thinking, "I think we should be Girlfriend bestie and Boyfriend bestie."
"You need to delete Tiktok and Instagram off your phone." YN laughed as she took a sip from her water.
"I'm serious, I want to be your boyfriend." He said, rather firmly.
"And I want to be your girlfriend." She mocked his tone earning a few soft laughs from him. He placed a firm kiss on her mouth.
"I love you."
"I love you."
Of course they had much more to talk about. But YN fell asleep on him there, holding onto him tight.
It's nothing new them, but Harry cherishes and savours each and every moments like these with her.
N O T E :
Y'all need to tell me how y'all are liking this. Feedback really gives me more motivation to improve and write more.
Also, I'm gonna go MIA for a next 3 days, that means there won't be any Saturday update hence, this early update.
And CEOrry last part will be up sometime next week. Hehe.
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schnitzelsemmerl · 5 months
(this post is best viewed in light mode!!)
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My intro post!! 🌈🌈
hallihallo! :3 my name's Cher (Cherilyn if you feel silly) 🍒 or Andrey and you can call me whatever (nicknames, etc. I LOVE NICKNAMES 💗). im 🇦🇹🇧🇦 btw. and can you tell i like schnitzelsemmerl (ohne salat 🥬 ist ein schnitzelsemmerl kein gutes schnitzelsemmerl btw ‼️😒😒 /lh)
fun 🎊 fact: Cherilyn is hella 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 </3
"say "hiya", ezra lamb!" "hiya, ezra lamb"
I'M ✨️⚠️A MINOR⚠️✨️ and i use any pronouns but if you call me a boy i will kiss you on the fucking mouth :3 my gender is weird but so am i
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this pretty much is a blog about musicals and my interests, but i'm mostly being 🎊silly🎊 and a sigma 🤩😼 with the mutuals™️ on here for now (this post may appear organized (why am i lying it doesnt), but in reality i am a trainwreck :3 ) i'm very online, so yea. talk to me please :33
fandom list: musicals (hamilton, rtc, SIX THE MUSICAL MY BELOVED <33 , etc.); hetalia <3; history, especially tudor dynasty and amrev/french revolution (idk if that counts as fandom); лолофд (this is a russian minecraft my friend and online father figure @frownce showed me don't go there it's deadly); the hellaverse/HH/HB, titanic (1997)
list of silly characters i like (idea totally not stolen): peggy schuyler, misha bachinskyi, france/francis bonnefoy, hera (i know she only appears for 20 seconds in one song AJFJFJFJGJF), niffty, moxxie and millie, jane grey, boleyn, towelie (bro he's funny 😭😭), heather mcnamara, karen smith, buffy gilmore and cindy campbell, etc etc
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the online family <3
my ao3!!
trust me on this and click :3 (it's ✨️fanart✨️)
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Under the cut are just random things :3 🍭🍭
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apparently, i am:
THE mother <3™️
George Washington Insanity™️
Peggy Schuyler's husband :3
alpha & sigma male
an honorary 'murican 🇺🇲
president (2024 - forever and ever and ever)
local schnitzelsemmerl but i am not local
Bernd das Brot (real)
Akkordeonspieler /j i don't actually play the squeeze keys 🤭‼️
mentally unstable bbg
emmy's annoying younger gen alpha brother
taken anons that are taken: 👻🏳️‍⚧️ !!
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previous usernames: @iiamly0
so if you know any of those users but cant find the blog anymore, hihihi ! hello !!!! that's me!! hiiiii :3
a carrd i spent wayyyyy too much time making
have a nice day!! :D (this is a threat)
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tightjeansjavi · 7 months
party trick
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A/N: this silly little fic is directly inspired by this hilarious post by @pedge-page 😝 this fic is meant to be silly, a little unrealistic, and fun! If that ain’t your thing, no worries! Just scroll on by, gem. Also, big thanks to @itsokbbygrl for betaing and @morallyinept for encouraging me with my shenanigans! hehe.
~word count: 1.9k~
Summary: your boyfriend Dieter wants to show you his new party trick that he learned from a pornstar named Ezra
Pairing | Dieter Bravo x pornstar!Ezra x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, smut, established relationship, mentions of drugs and eating, dieter and the reader are openly bi, implied open relationship (not described) Ezra is a bi male pornstar (definition of bi panic) (very light dubious consent as reader and dieter smoke before fucking but it is not described) male masturbation, self sucking??, reader is able bodied with no physical descriptions, readers nickname is gumdrop, no age gap, +18, minors dni!
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Your first date with the ever-so eccentric, Dieter Bravo, was a success! Sure, he was a bit clumsy, and maybe even a bit of a blubbering idiot, but you had an incredible time. Did you kiss? Well—maybe! There’s a tell-tale sign when he admires the color of your lipstick against the heart shaped patch in his beard.
After that first date, he washes his face, but is careful to not remove the residue of your lipstick. Not even a week goes by and he’s asking you out on a second date.
Two dates turns to ten and somewhere down the line…you’re Dieter Bravo’s girlfriend, and you couldn’t be happier. (And neither could he)
Dieters plan for the evening was to throw a party with some of his friends: not necessarily a rager, per se, just an intimate get-together. Pop a few bottles, skinny dip in his inground pool, and dance under the California night sky.
He canceled his plans last minute because the only person he wanted to spend his evening with was you, his gumdrop.
Hiya, gumdrop baby! 💗
Dee! Hey, baby boy 🥰 having fun at your party?
He cheeses a smile down at his phone, dimples on display, fingers typing fast on the tiny screen, little tap tap taps echoing through the cooling evening air.
Good golly, I’m blushing 🤭 actually…I canceled the party! Just wasn’t feeling the vibes for it! Wanna come over?
Yes! I’d love to! I was just about to order some takeout. Want me to pick something up on the way?
Yes! How about veggie grill? I was just about to smoke, want me to wait up for ya? Oh! Also, I got something I wanna show you later 😉
Being in a relationship with Dieter meant that nothing he could possibly say or do surprised you anymore, but his vibrance, care-free, goofy, eccentric attitude, made him even more attractive to you. That and the fact that he was the literal definition of a trash panda. Your trash panda specifically.
Sounds good to me! 💗 did you want your usual or something different? You don’t have to wait for me, Dee! I’ll have some when I come over. Oh? What is it that you want to show me? 👀
Okie doke! Hey, how about you just order the whole menu? My treat! See ya soon, gumdrop xx. And you’ll see! It’s a surprise. Hehe.
God, Bravo. You sure know how to spoil a gal rotten! Looking forward to the surprise!
He hearted your messages before he reached behind his ear and grabbed his perfectly rolled joint and reached for his lighter that was resting on the table next to the poolside chair he was spread out on.
He couldn’t wait to see you and show you his new party trick.
Hours earlier in the day, Dieter found himself in his bed, boxers discarded on the floor and his fist languidly wrapped around his half-hard cock.
His freehand was scrolling through Pornhub, trying to find something to get off to. Usually it didn’t take him very long to settle on a video, but today he was finding it to be a bit of an annoying struggle.
He scrolled and scrolled till he stumbled upon something he had never seen before, self sucking?
He spit into his palm, using his saliva as a natural lubricant because he was too lazy to reach across his nightstand to grab his favorite bottle of lotion (ain’t nobody got time for that!).
Holy shit! He’s sucking himself off??
Christ, his cock is taking up the entire screen!
Dieter's private thoughts ran rabid as he watched the pornstar, Ezra, easily bend over and suck the head of his cock (which was massive, by the way) into his mouth.
“Holy fuck! How is that even possible?!” Dieter announced in disbelief.
He paused the video, and went to Ezra’s page and scrolled till he found the contact button and a direct link to Ezra’s instagram. He sent him a message:
Hey! I hope this doesn’t come off as weird or creepy (feel free to ignore) but I watched one of your videos just now…the self sucking one and DUDE, nice cock! How the hell do I do that? 🫣
Ezra responds seconds later after hearting the message,
HOLY SHIT! THEE DIETER BRAVO GOT OFF TO MY COCK? 🥵 (sorry, huge fan!) anyway, gem, I’d be happy to show you the art of self sucking, and then you too can be a pro like me. xx
Dudeee you’re a fan of me?? I’m blushing! 😉 okay, okay, I have to ask…is it all natural?
I am, indeed! You have quite the eccentric presence, gem. Oh, it’s natural alright. The gods have certainly laid their blessing upon my loins x.
Ohhh, I get it! You’re like Shakespeare? 🤣 damn, you sure know how to swing that thing around! Anyway, I will take you up on that offer! Here’s my number:
Lawl. You’re a funny one huh, gem? I suppose I am a bit like Shakespeare both with my verbiage, and my cock. You free right now?
The funniest guy around! Well, Romeo, got my cock out and everything, let’s boogie?
Boogie we shall.
And so that’s how Dieter ended up FaceTiming with Ezra: who coincidentally, also had his cock out.
“Not to be a total massive fucking flirt, but you’re gorgeous, and my girlfriend would probably eat you right up!” Dieter preened, leaning in close so he could get a better look at Ezra’s third limb, er, cock.
“Oh?” Ezra smirks, “would she now? Well, gem, perhaps the three of us should get together sometime?”
“Yes! You can be like the skunk to my raccoon!” Dieter said with a giggle.
“I beg your finest pardon? Your—what?”
“Oh! Sorry, sorry. Probably should have provided some context, huh?” Dieter blushes.
“Naturally, gem. Go on.” Ezra sits back on his elbows, listening,
“So, my girlfriend calls me a trash panda! It’s endearing, really. And well, you got that blonde streak in your hair…so you can be the skunk?”
Ezra chuckles in pure amusement, eyebrows raising, heavy cock bobbing between his thighs.
“A skunk, huh? You’re lucky I think you’re cute, gem.”
Dieter fanned his face like the little slut that he was, and giggling, “You think I’m cute?”
“Cute as a button, gem. Now, let’s see what we’re working with so that you can show your girlfriend what I taught you.”
“Yes sir.”
Ezra is a wonderful teacher and by the end of it, Dieter is almost able to suck the head of his cock into his mouth. There’s a slight strain in his lower back, but fuck it! You only live once.
“Well, gem, I think you just have to remember to relax your muscles. Pretend you’re floating on a babbling brook, or napping on a fluffy cloud, and then you’ll be sucking yourself off in no time. I gotta run, but let me know how it goes!”
“Ahh! Okay, I think I can manage that! Thanks for all the help, Ezra.”
“Anytime, gem. Anytime.”
After passing the joint back and forth together, fucking (a few times) and devouring the veggie grill you brought over, Dieter brings you upstairs to his bedroom, nearly stumbling over his two feet because he’s so excited to show you his new party trick!
“Sit that cute ass on the bed, gumdrop.” He’s not being domineering at all, quite the opposite actually.
You’re both naked, naturally because in Dieter’s home, clothes are always optional!
You wrap your arms around him from behind, kissing his jawline, pecking at the heart patch in his beard. “Are you gonna show me the surprise now, Dieter?”
He leans back into your embrace with a pleasant sigh, “Yes, gumdrop. But c’mon, bed. Now.”
You press one last kiss to his face before detaching yourself from around him, walking over to the bed and plopping down with a soft, oof.
He joins you moments later, laying on his elbow facing you while you reach across and card your fingers through the soft curly hairs on his chest.
“So I was watching this porno earlier, right? I did a deep scroll, and stumbled across this video of this dude…with literally the biggest fucking cock that my two eyes have ever seen!” He speaks animatedly, throwing his hands up as he leans in.
“It literally took up the entire fucking screen, gumdrop! Anyway, that wasn’t the craziest part! His cock was so big, and long, that the motherfucker was able to suck himself off! Dude barely even had to bend over, just popped that sucker right in and got to suckin’!”
You twirl a strand of his chest hair between your fingers, giggling as you listen to his dramatic retelling of the massive cock he saw.
“Shit, it really took up the whole screen? That’s insane, Dee!”
“YEAH! Like…the guy was packing a literal BAZOOKA down there!” He chuckles, leaning in so he can nuzzle his face against yours.
“Anyway, I found the guy's instagram and sent him a message because I thought to myself, ‘Damn! Imagine if I could also suck my own cock?’”
“Let me guess, you asked this pornstar fellow how you can suck your own cock like him?”
“Yes! How did you know?” He chuckled and stole a quick kiss, melting against you like the soft man that he was.
“Lucky guess?” You tease, dragging your finger down lower, skating it across one of his nipples. “So, was it a success? Did he teach you how to properly suck your own cock, Dee?”
“Well, I was actually able to barely get the tip in my mouth! Wanna see, gumdrop? S’gonna be my new party trick!”
“Show me, Dee.” You giggle, encouraging him as he quickly sits up, remembering how Ezra told him the way to curve his spine, and relax his muscles so that he can bend over just enough—
Dieter is hunched over, using one hand to hold the base of his cock, and the other is resting against his lower back for support. He’s so fucking close to wrapping his lips around the head of his cock when–pinch!
He yelps in surprise, immediately rolling over and yowling like a cat.
Ow. Ow. Ow! Fuck! Fuck me! Ow!
You're at his side in an instant, comforting him and reaching for your phone to either call 911, or look up an immediate remedy for his pain.
“Fucking pulled a goddamn muscle!” He whimpers, burying his face into your chest.
“Dee, it’s okay! You’re not dying, baby. Okay? Look! Google says that we have to treat the area with ice and then a heating pad!”
“I’M DYING, GUMDROP! I SEE THE LIGHT!” Your boyfriend dramatically groans, “I'M FADING FAST!”
After icing Dieter’s lower back for a good hour or so, you placed a heating pad against the sore spot while spooning him for extra body heat.
He was typing a message to Ezra, a deep frown set between his eyebrows because he really just wanted to know what it was like to suck himself off! (Who wouldn’t)
Hey, Ez. I pulled a fucking muscle in my back!
☹ gf is spooning me with a heating pad now, but I was really hoping that I would be able to suck myself off!
From Ezra: (Shakespeare-BAZOOKA 🍆)
Aw, I’m terribly broken to hear that, gem. Better luck next time, Birdie!
The next time Dieter announced to you that he wanted to try and suck his cock again, you came prepared with two yoga mats and a beginner yoga flow video (thrifted, of course).
He gives you a funny look as you set the yoga mats down in the sunroom.
“What?” You laugh, placing your hands on your hips. “It would be a cool party trick, Dee! Just gotta get you a little more flexible and bendy before we try again.”
Ohhh. He grins, dimples peeking out, “Well, let’s yogi, gumdrop.”
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banners made by the lovely @saradika-graphics 💗
Please follow @tightjeansjaviupdates for fic notifications and updates!
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augustspage · 1 year
I hate to be a hater, frankly I was really annoyed by haters of the kenobi show, whom I found were being mad at the most random things,
But with the Ahsoka show ending, I find myself sympathising.
Firstly I'd like to say the Actors, cinematographers, cgi artists, sound designers, musicians, costumers and literally everyone in post and pre production, did some of the best work I've ever seen on a show.
But unfortunately they were working on a script thinner than the paper it's on.
This series feels like the first draft that has glaring flaws.
Firstly, why are the two premises :Ahsoka grows from her trauma; and the ghost crew find ezra and thrawn linked?
They barely interacted in rebels and the only one she had a relationship with is dead (rip Caleb)
Secondly why the fuck is sabine a jedi, it took away from her character and just repeated the same arc we've seen a thousand times.
And most importantly theres already so many deep stories you can tell with any of the ghost crew w/o Ahsoka in this era like:
A grieving war hero general trying to navigate new Republic beuracracy to protect people while being a single mom to a force sensitive kid in a dangerous galaxy.
A guilt ridden mandalorian artist, who's secluded herself from the galaxy trying to complete a fools errand while running away from her past in which she inadvertently lead mandalore to its doom.
A once-lost lasat from his people and a repentant ex-imperial who almost destroyed said people and trying to make his way in that society while possibly falling in love
A Grand Admiral who always had relied on cold logic landing on a planet of witchcraft, with a boy who had defeated him through devilry which caused the boy to lose both his families just to protect his people and a chance to save the Galaxy from the admirals misplaced alliegences.
Like tell me all these stories couldn't have been told amazingly, with love and care, in an animated show, which wasn't wrapped up in the story of an unrelated character who's the main character for some reason.
Heck Ahsoka could've been given a better story herself where the plot could focus just on her and her important relationships with you know, Rex or Barriss?? Not just Anakin. And maybe tell us where she was in the original trilogy.
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sockiess · 6 months
hi pookie im gonna spam your requests whether you like it or not 😘😘❤️ but anyway imagine leaving hickeys on scott and hes all mad because everyones gonna ask him about it.. ESPECIALLY EZRA 😭
“so you didnt even try to hide them, huh?”
“whos the lucky gal 🤔”
“did you silly kids use protection?”
scott would wanna punch him so bad 💔💔
You can spam my request box anytime 🤗🫶🫶
warning: neck sucking idk
“Babe you gotta stop.” Scott said quietly while he scratched my scalp. “Hm why?” I mumbled. “Because if I let you continue I don’t think you’d be able to stop and I really don’t want hickeys covering my neck as much as i’d love to marked up by you” He said pulling me away and kissing my forehead. “Fine” I whined pulling away from his neck. “Besides we gotta get back before we are caught.” Scott replied quickly kissing me “I’ll see you later tonight ok? sneak into your cabin” Scott said smiling before running off. As he ran off I decided not to tell him about the purple spots littering all over his neck.
“Woah dude I like your new necklace” Ezra said laughing as Ezra, Scott, and me sat in a circle studying for our next test. “What do you mean?” Scott said confused. “I’m not wearing one” he continued and looking at us weird as I tried to hold in a laugh.
“What did you have a fight with a vacuum?” Ezra questioned laughing even harder. “Dude what are you talking about” Scott said now getting annoyed. “The hickeys the ones all over your neck” Ezra said now hunched over laughing.
“You’re lying” Scott replied quickly. “No dude seriously look” Ezra said. Scott quickly ran over to a mirror and looking at his neck.
“you are an evil person” Scott said quickly whipping his head around to me. “aaaah so that’s who you where kissing in a tree” Ezra said smugly looking between us both. “Dude seriously shut up” Scott snapped looking over at him.
“So when’s the due date is it a boy or a girl” Ezra laughed. Scott looked like he was going to kill him and then kill me. “ok Ezra that’s enough..” I said to him.
“Don’t think you’re getting off scot free” Scott said walking over to me. “Why didn’t you tell me” Scott continued almost sounding angry. “I thought you looked pretty with them :((“ I replied softly as I pouted and looked up at him with the biggest puppy dog eyes I could muster. “you are so lucky I love you.” Scott said softening
“I will get you back for this” Scott told me as he sat back down.
“Sure you will pretty boy” I replied smiling at him.
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aziraphales-library · 6 months
Thank you so much for all that you do! I've found so many good fics from your recommendations ♥️
Do you know of any that involve Crowley being homeless or otherwise seriously struggling financially? Thank you!
I have read one with this theme, Divine Restorations and Repairs, so I'd love to rec that too! It's fantastic.
We have some fics in which Crowley is struggling financially here. And I've got a few more in which Crowley has problems with money/housing...
Copper and gold by Joseph_Amadeus (M)
Aziraphale doesn't pick up hitchhikers but he can't help himself when he sees Crowley getting steadily wetter in the rain one night.
Be Still My Soul: The Romance by MirjamOmens (E)
It’s the summer of 1917 in the Grand Duchy of Finland. The Great War rages over Europe, and the empire of Russia, of which Finland is still part, has suffered a revolution. For Azirafel Fjäll, a minor landowner and a shop runner, all these things are only mildly annoying inconveniences. His dear friend, Anton J. Crowley, is not as fortunate. The working-class people struggle to make a living in a world where there's a constant shortage of food, fuel and work. Despite their class differences, Azirafel and Anton have been friends since childhood--and both secretly yearn for more. Can their two hearts find each other as their country heads from one crisis to another? Or will the ever widening gap between their worlds keep them apart?
Sharp Objects by ElderlySardine (M)
Back in the mid-nineties, Aziraphale and Crowley had it all. They were friends, lovers, soulmates. Life was hard, but as long as they were together it didn't matter. Then in one catastrophic fight caused by Aziraphale's cruel, coercive brother Gabriel, the whole thing came crashing down. The boys parted company for good. Now it's 2021. Life has spun Crowley and Aziraphale in very different directions before throwing them back together at their lowest ebb. Can they manage to hide their history from their new friends? Can they forgive each other, and themselves? Could there possibly still be something there between them? And with Gabriel still lurking on the horizon, will they be strong enough to do anything about it?
The Ghost of Husbands Past by A_N_D (E)
Az always knew that he’d be thrown out the moment his father found out he was gay. He hadn’t expected to be declared dead though - or for his husband to believe it! But their marriage had been a foolish teenage impulse (not to mention invalid in America), so when Az moved to a small town far upstate New York to start his new life, he moved alone. The kindest thing he could do was let Crowley mourn and move on, not be shackled for life to a now disabled partner. Tony Crowley never recovered from losing his best friend, his childhood sweetheart, his better half. He’d been drifting ever since; no plans, no hope, no money - and now, just before Thanksgiving, no job either. Given the stark choice of freezing to death or accepting his sister’s invitation to join her upstate, Tony reluctantly lives out the Hallmark cliche of Recently Unemployed Person Moves to Small Town for Christmas. It’s a time of hope, love, and family. It’s time for Az and Tony to find each other again.
Magpie by southdownsraph (E)
Ezra has just been hired as a bartender at an underground LGBT nightclub to help supplement his income while he studies for his master’s, and he can’t help but become infatuated with one of the performers, an exotic dancer who goes by the name AJ.
And the one you mentioned...
Divine Restorations & Repairs by skimmingthesurface, SylWritesStuff (E)
While it's unfortunate for one’s car to break down in the middle of the countryside, the pretty-as-a-postcard Tadfield could hardly be considered the worst place Anthony J. Crowley has ever been. Of course, it doesn’t help that it looks like it hasn’t yet seen the turn of the millennia, let alone this decade, but perhaps that’s just what he needs as he crawls his way out of the Hell he’s endured for the past fifteen years. Maybe the last thirty, if he's honest with himself. Though he could do without the rain. When Aziraphale Fell happens upon him and offers him shelter from the storm in his little family-run antique repair shop, neither are expecting it to change everything. The angel with his white umbrella and his tartan bowtie doesn’t expect this mysterious stranger to be able to fill the timely vacancy in his shop or the quiet of his life, but they’ve both had experience in restoring once-beloved items back to their full glory. Perhaps Crowley hasn’t fallen quite so far that he wouldn’t fit in with the rest of Aziraphale’s ragtag team of eccentric restoration experts. And perhaps they may be able to turn that talent on themselves and each other, and seal the cracks in their own hearts.
- Mod D
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Here is my take on The Atlas trilogy characters after reading the first two books.
Libby Rhodes - I find her type characters annoying, but omg I loved her in The Atlas Paradox, and while I ind Ezra interesting, you go girl kill his ass. Also I need more of her alone, mainly using her power alone, but I want to see that from both her and Nico, while they're both physicists, I think it would be cool to see even more differences between them.
Nico de Varona - I feel so bad for my man his boyfriend is being hunted and his girlfriend got kidnapped and his bestie is having god complex issues LMAO, no seriously love him, liked him in the first book, loved him even more in the second, him AND GIDEON love it. Also nearly cried when it was said how alone my guy is, he needs family and he will look for it no matter what
Reina Mori - her god complex is so fun yet so crazy to watch unfold, while she is on the side I think her inner monologue is very interesting to read. Not my favourite character, but she and Callum are imo a great duo, need more of them. She and Parisa should just kiss and be besties.
Parisa Kamali - An icon, a legend, gave us the spiciest scenes in the book so we love her for that. Her power and character is perfect, mainly her decline and her helping my boy Nico. Didn't care for her and Dalton that much (overall I didn't care for Dalton) BUT very excited to see more of true Dalton (The prince?) in book 3
Tristan Caine - GET YOUR FUCKING DADDY ISSUES IN CHECK PLS AND THANK YOU!!!! Jk I love all my bitches equally, but him getting so close to all male figures in his life... nope, him and Atlas could make an unstoppable duo but worry not! His gf is back :) Overall Tristan was always a very hit or miss character for me, can't put a finger on why.
Callum Nova - I love him, like forreal, he is my new obsession, he is absolutely hilarious, I love his energy, the shit he causes, he is there to just do shit and I live for it!! Also made me cry, and you know I love blonde bitches that make me cry (cough cough Howl). Overall I need to read more books about Callum Nova type characters, because yes please. Also dw you don't have to hide your hairline from me I will cure your alcohol addiction <333
Ezra Fowler - girlbossed too close to the sun, very interesting tho, but I love Libby more
Gideon - LOVE LOVE LOOOOOVEEEE pls stop talking to your mama
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softtcurse · 2 years
The kids missed you
the harlow kids waiting for their dad’s return
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My pet peeve is a camera in my face
Have you ever heard of personal space?
I walk around town in a hoodie and some shades
But now they starting to recognize the shades
Even if you hate me, you would trade
You would live this life too 'cause I got it made
I like my bed made, soon enough, I'll have a maid
When I buy a house, every surface gon' be suede
“Daddy when you coming home?” Mila asks as she holds your phone in her hands. Her hair was up in a small pink towel, her damp curls towel drying before you did her hair for the night. Ezra in his little mover walking around, chunky legs kicking in excitement when you walked in with a pacifier to keep him preoccupied before it was his turn to talk to this father.
“Soon baby, why? You miss your old man?” Jack asks with a grin as he watched his mini me look at him, her big eyes staring back into his soul.
“Your not old daddy!” Mila laughed and threw her head back. “Did you buy me somefing?”
“Mila, you know daddy is working. Not going out to get you all the toys to fill up your closet twice” You playfully scolded her and shook your head. You knew Jack would be back with toys for both of the kids. Even Ezra who has just barely started to stand up on his own.
“Hmmm I don’t know, have you been good for momma?”
“I have! Right momma? I help you wif Ezzie and clean up my toys?”
“She’s a very good helper baby, I’d be a shame on you if you didn’t bring her anything back”
“And i even ate all my dinner today” Mila held her head up high and smiled proudly. She had developed a habit of wanting to eat nothing but grilled cheese or a pb&j and refusing to eat anything else. But you took your time to introduce her to other new foods she might like. Which in return ended up with a clean plate that had been previously cut up with her dinner; marinated pork chops, with homemade Mac and cheese and some roasted veggies.
“Even the broccoli and carrots?” Jack eyes her threw the phone.
“Yes! I promise!”
“Okay then, if you’ve been good then I guesss I’ll buy you something I saw at the mall last night”
Your little girl couldn’t contain her excitement and she bounced on the bed with her knees.
“Go get your brush baby, so I can finish doing your hair before daddy has to go, and Ezzie can talk to him too”
Mila nods and hands you the phone, running off with her pajamas crinkled to one side.
“You ready to see your son?” You laugh and lift the camera so he could see you more clearly. You looked tired and you knew you did. But you were also a mom and that’s what it took. Your day consisted of waking up at 7 am since that’s when Mila usually woke up, and with that came Ezra deciding he was ready for the day. Running errands with two kids and then coming back in time to make lunch and get dinner prepped. You had no time to yourself and although it was very exhausting, it was all worth it to see your babies growing up right in front of your eyes. You knew many mothers didn’t have the luxury you did to stay at home with their kids. You felt very fortunate.
“Yeah but first I wanna talk to you, what you wearing underneath that shirt hmm?” Jack asked you, you see him start playing with his beard and a stupid grin on his face that you loved so much. It was one of the many reasons why you ended up pregnant twice.
“Nothing, because my boobs are leaking and it’s getting so annoying and I have carrot and peas gerbert all over my other shirt” You explained and smiled at Ezra who looked up at you with a giggle and a toothless smile.
“Damn, that’s so fucking sexy. Got me bricked up right now”
“You’re an ass” You laughed and shook your head. Tears nearly in your eyes on his much you laughed. He was a charmer at all means necessary.
“Mamamamama” You looked away from the phone to see Ezra. His head tilted to the side to try and see you better like the momma’s boy he was.
Flipping the camera you let Jack look at him.
“Definitely takes after his dad”
“You making sure mom’s not texting other motherfuck-“
“Jackman! No!”
“Damn full name, who hurt you?”
You rolled your eyes and smiled. Kneeling down next to Ezra and turning the camera back to the front view.
“Who’s that Ezzie? Are you so excited?” You asked your soon who started bouncing on his mover. Ezra shared the same smile as Jack it was almost scary. 9 months of having him inside you and he was like a copied imagine of Jack, more than Mila is. Ezra had a patch of curls already growing.
“My mannnnn, daddy misses you!” You see Jack’s eyes light up again at the sight of his other baby. He’d missed Ezra standing up and you remember how it had broken him to miss a milestone.
“Say ‘I ate all my dinner dada, and I was so good for momma during bathtime’ , tell me Ezzie” You grabbed Ezra’s chubby hand and moved it a little bit. Your son’s lips suckled on a pacifier and he brought up another hand and started reaching to the camera.
“Did you!?”
You watched as Mila ran back into the room, sitting next to Ezra’s moved on the floor to talk to Jack as much as she could before it was time for her.
You loved your family so much, and you knew it was milking Jack to be away from the both of them. You too, of course.
But for now, I got a concierge downstairs
All my neighbors are gray-haired
They don't recognize me and I don't think they care
But my Postmates can't believe that I stay here (fuck)
I wanna go back to Kentucky and shut down the state fair
Visit my old teachers and tell 'em to take care
I might take a whip instead of paying the plane fare
I still remember the way there (way there)
Ain't a girl in my hometown I can't have now
Buy a building in cash, ain't putting half down
The hate used to get to me, I just laugh now (laugh now)
Yeah, they fucking with Jack now
Look how they act now
Look how they act now
Look how they act now
Look how they act now
They fucking with Jack now, they fucking with-
“Is daddy going to call tonight momma?” You looked down at Mila. Her eyes filled with tears and you saw a few tears rolled down her plump cheeks. Her tiny fingers playing with the string of her blanket. You looked at your phone and saw the time 8:30, 30 minutes later than he said he would call. You sighed softly as you heard Ezra start fussing through the baby monitor. Bedtime was at 8, and Mila herself was getting cranky from her sleeping schedule being interrupted. That, with Jack not calling yet was making her very upset.
“He’ll call baby, you know daddy’s very busy right?” You asked her, softly stroking her hair as she looked up at you with her big teary eyes. Your heart tinged a little, you hated seeing her so upset.
“I sad mommy”
“I know my love, I know” You kisses her head softly. Her stare at your phone never ceased. Soft hands gripping her stuffy as if she almost let sleep win and defeat her from waiting for Jack’s call.
You were almost near saying your goodnight to her when your phone immediately started ringing.
Mila shoots up and gives you and excited look. Which you couldn’t help to laugh at. Her droopy eyes held their happiness as she waited for you to answer the call. Once you did, a very visibly tired Jack look at the camera. His curls were damp and you could tell he had recently gotten dressed from a long shower and was laying in his hotel bed.
“Daddy! I though you wasn’t gonna call!”
“I can never forget my favorite girl? Are you crazy!?” Mila giggled and tossed her head back.
You noticed Ezra settled down too through the baby monitor. Little did you know it was because he heard Jack’s voice through the baby monitor. You spaced out a little bit, smiling big ear to ear as you heard Mila recap her entire day to her favorite person in the world.
Baby, I'm coming home, I know the kids miss me
I need some time with my friends to sip whiskey
I spent the last 12 months locked in
But tonight, I'm content with existing
2015, we was on that Pen Griffey
I wanted what he had, but the shoes didn't fit me
Now the city with me and I got the kids listening
And I'm a smooth operator by instinct
Dinner on the stove. The sweet smell of a braised brisket filling your kitchen. A soft song playing from Jack’s new album. State fair.
You had fresh rolls in the oven too. A glass of red wine sitting on your counter top. It felt so real. It felt so right. You heard Mila sing along to some TV show song she was watching before dinner. Ezra sitting in his playpen messing around with some toys he had been given. You let out a soft sigh. Cleaning your hands with a white kitchen cloth. 2 days. 2 days before the love of your life would be back home. Two days before your kids could see their dad again. Two days before you could feel like a complete family again. You were over the moon, and a little bit annoyed. Two days seemed so far away yet so close.
You talked to Jack every night after the kids said goodnight to him. The conversations you both had were some you would never forget. He was a sweet talker at heart. Two kids later and he had you feeling like a teenager. Sitting on your bed with your feet kicked up.
“You ready for dinner Mila?” You asked. Walking into the living room. Mila was no where to be found. “Mila!?” You asked. Your chest felt heavy. It was a big house, and of course just like a true mom all the worst thoughts in the world ran through your head. Ezra was in his play pen. Giggling up at you and rattling a toy.
You picked up Ezra and walked around the house. Opening the pantry, the closet in the hallway, the laundry room. She was no where to be found.
That was until you heard some rumbling coming from upstairs, possibly her bedroom.
You ran up the steps as safely and as fast as you could holding a 8 month old.
You yanked opened Mila’s bedroom door open. A sigh of relief leaving your lips as you watched her clean up around her room in a haste.
“What are you doing baby? You scared me half to death!”
“I’m cleaning momma!” Sure, Mila was very organized. A lady, you liked to call her. However you had never seen her so excited to clean.
“That’s good that you want to be clean but you have to tell momma, you can’t just leave” You leaned down and kissed her forehead. Ezra babbling to his sister and reaching for her. It was no secret he loved her so much. Mila placed a kiss on Ezra’s chubby cheek.
“I have’ta clean before daddy gets home momma! When he come in at nigh’ he don’t fall” Mila explained to you, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
You let out a soft laugh and nodded. “Makes sense, don’t want him hurting his tushy huh?”
“Nope! I don’ wan’ daddy’s tushy to hurt like last time” Mila let out a soft giggle.
A soft breeze flew right there the window. It was a nice cool Kentucky night. It seemed as if the whole world had gone to sleep. Except for the few murmuring voices from your neighbors on their late night walk. They were an older couple but they were very sweet, and they absolutely adored Mila and Ezra.
Your eyes flickered down from your soft day dream. Your nightgown pulled down the side. Your hands held Ezra’s body. Your other hand holding his head up as he ate his late dinner. His long eyelashes brushing up his eyebrows, and whenever he would look down for a moment you saw them cascade down his chunky cheeks. His tiny hand resting on top of your breast. Equally small nails grazing over your skin. His eyes that reminded you so much of Jack’s looked up at you. Filled with wonder and love. He was so small but you knew he saw you as his world.
You were his provider, his protector since the day he was conceived. You felt like he knew that too. The love radiating from your body was no secret. Ezra’s soft pout suckled his food. It seemed for a few minutes the only sound that echoed in the room other than the wind was the soft suckling sound of your son eating.
“Are you a hungry boy tonight?” You whispered to him. Running a finger down his forehead. His eyes shutting softly. You grinned and placed a kiss to his forehead.
The sound of a car, and a few voices filled your ears.
He was home.
3 long months.
You stayed in your position.
5 minutes, 6 minutes. The door opened and shut.
7 minutes, 8 minutes Mila’s bedroom door opened. You heard him speak soft words to her, that was between the two of them. Unspoken words between him and his daughter. He could be telling her the secrets of the universe for all you knew, and still you would let them have their moment.
12 minutes, 15 minutes.
You heard your bedroom door open. Your hair was tucked away in a bun. Your legs covered with the soft duvet.
Jack’s eyes landed on Ezra first. Quietly wheeling his bags behind him. He shifted his eyes to you. You could see the shine of his chain from the moonlight pouring from the window. His blue jumpsuit too.
You waved.
“We can do better than a wave mama”
You giggled and watched him walk over to you. Pressing a heavy kiss to your lips. His lips tasted like mint. You hummed and nodded towards you son who was looking up at him now.
“They missed you so much”
“I know the kids missed me, did Mrs. Harlow miss me?”
You gave him a wondering look, as if you were debating if you missed him or not.
“Stop playin with me”
You snickered and placed a soft kiss to his jaw. “Of course I missed you”
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crowandmousewritingco · 2 months
The Fill House Questionnaire
This was inspired from The Real World Challenge by @carusolikey. We had a blast coming up with headcannons for this! And there might even be some fanfics in the wings with these scenarios. For the town we decided on Fort Wayne, IN.
For this, we have chosen the following characters:
Frankie Morales
Din Djarin
Oberyn Martell
Joel Miller
Dieter Bravo
Dio Morrissey
Which character is most likely to do the dishes/leave the dishes?
Frankie is definitely the one to do the dishes because he is the mom of the group. He just wants to be a domesticated little man. On the other hand, Dio is just pissed at the world and couldn't care less about the dishes.
Which character is most likely to bring home a date and disturb everybody with late-night antics?
Oberyn and Dieter- they are canonically whores so you know they are bringing someone home almost every night. Everyone would be annoyed except for Ezra cause you know he is joining Oberyn and his date.
Which character is most likely to leave passive aggressive roommate notes?
Ezra- He would indirectly insult you by using big words. So you really don't understand what he was even asking you in the first place.
Which character is most likely to lead "House Meetings" in a democratic fashion?
Din- Out of all of them he seems the most democratic and listens to everyone's opinions which leads him to the conclusions that would best suit the house.
Which character is most likely to get voted out and replaced halfway through the season?
Dieter- That man is a literal trainwreck so he's probably burnt half the house and made his bedroom have a permanent weed smell. In all honestly he probably accidentally voted himself out.
Which character is most likely to secretly have a crush on another character?
Dio- He wouldn't want to admit to it cause it would make him look weak. He developed a crush on Joel soon after moving in and he's been avoiding his feelings ever since.
Which characters are most likely to (not-so) secretly hook up?
Oberyn, Ezra and Dieter- Somehow Ezra would blurt out that he would want a threesome because this man can't handle silence nor can he keep his mouth shut. All the chagrin of the rest of the household.
Which characters are most likely to still be married 20 years from now?
Joel and Frankie- They're both traumatized old cowboys who just want a quiet life on their ranch. Instead that these fuckers.
What do all of the characters have in common that they enjoy doing?
Drinking! They have at least one night a week where they have one too many drinks and it turns into a spin the bottle (Dieter's idea)
What are the weird quirks of each character, and do any of those quirks get on the nerves of any of the other roommates or do they benefit the house?
Dieter- Weirdly clean but only his areas. He's never cleaning the public areas.
Din- This man put on full concerts in the shower which is odd since he's usually quiet. But by god does sound really good. Only downside is that he spends ages in the shower.
Dio- Really good at sewing because of his goth outfits. The other boys give him clothes to mend. He'll put up a fuss, but he secretly loves it.
Ezra- Does the daily New York Times crossword every day. He likes puzzles in general and he will do them until they're finished. But don't interrupt him during his puzzle time.
Frankie- Loves to garden. He has veggie patches in the backyard which means that the summers are filled with so many fresh veggies and bees.
Joel- Forces family time with the whole house which means weekend hikes at the local nature trails. He might have to purchase leashes after the incident where Dieter got lost for three days.
Oberyn- Does drag (his drag name is The Red Viper) which he makes Dio do the tailoring. He invites the house to his drag nights.
What do the characters love about where they live?
It's quiet with a lot of things to do, and the rent is cheap. Plus it's close to Michigan if you know what I mean.
Pedro Characters Taglist
@littlemisspascal @burntheedges
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fallstaticexit · 2 months
The way Myra got me in the divorce but now I feel sorry for her. Is she even invited to the gatherings or does she just not want to come? also what does her life even look like now, she got her "own" family?
Hi there! :) So Myrah was always around even after the divorce when Mel, Lyric and Sonny were kids but when they became adults she was around the Briars a little less. Mostly just visiting for holidays or the birth of a grandchild. She was actually very close with Amina too since she had a strained relationship with her own mother growing up. She does have her own life too. She’s cycled through a couple here and there boyfriends. She's currently dating now, and her kids may or may not be frustrated with her choice in men at the moment lol ...
Myrah isn’t a villain , she can be difficult because she’s firm in her wants. She was firm in her wants when she was married to Ezra, firm about taking the kids with her when she left Henford and even now in her older age, when it comes to interacting with her adult children. At her worse she’s more annoying to some than others , mostly to Lyric lol but they love their mom, especially mama’s boy Sonny 😭
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base-and-co · 1 year
those hyperspace eyes - i'm so proud of this metaphore you don't even know, guys.
well, I wanted to write it and I did! so here it is!
Meeting between Ezra and Jacen.
"Wait, Chopper, wait for me!" Jacen called out to droid, but Chopper didn't even slow down, still crossing long halls with a speed of a crazy tin can. Which, some might say, he was. Jacen could hardly keep up with Chopper, and had to apologize to every person who was shamelessly pushed to the side by the speeding droid.
They were heading down to the hangars - Jacen hoped that it were aunties Sabine and Ahsoka, who made his mother and then Chopper blast off to get there. Chopper was very close to literally blasting off.
He was nearly flying past hallways and spooked pilots, when they finally reached big open door marking entrance to the hangars.
"Chopper!" Jacen yelled again, but droid gave him little to no attention, continuing his way straight to Ghost. Jacen could hear loud high noise, coming from Chopper - usually he had no problem understanding him, but for some reason he could not make out what exactly was Chopper shouting. It almost felt like a name? Or a curse? Something in between?
Before running after Chopper, Jacen stopped to breathe a bit - he got tired, trying to catch up to his metal uncle, - and his chest was tight and almost hurting. Mom said he needed to train more, but well, it wasn't his fault that he would rather spend another hour in flying simulator then run. He was good at running, actually. Especially after a good prank. He was good at hiding too. At least that's what he was famous in the HQ for - besides being son of General and a jedi, that is.
Mostly, Jacen was a little mischievous boy, who loved his family and his mom and their ship and the sky and stars. He loved Chopper's humor (at times malicious), he loved Sabine's style and when she gave him shooting lessons, he loved Zeb's fur and how gentle he was, like a big stuffed animal, yet everyone around still were spooked by him (it was so fun to ride on Zeb's shoulders that one time! it felt like he was protected by his own bodyguard). Jacen loved his mom. Loved her soft smiles and slightly annoyed glances, loved her pets on his head, loved how she could become one with Ghost when they were flying through clouds and meteors, loved how her lekku tingled him, when she would catch him from the back and they would laugh 'till they were out of breath. He loved her stories. Especially of his father and Ezra.
They felt a bit unreal, but Jacen loved to believe in them - he loved to imagine who they were, what would they be like, based on all those stories he heard from Specters.He knew Ezra was mischievous, like him. He knew his father was stubborn at times and for some reason he was so-so afraid of granddad Cham (Zeb loved this one so much he would always burst laughing). He knew they both were jedi knights and they sacrificed themselves in order to save the galaxy and their loved ones. They were gone so Jacen could live.
Jacen was too young to fully comprehend all of this. He knew that people of those stories were real, he just had a bit of a hard time to differentiate his believes from reality. So when he saw his mother standing in front of a bearded man, both crying, he blinked in surprise. Who was that?
In a way, the man looked like a kid. He was covering his eyes with his hand, but Jacen could see tears streaming down his face and into his beard - he was laughing and crying at the same time. Jacen's mom was holding him by the shoulders, smiling and crying too. Aunt Sabine was standing a few steps away, with the same strange expression. Why was everyone crying?!
Chopper, still beeping, was heading towards the group, full speed and Jacen started running again.
"Watch out!" boy yelled, watching as his mother turned around and jumped away mere seconds before Chopper smacked into the man his metal head on and manipulators out and then noises continued. Aunt Sabine burst out laughing, when the man fell on the floor 'cause of the impact, but quickly adjusted himself, grabbing droid with both hands. Jacen blinked in surprise. He had never seen anyone being so happy to be ran into by Chopper before.
"Chop!" he heard man's loud voice and Jacen had a weird feeling crawling in the back of his mind. He knew he heard this voice before, but not with his own ears. Jacen brisked close to his mother, still watching, as the bearded stranger was nudging his head with the cold metal of Chopper, who for some reason would not shut up. "I missed you too, you bucket, I missed you too..."
Missed him? No, but for real - who was this man?
"Mom?" Jacen looked up to his mother, tagging on her jacket lightly, and her green eyes finally saw him, shimmering with tears and happiness. She put the hand on boy's back and looked on the man again. Jacen did the same, just in time to meet man's gaze.
He had blue eyes and now boy was sure he never saw him before. Because those eyes were remarkable - they were so bright and blue, they looked like the hyperspace itself. Jacen didn't even notice when his mouth opened and a quiet "wow" spilled out. There was surprise in those eyes.
"Is that?.." man looked up at Jacen's mother, and she probably nodded, because he quickly looked back up at Jacen. For some reason, Jacen was feeling like he had know this man before, yet he was completely new. Like a... A picture? A photo? A hologram, seen in person for the first time?
"Hi!" man smiled at him and Jacen smiled back, a bit hesitantly, still trying to grasp what the feeling was exactly. "You're Jacen, right? I'm so happy to meet you!"
And then it clicked. Those eyes, this voice, blue hew in his dark hair and those scars on his cheek - it all matched! Jacen's eyes opened wide when he realized he was looking at the story - the story his mother and Ghost's crew told him so many times.
"You're Ezra," Jacen breathed out, making the man blink in surprise. "Ezra Bridger!"
Ezra backed up a bit, gazed at Sabine and Hera for a split second, and then looked back at the boy in front of him.
"Yeah, I am!" he laughed. "How did you know?"
Jacen shrugged.
"You match the stories. And my head tickles, like it does with aunt Ahsoka sometimes. Your eyes are so cool!" he was not over the fact that he was looking into the hyperspace straight through this man's eyes. What if Ezra's connection to purrgils Jacen's mom told him about, was because of his eyes?
"Thank you!" Ezra let out a surprise laugh and eyed Jacen from head to toe, but boy was okay with it. "You look so much like... I don't know."
"He reminds me of you. A lot." Ezra looked up on Hera, dumb smile still plastered all over his face. She was smiling too, but softer, gentler. Jacen looked up too, just in time to see the mischievous sparkle flicker in his mom's eyes. "And you both are huge sticks in an engine, like Kanan was."
Chopper laughed, like he knew something. Jacen could swear he could hear droid saying something about "censoring the expression".
"Okay now," Sabine stepped forward. "I think our little adventurer gotta go take a hot shower and change."
"Yeah," Ezra pushed himself up. "I would love to, actually. Hope I can fit in some spare clothes you have here."
"We'll find something for you," Hera assured him, her hand still on Jacen's back. The boy was watching Ezra silently, his mouth slightly opened.
"Ezra," he called right when he and Chopper were about to go into the living quarters. Ezra let out a "hm?", turned around and looked at Jacen with his big blue eyes. "Are you my brother?"
Silent was deadly, yet short and Jacen didn't notice. Ezra huffed a laugh and then smiled.
"Yeah, you can say so."
"Why am I an aunt then?!"
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cherienymphe · 5 days
Can I ask Why you don’t like Aria from PLL?
Aside from the fact that she blamed Hanna for getting hit on by Ella's creepy ass fiancé? Cause idc if she apologized she should've never said it to begin with
Outside of that I just think Ali had it wrong when aria was labeled the compassionate one. I don't find her to be very compassionate at all and I even thought this back when I loved aria. I won't get into her big ass cheating character flaw bc she was mostly cheating on Ezra and I don't like him so good for her (but it is still very much a character flaw. Like father like daughter). I felt like she could be pretty mean to her mom sometimes and granted Ella could be annoying but aria bore a lot of similarities to her dad and I think it showed in how she treated them. She always had so much more grace for him than Ella even though Ella was the one that was wronged. In fact, she always had more grace for the shitty men in her life than the women/girls who stood by her. Like when she was so mad at Hanna over the concert ticket. Not saying she wasn't valid to be upset, but she knew damn well she would've done the same if A had something equally as bad on her parents. As the show went on her storylines just never evolved to me. Her mess was always about some boy (namely Ezra) and I think it was the last season where she really fucked them over in a way I didn't like for that man. Of the four of them, she's just the most selfish and unlikable to me now
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zoeyslament · 10 months
10 Letters to Mom - Mischa angst
Mischa is instructed to write letters to his mother as if she were still alive to cope with losing her. He doesn’t write often, but the letters convey a lot.
Letters from Mischa Bachinski to his late mom, translated from his slightly broken English by Ezra Lamb, St. Cassian’s student, in memory of the boy, lost to the September 14th accident.
Letter 1: Dated September 9th, 2008
Dear mom, 
The counselor says I should write to someone I love to practice my English. And so, I am writing to you. Perhaps I will burn these letters by firelight, in hopes the smoke will travel up to you. 
Canada is not as nice as I thought it would be. Classes are terrible. In maths I have to sit between a snotty ginger and a strange poet boy. It makes no sense, how all of these people exist together in this tiny town. Home is no better. I do not think Chris and Carly like me that much. No, I will not call them mom and dad. 
I still miss you. Part of me still yearns to be a helpless boy again, still in your arms. 
I miss you. 
Love, your son, 
Letter 2: Dated October 24th, 2008
I was suspended. I’m so sorry. I promised you I would be your good son, your small boy always. But I got angry. I was spiteful, and I wanted a drink, a drink always makes things better. And I only knew one way to get one. 
I know you said that churches are sacred and not to be crossed, but I heard the ginger from maths say she knew the pastor, knew where the communion wine was kept. I milked every last bit of information from her, promising to join her stupid choir. It doesn’t matter, I need the alcohol. 
3 whole boxes I stole before she ratted me out to Father Markus. 
I drank it all in one night. And the next morning, Saturday, as I lay there, hungover in the basement, I wondered how I was ever going to make my life worth it for you. I still do not know.
I’m sorry, mom. 
Love, Mischa
Letter 3: Dated November 17th, 2008
I have a new hobby. I think you’d be proud—I am learning to sing. Not opera, or the god-awful jazz that poet boy listens to during study hall, no, this is the good stuff. Real, bonerfied rap music. (note: I know it’s supposed to say bonified, but Mischa would think boner-fied is hilarious, may he rest in peace —Ezra)
I even created a channel on this thing called the YouTube—it is called “Bad Egg” because it is an egg, that is bad. Bad is a good thing, it means cool, or that is what the football boys think. Maybe this new thing will turn out well. I am raging, mother, for you and for Ukraine. And when I rage, I rap about money in autotune. 
I will inspire the world. My life will have meaning once again. 
Love, Mischa
Letter 4: Dated December 30th, 2008
I have got the biggest, greatest news. I have found LOVE! Me, your silly boy, your little child that you raised all by yourself, is engaged!
Ever since my YouTube channel was born, a certain beautiful woman has been leaving kind comments on my YouTube comments wall. Her name is Natalia, and last night she had the courage to message me. She announced her love for me over the internet, and it is a truly beautiful thing. She even sent me picures, and she is the most gorgeous woman I have ever met. 
I wish that you could have lived long enough to meet my perfect Talia, for when I look into her almond eyes, I do not see the boy I am, but the man I must become to possess her. I am growing up, mama, but I promise I will always be here, and that you will always be in my heart.
Love, Mischa
Letter 5: Dated January 31st, 2009
Dear mom, 
I want to tell you about choir. 
Most of the school is scared of me, they think I am some bad boy who lives in the woods. But the choir seems to just have it out for me. Annoying ginger is the leader: she is stuck-up, and a real pain in my you know what. Her real name is Ocean, which I suppose fits, because she is salty and rough and probably drowns people. Poet boy is there too, his name is Noel, and he is the least insufferable of the group. He is gay, which is fine, but funny because if he were a girl, he would so be my type. He is nice, but odd. Then there is a boy named Ricky. This month, Ocean decided she needed to prove that choir was accessable for all, so she got boy who cannot speak to join. I never know what he is thinking. He is scary. Last, there is Constance. Sometimes she cries in the corner when she thinks the others do not see. I see. I wonder if she is okay. I hope she knows I am not okay. I hope she knows she is not lonely. 
I thought choir was going to be the bane of my existance. But…I think it has grown on me. 
I miss you. I love you. 
Love, Mischa
Letter 6: Dated March 6th, 2009
Hello mom, 
Yesterday was Noel’s birthday, so Constance brought in cupcakes for everyone. They were red velvet, and very tasty, much better than Carly’s cooking. Carly is no replacement mother, and her basement has cockroaches. I sleep with the roaches. Perhaps I will name them.
I continue to make videos, and to make love with Talia when I can. I hope I get to meet her some day. In fact, I know I will. Mom, I want to come back to Ukraine. I will meet Talia, and we will love each other in person. 
Tomorrow, we are singing at a local soccer game. We are singing some song that Father Markus wrote for us. I do not want to be on stage. I guess I will have to get comfortable with it. 
It‘s getting late, almost time to meet Talia. I love you mom.
Your son, Mischa.
Letter 7: Dated May 15th, 2009
Mom, I have a dilemma. 
Please, tell me you wouldn’t be upset if I told you that I think maybe I like boys?
Last night, Ocean hosted a choir get-together at her place. It was small and cramped. She and Constance ended up sharing the sofa, Ricky took the armchair, leaving myself and Noel on a blow-up air mattresss. I tried so, so hard to give him space, but I’m not a small guy, and somehow we ended up nestled together under the blankets, somehow I ended up lost in his eyes and staring at his lips-
It felt like betrayal. Like if Talia knew, she would have my head. She wants me to be loyal.
But how can I be loyal when Noel watches me with those stupid baby cow eyes? How can I stay at her side when Noel is right there?
It’s so confusing, mom.
Letter 8: Dated June 19th, 2009
School is finally out, mom. I spend every day scrambling for ways to make a quick buck so I can buy cheap vodka. It’s a bad habit, but hard to kick. I wish I could kick it, I do…
But instead, I beat a kid for a 20 dollar bill from his enemy, sold the foster folks’ antique china, and now am in even more heat with them. They cry at my presence and shoo me away like fly.
I do not mind. At least I do not have to go to school and see Noel and his stupid sparkly eyes and his stupid beautiful face. I will spend this summer with Talia, like I’m supposed to.
Letter 9: Dated August 18th, 2009
It is my birthday. I woke up to a box of cupcakes sitting on the floor above the basement stairs. Carly says they were left for me by the Blackwoods. I opened the box, and they were chocolate with vanilla icing, but found strawberry jam in the center when I bit in, a pleasant surprise. There was also a note. It said “happy birthday Mischa! Love Constance, Ricky, Ocean and Noel”
I smiled when I saw it. I hated being in the choir, but it might just be one of the better parts of my life now.
I am 18 now, and that means I can do lots of things. Hopefully one of those is coming back to Ukraine. I miss home, I miss home, I miss home.
I do want to see Talia, but part of me wants to bring Noel home with me. You’d love him, mama.
Your son (now an adult), 
Letter 10: Dated September 14th, 2009
This letter will not be too long, because I am singing with the choir at the Fall Fair this afternoon. It is 6:00 am and I am scrawling some quick words across this paper. Tonight I will tell Noel how I feel. I will tell him I love him and that I have eyes for him. I will tell him soon.
Tomorrow, I will write again and tell you how it goes. 
I can’t wait to have him in my arms, mom.
Your son, 
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starwarsnerd111 · 1 year
Jedi Headcannons - What music they like
This boi just loves his heavy rock
I can totally see him playing air guitar while blasting Metallica
Then pretty much the whole jedi council bursting in to tell him to shut up.
He likes old classics.
Like old 80s songs
I can see him just vibing with "Come and get your love"
While defeating the droids.
I can see her just chilling with love songs
So much Taylor Swift
Anakin had to ban Ahsoka from listening to her
This guy loves classical
Flight of the bumblebee is his favourite
(He likes to blast it as he bounces from one ledge to another as he fights droids)
Mace Windu
Loves Greenday
Gets caught singing (horribly might I add) to Church on Sunday
He loves alternate rock
Vibes with sabine to The Pretender
Secretly, he loves pop music
When I say loves...
I really mean it
Hera has caught him more than once dancing along to this one song
He doesn't have a specific genre....
He just likes blasting Baby Shark to annoy everyone
After the incident, Luke was from then on banned from any source of music.
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: "Iron Squadron"
Unexpected Sato backstory??? And other fun things!
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Oh hey, the rare Star Wars planet that is not one single biome!
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My son looking cutely contemplative. :)
Hera's the first to mention that Sato has "connections" here, and my brain automatically assumed family even before the reveal.
This freighter the kids are using is a YT-2400, which apparently was kind of a big deal to Legends fans because of some dude named Dash Rendar. This is not my area of lore expertise so I won't comment on that, but I will observe that if fanbros had an expectation of seeing that guy in this episode then it makes more sense why they got pissy when it was revealed the crew was upstart plucky kids instead.
Still, adult Star Wars fans really have got to stop mindlessly hating on teen/kid characters.
"They're attacking the Empire head on!" I mean, y'all have a Corellian freighter too and you do that all the time. I guess the YT-2400 looks way more civilian grade to them, no obvious modifications.
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Why is Kanan in the turret, guys? Yeah yeah I know he has the Force to help him "see" but this is just... silly.
Hera still operating under the impression that it's a civilian ship. I mean technically it is but also you're in the Rebellion Hera, we literally just had an Imperial ace talk about how y'all use whatever ship that flies a few episodes ago lol.
You know the trick with the cargo crates is actually pretty clever. The YT-2400 obviously has very little actual armament aside from the one top gun, very easy to lull your enemy into thinking you're harmless.
Lol Zeb accurately calling that Iron Squadron is "a ship-full of Ezras".
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I haven't commented on it before but sometimes Ezra just sits like such a typical teenager, using the furniture in all the wrong ways.
Big fan of the slightly vulnerable note in Sato's voice here.
Lol Ezra and Sabine's faces here.
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"If you like a junk pile." "Be nice." A+ adorable banter moment, love it.
There goes Chopper antagonizing other droids again.
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Mart is surly and grumpy and looks like a shaggy kitten and I love him. <3
Gooti trying to diffuse the tension in the room by offering waffles. Relatable.
Mart honestly sounds just a bit like Dark Side Drunk Ezra, the undernotes of anger in his voice, insisting that they have things under control and don't need help. Honestly it was kind of an amazing and interesting idea to put Ezra alongside a bunch of (slightly) younger kids a few rungs back on the character development ladder to contrast how much more mature he's gotten.
Mart confusing different Imperial ships for a Star Destroyer is also a great running gag. Sabine gets so annoyed lol.
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Lothal still looking relatively pretty.
I would really like to praise Lars Mikkelson for making me creeped out by the most innocuous of scenes with Thrawn, all the man has to do is comment on Iron Squadron being interesting and mildly insult Konstantine and my skin crawls, ggughhhh.
Thrawn setting up lesser officers for failure again.
Relating to deliberately casting Ezra as the more mature one, it even extends to how they keep posing him this episode. He's not more than a year or two older than the Iron Squadron kids and yet he feels so much older in his bearing and manner of speaking.
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The shoulder nudge and the way Sabine goes, "Hmm?" makes me think they're improving this on the fly.
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I've joked before about this looking like a cute family photo but it's still true.
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Spaceparents be skeptical lol.
Chopper just whacking the panel with hammer. XD
"This might be just a planet to you, but it's our home!" Hoo boy, that's the heart of it isn't it? Ezra has been through this exact thing. So he understands the instinct to dig in and fight back. But like Mon Mothma would later remind him in Season Four, you can't save every planet right away. Sometimes you have to retreat and regroup, and come back stronger later.
Sometimes you have to leave home.
It doesn't mean you don't fight. It just means you don't let your fear of loss make you stupid.
Once again leaning on that message of "How we choose to fight."
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This is purely in the realm of headcanon but Mart's obsession with suicidally charging a Star Destroyer makes me think that might be how his father died, or something similar to it at least.
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Gooti and Jonner sharing a look like, "Uhhhhhh maybe they have a point about our ship being way too small to take on the Empire alone."
Yeah, no, I'm sticking with my idea that Mart has just a little bit of a death wish and wants to go out taking revenge against the Empire that killed his father.
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Precious little rage bean. <3
Sabine reminding Ezra not to get in trouble with Hera for disobeying orders again.
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It's okay Sabine, he's learned that lesson lol.
Subtle animation appreciation moment: The sheer floof to Mart's hair. I can't believe how much volume it feels like has, just from the way it shifts around his head.
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"I am all the family he has left." :((((
Right, continuing with the Mart-is-literally-Ezra-from-a-couple-seasons-prior parallels, Mart's disbelief and delight at the Ghost coming back for him.
And Konstantine makes a really stupid decision in the effort to... idk, give himself more glory? He literally has enough ships and firepower to blow both freighters to bits and he insists on this showy mine trap move.
This is why Thrawn sent you by yourself, pal, he wanted to see if you'd croak.
Lol the Ghost took a potshot at the light cruiser as it was passing.
Chopper continuing in the grand habit of bullying other droids.
Ahhhhhhh Sato came! He was too far away to be able to get there on time and he came anyway!
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Yeah uh, Konstantine? You should have known the mine plan would never have worked as soon as you lost signal contact with it. Also it's really stupid to let them get the ship that close to your cruiser before you try to detonate it.
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Mart's little "...Oh." expression. <3 A+ running gag payoff, no complaints.
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Thrawn calling Konstantine just to rub the embarrassment in.
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Aw frick.
Don't think about the Kanan-Ezra parallels, don't think about the Kanan-Ezra parallels, don't think about the Kanan-Ezra parallels--
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They're adorable.
And we couldn't let the episode close without getting one last gag in by way of Chopper rolling up to R3 and smacking him for no damn reason lololol.
I unironically love this episode and these kids. <3 Fandom was way too mean about this episode, why do y'all hate fun?
There are a few things introduced in this episode that really should have been picked back up and followed through on and yeah, a couple moments are a smidge cringe. But the humor is overall solid and sue me Mart Mattin is precious and I love the depth his existence adds to Sato. AND I WANTED SO MUCH MORE I DON'T CARE THAT I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO LOVES THEM I NEEDED MORE IRON SQUADRON.
*ahem* I'm normal about this episode. Soooo normal.
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sockiess · 6 months
hi i saw u write for scott (n im so glad cos there’s like no fics of him 🥲) could you do scott w a reader who kinda matches his attitude? like maybe some sort of frenemies to lovers thing, anytime he tries to get snarky with the rest of the cliffhangers reader argues back with him 🙏 hope that makes sense english isn’t my first language 🥲
Anon I love and appreciate you🫶
Warnings: None! :)
It was a hot day and Hannah made all of us cliffhangers go hiking. It wouldn’t have been so bad but one person by the name of Scott Barringer wouldn’t shut up. Ever since he came here a couple months ago he’s been an annoying prick. For some odd reason he thinks he’s better than everyone else and thinks he’s to good for us.
“God this is so annoying I mean why do we have to do all this stuff??” Scott said complaining for the fifth time in the last 10 minutes. “Dude just suck it up the more you complain the longer it feels like.” Auggie said annoyed. “Dude literally no one was talking to you so why don’t you shut up” Scott said pissed.
“Scott seriously no one wants to hear your grading voice 24/7 just suck it up already.” I snapped and turned to him. Scott just looked at me and mumbled something under his breath. Even though Scott annoys me, he is one of the only people that I can stand to be around here at Mt. Horizon. He also somehow always listens to me when I tell him to shut up.
As we continued walking me and Scott’s hands kept brushing up against each other. I would never admit to anyone but I might have a little crush on Scott even if he does annoy me at times I mean come on he’s utterly gorgeous and can be nice when he wants to be.
The sun was starting to set and Hannah told me and Scott to go fetch stuff to build a fire. “You where blushing when our hands to kept touching.” Scott said suddenly smirking at me when we where away from the other campers. “you wish.” I replied back to him trying to hide my small and embarrassment. “Come on just admit you have a crush on me.” He said smiling. “There is nothing to admit.” I said, picking up sticks to use for the fire.
“So if I where to kiss you right now you wouldn’t kiss back?” he said, pushing a piece of hair behind my ear. “Scott you’re crazy” I said walking away from him only for him to grab my arm and pull me into him and suddenly feeling his lips on mine. Scott kissed me like it was the last thing he’d ever do but he was also so soft and gentle at the same time. I dropped the sticks I was holding and held his face as we made out. Soon we pulled away to take breath. Scott rested his forehead on mine and rubbed my cheek with his thumb. As we where about to kiss again we heard Ezra calling our name.
“We should better get back” I said almost out of breath. “Yeah” Scott replied “But one more thing” he said before kissing me again. “Alright lover boy let’s go before we get in trouble for inappropriate touching” I joked.
“fine.” Scott groaned picking back up the sticks and smiling at me “I’m going to annoy you so much more now” he said ruffling and kissing the top of my head
“I know you are” I said smiling and leaning into him.
Hi! Hope I did your request justice!! If there is anything you want me to add or change please let me know 🫶 thank you so much for the request 🫶
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