#i love helping ppl and no judgment here!!!
freakywrites · 5 months
hello there, I’m unsure if you’re taking requests, but if you are might I request a Kanato Sakamaki x reader?
Maybe like headcannons of him in a relationship with a very caring, nurturing reader, or you could do the complete opposite, and make reader judgmental and cruel (kind of like Kanato). If reader was cruel, I feel like that would be a great way to get revenge against all the trauma Kanato’s caused. (Either one is good and you don’t even have to do this, I just really like Kanato (because he’s so deceptively adorable, even if he absolutely despises me/yui/reader) He and Azusa are my favorite Diabolik characters.)
Of course, you don’t have to do that and if you don’t want to do Kanato you could replace with one of the other Diabolik Lover’s characters. (Like the Mukami family or one of the other family names I can’t remember).
—just another anon 🌟
Also those two are my favs too! Anyways here ya go.
Hot and cold
Kanato Sakamaki x reader head canons
Warning: unedited
As warm as fresh blood
He likes it when you play with his hair as he lays on your lap.
He loves when you praise him and beg for him.
You calm him with soft whispers and tender kisses to his cheeks and head.
When you let him play with you, dancing you around to no music but just his hums.
He loves it when he thinks he’s in control.
Loves when you love him and only him.
He loves that you only have eyes for him to only look at him and nobody else.
“I know you’re upset, Kanato, but you’re doing so well. Just hold it in a little longer, and we’ll go, ok?” You said holding the man’s shaking hand. “but they’re so loud can’t we just go home? I’m tired!” He whines, and you lay your head on him before speaking. “you can’t keep getting absences, you know~ I’m here with you anyways” you said, rubbing circles on his arm and giving him a quick kiss on the back of his palm. “Fine but only because Teddy agrees with you” he pouts, and you giggle “thank you, Teddy, sounding considerate of Kanato.” You said cheerfully.
As cold as a corpse
He can’t help but worry when you ignore him.
He begs for you just to look at him to give him his attention.
But all he gets is a violent shove or kick.
He lays his head on your lap just for you to swat him away in disgust.
He would rather you hit or cut at him than you ignore him.
His angerly yells, turning to begs when he gets tired, then soon to sobs of desperate pleading just for you to acknowledge him.
He offers you his teddy just to get any reaction, but nothing seems to work.
“Look at me, look at me damn it!” Kanato yelled at you, and you still don’t budge “are you deaf why are you ignoring me?!” He said, stomping closer to you “hey hey!” He said sitting on the floor putting his hands on you knees and you glare down at him grabbing his hand and pushing them away from you “ugh get off your like a pathetic dog get away from me” you said turning away from him and his eyes began to water. “I-I I’m not pathetic! What did I do? Was it because I yelled at you? It was an accident” he began to spiral “please just hold me again. I don’t know what I did I’m…. I’m sorry” he mumbled, and you shuffled to look at him “say that again…” You spat, and his eyes lit up “Im sorry!” He said quickly, and you smiled and sighed “well if you are… that’ll be it” you said, rubbing his head.
You are back to warm, back to giving him kisses on his eyelids and cupping his face, apologizing for your actions, giving him the illusion of affection.
Because while you do love him, you love him more when he is desperate you love when he is wrapped around your fingers.
I didn’t know what to choose to I chose both a x reader where reader is toxic loves to bring him up high only to crash him down then repeat! Isn’t that fun!
Anyways don do that to ppl cuz it’s like crazy
Also I feel the only way to be cruel to Kanato is not violence but to give and take from him he seems like the person who gets used to affection so if u keep giving and taking he will soon adapt and become desperate for it probably like when you ignorea child or something. Sense to me, he is very childish.
Ok bye bye love yall XOXO 💋💋💕💕
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skriblee-ksk · 3 months
“I feel free. It’s been some time since I felt like this without any other clinging emotions. How serene… Is what I would say if I didn’t hear shouting. I should get back inside.”
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Tap Home Groovy: The outfit? Oh, Ryoko helped me choose it! I chose an interesting one myself, but Ryoko talked me out of it. I thought it was okay, but I trust her judgment! I’ve been told my fashion sense is odd multiple times before anyway.
Home Transition Groovy: Surprisingly an average level of chaos! I thought it’d spike dramatically since nearly the entirety of RSA is here, but it’s pretty manageable as always!
Glimmering Soirée is an even hosted by @starry-night-rose!!
Og post here!
More silly stuff under cut!!
Yayyy!! Finally done!!!!
Thank u for witnessing the story of how Kiyuu came here to see pretty ppl. Made a few lil stuff:
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Kiyuu who, next to helping the Princes, volunteered to oversee the rest of the event as well (Crowley was super happy [with himself]).
Extra knowledge stuff for funsies:
Ryokiyuu had Grim in those baby carriers for the first few minutes of the ball. He ended up escaping though (They let him go because they felt bad and because they dressed him up fancy and trusted him enough and etc.)
Kiyuu would have fangirled over every single person in the party (usually secretly unless she knew the other person was comfortable receiving a flurry of compliments) and ultimately ended up not being able to vote for the Belle of the Ball (LOL).
Very honestly, Kiyuu probably hung around Jack and/or Ryoko (if she wasn’t busy) for the latter half of the ball because she got tired (not of socializing or anything, just in general) and went to one of the few people she felt most comfortable being vulnerable with.
I didn’t mention Azul and Malleus in the lines because like. I just couldn’t fit them in. So their relationships are!!:
Azul and Kiyuu have a strict business relationship because she used to work part time at the Mostro Lounge from Book 3 to Book 5 (Ryoko always double checked Kiyuu’s expenses because she was worried Kiyuu would get scammed). They’re amiable but not really close.
Malmal and Kiyuu are friends!! Kiyuu likes stargazing so they actually meet up quite often out of school. Kiyuu fell in love (aesthetic attraction) at first sight, and they have a normal friendship!
Here’s the one without the groovy:
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and scrap:
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Yay yay this event was so fun to draw for!! I loveeee ballroom types of events (as an otome isekai lover). And thanks for reading this far!!
Taglist (ask to be added!!): @kathxrat-01 @distant-velleity @scint1llat3 @elenauaurs @boopshoops
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stick-ball · 11 months
Okay so this is long overdue, but might as well. I guess this is an observation of fandom Jeremy as much as the canon one, so don't come at me.
I dunno read Jeremy as having BPD bcs... bcs honestly have you ever met anyone who has Sunshine shining from their ass? Me neither. Though I have met ppl with severe personality issues who had a coping mechanism like that, of course they weren't young and talented sportsmen looked up to by many ppl and rooted for by many, so they had enough free space and privacy to go absolutely fucked up at other ppl when they were having bad brain hours.
Yes im including myself here.
The name of the game is If I Give Them No Reason to Leave Me They Won't.
Or If I Give Them No Things To Hate Me For They Won't Hurt me.
But spice it up with black and white thinking, paranoia and unhelathy behaviours jumping off the standard spectrum of bottling things out into like, going on a 4 hour run to cool off bcs you are undeserving bcs you are a bad captain bcs you're annoyed at the freshmen bcs they dont care about your shared goals enough and is thay really a them issue? Or is it actually a You issue? Are you blaming others for your own failures again? Look at yourself, you're fucking pathetic, and egoistic at that, you demand things from others but how do you show you care for what others need huh? You think you're a good captain? Keep telling yourself that, before you know it they will all turn against you. Because you're a failure, bcs you cant even make them care? Maybe you're just not a good enough player , or maybe they can see straight through you, see what you are udnerneath the happy exterior. Yo have just not good enough, not trying hard enough, and you want them to look up to.. to That???
Or maybe it is a them issue bcs fuck that, fuck the smiling, fuck the caring, you don't actually care, if they don't care, why would you? 🤔 you don't owe anyone anything you are so done with everyone and everything cant they LEAVE YOU THE FUCK ALONE, HAVENT YOU DONE ENOUGH TO HAVE AT LEAST ONE SMALL THING GO RIGHT ONCE? YOU ARE SO FUCKKNG ANGRY so you have to do something you feel like smashing something, you could, your body is literally a machine, you could show them what you actually think about their Opinions, how pathetic and annoying they are and actually fuck that you have to leave you cant stand being in the same room as them for one second longer.
But the sunshine Jeremy 🌞 exterior slips on so even though you want to crash the doors closed you smile and wave and say something stupid and cheery you even have a fucking spring in your step.
Bcs you're a fucking liar a fucking impostor you can't help it at this point you are a clay figurine that's hollowed out inside.
You are so tired it's like there's a lump of cloth absolutely soaked weighting on your lungs
You actually feel like crying while you wave at alvarez from the stretch of the corridor, making goddamn plans to meet up for group studying maths later in the evening while your lungs constrict holding down a sob.
You hate them all for the next 3 hours.
And then on hour four while you're circling the campus heading back from your walk/jog/run/staring into the distance/jog again you tap into the very comfortable very familiar hating of yourself.
This is a light version of course but I bet Jeremy is that person that dissapears sometimes like at parties ect bcs they are doing some absolutely stupid shit like having sex with a complete stranger or getting drunk but they know enough about the emptiness and self hatred they will feel ten minutes after they succumb to thay behaviour that they learned to do it when the judgment of the ppl who know them won't touch this piece of him. Bcs it feels like a separate piece.
Like he is parcelled into different breeds of fucked up inside and they are all set on a loop in a music playing machine from a highway diner. One song ends another starts you can choose which one if you throw in a dime.
And also we gotta add in the sensory issues, he sees things, he hears them, sometimes he does a dodge while there's nothing coming bcs he thought it was. Some weeks it feels almost he lives from one training to the next bcs he doesn't remember a minute from what's in between. Good thing he taught himself this sunny persona bcs its an autopilot mode that gets him having to answer the least amount of questions when he doesn't fucking remember what happened from 8 am till late afternoon that day.
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le-trash-prince · 1 year
Ray fans look away because I’ve got to vent a little.
One thing that particularly rubbed me the wrong way in regards to Ray using Sand as a surrogate caretaker was the comment about the nurse because it shows that Ray is not as helpless as he makes himself seem—he just wants to be spoiled.
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And this is coming from personal bitter experience of having wealthy friends use me for both physical and emotional labor :| I had a friend tell me that she didn’t need to bother getting therapy because I could just repeat everything my own therapist was saying (even though she would then argue with every statement because she didn’t actually want to get better lmfao). I had a friend whose parents were Multiple Houses Rich tell me that therapy was “too expensive” as an excuse for constantly trauma dumping on friends—and then later that year drop 25k in cash on a car lmfao AHDJFJD JUST TO PUT IN PERSPECTIVE THE PERSONAL SALT I HAVE. I hate seeing rich ppl take advantage of someone less wealthy just so they can get something for free.
Because Ray has the audacity here to act like he’s helpless and uncared for, even though he has the money to meet his own damn needs! And Sand is rightfully commenting on it, just as he did earlier when he told Ray to save his money for a shrink.
Because yes, therapy is expensive. Rehab is expensive. Not everyone has access to those things, but Ray does! But instead he demands that Sand be the one to put in the work to make Ray feel better about himself.
Things like that can make a person feel really devalued. You feel obligated to help a friend because you want them to feel cared for, but when they manufacture these situations in order to demand labor from you, it makes you feel like they don’t care about the reason you’re doing this. No matter how much you bend over backwards to make sure that they’re okay, that they’re healthy—they don’t respect that effort by trying to take care of themselves. All they care about is getting attention.
And when it comes from a rich person, it’s like, what the fuck man? Why do you feel so entitled? You think your life is so stressful? You’re going to say that your life is stressful when Sand is working multiple hustles in order to pay off his family debts and get through school? Sand needs a roommate in order to be able to afford his apartment, meanwhile Ray is benefitting off of his dad’s second home. Ray can afford to have a nurse take care of him, but instead he asks Sand to take time away from making money that he needs.
Ray has never had to deal with the stress of paying for rent or food or dealing with debt collectors banging on his door. The only stress in his life is that people want him to care about himself! It really bugs me when rich ppl act like their needs are the only ones that matter 😠
The only thing standing between Ray and sobriety is Ray himself. And I’m not saying this to devalue how difficult it is to climb out of that pit, because I have fought depression myself for many years. But the barrier for a poor addict to reach sobriety is so much higher and the judgment they face for not being able to afford help is so much worse.
And I can’t believe Ray had the audacity to complain about his dad wanting him to get rehab. Like, this kid would prob be set up in the nicest rehab center in the country, going on nature walks and doing pottery, but he acts like it’s a sign that his dad doesn’t give a shit.
I’m not going to pretend like his dad is a great parent, but I’ll be honest—I’ve seen worse from people with alcoholic kids. I’ve seen people refuse to visit their kids in the ER when they’re at deaths door because it would be too much of a blemish on their reputation to acknowledge they’ve got an alcoholic kid—so I was honestly surprised Ray’s dad even showed up. The way his dad acted wasn’t great, but wanting his kid to get better is above the bare minimum of wanting his kid to disappear. 🤷‍♂️
I’ll also say this, but people who love Ray wanting to see him love himself is not a bad thing. No, it’s not easy to love yourself, it takes a lot of fucking work, but that doesn’t mean you should just avoid the work and push it off onto other people. He has people in his life who see enough value in him that they want him to feel the same way. And this episode has shown that no matter how much work someone else puts into loving and supporting a broken person, it will never make a difference until that person learns to love themselves.
Anyways I’m glad that the Poor Boy shirt returned to Sand this episode because I am done with feeling sorry for the rich boy. I don’t think this show is brushing over the class difference between Ray and Sand—it’s just Ray and Sand who have been trying to ignore it.
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stunie · 1 month
omg hi zevie!! I’m kinda new here but I’ve been reading a few of your things & stuff for the wb boys and omg they’re so great I love how u write !! :DD I saw ur thing about doing matchups and I’d never done that before either so I thought I’d give it a try for the windbreaker boys !! 💕 my favs are ume (I so totally understand ur liking for him he’s so great!!) kiryu, suo and against my better judgment endo & chika !! (they’re so interesting fr!) 🫶
a little about me, I love fashion & skincare just taking care of myself overall helps me relax, I also love watching tv & anime, readings books & manga !! (I even have some books I want to read but I have sm other books to finish 😫 the procrastination is real!! #bookstination) OO I also love the daytime and nighttime, late night binging of certain shows is nice, strolls through parks or empty parking lots at night can be fun if u do right !! I also love the mall & visiting gardens <33 oh and horror movies I love those but after watching them if they’re especially scary I find it hard to sleep afterwards!! 😭🫶 still fun tho !! I’m also a bit of a foodie (good food makes my heart sing 💕) and I’m thinking of getting more piercings along my ears so I can have those cool ear chains >:D
It’s a bit hard to describe myself but I’d say I’m pretty loving & caring although sometimes it can lead me to care too much abt what others think sometimes 😭 but I can also be pretty talkative like I can just go on & on about certain things, even silly ones but I’m also pretty stubborn and a bit headstrong and I always try to be communicative about my thoughts about certain things & my sense of humor is all over the place !! I’m also a tad clingy so I love hugs and things like that especially around the people I love, but I am always mindful of others and I always try to make sure ppl r comfy around me !! 💗
OH I also have a pet bunny <33 🐇💕
but that’s about it!! I’m sorry I wrote so much, but tysm for ur time zevie!! I hope u had fun at the mall whenever u went 🥰
HIII omg your ask was so cute :’) i read it with such a big smile on my face awww ?! YOUR FIRST MATCHUP. OKAYYY NOTED I’LL TRY TO MAKE IT A GOOD ONE!!
my mind went to the self care dates. the ones all over tiktok— matching face masks, all that. so cute. the skincare collection you two must have ?! > < omg. THE FASHION. AHOXJDJND shopping with kiryu. mall dates with kiryu. HE KNOWS WHAT YOU WOULD LOOK GOOD IN. KNOWS WHAT YOU LIKE. watching anime together …. binge a show together …. or? he games and you read ??? relax your eyes a bit with a walk outside…. oh my gosh. visit a garden with him and he’s squatting down to point at a flower like “oh! this one looks a lot like you, doesn’t it?~ ” (it’s the prettiest flower in the whole garden)
a pet bunny. HOW CUTE. he’d love your bunny so much, also .. he thinks your love for hugs n such is cute.
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momowoah · 4 months
Got to liveblog 911 for the first time today so!!! thoughts under read more
They cut the Buck Chris scene :(((( glad we got the stills
Gerrard needs to fucking die omg
BOBBY'S WHAT????????
No retirement pls ;(((((
Oohhhh we got the date already
What Kim said to Eddie was so spot on.... 💔💔💔💔
I really like Amir
I can't do this right after Boden the firehouse scenes are killing me STOP STOP
Literally sobbing here I don't think he's really leaving but stopppppp
Buck's face as he waited for Bobby to taste his dish. Son waiting for his father's approval. Tim Minear WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME
Idk how to read Buck's reaction. Is he shocked bc she looks like Shannon or bc it's a woman looking for Eddie???? I feel like he only stopped smiling when she said she was there for Eddie but idk ahhhhhhh (DOES SHE LOOK LIKE SHANNON OR NO 911 PLEASE ANSWER)
Oooh confrontationnnnnn
Oooh she does look like Shannon interesting
Not an affair yeah just an emotional one huh
"I'm worried about me too" honestly never thought we'd get that Eddie really has come so far huh 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 I loved the whole exchange, it was just perfect for them. Buck worried about him and about what he was doing but not judgmental despite everything 🩷
Ahhhhhh Wilson siblings that was so cute
Yeah Ortiz did it :////// please don't ruin this all of them really deserve this family
Honestly I would've reacted worse. Props to Kim
This is being surprisingly... Not that unhealthy? Eddie opened up, had a real conversation, acknowledged everything. This is going too smoothly why is it going smoothly what's gonna happen this can't be good
ep title drop yessss (past title but still)
I love deep voices Amir should have a permanent role on this show it's just so soothing
I feel bad for him. He was clearly willing to try to help Bobby but seeing all the evidence of the life he never got to find again must hurt.
Mom and dad are fighting :(
Yeah I got the feeling too
Heartbreak was the right word
Yes Hen fight for your family you shouldn't have to but go
Fuck fuck fuck don't hurt Hen GET AWAY she even brought up the musician noooooo
I'm gonna cry again Mara doesn't deserve this
We can't have ONE SECOND of happiness and peace in this fucking show huh
Uhhhhh what??????
What the fuck what the fuck what the actual HELL IS THIS
Girlie wtf I get the intention but what that's fucked up
This is too weird wth
At least he gets a second chance ig?????
Cry counter: 3
Uh Bobby what?
I don't like this episode anymore STOP STOP STOP
Everything is going so fucking wrong fuuuuuuuck
Tim Minear what if I kill myself in front of you. Then what
Fire's real. Fuck
I know it was probably Amir but fuck I didn't want him to do that
At least I don't have to worry abt ppl dying in this show
Well that was certainly an episode. Fuck.
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okay so. i'm obviously going to write a thorough analysis about this but i thought i'd get some initial thoughts out there since this is a really fun game and i NEED to play.
so. first time hearing angels fly all i could hear was a oasis-esque anthem with the firm chorus and the way the melody turns during "is an eye in the sky", giving that typical complaining sound (lol very music good terminology. it's a flat note which gives it that vibe so there okay) that just screams oasis to me, especially the big vocals towards the end. the lyrics, in their treacherous simplicity, push you to keep holding on while acknowledging the sad and admiring the beautiful. very oasis, again. also very louis. i can't help not hearing it in a hugeass stadium with people belting it with their whole chest. i know that is not the vibe most ppl will have with this song but when coldplay played don't look back in anger during one love manchester? yeah that. (as we're walking on by)
aaaanyway then upon further listens the lyrics finally filtered in and what i heard was a reply to as it was.
Nothin' to say When everything gets in the way
I don't wanna talk about the way that it was
We can talk about it It'll only make it worse
Answer the phone "Harry, you're no good alone Why are you sittin' at home on the floor? What kind of pills are you on?"
I’ll knock on your door it’ll save me from calling
There were problems in this empty bottle but we drained all that
and yk even if you don't see these parallels as strong, it's more about what the songs are saying, really. it's harry being desperate in as it was, desperate to get out of a rut, to stop going in circles bc someone's holding on to heartache, bc he knows life is so so much but all he seems to do is focus on what goes wrong, how wrongly he's perceived, how bad he copes, and he needs to fucking get out. because he knows that bottom line, bottom fucking line, he has love. in that world, it's just them.
and then angels fly is that moment of relief, of calm, of i am here for you, i am holding out the palm of your hand. we don't need to talk about who did what, what got in the way. nothing really matters now except remembering that we're just these tiny specks of dust in the scope of the universe. look at the horizon. look up at the sky. those who were once just as broken as we are fly up there. but there are enough dying stars in the sky. we're good down here, looking up at them, honoring their memory by living on. by loving on
it's louis giving comfort like only he can: offering a shoulder to cry on, while respecting your way to cope, not a speck of judgment detected, but with that firm arm around you, grounding you, holding you, making you look forward again. about tomorrow. about the time we still have. it's once again a reminder of the life that's left to live.
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wordsbymae · 2 years
Here’s a warning, I’m going to send in two separate asks. The one I’m writing now about is clement and y/n. And another one is going to be about the one-shot you made about Freddy in another au. You’re going to suck it up buttercup, because I love me some perverted feral country boys 🤠. With southern accents that extra thick when they are drunk or angry, respect their mothers and ain’t scarred to get down and dirty; whether it be in the mud or fun times. Also I’m going to need you to elaborate more on uniform wearing Leroy, sounds interesting 🤔. But I definitely can see him dress up after the introduction of y/n’s lingerie outfits. What’s funny is, Originally what I had planned when I sent in my last ask was to give a little detail about Leroy’s parents for you to better understanding why he is the way he is, but eventually turned in a whole rant :D. What Clement is is what Joseph was supposed to be originally until the Addison of Mr.B. I wanted to add earlier that Clement thought that y/n was a stuck up bitch, but many women don’t like to be referred to that at all (respectfully so 👍), so I didn’t added it for your sake. Funny we keep finding each other like this 🙃. But yes! She’s what he hates most. Rich ppl (respectfully so). He had to deal with their kind for all his life and why would she be any different? He never thought she could truly love someone like him when she was like herself. So he felt that heart ache, so he thought “fuck it! She hates, I can’t already make her hate me anymore. There’s no point to suck in’ up to her” in his mind why try to stop her from hating him when he can make her hate him even more, he thought their relationship was beyond repairable. So to make himself feel better he thought making it worse would be beneficial for him. He had created this version of her in his head, but as he spend more time with her the more she continue to dismantle that version he had on her. She wasn’t stuck up, more like shy and skittish. She was prissy and up tight but not to the exaggeration he concluded in his head. As he torn down his initial prejudices and beliefs and look at her with more of open and judgment free perspective she wasn’t so bad. And around time he would learn about her hopes and dreams, would find way for her achieve them while under his restrictions. The incorporation of her becoming a nurse/assistant in the medical field was a good idea, thank you 😊. She would probably not go to a medical institution but pick lessons and part time as a assistant for a women on medical facility (planned parenthood). She’s surrounded with women and she’s close by his work, it’s a win win for everyone. He would strut in and proclaim that he’s here to see his wife, he would always make sure everyone knows (not like they don’t know already) who she is to him before saying her name “I’m here to pick up my wife, y/n”. This would help/foreshadow when he starts his heists and would come home all bloody covered and needed medical assistance (I’ll go more in detail about that later 😉). You’re are just like me, lol. I love angst but I’m a baby for happy endings 🥲. He come to learn she’s a inexperienced and innocent woman. She was taught strict rules about performing her wife duties and acting like a proper wife, but Clement constantly have her go past those normal restrictions. But she’s conflicted with the rule that she always has to go by what her husband says. When she was about to walk by him,but followed his eyes to her ass and begins to raise his hand to swat at it. She quickly covers her ass but in a annoyance he demanded that she stop but she tells him slapping her butt was “inappropriate”. She was tried of being treated like a waitress in a diner at a truck stop. She expected for him to get angry and spank her, but all he did was tilt his head back as his laughter shakes the entire house. “Inappropriate? Girl if you don’t stop and c’mere. This is just how I show affection” “affection?” “Is it so hard to believe? you have a great ass and I wanna smack it!”. There’s more but I ran out of space 😂
Sorry that this took me all week! Uni is kicking me in the arse and I never got a chance to answer.
YES! CLEMENT! Dirty, dirty, yucky man. I think I have made it very clear I love, love, love dirty, perverted country boys, it is truly my guilty pleasure.
okay, okay so I think Leroy was in the army or something, maybe only for a very short period of time, under 5 years, maybe longer before he got discharged for fighting a higher-up. he kept the uniform and shoved it in the back of the closet. He never really wanted to be in the army but his dad was, and his dad actually did quite well (maybe Vietnam vet or something? depending on the timeline, if 1960's timeline, ww2 or something) either way he really didn't care about it. until bunny comes along. he can tell she's a flighty thing and gets really submissive when people of authority talk to her. one-day bunny was putting his clothes away when he was at work and she comes across his old uniform. She gets a bit curious, although it takes her a few days to work up the courage to ask him about it. He just growls out he doesn't care for it and to forget about it. But maybe the town is having a memorial day or his friends from the army have some sort of formal get-together and somehow, some way he ends up having to drag it out to wear it and bunny can't take her eyes off him. I still think she's trying to stand up for herself and has yet to really aspected her place by his side, so she refuses to show have much it is making her attracted to him. But he notices. Anyway, they get back home, and something just takes over him. Maybe she gave a snarky remark or rolled her eyes when he ordered her to get ready for bed or something, either way, he goes into commander mode. He's still dressed in his uniform and he's standing over the top of her, she's backed into the wall, ordering her to get on her knees or bend over and she has to call him sir. he gets real degrading too, calling her all these nasty names and mocking her, calling her a whore and she's just a dumb slut, that if it wasn't for him she would let anyone in between her legs, she's so needy and such a dumb bunny, how she needs his cock and how all she's good for is being a cum hole. from then on I think he would enjoy "pulling rank", even threatening corporal punishment for anything she does wrong. bunny knows that if he starts making her call him sir, she's done something really bad. I nearly missed what you said about the lingerie! oh yes! I think he would really enjoy bunny wearing really soft-looking garments while he's wearing something that is related to hard work and violence.
I think my favourite ocs say so much about me, Joseph, clement, Leroy, Eli and freddy are just these real hands-on sorta men. And while Eli and freddy are a lot nicer about it, they are all very forward with their affection and attraction. I really enjoy fictional men that are very selfish and delusional, they think they are entitled to anything because they are hard-working, manly men and they deserve some loving. And if they weren't toxic and were real I would be first in line.
I am so glad you went on a rant! I love the idea of clement. I bet he did see ready as stuck up and frigid, just cause he wants to fuck her in the back of his pickup truck and never let any other man ever touch her, that doesn't mean he has to like her. So yeah a part of him wanting her is to corrupt her, to degrade her. I think there's a bit of resentment. Like you said I think he would have seen her and thought she's pretty and started to imagine what life would look like with her, but he is cruelly reminded men like him don't get women like her, and he starts to think it's her fault, he starts to hate how high above she is. so he begins to resent her but lusts for her at the same time, he wanted to drag her kicking and screaming down to his level.
He would have thought that they were no reason to try and be nice and romantic once married, he forced her to marry him so yeah there's no reason to try, only for it to be thrown back in his face so he is on the offensive first, saying her cooking is bland, saying that her dresses don't fit her well, that her makeup makes her look pale/ashy, all these nasty things to try and protect his heart if he doesn't give it to her she can't reject it. And she tries so hard!! she was raised to be a good wife so she's adding more spices, sowing her own dresses and practising her makeup. I am an angsty bitch so I like to think this reader is a bit like Alwyn's reader in that she always wanted true love so she is trying very very hard to make him like her, but maybe one day he gets a bit too cruel
(ignore if you want! this thought just came to me but it might be a bit too much).
angst and cruel things said below
maybe one day they went out to the town to get some stuff, and the reader goes to pick up some meat from the butcher. There's a new butcher and he's the same age as the reader. They haven't met yet and he doesn't know she's married. Anyway, he gets a bit flirty and starts complimenting the reader, calling her pretty and flattering her. the reader has never really had this sort of attention so she is very flustered and is just standing there blushing. Anyway clement comes in to see what the reader is up to and the butcher doesn't realise he's her husband so he keeps going, even though the reader has stopped blushing and is now looking a bit fearful. Clement gets real jealous and once in the car he just goes off, going on about how foolish she is, that the butcher only wants to get up her skirts and that he doesn't actually like her, how no one does, that she should be grateful that clement wanted her when no one else did, that the butcher was lying when he called her pretty and that clement is the only one who could barely tolerate looking at her. reader just bursts into tears and spends days not looking at clement or talking to him. cause this storyline is very much in a non-feminism era, I think she would try even more to look pretty, but she gets really flustered and worried about how she looks. Clement realises a bit late that he was too cruel and one night when reader is sitting in front of him in an old dress she hand stitched, fixing the holes and hair she tried to curl for three hours before giving up, looking at her plate and waiting for him to criticize her cooking, he just clears his thoart and very hesitantly says she looks pretty. I don't think he would ever really apologise and I think what he said would stay with reader for a very long time, to the point where maybe one day after clement says he loves her for the first time, she asks if he loves her even when he can barely tolerate looking at her. I think then he would just break inside and from then out is a much more loving and affectionate person, at least for men back then and never ever lets a day go by without telling her how beautiful she is.
haha well, that was a rollercoaster. ignore ^^^ if you want, I've just been in my angst era.
Yes, yes, yes!!!! The more he spends time with her, the more he realises the idea he had of her is completely wrong. yes is a bit more put together than him, but she doesn't look down on him and he begins to hope that maybe she can love him.
yeah!!! I was def thinking of a sort of midwife or women's health assistant. YES! he chose that place cause its right across the road and he can stop in for lunch together and he walks her over and walks her back to his car. He would look so out of place waiting for her inside the clinic, big beefy man covered with oil and grim.
I think the reader would be so excited to show off her new skills on him and explains every single step she does and the theory behind it and he tries very very hard not to snap at her to hurry up cause the bullet won't get out by itself, he never snaps at her cause he loves how excited and knowledgeable she is. Please please tell me more!!!
angst with a happy ending???? love it
oh yeah! she would get told that some things are big big no-nos, I'm sure there was a period of time it was frowned upon to show off your naked body even to her spouse, so let's say she was told that when she would sex it would be with undergarments on and she would be on her back every time. but she also got told to obey her husband. so he's trying to get her nightgown off and she is shocked he's trying to do so, and she explains as such, he just looks at her like she is crazy before asking isn't it her job to do what he says. she very hesitates but allows him to take it off.
OOH! she would be so shocked about ass-slaping, she thought that that only happens when her husband is punishing her, so she gets upset when he does it the first time thinking she did something wrong. And yes she can see his eyes looking at her ass and then his hand is raising so she covers it quickly, and yes he gets so frustrated! I think she would be so scared to voice her opinion, she grew up in a household where it was instilled her husband could punish her ( i am very firm that none of my ocs commits dv, sexual slapping yes, but never dv, I think mad king slapped once, but that is probs the last time) for anything she does wrong, even just voicing her opioion. so she is scared to tell him she wants to be treated softer and less like an object. but yes!!!
“Inappropriate? Girl if you don’t stop and c’mere. This is just how I show affection” “affection?” “Is it so hard to believe? you have a great ass and I wanna smack it!”.
I love this!!!! she would be so confused about how this would be affection but she starts to like it, and I think it would be funny if she starts to pout when he walks past her without slapping her ass, maybe she gets a new dress and shows it off to him while he is sitting down and she spins around a few times before ending up facing away from him and he is just sitting there while she stands with her butt in his face (not really) and she stands for a second or two before pouting and looking at him over her shoulder and asking why he hasn't "done the thing yet"
"the thing?"
"yes, the thing. You know.....with your hand?" and she starts to blush
he would just laugh and slap her ass hard before getting up and hugging her from behind.
ahhhhhh i am in love with this.
Please tell me more !!! love it! thank you!!!
lots of love mae xx
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joosiiims · 1 year
Hey! I really love your storytelling :) do you have any tips for someone who wants to start a simblr? How to take screenshots and if there are mods/cheats you use? <3
heyhey! thank you so much! <3 idk if went all out or if these are even good, but tips are below the cut... hope it helps :)
(others are free to comment their own tips as well!!)
first of all, your simblr is all up to you and how you want to customize it (tumblr theme, format of posts, etc)... just remember that you have total control over what you post and all that. ppl on here are usually very nice and welcoming so be free with your own creativity and what you think looks nice/makes YOU happy, no judgment!
you can grab inspiration from everyone here and incorporate that into your gameplay/simblr which i think is totally fine. you're kind of finding your own style in a way. don't straight up plagarize tho and claim someone else's work as yours :'|
taking screenshots is a little tough bc some things can enhance the way they look for example reshade/gshade, your in-game settings, and pretty much manually editing thru editing software which you kind of have to explore if it's for you or not.
how satisfied you are with your screenshots may change over time (ik mine did), so try to keep that in mind. it's a sign of growth!
actually taking the screenshots, i mainly follow the rule of balance in photos that i learned back in art class in high school. i try to make the picture interesting through different angles/perspectives that make the picture look full and not just have the focus only on one side (if that makes sense). symmetry is also good.
having good lighting is also good which you can get by in-game buydebug lights or just editing your pictures.
filters add a lot of character to screenshots, so use those to your liking.
try to zoom in as much as you can when you take pictures so that it looks less fish eye?? (i think thats the term) lol -> obviously this might not work if you're taking room-wide screenshots
no drift cam mod is a must if you want precise screenshots and dont have to fight the camera to sit on the spot you want it on ;^;
no camera fade for sims so your sims dont disappear while taking pictures LOL
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I’m seeing some drama pop up around the new event concerning Rollo, I hope the fandom will act maturely and not to blow things out of proportion this time around.
Tumblr media
Ask 3: On a separate note, the amount of discourse surrounding him has the fandom divided and it’s kinda funny (as long as we’re not harassing anyone over diff opinions). Like some ppl love him and some hate him. My only thing is that bc he hasn’t done anything diabolical to warrant any major hate from me so he’s cool, and idk if ppl notice but twst characters are not direct copies of the villain they’re inspired by. They take notable characteristics sure but for some they change it up so much that they have two different characters. Hades is outwardly confident and has not problem socializing w ppl, now compare that to Idia. They’re pretty diff with the only exception is that they can talk fast when they want and are cocky, but w Idia it’s in spurs. Also with Vil, they were able to make a pretty static, run of the mill Evil Queen villain into a hard working, role model-esque celebrity. Either way his uniform be popping off and I would not mind wearing it. Plus their school get nice magic rings so that’s a win too.
Ask 4: tho most of the fandom, so far from what ive seen, has just been headcanoning him as a ripoff scaramouche from genshin - violently cold, the grinch, a highschool mean girl, homophobic (thats a meme i think), and aggressively catholic (i dont disagree with that due to what villain he's based on but no way to know for sure just yet). all that. like stereotypically those themes, despite us not even having a proper introduction from him yet/not having seen enough of him to see how he's truly like (we only have a few frames, non translated i dont think). the fandom just see's 1 pic of character with a frown/neutral expression and goes wild with it.. which makes me kinda sad :( just cuz their based on a villain doesnt mean their batshit evil- that goes for a lot of the cast already.
Putting the last 2 asks as text here since they are both part of much longer asks that I want to give a separate post to respectively.
Since the next part is coming out today and I have some time on my hands, I think it’s about time I give my thoughts about the elephant in the room regarding Rollo. I think the discourse died down a bit for the time being, but with the next four parts that will still come out from today till November, it's not impossible for it to revive depending on what happens next.
To sum up what has been happening in the fandom, there are a lot of mixed responses with TWST Frollo becoming real. Some are very excited about this, but others are uncomfortable due to the racism that Frollo aims at the Romani people. A few Romani people on Twitter have apparently spoken up about their sentiments and discomforts, and the discourse started from there. It doesn't help that the Kohaku article "The Disney Villains Game is Having a Horny Racism Controversy" fanned the flames further.
For starters, my stances and sentiments are very similar to @raven-at-the-writing-desk’s, which you can find over here. As the anons in asks 3 and 4 have stated, we don't know much about Rollo enough that we could make a fair judgment. Even if this event concludes in a month, I think we'll come out of it with more questions than answers since it seems pretty clear that he will make an appearance in main story (what with him having a formal introduction and an official voice). We don't know yet how much he'll resemble Frollo, nor do we know how much traits he'll share with Quasimodo. Something important to consider is that nobody in TWST is truly evil. Rather, they're people who have their shitty sides and good sides, who have made shit choices and good ones, and I doubt this will change with Rollo. All that I have to say on this matter is (a) to not define Frollo, and thus Rollo, for the racism they exhibit, and (b) to not jump into conclusions and assumptions about a character we barely know.
As for the racism, I think that the problem itself is not the presence of racism but how the racism is presented. It's one thing for racism to be presented. It's another thing for the racism to be glorified, and it's yet another thing for the racism to be condemned. If TWST glorifies Rollo's racism or even just ignores it, there's going to be a problem there. But if Rollo's racism is condemned (via the characters' disgust, etc.), then it will depict racism in a bad light. And so far, TWST has been pretty good with depicting that racism is a no-no, particularly with Sebek's way of talking to humans (Silver and Riddle would reprimand him for the way that he speaks. You can see this in chapter 5 and in Riddle's robe story). Either way, I believe that Frollo's racism should not be swept under the rug and should be something that is addressed here, especially considering the conflict that is being set up in chapter 7 with the whole fae vs humans thing.
I really do get the worries. Even I'm waiting for the next part with scrutiny because I want to see how they will handle Rollo. But I think we should be less rash about our judgments and see what happens first. Let's also be careful of where we get our translations from too since we do have some sketchy ass tlers around. If you need any clarifications on what happens in the event, ask any trustworthy tler or even me. But as the first anon said, I hope we're all mature about this and not blow things out of proportion. ^^;;
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mookybear12404 · 2 years
Mooky, I saw your tags on the exercise post; do you have any tips for starting out weightlifting? Including tips for getting over nerves about going to one's college's gym?
(I'm not sure what level of beginner you are so if any of this advice is too basic or you are left with questions just hmu I'm always down to help! Lifting has really helped my confidence a lot and has been like a miracle for my adhd/mental health/chronic pain so I'm super happy to share!)
Going to the gym at first can be TERRIFYING but I promise that once you get used to it, you'll find it really isn't so bad When you're in that initial phase, my #1 recommendation is to have a plan of action prepared for your first visit. That way you don't feel flustered when you get there and ruin the workout experience for yourself. Deciding before you go what you want to do, (what muscles you wanna work out, if you wanna do free weights or machines, if you're planning to do cardio (running) there, etc) can help lessen anxiety. It's also good to have a bag that is your designated "gym bag" where you can have everything you could possibly need during workout ready at a moment's notice (Like a backup hairtie, waterbottle, spare headphones, deodorant, etc)
Naomi King is a youtuber who helped me a lot when I first started out! She has several videos where she explains how to use specific machines step by step, including all of the details that regular gym goers might not realize aren't intuitive (like how to adjust machines for super short ppl ;_;) If you don't know what kind of exercises target which muscles, she (and other youtubers) have plenty of videos that could help!
You can certainly do a fullbody routine if you'd like, but I find personally that it's a difficult workout to maintain. If you are limited to going once a week then it makes more sense, but otherwise it can take a good hour or more, to do a full body workout. I personally really enjoy being able to pop in and out of the gym in 20min every other day and feel the "gym high" gradually throughout the week Personally, my gym workout routine looks like this:
Day 1: Biceps, (muscle on top of your upper arm, used when lifting a weight up), and back muscles. Day 2: Triceps (muscles on the bottom of your upper arm, used when pulling a weight down), and chest muscles.
Day 3: My favorite! Legs and shoulders. Between each day is a day of rest where your muscles can recover.
Each day should also include some sort of core workout. Core workouts can include crunches, planks, sit-ups, and ab machines. My cardio schedule is honestly just. Whatever days line up with my hair washing schedule. (I refuse to run and then show up to work sweaty LOL). Bikes and treadmills are my favorite, but you should also try stairs and rowing if those are available!
Besides just having a plan, here are a few other tips that could help!
Have a buddy. If you have a friend that is non-judgmental and safe, I highly recommend going together. It helps to keep your focus off everyone else and also keeps you accountable for showing up!
Have a treat waiting for you. I REALLY love Gatorade, and even though its not really a necessity for hydration, I keep a stock of them that I'm not allowed to drink unless i'm working out, so now my brain associates yummy drink with exercise! When I'm with friends, I like to go out for bagels or smoothies afterwards. On weekends when I have more time, I'll make my favorite coffee protein shake as a treat :D
If you're working out alone MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC. Have a playlist made ahead of time or else you'll spend forever picking songs between machines. It helps keep you motivated and focused on yourself. For longer cardio workouts, I like to have a podcast ready
Perspective is an important part of going to a gym. PLEASE know that nobody there is judging you or thinking about how you look/are performing. From my experience, they're too busy absorbed in their own thoughts to care about you. Seriously.
This sounds stupid but If you have glasses? Take them off. I sometimes don't wear glasses or contacts in the gym even though I have pretty bad eyesight because that way I can't see other people. Out of sight out of mind I guess?
Some other tips include:
Be careful what your reasoning is for going to the gym. Are you going for health? Confidence? A hobby? Exercise is an excellent way for me to improve my chronic pain and mental health, but if you're going just to change your body you're probably gonna hate it and spend the whole time hyper focused on how your body looks. Learn to pride yourself in your improvement and your commitment to caring for yourself.
DON'T PUSH YOURSELF TOO HARD PLEASE I hate those internet memes that are like "If you don't feel pain the next day you weren't working out hard enough!" ACTUALLY NO THAT MINDSET CREATES INJURIES WE DON'T WANT THAT
I know this sounds dumb but like. What you do outside the gym matters JUST as much if not more than what you're doing in the gym. When you're lifting, your tearing apart your muscle fibers, and if you aren't providing your body with the proper hydration, protein, and sleep it won't be able to repair those muscle fibers with newer and stronger ones, and you will be left instead with several days of muscle soreness and no progress to show for it.
Hopefully this helps!!
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candy-fae · 1 year
Back to Carlie sort of watches supernatural hour!!!
I tried I Tried I TRIED to give dean a chance bc y'all kept saying "no he gets better Carlie!!" And "pay attention Carlie!! " and "WATCH THE WHOLE EPISODE INSTEAD OF JUST SKIMMING WHILE U DRAW CARLIE" and I said fine!!
Fuck it!!! Lemme watch the next episode.
So I put on Season 7, episode 3.
I hate him I hate him I hate him lolololol
The whole episode I just felt horrible for Amy Pond.
I've never been a huge anime fan, but one of the few I HAVE watched has been Tokyo Ghoul. For those who haven't seen it, the premise is that ghouls need human meat to survive, and must hide amongst humanity so as not to get absolutely murdered by ghoul hunters who have learned how to hunt and kill them.
Ghouls have found alternative ways of getting flesh, much like Amy Pond, whom spoiler, works at a morgue. Throughout the series, we see ghouls struggles to hold onto humanity, and try to exist and hold normal bonds and lives. One such perspective is from a mother and small daughter who comes to our main cast for help. Just remember that.
Now, due to our monster, Amy's son getting sick, in a panic, she kills some ppl to feed him. Oopsie, but like, slay momma bear.
Sam also happens to know her personally, and when he finds out she was just doing this one bad thing this ONE time, he leaves her be. Says that's what most people would do in that situation. Dean lies, and tells Sam he trusts his judgment, and then promptly what does he do??
He tracks her down.
And kills her in front of her son, telling her it is her nature that makes her a monster and eventually she will kill again.
And in my head all I saw was the scene in Tokyo Ghoul, where we get the perspective of said monsters. A mother fights to save her baby, and loses her life, just for the baby to be traumatized, and GRIEVE and hate herself for just being born. The question arises, do we as monsters, deserve to even live just because of what we need to survive? If it is sourced ethically, and they aren't actively hurting anyone, do they still deserve the death penalty? I meant hey, sure, maybe they would have killed people in the future. Junior catches the flu and now mommy needs to go Merc an old dying person.
Maybe! But he just simply doesn't believe in hope, and change, or seperating yourself from the cards you were delt, and it's shitty.
He's a shitty, shitty guy, and I think everyone gives him a pass because of the trauma he's been through, and the fact that he's pretty but like noooooo??
Ps. I hope the son, who's just an orphan now I GUESS, does in fact come back, and I hope he Hurts him bad. Nobody chose to be born the way they are, and I guarantee his kill count was higher than hers lmao I just really am not loving this guy like everyone made me think I would. Consider me a meanie little hater who doesn't know what she's talking about bc again!! I'm maybe only watching the parts where he's the WORST, but I was still mad about the werewolf girl, and I'm noticing a pattern with the women here.
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loisfreakinglane · 2 years
Do you have any ship regrets? Like a ship you were ALL IN on, but then dropped - be it because the source material didn't treat them right, their fandom annoyed you, the actors ended up being trash, etc.?
oh TOTALLY. YES. a lot of these i have not revisited in years so we're operating off of vague recollections here, BUT HERE'S A LIST OF SEVERAL OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD. not a comprehensive list but a ramble i'm sorry
clay/gemma on sons of anarchy. i love villainous marrieds and complicated ships, but. then he beat the shit out of her. idk idk i'm just left with a lot of mixed feelings here. clearly i can under other circumstances move beyond this kind of shitty occurence (it took me a long time to get past ep 5 of iwtv bc of this) but i never quite got over this with clay/gemma. when they were good tho they were AMAZING. i love an evil king and queen. but ya kno. yikes
max/murphy on in the dark. the second i was given leslie/max i was so immediately VIBIN i realized that like. i'd never REALLY loved max/murphy. i'd just been shipping what was in front of me, being super into casey deidrick, and brushing off a lot of the bad vibes i felt about it. and lol i never watched the last season but i heard about how shit went down with leslie/max so like thats not a forever otp or anything, it just helped me realize that max/murphy was not really my jam
dorothy/lucas on emerald city. this is a ship that i was into the idea of, then shipped like BURNING at the end of that ep when he keeps trying to tell the knock knock joke and she was like internally screaming. but then we got his identity, fixed his amnesia, and his love for glinda, and it just. it ruined a good thing is what i have to say. it just left me annoyed at the end of the day.
bonnie/jeremy on tvd. i know a lot of my friends were anti this ship to start with for a lot of reasons (and a lot of ppl were anti it back in the day bc they were still hoping for jeremy/tyler) but they had some cute content, and honestly I was relieved there was SOMEONE who was putting bonnies life first. but then he cheated on her with a ghost.......... i love anna but. REALLY?
jessica/luke in the marvel netflix universe. oh this one hurts. this one hurts a lot. i LOOOOOOOOOOVE comics jessica/luke. ANOTHER FUCK FIRST FEELINGS LATER SHIP! I LOVE THOSE! and when we first saw them together in the jessica jones show i thought it was going great! the actors have good chemistry and i loved their interactions! BUT. THEN. SHE KILLED HIS WIFE. AND SHE KNEW THIS AND HAD BEEN STALKING HIM OUT OF GUILT. AND THEN HAD SEX WITH HIM KNOWING SHE KILLED HIS WIFE. look obviously reva's death was not her fault, in any way. she had zero control over that situation. but she had control over her actions during the series, and she chose to get close to luke and have sex with him, knowing exactly how his wife died and that kilgrave was behind it, and not telling him shit til she absolutely had to. i can appreciate their relationship for what it is in that universe, but i reALLY can't ship it anymore.
bay/emmett on switched at birth. they were SO CUTE. SOOOOOOOOO CUTE. i loved this ship a lot. then the show got more boring and i stopped watching it, and then like?? he was a huge asshole?? after she was assaulted?? LITERALLY WHAT THE FUCK. idk whatever way you slice it, however that all went down in context that i'm missing, it just sounds like such a betrayal and now i get twitchy thinking about it
hayley/elijah on the originals. i distinctly remember being super hype the first time they had sex. then after she became a vampire, he became extraordinarily judgmental and i just shut down at the idea entirely. extremely meh to me 5ever
some other vague ones: jim/any of his love interests on gotham (they kept STARTING good but then jim being jim it........ blew up), len/sara and barry/len in the dc tv universe (len/sara became boring to me much much quicker, esp bc the fandom surrounding it left a lot to be desired. barry/len took longer and i still really appreciate the dynamic but i began finding it kinda boring lol. its a westallen micklen life for ME) (i can still get into coldwestallen tho, that's still fun for me and its a very different kind of fandom angle that's not so..... uwu little barry and his zaddy type of vibe), so many ships on good trouble they really worked overtime to RUIN, i still cannot belieeeeeeeve hit the floor wrote ahsha/derek off by saying he was angry at her for having an abortion (one of many WHAT THE FUCK SEASON 4?!?!?!! moments), a ship i won't name that i was into for a few seasons, then started finding boring, then their stans started sending me kill yourself anons bc i'd started shipping a competing ship (IT'S NOT A GREAT LOOK YOU GUYS), james/kara on supergirl was SO CUTE and the show immediately destroyed it the second they could, in a way that just leaves me annoyed and bitter and incapable of shipping the season 1 version anymore, CHASE/GERT IN THE RUNAWAYS SHOW, another example where i still ship their comics selves hardcore but god. i hate some of the choices they made for their tv counterparts, and season 2 really killed a lot of it for me.
i'm sure theres fifty more EXTREMELY PRESSING EXAMPLES but this is all i got for now <333
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orbees · 2 years
I came across your post about the be gay do crime and addiction ect. I was wondering what your thoughts were on someone stepping in to help because of a health concern. I myself am gay and do in fact do the smoking crimes (weed) and I let friends do what they want most of the time unless there is a concern about their health and safety.
hey there so I'm going thru my inbox rn and saw this which I think u sent like... months ago but. Hi im here to toss my two cents now
So def don't take this like. As an authorative Answer like I'm just a fucking guy but my first thoughts are: well. It depends. Which I know isn't rly helpful but addiction is Complicated, a lot more so than ppl give credit for
It depends on ur relationship to the person, the substance in question, and what exactly you mean by "help" and "stepping in"
Cause on the surface expressing concern for a loved one isn't a bad thing but. A lot of the Common Ways ppl try to address their loved ones' addictions can do more harm than good. Like being combative / judgemental / confrontational is just gonna make ur loved one shut down / get defensive.
That isn't to say don't express ur concerns cause sometimes an outside voice is needed and can help but just be careful. Kindness and support is key. Like I can't stress how important support is to recovery. The biggest thing you can do is just stay by their side
I think too at the end of the day like... u also have to recognize that ppl will make their own choices and you can't Force someone to quit. They may not be ready, they may not want to, or truthfully in some cases sobriety may not even be the best thing for them. If they choose to keep using, or try to stop and relapse, it is so important to be non-judgmental. I'm not saying to Enable it or whatever. I'm just saying to be Kind and Understanding. Becsuse most people are not and trying to quit something is the among the hardest things a person can do.
Part of why I said "it depends" too is that it can be hard to recommend harm reduction strats without rly knowing the situation. But in some cases harm reduction is the best thing you can do. For instance, consider looking into narcan training, it can save lives
I think this is about all I can rly give u just kind of a general overview... also not @ u anon like I didn't mind answering this but generally speaking pls don't take this as an invitation to send me 29293 asks about what you should do for [x] loved one addicted to [x] drug cause again: I'm just some fucking guy but. I thought I'd go ahead and answer this one. That's all
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almondscroissant · 2 years
Do you ever get lonely? How do you deal with loneliness? I have a SO, but absolutely no friends and I don't want to smother my SO, but it's so difficult to make friends as an adult :/ I just want some friends that would like to spend time with me, but not talk shit about other ppl? I feel like everyone I try to be friends with ends up wanting to gossip/talk shit about others and I'm not about that? Sorry, I'm venting in your ask box :/
Firstly, hello friend 💖 and so sorry for taking so long to respond to this!
Secondly, YES. I absolutely do get lonely. I think everyone does at certain points. I feel like I'm in a place in life where my friends are all in these transitional stages, whether it's moving, or getting into more committed, romantic relationships, or even having babies! And I'm not doing any of those things lol, so life just naturally comes between us sometimes. And I couldn't agree more with you about how difficult it is making friends as an adult. At least there are apps for dating! 😭
I guess I don't really know how I deal with it? Well, to be honest, in those moments I typically just focus on things that calm me down or make me happy, like watching something, reading, playing a video game. But I'm not sure if that's dealing so much as distracting lol. It does help, though! What also helps is something I read here on Tumblr: that our lives have ups and downs and everything is cyclical. We'll have years where our time is bursting with friends and others when things are quieter, more solitary or, as I like to think of it, things get sort of boiled down to the most essential people in your life. This has very much happened to me, so I choose to believe!
I've also found that investing time in my hobbies and passions can help. Like, taking a class or joining a book club, even if it's a virtual one. (I met a very good friend in an online writing class a few years ago, so I speak from experience, I swear!) Even if there aren't any deep connections being formed, sometimes just interacting with and being around other people can be fulfilling. At the bonus is doing something you love!
I'm also in therapy, which is helpful as well. My therapist isn't my friend, but it's nice to have an outlet for my thoughts and feel like there's an impartial, non-judgmental voice in my life who's also on my team.
ANYWAY. All of that to say that loneliness is such a natural feeling. So I hope you're not beating yourself up about it or feeling undeserving of friendship. And you definitely don't have to ever apologize for coming to my inbox! You sound like such a lovely, self-aware, compassionate person, and the fact that you're specifically seeking out healthy and positive relationships says so much about you. Your people are out there! I know it!
So please don't put too much pressure on yourself. I guess my advice is to lead with love. Do what makes you happy, where other people who love those same things are, and maybe it'll spark something new. In the meantime, be good to yourself and nurture the relationships you do have. More is out there waiting for you! I'm wishing you all the very best 💖💖💖
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taegularities · 2 years
hii! ik this is random and u didnt ask for it, but ur one of my fav writers and i trust ur judgment so i hope its okay if i ask for advice? im a freshman in college and me and my best friend from back home are like drifting? but like i feel like shes just not being a good friend and im super conflicted. she seems to only talk to me about her problems and if i ever bring up mine she kinda leaves me on delivered for hours. i understand ppl get busy, but today she asked me how i was doing mentally and when i vented to her about how i was doing bad, she didn't respond and instead was postinf on her snap story. idk i feel like im being sensitive but at the same time it just seems to be snowballing and idk, she makes me feel more sad than happy :( do you have any advice? i truly dont know what to do
hey, love! it's absolutely okay to vent here anytime, as long as you're comfortable with it. i'm here to listen anyday. i do apologise for answering so late, though, i was out all day and wanted to give you a proper, thoughtful answer 💕
the thing with adult life is that it's unpredictable. and separating from old friends or relationships is very common, especially during the freshman year of college. since people and relationships always keep changing throughout life, it's easy to fall out with someone... always keep in mind that no matter how many people you lose, you will never be alone. new people will come into your life, and you’ll realise that that's just how things work – they come and go, sometimes even old friendships.
that being said, i'm definitely not telling you to give up on her! i think before you move on from any friendship or accept any changes in life, you should definitely try to communicate first. a lot of issues can be solved that way! sometimes people are at a very bad place in their lives and then forget to be there for others. sometimes they see their own pain clearer – which isn't a bad thing, it's never wrong to prioritise oneself or to take time before being there for someone else. but that doesn't mean your problems matter else, and you deserve to vent to someone, too.
so i would definitely advise to talk to her about this issue. to tell her how you feel hurt about her attitude or that you'd feel great if she sometimes took some of her time to help you out. she's your best friend after all! so i'm sure she'll understand; i bet she doesn't want you to be hurt, much less to be hurt because of her. take your time to think about what you'd like to say – try to go into it calmly, tell her you don't mean any harm, just want her to know how you've been feeling. i really hope you guys can overcome that (emotional) distance !!! and apart from that, please don't forget to take care of yourself. hydrate and vent to other people, if need be – nothing is worth your sadness 🤍
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