#i might just take the bus. even tho i have to leave almost an hour earlier
hosttos · 1 month
I understand that you should not judge people because you really don't know what kind of internal battles they're carrying at any specific moment. Mine is that I hate hospitals with a burning passion for no reason, I can't fathom being in one for more than an hour, it makes me literally want to kill myself.
I once broke my arm and it took me 36 hours to decide to go to one. At first it hurt but I thought it may go away on its own so I carried on to work my customer service shift and midway through it I lost mobility on my elbow, I didn't want to leave mid shift but it was getting kind of hard to type on the computer and whenever I needed to place my left hand on the keyboard I had to carry it with my right hand and place it there, I could move my fingers normally so it was very uncomfortable and kind of painful on the elbow.
I only decided I should go to a hospital when I couldn't sleep at night because of the pain.
And then I went and was scared as fuck of everyone there and I went to the receptionist desk and I was afraid of her because for some reason I thought she might be rude or yell at me or something?? And I almost stuttered saying "I have an appointment" (I booked one because I was too scared to go to urgent care) and she was very nice and told me to wait just a while.
When the doctor walked me into her office I was scared she might think I'm exaggerating so I tried not to sound like it was hurting a lot (which in hindsight may seem unwise) it then took me almost two minutes to take my sweater off because well I had a broken elbow (but I didn't know at the moment tho) and it took some extra effort not to make any weird sounds.
I think she caught up on my facade and proceeded to ask me very gently to extend my arm, my face got bright red and I replied "I can't" and she asked "You can't because of the pain?" And I wanted to be very clear on my symptoms so I said "It hurt a lot to move it at first but now I don't have the strength to move it" and she didn't even wait a second to reply "yeah you definitely need an x-ray done you can have a loadfuck of painkillers on the meantime tho and have an injection for the swelling", and then they gave me an appointment for an x-ray like 3 days after that.
Those three days I questioned myself on the severity of my injury because it stopped hurting so bad but the pain was still noticeable (could this be an action of the painkillers???!?!??) and I was seriously considering missing the appointment because maybe I could live on painkillers for months if necessary and be like my childhood idol (Dr House popping Vicodin every half an hour) if it meant not having to go to get an x-ray done.
I went because maybe my family would scold me if I didn't and I was running late and I thought I would miss it, I was at the entrance scared as fuck because I thought the people at the front desk would tell me to go fuck myself for being late, (I was also kind of scared because 15 minutes prior my elbow started hurting like crazy, probably related to the fact I went there on the bus, it made a harsh stop and my dumbass reached for the handlebar with my fucked up arm). But again they were all very nice and took the x-ray fairly quickly.
The reading of the x-ray said it was slightly broken so I had to take that x-ray to another doctor to get a diagnosis, that wasn't as hard, he told me to take it easy and take painkillers for another week or so and go to physical therapy. I immediately decided I was done with facing my fears and also everyone assured me I was not going to lose a limb so I didn't even try to make it to the first therapy session.
So yeah you never know who's walking out there with a broken elbow because they are scared of hospitals, that's also the story of why my elbow now creaks when it's cold.
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bubbl3gum-h3arts · 2 years
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Wammy Boys & Light Yagami Sleepover Headcanons
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Light Yagami
-- light would definitely be super respectful the whole time
-- tbh i only see him sleeping over if it was too dangerous to drive home at night or if your safety was at a high risk
-- he’d sleep on the couch. i don’t think he’d want to necessarily sleep next to you unless you asked him to and told him it was okay 
-- in the morning he’d ask you if you slept well and if you needed anything before he left 
L Lawliet  -- i see him staying accidentally (he lost track of time) or you refused to leave his workspace because he’s almost never around -- wouldn’t sleep -- although he would check on you from time to time, casually looking over to make sure you’re sleeping comfortably  -- if you need anything he’d have watari get it immediately with no questions asked  -- he’s gonna work all night and you can’t tell me any different  -- if you do manage to get him into bed with you, he’d either bring his computer and work next to you, or take a small (10m) catnap and then get back to work
Mihael “Mello” Keehl -- grumpy boi -- i see this happening for many reasons; the dumbass got injured again, he’s worried about you, you just wanted to stay, he’s been having nightmares and losing sleep, etc. etc.
-- mello is a light sleeper, so any noise you make he hears 
-- that’s a blessing and a curse, though. he definitely would know if you were having a nightmare and would do what he could to help you, bu he would also know if you talked in your sleep (idk why but that scares me goodbye-)
-- he’s grumpy when he goes to bed and even worse when he wakes up
-- it’s fine tho, bc he’s your mafia boi and you love him all the same 
Mail “Matt” Jeevas
-- matt would be super chill about you sleeping over or him sleeping over at your place so i don’t see a reason to make up a scenario for it
-- you two would be up into the late late hours of the night gaming, having sex, or smoking (if you smoke he’d love if you did it with him) 
-- he moves in his sleep. a lot. and he’s a kicker (don’t argue w me on this)
-- sleeping would be nearly impossible unless you laid on him so he couldn’t move
-- if you do lay on him and he wakes up seing your head on his chest, moving together with the rise and fall of his chest, his heart would completely melt
-- my little touch starved boi
Nate “Near” River
-- lol good luck getting this boy to sleep over
-- however he would let you sleep over wherever he is (he might be a bit annoyed but you don’t care)
-- he secretly makes sure you have what you need, telling one of his people to get everything you might ever need for a night and making sure your bed (or mattress if he’s in a mood) is extremely comfortable
-- he won’t sleep with you but he’ll love to look over and watch your breathing. it makes him happy knowing you’re alive
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The Story of How Iwaizumi and Tendou Accidentally Got UshiOi Together
Tendou gives Iwaizumi his number after the last Seijoh v. Shiratorizawa game (shameless flirt with the ace)
Iwa thinks he’s j joking around so he accepts, completely oblivious
Oikawa saw the whole thing and Knows
He says to Iwa on the bus “If I have to start hanging out with Ushiwaka-chan, the gray hairs I develop from close proximity will be your fault”
Iwa was just like “wat” bc he doesn’t think they’re even going to text after this
They start texting
Tendou sends him a meme that is Actually Funny and Iwa doesn’t know him well enough to leave him on read and he would normally ignore a meme but he doesn’t want to be too rude
They mostly talk ab movies and manga bc Tendou gives him good manga recs and Iwa is a totally movie nerd and insults Tendou until he FaceTimes him and they watch the movie together
Tendou watches it and talks to Iwa as he does it
Iwa is disappointed?? When Tendou flips around the camera to the movie so Iwa’s not looking at him anymore
They avoid Ushijima and Oikawa in all their conversations and they both can tell but it’s just bc they’re getting along?? Even tho Iwa’s from Seijoh and Tendou’s from Shiratorizawa
Finally, Iwa complains one day ab Oikawa making fun of him for texting Tendou and Tendou says Ushijima has actually been asking him if Iwa has said anything ab Oikawa
Iwa says that they might actually get along if Oikawa wasn’t constantly at Ushijima’s throat
Tendou gets an Idea
long story short (evermore by ts reference intended), they get Ushiwaka and Oikawa to go to the movies with them
Tendou told Ushi it was an outing with reon and semi and Iwa told Oikawa they were going with MatsuHana
Tendou and Iwa got there early and reserved seats for them and were like “oh no the only seats available were two and two and we rly wanted to sit together so can you guys take the pair in front of us?”
Oikawa almost kills both of them on sight
IwaTen sits towards the back and watches UshiOi sit together
It starts off awful (Oikawa asks Ushijima for his Twizzlers even tho he hates them and proceeds to eat all of them bc he didn’t want to drop them and make a mess for the employees so he j eats all of them)
Ushijima is noticeably Irritated by this but he’s still rly polite and it makes Oikawa feel bad
He ends up giving Ushijima his popcorn but Ushijima makes them share and it’s just
IwaTen watches them accidentally touch hands in the popcorn tub multiple times
IwaTen also gets way too close as they whisper ab the two and Iwa realizes that he likes Tendou and Tendou the guess monster notices or at least thinks he knows what happened so he asks if he can kiss him and they have a short make out session in the back of a movie theater, surrounded by children as they watch Frozen II bc it was the only movie that was full enough for it to be believable that there weren’t any empty seats of four in a row
When they remember ab UshiOi, they notice that they’re sitting closer bc Oikawa wanted to talk to Ushijima ab the movie and Ushijima,,, is j so Red in the face bc of how close they are
Oikawa doesn’t even realize it bc he just wants to talk ab the movie and he likes the small grins he pulls out of Ushiwaka when he makes a particularly funny remark
But then Olaf dies and Oikawa starts crying and IwaTen expose themselves by laughing so loud they get kicked out of the movie
They sit on the floor in the hallway outside and realize that they definitely got rid of the animosity between the two (which was the whole Idea) but they probably just made UshiOi a thing and Iwa’s like “oh NO” and Tendou laughs at him until they start making out again
UshiOi is not impressed when the movie ends and they walk out and find them in that position half an hour later
Thank you for your time
I might actually write this fic they’re all adorable
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enchantedblackrose · 4 years
Safe Again
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Not my image. Google image search
Pairing: Antonio/Fem Reader
Requested @fabyoliveira1999
Summary: Y/n is kidnapped when an undercover assignment goes wrong
¡Warnings: Swearing, mentions of blood, allusions of sexual assault, potential police brutality? All very in line with the show
A/n 1: this is a work of fiction. The gang and names used are completely made up and not meant to reflect any real persons. Thank you.
2: Part 2 will be a fluff drabble
Safe Again
A darkness overcomes you as you slip out of consciousness. The steady beeping of the machines around you are now frantic, their shrill sound piercing the ears of everyone around. 
Antonio yells out your name as hospital staff force him from your room. It isn't until Hank and Kevin pull him by his shoulders does he fully retreat. He sees a familiar face in the hallway and remembers a conversation he's been meaning to have.
"Halstead!" Antonio's voice shakes in anger. He stands face to face with the younger detective. His finger accusingly pointing.
"How the hell did this happen in the first place, man? You were supposed to have her back!"
Jay's voice was quiet. "I know." He drops his head in hands. "I'm so sorry, man. I should've pulled us out of there."
"You were supposed to watch her."  Antonio strains to speak, his tone is much softer this time as he fights back the tears threatening to spill. Wordlessly, he claps Jay's shoulder, giving it an affectionate and apologetic squeeze. None of this is Jay's fault. Antonio knows this and instantly regretted taking his emotions out on his colleague.
-72 hours prior-
You're sitting in the bullpen, having just been assigned to go undercover with your partner acting as your boyfriend. The idea being that the two of you would infiltrate the known drug gang the Scorpions as potential buyers and dealers for the more upscale neighborhoods the leader, Sammy, was trying to reach.
Your actual boyfriend is the first to speak. "Oh hell no. You're not doing this," Antonio tells you, earning a hard stare from you in return. "She's not doing this," he shifts his attention to Voight. "These...thugs are ruthless. They're killers."
Hank's eyebrow shoots up, wordlessly questioning Antonio. "Watch yourself there. Last I checked this was my unit. I give the orders."
"Sarge, if I may," you interrupt. "I'm willing to do this. I've successfully gone undercover before and I've gone alone," you remind not only your sergeant, but your boyfriend. "I want to do this." Your eyes fall to Antonio momentarily before looking back to Hank.
"Do whatever you need to prepare," he orders. You nod, reaching for your cell phone. Hank turns around and heads into his office. Antonio is hot on his heels, letting the door slam shut behind him after giving you a displeased look.
You huff an angry sigh. From his desk, Jay offers a sympathetic smile. "He's coming from a good place, y/n," he reminds you. "He's just scared. He knows you're more than capable of handling yourself out there."
Appreciating Jay's words, you nod your gratitude and make the call to set up this meeting.
You are fuming the entire walk up the stairs to your apartment. Antonio follows closely behind. You wait until the door closes completely before angrily spinning back in your heel to glare at him.
"Do you have any idea how demeaning and humiliating it is to not only have my boyfriend, but a superior colleague to react that way in front of my sergeant? Our sergeant? This is important, Antonio! And I'm not some rookie. I've done this before! You have no right-"
"You're right," his voice is calm and not at all what you expected to hear. "And I'm sorry, mi amor. I made sure to tell Voight before we left that I support you doing this and promised to not let my feelings compromise this case."
"Oh." You feel your anger start to dissipate. "In that case…can you order dinner, please? I'm going to take a quick shower." You stand on your tiptoes, pecking his lips softly with yours before heading to the bathroom.
Today was the day you and Jay, or rather your aliases Roxie and Ray (you relentlessly teased Jay about his lack of creativity), were meeting Sammy, having already built a rapport with some of the other members lower in the chain of command. If it went well, today should be the day you make the bust. Both of you step into the garage to meet the team and go over plans one last time. You're in a body flattering dress hitting right above your knees, Jay in a suit sans necktie.Your friends whoop and catcall  Part of your personas was playing a bored, wealthy, money-motivated couple and you had to look, not just act, the part. As Antonio approaches, Jay excuses himself saying he'll be in the car waiting whenever you're ready. Antonio's voice is quiet. "There's still time. Don't do this."
"I thought you supported me."
"I did...I do! I just can't let you-"
"Let me?" You yell, earning the unwanted attention of those nearby. You shake your head, hurt and disappointment shine in y/e/c eyes.  You walk away without another word, getting into the passenger side of the car
You reach the autobody garage the Scorpions use as a front. Immediately they pat you both down by a few members you've met during the time undercover. You're positive your inspection is more thorough as he squeezes your one ass cheek.
"Hey man," Jay shouts seeing you get groped.
"It's alright, babe," you wink. "Rico's only appreciating a good thing when he sees it." Rico smirks before declaring, "They're both clean."
Sammy, and another man you recognize from case files, Nic enter. "What's this? Who did you bring me?"
"These chumps are gonna be your new sellers."
Sammy's eyes hone in on you. You hold his gaze. "Hell naw," Nic says. "They brought you cops."
"Oh, please," you say, rolling your eyes. "With this face and ass-he knows, he felt it," you point to Rico, "I'm too fine to be a cop." You flash a cheeky smile.
"Bitch, shut up!" The back of his hand connects with your right cheek. The stinging causes your eyes to water. Beside you, Jay flinches; it's hard from him not to react.
'Listen man, I don't know what you think is going on. We just-"
"You can shut up, too." 
You hear the unmistakable sound of a gun cocking, turning to see it pointed at Jay. Sammy gives a nod to one of the others. 
"Look out," you try to warn Jay, but it's too late. The butt of a gun hits Jay in the temple and he gets kicked at the back of his knee until he falls to the ground. His head hits the cement flooring hard. You don't understand why the team hasn't busted in yet.
Nic's gaze is on you. "You testified at Dierk's hearing." His fist swings and it makes contact with your jaw. It's enough to make you sway but you remain on your feet. "He was my cousin you, stupid bitch. Get her in the car. Leave him."
As you're forced into a black SUV, you manage to choke out a weak,"Jay, " your stained voice sounding unrecognizable to your own ears.
The equipment they sent you in with was faulty. Voight was furious as was Antonio. They whole worked diligently to get video or audio, anything to keep tabs on you and Jay. It's not until the SUV, with you unbeknownst to them inside, peels out, that the whole team moves in and finds Jay bleeding and unconscious on the floor. Kevin reaches him first. "He's alive!" he shouts to the others. Adam radios for an ambo before he and the others continue to clear the building. Kevin gently shakes Jay awake. He groans, hands instantly reaching the side of his head. He makes to stand.
"Easy there, brother," Kevin warns. Jay lets Kevin help him to his feet. "We've got a bus on the way."
Jay nods, "I'm fine. Where's y/n?"
"She's not here. No one is," Hank answers as the rest of the team draw near Jay. Jay's stomach plummets as he realizes they've taken you, his partner.
"Son of a bitch!" Antonio yells, kicking an oil drum.
"We work fast to get y/l/n back," Hank declares. "Check for surveillance, witnesses. We find that SUV and we find y/n. Alive
 Any means necessary.  Let's move." The team disperses and his hand clasps Jay's shoulder. "You get checked out by medics first." Jay opens his mouth to argue, but shuts it quickly. He nods his compliance. Hank and Antonio follow him to the ambulance that's just arrived.
"Hey boss," Jay speaks, with a tentative glance to Antonio. "This went south when Nic recognized y/n as the detective who testified against his cousin. Hank pursed his lips, but even in his anger, the color drains from Antonio.
"Voight," Antonio's voice almost cracks.
"We'll get her back."
Bloodied and bruised, you're alive with very little clue as to where you are. Your survival skills kick in.
You take note of your surroundings. You think you're in an unfinished basement of a residence. Definitely a lower floor as you remember being tossed down a flight of stairs. Your hands are bound behind your back and tied to a support beam. The door to upstairs is locked and even if it wasn't, based on all the noise coming from the floors above you'd never make it out undetected. 
The door opens and heavy footsteps make their way towards you. Nic comes into your line of vision.
You try reasoning with him, "As far as I'm concerned, nothing's been done that can't be undone. You just gotta let me go."
"You don't get it, do you? Maybe this will clear things up for you." He draws his gun, pressing it into the middle of your forehead 
"But first I'm gonna fuck you real hard." His face inches from yours. Nic pulls the gun away. His stale, hot breath reeking as he stands too near. You couldn't help but scoff before you throw your head into his, headbutting him with all the might you could.
He cries out in agony.
"Stupid bitch." He backhands you. Then grabs you by the chin. His furious eyes never leave you and a rough hand claws at the skirt of your dress. You feel cold metal pressed against your thigh. "First, I'm gonna fuck that tight pussy with my gun inside you then-"
"Why?" You smirk. "Afraid you won't be able to get it up?" So much for those survival instincts. Anger flickers across his face. His free hand makes a fist. You dodge his swing and he instead makes contact with the pole. This enrages him more. Hastily Nic puts the gun back in his pants. Both his hands wrap themselves around your neck.
14 hours have gone by. That's how long it's been since Antonio's last seen you. He's hurt and getting desperate. With less than two hours of sleep (Antonio only went home after Voight said he wouldn't be any help without some rest), he was out trying to find any witnesses, checking traffic cams, and placing calls to all his CIs in hope that any of them might be able to give a lead. When one of them started stringing him along, Antonio jacked the guy up against an outside brick wall near the precinct. That's when Kim found him. 
"We got something," she says in a hurry, fearing Antonio may do something he can't come back from.
The team picked up two Scorpion members and one is currently in the cage. 
"Five minutes, Hank. Just give me the key and five minutes alone with this guy," Antonio pleads to his sergeant. From the cage, the Scorpion chuckles. Antonio lunges causing the chain links of the cage to rattle. He appears more animalistic than human and the laughter does immediately. "Where is she, you bastard?" Hank looks at the guy, still refusing to talk, then he unlocks the door for Antonio.
"Are you crazy? You can't let him in here with me," he shrieks.
"Your boss has one of our own. And she just so happens to be his girlfriend, so you're crazy if you think I could really stop him if I wanted to," Hank answers before moving away from the door and heading upstairs. The door barely swings open before Antonio steps inside, knocking the guy to his ass with one punch. He picks him up by the shirt collar preparing another blow when Jay and Adam come flying down the stairs.
"Get outta here!" Antonio yells.
"We got an address. Atwater and Kim they picked up another member and he talked," Adam says breathlessly. Antonio hesitates.
"C'mon on man," says Jay, "He's not worth any more of your time. If y/n's there, let's go bring her home."
Hours have passed. How many you're unsure, but as they ticked by your hopes of being found or escaping  dwindled. Pain flows through your entire body. You sit on the cold, hard basement floor, unable to stand anymore. Nic had strangled you until you passed out. He never touched you like he promised and when you regained consciousness you were alone.
Shouts came from upstairs. You're unable to hear every word, but you catch enough to know they're talking about you.
"We need to move her now. We've kept her alive too long!" You hear footsteps and then the opening of the door. Nic appears before you, with a sinister grin. Your heart races as he nears. His eyes roam your body as he undoes his belt. He pulls you to your feet by your hair. A whimper escapes you and he laughs. Once again, his hands pull at the skirt of your dress. His hands travel along your thighs and ass squeezing both. His touch makes your skin crawl that you actually shudder. His fingers start to tug your underwear down when there's a commotion from upstairs.
"Freeze! Chicago PD."
"Drop the weapon!"
"On your knees! Face down." 
"I said drop it!"
Your heart flutters with hope, but then shots ring out and you have no idea who's firing or what's happening up there.
"Down here!" You yell. The basement door opens.
"Chicago PD!" Antonio and Jay's voices ring out.
"One male. He's got a gun," you warn. As they rush down the stairs, Nic pulls his gun on you.
"Drop your weapon!" Jay orders. His eyes perfectly fixated on the gun in Nic's hands. Antonio eyes you carefully and while seeing you bruised and a gun to your head isn't ideal, he's relieved to see you alive. Your colleagues' guns stay fixed on your offender. "You won't be told again. Drop. Your. Weapon." Your eyes lock with your boyfriend's beautiful brown ones and you nod ever so slightly. You slide down the pole as Nic moves towards you as if he was going to use you as a shield. Both Antonio and Jay fire their guns. Blood splatters onto you. Jay moves to check the body, but all you really notice is Antonio running to you  and it's honestly a beautiful sight.  "Baby, baby, baby. Hang on. I got you," he soothes, working quickly to free your hands of the zip ties. Your head falls into his chest. Really your whole body just collapses into him. Antonio holds you close, careful not to embrace you too hard, but his touch has never felt better. You sob uncontrollably as he begins to rock you.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," you repeat.
"Shh. You did nothing wrong, mi amor. Shh, now, baby. I got you. You're safe again."
Immediately you're taken to the hospital. Blood is drawn,xrays taken, exams given. You've sustained several injuries, but nothing critical. Mostly you're bruised and exhausted, so when the machines you're hooked up to start beeping erratically, Antonio is confused and scared again, clearly demonstrated by that outburst directed at Jay. 
He opens his mouth to apologize when Will Halstead exits your room. 
"You can go back in now," he says simply.
The intelligence team looks at him, confused.
"What the hell just happened?"
"Y/n wasn't breathing properly."
Will puts his hands up. "No no. She's fine. She can breathe. She was sleeping and wasn't breathing deep enough for the machine to register it. I promise she's fine."
There's a collective sigh of relief from everyone.
Antonio coming back into your room is a most welcoming sight. There's so much to say, but your eyelids are heavy with sleep. Instead you take his hand in yours. Antonio's free hand lovingly caresses your face.A feeling of safety washes over you and you drift off into a peaceful dream.
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writingmorsels · 3 years
Prompt: Missing
You suddenly disappeared on the journey between your workplace and your home.
Alex, your current fiancé, is informed about this and wants to be involved with the search. Sullins gets him off the case almost immediately when foul play is presumed, considering Mahone one of the first suspects because of his (lately rocky) relationship with you.
Eaten by the thought of you dead, Mahone launches himself in a private investigation to try and find you.
Based off the song “Where’s My Love” by SYML
It had been Lang, that saint woman, who told Alex the news: you were gone and no-one knew where.
After leaving the administration building next to Alex’s office, you didn’t come home. People noticed only because you didn’t show up at work the next day and the interviewed doorkeeper of your apartment building confirmed never seeing you that night.
It had been also Lang, who kept him in the loop. The first days of your disappearance Alex had been shaking with adrenaline, sifting every video, every photo, every interrogation transcript Felicia gave him after Sullins took him off the case.
“I know that look,” Felicia spoke softly as her hands went to grab his ones. “You were out of State, it’s not your fault.”
Was it not?
The both of you didn’t stop fighting about anything, in the last days before her disappearing. Sullins thought it was obvious proof of Mahone’s culpability and Alex couldn’t but agree with his superior, just on a different note.
It was his fault.
He pushed you, pushed against your love and your presence because it was too good, too warm. You were too good for him and he broke you.
How many times he snapped at you? How many times has he let his work take priority over you?
Did he see the signals and didn’t care?
Or was he so blind he didn’t even notice?
Did you just… run away from him? Or were you in danger?
“How many hours, now?” Alex asked, his voice a whispery, ragged strand of what originally was.
Lang sighed, seeing his friend with his head hung forward and shoulders slouched down. He didn’t even try to hide the lack of sleep and food, at that point. “Alex…” “how many hours...days…?” his voice didn’t stop breaking from time to time, hardly keeping emotions where they had to stay.
Felicia remained silent, thinking about the last time she saw you, waving as you came out of your small little office. “Five days, more or less.” she confessed. “We searched along the road she usually takes, but nothing came up.”
Alex didn’t move, but his brain churned. “Have you checked-” “Looked at the CCTVs, in the park near her home, around the neighborhood...we even asked for security footage from civilians. I went out there myself and found nothing,” Lang exhaled, shifting on her side of the sofa, uncomfortable.
“Search dogs?”
“It had been raining since she disappeared. They can’t find a lead.”
“Interviewed coworkers? Someone that fancied her? Hated her? Or me?”
“He asked everybody, twice. Nothing came up beside office gossip. Listen, Alex, I know you know your stuff, but we know too. God’s know how much I want to find her, but you need to listen to me.”
Mahone went silent again, for a few seconds.
“Have you… looked where I told you to-” “...Alex,” Felicia's voice grew stern. “We looked. Every. Where… You need to start thinking that...maybe... she might be-” “DON’T-...Don’t say it. Please Felicia...just...let me...” and with that Lang couldn’t speak more.
Her chest tightened as she saw Alex curl up, hands gripping his own hair and tremble in what little tears he still had left.
With a small, weak “I’ll see myself out” she walked out of Alex’s living room, leaving the man to be with his sorrows with just a soft pat on his shoulder.
They didn’t search enough, Alex thought as he jumped up from the sofa, starting to pace around. He looked at your face peppering the place with various photos, smiling memories he still could feel, trapped underneath the surface of that agony.
They didn’t search well enough…! She had to be somewhere! If only Richard would listen to him!
She could die!
She could…
She is…
Anger came over him in a wave and Alex let out a pained roar, as he kicked over the coffee table, sending all its nicknacks flying.
A glass vase shattered, papers and flyers and documents flew around, the small piece of furniture rolled to the other side of the room.
You weren’t dead… you were just out of reach of anybody else.
That was it.
Fuck Sullin’s suspects, fuck everybody’s incompetence.
You were somewhere out there and if Alex found killers, rapists and even former military, he would find the love of his life.
He exited his house like a hurricane, not even grabbing his heavy coat to fight the cold of mid-autumn.
He had to check that place again. Even if his colleagues assured him the place was empty when they looked, Mahone had a feeling.
Because if you weren’t there...then you really just up and left him without a trace.
Five Day Earlier:
“What?!” you snapped, pressing your phone against your ear. You barely heard Alex through it, the sound of chatter and keyboards muffling his voice. “But we had plans...you know we had plans!” you whined, making some coworkers turn their heads.
You huffed, storming out of the office and on the emergency stairs, just so you could chew him a new one in peace.
“We found a new lead for the Ragman case-” “Like I care! You’re not the whole fucking Bureau, Alex! Let someone else handle it!” you barked, your free hand grabbing the railing.
It was that or it was crossing the street, up to his office and smacking him to kingdom come.
He sounded angry just like you, his voice cold and strained. “I can’t just step down! I’ve been following this case for weeks, you know it!” “I know that I’m planning this fucking dinner since EASTER, Alex! It’s not even the real Thanksgiving because you ALREADY HAVE that day filled, but no! No, you HAVE to be on the other side of the fucking Nation even tho you assured meー no, SWORE me you WOULD BE FREE!” you found yourself basically screaming into the phone.
It was like a dam exploded and now days and months of pushing down emotions kept pouring out.
It wasn’t only for a missed dinner, it was for the rest. The feeling of being less than his job, being unimportant. Not being enough for him.
Those thoughts gnawed at you for quite some time and now they came back in full force. “You know what?? Fine! Go be a superhero! Go hunt your next bone, good doggy! While you’re there, marry your fucking job too!”.
With that you slammed the phone shut without even listening to his voice anymore.
One after another, his promises kept missing...and you were at your wit’s ends. There was some talking to do, for sure, but before that you absolutely had to cool down or you would totally wreck what was left between you two.
So, after finishing your boring day at work you went out and, instead of going back to your shared home, you got on a bus and straight to your favourite place.
The park was nice even when the summer was just a memory, a thick fog rising from the browny waters of the lagoon.
You walked down a wooden path, feeling the wet earth beneath it shift slightly, and you breathed a long, long sigh; you didn’t need to be so mean, but you were so tired. Tired of battling for every inch of attention. Tired of tiptoeing around Mahone’s always full agenda.
You didn’t mind his line of work, being a federal was a very dangerous and busy occupation, but Alex seemed to always do more of what was expected of him. No one ordered him to travel and manually grab the killer of choice to bring back. No one ordered him to stay afterhours for days on end, leaving you to wait up until midnight with an empty plate in the kitchen.
He was the one going the extra mile for his job...but lately, you wanted him to take some, not all! But some of that mileage and invest it in his relationship with you.
Especially now that he proposed.
You chuckled a sob, remembering the day.
Was it just so you wouldn’t run away? Did he really love you?
Or did he love the cooking, the cleaning, the company?
You stopped in the middle of the wooden road and looked left, seeing a faint path in the tall grass.
That small, invisible trail led you to the best place of the park, where you played cop and thief with your friends.
It was a small, round clearing among the trees, with one L-shaped stone covered in moss you called ‘The Couch’.
You hopped on The Couch and groaned your anger away, laying down on the soft greenery.
You didn’t know what to do anymore...
Mahone stopped his car inches away from the main gate of the park, leaving the engine on as he got off.
He grabbed a torch from the glove box and ran inside, moving the light around like a blade cutting the darkness. His eyes swallowed every little detail as he walked, combing with his gaze through the trees, the grass, the waters.
Frantically he moved along the main path, flashing the wooden boards now dark and soaking wet.
The recent rain erased any single footprint that would have existed, but Mahone knew your favourite place.
You showed him once, making him find a basket full of good food, a blanket and some wine. “Twenty steps from the crooked tree… thirtyfive to the left,” he mumbled to himself, finding the faint trail almost immediately.
He walked like a pirate in search of a treasure, careful to never stray from the path.
“Y/n! Y/n honey!” he shouted.
Alex had this foolish thought, this little movie in his head that, once he overcame the underbrush and pierced the thick veil of trees, he would find you.
Maybe angry, maybe scared, it didn’t matter. He just wanted to hug you tight, to never let go.
As he walked up into the clearing, his already broken heart shattered.
Everything was as he remembered: the long, thin trunks of the ashes, the big green rock, the blades of grass.
Even the smell was the same, humid and woody.
But you weren’t there.
You weren’t sitting on that strange rock or maybe laying in the grass. Not you or your body or any kind of hint you were ever there.
Alex’s hand trembled, the light of the torch vibrating. “No...no no no…” he sobbed. “Y/N! HONEY!” he started to shout, “Y/N PLEASE! Y/N!” his eyes darted left and right as the realization started to really hit him. “Y/N I’M SORRY! PLEASE! DON’T...Don’t...p-please come back...” his voice crumbled as did his body, overexerted by the long days without respite.
The flashlight flew from his fingers in a fit of desperate rage and Mahone wept alone in the woods, almost wheezing in the constricting pain holding his heart.
Tears streamed down his face as his palms pressed against his temples, nails digging into his scalp.
It was his fault, all his fault...if he just said no to Sullins, if he sent Wheeler instead...if he listened to Felicia…
You would be home with him.
Eating a warm, good dinner together and then crashing into bed, holding each other until morning.
Now you were gone and his heart was, too.
c l a c k c l a c k c l a c k s p l a s h
Amongst the sobbing and the sounds of the night, Alex’s ears picked up on something. A sound that seemed to come almost from underneath him, faint and muffled.
Then, raising his head, Mahone noticed he was in complete darkness. His torch was nowhere to be found.
No, there was something: a few strands of grass seemed to shine, but the light was too feeble to be his flashlight...or was it?
He moved slowly, furrowing his eyebrows for a moment...and then his eyes shot open wide, for what he saw there, at the foot of the big green rock.
You lingered in that place for at least a couple of hours, watching the sky turning from grey to black as the night progressed. Your phone pinged a couple of times with messages from Alex, asking you to answer his calls, to stop being childish, to please reply. The last one was a defeated ‘we’ll talk when I’ll be back. Write when you’re home. Love you’ that made you melt a litte. You sighed, closing the phone with a little clack and laying it on your forehead, thinking. Now that you were calmer and level-headed, what had happened seemed a little excessive. Sure you’ll speak to Alex about your insecurities, about how you felt being always brushed aside, but at the same time you had to make peace with the fact that you still loved him, so very much. He had that job before you came into his life, it was one of the things that made you fall in love with him: his stubbornness, his logic, his courage. It was a new point in your life and it just needed adjusting, that’s all… “ehh...fuck me…” you whisper with a strange, sweet tone in it, as you took your phone and started to slowly type ‘Going home. Love you too’ to him. As you hit send, the phone froze for a second before giving you a small error message. “No signal? Where am I, Narnia?” you grumbled as you jumped off The Couch, lifting your cellphone at arm-high in search of signals. You stumbled around in the clearing, eyes transfixed on the little screen above your head. “C’mon, now that I wasn’t that angry anymo-” your voice yelped as your heel sank into rotten wood. Something behind you, on the ground, gave away and your entire weight dragged you down, down deep into the earth. You dropped like a stone, your fingers trying to grab the wet, rough walls as you plummeted down. Then a splash, cold water enveloping you with its sharp claws, but it didn't stop gravity enough for your bones not to break. You heard a snap and suddenly a jolt of electrifying pain shot all along your right leg. You cried in agony, scraping your nails against the rocks like running away from the hurt. After a few minutes of intense panic, your eyes started to watch around, to assess your position after the fall. You recognized it, between tears. It was a well. An old well hidden from everyone's eyes but nature, still filled with a couple of feet of freezing water. “Oh no...oh--ffffuck…!” you wailed as you tried to stand up, letting out another cry as you immediately fell down again, your own body too shocked to manage to stand up. The sandy bottom felt grimy underneath your hands, your phone dead in the water where it fell right after you. “HELP! SOMEBODY!” You passed all night screaming for help, watching the mouth of the well light up with the cloudy sky of the morning after. If you squinted enough, its form could be mistaken for a full moon in the middle of a dark sky. Unable to stand on your remaining leg for more than a few seconds, you leaned against the stone walls around you, trying to stay as far as possible from the water. It was too cold to sit in it without freezing to death and you surely didn’t want to die. You screamed and screamed until your throat felt raw and your voice cracked. Your thirst found solace with the same water threatening your life and you drank it with small sips, feeling its coolness fight your body temperature as you gulped it down. Another night came and went. The light grey sky became black again. It rained, water trickling down the walls and slowly pooling at the base of the well, around her legs. You drank your hunger away, using the rain to quench your thirst now that your small reserve of water got, alas, corrupted by your bodily function. Your voice carried less far away, tired but still trying. Third day and leaning against the wall with just one leg had been unbearable. Your knee buckled from time to time, sending you into the water now one feet higher. You convened with your body that sitting down, even if in freezing water, could be done for a couple of minutes at the time. You tried to scream for help again, but your voice croaked pitifully
and never reached the edge of the well, hidden among the grass. Surely someone noticed your disappearance. Surely there was police involved already...it had to be. You secretly hoped he noticed, too. Would he care, after what you screamed at him? You could not feel your leg anymore and looking at its bent shape made you nauseous. Or was it the hunger? "Please….! Someone…" Fourth day. You could not stand anymore. Water reached your chest now and the only moments of warmth is when your bladder empties itself. Rain stopped flowing down that night and you waved goodbye at your only source of clean water. He wasn't there. No one was. Death was. Fifth. Cold. Light. Alex…?
Mahone carefully palmed the edges of the well, double the size of a manhole.
He looked down, the light of his torch now reverberating along stone walls, impressing on them the dance of water. And his heart sank down the same moment he saw you.
You were sitting down with water lapping at your collarbones, your skin so pale you looked like a ghost.
His voice hiccuped a second, before coming out in full force. “Y/N!” he cried, but you didn’t move.
Only a slit of your beautiful, beautiful eyes was open. So were your lips, turned a dangerous shade of blue.
Quickly, Alex grabbed his phone and dialed Lang’s number, knowing full well she would still be in the office. She was leading the search, despite her pessimistic view about it.
The woman replied almost immediately, her voice tense. “Yes?” “I found her!” he hissed, panicked. “Send me the firefighter, now! And paramedics! Please she’s unresponsive I can’t reach-” “Alex, breathe! I’ll send you a backup, but you need to calm down! Where are you?”.
Mahone breathed in, tensing his jaw, before moving his head to search for something to try and pull you out. “She fell into an abandoned well,” his voice was colder, professional. “There’s no time, just track my phone. I’m going down…!” “Alex wait-!”
With that, Mahone closed the call and safely left his phone a couple of feet away from the mouth of the well.
Without a second thought, the man slid one leg into the hole, then the other, slowly lowering himself inside with his feet searching for pursuit on the smooth stones. His fingers found cracks in between the rocks and slowly started his descent. Alex slipped a couple of times, holding on just enough for his shoes to find a ledge again.
The journey you made in a few seconds five days prior, took Alex at least one solid minute of intense climbing. When only a couple of feet separated the both of you, Mahone let go of the wall and fell down into the freezing water, feeling it gnaw at his legs. “Y/n…! Oh God honey...please answer me…!” he panted as he reached you, kneeling down into the stagnant water. His hot hands cupped your frozen face, thumb caressing your cold lips and your damp cheekbones.
For a moment there was nothing. No movements, no reactions but only the sloshing of water around your bodies.
Slowly, then, you came up from the dark, fuzzy place where you were drowning, your eyelashes trembled, stuck, unable to open.
Resuscitated by his warm touch, his presence. “A...lex…” your voice was barely a raspy whisper, but that was enough for Mahone.
He exhaled a deep breath, a smile cracking his tense expression as he lowered his head to kiss your damp forehead. “I’m here love… I’m here.”
For a moment you thought about wrapping your arms around him, searching for more of that scalding sensation against the skin. As you tried, a new explosion of pure agony rebounded in your body.
You couldn't move, almost frozen solid in that curled position. Your stone-cold body started to shake visibly, like a broken machine trying to power on. “h-h-he...reー” you whined under your breath, one hand fighting against the cramping muscles to reach his shirt.
You gripped on him with all the strength you had left, eyes rolling behind the eyelids from time to time.
Mahone immediately wrapped his arms around you, enveloping you in his body warmth. “Yes Y/n I’m here. I’ll take you out darling...I’m here, I’m not leaving…” he whispered hurriedly in your ear, a big lump forming in his throat.
You yelped softly when he touched your broken leg, your only functioning hand pulling at his clothes in pain and Mahone furrowed his brows, watching down in the muddy water.
He saw your injury but didn’t say anything about it, only shifting his body to be able to hold you without causing any pain.
Cuddled into his arm, you let yourself mold into him, your heavy head resting on his shoulder and face searching the hot angle of his throat. “I’ll not let you die…” he sweetly spoke onto your wet hair. “You will not...leave me like this.”
You sighed against his skin, your trembling starting to subdue. Oh you were so tired, the weight of entire oceans on you… but you could not stand losing his voice into the fog. “h--urts-…” you let out a soft noise, desperate and scared.
Your eyes finally managed to unglue, lashes thawed and gaze glassy, but you watched his face, crossed by the undulating lights the torch created from the bottom of the water. If you died there, at least you managed to see the summer skies in his eyes one last time. “I let you down so many times darling…” Alex hushed, his voice low and closed in his throat. His hand never stopped caressing your face, brushing away locks of hair and heating up your skin with his palm. “But I’ll get you out of here...this is a promise I’m going to keep...you just...you just have to keep holding on.”
You wanted to speak, to reply to his sweet, sweet words. Transform your groan into words of love and pureness, but your hand felt heavier than ever before and your aching fingers lost grip on his shirt.
It had been difficult to even remain conscient at that moment, focusing on the beating of his heart in his throat. Focusing on your body now split in two: freezing death on one side, burning pain on the other.
“Stay awake Y/n, don’t sleep…! C’mon honey you have to stay with me now. Please..!” you heard Alex as if he spoke to you from the other side of a glass, the voice you always loved now muffled.
As your mind started to drift off again, a thought came into your mind.
You never managed to reply to his message.
You never said that to him. “ ーove... you…” your tired, hoarse voice managed to claw out of your mouth before passing out again.
Red and blue lights pierced through the trees and seconds after a group of men in uniform came rustling into the clearing.
Guiding them was Felicia Lang, her phone in her hand trying to reach out for Mahone without success. “Where are you, you dumbー !” her mumbling stopped as her eyes saw light coming through the earth, then a little mmmmhz-mmmmhz of Mahone’s vibrating cell phone.
“HERE! HERE!” she shouted, waving her arm. Both police and firemen crowded around the well for a moment, assessing the situation.
There was a man on the bottom of the well, standing in water up to his knees. He was holding a woman in his arms, trying to keep her as close to him as possible. “WE’RE COMING DOWN! STAND BACK!” one of the policemen yelled, as one of the firemen wore a harness.
Alex made one step back, watching intently at the man being lowered into the well by his colleagues. “C’mon…! C’mon!” he hissed under his breath, his body trembling with adrenaline while time slowed down to a crawl.
As soon as the fireman reached them, Alex neared him. “She’s hypothermic, unresponsive...I can’t find a pulse but I see her breathing…!” he spoke quickly, agitated and the fireman nodded. “Paramedics are on the surface, sir, don’t worry.”
You didn’t even make a sound as your frozen body passed from Alex’s determined hold to the arms of the unknown man.
Slowly, you were brought up and out of the moist hell you fell five days prior, and while the fireman carried you towards the on-coming stretcher, Alex was given a rope to use as a way to climb up right behind rescue.
He didn’t even feel the pain in his arms as training and fear both pushed him to move quickly, grasping at the edge of the well with one hand and the other being grasped by Lang. “She’s there, go…!” she whispered to him as soon as he came out.
Mahone neared the stretcher the same time the paramedics put it down for you to be laid on and start first aid.
They couldn’t find a pulse for a good thirty seconds, before one of them confirmed that yes, heart beats were present but slow.
“Shallow breathing. Have you temp?”
“25 degrees. She’s gonna collapse, wrap her!”
“On three. One, two, three-up!”
Alex walked near the stretcher, watching you being wrapped up in insulation blankets and with one of the paramedics pumping air into your lungs through a mask.
He never left your side, as the little procession sped through the park, towards the exit and into the back of an ambulance.
On the ride to the hospital, Alex never left your hand.
Your fingers never left his, too.
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cherryhanji · 4 years
rain and you
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bulleted scenario. skz x reader
genre: pure fluff (coz i'm feelin soft af), high school au
words: 2.5k
warning(s): none
description: a not so nice weather is approaching and sadly, you didn't bring an umbrella with you.
➤bang chan
• "i'll walk you home, the weather's not good"
• you lift your gaze to the sky, and he isn't wrong, but the fact that chan, your high school senior and also your /crush/ offers to walk you home, shyness enveloped in your whole being making you refuse to his offer.
• "no, oppa. it's okay. our house is just nearby. I can run though."
• "are you sure? you brought an umbrella with you?"
• smiling sheepishly, you shook your head
• "it's okay, oppa. I promise. But, I need to go home now."
• you bid your goodbyes to chan and he did the same before you head to the direction of your home.
• but being the unluckiest human being you are, the strong rain pour making you slightly damped.
• you ran to the nearest convenience store and decided to stay there until the rain stop pouring.
• while waiting for the rain to stop, you turn your gaze to the store's entrance and saw chan, who immediately found you sitting, hair sticking to your forehead and damped uniform thanks to the rain.
• shaking his head, he went near you putting his umbrella at the side.
• "what did I tell you? The weather's not good."
• he grabbed something inside his bag, a big jacket and hand it to you.
• "wh-what will I do with this oppa?"
• "maybe put it inside your bag? Haha! Just kidding! Wear that first and let me take you home. No more buts."
• you just nodded and try to stay calm while your heart is now drumming inside your chest. Your crush, /your crush/ will walk you home. Maybe not bringing an umbrella isn't that bad.
➤minho/lee know
• this day maybe the worst day you ever had in your life
• flopping the math exams because you didn't copy the notes you supposed to be reviewing, not able to pass the activity on time. Procrastination sucks, but you still do it. (like mate, stop procrastinating)
• and not bringing an umbrella in this bad weather. seriously?
• stomping your feet because of your stubbornness, you wait for the rain to stop at the school's waiting area.
• you keep on checking the time on your phone when a voice called you.
• you lift your gaze to find the direction of the voice to see Minho, your classmate aka mortal enemy(aka again, your crush) waving at you. Your heart skip a beat but tried to composed an annoyed face. You just furrowed your eyebrows as he went to you.
• "what now minho?"
• "looks like your lonely at the middle of this sad weather. Don't have an umbrella?"
• you grunted at his annoying manner
• "shut up, i'm not in the mood."
• "i think that means no. want me to walk you home?" He said and winked at you and you swear, your cheeks are like tomatoes because of its redness.
• "n-no need! I can go home by myself, i just need to wait for this to stop."
• minho just furrowed his eyebrows and tutted at you.
• "looks like this rain will keep on pouring for hours. Are you sure you'll wait for it to stop?"
• you look at the sky, dark clouds welcomed you and you contemplated to retort because he isn't lying.
• minho chuckled and raised his eyebrows at you.
• you just puffed your cheeks and let out the air in it to calm your insides. Minho is just looking at you.
• "fine!" You just gave up making Minho chuckle and put his arms on your shoulder making you jump at the sudden contact.
• "you can't resist my charms, don't you?"
• you just huffed and rolled your eyes at him
• "shut up! it's, it's just that I didn't have an umbrella with me!"
• he just shrugged and opened his umbrella, "okay! If you say so!"
• you and your classmate changbin went to the convenience store after your classes to buy some food when the rain suddenly poured making you frown
• "screw me for being forgetful dude, i forgot my umbrella."
• changbin turned to you and chuckled as he knew that you were a forgetful human being
• "i'm not surprised y/n. you even forgot our assignment in biology a while ago."
• "yeah, okay. poor me. i guess i'll stay here until the rain stops"
• changbin smiled and tapped your shoulder making you look at him.
• "don't be sulky. I can walk you home you know." he winked and showed you his umbrella.
• "hey, is it okay? I mean we don't have the same way going home."
• "it's okay. I can't just leave you here alone waiting for the rain to stop."
• "you can wait for the rain to stop too.." you said matter-of-factly
• changbin stayed silent for a while, realizing you were not wrong.
• "w-why? you don't like me to walk you home?"
• "I didn't say anything."
• "good, now let's go."
• changbin grabbed his bag and yours making you gasp slightly.
• "hey you don't ha--"
• "it's okay. let's go"
• "Uh... The umbrella is not that big, so..."
• changbin wrapped his arms on your shoulders making you moved closer to him.
• "stay closer so you won't get wet."
• you just nodded while your heart is already thudding in your chest.
• after watching Hyunjin's basketbball practice, you decided to go home now.
• You have a huge crush on the school's varsity player so you won't let the opportunity of watching him play go to waste.
• even if the weather is not that nice since noon and you didn't bring an umbrella with you..
• You just sighed and decided to run to the bus stop even if the rain is already pouring hard.
• you were preparing to run when a guy's voice called you making you stop at what you're planning to do.
• you turn your head and saw hyunjin smiling at you.
• because of how flustered you are, you turned your back at him to hide your blushing face.
• "hey. you're y/n, right? are you going home now?" you eyes widen when you heard his voice near you.
• you slowly turn your head to him and smile sheepishly.
• "ah yes. I'll just run to the bus stop, tho."
• "I'm also going to the bus stop. As I can see, you don't have an umbrella with you. do you mind if I walk with you there?"
• hyunjin offered you as he showed his umbrella with him.
• you just stayed silent as the fact that you're crush is offering you to walk with him at the bus stop.
• "uh, y/n. still there?"
• you shook your head going back to reality and looked at him.
• "uh, sorry. What is it again?"
• "I asked you if it's okay if I walk with you at the bus stop. Since you don't have an umbrella and it's getting darker now."
• you look at the time on your phone showing that it's already 6:30 pm.
• you just accepted his offer even of your heart almost jump out of your chest because of the fact that you're near, and walking with your crush.
• the cold weather is contrasting with the warm feeling that is now lingering on your cheeks.
• "let's go?"
• you nodded and just shed yourself under hyunjin's umbrella.
• you bid your goodbyes to your friend as you separate ways going home
• but it seems like the weather is not on your side today.
• rain is already falling but you forgot to bring your umbrella with you.
• frowning, you just wait for the rain to stop.
• "y/n!"
• you lift your gaze to the guy who called you who turns out to be jisung, your classmate.
• "h-hey, jisung... why are you still here? dance practice?"
• he nodded and sit beside you. you just hummed and turn your attention to your phone. awkwardness start to envelop between you.
• all your classmates knew that jisung likes you, a lot. Little did they know, you also feel the same, making this situation awkward for you.
• "aren't you going home yet?"
• "not yet, the rain is still pouring, i guess i need to wait for it to stop."
• "uh... i have an umbrella here. i can walk you home if you like."
• your eyes widen out of shock. you felt your heart skip a beat. is this even happening???
• "oh, i... is it okay? i mean are we having the same way home?"
• he just nodded at you and smile sheepishly as the thought of walking his crush home, which is you, makes his heart do somersaults
• "oh, okay... if you say so. thank you..."
• "no prob. i guess you're friend already went home."
• "yeah, because i thought i can go home with no problem. but the weather is quite mean to me."
• "let's go? Before it gets any stronger."
• jisung scooted you closer to him so you can't make yourself wet.
• you slightly jumped at how his hands are warm and soft making your heart again jump.
• jisung is quite shocked because of his newfound confidence but he just brushed it off so it won't make the situation more awkward.
• "thank you, jisung."
• "you're welcome."
• you are calmly waiting for the rain to stop inside the library.
• you were stucked there for almost 2 hours, because your groupmate already went home. Luckily you have some books there to avoid the seeping boredom in you.
• "y/n?"
• you stopped reading ang lift your gaze, seeing Felix. You smiled at him as he went near you.
• "hey, still studying?"
• "nah, just to kill boredom. I'm waiting for the rain to stop. I can't go home under the rain."
• felix just shook his head as his arms are propped on the table while resting his chin on his palms.
• he straighten his seat as an idea popped into his head.
• hey y/n! i can walk you home. I have an umbrella with me."
• a smile appeared on your face after he said that.
• "really? you're a lifesaver, lix! but, is that okay?"
• "of course! Why not?"
• "i mean, your house is far from ours. You might come home late."
• "it's okay. I'll just tell mom that I helped out a friend."
• "thank you lixie!"
• "come on, while it's still early."
• "that's all. don't forget to bring the stuffs tomorrow okay? so we can prepare earlier for the fair."
• seungmin, your student council president finally dismissed the meetinng for the preparation for the school fair next week.
• "y/n, don't forget to bring the curtains for the stage design, okay? gotta go, my mom is already outside"
• you just bid your goodbyes to yeji and fixed your things, it's already 5 pm and the thought of hearing your mom scold you for coming home late makes you frown.
• but as you take a look at the window outside the room, strong rain greeted you.
• you opened your bag to check if you bring your umbrella with you but you saw nothing.
• "urgh! why does it have to be today??"
• "hey, y/n? is there any problem?"
• seungmin approached you as he heard you groaned
• you thought you're the only one left inside so you were quite shocked to hear seungmin's voice.
• "uh... uhm yeah. I forgot my umbrella. And it's raining outside. but i cannot wait for it to stop, my mom will scold me if i go home late again."
• you blurted out while seungmin is intently listening to you.
• you just sighed and sit down on the chair near you.
• "hey, want me to walk you home? i have a quite big umbrella with me. I think we can fit in here."
• seungmin offered to you showing his umbrella.
• you looked at seungmin for a while, registering what he said to you.
• seungmin is the type of student who is quiet, and has the looks of a smart, intimidating student, that's why you really admire him. and he's also the reason why you joined the student council. In that way, you can have at least some interactions with him.
• seungmin is not the type to talk to people casually especially if he's not really close with them. So him, offering to walk you home, makes you shock and makes your heart flutter.
• "a-are you sure? I mean i can just wait here. I'll just tell my mom I had to wait for the rain to stop."
• he just sighed and grab your bag.
• "come on, i just can't leave you here. And besides, we're on the same way home."
• seungmin said making your eyes wide.
• "really?? how did you know?"
• "it's because I saw you one time. I just didn't call your name because... because I'm shy..."
• he said and you can't be wrong. you just saw his cheeks slightly turned red making you chuckle. he's so /cute/.
• "you know what? Let's go."
• you just nodded and head out of the room.
• you just finished doing your project and you're getting ready to go home.
• when you heard the loud pouring of rain outside your classroom window.
• you grunted as you realized that you forgot to bring your umbrella with you..
• jeongin stopped at what his doing as he saw your mini tantrums.
• "hey, y/n. you look like you lost from a game. What happened?"
• "i forgot to bring my umbrella with me! And it's raining outside."
• you just slumped yourself at your seat and closed your bag.
• "i'll just need to wait for it to stop."
• "uh, y/n. i think the condition of the sky says no. Look, it's quite dark outside."
• you turn your eyes to the window to check the sky, and jeongin isn't lying.
• "i think i need to run to the bus stop while raining."
• you huffed out of frustration and leaned on the chair.
• "i'll walk you there, perhaps i want to go home too now."
• you straighten up your seat and looked at jeongin.
• "really?"
• he nodded at you and stand up.
• "come on, i badly want to go home now."
• you just nodded at him and grabbed your bag and head out of the room.
• "thank you, innie."
• "no prob, princess."
it's been a lifetime since i posted a bulleted type of scenarios and all i can say is-- none. Yeah, anyways this fic was made a long time ago. but i just got the courage to post it today after lots of edits ajd rereadings. I hope u like it and thank u!
Special thanks to my forever vivi @peaches-writes for helping me with my struggles. u the best girl💖
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sugar-kisser · 4 years
Hi i love your work! Is it possible to request you to write anything to do with yunho ( not angst tho plss) pleaseee thank you
Yes of course! I hope you enjoy! 
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warnings: none  featuring: Hongjoong  word count: 2067
“Please do not tell me you are already doodling on a cup for Y/N,” Hongjoong more-or-so states rather than asks, as he walks into the break room to grab some more coffee beans from the storage unit. Yunho looks up, caught red handed with a paper cup in one hand and, currently, a blue sharpie in the other. Yunho opens his mouth to respond, but Hongjoong holds up his hand, stopping him.
“Don’t even bother making excuses,” Hongjoong laughs before disappearing into the storage unit for a moment, “you might as well write your number on it!”
“What?” Yunho exclaims, “no way! That’s too embarrassing. She’ll think it’s weird.”
“Yunho,” Hongjoong sighs walking back into the break room, “you’ve had a crush on her for the past three months. I’m about to ask her out for you.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” Yunho glares at him. Hongjoong raises his eyebrows and briefly smirks.
“Pretty sure six o’clock is in ten minutes,” Hongjoong teases.
“Hongjoong, stop,” Yunho whines causing Hongjoong to laugh at his best friend.
“I’m teasing!” Hongjoong laughs at him while he walks back towards the door to head back to work. He stops and looks back at Yunho, “seriously though, write your number on it. She’ll definitely text you.” Hongjoong exits the room leaving Yunho alone once again. Yunho takes a deep breath to calm his racing nerves and looks back at the doodled cup in his hand. He’s not the best artist, but he tries his best when it comes to decorating you cup. He always starts with a big pink heart on the side that has “SMILE” written in the center. Then he moves on to different colors and randomly doodles shapes, objects, and words on the rest of the cup. 
Yunho always writes little messages on cups for customers, but something sparked it in him to do something a little more, and you happened to be the first person he did that on. So he left a little heart next to the message he wrote. Little did he know you planned on continuing to come back to the little coffee shop. The first few times Yunho just did the message and little heart, but when he began to really recognize you and start talking to you he started adding more and more doodles. Each time you came in one more doodle was added to the cup. Now it’s to the point where he has to sit in the back on his break and decorate your cup.
You on the other hand love the doodled cups Yunho gives you. You actually don’t live near the coffee shop Yunho works at, nor do you work near there either. You first stumbled upon the coffee shop after visiting you boyfriends apartment… well now ex-boyfriend. You fell in love with their coffee, and you take the bus everyday after work to get some. You also took a liking to both the young baristas of the shop which you’ve made a mutual relationship with both of them. Some days you’re able to have a small chat with them, others you aren’t due to the amount of college student’s who decide they want to stay up all night long doing last minute assignments.
You patiently wait on the bus; the traffic is heavier than usual today and you keep checking the time on your phone. You’re not really sure why you’re too worried if you’re going to arrive at exactly six. Most days you’re either there just before or just after. So you’re not sure why you feel a little on edge today. You’re not going on a date. You don’t have any extra work to complete. And you’re more than sure that you don’t have any plan other than getting your coffee and talking to Yunho and Hongjoong.
When you notice the time slowly inching a little further past six and the bus not having moved in the past five minutes, you ask the bus driver to let you off where you are. You get onto the busy sidewalks and make your way towards an area that’s not as crowded to check the map on your phone to check how far you’re from the coffee shop.
“Four blocks?” You mumble, “that’s not too bad.” You put your phone back into your bag and begin you small trek.
“It’s almost 6:30,” Yunho slightly whines as he props his elbows up on the low counter having to bend down to do so.
“She might just be late,” Hongjoong tells him as he washes some of the equipment they use. Yunho loudly sighs causing Hongjoong to just roll his eyes. “She’ll be here Yunho. Don’t worry too much about it.” Yunho knows Hongjoong right, but he doesn’t like waiting. He’s usually not impatient- he’s just excited.
Yunho perks up when he hears the bell above the coffee shop door rings, but deflates a little when he see’s a few college students walk in instead. So to make time pass Yunho takes their orders and starts making their drinks. Just as Yunho is starting on the last of the three drinks ordered, and being in his own little world Hongjoong’s voice breaks him out of his thoughts.
“Y/N! You’re here!” Hongjoong greets you as you walk through the door.
“Hey. I had to walk the last four blocks because traffic wasn’t moving,” you laugh as you walk up to the counter. 
“I’ll have Yunho start on your drink,” Hongjoong tells you, already knowing what you’re wanting… well it’s not hard since you order the same thing every time. You hand Hongjoong you card and without you knowing he adds on the employee discount as he does every time and charges you. Yunho finishes up his previous drink order and calls out for the students names. 
Hongjoong hands him the doodled cup he left near the register earlier and begins working away.
“So how was your day?” Hongjoong asks as he moves towards the pick up counter.
“It was long. I honestly haven’t had a good week, so I’m happy for it to be Saturday tomorrow,” you tell him, “how has work been? Doesn’t seem busy tonight.”
“It hasn’t been. Which is nice. My feet aren’t killing me for once,” Hongjoong jokes causing the two of you to laugh.
“How about you Yunho?” You ask looking over Hongjoong’s shoulder. Yunho perks up like a puppy who’s been asked if they want a treat.
“Oh, I’m good,” Yunho shyly smiles towards you, “just been keeping myself busy.”
“Being a lovesick puppy,” Hongjoong rolls his eyes before slightly laughing. 
“Oooh. You like someone Yunho?” You ask cheerfully.
“He sure does,” Hongjoong quickly answers for him, “doesn’t shut up ever. I’ve been bugging him to ask her out and he won’t.” Yunho continues to make your drink as he feels his nerves really kick in. Not only that but his ears have turned a bright pink because of how flustered he is. He feels as if he’s about to be caught.
“You should ask her out,” you encourage Yunho, “she’d be the luckiest girl in the world.” Yunho turns around, holding your completed drink.
“Plus she’d be dumb to say no,” Hongjoong adds and you nod your head agreeing.
“Y-you think?” Yunho asks as he hands you your drink, slightly stuttering but he catches himself.
“I know,” you smile, “you should really do it. Does she come here a lot?” Yunho presses his lips together tightly but manages to give you a small smile and nod his head. “You should totally write your number or like ‘date?’ on the cup then! Really cliche but it’s cute.”
“Okay. I’ll do it,” Yunho shyly laughs and wipes his hands down on his apron out of nervousness.
“Good,” you tell him and you look at your phone to check the time, “I think I’m going to head out. I’ve had a long day and still haven’t had dinner. I better hear more about this girl tomorrow.” You point at Yunho teasing him a little, causing him to blush.
“Oh you will!” Hongjoong smiles and waves as you make your way to the door.
“Bye boys!” you smile. The boys wave back and you leave the coffee shop and walk to the bus stop around the corner.
“You put your number on the cup,” Hongjoong smirks having seen the number written on the cup as Y/N held it. Hongjoong leans against the counter, crossing his arms. Yunho doesn’t respond as he cleans the equipment tools he just used to make Y/N’s drink.
“YOU REALIZE THIS RIGHT?” Hongjoong grabs the tall boy and shakes him, “she’s going to call or text you within the next hour.”
“You don’t know that,” Yunho quietly tells him.
“You idiot,” Hongjoong slaps his hand to his own face and shakes his head, “she literally said ‘she’d be the luckiest girl in the world’.”
“But she wasn’t even thinking about if it was her,” Yunho clarifies.
“She. Will. Text. You,” Hongjoong tells him, “I bet you $20.” Yunho looks doubtfully at the red headed boy.
The traffic hasn’t seen to lighten at all, and it had already been half an hour since you arrived to the bus stop. You drank just about all of your coffee. You had been observing the little doodles on the cup here and there. Usually you wait till you’ve drink everything so you don’t spill it. So you quickly swallow the last of the coffee in one go. You lean the cup more to it’s side and begin looking at all the little doodles.
“Always creative with his ideas,” You laugh looking at the multiple different colored flowers, and his attempt to draw himself and Hongjoong. As your eyes scan over everything you double back when you spot something other than a drawing.
“Wait,” you whisper and you count the numbers, “oh my god.”  You think back on your conversation with the boys and it hit you. Yunho has a crush on you. Without second thought you hurry back to the coffee shop… hopefully his shift hasn’t ended. 
You open the door and Hongjoong looks up from the his phone laying on the counter. He just smiles and points to the break room. You hurry back and open the door loudly, causing a startled Yunho to jump. When Yunho lays his eyes on you, he instantly knows. The two of you quietly stare at each other for a moment before you speak up.
“You like me?” You ask with a surprised smile on your face, and you watch Yunho’s ears turn pink, “you do!”
“You don’t need to make fun of me,” Yunho quietly tells you, looking at the ground.
“Make fun of you? Yunho, why would I- I like you Yunho,” you tell him, and Yunho’s head shoots up, “yeah I come to the coffee shop everyday, travel across town for it, to have your coffee and to talk to you and Hongjoong. But I want to see you. You always make my days better Yunho, even if all you do is smile and give me my doodled cup. You know I’ve kept every single one? They’re stacked up on a shelf in my room.” Yunho’s eyes slightly widen and his mouths drops.
“You’ve kept every cup I’ve doodled on?” Yunho asks breaking into a small smile.
“Why would I throw away the one thing I have of you?” You ask, “they hold memories.” Yunho drops his jacket, walks up to you, and envelopes you into a hug. You hug him back, and you two just hold each other for a minute. Yunho pulls away and you look up at him. He gently cups your face and leans down to plant a sweet short kiss to your lips. When he pulls away he gives you his famous big smile.
“How about dinner since you still haven’t ate?” Yunho suggests, now in a giggly mood.
“I’d love to,” you answer, smiling back at him. Yunho grabs his jacket, closes his locker, and the two of you walk out of the break room.
“FINALLY!” Hongjoong cheers, “seriously Y/N, it was weeks. Thank you.” You laugh as Yunho’s ears turn pink for a third time tonight and the two of you wave good-bye to Hongjoong before leaving the coffee shop, the doodled cup still in your hand.
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sirius-archive · 5 years
Could I get an imagine where the reader is a muggle American and she’s on vacation in London with her family and she somehow lost her family and she’s like freaking out and then she runs into Sirius on the streets and he like helps calm her down and helps her find her family? Sorry if this is a weird request
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Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader, James Potter x Lily Evans (mentioned) 
Warnings: Swearing, stranger danger too, I guess. 
A/N: so sorry this took so long! I loved the idea and I hope I did it justice. I might add to it later on or revamp it bc I love the idea but it’s a big maybe at the moment bc I’m so busy with uni and work and also my other wips. I hope you enjoy this though. Also I changed the request quite a bit bc I forgot what you originally wanted! So sorry!! 
just want to add that I did something o probably shouldn’t and included my real life friends! With their permission, ofc. I also made a modern reference even tho it’s supposed to be the seventies but I liked it too much so I left it in ha ha. Also…pls don’t talk to strangers. This is fanfiction people not an advice column. 
It’s another uncharacteristically warm day in London.
The sun showers blankets of warm golden light over the city, guilding skyscrapers and warming the sweet, honeyed breeze. Sparrows are chirping sweet, morning songs, dancing in the air with surprising grace. Squirrels scamper across lush green grounds in a park nearby, happily bidding you a good morning.
And not one of these motherfuckers are going to help you find your friends.
You wander aimlessly past the same park monument you saw just half an hour ago. Your legs are already aching, your feet are forming blisters that hurt the more you think about them, and the sun is slowly drilling into your soul.
You think you might die of thirst before you find your friends.
In retrospect, it wasn’t entirely Sophie’s fault. While it was her dumb shit idea to tag along with the sexy British tour guide, you, Matt, Aaron, Riley and Reuben had been far more interested in touring the British Museum. So it wasn’t at all surprising when Sophie rushed off with knockoff Colin Firth to have a jolly high tea or whatever it is British people do on dates. Still, it gave you an opportunity to visit the museum.
You hadn’t even walked through the front gates when Matt, Aaron and Riley wandered off to have a deep and meaningful (you had warned Riley that coming on the trip with Aaron would cause some tension between your group. Thing between you and Aaron were a lot more complicated than the five-night-stand you’d shared last year). Reuben, being his usual womanising self, started flirting with the hot receptionist and not wanting any part of that (last time you wing-womaned for Reuben, the chick thought you were seeking a third), you stepped out for some air.
Now, you’re trying to navigate through the urban maze that is London by yourself, struggling to find your friends who are scattered all over the city.
Slumping against a park chair, you take a deep breath and study your map again. A part of you is screaming at you to swallow your pride and ask for directions but you’re a stubborn New Yorker and if you can effortlessly find your way through the Big Apple, you can tackle London.
“You’re not from around here…” says a masculine voice behind you. You sit up straight, whipping around in the direction of the voice.
Holy fucking cucumber sandwich.
The most handsome man you’ve ever laid your eyes on leans against the trunk of an old oak tree, observing you with a mixture of amusement and intrigue. He looks like he chomps down magical donuts that grant him sexy powers. You stare.
A cigarette hangs from his kissable, smirking lips. His hair falls gracefully around his face, framing glinting gray-blue eyes, high cheekbones and a strong jaw. He’s wearing a leather jacket and exudes all types mysterious-sexy-bad boy vibes. You’d bet a hundred bucks that he rides a motorcycle too.
Boys with motorcycles are usually trouble.
Your mouth goes a little bit dry.
“Please don’t be a serial killer,” you mutter and the stranger cocks a perfect eyebrow.
“What was that?”
You shake your head, “I mean — Is it that obvious?”
Sexy bad boy stranger shrugs, “I know a lost tourist when I see one.”
“Is this what you do, then? Lurk around parks waiting for lost tourists?”
Bad boy chuckles — a deep growling sound that rumbles at the back of his throat, “Maybe. Maybe I was just walking past and thought I’d help out a pretty girl in need.”
It takes all of your willpower not to blush now.
“So you’re just a Good Samaritan, then.”
“I’m whatever you want me to be.”
“What if I want you to go away?”
The handsome, young motorbike guy takes a deliberate step forward, “I think we both know that’s not true.”
You swallow. He’s good at this game. Something tells you that you’re not the first victim of his play-boy charms.
Desperately trying to reclaim your composure, you fold your arms across your chest and glare at him.
“What makes you think I need your help?”
British James Dean thinks for one attractive moment, “Well, you don’t have to accept my help but something tells me that if you don’t ask for directions soon, you’re going to end up wandering around London forever.”
He makes a good point.
You stand up from your seat, arms still folded across your chest, “Hypothetically speaking, If I were to accept your help, how would I know that you’re not a perverted serial killer who wants to collect my spleen and leave me in a ditch or something?”
Sexy stranger takes another step forward, “That’d be a shame. You’re too beautiful to kill, and I’m just beginning to like you.”
“That’s exactly what a perverted serial killer would say.”
“Touché. Alright, how about this: I drop you off at your hotel straight away, no detours and no taxi fees that you have to fork out to greedy muggl— erm, I mean, drivers.”
You consider this. He certainly doesn’t seem like a serial killer. Still, it’s hard to trust a charming stranger, especially one as handsome as he is. Then again, if he’s smart — which he definitely is — he’d never kill you in broad daylight in the middle of London.
You uncross your arms and hold one out for him to shake, “Alright, deal.”
Sexy stranger takes your hand and shakes it. His hand is strong and firm and electricity sparks in the warm space where your hands are clasped together.
You blink at him, “Is that some kind of fungal STI that I need to be aware of?”
Sexy stranger chuckles again, “My name is Sirius.”
Sirius? Who the fuck calls their kid Sirius? You have to admit that the name suits him, and the way he says it — in a husky, velvety murmur — gives the name an alluring sex appeal, which sums him up completely.
You consider giving him a fake name but ultimately decide against it. That’s just weird and you can’t lie for shit.
“I’m (Y/N).”
Sirius repeats your name, tasting it on his lips. A more carnal part of you wishes he’d say it in a completely different context.
“Alright, (Y/N),” Sirius smiles, and he practically glows with charisma, “Lets get you home.”
You were right, of course. About the motorcycle.
Sirius’ carefully-polished motorbike is almost as sexy as it’s owner; gleaming in the sunlight and flaunting a sleek black paint job with plush leather seats. Several passerby’s stop to admire it (or Sirius, you can’t exactly tell), though Sirius doesn’t pay them any mind. One dudebro with a repugnantly bright tank top gawks at the motorbike while his girlfriend stares hungrily at Sirius.
“I’ve…never ridden a motorcycle before,” you bleat nervously.
Sirius hands you a helmet and smiles.
“Just hold onto me and you’ll be fine.”
Sirius mounts his motorbike and you awkwardly slide in behind him. You’re not sure where to put your hands so you place them on his shoulders. You think you hear Sirius laugh behind his helmet.
Sirius turns the ignition, revs the engine, and kicks the bike into gear.
“You alright back there?” He calls over the roar of the bike.
“Hold onto my waist,” he orders, “You’ll be more secure.”
You’re about to protest but then Sirius takes off and you find your arms flying to his waist, gripping on tightly.
It’s exhilarating. Liberating. Intoxicating.
As Sirius weaves between London traffic, you feel a rush of adrenaline pulse through your veins. The air whips past, fluttering around the ruffled trim of your dress. Your hands soak in the warmth of Sirius’ body, his muscles firm beneath your touch.
You pass familiar landmarks and stores you passed when you and your friends took the double-decker bus from your hotel room. You recognise the buildings around you and realise the hotel is just a few kilometres down the street, on the right.
Suddenly, Sirius veers off to the left and zooms down a street you don’t recognise.
“What are you doing? The hotel is up that way!”
“I just have to make a quick stop,” he shouts over his shoulder.
“That wasn’t part of the deal!”
“Don’t worry, it won’t take long.”
You clutch onto him, apprehension beginning to claw away at your lower belly. Where is he taking you? How could you have been so stupid to trust an extremely attractive stranger to follow through with a deal?
Sirius slows the bike down until it rolls to a stop and flicks the engine off, climbing off sexily. He helps you clamber awkwardly off the bike and you tear your helmet off, taking in your surroundings for the first time.
You’re next to a footpath with a view of the The Thames, lined with large ornamental pear trees. Its quite a romantic spot with a view of the entire city sitting pretty behind the flowing River Thames.
Sirius tells you to wait by the motorbike and stalks away, rushing toward a boy who looks about your age. He’s tall, has messy black hair, and half-frame glasses. He looks like a sexy professor with the body of an Olympic swimmer that all the girls have crushes on.
Why are all the men here so insanely attractive?
You’re just about to sink into a delightful fantasy of sexy Professor feeding you grapes when Sirius comes up behind you.
“Ready to go?”
You ignore his question, “Who was the god — I mean — guy that you saw?”
Sirius arches an eyebrow. You notice for the first time that there is a scar knitted into it, “That’s James. He’s a total prat, by the way.”
“Sounds like you two have that in common,” you quip and Sirius mocks offence.
“Anyone tell you that you’re cruel?”
“Everyday of my life.”
“Here I was thinking you were just another hot little American bird.”
For one half of a millisecond, your brain snags on the word ‘hot.’ Did he just call you hot? You heard that right? You recover with grace, grinning wickedly.
“You’ll get over it.”
A teasing smirk flirts around the corners of Sirius’ lips, a little crookedly, slanting lazily in a way that makes your cheeks warm. He looks amused by this verbal tug-of-war but also a little turned on.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel the same way.
“You ever walk along the River Thames?” Sirius asks, sliding his strong, sexy hands into the pocket of his sexy leather jacket. He begins to follow the footpath, leading you past the knots of pigeons and moonstruck lovers.
“No,” you sigh, “Admittedly, I just came along for the underage drinking and the hot British guys.”
Sirius laughs, “How’s that working out for you?”
You shrug, teasing him with a flirtatious smile, “I’m still working on it.”
“If you want,” Sirius begins, clawing at the nape of his neck, “I can help you out with that.”
You quirk a carefully-manicured brow, “What, you know any hot guys like your buddy James?”
Sirius snorts, “I wouldn’t go saying that around his girlfriend.”
“Why, is she the jealous type?”
“No, she’s the ‘try-not-to-make-his-fat-Head-even-fatter’ type.”
You chuckle, intrigue plucking at your mind, “She’s my type of girl.”
“Lily is everyone’s type of girl.”
“Well now I just have to meet her.”
Sirius raises his brows, a spark of hope in his eyes, “Is that your way of telling me that you’re taking me up on the offer for free beer?”
“You never said it was free before.”
“I’m feeling generous.”
“Aw, and they say chivalry is dead.”
Sirius laughs easily in a way that is completely carefree, as though laughter bubbles just beneath his skin, itching to pour out. It’s mesmerising how he doesn’t seem to take life too seriously.
“You are something else,” he says, letting his eyes catch and linger on yours for a quiet, suspended moment.
A gust of warm, summer wind brings peach blossoms raining down. The gentle coo of a skylark echoes in the distance. Time slows to a stop to stare at the two of you.
He steps forward, like he’s about to kiss you.
You let him.
He tastes like liquor and rebellion, a little wild in a way you’ve never realised you’ve wanted, you’ve needed. His hands are strong as they wrap around you, pulling you flush against his chest. Your fingers roam through his hair, tangling, tugging, earning a low groan from the back of his throat. You feel drunk on him, your head spinning and your heart thumping, as though it’s trying to tear through your chest and leap into his strong, capable hands. Suddenly, you realise how weird this is. He’s a stranger you’ve known for an hour or so yet now you’re kissing him. It’s as though you’re somehow drawn to him, to his energy, to the way he seems to know you intimately, in ways you hardly know about yourself. You break away, taking a step away from him. Sirius looks like he’s five again and has just had his favourite toy ripped away from him. 
““Are you—?”
Before you even realise what you’re doing, you’re slapping him across the cheek, not hard but he feels it. You kissed a stranger. That is a thing you did. You also slapped said stranger, partly because of impulse and partly because you’re terrified of how quickly your feelings are beginning to stir for someone you hardly know. Sirius is stunned, silent, staring at you with shock and hurt that stings you more than it should. You stare back, drawn in by every fleck of colour in his eyes, suddenly aware that, sure, he may be a stranger but that doesn’t mean he has to stay one. Obviously, you have a connection.
 You crash your lips against his again, throwing your arms around his neck. 
Your friends can wait. You’ve found yourself a new tour guide. 
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lifeisntafantasy · 5 years
!!Suicide Warning!!
Even tho I already said suicide warning I also wanna warn you it talks about self harm and drowning so like don't read this if it triggers you please.
The ship is anxeitmus (Virgil x Deceit x Remus).
This is much longer than I expected it to be. I’m also kind of proud of it ig? I posted this on Wattpad, but almost forgot to post it her. Actually, I forget to post most things on here tbh.
Deceit smiled to himself as he got in the warm water of his bathtub, and he immediately felt his muscles relax. It was so nice and quiet, and he couldn't hear any of the other sides. He felt so calm that he could probably fall asleep right there.
Which is exactly what he planned to do. He already took about fifteen sleeping pills, he didn't know how many he would need, so he could fall asleep in the tub. He would be asleep as he drowned because instinct would make him pull his head out of the water if he were awake.
Deceit didn't even take off his clothes, which were just a yellow t-shirt and some ripped jeans, before he got in the tub; right after he took the pills he wrote several notes for the other sides, and doing that wasted the little energy he had. He couldn't leave without letting them know what they had done to him. They needed to know how their glares, hateful words, and insults had affected him.
He didn't have the energy to take his clothes off since the pills were already taking affect, and he needed to be in the bathtub before he passed out. He needed this to work. He couldn't deal with eveything and everyone.
Deceit chuckled dryly as he looked at his arms, scars and cuts covering them. Some of the cuts were from earlier that day, so his arms were stinging slightly. He knew the other sides wouldn't look for him until his death affected Thomas; they didn't care about how he was doing. They never noticed how he sometimes didn't eat for three days. They didn't notice he sometimes didn't leave his room for days because he didn't have the energy. They didn't care.
Deceit hoped his death would affect Thomas quickly, if only because it would make the other sides try to come find him. He left the door to his room and bathroom unlocked to make it easier for them to find him.
Deceit knew the other sides would worry about what would happen to Thomas after Deceit died, but he wrote in his notes that another side would eventually appear in his place. Roman would just have to help Thomas more, since acting was kind of like lying.
Deceit smiled tiredly as he felt his consciousness slip away. He'd finally be at peace.
Soon enough Deceit fell into a deep slumber, and his head slipped under the water. His lungs filled with water as he took a breath in his sleep, eventually killing him.
Not even an hour after Deceit's death, Thomas was affected. He was hanging out with Joan in Thomas's apartment when he felt something change. He could tell it was something to do with his sides, so he needed Joan to leave. They didn't know that Thomas's sides were real, and Thomas planned to keep it that way.
"Hey, Joan, can we cut this short?" Thomas said with an apologetic face.
Joan looked at Thomas, their head tilted in confusion, "Why? Is it because I took the last pizza slice?" they asked, chuckling to show they were joking.
"No it's not that. Something changed and now I need to call my sides to see what's up," Thomas said. It took a moment before he realized he didn't come up with a lie like he meant to.
Joan just laughed, thinking Thomas was joking, "You mean the Sanders Sides? That's just you acting for your YouTube channel."
Thomas laughed nervously, trying to tell Joan he was just joking, but he couldn't lie.
"My sides are real. I can actually summon them," Thomas said.
Joan looked at Thomas a bit apprehensively, "You're joking right..?" they asked, confused.
Thomas took a deep breath as he summoned Logan, not being able to lie to Joan and make them leave.
Logan rose up, book in hand, "Hello, Thomas. How may I help you?" the side asked, not looking up from his book.
"What?! Is that Logan?!" Joan shouted in fear, making Logan look up from his book slightly startled.
"Um hello, Joan. Yes, I am Logan, Thomas's logic. Thomas what are they doing here? I thought you weren't going to tell them that we were real?" Logan asked, his voice sounding slightly nervous.
Thomas sighed, his voice shaking slightly, "So apparently I cannot lie right now, and Joan and I were hanging out when I felt a weird shift in my head, so I tried to make Joan leave so that I could summon you guys, but they asked me why and, as I said, I couldn't lie to them because I cannot lie right now so I accidentally told them you guys were real and they didn't believe me and I had to summon you because I can't lie," Thomas took a deep breath since he said that all in one breath and he was slightly panicking.
"It's right Thomas, just breathe. You will be okay," Logan said calmly, although he was slightly worried.
Thomas nodded as he took a couple of deep breaths to calm down.
Joan was looking at Logan.
"So wait.. all of you guys are real? Like Roman, Virgil, Patton, Deceit, and Remus?" they asked Logan.
Logan nodded, "Yes. Although something seems to be wrong with Deceit, seeing as Thomas cannot currently lie."
Joan nodded their head, "That's cool that you guys are real. When we do videos is it really Thomas or do you guys trade places when he says he goes to change?" they asked, slightly more curious now.
"Usually it's Thomas, but he sometimes does ask us to do it for him when he is feeling tired," Logan responds. "But that's not important. What is important is figuring out why Deceit isn't doing his job. Thomas, would you mind trying to summon Deceit?"
"Okay," Thomas says, more calm after breathing a bit. He tried to summon Deceit a couple of times before he gives up, Deceit not arriving.
"Hm. That's odd. Usually a side cannot ignore a summon from you," Logan thinks aloud. Then he turns to Joan. "Joan, we will be visting Thomas's mind and, seeing as you are not him or one of his sides, you cannot come. You may stay here if you would like, or you may leave."
"I'll leave," they say. "It'll probably be awkward for me to just sit here. I'll talk to you later, Thomas."
Thomas nodded to them as they left. Then he turned to talk to Logan, "Should we get the other sides, too?"
"Yes, that might be a good idea."
Thomas nodded determinedly as he summoned the rest of the sides, including Remus.
They all looked at Thomas, then at each other. Virgil looked at Remus and then went to look at Deceit, but he noticed he wasn't there. Remus noticed too, and he clearly wanted to know why his snake like boyfriend wasn't there.
"Hey! Where's Double Dee? Why isn't he here?"
Thomas looked at Remus, "He's not here because I can't summon him. I also apparently can't lie, and Logan and I think that there's something wrong with Deceit."
"What? Something's wrong with Deceit?" Virgil asked, quickly getting worried.
"We don't know for sure, but it certainly is a possibility," Logan responded. "Which is why Thomas summoned you all so we could visit his room to see what is happening."
"Yeah and I'm getting worried, so let's go, okay?" Thomas said quickly.
All the sides nodded and quickly sunk out and into Deceit's room.
As they rose up, they realized Deciet wasn't there, which was very odd. They started searching around the room, not seeing him anywhere. Virgil decided to check the private bathroom. He immediately regrets it.
Virgil stumbled out of the bathroom, tears streaming down his face and his breathing labored. He forced himself to keep going, grabbing Remus and dragging him to the bathroom. There they find their boyfriend, very pale and head under water.
Virgil finds the closest wall to sit down and lean against, quickly slipping into a panic attack. Remus swore loudly, shouting to the other sides to come into the bathroom, before rushing to Virgil to calm him down.
"Hey, hey Virge, look at me. Virge I need you to look at me," Remus said calmly, although he felt like breaking down right then and there.
Virgil looked at Remus with wide eyes, panic and sadness written clearly over his features.
"Hey hey hey. It's going to be okay. I promise. Can I touch you? I promise it'll be okay. Can I touch you?" Remus said softly. The others were already in the bathroom, for some reason staring at Remus and Virgil instead of Deceit's corpse in the tub. They all looked surprised at how softly Remus was speaking to Virgil.
Virgil didn't seem to notice the other sides and Thomas, silently nodding at Remus. Remus grabbed Virgil's hand and placed it on his chest, willing his heart to calm down.
"Just copy my breathing, okay?" Remus said, taking a deep breath.
Virgil nodded, attempting to imitate Remus's breathing. After a couple moments Virgil could copy Remus. After Virgil's panic attack ended, he fully broke down sobbing. Remus pulled Virgil into a tight hug, letting the latter cry into his boyfriend's chest.
"I just- I can't- Why- why would he do this?" Virgil sobbed. "Didn't he care about- about us?"
Remus just rocked gently, letting tears slip from his eyes. After a couple minutes Virgil finally stopped crying, and Remus pulled away.
"I'm going to get up. Would you like help up, too?" Remus said softly. Virgil only nodded, letting Remus pull him up off the ground.
Virgil quickly pulled away from Remus's grasp, searching the bathroom for some sort of sign as to why Deceit's would leave them. After only a couple of moments of searching, he found notes for all of them.
He handed all of the sides their papers. Virgil and Remus got a note assigned to both of them. It explained why he killed himself, the pain he had to deal with, and how much he loved them both. After reading it, both sides were almost sobbing and glaring at the other sides. They had all finished reading their notes, and the only other one who had any tears was Thomas.
Patton seemed guilty, but not sad. Logan seemed impassive, but you could see some confusion in his face. Almost as if he was confused as to how to feel. Roman was the only one showing sadness, but it was barely there. He clearly didn't care, he was just sad he couldn't "save the damsel in distress".
Thomas was the only one who was showing any genuine sadness. He was clearly heartbroken over the loss of his deceitful side. Although his presence made Thomas feel a bit uneasy, he wanted to get to know Deceit, and see what the side was passionate about, what he loved, how he did things. Thomas was truly upset.
Virgil and Remus were enraged. How could none of them care that they killed one of the best sides in Thomas's mind?
Patton looked at Virgil, the latter's face slowly turning red from rage.
"Hey kiddo, why don't you just calm down?" Patton said softly, like he was talking to a scared animal.
"I am not your kiddo!" Virgil shouted, his tempest tongue flaring, making the other sides flinch. "You all killed my boyfriend. I will never ever forgive any of you. And when the new deceit shows up, you better treat him with the highest respect, or I will let Remus out on all of you. You will regret what you did, and that's a promise." Virgil finished and left the room and pulled a seething Remus with him, leaving the other three sides in a terrified and remorseful silence.
As Deceit had said in his letters, a new Deceit appeared within a week. Virgil broke down crying the first time he saw the newly formed side, and the light sides were forced to watch as Remus helped him. Ever since Virgil snapped at them, he'd been avoiding them like the plague.
The light sides greeted the new deceit with open arms, just like Virgil had told them. They didn't need Remus attacking them since Virgil was already affecting by avoiding them and giving them anxiety. He was staying true to his word and making them regret ever treating Deceit badly. The only time Virgil would talk to them was during videos.
The new deceit was happy, and that's all that mattered.
idk how to end this so thats it.
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HPHM MC Fanfiction: ‘Ada’s Adventures Series’. Part 1 : September 1st, 1984. Chapter 1 : The departure.
[So, guys, this is it. I’m finally jumping into the other side of the Fanfiction World. Always a reader, now a new writer. I’m beginning this hopefully amazing journey with a first little story about Ada’s first day at Hogwarts (For the people who don’t know Ada, here is the link to her profile template : here. And here is a link to her mother’s profile template, who is important in this chapter : here).This first part of ‘Ada’s Adventures Series’ is going to retrace this very important day in Ada’s life. And the first chapter of this first part is focusing on the moment between she wakes up and the moment she goes on the Hogwarts Express. Over the last few weeks I started to developp a lot about Ada’s full story and her family history and all that. So, writing fanfictions about her felt like the next natural step. I’m also planning to write about other members of her family. I can’t wait for you to read it, if you like that kind of stuff. Little notes tho : I’m a baby writer, so it might not be very good. If you have any advice, can you please tell me what is good and what is not so I can improve myself? Also, English is not my native language, so, if you see any mistakes, sorry about that (I’m french, and btw there are tiny little french stuff in this fic, I wanted to add some French heritage, in the language mostly, since Ada’s has French blood on her mother’s side and her mother, her brother, Jacob, and herself are fluent in french. So I hope it’s a good little addition). ANYWAY, without further ado, here is my very first written piece. I hope you’ll enjoy it!]
[Keep reading under the cut]
Ada Shelby, eleven years old, opened her eyes on September 1st, 1984. It took her a few minutes to remember what day it was and how important that day was. The evening before, she had had trouble finding some sleep because of how excited she was. After these few minutes during which her brain struggled to fight the lack of good sleep, she finally remembered that today, she was supposed to get on a very special train that will take her to the start of her new life. Her excitement grew again, and she jumped on her feet. She put her glasses on and looked at the clock on the wall facing her bed. 8:15 am. In less than three hours, she would be on the Hogwarts Express. Something she’s been waiting for years. She heard a knock on her door and her mother came in. Miranda Shelby was a very beautiful woman. Her blue eyes were filled with kindness and love. Her brown hair, which normally reached her shoulders, was tied in a ponytail, freeing her beautiful face from flyaways. Her warm smile, that always put joy in people’s hearts, was one of the warmest Ada ever saw. She was radiant. When she saw her daughter awake, she said:
“Good morning honey!”
“Good morning”
“Sooo? Are you excited about today?”
“Of course, I am! I already packed everything, look!” said Ada, pointing at her giant suitcase containing all of her robes and school furniture.
On top of it, an empty cage was waiting to welcome Ada’s new owl: a beautiful barn owl that she had named Merlot. She had decided to name it after the owl her maternal grandmother had once, when she was still alive. It was the owl the late French lady always used whenever she was writing to her daughter, Jacob, or Ada. The new Merlot was currently perched on the dresser next to Ada’s bed, her eyes closed.  
“I finished to pack everything last night, before going to bed” continued Ada.
“Good! You’re much more prepared that I was when I first went to Hogwarts”
“Were you nervous?” asked Ada.
“A little. Mostly because I didn’t really know what to expect since Mamie went to Beauxbâtons. She talked to me a lot about it, she loved her time there. But you’ll see, Hogwarts is just as great!”
Ada nodded but didn’t say anything. She was excited to go to Hogwarts, but she was also very nervous, for multiple reasons. The first and obvious one was the unknown of a new start. The second was the reputation her brother must have left to the Shelby name. Ada didn’t understand everything that had happened, but she knew the boy had been involved in some dark stuff and had been expelled from Hogwarts with his wand being officially broken by the Ministry of Magic. And now, he was missing. Ada knew her brother and she knew he would never be involved with Dark Magic by conviction. If he did, she was sure it was because he didn’t have a choice. But the other kids didn’t know Jacob like she did, and she was afraid she would get insulted by other students or hear students insulting her brother or even her mother. She didn’t know how she would handle that. Finally, he third reason of her nervousness was that she would leave her mother all alone. Her father was killed 3 years earlier and with Jacob now missing, Miranda will have to live alone for most of the school year.
“You’re sure you’re ok, Mon Ange?” asked Miranda, replacing a wild hair behind her daughter’s ear, suddenly worried to see her daughter lost in her thoughts.
“Yeah! Yeah, just a little nervous that’s all.”
Ada felt a little guilty to lie to her mother like that, but she didn’t want her to worry even more than now.
“Everything is going to be ok. You’ll see, you’ll have a great year. Actually, you’ll have seven great years!”
Ada smiled and nodded.
“Alright, we finish to get ready and we go downstairs to eat something before we go?”
“Yes!” said Ada, her excitement going up again.
Miranda smiled again before kissing her daughter’s forehead and left the room. Ada started took a shower and dressed herself. Half an hour later, she was ready. Before going out, she looked in the mirror and saw her reflection. Just like her mother’s, her brown hair reached her shoulders. Her maternal grandmother, Margot, always said that she was a spitting image of Miranda when she was young. After seeing a few pictures, Ada happily admitted that it was indeed the case. Her green eyes however, she had them from her paternal grandfather Anthony, something she was quite proud of too. She smiled a little and after checking that everything was in order, Ada started to go out of the room.
Miranda had decided that it would be better to sleep at the Leaky Cauldron in London to be closer to the King’s Cross station. Once they were both ready, they went downstairs and began to eat breakfast. For a few minutes, Ada looked at the other wizard present in the room while eating a buttered toast. Then Miranda asked:
“Do you know in which house you want to be?”
“I don’t really know. Every house has good qualities, and I personally know at least one amazing person that went to each house. You were a Ravenclaw, Ted was a Hufflepuff, Andy was a Slytherin, and Dad and Jacob were…” Ada stopped, suddenly worried to have upset her mother.
But Miranda smiled at her and completed:
“Dad and Jacob were in Gryffindor.”
“Are you sure you’re going to be alright without me, Mom?” Asked Ada before she could stop herself.
“Of course, I will be!” she said, stroking Ada’s cheek. “Now, let’s finish breakfast”
Ada knew her mother was not completely honest, but she decided to let it go.
They finished breakfast and went to their rooms to get their stuffs. Tom, the pub manager, helped Ada with her suitcase in the stairs. After thanking him, the mother and the daughter took the bus to go the train station. It was 10:30 am when they arrived. They still had thirty minutes to go on the 9 ¾ platform, which was plenty of time to exchange plenty of goodbyes before separating. Once they were on the platform, Ada’s excitement was at its peak. It was not her first time here, since she always came to say goodbye to her brother for his departures. But this time it was for her. She was the one to go to Hogwarts. A little bit of sadness started to reach her though, as she always thought Jacob would be here for her first departure to Hogwarts. She was also sad that her father wasn’t here like he was for Jacob. The tears were starting to fill her eyes when she suddenly felt a huge shock on her right side that almost made her fell on the floor. In her left hand, he could feel Merlot’s cage moving from the owl’s protestation to this shock. For a split second, she thought a student had hit her by accident, but then she heard a familiar laugh in her hear that made her realize it wasn’t an accident at all. Nymphadora Tonks was hugging her.
“ADA! We’re finally going, it’s today, we’re going to Hogwarts” said the young witch.
Ada laughed at her best friend’s excitement. They had known each other since they were babies and were best friends. The two were basically inseparable. Their families didn’t live too far from each other and it wasn’t rare at all to see the Tonks at the Shelby’s house or the Shelby at the Tonks’ house. Indeed, Nymphadora’s mother, Andromeda, was Miranda’s best friend since Hogwarts. When Ada was born, Miranda and her husband, Luke, designated Andromeda to be their daughter’s Godmother. A few months later Andromeda and Ted Tonks designated Miranda to be Nymphadora’s Godmother.
After a few second, Ada and Nymphadora finally broke their hug. Nymphadora’s excitement was all over her face. She had one of the biggest smile Ada’s ever seen on her. Her eyes were sparkling with happiness and her hair, that she had decided to turn purple for the day, was moving from the little jumps of excitement the girl was doing. A sight at her face made Ada’s sadness disappear. This kind of joy was communicative. Soon, Ada was wearing the exact same smile.
“Tonight, we will finally be at Hogwarts, can you imagine that?” Continued Nymphadora.
“This is amazing! So, you have everything on you? You didn’t forget anything?” Asked Ada.
“Oh come on Ada, I thought you knew Dora by now! She almost forgot her wand this morning, we almost left without it…” Said a male voice.
Ada turned her head and saw Ted and Andromeda Tonks walking between excited students towards them.
“Seriously?” Laughed Ada.
“Argh, details” Shrugged Nymphadora.
Ada laughed one more time and turned to properly face the Tonks. Ted, tall with kind hazel eyes, smiled and high-fived her. Andromeda, tall too, with the elegance and grey eyes she inherited from her birth family and the warm smile and gaze she inherited from herself, opened her arms to welcome her Goddaughter in them in a quick hug while saying:
“Hello Ada. Ready for school too?”
“Hi Ted, Andy. Yeah, I can’t wait to be there!”
“I can only imagine.” said Ted “Dora too, obviously. I don’t think she even slept last night.”
“Not very much, to be honest.” Responded Dora, who was hugging Miranda.
“Yeah me neither.” Said Ada.
“OH, you have an owl too!” said Dora, spotting the barn owl, now wisely placed in her cage again, though staring at Dora with mistrust.
“Yeah, her name is Merlot, just like my Grandmother’s old owl. Mom bought it for me yesterday.”
“She’s beautiful! I named mine Horton.”
Ada smiled and looked at the little black owl somehow sleeping in her cage, that Ted holding. How could the owl sleep with all the noises present on the platform?
They heard a whistle and the students present on the platform began to say goodbye to their parents and to enter into the train. With the help of their parents, the two girls dragged their suitcases on the train. Ada placed Merlot’s cage on hers and went back on the platform.
While Dora was hugging her parents, Ada turned to her mother with a smile.
“So, this is it Mon Ange” said Miranda, softly stroking Ada’s hair, with a smile that was a little bit sad. Ada started to get a bit worried about her mother again. “Just send me Merlot tomorrow morning to tell me everything about tonight, alright?”
“Will do” Smiled Ada.
She hugged her mother. She wanted to ask her one more time if she was going to be ok, if her leaving was going to cause too much harm. But she didn’t ask. She knew her mother was strong. She had to believe in that. It would be better for both of them.
They finally broke the hug and Miranda kissed her daughter on the forehead.
“Don’t let Dora drag you into too much trouble. She likes pranks a little bit much.” She said.
“HEY!” Protested Dora from behind Ada.
“You know I’m joking! Come and say goodbye, you little troublemaker.”
Ada faced Ted and Andromeda to hug them too.
“Don’t drag our Dora in your pranks, please. We know it’s actually YOU the real troublemaker here!” said Ted.
“Ted! That was supposed to be a secret!” Laughed Ada.
He laughed in return while Ada was hugging Andromeda. The latter whispered to her:
“I know you’re worried about your mother. I’m going to keep an eye on her, don’t worry.”
Andromeda always knew how to read her mind, somehow. She always knew what Ada was feeling or thinking. It was one of the things Ada loved the most about her Godmother. In addition of that, the woman always knew how to talk to her or what to do whenever Ada wasn’t feeling fine. This had led to a lot of heart-to-heart conversations and a strong connection had grown more and more over the years between the two of them. By talking about it to Dora, she knew her best friend and her own Godmother, Miranda, shared the same kind of connection.
After a few seconds, Ada stepped back a little.
“Goodbye Andy!” she said, trying to put in her smile all of the gratitude she was feeling towards her at the moment.
“Have a great year, Love”
With Dora, she went on the train and they both stood at a window to wave at their parents, while the train started to move. Once the train turned at the first turn, and the platform was out of sight, Ada turned to Dora:
“We’re going to Hogwarts!” she said with excitement.
“We’re going to Hogwarts.” repeated the young purple-haired witch.
The two had spent days and days talking about their future school. Most of the time, they were having the same conversation over and over, but they didn’t care. It was something they would share together, and it was the only thing that mattered.
“Come on, let’s find a compartment!” said Dora.
Ada followed her best friend, most of nervousness starting to leave her. She trusted Andromeda Tonks completely and she knew that if someone could keep an eye on Miranda, it would be her. The relationship between the two mothers wasn’t too much different from the relationship Ada had with Dora. Knowing that her mother was in good hands and knowing that Miranda was a really strong woman, she started to debate with Dora on which house would more suit them while they were searching for a place to sit.
(To be continued...)
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lisatelramor · 4 years
Sucker Punch
I apologize in advance, I had a thought and had to follow it through. Dick Jokes occurred. I’m not actually that sorry. Guys, really this is your own fault for getting me to watch a show with a flirtatious protagonist with an oral fixation. :P I’m inflicting this on you. @vulcansdarkest
It was supposed to be a joke. The team all knew what Lin Jing slipped into Zhao Yunlan’s desk. (And everyone but Zhu Hong found it at least a little funny.) Da Qing had found them. After years of living with Zhao Yunlan, he had a bit of a habit of noticing certain kinds of sweets. Especially after Zhao Yunlan stopped smoking. He hadn’t been looking for it of course. He’d just been on a walk, and maybe pestering one of the local shops for scraps because he knew they had a soft spot for cats. And he’d maybe mentioned it offhand later to Lin Jing. But he wasn’t the one to but it.
That dubious pleasure went, of course, to Guo Changcheng. And he only bought it because the concept had almost made Chu Shuzhi audibly laugh, which made everyone pay attention, which led to Da Qing sarcastically saying they should give it to Zhao Yunlan, and then somehow Guo Changcheng was nominated as the sacrifice on acquiring the goods.
(He couldn’t look anyone in the face after that for hours. They almost felt guilty.)
Of course then they almost didn’t put it in Zhao Yunlan’s desk because it could, in a way, be construed as harassment. But as Da Qing pointed out, Zhao Yunlan had no shame and none of their ragtag group had anything resembling deference to him except maybe Guo Changcheng because he wasn’t as much of a misfit as the rest of them.
Which led to everyone holding their collective breaths as Zhao Yunlan sauntered in at a fashionably late time.
“Ah?” he said looking at everyone at their work stations for once. “So quiet and diligent today.” He sounded terribly suspicious. “What expensive thing did one of you break?” Zhao Yunlan looked at Lin Jing.
Lin Jing looked back, wide eyed. “What? I didn’t break anything! Don’t go cutting my pay before I’ve even done anything!”
Zhao Yunlan looked at Da Qing next. Da Qing, who was in cat form, had the perfect excuse for not saying anything. Zhao Yunlan’s gaze landed on Guo Changcheng, who couldn’t lie for shit.
Guo Changcheng hurriedly looked down at his notebook.
Suspicious. Zhao Yunlan narrowed his eyes. “Alright. Well whatever you did better not reflect back on me or none of you get your bonuses this month.” He went into his office.
Outside, Da Qing twisted around, ears pricked toward the door. Habit dictated that in the next few minutes, Zhao Yunlan would reach into his desk for a lollipop. He waited. And waited. Nothing.
“No response?” Lin Jing asked in a loud whisper.
Da Qing shifted human. “Nothing,” he confirmed.
“Not even a laugh?”
They all looked at the door. Nothing.
“How well did you hide it?” Da Qing asked.
“I put it on top of his lollipop stash where he’d see it right away!”
“I said we shouldn’t have done it,” Zhu Hong said.
“M-maybe he just had a lollipop on hand already?” Guo Changcheng said nervously.
The phone rang and that signaled that they had to actually do some work instead of waiting.
The prank was temporarily forgotten as they got dragged into yet another string of mysterious deaths and no one had time to think anything of it for at least the next forty-eight hours.
By the third day, it was written off as a loss as clearly it hadn’t hit as humorously as intended.
The fourth, Shen Wei was visiting, as he so often was, there to do more research into the Hallows, or perhaps just visiting Zhao Yunlan (not that any of them would say that out loud). Zhao Yunlan was in his office finishing up a phone call or his sixth sense for the professor would probably have kicked in by that point and he’d have been out there pestering him.
“Tea?” Lang Zheng offered Shen Wei.
“Thank you,” he said with a well-practiced polite smile. It was the one pulled out in most social situations as far as Da Qing was able to tell and entirely different than the ones Zhao Yunlan coaxed from him. It was all very mushy and gross and Da Qing was glad he’d managed to avoid too much of them making eyes at each other. “Has it been a busy day?” Shen Wei asked, glancing at Zhao Yunlan’s office.
“Not for us. Higher ups have been calling all day though because the bill for the cleanup of the last case went through,” Da Qing said. He was entirely unsympathetic. What, did they expect facing Dixingren with woken powers would be easy and destruction free?
“Ah.” Shen Wei’s polite smile edged toward sympathetic. “I apologize for not being more help to end that quicker.”
“You’re a consulting professor,” Zhu Hong said. “No one’s expecting you to do our jobs.” She might not like that Zhao Yunlan made eyes at Shen Wei, but Shen Wei made it really hard not to like him at least a little bit. He was polite, which was a novelty in and of itself with everyone in the SID. “Besides, Zhao Yunlan can pull his weight for once in handling the higher ups.”
“I am sure he’s doing his best,” Shen Wei said diplomatically.
Zhao Yunlan’s door banged open and he strode out with his typical dramatic flair, lollipop tucked in his cheek and a frown on his face. The frown melted away instantly when he saw Shen Wei. “Ah! A dull day just got brighter!”
Da Qing rolled his eyes as Shen Wei seemed to actually enjoy the dramatics if the tiny smile on his face was anything to go by. They were so obvious toward each other it was embarrassing.
Zhao Yunlan tossed himself onto the couch beside Shen Wei like he thought someone else might take that space. Or maybe he just wanted to be close. “All of you,” he said, “should be thanking me because I just saved your paychecks.”
“Thank you, Chief Zhao,” Guo Changcheng said earnestly.
Da Qing gave out a little sarcastic, “Yay.”
Zhao Yunlan wrinkled his nose at them. “All of you are fired, Xiao Guo’s the only one of you with a sense of gratitude. Normally we’d be celebrating a closed case, bu—ut, that was a sad team effort, let’s do better next time.”
“I mean we could celebrate it being over,” Lin Jing said.
“We could!” Zhao Yunlan said agreeably. “Only if one of you are paying for it.” He pointed with his lollipop at the group. There was a three second pause as everyone looked at what he had in his hand before Shen Wei choked on his tea. “Are you okay?”
“I’m… Fine.” Shen Wei’s face was turning red.
“Oh my god,” Lin Jing said.
“What?” Zhao Yunlan popped the candy back in his mouth and Shen Wei started having another coughing fit. “One of you put these in my drawer; did you think I wouldn’t eat them?”
“Oh my god.”
Da Qing started cackling.
Zhao Yunlan’s lips quirked up in a smirk. “I’ll admit, that’s a pretty creative way to tell your boss to go suck a dick.” He pulled the lollipop out, examining its phallic shape. “I didn’t even know they made this sort of thing.”
“Why,” Lin Jing asked, “are you eating it?”
“Because I can?” Zhao Yunlan said with an innocent expression. “I mean it’s not actually a—”
“Yunlan!” Shen Wei choked.
Zhao Yunlan gave his team a disappointed look. “I hope you’re proud of yourselves. You broke Shen Wei.”
Da Qing snorted. “No, that’s all you.”
“Ah but you’re the ones who gave me a bag of dick-shaped lollipops. They’re peach flavored, by the way, interesting choice.”
Chu Shuzhi looked torn between smirking and guilt, eyes flicking between Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan. Guo Changcheng wrung his hands next to him. Zhu Hong looked done with everything and Da Qing would feel a little bad about the whole thing except it was still pretty hilarious. From how Zhao Yunlan’s eyes glinted with amusement, he also found it funny instead of insulting. Their senses of humor did run along the same lines a lot.
“Maybe,” Shen Wei said, “you could choose a different lollipop for the moment.”
“But Shen Wei, if my team is going to group up to tell me to suck a dick, how can I possibly refuse?” He winked. It was painfully over the top and Shen Wei looked like he was dying inside just a little.
“And I’m leaving,” Zhu Hong said. “Have fun if you decide to have a party.”
“Hey, don’t just leave us here with this!” Lin Jing protested.
“You dug the hole, lie in it,” Zhu Hong said unsympathetically.
“Such a power move,” Zhao Yunlan said in fake lamentation. “Such a statement. Telling a man to suck a dick and giving the means all in one action.” He tilted his head. “Do you think I could get away with—”
“No,” Shen Wei said.
“But if I—”
Zhao Yunlan sunk back on the couch, pouting. Da Qing had a feeling that the bag of lollipops were going to go missing under mysterious circumstances. Not that this was a problem because if Zhao Yunlan was serious about offending people with them, Da Qing would wholeheartedly acquire another bag.
“…Are we…having a party?” Guo Changcheng asked tentatively.
“Sure,” Zhao Yunlan said. “And I conveniently have dessert to share with all of you.” He pulled out a handful of the phallic lollipops from his pocket.
Da Qing collapsed into laughter again at everyone’s horrified expressions. Ah, another day in the SID.
The exact thought that inspired this was my brain going "Hey. You know they make dick lollipops. That would mean you could tell someone to go suck a dick. Then give them one. In a complete power move." ... "Somehow this would relate back to Zhao Yunlan. Poor Shen Wei. The thirst is real." If anyone was wondering, you can really buy penis shaped lollipops, or molds if you want to make them yourself. I’m not linking to them tho, haha
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szopenhauer · 4 years
Grossest thing you’ve seen in a bathroom? pee, poop and blood mixed with vomit all over the place Do you consider your family dysfunctional? all families are toxic, more or less Do you hate people who act like everything is fine when its not? I hate those people, they both want you to leave them alone and guess, they’re annoyed with the fact you wanna know as much as you not caring about them, never satisfied, then blame everybody else, how are we supposed to act if we feel you don’t trust us enough to tell the truth? it’s your own fault! we also have problems, not everything’s about you, if you prefer to kill yourself than speak up, that’s your choice but it means you’re a coward, I’m tired of that behavior
Ever had a body piercing ripped out? never had a piercing so I’m lucky not to be bullied this way
Can you sew/croshet/knit? I know basics but I have no patience so it’s not my hobby Do you put the cap back on the toothpaste after using it? of course :o  Have you shot off a firework? never, it’s dangerous, I prefer to look and from afar  Are you offended when you see women breast feeding? no
Do you hate when people keep things from you? if we’re close then sure Can you multitask? I can XD
*działam na dwa fronty, boobs, albo na tyłach* Are you too sensitive? hypersensitive Who wears the pants in the relationship? who wears the socks and cowboy hat tho?
If you were given three things to make you happy, what would these be? health, money and no worries How would you rank the following in importance: family, career, love life? family and love life then career as I’m not interested in it 
Which would you prefer: having a baby without a partner or a partner without a baby? partner without a baby  but tbh it would be better to raise a baby without a partner if I decided to have a kid (I don’t want children though) as there wouldn’t be disagreements on how to nor risk of arguments and then divorce in general which would be super hard for the little one 
Do you think God is real, and why? sigh...
Do you believe in giving people second chances, and why? rarely as it’s like putting your hand into fire hoping it will be cold this time, people usually change for worse - not better Do you think people fall in love because the right person has arrived, or because the time is right (regardless of whom the person is that they fall in love with)? because of other reasons usually as I wouldn’t call their relationships LOVE, they’re just desperate, scared of being lonely How important is trust in a relationship? I don’t think I can trust someone completely but still it’s very important to me to trust them as much as I am capable to - if I can’t trust them at all then it won’t work  How do you feel about infidelity? it makes people feel like they’re not enough and they also get paranoid later, it causes trauma, person who was cheated on will always be afraid to trust another human being in case someone “better” will show up, nobody is perfect but it’s better if you break up than do smth romantic or sexual behind your partner’s back, nobody deserves it, if you can’t be with one person only then either do open relationships or polyamory or just don’t commit to anyone - one night stands or something - infidelity is caused by wanting more and being impulsive, liking adrenaline, risky behavior, you are some sort of an abuser, not just a liar, because you’re hurting someone who’s supposed to be closest to you, intoxication isn’t an excuse, if you can’t keep it in your pants when you’re drunk then don’t drink too much or publicly - simple as that, love is a promise and you’re breaking it for fun, someone said today that it’s like checking if another branch will snap while still holding another - sounds careful but that’s not the point - it’s just that you should sit on it (stability) instead of jumping trees after you already commited to one of them and made a nest on it, you will break all of the branches (other people) and you will end up on the ground anyway - alone, who wants to be with a cheater? honestly - rapist will always stay rapist even if he won’t rape again and so is the cheating person - they might change but fear will always be a part of their partner for sure, dating is like a competition for many, trying until you find the best match, always looking around, never warming up to anyone in case there’s a better opportunity, constant game that make us anxious, showing off you’re the best player among all and... you actually are a player in both of this word’s definitions, sadly What quality in a person do you fall in love with? it’s not a single separate thing but someone whole I believe, I tried to explain that to myself but it’s very hard, there are some traits I might like more, go for, see as necessities but I’m unable to list them for now - maybe later/someday Do you find it difficult to admit that you are wrong, and why? I am - I don’t care about winning, I want truth and justice, I prefer to be right but without admitting I’m wrong that can’t happen Which would you prefer in a romantic partner: a dreamer or an achiever? dreamer, I dislike overly ambitious and workaholic people  What do you think are the two things that prevent people from realizing their dreams? money issues and health problems or time
So the world is dying to know the longest you’ve ever been on an airplane. 0 hours
Speaking of airplanes, can you sleep on them easily or no? no idea
So if I were to touch the place you last itched, would it be awkward? sorta
Have you ever come close to drowning? it was close in my opinion
Is the window in this room currently open or closed? closed
Is your phone fully charged right now? it is indeed
If you gave yourself a symbol (ex: star) to represent you, it would be…? not sure
Combine your two favorite animals. What kind of animal do you get? raccoon + elephant?
If I gave you a box of chocolates, which would you hope to get? I prefer something else than a box of chocolates
Have you ever caught your clothes on fire before? omg luckily not 
Are you any good at improv? been told
Do you have any special handshakes with friends? I don’t have... friends :x
Are you better at writing fiction or nonfiction? I’m good at both but I prefer fiction
How many times does the letter ’t’ occur in your full name? once
Last song you heard? Crystal Castles - Suffocation Reason you last threw up? meds withdrawal How many pairs of flip flops do you own? zero Do you ever pick up pennies for good luck? I pick up all coins that I find and give them to my dad Something you wear all the time that you’d feel naked without? panties
If you have younger siblings, how old were you when your siblings were born? not applicable Would you ever pick up gum from the ground and eat it? hell no Have you ever gotten stitches? nope
Think back to the last thing you drank. Did you drink it using a straw? I didn’t Is the sun shining? it’s almost midnight  Where did you go today? shopping Have you ever taken a survey while under the influence of drugs or alcohol? I don’t drink or take illegal drugs Where will you be in an hour? in my bed Is anyone irritating you? not atm unless I can count myself  Have your parents ever threatened to throw your things away because your room was messy? sorta Is your shirt pink? it’s mostly white Are you going to do more surveys? it’s late and I’m commited to finish this one Who is the most complicated person in your life right now? ... me? Have you ever video chatted with someone you met online? yep Are you hungry or thirsty right now? thirsty Do you own a pair of gumboots? eww, gross Have you ever worked somewhere where you had to clean the toilets? I might  Do you rate people’s attractiveness on a scale of 1-10? rating 1-10 is very hard for me Is there anything that you could cry about right now? shitload of reasons When was the last time you used Facebook? today like every other day Do you have a PO Box or does your mail get sent straight to your house? our house How many vowels are in your street name? 4 Did you share baths with your siblings/cousins when you were a child? I did not Have you ever been a member of an online dating site?  couple Do you know what your neighbours even look like? obvi Do you put ketchup on your fries? yuk
What color was the last swimsuit you wore? uh oh I should check that in my photo album in pics from middle school 
Is your dream job attainable? they ain’t
Have you read a newspaper today? we don’t buy/read newspapers
Do you have to go to school or work tomorrow? I’m done with school and am unemployed
Have you ever been to a drive-in theatre? no
Have you ever taken classes for a musical instrument? guitar
Have you ever been on vacation with someone other than your family? camp
Do you live with your parents? still
Are there any embarrassing school pictures of you anywhere in your house? there are
What moment in your life have you been most scared? constantly now last half year
Do you have any exes you can’t stand anymore? What happened to cause you to feel that way about them? long story
Do you ever make your own surveys, or just take them? I make them but barely ever
Are you more of a phone or a computer person? computer
Do you like to cook, or do you prefer when other people cook for you? prefer them to cook for me 
How old do you think you’ll be when you move out on your own? hope that this will happen soon 
Do you have a job? If so, where do you work? If not, do you want one? I need one
Have you ever ripped your pants in public? even recently 
Have you ever thought someone was talking to you, but it turned out they were on the phone? Did you play it off? possibly
Do you know anybody that has severe allergies? can we not talk about it?...
Who was the last person you slow danced with? my gf
Do you ever ride the city bus? How much does it cost you? often, nothing as I’m disabled
Do you say ‘like’ a lot? used to
Do you scream out the answers while watching game shows on TV? at times I did
Do you ever go into photobooths? yay!
What bill do you hate paying the most? I’d hate paying rent as it’s idiotically high
What’s the best place to eat a romantic dinner? everywhere can be romantic with a right person
What was your first car? none yet
Favorite guilty pleasure? personal
What celeb do you think resembles you best? basing on look? Cole Sprouse or Maisie Williams but with Juno Temple body
Who from high school would you like to run in to? hmm...
Start a new career or relationship? just get a job as I’m taken
Are any of your toes connected? I don’t have webbed toes
What was the last thing you dreamed about? running from the police... w klapkach
What color is your bedroom carpet? no carpet Have you ever had a black and white cat? all black Would you rather have an STD or share a bed with Michael Jackson? life chose for me and honestly this is probably the first time I’m happy about it Do you have any wallpaper in your house? I wish How many pairs of underwear do you own? lots of panties but not enough bras Who was your primary/elemantary school’s most popular girl? E.O. and A.M. Would you like to learn to play the harp? meh Are your feet ticklish? very and I hate that Do you have a black dog? it’s partially black Who has the prettiest toes, that you know of? feet are disgusting  What’s your least favorite season? winter
Do you enjoy walks? sure Can you roll your tongue? I can Would you eat a live spider for one million dollars? gimme Would you forgive someone for cheating? hard to tell Have you seen A Clockwork Orange? not interested Do you like to read? occasionally re you a grumpy person? often Do you like cotton candy? never tried and don’t wanna Rap or pop? pop What’s the weirdest flavor of ice cream you’ve tried? rose, amazing! Love or lust? love Do you remember lyrics easily? am I the only one who don’t? :(
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glasyasbutch · 4 years
Based on this post. 
im gonna do what rebekah did and discuss the potential of oc /oc ships. However i have 10 of them on this blog and i will not be doing this 45 times so im limiting myself to active ocs only, which puts me at 16, which is still a lot but this blog is for me and im a slut for my own characters. (I tried to do it in the tags but tumblr cut me off cause its lesbophobic.) lets get crackin.
gildy/anyone: no. thats grandma. now this isn't to say that i won't ship gildy with anyone; i have before and will again; but it's got to be someone her own age which no other oc is close to (rip to that one npc who made magic ceramics in her first campaign that i was tryna date before the campaign fell apart)  Verdict: No Cradle Robbing
craving/tov: oh GOD it would go so bad . they both hate themselves so much and manifest it as a brusque aggressiveness they'd fucking attack each other within hours. even a one night stand might be pushing the limits of their patience. Verdict: Do Not Recommend
craving/ezra: i would LOVE to watch these two sit down and talk about philosophy; because they have genuinely the exact opposite takes on life. they both got dunked on and had someone important taken from them at a young age and craving said FUCK IT im gonna be mean since the world hates me and ezra said FUCK IT im gonna be nice and hope the world loves me back eventually. and it would be so fucking interesting to see them try and convince the other why they're right. however. should not date. Verdict: Bad Romantic Material
craving/nissy: this would go literally the exact same way as nissy and zier. like the ExACT same way. they'd find each other attractive at first; make it a few weeks or something; the sexiness would wear off and they'd find each other insufferable but Not want to break up because they're stubborn and also getting something out of dating the other one. (craving likes that nissy's rich and also his cool shadow guy; nissy likes that craving's all about 'fuck the system' and also maybe a teensy little bit is into the idea of getting a glasya pact too). if they were to meet nakoria in this universe they also would both fuck her and then not tell the other about it. Verdict: Hilarious But Unsustainable.
craving/ebbie: i literally can't even conceptualize this. i c. i can't. i think ebbie would be genuinely terrified of craving. Verdict: No.
craving/roona: Ohhhhhhhh YES baby. mischief squad in the fucking HOUSE. they would get along absolutely fantastically i think. No impulse control, so many crimes! neither of them would really be ones to try and make it work long term but they'd have a fucking AMAZING couple months together and part on good terms. Plus craving has a thing for short girls Verdict: Good Short Term Ship.
tov/ezra: other people would ship them because they have such similar vibes. but i dont think either of them necessarily would want to date for exactly that reason. now you might say but didnt tov fall in love with savra because they have similar backstories? yes BUT they're at very different points in their recovery. ezra and tov are too close. come back to it once both their campaigns are over and they might make a very sweet couple. Verdict: Slow Burn 250k Words
tov/nissy: i feel like tov would take one look at nissy and kind of just. leave. nissy would be into tov tho. he likes the rugged bad boy vibes. he'd think he was mysterious and handsome. and we know he seems to have a thing for sorcerers. Verdict: One Sided Crush
tov/ebbie: they'd get along Really well but it'd be more of a mentor/mentee dynamic. they both like to build things and want to find simple softness in the world but don't trust that they can have it. ebbie has a much more excited and babbly demeanor bc he's a Loud Anxious and tov is much more laid back and calmer because he’s a Quiet Anxious. tov would see him as a kid that’s probably gonna turn out ok, but i dont know if he’d really be able to tell that ebbie’s got some fucked up in there. ebbie would be way better at seeing through tov’s walls, and would follow him around almost like a lost dog bc tov like. Actually Gets Him and he wants to learn as much as he can and you know what if there’s a baby crush there, there’s a baby crush there. Verdict: I Hate To Say It But This One’s A Notice Me Senpai
tov/roona: roona would call tov a narc within 30 seconds of meeting him and any Possible feelings on his end would die instantly. Roona would be far more into teasing him than into him. It’d be a cute dynamic where they act like they can’t stand each other and insist that they’re not even friends but like when it comes down to it, they have a fairly good time together and will defend each other against anyone else trying to fuck with them. Bonus Points for them both being super gullible.  Verdict: Only I Get To Be Mean To Them
ezra/nissy: on paper, they’re both like trying to be heroic good guys and struggling a little bit, so they should get along. But like in practice. Oh my god. they couldn’t fucking STAND each other but they’d have to because they’re trying to do the same things more or less and like, Ezra is trying SO HARD to find selflessness in Nissy and Nissy is trying SO HARD to make Ezra care literally At All about himself, and anyone who interacts with them trying to adventure is kinda just like uh ...... you know i’ll just wait while you two work this out. Verdict: Buddy Cop Dynamic
ezra/ebbie: i really don’t have strong feelings about this one like, i think they’d get along fine. they’re both just kinda dudes trying to do good and they’d vibe with each other but they’re not quite as similar as ebbie and tov to have any kind of strong dynamic. it’s like when two bus drivers wave at each other while passing in the street and its like YAHOO for one second and then they’ve passed each other. Verdict: If You’re Into Bland Ships To Self Project On
ezra/roona: very good friendship dynamic here. ezra knows that there’s good in roona and is content to wait with her while it worms its way out, and roona is glad to have someone to check her and occasionally get talked into doing some stupid shit. ezra gets a new baby sister, roona gets a second vinny. Verdict: It’s Familiar But Not Too Familiar
nissy/ebbie: ajskdfjsdjfisdjfsakfdjfdsakljfisaodf sadfkdsajfasdjfasfsdfjsiof hsadfjsdfsahfsdfjsdoifhsdf Verdict: Hhsdfkjasdhiuf 
ebbie/roona: so. ebbie has had to deal with an unstable 11 year old before, and keep her out of trouble, and roona has had a vinny to pull her out of bad situations before, so they like. Half understand the dynamic between them. Ebbie’s too much of a pushover though, or Roona’s too little of one, and so instead of like being a voice of reason that actually stops the bad ideas ebbie’s more just getting dragged into situation after situation that he is NOT comfortable and having to smooth everything over when all’s said and done. and like, they still enjoy each other’s company when they’re not in deep shit. they both lean pretty heavily towards same gender rather than not, so like they probably wouldn’t be into each other, but there’s a slight chance.   Verdict: Disney Channel Original Movie Protagonist + Scared Best Friend Dynamic
nissy/roona: you’d think it’d go badly, and by all accounts it should, but it doesn’t. nissy loves how spontaneous and wild roona is and loves the freer side of him that it brings out, and roona likes nissy’s careful intelligence that can be equally well applied to proper societal actions and also stupid pranks. low wis gang gets each other’s impulsiveness and doesn’t judge when things go wrong, but they’re always by each other’s sides to help get the other out of a pickle. they both stick out like sore thumbs in a crowd and don’t mind bouncing around from place to place because home isn’t really somewhere they want to head back to, but it’s alright, because they have consistency in each other. god fucking damn it i’m actually into this.  Verdict: Bastards In Love
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nastybuckybarnes · 5 years
Bodyguard  -  Two
Pairing: Bodyguard!Bucky X Politician!Reader
Summary: As a young and controversial politician, you face some opposition. After a death threat is made and your security is at risk, you agree to get a bodyguard. You don’t expect him to be the most irritating and attractive man on the planet. With a history so deep and twisted you never thought you’d figure it out, a terrible corporation is determined to take you out of the political picture; using any means necessary. The only question is, how far is James willing to go to ensure your safety?
Warnings: Angst, Violence, threats, injuries, kidnapping, drugging, political talk (not a lot), terrorism (Wait for the plot twist tho guys), Smut, Fluff, PTSD, (More to Come)
Word Count: 1.5K
A/n: And part two!! Slow for now, but wait ‘till the next chapter. oh looooords
"Three attacks in nine months. How does that make you feel, Madame Secretary?” You think about the interviewer's question for a moment before answering.
“It saddens me that so many innocent lives have been lost. But it also makes me curious about the reason behind the attacks. Why attack the train station and the bus stop and the coffee shop? What’s the connection? What is the point? These attacks are targeting innocents, why? What lesson is being taught here?” He nods and glances at the screen over your shoulder.
“What do you plan to do about them? Many have said that these are attacks from foreign countries in the Middle East. Should we reintroduce a ban on Middle Eastern people?” You scoff out loud, shaking your head at how stupid he sounds.
“What would that solve? There are speculations built on fear, that the terrorists were not white. However, there is absolutely no proof that the terrorists weren’t Americans. I will not advise a ban on an entire group of people, based on incidents of the past. If we count up all the casualties from terrorist attacks by white Americans, we’re looking at thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of injuries. I refuse to allow the fear of a few sways the opinions of many. To make myself explicitly clear, there is no proof of any race being responsible for the terrorist attacks. There is also no ban on any race thus far. We are not banning anyone from our country, so long as our laws are being followed and our rights are being adhered to.”
The interview ends shortly after that and you couldn’t be happier.
“Thank you again for coming in, Madame Secretary.” As the reporter goes to shake your hand, a man bumps into him, causing him to bump into you and spill your coffee all over your blouse.
You gasp, the hot drink burning your skin, and jump away from the man.
“Shit! Jesus Fucking Christ!” You glance at your ruined blouse and pinche the bridge of your nose.
“I’m meeting with a representative of the President in half an hour!” You try to calm down and think of how to fix your shirt.
“Where’s Wanda! Have her bring me a fresh blouse!” You order, glaring at the man behind the interviewer.
“There’s no time,” Sergeant Barnes says from behind you, tugging his tie off and slipping out of his suit jacket. You watch as he sheds his white shirt, eyes fluttering to his left arm.
It’s made completely out of metal.
“My shirt has been altered to fit over my vest. The chest to waist ratio should be compatible.” His eyes flicker over your torso for a moment before returning to your face. “Shirt is fresh this morning, Ma’am.” You offer him a smile and take the warm white shirt from his hand. He pulls his suit jacket back on and buttons it up to cover his white kevlar vest.
“Here, I’ll show you to the restroom.” You follow the interviewer, Sergeant Barnes a step behind you.
The shirt is warm and incredibly comfortable when you put it on. You tuck it into your pants and situate your Jacket to make it look more like a woman’s shirt, then leave the bathroom.
“Can’t even tell,” Barnes says, nodding to your new outfit. You smile a thank you then follow him out of the building and into the car that’s waiting for the two of you.
“Madame Secretary,” The PR says, shaking your hand firmly. “Mister Sitwell. Always a pleasure.” He nods and sits down with you, eyeing your bodyguard wearily for a moment.
“It’s a shame President Pierce couldn’t join us,” you say, trying to ease the tension.
“Yes. It is. However, he trusts that we’ll be brief but thorough.” You nod and start talking about what to do.
“The current terrorist threat level in America is at High. We want to get back down to Elevated at the least. I recommend being more thorough at all Airport security checkpoints and all borders. I also think it would be good to have more security throughout the country in general. At bus stations and train stations. Places with high civilian counts. I have a meeting with the Prime minister of Canada and I also will be speaking to the Home Secretary of the UK. After these meetings, I’ll have more information on what our next course of action should be.”
Sitwell nods and glances at his watch. “Keep myself and the President notified on any changes we must take. The safety of American citizens is our number one priority.”
The rest of the meeting goes by in a blur of conversations that you’ve grown tired of.
When the meeting’s finally over, you relax, eyes falling closed as the car drives smoothly towards your house.
You’re just stepping out of the shower when an odd feeling washes over you.
“Sergeant Barnes?” You call softly, turning off the lights in the bathroom and walking slowly to the window.
“Ma’am?” He knocks on the door then slowly opens it. His eyes find your towel-clad form but quickly move away when he sees the way you’re looking at the Window.
He presses on his earpiece and glances at you.
“Control, 10-12, stand by. Assistance may be needed at the southeast second-floor window.” He moves along the wall to the window and slowly glances out the blinds.
“Copy that, Barnes. Were on our way. ETA two minutes.”
“Control, 10-61. Man, late thirties in the tree 1-0 feet away from the window. Large camera in hand.”
Your heart beats faster as you realize they might catch the man who's been giving you so much trouble.
“Copy, I’ve got eyes on him. We’re closing in. Find a secure location inside the house for her for the time being.” Sergeant Barnes takes you by the arm and gingerly pulls you out of the bathroom.
“Get dressed quickly.” He turns his back to you and you stare at it for a minute. After deciding he won't turn around, you grab a pair of pyjamas and change quickly.
“Alright. We’ve got a 952 (suspicious vehicle) driving down her street. Licence plate Hotel-2-Delta-6-Romeo-4.” He mouths the words to himself a few times, trying to memorize them and their configuration.
“Barnes?” You ask softly, voice wavering slightly.
“Come with me.” You follow him to the guest bedroom, almost stumbling in the dark. When you finally reach the room, he sits you down on the bed, one gloved hand resting on his gun.
You bring your knees up to your chest and take deep breaths, calming yourself down as your bodyguard listens to whatever’s going on in his ear.
“He’s running! 10-80 (chase in progress). I need- oh shit!” Sam’s voice gets cut off by the sound of gunfire.
You squeak on the bed at the loud noise, pressing your forehead to your knees.
“Control, what the Hell’s happening out there?” He looks over at you then glances out the window, trying to see something. Anything.
“10-32 (man with gun), keep her inside. Suspect has a gun and has opened fire. Move to the basement, Barnes.”
He takes you by the hand and pulls you out of the room and down the stairs, catching you when you miss a step and almost eat shit.
“To the basement,” he whispers, eyes darting around the house. You hurry down another flight of stairs and watch as he scans the area before deeming it safe.
You sit down on the ground and lean your head against the wall, overwhelmed by everything that’s going on.
“Hey, you’re gonna be okay.” You nod with his words, knowing you won’t be hurt. This is all mostly a huge inconvenience anyway.
“Control, Suspect is -oof! Contained. We have him.” He exhales deeply and smiles to himself.
“They’ve got him, Ma’am. You’re safe.”
A gunshot.
Tires squealing against concrete.
Blood splattered everywhere.
A car flipping and rolling rolling rolling.
A dead man in the front seat.
A child, terrified in the back.
Screams erupt, more shots are fired.
He’s dead already.
There’s blood all over the child’s face. In her hair.
She’s crying. Screaming and terrified.
You wake up with a startled gasp, eyes darting around your room. A few moments pass before you remember that you’re safe.
As the anniversary of his death approaches, the nightmares are growing increasingly realistic and frequent.
You sigh heavily and climb out of bed, navigating your way through the dark house and putting the kettle on.
You put your face in your hands as a tear slides down your cheek, trying to stay silent and not wake up your bodyguard.
“What are you doing up, ma’am?” You gasp at his voice and spin around, clutching your shirt and panting. “I-I...” you trail off and look away from his intense gaze.
“You’re safe here. I promise you that.” You shake your head. “It’s not that. I... ugh.” You find yourself embarrassed to admit this. “I sometimes have nightmares. Nothing major. I make myself tea and do some work or something.”
He watches you for a few moments before speaking. “I... understand the feeling.” You look back up at him, shock clear as day on your face.
“I was stationed overseas during my time with the military,” is the only explanation he gives.
You nod and look back at the kettle.
“Would-would you like some tea?” The world freezes as soon as the words roll off your tongue.
The clock ticks once, twice, three times before- “I’d love some. Thank you, ma’am.”
PERMANENT TAGS: @smolbeanbucky @wildefire @inumorph @impalatobakerstreet @nanna022 @mummy-woves-you @m-a-t-91 @wtfholland @bookgirlunicorn @beautifulwisdom2001 @deep-sea-glitter @mrhiddles-81 @iamwarrenspeace @bitchacho25 @escapetheshackles @i-know-i-can @buckyssoul @avnngrs @swoonhui @destiel-artemis @frozenhuntress67 @unlikelygalaxygiver @agentlokidottir @viarogers
MARVEL: @fallenangelfangirl @look-to-the-stars-and-wish @maladaptive-ninja-returns @cliffordasparagus @april-14-blog @potteritis @momc95 @shakzer00 @inkedaztec @cal-ifornication @heartislubbingdubbing @my-suga-kookies
BUCKY: @chuuulip @nerd-without-a-cause @natashasnight @dragonrosegardens @saharzek @fandom-princess-forevermore
BODYGUARD: @the-surviving-revolutionist @spnsquirrel @alohafromhell1 @loki-ang-batang-heneral @emilysallysmith @farfromjustordinary @rebbie444 @mylife-love-and-other-things @lumar014​ @goldtsunami @casuallydarktiger @iammomohearmerawr @tayahs-blog
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christas-notebook · 5 years
City of Light, City of Night… (pt 5)
When Liv gets up the next morning, and leaves for work she finds a note fastened to her door. It is from Arthur, suggesting they meet infront of the building at 7 that evening. It is a very short and concise note. She tucks it in her purse. It makes her happy that he seem to be just as interested as her into getting to know eachother. It would be nice to have a friend here. She haven’t had any since the early school days, then everything became so difficult, and in the end it was easier to just not bother with it.
The day moves so slow. She is working at a café, and might have lied a little about her experience in similiar jobs. She was lucky, and the owner let her have the job - even without having any papers to show for her. She gave him Martins phonenumber for references, he will recommend her for anything anyone will ask about. He is the only one from back home that know where she is. And the only one she trust, but she still keep the contact to a minimum. The clock seem to have stopped. Every second takes a minute, and every minute takes an hour. She is waiting tables, as she smiles. She cleans the tables, as she smiles. She think about the evening to come, and smiles. Finally the day is over and she can leave.
Back home she rushes up to her appartment. Well, as fast as she can rush the 10 floors. She takes a quick shower. Wraps herself in a towel and change her mind about what to wear for the 50th time or so. It is just a cup of coffee, she tells her self. It is not like he invited me on a date. She ends with a light green summer dress, and a cardigan. Low heels, because after walking and standing almost all day at work she don’t think she can move far in anything else. Looking good has never been a priority, and and this moment she wish she had paid more attention to other people, their hair and make-up. She decide on the usual braid for her hair. Some mascara and lipstick will have to do - after all, that is the only things she have.
At 6:45 she walks out in the the main hall. Arthur is allready there. He looks stunning! He is wearing a green suit, with a west and tie, and a dark blue shirt. The colours are vibrant, and looks great on him. His dark hair is pulled back from his face, making him look younger. He hastily walks towards her and greet her smiling. - Hi. There is a nice coffe shop - confectionery not too far from here. It is a bit more fancy than the cafè we went to last time, if you would like to try it? She smiles back. - That sounds lovely. - There was nothing wrong with the café we visited, but I thought it would be fun to try something nicer. They have a broad variety of cakes and confectionaries, tea, coffee, hot chocolate... - I absolutely agree, she says. Besides, you are definitely dressed for a fancier place than that dark café. You are looking so handsome today. He suddenly looks shy. - Did I overdo it? - No, no. You are looking really good. I mean it. - So are you. He chews on his lower lip, and she gets the impression that both giving and receiving compliments are rare for him. - Shall we go then? - You lead the way, she says and put her hand on his arm.
As they walk down the street, they fumbles their way trough the beginning of a conversation. Trivialities like weather and work. The summer evening is warm and humid, and there is againg looking to be rain and thunder later.
The coffee shop is really nice. The interior is dark here, also. It is made to look old fashioned with dark brown wood, and the fabrics are held in dusty pink in diffrent shades - but there is so much glass, and brass and light. There are several display counters with cakes, and confectioneries. The place smells of coffee, chocolate, caramel, vanilla, and everything sweet. They walk along the counters and she wonder how she will possibly be able to make up her mind. - Do you see anything you’d like? He ask. - All of it... She giggles. - What a marvelous place. - I’m in no hurry. He laughs back. - We can sit here all evening if you like. And they do.
After they decide on what to order, he leads them to a table for two. Again the start of their talk is a little slow, mainly sharing thoughts about the placeand the overflowing counters. After a while they get more personal again. This is such a unusal situation for her - learning to know someone, trying to make friends. It makes it a little easier that he seems just as inexperienced as her on it.  - Can I ask why you picked this city to move to? He says. - That was just a coincidence. It was the first bus that left the station that night, so I climbed on it, and here I am. - Just like that? - Yeah. Just like that. She stares out the window. Wondering how much she should tell. She turns back to him. - Things had been bad for a long time by then. There were some people in the town that went together and passed the hat... they gave me money enough for a ticket here, and a room at an inn the first days. Said it was to give me a fresh start. But to tell you the truth they did it for themselfes. They could no longer bare to see me walking among them, knowing that they had done nothing - about what they knew was going on. Every day I reminded them of their shame - and this was the easiest solution. But it is OK. In the end - there was nothing I wanted more by then.  I was happy to leave too. She is silent again. He leans over and place his hand over hers. Pats it carefully. - If you want to talk about it, I will listen. He says. - No. He appologises and quickly removes his hand. He should have known. It is to soon to ask someone to trust him with something so personal. She swallows and breath deep in trough her nose. Then reaches over the table and takes his hand again. - Listen, Arthur. I have never spoken about it to anyone. It is such a bad and disgusting story. And it makes me feel bad and disgusting, and I am afraid that might be what others will feel about me too, if they hear it. And I don’t want to risk that with you. Nor do I want you to pity me. I do thank you for your kindness tho. I really do. She changes the subject and ask about him and his mother. He tells that they have been living in their  appartment for 20 years. They moved there when he was 10. His mother have been sickly most of the time, and he have been the one taking care of most things. She asks if he have been married, and he shakes his head. Then he lets her know more about his life, and how everyday can be a challenge. The therapist he sees, and the medications he need. The anxiety, his condition and what it is actually called (Involuntary Emotional Expression Disorder), how his co-workers keep a polite distance to him, and how others find him odd, and how he feels like he is not fitting in anyplace. His voice go lower and lower as he speaks, till she can barely hear him. When he is finished she is still holding his hand. - I really don’t want to scare you away, he says. - But I want to be honest. And just like you I am not after any pity. It just feels important to let you know who I am, and what I am and, and... I am not dangerous, he adds, not to myself or anyone else. She nods. - I am not scared of you. And I really do appreciate you trusting me enough to tell me all this. - I know we have only talked a couple of times, and this might be a little to early to just let it all out like this, but... He pauses - It just feels so right when I am talking with you. I can’t explain why... - I feel the same way, Liv answers. I feel confortable in your presence. 
They sit in silence for another while. Arthurs legs are moving up and down under the table, increasing in speed. She won’t ask, just assumes it is something that follows one of his diagnosis. After a while he seem to notice himself and try to stop it. She ask if he would like another coffee, and he does. The next hour they talk about easier themes. She shares of the good things from her days in her hometown, the woods, the lake and the library - places she enjoyed spending time.He talks about music, movies and his mother. He asks what she thinks of the Murray Franklin Show, and when she tells him that she does not own a TV, he thinks she is joking. - I brought very little with me. Just clothes, and my record player actually. - Would you like to go back and get more of your belongings? - Nah. I didn’t have much anyway. - You could come over and watch it with me some day if you’d like. - Sure. That would be nice. - It’s on every weekday, so you can come whichever day that suits you best. He continue to tell her about the city. She have spent her days at work, then at home. The shopping she have done has been at the nearest grocery store. So he offers to show her around some day. She is flattered - he has suggested two more meetings allready. It is only the two of them left in the coffee shop now. The staff is cleaning off tables and getting ready to close for the night. They walk slowly down the streets on their way back to the appartments. And they walk close to eachother. Now and then their hands brush together, and finally Arthur gather enough corage to take her hand. She looks up at him and smile. - You know. I really like you. She says. - You do? - I do. - I like you too. I like being with you. She laughs. Loud and happily. When they reaches the appartment building, he offers to walk her up the stairs. - It’s ok. I can take the elevator with you up till your floor. Now I am prepared that it can stop, and I will be fine. I promise I won’t make another scene. They walk in and he presses the button for her floor. She is moved by how considerate he is. Impulsive she wraps her arms around him and leans into him. -Thank you, she mumbles into his chest. - You are so kind to me. He freezes for a few seconds, holding his breath. Then he puts his arms around her too, and pull her carefully a little closer. She can smell him. Aftershave, and cigarette smoke. Coffe and chocolate. He rest his chin on the top of her head. I could very easily fall in love with this man she thinks. And for once in her lifetime she allows herself to hold on to that thought. To love someone. To let someone into her life again.
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myforeverforlife · 6 years
home is with you.
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Your boyfriend is extremely important to you — but so is your job. When you’re offered the opportunity to do work abroad for the summer, you jump at the chance. Jongdae is understanding, the best boyfriend you could ever ask for. But even kind words meant to comfort aren’t the same as having your best friend, the love of your life by your side.
Word Count: 5,904
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You weren’t always this lucky to have time to call Jongdae nowadays. 
”And then, Jongin realized that he had left his keys inside his car, but the door had already locked behind him! He had to call a locksmith to get him in.” 
You laughed along with Jongdae, hand coming up to cover your mouth in a half-hearted attempt to stifle yourself. “Was it the same person as last time?”  
“The exact same one. They looked pretty annoyed,” Jongdae told you, chuckling to himself from his side of the phone. 
“He should just leave a spare key somewhere, for the next time that this happens.” 
“You know Jongin, he’d end up losing that one too.” 
You hummed in agreement, rolling onto your back and pressing the phone closer to your ear. It was 5:18 in the afternoon in Seoul, but 10:18 in the morning for you. You were currently on a summer trip with some other professors and a handful of graduate students from your university studying a small sample of the wide variety of languages spoken in South Africa. The hotel you were staying at in Johannesburg was beautiful, but it didn’t have the same appeal as home. 
Especially when your favorite person was almost 8,000 miles away. 
“How is your work going? Fluent in any new languages yet?” Jongdae asked, a crinkling noise carrying through the phone as he moved around. 
“I wish I was that good,” you said with a giggle. “We’ve been focusing on finishing up our lessons on Xhosa first before starting on Zulu next week.” 
“Oh wait, Xhosa’s language that they used in Black Panther, right? The one with the clicks?” Jongdae gave a small click of his tongue himself.
“Yep! I’m surprised you even remember that.” 
“I learned from the best.” 
You chuckled, never failing to be flattered by the way Jongdae dropped compliments on you out of the blue. He always did it so easily, you couldn’t do anything but accept them gratefully. “I can only hope that my students think the same thing.” 
“I’m sure they do. You always have a bunch of students talking to you and trying to get in touch with you. Speaking of, you have some letters in the mail from some of them.”
“Did you read them?”
“No. Did you want me to?” You heard a creak and guessed that he’d gotten up from his seat, heading over to the counter where you keep your unread mail. You could picture it so clearly, Jongdae’s slipper-covered feet padding across the floor as he flipped on light switches in the hallway until he reached the mail. The thought was so vivid, you felt a familiar wave of uneasiness come over you. These periods of homesickness still came to you often, even though you’d been in Johannesburg for almost a month already. 
You cleared your throat, forcing yourself to focus on the present. “No, it’s okay. How many letters are there?”
Jongdae hummed to himself as he counted, and you knew that he was flipping through the letters one by one, movements swift like they always were. “Four. Are these all your senior students?” 
“They might be. Actually, can you open them up and send me pictures of them? They might be urgent.” 
“Yeah, of course.” 
“Thanks, Dae.” You stretched out on your bed, sighing as you felt yourself physically relax. “I miss being home, even with all the work.” 
“I miss you too. Eating at home by myself is getting pretty old.” 
Your eyes closed shut at this, a grimace finding its way onto your face. “I feel so guilty. I wish you could have come with me.” 
“Oh babe, I didn’t mean it like that. Don’t feel bad, please? I’m glad you got the chance to go on this trip. How often do you get to go travel, especially to places far away like South Africa?” 
“I know, but still.... I miss having you with me.”
“I miss you too, Y/N.” Jongdae’s voice was more quiet, taking on a more somber tone. “But it’s two months away from home, and you’re already halfway through. Before we know it, you’ll be back home.” 
You smiled to yourself at these last words. Home. Back home with Jongdae, in the comforts of the apartment the two of you have been living in for a couple of years. “You’re right. I’ll be back home and leaving my lecture outlines and worksheets all over the place like usual.” 
Jongdae laughed, the sound light and cheery like always, reminding you of sweet lemonade on a warm day. “I found a page from one of your lectures the other day. It was under the table in the living room. I didn’t realize how much I really missed you until I started getting all emotional over a piece of paper, and it was like the most boring of papers you could have ever imagined. It was a sample page from a dictionary, your freaking Latin dictionary, can you believe it? I was tearing up over that?!”
A snort escaped from you, and you fought back the giggles as you heard Jongdae joke over the line about how it wasn’t supposed to be funny, it was supposed to be touching and romantic. 
You’ve missed talking to him like this. 
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A couple of days later, you were sitting beside one of your colleagues in a private bus on your way to your destination: the University of KwaZulu-Natal. The trip would be long, almost six hours if you were lucky, but the dean of your department had a close friend who taught Zulu at the university, and had arranged for him to get your travel group familirized with the language. You were looking forward to a change in scenery after staying in Johannesburg for the past month, and thankfully the hotel that you would be staying at in Durban was close to the ocean. 
You stared out the window aimlessly, watching the other cars and people as they passed by while the rest of your colleagues chattered amongst themselves. Since you were so caught up in your own thoughts, you almost missed the slight buzz coming from your cellphone. 
Quickly, you pulled it out of your pocket, letting out a sigh of relief when you saw who had texted you: Jongdae.
JD: did you sleep well? :)
🌷: I did! 💕 what are you doing right now?
JD: missing you 
🌷: jesus CHRIST dae
JD: i love you!!! so much
You giggled softly to yourself, garnering the attention from your seatmate, Nari. She had been teaching at the university a bit longer than you had, and she was like an older sister to you. “Texting your boyfriend?” she asked with a playful wiggle of her eyebrows. 
“The one and only,” you replied, sending Jongdae a text before putting your phone down so that you could talk to your colleague properly. “He’s been extremely cheesy lately.” 
“He must miss you a lot.” 
“Yeah.” Nari didn’t fail to notice how your face fell, and she gave your arm a light poke. 
“Look at you, Miss Lovebird over here,” she sang with a childish grin. “I bet you’ll be the happiest out of all of us when we get to go home.” 
Her efforts to cheer you up didn’t go unnoticed, and you were overcome with gratitude for this entire experience. Not only was the trip extremely well-planned out, but your colleagues and seniors were also friendly and kind as well. You really couldn’t ask for a better trip. 
“I guess so,” you replied, resting your head against the back of your seat. “Although I heard that you’ve got someone waiting for you back home too.” 
“What?! Who told you?” Nari exclaimed in a hushed whisper, quickly looking around to make sure no one had heard. “I didn’t even say a word about him to anyone!” 
The next hour was filled with soft giggles and gossip about the budding romance between your colleague and another professor in your university’s History department. 
When the long drive was finally crawling to an end and you were able to catch the sight of the rippling crystal-clear ocean by the coast of Durban, you let out a sigh of relief. Being landlocked didn’t suit you, and getting even a small glimpse of the water was enough to put you at ease. 
The hotel was situated close to the beach, promising you a beautiful view of the sunrise and the sunset every day for the remaining month in South Africa. Eager to show Jongdae, you stepped out onto the balcony of your room and held your phone up, snapping a vibrant photo of the landscape before you. Without hesitation, you sent the picture to Jongdae before remembering that it was almost midnight over in South Korea. 
JD: you’re at the beach?? 
🌷: close to it, our hotel is like right by it          sorry, were you about to fall asleep?
JD: no i’m over at minseok’s house        he and chanyeol say hi 👋🏻
🌷: tell them i say hi too!!         babe, we’re coming here together someday so we can stay in this hotel
JD: YES!!!! ✈️
🌷: lol i love the enthusiasm!
JD: you know me, your trusty hype man always on hand
🌷: true, true 😂 do you have time to talk? not facetime tho, i look so sweaty ugh
A couple of seconds after sending the last text, your phone screen changed to alert you of an incoming call from Jongdae. You smiled at the profile picture you had set for him: one of him grinning widely as he stood with his arms wrapped around you from behind. It had been taken at your birthday dinner last year, and you could never find the will to change the picture. “Hello?”
“Babe!” he yelled, a laugh filled with giddiness filtering out through the phone’s speaker. “I want to go over there to see you right now,” he said, a wistful whine seeping into his voice. “And you know I don’t care how sweaty you are,” he added in reference to your last text. 
Before you could answer, another voice broke in. “Y/N!” You easily recognized the voice as Chanyeol’s. “Hurry up and come back, your boyfriend’s going crazy without you!”
“I am not!” You heard Jongdae yell, and the sounds of scuffling as you assumed the boys were fighting over the phone.
“Dae? Hello?” you called out, rolling your eyes as they continued to wrestle over the phone. Suddenly, as if at the flick of a light switch, all traces of the boys’ fight were gone, leaving only an empty silence on the other side of the phone. “Dae?” you tried once again, eyes growing shifty as you tried to figure out what had happened.
“Hey, Y/N,” a new voice spoke. “I stole the phone from these goofs before they could break it.” 
You let out a breath you hadn’t even realized you had been holding. “Hi, Minseok. I hope Dae hasn’t been bugging you too much. How’ve you been?” 
“Eh, same as usual.” You could tell the older boy was smiling, the thought of his wide grin bringing back memories of home with your friends. 
“Hey, give me my phone back! I was talking to the love of my life!” Jongdae yelled out, probably from behind Minseok, you guessed. 
Minseok sighed, pretending to gag before you heard him yelp. “It was nice talking to you, Y/N. I’m giving the phone back before Jongdae punches me again. Enjoy the rest of your trip!” 
“Thanks, Minseok!” 
A breathless Jongdae was heard once more, panting slightly as he spoke into the phone again. “Hi again, babe.”
“Dae, why are you breathing like that?”
“Have you ever tried to grab a phone from Chanyeol? That monster’s like two buildings tall.” You heard the sound of a door clicking shut. “I’m hiding out in Minseok’s bedroom now so they don’t try to steal it away again.”
“Mm, good thinking.” 
“So, where were we?” 
“I honestly don’t even remember. Probably something along the lines of us missing each other a lot.”
“Yeah, that sounds like us.” 
“Just four more weeks, and then I’ll be back home. I can’t wait to show you all the pictures I took. And the beach here is so pretty! I mean, I haven’t gotten a chance to actually go down there yet, but I’m planning to whenever I can.” 
“Is it prettier than the ones here?” 
“Nothing beats the beaches back home.” 
“We should go on a trip together someday, but your semester’s coming up soon and I’m always busy with work.” Jongdae made a small noise, a small humming as he tried to think of a solution. 
“We could always leave work behind and go on a surprise trip,” you teased, knowing both of you would never actually do such a thing.
True enough, Jongdae laughed. “Even I’m not that spontaneous, athough the idea is tempting. I’d love nothing more than to just have more than a couple hours just for the two of us. No work, nothing to worry about.” 
“Same.” You thought back to your last date with Jongdae; a trip to the movie theater to go see Infinity War. Both of you were entirely too busy to have more than the weekends and the occasional day off. Even then, it seemed like some parts of your minds were always reminded of something that needed taking care of at work. 
The door to your hotel room opened behind you, and you spun around to see Nari’s head peeking out from behind. Her eyes glanced up to the phone at your ear before she tapped at her watch, then held up five fingers. 
You looked over at the clock on your nightstand, surprised to see it was almost time for dinner. With a grateful smile to your roommate for the reminder, you watched as she silently closed the door behind her. “Dae, I have to go. The rest of the staff is meeting downstairs for dinner with the dean, and I can’t be late.” 
“Yeah, no worries! I’ll text you later before I fall asleep.” 
“Okay, bye Dae. I love you.” 
“I love you too, babe.” 
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The next couple of weeks passed by so quickly, you were almost convinced that they had been a dream. Your team got to learn from some of the university’s professors not only about the Zulu language, but also about the culture and the history of the people who spoke it. The professors were kind and accommodating every step of the way, and you had been over the moon when they gave you copies of some of the materials that they used to teach in their classes. The appeal of having new material to share with your students and colleagues back home was so great, you almost forgot about how homesick you had been at the beginning of the trip. 
Before you knew it, it was your final week in South Africa, and you had almost everything prepared for your return trip back home. Your suitcases were nearly packed with your belongings and souvenirs for your loved ones waiting for you, a daily reminder that soon, you would be back. It seemed that the feeling was contagious — the number one topic that you and your colleagues all talked about was what it would be like when the plane landed back in South Korea. 
“The first thing I’m gonna do is run back home to visit my mom,” Justin, a professor in Ethnic Studies, spoke up. You were all gathered around a set of tables at a restaurant, lazing around and relishing in the easy conversation that came to you all. Drinks had followed after the savory dishes, and you would be lying if you said that you weren’t feeling a bit tipsy at this point. 
“Because you miss her?” someone called out, too far down the table for you to see who it was. 
“Well, yeah, that too. But also because I miss her cooking.” 
The table broke out into groans and chortles of laughter as Justin’s voice grew louder. “What?” he asked, face red from the drinks he had earlier and his embarrassment. 
“I never would’ve guessed that alcohol makes our friend Justin here all sentimental,” Nari whispered to you, hiding her smirk behind her hand. 
You hummed in agreement, downing the rest of your drink before setting it down on the table. “You’re one to talk,” you said with a laugh, the sound more of a silly giggle as you let yourself relax. “Remember that time we went drinking to celebrate you getting approved for tenure and you cried for hours at the bar?”
“She did what?!” Justin yelled, eyes bugging out as he glanced from you to Nari. Who would have imagined calm, always-prepared Nari as emotional when drunk?
She shot you a glare, but you pretended not to notice and continued on. “If you ever see Nari drunk, she gets all sappy and basically starts giving speeches about how much she loves every single person in her life. That time, I was worried until she started talking about how thankful she was to everyone she worked with. In. Full. Detail. We were there for practically the whole night.” “Alright, and alcohol turns you into a chatterbox,” Nari interrupted, pulling you up along with her. “I’ll be taking this girl back to the hotel before she gets even more intoxicated.” 
The rest of your drinking party shouted out their farewells, some of them advising you two to stay safe as you stumbled out of the restaurant. 
“I’m not that drunk,” you grumbled, although you let Nari hold onto your arm for safety. As you continued to walk, you found yourself leaning onto her more and more, your steps growing heavier. 
“Yeah, okay. I’m pretty sure your boyfriend would lose his mind if I let you do something crazy.” 
Your eyes widened at the mention of Jongdae, and you clumsily got the clasp of your bag open, rummaging through it for your cell phone. “I should call him! I can’t remember the last time I even texted him.”
“Y/N, I saw you texting him an hour ago. He’ll live without you texting him until tomorrow morning.”
Despite her words, you finally got your phone out and began typing out a text to Jongdae.
🌷: dae i loove yiu
JD: babe? are you okay??
🌷: aveolutelyy fome
You squinted at the screen of your phone, trying to decipher your own text while Nari stood beside you and tried to call a taxi. Your phone suddenly started to ring, the familiar ringtone that you reserved for Jongdae playing in your ears. 
“Y/N?” you could hear him say, and you pressed the phone lazily to your ear. “Where are you?” he asked, concern lacing his voice. 
“Out eating. And drinking.” You stifled a small burp before continuing on. “I love you, Dae.”
“I love you too babe, but are you sure you’re okay?” 
“I am absolutely, one hundred percent fine.” 
Nari leaned closer, rolling her eyes at your statement. “Jongdae? This is Nari, your girlfriend’s pretty drunk so I’m taking her back to our room.” 
“Thanks,” Jongdae sighed out in relief. 
“He says thanks,” you relayed to Nari. “But you’re wrong — I’m not pretty drunk, I’m only slightly drunk.” 
Nari snorted at this, continuing to look for a taxi while you heard Jongdae speak up through the phone. “I really doubt that,” Jongdae said with a chuckle. “Get some rest and I’ll call you later.”
“Pinky promise.” 
“Okay. You better remember.” 
Jongdae let out a breathy laugh before making a sound in acknowledgement. “I will. Goodnight, babe.” 
“Goodnight,” you murmured before hanging up, the phone cold and heavy in your hand. 
A taxi suddenly drove up to the sidewalk, and Nari patted your shoulder softly. “Come on, Miss Lovebird. Let’s get you back so you can catch some sleep.” 
You let her help you into the cab, leaning against her shoulder as she gave the hotel’s address to the driver. “Nari?” you asked, watching the lights of other cars whiz past as you looked out through the window. 
“Thanks for always looking out for me.” 
She glanced down at you, brows raised in surprise. “Yeah, of course. It’s nothing.” As your best friend, it was second nature for her to have your back. Of course, she didn’t tell you that before this trip, Jongdae had asked her to keep you safe as well. 
“That boyfriend of yours is a real gentleman,” she told you, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “You guys are so cute, it makes me sick.” 
You shook your head, closing your eyes. “Jongdae’s the cute one.”
“Okay. Just go to sleep, dream about Jongdae or something,” she teased.
You didn’t answer, the only indication that you had heard being a small nod. 
You didn’t remember much of anything else, except for being woken up by Nari, heading up the elevator and then a fluffy blanket being draped over you. 
And silly as it was, you did dream of Jongdae.
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The countdown to your flight was drawing excitingly closer, and you felt as if you were all the way up on cloud nine with no intention of coming down. But of course, something managed to bring you down anyways. Multiple things, in fact. 
The first disappointment came a couple of days before your flight was scheduled to return home. Jongdae had called you just as you were about to leave the university and head back to your hotel, his words coming out in a blur.
“Babe, I’m sorry, but something came up and I can’t pick you up at the airport when you get back. But I’ll send someone to come get you, I promise!” 
“Dae, don’t worry about it. I’ll grab a ride from a friend or something,” you told him, even though you did feel slightly let down by this change in events. 
“No, I’ll make sure there’s someone there to get you! I don’t want you to have to go home by yourself.”
Even with the sudden drop in your mood, you still couldn’t find it in yourself to be mad at Jongdae. Whenever things fell through, he always found a way to make up for it. “Alright, Dae. I’ll see you soon.”
The next blow hit you when you were finally, at long last aboard the flight and realized that you were missing a USB full of notes and assignments you had collected during your summer in South Africa. The files contained things you wanted to include in your lectures for the new semester, and after failing to find it in your carry-on with your laptop, you could only hope that it was with your luggage. It really wasn’t as big of a deal as you thought it was, considering the fact that you could email the professors in South Africa and explain the situatoon to them. But with tensions already high and fatigue riddling your brain, the USB remained a dark cloud over your thoughts. For the rest of your flight, you were constantly plagued with the worry that it had been left behind in South Africa, now thousands of miles away and laying abandoned on a polished hotel table. 
When your flight finally landed after an excruciating twenty-seven hours up in the air, you grabbed your belongings and headed out to where Jongdae had texted you to wait for your pickup. At that point, you were so tired that you forgot about looking for your USB, and you were determined to catch some sleep in the comforts of your bed with your favorite person.
You had said your goodbyes to everyone else, giving Nari a hug and promising to call her before heading over to where Jongdae had said your ride would be. You were walking with your bags in hand, looking down at your phone when someone called out your name, the voice all too familiar. Looking up, you saw Junmyeon waiting for you, waving his hand and holding up a sign that read: “Professor Y/N, welcome home!”  
“Jun!” you screamed excitedly, or at least, as much as your jet-lagged, exhausted self would let you. You came closer with arms outstretched, leaving the suitcases a couple of paces behind. 
“Welcome back!” he greeted you cheerily, returning your hug and then taking the suitcases himself. “How was your flight?”
“Long. I honestly just want to sleep for decades. Oh!” You suddenly remembered the USB, explaining the story in full detail to Junmyeon even as he looked over you warily.
“We can look for your USB later, I think your health is more important. Plus, Jongdae will be pissed at me if you end up fainting from exhaustion. Come on.”
You lumbered into Junmyeon’s car, letting your head rest on the window as the two of you talked. Junmyeon filled you in on everything you had missed: from Jongin and Chanyeol’s joint cafe venture being a success, to Yixing’s latest return from Changsha. You gave him the gist of your trip, elaborate stories shortened down to small summaries in your weary condition, but Junmyeon knew he’d end up hearing the full stories sometime later on once you were well-rested. 
He pulled up to your place, immediately getting out to grab your suitcases for you. “Will you be okay getting this stuff up by yourself?” he asked worriedly, his feet shuffling slightly as he thought. 
“Yeah, I’ll take the elevator, don’t worry. Is Jongdae home?” 
His eyes widened briefly before he looked away, clearing his throat before he spoke. “Uh, I don’t know. He didn’t tell me anything before I came to pick you up.” 
Too worn out to question his behavior, you gave little thought to his response. After waving goodbye, you managed to get all of your belongings inside, up the elevator and to your floor. The wheels of your suitcases made a hushed, rustling sound as they rolled over the carpeted hallway. There was no one else out yet, seeing as it was still only eight in the morning and on a Saturday, no less. You let out a small huff of exhaustion as you got to your door, unlocking it and pushing it open with your shoulder. What lay beyond the threshold, however, left you speechless. 
You were taken aback to see papers scattering almost every available surface of your home, each one slightly different from the rest. From where you stood at the door, you could tell that there was a line of text on each one of them, although you couldn’t tell what they said from this distance.
After switching your shoes for your well-missed slippers, you ventured closer to a sheer of paper laying on the floor next to the shoe rack. A smile lit up your face as you realized what was on it: the words “I love you”. A glance at the pages nearby showed the same phrase, but in other languages. 
A small journey around the room had you gaping in awe at the diversity of the langauges scattered throughout it. “I love you” in Korean stared up at you from the couch, one in Italian was taped to the TV. You were even impressed to see it written out in Icelandic and even Xhosa and Zulu, the two languages you had been studying during your summer trip. 
“Oh my God,” you breathed out, taking precious time to study each sheet of paper, every symbol on them all written in a hand you knew too well: Jongdae’s. “Dae?” you called out, stepping over a sheet of paper in your way. “Are you in here?”
You turned the lights on as you made your way to the bedroom, the bulbs sputtering to life as they lit up overhead. When you finally got there, pushing the door open cautiously, you were disappointed to see no sign of Jongdae anywhere. Upon further inspection, you caught sight of a small, yellow envelope resting on top of the blankets. 
Careful to take your time in reading, you couldn’t help the smile that came to your face and the sudden warmth settling in your chest. 
“Welcome home, babe! I’ve missed you, I hope you enjoyed the small surprise I set up~ I’m sure you’re wondering where I am, right? Meet me at the place where we first met, I’ll be waiting for you there ❤️”
The place where you first met? You remembered first meeting Jongdae at a mutual friend’s housewarming party, but you were confident that he didn’t mean for you to meet him there? Surely you were missing something...
You paced around, the envelope in your hand as you willed yourself to think. “Come on brain, work with me here,” you pleaded, throwing your head back to stare up at the ceiling as you continued to walk around in circles. 
Circles. A hand came to your mouth as the answer suddenly hit you like a flash of lightning. The party was the first place where you two had actually spoken to each other, but you two had met each other for the first time while walking in circles at the botanical gardens close to your university. You were there on a lazy Sunday afternoon with Sehun taking pictures to fit his Instagram aesthetic when he had spotted his friends, Jongdae and Kyungsoo. Jongdae had assumed you two were dating at first, and he had later confided to you that he was glad the opposite was true. 
Quicker than you would have thought physically possible, you were back downstairs and beginning to worry about how to get to the gardens when you recognized a car parked outside.
“Jun? What are you still doing here?” you asked, peering into his car. 
Junmyeon rolled down the passenger window, a playful grin on his face as he unlocked the doors. “Need a ride?” 
“You’re in on this too!” you exclaimed, hopping into the car. 
“I’m guessing you know where we’re going?” he asked, already setting off. 
“Seoul Iris Garden!” 
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The drive was far too long for your waning patience, your feet tapping against the floor of the car as you fidgeted in your seat. All of the fatigue that had been weighing you down earlier was gone, a sudden rush of adrenaline replacing it. 
“Will you at least tell me where he’s waiting?” you pleaded, for what was probably the fiftieth time since you got in.
“It’s a secret. And if I tell you, it won’t be as fun.” 
“For you, or for me?” 
Junmyeon ignored this with a knowing smile, pulling into the parking lot. Before he could even put the car into park, you were out and jogging into the depths of the gardens. 
The gardens were peacefully quiet, only a couple of people walking around in the early morning. You, by contrast, were out of breath and starting to get sweaty with all of the running around you were doing. You had seriously underestimated how difficult it would be to find Jongdae. 
As you dashed past patches of flowers, you finally caught sight of a small figure standing atop a bridge spanning a small stream. “Jongdae!” you chirped out, a triumphant laugh leaving your lips as you approached him. 
He turned around, his grin spreading on his face and his eyes alight with mirth as soon as he caught sight of you. A burst of laughter bubbled out of him as you wrapped your arms around his waist, holding him close to you as you rested your head against his chest. “You found me! And you saw all the papers back home?” 
“I did! I can’t believe you had me run over here in my airport sweats though, especially now that I see what you’re wearing,” you joked as you loosened your grip to look him over. Jongdae stood before you in a button-down you had bought for him a couple of years ago, with a pair of black pants and shiny dress shoes. 
“You know it doesn’t matter to me even if you’re even out in pajamas,” he murmured. He lifted a hand to your face, running his thumb over your cheek as he gazed into your eyes, as if he couldn’t believe you were really there before him. 
“So what’s the big occassion? This is all a bit much just to welcome me home, isn’t it?” 
“Well...” Jongdae cleared his throat before dropping his hand from your face. He held onto both of your hands in his own, his thumbs running over the back of them nervously. “I missed you so much, more than I even expected.” 
“I missed you too, Dae.” You leaned up to press your lips to his, the sensation of his lips against yours something that you had been longing for ever since you left. 
Jongdae pulled away, much too quickly before your liking before resting his forehead against yours. “This trip was an eye-opener to me. I mean, I already knew that I loved you, but I didn’t know that I had room in my heart to love you even more until after you were miles away from me. I looked forward to every text, every phone call, every picture that you sent me. Chanyeol wasn’t kidding when he said I was going crazy with you gone,” he added with a small chuckle. “I think I went over these plans like crazy for the past month or so.” 
“And it definitely swept me off my feet. Thank you, Dae.” You nudged his nose with yours, giving a hushed giggle when he pressed back, just as gently. 
“There’s still one more thing.” 
Jongdae let go of your hands, and before you knew it, he was down on one knee and pulling a small box out of his pocket as you gaped down at him. With trembling fingers, he got the top of the box open, revealing a delicately designed ring inside, the diamonds there sparkling in the light of the morning sun. 
“Y/N, I love you. So much. I can’t imagine a day without you in my life. I love hearing the sound of your laughter, the way you whisper to me when we’re falling asleep at night. I want to wake up beside you everyday for the rest of my life, not just as your boyfriend, but as your husband. Will you marry me?” 
You were nodding even before he could finish his question, dropping down beside him and catching his lips with yours in a kiss. “Of course,” you breathed against his lips. “Of course I’ll marry you.” 
Jongdae beamed at you with a smile so full of love, you weren’t sure how any single person was capable of carrying around so much affection. You let him slip the ring onto your finger, the cool metal resting there as if it had been there all along. He brought your hand up, his lips brushing over the ring as you felt a flush start to dust your cheeks. 
Your relationship was strong enough to withstand time and distance, something both of you had learned through this trip. Together or apart, you two would always come back together. Home was with Jongdae, and his was with you. 
And now, the two of you would create a new one together. 
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A/N: i knew going into this that there really was only one option for the ending — absolute fluff haha! i hope that you guys enjoyed this and that it was worth the wait! this fic was inspired by exo-cbx’s “miss you”, which talks about a long-distance relationship as well (and also the song is just really good, so that was definitely on repeat while i was writing this) also fun fact: i almost majored in linguistics, and then decided against it because grammar is my #1 enemy 😅
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