#i miss him a lot. and every moment of the day not spent absorbed in something else is spent thinking about the loss of him in my life
prismatoxic · 1 year
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a-soft-hornytiny · 2 years
This is “Loved.“ pt. 2
Summary: Two weeks had passed when you decided to turn on your phone again. And it was a good decision because if he hadn’t called you that night, you wouldn’t have gone back. 
Word count: 3.2k+ (whoops)
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Pairing: poly!ateez x neutral!reader
Warnings: depression, blaming, lots of crying (let me know if I missed something) be careful while reading.
Notes: it is time muahaha this is part two to “Loved.” I hope you will enjoy it just as much as the first part and I hope it meets your expectations hehe prepare for a lot of emotions. I usually try to include every member equally in poly fanfics but I had to put a few focuses here. 
Taglist: after the cut (let me know if you wanna be added)
The dorm had not been the same ever since you had left. The first few days had been pure horror, every single one of them could feel the pain of your absence with every minute. Even when they tried to find comfort in each other, it didn’t take long for their thoughts to go back to you. They were down. Powerless. Numb.
It was like someone ripped their hearts out. But not only once. Because every time they remembered that you left, they also remembered that it was their own fault. When even Yunho decided to skip their regular dance practice, the management realized that they had to do something. After three days of forcing them to work, the group fell into a strange rhythm.
Their apartment had never been tidier. But that wasn’t a good thing. Cleaning was the only thing that Seonghwa could do to keep you out of his mind, to avoid falling into this empty black hole and crying till late at night. And the others would have been worried if they weren’t so absorbed into their own worlds. 
Hongjoong didn’t even come home anymore, always blasting loud music on his headphones to overpower the loudness of his own thoughts. The tracks that had been emerging from his studio were nothing but heart breaking. It was either a soft, flowing sorrowful melody or the heaviest beats and drums to which he screamed out the anger he felt at himself. 
Wooyoung wasn’t much different. He hadn’t left the dance studio in days. He didn’t even allow himself to sleep on cushions, sleeping on the hard cold ground of the studio instead. He wanted to remind himself of how you must have felt, sleeping in their empty apartment while they were having fun with someone else. Every night he lied awake, thinking about your smile, your eyes, your love. And every day he danced until his body couldn’t take it anymore. 
The same goes for Jongho and Yeosang. As soon as they were done with the daily schedule, they went to the gym and didn’t leave until late at night. They didn’t work out together but they were there for the same purpose. Overshadowing the pain in their hearts with physical pain. Pushing themselves through the hardest sets while ignoring every scream of their muscles to give them a break. 
Yunho and San were the opposite, locking themselves up in their room the moment they could and playing video games until the sun rose. But instead of hearing their usual screams of victory or swears when they lost, it was silent. They just sat in front of their screens, pressing keys, for hours and hours until they fell into bed.
Gladly their manager came in once a day, forcing them to eat. 
But one of them was affected the most. One that did neither of those things the others did to avoid thinking of you. Mingi hadn’t left his room, except it was unavoidable. Their manager put food in front of his door but most of the time he didn’t eat it. He spent all of his time in his bed, scrolling through social media or just lying awake, feeling nothing but an incredibly numbness in his body. He didn’t have the need to eat, to shower, or to sleep. He didn’t even notice falling asleep sometimes as it wasn’t much different from the state he was in anyway. His sleep paralysis was hunting him and going outside became harder and harder with every day. 
But there was one thing he was consistently doing. And that was calling you every evening, hoping you would pick up so he could apologize and beg you to come back. So he could get rid of the guilt that was eating him alive. If only he had acted on his thoughts earlier. 
Two weeks had passed when you decided to turn on your phone again. You had stayed at a little motel at the sea, taking a walk on the beach everyday and befriending the old local ladies. At some point you started meeting up with them for dinner, telling them all about your life and the reason why you were staying there. 
And even the grandma’s were fighting over your decision. One side was very eager for you to forgive your boyfriends because there was no evil intent but the other side was pretty firm on the “if they really love you, they would’ve noticed” narrative. But in the end, they were the ones convincing you to check your phone because “it’s important how hurt they are by you leaving, this way you can find out if they understand and regret what they did to you.”. You felt horrible even thinking about their reaction and knowing at least one of them cried broke your heart. But the old ladies were right.
Tears swelled up in your eyes as you scrolled through your phone, seeing all the missed calls and messages. Even their management had tried to reach you. But soon enough you noticed a pattern. In the beginning you had missed calls from every single one of them but with time it was less and less. Only Mingi still tried to call you every day. You missed them a lot. It was always to quiet around you here and you weren’t used to that. You missed Wooyoung bursting into your room without knocking and hearing Jongho’s heavenly vocals while he was in the shower. Hell you even missed staying awake till late at night to eat with Hongjoong when he finally got home. 
You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t even realise that your phone was buzzing. Mingi on the other hand was ripped out of his trance by the regular beep from his phone. He had gotten so used to “the person you are trying to call is currently unavailable, please try again later.” that it caught him totally off guard when his phone actually started beeping. His heart was beating up to his throat as he was holding his breath, waiting for you to answer. 
You had taken the call out of reflex before you even realized who was calling you. 
“Hello?” A deep shaking voice echoed through your phone, causing you to sharply inhale. A pain that you had never felt before shot through your body before you felt an unfamiliar feeling of relief, as if a weight was taken off your shoulders. 
“Y/n?” Mingi asked again, his heart still pounding in his chest. You took a deep breath and collected yourself before answering.
“Hello Mingi, how have you been?” You responded, being met with silence. After a few seconds of nobody saying anything, you heard him quietly crying on the other side of the line. 
“Min-“ You wanted to call out but you were interrupted by him sobbing. “I’m so sorry Y/n! You have no idea how much we miss you.. how much I miss you.. I should’ve said something! I knew that something changed but the least thing that we wanted was making you feel bad! Please believe me.. we didn’t mean to.. to hurt you.. to abandon you. We love you, please come back!” 
You were completely taken aback by his sudden outburst and only noticed now that streams of tears were running down your face. Mingi was about to start talking again when you stopped him.
“Mingi. Take a deep breath. I can’t forgive you right now but I will come back to talk. Please tell the others.” You said emotionlessly, contradicting your current state of mind, before hanging up the phone. 
Mingi hadn’t even realized that he had stood up. As soon as he heard you hanging up, he stormed out of his room, nearly running over their manager who was on his way to bring him food. 
“Guys guys guys. Y/n is coming back! Y/n is coming! I just talked with - well I apologised - and it was a short call but but they are coming back to us! Only to talk though, but isn’t that enough? I mean I don’t know what is happening but-“ He immediately started babbling when he came to stand in front of the kitchen table where the rest of his members were sitting. 
“Mingi Mingi slow down!” Yunho had jumped up from the table to give Mingi a hug and gently rub his back. Only now Mingi noticed how heavily he was breathing. 
“So what happened?” Hongjoong asked in a stern tone, gripping his utensils harshly. The atmosphere in the room was highly tense as the seven other were waiting for Mingi to elaborate. 
“I called Y/n. Like I do every night. And they answered. They said they will come back to talk and that I should tell you. Then they hung up on me.” Mingi said, calmer this time. But there was still no reaction from the rest of them. It was as if the information was still being processed in their brains, the fact that you were giving them a chance to make up for what they did. 
“So.. Y/n will be back?” San’s voice sounded through the quiet room, to which Mingi nodded. 
From the next morning on, the tension was high. Seonghwa ran around the dorm, cleaning up every little mess and making sure you would feel comfortable and the rest were trying to do some kind of work. But none of them could concentrate on a single task because their nerves were wrecked by the possibility of you coming back every second. 
You had packed your back immediately after making the call and told the motel owner that you would be leaving in the early morning. Packed with your things, you said goodbye to the old ladies, that were surprisingly already awake at this early hour and took the next train home.
It felt so strange to you, this little word. But its meaning became stronger with every foot that you got closer. 
And it was the strongest when you finally stood in front of the apartment door in the early afternoon of the same day. You had your keys in your hand but you hesitated. This isn't right. So you decided to ring the bell. 
Time froze inside of the dorm as the bell echoed through the rooms. It took a moment of realization before all of them stormed towards the entrance. San was the fastest so he opened the door. To your surprise a bit too fast, causing you to flinch. 
But it was clear that neither of you knew what to do now so you just awkwardly stood there before San took a step back to let you in. As you entered the living room, your boyfriends stood there, lined up, as if they were about to “8 makes 1 team” at you. You bowed slightly before waving awkwardly. 
“Hello?” You asked more than actually greeting them and they mumbled the same back at you. Just like at the door, you stood there for a second before someone dared to say something.
“We’re glad that you’re back.” Yeosang said, his voice piercing through the silence. You hadn’t expected him to say something but somehow you were glad it was him. Because you knew it was sincere. 
You nodded shortly before moving towards your room. The line that they were standing in split to let you through, it nearly seemed like they were scared to touch you, scared that you would break or disappear again. “I’ll be in my room for now.” 
You weren’t ready to properly face them yet. Seeing them was overwhelming enough. You had missed them a lot, yes. But this dorm, this room also reminded you of the pain you had felt the last few months. 
You locked the door behind you, sliding down with your back against it. You couldn’t help but start crying and you didn’t care that they could hear it. 
Your sobs were ripping apart their hearts. San immediately buried his face in Wooyoung’s chest, who was still in shock from suddenly seeing you in front of him. Seonghwa went over to hug both of them, allowing himself to finally face the pain he was feeling. Even Jongho hid his face in Yunho’s body, much to the latter’s surprise. 
It was already way past midnight when you heard a knock on your door. You were sure what to do but after waiting a bit, you decided to get up and unlock your door. You thought whoever knocked had disappeared already but shortly after the unlocking click of your door was heard, the someone pressed down the door handle. 
“Wait who- San?” You stood right behind the door as he opened it to let himself in. His head was hanging down, his hands were holding on to his shirt and his whole body was shaking. 
You didn’t know what to do but you couldn’t just watch as he collapsed onto the ground. 
“San? Sannie? Are you okay?” You kneeled down next to him, trying to look him in the eye but he was hiding his face. Seeing him like this physically hurt you. Your heart was clenching and in your head two thoughts were battling. “They hurt you, let them feel how it felt” and “you love them, work on a solution and don’t let them suffer”. But no matter how you had been feeling, letting your loved ones suffer had no use.
“Come here.” You gently whispered before pulling San into a hug. He instantly adjusted to you, pressing his face into your body. He didn’t say anything, you didn’t say anything. All you did was sit there on the cold bedroom floor, bodies intertwined, for an unknown amount of time. With every minute of feeling his body pressed against yours you remembered why you loved him so much. His presence only could give you a peace of mind that nothing else could. 
When you woke up the next morning, you were lying in your bed, cuddled into your blanket. San was gone and you started to think it was only a dream but you could still smell his scent on your clothes. Without looking at the time, you rubbed your eyes and walked into the kitchen to make yourself some breakfast. 
“Good morning Y/n.” You were startled by the sound of Seonghwa’s voice behind you. “San told me what happened last night. Are you alright?” His voice was soft, calming even, just like it always had been. And much to your surprise, nothing was alright anymore. Hearing these words from the one person you had always trusted your deepest feelings with, made you lose control.
“No Seonghwa. Nothing is alright. I took a risk, I put so much effort into this. Into you. And what do I get in return? Being replaced. Do you have any idea how I felt? How it felt sitting at this damned table, waiting for you to get home only to be met with a oh sorry we already ate with someone better. And the worst part about this? I can’t even stay mad at you! From the moment that I left this appointment I regretted it. Why? Because I love you. Because I love every single one of you so much that it rips out my heart to stay away. I suffered from being here and I suffered from being away so can you tell me what the fuck I am supposed to do!?” 
You didn’t even mean to throw all of this at him but it felt good. It felt good to let it out. All the frustration, all the anger you had been feeling. To just say it. 
But all that Seonghwa did was take you into his arms. 
“We love you too Y/n and I can tell you there was not a single second during the last two weeks that we didn’t regret making you feel that way. I’m so sorry… Please give us another chance, I promise we won’t make the same mistake ever again. You are our star, our guide. Without you we can’t work like we used to. Please allow us to continue loving you.” Those words. Those were the words you had been longing to hear for so long. And it was those words that helped you forgive them.
A few days had passed and you took your time to reconnect with them. Ever since you had been back, they treated you like a treasure, like the most precious being on earth. But there was one of them who couldn’t quite forgive himself yet. 
It was Tuesday and you were on your way to visit Jongho at practice. Falling back into this familiar routine was strange at first put it somehow gave you a lot of comfort as well. As you got closer to his usual practice room, you already heard his heart wrenching vocals hammering out a ballad, as usual. You stood in front of the door, hesitating to go in while listening to his beautiful voice. Jongho was the one who had tried to contact you the most, after Mingi. He didn’t call you but he left you little texts nearly everyday. 
Right when the song ended you collected all your courage to enter the room. Jongho was standing there, his back to you, typing something into the computer. 
“That was perfect.” You said rather quietly, unsure if he could hear you. But he did, and he immediately turned around. 
“Y/n! What.. what are you doing here?” He asked. You could hear both confusion and pleasant surprise in his voice. You gently put down your bag on the ground before walking towards him. 
“It’s Tuesday.” You answered, knowing that there was no further explanation needed. “So.. what am I hearing next?” You flashed him a wide smile, trying to supress the emotions that were swelling up behind your mask. 
Jongho quickly turned around again. “Isaac Hong - Without You” He said before the playback started playing. His voice was quiet, unsure when he started singing, barely getting through the first verse. You had goosebumps all over your body. The emotion he put into this song, the lyrics, the melody, everything hit a little bit too close to home. You wanted to cry but you somehow couldn’t. It was Jongho who suddenly stopped singing, hiding his face in his hands. 
He didn’t even turn towards you when he started speaking. 
“Why did you leave us? Why didn’t you talk to us? I- I would’ve- I would’ve said something.. I could’ve made you feel better! We made you leave… how can you forgive us?” His words were stabbing right through your heart. You were asking yourself those questions. How can you forgive them? How could you ever trust them again? But you needed to try. You couldn’t miss out on being as happy as you were before. You couldn’t miss out on loving them.
You wrapped your arms around his body tightly, taking his hands into yours. And that was when you felt his tears drop onto your skin. 
“Don’t ever say you loved us again! Promise that you will love us till the end…” You giggled slightly as he sounded like a little kid demanding your hand in marriage. But if you can work through this, you can work through anything. And you had already decided not to leave ever again. 
“Don’t worry Jongho. I promise I will always love you. All of you.”
Tags: @jonghoisbabie @multidreams-and-desires @little-precious-baby @yunhofingers-writes @serialee @crimsonbubble @cometoceantrenches @em--ilysm @deja-vux @kawaiiloli00 @ddeonghwva @aaaaajonghooooo @sansbun @cookies-n-joong @plonys @hijirikaww @nari-nim @yunkiwii @mingi-ivity @racheloveyunho @seongsangsgf @jhmylove @lizsvcks @yunhobabygurl @leoninadecorazones @kerra-that-one-random-fangirl @star1117-archives @hoshischeekss @yeosangsbiceps @euphoric-emily16 @anyamaris @shinestarhwaa @seomisaho
Fic specific tags: @yeosangsbiceps @cookiechristie @danirael @camzpetite @butterfliesinthenightsky @lunarhwa @scuzmunkie @jiwelry0224 @parkthothwa8 @channiesbum @sookacc @s10an @just-a-really-bored-kpop-fan @jxrdxnh
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this is so rushed, and short im sleep deprived let me live but singer! Reader is finally getting her closure
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The city lights blur by as I drive home, the echoes of Lila’s accusations swirling in my mind. My heart feels heavy, weighed down by the betrayal I thought I could trust. Spencer had always said we were each other’s firsts, that our bond was special. But now, Lila’s revelation casts a shadow of doubt over everything.
When I reach my apartment, I lock the door behind me and collapse onto the couch. The silence of my space is a stark contrast to the chaos inside me. I try to focus on the comforting strum of my guitar, but every note feels tainted by the hurt and confusion.
My phone buzzes with missed calls and messages—Spencer’s persistent attempts to reach me, and a concerned text from Garcia about my dinner no-show. I ignore them for now, unable to face anyone.
The only thing i do is send him a brief message about what I found out at the party, then I shut my phone off.
The next day, I find a note from Spencer slipped under my door. you're kidding It’s a pathetic heartfelt plea for us to meet and clear the air.
Despite my hesitation, I agree to meet him at a quiet café the following morning. Avoiding him forever isn’t an option, and i deserve the truth 
When I arrive at the café, Spencer is already there, looking worn and anxious. He stands up as I walk in, his eyes full of regret and concern. We sit down at a corner table, both of us struggling to find the right words.
Finally, Spencer breaks the silence, his voice a mixture of relief and sadness. “Y/N, I need to explain something. What Lila said about us isn’t entirely true. There’s more to the story.”
I raise an eyebrow, trying to steady my emotions. “What do you mean? She claimed that you two had a significant past.”
Spencer takes a deep breath, his eyes meeting mine with honesty. “Lila and I did have a brief interaction, but it’s not what she’s making it out to be. During a case years ago, I was assigned to look after her. It was a high-profile case, and she needed protection. One night, after the case was over, we ended up sharing a kiss. It was a moment of vulnerability and confusion, but it was never more than that. It meant nothing.”
My heart races with mixed emotions. “So it was just a kiss? Nothing else happened?”
That sneaky bitch.
He looks at me, his expression serious. “When I was assigned to protect Lila during that case, we spent a lot of time together. It was intense, and we shared a brief kiss. Afterward, she tried to push for something more, but I wasn’t interested. I made it clear that I was committed to my work and not interested in pursuing anything with her.”
I absorb his words, trying to piece together the story. “And what happened after you rejected her?”
Spencer’s gaze drops to his hands, a trace of frustration in his voice. “She was upset. More than upset—she was furious. She didn’t take rejection well, and it created a lot of tension. I guess she held onto that anger, and now it seems she’s using it to paint a false picture.”
I feel a mix of relief and skepticism. “So, she’s lying out of spite?”
“ exactly y/n i swear. You can even ask-”
“Spencer, i believe you, i've known her for years, i'm definitely not putting this past her”
He looks so relieved i have to believe him
As we finished talking I explained to him why I skipped dinner. Thank god he was so understanding and his team, safe to say there's no more bad blood between me and his team but there's also no friendship which i can live with.
My new issue is lila trying to invade and homewreck my relationship
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theblackhate · 2 months
Knowledge pt.10
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check here for the orther parts!
The story begins the same for everyone, on the day of the ceremony, one of the most important for all the kids who take part in it every year, and Michelle will not miss the opportunity to leave behind a faction that she did not feel belonged to her.
On her journey, however, she will encounter someone who will make her initiation feel like hell.
Pairing: Eric Coulter x reader
Word Count: 5.5k
Michelle struggled to piece together the hazy fragments of the previous night while the pain in her head intensified. Her disoriented state made it difficult to grasp the reality of her situation. When she finally dragged herself out of bed and ventured to the cafeteria, the noise and chaos only exacerbated her discomfort.
Her eyes scanned the bustling room for Sunny, hoping for a familiar face amidst the clamor. She found Sunny at a table, surrounded by others she vaguely recognized. As Michelle approached, she prepared herself for the disapproval she anticipated. Instead, Sunny greeted her with a knowing smile, which only deepened Michelle's confusion.
The table’s occupants included Four, who appeared absorbed in a conversation with a girl about something related to the Wall. Bowie, with his tired eyes and somber expression, sat beside him. To Michelle’s surprise, a familiar face she couldn’t quite place joined her at the table.
“Good morning! The sun is shining, and I heard you finally woke up,” the guy said cheerfully, giving Michelle a friendly pat on the shoulder.
“Don’t torment her,” Tyson said, taking a seat to her left and offering a polite greeting to his companions. “Rough night, huh? Where did you disappear to after a certain point, darling?”
Michelle was about to respond when Sunny interrupted. “So, you came to the party? I didn’t see you.”
“Yes, that might be my fault, sweetheart,” he said, leaning in closer and throwing an arm around Michelle’s shoulders. “I found our dear friend here trying to sneak away without even stepping foot into the party. Drink water, lots of it. It’ll help with the headache.”
Sunny’s smirk widened as she watched Michelle, who now felt an uncomfortable sense of self-consciousness. The combination of her headache and the attention made her increasingly uneasy. “What?” she croaked, her voice still rough from sleep.
“I wanted to fill you in on what you missed last night,” the guy continued. “We thought you had either hidden away in the dorms or, worse, in the gym. But it seems you had an equally interesting evening.”
At those words, the guy to her right, who had been chewing on his eggs, turned to her. As he realized what Sunny was referring to, he almost choked on his food, unable to suppress his laughter.
Michelle glanced between Sunny and the others, her confusion growing. “What? What’s going on?” she demanded, her voice rising in frustration.
Sunny’s grin was now almost playful. “Oh, just some fun details about the party and your eventful evening,” she said cryptically.
Michelle’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and she tried to piece together what had transpired. As the fragments of memory began to surface, she hoped that the information she’d missed could help her make sense of the bewildering situation she found herself in.
Tyson's chuckle only added to Michelle's growing sense of dread. "Well, let’s just say whoever you spent the night with left a mark," he said with a smirk. As Michelle’s confusion deepened, Tyson pointed to a spot on her neck, which seemed to radiate an inexplicable sensitivity. "Your prince charming left a nice hickey here and here."
"And you told me there wasn’t anyone interesting, yet…" Sunny teased, her tone light but her gaze scrutinizing. "Anyway, nice to meet you, Sunny," she added, turning to the two men beside her.
"Axl," the man who had been with her the night before replied. Michelle’s memory of him began to crystallize, but it was still clouded by the haze of her recollections.
At that moment, her focus shifted from introductions to the sudden awareness of the marks on her neck. Her hands flew to the area, and she tried to piece together what had happened after their intense kissing session. The realization that the previous night had been more real than she had initially thought hit her with an unsettling force. 
She scanned the cafeteria discreetly, hoping to spot the person in question, but he was nowhere to be seen. The tension in her chest tightened.
"Looking for someone?" Four’s voice cut through her thoughts, causing her to jump. The table fell silent, and Michelle’s gaze met his. The intensity in his ocean-blue eyes made her feel as though he was piercing through her defenses, seeing every hidden thought and fear.
Four knew. And he was judging her.
"Uh, I’d say that’s exactly it. Our Michelle is looking for her knight from last night," the girl’s playful comment did little to ease the tension. "Everything okay?"
Four’s penetrating stare felt like an accusation. It was as if he believed she had committed a grave mistake. "I warned you. Now it’s up to you," he said cryptically before standing and leaving the cafeteria with what Michelle assumed was Lauren.
The weight of Four’s words sank in like a crushing wave. Michelle’s heart raced. "What’s he talking about?"
Sunny’s expression shifted to one of concern as the atmosphere in the room grew dense, almost suffocating. It felt as though the air had been sucked out of the cafeteria with Four’s departure, leaving Michelle gasping for breath.
"Nothing. He was referring to nothing," Michelle said quickly, trying to mask her worry. She grabbed a serving of scrambled eggs and placed them on her plate, attempting to divert attention. "What did you want to tell me?"
Sunny’s confused and worried expression vanished almost instantly, replaced by a look of keen interest. Her eyes sparkled as she leaned forward, resting on her elbows. “Don’t you notice anyone missing here at the table?”
Michelle looked around, her gaze searching for the missing individuals, but she didn’t spot anyone out of the ordinary. When she turned back to Sunny, the latter rolled her eyes with a hint of impatience. “Tina and Max.”
Michelle glanced around again, realizing with a start that Tina and Max were indeed absent. They weren’t sitting at any of the nearby tables, nor did she recall seeing them in the dorms.
“Are they the ones from last night?” Axl asked, nodding toward Sunny. Sunny confirmed with a nod.
But Michelle’s focus was abruptly shifted when the cafeteria fell silent. The sound of boots confidently marching across the room cut through the low hum of conversation, drawing everyone’s attention.
She turned to see Eric walking in, and what she saw made her breath catch in her throat. Eric Coulter was sporting a black eye and a split lip; his usually neat blonde hair was now disheveled, and dark circles marked his eyes. The sight of him was more intimidating than usual, not in the way that stirred strange sensations within her but in a way that demanded respect and silence.
He exuded a deadly aura.
“Yes, exactly them. Michelle, hey!” Sunny snapped her fingers in front of Michelle’s face, pulling her out of her stunned silence. “That was a spoiler, by the way.”
“What happened?” Michelle asked in a whisper, trying to stay discreet amid the tension in the cafeteria.
“Last night, after you left, your companion started a fight with one of the guys because, apparently, the guy looked at him the wrong way,” Tyson explained, his tone light but serious.
Axl chuckled. “He was completely hammered. You could smell the alcohol on him from a mile away.”
“So basically, after Eric came back, he and Four tried to break up the fight because things were getting out of hand. But Max? Max wasn’t satisfied with just getting beaten up; he lunged at Eric when Eric tried to pull him away, and that led to a full-blown fight between the two,” Sunny continued, her voice low.
“Max didn’t stand a chance. He was knocked out within the first minute, and if it hadn’t been for Eric’s friends holding him back, Max would’ve ended up dead on the Pit floor,” Sunny said, casting a quick glance at Bowie, who still looked troubled. “They ended up kicking Max out of the faction, making him factionless. Tina tried to stay behind, begging the leaders to let him stay, but it was no use.”
“It was entertaining, I’ll admit,” Axl said with a smirk. “But I’ve got to head out. Inspections in twenty minutes.” He gave Tyson a friendly pat on the shoulder and left, his seat now vacant.
Sunny took the opportunity to move closer to Michelle, sliding into the seat Axl had vacated. She rested her head on Michelle’s shoulder, her demeanor a mix of comfort and curiosity.
���So now they’re both factionless,” Tyson said, his gaze shifting from Eric to the two girls. “One thing I’ve learned since I’ve been here, long before Eric arrived, is that you shouldn’t get involved with him.”
Michelle fiddled with her food, her thoughts swirling. She felt a mixture of confusion and curiosity. “I don’t like him.”
“Nobody likes Eric, sweetheart,” Tyson quipped with a hint of humor.
“But you’re his friend,” Michelle said abruptly, her tone carrying an edge of seriousness.
Tyson seemed to consider her words for a moment before responding with a gentle smile. “Nobody is friends with Eric. We tolerate each other. He’s useful to have around and not stupid—he’s just hotheaded and a lot worse in many ways. His company can be pleasant, but no one considers him a true friend,” he said, glancing over at Eric. “No one has any real relationships with him. Not even Mia. That girl has been chasing after him since she arrived. I wouldn’t be surprised if one day we find her at the bottom of the chasm.”
Michelle followed Tyson’s gaze, observing Eric with a new sense of wariness. The faint bruises on his face only added to his intimidating presence.
“I don’t understand,” Sunny said, shaking her head as she looked at Tyson. “How does he have all this power? Why?”
Tyson sighed, a subtle hint of something deeper in his expression. “Eric is a soldier, and soldiers are liked by those in power,” he said, his words carrying a weight that Michelle and Sunny couldn’t fully grasp.
The days drifted by, leading up to the second phase of initiation, a module Four had warned would be the toughest. Michelle found herself lost in thought, unable to escape the disquiet that had settled over her.
No matter where she was—whether clutching a photograph of Anne in her dorm, standing on the faction's rooftop in the rain, or working out in the gym at night—Eric's absence was a constant weight on her mind. He hadn’t so much as glanced her way since that night, and perhaps that was for the best. Four and Tyson were right: Eric was dangerous. His cruel game of intimidation and the near-violent incident with Max had shown her just how perilous his influence could be.
Eric’s demeanor had shifted noticeably. The mocking smirks and casual arrogance had faded, replaced by a rigid, authoritarian presence. As the start of the second module approached, he seemed increasingly distant, spending less time within the faction.
Despite her efforts to avoid him, Michelle couldn’t help but search for Eric whenever she had the chance. Sunny, ever observant, noticed Michelle’s growing preoccupation.
One evening, as Michelle prepared to head to the gym, Sunny stopped her at the door.
“Would you tell me if something was bothering you?” Sunny’s voice was soft, almost hesitant. Michelle glanced at her, her concern evident, and nodded, pretending not to notice the full weight of Sunny’s gaze.
The corridors had grown colder with the onset of winter, and Michelle wrapped her jacket tighter around herself. It had been a while since she’d had a moment alone, a chance to lose herself in silence.
Upon reaching the gym doors, Michelle heard the muffled sounds of someone training. Peering inside, she saw Lauren, engrossed in her workout on one of the punching bags. Lauren’s expression hardened as she caught sight of Michelle, and without a word, she turned her back, focusing on a bag on the far side of the room. It was evident that the once-cordial relationship between them had soured.
Confused and feeling uncertain, Michelle decided to focus on her own workout, leaving Lauren to her space. But as Michelle pounded the bag, she felt Lauren’s gaze fixed on her back. The distraction was unwelcome, particularly with the stress of the upcoming initiation, Tyson’s warnings, and Eric’s unsettling behavior weighing heavily on her.
After a few minutes, Lauren cleared her throat. “I know Four warned you, but please be careful with Eric. He’s not someone you want to get involved with.”
Michelle stopped abruptly and turned to face Lauren, her confusion evident. “What do you mean?”
Lauren sighed, rubbing her face in frustration. “Four saw you the other night when Eric was following you. He decided to investigate and told me about it. I just want you to be aware.”
“It was a mistake,” Michelle interjected, her voice firm as she tried to deflect the concern.
“What do you mean?” Lauren asked, her tone a mixture of curiosity and concern.
Michelle hesitated, then admitted, “I wasn’t thinking straight. I just wanted to understand him better. It’s not like I wanted to get involved with Eric.”
Lauren’s expression softened, though worry remained. “Understanding him isn’t worth risking yourself. Eric’s reputation isn’t just because he’s a jerk or a bully. There’s something darker, more dangerous about him.”
Michelle sighed as she slipped on her jacket, acknowledging that her plans for a workout had been derailed. Instead, she headed towards the roof, where she could be alone with her thoughts. The idea of explaining her actions to Lauren felt too personal, too intimate. She wasn’t ready to share the details of what had happened, even though Lauren’s support was unwavering.
Despite her intent to be alone, Lauren was not easily deterred. She grabbed her belongings and followed Michelle up to the rooftop. "If you know, why did you do it?" Lauren’s voice carried a mixture of concern and frustration.
Michelle hesitated, struggling with her thoughts. Eric had made the first move, but if she were honest, the alcohol had played its part, blurring her judgment and amplifying the electric charge between them. But acknowledging that felt like making excuses.
When Michelle remained silent, Lauren grabbed her wrist, only to have Michelle shrug her off. “Michelle… it’s for your own good.”
“I already said it was a mistake,” Michelle retorted, her voice sharp as she leaned against the rooftop railing. “It won’t happen again.”
Lauren’s expression softened, and she stepped back slightly but remained nearby. “I hope so. You have potential; it would be a shame to waste it on someone like him.” They fell into a contemplative silence, gazing out at the city and the distant outlines of the other factions, savoring the quiet of the night.
“Ready for tomorrow?” Lauren’s question cut through the silence, sending a shiver down Michelle’s spine. The mention of the second phase of initiation triggered a wave of déjà vu. Michelle turned to Lauren with a pained expression.
“For— for the second phase?” Lauren asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty at Michelle’s reaction.
Michelle swallowed hard, her eyes brimming with tears as the weight of her emotions hit her. She took deep breaths, trying to steady herself before responding.
“No, how could I be?” The words felt heavy, leaving a bitter taste in her mouth. The thought of her last moments with her best friend brought a pang to her heart. She wondered about Anne—where she was now, how she was faring, and what she was doing.
Michelle and Lauren spent the remainder of the night on the rooftop, waiting in silence for the first light of dawn. The conversations and warnings from Four, Lauren, and Tyson felt like pieces of a larger puzzle that Michelle struggled to piece together. She knew she had to stay clear of Eric, despite the dangerous allure he presented. It was clear that her safety was at stake, and she needed to tread carefully.
As dawn broke, all the initiates were summoned to a sterile room. The space was stark and unwelcoming, with chairs lined up against the walls, each one designated for an initiate. Two doors stood at the far end of the room, marking the beginning of what promised to be a grueling day. Michelle took a deep breath, steeling herself for whatever lay ahead, knowing that the challenges of the second phase were about to unfold.
Four entered the room after them, his authoritative presence commanding attention as the initiates settled into their seats. “Welcome to the second module, the mental phase. It’s a departure from the physical trials you’ve faced so far, and it will test you in ways you don’t expect. This is the most exhausting part of the initiation, even though it’s not physical.”
He moved to stand in front of one of the two doors. “We have divided you into two groups to expedite the process.”
At that moment, the door across the room swung open to reveal Eric. “You will confront your deepest fears in the shortest time possible. You will be scored as in the first module, and those who fall below the red line will be eliminated.”
Eric’s gaze swept over the room with an intimidating intensity. “Only a few of you will make it into the faction. Another ten will be excluded. There is no room for error.”
Four positioned himself in front of the remaining door, pulling out two slips of paper from his pocket. He handed one to Eric, who read it aloud.
“Marcus,” Eric followed, calling out a boy Michelle recognized as one of the Dauntless-born, who entered the room after the blonde.
An uneasy silence settled over the room as the initiates awaited their turns. Some paced nervously, while others closed their eyes, trying to find calm. Michelle found herself caught between these two reactions, struggling to mask her own anxiety. She glanced at the clock on the wall, willing time to move faster.
Sunny emerged less than ten minutes later, her face etched with a look of near terror. Michelle started to approach her friend, but Sunny walked past her as if she were invisible, exiting the room without a word.
“Angela,” Four called out next.
Michelle’s concern for Sunny deepened, wondering what could have caused her friend to look so haunted. She felt a strong urge to follow her but decided against it, choosing instead to wait for her own turn and to find Sunny later.
After another fifteen minutes, the second door opened, revealing Marcus, who was assisted out by two Dauntless members. He looked as if he had seen a ghost—pale as porcelain, cheeks wet with tears, eyes red and vacant, and hands trembling uncontrollably.
“Connor,” Four called.
The boy rose with encouragement from his friends, and Michelle leaned her head back against the wall, staring up at the ceiling to calm her nerves.
As time dragged on, Michelle pondered what her own fears might be, how she would confront them, and what she might see. The constant opening and closing of the doors, along with the shifting emotions of the initiates, did little to ease her anxiety.
By now, only a few initiates remained in the room, including Michelle—just one other girl and the remaining five boys, none of whom she knew well.
This time, both doors opened simultaneously, allowing the last two initiates to exit, visibly shaken. Michelle strangely hoped to be called next to end the torturous wait, but her name was not called again.
Two hours had passed since she last moved, her muscles aching from sitting in the hard wooden chair. Michelle glanced at the clock and, within five minutes, saw the door to Eric’s room open once more. This time, the boy who entered did not come out. Michelle looked up as Eric, still focused on the slip of paper in his hand, called her name.
Before she could react, he turned back into the room.
With great caution, Michelle stood up and entered the room with slow, deliberate steps, closing the door behind her. The room was stark and clinical, its white walls reminiscent of a laboratory. At the center was an armchair with the same apparatus she had seen during the Aptitude Test.
Eric was hunched over a computer next to the chair. The tension between them was palpable, a heavy silence hanging in the air. Michelle bit the inside of her cheek and moved forward, reluctantly taking a seat in the uncomfortable chair, ready to endure whatever came next.
The silence, usually something Michelle cherished, felt oppressive and unnerving now. She wished for any sound, even an insult, to break the suffocating quiet.
“It’s just like the Aptitude Test,” Eric said coldly, his fingers cold as they connected the wires to her temples, sending a series of small electric shocks through her skin.
He picked up a syringe from the table, giving it a slight shake. “Instead of drinking, we’ll inject the serum this time.” He grasped her wrist to steady her arm, and Michelle had to look away as the needle pierced her skin.
“Fear of needles? Pathetic,” he murmured as he withdrew the needle.
The serum felt cold, almost icy, and left a numbing sensation in her arm. But that feeling quickly faded as Michelle’s vision blurred, her consciousness slipping away under the serum’s effects.
When she opened her eyes again, her heart skipped a beat. She was disoriented, unsure of where she was. Struggling to stand, her legs trembled beneath her.
The room around her was cloaked in darkness so complete that she could barely make out her surroundings. A rustling sound behind her made her jump, and she let out a small scream. Instinctively, she moved backward and bumped into what she assumed was a desk.
Michelle tried to steady her breathing, her heart pounding with fear. The darkness seemed alive, and another noise from a corner of the room made her hyperventilate. There was something, or someone, with her in the room.
Desperate, she began to search the desk, her hands scrambling over every surface until she felt something round and short. She fumbled for a switch, and the flashlight flickered on weakly.
The light revealed an office-like setting, but its weak beam was almost useless. Michelle tried to adjust the switch, but it was no use. “Damn it!” she shouted in frustration.
Stepping out of the office, she found herself in a long, dark corridor. Her heart raced, each echo of her footsteps amplified in the oppressive silence. The corridor stretched out endlessly, and she could feel the weight of her isolation pressing down on her.
She had to move forward, driven by a mix of fear and determination. Each step felt heavier than the last, her anxiety mounting as she tried to make sense of her surroundings and figure out what awaited her next.
Taking a step forward, Michelle heard the rustling noise from behind her again. When she turned around, the sound was still there, more insistent. Panic surged through her, and she began to run down the corridor, the flashlight’s beam dimming with each passing moment.
Tears brimmed at the corners of her eyes as she spotted a control panel at the end of the corridor. Desperate to reach it, she sprinted faster, her breath coming in ragged gasps. The rustling noise grew louder, more ominous, as the light from her flashlight flickered and then went out, leaving her in suffocating darkness.
Each footfall felt like a mile as she ran, the control panel seeming to retreat with every step she took. Her heart raced, pounding in her ears, drowning out everything else.
In the pitch black, she extended her hand, feeling her way along the wall. She braced herself for a collision but kept reaching forward, fingers trembling as they searched for the control panel. Just as she felt something brush against her shoulder, the lights flared on, momentarily blinding her.
Michelle collapsed to the floor, curling up into a tight ball, trying to find solace in the fetal position. The harsh, bright lights made her eyes water as she clung to the ground, overwhelmed by the ordeal.
A hand suddenly grabbed her arm, jolting her from her disorientation. She flinched, her body tensing as she was dragged across the cold tile floor. The hand was firm yet gentle, guiding her away from the control panel and the nightmarish rustling sound that still echoed faintly in her mind.
She struggled against the grip, but when she looked up to see her attacker, she was surprised to see the silhouette of her mother. “Mom?”
The woman glanced briefly at her before continuing through what Michelle recognized as the central headquarters of the Candids. Strangely, the place was deserted.
When they reached a door, her mother shoved her inside, making her fall to the ground in front of a group of people. As Michelle looked up to see who they were, she only recognized a few of her mother’s colleagues.
Eric, watching the scene unfold on the screen that showed what was happening inside Michelle's mind, was immediately intrigued to see Jeanine Matthews among the people.
He glanced at Michelle in the chair before turning his attention back to the screen, curious to know if this was some sort of memory and whether it was connected to why Jeanine seemed so interested in her.
A man with red hair, dressed in a suit and tie, nodded to the woman behind him. She took a seat next to a woman Michelle recognized as Jeanine Matthews.
Michelle stood up, carefully adjusting her clothes and surveying the people before her.
“Ellie Black, don’t worry,” the man said, offering her a smile as she approached. “We just need you to answer a few questions for us, okay?”
Her mother glared at her for not responding, and Jeanine stepped in, noticing the young girl’s defensiveness. “Calm down, we don’t want to hurt you. We just need you to tell us everything you know about your father.”
If Eric was intrigued before, now he was thoroughly confused. The way they were speaking to Michelle seemed almost condescending, as if addressing a small child. A sudden realization struck him—this was indeed a memory, likely a traumatic one. The woman he assumed was her mother was able to drag her around effortlessly because, in this memory, Michelle was very young.
Michelle’s demeanor—hugging herself and looking distrustfully at the strangers—reinforced the idea. Even Jeanine appeared different, seeming younger.
“Do you know anything about his disappearance, Ellie?” asked the red-haired man.
Michelle remained silent.
“Answer!” her mother hissed, her face twisted in anger.
Jeanine approached her, gently stroking Michelle’s face with a tender expression. “If you tell us what you know, we might be able to find him. Bring him back to you,” the red-haired man cleared his throat slightly, and Jeanine silenced him with a sharp look. “Please be a good girl, Ellie.”
Michelle’s eyes welled with tears, but she remained silent, not even nodding. Jeanine’s smile faltered, and she stepped back, signaling the two men who moved in to restrain Michelle by her arms.
“No! No! Mom!” Michelle cried out as a third man retrieved a long syringe from a briefcase and injected the transparent liquid into her neck while she struggled desperately.
The onlookers watched impassively, as if waiting for something. Michelle’s discomfort quickly escalated into pain, causing her to sob uncontrollably.
“Another dose,” ordered the red-haired man.
“No... no,” Michelle pleaded through her sobs, but the third man prepared another syringe.
Eric watched as Michelle writhed in pain, restrained by the two men. He was puzzled by the unfolding scene, trying to understand what her fear could be until his gaze fell upon the syringe on the table beside him.
As Michelle’s cries grew more desperate, Eric could see that this wasn’t just a fear simulation—it was a vivid replay of a traumatic memory. He observed her face twisted in anguish, her body trembling uncontrollably as the second dose of the mysterious liquid was administered. The entire scene seemed to revolve around a deep, unresolved fear from her past, one that was being painfully relived.
Eric’s attention shifted back to the screen, trying to discern the details of Michelle’s memory. The sterile office environment, the authoritative figures, and her mother’s plea—all pointed to a significant and distressing event in her childhood. He noted how Michelle’s entire demeanor, her frantic movements, and her pleas were indicative of a child in intense fear.
The red-haired man, standing with an air of cold authority, spoke up again. “Ellie, if you don’t cooperate, this will only get worse. You know how this works.”
Michelle’s body was trembling violently, her tears flowing freely. Her mother’s expression was a mix of frustration and resignation. Jeanine Matthews, observing from a distance, seemed to hold an air of detached concern, as if this was a necessary, albeit uncomfortable, part of a broader plan.
Eric’s thoughts raced. The injections, the coercive techniques, the specific mention of her father’s disappearance—everything was piecing together into a disturbing picture. It was clear that Michelle was reliving a moment of profound fear and helplessness, a memory tied to her father’s unexplained disappearance.
As Michelle’s screams of agony grew softer, a determined look began to form on her tear-streaked face. With a painful effort, she managed to stop her sobbing, focusing all her energy on resisting the injections and the overwhelming fear. Her body shook with the effort, but her eyes were now filled with a steely resolve.
With a sudden burst of strength, Michelle broke free from one of the guards holding her. She staggered away, her legs weak but her willpower fierce. Her mother’s face, once stern and commanding, now reflected confusion and concern. The red-haired man’s eyes widened slightly, clearly surprised by Michelle’s unexpected resistance.
The room’s atmosphere shifted, the oppressive fear momentarily giving way to a glimmer of hope. Michelle’s focus sharpened, and despite the pain from the injections, she managed to grab hold of a nearby object—a metal lamp left on a desk. Using it as an improvised weapon, she swung it at the nearest guard.
The impact wasn’t perfect, but it was enough to create a momentary distraction. The guard staggered back, giving Michelle a precious opportunity to make a break for it. She darted towards the door, her breaths coming in ragged gasps. The dimly lit room was now a blur of shadows and uncertainty, but Michelle’s determination guided her steps.
Michelle jolted upright from the chair, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she collapsed into the corner of the room. Eric, initially taken aback by her sudden movement, quickly refocused on the computer, entering the simulation data with a practiced efficiency.
Without turning his gaze, he spoke, his tone carrying a hint of detached admiration. “You took longer than expected, but you’ve set a new record.”
Michelle finally looked up, her eyes meeting Eric’s. What he saw in her gaze shocked him—an icy coldness he had never seen before. It was not the usual apathy he had come to expect from her, but something far more chilling. The intensity in her eyes reminded him of that night, the night when the stakes had been so high.
For a moment, Eric felt a wave of unease wash over him, even tho he masked it. The coldness in Michelle's eyes seemed to strip away any pretense of normalcy, revealing an undercurrent of something darker. The silence between them stretched, heavy with unspoken understanding.
Eric’s eyes flickered briefly over the data on his screen before he turned his full attention back to her. “You’ve done well,” he said, but his voice lacked warmth. “Now, let’s see how you handle the aftermath.”
Michelle, still reeling from the intensity of her simulation struggled to compose herself. The experience had been more than just a test; it had uncovered fears and memories she had long tried to suppress. She took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart and regain control.
Eric’s eyes remained fixed on her, his expression unreadable. There was a tension in the room, a silent acknowledgment of the personal and emotional boundaries that had been crossed. Despite his coldness, Michelle sensed a faint trace of something else—curiosity, perhaps, or a reluctant respect for her perseverance.
Michelle rose slowly, her movements stiff and strained. She left the room without uttering a single word, her silence heavy with unresolved emotions. Eric watched her go, a deep conflict stirring within him. He clenched his fists, the weight of what he had just witnessed pressing down on him.
After a moment, Eric stood up, determination set in his features. He left the room swiftly, his mind racing as he made his way to contact Jeanine Matthews.
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sabo-has-my-heart · 2 years
Hi! Can I request a scenario number 6 and dialogue fluff number 10 with Sabo?
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1260
     Sitting next to Sabo on the piano bench, you watched him play the short tune, occasionally missing a key or pressing the wrong one. Pulling his hands away he smiled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck.
     “See, told you I’m terrible at the piano. I’m not completely hopeless though, am I?” he asked.
     “No, not hopeless, it shouldn’t even be too difficult. You can read the music and you seem to have at least an idea of the basics.” you said, smiling at him, “We shouldn’t even need to meet up all that often. How about once a week in the music room?” you offered, tilting your head in confusion when he shook his head.
     “I’d really like to become as good as possible as quickly as possible. Do you think we could meet up every other day? I know it’s a lot, but it’s important to me.” he said eagerly, surprising you. Few people seemed this eager to learn the piano.
     “Are you sure? You’ve gotta have better things to do than learn piano.” you asked, bewildered by the young man in front of you. It wasn’t that you weren’t happy to spend time teaching him, but you’d never met someone who wanted to learn so badly.
     “I have a reason, I just… how about I tell you my reasoning if everything turns out well?” he offered, starting to fidget.
     “Alright, but you’d better tell me. As your piano instructor, I’m holding you to it. We should still take weekends off though. You should take time to relax and let your brain absorb what you learned.” you insisted, the blond nodding in agreement.
     “Then I’ll see you Friday. Thanks again, Y/n.” he said, smiling at you for a moment before gathering his stuff and leaving. Sighing, you looked down at the piano, gently pressing a few keys before starting to play, losing yourself in the music. Honestly, you wouldn’t deny that you were thrilled to be spending time with the young man. He was smart, interesting, funny, he made you smile, he was nice, he cared. You just hoped that it wouldn’t affect your ability to teach him. 
     Sabo sat at the piano bench, fingering the keys. He’d been taking lessons from you for a few weeks now. A few, amazing, wondrous weeks sitting next to you on the bench as you ‘taught’ him. In truth, he was actually quite skilled at the piano, his parents having insisted that he learn to play, but if you knew that then he wouldn’t have an excuse to see you on a regular basis. You were smart and he couldn’t exactly play an idiot to ask for tutoring, you didn’t take part in his rallies though you always stopped to listen when you could. You weren’t particularly good friends with any of his friends. When he’d heard you playing though, he’d figured this was his one shot. Could he just come out and tell you he knew how to play? Sure, he might even be able to convince you to play with him from time to time. But it was no guarantee, there wasn’t the possibility of spending time with you like he was now. At least this way, he was spending time with you, if for no other reason than because you thought you were teaching him. Gently, he pressed a few more keys, a soft tune starting to fill the room. You wouldn’t be coming today, it was one of the off days. He hadn’t been able to help himself though, he’d come here to think about you, to think about the time spent with you. A few more notes filled the air, his hands slowly starting to dance across the keys until he was playing a full song. His mind began to wander as he played, daydreaming of playing for you. In his mind, you sat next to the grand piano, leaning on the dark wood, admiring him as he played, impressed by his skill and enraptured by the music. He imagined you laying on the top of the piano, staring at him upside down as you smiled, lost in his eyes as he paused in his playing to caress your cheek. The two of you, sitting side by side, playing together, laughing when he stopped playing to nuzzling into your neck, making you giggle.
     You stopped just outside the music room, your brow furrowing. You’d been planning on doing a little playing to calm your mind when you’d caught the light sounds of music. Almost no one was ever in the music room at this time, it’s why you preferred to play when you did. Cracking the door open, you peeked inside to see Sabo sitting in front of the piano, hands flying across the keys, playing an intricate, difficult song. His eyes were closed as he played, the song coming purely from memory as he played, caught up in the music as you quietly entered the room, unnoticed by the blond. Had he been lying to you this entire time? He had to have been, he wasn’t this good during any of your lessons! Finally, his fingers hit the last few keys, sighing as he finished the song. You sat down next to him on the bench, his soul damn near leaving his body as you sat down, surprising the hell out of him. 
     “You’ve… gotten really good since yesterday. It’s been some time since I heard Moonlight Sonata played so well, and by a ‘beginner’ no less.” you said softly, though making it clear that you had realized that he wasn’t a beginner.
     “I, uh… sorry. For lying to you.” Sabo said guiltily, staring down at the piano keys once more.
     “Will you at least tell me why you lied to me?” you asked, curious as to his reasons.
     “It’s… I just… I wanted to spend time with you.” he admitted, “At first… at first you’d just caught my attention, you’re beautiful, stunning really. You weren’t mean or a bad person. You really… really caught my eye. I wanted to take you on a date or two, but I heard about how you rejected so many people. Figured this was my best shot. You’re… so much more than I had hoped for. You’re sweet and kind, gorgeous, smart, caring, you’re… astounding and I… I think I’m falling for you.” Sabo said, looking back up at you, surprise written all over your face. He liked you? He’d fallen for you?! Biting your lip, you placed your fingers on the piano keys. Taking a deep breath, you started playing a love song. You couldn’t find the words to tell him how much you’d grown to care about him, couldn’t figure out what to say. But music didn’t have to have words, music didn’t need to say anything to show him how you felt. As soon as you’d finished, Sabo’s hand was on your cheek, making you face him. Your eyes fluttered shut as his lips met yours, taking your breath away. Once more, words failed as the two of you pulled each other in again and again. Finally you pulled away, breathing hard as you stared into his eyes. No words were needed between you two, you knew just from the looks in your eyes that you were both head over heels for each other, that you wanted to be together, that he wouldn’t need you to ‘teach’ him any longer just to see you. Because you had fallen for him like he’d fallen for you.
44 notes · View notes
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do revenge. oops i did not realize that i posted my next movie out of order this was in my drafts and should have been first. i had no idea this movie even existed, despite it starring two actresses i genuinely love, until i read a profile of sarah michelle gellar completely randomly a day or two before it premiered. the interview made it seem like a next-gen cruel intentions, complete with her playing a character ‘who could be katherine, what she’s like today’ as the headmaster.
and when she first showed up in the movie, it really did take me back--she slipped, as well as anyone could be expected to decades later, right back into That Katherine Voice. she chose this movie as part of her return to acting, and she really seemed to be enjoying herself, so i’m happy for her. 
i was also happy for me, because cruel intentions was very important to me as a teenager, and there’s something about her in this movie that just hits me hard that way--she delivers a line at one point about what it’s like to be seventeen, and there’s just so much intensity to it, so much she puts into that one line, where she didn’t have to. it resonated with me, like, this isn’t just the headmaster talking to a student...this is sarah michelle gellar, who was buffy, who was katherine, who was a scream queen, who brought our teenage dreams and fears to life. i just really enjoyed the sort of depths that live in her now, that she wanted to use to make this movie better. because she’s only a small part of it, but she’s a really fun part.
so anyway, i went into this knowing vaguely about her role, and the two leads, and otherwise i just knew it was a netflix movie. that can be REALLY hit or miss these days, there are still some i like but more of them lately are not what i would call good. i was prepared for this one to suck, and to have fun watching it even if it was a bad movie dramatizing bad behavior by rich kids.
but it was surprising! i did not expect maya hawke to play another gay character, and she is a delight always but honestly i love her best queer because while she was great as jo march, i met her as robin and i mean, robin is my netflix icon. that is a measure of my fondness for her. i’m not sure what i expected from camila mendes, she showed off her range on riverdale so i know she can do anything really--but she does play a believable self-absorbed mean girl. 
the beginning of the story confused me occasionally so it’s definitely a better time if you can watch it uncritically and go with the flow. a couple days after we saw it, i ended up putting it on again, as background noise while i was cooking, and that time it was a lot more fun because i wasn’t trying to make things make sense. 
for example, when it opens on a party, we spent most of the scene debating whether the movie was set in the 90s, or if it was a 90s themed party, or if style had just looped back around so all these teens were heavily influenced by it. and i still don’t understand why, if you trusted your boyfriend enough to send him explicit photos, you would assume immediately that he leaked them when they got out, while he claimed he didn’t do it. i know that it’s not relevant to the plot because he couldn’t have proved otherwise, but i genuinely don’t get that early moment, because if i had trusted someone i would give them the benefit of the doubt.
this review is already too long so i won’t go into the plot much more except to say that as @actuallylukedanes​ and i were watching it, i kept mentally guessing what was coming next, or we would discuss what we thought the answers to the movie’s mysteries would be...and every time i expected this movie to go one way, it went another. i don’t think i guessed a single thing right, even when in a few cases i had caught their breadcrumbs at the time and thought ‘huh, what we’re being shown doesn’t quite fit.’ that was really refreshing. i enjoyed being surprised. 
the movie’s not flawless. at a certain point it moved so quickly from the final showdown to its happy ending that it didn’t totally feel earned to me, though that didn’t stop me from enjoying the ending. maya hawke’s performance after the reveal gave me a moment where i saw her fierce uma thurman inheritance shining through, in a way i never have before, which was awesome--but in a different scene i felt like she was tonally borrowing from killing eve’s villanelle, so it was hard to get a good grasp on her. 
was she always at risk of being unhinged and a traumatic event triggered it? did she react rationally to a horrible experience and it’s fine because ‘teenage girls are psychopaths’? in the end we don’t really know, because her counterpart doesn’t care so we’re not supposed to either. blowing so quickly past her actions because they face a greater villain together may make sense for them, but i still have questions! lol.
beyond the performances (sophie turner is living her best life in this it’s fantastic) and the fashion, one of the very best parts of this movie is the music. MY GOD, the music. leander pointed it out before i noticed, but the ‘90s tunes that they mix in between modern artists is just...chef’s kiss. from a song off my favorite hole album to a joyful rendition of bitch to a full-on cruel intentions callback that made me hold my hands over my heart like i was trying to keep a teenage version of me from spilling out...this has a truly excellent soundtrack.
in the end, i appreciate the way that this movie clearly knows what it wanted to be, flaws and crazy and all. the people behind it made choices and then really went for them. i respect that, even when i don’t always like their choices. i would mostly recommend it though--for me, it was a good time.
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toonzytoonzy · 7 days
Blurred Memories - Bunny
| He will forever remain unaware of the fact of the relationship between them is real even if he feels it. Every death he forgets. It will be for all eternity
(don’t like it don’t read) based off @deleahtarte story Young God!
It had abruptly startled him at the unexpected notification. Butters had been deep into thought studying for days because of his upcoming summer courses, which his parents had insisted he spend his time on. But the strange event had all but absorbed his focus. He had thought this was an incidental call like a buttdial for example, but as his phone continued to ring he answered it quickly to try not to disturb his parents from downstairs. Eric had cheerfully answered the phone greeting him like he hadn’t been ignoring his existence for months now. It was weird behavior from his friend leading to that familiar feeling he wanted something. It’s what he usually did pretending to be all nice before manipulating Butters into following his ideas only for those to fail dramatically leading to him being blamed in the end. He knew it was because of his naivety but after years of dealing with the same mistakes repeatedly, you begin to realize the actions and decisions from your supposed friend. 
But the unanticipated invite to the nearby Water Park was what made him further acknowledge something was up knowing this wouldn’t be out of the kindness of Eric’s heart. Instead of revealing his selfish motives, Butters tried to bail out of the situation.
“Gee, Eric I don’t know if I can.” He began.” I gotta study for my upcoming classes next month, if I don’t my parents will really have something to say about it.”
“Dude seriously that’s such a lame excuse, only loser fuckwads or Jews like Kahl would be studying in the middle of summer.”
Pretending he didn’t hear the remarks Butters fiddled with the hem of his shirt glancing over to his door as he whispered back to not pick up so much noise.
“Well I really don’t want to be grounded this week…” he muttered.
Eric in his usual sense ignored any alarms made by the boy as he continued his attempts to urge the boy into agreement.
“Come on Butters, it will be a lot of fun, and besides Kenny’s coming after being gone for so long.” 
That statement alone made any hesitation drain from Butters. Kenny? Kenny was back again after being gone for a year? When Kenny had mysteriously disappeared only a year ago it seemed everyone but Butters was alarmed by the sudden change, it seemed everyone didn’t even care about it. He knew that the boy was known for disappearing for a day or week or even a month at the longest given he had played the role of pretending to be Kenny for that long back in the day. But a year was just too long for him to be missing, he spent hours searching for his dear friend, asking questions and even telling the police. However, it seemed no matter what he did nothing resulted in any trace of him almost like he had disappeared. The vivid dreams he had about the two of them had seemed so real, almost like a memory, but no such thing had been a reality, everything blurred together after he had vanished. 
“Butters you still there? I know how much of a fag you are for Kenny but can you not drool over the phone while I’m talking.” 
Shaking his head from the thoughts Butters leaned back into his chair he had been sitting in for hours if the aching in his back was any indication. 
“Uh yeah…sorry Eric you just caught me off guard is all.” 
He could barely hear the next insult; everything seemed almost muffled by his insatiable thoughts.
“When did he come back?” 
“What? Why?” The question caught Eric off guard. 
“I just want to know.” 
It was silent for a few moments followed by the sound of what he could make out being snickers as Eric answered.
“He came back a week ago, poor kid showed up to Stan’s house and has been acting weird ever since.” 
Week ago? Kenny would’ve surely come and told him by now. They were close friends…right? Or he at least thought they were that thought of Kenny avoiding him made his chest ache, he knew it was Kenny’s choice but he thought that he had been different being a true friend. A lover. 
Butters in his sadness turned his attention towards the shimmering light from the sun cascading through his window. It was a beautiful day…
The once decline was shifting into considering the idea of going to the Water Park, the coolness of the water would surely relax his already strained body and he could spend time with his friends since it had been so long since he’d seen them. And it was much more of a blissful idea than suffering from the boredom of his constant studying. The idea of seeing Kenny again…
The last thought he shuddered at his face shading into red at the temptation. That wasn’t a reason! He seriously had thought he had such great self-control over his feelings towards the boy. Guess not. But no matter, this sounded like a fun experience to at least try and enjoy the rest of his summer. Not to see Kenny. Not at all. 
“I guess I could take a break? I’ll have to ask my dad though.” 
“Great, see you tomorrow.”
“It’s not a guarantee-“ His words were disrupted but an immediate hang-up. Shit.
It took immense patience and effort to convince his parents to let him go. They still sat in disbelief over him studying even with the proof of the security camera in his room. Skeptical as ever they questioned him like he had committed a crime. However, after several minutes of telling them what he had memorized for his courses, they relented enough for his mother to coax his father into letting him go. It was a bit pathetic nineteen and still, he had no true freedom but it wasn’t much you could do when you’ve lived in fear of disapproval your whole pathetic life. 
Finally, here he was sitting in the back of Kyle’s car applying another quadruple layer of sunscreen to his skin, fearful of the ability to get grounded because of being sunburned. He was barely listening to the bickering coming from Eric and Kyle as his heart rapidly increased as they inched closer to the end of the tracks. The vehicle began to slow down as the broken shed came into view crossing the end of the train tracks. It seemed like whenever he came across the shed it looked more worn and broken. And so he sat there fiddling with his fingers nervously. Waiting to see the one person he’d ever seen in his dreams. He didn’t know what he was gonna say, or what to even do around Kenny. Everything went blank as the door opened and he saw Kenny…
Stumbling out into view he revealed his facial features no longer hidden behind the signature parka assigned from the large sunglasses that covered his eyes. He motioned towards the car as Butters froze in the moment not knowing what to do or expect. Oh, hamburgers! Sweet Jesus! What was he to do? He couldn’t think straight or even move. He was frozen in place like a deer in headlights at seeing Kenny near. The reason he didn’t know why, of course, was he had a crush on Kenny but he normally would let react this much to him appearing. Maybe it was because of the longing for his return after a year. But it didn’t seem likely to be the case but he couldn’t find any answer that would resolve this question, anything he tried to remember just seemed faded and fuzzy all muffled together in a dreamlike sense. There wasn’t any real reason he could decide upon and in the end was left with even more panic. This was all catastrophically wrong. He was gonna make a full-out himself at his sensitivity of not being told by Kenny of his return, his stupid dreams and emotions colliding together in a hurricane of anxiety. Shuffling through the overgrown grass the poor boy aggressively opened the door snapping Butters out of whatever his conflicts were.
 “Hey, Kenny!” Eric yelled in a melodic tone as he moved into the car he eyed over to Butters in a snide manner.
“Butters say hi!”
Butters paused at the exclamation of his name as Kenny jerked his head to him just staring at him. Even if he couldn't see it through the shades he could feel Kenny staring directly into his soul. It was downright startling, to say the least at his weird expression.
“Why is he here…” Kenny gritted his teeth to Eric as Butters' face fell to the floor at the words. He didn’t dare to look back.
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00katrinka00 · 2 years
Landcaster Legacy Gen 7 Update #7
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Dear Diary I haven't heard from Gianna since before we moved. I think I'm done writing to her, the last letter I sent got returned back to me, so I don't think she wants to be my friend anymore. It's all my mother's fault, for forcing this move. -Violet
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Soon it was Rosie's birthday, and she got the clingy trait.
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Mads was enjoying her time as a stay-at-home mother. She often felt like she missed opportunities to bond with Leo and Violet since she was working so much. So, Mads was trying to soak up every moment she got with Rosie.
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The end of the school year rolled around, and it was exam time. Leo spent a lot of time studying, and it all payed off considering he aced all of his exams. It left him feeling like he was one step closer his goal of becoming valedictorian.
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On Saturday, Leo decided to get out of the house and head to the local thrift/boba shop in order to pick out a birthday present for Violet. He decided to order some boba first.
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Once finished Leo headed upstairs and began looking around for Violet's present. He spotted a chair that he thought Violet would like in her bedroom. After a bit of contemplation Leo decided to buy the chair for his sister.
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Violet spent most of her Saturday playing with Rosie. She decided that she did enjoy having a little sister, maybe she'd wanted one all along and just never realized.
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As Violet's birthday party approached Mads got started on the cake. Meanwhile Violet and Ethan chatted together. "I'm so excited for this birthday!" Violet exclaimed. "You need to stop growing up," Ethan told her. "Well it's not like I have the power to stop aging" Violet said.
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"Aunt Tyler!" Violet exclaimed as she ran to the door to greet her aunt. She knew having favorite family members wasn't very nice, but Violet couldn't help but name Tyler her favorite aunt. She was everything Violet hoped to be when she grew up. "Happy birthday kiddo!"
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"Violet sweetheart!" her grandmother, Ember exclaimed. "Happy birthday my sweet girl." "Thanks, grandma!"
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Before anyone knew it, Mads was calling Violet into the kitchen to blow out her candles. Violet got the self-absorbed trait.
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After cake mads pulled Violet aside and decided to give her, her birthday gift. "A laptop!" Violet exclaimed. "Thank you!" "This way you can work on writing your papers and doing schoolwork," Mads said. "Oh," Violet's voice fell. "Right, school."
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Natasha took a seat next to Leo. "So, I went to prom with Noah yesterday," she told him bitterly. "Okay," Leo said quietly. "Why'd you lie?" "Lie about what?" "On the phone the other day," Nat said. "You lied about all that stuff Noah apparently said about Violet and your mom"
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"I didn't lie, I was telling the truth," Leo said defensively. "He really said all of that." "Noah isn't like that," said Natasha. "Fine, believe whomever you want to believe then. I just can't believe you're turning into one of them." "Whatever, Leo."
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"So," Ember asked. "What are your plans for the future?" "I just aged up," Violet exclaimed. "If you must know I plan on finishing High School and then moving to Del Sol Valley and becoming a singer to be famous like Tyler, like my great great grandmother Lacy."
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"Oh Violet dear You know I think you're incredibly talented but becoming famous like that is one in a million If that's what you want at least go to college you can meet people, network. Make contacts already in the industry" "Let's see what Tyler says" Violet called for her aunt
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"Grandma thinks I should go to college, to network," Violet said to Tyler. "You didn't go and you're famous now, tell her it's not necessary. "Violet, I agree with her. I want you to succeed and the best way to do that is by going to college. I regret not going myself."
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"See, Violet," Ember said. "Networking. Even Tyler agrees. Going to college is a good idea." "It'll give you a head start," Tyler added. "Oh, screw your networking," Violet snapped before storming off.
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After everyone had left, Rosie waddled over to Violet and began babbling incoherently. "Are you telling me Happy Birthday?" Violet asked. "Ya!" Rosie exclaimed. "Aw, thank you sweet girl," Violet hugged her little sister.
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"I have a gift for you," Leo approached his sister. Violet opened her gift excitedly, then all of a sudden, her face fell. "It's an apple," she said glumly. "You got me an apple?" "I picked it from the fruit bowl this morning" Leo told her, he was trying to hold back his laughter
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"I'm just kidding," Leo finally told her. "Here." Violet opened the gift, "oh this will go great in my room!" she exclaimed. "Thank you, Leo." "Happy birthday, Vi."
0 notes
dourpeep · 3 years
Imagine life as Scara's room mate. You're each doing the most absurd and unnecessary things to annoy each other. One day, you decorate the house in dildos. Like you would with any normal decoration. And you absolutely refuse to acknowledge this is odd in anyway.
Summary: Tired of Scaramouche's dumb pranks, you decide that it's your turn to mix things up. Contains: Modern au, college au, roommates, roommate!Scaramouche, CRACK, shenanigains, lots and lots of dildos, technically suggestive because of the dildos
The door to your room swings open, hitting the wall with a thud.
"What," comes the voice of your roommate. "The fuck is this?"
Ah, right.
He's pointing the not-so-empty coffee pot at you, the clear surface betraying it's unorthodox contents. Bright pink, glittery, and utterly--
"The coffee pot? If you're going to make some, can you make extra for me too?"
You're still in the process of getting ready for the day, wearing a pajama top and jeans. Without missing a beat, you lift the two articles of clothing in your hands out for him to see.
"Do you think I should wear this one..." you wiggle the shirt in your left.
"Or this?"
Luckily, he's too absorbed in his refusal to look you in the eye so he doesn't catch the tell-tale quirk of your lip at your most recent prank.
"Are you fucking kidding me??" "...No? I need to get ready for class. Not everyone gets to come and go as they please, Scara."
When he throws his hands up in the air (one bringing the coffee pot securely with it), the silicone toy wiggles inside mockingly. But he's far from defeated. With a rough massage of his nose bridge, he turns and leaves.
"Hey! Close the door behind you-"
By the time you leave, he's already exacted a bit of revenge in the form of a few tablespoons of chili flakes in your morning beverage. But the satisfaction doesn't last.
Not when he turns to open the dishwasher and finds not one--but five placed inside.
It gets slammed shut.
There's a few more in the bathroom. Arguably the worse one was...well.
The moment he steps into the bathroom, there's one stuck square center on the mirror, with a sigh, he walks past it only to see the toilet cover closed.
Please, Archons no.
The moment he touches it to lift, he lets it go. There's an extra weight to the plastic and that's all he really needs to know. Scaramouche closes his eyes and takes a deep breath in. Then lets it out in a loud, frustrated scream.
Of course on his day off he has to deal with your bullshit-
It's not until he's found 23 that he gives in.
The dedication of getting up earlier than him to place them, somehow sneaking in at least 23 dildos of varying sizes, shapes, and colors, and your unwavering poker face when he took the one in the kitchen sink and nearly bludgeoned you with it (to be fair, it was rather large and if this were any other circumstance, Scaramouche would've been just a tad worried).
You finally return at exactly 4:42pm with two drinks in hand. A latte and a doppio espresso for him as a little apology for the mental stress he's no doubt under.
"....twenty five. I found...twenty five."
He's dragged your spinning chair from your room and placed it just a few feet in front of the door. With arms crossed and one ankle resting on the opposite knee, he stares you directly in the eye.
The familiar style of cup in your offhand catches his attention for a second, but not even the allure of his drink of choice could sway his resolve.
But the number suddenly catches your attention. Where'd he find the other two?
You're sure you only bought twenty three and definitely only hid twenty three in various rooms of the apartment...
Oh shit.
"I'm holding them all hostage until I can think of an actually suitable payback for this."
"Hey, Scara, let's be reasonable about thi-"
"Don't 'Scara' me. I spent the past 13 hours of my only day off this week trying to figure out exactly how the fuck you pulled this off and why."
Standing up, he makes his way to you, snatching the drink from your hand. Violet regards the cover, suspiciously, before he takes a sip.
It's exactly as it should be. Hm.
"You're going to buy me my coffee every afternoon for the next week. If you don't, I'm throwing them all out."
A small price to pay...
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
a/n: personally i’ve been waiting for this part to come since the beginning lmao, so here is the proposal finally!! it’s like so fluffy, almost disgustingly, but i just couldn’t help myself
pairing: Sebastian Stan X Reader
word count: 1.8k
This fic is part of the LITTLE ONE series, but can be read as a simple oneshot as well! Find the masterpost of the series HERE!
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(gif is not mine)
You’ve been eating like a hormonal teenage boy these past weeks and you know it needs to stop and held under control, but you just can’t help yourself. It’s like your stomach has become a black hole that needs to absorb any and every food that’s home, you’re constantly snacking beside the large portions you eat three times a day, there’s always something you’re craving, the shopping list on the fridge is changing every hour because you think of something else to eat.
Luckily, you haven’t gained that much weight besides the noticeable bump that’s your baby in your belly, seems like your little girl does need all the food and she uses it instead of letting it all get stuck on other parts of your body, so you’re fine for just now.
Sitting on the couch, watching some kind of soap opera, you’re snacking on an entire jar of Nutella this time, shamelessly stuffing your mouth with the sweet, thick stuff, pretty sure that nothing will be left of it by the end of the day. Sebastian is away again for his second filming that was scheduled even before you found out you were pregnant and he messed around with it a little, shortening it once again and you just visited him last weekend. Now that you are pushing the end of your second trimester, your bump is quite evident, not something you can hide easily, so when you showed up on set with your boyfriend, you didn’t even try to cover it up, knowing well someone would spot it sooner or later. However everyone on the team has been so respectful, keeping the news to themselves, because no headlines have been made about your pregnancy just yet, keeping the secret even longer. To be honest, you’re surprised it hasn’t been discovered sooner, you thoughr someone would catch you out and about and see right through your baggy clothes and sell the news to the tabloids, but now you are in the sixth month and no one knows a thing.
Your phone chimes next to you, a text from Seb and you hum to yourself happily, putting the jar aside to grab the phone and see what he wrote.
“How are my two favorite girls doing? Miss you a lot!”
He even attached a silly selfie of himself in hair and makeup, he looks adorable with the clips in his hair and some kind of patches under his eyes. Like a real beauty guru.
Grabbing the Nutella, you place it on top of your bump as you move the phone to a lower angle and take a selfie that makes your bump look even bigger, the jar on top and you grinning widely at the camera as you snap a picture and send it to him with your reply.
“Enjoying our third snack of the day at 11 am! Miss you too, can’t wait to see you next week!”
He reads the message right away, his reply coming just seconds later.
“Look at that bump! You look gorgeous, baby! Can’t wait to see you too, have fun with your sister today, love you lots Xx”
Since he has left you’ve been trying to keep yourself busy so you don’t miss him too much and you’re also using these weeks to spend as much time with your friends and family as possible, knowing well once the baby arrives you won’t be going out that much for a while, nestled up in your home, learning the ropes of being a mother. Today you are meeting up with your sister, she is taking you out to this alleged new, quite fancy restaurant you haven’t heard about before. She claimed that it’s really exclusive, so you don’t have to worry about being photographed or bothered, but she also told you to glam yourself up for the occasion. It’s gonna be some nice sister time, something you haven’t been able to do in a long time.
You take the assignment seriously, doing your hair and makeup the best you can and you decide to put on a flowy maxi dress with a soft, knitted cardigan, very much going for a kind of cottage core vibe. Leaving just in time you text your sister that you’re on your way, putting the address into the GPS and heading out of town, because the place is near the beach. She texts you back that she’ll meet you there and so your short little road trip begins. Sitting in the car you’re listening to one of the many playlists Sebastian has made for you and the baby, he likes to play them at home, humming the songs under his breath, hoping to start educating your little girl in the field of music as early as possible. You have to admit he has a good taste, so you don’t mind it at all.
As you follow the instructions of the GPS you find the place that’s supposed to be your destination, but it doesn’t seem like a restaurant at all, more like a mansion of some kind, a very expensive looking if you are being honest. There are no other cars, no sign of other people so as you park at the front you call your sister.
“Hey, I’m right outside, but I have a feeling I’m at the wrong place? It doesn’t look like a restaurant.”
“Oh, don’t worry! You’re at the right place! I’m a little late, but I’ll be there soon, just go inside, they are expecting us!” she assures you, but you’re still not convinced.
Ending the call you approach the entrance and for your surprise the heavy doors open before you could even knock or find the bell. A man in a tuxedo appears in front of you, smiling warmly at you.
“Miss Y/L/N?”
“Uh, yeah,” you nod, a little shy and confused.
“Please, follow me,” prompts as you walk inside and the two of you start crossing the grandiose hall of the building.
At this point you are sure it’s not a restaurant, but you have no idea why your sister wanted you to come here. You want to ask the man if you’re even at the right place, but he called you by your name so he was expecting you, this has to be the place where you’re supposed to be. More and more questions pile up in your head as you follow him out to the backyard, a gigantic, flower-filled garden that’s straight out of a fairytale, a path leading down to the beach where there’s a dreamy little pergola with even more flowers and fairy lights and as your eyes fall on the figure standing in the middle of the pergola, you immediately gasp.
Because surrounded with all the flowers and lights, there is Sebastian standing in an elegant suit, smiling widely at you as the man next to you helps you down the stairs before you start walking down the path to him.
Tears are flooding your eyes, because you already know what it is, but you can’t believe it’s really happening. He was so sneaky, he got home from filming earlier and even made your sister play along to surprise you, he is such a romantic soul, no one can change your mind about that!
“You’re not in Atlanta!” you tell him when he is finally close enough to hear you. He chuckles sweetly, taking a few steps forward to meet you sooner, his hands finding your waist as you cup his face in your hands, pulling him down to kiss you right away.
“No, I’m not, baby,” he smirks, his hands sliding to your belly, gently stroking the sides as you wipe your tears away, but there’s no use, because the next moment, he steps back a little, just enough so that he can get down on one knee and you’re crying again when you see him pull out a little velvety box from his pocket.
You were expecting it. You knew he would propose before the baby arrives, but you just didn’t know when and how, but he surely outdone himself with his little surprise.
“My Love, Y/N,” he starts after a deep breath, his hands finding yours and you can feel the shaking, but you’re not sure if it’s coming from yours or his. Probably both. “I’ve spent the best years of my life with you and I haven’t been the same man since the day I met you, but in the best way possible. You are the most amazing woman I’ve ever met and I’m so lucky that you did not only choose to be with me, but you are now carrying our baby under your heart as well, out little one who is equal parts of you and me, though you’re doing ninety percent of the job here,” he adds with a chuckle, making you laugh through your tears. “I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you the moment you were so badass on your first date, kissing me when I didn’t have the balls to do the first step, but I’m glad you did. I fell in love with you right then and there and the same thing has been happening every day, over and over again since then. I know we went a little out of order with everything we had planned,” he smirks, glancing down at your bump before his blue eyes find yours again, “but that doesn’t change the fact that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so I have a question for you.”
He pops the lid of the box open, a gorgeous, brilliant diamond ring coming to your vision, sparkling in the warm afternoon Sun so perfectly, it takes your breath away.
“Y/N Y/L/N, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?” he asks, clearly nervous, even though there’s no doubt about your answer, you’ve told him plenty of times before that you want to marry him, but still, it’s a huge moment in both your lives.
“Yes, yes, yes!” you nod eagerly as you both start laughing in relief, his shaky fingers tagging the ring out of the box and sliding it to your finger gently, before he brings your hand to his mouth and kisses the ring.
Then he finally stands up and you basically throw yourself into his arms, kissing him like your life depends on it as he kisses you back with just as much force.
“I love you and I can’t wait to call you my wife,” he sighs pleased against your lips.
“Mm, another title in the line? Girlfriend, baby mama, fiancé and then wife,” you giggle giddily.
“You missed one,” he cocks an eyebrow at you slyly.
“Which one?”
“Love of my life.”
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed it!
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skiitter · 3 years
A prompt, my dear. Hermione and Draco + “who hurt you?”
Draco Malfoy was a lot of things, the majority of which were less than desirable to any sensible person, but one thing he was not was late. His punctuality was a point of pride, in a sea of arrogance no doubt, but Hermione had come to appreciate it over the course of their working relationship. It was something she could rely on, something immovable in an otherwise dangerously murky situation. He may needle her ceaselessly and leave her to do the lions share of the paperwork, but he was always there when he was expected, an effortless air of smugness clinging to him like bad cologne.
This Sunday, however; this unremarkable, overcast Sunday in late September he was late. It was the day after her 24th birthday as well as their final meeting. The report had been ostensibly completed, the field work essentially finished, and the conclusion inevitably drawn. After the better part of a year dedicating 1/3rd of every weekend to spending most of the day with Malfoy, Hermione's Sundays were about to become her own once more; a prospect she was not all that excited about.
Everytime the chirp of the bell above the door announced a new arrival, she would glance over, expecting to see a shock of platinum hair above a signature sneer and everytime, she was disappointed.
"Another tea, miss?" The waitress asked, her expression a perfect blend of professionalism and pity.
"No, no thank you." Hermione spared another look out the window, searching for him among the crowd. "Actually, I think I'm done here. Could I get the check?"
Bundled up against the autumn chill, Hermione paid and left the Cafe' and it's memories behind. It wasn't quite noon yet, and the streets were slowly filling with the townspeople emerging to go about their days. She smiled at a few passersby but was otherwise lost in her own thoughts as she made her way to the Apparition point.
Maybe Malfoy had just decided their final meeting wasn't all that important. To be fair it was more of a formality than anything else. His decision to not show would have no negative consequence on anything other than her feelings. Feelings, of course, that she was deliberately not thinking about.
As she rounded the corner, absorbed in her denial, she didn't see him until it was too late. With an audible "oof" she ran straight into Malfoy, colliding chest to chest. She immediately bounced off but he caught her arm before she could hit the sidewalk.
"Graceful as always, Granger." He let her go and she stared, wide eyed and confused, at the state of his face.
"Merlin! Your face it's--"
"Your manners leave so very much to be desired." He looked cross but it was hard to tell beneath the bruising. An ugly, mottled patch of purple marred the left side of his face, stark and violent against his pale skin. It was fresh, the edges red with the recent impact, and it appeared to have just narrowly missed his eye.
"Malfoy," she reached her hand out, ghosting her fingertips over the bruise. "What happened?"
He sneered at her and jerked away. "Keep your obligatory Gryffindor concern to yourself, Granger."
"It's not an obligation!"
"Says the war hero."
"Will you--ugh!" She huffed and dragged him back around the corner, off of the sidewalk and into an alley. "What happened?" She repeated.
He looked around, deliberately avoiding making eye contact with her. "I made a wrong turn at Diagon Alley, is all."
"A wrong turn?" The incredulity in her voice was palpable. "To where? A boxing ring?"
"Just drop it, Granger."
"I will not just drop it. Look--look at your face!" She closed the space between them. "Malfoy, please. What happened?"
He sighed and the rigidity of his shoulders softened. "I forgot, okay? I went to Flourish and Blotts to get you your bloody birthday gift and when I left, I ran into some adoring fans."
"Our former school chums don't take kindly to my presence in Diagon Alley and, after our last little spat, I'd forgotten the warning they'd left me with." Malfoy's jaw tensed and he squinted up into the clouded sunlight. "They took it upon themselves to remind me."
Hermione balled her hands into fists to keep them from shaking. "Who?"
"It doesn't matter, Granger."
"Who?" She took a steadying breath. "Who hurt you?"
"I don't know. I vaguely recognized them from Hogwarts. It's fine."
It wasn't fine. It was categorically not fine. Malfoy was hardly the first of their class that had been on the wrong side of the war to be attacked. Harry had spent a significant amount of time trying to dispel such violent grudges and, to the best of her knowledge, it had been handled. Clearly, she was mistaken.
"We need to report this to the Ministry. Harry needs--"
"Absolutely fucking not." Malfoy gave her an indignant look. "The last person that needs to hear about this is Saint Potter."
"Malfoy, Harry's job is dealing with--"
"No, Granger. I said no."
"So what? Those nasty little insects just get to get away with it? No. I refuse. We didn't go to bloody war--"
"I was on the wrong side of that war, remember? So, yeah, we did go to war for this exact scenario to exist." He could see the lack of effect his words were having written across her face. "Granger. Please. I don't want this to become another of your crusades."
She reeled as if she'd been slapped. "Crusades?! Malfoy, it's about the injustice of it! You don't deserve to be attacked in the streets for something you did nearly ten years ago!"
"The court of public opinion begs to differ."
"Oh they'll beg alright," she snapped. At her genuine anger, his features softened and Malfoy gave her an unreadable look before looking away.
"You're such a fucking Gryffindor." He said it with an air of affection, though, and it helped to ground her back in the now.
"Thank you." Once more she placed her hand upon his bruised cheek and, to her surprise, he leaned into the touch. Her breathe caught in her lungs and she swallowed. "We--we should take care of that."
"It's just a simple spell. I'll handle it."
"No," she insisted and stepped away from him. "I will. It's the least I can do."
"This is hardly your fault."
"You went to Diagon Alley for me, remember?" She looked him up and down. "Speaking of..."
"I've been attacked and you're worrying over your stupid gift?" His tone was lighter than it had been since she'd ran into him.
"Of course I am. It's not everyday the evil Draco Malfoy buys you a gift." Hermione nodded to the Apparition point behind them. "Let's go."
"What about the Cafe? You can't honestly expect me to deny our Waitress her weekly opportunity to oogle at me." He gestured to his outfit: an expensive and perfectly tailored muggle suit that Hermione had forced him to buy after he showed up to their first meeting in robes.
"I've already been. It'd been weird to go back now. Besides, I think the bruise will overshadow your fancy slacks."
"Women like a man with scars."
She snorted. "It's hardly a battle scar, you git." when he gave her a pleading look, she rolled her eyes and looked around, to make sure they were alone. Satisfied with the lack of muggles, Hermione drew her wand and tapped it gently to his cheek. The static heat of magic bloomed between them and the ugly purple faded away, leaving his pale cheek unblemished once more. "There."
In the process of her healing, Malfoy had stepped completely into her personal space and the look he was giving her was heavy, deliberate.
"This isn't over, Malfoy. I'll find out who did this, with or without your help. They don't get to just attack you and get away with it."
"I'm hardly a weakling, Granger. I fought back."
"Good. It'll make them easier to identify."
"You're not going to let this go." It was not a question.
"No. I'm not."
"Because." She gave him a defiant look and he tipped her chin up with his hand. "You're my--"
"What? I'm your what?"
"Is that all?" He was dangerous, but in a completely different way to the bully he'd been in their youth.
"That depends."
"On what you got me for my birthday." She grinned and he laughed, pressing his forehead to hers a moment before pulling away and offering her his arm. She looped hers around it and let him steer them back in the direction of the Cafe.
After a lunch of finger sandwiches and tea, Malfoy finally handed her a perfectly wrapped gift that she immediately tore into. It was the latest book in a series on beasts that Rolf Scamander had been releasing, and it wasn't supposed to be out for another week.
"How did you get this?"
Malfoy shrugged, as if it was the least important thing in the world. "Money is an exceptionally good incentive."
"I love it. Thank you." She beamed at him and he cleared his throat as if it would distract her from the flush creeping up his neck.
"It's no big deal, Granger."
"To you maybe. It is to me. You know how I feel about birthday gifts." They both thought back to the spectacle she'd made of his back in June.
"I did fight for my life while I was out getting it." He grinned but the smile faded at the sharp look she gave him. "I'm joking, of course. Just a little fisticuffs, nothing serious."
"I'm sorry, Malfoy. I really am. You didn't have to go all the way to Diagon Alley for this."
"Sure I did."
"Just submitting your half of the report would be gift enough."
"Lucky for you I've done both. Besides, I'm sick of using that bloody report as an excuse to be around you." Hermione blinked, unable to process the weight of what he'd said. At the shock on her face, he shrugged again. "Come on, Granger. You can't possibly think I care about work this much."
He leaned forward and captured her chin in his hand. "My fierce, naive little lion. You're horribly dense." Malfoy gave her a soft kiss on the forehead and pulled away. "Let's go before the Waitress gets jealous."
"But. What."
"I've rendered the great Hermione Granger speechless. I am truly magnificent." His laugh brought her to her senses and she launched herself across the table to kiss him.
"Sod the waitress."
She did, in the end, figure out who hurt him and in true Hermione Granger fashion, made them rue the day they laid hands upon someone she loves.
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moeruhoshi · 3 years
I've been watching anime all day so here's a late nalu day gift
Lucy slammed her bedroom door and flopped down on her bed with a weary sigh, weeping into her pillow as her day finally came to an end.
The open door of her patio allowed her to hear the neighing of carriage horses taking away her most recent suitor, a man who barely knew what the meaning of personal space was.
Just how many princes and dukes had to waltz through their gates before the princess’ father realized that they had no interest in adequately courting her? It was painfully obvious how the lot of them were only interested in her well-displayed décolletage over her personality and spent more time schmoozing up to the king instead of trying to win her favor.
What hurt, even more, was knowing that she could never be with the one who was truly meant for her.
She stared at the red string tied to her pinky, the fiber ending far off in the distance where it connected to her destined partner. It calmed her in some ways, allowed her to feel a sense of clarity, knowing there was at least one more person out there who could give her the true love she craved.
She hoped every day, when Spetto called her down to meet another suitor, that it would be him, the one on the other end of her string, waiting to hold her as she wanted to hold him.
They could instead be a peasant, she thought as her hopes for him to visit one day were beginning to fade. Not that she cared about that kind of thing, but it meant that they didn't have the means to enter the castle easily. Or maybe they were somewhere in a neighboring country, too far away to find her. Maybe he hadn't been gifted the power to see the string and didn't know she was waiting for him but felt just as empty without her by his side.
She was sure if she voiced her knowledge of the red string to anyone else, they would call doctors from all over Earthland to analyze her cognitive function. 
But she desperately wanted to tell everyone that she had no intention of selecting a suitor through their gaudy traditions. She would instead venture out into the world to find her soulmate, the person at the end of her red string of fate. But knowing her father, he would only let her marry with the promise of the expanded wealth she would gain him from a political marriage.
"Miss? Are you still awake?" Spetto knocked lightly, the princess holding in her sniffles to hear what the maid had to say. "I'm sure you are…but I won't bother you. Your father wants you to know that he'll be inviting the Duke Cream from Veronica for another visit tomorrow. He's eager to correct his…insolent behavior from the last time he saw you."
The princess didn't bother answering and instead let out a frustrated sigh as the sound of her maid's footsteps echoed down the hall. The setting sun illuminated the crimson strand and her fingers loosely wrapped around it, her weak pout quivering as she tugged on the phantom satin.
"I'd rather have you, whoever you are..."
"The princess!" Spetto screamed as she ran into the King's throne room. Jude was sat upon his seat with the Duke at his side, their conversation halting at her interruption. "She's gone!"
"What in the world do you mean, woman? I'm sure that no good daughter of mine has just buried her nose in one of those god awful fairy tales again. Have the guards search the library for her," He gruffed, rolling his eyes as her demeanor became more hysterical and shaken.
"I have, your highness! The princess has run away, she's truly nowhere to be found!"
"And just when I was about to be introduced to my bride," The Duke frowned and tossed his bleached hair aside. "Send hounds after her, why don't you? I will not let this girl make a fool of me on this glorious day."
"Go on, then," The King glared at his guards standing nearby who quickly rushed out the door. "I should have known that girl would be trouble. Her mother had always filled her head with nothing but pure nonsense."
Lucy lifted her billowy skirt as she ran through the woods, deep within its darkness, trying her best to ignore the now wailing trumpets of distress audible in the distance. She knew it wouldn't have been long until someone noticed her absence, especially after having heard the reality behind Duke Cream’s visit.
It was by chance, an incident that occurred while she was passing her father's office the night before. Lucy heard the plans he made to arrange her marriage to the Duke, ensuring that their kingdom would absorb the principality. This meant her father would have an entire stronghold on the country of Fiore.
A life with that obnoxious and narcissistic Duke was not one she wanted, nor could even stand the thought of.
So, in a panic, she made plans to run away, leaving when the guards wouldn’t be around, going as far as she could go without any clear signs of which direction she'd taken off in. She persevered through her tiredness with the lone thought of her meeting her soulmate who was sure to greet her with a wide smile and open arms.
"This way! C'mon now, you'll never make it running without anywhere in mind!" A voice tinkled through the line of trees, halting the princess in her place as she breathed harshly and darted around scared eyes.
"Who's there! I-I'm not going back to the castle!" Lucy shouted as she turned about in circles, shrieking as a short blonde girl suddenly appearing from thin air
"Did I say I was trying to take you home? No! Now hurry it up! You'll never make it there if you make stops like this, follow me!" She instructed, turning toward the trees and beginning to run.
"Who are you?" Lucy asked between pants as she followed the shorter blonde, mesmerized by the trail of sparkles she left behind her, and the cute wings peeking out from beside her ears.
"A friend," She smiled as she continued maneuvering them through the woods. "And a guide! You’ll never get where you need to go without my help,"
"So you know where I'm going? You can see my string too?"
"Well, sure! I let you see it after all. Boy, was he worried when I told him you were stuck out here without your magic. Idiot almost killed himself trying to find his way through, but it can't be done by anyone but a spirit." She sighed and shook her head, rambling as they avoided a patch of bramble bushes 
"My soulmate...? He was looking for me too? Really?" Lucy felt her heart swell, beating stronger even as she ran, a dazzling smile taking its claim of her lips.
"Yup! You have a very loyal man waiting for you," She giggled. "He can't wait to meet you, said he'd get his house ready and everything while I was out looking for you. I apologize for taking so long, moving around in this realm isn't easy, there’s barely any magic in this land!”
"Magic? Like in books? Isn't that practice all made up?" The princess quirked a brow as the strange girl only giggled again and slowed her movements as they found purchase under the wide berth of a willow tree.
"It's quite amazing someone like you was born here when your home is with us, in the right Fiore. Now, come on! Everyone's waiting!" She grinned, ignoring Lucy's confusion as she pulled them through the hanging branches, the two suddenly falling into the void of the trunk.
"E-Eh?! W-Wha…!" Lucy fell to her knees as she suddenly felt queasy, holding a hand to her head and waited for her headache to subside. She looked up to see where the other blonde had gone, not finding her anywhere and instead met a new and sunny skyline. "Wasn't it…night just a moment ago?"
She stood to her shaky feet, finding her body no longer weighed down by exhaustion, tears, or dirt on her dress. Whatever was in the air made her feel light as, well, air. She'd never felt so amazing before! Just where had she gone when they fell through that tree?
Taking some small steps through the field in front of her, she looked down to her finger, the red string extending into the distance behind her.
"Oh wow…" When Lucy turned around, she was met with the image of a town she had never seen before, curiosity pulling her towards the bustling streets.
It was as she always imagined the streets of the village she ruled above looked; stalls serving food and selling fresh produce, children running and laughing, patrons bartering and making light conversation, happiness in everyone's eyes. Their smiles created her own, and she followed the string eagerly, feeling just right in the Fiore she’d been led to.
She worried this would all turn into a dream soon enough, there couldn't possibly be another Fiore…or the existence of magic at that. Her steps quickened as she feared Spetto would be in at any moment to wake her, feet carrying her towards a patch of woods that broke off from the town.
It would’ve made nice for a peaceful walk if she didn’t think the calm scenery before her would disappear.
“Oi, Gray, watch it!” A sharp voice boomed from the nearby distance. 
“Shut it! I know what I’m doing, it ain’t hard to paint a wall, flame brain!” 
“Don’t start a fight! We had to rebuild that side of the house five times because you two keep knocking it down!”
Lucy slowed down her pace as the volume of their argument increased but kept her eyes on the string that told her he was just ahead. 
Her eyes landed on a red-haired girl pointing a large sword at two boys who kneeled respectively in front of her, bowing their heads as she scolded them. 
Breaking through the line of trees, Lucy smoothed down her stray hairs and dusted off her dress, holding herself nervously as she continued forward.
Each step closer made her legs feel like jelly, flushed her cheeks, and made her heart beat a million times faster, her fingers twitching as she held her hands together. 
“U-Um...excuse me…?” Lucy’s voice was shaky as she approached the three, her eyes watery as she stared at the pink-haired boy who raised his head at the sound of her voice. The string fell into his lap; he was her soulmate.
The red-haired girl turned to face her first, eyes concerned as they fell on her disheveled appearance. “My goodness, are you okay? You’re not lost, are you?”
"Oh, crap! It's you!" 
"Don't say that to a girl, idiot! You have no idea who that is!" The raven-haired boy threw a glare at the pink-haired one who quickly stood up.
“Mavis didn’t tell me when you’d get here, I would’ve come to pick you up if I knew you were...oh, hey, don’t cry, okay? Um, here,” He quickly took the end of his scarf to wipe her tears, feeling a knot in his throat as she gently fell against his chest. "It's gonna be okay."
"I just...I just can't believe…" She shook her head, not minding the stain she created on his shirt. "That you're real...that you were waiting for me."
"'Course I was! Having a new family member is always exciting, and my hearts been leapin' like crazy waitin' for you! You were stuck out there all alone and I couldn't come find you. I'm sorry it took so long." 
Erza forced herself and Gray to look away as the blonde hastily kissed their wild companion, his shock present in the stiffness of his back.
He was startled by the sudden action but felt himself melting into the touch, desperate as well to be close to his soulmate.
"I'm home," Lucy laughed with a bit of surprise, Natsu's eyes widening along with his grin. 
"Yeah! Welcome back!"
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wickedw3asleys · 4 years
Fred x female reader (mentions of George)
AN: it is 5am i cannot sleep i need help oh my god i am SWEATING, FRED WEASLEY WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME. he's a dom and i do not accept any kind of criticism. Okay but more seriously, thank you so much for the support for the 1st part! I truly appreciate it and I hope you'll like this one as much as the first one!
WARNINGS: smut smut smut smut and more smut... unprotected sex... and cussing
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A few days had passed after your talk with Fred and George.
And still nothing had happened.
And you never thought you'd be so eager for one of them to reach out to you to fill his needs. But you weren't going to be the one to give in first.
And they knew what they did to you, because the first moment they saw you after the big talk they started teasing the shit out of you, and you were too easy to piss off, way too horny to have patience with them. Could be an accidental brush of George's hand on your thigh; Fred whispering things in your ear that weren't necessarily explicit; or again, George finding any kind of excuse to touch you, even the slightest... And that drove you crazy. And the fact that they exactly what they were doing, only made it worse, them making clear that they wanted you.
And today was the day that your patience was at its limits. So you were going to play it reverse on them, and make them suffer a little bit.
You decided to just play it cool, not to look to hard for them, and just let the big boys come to you, as they liked to call themselves. So when you least expected, you saw them appear with the biggest grins on their faces.
You were hanging out with Hermione and Luna at the library, and once again you were going crazy with your studies. You already have had 2 exams, and you could feel your brain slowly dying from all the information it was absorbing.
So obviously, when the twins saw you in such a frustrated state, they knew once again how to play their cards.
"Oh, darling... You look so stressed...", Fred came behind you, "and those shoulders! You're way too tense..."
He winked at his brother and put his hands on your shoulders, slowly massaging them.
Hermione looked at you with an interrogating gaze, not really sure if she should say something or not, to what you unconsciously shrugged your shoulders.
Fred dominantly put his hand on the back of your neck, applying a slight pressure to the sides of your neck, "Keep still, sweetheart..."
You could feel the blood rushing up to cheeks and to other unholy places on your body.
"What. The. Hell.", Hermione mouthed to you, Luna getting more and more confused about all the situation, since she was way too preoccupied reading her Astronomy book.
"I. DON'T. KNOW.", you mouthed back.
Fred continued to massage and apply pressure on your shoulder and the back of your neck, and you felt like you were going completely mad. And when you saw George glancing at his brother, you knew this was another one of their games; so why not join in?
You sighed, mouthed a quick "sorry" to the two girls and started playing.
"Freddie! Oh my god! You're so good!", you softly moaned, stretching your back and neck. You could catch a confused and nervous look on George's face, who was once again looking at his brother, expecting a reaction from him.
"Mmhhh... you like that?", he whispered down to your ear. Fuck, he was a way too good player.
You turned your face to his, just to be a few inches from his lips. "Yeah, I like it...", you said, trying to sound convincing; when you knew that you were affected by him to your bloody core.
You could feel his breath shake as he straighten up, leaving a satisfied smile on your face.
"And what about you, Georgie?", you asked, looking at him with puppy eyes, "How's my favorite Weasley?"
"I'm fine...", he said, smirking, "Why? You missed me, darling?"
You couldn't see any type of nervousness in him, he never answered wrong, always continuing the game.
Not wanting to leave poor Hermione and Luna alone, you decided after a while to semi ignore the twins, and go back to your conversation with the girls, including the boys in from time to time, and when you could feel Fred being totally distracted, you made your killer move.
"OH! I'm so sorry, Fred!", you said, looking how your ink pot just had fallen on his lap.
"Damn it!"
Everybody had taken a few steps back, not wanting to have ink all over them, and when Hermione got up to go for some tissues, you got on your knees and started wiping Fred's thigh with your robes. Fortunately you knew a spell that would make these stains go away, otherwise you wouldn't have sacrificed yourself like that.
The sight of your on your knees, a hand on his upper thigh and the other one wiping the ink stains that were dangerously close to his dick, almost made him cum in his pants. He had spent too much time without doing anything and you being you didn't made it better. You've always drove him completely mad, and the fact that you've actually accorded to be shared between him and his brother was all he could have ever asked for.
He dominantly grabbed your hand, "Bloody hell, Y/N! Stop!", he groaned between his teeth, making sure no one else but you could hear him.
"What's wrong?", you asked innocently, looking up at him through your lashes.
"Shit", he groaned.
He quickly got up, took his brother by the arm and left the library.
"Oh... Where did they go?", Hermione asked with the tissues in her hand.
"I don't know...", you couldn't help but smile victoriously. You've beaten Fred Weasley at his own game. You've put down one of the two twins. You still had to win against George, and from what you've been observing, he'd be the harder one to play against; fooling everybody with his innocent looks.
"Am I right saying that there was completely an unsolved tension in here for a second?", Luna asks.
"Y/N, what the hell was all this?!", Hermione says, clearly aware of what's happening.
"It's just a game! Nothing harmful! Don't worry", you smile, blushing.
"I don't know what kind of games you're playing with them but when I saw Fred going through that door he looked like he could spit fire...", Hermione points out, "I just hope you know what you're doing..."
"I do, Mione... I've talk to them..."
"What do you mean you've talked to them?", Luna asks, curious.
"Oops...", you say as you start getting up and taking your books with you, earning a gasp and shocked laugh from both of them. You winked at the girls and got out of the library.
There wasn't a lot of students out in the corridors at this time of the evening. It was almost bed time so everybody was either in their common rooms or still at the library, just like Hermione and Luna.
So when you felt a hand on the back of your neck again, you felt relief that no one was there.
"Good night, Freddie...", you smiled, his hand adding pressure.
"I hate you", he says between his teeth.
"Oh... Why is that?", you pout. If he'd thought he was the only one able to play this game, he was damn wrong.
"Don't play innocent here, you knew what you were doing"
"Just how you knew what you were doing to me for the past days. Both you and your brother. Am I wrong?", you tried turning your head, but his grip on your neck didn't let you, "Didn't your mother tell you to not play with your food, Freddie?"
The smirk you had on your face the second you pronounced these words could have killed Fred in an instant. It was the weirdest, yet most erotic, thing a girl have ever said to him, and he felt those words resonate through his whole body, specially under his pants.
"Fuck...", he groaned. He grabbed your arm and started leading you. You didn't knew where but you wanted to follow him so bad right now, nothing could have stopped you. You wanted him and you knew the feeling was reciprocal.
You turned a corner and arrived at the second-floor girl's bathroom. Fred quickly opened the door, making sure no one saw them go in and the second the door closed, his pressed his lips against yours. Almost with anger. He was so eager to kiss you...
Neither of you took the time to completely undress the other, you just stayed there, him pressing his body on yours, devouring your mouth.
Without breaking the kiss, he started leading you to the sinks, where he lifted you and sat you. Your skirt almost lifted to your waist and his hands fiercely groping your thighs.
"How DARE you come snog in MY bathroom?!", a whining voice made you both jump, trying to regain your breath.
"Mimi!", Fred breathed out, "Sorry! W-we..."
"Oh... Hi, Frederick...", Moaning Myrtle slowly approached Fred, not even paying attention to you, "You're looking good tonight...", she says.
"You too, Mimi, but we're kind in the middle of something right now...", he says, awkwardly.
"Oh... I see that...", she says, glaring at you in anger.
"Hi, Myrtle..."
"Come on Myrtle, please... I promise to make Harry come visit you tomorrow, but please, please, let us stay here...", he pleaded. You could hear the desperation in his voice and that only turned you on even more.
Moaning Myrtle was taking his proposal in consideration, and quickly ended up agreeing. "Tell him I want to see him in that grey shirt he always wears, he looks so good in it...", she says before completely disappearing in the darkness of the bathroom.
"Wow... So Moaning Myrtle too, huh?", you teased Fred.
"Yeah, yeah, don't start", he quickly cupped your face with one hand and started kissing you again, this time with more passion, more fire. He was kissing you as his life depended on it, his hands always groping your skin; your thighs, your stomach, your waist... He was like an animal, so eager and needy. And you loved every bit of it.
Fred pulled out from your lips and started going down, kissing your jaw... You neck... Licking it and making sure to leave at least two or three visible marks for him to admire the next day. You moaned when he started kissing that sweet spot of you, just behind your ear, as he started slightly pulling your hair. That combination would be the death of you.
"Fuck, Fred...", you moaned in his ear. He raised his head and took a second to finally admire your messed up state, which only made him want to go rough on you.
He leaned in again and started kissing you while unbuttoning your white shirt, not losing a single second. Just as he kept unbuttoning it, he started kissing your chest until it was completely at sight. He groaned to himself when he saw the black lace bra you were wearing that day.
This time, you were the one to not lose time. The second your blouse was unbuttoned, you started attacking his pants, taking of his belt and lowering it a little so you could play with the elastic of his boxers.
"Wait...", he suddenly stopped.
"What? What are you- FUCK!", you loudly moaned as you saw him going down on his knees before you and taking your clit in his mouth. Your hands directly went to his hair, pulling it gently.
You could have come by the simple sight of what was happening, Fred on his knees eating you out, his hair all messy and his arms strongly around your thighs.
"Oh my-... Yes, just like that", you moaned again, making Fred chuckle against you, sending vibrations through you.
He started placing little kisses and kitten licks all over your pussy, licking every inch of it, making it his.
"If you keep... FUCK! Doing this... I'm going to cum... Oh my god, Fred..."
He chuckled again and stopped his movements to look up at you. Fuck, you were looking so pretty, already all fucked up.
He got up, never breaking eye contact with you. He was literally towering you, you sitting on the small sink, your legs around his waist.
He was going to start kissing you again when you stopped him, putting your soft hand on his clothed chest.
"Wait... My turn...", you seductively said, slowly kneeling.
He instantly knew what you were about to do, so he helped you lowered his pants down a little.
"Bloody hell, you're so big...", you whispered.
"Well, wait are you waiting for?", he said, lifting up your chin.
Your mouth instantly started drooling the moment you took him in your mouth. You slowly lowered your head down his shaft, taking all you could of him in your mouth, and then up again.
You started licking his tip and his sides, trying to get it as wet as you could.
"Y/N... Fuck... You're so good at this...", you felt his body lean against the sink you were previously sitting on, and saw his hand grab the edge of it to gain support. "Keep going please, keep going..."
You did as he pleaded. You slowly started to bob your head up and down his dick, both of you making the most sinful sounds. You could feel him throb in your mouth as your lowered your head more and more, and you loved it.
Suddenly, he grabs you by the hair and lifts you up again, helping you sit on the sink again.
"Legs up for me, will you sweetheart?", he says, caressing your inner thighs.
"If you ask so nicely...", and you lifted your legs to wrap them around his waist.
Fred sucked his thumb and lowered it to your clit, drawing figures eight on it, slowly.
"Mmmhhh...", you moaned, throwing your head back.
"Are you ready?", he asks, his thumb still on your clit.
"Yes", you smiled back at him, locking eyes with him and not breaking contact when he entirely slid into you.
"Merlin, you're so tight...", Fred moaned in the crook of your neck.
You grab him by the shoulders and let him start thrusting in and out of you; first at an awful slow pace, making him bite your neck.
"Come on, darling...", you encouraged him. And with that, as if something lightened up inside him, he straightened himself, towering over you again, and roughly putting one of his hands around your neck and the other one around your thigh. That made him gain stability, so he started thrusting deeper and harder tan before.
"YES! Oh my god... Yes...", you put your forehead against his and closed your eyes shut, lost in the feeling.
"Yeah... Like that...", he says, going even faster, hitting that special spot of yours that made you almost scream. "That's it, darling... Show me where I am..."
You clumsily took his hand and tried to find on your lower abdomen the spot that Fred was hitting so you could show him how deep he was buried in you.
"Oohh, yes... There it is...", he says, feeling his tip brushing against his hand. He applied more pressure to your abdomen, making his dick hit that spot again and again.
"FUCKKKKK! YES!", you screamed, eyes almost rolling back in your head.
"Look at me, sweetheart, look at me...", Fred took your face and started to thrust deeper and harder just to watch your reaction, to which he wasn't disappointed. Your swollen lips, messy hair and the spots he had been leaving along your neck and chest were the most beautiful view ever.
He started massaging your breast through your bra as he once again increased his speed.
All you could do was messily breathe and loudly moan as he trusted in and out of you. He was so big. Stretching you so good. And the fact that he was being so rough yet so gentle with you was insane.
Once again he brought his hand to your clit, slowly massaging it and making you moan even louder.
"Ssshhhh... Sweetheart, do I have to remind you how to be quiet?", he says, his hand against your mouth.
You remembered the moment he first pressed his big hand on your mouth, all the thoughts that were crossing your mind and all the fantasies you've created because of that specific moment, and now all of them where becoming reality.
"Do I reckon you like my hand on you like this, right?", he smiled, thrusting deeper.
Your screams were now muffled by his hand, but he could see your eyes starting to water, which only made him increase the pace.
You were a moaning mess, your nails going to his back, his arms and chest, also leaving your little marks.
"Come on, I want you to see yourself when you cum...", he says before slipping out of you and turning you, now facing the mirror.
He put his hand where it belonged: your neck. And started to kiss you again, looking at you through the mirror's reflection.
With no previous notice, he slammed into you from behind, making your face contort in pleasure.
"Oh my god...", you say, trying to grab the edge of the sink.
He pulled your hair again, leaning your head back on his chest.
"Look at you...", he says, "so fucking... pretty..."
He brought his free hand to your clit again, the new angle making it easier for him to massage it in the correct way.
That made you scream again, feeling your legs fail you.
"I've got you, darling... Come on...", he whispered, tightly holding on to you.
He continued his relentless attack on your pussy and clit, making the pleasure almost unbearable for you.
"F-Fred... I-I'm c-cumming... SHIT!"
He smirked at your reflection and didn't stop his thrusting until he felt your inner walls tightly close again his cock. The feeling of you cumming with him inside you made it impossible for him to hold any longer, so as he was helping you riding your orgasm, he chased his own one, both of you moaning loudly in the other's ears and clinging to each other as your lives depended on it.
He stayed inside you a few more seconds, trying to regain his breath and strength.
"I think that deserves a big high five...", you say, lazily raising your hand.
He weakly moaned, trying to high five you, but terribly failed.
He finally got the strength to pull out of you with a hiss, slowly pulling his dick out and letting a pool of both of your fluids form in the sink.
"Thank you", he breathed out, kissing your forehead.
"No! Thank you!"
"I knew this was a good idea!", he says, proud of him.
"The most brilliant idea you've ever had...", you say, helping him putting his belt back on.
"What are you doing?", he asks.
"That, my friend, is a souvenir...", you laughed, patting the panties you just put in his pocket.
"Oh, you're a nasty one... Very, very nasty...", he smirks.
"You have no idea...", you say, kissing his neck again. "Let's go, before the others start asking too many questions"
"We're definitely doing that again, I hope you know that...", he says, entering the Gryffindor common room.
"Isn't that why we've talked about it, you git?" you laughed.
"Hey, where were you two?", Hermione asks, "We've been waiting for you for almost two hours!"
"Oh, we just quickly went to visit Moaning Myrtle...", you say, eyeing how George was looking at the marks on your neck, "Harry by the way, she wants you there tomorrow with your grey shirt. No discussion!"
You hear Harry groan and throw his head in his hands, "Why? Why did you this to me? Why do you hate me so much!?!"
"Come on, she's not that bad...", you say, sitting next to George.
"How does she even know I have that shirt?!", he starts whining, but soon enough, your attention was turned to George, who was playing with the back of your skirt.
"Looking good...", he whispered, "Who would have thought you're such a dirty player?"
"You have no idea...", you smirked.
He looked at you and chuckled, "You'll show me soon enough...", he said, discretely placing his hand on your inner thigh.
You looked up trying to see if anyone was looking at you, but for your luck, they were too busy hearing Harry whine about Myrtle. And then, you crossed Fred's gaze. He winked at you and raised to you his plastic bottle and drank a sip, that making George chuckle again.
For Goddrick's sake... These two were going to drive you completely mad...
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eloves-writes · 3 years
a pause in reality
[spencer reid x reader]
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summary : you and spencer finish work late, admit your feelings & spend the night lying on your apartment floor talking
a/n : this is an extension of this fic that people seemed to like! enjoy, it’s 12:11am + i’m tired, mwah <3
couple : spencer reid x reader
content warnings : none
it had been a couple weeks since spencer came over to your apartment in the middle of the night, and you hadn’t spoken to him much since. he had taken a week off work for ‘personal reasons’ and then you’d been completely overloaded with work after that so there hadn’t been much room for conversation. the lack of conversation had provided much opportunity for simply observing the doctor’s existence; you liked watching him work. it wasn’t in a weird way, and not in a sexual way; there was just something about how he quickly flipped pages of case files and twirled his pen around his fingers as he thought what to write that was quite encapsulating. you thought he was quite beautiful in the most winsome way, like he wasn’t outwardly trying to impress you but everything he did still made you bite your lip and smile. 
despite your admiration, you missed the usual tidbits of conversation that came with sitting on the desk opposite spencer and being his best friend; the random ‘fun fact!’s and ‘did you know?’s that hadn’t been so common since you’d spent the night together. well. not spent the night together spent the night together, but you fell asleep cuddled up on your couch and didn’t move until the morning. it wasn’t exactly awkward, but you’d both felt a heavying shift in the usual romantic tension that circled you. the intimacy that came with falling asleep on each other didn’t help the feelings you were both trying to keep bottled up for the sake of your jobs, but at the end of the day that job was behavioural profiling so it was pretty clear you felt the same way, and you had for a long time.
“hey y/n,” prentiss said, perching on the edge of your desk. it had been yet another late night at the office, the hour hand of the clock was just shy of 10pm.
“hey you,” you replied. “i’ve still got another case report to finish, i won’t be long.”
“you are the wooorst,” she moaned dramatically. “i can’t wait to be out of here, we spent far too much time in this office.”
you smiled at her and rolled your eyes. “i’ll ask garcia if she can drive me home, em. i don’t want to hold you up any longer.”
“ok, sure, thanks. have a good weekend y/n, reid.” she gave you a quick hug and waved as she left the office. emily usually drove you to and from work, partly because you didn’t like driving for an hour at 8am in the morning, but mostly because you always brought her coffee and she loved you for it. spencer looked over the divider between your desks and cleared his throat.
“you, um, need a lift home?”
“yeah, why?” you replied without thinking as you tried to speed-write the last few lines of your report.
“i thought maybe i could drive you, it’s late and i, um, wouldn’t want garcia to go out of the way when we live on the same road. it’s not a problem, i’d actually like to- i mean-”
you chuckled under your breath. your eyes met and he let out a nervous giggle.
“you can drive me home, spencer. thank you.”
his voice raised a couple octaves. “ok.”
you chuckled again and closed the tab you were looking at on your computer before grabbing your bag and coat. he followed suit, throwing his satchel on his shoulder and fiddling with the strap as he waited for you to gather the last of your things.
“ready?” he asked, biting back an excited-nervous smile.
“yeah, i just need to give this to hotch,” you motioned to the case file you were holding, “i’ll meet you in the elevator.”
spencer mumbled an understanding and you went your separate ways before meeting up again in the elevator. it was only a few minutes, but the tension was ever-thickening and you were glad to get out on the ground floor. you figured it would be a miracle if you made it all the way home without jumping on him. you didn’t.
“you know what hotch said to me when i left,” you began as you walked to his car. the silence had become unbearably uncomfortable. “he asked if we were going on a date.”
spencer looked up, wide-eyed and blushing. he fumbled with his keys and unlocked his car. “that’s, haha, that’s funny.”
you were much used to the reality-based teasing from the team.
“yeah, you know hotch. always a joker,” you replied light-heartedly. you both climbed into the car, spencer in the driver’s seat for once. he turned towards you, and in a fraction of a moment, he moved in to kiss you. it wasn’t a conscious decision, it wasn't a choice- it was a reflex. in that fraction of a moment, spencer reid felt an all-compelling yet natural urge to lean over and kiss you.
“woah,” you pulled away before he could reach you. “were you about to kiss me?”
he sat back in his seat and scratched his neck awkwardly. you suddenly regretted saying anything at all. “sorry, i shouldn’t have … let’s just go-”
“no, it’s ok,” you laughed. “continue.”
“oh, ok.”
your lips finally met, and it felt like the stars aligning. all the months of tension, the sneaking glances, the late night spying, they’d all added up to this kiss in the front seat of spencer’s car in the quantico parking lot. and this was what you’d been chasing, this was the pause of reality you could only match to the quietest and earliest hours of the morning. you placed your hands on his face as you broke the kiss, his own hands still firmly holding your head and pushing your hair out of your face. the two of you froze like that, simply absorbing the moment and framing it in your minds in case you didn’t get this luxury again.
a distant car horn disturbed your focus, and spencer finally started to drive you home. he was a good driver, if one could drive gently he certainly did. it wasn’t like being in a car with morgan, when you had to hold on for dear life and prey he wouldn’t crash- he never did, but derek’s disregard for road safety was a little concerning. in a total contrast, spencer obeyed absolutely any and every traffic law.
“you know you drive like a grandma, spence?” you joked, letting your inner thoughts out of your head.
“hmm, what did you say?”
“nothing,” you chuckled to yourself. “do you think we could grab some takeout on the way home?”
he smiled. “sure. by home do you, um, mean your apartment? you want me to come to your apartment?”
you nodded and leaned over to kiss him again. you were so done pretending you didn’t like him; you’d wasted enough time dancing around your feelings for him, you didn’t want to waste anymore. he felt the exact same- he’d never really experienced love before but he was pretty sure this was as close as he could get to a soulmate. a twin flame. there was an unspoken understanding between you, you just got each other in a way no one else did. which was also an advantage when you asked to get takeout on the way home and spencer automatically pulled up to your shared favourite chinese restaurant without having to ask.
within an hour, you were both sat on the floor of your apartment eating noodles and discussing whatever topics came to mind. first it was work, then literature, then music, and now you’d settled on a much more mature topic of office gossip. the time had slipped away as you spent the evening together, the clock ticking far past midnight as you talked. your biggest living room window was wide open to let in the night breeze and city ambience, much like it had been the last time spencer had been in your apartment, except this time there wasn’t the pestering weight of feelings on your shoulder. everything felt shiny and new, that familiar late-night vibe recast with fresher feelings of domesticity. you fixed your gaze onto the young doctor as he tucked a pillow under his head to lay on the floor, studying every line of his frame as he stretched his arms. you had always thought him quite spindly, but you could see his lower stomach where his shirt had ridden up and it was quite defined.
“are you checking me out, y/l/n?”
“maybe,” you replied breezily, shuffling across to lay your head on top of him. he brought an arm down from behind his head and wrapped it around you. it felt like there was the world outside, and then you and spencer. it didn’t feel like everything else had stopped, it just felt like right there in your apartment you were detached from it all. it was you and spencer, and that was completely ok. he cleared his throat and began to talk; he was reading from memory a book you’d told him months ago was one of your favourites. you smiled to yourself like an idiot, glad he couldn’t see your face. all your life, you had craved the exact feeling you felt in that moment- an escape from reality the way a gas station was a break from a long road trip. you felt loved, and most of all you felt ready to fall asleep and wake up well-rested for knowing your heart was at peace with your mind for the first time.
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astro-rain · 3 years
delicate; b.barnes
chapter twenty - “collateral damage”
delicate masterlist
word count: 2k
synopsis: bucky and y/n deal with the emotional fallout of her departure from wakanda.
pairings: bucky barnes x fem!reader
warnings: mildly suggestive content, nothing explicit, 18+ readers please.
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The flight home was wretched. Sleeping on the jet was impossible. Every time she shut her eyes she saw his face. If her mind did somehow manage to drift off to sleep, Y/N dreamed of him and woke up trying not to rip her hair out.
"We can still stay in contact, right?" Bucky asked as they were walking back from the waterfall.
They had left their catharsis by the water, still upset, but now calmer and more logical.
"I don't think so..."
"What? Why? It's not like we don't have the technology to do it."
"I know, but.." Y/N trailed off, trying to think of a sensible excuse.
Obviously they could stay in contact if they wanted. But any kind of phone call would be able to be tracked or recorded. That, and she didn't want him to hang on to someone who betrayed him. She couldn't imagine the guilt she'd have hearing Bucky's "I miss you's" or "Baby doll's" from miles away, knowing she lied to him.
"You don't even have a phone..."
"That's an easy problem to fix."
"I know... I just think you should focus on the rest of your healing, and... you know, I'll have a lot of work once I get back...." she took a breath. "I don't know if it's super healthy for us to cling on to each other when it... may be better to move on..."
"Move on?"
Bucky stopped walking and turned to face her. They both stood still and he stared at her, confused, as if he was trying to figure something out. He knew her well. She was scared he'd see right through her.
"So let me get this straight. When you're here we can talk all the time and... plenty of other things. But when you're away we can't even call each other?"
"That's not all, is it?"
She sighed. "I'm just... worried... about- like-... getting in trouble. If someone overhears or tracks a phone call...What if someone finds out where the 'Winter Soldier' is and comes here to exact revenge?"
That was partly true. She'd never want anyone bad to find out where he was. But no one was tracking her phone calls; she wasn't really a person of interest. In all likelihood, it probably wasn't something she'd have to be terribly worried about.
However, if anyone overheard or saw Bucky on the phone, they'd know it was her, and she doubted anything she could say would convince them that she didn't tell him about the arm.
Or maybe no one would find out. She just didn't want to take the chance. The last time she took a chance, this happened. She wasn't willing to do it again.
He stared at her with dejected eyes. "You know you don't have to worry about me. I'll be okay."
She rested her hands on his forearms and laughed sadly. "Bucky, I don't think I'm ever not gonna worry about you."
He was already in her heart. She didn't think he could leave now.
He let his eyelids fall shut. "I really don't want you to go."
She closed her eyes as well and let her forehead rest against the top of his chest.
"I know. I'm sorry. I don't want to leave you either. But you're gonna do so well, even without me. And every day I'll wake up and think 'wow this man is sexy and has good coping mechanisms! I wish I was him!'"
In the midst of his sadness, she made him laugh. It was a despondent, quiet laugh, but she managed to lift his mood all the same - even if just a little bit. She'd always make everything better.
He gazed down at her, eyes heavy, and without even thinking about it... "I love you."
She looked down at the grass below her feet. "Buck..."
"I do. I'm sorry but I do."
She wrapped her arms around the middle of his back, pressing her face into the crook of his neck. He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her in tight, one arm up her back and the other cradling her head.
In the tiniest whisper, she let the truth flow out from her chest. "I love you, too."
The clouds provoked her, so peaceful and quiet, while her head was a big, loud mess. Y/N leaned her head on the window, glaring at them and wondering if she should've said what she did. That she loved him. Internally, she debated whether or not it would make things worse. But she wasn't going to see him again; she might as well have left him with the truth.
Time was lost to her. She thought she would be landing soon, but she couldn't be sure. She couldn't be sure of anything anymore.
Bucky sat at the lake - their lake - and just stared into the water. It felt so strange to him, that she was gone. One minute she was here and now he was just... alone.
It was so quiet. Too quiet. Of course being alone was quiet, but after Y/N left, the air just felt empty.
He wished he could talk to her. Whenever he was upset, all he wanted to do was talk to her.
"So, is this... d-do we say goodbye now?" he asked when they got back to his hut.
"Yeah..." she sighed. "yeah."
"Are you going back to Europe?"
"Yes. Belgium. Haven't been in my apartment in forever."
"Belgium," he wondered. "It's nice there. Safe. What are you gonna do for work?"
"Probably just continue where I left off on my research. Fancy brain stuff, ya'know?"
He grinned, proud. "My smart girl."
She looked around her, as if watching for something. Or someone.
"Buck, I think I have to go now."
"Just one more minute? Please. I wanna remember you like this. Not sad and crying."
Y/N smiled, grabbed his hands, and kissed his knuckles. Both flesh and metal. Because they were both part of him and she loved him. All of him.
Then, she placed both his hands on either side of her face. Softly she said, "remember me like this," before bringing their lips together.
He looked down at his vibranium arm, twisting his wrist to watch how the plates whirred.
Since the first moment he put it on, he had been using it to be gentle, loving, and affectionate. This arm was good. This arm wasn't used for death and destruction and violence.
With this arm he held her, kissed her, loved her. And now she was gone. And now it felt like dead weight.
Whenever Bucky looked at his bionic arm he saw her. It began to make him sad.
His hair had been getting longer and longer. He could cut it now, now that he had two arms. But every time he tried, all he could do was stare at the arm and hear her voice in his head.
"That's your heart. That's you. You're all heart, Buck. You're so deeply, wonderfully human. All the way to your bones."
That was the first time he expressed real distress about missing a limb, he recalled. That was the first time they kissed. Funny how that transition was made, funny how she could remedy some of his worst emotions.
His days were boring and uneventful and nearly silent. He sat alone a lot. There was no laughter anymore, none of her laughter. There was no more holding, no more kissing, no more loving. The arm just felt... wrong? Like what it was born from had died.
In Belgium, Y/N felt incredibly uncomfortable. She knew she just needed to adjust to the change, after getting to used to life in Wakanda - life with Bucky. Her vacant apartment didn't feel as homey.
It had been, what, a year and a half? About a year and a half since she had been home. About a year and a half spent with Bucky.
Her apartment seemed so... barren. Void of life. And cold. She was used to the Wakandan heat. When she closed and locked the door behind her, she looked at the golden square that the sun cast through her window. It reminded her of that heat.
Y/N sighed, cursing her very own hippocampus for providing her with memory.
"God, I wish you had an AC in here."
She was in his bed. Well, she was on top of him, straddling him, in his bed.
"Is it hot or is it just you?" he joked, poking at her sides and trying to not pout at the loss of her lips.
"Ha. Ha," she rolled her eyes and brought her face back to his.
"Wait," Bucky said and gently pulled her face away to examine it. "You are a little warm."
"It's okay," she quickly tried to resume their previous activity.
"Hold on-" he got cut off as Y/N kept pecking his lips over and over.
"I have-"
"An idea-"
Lightly he pushed her shoulders away, nearly giggling. "Stop it! Just wait a second!"
Bashful, she conceded. "What?"
"Just-" he reached out and put the vibranium hand on her forehead, effectively cooling her down a bit. She closed her eyes and flashed a goofy smile.
"That feels nice."
Then, suddenly, he wrapped both his arms around her back and flipped them over so that he was on top. He smirked.
"Oh yeah, you just wait."
She hung her keys up and took a deep breath, absorbing the emptiness. This was her new normal; she just had to get used to it.
"I just- I don't really... I don't think I need it," Bucky tried to explain.
Want it, he thought. I don't want it. I can't stand to even look at it.
"You don't need it?" Shuri asked.
"Yeah, it-uh it takes a bit of getting used to and I think I just need a break. And I wouldn't want to damage it so... figured it's better with you."
He was better at lying than he gave himself credit for.
"Okay," Shuri accepted his answer and began to detach the bionic arm. "But you let me know if it's uncomfortable or painful anywhere so I can adjust it. Alright?"
"Alright. Thank you."
Finally he was rid of it- that cursed metal weighing down on his soul. Maybe now he could focus on other things. Maybe. It didn't seem likely...
However, as the days drew closer, it did make him slightly - only slightly -  less nervous about the trigger word experiment. Now he didn't have a weapon attached to him. Though he reckoned he was the weapon.
No. He wasn't supposed to think like that. He knew Y/N wouldn't want him to. He knew she would say something like, "You aren't what they tried to make you into. You're you and all HYDRA's awfulness can't change the good at your core. My Bucky. You're perfect."
He'd deny to high heavens that he was the farthest thing from perfect. Bucky had no clue how she could say such things. But her conviction never faltered.
Soon enough the day came. The experiment. All he could think about was how she was supposed to be there. He didn't want to do this without her.
But now, he found himself sitting at at a fire on some mountain with one of the Doras. It was dark and it was scary. He was scared.
"It is time," said Ayo.
Nevermind want. He wasn't sure if he could do this without her.
"Are you sure about this?"
"I won't let you hurt anyone."
He was still scared. He still didn't trust himself. But, staring into the fire, he thought back to a past conversation.
"You don't have to trust yourself. That's hard enough as it is and Hydra didn't make it any easier. You just trust me, alright? ... And I will not let anything happen to you."
Bucky didn't have to trust himself. He just had to trust her. Even if she wasn't here, even if she was on another continent, all he had to do was trust her. When Ayo began reciting the trigger words, that was the one thing thing he held onto. The one thing that kept him afloat.
His trust in her.
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delicate taglist: @emmojoy @bakugouswh0r3 @thefridgeismybestie @strivingforelegance @ilovespideyyy @xpurpleglitter @bluelakeee @darkacademic2 @eclipsedplanet @paradisedixon @crazy-beautiful @coffee--writes @lilithknight1111 @buckybarnesishot310 @softladyhours @alwayssandy @those-sea-green-eyes @hero-ically @devilswaldorf @cc13723things @small-death-and-codeine @avengersgirllorianna @cataves @thatbitchsposts @talktomeaboutthestars @surrealpsycho @headheartbellarke @bubbly-moonwarrior @bluemoon-icecream @buckeyecreates @augustbucky @itsthemaree @undiadeestos
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spasmsofthought · 4 years
rituals. (zuko x water tribe!reader)
+This turned out to be far longer than I anticipated it to be, but I couldn’t get this idea out of my head. I’m sorry if Zuko feels out of character; I tried my best to not make him so. I wrote him in my mind to be older than 16 and with, at least, a year of Fire Lord experience with him. All of the things he says in this fic may not be completely on point, but I hope I made sense of his character in this situation and kept an accurate frame of reference for you to hold onto! 
I’ve been thinking: What would it have been like to marry the Fire Lord if you were an outsider, from another nation/element? And where that question led me is what produced this. 
I tried my best to have accurate research, but if something’s off or wrong, please kindly let me know! I’m not an expert about the fandom here. 
Otherwise, I hope you enjoy this mess of fluffy Fire Lord Zuko and a Water Tribe OC just trying to navigate the way between two different cultures. 
Read Part II here! 
Like, comment, reblog! 
“Thank you.” You smile softly as some Fire Palace officials make their way out of the giant, ornate room. Their faces are more stoic, but there is one older man who gives you a slight quirk of his lips before they are back in a thin line. He’s been the only one who has been semi-kind to you. The rest of them have just been rigid and downright insufferable. It takes a few moments before their footsteps recede and you are surrounded by silence. 
It turns out that the Fire Lord asking you to become his wife comes with a lot more than you thought it would. 
And of course, you had never been blind to the fact that Zuko is of royal lineage. His family has passed down the title and office of Fire Lord for generations. The people of the Fire Nation have known this family for over a century. 
The blood definitely feels thicker than water here, though Zuko’s own familial situation may testify against that. 
How naïve of you to think any of this would be simple and easy. Nothing about this past century has been.
You press your head to the solid table beneath you, hand-crafted and polished so that it shines like the stars you remember seeing at night back home. Frustration and stress knit your shoulders together, your arms curling in towards your midsection.  
Deep breath in, the voice of your mother reminds you. You can barely remember her face now, lost to time, but her voice still somehow stays clear. You hope it stays that way for a long time. Now let it go, she says, too. 
If you close your eyes, you can almost picture your little family’s home. The sea squid hanging out to dry so that it can be prepared for supper and her bed disheveled but lined with furs that keep you both warm at night and during the coldest days. It’s probably empty now, a home to no one. 
You exhale, forehead still pressed against the table. You repeat the process a few more times, trying to somehow expel the tightness of your shoulders. The weight stays. Despite whatever you may lose,  being with Zuko is the closest to home you will ever feel now. 
You get up from your seated position at the table and move to a window, looking down at the picturesque landscape of a quiet pond garden. You lean against a pillar supporting the ceiling and try to absorb yourself in the peaceful scenery. You close your eyes and try to listen to the sound of the soft breeze rustling the leaves of the tree. You just want it all to go away for a second.
“Have they exhausted you yet?” A gravelly voice behind you asks. 
You turn to see Zuko standing in the open doorway. He’s dressed in all his formal attire, of course, but he seems to carry his own weight on his shoulders today. 
Idiot, you think, of course he looks stressed and weighed down. He’s trying to re-establish peace among four nations after the 100-year war his ancestor started. 
“Yeah, sure.” You mumble and smile softly. 
The moment doesn’t last long before you turn back to the pond, stomach churning now. The grief and the stress mingle together. You miss home, you miss the weather and wearing your furs. You miss your parents, who have been gone for four years; your father to the war and your mother to sickness. The ache never seems to go away, but it dulls when Zuko is able to be around. 
Zuko makes his way to stand beside you, saying nothing as he directs his gaze also to the peaceful pond, undisturbed by people or the noise of the outside world. 
Despite what you had been told about the Fire Nation your whole life growing up, and what you’d been told about Zuko during the War, you’d always appreciated when he did this. Despite his title and the lineage he carries, he’s always treated you like an equal. You are no less to him because you are female, and you are no less to him because you come from the Water Tribe. 
If it had been a few years ago, you wonder if he would have thought differently. Or perhaps he has always been able to understand honor more than most since he was a child, and that was part of the reason he was the one who was destined to be Fire Lord all along. 
You take in the side profile of his face for a moment, trying to gather the strength you’ve always had inside you.  
“I don’t want to worry you,” You begin, turning back to the view of the pond. 
It’s still and quiet and sounds like a great place to escape to in this present moment. 
“I’ll let you know when I can’t handle it,” His sardonic tone answers back. 
You know he means it as a joke, but there’s a stark truth to his words. He’s handled much more than a trivial conversation about what may be bothering you.
You take a moment to organize your thoughts so that you don’t come across as an emotional train wreck. Zuko has always seemed to have infinite patience with you while you express your emotions, but emotional intelligence is new to him as well. You don’t want to burden him with trying to figure out your emotions while he’s trying to cope with and understand his own. 
“I just... I didn’t know how difficult this would be.” 
“What?” He sounds a bit surprised. 
“Adopting your culture as my own,” Zuko opens his mouth but you stop him before he can even begin. “From a shallow frame of reference, I had always known your culture and your people would be different than mine. And the time I spent traveling back and forth from the Water Tribe to here when I was only your girlfriend gave me some exposure, but I didn’t know. Not really. Most of your people have been so indoctrinated by nationalistic propaganda that our union wouldn’t have really even been conceivable a few years ago.” 
There’s another moment of silence as you take a breath and exhale it. In and out. Zuko doesn’t try to interrupt the moment with platitudes or words of comfort, and that’s another thing you’ve grown to love about him. 
He doesn’t say something he doesn’t mean. It’s not in his nature to do so. 
In allowing each of you to struggle with the weight of your words and emotions, he honors your emotions without dismissing them. Sometimes, it leaves you speechless because the practice is so ingrained in him, there are times he doesn’t even notice he does it. 
“I can adapt. That’s not what I’m worried about. My people are strong because we are so willing to adapt to change, just like the ocean: strong and flexible. I can belong here without losing myself. I just don’t have anything to bring with me. There is no recognition of my culture, and since these meetings have started a few days ago, I get shut down every time I try to bring something into what should be the happiest day of my life.” 
You turn to him also and take a step closer. His expression remains neutral and you can tell it’s going to take some time for him to digest all of this. For a moment, you place your hands on his chest, clothed with the finest robes available in the Fire Nation. 
“When I said yes to your proposal, to the reality of a life with you, I meant it with all of my heart. I still do. But I have nothing tying me to my homeland or the place of my birth like you do here.”
He looks like he has a thousand things to say, but then the words fade away before they even make it out of his mouth. Zuko’s face turns back towards the outside, looking out at the pond as a soft breeze again disturbs the tree by the water. He always gets this look in his eyes when he’s in deep thought. The dilemma is less with him and his position as Fire Lord and more with how to integrate you in his world without making you “fit in” in ways you were never supposed to. 
“If I’ve learned anything over the past few years,” He begins, still standing straight and looking outside. “It’s that nothing in the world is right if there is no balance.” 
He reaches inside his formal robe and pulls out a box. Your brows furrow in confusion, because Zuko is not one to give gifts. 
“I was going to give this to you later, but it seems like the right time now.” He shrugs and hands you the box while a hand goes to rub his neck. 
He always does this when he feels shy or flustered. It’s kind of cute to see the “decisive Fire Lord” act like a teen aged boy. He had rare opportunity to act like one before. 
The box is like a square and a silk ribbon is tied around it. Your fingers work at the knot while you raise your eyebrow at him. You place the ribbon on the windowsill once it’s unraveled and gently pull the lid off the box. It may have looked inexpensive, but you never truly knew in the Fire Nation. 
The thing inside almost takes your breath away. It’s all blue, every single bit of it. 
It’s a betrothal necklace. 
You didn’t even know Zuko knew they existed, let alone what it would have meant in your culture if he gave you one. (Granted, he’s already asked you to marry him, but for the moment you dismiss the thought.) 
It’s true, most marriages are arranged by parents or parental figures in the Water Tribe. Most people at home are not as lucky as you have been to freely choose a partner, whether inside the Tribe or outside of it. Sometimes it seems a more hollowed out gesture when neither party is truly looking to get married for love. But the ones that do always give the necklace its meaning and purpose. 
“I asked Katara for some help,” He began to explain as you stare at the necklace. “I didn’t know what I was doing or where I should go, so she was the one who guided me. She gave me some ideas of what the carving in the stone should represent, but in the end, I came up with the design by myself.” 
Zuko rubs the back of his neck again as you glance between him and the necklace. 
The choker is dark blue as always, but the color gives you some semblance of peace. Blue isn’t a very prominent color displayed in the Fire Nation. Indeed, the stone fastened to the choker has already been carved into. The design is somehow intricate and simple at the same time. It is intimate without being gaudy or overdone. It is all blue and reflective of the culture you grew up in and the one you still carry with you. 
“You carved it yourself?” You whisper, not doubting the answer but still needing to ask it. Zuko just nods and your eyes well up with tears. He doesn’t even know how sacred this necklace is to you in a place where no one else will ever understand its full importance and meaning. 
“Will you put it on for me?” You hand the necklace to him as you also discard the box on the windowsill and turn your back to him. You’re thankful your hair is already tied back (still adorned with various blue beads from your background) as you sweep it to the side so Zuko can clasp the necklace around your neck. 
The weight of it is unfamiliar but grounding. It anchors you to the truth. It reminds you that no matter what marrying Zuko looks like, you carry your culture with you wherever you go. The way you treat others, hold yourself, and what you, hopefully, pass down to your children is far more important than what traditions you do or don’t adhere to in a ceremony. 
“I’ll talk to the officials,” He offers as he clasps the choker together. “You should be able to have all the customs that are important to you when we get married. You have always been my equal, but this time it will be a fact and not just an assumption.” 
You touch the stone with your fingers as you turn back to face him. The tears are already sliding down your cheeks, but you also give him a sweet close-lipped smile. He knows but he doesn’t. And that is what makes him so beautiful. 
You cup his face between your palms and feel him relax a little. Physical affection had never been a priority in his childhood or adolescence, but you can tell he’s starting to understand why you think it’s important to give and receive it. 
“Thank you,” You say, smiling wider. 
You close the distance and bring your mouth towards his. The kiss is steady and soft but also full of unrestrained emotion. Zuko gives you a second one before you both pull apart. He just shakes his head. 
“I think I’m the one who should be thanking you.” He whispers back as he brings you to his chest. 
He is home now, and that is what matters. 
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