#i love how we all collectively lost our minds over this <3
basavapatr · 2 years
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thiu in that outfit
MY SCHOOL PRESIDENT (2022) | episode 6
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the-tarot-witch22 · 3 months
Love letter from your future spouse 💌 - Pick a pile
Note : *Some intense se*ual messages for you guys too, soo minors DNI*
Pile 1/Pile 2
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Pile 3/ Pile 4
Hello everyone ! This is my another pick a pile or pac reading so please be kind and leave comment or reblog, and let me know if it resonated with you!
Note : This is a general reading or collective reading. It may or may not resonate with you. Please take what resonates and leave what doesn't. And it's totally okay if our energies aren't aligned!
How to pick : Take a deep breath and choose a pile which you feel most connected to!
Note : This reading is based on my intuition and channeled messages from tarot cards.
I worked really hard on this pile please show some love by leaving comments, likes and reblogs!
*Buy me a kofi*
Pile 1
(The cards I got ace of pentacles, ace of cups, 2 of cups, page of cups, and the fool)
Hello my dearest,
What can I say? I didn't even meet you and yet I still miss you. Am I going mad, my love? I am working towards my goal and I have almost everything i need at the moment but why do I still feel that longing and sadness, am I insane for this? my life has been okay, I work or study and do what needs to be done, but is it weird to say i am searching for you? I hope you feel the same way… sometimes i dream of you or have that romantic dreams where you are there and when i wake up… nothing? It's making me lose my mind, i can't really talk about it with everyone, they will or might think i am just desperate for some shit, but i am not i want something serious, i want you. I have fun too i sometimes go out with my friends we laugh together, but still when I look at them or when they talk about their lovers or text them in front of me, i just miss you.. Am i being too much? probably but i wanted to tell of this to you, I feel like i need some rest or space from everything or just go somewhere where i can be alone with my and your thoughts, but the responsibilities are holding me back , I wish you were here to hold me and tell me everything will be okay. Sometimes I feel like we make some telepathic or some sort of connection and i feel that intense vibrations in my body, I haven't even met you and here I am being vulnerable, But i know you will love this side of me, will you not? I also want to tell you you're doing great and you will achieve everything you have dreamt of please take proper care of yourself, I wanna meet you soon, and have the love , fun i never experienced or had, You know love, what's funny thing is? I never had something serious or people had just taken advantage of me, but you without even meeting you, i can tell you are what i need. Please be patient for me, universe is in work and they will help us meet at divine timing and I can't wait for it. Until then, my love.
Phew so intense they had a lot to say to you, and they seem so sweet, don't they? i wish you meet them soon.
Pile 2:
(the cards I got 3 of cups, the star, 5 of cups and king of cups)
hey ;)
Hello my star, what are you up to nowadays? Are you having fun without me? wait don't answer me that i might get jealous over it, what's wrong with me I am not scaring you away am I? I tend to speak my mind, and show what I feel, because that's how I am. But sincerely tho, i hope you are having fun and celebration and you are enjoying your life, you know this is what we should do? Like just enjoy our times, I know how hectic life can get and we all deserve the break, so do it for you don't let anyone tell you that you are not doing enough because my star , you are and i already swooning over here from the thoughts of you, would you like to hear about my life too? I will tell you what I am doing nowadays, I had lost something precious to me, I know not a way great way to start a conversation right? But i wanna tell you, I lost something, i hate that I did, but to be honest? If it leads me to you , then i am willing to sacrifice anything for it, i wish we could meet sooner, but i know this distance this gap between us only increase our love towards each other, because distance makes heart grows fonder right? Now I wont deny when I lost that thing I was sad and even cried, But now I am healing and your thoughts are helping me? Do you miss me too at the same time? and wonder what we could have been doing if we were together? Because I do. Always. It's not even funny at this point. Gosh your thoughts make me feel all romantic thoughts, you are such a tease by the way hiding away and making desperate for you, don't you worry my star , I will take my revenge when I meet you, sweet revenge, I will tease you so much that you will regret meeting me late, Don't worry I am just kidding, i tend to get intense sometimes, but your thoughts are responsible they make me like this. But right now I am working towards something I am saving money for us our future and maybe kids too? Well, its a conversation for later… But if you don't want kids we can always have pets, right? I want to give you the world, and care for you so much for you. Now, I have to go… Duty calls, but remember I miss you, and I love you even if we haven't met yet.
Pile 2 your fs sounds like a total flirt and a good person, and I love it for you! You guys deserve it <3
Pile 3:
the cards I got (knight of wands, 9 of wands, 3 of wands, 8 of wands)
Hello sexy wanderer,
Do you know what kind of thoughts, I have for you? You my sexy wildcat, you are a pure goddess and you are so beautiful, and what can I say i have such dreams for you, I just wanna tear off your clothes, i will just leave it at that, You feel like a dream come true. Wherever I go I imagine having intense intimate moments with you, and I don't even know why, such a hold you have on me, and guess what we haven't even met yet. I have to say so much to you but i will hold out for now, I don't wanna scare you away, but its totally opposite I don't wanna scare you away but i also want to impress you, I wanna have enjoy small moments with you. I would like to make out and show everyone who you actually love. Not them who stares at your beauty or just wanna have fun with you but me, you chose me, i will show that I am a proud men, and worthy of you, right now I am travelling to far away lands I like doing that you know, but i am gonna coming to meet you soon. And you believe me when i say i will sweep you off your feet and give everything you are worthy of. See you soon.
Wow, they seem too passionate, and you know what? Good for you guys! Their message was short but their energy? give me a fan right now because I need it! They are definitely fire sign and love travelling, and their sexual drive? HIGH. They gave me so much hot kind of energy, I love it for you guys, i totally see you both meeting soon!
Pile 4 :
(the cards I got 4 of pentacles, the magician, ace of wands, strength, The Hermit, 6 of cups, 3 of pentacles)
Sweetheart? Once, we meet I am not letting you go ever, But i will make sure you know that I deserve you, I might make mistakes here and there, but that's just me being foolish or silly, but I never intend to fight with you or hurt you, You know I am a bit overprotective, but if you don't like that I am willing to change my ways for you, Right now there is so much work pressure on me, i feel overwhelmed so I decided to talk with you, even though we are not in each other's lives right now, I feel I can talk to you about anything you make me feel safe like i can be myself, i never had that, it was always me making efforts, but with you i can feel we are each other's light, and I wish we cross each other's path soon, right now i am enjoying my alone time, I am not dating around, I am waiting for you sweetheart, and I have a feeling we will know we are the ones for each other. I feel we have known each other in past lives or we might have each cross each other's path, but that time timing might not be right, And we both needed to learn some lessons before we meet again, and honestly? I'd like that. I wanna be the best men for you. I love you, and for you I am willing to fight anything or anyone, Some people think i am workaholic, but they don't know what I feel, or who i feel for the person i feel for is you, you make me wanna be a better man, i wish there wasn't this much wait for us to meet, I have so much to tell you, Sometimes I end up fighting with my close ones, I regret it, I am a very calm person but when someone provokes me? I can't take it. I am working on that too. And that's why we are having our self journey's together and let's meet at our best, sweetheart. Till then remember I am here waiting for you and trying to be a best person who deserves you. I love you my sweetheart.
Okayyyy, very masculine and hardworking energy, they or you might be spiritual too, you meeting will be for the best, for some of you i feel friends to lovers trope going to be here, your man sounds so sweet yet tired. But he is doing his best, you guys got a gem.
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Thank you for stopping by! Take care and remember you are loved <3
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ashensgrotto · 1 year
The Sea's Sacrifice (Part 1)
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Characters: AzulAshengrotto / Jade Leech / Floyd Leech x F!Reader
Total Word Count: 14.7k+
Part 1 (You are Here) Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Synopsis: A potential job as a marine biologist’s assistant leaves (Y/N) feeling something fishy going on behind the scene…
Author's Notes: Original Idea came from @merakiui 's annonymous ask with a short story / headcannon -> https://www.tumblr.com/merakiui/684490143936167936/ooohhh-i-love-those-writing-ideas-you-had-for-sea?source=share
and I absolutely love this concept and wanted to take it a step further. I don't write yandere nor fanfiction as much as I did a few years ago. However, I do hope I do this piece justice; I will had links to the next part once it is completed and ready for viewing.
Also, this is a work of fiction. I disagree anyone that justifies the following behaviors which are represented in this fic (if I think of more, I will add them as I go):
rape/non-consent/dub-consent, possessive/controlling/dominating behaviors, and manipulation
Cruel and cold like winds on the seas
Will you ever return to me
Hear my voice sing with the tide
My love will never die
Over waves and deep in the blue
I will give up my heart for you
If someone were to tell you that you’d eventually be pulled into the wrong end of the sea by, not one but three, unknown sea creatures - you’d probably laugh your head off, thinking they’ve lost their mind.
But how wrong you’d be.
When you had initially applied to work at Twisted Wonders - an emporium of oddities that were collected and studied by the greatest minds in existence - you thought you’d be taking an everyday desk job; answering phone calls, scheduling tours, directing visitors… that sort of thing. 
Never in your right mind would you believe that you would be working alongside the Dire Crowley - director and owner of Twisted Wonders. Mr. Crowley was an acclaimed renowned genius with an air that was both mysterious and alluring. He was approximately 170 cm in height (five feet, seven inches) and wore rich tailored clothing made of silks and leather with gold embroidery and jewels embedded into the vest and belt; of course, he upped his strange allure by consistently wearing a heavy leather overcoat that hung to his frame, decorated in black feathers - real or faux, no one was sure, a top hat that perched on his head, and a mask of black that reminded you of a crow - his arched nose hidden under the long rim of the mask that poked out like a beak. 
“Here’s the deal, (Y/N),” Mr. Crowley spoke, reclining back in his desk chair as a pair of golden eyes peered out from behind the mask, “We’ve recently acquired three creatures that need to be observed. My team, however, has been unsuccessful at getting remotely close to studying them. They seem to think that an outsider might have a higher success rate at being able to approach them more than any of us will due to their knowing who we are.”
“So, what is it exactly that you want me to do?”
“I want you to observe them,” Mr. Crowley spoke, pushing a contract towards you, “You will work with my group of scientists for about three months as well as the three creatures. You are to notate anything and everything you see the trio doing - how they eat, sleep, react with each other, and so forth - and document everything for our records, no matter how insignificant it is. If you prove your worth and competence within those three months, you will be moved to another position within the facility of your choosing.”
“And that’s it? That’s all I need to do?”
“That’s it.”
‘Seems pretty easy for a payment of twenty dollars an hour…’ you thought as you looked down at the contract before, “And this is my… compliance, right?”
“That would be correct, as well as a safety and confidentiality agreement,” Mr. Crowley answered, offering a pen in your direction.
You took the instrument and wrote your name across the bottom of the page on the dotted line.
“Alright,” Dire Crowley took the contract and stood, pressing a buzzer on his desk, “with everything in order, I’ll have Grimsley take you to meet Divus Crewel and Mozus Trein - the overseers of our aquatic project.”
“I’m sorry, did you say aquatic?” your eyes widened in surprise.
“Dear me, did I forget to mention that part?” Mr. Crowley tapped his chin, his glowing eyes looking up toward the ceiling before returning to rest on your features, “Our newest arrivals are of the oceanic nature - I’ve never met or seen them myself, however Professor Crewel and Professor Trein will be able to go over the basics with you and introduce you to the trio in question.”
“As long as they don’ forget the good stuff!” a snarky voice spoke from behind.
You turned in your chair toward the door to see the man who must’ve been Grimsley.
He was about 163 cm in height with pale skin and dark gray hair with tufts of flame blue poking out in random directions. His eyes also were flame blue and held mischief in their depths that matched the smirk on his face as a set of sharp teeth peered out from behind thin lips. He wore a suit of black with a vest that matched his hair, a black and white-striped tie, and a white dress shirt. Leather loafers padded softly against the carpeted flooring of Crowley's office as he held out a black leather gloved hand in greeting.
"Grimsley Overblot," the man smiled like a Cheshire cat, "I'm Mr. Crowley's henchman and errand runner here at Twisted Wonders."
"(Y/N) (L/N)," you answer, taking Grimsley's hand with a shake, "pleasure to meet you."
“Grimsley, go ahead and take (Y/N) to see the good professors,” Dire Crowley spoke, a satisfied smile on his features, “I’m sure the two are more than ecstatic to meet her.”
As it turns out, both men were ecstatic to meet you - though Professor Trein was a bit more reserved about it versus his partner.
Trein's appearance matched his personality - his posture indicated a "no nonsense" aura as did his unchanging features. His lips would quirk into a small smile before they would fall to a straight line as his dark eyes settled on your uneasy form, as if he enjoyed watching you squirm like a germ under the microscope. He was dressed as any scientist would; a heavy white lab coat that fell to his knees hung around his frame that covered a white dress shirt and charcoal-colored dress pants and loafers. His hair was gray with streaks of white and wrinkles covered every inch of his face and neck.  He also wore a set of white pristine gloves and had a cravat around his neck with a singular emerald gem that held the cloth together.
As for his partner, Professor Crewel was a bit more… eccentric. Crewel had a sort of energy about him that reminded you of a young dog - not a puppy, but not an adult either. He was always cocking a smile that bore teeth, chuckling when he patted the top of your head as he called you "puppy." His clothing matched his laidback ideals too - a heavy black and white fur coat with a red silk lining covered the charcoal gray dress shirt and pants. His vest was black on one side, white on the other, and wore a red tie that matched the gloves on his hands.
“So,” Crewel spoke after introductions, pulling a cigarette out of his pants pocket and lighting the object, “any questions before we get you set up?”
“I guess my big question is what exactly will I be working with?” you ask.
“We believe the trio to be mers, but they’re not your typical ones,” Trein explained with a sniff as his features twisted at the smell of Crewel’s smoke,  “All three of them have the upper bodies of men, but lower halfs of sea creatures. Two of the three half the lower half of what we believe to be that of a moray eel and the third the lower half of an octopus. The twins are typically more curious of the three, though they can be aggressive. Several of our closest colleagues were attacked by the duo after accidentally disturbing them - their bites have left scars and one of our colleagues actually lost their leg from their attack.”
“... and you don’t think I will?” you had to question, the comment coming out high-pitched.
“Well, moray eels - specifically - will attack only if they have been disturbed,” Crewel answered nonchalantly, “We believe there are similarities between the animals and the mers, which is why we are gathering as much information as we can. We want to know what the similarities and differences are between moray eels and the twins.”
“Okay, but I still don’t see how I won’t get attacked by those two. And what about the third?”
“You won’t be attacked as long as you stay still and don’t make any sudden movements,” Trein answered, “Once they get used to you, you’ll know.”
“As for the third,” Crewel answered, “he’s a cecaelia - half man, half octopus.”
You blink, “Don’t moray eels eat octopi?”
“Typically, yes,” Trein answered, “which is strange, in this case. The trio were originally found off the coast in the Coral Sea - living in harmony with each other. When we brought them here, the moray mers have consistently been surrounding the grotto that is in the enclosure - the cecaelia hiding within and rarely comes out. We think that the cecaelia may have raised the morays, but we’re not completely sure.”
“And it’s been a devil of a time trying to get a glimpse of him too,” Crewel shook his head, eyes rolling to the ceiling.
“You mean you haven’t seen him? Not once?”
“I saw him when he was first brought into the enclosure,” Trein sighed, “however, it was dark and I couldn’t see him very well - the eels could be seen because of the bioluminescence that exists within their bodies, allowing us to see their figures.”
“Speaking of which, come,” Crewel rested a hand to the small of your back, “let’s get you acquainted with our aquatic trio, hm?”
Crewel and Trein led you to the opposite end of their laboratory where a large glass wall stood with a set of double doors that led to what appeared to be the edge of a massive pool. Once inside, the smell of fish and humidity tickled your nose as the sound of lapping of water reverberated in the slightly dimmed room; the only light being illuminated from the pool itself. The gray walls stretched high, the ceiling covered by long triangular beams that permitted the echoes of voices and lapping water in the room. One the far left was a coat rack and a small freezer with a large fan blowing the heated air around the room.
“When you come in - which will be about six-thirty each morning, you’ll hang your coat on the rack and put your lunch in the freezer before feeding your charges,” Crewel explained, walking over to the freezer and lifting the lid, “We always restock the food the night before, so you don’t have to worry about not having anything in here for the day. There will be nine buckets total in the freezer - three for the morning, three for noon, three for dinner - so make sure you dump all three buckets in the water, but don’t toss the actual bucket into the water.”
“What’s in them?” you ask, wrinkling your nose at the mixture within the buckets.
“A collection of shellfish - shrimp, crab, clam, lobster - and assorted fish are what they primarily eat,” Crewel answered as he closed the lid to the freezer, “We’ve tried feeding the moray twins octopi - but they refuse to touch it and often threw it at the feeders when they came in. Also, feel free to wear something comfortable. The water temperature varies from 45℉ to as low as 39℉ so we have to offset that with the atmosphere in our enclosure here at approximately 77℉ to 85℉ - never mind that one of the twins likes to splash newcomers right off the bat.”
“So, shorts are ok?”
“Shorts would be preferred, so yes,” Crewel nodded.
“But not too short - lower thigh length to knee length is acceptable,” Trein chided, “you are also permitted to wear sandals within the enclosure as well as a t-shirt or tank top due to the humidity. However, if you do choose sandals and tank tops - please bring a spare pair of tennis shoes to wear on the way in and on the way out as closed toed and heels are required within the labs and main building as well as something to keep your shoulders covered; this is a place of employment, not enjoyment.”
When you nod, Trein continued.
“After you feed them their breakfast, take a seat and use the notebooks over here to document any findings,” Trein walks to the opposite end of the enclosure, opening a locker filled with office supplies, “Take whatever you think you might need for the day and have a seat at the edge of the pool and begin your observations. It might take a few days before one of the twins actually approaches you, but once they do, you should be able to start the observations with no problems. During your first few days, remember to stay still - morays attack when startled or provoked, which we don’t want to happen. You’ll let them come to you and, hopefully once you get acquainted, you’ll be able to do your observations with no trouble at all.”
“Your shift will be twelve hours total,” Trein also explained, “you will be expected to eat lunch with the trio and feed them their supper before you leave for the night at six pm and place any of your notes back in the locker here for Crewel or I to collect at the end of the day. When you leave, make sure the door is locked. Typically, we will be here until eight, so we often check the door on our way out - but just so you are aware, the door does get stuck on occasion; you may need to knock on the door a few times and one of us or our staff will get you out.”
You nod again.
“Alright, are there any questions?” Crewel asked.
“No, I think I’ve got it.”
“Very well,” Trein smiles, “We’ll see you tomorrow at six sharp - no later.”
“Thank you very much for this opportunity,” you bow your head to both of them before shaking each of their offered hands as the two escorted you out of the enclosure - none of you aware of the two sets of heterochromia eyes that watched your figure from below the water’s surface.
One week passes slowly as you go through the motions as the Twisted Wonders aquatic observer. 
Every morning, you arrive at quarter to six and greet Crewel and Trein at their laboratory doors. After they unlock and head into their own offices, you make your way to the enclosure and place your bag on the coat rack and the brown paper bag that contains your lunch in the freezer before hauling out the three of the nine gallon-sized buckets one at a time and dump the contents into the water, watching a little bit to see if anything will appear to snatch up a meal as the fish disappear into the murky depths of the pool. After watching the last piece of morsel disappear into the depths, you turn toward the locker, grabbing notebooks, pens and anything else you think you need and take a seat at the edge of the pool. 
As the hours pass by, you jot notes down about anything you see - which is nothing.
7:30am: Ripples of water, no sign of the creatures
10:30am: Still no sign of the creatures
12:30pm: Fed mers, no sign of breaking the surface yet - maybe they know I am waiting for them and want nothing to do with me?
2:30pm: Still no sign
4:30pm: I heard a splash, but saw nothing. Maybe they’re nervous?
6:00pm: Fed the mers their supper - Hoping to get a sign of them before I leave today.
Day after day after day, the notes were the same: No sign. No sign. No sign.
By the end of the first week, you were beginning to wonder if you actually would ever see the creatures or if they even existed - or even, heaven forbid, if you were a test subject yourself for believing that there were mers that lived in the enclosure. 
When Saturday morning came, you trudged into the enclosure with a heavy sigh and slowly began to begin the day’s events. Everything you did now seemed slower as the hope of seeing something otherworldly began to diminish like smoke. You pulled the first bucket of food out of the freezer and brought it to the edge of the pool, dumping the contents in before standing to return the bucket to the side of the freezer when something slimy and light hit the back of your head. Your hand instinctively reached up and brushed the hair behind your head, feeling traces of water and slime. You looked down to see what hit you, finding the bottom half of an unidentifiable colored fish laying behind you. 
Your eyes shifted to look out into the pool - but no movement or any indication that something had thrown the half of the fish at you could be seen.
‘Maybe I’m just imagining things,’ you thought as a sigh escaped your lips, picking up the fish and dropping it into the second bucket before it was dumped over the edge of the pool as well.
As you turned your back to grab the last bucket, again something smacked against the back of your head, a clicking sound following shortly afterwards.
‘Ok,’ you thought, a slight smirk appearing on your features as you picked up the large hunk of lobster from the ground, ‘whoever or whatever you are, I’m assuming you want to play. Well, let’s play.’
You grab the last bucket and dump the contents into the water and kneel at the edge - watching like a cat watches a mouse before pouncing. A few moments pass before you feel your back begin to strain, forcing you to stand. As you do, a whole king prawn nearly smacks you in the face as another round of clicking echoes in the enclosure. You whip your face toward the pool, just in time to see two sets of eyes watching you.
Silence defends the enclosure as the three of you stare in silence at one another.
Your heart races as you realize that the creatures staring at you must be the twins.
You can’t see them completely - their entire bodies are hidden under the water while the tops of their heads and their eyes are the only thing being seen from your position at the edge of the pool as they regard you from a few meters away - but you can see that they are nearly mirrors of each other.
They both have skin the color of seaweed with short hair to match - a longer piece the color of deep sea teal arching in the front of their faces. Instead of human ears, they have fins - likely hiding the gills they use to breathe underwater behind them. The one on your left appears to be more cautious than their twin on the right - their eyes are sharp, their right colored brown and left colored gold, and watching every movement you make as if calculating whether to attack you or not. The one on your right appeared to have more of a droopy expression on their face, their lower eyelids dropping into a bored expression, but their gaze is still sharp. Like their twin, their eyes are different colors - the left colored brown and the right colored gold instead.
You swallow thickly, unsure of what to do exactly. 
Moray eels attack if provoked, you recalled Crewel saying, so you didn’t want to make any sudden movements in case they read it wrong and attempt anything. However, it seems that the decision is quickly made when the one on your right slowly approaches the edge of the pool. You stay as still as possible as they approach, their eyes locked on yours as if in a trance. 
When they reach the edge, you can see the length of his body in the murky depths. His skin is a darker seaweed teal with little stripe patterns on his cheekbones and arms - with likely more on his lower body hidden deeper in the depths. Large fins poke out from his lower arms, giving him and his brother the ability to glide through the water quickly. You couldn’t see his tail, but if you had to guess - you thought he could be approximately six feet in length or longer.
Then, salted sea water covers your entire body, causing you to sputter at the surprise at getting splashed as the moray mer peeled in laughter. His brother follows up with three sharp clicks before the duo disappear under the water, leaving you to wonder what in the world just happened.
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aziraphales-library · 4 months
Hey y’all! i know its pretty soon after this whole ‘do that again’ quote happened, so i understand if you wanna wait a bit before trying to find any, but id love if you could put together some alternative s2 ending fics based off that quote scenario. thank you in advance!
Here are all the "do it/that again" fics I could find...
insatiable by thechesapeakegripper (NR)
“Words only seem to die on his tongue while he tries over and over to speak, say anything, whatever he can to ease the deep-rooted ache now splattered across Crowley’s features as they part. It’s something that he’s never seen before, but can only be described as hopelessly, painfully human.” obligatory “do it again” fic :3
do it again by luciferfemme (T)
The kiss is electric. A fire burning deep inside of Aziraphale’s soul. One that has been burning for six thousand years. It should scorch him. Incinerate and destroy him. It’s hellfire surely, but he feels more alive than he has ever felt in his entire life. The kiss electrifies him. It’s as shocking as it is enticing and one thought rings true above the others. Do that again. Please.
do it again please right now by penmarks (G)
rob wilkins said on a panel that aziraphale's reaction to the kiss was, in his mind something along the lines of "please do that again right now i am trying to understand what's happening" and we all lost our collective minds on twitter. here's my little take on it
what are we going to do? by punkboiii (G)
A rewrite of the confession/kiss scene at the end of Good Omens season 2. “I for-” he stutters, “I… I fo- I forgive-” Aziraphale stops mid sentence, before holding his head in his hands. “Oh, God!” he sobs, “Oh! Oh, Crowley.” Crowley cautiously takes a step forward. “Crowley, please! Do it again. Right now, please Crowley,” he begs, finally looking up at them.
Please Crowley. Do It Again. by alessiazz (NR)
"Angel, what do you want? Tell me what to do, I can't..." And Aziraphale said it. For one time, he was honest about what he truly wanted. And he wanted... no, that's not the right word, he needed him. All of him. "Do it again. Please, Crowley. Do it again" And he did as he was told. ________ Or: what if Aziraphale actually said "Again. Do it again" after the kiss?
love is going to lead you by the hand by mygalfriday (T)
In all their time together, Aziraphale has grown used to the many and varied ways Crowley looks at him. Mercurial creature that he is, Crowley never runs out of emotions and his face displays them all so clearly. Never, in the whole history of their long acquaintance, has Crowley ever looked at Aziraphale the way he looks at him now.
"This isn't how it was supposed to happen" by Caztiel (E)
What if Aziraphale did change his mind after the kiss? Inspired by Mr. Wilkins saying that Micheal's face meant "do it again".
The Resurrectionnists by CaptainBlou (E)
Do it again. It all started with three words. Aziraphale couldn't resist saying them, and Crowley obliged. Do it again.
Snogging on Heaven's Door by Tetrisbiene (M)
What if Aziraphale actually said, 'Do it again. Please. Right now!'? A Post-Season 2 Fanfic. Aziraphale has to go to Heaven to thwart the Second Coming, and Crowley just can't let him go alone. Follow the pair as they meet old and new faces, go to heavenly meetings, sow mischief, and tempt some angels to fall in love with humanity. May the two find a flat surface to talk things over with each other before this big promotion can tear them apart. This is the story of our ineffable idiots in a roller coaster ride of emotions, heavenly bureaucracy, and stolen kisses against doors. Have some angst, some stupid puns in the chapter titles, and an elevator ride that's basically an excuse for me to write a cheesy alternative ending to help me get over the actual finale.
- Mod D
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glazesunflower · 1 year
Hiiii Welcome back ! How have you been?
It’s been a while since i made a request lol, so you’re gonna be the 1st one since then.
Here : « Reader asks for a favor (like cuddles, sitting on her lap, a kiss…) in public but her gf refuses to do it, so instead R acts like child: pouts, silent treatment and asks the same favor to someone else in front of her girlfriend ! »
I don’t know if you do Sumeru’s girls; soo if yes : Candace, if not, maybe : Kokomi and any girls of your choice who have lot of prides :D Thank youu <3 ! Have a good day/night
Asking For Her Affection
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Characters: Candace and Kokomi x GN!Reader.
Warnings: A very mild version of jealousy and possesiveness.
Notes: It's the first time I'm writing Candace, so I hope this a nice way to welcome her to my blog! I hope you enjoy this :)
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The air of the dessert is a little rough on your skin as you stroll through the village. It’s not something you despise. In fact, it adds to the charm of this beautiful place that you’ve learned to love. For it’s kind and hardworking people, for the stars in the bright sky at night, but most of all, for the woman who is gracefully walking next to you now.
You turn to her, a smile dancing on your lips as you see Candace. The people around stop to wave at her, saying words of appreciation or showing her a wound that healed nicely thanks to her advice. Candace’s eyes light up as she receives their words, her own smile the most precious treasure in this side of the desert.
As you watch her thrive among the praises and warm words for her, you feel your chest tighten with affection. You love her more than you can say, the threads of your heart pulling you closer to her until you’re holding her hand in yours. Candace watches you with a light flush as you press a kiss to her hand.
“Feeling affectionate, my heart?” Her smile is radiant, glowing and so familiar.
You kiss her hand again. Then, her arm. Her shoulder. You tug at her lightly so that she’s closer to you. Closer still.
“You could say that.” Your lips caress her skin so gently, almost like the drops of sand caressing the ground below. “Everyone loves you so much, but… I kinda want you all to myself right now.”
Candace’s eyes widen, just a little. She’s usually collected, but no one can read her subtle changes in expression better than you can, after all this time. The faint blush adorning her cheeks isn’t lost to you, either.
“Oh, darling… I’m just not sure this is the appropriate place for such affection.”
You can hear the embarrassment in her voice, just a little. That fuels something within you, a playful side that only comes out when she’s looking at you with those mismatched eyes full of poorly-concealed emotions. You insist.
“Come on, it will be alright.” Your hand  travels up her arm, her shoulder, tracing the line of her clavicle, incessant. “Don’t you want everyone to know how much I adore you?”
You watch the hesitance cross her beautiful eyes, and you wait for the glimpse of her smile. Instead, she shakes her head, lowering your hand with an apologetic stare.
“You know I appreciate your affection endlessly, my heart, but I prefer keeping our love private. I hope you understand."
She says, but you’re still feeling the playful tug in your chest. You pout, hoping to bribe her with your most endearing act. It has worked more times than you thought it would, truthfully.
Candace watches your expression and her eyes soften around the corners. 
"Alright, alright, you win. No need to pout, my dear. I'll give you a kiss when we get home. No, I will give you as many as you desire. Will that suffice?"
She graces your hand with soft fingers, light like the morning breeze over the slopes of the desert, but it’s still not enough.
Just then, you spot Dehya sitting at the tavern you’re just passing by, and a mischievous thought crosses your mind. You really don’t fight the urge.
“If it isn’t Dehya in the flesh,” you begin with a grin, you approach your old friend, leaning over her with glistening eyes. “Would you mind if I sat with you for a minute? In fact, would you mind if I sat on your lap, my friend?”
Dehya’s eyes widen in surprise. You watch her cheeks grow a darker shade, her hand frozen over holding her drink. Before she can reply, you place yourself on her lap, wrapping your arms around her neck, just like you had wanted to do with Candace. Though this time, you exaggerate your movements. You know she’s watching.
Dehya swallows, her voice faint with confusion when she says, “Uh… Sure?”
From the corner of your eye, you watch Candace’s reaction. You find delight in the way her eyes seem to open further, watching you rest your weight on someone that isn’t her. Her mismatched eyes flash with emotions— Amusement, jealousy, and perhaps even a hint of possessiveness. You’re thrilled.
After a few more empty words exchanged with Dehya, you get off her lap and bid her farewell, leaving her stunned and even more flustered. You will buy her a drink later on to make up for the scene you did today.
Grinning from ear to ear, you return to Candace. The playful sigh that leaves her lips is music to your ears.
“Alright, I see what you did there.” She says, giving in and interlacing her fingers with yours. You notice her touch tightening around you, the possessiveness leaking through her perfectly-crafted expression of calmness. You really are delighted. “You win this time.”
Pulling her close, you can’t help but press a kiss on her lips, palming her face with your free hand. Your voice is nothing but sweet when you whisper, “I love you and only you, my dear. I hope you know that.”
And you watch Candace defrost in your hands, her eyes swelling with the same affection that you feel for her.
She smiles, realizing that even though she might feel shy about displaying affection in public, she really can’t resist your playful charm when you make good use of it.
From that day forward, you find a balance between private and public displays of affection, strengthening your bond and making each other feel loved in every possible way, and you adore every single second of it.
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The air is salty and the ocean breeze carries the delightful laughter of Kokomi as you walk down the bustling island of Watatsumi. 
Hand in hand, you enjoy the moment sharing stories and comfortable discussions about any given topic you can think of, your mind and heart at ease with your girlfriend by your side. Part of you knows that she’s not prone to being too affectionate in public, but the other more insistent part of you is really resisting the urge to shower her gentle hands and her lovely features with your loving kisses. You’re trying very hard, honest.
But when you pass by a quaint teahouse, the surroundings less crowded, you can’t help but lean in to her. You place a strand of soft pink hair behind her ear, whispering all too close to her,
“My love… Wouldn't it be fun to steal a kiss right here?"
Kokomi chuckles softly, the beautiful sound echoing through the chambers of your rose-colored heart, and you drink in the embarrassment that blooms in her cheeks at your proximity.
"As much as I'd love to, my dear, I prefer to keep our affection private."
How delightfully disappointing. You tug on her hands, your affection pouring out of you and seeking release. Your voice is a soft thing in her ears.
“Just a little kiss, my dear? No one will notice, I promise.”
But Kokomi shakes her head gently, locks of beautiful pink hair cascading down her back as she speaks, formal and polite and righteous as ever.
"I'm sorry, my love. I'm the Sangonomiya Clan's Divine Priestess, and maintaining a certain image is essential. It's not that I don't want to, but… I do have responsibilities to uphold. You know this."
“Is that how it is…”
For a moment, you’re torn between dropping the subject and teasing her further. But just then, you see a familiar face from the corner of your eye, and you suddenly have no say in the matter.
Your lips curve into a mischievous smile.
“Oh, look! There's Ayaka!” You wave at her enthusiastically, watching her kindly wave back at you, a polite smile dancing on her lips. You wink at Kokomi. "I wonder if she would grant me a little favor."
“What are you—”
You don’t give her the chance to finish the sentence. With quick steps, you’re soon next to Ayaka, playfully taking her hands in yours. Your eyes are a dangerous thing.
“Ayaka, may I have a kiss? Just one, I wouldn’t dare take more from you.”
Ayaka’s face is bright red in an instant. From her neck to the tips of her ears, you find amusement in the deep shade of scarlet that colors her skin, more than taken aback from your unexpected request.
“I— I am— I mean, you— Um—!”
She stammers, and you can’t help the chuckle that leaves your lips. Still with her hands in yours, you raise them up to your lips. Softly, you press a kiss to her gentle skin, leaving her more than flustered.
“There.” Your smile is sweet, innocent even. You let go of her altogether. “Just one, as I promised. I won’t trouble you further, my lady.”
And, with that, you turn on your heels and leave an incredibly flustered Ayaka catching her breath, light in the head.
Going back to Kokomi with a playful grin, you can’t help but notice the protective expression in her eyes. For a moment, you’re afraid you might’ve gone too far with this.
“I was playing, Kokomi. You know I only have eyes for y—”
Kokomi grabs the hem of your shirt and presses her mouth to yours, her lips finding yours with urgency. You close your eyes and let her have her way with you for those seconds that last a lifetime, almost. Then, she pulls away from you, cheeks flustered, brow furrowed.
“Just this once.” The possessiveness in her voice delights you to no end. “But don’t do that again. Promise me.”
And you soften, wanting nothing more than giving her everything she possibly asks of you.
“I promise you, my heart.” Now it’s her hands you’re kissing. Tender, affectionate, not enough for you, just enough for her. “You’re the only one for me, Kokomi.”
You listen to her laugh softly, and your heart soars, relieved that it was all in good fun. 
"You know you're the only one for me too, my love.” She strokes your hand lightly. “I adore you, and I'm glad you understand why I can't be too affectionate in public."
And you choose to understand this time, because you love her more than words can say, and sometimes loving means compromising, too.
"Of course, my heart. Your responsibilities are important, and I respect that. Besides, I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable.” Your lips grow into a smile, genuine in the motion. “Our love is special, no matter where we are."
Just like that, you continue your walk. As you make your way home, Kokomi leans in and presses a gentle peck on your cheek, a sweet compromise between public decorum and her affection for you, too.
And you can’t help but feel that there is a loving happiness in balance.
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If you enjoyed this, please consider liking or reblogging it <3!
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 1 month
The Gorgon Chapter 3
Summary:  The village nearest the mountain by the sea has a generations-old tradition of offering sacrifices to the monster in the mountain to gain favor and keep its wrath away from the people.  Every person starting from the age of 15 has to take a turn in making the journey up the mountain to the mouth of the cave once a year to drop off the gifts…and it’s a journey that some never come back from.  Y/N took her turn when she was 15, and now the rotation has come back to her again.  If the gift isn’t given by the autumn solstice, there’s no telling what harm the creature will wreak onto the people.  With a seemingly insurmountable obstacle in her way, will she make it to save her and her people?  Can a monster have a heart?
Warnings:  language, violence, attempted sexual assault (not from Bucky), gore, eventual smut *monster!bucky barnes
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Y/N reached the village by nightfall.  She was welcomed with cheers and numerous questions.  “We saw them follow you up…”  “What happened?”  “Where are they?”  Y/N shielded herself from all of their questions until Master Stark and the Seers approached her.
“You made it,” Master Stark smiled.  “But, what happened?  Zemo–”
“Was my obstacle,” she interrupted him, and looked at Agatha.  “He, Zola and Strucker attacked me.”  There was a collective gasp and sounds of disbelief in the crowd.  Agatha merely nodded.  “They chased me into the cave,” she continued, another round of gasps echoing around her.  “I saw the monster,” she said, walking up to the Seers.  “He saved me.”
“Saved you?”
“What do you mean?”
“What is it?”
“Let her speak!” Agatha said loudly, and the crowd of people hushed.
Y/N thanked her quietly.  “The monster is a Gorgon,” she explained hurriedly.  “Half man, half serpent.  But he is not evil!  He saved me from them.”
“Where are they now?”
“Dead,” Y/N said without remorse.  Hushed whispers rang through them.  “The Gorgon requires penance for their misdeeds in trying to harm the sacrifice giver,” she said, trying to keep their attention.  “He wants a monthly sacrifice, and for me to deliver it to him.”
“Once a month?” Master Stark said incredulously.  “We cannot afford to give more.”
“He doesn’t need the food,” she explained, which made Stark sigh in relief.  “I will gather and bring him the sacrifice and return within a fortnight each time.  I do this willingly,” Y/N announced, the Seers smiling at her.  “And we will have peace.”
There was a silence amongst them before Pietro stepped forward with Wanda.  Wanda signed a few things to him and he whispered, “Our visions were correct.”  He smiled at her.  “Friendship and love will peace collect.”
The crowd of people all seemed to relax at his words and started to slowly disburse after congratulating Y/N on coming back safely and bringing extended peace.  Y/N was over the moon at the prospect of being able to convince them of Bucky’s plan, and couldn’t wait until she could go and see him again.  Master Stark accompanied her back to her small bakery where she stayed in a room in the back.
“Well done, my dear,” Stark said as she stepped inside.  “If there is anything I can do to help in preparing the next sacrifice, please let me know.”
Y/N smiled kindly at him.  “I need books.”
The four weeks dragged on for Y/N.  She so desperately wanted to go back up the mountain and see Bucky again.  She worried herself about how much she missed him, a creature of myth that had somehow snuck his way into her heart and mind.  There were many moments where she caught herself staring up at the mountain as she kneaded dough, getting lost in her memories of those two days with him.  His glowing eyes and warm, wide smile haunted her dreams, and she felt the fluttering more often than not at the thought of him.  She shook her head vigorously at how ridiculous she was being.
Finally it was time.  Snow had fallen in the valley and she knew that hiking up the trail would be hard on the cold, frozen earth.  She packed a small pull cart with mead, a few books, paper, quills and ink, as well as enough food for herself to last.  She dressed warm as she started to walk through the village toward the trail.  The people watched her with curious looks, not knowing what she had in the cart but trusting she would bring whatever she needed to keep them all safe.  A few of them called out farewells as she trudged through the few inches of snow.
It was a hard walk, and she had to stop multiple times.  When she was halfway up she stopped and leaned against the rock face of the mountain, heaving breaths and sweating.  She still had a long way to go, and she sighed in frustration.  She kicked the rock behind her and started to grab the cart when she heard a rumble.  Y/N looked slowly behind her where she had kicked the mountain.  There was a shifting in the rock face, and then it started to fall away until it revealed an opening.  She watched it warily, the darkness looking ominous until she saw two glowing eyes.
“Hey pretty thing,” Bucky’s voice echoed through the door he’d created.
“Bucky!” Y/N smiled and launched herself through the hole.  She couldn’t see much at all but he easily caught her, his four arms wrapping around her protectively.
“Missss me?” he chuckled, petting her hair.
“Just a little,” she teased as she looked up at him.  “How did you know I was here?”
“This is my mountain,” Bucky said simply.  “I hear all around it.  And I thought I’d give you a little mercy instead of making you hike all the way up in the snow.”
“Well I greatly appreciate it,” Y/N breathed.  He set her down and she walked back to pull the cart through the opening.  “I brought books,” she said happily.
Bucky gasped in excitement as he dug around in the cart.  “Oh!” he exclaimed, holding up the books she’d packed.  “And what’s this?” he asked, thumbing at the paper.
“Paper, quills and ink,” Y/N explained.  “To learn to read you’ll need to write.”
Bucky looked reverently at the things and then swiftly gathered her into his arms again while pulling the cart behind himself.  “Let’s get started,” he said, slithering through the mountain at a breakneck speed.  Y/N held onto him for dear life, her legs wrapped around his upper torso as he moved up and up through the multiple caverns.  It was like he’d carved his way through the mountain, creating passageways to get where he wanted to go.  He finally reached the upper cave where she’d first met him and helped her through the hallways into his room again.  Y/N felt like she was physically deflating in relief at finally being back in this space.  She slowly let go of him as he set her down.  Bucky pulled the cart further in, rummaging through the cart again and pulling things out, setting them down carefully in piles next to himself. 
Y/N watched him with a smile then looked around the room.  Nothing had really changed, except he’d kept the copy of Beowulf held open by two rocks in the place they’d stopped reading last time.  Bucky pulled out a certain book and made a noise of disapproval.
“What is this one?” he asked.
Y/N walked up as he held it in front of her face.  The picture on the front of the book was a filigree painting of mythical creatures.  An entanglement of a dragon, unicorn, gorgon, demon, angel, werewolf and a griffin circled the title of the book.  “It’s called The Book of Beasts,” she explained, pointing to each creature and explaining what they were.  “I thought it would be interesting to see what it says about Gorgons and how correct it is.”  Bucky eyed the book warily and Y/N laughed.  “Don’t judge a book by its pictures, Bucky,” she chastised him teasingly.
He huffed at her before setting it back down.  “Let’s finish Beowulf first,” he said.
The next few days were a dream.  Y/N would read to Bucky for a while before they would work on some reading and writing.  When they needed a break he would take her on a tour of different areas in the cave, carrying her to different outcroppings, each holding fantastic views.  About a week and half later as her time with him was ending in just a few days he finally held up The Book of Beasts.  “Alright, let’s get this over with,” he groaned.  “What does it say about Gorgonsss?”
Y/N snorted at his candor before taking the book and sitting down next to him, flipping the pages until she reached the section on Gorgons.  “‘There are many depictions of Gorgons in ancient script,’” she began.  “Let’s skip ahead…ah, *‘Of the three known species of Gorgon, Gorgos medusa, colloquially known as the “greater gorgon,” is the most dangerous, and has long been regarded as the source of common image of gorgons in fiction and mythology.  They are the only gorgons capable of shapeshifting, and can switch at will between a roughly humanoid form and a shape closer to that of the naga or lamia…’”*  Y/N tapered off, her brows furrowing.  “Shapeshifting,” she said.  She looked up at Bucky who was giving her an unreadable expression.  “Can you shapeshift?”
Bucky swallowed harshly and started blinking rapidly.  “I…I’ve only ever done it once.”
“You can?” Y/N sat up and faced him.  “Into a man?”  Bucky nodded but looked away from her.  “Why only once?”
He sighed heavily.  “Because it’s painful,” he whispered.  Y/N inhaled sharply.  “I wanted to go to the village,” he explained.  “Be among people.  Try living a normal, human life.  I’ve been alone for so long,” he said, his jaw tightening as he stared at the ground.  
“Did you have a family?” Y/N asked gently.
Bucky nodded.  “Just my mother,” he said, glancing at her.  “She explained to me that once we shift, it becomes increasingly difficult to shift back to our true forms, and with that we lose our immortality.”  He turned away from her and looked out the window.  “One day she shifted, wanting to enjoy some freedom among people, feel the sun without fear of being seen for what she was,” he said quietly.  “She never came back.  I never knew what happened to her.”
Y/N sighed.  She never would have known that this was a possibility.  She stood and walked over to him, hugging him from behind.  “I’m sorry, Buck,” she whispered into his hair.
Bucky moved to face her and hugged her back, his face nuzzling into her chest.  “I’ve considered shifting again,” he said quietly.  “But each time I try, I give up.  I’m too…afraid,” he whispered and looked up at her.  “How do you humans live such fragile lives?  Are you not always afraid of death at every turn?”
Y/N smiled at him, brushing his hair back with her fingers.  “Well, that’s what makes life interesting,” she said.  “We never know what will be our last day.  So it’s best to just…live.  And make the most of the time we’re given.”  She traced his face with her fingers softly.  He looked young, still, with only a few fine lines around his eyes and forehead.  “It must be lonely, living forever,” she frowned.  Bucky nodded, nuzzling into her palm as his arms tightened around her.  “What do you look like as a human?” she suddenly asked, a smirk lighting up her face.
Bucky scoffed, rolling his eyes at her curiosity.  “Much like this,” he said, pulling away and gesturing to himself.  “Just shorter, and with legs.”
“One less torso?  No tail?” Y/N teased.  
“No tail, but this strange thing between the legs,” he said, brows furrowing.  “I had no idea what it was.  But it felt…funny.”  Y/N snorted and quickly covered her mouth to stop laughing.  Bucky looked at her confusedly.  “Do you know what it is?” he asked.  Y/N nodded but kept her face covered.  “Well what is it?” he pushed further, crawling towards her.
“It’s just,” Y/N said, biting back a smile.  “It’s called a c-cock.  It’s something men have.  It’s the way they, uh, help make children,” she said, scooting away from him.
“Why are you all red?” Bucky smiled.  Y/N covered her face with her hands.  “How does it help make children?”
“It…it goes…in a woman,” she explained, looking down as she blushed heavily.  “It’s called s-sex.  And then, eventually, makes a baby.”
“A baby?” he said, his head tilting.  “What’s a baby?”  
“A small human,” she said, backing away again.  
“Wait, it goes in a woman?” he asked, following her.  “Where?”
“Oh, it’s um, a hole, down…” she pointed to the area between her legs, “...called a vagina.  But it doesn’t matter now–”  
“Down where?” Bucky asked, crawling towards her faster.  Y/N backed up into the wall as he cornered her.  “Why are you so shy about all this?” he asked.  
Y/N tried to relax.  “It’s just not something that we talk about much,” she said, looking everywhere but at him.  “It’s very…private.”
“Private,” he repeated.  She nodded, glancing at him quickly.  “Have you done it?” he asked.
“Oh, no,” Y/N laughed, shaking her head.  “It’s normally not done until you’re married.”
“Married,” Bucky repeated again.  
“Yes, it’s when two people join themselves together for life,” Y/N explained.  “When they love each other or are combining their lives and things.  Marriage.”
Bucky slightly pulled away, his frown returning.  “Are…are you joined to someone?”
Y/N looked up at him in surprise.  “Me?  No,” she said, shaking her head again quickly.  “No, I’m not.  It just never…I never found someone I’d want to marry.”
Bucky nodded, a small smile pulling at his lips.  He hummed, reaching out and taking one of her hands in his.  “I would marry you.”
She gaped at him, her eyes wide as her mouth dropped open.  Bucky smirked at her face, his thumb rubbing her hand as he held it.  “That’s…that’s very sweet of you,” she breathed.  
“Would you marry me?” he asked.
Y/N was stunned again at his question.  She had just barely met him a month before, and had built a quick and easy friendship with him, so when her heart and her mind leapt for joy at his question she was surprised at herself.  “Yes,” she answered honestly.  Bucky’s smile widened at her response, but he didn’t push the conversation any further.  
A few days later Y/N ran out of food and knew it was time to leave.  As she packed her things Bucky was waiting for her in the hallway to bring her down to the opening he’d made further down the mountain.  When she finished she walked up to him, seeing him already holding her small pull cart in one of his lower hands.  She was fighting back tears as she opened her arms and he held her against him to carry her.  He slid them down the passageways, a little more slowly this time, until they came to the door.  The snow was heavier than when she’d first come and he watched the flurries warily.
“Are you sure you can make it back in this?” he asked as he set her down.
“I know the way,” Y/N replied, not looking at him, pretending to be occupied with adjusting her coat.
Bucky set the pull cart outside the opening and then turned to her.  “Well, until next time, my pretty thing,” he said quietly.  
Y/N heaved a heavy sigh before looking up at him.  Bucky eyes were still slightly glowing as he stayed in the shadow, but she could see tears starting to build.  “Until next time, husband,” she joked, trying to keep the levity in the farewell so she wouldn’t cry in front of him.
“Husband?” he asked.
“You said you would marry me,” Y/N explained.  “That would make you my husband.”
Bucky sputtered, blinking rapidly as a tear fell.  “And what would that make you?”
“Your wife,” Y/N said, sniffling quickly.
Bucky suddenly grabbed her and held her tight against him, hugging her hard and nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck.  “I’ll miss you, wife,” he breathed.
“I’ll miss you, husband,” Y/N whispered.
They held each other for another moment before she started to pull away.  At the last second she turned her head and kissed his cheek.  Bucky looked shocked as she took a step toward the door.  Y/N gave him one last sad smile before turning away, grabbing the cart and trudging through the snow.
*Drawings from TikTok @zesketches *info about Gorgons found @seananmcguire.com 
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emsgwenstan · 7 months
Personal or professional?
Larissa Weems x fem(carpenter/joiner) named reader
Chap 7 | chap 8 | chap 9
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Words: 2.5k
Warnings: blood, assault, weapons, ✨angry bitches✨, pain, all of the above.
Note: sorry not sorry, be warned tho lovely’s! <3
I. Feel. Sick. I immediately stood without hurting Lilly, gently shoving her off, I hopped over the coffee table and sprinted to the bathroom. With the door wide open everyone could hear me hurling without reprieve, the second my knees hit the tiles I threw up. No, this can’t be happening. Larissa was quick on my trail coming in and pulling the hair out of my face. “Darling what’s wrong?” She asked rubbing my back, I was gasping for air and shaking my head. “No, no, no, no, no, this isn’t happening.” I breathed in disbelief. “Violet, what’s going on?” She asked again in a more concerned manner. My head sunk further into the toilet bowl, I took multiple deep breaths and decided that there is only one way to deal with this.
I lifted my head and used the toilet paper to wipe at my mouth, on shaking legs I rose and flushed the remnants away, I turned to Larissa with a blank expression and a murderous look in my eyes. “Let’s go.” I said trekking back out slowly into the living room. Everyone was standing and their gazes focused to my form. “Louise, take Larissa and the rest of the girls into another room…now.” I said, lowly just short of a growl, Lou knows what’s about to happen, she doesn’t hesitate to take her kids, sister and Larissa to safety, but before she could enter the closest bedroom she turned and asked. “Violet? Does she know?” I looked to Larissa and gave her an apologetic pout, then back to Louise. “No.” I stated simply. “I’ll explain.” She said dragging Larissa away into the next room leaving me with dad and our guest.
I rolled my neck and kept my stance tall. “What the hell is he doing here?” I asked dad. “I invited him for dinner.” He said backhandedly. “After everything… after all I’ve told you and all you know, you would do this to me.” I said taking steps towards him. “I can invite anyone I want into my house.” He hummed. “And you… how dare you come here.” I growled. “Come on vi I -.” “No you don’t get to call me that.” I snapped coming to loom over him. “I suggest you leave Christopher.” I said, my heart feels like it’s going to beat out of my chest, the longer I look at him the more flashbacks I have, the way he’d pin me down, the slaps, the hair pulling, the kind of degradation that no one likes.
Larissa’s pov
“Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on.” I asked frantically. Louise looked to me and looked horribly concerned. “I’ve only ever seen her like this once before, she’s not going to be in her right mind and we have to stay here.” She said. “That man out there is her ex, he’s- he’s not a nice man.” She continued. Dear god I need to help her. “Trust dad to pull this shit.” Jade said sitting down with Lilly and charlotte. “We need to help her then…” I said pushing past her to get to the door. “She can handle herself… that’s what I need to tell you.” I stoped and looked at her, what the bloody hell have I walked into.
Violet’s pov
“Get out.” I said still sane and calm. “We used to be good together.” Chris said with a smirk, his arms coming to sneak around my waist. “Don’t touch me.” I sneered slapping his arms away. “Don’t be difficult Violet.” Dad said. And just like that my calmness shattered, all I saw was my fist collected with his face, my father’s nose started to bleed immediately. “You fucking bitch.” He yelled slapping my right cheek with the back of his hand, his ring slicing through the flesh. I will not cry, I will not show weekness. “That’s right I am a fucking bitch, but you know what you two are?… Monsters, and I’ll be damned if either of you get away from me now.”
Larissa’s pov
“You see Violet isn’t like us, she’s different, we don’t share the same trait.” She continued, I’m so lost. “We don’t have the same mother’s, so she gets it from her mom.” I still don’t understand. “Has vi ever seemed to lift things or move things that you can’t, or has she ever said she wasn’t… normal, or?” She questioned. “No… well, actually yes, she brought me a desk and vanity-.” I cut myself off at the realisation.
Violet’s pov
I stared at Chris and knew he was about to do something, he put his hands up slowly towards me and instantly I grabbed the closest thing I could throw, a vase on the mantle. I pelted it towards him and it smashed at his feet. “Don’t fight it vi, you know you miss me.” He chuckled. “Don’t come any closer.” I said holding a fire stoker. “What are you gonna do hit me?” He asked tauntingly. “I mean it.” I said. My dad stood back wiping the blood from his nose and let that asshole come for me, I don’t need the prod, I dropped it and went for the man, lunging at him I started to hit and kick, I held onto him for dear life and scratched the shit out of his face. “Get off me!” He yelled. “But this is what you want! You want me you fucking have me!” I shouted.
Dad sprung into action trying to pull me off of chris, I elbowed him in the face making the blood from his nose bleed again. Christopher succeeded getting me off him, but I didn’t stop, I kneed him in between his legs and continued to punch and fight landing proper hits to his head. Dad put me, his own daughter in a head lock and dragged me to the floor, that was my last straw, I used my telekinesis to manoeuvre and pin him to the wall so he wouldn’t move. Christopher’s face turned to shock as I did so, with my hands out stretched using my ability to keep him there, the man ran into the kitchen to steel a knife, I was to busy to notice the few moments he had gone.
"I always knew you were a freak." he said jumping onto my torso with the blade firmly held in his grasp. My concentration broke and so did the hold on dad, he fell to the ground groaning as he hit the floorboards. "get off me!" I screamed sinking my nails into the skin of his forearms to hold the metal away. He's going to kill you if you don't kill him violet. I may be strong but unfortunately he has the upper hand of pushing down.
Larissa’s pov
I could hear the commotion coming from the next room, something smashing, groaning and yelling, I need to help her, she cant face these disgraceful men alone, I pushed past Louise and successfully opened the door. She was pinned to the floor fighting with the man on top of her. "Stop!" i cried hardly believing that that's the sound of my voice, scared, destressed and helpless. My whole body started to shake and tears welled in my eyes, I don't know what to do, something anything Larissa.
She couldn't hold onto his arms any longer as they got closer to her chest, I could see violets grip was faltering, she grasped the sharp blade wrapping her palm around it, blood trickling down her wrist and dropping onto her neck, in her one moment of weakness, her hand that was pushing up on his closed fist around the handle was thrown down beside her head, the gasp that left my lungs as he stabbed the knife though her right hand and the guttural scream that erupted from hers almost made me faint.
Violet’s pov
i felt the tendons and bones snap as he punctured through my skin and into the floorboards, for a split second the noise sounded like I was under water and my vision hazed, the only thing I could hear and feel was my pulse and the pain shooting through my arm. The scream I let out was deafening and made my throat sore, but nothing compared to the pain in my hands. Somehow I managed to bring my knees high enough to push him away, he got off me and crawled to my father, without thinking I rolled to my side and pulled out the knife wining and moaning as I had to wiggle it to come free of the wood underneath, warm metallic blood ran everywhere, into my hair, clothes, neck and the side of my cheek.
Once it came free Larissa came walking cautiously over, I sat up and held out a shaking finger, silently telling her to stay away, she took a few steps back doing as she's told. Though dizzying I stood rising slowly with the knife clutched in my left hand, the one that I could still move my fingers with. Turning on the spot with my head lulled, I cast my eyes down at the pair on the floor as Christopher is on all fours leaning over my father about to help him sit up I twisted the blade in my ruined palm before sending it into the back of Chris’s thigh.
It hurt me to do it physically but I can’t even begin to care, about how unlawful this whole situation is, how much I’m losing my shit, I don’t even care about the gasps coming from Larissa and how frightened she must be, all I know is that this feels fucking amazing, to finally make him hurt- both of them for all the things they have done to me in the past.
“You crazy bitch!” He screamed. I kicked him in the jaw once he fell to the side. “Get up.” I said menacingly, he was crying in pain, he stabs me through the hand and slices the other and yet I didn’t cry, I boot him in the stomach. “Get up.” Another boot to his nose. “Come on Christopher, get up honey, you know you want to.” I said in a shakey sing song voice. He groaned spitting out blood from his now broken teeth. He looked up at me through weeping eyes, knowing that he has in fact not won this twisted game.
My father found his way to his feet and after stepping back for a moment so did Chris, with all the energy I have left I use my left hand to lift both of them off the ground and into the air right beside each other. As strange as it is a smile graced my bloody face, internally my body was screaming but I remained unfazed. “You took everything from me… my trust, my self esteem, my security, you ruined me… I plan on returning the favour by watching as your world burns.” I said speaking directly to Chris. He snickered in response. “You’re not as evil as you think you are.” Showing a grin I remarked. “No I’m much fucking worse, you will leave this house, and you will feel what it is like to constantly look over your shoulder, the paranoia won’t leave you body ever as long as I live, you will spend the rest of your life running, but also knowing your only living because I granted it. If you look at me, if you speak to me, if you even think about me again, I’ll come for you.”
His breathing became quick and shallow at my words. “I’ll come for you, I will come for you, I will fucking hunt you down Christopher, I’m not that scared little girl you remember, I’m your nightmare.” I gritted leaning into speak in his ear so I knew it was made crystal clear. He kept his mouth shut and didn’t utter another word, I moved a step to the side to be face to face with dad. “Oh Robert, how disappointing…” I pouted. “As of today you lose a daughter, I will never see or hear from you again.” I reached up to take a hold of his crooked nose and snap it back into place. “And one more thing, my step father has been a better dad that you ever have been and ever will be.” I whispered, unsnapping his nose again, listening to his cry brought me lost years of joy.
“You’ve always been the disappointment Violet.” He groaned. “Because I’m not a boy, isn’t that right, well sucked in a man who only wanted a son got 3 daughters, how ironic. Am I supposed to be great full having survived this, all of this?” I asked rhetorically. “No that’s right, you know don’t you, you know you’re the problem.” I said stepping back, I looked one last time at Christopher who’s head is hung low to avoid looking at me, for a moment I almost felt pity, but it was only a fleeting second before I tossed him to the other side of the room sending the pair into near by walls knocking them both out completely.
I turned to Larissa with tired eyes and pace towards her, she took a step back causing me to stop. “Please sweetheart I’m not going to hurt you.” I said with my body coming down from adrenaline feeling heavy on my feet. She gazed at me speechless for a second then ran into my arms. “You- yo… you’re.” She stuttered. “I’m fine, I’m ok… I’m sorry.” I said with my arms out to the side so I don’t bloody her back with my hands. “What the fuck just happened.” She muttered. “Look at me, rissa… we need to go, before they wake up, now go make sure the others are alright, I’ll be with you in a moment.” I said sternly. “But-.” “Larissa go, please.” I begged. She turned on her heels entering the room.
I popped my head in the door to see the girls sitting on the floor cradling one another and watched as Larissa urged them to start getting ready to leave, no one is safe in this house. I ran to my room and pulled out an old sleep shirt and did my best to tear it with my teeth, with the cotton rags I wrapped them around my hands and used my wrists to pick up our items and toss them into our bags. I tossed our luggage out the window onto the driveway underneath, luckily nothing valuable inside them and snapped the window shut with my elbow. Larissa came into the room looking disoriented and just stared at me as I whipped around the room. I dropped to my knees and hissed as my body’s starting to ache terribly, I managed to open the designated floorboard and pull out a small shoe box that contained photos, trinkets and a pack of cigarettes.
Opening the box I grabbed out the lighter and shoved the cigarette into my mouth desperately, my fingers were struggling to strike the light when Larissa came over, crouched down and lit it for me. A small moment of serenity filled my lungs along with the nicotine. “Our stuff’s out side, we need to go.” I croaked exhaling smoke. “Mmm.” She hummed pulling the cigarette from my fingers taking a drag herself, then passing it back to me. I left it dangling between my lips puffing on it regularly until it was nothing but a bud.
“Ok we’re ready.” Lou said at the front door. “Come on, guys out to the cars.” I said walking out the door, the others trailing behind me quickly. “Auntie vi, what happened to your hands?” She asked hugging onto her teddy. “I hurt them is all.” I said avoiding the truth, she will know once she’s older. I opened my arms as far as they would stretch offering an embrace for them all, jade hugged me first briefly but tightly, Lou holding Lottie next and Lilly last. “I’ll see you all soon, I love every one of you and I’m so sorry this has happened.” I said tiredly. “We love you to Violet, this isn’t your fault. be safe.” Louise said turning to put the kids in the car, jade shut the boot and walked to the drivers side hopping in with a wave and turning down the drive way when Lou was secured in the car.
The front door opened, Larissa’s and my attention went to it, dad. “Get in the fucking car!” I yelled out running to the drivers side, we both jumped in the vehicle and I sped off, bits of dirt were flinging around the car and shards of concrete were breaking off the pillars at the gates, I released they were bullets. I got the hell out of there and floored it, after a while when I knew we were in the clear I put my hands in the steering wheel to give my palms a break using my wrists to drive, but kept up the high speed, Larissa was silent and kept her eyes on the road.
20 minutes have passed. “Where are we going?” She asked. “Somewhere safe.” I said. My eyes are heavy and it’s getting harder to see as dusk approaches, I want to cry, I want to scream, I want to feel like I have to constantly make sure Larissa’s ok, but I can’t, I don’t have the energy. Driving down the hill and breaking slightly, I turn on my right indicator, Larissa peers out the window to see a small house just off the road lit from the inside with a small outside light on. I park on the driveway and turn off the car letting my eyes close for a minute before reaching my buckle, she does the same and hopped out of the car to open my door and help me out.
I slung my arm around her shoulder and made my way up to the front steps, Larissa knocked for me. My head hung low and my vision was fading, the door opened and the smell of sandalwood incense wafted in the air. “Hello?” He asked. I smiled at his voice. “Hi Lachey.” I looked up. “Vi darlin- oh Jesus Christ!.. Cate!” He yelled out to mom after seeing the blood all over me, my limbs gave way and I dropped falling unconscious.
Larissa’s pov
Violet lays on the lounge in and out of consciousness, we helped her inside and I greeted her mother Cate and stepfather Lachlan, they are both lovely and very kind, far opposite to her father, their home feels full of love and I believe we can take care of her here. Her mother, I learned is a nurse and once Violet was situated in the living room she brought out a box with medicinal supplies as well as a warm bowl of water and cloth to wipe down vi’s skin, we removed her clothes and put her in some clean ones after I help Cate to stitch violets hands and bind them with bandages.
Her mother, stepfather and I sit at the dining table talking about the events of this horrific night, they tell me about violets telekinetic ability and I listen intently, she was 11 when she developed her power and she does in fact get them from her mothers side, she too possesses the ability, although it’s still unclear as to why she hasn’t told me about it. Lachlan tells me that they’re a very close family, but recently Violet has been less responsive to their calls and texts, because of me they believe. I decide to tell them that we are… something, closer then friends, her mother places a hand over mine and looks at me as if to say she knows, what exactly I don’t know but with her eyes I knew she understood.
3:30 in the morning and Violet still hasn’t roused, I’m worried about her, I cannot believe she’s endured what she has, I still haven’t processed it, but in time I’ll understand it more and hopefully we can talk about everything that’s gone on.
Violet’s pov
The next day, I think, I woke feeling sore and drained, I looked over the edge of the couch that I somehow made it to, to see mom, Lachey and Larissa asleep on the floor with pillows and blankets scattered about the carpet, my hands were throbbing, I moved the bandage down a bit with my teeth to see newly stitched wounds, I’ll have to remember to thank mom for that later. I made my way to the kitchen quietly and attempted to make a tea for myself, but when I couldn’t move my fingers in my dominant hand or close the other my world started to fall apart.
“Hey, what are you doing out here?” Larissa asked. With tears running down my face I looked up at her with a sniff. “I needed to clear my head.” I squeaked, she sat down on the porch chair with me and adorned our laps with a blanket she had around her shoulders. “I can’t do anything…” I breathed watching my hot breath mix with the cold air. “What do you mean?” She asked wrapping an arm around my shoulder gently trying not to hurt me. “I. Can’t. Do. Anything. I can hardly drive, I can’t get dressed, I can’t make food for myself, I can hardly go the damn toilet, I can’t use my phone, I can’t do anything!” I sobbed into her chest.
“It’s ok you’ll be alright we just need to get them healed and you will be fine.” She cooed softly. “Larissa, if I can’t do the most simplest things, how can I work? I need my hands for my job, my career, my life! I’ve come to far in this to be defiled by that man, another thing he’s taken from me! I need my fucking hands to live Larissa! It’s not fine! I can’t even use telekinesis… my hands are to damaged.” I yelled, not particularly at her but at the situation, all I could do now is sob into her and hope that whatever happens next will be better than the hell we’ve gone through.
“I’ll help you through it darling, I promise.” She said, my panic slowing just a little at her sweet words.
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gracev0609 · 8 months
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I Was Born to Love You Pt.3
Josh Kiszka X Reader
A gracev0609 / losfacedevil collaboration.
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI, Explicit Sexual Content, Breeding Kink, Childbirth.
What started in @losfacedevil and I's DMs manifested into this little treat.
We come to the end of Josh's story, here is Part 3...
Josh got up from his office chair after ending his zoom call, after his torturous meeting he was eager to see what you were up to. Barefoot he padded out of his office and into the living room where he could see you standing in the kitchen. He took a moment to himself to appreciate you, his love, the woman who was giving him one of his greatest gifts.
You stood in front of the fridge, silently going through the mail. Your bump large and heavy as you slowly approach your due date. An envelope slides out of the stack of papers in your hand and flutters to the floor.
A near silent chuckle escapes Josh's lips and he continues to watch you. Without even attempting to pick it up you kick it under the fridge with your foot.
He works his way to you, cocking his head,” I saw that.”
A rosy blush creeps on your cheeks,” Oh, you did?”
Josh laughs and gets down on his hands and knees to retrieve the piece of mail , only to his surprise to be met with more mail, pens, and a fork or two.
“Y/n! How long has this been going on!” He laughs harder,” Sweetheart, you know you can always ask me for help.”
You lean over the counter, desperately trying to relieve the persistent ache in your back,” I know I could have, but I didn't want to bother you.”
Josh is elbow deep, arm under the fridge, picking out the mess you've made for the past few months, with your bump too uncomfortably big to get down on the floor. 
“My love, it's never a bother for me to help you. I wish you would ask me for help more often, it's what I'm here for, it's what Daddies do,” He shifts back to his knees before turning to face you, his expression instantly turning to worry as he takes in your form hunched over the counter,”Hey… hey are you alright baby?”
Josh stands and gently touches his palm to your shoulder,” What's wrong?”
You exhale a deep sigh,” My back just really, really hurts. It's been hurting all morning. Now it's like the pain is radiating down my back and into my hips.”
He keeps his voice gentle, now knowing it isn't anything too serious,” Can I help you?”
“Please Josh, it hurts.”
He instructs you to lean your weight on his front,”I've got you baby, don't worry.”
Josh's hands gather underneath your bump as he lifts slightly, bearing the weight for you. The pain in your back greatly subsides and you melt into his chest, you breathe out a sigh of relief as well as a soft,” Thank you.”
“You know, my love, you're not alone. You don't have to be so independent. Need me, it's okay. I want you to need me. I'm always going to be here for you, and I'm always going to be here for Halina. Let me share the load, I want to be the best partner for you, I want to be the best dad for our daughter.”
Josh ran his nose gently along your cheek, shifting his hands slightly as the weight of your bump shifted - Halina getting comfy in her fluid filled home. His eyes wandered about the living room, staring almost blankly out of the window in the front of the house. He began to chuckle softly, whatever thought playing in his mind tickling his funny bone. 
“What are you giggling about?” You muse, shifting in his grasp as he slowly began to let your bump down.
“I’m just thinking, if you had a collection under the fridge does that mean… do I need to look under the other furniture? Am I gonna find other collections too?!” He joked, taking the frustrated sigh that slipped past your lips as his cue to readjust his hold on you. You giggled softly, reaching up to press your palm to his cheek in an attempt to calm the giggle storm you knew was brewing.
“Well.. there might be a lipgloss or two under the sink in the master bathroom. OH! And I lost a fork under the couch but I couldn’t get it with the broom.” You couldn’t help the fit of giggles that slipped past your lips as you felt his jaw drop at your confession. 
“Darling, what else am I gonna find and where? Dare I look under the washer for the missing socks?” He chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to your temple. 
“Ummm well… there’s a chapstick and a hairbrush under the bed. I’m pretty sure there’s a panty liner or two under the towel rack in the bathroom from when I knocked over the container. OH! And there’s like three toys under Sunny’s crib. Also don’t look in the bushes out front, they uhhh they hold my secrets!” Joshs eyes grew wide as he slowly let your bump down into its resting place and helped you spin on your heel. 
“The bushes?! What could possibly be in the bushes?” He asked, placing his hands against your cheeks. You couldn’t help the belly laughs as your eyes filled with joyful tears. 
“Maybe a coffee cup or two… or seven.” You respond sheepishly, lifting up on your toes to press a soft kiss to his lips. Josh shook his head lightly, running his thumbs over the apples of your cheeks.
“Seven?! How long has this been going on for?” You couldn’t help but to melt into him, wrapping your arms around him and nuzzling your face against his chest as best you could. 
“Since my bump got too big to bend over.” A sigh heaved Josh’s chest as he chuckled and pulled away from you.
“Months?! You’ve been kicking things under the furniture for months?! You are wild. I want you to need me, ask for help, tell me what you need, anything. And for the love of all that is holy stop kicking things under my damn furniture!” The belly laugh that escaped you had disturbed Halinas sleep causing the tiny baby nestled in your belly to kick you incessantly. 
“Now look, you’ve angered your daughter. Way to go, Daddio.” You giggled, reaching out for Josh’s hand and placed it gently against your stomach so he could feel Halinas activity. 
You walked into Josh's office with two steaming hot mugs of herbal tea, you found him pondering over a small stack of paperwork. 
“What are you up to?” You ask him, placing his beverage down on the desk next to him. 
“Well, baby, I'm trying to narrow down who would be the best midwife for us.”
You sat down on the armchair opposite of his desk and smiled. Both of you had decided a few weeks ago that you wanted to do a natural home birth, with a midwife. Josh wasn't thrilled about the idea of his daughter being born into the harsh sterile world of a hospital, he much preferred the gentle atmosphere of his home. The place that harbored his peace and his love, the place where his daughter was conceived. 
He handed you a paper,” I like this woman, Sara. She has 17 years of experience.”
You studied the information in your hand. She did have almost two decades worth of experience, and had birthed hundreds of babies.
“I like her too. Experience is preferable. It's not like we've done this before,” you chuckled trading papers with him.
“Here's another option, Amanda. She doesn't have as much experience, but she is into natural medicine.”
You read down her list of qualifications, storing it into your mental pro and con list you had going on. 
“Ultimately it's your decision baby. I want you to be comfortable,” Josh grasped your hand in his. 
“I know. I've been doing a bit of research myself and I'm pretty positive I want to have a water birth.”
A soft smile graces Josh's lips,” Yeah? We can make that happen for you love.”
“It's supposed to be more gentle, the water is supposed to be more relaxing. Although I'm not sure how relaxing childbirth can be,” you chuckle before taking a sip of your drink. 
Josh mirrors you, grabbing his mug and taking a sip, “ If you're okay with it, I would really want to have Jake and Sevda there. I mean they would wait in the other room until she's born, but I want him there.”
“Of course it's okay. He's your twin, this is a really big moment in your life Josh. I would be alright with it if they're needed for backup. I love them too.”
“Yeah, ya know in case you pass out or something.”
Josh scoffs, “ Sweetie, that's not going to happen.”
A few nights later you found yourselves at Jake and Sevda’s home.
You opened their front door and stepped inside Josh following right behind, “ Knock knock! We're here!”
You follow the mouthwatering smell of food into the kitchen and find Sev peeking at the dinner in the oven.
“Whatever you're making smells amazing!” You compliment. 
She pulls a heavy dutch oven out, bumping the oven door closed with her hip,” Jakey made braised short ribs, all I did was take it out of the oven.”
Little footsteps zoom as fast as they can down the steps and Sevda's four year old Jade comes running into the kitchen.
“Uncle Joosshhh!” 
Josh leans down and scoops her up into his arms, picking her up,” My little gem! How are you today?”
“ Will you play with me?”
Josh looks to Sev waiting for an answer,” Do we have time?”
“ You have ten minutes until dinner is served.”
He sets her back down on her feet,” Okay, Momma says we have ten minutes, let's go!”
You giggle as she grabs his hand pulling him along out of the kitchen.
Jake joins you and Sevda in the kitchen, “ Where's Josh? I thought I heard him.”
Sev tells Jake that Josh and Jade are playing before dinner starts.
“How have you been feeling Y/N?” Jake asks,” We're getting closer and closer to her arrival huh?”
You place your hands on your bump and nod, agreeing with him,” I'm feeling pretty okay. I'll tell ya, she's getting heavy-”
Just then Josh and Jade come back into the kitchen,” See, I told you your Momma would have plated up dinner already. We can finish playing after we eat.”
You can help but laugh as you take in the tiara on his head and clip on earrings clipped through the hoops in his ears.
“Joshua, I can not take you seriously like that.”
“I'm sorry! We were in the middle of playing pretty princess dress up tea party.”
Sevda places a plate of food in front of you and Josh before lovingly patting his cheek,” You're a very beautiful princess Josh.”
You shake your head and chuckle before taking a bite of food.
Josh eventually takes off his princess gear, promising Jade he'll put it back on when they go to play again.
He speaks up, asking the question that brought you over here tonight,” So, Y/N and I wanted to ask you guys something.”
Jake and Sevda look up from their plates, waiting for Josh to continue.
“We would really love it if you both joined us for Halina’s arrival. We're doing a home birth, so you can just hang out in the living room or something, but we want you to be there. For us, and for her…. So will you?“
You speak before they are able to respond,” We both love you so much, and we want to share this special moment in our lives with you.”
Jake is the first one to answer,” Of course we'll be there. We wouldn't miss it. Say the word and we are there.”
Sev grasps your hand in hers giving it a gentle squeeze over the table,” Absolutely.”
The group chatted and ate the delicious dinner that was lovingly prepared. Relishing in the love that was flowing through the room, this was your family. They loved you and you were positive they would love your daughter. 
After eating the boys split off to tinker around with a riff Jake had come up with earlier that day. You could hear the dull thrumming of a guitar and their muffled voices as you helped Sevda clean up the dishes.
Sev was scrubbing away at the plate in her hand,” So, we're getting pretty close huh? I'm honored that you want us to be there.”
You grabbed the warm wet dish from her hand and began drying it off. 
“Of course! I mean, you guys are our family. Nobody we'd rather have with us.We love you.”
A soft smile spread on her lips,” Can I tell you something? And it stays between us for now.”
You set the plate down giving her all of your attention,” Of course. What is it?”
She faced you, small droplets of water dripping onto the floor from her hands,” Jake and I have been really trying to have a baby.”
She giggles,” I know! I know I told you a while ago that we were thinking about it, but now we're ready. We have been actively trying.”
“I'm so happy for you!”
Her face dims slightly,” Thank you… I needed to tell someone, and I trust you. We have been trying for a while. It, um. It hasn't been easy. Every test has been negative.”
“Sev… “
You stared at her, empathy in your eyes.
In the other room Josh was speaking with Jake, first about the music, and then about you.
“Jake, can I ask you something? Something like a favor, if needed.”
Jake furrows his brow lightly and sets down the acoustic guitar he was holding.
“What's up?”
“Um, would you be able to be there for Y/N, if needed of course, for the birth? Like in case we, I, need back up.”
“You want me to be there for your daughter's birth?”
“I mean yeah. If needed. Most likely you will just wait in the other room until she's born. If for some reason I can't handle it, I need to know that someone I love, someone that loves her, is going to be there to support her through this.”
“ I'm honored Josh. Of course I'll be there,” Jake chuckles softly,” If needed.”
A soft sigh escaped you as Josh laid next to you, his hand resting gently against your bump as his eyes were trained on the movie playing across the television screen. Turning your head to the left you gently nuzzled your nose against the shell of his ear. A soft shiver danced up his spine as you began to press gentle kisses to his warm skin. His eyes fluttered shut, reveling in the feeling of your lips against his skin and he began to rub your bump. 
“I miss you.” You whispered, moving slightly so his hand would slip lower down your bump. Josh chuckled lightly and turned his head to capture your lips with his. He let his hand slip to your lower back, caressing the bare skin and sliding down to cup your ass. 
“I miss you, too. But you know we can’t.” He mumbled against your lips, slowly kissing his way across your cheek and down your neck. A soft whine escaped you and you reached up, wrapping your hand gently around his throat.
“Yes we can. Sara said it’s okay, it won’t hurt Sunshine at all. Please, Josh…baby can you touch me? Can we be together?” You pushed your bottom lip out in a pout and found his gaze with yours. Josh sighed and moved his hand higher, resting it in the middle of your bump. 
“I can’t touch you… I can’t hurt you. What if I hurt you or Halina?” He asked, resting his forehead against yours. You felt the tears begin to prickle at the backs of your eyes and pulled a deep breath in through your nose.
“It won’t hurt anyone. I won’t get hurt and it won’t touch Halina, I promise. Please? It’ll help her get ready to make her appearance!” You damn near whined, the tears slowly beginning to pool in your eyes. 
“I couldn’t live with myself if I hurt you or Sunshine, I’m sorry baby.” A soft sigh escaped you and you fought the tears that threatened to spill over your lids. 
“Josh, baby, the love of my life. I need you… need to feel you. Don’t you want to be inside me?” You cooed, sniffling softly and rolling your eyes to will the tears away. 
“Of course I do. I miss you so much, baby. But I can’t hurt either of my girls. I’d never forgive myself if I did.” A frustrated sigh slipped past your lips and you moved your hand from his neck to his cheek, pressing softly against the warm skin. He nuzzled his cheek against your palm softly before turning his head and pressed a kiss to your palm. 
“Yknow, Sara said having sex is fine. She even encouraged it because there’s a chance it can induce labor.” You mumbled, pressing soft kisses all over his face. A soft sigh slipped past his lips as he let his hand slide down the length of your stomach and came to rest on the underside of your bump - so close to where you needed him. You rubbed your nose slowly against his cheek, silently hoping he’d let his hand slip just a little more. 
“Alright but what if we do and then you go into labor? Then what?” He asked, letting his hand dance lower and softly caress your thigh. Your breath caught in your throat and you let your head fall to his shoulder with a soft giggle. 
“Josh, babe, I love you but I don’t think your dick is that magical. I don’t think a little fun is going to throw me into labor.” His hand stopped its slow motions against your skin and he pulled back a bit, his cheeks ablaze and his voice kept soft. 
“Not magical huh? If my memory proves right, you were just in tears over not getting it. I’ll show you magical.” He chuckled, replacing his hand on your bump and slowly let it inch lower. Your eyes fluttered shut, just the thought of his fingers being right where you needed them sending your mind spiraling. 
“Just touch me, Josh, please. I’m sorry I said you weren’t magic.” You mumbled, letting your legs fall apart as he slowly inched his way to your core. 
“Are you sure I’m not magic, sweetheart?” He chuckled, stopping his hand at the waistband of your pants. A soft whine escaped you as you tried to wiggle and make him move his hand lower. He pressed soft kisses to your cheek before pushing himself into a seated position and let his hand wander. Slowly he pushed your underwear to the side and let’s his fingers dance between your slick folds. You pulled a sharp breath of air in between your teeth as he slowly worked over your core. 
“Josh, please.” You mumbled, screwing your eyes shut as he moved carefully around you and positioned himself between your legs. He pressed soft kisses to your bump and slowly made his way downwards. You reached out, threading your fingers into his hair as he slowly tugged your underwear down your legs. 
“Where do you need me, sweetheart, use your words.” He teased, gently running his fingers along the length of your thighs. Tears sprang to your eyes as a new wave of frustration washed over your chest and you tightened the grip you had on his hair.
“Joshua Michael I swear if you don’t..” your words were cut off with a gasp as he flattened his tongue and ran it up the length of your core. 
“Wrong words, sweetheart.” Josh chuckled lowly and began to slowly work over your core, reveling in the way your legs twitched every time he rolled his tongue over your clit. 
He took his time to make sure you were ready to take him, and slowly rose to his knees, pushing his pants down to where his knees rested on the bed. He positioned himself with you, reaching up to lace his hand with yours as he slowly pushed forward and buried himself in your core. Letting himself bottom out he stopped his movements, watching the expressions on your face as you adjusted to the feeling of him. 
“Okay?” He asked, unsure of how to read the expression on your face. You nodded slowly, breathing through the fullness you hadn’t felt in weeks. He found a slow and satisfying rhythm, making sure to keep a close eye on your expression. 
The coil in the pit of your stomach tightened quickly, something you hadn’t experienced before. Joshs eyes fluttered shut as you fluttered around him, the sensation of you clenching him nearly sending him over the edge. His name fell past your lips mixed into a mantra of praises as the band in your stomach snapped and your orgasm blind sided you and a mixture of your arousal and your release rushed out around Josh. His eyes grew wide as his orgasm ripped through him quickly, and he leaned down, pressing soft kisses to whatever part of your body he could reach. 
“That wasn’t your water breaking was it?!” He panicked, seeing the mess that had been made beneath you. You couldn’t help the fucked out giggle that escaped you as you shook your head sleepily.
“No, just made me feel really good.” You giggled, reaching up to cup his cheeks.
“Oh thank god.” He mumbled as he breathed a sigh of relief. 
A crisp fresh breeze blew through the open windows filling your home with the smell of mother nature. You were making a quick lunch of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for the two of you, the heaviness of your bump straining your back was something you were ready to be done with. As you spread jelly on two slices of bread you mentally went through everything that was set up and prepared for Halina's arrival. Your midwife Sara agreed that your stand alone bathtub was a suitable place for your water birth. Josh had sanitized the tub every day this whole week, just in case she decided to show up. He had piles of extra towels and various other things that you may need stacked on your bathroom counter.
As you placed both pieces of bread together into your sandwiches you hoped that today would be the day that you had her. Wishing that the time you spent with Josh last night, to induce labor of course, actually did the trick. Your daughter was quite comfortable in your womb, but her time was quickly approaching. 
Waddling back to the couch you took your seat next to Josh as he took the plates from your hands. 
“Jake just texted me that they're hopeful that today is the day. He said the weather outside is perfect for welcoming our little Sunshine.”
Your emotions hit you like a freight train as tears of joy welled in your eyes,” That's so fuckin nice” you uttered as you sniffled back tears. 
“Baby! I-,” he giggles,” that was so fast!”
“I know! I'm sorry, it just struck a chord.”
Josh just smiled at you as he swiped his thumb under your eyes, wiping the tears away.
After you ate your lunch you leaned back on the couch, desperately trying to get comfortable, your back was aching and you were feeling crampy. Your daughter was so active today, you felt her squirming low in your womb. You sighed as you rubbed your stomach over the area she was nudging against.
“Your Aunt and Uncle want to meet you as much as we do sweetheart.”
Josh came back from putting the plates in the dishwasher,” Let me lay with you love.”
He got settled between your legs, his hands rubbing slow circles over your stomach. You melted into his touch as he talked slowly to your stomach,” How's my little Sunny girl today? Such a big girl moving about, huh. Your Uncle Jake says today is the perfect day for you to come meet us, and you know Sunshine, I think he's right. The sun is so bright and warm, and there's a breeze that will wrap around you and feel just as good as Mommy or Daddy holding you….. I can't wait to hold you.” He presses gentle kisses to your bump as he longs to hold his daughter. 
“Mama and Daddy love you so much Halina.”
Josh rests his cheek against your skin as he nuzzles against you. 
“I love you Josh,” you tell him as your fingers tangle in his hair, gently rubbing his scalp.
“I love you more, Y/N.”
As you laid with him you felt your body squeeze and contract. You grit your teeth through the discomfort. You had been experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions for a little while now but this felt different.
“You alright baby?”
He immediately noticed your wincing but stayed calm.
“I think so. I'm not sure. That one felt different than before.”
His eyes widened slightly,” Different, like the real deal?”
“Maybe? I don't know what they're supposed to feel like, I just know it feels different.”
He rises off of the couch and grabs his phone from the coffee table,” I'm going to call Sara and see what she says.”
You could hear him on the phone a room away as the pain returned to your back and abdomen, you muttered a soft fuck, as you clenched your jaw.
“She's coming by, she said if it feels different there's a good chance Sunshine's coming today.”
Emotions were swirling in his chest, he hated that you were uncomfortable or in pain. He was trying to calm the panic in his chest that he felt knowing that this could be it. The excitement blooming was also something he was dealing with, he could have his baby in his arms in a few hours.
Josh helped you sit up on the couch and got you a cool glass of water to sip on as you waited for your midwife to arrive. When your doorbell rang you felt a bit of relief knowing she was here.
Jake's phone buzzed on the ground next to him as he sat on the deck cross legged playing his acoustic, in nothing but cotton shorts soaking up the warm sun. 
He picked it up, seeing that it was a text from Josh.
Josh- You were right! Today's the day! The doors unlocked, come in when you get here, we're going to be upstairs. 
Quickly Jake grabbed his things and headed inside,” Sev! We've gotta go babe!”
Sevda closed her book she was reading on the couch,” It's baby time?”
“Hell yeah it's baby time!”
Jake and Sevda entered your home quietly after dropping off Jade with Sevda's mother.
“Josh said they'd be upstairs already.”
They heard faint soft music playing as well as a woman's voice they didn't recognize speaking.
They placed their stuff down on the couch and Josh walked out of the kitchen holding 2 bottles of water, his curls looked fuzzy like he had been running his hands through his hair.
Jake stated, “ You look…. Frazzled.”
“I am.” Josh descended the stairs,” let me run this up and I'll be right back.”
A few moments later Josh returned to the living room,” She's starting but we're not quite at the stage where she needs to get into the tub yet. I feel so bad, she's so uncomfortable and there isn't anything I can do. I'm trying to be supportive and hold her hand, just reassure her. But I feel like she's starting to get pissed at me.”
Sevda wordlessly wraps her arms around Josh, hugging him tight,” Don't worry too much, in a few hours she'll probably curse you out for getting her pregnant in the first place, but it'll all be worth it when your daughter gets here.”
Some of the tension in Josh's shoulders dissipates as he relaxes, knowing that he's working himself up. 
“Wanna go say hi?”
Jake and Sev agree following behind Josh. As they climb the stairs Sevda grasps Jake's hand and gives it a little squeeze.
Once at the bedroom door Josh knocks and peeks his head in, making sure you were okay with having visitors.
Josh sits down on the bed next to you as you pull your blankets up over your bump a little more.
“You came!” A bit more relief finds its way into your chest as everything is falling into place.
Sev sits down by your feet, “ Of course we came honey! We've been waiting for Josh's text for days. There's no way we'd miss this.”
You opened your mouth to respond but instead were met with another contraction, this one a bit stronger than the last. A whimper of pain escaped your lips as Josh lovingly rubbed circles on your back. 
Sev placed her palm on your leg through the blankets,” Do not be sorry Y/N, that's why we're here.”
You met her gaze, “ How'd you do this?”
She squeezed your leg,” You're going to do great Mama, no worries. You're so strong Y/N, we are all supporting you.”
Your midwife entered the room once again, “ Okay sweetie, the bathroom is all set up, so you let me know when you feel ready to get into the tub. Oh! You must be brother and sister in-law.”
Both Sevda and Jake introduced themselves from their position at the foot of the bed. After exchanging pleasantries they retreated back to the living room to wait for Halina's arrival.
After a few increasingly stressful hours you felt ready to get into the tub and start pushing. The pain was like nothing you had felt before, your body was running on pure instinct.
“Okay let's get you out of the bed sweetheart,” your midwife said as she grasped your hands and Josh braced your hips as you shakily stood up.
Taking a few steps forward you asked Josh if he could update your guests.
“I will baby, let's get you situated first.”
Once you made it to your bathroom you climbed into the tub, the warm water felt like a hug, instantly soothing you. You decided to keep your worn band shirt on your body for modesty, even though you knew your midwife was plenty used to women's bodies. Your eyes scanned the room, following Josh as he lit the candles and started the essential oil diffuser you requested. You brushed your hair back from your face, your body already sweating from exertion. You felt another contraction beginning and you leaned your head back as you felt your insides clench harder than they had before. A groan of pain escaped your chest. In that moment a cool rag was placed against your sweaty forehead, you murmured Josh's name.
“I know love. I'm right here.” He pressed kisses to your cheek,” I'm so proud of you. You're doing so well, beautiful.”
Sara gently touched your arm, “ Okay honey, next contraction I need you to start pushing okay.”
“Yeah.. okay. I can do that.”
“Yes you can Mama, you're going to do great” she encouraged. 
You panted as you felt yet another contraction gear up and you gripped onto Josh's hand hard.
“Push! Yes that it!” Sara coached. 
You pushed and pushed, but your labor wasn't moving as fast as you would have preferred. Each contraction was feeling like an eternity. The water you were birthing in got murky and Josh felt his stomach flip.The heat of your body against his, your cries from the pain, along with the other unpleasantries of childbirth he was beginning to feel faint.
In between one of your contractions he softly said,” I need to sit down, catch my breath.”
Sara chuckled as she took in his palling face,” Honey, you are sitting. You okay?”
“ Oh, I meant lay down. I don't feel great, honestly.”
You craned your neck to see him pulling away from you, grabbing a cool rag for his own forehead,” Josh, there aren't timeouts in childbirth! For fucks sake I need you!”
“Jake said he would help. I just need a minute.”
You whipped your head back to look at your midwife, “ Please go get Jake!”
Jake furrowed his brows as the midwife appeared in the living room and he could hear your cries from another contraction.
“What's going on?”
“Well, your brother needed a break, he's feeling like he's going to pass out. He said you were back up. So you need to come help.”
“But, we were supposed to just wait! It's not done yet! I said I'd help if needed.”
“ Well buddy, you're needed!” Sara quickly turned on her heel expecting him to follow. Jake followed a few strides before turning around to meet Sevda's eyes with a terrified gaze. She blew him a quick kiss.
He followed Y/Ns midwife into the soft lit bathroom, first he saw Josh leaning back against the tile wall sipping a bottle of water looking worse for wear. Then he saw you looking disheveled and tired. Your cheeks were blotchy and red from exertion, the sweat was soaking your hairline, and there was a v line of sweat soaking down your t-shirt. Jake thought you looked a little like he did when he was on stage. 
You reached your hand out to his,” Jakey.. Need you.”
He sat down on the floor behind your head, leaning down and he places a gentle kiss to your hair,” What, Joshy couldn't handle it?”
Muffled from behind his wash rag,” I just need a minute!”
As Jake got comfortable behind you, you were enveloped in the smell of his cologne and it had never been more comforting. You trusted the Kiszka men, they were love and light and you knew that you and your daughter were in the best care. 
Jake caught a quick glimpse of the bathwater and clenched his jaw, he tucked his face into your hair and slipped his hand in your own. “ Next contraction you push and push okay. You push until that little girl is born.”
You nodded, feeling the tightening yet again,” Here, here we go.”
He winced as you applied crushing force to his hand,” Jesus Christ Y/N, gonna put me out of commission,” he chuckles,” Gotta ease up on my hand babe, I can't make money with my voice like Josh can.”
You muttered through clenched teeth,” Shut up Jake.”
He encouraged you to keep pushing. “You're doing so well honey. She's almost here.”
Sara chimes in,” One or two more and she'll be here honey.”
Josh slides in,”I'm fine, I can take over again.”
“Just slide in on the other side, I'm too invested to leave now.”
Your heart squeezes in your chest as Josh nuzzles his face into the other side of your neck, murmuring sweet I love yous. 
You grabbed Josh's hand in your right and Jake's in your left as you felt the most intense pain bear down on your body, you cried out in pain as you pushed, feeling like your insides were being ripped apart.
You heard a chorus of “Push!” As you felt like your body was about to give out. 
Josh's lips found their way to your ear,” One more push baby and Sunshine will be here. I need you to push one more time love.”
Sobbing, you found the strength to give one more push for your little girl.
You heard Sara's voice over the others,” Yes! You did it! Amazing job sweetie.”
Relief flooded your body as exhaustion immediately followed. The only thing that kept you grounded was the feeling of your baby's skin suddenly in your hands as she rested on your chest.
You looked to Josh who had tears streaming down his face,” She's here.”
Jake got up off the floor and excused himself, he left to let you clean up and do whatever else had to be done.
In a bit of a haze he wandered back to the living room where Sevda was sat by the soft glow of the lamp reading the book she brought along. She peered up from her page and took in his form,” Everything okay Jake?”
A small tear rolled down his face and a smile graced his lips,” Baby's here Sev.”
She got up from the couch and wrapped her arms around him,” I love you so much. I'm so proud of you. You selflessly did such an amazing thing for them. You helped bring their baby into the world, that's incredible Jake.” 
They sat back down on the couch and Jake melted into Sevda, processing what had just happened. He just witnessed his niece's birth. Sevda's hand found its way into Jake's hair, gently rubbing his scalp to provide some sort of comfort. After a while Sara made her way down the stairs, her duties done for the evening. She told them that Y/N was ready for visitors if they wanted to head upstairs.
You sat in the recliner in Halina's nursery, your body was sore and you were exhausted but you couldn't help but watch Josh. He had his hoodie unzipped most of the way with Halina held securely against his chest, skin to skin. 
“I'm so in love with her,” Josh whispered.
Your bottom lip quivered as you stared at him as he was finally holding his daughter. 
“She's perfect.” You told him nodding your head.
Slowly he began to rock her and you heard him humming a tune, it was so familiar.
You are my sunshine, My only sunshine, You make me happy, When skies are gray,You'll never know, dear, How much I love you, Please don't take, My sunshine away…
This is where Josh's story ends, for now. Thank you for the love and support for our little project, it makes us so happy that you love it as much as we do ❤️
TAG LIST: @lipstickitty @myownparadise96 @stayinginthesun @tripthelightfatality @vanfleeter @joshsindigostreak @thechurchofgvf-admin
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differentpostrebel · 21 days
Lost and Found: A Pirate's Promise
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This gif cause that alliance LMFAOO
Chapter 15: Alliances and Ambitions 
A/N: Welcome back for another Chapter! I know this was originally supposed to be posted for yesterday but unfortunately my sections got deleted so I had to rewrite it all over again. We finally got a SANJI POV! But I can't wait for you guys to read what else is in store!. And without further ado, let's get to it!.. 
Word Count: 4.7k
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15 (Here)
Sanji x Reader, Sanji X Y/N, OP X Reader
Y/N Pov.. 
“So, we meet by chance and you ask us if we want to fight an emperor out of the blue?” Nami said, her skepticism clear in her voice as she glared at Law.
"I don't trust him, Luffy. He's up to no good!" Nami continued, her concern growing as she looked from Law to me.
I remained silent, weighing the options in my mind. Law’s proposition was bold, and the risk was enormous.
"I'm not saying killing an emperor is going to be easy," Law said, "I’m just saying that our odds would be better if we stick together and work out the details."
Luffy tilted his head, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Well, there are four of them. Which one are we talking about?"
"Don’t tell me you’re actually thinking about it, Luffy?" Nami asked, clearly exasperated.
I stepped forward with a determined grin. "Nami, this is our big chance! Besides, it's not like we haven’t faced insane odds before." 
Law’s expression shifted from serious to smug as he prepared to reveal more. "The name of our target is—"
Nami’s eyes widened in shock as the name left Law’s lips. I couldn’t help but smirk at her reaction, clearly enjoying the moment.
Luffy’s eyes lit up with excitement, and he gave his usual wide grin. "Right, got it! Sure, we’re in!"
Nami stared at Luffy in disbelief. As she couldn't believe that Luffy agreed to forming an alliance with Law. 
Back at the encampment…
“YOU DID WHAT?!! The crew’s collective outrage echoed through the camp.
“Damn it, Luffy! How could you agree to this?” Usopp was practically vibrating with frustration as he shook Luffy. “You weren’t even gone that long!”
“Calm down, Usopp,” Luffy said, brushing off the concern. Meanwhile, I was preoccupied with my own task. “Where did I leave my sword?” I mumbled, scanning the area. A glimmer of metal caught my eye. “There it is!” I exclaimed, retrieving my sword from the snow.
“And you, Y/N, how could you let Luffy agree to this?” Usopp’s concern shifted to me. “You’re the one who usually keeps him in check!”
“Oww, Usopp, could you not shake me right now? I’m injured and need to treat my wounds,” I winced, pushing his hands away gently.
“Forget it, this is too risky!” Nami’s voice was tinged with frustration. “We can’t just dive headfirst into a fight with an emperor!”
“She’s right. We’re not ready for that kind of battle!” Chopper agreed, his worry evident.
“Hey Doc, get this raccoon patched up,” Law said, holding Chopper’s unconscious body. “What did you do to my body?!” Chopper whined, attending to his own injuries. 
Shaking my head slightly, I moved to a secluded area and began peeling off the corset top Nami had given me. “Need any help?” Law’s voice came with a teasing undertone as he approached.
“As much as I’d love a thorough check-up from a charming doctor like you,” I said with a flirtatious smile, “I’ll just wait until Chopper’s done. But if you want to watch, it might give you some interesting notes. Or is that not what doctors do with their patients?” I bit my lip playfully.
“Chopper, when you get a chance, could you patch me up, please?” I asked.
“Oh, yeah!” Chopper hurried over, his concern clear. 
“Thanks, Chopper.” I lifted my top off, tying my hair into a makeshift bun to keep it away from the wounds. Chopper, in Sanji’s body, began applying the ointment I used during training. I winced slightly at the sudden contact but tried to relax. 
“Hey Doc, you might want to focus on this spot here,” I said, pointing to a particularly sore area. “Let me help.”
Law stepped closer, his gaze sharp. “Here, let me take over,” he said, taking control with practiced ease. He began applying more pressure to the sore spot, causing me to let out a soft groan.
“See, this area needs to be treated with a bit more care,” Law remarked, his voice laced with both authority and concern.
Chopper glanced between Law and me, slightly baffled. “Alright, but let’s make sure she’s comfortable.”
Law eyed the makeshift top Chopper had fashioned with bandages. “This isn’t secure enough,” he commented critically. With deft movements, he adjusted the bandages, ensuring they were more securely and comfortably fitted. “There, much better.”
With that, both Chopper and Law worked on treating my wounds. I glanced at Chopper, who had finished his part. “Thank you, Chopper,” I said, giving him a grateful hug. “You’re welcome, Y/N!” he replied, a smile on his face.
Turning to Law, I approached him with a playful smile. “And as for you, Doctor Law,” I said, emphasizing the title, “Thank you for patching me up as well. I’m starting to feel much better. Perhaps I can visit you after hours, just to make sure any other areas need to be taken care of?” I laughed, making my way back to the group.
Law's cheeks flushed slightly, and he looked momentarily caught off guard by my teasing. 
Just then, Robin's voice cut through the tension. “Luffy, I’ll go along with this, but we’re all pirates here. Where there are pirates, there’s betrayal. I’m just concerned because you’re so quick to trust.”
Luffy’s eyes widened in surprise, and he turned to Law with a look of disbelief. “Hey! Are you going to betray me?”
Law raised an eyebrow, his expression serious. “No.”
Luffy burst into laughter, his usual carefree attitude returning. “Well, that’s settled then!”
Usopp, still looking unconvinced, shook his head. “The rest of us are going to need more than that!”
“Come on, a pirate alliance sounds like a lot of fun! My gut says Trafalgar is an okay guy. Besides, what’s the big deal? You guys were training for the past two years! I’ll let you protect me.”
Luffy’s laughter grew louder, and the crew, initially stunned, began to relax. They exchanged smiles at the compliment their captain had given them, the mood lightening significantly.
I couldn’t help but join in the laughter, feeling a sense of camaraderie and relief. The look on Law’s face was one of mild confusion, clearly not used to the Straw Hats’ easygoing approach to such serious matters. But after the tension had melted away, he took action, switching Franky and Chopper back to their original bodies.
Nami, however, was less fortunate, and was now trapped in Sanji’s body. "You can fix this, right?" she asked Law, a hint of desperation in her voice.
“Not until your body is back,” Law replied dismissively, his tone indicating that it was simply a matter of patience.
“It’s okay, Nami, don’t worry. It’ll get fixed soon enough,” I said, trying to cheer her up with a reassuring smile.
As I spoke, my gaze shifted to the children, who were now asleep. My heart ached for them, knowing what they had been through. Their innocent faces, finally at peace, only made the situation more heartbreaking.
“So, the kids are all here?” Law asked, stepping closer to get a better look.
As Luffy and Law discussed the situation, I couldn’t help but let out a sigh. “These poor kids,” I murmured, my voice filled with empathy.
Law, however, seemed less moved. “Let’s just forget about them. It’s too much work,” he suggested, his tone almost indifferent.
I shot him an incredulous look. “Why would you even suggest that? They’re just kids,” I said, my voice tinged with disbelief.
Chopper, ever the compassionate one, chimed in. “Poor kids… I want to take them all home, but they need to recover and build their strength first.”
“It’s sad. Who would do that to a bunch of kids?” Usopp asked, his voice filled with frustration.
Law’s expression remained neutral as he explained, “Well, the World Government for one. They’ve been trying to build an army of giants for years. They’ve been conducting experiments.”
“Caesar’s probably hoping to beat them to the punch, both Vegapunk and the government,” Law continued, his voice growing more serious. “But I don’t think it’s that simple.”
The weight of Law's words settled over the group, the realization that these children were mere pawns in a much larger, darker scheme hit hard. Law turned to Nami and me, his gaze intense. "Are you sure you want to help them? I mean, you don’t even know them."
Nami stepped forward, her resolve unwavering. “You’re right, we don’t. But seeing them begging for help, crying for someone to save them... I vowed that I would make sure they were all safe and sound,” she said, her voice steady as she placed a comforting hand on one of the children.
Law’s eyes softened slightly as he looked at Nami. “If I leave with Luffy, are you going to stay here alone?” he asked, concern laced in his tone.
Nami was about to respond, but Luffy interrupted with his usual determined grin. “Wait, I’m not going anywhere! If it’s important to Nami, Y/N, and Chopper, then it’s important to me. And Sanji wants to put that samurai back together too! Listen, if you’re going to work with us, get used to helping people,” Luffy said, his smile growing wider.
I couldn’t help but smile back at Luffy’s words. “Thank you, Luffy,” I said, feeling a warm sense of camaraderie.
Usopp let out a resigned sigh, already knowing the futility of arguing. “You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into, pal,” he said to Law, shaking his head. “Once Luffy makes up his mind, there’s no turning back.”
Law sighed, clearly recognizing the truth in Usopp’s words. “Fine,” he relented, though not without a hint of reluctance. “But we have to hurry. There’s no time to waste. Putting the samurai back together can be your group’s problem, but I’ll help investigate the drug that was given to these children. The ship’s doctor should come with me—we’ll do our research behind Caesar’s back.”
“There, that should do it,” Usopp declared proudly as he finished tying Chopper securely onto Law’s hat. Chopper, still a bit wobbly from earlier events, clung onto the hat with his small hooves.
“I’m... sorry... it’s just... I can’t walk right now. I hope you don’t mind,” Chopper mumbled sheepishly, his eyes wide and apologetic.
The sight was undeniably amusing. Luffy, Nami, and Franky burst into laughter, doubling over as they took in the comical image of the usually stoic Law adorned with a small reindeer atop his hat. Even Robin couldn’t suppress a chuckle, and a wide grin spread across my face as I approached them.
“Well, well, Law,” I began with a playful lilt in my voice, circling around to get a better view. “I have to say, you look even cuter with Chopper as your new accessory.”
Law’s eyes flickered toward me, a hint of annoyance mixed with embarrassment evident in his gaze. “This isn’t a fashion statement,” he replied dryly, adjusting his hat slightly as Chopper tried to stabilize himself.
Unable to resist teasing him further, I reached up and gently patted Chopper’s head. “Hold on tight, Chopper. We wouldn’t want our favorite doctor taking a tumble.”
Chopper giggled, his cheeks turning rosy. “Thank you, Y/N! I’ll be careful!”
I turned my attention back to Law, noticing the slight flush creeping up his neck. Leaning in closer, I lowered my voice just enough for him to hear. “You know, Law, this caring side of you is really endearing. Who knew the infamous Surgeon of Death had such a soft spot?”
Law cleared his throat, attempting to maintain his composure.
Smirking at his uncharacteristic discomfort, I decided to push just a little further. Before he could react, I leaned in and placed a quick, soft peck on his cheek. Pulling back, I watched as his eyes widened in surprise, a deeper blush blossoming across his face.
“Consider that a thank you for all your help,” I said casually, my eyes sparkling with mischief.
For a moment, Law seemed at a loss for words, his usual cool demeanor thoroughly shaken. He opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by another round of laughter from the crew. After a few more minutes of banter, the plan was set into motion.
Law and Chopper were tasked with heading to the lab to find out what was in the drug that had been given to the children and to see if there was any way to reverse its effects. Meanwhile, Luffy, Franky, Robin, and I prepared to move out and kidnap Caesar Clown. Nami and Usopp would stay behind to protect the kids, ensuring their safety while we carried out the mission.
“Wait, what good is it to kidnap Caesar?” Franky asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Money?” Usopp suggested, though his voice lacked confidence.
I shook my head. “I doubt it. No one would be crazy enough to pay a ransom for that guy.”
“What we’re after is chaos,” Law interjected, his tone calm but with a hint of something deeper.
“Chaos?” Robin echoed, her curiosity piqued.
Law nodded but didn’t elaborate. “There’s no point in explaining now. We’ll worry about that later,” he continued, his voice firm. “Let’s focus on capturing Caesar Clown first. As soon as that’s done, I’ll explain the whole plan in detail.”
The gravity of his words settled over the group, and the atmosphere shifted to one of determination. We all knew this was a critical step, and the stakes were high.
Law turned to Luffy, his gaze serious. “Last chance to change your mind, Straw Hat. It’s your choice.”
Luffy grinned, his carefree nature shining through even in the face of danger. “Oh, don’t worry, I’m still on board.”
“Alright, let’s go,” Law said, a  smirk crossing his lips as we all sprang into action. 
Sanjis POV…
Running through the snow, I scanned the area, desperate to find any trace of the samurai. The biting cold nipped at my face, but it was the frustration of coming up empty-handed that really got to me.
“Sanji, mind explaining how I got this bump on my head?” Brook's voice broke through the freezing air as he ran beside me, his skeletal hand touching the spot on his skull where a noticeable lump had formed.
“No time,” I replied hastily. “We’ve already wasted too much time as it is.” Truth be told, I had no idea how it happened. It was all a blur after that yeti's ambush.
“It's a shame we can’t locate that yeti that attacked us,” Brook remarked, his tone as nonchalant as ever despite our dire situation.
We had been caught off guard. The yeti brothers ambushed us with incredible speed, knocking us down before we even had a chance to react. Brook had tried to fend them off, but one of them managed to land a brutal hit, sending him crashing into the snow. I barely had time to pull myself together before they vanished into the blizzard, leaving us with nothing but a bump on Brook’s head and no sign of the samurai.
“Hey! Samurai! Where are you?” Brook called out, his voice echoing through the snowy landscape. But I couldn’t focus on the search for long. My attention was once again drawn to the way Nami’s body moved—more specifically, the way her breasts bounced with each step. It was... distracting, to say the least.
Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Zoro’s smirk as he observed my momentary distraction. “Hmm, wait til I tell Y/N,” he said, a mischievous glint in his eye.
“LIKE HELL YOU WILL!” I snapped back, my frustration bubbling over as I started to bicker with him. How could that moss-headed swordsman think of blackmail at a time like this?
“Well then, focus! You’re the one who wanted to look for the damn samurai,” Zoro shot back, his tone exasperated.
Before I could respond, Brook’s voice cut through our argument. “Guys, come take a look! I see a footprint!”
Zoro and I exchanged a quick glance before rushing over to where Brook was standing. “You guys see that?” Brook continued, excitement creeping into his voice. “Could it be that we’re left with the legendary Yeti?”
“No chance in hell,” Zoro and I said in unison, dismissing the idea outright.
But Brook’s enthusiasm was contagious. “If we follow them, we may find…” he paused dramatically, and without missing a beat, the three of us finished his sentence in unison, “…one of nature’s greatest mysteries.”
We followed the footprints through the thick snow, our curiosity piqued despite the tension. But just as quickly as our hopes had risen, they were dashed when the trail led us to a dead end. Frustration gnawed at me, but there was no time to dwell on it.
Suddenly, two massive shadows loomed behind us. We turned as one, and there they were—the Yetis. Their appearance was as menacing as ever, and before we could react, they fired at us. A thick gas began to fill the air, and I felt its effects almost immediately. My vision blurred, and my limbs grew heavy as I struggled to stay conscious.
“Damn it…” I muttered, fighting against the overwhelming urge to succumb to the darkness. But the gas was too potent. My knees buckled, and despite my best efforts, everything went black as I fell into unconsciousness.
“Damn it…” I muttered, fighting against the overwhelming urge to succumb to the darkness. But the gas was too potent. My knees buckled, and despite my best efforts, everything went black as I fell into unconsciousness.
After what felt like minutes, muffled voices started to reach my ears. “The Straw Hats are here, and we’ve recovered their bodies,” one of them said. The words barely registered as I struggled to regain control of my senses.
Summoning every ounce of strength, I grabbed the ankle of one of the voices and pulled myself up. “Hate to disappoint you but…”
“Hey, one of them is alive!” shouted one of the men in hazmat suits, panic lacing his voice.
“It’s just a girl. She can’t do anything,” another dismissed, clearly underestimating me.
“That’s what you think!” I shot back, gritting my teeth as I launched into action. Despite being in Nami’s body, I quickly knocked each of them down with precision. “Damn underlings,” I muttered, making sure not to overdo it since Nami’s body was more fragile and bruised easily.
As I stood amidst the fallen foes, I pulled out a cigarette and lit it, taking a deep drag. “Nami, I’m sorry,” I whispered, knowing she wouldn’t appreciate the smoke but needing the comfort of the habit in that moment.
I then turned my attention to Zoro and Brook, both still unconscious. With a swift kick to their heads, I brought them back to consciousness. They groaned, rubbing their heads as they sat up, trying to shake off the effects of the gas.
“Get up, you idiots. We’ve got a samurai to find,” I said, stubbing out the cigarette.
Zoro scowled at me but didn’t argue, while Brook just gave a weary nod. The three of us resumed our search, determined to find the samurai and put an end to this mess.
End of Flashback..
“Hey, Samurai! Are you here?” I yelled into the icy wilderness. “Did they already kick your ass?” My voice echoed off the surrounding snow-covered trees.
Just then, Zoro stopped, squinting ahead. “I think I found him.”
Brook and I hurried over. The samurai was half-buried in the snow, his form stiff and unmoving.
“He looks a bit frozen,” Brook noted, his tone more amused than concerned.
Without hesitation, I kicked the samurai’s frozen form. The ice shattered around him, and the samurai was released, collapsing into the snow with a loud gasp.
“I was caught in the snow and I froze!” the samurai exclaimed, shaking off the remaining ice.
“You were caught in a snowstorm,” I corrected, helping him up.
“No! The snow cannot touch me!” the samurai protested stubbornly.
“Quit being so stubborn,” I said, rolling my eyes at his pride.
The samurai was visibly trembling, clearly affected by the cold. “I believe my torso is somewhere underwater. The upper half of my body is submerged,” he explained, his voice still shaking.
“That would make sense, considering you can’t use your powers,” I replied, nodding in understanding.
The samurai looked shocked that we were willing to help him. “I accept your aid,” he said, his voice filled with gratitude.
With that, we guided the samurai toward the lake, determined to retrieve his missing torso.
“I thank you,” he said sincerely as we walked.
“Well, well, looks like someone learned how to say thank you,” I teased, a smirk tugging at my lips.
Just as we were nearing the lake, we noticed something in the distance, moving toward us.
“Could it be Brownbeard’s subordinates?” Brook wondered aloud, his voice tinged with concern.
We squinted into the distance, but as the figure grew closer, it became clear that this was something far more ominous. A giant, red shape loomed on the horizon, its form growing larger by the second.
“Damn, what is that?” I muttered, my earlier confidence wavering as we braced ourselves for whatever was coming our way.
“So, we all know what to do?” Luffy asked, looking at each of us in turn.
“Right!” we replied in unison, our voices filled with determination.
I adjusted the sword at my back, ensuring it was securely fastened. “Alright, let’s go!” Luffy announced, and with that, we mounted Luffy’s back as he prepared to leap into action.
“Go, Cien Fleur, Wings!” Robin called out, her voice carrying a sense of grace and authority as she gracefully disembarked from Luffy’s back.
Next, Franky readied himself for a jump, his body expanding into Gomu Gomu Balloon. Clenching my left fist, I timed my jump and leaped off Luffy, landing smoothly beside Robin.
“Well, well, looks like we have company,” I said with a smirk, drawing my sword “Well, well, looks like we have company,” I said with a smirk, drawing my sword and preparing for action.
“Alright, Master Dude, come on out before we get into your lab and kidnap you,” Luffy called out, his voice carrying a mix of challenge and enthusiasm.
Robin and I exchanged scolding glances. “Luffy! That was supposed to be a secret,” I said, a hint of exasperation in my tone.
“Crap, it’s the Straw Hat crew!” one of Caesar’s underlings shouted, their panic evident.
“Straw Hat,” Smokey muttered, his voice tinged with disbelief and concern.
The atmosphere grew tense as the underlings scrambled to respond, and the real showdown was about to begin. 
“Did that guy say he was going to kick our master’s ass?” one of Caesar’s underlings exclaimed, disbelief clear in their voice.
“Yeah, like hell!” another shouted. “Down with the Straw Hats!”
With that, the underlings charged at us, their faces set with determination.
I touched the red gem on my sword, and a burst of flames erupted from the blade. The heat was intense, and the fire crackled with a fierce energy. As I swung my sword, waves of fire cascaded through the air, creating a dramatic display of flames that sent several of Caesar’s underlings flying backward. The flames carved through their ranks with precision, scorching the ground and forcing them to scatter.
I spun around, deflecting incoming attacks with fluid movements. The sword’s flames danced and leapt, its heat providing a barrier against the oncoming onslaught. Each strike was met with a burst of fire, creating a chaotic and mesmerizing spectacle. The underlings, now overwhelmed and struggling to keep up with the fiery assault, faltered in their charge.
“I got you now, Straw Hat!” came a voice from behind. Before I could react, Franky leaped in with his powerful “Strong Right!” The force of his attack sent several underlings flying, clearing a path.
“Nice one, Franky!” I called out, giving him an approving nod.
Just then, I noticed Tashigi and Smokey among the crowd. Tashigi stood out, her shirt open and a cigar in hand, creating a stark contrast to her usual appearance. I couldn’t help but tease her. “Tashigi! I didn’t know you had it in you! Granted, I never would have suspected you’d open your shirt like that and smoke a cigar. I took you more as a wine kind of gal, but I still approve. Love this for you!”
“I’m not Tashigi, you idiot!” Smokey snapped back, his voice tinged with annoyance.
“Smokey?!” I exclaimed, my eyes widening in surprise. “Wait, not you guys too?”
“Nevermind! After them, men!” Smokey shouted, rallying the G-5 unit to charge at us. The soldiers, now on high alert, advanced with the intent to capture.
Robin, quick to react, called out, “Cien Fleur Clutch!” Her abilities ensnared several of the G-5 soldiers, causing confusion and chaos among their ranks. The battle raged on as we continued to fight both Caesar’s underlings and the G-5 troops.
“How long do you think we have to wait for the master?” Luffy asked, clearly growing bored with the delay.
“I wish I knew, but it looks like we’re busting into the lab,” I replied, slashing through a soldier who was in my way.
Just then, Tashigi, still in Smoker’s body, lunged toward Luffy with a determined but clumsy attack. “Luffy!” I called out, trying to warn him.
Luffy dodged the attack effortlessly, his reflexes sharp as ever. Tashigi struggled to control Smoker’s Devil Fruit powers, her lack of experience evident in her erratic movements. Luffy, ever the tease, grabbed Smoker and managed to drag her to the ground with a mischievous grin. “What’s wrong, Smokey? Did something happen to you?!”
“Damn it, Tashigi, don’t get your ass kicked by that idiot while in my body!” Smokey’s voice, filled with frustration, rang out. Meanwhile, Luffy continued to dodge attack after attack, clearly enjoying the challenge.
Franky seized the opportunity, blasting a Radical Beam that created a massive hole in the lab’s wall. “Nice one, Franky!” I shouted, impressed by his timely intervention.
“Y/N, Robin, Luffy! Looks like we got an opening! Let’s go!” Franky called out, rallying us to move forward.
Smokey! Look up above!” shouted a G-5 soldier, pointing as something ominous began falling from the sky.
The G-5 soldiers and we watched in alarm as a red slime landed on one of the ships. “What is that?” I asked, my concern growing as the substance began to expand.
“It’s getting bigger!” one of the G-5 soldiers shouted, his voice tinged with panic.
Robin, scanning the scene, noted, “It looks like gas.”
“I don’t like this at all,” I said, taking a step back as the situation escalated.
The G-5 soldiers, desperate to neutralize the threat, began firing at the slime. But their attempts only led to a devastating explosion, taking out the soldiers on the boat. “What?!” I exclaimed, shocked by the sudden and violent outcome.
As we tried to process the chaos, another slime appeared out of nowhere. “Shit, the sky is filled with them! What is this?!” I yelled, watching in horror as more of the red slimes began to fall.
Suddenly, a sinister laugh echoed through the air. “Shroooorororo, Slimey, I’m sorry you were locked up for three years,” a voice taunted.
“Master!” the underlings cried out in reverence.
“So that’s him,” I muttered, recognizing the voice as belonging to the mastermind behind this madness.
“Are you the master? That’s it, you’re going down!” Luffy declared, determined to put an end to this nightmare.
“Shroooorororo, welcome to Punk Hazard, G-5 and Straw Hats. I am the most brilliant scientist—Caesar Clown!” Caesar announced with a manic grin. “A bit of patience, and it won’t be long until you’re all dead!”
We all stared at Caesar, our determination hardening in the face of his arrogance. Just then, Luffy seized the opportunity and lunged at Caesar, grabbing him with a triumphant grin. “I got you now, Master!” Luffy declared, his grip firm and unwavering.
Caesar’s eyes widened in surprise, his confident demeanor faltering for a moment. Before Caesar could react further, the rest of us prepared for the next move, ready to face the twisted scientist and end his reign of terror. 
We are back with another new chapter! Yall this was supposed to be posted yesterday but some parts got deleted, so I had to write the portion. But we finally got a Sanji POV.. and we now know the enemy threat is Caesar Clown. Next Chapter is tonight! And you guys don't want to miss this! Thank you guys for following along as well as following, liking and commenting! Thank you for showing love to my first fan fic! I know its a bit long, but I cant wait for you guys to read the whole cake island and wano Chapters I have in store!. The plot will be plotting! 
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leclerced · 9 months
Icehockey!oscar is making my head hurt today so i have to keep you waiting for now :/ In the meantime i have something kind of crack-ish for you (if that is something for you)
Do not ask me how we got here, i cannot think that far BUT imagine youre in some way affiliated/friends with the drivers and you all are at some kind of gala. After getting out of the hotel shower, you find a little gift on your bed (how did it get here? Who was in here?). You open it to find a lil pair of vibrating panties in it… without the remote. Dont ask me why but you decide to obey the note that came with it and wear it to the gala.
The evening goes on and you forget about them until they turn on. After collecting yourself and assuring your wellbeing to your conversation partners, you decide you have to find out who has the remote and makes a mess out of you. Eyeing drivers, over analysing how someone looks at you, ruling out suspects, etc. all while trying to be discrete.
Kind of like a whodunnit mystery with smut instead of murder.
Was ist lando? Could it have been estie bestie? Or Lewis? Maybe Max? What if its more than one person and they pass the remote around? Will you ever find out?
i’ll wait as long as u need <3
this idea is sooo sexy im obsessed. love love love the idea of it being multiple drivers passing the remote around because it throws her off the trail. like a scavenger hunt.
she tries to stay seated while looking around to see who’s controlling the toy but not be able to find majority of the drivers, so she decides to walk around the room while the setting is on low. within a few steps it’s cranked up and she’s trying not to collapse to her knees and sob. they keep changing the speed of the vibrations every few feet, and she’s frantically searching for drivers around the room, looking for one that has their hand in their pocket to use the remote.
imagine her bumping into charles and stuttering out an apology, wondering if he’s the one who’s been teasing her. he’s so concerned when he sees her flushed cheeks and she rests a shaky hand on chest to steady herself. he’d take her hand and ask if she’s okay and she’s just like, “yeah yep! no problem here, just a little warm.” he offers to take her our for fresh air or get her a cold drink and she writes charles off the list of possibilities because he acted so concerned, there’s no way he could know what has her flustered.
she would definitely think it’s daniel when she sees him watching her and she approaches and asks him to tone it down, and he innocently says, “this is only my second drink, what do you mean tone it down?” and she’s thinks, okay not danny he has no clue what i’m talking about. she apologizes and he asks if she’s okay and she’s like, yes of course, why wouldn’t i be? takes him off the list because he’s clueless
finding max sometime after that, he seeks her out and asks her to dance and she gives in because the pulses are on low and if it gets cranked up she knows it’s not him, if it stays the same, high chance it’s him. she presses herself close to him and relies on his support through the dance, resting her head on his shoulder and getting lost in the feeling of his hands on her body. she’s almost fully convinced it’s him by the end of the song, and when they part ways and she’s walking away the controls shoot up and she almost loses balance in her heels, but he catches her with both hands and teases her for being clumsy. she asks if it’s him and he plays the innocent act too, asking if who is him? scratches him off the list, but lets him guide her over to a chair and fetch her some water. she doesn’t know if he slipped his hand into his pocket and cranked it up as soon as she started walking away from him or if another driver was watching and playing with her.
she’s so confused by who could have sent her the gift, her mind wandering to the drivers she hasn’t seen yet, passively wondering if the two mclaren drivers are working together to avoid getting caught by her, or even max and daniel maybe? could it be someone who she would never suspect like lewis or even someone like esteban who she thinks is too respectful to ever sneak into a girls room and leave a pair of vibrating panties for her to wear out to a highly publicized gala.
i can see her finding out when she’s back at the hotel after hours of teasing and she’s getting herself off and there’s a knock at the door. when she opens it, the driver(s) would tell her that he’s disappointed he didn’t find her tonight, and she’s like, “well you found me, didn’t you? now, are you going to finish what you started or?”
or maybe she goes to the bathroom because she’s about to cum and he follows her and takes care of her in the bathroom and they leave together ??
there are so many possibilities
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jaehunnyy · 1 year
Utopia | psh
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Genre: fantasy!au, strangers-to-lovers, fluff, angst if you squint
Word count: 4.3k
Pairing: Seonghwa x princess!reader
Warnings: a fight against a fantasy creature, poor descriptions of a magic land, a kiss, pet names, possible grammar mistakes
Taglist: @shakalakaboomboo, @pocketjoong-reads, @nebulousbrainsoup, @justhere4kpop, @bluehwale, @bluisheye93, @i-luvsang, @ad0rechuu, @starillusion13
Special tag: @a1sh1teruu, our amazing host <3
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Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess—a little girl who brought so much joy to the King and Queen, and even to the citizens of the Aurora Kingdom. Everyone in the magical land received a godparent who swore to protect them, a fairy who had to tell them their future, be it a happy or a tragic one—yet, this princess was born with an interesting fate—one that, as much as her fairy godfather wished he could change, no one else but the chosen one could.
Seonghwa was sitting under a rich cherry blossom tree, getting more intrigued with every word he read. The sun kept on kissing his face with its warm rays, engulfing him in the summery vibe and making him lick his dry lips more often than not; yet nothing seemed to stop the pink haired boy from concentrating on the story.
Said princess was supposed to live a happy life next to her loved ones, but only for ten years. The moment the clock strikes midnight on her tenth birthday, she would turn into stone until twenty; and if the chosen one never shows, then everything is lost for the future of Utopia; the Aurora Kingdom would be left with no heir to rule the kingdom, and the unlucky girl will be petrified forever.
Seonghwa gasped a little when he read the unfortunate lines, lips slightly parted as he took a sip of his water bottle. It has been two days since he found the book scattered randomly in his yard; he thought some kids might have lost it, but when no one came to ask for it, he decided that reading it wouldn't hurt anyone. Right when he wanted to move to the next page, he looked in the direction of an old fountain, some broken whispers catching his attention. As much as he tried to ignore it, his kind soul knew better—so he took the book and went to the fountain, not minding to look behind him and see that he was being followed. He leaned over to catch a glimpse inside of it, seeing nothing but his handsome reflection in the clear water.
"Is anybody there?"
He shouted, bending over even more so he could see better what was going on in there—but that was the last thing he could do before he was pushed by a force and he fell inside helplessly, the water disappearing as he held the book tight to his chest and slid into the depth of the fountain, an unknown abyss waiting for him there.
"Sorry, Seonghwa. It's for the best." A red haired woman said, nodding to herself, before finding her way back to where she came from (more like disappearing into the void).
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A wave of confusion and sadness found its way to Seonghwa's pretty face as he woke up in the middle of a garden, surrounded by red roses and so many other flowers—yet not even their sweet perfume could ease his mind. The pain in his back pierced through his body like a needle, making him wince, whilst his disheveled hair was getting in his eyes, making him pull it back rather aggressively as every move he made brought him more suffering.
"Yunho? Did you hear that too?" a deep voice was heard from afar, making the pink head flinch.
Seonghwa held one hand on his back as he shook his pants from all the dirt and dust they collected on his way there, turning his head to meet the sharp eyes of a boy, his blonde hair cladded with orange and red strikes as he gasped. He scrutinized every inch of his face, eyes laying especially on his pink hair. No one else had pink hair in that land, it had to be him.
"You are finally here! You have no idea how much we had to wait for you, it's almost too late!"
"I think you are mistaking me for someone else…" Seonghwa said weakly, looking at the man who wore a mischievous smile on his face.
"Ah, yeah? Go on the fifth page of the book you are holding so tight, let me know if I'm the one mistaking you then."
With trembling hands, Seonghwa gave one last judgy look to the stranger as he opened the book, silently reading the lines that marked his life.
Exactly when the clock struck three in the evening, the pink haired boy appeared in Mingi's well-kept garden, leaving the witch in utter shock. With confusion written all over his face and pain controlling his tired body, he flinched when Min—
He had to stop reading that right now.
"What time is it…?" He asked, praying in his head that it wouldn't match the one in the story.
"It's currently 3:03 in the evening."
His mind was playing tricks on him, it was just his imagination—or so he wanted to believe.
"Let's get you inside, you must be so tired!" Mingi cooed at the boy and grabbed his hand, only for Seonghwa to snatch it away from him.
"You are crazy. It says that you are a witch, this—this is all just a stupid trick of yours!"
Mingi wanted to protest, but someone else was faster.
"Seonghwa! Is that really you? You grew so much!" A blonde haired guy exclaimed, sticking his hand out so he could help Seonghwa stand up from the ground.
"He is in the denial phase, Yunho. Give him some time until I make some tea for us."
The tall boy nodded and helped Seonghwa get inside, settling him on a warm, comfortable couch. Seonghwa didn't waste any time and started flipping the pages of the book rapidly, in order to find something that would snap him out of it and prove this was not a dream. The only name he saw was Yunho as the words started to fade away from the book, leaving the pages blank.
"Seems like the book cannot help you anymore, Hwa. It all depends on you now. Our destiny is in your hands." Mingi said, an encouraging smile stretching his lips as he watched the boy frown.
"Let us tell you how this works." Yunho started, and for the first time, the naive pink haired boy was all ears. "The Queen and the King wished for a kid ever since they got married, yet they couldn't have one, no matter what spells and methods they tried. Suddenly, there was this witch that no one had ever seen—not even me or Mingi; she offered to help them."
"And desperately, they accepted. Yet, this witch had one single condition, to which the Queen agreed. They thought it would be something small, like having to pay some gold coins or anything; but no. The price she asked for was the princess' life." Mingi continued, making goosebumps rise on Seonghwa's skin as he listened to the two boys.
"What does… all of this have to do with me?" he asked timidly, looking at the two witches.
"You are not just a simple boy, Seonghwa. You were blessed with a heart of gold—one that can break the tragic curse of the princess. We all put our faith in you, so please, help us." Mingi said, while his hands were occupied with pouring the aromatic tea in some silver cups.
Seonghwa nodded softly, his head hung low as he felt helpless. He didn't want to disappoint, yet he had no idea what to do.
"You…" he pointed at Yunho: "You said I grew so much. Have we met before?" he asked the boy, who smiled and nodded softly.
"You were three when we first met you, I still remember how shy you were while holding your father's hand. You used to hide behind his tall figure, but when Mingi started to play with you, you forgot about everything."
Seonghwa was in awe. Every time he turned older, he would have the same dream about a beautiful land, cladded in a multicolored carpet of flowers and leaves, a magical land full of fairies and kind people; yet never did he imagine he would witness it with his own eyes.
"So how can I save you?" he asked, a determinate allure around him as Mingi and Yunho high-fived each other.
"The princess' godfather has the answer. Take your time to rest and bathe today. We will leave for the Royal Castle tomorrow, but for now, let us take care of you and your wounds."
Maybe living in the book you were reading didn't sound as bad anymore. Seonghwa loved helping people, and he was more than ready to discover powers he never knew he possessed. It all started now; he was the chosen one.
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As soon as the rulers of the kingdom saw the pink haired boy, they didn't even let him bow as Mingi and Yunho instructed him; instead, they hugged him like their life depended on it (which was half true, cause their daughter's life was in his hands).
"Son," the King said, "we thought you would never come. Our daughter's twentieth birthday is in ten days. It was almost too late."
He thought before he could form any words, not wanting to annoy the king in any way: "Your Majesty… why am I the one who needs to do that?"
"Because Starlight, the witch helping Their Majesties, wanted this."
He looked in the direction of the voice, eyes meeting a green-haired boy, with porcelain skin and captivating beauty.
"You must be the princess' godfather?" he asked shyly, staring at the boy who nodded.
"My name is Yeosang."
Seonghwa nodded and lowered his head again, not bearing all the looks that were on him right then. He felt helpless, he didn't know what to do—heck, he didn't even want to be there.
"Seonghwa," the fairy asked again, looking at the boy with sharp eyes: "Have you ever met your mother?"
"I don’t really remember, my father told me she left us when I was a child. Is this relevant?" he asked, heart-shattering at the painful memory.
"Your mom is here, Seonghwa. The witch wanted you to be the one saving the princess because you are her son." Yeosang said nonchalantly.
Seonghwa's well-crafted walls came crashing right at his feet. He felt his knees weaken and he could swear that if the Queen wasn't fast enough to hold his hand, he would have fallen on the ground, the agony in his heart engulfing him as he wouldn't be able to move an inch.
"Yeosang, you shouldn't have told him such important information like that!" the King protested, yet Yeosang couldn't care more.
"I was trained and swore that I would tell my godchild their future, no matter how sad or how happy it is. It's only my nature." he said, and touched Seonghwa's hair softly. "Listen, Hwa. On Unity Day, exactly on the princess' birthday, you have to fight the dragon that's guarding her room. If you make it on time, we are all saved, but if you let yourself be defeated, we are doomed."
With these words, the straightforward fairy left, leaving Seonghwa to stare at nothing as the Queen caressed his back softly.
"Why does it have to be me? Can't you fight him?" he looked curiously at Mingi and Yunho, who nodded negatively.
"Believe us, so many of us tried. They didn't hold a chance against the creature—it knew they weren't the right ones."
"But we trust you, Seonghwa. We always did."
He raised his eyes to meet the Queen's warm ones, hugging what seemed to be the closest he would get to a motherly figure.
“How am… how am I supposed to fight a dragon? I never saw a sword in my whole life.” the boy said, engulfed in a way of gloom as he feared disappointment.
“Hwa,” Mingi started, “As soon as you see it, you will know what to do.”
“You got this, dear. All you have to do is wing it.” Yunho added, trying to give the boy the necessary strength and confidence.
"Fine. I will try my best to save the princess, Your Majesty."
With a last nod from the pink head, the King allowed him to rest, asking for the softest cushions and the tastiest foods for their special guest. They were all here for him, wanting to prove to him that he was worth the title—his mom would have never chosen him if she didn't know what he was capable of.
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The long-awaited day had made its arrival. Seonghwa's body was covered in shining armor, hand gripping Callisto—the sword that The King had personally given him. He looked at his hand one more, the hand that was carrying the heaviness of his mission, reflected on the unseen silver object. Unity Day was an yearly celebration of the Aurora citizens, and today, he could mark it and make it even more precious, or destroy it forever. He didn't want to think about the later one, yet the bad thoughts were flowing into his head like the blood in his veins. He remembered the day he got here; how the sun put him into the spotlight in the same way it was reflecting into his heavy armor now, making him look like a star from above. A ghost of a smile crept over his face before he brushed all his thoughts and took composure, prepared to accomplish the mission of his life. The moment he pulled the knight's helmet on his face, it seemed like even the skies were cheering for him as adrenaline flew around him. Looking back for one last time, Seonghwa took a step forward to test the waters—then another one, more determined this time; he kept on stepping until he was facing the sleeping creature.
The dragon was purple, its scales gaining a reflecting effect whenever the sun's rays touched its skin; it sent stabbing tingles through Seonghwa's spine. It seemed to feel someone's presence immediately, sniffing and getting closer until its head got at the same level as Seonghwa's body. This is terrifying, he thought, but he could just deal with it now. Seonghwa swayed the sword softly into the dragon's direction, provoking it; and it only took one gesture for the dragon to start spilling fire and burn whatever was in its way. The boy took some steps back and hid under a rock—the only source of protection he could touch, yet it was soon shattered by the dragon's rage. The pink head gained some courage and moved forward, the sword ripping through the dragon's skin as it groaned, giving Seonghwa time to serve another hit; yet he was in danger. The creature's eyes turned into a dark crimson shade as rage could be read all over its face, making Seonghwa look even smaller compared to it. The boy started to run further down the hall, distracting the creature so he could hit it just a bit more. Right when he climbed a higher rock and was about to hit it in the heart, he lost his balance, falling down as the creature let out an evil groan.
The crowd gasped in shock as the boy stopped moving, leaving the dragon to bathe in its own glory. Was this how it all ended? Was this their tragic fate? It could have been, but only if Starlight wasn't witnessing it all. She could have destroyed the dragon with a little flick of her wand, yet she didn't want to—this was her son's mission. This didn't mean she couldn't help though—and that's when, while everyone was petrified in agony and desperation, her little work made Seonghwa wake up, aiming right for the creature's heart and hitting it strong with the sword, snapping it out of its distraction and seeing how its eyes lost their light, how it crumbled on the floor, defeated. With a shaky motion of his head, he looked around, searching for the one who helped him—and when his eyes met a red haired woman with a warm smile and a pair of blue eyes, his heart swelled with both pain and happiness. He saw his mother smiling at him for the first time since he grew up. He winked at her and went into the room, taking his knight helmet off in the process and seeing the petrified figure of the princess. Leaving his sword aside, he touched the stone softly, a small wave of electricity forming between them as he saw the little rocks crumble at his feet. He took a step back when the silhouette got engulfed in a strong light, making him cover his eyes as he got blinded by it; yet when he opened them again, he would have rather looked at the light. There she was, the most beautiful person he had ever laid his eyes on; the one everyone waited for—the princess. He made it. Everyone came closer to the two characters, cheering for Seonghwa and for the princess, standing in front of them for the first time in ten years, flesh and bone.
There you were, in all of your glory. Your silky hair was braided with seasonal flowers, matching the ones embroidered on your long dress. With your skin covered in a pink blush, matching the guy's hair, you simply could not take your eyes off of each other. Seonghwa was always a believer in love at first sight, and if it meant getting goosebumps while feeling your heart make its way out of your chest, then yes—he might fall in love soon. You were no witch, yet you put the strongest spell on him—the spell of love.
"You look kinda immaculate for a person who was petrified for ten years." Seonghwa said bashfully, his fingers brushing over his nape as you smiled wide, flashing your pearly teeth at him before trapping him in a bear hug.
"You saved me! You… Thank you so much, Seonghwa. I knew you were worth believing in."
Seonghwa was still easily taken aback by how everyone knew who he was—he still had to get accustomed to being in a land full of witches, fairies and mind readers.
"Well… my job here is done, then. Happy birthday, princess." Seonghwa whispered and detached himself from the hug, starting to get rid of some armor pieces as he got closer to the exit.
"Wait," the princess screamed, following him: "Won't you stay for dinner?"
“But your family—“ he tried protesting, yet it was in vain.
“We would be more than happy if you stayed, son.” The King said, before gripping his long lost daughter in his arms like the most significant treasure.
It’s safe to say that the boy couldn’t say no to this opportunity; but before that, he had to find his mother again. His eyes roamed through the crowd, searching for the red head. He started running when he saw his mother trying to leave, catching her wrist, right before the gates could close.
“Mom,” the pink head said softly, “I think I deserve an explanation.”
She looked at her son with teary eyes, hands wrapping around his waist securely.
“Oh, dear,” she said lovingly, “let me tell you everything.”
This day started to mean a lot for Seonghwa as well, as it was not only the day he gained his sweet victory, but also the day he found out that his mother belonged to this world, yet his father was a simple human.
“I tried to bring you back, my dear son, I really did; but I could never find you, until the day I brought you here. By being the chosen one, you saved two lives; both mine and the princess.
Seonghwa’s pearly tears started to slide down his rosy cheeks when he found out his mom did all of this for him, only for them to reunite again. He hugged her tightly, his head on her shoulder as he couldn’t stop sobbing.
“And thank you for saving my life out there, my dear mom.”
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Two months passed, and you found yourself witnessing the last month of the awaited summer; and along with it, the new feelings that started to build inside your and the pink haired hero's heart. Together with longing, because he missed his old house more than ever, he also had the chance to feel love, to feel welcome in a land he felt like he didn't fully belong to. He learned how to forgive—from watching his mom cast spells and create cures, to helping her and learning so many useful things for his magic blood. And last but not least, he learned how to love with every fiber in his body. He grew to adore the way your hand fit perfectly into his, like they were made especially for each other; the way your giggles would turn into music when they reached his ears, whenever he put a beautiful rose in your hair, right behind your ear. The little cheek peck he would get after giving you fragrant flower bouquets, or the midnight walks you two had around the castle, night robes touching the ground as you walked through a path of freedom.
Of course, you had a lot of things to unpack with your parents and dear friends, the court ladies, and everyone who served you—yet, you felt like Seonghwa was one of your priorities at the moment. Your feelings pictured the same exact love illusion whenever you saw him. You loved how his eyes would light up when he was listening to you, or the way his red, blushy cheeks would match his full, rosy lips and his cotton candy hair. You loved star-gazing with him, his head on your lap as you unveiled each other's past. It was a special connection—you had to let him know before he could leave you again. One day, you prepared a beautiful picnic for the two of you; jam sandwiches were laying on one side of the wool blanket as you settled some of the fresh pastry in the middle, pouring some of Mingi's tea (one that became Seonghwa's favorite) into the mugs. You were humming a beautiful ballad until you felt a pair of warm hands covering your eyes, a broad smile stretching your rose lips as you already knew the familiar feeling.
"You came," you said, removing his hands from your eyes and turning so you could face him.
"Who am I to disagree with my princess' request?" he smiled, settling on the blanket next to you and gasping at all the goodies that were accompanying you.
"What is with all of this? Are we celebrating anything special?" he asked curiously, grinning at you in an innocent manner.
"It can be either a failure or an achievement, but for this, I need your help." you said cheekily, tongue poking at your right cheek as you half smirked.
"Last time I heard this I got a bit traumatized," Seonghwa snorted softly, yet it all went away when he saw your serious expression.
"I have something to tell you."
"Oh? I have something to tell you as well!" He smiled, grabbing your hands in his softly.
"How about we say it together? At three!" You said excitedly, smiling when he approved your sudden idea.
The seconds passed in a blink, honey-coated words ringing in the middle of nature.
"I'm in love with yo—what?" you both said simultaneously.
With a squeeze of your hand, the boy signaled you to start first.
"I truly fell for you, Seonghwa. For your gestures, your innocence, your courage."
Seonghwa leaned in closer, brushing a few strands of your hair behind your ear.
"I fell in love with you almost immediately. You really know how to charm someone, had me petrified as soon as I saw you."
You blushed, nudging his shoulder playfully.
"Is that funny for you?" you asked, crossing your arms on your chest as he smiled.
"It's what brought us closer." he said, closing his eyes.
His hands grabbed your shoulders and yours cupped his face, caressing the smooth skin as he captured your petal-like lips in his, molding together into a chaste kiss. The loving gesture was full of purity and real feelings, reflecting the strong bond between the two of you—a sweet connection that showed you belonged to each other. You didn't want the kiss to end; yet when you two needed to catch your breaths, you pressed your foreheads on each other's, enjoying the silence, the only motion around you being your beating hearts.
"What are we going to do when you leave…?" you asked, eyes becoming teary as you thought about having to give up on him, right when life became kind to you.
"I truly miss home, yes. But I found a new home here, next to the girl I love, next to my mother, and to the friends I made. This is also my family." he said, caressing your hair.
You leaned more into the touch, your head laying on his shoulder as he pecked your forehead, lips hovering over your soft skin for a while.
"My mom taught me how to travel between words. A part of me will always belong at home, but for now, I am with you, I promise."
And Seonghwa did keep his promise. He stayed next to his lover's side, laughing at silly things, such as the cat ears she styled with his pink hair, or how the King would playfully scold them for being clumsy and stepping on the wrong sides of the yard. In Aurora Kingdom, Seonghwa learned that Utopia was more than perfection—it meant love, forgiving, and healing. In reality, he had created his whole new paradise, surrounded by the people he deeply needed, along with the happiness they brought to each other. He was the chosen one, the one who got a second chance to repair things, the one who got a free ticket to eternal joy.
The princess and her pretty soon-to-be-prince discovered their own Utopia, in a world full of love and longing. They built their own castle of joy and spiritual fulfillment—and yes, they lived happily ever after.
The end
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sequinsmile-x · 6 months
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This is Our Place, We Make The Rules - Chapter 11 - Exercise
A collection of non-sequential mini-fics and one-shots of Hotchniss and their life at home.
Chapter 11 - Exercise
Hi besties,
There is a little mini fic full of fluff and these two idiots being adorable and very in love with each other.
Happy Monday, I hope you all got through it <3
Just a quick reminder that the chapters in this are non-sequential.
Warnings: pregnancy
Words: 1.5k
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Emily groans as she comes to a stop on the sidewalk, one hand on her back and the other on her bump as she tries to catch her breath. 
“Jesus Christ,” she huffs out, leaning against the wall surrounding their house, barely a few steps away from the gate. 
“Are you feeling something already?” Aaron asks, standing next to her, his hand on her back as he rubs circles on it and she groans, shaking her head as she stands up straight, groaning as all of her weight shifts back onto her feet. She’s wearing a large sweatshirt that once belonged to him, the Harvard Logo stretched over her belly, and a pair of maternity leggings. She looked beautiful, like she always did, but he knew if he told her she wouldn’t believe him. He looks her up and down for any signs of pain, any indication that her labour has started, but all he sees is the usual discomfort that had settled into her features over the last few weeks. 
“No,” she grumbles, “He’s going to stay in there forever.” 
He clears his throat to cover a smile and grabs her hand, tugging on her arm slightly until she starts to move, and they walk slowly away from their house. She was 41 weeks pregnant and miserable. She was at most two days away from giving birth, her induction already booked in, but she was desperate to go into labour naturally. 
They’d tried all the home remedies the doctor had suggested. 
Spicy food. Raspberry leaf tea. Sex. A lot of sex. But their son was determined to stay put, happily kicking away in Emily’s belly as she slowly lost her mind because of how uncomfortable she was, her body stretched almost to its limit. Aaron was the one to suggest the walk, the last of her doctor’s suggestions, and even though she’d complained heartily she had eventually agreed. He’d tied her shoes for her and then led her out of the house, Jack happily doing his homework with Jessica in the dining room, and Aaron hoped beyond everything that this would help. 
“He’s just comfortable in there, that’s all,” Aaron says, kissing the top of her head as they continue to slowly walk down their street, “He’ll be here soon.”
She rolls her eyes, “He’d better be,” she says, looking down at her bump and directing the rest of her sentence to her unborn son, “Or he’s in big trouble.” 
He chuckles and places his hand on her stomach, “Don’t pay any attention, Benny. Mommy is entirely incapable of being mad at us Hotchners for long.” 
She looks at him sharply, her eyebrow raised, “Don’t test me,” she says, and then she squeezes his hand, indicating that she needs to stop again. She blows out an unsteady breath, “I used to chase unsubs. Whilst wearing heels and aiming a gun,” she complains, smiling gratefully when he places his hands on her shoulders to steady her, “Now I can barely walk a few feet without getting breathless.” 
“To be fair sweetheart,” he says, pulling the bottle of water he’d snuck into his jacket pocket out and taking off the lid before he passes it to her, “You never used to have, how did you put it earlier, ‘a baby with my giant feet’ pressed against your lungs.” 
She scrunches her nose up at him as she sips her water and then passes him the bottle back, “He’s huge,” she says, an edge of affection to her voice despite her complaining, “You’re huge. It’s all your fault.” 
He knows it’s not a good idea to point out she wasn’t exactly short herself so he kisses her forehead and takes a step backwards, “Why don’t we try curb stepping?” 
She glares at him, “Curb stepping?” 
“You know, one foot on the street, one on the sidewalk,” he says, demonstrating it for her for a few paces before he turns to look at her, “It supposedly helps.” 
“According to who?” She asks defiantly, her arms crossed and settled on top of her bump. He walks back towards her and wraps his arm around her shoulders, kissing her temple, smiling to himself as she sinks into him seemingly against her own accord, as if she was drawn to him by instinct. 
“The internet,” he replies simply, kissing her temple again before he pulls back to look at her, “I looked it up.” 
She sighs, knowing she’s being petulant but she can’t help it, discomfort and irritation shifting under her skin just like her son, and she looks at the edge of the curb before she looks back up at her husband, “Are you sure we can’t just have sex again?” 
Aaron laughs and kisses her, his hand on her cheek as he holds her in place, “When we get home sweetheart,” he says, kissing her again, “But let's try this first, okay?” 
She huffs out a breath, her hair moving as she does so, but then she nods, “Fine. But sex later?”
He presses his lips together to suppress another smile and he nods, “I promise.” 
Emily squeezes his hand and then steps towards the edge of the sidewalk, taking a moment before she drops one foot down to the street. She grunts at the difference in her gait she she slowly walks, one foot on the sidewalk, the other on the road. She swears that she feels her baby’s head shift further down into her pelvis, and she curses her husband under her breath as she goes. 
“Son of a bitch is lucky he’s hot.” 
“I heard that,” he says, walking alongside her, and she turns to glare at him, grunting again as she takes another step. 
“Good. I meant you to,” she replies, unable to stop the smile that spreads across her face as he looks at her in fake indignation. She goes as far as she can, her lower back starting to ache, and then she stops, “Okay, I think I’m done.” 
He offers her his hand and helps her back onto the sidewalk, “Want to head back home?”
She nods, squeezing his hand, “In a second,” she says as she looks up, a whine escaping her as she sees how close they still are to the house, Sergio still visible in his bed in the living room window, “You have got to be kidding me? We didn’t even make it down the block?” 
He lifts their joint hands and kisses her knuckles, “Still counts as exercise, baby.” 
She looks up at him, smirking as she flutters her eyelashes, “You know what else counts as exercise-”
He cuts her off with his laugh and kisses her knuckles again, “You’re insatiable.”
She hums as they start slowly walking back towards the house, “I’m desperate to get our son out of me,” she says, sighing sadly, “I just want to meet him, Aaron. I want to hold him and know his face.” 
He wraps his arm around her shoulders and pulls her close, “I know, Em. Me too. And we will, very soon,” she says, and she comes to a stop, and for a moment he thinks she’s just taking another breather, but then he spots the wet patch on the ground. He places his hand over his jacket pocket, “Damn it, I think the water bottle…”
He drifts off when he feels his jacket is dry and she chuckles, her hands both on her belly as she looks up at him.
“My water just broke,” she says, grimacing as she feels the dampness on her legs, the material of her leggings sticking to her, “It feels so fucking gross.” 
“Okay,” he says, snapping into action, acting a lot calmer than he feels as he starts to lead her back towards the house again, their pace slightly faster, “We’ll get you changed and then we’ll get your bag and head to the hospital.” 
She nods, “Yes,” she says, breathing out as reality starts to sink in once they are back in their driveway, “We’re going to meet our son.” 
He turns to face her and he kisses her, aware that their lives are about to change for the better, “Let’s go have a baby,” he says, stamping his lips against hers again before he helps her up the stairs to the porch, “You know what this means, right?” 
“What?” She asks, smiling softly at him as he lets her into the house, a dull ache starting to build in her back. 
“The curb stepping worked.” 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @ptrckjcne, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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fandoms-rants · 9 months
Andrew Minyard, Neil Josten & Andriel Quotes Part 3:
(Quotes that remind me of (and/or I think they would say in canon or fanfics which I hope someone will write) Andrew, Neil or both of them and/or therir relationship)
"Do you not understand? I will not settle for anything less than a soul-deep, electrifying connection." (Andriel to Everyone who doubts them)
“Hearts are wild creatures, that’s why are ribs are cages.” (Andrew)
“I have a very intelligent mind but a goddamn stupid heart.” (Andrew **gay panicking** before he kissed Neil the first time)
“Light is easy to love. Show me your darkness.” (Andrew to Neil)
“She’s a combination of sensitive and savage.” (Neil about Andrew)
“Underestimate me. That'll be fun.” (Andrew)
“She will rise. With a spine of steel, and a roar like thunder, she will rise.” (Andrew post-canon)
"According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves." (Andriel)
“The initmacy of being understood.” (Andriel)
“If you don't want a sarcastic answer, don't ask a stupid question.” (Andrew)
“Why aren't you scared of me? Whyy do you care for me?” (Andrew to Neil and Neil to Andrew)
“The silent ones are the most observant ones.” (Andrew)
“He pretty cute for a Monster.” (Neil about Andrew)
“"I am coming for all the monsters that ever touched him, I am coming for all the ones who twisted his stars into shadows, They turned him into a nightmare, So I'm going to be theirs." (**Neil about Andrew**)
“"When a devil falls in love, it's the most hauntingly beautiful thing ever. And you should be terrified, for he will go to the depths of hell for her." (Andriel)(You choose who the devil is ;)
"Hold him gently in your hands. He has been cracked enough as it is, and his heart is more shattered than he lets on." (Neil about Andrew)
"I defy the stars; I defy Heaven and Hell. The laws of the universe say that the man I love is lost to me. I say: Watch me save him." (Andrew during Baltimore)
"Golden child, Lion boy; Tell me what it's like to conquer.” (Neil to Andrew) Fearless child, Broken boy; Tell me what it's like to burn." (Andrew to Neil)
“I will not have you without the darkness that hides within you. I will not let you have me without the madness that makes me. If our demons cannot dance, neither can we." (Andrew to Neil and Neil to Andrew)
“"Survivors have scars. Victims have graves.” (Andriel)
“I became good at pretending. I became so good that after a while the lines blurred between my truth and fiction. And sometimes, when I did a really good job of pretending, I even fooled myself." (Neil)
“I am eternally, devastatingly romantic, and I thought people would see it because 'romantic' doesn't mean 'sugary? It's dark and tormented — the furor of passion, the despair of an idealism that you can't attain.” (Andriel)
“I am almost never serious, and I'm always too serious. Too deep, too shallow. Too sensitive, too cold hearted. I'm like a collection of paradoxes." (Andrew)
“If only my heart were as cold as I pretend it is, maybe I could get over this." (Andrew)
“I became bitter and untouchable. I craved affection but even the mere thought of someone caring made my stomach turn." (Andrew)
“I like the scars because I like the stories. Bravery, stupidity, pain-none of them come free." (Andrew to Neil)
“You can tell how dangerous a person is by the way they hold their anger inside themselves quietly." (Neil about Andrew)
“I will love you as misfortune loves orphans, as fire loves innocence and as justice loves to sit and watch everything go wrong.” (Andriel)
“You and Atlas are one and the same my dear, cursed to hold a weight you can't bare and still standing not because you can but because you have to.” (Neil to Andrew)
“Lift with your knees, Atlas, the heavens are a burden but in the starlit ink of constellations you have written: Endure." (Andrew)
“"I'm someone who's mostly dead inside but still has a little hope for something extraordinary, which, as I said, is the worst breed of human, because it means I know everything is bullshit, but that I secretly hope for the day when it might not be." (Andrew)
“My abuse isn't poetic. it was not justice or necessary. The earth left me to die and there is no such thing as karma. The gods watched idly by as i was killed in that house and not a damn person tried to help me.” (Andrew)
“You are allowed to grieve over the child you could've been.” (Neil to Andrew)
“"I spent my childhood learning how to fear, and now I spend my adulthood learning how not to." (Andriel)
**Im imagining this in a butcher!Neil or mafia!Neil AU. As a courting gift Neil brings Andrew the heads of all the men who abused him.**
*WARNING: About copyright, Quotes come from various places(ie. FanFiction, Tv, Movies, Music, Pinterest) so use in your own fanfic stories at your own.. I can’t think of the word but you know what I mean.*
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galebrainrot2024 · 8 months
Gale Seeking Godhood Part 6 Paths 2 & 3
Bear with me because after this part, paths 2 and 3 will diverge thus this one is shorter than usual. Hope you enjoy!
Gale POV
“See you soon.” Raphael's words spun in an endless web, muddling Gale’s mind. Now, more than ever, Gale was at a crossroads. What did Raphael mean when he said that celestial would quake? That he had presumed every possible outcome - that ambition was a delicious sin… and a dreadful weapon. Spewing useless nonsense, as always, Gale thought. 
Gale had come this far and he didn’t intend to let an insignificant fool of a devil dissuade him. When he went to sit, he noted the parchment that was left on his desk resting atop the Annuals of Karsus. He fingered the page, the paper heavier than expected. It read: 
It is a great paradox among wizards who so value the art of learning, that we believe ourselves ever cannier than the ones who came before. If envy is the disease of the artist, hubris, is that of the wizard. Though I fear my warning will fall on deaf ears, I will say it again: the closer, a wizard creeps to the domain of the divine, the closer oblivion creeps with him. 
I thought myself an equal to Mystra and devised a plan to make myself her equal. I would pluck one strand of Weave and contain it within an amulet I spent the better portion of the years devising. How regret instantly heaved itself upon my head. I was trapped within the amulet instantaneously, and passed around from collector to curio-hall for the better part of a millennium. Only now that I am freed, with barely the strength to hold my quill, can I leave this final warning as a testimony. 
Gale snorted and rolled his eyes. The drama of it all was starting to grate at his nerves. A wiser mind perhaps would have recognized the clear warnings, despite the message being delivered by a devil. A more sensible person may have heard the concerns of their loved ones at least if not that of the cambion. Gale did not realize that within Raphael’s words there was truth yet to be heeded. 
Gale sat at the desk, putting the parchment to the side and ran his fingers over The Annals of Karsus. Within these pages was the preamble to Netheril's downfall, committed to parchment by the very hand that wrought its destruction. He had gotten to know the pages intimately, perhaps more so than himself. 
As he felt the rough pages a memory returned to him, the moment that you and he entered the vaults at Sorceries Sundries, the moment you handed the book to him. He had been filled with awe, curiosity, and an intense need for the Crown when he held it in his hands. He allowed himself to fall into the memory.
“That devil Raphael was telling the truth. There is no doubt – the Crown of Karsus is what’s controlling the elder brain. And this – this is no mere journal. It contains the original plans for the crowns construction. His designs for godhood.”
He remembered you asking, “A design you can follow?” He tried to picture your face, tried to attune to the emotions that flashed before him, but that was lost to time. He was so enthralled by the possibility the crown offered he had paid little attention to your reaction. This realization sends a pang of regret through him as the memory unravels.
“Not from scratch – unless you happen to have several pounds of the purest Netherese metals in the pack of yours?” Gale had said cheekily, “What’s called for here is something altogether different. If we can collect the Crown’s setting, the three Netherstones, and with the correct invocation of certain spells and gestures, detailed in these notes… I think I could reforge it. It could be the best thing that ever happened to me.” Gale quickly amended, “To us. Just think of it… the power of the Gods in mortal hands at last. We’d be free of doctrine and dogma, confined only by the limits of our imaginations. We must discuss this further. Privately. Find me later and I will show you something truly divine.”
Gale held his head in his hands, his elbows resting on the desk at present. As the memory continued, he was wrought with the worry he should have done something different. Had you meant it? Had he pushed you too far, projecting his wishes onto you? Had he been so blind? His stomach churned as he thought of the moment he shared the outer planes with you, searching for your trust. Ensuring your belief in him. Declaring his love and devotion for you. 
“Few mortals ever glimpse what you’re about to see - but don’t be alarmed. I’m here with you. Open your eyes.” Gale remembered how your hands lithely pulled at the strings of the celestial planes, the vibrant and surreal colors swirling around you. How lovely you had looked as you both marveled at the abyss. Gale was beaming, his eyes fixed on you. 
“The outer plans… this is where the Gods dwell. Where they observe us from afar. Where they make play things of us. They would keep all of this from us – the power, the possibilities. They only want us to serve them, pray to them… and ultimately die for them. But what if we didn’t need them? What if we wielded their power instead and helped ourselves in all the ways they refused to. I could make that happen. I could make this illusion a reality, with you by my side.” He remembered holding your hands in his, how you both seemed to shake and buzz from the adrenaline of it all. How bewildered you appeared and how beautiful in the realms above. He had never been so in love with you. 
“Claim Godhood?” He remembered the uncertainty when you said this so he quickly reassured you.  
“I don’t want to join them, I want to better them. A Gods power paired with a mortal conscious, a mortal heart. The tadpoles, the orb - these threats to our existence – the gods could aid us if they wished, but instead they cower behind Ao. So let us act ourselves. With the power of the crown, any foe would be rendered impotent. Any obstacle would be dwarfed by our mite. I used to believe Mystra’s forgiveness was worth dying for. But I was wrong. You showed me just how much I have to live for.” Gale had pulled you closer, his brown eyes pleading you to understand. To accept him. “With you, I forget my goddess. I love you. Tell me you feel the same way. Tell me you want what I want. Please.”
His heart had sunk, your next words stung: “That power will corrupt you even if you can seize it.” 
Gale had insisted, “I won’t, I swear to you. It’s merely a tool – a means to an end. You told me once to choose you, the one who loved me. That’s what this is all about. Do you doubt me?” 
“If you believe this can be done.. then I believe in you.” Relief had flooded him then as you leaned in to kiss him, your lips crashing towards one another. Yet now, as he reminisced, your warning rang more clearly.
The power will corrupt you.
Gale scoffed, standing so abruptly that his chair nearly fell back. He felt betrayed - more than betrayed. He felt abandoned, left to lick his wounds like an animal despite sharing in that intimacy together. Despite you saying this is what you wanted, too. Did you have so little faith in him? The feeling was somehow worse than when Mystra cast him out. It felt more visceral. Human. 
Gale sighed, rubbing his face with his hand anxiously. He was second-guessing things. This was the trouble with being clever - he had to be right, probe all avenues, consider all possibilities. He knew when he overindulged in impulsivity the results were often catastrophic. Yet, when you walked this path beside him he was confident in his actions - confident seizing the power of the crown was in your best interests. 
Now, he was not so sure. 
He once thought himself someone of reasonably sound moral judgement, his entire purpose of reforging the crown to behold a new kind of God. A better God. As he sat alone in his study with nothing but his thoughts for company, he wondered whether or not he was making the right decision. At the precipice of Godhood and he was sweatier than a bugbears armpit. He had never felt more alone.
He chewed on his lip, mulling over the memories and over what Raphael said. All of it would be irrelevant if he couldn’t decode the final markings in the text and Raphael would eventually find the stones if he didn’t act. Sighing, he sat back down and opened the heavy book to try again. 
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animalgenderbodypart · 9 months
Doctors Appointment
Clara has an appointment with a ver popular, very unorthodox hypno-therapist to solve her sleep issues
| M/F | low edited | Hypnosis | Coercion | Dubious Consent | Mind Control | Doctor/Patient | Degradation | slight bimbofication | Memory Play | Cis/Het | NSFT |
She clicked her fingers on the dark, wooden table in front of her. It was a satifsying sound, and her patience was running thin at the waiting time.
Dr. Bradshaw was a well known spychiatrist, and she had been on the list to see him for months. Everyone she'd talked to had raved about how much their lives had improved after seeing them; addictions overcome, insomnia fixed, stress and anxiety all but vanished! It almost sounded too good to Clara, but the sleepless nights were starting to ware at her.
After what felt like an eternity, he emerged from his office and bid farewell to a woman she didn't know, then beckoned her to follow inside.
The room was inviting, warm brown bookshelves and a red velvet sitting couch with accompanying chair. She layed on the couch, and Dr. Bradshaw took up his seat beside her, looking her over with his soft Hazel eyes.
"Miss Finnigan. Over the phone we spoke of you having issues sleeping, is that correct?" His voice was so deep and kind, it rumbled over her and she relaxed into the plush couch.
"Y-yes," she'd explained this a thousand times, but thusfar nothing had made it easier to get to sleep. "Ever since I lost my fiancè, i haven't been able to get to sleep. I toss and turn and imagine what I could have done differently, but I'm hardly getting 3 hours a night. I feel like I'm losing my mind!"
She felt that lump in her throat and took a shaky breath. He put a hand to her arm and let her collect herself before speaking.
"That sounds awful Clara, I'm sorry. Let's try to get to the bottom of this, shall we? I can see that you're distressed, and I want you to sleep." His rumbling voice drifted through her mind, and she started to relax again.
"Imagine now that you're trying to sleep. Relax your muscles and your mind, just let yourself start to drift. Don't think about him. Think about letting yourself relax,"
She tried to focus on his words, to not think about Michael, but it was hard, and she scrunched her face in discomfort.
"Now now, don't think about all those things," his hand was on her arm again, warm and comforting. "Let my words think for you, let yourself relax into the chair.
Let your arms and legs feel like lead on that plush fabric, let your mind empty itself at my words. Let my voice fill your mind and-"
He snapped his fingers beside her ear.
"Drop. Deeper and deeper down, feel yourself sink into nothing. Your mind is empty and you. Are. Mine."
Her breathing was slow and even, she was essentially out cold. Perfect. He continued;
"Good girl. When you're in this deep state of trance, you will do exactly as I say. My word is law, and following commands is as natural as breathing. Do you understand? Say 'yes master' if you understand."
"Yes master..." her voice came soft and doughy, her eyes barely still open.
"Good girl. Whenever you wake from trance, you will have a week of restful sleep, not remembering what we did in our session. After that you will crave to come back, your problems will return and you will need to see me again to help it. Do you understand?"
"Yes master" her complete and total trance made him excited, her sleep deprivation made her even easier than the others had been.
"Being in trance is so easy, and it feels so good. You love being under my spell, you love it so much that you feel the need to show your appreciation." He was starting to feel hot, watching her placid face and slow, methodical breathing.
"Following my commands makes you feel Pleasure. You're a good girl who needs to Please and to be Pleased. My words of encouragement make you start to feel hot; you're a little slut, and will do exactly as I say to Please me."
"Yes, master" it came out almost as a moan.
"Good girl. You're going to open your mouth up for me and suck." He hastily unbuckled his belt and freed his twitching cock from the slacks.
Her mouth was so warm and wet, it took all of the doctor's strength to go slowly and not slam into her throat. Soon enough he started to pump and she took it eagerly, swirling her tongue around and sucking like it was the last thing she'd ever do.
"Good girl," he grunted, suffing her face full with himself. "You love being my little toy, my vacant little fuckdoll. You need Daddy to use you, don't you? You vapid slut, getting so wet when I degrade you." He pulled out of her mouth just in time to stop himself from letting go inside her, eager to get to the main event.
"Now, when I wake you up, you won't remember any of this," he whispered into her ear. She was panting heavily now. "When you're under my control, you are a bitch in heat. When you leave my office, you are your normal self."
"Please Daddy, give me more" was her only reply, her hips bucking ever so slightly up toward him.
It was too much to resist, and he pulled her panties aside to slide into her hungry cunt. The feeling was electric and he started to pound into her ferociously. When her panting turned into moans, he clamped a hand over her mouth,
"You will be silent while I have my way with you." She nodded, going quiet as he continued to rail her. "You will find the pleasure overwhelming, but will be unable to cum unless I do."
Her vacant expression of pleasure and her perfect body getting rocked by him eventually sent Dr. Bradshaw over the edge. He ground to halt, groaning as he filled the young woman with his thick seed.
Her eyes rolled back into her head as she climaxed, breathing heavily but miraculously, remaining hushed the whole time.
"There's a good girl. You're so good for me, you're going to come back in a week for more, aren't you?"
"Yes, Master," she replied breathily, riding the hormonal high of being bred by a virtual stranger.
He layed her back out on the couch and fixed her clothes the best he could before straightening himself up. He planted extra trigger phrases into Clara, before waking her up and assuring her that she had just drifted off to sleep during their session. She left thag day totally satisfied, and would definitely keep coming back.
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youvegotrpmemes · 8 months
lyric starters from my current On Repeat playlist (part 3)
Show me how to lie, you're getting better all the time
And no one even knew it was really only you
Nice work you did, you're gonna go far, kid
Hit 'em right between the eyes
And if you can't get what you want, well, it's all because of me
My dear, there are secrets here
If only I could break the chain of disappointments weighing me down
I won't be afraid
It's the fear, and not the ghost, that leaves me haunted
You're an anchor for all the heaviest regrets inside of you
I heard you tellin' lies
I know we're the crooked kind
It ain't a talk of "if," just one of "when" and "how"
So, collect your scars and wear 'em well
They're never truly gone
I carry their blood too
I'm far from where I wanna be
I get lost in my delusional reality
It's kinda hard to think about your own mortality
And I'm hoping for a never ending odyssey
Just give me something good
I've made up my mind over and over
I can't be everything you want me to be
But it's all gone
It's all the same sound and my ears are burning
Never to be moved by the words of a liar
The dark doesn't frighten me
I chose to close my eyes
The night doesn't frighten me
I chose to let it thrive
Oh, my precious child, how lucky you are
I got a friend that's losing sleep
I never needed a reason for keeping secrets from myself
I'll wreck this if I have to
Tell me what good would that do
I'd be so good to you
And I don't know how this is wrong
You were a friend of mine
They don't know you like I do
I can never go back home again
Don't you ever tell me I'm not loving you best
And I just need a minute, I just need a breath
It's very hard to drink to my continued success
It's getting better in the worst way
I like to push it and push it until my luck is over
Please just follow me
I wonder how we used to ever go so long without it
I am right beside you
I thought you wanted me
I've been here so very long
I never took you for a trick but sometimes I don't know what you want
I could take it if you need to take this out on someone
I don't know how it got this way
But these problems aside, I think I taught you well
We're here to stay
But you're a king and I'm a lionheart
We're still the same
I'll be here to hold your hand
You won't be alone, we're unstoppable
Don't be ‘fraid to show what we're going for
Oh, all you need to know is that we're holding on
Even if we fall, we will rise up
No, we're not gonna stop until we reach it
We all have our burdens, yeah, but we just keep on fighting and we never look back
I know I was born for this
They just don't get it, I think they forget I'm not done 'til I'm on top
I believe we can write our story
We come from different places, but have the same name
We are the broken ones who chose to spark a flame
I've struggled for years and through all the tears I've faced the doubts I hide
I never gave into my fears deep within 'cause I heard my voice inside
Don't ever lose your hope
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