#i love the colours of atlantis so much
poetryincostume · 1 year
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A ribbon corset has been on my list to make for a good few years now. In 2020 I was full steam ahead to make a Helga Sinclair (Atlantis) cosplay. Life, pandemic, work, and endless distractions means we’re still not quite there yet, but in dribs and drabs I’m tackling elements of the costume as I’m still sitting on the majority of the materials.
This was when when I was in the depths of being very taken with making costumes from the skin out; fit, silhouette and sharp clean lines are my priority when making and where I find great satisfaction. To achieve a perfect shape, you need the perfect structure to build on.
Playing with undergarments creates further opportunity to explore character and the setting, historical or fictional, in a fun intimate way. Fabric choices, actual garment choices, shooting for a silhouette that is easily drawn but harder to achieve in the flesh. This led to me deciding that Helga would need a full set of pseudo-historical undergarments.
With references to the Kaiser, the overall steampunk aesthetic, and the silhouettes featured in the Washington DC-set opening scenes, Atlantis is clearly set in the early 1910s before the outbreak of World War I. Helga's design, however, drew heavily on Hollywood starlets of the '30's and '40's, most notably Veronica Lake and her career making hair. Withn the film, Helga remained highly individual, and was exclusively animated at Disney's French Studio by Japanese animator Yoshimichi Tamura for maximum sex appeal that Burbank animators apparently just can't get right.
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This gave me a lovely big window of around 30 years to play and pick and choose from for possible undergarments which led me to: the ribbon corset.
Ribbon corsets emerged alongside sports and 'health' corsets at the turn of the twentieth century. These developed out of a growing engagement with sports and exercise in the leisure classes, the burgeoning Dress Reform movement that advocated the abandonment of the corset. Particularly in the case of the pretty ribbon corset there was also the influence of the late Victorian aesthetic movement that favoured loose, diaphonous romantic garments.
These corsets sat under the bust and had boning at the centre front, back and sides and no more and rested on the high hip. This allowed maximum movement for the active lady, gently supporting the torso in the fashionable flat fronted shaped with little restircution. The body of the corset was otherwise was made up, as in the name, of strips of ribbon.
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When looking for discussion of how to construct one of these, all pointers led to Sidney Eileen's perfectly detailed tutorial, which I do recommend reading through. To my eye it is a very modern approach that I didn't quite agree with so I used it as a jumping off point along with the patterns in Corsets & Crinolines, and Corsets - Historical Patterns and Techniques.
To draft up the pattern was very simple: I marked out my desired waist measure, then measured up my centre front and centre back lengths (averaged out from the various patterns in my references compared against myself). I then used my ribbon - 50mm jacquard - to map out my body layout.
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When it came time to construct I realised that my ribbon - so abstractly bought years ago - just didn't have the body to take this structure. Much too flimsy, much too synthetic. Fortunately I had a 50mm green grosgain in large quantity in my ribbon drawer. Given the merc-for-hire miliatry drab favoured by Helga, I thought the green alongside the pretty shell coloured floral made a lovely character juxtaposition.
I mounted my jacquard onto the grosgrain, creating a nice delicate border. If you look closely you'll see that actually there are too shades of green grosgrain here as I was about a metre shy of my preferred colour, but i figured it was close enough and minimally to just fake through.
These newly formed ribbons were laid out on my pattern, stitched carrfully together and then tacked all over to stop any irritating movement when working.
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The boned panels - side, back and front - were two layers of herrinbone couil, trimmed with grosgrain and covered with main ribbon. The ribbon panels were first stitched to one layer of coutil, as you would with any garment. The ribbons were then quilted neatly and vertically across the width of the coutil panel to make sure that they are entirely secured. This was repeated for all panels; the side panel has two layers of quilte ribbon as a result.
As no extant example that I have seen to date has binding on these boned panels - naturally, it would add bulk and distract from the clean lines of ribbons - I decided that this would mean that I would sandwich and hem my boned panels for security. Each boned panel had its grosgrain trim and top ribbon tacked in placed, the the second layer of coutil was stitched and turned to the inside, folding the quilted ribbon very neatly inside. Boning was then inserted from the side and stitched into place rather than inserted into channels.
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A lovely ivory powder-coated busk, and stitched over eyelets and Helga's vaguely turn of the century ribbon corset is all done!
Underwear Fashion in Detail, 2010, Eleri Lynn
Corsets - Historical Patterns & Techniques, 2008, Jill Salen
Corsets & Crinolines, 2017, Norah Waugh
The Making of Atlantis - https://youtu.be/tvR9Zdp74fY?si=5mMV1AH6HLir2rNZ
How To Make A Basic Ribbon Corset, Sidney Eileen - http://sidneyeileen.com/sewing-2/sewing/corset-making/basic-ribbon/
An Edwardian Ribbon Corset, History Wardrobe - https://historywardrobe.wordpress.com/2014/04/10/an-edwardian-ribbon-corset/
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bipbopdepmop · 9 months
man I love hermitcraft. just. there's so much love in it, at the end of the day. its a conversation a connection a partnership between creators and creations. every block is planned and placed with thought and care. every build has a story. countless hours, days, weeks are poured into the planning and the gathering and the building and the recording and editing and releasing. if you follow the season from beginning to end, you watch the story get written and there's something so special about that.
just. take a moment. remember the stories.
see, scarland, years in the making, a dream made reality. a magical, whimsical place of colours and brimming with life! as grian put it, everything you make contains a part of your soul. and it's so full of light and goodness, vibrance and energy.
see, decked out two, dungeon of doom and terror. the ravagers and the wardens and the vex and even good ol one eyed willie. see the redstone, tangled and infinite and moving and changing. see the citadel itself, see the games they played. the final runs, the group stumbling after each other, laughing and dying and hunting and dying and laughing, laughing, laughing.
see the museums, standing tall and proud. light and dark, cluttered and open. king's reign, empires, the whole history of two years at your fingertips, meticulously gathered and collected. see the hidden secrets and stories all waiting for us to explore.
see the pinball machine, every block placed to scale. see the exterior, galaxies hand-picked by eye and a photo.
see the charity stream area, the minigames they played and the chairs they sat in. see how much money they raised, how many people they helped.
see the ugly as sin starter house, and remember.
see the minigames, bin-go and blood on the clocktower and false's elytra course and the blue river raceway and countless others that I'm sure I'm forgetting.
the bases. all the bases. bdubs and his amazing builds, straight out of a painting. doc and his massive perimeter, walls depicting ancient myths, telling ancient stories. grian and his rift, bringing us to other lands, other stories. scar and scarland, oh scarland, the stuff of hopes and dreams. cleo's atlantis and jevin's castle and xisuma's skull and impulse's dwarven forge and gem's elven palace and pearl's alien landscape and false's amazing castle and stress and iskall's western area and keralis's amazing city and zedaphs wacky zany zedvancements and so many more.
and a note on grian's signs of affirmation in his finale. see the care and respect the hermits have for each other. hermits helping hermits, both the group and the action.
the king storyline, the resistance assistance, the soup group! empires crossover, the pranks, the secret santa, all the events! decked out opening, again, the charity stream!!! friends of hermitcraft, skizz and martyn and even that one guy, hbomb, coming to play. make-a-wish visits. the buttercups vs. doc and the great filling of the perimeter. the button! alive to the end. the TCG!!! jevin's egg hunt. tango's astral library, and the nether tunnel system, more efficient than ever before!
hermitcraft is a love letter to art and creation, to friends (family). and above all it's a love letter to us. the viewers. without us it wouldn't be possible, at the scale it is today.
I love hermitcraft and I hope you do too. the hermits love hermitcraft. and they love you too.
this post came around again on my dash and it is a nice end bit to this: a message from scar.
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Strange little nerd fact - I love drawing Poseidon with red hair so much, and there's a reason! When you're diving deep under the sea, the first colour that you lose the ability to see is red. This is closely followed by orange and yellow.
The deeper in the ocean he goes, the darker his hair becomes. By the time he's at Atlantis (or whatever his underwater kingdom is called), then he could have book-Poseidon's black hair.
Or, of course, Poseidon needs the entire red spectrum for his hair to not turn grey every time Percy almost dies-
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aro-pancake-writes · 10 months
Thank you, @bearlytolerant and @eridanidreams to help me with this one.
Paint it, blue
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(image by @eridanidreams)
Walter finally trusts Charlie enough to give them something to do.
And it's to convince his team to work together and make a functional ship.
Not that his team wants to work together. They all want to do such different things, that it would be an impossible design.
And that's where Charlie comes in. As the target audience for… some of the people in that board room, they know what to ask for on a ship. And it's still hard to get everyone in the team to agree. But they manage.
Back in New Atlantis, the Lodge feels like home in the cold morning
“Ah, Charlo– Charlie. The ships are already in production.” Walter comes by, as Charlie takes the first sip of coffee that morning. “And I'm giving you the first one out.” 
Charlie chokes on their coffee.
“I'm sorry?” They ask, sceptical.
“Yes. The first ship is already at the starport, waiting for you.” The older man chimes, smiling at them. “No costs. It's already yours. A small token of my gratitude.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” They squeak and jump to hug Walter, who smiles gently and pats their back.
Anything is better than the old Spacer rust bucket they commandeered and have been flying on for the past few days, unable to make port properly to return to the Razorleaf. It still smells of day old stale beer.
“What's with all the noise this early?” Sam steps into the bar, watching as Charlie let go of Walter.
“Someone just got a new ship.” Walter laughs, fatherly.
“Come on! I wanna see it!” Charlie grabs Sam's hand, excited, and drags him across town to the spaceport.
“I wanna see my ship!” Charlie almost yells at the poor technician, who can only point her towards the new model.
It's big. So much bigger than anything they'd ever dream to own. And so much cargo space.
“Cora's gonna love this.” Sam comments once they step inside.
“There's enough room for her to have her own room!” Charlie says, shaking in excitement.
“And you're gonna paint it, won't you?” Sam asks them, as soon as they enter the big and comfortable cockpit.
“You know me so well.” Charlie teases him, going for that million creds smile. “I might throw in a kiss if you guess the colours.”
That makes Sam laugh. Of course he knows the colours. The same colour Charlie painted the Frontier, the Spacer and pirate vessels they commandeered, the Razorleaf. 
“I'm not guessing, Love.” He plays hardball with them. “Not a clue what colours you could possibly want to use.”
Charlie smiles at him, glowing in their happiness of finally having room in their ship for comfort.
They run back to the technician, with Sam close behind their heels.
“Time for an upgrade!” They look up to the ship before choosing all new weapons and changing a couple habs and cargo holds to make it more like them.
“So,” Charlie says, admiring their choices, “what do you say?”
“It's, uh,” Sam couldn't begin to describe it. That's not the colour he'd imagined Charlie would pick. “It's blue…” He tries.
The other ships are all golden and black. This feels different. The contrasting blues with black details are a unknown change.
“I know it's blue.” Charlie states mater of factly next to him. “I wanna know what you think. It's too much, right?” They pout, broken hearted.
“No, it's not–” Sam tries to explain.
“It's too much. I'll go back to black.” Charlie turns back, to have the ship repainted, but Sam holds them back.
“Do you like the ship being blue?” He asks them.
“Yeah. It's different. Not many bright blue ships out there.” They say, blushing and fighting with their pastel pink hair.
“Then it'll be a blue ship.” Sam leans down to look in their eyes. “It suits you."
That gets him a shy smile. Charlie is back to normal. Or whatever passes by normal in his little package of joy and excitement. It's not everyone who gets excited to see an Ashta racing their way and says “a baby” before shooting it down.
Maybe that's when he fell for them. Or when he understood that Charlie likes to see and learn about the world, how it works.
The next day, they were off. Headed to Nesoi.
It's night where they land, and they could all use the rest.
Sam makes Charlie stay in the ship, get some sleep before heading out in a hurry. They agree, reluctant, but drawn in by the promise of cuddles.
The new ship gives them enough privacy for a good night's sleep. The first one in a long time.
Charlie wakes up to the smell of coffee and Sam smiling at them.
“Come on, darlin'. Gotta show you something.” He pulls them back and they exit the ship through the docker, above the ship.
“Sam, sweetie, it's still dark.” Charlie yawns, sitting above the cockpit.
“I know. But it won't be for long.” He sits behind them, pulling them to lay on his chest. “It's been a while since I last stopped to enjoy a sunrise. Thought I'd share it with the one I love.” 
As he says it, the first rays start to show up. They're holding on to eachother, watching as the planet lights up before them.
“We gotta do this more often.” Charlie mumbles, getting Sam to smile. 
“I want to do this everyday, as long as it's with you.” He says, pulling them closer. “As long as you'll have me.” 
Charlie cozies up to him, processing his words. And processing again.
“What are you saying, Sam?” They ask, leaning away from his arms to look at him.
“Will you marry me?”
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redfurrycat · 1 year
Taggeg by @film-in-my-soul and @itshoneywhatever and @wilddreamprincess and @occhi-verdi-come-il-mare and @saint--claire. All lovely people I love seeing in my dash! *kiss on the forehead* 💖💖💖💖💖
Favorite colour: See the blue and the green hues? Well, it's my favourite colour!! :D
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Last song: Actual song with lyrics? The rickrolling song! (I love it, it's peppy!) But I'm currently listening to a Real Steel suite. (I'm predictable as fuck... It's about Robots in a ring and Hugh Jackman... xD)
Currently reading: I've read so many Hangster fics lately (ALL SO GOOD), so for this one I'm going for the only non-TGM fic that is opened in a tab. It's a Stargate Atlantis and Mcshep fic called "Back to You" by DraconisWing24441. And I also read about navy aircrafts... 💖
Last movie: Cinema/Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning (JESUS. AWESOME!) & TV/All the MI movies and Crimson Tide. (Classics... ;P)
Last series: Totally in a rewatch of ER!!!!!!!!! And boy do I love Mark Greene and Carol Hathaway and pretty much every character from the show! It was the time of good character development arc, long term plot and filler episodes... 💖
Sweet/Spicy/Savoury: I want Monster Munch right now.
Currently working on: A computer crash deleted my files of WIPs not so long ago, so I lost everything and need to start all over again... (*pitiful sigh* & 'still trying to get over it')... So, I guess the only thing I'm working on is a Modern Day Zorro (ish) Hangster ficlet I'm going to post on Tumblr. :)
No pressure Tags: I beleive a lot of people were tagged already...but tagging @coins-that-never-land, @merryandrewsworld, @flowersonmymind1016, @anadorablack, @hangmanbradshaw, @fangirling-tussisque-noncaelatur, @awildewit, @pollyna, @the-ace-with-spades, @nanny-sc, @c0rpsereheated, @beezelarts.
(Sorry if you've been tagged for this one, consider this to be a warm and friendly catbonk sent your way instead! 💖💖)
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creoterative · 1 year
Uhm... I made another one.
Yeeesss, I know, my finals for this semester are coming up, but leave me some freetime xD
Anyway, my best friend sent me another bunch of funny things kids in kindergarten said and I made another TWDG kids template out of it.
So there.
Enjoy! Xd
PS: I had to rewrite some of them because she gave those to me in german and they wouldn't make sense in english, so... excuse the Florida comment xD
Minnie: "I have a unicorn at home! But I ripped out the horn, so it's a not-so-much-corn now."
Sophie: "I always read books at home, my favorite book is Justin Bieber!"
Louis: "My parents have a swing in their bedroom, it must be so much fun, but I'm never allowed to play with it." (...That was disturbing, send help to the poor boy.)
Duck: *talking about future jobs* "I wanna be a whale!"
Ruby: "Yes, I love Spargel! Oh, what's that?" (It was at this moment, that the little girl learned, Spaghetti and Spargel aren't the same. And for my english friends, Spargel is Asparagus.)
Clementine: "Mommy had a baby yesterday! But it is a little bit ugly."
Marlon: *to the new young woman working there* "My dad said everyone needs a job when they grow up. Why don't you have one?"
Mitch: "Remember when you said that I'm not allowed to play with the water in the sink anymore? *soaked from head to toe* "Because I don't."
Louis: "I don't like cucumbers that grow." ( what .)
Willy: "Did you know, that eggs break apart when you throw them? By the way, where is the cleaning set?"
Brody: "You can't play with us, you don't like coffee!" Violet: "But you never drank coffee either!" Brody: "But I like it, because momma likes it!"
Tenn: "You're my kokong." (He meant Cousin.)
Marlon: "I want my reflection to be alive as well, I want to play with it. That's so unfair!" (He didn't understand the concept of twins yet.)
Violet: "I'd eat that very gladly. I just don't want to."
Willy: *after being asked to help clean up the mess* "No thank you, I like it better this way."
Marlon: "Your pants are ugly." Mitch: "You're wearing the same." (And then Marlon threw a tantrum because he felt insulted.)
Aasim: "I have a bunny at home. But sometimes it changes colour." (Again, Aasim are you okay?)
Louis: "My goldfish went to Atlantis today!" (It died.)
Marlon: "My uncle has no eyes, so he got a dog with eyes. I don't want my eyes either, I want a puppy!"
Clementine: "How long does a strawberry tree grow?"
Mitch: "If bears gotta go for little boys, they pee in their fur."
Louis: "I'm there in a second. Geez, I hate it when people say that, what KIND of second, a long or a short one?!"
Violet: "Tastes ugly."
Ruby: "You need to go home, you have 124 meters fever!"
Sophie: "If you destroy my picture, I'll get world destruction!"
Aasim: "I have to computer now."
Louis: "My tummy feels yucky, can you call my mother in law?"
Marlon: "What do you have there?" Louis: "A cough drop!" Marlon: "Woah, I want a tough drop too!"
Ruby: "I lost my fuck in the sandbox, momma!" (She was talking about her toy truck.)
Minnie: "My mom has circus disturbance." (She meant circular disturbance.)
Omar: "Today I have fish sticks with potato pudding!"
Brody: "Look, I'm a mermaid! Now I only need a fork!"
Marlon: "Why is that man shaving the lawn?"
Louis: "But I already ate all my cousins!" (It's raisins, Louis.)
Ruby: "My grandma is in the animal shelter because she can't walk anymore." (Her grandma went into retirement.)
Willy: "My grandpa is magnetic too!" (His grandpa had a prosthetic leg.)
Duck: "My dad is special too, he's from Florida!"
Mitch: "I want more pregnant stamps." Ms. Martin: "...What?" Mitch: "I'm still hungry." Ms. Martin: "Ah, yes, you can have more ravioli."
Duck: "Can I have more weed?" (He meant arugola.)
Sophie: "I only got one motivation left for cleaning up, so I'll hurry."
Louis: "I got a bikini!" (It's a kiwi, Louis.)
Marlon: "Does the CD player google the songs first or why is it taking so long?"
Clementine: "My baba brought me today." Duck: "Huh? I thought you could only eat them?" (...He thought she meant a banana.)
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silver-leaf-girl · 9 months
For a friend (@cyanoferret)'s combined Christmas/Birthday gift, I made the iconic characters from the Sailor-Moon-inspired tabletop RPG that they've been designing. Because they're individual minifigures, rather than a full set - and because I come from the 40k miniatures tradition - I ended up painting them / sculpting onto them (Lego is a strange and unfamiliar land - does that make them MOCs?)
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The box (it had to be given in a box, for the bit)!
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The party!
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This next character is a 'punk catgirl' type of character - hard-bitten, a little on the edge, cool and Void-Queen-May-Care. Cloak is a modified Batman cloak, bell is a de-winged Golden Snitch, and the hair/ears are sculpted onto the bandana.
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Next up, we have a more 'familiar' Magical Girl type character, in the Sailor Moon model. Due to the mini I used, she's ended up a bit more like a businesswoman? Based on a Hagrid body, with a sculpted mantle, and a staff made out of Loki's helmet's horns (the only suitably crisp 'crescent' I could find). The coat is meant to be 'mother of pearl' coloured - I couldn't do the full opalescence on a flat matt plane, but figured that the glints of white/purple/green do the job OK.
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Upsetting robot fairy. I've always been struck by the fact that the character in question is rendered more realistically, so I ended up using a Bellview character for the moulded face and more 'human' proportions - I think it worked?
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Horrible/lovely space alien disguised as a traditional Sailor Moon type character. The armour and legs are from Atlantis, the head is a modded Groot (with a spray of Milliput 'eyes'), and the mask is a Toy Story Wendy head that I sawed down to fit (VERY disturbing to do).
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Sailor ... Sun, I guess? Carrying a big fusion reactor hammer. This one was the first I did, and the gold is (imitation) gold leaf). It's a bit scratched in places, but it's worth it for how much it glows, more than gold paint could ever do. As the leader, she's also the tallest - since she has the Hagrid 'coat' body, normal legs, and a bit of extra height on her neck where I rebuilt the epaulettes.
In all but a few cases, where I had to sculpt the model together, they remain perfectly 'functional' lego figures, too - hands can grip objects, they can stand on blocks, bend at the legs, rotate heads, etc.
All in all, it was super fun to do (I was shocked at how cheap and more-ish Bricklink is, especially when you're just getting a few common bits and don't care about the colours), and the painting worked really well - separate them up into individual pieces, superglue them onto a wooden stick, prime them, paint them (I used gouache because it was what I had to hand and what I'm used to), but acrylic would work too), and then give them a ton of matt plastikote sprays. It gives a kind of satiny- finish once you're on the third spray, but for everything other than the grips on weapons etc., it's pretty robust.
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crabbarts · 8 months
people you'd like to know better
@evanox THANK YOUUU for tagging me angel!! 💚💚
3 ships 1) Harumichi from Sailor Moon they're the ogs,, the blueprint,, and for good reason!! I love the playful, silly dynamic they have with each other, and how they're the biggest haters with the most drip in Sailor Moon S and Sailor Stars…10000/10 I love them and wish they had a much bigger role in the 90s anime
2) Jean x Clare from Claymore this is a recent one but it has me in a chokehold right now, they had only a handful of chapters together but what they had was Insane,, jean "you may use this life however you wish" and clare "your life is still your own to use." holds head in hands. eats them. (self promo, I just drew this pairing for the first time :3c)
3) Teo x Maehwa! Not from a show, my own OC teo and @evanox's oc maehwa drive me absolutely insane and I'm constantly cooking up scenarios for these two :') they're both very earnest and sincere and theatrical and NERDS and I adore them sm <33 if you'd like a better idea of tm's dynamic I have a tag dedicated to them!
first ship first ever ship? spirit and rain from spirit: stallion of the cimarron, maybe? either that or milo and kida from atlantis.
last song smoke rings by laurie anderson
currently reading claymore by norihiro yagi, I'm on volume 18/27 rn. I'm also very slowly reading the curse of chalion by lois mcmaster bujold but enjoying it immensely.
last film I don't watch a lot of movies, so probably the boy and the heron from last december! I quite liked it, the surreal scenery and the bright colours were right up my alley, and kiriko was def a highlight among the cast. I'd love to watch it again sometime!
currently craving a slice of garlic bread sounds really good right about now,, that or a cream cheese bagel Tagging @sweet-milky-tea705 @womenenthusiast2 @skijjiki @ashi-cookie and @verac!! feel free to do the tag if you want or pass if you don't!
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sanstropfremir · 1 year
Hello, A rover, A gambler, A libertine. I just wanted to say that I really love your blog and all the info you give on stage designing and outfit styling, and basically any other info you have to share about what work goes into making a performance/video look the way it looks. It's really informative and I always love food for brain so mwahhh thank youu.
That being said, I'm very new to the k-pop scene and even newer to being a SHINee fan, but I am already pretty deep down the hole and I absolutely adoreee them and your insight on them (specially Taemin) has made me appreciate them as artists sooooo much moree.
So if you don't mind could you share some thoughts about the Hard era styling? I would love to hear your thoughts on it!! I hope you're doing good <3
not the full government name slfjlskjdf you can just call me d! thank you for sticking around and reading 😊
as for the hard styling, i'm a fan! a lot of people have compared hard and dcm for various reasons (mostly negative ones bc they both are proving to be controversial shinee tracks) but i'm going use the comparison to talk about the styling bc i think the intentions were really similar, but hard was more effective. a thread that's been present in shinee's post military cbs is 'shinee twist on a modern industry trend', which is not a wrong way to go about anchoring cbs, especially since it does work as far as attracting new fans goes, but it does have a built in flaw where if the contemporaneous trends themselves don't have a strong thematic basis then............obviously trying to do any kind of twist on them takes a lot more conceptual work. this is the problem that dcm had; dcm was very much a 'look we can do what the kids do!' but what the kids were doing in late 2020/early 2021 was very formless and right before the crash of the 'fourth gen hardcore bg' trend, so it was a lot of disconnected but persistant loose threads from the entire fourth gen era that had culminated into a mush. so in the shinee's stylists' attempt to make some kind of sense of it they kinda also created a mush. but a different kind of mush. my hypothesis is that the stylists and creative team didn't want to commit seriously to a specific concept bc that wasn't on trend at the time, and so that's why dcm had several different promising ideas but then botched them all on the landing bc the creative team got cold feet about going against the grain for the first cb back in three years. personally i don't agree with their strategy bc there are a lot of flaws with dcm and the whole reality/fake reality concept ended up being racist when they could have very easily not done that, but the strategy DID work and it seems that the creative team were right about fans not being as interested in concept based cbs bc atlantis got paid dust. anyways.
how does this compare to hard? well, hard has the same ideological footing: shinee twist on a current trend. and the current trend this time is an actual concept! so already hard has an easier base to stand on because there IS something there thematically to work with. all the threads are very clearly anchored in the 'y2k' but the shinee twist is that it's more based in late 90s/early 00s hiphop, which is both sonically relevant and different from the hyperpop esque candy crush that a lot of the y2k stylings have become. the oversized shapes and loud logos are all prominent in early hiphop styling (and thus popular culture on a 5ish year delay), and elements like neon colours, layering unconventional garments together and repurposing military looks are all hallmarks of subculture fashion from the 00s, namely skater/emo/punk. the styling feels coherant and put together bc it's drawing from historical evidence (feels fucking WEIRD saying that about the 90s oof) and trends that did actually exist and were worn by real people. but of course with the typical kpop level of exaggeration, obvs.
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sga-owns-my-soul · 1 year
Getting To Know You Tag
i was tagged by @spurious !! thanks!!
Relationship status: lmao single but also technically it's complicated 😂 i guess the most accurate description is a queer platonic relationship? except he's not actually queer so 😅 (at least he doesn't identify as queer) we live together and are spending our lives together so take from that what you will 🤷‍♀️😂
Favourite colour: it's a tie between blue and pink!! deep blues or teals specifically, and any shade of pink bc pink is the Superior Colour and everyone and everything looks good in it
Favourite food: oh man i have no clue 😭 it really depends on my mood, carbs of any sort tho usually!
Song stuck in my head: skip the step by brain falduto (wow shocker it's brain falduto 😂) i've been playing it so much recently bc it gives me strong mcshep vibes
Last thing you Googled: christopher judge (don't even remember why but he's great so valid)
Time: 1925 (7:25pm)
Dream trip: ireland 😍😍😍😍 or new zealand, but i wanna move to new zealand so i'm not really counting that as a trip. but god i wanna go to ireland SO badly
Last thing you read: i'm currently rereading O I Think We Should Be Brethren (Live Oak #4) because it's one of my favourite fics and @spurious did an AMAZING job of writing john in it im obsessed
Last book you enjoyed: the last actual physical book i read and enjoyed was probably the ballad of songbirds and snakes by suzanne collins, the prequel to the hunger games trilogy. absolutely incredible 10/10 i loved it
Favourite thing to cook/bake: i hate cooking and baking 😅 i guess a crock pot stew cause i can dump everything in a pot, turn it on low for 8 hours and call it a day 😂
Favourite craft to do in your free time: does writing count as a craft? if it does then writing 😂 if not uhhhh idk i spend most of my free time reading or writing lately
Most niche dislike: this is a good question! corporate pet retail i think honesty. i've been working in the pet industry over 5 years and it's actually super disgusting how common neglect and abuse is. fuck petsmart and petland and any other retail store that sells live animals! adopt don't shop!!!
Opinion on circuses: i've never gone to one but i'm against most things that involve animal captivity so i'm gonna say a vague negative opinion
Do you have any sense of direction: no i have a terrible sense of direction 😂😂 it's better than when i was a kid but still shit
no pressure tags: @the-mushroom-faerie @books-space-things @frostysfrenzy @chaniis-atlantis @hero-in-waiting @stinalotte and anyone else who wants to!!
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waveringiridescence · 7 months
❝ … get to know me meme ! … ❞ ─
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「 … tagged by… 」 ─ @nvrcmplt & @deathsprofit ❤︎ (it's not all the same questions, but they were a few repeats, so I'm wrapping them up)
「 … tagging … 」 ─ @intcritus, @everdaring, @despairforme & my dear followers, you can steal it ! Tag me if you want me to know you a little better.
「 … Alias/Name … 」 ─ writerinafoxhole, aka fox.
「 … birthday … 」 ─ 17th May.
「 … zodiac sign … 」 ─ taurus.
「 … height … 」 ─ 168 cm.
「 … hobbies … 」 ─ writing, photography, video games, learning languages and procrastinating.
「 … favorite colors … 」 ─ sea green and the colour of the Pacific Ocean.
「 … favorite flavors … 」 ─ spicy, cheese, salty stuff, chocolate, creamy Earl Grey and matcha.
「 … favorite genres … 」 ─ tough one, but I'm slowly sliding back in my action/adventure phase, crime fiction is also a big thing and if they are in the steampunk or urban fantasy subgenre, I'm in.
「 … favorite book … 」 ─ hard pick, but I'm going to say Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas by Jules Verne. Captain Nemo stand here.
「 … favorite music … 」 ─ l'm mister eclectic, I'm into alternative rock, sea shanties, movie soundtracks and musicals if you look at my vinyl collection, but my playlist goes from the The Pokemon Theme to The Show Must Go On, via Sacré Bordel (French Rap), so really it barely scratches the surface.
「 … favorite movies … 」 ─ another hard pick, but Amadeus would be my classic movie pick, The Lord of the Rings my trilogy pick, The Last Crusade my if I was stuck on an island movie, Beauty & The Beast the classic Disney movies I would save, but Mulan and Atlantis The Lost Empire are my favourite. My top three movies last year are Nimona, Asteroid City and Past Lives. I can go on...
「 … favorite series … 」 ─ as in ? Tv Show ? Our Flag Means Death, Chernobyl, Band of Brothers and Pushing Daisies. Manga ? One Piece, Fullmetal Alchemist & Gintama. Anime ? Cowboy Bebop & Psycho Pass. Books ? The Aubrey-Maturin by Patrick O-Brian...
「 … last song … 」 ─ China Reggaeton (feat. 黃秋生) by Namewee.
「 … last series … 」 ─ Death In Paradise.
「 … last movie … 」 ─ Poor Things.
「 … recent reads … 」 ─ Terra Incognita by Vladimir Nabokov.
「 … currently reading … 」 ─ Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston, The City of Stardust by Georgia Summers and Kenobi by John Jackson Miller.
「 … currently watching … 」 ─ a YouTube video, usually it's a TV show I know playing in the background while I RP.
「 … currently working on … 」 ─ too many things, I am all over the place and I need to focus instead of procrastinating. Aiming to set a few objectives, the two big one are: taking care of myself and get back into working on my book.
「 … inspiration … 」 ─ art, people watching and stories, old rpg characters and songs.
「 … story behind url … 」 ─ oof it is a hard one, if I remember correctly, when I moved blog, I wanted something a little more poetic for Greaves. I think both words sounded pretty, I liked the definition and their union made me think of a katana with wave patterns or the light in Greaves eyes... And that is it.
「 … fun fact about me … 」 ─ I have a Mickey Mouse watch from my last trip to Disneyland Paris which I think was in 2009 or 2010 and I love it so much, I always wear it when I go out. I picked it because it looked like the Robert Langdon's Mickey Mouse watch in Angels & Demons movie.
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highlordofkrypton · 7 months
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five years, a clark x orm fanfic
Chapter 3
The humans have congregated by the sea. Water laps at their ankles as they toddle around with plastic sticks and plastic bags in their hands—the same horrible materials that suffocate the fauna of the seas. Orm watches from afar with his eyes narrowed just above the surface. This is a mistake; he thought it a kindness to be here and to be open , yet his generosity quickly fades into anger. Among them, Superman barely blends in, splashing around with little care.
He should have known better than to trust a surface dweller.
“Mister! Mister Superman! Can I have an autograph?”
“Sure can! I can even do you one better, do you want a picture?”
The child’s eyes light up as Superman unclips his cape and wraps it around his shoulders. An older woman asks them to smile for the camera and Superman flaps the cape, then uses his speed to pose just in time for the photo. The picture turns out well because the child screeches seeing it on his mother’s device, and that invites the other humans to congregate around him asking for a photo as well.
“I’d be happy to take pictures with everyone, and if we could take a group photo, I’d love to have that for myself, too,” Superman speaks to the crowd in an authoritative voice. “But let’s remember why we’re here today. The oceans are important to me and so many creatures call it their home, so let’s make sure to clean up as much as we can of this beach today, alright?” He beams like the sun, blinding and warm.
From this distance, Orm can only make out the bright colours of Superman’s uniform and the distinct authority in his voice, despite his kindness. The surface is unkind to his eyesight that has long adapted to the depths of the sea. He waits until the surface-dweller is alone on a farther end of the beach before emerging before him. 
“Oh! Hello, again!”
Too bright and too chipper. Orm does not smile; he regards the man with a flat impression. “Come with me,” he demands.
Superman looks around confused. “But,” he starts, yet seems to think the better of it. If there’s anyone who’s an expert about cleaning up the Ocean, it would probably be Ocean Master. He casts a wayward glance back at the people to whom he has a promise to keep. “I have to be back before three.”
Orm tips his head. As King of Atlantis, he understands duty towards people. He has no obligations for the day, intending to speak with this man about his efforts to help. The thought of waiting for a stranger from the land above should abhor him, but it doesn’t. 
“I will wait,” he says, standing in the water expectantly.
“Oh, okay,” Superman says and continues picking up trash with a stick and placing them in the back. “Did you want to help? It’ll help us finish faster.” There are some extra tools he can share.
“Why do you insist on using this method? I have seen your abilities. You are wasting time waiting on the others to finish their tasks.” 
He doesn’t need to be a genius—he is one regardless—to see how the surface’s damage to the planet far outpaces the humans’ abilities to ‘clean up’ after themselves. Superman could purify this beach in no time and move onto the next.
“Because I’m only one man and if I’m not here tomorrow, humanity needs to be able to take care of themselves. It’s better if people get into the habit of caring for the world around them.” Superman explains, scooping up cigarette butts and a couple cans of beer. He doesn’t seem to mind the manual labour; his mood remains chipper as he moves along the beach.
Surface dwellers are far too relaxed in their affairs for Orm to take Superman’s words at face value. They destroy everything they touch; there is less and less time for them to learn. They must be told what to do and the methodologies enforced. What shame would he bring Atlantis if he would let his people become nothing more than trash productors? Each Atlantean contributes and respects the world they live in.
Orm sneers at Superman, watching this man-beyond-men act in the most mundane way possible. It must be some kind of fetish? To pretend to be something else for the sake of others? He cannot decipher this creature before him who stands above surface dwellers with his sheer power and yet, he remains in servitude of them. His judgement etches itself openly on his face, even when Superman tries to assuage him with pleasant conversation.
“So, what brings you here? Aquaman tells me you’re not a fan of the surface.”
They’ve moved further down the beach. Surprisingly, when Superman got too far from him, Orm would follow along, sticking close by the water while continuing to observe his strangeness.
“For you. There is something I wish to show you.”
A gentle smile spreads on Superman’s features, the same kind he wore when speaking of new friends in the middle of battle. Little did he know, Orm had no interest in saving humans or making friends with one who comes from land.
“What do you want to show me?”
Orm curls his lip. “If there was any merit in telling you, I would have done so already and left.”
“Alrighty, then,” Superman hums, amenable as ever. It’s almost annoying. “Should be done soon.” He refuses to let silence reign and immediately keeps talking. “Do you take all your new friends sightseeing?”
“Must you keep talking? Perhaps you should focus on the task at hand.”
“Talking makes the time go faster or music, but I don’t have any on me.”
Between the two choices, Orm prefers the latter. He glances towards the humans on the beach, spread out decently enough that he does not feel overwhelmed. It’s still too crowded for his liking, but nothing he cannot manage. Making music for the humans is the last thing he desires, but if it truly advances the time on the surface, then he will oblige. He lowers himself so that his throat, nose and mouth are submerged. 
A soft siren song begins to fill the air, so delicate that it could easily be missed by those who speak too loudly or who simply aren’t listening. It cradles the mind of the listener, wooing them into comfort and wrapping them up in beauty. Is it sugar-sweet and velvet soft. It is the cool caress of silk on a hot summer eve. How a song can light him up with a thousand subtle sensations will always be a wonder to Clark.
Clark pauses to watch Orm, his lips parted slightly in awe. Only the furrow of Ocean Master’s blonde brows sets him straight and right back into cleaning; he must have taken it literally, thinking that music would make him work more efficiently. Clark can only oblige, cleaning the beach a little quicker, all while ignoring the goosebumps flitting across his skin beneath his suit.
Whenever someone stops to listen, Clark notices the way Orm disappears beneath the water, refusing to be seen. Is it out of shyness? No, he doubts that. The King of Atlantis would have never shown his face if he was shy . He smiles, and keeps going.
The singing stops at three. Unfortunately for Orm, Superman is not done. A long line of surface dwellers happens before him and he must take photos with every single one, some asking for different poses to which Orm can only scowl. He remains far away, seeing only the blur of red and blue, and the blobs of infinite patience required from him. The photo session ends with one last group photo—the one Superman had been most excited about.
“Follow me,” Orm orders, the moment Superman can tear himself from his followers.
Over the sea and beneath it, the two mirror one another. Superman flies as quickly as Orm can swim, no matter how much the Atlantean King pushes himself. The only difference is while Orm flies in a straight and efficient line to his destination, Superman twists and turns, revelling in soaring through the sky. He enjoys the water just as much as Clark expresses, but it simply is not within him to show it. 
He is strange, Orm remarks to himself for the hundredth time today.
The Atlantean King comes to a slow halt at an unclaimed island, a tiny little place surrounded by reefs and shallows. Most of the fish swim away at the appearance of a larger predator. He motions to Superman to descend and join him.
“Do not touch the coral and do not stand on the reef.”
“Wasn’t planning to. The polyps are pretty fragile,” he smiles softly, showing off his marine knowledge.
Orm is not impressed. Definitely not. He narrows his eyes, watching the surface dweller float from sky to sea. He wonders if, conceptually, it is the same for the man. Does his ability to fly allow him to move beneath the water with the same ease? He refuses to allow his curiosity to get the best of him; he is here to thank the man, not to befriend him.
Beneath the surface, a whole new world exists unbeknownst to the surface dwellers. The flora here is much richer than any human-infested beach with vibrant colours that dance beneath the slivers of sun catching on waves. Dozens of animals, from little crabs, lazy turtles and curious manatees, go about their day, undisturbed. There is a happy little seal that peers out from tall waving stalks of algae, blinking with his big round eyes at Superman. A chunky calf catches sight of the new arrivals and it wiggle-swims its way towards them. Orm kindly redirects it before it face plants directly into his stomach, privately amused at the attention.
He senses the weight of being watches and turns his head to face a staring Superman.
“What?” He asks without thinking. Surface dwellers cannot speak unless they are, obviously, on the surface.
“Nothing,” Superman smiles.
“How are you doing that? Do you not need to breathe?” Orm meant to ask him the last time.
“You are a strange surface dweller.”
“It’s… complicated.”
“Explain it to me.”
It’s not that he wants to know this man; Orm has a great respect for knowledge. To think that Superman assumes he cannot understand complex ideas is offensive. He takes it as a challenge.
“It’s a saying. You know, when a story’s long.” Superman grins sheepishly. “I’m not from here. Earth. So, I don’t really have the same restrictions as other people.” He pauses, looking around, and changing the subject for the better. “This is beautiful, really, your highness. But… why?”
Superman is not from this… Earth? Orm has never even seen the stars, yet here he is discussing with someone who comes from beyond them. He understands the choice to move on from the subject, and files the information to the back of his mind. It explains a lot. He had assumed Superman was a product of evolution or genetic enhancement, similar to Topo. 
“To show you the lives of those you saved. These creatures and many more across the world benefit from your efforts of keeping the seas clean. It is only right that you,” he pauses, nodding at the calf that has now turned its attention to Superman and his floating cape. “Face the consequences of your actions.”
Superman laughs, a light and happy sound. It rumbles from his chest into the waters around him. Orm revels in it. Good. He has brought joy to this potential ally.
(And when did a stranger become an ally? He is moving far too quickly for his own tastes.)
“May I?” Superman motions to the little animal. “We’re not supposed to touch them, normally.”
“You may.”
The calf receives many scratches, ranging from under his chin to his belly when he flips over, and anywhere it gives Superman access. Not even companion animals at the royal stables receive such free and open affection. Orm attributes it to the stringent formalities when it comes to showing emotion; his father had engrained it in him to restrain himself in all aspects. Not even his mosasaur receives chin scratches. Would the animal enjoy it as much as this calf?
“Do you think I could come back here and visit my new friends?”
“You consider this calf a friend?”
“The turtles, too.”
Orm must be missing some kind of joke here. He simply narrows his eyes, trying to see through the surface dwellers intent and whether or not it is sincere. To reveal this place to him is an act of great trust, despite its low risk.
“And maybe you, too,” Superman finally says.
“We are not friends.”
“That’s fine, but… you can call me Clark if you want.”
“Why would I do that?”
Clark shrugs and swims alongside the calf. The seal joins them, too, patting the stranger curiously, before swimming circles around the man and the calf. 
Orm does not follow, he is too busy deciphering the mystery unfolding before him.
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rainbow-universe · 2 years
This is random but do you have any favorite aro characters in media? Or characters who give you aro vibes?
No pressure!!
Ack! Oooooh good question!
Ok so idk many canon aro characters (which is sad there needs to be more and i am finding more but alas we have not met yet) but i do know some!! as for headcanoning, honestly i need to headcanon more characters as aro lol. disclaimer,, i went around looking at other peoples headcanons and agreed with them and now i share them with you :)) but also like for these characters i just have vibes and no explanation, solely going off what headcanons i saw that made me go “oooh yes” with no solid reasoning
Jughead Jones from the Archie Comics: an iconic aroace
Yelena Belova from the Marvel Comics: is canonically aroace afaik so go her, she’s fantastic
Georgia Warr from Loveless (Alice Oseman): is aroace!! 😭😭 her story devastated me in its relatability but it’s fantastic and i love her
Gwen from An Accident of Stars (Foz Meadows): an alloaro in a polyamorous relationship and has a kid. It’s canonically mentioned offhandedly but it’s NOT Her Entire Personality™️ !! Plus she’s a kickass character (And the whole book is filled with polyamory!!) i love Gwen, she’s a really cool character
Garfield: i saw it. i liked it. fuck yah
Edmund Pevensie from the Chronicles of Narnia: yes. why not. yes. i saw the headcanon and just,, agreed with i.
Saiki K: haven’t watched the anime or read the manga but it’s on my list and therefore so is he. why not
Elatsoe from Elatsoe (Darcie Little Badger): canonically ace, not stated that she’s aro BUT THERE WAS A MOMENT WHEN A FRIEND OF HERS WAS LIKE “you can bring a friend or a zucchini” or something AND I SQUEED BC QPR’S FOR THE WIN !! that little mention made me really happy. anyways yah she could totally be arospec
Bruce Wayne from Batman Comics/DC: i mean,,, the fact that im pretty sure he’d never give up being Batman for anyone, like sure he’ll have relationships and w/e but like,, idk it makes sense to me
Damian Wayne from Batman Comics/DC: yes. aro or arospec Damian just makes sense for some reason. i would also go as far as saying arospec Jason Todd as well ….
Bakugou Katsuki from My Hero Academia: aspec Bakugou just,, i love aspec Bakugou. it just makes sense to me. and i love it.
Todoroki Shouto from My Hero Academia: yes. he just has them aro/arospec vibes tbh
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Natasha Romanoff from the MCU: ive heard this before and i agree w aro or arospec Natasha. just yes.
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Bruce Banner from the MCU: yes. not to mention the Hulk is green 👀 we love aro colours (and his purple shirts?? aroACE vibes !! 👀)
Loki from the MCU: absolutely. have y’all seen the amount of green he wears? and just his vibes. yes.
Tony Stark from the MCU: ya know now that im thinking about it, he’s got aro vibes.
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The Doctor from Doctor Who: yes. never watched Doctor Who but i did read that one tumblr post about aro characters being passionate about their interests and i loved the headcanons from it so The Doctor makes the list
Enjorlas from Les Misérables: from that same post so yes
Newt Geiszler from Pacific Rim: again the same post, and yes i see it (kaiju!!)
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Sherlock Holmes: as much as i love Johlock as a ship, aro or arospec Sherlock just Makes Sense™️ (and can still work with Johnlock heh)
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Elsa from Frozen: aroace or wlw (or both 👀)
Merida from Brave: yes. totally aro. i love her.
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Milo Thatch from Atlantis: The Lost Empire: from that one post lol. (and like,,, yes. yes.)
Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty: aroace icon. (we love villainous aroace’s lol /just as genuine as sarcastic) all that green and purple?? yessssssssss
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Hiro Hamada from Big Hero 6: (i need to rewatch this movie lol) i saw headcanons for it and immediately agreed. i love aroace Hiro. it makes sense to me
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Castiel and Dean Winchester from Supernatural: ya know, arospec Cas and arospec Dean just seem to make sense to me. idk why couldn’t tell ya but it does
Luke Skywalker & Rey from Star Wars: they just have aro vibes. even if Rey’s in a polycule w Finn and Poe, she’s still aro or arospec imo
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That one tumblr post in question:
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avatarskywalker78 · 9 months
🥰 a fluff WIP snippet
Henry would leave it at that – that Barry actually had someone on his side in this was all he’d really wanted all these years, because his son deserved better, and that this young man was doing so, even while dealing with his own problems…that meant a lot to him. “You’re a good friend to him, Malcolm.” “…Thanks.” The kid said hesitantly. “I’ve not really known him that long, though.” “No, but my son’s a good judge of character.” Henry told him, and Malcolm just stared for a bit, almost like he was in shock, before seeming to shake himself out of it. “I guess he is.”
This is from Part 4 of Cobalt Blue and The Flash, which is going to focus on Henry Allen's POV Barry's friendship with Malcolm - this part is just after Malcolm's told him he thinks he's innocent and Henry tells him what he thinks, that he's a good friend (and a good person). Malcolm's shocked because he's never been told that by a parental figure before.
❓ any WIP snippet you want!
So it was that one morning, in the middle of asking his mother what had appealed so much to her about this place, they were interrupted by the sound of a key in the lock. Thomas was already here and Arthur (if he wasn’t too busy making heart eyes at Mera) was overseeing official duties in Atlantis, so whoever this was, they were— A young girl, apparently, and his initial, split-second thought was that this was Arthur’s daughter – her skin was several shades lighter, granted, but the facial features and the hair colour was similar, and she looked to be the right age— Except while Arthur might have omitted her to mess with him, he wouldn’t have lied to Mother and therefore Mother wouldn’t have lied to Orm, not about something like that.  And... thinking about it, given how important family was to Arthur, he doubted Arthur would've kept the fact that Orm had a niece from him all these months.
This is from my Aquafam AU - the one where Orm gets a redemption arc far sooner than in canon! This is when Orm is staying at the lighthouse and as you can see he's somewhat bemused at this stranger appearing (for the record, Arthur did intend to mention the fact he had a teenage cousin, he just didn't get around to it).
😍 published lines or a section of a fic that you loved writing?
Darla was gone. Re-vamped, thanks to Drusilla, thanks to Wolfram and fucking Hart and every time, every time Angel closed his eyes he was back in that room, crushed by the guilt of having three people he’d completely failed in the same place. Darla, dead for a third time and soulless for a second. Drusilla, whose mind he’d destroyed for fun and who remained his biggest regret. Lindsey, the young man who had a heart deep down but who was utterly convinced there was no way out for him, because Angel had let him down and had written him off as a mistake, a cautionary tale to remember when dealing with other damaged people instead to continuing to try and reach out to him. And Angel wondered what the point of it all was, especially when face to face with Holland Manners, who was the epitome of everything wrong in the world and with not a single drop of remorse for what he’d done, and all Angel could think was failure, failure, failure, his path to redemption feeling more thorny, more unclear, more unreachable than ever, because he couldn’t even save two people, let alone a city or a world.
This is from my Buffyverse fic i will stand by you (i will help you through), the story that started out as 'what if Angel decided not to be a dick to Riley Finn and they ended up becoming friends' and ended up as a 12k behemoth of a oneshot because turned out, that would have a lot of ripple effects and also Lindsay and Spike and Angel's feelings (and guilt) surrounding the two of them showed up. It's hard to pick just one section, but this is definitely one of my favourites, a look into Angel's state of mind after the whole business with Darla that I'm very proud of because I think it sums it all up quite well, and it's also a very angsty set of lines as well.
Wip fic ask game!
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stillmakeminemarvel · 2 years
uh oh there's not been anything in the lady dorma tag for a couple days uh... fish lady pretty
she's so cute in the Hanna Barbera FF, she's just the perfect level of drama queen, but with Namor's flaws sanded off in the form of Prince Triton i imagine he comes off as much more "long-suffering" than Namor, who is her perfect match. I am however delighted by this prospect. The orange hair looks cute to me and it's swept up into a dramatic bouffant that i love, and that looks great with the purple (which along with red and yellow is one of her signature colours).
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In the 1966 series she's practically perfect, of course being very close adaptations of tales to astonish. however the animation is not always flattering, to him more than her but still.
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She's perfect in the 1994 FF too (starting to think it's really hard to mess up adapting Dorma, she has a very strong characterisation), and this is the only chance we get to see her 70s design animated, with its more fantasy than sci-fi influence, and it looks wonderful. She has the best voice performance by Jane Carr. My favourite deliveries of hers:
1000/10 she's such a crazy bitch i love her so much! Namor looks like a gormless rube, that's a shame, but she loves him anyway and that's what matters.
Annoyingly, I suspect she had been out of the status quo for a little too long by the time that FF 2006 came around, so she is not included, which is a shame in my opinion. She should at least have been in "Atlantis Attacks" even if there wasn't room in the story of "Imperius Rex".
Feel free to add on with any other versions of Dorma that i may not know of!
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sonofcoulson · 2 years
Disney Princesses x Marvel
A diversion from the IAC universe...
This started as a Disney Princesses thing but expanded to include female characters from Disney films that would fit the bill.
Basically finding a Marvel equivalent for Disney characters.
Snow White:
Snow White - Struggling to think of a Marvel character that is good at sleeping, with a weakness for poison apples.
She does charm all the animals when she's singing, maybe Nature Girl? Or Nina Gurzky from the Apocalypse movie.
Cinderella - Sersi (w blue colour scheme)
After her Fairy Godmother's transmutation magic (Pumpkin into coach etc).
Alice in Wonderland:
Alice - Stature
#eat me #drink me
Peter Pan:
Tinkerbell - Pixie (w green colour scheme)
Wendy - Wasp (w light blue colour sceme)
Mimicking Tinkerbell's size and flight with tech.
Sleeping Beauty:
Aurora - Dr Strange (w pink colour scheme)
After Maleficent's power set
The Sword in the Stone:
Mad Madam Mim - Morgan le Fay
Maybe giving Mim too much credit here.
Mary Poppins:
Mary Poppins - Scarlet Witch
Reality altering powers? Check. Scarier than she looks? Check.
Jungle Book:
Shanti - Beast Master
From Mowgli's affinity with animals.
Bedknobs and Broomsticks:
Miss Eglantine Price - Magik maybe?
A better magic user than she gives herself credit for.
Robin Hood:
Maid Marian - Hawkeye (Clint Barton w pink colour sceme)
After Robin's archery skills.
The Black Cauldron:
Princess Eilonwy - Sylvie (w Black body armour, white cloak and pink trousers)
Black cauldron is all a bit mystical isn't it? Maybe I should watch it again.
The Little Mermaid:
Ariel - Namor (w Purple top and green bottoms)
After King Triton's powers. There is a Marvel Triton (Inhumans), but his look and powers don't match up.
Beauty and the Beast:
Belle - Beast of the X-Men (w yellow costume and brown fur)
After the Beast's powers and Belle's smarts.
Jasmine - Captain Agrabah
This is a reach. After the Genie's reality altering powers. Jamie Braddock was the first character to spring to mind, brother to Captain Britain, and the movie is set in the fictional city of Agrabah.
Pocahontas - Ghost Rider
No powers in Pocahontas but there is a Powhatan Ghost Rider in the comics.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame:
Esmerelda - Dazzler maybe?
Cos she sings and dances? idk
Megara - Marvel's Hercules or Mephisto?
From the power set of the protagonist/antagonist of her movie.
Mulan - Agent May
Jane Porter - Kazar
The Emperor's New Groove
Yzma - Sersi again?
Because of her transmutation skills? idk
Atlantis: The Lost Empire:
Kida - Namora/Namorita
Who else?
Lilo and Stitch:
Lilo - Love (from Love and Thunder)
Nani - The Mighty Thor
In the scenario where OG Thor sacrifices himself so that Mighty Thor can look after her little sister.
The Incredibles:
Elastigirl - Mr(s) Fantastic
Violet Parr - The Invisible Woman
Perfect power sets.
EVE - Jocasta
Had to be.
The Princess and the Frog:
Tiana - Sister Voodoo
Gender swapped, after Shadow Man and Mama Odie's powers.
Rapunzel - Medusa (Inhumans)
Really long hair with magical powers...
Merida - Hawkeye (Kate Bishop - Green colour scheme)
Vanelope von Schweetz - Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes)
In a souped up racing cart/tiny hot rod.
Elsa - Ice Man
Anna - Ever since Frozen II I've thought that Anna should have plant based powers, so maybe Klara Plast? Groot?
Big Hero 6:
Go Go
Honey Lemon
These two already are Marvel characters.
Judy Hopps - Umm...Rabbit Girl instead of Squirrel Girl? idk
Moana - Can't think of an equivalent, even though she befriends a Polynesian demigod and calms a corrupted Goddess!
Corey - There is actually a Marvel character called Manticore but he does not do this character justice.
Raya and the Last Dragon:
Raya - Blue Dragon from Marvel's Future Fight
She is called Blue DRAGON, she is a physical fighter like Raya, and she hails from Vietnam (Kelly Marie Tran is ethnically Vietnamese).
Abuela - Nick Fury
She knows how to put together a Team of supers.
Julieta - Heals with food. No equivalent in Marvel that I can think of.
Pepa - Storm or Crystal
Isabella - Plantwoman
Genderswapped Plantman.
Luisa - Captain Colombia
Super strength, agility and endurance like Captain America, but Luisa is Colombian.
Mirabel - Maria Hill
About to become Abuela's second in command/sucessor.
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