#i mean its not gross its human and honest
kapreday · 2 years
#17! 😊
an anxious compulsion you do everyday?
i HABITUALLY chew on my lips and the insides of my cheeks.
it's my anxious stim developed from years of braces. i used to just grimace/smile in anxious situations (always - my brain is a nightmare sometimes) and played clarinet through them. my braces would tear up the insides of my cheeks in both situations. after the orthodontic torture devices came off, the scarring on the insides of my cheeks annoyed me and i'm still chewing the scar tissue down to be flush with the insides of my cheeks a decade later. gross!
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hughiecampbelle · 2 months
Gen V Preference: Taking Care Of You When Sick:
A/N: Not requested, just a cute idea I had :) I thought about what Luke would do and I got a little obsessed lol! Feedback is always appreciated!!! 💜💜💜
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Luke is attentive and careful and actually really good at determining when or if doctors should get involved. He can tell the difference between a regular cough and a Pneumonia cough. He goes out and gets everything you'd need (and then some). He's good at playing nurse and listens when you tell him it's nothing, just a cold. He's seen you through the flu, so he at least knows when you're being honest and when you're down playing it. He makes sure you don't move, handing you the remote to the TV and checking in on you between classes (or skipping them altogether despite your objections) and makes sure you take medicine every few hours on the dot. It's like the way he took care of Sam growing up, looking after him. It makes him feel wanted and helpful, even more super than when he's in the arena.
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Jordan avoids you at all costs. Because they've never been sick, they treat it like the plague. It freaks them out that your body is hot but you're freezing, piling on the blankets. They know there's no way they could catch it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't gross them out. The coughing, the sneezing, the tissues. They don't want to be near any of it. They leave you in their dorm with everything you need, but that's as far as they'll go. They keep a respectable distance and remind you about their busy day (classes, study groups, extracurriculars, their internship, etc.) so they won't be around much. You know how they really feel and try not to take it personally. Jordan isn't cold, but they're not the most nurturing or warm. You didn't expect them to dote on you. You know they'll come back when you're better, more like yourself, and things between you will be fine.
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Andre isn't exactly sure what to do or how to help. He knew that humans were way more fragile than Supes. There's the obvious: they're not indestructible, they don't have super strength or x-ray vision, they can't fly and they aren't able to control things. And there's the not so obvious: they catch and spread viruses and bugs, especially when they're kids, and it's just part of the human experience. He understands the basics of the immune system, but you end up having to explain that it's small, it'll pass in a few days, and all you need is rest. He makes sure you're comfortable and have everything you need, but then he kinda stands there a little clueless. You take your medicine and fall asleep on and off. You don't need him to look after you, you just appreciate his company.
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Cate isn't the most thoughtful or caring. She knows what will happen, how you'll get worse before you get better, and she knows you can take care of yourself, so she really leaves it up to you. She might hang around and try to sound empathetic, but for the most part her day, her schedule, isn't thrown off because you're sick. She might even avoid you. She can't make you get better faster, it's the type of thing that needs to run its course. Because she has no control over the situation, she has little interest in it and you. She might feign worry or interest or whatever emotion is necessary for the situation, but for the most part she lets you be on your own, checking in between classes or activities. Once you're feeling better, that's when she returns to her affectionate self, that's when she goes back to controlling you.
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Marie has seen human sickness before. Her mom and dad and sister each fell victim to flu season every couple years and she would get to play nurse, feeling like a hero because she took care of them. When you get sick she isn't fazed or worried, she knows it'll go away in a few days, maybe a little longer. There isn't a lot from her childhood she likes to remember or reminisce on, but looking after her sister and her parents is definitely one of the sweeter memories she has. She gets you everything you need and makes sure you're comfortable and, despite her best efforts, you shoo her away to class, telling her you'll sleep while she's away. She texts you during class checking-in. She might even open up a little and tell you about the time her mom was sick and she spent the whole day with her in bed, heating up soup and bringing in more tissues. She was so scared the first time it happened, but her mom talked her down and explained everything.
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Emma makes fun of you. You're so sniffly and achy and snuggled up in her bed with every blanket you can find. You look and sound ridiculous. Once she realizes this bug isn't that serious and will be out of your system in a few days, she's not too worried. She offers you booze and weed, unsure of how to help, and you thank her, but turn her down politely. What you really need is an endless supply of tissues and bad TV. That she can do, pulling up the streaming services on her computer and grabbing every roll of toilet paper from the communal bathrooms. Because she can't get sick, she lies beside you and the two of you fall asleep together. She's not particularly nurturing, but she finds other ways to make you feel better that is far more fitting for her personality.
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Sam freaks out. When he was locked away, getting sick meant certain death. He knows he shouldn't jump to that kind of conclusion, but he just gets so afraid. So many people he knew (or at least learned their faces) died because of a virus. You telling him that you caught one sends him into a panic. Realizing this, you immediately clarify it's just a cold, it's nothing. At first he avoids you, afraid of what will happen. Will your skin bubble up and fall off? Will your eyes melt? Will you lose all feeling from the chest down? Will any of this be permanent? You break it down for him: how long it'll last, the symptoms, the medications you'll take. That eases some of his anxieties and, after you get better, he feels silly for freaking out. The next time you get sick, especially if it's worse like the flu or pneumonia, you go through the cycle again.
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dekusleftsock · 10 months
Don’t y’all love it when a popular tiktok creator is analyzing a character and interpreting it so, so wrong, and him and his dumb ass take is spreading.
Like it was one thing for you to be wrong
If one more person says that Izuku is “underdeveloped” and that he’s “uninterested in all of his other relationships” and that he “has a power imbalance in his relationships with other characters bc they care more about him than he does them” STOP. PLEASE STOP.
A fundamental part of Izuku’s character: He is an UNRELIABLE NARRATOR. Most of his character is, therefore, told through SUBTEXT.
Izuku doesn’t say that he feels ashamed about his feelings for Katsuki.
But he does say that he thinks they’re gross.
Izuku doesn’t say that he thinks that Toga and her feelings aren’t human
But he does say that she is the “perfect counter to this quirk”.
Izuku is an unreliable narrator in a third person omniscient story (though sometimes mha acts more like a third person objective story? Anyway). That means that the way we do not understand the story is not through a retelling of what is happening to you, the viewer, unreliably—instead it is not telling you the full extent of his character and his thoughts.
To say “izuocha’s relationship is underdeveloped because it’s one sided” is NOT the same as saying “bkdk’s relationship is underdeveloped because it’s one sided”.
Izuku has always been obsessed with Katsuki. At some point the rhetoric being passed around was that it was Katsuki who was underdeveloped and uninterested in the dynamic. Now that rhetoric has been reversed since we’ve seen so much of Katsuki’s POV.
Ochako has always been obsessed with Izuku, NEVER THE OTHER WAY AROUND. In fact, Ochako’s arc even surrounded letting go of those feelings… as literally said in the text. Because that is a textual statement that she makes.
Izuku does not understand how or what Ochako loves in anybody, especially him. She loves a unique sense of personhood, which Izuku has always carried, and of which she saw in the entrance exam.
Izuku does not know how to view things he deems as “girly”, and Ochako very personally CANT be in a relationship with someone that she has realized is very repressed. Her friendships turn from friends to fascination very quickly, into her heroic form. (Think her few moments with Katsuki in that extra, or how disinterested she became of Izuku as she saw him run away from help, and not know how to respond to an apology. Or, hell, how much more interested she became when Himiko was honest with her feelings in their second real confrontation. She even says that she “admires how she can love so freely, and say it with her whole chest”)
LIKE ALL OF THESE THINGS. THIS IS WHY IZUOCHA ISNT DEVELOPED. That’s a purposeful choice in genius writing, at least in my opinion.
Bkdk is a result of Izuku being uninterested in acknowledging said feelings, and this is shown to be different because of the amount of times he has had that imply a deeper emotion or thought that we are not told. Think black whip, controlling your heart solely surrounding katsuki, “my feelings are gross”, the ear piercing scream when katsuki was kidnapped and the “this was a total loss” line, relaxing into katsuki’s arms after the apology, only coming home because of Katsuki, comparing romantic feelings toga had for him and admiration to ALLMIGHT and not katsuki who was “actually in his life”, I COULD GO ON FOR HOURS.
This is absolutely NOT underdeveloped, this is called SHOW NOT TELL. Horikoshi is so purposeful in what he shows vs what he tells. He tells you that ochako and toga are the same, he tells you that katsuki is worried about Izuku, he tells you that katsuki is there to step in when deku can’t handle it on his own, he tells you that ochako has a crush on Izuku, and he tells you that Katsuki is Izuku’s “closest person”.
But he also SHOWS YOU SO MUCH MORE. Unreliable narration is such a key part of Izuku and his character. Izuku doesn’t understand Izuku as much as the audience doesn’t understand him. It’s why I genuinely think most interpretations of his character are wrong, because you really can’t take him at his word. It’s the same reason no one understood katsuki for the longest time, he was in the same circumstances of a character who is only showed to you, not told.
I know i named so many god damn references so if anyone is curious as to what specifically I’m talking about with what, I’ll gladly show what scene I’m referring to. Apparently I can’t remember a damn thing but this manga anyway.
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bringinubackto2014 · 4 months
How the creepypasta's would be in a relationship.
Jeff The Killer
•He's probably the worst to date tbh. I don't see him as a misunderstood uwu boy, no he's manic. He'd get less assholey the longer you were together though, but in the beginning expect being insulted more than greeted
•He wouldn't be physically affectionate either. Maybe you'll get to hug him once or twice, but for the first year or so if you try to initiate something expect to be pushed away. But maybe once he trusts you (it'll take years) then he'll cuddle you once in a blue moon.
•A goodish thing about dating him instead of the others, he doesn't get jealous, and if he does its only a little bit. He probably wont care too much if you do leave him, but if he grows it love you A LOT he'll just kill whoever tried to take you, simple as that. (just an extra thing I feel like he'd want to give you the mouth scar he has to claim you as his)
overall rating 5/10, it would suck dating but he's hot so ill give him that
Eyeless Jack
•He's really quiet, so don't expect verbal praises or compliments too much. But he's definitely more loving than Jeff. But he probably loves way more easily, it'll take a good 9 months for him to realize that he doesn't ever want to kill or eat you, and that he's found someone he cares for.
•He's super strong and tall, maybe around 8 feet. But he has a sleeper build (idk if that's the right term), this dude looks skinny but he could crush your head with two of his fingers if he wanted to. So he always has to be gentle, he'd be really scared of touching you at first
•Before he found love in being affectionate with you, he would offer you organs (how sweet), to be honest, he'd probably want to propose by giving you a ring stuck in a kidney. (He's a true romantic)
overall rating 7/10 he's great but your gonna have to drive everywhere since he's blind and the smell of human organs get a little gross sometimes
Ticci Toby
•He says that he doesn't trust people at first, that might be true but when he met you. oh God his trauma spilled out so fast. He didn't mean to spill it but it just kinda came out
•Once he found out that he could trust you he loved you with all his heart. He gets really shy but he'll compliment you all the time under his breathe. He wouldn't anitiate hugs/cuddles or anything and it'll take him a while to get comfy with it. But once he does he'll never want to stop holding you
•He has a lot of anxiety attacks and mental breakdowns. Do NOT touch him when thats happening, he can't control himself. So he'll either hide in the woods or sit in Jack's room until he feels better
overall rating 9/10 he's pretty much perfect other than the breakdown things, but he goes on TikTok and I feel like he goes thought depressed vent pages (like the ones made by kids who got yelled at their parents once.) and he quotes them a lot so its kinda annoying
Jane (she's mine guys sorry)
•Kinda like Jack she's very quiet and distant. It takes FORVER to get her to trust you so until then expect one sided convos. Once she does open up she'll express her love verbally, but rarely and she speaks so quiet its hard to hear
•She's a writer, she'll write you love letters, in the beginning she'll hide them, but eventually she'll let you read some. Only some. She'll also write poems as well, she would make a whole book of poems she wrote for you.
•It'll take months for her to take her mask off, she'll need constant reassurance about her face and her scars. If you do her makeup in the style of her mask (gothic kinda) she would marry you. right then and there
overall rating 10/10 nothing is wrong with that perfect woman
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joenotexotic99 · 1 year
How they are when you have a hangover.
A/n I want to thank you all for the support. It's helps me a lot and I appreciate it so much. Thank you <3
Warnings: fluffff, vomit (nothing wild but just to put it out there) drinking themes, some language.
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Eugene roe
-when you came home from drinking he knew from your slurred speech and your extra flirty behavior that you were going to have a nasty hangover. He made you drink lots of water before you went to bed as well as some pain killers and toast in hopes of an easier morning. Yet you woke up with a nasty migraine and nauseous. He's there with you as you slowly get through it. Blocking out the light and helping you rehydrate yourself. Making sure you take another dose of pain medication when its time.
"You don't have to do this you know"
"Yes I do, drink up"
Dick winters
- will get you anything you might need. No second thoughts. Holds back your hair when you are over the toilet. He makes sure you are back safely in bed with a glass of water. He then makes his way to the store getting everything and anything. Pain medication, cold patches for your head, electrolytes, comfort meals, favorite snacks. He makes sure you rest and feel taken care of. So sweet omg.
"I know this sucks but it will be over shortly ok sweetheart"
Bull Randleman
-he's been around the block once or twice. He's not afraid to help. You don't make it to the toilet at one point he goes to clean up without protest. You try to stop him. Making a point on how gross your situation is. He just chuckles and continues. You want to be stubborn with this but you hurt everywhere so you sorta just let him. If you ever feel good enough I feel like he would take you out to breakfast to eat a good warm meel.
"I am the grossest human on the planet right now. You have no need to be here right now"
"I'm going to pretend like I didn't hear that"
Lewis nixon
-lets be honest here, he's hungover too. This is definitely not your first time around. You too are like matches and gasoline. As soon as alcohol comes around, having a hangover is set in stone. You might even have to just sit in nature if it gets bad. you know? He will do his very best though don't worry. He knows very well how to treat hangovers. He has it down to a t. Will pass his wisdom to you. By the end of the day it was like you never drank.
"Holy shit nix I love you"
"I love me to"
"Shut up"
Babe heffron
-He isn't as experienced as the rest of easy company but that doesn't mean he hasn't had a hangover before. He doesn't have the "wisdom" of Lewis but you bet your ass he's going to try his very hardest. He knows the feeling of hangovers and he's well aware that they aren't fun. Will pull your hair back and put a cool rag on your head. Help you relax in the shower when you don't feel as much as a sack of dehydrated shit. Cook a good breakfast and eat with you on the couch.
"Sorry i was a mess today, you shouldn't go through all this effort for me"
"You're stuck with me for the rest of your life, better start getting used to it"
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h-harleybaby · 1 year
I would like to request a Elf King!Kyle x Human!Princess!Reader. Reader is Cartman's sister and forbids Kyle from liking her.
Thank you <33
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Those are super cute Tbh
I have so many Elf King Kyle x human princess reader requests I decided I’d do one post about it
It’s probably gonna take me a sec to write it but I will gladly <333
Elf King Kyle x Human Princess Reader
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• When Elf King Kyle saw you, mans was HEAD OVER HEELS, it was love at first sight and he doesn’t even really believe in that
• When you guys first met on business for a peace treaty between the elves and the humans y'all ended up getting distracted and becoming friends
• He really tried being intimidated but it didn't work at all considering his face was a shade of red and he was sweating the whole time. I mean you were in a similar state so it wasn't as bad for Kyle as it probably would've been
• After a while of talking he found out that honestly, you were only on Cartmans side because he was your brother. And even you had to admit, the man was an annoying shit that sometimes you couldn't deal with
• Y'all ended up bonding over your similar feelings towards your brother
• Ofc your meeting ended up being cut short when your brother kept sending messenger after messenger to come get you because he was bored of waiting for you
• When you got back and he heard from his messengers you best believe he started gagging and said that he'd handle the affairs with the elf kingdom now. He can't have his sister having a crush on Kyle!! That's soooooo gross
• He definitely told Kyle that he's forbidden to see the human princess (you) and that it's not allowed for anyone to have crushes on you because he has the stick of truth and its super weird for him. Why it's weird for him specifically no one will ever know
• Obviously that didn't stop Kyle, why would he listen to him?? It's Cartman after all
• This started secret meetings between you guys, it honestly wasn't that hard to sneak out considering your brother snores like a fucking leaf blower
• The elves caught wind of this because duh, it's their kingdom they should know what's happening in it
• So one night before you left the elf kingdom after one of you and Kyle's secret meetings, some elves kidnapped you
• They didn't hurt you in any way it was almost kinda funny because of how bad of a job they did. They tried blindfolding you... but used really really thin fabric you could see out of
• Anyways, for the most part they just questioned you a lot. They kept asking if you had a crush on the king and in general, were shipping you guys
• To be honest, the elves loved you and just wanted a chance to talk to you. At some point they untied you and took off the blindfold so you guys just had a normal conversation
• They really wanted to get to know the girl that their king was so smitten with, that he would talk about her any and EVERY chance he got
• Cartman was definitely pissed when you got home, how he knew you were gone was beyond you. He kept grumbling about how you "smelled of stupid elves" which was really weird
• Yeah no, turns out he just got one of the humans to spy on you and tell him what they saw. Gee, thanks man :rolling eyes:
• Anyways, the secret meetings continued because who the hell was gonna stop you? Definitely not your brother, and y'alls mom thought it was cute so she wasn't gonna try either
• Soon enough, the meetings started turning into unspoken dates before you guys eventually made it official
• Both of you were so obvious it was almost stupid how neither of y'all realized until your individual knights told you
• Stan is definitely Kyle's wing man, no doubt
• Butters and Kenny are probably yours, which is utter chaos but that's for another time
• Honestly, your brother wasn't happy about this but the elves would totally beat his ass for you so he wasn't gonna say anything about it for once
• Kyle (not so) jokingly calls you his elf queen and it's super sweet
My lil Cartman shimeji was staring at me as I wrote this, he's so dang cute <3333
anyways ignore spelling mistakes, shhhh they are not thereeee
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ask-monster-men · 7 months
Chains and locks
●NSFW, dubcon/noncon, blood, bondage, mockery, sadism
(Featuring kinerick the humans dealer)
Nsfw under the cut
It was dark, damp and cold, harsh chains wrapped and binded your naked limbs together as you awaited what was to come. You quickly shuffled as you heard to door creek open and a high pitch laugher ring out...heart beating fast and head moving rapidly as you tried to see through the blindfold that wrapped tightly around your eyes.
Heavy footsteps moved closer and closer and its as if you could sense the very things giddiness, again you tried to shuffle away until a thick chain that bounded your neck was snatched and pulled towards him.
"Oh come now, I'm not selling you!" It said as if staying with it was any better, a furred and warm hand gripped your thigh tightly, almost digging its nails in bit by bit to see how hard he could press down until you bled. And you did.
"It's so good to see you!" it's hands suddenly cupped your face hard and smoothed your cheeks together, his voice was as if he was talking to a puppy, high pitched and exaggerated
"...where...where am i-" it's hand slammed onto your mouth before you could speak anymore "No! That's impolite! You do not interrupt" it harshly spoke and you instantly tried to back even more into the wall just to get that far away from him
He smiled wide at the fearful look on your face and suddenly his grip was gentle and almost loving...almost...his hand moved back down to your thigh as it started to gently caress and pet you, rubbing circles into your soft plump flesh
"Now now...you see I've been making incredible deals lately, selling so many of your kind that I think I should treat myself to my pri~ze possession" he chuckled as he referred to you as a possession, something of his and you where about to find out what he means by treating himself.
Not 10 minutes had gone by before he was thrusting into your hole, his pace was soft but steady, he kept a harsh grip on your wrists as you writhed in place, he was not an easy take but let's be honest...he's trained you for this moment. Gross sounds that betrayed you spilled out of your mouth as he kept his pace "such a good-...Good little prize you are!" His voice was drawn out and flustered, he had you pinned to the floor by his hands, his body layed ontop of yours as an extra security measure to make sure you where pinned.
"I think- augh...I don't think I'm ever gonna- gonna- sell you" he let out and quickly his pace increased, you could feel your body react violently to it as you know for a fact this sudden harsh pace had brought on blood, oh and he loved the fact that you bled so well for him. Suddenly his hips stalled and with a groan and hushed words in a language your mind couldn't understand you felt yourself being filled with him, he came alot and the consistency was thick and almost chunky.
And that's how he left you on the wet floo,r covered in cum, sweat and your own blood. He locked the door behind himself and you knew you where never getting out of here
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rhythymicwriting · 2 months
Bitter Tar ~ Shizaya
If Shizuo was being honest, he never smoked for the taste. He wasn’t sure anyone did. Bitter tar coated his mouth, throat flooded with suffocating smoke. In truth, the taste of cigarettes was his least favorite thing. 
He hated it. 
But as he watched the cool night breeze sweep the escaping smoke into a gentle waltz, he felt his shoulders broaden and fall, leaning his full weight on the railing. Smoking was a vice, not a pleasure. He couldn't stand the taste, yet he kept coming back to the bitter tobacco, to its subtle numbing, the ritual almost meditative.
Soothing waves brushed the bank below, frolicking around rocks and running away with the smaller ones, drawing them quietly to the bottom of their depths. Some part of him knew this river was mostly sewage and litter, another part of him recognized the many people lost to its current and too high bridges, but in the night he could bask in its ebb and flow, stars shimmering off its surface, and the song it sang as breeze stole smoke from his parted lips, a siren coaxing away his woes. 
Shizuo drew the cigarette from his mouth, aware of how its emanating smoke warmed his knuckles which flared red in the cold. There wasn’t much skyline to see from here, but there was something surreal about watching the river carve between towering apartments and offices, bound in their glass armor, man made obelisks formed to the whim of a trickle. 
He’d wished the clicking footsteps kept moving, but he couldn’t be bothered to care, lingering in his serenity a moment more. “Gross. You almost look human doing that.” The drawl was low, meant to provoke him, but it lost its usual dig. 
“Get lost.”
His visitor hummed. “Don’t wanna.”
Shizuo’s growl was faint, more habit than frustration. He spoke as he drew his cigarette back to his lips, talking from the side of his mouth. “I don’t feel like it right now, fleabag.”
“Feel like what, Shizu?” More clicking steps. That irritated Shizuo. Izaya could move like a cat if he wanted to, all air and spring, completely silent. But he was choosing to let his shoes click against the pavement, the sharp sound cutting through the quiet. Shizuo swore he could feel the fur on his jacket cuffs brush his side, Izaya infuriatingly close. 
He clicked his tongue, taking a long drag instead of answering. The other joined him in watching the river for a moment before he spun on his heel, catching himself on his elbows against the guardrail. Izaya sighed, letting his head fall back, balancing on his spine. “This is boring.”
“You can always leave.”
“You’d like that.”
“I would.”
“‘S why I won’t.” He teased, smile dancing at his lips when Shizuo groaned. The other drew his now dying cigarette away from his lips, snuffing its heat against the rail, but he held onto the butt, looking briefly for a trash can. There was one just off the bridge. Clicking steps trotted behind his silent strides, following him like a kid. “Why don’t you just drop it? Throw it in the water. Everyone else does.” Izaya asked, gesturing vaguely to the pavement, several cigarettes littered around as if for example. 
“Doesn’t mean I have to.” He grumbled.
“Well, aren’t you sweet?” Izaya’s giggle was low, under his breath. Shizuo regretted turning to face him, flicking his cigarette butt into the can and pivoting. Izaya stood mere feet behind him, clad all in black, accentuating the moonlight reflecting on his pale skin. Light pollution burned in his eyes, deep brown shimmering with thirty different shades of red. He looked around the bridge, stood perfectly still. Shizuo wished the man’s beauty was spoiled when that malicious smile was turned to him, splitting Izaya’s visage with a hateful gleam. “You’re staring.”
“Whatever.” He grumbled, shoving past the man. His apartment was a block on the other side of the bridge. He may as well go home, now that his night was ruined. 
“Oo where are we going?” Izaya sang, slinking beside him. 
Shizuo groaned. “I’m going home. I don’t give a shit what you do.”
“Oh good! Then I’m coming with.” 
He almost laughed. “The hell you are.”
“You don’t give a shit what I do, Shizu,” Izaya grinned, letting his head fall back as his eyes slid to the other. “So I’m coming with.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“But it’s what you said.” Izaya let the weight of his head pull the rest of his body, twisting around to face the now stationary Shizuo. His smile only widened when he saw the fist balled up at Shizuo’s side, the latter taking a slow, steady breath. 
“Don’t you have anything better to do than piss me off, Izaya?”
He hummed in faux-thought. “No, I don’t think I do.”
“God, you’re annoying.” His words were a low growl, rumbling from his chest. Yet, the other had no reaction, still smiling, still blocking his way, still highlighted in the moonlight. Izaya shrugged. He slunk back to the railing, popping himself up on the edge, primly crossing his legs as he looked over his shoulder. His elbows seemed moments from hyperextension, but they held steady, shoulders pressed high, neck stretched and turned, muscle flexed from his ear, straining as he gazed into the water. 
Shizuo stayed concrete still, mind warring with itself. It would be so easy to shove the leech into the water, but a nagging part of him wouldn’t let him move, still studying where the moonlight washed his skin with clear glass. He found himself trapped in deep ruby without realizing what that ruby really was. 
“You’re staring again.” Izaya’s eyes, like gemstones in the mix of fluorescent and celestial lights. 
“I don’t know if I want to kiss you or shove you off this bridge.” He’d probably meant that as a threat, but when he’d said it, he realized it sounded nothing like one. His filter was waning.
“Can I pick?” Whatever surprise Izaya might have felt vanished quickly. A grin split his face, lips peeling away from sharp teeth, long eyelashes lifting over city lights reflecting in sepia. His head tilted, black hair falling softly over his cheeks, hanging like a curtain behind his ears. Izaya pushed to his feet, balanced on the guardrail. His arms spread wide, partly to keep his balance, partly an invitation. Cold night air breezed over the two, moonlight shimmering off cold, pale skin. The breeze blew harder, coarse blond hair swept off Shizuo’s cheeks. Izaya’s coat billowed behind him like a sail, forcing a staggered step to keep him on the rail, knees sunken, arms still wide.
Shizuo realized, then, what Izaya was to him. A cigarette, an addiction, something he chased because it felt right, not because he enjoyed it. Izaya was suffering, a slow death, a bitter tar. Izaya was a release, a chase, a high. Shizuo shuddered, cold snaking up his sleeves and through the fabric of his clothes. Goosebumps ran up his arms. 
The man before him giggled again, turning and pacing along the guardrail, a delicate balance beam with death on either side. “This is boring, Shizu.”
“You said that already.”
“You're all bark. And it bores me.” He drawled, waving lazy circles with his hands. “How long has it been now? Ten years?” 
It really had been that long. That they'd met, that is, since they began this cat and mouse relationship. Though, it felt more like cat and cat. Or snake. There were many euphemisms for Izaya’s breed of twisted. 
“I guess.”
“You haven't changed a bit, Shizu. You're all bark, no bite.” He remembered the day they'd met, Shinra’s eager smile that faded quickly, giving way to stress as the two went at it. Shizuo remembered the knife that split his chest, the month it took to heal, an itchy scab that just wouldn't go away. But he couldn't remember when he vowed to keep chasing him. When the violence became an addiction. He'd told himself so many times he’d have his peaceful life back if he got rid of Izaya, but was it really Izaya’s fault?
Or was he choosing to chase a man that didn't matter?
“Something on your mind, mutt?” Izaya leapt down from the railing, landing a step in front of Shizuo. He was rarely this close, always an arm's length or more. A taunting gleam twinkled in his gemstone eyes, a malice swirling in their glass. “Having an epiphany?”
Shizuo’s voice was barely more than a breath, one that smelled like ash and tasted like tar, poison in his mouth. “I guess, yeah.”
Izaya drew back, water lines pulling millimeters out of place. It had always been fascinating how precise Izaya was, on every account. Even down to his own face, he only lost control for millimeters, the rest of his expression perfectly managed. But this close, Shizuo saw the twitch. 
“Why are we doing this?”
“Oh god, don't start this bullshit.” Izaya whined, eyes rolling. “Don't tell me the mutt has a conscience now.”
“I'm serious, Izaya. If you're bored, why do you keep showing up?”
“Why do you keep chasing me?” Shizuo didn't have an answer. “I just like the thrill of it all.” He grinned, tilting his head to peer under Shizuo’s glasses. “You can chase me all you like, kill me if you want to. It’s fun for me. And the way I see it, you lose either way.”
His teeth bore, a rabid growl emanating through gaps between them, his second nature. He had always been slower than Izaya. Even now, as his hand reached for the man’s collar, he wasn't expecting to catch anything, hand already following through. Except this time was different and the return flight brought Izaya’s shirt harshly down. Realizing he’d caught the fabric, Shizuo drew his balled fist to stand between them, pulling the man closer.
Izaya made a face, the only moment his shit eating grin had wavered. “Your breath stinks.”
“What do you mean I lose? You trying to tell me you don't care if I kill you? You don't care if you die?”
“Ding ding ding!” Izaya’s grin sharpened with the rest of his features, a razor blade glare on his face. “You go to jail and I never have to see your stinking face again. Sounds like a win to me.”
“You're fucking crazy.” 
“Better crazy than boring.” He smiled. Shizuo’s eyes widened ever so slightly, cold metal biting at his stomach. A knife. Not breaking the skin, but dangerously close. Izaya’s smile darkened. “Besides, that's hypocritical, isn't it?”
“The hell?”
“I think it was Einstein, right? That said that thing about insanity? If you keep trying the same thing and expecting different results, blah blah blah. And yet, I'm the crazy one.” Shizuo's grip on the man's shirt was beginning to loosen. “When are you going to try something new, Shizu?”
With another growl, Shizuo shoved the man, hard. Izaya stumbled, falling to the pavement with a grunt. He chuckled as he pushed back up to his feet. 
“Just piss off, will you?”
Izaya raised his hands, head ducked behind open palms. “Fine, fine. You're not as fun as I was hoping anyway.”
The blond shoved past him again, letting extra weight fall on his left foot to drive his shoulder into Izaya’s, his way of getting the last word. Like always, he never got to keep it. 
“Goodnight, Shizu-chan!” Izaya sang after him. “Hope you find a personality soon!”
He clicked his tongue. Sometimes it was easier not to react. Sometimes he had that option. Tonight was one of those nights.
The walk back to his apartment was uneventful, a warmly welcomed change in his night. Shizuo fumbled through his pocket, his keys lost somewhere underneath both his lighter and a scattered pack of cigarettes that opened some time earlier. After managing to unlock, enter, and relock his apartment, Shizuo collapsed onto the couch, kicking off his shoes and fighting through the buttons on his shirt, lacking the energy to turn on the lights. Today had taken a lot out of him.
“Huh?” The fabric felt frayed under his hands. His vest had slipped off easy enough, so he hadn't noticed, but flicking on a lamp revealed the slash running from his right hip to below his left armpit. Not only was his shirt effectively ruined, but the gash ran deep through his skin. Red brown fabric clung to the edges of the wound, clumps like clay forming around the line. Bright carmine beads continued forming down the contours of his body and he watched as they grew heavy and raced down the gash, pulling other beads into themselves. 
“Shit.” He grumbled. Shizuo slid off the rest of his shirt, carefully peeling the cotton out of the bleeding crevice. “Well, it's ruined anyway.” He muttered, ripping off a sleeve to press against his stomach. 
The bathroom medicine cabinet looked like a craft box, antibiotics, super glue, and fabric shoved in unceremoniously. Shizuo pulled out a small roll of tape, ignoring the landslide that poured into his sink as he sloppily taped the sleeve against his skin. 
“That damn flea.” It had to have happened when he pushed him. Now that he thought about it, Izaya's knife held steady, even as he fell back on his ass, his knife pointing upward in a strong fist. Moonlight glimmered on the surface, a perfect extension of his arm, the gleam easing into the bones of his wrist before falling flat on a fur cuff. How hadn’t he noticed? His chest was cut open for Christ’s sake. 
“When are you going to try something new, Shizu?” Canines like fangs twinkled under a venomous sneer. “You’re boring.”
Boring? Even running for his life, Izaya was bored? Shizuo growled. “Why do I even care?”
The reality was, he shouldn’t care. Izaya was the reason his life was a living hell. The reason every day some crazy, stupid, fucked up thing happened. The world would be better off without Izaya. 
So why did that thought make his gut twist? Why did he feel some sick need to apologize?
Why did the thought make him feel so damn guilty?
“When are you going to try something new?” Crystalline city lights. “You’re boring.” Pearlescent teeth. “You’re all bark, no bite.” Silhouette like shadow outline in celestial glow. “Can I pick?” That sneer he couldn’t get rid of. 
Why was that image so stubborn in his mind?
Why did Shizuo look for him on every street corner, rooftop, and window?
“I don’t know if I want to kiss you or shove you off this bridge.” What possessed him that made him say something that damn stupid? Nothing about Izaya was attractive. He was bad news personified. And he said it anyway.
“Can I pick?” Izaya didn’t so much as blink. That comment should have been kindling for harassment. He’s latched on to less. So why did he move on so fast?
Why did it matter?
Why did it make him feel a little sick?
Shizuo was hardly aware of the crude twist of his lips, a confused smile peeling them away from his teeth. Maybe he was crazy. Maybe he’d really lost it. But for some strange, infuriating, and glorious reason…
He couldn’t imagine a life without Izaya.
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mobiused · 2 years
To be honest the fact we got to the stage where we could agree that boycotting is the right thing to do kinda surprised me cuz I'm so used to people going "but what about the babygirlywirlys feelings🥺🥺 they are just simpleminded feeble little girls who dont know what a big word like BOYCOTT means and theyll think we dont wuv them and will want to kill themsleves,, so we cant do that to them🥺" Obviously the notion that these grown women would be unable to wrap their head around the concept of a boycott being for the greater good is even funnier seeing as Lawsuit Line have organised their own boycott (‼ so awesome!!) of Fab. So yeah they understand what a fucking boycott is and won't take it personally.
Like. if you have been an orbit for a long time you will remember how wuebits spoke and still speak about Choerry's boycott and how it mustve hurt her little feelings... like paying to see a child in a miniskirt moan in your ear and dance provocatively is somehow OK if you say you only paid money to the company that did this her because you........ don't want to upset her..??? (I hope you never have children if this is your mindset regarding safeguarding and welfare of kids.) So yeah I am actually impressed that Orbits have finally fucking finally changed their tune, especially in this day and age where a tweet talking about how gross it is to support children in the industry gets 20k RTs and yet somehow all you guys know the names of these freshly debuted kids and their favorite colors their token animal their mothers maiden name etc etc etc. Are you not embarrassed lol...
And I hope we shame everyone we see who fails to boycott because it *is* embarrassing and it *is* weak, and it *is* putting money in the pockets of criminals and abusers. We can't just say it's okay~ I understand~ because no actually I don't understand how you can be so lacking in self control that its actually harder for you to literally do nothing than to waste money on some junk when you can pirate it anyway. How could you be so pathetic and somehow claim to care about these girls' wellbeing? Like this about people's real lives and real human rights and we need to take it as seriously as the girls deserve.
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twinkletoeskc · 3 months
Untitled Marauders Fanfic Ch. 3
Link to Ch. 2
Summary: Cosette finds the object of her latest news story under the guise of being an innocent Hufflepuff who simply wants to help in the name of love. I mean what’s more interesting than a secret plot for love?
Heavy enemies to lovers trope, slow burn, multiple relationships, multiple POVs, found family, toxic relationships, abusive families
Ships: James Potter x O/C, Remus Lupin x O/C, Sirius Black x O/C
Warnings: blackmail, slight coercion, lying, one mischievous Hufflepuff
A/N: thank you if you’ve been reading up until this point it is greatly appreciated. Let me know in the comments if you have any suggestions, questions, or simply something fun to share! Thank u🫶🏻💕
O/C Character Moodboard:
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Untitled Fanfic Ch. 3
She sneezes, the dust from the old books finding its way into her sinuses. She anticipates the “shh!” from Madam Pince before she hears it. “Sorry…” she whispers, a bundle of books nestled under her arm. She ducks away from the librarian’s glare, walking to one of the long wooden tables.
She sits at the end away from most of the other students and opens an antiquated copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, flipping to the back to find the index.
“Wampus cat… water dragon parasite…” She mumbles to herself, dragging her finger down the page as she reads. “Ah, werewolf.”
She flips a few sections back, finding the desired chapter marked by a large illustration of a werewolf crouched mid-stride. “Gross,” she whispers, her eyes drifting slowly from the picture to the words beneath.
‘A werewolf, also known as a lycanthrope, was a human being who, upon the complete rising of the full moon, became an uncontrollable, fearsome, and deadly wolf. This condition is caused by infection with lycanthropy, also known as werewolfry. There are various differences between a werewolf’s wolf form and an actual wolf, making it easier to detect one.’
So absorbed into her reading, she doesn’t hear the commotion surrounding her until someone runs bodily into the table, upsetting the contents and knocking her book onto her lap. She looks up to find Sirius Black laughing, perched on the table with his wand raised. He points his wand to James Potter who, on the other side of the library, laughs heartily, on the defensive.
Sirius unleashes a spell in James’s direction, but the other boy dodges and allows the spell to hit the book behind his head, which suddenly sprouts colorful, patterned fur on its leather-bound cover.
“Mr. Black!” Madam Pince screeches, frantically making her way to him.
“Sorry, Madam Pince! My hand slipped, honest.” Sirius says with a broad grin. He looks down at Cosette and winks charmingly before slipping away, running between the shelves and dodging retaliatory curses from James.
She closes her book, slipping it in her robes and quickly making her way out of the library before she falls victim to one of the boys’ jinxes. She wanders the halls in search of a quiet place to study. She’s not sure how she ended up there, but without intending to, she finds herself situated in the potions classroom, empty after its last class. She makes her way to a table, absently flipping to her bookmarked page as she takes a seat.
‘A mixture of powdered silver and dittany applied to a fresh werewolf bite would seal the wound and allow the victim to live on as a werewolf, although tragic tales were told of bite victims begging for death rather than becoming werewolves. The Wolfsbane Potion, invented by Damocles Belby, allows werewolf drinkers to keep their human mind during transformation.’
Her eyes flit across the page curiously, her brow frowning as she reads on.
‘A werewolf cannot choose whether or not to transform and will no longer remember who they are once transformed. Multiple werewolves have been known to kill their best friends or loved ones while in wolf form if they were given the chance. Despite this, a werewolf will be able to recall everything they had experienced throughout their transformation upon reverting to their human form.’
The door creaks open, and she looks up to see a tall, black-haired wizard slip into the room. He pauses when he sees her, obviously expecting the room to be empty. He’s pale and tired looking, deep purple circles sitting under his eyes. His hair sits limply around his face, and his shoulders hunch like a boy who grew too much too fast, unsure of his height.
She raises a hand, waving awkwardly. “Uh, hello.”
“You’re in my seat.” The boy responds in greeting, his voice croaky like he hasn’t spoken in quite some time.
“Oh, um…” She looks around at where she sits, trying to find some identifiable feature that would mark the seat as his, but she can’t find anything that would distinguish it from the dozen other empty seats at the surrounding tables. But the boy waits, uncomfortably standing beside the door and watching her expectantly. “Right… sorry about that.” She picks her bag up from the floor and collects the book from the table. “There you are.” She says, moving away from his seat and offering him a small smile that he does not return.
He slips past her, his gaze downcast, and sinks into the seat. He places a thick and worn book on the table, the gilded Advanced Potion Making nearly worn completely off the leather cover.
She takes a seat at an adjacent table, returning to where she left off.
‘The monthly transformation of a werewolf is extremely painful if untreated and is usually proceeded and succeeded by pallor and ill health, and it is possible for the werewolf to display irritation toward friends and family leading up to the full moon. While in their wolfish form, a werewolf will entirely lose its human sense of right and wrong. However, it is incorrect to state that they have suffered from a permanent loss of moral sense.’
She is pulled from her focus by the smell of vanilla, the distant scent of a fire, and an aroma of something woodsy and pleasant. She breathes in the fragrance, a feeling of warmth expanding in her chest, and looks up from her book. The other wizard sits over a bubbling cauldron, his face tense in concentration. His book is open before him, and when she glances at it, she sees that every centimeter of free space is crammed full of notes.
She becomes increasingly distracted from her reading, watching him brew with a passion she finds fascinating. She closes her book softly, twisting in her seat to face him. “What are you making?” She asks.
He pauses slowly, his gaze slowly flickering to her as if he didn’t realize she was speaking to him. “What?” He asks gruffly.
She nods to the cauldron before him, “The potion you’re making, what is it?”
His look wavers between her and his work like he’s debating whether to answer her or not. “Amortentia.” He says finally, returning to his potion.
She pauses, knowing she has heard that name before in a potions class but not making the connection. “Amortentia…” she mumbles to herself, willing herself to recount Slughorn’s lessons. As she ponders, she watches as the wizard delicately picks up a large white pearl from his collection of ingredients scattered around him. The pearl is dropped into the cauldron with a light splash, and the aroma from before instantly floods her senses with a captivating intensity. It’s then that she realizes what he’s brewing.
“A love potion!” She exclaims, intrigued, and the wizard flinches, faltering in his stirring. “Yes…” he says slowly, gazing determinedly into the bubbling, pearlescent liquid.
She shifts in her seat, trying to get a better look. “You know those are banned, don’t you?” She asks in a conspiratorial whisper. He looks at her then, his gaze dark. “Will you report me?” He asks tensely. She doesn’t detect the thinly veiled threat in his tone, responding, “Not if you tell me who the potion is for.”
He grimaces, reducing the fire under the cauldron and busying himself by returning the ingredients to the pantry on the other side of the classroom. She stands from her seat, grabbing the remaining glass vials of ingredients. She corners him in the pantry, and he jumps when he turns to find her suddenly before him.
“What are you doing?” He asks, a note of panic in his voice as he flattens himself to the shelf behind him.
“Helping you clean.” She says innocently, standing on her toes to place an ingredient in its proper place on the shelf right beside his head. He swallows nervously, his discomfort nearly palpable.
She looks up into his face curiously, “Are you okay? You look a bit pale.” His jaw clenches, “I always look like this.” Her eyebrows quirk, “Oh…”
“Won’t you move?” He growls, looking as if he would rather melt into the shelf than touch her himself to push her away.
“When you tell me who the potion is for.” She says simply.
A hint of red rushes to his cheeks, giving his sickly pallor a flush of life. “Move.” He says again, a hand disappearing into the pocket of his robes.
She sighs, “It’s a pity you won’t tell me, but I’m sure Dumbledore will be much more persuasive.” His eyes narrow, “Are you threatening me?” He asks. She looks at the wand he pulled from his robes, “Are you?”
His lips thin, and the grip tightens on his wand for a millisecond before he returns it to the pocket of his robes. “Fine.”
Her eyes widen, “Fine?”
He glares at her and nods curtly. She grins broadly at him, “Brilliant.”
They return to his table, and she sits across from him as he carefully pours his potion into a glass vial. She leans forward, resting her chin on her hands. “So,” she says.
Snape stops the bottle without looking at her, “So?”
“So, who is it?”
He bites the inside of his cheek and looks at her from underneath his eyebrows, the urge to jinx her visible on his features. Her eyebrows raise patiently, “I think I heard Dumbledore just down the hall…”
“Fine! You menace.” He grumbles, stowing the potion away in his bag. He busies himself by continuing to fumble in his bag, so he doesn’t have to meet her eye, grumbling something under his breath.
She blinks, “I’m sorry?”
His jaw clenches, and he says it again, louder.
She frowns, “Who’s Fanny Blevins?”
He looks at her incensed, “It’s Lily Evans, damn it.”
She pauses, her mouth frozen in the shape of an ‘o.’
His face is nearly the scarlet of the Gryffindor crest, and he doesn’t attempt to contain the loathing in his gaze. “Well?”
“I—Isn’t she dating James Potter?”
That was obviously the wrong thing to say because with a furious glance he storms to the door.
“Wait, I’m sorry!” She calls out, spelling the door closed with a flick of her wand. He flips around, his black hair strewn around his face. “You’re kidnapping me now?”
“No! I—well…”
“What do you want?”
“I want to help you,” she says earnestly.
His eyes narrow in suspicion, “Help me?”
“Yes!” She nods eagerly.
He frowns, “How would you help me?”
“I can help you, you know, romance Lily Evans.”
He grimaces, turning away from her and setting his hand on the door of the classroom. “I don’t enjoy being toyed with.” He pushes on the door, but she locked it with her spell. He huffs, “Let me leave!”
She stands up, walking closer to him. Once again, he flattens himself to the door to create more distance. “I want to help you win over Lily Evans without using the Amortentia.” She says.
He furrows his eyebrows, “Why would you do that?”
“Because, well… because I think it’s sweet. If you took the time to brew the potion for her, then you must care a lot about her. And if she’s not dating James Potter—”
“She is most certainly not dating Potter.” He snarls, and Cosette raises her hands innocently, “Okay, I’m sensing some bitterness there, moving on. If she’s not dating anyone, then I can’t see why she wouldn’t go for you!”
He looks at her skeptically, “You don’t know me.”
She shrugs, “So?”
His eyes waver, and he takes a moment to think about her offer. “You’ll help me with Lily? Truly?”
She smiles, “Yes! Promise,” she extends her pinky towards him, and he recoils from it as if it is toxic. She eyes him warily, “You, uh, don’t know how to pinky promise?”
“Is that a binding spell?”
“No! It’s—ugh, never mind. I swear that I will help you.”
He looks into her face, his expression unreadable, before speaking. “Okay.”
She smiles, “Okay!” With a flick of her wand, she unlocks the door. He pushes open the door with a quickness as if escaping from a hungry blaze.
“Wait!” She says as he begins to scamper down the hallway.
“What?” He asks, impertinent.
“What’s your name?” She asks.
He blinks, “Severus.”
She smiles, “Nice to meet you Severus!” She yells as he escapes around the corner, “I’m—”
“Cosette,” someone cuts her off. She turns to see Professor Sprout, letter in hand. “Yes, professor?”
“I was just coming to deliver this to your headboy, but I might as well tell you in person now. Mr. Filch just came to me about your detention, said that you’ll need to meet Professor Slughorn in the Potions classroom Saturday at eight in the morning and he’ll have some work for you to do.”
She winces; she had forgotten about the detention. “Yes, professor.”
Professor Sprout nods, bustling away, “Oh, and do remember to study the properties of Mandrakes before our next class!” She says as she exits.
Cosette, however, does not hear her, instead thinking about her romance scheme. It’s going to be hard work, but she has faith in herself to make that union happen.
And it will be a great story.
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dangermousie · 1 year
This is honestly horrifying but what struck me is that the drama went there, that Lady Doc does get marital raped - no way no how would a current drama go there. Not to its FL and not where she gets an ultimate happy ending (with a literal emperor, though not this one, thankfully.)
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This is so seriously gross! All he cares about is if she’s a virgin. This is a woman, mind you, who escaped from barbarian captivity. There are plenty of reasons other than her and Emperor Hawt banging that she’d have not to be a virgin, none of them pleasant ones. But he does not even think of anything but his insecurity and his rage. 
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And he rapes her even as she fights him the whole way. This is truly horrifying because she’s managed to survive captivity and jail and various other horrible things without being sexually assaulted, but here she is, supposedly the emperor’s favorite and she is worse off than in any of those circumstances (also, there are many reasons I hate Chinless, but the fact that none of the other men who liked her ever went there - not when Emperor Hawt was in a similar situation Chinless was in - being the emperor who knew for a fact she fancied his brother (Chinless just worries about it), not the barbarian chief for whom she was literally the enemy. Nah, they somehow managed not to be rapists, but chinless failed this utterly basic threshold test for not being a horrifying waste of a human.)
And then afterwards, you think it can’t get worse but...he tells her that he now knows she was a virgin so you know, she’s forgiven. AMAZING PLS BURN IN HELL (and if she wasn’t, so what? You guys were not married, you were married to another, just fuck off and die, even if she slept with a platoon during that time, what business is it of yours anyway!)
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How reassuring. She totally will go “oh, OK, glad we cleared our little misunderstanding.”
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This is so classic abuser talk I am shuddering.
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Is he really going “it’s your fault I raped you, I mean what man wouldn’t? It’s all your fault!” PLS DIE
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Did he just...did he just...mansplain to her why it was reasonable for him to rape her?
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How dare you cry right after the rape, how unreasonable!
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Yes, why don’t you just move on ALREADY!
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Yes, a normal couple, one of whom has another wife and is a rapist.
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Then he takes her hand, uses it to smack himself a couple of times and declares them even...I CAN’T EVEN!!!
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Like jeez, it’s been five whole minutes, why are you not over it yet, woman! Oh, and he asks her what she wants and then gets mad when she actually answers. Rapist, abuser and gaslighter trifecta has just joined the chat.
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This is AMAZING!!!! She did not give herself to you, you TOOK it from her by force. The very fact that he does not even comprehend this basic fact sums up everything about why this person is a waste of oxygen who should be set on fire. But also, how he STILL views it not as an act of violence against a woman he supposedly loves but a competition against a man he hates? OH MY GOD!!!
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And then he’s all OK I had enough and walks off. It’s pretty honest he never says sorry because he is such an utter void he sees nothing to be sorry for; he can’t even see this is a violation. I HATE HIMMMMM
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grim-heir · 13 days
very long rant about horrible experience in a selfship discord below
Shoutout to the time (very recently) I joined a selfship server that did not advertise themselves as being fictionkin friendly in any way, no problem I thought. I join, mention that I'm fictionkin and wait to be allowed in. Apparently in my adhd "get things done as fast as possible" stupor I failed to notice that homestuck was a blacklisted media, and my display name was a reference. Again, no problem, I've been meaning to change it for a while and its only for f/os (of which no homestuck ones exist for me), so when the owner asked me I was honest in saying I didn't like it (at least not anymore) and I was just a person with a kin from it.
Now this guy was. Uneducated, to the extent they and everyone else in their server were going off the TIKTOK DEFINITION and as I would also soon find out were not very fond of Tumblr users (aka, the only people you should trust if ur uneducated) and asked me a bunch of questions, the obvious "do you like homestuck" and also what fictionkin meant. They then asked me ABOUT EQUIUS, to see if they'd "be comfortable with your (my) kin", like I would be mentioning a 13yr old I don't selfship with in a 16+ selfship server (people don't like that type where I come from, but that's besides the point)
I did not think this at the moment and just answered hoping to get it over with, they do not allow creepy or bigoted f/os which was the point of contention for be being this literal child I do not ship myself with. He is the equivalent of a douche going into a pride game on roblox, seeing a rainbow, going ew, and then immediately leaving
Eventually I was just like "this is what fictionkin is, feel free to not allow me access but this is what it is to me and just because I'm a character doesn't mean I like the media" and they let me in, the owner also added fictionkins to the exception list (which I thought was for f/o medias?? Dunno why that was looking back, I don't even get it for fictives like did you assume they liked their problematic sources, why do they get a pass for liking it I'm confused) and the server FLIPPED THEIR SHIT. Going off the kff meaning and not listening to reason, going "do what you want but EYE think it's a bad idea and I don't like it!" And then bringing up selfshipping being spiritual in some cases too and that's when I just left. Like no argument makes it better.
Spiritual selfshippers don't get a pass? I'm not selfshipping with this character because it's gross, don't like the media and have no reason to bring the kin up. Some selfshippers.... are spiritual or have spiritual ties? WHY DON'T YOU THINK FICTIONKINS ARE VALID THEN also WHY DO YOU THINK MY MAIN F/O IS MY MAIN F/O, GET REAL.
I also saw in a vent channel that they were being overly critical of who people selfshipped with (and again, kin), namely AM from that one thing I won't mention so it doesn't show up in searches for it. Buddy this is a horror selfship server, why are you hating on people for thinking a villain is hot, your bf is probably just like it but without the extinction of the human race in their list of crimes.
Then in another selfship server that is fictionkin friendly (run by one who's super cool too) and has both me and the owner in it, I saw the previous server's owner KINPOSTING AB9UT POKEMON WHEN I SCROLLED UP TO EARLY MESSAGES IN A CHAT, HOW ARE YOU AS A FICTIONKIN BY DEFINITION "UNEDUCATED"
Selfship discord, to phrase it like another selfshipping fictionkin did (thank you crow, you're never going to see this), is like 2020 kincord. And that says enough.
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poke-bon · 2 months
Hello! I'm doing a rewatch of Supernatural! I started this halfway through season 9 and it's the first time I've done this. I've seen the first 6 seasons multiple times over the 18ish years but never caught up so I'm doing that now and having a wonderful show. I would honestly watch these two idiots do anything! Hope you enjoy the ramblings!
- deans boys home episode fucking had me crying. John Winchester I will fight you
- Kevin and Miss Tran is the most tragic story in this show to date.
- Kevin: just be nice to each to each other, yeah? Sam: yeah, promise. *Walks away*
- we're going to need snorkels, we'll be swimming in so much p-
- Not Moose.....hah
- Crowley's Winchester Intervention. This show is a comedy
- oh no, deans on the hooch again
- Shirley McLain??
- Gabriel!!! I knew they'd bring him back somehow
- wait that's not Gabriel is it
- why is he sacrificing himself again when he wants to be the king of heaven? Why is he pushing Castiel? Why is everyone pushing Cass?
- There it is....
- How fucking deep has Metatron gone??!!
- lmao Metatron burdening Cass with the knowledge of Fandom
- for a person who loves vampires, I really find the vampire eps in Supernatural so fking boring. I don't know what it is.
- look at me, bitch - I know between this and stabbing #thinman it's heralding Dean turning dark(er) but why was that kinda.....????
- Sammy sit down babe, you have no blood
- Taylor Swift reference last ep and now this ep, please let it end there
- I could go into detail but I'm not going to - is something I'm going to adapt into my life
- I love it when the boys aren't the main stars of the episode, it's so much fun
- David and Ennis buddy show when?
- I've always wanted to see more day-to-day monster life, this is cool. Real urban fantasy hours.
- I do feel like I'm watching a soap opera episode tho. What's gonna happen with the monster mob??
- oof seeya Abaddon
- I am a big fan of Crowley and I am an even bigger fan of seeing Crowley struggle with humanity
- did Dean just wake Sam up like George McFly?
- Dean claiming his fine about the blade.... Winchesters be honest with each other challenge
- Agent Spears and Aguilera LOL
- Metatron thankyou for gracing us with Castiel pop culture references
- Metatron with all due respect - you suck
- Castiel's Angels HQ
- I honestly love Castiel the Angel after he's experienced humanity too. Its so interesting.
- I didn't really get Samstiel before this season but now I do. I like the private moments between Sam and Cass, it's like they understand each other on a level they don't see elsewhere.
- jesus christ Metatron is such a slug (no hate to slugs)
- "a nerd trying to be one of the popular kids" NAILED IT
- ooof, Winchester toxic masculinity. They are doing alot of work on themselves but it still shines through every now and again
- Tessa Tessa??!!!
- Tessa!!!!
- oh no, she's in the cult
- I truly was hoping that Metatron would lose the bowling game. Suck shit loser.
- I'm very pop culture savvy now - AND I LOVE IT
- Dean Winchester does not like rules....I am concerned
- Indiana Jones trials bitch!!!!!!!
- this is a dictatorship - jesus Dean, did the spirit of you father just fly out of your mouth or did you mean to say that?
- ooof gadreel came in peace. not hot anymore, just gross. Dean get help.
- good lord, these boys will just throw themselves at anything that solves a short term problem forgetting down the track it will ALWAYS come back to haunt them
- is this Cain and Abel thing going to be prophetic of things to come I wonder
- I hate Metatron so much. Flame. Flames! Flames....down the side of my face. Breathing. Breathless. Heavy breaths.
- Sam is going to be so pissed when he wakes up
- okay, Metatron is cooking with the god doesn't care spiel...like I get it but there had to be another way bro
- Use the force Dean
- oh shit
- wake up buddy 😭😭😭😭
- Just a hunch, considering there's going to be 6 more seasons...I think he'll be right
- what did they do to my boy??!
End of season!! Hope you enjoyed. Will probably do this again.
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Hi August! 🥰 For the GO ask game: 6 and 11?
ill be honest with you all i queued that post in the middle of the night (for me) to answer these in the morning but Well. you can see how that went ANYWAYS HI MARI !
who is your favorite side character?
i mean idk if anathema is a side character considering her importance in season 1 (not being aziraphale or crowley doesnt make you a side character i think) so a true true Side Character would be hmmmmm sandalphon. I KNOW ITS STRANGE but hear me out. he's a weird and gross (derogatory) archangel who has a large potential backing him up and it interests me. also his few lines we hear are surprisingly funny 2 me. war without war. his gross smile. something smells...Evil. THE SOUND OF MUSIC QUOTING. sodom and gomorrah. the STOMACH PUNCH (not in a good way, i do hate him for this). yeah, thats really it. i dont like him much at all actually, he's just There and he makes me Imagine, which is all i can ask for of a side character 🙏
what is (if you read) your favorite type of human au for good omens? (ex. coffee shop au, surgeons au, plant store au)
mmmmm i havent read too many human aus as of yet but there are some ive seen and love, like astonaut crowley/mission control aziraphale...i say truly my answer is "plant shop owner/bookshop owner" because mmmmm you can never go wrong with a good bookshop owner aziraphale. its his calling, man. theres also a delicious dynamnic there of a possible enemies 2 lovers (being rivaling shop owners on whickbur street 👀) and all, so thats WONDERFUL <3 what more can i say? but i also have to ask....does "human (but not really)" count ? im writing one of those currently and using that dynamic i just described but like. thyere Not actually human. its very complicated but they TJINK theyre human when they arent in actuality. so they live their lives believeing this before theyre forced to confront it....mmmm i dont think that counts im so sorry i just wanted to mention the one humanish au i have atm 🤧🤧 but i suppose if i were to qrite a true human au itd 100% be plant owner/bookshop owner. you can never go wrong with it 🥰🥰🥰 UGH THIS GAME IS SO GOOD AND NICE!!!!!!!! thanks for the ask ❤️❤️❤️
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flipping-the-coin · 1 year
Bumblebee, how are you holding up? You lost your Sire, found out you had a second one, and got your first Sire back all in a pretty small timeframe. How have you handled that?
I want to make something very clear here. I did not gain another Sire. Orion Pax has not done a fragging thing for me my entire life. The only thing he gives a frag about is Megatron, and he’s shown me that over and over again. If I’m being honest, I really don’t want anything to do with him. He’s a selfish glitch and he’s gross. I mostly deal with him by not dealing with him. 
That being said, Optimus was… Complicated. I didn’t understand why it had to be this way. It felt sudden and rash to me for him to just… give himself up like that. It felt like he just abandoned us all when we could have found some other way. I was stuck on this idea that if he’d just… given us some more time, we could have figured something out. 
I spent a lot of time thinking about it when I was doing my ambassadorial work on Earth. I was angry at him for a long time, you know? I had so many questions and things I just didn’t understand. Why would he leave me so suddenly? Didn’t he know how much I needed him? Why didn’t he tell any of us the truth? Why did he think Orion Pax could be a substitute for him? Why did he have to die while that selfish aft gets to live out his happily ever after? 
But being on Earth, watching my friends, Raf, Jack and Miko grow old and die… I started to kind of get it, at least some of it. Watching them grow old, their bodies slowly start to fail and the life slowly sinking out of their eyes, it reminded me a lot of Optimus towards the end of the war. 
I guess I just didn’t notice how bad he was at the end, because there was just so much going on, and he always was… different.  I can’t remember there ever being a time when Optimus wasn’t in pain in some way or another. It became routine, and in that, I failed to notice when his own frame began to fail him. 
Optimus started to practically fall apart after I killed Megatron. He was lost to his pain more often than he was really with us. He was… dying. Slowly. Right before our optics and only Smokescreen really seemed to notice how bad it was. He tried to tell us. Anyway, seeing the kids go… It helped me understand that Optimus was ready to die, and had been for probably a long time. 
He waited for the right time, when his death would mean something. He pushed through more pain than anyone can imagine so that he could use his life to restore our home, and that is a noble act. My anger faded into respect after I finally understood. It was hard. I still missed him, but that feeling kind of faded over time. 
Honestly, it was easier back on Earth. Cybertron has his image plastered everywhere. You can’t get away from it. But on Earth, Optimus wasn’t… everywhere. In fact, after just a vorn or so, mentions of him by the humans had largely stopped at all, because all who knew him had simply died. Coming home… it was quite the shock to see him just… everywhere. That's been the hardest part, I think. It's easy to not notice what’s missing when you aren’t being reminded all the time of its absence. 
And now, Optimus is back! I won’t lie and say that I’m not happy about it. I am. But now I miss him even more. He’s right there, but scheduling and politics stand in the way of us spending any meaningful time with each other. I still have questions left unanswered. But I also finally have hope that things will get better now. Hopefully my Sire can finally fix some of the problems going on here. I just hope he finds time for me too while he’s doing it.
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basiltonpitch · 1 year
u see my hate towards dxton wouldn’t exist this much if they were so awful towards jaren cuz one one thing is hating ben but another is mocking his appearance because comments like “devi keeps getting all this hot love interests to be end up w that ugly man” like i get you all put looks over reasoning but let’s be decent human beings. jaren does nothing to be insulted this way and maitreyi will hate them all.
yeahhh no i get you 100%. there are so many things that diehard d*xtons say that......just rub me the wrong way and feel very gross lmfao. i don't really go out looking for their posts but every now and then i'll come across something in the nhie tag that is just. either braindead or straight up wrong or they just sound like a straight up asshole. and like to be fair i'll be the first to admit i'm not entirely an innocent party bc i have posted my fair share of mean things before but like!!!! idk the difference i see with a lot of benvi shippers vs d*xton shippers is like.....a lot of us genuinely like paxton as a character, even love him, and we love the arc he's had!!! not to be all "blah blah media literacy blah blah" but we don't willfully misinterpret his actions in the show, especially his negative actions, as being "abusive" or "toxic" or whatever just because he reacted like a normal teenager would. we don't hate on the actor for his looks - the only comment on his appearance i'll make is that he is visibly much older than maitreyi - because he is older, and i definitely think they should have cast a younger actor to play paxton, but that's not a dig at darren's appearance bc he's still very much conventionally attractive, it's just that he's, well, 32 as opposed to maitreyi's 21 and jaren's 22.
also like, they act as if jaren isn't attractive which confuses me so much? i may not be into men as a whole but even i can see that he's also a conventionally attractive guy. hot, cute, sexy, whatever you wanna say - he is all of those things! and so is darren! i don't care if you're trying to "defend your ship" or whatever (a ship that has effectively sunk at least as of 3x10 and, if we're being honest, earlier than that), you leave people's appearances out of it lol.
i think d*xton was cute, when they were together. i think they were a sweet short-term high school relationship. i think devi needed to explore that relationship with him in order to let herself fully move past that fantasy she had. i don't hate the ship itself - i just really very strongly dislike a majority of its shippers, for many many many reasons, the ben and jaren bashing just being one of them
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