#i might go a step further and get it like... all tattooed
beecampbell · 7 months
I got a used copy of The Information by Beck at a random store and I had no idea but I guess it came with stickers for you to personalize your CD box back in the day and theres a whole page of unused pristine condition (if only a bit yellowed) stickers, and for the first time of my life I understand people who have sticker anxiety. I'll probably never put them anywhere and just frame the whole thing.
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riality-check · 1 year
DILF!Steve concert saga, featuring Eddie POV for this part! part 1, part 2
"I have to open it."
"Gareth. I need to open it."
"The vault is sacred," Archie says.
At the same time, Jeff chimes in, "The vault was your idea, Eddie."
Eddie thunks his head against the wall. "I know. But I need-"
"They're on the last song," Archie says, putting a hand on Eddie's shoulder. It's probably meant to be comforting, but it feels patronizing as shit.
Eddie is a good friend, though. He doesn't shrug him off.
"Once they're through, I'll unlock it," Jeff says, dangling the key slung around his neck.
"But you could do it now," Eddie protests.
Gareth sits protectively on top of the black lock box. "Absolutely not."
Eddie sighs and waits for the guitar solo onstage to end, nodding his head along to the beat.
It's what he usually does when they're backstage, but this time, it brings a smile to his face. Miss Anna was a natural yesterday for her first time headbanging, and her dad is the reason Eddie wants to break the sacred vault tradition.
He wants, no, needs to know if he got the note. If he decided to write something. If he wants to go a little further than PG flirting.
Eddie for sure wants to go further than that. God. Steve's handsome face and his big hands and his thick thighs (deliciously exposed by his shorts in the summer heat) are all wonderful incentives to skip a few steps and go straight to ramming him into a mattress.
Or, with how that shirt clung to Steve's biceps and how his shorts clung to his ass, let him ram Eddie into the mattress. He isn't picky.
(He isn't desperate, either, thank you very much, Gareth. And no, he won't admit how long it's been since he got laid.)
From the house, the audience roars, and Eddie jumps off the arm of the couch he was laying on.
Gareth sighs and gets off the lock box.
"Jeff, open it," Eddie says, staring at the vault and subconsciously making grabby hands toward it.
"Is that how we ask?"
"I could always yank the key off you."
Archie sighs and, ever the peacemaker, takes the key from Jeff and unlocks the vault. The second it's open, Eddie snatches his phone and turns it on.
Please please please let the DILF text back, he thinks to himself as he waits for this stupid metal brick to turn on and give him a resolution to this whole ridiculous situation.
Because, first, Eddie doesn't really jive with kids. Sure, they flock to him in the same way they flock to every other vaguely cool-looking person, but aside from asking if he has to draw his tattoos on every day or if his mommy is okay with him having his hair that long, they generally leave him alone.
And that's okay. Eddie easily made his peace with not having kids about ten years ago. Between his strong preference for men and the way that significantly decreases those odds and the choice to not pass on his truly abysmal family history of mental illness and addiction, it seemed obvious and a lot more selfless.
But Anna was cool as hell. Smart as hell, too, in a way that made Eddie feel like he was looking back at a time before school punished him for being bright and verbose and energetic.
Anna didn't make him want kids. Again, the whole family history thing is a real vibe killer. But she did give him enough fuel, for just an instant, to think that dating someone with a kid might not be a deal breaker anymore.
Or maybe Steve was just that hot.
He whined a lot yesterday, in the hotel, about how hot Steve was.
His phone turns on, and, front and center, is a text from an unknown number:
I guess I don’t have to ask you what you do for a living. Just so we’re even on that front, I’m a teacher, and Anna’s full time job is preschool.
Eddie grins so hard he feels like his face will split in two.
"Is it him?" Jeff asks, trying to look over Eddie's shoulder.
"Of course it is," Gareth scoffs. "Look at his face."
"What did he say?" Archie asks.
Eddie takes the easier way out and lets him have the phone.
Gareth and Jeff crowd over Archie's shoulders, and Eddie watches their faces change as they read the message.
"Oh, he's bitchy," Gareth says.
"That means he's perfect," Jeff says, with a pointed look at Eddie.
Eddie shoots Archie a clear "back me up" look and gets a shrug in return because all his friends are assholes who know his type way too fucking well.
"What do I say?" he asks.
Archie tosses him the phone. "I don't know. Flirt back."
"I don't know how!"
"You ground against a guitar-"
"And kissed me onstage," Jeff continues. "But you don't know how to flirt?"
Eddie puts his head in his hands. "I didn't have enough sex in high school to know how to do this!"
"That's not an excuse when none of us did!" Gareth says.
Jeff barks out a laugh.
"Just ask if he's free tomorrow," Archie says, like the rational, wonderful friend he is. "This was the last stop of tour. It's not like you have to get anywhere else at a specific time."
"Okay. Okay, yeah, I can do that," Eddie says, hyping himself up. Before he can second guess himself, he writes back.
Since it's summer, I'm assuming you both have off. Can you fit it in your busy schedule to have dinner with a humble musician tomorrow night?
"Oh, shit, did you send it?" Gareth asks, snatching his phone.
"Wait," Archie says, like the rational, horrible friend he is. "Do we know if he's single?"
"Oh, shit," Jeff whispers.
Eddie takes his phone back and refuses to look at it. He wants to shut it down. He wants to drop it. He wants to drive to nearest river and throw it there.
"Am I a homewrecker?" he asks absently.
"Only if you succeed," Jeff says.
"He might have a wife," Archie muses. "He might be straight."
"Okay, dude, enough," Gareth says. "This was supposed to be exciting! Eddie was supposed to get ass!"
"He might be ace."
"Archie, shut the fuck up."
He holds his hands up in surrender, and Jeff pats his shoulder, a little comfortingly, a lot condescendingly.
Eddie sits down on the couch. Puts his head in his hands. Breathes.
He's flirting with a married man. He's absolutely flirting with a married man. This is a new low. This is worse than the time he licked the floor of a restaurant, drunk, for five bucks. This is worse than when he greened out in the parking lot of a Chuck E. Cheese. This is worse than when he accidentally told the gas station cashier that he loved them and immediately walked into the glass door behind him.
This is. So bad.
And then his phone rings, so it'll get worse. It has to. That's how these things go.
Eddie has always been self-destructive, so, of course, he looks at the screen.
I can't swing dinner, but how's lunch? Fair warning: it might be a playground picnic if my babysitter bails.
"Holy shit, I'm not a homewrecker," Eddie says.
"I didn't think you had it in you," Jeff says.
"He's single!" Gareth cheers.
"Can I talk now?" Archie teases.
"I'm not a homewrecker!" Eddie says, and he launches off the couch to hug the nearest person, who happens to be Jeff.
They have to get out of the venue. He has to figure out the logistics of the date and how to be normal by the time he gets there and what to wear and everything else.
But, right now, Eddie is over the fucking moon that Steve is even giving him a shot. And he hopes, giddy as all hell and hanging off of Jeff's shoulders, that Steve feels even a little bit like this.
He writes back, once he's calmed down:
Lunch might just become my new favorite meal.
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
but i knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs
characters !! al haitham, kaeya, tighnari, ayato, zhongli
synopsis !! spoilers/ you know nahida's story quest where people dreamt of people they miss? so they didn't wanna wake up? yes. you're their greatest source of grief.
contains !! gn reader, grief themes, angst/comfort? or is it angst/angst. messing with the original plot of nahida's quest but the idea remains the same. team dynamics! can be considered sagau /playable au. character death mentions aka me exploring all the ways to make mc gone
inspo !! cardigan by taylor swift 🎵
// cause I knew you / steppin' on the last train / marked me like a bloodstain, I / I knew you / tried to change the ending
All he did was blink. He knew what he was getting himself into when the traveler and the dendro archon explained the situation; people in grief didn't want to wake up. He knew they were entering a dream realm that targeted the vulnerable. He knew he might see you— but it's been years and this dream version of you is simply a fake, this means little to him now, right?
Yet, in one blink, the city of Sumeru disappeared and what he saw instead was—
"(Name)." He mutters under his breath, barely.
"Who's that?" The traveler turns to him.
"Haitham!" You greet, voice cheery, unchanged, the exact replica down to every detail. He feels his face shift in expression, his hand raises, reaches out before he could even realize it himself and—
He blinks again. You're gone.
"Huh? They disappeared!" Paimon squeaks, flying behind the traveler, "Like a ghost! That was sooo scary."
The blonde looks on thoughtfully, "Was. . that someone you know, Al Haitham?"
Snapping out of his daze, he takes a step back.
". . . someone I knew. Yes." He straightens himself, looking away. "Let's keep going. There's no time to waste."
// peter losing wendy, I / I knew you / leavin' like a father / running like water, I / and when you are young, they assume you know nothing
Jumping from portal to portal, trying to find the dream host with the traveler was exhausting. Kaeya was beginning to question why, of all the characters on the team, he had to come along (then again, such events were always fun).
It was a relief when a portal landed him in Starfell Valley. The breeze ruffling through his hair, sweet flowers and cecilias gently leaning to the wind, and—
You, holding onto your wind glider, waving at him from a distance.
"Well? Aren't you going to teach me how to fly?" You yell out, huffing theatrically.
Ah, yes. Kaeya remembers this. His footsteps take him forward, closer to where you are. Grass brushing against him with every step.
"Kaeya?" You tilt your head.
He remembers this. He was supposed to teach you, you were supposed to take your license exam in a few days, you were nervous—
Archons, you were nervous and a little scared and he brushed it off. He was a natural at gliding and he believed you'd get over it and glide as easily as he could.
Then he looked away. Just for a second —a single second— and an updraft lifted you higher than you were used to. And you struggled to control your wings. And you tumbled. And there was a cliff—
Oh, Stormbearer Point used to be so lovely until he lost you.
"Kaeya, are we going to start glidi— oomf-"
His arms wrap around you, bringing you close, holding you to himself. He lets a hand rest on the glider you held on one hand, pushing it away, aside, further from you –because how dare that wretched thing fail you– until it falls to the grass.
"Kaeya? What's wrong?"
"Can we–" He nearly sobs, a lump in his throat as he holds back, ". . . Can we not do this today?"
He feels your own arms wrapping around him. It's the closest he could get to remembering your warmth.
"Alright. . . it's alright, Kae, I'll learn to glide on another day," You whisper softly, "There's always next time."
// but I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss / I knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs / the smell of smoke would hang around this long
"Even if they resemble their loved ones, it doesn't change the fact that it's a figment of their imagination cultivated by the Akasha. They shouldn't be swayed." Tighnari said this to the Traveler on the very day they started exploring the dream situation.
Yet, as he rests in bed after a long day of investigating, there's you.
"Nari! You're back!" You greet, holding up a tea set as he enters the tree-like house.
He's quiet. Quiet as he sits on the chair he always sat on (the one practically reserved for his visits), quiet as you pour him tea (the one you brew whenever he comes over), and quiet as you sit across him with a small smile.
"How is it this time? Too bitter?"
". . . it's fine."
"Will you stay longer this time?"
". . . no, I'll leave soon." He places down the teacup, "Once my investigation with the traveler is done, this will all be over."
He stands up, the chair scrapes against the wooden floor (like it always used to do), you look up at him curiously (the same way you used to).
"Do you really want that?" You ask.
Tighnari knows that it's the dream trying to keep him asleep, trying to tie him down. You're not you, this is all fake, therefore it shouldn't matter. He doesn't need to entertain you any more than he should.
So he diverts the question because archons, once upon a dream, you were all he wanted. You are all he wants.
"I'm leaving now. Thank you for the tea."
"You stay a little bit longer each time you visit," You smile, "Maybe if I brew even better tea, you'll actually stay."
He freezes. Has he been staying longer?
He bites his lip, continuing to walk away from the tree house. It's a figment of his imagination, he shouldn't be swayed.
// 'cause I knew everything when I was young / I knew I'd curse you for the longest time / chasin' shadows in the grocery line
He was expecting it, actually. The traveler had already explained that it's a phenomenon happening to those with losses, and he's aware -with losing his parents at a young age- that he was vulnerable to the dreams.
The minute he falls asleep, the moon high over Sumeru, you appear in his dreams.
No matter how much he expected you, the surprise must still be on his face as you laugh.
"What's with that look? Do you miss me that much?"
Should he entertain the dream? Or ignore you? Then again, what does he have to lose by at least answering your questions. he misses you, how you talk, how you laugh-
"I did. I do." He replies, a calm smile on his face.
"We can't have that! If you miss me already after such a short time, how much more when I'm sent away to get married?"
Oh, so it's that part of the timeline.
Perhaps the sourness of his thoughts reflected on his expression, or maybe you guessed it on your own (you were always so good at understanding him), but you sighed and gave a sad smile.
"I. . . I have to be honest. I'm kind of scared," You chuckle, "It's two boat rides away from Narukami, and the rumors about my fiancé is. . . not so great."
Ayato knows that. Your fiancé killed you on your second year of marriage and attempted to frame it on a servant. Despite knowing all this, the only reply he could muster was a monotonous "I see. . ."
"But we promised each other, didn't we?" You stand straight, facing him with enthusiasm, "We'll make our clans great again. I'll give honor to my clan, and you'll redeem the Kamisato name! Who knows, maybe next time we meet. . . "
There's a glint in your eye and he understands what you're trying to say. Maybe next time, the two of us could be together. It was a childish dream— one that didn't consider divorces or politics or death. Maybe next time, the Kamisato clan would be powerful enough to whisk you away. Maybe next time, Ayato would be enough to marry you without shaming either of your clans. Maybe next time, it could be "us".
The dream turns hazy as Ayato feels himself being shaken awake, the high pitched voice of Paimon floating above him and the traveler next to him, shaking him, "Ayato! Ayato! You have to wake up, the dream isn't real!"
But it was real, wasn't it? It happened so long ago.
// I knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired / and you'd be standin' in my front porch light // and I knew you'd come back to me / you'd come back to me / and you'd come back to me / and you'd come back
The dream realm was turning dangerous, the host lost all control and everyone's loved ones were beginning to turn into horrible beasts.
Beasts were easy, though. For Zhongli, all he had to do was maintain his shield around the traveler and the other party members, ensuring everyone's safety. This was easy enough- for what being could actually penetrate the shield of an archon?
It was you, standing amidst the chaos, as beings turned to monsters and the traveler fought back in defense. An echo of a nightmarish past— of the archon war and of dying gods. You looked no different from that day you stood next to him, ready to protect each other's backs.
He mutters your name so lightly, it fades into the noise around him.
"Morax, listen to me–" You try approaching, only to be stopped by his shield. For a second, he thinks of letting it down, but this wasn't you— this was a dream, a memory.
"Morax, you have to win, it has to be you," It's a desperate sound coming from your lips as your hands rest flat against his shield. He wants to hold you. Why is this nightmare coming back now? Why must he see you here? The logical part of him, the one trained through years of mental and physical warfare, understands that the dream wants him to take down his shield.
"You have to be the Geo Archon. You have to kill me, Morax–"
Ah, yes, he did kill you to become the Geo Archon that day. He remembers it as clear as gold in his memories.
"Get away from Zhongli!" He hears the traveler yell, a sword slashing between him and you, as you back away.
"Are you okay?" The traveler asks, posed in the defense.
"Yes, don't worry about me," He replies, composing himself as his polearm manifests in his hand, "Rather, allow me to deal with this myself."
Because how dare this dream taunt him. How dare this dream imitate you.
note // for the holidays, im extending commissions at a special price! it's $1/character scenario and $3 minimum in fics 😋
consider support me on ko-fi or paypal! // general masterlist
taglist // @absolut-wildflower @boundedbyfate @sadlonelybagel @eissaaaa @ladycoleigh @nejibot @milkypompon @bloodreaper08 @irethepotato @x-zho @ro-river @mich-cola @mxsomn @ackrylik @nicebonescomrades @starforecasts @stygianoir @yuminako @eccedentesiast-sapphic @nebulaera @nuttytani @klutzkat @stygianoir14 @shizunxie @bluriie @aestellia @abyislan08 @scooterscoob @lordbugs
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bandgie · 5 months
stray kids as tattoo artists? I read a fic on AO3 once where Jisung Chan and Felix all owned a tattoo parlour (called Red Lights hehe) and reader worked there and got brought into their OT8 poly relationship and it lives rent free in my brain.
But anyway, what do you think they would be like as tattoo artists? Who would tattoo what body parts? Who would fuck you in the chair, who would give you head/let you suck them off, and who would force themselves to remain professional even though you can see they're hard?
wait I so need the fic if you have it plzzz
MDNI 18+ under the cut
fucking you
lee know - you have such a shy yet aroused look the moment you're in the chair. he'd touch you lightly at first, knuckles bumping against your breasts to clean the skin for the tattoo. your breath would hitch, your eyes would stare into his and you'd bite your lip. all it takes is a little nod from your end and he's undoing his belt
hyunjin - no because he never really does this. he's usually so professional, even with the hungry eyes staring at him, but there's just something so sexy about you. maybe it's the tattoos you already have, slightly faded and in need of a touch up. once he establishes that you are, in fact, wanting him the same way he wants you, he'd go to the front door of his shop and flip the sign to 'closed'
Seungmin - you'd have to beg him for it ngl. you're a regular at his parlor and he just loves how flustered you get. Seungmin doesn't mind teasing you for your session, but you just cant take it anymore. you'd make him move the stencil over and over again just under your boobs because 'its just not right' and you'd offer to take off your shirt so it's easier for him. that's the last straw for him and he'd waste no time in getting you on his cock
oral sex
changbin - he's giving you head, no questions asked. he's shaving the inner part of your thigh and your legs just look so good in shorts. he's gulping, eyes wide and briefly looking at your crotch. you notice though, and you'd gently place your hand over his and push the razor away, opening your legs so he can get a better look. he might panic at first, claiming he didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, but you shush him and grab the back of his head to guide him to your cunt.
han - you're on your tummy, feeling han prep you for a back tattoo. honestly, if he wasn't so nervous he'd fuck you just like that, but you start giving him innocent compliments that lead to you not-so-innocently sitting him on the laid out chair and getting on your knees. he's just so cute whimpering and biting into his hand while his thighs tremble around your face
chan - this honestly shouldn't be a surprise. he takes his job very seriously, and no matter how many times your hand accidentally brushes against his cock or how prettily you bat your eyelashes, he will not do anything out of line. but ofc you can see the strain, and tent in his jeans that must be so uncomfortable. he's got a red blush on his ears, but he's so keen on making sure he's professional throughout the session. maybe you just need to make another appointment
felix - I think he likes knowing that you know he's horny, if that makes sense. it's the yearning that really turns him on, the longing stares, the lip bite he does when his touches linger. even if it makes his cock throb, he just loves teasing you too much to do anything. still, I do think he'd grind his front against your body 'accidentally' and he wouldn't say no if you start palming him while he shaves your arm to clean to area
jeongin - is just nervous. he really isn't sure if you're flirting with him or not. a lot of girls try to do favors in getting out of paying, but you're just so persistent you tip very good after each session. he's thought about taking things a step further, but he really isn't sure how to. if he's doing a chest tattoo, his hand will find purchase on your tit, a small blush on his face saying it helps in keeping him anchored. you don't push him, a sweet smile on your face as you tell him you don't mind, that it feels good. he gulps, cock hardening in his sweats and he prays he doesn't have to stand for a while
not proofread lmao
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tojisbbg · 1 year
𝙢𝙮 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚
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❝nothing in the world belongs to me, but my love, mine, all mine.❞  
♡ gojo satoru ♡
a/n: gojo nation, how we doing after chapter 236? 🤧
reblogs, comments and likes are always appreciated <3
content: gojo satoru x fem!reader, chapter 236 SPOILERS!!, fluff, angst, hurt with comfort, not edited.
"ugh.." you groaned in pain, as you put your weight on your arms to help you lift yourself up. your vision was slightly blurry, your fuzzy brain trying to piece things together and figure out just where the hell you were at.
it looked like an abandoned building, the lights were dimmed and slightly flickering. jesus, it was like something straight out of a horror film. the smell of the air was dusty like piles of rubble along with a stomach churning putrid scent.
your legs were wobbly, holding onto the wall for support as you stood up. cautious eyes scanned the area for any signs of potential danger, your heart beating aggressively against your chest wall as fear washed over you.
what is this place?
why are you here?
you found signs and arrows which pointed to an exit. so, you decided to follow them and sweet relief hit you when you felt a gust of wind hit your skin, you were outside. suddenly, a loud roaring sound followed by the crashing sound of rubble nearly deafening you shook your heart. you paused your steps, trying to breathe from the shock.
what the fuck was that?
as you walked further forward, you noticed a group of people standing and sitting in a gathered area, observing something. were these people not scared or worried? is this place even... normal?
"um... excuse me?" you meekly called out, not drawing much attention as only the lady in the white coat turned her head towards you. she had a lit cigarette in between her lips, eye bags dark and heavy.
"huh? and who may you be?" the brunette asked you, eyes scanning you top to bottom, making you grow slightly nervous.
"i don't know how i ended up here, but, i think i might be lost." you truthfully admitted, watching her eyes narrow as she stared into your soul.
"you must be one of the civilians that got sucked into the culling game then. have a seat here, it'd be dangerous for you to wander by yourself." she sighed, pointing to the empty chair next to her. you hesitantly nodded your head, thanking her before sitting down.
"your name?" the lady asked, not bothering to look at you.
"y/n. and you?" you fiddled with your fingers, your nerves nearly setting you off the edge.
"shoko." she dryly responded, making you nod your head.
you were about to ask her something, only for your thoughts to be interrupted my more thunderously loud noises, crashing and crumbling, followed by bright lights of all colors like blue, red and purple.
"what the fuck is going on here?" you mumbled under your breath, palms getting sweaty.
"a match between the king of curses and the strongest sorcerer." shoko answered your mindless words, catching you off guard.
your eyes were focused on the cloud of dust, making out two figures. after a few seconds, the air cleared up. one of the figures was a man who had black hair spiked up, strange tattoos decorating his face and arms. your eyes widened when you saw the second person.
the familiar snowy locks of hair peaking through the brown dust, gorgeous cerulean eyes that glowed, and the towering height.
your heart sank into your stomach.
what was he doing here? why... why was your boyfriend here?
shoko observed you and your reactions, confusion bubbling inside her.
"do you know them?" she suddenly asked, making you look at her.
"uh, no. sorry, am i supposed to?" you lied, making her shake her head.
"didn't expect you to. the guy with the tattoos is the king of curses and the guy with the white hair is the strongest sorcerer in the world." shoko enlightened you with her words, making you nod.
"i see. what's the sorcerer's name?" you asked, praying to god that it wasn't the name of your boyfriend, that perhaps it was his doppelganger or something.
"that's gojo satoru." she replied, your breath hitching at the familiar name. oh, how sweetly it rolled off your tongue every single time that you called out to him.
that's right, he was your gojo satoru.
you quietly watched from the sidelines as the match continued, occasionally hearing the low tone chatter and side comments from the people near you. both opponents were strong as hell, you watched gojo confidently smirk and throw in some witty insults towards the king of curses, sukuna.
it was almost as if this was a mere game for the two.
suddenly, you watched sukuna open his domain before launching a serious of violent attacks on gojo, slicing him with no mercy. you gasped, standing up from your seat as you tried to run into the ring like it was the first instinct that you knew of.
but, you felt a hand tightly grip your wrist. you looked back with furrowed eyebrows.
"he'll be okay." shoko assured, making you scoff.
"okay? are you blind, shoko? he's literally sliced up everywhere and bleeding. he'll die!" you yelled in her face, your voice trembling with fear; making the other's turn their heads to view the commotion.
"gojo can use something called rct to heal himself, so, he won't die. trust me, he's survived worse than this before." she explained, sensing your panic as she patted the back of your thigh before ushering you to sit back down.
you glanced back at the fighting scene, gojo on the ground bleeding nonstop. suddenly, he turned his head to face the crowd watching him, locking eyes with you. the sudden eye contact made your heart stop, watching his own ones widen.
did he recognize you?
is this also just as confusing to him as it is to you?
gojo sent a soft smile towards you, making your heart leap and you could swear that you would've run into his arms by now if shoko didn't have you on a leash.
it seemed like you were stuck in a place where time didn't exist. the match felt like never ending and you just wanted to swoop in and steal gojo from the scene, running away together to somewhere much safer.
a place where your boyfriend wasn't getting violently beaten and slashed.
"gojo-sensei has won! he won!" a boy with pink haired screamed excitedly, jumping up and down as he high-fived the surrounding people who showered your boyfriend with praises.
you clapped along with them, a huge smile tugging on your lips as you wondered how your approach with him would go. would he embrace you? let you kiss his scars?
your thoughts were interrupted by a sudden deafening silence, followed by worried gasps. you turned your attention to where they were so invested, to which you wish you didn't.
"no... no... NO!" you let out a bloodcurdling scream, the sight in front of you was enough to make you want to puke your organs out. without any hesitation, you pushed past the people who were blocking your way, hearing their cries of protest but you were too hurt to care about your safety anymore.
"satoru!" you cried out his name, your vision was blurry with your tears as you ran to him. the love of your life... the man who swore to love you until his last breath, the man who stayed up late at night watching you finish your work, the man who'd cook you meals to make sure you weren't skipping them, the man who'd spoil you rotten.... the man who looked at you like you hung the moon and stars for him was now on the ground; sliced in half.
you kneeled in front him, watching how blood poured out of his mouth as his tears streamed down his face. with a weak turn of his head, he looked at you while you stroke his cheek.
"y...ou..?" gojo breathed out, making you sob harder as you nodded your head.
"it's me, satoru. oh god, why did you do this, satoru? i-i don't know what to do. please.. don't leave me. please, baby, i love you so much." you cried helplessly, grabbing his hand before pressing kisses on his knuckles.
he watched you with that same lovesick expression before giving you a gentle smile.
"..y../n.." your eyes widened as his final words was your name, watching his eyes roll back before his breathing came to a stop.
"satoru? s-satoru?!" you desperately called out, even though you knew that it was no use. a menacingly deep laughter came from besides you, making you look up as you glared at the man who murdered your other half.
"i never knew that blue-eyed freak had a woman. how pitiful." the tattooed curse snickered. you got up to your feet, grabbing him by the collar.
"kill me. i don't want to stay here for a second longer and see your evil face. so, kill me!" you screamed, making him scoff before shoving you to the ground besides the lifeless gojo; a wince escaping your lips.
"foolish little girls like you are the reason why humanity will never progress further. what a shame." sukuna cackled, watching you with amused eyes.
"please... satoru. don't leave me!
"wake up! please, i love you, wake up! satoru!"
"satoru!" you shot up from your bed, breathing heavy as bullets of cold sweat ran down your temple. your mouth was dry, trying to process what the fuck you just dreamed of. you quickly patted the side of the bed in search of the other body who's supposed to fill it, only to find a cold empty space in return.
you felt panic rise inside of you, scrambling to get out of your bed as your knees felt like jelly. you harshly opened your bedroom door, running down the hall as you screamed your boyfriend's name.
"satoru? satoru!" it sounded more like a series of desperate cries and you got nothing but silence in return. you collapsed on the carpeted floor in the middle of the living room, loudly sobbing into your palms.
maybe... maybe that dream was real and gojo was truly sucked into that alternate reality. god, why did you escape?
"baby?" you suddenly heard the soft familiar voice you were aching to hear call out for you, a gentle hand on your back. you look up from your wet palms, your fuzzy vision making out the figure of your boyfriend as his snowy peaks of hair and beautiful cerulean eyes shone through the darkness.
"satoru?" you breathed out, hiccuping in between your cries. without wasting another second, you launched yourself forward into his lap, wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck; hugging him as tightly as you could.
"i'm right here, baby. i just went to the bathroom. it's okay, you're okay, sweet girl." gojo whispered in a comforting manner, rubbing your back as you cried into the crook of his neck.
"i-i... oh my g-god.. jesus, y-you—" you tried to formulate proper sentences to explain everything to him, but the words kept getting stuck in your throat.
"shh... it's okay, baby. just breathe in and breathe out... yeah just like that, good girl." he praised as you followed his words, kissing the side of your head as he helped you calm down.
the room was silent, your gentle cries were the only thing that could be heard followed by the sweet reassuring words of gojo. about ten minutes has passed, you were still clung onto gojo as if he would run away if you were to let go. so, gojo decided to take you to your shared bedroom since it was getting late.
with you still in his arms, he got up carefully and held on to you tight; so that you don't fall. gojo walked inside the dark bedroom, turning on the dimly lit lamp before sitting down, with you still straddling him.
you pulled away to look at him, seeing the worried expression lingering on his face as he examined your state. you looked utterly traumatized, eyes puffy from crying and face pale.
"talk to me, honey." gojo gently encouraged, holding your hand as he rubbed small circles on the back of your palms. you took in a moment to savor the sweet relief of your boyfriend in front of you, in one piece; safe and sound. no painful scars sliced onto his skin, his hair was neat and his eyes were full of life. you placed one of your hands on his chest, feeling the soft beat of his heart.
tears pricked the corner of your eyes, looking down as your tears fell onto his shirt. just by your reaction, gojo had an idea of what this might be.
"bad dream?" he guessed, and without a word, you nodded. a heavy sigh left his lips, before bringing a strong arm to your back as he pulled you towards him, so that you could lay down on his chest.
"my poor sweet girl. we're okay, baby, nothing's gonna hurt you or me. you know i hate to see you cry, y/n." gojo rubbed your back, pressing soft kisses on the top of your head.
"it was awful, i wouldn't even wish that kind of nightmare on my worst enemy. god, i hated every second of it to the point i wished death on myself." your body shook as you reminisced the event. gojo quickly wrapped his arms around you, intrigued to hear more about what you saw that shook you up like this.
"it was in this strange world where sorcery existed and curses. you were the world's strongest sorcerer who was fighting against the king of curses, sukuna. it was an intense match, you both were strong as hell. but, in the end..." you harshly swallowed, not finding it within you to say it.
"i died." gojo completed the sentence for you, confirming it from your silence. suddenly, you felt the heavy vibration of his chest as he chuckled. you lifted your head up, glaring at him through your glossy eyes.
"stop laughing, satoru! this isn't funny, you were literally sliced in half!" you scolded him, slapping his bicep, but your words and actions made him laugh even harder.
"sliced in two? what am i, a watermelon? oh my, what an impeccable way to go." he continued to joke around, making you scoff as you ripped yourself away from his hold.
"asshole." you grumbled, rolling away from him to your spot on the bed. gojo's lips curled into a smile, immediately following after you as he scooped your body to scoot you close to him.
"sorry, baby. i just wanted to lighten the atmosphere up a bit." gojo honestly admitted, kissing your shoulder. you sighed, turning your head towards him.
"i was so scared, satoru. i felt like i was gonna die, i swear. it felt so real, so fucking real. i could still smell it and feel your blood against my palms." you shook your head at the though of experiencing that ever again, breath hitching in fear.
"it was just a nightmare, baby. it's not real and it'll never become real either. i'm here right in front of you, breathing and alive, in one piece. we're safe, y/n, nothing's gonna happen, okay?" he stroked your cheeks, wiping your tears away before leaning down to plant a kiss on your forehead.
you snuggled against his chest, breathing in his scent which smelled like home.
"i love you so much, satoru." your voice was muffled, but clear enough for him to hear.
"i love you more, my sweet girl." gojo replied, fingers raking through your hair while his other hand rubbed your back.
"i don't know what sin i committed to see something as horrific as that." you pulled away from his chest, shuddering.
"it's probably 'cause of all those sci-fi horror movies you watch." he giggled, making you hum in response.
"maybe." you shrugged with a sigh, tightening your arms around him tighter as you wanted your space, body and mind to be engulfed by gojo and only him.
"y/n?" gojo suddenly called out your name.
"hm?" you hummed in response, looking up at him with anticipating eyes.
"we'll find each other no matter what universe or lifetime we enter. that i can promise you, baby. so, listen carefully to me, okay? the universe could strip me of everything; my brain, my heart, my breath, my life... but there's one thing it could never take away from me." he spoke with tenderness, looking down at you with affectionate eyes that twinkled with nothing but love and adoration for you; the woman who made his heart feel alive with life.
"no one could ever take away the love i have for you. my love for you is only mine and it will always be all mine." gojo said, making your eyes soften as you looked up at him with a smile.
"i hope that in every universe and lifetime that i exist in, you're just a regular person. maybe a barista or bookstore keeper... just not someone who's strong and powerful." you commented, making him laugh.
"wouldn't you want a strong and powerful boyfriend to protect you?" he questioned, making you shake your head.
"not when he has the risk of being sliced in half, absolutely not!" you quickly disapproved, making him chuckle.
"whatever you'd like, baby." gojo smiled, leaning his head down to find your lips. his kisses were like oxygen, it felt like you could finally breathe again. the sweetness of his soft lips combined with the warmth of his body transferring to yours made your heart swell with love.
you cupped his face, kissing him with more need as his hand rubbed your back. gojo knew that you needed this and he could honestly do this all night. eventually, you both pulled away for air.
"i love you so much, satoru." you breathed out, placing a small kiss on his chin, a boyish grin etching on his lips.
"i love you more, my sweet girl." he began to pepper your face with kisses, making you giggle.
the sound of your laughter was like music to gojo's ears and your smile was like a piece of art that he'd see in those big fancy museums. god, you're so beautiful that it made his heart ache.
gojo stared into your eyes, finding nothing but warmth and love for him. a smile painted his lips, happy that he found you in this lifetime. you both were truly destined for each other and gojo satoru died as a happy man on that cursed day when he met your eyes, to which he was reborn to find you and hold you in his arms like this.
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writer-komaru · 1 year
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳Pact Marks Headcanons Ꮚ♥ꈊ♥Ꮚ
✧Rating: Fluff, slightly suggestive, Satan and Lucifer’s are kinda hurt comfort
✧Characters: Lucifer, Satan, Leviathan, Mammon, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor
✧Word count: 9.7k
✧Summary: how the boys would react if you asked to make a pact with them and get their seal.
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Beelzebub - (lvl of difficulty: 4/10 | placement: stomach or shoulder)
✧ out of everyone, I think he would be the most willing to make this kind of pact.
✧ pacts are a heavy subject so he has his apprehensions, but there’s no way he can deny you if you ask him with that adorable smile of yours.
✧ (especially if you offer him his favorite food)
✧ you already have his heart, why not his being as well?
✧ he might ask you why you’d want to make a pact when he’s already willing to do whatever you say,
✧ but at the idea it would make you two closer, he’s enthusiastically asking if he can give you his seal right there and then.
✧ he just cares about you so much it’s so cute.
✧ his go to spot would be somewhere either on your stomach (of course) because it’s one of his favorite parts of you or your shoulder because that’s the usual spot for tattoos, why not a seal instead?
✧ as he uses his powers to engrave his personal seal of gluttony into you, he can’t while the goofy smile off his face.
✧as soon as he’s done he hugs you close to his chest and tells you how important you truly are to him.
✧ whenever he sees you wearing something that flaunts his seal, he gets so happy inside he can’t help put run up to you and spin you around in the air.
♥ “Hey Beel, there’s something I wanna ask you,” you walk up to him and rest your chin on his shoulder.
“Mm? What’s up, MC?” He tilts his head to give you a confused look.
“There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you for a while, and I think I’m finally ready. We’ve known each other for a while, right?” You take a step back and grasp his hand in yours.
“We have…” he looks down at your hands, holds his own and then back into your eyes, “I’m still confused.”
“Give me a second to find the right words…” you take a deep breath, “Would it be alright if we had a pact together?”
“A… pact? Wait, really?!” His eyes widened in surprise. He genuinely thought you were going to say literally anything in the whole world besides that. “A-are you serious?!”
“Shit, did I say it too soon? I know it’s personal, maybe I should have waited longer,” the worries you were suppressing begin to fill your mind.
“N-no it’s alright it’s just,” he chuckles slightly, “I never expected you to ask about something like that. Pacts are a bit of a sensitive topic. But, I’m fine with talking about it if you’d like. Since it’s you…” He blushes slightly and looks away. Has he…
“Have you… thought about making a pact with me before?” You asked with such an innocent sounding voice that his whole face erupts in a hot blush.
“I might have a couple of times. I mean… I like you, after all. But you already know that… wait, am I blushing? Ah, this is so embarrassing…” he hides his face in his hands in defeat. It takes all the willpower you have not to tease him any further.
“It’s alright, Beel. How would you feel if I told you I have too? That’s why I’m here asking you this question after all. Just please, can I see your face again?” You gently rub a soothing hand over his shoulder. He hasn’t even made the pact yet and yet he already feels like he’s at your mercy. He drops his hands to his sides and looks at you with the most loving eyes you’ve ever seen. You can tell he wants this just as much as you do.
“You know all the details to pacts already, right? After giving you my seal, you’ll be able to not only use some of my powers but I’ll also listen to any commands you give me, no matter what. But I'll return, you’ll be mine forever. Are you ready to make that deal?” His unwavering expression gives you the last piece of confidence in your decision you need to finally seal the deal.
“I’m ready. When I first met you after suddenly appearing in Devildom all those months ago… I already knew that you were all I ever wanted,” you give him a reassuring nod. He grunts and clutches his heart.
“A-are you alright?! Fuck, that was cringy, wasn’t it?” You internally scold yourself for saying something so cliche.
“No it’s- that was… that was so…” you hear him sniffle. When your eyes meet once more, you’re in shock. He was crying. His eyes sparkled and his cheeks looked so red he looked like he had a fever. “No one’s ever said something like that to me. I wasn’t ready.”
“I see… aww, Beel. You’re so cute,” you smile as you ruffle his hair.
“Mmph…” he hums in satisfaction, basking in the attention like a loyal puppy.
“Are you ready to make the pact now, Beel?” You ask sweetly as your hand returns to trancing gentle patterns on his shoulder.
“I think I am. But, where should I put my seal?” He looked to you for the answer.
“Well, where would you like to put the seal?” You tilt your head playfully.
“You’re giving me the honor? You sure?” His eyes widened. You nod as a confirmation and he chuckles, “well, if you really want me to pick… I’ll put it… here,” He gently lifts up your shirt and presses two fingers on the spot right above your belly button.
“This spot… I feel drawn to it for some reason,” He blushes as he watches his own fingertips trace a circle around the spot he’s chosen.
“Is it because it’s my stomach?” You chuckle.
“Not entirely… it’s just, when I imagine you with my seal right here… it makes me feel warm inside. Like… it’s the same feeling when I watch you wear my clothes around the house… it makes me feel like you’re mine, all mine.” He looks up at you with dilated pupils, ready at any moment to engrave his mark right into you. His expression practically begs you at this point. All it takes is a small nod and a smile and he likes up like a happy little puppy who was given the whole container of treats. He turns back to the spot his fingers are pressing against and lowers his head to it. He licks his lips, preparing to make the best decision of his whole life. Yes, he’s certain of it. You feel a slight tickle as his lips press against the skin right above your navel followed by a fuzzy tingle. The spot glows a beautiful golden orange and black, the faint outline of a sigil drawing itself deep into the cut face of your belly. Once the process is done, he takes a step back to admire his work. You look like the most gorgeous being in all of devildom and you can see it in his eyes with the way they twinkle. He smiles widely and pulls you into a tight hug.
“This… I just can’t believe it. This is definitely the best day of my life!” He can’t hide the tears that spill from his cheeks as he squeezes you tighter.
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Leviathan - (lvl of difficulty: 4/10 | placement: any)
✧ Now Levi is a special case.
✧ It’s pretty much cannon that he’s a social outcasts. He spends pretty much every second of his life in his room either playing video games, watching anime, reading manga, or dusting his numerous anime figurines.
✧ he’s content with this lifestyle, but also longs for everything his brothers have.
✧ He always hears stories of all the all you can eat restaurants Beel has taken everybody (besides him) to, the casinos Mammon hangs out at with his poker friends, the clubs Asmo returns from with mysterious red marks on his neck, the tea Lucifer and Diavolo share on occasions to catch up, the gym Satan frequents and seems to even be making friends at, damn it, even Belphegor has mentioned babysitting with Luke and watching cartoons with him.
✧ It’s just not fair, completely unfair, that while his brothers are out living their lives, he’s left all alone with only the company of his anime girl figurines and his pet snake.
✧ (enough with the brooding, onto the hcs)
✧ That was until you became a part of his life.
✧ Instead of spending all his time alone playing games, he can do that with you and more.
✧ So the day you come up to him and ask to make a pact he honestly likes he’s either still asleep or misheard you
✧ there’s no way you, the wonderful, kind, and gorgeous you that you are, would as a nerd like him to make a pact with
✧ once the idea finally processes in his brain, he keeps bringing up how cooler, prettier, and stronger his brothers are than him.
✧ why him? There’s no way you truly mean him.
✧ but for the thousandth time you say you truly want him, he’s already in tears.
✧ he has no preference at all for seals, he already feels like the luckiest guy the world he even gets this opportunity.
✧ you honestly have to pick for him because he overheats at just the thought of placing a seal somewhere on your body.
✧ (please tell him a more private spot you’d like his seal and he will melt into a blushing mess)
♥ “Levi, are you busy right now?” You poke your head into his ocean-like room to see him playing something on his computer. But as soon as your nickname for him leaves your lips his head snaps in your direction and he falls right out of his chair.
“OUCH- I-I mean,” He scurried over to you with a joyful smile and a bruised cheek, “No, I’m not busy at all! Do you need something?”
“I’m sorry for startling you, look, you have a bruise now…” you mutter sadly and you bring a soft hand up to his cheek to cup it. He shivers at the touch and his face lights up in an embarrassing blush.
“I-I-it’s fine, really, I-I’m fine!” He stutters and looks anywhere but you.
“If you say so. Anyways, I have something really important to ask you. Can I come in?” You look up into his flustered eyes.
“Oh! S-sure, if you’d like, absolutely!” He nods rapidly and moves out of the way.
Once you two settle down on some beanbags in the corner of his room where he normally reads manga, you can finally get to the reason you’re here.
“Levi, I have a really important question to ask you. Do you think you’re ready to hear it?” You cross your legs.
“Uh, y-yeah, of course! Is there something on your mind?” He tries his best to sound normal but you can hear the obvious shake in his voice. Though that’s pretty normal for him when he’s around you. (The dork-)
“I’ve been thinking about something a lot lately. We’ve been hanging out a lot and I’ve grown pretty close to you,” you blush slightly admitting that out loud.
He blushes even brighter, “Ah! G-grown close to- I-I mean- mph!” He slaps a hand over his mouth and nods for you to continue.
“I love the time we spend together, and I just… I like you a lot too. Do you think you’d be okay with maybe making a pact with me?”
His brain fills with millions of error screens. You.. like him? You want to… make a pact with him? Him?! Is he hearing you correctly?! There’s absolutely no way…
“Wha-huh?! F-for a second there… I thought you just… said you wanted to make a…” he swallows in nervousness, “A p-pact with me.”
“I do. Levi, I want to make a pact with you.”
“Hah… ahahah… I... I must be dreaming, right? Cuz there’s no way… a wonderful human like you would choose a demon like me… right?” His voice cracks with every word.
“Levi…” you reach for his hand, “listen to me clearly. I. Want. To. Make. A. Pact. With. You.”
“A… pact… with… me.. wait… WAIT REALLY?!?” Realization finally comes to him like the thunderous clap of lightning as he somehow finds a way to fall out of his beanbag chair and almost knock over the shelf filled with manga.
“Wait, me? You mean me, right? Is this a prank?” His wide eyes are glued to yours. It’s kind of amusing how taken aback he is.
“Heheh, yes you, Levi. Why is it so hard to believe?” You ask him with a light smile.
“H-have you even seen me?! I’m an otaku who locks himself in his room and plays video games all day. What part of me seems pact worthy?!” He motions to literally everything in his room that potently screams ‘never felt a woman's touch’.
“Have you seen my room yet? I also have a computer set up like you, a shelf I keep my manga and video games, and don’t tell anyone but,” you lean closer and whisper in his ear, causing his already blushing face to turn pure red, “I even have some AOT and Sailor Moon posters in my room. If that isn’t enough for you, maybe my ungodly collection of anime pins will do it for you.”
He was so caught up in his frenzy he completely forgot about those things. He really wasn’t much different from you.
“I… forgot about that…” he pants, trying to catch his breath.
“Do you feel a little better now?” You brush your thumb over his knuckles.
“Y-yeah… phew… my heart is pounding so hard right now…” He tries to catch his breath, and after a few minutes, he’s finally a lot calmer.
“What do you think? Would you like to make a pact with me?” You ask again.
“P-pacts are a huge commitment… I’ll basically be giving myself up to you..” He thinks about that for a second and clears his throat, “You know what, I’m fine with that…”
“Wait, really? You mean it?” You smile enthusiastically.
“Mhm, the idea of… being so close to someone where we literally give each other parts of our beings… it… it sounds like something good to be true,” he blushes, “I’d… really think that. Like… a lot.”
“Then do you want to make it official by giving me your seal?” You offer.
“L-like right now?!” He gasps slightly.
“Would that be okay?” You say in a softer voice.
“Uh- w-well, um… y-yeah, it would but…” His hand shakes in yours as his eyes wander to your body.
“Is there any spot in particular you’d like to put it?” You uncross your legs and lean back to give him a better view. He trembled even more, mouth completely dry. You really want his seal, not anyone else’s, and you want it somewhere on your beautiful body?! If he was in an anime his nose would be bleeding like a fucking volcano right now. He squeaks and jumps as you pull up your shirt a tiny bit to show your stomach.
“A-a-anywhere is f-f-fine!!” He yells as he covers his eyes.
“Come on, you won’t be able to place your seal if you can see,” he laughed softly.
“Y-you’re… right… uh…” his eyes look over your body again and lock onto your thighs. He’d ever admit this out loud but he really had a thing for thighs.
“Want it here?” You point to your upper thigh.
“I-I can?! I-I uh- d-damn it… I… I want to… but are you sure?” He gives you a worried look. He doesn’t want to screw up this once in a lifetime chance anymore than he already has.
“Mhm. Go ahead, I’m ready when you are, Levi,” you wait patiently for what he’ll do.
He nods to you and swallows dryly. He was really doing this. This was really happening. His mind buzzed loudly with exclamations of excitement and worry as his face grew closer to your thigh. This was something of pure fantasy to him as he pushed his quivering lips against your plush thigh. He couldn't even think clearly, let alone hold back from rubbing his hand over your other thigh. He knew he would wake up any second now, might as well enjoy it while it lasts. The spot he kissed illuminated with shades of turquoise and violet as his sigil of envy appeared. You started in awe as cute, little bubbles floated out from his magic.
“S-sorry, I-I-I’m a bit nervous…” He mumbled against your skin as he finished off the mark. As he sat up he couldn’t take his eyes off of it. It was his seal. He traces his thumb over it just to see if it was permanent.
“It’s… it’s real. T-thank you for this opportunity. I’m so, so grateful. I finally… won’t have to be alone anymore,” his face glistened with tears.
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Asmodeus - (lvl of difficulty: 5/10 | placement: heart, thigh, or lower stomach)
✧ Asmo is a bit more… well, special.
✧ to him, pacts aren’t just a way of exchanging a deal of power between a human and demon, it’s literally equivalent to marriage.
✧ that’s why he’s been waiting so long to make one.
✧ no matter how many humans, demons, or even angels he’s been with, even if they seem like pure perfection, he still holds out hope his “soulmate” would one day waltz into his life and sweep him off his feet for once.
✧ it’s honestly beginning to bug him a bit
✧ that was until his eyes landed on you the first day you arrived in Devildom.
✧ he’s only heard stories of the power of love at first sight, but he’s never actually experienced it first hand
✧ and to say he was entranced would be an understatement.
✧ you became the target of his affection, no matter how crowded the area was or not.
✧ it could be sweet remarks about your outfit, soft touches on your shoulders or hips, maybe even a flirtatious comment here and there
✧ he’s never been this lovestruck by anyone before.
✧ and your reactions just strengthen his attraction.
✧ every blush, stutter, shiver, gasp, and whine sends deeper and deeper in love with you.
✧ so the day the idea of pacts comes back up, he knows the time, the moment he’s been longing for, is finally here.
✧ compared to the ones before, he’s a tad bit more demanding with his pact, maybe even border line possessive.
✧ he wants you all to himself, is that too much to ask?
✧ it won’t be one sided, he promises~
✧ his ideal spots to put his seal are your lovely thighs he loves to tease, your lower stomach he wishes to explore in due time, and your heart because you’ve already stolen his, why can’t he claim yours for himself, too?
✧ every time you pass by wearing something that shows off his beautiful pink seal, he can’t resist the urge to pull you into the nearest room and show you just how deep his love goes~
♥ “Asmo? Could I come in please?” You knock softly on his door and wait for a response. What you're greeted with is, strangely, pure silence. You knock again a bit harder when suddenly you feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist.
“You called?~” A teasing voice tickles the back of your neck.
“Ahhh!!” You jump and turn around to see Asmo’s sweet smile, “damn… you scared the life out of me.”
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it,” he chuckles and pulls you closer to kiss your cheek, “Did you need me for something, my dear?”
“Could we go in your room for a second, there’s something important I wanna talk about,” you place your hands on his shoulders and look up at him.
“Sure,” he leads you into his beautifully detailed room and sits down on a chair that is hung from the ceiling by lush faux vines with vivid purple flowers and places you right on his lap.
“Is this comfortable for you?~” He wraps his arms around you once more.
“Mhm, very comfy. And your room always smells so good,” you bask in the lovely scent.
“Why thank you~ It’s a mix of the floral candles I like to leave around my room and my signature perfume,” he chuckles softly and points a few of them out.
“Are you sure that’s safe? You have a lot of flammable things in here,” you ask as you feel his hands trail up and down your waist.
“I always make sure to snuff them out if I leave them unattended, no need to worry. This might just be me, but I feel like you’re stalling about something,” he shifts you around on his lap so he can look into your eyes.
“Well, there is something I wanna talk about,” even though you’re super nervous, you do your best to keep eye contact.
“Then what’s on your mind? I’m always right here if you need something,” he tilts his head slightly.
“Well, uh… I’ve been thinking about something a lot recently and I think I should go ahead and tell you instead of keeping it to myself,” you take a deep breath, “do you like we could make a pact together?”
He gasps and you flinch. Could this have been too sudden? He always tells you each and every day how much he loves you and how happy he is to have met you, but you knew pacts were a bit of a tender subject for demons. You remember hearing about it from the others about how much of a combined burden and privilege it is for a demon. After doing research of your own you know that they're not totally wrong, yet you can’t help but find yourself longing for something like that.
“You want to make a pact?” He repeats, just to clarify what you said. You nod and brace yourself for his answer but you watch as his eyes fill with enough sparkles to create another galaxy.
His mouth stretches into a smile, “I’ve always wanted to find the right person to finally settle down with, but I thought it would just be a fantasy. Yet here you are, the most gorgeous and kind being I’ve ever met, sitting right here on my lap and asking me to make a pact with you. What do you think my answer will be?”
“Hopefully... a yes?” You smile nervously back at him.
“Nothing less than a perfect yes for my perfect human~” he kisses your forehead and hugs you close to his chest.
You giggle in relief and wrap your arms around his neck, “I’m so happy, I was worried you might say no.”
“And why would I say no, hm? Tell me your worries so I can shoo them away,” he runs his hands up and down your back.
“I was worried I asked too soon into our relationship,” you admit.
“Hehehe, of course not. You could have asked me the first day I met you and I’d say yes. I’ve always known you would be the first and only person I make a pact with, I just wanted to wait till you were ready. And now that you are…” You shiver as his hands creep up into your shirt, “Where should I place my seal…”
“H-hey, be careful where you’re touching,” you try to scold him but the blush on your face tells a whole different story.
“Don’t worry, I know my limits by now~” he giggles as he pulls his hands back and studies your body.
“I think it should go…” he traces a circle over your heart, “right here, where it belongs.”
“Aww, my heart? Is it because you want it all to yourself?” You chuckle.
“Maybe~ now, let’s take this off for just a few seconds~”
“Hey, wait!” There’s no way you could stop him in time before he swiftly pulls off your shirt and returns to drifting his hands up and down your now exposed waist. The touch has you shivering in both sensitivity and excitement.
“Are you ready for it? I’ll be gentle,” He gives you a playful wink before leaning to your chest. His breath feels so hot against your skin, you don’t know if it’s the thrill of the close proximity or him using some underhanded tricks with his powers but your mind is beginning to wander.
“Mhm…” you hum your consent and shiver as his soft lips lay a kiss right above your heart. You can feel your pulse spike as sparkling colors of rose and bubblegum pink swirl around the spot. Thousands of glittering particles twinkle as a magic sigil presents itself on your skin. It glows a few times before the cloud of glitter finally dissipates and what’s left behind is a prominent seal of lust.
“There, now it’s official. You’re all mine, forever and always. We’re going to have so much fun together, I just know it,” he whispers lowly in your ear and squeezes your waist, “you’re all I could ever want~”
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Belphegor - (lvl of difficulty: 5/10 | placement: thigh or shoulder)
✧ now Belphie’s a lot more laid back when it comes to pacts
✧ yeah, he knows how meaningful they are and all the abilities it grants to the receiving end and blah blah blah
✧ he’s heard way too many speeches from Lucifer to really care
✧ if anything, they sound more like a burden
✧ he’s perfectly fine just laying in bed all day and occasionally getting up to grab a snack
✧ even when you’re in the picture, the thought of pacts never really crosses his mind
✧ you have to be the one to ask, but be careful to catch him at the right time
✧ if you wake him up to tell him about making a pact he will growl at you and go right back to sleep
✧ the best time to ask if when he’s either getting a snack or just spending some quality time with you.
✧ he will be pretty confused why it would matter
✧ aren’t you two close enough? Why do you need his seal to prove it?
✧ but it doesn’t take long to convince him
✧ he may not show it as outwardly as his brothers, but he does really, really love you
✧ that’s why you’re his favorite place to take a nap, after all.
✧ he doesn’t care much about where to put his seal, any place you want is fine with him, but if you beg him to pick it himself, he would eventually settle on your thighs or shoulder since he spends so much time laying against them when he decides to take a nap.
✧ when he’s snoozing he he sees the seal, his seal, on your skin, he’s sleepily nuzzles against it and quickly fall asleep.
♥ You’ve been looking everywhere for Belphie to no avail. He’s not in his shared room, any of his brother’s rooms, the common room, planetarium, dining room, music room, study, or even kitchen. You’re starting to wonder if he snuck off because of everyone being loud and fell asleep in the forest. Before you get on your hiking boots you decide to check one more spot. You make your way up the large spiral stairs, crossing your fingers you have some luck on your side. As you enter the attic and feel a sense of relief wash over you as you spot is sleeping form curled up on the bed. You carefully tip toe over to him so as to not wake him up and watch as his chest lifts up and down. The urge to lean down and give him a faint kiss on the cheek is too strong to resist before heading right back down the stairs. If you were going to ask him the question you had been dwelling over for weeks, it had to be the perfect time, and waking him up just to drop a heavy question on him with a quick way to get nowhere quickly. Waiting a little bit longer was a much better idea. Letting out a heavy breath, you plop yourself down on one of the velvety cushions of the piano and decide to practice your skills for a while until you're sleeping beauty wakes up. It was barely 30 minutes later when you heard someone open the large doors of the music room.
“Mmmph… pretty…” Belphegor mumbles as he walks over to you, rubbing his eyes.
“You’re awake… how did you sleep?” You keep playing piano and give him a smile.
“Good,” he yawns.
“That’s good to hear,” you finish off the song and close the piano, “do you have a few minutes to talk about something?”
“Hm? I guess so. What’s up?” He tilts his head.
“Well, uh… could we actually go somewhere a little more private?” You ask with a nervous chuckle.
“Mhm… sure,” he nods.
You both walk hand in hand back up to the attic and sit next to each other.
“There’s something really important I’ve been thinking about lately. I’m not quite sure how you’ll react to it, so I’m a bit nervous,” you take a deep breath to steady your nerves, “here goes nothing. Belphie… can we make a pact together?”
“A… pact?” He tilts his head once more.
“Yeah,” you nod and swallow nervously awaiting his answer.
“Hmm… pacts are kinda tedious. I’d be giving you control over me. But, I trust you not to boss me around… so sure,” He consents as he rests his head on your shoulder.
“Wait… really? You mean it?” You gently grab his hand.
“Mhm. I like you a lot, anyways,” he nods.
“Aw, Belphie… I’m so happy,” you giggle as you try to hold back your tears of happiness. He notices them forming at the corners of your eyes and reaches over to wipe them away.
“Do you want my seal now?” He asks.
“Mhm, yes please. Where should it go?” Your bright smile brings a light blush to his cheeks. His eyes trance over your exposed skin for the easiest place he can put it and soon choose a spot right on your shoulder.
He points at it and looks at you, “this spot okay?”
“Yeah, I like it. I can show it off proudly that way,” you giggle.
“Don’t say that…” his blush grows deeper as he hides it behind your shoulder.
“Does it make you shy?” You smirk at his flustered behavior.
“A bit…” he murmurs. You laugh it off and ruffle his hair. After a few seconds he lifts his head back up and makes eye contact with you, silently waiting for permission.
“I’m ready, Belphie,” you gently stroke his horns. He hums in satisfaction and presses a kiss to your shoulder. The spot shines for a few seconds as a sigil appears. After glowing with mute colors of blue and purple it settles down into your skin as an intricate tattoo.
“I like it…” his eyes twinkle with happiness.
“I like it too. I’m so glad I get to be so close with you,” you continue to pet his horns.
“Me too. Can I take another nap? With you this time. Now that you have my seal, I’m not letting go of you,” he wraps his around around your body and nuzzles his warm cheek against your newly formed seal.
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Mammon - (lvl of difficulty: 6/10 | placement: neck or cheek)
✧ now this guy is a little trickster.
✧ whenever someone wants something from him you cannot convince me he won’t find a way to twist it into being compensated somehow.
✧ someone includes you.
✧ but he’s not a total scumbag, trust me.
✧ he may not like to admit it but he’s totally weak for you.
✧ you just have to find a way to open him up.
✧ but once you do you’ll see how giddy he is about the whole thing.
✧ yeah, pacts are a lot of responsibility, but the idea of having a permanent mark of him imprinted on your body makes him have the urge to flaunt you like a trophy.
✧ he’d agree just for that privilege alone
✧ his ideal spots are basically anywhere that’s hard to hide
✧ if he sees you trying to hide his (HIS) seal, he will take it as an insult and get all whiny about it.
✧ places like your cheek or neck sound perfect to him
✧ there’s no way his brothers will try to steal you away from him now that you’ve got his mark! (Take that!)
✧ also, you could be minding your own business and this guy will just walk by you while saying something like, “Your seal looks great, who’s it from?~” or “ It’s almost as hot as it’s owner~”
✧ please say “thank you” or something to the last one, he will turning into a stuttering, blushing idiot -ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
♥ “Hey Mammon,” you softly tug on his sleeve to get his attention,” I need to tell ya something.”
“Hm? Need a favor from the mighty Mammon, now do ya?” He flaunts an extroverted smirk which almost sparkles in confidence.
“Well, no and yes, just follow me,” you motion for him to follow you into the nearby guest room. If only you knew to think before you speak as his devious smirk grows even wider.
“Oh ho ho~ I think I like where this is going~” he chuckles and follows you inside.
“Perv,” you give him a sharp chop on the shoulder.
“Hey, ouch! What gives- I mean, that was nothin’,” he shrugs his shoulders and looks away.
“Anyways, now that we are alone, there’s something serious I wanna talk about,” you sit down on the bed and pat the side next to you. He takes the seat next to you and sprawls out.
“What’s up? Here to tell me I need to give back Lucifer’s card again? Heh, I’ll save you the trouble. That bastard stole it back from me,” he wipes away fake tears.
“That's… not quite what I had in mind actually,” you chuckle at his antics, “it’s something a little more important than that.”
“More important?! Then my credit card?! No way, nothing can be as important as- Uhh…” he shuts himself up as you flash him a death stare, “C-Continue~”
“It’s about you and me, actually,” you run your hands up and down your thighs nervously.
“Me and you?” He sits up at the mention of yours and his relationship, “Tell me.”
“I’ve been thinking about this for a while and, well, I think it’s about time I get it off my chest. Mammon, could we make a pact together?”
The room goes silent as he blinks in confusion. Did he hear that right? Did you just say the word pact?
“P-PACTS?! FOR REA- ahem, I mean, you really want that?” He tries to hide his excited expression.
“I do. I’d understand if you didn’t want to give up on some of your freedoms, I know it’s a big commitment. But if you’re ready, I'd like to take that step with you,” you give him a sickeningly sweet smile and hold his hand in yours.
“W-w-well uh, u-umm uh,” before he can continue to stutter and make a fool of himself, he delivers a sharp slap to himself across the face, “I guess I could, but it depends on the price.”
“Price?” A tinge of hurt shines in your eyes that he would have the gall to even mention money in this kind of situation.
“Mhm, gotta have a price to get my quality services, of course,” he nods to himself before finally turning around and freezing at the wounded look on your face. He can tell he totally messed up big time, “Iiiiiiii mean, wow, look at that, it’s totally free now! On the house, just for you, my gorgeous sweetheart~ what prices? I don’t remember a price at all. I could never charge a dime from you, baby~ So pretty, so sweet, so-“
He whimpers as now both sides of his face were red and swollen, but murmurs his apology, “Yeah, I deserved that.”
“Ready to be serious this time or do you need another one to help you think straight?” You lift your hand up again.
“No no no no I’m thinkin’ perfectly fine now, promise!” He raises his hands up in defense.
“Good,” you rest your hands back down on your lap.
“So, about this pact, I think it sounds pretty sweet. Just don’t think you can get anything like free money from it. Sadly, my powers don’t work that way. I’ve tried,” he shrugs sadly, “Now, to find the best spot to claim as mine~”
He looks over your body for a few seconds before lifting up your jaw and tracing his thumb over the middle of your neck.
“This could be quite a pretty spot. Oh, but,” he smiles against your cheek, “this spot could work too~ whatcha thinkin’?”
You can’t help but blush at how touchy he was being but you kind find it in you to push him away, “Any of those are fine.”
“Then I think I choose… right on your lovely cheek. That way everyone can see just how much you belong to the mighty Mammon. Ready to seal the deal? Hehe, get it?~”
“Heheh, yeah, I’m ready,” he laugh.
“Alrighty then,” he smirks one more time before pressing a sloppy kiss to your right cheek. You could feel the spot glowing in a golden light like shining gold. Even he was entranced by the sight but he could just be happy he got an excuse to kiss you. As soon as his seal of greed etched into your soft skin, he quickly steals another kiss directly on your lips.
“There, now you’re all mine~” He chuckles.
“I don’t think a kiss on the lips was needed,” you sigh in amusement.
“You know me, I just had to take a little bit more than I’m given. I know you enjoyed it too with how hard your blushing~ ya know, since we’re alone, I think your lips need a little bit more attention. I think I can help with that~” he gives you a flirtatious smirk that tells you you’re in for a long day.
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Lucifer - (lvl of difficulty: 7/10 | placement: forehead or chest)
✧ you better plan ahead when asking Lucifer to make a pact
✧ he’s the avatar of pride not the avatar of charity
✧ he won’t even take the question seriously unless he’s known you for quite a while, and even then, it’s not guaranteed he’ll say yes
✧ to give up so much of his free will to a human no less
✧ but if your persistent enough without annoying him, he might just consider it
✧ just know there’s a very, very fine line you might accidentally cross, so prepare to step back if he gets actually upset
✧ though he’s usually not upset at you, it’s mostly the stress from his work and brothers
✧ he’ll apologize once he cools off, it’s pretty hard for him to stay mad at you for long
✧ he cares about you quite a lot and always wants to keep you safe and happy
✧ so if making a pact will really make you as happy as you say, he’ll give in.
✧ plus the idea of being the first and only demon you make a pact with kind of strokes his ego just a bit (not as much as Mammon though)
✧ rationally he believes a place that only he can see in private, a place that isn’t hard to cover, would be ideal
✧ it’s just he can’t push away the urge to put his seal front and center on either your neck or your forehead to show everyone you belong to him
✧ he knows it wouldn't be practical, but can you really blame him?
✧ having a stunning human like you looking like the epitome of beauty all the time makes him territorial, it annoys the crap out of him
✧ please let him mark you somewhere visible, he will cherish it every single day
✧ just prepare for a few more marks if he gets a little too caught up in the moment (he’ll apologize later with an embarrassed look on his face)
♥ It's been about two months since you first asked Lucifer to make a pact with you. At first he immediately shot it down, saying something along the lines of “There’s no way I’d let a human get the opportunity to order me around like a dog” and walked out of the room. But after a lot of gifts, praise, and of course begging, his no turned into a not now. At least it’s progress? Any logical person would just give up by now, heck, even the other brothers were catching onto the situation. Mammon and Belphegor both suggested you drop the subject since if Lucifer was really the Lucifer they know, it would take a millennium of begging for him to give in. Even one millennium is way too long for a human like you. But not everyone was against it. At least you had Asmodeus as your cheerleader, saying a little change would be good for him. So each day you made it your goal to prove to him you were worthy of his seal, without being overly pushy, of course. Some days it was a rose with a notecard saying your name attached to it, other days it could be him walking into the dining room to find it totally spotless, and on special days you’d come to him in person and ask if he was ready. He wouldn’t admit this until much later but he found all your antics both amusing and irritating. Eventually it all came to a climax when he found you trying to replace the water in one of the flower pots in his office. His private office. It went a little something like this.
“MC?! What in hell's name do you think you’re doing in my office?!” Lucifer’s booming voice almost made you drop the vase of water you were holding.
“Ahh! Lucifer, I-I just wanted to-“ he quickly cut you off before you could explain.
“It doesn’t matter what your reasoning is, I didn’t give you permission to come in here. You’re supposed to do what we ask of you, not go around doing all of our chores like some sort of maid,” he growled with frustration. You accepted that there was no way you could talk yourself out of this situation and bowed before him.
“I’ll just leave you alone then. I’m sorry Lucifer,” you tried to exit the room but to your surprise his eyes snapped back towards you.
“Don't leave unless you are dismissed, damn it!” He exclaimed, snatching your wrist to stop you. In the commotion he forgot you were holding something fragile, which came tumbling to the ground and shattered in a dramatic crash along with your hopes in getting closer to Lucifer. Water and porcelain shards littered the ground haphazardly.
“Aghh! I-I, fuck, I’m so sorry, Lucifer, I’ll clean it up right away,” as you tried once again to leave the room, his large hand around your wrist yanked you back. His eyes turned from livid to shocked at his own actions. He let out a short grunt before letting you go get some cleaning supplies. Once you came back, you found that all the delicate sharps were gathered up and placed on the table to make your job a little easier but Lucifer was nowhere to be found. Next to the near pile of sharps was a small note, which read in large, fancy writing, ‘Not now.’ After that day, you decided to give him some time to himself to process his decision instead of trying to bend over backwards for him. Back in the present day, around a month after the vase incident, your heart almost jumped all the way out of your mouth as you read the cryptic message Lucifer sent you. All it read was ‘Come to my room. I’m ready.’ But that was more than enough to get you to sprint up the stairs and almost trample over a poor Leviathan trying to escape the wrath of an angry Satan. As you stood outside his room, you smoothed out your clothes and took a deep breath. This was the moment you were waiting for! As you stepped inside you were… pulled into a hug? By Lucifer?!
“I’ve been a total fool,” he sighed in disdain.
A fool?! Was this really the Lucifer you know or was this some sort of prank?
“Pardon me,” he stepped back and looked to the side in embarrassment, “Please, take a seat. There’s a lot I want to talk about.”
You both took a seat on his couch. He seemed to be fidgeting with his gloves quite a bit before finally breaking the silence.
“I want to start off by saying I'm sorry for the way I’ve been treating you lately. You may be our assistant but that doesn’t give me the right to yell at you and put my hands on you,” he stated shamefully, “I let my stress and sleep deprivation get the better of me. Nghh… I should have been stronger than that. Ahem, but that’s not the only reason I asked you to come here today. I’ve thought about your request for quite a while and I’ve come to the conclusion that,” he paused for a brief moment, a faint blush appearing on his cheeks, “That I’d be willing to accept it. But, only if you can meet my demands.” It took you a few seconds to process what he said before your eyes exploded into a flurry of sparkling stars, much to Lucifer’s surprise.
“D-do you mean it? I, I can’t believe it, this is ama-” you catch a glimpse at his serious expression and pipe down. Although, this could have been your imagination, but you could have sworn you heard a faint chuckle from him.
“Allow me to elaborate first. A pact between a human and demon is considered an exchange of loyalty and trust. After the seal is placed, the demon will be forever at your mercy to any commands you give them, which includes but is not limited to tasks, information, and even the use of powers. In exchange, the human will also forever be with that demon and have to give the demon something they want as payment. The payment could be anything, but for the sake of giving an example, it could be money, an object of desire, a promise, or information. My demands go as follows. I need you to not only swear your loyalty to me, guarantee that you won't try to force me to do anything I’m not comfortable with, and…” he takes your hand in his, “allow me the chance to make you the happiest being in all of devildom.”
“I… I accept. Yes, yes of course I’ll accept! Lucifer… Thank you. Thank you so much,” you tried to stay strong but the overwhelming amount of joy made your eyes well up with tears.
Lucifer noticed it and chuckled, “Humans can be so emotional. But, since it’s you, I’ll allow it.”
He leaned closer and wiped away your tears, staring back at you with a look you couldn't describe as anything less than ethereal, “I’ll give you the privilege to choose the location of my seal to make up for all the wasted time I spent hesitating.”
You smiled up at him, “I’ve thought about it for a while and I’d like you to put it on my forehead.”
His eyes widened slightly, “You’re… forehead? And why is that?”
“Because, I know how important this is to you, ever since the beginning. What better place to put a mark of pride than a place everyone can see,” you pushed some stray hairs out of the way to give him better access.
You watched in slow motion as the stoic demon in front of you melted into a puddle of his former demon self. He put a hand over his mouth to try to hide his flustered expression but it was no use. His whole entire face was red.
“I… I see… ahem, well, I would have to agree with you. That spot would be per-” he corrected himself, “acceptable.”
He took a shallow breath before gently pulling you closer by grabbing your chin. His eyes drifted from your eyes to your forehead to down to your lips before snapping back up to their designated location. His lips moved closer and closer until you could feel them just barely tracing over your skin, sending shockwaves of electricity through your body.
“Are you ready?” He smoothed his thumb over your cheek.
You tremble slightly before nodding, “M-mhm.”
“I need to hear you say it,” he urged, causing you to let out a small whimper.
“I... I’m.. ready,” you murmured, giving him the confirmation he needed to finally press his lips against your forehead. You couldn’t see it very well, but you felt a light tingly sensation from the spot he was kissing. After a few seconds that felt like hours, he pulled away.
“Mmm…” he stared in awe at the mark he engraved on your skin, “After this, we’ll only grow closer. I hope you’re ready… because I’m not quite done yet.”
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Satan - (lvl of difficulty: 8/10 | placement: chest, neck, or back)
✧ out of all of the boys, as you might expect, he’s by far the most difficult one to make a pact with
✧ if you thought Lucifer was uncompromising, you haven’t seen nothing yet
✧ the moment you even say the word pact, he feels a fiery sense of annoyance take over him
✧ you’d dare try to get him to agree to letting you control him like some sort of puppet or servant?!
✧ if anyone’s a servant, it’s you!
✧ no human is worth his time, which especially includes you.
✧ after that, for the next few days, he will refuse to talk to you and send you on onslaught of death stares.
✧ everyone in the whole mansion feels like they're walking on eggshells even if they’re not in the same room as him
✧ give him some time to cool off, the time apart from you will slowly make him realize that he cares about you
✧ but this realization ain’t a pretty one
✧ he will constantly try to deny it, scoffing whenever someone mention his blush when you enter a room his in, knocking his brothers in the back of the head anytime they compliment you, suddenly leaving conversations with you when he feels his heart begin to beat too hard.
✧ he feels helpless, pathetic, and ashamed for falling for a human.
✧ he’s set on just ignoring these feelings for the foreseeable future, but…
✧ when he notices the way his brothers look at you with such endearment…
✧ a new flame of passion lights in him.
✧ there’s no way he’s going to them steal you away from him!
✧ he rushes back to you and suddenly he’s the one begging you to form a pack (not that you’re complaining)
✧ he won’t agree to placing his seal anywhere besides your chest, neck, or back.
✧ yeah, he wants to prove to his siblings that you’re his and his alone, but the idea of putting it somewhere only he can see is almost as tempting.
✧ just be wary of what you wear if he does decide to put it somewhere private because if it’s in view, brace yourself for the wrath of a very, very territorial demon.
♥ You couldn’t stop the ache in your heart as you stood in front of Satan’s room. The handle called out to you, but just before you could reach for it, all the hurtful things he’s said to you flood your mind.
“You ignorant fucking waste of human flesh! To think you’d even dare to ask such a stupid question to me!! There’s no way in the entirety of hell I’ll make a pact with you!”
“Tch, still have the audacity to look me in the eyes after that stunt? Would rearranging your bone structure finally get your slow brain to understand?! The answer is NO!”
“Oh, cry as loud as you want. It’s not going to change the fact that your existence is pointless to any of us. We’d be perfectly fine without you.”
Your hand dropped to your side as tears pricked the corners of your eyes. Why did he have to say such hurtful things to you when all you wanted was to get closer to him? Were you really just a worthless human in his eyes? With a heavy heart you made your way down the stairs and retreated into your room. As you collapsed onto your bed, you couldn’t fight off the tears any longer. It just wasn’t fair. Out of all the demon brothers to have a crush on, why did it have to be him? You were so stupid to ask something like that so early, you should have known better. If only, if only, if only. If only you could get back at him somehow. Suddenly, you heard a faint noise from your door, like something was being slid under it. You stumbled out of bed and peeked at the small note laying on the floor. It read, ‘Having love problems? Try making them jealous, they just might reveal their true feelings~♡’
You’re pretty sure you can guess who sent this note. But, trying to make him jealous didn’t sound like that bad of an idea. The only thing is how could you be certain he even had feelings for you to begin with? There was nothing you could do but try. And try you did. The very next day you made sure to look your very best, attracting some of the demon boys’ attention.
“Wow~♡ You look wonderful today, MC. Who’s the lucky guy? Is it me?~” Asmo chuckled.
“You? Hah! No way, they're definitely dressing nice for me,” Mammon pointed to himself and smirked.
“They do look really pretty today,” Belphie rubbed the sleep from his eyes.
You glanced over at Satan who was standing in the corner of the room scowling to himself about something. Your plan seems to be going perfectly!
“MC, uh, wanna play video games in my room?” Levi stuttered, obviously flushed.
“No fair, I can’t let you have MC all to yourself. Want to go to my room instead? I’m a lot more fun than Levi, trust me~♡” Asmo winks flirtatiously.
“What’s going on-” Beel entered the room and froze in place, “MC, you look gorgeous…”
“Back off, I saw them first!” Mammon snapped, reaching for your hand. Before he could make contact, it was slapped away by none other than… Satan?! He gave everyone a death stare before snatching your arm and pulling you down the hall and into the library.
“S-Satan, what are you-”
“Just shut it!” He snapped at you, quickly followed by a surprising, “sorry…”
“Aghhh… I just couldn’t take the way they looked at you. All wide eyed and blushing and shit. I wanted to punch them all!!” He slammed his fist against the top of a bookcase, thankfully not breaking it.
“This is so stupid, they’re so stupid… I’m so stupid…” he put a hand over his face and leaned against the wall. You inched closer to get a better view of his face but jumped back as an accusing finger pointed right at your face.
“It’s your fault! Ever since you first came here you’ve been making me feel weird and I hate it! I’m supposed to be a strong and mighty demon, but every time I…” He grunts in frustration. Just as he’s about to slam his fist against the wall, he stops himself.
“Look at me, I’m acting like a fucking toddler. Ugh… alright, fine. I’ll tell you the truth. But don’t you dare tell the others or you’re dead. Ever since you asked me to make a pact I’ve been having annoying thoughts.” He rubs his forehead with a groan, “But after a while I realized. I… I like you. It gets on my nerves but I like you. It’s so annoying how you make me blush when you smile, how my heart beats fast when you walk by, how much my skin burns when I see my brothers compliment you. Grrr… I hate all of this, but I can’t deny how… happy you make me feel when I’m with you… I’m done running away. If I keep it up I’ll lose my chance and someone will steal you all for themselves. I’m not letting that happen, not ever. So I’ll make you mind before my brothers even get the opportunity to take you away from me. Heh, that will rub it in their faces,” he removes his hand from his face, showing the devious smirk underneath. You had no idea where he was taking this but you liked where it was going.
“Imagine the look of disappointment on their faces when they see my seal on you. Hahah, that will show them…” he moves closer to you and puts his hands on your sides.
“So what will it be? Still up for making a pact with me?” He tilts his head.
You blush as your words fall out of your mouth haphazardly, “Uh, Y-yeah, yes, Mhm, a pact sounds great.”
“Good, because I’m not taking no for an answer at this point. I’ve been leaving you waiting for way too long. Now, where should it go… right here on your neck,” a large shiver wracks through your body as his arms squeeze tighter around your waist to hold you still. His lips trail down to the side of your neck, “Yeah, that would be a nice place. Nice and obvious. Hold still~”
“W-wait, please be gentle!” You beg.
“Where’s the fun in that?” He chuckles to himself, but when he sees your nervous expression, he backs down a little, “Ugh, fine, I guess I got no choice,” he rolls his eyes as he presses a deep kiss to your neck. The spot starts to sting slightly, but not enough to truly hurt. Out of the counter of your eyes you spot a vibrant green light and black crackles of energy.
“Mmm, and there, look at that. You’re all mine~” you feel him smirk against your neck as his lips suddenly move to the other side, “but I’m not quite happy with just one mark. I think 5 more should be enough to make it obvious who you belong to~”
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Reblog + Like + Comment if you wanna see more obey me posts (I have more ideas but I’d love to know what you guys think~ might make a new question in a few days for the next post)
I’ve missed you guys so much! I hope this is some good food to make up for starving for so long :(
((Also, I tried to make it gn as possible but if there’s stuff that isn’t plz tell me I’ll try to fix it to make it gn :3))
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shakespeareanwannabe · 9 months
As You Wish, Chapter 2
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Summary: When arriving at Camp Silver Star, Abby Floyd was anticipating a summer of adventure with an ocean separating her from the three people she loved most: her mom, her Uncle Bob and her Aunt Natasha. But after a run in with Charlie Seresin, an extremely familiar looking and irritating camper in a different cabin, her summer plans take a turn that neither girl ever could have expected.
Trigger Warnings: reader's children are described as being blond with green eyes because genetics are wild and Jake's genes are strong, reader is canonically Bob's sister, reader goes by Buttercup and is tattooed, verbal arguing, swearing, medical misinformation (I did my best y'all), pregnancy
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Sharp Memorial Hospital, 12 Years Ago
She gasped as the curtain to her room was drawn back quickly, revealing a stressed-out looking lieutenant and a sheepish looking older brother.
“Jake! I’m okay, I swear…”
“You passed out!” Jake exclaimed, rounding the hospital bed to stand by her side. “And they called Bob?”
She sighed, her fingers tapping anxiously at the tape securing the IV to her arm. “I’ve been here for, like, four months, babe. And it all happened kinda quickly, so I haven’t exactly had a chance to change my emergency contact yet.”
Jake reached out to grip her hand and leaned down to kiss her forehead. “Do me a favour and at least add me to that list? I almost had a fucking heart attack when I landed, and Bob told me that you were in the damn hospital.”
Bob pushed his glasses up his nose as she turned her attention to him. “You’re welcome, by the way,” he muttered. “Are you okay, Buttercup?”
She grinned at the begrudging use of the nickname. Ever since Jake had bestowed it upon her that night, it was like her real name ceased to exist. Everyone called her Buttercup, despite Bob’s best efforts.
“I’m fine, you two worrywarts,” she rolled her eyes fondly as Bob scoffed and Jake squeezed her hand more firmly. “I got a little lightheaded at the bar and turned a little too quickly on my barstool. I was only out for like a second, but Penny wouldn’t let it go. Something about Mav being overprotective of his squad or something. She’s somewhere out there—” she motioned vaguely out the curtained doorway. “—filling out paperwork.”
“What were you doing at the bar?” Jake seated himself on the edge of her bed, green eyes turning stern. “You promised me that you were going to take it easy today, remember? I didn’t drag your ass to the doctor yesterday because you said you were “almost over this stupid flu”, and I only agreed because you promised you’d do jack shit today.”
Buttercup pouted at him, crossing her arms as best she could with one arm hosting the IV and Jake not releasing her hand. “I got bored,” she mumbled. “Plus, I thought the quick walk in the sun and fresh air would do me good!”
Jake groaned. “You’ll be the death of me, I swear to god. Next time, at least call someone to go with you.”
“Sure, Jake. I’m sure the Navy will understand you needing to take your girlfriend on a walk,” she rolled her eyes. “I’m a big girl. I can handle myself.”
“Clearly,” Jake shot back, gesturing around the curtained-off room.
“Alright, easy, you two,” Bob sighed, stepping further into the room. “Seresin, you can’t expect her to wait around for us to do stuff. What do you expect her to do when we get deployed?” Jake’s face fell for a split second before smoothing out into that unflappable mask he had mastered long ago. “And kiddo? Bagman might not show it ever, but he is a human being, which means he can be scared, and I’m pretty sure the news that you landed yourself here scared a decade off him. So, go easy on him, will you?”
She looked at her brother for a moment before sighing, nodding slightly, and turning back to Jake. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, squeezing his hand. “I’ll be more careful.”
He squeezed it back, lifting their linked hands to press a kiss to the back of her hand. “I’m sorry too. I’m not tryin’ to be controlling, I just…I don’t wanna see you hurt.”
Bob huffed and took a step back. “I’m going to go find Penny and see if she needs help with that paperwork.”
“Thanks Bobby,” she smiled softly at him. He winked playfully at her before turning his back and strolling out of the room, tugging the curtain closed behind him.
“What has the doctor said?” Jake brushed his hand over her cheek, tugging her attention back to him. “Any more dizzy spells? Do you need anything?”
“Easy, tiger, one question at a time. The doctor said I was pretty dehydrated from all the vomiting I’ve done over the past couple of days, and that was what probably caused the blackout. But he had a nurse draw some blood and they’re testing to see if it could be anything else.” She rubbed his arm reassuringly. “I’m a little dizzy still, but the fluids are helping. And I’m still pretty nauseated but they don’t want to give me anything until they get the test results back.” Jake nodded, his jaw ticking just once as his eyes raked over her face. “I’m okay, Jake. I promise.”
Buttercup kept up the soft pressure of her hand running up and down his arm until the mask he wore slipped and he sighed deeply. “I’m sorry I was a dick. I just want you to feel better.”
“I know, baby. I’m sorry I got snippy.”
“No, you shouldn’t have to apologize. You’re the one in the hospital bed.” His thumb gently rubbed back and forth along the back of her hand. “God, I hate fighting with you though.”
A slow grin tugged at the edges of her lips. “Me too. Especially when I’m stuck in this bed and we can’t make up properly.”
A low groan rumbled in his chest as he leaned in closer. “Don’t tempt me.”
Peals of laughter tumbled from her lips as she angled her head to brush her nose against his. “I don’t suppose a kiss would tide you over, Lieutenant Insatiable?”
“Hmm, I don’t know, darlin’. We’d have to try it out.”
Jake’s lips chased hers as he leaned over her, pushing her back against the flimsy mattress with the force of his kiss. Her tongue traced the seam of his mouth, and she felt a bolt of electricity spark through her body when his mouth stretched into a smile against hers. He linked their fingers together as she deepened the kiss, his free hand coming around to cradle the back of her neck.
“Alright, Miss Floyd, why don’t we go over those test results?”
Jake pulled away as a doctor clad in purple scrubs hustled into the room, her hands rubbing together as the scent of sanitizer wafted over them.
“Hey, doctor. Sorry, we didn’t meet earlier. Lieutenant Jake Seresin,” Jake greeted, his mask sliding back into place as he stretched one arm out to shake her hand.
“It’s nice to meet you, Lieutenant. And it’s nice to meet you as well, Miss Floyd. I’m Dr. Friedman and I’ll be taking over your case,” the woman greeted, shaking his hand before turning to fiddle with some equipment. “I hope you don’t mind; we just have a few more tests to run.”
“N-no, that’s fine…” Buttercup shrugged uneasily. “Did something happen to Dr. Scott? I thought he was the one handling my case today?”
“Dr. Scott is just fine. He got called into an all hands on deck situation and, since I was already working with a regular patient of mine down here in the ED, he passed your case off to me since it falls under my specialty. Do you mind lifting your gown for me, dear?”
As the doctor turned, Jake’s keen green eyes darted between three different things. One, the ultrasound wand in the doctor’s hand. Two, the medieval looking metal device she had placed next to his girlfriend on her bed. And three, the neat white stitching on the breast of her scrubs that read Dr. Laurie Friedman, Doctor of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
“Dr. Friedman?” Jake felt his heart sputter, then race in his chest as he squeezed Buttercup’s hand. “You’re a…I mean, your specialty…” He looked down at Buttercup, but she was staring at the white stitching as well.
“Yes, Lieutenant. As I’m sure Dr. Scott told you, Miss Floyd’s blood and urine tests came back positive for hcG, so he called for an OB consult. Since I was already here, I figured I would pop in and run the tests for him while he’s dealing with the overflow of patients we just received. This will be a little cold, dear,” the doctor soothed, draping a paper towel over Buttercup’s underwear before squeezing the gel onto her stomach. “Now, if the blood and urine tests aren’t lying to us, we should…” She moved the wand around, either obtuse to or completely ignoring the look on her patient’s (and the lieutenant’s) face. “There!”
She turned the screen to face the young couple. “Your blood test confirmed the pregnancy, but the high levels of hcG in your blood gave Dr. Scott pause. There’s baby number one…” she pointed to a tiny speck on the screen. “And there…is baby number two.”
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The first week of living in the isolation cabin (affectionately known as ‘The Brig’) was absolute misery. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, the water in the lake was cool and clear, and Abby and Charlie could appreciate none of it, stuck as they were doing clean up chores in the kitchen. Amelia had been assigned to supervision duty, which was mostly making sure the girls did less arguing and more cleaning.
The nights were even worse, with the girls either ignoring each other or screaming the cabin down with insults and taunts. Amelia had also spent that first week sleeping on the small stoop of the cabin in a hammock, or, at least, trying to sleep between arguments.
The only reprieve the girls got was when they headed down to the dining hall and got to sit with their friends. Breakfast, lunch and dinner found Charlie loudly complaining to her friend, Ryann, about how unfair the whole situation was, while Abby sat with Max, and Isabelle clear across the dining hall, her friends doing their best to remind her to stay strong, that she was only barred from group activities for another week, that they would try to sneak her back into their cabin in a few weeks when Penny and Amelia had cooled off a bit. Amelia spent mealtimes hiding in her mother’s office, downing headache medication, and trying to talk her mother out of whatever plan she had concocted.
The second week found the girls at an uneasy truce. Chores duty was quiet, but all the work got done. Evenings were dead silent, the girls opting to ignore each other instead of arguing.
Both girls were excited to go back to group activities on Monday, only to open the cabin door that morning to find dark clouds covering the sun, booming thunder in the distance, and rain falling in ice cold sheets.
“I suppose group activities will be cancelled today,” Abby muttered as she turned to grab her raincoat.
“You think Penny and Amelia will let us join our cabins for rainy day activities?” Charlie grumbled as she surveyed the mucky landscape. “Hell, I’d be okay doing outdoor activities in this! I thought this was supposed to show us what our family members go through in the military? I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t cancel a war because of a little rain.”
Abby giggled in spite of herself. “If they did that, there would never have been any wars in England. It’s always raining there.”
“Eww. That must suck.”
“It really does.”
The two girls locked eyes for a moment before quickly looking away.
“She’s still stuck up! You don’t want to be friends with her!” Charlie thought to herself, pulling on her own raincoat.
“She’s rude and uncouth. Anyone worth being friends with would never say such horrible things. Or try to get into a physical fight with you!” Abby breathed as she held the door open for a drenched Amelia.
“Sorry girls, but you’re not going down to the dining hall today. It’s all flooded, so all campers will be eating in their cabins,” Amelia explained quickly, handing them bottles of juice and a tray of fruit and sandwiches. “I’ve gotta get back to keep an eye on everyone. Please, please promise me you’ll get along today? I’ll be back later with lunch and dinner, and I really don’t want to have to clean up any bloodshed.”
“We promise…”
“Thank you!”
The door swung shut behind her as Amelia took off up the path back to the main camp.
“I’m, uh…I’m gonna have my breakfast over here while I read,” Charlie murmured, awkwardly making eye contact before shuffling away to her bed on one side of the room.
Abby nodded, taking her own breakfast over to her bed and staring out the window before pulling out her scrap book.
Amelia popped back in a few hours later, carrying more sandwiches for lunch, surprise colouring her features at the lack of arguing and tension between the campers.
“You two are handling this better than some of the other kids,” she commented, placing the tray down. “I’ll be back around six with dinner, okay?”
Without stopping to hear their response, she turned and dashed back out the door, just as a gust of wind blew the door wide open, sending everything that wasn’t pinned down in the room flying.
“Crap!” Charlie slammed her book shut quickly as the pages started to rustle. Abby squealed as the pictures in the collage she was working on were strewn about wildly, dancing in the wind.
“Help me with the door!” Charlie cried, bolting over to the creaking wooden door and trying to heave it shut. Her fingernails scrabbled against the wood as she tried to get a good grip on the handle as the door strained against her grip, pulling her this way and that.
“Hold on, I’ve got you!” Abby seized the door handle and they leaned all their weight against the door, sighing in relief as they finally heard the faint click as it shut.
“Th-thanks…” Charlie panted, her arms trembling slightly.
“No…no problem,” Abby sagged against the wall. “You looked like you almost had it though. You’re pretty strong.”
Charlie shrugged. “I work on my dad’s ranch. Obviously, I can’t do a lot of the dangerous jobs, but even the easy stuff takes a lot of strength.”
“That’s pretty cool,” Abby offered, sinking to the floor against the wall. “Does your mum help on the ranch too?”
Charlie looked away as she sank to the floor across from her, feeling the anger rise and then fall inside of her, her body too tired to let it take hold. “No…she doesn’t. I…I don’t know who my mom is. It’s just me, my dad, and my uncles,” she admitted quietly.
“Oh…I…I’m sorry,” Abby felt the blood rush to her cheeks. “I didn’t know. But…it’s okay! My mum always says that every family looks different, and it doesn’t affect how much they love each other.”
“Easy for her to say,” Charlie muttered, looping her arms around her legs, and resting her head against her knees.
Abby bit back an angry retort. She was so tired of fighting, mentally exhausted from the constant sparring with her new roommate. Maybe her mum had been right and fighting back wasn’t the way to go.
“She started saying that to me when I was five years old or so. At least, that’s when I think I started asking about my dad. I…I don’t know who he is either.”
Charlie lifted her head, looking at the girl in front of her. “You don’t?”
Abby shook her head. “For as long as I can remember, it’s been me, my mom, my aunt, and my uncle. But not, like, married aunt and uncle. He’s my mom’s brother, and my aunt is his best friend.”
“Oh…” Charlie looked down, biting her lip. “I guess that means my comment about mommy and daddy buying you riding lessons really sucked, huh?”
“It did. But I shouldn’t have called you a cornfed hick, either.” Abby flushed. “I don’t know why I said that. My mom and uncle are from Kansas, so it’s not like they’re from anywhere fancy.”
“Kansas? Then why do you sound so…Downton Abbey?”
Abby giggled. “My mum moved to London when I was just a baby. She says it was just for a job, but I think she wanted to get away from my dad too. Every time I ask about him, she gets really anxious and sad, my Uncle Bob gets really angry, and my Aunt Natasha has to distract everyone. Eventually, I just stopped asking. But she did promise to talk about him when I get home, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed for answers.”
“My dad does the same thing!” Charlie gasped, moving closer. “I ask about my mom and he gets this really sad look in his eyes, then goes into his office for a few hours! Uncle Roo will eventually go drag him out but then we just pretend I never asked. Uncle Javy acts like he wants to say something, but he doesn’t want to hurt my dad, so he just tells me that all my questions will be answered when I get older.”
“I hate that!” Abby shot onto her knees. “I’m almost 12! How much older do they expect me to get?”
“Right?” Charlie copied her kneeling stance. “I swear, if I don’t get answers on October 11th, I’m going to scream!”
Abby fell back on her heels, almost as though the door had been wrenched open again and she’d been blown back by a gust of wind. “Y-your birthday is October 11th?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“So is mine!”
Charlie blinked at her. Then she blinked again. Then, a third time. “I…am going to go back to reading my book.”
Abby’s shoulders rose with the force of her sigh. “Charlie, why do you keep avoiding this? We look completely alike, we have the same birthday, you have a dad, and I have a mom! Do you know what that all adds up to?”
“One hell of a coincidence,” Charlie replied huffily, picking up her book and leafing through the pages to find where she left off.
“Charlie, come on! You can’t actually believe that!”
Abby waited for a response, but all she got was Charlie raising her book to eye level in order to block her from view.
“Charlie? Please, you know there’s more to it than that!”
Charlie rolled over to face the other direction and Abby felt the anger bolt through her at ten thousand volts.
“Stop. Ignoring. Me!” she stomped around to the other side of Charlie’s bed and wrenched the book away from her.
“Hey! Give me that!” Charlie jumped out of bed as Abby ran over to her side of the cabin.
“No! Not until we figure this out!”
“Figure what out?” Charlie groaned. “We don’t look that much alike, single parent households aren’t that rare, and there are like a billion people on this planet, so obviously some are going to share a birthday!”
“Oh, come on! It’s way more than that!”
Charlie stomped over towards her and shook her head, her blond braid whipping around her face. “No. It’s not. Now give me back my book or I’ll—”
“Or you’ll what?” Abby hopped onto her bed and held the book high in the air.
“I’ll…” Charlie lunged and grabbed Abby’s scrapbook from where it had fallen on the floor. “I’ll hold this hostage until you give it back!”
“No!” Abby gasped. “Please, no! That’s important to me!”
Charlie shrugged. “And my book is important to me. I need something to read, so I guess I’ll just have to make do with this.”
Charlie retreated back onto her side of the cabin and flipped the book open to the first page.
“Fine! Here, take it!” Abby yelled, jumping off the bed and racing over to hand her the book. “Just please, give it back!”
Charlie’s hand shook as she pushed her novel off the scrapbook and onto the bed, her fingers tracing the outline of the figures that were smiling from the picture that decorated the first page.
“Charlie?” Abby asked, half desperate to get her scrapbook back and half confused. “What’s wrong?”
“Why do you have a picture of my uncles in your scrapbook?” she whispered.
“What? That’s a picture of my mum, Auntie Nat, and Uncle Bob,” Abby explained, pointing to each person in turn.
“Not them…” Charlie spoke softly, as though even one decibel too loud would shatter her. “Them.” Charlie pointed at two of the figures on the fringe of the photo. One, a moustachioed man in a pair of aviators, and the other a tall black man with a bright smile and an “I Love Las Vegas” baseball cap covering his cropped black hair. “That’s my Uncle Rooster and my Uncle Javy.”
Charlie handed the book back before scrambling to her backpack, digging inside to pull out a folder. “This is my favourite picture of my dad and my uncles. My dad doesn’t know I have it though. I found it when I was fooling around with Uncle Javy, and he gave it to me. He made me promise never to tell my dad that I even knew it existed. I…I think it’s from my dad’s wedding to my mom. Uncle Javy made it seem that way, anyway.”
Charlie opened the folder and pulled out her photo. “That’s my dad, and see? There’s Uncle Roo and Uncle Javy.”
Abby’s shaky finger traced over two other figures who had their arms around each other on the other side of ‘Uncle Roo’. “That’s my Uncle Bob and my Aunt Natasha. Auntie Nat gave me my photo a few years ago when I asked about her about Dagger Squad. But she told me not to tell my mom or my uncle about it. She said that they would be upset.”
“There were taken on the same day,” Charlie murmured, her eyes raking over the photo. “See? The lights in the background, the clothes, the people? They’re all the same.”
“You know what this means, right?” Abby whispered, her finger now tracing over Charlie’s photo, her focus solely on the man in the middle, the man that Charlie had called Dad.
“Abby, it can’t…I don’t…” Charlie swallowed painfully.
“Charlie…I think your dad…was married to my mum.”
A door slamming behind them sent a jolt down both their spines and they spun on the bed to face the intruder.
Amelia set the tray of food down and wiped the water off her face with a sigh. “It’s about time you two figured it out.”
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Tags List: @mamachasesmayhem @jessicab1991 @waltermis @buckysteveloki-me @allepaula @yuckosworld @seresinsbrat @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @kim-stark @cierra715 @high-speed-r @helpmepleasethanks @starsrfun @tomanyfandomstrash @averyhotchner @the-blueatlas @princessliz86 @dashes-dizzydisaster @a-girl-who-loves-disney @boiolay @djs8891 @torimcc @tgmreader @kmc1989 @landpiranha-blog @sydthekid1518 @lynnevanss @hello7442 @mackenzieblair @minejungwoo @starset21 @ssa-sadboi @tgmavericklover @dempy @rockbottomphilosophies-blog @lovemarvelousfics, @starkleila, @magical-spit, @whatislovevavy, @simplyreading96, @vivalas-vega, @itsdesiree86, @inky-sun, @books-are-escapes
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restlessmaknae · 8 months
sun, star, moon // sung hanbin
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When you start university, everything is new and scary, until you find your safe haven in a cosy corner café and a cute barista working there.
➳ Characters: barista/uni student!Hanbin x uni student female!reader/you
➳ Genre: the fluffiest of fluff, uni au, barista au, slice of life
➳ Words: 2.9k
➳ Warning: mention of food, stress
➳ A/N: This story was very much inspired by Hanbin's tattoos (the title might have hinted at that...), and even though there's some info out there about what they mean to him, this story is purely fictional, so the explanation in the story is also just part of the storyline.
Also, thank you @dat-town for bearing with me while I was gradually falling for this boy 💕
➳ Taglist: @dat-town, @s00buwu
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It was spring when you first met Hanbin.
You had your first semester at university, all nerves and excitement, looking around the unfamiliar city and being in awe at how different it was compared to your hometown. Apart from visiting your grandparents in different cities, you had never travelled much, let alone spent time away from your parents. It was exciting and terrifying all at the time, and you didn’t really know how to be an independent and responsible adult (the one that you should have been), but you tried your best to find your footing.
After orientation week, your very first class was at 8am which meant having to grab coffee to keep you awake after tossing and turning in bed for hours the previous night, not knowing what to expect on your very first day. You stayed at a student accommodation a bit further from the city centre, and there was a cosy little café on the corner, so you hopped in to get your daily dose of caffeine before getting on the bus.
As you stepped inside, the little bell above the door signalled your arrival cheerily, and the sweet fragrance of freshly baked goodies wafted through the café. You stepped up to the corner, and while the boy in front of you was making his order, you examined the hand-written menu on the chalkboard behind the counter, pondering over what to get.
You were next in line in no time, and as the boy stepped aside, you found yourself face-to-face with the barista who smiled at you gently. There were no dark circles around his eyes despite the early hour, and his cheeks lifted slightly when he was smiling. He ruffled his jet-black hair when a few stray locks fell into his eyes and blinked at you patiently.
“Good morning! What can I get for you?” He inquired politely as he stepped aside, so that you could see the chalkboard behind him better. You smiled at him, grateful, already making up your mind about your order.
“Good morning! I’d like a medium almond latte and a…” Your voice trailed off as you looked at the pastry display counter, wondering if you should get something to munch on between your morning classes. There were a few baked goods that you had never tried before and they looked heavenly, but you wanted to stick to something familiar for the sake of your stomach on the first day of the semester. “An almond croissant to go, please,” you added, and looked back up at him, only to find his smile widening upon your order.
“So a medium almond latte with an almond croissant,” he noted, but there was a playful edge to his words which made you realise that it must have sounded pretty funny. You weren’t crazy about almonds, but you liked almond latte the most, and that croissant seemed really good.
“Yeah, that’s it,” you bobbed your head, your heart warming at the sight of his smile, before telling him that you would pay by card. While he was preparing your order, you tried not to stare too much, but it was difficult when he had such kind and gentle features. Anyone who looked at him could tell that he was a good-willed person, plus, add his broad shoulders, toothy smile and delicate features to the mixture, and boom… it was impossible not to look at him while he was busy concentrating on doing your latte, his dedication written on his face.
When he caught your gaze, his lips curled upwards timidly, and you couldn’t tell whether he was more shy or you were. You were sure that your face flushed, but you hoped that he deemed that it was because of the slightly warmer temperature in the café, not because of him.
“Here you go,” he said as he put the cup of coffee and a paper bag with the croissant on the counter in front of you. “Have a lovely day!” He wished with a tender smile when you reached for the goodies, and you reciprocated it, wishing him the same.
Little did you know, that was just the first of your many morning encounters with him.
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It was summer when you realised that you had fallen for Hanbin.
Throughout the semester, the little café had become your favourite spot around your student accommodation. It was where you got your morning latte, and it was where you worked on your assignments when you needed to get out of your small room to not get crazy there. Hanbin didn’t work every single time you were there, but the other baristas were just as kind and friendly. You also got to know that the woman who sometimes worked behind the counter was Hanbin’s mother, and she was also the one who owned the café. When you talked with her, you realised where the boy had gotten his kindness and consideration from.
On the other hand, when Hanbin was there, you always felt a bit more safe, a bit more comfortable. You couldn’t really pinpoint what it was about him - maybe his gentle smile or the way he gently patted your back to wake you up when you fell asleep on your laptop or the way his voice was like a lullaby, something that could envelope you in its warmth -, but you couldn’t go against what you were feeling. You just didn’t know whether he felt the same way about you because he seemed to be equally kind to all the customers.
Hanbin was a university student too, yet he helped out at the café whenever his schedule allowed him to do so, so it wasn’t rare to see him going to class or to come from class when you were already there. Since you usually saw him in a neutral coloured shirt with an apron in front, you never really paid much attention to how he dressed, but when he was off-work, he wore cotton shirts, light cardigans, casual jeans and such. He looked good in everything though.
However, on the very last day before you would go home for the summer break, Hanbin offered to walk you back to your accommodation. You hadn’t planned on staying past opening hours, but you had managed to doze off while scrolling on your phone, and the boy had to wake you up, explaining that it was time to close the shop altogether. Since it was late, he suggested walking you back, and despite your initial protests (that it was a well-lit street, that it wasn’t that far…), you gave in.
As you walked side by side, you stole a few glances here and there, and that’s when you noticed it… he wore a V-neck shirt this time, something that exposed the front of his chest a bit, and you couldn’t help yourself from noticing the tattoos on his skin. When he caught you staring, he also looked down and let out an audible ‘oh’ sound.
You immediately jumped in to apologise.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stare. I just thought you had something stuck on you, I have never noticed that you have a tattoo…” You justified hastily, your voice trailing off at the end when you saw the boy’s laid-back expression. He didn’t look frustrated or amused, he looked how he usually looked, and that put your mind at ease. His following words even more so.
“It’s okay. I had it made there on purpose, it doesn’t bother me.”
Truth to be told, you had never been curious about others’ tattoos, but the sun, star and moon symbols on him made you wonder why he got those specific symbols. You didn’t know whether you had the right to ask about them, but since Hanbin was still looking at you, as if he was expecting you to say something more, you decided to go for it.
“What do they represent to you? If you don’t mind me asking, of course,” you clarified immediately in case it was a personal topic to him, but he didn’t seem offended. If anything, he seemed glad, and as you were walking under the dim lights of the nearby street lamps, the silence occasionally overthrown by the noises of traffic around, he let you know about the answer. How he believed that there’s light, darkness and beauty in everything, and how the universe was always there, watching, and he believed in it, that certain things happened for a reason as part of the universe’s calling.
You were in awe, not knowing how to profoundly phrase what you wanted to say to him, and he must have misinterpreted your silence because he added a few seconds later:
“I know it may sound silly…”
“No, no, that’s like… so beautiful that you think that way,” you voiced out, and you weren’t sure that you got your message across, hence you continued. “I also believe that what’s meant to be will happen, and that the universe has its own ways to make things happen.”
Hanbin smiled gently, somewhat relieved, and you reciprocated it, thinking that maybe this too… maybe him too… they were all part of the universe’s plan.
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It was autumn when you started getting closer with Hanbin.
The leaves might have turned, but your feelings for Hanbin had not changed, if only they had grown more. The truth is, the only thing you had forgotten about when you had bid your goodbye prior to summer break had been to exchange contacts. Since you had seen each other multiple times a week at the café, there had been no reason for you to stay in touch to keep the other updated about your days. On top of that, even though you had tried to look up his name on SNS, there had been quite a few Sung Hanbins, and some accounts were private while others didn’t have a profile photo.
So you had left it at that, clutching onto your memories with the boy, catching yourself daydreaming more and more often during the summer. Those months had never seemed so long before, and you had wondered whether you had crossed his mind as much as he had crossed yours. Your heart had fluttered whenever his wide smile, gentle voice or considerate actions had come to your mind, and it had been funny how he hadn’t even been there, yet, you had felt as shy as if he had been there in front of you.
With the autumn semester finally starting, your feelings came back in full force, heightening when you met at the café again. It was heartwarming how - despite the months without seeing each other - the place still felt like your little safe haven and how his smile still triggered the same reaction from you.
Afterwards, you cherished each and every meeting, each and every smile, each and every giggle and each and every slight touch. The boy also picked up the habit - or rather continued - of walking you back to your accommodation if he had the chance to do so, and you wished that walk could have been longer for it always felt like such a short span of time that you could spend together. Until he suggested going to a dance festival with him, and there was no turning back from there: you started hanging out outside of the café too, visiting the riverside on weekends, visiting exhibitions, attending concerts, going to the cinema and checking out other cafés and restaurants. Anything and everything that came to your mind, and that you thought the other would enjoy.
All because by that point, you knew each other well enough to suggest such things.
It was winter when you became official with Hanbin.
Even though the weather had become colder, your heart had never been warmer. Being with Hanbin was like constantly being bundled up in a warm blanket, being taken care of and feeling all fuzzy. He was the epitome of a comfort person: whenever you felt down, he was there to listen to your concerns, he was there to cheer you up when you were questioning your choice of major, he was there to wake you up when you fell asleep on your notes at the café, and he was there to keep you safe from careless cyclists passing by on the walk to your accommodation.
Since both of you were university students - albeit went to different universities -, you could bond over group project members that annoyingly slacked off, professors that seemed to get stuck in the past century with their presentation style, exam questions that seemed to ask the most unnecessary details from the hundredth slide and so on. It felt like sharing the same experience, and even if you studied different subjects and went to different institutions, that was just one more reason you enjoyed talking to him. He could talk so enthusiastically about topics that interested him (when it seemed like there were stars dancing in his big, bright eyes), and you loved his optimistic mind-set and hard-working personality.
However, both of you needed to let off some steam from time to time, so this particular week, you decided to walk to the top of the Namsan Tower, to take in the view of the vibrant city and its shining lights (including the Christmas decorations the city was dressed in since the beginning of December).
“Ah, I feel so out of shape,” you breathed out with a semi-nervous giggle as you were making your way up to the top. You did have weekly aerobics classes at uni, and you did walk a lot, but it seemed tiring to reach the top on foot, maybe because of your big coats and the slippery ground.
“We’re almost there. Hang in there!” Hanbin cheered you on with his hands balled into fists and a bright smile that reached his eyes. You smiled back at him, and maybe it was because of the dazzled state you were in or the uneven ground beneath you, but you felt your feet slip, and if it hadn’t been for Hanbin reaching for you, you might have fallen onto your back.
“Are you okay?” The boy asked, worry painting his features solemn, and you hated to see that tight line of his lips, so you bobbed your head right away and reassured him that you were fine. He seemed to believe you, but still didn’t let go of your arms. Instead, he slipped his fingers into yours, and pulled you with him as he took the next step towards the top.
You were thankful that you were dressed up warmly, your fluffy scarf covering half of your face, because you were sure that you were flushed like crazy. Even though you had been progressively more intimate with each other - you squeezing his hand when he was talking about something vulnerable because you noticed that it helped him to feel better, him wiping your tears when you broke down in front of him when you were questioning your choice of major, him placing his hand on your back to keep you from falling when a stranger pushed past beside you on the escalator, you helping him with his necklaces when they stuck on his shirt and slightly grazing his skin -, you had never hold hands like this before.
You made your way to the top while holding hands and staying close to each other, and it was definitely worth it. The view was stunning, and as you were taking photos of the scenery, tiny little white flakes fell from the sky.
“Hanbin, look! It’s snowing,” you shrieked excitedly like an overzealous kid, and grabbed one of the snowflakes that melted in your hand in no time. You really didn’t expect this, especially with such perfect timing.
“It’s the first snow,” he noted with a childlike smile that mirrored yours. For a few minutes, you just stood there, watching in awe how the objects and the scenery around you got a thin layer of white - like frosting on a cake.
Then, when your eyes met his, you couldn’t stop smiling. It was truly beautiful, and that warm, fuzzy feeling was there yet again, sending tiny little fireworks through your body. These feelings exploded even more when the boy stepped up to you, and helped to tuck your hair into your beanie and under your scarf, so that your locks wouldn’t get attacked by the sudden snow.
Your heart was hammering away rapidly, and you felt like you could burst any moment as he still just stood there, not stepping back. When he just kept looking at you like that, eyes warm, smile warm, hands warm, you didn’t have it in you to back away either. Instead, your lips pulled into a smile when his fingers slipped down to your hands, and he intertwined your fingers.
“I like you, y/n,” he confessed in that kind, caring voice of his, and there was no use doubting his words. His eyes spoke for themselves.
“I like you, too, Hanbin,” you answered within a heartbeat, and in that moment, you knew.
The universe was really watching.
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A/N: Hope you enjoyed this story of mine! Let me know what you think!
If you want to read more stories of mine, let it be for ZB1 or for other artists, consider signing up for my taglist here.
Hope you have a lovely day/night! Take care! ❤️
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abiiors · 9 months
Do you have any plans to write smut ? 👀👀. I'm starving and begging for a crumb
.ೃ࿐ the jeweller's hands
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(wrote this on my phone and it’s not proofed, sorry!!!)
cw: cheating, mean matty
“keep it down or i’ll fucking stop,” matty growls in your ear the moment your back hits the wall. 
fifteen minutes. that’s how long you lasted before seeking him out in the crowd—a risky fucking business considering you’re attending this stupid little charity gala with your husband in the first place. 
regardless, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. 
not that you’re even thinking about him right now… the man you came here with is the absolute last thing on your mind. your thoughts wander—first to matty in a suit, to his sleeves straining over his biceps and the way he wears no tie to this formal event. his shirt collar is open too, tattoos peeking out surrounded by a fine dusting of hair that’s gone slightly grey now, just like the grey in his curls. 
he’s a vision. and now he’s here. inches away. trapping you between him and the wall and grinding his pelvis against yours in a way that makes it very clear what he’s here for. 
matty hand tightens on your hips. 
“oh, don’t act coy with me now.”
his voice drops down to a harsh whisper, voice full of venom and lust but he only steps closer and the heat in your belly burns hotter. 
so what if this is wrong… 
“didn’t think about that when you were making fuck me eyes at me out there, did you?”
no. you didn’t. 
but he can chase you a bit more. 
“someone’s going to hear us,” you all but purr in his ear, niping at his earlobe. matty’s hold on you tightens and suddenly there’s not enough air in this fancy, marbled bathroom. 
“then you’re just going to have to shut up and take it like a good little slut, yeah?”
there’s no way you would ever let anyone else speak this way to you. but matty is older, matty knows what he’s doing. matty, with his calloused hands and a fallen angel face knows how to make your blood sing.
he is the only one that gets a pass. 
“strip,” he orders and takes a small step back. 
you can’t help the small choked sound of protest that leaves you but then there he is again, spinning you around and undoing the zip of your dress before you can make another sound. 
“can you step out of your dress on your own?” his mouth lowers to your ears, warm breath cascading down your cheeks, lips brushing against your skin ever so slightly. “it won’t be pretty if i have to do it, love. it might end up on the floor in tatters.”
you swallow harshly and nod just once. 
he’s on you the moment the dress pools around your feet and you stand there, back pressed to the wall in just a thong. you don’t miss the way his eyes hungrily take you in—the curve of your hips and up to your stomach. then to your tits. 
of course, his eyes linger there—on your peaked nippes and then up to your neck. you resist the urge to squirm under his gaze. 
“are you just gonna stand there and watch me?”
matty clicks his tongue. 
“you’ve gotten bold, haven’t you?”
“only because you’ve gone soft,” you taunt. it has the effect you want it to have. 
matty crashes his lips against yours before you’re even properly done speaking. it’s a furious kiss—teeth clashing together on impact, your lipstick smeared all over your mouth. this isn’t a soft kiss. it’s not a lovers’ kiss. 
this is a kiss that stings.
“that what you think?” he speaks when he takes a moment to breathe and your heart leaps in your throat. oh he sounds angry. the kind of anger that he’s about to take out on you… 
“we’ll have to change that won’t we…”
you feel a sharp sting as matty pinches your nipple between his fingers, taking advantage of the piercing, digging the cold metal further into your skin until your legs start shaking. wildfire runs through your blood, burning away any sane thought in its way, leaving you with just desire and lust and complete abandon.
“what was that? couldn’t hear you that well…”
this time you don’t try. 
“please–shit! please, matty!” you whine, trying to clench your thighs together, but he pushes his knee between them, his body holding yours against the wall. 
the bathroom somehow seems smaller now, hotter than it was before. the only thing between you and someone else walking in is a flimsy locked door. 
anyone could knock. anyone could—
“you’re thinking,” he tuts. he’s right though. you are thinking…
good thing he’s right there to fuck you dumb. 
“good little sluts don’t overthink,” his fingers hook harshly into the waistband of your thong and you already know what’s coming next. 
a ripping sound echoes in the room and your thong falls to the floor, ripped to shreds. 
“gonna send you back to your husband with my cum dripping down your thighs, darling, that what you want? hmm?” his words swirl around your brain at a dizzying pace making you nod involuntarily. 
that is what you want… to feel him so deep inside you that you won’t forget it for days. to have your lungs full of his cologne. to have your fingers shoved so deep in your mouth that you’d gag around them. 
your heart pounds in your entire body as you help matty undo his belt with shaky fingers. he’s already so hard under your touch, groaning as you palm him first through his trousers and then through his boxers. 
fuck. for a moment you wonder what he would taste like. if he would let you if you just dropped to your knees right here. but the desperation to feel him inside, hitting the spot over and over again, has you drooling. 
“spread your legs,” he whispers roughly and his fingers find your clit. 
lazily, he swipes through your folds and collects some of the wetness making you hiss in pleasure. your eyes roll to the back of your head—this is what it should feel like always, no thoughts, just him and his hands and—
without warning you feel the tip of his cock entering you and you bite onto his shouder, desperate to keep the screams in. 
but his mouth is on yours once again, swallowing every moan and scream and hiss of pleasure as he pounds into you mercilessly. 
his hips slam into yours at a bruising pace; urgent and desperate, like he can’t get enough. it’s feverish even, almost as if you might slip away if he lets go even just a little. matty lets out a string of curses between each kiss. 
somewhere in the back of your mind, you know your lips will be swollen and red by the time you’re done. you know you’ll have to find some way to look put together before going out again. but right now you don’t care… not when your entire body is full of ecstacy. not when matty makes you feel so so good.
sooner or later it will end, your mind reminds you. it will end and you’ll have to gather yourself and go out and play good little wife to a man you barely care about. 
it will end and you will go your separate ways only to find each other again in some shady corner or some brightly lit bathroom at some pretentious event…
matty’s breath hitches when you clench around him. 
the feeling in your spine is overwhelming—the tingles, the little electric jolts, the bursts of pleasure that build and build until the knot inside your stomach tightens impossibly fast. 
“matty—gonna cum–please…”
“feel so good, darling,” he replies. a rare praise coming from him but it intensifies the dizziness, the bloodrush. “let me feel you,” he coaxes. this time, his voice comes out much softer, almost…tender. 
“cum for me,” he speaks and pulls your thighs higher over his hip. suddenly he’s reaching so much deeper, hitting the spot harder and the trembling in your body increases tenfold.
your legs spasm, barely holding you upright and a wave of pleasure crashes over you.
the next time you open your eyes, matty’s face is contorted with pleasure, eyes half-lidded, jaw slack, adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows harshly and you feel the warmth of his cum dripping out of your cunt and down your thigh. exactly what he’d promised.
if you look down, you’ll find his hands imprinted on your hips—red marks in the shape of his fingers that will no doubt bruise in the next couple of days. something of his for you to hold on to, long after he leaves. a welcome sting.
he does look down when he opens his eyes—looks down at the way your bodies are joined together, how your legs part around him, how your body fits into the crevices of his so perfectly. he almost smiles then but shakes his head slightly.
you expect him to say something, anything that would fill in the silence.
you were good, darling.
you were amazing.
come home with me.
he says none of those things. silently, matty zips us his trousers and fixes his belt. then he brings his thumb to your chin, softly wiping away the lipstick stains, up to your thumb so he can do the same there.
his eyes remain trained to your lips but you suspect it’s more cowardice this time than lust.
“get dressed,” matty speaks and his voice comes out brittle, devoid of feelings. “don’t want your husband to come looking for you.”
and then he steps away, as if none of this ever really happened.
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apomaro-mellow · 9 months
Wrong Number 8
Eddie and Steve threw a few more axes, Eddie getting unnecessarily close to fix Steve's form many times. There was a point where Eddie didn't even need to fix anything but if Steve was letting him touch, he would. After about half an hour more, Robin took Steve into the bathroom again. Eddie knew he was the subject of the conversation. He just didn't know in what regard.
He skipped over to Jeff. "Ain't he a peach?"
"Got an ass like one", Jeff offered.
"Just utter perfection. Don't go oglin' him too much though. I might get the wrong idea."
"He's all yours Eddie. I don't even think a crowbar could get between you two right now", Jeff said.
Steve came out of the bathroom with Robin and it was decided that Robin would head on back to the apartment, taking Steve's car.
"You're letting Robin drive?", Eddie asked with a raised brow. He remembered Steve remarking quite a bit how his little birdie had two left wings, so to speak and how it took her about five tries to get her driver's license because she'd been so nervous behind the wheel.
"She can make it", Steve said confidently. "And it'll give us some time to ourselves. And I'll need someone to drive me when the night's done." He stepped closer to Eddie and Eddie closed the distance even more. It was like they were magnetic.
"Drive you home?"
Steve smiled, hearing the hopeful tone in his voice. "I was thinking your place, actually."
They were nearly nose to nose now and Steve barely even noticed Robin taking the keys from his pocket. Eddie couldn't stand being that close and not kissing him so he did just that. The only thing that made them stop was Jeff shooing them out just as a kid's birthday party came in. Couldn't have them doing all that in front of children, after all.
Eddie led Steve to his van. "Your chariot, your highness", he said as he opened the door for him.
Steve got in and looked around, taking in everything that was Eddie. Eddie practically ran to get in on the other side and turn it on.
"So, where to?"
"I could eat", Steve said. His stomach was still fluttering with how new everything was, so he didn't think he'd be eating much, but he could put something in his stomach.
Eddie took them to a little restaurant and Eddie admitted to being nervous to and not wanting to eat much, so they agreed on just some appetizers.
"I feel like I'm about two seconds from vomiting. In a good way!", he added quickly.
"A little worrying that you've been letting me kiss you all night with that knowledge", Steve grinned. He reached out across the table and held Eddie's hand. "I can't believe I can just touch you."
"You can do more than touch", Eddie said, kissing his fingertips.
"Is this...are we...?" Steve's gaze turned down.
"Are we going too fast? We just met today but-I mean normally when I meet a guy, I'm not all over him like this but with you-"
"Sweet thing", Eddie beamed. "I've been courtin' you since you sent that first text."
Steve chuckled. "The very first one?"
"Well maybe not when you thought I was still Misty. But I don't consider this a first meeting. How can I when we already know so much about each other?" Eddie knew how Steve was before bed and right when we woke up. Steve knew which tattoos had meaning and which didn't.
"So I'm not...you don't think I'm being too much?", Steve asked.
Eddie shook his head. "Baby you could crawl in my ribs and it wouldn't be close enough. I've been trying to drink you in all night, haven't you noticed?"
"I might've noticed a few sips here and there", Steve got warm as Eddie kissed up his wrist. Only the table standing between them got in the way of going further. But it was very easy to imagine Eddie's lips having nothing in their way.
Eddie's eyes had been closed while savoring Steve's skin but when he opened them they were dark with desire. "What do you say we-"
They had time for dinner dates (which they'd already done) and eventful outings. Right now the things they wanted to do required privacy. Eddie was on his best behavior, trying to take the quickest route back to his place. Steve was doing every naughty thing imaginable, short of unzipping Eddie's pants and giving him road head. He stroked Eddie's thigh, kissed his neck, licked in his ear, played with his hair.
And even when Eddie gave him a soft reprimand, lest they crash, Steve found ways to torture him.
"So mean, not letting me touch you", he said, squirming in his seat. He started rolling his hips like he was grinding the air and Eddie thought he was going to lose his mind.
He pretty much screeched to a stop and tore both their doors open. Once Steve was out, Eddie pinned him to the side of the van, devouring his mouth and pressing their hips together. He was already fully tented in his jeans.
"You knowmmm", Steve broke off in a moan as Eddie released his lips to start on his neck. "You have a van. You could've just pulled o-oohhh-off and had me back there."
"A pretty thing like you?", Eddie smirked. "You deserve a bed, princess."
With that clear goal in mind, Eddie took Steve up to his apartment. Steve had just enough time to take in sights familiar from past video calls: the guitar, one of the many band posters, and various mugs hanging in the kitchen before Eddie was pulling him into the bedroom. Eddie sat on the bed and Steve slid easily into his lap.
Eddie groaned at the weight on him. "Got a present for me, big boy?", he asked, hands going behind Steve to squeeze his cheeks.
"Sounds like you already know."
He did. Touching Steve so much gave him a little preview. But it was still fun to unwrap it later. He did just that, unbuttoning and then unzipping Steve's pants to see the flash of purple lace.
"You like?", Steve asked. He didn't need to though, Eddie's face was easy to read.
"Oh baby, I like. I like very much." Eddie helped Steve out of his shirt, kissing the skin that was revealed to him and then helped him out of his pants.
Steve stood before Eddie who was still sitting on the bed and put his hands on his shoulders. Eddie's hands went to his hips, touching the lavender material almost reverently. He showed restraint, not immediately diving in, but just for a second. He tried going in for a taste but Steve put a finger to his forehead, stopping him.
"Your turn."
He went around Eddie and laid across the bed, waiting for him to get on with it. Eddie was a whirlwind of clothes being torn off his body and Steve laughed as he hopped into bed with him.
"You moved like the Tasmanian Devil", Steve smiled.
Eddie put an arm around Steve's waist and pulled him in close. "Well you make me go-", then he made a bunch of incomprehensible babbling noises. "Please don't kick me out of bed", he said once he realized what he did.
But Steve had been smiling the whole time. Then laughing. Then petting Eddie's hair and bringing him in for a kiss.
"Sooo, you're not turned off?", Eddie ventured. Steve was kissing his jaw now, but he had to ask to be sure.
"I always thought Taz was kinda cute."
"I'm more of a Bugs Bunny guy myself", Eddie said.
Steve smirked as he reached down to grasp Eddie's cock that had been sitting between them, weeping and neglected until now. He leaned in, whispering hotly as Eddie's curls tickled his cheek.
"What's up, doc?"
"Holy shit", Eddie gasped out as Steve started to stroke him. "That shouldn't be so hot."
"Life's full of surprises, isn't it?", Steve winked.
Only about two years later, before all of their friends and family in their best formal wear, would Steve admit that he knew Eddie was the one from the first time they made love. Because he made him laugh the entire time.
"It wasn't only because I made you laugh, right?", Eddie would ask during their third dance of the night.
"I was only laughing so much because of how funny, brilliant, romantic, and sexy you were that night", Steve said.
Steve was wearing a golden yellow tuxedo with black accents, while Eddie was wearing the reverse. It was fitting, given that of all the pet names Eddie gave him, 'honey' probably came up the most. Honey, sweet thing, sweetheart, and even one time sugar tits. Eddie was obsessed with telling Steve how sweet he was.
"And to think, this wouldn't've happened if that girl gave you her real number", Eddie mused out loud. "Her loss. Her incredibly, massively huge loss."
"No", Steve smiled, bringing his hands to Eddie's face to give him a sweet kiss. "I think I got the right number."
1 year ago...
[10:33 am] If these kids ask about boba one more time I'm gonna turn myself into wild garlic and find a field to disappear in.
(11:17 am) 💍? tonite? (11:18 am) We could order from that new Taiwanese place too (11:18 am) I promise no boba (11:37 am) cmon Steve i've never had food from taiwannn i wanna try it
(12:52 pm) Honey?
[12:53 pm] There is NO way that you're proposing to me through a text right now
(1:01 pm) What? Shit no! Wait not no but no I was asking if you wanted to watch The Ring tonight? The one about the cursed video? (1:03 pm) Stevie? (1:03 pm) Baby? (1:04 pm) Shit you're working now. (1:04 pm) Pls dont be mad? And pls come home after work
Steve did come home to their now shared apartment and Eddie had been waiting on his knees, one of his own wings on a tiny pillow that Steve didn't even know they had. Eddie had babbled about wanting to plan for it more and talk about it more and getting an actual ring and making the proposal special but how he'd known for a while now that he wanted to marry Steve and it was in such an anxious rush that Steve's ears only got part of it.
His heart got all of it.
"On your feet, Taz. Yes, I'll marry you."
Eddie shot up and gathered Steve in his arms, spinning them around in a whirl. Eddie definitely tried to get them to fall on the couch when they started to lose their balance but he miscalculated and they hit the floor instead, one of Eddie's legs catching on the coffee table.
Despite the pain, Steve was giggling. "I knew we should've taken that left turn at Alburquerque."
Eddie groaned at how his leg smarted. "That's all folks."
Yaaay! Thank you for another one! If you liked the lil tidbits of Steve's job here I'm planning a teacher au soon so be on the lookout for that :)
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sendpseuds · 2 months
Me: I should work on Perfect Spiral
Brain: Drabbles
Me: No, I really have to—
Brain: Divorced Dad / Mall Goth drabbles
Me: ...fine
“Yeah, Dad! Leave him alone.”
It’s far from the first time Anakin has decided to take out his devastating boredom on some poor unsuspecting middle age, middle-class, middle-management looking mother fucker in a stiff button-up and a corporate vest.
Hell, it’s not the first time today.
They come in several flavors.
The financial advisor desperate to relive the glory days, flipping through posters of naked women and pretending not to peruse the enhancement products.
The pharmaceutical salesman with the maturity of a fucking middle schooler, waving around dildos Anakin is sure would make the meathead cry for his mother.
The delusional IT technician who seems to genuinely believe that the girl he's been talking to on Tinder isn't going to freak the fuck out when he pulls out a pair of fuzzy handcuffs on their first date.
Then there's "Dad."
Almost always divorced.
Almost always depressed.
Almost always being dragged around by a horribly hormonal teenage boy with a scowl on his face and a chip on his shoulder.
But in all the time Anakin has been working at this stupid mall, he has never seen a Dad quite like this.
He's never seen a Dad this fucking hot.
"Well, that's definitely unexpected."
Given the age of the kid calling him "Dad," Anakin had assumed the man would be at least in his forties if not pushing fifty but now he's thinking this guy might have knocked up his high school sweetheart.
The man's expression is frustratingly unreadable, though his bright blue eyes are sharp and curious, watching intensely as Anakin shamelessly looks him up and down. Much to his delight and dismay, the man only becomes more and more interesting the longer he looks — the shocks of early silver in his hair and his beard, the tattoos poking out beneath rolled-up shirt sleeves, the well-loved pair of Converse on his feet — and Anakin finds he wants to see a lot more.
Placing his hands flat on the counter in front of him, Anakin hinges forward at the waist, arching his back in a way he knows makes him look like a slut, flashing a slanted smile when the man tilts his head in interest.
"I think I'd rather call you Daddy."
The man's brows shoot up, his mouth falling open with a small surprised gasp and Anakin wants to suck his perfect teeth.
"I— I beg your pardon?"
Oh and if that isn't just the cherry on top.
A voice so silky smooth Anakin wants nothing more than to hear it unraveled.
"My pardon?" he repeats innocently, bending forward even further to rest his forearms on the counter and looking up through long heavy lashes, "I'd beg you for a lot more than that, Daddy."
That seems to get his attention.
"Young man," he startles, eyes wide and cheeks flushed a fluorescent pink, "That is— that is extremely inappropriate."
"Damn," Anakin scoffs, still smiling as he straightens back up and steps out from behind the counter, taking another step forward when the flustered man doesn't move, "I was aiming for downright offensive."
The man looks a bit like a deer in headlights as Anakin comes closer still, but just as he's close enough to reach out and touch, the man seems to snap out of it, taking a small step back and startling when he collides with a display of novelty shot glasses.
"What are you doing?" The man hisses, looking around in a pretty panic, "My son is right—"
"He's not paying any attention to us," Anakin says confidently, taking another step closer and reaching out to play with the zipper on his vest, embroidered with the letters of what Anakin thinks is probably a law firm, drawing the toggle down an inch to reveal more of the tartan shirt beneath, "Got his nose buried in a graphically illustrated sex position guide." He pulls the zipper down another inch, watching as the man's eyes narrow sharply, "Do you think he's looking at the girls or the boys?"
"You're trying to get a rise out of me," he says, his smooth voice low and dangerous and Anakin wants to hear him say so many filthy things, "It won't work."
Whoever this man is, he's clearly never met Anakin Skywalker.
"Oh, I think it might," he purrs, pulling the zipper down the rest of the way, confident even as the man's expression hardens and all Anakin wants to do is break him, "Come back during my lunch break and I guarantee I'll get a rise out of you."
The man quirks a curious brow at that and it feels a whole lot like victory.
"Your lunch break?" The man repeats, his voice frustratingly even yet tantalizingly firm.
"I only get thirty minutes," Anakin explains, hooking two fingers in one of the man's belt loops and trying not to tell him how lame it is to tuck in his shirt, "but that's more than enough time isn't it?"
The man gives no ground as he sucks his own tongue, studying Anakin's face like he can read every lie he's ever told, asking simply, "Enough time for what?"
Well, if you're going to make me say it…
"Enough time for Daddy to fuck me—"
"Hey, Dad?"
The man tries to get away from Anakin so fast he backs into the rack of shot glasses and proceeds to practically jump out of his skin, spinning around with a yelp to steady the rattling display.
"Yes, Korkie!?"
Stupid name, Anakin thinks but does not say, stepping back to give the flustered father some space because, while he absolutely wants to continue making the handsome stranger blush, he has no interest in traumatizing the teen who comes wandering out just a moment later looking hopeful and holding a small box in his hands.
"Can I get a black light for my room?"
The man turns around very slowly, his expression a mixture of panicked horror and exhausted parental exasperation.
The kid looks obliviously innocent.
Anakin can't help but laugh.
"Korkie," the man sighs like he really doesn't want to have this conversation, especially not in front of a stranger, his eyes briefly shifting to glare at a still chuckling Anakin before focusing back on his son, "I don't think that's a very good idea."
"Why not!?" Korkie exclaims, holding up the box in his hand, waving it in his father's face as if he has no idea what a black light is, "It's only, like, five bucks!"
The man groans softly, pinching the bridge of his nose like he's trying to fight off a migraine or concentrate hard enough to spontaneously combust and avoid this situation all together and Anakin decides he can't simply stand there and let this stupid hot stranger suffer.
"Because spunk glows under black light, champ," Anakin intervenes, watching as two sets of blue eyes snap to his face, father and son going red in unison and Anakin can't help but laugh, "So unless you want Daddy here to know exactly how often you polish your lightsaber—"
The kid disappears so fast Anakin thinks he should be impressed.
The man is still there, still blushing, still staring wordlessly at Anakin who only smiles in return.
Still hot as fuck.
"My break is at two-thirty," he hums, glancing quickly at the back of the store to make sure the kid is still hiding his adolescent embarrassment by the lava lamps before stepping forward to press a kiss to the stunned stranger's cheek, "You can thank me then."
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theflyindutchwoman · 11 months
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You can choose to see that tattoo as your greatest failure. But I see it as proof that you're a survivor. It wasn't your day of death, Officer Chen. It was the first day, of the rest of your life. And no one can take that away from you.
This has to be my favourite moment, along with Lucy making an audiobook for Tim… Maybe it is because these two scenes have a very similar vibe… both of them taking place in the gym… with both Tim and Lucy working through their frustration in the same fashion… and making the other feel more empowered… Back then, she was fiercely telling him that his 'learning disability' was nothing to be ashamed of, and instead, was a strength… And here he is, saying something akin, just as passionately : that her tattoo isn't a sign of weakness or failure on her part, but one of strength. Of resilience. It's more than just reassurance : it's really about empowering the other… And this is genuinely a beautiful and powerful message, that epitomises their relationship perfectly...
The way the camera focuses on Lucy's DOD tattoo, with Tim appearing in the background, before he fully comes into focus, is brilliant. Him looking away, pretending he hasn't seen it, out of respect for her and complimenting her instead, is such a simple, but meaningful thing. Just like how he refuses to take any credit for the way she is. The reverence and pride in his voice are all for her. He's trying to drive his point home, but Lucy is not hearing him. Or at least, not entirely. He's about to leave before changing his mind. You can see the moment he decides to go for it and really talk to her. Something he has been trying to do already, like after he heard she was involved in a shooting : only, he kept it light in that moment, not daring pushing her out of her comfort zone. But his conversation with Nolan made him reconsider his approach, once he realised that her friends were too focused on her tattoo, treating its removal as a magical cure to her emotional wounds. No matter how well intended they are, it doesn't work like that. Something he knows all too well.
So instead, Tim opens up about his own traumatic experiences, share his own history and scars to help her… And this is huge for him. Lucy might have known about Isabel, but this is the first time he mentions his childhood and his dad to her (at least, as far as we know : he did it once while playing football with AJ, but she wasn't around). It's a very personal and intimate topic and the fact that he willingly shares this vulnerable part of himself with her says a lot on how much he trusts her. And it also feels natural : they were already getting closer, but regardless, this is the same man who opened up about his personal life on her second day. He has seen how she was there for him time and time again, with Isabel of course, but even recently, with how she made him feel safe after discovering he was a kinesthetic learner. So now, this is his turn to do the same for her, to respond in kind. And it parallels what Nyla was trying to do with Lucy when she shared her very own experience in the shop… and with Tim when she shared pieces of it in order to convince him to let her ride with Lucy for the day. He took a page from Harper's playbook, understanding that it might help Lucy more.
But unlike Nyla, Tim goes a step further. The reason why Lucy wasn't quite as receptive with her is that she needed more than empathy. It helped her of course, but what she requires even more is seeing her trauma in a different perspective. To see it through someone else's eyes. Tim's eyes. They already have a special bond and his opinion matter a lot to her. She can get through to him like no one else and so can he. But this is even more important since they haven't been able to ride together since that fateful day. She thought at first that the change in TOs for the day was a Tim Test. So it is primordial that she knows he doesn't think less of her. Just like he probably also doesn't want someone else he cares about to believe they're not living up to his standards… And at first, Lucy was getting frustrated with him as well. Even angry that he wasn't getting it. Until he started to emphasise on the fact that she didn't die, that she's still very much alive and therefore won, just like she defiantly warned Caleb in her last words to him. He's trying to get her to focus on that victory. That what she sees as a sign of failure, is instead a sign of resilience. Of her own strength. And I absolutely love how going forward, she will rub her tattoo whenever she's getting nervous, as a reminder of this. Because this is such an earnest and powerful message. At no point does he tell her what to do with this or how to feel about it - which was inadvertently what Jackson and Nolan were doing. It's simply about pushing her to see things under a different prism so she can make an informed decision. One that will bring her peace. To help her see herself the way he does : as a survivor, as someone who saved herself. Not a victim. It's about her retaking some control of her own story. And this time, she gets his message… The way she is clearly moved by his words, tearing up, just shows how much she needed to hear these words. Especially from him.
The tone of the scene instantly changes after that, becoming much lighter… Without undermining the core message either. This is a much needed respite, after that intense conversation. Tim looks so self-conscious and bashful when Lucy thanks him, like he's suddenly feeling under the spotlight. His whole demeanor - hands in his pockets, rocking on his feet, asking her if she's riding with him - feels very much like a teenage boy asking the girl he has a crush on to go on a date with him, while trying to be nonchalant about it. His beaming smile when she agrees is adorable. Her laughter as well… It's clear he has missed riding with her. They both have.
And that leads us to that last part : Tim giving Lucy back her ring. The one she left behind for him to find… There are so many symbols here… Like the fact that he had it in his pocket the whole time, even though he was about to leave her alone at first… The implication that he kept it with him, that he hung on to it, as a reminder that she was safe now, that he found her… It's how he's playing with it as well, as if a part of him is a bit reluctant to part with it… It's the way they don't even need words : they both understand the underlying message… It's in his smile before he leaves, the admiration he feels for her shining bright in his eyes… Or her surprise and delight when she catches her ring, having the confirmation that she was right to have so much faith in him… And how overwhelmed she is, to know that this tiny piece of jewellery, thrown as a last-ditch effort, saved her… That she saved herself. This moment encapsulates everything he has previously said in a very poetic manner… It was the perfect conclusion. Melissa deserves all the credit here for pitching this idea to the showrunners and writers, who, then, turned it into this wonderful scene. And hopefully, there will be a follow up one day on this...
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stylinsoncity · 8 months
posting this long snippet from the time travel fic i've been writing.. might not make any sense out of context but oh well. i think i'll also post a penn park snippet too. just to confirm for you all that i'm alive and writing lol
“This isn’t Back to the Future, Lou. Everything that’s meant to happen has already happened. Nothing you say can really change that. But it’s bad form and technically violates witch law for us to, like…tell you next week’s winning lottery numbers or something.”
“But it’s not against the rules to bring me here?”
“No,” Harry says. “It’s not like you’ll be going out or interacting with anyone else. You’ll be staying with us.”
“Who’s us?”
Harry peeks at him. He hesitates for a while. “Um. Me…and my husband.”
Louis angles his body to face him. “Husband?”
Harry throws another skittish glance his way.
“So you’re actually…?” Louis wipes his sweaty palms on his jeans. “When did you decide for sure you were…?”
“Gay?” Harry supplies. “Maybe it was when you kissed me.”
“You kissed me.”
“You kissed me back,” Harry says. “Enthusiastically.”
“Whatever. Is that genuinely when you knew? You started snogging boys exclusively from then on?”
“Well, I was snogging a girl just now before we left, as you saw. And a boy,” Harry says. “But yeah, I guess…not long after that party, I decided to stick to blokes. Or just…one, really.”
Louis nearly misses that last bit. “What?”
Harry turns the radio up. “That’s enough questions for now. And we’re almost home.”
Louis goes on staring at him for a bit longer, wondering if he’s understood correctly. Did Harry meet his husband at that party? Was it someone he met the following week? Was Louis that stupid to step aside and let whoever it was take his place? Apparently so.
The mood grows tenser from then on, mostly due to Louis’ adamant silence and sour mood, neither of which he can justify. Did he expect Harry to never marry? Did he expect Harry to marry him?
Louis snorts aloud and sees Harry sneak a look at him. He sinks further into his seat, arms crossed over his chest, and stares through the windscreen for the rest of the ride.
Within the next few minutes, the car slows and turns at the corner of a downward sloping drive. At the end of the drive, as Harry approaches, a garage door rises. Louis didn’t see Harry press any buttons but perhaps it’s automatic.
Then Louis sees him. Or himself. Or his older self. At first he doesn’t believe his eyes. He’s still expecting something dimension-shattering to occur when he’s face to face with a future version of himself. He expects to implode or for Future Louis to fade out of existence. None of that happens, but there’s no denying that the man standing at the door connecting the garage to the house is Louis, eleven years older.
“Trippy, isn’t it?” Harry says, as he cuts the engine. “Ready to meet your future?”
And well, Louis won’t say it aloud because he’d just sound like a dickhead, but his future is quite fit, so the answer is yes. He’s got an actual beard, as opposed to Louis’ vague facial hair. He seems more built and broad around his shoulders and torso. It’s hard to be sure when he’s backlit by the light flowing from the interior of Harry’s home, but even his hair seems shinier and softer. He’s wearing a dark grey knit jumper with the sleeves pushed to his elbows and Louis catches sight of several more tattoos, although he doesn’t get a good look at them before the Older Louis pulls his sleeves down.
Harry pushes his door open, so Louis does the same. And finally meets eyes with himself, unobstructed by the windscreen.
“Forgot how small I was,” Older Louis says and nothing more.
Louis wasn’t expecting to be best mates with his older self or anything, but perhaps they won’t be friends at all. “You’re not exactly Dwayne Johnson, mate.”
Harry snorts, pushing the car door closed. “Don’t start,” he says to Older Louis. He noticeably pats his stomach as he eases past him into the house. It registers as familiar or even flirty to Louis, which is odd but reassuring. At least in the future, in spite of Harry’s husband, they manage to retain their closeness. Harry’s husband must not love that, but clearly Older Louis can’t be arsed.
Louis hears a chorus of barks from further inside and moves more quickly and curiously, eager to see every aspect of Harry’s adult life.
“Shoes off,” Older Louis says to younger Louis at the door. He tacks on a smile. “If you’d be so polite.”
Louis narrows his eyes at him as he shoves his shoes off.
“Come on,” Older Louis says. “I’ll be your tour guide.”
“You don’t even live here,” Louis says.
Older Louis looks at him. “Right,” he says. “Harry just lets me kip here every night ‘cause I don’t have a home of my own.”
“The future is tough, mate,” Older Louis says gravely. But just as he turns away, there’s a nearly imperceptible wiggle of his lips that suggests he’d like to laugh.
Louis decides his older self is not to be taken seriously. He’ll get his facts from Harry. Speaking of whom, they find him when they enter the kitchen as he steps inside from the back garden.
“What happened to your dogs?” Louis asks.
“I let them out. Jasper is a senior and when he gets really excited, he wets himself,” Harry says. “And he’ll get really excited seeing two of you.”
“I gave him his meds,” Older Louis says. “Should be fine in a bit.”
“Thanks, babe,” Harry says. His gaze flickers suddenly to younger Louis like he forgot he was there. He clears his throat. “Um, do you want a beer? Or tea? Water?”
“Whatever you’re having,” Louis says.
“Do you like wine?” Harry asks. “I can’t remember if we drank wine at your age.”
“Never too early to start,” Older Louis says. “He’ll like the Malbec.”
“Malbec, it is,” Harry says and goes into a walk-in pantry where he ostensibly keeps the wine. Meanwhile, Older Louis gets three glasses from a cupboard above the sink. He’s really a bit too familiar with Harry’s home. Maybe he is here all the time. Maybe he really doesn’t have a home of his own. Compounded with his imminent death tomorrow, the future doesn’t seem all that bright for Louis. No matter how hot he is.
But his friendship with Harry is a lot to be grateful for. Louis watches Harry and his older self speaking quietly to each other as Harry fills each of the three glasses. He watches Harry laugh at whatever Older Louis says and slap his hand playfully against his chest.
Louis wonders again about Harry’s husband. He wants to ask where he is and when he gets home, but he also never wants him to come home. So long as he’s away, Louis can keep tricking himself into believing he doesn’t exist.
But then he spies the wedding ring on Harry’s finger as Harry hands him a glass of wine and he can’t stop himself from blurting, “Where is he?”
Harry’s brows crease. “Who?”
“Your husband,” Louis says, pointedly.
“Oh.” Harry chews his top lip for a moment. “Why don’t we get comfortable first? Come on.”
Then he takes Louis’ free hand and pulls him off towards the sunken living area. It hasn’t slipped his notice how posh the entire home is. The kitchen was a massive gleaming wonder of marble and bronze. There were five cars in the drive and the first room Louis passed upon entering the home was a gym. He didn’t get a good look at the exterior under the cover of night, but what he could see revealed an expansive upper floor and several outdoor decks.
The living area features two parallel velvet couches, a marble coffee table, and a large flat screen tv mounted above a two-way fireplace. Louis can’t quite tell what’s on the other side of the fireplace but it seems like a formal dining room.
“Your house is fucking amazing,” Louis says, plopping down in a plush leather armchair.
“Thanks,” Harry says, smiling. He sits on the couch across from Louis. “It’s the kind of house you grow into. That’s why we bought it.”
Louis nearly asks if that means Harry has kids, but he has a big greedy gulp of wine instead. He shrivels at the taste initially, finding it bitter and sharp. But then he has another sip and it’s not so much that he likes it, but that he finds it distracting.
Older Louis enters the room much to Louis’ disappointment and takes up the seat right beside Harry.
“I can still get you a beer,” Harry says randomly. “If you don’t like the wine.”
“No,” Louis says. “It’s fine.”
“If there’s anything else you need, just let me know,” Harry says. “I want you to be comfortable.”
“I’m comfortable enough, Haz,” says Louis. “It’s just nice to see where you live in the future, and how well you’ve done for yourself. You deserve all this. The husband, too.”
Older Louis exhales a laugh. “Should I get a box of tissues?”
“Shut up,” Harry says.
“Tell him to shut up,” Older Louis says. “This is embarrassing.”
“If you’re so embarrassed, just leave,” Louis says. “I don’t even get why you’re still here.”
Older Louis groans suddenly and loudly, pressing his fingertips into his eyelids. “There’s no way you’re this daft. No fucking way.”
“Louis,” Harry says. “Please.”
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watermelonsugacry · 2 years
I'm not sure if you have watched dwd yet but it would so cool if bandmate!y/n had a tiny feature in it
Bus Ride
A/N: I saw it opening night and I have both popular and unpopular opinions about lol
SINCE 2010 masterlist
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So we all know that Ms. Wilde is not very fond of the idea of Harry's girlfriend coming on set every once in a while just because it takes his attention away from her. But when YN joined the cast for lunch on set one day in Harry's trailer and Florence made an off-handed comment about how fun it would be if YN did an actual cameo like Olivia's character was supposed to be, the small group of actors laughed along to the idea.
After everyone settled down, she noticed that Harry and Flo gave each other a knowing look.
"No, no." YN warned with wide eyes as she saw the two grow smiles on their faces and got up slowly from their seats. "No! You guys!" She practically fell out of her seat when they basically ran out of the trailer to their director's trailer.
Yeah so as much as Olivia didn't like YN, there was no way she wasn't going to pass up an opportunity to not only have the world's most famous man on the planet as one of her leads, but to have the world's most famous woman in a cameo? What more can she ask for.
And as much as YN tried to get out of it, Harry, Flo, and the rest of the cast persuaded her with their wide, pleading eyes and excitement. Plus, when Jenny mentioned that Olivia basically begged for YN's small role at the suggestion, it definitely was a boost to her ego.
Not to mention the fact that it meant more time with her boyfriend during the day, so she couldn't really complain.
Especially when she's able to wake up at the same time as him, snuggled up by her side in the early hours of the morning. Or when he hands her fresh coffee in her favorite tumbler and holds her hand as he drives them to work. Or the fact that when he walks her over to make-up trailer, he keeps her there for as long as he possibly can before they have to be whisked away.
They lean against the side of the trailer, their shoulders pressed up to the white vehicle as they chat amount themselves--flirty smirks and giggles hidden behind coffee cups. And when they do have to part ways for the time being, he presses a loving kiss to her lips. He holds her close to him as he pecks tiny kisses to her smiling face before she has to back him away with her hand to his face.
After a couple hours switching between make-up, hair and wardrobe, Harry gets called to set by his PA before he can see her in her full attire. Disappointed, he reluctantly steps on the 50s inspired kitchen and sees Florence and some of the other female cast members chatting among themselves. As he approaches the group, he stops in his tracks when one of the women twists her back to look at him.
He's left breathless and his dimples dig into his cheeks at the sight before him. He almost doesn't recognize his love without any of her tattoos and her hair pinned up in victory rolls. The yellow dress they put her in hugs her waist perfectly and the way the skirt puffs out to her knees reminds him of their early days in the band.
And the smile she gives him with her full, cherry red lips? His knees go just might give out.
"Well hey there, handsome," YN beams with an American accent and puts her fists to her hips. The ladies behind her giggle at her antics all the while Harry just stares at her with an open mouth smirk. "Better close that mouth mister, you'll catch flies." YN playfully pinches his lips before tilting her head back, arms bent outwards by her side as she dramatically walks further into the kitchen. "Excuse me ladies, but I have a mouth to feed."
The women laugh behind their masks before quickly getting into character, all nodding as they scurry off the kitchen platform. Even Flo gives him a playful jab in the arm before nodding over to follow his girlfriend. He stuffs his hands into his trouser pockets, steps further into the set and all he can do is just watch his love fiddle around the small kitchen with a fond smile on his face.
"Now, I hope you're hungry because I'm makin' your favorite tonight: roasted chicken with veggies," YN waggles her finger at him as she walks over to the fake sink and moves her hands around under the faucet without any water coming out. "Yes I do the cookin', yes I do the cleanin'. Oh! And look what else they gave me."
She quickly walks over to her boyfriend with a pep in her step and fans out her fingers in between them. He takes her hand in his and thumbs over the rock on her ring finger. "Since I have such a vital role in this film as bus rider number 5, one of the nice make-up lads gave me whole backstory for her. She's very good dancer and loves gardening. She's married to her loyal hubby Jonathan--who is also a part of the Victory project--but she's in her little hoe phase right now because she's apparently having a secret love affair with some bloke named Jack Chambers. But I don't think that's gonna make it in the movie."
Harry can only describe what he's feeling right now as over the moon. It's a mix of gratitude that she's here with him, overjoyed that she's actually managed to bring some light into his dreaded job, and an overwhelming amount of love at the sight of a ring on her finger.
He brings his left hand up to hers and admires the look of their accessorized hands together.
"Think I'd make a pretty good housewife, don't yeh think?"
"You'd make the best wife," Harry finally speaks up and butterflies erupt in his tummy at those tantalizing eyes smiling back at him. "My wife, yeah?"
YN's eyes widen and her heart beat skips when he lowers himself down on one knee. He looks up at her with so much love in his eyes and with her hand in his that he never wants to let go.
"YN YLN?" Harry can see the way her chest begins to rapidly go up and down, her lips parted and if he listens closely, he can almost hear her heart pounding out of her chest. "Will you wait for me as I tie my shoes?"
He bursts into a fit of laughter and weakly shields his arms up as his girlfriend smacks any part of him she can reach.
"You son of a--yeh scared me! I hate you!" YN can't help the laughs that tumble past of her lips.
Olivia doesn't know whether she should sink in on the miserable feeling from the sight of the couple laughing together, Harry pulling his girlfriend into his arms and pressing persistent kisses to her cheeks that has YN squeezes her eyes shut in a fit of giggles. Or if she should feel a weight of relief off of her shoulders at the fact that Harry didn't propose to his girlfriend on the set of her movie.
@wobblymug @be-with-me-so-happily @ashtongivesmebutterflies @kiwiskiwiskiwi @darlingdesire @obsesseddd @hopefulwastelandcreation @cacapeepee @breezie-b00 @harrysfolklore @theekyliepage @sunshinemoonsposts @nervousspiderling @tbslonelyhes @tenaciousperfectionunknown @harrystylesrecs @certified-nalayak @itsjustsel @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @gviosca @behindmygreyeyes @twobluejeans @allisonxmcu @theemeraldbutterfly @jean-love @marvellover-sam @b-reads-things @reveriehs @rach2602 @thurhomish @perrypughstyles @luvonstyles @mxltifxnd0m @teamspideyman @c00chiemonster @juiceboxrry @s8tellite @folklorehrry @illicithallways @claramllera @eunoiaax @hoya122 @nichmedder @sleutherclaw @gloriousmoneyrascalbiscuit @harianaswhore @teawithcyb0rgs @vrittivsanghavi @vc55bughead @futuristiccroissantlampsludge @onecrazydirectioner @valluvsu @itsgabbysblog @awkwardbisexuall @rosehel @sucker4angstt
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mountttmase · 1 year
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A Mountain To Climb - Part Nine
Note - just wanted to say thank you all so much for all the love you show this every week. Now I’m posting and running but send me your thoughts please 💙
Pairing - Mason Mount x Reader
Word count - 4.1k
Warnings - series will contain fluff, smut & angst
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‘What if I want you to watch?’ You asked him, appearing in the open doorway. He did a double take as he looked up at you from his spot on the side of the bed, clearly unsure as to wether he’d heard you correctly and he swallowed hard as he furrowed his brows at you.
‘What if I want you to watch me get changed?’ You questioned, taking slow steps towards him as you placed yourself in between his thighs. He kept his hands planted on the bed, afraid of what he might do if he touched you in this moment. ‘Is that something you would want?’ You asked and even though he looked petrified right now you could see in his eyes that he wanted you.
‘What’s going on’ he whispered to himself and you let out a little chuckle.
‘I’m sick and tired of pretending I don’t want you when I always have’ you confessed to him sternly and you saw his eyes widen as he let out a shaky breath, finally hearing the words he’d waited for.
‘Is this the alcohol talking’ he laughed, trying to make light of the situation but you wanted to prove to him you were serious.
‘I haven’t had any alcohol since the second drink you made me. And I know you only had two drinks cause you can’t handle any more than that’
‘Well that’s me told’ he said quietly and you took the opportunity to tease him a little, bringing your hands up to your shirt and starting to undo the few visible buttons. You were surprised that he didn’t try and stop you so you took it a step further, grabbing his hands and resting them around your back.
‘Could you unzip me please?’ You asked quietly, and he gave a you subtle nod of his head before reaching for the zip and pulling it down as far as it would go before you took a step back to shimmy it down your hips. When it dropped to the floor you looked up to watch Mason, his eyes trained on the tops of your thighs as your shirt was just covering your underwear. You took you time unbuttoning the last few buttons before you slid the shirt off your shoulders, leaving you just in a pair of black lacey knickers.
He shut his eyes at first, cursing under his breath multiple times and rather than wait for him to look at you, you sauntered forward and grabbed his shoulders before straddling his lap causing the smallest whimper to come from him as his eyes finally met yours.
‘Promise me you’re sure about this’ he whispered as he grabbed your naked waist ‘That you realise what this means?’ he asked, his dark eyes drilling into yours as he searched for the answers he wanted.
‘You said it yourself downstairs, things have changed’ you breathed, ghosting your lips over his causing him to groan before you kissed along his jaw to whisper in his ear. ‘Now I need you to take care of me, Mase. I need you to fuck me like you’ve always wanted to cause I know you have. Don’t think I haven’t noticed the way you’ve looked at me from the second you saw me’
‘Holy shit’ he whimpered, throwing his head back and exposing his neck that you latched onto immediately. Kissing and sucking his skin as you started to rock your hips over him. You felt him hold you tightly, turning and flipping you onto your back before jumping up and starting to undress himself down to his boxers.
You laid there and took him in, clenching your thighs together at the sight of him. You’d seen him without a top once and knew he was in good shape but the sight of him now was making your mouth water. He was so toned and perfect but the tattoos that littered his skin were sending you feral. You wanted to reach out so you could touch them and kiss them whilst he told you all about what they all meant and you were so lost in your own thoughts you didn’t realise he was done and was looking down at you.
He seemed a little nervous so you shuffled over and onto your side before holding you hand out to invite him over. He took it carefully and slotted himself next to you before grabbing your waist again. ‘Sorry, I just wasn’t expecting this’ he whispered and you cupped his jaw in hopes he would look at you in the eye.
‘Don’t be sorry. I know it’s all a bit of a surprise and if you’re not ready we don’t have to-‘
‘I’m ready’ he interrupted quickly, not wanting you to back out before things had already started and you sent him a gentle smile as you softly ran your thumb over his cheek. ‘I just didn’t think our first time would be at Bens house’ he laughed whilst rolling his eyes.
‘You’ve thought about our first time?’ You teased and you watched as he blushed and tried to hide his face.
‘More times than I care to admit’
‘Oh well, it’ll make it more memorable this way’ you winked and he gave you a little nod before getting serious again.
‘You’re so fucking beautiful’ he breathed before finally connecting your lips once again. He was slow and careful at first but as you both got into the swing of things he pushed you back ever so slightly so he could tower over you, resting his leg in between yours before his hand began to wonder up to your chest.
You both moaned as he delicately traced the sensitive skin and he seemed finally confident enough to give you what you needed. He pulled back from your lips, cheeks flushed and eyes clouded with lust as he kissed his way from your jaw, down your neck and all over your collarbones before he got to your chest.
‘I can’t believe how perfect you are’ he whispered into your skin before taking your nipple into his mouth and sucking. Your hips bucked up into him as your fingers found his hair, raking through his locks so you could keep his head exactly where it was, but his wandering hands were trailing further down to where you needed some relief. He shuffled in between your legs as his lips trailed down your body, taking the time to kiss over your tummy which caused you to giggle.
‘Mason’ you laughed and he looked up at you with a cheeky glint in his eye.
‘What? Do you know how long I’ve waited for this? Just let me take my time and appreciate you a bit’ he winked before his head dipped to start kissing you again. His lips finally made their way to your underwear, kissing along the band before looking up at you. You lifted your hips without a word and he laughed before hooking his fingers through them and pulling them down your legs.
The was an obvious tent in his boxers and you sat up to pull them down but he grabbed your wrists, pinning them to the sides of you head as he pushed you back down onto the bed, his face hovering over yours and his bulge now pressing into your core as you gasped at the sudden change of pace.
‘Nuh uh, not yet’ he whispered, bumping his nose against yours making you whimper. ‘Oh, you like it like this do you?’ He teased, his voice now laced with cockiness and you nodded gently as he smiled. ‘Well I’m gonna need you to keep these hands up here for me for a bit. You think you can do that baby?’ He asked and you melted at his words, never knowing you needed to be called baby by him until this very moment. ‘Good girl, and I need you to keep these legs open for me too and just relax yeah?’ he told you and you managed to choke out a yes, his sudden change in attitude getting you more hot and bothered than you thought you could be.
Before you could even think about moving your arms his face was in line with your core and you felt him nip the inside of your thigh with his teeth before licking a long stripe up the centre of you. You gasped at his movements, your first instincts being to close your legs around his head, but his hands that were wrapped around your thighs kept them open for him and without thinking you laced your fingers through his hair. He seemed to like this though, moaning louder into you as you tugged on it a bit.
You’re body was turning into jelly as you melted into the sheets, every suck and flick of his tongue making you want to grind your face into him until he dipped his tongue into your entrance causing his nose to bump against you clit and you shivered at the sensation.
‘Fuck, Mason’ you moaned and you heard him growl before detaching himself from you and hovering back over your face. You whined at the loss of contact but he was quick to gently insert a finger into you which made your eyes roll to the back of your head.
‘Eyes on me baby’ he breathed, his lips barely touching yours and you could just about taste yourself on him. Your eyes snapped back to meet his dark ones as he added another finger, pumping them in and out of you slowly before his thumb came to your clit. ‘Say it again. Tell me who’s making you feel this good’
‘You are, Mason’ you whimpered out, tears falling from the corners of your eyes and he kissed them away gently, a contradiction to his cocky tone and teasing words. ‘Fuck, right there’ you gasped and he made sure to keep doing what he was doing as he lowered his head to connect your lips gently. ‘Masonnn please’
‘Good girl, keep saying my name’ he breathed and you felt your legs begin to shake around him as your high approached. You couldn’t believe how fast he’d got you to this point, but you were more turned on than you could ever remember being. His lips soon attached to your neck and your body erupted in goosebumps as you came around his fingers. You cried out his name but his lips were on yours to silence you immediately, forgetting you weren’t on your own as most of the guest rooms in Bens house were full but you didn’t care, too focused on the way Mason was making you feel.
After he’d ridden you though it he pulled away from you, your bottom lip trapped between his teeth before he let go and it snapped back into place. You felt as light as air and dazed as he jumped up and finally tugged his boxers down, your heart rate increasing at the sight of him. You thought he might of been big but he was perfect and you wanted to make him feel as good as he’d just made you feel. You sat up onto your knees and he let out a little laugh, clearly amused by your sudden surge in energy as you pointed to the spot you’d just been.
‘Sit down, I wanna ride you’ you breathed and he cursed under his breath before jumping on the bed to sit against the headboard. His hands tapped his thighs and you crawled over to him, straddling his legs once again as his hands wrapped around your waist before stroking up and down your back lightly.
He was looking up at you adoringly but you could see his eyes were full of lust and you smiled at him before cupping his jaw and placing your lips on his. You kissed each other softly, taking a break from all the intensity that had just taken place so you could catch your breath a bit. He smiled onto your lips as you began to gently rock your hips along his length, the little moans and whimpers coming from him making you speed up until you needed to feel him inside you.
You reached down, lips still connected as you grabbed a hold of him and guided him towards your entrance. He broke away from the kiss, his wild eyes on yours as you lowered yourself onto him slowly as his hands gripped at your hips tightly. The familiar burn was overwhelming as he was a lot bigger than you’d anticipated so the gasps that left your mouth were louder than you meant them to be but he didn’t try and silence to this time, too caught up in the feeling of how you fit around him so perfectly.
‘Jesus Christ, y/n’ he breathed, his lips now sucking at your collarbone as he helped slowly guide your hips over him.
‘Slowly, Mase’ you mumbled, taken aback by the feel of him inside of you but he was so gentle and gave you the time to adapt to his size until you got to the point you were bouncing up and down on him faster and faster as the seconds went on.
His face was buried in your neck but you wanted to look at him, wanted to know how you were making him feel, so you tugged on his hair until eyes were looking back up at you. Your heart stuttered at the sight of him, hair messy and sticking up in all directions, lips swollen and pouty as he struggled to regulate his breathing and the most adorable blush was painted across his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. You lent down to scatter kisses across his skin as he hands moved to your bum so he could help guide you as he bucked up into you, causing you to moan even louder than before as he hit that perfect spot inside you.
‘Get on your back, gorgeous’ he whispered, helping you off him but you ignored his request. Staying on you knees whilst wiggling your bum in the air which caused him to laugh. ‘You want it like this huh?’ He teased and you nodded as you arched your back whilst he positioned himself behind you.
‘Come on, Mase. Show me what you got’ you teased and he laughed almost shyly at you whilst he gripped your hips.
‘Fine, but not for long. I wanna see you’ he mumbled before giving your bum a harsh slap.
You gasped at the sting of it, turning to look at him but he gave you a cheeky wink as he was lining himself up with you and thrusting in without a second thought. The loudest moan escaped your lips as he filled you to the brim, making you collapse forward and bury your head into the pillows to muffle your cries as his hips snapped back and forth inside you. He felt amazing, hitting all the spots you needed him to and his hands were digging into your skin so hard you knew you’d be left with bruises.
You weren’t sure how much longer you’d be able to put up with him drilling into you like this without being able to cum, feeling it already brewing, but he quickly pulled out of you before wrapping an arm under you to flip you onto your back. The fact he could just throw you about like it was nothing made your tummy flutter and you laid there in a stunned silence as he forced your legs apart around him again. Your face was covered by your hair but he gently moved it out the way so you could see again and his soft smile melted you.
‘You okay, baby?’ He whispered but words were failing you so you just nodded as he kissed your cheek. ‘Sorry, I’m so close but I don’t wanna finish yet’ he told you quietly before kissing you again. The feeling of his warm, sweaty skin pressed against yours made you shiver as you both got into the kiss, his length pressing against your thigh and he couldn’t help but guide himself back in, both gasping at the familiar feeling.
He rocked his hips into you at a leisurely pace, as if he had all the time in the world to savour you and you thought you might burst. This was so different to sex you’d had in the past and your whole body felt like a live wire. Sure you’d slept with guys but if was always a quick fuck. No feelings involved and it certainly never felt this good. The chain around his neck was dangling low in your face and it wasn’t long before he took it in between his teeth causing him to bite down on his lip deliciously making you moan loudly. He’s was so incredibly sexy and you couldn’t seem to control yourself which he made worse when his lips moved downwards, licking your chest before taking your nipple back in his mouth.
‘Mason, I’m so close’ you whimpered and he grunted before his face came back to hover over yours, eyes staring into your soul as you chased your highs. You held onto his strong shoulders as he pushed you through it, his hand coming to cover your mouth as you cried out his name whilst cuming around him. He was spent soon after, your name tumbling quietly from his lips as he collapsed on-top of you. The only sounds now being your heavy breathing as the pair of you tried to calm down whilst Mason absentmindedly traced random circles on you ribs.
‘Sorry, Mase’ you whispered, trying to shuffle from under him so you could head to the bathroom. He mumbled a quick sorry back before un-trapping you and you rushed to the bathroom to sort yourself out. You couldn’t look at yourself in the mirror for some reason and the thought of leaving the bathroom so exposed scared the life out of you.
This isn’t what you did, you didn’t sleep with someone and then spend the night. You got dressed and you got the hell out of there.
Your first instinct was to do exactly that and run as far away as possible so you didn’t have to think about it again. You felt so unsure of yourself and you had no idea why, tears springing in your eyes almost instantly and you told yourself to take a few breaths before joining Mason again. Thankfully he’d tuned most of the lights off and was in bed facing the other way so you could quickly run over to your bag and you pulled out a top and some shorts to cover up. You were just about done when he looked over to you and pulled the cover back for you to get in.
You slid in carefully, turning so your back was against his chest and he wrapped his arm around you to keep you in position. ‘You okay’ he whispered and you nodded your head, feeling like your voice might break if you said anything to him. ‘Good. Let’s get some sleep yeah? It’s late’ he told you before placing a kiss on your shoulder and snuggling down into you.
Your eyes became blurry almost instantly but you willed them shut as the hot tears rolled down your face. You were panicking and you couldn’t make it stop, your mind racing over what he’d said to you this evening about things were about to change and knowing what sleeping with Mason meant. You realised now you were in far too deep and if it carried on any longer one of you would only end up hurting the other. It all felt like a mess and your natural instinct was to run and hide.
You laid there for what felt like hours when in reality it was only 20 minutes until Mason was in a deep sleep, rolling onto his back and snoring softly causing you to let out a quiet breath. You quickly and quietly slipped out from beside him and grabbed your stuff so you could go hide in the en-suite, ordering an Uber through your tears before getting dressed. You were rubbing at your eyes to try and make your crying stop but it only made them look worse.
Your Uber was almost there so you took a deep breath and snuck out of the bathroom, but you were met with the worst possible scene in-front of you. Mason was awake, sat up in his boxers with his lamp on and his eyes were straight on yours.
‘Y/n? Everything okay?’ He asked softly, standing up to come over to you but you didn’t have any words to offer him. ‘Baby? What’s going on?’ He whispered, catching onto your swollen and bloodshot eyes as he cupped your jaw so you would look at him. ‘Hey, talk to me. Why are you crying?’ He mumbled before finally taking a proper look at you. Fully dressed, shoes on with your bag in hand. ‘What’s going on. Where are you going?’ He asked you a bit more firmly this time and your eyes stung at the fact he’d figured you out.
‘Mason, I-‘
‘You’re running out on me aren’t you?’
‘No’ you breathed but he saw right through you, stepping back and you choked back a sob as his face dropped.
‘What the fuck, y/n? Are you actually kidding me’ he snapped, his voice rising and you knew if he carried on then he’d wake the whole house up.
‘Mase, please just let me-‘
‘I can’t believe this. So what has it just been fake the whole time?’
‘No’ you cried, stepping towards him but he backed off which only made you sob harder.
‘I’m not just some guy some guy you’ve slept with that you can bail on. I thought I meant something to you? I thought we were friends at the very least. This isn’t how you treat people you care about!’ He roared and for the first time since you’d known him you felt a little scared. ‘But we’re not friends are we? Friends don’t do what we do and it just be normal. I thought you were mine’ he whimpered and your heart broke at the sight of him. ‘I don’t give a shit if people have been bad to you in the past, that doesn’t give you permission to treat everyone else like crap!’
His words hit you like a slap in the face and you froze on the spot. Hurt seeping into your skin as he lost his mind and it was all your fault.
‘I tried so hard, like really fucking tried with you. I’ve had the shit ripped out of me for months by my mates cause they know how much I like you and just when I think it’s been worth it you fuck me over? What were you expecting y/n? For me to wake up tomorrow and not wonder where you were? To not hear from you again maybe? For it to not hurt like fuck and to just be fine with that!’
You didn’t know what to say, and you’re heart broke as he wiped his eyes furiously whilst turning away from you.
‘You know how much you mean to me and I really thought I meant more to you than I quite obviously do’
‘Please let me explain’ you cried but he shook his head immediately.
‘No, I’m done, alright? I give up so If you’re going then go’ he told you harshly before whipping round to face you when you didn’t move ’get the fuck out!’ He bellowed and you didn’t need telling twice. You made your way to the door and were met with Ben just coming out of his room.
‘Y/n? Are you okay? What’s going on?’
‘I have to go’ you whispered brushing past him but he was following you down the stairs and through the house.
‘It’s 5am, you can’t go now. Just wait a minute’
‘I’ve got an Uber outside it’s fine’ you sobbed and you stopped to quickly face him. ‘Thank you for letting me stay’
‘I’ve got to go’ you sniffed before tugging the door open and making a beeline for your Uber at the end of the drive.
Tagged: @alwaysclassyeagle @ricsaigaslec @cinderellawithashoe @vip-access @majx00 @chelseagirl98
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icannotbetrustedalone · 4 months
Happy birthday over a drink
Billy Russo x Fem!Reader
Hello, here's a little something for @becauseicantthinkwritings, a very happy birthday to you ! I still kept it tamed (i think), I hope you'll like ! (also posting this way later than anticipated, I had a terrible day, hope yours was better) Obviously reader is mostly based on you, I still kept it pretty vague though
For context, this based on The Red String Club, a video game, set in a cyberpunk world with a barman able to enhance specific emotions through his drinks
Warning ; 18+ , alcohol, allusion to sex, could be interpreted as CNC or non-consensual by some but reader defenitly has agency over herself, she's just into it
No double check we die as men
It was pouring and you wanted to cry. You had missed the bus and now you were stuck on foot. The feeling of your clothes sticking to your skin made you want to tear your whole being. All of this was just the cherry on top of the shitty cake that was your week, all you wanted was to be left alone, your boss being enough of an annoyance on its own. Your plan was just to buy yourself a treat, a little gift perhaps, watch your show under a warm blanket and try out that new toy, but it seems fate chose otherwise. When the rain got stronger you ran to get to a dryer place, free from the drop of water hammering your cheeks, which led you in front of a shop with an awning. Breathing deeply to catch your breath, in hope of stopping the feeling of burn in your throat from the sudden sprint and savoring not hearing the rain directly in your ears. You blinked a couple of times, getting out the water bordering your prosthetic eyes and turn to look at the front shop. It was nothing out of the ordinary, selling glasses and cups, some teapot and carafes, what caught your eyes however was the multitude of ads on the front glass, all directing to local shops, tattoos, cakes, knitting, arts and crafts... One caught your eye in particular: The Blackbird Club, a bar, with a promise of delicious cocktails. Perfect. If you couldn’t follow your initial plan at least you could get wasted, it wasn’t too far either. As you took a photo to be sure to not forget, the world seems to approve, with the rain slowing down. 
You walked for a couple of minutes, having to go through small paths, you think you might be lost and panic but as you are losing hope of a sweet drink you see it: a building you would qualify as... vintage? It was almost comical, so small compared to the modern building surrounding it that from here, and with the cloudy rain, seem to touch the skin. Speaking of, the rain could not touch you here, The Blackbird was put far from the world, hidden away, so low, yet, the neon of the big sign provided you a form of peace, you couldn’t even hear the sounds of the huffs and puffs and hustles of the big town, a protective bubble.  
You walked up to the front door, but frown when it doesn’t open on its own. You look at the photo on your phone, it says it should be open, so you grab the door handle and push, it was indeed not close. Vintage. Right. It made you feel dumb because not all doors were automatic as a matteroffactyourowndoorsathomewere- you sigh, you were just trying to justify yourself now.  
Entering the bar the first thing you notice is the emptiness, and that made you frown, was it REALLY close after all? Then why was the door open? You decided to close it behind you anyway and took a couple of cautious steps further inside.  A piano was against the wall by the entrance, many tables and chairs were around the room, a big room at that, the actual bar was in the middle, with stools around it. You scanned the place, more tech than the naked eye could see, but way less than any place you go to nowadays, it was refreshing. 
“Hum.. Hello?”, you weren’t sure you were supposed to be here, debating whether you should go back home or not, a sound made you jump and a moment later a man came from a door at the back of the room, damn, he was hot. Dark hair, dark eyes, athletic built, wearing a white shirt with rolled up sleeves, making you feel like a Victorian man seeing ankles for the first time, strong forearms too. He gave you the most charming smile you have ever seen before going to the bar, he was limping you noticed. “Good evening miss, how may I help you?” 
You took a small breath in, more nervous than you thought and decided to take a stool, looking down at your phone, “Oh, hum, I saw an ad for your bar and I thought I should try it out.” You gave him a small teasing smile, leaning slightly, “Are your cocktails as good as you say they are?” He does not flatter, leaning as well to get closer, “I like to think they’re even better”. You take your lip between your lips and back away, looking at the board showcasing the many choices to conceal the effect he had on you, you realize wouldn’t mind having him as a distraction, at all. He does see it of course, and take a glass to clean to not push you too much, “Tell me, what’s the occasion?” 
“It’s my birthday”, you smiled at him. “I see, and what’s the plan for tonight?” Your shoulders drop “Get wasted hopefully, black out until tomorrow morning, rest for the weekend, and go back to work on monday” you let out a heavy sigh, looking up, doing your best saving you from the embarrassment of crying in front of a stranger, feeling the stress of the week wanting to slip away through the tears, shit, you hated this, “I had the most terrible week and my boss suck, I fucked my thumb and now I have to get it fixed up, that dumb prosthetic hurts of course” you mumble the rest under your breath. You straighten your back looking back down at him. “So I hope your concoction are up for the challenge” 
He gave you a sympathic look, “Ow love, I’m sorry to hear this, what if we started by taking a look at that thumb? I might be able to help”. You gave him a long look, scanning him, you couldn’t see any upgrades on him, “It’s kind of you but are you sure ?” 
He laughs lowly, “Believe me, I have many talents”, he winked at you with a knowing smile. Your only responses to that are to shake your head, unbelievable, and to show him your hand. He carefully takes it in his own, a focus look on his face, touching and feeling around. While he is busy on your hand, you take the time to observe him more thoroughly, you notice a tiny scar on his chin, small eye bags, you wonder if he gets enough sleep. Your mind doesn’t have the time to go far, your brought back by a sharp pain in your hand, making you hiss.  
“Sorry, love” passing his hands on your wrist, trying to south the pain, “I think I know what is wrong now, you’re okay with me fixing it?” at your nod he looks in a drawer and gets some tools, you observe him work, grimacing at the little pain here and there, you have to admit you were not expecting a barman to be able to so easily fix a prosthetic, there is no hesitation, going with a tool after another, like a dance, skillful hands. You laugh slightly when he put a splint on you. “Isn’t it going to far?” 
“No, no moving that thumb of yours until you need to go back to work, gotta let it rest, understood miss?”, he was not letting your hand go, caressing it with his thumb, looking into your eyes. They are so dark, you could see yourself in them, “Yes sir” you responded with a low voice. You did catch his eyes going over your lips before straightening his back, you felt a bit smug about it. “What about a couple of drinks on the house? As a happy birthday and as a reward for behaving so well?” Your breath caught in your throat, you liked his voice and wanted to hear him say some sweet things in your ears, you felt a bit pathetic, getting wet after only ten minutes in the presence of that man, you blame it on not being fucked properly for the last couple of months. “That would be very kind of you, though I’m not sure it’s a good business model, and you already saved me with my-” he puts his hand up to stop your rambling “Anything for a beautiful lady, now, what would you want?” You look at the board once more and actually pay attention this time, you see many names you recognize and many you don’t, “What would you recommend?”  
At your words you felt the air changing, as if you had pronounced the most important words you had ever spoken, “I have a special drink, giving quite the experience, going at the deepest of your being and pulling out your true emotions” You frowned “It’s not drug is it?” He burst out laughing “NO! No, of course not, only the finest alcohol here love” Your shoulders relax “Alright then” You might second guess yourself if such a pretty smile was not asking. 
Time stops, Billy takes a deep breath, feeling the power, he has been doing it for so many years now, and he had got use to the feeling, but he never loved it any less. Falling upon this bar might have been Billy’s greatest blessing, he might not have been able to follow his initial dream but now he was able to access so many things, turning into an information broker, he knew all the dirty little and big secrets of the upper world, the aristocrats eating in his hands, without even needing to take a step out, all coming to him on his own, the bar pulling strings to get him what he wanted, and sometimes what he needed. 
He looked at you, now that you couldn’t shy away from his eyes. Such a beauty, he wondered what the club had in mind bringing you here, he sure was not the one behind it, he still had an idea, smirking to himself.
Focusing, he looked inside of you, not having an upgrade did not mean he did not have any enhancement. Visualizing, the first couple feeling and emotions on his way pains him for you; big, lot of tiredness, from the stress, of work and life; slightly smaller, frustration and anger, he huffs when he feels you wanting to punch your boss; and very present, sadness too. He wants to reach out to you, reassure you, that everything would be alright, he could recognize a bit of him in you; big too, pain that tumb of yours must have been no joke. He shivers to the last time he point out pain in someone, their face as they beg for mercy, he shooks his head and refocuse. He is reassured seeing joy, not as imposing but resilient, what a brave girl you were. 
He looks further, and his jaw dropped. During his time here, Billy have met many people, almost all the people he had dug into had lust in a way or another, being a good-looking man helped him quite a lot, it was fascinating to see all the information someone was willing to give for a chance to sleep with him when he made them a horny mess. But YOU. He had never met someone with a lust so prominent as yours, he wondered how you could conceal of this, he had noticed your interest in him, but you must be absolutely soaked. He smiles; this was going to be fun. 
Time goes back to its natural flow, now that Billy knows where to go. You did not notice anything, looking as cute as ever. 
Billy goes on to grab his ingredients “Tell me, love, what do you do for a living” A bright smile on your face, it warms his heart, “Oh well, I work at the hospital, I’m the one in charge of fixing the machines, cleaning them up, all of that” He hums, “An important job I see, is it what those eyes are for? And the hand?” You nod, “Exactly, thank you SO much again for my thumb, you really helped me, I would have gotten into trouble”. After a second you answered his puzzled face, “It’s just not the first time they have to fix me up, I can’t afford any upgrade, so I’m stuck with this one, and I don’t really always give it the care it needs so..” He shakes his head, making little disapproving sounds, handing you the finish drink, “I hope you’ll take better care; it’d be a shame to have a missing limb, huh?” 
You look at the drink in your hand, dark red, swirly, drinking a mouthful. You hum, feeling the liquid traveling down your throat. “I guess I’ll just have to come back here for you to fix me again, huh?” He snickers, “Any day, love” 
You’re feeling warm, like a fire traveling through you, dividing itself to explore and not leave a single spec of you unexplored, “Can I ask you a question?” “Is it about my leg?” You retract, realizing how much your initial question was inappropriate, what was wrong with you, no you cannot ask a stranger if he can bend you over the counter and pound into- you shook your head, “Y-Yeah, but you d-” “I got hurt on my third season, my body couldn’t take any modifications so.. I was forced to stopped, luckily I found this place. I took care of it, and it took care of me” You smiled, “I’m happy you found your way” after an instant you realized, not from imagining yourself screaming his name from the deepest of your core, nono, “I don’t even know your name“ “How rude of me, I am Billy Russo, pleasure to meet you love” You introduce yourself, and made small conversation, seeping on your drink along the way. 
Billy was impressed on your ability to stay put together, he was expecting you to either be begging on your knees for him or rush home as fast as you could to take care of it yourself. He saw your iris change shapes and colors, looking now like tiny pink-redish hearts, how cute. You were quite entertaining, and of good conversation too, he wouldn’t mind for you to come back, regardless on how the night will end. 
You did slowly fell yourself go into madness however and was trying very hard not to grind against the stool, you fell on just crossing and un-crossing your legs in hope of satiating yourself. After you hundredth time doing so Billy decided to at intervene “A problem love?”. He looked ravishing, and you don’t think you could.. Well think. “Please”. He laughs lowly, making you let out a pitiful sound, “If you want something you’ll have to ask, love”. That does not help your needy brain, so you took his one of his hands and guide it to your lips, taking two fingers in, sucking on them slowly. He follows your guidance and move his finger further down your mouth, doing little movements that make you groan. “Would you look at that, do I have a good girl at hand?”. You nod hastily, you wanted him to take you in any way, but he just stood there, he wanted you to ask properly, and he was a patient man, not showing any indication of giving you anything. Getting frustrated you put his fingers away, maybe a bit harshly, “Please just fuck me, I need it so bad”. He let out a devilish chuckle, “There you go, love” 
This was going to be a fun night. 
I wanted to write more and then was like mmmh maybe it's inappropriate to write a fanfic on a real person getting fucked, so I stopped there
Hope it was to your liking !
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