#i love people who write fanfics and ocs and have a lot of headcanons
randomnameless · 1 year
Do you agree that anyone that uses death of the author as argument shouldn't be arguing about a text? Because according to them all interpretations are valid so why argue against other people's interpretations?
I guess it's part of the duality of fandom life - people want to talk about the game are very involved in it, but they also create fun headcanons to explore said game's lore/setting/characters.
So in way, participating in fandom and even writing fanfiction, or saying stupid things like "hc : Nabateans attach a great importance to golden trinkets" is, in a way, pushing your own interpretation over the game's.
But at one point, it depends on what you want to argue about.
Argue about headcanon? Uh... it's like arguing about what topping you prefer on your ice cream. It's your ice cream, your tastes, so you can prefer chocolate cookies or peanuts and it's, you know, not open to discussion as in "talking with you made me realise peanuts are was tastier than chocolate chip cookies".
I like to talk and discuss and see other people's headcanons because it's fun and when some of ours match we can nerd about pointless things like warm rocks or nabatean laying eggs, but you won't see me being an ass and tell them "uh your headcanon sucks, you should put blue cheese on your ice cream".
Now, arguing about canon?
FE16 (and Fe Fodlan in general) is a game where the devs forgot to hire a continuity game and thought letting the world "vague" would make it look "deeper and richer" than it is. 10k years of lore, after all. And we have at least 2 unreliable narrators, that are Lords so who are protagonists and usually should be believed... expect that the game shows us they're full of nonsense regarding various topics.
But, unlike headcanon, canon isn't subjective, it's the same game (well... depending on the audio, it's not) everyone played, some people were kind enough to create a website where every line (+ dub!) is available, so it's not a question of interpretation as much as going to read and check the datamine website and the hundreds of YT videos, were people recorded their PT.
Was Burnie surrounded by flames, effectively preventing her escape from her pyre, or not?
Does Cyril mention to Mercedes how he only ate every couple of days before coming to the monastery (so under House Goneril's good care and in the Almyran army) or not?
Those things can be easily checked, and there's no interpretation.
If you don't like canon, you can churn out headcanon and have fun developing them, maybe finding people who like them and expend them themselves!
But for various reasons (is it because fanfiction has a bad rep since the 2000s for being something, idk, teenage girls write? or because it's not seen as very serious (tm) as a redshit post?) some people in the Fodlan fandom don't really want to confess they don't like the canon, and prefer the headcanon/fanfiction version of the game portrayed through a certain fic that, in turn, influenced how canon is perceived by some devoted fans.
(and let's not forget the lolcalisation that, too, didn't like the base game and edited it for ~ reasons ~)
And imo, Death of the author, in those fandom circles, is a roundabout way to say "the canon is not conclusive so i interpret the situation as this, but it's totes not my headcanon nor a fanfiction bcs i'm no gross fangirl, it's still canon, but my interpretation of the canon"
Tldr : Arguing about headcanon is as pointless and fruitless as starting a shipwar, and in the 2020s apparently it's too shameful to confess liking/writing fanfictions, so instead you like and write "your own interpretations of canon or how it should be" instead, using various theories like "Death of the Author" to validate your creative process, bcs fanfics gross'n'bad'n'only for lonely teenager girls, i guess.
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angeliconstell · 14 days
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UPDATES: My suggestions are open! I have a very small list of others I wanna do, so shoot me a suggestion and I won't shoot myself :). I am hopefully going to expand my writing at some point by either doing stories of my own OCs, fluff, and more things.
♡ A/N: I wanna keep up the writing even though I don't REAAALLLLYYY wanna write a full story smut, mostly because some of y'all seem to enjoy my fanfics and I wanna kinda try something new and silly. So here's some SFW and NSFW headcanons! YIPPEE!! ✨
Who will you all see in this list?:
♡ Michael Myers (RZ version)
♡ Thomas Hewitt (TCM)
♡ Otis Driftwood (HO1000C)
♡ Brahms Heelshire (The Boy)
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˚ · . Michael Myers (Rob Zombie version) !
♡ Generally, he's very cold. I mean, of course he is, it's Michael Myers.
♡ Michael may not show his love for you emotionally, but I think he would show you in other ways. Either by making or giving you one of the masks he's made.
♡ Total tummy and thigh guy. Michael probably would grab onto you when he wants something since he doesn't speak. Either if it's by him grabbing around your waist or laying a hand across your belly from behind.
♡ Secretly enjoys you playing with his hair. You could run your hands through it, push it out of his face, twirl it around your fingers. He's yours.
♡ A lot of people think that Michael would be rough and a kinky motherfucker in bed, I think that is where you're wrong. You have to consider this man spent a good majority of his life being locked away at Smith's Grove Sanitarium. He's not going to be experienced.
♡ Very handsy in bed. Either if it's gripping at your hips and tummy or holding onto your chest when you ride him. His hands have to be on you. Spreading your legs, touching you, slipping his fingers into your entrance.
♡ Michael is probably very quiet in bed until he gets close. When he feels like he's about to cum, he'll grunt and pant out as he tries to hold himself back from finishing inside you.
♡ The first time he did finish in you, he was more curious than scared. He dipped his fingers into your hole and pulled out whatever wet slick of you and his cum before licking his fingers.
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˚ · . Thomas Hewitt !
♡ He's a momma's boy, but he will treat you like you're the best thing that has ever happened to you (tbh, you probably are.) Thomas would be a total sweetheart for you and you probably would have him by a leash.
♡ Thomas would gift give. Sometimes it's a ring or bracelet from a victim, or if he wandered off, he would give you wild flowers that he ripped up by the root.
♡ Thomas probably isn't too fond of touching. There are days where he would insist on laying on top of you and won't move until you're almost crushed beneath him. Depends on his mood really.
♡ When you two first got together, Thomas was scared shitless. He was scared to even hold hands with you because Luda Mae had it so drilled into his head about how intercourse was bad before marriage. He of course was probably never taught what intercourse was besides the vulgar things Charlie would say around the house.
♡ Once again, probably didn't know what the hell he was doing. Thomas only knew that the ache in his pants needed to be taken care of. He tends to get sexually frustrated, jerking himself off until he's rubbed raw until you showed him the right way to do it.
♡ Once Thomas caught a scent of your arousal, he was immediately drunk. Since he doesn't speak, he would give you cues that he was in the mood. By pulling your hand against his bulge or by simply picking you up and carrying you off somewhere.
♡ Thomas would make sure Luda wasn't around before he fucked you. He was gentle at first but due to awhile of frustration, he would get rough and fuck you raw. You would often have to calm him down to keep him from fucking a hole into the floor.
♡ If Thomas ever marks you, his fingers would tenderly touch those spots. He may hurt others, but to you, you are his everything and you getting hurt by him was the last thing he wanted. You often would have to reassure him that it was a love bite.
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˚ · . Otis Driftwood !
♡ If I'm being honest, this is probably one of the meanest motherfuckers on this list. He loves you, yes, but in his own way. Even if he is a jackass and called you names, it was mostly out of teasing than rather being mean.
♡ Helping him with his "art" is one of his favorite things you do for him. Being able to have a living muse for once is better than the dead bodies that he had propped up around his room as "freaks of nature."
♡ This one might come later in NSFW with the same the one above this. Playing chase. Be the helpless victim, tease him, cuss at him. It gets him wound up and to chase you down. The way you would act like a scared rabbit was more fun than just sitting around watching Grandpa Hugo bitch at the TV.
♡ Otis is considered the head of the family, which is meaning he'll try his hardest to provide for you as well. This also means, he's in charge. Otis makes the calls. Not in a possessive way, but in more of a husband role than anything.
♡ Will absolutely fuck you senseless. You talk back? You're getting bent over the counter and being fucked so hard not a single thought will form in your head. Otis loves the fight, even if it's teasing.
♡ Sometimes when you make him chase you, Otis would let the adrenaline get to him and it'll often lead to him getting hard. He'll tackle you to the ground, sometimes even at gun point, and make sure your pretty legs stay open for him.
♡ How he loves making you scream and moan so loud that others hear. Otis has to make sure that everyone can hear that your his. Sometimes that would be making you vocal and other times it would be fucking you right in the kitchen like it's nobody's business.
♡ Cock warming during when he's doing his art. Otis will make sure your pretty little ass stays sitting in his lap and if a single peep comes from you, he'll either pull his cock out and slap it roughly against your entrance or will thrust into you so hard you forget your own name.
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˚ · . Brahms Heelshire !
♡ Acts of service. Brahms wants to please you no matter what, he wants you to be proud. He'll leave you sandwiches in the kitchen, help you get to sleep at night, etc. You help him, he wants to return the favor.
♡ Brahms is clingy as shit. He has to be next to you, even if the grocery guy comes over. Brahms is around you, clinging onto your side or hips. He follows you like a little puppy.
♡ He'll ask for kisses, of course. It would be in that quiet, innocent voice as well. He'll ask for a kiss and wait for you to pull his mask up enough to see his lips. Brahms will give you small pecks to full blown make out sessions.
♡ Again, with him being clingy, he loves sleeping with you. He had stopped sleeping in his own room whenever you agreed to being with him. It meant long nights of his face buried into your chest and listening to your heartbeat to make sure you're still there.
♡ He's pathetic. Pathetic enough he whines and moans whenever he's balls deep in you. Brahms takes control sometimes, but he also wants you on top, usually riding him. If Brahms gets too impatient, he'll grab your hips and fuck up into you until you're both a leaking mess.
♡ Tease him. Tease his cock, his hole, anything and he'll be a panting slut. Slip a finger in him and it's enough to make his back arch and his legs kick. Just a small amount of teasing in general gets Brahms so turned on.
♡ Brahms absolutely has no sense. He doesn't care where you are, what you're doing. All he would do was pull off your bottoms to be able to have access. He would get on his knees while cooking and make sure to eat you out until you cum on your face. There's probably been a few times where you've had to order take out due to burning the food.
♡ His mask would be long discarded and his mouth latched to your nipple to suck and bite at it. He would get so needy that he would put his cock between your thighs until they are covered in precum. Brahms is needy. That's all.
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“Also because I want [Nino] to be more narratively important but that is a rant for another day.” And will that day be someday soon? Wink wink nudge nudge :3c
I am happy to give Nino some love, but before we do, we need to talk about how badly canon has failed him. The reason we need to have that talk is that the love I'm going to give is far more headcanon-y than I usually go in these analysis posts. For most characters, I can give a strong canon-based argument for a core characterization. For Nino? Well, I am pulling this stuff from canon, but I wouldn't exactly label it a "strong" argument. There are even elements of my take on Nino that you could label "grasping at straws".
And I'm happy to own that! I delight in giving Nino all the love he deserves even if it doesn't perfectly match canon, but that means that my Nino is less me leaning into the best parts of canon and more me shifting through canon, grabbing a few shinny bits, and weaving them into something that you may not agree with because my vision for Nino is to elevate him to match Alya in terms of narrative importance because I want the team show season two promised me even if I have to make it myself!
And if you don't want that? Then that's fine! I'm not arguing that everyone should adopt this take. My version of Nino is about as close to an OC as I get when writing fanfic. So let's get into it and talk about why I had to do that. (Also note that I have nothing against OCs. It's just that, when it comes to my own writing, I try to reserve them for original fiction or for very minor roles that no canon character could fill. Totally a matter of personal preference and not some sort of judgement.)
The Many Ways that Canon has Done Nino Dirty
If we look at what is arguably the main group of friends - Alya, Marinette, Adrien, and Nino - then we can see a clear base concept for the first three. Alya is the plucky reporter. Marinette is the headstrong leader. Adrien is the sweet goofball. Nino is... Alya's boyfriend? Adrien's best friend? Chris' older brother?
This is the problem that I was referring to above. Alya, Adrien, and Marinette have clear roles that you could pick out by just watching Origins. Nino doesn't. He doesn't even speak in part one and part two gives him all of six lines. These lines establish him as a nice guy since they're all about him being kind to Adrien, but that's about it. Here's one of them as an example:
Miss Bustier: Agreste, Adrien? Nino: (quietly to Adrien) You say "present". Adrien: (jumps up with his hand raised) Uh, present!
This is a cute moment for sure, but when I look at it, I can't tell you who Nino is supposed to be other than a nice guy, which isn't much to go on. Nice guys can fit a lot of roles.
This isn't necessarily a flaw. Some characters have roles that are immediately obvious and some characters don't. This second class of character usually just has a more complex role that will be discovered and defined based on their actions as the story goes on. However, because Miraculous' writing is all over the place, Nino gets screwed. Instead of his actions defining his nebulous role, his actions make his role impossible to pin down! Here are a few examples:
Nino the Protector:
Season two was big on the idea that miraculous had to be suited to their holders. That's why Chloe kept getting the bee as we saw in Malediktator:
Marinette: I must choose someone who's not impressed by people in power. Who can help me trap Malediktator. Huh?! Of course! That's it. (reaches for the Miraculous of the Bee)
And why did Nino get the turtle in Anansi?
Marinette: I need a protective Miraculous. (gasps, and points at the Turtle Miraculous Master Fu is wearing) That's the one I need, Master! (Master Fu gasps) Uh, if it's okay with you. Master Fu: (smiles at Wayzz, who nods to him) Do you have someone in mind, Marinette?  Marinette: Actually, I think I found just the right person.
Okay, cool, we finally have a strong defining trait for Nino! He's a protector! Or, at least, he was here. Other episodes go directly against this role such as this nonsense from Illusion:
Nino: What's up is Ladybug and Cat Noir don't have us to help them anymore. Alya: (nervously) Um, um— uh— what do you mean, "us"? Nino: Well, us, you Rena Rouge, me Carapace! (Alya kicks his leg underneath the table) Ouch! What's the big deal? We can tell Marinette and Adrien we used to be superheroes.
This first issue with this episode is that we see Nino out his and Alya's secret identities without her permission even though the resistance did NOT require an identity reveal to be a thing. In other words, our supposed protector is taking a big risk for no reason. Then he goes and does this:
Nino: Hence my plan. We're gonna film an akumatization. Alya: And how are you, Comrade Ketchup, gonna be in the know when and where this akumatization takes place? Nino: Easy, Comrade Beurre Maître d'Hôtel. I'm gonna make it happen.
Which leads to the four friends antagonizing Gabriel even though Nino knows how complex Adrien and Gabriel's relationship is. A move that makes no sense for a supposed protector because Gabriel was far from their only option. Nino could have picked anyone, but he went with the riskiest candidate possible, exposing his best friend to a potentially massive backlash.
Nino also doesn't even try to contact Ladybug and Chat Noir prior to this insane plan, thereby putting the whole city at unnecessary risk! What kind of protector purposely causes an akuma without also coming up with mitigation strategies to minimize the resulting damage?
Everything Nino does in this episode should disqualify him from ever holding the turtle again or, at the very least, he should have to redeem himself before holding the turtle again. This is especially true since he never apologizes for anything he did in Illusion and this is just one example of the issue. It's actually kind of hard to find moments where Nino acts as a protector even though he holds the miraculous of Protection. So is he supposed to be a protector? Who knows!
Nino, The Empath:
That first example was long, so we'll pick two quicker ones to flesh this out. The first one is how Nino and Adrien's relationship is defined. In Origins and the New York Special Nino is written as a kind and sensitive guy who is acting as Adrien's guide to dating and other elements of the real world:
Nino: Yup. I love Adrien, but he's like a baby chick that's just started cracking out of his egg. He has a hard time understanding the signals people send him. Alya: What signals? Marinette isn't exactly sending them clearly. I mean, look! What is she doing with her arms? Telling him what to do in case of an emergency landing or something? Nino:(sighs) If only this trip could help Adrien finally come out of his shell.
But then you have episodes like Animan where Adrien is Nino's guide to dating:
Nino: Shhh! You know I'm no good with the ladies, especially this one all of a sudden. I mean, dude, do I go up to her and crack her a joke? Shoot her a compliment? Invite her to the zoo? Play it serious? Adrien: Nino, you're way over-thinking this. "Invite her to the zoo", you serious? Nino: Well, they have this really cool new exhibit there. Adrien: Listen, just be yourself, man.
And episodes like Illusion (discussed above) and Psycomedian (see below) where Adrien is deeply uncomfortable and Nino doesn't notice:
Nino: See, dude? I told you! Hilarious, right? Adrien: Uh... (laughs nervously) Right! Really funny, Nino. Nino: I gotta show you his other sketches. It's insane that you don't know Harry Clown! (laughs)
Which might work if these episodes were about Nino learning a lesson, but they're not. Nino learns nothing, so is he generally in tune with others or is he kind of oblivious to other peoples' feelings? And why did Nino ever think that Adrien was a good source of romantic advice if he also thinks that Adrien is "a baby chick"? Pick a lane people!
Nino's Hobbies
Our final source of confusion is trying to define what Nino even enjoys doing. Horrificator and Queen Banana have him playing around as an amature film maker, but we also see him acting as an amature DJ with the wiki even claiming that he's the head of the school's radio station. So which of these things is his passion? Movies or music?
To be clear, I think it's fine to have multiple passions, but this is a story. You want to keep your characters' non-story-relevant hobbies kind of simple, especially when the character in question is a relatively minor side character who rarely gets much screen time. It's why Alix is only really into roller skating and why Nathaniel is only really into art. You don't want them to be more complex than that.
Even the main characters get this "keep it simple" treatment with Marinette only really being into fashion and Alya only really being into her blog. The girls don't need two demanding passions that would eat up all of their free time, but that's what Nino gets! Film and music are both incredibly demanding passions and it's hard to balance a character who is into both who is also an active superhero. That's a lot for one dude to do well!
I've actually seen fics that cast Nino as wanting to be a director and fics that make him want to be a professional DJ because canon really isn't clear about this pretty basic aspect of his character, but you do need to pick a lane when writing anything that gives Nino a career and so people seem to pick a passion at random.
My Version of Nino
By now, we're hopefully in agreement that canon has made a mess of Nino's character to the point where it's near impossible to say "this is who Nino is supposed to be." However, if you want to write Nino, then you do kind of have to pick a characterization to go with, so here's what I've come up with. Feel free to embrace it or reject it, but know that you will pry my version of Nino out of my cold dead hands because I utterly adore him.
Since Nino is Carapace, I base everything about him around the concept of "protect and defend" because he needs to feel like he deserves his heroic alter ego. I do not want to make canon's mistake of giving him a miraculous that massively contradicts his writing. Especially when that writing makes him feel interchangeable with other characters. At this point, no one from canon screams "turtle miraculous" unless you want to give it to Adrien since he's Ladybug's defender.
I also designed Nino around Alya and Adrien as those will arguably be his most important relationships. He should feel like a perfect fit for boyfriend and best friend respectively. I also took Marinette into consideration because he's going to be part of her team/friend group, so he should work with her, too.
What all that means is that I basically said "okay, this is where Nino is supposed to fit in the story and this is the dumpster fire that canon gave us, how do I pull pieces from the fire and paste them together to make a character that fits who Nino should have been?"
To really get into my version of Nino, I'd almost have to give you a fic to read, but that's way too much for a Tumblr post, so let's keep this high-level and just look at some of my notes on Nino from my lore Bible:
Nino is a major audiophile. He loves listening to music and watching movies/TV shows to study how they play with sound. He wants to be an audio engineer when he's older, but he also has a general passion for all things music and film. He’ll listen to any genre and watch almost any movie or show. He loves to take charge of the music at events so that the music really fits the crowd (and so it sounds good). It isn’t unheard of for him to go see an unknown band or an odd indie film on his own. This will become a major bonding point for Nino and Adrien because of the influence of Adrien's mother. Nino has seen all of Emilie's films and loves them. It will also bond him and Alya as his knowledge of film making will allow him to help her learn the art of filming now that she's doing complex things like actions shots and editing together multiple recordings.
Nino is generally pretty laid back and likes to hear people out. His reaction to confrontation is to try to calm everyone down so that they can get to the heart of the issue. He wants everyone to get along, but he's also not going to let someone take the blame when they shouldn't. Nino protects the innocent.
Nino is incredibly protective of the people he loves. If someone he cares about is in danger, his peaceful nature goes straight out the window. He’s the kind of person who would happily take a bullet for his friends and family. This will lead to him following Alya around once the hero stuff starts because he wants to keep her safe. Never let Alya go out alone if Nino is around or even just aware that a fight is happening. Alya thinks "scoop" and Nino thinks "my Alya sense is tingling." He's NOT there to stop her from doing what she loves, he's just there to be her spotter who lets her focus on filming while he watches for danger, though that will initially be a struggle for him. Treat this as his audition/training for Carapace where he learns to balance protective instincts with getting the job done so that he's ready to perfectly take on his miraculous.
When Nino’s folks split up, his mother insisted that the kids should go to therapy to help process things. They had individual and family counseling. Nino was actually pretty cool with the divorce as he’d seen it coming, but his brother was really affected by it, so Nino spent his time working on ways to help Chris (and being told that he was a brother, not a parent, but he still wanted to help). He learned a lot from going through it and it’s why he’s so good at dealing with emotional issues. He’s also good at not taking those burdens on himself. He wants to help, but knows that it's your battle. Marinette often looks to Nino for guidance on emotional issues because she knows that she's terrible at navigating them. She has given him full permission to stop her when she's too focused on solutions over support. All of the friends will help Adrien figure out social situations, but Nino will be the main guide as he's the one with the strongest skills in that area. Plus Adrien makes Nino's protective big brother instincts go crazy.
Nino’s a bit of a loner by choice. He has "weird" hobbies that easily lend themselves to being done alone and he doesn't have any interest in "forcing" his hobbies on someone who doesn't actually enjoy them, so he spends a lot of time by himself and rarely invites others to share in his interests. He only does that when he thinks that they'll actually enjoy what he's sharing. He doesn’t mind this, but he’s also a very welcoming individual who doesn’t like to see people left out, so he’ll come out of his shell when he sees someone who needs a friend. This usually leads to him making friends who soon become closer with others, but still view him as a casual friend. He’s cool with that. He's just happy that they found their people. Adrien will be the first friend who really stays Nino’s due to an understanding of Nino’s “weird” hobbies. After all, Adrien’s the son of an actress. He’s used to weird indie films and discussions of cinematography. I'd even say that he revels in it and realizes that he has missed it desperately since his mom got too sick to do that kind of thing. Basically, Nino will fill a spot in Adrien's heart that Adrien didn't even know was empty. Adrien can listen to Nino talk about cinematography for hours and never get bored. Before Adrien, no one knew that Nino was this talkative!
If anyone wants more insights into this topic, feel free to send an ask, but I think we'll call this post done now because it's SUPER long.
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cherrytinz · 4 months
Hello, I really like your character and I’m curious do you have any story on your oc if so, I would love to hear it (:
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Hello darling! First of all, thank you so much! It really makes me happy that people like my ocs! It really means a lot. Not to mention that I was generally surprised to see that so many liked Lucy's design! thanks yall! I was so happy to read those comments 🖤
And well, yeah! I want to write a fanfic with her so I have a few things planned. Lucy is an old oc frommmm 2019, but I decided to bring her back to life with a redising and all 🦇
Soooooo Lucy Fernby is a British girl who was born in 1975. Her parents are quite famous musical artists (especially her father) so she always had an approach to music. Actually, Lucy has absolute pitch and ease with some instruments, however she prefers to play the bass and write songs to cope with certain emotions that she doesn't know how to share. If I had to assign her a voice, I would say that she speaks like Gwen of Total Drama but with a British accent (although certainly Serena's voice from downtown is still an option lmao) , and when she sings it would sound like Mary Elizabeth McGlynn.
Even so, her parents (Emily, a goth singer and Luke, a rock band guitarist) got divorced when she was still a child. Her father returns to the USA but still tries to be as present in her life as possible. Despite this, due to a situation that Lucy does not want to talk about, they distance themselves when she is 14. I CLARIFY because I know it is very ambiguous, no, her father did not hurt her or anything, only Lucy keeps everything to herself.
Lucy had a lot of problems that affected her way of relating to others, both with people of her age and with her own parents. Due to a series of bad decisions she misses the school year and that's when her mother decides that it is best to send her to live with her father so that she can get away from "the toxic environment she is in."
(conclusion that Emily draws after brief questions that Lucy did not develop when she answering)
This is how Lucy ends up going to live with her father at the Addison Apartments because well, a rock star who lives in a town that no one knows = peace of mind and time which he can dedicate to his daughter and himself!
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oh, another fun fact of her! A year before moving to the Addison Apartments, she had a platonic friend/crush named Meri with whom she lost connection. I mention this because Lucy has a tendency to isolate herself when something happens and simply end a relationship instead of fighting for it, which she did at the time with Sally and the rest of the gang, but she has learned to be more open about how she feels.
thanks for asking! just in case, if anyone is interested feel free to ask me anything abt my ocs or even if you want to know my headcanons of Sally Face (in this case bc im in others fandoms like BG3 and Gorillaz) I'm more than happy to share them 💖💖💖
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scrunkly-week · 1 month
Need more specific details? We've got you covered!
• "What is Scrunkly Week?"
Scrunkly Week is a project made by people who are passionate about their favourite characters, who want to share the love for them with as many people as possible while also encouraging others to do the same!
• "Where do we share things for it?"
Anywhere! If you're posting things on tumblr, use the tag #scrunkly week, so that we and everyone else can find and interact with them!
• "When does it take place?"
Scrunkly Week will be commencing on the 22nd of August and will come to a close on the 28th! These are the days we'll be posting and sharing a bunch of prompt related works, but it's not a solid deadline, so don't burn yourself out over it!
• "Why is this happening?"
It's happening because we love our favourite characters! We were discussing this one day, how events like ArtFight encourage sharing the love for OCs, and how it'd be fun if there was something sort of like that for other characters, too.*
*⊗ Discussions of this were prompted by me lamenting the lack of things that motivate me. If you're struggling with the same, know this week was made in defiance of that problem, and we see you. We understand.
Lo and behold, the idea for Scrunkly Week was born! And we decided that we wanted to share this fun little week with others too :]
• "How do I participate?"
However you'd like! Scrunkly Week is about showing off your favourite characters, whether they're ocs, characters from media you like, fanon versions of characters, or even just a mascot you like a lot, all in ways that align with the themes of each daily prompt set!
You can draw them, make moodboards, make a playlist to share, write fanfic / original work, share headcanons & imagines, do silly doodles, share your favourite quotes and screenshots, ANYTHING!
Part of this week is to explore creative ways to say "I love you" to your favourite scrunklies, or even to your friends by making something for them!
In the end, it's all about having fun, in whatever way, shape, or form that manifests as for you !!
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moonlight-sonata99 · 2 years
My headcanons of The Bad Batch falling in love with a jedi
SO... i wrote a thing, I want to get better at writing so i'm hoping to write more of these!!please note that i've written before when i was 12- im 18 now XD so i hope to get better!!
For now, Please enjoy my headcanons for The Bad Batch!!!
My headcanons The Bad batch falling in love with a jedi reader
Takes place after order 66,Reader was a Jedi knight who was once mace windu’s padawan. And reader is based off a oc of a another fanfic in the works!
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Hmmm hunter I imagine a very VERY slow burn for him. Not to say that the rest of batch would be slow but I feel hunter would take extremely long at realizing his feelings
The man literally was a soldier then a dad-
So imagine his feelings when he and the reader actually start getting close. His heart would go doki doki and he would just be like.. wtf?
And obviously omega has to like you,how would she not like you?
Hunter will fall even harder when he sees the reader having a genuine interaction with omega.
Even though they're gone I still wanna add them so…
Cut lawquane and Suu already know what's up. Hunter can't hide it from them.
So does Rex, I'd like to think that Rex would be happy seeing his comrade falling in love after such events happened. 
Hunter tried to ignore these feelings but..it doesn't work. They just grew. 
As time passes he stars accepting that he MAY like(love) you 
And recently with his heightened senses he has been feeling eyes on him…
Overall very confused at first and takes the time to think about his feelings.
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Like hunter he would be slow but not that slow, considering reader is a Jedi and went through order 66 they would have trauma. 
Enter trauma buddies
I vision the reader befriending echo first. Due to the fact that echo knows how scared you might be of clones at the moment. 
Despite being a bit grumpy echo is very sweet. He's very considerate of your needs. And with time,He knows what triggers you. He also weirdly helps you to open up more but you remain very quiet. 
Friends to lovers trope ftw- 
It would begin when the batch and reader are on a mission for Sid when things go wrong, as usual. And reader gets lightly hurt and echo's freaking out 
Then he hears a laugh 
"Won't you calm down? I just sprained my foot. I can heal it" you chuckle with a gentle smile 
And echo's face just goes red
Also to note, this man will ALWAYS be at your side. He's a puppy and it's adorable.
Also staying up late and planning for future missions are yours and echo's thing don't @ me. 
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ayo this GIF
OOHH  I just love this man's to he reminds me of myself knowing a lot of useless info-
 I think tech isn't very shy? Maybe to an extent!but i think he wouldn't really show much as the others.
 in the beginning you and tech wouldn't be very close,but one day you ask him what he's working on  out of boredom and he goes on to tell you the whole declaration of independence-
he's used to people zoning out while he's explaining (cough) wrecker (cough)
but no, to his surprise you're still actually interested!!
and you listened.
after this tech somewhat limits himself to talking to much but he always ends up getting lost in his words. Especially if what peaked his interest is in depth. But you never seem to mind.
Like echo he would be next to you always. His go to if you will when he needs help
And get ready from a lot of questions about jedis and the order i feel like he would be very curious about that topic.once you get comfortable talking about it of course.
a couple of months  with being with the batch you go on a separate mission on a lead that your old master might be alive.
after you first told the batch of this tech was strangely quiet for the rest of your time there…
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•Ngl I haven't really thought about this one, But I'll try my best!!!
•wrecker is a very fun loving man, and that's very admirable. 
• I imagine wrecker would be the one to get readers out of their shell more faster than the other guys. 
•What do you expect? He's so lovable. 
•but this of course didn't come with its own trial and errors…
•in the early stages there were sometimes where he would try to help you out, however this meant grabbing you and throwing you up a high wall when you could've forced jumped-
•as you can imagine reader was caught of guard °_°
•But all was forgiven when the wrecker sought you out privately and awkwardly apologized.
 •for falling in love. The feeling would come to him awkwardly and he somewhat embraces that! 
 •this would include giving you random trinkets that remind you of him
•inviting you out to his tradition with omega after missions
•being protective during missions
•being very obvious.
•I mean…More obvious than hunter and echo combined.
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Damn that gif STGG
•whoever told you this mf would be sweet to you if he ever did like you-
•idk what to tell you💀💀
•you know that thing children do when they have a crush on another kid and there just mean to them?
•that's crosshair. 
•I knowW this man would be anything but nice to you.
•and that because he's most likely not used to liking someone.
•that being said, I read somewhere that crosshair would make you chase after him. I find that true imo, idk it just makes sense to me he would do that-
•BUT I do also think he would be the one who lowkey flirts with you the most but he would be very VERY subtle,And only do it when he gets comfortable with you. Examples being when you and him would be bickering and he would say something that would make you stay quiet and he uses that God daMn nice voice of his-  or with subtle touches.
• I do like to think that as time passes by he gets a bit more bolder and somewhat overprotective-
•also the reader actually taking the time to know crosshair would be very appealing to him I think, I just feel crosshair needs someone to talk to in Canon, just don't let him know you're a Jedi🗿
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Uhh idk how to end these,..but i do really hope to write more!! as for request im not sure about that just yet!!anyways if you read this far thank you!! please be kind as this is my first time writing this kind of stuff;; okay enjoy TBB and stay safe!!!!
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another-lost-mc · 5 months
you are so real with being disappointed on nightbringer cause i feel the same way
Oh, I have complicated feelings about Nightbringer.
(I’ll use a Read More link here because of vague OG S4 discussion.)
I didn’t whale in OG but I was much more willing to spend extra money chasing cards I wanted. I was really motivated to catch up on all the story content too since I didn’t start playing until the later part of the pandemic. I know S3 and S4 aren’t the greatest bits of story-telling ever written but I had hopes for more Celestial Realm content (a visit and maybe Michael appearance) in S5 based on where Simeon’s storyline was heading.
(I usually picture MC traveling to the CR to see Michael in S5, and maybe another visit of new angels to the Devildom in S6 once tensions are resolved.)
Overall I really liked getting involved with the fandom and I started posting fanfics here. I was so happy with my curated little card collection of favs — Lucifer was my original favourite, followed by Simeon, Barbatos, Solomon and Asmo — and exploring the game with my writing.
And then Nightbringer was announced.
After I spent probably too much money collecting all the HDD cards I wanted not long before that.
And the cards weren’t going to be transferable to the new game! ISN’T THAT FUN?! (Solmare logic, probably.)
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I mean, I get it. It’s the nature of gacha games and the motivation is to grow the player base and revenue potential.
Sure, whatever.
And some parts of Nightbringer are fine, while other parts leave me desperately wanting more. Detailed lore that ties into the OG game and characters I care about, more in-depth characterization. Another slow burn love interest would be nice too since NB completely changed the direction of Barb’s development compared to OG S4 (side-eyes Mephisto and Raphael as new potentials). Also, as time goes on, I find myself not really caring who Nightbringer is. Does it even matter anymore? Like…whatever, you do you, buddy. lol
My face if they reveal it’s Barbatos/Solomon/Michael all along:
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Oh, and more ROMANCE? Hello??? The babysitter role and goofy family dynamics are satisfying to a point but then it gets stale. Some of the Devilgrams are boring too, and don’t get me started on the EVENTS. I enjoyed the vampire one last year that sparked a random writing frenzy of vampire AU fics, but so many of the events fall flat for me. Anyone else just use S or A Rank skips to breeze past the story bits because 90% of it is boring as hell? Yeah, same.
It sounds like a lot of complaints, but there’s still more about the game I love or I wouldn’t be here: my favs, most of the artwork, the music! The new Dateables song is so goofy - what are those lyrics? - but they didn’t autotune Simeon to death and he sounds so much better than he did in Question Love (the only song whose remix I like better than the original).
I love the people I’ve met in this fandom and being able to share story ideas and headcanons. It’s so exciting when new lessons and cards are announced because the player base gets invigorated again (even if things fall a little flat upon arrival). I’ve splurged on some merch (official and fan-made) and I love being self-indulgent and commissioning artwork of my favs and MC together.
Oh, and I love my OCs. 😚 @ them all.
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osunism · 21 days
𑁍 O S U N I S M 𑁍
Hello y'all, welcome to my little corner of Tumblr! I'm Muse, the writer and fangirl running this blog. This is strictly fandom-related, mostly to house my 呪術廻戦 brainrot.
A rebloggable version of this.
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I reserve the right to set and maintain boundaries with my blog and my writing. As a rule, I block ageless/blank/minor-run blogs. This blog is run by a real adult and so I only want to interact with other actual adults because my content lends itself to being adult-oriented.
Every original female protagonist I write unless otherwise stated is a dark-skinned Black woman. Sometimes I will include art or a model for closest approximation, but for the most part I make this explicitly clear in the narratives.
I usually only write OC/Canon ships. That is central to all of my writing. I know a lot of people are weirdly hostile about OCs being shipped with their favorite characters but I promise you it’s not and never will it ever be that serious. If you’re a dick to me about what I choose to write, at best the only attention you’ll get is a block.
That being said let’s just get this out of the way: I write characters who like to fuck. Sex is going to happen in my work so if that gives you the ick well…you’ve been warned.
I do not take requests. Writing is already very taxing for me given my health issues and schedule, and I want to focus on writing things that I personally enjoy, this includes prompts I choose to participate in.
Do not ask me about BioWare [Dragon Age and Mass Effect] content. Yes, my work is still available to read. But I no longer have any interest in creating content for that fandom, so don’t ask me about it.
My purpose and goal in my fanfiction is not to strictly be canon-compliant, and my interpretation of canon events and characters may [and likely will] differ from yours. Canon is not sacrosanct to me. If you find my work disagreeable because of this, feel free to go read the canon material!
If you like my work, pleasepleaseplease reblog it. Liking my posts or giving kudos on AO3 doesn’t do much if you don’t share it for others to read. Comments are encouraged and appreciated as well.
Due to the frequent racist hostility and unpleasantness in other fandoms I inhabit, my comments on AO3 are moderated as a rule. Be courteous.
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Below is a list of all my current works. Since I’m currently only active in the JJK fandom, those are the works that’ll be listed!
⛩️ AO3 || FFN || OC Masterlist || Headcanons & Meta ⛩️
Fic Status Key
[♡] - AO3 version of the fic.
[⭑] - Tumblr version of the fic.
[♤] - Fanfiction.net version of the fic.
[🚩] - Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
[∞] - In Progress
[☥] - Rewriting
[☯] - Complete
Relationship Key
🧿👹 - Satoru/Sundari
⛩️⚔️ - Sukuna/Nadja
🧿🧜🏾‍♀️ - Satoru/Asabé
⛓️👸🏾 - Toji/Akasha
⛓️👩🏿‍🦱 - Toji/blackfem!Reader
Relevant Tags
#muse writes
#fic rec
#jjk x oc
#jjk x black oc
#jjk fanfic
#jjk fanart
#fic: [ficname]
#series: [seriesname]
#ch: [charname]
#oc: [ocname]
#otp: [shipname]
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If [♡] [⭑] [♤] – One night, Satoru meets a woman who sears a place on his memory and in his dreams. Who was she? [☯] 🧿👹
We Might Even Be Fallin’ in Love [♡] [⭑] [♤] – The miracle of existence bridges the infinity between them. [☯] 🧿👹
Before It’s Gone [♡] [⭑] –Toji’s been darkening your doorway for a while and is only now realizing what you already knew. [☯] ⛓️👩🏿‍🦱
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This series, unlike Parallax, consists of stand-alone AUs with loosely-connecting narratives that share the universe. Some characters may reappear in these works from others, perhaps even in different roles, as different genders, with different origins. I’m playing with a multiverse thing here.
The Unforgiving Roads That Lead to You [♡] [♤] – Roxanne Abaza, the only foreign-born special grade sorcerer in existence, is called to assist with the wrangling and exorcism of Ryōmen Sukuna. What ensues is more than she bargained for. [☥]
Halfsleeper [♡] [⭑] [♤] – A young widowed sorceress seeks protection under the aegis of the Honored One, but he has a better idea for keeping her out of the clutches of her dangerous clan. [∞] 🧿🧜🏾‍♀️
Unsanctioned [♡] [⭑] [♤] – Bodyguard/Yakuza AU. Toji Fushiguro, who is in disgrace after having an affair with his boss’ now ex-wife, is now tasked with protecting her as the mercurial grounds of Tokyo’s Underworld begin to shift into uncertainty, putting the entire syndicate and anyone associated with them in peril. [∞] ⛓️👸🏾
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Beast of No Nation [♡] [⭑] [♤] – One night, the King of Curses took an over-curious fugitive of heaven to task. Over the course that night, and the many that followed, she found herself continuously drawn to the jujutsu world. [☯] ⛩️⚔️ || 🧿👹
Daughter of Disgrace [♡] [⭑] [♤] – In the aftermath of Satoru Gojo’s sealing, Sundari must choose rebellion in order to free him. Lucky for them both, rebellion has always been her preferred modus operandi. [∞] ⛩️⚔️ || 🧿👹
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© 2024 Hajara Asiri. Do NOT copy, translate, plagiarize, repost anywhere without permission [reblogging posts is okay]. This includes my masterlist format. I only upload on Tumblr, AO3, and FFN. All general banners and dividers by @cafekitsune. Title banners by me.
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aevallare · 9 months
Hi! I'm stoked for all your writing, your stories' plots in particular are so good (which is something difficult to find in fanfics). Question/headcanon/observation: I noticed your Astarion is pretty smart. He has some wrinkles in that brain of his. He can think within a two days foreshadowing, which can't be said of the in game version. I adore how much of a dumbass he is in there (cue my OC getting head lesions for all the facepalming), but I also love how you gave his brain some ridges!
first of all, thank you so much. plot is my bread and butter but it's also So Fucking Scary to put out into the universe. i really appreciate it.
secondly, if i can be controversial for a second:
i know why we joke about astarion's smooth brain. i know the writer canonically called him a dumbass. i get all that. but i just cannot for the life of me believe that a man who has been through all of that wouldn't be capable of critical thinking. i know a lot of people buy into the nepotism theory for how he became a magistrate but i just... can't. hell, he hatches a plan to sleep with the MC to gain a shield for himself. it's self-preservation, sure, but it's also him planning ahead and trying to account for the worst possible outcomes.
it's funny when he's dumb. don't get me wrong! but i do think he's smarter than fandom often gives him credit for. in particular, i think he's got street smarts like you wouldn't believe. you don't survive cazador for two centuries without developing some, even if you didn't have them in the first place.
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kroosluvr · 30 days
First of all, I love your art. It can be both cute and fluffy or extremelly angsty and sad. I know its mostly Persona focused but do you have any other games/movied or even stories of your own that you'd like to make art of in the future?
Also, I love how recently there's at least 2 VioletFox anons and then some more people quietly percieving from the shadows the headcanons/fanfics you and they write. It feels like an underground/rebel radio broadcast from the VioletFox front that must remain hidden from the authorities.
OMG WAAH thank you sooo so much!!!!! im so glad u enjoy my stuff ehehe.... ive found it easy to express myself thru persona charas (royal trio...+a side of ham/urio) so thank u so much eheheh
UHHH OTHER STUFF I LIKE!!! death note (light is my son), ffxiv, honkai star rail/arknights/fate(fgo)/project sekai (sort of.. i havent had the time to play gacha games SDJFSHJAS) namely i want to draw stuff for death note bc. well. altho it may seem persona is my main gig, actually death note makes me so crazy but i havent been able to draw a lot of fanart since i got into it in middle school bc my art SUCKED!!! but i think i can do it now.. just need inspo to strike me dead.... (im sure theres other things i like and want to draw stuff for that im forgetting rn)
i also have ocs!!! that i want to draw for !!!!! but i threw them aside to draw persona.
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meet kei akita (brown hair girl) and calix maverick (black hair guy) tldr calix is stupidly suicidal but can't die (he simply goes unconscious and immediately heals no matter what) and kei is a normal highschool girl who attracts danger and often gets into near-death situations. shes a hitman kinda basically. calix is her meat shield READ: best friend... theyd do aynthing for each other. strictly platonic tho bc calix is gay and kei is lesbian :3 mlm wlw solidarity
all of the art above by bitsbyt3s on twt :3 u can see more ocs in my tag... ANYWAYS yeah if i ran out of persona ideas... id want to draw more original things....
LASTLY LMAOO UR SO RIGHT IMCRYING i thoguht there was just 1 but THERE ARE SEVERAL!!! I DONT EVEN KNOW WHOS WHO!!!! it feels fun to be the violetfox ship hub city tho. yessss come here i will feed u violetfox <- SHE NEEDS TO DRAW THEM!!!! PLEASE!!! HURRY!!!!!!! this goes out to u violetfox anons . where wld i be w/o u
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agathalombax · 22 days
1# So shipping. Canon or not I feel there's a difference country wise.. like in the U.S and Canada and Mexico... There's a huge problem with less F4F ships. But over here I don't get ANY sort of M4M ships... No matter what I search no matter what Tag no matter what character... It's never or barely any to be found...
For example I put like- "Rocky Rickaby X Male Reader"
Result: 0 results.
"Character X male OC"
Result: 0 results.
But it's all just.. fem y/n or female reader or just Gender neutral..
All y/n's or self inserts are either cis fem or male but fem looking or just straight up a Trans male..
2# I feel like any sort M4M ships getting little to none represention but more 50% F4F over here.. I just read a Reddit post about Rocky X Mordecai and how Tracy and fable (the artists) drew them kissing and the reader user, asking people how they feel?
. . .
It's... All NOs, or I hate it, I disagree with it, it's never gonna work out, just.. lot's of negatives or hate.. someone even straight up Repeating "eh it's cool but i-" or they'll say - "I'm uncomfortable with it" or worse is "he's ace, it wouldn't -" THE EORST ONE SAYS "ew! Here's aroace!" Like.. why does everyone want aroace? There's nothing wrong with it but.. it prevents people like me to ENJOY to see them touch.. kiss... Like they are disgusted by the fact that I think they should be together.. it's..
It hurts, like I look around at people agreeing to the same thing. But me... I disagree and I believe they can workout.. like I stand out to much and if I dare say otherwise... I am horrible for enjoying two men to loving each other.. it's unfair. It's all unfair. I don't care if the world's unfair I just... Want a little joy...
A little love... But I can't because EVERYTHING IS ALL CIS STRAIGHT SHIPS! it makes me feel broken for the men out there who want to read or see themselves with that make character..
Like being gay and liking men is HARD to write but IT'S SO "EASY" FOR PEOPLE TO WRITE 100 MILLION PAGES OF A STRAIGHT SHIP OR A SAPHIC SHIP!!??
LIKE...why? Why does this hurt? Why do I feel like I'm the only one who believes they two men belong together? All just... Confuses me because everyone is saying "there's not enough lesbian ships!" But all I'm getting every time I SEARCH??? . . . No M4M ships... Or not enough. Like their love is forbidden or wrong...
Is it wrong for me to see two men who are in love with each other? It's like I'm shouting into the void begging for some sign... For some sign of love, life, joy..
Why does it hurt? Why does it hurt so much? I don't see any of it ANYWHERE...
I just.. wanted more representation for gay male ships, fanfics, canon, or Headcanons... Why can't they have that... Why must it be so... Hidden? So hard to find? No matter what I do...
It's just not enough...
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magicalswordgirls · 1 year
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Heh, I’ll draw a better Aerial next time. The important thing is that I got over my fear of drawing mecha and also over my fear of building plastic models of robots, so thanks, Okouchi! Some headcanons and ranting under the cut. (With spoilers)
For some reason most of my WfM fanfiction has been centered around Aerial/Ericht ever since the theory about Aerial being Eri started circulating during the first season. I’ve been thinking about AU’s where she doesn’t lose her body and instead is an older teenager/young adult who has to deal with a mother obsessed with revenge while also trying to protect her little sister from the consequences of said revenge (and precisely because of that, she ends up questioning herself wether following her mother’s path is worth it or not).
I think that Eri was a character with a lot of potential in the story. She’s this girl who lost absolutely everything, who might be sad and angry about it but can’t do much on her own. She loves her family and even if she also wants to help her mom get revenge, she knows that it’s wrong and she doesn’t want her clone/little sister to get involved in any of it but, yet again, she can’t prevent the fact that her sister is used as a pawn, and she’s also being used, even if her mom doesn’t want to admit it. The dilemma of wanting to help her mom while simultaneously wanting to protect her sister’s innocence is a very compelling part of the story. Also the relationship between the sisters had a lot of potential. Eri could’ve seen Suletta as everything that she wasn’t able to become and that could’ve lead to very complicated feelings. There were a lot of elements that would have turned Ericht into a very interesting and nuanced character and I’m not even mentioning the transhumanism angle, there was a lot that could be explored in that area.
However, as we know, there wasn’t much about this character in canon (even if she was important for both the protagonist and the antagonist of the show). She remained a mysterious figure throughout most of the story and we didn’t get to know much about her motivations. In fact, most of what we know about her comes from the short novel “Cradle Planet”, the anime didn’t bother to put that information in the story and that’s why for most viewers she’s this creepy girl haunting a Gundam who’s almost as big as a jerk as Prospera. To be honest, I was expecting her to be more conflicted during her battle with Suletta or at least I wanted to kow why she was so convinced to follow her mother’s plan. At the end we didn’t get any of that, and she remained as an underdeveloped character.
So yeah, I have the impression that in my head I made up this nuanced and tragic character out of someone that ended up being a Funny Little Guy inside a keychain. Well, I guess this is very common when one starts liking a secondary character from a show. (I always wondered how people would make long essays and fafics about characters that didn't do much in a show... guess I'm that kind of person now).
Well, I suppose that I’ll have to stick to my fanfics and headcanons, at least I know that nothing I could write’s gonna be more wild than what actually happened in canon. So there’s that.
…Thanks Okouchi :/.
P.S: I like to speculate what kind of teen/young adult she would’ve been, specially in slightly less tragic AU’s, maybe she’s more like she was in the Prologue or she’s a little bit messed up because she’s shielding her sister from everything that’s wrong with their family. Idk, I just find her very fun to write (although I’m always aware that I might be creating some sort of pseudo OC, man I really wish that canon had given us more material to work with!)
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its-a-me-mango · 2 months
Do you take requests?
No, but I do take suggestions! The main difference is that I can pick and choose between suggestions for ideas that I like and want to draw from, you're welcome to send in suggestions whenever! Obviously don't take it personally if I never draw your suggestion, they are just drawing ideas to me and I would go insane if I drew EVERY single suggestion I get!
Can you draw my OC/AU?
As much as I love everyone's OC’s and AU’s, I cannot draw for everyone, and to be honest I am a lot less likely to draw someone's OC/AU if I’m requested. Don’t take it personally, I have a weird thing where I would much rather gift someone art rather than be asked to draw it for them, it makes it feel like my idea and therefore I’m more passionate about doing it for them! It’s why I don’t request people directly to draw anything for me. Again everyone's ideas are amazing and I love seeing how creative people are. It's just that I'd much rather gift people art of their OC/AU than be requested to draw it, I will draw things for people when I have the motivation to do so!
Can I draw your characters/AU's/designs?
Yes! You are always welcome to draw any of my characters, AU's or designs! Please make sure to @ me in your own post if you do so I can see it and reblog it! I'd prefer to have any gifts for me be posted instead of sent to my ask box, as asks can sit in there for a while and I want others to see your amazing work ASAP, though I don't mind either way!
Can I write something with your character/AU’s/headcanons?
Yes!!! That would be so awesome!!! You are welcome to come to me to ask for advice on writing about my characters and stuff but yes you are welcome to write for them! I cannot write to save my life (dyslexia/ADHD mega combo lol) so I look up to anyone who can write fanfics and such, you guys are so cool!
Can I use your work for icons/banners/edits/etc.
Yes you can! No need to ask permission, I would appreciate credit being given to me, either to this blog or to my Twitter account, an @ to either account name is enough for me though a link is preferred. You are welcome to edit my work for icons/banners/edits as well, again as long as credit is given.
Can I repost your work?
Reposting is only allowed provided credit is given! Again, either to this blog or to my Twitter account, an @ to either account name is enough for me though a link is preferred. Do not repost my work claiming it as your own, that's weird. If i’ve drawn something for you you’re more than welcome to repost it with credit as well!
Can I copy/trace your work?
Do I really have to say this? No please don't do that, you don't learn from tracing other artists work, use real life references images if you need help learning anatomy. I don't consider style copying to be a thing so I'm fine with people incorporating my style into their own, and sketching over my work to get a rough sketch is fine, just don't line over it and call it your own.
Can I used your work for AI?
No, fuck off.
Why do you tag some of your art as suggestive?
Just to be safe, I know I draw “sus” stuff sometimes and I mainly want to make sure people keep themselves safe when viewing my stuff. My blog will never explicitly post anything NSFW, the suggestive tag on my art is mainly for sex jokes, pinup style clothing/posing or ass. Again it is just to be safe, you’re not obliged to reblogs with the same tag as me, it’s just to make sure people don’t see something they don’t want to.
Who are the recurring characters that keep showing up here?
Oh, you mean my children? Let me give a rundown:
Mango (He/They) - Mango is my sona! I use him all the time for answering things and also just in general. He is part Dr Mario and part MLP pony from another dimension that somehow got sucked into the SMG4 universe. He works as a doctor in the SMG4 universe, he’s a bit cynical at times but he’s still a kind and caring guy, he’s just sick and tired of all the BS that happens in the SMG4 universe.
Smug (He/Him) - Smug was originally a weird bootleg SMG3 plushie that got turned into a human somehow, he is still a plushie just much bigger now. He spends all his time scamming people in various ways to get what he wants out of them and has no care or regard for them. He has a friend/partner who’s a bootleg SMG4 plush, however she wasn’t transformed as much as him and therefore is the same as before, she can just move and talk now.
Telly (They/Them) - Telly is a happy little accident that somehow occurred out of nowhere, they are the child of Mr Puzzles! They are a shy yet friendly little child who just wants to make friends and watch TV. They struggle with meeting people due to their speaker not working as they can only make static noises to communicate, but they are adventurous and always looking to have fun! They love and look up to their father a lot, he's their biggest inspiration.
If more get added I’ll put them here, you are always welcome to ask me about any of them! I love talking about them! All of them have their own tags on my blog that are free to be used by others as well!
Do you have any AU’s?
Yes! I have a werewolf SMG4 AU! I need to work on it. Werewolf SMG4 is a version of SMG4 who's been cursed to turn into an out of control werewolf every night, his friends are constantly working to try and find a solution to this curse while 4 is busy trying not to get anyone killed. It's very angsty and sad I promise, one day I will work on it more, you are welcome to ask about it whenever! It might motivate me to work on it more lol.
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sotwk · 8 months
📖 Fic rec time! When you get this, reply with three fics that you've read and loved to pieces, then pass on to at least five other people who read fics. Let’s appreciate fic writers and their amazing stories 💖
Better late than never with this one! <3 I remain woefully behind on my reading, and I am SO sorry for that, writing fanfic and reading fanfic are often very hard for me to do simultaneously (focus issues), but I always love recommending the few things I've read and loved.
SotWK 3 Fic Recommendations: Multi-Chapter, Canon x OC Picks
Dwalin Has a Bad Day (Dwalin x OC) by @lathalea - I know there are Dwalin lovers out there--this fluffy rom-com is a MUST read for you! Apart from the (always) amazing writing, colorful worldbuilding, loveable OCs, and innovative headcanon concepts ("dwelf"!) abound. When it comes to Dwarves, Latha is one of my go-to experts.
A Shooting Star (Thorin x OC) by @linasofia - This is one of the few fics I had the privilege of following all the way through as it was being written, and that says a lot since that means it utterly captivated my pitiful attention span. Lina writes Thorin sooooo well, in the gorgeous manner Richard Armitage portrayed him, and that is what I love in my Thorin fics. Very lovely OC that you would absolutely cheer for, and you are treated to life in Erebor after its reclamation! (Dude, Thorin is alive, where have you been??)
Burn Like Cold Iron (Boromir x OC) by @scyllas-revenge - I almost feel silly putting this on a rec list because this fic is legend in the Boromir fandom. (Like, hi, hello, have you heard of this movie called "Star Wars"? It's kind of walking up to someone and asking them that.) I love fics that draw me in despite not falling into my usual preferences (Modern Girl OC in this case), and this defines that. Scylla also nails a fluffy, genuinely funny brand of humor that I have yet to see matched by any other writer, so if you like that sort of thing, browse her entire masterlist while you're at it. This fic has its own fandom, so if you don't want to take my word for it, take the word of all those other admirers!
Go forth and feast, my friends! And remember--please tip (reblog/comment/kudos) your writers! <3
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spnfanficpond · 5 months
New Member Spotlight - April 2024
The Pond is always growing and we want to make our new members feel welcome! Here’s a list of recent additions to our fishy family, along with a little info about them!
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Guppies, Jellies, and Mutuals, oh, my!
@elf-punk -
Other SM names? - Discord: crumblemoon, AO3: queen_karnilla
OTP? - Destiel all the way
Other fandoms? - Doctor who, Dune, Harry Potter, Marvel (Loki specifically), Sandman
Looking for in the Pond? - Mainly to meet and hang out with other SPN fans, and share/read fanfic and headcanons! Nothing super specific.
Pairings you read? - Reader inserts/OC mainly involving spn angels (michael and cas are my favourites!)
Genres you read? - Romance, friends/enemies to lovers, angst with a resolution, all things fluffy! Will read smut as part of a longer romantic narrative, but not for the sake of it.
What do you like to write? - Reader-inserts/OC, introspectives and character studies
@jinkieswouldyoulookatthis -
Other SM names? - Discord: jackiefour, AO3: jinkieswouldyoulookatthis
OTP? - Wincest (Sam/Dean)
Looking for in the Pond? - Just looking to strengthen ties with the general fandom community and it's always nice to have other writers/readers to talk with.
Pairings you read? - SamDean in all its variations, either of the brothers/reader together or separate is good too.
Genres you read? - Angst, smut, crackfics are my preferred, although some fluff is nice and appreciated too. The trope doesn't matter as much to me as the overall quality of the writing.
Favorite writer(s)? - Gah, too many amazing writers to narrow it down to a favorite, but @applecrumbledore, @dyed-red, leonidaslion, candle_beck, deadlybride immediately spring to mind.
What do you like to write? - Currently been writing wincest (SamDean) but I used to write reader inserts for both of the boys.
Most underappreciated fic? - Probably this one because it's a body swap/gender bend with low key non-con elements to it (so I get why it doesn't get as much love as some of the others): Make A Wish
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? -I am currently working on my first long fic, just getting going on it and am a little intimidated by the scope, but I don't deal with deadlines or anything like that well, so I'm hoping that just being around other people writing and talking about writing will help keep me motivated to finish it. Basically, I'm just looking for passive motivation and community.
@i-already-know-im-going-2-hell / @aceing-on-the-cake -
Other SM names? - AO3: i_already_know_im_going_to_hell
OTP? - Honestly I think Wincestiel can't be beat when it's done well, best of both worlds
Other fandoms? - I enjoy a lot of fandoms but to be honest I'm really only making content (writing and drawing) for supernatural.
Looking for in the Pond? - Honestly I'm just looking to hang around, meet fellow writers and artists, and pick up tips and tricks along the way. I find I'm motivated so much more when I have others around me who are just as into the things I'm into.
Something to signal boost? - Honestly the only thing I'm currently working on bigger project wise is a supernatural au I'm doing a lot of drawings for. This is the original post --Guineanatural-- and it has all the links in it towards currently running polls or completed artworks.
Pairings you read? - I'm a multishipper, I will read almost any pairing that's not parent/child honestly.
Genres you read? - Angst and Hurt/Comfort are my jam. Smut, fluff and crack are great if they're included, but I'm truly there for pain of angst and then the comfort that comes after.
Favorite writer(s)? - @applecrumbledore on AO3, is the author of one of my all-time favorite Dean/Sam fics I've ever read, Acid
What do you like to write? - Angst/Comfort with a whole lot of character analysis thrown in
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - Unfortunately, my bane in life is to house more fic ideas in my head than I actually ever have a reasonable amount of time to write and to have crippling adhd caused executive dysfunction, which can truly only be fixed by Earth changing to a day cycle longer than 24 hours and absolutely using body doubles in any form I can take those. The first problem truly can't be fixed by mortal men unfortunately, but for the second honestly me just hanging around with other writers or seeing other writers work on things too helps to work as a body double for my brain a lot of the time. So honestly, just hanging in the server itself and following the tumblr should be plenty of help.
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That's all for this month, folks! (If we're missing anyone, let us know and we'll add them to next month's list!) Make sure to say hi to the newbies and make them feel welcome! Thanks to all from @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, and @heavenssexiestangel!
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astarionposting · 5 months
How do you deal with creative burnout and possible disconnection from BG3 (if you have experienced it yet)?
For example, a while ago I found myself taking more pictures than actually playing the game, so I felt disconnected from the characters, and I wonder how the future will look like when the hype dies down. I mean, fandoms come and go, and I took a break of course, but I wonder where all the people will go that mainly focus on just BG3 at the moment. (Other games probably?)
I’ve experienced it for sure. I’m the type of person who tends to hyperfixate on only one or two things at a time, so when I start to develop other interests I start to want to focus more on those, and lose motivation to create for previous interests.
When I start to feel the burnout, I just take a bit of a break from it and focus on the other stuff I like. Then, after like a week or two, I’ll slowly start working on things again (for example, my mods, but this isn’t as bad cause it often relates to my other interests). So as another example, with BG3, I still of course LOVE Astarion, but I’ve created so many things for him already, that it feels repetitive if I try to keep making things constantly. Instead, I start to focus on other characters that I might like (like Durge and Orin hehe), and start coming up with new ideas for them! In turn, I am still having fun making new content for BG3 and starting to get new inspiration for Astarion content as well!
I also start actually playing the game again, like in my Durgetav playthrough, so I am having a lot of fun taking my time exploring the game all over again and coming up with scenes in my head and taking certain moments from the game and making headcanons (in my brain cause my writing is horrible LOL). I would try just actually playing through the game again, but as a new character, not a previous OC! Maybe take photos and videos of the moments you like and coming up with some fun little stories for yourself. Another thing I would do when I felt myself getting more into GOT and HOTD was to involve it with BG3, so that I had new ideas and something fun to look forward to making!
As most fandoms, I think there will always be people who love BG3 for a LONG time. I mean, look at fandoms like ASOIAF. GRRM hasn’t made a new book in over a decade, but I’m STILL seeing new videos on his books and Game of Thrones (which has also been over for many years). Another example is the Cyberpunk fandom! That game has been out a few years now, but you still see people playing it and making new characters, fanfics, art, etc. Even I want to start getting back into it as it was my first game where I even took screenshots (but before I knew what the heck Otis tools were lol). There will be those who move onto new things, but there will also be many of us who might stay a while even after the “excitement” dies down.
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