#i make very impulsive decisions and for what
A basic human skill that people usually lock down around the age of three or four is impulse control. To conceptualize an action and it’s consequences before taking it. Maybe considering how that action affects other people. We then refine it through most of our childhood.
When I was a teenager my hold on this ability became… tenuous. I became a volatile and dangerous creature.
It’s probably not unique to me, but I had a perfect storm in terms of mental upsets. I had just mastered enough basic social skills, so I finally had a strong group of friends when my dad suddenly needed to move for work. Ripped away from my support network, blooming with hormones, I was dragged to Arizona. I was always a child of forests and mist and suddenly everything was hot, dry, and extremely pointy and aggressive.
Additionally to being abruptly transplanted I found myself an object of affection in a way I’d never been before. Lonely and desperate to make friends the only people who wanted to spend time with me had romantic designs. I just wanted to figure out my shit but I had a baby lesbian flirting with increasing aggression in art, a soft boy making heart eyes at me in biology, a senior nerd asking if I wanted to play Halo at his house and could he hold my hand?
Reader, I snapped. I didn’t want this romantic attention but I also didn’t want to be alone. My brain coped the only way it knew how, by simply cutting out decision making. Any action was the right action to take.
It started with the boy in biology. I’d stolen his pencil out of mischief and to my overwhelming fury instead of trying to steal it back he just softened his eyes and chucked me gently under my chin, a gesture so overtly sweet and romantic that I saw red.
I stabbed him with his own pencil.
I honestly and truly have no memory of it. It happened as fast as a snake striking and I was instantly filled with terrified remorse. Unfortunately that manifested as psychotic giggling.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t- I don’t know why- I’m so sorry!” I said, while hysterically laughing. I ended up having lodged some graphite in his palm and had to tweeze it out with my nails while apologizing furiously. (It’s very important to note here that he forgave me and we’re still friends)
That was weird, I thought. Why didn’t I think before I stabbed someone?
The next event was equally catastrophic, and I had even less reason to do it. In gym with two girls I was tentatively befriending, we were warming up running laps. I started racing one of them. At breakneck speed we were sprinting around the gym.
This time, there was a blip of thought before I fucked up. I should get the other girl! I have no idea why or what the plan was but I turned on a swivel and body checked the other girl. We both fell down in immense pain. I think that’s the moment I broke my tailbone. Her knees were horribly bruised and she looked at me in bewildered pain. “Why did you do that?!”
I had no idea. I apologized and helped her up, both of us hobbling like newborn horses, bruised and hurting.
By this time there’d been enough social upheavals that I was reduced to spending time with some girls I had nothing in common with and low key disliked. Sat at a table listening to this girl talk about how she wanted to be a stripper when she grew up I thought, You’d better put the cap on before you throw it.
I then chucked my empty water bottle directly at her face. It bounced off her forehead with a bop! that would have made a sound mixer weep at its perfection.
All eyes turned to me is startlement. I stared back at her, stunned by my own action, just as confused as everyone else at the table as to why I’d done that. One of the girls to my right said, “Were you trying to hit that fly?”
“Yes!” I lied, “I’m sorry, I thought I could hit the fly!”
Everyone laughed at my antics and I joined in rather than admit I had just chucked something at her for no reason.
Things did start to improve after that. I solidified a friendship with the girl I’d raced (who I developed a massive crush on and ten years later would go on to date). My outbursts turned more whimsical rather than aggressive. Like accosting a girl leaving the cafeteria to look deeply into her eyes and say with great compassion, “It’s going to be alright.”
My new friend and I snuck into the van that delivered our cafeterias baked goods and lay giggling in the back. When I’d impulsively hopped in she’d joined me and made it a game.
After a year in Arizona I broke down crying to my mother, an act of great desperation, and we ended up moving back home. My impulse control returned to normal teenage levels and life resumed in a happier state of mind.
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szczek · 2 years
i have just accidentally found that i in fact did not delete my previous insta account but only archived posts and privated it…. idk yet how i feel about this
fun fact i left that account because i had 1200 followers which 90% came from picrew and didnt interact with my posts at all and it annoyed me very much so i moved
i’m still kinda sad tho that i actually deleted my first insta acc but let’s not get into that but this one i deleted cause i lost interest in pjo and most of my (700) following was made up of pjo stans which also bothered me
can you see how annoying i am
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taddymason · 19 days
Face to Face
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smilesrobotlover · 1 year
Whumptober day 15- makeshift bandages
Sorry I’m a little late, I slept in fhsksbkssbsk. Anyways this one is kinda silly, idk what I’m doing with whumptober but I’ve had this idea in my head where Legend meets the dads so here’s this silly lil thing dbsksbsksbk.
Warning for a bloody stab wound.
Legend stared out at the ocean, listening to the waves as they crashed against the beach he was on. He breathed in the salty breeze, several old memories flooding his mind from the smell and sounds. He had mixed feelings about the ocean. On one hand, it reminded him of the pain and loss he had to endure, but on the other hand, he had the best memories at the beach. Whenever he got overwhelmed he would try to find a beach area to unwind, occasionally humming his song…
He was lucky that he was close enough to a beach in this world. The other heroes were great, but they would always burst into arguments and overwhelm Legend. In order to keep himself from getting riled up, he’d walk away, and so he found a beautiful beach to think about all that’s happened to him. He stared out at the horizon, watching the land across from him. But something was strange about it when he really studied it. He narrowed his eyes and noticed that there was a boat traveling to where he was.
A boat?
If Legend recalled correctly, they were the only ones here. So who was on that boat? And why were they heading towards them? He stood up and watched the boat closely. He didn’t know what that was, but he might as well figure it out before it got too close. Legend took off his clothes and took a deep breath, praying that no one could see him now, and he jumped into the water. He felt the familiar magic twisting his bones around and fusing his legs together into a beautiful pink fish tail, and he pushed against the water towards the boat. When he got close he kept his distance, but stared at the bottom of the boat. He didn’t know what he was expecting, he couldn’t see the people on the boat so he didn’t know if they were a threat. He circled the boat for a little bit, finally popping out of the water to get a good look at the people onboard. He only saw one person, but from what he could tell, they weren’t a monster. Was that the puppeteer? Legend narrowed his eyes, but he couldn’t see the person very clearly. Truthfully he didn’t know what the puppeteer looked like. But he was from either Sheikah, Hylian, or Gerudo from what he heard, so he should be on this boat, right?
The person Legend was watching suddenly looked at him, and Legend quickly dove back into the water, panicking. He wasn’t supposed to be seen.
Legend quickly swam underneath the boat, trying to head back to shore to report on what he saw. Just when he was out in the open, a sharp pain went through his tail, and he let out a scream. Legend sunk to the ocean floor as his tail throbbed, and he looked at it to see a spear straight through his tail. Blood was mixing in with the water, and the pain was so bad that he couldn’t move his tail. He quickly reached for the spear, trying to gather up the courage to pull it out, but the pain was too much. A shadow went over him, and Legend noticed that the boat was on top of him. They’re after him, he thought in horror. He was going to get captured and possibly tortured for information on the other heroes, or he was going to get murdered for being a mermaid or for being a hero or something. He needed to get out now, but he couldn’t move his tail, he was stuck. He turned and saw a net coming towards him, and he gasped as he was scooped off the ocean floor, his tail throbbing as he folded up in the net. The net pulled up quickly, and Legend broke the surface coughing.
“Let me go! Let me go!” He started yelling as the net pulled him closer to the boat. He weakly punched the air, trying to land a hit on his captors.
“Woah woah woah! Hey it’s ok, it’s ok!” He heard a man yell out, and he was cut free from the net and was carried out gently, which surprised Legend. Was he not a captive?
Legend let out a yelp when he slipped out of the man’s hold, and he fell to the ground harshly. He heard the man curse under his breath and he was leaned up against him.
“Nice going Rusl.”
“I didn’t think he’d be so slippery!”
“He’s part fish, what did you expect?”
“I—I don’t know! Leave me alone!”
Legend looked up at the man he was leaned up against, who he assumed was named Rusl. He had dirty blonde hair that reached to the middle of his neck, with some scruffy facial hair on his chin and an interesting mustache around his mouth. He had light blue eyes and had a gentle expression when he looked down at Legend. He frowned apologetically and rubbed Legend’s arm.
“That got you good,” he muttered, looking at Legend’s injured tail, where another man with reddish-blonde hair looked over. “How… how does it look, Leon?”
Leon gave Rusl a look before returning to his tail.
“Well, the spear went right through his tail so, I can’t imagine it’s anything good,” he answered, grabbing the spear which caused Legend to whimper. “Linebeck, look away,” he said, and Legend noticed a tall man with dark brunette hair turn away, looking nauseous. Rusl held onto Legend’s hand as Leon broke the spear in half, pulling it through his tail. Legend hissed at the pain and felt his tail go numb.
“Hey Leon, did you ever consider that doing that would cause splinters?” A very short man who looked a lot like Hyrule stepped up, staring at the broken spear concerned.
“He’ll be fine.”
“Not if he has splinters.”
“He’ll be fine.”
Legend gulped and looked at his bleeding tail, feeling dizzy from the sight as Leon put pressure on the wound. He felt the magic twisting through his legs and he groaned in pain as his tail split back into two legs. Leon yelped at the sight, throwing his red cape over Legend before continuing to deal with his legs.
“Woah,” he heard Rusl mumble at the sight. “You can turn into a… fish?”
Legend let out a pained breath, smiling at the kind man. “A mermaid.”
“I see. I’ve never heard of mermaids before…”
“Yeah, well, I’m not really a mermaid, it’s just an item that I use whenever I get into water.”
Rusl stared at him blankly, and Legend chuckled at his confusion.
“It’s weird I know.”
Rusl smiled as Leon sat up and turned behind him. “Oy, Talon,” he called out, “bring me some bandages!”
“We don’t have any bandages!” He heard the man named Talon yell back. He sounded like he was inside the boat.
“Then bring me something that can be used as a bandage for Din’s sake!”
“Ok ok, don’t cuss at me!”
Legend took a deep breath, trying not to pass out from the pain and the blood, and Rusl rubbed his arm again.
“I’m so sorry about this,” he mumbled, and Legend waved it away.
“It’s ok, thank you for taking care of me—“ Legend was interrupted when he saw a man walk up to Leon with bandages. He felt his heart stop when he nearly recognized him, and he sat up, almost hitting Rusl’s chin with his head. “T-Tarin?” He blurted out, and the man looked at him in surprise. He looked behind him and looked back with confusion plastered on his face.
“Are ya talkin’ to me?” He asked, and Legend felt disappointment and embarrassment when he realized that he was definitely not Tarin. His hair was thinning at the top, his facial hair connected all the way to his sideburns, and his blue eyes did not match Tarin’s dark brown eyes. Legend looked down, tears uncontrollably welling up.
“I-I’m so s-sorry—I thought you were someone else,” he stammered.
“Oh, it’s ok kid, no harm done,” Talon said softly, handing a shirt to Leon. While Leon tore the shirt apart and began wrapping his leg, Legend stared at Talon. He had such a kind face, and now that he was looking at him more, he was looking a lot like his uncle. A lump formed in his throat and he looked away.
“So, uh, what’s your name?” Talon asked, breaking the silence.
“I’m Link,” Legend said without thinking. He probably should’ve kept his identity a secret, but these men were all so kind that he didn’t think about it. Leon froze and looked at him intensely.
“You’re Link? Are you traveling with other Links?”
“Um…” Legend stopped himself this time. They were all looking for the group… was it smart to say yes? “I… uh… I don’t know.”
“… you don’t know?”
“Uh… well I…” Legend looked around, panic beginning to bubble up in his chest. Rusl cleared his throat and Legend looked up at him.
“We’re only asking because we’re looking for our respective Links,” he explained. “Y’see, my son is Link, and most of us here also have a son named Link, we were hoping that our Links would all be together.”
Legend narrowed his eyes. Rusl’s son was Link? Which Link was he the father to? He honestly looked nothing like them. Not to mention his ears were rounded, not pointed. Was his son Sky? Sky had very small ears, but so did Warriors, maybe Warriors was his son…
“Hey,” Leon interrupted Legend’s thoughts. “It’s a simple question, are you traveling with Links?”
“Leon he’s overwhelmed, be patient with him,” Talon muttered, and Leon sighed.
“I-I’m sorry, Link,” he muttered, and Legend smiled.
“Hey, it’s ok. Who’s your son?”
Leon sat up straight, a hopeful gleam in his eye. “Um, his name is also Link… and uh… he has long blonde hair, he’s kind of braided it on one side though, and he’s very young…”
Legend hummed. “That sounds like Four.”
Leon nearly jumped up at that, causing Talon to yelp slightly.
“Four? As in the Four sword?”
“Uh, y-yes. We had to give each other nicknames so… he’s known as Four, mostly ‘cause of his eyes but also because of his four sword.”
Leon smiled slightly, then looked down. “He’s alright?”
“Last time I checked, yeah. He’s safe and sound.”
Leon sat back, running a hand through his hair, looking relieved. Legend smiled and sat up away from Rusl.
“Really, all the Links I’m traveling with are fine. I’m sure they’d be happy to see you.”
The men all made different sounds of relief at that, but Legend couldn’t help but notice the Linebeck man watching him strangely. Leon finished tying his bandages and gave his knee a pat.
“We'll take you inside, and maybe we’ll find you some clothes you can put on.”
Legend wrapped the red cape around him tighter in embarrassment. “Um… it’s ok my clothes are all on the beach.”
“Whatever you’re comfortable with,” Leon said, standing up. “Ok Linebeck you’re safe to look.”
“No, no you are not safe to look, Linebeck. There’s blood everywhere,” The short brown haired man stopped the tall man.
“Oh come on, his leg isn’t bleeding,” Leon muttered.
“There’s still blood everywhere!”
Legend chuckled at the men bantering, they reminded him of his own group. Rusl gave a small sigh and pulled Legend closer to him.
“Let me take you inside then,” he said softly. “I am… so sorry about this.”
Legend wrapped his arms around his neck as he was lifted off the ground. “Hey, it’s ok. I’m sure it wasn’t your fault anyways.”
Legend heard the others snort.
“No it was definitely his fault,” Leon said.
“I said that I saw a mermaid,” Linebeck started up, “and Rusl wasted no time to grab a spear and chuck it into the water.”
“He was so fast I didn’t have time to process what was going on!” The short brunette chuckled.
“He has a good aim I must admit.” Legend saw a different man with strikingly blue eyes leaning against a strange bird man. “It’s not easy to throw spears into the water, I’ve definitely tried.”
Rusl looked down ashamed. “Guys, enough.”
Talon picked up on his mood and stood up. “Alright y’all, let Rusl put Link inside. Leave him alone.”
The other men stopped and Rusl quickly turned to enter the inside of the boat. Legend watched him quietly as he was settled down in a bed. Rusl grabbed some blankets and set them down on top of Legend, and before he could leave, Legend grabbed his arm.
“Hey… it’s ok,” he said firmly. Rusl stared at him for a moment but smiled.
“Get some rest. We’ll get you once we reach the beach.”
Legend nodded and watched as Rusl left the bottom deck. He sighed and laid down, happily letting himself get rest.
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mad-hunts · 4 months
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liamlawsonlesbian · 4 months
Leave Kelly the fuck alone! Believe Max when he says he loves her and he’s happy!!! He isn’t going to fuck you or whatever driver you think he should be fucking!!
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ashmp3 · 8 months
guys i think i will give into temptation and make a real life instagram 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
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autisticdoomslayer · 1 year
Some of Ya'll have no idea how to write impulsive characters and it shows
Say it with me kids:
Impulsive does not mean stupid.
Impulsive does not mean no common sense
I see too many people write impulsive characters as fucking idiots. As a fairly impulsive person myself, it makes me angry.
Every human being occasionally gets the the urge to do or say something that wouldn't be socially acceptable or would only make things worse, especially when they're emotional. Often (but not always, everyone does impulsive actions occasionally) people will think "no, I shouldn't do/say that" and then they don't do or say it. An impulsive person doesn't think twice about it. They do or say something potentially harmful, irresponsible, not socially acceptable, etc. and only AFTERWORDS do they realize oh fuck I shouldn't have done/said that fuck fuck fuck fuck.
An impulsive character will still make a plan of action. They might have a hard time sticking to that plan. An impulsive person will be easier to provoke into anger or another emotional outburst, but impulsivity is different from a "heat of the moment" outburst. Impulsive actions are quick.
Calling your girlfriend a bitch in the middle of an argument is pretty impulsive (and also not okay, lemme be clear about that). Making an entire "the reason you suck" speech towards your girlfriend is not impulsive (although a quick "the reason you suck" summary or bullet point list can be an impulsive action).
Punching someone in the face because they insulted you is impulsive. Doing an entire beatdown because someone insulted you is not impulsive, but can have roots in impulsivity - impulsive characters can sometimes get to the "heat of the moment BSoD" stage faster.
might add more points later, idk. Hope this makes sense.
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floralovebot · 2 years
Yknow, I may be beating a dead horse here, but I really hate it when people think Helia was the one in the wrong in the Shaab Stone arc in the comics. And listen, I know what this sounds like - I'm not saying he did nothing wrong just because he's my special blorbo. I'm saying it because he genuinely wasn't in the wrong here.
I think a lot of people immediately assume Riven's right and Helia's wrong because Riven's heart was in the right place. He wasn't acting out to be a dick; everything he did was done with the intention of doing the right thing. Which, compared to the first season, is a huge leap for Riven, especially on missions. He used to goad Sky and the others a lot, and then there was the entire escapade with Darcy. So for Riven to be So Confident about doing the Right thing, it comes off as him genuinely being correct and Helia being completely wrong, especially when the mission goes south.
But like,,, the thing is,,, the mission literally only went south because of what Riven did. That's not to say that he was Morally Wrong because he wasn't. But he was stubborn and impulsive. He wasn't thinking about the consequences or how likely they actually would've succeeded against the bad guys, he was thinking about wanting to stop them and that's it. Helia was right about them being outnumbered and overpowered, and he was right about them needing backup (the thing that literally saved Riven and Timmy when they got caught). But Riven was so consumed with wanting to act Now that he didn't stop to think about how it actually would've played out.
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And I think the most important thing in this discussion, is that Riven didn't hate Helia. He still disliked and didn't trust Sky and was using Helia as a scapegoat. Literally everything he says to and about Helia is just everything he's been thinking and saying about Sky. And that's not because Sky and Helia are the same, it's because they're in similar enough positions that Riven feels uneasy about it. Like of course he doesn't trust Helia at first! He's the grandson of the headmaster and that same headmaster made him the leader of a mission when he's never been the leader with them before. It's pretty natural that Riven wouldn't immediately be on board with that.
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But again, Riven didn't hate Helia for any reason that Helia himself caused. It was all about hating nepotism and classism and thinking that Helia was going to be another Sky. And it really didn't help that besides Flora, Sky was the Only person actually defending Helia.
I think it's really important to take note of how Riven treats and thinks of Helia after they make up. Riven is able to put all of it behind him and starts to genuinely respect Helia's thoughts. That would not have happened if Helia was the one who made the mistake. And I think that's clear in how Riven thinks of Sky after they "make up". Sky never apologizes for his actions nor does he ever take the blame for anything that happened with Riven. And Riven knows this!! If Helia had made such a big mistake and then never apologized for it, Riven wouldn't be as chill with him as he is later on. This is also pretty evident in how Riven starts to really like Timmy and respect him as a specialist - Timmy never did anything to him.
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Ik this is a pretty small thing but the Shaab Stone arc is such good material for Rivelia as friends and as individuals. It says a lot about both of them! Riven just wants to do the right thing but he can get really impulsive about doing it. Helia wants to do the right thing but hates conflict and refuses to communicate properly with his team. They're both able to understand why the other acted the way they did and start to actually like and respect each other afterward.
It's just... good intentions do not equal good actions. Riven himself is able to admit this and he gets a lot better about thinking of an actual plan and not just rushing head first into things later on in the series. Riven's growth as a specialist and teammate is super important as it directly ties into his growth as a person! Idk it just really bothers me when people look at Riven being a stubborn and impulsive specialist and think that's Good. Even in a fictional setting, a military soldier acting like that is not a Cool Thing. And in this fictional character analysis setting, it's a very literal example of Riven needing to grow as a person (ie needing to trust others, needing to slow down and think for a minute, needing to communicate properly Without acting like a dick about it).
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(I didn't know how to fit this in but the only mistake Helia makes is how he communicates with the specialists. He's a good leader and he knew what to do, but he wasn't good at expressing it or trying to quell their valid concerns. But in terms of the actual mission itself, he did fine and it would've worked out if Riven hadn't acted too soon and on his own. This was 100% a moment of them learning how to be better teammates and how to trust one another more.)
#AND LISTEN y'all know i'm very up the Helia Makes A Lot Of Mistakes chimney#because he does and it bothers me even more when people think he never does anything wrong#but this? this was not on him!!#this was on riven not trusting them and acting on his own without thinking of a proper plan#like its literally said later on that riven realized what helia was doing and decided to help him!! and he had an actual plan this time!!#i think its also super important that helia never blames riven or gets mad at him for this#it would be easy for him too but he doesnt because he understands where riven is coming from and Why he didn't trust him#this is a big reason why i always point to this arc for them!!#but idk its just weird to me when people think helia made the mistake when it was riven's actions that got them in trouble#again riven's heart was in the right place and that's super important#but he was also being extremely impulsive !! he didn't have a plan and he didn't have the power to actually take them down!#literally the Only reason helia had them wait for backup is because they were outnumbered and overpowered#and riven made the decision to go in with Just him and timmy like bro 😭#i know y'all are in love with riven i am too but cmon man 😭#winx riven#winx helia#mine.metas#long post#also to clarify im not trying to shit on riven or bring him down but this issue wasnt him being in the Right#this was literally him needing to learn how to communicate properly and respectfully#and learning how to trust others even when he doesn't agree with them
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saltpotion · 2 years
the zelda ii backstory idea had morphed once again into a LU fanfic idea bc i cannot stop brainrotting aurora and dawn’s relationship, esp in light of everything that happens with aurora pre-sleep curse
might also give lu hyrule daddy issues. stay tuned
#listen i need a narrative foil to emphasize hyrule’s complicated relationship to power#i am not projecting#i think it’d be cool if they each had an aspect of the triforce they struggle with in some way#aurora being powerful but impulsive#not very wise#dawn being wise but struggling with courage#she’s conflicted about when she had to hide the triforce of wisdom#because it meant she had to leave her parents to die trying to defend the trifoce of power from ganon#she was put into a role of major responsibility at a younge age after z1 and she’s terrified of making the wrong decision#also there is some part of her that is slightly resentful of link for being able to fight ganon when she tried and failed#got kidnapped instead#like she knows it’s not fair but it’s still a part of her she doesn’t like to admit is there#rory can see right through that shit though#because her first language is resentment#& my headcanon for link/hyrule is that he gave the Triforce back to dawn after waking up rory#she tried to knight him but he refused#he doesn’t want to be in a position of power#part of him just wants to be normal#part of him really loves a good fight#and doesn’t know what he’ll do if the monsters ever stop chasing him#but being with the chain has given him a taste of safety he’s never really experienced before#and he realizes ever so slowly that the way he was living before was not sustainable#he’s also genuinely afraid of what will happen if he’s ever in charge of anything#he’s worried he’ll end up like his dad#he’s already a lot like him in more ways than he’d rather admit#idk if any of this makes sense just brainstorming#the stuff with dawn and rory is more decided on#i kinda forgot hyrule was also supposed to be a main character here oops#hy writes
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gatun-gatunesco · 1 year
"People make mistakes... that is why they put a rubbers in the end of pencils"
#personal post#So i kind of forced myself to finish Fleabag season 1. Since the beginning i knew was not something i would see for pleasure#of course was very difficult as 1) i have become sex repulsed once again and 2) she is really fucked up. She needs a terapist#it was a recomendation from them and i knew i just see them in the character facing similar problems and similar way of thinking#the last episode hurts a lot and hurts me more after what happened between us. the decisions they made. the way it ended again#i know they wanted to talk about this. i shame myself once again as i was so late to do so. But yet again. i was right about my fears#about how i saw them reflected in her. how they were taking a similar bad road in life. how they mental illness was going to mess up all#after what happened with him. how they did not said anything. how they just give it all to please him and make a nice memory for him#after how they let him just go full gallop and basically let him use them in the most vulnerable moment so far...#i can only wish they learn. that they realize. that they finally could apply something from the life of another person. even if is fiction#after finishing this season. i can understand and let the anger that i had in me vanished just as fast as it came#but the sadness will remain. the event will remain. the need for me to stay away will remain. i can not help them anymore#it will only hurt me not being able to help. to feel powerless meanwhile i just see them going a downfall. mistake after mistake#i could not bear to see the person i cared the most being that fucked up and not try to help. but i already did that mistake. it finished u#my role as a caregiver is still so mixed within myself. as since my mistakes i would not force nor try anything without them doing it first#so. for them that are indecisive yet impulsive. that are people pleaser even when it hurt them deeply. naive with a gold heart#that want to be friends with all as they feel so lonely. Prisoners of they body and themselfs...#going that softly versus everyone else who is more assertive (even them in a impulsive moment) was not going to work just with words#but i can not do it in another way. i am more sensitive and delicate than one could guess just by looking at me. is not in my nature#forceful? nope. without caution? no. fast? no. i can not hold anger. i can not be unforgiving. Even when i always remember#i can still do damage. just not in a convetional way and is mostly involuntary. i am far from perfect but i am also far from terrible#i am a person who also had done mistakes. But being honest. excepting one i never did something so bad i could not forgive myself eventuall#and i say all this because even with all the pain that is forcing myself to stay away. i just hope they could find a healthy road again...#without the need to make more mistakes or do such things that they may not be able to fix or came back at all...#for them to not regret still being alive. to be happy in a good way without destroying themselfs#i just hope i can be able to see that one day. even if is just from far away and as a total stranger#because i like thing no one else would see and enjoy they beauty in they own unique way#vent post#vent tag#tw vent
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inlovewithifsvns · 1 year
Did I make this blog just so I can post a wallpaper I made for my MC for @infamous-if? Maybe
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Phoenix Cadence: he/they
(The large quote is from the Given movie, just adjusted to be related to Phoenix!)
(More stuff in the tags)
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gonna maybe make more bad decisions
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alhavaradawnstar · 1 month
nađis is gonna hate twink death so much. I think being a vampire for so long convinced him he was gonna be young forever
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ghostickle · 2 months
Honestly might be a small issue that anytime someone shows interest in me I think no I’m a bad influence and make really stupid decisions I wouldn’t be good for them to have in their life but don’t seem to be thinking in the opposing direction during that time at all
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bearandhoney-com · 4 months
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Despite having streamed minecraft for a good while now (almost two years) it took until now for me to ever make a minecraft youtube video and this is my creation.
a slightly rushed video, because i really wanted to finish it time for me to use it as an application for lifesteal, because you miss all the shots you never shoot and also part of the reason why i did it in teh first place is the thought of "wouldn't it be silly if i got into lifesteal"
de rushing it i am proud of the video, if for tehf act that due to part of my footage corrupting beyond saving i had get creative and made a format i haven't really seen ebfore for a minecraft video :]
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