#i love this project it’s perfect for while im at work
koolades-world · 3 days
Big S is in the house aka.dude who always writes way too long requests🗣️
Happy 2k followers and here is a request
"what're you doing out here at this hour?"
"you're so cute, it hurts"
"to me, you're perfect. i don't care what anyone else says"
With my one and only babyboy Asmodeus, Assmuah, Asmuadelisa, the best boy in universe and my husband i do not accept other opinions 🥰
So Asmo was gone for entire day for work, like majorish stuff where he was working at his new collection of makeup and modeling and other things, and something got him insecure, that new collection is not good enough, or is modeling is not perfect, like someone said that he is not natural enough in his poses or that the pigment of eyeshadow is not bright enough, overall bro stressed out and came late.
"what're you doing out here at this hour?" MC is like "bro ur ok? Where uve been, it's late"
And when he tells them they are like "you're so cute, it hurts to see you so stressed, i wish i could come with you to help you with that, but i can't bro im not a pro at that shi, want a therapy cuddle?"
And they cuddle while watching some Romantic Comedy that Asmo would love even tho MC doesn't really like them. and MC is like "to me, you're perfect. i don't care what anyone else says" and they muah muah and cute fluff of two cute patooties i love my husband give me some cuddle fluff my request making machine(/j)🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
thank you!! great to see you again :)
i just want to say i absolutely love the way you spun the you're so cute it hurts one??? that's so genius and i would've never thought to use it that way
enjoy <3
prompts 29, 32, and 37 w/ Asmo
“Mr. Asmodeus, ready to head home?” One of Asmo’s dedicated helpers from Majolish poked their head in the door of his studio.
“Are you closing up?” He looked up from the color wheel he was studying in comparison to the proposed and actual eye shadow pallet colors.
“I tried to get you twenty more minutes, but Ms. Ezos is about to fall asleep.” Ezos was the project manager who’d been working with him for his makeup line from Majolish. She’d been very helpful and sweet, and seemed just as invested in the production of the line as he was. The entire thing had been something of a struggle, and it felt like there was an obstacle around each corner. The latest issue was that the colors of his eyeshadow pallet weren’t what he imagined. They were supposed to be lots of different shades of pink with a couple other colors thrown in, but none of the pinks are what he’d imagined or proposed originally. To him, they all looked too similiar.
“It’s alright. What time is it?” He yawned and took a sip of his water in an attempt to wake himself back up.
“Just past midnight.” The helper checked their watch.
“I didn’t realize it was so late. I’ll pack up my things.” With a sigh, he gathered up all this things and packed them away. He grabbed his bag and with one last look at the test pallet, left the room. The helper locked it behind him. He knew he’d be back in that room sometime tomorrow.
“I think you did really great today.” They trailed after him.
“Thank you. It does need some work. I don’t think I’m happy with it yet.” He took some of the samples home with him to compare with items he owned to see if it actually wasn’t the color he wanted, or if he just needed rest. He left the studio without trying to look for Ezos or anyone else he’d worked with. They probably had went home already anyways. His assistant waved him off, promising to let everyone know he’d gone home.
Since Majolish wasn’t far from home, he walked to and from the studio. Most everything was closed, save for a couple shops. None of his favorites were open, so he had no excuse to stop and shop to lift his mood. When he got home, the house was silent. He made his way to his room to put this things down and get ready for bed. He went for a bath and changed into his pajamas. He sat and thought for a little bit before deciding to eat a little something before bed, as he couldn’t recall the last thing he ate.
He made his way downstairs, and purposely avoided looking at all the clocks on his way there. He opened the fridge to look for something to eat, and when he shut it, you were standing there. It scared him a little.
"So, what're you doing out here at this hour?" Mc was holding a bowl full of snacks, which they set down, implying they'd been in the kitchen in the entire time. He had totally missed them.
"Mc! I'm just a little hungry is all. I've been working on my new makeup line all day." His stomach growled at the thought of eating again.
"Asmo, it's almost two am. You left before I even woke up this morning. You need to treat yourself better. You're so cute, it hurts to see you like this." He couldn't meet your eyes, because you looked genuinely upset.
"I know I've been slacking more recently, but it's only because I'm putting everything into developing.
"You look worn down. I can't offer much, but if you want, we can cuddle and watch something of your choosing?" You opened your arms, much to his delight. He rushed in and enthusiastically hugged you.
"You're just delightful! Can we watch a romcom?" He knew you weren't the biggest fan of them, but you did say he could pick.
"Of course. Lert's get you some food, then we can do that. It's important to fuel your body." He was glad he had you. You let him know what the family ate for dinner, which he opted to eat. The two of you went back to his room, where you put on a romcom of his choosing. He leaned heavily into your side while he was eating, and once he finished, he made sure you properly cuddled him. You were only half watching the movie he'd put on. You were mostly looking at him. He looked more relaxed now.
"Asmo," you said.
"Hmm?" He looked up at you.
"I think you needed to hear this, but you can tell me otherwise. To me, you're perfect. I don't care what anyone else says." You gave him a forehead kiss. He didn't respond for once, but he gave you a cheek kiss back that conveyed all the emotions he couldn't put into words. That's all he needed to hear, especially from someone he loved.
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minamiren · 7 months
do you like super repetitive simple crochet projects to occupy your hands? because boy do i have the project for you. i’ve made almost five thousand front loop single crochets and i’ve got twelve thousand more to go. on the first panel
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cheswirls · 2 months
looking @ old fic i started when i was 14/15 is so funny bc im realizing once again why i never mark fics as abandoned even if its been literal years since i've touched them. specifically i was checking docs for stuff i started and either did or didn't post to ffn.
and its like. nothing is bad??? like i can see where my outside-the-box ideal of fic writing comes from. not just fics but writing in general, i'm p sure. even if it's a total cliche plot setup, there are details on each that rly make it stand out like oh yeahhhhhh i did have this great idea once upon a time.
funny too bc was it executed well in prose??? no absolutely not i wrote like shit when i was 15. would i revive an idea one day and revise it to be less cliche or cringy while still keeping the stand-out elements??? yea maybe. i might. everything i'm currently working on that i started from 2021 up to now still holds my supreme interest, but like i'm not gonna say never.
esp since i write fic first and foremost for my own need and specifically what i like to read, it makes it impossible to consider an idea i've thought extensively about "not worth writing anymore". anyway not making this too long i jus found everything interesting to consider
#writing#this fic i pulled up from JUNE 2014 crazy was the old chosenshi au i was trying to write for a friend#i dont ship blue/silver and never will and thats prolly why i never finished it#but i do still like!! the idea of rocket!blue raised w silver and breaking free of tr while running the hoenn branch#no idea how i remembered bc it wasnt in the plot pts on the doc but she was gonna get sent to the battle frontier#to nab jirachi and have encounters w frontier brains and change her mind at the end of it all#hell i could go back and not make it ship fic at all - have silver be a little one-sided obsessed or#even jus like.. attached to blue as a rivalry like as a way to show her up at every turn#another fic around the same time was the old pokespe hs au where i changed all the dexholder's names for some reason#i have no idea where i was in reading spe bc i put lyra in for some reason and had the sinnoh trio even tho i never read past v2 of dp#idk if it was more gameverse or what but its so funny looking @ the ship list n seeing i had gold paired w black#bc i had manga!ss and manga!ferriswheel so was it rly speverse or was i projecting????#actually i think black was supposed to die and gold was gonna go thru this whole thing abt grieving#looking at the ship list so funny bc i never shipped gold/crys or entourageshi#and clearly i did not know the superiority of pmshi if i threw lyra in jus for silver#god but i do love (most!) of the alt names i gave them#would absolutely fuck up the ship list if i ever redid it tho#also have perfectworld tho im sure i have the most recent rewrite on pen and paper somewhere#that one i also gave up bc the idea i had for flare!sycamore was cringe along with#every time i went back to work on it enough time passed that i thought my writing sucked#i rewrote that damn thing so many times but oooooooo i still love the idea#as long as i changed the cringe parts to smth better i could still rock w most of these#that fic rly had everything... psychic!korrina. leaf/serena. sycamore hacking the secret to mega evo. lys/syc that ends in failure#bc of the ending line i will never forget > only in a perfect world could you and i be together. destined and doomed from the start#im rambling n im boutta run outta tags gimme a sec
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duskerot · 1 month
world's normalest guy spends $100 on nendoroid parts
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arsenicflame · 1 year
in the spirit of both showing i Can Complete Things, and that sewing projects are never really done, heres a dress i 'finished' back in 2020ish
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this was my first time working with a crepe weave, which gave me never ending issues, that i definitely wasnt equipt to deal with at the time '''':)
it looks quite decent in these photos but there were some major fit issues (this was before i really started learning about fitting) i had an issue with the neckline rolling down to show the lining that i Could Not fix, and i did a shoddy job of inserting the zip 😅😅
ultimately i powered through to finish it, and then completely ignored it for two years (it was originally for an event but... 2020)
theres a lot to change on this dress, a lot i know i can do better. ive already revisited it once to remove all my basting and redo the zip, and thats made so much of a difference already.
im pretty sure the hem has dropped since i first hemmed it, but ill need to try it on to see what else i can actually fix and what i need to live with.
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destructix · 2 years
i think when it comes to art i need....no, i would enjoy creating more visually interesting compositions and making characters interact with their environment as well. i like challenges but i also need to make it fun for myself, it took me a while to accept that lol... so in a way it's nice to have a strong hyperfixation rn cuz it makes me more motivated to learn <3
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yakamozarda · 1 year
I think i should like. Talk to my therapist about taking a gap year bc i feel like i need a proper rest that wont be related to anything i wanna do in long term and just Chill but at the same time idk how to. Rest. Like it is legit something im bad at i cant fucking rest more than a week and i feel like i need more than a week to fucking unmentally ill myself or some shit. I dont fucking know man
#cecil.txt#I know im experiencing some sort of burn out? Or whatever the fuck it is#Idk it feels. Too luxurious to take a gap year even tho i know i will probably at least find a part time job for it#Idek#Yesterday while talking to my therapist i realised how i didnt wanna do anything at all#So idk if it is healthy to push myself to find a paid phd program or a job next year right after graduation#Esp since i can like. Afford to take a gap year. My mom is more than okay with me staying with her during that time but i fucking hate the#Idea of moving back in. I love my mom but my hometown is boring af#Working in istanbul would be great as a gap year but holy shit. The fucking economy. Idek man it doesnt sound uuhh hashtag relaxing to me#Idk#I fucking wish the jobs/internships i have applied so far would work out. I either keep getting rejected or ghosted#Yesterday i got rejected by a job i didnt even fucking want and i KNOW im fucking overqualified for it most likely. I fucking hate this#It was a fucking mobile dating sim writing. I have a degree in literature and i have done narrative design for fucks sake and worked in a#Game project with a way more complicated mechanic than a fucking lame dating sim#Got rejected bc 'they are looking for a more specific cv'#All my writings feel too niche or specific for me to get an entry level job and i fucking hate the idea of writing for a lame game to begin#With#And if i wanna get away with my weird af design ideas phd is the best way to go but. Im so tired of academia. But im also fucking terrified#Of getting a job. Ugh#There is this internship that would be PERFECT for me that im qualified for but ffs they ghosted me. Im gonna fucking go insane#Anyways#Negativity#Or whatever yall use to filter these bs
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thoughtsforsoob · 4 months
ways he shows he loves you - stray kids
a/n: I want to write more to stray kids so here you go! I know I have a bunch of request at the moment and while I do plan on getting to them, I have to allow myself some freedom to create what I want as well! please enjoy and as always, requests are open and so is my 200 event!! (omg im past 300 now and I am so incredibly grateful! thank you so freaking much!)
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bang chan - taking you home
I feel like chan considers taking you home as a huge step in your relationship, since ehe seems to love home so much.
he has a nice connection with his family so for you to go meet them means he's basically already planning the wedding
he likes to take you to places he remembers from when he was little (which are probably not too many places because he was just a little guy when he started training)
he also loves to make plans for you, his mom and his sisters hang out together
"you three go out! im paying for girls day"
he enjoys seeing pictures of his favorite people out, having fun together and getting along
the only thing he doesn't enjoy 100% is the teasing that collectively happens between you and his siblings against him but he doesn't;t mind it in the end because it just means you're comfortable with them and vice versa
and when he watches you and berry meeting for the first time...again...wedding bells are going off in his head
minho - supporting your hobbies
I don't see him as someone who is veery comfortable with just saying I love you all the time so he pressers to show it instead of say it
his way of doing so is by getting interested in your hobbies and most likely participating in them
lets just say you're a big fan of collection photo cards and trading! along with that, you also like to make bracelets for concerts! (lmao so cliche but this is what I can explain best! feel free to insert your own interests during the following!)
he definitely buys you albums all the time and when you don't pull him from a stray kids album, he rolls his eyes and keeps buying more until you pull him
he also loves watching you pack trades so he goes stationary shopping with you and buys you the cutest packing materials
he even packs a few trades for you and sneaks in a bunch of extra stickers and other freebies
he will also partake in bracelet making every time you attend a concert!
he loves sitting at the table, making bracelets with pretty beads (he insists on buying you the fancy glass beads for this project), watching a drama and eating snacks.
just seeing you happy and in your element and being able to support it is how he shows his love.
changbin - planning dates
idk about you guys but I feel like guys always leave it to their girlfriend to plan dates and come up with date ideas all the time
changbin is the exception
he knows all of the spots in the city and wants to take you to all of them eventually
he has a running list in a little journal he purchased when he first met you and started going on dates with you
he writes down the names of places he wants to take you to and crosses them out in highlighter when you eventually go so you can still see what he'd written down
he plans trips that vary anywhere from 2 weeks in LA to a evening picnic by the river
his favorite are "spontaneous dates" (in quotation marks because to him, no date is really spontaneous. he always puts some work into it, even if it's a late night run to the convenience store or a trip to the mall)
he's always navigating and making sure everything is perfect
his favorite part of the date is when you praise him for being so thoughtful and creative
he is so happy that he's impressing you and making you happy
he promises to himself that even when you both are old and grey, he's still going to sweet you off your feet with his amazing date ideas
hyunjin - remembers everything you tell him
(no bc...when people remember details about me I feel so happy)
anyways, he is such a good listener and pays attention to detail
whenever you mention something in passing, he makes a note of it mentally or if he knows he'll forget, he will write is down in his notes app
one example of this is during one exam season
2 weeks ago, you had told him bout your finals schedule and when it would start
on the first day, right at 6am he shows up with your favorite coffee order (or anything else if you don't drink coffee) and your favorite breakfast! along with a care package for the rest of finals!
the care package includes: two hoodies of his, you favorite candies, chips, ramyeon, and a couple other things he knew you'd find useful
he remember you telling him you had to get up at that hour to start getting ready for your 8am calc final
when he shows you, you damn near cry because of his thoughtfulness
he eats breakfast with you and makes sure your fueled up and able to focus on your test so you can ace it
the way he also thinks about you when he's out doing things like shopping
Oh I brought you back some eggs because I remember you said you didn't have anymore. also, this new toner because I noticed yours was running low last time I stayed the night."
jisung - never letting you pay
his love language is essentially paying for everything he can for you
if you deny him and tell him you're going to pay, just the thought of you doing something he is more than willing to do for yo has smoke coming out of his eyes like a cartoon character
oh boy and when you actually beat him and pay, he is red in the face
"sungie, I just paid for two coffee's. why are you all red like that?"
"I could've paid! now you have to let me pay for the next 100 things we get together!"
you roll his eyes at him when he makes these silly compromises with you and just rolls with it
for him, it's not that he thinks you can't pay for yourself because ehe knows you are more than capable
if anything, he's proud that his baby is an independent person and can take care of themselves
the reason he does it because he wants you to save your money and spend it on things for you and he wants to take care of you this being the best way he knows how
oh my god...
god forbid you buy him any gifts
he's all flustered and whining about how you shouldn't "waste your money" on him
after talking with him, he lets you pay sometimes but it's rare
felix - matching jewelry
it's all fun and games until you both get exposed...
before we go there, let's talk about how this started
for your first anniversary, Felix wanted to give you something special but had no ides what it should be
he was scrolling through TikTok one night and he came across a repost from you and it gave him the perfect idea
you reposed a couples post about a necklace with the bf's initial on it and he immediately got one made
you better believe hat we went to a famous custom designer and everything to get this made just the way he knew you'd love it
you gives it to you on your anniversary and to your surprise, not only do you have a "f" on your necklace, he get's a matching necklace with your initial on it...
he can't wear it out much but he always put's it on in private
one day...little sunshine over here has to leave to the airport with the group for an overseas concert and he forgets to take off the damn necklace...
"WHO IS (y/i)?" stays are going wild online and trying to find out who it is
from now on, Felix is more careful but now everyone knows his secret :0
seungmin - bring affectionate in front of others
look, this boy is not very affectionate, much less in front of other people
he's a very 'behind closed doors' type of person
when it comes to you though...he's not afraid to show his affection
the first time you noticed it was when he first invited you to meet his member at the dorm for dinner and movie night
he picked you up and brought you inside
you greet all of the members but right afterwards, he immediately just starts to cling to you
he has a hand on your thigh during dinner and during some shot periods, he's actually straight up holding your hand while eating
the boys look at him like he's finally gone insane and you're looking at him with such a confused expression
finally, jeongin of all people, breaks the silence
"hyung? I know you like (y/n) a lot but you're not letting her eat by holding her hand."
his face goes red because he's been caught and he lets go of your hand, putting a low apology to you
when the movie portion of the night comes around, he insists on your sitting right on his lap but if you decline, he is sitting so close next to you that he's literally going to merge into your body
jeongin - sharing clothing/shopping with you
(cw: I know not everyone feels comfy with the idea of sharing clothes for whatever reason and it's totally valid so I made two different options here!)
as we all know, jeongin loves fashion and anything that has to do with it
it's only natural that he wants to involve you into his hobby!
he wants to dress you up all the time!
sometimes, he'll drag you to his room and start to pick items from his closet to replace what you're already wearing...
you have to glare at him so he won't change your whole outfit
he also loves to take you shopping!
he walks into every store with you and asks your opinion on everything because he knows you're actually the one wearing it so you have to like these items too!
shopping can be a very stressful and traumatic experience for some people (ME!)
he understands if this is the case for you and tries his best to give you all the time you need and not overwhelm you with trying too many things on at once and not showing you 101 options all at once
if you don't like how something fits, he will never pressure you to show him anyway
he also never pressures you to go shopping if you're not in the correct headspace for it
there is always assurance from him that no matter what, he loves the way you look in clothes you both pick together!
he also loves to take ootd pics of you and he lets you take his!
he def never pressures you to do this either if you don't wanna
his soft launch of you is a pick of your latest ootd together but your face has a cute little fox sticker over it :D
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> SUN IN THA HOUSE < and whY yoU Be like dat
Sun is our focal point, its our brightest star > you force others to look at you and look at themselves by your star quality <
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Sun in the First - Everyone knows them, and they make it a fact that if you don't see them then your the one who is blind. They have a confident swagger, but arrogance to them that begs for the attention of all around them, and everyone is locked in on how or why they have such a powerful presence. Their smiles are contagious too. Also somehow always in the perfect place to say some funny ass shit and keep their style points that they been racking up over the years "You know. You all know exactly who I am. Say my name" - W.W 'breaking bad'
Sun in the Second - Did I stutter? Im talking about what I need not what I want. These guys are possessed by themselves and everyone loves it. So focused so self contained, they don't want nothing to do with you if you can't help them achieve their goals, and that attitude is sticky and everyone wanna be glued to em because they are destined for success. So they are constantly deciding who they want to share their gifts with, because they know they got it, what you got? "Money, money, money, money, money ain't the motive, What's your name again? Nobody knows it, Don't speak to me n***a, you not important, Im focused" - Tyler, the creator 'smuckers'
Sun in the Third - The whizz kid who didn't study, but stole the test papers and told everyone the wrong answers and kept all the right ones to himself. They are smart and they dont need you to tell them this they just want some more god damn answers. And thats what frustrates everyone, because they know so much already, why they still searching? Well thats how they got so smart dummy "That's why they put my lyrics up under this microscope Searching with a fine tooth comb, it's like this rope Waiting to choke, tightening around my throat Watching me while I write this, like, "I don't like this note" - Eminem 'white america'
Sun in the Fourth - The sentimental cry baby that everyone loves to cuddle. Emotional but people find it adorable. They are the rock you can cry on if you want a rock to cry on. Nah but if you need a safe place to cry, you can cry to them, they'll protect you from the harsh waves of others emotional projections, because they get it, even when everyone else refuses to. But don't use em because that'll force them to block you out, and this decision will cause a emotional rollercoaster for the both of you and they'll blame you for it even if it was their decision "And I am done changing words, Just so my songs sound prettier, I just don't care if it hurts, 'Cause it hurts me too" - Faye Webster 'hurts me too'
Sun in the Fifth - The walking confetti explosion, always turnt up and if you trynna lower the volume then they'll oblige ya just so when the volume inevitably goes up again, they'll make it a point that its always more fun with the party up then down. Charming chameleons that are cheesin about the colours they managed to pull off. Watch em dance, watch em sing, watch em do a funny, they can do it all and laugh while doing it, the vibe is them and they are so good at inviting people in on the little big party they got going on "Man I just wanna go flex, Gold on my teeth and on my neck, And I'm stone cold with the flex, With my squad and I'm smokin' up a check" - Post Malone 'go flex'
Sun in the Sixth - Typeracer.com - nah but seriously they always working on themselves and comparing themselves just to make sure their progress is more than what they expected and way more than what others expected of them. Because they here for a reason, and they will never let a opportunity slip, because if they do, they'll stay awake over it for years, and they done wasting their good years. Basically Peggy Olsen "And when your album sales wasn't doing too good, Who's the Doctor they told you to go see? Y'all better listen up closely, All you n***s that said that I turned pop, Or The Firm flopped. Y'all are the reason that Dre ain't been getting no sleep" - Dr Dre 'forgot about dre'
Sun in the Seventh - I gotchu what you need? true homies always putting others before them, and i know this gets a bad rap these days but if you ever get one of these friends. Do yourself a favour and stop telling them to stand up for themselves, because they still standing with the weight of everyone else on they shoulders. This way they show others the power of communication. And they still sticking it to everyone who tell em otherwise, so please tell me how they not standing up for themselves? They the loyalist, you got no idea how many people rely on em and thats their pride "Every step I take, every move I make (ohh, I'll miss you), Every single day, every time I pray, I'll be missing you (yeah, yeah, yeah), Thinkin' of the day, when you went away, What a life to take, what a bond to break, I'll be missing you" - Diddy 'missing you'
Sun in the Eighth - Who went to hell and back? Well they went to a version of it. And they are done hearing whatever you done, because what they did beats your hell tenfold. They don't even wanna put you in your place because they don't wanna hear your attempts to disapprove of them because they've overcome more than some bullshit shit talking. Just put some respect on their name thats all they want. And if not it's easy pickens because think they worse than you, and if you done worse, they don't mind going badder, so be careful, they'll do it. They careful about not being careful so be careful "No I don't worry, I tell you, I'm a man who believes that I died twenty years ago, And I live like a man who is dead already, I have no fear whatsoever of anybody or anything" - Skepta 'no security'
Sun in the Ninth - I WOKE UP IN NEW BUGgATTI is how they live their lives, except miss the bugatti but keep the caps lock on. They live by a set of moral philosophies to help them get by and to find excitement/ enjoyment outta life, because they refuse to be a follower, they've seen how sad everyone else is and they just trynna make sure it don't work out that way for them. Educated idiots; making up the rules as they learn the rules to live by their own rules. They lead their own life and it rubs off on everyone on how you should live your own life > teetering the edge of danger and fortune. Also someone who'll give it to you the realest despite being the biggest clown "Black kid get shot, white man get tazed, Media spread lies, politicians get paid, Doctors wanna drug you up so you can reach an early grave, Prisons wanna lock you up so they can fill up every cage Make fifty cents an hour, they gon' work you like a slave, Government gon' play dumb but they know everythin' " - Meechy Darko 'kill us all'
Sun in the Tenth - "Who speaking about me? oh. he ain't shit" - they acting better than everyone, and its fake until it isnt. No one knows when they made it because they always acted like they did. They dont brag they let the audience speak their volumes, hum their symphonies, play their drums, tickle their balls, and they just the orchestrator of it all. Because they doin the most, and they know everyone gonna talk about it so no need to even speak on it. Classy about it too. They on the top and they don't wanna leave so they acting humble but everyone know they really feelin themselves, but hey who wouldn't "I might be too strung out on compliments, Overdosed on confidence, Started not to give a fuck and stopped fearing the consequence, Drinkin' every night because we drink to my accomplishments" - Drake 'headlights'
Sun in the Eleventh - Trend setters who leave their shit stains on every social setting they enter. They got this influence about them thats hard not to notice, because they have at least three people fawning over em, and they not doing shit. Always trying to spread their influence, so if you want someone to back you its them, because their word is worth more due to their connections. And the easiest way to connect is technology and they all up in the software and getting a hard drive about it. They say some outta pocket shit, but thats where the influenza comes from I guess. They somehow everywhere and no where at the same damn time "It's ironic you talk jail time, But you ain't never seen no central booking (yeah) It's ironic you hang with a n***a that beat women And have the nerve to call yourself "Girl Pusher" Wow! You ain't real, I'm gonna show you how I really feel - JPEGMAFIA 'baby im bleeding'
Sun in the Twelfth - Lonely introspective dreamy creative types. Is what you could say if you wanna sum them up. But there is much more to them, but they are so afraid of letting anyone in because they are so sensitive. Their empathy and ability to look at things from different perspectives is what sets them apart, and they want to be set apart, because they feel alone, and don't wanna pretend they your friend if they ain't. They are extremely creative to a fault, and a lot of people would rather make fun of their works then celebrate how special it is. Until it is widely acknowledged how gifted they are, then everyone will switch up around them. But they will never forget who said what, because they above the whats; aint got time for someone who thought they were just a what "'Cause I'm out there, Tried to tell you that I'm out here on my own, I told you I was out there, Tried to tell you that I'm out here on my own,I fell down to Earth, From a hundred miles away and somehow I still make it work, But it's overrated and somehow played out" - Oliver Tree 'alien boy'
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fangirlingatstuff · 1 year
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Lucky 13 is a completely FREE 3d print file available on Printables by Soozafone! If you have access to a 3d printer or can get someone ro print it for you, I 1000% recommend it!
Lucky has the same amount if not more articulation than most artist mannequins and is SO MUCH CHEAPER. While filament is expensive, I was able to print mine at my university’s print lab for 13$. 13!$!!!
This figure is comparable to the Armature 9 models, and in my opinion, BETTER just because of the customizability and free print use! Im currently working on making dragon wings for mine.
Lucky comes with the armature, skin, a stand, 8 different hand poses, and several accessories, but the community has HUNDREDS of remixes and new additions custom made for this little guy.
And the best part is, is that the creator, Soozafone, is ALREADY working on a version 2!! Check him out on reddit at r/Soozafone!
I am so in love with my own figure and am so excited to see all the new updates. If you’re looking for pose reference but dont want to fork over hundreds on a figure, PLEASE! Check out Lucky 13!
Here’s the link to the Printables page:
I literally cant recommend this figure enough, Im already planning on printing a few more because I love it so much.
I hope this gives all the other artists a fun little project, because I certainly had a blast putting mine together!
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Happy printing!!
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achelouise · 26 days
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my love, my muse —kaveh
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fandom: genshin
pairing: kaveh x reader!
a/n: i just realized i hadn’t written for kaveh, which is a crime against humanity. also kaveh x muse!reader brainrot sjzjjwjzjqjjajajajh (also switching formats, iiiiiii have no idea what im doing, can you tell)
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— student!kaveh, who, even though loathed and respected his project partner to bits, would rather die than ever try to draw him for an assignment. “don’t even think about it,” he hisses, just as alhaitham quirks an unimpressed eyebrow. he understands that he has many friends and acquaintances that are willing to pose for him, but a small voice in the back of his head needles at him- telling him that no, we cannot create art with them as our muse. and to him, nothing is more important than making sure every single artwork he produces is with the utmost sincerity.
— student!kaveh, whose resolve crumbles bit after bit as the deadline creeps up, with no model to look for in sight, and is starting to think perhaps he should turn to his volunteering friends after all. he cannot compromise his diligence for his passion as a scholar, and so he heads to pupsa café, hoping to buy some coffee to prepare for his all-nighter that night.
—student!kaveh, who doesn’t even realize he’s pouting until he hears a cheery, unfamiliar voice bring it up- and he tilts his head up to find that he spilled all the coffee in his mouth onto his shirt (much to your alarm).
“you,” he gurgles, “you’re the muse i’ve been looking for!”
“excuse me?”
— perhaps he was a bit sleep-deprived, which explained his lack of inhibition, but student!kaveh latches onto you like a moth to a flame, stars swirling in his eyes. are you a student of the akademiya? which darshan are you from? which nation were you from to bless you with such beautiful eyes? could you be his muse? he asks them all, because he has to know.
— student!kaveh, who only later apologizes for his overbearing first-impression, while swearing up and down he wasn’t like that usually, and explaining his current predicament. perhaps you pitied him, or found him quite charming- whichever it was, you accepted his proposal to be his muse in exchange for some funds, much to his delight.
“thank you, thank you, oh, thank you! my assignment won’t be so lifeless after all!”
— student!kaveh, who arranges a time and place for you at his dorm with a sense of bravery he has absolutely no idea where he picked up from. when you come in with the most random set of outfit he’s ever seen, he chooses to hold back his tongue over your enthusiastic participation.
“sit tight!” he says, holding comically large canvas whose shadow swallowed up the whole room, “relax, and do whatever your heart tells you to do.”
— student!kaveh, who usually simply sketches things out of pure photographic memory, starts simple and structured for once. where would the chair go? where would you sit? would you look too stretched out if the table properties next to you weren’t matching? where should he exaggerate? how would the chandelier be hanging to get the perfect lighting? how would the painting behind you affect the composition?
— student!kaveh, who usually lets his hand dance on his canvas, plans everything out this time, and lets his mind flourish under the guidance of your radiant beauty. your soft smile, your relaxed posture, and your twinkling eyes lets him have fun- and he finds joy in drawing backgrounds, especially the furniture, for once- to emphasize the way you pose.
— student!kaveh, who drinks an ungodly amount of coffee every night and lets his sheer will do the rest, stops by in the kitchen to make you some snacks. he worries for you; “are you alright? is this posture tiring you? do you want water? i can get some for you. do you want some snacks, too? we can take a break. i don’t have much here, but i can always make a quick trip to the market.”
— student!kaveh, who finds joy in conversation with you while he works. you seem to harbor a decent amount of knowledge fitting for a scholar. if you talk about other subjects, kaveh’s more than willing to listen. if you enjoy studying architecture, that’s fine too! whatever the topic is, you both seem to have an endless stream of opinions and discussions to open up about, and watching your mouth run off on any particular topic brings him much satisfaction. it is always fascinating to understand another person deeply interested in a subject.
— student!kaveh, who starts to explore other color schemes in order to find the perfect one for you. your radiance is something that should be brought out and emphasized on his canvas, something future generations can look at and admire. maybe a bit of pink for the shadow? how about purple to shade your hair instead of gray? would yellow compliment your shoes? he thinks of them all, dabbling in this and that, until his palette blooms in different smears of colors.
— student!kaveh, who is willing to go on a rant to explain how you were the perfect muse, how your smile made his hand itch to draw it out, how your eyes crinkled and held the weight of your soul, how- oh. did he say muse? would you like to be? kaveh doesn’t mind in the slightest if you could continue to. in fact, how about he treats you to a nice meal tonight? the sun is setting, anyway, and it’ll be his way of saying thank you. (please say yes.)
— student!kaveh, who, after half an hour of deliberation on whether parting his bangs in a certain angle would make him look more presentable or not, shows up that night at the venue with a small sketchbook in his hands, telling you not to worry about it. every time your lips turn a certain way, or when the light hits your hand just right, he frantically sketches it down underneath the table, much to your confusion.
“did you enjoy the meal? hm? that? oh, it’s nothing. please, go on. you said something about how your friend could aether-edit?”
it was a pleasant time, despite him constantly dodging your questions on what in teyvat’s name he’s doing, and believing the constant rush he feels inside his head whenever you laugh is perfectly normal. you’re his muse, aren’t you? it’s only natural.
(and if the dinner spreads any rumors- well, kaveh thinks it’s normal to feel giddy, too.)
— student!kaveh, who, when looking at his graded paper days later, is pleased to know it is graded with high praise. the professor even commented on how he is finally starting to get a firm grasp on studying basic anatomy of architecture. (hmph. he thinks he was pretty good at anatomy up until then as well, but okay.) good- he’s put a lot of effort into that painting.
— student!kaveh, who insists on thanking you for the high grade again, the next time you run into each other- only this time with a bouquet of flowers, and a blush on his face.
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poetryvampire · 22 days
The Song of Rolan
Dingdong! Horny Rolan posting hours again. I started writing head canons for how vocal our lovely wizard can get. It got a bit long so I turned it in a little fic. Also sorry for the name im a lit nerd
Words: 2,705
Rating: Explicit
Rolan x AFAB! Reader
Prompt: Rolan's voice drives you crazy. But he has a terrible habit of stifling all his pretty little noises in bed. You help him fix that.
Tags: teasing, pointy ear play, a touch of edging, dry humping, sloppy oral, p and v sex, bit of overstimulation, creampie, riding that tiefling straight to hell and back
It was an understatement to say you were proud of Rolan. He was an accomplished wizard, loving brother and - in your opinion-the perfect partner. One that you could see yourself spending the rest of your days with. That's not to say he didn't get on your nerves. Not only with his grumpy tendencies but more so with his habit of over working.  You adored his passion and drive to further his studies but it had led to more and more long lonely nights. Either from him traveling with colleagues or the tiefling locking himself in his study to work on a multitude of projects until morning light. 
He had returned home only yesterday having spent almost two full weeks away and yet he still seems dead set to spend all evening pouring over his notes. The Wizard's focus was getting worse by the day. Not that he hadn't been overjoyed to see you. He had practically knocked you off your feet with the intensity of his hug when he came striding through the door. You had spent hours locked in each other's arms in your large shared bed. Steadily he moved between tales of his journey and peppering your skin with feverish kisses.
Rolan had taken you greedily. Frantic, practically tripping over himself trying to touch all of you at once. He couldn't quite find a voice for his needs but you swayed to him happily, matching his clumsy passion. There was plenty of the time to truly savor each other. But still your patience was running thin.
Somehow you had once again found yourself in an empty bedroom starving for your partner. Last night had been a sweet reunion but it did little to quell the fire Rolan lad lit in you while he was away. He had only been gone a few days when a letter arrived that left you breathless. Deciding to skip over the details of his journey he focused instead on his longing for you.
'What little beauty there is to be had here is dwarfed a thousand times by the thought of you. I dream of you always. Of being wrapped in your divine cunt. Of feeling it pulse against my tongue. Gods, I am your slave. Use me only for your pleasure. Let me worship you, my heart.'
His words rang in your head even now, pooling that familiar heat down below. How you wanted him. Wanted to hear such words from his own lips. From the moment you met you’d been in love with the deep rumble of his voice. Nothing gave you such satisfaction as pulling music from Rolan’s lips as you made love. It wasn't easy. Even still he had trouble fully letting himself go. Often he would stifle his words and moans to your great dismay. You recall gazing up at him as you ran your tongue over his length to find his hand clamped tightly over his mouth muffling his cries. A senseless action as you two had been the only people home at the time.  
Swiftly you move to your wardrobe every drop of patience spent. You need him; to wring every moan, grunt and whimper out of that man or it would kill you. He deserves to relish in and express his pleasure freely. Perhaps he just needs a little push.
Much to your relief the tower was empty by this hour. You moved lightly through the halls wearing nothing but a sheer purple dressing gown.
You tap your knuckles against the hard oak door as you enter his study. He was exactly as you had pictured him, four open books across his desk and him writing furiously.
"Beloved!" He half glances at you as he takes a quick slip from his wine glass. "Now don't worry," he continues flipping pages. "I hadn't forgotten about you. This was intended to be a short little report but I just keep finding revisions that seem a shame not to add."
Going above and beyond as always. You can't help but smile as you watch him, those tantalizing eyes darting from paper to paper. Just the sight of him makes the warmth of excitement flare in you. You feel your nipples hardening against the thin fabric you wore. He's dressed down; the lacing on his ruffled white shirt undone to his mid chest and sleeves pushed up past the elbow. Such a small glimpse of extra skin makes your heart race. Hopefully you can rise the same reaction.
"You have such a way with words it would be rude not to." You purr, moving to his side.
"I'll be done soon, truly." He can hear the need in your voice. "Then I'm all yours."
You hum amused as you lift his glass to take a deep drink.
"You sound like you don't believe me." Rolan's hand passes through the space once hosting his glass. "Have I ever let you down in the-"
His eyes finally snap to you and his words catch sharply in his throat, blood rushing to his face. You laugh, finishing the glass.
" What's the matter, my love? You're usually so generous with your words."
"I- I-you," He stammers.
"I seem to remember such generosity in a letter you wrote."
You undo the gown. His eyes fix on you as you let it fall to the floor. As many times as he's seen it the sight of you in your full glory drives him wild. 
"Do you remember that letter?"
"Oh, of course." His voice is barely a whisper, his body tense as if ready to pounce on you.
To his surprise you straddle him and his hands fly to your hips drawing you closer. Both of you groan into a deep kiss as you grind yourself down against the quickly growing tent in his trousers.
"Do you want to please me?" You growl half into his mouth.
"More than anything." He gasps between kisses. 
You pull away, placing a finger over his lips. His beaming cheeks and  pleading eyes stoke your maddening hunger for him.
"Then let me please you. I need to feel it and hear it. Let me drown in you, Rolan."
"Gods above," He groans.
You can see he's already holding back. But you would have to help him along by targeting his weak points. You start with his neck, ghosting your lips over him, letting the tension build. Your hot breath sends a shiver down his spine as he grasps your thighs trying to push you on.
At last you press your lips to his skin earning a soft hiss. You try to go slow but make your need apparent with the ferocity of your mouth. A deep sigh escapes him as you attack his jawline, sucking and teasing as you go. Rolan bucks his hips suddenly, huffing. He's too shy to ask but he's dying for you to touch his ears.
A quick bite to the lobe earns another sharp gasp. You laugh knitting your fingers through his hair- Gods his sounds make your heart flutter.
"Oh? Did you like that, my love?" You coo into his neck. There's words on his lips but they melt away as your tongue slowly traces the shell of his ear right to the tip. "Hhm? What was that? Are you unsure? But you're usually so strong in your convictions."  You repeat the action making him squirm underneath you. You grind down on his bulge creating a delicious friction. "However can I know you're enjoying yourself if you don't tell me?"
"It's good." He chokes out at last, meeting the movements of your eager hips.
"What is? We can't all be scholars you know." You draw away from him slightly. "What do you want?"
He laughs as a devilish grin spreads across his parted lips.
"Everything. You're so, you're so- " his words falter. He still feels your breath on him but the lack of contact makes it clear you're waiting. It's only in times like this when Rolan has difficulty summoning words.
"I've never heard of a wizard so speechless." You goad him and start to move away. "Must want to get back to his dusty old books rather than-"
"No!" He cries, locking his arms around you keeping you in place. "Your mouth- your tongue feels so fucking good I can't stand it."
You lick a strip down his neck while bringing your hands to the sides of his head, making sure to brush your fingers across the points of his ears, pulling a low shudder from him.
"There's the man that wrote me such an inspiring letter. That made me plunge my fingers in myself and dream of his cock."
He swears through his teeth, his eyes sparkling with desire.
"And where do you want my mouth?" You continue practically able to feel the heat flash across his face. Your tongue slides across his clavicle  and then moves lower to lap at the ridges on his chest. "Here, then?"
'No,' he breathes.
You swear you can feel him twitch in his pants. Moving your mouth lower you open his shirt completely and do away with it. You stop at the sharp ridge above his stomach.
"Oh, here?"
He shakes his head, face now blazing hot.  Pained whines fall from him as your mouth climbs back up the path of his chest. It isn't until you graze his Adam's apple that he breaks.
"My cock! Fuck I need your mouth on my cock. I need it now, please." He pleads like his life is at stake.
Instantly you're on the floor in front of him pushing his legs apart. You let out a moan yourself once you've sprung him free. You admire just how heavy he is in your hands and run your fingers over the ridges you wish were currently pounding into you.
With a throaty gasp a few drops of precum spill from his head just as you flick your tongue over it. You don't make him wait long before you take him into your mouth.
His moans ring through the room; the music you've been dying to hear. You waste no time taking him apart. Your mouth runs up and down his full length as you hollow your cheeks.  With a loud pop you release him, a string of saliva still connecting you.
Rolan stairs transfixed, his exquisitely carved chest rising and falling rapidly.
"Like this?"
"Yes! Love, it's perfect. Keep sucking, just like that."
Before the words are past his lips you've swallowed him down again, your eyes never leaving his. Now comes your turn to rid the fears that hold you back. As you bob your head you make no mind of the symphony of wet, lewd noises filling the air.
The obscene display tears a guttural groan from him. Unable to hold off any longer move you press a hand to your wetness as you relish taking him like this. The feel, the sound, the smell. It was quite literally making your mouth water. You switch to running your tongue from base to tip stopping only to tease him with a few quick flicks at his head. Drunk on lust at the sounds of his grunts and murmurs you dip your fingers into your dripping hole. 
"Nine hells." He shakes out, breathing hard. "Tell me, what have I done to deserve such adoration?”
Rolan’s eye then focuses on your hands. One pleasuring yourself and the other roaming your own body. You throw your head back with a soft sigh, his unyielding gaze intensifying your pleasure.
"What a wanton little thing you are." Rolan licks his lips in awe.
You protest for a moment as he snatches your hand away from your sex but hum in approval as he licks them clean.
"You sweet thing.”He coos after slowly releasing your digits. “Let me take care of that."
The swift flourish of magic swirls pass and you scream as you find yourself tumbling back on the plush blankets of your bed. Somehow it still catches you off guard.
Rolan has your legs pushed apart in seconds, taking a moment to breathe you in before going to work. Gently pulling your folds open his expert fingers, his tongue ravished you with the same pace you had set. In moments he had your hips shaking involuntarily. Each painfully sweet lash on your clit making you chant his name.
Yet you still weren't sated in your need to watch your lover twist in ecstasy. Taking him by the horns you pull his mouth to yours, lapping at his lips to savor the taste of your sex.
"How can I be of service?" Rolan purrs, a wicked smile forming.
"Lay back.”
He complies and you straddle his hips once more. You drag your core against his agonizingly hard cock. Now you were free to delight in the bumps and ridges you so adored. Your slick coats you both allowing you to slide over him with ease.
Rolan tries to caress you but you pull his hands away and pin them to the bed making him shudder.
"No, love. Leave them here." You roll your hips slowly bearing down, pushing a sharp whimper from his throat. "You just focus on this." Another roll, another whine. As you move your hands away he digs his claws into the sheets to obey. His eyes rake over you, especially as your speed increases. The sight of your breasts bouncing never failed to make him feral with lust. 
Quickly the last of his composure is slipping away as you grind over him. His hair framing his face wildly, his body trembling with effort not to take control and plunge into you. He howls when his tip catches on your entrance.
"Oh is this what you want now? What a greedy thing you are."  You tease.
"Please, mercy." he rasps out as you lower yourself ever so slightly only to pull away. “Give it to me, please! Love, I need you.” 
“How do you need me?” you wiggle your hips, toying with him. 
“I need to be inside.” He breathes, his frustration palpable as his tail snaps against the mattress. 
With unsteady thighs you sink enough to just take in his tip before slowly drawing back.
“Fuck, I need you.” Rolan cries, his voice breaking “I need to stretch that perfect tight little cunt. To feel it cum all over my cock. Gods, please fuck me!” 
Unable to hold back any longer your body obeys and you take all of him at once. The sudden action rips a howl from you both. The slight pain and overwhelming pleasure of being so full does little to slow you down and you continue your animalistic pace. 
The song spilling from Rolan’s lips has you intoxicated utterly. It’s a lurid rumble of repeating ‘yes’ and ‘please’ and ‘fuck me’ and words in his own native tongue. You ride his cock with all you have drinking in the sight of him. His claws deep in the mattress now, he’s writhing and wailing below you. 
Finally you pull his hands to your hips and his body jumps to match your rhythm. He’s practically sobbing now, eyes swimming with rapture and concentration as he drives himself into you. A spike of heat pulls at your core and with another desperate thrust you come undone, clenching uncontrollably around him. Another wave of unbearable pleasure hits you as your lover pulses and spills his hot load inside of you. He rides it out, ending his flurry of moans with a few deep ragged breaths. 
Rolan catches you in his arms before you even realize you’ve started to fall forward and presses you to his chest. You languish there enjoying the rhythm of his heartbeat. 
“I don’t deserve you.” he says, tangling his fingers in your hair. 
“You’re so dramatic” you sigh “I’ve just missed you. A lot.”   
“Well, with a greeting like that I have half a mind to leave you more often.” he smirks. 
“Don’t you dare,” you warn. 
“Of course not. I wouldn’t dream of it.” Rolan kisses the top of your head, holding you tightly to him until you both fall into slumber. 
Thanks for reading! 
Much love <3
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daenysx · 3 months
Hi love!! I hope you’re having a wonderful day, could i possibly request a sirius x fem reader where reader just had an unbelievably long day at work (im projecting uni is kicking my behind) and she comes home so worn out and extra clingy cause she needs extra love and attention from sirius and of course our pretty boy is more than happy to oblige? thank you <333
this is so relatable, thank you for requesting angel, i hope you enjoy!
sirius black x fem!reader, fluff
sirius is trying to watch a film while he waits for you at home.
well, he's trying but he's not very good at focusing on the plot today. he keeps thinking of your voice, your sad and tired tone, your fake words to convince him that you're doing okay and he doesn't need to come get you from work. he keeps staring at the screen of his laptop just to make minutes go faster, his eyes are empty when his mind is full of you.
the sound of your keys unlocking the door makes him jumpy a little, he leaves the laptop on the couch to see you. your bag hangs from your shoulder, your eyes look puffy from what he can see, you don't look steady enough to move one more step. sirius frowns but he's quick to take your bag as you kick your shoes.
"welcome back, lovely." he says, quietly. you give him a worn out smile, sirius helps you with your jacket before he takes you in his arms. your hold isn't nearly as strong as his but you still hug him. he realizes you are almost ready to melt into his arms but you need a little time to do that. he brushes a quick kiss on your hair before he can see your face better.
his warm fingers push your hair back. "are you okay?"
you nod, giving him another smile. "better."
sirius supports you gently to go to the bedroom. you sit on bed as he brings you some comfy clothes. the way your eyes seem so blurry breaks his heart, he wants your spark back. he kneels in front of you and holds your hands, a kiss for each knuckle.
"can i help you change?"
you squeeze his hands. "i want to take a shower first, i think. i feel so messy like this."
he nods, stands up from his spot. "do you want me to come with you?" normally he'd ask the question teasingly, he'd smirk until you go mad but this time he's being cautious.
you nod, shyly. "but i don't think i can stay on my feet for too long."
"i'll hold you." he says. "i'll wash your hair and rub your back a bit under hot water, yeah? how does it sound, gorgeous?"
you smile and pull his face towards yourself with the last piece of strength you have. you kiss him for how sweet he's being, he wants to kiss you longer but you don't feel good enough and he knows.
sirius practically carries you to the shower, he helps you out of your clothes to get you under the hot water. he gets in with you, you lean into his chest as he holds you from your waist, his fingers are drawing circles on your skin. you make a sound that melts his heart, your muscles finally get to relax. sirius holds the back of your head to press your face on his neck. you kiss him and close your eyes, the water takes away all the stress you have from your tough day.
you think you'll fall asleep on your feet, leaning against sirius. he washes your hair and his long fingers rubbing your scalp feels perfect. he rinses the shampoo slowly, massages your shoulders with the rest of the bubbles. he cups your cheeks to see your eyes, finds them unfocused and sleepy. "come on, you lovely thing. you have to wait until we go to bed to sleep, yeah? i'll finish in a minute."
you hum, your head falls on his shoulder as you hold onto him like a koala. "i love you so much."
sirius's laugh echoes in the bathroom. "i know, baby." he says. "i love you, too. just keep your eyes open for me."
you nod, trying to do as he says. he finishes quickly just like he promises and you are out of the shower. you don't even have to move a muscle, sirius does everything for you. he doesn't say anything until he gets you nice and comfy, you feel like your heart will explode out of the amount of love you have for him.
you feel a lot better after a warm shower, you decide, the minutes spent under water clean you up in every way. you can feel the thoughts in your brain still exhaust you, but you can't have everything you want at the same time. for now, being physically clean helps a lot.
you change into the clothes sirius picked for you, one of his t-shirts and one of your little shorts. water drips from your hair and you try to use the towel to keep it a little dry. you sigh when your muscles stretch in a comforting but disturbing way.
sirius comes next to you after he finishes getting dressed himself, he stays behind as he takes the towel from your hands. he gently gathers all your hair in his hand and kisses your neck lovingly. you close your eyes, his lips feel like heaven on your skin. tilting your head back, you lean into him until he gives your another kiss.
"my poor baby." he whispers. you hum, needy for every touch. "let's brush your hair."
he does as he says, his fingers move to untangle your hair. he uses the comb after applying some oil you like, and you feel good enough to turn around when he finishes. he leaves the comb on your nightstand, his arms holding you immediately. you bury your face to his neck, the mixed smell of your shampoo and his cologne fill your senses.
"do you wanna go to bed?" he asks. "or maybe the couch?"
"the bed please." you say. he is quick to lift the covers to help you lay in bed. you can cry when you feel soft mattress under your tired body, a sound leaves your lips when you try to get comfortable.
"are you hungry, sweetheart?" sirius asks.
you shake your head. "i don't feel like eating, siri."
sirius hums, he knows he shouldn't force you. he plans a full breakfast for the morning quickly in his mind. "what about some tea, baby? the one you like that smells like berries?"
you think this option for a second, but even though the thought of a hot cup of tea sounds perfect, you don't feel good enough to sit and drink something. you extend a hand to him, he sits next to you on bed, careful eyes watching your every expression.
"maybe later." you say, a smile forming on your lips to convince him you're okay. "won't you come closer?"
sirius places himself gently in bed, right next to you. he is holding you instantly and you wrap yourself around him. his one hand starts rub your shoulder blades, and the other one goes to your hair. he kisses your head, and once more until he loses a breath.
there are voices in your head, they've been there the entire day. you were begging for some silence at some point when you called sirius but controlling your mind is not so easy. you just bury yourself closer to him like you're hiding from the world and he keeps you there. a slow teardrop falls on his neck from your eyes, your lips form a soft pout.
then the voices stop.
because now there's him talking and only him. his beautiful voice reaches your ears and you calm down easily. "it's okay." he says, his fingers are kind in your hair. "my baby's just tired, but you'll feel better. we'll stay in bed until you feel like yourself again, okay?"
you nod automatically, your lips pressed on his neck but not quite kissing. he kisses you instead, covers your forehead with fond brushes of his lips. "let's try to get some sleep, sweetheart." his voice is low. "close your eyes, pretty girl."
"thank you." you whisper before breathing him in and closing your eyes for sleep.
"you are so lovely, do you know that?" he blinks, tightens his arms around you. "no need for that, i'm just trying to take care of my girl."
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kookwashere · 8 months
Can we get over it?
Summary: You and Jungkook grew up together, you ate from the same lunch box, rode the same bus, cried on each others shoulders, until his new girlfriend came in between you two and you both got into an argument and began to hate each other, but can you guys just get over it?
Warning: Contains fluff (my baby 😭), smut (yeehaw bois) oral (f&m), soft AND rough sex, riding, OC is a virgin, Jungkook is experienced but still gentle with OC, breeding kink, petnames (Baby, my love) language (Obviously) Aftercare, smut with very little plot 😋 This is my first ff so please don't expect it to be good 😔
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Pain. That's what I felt as I laid in bed, curled in a ball, with dark chocolate and a heating pad on my stomach.
I didn't feel like going to school today, why? Well, what a very "lucky" day to be a woman, right? This period seems to be worse than some of the other ones i've had.
I groaned in pain as the cramps kept pulsing in pain, it felt like a knife was in my uterus and it was being twisted.
I managed to pick up my phone from my nightstand, I got a text from my friend Eunhye.
Eunhye: gurl u good?
Me: hell no, cramps 🤧
Eunhye: aw im sorry, anything i can do for u?
Me: no, it's ok, did you finish the project for art?
Me: it's due soon
Eunhye: uhhh abt that...
Me: wat?
Eunhye: jungkook is in our group 😭 but don't get mad at me!! i tried to tell the teacher to switch him out
Me: r u fr.
Me: time to switch out of that class
Eunhye: listen, maybe it's not the worst thing, i mean, he is a good artist? it could get us a decent grade
Me: yea but it's HIM and that's the problem
Eunhye: just pls give it a try, why can't yall js get over it?
Me: i wish it was that easy, i gotta go eunnie, love ya
Eunhye: ttyl girl, love u lots
You sighed as you put your phone down, maybe you should just sleep, you got tucked in your burrito blanket and fell into an abyss of darkness.
"Hey ____" You sighed and looked up, immediately recognizing the voice. "What is it, Jungkook?" You looked back down at your paper, trying to ignore him. "Why weren't you here yesterday?" He pulled out the chair to take a seat next to you.
"Why does it matter to you?" You said and rolled your eyes mentally "I'm just curious, calm down girl," He chuckled "You know, it's cute when you are annoyed." He smiled a bit, "Jungkook? Where's your girlfriend?" You started to become flustered so you changed the topic
"Oh, we broke up." Your jaw dropped, Mimi and Jungkook were basically like the golden couple, the couple that everyone wanted to be, they were like in love with each other, what happened?
"You and Mimi broke up? Why?" You put your pencil down, now stopping your work to listen. "She was just to controlling, she didn't even let me hangout with any other girls, I couldn't do it, plus, there are plenty other girls that are way better than her in this school." He explained, "Oh yeah? Like who" You said and crossed your arms looking at him. "Hm, well," He looked up thinking while leaning back and crossing his arms too "Bomi's pretty hot, so her...Your friend Hannie, and well..." He put up fingers naming the girls and then paused, "Well.." He chuckled once again "You."
"H-huh? Me? What?? Why?" You were shocked "Calm down, ___. You are just...like the perfect girlfriend, I mean, you are smart, you have a good sense of humor, you are drop dead gorgeous, what else can I say?" He smiled to himself, looking down.
"I-I'm what? Gorgeous?" You turned away, flustered again. "Have you seen yourself, ___? Every boy in this school wants you are has wanted you, no exceptions." You felt your breathing getting faster, as well as your heart beat. "Every boy...does that mean you too?" You whispered, he went silent and looked down "I have to go now, bye loser" He teased you and smiled.
"Why can't we just get over it?" You mumbled under your breath, playing with your fingers.
Okay, okay, Jungkook is coming over today for the project, Jeon Jungkook, my enemy, my first crush, my only crush.
I wish Eunhye was here but she got the cold, fuck you cold weather.
You were getting a snack and then you heard the door knock, you took in a deep breath and opened the door, seeing one of the most handsome man you have ever seen.
"Hi, Jungkook."
"Hello, ____."
"Come in, it's cold outside," You moved out of the way so he could come in, "Ah, so you do care about me." He smiled "Shut up or i'll lock you out instead." You closed the door.
"Where are your parents?" He asked while taking his jacket and shoes off "Out of town, my aunt died so they are at her funeral." You said while getting everything ready "I'm sorry for your loss, why aren't you there with them?" You sat down next to him on your bed "I wasn't very close with my aunt, I didn't know her that well.." You said and played with your fingers again
Jungkook went quiet, we both sat in silence for what felt like forever. "____, that fight that we had that night, I never wanted that to happen, you were the only good thing in my life and I just let you go." He was still looking away from you, you looked up at him. "Then why? You knew what she was doing to me, and still, you always picked her...it's like I didn't even exist to you anymore or I was just a burden in your life." He finally looked up at you too, looking in your eyes.
"You never have, never was, and never will be a burden in my life...I guess I was just scared." He laughed at himself. "It's silly, I know..." You licked your lips "Scared of what, Jungkook?" You scooted closer to him. He took a deep breath in and out, "I was scared of my feelings, I mean, fuck. You were the most beautiful, caring, funny, smart girl I have met, I guess I was scared I couldn't ever admit my feelings for you..." Your eyes widened "____, I don't hate you, if anything, those feelings never changed, I don't like you anymore, I love you, I'm sorry if that was sudden but I-" You cut him off.
"I love you too, Jungkook."
"You what?" His jaw was dropped "I said I love you too, I don't care if it sounds selfish but you don't know how long i've been waiting for you two to break up." You giggled a bit "I've liked you sense we were kids Kook," You smiled at him "I really really-" This time it has his turn to cut you off, but not with words, his lips were tangled with yours, one of his hands on your cheek and the other one on your waist.
"You don't even know how long I have wanted to do that..." He whispered and pulled you into a kiss again.
The kiss got more intense and he pushed you down onto the mattress and came above you"
"Mmh" He groaned into the kiss and pulled away, "Do you..do you want to?" He asked still hovering above you. You nodded and pulled him back down to kiss.
He started unbuttoning your blouse as you guys were kissing, you sat up to let him slide it off, then he pulled away from the kiss to slide the shirt over his head.
"Can I?" His fingers fiddled over the top of your panties "Yes." You whispered softly
You lifted your bottom up off the bed so he can pull your panties off, he threw them somewhere across the room, and let his fingers slide all over your body to your back, he undid your bra, letting it slide off your shoulders.
He takes a moment, taking in a deep breath, eyes scanning over your body, taking it in "Fuck, you're so beautiful...most beautiful girl in the whole world, my pretty baby..." He rubbed his hands on your legs, brining your feet up on his shoulder, he gave a soft gentle kiss against your foot and set it down
"Jungkook..." You whined "What is it baby? How do you want me? Hm?" His eyes still taking your beautiful frame in
"I want you here..." Your hand resting ever so gently over your mid section. "I'll get there my love, just be patient." He said while kissing down your thighs, going in a zigzag line between each thigh until his mouth was over your pussy.
With one lick against your clit, you developed goosebumps over your body "Kook- Mmh" You moaned softly.
His long tongue went over your clit, kissing, licking, sucking, with his mouth over your clit, he shook his head side to side to get you closer to your high.
"Kookie...I-I'm gonna...mmm- cum.." You said and gripped his hair "Yeah? let go for me baby, cum all over my face, you can do it baby, let go..." He mumbled, sending vibrations through your whole body starting on your mid section.
You released over his face, wetting it, soaking your bed sheets. "Good job baby, good girl..." He whispered while coming back up to kiss you so you can taste yourself.
"Jungkook, I want to help you too." You said softly. "Baby...you really don't have to, it's okay." He looked down at you
"No, I want too. Please?" You pleaded "Fuck, alright, yeah." He breathed out
He layed on his back, head resting against the pillows, you kissed down his chest, defined abs and toned body, reaching his jeans, sliding them off, then the exact same with his boxers, his cock hard and leaky, veins running his big length.
"Can you take it baby?" He asked teasingly "You know I can." You whispered before grabbing his length in your small hand. "Mmm, oh fuck...s-shit..." He moaned gently.
Jungkook was very vocal in bed, sometimes when he had girls over you could hear him, sometimes even louder than the girl, that was very rare though.
"A-ahh, baby, can you take it in your mouth? Please...I need it.." He whined, you slowly enveloped his cock with your mouth, gagging noises filled the room, your eyes getting teary.
"Oh my god...like that babygirl..." He tilted his head back, your hands caressed his balls and he whined at that, moving your head faster with his hand.
"B-baby, I need to cum...where c-can I?" He stuttered because he was about to see stars. You didn't answer so he presumed down your mouth, and he was right.
"O-oh yeah...shit! Oh my fucking god baby..." He cummed down you're throat, you tasted the salty liquid and swallowed it like the good girl you are for him.
"Can I fuck you now? Please.." He practically was begging "Yes, take me, im all yours Kook." You layed your back on the mattress again.
He put hands on each of your knees, slowly spreading your legs apart, seeing your pink pussy dripping with need for him, that only he could make happen.
"You are all mine, my girl, my princess, my pretty baby, my little cum slut." He said while looking down at your cunt, giving it a slap, making you jolt.
"Can I put it in now baby? I'll go slow...I promise." He said and grabbed his shaft in his hand "Yes, oh god please Jungkook."
He moved his hand up and down, getting on his knees while the top of his hand was filled with his pre-cum that had leaked out.
He slowly slide in with easily, your wetness helping both you and him to feel more comfortable. "I-Is this okay?" His breathing quickened and you nodded.
"I-I'm gonna move now, okay baby?" He slowly moved his hip back so only the tip stayed in, then slowly pushed it forward, you were already addicted to the feeling it gave you, and he felt the same way.
"Fuck, you're so tight...such a good fit for my fat cock." He breathed out, face stuffed in your shoulder and neck.
He started slow at first then started going faster, the headboard was rocking against the wall, you were pretty sure you were going to receive noise complaints.
"Ride me." He said out of breath. You winced when he pulled out and flipped you on top of him, he helped you guide him in and you sunk down, moaning loudly and throwing your head back.
"Come on babygirl, show your boyfriend what a good girl you are...only for me, no one else." You slowly moved up and down, gaining a steady rhythm, his hands were all over your body, your ass, waist, hips, your breasts that were bouncing right in front of him.
"That's a good girl, that's a good fucking girl..." He growled out "Nobody in this fucking world gets to have this cunt, just me, just your boyfriend." You whined again "You like that huh?" You nodded fast, still riding him hard, his hands intertwined with yours and you rode him faster.
He threw his head back and his eyebrows furrowed, biting on his bottom lip. "Shit, I think i'm gonna cum baby..." You nodded "I-I am too..." You whimpered feeling a knot in your belly, trying to chase that feeling.
"You gonna let me cum in you? You gonna let me fuck a baby into you? Let you be my baby mama?" He growled and flexed his hips up to meet you in the middle.
"Oh yes! I will Jungkook, take all of me.." You moaned out.
"I-I'm cumming..." He moaned and came inside you, just a few seconds later you came, your legs shaking and back arching.
You rolled off of him, onto the side right by him, and he slowly pulled out of you. He kissed your forehead and got up to clean the mess. When he was done he joined you back in bed and cuddled you.
"Fuck, that was amazing, you're amazing.." He whispered while playing with your hair "Thank you Kook, the feelings mutual." You giggled
"I love you so much, ____, words can't even describe it." He whispered "I love you too, Jungkook." You smiled, and he smiled back sighing contently, but also while wondering,
"Why couldn't we just get over it?"
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sunnitheapollokid · 3 months
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. * ๑ ❀՞ ,, "who said sunshine and alchemy don't mix?"
varian x sunshine-coded reader! 💌
📫 sunni’s notes : these are my first headcanons & i literally love rapunzel she is literally me no doubt about it!!! anyyyhooo enjoy <3
first meeting!
✧ after var’s villain arc is when you met!
✧ you arrived with rapunzel while meeting her on her adventure expedition to follow the black rocks, you guys clicked instantly.
✧ when varian first saw you, he was reminded of rapunzel so much.
✧ though, you we’re much more flirty & just a tat more energetic.
✧ “YOU WORK ON ALCHEMY?! i’ve always wanted to try it!! but you know.. adventuring.. blah blah blah.”
✧ varian was a little caught off guard of how much of a chatterbox you were, but he’s friends with rapunzel! so…
✧ the dynamic was very much yapper x listener.
best friends!
✧ you two started to grow more as friends when he found you crying at attila’s, stress-eating cupcakes.
✧ “you don’t have to be cheery all the time (nickname). you’re great, being kind.. and—“
✧ “thank you, var.”
✧ varian was always such a nervous wreck.
✧ you were just your charming self!
✧ you two were so close, quirin would just let you in and you’d just come by and barge into his lab at old corona.
✧ varian would lose you around town whenever you’d go together and run some errands, like.. watching a child.
✧ “varian why are you wrapping a balloon on my wrist?”
✧ varian was a night person, and you were more of a morning person.
✧ you would drag him to the festivals in corona, even with his 12 projects piling on top of each other.
✧ you’d also teach him some skincare hacks to get rid of the bags under his eyes!
✧ varian however loved how enthusiastic you were and how excited you were about alot of things.
✧ though.. safe to say you were banned from his lab ever since you dropped that vial from fidgeting around.
when he realized he was crushing on you!
✧ he started crushing on you around the time he was really going through it with his sleep schedule.
✧ he was dead on the couch when the door creaked open and he found you bringing him some ham sandwiches and hot chocolate.
✧ you fed him that night and helped him up.
✧ “varian, if you can’t take care of yourself. i will!”
✧ the boy had heart eyes.
when you realized you were crushing on him!
✧ it was one of the karaoke nights of the snuggly duckling!
✧ varian was called to the front and was asked to sing.
✧ and oh my gods.
✧ he sang in such an angelic manner, you were practically lifting from your seat.
✧ in one of the more romantic parts of the song, he looked over at you.
✧ your heart was beating so fast, and boom!
✧ little miss sunshine was crushing.
✧ well who’s surprised? you asked him out.
✧ poor alchemy boy was so flustered, you could use him to heat up your leftovers.
✧ “you owe me my money eugene.”
✧ obviously rapunzel and eugene betted over you two.
✧ for being the one asked out, he was way more nervous than you.
✧ “i’m sorry (nickname). i wanted this to be perfect for you.”
✧ “you’re perfect.”
✧ you know those hops raps does before kissing eugene at their wedding? you did that before kissing him that night.
✧ from then on, he started calling you nicknames like, sunshine, or darling!
✧ you liked calling him sweetie, or bub!
✧ you’d flirt alot with him, despite dating, and had many pick-up lines up your sleeve.
✧ you’d get caught off guard whenever he’d flirt back, because HE’S ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD AT FLIRTING.
✧ you guys acted like how you were as best friends to be honest! just much more touchy.
✧ speaking of which!
✧ varian’s love language is acts of service and words of affirmation.
✧ yours was more of physical touch and quality time!
✧ and even dating, he gets stiff whenever you’d kiss him or get touchy.
✧ you find it funny.
✧ good ‘ol nonchalant x sunshine.
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ma1dita · 7 months
this will be our year
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this was a request! find it here
words: 2.5k
summary: james does his best to plan reader's birthday! it's not as easy as you think
warnings: james is a leader not a planner, fluff!! bestfriend!james returns mwahaha
a/n: so sorry for this being literally two weeks after your birthday anon! life was kicking my ass but i hope you enjoy! writing many characters is something im trying to learn to make more organic
(posted and edited too many times to count 11/6/23)
There are a few things in life that James likes to think he’s very good at: making plans, pulling pranks, playing quidditch, and doing absolutely anything he can to make you smile. At first, he would laugh it off when his friends would say you two had something special. He is a gentleman, after all. James is the type of friend any of the girls would trust with a secret, or the one to borrow hair potion from when you’re in a pinch.
He loves to join in the gossip and crash your sleepovers when the boys are being ‘dreadfully boring’ (his words, not yours). He holds your bag when you walk to class (only yours, he’ll push Marlene’s books to the ground and run off laughing), bribes Peter with an extra helping of bacon to move his butt out of ‘your seat’ (whichever one was to the right of him) at breakfast, and definitely writes to his mom asking about what to get you for your birthday (and how much he’s been wanting to ask you out for almost about three years now).
Right... James is a great friend, so when you get all excited about your birthday, gushing about how you want to celebrate this year, he takes one look at the excitement on your face and hatches the perfect plan. Or so he thinks.
“I just can’t wait to celebrate with you guys, and not have to worry about exams, or projects, or boys, or curfew…” you muse, laying across Mary and Remus’s laps as everyone’s gathered in the common room. Sirius, and Peter are chasing each other with throw pillows while Dorcas and Lily share headphones on the other sofa. James beelines towards you, crawling across the open space.
“Boys? What boys have been worrying you, dove?” he says snidely, sneaking towards the space near your belly, looking up at your relaxed figure.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Mary giggles, and Remus huffs back laughter as he pats your head. James peers up at you as you smile knowingly.
“It’s a secret.” you smile, reaching out to poke his chin.
“You keep secrets from me now? From your most good-looking, bestest friend ever that plans the coolest awesomest birthday parties for you?”
Well, he did have a point. Ever since he accidentally flung you into the Black Lake third year in a prank meant for Snape, he’s almost always waited on you hand and foot. He had to, for your immediate response to laugh and flip him into the lake ‘qualified’ you as a Marauder (plus he thought you were really pretty—he swore he stopped crushing on Lily the next day.) And every birthday since has been bigger and better. Fourth year was the movie marathon out on the quidditch pitch; Fifth year was the picnic out next to Black Lake, and now you couldn’t wait to see what he has planned.
You look at the boy thoughtfully, smiling down at him and he swears it’s his favorite sight in the world.
“You don’t always have to know everything, Prongs…”
He chases after your hand with his mouth, trying to chomp one of your fingers. Idiot.
“Of course I do, or else no birthday party for you!” he jokes, and you giggle at the notion. He wouldn’t dare. He loves to celebrate you. Maybe this will be the year he asks you out… Is that cheesy? Or lame? James sighs, fussing with a string on his sweater, suddenly silent amongst the chaos of his lively friends. He’s got a lot of work to do.
The next week was filled with James’ hasty preparations and all of your friends were put up to the task of making his vision come together. Remus and Peter would get the booze, Mary and Alice would bake the sweet treats, Sirius and Lily were working on decorations, and Marlene and Dorcas were busy enchanting a record player to amplify through the party space James would get ready in the Room of Requirement. He’s been a little high-strung, overcalculating his endless to-do list to impress you.
All of them have been so…busy, and it was a bit lonely. You thought they might plan something with you, or for you, but you haven’t seen much of them in the past few days. Every bump in the corridor or spotting in the common room was a flurry of hushed whispers and giggles at jokes that flew over your head. Even dinner with them has been oddly silent, like watching a film but not being able to penetrate the scene that unfolds.
Peering down at the map one day after class, you see your friends’ names flitting around the map, all of them hanging out together, but not with you. That is, until a big hand nabs the parchment from your grasp.
“Hey!” “Sorry doll, need it for something important.” Sirius grins, pulling Lily along as they walk off briskly.
“Do you guys want to study later?” You call out after them, and they keep on walking, hands in their cloaks. Weird.
Many more of your requests have been denied. It’s a fickle thing, to suddenly feel unwanted in your group of friends. As a Marauder, you’ve earned your place there. But if Remus and Peter didn’t want to sneak out for a midnight snack, and Alice and Mary went shopping already, without you… Marlene and Dorcas were nowhere to be found.
That means you only had your favorite person to badger… James. You drag him into a broom closet after Muggle Studies one day, crossing your arms and looking up at him with frustration.
“Jeez, love, you’re stronger than you look!” He says sheepishly, hands landing on your waist.
“What are you all up to? Where have you been?” The pout on your face makes his knees weak, and it’d be so easy to just tell you….
No…He thinks, hardening his resolve as his thumb reaches out to smooth the crease in your forehead.
“Prongs,” you whine, poking his chest. The dim yellow lightbulb swings overhead, almost clobbering him in the skull.
“Why, you miss me that much?” He grins, prodding at your cheek. It’s cramped in here enough, and he hunches over your frame, unable to stop his smile at the look on your face.
“Yeah. I miss all of my friends. I sound like Moaning Myrtle whining after you lot! I wanna be involved in whatever you all are doing…” Delicate hands pull at the drawstrings of his hoodie and he feels like his chest tightens too.
“Hey, we haven’t forgotten you, so don’t worry, pretty girl. Your birthday’s coming up, right? You excited for that?” James’ thumb rubs at your cheek and he really wonders if, in any other instance, this could be platonic. Surely, you must like him too, right? Everything he does is to make you smile. He feels like he’s in a one-man show trying to embellish himself for your attention, and he’s waiting for the applause. Your hand grabs his as you lean into his touch.
“Got anything special planned?” You ask teasingly, and James can feel the warmth of your smile in his palm.
“For you? Of course.” He squeezes your cheek and you rip away from him, laughing. As you walk out of the closet, your shoulders bump as he wraps an arm around you.
“Don’t worry too much, dove. It’ll all work out,” he says, glad that you’re smiling again. “Wouldn’t let you have a terrible birthday. Never in a million years.”
“Exactly. What type of best friend would you be?” You smirk, walking off to your next class.
The thing is, he hopes you won’t be best friends by the end of it though. James huffs as he puts his hands in his pockets, walking in the opposite direction. This will be the year…. And it’s unsure if it’s a promise to himself or to you.
Of course, it wouldn’t be a Marauder plan of action without some mayhem. James had taken it upon himself to organize his big list of to-dos, assign jobs, and make sure everything was set up for your birthday. The Room of Requirement was decked out in enchanted sparklers, a huge cake was adorned by a spotlight in the corner of the room, and all your friends were there to celebrate you. Mary’s putting the final touches on the gift pile before she looks to Sirius and Peter, who are horsing around the room running through the balloons.
“Something’s missing,” she remarks, and the others scamper around to figure out what it is. Lily double checks the sound system for your favorite songs, Marlene makes sure the drinks are flowing and at the table set up in the back. Dorcas whacks Peter and Sirius to stop popping the balloons, and Remus, the smart one, turns on his heel to stomp towards James, who is looking like he could implode from stress at any given moment.
“Prongs…” Remus muses, unsure if he should laugh, or wring his neck.
“What did I forget?” he says sheepishly, looking down at his watch. A balloon pops.
“Did you invite the birthday girl?” Oh shit.
“HAH—Moony, you’re not supposed to be the funny one here, of course I….” his eyes fall down to his scroll of to-dos, looking at the only thing unmarked on his list.
• Get her to come to the best birthday celebration ever.
“I forgot to tell her, didn’t I…”
Right. James might’ve glossed over that one. His nervous laughter shrivels at the sight of his friends’ faces of disbelief as they bombard him with questions and profanities and so, he bolts out of there, trying to find you on the map.
Surprisingly, James finds you in the kitchen, sitting infront of a lone cupcake and the house elves singing you the worst rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’ there ever was to magical folk. What should be his plan of action? Acting nonchalant, or owning up to his flub? All of his thoughts go out the window when he sees your despondent sigh at the lit candle, thinking your friends have forgotten his absolute favorite day of the entire year.
“Pretty girl, why are you so sad?” he says, rushing to meet you at the table. You’re pulling at your sleeves and looking at the cupcake in disappointment.
“Did you all forget about me?” you ask, bottom lip trembling at the notion. James shakes his head rapidly, so much so that his glasses are skewed as he looks at you.
“How could we forget the best birthday girl?”
“I’m the only birthday girl, and I haven’t seen any of you today. You didn’t even eat dinner with me,” you pout. Your huff of a sigh blows out the sad little candle, and it almost makes you want to crumple up in embarrassment. Your finger reaches out to sample some of the icing, and you bring it to your mouth, James following the movement with his eyes.
“I’m sorry dove. I might’ve messed up for this one,” he mutters, hating to see you upset.
“If you forgot to plan anything, it’s okay…. You’re not obligated to.” Your head falls to the slope of your shoulder, looking bashful at the idea of being celebrated. But James hasn’t gone all this way to see you unhappy.
“That’s the funny thing about it, erm…. I need you to come with me.” He pulls at your arm, but you won’t budge. How mortifying to conceptualize how you feel in this moment, feeling smaller than ever. A birthday is just a day, after all. Maybe they can make it up to you tomorrow.
“I dunno Prongs, I think I should just go to bed and wake up with a better attitude, yeah? It’s really oka–HEY!” James lifts you out of your chair and throws you over his shoulder, securing you to him before he bolts out of the kitchens. Your vision is blurred and all you can see is the massive muscles rippling down his back as he runs. His bum is quite nice too.
“James Potter, what in Merlin’s name do you think you’re doing? Put me down this instant or I’ll hex you into next week!” You screech, before he puts a silencing charm on you to not alert Filch of your antics. You reach out to hit his buttock as he exclaims, “Ow! Cheeky…. I promise you’ll like this, dove. You really thought we’d forget your birthday?”
There comes a point when he paces back and forth in front of the same stretch of wall and you think he’s insane, talking to himself and turning in circles. After the third lap, he sets you down, your arms crossed and quite stern at the trip he’s taken you on. James smooths your hair down before he looks you in the eyes, standing a bit closer than a friend would, but Godric is he excited to show you his work.
“Ahem. Do you really think I’d forget your big day, pretty girl? It’s my favorite day of the year!” He smiles and you shake your head with a smile. He nudges the door open to reveal all your friends, yelling “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”
Still inaudible, your mouth is gaping wide in shock, silent laughter escaping your mouth. Marlene and Dorcas carry the cake over to you before they sing in all sorts of tunes, none of them on key and possibly worse than the house elves. The light of the candles caresses the warmth in your cheeks as you look at your friends in wonder. You mumble something like a ‘thank you’ but they can’t comprehend it until Remus undoes the charm, whacking James across the head.
Later, James sneaks behind you, throwing an arm around your waist, whispering ‘Happy birthday’ for the millionth time, but he’ll never get tired of telling you how much he cares.
“Are you happy, birthday girl?” he smiles, and you get on your tiptoes to give him a kiss that lands on the corner of his mouth. The applause is back, thundering in his ears before he realizes it’s the sound of his heart when you’re near.
Yeah, this will be the year everything changes. His plans are racking up into a list in his brain as you gaze at him all starry-eyed and smiley. Your friends are all looking at you knowingly, and he can’t wait to get to work, for there is just so much to do.
“In case you foolishly forget: I am never not thinking of you.” - Virginia Woolf
taglist: @jsjcue
love me some tunes! i listened to this while writing: this will be our year by lowland hum
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