#i love my baby radish okay
eternalflashh · 1 year
nahida, irminsul, and representations of cognition throughout: an analysis
As the god of wisdom, it is probably intuitive that Lesser Lord Kusanali is depicted as someone omniscient, uber wise, indomitable in logic and without flaw of reasoning. More often than not, though, throughout the archon quest and story quests, we have been shown some of her shortcomings, from her lack of knowledge in certain aspects, and her susceptibility to certain forms of trickery. In this brief analysis we discuss aspects of human cognition and learning, and compare them to aspects from the story, providing evidence for the contrary—that, perhaps, there is no better representation of wisdom in the challenging nature of Teyvat than a god like her.
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(Note: I do not claim to be any sort of expert in the topics I discuss here; this is merely a subjective analysis based on what I've learned of cognitive psychology and observed in canon. And, as with everything else I do, I did this simply because I was bored and I like overthinking things. Read at your own discretion.)
To me, Nahida, Irminsul, and Sumeru's stories are almost like this… super well crafted personification of working human intelligence itself. On a larger, fantastical scale, of course.
We know that the Irminsul is Teyvat’s repository of information—basically the brain. We know that Nahida is a branch of Irminsul, a part of that brain. And, well, this “brain” is actually represented in ways that are almost quite realistic, in many senses.
For starters: one of the most important functions of the brain is that it acquires information—that it learns. It accumulates knowledge, and while neurons do break down (and are not easily replaced, if ever), information is actually quite robust and does not “disappear” easily, besides the natural decay of time. There have been cases where people have lost part of their brains to accidents, yet retain their memories and even cognitive functions intact—the brain is actually far more malleable than one may think.
And in fact, you don’t “unlearn” things. You can’t “remove” things from your mind as easily as you imagine it—most of the time, when you “unlearn” or “extinguish” something, you really are just learning a new association that counters the old one. This new association takes time to develop, and spontaneous recovery often occurs—it takes time to “unlearn” something, or to “relearn” concepts. In life, we often have to correct our false preconceptions (not just in science!) and adapt to an ever-changing world—this constant process of unlearning and relearning and correcting is, essentially, what makes us “wiser”—the more we know, the more we understand. It is a constant growth of the mind. 
Nahida, then, being the deity of wisdom who rules over all knowledge, is a form of being where regular learning processes in cognition are essentially amplified: there is no normal degradation of “memory” (as things are stored in Irminsul reliably); there is no loss of information, and yet Nahida is still able to learn new concepts and understand how they relate to the old ones, revise her understanding based on most recent evidence or events. Basically, she learns quicker than mortals with minimal risk of decay; she is a god, this element of hers (arguably) understandably exists. 
But we also know: Irminsul itself is not perfect. We know that memories of Irminsul have, indeed, been deleted or altered. Of course this could easily be chalked up to the fantasy aspect outside of the analogy, but this could still be explained in terms of regular brain anomalies. Deleted memories could be analogous to memory loss in a sense (anterograde amnesia, cf. retrograde amnesia), while altered memories are, in fact, pretty common in real life—perhaps even more so than memory loss, for various reasons pertaining to heuristics, bias, and preconceptions—even though we tend to not realize it at all, unlike the glaring effects of memory loss.
Putting aside the why’s and how’s for now, memory loss is typically more noticeable than altered memory, but either way, the brain can actually accommodate for memory losses/alterations by bending to fit the “narrative” they previously had. The brain doesn’t like inconsistencies and gaps—it will try to explain something in the most coherent way possible with whatever available facts, which is actually a helpful adaptation to have in case we cannot obtain every piece of data we need. (The phenomenon is most common in terms of visual gaps, but is also prevalent with other senses and also with memory. For more, look up constancy bias.) Though, of course, in the case of memory loss or alteration, this isn’t necessarily a good thing. But in fact, this is what Irminsul does—it restructures itself accordingly with what facts are available, constructing a “coherent” narrative that, as we know, is false.
From this, we’ll be branching out to two points. The first is that Nahida’s existence aligns with this analogy in the sense that the removal of knowledge from Irminsul (of which she is an avatar of) is representative of the “weakening” or “shrinking” of the brain. As mentioned previously, this is not in the physical sense, for the case of the brain—but because Nahida is the physical representation of the abstract brain, then it makes sense that she shrunk during the eradication of forbidden knowledge. She lost all that knowledge gained—it would have mean her “growth” and “learning” has essentially reverted, hence she returns to a “younger” form of who she once was (see Nahida’s 2nd SQ) (though in act 5 of the AQ, it was Rukkhadevata splicing a branch off Irminsul itself, the image still stands that what’s left of the knowledge once forbidden knowledge has been taken away is not much). 
Now what, exactly, forbidden knowledge is, we don’t know yet, but how it affects the brain would not be so much of a mystery—there are pieces of insightful or revolutionary findings that can influence plenty of one’s beliefs, or the way one sees and interprets the world, which would then change the way one process information and generates new thoughts in turn. For example, imagine that one day you wake up with the existence of “blue” gone from your mind. Nothing is blue to you—things that you would once call blue will look greenish-yellow to you, even the feeling of “blue” will simply be called “depressed”, or something else, but nothing in the world will be blue to you. That simple “removal” can change a lot of things from how you perceive to how you describe, which is why the effects of removing forbidden knowledge can take a huge toll, or at least a huge change, on Irminsul—hence the big metaphorical brain, hence Rukkhadevata, hence Nahida.
And second, what happened to “Irminsul” being perfect? We cannot call Irminsul a repository of “perfect” knowledge, i.e., that every information it contains is true to the core, because we know the information stored in Irminsul is faulty and malleable. In fact, Irminsul being “perfect” is with respect to its functionality as a brain, as a system. Theoretically, when exposed to true information, a perfect brain should contain only true information. But we know there are forces beyond Teyvat, ones that Irminsul inherently can’t capture/perceive (e.g. the twins). It’s like us not being able to understand a dolphin’s cries, or the color vision of a shrimp, or anything beyond three-dimensional vision—this is inherently the nature of Irminsul itself to not capture that information (with exceptions I'll come to later). Irminsul is still an essentially “perfect” functioning brain, but inherently not designed to capture that beyond its scope. Which then would make sense why it can be altered or robbed of memories in such a way that it would not “break”—it can self-regenerate, it can still function brilliantly. It thinks it functioning perfectly fine means it’s still intact, when in fact, it has been contaminated with false information without it even realizing.
Back again: this is very much like the brain, like human cognition. Because rational humans make judgment based on the available facts, this becomes a problem when your facts are wrong. Usually, with humans, there is a degree of confidence to which you would know whether what you know is right—but if you have a “perfect” brain like Nahida theoretically does, or at least a very highly functioning one, you would have little reason to question your brain. And that, is in fact, her pitfall.
As we've seen from Nahida's second story quest, because she doesn’t have all the facts, she has to make do with what she knows. And she still does that sufficiently, as her godly capabilities should allow. But she also makes decisions that quite mirror her old ones: wanting to eradicate the remnants of forbidden knowledge herself, willing to lose her power and revert her own evolution in favor of apep’s health. One would not make the same decisions if they’ve learned the catastrophic price for it—Nahida is, alas, uninformed now, so she proceeds to make the same mistakes. If it weren’t for the traveler, Nahida would have so easily fallen into the same rabbit hole again; this is what happens when you “erase” memories, or revert time—you are only bound to repeat old mistakes. 
Here I’d also like to briefly mention that because the traveler did not have a good justification for stopping Nahida (they couldn’t, after all), it’s likely that Nahida would not “learn” why this was a bad idea, if not out of sole trust. As in, without the traveler’s continuous intervention, it is highly likely she would fall into this pitfall of her old mistakes one day… or would she?
Aside from her and Irminsul’s story being a very nicely fitting metaphor to the brain, she actually also represents cognitive strategies very well in her speech & personality, which solidifies in the metaphor very neatly. One major thing I'd like to point out is her constant use of analogy—which may sound like a gimmick or just a random personality trait. But in fact, in cognitive research, analogical reasoning has been shown to be a robust predictor of effective learning and success. So the fact that she often spits out seemingly random analogies out of nowhere isn’t just a random trait, but rather, a sign that she is constantly abstracting commonalities between distinct phenomena and learning about them effectively (in contrast to rote memorization). 
This is, in fact, an incredibly important thing—as you might’ve already realized—because it combats the dependence on memorization, which we’ve seen is a problem given the inherent state of Irminsul and malleable memory! And we’ve seen these analogies play a very important factor in the progression of the AQs and SQs, like when she transcribed the truth about Scaramouche/Wanderer in form of a fairytale to preserve it from being lost to the void, or how forbidden knowledge was altered into a different form—the oozing stuff in the Chasm. This is such an important aspect of Nahida’s character because it shows that she understands that the power of transformation or abstraction transcends that of simple mass erasure, and can be used as a manner of preservation. Quite literally, the power of analogy was used to show Nahida’s expertise not only through merely being knowledgeable, but also through creativity, just as its role is in the world.
And most importantly, it does imply that she realizes the shortcomings of her “brain” aka Irminsul. (I hypothesize it’s either an effect of her memory loss (memloss on a wide scale, like retrograde amnesia, would show “loss” effects instead of adaptation, like the symptoms Nahida exhibited) or Dottore’s intervention of telling her about false skies, that makes her realize how much she doesn’t know.) Perhaps this, even, is what Rukkhadevata meant when she said “you will be a better archon than I”, because she already has ways of overcoming these past cognitive flaws as well. This—this realization that your brain can be functioning perfectly and still be flawed, exactly because of its perfect nature—this is the invisible yet solid distinction between being knowledgeable and being wise. And this is why Nahida is the god of wisdom, rather than just a library that contains every information in the world.
In sum: Irminsul and Nahida is a really nice representation, whether intentional or just by pure coincidence and overreach on my part, of a "perfect" functioning brain in a world of unreliable information, and Nahida's ability to abstract hidden symbols to preserve truths addresses this issue quite admirably. All of this nicely manifests in Nahida through little quirks that may be overlooked, but (I suspect) may be very significant to her character and the development of the future plot. Thank you I am Done
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astralis-ortus · 4 months
placebo effect
✱ boyfriend!bc × fem!reader
— maybe the actual remedy is his smile.
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w.count → 1.2k genre → fluff warnings → reader is sick :(, mild cussing, kissing, cute pet names (baby, love, princess) and generally very much in love it makes me sick >:( heh a.n → based on this request! kinda speeding through this (immediately worked on this after i posted the last fic), but i am in need of just pure fluff so here we are, a few hours later. heh♡ ⋆ see masterlist
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being sick felt like shit.
growing up, you’ve always been the kid with perfect attendance. be it in school or throughout uni, you’ve always made the effort to attend every single one of your classes—and one of the reasons was all because you rarely ever got sick. maybe it’s because of your parents’ good genes, or likely due to how your mom made sure you always took your daily vitamins, but you’re always known as one the healthiest kids in the class.
that record, however, ended after you graduated a few years back.
you’d like to blame it the shift of environment—you know, given that you literally flew thousands of miles away to chase your lifelong dream, but considering you also moved states away from home for uni… that likely wasn’t the case.
“hey there, sleepyhead.”
a soft groan rolled off your lips when you felt your bed dip to your boyfriend’s weight, his fingers gently ran through your surely messy hair. your attempt to crack a peek at chris wasn’t quite a success, considering how even the slightest bleeding light from the gap behind your curtain was quick to trigger the soft throb in your head to return, fetching another set of low whimpers out of you.
“it’s okay, baby. i’m here. how’s your headache?” he hummed; pads of his fingers now gently pressed against the base of your head as he attempted to relief any pain that might still linger.
chris, your angel of a boyfriend, had been taking care of you since your condition started to decline the day prior. despite your stubbornness about still going to work (which didn’t end well, considering you were sent home by lunch anyway), chris didn’t even peep a word and readily picked you up from work, all geared up with your favorite porridge and cold medicine he picked up on the way.
“it’s fine as long as i don’t open my eyes,” you meekly answered, voice still noticeably very different from your usual cheery ones. “which reminds me, we do need a black out curtain, hun.”
his chuckle filled the rather quiet bedroom, involuntarily tugging the corner of your pale lips into a smile. “we’ll get them after you’re all better, baby,” he assured, hand that rested on the back of your neck now pressed against your forehead, “fever’s pretty much gone. think you could sit up for a bit? gotta fill your tummy with food before the meds, love.”
you know he’s right—you do need to eat, but with the way you’re currently feeling, protesting at any request to shift your body was the only available option.
“can i just eat later?” you pursed your lips, attempting to appeal your plea with a dash of cuteness you knew chris have a hard time standing his ground against. “maybe sleeping more will help…”
“nuh uh, no can do, princess,” chris gently tapped his finger on the tip of your nose, “you need the meds. the food too, but most importantly your meds. i don’t want your suffering to prolong just because you didn’t get your meds on time,” he reasoned, pads of his fingers now gently massaging the top of your head and in turn made you sigh in relief. chris always knew what to do whenever you complained about a headache, and you’re grateful for that.
“fiiine,” you exaggerated, reaching out your arms as a signal for chris to help you up. even with your eyes closed, you knew he had that proud grin etched on his lips when he gently pulled you to sit straight. you winced at the ache, but voiced no complaint as chris planted a light kiss on your scrunched forehead.
“a sec, okay? i’ll bring the radish soup for you,” chris left another kiss on the top of your head, grinning at how excitedly you reacted to the kind of food he had prepared before you heard his disappearing footsteps.
you forced a peek around the room, noticing the dim lighting as chris kept the curtains closed for your comfort. after a quick scan of your and chris’ bedroom, one you’ve been spending a little too much time in for the past couple of days, your line of sight then rested upon your locked phone. a single tap on the screen, and the action easily made your brows furrow.
“chris, it’s 10am on a thursday,” you pointed out as soon as you heard his voice from just beyond the slightly ajar door, “didn’t you say things has been hectic lately?”
“well, yeah,” he shrugged, careful footsteps finally returned to your side, followed by the dip on your bed, “but you’re sick. getting you back to health is a lot more important to me than anything else.”
“christopher,” you groaned, pursing your lips in protest, “i told you to not do things like this! you’re important, what you do is important. you can’t let me stop you from doing all that!”
“but i’m not letting you,” he replied nonchalantly, blowing on the spoonful of soup and rice before he feeds you. “it is my decision. i want to take care of you, and nothing is more important for me than you. as simple as that.”
“no more discussion on that matter, baby,” chris warned you, stern gaze immediately shutting off any complaints about to leave your tongue. “it’s on me. you’re my girlfriend, and to take care of you is what i need to do, because i love you and i want all the best for you. okay?”
maybe it’s the fever returning, but you could feel your cheeks warming up.
with his lips blooming into a content smile, his hand returned to the steady flow of bowl-cooling off-feeding you. he’s happy, and it’s apparent through the way his gaze lingers on you every time you take another bite, slowly finishing the bowl of food in his hand.
maybe it’s your head fooling you with some kind of placebo effect, but you do feel better—simply by watching the tenderness in his face every time he looks at you.
“all done,” he cheerily announced after you took your last bite, gently wiping the corners of your lips with the pad of his thumb. “be back with the meds, okay? just a sec.”
his movements immediately ceased when he felt a tug on the t-shirt he’s wearing, eyes immediately returning to you in worry. “yes, love?”
you quietly looked at him, suddenly feeling a little shy—but why would you be?
“huh?” chris blinked, head involuntarily tilted to one side in confusion. “what was that, love?”
oh god.
“i really wanna kiss you,” you reiterated, lips slightly pursed in embarrassment, “but i don’t want you to catch the cold. but like—you’re just so adorable. why are you like this? i’m—"
any thoughts you had immediately vaporized as soon as you felt chris’ soft lips on yours—smile apparent against your lips. his warm hand gently cradled your cheek, and despite it being short, chris successfully left you feeling dazed.
“…wait,” you eventually blinked, face burning in embarrassment when you realized the cheeky grin he’s sporting just inches away from your face. “christopher! you’re gonna get sick!”
“well, what do you expect me to do?” chris shrugged as he walked backwards, away from you,
“my girlfriend said she wanted to kiss me—how could i say no to that?”
©️ astralisortus, 2024. | likes and reblogs are highly appreciated♡
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ajortga · 8 months
always for you
pairing: jenna ortega x fem reader
thank you for your support! honestly i'm so so grateful you guys like my writing<3 this was from a request that i loved making, (especially the texting part.) requests are packed! theres so many more so i won't be checking inboxes till i'm finished with the majority of them! to whomever requested, i hope you like this!
can I request another soft!jenna x r?? I know your requests are closed, and you can do this anytime if your free. I can wait.
Where r's phone is acting up but doesn't want to buy a new phone cause r is broke, jenna sees r struggle with the lag and buys r a new phone
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(shes so cute)
Jenna always thought you were too thoughtful and selfless, you always thought of others before yourself, you gave love to every person you possibly could before you could even love yourself.
You gifted Jenna the new black noise canceling headphones for Christmas, you loved music as much as she did. But even with your immense love, you still managed to have wired earphones, though they were tangled almost everyday. 
There was a day the brunette noticed the way your phone had been acting up. She won’t mention how you dropped it in the bathtub while trying to give your cat a bath, and she’ll leave out how it somehow didn’t crack the numerous times you dropped it on the table or carpet. But whenever she texted you, you’d take longer to respond, apologizing endlessly.
“goodmorning my love! my phone was glitching again, it keeps bringing me back to this stupid dancing vegetable i put on for nephew cash last week. It took me a while to finally get back to messages! i'm sorry:((.”
“oh my god it did it again, now it’s a piece of radish dancing”
Sometimes you’d respond halfway and then stop there too cause your phone would crash
"y/nnnn, baby, i used the damn salt for our cookies instead of sugar and i put so much and i wanted to make a pickup line for you. i was literally pretending you were there and said "you're as sweet as a cookie" and i bit into it and it tasted so salty and i coughed so much"
“HAHA oh my gosh your like the silliest person i know, you literally remind me of-”"
10 minutes later
“it did it again, it kept bringing me to different tabs so i had to get back in here. baby i can’t even talk to you properly anymore, i think we should-”
25 minutes later
"jenna? are you there?"
"i amm here"
"baby 😭"
She did talk to you about getting a phone, she knew that you wanted to spend your money on others until yourself. You saved a little portion for yourself, so your portion made you a little broke. But you insisted that if it still worked and was helping the way it was supposed to, it would be okay.
It was funny to her, she would try charging both your phones before you snuggled to sleep together, but she always struggled on charging your phone because it wouldn’t charge.
You could hear her grunting as she cursed under her breath, “You have to use the first charging port and twist it at an 80 degree angle to the right, the phone has to be facing up.”
As it finally charged, she made a small sigh and smiled as she looked at you, softly saying, “You’re always too thoughtful Y/N, there’ll be one day where life will give it all back to you.”
You nuzzled into her chest, “As long as I can make others happy, that’s all I need to make myself happy,” you said drowsily as you rested on her chest. She kissed your forehead as you dozed off, cradling you to sleep.
The next day, Jenna got up so early and unattached herself from your grasp, making you make a small noise as you subconsciously looked for her embrace.
The bed creaked as you made a small murmur, looking up at Jenna barely awake.
You yawned, really sleepy, “Where are you going??” You said sadly, a little tired pout forming.
You sounded so drowsy as Jenna giggled, kissing your temple, “I need to pick up some strawberries, we need some pancakes for our breakfast and some other goodies sunshine. It’ll be packed in the afternoon, it’ll be quick, I promise.”
You made a sad noise, your hands reaching up for her and scrunching her arms as she hugged you, taking her giant stuffed animal and letting you hold it.
Soon enough from her scent on the stuffy, you were asleep, snuggling it.
Jenna changed into a sweater, jeans, and wore her headphones you gave her as she was off.
She was going to buy you that phone, no matter what you said.
Her footsteps crunched against the leaves as she listened to her music, getting a new idea as a proud smile sneaked on her lips.
She entered the electronic store, buying you the latest white phone that she had as well. She also went to the head gear section and bought you Sony headphones, a white one that would look so pretty on you. Her fingers signed the signature as she payed with her card, buying you guys two matching phone cases with two black cats on them.
Two hours later she came home, opening your bedroom door as she walked in.
“Y/N, sunshine, I’m here,” she whispered as you made a small murmur again, opening your eyes.
A small grin appears on her face as she shows you the new phone and headphones as you stare.
You were so tired you stared at it in disbelief and confusion.
Then you looked at her, your eyes teary as you pouted, “Baby.. Why? You didn’t have to-”
“You deserve it, you always think about me and all your friends hardly before yourself. And you deserve the world. I want you to be able to use your phone and those headphones. I like seeing you happy.”
Your pout turned into a wide smile as you pulled her collar to your level and hugged her tightly.
“Thank you. You really didn’t have to do that for me," you said, your voice happy as you nuzzle into her, not wanting to let go.
“I love you.”
Jenna smiles, her soft lips pressing to your temple, "I love you too."
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0h-c0mely · 1 year
assigning ravening war pcs mitski songs bc i’m hyperfixating and losing my mind (warning i am a colindeli bitch) under the cut:
karna: i mean Obviously abbey but also geyser is very “deli is the first thing karna has desired outside her own survival” core. there’s also something about the discordant minor chord vibe of the song and how karna is so earnestly, and with every good intention, pushing forward deli’s destruction in his own pursuit for power.
deli: remember my name. easy! easy. painful, but easy. i think deli is acutely aware that he is fallible, and of his faults, but he’s given up too much not to be Something. there is also a contrast of power replacing love or being confused for love which is very present with him, with gemelli, his estrangement from his mother, etc.
amangeaux: (i think that’s how you spell it): wife is very much the honorable pick here but the winner is stay soft. first off, because i wanted her to have a more pop song bc she is very slay BUT, it would have been very easy to keep her on a path of being forced into further using her femininity to survive but anjali went in the other direction, which is kind of amazing. she gets freed through her own desperation, in a sense.
the fucking radish: i hate that my pick here is crack baby. but it is. but “you know that you had it once and you know that you want it back” is fascinatingly “becomes more devout through losing his mind and station” to me. everyone is our tie bc what is religious trauma without shame and hatred for your fellow elderly clergy and the whole “babe in a crib” section is heart of the world to a T
and the one i deliberately saved for last:
sir colin provolone: okay, before i start, something has to be saidd for should’ve been me. the fact that colin and karna both came from what i can tell extremely similar backgrounds class wise but have turned out so differently morals wise and are playing functionally the same role for deli. INSANE. INSANE I TELL YOU.
bUT. but. our pick Is. her whole discography? her whole discography. but picking one, i’m going with jobless monday. colin is very bury me at make out creek coded in general, but i have a teensy little suspicion that deli is going to kill colin and “take me out” refrain really ties a bow on that. i don’t think colin believes that, as a whole, he’s getting out of this alive. i think he lives on a day to day basis, or else he would not have aligned himself with raphaniel (who is being ousted). colin is kind, and it’s going to kill him.
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whiteknifesmile · 1 year
I posted this on Twitter a while ago and I’d like to clean it up and expand more on it but that’ll be a while and I want to preserve this original thread.
Wei Ying pressing A-Yuan into the hollow of the tree trunk.
“Xian-gege…” the little boy cries with tearful amber eyes
“It’s okay, it’s okay, my little radish!” he promises breathlessly, painting characters around the hollow, even as his body feels like it’s crumbling at the seams.
“I’m scared…”
“I know. I’m sorry, A-Yuan. Your Wen-popo- and everyone-“ he takes a deep breath and kisses A-yuan’s forehead with a sudden movement, the awareness of how little time he had hitting him with a pang. “Everything we did, all of it was for you. So you would grow up safe and happy. We love you… so much. But I think it’s time now… to try something different okay?” He smooths a finger over A-Yuan’s cheek, then his fluttering eyelids. “So, my little radish, you are going to take a little nap, and when you wake up… you’ll be just the way you need to be. And you’re going to grow up so good, from a radish to a big strong cultivator, I know it.” One more kiss, and Wei Ying rips himself away before he can lose his nerve. His smile is ragged and just as tearful. “You’re going to be amazing.”
A-Yuan blinks hazily at him, then the sleep spell drags him under and Wei Ying heaved out a grieved breath in the empty silent air around him. He knows what he’s about to do will kill him, without a doubt. But his actions have already lead to so much pain and anger and with the whole world against him, death is the least he deserves according to everyone. Wei Ying has run his luck out. No more chances, no actsof mercy or kindness left to draw on.
Despite it all, Wei Ying has one tiny piece of hope left to save from the fires of the siege. His A-Yuan, his baby radish… a-yuan never deserved a second of this retribution. From a labor death camp to a barren wasteland, his sweet boy has seemingly never had a moment’s peace or stability- but he’s still so sweet! Wei Ying knows that A-Yuan is surely not meant to die here. Not here, in this evil place full of dust and ghosts, not in the ashes of his family’s lineage, his clan annihilated. A-Yuan will not die!
And Wei Ying will make sure of it. The spell he laid on his radish was a very special one, built in his moment of terror about leaving this child behind in a world that hates his bloodline without any family left to protect him.
The spell will change A-yuan’s features, just enough to erase that tell-tale Wen nose, those Wen brown amber eyes, the distinctive Wen curls to his hair. Change to what, you may ask!
The next person who picks up A-yuan from the tree hollow, the person who the spell will decide is worthy to caretake for the little radish, the spell will find that person’s features and change A-yuan to match. To make him more like /their/ son, not a Wen’s. Like a foundling.
A-yuan has no more family in this world who can protect him. Wei Ying will simply make him some more family.
Wei Ying half wonders if his brother will be accepted by his spell. He prays that no Jin will be. But Wei Ying supposes that he’ll be dead by that point and he will have to trust in his spell enough to trust that it’ll choose whoever is best suited to raising his radish child…
Wei Ying just wishes he could have seen his A-yuan grow up, picked out his courtesy name with Wen-popo, taught him to shoot arrows with his Ning-gege too…
In a gentler but imperfect world, Jiang Cheng could’ve been his uncle and Wei Ying could have pressed A-Yuan into his arms and asked him directly to take care of his child, Jiang Cheng’s nephew, and there would be no need for uncertainty, for untested spells and shaky trust in a world cruel to him and no luck to rely on. His A-yuan could die, instead, if no one comes by the hollow.
Abandoned. Alone.
He’d never know that Xian-gege didn’t leave him behind… that this was the only way to give him the best chance to survive.
Even as the fierce corpses and ghosts tear him to pieces, slowly yet thoroughly, that thought haunts and hurts him the most, that A-yuan is hurting more.
— —- ——
When Wei Ying is reborn, or perhaps a better word is transplanted, it takes a while to get his bearings. Quite a lot happens very quickly… but seeing Jiang Cheng with his nephew, jolts at Wei Ying that he sees only one nephew, a boy with his mother’s eyes.
There is not another little shadow hiding behind his brother, no boy with his foundling father’s nose or eyes.
Wei Ying can’t think of anyone else his spell could have chosen to unveil and change A-Yuan to. So that must mean his little radish died long ago. Forgotten.
One of the little Lans hurry to Hanguang-Jun’s side, in the lull of shouting and staring contests, and Wei Ying watches with faint interest, renewed grief heavy in his heart.
The littlest Lan whispers something to Lan Wangji, and then two sets of matching golden eyes turn to look directly at Wei Ying.
Huh. He had thought that golden eyes were the hallmark of the main Lan bloodline? How’s this boy got them?
How strange. That little Lan looks just like how Lan Wangji used to look, a lifetime ago in a library that hadn’t burned yet, that little twitchy nose at Wei Ying’s antics, and that smooth straight hair down his back that Wei Ying longs to tug on and bother until that golden gaze is on him, angry and confused about it. But this little Lan… his expression is so sweet, Wei Ying instead wants to pinch his round cheeks and call him a chubby radis- no. Bunny.
Because he’s a Lan, and the nephew of a sect leader. He’s protected and cherished by his clan, well fed and educated and beloved certainly!
He’s not A-Yuan, last child of a scorned clan.
That’s Lan Wangji’s son, heir to the prestigious Lan family.
Not Wei Ying’s.
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and having a marvelous time by varnes
A greatttt job weaving Sound of Music into the au. It really fit perfectly and was such a fun read. The time in the Burial Mounds of LZ and WY falling in love was funny, sweet, and perfect! The kids were the BEST ❤️
I also liked the JY and NHS’s stories. Their hard decisions and hidden depths were interesting to explore.
Really enjoyed this story 🥰
Seven children, living among ghosts. Untaught in the art of cultivation, but reliant on it nevertheless. Taught to believe that the world around them was made of only sharp and painful edges. Rejected by the man who refused to claim them as their father.
Wen Qionglin had told him, “Sometimes they do naughty things, but only because it’s very hard, living here, and they’re just babies.” In Lan Wangji’s many years as a teacher in Cloud Recesses, he has never met a child that acted out without cause.
Many years ago, Lan Wangji had knelt outside his mother’s house for days and days and days, waiting. He had been punished for it. He had kept kneeling anyway.
Discipline does not need to take the form of violence, he thinks.
Symptoms are not the root.
Decision made, Lan Wangji makes quick work of cleaning the dwelling before setting out to find Wen Qionglin. He is preparing dinner.
Dinner is radishes.
Lan Wangji believes in gratitude for all forms of services and sustenance, but this family truly eats an indecent amount of radishes.
“Xiansheng said we weren’t supposed to come in until you were better but then it was days and days and Qing-jie came out and Yuan-ge said how is baba and she said he’s even more stupid than usual and Zhen-ge said what’s that mean and Yi-ge said he’s dead probably and then I got scared that you were dead and then I came to check and you were lying here and you looked dead! So. I had to cry.”
Honestly, Wei Wuxian has to admit that Yuyu’s impressions are pretty good. He’s got the voices down, even while blubbering. Yuyu drags his arm across his nose, a trail of snot darkening his —
“Are those Lan robes?” he asks, eyebrows shooting up and wishing desperately that he could sit up and turn his head. His intonation lacks something without the gestures, he thinks. Instead, his gaze darts to Lan Wangji, who is calmly and studiously arranging his own sleeves.
Yuyu nods. “Xiansheng said if we’re Lans we should dress neatly and app-rope-ree-at-ly,” he says, looking up at Lan Wangji for confirmation.
Lan Wangji, to Wei Wuxian’s amazement, nods seriously in agreement. “Lan Xuanyu,” he says, in his voice, that sounds — like that, still, which should be illegal, in Wei Wuxian’s opinion, “it is time for your lessons.”
“Lessons,” Wei Wuxian repeats dumbly, even as Yuyu scrambles up and off him, straightening his robes as he slides back down onto his feet. He presses a very wet, but careful, kiss to Wei Wuxian’s cheek.
“Yes, Xiansheng,” he chirps, before darting toward the door, then skidding to a stop and muttering to himself, “Do not rush too fast,” before proceeding again, much more slowly.
Wei Wuxian gapes.
“That’s not quite it,” Lan Wangji notes, voice edging toward dry. Wei Wuian has never heard his voice be dry before. When they had met during the war, he always just sounded like … like Wei Wuxian’s very existence made him mad. “But he is correct in essence.”
He blows out a long breath. “Okay,” he says again. “That’s enough for now. Finish your lessons. I’ve got — stuff. To do. In the Demon Subdue Palace. So don’t come in for a while. Be good for Lan Zhan, all right?”
Six little Lans gasp. “You can’t call him that,” Zizhen hisses, scandalized. “It’s Xiansheng!”
“He’s your xiansheng, not mine,” Wei Wuxian snorts. “Because you’re a baby, and I’m the terrifying Yiling Patriarch.”
“Terrifying, my foot,” Jingyi tells him. “You’re the least scary person in the whole world, other than jiujiu.”
“Jiujiu’s a fierce corpse,” Wei Wuxian points out.
Jingyi considers this. “Okay, you’re less scary than jiujiu, but it’s on a technicality.”
Hm. That’s not ... where Wei Wuxian was going with that.
“I’m going to do evil and scary experiments in the Demon Subdue Palace,” he announces, turning his nose up and handing Mianmian off to Yuyu.
E, 108k
Wen Qing relaxes minutely, scrutinizing him. “Then,” she asks, “why are you here, Lan-er-gongzi?”
He thinks of seven children, living here, surrounded by ghosts, fathered — fathered? — by the one who harnesses resentment to command the dead. Children he has named, inexplicably, Lan. Wen Qionglin is a fierce corpse, and yet he apparently talks and thinks and makes his own decisions. The children call him jiujiu. The children climb on his lap and ignore his instructions and say things like “he’s dead” with a careless lilt in their voices.
Whatever the Yiling Patriarch is doing, whatever Wei Wuxian wants, Lan Wangji does not think it is an act of war.
So he does not say, “I am here to neutralize the Yiling Patriarch.”
He does not say, “Sentiment is gathering against you.”
He does not say, “First liberate, second suppress, third eliminate.”
Lying is forbidden, so Lan Wangji bows his head and says something true: “The Lan sect has very recently learned of seven disciples living in Yiling. I have come to attend their education.”
OR: It's a Sound of Music AU. Sort of.
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hyunverse · 2 years
omfg i cannot even imagine moving away from the city to countryside i bet that such a difficult adjustment. NOOO you don’t sound like a brat my love it’s not your fault you grew up in a diff area !! 100% agree they just creep me OUTTTTTT. but it’s weird bc i find domesticated rats super cute and i know they’re super clean but if i saw one irl i would cry and scream and run 😀😀😀😀
OMFG RIGHT ??? I WANT TO KNOW LEE KNOWS WORK OUT ROUTINE SO BAD AND I DONT EVEN WORK OUT. also dude felix’s whole outfit in that was just tdf. honestly …. i found his lower back showing to be kinda hotter than the abs …. i’m just a sucker for dudes backs okay 😔😔. cant wait to attend you and hyunjins wedding and if you need a third pls do lmk 😇 hehe
YEP YOU GET IT !! the men who just look like the eiffel tower are the way to my heart <33333 and the ones who look dead inside w long hair and nice hands <33333 good lord bring them here RNNNN. okay short queens look at us go and flourish. and it’s cute that you’re a little taller than me hehe. AND I DID THE HAND MEASURING and they’re 15.8 cm ^_^ which is cuteeeeee. usually i don’t find myself cute but i feel like that’s kinda cute hehe. i gotta know yours now so we can compare
ALSO I DIDNT DW 🙏🏼 i treated myself to some starbucks after class anddddd now i’m getting chinese food oh yea 😎 i’m taking care of myself just for u ig 🙄. all of those foods are a 12/10, i just looked up tomyum and it looks AMAZINGGGGGGG. i love seafood and spicy so that is right up my alley yum yum yum. i want to try it now. my fave food is sushi, but i love literally everything tbh. i don’t think there’s one food that i hate (although i will say i do not like beets or radishes no matter how many times i try them). food is the way to my heart tho i love cooking and food SM but especially cooking for ppl. and i love eating w my friends and family. if food was a love language it would be mine 😇
😽😽😽😽😽😽 cat kisses 4 u. i’m so excited
to hear your hand size hehe (i’m a slut for hands it’s so bad)
- 🐈‍⬛
PLEASE RIGHT. . . imagine i’m used to seeing busy streets and skyscrapers but when i moved for uni i saw cows. COWS. the only time i see a cow at home is on a plate when it’s already become beef soup. 💀 i do Not find rats cute at all 😭 THEY FREAK ME OUT TOOOO MUCH.
talking abt lower backs. . . god i love it when they wear those shirts with open backs 🗣‼️ ALL OF EM LOOK GOOD IN THEM GOOD GOD WHOEVER INVENTED OPEN BACK TOPS NEED THEY ASS ATE 💯 yes ofc ure invited to our wedding u can become my maid of honour and no third person sorry im not poly and im greedy but i will set u up with minho fr 🤝
THE MEN WHO LOOK DEAD HELP I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONYL ONE 🤩 I GET UUU WE ARE SOULMATES!! SOULMATES, BABY! ong ur hands are smaller than mine <33 mine’s 17cm ^__^ so we have roughly about 2cm difference, that’s so cute T_T
YAYAYA tomyum is so yummy i just had it for dinner ^__^ i will gladly cook u a pot baby! i love sushi omg. . . forgot to put that in my list of fave foods. love the salmon ones sm. god i love salmon. if we meet we r having a cooking sesh fr 🤝 i love cooking. it’s theraupetic <33 now im curious, whats ur usual starbucks order? do you get coffee, or something else?
u have my hand size now :-)) thank u for the cat kissies now i present to u, bunny kissies 🐰🐇
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Okay wait I love this whole gardener batmom detail. Maybe you could write something about the stages of the garden? I can see her letting it kinda die off when she was mourning Jason and then the baby. Bruce almost crying seeing her slowly go back out there when she started to heal from it. Coming back after Damian and finding out Alfred (or even Bruce) kept up with it.
I could give a 50 slide PowerPoint on this topic. Thanks for a new obsession.
Jason looked out the window and frowned, "Hey, Alfie?"
"What is she doing?" he said, pointing out to where you were tearing half-dead plants out of the ground and tossing them into a waiting wheelbarrow.
"Ah," he said, glancing out, "It appears Miss Y/N had deemed the growing season at an end- She's putting the Vegetable patch to bed and getting it ready for winter."
Jason frowned, "You don't do that?"
"Haven't for years," the butler chuckled, squeezing his shoulder and returning your wave when you noticed you were being watched. "I might do some weeding. And I'm happy to help her with the planting. But Miss Y/N is much better at all this than I am."
"Should I-"
"I'm sure she'd be happy for your assistance," he said smiling. "It's a rather tedious task."
Bruce watched, amused as you explained to Jason about companion planting, pollinators, and composting. Lecturing patiently and answering questions as he helped you sketch out the plans for the garden this year.
"Cherries grow on trees?"
"Yes. And with some luck, my cherry trees, Strawberry bushes, and Apple Trees will all give us some fruit this year- Some of it we'll keep but most of it I'll have picked and given over to food banks."
Jason nodded seriously, considering that. He remembered eating from food banks. Everything was canned. He didn't think he'd ever eaten a cherry that wasn't in pie filling or a can of fruit cocktail.
"It's not much," you acknowledge, misunderstanding his silence "But"
Jason patted your hand and looked up at you, "People will like it anyway," he said confidently. "Like when we made the birthday cake kits. And the spices and stuff."
"Think so?" you hum, brushing an errant curl out of his eyes.
"Uh- huh," he said grinning as he looked back down, "Hey-"
"What Jaybird?"
"Shouldn't you put the corn over there?"
You look down at your plans and frown slightly, double-checking yourself and smile, "Good catch, dude."
Alfred looked down at your desk. There was a finished garden plan with little addendums in Jason's handwriting. Things he wanted added- or removed. The boy had HATED carrots and so those were conspicuously absent. But in their place were radishes and sweet potatoes.
The air outside was getting warmer- time for you to move your seedlings. But you hadn't been able to even think about it. Without your faithful assistant to help you this year- your heart just wasn't in it. On a good day, you could shamble along. Going through the motions. But this- this was not that day. And there hadn't been a good day all week.
So he gently rolled up your meticulously drawn map and tucked it under his arm. You didn't have the strength to do it- not right now. But he'd be damned if he was going to let you feel like you let Jason down later when the fog cleared and you could feel anything other than pain.
Jason would understand- All of Gotham would understand, if he was being honest. There would still be apples and honey and berries- But Jason loved helping you do this. The donations and the starting little community gardens in empty lots.
The community gardens would still be seen to, thanks to your small army of intrepid volunteers and school children. But your Garden- your little safe haven wouldn't. Not this year. Not unless someone gave you a hand. And so, he headed to the greenhouse. He couldn't stop the pain- but at least he could do this.
He stopped at the door of the greenhouse, listening to the voices inside. Arguing in hushed tones and smiled a little. Evidently, he wasn't the only one that noticed the change in temperature and missed the smell of soil being turned over.
"Gentlemen," Alfred said, smiling a little when they both, Dick and Bruce turned, looking guilty, "I believe this has everything on it that we need."
Alfred didn't miss the flash of pain in Bruce's eyes as he noted the handwriting. "Everything?" Dick asked skeptically.
"Between this and the tricks Miss Y/N's taught me- I think we can make a good go of it," Alfred said nodding, unrolling the plans carefully and pinning them to the table.
"At least until she can do it herself," Bruce said nodding.
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tothemeadow · 2 years
could you please do the Pillars raising a child? Thank you!
I can envision the chaos now… 💀
Pillars Raising a Child HCs
Know how this hoe got bit by a dog? The same thing happens with kids. Children plus Giyuu go as well together as orange juice and toothpaste. It’s not that he doesn’t like the kid, it’s just that… Well, the kid doesn’t like him. 0/10 he cries himself to sleep
Fucking banger with the kids. It’s canon that he’s good with them and takes care of them like the true dad he is!!! While he is incredibly intimidating, he’s also such a softie:( Children eventually warm up to him and seek out his company. 10/10 I wish he was my father
So, so good with kids that it’s not even funny. He’d be super protective of them, yet help them understand the hardships of life. While he wouldn’t take the child on a mission, Kyojuro would bring back snacks/souvenirs whenever he comes home 🥺 10/10 better dad than Shinjuro
Loves!!! Kids!!! And!!!! Babies!!! That being said, she’s most likely gonna be unintentionally harsh on the kid. And by that I mean instead of giving them soft/mushy foods, she’ll be prone to stuff an entire daikon radish in their mouth. Her heart’s in it, so that’s all that matters. 8/10 okay with kids but definitely a milf
Obanai can’t stand kids. They’re loud, they’re annoying, and he hates the sound of a child screaming. He might have some exceptions when dealing with a child, but I wouldn’t get your hopes up tbh. 2/10 prefers snake bbys
Incredible with kids but won’t admit it. However, he’s insanely hard on them. Sanemi can and will unintentionally/intentionally make literally any baby in a mile radius cry. He will distance himself away from the kid so they won’t get hurt. 5/10 really good but Gordan Ramsay status is too much
It might take her a bit to adjust at first, but Shinobu would be a fantastic caretaker/mother. She has mama bear blood running through her, but she can also be as sweet as sugar. She’d also pass on her knowledge of medicine, poisons, etc. Honestly, she’d love to teach a kid everything she knows. 9/10 medicinal milf
Horrible. Just… horrible. Punt the baby? Yeah. Carry it like a (American) football? Sure. Would use them as a negotiation tactic? Wouldn’t put it pass him. Tengen is a particular man with particular ways, and having a child around is not flamboyant. 0/10 he only gets an honorable dilf mention
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angelthebedsheet · 3 years
Can I request head cannons for hanako kun dating a black girl
a/n: oh yeah for sure we love that ghost mf in this house. i also know a certain friend of mine who likes him (you know who you are love ya mwah mwah)
this is gonna be all over the place AND have cursing. at this point dont expect me not to cuss all the time. if you dont like my aggression pay me for my silence. 100$ per word. this is gonna be long asf. also sorry for slipping off the face of the earth author’s block AND i forgot that i was a writing blog 😭😭 im stupid i know feel free to yell at me
contains slight spoilers
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okay so mr 4’9”, hanako kun, amane, bastard number 1
he LOVES you man
lil homie just loves everything about you
your hair, your skin, your height
(yall be blowin me in these hanako x readers that mf is 4’9 and i’m a whole 5’6 i’d tower over this bitch)
yall met thru kou (if you spot my favoritism mind your neck) since he’s attached to you
he introduced you to the whole gang acrually
mitsuba, nene, and hanako
Before the relationship
this mf was speechless
no like deadass
when kou pulled you in the bathroom (against your will) hanako had to do a double take
role the clip marty
“Kou Minamoto, I’ll dead beat your ass in this hallway right now. I could care less if Teru saw. I’m not letting you drag me into a bathroom let alone that dusty ass bathroom, after school. You realize my mama will be on my ASS?” You exclaimed as you tried to pull your wrist out of Kou’s grip. “Y/N-senpai, please! It’ll be quick! I’ll just vouch for you and tell your mom that we were pulled for cleaning duty! I just want you to meet my friends!” Kou whined as he continued to drag you down the hallway, ignoring the passing looks. “You think my mama gonna fall for that bullshit? She gonna sniff it out!” You continued as you just gave up. Kou knocked on the bathroom door. “That must be Kou-kun!” A soft voice exclaimed as it opened. “Nene-senpai!” Kou chirped, making you snort. He elbowed you in the side.
Yashiro looked up at you and her cheeks flushed immediately. “Y-You’re one of the second years! What are you doing here? I mean— I’m Yashiro Nene! I’m a first-year!” She exclaimed while stuttering. She repeatedly bowed. You snickered. “I’m Y/N L/N, nice to meet you Nene.” You said as Kou dragged you inside. Yashiro closed the door and cupped her cheeks quietly squealing. “Oi! Hanako-kun, I have someone for you to meet!” Kou called out as you absentmindedly fluffed out your puff and smoothed your uniform down. “Took you long enoug—” Hanako trailed off as he looked at you. His jaw lightly dropped. ‘Hanako-kun? That sounds familiar.’ You thought. You looked up and froze. You looked between Kou and Hanako. “I know you’re fuckin lying, you did not take me to meet Hanako, Minamoto. I’m taking my ass HOME. Fuck allat bs.” You said as you twirled on your heel to book it out the bathroom. “Senpai wait— STOPPPP!” He whined out as he went to chase you.
“Hanako-kun, you’re drooling,” Nene commented. Hanako quickly closed his mouth. “G-Get back to mopping the floor, radish ankles,” Hanako said before he got a wet towel thrown in his face.
as you can see, this mf was far gone as soon as he saw you
he wants you bro
he was SLOBBERING over you
as he should tbh im youre hot asf
eventually kou managed to drag you back even if your phone was at risk of being snatched
and so what if kou damn near dog walked you tryna take you back there
and another so what if you two almost squared up in this section of the school
hanako was STUTTERING man
“i- you- wow- i” bitch spit it out
nene was amused to say the least
if she tried to ignore you drilling into kou in the background
hanako was desperately tryna talk to you but with the amount of side eyes you gave him he was sure you’d find a way to beat his ass even if he was a capable fighter
but of course over time you warmed up to them and got pulled into their friend group
this was both a good thing and bad thing
the bad thing was the amount of times you had to lie to teru and run away from him
once again roll the clip marty but on that scooby doo shit mkay?
“I’m just saying, plain ass donuts don’t be hittin' the same as glazed ones.” You said, gently shaking the bag of plain donuts. Kou shook his head, arm hooked with yours, “All donuts are good donuts, Senpai.” He hummed out as he chewed on the bubblegum you reluctantly had given him earlier. “I just know his throat be dry as hell.” You joked. Kou giggled.
“And just where are you two going?” Teru’s voice asked just as they started to make their way up the stairs. They froze. “B-Big brother!” Kou squeaked out as he looked back at him. You turned around and winced at Teru’s stance. He stood at the bottom of the staircase with his arms crossed and eyebrow cocked. It was almost reminiscent of your mama waiting for you at home with a belt in her hands. All that was missing was the bonnet, robe, and house slippers.
“Heyyy mamas, you looking great today.” You said awkwardly. Teru only gave you a deadpanned expression. “Y/N, flattery will get you nowhere. Where are you two going? Why are you going upstairs? It’s dismissal time.” He said. “Damn, not even a thank you? I see how it is- ayo Teru, babe, that looks like someone’s tryna skip after classes.” You called out. Teru quickly looked back before you pulled Kou to run upstairs. Kou stumbled along as he followed. “There was no one ther- ARE YOU SERIOUS?” He yelled out before groaning. He went back to the club room. You and Kou breathlessly laughed as you both ran to the bathroom. You opened the door before getting pulled into a hug by Hanako.
“N/N! My favorite! Did you bring my donuts?” He asked, floating up to be eye to eye with you. He looked at you expectantly, arms still draped around you. You only sighed out a slight laugh before nodding. "Yeah, don't worry, Han. I got your dry ass donuts." You giggled. Hanako smiled, grabbing them before shoving one in his mouth. He sighed out happily as he ate them. You shook your head with a smile. "Hanako, ain't nobody gonna take them from you, relax. You smacking right now." You laughed out as you watched him go to town on the donuts. Kou held back a laugh as he noticed his cheeks flush. "Oh, shaddup." He mumbled as he floated off.
he's whipped for you man
im serious bro you make his day
the longer you're apart of their group the more you're pulled into their shenanigans
you didn't want to admit it because the thought was honestly ridiculous to you
the thought?
you were starting to gain a crush on him, a whole ghost
you were completely human and he was dead
you didn't really think it'd work out
but all it took for hanako to confess to you was the last time you damn near died
cliche i know i know but i genuinely think it would take a fat fucking minute for him to actually make an effort to ask you out or proclaim his love for you
so when you took a hit for nene, it fucked him up
you were one of the first humans he liked and fell for
sure he started to feel something for nene but then he realized the love her had for her was just platonic and couldn't compare to you
it was like he went blackout angry and quickly disposed on whatever enemy that had injured you
marty bestie you know what to do
Swinging his knife, Hanako let out a yell of anger. He was fuming. How dare they even fucking touch you? How dare they spill your pure blood over the floor? His body went on autopilot as you fell to your knees, holding your stomach. The screams of Nene and Kou blurred out as he swang faster, and faster, and faster. He was determined to fuck up this damned pest. Beheading it, he ran back. Kou and Nene were crouching above you crying as they applied pressure to your abdomen. "Y/N-senpai, please! Keep your eyes open!" Nene bawled out as she pressed onto the wound. There was a bit of blood on her dress as some of it dripped down into the water domain's floor. Hanako felt sick as your blood mixed with the water. He slid on his knees. "Hey! N/N, love, c'mon! Look! I... I defeated it!" Hanako said, panicked as he cupped your cheek. You groaned as your eyes started to flutter close. You couldn't give in to the constant requests and protests of Kou and Nene begging you to stay awake. Hanako's face dropped as tears started to roll down his cheeks.
Humans were so fragile. Easy to break. Easy to manipulate. Easy to lose.
Hanako went silent as he gestured at Kou and Nene to back up. They looked up at Hanako as he swiftly scooped you up in his arms. "Let's go. Now." He gritted out as he started to run off towards the dawning stairs. Kou pulled Nene up and ran after him. For someone so short, he was definitely speedy as he bolted up the stairs holding your body. Normally, the sight of someone his size holding someone as tall as you would make them laugh, but right now, they could care less. All they wanted was for you to survive. They ignored as the domain started to crumble behind them, stairs falling just a couple seconds after they ascend them. It was a matter of life or death.
as soon as the gang busted up in tsuchigomori's office hanako was not having SHIT
tsuchigomori kicked them all out despite their protests to stay
hanako paced back and forth waiting for something
anything or a hint of if you were okay
soon hot spider teacher came out and only let hanako in
hanako rushed in and sat on a chair next to your bed, grabbing your hand
homeboy was worried
literally scared for you
but with how peaceful you looked he felt reassured
that moment really gave him time to realize that he was head over heels in love with you
though he would never really say that he would tell you in some way
so when you woke up, he told you right there
During the relationship
once yall are dating its lwk annoying
he switches between following you and nene around the school
swear he will float next to you and tell you so many stupid things while in class
“if i use a donut to purpose would the donut count as an actual ring or would i still need to find one”
“im doing fucking algebra, han. get the fuck out.”
“how rude!”
he will play with your curls
with consent of course
but if you let him and you have your afro out its game over
you are gonna go through that how class period with different hairstyles
some of them are lwk fire
like he really gave you two puffs and they looked decent
other times he’ll make your hair stand up in some stupid ass way
he just really loves your hair
its so curly and pretty, much different from some of the girls in school
its like giving a baby a fidget toy he’s literally amazed by how your curls bounce
you are NOT allowed to go to the cafeteria during lunch.
he will drag your ass up to the rooftop and curl up next to you like a cat while you eat
sometimes he’ll trace shapes on your skin absentmindedly
you become his comfort person dude like whenever something goes wrong with him you are his go to
its not like a toxic you arent allowed to go anywhere without me but more of a please lmk where you’re going
tsukasa??? yeah no hanako aint letting him meet you but tsukasa do what tsukasa does
eventually you meet the little shit and boy he’s all over you
as he’s latched onto you like a monkey
hanako’s y/n meter goes off like hmmm something dont feel right
and literally pries tsukasa off of you and holds you like a mother holding her child
now you got two of them trying to get your attention
but that also means you and nene are his new targets
good luck charlie 🤞🏽😋
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bokettochild · 3 years
Request: Fairy Hyrule, Minish Four and Bunny Legend cuddlefic? Mostly because I love the idea of hugging a bunny ten times your size. THINK OF THE (literal) FLUFF AND SOFTNESS
So... I got a bit caught up in the WHY of them all being Small, and... this happened.
It all got deleted halfway through and I had to rewrite it from memory, but it turned out okay (although I don't like the flow as much this time through), bt it's... a bit long. This baby was ten pages, and it took forever to get to the cuddling bit- sorry about that.
Anyways, Anon, here is your (long overdue) Tiny fic (it ain't tiny).
The others are laughing and it’s making him mad. Usually, he’s just smack them over the head (a much good as it would do, curse his weak arms) but usually he can reach that high.
Right now, he can’t.
Because right now, he’s a freaking rabbit
He’s a little pink rabbit sitting in the middle of a circle of heroes who are all laughing at him, and more than anything he wants to hop his freaking furry tail over to Warrior’s horrid choice of footwear and bite the shit out of the captain’s ankles; he deserves it (the rancher does to).
“How did this happen?” Hyrule wheezes out, and even though he wants to be, Legend finds that he can’t be mad at the healer, not when the kid’s face is flushed with laughter, his smile bright and carefree, golden gaze watery under the force of his bell-like laughter as it pricks at Legend’s sensitive ears.
“I don’t know!” Twilight wheezes from where he’s leaning against Time, hearty chuckles exploring from him unabashedly as he looks down at Legend. “We were scouting around the camp and when I turned around,” He gestures weakly to the veteran, tears pricking the corners of his eyes. “Rabbit!”
Legend scowls. He doesn’t even know what happened. One minute he was walking and the next he was tumbling head over paws on the pathway. He’d refused to let Twilight carry him back to camp (if only to try and maintain whatever dignity he had left) and had waited hopefully for Twilight to retrieve the Master Sword for him, only for Warriors to stumble upon him with the darkest expression he’s ever seen on the captain’s face.
Warriors’ expression at seeing a rabbit might very well haunt Legend’s dreams for ages to come, and had prompted a squeak of fear from him that had sent Sky darting up from his seat. “Legend!” The Chosen Hero had shouted, concern in his sky-blue eyes as he had skidded to his knees at Legend’s side, cautious hands scooping him up and inspecting him for injuries in the brief moment where he was too shocked to protest. Of course, he wouldn’t stand it for long, and after pawing at Sky’s fingers with angry huffs and squeaks that he was going to hope the others would forget about, he had been released back onto the ground.
Which landed them where they were now, surrounded by cackling heroes as they stared down at the fluffy pink ball of fur that was their salty veteran.
“Wow vet, I’d’ve never guessed, a rabbit?” Warriors wheezes, eyes full of mirth. “No wonder we don’t get along!”
He rolls his eyes and growls as best as he can as a rabbit (not like he can growl anyway, but he tries none-the-less). “Just hand over the Master Sword so we can get this shit over with.” He squeaks, ignoring how his growls sound more like honks and chitters than anything threatening.
Sky looks at him oddly, as do several of the others, none of them (save Twi and Sky) apparently expecting him to be able to speak in this form, but the Chosen Hero obliges regardless, reaching back for the Master Sword and carefully settling it within Legend’s reach.
The cool cross-guard is comfortable under his paws, even if it is too big, and he sighs in relief as the power of the blade flows over him. In a moment, his form will disappear into the light and reappear, whole and Hylian, and fully capable of kicking some rancher ass.
Just a moment....
A second more...
He blinks his eyes open, violet flitting across the blade in mounting concern as he takes in the fluffy pink paws that are where his hands should be. Why isn’t it working? Why is he still a helpless rabbit?
“That’s weird.” Twilight and Sky both murmur, exchanging a worried glance as the Skyloftian retrieves the blade. He lunges after it though, not giving Sky a chance to inspect the blade and instead startling him with the weight of a rabbit in his lap as pink paws reach up to grasp the sword hilt again.
“Fi, explain.”
The sword spirit’s voice rings clear and cool in his head as Sky lowers the blade further, better into his reach. He hardly processes the motion, so focused on the words, which is perhaps why he doesn't question the stabilizing hand that lowers onto his back.
“Young Master,” Fi chimes softly in his mind. “The forces which have transformed you are not dark in nature. There is a 76% chance that they are in fact, of nature themselves. As such, my blade is unable to undo the curse. You will likely have to wait until this curse runs its course.”
“How long.” He grates out, nose shivering in irritation as his ears flick back, brushing gently against the Skyloftian's fingers and making Sky gasp softly.
“Processing....There is a 49% percent chance that this curse will fade and return you to your Hylian form in approximately three days' time, and there is a 27% percent chance that it will take a week for said change to occur. Additionally, there is a 15% percent chance that the curse will not fade, and a 9% chance that this curse will make you explode.”
A strangled screech escapes him and he doesn’t even realize his paws have released the sacred blade until they are grasping at his ears, tugging with all of the pent-up emotion inside of his body as he processes the words. Never mind the exploding bit, he might not turn back? There’s only a fifty-fifty chance that he’ll turn back in the next few days?
Sky’s long fingers drag through his fur gently, rubbing soothing circles over his back. “What did she say?”
“Three days!” He tugs his ears again. “Three days of being utterly useless and helpless, and it’s not even certain that I’ll turn back! I could be stuck like this forever! I could explode!”
“Exploding doesn’t seem likely-” Twilight attempts to calm him, but it only makes him tug his ears harder.
“Fi said it might happen!” He shouts back, high pitched and squeaky, and hating every second of it. He buries his face in the fabric beneath him, his rabbit heart pounding with panic and cold dread washing over him as the words continue to spew from his mouth. “And if Fi said it could happen than it might! And we were about to go into battle too! What’ll happen if someone gets hurt? I can’t help anyone and there's absolutely nothing that stupid bunny could do and-”
Someone’s scratching his ears.
Long fingers rubbing just right between them and Legend is helpless to tell them to stop because he’s too busy melting into a puddle in Sky’s lap at the sensation. All thoughts flee as he lets Sky’s hands drive away all worries. Should he be worried that he’s rendered speechless and vulnerable by something so simple? Probably, but Sky seems to know just how to place his hands and Legend can only hum in appreciation at the feeling, a squeaky purr escaping him as he leans into the sensation as Sky hums something soft and soothing under his breath. The vibrations carry down his fingers and tingle down Legend’s spine, calming him further.
“Cute.” Twilight's voice breaks him from his thoughts, and he’s pulling back from Sky’s hands and glaring up at the rancher with all the fury he can fit in his now tiny body.
“He’s not wrong, Kit.” Time chuckles soft and low, and Legend whips his head around to stare at the man.
“Oh no, you are not giving me a nickname!”
“Yeah Time,” Sky’s voice is low and mirthful as he speaks, hand once more settling on Legend’s back as he lifts an arm to block the vet from launching himself at their leader. “He’s my descendant, if anyone should be giving him a nickname it’s me.”
“How about Nibbles?” The sailor grins, leering into Legend’s space with enough mischief in his gaze to kill a Lynel. “I mean, the vet is always chewing us out.”
He forgets for a moment that his growls sound more like chirps in this form, baring his teeth at the sailor as he attempts to frighten him off. It doesn’t work, rabbits aren’t made to scare off bigger animals “So help me sailor I-”
Large hands scoop him off the ground and suddenly he’s being cradled in Sky’s arms. Like a baby. The indignity! “Calm down, Bun, he’s just kidding.” Sky’s crystal eyes glimmer with genuine concern as he looks down at Legend. “And we’ll find a way to change you back, I promise. The goddesses wouldn’t have let you change like this if it was for the worse. You’ll see,” Sky bops his nose with a smile entirely too pure. “It’ll be fine.”
Legend would like to argue that point, the goddesses have never shown any particular interest in what’s best for him before, and most of them seem to find humor in ruining his life time and again (except the Golden Trio, they’re alright he guesses, especially Din), but Sky looks so certain and Legend’s honestly too tired to start a big fight about Hylia again. (Heaven knows the last time he made Sky mad he nearly shat himself at how terrifyingly defensive Sky could get about those he loved). It doesn’t matter anyway, he supposes, as Sky’s already standing and making is way back to their main camp, gait just smooth enough not to jostle his reluctant passenger as Legend slumps in place.
He might as well let this happen, at least until he can figure out how to fix it.
It’s official.
Legend hates being a bunny.
They’ve settled down for dinner and as if to mock him and all that he loves, Wild has been struck with the inspiration to make his absolutely heavenly radish stew. The one that Legend would literally sell some of his rings for because it is that good.
And he can’t eat it.
He tried, and that attempt resulted in both himself and Sky covered in broth, the thick liquid clinging to his fur now as he sits on the ground with some raw fruits and vegetables instead. He doesn’t know that he’ll ever be able to eat it again without being forced to remember nearly drowning in the stuff.
He feels like a baby and he hates it.
He’s soaked himself and his ancestor and food and Warriors still isn’t done tittering about it.
He really hates being a bunny.
The others have nearly stepped on him numerous times, simply because they aren’t used to having to watch underfoot, so every time someone walks over to Wild to get seconds (why did the Champion sit next to him and Sky in the first place?) he has to back-peddle onto his haunches to avoid being crushed under heavy boots and even heavier feet.
Add to that that Wild and Wind both subconsciously reach out to pet his bedraggled fur every few minutes and he’s absolutely fed up with this shit!
At least the Champion was willing to lend him something to dry his fur off with, and even if he hates it, the spare brush Warriors has on hand does a decent job of detangling his fluffy hide. If he melts a little in Twilight’s lap as the rancher goes over him with the brush than no one says anything (although both Sky and Time have infuriating matching smiles on their faces).
But then it’s bedtime and Time is sorting through his things to try and make sure that no one person will have to carry all his stuff, and he’s reminded once again how utterly useless he is in this form. It only makes things worse that he knows that the others will be burdened with his bags, and considering his top speed at the moment can only be held for short sprints, he’s pretty sure the Old Man is going to have someone carry him too.
The very idea makes him puff out his fur in irritation.
At the very least though, he doesn’t have to worry much about how he’s going to handle the cold nights, Sky’s already taken his beloved sailcloth and bundled it into a little nest, and the minute Twilight is done with his fur the Chosen Hero is scooping him up and laying him in it (absently, he wonders if Sky might have a stronger paternal instinct than Time and if his own small form is triggering that). The fabric is warm though, and it’s nice. If Sky curls up around him in the middle of the night though, well, he supposes there’s not really much he can do about that.
Sky does curl around him and he’s trapped.
The Skyloftian may look soft and cuddly, but he’s got an iron grip when he’s asleep, and it’s only by the pure squishability of his current form that he’s able to escape (Sky will be disappointed when he wakes up, he knows, but even so, Legend doesn’t intend on staying a rabbit, not for a whole week, especially when there’s monsters out there.
Perhaps the thought of said monsters should dissuade him, but it doesn’t. He knows now what triggered this change, and he’s determined to hunt it down and trick it into changing him back, he just needs to escape his babysitters for a hot tic in order to do so.
It’s a lucky thing that Four and Warriors are both so drowsy that the feather light step of a rabbit doesn’t catch their attention as the two sit on watch, and Legend’s able to creep over to his bag (positioned with Twilight’s things) and dig through it until he finds what he needs.
You can’t go making deals with the fae unless you have something of value, or those tricksters will rob you blind and steal your first born. Not that Legend ever intends on having kids, but on the off chance that he ever did he’d rather they didn’t have a shitty life because he made an error in dealing with a forest sprite.
Come to think of it, how powerful are the forest people of this time?
Warriors looks seconds away from walking up to Sky’s sleeping form and throwing Legend as far as he can into the distance, and it’s making Four nervous.
Rationally, they know that Warriors wouldn’t consciously do such a thing, but they also know how much Warriors hates rabbits in general, and that the captain’s initial instinct at seeing them is to toss them away from himself as far as possible (never mind how rare a real rabbit is, Warriors’ time is apparently full of them and Warriors hates them). They’ve heard the story, how the captain was made to hunt rabbits down across his world and return them to their homes, the fact that he did so by throwing them is a bit concerning considering the delicate bone structure of the animals, but it’s not Wars’ fault that he doesn’t know that.
All the same, Four would feel a bit more secure if they knew that Wars wouldn’t be doing such a thing.  (Rationally, they know he won’t, but rationality is only so much of the equation).
“I’m gonna check on the vet.” They murmur softly to their companion. Somethings not right and they hope it’s just Warriors’ previous retellings of his own rabbit-escapades eating at them and not something else. “Sky’s got a grip like a vice when he sleeps and I don’t want him getting crushed.”
Never mind that being small sucks when it’s this cold out. Four desperately hopes that it won’t rain tonight (although the air tastes right for it).
“Rabbits are tough little things,” The captain chuckles. “I’m sure he’s okay.”
Vio wrenches control from the others, gaze flat as he stares out at Wars. “You do know most rabbits can’t survive being thrown, right? They’re not like cats, if they land wrong their done for.”
The captain pales slightly but doesn’t say anything, and they take that as their cue to stand and make their way over to where Sky and the vet had bedded down for the night. Sure enough, Sky is curled up around the sailcloth nest he made for Legend like a child curled around their favorite stuffed animal (or Red with any of the rest of them), but at the very least it doesn’t look as if Legend would have been smashed, just caged. They wince, the vet doesn’t sleep well on a good night, but waking up to being trapped? That is...not good. There’s a reason they never force him to join everyone else when Red takes over and calls for a cuddle pile; everyone knows that the most Legend will stand is letting Hyrule hold his hand while he sleeps, and even then, the vet will still pull away when he finally does fall asleep.
Sky shifts (he’s a heavy sleeper, but all the same he moves a lot), arms wrapping tighter around the bundle in his arms. Tight enough that the sailcloth gives way. Sky’s face screws up in his sleep, wrapping even tighter around the bundle as if seeking out some form of resistance.
Four panics. Bunnies are delicate creatures and Sky is strong, did he just crush Legend?
Only, looking closer, Vio points out that there isn’t even a hint of pink amidst the fabric, and when Four dares reach out to test the bundle himself, they find that there is nothing within its folds.
“Four?” Warriors’ voice is tinged with concern as Four stand back up from his crouch, brows pinched together as he scans over the camp. “Is something wrong?”
“Legend’s missing.”
The captain’s brows shoot up, but thankfully he doesn’t bother with questioning them, instead hoisting himself to his feet and making his way around the camp, an ever-growing frown marring his features as he looks around. “Did he choose to sleep with Hyrule instead?” It’s a soft murmur, likely only spoken aloud because Wars is too tired to stop it before it reaches his mouth, but Four’s eyes flick over to where the Traveler sleeps regardless.
“I don’t think so.”
“Look,” Warriors groans softly, not loud enough to wake the others, stopping at Twilight’s bedroll and motioning to the bags stacked near the rancher's pillow. “His bag is open.”
“You don’t think he climbed inside of it, do you? We’d never find him!”
The captain gives him a look, blinking once before shaking his head. “No! But he was clearly trying to get at something.” Royal blue eyes turn to stare out at the forest. “What are the chances he went back out there, alone?”
Four hesitates, fingers drumming on his thigh as the colors swarm in his mind. “I don’t know, but I should probably check.”
“We need to watch camp.” The older hero frowns.
“You watch camp, I’ll go out there.”
“You can’t go alone, Four, it’s not safe.” Wars reminds him, concern glinting in his gaze as he turns back to the smithy.
“Fine.” Blue’s the only reason they roll their eyes, they swear. “I’ll take Hyrule. If the vet’s fallen down a hole or something then we can take care of it immediately.”
A smile breaks out across Warriors’ face, even if it is slightly strained. “Funny how that’s even a risk now.”
“Don’t I know it.” Besides, at least Hyrule seems to have a second sense for these sorts of things. Like Sky and Twilight, he has a knack for tracking down the others, especially if he needs to find Time for whatever reason. Four’s seen it themselves, it’s uncanny, but incredibly useful, so they’ve never really questioned it (Vio has, Vio has questioned it enough to give them a head-ache).
It’s the work of a minute to shake the traveler awake, as he’s one of the lightest sleepers of them all, and it takes even less time for them to be off, the simple words “Legend’s gone” being enough to send the traveler springing up and following closely after Four, one hand on his sword as the two of them make their way back into the depths of the forest.
Legend should know better than to try and make a deal with the fae.
Hyrule can recognize the look of a fairy about to claim her prize in an instant, and it appears Legend is about as clueless as a bunny can be about the loophole that he must have left open in whatever twisted deal the two have concocted. Anger burns in his blood as a whisper-hisses through his teeth, a few words all it takes before he’s zipping between the two of them, wings beating furiously as all six of his eyes stare into those of the other with nothing short of pure fury.
“Mine!” He hisses, darting forwards in a fake charge at the other, wings whirring angrily as his eyes stare at them “Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine!” His voice contorts and buzzes, his aura flickering brighter and sharper as he zooms down to hover over Legend’s ears. “MINE.”
“What is your claim?”  The other chimes smugly. “What promise or service marks him as yours? Where is the Mark that makes a mortal the charge of a fae, hmm? Show it to me and I will release him to your care.” Glistening teeth glimmer as multiple eyes glisten with malice, jealousy over a potential catch making the fairy’s gaze spark dangerously. “Else ways, leave us be, our deal is near set and you have no business to interrupt it.”
“His true form,” He hisses. “There is my Mark on his hand. The Triangle, my symbol.” He hisses through bared teeth, every eye slitted and glimmering with fury. He can’t lie, not even if he tried, but he’s fae and they’re more skilled than anyone at finding tricks to get around things. The triforce is his symbol, something he’s recognizable by in his world, but it’s not only on his hand, the others bear the same mark and even if it isn’t Fae in origin, it's from the Scared Realm and none can deny that it sets them apart. Anyways, the Fae know mortals by their markings, this should be enough of a claim to make her renounce her dealings with Legend.
No fae dares mess with the Charge of another.
“What is your proof? Can you show me?” She taunts.
“My power isn’t that strong.” He hisses. “You do it and then you’ll see!”
“And give him what he asks without receiving my due? Oh no little Half-Blood.” She glares at him. “Give me Good Reason or leave alone.”
“He is goddess born.” He hisses out finally, grasping at straws. Mother only taught him so much of Fae law, but surely there’s something against touching those blessed by the heavens, right? “Hylia’s child descended. To touch him or any other of Mine is to plead wrath from the Scared Realm.” A sly smile slides over pointed teeth. “Would you wish that on Yours?”
She pales. “Mark your own in all forms, Halfling. This would not happen if you did.” It’s all she cares to say though, zipping away without another word.
“Do I want to know what I just avoided?” Legend’s voice croaks up at him, faint and pitchy all the same as he looks up to the fairy above him.
“I don’t know. But never, and I mean NEVER, make deals with fae again. Not even me! You can’t break promises or be too careful, you never know what they’ll do.” Two of his eyes glance over his shoulder to ensure that the other Fae is gone for good.
“I was trying to be careful.” Legend huffs, his breath sending Hyrule higher over his head for a moment before the fairy regains his balance. “They’re clever little-” He cuts off, violet eyes narrowing and bunny nose shivering as he looks up at Hyrule again. “You’re a fairy.”
His aura dims slightly, wings drooping ever so slightly as he looks down at his mentor. “Yes.”
Legend stares, violet piercing and sharp. Hyrule has never noticed the hint of gold that bands his irises, nor the flecks of blue that glisten under the effects of a fairy’s glow, and it only makes the Veteran’s stare all the more intense.
“Huh.” The bunny huffs softly. “That’s pretty neat, ‘Rulie.” There's no anger, no accusation in his tone, and when Hyrule brings his gaze up to meet that of his mentor again, all he sees is fondness and intrigue. “Is this new? An item? Were you- no,” Legend’s ears prick forwards, his interest obvious as he leans forward. (Hyrule wonders if the vet realizes that he's smelling him.) “You speak like They do. This isn’t new.”
It’s not a question.
“I’m, uh, half fairy.”
Legend nods slowly. “And you didn’t think to tell anyone?” At the dimming of Hyrule’s glow the vet pulls away, eyes flashing with panic for a moment. “I don’t mean that as a bad thing, ‘Rule, just-” He cocks his head long ears flopping to one side sloppily. “It’s not something I’d think you’d want to hide. Seems pretty useful to me.”
And by useful, Hyrule knows Legend means cool.
“I told Four.” He nods to the Hylian standing over them. The smithy’s eyes flicker various colors, his lips pulling aside into a slight smile as he crouches to be closer to their height.
“Now I’m taller than both of you.” Four chuckles softly, crimson tinged gaze sweeping over the two of them.
“Don’t get smart.” Legend huffs. “This is a curse, not my true form, you’d be tiny too if you were cursed into an animal form. Probably smaller than me!”
There’s a knowing look in the smithy’s gaze, but he holds his silence, smile still present as he carefully looks over the both of them. “Well, if neither of you were harmed in that little exchange, we should get back to camp. Wars will be in a huff if we don’t back with you soon.”
Legend huffs his own huff, but doesn’t object, gathering up the glimmering item he had brought as a toll (Hyrule thinks it might be a precious stone of some sort) and slowly hopping after the Smithy as he turns back towards camp.
They’d have made it to camp rather quickly too, if the sky hadn’t chosen that moment to weep out it’s sorrow with the world and the evils within. Great sheets of rain, the likes of which they usually only expect from the Champion’s Hyrule, flood down over them, and Hyrule thanks all things Holy that Legend is there to break his fall as the water soaks his wings and sends him careening towards the earth. Four yelps in surprise, hands fumbling for his hood as he tried to fend off some of the wet (it does little good, they’ll be soaked in seconds in this downpour.
“In here!” Legend squeaks, the rabbit hero already darting into the nearest hollow he can see that isn’t clearly inhabited. It’s a tight squeeze, and Hyrule nearly knocks his head on the bark of the opening, but Legend gets the both of them under, and despite the mushrooms that seem to fill the space with a soft light, it’s a comfortable fit for the two of them. The ground beneath is laid with moss, purposefully it would seem, and Hyrule lets himself side down into it with an appreciative hum.
“What about Four?” He murmurs softly, looking out of the crevice through which they entered. It’s still pouring buckets, and unlike them, the smithy has no dry place to hide (heavens knows the camp will be soaked. He feels terrible for the others).
“What about me?”
Violet and gold turn upwards as twin gasps escape the two. Four, in all of his minish glory, waves back at them from where he’s perched on top of one of the mushrooms. “Minish portal.” He smiles cheerily (but Hyrule can Taste the nervousness rolling off of him).
“Wait, both of you get small?” Legend’s ears stand up straight, brushing the roof of their shelter. “Smaller?” He corrects himself.
Four rolls his eyes. “It was get soaked or get small. I don’t fancy catching a cold, so I chose small.” He wrinkles his nose (it will never stop being cute), hopping down from the mushroom and free falling into the dampened fur of his rabbit-companion. “Now shut up and let me warm up, you’re bigger than I am and since you left me out there to soak I think I can get away with using you to warm up.”
Hyrule’s laughter rings soft and sweet through the hollow, Legend’s vaguely offended expression only adding fuel to the fire as he flits closer. “The vet doesn’t really mind cuddles, do you Ledge? Besides,” He lets his wings fall still, embracing the warmth of Legend’s soft fur as he lands in it lightly. “We just saved his ass.”
Legend turns his head to stare at the two of them, but even in rabbit form his lips twitch with amusement as he shoves him nose into Four’s personal space, making the minish-hero tumble down into the moss with a faint yelp. “You’re soaking.”
The smith grins back, plunging right back into the warm pink fur. “That wasn’t a refusal.”
“One time.” Legend huffs, ears flicking briefly. “One time only, smithy. Enjoy it while you can.”
“Trust me,” Four sighs, plonking down against the vet and leaning into the plush fur around him. “I will.”
It takes mere seconds before Four has drifted off, and Hyrule is reminded that the smith was keeping watch for most of the night before they had gone out looking for Legend. Guilt, sickly-sweet, yet bitter, taints his tongue as Legend stares down at the tiny form curled against him. Hyrule sighs. “I guess he was more tired than I thought.”
Legend only huffs, ears flicking back and nose shivering as he noses the smithy’s sleeping from. Four’s dropped off like a stone, completely dead to the world as Legend curls around him (not dissimilar to how Sky had curled around him earlier that night), easing the gentle shivers of the smith, who noses deeper into Legend’s pelt. Tiny paws coming up to catch hold of pink fur as Four curls up, feather-like tail brushing against the top of his tiny nose, moved only by tiny snores that make Legend’s ears twitch and Hyrule giggle softly.
“The rains still pouring down.” Legend hums, gruff as he can be in his current state, but Hyrule knows it’s all an act. “You might as well get some sleep too, ‘Rulie.”.
And while any other time Hyrule may have argued, Legend lifts his head to offer the space next to Four, and if Legend is offering cuddles, especially with his silky soft fur as a barrier against the cold, Hyrule knows he can’t resist it.
Four’s paw catches hold of him the instant he settles next to the smithy, and before he knows it the two of them are both bundled up in each other while Legend curls himself around them, breath soft and soothing as his heart pit-patters away inside of him.
That’s how they wake the next morning.
Wolfie’s nose shoved against the crack in the bark is what pulls them back from the land of dreams, and the soft snuffling bark followed by Time’s voice is what gets them up on their feet. It’s an awkward thing, emerging into the light again to find five heroes and a wolf staring down at them in a mixture of confusion and concern, but nobody seems to be able to bring themselves to scold when Four sneezes.
“We got caught in the storm.” Legend huffs when he sees the soft expression on Time’s face.
Wolfie huffs, and, much to the surprise of the currently shrunken heroes, they can hear the laugh in it. “Of course you did.”
Hyrule’s mouth drops open, all six eyes bugging out in shock as he turns to Four. The fairy’s whisper is high and shocked, but too sharp a noise for Hylian ears, although Legend, Wolfie and Four can all hear him quite clearly. “Wolfie is Twilight!”
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weirdmarioenemies · 3 years
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Name: Dadish
Debut: Dadish
Hello and welcome to today’s Farm-Fresh Friday! Today we will be talking about a dad who is also a radish! His name is Dadish, and that had already been established twice in this post already, but that’s okay, now it is more ingrained in your memory.
I am not entirely sure what the direction of this post will be like! I love Dadish a lot and want to talk about him, but also feel like the post will end up being a lot about the games as a whole, but also ALSO, that is fine too, and it is always good to spread word about small developers, so here I go!
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As a dad and a radish, Dadish is the dad to a bunch of baby radishes! A lot of them! Like, 47, I think. The exact number may vary between games, but what’s important is that there are a lot of them. He doesn’t seem to know exactly how or why they were born, but he loves them, and they are mischievous little rascals.
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When they get distracted by a balloon while their father naps, they run away from home and into various incredibly dangerous platforming levels miraculously unharmed, as children tend to do. And as a result, Dadish must travel across the lands and risk his life until every last one is safely back home. And he does!
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And then they do it again! In Dadish 2, the kids decide that is it now Bring Your Kids To Work Day, which it is not. And they bring themselves to work! And Dadish must, once again, risk his life to save them all, scattered all over the world, some in space. They are not very good at Bring Your Kids To Work Day.
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Dadish gets quite fed up with the antics of his children over his adventures, but I cannot stress enough how much he loves them! He is upset with them, but it is because they are putting him and themselves in incredible danger! He reminds me a lot of Bob Belcher, and that is my headcanon voice for him.
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However, his children are not the only characters Dadish encounters! For example, there is Possum! Possum loves to screech at radishes, and this disturbed Dadish when they first met, but they are friends now. Because that’s just the kind of guy Dadish is!
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Dadish will even politely greet every boss he encounters, regardless of their murderous intent, and only ever fights out of self-defense. Here he is complimenting the name of and introducing himself to a hamburger who wants to kill him! Dadish then defeats him, but he gets better. They even become friends later too! 
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A big weird happy family!
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I also want to mention, what a design for a platforming protagonist this is! Literally a radish with a face! Not even any limbs, he just hops along on his root just fine. It really makes me feel like there’s no limit to what kind of funny little guy you can play as in a game! We’ve always known you could platform as an orb with feet or a rolling ball, but now we know you can do so as a root vegetable too.
So basically, what I am getting at is, Dadish is a delightful fellow, and his games are delightful as well! If you like platforming and silly characters and funny dialogue, you will like Dadish. And both games are free on mobile (and frequently go on sale on Switch and Steam) so there is really no reason not to try if you are interested! If you do decide to try, have fun! I hope you like this radish dad as much as I do.
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ezdotjpg · 3 years
Staying overnight at the hospital so i got a lot of time to sit around... So you mind if I kinda just, ask a few?
But also, must know: Do the links have any favorite foods?
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Okay unfortunately I can't do one for everyone at the moment or it'll take 1000 years but. here I go (Also tripletreebirb I hope you're alright, wishing you the best and here is a very long post to keep u company lol. Ask as many as you'd like!)
Favorite food: this is the easy answer but PUMPKIN SOUUP. I have literally no idea what else they eat on Skyloft. can they grow wheat? do they even have bread? slate gives him a loaf of wheat bread with butter on it once and he is near tears over it
Idea of a good time: doing highly dangerous stunts with his Loftwing. Not dangerous for the Loftwing, strictly just to him. Also minecarts. He fucking loves minecarts, the more rickety and broken the better
Favorite things in general: uhhh soft blankets. woodcarving. being unconscious. the way your stomach swoops when you fall from a great height safe in the knowledge you'll be caught. having his hair pet. making people cute beaded friendship bracelets. the mushrooms in faron. playing the harp even tho he SUCKS at it
Favorite food: I want to say it is some sort of Kokiri dish that he remembers fondly and can't recreate bc you just can't find the right ingredients outside the forest. some sort of. nut and berry cake idk. He and Malon try and it never turns out right. other than that he really likes hot chocolate. I'm just going to assume there is chocolate in hyrule and u can use lon lon milk to make fukcing banger hot chocolate. that's not a food but u get me
Idea of a good time: Just like. chilling out with the cows in the pasture on a really nice day and playing music while Malon sings
Favorite things in general: doing anything with Malon. watching fairies get excited about the sugar water he puts out for them. FISHING. Climbing in really tall trees and just hanging out there. blowing stuff up with bombchus. solving problems for people. playing games with the kids in town. FROG CHOIR.
Favorite Food: Listen. Listen. I exclusively feed Link hearty ingredients when I play BOTW bc I am a coward who cannot rest peacefully without at least 10 extra hearts. My botw link is an absolute freak about radishes and durians. That being said. I like the idea of him really liking curry and extremely spicy food so. That too :-)
Idea of a good time: Just, climbing to the absolute highest peaks possible. And then shield surfing down them if feasible. Sometimes even if not feasible. Yes I do spend 90% of my time just rockclimbing to nowhere when I play botw these days.
Favorite things in general: SAND SEAL RACING. Similar to mask, hanging out in really tall trees. Catching bugs. Getting close enough to wild animals they let him pet them. sleeping outside and waking up at dawn to the morning dew and cool air. Visiting Terrytown. Listening to Zelda talk about stuff she loves. Haggling with merchants. Solving Korok puzzles. Fishing, but wrong lol. Gemstones and pretty earrings. Foraging in general. Sleeping in the bed the koroks made for him.
Favorite Food: Probably just like. Good old fashioned bread and goat cheese and jam. Look, it's simple but it slaps okay. Also, like, raw meat, lately.
Idea of a good time: Hmm, idk, sitting somewhere warm and cozy and reading by firelight. Or running around in the forest as a wolf
Favorite things in general: Riding Epona. Sleeping curled up in a little loaf as a wolf. Making Midna laugh, when he could still do that. Wrestling. Playing with the kids in Ordon. Giving each and every goat on the ranch increasingly ridiculous names. In that vein, having conversations with the goats like they're people, even when he's a human and can't hear them talk. Holding Uli's new baby. Singing.
Favorite food: Okay, hear me out here, I have nothing to back this up except that I want this to be true: he has a massive sweet tooth. Just absolutely loves sweets of all kinds. Pretends that he doesn't. Would die the second anyone could tell. (Slate, who has a 6th sense about these things, slips him honey candy)
Idea of a good time: taking a really long warm bath and then getting very drunk by himself and not having anyone bother him
Favorite things in general: wrecking shit with his firerod. perfume, lotions, hair products. Freshly laundered clothes. Embroidery. Dancing. Parties where he doesn't have to play the role of the hero. Cuccos, much to everyone's horror.
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gardenerian · 3 years
terrible jokes that ian gallagher is absolutely pleased to use to embarrass his future children and delight his husband:
i love you from my head tomatoes
peas and thank you obviously makes a comeback, with the addition of we need a little peas and quiet
what do you call a tomato with a trumpet? a tooty fruity.
what did the daddy tomato say to the baby tomato? ketchup!
what’s small, red and whispers? a hoarse radish.
what did the watermelon say to the cantaloupe? you’re one in a melon 🥰
hey mickey, if you were a fruit, you’d be a fine-apple
and when said children roll their eyes and mickey snorts, he says “okay okay i’m done, please romaine calm”
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jinkicake · 4 years
Aizawa, Midoriya, Hawks With A Clingy S/O
Aizawa, badboy!Midoriya, Hawks with a s/o who likes to cling onto them.
Aizawa Shouta x Reader
Midoriya Izuku x Reader
Takami Keigo x Reader
Again, sorry Anon for not posting this sooner. I’ve been really busy the last few days. I hope this is okay!! I really like this prompt and wanted to try it out with these three fools. </33 Thank you for being my first bnha request!!!! ily!
WC- 1,687
Aizawa Shouta
The things I want to say about this man…. The things I want to do to this man….. I,,,,, he’ll make your stomach drop…. please.
Anyway, I feel like Aizawa would really appreciate a clingy s/o
Like having someone who pampers him in love and affection is something he needs
Aizawa deserves all the support he can get and will sometimes lean on you when he needs it 
Not too much of course, he has a stern appearance to uphold LOL but in private I think he is really soft with you
He loves to hold you when he’s sleeping, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into his chest
He has you sit on his lap anytime, like if he is working on something or just sitting at the table with his phone…. You’re going to be in his lap
It might take Aizawa some time to open up to you at first, but I don’t think he will ever reject your advances……
Whenever you want to hug him or hold his hand, he will let you. He’d probably even let your braid his hair 
Someone like Aizawa who spends his entire life taking care of people and looking after them probably just wants someone to do the same for him,,,, he would love the way his kitten dotes on him~
“Shouta,” You call out quietly into the living room where your husband is still focused on his UA work. “it’s almost three am.” Aizawa doesn’t even glance at you, he continues to strain his dark eyes towards his computer. With a sigh you pad over towards him and sit right next to him on the couch. Immediately your arms loop around his waist and you toss your legs into his lap. Aizawa glances at you when he feels your touch and softly kisses your temple.
“Kitty, go back to sleep.” The familiar nickname makes your stomach flutter, even after all these years, yet you refuse to budge. You stubbornly shake your head.
“Only if you come with me.” You bargain and Aizawa nearly sighs at your perseverance.
“I have to finish putting in these grades before patrol tomorrow.” Aizawa rests his hand against your bare thigh and gently squeezes in an effort to lull you back to sleep.
“Just let me do it tomorrow while you’re out.” You compromise and Aizawa continues to caress your legs.
“I can’t make you do that, baby.” Now, he finally sighs.
“Yes, you can.” You push and relax against his chest, resting your face into his neck. “Please, Shouta, I’m so tired. I can’t sleep without you.” You glance at him and pout, knowing damn well he can never say no when your eyes stare at him pitifully like this. Deep down you know that if you tell him the reason you want him to go to sleep is that he needs sleep, it won’t work and he won’t come to bed. However, maybe if you use your special charms-
“No. Just let me finish this.” He tries to go back to his laptop but you slam it shut before glaring up at him with cloudy eyes.
“We are going to sleep now.” You order and your husband sighs before scooping you up in his arms and bringing you back to your shared bedroom. “Yay~ I love you Shouta!”
“I love you too, kitten.”
Midoriya Izuku
I HAVE BEEN THINKING ABT THIS, my head is full of thoughts when it comes to villain evil Midoriya….
“ If this man *Deku* came up to me he would get slapped, but if THIS MAN *villian!deku* came up to me I would take my pants off so quick “
That is literally, that’s it. That’s the headcannon
Whether we are speaking about just Deku or like villain bad boy Deku, I think either way he would still receive his s/o’s affection with open arms
But we talking about bad boy Deku so let’s steer away.... He’d tease you a little bit,, just to see you get flustered
I feel like this mf would make lewd jokes whenever you touch him, hug him, anything because he can and it is funny to watch as your insides melt…..
He’d take advantage of your clinginess and use it as a way to make you all rattled
Midoriya would drag his fingers all along your sides or your thighs just to see you scold him,,, he thinks it is hot whenever you yell at him
I feel like bad boy Deku would be soooo much more confident than our regular Midoriya is….. he still has the softness of the og but he has the asshole-y hotness of you know,,,,,,
You know who…..
“Izuku,” You groan and try to get out of your boyfriend’s comfortable arms. It is late in the afternoon and you have been laying in bed doing absolutely nothing, except napping, you seriously have to get up and do work now. “I need to do my homework.” You push at his head again but his strong arms only keep you pinned to his chest.
“Do it later.” He snaps in annoyance, though his voice is still relatively quiet. Clearly, someone is mad that you woke them up.
“This assignment is going to take me forever, Izuku please.” You complain and your boyfriend simply buries his face into your neck, his lips pressed into your collarbone.
“I love the way it sounds when you beg.” He teases and you squeak in embarrassment, the smirk on his face makes your heart do flips.
“You’re so,” You pause and bite your lip in thought while running your hands through Midoriya’s thick hair. “infuriating.”
“I’ll remember that the next time you want to have sex.” He responds cooly and you hide your face in embarrassment.
“I have to work on my college applications, they aren’t going to do themselves!” Midoriya yawns and closes his eyes, clearly not threatened by your fists or heated demeanor. “You make it so hard to get out of bed.” You whine and lay back down, tucking yourself to fit snug against your boyfriend.
“I know and in more ways than one, I hope.” He chuckles against your neck and you have to refrain from rolling your eyes.
“I don’t even want to fuel your ego even more so I’ll just say nothing.” You close your eyes and your boyfriend brings his strong hands to your hips. “I-Izuku!”
“Don’t worry, I’ll just force the words out of you,” Midoriya tells you arrogantly and you don’t even think about opening your eyes again, too focused on each of his touches.
Takami Keigo
If someone doesn’t get this man a hug RIGHT NOW,, my sweet sweet poor baby NEEDS AFFECTION and needs it now!!!
Shit with Hawks,,,, I’m just tryna be his kid ya know….
He’ll tease you A LOT, please this cocky ass Kuroo blueprint bitch would be soooo flirty with you
“Did you miss me that much, dove?” He’d smirk when you tackle him in a hug after he comes back from a day of work
“I know you can’t control yourself that much around me, kid, but you can at least try”
Please him and Atsumu I want to rock their shits, and by rock his shit I mean ride his face
I think it would take Hawks a very long time to actually open up with you, much like Aizawa he wouldn’t deny your affections but that doesn’t mean he is ready to portray the same intense emotions back….
Given his circumstances I think Hawks would be very hesitant to have an s/o he can trust, though I also think he thrives off the attention you give him, so clearly he must like you in some way
He can be just as clingy back, you cannot tell me this man wouldn’t cling to you like a baby, he’d follow you into every room and even try to go into the bathroom with you  
Please…. Please, someone, give my sweet angel the love he deserves
“I’m back!” Hawks announced the moment he steps back into his apartment, he places the container of chicken wings on the counter and glances around at the empty living room. For a moment he finds himself wondering if you’re out at uni until he hears you running out the bedroom.
“Keigo!” You exclaim and nearly tackle your boyfriend as you run into his chest, wrapping your arms around his waist. “I missed you!!!”
“How much, dove?” He teases and you have to refrain from rolling your eyes. Instead, you bury your face into his jacket and sigh in content in all the warmth he has to offer.
“So, so much!” At that you begin to pepper kisses all over his cheeks and Hawks laughs loudly while grabbing your cheeks between his hands. He pushes your lips together to pucker your lips out and smirks at the sight of your face.
“Yeah?” He lowers his lips to ghost over yours and you try to reach his lips but your boyfriend simply won’t let you. “Why don’t you show me how much you missed me?” He croons and your eyes light up, Hawks can practically see your obedient little tail wagging. “After we eat!” 
Your boyfriend pulls away and stalks into the kitchen, leaving you to grumble about what a tease he is. You won't fall for his tricks any longer!
“You got the pickled radish right?” You call after him and Hawks turns around slowly to look at you, his face pinched together as he feigns a thought.
“I don’t know… Did I?” He taunts and before you can threaten him, you notice the delicacy right in front of you being floated up by a single red wing. “What do you say, baby?”
“Thank you.” You mumble and Hawks gasps at your manners.
“Such a good girl,” He continues to tease before sliding up next to you, wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you into his chest. He leans down to kiss the top of your head and you watch him carefully, especially with the way his hands are descending down your sides. “maybe I’ll have dessert early tonight.”
~ Taglist.
@yams046 @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy @xhanjisungiex @xxashshs @chaosamu @angelkogane @augustdearly @kunimwuah  @lovellucy
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selchielesbian · 2 years
5 7 9 11 28 for the ask thing!!! I love you bestie I hope you have a lovely evening 💐💖💞💝
5. favorite form of potato?
oh my god what a question. I think I have to go with the classic french fry
7. answered!!
9. do you have a skincare routine (and how many steps is it)?
I do though I'm not the best at keeping up with it lol. the basics are at night: wash face, toner, face oil/moisturizer, and then a sleep mask if my skin is feeling very dry. in the morning I'll wash my face and put on sunscreen and that's about it
11. anything from your childhood you’ve held on to?
quite a few things! though the two items that follow me wherever I move are my baby blanket my mom made for me and a doll I made myself in preschool (I think it's very cute but I was actually banned from bringing this doll to school because it was 'scary' lol)
28. last meal on earth?
oooh okay, I think it would be a tie between these three meals:
tocino spam with garlic rice and a fried egg, + avocado and fresh-out-of-the-oil tostones
mujadara with a side of falafel, hummus, and pita
dolsot bibimbap from my favorite local korean restaurant, along w their kimchi pancake, tteok-beoki, chicken wings, and lots and lots of spinach and radish kimchi on the side. and a hite beer.
thank you so much I hope you're having a great wednesday!!!!!
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