#i love kid gaku
aikakyu · 2 years
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after two years of being a gaku oshi, i finally got 1st place !! in an event with a theme that means a lot to me, too TT i had my doubts on whether i’d make it or not but i still pushed through both because i had nothing more to lose and that i wanted to at least achieve this for him :”) 
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gaku is everything to me and i cherish him more than anything in the world (understatement, really), so i’m beyond overjoyed at how everything played out TTTT i’ve been settling for just second or third place before so i made up my mind to truly fight for t1 this year </3 otsu to everyone who ranked too, i’m sure he’s proud of all of us !! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
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always-a-joyful-note · 7 months
Shoutout to the Izumi brothers for having the least family drama (so far as I know, anyway)
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mo-ok · 9 months
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family sentai big brothers - an observation
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ac9129 · 1 year
they told us gaku is a gamer and I made that his whole personality
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24hlevi · 9 months
hiii can i request some fluff headcanons of gaku with a s/o that also likes to play video games?
as someone who also loves video games i love this req, thank you very much 🫶
— Gaku W/ An S/o Who Likes To Play Video Games
gaku (sakamoto days) x gn!reader
warnings: none
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- obviously gaku loves video games, so when you first told him that you also play video games likely a little too much, he was internally ecstatic about it
- he definitely makes you play all the resident evil games with him, number 6 you guys co-op together, though he doesn't really like the newer ones with the first person pov and he thinks ethan is annoying in the game
- if you have a vr headset he will be using it constantly, if you don't move your furniture beforehand he will bump into things and claim it's not his fault he was so immersed in the game
- you made him try minecraft for the first time and he almost died out of boredom, until you introduced him to servers and mini games
- gaku seems like a xbox kinda guy so he definitely has the series x and pays for the game pass, though he has a ps4 and ps5 to play final fantasy
- playing horror games together and both of you freaking the fuck out whenever anything scary happens and then proceeding to turn it off and watch tv instead
- if you play the sims gaku will just sit next to you watching you complete your little tasks and occasionally set the house on fire, he doesn't advise you on anything, he just sits in silence
- the only game you win at every time is mario kart, gaku switches characters and cars every match to see if it changes anything but you still win and he gets so pouty cause it's the only one he consistently loses at
- sometimes gaku will just lay his head on your lap if you're playing a game alone in bed or on the couch, most of the time he accidentally falls asleep there and you unfortunately cannot move because of him
- he definitely used to play call of duty and battlefield knowing a bunch of trick shots and will only play them now on the main campaign cause kids these days are crazy playing multiplayer
- gaku does get pissed off when he realizes he has to go do something in the middle of a game, like if you ask him to do anything he will just sigh and say okay and do it but if anyone else tries he will literally tell them no it can wait until he's done
- buying each other video games or merch for christmas and birthdays happens every year
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lurkingshan · 8 months
Fermat's Cuisine is an Intergenerational Trauma Narrative
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When @troubled-mind pitched Fermat's Cuisine to me, I knew I'd be watching it soon, and I went in expecting it to be a kind of classic high stakes restaurant drama with a twist, about a math prodigy slash newbie chef learning the ropes from an intense mentor, figuring out how to translate his special skill and function as part of a well-oiled cooperative team, and taking the restaurant world by storm.
And it was that, partly (until it wasn't). But the core narrative in this drama is not really about food or math or a classic success through adversity arc at all. Instead, it's about the intergenerational trauma passed down through a lineage of abusive haute cuisine chefs, the deep psychological damage they do to each other, and the way our protagonist and his mentor ultimately come together to break the cycle. Obviously, because I am me, this revelation was a goddamn delight and a very welcome surprise. I'm going to dig in on how this theme defined the narrative, so spoilers ahead, folks!
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There are many dramas that touch on how extremely high stress restaurant environments are as workplaces and how rampant abuse can get in kitchens. It's quite a common theme explored in most stories about professional chefs. But this drama didn't simply nod to these elements or include them as an added tension point, it doubled down on them and built in an additional layer by centering its story on a lineage of chefs (Shibuya->Kai->Gaku) who explicitly took their protégés into their homes as parent figures.
Shibuya found Kai when he was an unhoused and orphaned child and raised him, bringing him home to live with him and providing him with shelter and material support and a chosen career path. And then he proceeded to mentor him in such an emotionally abusive way that it's kind of a miracle Kai still had any humanity left in him by the time he found Gaku and began to repeat the cycle. Shibuya taught Kai that his entire worth as a human being was dependent on his ability to cook, not just well, but at a level that few in the world can ever hope to achieve. He raised him to strive to "surpass God" with his food and to feel worthless if he couldn't continually top himself. And he raised him to think there was only glory in this achievement if he did it alone, without relying on bonds with other people to support him.
This is deeply fucked up stuff, and it predictably fucked Kai up, especially once he developed an illness that impacted his ability to taste, and therefore, his ability to cook. He found Gaku and repeated the patterns he learned in his childhood to try to quickly mold him into the same kind of chef he feared he could no longer be, and then abandoned him alone with all the same impossible expectations he was raised with, turning him quickly from a sweet kid with a genuine love for learning how to master his job into an abusive tyrant in his own right. Gaku was just a kid, however, no matter how talented, and he couldn't sustain these responsibilities Kai put on him, so it all came crashing down rather quickly, pushing Gaku to go in search of his wayward mentor and pulling them back together in their shared failure. And ultimately, they decided that their only option left was to try working together to achieve their dream in defiance of Shibuya's teachings.
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Which led to one of the best scenes in the drama and the one that clinched this story for me, when after cooking a meal for him together, Gaku directly confronted Shibuya on Kai's behalf and demanded that he acknowledge Kai in the way he deserves, giving Kai the catharsis he has been desperately needing for years. Did Shibuya suddenly change his perspective and apologize for his wrongs? Of course not. But the drama showed us how wrong he was by bringing Gaku and Kai together, with the support of their colleagues, to defy his teachings and make beautiful food together their way. And Shibuya was forced to relinquish his hold on Kai, finally giving him the approval he was so desperate for and releasing him from his expectations. Kai broke the cycle with Gaku's help, and thus began to heal. And in helping Kai, Gaku saved himself, as well.
Now, can I claim the execution of this arc in the show was perfect? No, I definitely cannot. This drama is extremely watchable, has a great cast, and was built around a fantastic main idea, but it also has some pretty significant flaws in how it all came together. There were serious pacing problems in this story--some character information was withheld for too long, some narrative beats were rushed to the point that they barely landed, and some character turns were simply not well grounded enough to feel believable. I have a whole reef of notes about how to rearrange the story elements to make it all work on a higher level. But the core of this story is solid and the ending rings true, despite some bumps on the journey to get there.
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I highly recommend y'all check this drama out for something a little different and very refreshing. And hey, it's not often that Japan puts their content on major western streaming services and gives us all easy access to enjoy their work, so we should encourage the practice.
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pinkroseblooms · 8 months
Birthday Wishes
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Summary: Uramichi may not like birthdays, but he might like you. 2.5k A/N: Official art from Gaku Kaze; Uramichi Omota/F!Reader, lots of fluff and some humor. TW: Mentions of depression and self esteem issues (kinda a given considering it's Uramichi, but still) Enjoy!
Working on Together with Maman was one of the most thankless, tedious jobs you’ve ever been underpaid to do. While the director got to lord over the staff and the actors got some praise and respect, you were just one of the many unsung heroes behind the scenes. Editing out Uramichi Omota’s regular mental breakdowns and existential crises from the show’s footage was a full time job in and of itself, but you did it every week without fail for the past three years. At this point you could practically do it in your sleep; sometimes Uramichi’s strained, desperate attempts to keep a cheerful expression on his face made regular appearances in your dreams. You suspected the void that was his stare would haunt your mind long after the time came for you to leave Together with Maman .
You did feel a bit guilty at the twinge of resentment you had toward the cast when they got the lion’s share of the glory. After all, they all had their good points: to start, Kumitani was fairly considerate of the staff, particularly those on the lowest rungs of the workplace hierarchy. Speaking of hidden kindness, despite Utano’s complaints, she was a devoted and thoughtful girlfriend. Iketeru’s childish wonder and joy was infectious; he hardly ever complained and was very appreciative. Even Usahara with his bad habit of putting his foot in his mouth, was still committed to a certain level of professionalism and was quick to amend for his mistakes. When everything was said and done, you had a fondness for them all.
Last but not least, there was Uramichi. One works with many different types in the entertainment industry and you were no stranger to washed up, jaded, regularly drinking their weight in booze performers putting on a show off and on camera but Uramichi was the worst.
Needless to say, you were crazy about the man.
Today was Uramichi’s 32nd birthday and though he no doubt would prefer to ignore such a day all together, you couldn’t help yourself. This was the perfect time to do something to show your appreciation for Uramichi and not just as a gymnast oniisan. With any luck, he might not hate it. In fact, you were certain he was going to love what you chose to do.
After making up an excuse to get his attention, Uramichi dutifully trailed after you, grim faced and changed out of his costume. You intercepted him just as Usahara and a somewhat less enthusiastic Kumatani were going to usher their colleague to a bar for a night of begrudging celebration. As unlikely as it was that Uramichi would rather spend any evening doing more work, you thought he seemed a bit relieved to be taken away. 
“Sorry, this won’t take long.”
“It’s fine.” Uramichi assured you in the most unconvincing attempt you ever heard. “Your job is editing, right? What do you need me for?”
“I wanted to get your approval on a few things. I wanted to work in some parts of what you were saying to the kids before.”
“From the segment about labeling?” 
That particular sketch was meant to teach the children about putting their names on their school things. Doing this would help them keep track of their positions, as well as teach them about personal responsibility. It could even be a good chance to allow children to practice their spelling and penmanship. It all went about as well as it could have.
“The bit where you warned the children about adhering to the labels others will try to assign to you and how the pressures of society are designed to slowly crush any trace of individuality that doesn’t help them go with the flow was a bit long winded, but I think we can keep in bits and pieces.”
“You…want to keep it in?”
“I mean, it’s not a bad message.” You type in the passcode to the staff room. “The script is good, but you have a way of talking to kids so they can understand without talking down to them. Not everyone learns at the same pace; it helps when adults can get on a kid’s level. Most are too proud.”
“You,” Uramichi followed you into the room. “Are you saying I lack pride as an adult?”
“What? No.”
As you pull out a seat for Uramichi to use, his face says he doesn’t believe you. Seeing how despondent he is makes you want to call the whole thing off, but then you would have to come up with an excuse as to why you requested his presence in the first place. 
Anyone would be justified in feeling insulted at Uramichi’s knee jerk reaction to assume the worst; it’s hardly charming, but you get it. How much of Uramichi’s attitude is natural or something he uses like a shield is anyone’s guess. 
“I guess it makes sense. It’s not like we know each other that well. Besides, this is our first time speaking one on one and I had to lie to you.” 
Uramichi was glancing around the room; there wasn’t any projector or cameras or a computer. 
“Wait, so you don’t think I have any pride?”
“Hey, are you even listening to me?” You stare in disbelief. “I meant about looking over the footage. Hold on, I need to-”
“So then…was all that other stuff you said just to get me to come here?”
“No, it wasn’t. I’ve already got someone editing that segment anyway.” 
In the corner is an easel, like one of the props they use for presentations in the show. Instead of a whiteboard or a display of cartoon images, there’s a sheet covering up the project you’ve been working on just for today. 
“That’s good.”
“I thought you were going to lecture me about being more professional so you didn’t have such a heavy workload. I’m sure most of your time is taken up erasing the evidence of my family unfriendly fits of despair. My bad.”
“Even hearing you apologize is bumming me out.” You sigh. “Listen, it’s not that much trouble. Besides, it’s really not my place to scold you or the other cast members.”
“Why not? You have to make up for our screw ups. Don’t tell me it can’t be stressful. You look tired just being here.”
“That’s not really something you should say to a woman. Well, anyone really.”
The blank stare widens as Uramichi realizes what he implied, but you cut him off. Things have gotten awkward enough without dragging on this conversation. Besides, you brought him here to cheer him up, if that’s even possible.
“I hope you like this. I made it for your birthday. Well, I put it together. The kids made it.”
You unveil the display with a smile, hoping you had this right and Uramichi wasn’t going to walk out. Or worse, put on his fake smile to spare your feelings. You prefer an honest reaction to your efforts.
“These are all the drawings kids have sent in for the past year. I got the idea to save them up and make a collage.”
The board is covered in crayon doodles, rough sketches, and messy paintings. There’s some postcards and pages ripped from coloring books. Almost all of them are of Uramichi-oniisan in various costumes, mainly his tracksuit: in some he’s frolicking with Kumao-kun or Usao-kun or holding hands with Utano and Iketeru. Some illustrations are of Uramichi surrounded by children or animals or just random scribbles. There’s also a decent amount featuring Kotori-san but you try not to think about that too hard. 
“I thought maybe we could show the board in a show, but I wanted you to see it first. We could keep it safe in the studio, if you don’t have room for it in your place. It’s your birthday present.” 
Uramichi stands up to get a closer look; he doesn’t look appalled and you choose to take this as a good sign. You step to the side, trying not to seem too nervous when he stands by your side; after a minute, Uramichi still hasn’t said anything. Even so, you’re feeling more worried by the second.
“Do you like it?”
“Oh. Good.” You smile, but don’t feel too relieved. “You’re not just saying that, right? It’s okay, you can be honest. Is it too cheesy? Maybe I should have left out the ones with Kotori-san.”
“I hate that demon, but the kid’s probably worked hard to draw it. I don't mind so much. You said this took a year?”
“More or less. Uramichi, whatever you think, you’re appreciated. The kids see you do your best. It’s more than a lot of people bother to do. I figured you wouldn’t want a staff party, but everyone here sees it too. We’re glad to have you as our gymnast oniisan.”
Uramichi was still looking over the pictures. “You work a lot harder than I do.”
“I wouldn’t say that. Our jobs are just different.”
“But no one gives the behind the scenes crew much credit. I’ve never been especially considerate to your job before, but you spent a year making me a present?”
“I only collected the drawings. It only took a couple hours to actually put it together.” You replied. “Is this too much?”
“Yeah. I don’t deserve this.” Uramichi told you bluntly. “I don’t get it. Why did you do this?”
For a long time now, you’ve watched Uramichi drag himself through the day; as much as he professes going through the motions, you know that’s not exactly true. 
“The thing is, I wish I could do more. I want you to have a nice birthday.”
“I don’t like celebrating my birthday. It just reminds me that I’m a year older and I’ve wasted more time. Which is strange, since I don’t even know why I feel that way. I can’t even imagine what else I would be doing if I wasn’t an oniisan, so why do I feel like I’m wasting time at all? I can’t do this forever. I’m already 32, but I don’t have anything planned for when I get too old for Together with Maman. ’’
“You could probably still find work on another show. It doesn’t have to be physical. Unless you want to leave the industry for something else entirely. I bet you could do something with your physical education degree; you’ve had experience with children, then maybe you could work that into whatever you go for next.” 
“That…sounds like a lot to think about.”
You can’t help laughing a little at how defeated Uramichi looks just from the prospect of having to start over. It’s oddly cute, like a sad puppy being told they have to go to the vet.
“It is, but if you do it one step at a time, it won’t be so daunting. That’s why I like birthdays: I see them as a chance to, well,” You scratch your head. “It’s like, yes, I made it another year! It wasn’t easy, but I’m here and that’s enough. It’s something to celebrate.”
“Hey, you should be more careful with how you phrase things.”
“What did I say wrong?”
“You’re going to make me think you have feelings for me or something.” Uramichi chuckles dryly, turning his back on you to head toward the door. “If I was Usahara, I would take this as a proposal. But anyway, thanks. I can’t remember when someone tried so hard. I guess I should return the favor. I’m being emotionally blackmailed into going out tonight: if you want, you can join. Or not. Do you drink?”
“Yes, to both.”
“I wanted to tell you this now, before I start taking classes full time next month. Uramichi, I like you. I do, so,” You clear your throat. “Happy birthday. I hope you’ll still accept the poster. It’s more from the kids than me anyhow. I was going to bake you something, but I wasn’t even sure if you liked cake or-”
“You talk a lot. Hold on, I need a minute.”
Uramichi has his head in his hands; he looks pale and visibly disturbed. It seems like your confession wasn’t appreciated, but you could have guessed as much. Maybe you’re too different or maybe Uramichi just isn’t interested in dating.
You can respect that, no matter how much it hurts you. In hindsight, it would have been better to keep quiet or just wait until your time was done at the studio, but you naively assumed Uramichi might like hearing someone cared. Not everything comes with conditions or ulterior motives; sometimes the pay off is as straightforward as making someone else’s day a little easier to get through. 
“I’m sorry. I should go.” You make your way past him to the door. “I hope you enjoy your night!”
“Wa-wait don’t just leave! You can’t drop a bomb like that and just breeze past like-like-!” Uramichi stumbles to get to you before you rush outside. “You’re serious? Did Usahara put you up to this?”
“Well, are you, like, sure? You didn’t mistake me for someone else?”
“You’re Uramichi Omota?”
“If this makes you uncomfortable, you really don’t have to worry, I never said anything to anyone else.”
“It’s not that. I’m just…processing. Do you really?”
“You know, maybe the next segment we do should be on active listening skills.” You cross your arms. “Uramichi, this isn’t rocket science. If you’re not interested, okay. I’ll live. I don’t mind being single, but I wouldn’t be bothering you with this if I wasn’t serious.”
Uramichi seems calmer, but no less baffled; it’s probably the most emotion you’ve ever seen him emote at once that wasn’t irritation or exhaustion. Surely he has had other girls confess to him before; you heard he was pretty popular in school. You don’t see why he’s having a hard time handling this one. 
“When I was drunk, I said I thought you were cute. I wouldn’t put it past that damn bunny to try to rope you into one of his pranks.”
You grin. “You did? When?”
“Come on, I’m embarrassed enough. I’m too old for this.”
“For what?”
“To act this way.” Uramichi sighs and drags a hand over his face. “I hate it. It’s like I’m back in high school or something. It’s awkward and I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“Don’t you already feel that way?”
“That doesn’t help.”
“So then?” You shrug your shoulders. “Am I cute enough to date?”
To your surprise, Uramichi’s cheeks flush slightly; you wonder if your own nervousness is showing. Truly, adults pretend as much as kids do. 
“Is that offer for a drink still valid? Unless you don’t want me flirting with you in front of everyone.”
“No way.” Uramichi objects. “I don’t want to deal with that headache. Let’s not say anything until after you’re done working here.”
“Oh, now who’s making big plans for the future?” You can't resist a little more teasing. "I thought looking that far ahead was too much to handle?"
“That was when I didn’t have something to look forward to.”
Uramichi might not have meant it to sound like a line; he said it with the same bland, borderline monotone that he usually spoke with, but you feel butterflies all the same. 
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marina41trench · 2 months
Tamaki & Ryuu Shuffle Talk 2024 - The King's Endorsement [3/3]
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Tamaki: That’s awesome! They’re juggling while on a unicycle!
Is this what they call a street performance?!
Ryuu: Yeah! They have a great sense of balance……!
Tamaki: Whoa, they threw the ball really high!
Will they manage to catch it…..?!
Ryuu & Tamaki: Nice catch!
Clap clap clap clap……!
Tamaki: ……Huh……
Ryuu: What’s wrong?
Tamaki: That kid can’t see anything even on tiptoes because there’s an adult in front of him.
Ryuu: You’re right…… And the lady beside him had a lot of stuff so she couldn’t carry him.
Tamaki: ……Umm, Ryuu-aniki.
Ryuu: Yeah. I feel the same too!
Tamaki: I didn’t even say anything, though?!
Ryuu: Fufu. You wanted to say you want to give the kid a piggyback on your shoulders, right?
Tamaki: Awesome, you’re an esper……!
But, you’re taller than me so he’ll see better if you do it.
Ryuu: We should approach them!
Tamaki: Hello! Me, Tamaki! Japan! [1]
……Ahh, umm, Japanese!
Boy: …………?
Mother: Hello……?
Tamaki: Yay! Hello!
Tamaki: Let's piggyback on the shoulder! Ryuu-aniki!
Boy: Piggyback……?
Ryuu: Umm……
Ryuu: <My apologies. Are you this boy’s mother? Is it alright with you if he piggybacks on my shoulders so he could see the performance better?>
Tamaki: Ryuu-aniki’s so fluent……!
Mother: <Thank you for your kindness. This young man would like to lend his shoulder for you.>
Boy: Yay! Tamaki: Yay!
Ryuu: Ahaha. I’m glad we can communicate in English as well……!
Well then, here I go!
Boy: Top……! [2]
Tamaki: That’s great, Ryuu-aniki!
Ryuu: Yeah! It’s been a while since I’ve done this, I’m glad I made him happy!
Tamaki: I used to do that with the kids back in the facility too.
Ryuu: I see……
You've been good at taking care of people since you were young.
Ryuu: We’re a great big brother pair!
Tamaki: Hehe. Yeah! Big bro pair!
Tamaki: Oh yeah, let’s try the gratitude chocolate!
Ryuu: Sure!
I’m not sure if it’s fine for us to receive it in such a well done package……
Tamaki: ……It’s delicious.
Ryuu: Eh?
Tamaki: T-this tastes really good!
What’s this? Real chocolate?!
Ryuu: I don’t think there are fake or real chocolates……
……You’re right, it’s really delicious!
Tamaki: Where’s the shop for this?! I wanna buy and bring one home as a souvenir!
Ryuu: Gimme a sec. If I remember correctly, the chocolate shop was featured in a map we received……
……Ah, it’s this one! It’s very close!
Ryuu: ……What’s this? It’s incredibly popular because it’s a purveyor to the royal family……
Tamaki: Does this mean that the King approves of the taste too?!
Ryuu: Yes!
Perhaps this is the clue to clear the mission?!
Let’s check it!
Tamaki: It smells sweet…… It’s already delicious even when it’s just a scent.
Ryuu: It’s dangerous to walk with your eyes closed……!
Tamaki: I imagine eating chocolate right now just by the smell.
Ryuu: Let’s walk while holding hands! Here, one, two, one two……
Tamaki: Ahaha! It looks like what Sou-chan does when he wakes me up in the morning!
Thanks, Ryuu-aniki!
Ryuu: Does he always lead you by the hand every morning……?
Tamaki: Ah, hey look at this! Is this the shop with the same logo on the wrapping?!
Ryuu: Yeah, it’s this one……!
And then…… found it! The lion insignia!
Tamaki: Ohh~! If this thing’s here, then this should be the King’s endorsement, right?!
Ryuu: Favorite…… you’re right! It’s easy to tell!
Tamaki: Then, the King’s endorsement is…..
Ryuu & Tamaki: Chocolate!
Accompanying Staff: You’re correct!
Ryuu & Tamaki: Yay!
Tamaki: Mission cleared! That was pretty long……!
Ryuu: I’m glad we solved it without hiccups!
We talked about chocolates during the briefing, I can’t believe we already answered it.
Tamaki: Hilarious. If we went to a chocolate shop first, then it’s already over!
Tamaki: But thanks to it I get to talk to you a lot.
Ryuu: Yeah. I’m happy that we get to talk so much while roaming this lovely town.
Ryuu: Alright, since we’re here, I should find souvenirs for Gaku and Tenn around here.
Tamaki: I’m going to buy chocolate here as a souvenir and as a night snack at the hotel!
Ryuu: You’re going to buy them separately?!
Tamaki: Of course!
The me today and the me who eats the souvenir are different.
Ryuu: That sounds philosophical……
Tamaki: I wonder which one I’ll choose.
Clerk: <This flavor is only limited to Valentines. It contains berry jello!>
Ryuu: <A jello! It looks delicious.>
Ryuu: I talked to them in English, and they said it has berry jello!
Tamaki: Ohh, that’s cool.
That looks like Nagicchi would like!
Tamaki: Sir, I’d like one! Thanks!
Ryuu: Choosing a souvenir is the real thrill of traveling.
Ryuu: You should choose one too.
Ryuu: Yeah…… I wonder which one I’ll pick.
Ah, cinnamon! I’m sure Tenn will like this!
Ryuu: I think Gaku will like bitter more.
Tamaki: Sounds good. We should check other shops!
Tamaki: Ah, look!
That shop sells a delicious looking chocolate drink!
There’s a cream on it, too!
Ryuu: That looks delicious! We should look for the shop we’ll endorse!
Tamaki: Sure! My endorsed insignia is King Pudding!
End of Episode 3.
TL note:
[1] - This dialogue was written in katakana.
[2] - This dialogue was written in English.
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asordinaryppl · 13 days
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 15: PAINFUL RE:BAKE - Episode 24: The Things You Have To Do
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eng proofreading by myuntachis!
Sakyo: … Is that good?
Gaku: It’s perfect! Oh, man~! Thanks!
Gaku: Lots of the members of my club watch this anime, they’re gonna be SO jealous!
Sakyo: The boxing was also depicted pretty realistically.
Gaku: Ah! I’d also like a handshake!
Sakyo: I don’t mind but, you’re exaggerating now…
Gaku: Omi-nii, take a pic!
Omi: Yeah, I’ll do that.
Sakyo: You sure we can make a pro do that?
Omi: Ahaha, well, since we have the chance.
Kai: Omi-nii, is this much soy sauce okay?
Omi: Yeah, that's good.
Kai: By the way, that anime is popular in my club too.
Kai: Everyone was surprised when I told them an acquaintance of mine appeared as a voice actor.
Kai: So, I’d like one more autograph to display in the rugby club’s room… And dad said he wants one too, so make that two more autographs…
Omi: Hey now–
Sakyo: I don’t mind. It’s a small price to pay for the dinner you guys are making for me.
Omi: But still.
Kai: I’m sorry for serving you such simple dishes…
Sakyo: Nah, this is more than enough. You take after your brother in the cooking department, huh?
Omi: You can take a seat over there, Sakyo-san.
Sakyo: Thanks.
Omi: Again, thank you so much for making time to come to my family home.
Omi: Though, I told them I’d just bring the autographs myself…
Gaku: I mean, if I got a chance to hear that voice live, of course I’d ask for it~!
Gaku: He was just a guest actor, but everyone agrees his character was the best!
Sakyo: You started uni this year, didn’t you?
Gaku: Yes! I’ve been doing boxing since high school, so I joined my uni’s boxing club too!
Gaku: I was a senior till last year, but now I’m suddenly one of the youngest members, the transition’s been rough~
Kai: You’re the kinda kid seniors love doting on, so it’s fine. You didn’t even feel like a senior last year.
Gaku: That is SO not true! My juniors all cried and said they’d miss me when I graduated, I was a good and proper senior to ‘em!
Gaku: Oh!
Gaku: That reminds me, I gotta treat ‘em sometime, as thanks for helping Omi-nii with that thing he’s been looking into–
Sakyo: What’s he been looking into?
Omi: It’s no big deal. Kai, shouldn’t you be thinking about finding a job soon?
Kai: Right. Maybe I should ask if I can join Sakyo-san’s company…
Sakyo: We’re… not exactly the most ethical place.
Kai: But it’s amazing how both of you can juggle your day jobs and performing for the theater company~
Gaku: I’ve got my club activities and reports, and I’m going crazy. How do you manage?
Sakyo: … You gotta make sure to not spend a single moment of your life half-heartedly.
Sakyo: As you grow older, the things you hafta do even though you don’t want to keep increasing, but that doesn’t mean you should give up on the things you want to do.
Sakyo: And when you find something you want to do, you must go at it with full strength.
Sakyo: The only way to get to doing what you actually want to do is by giving it your all on the things you don’t want to do.
Gaku: Gotta do what you don’t wanna do, huh… That hit right where it hurts~
Omi: Thank you so much for today. And for what you said before–
Sakyo: Sure.
Omi: I respect how you don’t neglect your work at Ginsenkai, you balance everything and still manage to work as a voice actor along with everything else you want to do.
Sakyo: It’s exactly because there are things I want to do that I'm able to work so hard.
Sakyo: What’s something you want to put your everything into doing, Fushimi?
Omi: ——
Omi: I understand that, just like Banri said, I have to find something to help me break out of my shell as an actor…
Omi: But the truth is, there’s something else bothering me currently.
Omi: I was told I’m being a hypocrite, and I’m not sure if it’s something I can solve. But I just can’t seem to stop thinking about it.
Sakyo: Then, isn’t that what you want to do most, right now?
Sakyo: If there’s something you really want to do, you should do it.
Sakyo: Keep turning away from the things you want to do, and your 20s will pass in the blink of an eye.
Sakyo: And those things will keep haunting you. Take it from someone with experience.
Omi: … You’re right.
Sakyo: The reason no one in the Autumn Troupe, myself included, is saying anything about your challenge, is because we know you’re not the type of person to slack off on this sorta thing.
Sakyo: What all of us wish for you is to do something that you truly want to do, even if it’s something difficult.
Omi: Something I truly want to do…
Omi: … Sakyo-san, there’s something I’d like to talk to you and the rest of the Autumn Troupe about when we get back to the dorm.
Sakyo: … You sure take your time when you have to ask for help.
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rz-jocelyn · 6 months
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[TRANSLATION] Instagram: March 27, 2024
SATO RYUJI @ryuji_japan
This is actually a video of Sato Ryuji's IG Live. Please find the full video at Ryuji's Instagram: HERE
Actor with 4.5D eyebrows [1]
[1] This caption is related to the content of the video where Ryuji talks about how he maintains his eyebrows.
Ryuji then jokingly requested for fans to change his Wikipedia page to reflect this and to trend it on Twitter. Needless to say, the fans responded to this request xD
Ryuji also Tweeted about the phrase trending on Twitter: HERE
[2] Ryuji started the IG Live because he is currently not in Tokyo (for work purposes), and so was alone in his hotel room and wanted some company.
Due to the relaxed nature of the live, he opened up quite a bit and talked quite seriously about various things, including about his perspective on how he creates his portrayal of Kashuu Kiyomitsu.
But, this goes against his policy of not revealing the work he puts in behind the scenes (because he believes that, as an actor, he's an "entertainer" who should make fans happy, so he doesn't believe in burdening fans with the processes and troubles that go on behind the scenes).
Therefore, he was quite embarrassed at how much he revealed during this live, and initially didn't want to leave an archive of it. However, in response to fan request, he has decided to leave it up for one day. Thank you, Ryuji ♥
[3] Some snippets from the live.
Ryuji loves kids, and spends a lot of his time playing with the child actors in the "Musical Touken Ranbu". One of the child actors, Katou Gaku, gave him the nickname "Sleeping Monster" because, coincidentally, Ryuji keeps having work on the day before it's Gaku-kun's day to perform in the "Musical Touken Ranbu ~Michi no Oku Hitotsu Hachisu~", so whenever Gaku-kun sees Ryuji, Ryuji is napping. LOL!
"I'm not married~"
Ryuji's response to fans asking about his rings, clarifying that the ring he's wearing on his fourth finger is his right hand and not his left, so it's not a wedding ring.
"Truly, thank you very much for accompanying me [for this IG Live]. I had a really fun time. Let's work hard together from tomorrow onward too!"
Ryuji's closing for the live.
Ryuji is honestly so precious ♥ He spent a lot of time reading out fan comments, and apologising multiple times for those he missed.
During the IG Live, a couple of his friends dropped by, including Ohno Ryota, Torigoe Yuki, Nakao Masaki, Hideyoshi Kan, Konishi Eito and Takahashi Kensuke.
He had a really cute exchange with Tori, who Ryuji asked to come to Osaka. To which, Tori replied, "I'll go". RyuuPii!
He also had a really cute exchange with Kensuke because Kensuke was supposed to have a live stream right after Ryuji's, and Ryuji was like, "Don't you have your own live stream to prepare for??" (Little signs that Ryuji pays pretty close attention to his friends' schedules ♥)
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rabbitenn · 10 months
Could I request headcanons of TRIGGER (separately) with a baker s/o who loves making sweets and treats for them, especially when they do a good job?
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Your treats are only surpassed in sweetness by your tender kisses.
ft. Yaotome Gaku, Kujo Tenn, Tsunashi Ryunosuke x gn! reader.
cw/genre: fluff.
This is such a cute request, nonnie ! Thank you so much <3 I’m sorry it took so long… I hope you still like it !
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— Gaku is so in love. Not just because of the way you go out of your way to make something nice for him, but because you are just so… precious.
— Words of kindness and praise leave your lips with the same ease as powdered sugar coats his every time he eats the pastries you make.
— Steely eyes scan the kitchen, afternoon sunlight filtering in, seemingly threaded around you as you move about to prepare another batch of the sweet addiction.
— However, to your lover, watching you is sweet enough; akin to the first drops of nectar, leaving him longing for more, the rose-colored instants in which you lay between his arms.
— With a smile, you turn around, stealing a fleeting kiss from him, the taste of glazed sugar present from the treat you had a taste of (Gaku insisted, you had prepared them, after all).
— However, he wants more.
— So, putting down the confectionery he was eating, your boyfriend catches your wrist, pulling you over his lap.
— In sweet scented silence, a few seconds pass.
— Then, TRIGGER’s leader is leaning in. And powdered sugar merges with your lipgloss when he kisses you, an amalgamation of tenderness and hunger.
— And, well, who are you to resist?
— You kiss him back with just as much fervor, thinking you’ll bake extra treats for him if it means kisses this sweet.
— There are other times, you’re working up until the late hours of the evening, when your boyfriend shows up. The bell over the shop’s door announces his arrival just as the sun gives you two some privacy, as it dips behind the faraway skyline.
— In these instances, even if not many words are exchanged between you two, you feel at peace.
— The scent of baked goods lingers, as Gaku helps you arrange some boxes and materials you’ll need for tomorrow’s shift.
— And as always, you’ve saved your best piece for him.
— Today, the silver of the constellations peeking through the window mirrors in the decoration of the cupcake you’ve reserved for him.
— The glazing is in his image color, a moon motif decorating the sweet in swirling patterns.
— And, to Gaku, the sight of you holding the pretty treat for him to take is brighter than the stars outside he doesn’t bother looking at.
— What would be the use, when his dream come true is right in front of him, offering him minutes of borrowed dusk, coated in sugar?
— Tenn gets that soft look in his eyes every time his shared apartment fills with the scent of just baked cookies.
— As much as he claims to work hard for the sake of his fans’ smiles, going back home to you is what really puts a smile on his angelic features, the warmth of sugary air wrapping around him as his childhood blankets did.
— He lets out a soft chuckle, as he hears you humming one of his group’s songs when he enters the kitchen.
— You’re so focused on preparing the ingredients you’ll be needing, you haven’t yet noticed your boyfriend’s presence.
— Only when familiar arms wrap around your middle, and the softness of his snowy hair brushes against your cheek, do you realize an angel has arrived at your doorstep.
— Your lover’s long lashes flutter closed, akin to the gentle caress of angel wings, as he says:
“Made some for me, my love?”
— A trail of kisses over the column of your neck is left in his wake, until his lips reach the shell of your ear, a whisper of “missed you” making your heart skip a beat.
— Tenn always loved watching from behind as you baked, even when you were still kids and you were just learning.
— You remember it as if it all happened yesterday, how he’d stop by your family’s bakery every day after school, those huge rose colored eyes of his curiously looking over your shoulder as you attempted to make donuts for the first time.
— The shape was a little crooked, but to nine year old Tenn, they looked a little like hearts.
— Like the ones in his eyes when he looks at you.
— “Of course I made some for you.” You tell him, turning around, as you feed him a pink cookie with strawberry topping. “Say aaah-“ You tease him, putting the sweet treat near his lips.
— However, charm and flustering you are your boyfriend’s specialty.
— So, clasping your hand in his, he takes the cookie from you with his teeth.
— “Sweet like you, my love.” Tenn whispers, leaving a fleeting kiss on your lips, before walking away to get changed, while you stand there, face burning, as the cookies in the oven almost do.
— On other occasions, when TRIGGER has live performances, you’re always there with Tenn in the green room, and naturally, you’ve made sure to prepare a special prize for him after the concert.
— A box wrapped in a pretty package waits for him backstage, topped with your loving hugs and sweet smiles.
— Soft kisses are exchanged between you and the angelic idol, as Ryu and Gaku give you some privacy, smiling knowingly.
— Both because they’re sure to tease their younger friend afterwards, and because you always made sure to bring sweets for them, after all.
— Ryu wants to bake with you every time he sees you working on a new or old recipe.
— He loves cooking! And would love to learn how to bake too, especially if it's with you teaching him.
— He flusters when you take his hands to guide him, the pretty pink of the strawberries prepared to decorate the small cakes tinting his cheeks.
— TRIGGER’s eldest can feel his heart racing, face flaring up in the same warmth of the naturally lit kitchen.
— You let out a soft laugh at his shy expressions, the sunlight streaming in, illuminating his eyes, akin to mirrors into the afternoon’s molten rays.
— Your lover especially enjoys moments like this in the quiet of your bakery, before opening hours.
— The cozy atmosphere inside the shop contrasts with the freeze of first dawn, the coppery accents and wooden decorations making for a comforting ambiance.
— That, paired with the lingering sugar in the air, is enough to make one believe they’ve stepped into a fairytale, sunrise capturing the small dust particles in midair.
— And to Ryu, that is exactly where he is; amidst a silent paradise, where your light and song are the foundations of his world.
— There is an inherent tenderness in these transient moments you spend together before the morning fully settles.
— You reach a hand towards your boyfriend’s sculpted jawline, brushing away some remnants of flour.
— He smiles, noses brushing together, as you lean in for a sweet kiss.
— Waking up early, just for these stolen dream-like states was so worth it.
— Although Ryu knows Tenn is going to scold him if he underperforms…
— And, even though the latter means well, you know of his… angry cat tendencies, so you always ensure Ryu has something sweet and energizing to eat on his way to work.
— He adores it, every single time.
— It is you and your pastries that always seem to come to his aid in trying times, after all.
— Like that time he had to perform alone, only blue lights coloring a stage he carried on his shoulders for his friends.
— Guilt hung over Ryu in ashen clouds, blaming himself for the downfall of his group.
— However, in that murky night, a sliver of moon seemed to smile at him from behind the clouds, in the form of your outstretched hand, that offered him a box of homemade cookies.
— Gazing up at the night sky from his balcony, the saccharine taste of the biscuits assuages his anguish, if only a little.
— When the moonlight illuminates the treats, shades of blue, pink and silver shine in the night.
— A sign for better days and immense success to come.
— Of course, with you by his side.
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aikakyu · 8 months
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their first meeting a thousand years ago
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minaramen · 2 years
Ryunosuke Tsunashi - 16 Idol Album - Part 3: Strength to protect
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
[Disclaimer: I’m NOT a professional translator. I’m using my knowledge from 4 years of university. Please, feel free to let me know if you notice  mistranslation/typo/error of any kind]
Ryunosuke: The first time I held Soutaro is still vivid in my mind
Ryunosuke: He was so small, and still I was afraid I couldn’t hold his little weight as firmly as I was supposed to… I loved his tiny hand, holding my finger with all its strength
Ryunosuke: And I couldn’t help thinking… so, now I am this little guy’s big brother… I have to protect him, I have to become strong… and thinking like this gave me courage
Ryunosuke: Of course, I do remember feeling the same for Kouno and Kota as well, but Soutaro represents the first time I actually realized I'd become a big brother. That’s why the one I told you is a special memory to me
Tenn: This is very much like you, Ryuu. Becoming strong not for yourself, but to protect somebody else
Gaku: Yeah. You’re kind and warm, and at the same time you’re strong and powerful. These roots of yours are thanks to your father, right?
Ryunosuke: Yeah. Whenever something happens he laughs it off and says everything is alright, and then he secretly takes everything on his shoulders. He’s such a kind, strong, cool dad!
Tenn: I still haven't had the honor to meet him in person, but looking at you I can tell he’s a wonderful father 
Gaku: One must be a great man to raise a great son like you, Ryuu!
Ryunosuke: Ahah, thank you! It’s not about me, and still I feel happy to hear this from the two of you!
Gaku: Tell us more about your father!
Ryunosuke: Let’s see…actually, I never had the impression I looked like him much, but recently I kind of changed my mind
Tenn: What do you mean?
Ryunosuke: For example, we both cry pretty often. Soutaro did tell me I resemble him before, but now I realize it’s actually true…
Gaku: Ahah! You’re both soft-hearted, then! That’s pretty nice!
Tenn: Yes. I can’t think of an unemotional Ryuu
Ryunosuke: Y-yes, but maybe I’m a little too sentimental…
Gaku: That’s why I like you
Tenn: You’re both men who go straight to the point, mh?
Ryunosuke:...thank you…I wonder if we get more similar as I get older…
Gaku: I bet it works like that for all those who share the same blood. Even though I used to think that I would never become like my father
Tenn: And you think you do, now?
Gaku: It’s pretty weird to say it myself, but maybe the fact that once we decide on something, we both stand by our belief…?
Ryunosuke: You’re really a fighter, Gaku! And I find this side of yours amazing. You inherited it from the president, then!
Gaku: However, back then…I used to be pissed off at such a father
Tenn: You're honest with your feelings, both good and bad. They immediately show on your face, like an open book. That’s what you inherited from the president
Gaku: Well, I didn’t  think we were that similar, though!?
Ryunosuke. W-well, I don’t think there's anything wrong with becoming more and more similar to each other…it may help you understand the other better!
Gaku: Shit, it’s complicated…
Gaku: How about you, Tenn? How was Mr. Nanase as a father?
Tenn: …I don't know. I haven’t seen him for a long time so I can’t really say, but I guess he also used to stare at shows like I do now
Tenn: He was so focused on shows that he couldn’t even hear our voices if we talked to him 
Ryunosuke: I see… when you look at a live show DVD there is some kind of atmosphere suggesting we don't talk, indeed. It’s something you inherited from your father, then 
Gaku: He must have been really devoted to work
Tenn: Yes. To the point I already understood that when I was a kid
Ryunosuke: Blood ties are really strong, aren’t they? Soutaro is also becoming very reliable, just like dad…
Gaku: Have you heard from your brothers lately?
Ryunosuke: Yeah! We had a phone call just yesterday! They told me they watched the music program we appeared in!
Tenn: I’m happy to hear that. They’re bright, honest boys
Ryunosuke: Yes! From my perspective as a big brother they’re amazing men already. And still, being told by such an enthusiastic Soutaro how cool I am when I work as a member of Trigger made me feel happy
Gaku: Hey, you’re always cool
Ryunosuke: Thanks! You too, Gaku!
Ryunosuke: But praising me wasn’t the only thing he did. During the conversation I heard him telling Kouno and Kota things like “Get in the bath!” or “Clean it up!” He was really acting like a big brother
Ryunosuke: I was touched, because I understood that Soutaro is…really becoming a man
Tenn: Soutaro kun is a cheerful boy, of course, but he also gives the impression of being very serious. When he came to our dressing rooms, he greeted us very politely
Gaku: Yeah! Despite being so young, he said something like “Please, keep on taking care of my brother!” You could immediately tell he had little brothers himself
Ryunosuke: He told me he did his best because he wanted to make a good impression on both of you. But, yes…he was able to bring our little brothers to Tokyo and also greet you in the best way
Ryunosuke: …it seems only yesterday that he was just a baby…
Gaku: My grandma told me the very same thing many times lately. So, is it a thing?
Ryunosuke: It’s a little bit of an exaggeration, but yes, I mean… just recently he was calling me “nini” and following me holding my hand
Gaku: I don’t think that happened recently,  though! Right, Tenn?
Tenn: I understand what you mean, Ryuu
Ryunosuke: I was sure!
Gaku: Ah, I forgot he also has a brother complex…
Ryunosuke: Actually…I’m happy he manages to do everything even if I’m not there, but at the same time it gives me a melancholic feeling… just a bit…
Gaku: What are you saying? The fact you have such a good brother is because he followed your example
Tenn: I would like to thank him for leading us his great big brother…
Ryunosuke: Gaku…Tenn…
Gaku: You said “someone like me” a lot.  So I’ll tell you again
Gaku: As sure as hell, there were many days when TRIGGER would’ve ended if you weren’t there. You’ve always been the one who kept us together
Tenn: I know that the Ryuu we know is the way he is thanks to Soutaro kun, your other little brothers and your father
Tenn: However, I feel like we have a connection stronger than blood
Ryunosuke:.....ahah… no way… my brothers always tell me I’m a crybaby…
Gaku: There’s nothing wrong with being a crybaby
Tenn: We are glad to be touched by your tender tears
Ryunosuke: Thank you. My family always inspires me, and the two of you are included in it
Ryunosuke: I’ll always do my best to be a cool big brother to you as well. I’ll always do my best to be strong enough to reassure you, no matter what happens
Ryunosuke: I want to keep on being honest with myself. I want to step on the ground with all my strength and keep on moving forward
The end
TLnotes: Next up: Momo’s 16 Idol Album
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megane-sama · 9 months
I want my last tumblr post for the year to be a kind of recap of my year in media. Sort of.
Noone asked but here are my top 3 books and top 3 mangas of 2023.
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1. Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao.
This one honestly rewired my brain chemistry in the best ways possible because on God, bloodthirsty, traumatized, polyamourous bisexual revolutionaries is something that can be so personal to me. I can talk from now till tomorrow but I doubt I'll ever be able to fully explain how much I love this book so I won't bother, just know it's amazing. The sequel Heavenly Tyrant will be released in 2024 and y'all know I will be sat. Heavily recommend, read it if you haven't already or I will chew through your walls and devour your immortal soul :>
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2. NOS4A2 by Joe Hill.
AHHHSHDHHNSN THIS BOOK...Had me practically enthralled actually, I didn't even notice the length because of how badly I was hooked, lined and sinkered. I loved how human the characters felt, they felt real so I felt a lot for them in return, also the "you get cool powers for the low low price of your own mindscape being stripped away" was fun. There is so much in here I loved, especially the running theme of love in itself, a flawed family that only keeps standing because it's filled with nothing but love, the love between Vic and Lou and Vic herself as a character too. Its filled with an array of amazing characters (except Charlie Manx and the Gasmask man, fuck them) and it flows so satisfyingly. So yeah I also recommend.
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3. Confessions by Kanae Minato
Now I love a good revenge plot, especially when it chooses not to go down either the "I've done this so now what more do I have to live for" pipeline or even worse for me the "if I go through with this I become just as bad as you" one. Confessions really scratched that itch for me and it's presented in such a simplistic yet really well written manner, watching the web that slowly being spun and revealed as the plot progresses and when it finally comes together at the end and catches the fly, ohhh it's so satisfying. Also even tho the perpetrators in question were teenagers Yuko Moriguchi said fuck them kids and fuck you too and I think she's an icon for that. Also heavily recommend.
Honourable mention to The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky because it came really close to being in my top 3. It took me 8 months to finish and I'm pretty sure I didn't get most of it but I enjoyed it. There's so much in it to be enjoyed no matter what angle you're reading it from. Its not an easy read but honestly if you think you're up for it, go for it.
My worst book of the year however was The Stand by Stephen King. And for a book titled the Stand I really couldn't stand it, which kinda sucked because I'm a Stephen King fan but my God did I dislike a lot about the Stand. I won't say much but maybe I'm not white or Heterosexual enough to enjoy it idk and honestly if someone tells me it's their favourite SK book I'm going to assume they're either white, painfully straight or a liar.
Now for Manga.
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1. Jigokuraku by Yuji Kaku.
Honestly this should come as a surprise to no-one. If you know me, you know I have a terrible case of Jigokuraku brain, like that shit is chronic, literally my fave shounen right next to Haikyuu and JoJo. But yeah I was Jgkrk obsessed yesterday, am Jgkrk obsessed today and I will be Jgkrk obsessed tomorrow.
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2. Rosen Blood by Kachiru Ishizue.
Honestly it was everything I thought Diabolik Lovers would be (don't get me wrong I like DiaL but in a very messy, that's the kinda shit you watch from a distance reality TV way). I would lay down my life for Rosen Blood and all its Characters, especially Gilbert (beloved). It also made me want to read more Shoujo so we'll see how that goes in 2024.
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3. MADK by Ryo Suzuri.
Honestly I have nothing to say about this except I'm sorry, the voices in my head won with this one. If you know, you know.
Honourable mention to Boys Run the Riot by Gaku Keito tho. Gotta be one of my favourite genders.
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Character: Kujo Takamasa
First impression
since i first saw him in rikus fucking. 1st beat flashback. i knew that man was sus as hell amen! i was super curious since we got that bit of knowledge that tenn left with a random guy and basically had this prediction that he was AWFUL and the cause of all of tenns problems. in the first actual scene with him i was mostly like 'what a cool scene!' but as soon as we learn he's tenn AND AYA'S dad i was like. oh i bet he's why tenn works himself into the ground and has all these weird complexes and won't talk to riku i bet kujo’s this horrible abusive guy. i even wrote this little tenn&aya angst fic back in october when i was watching 2nd beat that holds up decently well (it was basically a sickfic where tenn was like ik im sick but I Have To Go To Work bc otherwise kujo’ll be pissed and aya was like My Mom Died Of Illness) but definitely has some inaccuracies and missed how interesting tenn and aya's characters and complexes are. anyway i hated that man!
Impression now
I LOVE THIS MAN!! he has every disease <3 <3 <3 i love his hair. i love his vibes. i love when he fails at life. he's still an awful parent who did/does definitely traumatize tenn but it's in a fun funky way. i love a man who goes insane with longing. i also just really like the little snippets we get of him existing. being himself. his personality entertains me. i like his dramatic monologues and i like that he’s goth
Favorite moment
oh my god. when the high school trio corner him in a hallway and he’s like “when did i start running a children’s counseling hotline” my friend. perhaps when you started using them as raw material for idols??? its so funny hes like. whats up with these kids ❓
Idea for a story
THIS IS SURPRISINGLY HARD bc i give him a lot of screentime in my stuff that ISNT centered around him but then with just him all im thinking of is easy little character studies where i wax poetic about zero. OH!! actually i’m always dreaming up dumb kujo family crackfic. they go to the grocery store. (i actually have snippets of this one thought up.) they go to a diner. they go on an overly long drive and hate it. haruka is always there causing drama. its a beautiful world
Unpopular opinion
ONE TIME I SAW A FIC MAKING HIM HOMOPHOBIC nah. hes gay. hes homophobic against haruki specifically. but in general taking an antagonist and making them do allllll the bad stuff is never my jam. also w that the idea/theory that he fucked over zero, like pressured him too much as a producer? i could see him being the reason zero disappeared, but i don’t think he could or did Manage zero— if he overwhelmed zero, it was probably with excessive love and devotion— like i bring up in the favorite relationship section he’s the guy who says “this song is the most amazing thing in the world” and gets so excited about it he breaks your stuff!
Favorite relationship
i thought about this for a little but i think i gotta say him and haruki! apart from them being the choice with the most history, their dynamic is just fun— harukis a jokester. a free spirit. a silly guy if you will. and generally laid-back/unattached- while kujous very serious and singleminded. add in Beef and that they used to be really close and it’s so fun; i also think a lot about the flashback scene where haruki’s having kujo listen to his new song and kujo’s like THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER MADE!!!!!! what a hypeman :> and harukis like don’t break More of my glasses so that’s another fun touch of contrast in their dynamic
(and god. i’ll make this last forever kujou vs here for a good time not a long time haruki. what a pair to trap in endless grief)
i also actually really like his and gaku’s dynamic? all their scenes together are really strong, it’s really satisfying seeing gaku tell it like it is— with all this care for tenn and knowledge of tenn’s issues embedded— and having gaku play kujo in the zero musical also brings out ALLLL the similarities in the two characters (that are really quite different) and makes every kujo-gaku scene during that period extremely fun bc gakus doing CHARACTER ANALYSIS
Favorite headcanon
ough… ive talked about this before but i think aya buys him best dad merch, haruka buys him stuff that says “worst dad” and he ignores what all of it says and just like. wears/uses it.
also i like the idea of him being consciously goth/alt but in different styles since before zero disappeared
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moth-but-anime · 1 year
Uhh I totally forgot about uploading vocachilds so here are the kids
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Kamui Isao
He's 24 years old
He's the only child of Sachiko and Gakupo,they were and arranged marriage and Isao was born when Gaku and Sachi were like 18 or 19 years old
He studied to compose music, and is currently studying to be a music teacher.
He always knew that his father and his mother didn't see each other as an arranged marriage anymore, so he didn't hold any grudges when Gakupo started dating Luka, Sachiko didn't feel anything since she always knew that Gakupo didn't love her and actually neither did she, she just loved the son she had with him so she was happy that Gaku found love 🙂
He loves a lot his little sister Uta,for him she's the most precious sister to exist in the whole world
From time to time he goes to visit his father and stay at home with his father, stepmother and Uta, they don't have a bad relationship with Luka, they both get along quite well and have no problems living together
He's quite strict and sometimes very arrogant, but he's not a bad person, he just has a different character and that's it, he's not very patient either, but he tries to keep his composure
He measures 1.87
His character item is a fan
He likes singing a lot
She is 19 years old
She measures 1.63
She has a little sibling
Doesn't have a "Cubi" but she's trying to create one
Has a little crush on Isao
Her character item is 100% unknown
She's studying visual arts as she sings along her parents
A very bubbly and sweet girl! But sometimes she likes to make very bad puns
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He's 14 years old
He measures 1.65
Trans: female -> male
A very serious boy,quite quiet and suspicious of everyone, except his mothers
He suffered a lot of bullying in his old school,so Flower and Lily changed him to a private school,he has very good grades and has two friends(Tetsu and Asa)🥲
Has a crush on Asa
He knows how to play heavy metal and rock
Only child
Kamui Fuyuka
She is 17 years old
Measures 1.70
A very very shy girl she doesn't talk too much,but she's a total sweethearted person also she's a bit coward and has a sheepish nature 🥲
Very good at singing
Her character item is a ice cream cone
She wants to study something with music or visual arts
Loves her fathers a lot,she has a lot of respect with them,Kaito and Gakupo are kind of overprotective with her sometimes
Knows to fight and will no doubt in kick someone ass if the bastard is trying to hurt her,thanks Gaku
Kaito loves to comb his little girl hair,for him she's the most pretty girl in the whole world 🥰
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