#i love how this man went from baby boy to DADDY in the blink of an eye asckscdbsjbc
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genuinely contemplating getting into solo leveling just so i can write for this cutie ( • ̀ω•́ )✧
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rowretro · 3 months
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✧Warnings: kissing, mafia hoon, blood, suggestive, dead body, detailed murder
✧Synopsis: Sunghoon is a very innocent man, a beautiful, sexy wife, 3 kids, a 12 year old girl and a 4 year old boy. He's a perfect family man who owned a homely café. He's just an ordinary person.... until one of the most feared mafia men paid a visit after a dreadful incident.
Sunghoon woke up, a few loose hairs covering his forehead as he leaned over to his wife who slept soundly beside him, straps of her nightgown both down from all that tossing and turning, her arm hanging off the bed. "Such a beautiful sight to wake up to." he cheekily said as he kissed her collarbone, hearing her whine softly. "Not now babe~ the kids are probably up" she groggily said, sitting up as she sleepily rubbed her eyes.
"One half caf non fat white soy latte to go" Sunghoon called out. "Wow you got that first twy?" His son, Ryuu asked stunned as he smiled "What can I say, daddy's perfect" Sunghoon cockily said as Y/n rolled her eyes, and packed the order. "Yoi sexy- stop with the eye rolling.... mommy married me for that reason y'know?" Sunghoon added as Cherry gagged "Dad shut up- that's gross" she commented, clearly disgusted.
That night Sunghoon closed the cafe, locking all the doors as he carried Ryuu "Cherry go sleep. you have an exam tomorrow" "I know mom just let me be will you? Im jsut finishing up my homework" she whined as the woman sighed "Fine. but go to bed straight after" she warned as Ryuu came up to y/n, in his cute jammies, making grabby hands with a pout "awww what does my cutie want noww?" she asked as he smiled "a lil sibling to pway wif?" he asked with big eyes.
She blinked, then noticed Sunghoon hiding by the fridge "I see where this is coming from... if I give you a lil sibling now, that baby will become the cutest in the family-" she pointed out as Ryuu frowned "I dont want a sibling anymow!" he pouted as Sunghoon groaned. She snickerred to herself as she carried the littlun to his room. Sunghoon followed behind closely, resting his chin on her shoulder as she tucked the little boy in.
It was dead night, stars scatterred across the night sky, the kids asleep, y/n on Sunghoon's lap as he snuggled her. "Why do you want another baby?" she asked as he stared into her eyes. "Look at how independant the kids are becoming... I want a little cutie that likes me more than me" "maybe dont be cocky, and spoil the kids more" before he could say anything else, his phone rang "hello?..... what? how- I'll be right over there." he said his voice dark as he called Jay "Bro... can you look after my kids, I need to go visit the cafe.... yeah the police are there, they found a body... I know yeah- see you there" He cut the call and turned to y/n.
"What the... why our cafe what is going on hoon?" y/n asked as she glanced at him, the man stunned and confused "I don't know... but we haven't done anything wrong have we?" he asked as y/n thought for a second "aside your cockiness no nothing serious." she said as he glared at her. "Sir, we've concluded it's not a suicide, he has open stab wounds, he had died before being hung on your building... he's a part of the Park mafia, one of their men... is there any chance you've seen him around or anything suspiscious in your area?" Office Lee asked as Sunghoon frowned, shaking his head as he explained truthfully.
About a month passed and they were back in business, everything back to normal, as they went about their day, though y/n was still a little shaken from the previous event that had taken place. "dad- that lady gave you this note- and some old guy is waiting outside-" Cherry said as she pointed at a hooker, who smiled at him, waving the drink and giving a thumbs up as she left with it. It's so weird. He read the note "someone you love is waiting outside" it read. Sunghoon sighed as he left the cafe and went to the bench outside with his notepad and book.
There sat an old man, he looked scary, a scar on his eyebrow, yet fairly attractive for an old man. "Sir, may I take your order?" he asked "You know what I like son..." he said as Sunghoon snickerred "How would I know sir?" he asked, genuinely confused "One Black coffee... with a shot of jack daniels" "Sorry sir but we don't have alcohol" With that the man snickerred. Sunghoon left briefly then came back with the black coffee, placing it before the man "Would you like sugar or no sugar?" he asked kindly "you should know son" he said again as Sunghoon sighed "Im afraid I don't" he said, patiently.
The man comfortably sat in his chair, pulling out a small alcohol bottle and pouring it into his coffee as Sunghoon watched, he pulled out a cigarette "sir no smoking." he said pointing at the sign as the man let out a hearty laughter "ah Leo... you remember this? Black devil, your favourite flavour that you created... smoked it everyday since you left." the man said as he stared at Sunghoon. Confused, Sunghoon looked behind him "Leo? I'm sorry I think you mistaken me for someone sir... My name is Sunghoon owner of this very successful cafe... by the way that black coffee's 3.79." he said as the man laughed yet again.
"Still my cocky little son hmm?.... this act you're putting up for your pretty wife and lovely kids will not last long. trust me on that." "Ah son.... a father knows his son... you know... you always loved going hunting... specifically for that eagle... It didn't ever get caught in your trap, nor by any of the arrows or guns yet it died in my coffee remember?.... It died in MY hands... LEO..." The man said as he stared directly at him "Leo Park..." The man said, his deep gravely voice enough to scare the shit out of any human before him. "It's Park Sunghoon" He interrupted as the man laughed "I see you believed that you have died.... but until you come and admit you are Leo Park... I will be here..." .
he said as he left, leaving Sunghoon confused. Yet Sunghoon just shrugged, thinking he was a crazy old man. He went back inside to find Y/n staring at him "Who was that?.... are you ok? he seemed a little off..." she asked as Sunghoon kissed her forehead "just some drunkard babe, its fine I dealt with him, he was calling me some white boy name-" Sunghoon explained as Y/n nodded. That night he did the usual, lock the café, make sure all is safe, carry Ryuu back home and get Cherry to go to bed without her bitching at him. The male sighed as he lied down in y/n's lap. "First day back in business and things are weird-" he sighed as y/n ran a hand through his hair.
That night they met officer Lee, a close friend and a trusted cop. "I sent a picture of this Black Devil cigarette pack to the higher officials, the investigation team say its from a very large mafia gang ran by Park Daeheon... He had a son named Leo, and many claim his death was part of the cause behind a very big murder and the burning down of their factory-" Sunghoon cut him off halfway "Heeseung Im sorry but what am I going to do with this information?" he asked as Mr Lee picked up a file with an image. A picture exactly like Sunghoon, but with more silver hair "This is his son Leo... he looks exactly like you..." he said as Sunghoon frowned.
"From what we believe the officer's need proof, from your memory, at 11 years old, can you tell us everything backed up with proof-" Y/n cut him off halfway maddened by the claim "We're the victims here he came to us, he's the one who's harrassing Sunghoon claiming he's his son!" Sunghoon kissed her forehead as he calmed her down "Sweetheart its ok... I know you're asking me as you're concerned... I grew up in an orphanage Lee hee, im still good friends with the Sir who ran the place, sweet old guy, Eventually I got around asking my long-term crush out, my beautiful wife then we chose to move into a cute cottage, like a house in a snow globe, got married as we had our first child, and now growing our sweet family along with her family business... " He explained as Heeseung nodded.
The following day, Y/n was out running a few errands, picking up some medication in the pharmacy, Ryuu by her side, and Cherry in school. Sunghoon suddenly called her "Honey I just left my car at the motor shop, what are you up to?" he asked "Picking up your meds sweetheart." she replied. "You could've waited until my car got fixed, why leave Ryuu at home alone?" he asked concerned "Sweetheart, these things need to be done ASAP, you've been pretty anxious lately and don't worry, Ryuu is with me kay? I'll take the bus home it'll be ok" she reassured as Sunghoon said he loves her and hung up.
The woman walked out carrying the bag of medication and her 4 year old, unaware of the dangers lurking behind her, a man ready to pounce at her, sharp, clean knife at hand. He lunged forward, as he blocked her path, raising the knife to stab her. Scared, she hugged her baby close, turning away as she shut her eyes. Nothing.... Nothing but the sound of flesh ripping, the gory sound of blood spilling and some muffled groans. She opened her eyes as Ryuu whimpered at the sight. The old man from yesterday, had slashed the attacker's neck.
She stares up, frightened as she snuggled Ryuu protectively "Don't worry honey... I mean no harm... why would I hurt you?.... you know who he is?" he asked pointing at Ryuu "My grandson..." he said as Y/n frowned "Sir if you don't leave me alone I will call the police..." She respectfully warned as the man smiled sweetly. "I don't mean any harm... I just want to tell you, you're a sweet lady from what I've heard a sweetheart, won't even harm a fly, and you fell for the innocent Park Sunghoon... Im sorry but Sunghoon is just a mask for who he really is. My son Leo Park, the one to take the reins for my tobacco factory... He's vile, violent, won't hesitate to kill." He explained as y/n backed away.
The woman took the bus with her son, hastily rushing inside the house, locking the door she called Sunghoon, firghtened "Babe! what the fuck is going on?! he's here- he followed us home! Cherry's still in school and Ryuu is with me." She managed to breathe out as Sunghoon frowned "honey who's he? what's going on?" he asked "That man from yesterday-" she replied "Lock the door's im coming over with Cherry. If anyone comes through the front door, slash him, use one of the display swords, im sure they'll work ok? I'll be right over there." He said as he ran.
Upon arriving, he came through the front door, the point of the sword only inches away from his chest as he slid down the wall, cherry smacked it away "MOM-" "No its fine- she thought I was an intruder... " Sunghoon sat down as he calmed his breathing. "What's going on here Hoon?... that man comes up to us, slashing another man attacking us, before me and Ryuu- claiming you're Leo and calling our son his grandson?!... What the fuck?!" she asked as Cherry stared in shock, her first time hearing her mother curse. Sunghoon looked up as he reached his arms out to Ryuu, yet Y/n held the little boy back "Don't Hoon.... he's already traumatized as is... after that man showed the picture of Leo, I don't know what he's thinking now...." she said as she carried the teary eyed, little boy who was exhausted. He turned to Cherry who walked away...
A/N: Part 2 coming out soon!!! sorry this was long hope u liked it, im writting the second part rn<3 (BASED ON THE MOVIE LEO, sorry for not mentioning it b4, I RLLY WANTED TO SEE HOON IN THIS ROLE NGL)
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justmeinadaze · 1 month
Secret Underneath Part 8 (Steddie X Plus Size You)
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Warnings: Older (Mid thirties) Sugar Daddies Steve and Eddie/ Young (Early to mid 20s) Baby Fem Plus Size Reader, SMUT, dirty talk, dp, skinny dipping, FLUFF, they love each other. They get to hang out with the readers best friend so she's protective <3
ANGST, not much (I know, weird! Lol), Boys hang out with reader and her bestie so she does quiz them a lot. Eddie talks about missing Wayne and gives reader more insight into his parents, Steve does that same.
Word Count: 4862
Series here/ Donate to Me <3
“Look, I’ve been her best friend since middle school so I’m not going to be as easy to suck up to as her parents.”, Mya announced making you smile beside her as you four continued to eat. 
“Pfft, that was easy?”, Steve asked playfully as he stuck a fry into his mouth. 
It had been a few days since the guys had shown up and in a couple more you would have to get ready to fly back home to get prepared for the new semester. The new year flew by with little to no fanfare and both men doubled down on your post by taking pictures with you and posting them on their socials. 
Their lawyers weren’t exactly thrilled stating they thought both men should lay low but they didn’t care. They wanted the whole world to know how much they loved you as a person and not because of what their ex was saying. Beside that one post you made, you still stayed away from your phone for fear of what you may read. You weren’t ready to handle any of that at a constant basis nor did you have any idea how you would handle it when you went to work but you decided you’d cross that bridge when you got there. 
Since he was the most recognizable, Eddie had his hair up and behind a cap as he ate but a few tendrils fell around his face almost dipping into the sauce of his plate before you reached over and moved it behind his ear. 
“Thank you, babe.”, he garbled with a full mouth making his friend roll his eyes as you giggled. 
“So what’s the plan for today?”
“Mya and I were thinking we could go to the little carnival down the way here. It’s an annual thing that we used to go to all the time growing up.”, you beam as your best friend leans on your shoulder. 
“That sounds like fun.”, the mogul smiles as he digs into his wallet and places his credit card next to the bill that the waiter hastily comes to pick up. 
“I can pay for my meals, Steven.”
“I know, Mya. Think of it as a Christmas gift since I wasn’t able to bring you anything.” Quirking his eyebrow towards her, she smirks in amusement before giving in and nodding her head. 
“Excuse me, Mr. Munson.”, a little voice shyly asks as a small boy appears at the rockstar’s side. “May I have your sign?”, he continues, holding up his hand in a waving motion to signal he wants an autograph. 
“Yeah, buddy, uh…”, Eddie’s eyes scan around the table, thanking you when you reach into your bag to grab a pen. “What’s your name?”
Eddie blinks and you see his smile falter for a moment before it widens again as he signs the paper the little boy handed him. 
“You know, that’s my uncle’s name. He taught me to play guitar when I was a bit older than you. Can you play guitar to?” The child shakes his head and the man laughs. “You have to learn, little dude. Maybe one day you’ll be on stage with me when I’m old and gray.”
The boy laughs as he thanks him and runs off towards his parents who silently thank him with a wave. 
“That was cute…Did you hire him?”
“Yup. You caught me, Mya. That’s actually my illegitimate son and those people posing as his parents are from my entourage.”, he replies with snark without missing a beat. 
Your best friend glances your way as you beam up at her with a “told you so” grin on your face that makes her own smile widen.
“Point one goes to you gentlemen. Let’s go have some fun.”
You giggle as Eddie tries to “root” for his friend as Steve and Mya go head-to-head shooting basketballs into the basket in front of them. 
“Come on, man. You were MVP in high school. She’s kicking your ass.”
“You’re not helping, asshole.”, the mogul breathily laughs.
The buzzer beeps loudly and his head falls as your best friend claps, raising her hands high in the air in victory. 
“I’m ashamed of you.”, the rockstar sighs jokingly before laughing when Steve pushes his arm. 
After extending his palm as an olive branch, Mya shakes it with big smile on her face. 
“I feel like together we could be stronger, My. What say we kick their ass in bumper cars?”
“Sounds like a plan, Steven.”
Throughout the evening, your best friend had not only been listening to the guys but watching how they treated you, taking in every little thing they did. When you went to lunch not only did they pull out your chair but hers. While walking up to the carnival area, they made sure to be on the side nearer the street for you both and always ran ahead to open any door that needed to be opened. Their physical mannerisms seemed to display a radiance of protective energy. When they weren’t attentively listening to the stories you both were telling, their eyes were scanning the area to make sure everything was alright. 
Even now, she watched as Eddie held your hand to help you into the bumper and then once you were seated he helped buckle you in before making you laugh as he pretended to speed off as the car remained still. 
“Munson is going to be ruthless I hope you know.”, Steve chuckles as he climbs in beside Mya.
“I can buckle my own seatbelt, Steven.”
“I would hope so.”, he grins after clicking the strap and leaning back as he waits for the ride to start. 
“So can she.”
The mogul’s face straightened as he turned to meet her eyes that were scanning his features. He understood what she meant and you had explained the other night that Mya knew what you were into in your private life. You trusted her with something so personal and he appreciated that. That’s how he felt about Eddie as a friend when it came to things they did. He wouldn’t have entered a shared relationship with him if he didn’t. 
“We know she can. It’s one of the reasons we love her…because she can handle herself. We love her strength and her sassy ass which after meeting you and her parents makes a lot of sense.” Steve smiles when your best friend laughs. 
“After everything happened, I looked you guys up. I tried to tell her things but she insisted she’d rather hear it from you. Obviously she knows about Gina but does she know about your dad? Does she know about the expose he did on you after giving you his company?”
“If she read that she’s never said. Y/N isn’t much of a business person and that was almost 10 years ago.”
“He doesn’t seem to have any real empathy towards you or your mother.”
“What’s your point, Mya?”, he snapped before realizing his tone and sighing. “I’m sorry. I just—”
“No, no. I get it. Trust me, I get it. That’s why I’m so protective over her. Y/N’s family has been there for me through everything and I see her as my sister. Holden took her away from us and everything she knew before breaking her heart. She looks at you two differently than she ever looked at him. She feels safe with you…so if you ever pull that bullshit again I will come after you.”, she warns as she raises her eyebrows and Steve tries to hide his smile. 
“Noted. I promise if that ever happens, which it won’t, we’ll fly down here personally for you to kill us.”
Eddie’s hand reaches for yours as he leans back and waits for the ride to start. 
“She’s definitely grilling him right now.”, the rockstar grins as he gestures with his head towards your friends. 
“Oh, 100%. I’m sorry if she comes off as rough. She’s been through a lot and has a hard exterior but her heart is soft…kind of like you.”, you grin up at him as he chuckles. “I wanted to ask you, um, are you ok after talking to that little boy? You seemed kind of sad after.”
“Yeah, I’m ok. I just miss my uncle sometimes. He’s very much like my father figure, you know, and being in Indiana…I don’t get to see him as much as I want. He, uh, he adores you.”
“Me? Edward Munson have you been talkin’ about me?”, you tease.
“Maybe.”, he grins as he kisses your forehead. “Maybe we could bring you home one weekend or even during the summer so you could meet him and some of our friends. I mean…if you want to…you don’t…have to.”
Your lips tenderly kiss his as you rest your chin on his shoulder. 
“I’d love to.”
The car underneath you suddenly comes to life gradually moving you and everyone around you forward.
“Come on, sweetheart. Let’s kick their ass.”
“Were you nice?”, you ask Mya as you walk her to her front door.
“I was nice enough.”
“So no then?”, you laugh as she smiles. 
“They do seem to care a lot about you and they are genuine which I appreciate. Holden only met with me that one time and I never heard from him again. You think I would have with how long you two were together.” 
“I’m sorry for that…for leaving you…”
“No reason to be sorry, honey. As long as you’re happy, I’m happy. I’m always going to be here for you.”
“Everything alright?”, Steve asks after you return to the car. 
“Yeah, I just really missed her.”
You giggle as Eddie crawled over the middle console making his friend playfully huff as he tumbled into the backseat to sit beside you. 
“Maybe sometime soon we can invite her up so she can hang out and see New York.”
You grin as you lean towards him to place a tender kiss on his lips. 
“Can I show you guys something?”
Both men’s eyebrows furrowed when you directed them to a college nearby but even more so when you guided them to a building that was locked. 
“Ok, Eddie, baby. Can you lift me to that window please?”
“No.”, he answered sternly yet with a hint of teasing underneath. 
“Oh, come on, Daddy. I would never do anything to get you in trouble.”, you joke with a smile before Steve finally steps forward and helps lift you into the building. After a couple of minutes, they heard the lock on the other end clink open and were met with your beaming face when you opened the front door, ushing them inside. 
“This is the college I graduated from. We kind of had this club of cool kids who were able to come here and hangout. If the window is unlocked that means no one is here. I locked it after climbing through so it’ll just be us. Apparently students have been doing this for decades.”
“Where are we exactly?”, the rockstar asked as you three continued to walked down the hallway. After entering another room, the smell of chlorine hit them immediately.
They hear what sounds like a button being pressed and suddenly lights within a large pool illuminate the area. 
“Oh, wow.”
Both men watch with fascination and amusement as you remove all your clothes before diving in the water. 
“Are you coming?”
After removing their own garments as well, Steve gradually slid in whereas Eddie followed your lead and jumped in making you giggle as water splashed around you.
“We used to come in here after hours and just swim…talk about the future…maybe have a beer or two.” When you laugh, they laugh with you. “This was such a highly guarded secret and hard to make it into the club to hang out here. I always felt safe here with Mya and my other friends.”
“I’ve never brought anyone here before.”
Their heads turn as their gaze shift towards you, understanding the implications behind those words. Again, you were trusting them with something special to you and opening your heart. They needed to do the same. 
“We didn’t have anything cool like this at my college. I mean obviously we had a pool but…I went to a swanky business school which was my dad’s alma mater and I fucking hated it.”, Steve chuckles. “Ed kept me entertained through those four years, taking me to concerts and movie premieres when he got more popular.”
“Pfft, yeah it took a while. I think our first song started finding steam right when he was about to graduate.”
“When did your dad give you the company?”, you ask.
“It took about a year or so to pry it from him and even then he, uh, he struggled. He did an exposé on me a month after…the journalist asked him if he had faith in my ability. He said and I quote ‘If I had another Harrington to give it to I would but he’ll do fine I’m sure.’”
“Jesus. What an asshole. You showed him though with how far that company has gone.” Swiveling your head towards Eddie, your eyes meet his soft ones. “You didn’t go to college right?”
“Lord, no ma’am. My uncle wanted me to but it all sounded expensive and useless.”, he laughed as he swam closer to wall where you two were floating around. “Believe or not my dad went to college and he still ended up in jail. I just wanted to play my guitar.”
“I love the way you play. Even before I met you.”, you smile his way. “What was your mom like?”
“She, uh, she was kind and loved music. She was unbelievably funny, always making jokes that made me laugh.”, he grinned back at you. “To this day I still don’t understand why she fell for my dad. Probably why I’m terrified of becoming him.”
“You don’t have it in you…neither do you, Steve. With all the stories you’ve told me, you’re nothing like them. I think that’s why you both fell for Gina…because you think you’re capable of it. You attract what you fear sometimes… And just like with her and your fathers, I will kick your ass if you continue to think so negatively about yourselves!”
They chuckle as Steve grabs you and pulls you till your legs are around his waist. You sigh pleasantly as he kisses your forehead before you rest it against his own. 
“She asked to meet with me, your ex.”
His eyes shifted into that protective mode as the mogul blinked and cupped your face in his hands. 
“Stay away from her, Y/N, ok? Unless one of us is with you.”
“I’m not afraid of her—”
“This isn’t about fear, honey. She can do a lot more that physically harm you.”
“So, you can confront my ex but I can’t with yours?”
“You were with us!”, he growled before Eddie patted his forearm, signaling for him to let you go. 
“Do you want to meet with her?”, the rockstar inquired calmly.
As you tilt back against the mogul’s grasp, you shook your head. 
“I know she won’t tell me the truth. I just thought you two should know that she reached out to me personally. I haven’t looked at my phone since that thing I posted so I don’t know if she’s tried again.”
“Ok. Ok, sweetheart. If you change your mind, just let us know. We would prefer to be with you if that’s alright. We wouldn’t need to be in the same room just within the vicinity at least.”
Oh, vicinity.”, you tease trying to lighten the mood again. “Officer Munson kind of has a ring to it.”
“Pfft. Yeah it does. The way I would utilize those handcuffs.”, he groans as he grabs your waist and maneuvers you till your back is against the wall with your arms circled around his neck. 
“Like you don’t have some already.”, you grin. “I’ve, um, never made love in a pool before.”
Eddie blinks as his head playfully ticks to the side. 
“Didn’t we fuck you in a jacuzzi?”
“Oh my god, that does not count. It’s not a pool!”
“It’s an area filled with water.”
“Oh, oh, ok Steve. I’d like to see you swim laps in a jacuzzi!” As you giggle almost uncontrollably, you pull the rockstar into your embrace and hug him tightly to you. When your laughter subsides, your fingers thread through his hair as you feel his nose graze your neck. “I love you, Eddie.”, you whisper, softly smiling when he tilts back to pet your head. 
“I love you to, sweetheart. Fuck, I’m never going to get tired of hearing you say that.”, he exhales almost breathlessly before his lips kiss yours. As you reach between your bodies, his eyes close as his head dips back as you gradually run your palm along his cock. 
“You wanna see something?”, Steve murmurs, kissing your cheek when you nod your head. Tugging you lightly away from the wall, the mogul adjusts you so you’re floating on your back with his hand cradling the back of your neck. “I got you, honey. Daddy’s right here.”
Water lightly moves beneath you before you suddenly feel your legs resting on Eddie’s shoulders with his cheeks graze your thighs. His warm breath is an interesting contrast to the slightly cold water you three are floating in and you can’t help but moan as your pussy clenches around nothing. Steve’s mouth attaches to your neck as the rockstar’s tongue flicks against your clit making your eyes roll shut. 
“F-Fuck, that feels so good.”
“I think this is the closest I’ve gotten to you riding my face, princess. That was one of the—God, you smell amazing—first things we talked about, remember?”, Eddie asked in a husky voice as his nose continued to prod at your little bundle of nerves. 
“Yes, Daddy. I remember.” The mogul’s large palm reached over to massage your breast as the tips of his fingers ran along your nipple. “Please… I want to cum.”
“And we just want to play with you, baby.”, Steve smiles as your mouth falls open and Eddie begins devouring your cunt, his hands digging into your hips to hold you against him. “Maybe when we get back home, we can utilize those restraints and just keep you in our bed all day. Can you imagine that? Just…tune out the outside world for 24hrs…and keep you with us for one day to play with.”
As he spoke, his lips trailed kisses down your skin till his tongue found the erect bud on your tit causing a loud moan to leave your mouth as he lightly pulled it with his teeth before swirling his tongue along the sensitive area.
“To play with you whenever we wanted and really get to know your body.”
“I-If…you don’t know…my body by now…I’m worried.”, you breathily laugh, feeling them both smile against your flesh. 
Eddie’s tongue rapidly licked in and out of your core as your fingers roughly clung to Steve’s hair and your back arched. 
“Oh, we know your body, honey, but we want to learn and discover more of you in ways no one else ever has. Things you didn’t even know about yourself.”
Your legs around the rockstars neck trembled as you came. 
Pushing your limbs down and around his waist, Eddie pulled you up till your arms were around his neck and floated with you back towards the edge of the pool. 
“Can I have you both?”
“Yeah, yeah, baby. Let me just…” Keeping a strong hand on your back, he swims with you to stairs nearby and sits high enough so the top of his chest is visible above water. “Your knees aren’t scrapping the asphalt of the steps or anything right?”
“No, Daddy.”, you pant as you kiss his lips and lower yourself onto his length. 
Subtly rocking your hips, you allow your body to get comfortable as you wait for the palm that places itself on your shoulder. 
“Ready, honey?”
“Yes, Daddy. I love you, Steve.”
With a soft smile, his fingers lightly grip your chin to tilt your head and deliver you a tender kiss.
“I love you to, Y/N.” His gorgeous eyes remained locked on yours as he carefully began guiding himself into your ass. “Mmph—no, no, no, baby. Keep those beautiful eyes open for Daddy.”
It was so hard to follow his command as they both slowly started thrusting into you but desperately did everything you could to follow through. You loved watching their faces every time they took care of you. In a sexual realm, their faces would scrunch differently in ways you found utterly fascinating. Steve’s perfect head of hair would fall along his forehead or frame his face as his eyes would roam your body. It was almost calculated which would make sense with the business minded man he was. He would physically take in any little movement, jiggle, or moan and store it in his memory to utilize whatever he did to please you again in the future. As he got closer to his release his jaw would tighten and his eyes would close as he fully succumbed to the feeling of you with grunts and an eagerness that drove you crazy. 
Eddie was all feeling and passion in more ways than one. His hands and lips always wanted to be on you especially when he was inside you. He wanted his senses to be absorbed in everything in the moment. He wanted to see you fall apart, hear you scream his name or title, touch your sweat tripping skin, taste your lips, and feel you shudder around him as you came undone. Sometimes he wanted those things so bad that his brain would almost shut off and he would lose all self-control as he pounded into you not caring if the bed banging against the wall was too loud or both your moans mixed together could wake people in their building. 
When they were taking care of you out in the world, it was more or less the same. Steve would take note of the surroundings to make sure you three were safe anywhere you went. His eyes would follow you when they took you shopping and made mental notes of every item you mentioned or even touched as you absently grazed it with your fingers. You figured out pretty quickly that he learned all your tells for when you were hiding things especially to make them feel more comfortable. 
 “You don’t like this, do you?”, Steve asked while you three were watching tv one Saturday. 
“No! I like this show a lot.”, you defended making him smile at your incessance. 
“Uh huh. You’re doing that thing you do with your hair when you’re zoning out.”
Narrowing your eyes his way, you can’t help but giggle as you sigh. 
“I like the show…I just don’t like the host. He comes off like a huge asshole being mean to these contestants who probably worked really hard to be here.”
“Why didn’t you just say that, baby. We can watch something else and he IS an asshole by the way.”, he jokes.
“You watch stuff you don’t like to make me happy.”, you pout. 
“Says who? Everything you’ve shown us we love.”
“Like RuPaul’s Drag Race.”, Eddie added making you laugh as he started singing the theme. 
Eddie wanted to experience everything with you and did everything he could to keep a smile painted on your lips. Whether it was something small like a joke or a grand gesture like taking you to a concert where he danced and jumped around with you by his side, he savored it. With every hug, kiss, cuddle, or a gentle pet to your head, he felt like he was in heaven and would do anything to make you happy. 
“Hey, um, I’m working on this song and I was wondering if you could tell me what you think.”
“Ok.”, you beam as you take a seat in front of him on the floor near his windows. 
As he softly strummed his fingers along the guitar and his voice filled your ears, you realized the song he was playing was about you. When his eyes met your teary ones, he chuckled as he reached out to caress your cheek. 
“It’s beautiful, Eddie. I don’t know what to say.”
“It’s not finished but—”
“But it’s perfect already. Thank you so much.”, you coo as you tackle him and he laughs harder, falling onto his back with you in his arms. 
Eddie’s open mouth kisses against your chest had you mewling as you leaned your cheek on top of his head and your hands clung to the bottom of his neck. Little waves around you seemed to sway you forward and back into them as the pumped their hips a bit faster against you. 
Reaching around, you pressed your palm to the back of Steve’s head, holding him to your shoulder as he warmed your skin with his grunts of pleasure. Trembling between them, you whimpered their title as you came, loosely holding on to them as they chased their highs.
“Jesus fuck—“, Eddie whined with a strain in his voice before wrapping his arms tightly around you as he filled you up. Steve followed shortly after suffocating his moans into your neck as his fingers dug into your biceps. 
No one moved and you were fine with that as you held them to you. Tender kisses and soft murmurs of love gave you a comfort you never wanted to lose again as you silently prayed they would continue to keep their promise to you that what happened before would never happen again. 
“Do they have showers? Definitely not a good idea for you to go out in the cold with cold, damp hair.”
“Aw, thank you, mom.”, you tease causing Steve to playfully bite you as you laugh. “Yeah, they’re in the side there.”
Your mom smiles at you from across the table as you sip your coffee and stare past her into your memories of the day before with a little smirk on your lips. 
“I know that look.”, she murmurs getting your attention. “When your father took me out on our first date, I couldn’t stop smiling when I got home. Your grandma noticed and said ‘Yup. That’s the boy she’s gonna marry!’” You both laugh till it tapers off and she meets your eyes with a softness you know all too well. “You can’t marry them, honey. You know that right?”
You slowly nod.
“But you would if you could? Reputation be damned.”
After thinking for only a moment, you nod again. 
“Things with that bitch Gina Frost are probably about to make things harder. Add in their fans, her fans, and the world who ALWAYS has to have an opinion.”, she rolls her eyes. “Are you ready for all that.”
Biting your lip to stop the small quiver as your eyes become watery, you honestly shake your head causing your mother to nod. 
“But to you their worth it and you trust them to be there for you every step of the way.”, she responds matter of factly as if she already knows the answer. 
You firmly nod your head. 
“I already warned them that I won’t do…this…again but I trust them when they say they’ll never put me in that position again. I love them, mom.”
“Yeah… It’s disgusting isn’t it? Love.” 
“Oh, absolutely. Just fucking gross.”, you giggle as she laughs with you and grabs your hand. 
“What’s gross?”, your father asks as he comes in from smoking and takes a seat by your mother. 
“You are, dear.”
“Mhmm. I love you to.”, he beams as he leans forward to kiss her lips. “Now where are those pretty boys of yours. Breakfast is getting cold. EDWARD AND STEVEN! I DON’T KNOW HOW THEY DO IT IN YOUR MANSION IN NEW YORK BUT HERE WE EAT BREAKFAST AT 8:30AM!”
“I was trying to let them sleep in, dad.”
“Mhmm, no special treatment here. They want to be a part of the family then this is how we do things.”, he scoffed making you smile at his gruffness.
He liked them. 
Eddie appeared first with Steve gently pushing his back to guide him into the room and into a chair. The mogul leaned over and tenderly kissed your cheek before taking a seat on your other side, immediately placing his arm around the back so his fingers could casually run through your slightly messy, bed head hair. 
As you threw one of your legs over the rockstar’s, his eyes cracked open meeting your glowing ones as you tried to hide your laughter in your coffee cup. Lightly pinching your cheeks, he pulled your lips to his before leaving his palm on your knee where he would occasionally rub your skin through throughout breakfast as he slowly woke up. 
@aol19 @paradisepoisons  @paleidiot @dashingdeb16
@lilaclazer @joannamuns9n @thwippyparker @emotionaldreamer
@aactuaaltraash @alastorssimp @mygirlchaos @starksbabie @imagine-all-the-imagines
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diejager · 6 months
Hello there! I absolutely love your stepdad!konig piece!!
I actually comment this on ao3, but I also doing it here just in case 🥺
Reader is pregnant and horangi step up as father but what if the baby looks just like konig? Her mom will be suspicious? Konig will be overjoyed? Horangi will try to breed her as soon as possible?
Cw: DARKFIC, DUB-CON/NON-CON, stepcest, forced pregnancy, childbirth, implied kidnapping, gaslighting, tell me if I missed any.
There was a heavy amount of guilt in your heart when your twins were born, they stark difference between your boy who had pretty brown eyes and a smooth head, and your little girl’s gaping blue eyes, pale and blinking owlishly with small tears and a few black strands sprouting from her head. You feared what your mother would say when she saw that your sweet angel - Horangi had dubbed her Yoon-Suh - had neither yours, nor the Korean’s eyes. It made you wonder if this would be a sign for your mother, something to prove your fear and abuse, to open her eyes to your damned situation, but they had an excuse for everything.
“Eyes are a complicated thing, ” König had the doctor explain, facing your mother with a wrinkled, but kind and gentle expression, “She’ll outgrow them within the first year, Ma’am.”
Your mother seemed to trust the doctor’s words, you would as well if you hadn’t known the truth, he was a kind man who’s face looked so disarming. Your mother exclaimed her many fears of complications happening to you and Dr. Mathews was very patient with her growing worry, promising her that he’d be one call away.
“Call me whenever you have any complications, missy. Or one of the nurses, all right?” 
You were driven home after every check ups with the twins and your body to catch any issues that might’ve occurred through childbirth, dressed in loose clothes and coddled by both men while your mother stared on in awe and glee, seeing her husband help his step-daughter with her new children and the baby daddy took responsibility and stayed. It made her feel a sense of happiness and pride unlike you, who drowned under another wave of agony and sorrow. They, however much you loved your babies and their adorable faces, would tie you down to both men, stuck under the nose of your oblivious mother.
When Yoon-Sun’s eyes only grew paler, a shade between emerald and tourmaline, a beautiful mix if it didn’t remind you of König’s oppressive character. Your mother shared her confusion, questioning her husband about the clear ressemblancein Yoon-Suh and his eyes, but he shrugged it off, reminding her that it had only been two months and change was inevitable, whichever spectrum it went, it would eventually darken into a familiar shade. She nodded and hadn’t questioned your stepdad about her eyes anymore, somewhat satisfied with his answer.
And when Leon’s hair started growing, the few dark strands that seemed black until it curled into a soft auburn that your mother was extremely familiar with. What could they use as an excuse for Leon’s hair colour to appease your mother’s suspicion, to staunch her questioning. Unfortunately - fortunately for them and their wretched minds - your mother was never one to know any… complicated information, such studies weren’t in her education in her time, but it was in yours. You knew how basic genes worked and it wouldn’t make sense for your child to have the hair colour that neither parents had, recessive or dominant.
Yet, König and Horangi had managed to convince her otherwise without as much as a sweat, their words and experience convincing enough for her. She left it at then, but her suspicion was mounting, the wound bleeding and threatening to come to life. And before she could do anything, to stop them from feeling oh so proud of themselves, they took you away. You were gone in the night, taken under the watchful gaze of the moon, gagged and tied in the old van they repurposed to hold the twins safely while they drove across borders. 
She’d been gaslighted and naively trusting until the moment she woke up to a cold and vacant home, her husband and friend gone, grandchildren taken and her daughter taken. 
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @daisychainsinknots @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @danielle143 @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @randominstake @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi @lucienbarkbark @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @223princess @maylovesyousomuch @cod-z @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @evolutionarry @kaoyamamegami
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 8 months
Eddie Munson's Defense Squad the complete one shot
A/N: Halfway through writing this, I realized that I was accidentally basing Poppy on a girl I went to school whom I admired. I realize now that I had a crush on her. Different name, same personality. Also, there is a Carol in here. Her name is Carol Watson, and she's completely different from Carol Perkins.
Poppy Blake smacked her gum obnoxiously as she listened to her parents rant about Eddie Munson, the three of them sitting around the dinner table as they did so. This was complete and utter bullshit.
"You guys have a lot of nerve for talking shit about Eddie when you have no clue what kind of man he is," Poppy said. "And it's hypocritical coming from a mixed race couple who have to deal with the stares and the comments in this assbackward conservative town who can't seem to tell what year it is."
Her mother's green eyes widened. The green eyes and the freckles Poppy got from her mother. Everything else, including the hair and the dark complexion she got from her daddy. Thanks to her mom, her skin was much lighter than his. Maybe she was a bit of a narcissist, but she loved the way she looked, how she was a perfect mixture of both her parents. She especially loved how her hair had its own personality, and she was grateful that she didn't have her mother's bright orange coloring. Not that she had anything against redheads. It's such an odd shade that whenever Poppy asks if she dyes it, Clara Blake just laughs. She never answers.
"He's a drug dealer," Clara said.
"And so is Daddy," Poppy said.
"Pharmaceutical salesman," Tony said.
"They sound like the same thing to me," she replied.
"Well, Poppy, one's illegal, and one is not," Clara said.
"Weed doesn't kill people, Mom! It's just bullshit propaganda. I mean, not unless it's laced with something, but Eddie would never do that. Some of those drugs that Dad sells should be illegal," Poppy said. "I mean, alcohol is more dangerous."
"You seem to know an awful lot about his weed," Tony said, suddenly amused.
"Dad, I regret to inform you that your precious little girl smokes," she said, and Clara gasped. "Do not act like this is brand new information. You and I both know that bag of oregano that you found was not, in fact, a bag of oregano. Now, tell me why someone would kill his own customers when he could keep them alive and earn a profit?"
"That's true," Clara frowned.
"Mom, I know how scared you are, but I know he would never kill Chrissy, Patrick, or Fred. I know, just like I know that you would never," Poppy said. "Mom, you know I'm a good judge of character."
"We both know that, baby," Tony sighed. "I suppose we both did sound ridiculous."
"Thank you," Poppy said, blinking back tears. "And you know, Hellfire, despite its name, isn't a cult. They're just playing a game like the boys play basketball."
"Well, even we know that. I suppose it's the fear of the unknown that's got us so scared," Clara said.
"I totally get that," Poppy said.
"By the way, why are you so sure?" Clara asked.
"I don't know. It was the look in his eye when he talked about his mom, and it was just like pure love in there when he talked about her. I mean, he can definitely be an asshole but in the way that cousin Mark is and we all still love him. He respects cheerleaders too much to kill them, even the ones that really hate him," Poppy said.
The sound of the front door opening loudly startled the three of them. Kayla Fielding, her best friend in the whole world, ran into the living room. Her blond hair was in disarray, and her bright blue eyes were blown wide with alarm.
"Kayla, we were just about to have dinner. You're welcome to fix yourself a plate and join us," Tony said.
"I, uh, actually needed some last-minute help on a project. I read the directions wrong, and it's due tomorrow," Kayla said. "I was hoping that Poppy would help me."
"Do you mind, Mom?" Poppy asked. "I had a late lunch, so I'm not very hungry."
"Go on," Clara said, her eyes twinkling at them in amusement. "Keep the door open, though."
"Um, okay," Poppy said, looking at her mother in confusion.
They quickly moved up the stairs and into Poppy's room.
"Uh, I think your mom knows, Poppy," Kayla said.
"My mom doesn't know shit," she said, rolling her eyes. "Anyway, what's this about? Clearly, there's no project."
"I just heard that Jason has started a town wide man hunt for Eddie and the rest of Hellfire. I heard that they were heading towards that creepy looking house on Morehead Street," Kayla scowled. "This is so fucked up! Eddie doesn't deserve this, and neither do these kids. I've always hated Jason, but I never thought that he would take it this far."
"We need to do something," Poppy said. "Stop them. We need to gather the others and get some weapons."
"Do you really think we can do this?" Kayla asked.
"My parents always taught me to do what's right, to stand up for people when they needed it. Although, I think they were talking about when a kid gets bullied or something," she replied. "It fits in this situation, too."
Poppy wasn't proud of it, but she ended up breaking into her dad's gun locker to grab a shotgun that her dad taught her to use. He always wanted to make sure she was prepared. Not that he actually needed to teach her. She figured it out pretty quick. Poppy tried to hand Kayla the Smith & Wesson, but she quickly shook her head.
"I don't do guns, remember?" Kayla asked.
"Right, well, I'll just grab it for the other girls," Poppy said. "There's a baseball bat in my room. You can use that."
She zipped up the shotgun and the other gun into a bag as well as some ammo to go with it. They stood up at the same time, reminding Poppy just how much taller she was than Kayla and how much Kayla liked that.
"This is sort of thrilling," Kayla admitted, licking her lips.
"We don't have time for that, Kay," Poppy smiled.
They quickly snuck back into Poppy's room and stuffed the bat into the bag. Poppy opened her window as quietly as she could.
"Okay," Poppy whispered. "You're going to go down the trellis first, then I'll lower the guns down to you, okay?"
"Okay, see you on the other side," Kayla said as she straddled the window sill.
She grabbed Poppy's face and pulled her in for a deep kiss. Poppy sighed and leaned into it, kissing her harshly. They both broke the kiss, breathing heavily, their lips swollen. The giddiness never really goes away whenever Kayla kisses her. It always feels like the first time. Poppy smiled as she watched Kayla maneuver down the side of her house. Using her bedsheets, she lowered the bag down to Kayla. She climbed down the trellis herself and followed Kayla into her car, placing the bag in the backseat. When she sat back in her seat, Kayla was grinning at her.
"I guess I'm your partner in crime," Kayla said, grinning. "Get it? Because I'm also your romantic partner, and we're also committing a crime by hunting down a bunch of asshole jocks."
"I fucking love you. Never stop being a dork," Poppy laughed and kissed her. "Step on it, baby."
Kayla tied her hair up with a scrunchie, turned on the radio, and sped off toward the houses of the other cheerleaders. Most of the cheerleaders would be with her on this one, seeing as Poppy was the one to spread the story about Eddie's mother. She had been the one to go to him for drugs when the others were too chicken to do it. He had been nice and funny, a perfect gentleman. Looking into his eyes, Poppy could see how sweet he was. Unlike Jason, whose eyes screamed psychopath and she wouldn't be surprised if Jason had been the one to kill Chrissy. . . and couldn't stop at just one. Patrick was one of the nice ones, the one the girls got along with most as well as the new guy, Lucas Sinclair. Steve Harrington was much the same, but she hadn't talked to him in a while. They didn't hate all jocks but enough of them got underneath their skin. There were other cheerleaders who didn't see it their way. They absolutely loved Jason and hated Eddie. They couldn't see beyond their own attraction. And if Poppy had any interest in men, then she certainly would have gone for Eddie rather than Jason.
Hungry Like the Wolf was still playing in Poppy's head when they pulled up to the creepy looking house. It sent a shiver down her spine as she looked at it. Poppy quickly handed over the bat to Kayla and the other gun over to Taylor, who didn't bring a weapon. A gust of wind suddenly appeared, and Taylor's short brown hair hit her piercing hazel eyes. There was anger there. Taylor took the gun from her and thanked her as she loaded it. Everyone else had their own weapons: bats, crowbars, and someone even had a broom handle.
"Let's kick their ass - "
A scream interrupted Poppy, and they all ran in that direction. Andy was on top of what looked like an eleven year old girl, and he was getting ready to pummel her. Oh, fuck that.
"ANDY!" Poppy yelled and raised her shotgun.
"You've got three seconds to get the fuck off of her before I put a round in you," Taylor snarled as she raised the gun.
If anyone had more reason to do it, it would be Taylor, considering he once put his hands on her without her consent. Taylor didn't even bother counting when Andy raised his fist. She pulled the trigger, and the round went through Andy's shoulder. He fell to the ground with a yell. Taylor ran over to him and pressed the heal of her boot into his shoulder. He screamed.
"I'm sorry. Should I have asked first before stepping on you?" Taylor asked.
"YOU BITCH!" Andy screamed.
"Says the guy screaming like one!" Taylor exclaimed.
"You shot me!" He sobbed.
"Yeah. I did do that," Taylor grinned victoriously.
Poppy went over and helped pull the girl away.
"Are you okay?" She asked, and the girl nodded. "What's your name, sweetheart?"
"Erica Sinclair," she said.
"Are you Lucas's sister?" Poppy asked.
"Yeah, he's inside. I think I saw Jason go in there," Erica said, looking worried.
"We'll handle it. You stay here with Carol. We like to call her Mother Hen. You'll find out why," Poppy smirked. "I'm Poppy, by the way, and that's Kayla."
Poppy and Kayla left just as Carol Watson started to fuss over Erica. They went into the stairs and went all the way up to the attic where Jason was pointing a gun at Lucas. Some girl was sitting on the floor in a trance. Lucas was pleading with Jason.
"You're lying! Chrissy would never have gone to him if she was in trouble! She would have come to me!" Jason exclaimed.
"Well, that's not just fucking true," Poppy said causing Jason to whirl around and point the gun at her. "She came to me, Jason, and then I sent her right to Eddie. All I knew was that she was stressed. She was under pressure from something. It was either her mother or you. I thought that maybe Eddie could help her."
"You sent her to Eddie? You're the reason she's dead?" Jason glared.
"No, Jason. I don't know what happened, but Eddie's not a killer. He's a good man. Better than you are," Poppy said.
"Eddie is a killer, and I'm trying to protect this town from him!" Jason yelled.
"No! We're trying to protect this town!" Lucas yelled out.
Jason whirled around and pointed the gun back on Lucas. Poppy gripped her shotgun and took a step further. Kayla did the same, gripping her bat. Lucas was scared, and all it would take was Jason pulling the trigger once. Something in Lucas's face changed.
"You know, I wanted to be like you. . . popular, but all I see now is a full blown psychopath," Lucas said.
He bent down at the right time as Jason took the shot and dove into Jason's stomach. The gun was knocked out of Jason's hand, and pretty soon, they were both throwing punches. Poppy cursed. She couldn't shoot Jason now without risking shooting Lucas.
"The Walkman!" Lucas exclaimed.
Kayla was quick. She rolled and grabbed the Walkman before Jason could stomp on it.
"What are we supposed to do with this?" Kayla asked.
"Max! Put it on Max! Running up that Hill!" Lucas yelled.
It was difficult for Kayla when Max started lifting in the air. Holy shit! Poppy reacted quickly and put the headphones on her. They stared at Max and didn't notice that Jason grabbed the gun again until he was pointing it at Lucas. Poppy pointed her shotgun at him.
"Jason! Don't do this!" Poppy exclaimed.
"You're supposed to be on my side, Poppy!" Jason exclaimed. "Instead, you're siding with these. . . Satanists."
"There are no sides! There's only living and dying. Which one are you going to choose?" Poppy asked.
Jason paused for a moment, and it almost looked like he was lowering it. His face hardened, however, and he turned the gun on her. He had chosen.
"You're Tigers!" Jason said furiously.
"Oh, honey, no. We're fucking wolves," Poppy said as she thought about the rest of her 'pack' outside. "Who protect their own."
She pulled the trigger. Jason screamed as the gun fell to the ground. He clutched his bloody hand, crying. Max fell to the ground. Lucas rushed to her side and pulled her into his arms.
"I'm okay. I'm okay," Max said, and he helped her up. "Jesus, what the fuck happened?"
"Uh. Poppy Blake shot him," Lucas said, and Max looked at Poppy in surprise.
"Most of the cheerleaders hate Jason, Andy, and Connor, but we love Eddie," Kayla said. "There are a few who refuse to look past their looks. Gah!"
Poppy shared a look with Kayla and her eyes twinkled back at her.
"Well, it's a good thing that we don't like men, baby," Poppy said teasingly.
"Hey, if I were into men, it'd be Eddie or Chief Hopper," Kayla said, and Lucas looked at her when she mentioned Hopper. "Oh, I like tall people. Preferably tall women."
"Lesbian warrior cheerleaders?" Max asked in amusement.
"Yes! I want that on a shirt," Kayla said.
They left the room, and the house with Jason still bleeding out on the floor of the attic. When they walked out of the house, they found a few more jocks had arrived late to the party. Several of them had her cheerleaders on the ground, including Taylor and Carol. Erica was nowhere to be found. Poppy made sure it was clear before shooting her shotgun off to the side. The jocks stopped and dropped them. Every single one of them were bleeding but not too terribly.
"Hey! Your leader is upstairs bleeding to death. I suggest you get him some help and get the fuck out of here before I give you matching wounds!" Poppy exclaimed.
The jocks ran upstairs and came out carrying Jason. Poppy and the cheerleaders all glared at them with weapons drawn until they drove away.
"Are all of them cheerleaders?" Max asked.
"Yeah," Poppy replied.
"Holy shit," Max said. "Does Eddie know he has his own defense squad?"
"He will now," Kayla said.
"Where's Erica?" Poppy asked.
"Shoved her into my car when those assholes showed up," Carol replied.
Erica hopped out of the car, carrying a first aid kit.
"Found a first aid kit, and it looks like some of you are you going to need it," Erica said and looked at her brother. "Are you okay?"
Carol took the box from Erica and started patching everyone up. Just as Poppy was about to open her mouth to ask Lucas what the hell was all that about, an RV drove past honking loudly.
"Shit! Eddie's in that RV. We have to follow!" Lucas exclaimed.
"Alright, wolves!" Poppy whistled. "You heard him! Move out!"
They all climbed into their respective vehicles, with Lucas and Erica crawling into the back of Kayla's car. They followed the RV to the hospital where the door burst open. Steve Harrington, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley came out carrying a bleeding Eddie in their arms. A crying boy with curly hair was following them.
"Oh, shit," Lucas muttered.
The group followed them into the hospital, where they delivered Eddie to the doctors. They immediately wheeled him away onto a gurney. Nancy, Robin, and Steve stared down the hallway in shock. Lucas approached the curly hair boy who was now crying.
"Dustin, what the hell happened?" Lucas asked.
"Lucas! Max!" Dustin exclaimed before pulling them both in a hug. "The bats. . .they got to Eddie! . . . Who are they?"
"Dustin, Steve, Nancy, Robin. . .meet Eddie Munson's defense squad," Max said.
"What?" Steve asked and then he squinted. "Poppy?"
"Hey, Steve. You look like shit," she said. "Now, who's going to tell me what the fuck is going on in this town?"
Two days later. . .
It was hell getting questioned by the police but in the end, what they said helped Eddie. There was too much evidence against Jason Carver to keep looking at Eddie, especially when Chrissy's diary resurfaced that revealed the bruises that Jason left behind when he dragged her around like a trophy. Chrissy wrote down how he and the other jocks had it in for Hellfire, how she tried to stop them. She even told Principal Higgins, but he didn't believe her, and when she saw the bennies in his desk, he blackmailed Chrissy. Jason Carver was arrested as were the boys who were involved in the manhunt. Principal Higgins was also arrested. It looked like they were going to need a new principal as well as a new basketball team.
"Maybe we can fill it with more nerds," Poppy nudged Lucas. "Change it from the Tigers. We can be the Hawkins Dragons or some shit."
"No, honey, we're the fucking wolves," Lucas said and Poppy laughed.
They were surrounding Eddie's hospital bed as they waited for them to wake up. They were only just now allowed back in. Of course, they allowed Wayne to spend time with Eddie, but now they were guarding his bedside along with the party. To Poppy's dismay, they hadn't been allowed their weapons. Even though all had been dealt with, Poppy still felt unsettled. She knew the court of public opinion would be the hardest to sway. She was worried that they would go after him.
"So. . .you did all of this for Eddie?" Steve asked.
"I know what you're thinking, but I'm not into dicks," Poppy said.
"Eddie's not a dick!" Steve said defensively, his cheeks turning red. "He's a great guy!"
Poppy and Kayla shared an amused look before giggling. Kayla nodded at Poppy, who nodded back.
"Steve, we're lesbians," Kayla said. "I'm her girlfriend."
"Oh, shit, sorry," Steve said, his whole face heating up.
Robin shoved her knuckle to her mouth, laughing. Meanwhile, Poppy gave Steve a knowing look.
"Me too," Robin said. "Lesbian."
"Nice," Kayla said. "Tall lesbians are the best."
"So are short ones," Poppy said.
"I'm not short, I'm just vertically challenged," Kayla said. "Gravity hates me because I'm so cute. It just keeps pulling me down."
"Idiot," Poppy said affectionately, kissing her.
"Your idiot," Kayla said.
"Well, I guess since we're all being honest," Steve said. "Bicycle. Goddamn it, I mean bisexual!"
"I don't know. Bicycle works, too. If you're into that, there's definitely riding involved," Poppy said with a smirk.
"Children present!" Dustin exclaimed.
"Hm, on the way here, you were saying that you didn't need a babysitter anymore. So which is it? Child or grown-up?" Steve asked, and Dustin closed his mouth. "Yeah, that's what I thought."
Suddenly, Erica popped her head in.
"Jock out on bail incoming!" Erica shrieked.
The squad immediately jumped into action and formed a wall around Eddie's bed. Meanwhile, Steve and Robin stood in front of Lucas, Max, and Dustin at the door. Erica looked out the door while Robin kept a hand on her back.
"Coast is clear!" Erica exclaimed, closing the door.
"Am I dead or alive? What is this?" Eddie's called out, and everyone jumped. "Why are there cheerleaders surrounding my bed? Oh God, Jason sent you to finish me off."
"First of all, if we wanted you dead, you'd be dead before you woke up," Poppy said. "And second of all, Jason is rotting in jail for his crimes and Vecna's. No bail for that asshole."
"They're your defense squad, man. They heard that Jason and the others were going to come after us at the Creel House, so the cheerleaders came and kicked their ass for you. The cheerleaders like you, man," Lucas said.
"Seriously?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah, Poppy shot Jason, and Taylor shot Andy," Lucas replied.
"You did this for free drugs, didn't you?" Eddie joked.
"Ass, I did it because I like you. Platonically," Poppy said. "You're a great guy. Bit of an asshole but a great guy."
"Why?" Eddie asked.
"The speech about your mom told me all I needed to know about you," Poppy said. "Plus, after your little meeting in the woods, Chrissy wouldn't shut up about you."
"She wouldn't?" He asked.
"Look, she's been unhappy for a while, and we've done everything we could do to help her, but when she came out of those woods, she was the happiest that I had ever seen her. You did that for her. You made her happy in her most darkest and cursed moment of her life," Poppy said, tears in her eyes. "She was our friend, and you did that for her."
Eddie was crying now, his bottom lip trembling as his eyelashes grew wet.
"She made me happy too," Eddie said. "I played for her down there, I wanted. . . I wanted her to hear me play, and a little part of me hoped that it would somehow bring her back. Stupid, huh?"
"Not at all," Poppy said.
She took his hand and ran her fingers through his hair as he cried. She would do whatever it took to protect this man and judging by the looks on the others' faces, they would too.
"Thank you," Eddie whispered.
For the first time in his life, instead of fighting against him, people were now fighting for him.
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sweetskullzy · 1 year
“Mrs. Katsuki Bakugou…”
Minors DNI/ soft smut & plot/ PT.1(maybe)
Kisses placed to your temple. He stirred. You knew your boyfriend had never done anything like this before. He hated being affectionate. But when you opened your eyes, your world was different than the shitty 2 bedroom apartment you had with your boyfriend in the city. Oh… oh no. It was a beautiful room. It looked like it was out of some sort of anime. You out your hand in front of you and it was different too. You were definitely different. You peered down towards the edge of the bed and saw a blonde man sitting on the edge of your bed. Your boyfriend was never a blonde.
Firey red eyes turned back to you. You knew that face. Your heart stuttered in your chest. Was this… Was this really happening. Your eyes widened and your chest started moving quicker. You watched this Anime before. The entire inside of you set on fire.
You say almost instinctively. The eyes furrow in your direction.
“The hell you just call me…?”
Something inside you stirring. You didn’t know what to call him. You damn near wanted to cry. Out of both frustration and joy. You never thought you’d meet him in person, or have the chance to be in his bed. Your mind running as he gets up and starts moving closer. Your face red with fluster as his body as an adult looks greater than what you could possibly imagine in the anime. But what exactly were you doing in his bed.
“Uhm~ Errrr~ fuck… Katsuki?”
“Try the fuck again”
The voice from him so low and reverberated off the walls of your head. You gulp as he tackles you. He starts to nibble on your neck. This was so confusing… you thought. He couldn’t possible be in a relationship with me, you tried to cope. You shake your head.
“Uhmmm… Boom boom boy…?”
Now you’ve done it. He bites a little harder on the opposite side of your neck. You wince a bit. But ultimately say nothing. He licks up the side of your neck and you can feel your panties getting wet. Your boyfriend was someone you loved with all your heart. Other human men were too annoying. But right now, you weren’t sure those things Existed and you were not sure what the hell was going on here. It was… fucking with your mind. You always told people who would listen your anime crushes. But never did you think that IRL you would actually get to meet one. Was this in real life. Everything looked different but this big guy is all over you and it’s not your imagination.
“Damn… What the hell did I do to my wife to make her call me anything other than baby or babe…?”
The way it rolled out of his mouth as he made his way on top of you and straddled you to the bed by your wrists. It made you want to submit right there… On the other hand your face turns stale with shock. Did this fucker just say wife…? As in… Marriage.
“Eh-…. WHAT?! Oh nooooo no no no no NO?!”
You damn near scream as he covers your mouth. His face looking at yours puzzled.
“Hey?! Quiet before you wake the damn kid and I won’t get to have my fun for… whatever this little prank is this time…”
Apparently you’re quiet the kidder in the relationship you have with Katsuki… At least that’s how it was in your mind. You got married to AND had a baby with an anime crush… even though when you went to sleep last night, it was next to your boyfriend of 2 years, with no plan of marrying him. Before the thought could really process in your mind, Katsuki Bakugou had his tongue in your mouth and hands on your body, rubbing it in all the places. You let out a small whimper and he knows he’s got you hooked.
“Mmmmm~ Now you’re gonna get to call me Daddy, Mrs.Katsuki Bakugou.”
He said mockingly. You blinked as his hands traveled, things started to heat up between you both and your mind wondered off yet again into the set of this is real because I can navigate all 5 senses… How the fuck were you supposed to live now or hell… even go back to your own reality…?
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hannibalzero · 5 months
blast from the past
Charthur dabble!
Heading into the general store, Mary Linton…or was it Gills again?
Windowing was such a hard time.
Mary gave a nod to the man that held the door open for her. She had come to Valentine to get her brother Jamie to come back home.
Daddy and Jamie had a fight.
Just wanting sometime to do, going to the general for a sewing book. Mary spotted a familiar black hat with a fired rope but now had beads on it. That handsome back, strong and broad. Worn blue jeans that showed off the cowboys-
Mary hand to stop herself for a moment.
She was a church going women after all.
But it couldn’t be.
Arthur Morgan, all grown up.
Not the boy she almost ran away with.
Almost married too.
But he was standing next to the sewing books, looking down at a set of paper dolls. One in each hand. Brow furrowed as he chewed on a tooth pick, trying to make a decision on something he had no understand off.
Mary wished she had pulled her corset a bit tighter now, taking out her compact she tuck a bit of hair behind her ears and checked her powers. She looked fine, not great but acceptable.
Finding her voice, Mary made her move.
“Hello Arthur.” She said,
Those same blue eyes of the boy that loved her so, looked to her as a grown man. Time had been kind to Arthur, age had made him handsome. Strong and well a man of the west.
Surprise lit up Arthur’s face. “Mary Linton, it’s been’a long time.” Arthur greeted shuffling the books of paper dolls to his chest as he tipped his hat, a ring caught Mary’s eye. She had no clue what material it was but turquoise was imbedded in it. “You look well.”
“It’s…Gill’s again…” Mary shuffled
“Sorry to hear that.” Arthur gave a nod of his head. “What brings you, here?”
“Oh um, Jamie. He’s bound and determined to set up an apple orchard. Dropped out of school, daddy if awfully upset.”
Arthur nodded and looked back to the paper dolls at hand.
“Do you? Live here?” Mary asked
“Naw, passin’ through.” He looked to Mary now. “Can I ask ya somethin? Need a women’s opinion.” Arthur asked surprising Mary, maybe Arthur has changed? He used to jump at the idea of helping her.
Mary blinked “I suppose.”
“My littlest is about ta be four, been wantin’ paper dolls like her big sister. But there are so many? Ladies and pets…cuse she loves critters. Or maybe the babydoll one? She’s fascinated because we have a new baby comin’. Should I just buy paper and make her some?” He showed the two boxes to Mary.
Mary was very surprised now. Arthur had married? He has children? She cleared her throat.
“If memory serves you are a wonderful artist. I would suggest making the dolls. She would probably like the ‘critters’ you’ve drawn better than the pets. She is a Morgan.” Mary was baiting the man to see if he was married. “How many children do you have?” She asked
Taking the advice Arthur nodded and set the packages down before picking up the cardstock and colored pencils along with wax paper. “Thank ya, I have two. Oldest is almost seven she’s a handful my Dyani, then I have my little girl Awinita. She wants to be like’er sister so badly.”
“You married an in-“
“Mary Gills, don’t you start.” Arthur warned “you married someone too.” He pointed out. Taking out his pocket watch and checked the time. Taking a breath Arthur forced himself to relax.
“Good seein’ ya, wish ya all the best. I gotta get going.” Arthur went to pay, this also surprised Mary. She couldn’t help herself grabbing Arthur’s arm.
“Arthur, I still think of you fondly.” She had no idea why she blurted this out. “Would you..ever consider…”
Arthur pressed a finger to her lips. “Now Mary, we had our time. Did I love ya with everything I had? Yes. But..I got me someone who loves me…even when I was beaten and broken. I love’em too, makes me a better man. I got my girls, gotta baby comin’ and a life. A honest one too.” He moved his hand away now.
“Ya understand?”
Mary looked down unable to meet the man’s eyes. “Forgive me, I…suppose I just needed to…truly see if things were over.” She blinked as a thought hit her.
“Man?” She mumbled to herself as Arthur paid and practically ran out the door. A hand on his lower belly.
“Arthur Smith! ya damn fool. Got to think about Charles again and ran ya mouth.” Arthur grumbled to himself heading to the horse stables where his family was.
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teamprettystevie · 6 months
MY FAVES(Recommendations)
AsiflNjfc- My Overall Perception Of This Dream Is That I’ll Die Before I Wake.
by the end of tonight- thebrooklynnway
"Although they were only separated for a few weeks, the fear of never having this again drives him to solidify their relationship. Waking up without his baby boy next to him was too overwhelming, and he missed the lingering scent of the omega in his home."
Or: Life without Steve will never be an option for Bucky.
like moth to a flame- thebrooklynnway
“It’s a dangerous thought to have for someone he barely knows, and it’s so unlike him to fall so deeply, this quick.”
so happy you're mine- thebrooklynnway
"It’s been a struggle, getting to where they are. They’ve had a lifetime of hurt and pain and love and passion, and Bucky wouldn’t change a damn thing about it."
Or: A small birthday celebration.
My Sweet Omega Boy- Sam_Haine
In this town, it was accepted for Alphas to publicly claim their omegas. Steve's longed for an Alpha to take him in front of everyone, but because of his physique, no Alpha seems to openly want him. The only one who seems to be interested is unfortunately the town's lone Alpha and notorious player, Bucky Barnes.
Practice- purpleicedteas
“I'm ready, too, Stevie. I just think—” Bucky sighed, a mischievous look in his eyes. “I just think we should practice.”
Steve blinked. “Practice.”
“Yeah. For pups. It takes some couples several cycles, so if we want to get pregnant, we need to be ready for next week.”
Steve’s cheeks flushed. “Right.”
“Wouldn’t want to waste a round, right?”
The Ride Of A Lifetime- chaosmanor, SmutConnoisseur
After being frozen in ice for decades, Steve Rogers finds himself in a completely different time period.
One that is more accepting of omegas, but not familiar. He goes to a hole in the wall dive bar, the last place anyone would think to look for a national icon, to blend in and avoid being recognized since he knows that his presence in the world could cause chaos.
While he’s there, and after the start of a brawl, he meets the owner, Bucky Barnes, an older alpha, who makes that one word flash in Steve’s mind.
With his piercing blue eyes and scruffy beard, Bucky exudes an air of confidence and danger that is hard to resist. As they begin talking, he realizes that Bucky is not just a biker, but something much greater.
Steve can't help himself from falling for the alpha, or falling to his knees for him.
Waking the Fire in Me- humapuma
Steve’s knees nearly went out from under him, but he grabbed onto the table to stay upright. He whined – he couldn’t help it. His chest cracked open, breaking him down until he was sixteen years old again, thin and sickly. The pale grey of those eyes was so familiar, but Steve hadn’t seen it, hadn’t even thought to look for it. How? A voice screamed inside. How did I not see? His entire being trembled as he whispered, “Bucky?” The Soldier’s usually cold eyes changed then, something flashed in them as his nostrils flared, harshly inhaling Steve’s scent before he said the words that finally made his buckling knees give out, forcing Steve to the ground. “Who the hell is Bucky?”
A ghost found his way to the Avengers, asking for help - a ghost of a man long thought dead.
A Reason- sirsable
:I have been overridden by Agent Romanoff to alert you as to the whereabouts of your mate. Captain Rogers is currently in voluntary residence of Isolation Ward Three.:
‘Isolation ward’ echoes through Bucky’s head for a few long seconds before the rest of the sentence catches up to him. “Voluntary? What’s wrong?” He’s already switching his gun out for a knife and shoving on his boots.
  :It appears that Captain Rogers’ fertility cycle has reached its peak, and he wished to experience this in private.:
 “What the—Steve’s in heat?”
lift me up- greenbergsays
Steve worries that Bucky preferred his smaller, more Omega-appropriate body to the new, bigger, more Alpha-like body of Captain America.
Bucky finds that thought utterly ridiculous.
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rowretro · 9 months
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WARNINGS: mentions of dismemberment
✧tag list✧:@chlorinecake @nikisdubblchococake @enhypensccstarlight @strwberrydinosaur @sunghoonsbeautymark @strawbsj  (pls tell me if im missing any tags)
Another cold morning in Paris, Sunghoon Juwngwon and the others were arriving on the day, With Riki on the phone with the boys, who’s flight had been delayed, Kyle whined, wanting Riki’s attention. Riki smiled down at the baby, ruffling his hair. “Delayed again? Do you need my private jet?” Riki asked on call as the boy pouted. All the while, Heeseung and Sunoo were focused on wedding decoration. The 2 wanted to have a nice wedding outside, under the stars, with just the ones whom they love, and those who worked at their cafe.
Y/n was peacefully stirring some batter for their wedding cake, “Ok Ok call me when you get here hmm? Take care” Riki finally said before hanging up. The male unstrapped the baby from his baby chair, carrying him in his arms “Ok baby you can have me all to yourself now~” The boy cooed, as he rocked him gently. Kyle giggles, snuggling into Riki’s chest. The man carried him to the kitchen, where y/n was cooking. 
The baby got distracted with the many holes in the jumper Riki was wearing on top of his t-shirt. “You sure  you want to be making the cake for our wedding baby? I mean you work too much already, can’t you at least take a little break before the wedding?” Riki asked as y/n smiled. “It’s ok babe, I love busying myself you know?” The girl said, smiling. Riki leaned down to kiss her forehead, the baby still infatuated with all the holes in Riki’s jumper.
The truth was, y/n was pretty stressed about the wedding, she felt that Riki had to leave behind so many things for her and the baby. All those times he stood up against his dad for her, his patience, how much he tries not to argue, and the fact that he’s never once thought of leaving her. Sure they hit a rocky road near the start of their dating, but those little conflicts make them the happy, weird couple they are. For all he’s done, the girl just wants everything to go perfectly for him.
“Mommy and daddy are getting married~” Riki cooed as the baby giggled, pulling on his jumper. “Oh so that’s why you were so quiet all this time… you like my jumper?” The male asked as the baby babbled nonsense, playing with the loose strings around the holes. “Daddy will get you a matchy jumper like mine~” Riki cooed, rubbing his nose against the baby’s nose. “Sunnyyyy uncee bambi!” The baby suddenly squealed.
“Uncle Bambi? Seriously that nickname is sticking for generations yet to come???” Heeseung said sighing as th baby giggled, reaching for him. Heeseung gently carried him, snickering at the baby’s acts. “Ah y/n I got you a little present, well- Heeseung chose it, but it’s cute so I bought it-” Sunoo said as he gave her a Hello Kitty plush doll. The girl froze as she forced a smile, shakily taking the doll in hand. “Wow… thanks Sunoo- and Heeseung-” She said, her voice somewhat shaky.
Riki blinked at her sudden change in behavior but let her be, not wanting to tick her off or anything. The girl put the doll somewhere in their room as she went back to mixing cake batter. As she poured the batter into one of the trays, she suddenly screamed, dropping the batter on the ground. Riki rushed over as soon as he could, assuming the worst. “Babe, are you ok? Hurt? DID THEY FIND US?!” the male asked as she blinked. “U-UH noim fine-- just uh… flinched seeing the doll there-” the girl said, pointing at the hello kitty doll.
“God I thought something really bad happened for a second…” Riki mumbled, back hugging her, his eyes falling on the batter that was all over the floor and counter now. Riki turned her around so she was facing him, gently pinning her against the nearest surface oh so gently. His eyes, examining hers as he leaned in a little closer, noticing her back away a little “Tell me whats wrong.” The boy simply said “Nothing-” the girl said as Riki tilted his eyes, his stare way more intense “F-Fine- I just found it creepy that the doll I put in my room suddenly appeared here-” The girl said.
Riki sighed, narrowing his eyes at her “Now tell me what’s really wrong.” He asked, his forehead, resting against hers as she sighed “Fine… I studied a case that involved a dismembered head being inside a hello kitty doll, and its a traumatizing case you know?... the person who owned it was a 14 yr old, she new there was a human head inside!” The girl finally admitted as Riki kissed her lips, “You need to chill” Riki said as he squished the perfectly cute, pink plushie “see? Perfect, clean, smells new and trust me, no head inside.” Riki said as the girl snuggled him, the male almost slipped on the batter. “How about we romance after we clean this up hmm?” The male asked as the girl snickerred, nodding. 
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justmeinadaze · 9 months
I Miss The Misery Final Part (Steve X You)
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A/N: I responded to an ask recently about toxic Stevie and how with all of my toxic stories they will all most likely end positively because my personal story didn't. I mean it did in the sense that I got away from the toxic people but I know a lot of times we wish those people would change for the outcome we desperately want.
I Miss the Misery is very much based off a past relationship of mine and I so badly wanted what I write here. Unfortunately that didn't happen but I can give it to my characters here <3 while I continue to wait for my knight in shining metalhead and or pretty boy armor. Lol.
Warnings: A lot less Toxic Daddy Steve/ Sub Fem Reader, SMUT, he gentler with her here. I wanted to convey how he can be rough but he can also be soft, dirty talk abound, and of course after care. FLUFF, Steve makes a speech in the beginning about how much he loves her, ANGST, Jacob finally finds out what Y/N has been up to! She talks about her exes and how they hurt her (mentions of an ex that didn't stop when she said the safe word, no details mentioned), Steve and Y/N take about their relationship, Papa Harrington makes a cameo (always just a delight).
Word Count: 6296
Part 1/ Part 2
“Y/N phone. This is Steve Harrington…Ah, hello Jacob. How are you today?”
Your eyes widen as he pushes off the banister, presses the speaker button on the device, and slowly descends his stairs. 
“I’m, uh, I’m fine. Sir, why do you have Y/N’s phone?”
“Well, you see, I was having a rough night last night so I went to a bar and surprise, surprise, guess who showed up? She was kind enough to drive me home because I was completely wasted.”
“Oh, that’s nice of her. Is…Is she…did she just forget her phone in your car or house or something?”
“Please…please, Steve.”, you beg silently as you mouth the words to him. 
“One second, Jacob.” Placing the call on mute, his stern eyes lock with yours as he puts himself right in front of you, so close you can feel his heart beat against his shirtless chest. “Do you love him?”
“Of-Of course, I do.”
The corner of his lips pull up into a small smirk as he continues to stare you down. 
“Last chance, Y/N. We. Do. NOT. Lie. To. Each. Other. Now, tell me the truth or I do. Do you love him?”
As your eyes searched his, you weren’t sure if he could see all the memories that flashed through your own. Every heartache, pain, and decision that lead you here. You knew every choice you had made in the past when it came to men was wrong. Jacob was a good man but you were so unhappy with him. Not just him but your life together with him as a whole. With Steve, he made you feel alive and all the good memories you did have with him gave you warm feelings you clung to desperately when you cried yourself to sleep. 
He asked you to trust him but your history with him told you that you couldn’t. You were so terrified of getting your heart broken again that you were perfectly willing to spend the rest of your life being numb to everything else around you including love. 
Steve said if you were honest he wouldn’t tell your boyfriend the truth but could you admit the truth yourself?
“I do…very much…”
Blinking, he sighed as he nodded before tapping your phone again with his thumb. 
“Hey Jacob. Sorry about that. Yeah she did forget her phone.” You exhale a heavy sigh of relief as your eyes flutter closed. “Her mind tends to skip after she’s done fucking me.”
Tears fell down your cheek as your bottom lip began to tremble.
“Excuse me? I, uh, I don’t understand.”
“I see. Let me make it clearer for you here. About a month ago, Y/N came to my office begging me to fuck her like the whore she is. I don’t know how she is with you, Jake, but this little girl is a wild one. I just got done spanking her and her pussy was just dripping all over my lap. That’s ok though. She knows her Daddy doesn’t mind it a little bit messy. Right, baby girl?”
As he held the phone to your mouth, the silence on the other end killed you. 
“Y/N…are you there?”
“Is what he’s saying true?”
“…Yes…”, you murmur as your voice cracks. “I’m so sorry.”
“Do…do you have feelings for him?”
Your eyes finally open as you glare up at Steve with fire illuminating behind them. 
“No. I fucking hate him.”
The silence is deafening until Jacob releases a long-winded sigh. 
“Liar. Jesus Christ, Y/N.”
“Yeah she does that but the truth of the matter is I love her, Jake. I fucked up a long time ago and let her slip away but I’m ready to make that up to her if she’ll let me. She’ll never have to want for anything ever again. I can lavish her in gifts and vacations I know she deserves after everything she’s been through. I can make love to her or fuck her like a slut if that’s what she wants or we can just lay there and I can hold her till she falls asleep. She looks so fucking beautiful in the morning and I wouldn’t mind waking up to her gorgeous face every day.”
“And I know our relationship was unhealthy when we were in high school. A lot of that was because of me being an idiot and taking her for granted. I was a stupid kid and I know sometimes the old Harrington comes out but I assure you, Jacob, I will do whatever I can to be the best man I can be for her because I know she deserves that to. More than anything she deserves to be happy.”
Steve’s eyes never left yours as he spoke while you tried to control the tears that kept falling. 
“Are you not happy, Y/N?”
With that your phone disconnected and you ran out the front door without it.
Steve sat at his desk with his head leaning against his palm as his thumb ran along your phone screen. He hadn’t heard from you in a couple of days and your boyfriend had called in that Monday morning telling his superior he was sick. Your device had been vibrating constantly with missed calls mostly from Jacob so he assumed you weren’t at your house.
What worried him were the text messages from your parents asking where you were and if you were safe. He desperately wanted to reply back to ease their minds but he didn’t know your password. 
Staring at the picture of you and Jacob smiling on your lock screen, he thought hard about what it could be or where you would go to hide. Huffing, he threw on his jacket and rode the elevator down to the parking garage so he could head home. While he was thinking of other possible methods of getting into your device, the doors opened and he was promptly met with a fist to his face. 
“OW! Jesus fucking Christ!”
“Where is she?!”, Jacob yells before hitting Steve again. 
“I have no idea! Would you stop fucking hitting me!”
“I should be doing worse after what you two did! Now where is she?!”
Holding up his hands in surrender, Steve leans against the wall as he finds his bearings.
“Look, I seriously have no clue where she is. If I did I would tell you but she left my house after that phone call and I haven’t seen her since. She left her phone here with me.”
Your boyfriend snatches it out of his hand, types something in, and scrolls through it searching for clues. 
“Wait, you know her password?”
“Of course I do. I’m her fucking boyfriend.”, he scoffs. “It’s always her parent’s anniversary. October 15, 2016.”
“That’s not their anniversary.”, Steve sighs as he rubs his eyes in frustration. “Did you really think her parents have only been married for 7 years? They’ve been together for over 30.”
“I-I-I didn’t think about it. I mean I trusted her… FUCK! What IS that date than?!”
Standing up straighter, the man prepares for another punch. 
“That’s the date her and I got together. Not together, together. Technically we were never a couple but…”
“What the fuck were you then?”
“I, personally, was a dumbass. I took her for granted constantly… broke her heart.”
“Hm. No wonder she flocked to you. She always wanted me to hurt her and I never understood it.”
“You still don’t.” Jacob turned on him angrily and Steve held up his hands again as he quickly tried to explain. “She doesn’t want you to hurt her exactly; she wants to be controlled and feel safe. When I met her she was a straight A student, worried about everything including her future. Her mind was always 10 steps ahead of her heart and it scared her. When we were together, she was able to let go and clear her head because she knew I was in control. She knew I would take care of her; in bed anyway. I was never really good at taking care of her emotionally like she wanted.”
Your boyfriend nodded as he absorbed what the man in front of him was saying.
“What about the punishments and ‘put me in my place’?”
“She’s kinky, Jake. Nothing wrong with that.”, Steve chuckles. “Speaking for myself, it makes me feel…alive. There’s a certain passion behind a relationship like that. She’s the only one I ever trusted truly being that way with but…I also knew at the time that I could take advantage of her kindness anyway I saw fit. That’s the problem and what she tried so hard to find in other partners after she left. A healthy version of a dominate man…truth is a lot of men don’t know how to do that. They think it’s all force and telling their partners what to do or how to be.”
“I never wanted to do that with her. I always liked who Y/N was from head to toe. I was just afraid to let myself go like that which is even more selfish than anything I ever did to her because even now I’m asking her to do that yet I could never do that for her. Jesus, I’m an asshole.”
“Yeah you are.”, Jacob sighs as he tosses Steve your phone. “There’s a Facebook message in there she sent to her mom saying she was safe and driving back to Hawkins. Good luck, Mr. Harrington.”
You exhaled heavily from your place on the bleachers in the Hawkins High Gymnasium. This is where your life changed. You always saw yourself as a good little girl who was meant to graduate with honors and go off to some fancy school. After you got your degree and started your career, you would meet the man of your dreams, have a beautiful big church wedding, and pop out a few kids. 
There was always something about Steve Harrington that intrigued you. He was always so cocky with everyone, constantly putting on a show for his peers but when he was alone or practicing he seemed so sad. After watching his dad berate him, you saw that same look and it broke your heart. So much so that you found the courage to comfort him that night after the game. 
As you laid there half naked on the bleachers, you expected him to leave and you would never hear from again but he surprised you when he lifted you up in his strong arms and carried you to the boy’s locker room. 
Silently, he placed you on the bench and turned on the shower making sure it was warm enough before coming back to get you. Reaching for your hand, he tried to pull you to your feet but you didn’t budge. A long sigh left his chest and your eyes squeezed tightly shut feeling like you were annoying him before he gradually sunk down on his heels and tilted his head to get a better look at your face. 
“Hey. Look at me.” When you finally did, you half expected to be met with a frustrated jock but instead found a soft smile. “There she is…such a pretty girl. Are you ok? Feeling a little small?”
When you nod, his fingers come up to brush some of your hair behind your ear. 
“That’s ok. That’s absolutely alright. Is it ok with you if we take a shower so I can clean you? Or if you don’t want me to stay, I can give you some space and wait in the gym so I can walk you to your car.”
Steve’s beautiful eyes watched as you rose to your feet and he guided you to the stalls, placing you under the warm water. 
“Do you want to be alone? Oh shit!”, he exclaimed when you practically tackled your arms around him, resting your cheek on his chest. His own limbs slowly descended around you as he placed his chin on your head. “It’s ok, baby girl. Daddy’s got you.”
After that moment, every time you thought about your future it had Steve by your side. You saw him cheering you on when you graduated and getting excited with you when you published your first book. You imagined his arms around you during your first dance at your wedding or him playing with your children while you had another bun in the oven. Every time you thought that future was close, he dashed them away by fucking other girls and making you feel like trash. 
The truth was you still envisioned that future. Every time you tried to picture your new significant others, Steve’s face took over. With Jacob, you could imagine yourself marrying him and having kids with him but you could also see yourself miserable and full of resentment. Jacob didn’t deserve that. 
“Of all the gin joints in all the world…”
You jumped at the sound of his soothing voice as your glassy eyes met Steve’s before quickly wiping away the tears that had fallen. His expensive shoes squeaked against the floor as he moved closer to you and took a seat on the same row you were on a few feet away. 
“I tried getting into your phone to see where you may be but I couldn’t figure out the password. I started getting worried because your parents were looking for you and I know how close you are to them. You’d never want them to panic.” Glancing at the court in front of him, he leans back on his elbows against the row behind him. 
“Your boyfriend came looking for you…gave me a good hit or two before telling me that you were headed back to Hawkins. I kept thinking, if I was Y/N, where would I go? I figured it might be the school but I didn’t know where. I’ve been walking around for 20 minutes.”, he laughs as he turns his head to face you. 
Your eyes were down cast as you stared at the floor. 
“What are you thinking, honey?”
“Don’t.”, you whisper as you finally look his way. “Don’t sit there pretending like you fucking care about me or my wellbeing. You ruined everything, Steve Harrington. Everything. I wish I had never fucking met you or tried to make you feel better after your dad cussed you out. I hate you.”
He nods as he listens to you speak, trying to hide the fact that your words and pain hurt him.
“Y/N, were you seriously just going to skate by pretending to be happy?”
“That doesn’t give you the right to do what you did!”
“And YOU have no right to waste Jacob’s time! Wouldn’t you want him to be with someone who actually loves him instead of pretending?”
Scoffing, you get to your feet and head towards the door but he quickly cuts you off, blocking you with his body. 
“Am I wrong?”
“No, but you should have let ME tell him!”
“You’ve had how long to do that?”
“Get the fuck out of my way, Harrington!”
“Or what, little girl, huh? What are you going to do?” As you raise your arm to slap his face, his hand promptly grabs your wrist spinning you around and holding you against his chest. “See this is what I was talking about. MY Y/N was always strong, confident, and sarcastic. She was submissive in the bedroom but in life she was a force to be reconned with. You, young lady, have transformed into this subservient ‘yes’ girl, perfectly content with taking the hits instead of fighting back.”
“That’s because I found someone who actually cares about me and loves me!”
“Does he love you or the idea of you? Because trust me baby, I know you and the woman I’ve seen this past month isn’t who you are.”
“Like you fucking know!”, you shouted as you pushed him and he let you go to face him. “You broke me, Steven! There were so many things I wanted to do! For a while you dragged me along and I kept dreaming of doing those things with you but you were too scared and pathetic! Treating me like garbage to bring me down so I’d stop BEGGING you to just claim me. That feeling NEVER LEFT, STEVE! That empty feeling of life…without you…Of needing you and having other men…”, you started to sob, silencing yourself as you tried to walk the other way. 
Again, he ran around to stop you, gripping your biceps to keep you in place. 
“Having other men what, baby girl? Tell me. Tell Daddy what happened.” You rolled your eyes as you tried to turn away from him but his grip only tightened. “No. No, Y/N. You need to feel it, honey. Tell me. Go there if you need to, I promise, I’ll be right here.”
You understood what he was saying and oddly enough you did believe him. That was one thing that Steve never faltered with. In the Daddy headspace whether it be sexual or just taking care of you in general, he was really good at making you feel like you were protected. Like he had all the answers and you could trust him. 
Right now, in this moment, you were so fragile and you felt the little girl trying to burst down the preverbal door, wanting to run into his arms. Hanging your head, you decided to take the leap and let go.
“Every man I met after you was rough. They screamed at me and called me names, telling me I was worthless. But then I would scream right back and would fight till we were having violent angry make up sex. They genuinely treated me like a whore.”, you cried. “A couple of them would leave me after they fucked me and not even bother with after care. I would sit in a bathtub alone…sobbing because…because I wanted you.”
“Baby…”, Steve cooed as his palms cupped your cheeks.
“My last boyfriend before Jacob was the worst. He always spoke to me with so much distain. We fought constantly physically and sexually. The last night we were together, he told me to call him Daddy. I told him no but he kept whining and commanding I say it. I told him no again and used the safe word but he didn’t stop… so I kicked him in the balls and left that night.”
“Who is this guy? Fuck it, who are all the guys? Because I’m going to fucking ruin their lives for hurting my baby girl.”, he growled making you laugh breathily as your own hands reached for his face. 
“I thought Jacob was enough. Being with a man like him was much better than all that. He was always gentle, always kind, always…passive. He IS a good man who deserves the world. He’s just not a good man for me. Steve, I love him, I really do…just not as much as I love you.”
Just like he had back then, he lifted you into his arms and you immediately circled your own arms and legs around him as he carried you out the door to his car.
“Who the fuck is that at this hour?!”, a man snarled as Steve closed the front door behind you. 
“It’s just me, dad. Continue fucking your secretary or whatever you were doing.”
Taking your hand, he heads for the stairs but wasn’t fast enough as his father rounded the corner. 
“Steven, the fuck? You’re supposed to be in Indianapolis—oh.”, he pauses when he sees you. 
“I know, Dad, but I had something important I needed to take care of first. Honestly, I didn’t expect you to be here. I thought you and mom were going on vacation.”
“I had to make sure everything is ready in New York before I trust you to fly up there and take over.” Rolling his eyes, Steve continues to try to lead you upstairs but once again his father stops him. “Steven, you know how I feel about you showing off to the…girls…you meet in bars.”
His father said “girls” but even you knew he meant something way more derogatory.
“You mean that thing I’ve never done? Yeah, dad, you caught me. I flew all the way down here to show some random woman YOUR house so I look good. Y/N isn’t just some girl and she’s been here many times before but I would imagine you don’t remember since you were never here during my high school years.”
“Get rid of the attitude, son.”, his dad growled.
“Or what? You’re going to ground me? Take away the company? Oh, maybe strip me of my inheritance?”, Steve responded in equal measure. “I don’t fucking care. All that matters to me right now is the girl I love is cold and hurting so I’m going to head upstairs and take care of her. Do whatever the fuck you want.”
Not waiting for a response, he lightly tugged you signaling for you to follow and guiding you towards his bathroom. After preparing you a bath, he helped you in before disappearing and returning with some towels and clothes for you to change into. Rolling up his sleeves, he sat on the floor opposite you so he could see your face even though his eyes remained downcast until you finally decided to speak. 
“I always hated the way he talked to you. When I would wake up in the morning in your bed sometimes you wouldn’t be there and I could hear him scolding you about stupid shit. I think one morning he was screaming about the way you made eggs.”, you softly laughed as he smiled. “I was just happy you even thought to make me anything.”
As he continued to stare forward, you reached out to touch a small bruise that was forming on the side of his face causing him to flinch and gently catch your hand. 
“Did I do that?”
“Uh, no. Jacob did. Blindsided me as I was heading to my car. Man doesn’t hit hard but…”, he chuckled. 
“Steve? What are you thinking about?”
Sighing, his eyes finally meet your own. 
“I’m thinking… about everything you went through…with your exes especially that last one. Y/N, honey…no. I shouldn’t say anything.”
“Talk to me, Daddy.”
“You know how I can be. Seeing you with Jacob sprung some jealousy in me but…” He heavily exhales as his beautiful brown eyes darken and his jaw tightens as he tilts his head staring into that void again in front of him. 
“Those men hurt you. You told him to stop and said the word yet he still tried to…” As his chest begins to rise and fall, you reach for his hand in an attempt to calm him. “It’s not just because you’re mine, you know. I want to fucking kill them for what they did but you never would have been in that position if I hadn’t of pushed you to leave. Y/N, I really am sorry. I do genuinely want to do better and be better man for you.”
Steve’s head hangs slightly as he continues. 
“We don’t have to start right away if you don’t trust me. I can go to New York and I can call you every night so we can talk about things. Or, maybe, you can still come with me but we can just hang out as friends and get to know each other again. Whatever you want, sweetheart. Even if you want me to just fuck off, I can do that to.”
“I’m ready to get out now.”, you whisper.
Nodding, he rises to his feet without saying a word and helps you out of the tub, drying you off before lifting you in his arms again and placing you on his bed. Kneeling beside you, you studied his face as he focused on his tasks. He still seemed so angry but you knew it wasn’t at you. 
The little girl inside of you started taking over again as your palm tenderly caressed his cheek till your thumb grazed his lips. Steve’s movements stilled as you touched him, his eyes closing as he sighed and placed his head in your lap. 
“I don’t want you to be sad, Daddy.”
His own warm hands lightly ran along the back of your calves as he softly turned so his lips could kiss your knee.
“I’m not sad, honey. I just hate knowing you went through so much pain and Daddy wasn’t there to protect you.”
Tilting your body, your forehead rested on his as his slightly heavy breathing fanned the skin on your face. 
“Will you protect me now?”
“Of course.”
A soft sigh escaped your chest as he trailed tender kisses along your body, opening your legs wider, and putting your pussy on display for him as his face made its way to the place you wanted him most. 
Steve didn’t hesitate as his tongue licked a long, slow path through you folds. Falling backwards onto his mattress, he devoured you, sucking and flicking your clit as your fingers tangled into his hair. 
“Fuck, baby. I’ll never get over how good you taste. So fucking sweet, just like you, pretty girl.”
Two of his fingers guide almost effortlessly into your core and your eyes roll shut as you grind your hips against his movements. 
“Good girl, honey. Daddy’s right here. Daddy’s got you. Cum for me, sweetheart.”
His tongue moves faster as his digits match his pace and your body trembles as the coil in your tummy snaps. You continue to twitch and moan as his tongue cleans you.
Rising to his feet, you watch with needy, glassy eyes as slowly removes his suit and tosses it to the floor. Your head falls against his lower belly causing him to let out a sexy groan as your own breathy moans hit his cock.
“N-No, baby. You don’t have to do that tonight. Daddy’s taking care of you.”
Taking him in one of your hands, you casually pump him as your own tongue darts out to lick his tip making him mewl as he licks his lips.
“But I like having your cock in my mouth. I love tasting you and feeling you in my throat.”
Practically growling at your words, his hands thread through your hair as you envelope him into your mouth and take him as far back as you can before repeating the process. 
“Shit. No one ever took my dick as well as you do, baby girl. G-Go ahead. Take what’s yours. It’s all yours, Y/N. I swear.” 
Finding a steady rhythm with your head, your palms roamed his legs, your nails dragging along his thighs as he grunted and whimpered at the feeling. Lifting your hair into a makeshift ponytail, Steve holds you firmly as he subtly thrusts his hips causing you to gag around him. 
“Good girl. Th-that’s my good girl. You look so beautiful like this. Come here, sweetheart.”
Lifting you under your arms, he places your head on his pillows as he takes hold of your legs and pushes them back, practically folding you in half with your pussy before him. Steve groans as his tongue tastes you again and he tilts back to spit into your cunt. 
“So fucking beautiful.”, he murmurs as he lines himself up with your entrance and gradually pushes himself into you.
“Oh my God.”
Closing your eyes, your head completely falls back as you allow him to take over. His thrusts are slow at first as his thumb circles your clit driving you crazy. 
“Please… move.”
“I am moving.”, he breathily chuckles, biting his lip to suppress the moan. “I’m sorry, baby. I just—fuck—I just like feeling you cling to me.”
“Daddy!”, you whine. 
Steve crawls up your body and leans down till his nose is just above your own.
“Look at me, Y/N.”, he commands in a firm tone that makes you listen. When your eyes lock with his they are just as lust blown as your own as he tries to maintain control. “Who knows how to take care of you?”
“You do, Daddy.”
“And who know what you need?”
“Y-You do. Please, Daddy. Harder.”
As the tip of his nose runs along yours, Steve thrusts his hips hard hitting just the right spot with incredibly accuracy and force that your arms promptly cling to him to keep you grounded. 
“Like that, baby girl? See?”, he coos as he continues slowly slamming into you at just the right angle. “Daddy knows. I know exactly what you needed. You know how I know?” His chest falls against you and you whimper loudly when his breath warms your ear. “Because I need it to, honey.”
Steve’s pace quickened but his intensity remained the same as you wrapped your limbs around him trying to pull him as close to your body as you could. 
“I need to feel your tight little pussy gripping me when I hit that spot that makes you—God damn it—that makes you fall apart. I need to hear those pretty moans and feel them against my skin.”
Hearing you moan his name hit a feral button inside of him as he pumped into with purpose while the bed began to wiggle underneath you. 
“Fuck, Y/N. Cum, baby.”
Your body shuddered as the coil in your belly aggressively snapped and you screamed his name as your fingers dug into his shoulders. Steve soon followed, his grunts filling your ear as his rhythm faltered and you felt his release warm your insides. 
You both continued to pant as he slowly thrust his hips making sure all of his spend filled you up as you came down from your high. 
After tenderly kissing your forehead, he carefully pulled out of you and hurriedly disappeared out his bedroom. When you heard his father’s agitated tone, you hastily grabbed his button up shirt and covered yourself with it just as Steve came back with some items in his hands. 
“Everything’s ok, honey. My dad’s still here apparently. He told me he and my mom were going to the Bahamas this weekend. If I had known he was going to be here, I would have taken you to a hotel or back to your mom’s house.”, he sighs as he jumps back into bed and hands you a bottle of water.
“What did he say when you went downstairs?”
“He gave me shit again about bringing a girl to his house, saying that he could hear you moaning and screaming. I just shrugged and asked him if he was jealous.”
Unable to control it, you laughed so hard you spit the water you had been drinking back into the bottle making Steve laugh at the sight. As the two of you calmed down, he reached over and gently wiped away some of the liquid that had fallen down your chin. 
“It’s been a while since I’ve seen or heard you laugh like that; even before you left. Those last few months…I didn’t make things easy.”
“No, you didn’t.” He nods as he averts his eyes in shame. “When are you leaving for New York?”
“Oh, um, unless he changes it, the middle of next week. That way I can meet the team up there and get up to speed before everything kicks into gear that following Monday.” When he sneaks a glance your way, he notices you smirking at him. “What?”
“It’s nice hearing you talk like this. You never really got into anything in school. I mean, yeah, you did sports but you always talked about it like it was chore. Near the end of senior year, you had no idea what you wanted to do or be but it seems like you were meant for this.”
“It’s nice hearing someone say that. I worked hard to get here and even now my dad doesn’t appreciate it.” Taking the bottle from your hand, he quickly cleaned you and threw on a pair of boxers before crawling under the covers and bringing you to his side so he could play with your hair while your palm ran along his upper body.
“Steve?” He answered you with a gravelly hm. “I’ll come with you.”
His hand freezes for a moment before his fingers softly but firmly tugs on your hair, tilting your eyes to meet his. 
“Are you sure?” Steve chuckles under his breath when you nod, trying to hide how excited he genuinely is. “Ok, ok, um, I can rent you an apartment until you feel like you’re ready to take things—”
Placing two fingers on his lips, you interrupt him as you push up on your elbow to look down at him. 
“I have money, Steve. I can rent my own apartment and take care of myself—”
“Ok, whatever makes you comfortable, hon—”
“Would you let me finish!”, you giggle. “I was going to say that I can take care of myself…but I’m going to let go and trust that you can and will take care of me. Not just financially. I know you can do that but it’s taking a lot for me to trust you with everything else. I’d…I’d like to move in with you if that’s ok.”
“Of course, Y/N.”
“I don’t want you to think I’m taking advantage or anything. I just—”
“No, hey, no Y/N. I don’t think that at all. I know you can handle yourself. It’s one of the many things I love about you. I promise, baby girl. You’re safe with me now.”
Caressing his cheek with your hand, you guide his lip to yours.
“I love you to.”
6 Months Later
“Uh, Mr. Harrington. There’s an angry young lady down here asking for you.”
Steve chuckles through his teeth as he presses the intercom button to respond. 
“Is it an exceptionally beautiful young lady who most likely just rolled her eyes when I said that?”
“Yes, sir, it is. Should I send her up?”
After he approves, he throws the manila folders he had been sorting through haphazardly onto his desk as he sighed and ran his fingers frustratingly through his hair. 
“Steven Harrington!”
“Y/N Y/L/N.”
As his hands fall from his face, you round the corner of his desk and place yourself in his lap, wrapping his arms around you as you lean back against his chest. 
“Baby, it’s after 9 on a Friday.”
“I know but…come on. It’s the city that never sleeps!” 
Leaning your forehead into the nook between his neck and shoulder, he holds you tighter to him as he lets out a long sigh. 
“You’re over working yourself again, Daddy.”, you murmur. 
“I know. This is just a big deal and if I can expand my father’s company—”
“Your company. He gave it to you. You need to let go of his old ideals. There’s a reason he was only ever stationed in Hawkins.”
Steve grins softly down at you as he swivels his chair around to face the massive window he has overlooking the city in his top floor office.
“How did things go with your publisher today?”
“Not too bad. The launch date has been moved for the summer so we’ll see how that goes.” Nodding, he gently kissed your shoulder, along your neck, and up to your ear. “I’ve been thinking about you all day.”
“Yeah, baby girl? What have you been thinking?”
“I was just thinking about how much I miss you, Daddy. I even thought about being a bad girl to get your attention.”
“Hm? You need Daddy to make sure you don’t slip?”
You beam up at him as you nod your head, his equally sexy smile radiating you. 
“I can do that, honey. Come on. Let’s go home.”
You patiently wait as he sorts through some things before grabbing his jacket and taking your hand as you both head for the elevator. It had been so long since you felt this happy. Steve had come such a long way and true to his word did the work to be a better man for you. Even better, you both figured out how to utilize what you wanted sexually in the bedroom without resorting to toxic methods. 
For so long, you though something was wrong with you for wanting to be dominated but the truth was you had no idea how to vocalize what you needed let alone a man to work with you on enacting those needs. There were still times of course when you and Steve would genuinely fight and some of his old patterns would leak through triggering you to react how you used to but instead of ignoring each other for days on end or one of you leaving to do something you shouldn’t, you would talk it through before following it with that hot, passionate make up sex you both enjoyed. 
“Have you eaten yet?” Steve sighs in playful annoyance when you tell him no. “I don’t think the spankings are getting through, little one.”
“Yeah but it doesn’t hurt to keep trying.”, you tease, sticking out your tongue as he tries to control his smile.
“Alright, new plan. Let’s swing by that restaurant you love, pick up some food to bring home, and then after we can play.”
As you circle your arms around his waist, he grins down at you as he kisses the top of your head. 
“I love you, Steve Harrington.”
“I love you to, Y/N Y/L/N.”, he responded with zero hesitation making you giddy with happiness as you both stepped off the elevator.
@daysinthephoenix @sophiejayne-illustrations713 @livosssblog @lofaewrites @xxbookdrunkdemigodxx @micheledawn1975 @samajoe @diffrent-spokes
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narakasfuck · 2 years
let me tire you out (take me now)
read it on AO3
Pairing: PrapaiSky
Word count: 4.9k
Rating: Explicit
Additional tag: Smut, Kitchen Sex, Fluff Smut, Overuse of pet names and endearments, Light Dom/Sub, Bare-backing, Daddy Kink
Prapai slowly blinked his eyes open in confusion when he had turned in his sleep and reached his arm out for his lover who was supposedly sleeping beside him, only for his limb to fall onto the empty cold mattress.
“Sky?” His voice was still thick with sleep when he called out for the younger boy, hands rubbing the grogginess off of his face before he scanned around the room for the said boy. It almost sent him into a sheer panic when he still couldn’t find him anywhere in the room, but he soon heaved out a sigh of relief as he caught some hushed voice coming from outside the bedroom, possibly the kitchen - he noted. And so he trudged out of the room to follow the source of the noise.
Prapai leaned his body against the kitchen’s door frame with his arms crossed over his bare chest as he peeped at his boyfriend. There Sky was, perched on the countertop with a bowl of cereal sitting in between his thighs, his phone in the grip of his right hand and a spoon in his left hand. At 3:45 in the morning, mind Prapai added. The volume of the phone had been turned down to low but Prapai could still make out some Japanese words coming from it, so Prapai concluded it was most probably one of those animated shows that Sky had enjoyed so much.
Sky had roped him into watching a few episodes of One Piece together months ago, in which Prapai was more than willing to indulge because he was unapologetically a simp for the younger boy. But every single time Sky would end up whining because Prapai was just staring at his face throughout the entire episode instead of actually watching it. In Prapai’s defense, Sky made the prettiest smiley faces ever whenever he got excited, especially if it’s about something he’s very passionate about. His face would practically lit up in pure delight that it would even rival the sunrays. So really, how could Prapai not stare at that. He would have even tattooed that image on his body if he could.
Sky was so engrossed in the anime on his phone that he was completely oblivious of Prapai’s presence nearby, just watching him with utter adoration. When a few minutes went by and Sky still hadn’t noticed Prapai there, Prapai finally decided to make his presence known.
“My love.” Sky jumped in his seat and nearly dropped the spoon he was holding, startled at the sudden voice coming from behind him. Usually Sky wasn’t a scaredy-cat per se, but this time Prapai had really caught him off guard, coming out of nowhere.
He had managed to keep the spoon in his hand however the milk and cereal in it spilled all over his thigh, soiling his sleep cotton shorts.
“Phi Pai!” He gasped out at the older man who had rushed into the kitchen to grab some paper towels and was now striding over to him with a sheepish smile. “I swear to god, Phi Pai, my heart almost fell out of my ass!”
Sky had put his phone away and his lips pursed into a sulky pout when Prapai reached to him, but he still allowed it when Prapai carefully pried his legs open and slotted himself in between them. The bowl was immediately removed from between his now milk-soaked thighs too - to avoid any additional accidents - as Prapai started wiping the wet, sticky spot on his thighs and shorts courtesy of the older man himself.
“I’m sorry, baby.” He offered apologetically as his gentle hands moved in auto-pilot to clean up the mess, tossing the used towels to the side once he was done. And who was Sky to stay upset with the man when he tended to Sky with the utmost care and affection like this.
To everyone else this might have been a small, insignificant gesture. But for someone like Sky, who had been so accustomed to rough treatment and abuse instead, Prapai’s tender touch felt like a whole fairytale dream. A fairytale that Sky often daydreamed about back when he was younger and very much naive when it came to love. A fairytale that was later covered in pitch black clouds when cruel fate led him to his ex-boyfriend. He managed to escape from Gun - or more like Gun had abandoned him and didn’t even give a fuck that he had left the house for good - but the physical and emotional wound Gun inflicted on him had run so deep. For the longest time, Sky had considered himself as broken beyond repair. He was convinced that his fairytale dream would’ve never seen the light ever again. Until Prapai came barging into his life with no warnings or whatsoever. Unironically considering his name, Prapai had come in like a strong wind, blowing the black clouds away from Sky’s fairytale dream so easily that it had caused Sky to spiral into some episodes of crippling anxiety at first. It took a while for Sky to open up. But he did eventually realize that when it came to him, Prapai had been nothing but a gentle breeze. Never in Sky’s right mind would he ever imagine finding someone who loved him as genuinely as Prapai did.
The pout on Sky’s face was replaced with a soft smile in no time. And Prapai returned it with one of his own, mirroring Sky’s smile.
“What’s my baby doing here at almost 4 in the morning, hm?” Thick, muscular arms made their way up to wrap around Sky’s small waist, thumbs stroking Sky’s hips over his sleep shirt. The small action earned a pleased sigh out of Sky.
“I fell asleep too early, and now I'm wide awake.” He chewed on his bottom lip, not liking the way he sounded so whiny to his own ears.
“Do you wanna do your homework, baby? I can accompany you.”
Prapai had the audacity to laugh when Sky elicited a long extended whine with a shake of his head, looking evidently tormented at the mere mention of his homework.
“I’m just bummed that I fell asleep before you arrived.” He huffed out, slightly frustrated at himself.
This week had been a little too chaotic for Sky. He was drowned in countless assignments, presentations and group projects that his conversations and time spent with Prapai was cut too short for his liking. So when he finally settled everything (for the most part) yesterday and got nothing else due this week, the first thing he did was texting Prapai to inform him of the good news and asking him to come over to his dorm. To say that Sky was excited to see Prapai again would be an understatement. He almost rejected Rain and Sig when they offered him to eat together before they all went their separate ways. Fortunately his stomach had growled so loud and begged to be fed that Sky had begrudgingly followed his two friends.
After that he was practically bouncing on his heels as he walked into his dorm room, and he was even singing in the shower just now while he thought of things he could do with Prapai. But apparently Sky had underestimated just how drained he had been this week. The second he settled himself onto the couch to wait for Prapai, it didn’t take long for his body to finally succumb to the fatigue and drift into a deep sleep.
When Prapai walked into Sky’s dorm later that evening, he found Sky still completely knocked out in the living room. Sky didn’t even stir as Prapai gathered him into his arms and carried him to the bedroom so he could sleep more comfortably.
“I…,” He trailed off a little as he lifted his gaze up to meet Prapai’s own attentive eyes, beautiful lean fingers awkwardly fiddling with the drawstrings of Prapai’s pajama shorts.
It had been months since they got together but Sky still found himself having a hard time voicing out his thoughts and feelings. Partly because he didn’t know how to formulate it into proper words, but also because Sky was… simply too embarrassed to say it out loud. Sky had been trying though. Because he knew that words of affirmation were Prapai’s love language. He had seen the way Prapai lit up like a whole christmas tree every time Sky opened up to him.
“You what, sweetheart?” Prapai nodded his head a little, encouraging the younger boy to continue.
“I… miss you.” Cheeks burning up into a few shades of darker red, Sky immediately averted his gaze, opting to stare at his fingers instead. This was the moment Sky wished humans could just read minds instead, so he didn’t have to say things out loud. It’s embarrassing.
“I miss you. I want to talk to you and spend more time with you. But I end up falling asleep.”
Prapai couldn’t help but to coo at that. His boyfriend was being so fucking cute right now he swore his heart almost burst out from the excessive amount of love and adoration he had restored for him in it.
“Aww that’s okay, baby doll. I know how hectic this week has been for you. You needed the rest.” He coiled a finger under Sky’s chin and gently tilted his head up to face him again.
“We can watch a movie now if you want? You don’t have morning class tomorrow anyway.”
“Of course you would remember my class schedules.” Sky mused out loud with an amused chuckle. “But it’s okay, Phi Pai. You should go back to sleep now.”
Prapai’s lips parted to say something in dispute but Sky immediately pressed a finger onto his lips.
“I don’t have to wake up early, but you do. You still have work, Phi Pai.” Sky argued, trying to sound as stern as possible. Not that it was working though, because Prapai was Prapai. That man was so endeared by Sky that nothing Sky did would look intimidating to him.
“I’m not gonna go to bed without you, little one.” He tightened his hold around Sky’s waist and drew him flushed against his chest. Sky’s hands flew to rest on Prapai’s bare shoulders out of instinct, but not before giving his boyfriend a light punch on his upper arm.
“Phi Pai–”
“What if I tire you out so you can go to bed with me, hm?”
A surprised gasp emitted from Sky’s lips as Prapai suddenly sneaked one of his hands underneath Sky’s shirt, grazing his blunt nails on the small of Sky’s back before traveling them around and moving past his lover’s soft stomach in favor of heading straight to his chest. He rubbed the pad of his calloused thumb around Sky’s nipple, grinning mischievously when his boyfriend’s breath hitched at it. If Prapai had a list of things that he loved about Sky, his sensitivity to Prapai’s touch would definitely be at the top of the list.
Sky bit his lip as he stared at his boyfriend for a few seconds, still unconvinced at the proposition. And then Prapai pinched his nipple in between his fingers none too gently, making his body jolt at the sting and a sudden rush of arousal coursing through his vein, moving straight down south to his groin. All his rationale from earlier was instantly getting flushed down the drain when he could feel his cock slowly fattening in his thin shorts. Judging from the way Prapai was smirking at him, he’s pretty sure Prapai had noticed it too.
Curse Prapai for knowing his body so well at this point, and curse his body for being so responsive to Prapai’s touch, no matter how small it was. There was no way he could back out now, not that he really wanted to in the first place anyway. He was just trying to be a thoughtful boyfriend. But he forgot his boyfriend was Prapai. Horny was probably the man’s middle name.
Sky circled his arms loosely around Prapai’s neck, eyes stealing a glance at the older’s full plump lips that he wanted to kiss so badly now before looking back up to meet his eyes. His own lips tugged up into a smirk as he leaned his face closer to Prapai, so close that their lips almost touched when Sky had whispered out, “Deal. Take me now, Phi Pai.”
Prapai wasted no time to capture Sky’s lips with his own, nibbling lightly at his bottom lip before licking the sting away. His tongue slid into Sky’s wet cavern as soon as he was allowed entrance, licking the insides and lapping his wet muscle against Sky’s. Prapai had tilted his head to deepen the kiss, pulling Sky into a deep and sloppy kiss. Sky mewled as he reciprocated the kiss.
They only pulled away from the kiss when their chests were starting to burn from the lack of oxygen, begging desperately for air. Prapai almost whined at the loss of Sky’s lips, wanting to devour those delicious lips some more. But when he saw Sky panting heavily to regain his breath, he chuckled and opted to have some mercy on the younger boy instead. Couldn’t have him pass out this early yet.
Prapai lifted Sky’s arms up instead and ordered him to keep them up, in which Sky obliged before he swiftly pulled Sky’s shirt over and off his body. The shirt was then mindlessly tossed aside onto the kitchen floor.
It was Sky’s favorite pajama shirt - one that he wore a lot because he liked how the soft fabric felt on his skin, to the point that the neckline was starting to wear out - and he opened his mouth to complain but Prapai was faster.
He caught one of Sky’s nipples between his lips and started to suck eagerly; it made Sky’s mind short circuit in an instant. Any complaints he had earlier went vanished as all he could think of right now was how fucking good Prapai’s mouth felt on his bud. The way he swirled his hot tongue around it in a teasing manner before returning to sucking on it again got Sky head lolled back in pleasure, back instinctively arched beautifully as if offering Prapai more access to his body. Prapai took that as an encouragement, so he kept toying with Sky’s nipple some more until it was thoroughly sucked, so raw and red by the time he pulled away.
“Lube is in the room.” Prapai said as he untied the drawstring of Sky’s shorts. He playfully cupped Sky’s crotch over the layer of clothing and rubbed his palm up and down slowly, making Sky grind up into his hand.
“I’m gonna go get it. Condom or no condom, hm?”
Sky chewed on his bottom lip, contemplating just for a brief second. Then he looked up at Prapai with beautiful hazy eyes and replied, “No, please. Wanna feel you in me, and want your cum in me.”
Prapai almost growled at that.
When Prapai returned with a half used bottle of lube in hand, Sky had already moved himself into position; flat on his stomach, bent prettily over the countertop with his perky naked ass on full display, obediently presenting himself to Prapai and earning himself an aroused growl from the man.
Prapai swore Sky had the most breedable back ever.
Prapai could feel his own cock throbbed in need underneath the strain of his shorts. It’s almost painful even, with how hard he was getting now, but he ignored it in favor of attending to his lover first. To Prapai, it’s always about Sky’s pleasure first and foremost.
Prapai spurted a generous amount of lube into his palm while he sauntered over to Sky and settled himself to stand behind him. He grabbed a hold of Sky’s buttcheek in his free hand, groping it none too gently. The action caused Sky to let out a needy moan, albeit a little muffled against his arm which he had tucked under his face to pillow his head from the hard surface.
“Phi Pai…” He turned his face to the side so he could peer at Prapai over his shoulder. A pair of beautiful, lust filled eyes looking up at Prapai, evidently already impatient. Probably only one second away from whining if Prapai didn’t give his body the attention that he badly needed already.
“Shh, I'm here. I got you.” He cooed soothingly at the boy as he leaned down to press soft kisses on the small of Sky’s back, peppering them along Sky’s spine up to his nape before he pulled away.
Sky had mewled and shivered at the ministrations, the press of Prapai’s warm lips on his bare skin sent goosebumps all over him that he whined when Prapai pulled away. But it was soon replaced with a surprised gasp, followed by a string of pleased noises and the curl of his toes as Prapai carefully pushed a slicked finger into his awaiting hole, slowly sliding it up until it was fully buried into him.
The initial intrusion had sting a bit despite the lubrication, but it was nothing Sky wasn’t familiar with. It didn’t last long, anyway. Especially when Prapai’s skilled finger had moved in and out of him at the right pace, making sure he was well adjusted before he added more and more digits into him.
Next thing Sky knew, he was already reduced to a moaning mess with three of Prapai’s fingers shoved easily inside him, opening him wide and loose for Prapai. Sky mewled keenly when Prapai had crooked his fingers just at the right angle, and thrusted them in just at the right depth to press against Sky’s prostate over and over again, stimulating him even more.
“Phi Pai… Phi Pai that’s- that’s enough-” Sky managed to choke out in between hitched breaths, his free hand reaching behind him to catch Prapai’s wrist, though it wasn’t able to stop Prapai from continuing his ministrations.
Sky’s hard little cock that’s squeezed between his legs and the furniture was already oozing with pre-cum. He doubted he could last any longer if Prapai kept going, and he really wanted to come to Prapai’s dick fucking him instead.
And Prapai always said he needed to use his words to get what he wanted…
“Want you… inside… Phi Pai.” Sky looked up at Prapai pleadingly, tears already pooling at the corner of his eyes from how painfully hard his cock was, begging for a release.
Prapai did halt his movement, but kept his fingers inside still as he gazed down at Sky expectantly. Sky bit his bottom lip, averting his gaze and instead burying his face into his arm so Prapai couldn’t see his burning cheeks when he pleaded, with soft voice, “Please, daddy?”
“What did I say before, hm?” Strong fingers threaded into Sky’s soft hair, gripping a fistful of it lightly. Prapai hovered over Sky once again and leaned his face close to Sky’s ear, whispering deeply, “Look at daddy when you’re talking to him, pretty little doll.”
Sky whimpered at the mere use of the nickname. That’s one of the many things Prapai did that easily affected Sky, one that Sky himself couldn’t figure out why. It just happened that Prapai had a knack of using a variety of nicknames on Sky.
Depending on the name, most of the time it made Sky’s heart flutter and his tummy filled with dozens of butterflies. But other times, like right now, especially when Prapai had said it in that deep and domineering tone of  his, it made Sky’s knees turn weak and his head felt so light like he’s floating on cotton clouds.
Not to mention his greedy hole pulsated from the pure arousal.
It didn’t take even a second for Sky to concede, much to Prapai’s satisfaction. Looking all docile as he lifted his pretty face from the crook of his arm, peering over his shoulder again to meet Prapai’s gaze. “W-want your cock inside me. Please, daddy?”
“Good boy.” Prapai rewarded the younger boy with a kiss on his earlobe, knowing very well it was one of his baby’s sensitive spots. Then he gently pulled out his fingers from Sky’s puffy hole, grunting out under his breath when it fluttered, clenching around nothing.
His pajama shorts were shrugged off his legs in record time, allowing his thick cock to finally sprung out from its confinement. Sky’s gaze turned into one of hunger almost in an instant at the sight of his daddy’s cock. Laying heavily in Prapai’s fist as the man coated it with lube and gave it a few experimental strokes. Once he deemed ready, he slotted his rock hard dick in between Sky’s cheeks and pressed them close together as he rocked his hips back and forth. The delicious frictions from where Prapai’s cock is sliding against Sky’s sensitive part got him to shudder visibly. His eyes gradually turned hazy as he purred at the pleasure.
And then Prapai decided to be a menace.
He’s being a mean daddy - Sky whined in his head.
The tip of his cock would graze against Sky’s puckered entrance every time he slid up, but he would purposely move past it and avoid it to edge the boy further. Simply because he liked teasing Sky and watching how the boy would react to his teasings. Like right now, Sky was bucking his ass up in his attempt to chase Prapai’s dick, only for him to give up and emit a pitiful frustrated cry soon after. “Don’t be mean.” He huffed out, complete with the disapproving frown and an adorable pout. It’s so fucking cute and it turned Prapai on even more.
“Okay sorry, my little pup. I won’t be mean anymore.”
Sky swore he felt like the air was knocked out of him when Prapai prodded his cockhead at his hole, and then finally pushed in, breaching past Sky’s ring of muscle. Prapai had been considerate enough of Sky to press in slowly, halting his movement every time Sky had displayed any form of discomfort. No amount of prep would ever be enough to prepare anyone to take in someone of Prapai’s size, if Sky was to be honest.  
Sky knew it probably took Prapai a lot of his will to suppress the urge to slam his cock home into Sky, but Prapai managed to do it anyway; letting Sky get properly adjusted to his size until he was able to slide all the way in and was fully sheathed in Sky’s warmth.
A string of moans mixed with some curses escaped from Prapai’s lips. Sky felt so warm, tight and snug around his cock, squeezing him at all the right places as if his walls were especially molded for Prapai’s cock. And he was met with barely any resistance when he started to move. His hands found purchase on the dip of Sky’s hips with a bruising grip as he slowly pulled his cock out, leaving just the tip in, only for him to slam back inside in one swift, practiced movement.
“Oh, fuck-” Sky could only moan helplessly as Prapai continued to thrust in and out of him; going slow at first then gradually picking up his pace, and fucking into Sky rather gently at first and then his movement becoming more and more rough.
Sky’s hand scrambled around to grab onto something, anything. But there’s nothing available around him and the surface of the countertop was too slippery for him to grip. Noticing his struggle, Prapai caught the hand by the wrist and folded it behind him, holding it firmly there to restrain him from using the hand anymore.
“You have no idea how fucking pretty you look right now, baby.” He breathed out as he pounded roughly into Sky that the boy jolted from the impact. It kinda hurt the way the edge of the counter digged at his skin, but the way Prapai was fucking into him had felt so overwhelmingly good that he couldn’t be bothered about anything else.
Just Prapai’s thick hot dick inside him, rearranging his guts, and his balls slapping against his own, adding to the stimulation.
Prapai’s tongue darted out to lick his own lip as he watched the way his entire length easily disappeared into Sky’s hole, reemerging soon after with a lewd squelch that echoed throughout the kitchen alongside the skin-slapping noises and their heavy breathings. The sight made his blood rush down south to his groin, throbbing and leaking inside Sky.
“Taking in daddy’s cock so well.” Thrust.
Sky’s lips parted in silent moans - with drool leaking out from the corner of his lips too - and his thighs shook when the tip of Prapai’s cock hit dead on against his prostate every single time he thrusted in. At this point Prapai was really so well versed with Sky's body that he could easily find Sky’s spot even with closed eyes.
“All dumb and drooly because of daddy’s cock.” Thrust.
“Like you were born exactly for this.” Thrust.
That was one hard thrust, making Sky’s eyes roll back from pure bliss. Maybe Sky was indeed made to take Prapai’s cock. Whenever and wherever the man wanted to.
Prapai lifted one of Sky’s thighs, hooking an arm under the knee to keep the leg up to spread Sky open even more. This new position allowed him to drive his rock hard dick even deeper into Sky.
Sky clenched hard around Prapai’s cock, his spent and used body squirming from the intense pleasure. But it still wasn’t enough. His neglected cock was hard and twitching between his legs, begging for some attention. He’s so so so close but he needed to be touched there. Thus he untucked the hand from underneath his head and reached down for it but Prapai immediately swatted his hand.
“Daddy… please…”
“Are you close, my pup?” Prapai asked, sounding a little breathless himself, and Sky nodded his head eagerly.
“Me too, baby.” Without breaking their contact, Prapai snuck an arm around Sky’s middle and pulled the boy up into standing position with his back pressed flat against his chest. He kept the arm secured there to hold Sky up, knowing for sure his legs were already too wobbly to stand on his own.
“You can cum now. Be a good boy and cum for daddy.” Thick warm fingers coiled around Sky’s dick and started pumping it up and down in time with Prapai’s relentless thrusts. The double stimulation was starting to overwhelm Sky, making him loll his head back on Prapai’s shoulder and his hands grip on Prapai’s muscular arms for purchase.
Prapai rubbed the pad of his thumb on Sky’s tip and it didn’t take long before Sky finally reached his orgasm with a drawl out moan. His body stiffened in Prapai’s hold and his legs shook uncontrollably when he spurted his cum against the furniture and all over Prapai’s fist that was still moving to stroke his cock, but at a slow pace now to help milking out every drop of Sky’s cum.
Prapai’s own release came soon after. A groan emitted from under his breath as he pulled Sky close against him, his face buried into the crook of Sky’s exposed neck as he shot his warm seeds deep into him, painting his insides white and stuffing him so full. Sky mewled in pure bliss and shuddered visibly when Prapai continued to thrust lightly into him for a few more moments to ride out his own orgasm.
Their chests heaved up and down as they pant lightly, trying to catch their breaths. Sky could faintly hear Prapai whispering sweet praises into his ears, but he was too fucked out to listen properly, so he just hummed softly in content, eyes becoming heavy from exhaustion.
“Let’s clean up a little, yeah?” Sky whined while shaking his head, still not ready to move. Prapai just chuckled at that and pressed a chaste kiss onto Sky’s shoulder before carefully detaching himself from him. He pulled out of Sky’s hole with a lewd pop sound, thick white liquid leaking out of the boy and dripping down his thigh.
Prapai used his foot to grab one of the clothes that he had tossed aside earlier so he could use it to wipe Sky’s thigh. Too worn out to do anything, Sky just let Prapai maneuver him around as he slowly dozed off to sleep.
When he sleepily blinked his eyes open again, Prapai was gently placing him down onto the bed. Apparently while he had nodded off Prapai had managed to wipe his body clean and put a fresh new shirt on him. He had even asked Sky to take a few sips from the drink he brought, wanting to keep Sky hydrated.
Sky’s heart fluttered at that. Prapai was such a good caretaker. He’s everything that Sky had prayed for and more.
Sky settled himself under the blanket, rolling over to Prapai’s side and snuggling against the man’s broad chest with a sated sigh. The warmth radiating from the man’s bare skin brought comfort to him, and the sound of his heart beat against his ear felt like a soothing lullaby, making him yawn and flutter his eyes closed. Prapai draped an arm loosely around his waist as the other hand caressed Sky’s hair comfortingly.
“Phi Pai…” Sky mumbled quietly, already struggling to stay awake, but he’s determined to say this.
“Yes, my beautiful angel Sky.”
Sky felt soft lips on his forehead.
“T’morrow… let’s go out ‘n eat t’gether… a date…” Sky slurred out groggily, voice so small it was barely audible, though luckily Prapai was still able to decipher it. Prapai smiled, endeared.
Sky had already drifted off to sleep, but Prapai replied anyway.
“Mhm, let’s do that. I love you, my Sky.”
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syngrafaes09 · 2 years
Next Door Neighbour | Bucky Barnes x Y/N
Logline: It was a simple arrangement, he thought - two people with nightmares agreeing to sleep next each other. But little did he know her secrets were darker than night itself.
Part - 2
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He once again readjusted the sleeve of his T-shirt and gloves before knocking at her door. Seconds later the door clicked open. He had finally made the call after two nights.
“You came,” she exclaimed, opening it wide for him to enter. He was supposed to be here two hours earlier. She had almost given up hope ten minutes ago when the clock struck eleven.
“Yeah. I was having cold feet.” he nervously scratched the back of his neck. She smiled, shook her head, and bolted the door. “Considering and reconsidering.”
“I’m glad you came.”
She led him through the narrow hallway. He could hear the soft noise of the TV from the first room on their right. 
The living room was similar to his. Except the couch looked more comfortable than his, two bookshelves flanked the window opening to the side yard and a few pictures hung on the right wall. The TV was playing the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.
“You’ve got a beautiful place,” he commented, settling on the armchair across from her.
“Thank you.” She turned down the volume. “What do you usually do before going to bed?”
“Sometimes I watch TV, other times maybe read a book.”
Y/n nodded, fiddling with the hem of her white dress. This was much more awkward than she had imagined. “Would you like some wine? Or beer?”
“Uh, thank you. Anything would be nice. I’ll have what you have.”
She nodded once again. And disappeared into the hall. 
Bucky exhaled and looked around the lightly lit room. He focused on the pictures hanging in front of him - the first one was of a man standing on a bridge, the second one of Y/N from her graduation ceremony, the third one of a toddler and the last one again of the man and Y/n together standing beside a creek in the forest. 
Y/n returned with two beer bottles.
“How long have you lived here?” he asked before taking his first sip.
“About 6 years. I came here three months before the blip.”
“Is that your husband?”
She glanced at the photos. He couldn’t exactly say her emotions but they were similar on the line of longing and regret. The longing was similar to the one he had seen in Steve’s eyes. “Ex-husband,” she replied, taking another sip. “We separated ten years ago.”
“I’m sorry. But you don’t strike me that old.”
“No, I guess I’m not,” she chucked. “I turned thirty-two last summer. I had been with Adam since I was fourteen. He was sort of my guardian after my parents died. I loved him, we got married and three years later he wanted to leave.” She gave him a sad smile. “Enough about me, tell me about you.”
He blinked. He didn’t know what to say about him. He could certainly not tell her that he was over a hundred years old. Had assassinated over two dozen people. Was a brainwashed super soldier. No, none of that could be revealed to her. “What do you want to know about me?”
“Anything,” she said. “Where did you grow up? What’s your job like? Your life partners, if any? And so on.”
“I grew up in Brooklyn.” He took a sip as his mind went haywire trying to intricate truth with lies. “I joined the army. Was in Russia and Germany between the missions-”
“Mommy,” a half-sleepy voice interrupted him. He let out a breath of relief at the God-sent angel. Both of them looked towards the boy standing near the door of the living room.
“Oh, baby,” Y/n whispered and rushed to him. “You had a bad dream again?” She crouched in front of him, running her fingers through his messy hair.
He shook his head, “Just got up,” and looked over her shoulder. “Is that daddy?” he asked, looking at the strange figure.
“No, love. That’s Uncle James from next door.” The boy examined him once again. “Shall we get you back to bed?” He nodded.
Picking him up in her arms, Y/n turned back, “Would you like to come up?”
“Sure,” he replied, following them.
Tags : @vicmc624 @just-another-fanfiction-writer
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mindofharry · 3 years
Stepdadrry pleaseeeee ❤️❤️❤️❤️
A small little angsty blurb of harry having to deal with a moody child for the first time! enjoy!
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Being a dad is something harry has always wanted.
It’s something he’s dreamt about. So when he met you, it was like fate. You two had met at a museum, Y/N was doing the tours and harry was new to town. Harry had been looking for a home for quite a long time and finally found a good one. The only downside was it was in a small village — or maybe it was good. When Harry first moved, he realised everyone in the village knew everyone. So when Harry permanently moved in, he was the talk of the town.
It died down after a few weeks, but he felt like a proper celebrity.
After finding a job in a local café, Harry went exploring and came across Y/N’s small museum. It was nothing fancy, but it looked like the town came together and put this museum up with historical facts about the village. It was something super special, and harry was glad he got to be apart of this.
When he first saw Y/N, his heart practically burst out of his chest. Harry bit his lip and his eyes widened as she turned around from behind the desk. Her long hair was in neat braids, and she was wearing this beautiful yellow sun dress. Y/N had paint on her hands and arms and a flower tucked behind her ear. There was one word to describe Y/N and that word was; perfect.
“Are you new to town? I haven’t seen you around before” Y/N asked with a big smile, maybe because she was so excited a new person was here or because he was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen.
“Yeah, I moved here two weeks ago. You’re the first person to have an actual conversation with me” Harry said leaning against the wall. Y/N shook her head and took the flower out of her hair placing it on his harry coat pocket.
“Well, aren’t you lucky?”
And Harry was.
After asking her on a date he knew she was the one. Y/N is kind, selfless and so funny. He found is other match. On the third date, Y/N seemed nervous. Like she was itching to tell him something. Harry then started to get anxious, thinking this is it, this is the time she breaks up with me. So the night was tense, everyone felt it. When dinner was over, Harry drove you back to his and opened up a bottle of wine trying to ease the tension a little.
“I… I have to tell you something” Y/N said and put the glass of wine on the table. Harry nodded his head and took a deep breath in, preparing himself for the worst.
“I have a kid”
A kid?
Harry started to laugh.
“Baby, that’s what you were so afraid to tell me?” He giggled and Y/N nodded looking down at her feet. Harry sighed and placed his wine on the table, then lifting Y/N into his lap placing both of his hands on her cheeks.
“I do not care if you have children, Y/N. I like you and whatever comes with you. Tell me about them”
Y/N’s child is a boy, River, fours year old and a total sweetheart. He’s so smart and has the best manners. His dad is still in the picture, but he works a lot so he doesn’t get to see River as much as he’d like to. But there’s no bad blood between Y/N and River’s dad, the relationship just didn’t work out. But Y/N’s glad she’s gotten a second chance, because she’s found her soulmate. Some people aren’t ready to take on that role, and she’d never put anyone in that position unless they 110% ready for it. She knows River will absolutely love Harry.
Harry knew about River now, it was like a weight had lifted off of Y/N’s chest and she could fully relax now.
She wanted Harry to meet River as soon as possible, but she needed to wait it out a bit just in case something were to happen. She doesn’t want to introduce them and only for her and Harry to break up in a couple of weeks. It would be too confusing for everyone, so Harry and River didn’t meet until two months after Harry and Y/N made it official. Y/N had been dropping hints for those months, and River seems to like his dad’s girlfriend, so she thought now was the right time to do it.
“Hi buddy! I’m Harry” Harry introduced himself, giving River the teddy bear he picked up on the way here. Y/N smiled to herself as River hugged Harry. That surprised Harry a bit, but he quickly reciprocated the warm hug with a huge grin.
“You and mumma are together like daddy and Sandra?” River asked and Harry looked up to Y/N, she nodded.
“Yeah, we are together. Is that alright with you?”
River smiled and nodded, “Only if you watch Toy story with me.”
As time went on, River got more comfortable with Harry and vice versa. He didn’t call him dad or anything, nobody would force him to. But they do have special nicknames for each other and River once called Harry his best friend — which totally melted Y/N’s heart.
Harry is a such a great step dad. Y/N could ask for anyone better. He constantly supports Y/N and River in everything, and is just the best person to be around.
Harry and Y/N got married two years into their relationship when River turned six.
It’s been a tough year for River, since he just started school and is finding it hard to make friends. Y/N has talked to the school and they’ve said that this is very normal, and they’re going to encourage him and look after him every step of the way. Y/N has been looking for play therapists for days, but she’s still not sure on the idea.
But River has been acting out. Taking it out on Y/N and not being very nice to her. Harry hates it, he’s tried to tell him off in the nicest way possible, but he’s just not cut out for being bad cop. Usually Y/N says she can handle it, and she does.
But today was different.
After dropping River off at school Y/N and Harry decided to go out for brunch. Y/N hasn’t been herself with River in a mood, so Harry wanted to treat his wife to something nice. Something to cheer her up a little.
“Nice to see you smiling,” Harry said kissing her temple.
“Just worried about him. He’s never been like this before.”
“How about I talk to him? Tell him his behaviour is unacceptable. I hate seeing you so upset, baby.” Harry said and Y/N sighed pecking his lips.
“His dad is away on a work thing, so I guess me and you and can talk to him together? I just don’t want him to think this behaviour is ok, but I just wish his dad was here more often” Y/N stressed, Harry pulled her chair closer to his, placing both of his hands on her cheeks calming her slightly.
“We’ll talk to him after dinner. Together.”
And so dinner finally came and Harry was a little nervous, he’s not going to lie. Usually if Rivers being bold Y/N handles it, but he’s not usually like this — but they get it, going to big school is a huge change. River just needs to know his behaviour is not acceptable, but if he ever needs to talk about anything then they’ll be here.
“River, Harry and I need to talk to you.” Y/N said as River tried to disappear up to his room.
River shrugged and continued to walking.
“Buddy, your mums talking to you” Harry said placing a hand on Y/N’s hand. River pouted, but still stood in his spot. “Why don’t you come back over and sit with us?” Harry said and River shook his head. Y/N sighed placing a hand on her forehead, blinking away the tears.
“Fine, we’ll do this here then.”
“There’s something going on with you and we want to help. Your behaviour has been unacceptable the last couple of weeks. We just want to know what’s going on, ok? Mummy and Harry are here to help.”
River groaned and walked towards the table. “I don’t want to talk.” He said and Y/N nodded.
“That’s ok. You don’t have to talk to us right now. But you need to know that you can’t be cheeky with us like that anymore. It’s upsetting, River. If it keeps going on, they’ll be punishments and you don’t like them do you?” Y/N said trying to reason with him.
River was having absolutely none of this. Harry could tell. He didn’t want to get in the middle of Y/N’s parenting, but he didn’t want them to fight or end up saying something they’d regret.
“Riv, we just want to help-“
“Stop talking to me, you’re not even my real dad. You’ll be out of here in no time” River yelled, running out of the room.
It was quiet and Harry let out a little laugh, Y/N placed a hand on his and started to profusely apologise.
“I’m so sorry, Harry. I don’t know what’s gotten into him, you were just trying to help I get that. I’m so sorry”
Harry shook his head and sighed, “He’s right, i’m not his real dad. Was just trying to deescalate the situation. Bad move on my part” Harry said throwing the napkin on his plate.
“No, this is not on you. You did the same exact thing I would’ve.”
Y/N went to move, but harry put his hand in the air. “He’s angry, let’s just leave him for a bit. Let him calm down, then i’ll go talk to him.”
“You’re a good dad, Harry.” Y/N said kissing his forehead before bringing the plates over to the sink.
Harry let River calm down for about 30 minutes and then made Y/N a cup of tea. He didn’t like her being so anxious. After that, he made his way upstairs to Rivers room. The door had a note on it saying “Harry and mummy keep out”. He laughed to himself, before knocking on the door. There was a small grumble, so harry let himself in and leaned against the door frame. River was playing with his toys like nothing happened.
“Wanna play with me Harry?” River asked passing him a toy.
Harry sighed and sat down next to River.
“You know what you said really hurt my feelings?” Harry said and River pouted.
“And you’re behaviour has really upset mummy. Made her cry.” Harry said and River put down his car toy. “Just don’t like the school. Makes me nervous.” River said and Harry nodded placing the boy in his lap.
“And why does it make you nervous?”
“Because no one wants to be my friend, Harry.”
Harry sighed and kissed Rivers head.
“You know, me and mummy are going to go up to the school and yell so loud at the teachers” Harry joked and River giggled into harry’s chest.
“I’m sorry i said you’re not my real dad. You are my dad.” River said and Harrys eyes filled up with tears.
“I love you, River”
“Love you too”
“Now let’s go give mumma a kiss before she gets jealous.”
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sinisterexaggerator · 2 years
So we know how the Duros duo take care of their SO's while sick, how they act when sick....how would the Duros dad's react the first time their kid got sick, and not like a lil sniffle but actually sick?
Instead of headcanons this time, I wound up writing ficlets!
After talking about how sadistic I write my Bane, I went out on a limb and wrote him super soft one of the only times I imagine he would be: around his kid!
Word Count: 838 total
Warnings: None. Sick baby, cuddles, fluff, family feels.
He hadn’t wanted the kid, hadn’t asked for the kid, yet here the kid was. It had taken him weeks, months, just to get used to the idea. You had announced that you were pregnant, and he had nearly choked. But now things were different. He was different, and very worse for wear.
But it wasn’t due to anything you had done, or even your little tyke. The runt was sick. Really sick, and Cad Bane was beside himself.
You caught him glaring, for lack of a better word. Stock-still as a statue, he eyed the sleeping grub.
The only thing that placated the agitated Duros was the toothpick he rolled along, whorled about by the pink point of his often vulgar tongue.
Your hand came to rest upon his shoulder; he didn’t stop you. In fact, he squeezed it gently. It was out of place, though actions often spoke louder than words in his defining case.
You were not neglectful, you attended to your child, but it did not matter how often you came or went, for Cad was always at his side.
At one point the room was dark, your human sight was ill-adjusted. You had thought he left without a word, but his ruby eyes peeked open. They blossomed in the night, like a Candlewick flower in its native habitat. Bane’s eyelids blinked as he inspected you, the duties you attended to, from beneath the wide brim of his bolero hat.
You tried to coax him to your bed at this late hour, but Cad only waved you off. He wouldn’t leave his tiny heir, the male halfling that slumbered quietly.
You caught him the next morning, snugly sequestered in the toddler’s makeshift nest – he had chosen to forego the comfort or the company of your loving touch to spend the evening with the fruit of your fertile loins.
The youngling was feeling better; he was crooning in his daddy’s ear. He was alerted by your footsteps, a hand moving to withdraw the blaster that was not there.
It was a rule. He did not wear them in the house, though he kept them close in case anyone dare encroach, infringe, or otherwise creep on his little family.
“Did you stay awake all night?” you asked the man.
He corrected the position of his signature incidental atop his head, rubbed at an itchy spot beneath his scarred and weathered rostrum. Then, he rearranged himself to sit. The little boy crawled into his lap, and Cad Bane did something that was rare – he smiled.
“Maybe,” was all he said.
“No, I tried that.”
“Yeah, that too.”
“You’re not helping by yelling at me!”
“No, I don’t want you to come here!”
“Because you’re all the way on Duro!”
“It’s fine, everything’s fine! I’ll figure it out! Gotta go!”
“Shriv, I’m right here. Can I do anything?” you asked the irate Duros.
“No!” he snapped at you, though perhaps not aiming to.
Suurgav had called his mother, not trusting you, himself, or anyone with the well-being of his baby girl. She ran a fever, her eyes were droopy, and she had lost her healthy glow.
The fledgling was strapped to her daddy’s waist, one arm encircling her as he bounced her gently while he paced.
“Waak’cha kaaq,” he whispered in her ear, Durese words that meant “poor thing.” Though you knew that all his worrying wouldn’t help her in the end.
You carefully took her from him; he followed you around the house, shadowing your steps. She was shivering, so you ensconced her in warm blankets and held her to yourself.
Shriv wrapped the both of you up into a tight embrace. He breathed into your hair as the Duros felt like shedding tears.
“Sweet man,” you called him as your lips brushed against his jaw. He held you tighter, rubbing his rostrum into your downy locks.
“I’m sorry, I’ve just never had to deal with this before. I feel so powerless, useless. I just want her to get better.”
The baby peered up at Shriv; she was old enough to understand. She rumbled out a purr and chirped, a sound that meant she loved him.
Shriv sighed, squeezing her pinky finger. He was so in love with her, just as much as she was with him. “Let’s put her to bed,” you offered.
He slowly nodded. He held her hand the whole way there. Shriv was tired just like the baby, he had been awake all night, fretting and floundering on how to help.
You left them for just two ticks. You ran off to grab more blankets and some water - to stay hydrated was important, especially when ill.
Shriv had curled into a little ball around his daughter. He was snoring softly. The toddler yawned, snug as a bug. She placed her tiny open palms on Suurgav's cheeks.
You thought your heart was going to melt inside your chest, seep right out the spaces between your ribs - those two would be the death of you, even if they hadn't meant to.
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erwinsvow · 3 years
𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.
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summary: you and eren, your boyfriend armin’s best friend, have always had a strange relationship. things take a turn when armin goes home for the weekend, leaving the two of you alone on friday night.
warnings: smut, oral sex (f receiving), guilty reader feels bad, implied infidelity, masturbation, slight dumbification, dacryphilia, daddy kink
word count: 6.8k
author’s note: i once said i would never write for eren, so i guess that was a fat lie! enjoy!
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You’re not sure about exactly when you became so comfortable with having Eren around. It was kind of like a two-for-one deal with your boyfriend, Armin, since he was so rarely seen without his best friend at his side. Their majors were so different that they hardly ever had classes together, and so the pair of them made up for lost time by spending all their other time together. 
It wasn’t totally out of the blue if Eren would crash on the couch next to you, while you were curled up beside Armin, hands interlaced and head resting softly on his chest. You’d jolt at the impact of Eren—a huge guy compared to anyone’s standards—jumping beside you and disrupting the peaceful intimacy you were sharing with your boyfriend. Armin didn’t seem to be annoyed or frustrated, and so you wouldn’t prove to be, either. You and him would welcome Eren with a laugh, directing him to the leftovers from your take-out and enjoying the company of a man who wasn’t your boyfriend far too much. 
It was easy to fall into the trap of it. Maybe Armin was always missing the way Eren’s eyes raked over your figure whenever you’d walk into the room. Maybe he was too enraptured by his marine biology textbook to notice how Eren stared at the supple skin of your exposed thighs when you took a seat next to them, dress hiking up a little or skirt much too short for a study-date with two boys. You were never much of a tease because it was so easy when you and Armin started seeing each other, so natural and comfortable that you didn’t have to try any unusual flirting methods on the golden-haired boy. As a result, he didn’t really know what bubbled under the surface of your skin and all the different thoughts that plagued your mind. 
So you think that’s why it was so easy to fall into the trap of it all, making eyes at Eren while your boyfriend sat right next to you. Choosing outfits that had previously been stuffed into the depths of your closet, because you didn’t think Armin would approve. You kept up the facade in front of your lovely boyfriend, though, because at the end of the day, you loved him and no one else. You didn’t want to break his heart by cheating on him with his closest friend, even though the electricity between you and Eren made all the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, and made goosebumps appear on every inch of the soft skin of your legs that Eren loved to leer at so much. No, because at the end of the day, it was plainly wrong to even think about another man when you had Armin in your life. 
That’s what you told yourself when you stopped exchanging glances with Eren, started wearing blue again instead of green, and asked Armin if you two could have more time alone. You thought Armin looked confused, and he was, but for entirely different reasons. While you had been concerned with Eren’s gaze and intentions, Armin had been silently paying attention to his best friend and girlfriend. You thought he was innocent, sure, but he wasn’t stupid. And there wasn’t a thought in Eren’s head that Armin couldn’t figure out well in advance. If you wanted to fuck Eren, all you had to do was ask, but he quickly realized you were trying to be a good little girlfriend again, rather than the devilish slut you had been recently. Well, if you weren’t going to do anything, he was going to have to take matters into his own hands. 
Eren had always wondered why you spent so much time with Armin, and by virtue of association, with him. Any other little girlfriend would at least take some time alone to study, but you practically spent every minute at Armin’s side or in their shared apartment. Armin’s explanation of how you didn’t get along with your roommates made so much sense, especially now that you were going to be sleeping in Armin’s room for the weekend while he went back home for a ‘family emergency’. 
You had asked Armin if Eren would be going back with him in a certain voice, one that he couldn’t exactly pinpoint as he eavesdropped from his own bedroom. A mixture of uncertainty, nervousness, and excitement? Was that excitement he noted? He wishes he could look into your eyes to tell, but all he can do is listen to Armin tell you that Eren would be staying in the apartment. 
Eren can almost hear your heartbeat speed up, eyes blinking quickly and heat rushing to your face. Of course Armin trusted his best friend to stay with his girlfriend for a weekend. The two people he loved the most would never betray him, and so he had nothing to fear. 
Back to being the devoted girlfriend you are, you help Armin pack his bags late Thursday night. You folded clothes on his bed and tucked them into the duffel bag neatly, while Armin looked around for his books. He would be leaving right after his classes Friday morning, and so you knew by the time you returned after your classes, he would be long gone, leaving just you and Eren to fend for yourselves Friday night. 
In the morning, you’re greeted by Armin pressing a kiss to your forehead as he heads to his eight-am lecture. Through the daze of sleep and heavy-lidded eyes, you grasp his hand softly in a failed attempt to keep him with you a little longer, but you hear him murmur something that distinctly sounds like “Don't worry, baby, Eren will take care of you” before he leaves.
You fall back asleep after, missing the way Armin and Eren talk briefly before he departs. You wake up in Armin’s bed alone, to the sound of your alarm. Usually, Fridays are your favorite day of the week because you have a light schedule and you get to spend most of the day with Armin. His classes end right when yours start, so you’d get to grab coffee with him and meet for lunch after, before either heading to the library to get work done or to his apartment because you knew Eren wouldn’t be around and therefore you could be as loud as you want.
But not today. You had to get breakfast alone, before going off to class and sitting in the library alone. You didn’t realize how quickly the day had passed by, in between studying and texting Armin to make sure he got home safely, and avoiding the pit in your stomach that kept reminding you that you’d be going home to Eren soon. You looked outside the library window from your seat, and saw the sun was setting, meaning the library was closing soon and that you had to face reality. You’re thinking about how to put going back to the apartment for even longer, maybe stopping somewhere to eat dinner, when your phone buzzes with a text notification. 
You pick it up quickly, hoping it’s from Armin, but your stomach drops again when you see the screen lit up with Eren’s name. A singular message from him reads: Did you eat yet? 
Bastard. How does he know your thoughts before you even think them? 
You’re faced with two choices. Lie to him, then go get dinner by yourself, and then finally go back to your own home and put up with your terrible roommates for another night… or go to the apartment, order dinner with Eren, and avoid his lecherous looks long enough to get yourself safely inside Armin’s room with the door locked. 
You feel your heart pounding inside your chest at the thought of having dinner with Eren alone. He never did anything too forward or telling with you, but you suspect it was only because Armin was always right beside you. There’s no telling what he would do if he got you alone. Your heart’s pounding, but another feeling altogether is creeping into your stomach and up to your chest, one that’s making you feel hot all over despite how chilly the air in the library is. 
You’re nearly lost in your thoughts until your phone buzzing again brings you back to reality. You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding in as you read his text, this time longer; We can order dinner when you get here. Promise I don’t bite.
You feel like hurling your phone across the empty library, because every sane thought in your mind is telling you not to go over there, but every bone in your body feels like it’s being pulled towards Eren. Suddenly you think back to all those times you had teased him intentionally, and how strange you feel right now, like two different versions of yourself are fighting with each other. A third buzz makes your decision for you. 
Am I really so much worse than those roommates of yours?
Eren was many things, but that was one thing he was not. You quickly remember just how often you had shown up at Armin’s doorstep in tears, or so angry you had steam blowing out of your ears, because of how much you hated them. You only had to deal with them for a few more months, so it was easy enough to avoid them and only stop by to get clothes and the occasional shower. To make matters worse, it was Friday night and they would definitely be having some kind of a party or get-together, which meant there was no way you’d be getting any sleep there. 
I’m on my way, can we get pizza? 
It’s only seven-thirty when you and Eren are sitting on the couch, some movie playing on the television that you aren’t paying attention to. Your nerves only let you eat a slice of pizza, while Eren scarfed down nearly half the box. You knew you were fucked when Eren opened the door, clad only in grey sweatpants and the slick sheen of sweat apparent on his entire body, from his muscular arms to his abs.
Bastard, bastard, bastard. He opened the door like that on purpose, just to see you react with a splutter and blush red.
“I’m just gonna jump into the shower, can you order the pizza?” he shouted to you while walking back to his bedroom. He came out with a towel, and you had barely processed the words because the only thing you could think about were his arms. You knew Eren was fit, anyone could tell just by looking at him, but you had no idea he was built like that. If you were a lesser woman, you would have tried to sneak glances at Eren getting into or out of the shower during all those opportunities you had, but you never did, because it felt wrong to look away from Armin’s blue eyes to focus on Eren.
But now, with no one else there to stop or distract you, your eyes were glued to his muscular figure. It wasn’t too hard to think about how easily he could pin you somewhere—up against a wall, or a door maybe, or across the dinner table. It wouldn’t even take him both hands to keep your head shoved down or keep both your arms pinned back as he—
“Hey, you okay? Did you hear me?” Eren asks again, standing right in front of you. He’s trying his hardest to sound sincere, but there’s a smirk on his face as he observes your behavior. If it wasn’t obvious before, it’s clear as day now.
“I-I’m fine. What kind of pizza do you want?”
“Whatever kind you want, just get extra cheese. Menus on the table,” he says, before turning back around and walking to the bathroom. You’re almost jaw-dropped as you watch him walk away, and hear the water turn on. You take several deep breaths, reminding yourself to stay calm. After dinner, you could go into Armin’s room and be completely fine. 
You order the pizza and go into Armin’s room to sort your stuff out, looking through your bag and searching for clothes to sleep in. You knew you had packed them, but you suddenly couldn’t find them anywhere. Your shorts and t-shirt were missing, and you quickly realized you left them on your bed while you had gone to grab your toothbrush. Damn it. 
Armin has a collection of perfectly soft and comfortable shirts to sleep in, so you open one of his drawers and pull out a dark green one, with some design on it. There’s no shorts that would fit you among Armin’s clothes, so you’ll have to do without them tonight. It’s fine though, considering the door will be locked and you’ll be safe and sound once you and Eren go to bed. Or so you thought.
Now you’re sitting on the couch, still dressed in your day clothes and feeling hot again. You knew Armin liked to keep the apartment on the warmer side, but you had never felt quite this warm before.
Eren glances at you with a quizzical look, and you realize your shiftiness and breathy pants are more noticeable than you thought. 
“Are you okay? You look like you’re about to pass out and you barely ate a thing,” he comments, keeping his eyes on you which somehow makes you feel even worse. His gaze is piercing, and though you never really cared that Eren always looks like he’s undressing you with his eyes, it’s bothering you now more than ever.
“I-I’m okay,” you get out, before suddenly standing up and taking off the cardigan you had worn all day. “I think I just need to shower, good night Eren,” you say, before walking away much too quickly. Eren’s eyes don’t leave you until you’re inside Armin’s room once more, wondering why you’re so hot and bothered at a simple stare from him. Him, who is not your boyfriend, and barely qualifies as your friend and for some reason has you wet from looking into those green eyes for too long.
Armin was kind and sweet enough to let you sleep at his place when he’s not even there, and you wanted to repay that kindness by having dirty thoughts about his best friend? No, it wasn’t right, in fact, it was inherently wrong. You take a few more moments in Armin’s room, inhaling the familiar scent of his fabric softener and all the old books on his shelves, before taking your towel and going to the bathroom. Eren is still in the living room, eating and watching the movie, you presume, and you wish to God he would leave you alone and go out to party or fuck some other girl, but he’s not. He’s spending a quiet Friday night at home with you.
The hot water and clean soap distract you from your thoughts, but the tension and heat growing in your body is only exacerbated when you run your hands across your body. There’s something very wrong about touching yourself in the shower when Eren is a dozen feet away and could hear you easily—but that’s a risk you’re willing to take if it meant it would get illicit thoughts of him out of your brain for the rest of the night. 
One hand goes to play with your hardened nipple, as the other tenderly begins to rub circles on your clit. Your hands try to imitate Armin’s, and he’s always gentle with you, but as you let out a muffled moan, you realize it’s not Armin’s careful touch you want right now. It’s Eren’s rough fingers, fingers that would move in and out of your wetness harshly, not waiting for you to adjust to their size. Eren wouldn’t start with one, like Armin, he would go for three and keep his thumb on your clit, rubbing so fast and in just the right way, while his mouth would be on your tits—tongue doing the talking for him on your sensitive nipples. He wouldn’t care to stop if it was getting to be too much, and he wouldn’t let you come down from your high before starting again, he would just keep going. Eren would know when you’ve had enough, and just once didn’t meet his requirements for enough. 
If anyone could see you right now, you could die from embarrassment, furiously fucking your fingers and completely unaware of how loud you were being as you tried to imitate what Eren would do to you. But imitating wasn’t quite enough, You were so close, you could almost feel that tight knot in your stomach unwind, just a little more—-
“Hey, you’ve been in there a while. Everything okay?” Eren’s voice is muffled from outside the door, and the waterfall coming from the shower suddenly felt like it was pounding beside you. 
Your hand covers your mouth as you let out a frustrated, stifled sob. 
“Y-yeah! I’m almost done!” you call back out, fingers still inside you. You remove them with a gasp, shaking and face burning at the idea that Eren might have overheard you. You get out of the shower on wobbly legs, wrapping the towel securely around you and heading to Armin’s bedroom to change and put an end to this strange day. You don’t notice that Eren’s door is cracked open a little.
As strange as it sounds, you feel much better once you’re in Armin’s shirt and just a pair of panties, ready for bed. A nagging voice in the back of your head wants you to finish what you started in the shower, nipples hard again as the air seems cooler than earlier, but you push the thoughts aside. Another day.
You grab your water bottle to take your birth-control pill, eight forty-five on the dot, but realize its contents are empty as a result of your earlier hot flash. You tiptoe into the kitchen, extra careful because you don’t want Eren to hear and come out, but as you fill up a glass, your roommate for the night is suddenly leaning against the counter. 
It should be illegal the way he says your name. Sultry and deep and rolling off his tongue without even trying. Eren doesn’t have to change a thing about him to be the very definition of the word erotic, which is coincidentally the only word you can use to describe this encounter. 
He’s forgone the shirt he had on earlier, when you were eating together, and you knew he had put it on just to make sure you didn’t choke on your pizza. Just in those sweatpants again, you could see everything you had tried too hard to avert your gaze from, on display right in front of you. 
“E-Eren,” you stutter out, skin burning again even though it was cold now. “I didn’t see you there.”
“It’s okay. What are you taking, there?” You flushed again at the idea of having to tell Eren it was your birth control, because it felt as if he already knew somehow. He watches you with that damn smirk and a raised eyebrow, waiting for your answer.
“It’s ibuprofen.”
“Oh.. ibuprofen, huh? That’s weird, because every time I asked you if you were okay, you said you were fine. Were you lying to me?” His tone is dangerous, somewhere between amused and angry.
You didn’t even realize he had gotten so close to you, until you tried to take another step backwards to put some distance between you two, but you were met by resistance from a cupboard, signifying the end of the wall.
“I-I wasn’t lying, I just forgot-” You hear him click his tongue. He’s dangerously close to you now, you can feel the heat coming off of his body and one more step from him would make you feel the cold breath of his exhales.
“Forgot what, baby? It seems to me that I just caught you in a lie.” Another click of his tongue. “Now, Armin always says you’re a good girl, but I don’t think a good girl would lie to me like you’ve been doing all night, right?”
Armin. The very mention of his name makes something recoil inside your chest, makes you remember how you don’t want to hurt him like this, and how much pain he would be in if he found out about this little interaction between you and Eren.
You try to push back, but Eren extends his arms up, trapping you between them and the cabinet, leaving no way for you to escape. 
“Don’t you wanna be a good girl for me?” 
The simple sentence is enough to send your brain, skin, heart on fire, as you let out a breath and find your head nodding up and down. Your body seems to have a mind of its own, wetness seeping from between your folds and no doubt creating a darkened patch on your panties.
“Good girl,” he mewls, dragging out each syllable as he speaks. “I thought I might have to punish you if you kept lying to me, but I don’t think that’ll be an issue anymore. Am I right?” He watches you dumbly nod again, eyes very much blank and just focused on one thing: him. He nods too, mocking your movements and smirking again. “Should we play a game? How about I ask a question, and you have to tell the truth? Sound good?��
Everything’s on fire, and you can’t hear anything besides the thumping of your heart in your chest. Long gone are your inhibitions and desperate hope of a quiet night in with your boyfriend’s roommate.
“First question…” Eren trails off quickly, looking down your body slowly. He takes one hand down from its position of blockading you and brings it to the hem of your—Armin’s—shirt. He plays with it there before continuing his sentence. “What were you thinking about in the shower earlier?”
You feel your breath catch in your throat and a quick flame erupts in your chest at the humiliation you feel—so he had heard you after all. And he interrupted you on purpose.
“You-you were listening? I-” Eren laughs, a low rumble from his chest meeting your ears as you begin to quiver from your position against him. 
“I wasn’t listening so much as you were being loud. It seems to me that you wanted me to hear you, isn’t that right? Or else what kind of a filthy slut would be so loud?” 
You tremble at the name he calls you, not used to sort of degradation Eren is putting you through. A small voice in the back of your head tells you that he’s not wrong, and your behavior is akin to some kind of whore. Maybe you’ve been like this all along, and you just needed the right person to bring it out of you. Your head feels utterly empty and devoid of any more thoughts, and you blank at what to say to Eren next. 
“I-I’m s-sorry,” you splutter out, feeling incredibly small near Eren, who towers over you. There’s something sadistic in Eren’s gaze, but you notice him soften up at your apology.
“What are you apologizing for?” he questions, quieter than before. He knows the two of you are alone, but he can’t bring himself to raise his voice at you.
You, the bane of his existence, and a blessing all at once. Since the day Armin introduced you to him, there’s been nothing he’s wanted more than for you to meet his gaze and look at him the way you looked at his best friend, with love and adoration. He got a few lucky weeks where you didn’t immediately shy away from his eyes, when he felt like you were challenging him to do something, anything. But it went as soon as it came, and suddenly he was seeing less and less of you. Until this opportunity from Armin’s departure, that is.
“I… I was being a slut,” you whisper back to him, tears lining up at the waterline of your pretty eyes as he moves a hand to your jaw and forces you to look right at him while you speak. You shudder at the touch of his skin on yours, but you don’t want him to stop all the same. 
“That’s okay, baby,” he says in an incredibly reassuring tone that has you wondering what he’ll do next. “I like my girls a little slutty, but just for me, right?” You nod again, quickly. “Besides, I have to make it up to you, you know. I stopped you right when you were getting real close, didn’t I? I could just tell from those pretty noises you were making.” 
The next few moments pass by in a blur, Eren’s arms move and suddenly you’re over his shoulder, ass up and out as the shirt you’re wearing rides up. He delivers a quick slap, making you cry out, as he brings you into the room and lays you on the bed. He’s standing between your legs, a hand on each thigh keeping you spread open for him as he observes closely the impact of his actions on you. 
“You’re just soaking through your panties, aren’t you? Are you really that eager for me?”
You let out a whine, not wanting to answer his question because your face is burning again at the idea of Eren staring so closely at your clothed pussy—and you let out an even higher-pitched squeal when he uses a finger to push your panties aside, and look at your wetness completely. 
“So wet, and so pretty, all for me, huh?”
“Y-yes. All for you,” you let out with a moan, eager for Eren to do something. Anything at all would set you over the edge, with how you’ve been feeling these last few hours. But you think he knows that, because his actions are all teasing you and leaving you wanting more, blindly clenching around nothing at all as his fingers barely graze your clit. He lets out a laugh at your desperate antics, and you’re about to come from the slightest touch, and suddenly you feel the bed moving as Eren wraps his lips around your clit and pushes his tongue against you.
You didn’t even know you could make the noise that you let out, a scream and a cry and carnal moan all wrapped in one. You know Eren thinks the same because he looks up at you from his position between your legs, laughing against your core. The vibration from his laugh makes your legs shake even harder, as you feel Eren’s tongue attacking your clit at an even faster pace. You’re seeing stars and completely unaware of everything else, like how Eren’s nimble hands slid your panties down and tossed them to the side somewhere, landing near the bookshelf, so close to the edge when you feel his fingers teasing at your opening and plunge in without any warning. 
You were completely right about your earlier predictions, feeling Eren quickly add a third finger inside you as you clasp a hand over your mouth to stop the obscene noises from leaving your mouth. You do have neighbors, after all, despite how much empty your head feels of every thought besides one; Eren. 
He pulls his mouth away from your sensitive nerves for just a second, just to chastise you before continuing his actions.
“Don’t do that,” he says the words against your lips, “I want to hear you.” 
You weren’t sure it was possible to feel even more pleasure than you were now, but Eren’s words made you feel feral as you let out another loud moan, this time not muffled. You think he calls you a good girl, but you’re not sure if it’s your imagination. You whine when you feel Eren pull his fingers out of you, suddenly so empty when you had been so full moments ago. You’re trying to collect the words to tell him to keep going, and how this is the second time he’s ruined your finishing, but you just can’t. The only thing that comes out is a mumble of ‘please’ and ‘Eren’ 
“Don’t worry, baby, I’m not stopping,” he says, pulling himself up and hovering over you. One of his strong arms is by your head, holding himself up as the other hand, the one that had been inside of you, finds its way to your mouth. “Open.”
You do as you’re told, dropping your jaw quickly for him as he shoves the fingers into your hot mouth.
“Suck.” Another command that has you reeling, doing exactly as he wants and swirling your tongue around Eren’s long fingers. They’re coated with your heady wetness, and the taste is unlike anything you’ve experienced before, but you don’t stop. It feels entirely too dirty and filthy, but you’re willing to do anything to get Eren’s approval now. His words are clear now.
“Good girl. Since you’ve been so good, I think you can cum now.”
His fingers leave your mouth quickly, and he’s fiddling with your hands now, that were previously gripping the sheets so tightly you were scared they might tear. He pulls up your shirt even more, exposing your tits to the cold air of the room, and puts your fingers on your hardened nipples. He doesn’t give a command, but you know it instinctively, that he wants you to play with your nipples while he makes you come. You’re not sure how long you’ll be able to follow his orders, but you go ahead anyways. You’re teasing yourself in front of his hungry, wolf-like gaze, as you clench on nothing every time you run your fingers over your sensitive nipples.
Satisfied, he returns back to his position between your legs. You’re crying out before his fingers even reach your wetness, and choke on your moan when he inserts three at once again. You know there’s no way you’ll be able to hold out now, and if he stops again you feel like you might explode into a million pieces. His tongue is rough against your clit, moving in the perfect motion, and one more thrust of his perfect fingers against that spot inside you will have you cumming so hard— Eren speaks against your pussy, a singular word.
You feel the knot snap in your stomach and your orgasm shakes through you like a bolt of lightning. You hear yourself release a scream before you can stop it, fingers leaving your breasts and grasping onto Eren’s dark strands for dear life, because he hasn’t let up on his actions yet. He keeps going, riding you through it, tongue and mouth continuing on and fingers pumping in and out so quickly that the bedroom is filled with a crude, squelching noise. You’re not sure exactly how loud you were, but your throat is dry and scratchy, and you’re swallowing just to feel some relief. You feel Eren slowly retract his fingers, breathing heavy against the soft skin of your thigh, as you find your way back to reality. You don’t look down at Eren, but you hear him licking his fingers, tasting your wetness in such a sinful manner, you know you can’t look at him do it.
Reality sets in, and you look around your surroundings. Every single one of your senses had been preoccupied with Eren minutes ago, but now that they were free again, you take in the comfortable scent of the sheets and the lingering scent of your slick leaves your thoughts as you take in the familiar scent of old books. Your heartbeat was just returning to normal, when you look around and realize you’re in Armin’s room, on Armin’s bed, as Armin’s best friend gave you the most powerful orgasm of your life. 
You sit up quickly, breathing rapidly as your shirt falls to cover yourself, and you meet Eren’s eyes again.
“Lay back, baby, we’re not done yet.” There’s a haze over your thoughts, and his words, because you want to fight him, and yell and scream at him for bringing you into Armin’s room when you already felt so horrible about what you’ve done, but you can’t summon anything. The only thing you can think about is Eren’s dick, and how it would feel inside you, and how your sensitive walls would take him. So you follow Eren’s orders, and lay back down. Eren hovers over you again, pulling at your shirt, up and over your head, and it lands with a soft thud on the carpet. 
He’s looking at you now, up and down slowly, but different than all the other times. He doesn’t have to rush to take it all in this time, because you’re on display just for him now. So he takes his time, and starts with a soft kiss to the skin right above your heart, wondering if he can hear the hard thuds or if that’s just his imagination. You look at him while he continues his ministrations, wondering why he’s being so slow and careful, because you hadn’t expected this.
His lips work their way up, to your collarbone and then your neck, taking his time to suck on the skin and pepper it with kisses once he hears you hiss in pain. He murmurs an apology against your jaw, before his teeth take your bottom lip between them. He lets go soon after, too eager to feel your lips against his. He’s scared you might pull away, but you don’t. You know you’ve done something terrible, but it’s too late to take it back now. 
He kisses you deeply, tongues finding each other and exchanging that heady taste of yourself. You moan into the kiss, your hands finding the side of Eren’s face and trying to push him onto yourself even harder. You’re not sure if you ever want to pull away from Eren’s lips, but he finally does, trying to catch his breath. You look into his green eyes for a moment, and find your own eyes watering. 
“Don’t cry, baby. I’ll give you what you want.” Eren’s words send you scrambling again, too eager for the fullness you know is inevitable when he finally fucks you.
You feel yourself grabbing for the waistband of his sweats, but Eren’s faster than you. His one hand pins both of yours against your chest, as he clicks his tongue in that obnoxious way again.
“Patience. Only patient girls get daddy’s cock.” You want to scream at him about how patient you’ve been, all this time and all of tonight, but you bite your tongue. You don’t need Eren’s punishment on top of the torture he’s put you through already. 
You let go of your resistance and watch with wide eyes as he removes the only thing that was in your way. His erect dick snaps up against his stomach once it’s freed, and you swallow without thinking, looking at the sheer size of him. He’s just as big as you had imagined, the tip a pretty, dark pink with white beads of pre-cum gathered at the top, and every vein causing you to descend further and further into a wanton state. It’s his thickness that you weren’t prepared for. If three of his fingers were such a tight stretch, you can only imagine what this would do to you. But at the same time, you think you might die if Eren doesn’t fuck you right now. 
He watches with that damn smirk as you stare at his dick with more eagerness than he’s ever seen before. He holds his length in his hand, directing himself to your entrance but not pushing in. He holds himself there, running his dick over your folds and almost succumbing to the inviting wetness of your cunt, but he stops himself. 
“Do you want my cock, baby?” Another surge of heat rushes through your body, feeling almost light-headed at how difficult he’s making this. But you weren’t about to start misbehaving now.
“Y-yes, yes, Eren, please-” You hiccup out, feeling yourself lose the battle against your watery eyes, as the tears roll down your face. “Please, I want it so badly, please, please, please—Oh!” 
Eren pushes in without any warning, watery eyes being his own breaking point. He could have finished on the spot seeing you cry begging for his dick, and he was determined to make you cum again before then. The noises you’re making are incredibly obscene, and he knows you’re being loud enough to notify the entire floor, but he’s not going to stop you. He’s only about half way in, but he wants to be nice and let you adjust to him.
“P-please, Eren, please-” You’re not entirely sure what you’re begging Eren for. A part of you doesn’t think it’s possible to feel more full, and another part of you wants Eren to fuck you so hard you forget everything and everyone. 
He’s about to chastise you again to be patient, and let you know that he’s doing this for you, not him, but he realizes his actions are louder than his words. With another thrust, he pushes his entire length in you. You moan again, this time with a breathy gasp, and he can’t help the smile on his face. You look so pretty crying, trying to take his entire dick and struggling immensely.
He thrusts slowly, wanting to make it last and make you feel every last vein of dick deep inside you, but the way your tight cunt grips him has him speeding up before he can help it. The noises filling Armin’s room are beyond lecherous, as the only sounds are of his tightening balls smacking against your skin with every deep thrust, and the lewd noise of your wetness taking him. 
He’s got you on your back, sitting up between your thighs and one leg hoisted on his shoulder, and thrusting so hard you can feel his hip-bone bruising your skin. There’s only one thought left in your head, and that’s how good Eren feels inside you. The aching burn of his initial assault is long gone, leaving just the feeling of Eren filling you up. Your hands remember his earlier order and find their way to your hardened nipples again, pinching and teasing, putting on a show for Eren as he moans loudly. Every noise he makes goes straight to your core, making you clench around him harder than before.
His lithe fingers find your clit again, and you throw your head back and moan even louder at the feeling. You were so, so sensitive already and this was the last straw. One more of Eren’s thrusts, hitting that special spot inside you, and one more touch of his fingers on your clit sent you screaming to your second orgasm. You were clenching tightly, as Eren worked you through it again and kept his thrusts going. You were seeing black, screaming his name and God knows what else, as you came and waves of pleasure washed over you and heat radiated from your head to your toes.
Eren’s continued thrusts kept going, even after your pussy tightened around him. You were out of breath and sweaty, and you felt Eren’s hips stutter as he leaned forwards and found your hot mouth again. You were kissing again, his lips on yours as you swallowed his moans and grabbed his arms to steady yourself. With another rapid succession of thrusts, Eren moved his lips to your neck and groaned loudly as he came inside you. You felt the hot ropes of his cum deep inside your pussy, as he kept going and going, eventually pulling out of you with a heady moan. You could feel his cum leaking out of you and onto Armin’s sheets, as you laid incredibly still beside Eren, both of you trying to catch your breath. You were ashamed to look Eren in the eyes, avoiding his gaze still as you felt your heart rate return somewhat back to normal. 
“Hey,” was all he said, breathlessly, and with a deep look in his eyes that you had never seen before. “Are you okay?” 
He straightened himself up, leaning against the bed frame and opening his arms in an inviting manner. You wanted nothing more than to avoid his touch, but you felt the exhaustion in your limbs and you convinced yourself there was nothing wrong with being held by him for a few minutes. You leaned against his chest, his strong arms wrapping around you and pulling up the covers to shield you both from the cold air. You were content to fall asleep right here, every sense of yours taken up by Eren, but you couldn’t just yet. 
“What are we going to tell Armin?” you breathed out dejectedly. It was the one thought that was plaguing your mind, the one thought stopping you from being happy and peaceful beside Eren tonight. 
“Oh, baby. You’re acting like this entire thing this wasn’t his idea.”
thanks for reading! part two with armin, anyone?
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queenxxxsupreme · 3 years
For more Construction Arthur, he and his s/o have a kid (for context I used to do this when my dad went to work but he worked for an auto body shop)
His kid wakes up early like he does but they sneak to the living room and sit on the couch but very sleepy. Arthur comes in to get his boots when he notices his kid on the couch. He gently picks them up so they can sleep with Arthur’s s/o. His kid wants to go to work with him but Arthur says when they are older. He puts them in the bed and lets them sleep.
A/N: OMG I absolutely loved this prompt!!!! It was so cute and so fun to do!! I might have added more to it but I hope you like it nonetheless!! This is my first actual construction!Arthur fic :)
Arthur groaned as he heard the painfully familiar sound of his alarm going off. He turned over with the intention of sleeping just a few more minutes. But a foot rubbed against his shin, urging him to wake up. Then there was a hand on his arm, weakly rocking him back and forth.
“Bear?” You groaned in your sleepy state.
“Hmm. What, pumpkin?”
“The sound is going to wake the kids.”
Arthur blindly reached over to turn the alarm off, successfully finding the button on his third attempt. He was still for a few moments, listening for the sound of movement anywhere in the house. But all was silent.
“What’s on your plate for today?” He turned onto his back and rubbed his eyes. He let out a yawn as he forced himself to open his eyes and stare at the ceiling above. If he kept his eyes shut, he was sure to drift off to sleep again.
“Cleaning the house. Charles and Lucy are comin’ over for dinner. Remember?”
“Ah, yeah.”
“Abigail said that her and John might come over too with the kids.” You shifted around on the bed so that your back was to him.
“Hey, what do you think you’re doin’?” Arthur propped himself up on one elbow and leaned over to kiss at the back of your neck.
“I am trying to go back to sleep, Mr. Morgan! Will you quit it?” You giggled, trying to push him away. Your attempt was weak and pointless, though you weren’t really trying to stop him.
You rolled over on to your back. This put you directly against his body. With Arthur still being propped up on one elbow, he could lean down over you.
“Shhh, pumpkin.” He chuckled, putting his finger over his lips. “Don’t wanna wake the baby.”
“You need to get ready for work before you end up late.” You placed your hand on his chest as he tried to lean down for a kiss.
“How about I just don’t go in today? Maybe spend the day with you instead?” Arthur took your hand from his chest and kissed the underside of your thumb and then the inside of your wrist.
“Then I’d never get to cleanin’.” You tugged your hand away from his lips and grunted as you turned over on to your side so that your back was, once again, to him. “It’s far too early for you to be making reckless decisions, bear.”
“Oh, I don’t think so.” He snickered. “But, if the missus says so then I reckon I can’t go against her word.”
“Wise choice.”
“I’ll come back to give ya a kiss before I leave.” He promised you as he clambered out of bed.
A little while later, Arthur Morgan shrugged into a jacket as he walked out into the living room. He was about to cross the room to get his boots when something out of the corner of his eye caught his attention.
Sitting up on the sofa was the eldest of the two Morgan children, Henry. Though he was sitting up, he was dozing off with his head propped up by one little fist underneath his chin.
Arthur shook his head as he approached his son.
“Charles Henry.” He scolded softly, kneeling down in front of the boy. Henry jolted and blinked a few times before bringing his hand up to rub his eyes. “What are you doin’ out of bed at four in the mornin’, little man?”
“I wanna go to work with you, daddy.” He yawned.
A smile tugged at the corners of Arthur’s mouth.
“Sweet boy.” He scooped Henry ip into his arms and began to take him to his own bedroom. “When you’re older, little man. You’ve still got some growin’ to do.”
“Daddy! No!” Henry whined and wriggled in his father’s arms, flailing his arms about.
“Come on now, Henry.” Arthur stopped in the hallway. He didn’t want Henry’s sleepy tantrum to wake up his sister or draw you out of bed.
Arthur placed Henry on his feet, keeping one hand on Henry’s shoulder as he knelt down to be at the four-year-old’s height.
“Now you know a little fella can’t come build things until he’s all big and grown. He needs all his muscles. He needs to be able to lift heavy things and to drive the tractors and things. Little fellas can’t reach the pedals, and that ain’t safe.”
Henry frowned, his bottom lip puckering out to show just how sad and displeased he was.
“Tell you, little man.” Arthur looked down the hall in the direction of the bedroom he shared with you. “Maybe one of these days I can bring you to work and show you around for a little bit. How does that sound?”
“Okay.” Henry nodded his head, bringing his hand up to rub his eye.
“Good. Now let’s get you to bed.” Arthur picked him up and rubbed his back. “‘Sides, if we’re both gone, who’s gonna help momma take care of Daisy?”
As Arthur pushed the door to the room he shared with you open with his shoulder, Henry looked around the room.
At the foot of the king-size bed was Carson, the family dog. He didn’t lift his head, but he wagged his tail at the sight of the father and son.
“You wanna lay in here with momma and Daisy?” Arthur quietly asked Henry, who nodded his head.
Arthur had expected you to be awake since you had woken up with him earlier, but you were sound asleep on your side of the bed.
He placed Henry down on his side of the bed and held the blankets up so the little boy could snuggle underneath them and get closer to his mother.
“Be good for momma today, little man.” Arthur leaned down on to the bed, tucking in the side of the blanket that was towards him.
���I’m always good.” Henry giggled.
“I know.” Arthur smiled proudly. “I love you, little man.”
“I love you too, daddy.”
Quietly, Arthur moved back around to your side of the bed. He kissed your cheek and brushed some of your hair out of your face. Next, he moved on to six-month-old Daisy Jane. The side of her crib was lowered, making it possible for Arthur to kiss her forehead and brush his fingertips over the back of her tiny hand.
“Love you, sweetpea.”
Knowing he could spend all day standing over her, watching her and admiring her, Arthur forced himself to leave. He put the side of her crib back into place and made his way out of the room.
He needed to get to work.
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