#i need everything to go right in fox's life in just one (1) au
the-starry-seas · 4 months
I was thinking about how exactly the Royal Squad came to join the family, because adopting five clone cadets isn't exactly an impulse decision, and like
Fox interrupting Breha's schedule and approaching her as his queen, not his wife, and asking her for several million credits. And she knows that something is up because he's calling her Your Majesty and using corporate-speak and swearing to find some way to repay her. And neither of them are idiots, she knows there's nothing he can do to bring back that kind of cash no matter what job he gets.
So Breha, obviously, has questions. Maybe a thought or two in the back of her mind that Fox might not know what a spam email is. Fox is generally very calm and even-tempered so she wants to know what's going on and why he needs so much money.
Fox says that Kamino is going to sell off everything they can to recoup losses from the latest batches of clones that they're no longer being paid for. He says most of them will be sold to slavers. He says the ones that can't be sold will be killed. He says none of them are more than five years old. He says there's ten thousand of them and he knows it will be expensive, but he could never live with himself if he didn't find a way to save at least some of them.
Breha is weeping long before he's finished. She's seen his scars, she's heard him wailing with terror from nightmares, she's felt him flinch when she touches him without warning. She loves him, but she would do anything to change his past. She will do anything to spare his little brothers from the life that can never stop haunting him. She thinks of darling Leia, two years old and safely at home with Bail doting on her every move, and is sick at the thought of any baby being treated in the way Fox just described.
She gives Fox carte blanche to bring home every last child. He falls to his knees and kisses her hands, thanking her in jumbled words and eyes shining with tears. She has no regrets for the financial havoc she's just caused herself and will never let him repay her.
Fox brings home ten thousand and five children. He snarls at anyone who comes near the youngest, holding the runt of the litter his every waking moment, his hands always gentle but his eyes glaring a lethal warning. The legion of social workers deployed to help find homes for the children, well, they unanimously decide that that's someone else's problem.
(There's a bright spot in all this hustle and drama. As it turns out, selling children into the Core worlds... it's just so incredibly unbelievably illegal. Breha gets back every credit that Fox spent, and a reward for alerting the police to what the Kaminoans are doing. Clones have human rights on Alderaan, after all.)
Eventually, after several months of several thousand people working twelve-hour days, all ten thousand clone cadets have been placed with loving families all across the planet. There's still welfare checks and such to be done, but for now, everyone is safe, happy, and in no more danger from the Kaminoans.
This leaves five.
Fox finally goes home to the palace, after being one of those people working twelve-hour shifts, and says, "I adopted some. I didn't mean to."
Breha says, "I heard you cold-cocked someone for suggesting an adopted family for them on their third day here."
Fox has to say he did, yes, and he didn't mean to do that either, and he already apologised several times.
Breha smiles and says that Bail's been excited to meet them for weeks now, and won't Fox come to dinner?
Fox does come to dinner, and brings his tubies, far too nervous at the idea of leaving them with anyone else, even Leia's nannies. It doesn't surprise him when Breha is the first to bring it up.
"Bail and I talked about it, and we understand if you want to be their only legal parent. We know there's complexities around their adoption. Whatever support you want from us, you'll have it."
Fox doesn't expect his eyes to blur with tears, or for them to feel like tears of joy.
"Leia's my daughter," he whispers, "and these are your sons."
"Helio is a family name on my side, you know," Bail mentions. He smiles at the tubie in Fox's lap, who giggles and waves back with his little hand clenched around a green bean. Then Bail's gaze meets Fox's, and the fatherly love already in his eyes... it takes Fox's breath away.
"My parents once said that they planned to name me Vidal if I was a boy," Breha adds, and takes a sip from her glass. "Though I suppose some of them might have names already?"
Fox shakes his head. There were so many other things to be busy with that he's just been calling them by the last two digits of their CT numbers.
"I wasn't sure what to call them," he admits, "but I was sure you would love them."
They beam at that, and Fox manages to smile back, despite how exhausted he is from the past few months. There's still so much waiting in the future, but for tonight, he can take the time to breathe.
He falls asleep quickly that night, with his head in Breha's lap and her hand in his hair, Kit already fast asleep and curled into his side, listening to Bail read a bedtime story to all six of their tubies.
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orchidyoonkook · 1 year
Under The Willow Tree | MYG
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Title: Under The Willow Tree   
Pairing: Bad Boy!Min Yoongi x (F)!Reader
Rating//Genre: (T) | One Shot, Small Town AU, S2F2L, Implied Age Gap, Slow Burn, Angst, Touch of Fluff, Darker Subject Matter, First Kiss, Silce of Life
Summary: The town outcast shows up in the one place you find solace from it’s residents. The people you force yourself to fit in with, even though you never want to be anything like them. Will he ruin your only place of salvation, or become the most unlikely friend?
Warnings: PG16, some not necessarily positive non-specific religious discussions, people using religion in a negative may, plot twisty, cursing, kissing, semi-apparent abandonment issues, discussions of dead parents and guardians, mentions of alcoholism in a parent, mentions of illness in a parent, yoongi has tattoos and a motorcycle, motorcycle lessons, longing, mishandled emotions, catharsis.
Word Count: 7401
Release Date: April 10, 2023, 4:05PM
A/N 1: This happened due to a writing prompts post I shared sometime in late march. I’m quite proud of it considering I hadn’t planned anything so the entire story was written as I was writing. Very different than my normal writing process. 
A/N 2: Thank you endlessly to @borahae-k​, @katykatmeow​, @here4btsfics​ and @phthartic-fox​​ for beta’ing this. I love you all for your help, support and kindness. 
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It happened under a willow tree. A weeping willow.
Your favourite willow, to be specific. Even though there’s just the one.
It’s by the pond deep in the woods behind your house, where you watch ducks swim through the long, wispy branches that just reach its shore. Where you sit at the base, waiting for the sun to set the sky ablaze with colour as it falls into the horizon for another good night's sleep.
The one under which you had your first kiss.
You’d been waiting. Wanting it to be special, with the right person.
But a brief brush of soft, pink lips with the last person you ever expected had you wanting more, more, more.
It’d been a few months since he started coming to the willow. You’d assumed for the same reason you did.
To get away. From anyone and everything.
There aren’t many places in your hometown that allow for privacy, and you imagined he needed it more than anyone. Somewhere far from the residents' judgmental stares that were always nothing less than smothering.
Hailing from a very small, very rural, religious town where everybody’s known everyone for generations, your community is one where you follow in the footsteps of your parents and grandparents before them.
Where your life is already decided for you at birth, whether you know it or not.
Copy. Paste.
You’re born there; either at home with a midwife or in the one floor hospital down the main road. Raised there; a hand-me-down wearing, bike riding, creek-playing child.
You go to school there; stuck inside the same four walls from the ages of 4 to 18. Get your driver's licence there; from the sheriff after a road test that a 9 year old could pass.
You graduate there; from the same high school your friends, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents went to. Get a job; in town or on a farm, the only two options there are. 
And marry there; before 25, lest you become a spinster, subject to the gossip vultures also known as your neighbours. Then have some kids before growing old and dying, your permanent resting place dug in the same graveyard as everyone else that came before you.
It’s a suffocating fate that petrified you to your core. And you’ve known you didn’t want it for as long as you can remember.
You never liked their rules. Didn’t want to become one of them, to do as they do, live the way they live.
You’d skillfully escaped making any true friends as you grew older, but kept the people you could tolerate close enough to not be bored on weekends. They’re all temporary placeholders in your life anyway, people who sound like robots stuck in the same settings. People who would hold you back.
What’s worst of all is that you don’t share the religion they claim to be so hallowed and wonderful. The one that’s unwittingly forced them all into this life of monotonous repetition.
You dream of more. Of life outside this dreaded purgatory.
Of leaving.
But no one ever leaves. They’re stuck here, in this downwards spiral of life you’re so desperately trying to dig yourself out of. It makes you feel like a fraud, constantly pretending to be one of them. Always wearing a mask just to make it to the next day alive, unharmed by them and their values.
It makes you feel like there’s always a pair of eyes watching, waiting for you to mess up and reveal your blasphemous self.
You’re terrified they’ll discover the truth. Terrified of the ostracisation that will come the second they know you aren’t one of them.
You’ve seen it in real time. What they do to people who don’t conform.
Seen how they treat him.
Two years older. Bleach blond hair and a sleeve full of tattoos. A leather jacket he wears like armour with all black clothes to match. And last, but certainly not least, a motorcycle.
You daydreamed about that bike. Taking it and riding far, far away.
The busybodied people of your town never had a kind word to be said about him. Instead, choosing to call him any and every horrible name under the sun.
Beast, bastard, demon, monster, criminal.
Unable to understand him, understand anyone different.
They herd their children away from him in the streets; parting like the Red Sea when he walks by.
As if he were acid.
As if he was evil itself, and not just a young man.
You’ve never even heard him speak because no one dares to talk to him, worried any contact could turn them, seduce them into whatever his sick ways were.  
And you’re ashamed to admit you’re one of them…sort of.
You aren’t worried about speaking to him, you’re worried about what being seen speaking with him will do to you.
You’re someone whose only salvation from complete and total social isolation relies on fitting in.
And even if it kills you to pretend, you only need to do it for a little while longer.
You just had to make it to college. You’d be the first one in decades to go. Their mindset of ‘you have everything you need here so why bother leaving’  having not once in your life resonated.
You can deal with them and all of their beliefs about what you should do with your life for the short hours of school and occasional shifts at the diner, so long as you can escape to your willow tree, you’ll be okay.
The weeping willow in the middle of the forest behind your house is the only one in the area. You never understood why that is, but it’s your oasis away from everything you hate.
The tips of its branches sway rhythmically in the wind, and moss creeps up its trunk. It’s surrounded by dense, plush grass for you to sit on, and after all the years of sitting in the same spot, a little groove in the shape of your body has formed at its base. 
Its canopy protects you from the outside world, creating a space where you don't have to hide. Where you can proudly be yourself without fear. Where you spend as much of your time as you possibly can to keep your sanity intact.
No one bothers you here.
Your mum died years ago from an illness they never diagnosed, her plot in the town’s graveyard long since filled.
And your dad never notices you gone, too drunk in your house up on the hill to care.
So as long as there’s a constant supply of food on the counter and beer in the fridge, you’re free to do as you please.
Under the willow you do your homework and sketch. You take pictures and eat breakfasts and lunches and dinners. You listen to music and dance under the safety of its shade.
Under the willow you read great adventure novels, and dream you’re the protagonists whisked away on grand adventures. Anywhere but here.
Under the willow is your home away from home. Next to the pond, under the stars.
So it’s to your great surprise when an unexpected guest pries open the curtain of flowing foliage one spring afternoon. A bleached blond, leather jacket wearing, motorcycle riding, guest.
You don’t see him at first, too focused on the sketchpad in front of you. He steps in, and watches you work quietly, waiting for you to notice him.
You fascinate him. Every other girl in town can be found at one of three places, yet you were never at any of them. Not at the restaurant sipping on a milkshake. Not at the library studying. And not at the church volunteering. 
You’re always elsewhere. 
And he’s finally figured out where that is. 
He was nervous at first. To follow you. You’d never spoken but that wasn’t anything new to him. No one in this town ever did. 
Not to him.
But you don’t look down at him like the others do. Or jump out of the way when he walks by. You don’t tear away from his gaze as fast as the others. You hold on, even if for just a second longer. 
Unknowingly, you’ve captivated him more than anyone else he’s ever met.
So he followed you to see where you vanish off to, not expecting you to go into the forest behind your house. 
For a half second he considered you dangerous, because what on earth could you be getting up to in a forest for hours? But as he trailed the sounds of your footsteps and saw the small clearing with the tree, it began to make sense.
After jumping ten feet from seeing something tall and dark in your periphery, you exhale a large breath when you realise you aren’t in any danger, and shake out the nerves. 
You’d normally worry he was there to hurt you, but something in you knew he never would. Never could. Maybe it was the look he gave as he regarded you. 
Soft. Wistful even.
“What are you doing here?” You ask, wary. The first words you’ve ever spoken to him.
Barely contained inside the limits of the willows perimeter, he shrugs, and takes a long look around your little sanctuary.
And as he does, you get your first real look at him.
He’s handsome. Stoically so. And for only a moment do you wonder about all the stories hidden behind his eyes.  
The ones now focused on you.
“Wanted to see where you disappear to. You’re never in town.”
So what if you were never in town? Why did he care? Wait—How did he know? Does he pay attention to you?
…Why you?
You didn’t think he cared to notice anyone in this town, let alone you enough to know you don’t follow the social expectations of someone your age.
To pick up on the fact that you’re never there at all.
It makes a million things run through your mind—Why does he care about where you go? What about you is so special? Does he even know your name?—before one resounding thought hits you like a ton of bricks.
Can you trust him?
No one else in this town does, but all of their reasons are superficial bullshit.
All you know is you don’t know the first thing about him, and that now he knows about the one place you feel safe.
“That’s intentional,” you say, cautious. Not giving away anything but not saying much either.
“Can’t blame you,” he responds, before checking out the rooftop of bright green and muttering, “Eyes and ears everywhere.”
Those four words alone are all you need. 
He gets it.
Maybe you can trust him.
Observing each other for a silent minute, there seems to be an unspoken understanding forming between the two of you.
And he shoves his hands in his pockets, asking, “Mind company?”
You think about it for only a second.
No. No you didn’t.
“As long as you’re quiet. I’m trying to focus,” pointing the eraser end of your pencil to the sketchpad on your lap. “The cattail leaves are the hardest to get the lines right.”
He nods, finally breaking free of his position at the branch's edge. Nearing the base of the tree, he crouches down, about a quarter of the trunk's diameter away from you. It’s close enough to still see each other, but far enough to not bump into one another.
And before nestling in fully, he extends a tattooed hand to you.
An introduction.
“Y/N,” you return, putting your pencil down in the crease of your pad and shaking.
His hand is calloused, the ones you get from years of working with your hands. And strong, a firm grip. The kind you’d want to pull you up if you were dangling over a cliff. 
So many stories contained in a 3 second touch. Yet you find yourself wanting to know all of them.
Releasing, he settles in.
What surprises you most about the whole encounter isn’t his arrival, or speaking to him for the first time, or even the handshake.
It’s that when he’s comfortable, with one leg up for an elbow to rest upon, he digs a book out from the confines of his jacket.
Jules Verne, The Mysterious Island.
Your favourite.
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Spring fades into a wonderful summer of late nights and early mornings. Of beautiful blue skies and vivid sunsets you appreciate a little more now that you have someone to share them with.
Yoongi comes almost, if not, every day to the willow. Always a different book in hand. Always one of the classics.
The Iliad, 1984, Jane Eyre, Moby Dick, Anna Karina, Dracula, Little Women, Frankenstein, Catcher in the Rye, and those are just the ones you can remember because you’ve read them too. Some of them more than once.
You never expected to have anything in common with the boy that sits next to you. But from the little you’ve spoken to one another over the months, you’ve found that you share so much more than just reading habits.
On a warm April afternoon he told you he reads because he loves it but also to escape the daily hell that is your town.
    “Mmm, what’s your favourite?” you’d asked.
    Yoongi was lying down with an arm behind his head, staring into the treetop. Brave New World sat opened and facedown on his chest, his hand resting atop it.
    “Pride and Prejudice.”
    That was the last answer you expected.
    He lifts his head to look at you.
    “I thought the answer would’ve been obvious.”
After a cold drink on a hot June morning he told you his dreams of moving across the country. As far away as he could get.
    “Just have to save up enough money first.”
    You wondered how he made any. He definitely didn’t work anywhere in town…maybe waiting to inherit?
    Who knew?
    Both on a blanket you’d brought, Yoongi’s lying opposite and beside you, his feet by your hips. He used his balled up jacket as a pillow while you sat in your usual spot, capturing the way the branches swayed in your sketchpad.
    He’d taken to reading to you while you drew, including you in the grand stories he now knew you loved to read too.
    That day he had The Great Gatsby, a story you’d read about 20 times.
    You often dreamed of attending one of his parties. Of seeing the green light across the way, or having a conversation with Nick, why he stayed.
    “Are you anywhere close?” you asked, in reference to his saving goals.           
    “Getting there,” was all he gave.
And on a miserable, rainy night in the middle of August, is when you learned he’s all on his own.
    Sitting beside each other, you both huddled underneath his jacket for what little protection from the rain it could give. Water droplets fell from the tips of his bangs as he spoke.
    “My parents died in a car crash when I was 9, and then my grandma who took care of me, when I was 15.”
    You grieved for him as he told you his story.
    How he had to raise himself.
    Just like you did.
    “I’m sorry,” you’d replied gently. Softly. Knowing how it felt to have no one support you. No one to help you.
    Knowing how it felt to be alone.
    You understood.
    You did, you did, you did.
    Yoongi just stared at the ground, unable to meet your eyes. And you’d wondered if any of the water on his face was salty as he breathed out a quiet and heartbreaking, “Thank you.”  
    It made you question how many kind words he’d heard since his family passed.
    And also incredibly pissed off at the people in your town for how they’d treated him.
    How you’d…treated him.
    A silent promise was made then and there. Never having felt more embarrassed and furious with yourself than in that moment. You’d learned your lesson, and hoped that offering up your own piece of vulnerability might help him feel not so alone.
    Though you watched the rain turn the pond into a canvas of vibration as you did. Words dragged from the deepest parts of your soul, burning the back of your throat as they left.
    “My dad hasn’t been sober a day since my mom died. His eyes are turning yellow,” you said, hugging yourself to stop shaking, convinced yourself it was because of the cold.
    Even though it was August.
    “He doesn’t recognize me most of the time.”
    You closed your eyes, a familiar tang washing over your tongue as you licked the water dripping from your lips.     He gave no response, but an arm found its way over your shoulders and squeezed.
    He understood.
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It’s the beginning of September. The air’s started to nip at your cheeks, and the ground crunches a little more everyday with all of the leaves falling underfoot.
The tips of the willows leaves have begun to turn the colour of the morning sun, and by the time mid October rolls around, it’ll look like golden hour every hour of the day.
Yoongi finally tells you about the job he has at a mechanic's in the next town over. He explains how they don’t pay him nearly what they should, but he doesn’t complain because every cent brings him closer to leaving.
Just him and his bike.
You turn sheepish.
“Can I tell you something?”
He sits closer after all this time, more comfortable around one another. Still not enough to touch, not crossing that invisible boundary line, but enough that you don’t have to turn your head much anymore to see his eyes.
Brown and endless.
“Yeah, sure.”
You take a deep breath.
“I kind of always dreamed of taking your bike to get away from here and never come back.” He gives you a look and you shrug. “Seemed the easiest route to take.”
A smile that starts as a smirk turns into a healthy laugh.
“What’s so funny?” You demand. He has to calm himself down a bit before answering.
“You just uhm…don’t seem the criminal type to me, Cattails.”
There’s a flutter of something in your chest at the stupid nickname. For the drawing you did the day you met.
He continues, unaware of the goings on inside you. “Stealing? You? Nah. Not a chance.”
You open your mouth in mock outrage, scrunching your brow and bringing a hand to your chest.
“I’ll have you know I’d make an excellent criminal,” you lie to his face. He knows it too. 
But giving in, you detail the plan you’d always kept in your head for emergencies, heat slowly rising in your cheeks with every word.
“I’d take the key from you when you weren’t looking, duplicate it at the hardware store, and slip it back into your pocket before you ever noticed it was gone. Then go to your place in the middle of the night and be halfway across the country before morning.”
“Oh yeah?” he says with a raised brow you don’t trust.
“Yeah,” you confirm with a little too much faux confidence.
“And where do I keep my key, Y/N? Hmm?”
“Your jacket pocket,” you’d deduced long ago.
“Mmm,” he tsks with a shake of his head. “Nope.”
Oh. Well then it must be,
“Your pants pocket?”  
“Nuh uh, try again.”
You’d never thought much about it. How many places can someone keep a key on them without a bag and it not be in their pockets?
“Ummm, in your wallet?” Far-fetched but worth a shot.
“Ooo,” he blows through pursed lips before smirking at you again, but this one was different. It caused something very deep inside of you to turn to lava. “Good guess, but also no.”
Closing his book and setting it down, Yoongi straightens and reaches inside the collar of his shirt, retrieving a necklace you didn’t know he wore.
It’s small, the key, and almost silver. The colouring is tarnished from years of use, with worn teeth and some lettering at its base.
He holds it against a palm to show you.
“Why there?” You ask, wondering if there’s a reason aside from convenience.
With a sad tug of his lips, he answers. “Bike was my dads. I like to keep him close.”
A tender smile meets your own plush as you stare at the little key, appreciating it more after learning the importance it has to him.
And Yoongi watches you, viewing his ticket to freedom with the biggest eyes he’s ever seen, full of that same compassion and understanding you’ve always given him.
An understanding he didn’t think he’d ever see again from this place.
One he doesn’t know if he deserves.
Before you can respond, he’s taking the chain off and sliding it over your head, hand lingering for a second longer than necessary at your nape.
“Yoongi,” you hesitate.
It’s the first time you’ve said his name out loud.
You like the way it feels on your tongue. Warm, sweet. Like honey.
What you don’t know is he loves the way it sounds coming from you.
You falter. “W-what are you doing?”
“What’s it look like I’m doing?”
“But it’s your key! Don’t you need it?”
“Nah, got a spare in the storage compartment of the bike,” he says, gesturing to the one you now hold in your palms. “This way you won’t have to go through the hassle of stealing it.”
“But I—”
“Keep it,” he cuts you off. “In case you need it more than I do.”
It never leaves your neck.
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“You want me to what?” You ask as you walk towards the forest edge, Yoongi trailing on your left.
“Take her out for a spin. See if you even can. You’re the one who has all these grand plans but doesn’t even know how to turn it on,” he explains, referring to his motorcycle.
“Those were just daydreamed plans! I never thought I’d actually use them! What if I crash?”
He was kidding right? He must be.
For all the time you two have spent together, you’ve never spoken or been around one another in public. An unspoken agreement.
What happens under the willow tree, stays under the willow tree.
So to be out in the open? On his bike? You don’t know if you can. Or if you should.
But then you remember a promise you made not long ago.
“You won’t crash,” he says, like it’s the most ridiculous thing he’s ever heard.
“How do you know? Like you said, I don’t even know how to turn it on,” you hmph.
“Because I’ll be there.”
And maybe it’s the tone of voice he uses, or the fact that you trust him, you find yourself saying,
“Okay, fine.”
Minutes later you’re swinging a leg over the bike, and sinking on to the surprisingly comfortable seat.
“Where do I put the key?” You ask, taking it from your neck and handing it over.
Yoongi puts it in the side of the motorcycle, somewhere close to your knee.
“Here,” he shows as he turns it to the ‘ON’ position.
What a weird place for an ignition. 
“Mhm,” he acknowledges, then points. “Put your hand on the brake, it’s the part that sticks out on the right hand side. Hold it firmly against the handlebar. Don’t roll the handle bar itself back though, okay? That’s the throttle.”
Doing what he says, you hold the brake tight against the handle bar, murmuring an ‘okay’ under your breath.
“Now hit that button there on the right to let the fuel pump start up,” referring to the button beside the brake near your thumb. You do so.
He checks a little gauge on the side near the ignition. Seemingly pleased, he continues. “And now hit the button on the left to start it.”
Following his words once again, the engine roars to life the second the button is pressed, purring powerfully.
You feel exhilarated and a little terrified. But he’s here. You know you’re safe.
Voice a little louder to combat the noise from the motor, he says, “Okay, now on the left handle bar, grab the clutch. I’ll show you how to move into first gear, and look at me,” your eyes meet his, “do not let go of the clutch.”
You nod, but for extra precaution, he clamps his hand over the one you have holding it. You watch as he bends to put your left foot on a pedal and presses it down till you hear a pop, pushing up the kickstand when he rises.
The bike is heavy, now that you’re the only thing keeping it up right, you can feel its weight. And you understand why they’re designed to be able to have your feet on the ground even when sitting. You’d probably fall over otherwise.
“If you’re uncomfortable you let me know, yeah? And if you get scared just do what you’re doing now with this hand,” he squeezes for emphasis, “it’ll take all the power away from the engine and you’ll just coast until you stop, okay?”
“Okay!” You say, more excited by the minute. Your toes and fingertips are starting to tingle.
“I‘m gonna let go and you’re going to very, very slowly let up on the clutch—not all the way. Just enough that you move at about a pedal bike's pace. Let me jog down the road about 50 feet or so, and then you meet me there. Hold tight to the clutch again when you’re about 20 feet from me and I’ll catch you. Sound good?”
Nodding one more time in confirmation, nerves crawl all over your skin. You can’t describe the new feeling fully, but the closest you can find to it is probably the beginnings of an adrenaline rush.
You watch as Yoongi jogs down the road, throws his hands up over his head, and gives you two big thumbs up.
Taking a deep breath, you slowly release some pressure off the clutch and begin to move forwards. You know your feet are supposed to go on the metal foot rests below you, but you're so focused on not falling or crashing that you just stick them out so they don’t touch the ground.
Halting your left hands release at the speed he said to, you cruise along, wind picking up with your increased pace.
Holy shit!
You’re riding a motorcycle! 
You never thought you could, it was just a dream for so long. Something you kept in the back of your mind just for fun, but now you’re actually doing it! Your driving down the road on an actual real life motorcycle!? All by yourself!?
Turns out all you needed was a little encouragement and someone you trust to spot you.
Aiming for Yoongi, you clamp down on the clutch once again, cutting power to the engine. You drift right into his awaiting hands braced for the impact, and he slides a little on the gravel road before getting you to a full stop.
He presses one of the buttons you did earlier and the bike shuts down, allowing you to jump off.
You’re positively giddy.
“Oh my god did you see me?! I just did that! I just drove a motorcycle! Can you believe it?! I can’t believe I just did that!” You don’t even register what you're saying, too full of excitement to care.
Yoongi can’t contain his grin as he gets the bike standing on its own. Your joy is too infectious not to take part in, and he walks over for a high five to celebrate. 
But to his surprise, you bypass his hand completely and embrace him, throwing your arms around his neck.
It takes only a second before he’s enveloping you with his own, not letting the chance to hold you go by.
“Thank you!” You say, before letting go, not even realising what you did. You’re too busy catching your breath from all the rambling and jumping around, still filled with the remnants of your elation.  
Meanwhile, Yoongi can’t get the feeling of your body against him out of his head. How soft you were. How warm. The way you smelled like a mixture of your natural scent and outside.
And he’s asking, “You wanna to go for a ride?” before he can tell himself not too.
The question makes you pause. Was he serious? Because you can’t think of anything you want more.
Staring at him, your answer is far too gentle for someone who was just screeching with joy. 
He nods, still untrusting of his mouth, confirming with a ‘mhm.’
You don’t hesitate. You want to feel like that again.  
Not a minute later he’s giving you the helmet and securing it tightly. He also makes you wear his leather jacket to protect your torso, leaving him in just an oversized black t-shirt and dark ripped jeans.
Swinging a leg over, he pats the seat behind him.
And you’re glad to have the helmet on because without it he would most definitely see your inability to meet his eye. You can barely focus on anything aside from the sight in front of you and being wrapped in the scent of him. But then he gives a tattooed hand to help you hop on, and says,
“You have to put your arms around me and hold on. Otherwise you might fly off the back when we accelerate,” holding his hands behind him to guide yours. 
What? You didn’t think this far. He—you have t—Ummm, well... 
“Okay,” you answer, voice small, letting your hands be guided. 
Despite the loss of his jacket, he’s still deliciously warm, and the heat in your cheeks increases tenfold with your hands now splayed over his abdomen. 
Lightly defined muscles meet your fingertips through the thin material of his shirt and you do your best to memorize them as he turns on the bike and pulls away from the curb.
He starts slower than normal to make sure you’re alright, but when you give him the thumbs up, he speeds up to just over the limit and you hold tight.
You’ve never felt so free, loving the rush of wind that flows over your body from going so fast. It’s pushing a welcomed cold through the fabric of your clothes as your body temperature has only increased since getting on.
You could go anywhere, do anything. Nothing and nobody could stop you.
You want that. You want it so bad. And he gave you the key to be able to. 
But now when you think about leaving, you think about leaving with him. Yoongi driving and you sitting right here on the back, nothing but each other, the road, and hope for the future.
Growing confident enough to release your grasp after a few minutes, you raise your hands in the air, and let the wind catch your fingertips.  A whoop of joy leaves you at this newfound feeling he’s given you. 
Then another, and another, before returning them to their place around him.
Yoongi can’t help but smile the biggest he has in years when hearing your squeals of glee.
Because for the first time in a long time, he feels it too.
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Yoongi doesn’t come to the willow for almost a week.
He’s never done that since he started coming. Not once.
And you’re worried.
Where is he? Is he okay? You have no idea.
It’s not like you can go looking for him.
And you two aren’t anything anyway, so you shouldn’t even be this worried in the first place. If he’s safe, or in the bottom of a ditch somewhere.
But you can’t help it.
Just like you can’t help the feelings that have blossomed for him over the months. The feelings you didn’t want to admit to yourself for fear of him not returning them.
Yet there they were, and there isn’t anything you can do about them now.
They make you wonder if you’ll ever see him again.
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Six days.
It takes him six days to return. Stomping in, and visibly pissed off.
“What’s wrong?” You ask once he’s close enough to hear.
“I’m leaving,” he says flatly, uncaring. Like you asked him what colour the sky was.  
And your stupid, silly little unrequited heart shatters.
“I’m leaving. Taking off. Getting out of here. I can’t do it anymore.”
Piece by piece it falls from your chest and into the depths of your stomach.
“B-but why? What happened?”
“I got fired.”
“Yeah, fired. I tried all week to fix this one stupid mistake I made,” he explains, smoothing over his creased brow with two fingers. “But it cost more to fix than to keep me around, so they fired me. I don’t have the amount of cash I planned for, but I have enough to make it work. And I can pick up odd jobs on the road if I need to.” He nears, extending a tattooed hand. “I just came to get my key and say goodbye.”
Your hand reaches for it, clutching it tightly. You don’t want to give it back.
Who the hell is this? Because you barely recognize him. It certainly isn’t the Yoongi you’ve come to know.
The wonderfully kind, classics reading, dream-sharing, motorcycle instructing, freedom key giving man.
The one who told you about his grandmother, and his parents. Who read you stories while you drew and ate meals together. Who taught you how to ride his motorcycle.
The Yoongi you fell for.
Your Yoongi.
The person currently standing in front of you isn’t him at all.
He’s the hard, cold exterior, crafted over years of verbal and societal abuse. The one everyone avoids at all costs when walking through town. The person he had to become in order to survive.
You don’t know this person.
And you hate it.
You hate it so much it decides to exit your body in the form of tears. Ones of sadness, frustration, and heartbreak.
He’s—he’s leaving. 
Actually leaving.
This place, it’s people.
The few remaining pieces of your heart plunge to the floor, crumbling to dust as they hit. Nothing but a hollow, empty cavern remaining where it once sat.
“But I–you…,” the lump in your throat only getting bigger when you try to speak. You face away from him.
Don’t let him see you cry.
He’s clearly never felt anything close to what you do for him, so suck it up. Reign it in. You do it everyday. So why can’t you do it now?
You don’t get to feel this way!
Shove it back down, get it down!. Crush it all until it’s nothing.
Make it go away. Far, far away. 
Yoongi’s face is falling while you’re taking deep breaths to calm down.
In all of his rage and despair at his terrible week, he’s forgotten who he was speaking to.
His kind hearted, music-sharing, been through hell and back, kickass girl. The one he can call his only true friend.
He’s such an asshole. He hadn’t seen you for almost a week, which killed him in of itself. And then the second he does, all he‘s able to do is spew the frustration and misery he’s been feeling the entire time you were apart.
Nah, he’s worse than an asshole.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t ha—”
But he freezes at the sound of a small, wet inhale.
You’re crying.
He made you cry.
And a regret bigger than the ocean drowns him.
“Hey, wait, please,” he says, rushing over, but you hold out a hand to stop him. “Please, don’t cry. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”
He reaches for you again, and again you stop him. You can’t let him comfort you.
Not when he doesn’t realise he’s become the only person in this whole godforsaken, judgemental hellhole of a neighbourhood wasteland you have.
Your grandparents are dead, along with your mum. Your dad’s an abusive drunk, too far gone to remember he has a daughter. You don’t have any aunts or uncles or cousins to rely on, nor do you have any real friends.
You have no one, aside from Yoongi.
And now you won’t even have him.
So you can’t let him comfort you. Can’t let him see you break.
You can’t, you can’t, you can’t.
Because you don’t know if you’ll be able to put yourself back together without him if you do.
But a quiet, “Y/N, please,” imbued with pain you haven’t heard since a rainy August night leaves his lips. A last ditch effort to get you to look at him, to let him help. 
And it breaks you completely, bursting into a million tiny pieces to match your heart on the floor.
An unrestrained sob falls from your mouth, and he pulls you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you. Yours go to his neck as he drags you onto his lap, gripping tight. 
He holds you through every whimper and hiccup and stuttered inhale and shudder. Through every muttered ‘please don’t go’ and ‘please don’t leave me,’ that escapes, stroking a hand along the back of your head and down your spine, soothing.
He whispers, “it’s okay. I’m right here. It’s okay,” on repeat with the motion. Over and over and over until only occasional sniffles and deep breaths remain.
You hug him tighter as you start to shiver, the warmth created from your breakdown beginning to wear off. Yoongi doesn’t hesitate to slide off his jacket and throw it over your shoulders. An instant cocoon of warm and comfort.
When his hands find their place back around your waist, he dares to speak.
“I got you.”
“I know.” And you do. Your voice is a little wobbly, as you’re unmoving from the embrace, but you most definitely do. 
This is your Yoongi. The one you’ve come to know. To trust. 
Of course he’s got you. 
You use one of your long sleeves to dry your eyes and under your nose. With the nearing autumn weather, you’ve returned to occasionally wearing them.
“I’m sorry,” you breathe into his neck after a long beat of silence.
“What could you possibly be sorry for, Cattails?”
The return of your nickname has a grin threatening to emerge.
“For freaking out. I didn’t know that was going to happen.”
“Don’t be,” he says firmly. “I sprung that on you in such a shit way because I was in an even shittier mood. And you clearly weren’t prepared to hear it. I should’ve known better, so don’t you dare be sorry about anything,” he loosens his hold to pull back and look at you. “I’m sorry. Are you okay?”
You look down, hiding, not wanting him to see you like this.  
“None of that,” he whispers, and brings a finger to your chin, tilting up.
It doesn’t meet much resistance.
Your eyes are still a bit swollen and patchy, but it’s the concern in his that makes you crack the smallest of smiles, if only to see his worry erased.
He already has enough on his plate. No need to add to it.
Not able to offer much more than a quirk of the lip, you’re relieved that it’s enough when he starts to wear one of his own.
It’s then you realise your position. Like the sight of it cleared your brain fog.         
You’re kneeling over his lap, sitting on his thighs, face inches from his. One of his hands is holding your chin up while the other rests low on your waist, your own still loose around him.
So close, yet so far away.
Because he’s leaving.
And that thought alone allows you to throw caution to the goddamn window. It’s not going to matter once he’s gone, and you’ve wanted it to be with someone special.
He’s as special as they come.
Leaning forward, you close your eyes and the gap between the two of you.  
Eyelids fluttering as your lips brush his. Soft, and gentle.
Like him.
You hold only long enough to make sure it counts before pulling back.
It’s funny, really.
It was just a few seconds, but you already find yourself wanting so much more with him. An unfamiliar but welcomed electric pulse finds itself running through your blood at the thought, and it makes you want his lips everywhere. 
Your mouth, your jaw, your neck.
Anywhere he can reach.  
Sparks pool inside you. Sparks and butterflies and fast flowing lava.
You let yourself relish in the glorious feeling for a single moment, before the reality of what you just did sinks in.
And then you’re scared.
Terrified, actually.
To open your eyes, see his face. His reaction.
What if he hated it? What if he’s never felt anything but platonic affection towards you and now you’ve gone and done this?
Sure, he’s leaving. But now that you think about it, does him leaving mean you’ll never see him again?
What if you just ruined everything?
Teeth sinking into the plush of your bottom lip, you take a peek.
For the second time today you feel your heart breaking, this time at the look on his face.
Is it shock? Or worse.  
Doesn’t matter.
“I’m sorry,” you blurt. Not knowing what else to say.
“I’m sorry,” you say again, trying to get out of his hold, but he keeps you there. Unyielding. And you start rambling. “I shouldn’t have done that. You clearly don’t—It’s just that you’re leaving and I—“
Lips on yours shut you up.
It’s fervent and needy and passionate as he pulls you closer by the hips, desperately trying to get you as close to him as physically possible. Your nails drag over his scalp as your fingers snake through his blond locks. They elicit a delicious groan from his mouth that you consume with your own.
It’s the most intoxicating sound you’ve ever heard, and you want more of it. So you do it again, and again, and again.
He moves down your jaw and neck, sucking at the tender flesh near your pulse point, and your mouth drops open at the feeling.
You’ve always wondered, but…you didn’t know it could feel like this.
Every touch, every whisper, every press of his lips to yours feels amazing. He’s pulling pleasure out of places you wouldn’t have thought possible before him. And you never want to go back to not knowing.
The sweetest of whimpers leaves your mouth as he gently bites a soft spot, then soothing the glorious pain he created with the kindness of his tongue.  
Yoongi swears to any god who will listen that he’ll do whatever they want so long as he gets to hear that sound repeatedly and for the rest of his life.
He returns to your lips and says, “come with me.”
You’re so focused on feeling that it takes a moment for his words to land. “What?”
“Leave with me. Let’s get the fuck outta here, and never look back, the both of us. Together.”
Yoongi looks so serious but..
He—he can’t be serious can he? 15 minutes ago he was going on and on about leaving and needing his key back and saying goodbye.
And now?
Sensing your hesitance, he punctuates each of the next three words with a kiss. 
“Come. With. Me.”
It makes your answer arrive without really thinking. You don’t need to think. Not when you know deep in your newly reconstructed heart that it’ll always be the same whether you think about it or not.
So long as you’re with him, you know you’ll be,
“Yeah?” He questions like he can’t believe it. Can’t believe you'd agree.
You make sure there isn’t a single doubt in his head as you look him dead in the eyes and confirm.
“Yes, Yoongi,” another kiss. “I’ll go with you.”
He pulls you into him for what feels like a million more under your shared willow tree.
Your salvation.
And you know they’re going to be the firsts of many, many more to come.  
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Three days later, and two bags packed full of all your earthly possessions, you’re on the back of Yoongi’s motorcycle.
In those three days he’s prepared everything else you’ll need. He’s gotten a cute leather jacket and helmet for you, some reading materials for the road, snacks, drinks. A place by his side for the foreseeable future.
In the same span of time, you’ve given him a home in your heart, someone he can rely on other than himself. Talk to, trust, experience life with.
Something he hasn’t had in nearly ten years. 
Something he never wants to lose again.
He swings a leg over and you unclip the chain from your neck, handing him the key to the bike, to your now shared future.
Driving out of town—straight down Main Street—you watch as all the people you grew up with, who you almost destroyed yourself to fit in with, gawk.
Watch as they judge you for being with him, your best friend. For leaving, and not doing what they all expected of you.
For not being like one of them.
Because you’re not one of them. 
You never have been.
And just like the dust that flies behind the wheels, you feel weightless, not giving a single fuck what they think for the first time in your life.
You don’t have to anymore.
You’re free.
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A/N 3: Thanks for reading, loves. Xoxo, - Yoon <3
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rmd-writes · 1 year
a love note (and some fics)
Sometimes I wonder if there's really anything bigger out there - the universe, some kind of higher power, fate - and then I think about how extremely lucky I am that I became obsessed with a certain tv show and its characters at just the right time so that I could befriend someone who then introduced me to a particular book at exactly the right time to fall in love with those characters as well. And then, because of my need to have more of those characters, I went looking for more stories about them at exactly the right time to meet a group of people (some of them together, some of them later, but that doesn't matter) who would go on to become my friends.
There must be something, right? To bring together a group of people who live in five to seven different time zones depending on the time of year. To create my safest spaces on the internet. To share not just our love for a book and its characters, but parts of our lives with each other. To have them all wedge themselves into the soft spaces of my heart and never leave.
I've been thinking about this a lot over the last two weeks, because those people conspired and collaborated to gift me a collection of 10 incredible fics for a milestone birthday (tomorrow!) - even though some of them haven't written fic for months and months, or don't write for this fandom at all anymore, or have recently been finding it hard to make words work and finish fics, or are just plain busy with other projects and life. That they took the time to find and make words for me means everything and more 💖💖
I've been absolutely overwhelmed with love these past 10 days (probably to the surprise of no one, I have cried at every single fic drop and I'm crying writing this now). So, I want to share the wonderful fics that they've written for me with you all because it's the least I can do to pay it forward and they're objectively stellar fics. If you haven't come across them already then you should definitely add them to your to read lists/open tabs/MFL. Please show my friends some love and read their work.
The Rae of Sunshine! collection, in order of publication (with my very short summaries):
Take It Back (4.2K) by @three-drink-amy
Henry is the head chef at a French restaurant and there's one patron who keeps sending his dishes back. How can they resolve this?
Dick, Dick Dick (You Down) (10.2K) by @everwitch-magiks
Alex runs the craft services trailer on the set of actor!Henry's latest movie. Is he the only person who sees behind the façade?
A deceptively soft story, given the title.
Precious Love (1.3K) by floatingaway4
The fluffiest follow up to one of my favourite AUs Amigos y Migas (aka the food truck au).
Midnight ice cream (5.8K) by @the-amber-fox
Emotional support Cornettos? More likely than you think.
Make it Right (5.3K) by @three-drink-amy (that's right, Ally wrote me TWO FICS)
A rogue little Tarlos fic in amongst the firstprince - a post-season 1 canon divergence that sees TK working in a taco truck while he finds his feet.
a taste of life (7.4K) by @indomitable-love
A journey through Henry's life, told through food. (This one is not my summary, indomitablelove already summed it up perfectly)
Risotto + Melanzane + Dolce (a love story) (16.8K) by @villiageidiot
Alex starts working at an Italian restaurant and is terrible at his job. Somehow, Henry doesn't seem to mind.
Cursed is a State of Mind (WIP) by @welcometololaland & @dustratcentral
A 5 + 1 treatise on cursed coffee consumption.
12 Year Starter (6.6K) by @clottedcreamfudge
When Pez can't make it to Henry's Michelin-star birthday dinner, he arranges for Henry's friend, Alex, to take his place. Featuring CCF's signature banter and fun, and a menu that I wish was real.
Pour Your He(art) Out (WIP) by @athousandrooms
A 5+1 ode to latte art (featuring actual art!)
You can find the entire collection here on Ao3.
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capcavan · 4 months
I want to know about all the rps except mukade becuz I'm frightened of bugs so I'm scared what might be revealed to me 😭😭
honestly yeah you DO NOT want to know that one lemme pick few 4 you Two Raven Kings one of my personal favourites actually it's aftg/TRC crossover instead of shooting riko ichirou sends him to study in hendrietta, away from exy and everything that was making riko's world *his*- as we find out later this is the school he himself attended riko is looked after by assistant named Taki (my li love note to ao3 fanfic Brothers 🥺), meets kavinsky and blueballs him because the man looks too much like kevin and Riko decide he will avoid all kevin looking ginger looking and blond looking men which leads him to meet Declan Lynch (and will carry bad consequences) - riko kind of replaced blue the boys still go to the house for some tarot readings - riko tries to get private reading to talk to his dead mother but when he reveals that his question is "did she loved me " the women shot him down and tell him to just go home. - riko shows those lacrosse bitches how it's done sorry cant say more just know that declan spend at least 1 week thinking he hooked up with guy who killed someone in prizon because Declan thought the 1 under his eyes was like tear tattoo Two of Them Riko has twin brother who spend his life living in one room of moriyama mansion kept there specifically as organ donor for ichirou and kengo , after ichirou causes kengo's death to help his brother , the Riko2 who is also called Riko because this family doe snot care to let people be people tells him to fuck off and goes to meet Riko1 feeling entitled to his attention and relationship as his twin, he end sup meeting foxes who inform him that riko1 (already part of fox lineup in this au) is currently on suicide watch in psyh ward and spend few days with this absolute oddity (kevin and riko2 nearly get into a fight 3 times over the title of riko's brother) The biggest fan Riko and Kevin get kidnapped right before the final game in TKM and driven fuck knows where where they get locked in basement of some ultra rich man who wants to keep them as collectors merchandise, they have underground apartment all for themselves with room service and all their needs meet. Riko realises in that moment that this is how heaven feels like , nobody beats him here there is no pressure here , it's his ticket to chocolate factory - kevin is with him too and he can not leave him ever again. Kevin though been out of nest for 2 years now he wants to see his father and his friends again and if he wont convince riko to get out of this mess he will ave to work against not only the kidnapper but his brother too.
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lilac-critters-asks · 3 months
((NOTE: I am currently working on an improved version of the descriptions, so this may be subject to change))
"Maybe its too dangerous...I mean, do you KNOW what could happen?! That place hasn't been explored in forever! What of you get trapped, hurt, or even worse killed?!" .... "*sigh* I guess you're right. After all, what could POSSIBLY be in there besides like, trash and stuff. But be careful anyways, alright?" .... "Here, before you go, take this." *You obtained a walkie-talkie!* "If anything happens, call me. Ill be there in a flash." *you nod your head*
"Good luck" *You step in, and hear the heavy doors close behind you. You cant remember anything afterwards* *BAM*
*Your ears are ringing when you start to open your eyes again* ???: ".....and maybe its just fate that-" ???: "GUYS! They're waking up LOOK LOOK LOOK!!!" ???: "LEMME SEE!" ???: "Back off you 2 give them some space!"
*You begin to open your eyes to see the outline of 8 blurry things standing around you. When your vision focuses, you see that they remind you of...them. The Smiling Critters. But these ones are...different. You can identify a fox, some kind of dinosaur, a rabbit, a bird, an elephant, a unicorn, a pig, and a cat with a long tail standing in front of them all. A light shining above them blocks out your chance of seeing their colors, but they sure are SOME kind of other...side project done by them. Maybe answers will come soon.* ((Descriptions + Explanation + Rules under the cut))
HELLO EVERYONEEE! This is my SC au, the Lilac Critters! The whole like, plot of the AU are these are the SC from a CHAIN of the classic Daycare that chapters 1, 2, and 3 go on in. So they're a little different from the SC you know, but they serve the same purpose and origin. I've had this on my mind for what feels like FOREVER SOOO here it is! I'll write down more detailed paragraphs on how they look/act like, when im feeling it u know. Alright now RULES:
-No NSFW. I am a MINOR.
-Don't try to force the roleplay or be like, overly controlling. If you have any questions, just ask me
-Swearing is alright, just don't like...call each other slurs. If anyone is bullying anyone else, I will block the offender immediately.
-Don't spam me consistently. I have a life outside of this blog, so it'll get annoying REAL fast.
-Have fun!
Also shout-out to @thewaxingcrescentsjournal for a collab we are doing. Here is the link to the first part:
A rift in space.
Jackie Journeyer🏴‍☠️ Necklace: Pirate ship Sent: Ocean Pronouns: he/him
A pirate for the ages! With his eyepatch and hook hand, he's sure to give you the adventure of your life! This red fox has all the wit and courage that a pirate should have, plus some extra kindness in his heart. But also just like a pirate, he has the tendency to be greedy and not really care about others opinions sometimes. Although when the Daycare shut down, he's been known to have more cowardly tactics, but is still willing to sail the 7 sea's might!
Sammy Shovel!🕳️ Necklace: Shovel Sent: Orange Pronouns: He/they
Never seen a fossil before? This orange triceratops will show you all the ones you'll ever need to see! Sammy, or Sam more commonly, loves to dig, dig, and dig! He'll spend a whole day just digging holes and have NO regrets! After his home got shut down, he's been more prone to aggressiveness when his feelings get out of hand. But on the plus side, he's ALSO gotten the chance to express his true feelings for a certain someone he's had his eye on for a long time...
Sunny Sunray!☀️ Necklace: Sun w/darker yellow rays Sent: Fruity Mix Pronouns: She/her
Need a hug? Maybe a smile or a game of jump rope? Well, this yellow bunny will give you back ten fold of what you asked for! Hyper and positive all the time, she's sure to put some happiness into your day! Weather it be games, races, talking, or just company, everything she does seems to be pulsing with energy! Even when the Daycare shut down, she still remained as bouncy and happy as she did all those years ago! Well...on the surface that is.
Gloria Grace🌹 Necklace: Rose Sent: Rose Petals Pronouns: She/her
The calmest soul you'll ever meet, the green bird is here to help melt your worries away! With a green thumb and a mater in gardening, she can make any plant grow in a matter of seconds with her skill. She's very calm and collected, and is bound to sooth your mind if you need it. After the Daycare shut down, however, Gloria's been more stale and cold sometimes. But maybe its just a coincidence. Maybe.
Eleanore Elements🧪 Necklace: Beaker w/fluid Sent: Chocolate Pronouns: He/they
Smart and stern, Eleanore the cyan elephant is surely the intellectual of the group. He's got thick, round, practically unbreakable glasses on his face and a lab coat that ends in a square cut. He's got a strong moral compass, but the kindness to match. He cares exponentially about his friends, and will probably do close to everything to save them, especially Sam. But during his hard times, he often hides in the echoing halls of his lab. Almost like he's hiding from something.
Susie Stealth💉 Necklace: Mirrored Crescent Sent: Lavender Pronouns: She/they
Catnap's younger sister, she's very much like the purple cat her and her brother are. She's very sneaky and able to silently whisk through anywhere she pleases. It comes in handy when she's patrolling the halls at night when the kids were sleeping now, or smuggling a few extra treats from the top of the fridge when she was young. But Daycare closed or not, she's always been stern and very organized and no-nonsense. Well, she can make a few exceptions for Sunny. Ok maybe a bit more than a few...
Sewing Shashta🪡 Necklace: Embroidery Hoop Sent: Cool Mint Pronouns: They/them
The wild card of the group, Shashta has quite the reputation to be somewhat unpredictable and perfectionistic, but kind nonetheless. This white horse with a baby blue mane often spends her time sewing and making clothes, or embroidering patches for her friends. She still has her bad habits after the Daycare closed, and it might be getting worse, but if there's one person she'll always trust, its Parker for certain.
Piero (Parker) Peeri🍽️ Necklace: Dishware set Sent: Cotton Candy Pronouns: He/They/Hirs
Piero, or much more commonly Parker, is quite the chef and baker for any dish on the planet! Coming from his direct Italian ancestry and heritage, he can whip up almost anything if he has the tools to do so, and will always be willing to share with others no matter what! But when the Daycare shut down, the pinkish pig has been known to often go beyond the boundaries that Playtime. Co set for him. A lot. He's a people pleaser at heart, and always will be. You cant get rid of imperfections.
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sigritandtheelves · 1 year
All Along, Like Fire (Part 6)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Mature | 2.9k words | MSR, AU
A/N: I’m sorry this part took so long, I’ve been working at it bit by bit for like 2 months 😣
September, 1995
Washington D.C.
Diana Fowley knew that her life was in danger. She’d failed in monumental fashion, and she could insist to her dying breath that it hadn’t been her fault—that Fox’s stumbling onto the DAT tape happened while she was out of town and there’s nothing she could have done to stop it, but it wouldn’t matter. They would crush her like an empty soda can if she ceased to be useful, and especially if she proved a liability instead.
The city was under a late-summer heat wave that made the air feel even thicker than the tension around her alone. Violence seemed imminent as tempers so easily flared with the temperature. Diana paced the apartment she shared with Fox, a man that she told herself she still loved, despite the lies between them: her secrets, his shifting devotions. His basketball peeked out from the closet and his dirty clothes were in the hamper. Diana picked up one of his shirts and fingered the ratty collar above its FBI logo. She held it to her nose and felt a wave of sadness, of longing. He was a good man, and she’d lost him, let him slip away from both herself and the project she’d hoped he would come to embrace. But in the last year, the deceptions had become too much. She’d had to spend more and more time away in order to live with herself, and after the plan for Scully’s abduction had backfired, she knew that he had crossed some kind of invisible barrier. He would never be hers again. Everything she had done to try and put a wedge between him and his partner had only drawn them closer together.
Diana had a right to be jealous, didn’t she? In spite of her lies? At least she hadn’t fallen in love with someone else. She sat on the bed worrying her lower lip between her teeth. She knew she’d lost her husband, but perhaps she could still make it through this with her life.
What she needed was leverage.
Farmington, NM
The public library had three computers connected to the internet for public use. Mulder and Scully sat huddled around one of them, carefully wording an email to the Gunmen from a temporary account.
“Where should we meet?” Mulder kept his voice low.
“I don’t want to put the Hosteens in any more danger,” Scully said. “Maybe Albuquerque?” She oriented herself to the map in her head. “Or we could head north into Colorado.”
Mulder nodded. “Yeah. Get the map.”
They decided on a tourist town called Pagosa Springs, where they could blend in like late-season vacationers. “Hey, if things go downhill, we can always hide out in the mountains,” Mulder said.
“Too bad I forgot to pack my skis.”
He smiled at her, but it was only a half-smile. They both knew how dangerous this was—how much was a stake. They had aligned all their pieces on the board, and now it was the other team’s turn. He just hoped Skinner was really on their side.
FBI Headquarters
Everybody wanted a damned meeting, had a plan, had a dog in this fight, it seemed. Walter Skinner was giving himself a headache with all this jaw clenching. He was everyone’s middleman, though he was just as vulnerable to the powers circling them all like sharks. This playing field was full of snares and trapdoors.
“Agent Fowley, you said you had reason to believe your life was in jeopardy? Why not go to your own AD about this?”
The woman seated across from his desk maintained perfect composure, but cleared her throat before answering. “My work has put me in a somewhat compromised position—something I’m sure you can understand, Sir.”
The eyes were so deliberate. Skinner frowned, not liking either her implications or the fact that she seemed to have a lot more information than he realized. “How do you mean?”
“I’m afraid that Fox’s acquisition of the D.O.D files has put more than a few lives at risk, my own included. I was out of town when the DAT tape was handed over to him, but certain… factions,” she paused to choose her words carefully, “seem to think I can be held accountable.” Again, she looked directly at him. “They’re willing to set more than an underground train fire to keep that information in check.”
Another jaw clench. That cigarette smoking bastard had been in here again today trying to weasel information out of him, and Skinner had no doubt that there would be more bodies if the tape, and the information on it, didn’t reappear soon. “I didn’t realize you were involved at all,” he said.
“Not with the tape directly, but it’s been made clear to me that I need to protect it,” she said cryptically. “I have to get in touch with Fox. It’s essential that I arrange a meeting soon.”
Skinner grunted. “Well, you’re in luck on that front.”
Diana’s eyebrows raised. “You know where he is?”
“Not exactly, but I know someone who does.” He eyed the brunette suspiciously—so cool, always—and wondered if it were safe to bring her to a meeting with her own husband. It was a risk he thought he'd have to take if they were going to make any kind of bargain. “Meet me at Dulles tomorrow morning at the United counter. Seven o’clock.”
Diana nodded briskly and stood. “Thank you, sir.”
Pagosa Springs, CO
Mulder and Scully sat at the back of Brenda’s Diner, which looked like the kind of restaurant Cracker Barrel was trying to be. The tables were glass-covered wagon wheels, and there were more than a few cowboy hats between their booth and the door. The two agents barely looked away from the entrance to sip their coffees.
“There,” Mulder said when he spotted Skinner’s bald head and glasses. Then he stiffened when he saw the brunette with him. “Shit.” He reached under the table to quickly squeeze Scully’s knee. “Diana is with him.”
Scully forced herself to breathe deeply, to keep her anger tucked inside her, despite everything they now knew. She watched Mulder’s face as Diana approached, as he bottled his own rage into a careful mask.
Skinner spoke first, nodding at them and sliding into the booth. “Agents.”
Diana reached out to touch Mulder’s arm. “Hello, Fox.”
He didn’t meet her gaze or reciprocate her touch, but instead focused on his boss. Diana glanced at Scully only long enough to take note of her husband’s protective position and body language toward the other woman. She sat beside Skinner, and the wooden table was like a vast ocean between the two parties.
“First,” Mulder began, “you should know that we’ve read everything in the files.” He looked pointedly at Diana, who paled, but to her credit, didn’t flinch.
Skinner nodded. “I had assumed as much, based on your prolonged absence.”
“But we're not the only ones who have read it. If their plan is to kill us, all of that information will go public. We have multiple contingencies in place.”
"And you don't think the men we're dealing with could hunt all of those down?"
"No," Mulder said, displaying a confidence he was only half sure he felt. "Not all of them."
The older man grunted in acknowledgement.
“We want to go home,” Scully explained. “And we want to keep our jobs. But there are things we learned from that tape that we can’t pretend we don’t know. Personal things.”
Skinner cleared his throat, as if to speak, but Diana beat him to it. “I realize that you’ll want to distance yourself as much as you can from me,” she said to Mulder specifically, her eyes pleading, "Especially after the things you read." She couldn't bring herself to look at his partner. “But I can also help you make your bargain with them.”
Mulder had tried to keep his calm, but his anger bubbled up beyond his self-control. “Diana, why are you here?” he asked in a sharp whisper. “Are you representing the project’s interests? You’re gonna take our bargaining chips back to that smoking son-of-a-bitch so he can twist us around even further?”
“No.” Her voice was firm and steady; she had her own anger to contend with. “You don’t know what they have on me, Fox. You don’t know what they threatened me with, how I worked to keep you safe—keep you alive—by stopping you from knowing too much.”
Mulder’s jaw dropped open for a moment before he barked out a humorless laugh. “So that was your role in this sham of a marriage? Gatekeeper of what I was allowed to know?”
“Partially,” she said, perfectly frank. “Their plan was to bring you in slowly.”
“Bring him in?” Skinner asked.
“To the project. He’d always been slated to take his father’s place.” She locked eyes with Mulder, and there was something pleading and earnest in her gaze. “Fox, whatever you may think about the things you read—about me and about the project—no matter how horrible they sound, you have to know that the goal has always been to save humanity. The project has always been about helping people survive.”
“Which people?” Scully asked, her voice sharp. “The women you abducted and rendered infertile? The children and family members you took as collateral? Or the hapless people you’ve tortured and experimented on in the name of ‘progress’? How are you any different than the Nazi scientists you’ve collaborated with?”
“I’m not the devil here,” Diana said quietly. “I didn’t devise these methods or decide who would suffer.”
“No, you just carried out their orders,” Mulder said. Their voices were hushed, but some restaurant patrons had noticed the tension at their table. Mulder sat back and took a sip of his coffee.
“Look,” Skinner said, “we could argue about this all afternoon, but we need to decide—“
“Tell me about the babies,” Scully interrupted, unable to contain the question any longer, to let the conversation move too far away from her burning need to know. “The children. Do I—“ her voice caught. “Are there babies out there with my—“ and she couldn’t finish.
“Yes,” Diana said. “Just one viable specimen at the moment, an eight-month-old in California.”
The breath went out of her lungs, and Scully squeezed her napkin so hard, it was shredding to pieces. Specimen. The word was like a hot fist crushing her heart. Mulder’s face had gone grey, and even Skinner looked stricken. Her baby—genetically, at least. An experiment. A specimen.
“Is it… okay?” This from Mulder, who was also trying to find words. Scully heard the subtext in his voice: is it human?
Diana fidgeted, like she didn’t have time for this, like she wanted to talk about more important things. How she’d weasel out of this situation with her own life, for example. She sighed. “Yes, for the most part. It’s a girl.”
“What do you mean for the most part?” Scully asked. It’s a girl, it’s a girl, it’s a girl, she heard over and over in her head. She couldn’t help it: she thought of pink blankets and solemn blue eyes looking out of a round face. At eight months the baby would be crawling, smiling, almost pulling herself to stand. Then Scully imagined cold surgical gloves reaching down to pick up the child and hold her with curiosity and detachment instead of love, to poke her with needles and test her in a cold white place.
“The child has an induced condition that manifests as a form of anemia. She requires regular treatment from a specialist.” Diana’s voice was deadpan, but Mulder and Scully both caught what she was saying. A “specialist,” meaning a project doctor. They locked eyes in understanding.
Skinner, however, was confused. “Induced condition? What does that mean?”
Mulder turned to him, his voice low. “They made her sick on purpose,” he said. It wasn’t a question, and Diana said nothing to either confirm or deny.
“So they can keep her on a leash,” Scully added. “So they can keep anyone who tries to love her on a leash.” She looked across the table and met Diana’s eyes. The fury inside her was grounding her, keeping her still, like ice-water, but inside she was screaming. “Isn’t that right?”
Diana gave the barest of nods and looked down at her hands. Silence around the table grew heavy, broken only when their waitress came to refill their coffee cups. The woman must have sensed the awkwardness, because she left without a word.
“I want what they took from me,” Scully said after a long moment. “All of it. Every strand of my DNA, even the ones in your specimen.”
With that, she stood and walked out of the restaurant.
Outside, back to the setting sun over the San Juan mountains, Scully leaned against the hood of their rental car. She wanted a cigarette. Barring that, she wanted to smash something into pieces and scream into the wind. But when Mulder came up beside her and placed a hand on her shoulder, she just deflated. Her head drooped, and she stared at the dust and rock of the parking lot that flecked her leather boots.
“You okay?”
She shrugged one shoulder, not sure she could ever really be okay again. “What did Skinner say?”
Mulder had shoved his hands into his pockets, but he leaned his left side along the length of hers—a gesture of comfort that maintained the boundary between them. “He said they’re going to want a deal. Well,” he clarified, “Diana explained that our silence wouldn’t be enough, not if you really want… everything back.”
Scully reached up and touched the scar at the back of her neck. “They already have me on a leash too, don’t they? What else could they want?”
There was a long pause, and when Mulder didn’t answer, she looked up at him. He had a look of far-off anguish, of dread.
He chewed his lip for a moment, and then said, “My work.”
Oh. Scully swallowed hard. So the price for the truth was the power to do anything with it—the power to prosecute these men, to hold them accountable. “Your badge, too?”
He shook his head. “Just the files.”
Scully nodded. “They mean to drive us apart, then.”
She felt him turn to look at her in the dimming light. “What do you mean?”
The breeze coming from the mountain chilled her, and she crossed her arms over her chest. “They know I could never ask you to do that, Mulder. Or they should know it. If you give up your work, our work, you’ll come to resent me, if you don’t already.”
He tried to speak, but Scully cut him off.
“And if you let them keep my…” She couldn’t say future children, couldn’t say baby. “…ova,” she swallowed, “and everything they create from them in exchange for the X-Files…”
“How could you ever stay with me?”
She nodded again. “The thing is, I don’t even want children right now. That wasn’t on my radar, not for a while, anyway, because I have so much other work to do. I’m committed to our work too, Mulder, and I know it’s not compatible with a baby. I mean, maybe in a few years but…” She was rambling, but God, it was impossible, wasn’t it? Every choice seemed wrong, seemed designed to push them apart and alter their lives irrevocably. She chuffed out a humorless laugh. “I guess they’ve kind of won, haven’t they?” She couldn’t look at him, imagining the gears churning his thoughts into a steady resentment toward her.
He was shaking his head. He didn’t want it to be true any more than she did, but they were only two people standing against a tidal wave of power and corruption. “They can’t have won,” Mulder said, but his voice came out defeated.
She looked toward the restaurant, where she assumed Skinner and Diana were waiting for their reply, two sore thumbs in their east-coast suits drinking tepid coffee. “How long do we have to decide?”
“Diana said we should make a call tonight. They know where we are now. We need to play our hand while we can.”
Scully wanted to tell him that he should decide, that he should take this terrible decision away from her and leave her alone to lick her wounds. But of course that wouldn’t be fair to him. She watched his face, silhouetted by the setting sun, and ached for him, for things to have been different between them—no conspiracies or wives or impossible ethical dilemmas. When he looked at her, met her eyes, she thought she felt the same ache coming off him in waves.
“I love you,” he said without warning, and it made her heart skip and slam against her ribcage—warm and unexpected. “I could never resent you for wanting back what they stole from you. Never.”
Scully felt tears filling her eyes, and she bit the inside of her cheek to try to stop them from falling. “Okay,” she said, voice raspy.
“I love you,” he told her again. She was trying to believe him, beginning to, maybe. He reached out a hand to hold her cheek, and it almost undid her. She sucked in a quick breath, a half sob, and a tear escaped down her cheek. He wiped it with his thumb.
Her fingers found his against her cheek, and she turned her head just slightly to kiss his palm. Though he’d said it first, she was terrified to tell him how she felt. But now was the time for bravery, for playing their hands, wasn’t it? Scully closed her eyes and concentrated on the sensation of his skin on hers. “I love you,” she told him back.
He let out a breath into the cooling air that brushed her face. “Good,” he said. “That’s good.” He leaned his forehead down to touch hers. “They won’t force us apart, Scully. We’ll find another way.”
Despite all her rational objections and her skeptical nature, she believed him.
End Chapter 6
Go to Part 7
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petitelepus · 1 year
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Summary: You host a scary movie night with the Kitsune brothers and get a little tipsy.
Warnings: Drinking, Kissing
A/N: Female Reader, Kitsune Kyojuro, Kitsune Senjuro, Kitsune Rengoku, Monster Musume!AU
Life went on with you and the Kitsune brothers, but now after your special night during the last full moon, Kyojuro noticed that you were stealing a lot of glances at him. At first, he didn't think much of it, thinking that you just really liked him… Which was true, but you liked him more than he could ever imagine.
So a couple of days passed and you, the fox brothers were going to be watching this horror movie called 'A Nightmare On Elm Street' and you and Senjuro were currently shopping for food, treats, and drinks.
You were excited when you found out that the younger brother seemed to enjoy horror-related stuff just as much as you did! Apparently, he had found your horror manga and despite being a little startled, he enjoyed them very much. So much in fact that he wanted to see a classical horror movie and you thought about the movie with Freddy Krueger as the bad guy, but you couldn't find the original one so the remake from 2010 had to do.
"Big sis…?" Senjuro looked at you and you blinked, realizing that you were staring at the chips shelf like you were in a coma. You turned to look at him and smiled, "I'm sorry Senjuro, what did you say?"
"How scary is this movie really?" He asked and you hummed as you you tried to remember, but it had been a while since you last time seen the said movie so you couldn't be sure.
"I can't remember." You replied honestly, "But not that scary that you would get nightmares."
"But…" The young boy blinked, "It's called 'A Nightmare On Elm Street'?"
"We can watch something else if you want-!"
"No!" He swallowed and put on a brave look, "I want to see it."
"Then, in that case…" You grinned as you looked at him, "You better get some movie snacks for yourself."
"How much should I get?" He asked and you smiled at how diligent he was. "Everything."
"You mean…?" His gorgeous eyes widened and you nodded, "You get to eat all candy, chips, and soda you want!"
"Really?" Oh, those eyes of his shined like stars and you were happy to see him so excited, "Yes! Go wild and grab anything you want. If you don't like something you picked then I think your brother will probably eat it without a problem."
"Alright!" Senjuro ran ahead to look for candy that he found interesting and wanted to try and you smiled as you followed him. This movie-night would be fun… But in reality, it was an excuse for you to get Kyojuro and that magical night the two of you had out of your mind.
As you followed Senjuro, you passed the alcohol aisle and you thought that hey, maybe you could have a couple of drinks? You grabbed yourself some hard lemonade and followed after the young fox brother to the candy aisle.
Soon the two of you were done with shopping and after buying everything you needed for dinner and movie night you made your way back home. The house was empty when you returned, but it was already pretty late so you figured that Kyojuro had gone out for a jog. His missing shoes were a clear clue.
So you and Senjuro put your groceries in their rightful places and got the dinner started. Oven vegetables such as carrots, cauliflower, and broccoli with some lemon pepper salmon. This was a simple dish to make and healthy as heck, so you didn't need Senjuro's help. No, you made him sit on the couch and relax for once. He was always helping you with housework, now was his turn to take things easy.
It took a moment for the veggies to cook properly, but you had no hurry since Kyojuro wasn't even home. Then, when the veggies were halfway done, you added salmon into the oven and while you were waiting you set the table… But soon both dishes were ready and there was no sign of your fiance. You had to take the food out of the oven or risk burning it.
"The food smells amazing," Senjuro said as he joined you in the kitchen and you nodded, but you weren't exactly smiling, "Thank you, but your brother isn't here yet…"
It was getting late… This wasn't like Kyojuro being late for dinner or any time when there was food served. You reached for your phone, ready to call him and ask where he was, but just as you did that, the front door opened and your fiance came back.
"I'm home!" He called and you rushed to welcome him back and call him to join you and Senjuro at the dinner table… But you were shocked when you saw that his clothes were torn and dirty and he looked like he was dragged through thornbushes.
"W-what happened!?" You asked, but just as Kyojuro was about to answer, you rushed to his side in panic and looked around him to see if he was hurt or worst.
"Hm! A little girl's cat was stuck in a tree so I stopped to help the little creature down!" The fox explained and you blinked, "What was that cat, a sabertooth tiger!?"
Your fiance just smiled until you sighed in relief, but just as you were about to scold him for doing something so dangerous he smiled as he sniffed the air while he was taking his shoes off. "It smells amazing here!"
"You're lucky, I just took the dinner out of the oven." You shook your head as you pointed at the toilet, "Go change and wash your hands before joining us at the dinner table."
"But my clothes-?"
"They are torn and beyond saving," You nodded, "We need to buy you new clothes, but these lasted for a good while."
"As my bride says!" Kyojuro nodded and rushed upstairs to freshen up, before joining you and his little brother on the dinner table. The three of you ate happily and once you were done with your veggies and fish, you chased the brothers out of the kitchen so you could clean the place before your movie night.
While you cleaned, you listened to Kyojuro tell Senjuro how exactly he saved the cat from the tree and you were reminded just how kind and sweet he was. Just like he was with you a couple of nights ago…
You found yourself reminiscing the night of the full moon when you had pleased yourself on your fiance's thigh and kissed him passionately… And just how kind and patient he was with you and your virgin heart.
Shaking your head, you tried to chase the memories and feelings they brought up away and instead, you went to get the drinks, took out the candy, and poured a generous amount of chips on a bowl before juggling everything into the living room.
"Movie time!" You cheered and Senjuro and Kyojuro immediately grabbed the bowl of chips and drinks from you and placed them safely on the coffee table. Once you placed the candy on the table, you made yourself comfortable on the couch, grabbed the remote, and opened the movie menu, ready to start your scary movie.
"Ready guys?" You asked and the brother nodded excitedly. You put the movie on, but just as it started, you remembered your own drinks. You quickly got up and fetched yourself a hard lemonade and joined the foxes on the couch.
Kyojuro took notice of your drink and got curious. "My Hime, what is that?"
"Ah, a little drink of my own." You nodded and he seemed satisfied with that and the two of you focuses on the movie.
The movie went on just as you remembered, Freddy Krueger haunting and killing teenagers. You weren't sure if it was really as scary as it was gory, but you enjoyed yourself and your drinks throughout the movie.
You took a peek at the brothers here and there and Kyojuro stared at the screen, not one bit scared, but Senjuro looked away during the goriest scenes. You kinda felt a little bad for picking such a gory movie as his first horror movie, but it was a classic, even if it was a remake, that usually had a bad reputation for not being as good as the original.
Once the movie ended, Kyojuro had eaten most of the snacks, Senjuro was a little startled, and you were a little tipsy. You hummed happily, your mind a little clouded thanks to the alcohol and you got up to clean, but your fiance quickly stood up and gently made you sit back down.
"Do not worry, me and Senjuro will clean this up!"
"But I-!"
"Have done enough!" Kyojuro smiled and pecked your forehead, "Rest my beloved!"
You did as he told you to, relaxing, and letting your body rest against the back of the couch. You sighed, letting your body go completely limp as you enjoyed yourself and the little buzz you were having due to alcohol.
A moment passed as you calmly listened to the brothers do what they did in the kitchen. You reached for your phone on the coffee table to check the time and saw it was already a little over 8pm. Huh, time sure passed when you were having a good time.
You hummed thinking about all the things you should do before heading to bed when suddenly Kyojuro popped up and sat across from you. "My Hime, are you feeling alright?"
"Yep, just a little tipsy." You nodded with a grin and your fiance nodded, "Do you need help to get to the bed?"
"I'm not that tipsy!" You laughed a little as you got up and you couldn't help but notice that Kyojuro followed your example, moving right behind you as if you could faint at any given moment and he would be there to catch you.
"Kyojuro, I'm not going to just pass out." You said, but you were also happy because of how thoughtful he was being, "I'm fine, trust me."
"I do trust you!" He nodded with that smile of his, "I just don't trust alcohol!"
"Ah-!" You blinked, remembering that both you and the Rengoku brothers had a bad history of alcoholism in your families. You hadn't even stopped to think how your fiance or his little brother would react to you drinking some.
You frowned as you realized that you might have offended them with your drinking. How could you be this selfish? Kyojuro and Senjuro were always so thoughtful, always thinking of others before themselves.
You turned to look at Kyojuro and cried out, "I- I'm sorry Kyojuro!"
"Hm!?" Your fiance blinked in shock, still smiling but even a tipsy person like you could tell that it was a tight smile.
"I should have asked if it was okay with you guys if I drank anything… I'm so sorry, I was such an idiot, please forgive me-!" You were cut off as you were suddenly embraced. You blinked, shocked, and looked to see Kyojuro hugging you close to his chest.
"Don't apologize when you have no reason to do so," He said gently and you pressed your cheek against his chest, "You're not mad at me…?"
"No, I'm not." He smiled as he petted your head, "It's not like you drank a whole bottle of sake or hurt anyone while under the influence of alcohol."
"I'm still sorry…" You mumbled and you could feel his chest vibrate against your face as he hummed thoughtfully, "And I keep telling you, not to… But I forgive you."
The two of you hugged for a minute, just enjoying each other's embrace… He was so warm and listening to his heart beat in his chest made you realize just how intimate this actually was. It was actually so intimate that you got flustered and had to pull away.
"Okay, so, uh, how about we settle for the night?" You asked and your fiance nodded and just as you got the words out, Senjuro joined you and his brother, "Is everything alright?"
"Yes," You and Kyojuro said in unison and then glanced at each other before smiling.
"I'll head to shower to clean up before bed!" Kyojuro said and you and Senjuro nodded as the two of you headed upstairs and towards your own rooms… But after the stairs and before either one of you made it to your rooms, the younger fox turned to look at you, "Big sis?"
"Yes, Senjuro?" You asked back and he looked a little uncertain, "I… I don't mind it if you drink a little bit if you really want to."
"Oh, Senjuro…!" You smiled a little sadly as you reached forward with your hand and gently ruffled the top of his head, the space between his fox ears, "I'll never drink like that. I promise."
"I trust you," He smiled a little and the two of you wished each other good night as you retreated back to your rooms to get some well-earned sleep. After changing clothes to your pajama shorts and T-shirt, you made yourself comfortable on your bed and peacefully closed your eyes, and prepared yourself for a trip to the dream world…
…Only, you couldn't sleep. One would think that falling asleep while tipsy would be as easy as pie, but you couldn't get even a wink of sleep.
You grumbled as you got up and decided to head downstairs and get some water for your parched mouth. One of the more unpleasant aftermaths of drinking. Once you had gotten your glass of water you felt a lot better. You yawned and headed back upstairs… Only you were so tired you accidentally walked to the first door and stepped into the wrong room.
Kyojuro's room and the said owner of the room was sitting on his bed, reading a book when you suddenly barged into his room. Tipsy and slow as you were, you blinked as you looked around in confusion and slowly you realized you were in the wrong room.
"This isn't my room." You blurted out and Kyojuro nodded as he put his book down on the small table by his bed. "My bride, did you get lost?"
"Yeah, um, sorry, I'll just-!" You were about to leave but the fox behind you called after you, "Come here!"
You stopped on the spot and glanced at your fiance over your shoulder, "What?"
"Come over here!" He raised his blanket and you blinked as your brains tried to make some sense of this situation you were in. Then suddenly, as if you were in a trance, you turned, walked over to his bed and you dove under the blanket…
…Only to find out that Kyojuro slept only in his boxers, but it was too late. It was like he was a venus flytrap and you were the bug lured in by the plant's sweet nectar. As soon as your body touched his bed, he threw his blanket over both of you, wrapped his arms around you, and hugged you tightly against that well sculptured body of his.
You were blushing from embarrassment, feeling his tight muscles press against your imperfect body. You tried to wiggle and get some space between the two of you, but the more you struggled, the harder you were pulled against that body of God's and you soon found yourself being the little spoon.
Suddenly, you didn't feel tipsy anymore. Apparently, nothing sobered you better than complete and utter shock.
"K- Kyojuro…!" You mumbled shyly as you tried not to look straight at him, for you were sure you would faint on the spot if you saw him properly while he was being almost naked.
"Yes, my beloved bride?" He asked as he held you and you felt your ears burning in embarrassment. "I can, uh, I can go sleep in my own room…"
"Too late!" The fox laughed happily, "I have you here in my arms where you belong!"
Ack, how could he say such cute and kinda romantic things like it was nothing!?
"I- if you won't let me go I'll bite you…!" You threatened, but it only made your fiance laugh harder and you pouted, "I swear, I will do it!"
"My bride is the cutest- Ouch!"
You did it, you actually bit his arm that was holding you against his chest, but as soon as he cried out you let go instantly.
"Ah-!" You gasped, immediately feeling bad for what you had done. Without wasting any time, you gently kissed the spot you had bitten, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-!"
"Don't worry my Hime, it didn't hurt!" Kyojuro smiled and he meant it, you had only pinched him with your teeth. No harm was done, but you didn't seem to catch the joke.
"Sorry…" You pouted as you kissed the spot again and the Kitsune tried his hardest not to tease you any further.
"It's alright, my beloved. If you want to sleep on your own, I won't hold you back." He said as he opened his arms and seeing an opening, you jumped out of the bed. You glanced nervously over your shoulder as if expecting him to jump at you, but he did no such thing. He just smiled as he looked at you and you nodded, heading to the door and reaching for the handle…
But you didn't open the door, you didn't even touch the handle. You felt like you were making a mistake. You could feel his gorgeous eyes looking at you, curious about how you hadn't left yet.
"I…" You turned around and blushed, "I changed my mind…"
"Hm?" Kyojuro hummed as he followed your every move as you timidly made your way back to his bed. You could barely look at him in the eyes, and your pretty face was so red when you whispered, "Can I… Can I still sleep with you?"
The fox smiled as he lifted his blanket and this time when you sneaked in, you took a bold step and hugged him. Kyojuro blinked as you hid your face against his pecs, the hair on your forehead tickling his muscles slightly.
"You… You smell so nice…" You muttered in a mixture of shyness and happiness as you nuzzled closer to him.
"Hm!" He nodded, "It's the soap you bought for me!"
"I like this scent…" You hummed and Kyojuro felt so happy that you had picked him a soap with a scent you would love. As the two of you made yourself comfortable he heard you softly murmur something, "…ike…u…"
"I like you…" You murmured quietly and Kyojuro's fox ears shot upwards in excitement. He wanted to tell you how much he adored you back, but before he could say a word, someone knocked on his door. The fox blinked as he looked at you clinging to his arm in your sleep and then at the door that slowly creaked open.
"Big brother?" It was Senjuro who peeked inside his brother's room. "Are you sleeping…?"
"Senjuro!" Kyojuro whispered as loudly as he dared with you there by his side. "No, I'm awake. What's wrong?"
"That movie…" The shy boy muttered, partly scared and mostly embarrassed for being scared in the first place, "Can I… Can I sleep with you?"
The older Kitsune smiled as he moved you a little bit so he could use his free hand to lift the other side of the blanket as a silent invite and Senjuro quickly closed the door and climbed on the other side of the bed.
Good thing Kyojuro's bed was huge so he could sleep comfortably with all 5 tails of his, and have enough room to have his brother and bride there with him.
"It's not real, right?" Senjuro asked quietly as he swallowed, "The dream demon?"
"No, it's not," Kyojuro smiled, "And as long as you're with me you are always safe. I will not let anyone touch the people I love and care for."
Senjuro smiled, trusting his brother to keep him safe… And then he noticed you, clinging to his brother's other arm. The younger fox's ears twitched as he looked at you and then at his brother.
"Ah, was big sis scared also?" The young fox asked and Kyojuro's smile grew as he glanced at you sleeping so peacefully by his side.
"A little," He admitted, but Senjuro didn't know that you were actually scared of. It would be a secret between you and Kyojuro.
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newgenog · 1 year
Notes: This is STILL NOT part one of chapter seven. For the foreseeable future, this is a teaser zone.
If you're just stumbling across this, and haven't already done so, please stop now, and start by reading chapter one. 
This #Batwoman AU is based on the ABC tv series #Revenge. Ryan Wilder had just about everything taken from her when we met her, and she was doing her best to get it back. In this version of the story, that means taking some people down along the way. And, she's definitely no hero.
Okay, so, I was a no show (for the first time ever) last Friday. Please forgive me, but I had an absence letter from Queen Bey. That's right, instead of writing or talking about my beloved fic, I was dancing my ass off at the Renaissance concert. So, thank you in advance for your forgiveness.
I DO have a sneak peek for you this week (which is super duper draft 1, so words might shift here and there by the time it's posted on A03 - bear with me). And, if life allows, I'm working towards posting this chapter in full by September 1st (which would mean only one more week of teasers for "season one.") Per always, please send me all the writing vibes you've got. Words are coming, but not always quickly, so every bit of wishful thinking helps!
Russel has been sitting in his car for two hours, paralyzed by his thoughts. A little more than twelve hours ago, he’d just finished his second cup of coffee when he was called into Jacob Kane’s office. He took his time explaining everything he’d come up with on Luke Fox, his concerns about Sophie Moore’s conflict of interest, and his speculation on why Luke could be after the Kane family, with evidence in hand. The Commander let him do most of the talking, never really looking at the printouts, but asking the occasional follow up question for clarification. When it seemed Tavaroff had covered everything, the Commander sat back in his seat, and then asked him what his career goals were. Of course, Tavaroff said he’d really appreciated the opportunity to learn from him, and that he hoped to continue doing so. He felt it was an honor to be trusted with the responsibility of interim Lieutenant Commander.
Jacob took the folder of files, and thanked Russel for bringing him up to speed. He said that if he was going to continue taking on new assignments, he’d need to make room on his desk, and asked him to start delegating the things he’d been working on to several people he was reassigning, especially with Tyler being out of commission, and them having trading cases before the accident. So, Tavaroff spent the day doing as he was asked. 
By 4PM, there was a 5PM meeting on his calendar, with Jacob Kane’s office as the location. The agenda stated they’d be discussing next steps. The only next step was for Tavaroff to sign an NDA in exchange for a package, which included his salary for the remainder of the year, his vacation payout, and the cash value of his stock in an exit bonus. Should he choose not to sign and leave quietly, an investigation would need to be initiated, and a psych evaluation completed, with potential disciplinary actions taken that could limit his ability to work in law enforcement again in the future.
The Commander did thank him for his commitment to the organization, and dedication to protecting his family. Unfortunately, his decision to pursue Luke Fox without approval, who was too visible as an executive at his daughter’s company, and as the son of the renowned Lucius Fox, did not demonstrate the kind of judgment that the Commander expected from someone at Tavaroff’s level. He felt a mutual separation was the fairest course of action. 
Upon signing, he was asked to hand over his firearm and badge. Then, he was escorted to his desk, where a box was awaiting him to collect any personal items he’d brought to the office, which needed to be approved to take with him. He didn’t make eye contact with anyone still in the building on his way out, let alone speak to them, because he could feel their eyes casting judgment against him. Embarrassed was simply an inept word for how he felt. 
They did take a look around his car, to make sure he didn’t have anything of theirs laying around that they’d need to confiscate, but they really relied on the NDA to protect them. The truth was, they weren’t above more permanent forms of termination if they felt like a prior employee posed a security threat. There were very few examples of anyone taking such a risk that required mitigation, but in the rare occasion, those people managed to have surprisingly coincidental incidents occur that made them a non-issue. 
When Tavaroff arrived home around 6PM, he’d changed out of his suit and tie, taken a shower, drank a beer, and then noticed a folder he’d left on his kitchen table. He walked over to it, and saw a few printed pictures that he’d been meaning to come back to and analyze with more intention, but he’d lost track of the idea. There were two high school yearbook photos: one for Sophie Moore, and one for the girl two grades younger, Angelique Martin. And then there was a third image of Angelique bartending at O’Mally’s during some sort of holiday party. 
He closed the folder, frustrated with himself. He didn’t work for them anymore, so these people's stories shouldn’t matter. He’d dedicated years of his life to a company that turned its back on him when he was trying to protect them. The compulsion to break away led him to put on his shoes, and head out the door, in his basketball shorts and tshirt. 
He’d gotten into his car, and didn’t know where to go. He didn’t know who to call. He didn’t know what he’d say to them if he did call. So he just sat, waiting for an idea to materialize. Instead, the only thoughts he was berated with were rehashings of how these people could ruin life as he knew it. Sure, this wasn’t the only thing he had going, but so much of who he was tied back to his role at The Crows. 
Now, two hours later, he’s tired of sitting. He needs to do something. He needs answers, and to take his control back. He decides to pick up where Tyler left off.
To be continued...
I really appreciate every comment, heart, and reblog. Kudos and comments on A03 too. These words don't always flow easily, and all of it pushes me to write on the hard days. It helps to know y'all are still with me. So THANK YOU, seriously! Follow #SaveBatwoman on all socials please! Support the Writer and Actor strikes. #wgastrike #sagaftrastrike #StopCancellingDiverseShows
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trudemaethien · 2 years
Fics are grouped by rating, then alphabetical (except series, which will be posted by series name with titles color coded for their individual ratings). These links will take you to the respective tumblr posts, which are in turn linked to the stories on AO3. You’ll need to be logged into AO3 in order to read, as I archive-lock everything I write.
🥳 I hit the link limit (100) so ToC pt. 1 is complete. (pls lmk if any links are broken bc I will fix them) Please enjoy and feel free to reblog any you like 😊
Table of Contents, Part 1
Give Those Back This Instant!
Total Eclipse of the Heart
Legacy of my Life
Special Forces
There Rose Such A Clatter
Werdlaara: Ad be Haar Au Be’catra • Gaan’ike • Haar Jai’galaar bal Haar Laar’senaar • Mhi An Jurir • Ner Verd’ika • ni copa
Bacara Knits (Soft Wars): Knitting is Soldiers’ Work • Every Burden, Layette Down • Shall I Spin You A Yarn • Worry Knot
Restoration and Reclamation
Four and Twenty Blackbirds Baked in a Pie
from your lips, a kiss
Seen, Known, Loved (Changed)
Song of Songs: Laar’riduur
Unit Cohesion
Adenn (Merciless) • How Painful the Dream I Do Not Wake From
Boots on the Ground
Butt Fucking
A Gentleman and An Officer
Ghost Legion
[E] (biggest section 😊😅😌)
Artists Unknown
f(x)=√25e^2: You Don’t Have To (No I’m Gonna) • plus podfic by flowerparrish! • And Do I Dream Again • Move Everything Slightly to the Left, to the Right
Holder of Sheaves
I know your Name as I do my own
Intersection of Non-Standard Genders: As Above, So Below • Down We Go Together • Woke Up Alone In Our Bed • Hand in Lovable Hand
Kiss of Danger (CoD MW, https://archiveofourown.org/works/43655341 🔒)
Kriff Squad: For Fucks Sake • Hay Babe, I Herd Ewe Might be Down to Flock • CG Report Form HKU-575/1010 • Zero Fox • Defenestration and Other Romantic Activities
Look Down to the Infinite Depths
(loving you is) not a chore
Merverse: Ocean Torrents • Hold Me, Thrill Me, Ke’murcyu Ni • Take My Haal Awayyy • Edeemi, Baby, One More Time • Bring Me To Oya • Shoulda Put a Brii’rud On It • Be’chaaj In Your Rock and Roll • Something in the Sho’cye
No Consent on Kamino: Danger to the Body • Ground Zero: First Time Hurts, Kid • Odd Ones Out • Bloody Inconvenient • Just a Little Prick • Ad-vent-ure • Looking Good plus podfic by flowerparrish! • Push to the Limit • Does Not Occur In Isolation
Purple Butterfly: I do? I do. • I Take Thee
A Proud Man May Kneel
Rocky Start
The Scourge Lays Low All In Its Wake
Served Cold plus🔒https://archiveofourown.org/works/48494416 podfic by stargateinmybasement
Torrent’s Vod’ika: Color Me Curious • Satisfaction Brought Her Back plus🔒https://archiveofourown.org/works/49569277 podfic by stargateinmybasement
shu’tup and fuck me hard,case
split ourself wide open
trust me to see you home safe
Repcomm (All Ratings)
All Fun and Games • Nine Tenths
An Ehn
Boom Boys (Ke’bajuri)
everything about you pisses me off
Faces Indistinguishable in the Dark
Family Formed
For Taking, Forgiving
I’m Not Lost, I’m Right Where I Need To Be
love in all the wrong places
Make It Hurt
Now and Then (i wonder what u see in me)
Offer. Consideration. Acceptance. Mutuality.
Only Good Things in Storr For You
Percussive Recalibration
Send My Love
Watch My Battleskirt
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ryovel · 10 months
Revenge Of Dusk[1/??]
[Future...? Or present?] Rei Rose, The son of Leviathan and Ryo Rose, becomes the new holder of an old book with a newly made Companion to fit the role more. Together, They travel to different places out of the world they know...soon to be ruined by a group and 'villain'-
Introductions are so weird to me but Let’s get this over with… Call me Rei Rose, I’m the Son of Leviathan and Ryo Rose and let me tell you. If you think my life is good, it was til i had to do the most weirdest thing in my teenage years that no teenager had to do…Besides Percy Jackson- 
How can I even explain it?  Let’s start with the beginning of how the entire thing happened; 
That day was fairly normal, I was cleaning out the old storage room due to needing some stuff I needed for some stupid project. “When was the last time I was here?” The room was fairly old. Dust covered every surface, The light was dim, And everything was just shoved into boxes. “Okay, All i have to grab is the old family album-” 
I turned to where the sound came from, Nothing there. ‘It’s just a rat’ I thought to myself as I started to look through boxes of junk. Toys, Books, clothes, and so much more piled up before i got to the next box in the way..it was going to be a challenge to find that family album, So i couldn’t waste time on anything.
There it was again, I looked right at the source of the sound once again. This time, The sound continued bump Bump  bump What was it? It was getting annoying so, I just drifted from the boxes and went to where the sound was coming from. There was just a shelf of boxes and some books. Weirdly, One book was moving about on the shelf…a book shouldn’t be doing that on its own. 
“What the..?” I reached out to grab it but it started to move off the pile it was before falling right to the floor, dust coming off it. I stared at it as it continued moving around on the floor, Like it wanted to go somewhere?
I looked to the door before picking the book up from the floor, opening to the first page “The AU book?? Isn’t this the book Fathers told me abou-” What the hell was touching my arm? It felt like animal fur and was soft. It couldn’t be a rat, it was too soft to be a rat’s fur. “Ah, After all this time, I get to meet the holder of the book at last! Ryo- Hm?...You aren’t him?” I jumped up to see this person…At least I thought it was a normal person. It was a fox weirdo who was just next to me “Who the hell are you??” The weirdo stared at me all awkwardly before he spoke(which was almost 10 minutes of silence) “Ah..I am Ryuū, The companion of the books holder..” “Eh, Okay ‘Ryuū’..How did you get into this room?” “Well- Funny story, I got in here by you opening that book” He pointed to the AU book in my hand, It was making some sense ... .if i was a kid.
“So, you lived in a book and only got out of it now?” “I didn’t have a choice! I was getting my energy and body back which took a very long tim-” “Didn’t ask” I set the book down back on the shelf, trying to leave the room before Ryuū blocked my way “Wait, wait! Where are you going?” “Back to my room, duh?” He sighed, looking at me with fake puppy eyes “You don’t want to stay with me or keep the book?” “I do not hang out with weirdos from a book” He gasped as i just slid past him “I am not a weirdo! I had a life before this all happened” “Then go back to living that life” i felt his hands on my shoulder, getting turned all the way around to look at him “I can’t, I can’t even travel anywhere without the holder by my side” 
…. “And what does that do with me?” “I want you to travel with me through the AUs again!” I pulled out of his grasp, trying not to leave the room “Are you insane?!” “Hey, Your fathers and friends used to do the same thing and they are fine…Besides, don’t you want to do something your father did?” He said all of this so excitedly like a kid who got money from the tooth fairy. I looked behind him to the AU book on the shelf, remembering that my father told me to never use the book if I saw it, even caution being used for the book…but Maybe it wasn’t that bad as they said. “Can I sleep on it?” “Of Course! I’ll be waiting for your response!” I could see his tails wagging around before he turned around and went to the book, noticing something hanging out of the book. 
A mist appeared around Ryuū, surrounding him til he was gone, I left the room before the mist got in my way..
What was I getting myself into??
This was rewritten from my wattpad story, I decided to post it here- Have a good time everyone:3
0 notes
Haven Misfits: Worth Falling For (Prologue)
[Author’s Note: before you read the Prologue of this story, I got to say that this wasn’t originally going to post over here first, I was gonna post it over at Quotev first, and then I think I would of ended up Cross-Post It Over here, but I haven’t really wrote that much on it yet and it’s only the prologue so far and on today of December 14, 2022 was the day I decided to try to write a bit more into the prologue, but the whole connection started to be all weird on me, and I had to sign back into Quotev like maybe two or three times, I was lucky it didn’t act all weird when I was writing in a journal that talks a little bit of that problem....
anyway I made sure to save what I wrote, and by that, I had to copy what I had wrote into the prologue along with what I had already wrote and had decided to post it over here....it’s the best thing I can do for now, but as soon as it gets back to fully normal (and hopefully it will soon maybe later tonight or tomorrow), I can try to work on Chapter 1.
this might end up being a short story, and might not end up having that many chapters...
I didn’t just want to call it “Haven Misfits” when writing it in story form, so I added “worth falling for” to it, but it’s still suppose to be a crossover au that’s called Haven Misfits. 
I still plan on posting this prologue over at where I was originally was going to first post it, but because of the problem I ran into today that might not be possible right now and might need to wait...
maybe once everything is back to normal, I can work on the next chapters and post them over there first, and then over here.
sorry if this prologue isn’t all that good, but I tried my best.
also one of the tags for this will be Mature Audiences Only...
and even though I still plan to re-post this prologue over at Quotev, which was what I was going to do until I ran into that connection problem. but please do not reblog this without my permission, for now I wont place the tag for it on here for now, but I might edit it in later on.
if things are back to normal tomorrow, I might be able to post this prologue over at Quotev, right now it doesn’t have a summary yet, and well once I get a idea what to write for a summary, I will put over there and even added on this, by editing it in. 
also the grammar in this prologue might be not great...     
Credit for Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss goes to Vivziepop
Credit for Undertale & Deltarune goes to Toby Fox
Credit for Bendy Series goes to Joey Drew Studios
every friendship is different, some bonds break, some bonds mend, but like true love...
a true everlasting friendship is as eternal as the stars burning bright as they are born, then die and reborn a new.
but no one would ever dream of happening, was a friendship forming between three unlikely individuals:
a Imp, a Goetia and a Homunculus Angel...
but one day, the three went their separated ways, each of them starting to follow their own destiny, dream and heart’s desire.
The Goetia followed the destiny that was bestowed upon them,
The Imp followed the dream that they had since childhood,
and lastly The Homunculus Angel had followed their heart’s desire....
The Homunculus Angel had gave up their original form for another, and was reborn in another dimension as a Human, who would be named...[REDACTED] and who would sadly end up dying later in their life...
and with every reincarnation they took the form of, the more of their past memories of being a angel from another dimension where they had befriended a Goetia Prince and a Imp, started to fade away from their memory.
“EVANGELINE!” a man with a graying brown mustache and thinning hair on his head, screamed.
the door to the man’s office opens up and what appears outside the office,
was a young woman with skin that look like it could be porcelain like a doll,
her hair was in a messy state, her clothes were always a big sweater and long dress to cover her figure....which her co-workers would tease her for dressing the way she has been since she started to work there...
as soon as the woman, who was named Evangeline was taking two steps inside, she ended up tripping on her own feet and falling face first on the floor.
and scattering the papers she was holding when she came in, the papers first flew up into the air before falling down on the floor with her.
“Evangeline....”the man said while trying to keep calm while tapping his fingers on his desk, while waiting for the woman to pick herself up.
the woman’s glasses, with luck would have it, didn’t end up breaking...
the glasses were always foggy so no one could get a good clear view of her eyes or what color they were.
she didn’t even wear makeup, which was just another thing the other co-workers had enjoyed teasing her about.
Evangeline got on her knees, and started to pick up each paper, before standing on her two feet and facing her boss.
“Evangeline, we need to talk....close the door, and be careful not to trip on your own two feet again....”the man said as Evangeline nods her head before turning slowly around and walks very carefully to the door to the office and shuts it.
“it’s shut, sir...” Evangeline speaks with a soft and angelic voice, she hardly spoke at work and didn’t really speak to any of the others who made up the rest of the employees, as she didn’t feel the need to....
not like they would want to get close to her or get to know her, from how they had been treating her since her first day.
“can you tell me what this is, Evangeline...?”the man asks as takes out a piece of paper and places it on his desk, and with slow steps, Evangeline walks over to her boss’s desk and looks at the piece of paper.
“it’s a drawing, sir.”
“and can you tell me what it is a drawing of...?”
“it’s a drawing of Bendy.”
but after she replied about the character who was in the drawing,
her boss screams at her “YES! but do you see anything wrong with this drawing...?!! well, do you, Evangeline...can you tell me what is wrong with this drawing!”he asks her as she looks at the drawing much closely while adjusting her glasses on her face.
“his bow tie is blue, instead of red...?”
“Exactly!”the man said and then shoved the drawing into her hands and forcing her to take it, and by the look on his face....she knew he wouldn’t take no for answer.
“take that drawing down to Audrey, unlike you, she actually does her job more correctly and doesn’t color Bendy’s bow tie blue instead of red.”
Evangeline hugs the drawing to her chest, as she looks away from the man, who was named Ross Arch, the youngest son of Nathan Arch...
ever since Nathan Arch let his son Ross Arch take charge of everything, Evangeline didn’t feel very welcomed, even if on her first day here, she was use to Nathan Arch before his son took over...
at least Ross’s father treated both her and everyone with equal kindness...
but with a man like Ross Arch, he seem to treat everyone else a little bit better than he does Evangeline.
but he seem to treat Audrey with even more kindness and praise than anyone else....
one of the reasons Evangeline doesn’t speak up about it, is because she doesn’t want to make Mr. Ross Arch angry, this was the only job she could find.
and if she were to lose it, she knew that it would take her a very long time to find a new job and work place that would take her.
Ross had snap his fingers at her, while saying “get to it, Evangeline!”
not wanting to make him lose his patience, she started to turn around and head to the door and after opening it, she looks behind her and sees that his back was facing her, well more like his chair was turned around with him in it...
knowing she wouldn’t get in trouble for it, because he isn’t watching and no one was outside the office besides herself, and everyone had already gone to lunch...
she stuck her tongue out at the man, while flipping him off at the same time with her left hand, all while holding the papers with the drawing of Bendy with the right hand.
then she hugged the papers closely to herself as she shuts the door behind her.
 a hour later after giving Audrey the drawing of Bendy, and telling her that Ross Arch wanted her to fix Bendy’s bow tie and change it from blue to red...
as Evangeline started to head home she started to feel hungry.
which is understandable since she didn’t have lunch or anything else to eat all day....she had to skip breakfast because she was late for work.
she would have to pick something up on her way back to her place.
which was the plan until she saw that the fast food restaurant she wanted to get food from, was already closed for the night.
 Evangeline was becoming both hungry and tired, and she knew if she kept walking with no food and as tired as she was, she would pass out before she even made it back to her home.
“excuse me, miss...?”a man’s voice said from behind her, which the sudden sound of the stranger’s voice had startled her a bit.
“yes....what is it...?” Evangeline asks as she was wearily of the stranger before her, who was appears to be a man with some form of familiarly to himself, that she could not figure out what it was...
she had never met the man before, and yet seeing him gave her a mix of emotions, both happy and sad feelings that she could not explain or understand.
the man was dressed rather odd, he had appeared to have a a white top-hat on with what appeared to be a snake wrapped around it.
his suit was matching with the same color as his hat, but Evangeline didn’t understand why he was dressed that way, maybe he was going to a party...?
“you look hungry, my dear.”the man said as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out what looked to be a fruit bar.
just looking at the bar in question made Evangeline’s stomach growl loudly.
a part of her wanted to take the fruit bar, but the other part of her told her no and not to trust this man whom she just met.
but hunger won over caution, and she took the fruit bar, open up the wrapper of it, and started to bite down on it, at first she took small bites before taking bigger bites out of the fruit bar because of the hunger she felt from not eating all day.
but the food had tasted strange, it still seem like a fruity taste but there was also something else present within the fruit bar that Evangeline could not place.
just then she started to feel her eyes grow heavy, as she started to grow even more tired than she was before...
the next thing she knew, she had fallen to the pavement out like a light.
next to her was the wrapper that once held the fruit bar inside...
the picture of the fruit on the wrapper, was that of a apple...                       
a closeup of Flowey’s eyes closed before shooting open and screaming.
“FRISK STOP, DON’T DO IT! YOU CAN’T RE-!”Flowey said before stopping and noticing they weren’t in any place they were familiar with...
in fact, they didn’t recognize anything at all!
Flowey looked down and saw they were in some vase, and the vase itself was on a counter next to those little machines that humans put money in...and later, monsters did too, once they moved back to the surface.
of course with every reset that Frisk had made, the monsters would not only be send back to living in the underground, but they would be back to keeping their money in treasure chests.
which they still do, but they also do so for the shops as well.
just then Flowey sees a human come into what Flowey could only assume was a type of shop, but what kind of shop it is, they have yet to figure out...
“Oh, Kris! it’s so good to see you, did your mother get the flowers...?”
that voice Flowey thought to themself as they tried to hold back the tears forming, as they turned around and saw a familiar goat man coming down the left stairs, and looking really happy to see their human child, who they had called by name.
Kris nods their head yes about their Mother getting the flowers, but leaves out the part that had to do with what their Mother did with the flowers afterwards.
“oh, that’s good...” Asgore sighs with relief, having his hand over the middle part of his chest and stomach.
“I was so worried that she might of not of got them, I know things haven’t been the same since the divorce, but you and your brother are still a big part of my life, and you will always be my children regardless what is going on between myself and your mother.....now if only she would try make a effort to listen to reason, I am at least trying to patch things up between us....and it’s not like it’s fully my fault anyway, it’s only partly my fault....if she had kept a better eye out and not be so aggressive, which I did tell her, not to be so aggressive with you and your brother, but she never listens....and I-”Asgore said but catches himself talking bad about his ex-wife Toriel, who he was not just trying to patch things up with her, but was also hoping to get back together with...
he let’s out a depressing sigh, before speaking once more.
“I’m sorry, Kris...even if your Mother and I had our fights before, it didn’t lead up to our divorce until well.....a certain incident.”
Choices for Kris to ask Asgore:
[What was the incident...?] or [say nothing, and just listen.]
the [say nothing, and just listen] has been chosen...
“Kris, there is something I must tell you, about your mother...
I had to cover for her before, a long time ago...but you must promise me, what I am about to tell you, will be kept between the two of us, no one must know, and your mother must never find out I told you...understand...?”Asgore asks of them, as they just stay silent and give a nod of their head.
“good, now let me start from the beginning...”
as Asgore was telling Kris of Toriel’s dark past...
Flowey was shocked to see their dad still alive, they knew that Frisk had killed him right before their very eyes.
then after they did, they were going to press the Reset and start it all over again, and Flowey not being able to take it anymore had screamed for Frisk to stop, only to find themselves here when they had open their eyes.
I don’t know what’s going on....or how I got here, but by my own determination I’m gonna find out! Flowey thought as they watched and listen to the other version of their father’s story, and Flowey had figured out this man was not his father, but just some alternate counterpart of him.
Flowey decided to keep from talking, and keep anyone from figuring out they are a talking flower, so long as no one catches them talking or see their face, then it should be okay.
to be continued
---> [Next Chapter 1: https://mythicaldemigoddess-of-deltarune.tumblr.com/post/706784970373496832/haven-misfits-worth-falling-for-ch-1-censored  ]
Author’s Note: this might not be perfect, and hopefully I can try to post this over at the place I was originally going to post it first, before it started to act all slow and the connection being not great...
if I can’t do that today or later tonight, I guess I can try for tomorrow.
I might not post all the chapters on here, also the Crossover AU might change a little, as it’s main focus will be like Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss part of the AU...
and yes, if anyone guessed right, that was Charlie Morningstar’s dad who gave Evangeline the fruit bar.
and yes the Audrey that was mention, is the same one from Bendy and The Dark Revival.  
anyway the idea of Flowey ending up as the flower in the vase at the flower shop that Asgore lives and works at, was inspired by a new theory I have that has to do with the Flower in that vase in Asgore’s Flower Shop, being the Deltarune Counterpart of Flowey The Flowey.
what caused Flowey to go from the Undertale World to the Deltarune World, could be the work of Gaster, or like there being a temporal rift that had open up around the same time that Frisk had started the reset.
but instead of going back to the Ruins, Flowey ends up being sent through both time and space, and ends up I guess merging with the Flower that was originally in the vase...?
I don’t know, I will have to think about it.
anyway wish me luck in getting this over at Quotev, and well no one has to go check it out over there once I finally get it posted on there.
anyway that’s all I have to say about this, I’m going to post that Robo-Fizzdrop ship drawing next after this...                              
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Whumptober 2022 Master List: 
I’m planning on completing all the prompts, but it will definitely take longer than a month! I’ll be happy if I get these all done by the end of December! 
Future fics concepts are definitely subject to change
Ideas/prompts welcome! (but no guarantees that’s where the inspiration will take me, lol)
Link to the Series on AO3 
No. 1 A Little Out of the Ordinary: Adverse Effects, Unconventional Restraints, This wasn’t supposed to happen
Anakin doesn’t turn AU - Part 1
Title: The More Things Change…
No. 2 Nowhere to Run: Cornered, Caged, Confrontation
The Coruscant Guard in the days leading up to Order 66
Title: Impending
No. 3 Hair’s Breadth from Death: Gun to Temple, “Say Goodbye,” Impaled
Jesse and Fives die on Umbara. Kix is losing it.
Title: Fuel, Meet Fire
No. 4 Dead on your Feet: Hidden Injury, Waking up Disoriented, Can’t Pass Out
Cody took one too many stims and now he can’t go under
Title: The Smiling Death
No. 5 Every Whumpee’s Needs: Blood loss, Running out of air, hyperthermia (fever)
Kix accidentally removes the general's slave chip in surgery. Rex grapples with what that means for them.
Title: Send the Whole Damned Thing Down the Drain 
No. 6 Proof of Life: Ransom Video, “I’ve got a pulse,” Screams from Across the Hall
Darth Sidious takes on more than one apprentice. Years later, Fox makes a maybe-friend.
Title: Proof of Life 
No. 7 The way you shake and shiver: Shaking hands, Seizures, Silent panic attack
Kix kind of loses his mind after Umbara. He’s sent to the Coruscant Guard.
Title: 404: Sanity Not Found 
No. 8 Everything hurts and I’m dying: Stomach pain, Head trauma, back from the dead
Fox dies like he lived. He’s not as dead as he hoped. Post O66
No. 9 The very noisy night: Sleeping in shifts, Tossing and turning, Caught in a storm
No. 10 Poor unfortunate souls: Taser, Whipping, Waterboarding
No. 11 “911, what’s your emergency?”: Sloppy bandages, Self-done first aid, Makeshift splint
No. 12 What could go wrong? “Mayday, mayday,” cave in, rusty nail
No. 13 Can’t make an omelet without breaking a few legs: Fracture, Dislocation, “Are you here to break me out?”
No. 14 Die a hero or live long enough to become a villain: Desperate measures, failed escape, “I’ll be right behind you”
No. 15 Emotional Damage: Lies, New scars, Breathing through the pain
No. 16 No Way Out: Mind control, Paralytic drugs, “No one’s coming”
No. 17 Hanging by a threat: Breaking point, Stress positions, Reluctant caretaker
No. 18 Let’s break the ice: “Just get it over with,” treading water, “take my coat”  
No. 19 Enough is enough: Knees buckling, repeatedly passing out, head lolling
No. 20 It’s been a long day: Going into shock, fetal position, prisoner trade
No. 21 Famous last words: Coughing up blood, “you’re safe now,” “take me instead”
No. 22 Pick your poison: Toxic, withdrawal, allergic reaction
No. 23 At the end of their rope: Forced to kneel, Tied to a table, “Hold them down”
No. 24 Fight, Flight, or Freeze: Blood covered hands, “I don’t want to do this anymore,” Catatonic
No. 25 Silence is golden: Lost voice, duct tape, “You better start talking”
No. 26 No one left behind: Separated, Rope burns, “Why did you save me?”
No. 27 Pushed to the limit: Muffled screams, Stumbling, Magical Exhaustion
No. 28 It’s just the tip of the iceberg: Anger born of worry, Punching the Wall, Headache
No. 29 What doesn’t kill me…: Sleep deprivation, Defiance, “Better me than you”
No. 30 Note to self: Don’t get kidnapped: Manhandled, Hair grabbing, “Please don’t touch me”
No. 31 A light at the end of the tunnel: Comfort, Bedside vigil, “You can rest now”
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Mob bucky/seb or mob chris/andy recs??
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Updated 07/04/21 ✨ = Just Added
To be added please tag me in your future works!
Hey Anon! I’m so glad you asked this because Mob/Mafia! Any version of those boys is my favorite. In my previous fic recs I recommended...
If love was an option by @mianorth » Bucky Barnes x Reader — Part 1 🦋 Part 2 🦋 Part 3
Good Little Wife & Good Little Girl by @donutloverxo » Mob!Andy Barber x Reader – A little dark and it has some really good smut in it.
Blackmail by @stargazingfangirl18 » Soft!DarkMafia Andy Barber x Female Reader — You were just doing it to protect your family, at least that’s what you kept telling yourself, especially once you started to like it. (One-Shot)
Blow Sweet and Thick by @angrythingstarlight » Mafia!Bucky x Reader — Bucky is having a bad day, you can help him feel good. (Part of Mafia Monday’s)
Run To You by @bestofbucky » Mob!Boss Bucky x Reader — Mob boss Bucky Barnes hires you to be his bodyguard. (Series)
Can’t Run, Can’t Hide by @angrythingstarlight » Dark!MafiaBucky Barnes x Reader — When you get noticed by the infamous mob boss, you flee. But Bucky doesn’t like to be denied anything and he’s coming for you. (One-shot)
Six Feet | Ch.1 ⚰️ Ch.2 by @queenoftheworldisdead » Dark Mob!Steve x Reader + Dark Mob!Bucky x Reader — Your family’s small funeral home comes into financial trouble. In desperation your father finds the most unlikely solution to solve his financial problems. | (Short Series)
Bankrupt by @mypoisonedvine » dark!40’s!Mob!Stucky x Reader — Your husband’s gambling addiction quickly got him in hot water with the mob, and you by extension. When some debt collectors come by to settle what is owed, you realize that you have a lot more to worry about than money problems.
Partition by @angrythingstarlight » Mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Bucky comforts you after a bad day, and your boss learns why no one messes with his girl. —> Part 2: Let Me Show You — You wanted to know what your mobster boyfriend did, lucky for you he’s more into the show then tell.
Say the word and it’s yours by @angrythingstarlight » Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Your mobster boyfriend rescues you from a long, boring day at work. Bucky always said, “ask and its yours”
Lost Without You by @angrythingstarlight » Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Bucky Barnes would be lost with you. You’re his everything and he plans on spending Valentine’s Day proving it to you.
All Dressed In White by @angrythingstarlight » Dark!Mafia Bucky Barnes x Reader — You were going to marry someone else, Bucky won’t let that happen. You belong to him now and forever. Till Death Do You Part.
Thick As Thieves by @angrythingstarlight » Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Reader x Mafia!Steve Rogers — The only thing the Mafia hates as much as snitches are thieves. And you’re planning on stealing from Bucky and Steve, what happens if you get caught?
Won’t Let You Go by @kind-of-crazy-butthatsokay » Mob!Bucky Barnes x OFC!Kori — Kori met Bucky in one of his clubs, out to get shit-faced with a couple of friends to forget about her worries and maybe take home a guy to further rid herself of her numerous frustrations. Little did she know that the one-night stand with Bucky would turn into so much more than that.
Tell Me What You Want by @angrythingstarlight » Mafia!Steve Rogers x Reader; Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Your mob boyfriend, is none other than Steve Rogers and he is willing to get you whatever you wanted, all you have to do is ask. And be careful what you ask for because he’s going to give it to you over and over again.
To Have & To Hold by @slyyywriting » Bucky Barnes x Mob Boss!Reader — Bucky is trying his best to provide and care for his daughter who just entered first grade. Everything was alright until she asks why everyone else seems to have a mom except for her. You’re just a plain mob boss who wants to turn a new leaf. Challenges arise when the world refuses to let you take a softer, non-violent route. A little girl helps you navigate a compromise.(series)
✨ Mob!Sugar Daddy!Stucky Moodboard by @brattycherubwrites » Mob!Stucky x Reader
✨ Laced Around Your Throat by @angrythingstarlight » Mafia!Steve x Reader, Mafia!Bucky x Reader — Your Mob boyfriend knows that the only thing that looks even better than his hand around your throat is his custom made necklace. You’re his girl and the world needs to know it.
✨ Hidden Gems by @jtargaryen18 » Mob!Steve Rogers x Mob!Daughter Reader — Your father is the head of one of the most powerful crime families in Boston but he’s protected you from that life. In your quiet home outside the city, you’ve been cared for and protected. When the desires of a more powerful man with the will to dominate bursts into your life, all your illusions are shattered as he comes to claim what is his.
Necessary Arrangements by @stargazingfangirl18 » Andy Barber x Fem!Reader, Ari Levinson x (Different) Fem! Reader ft. Ransom Drysdale » One of my favorite series, chapters are decent sized and the smut is so good!
Hugs My Love by @thatfuckingweirdo » Mobster!Bucky Barnes x Reader — You just really need a hug, and Bucky is the only one you want it from.
my old man is a tough man, but he got a soul as sweet as blood red jam by @cloudystevie » Mob Boss!Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader — steve gives you what you want… kind of.
Brooklyn Wars by @world-of-aus » Stucky x Reader
Petals and Bullets by @revengingbarnes » Mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader (One of my all time favorites series)
I would check out @sinner-as-saint’s Masterlist they have quite a few Mob!Bucky series and one-shots that I have loved in the past.
Special by @buckycuddlebuddy » Bucky Barnes x Reader — this one-shot is really hot.
Love, Honor, and Obey by @constantwriter85 » Bucky Barnes — This one is good and I need to catch up on.
Mafioso by @captain-barnes-writes » Bucky Barnes x Reader — Please do yourself a favor and read.
Lipstick and Crayons by @oneoftheprettynerds » Dark!Steve Rogers x Reader - In Progress
A really good DarkMob!Steve Drabble called Please Hurt Me by @gotnofucks *chefs kiss*
The Mobster’s Little Girl by @smutsonian » Steve Rogers x Reader
off to the races 🐻 off to the races 2 by @harryspet » Soft!Dark Steve Rogers x Reader
The Ignorant Beauty & the Beast by @mysterioh » Steve Rogers x Reader – With 21 parts sadly it hasn’t been updated in 8 months, it’s one of my favorite Mob!Steve Roger fics out there. *Thanks to @inactivewhore I found out this story was moved to AO3 and is now called where angels fear to tread it was last updated on 13/11/20*
What It Takes by @cherienymphe » Bucky Barnes x Reader — You left Bucky once you found out who he really is. The one thing you thought would guarantee your safety ends up sealing your fate.
Welcome Home by @punani » Chris Evans x Black!Reader — He’s been away for awhile, but he knows that his girl’s loyalty to him knows no bounds. Knows she’s been waiting for him after her adamancy in telling him there was no other option. It’s only right to make the reunion a memorable one. | So, so, so, so freaking good!
These are what I found on Tumblr that I plan on reading.
Handmaid by @extremelyblackandwhite » Sebastian Stan x ingenue!Reader — y/n works as a handmaid for the daughter of an influential mob leader who is promised to the new boss of the most powerful mob family in new york, sebastian.
AO3 Website Reccomendations
Satellite Heart » Stucky x Reader — You used to be Steve and Bucky's girl. Then they fucking left without saying goodbye. Little did they know, you were pregnant. But life went on. You raised your Talia to the best of your ability. But one day, everything goes to shit. Now your boys are back in your life. And they're not planning on leaving anytime soon.
Little Fox A/B/O Series » Soft!Dark Bucky Barnes x Soft!Dark Natasha Romanoff x OFC! & Peter Parker x Soft!Dark Tony Stark — So I can’t stress this enough you need to read the tags for this series and I kept getting confused as I read this story as to how old Violet Mason is. But this series takes you on a roller coaster, I like it, my cousin didn’t finish it, I need to catch up.
Pelmeni *finished* » Stucky x Reader — James Bucky Barnes has a good life, as a member of a powerful organized crime syndicate. His best friend Steve is a member too and his literal partner in crime. Bucky's got a problem though. You. His longtime love and secret girlfriend. Unfortunately, your father is his boss and has plans for you that involve normal life. Steve has a problem too. Steve wants in on your relationship and more than the semi-regular/occasional steamy threesomes. You don't have a problem, you're just busy with a big mob wedding coming up, which means a big celebration, that you're busy catering for.
Dying For This Love » Dark!Bucky x Reader — That was before. When you were Bucky’s girl. Now, you have a score to settle. That’s why you’re wearing Bucky’s favorite red satin dress, the one with the cuts that reach right up to the tops of your thighs, the tennis necklace he gifted you for your anniversary, and are fresh off of a mani/pedi and hair appointment. He’s going to regret the day he fucked with you. | This one is intense and a tad bit dark, but the smut is good.
off to the races » Steve Rogers x Reader — In which you call the kingpin your Daddy.
The Mobster’s Little Girl » Steve Rogers x Reader — what happens when the big bad mobster gets blackmailed by your father to marry you? (kind of fluffy kind of not. kinda dark kinda not.)
Brooklyn Sweethearts » Dark!Stucky x Reader — Bucky and Steve had always been meant to keep her safe and happy. As far as anyone else was concerned, that was their sole reason for being alive. Unfortunately, the things that kept her safe were not always the things that kept her happy. Lately, she was making it pretty damn hard for them to compromise. | Probably one of my all time favorite Mafia!Stucky stories I have ever read, just sadly it also hasn’t been updated in like 8 months and I keep hoping it will get updated.
Hot Doll » Skinny!MobBoss Steve Rogers x Reader — Steve Rogers is on the rise in the New York underground as you’re trying to keep your own place there. | Dark and good!
Doctor Doctor » Steve Rogers x PlusSize! Reader — (1940 Mobster AU!) You're a war widow down on her luck; and the King of Brooklyn, Steve Rogers, takes notice. | Another one of my favorites. A little bit dark as well.
The Widow » Dark!MobBoss x Reader — It’s the 1920s and everyone’s having a roaring time but you. | Trust me it’s just dark enough.
Those are just some on AO3, I would just go through Mafia AU tag and go to filter and click Avengers or Captain America.
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ooh 1 2 7 and 10 for a fic of your choice!!
Hi Cato! Gonna talk about my Corries No Order 66 AU because it's so beloved.
1. How long have you been working on the WIP?
It's been rattling around in my brain for a while, but it really started to coalesce into its own AU, distinct from the other vague no o66 AUs I write, when I wrote Over This By Now at the end of November. So quite a while considering I've yet to post any of it lsakdgjklg
2. What tropes or fandom headcanons are you involving? Are you challenging any tropes or headcanons?
Well, it’s me, so it’s going to be whump and hurt/comfort. Also, No Order 66 is in itself a Star Wars fandom trope. I suppose you could say I’m challenging it as well as using it, because everything is definitely not sunshine and rainbows in the aftermath. I think there are a lot of interesting social and political issues to be poked at with the clones and the Jedi and I do so love to poke. [author’s note: though I love to poke (verb: to point at or jab), I do not love poke (noun: dish involving vegetables and raw seafood). I do not like poke bowls. Please do not feed them to me.]
I’ve got a lot of Coruscant Guard headcanons that I’ll be using in this fic, but the major one, which is a subplot, isn’t one I’ve shared yet!
It’s more of a plot point than a headcanon, but essentially, Fox catches pneumonia some time during the second year of the war. He never quite manages to kick it, and it lingers for a few months, sometimes flaring up (and traumatizing poor Thire as seen in Over This By Now). He doesn’t fully recover from it until shortly after the war’s official end, which in this fic happens in 21 BBY. 
Note: I don’t know the term for pneumonia that lingers like what I’m describing. From what I can tell, it’s not exactly walking pneumonia, which seems to refer to less severe rather than lingering pneumonia. I know it’s something that happens, though, because it happened to a hockey teammate of mine a few years back. As always, I’m not a doctor, I just play one on AO3.
7. Do you listen to music while writing your WIP? If so, what? Do you have a playlist?
It depends! I don’t have a playlist for this particular fic, and I don’t usually like listening to music with lyrics while writing. I find it distracting. Most of the time, if I listen to anything, I listen to lofi. Star Wars Lofi Hip Hop is a classic and a fave, as are Monterey Bay Aquarium’s many hits on Krill Waves Radio.
10. Is your WIP an AU or canon-compliant? Either way, talk about any research you had to do, lore you had to make, or timelines you had to screw with to make it work. Talk about what makes your universe tick!
Well, it’s definitely an AU. It’s maybe The Most AU I have going right now without straying out of Star Wars all together. I’m still working on how exactly the war ended (I know, I know, that’s the important part), but I can say it wasn’t through anything like the typical fandom trope of “something’s wrong with the Guard and people find out” (though I do like that trope and there is absolutely something wrong with the GAR). I’m thinking of putting my Thrawn hat on and bringing my favorite Unknown Regions Blue Bastards into it but ssshhh I’m not sure about that yet.
This question is making me realize that I need to write things down or else they get lost in my head BUT ANYWAYS
A big part of the universe is the development of clone trooper culture beyond Kamino and the war, and considering what it means to start truly living in the middle of your life. I want to experiment (and have the characters experiment) with different living arrangements and jobs and ways of doing things and relating to the world, so I’m brushing off a bit of my psychiatry and psychology research to think about what would be a good way to live for a group of people like the Guard. I’m also spending a lot of time thinking about what they’d want, how they’d want to go about making new lives for themselves.
I didn’t really have to play around with the timeline, because I’m just cutting the war short in the middle, and it’s not a lore-heavy story so far, so I’m going to leave off here. Thank you for the questions!
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ktheist · 4 years
01 — show me yours & i’ll show you mine | m
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“then won’t you fuck me right now? i’m already wet for you.”
“not tonight,”
➙ muses. seokjin x college student / gamer!reader ft. best friend! taehyung
➙ genre. best friend’s brother au. university au. working au. fwb au. 
➙ word. 5k
➙ warnings. explicit content, reader coming onto seokjin who’s still hung up about how he watched over her and his little brother, taehyung, all these years, they’re six years apart, fingering, rimming.
➙ index. 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | finale | side story 1 |
➙ synopsis. you’re a horny bunny yet kim seokjin always seems to manage to slide out of your grasps like a fox every time.
follow these two as they embark on a sexual adventure whilst keeping their relationship on the low from kim taehyung who may or may not just pull out the (your) best friend and (seokjin’s) brother card to call a time-off on them for good.
➙ note. if you’re used to reading my fics, this one is a little different. it focuses less on healing and more on getting it on w your best friend’s brother ykwim.
also, if you’re not okay with the age gap or the nature of their dynamic, keep it to yourself. block and don’t engage. much love x
“i watched you grow up!” seokjin shouts right in your face as he leans so far back against the counter, you thought his back would break.
“exactly,” a suggestive smirk curls on your lips as you lean your breasts against him, making sure the angle allows him to have an eyeful of your voluptuous slopes, “i’m grown now.”
but your words seem to have snapped him out of your wonderful spell, eyes going round with realization, “you’re nineteen!”
“and,” your finger teasingly travel up from his chest and a few inches above dip of his collarbone where the protrusion of his adam’s apple dips and stops at, “legal.”
“taehyung will kill me,” he reasons, large, secure hand wrapping around your wrist before he holds it away from his throat.
“only if he knows,” your free hand caresses the noticeable protrusion in his pants that’s pressing deliciously against your stomach.
seokjin’s mouth opens and closes twice but no words come out. and he’s not exactly making any moves to hold your teasing hand away from his boner.
“please, seokjin?” with a voice as sweet as angel’s and a tilt of head just in the right angle, you give him your best puppy eye, “i can’t take it anymore, after i saw how hung you were last month when i accidentally walked in on you in the bathroom... you’re all i think about - and you weren’t even hard back then!” you giggle when his hand finally captures yours when you try to pull down the zipper of his pants.
seokjin’s lush lips glisten from his tongue swiping out to wet them - you may not have spent as much time with him than with his brother but you know that whenever he does that little tongue thing and seem to stare off into nothing in particular - it’s because he’s heavily considering the possibility of delving into whatever that had his head occupied.
but before he can even say a word, the sound of keys jiggling from the other side of the door echoes into the space where you’d trapped him, in the middle of twirling around with a newly filled glass of water. you’d easily took the glass out of his hand, noting the way he arched a brow but silently watched as you placed it on the counter next to him before you boxed him between you and the counter.
“...that’s why i’m telling you! we need more cheese!” taehyung walks in with two bags of groceries, head craned towards his elder brother and middle child of the kims - namjoon who only shakes his head at the younger boy’s antics.
“we already bought three packets of cheese,” by the time namjoon’s pointing out the unbelievable bought, you’re already helping taehyung get the backs off his hands and placing them on the counter across where seokjin stands, front facing the counter, boner hidden underneath and hand gripping the poor glass until his knuckles turn white.
“oh my god, spicy carbonara ramen!” you squeal, finding out the signature light pink packet before setting that aside - you don’t trust anyone in this house to not steal your food unless you keep it safe in your room.
“you’re too obsessed with that thing,” taehyung asserts from next to you, sitting on one of the stools, eating out of the bag of cheese-flavored chips.
“uh-huh, maybe if seokjin or namjoon says that, i’d take it more seriously,” you don’t miss the way the eldest brother’s eyes sweeps up to you in an automatic response to his name.
to anyone else, your smile would look as if you’re sharing the same humor for teasing taehyung.
“uh, i’m like the boss of moderation,” taehyung waves a dismissive hand.
“the three packets of cheese in the fridge disagrees,” you twirl around, stealing the bag out of his grasp and leaning against the counter as you place one chip into your mouth.
you notice seokjin padding towards the hallway where the rooms are and somewhere at the end, lies the infamous bathroom you speak of that changed your life forever.
the kims and your family have known each other for years. having been next door neighbors, it’s almost inevitable that you’d be best friends with the same-age, truck toy-wielding boy. your parents didn’t need to worry when they didn’t find you in your room - they could just ring up the kims’ and ask if their daughter were over without telling them which, most of the time, was the case.
you didn’t get to hang out at school because you went to an all-girls school and taehyung and his brothers went to a co-ed school. seokjin was the kinder but still fun to hang out with brother but wasn’t around most times. he was already in high school when you were in elementary - had his own set of friends, joined robotics for the entirety of his high school career which made him immesurably busy. namjoon’s alright but he’s more quiet and also somehow managed to get you and taehyung to do your homeworks even though you initially came over to get away from your parents nagging you to do said homework.
you should’ve seen that diplomatic but persuasive nature of his would have landed him a job in one of the biggest firms in seoul. seokjin took on a much different route, choosing to work for samsung’s sister company that specialized in r&d-ing micro-everything that goes into the phone - which is also in seoul.
you and taehyung got into the same university but the different in majors yet again obstruct you from hanging out whenever you wanted to which was why you were almost always around in the weekend at the kim brothers’ shared apartment. that meant sacrificing your back, sleeping on the thinly layered futon taehyung bought for you on sale because he finally took pity on your sleeping on the couch and suffering from back pains every morning (they were exaggerated and taehyung knew but you guessed his guilty conscience got the best of him).
“what? so your girlfriend found out i’ve been crashing at your place and she wants you to choose between me and her?” you’re in front of the laptop (they don’t have a tv) in the living room, eating a bowl of ramen while taehyung has his cheesy burrito, the movie freezing in the screen before you turn to him with the most, you’d say, nasty frown.
“i mean - she just said a girl and a guy shouldn’t be sleeping together in a room regardless if one’s on the bed and the other’s on the floor,” taehyung’s avoiding your eyes and that’s how you know he’s actually debating following that snobbish little bitch’s instructions.
now, you don’t call just anyone a bitch but when you do, she’s on your ‘don’t fuck with’ list.
“do you see my girlfriend complaining about us sharing a room when me and her were dating?” you point out in a matter of factly.
“th-this and that are two different things!” taehyung slams the burrito onto the plate in his lap and slams said plate onto the coffee table.
you say slam but it’s really possibly just a tad bit aggressive than what taehyung’s like usually.
“how is it different?” the bowl of ramen clicks sharply when you place it on the coffee table too.
“i-it just is,” taehyung shrugs.
“i can’t believe you’re choosing some bimbo over me!” hand over your chest, you look at him dramatically, jaw hanging loose and eyes accusing.
“you’ve been sleeping in the living room before i got the futon. it’ll just be like one of those days, you know what i mean?” he shrugs - or at least attempts to look casual about it.
“look at this place! it’s not even big enough to fit the futon,” hands flailing, you gesture towards the minimal space on the floor.
“it’s fine, we can move the coffee table somewhere-” taehyung still tries but you’re already vexed-marching towards the hallway with your bowl of ramen without another word.
to just about anyone, it would’ve been obvious that you’ve had it with your best friend. but taehyung being taehyung is probably desensitized to your anger fits because this time, he does sound casual when he shouts, “what about the movie? can i continue watching without you?”
“do whatever you want!” you shout back before slamming the door behind you.
it takes you a moment to gather yourself before you notice the heat of a pair of eyes on you from all the way across the room. seokjin lies in bed with his laptop on his lap, pillows elevating his upper body. he’s staring at you with arched brows and cute naturally puckered lips.
“oh, don’t mind me. i just had a fight with taehyung and i can’t stand to see him right now,” you say, walking over to the vacant table and chair, “do you mind if i finish my ramen here?”
“be my guest,” before he even lifts his hand from the laptop to gesture towards said desk, you’re already plopping down with a “thanks!”
soon enough, the tapping sound of his keyboard fills the otherwise silent room. you don’t know how long time’s passed but you’ve already finished your ramen and scrolling through instagram on your phone when you see seokjin’s latest post.
he’s sitting in a cafe, dressed in a denim jacket over a white turtle neck with a cap casting shadow over his eyes. the angle he has head head lowered makes it all the more difficult to see his expression. only his soft kissable lips are visible.
so you double tap on the picture before going into gallery and scrolling through your own pic. there’s one with you standing in front of a brick wall, clad in all black, bringing out your colorful eye makeup in conjunction with pride month. the way you’re standing accentuates your curve, bringing attention to your hips after the beholder would be done with admiring the emotions in your eyes.
you have taehyung to thank for that picture but you’re not about to tag him for credit because you haven’t really forgave him. he’s on his phone since it dinged with a notification, probably from you liking his picture. but he hasn’t even looked at you once throughout the course of that and you posting a new picture.
relentless, open up snapchat, posing for a picture and making sure the frame captures the sight of your perked breasts as you stick the tip of your tongue out, smirking and biting on it ever so gently.
with a caption of ‘don’t have a bedroom to sleep in tonight, can i sleep in urs, ggukie-yah?’
it takes a second and a half for him to set his phone down... and go back to his laptop. the tapping sound continues without even the slightest hiccup to it - and he’s already opened your snap.
so with that, you stand up, pick up your bowl, making sure to stand in a way that makes your hips more curved and breasts more defined, “well, i guess i need to get out of here since taehyung’s jealous ass girlfriend doesn’t want me sleeping in his room.”
“hm?” his brows raises at that, “you’re leaving? but it’s night time.”
your dorm is at least half an hour away and it’s too expensive by grab - you usually go back on monday with taehyung since he has a car. but since you’re not on speaking terms, both you and seokjin know that even if the youngest brother offers to drive you back - you’d straight out refuse him. would probably even say something along the lines of your friendship being over and that he has no obligations to ensure you return safely. all of it’s gotta be dramatic though. maybe add in crocodile tears.
“i’d probably stay over at a friend’s at least he’ll lend me his bed to sleep in, unlike your woman-choosing brother.” when your hand is on the handle, seokjin stops you.
“this friend... is it ‘gukkie-yah’?” and there goes the fish biting the bait.
“how did you know?” you’d like to think your tilted head and confused, drawn together eyebrows are convincing enough.
“you mistook me for him... i got your snap which was probably meant for him,” he waves his darkened phone screen in the air.
“oh my god, you did?” hand over your mouth, you gasp, “i’m so sorry, that was embarrassing.”
“it’s chill,” he shrugs.
“anyways, i’ll text him on my way there. he usually has no qualms lending a helping hand to a friend in need,” and with that, you twist the doorknob.
“are you guys... close?” the question hits the air with a different kind of tone.
“kinda,” you say, face struggling to stay neutral when you see the way his eyes glint with a dangerous gleam, “we were fwb’s in freshman year before i started dating yoona... might continue where we left off.”
“cool,” is all he says before he goes back to his laptop, the incessant tapping sound echoing throughout the room. not even a glance is spared at you the whole time you slip out of the door and close it behind you.
taehyung’s eyes catch yours for the briefest second and before he can even say anything (he looks like he would’ve said hi like he didn’t just choose his girlfriend over you), you’re holding up a hand, “don’t talk to me. i’m still mad at you for choosing a girl over me.”
as soon as you’re done washing the dishes, you pad back towards the hallway, not even caring that taehyung’s not bothering to get up from his spot or pausing the movie to talk to you - guess you’re both in that stage where you know no matter how mad the other is, they’ll never be mad enough to break the friendship for forever.
either way, if your best friend already exiled you from his room and your crush doesn’t even care about you going over to another boy’s place, you might as well actually go over to said boy’s place.
at least jeongguk’s dick game is good.
“you’re really going?” seokjin’s sillhoutte leans against the door frame whilst you’re stuffing your clothes into a h&m’s paper bag.
“yeah, like, i’m done. i’m not gonna let that bimbo think she won,” you huff while in the middle of shoving your headphones on top of the neatly folded pile.
“you can sleep with me,” as soon as he said those words, you can see panic spread through his face as he quickly adds, “in my room- on the bed- i can sleep on the floor.”
“why can’t we sleep in the same bed?”
his eyes follow the sweater that you were in the middle of folding and discard, tossing it onto taehyung’s bed.
“you and taehyung don’t-” he starts but you’re convulsing in disgust.
“ew,” you manage to hold back your rising bile. so he stays quiet. clad in a creme colored sweater that makes him look cozy and warm, “why’d you think i never complained about sleeping on the couch or on the floor? it’s cause i don’t wanna catch his cooties!”
okay, so maybe that was a lie. taehyung may be cootie-less but you’ve never been the huggy-cuddly kind of best friends. for one, it’s because you both did believe that touching the opposite gender will actually render your whole body spotted with incurable diseases and before you know it, you both were allergic to physical contact with each other at least.
seokjin doesn’t seem to believe so, otherwise he wouldn’t be shaking his head and smiling to himself.
“does that mean we can sleep in the same bed?” you cross the short distance between the bed where you’re standing over and to the door, putting on your best puppy eye.
“sure, why not?” seokjin caves like he always does back then.
you squeal in delight, arms wrapping around his waist as you give him a big hug whilst he freezes under your touch but doesn’t tell you to go away, “eeep, thanks!”
it’s almost as if the incident at the kitchen this afternoon was just a dream.
taehyung has tried talking to you - you say talk because no word of apology slipped through his mouth - but you’re having none of it, hiding behind seokjin’s big bro influence, or so you’d like to call it, when he burst through his eldest brother’s door, demanding for his best friend, “i know she’s in here!”
“she is,” seokjin says simply and you’re about to shoot him accusatory looks before he chuckles, “but she doesn’t want to talk to you.”
“____, come on, the squad’s all ready to play,” so that’s what he’s after.
over the years, you and taehyung have gathered your own like-minded people when it comes to video games. you don’t own a personal computer so your laptop suffers for it but the upside is that you get to bring it everywhere and it’s a pretty sturdy, gamer laptop.
“i’m playing here,” you say, laptop already set up on seokjin’s desk, headphones on.
“okay, whatever,” with a roll of his eyes, taehyung closes the door, leaving you and seokjin alone again.
and so it goes, you giving rapt attention to the game and the occasional comments spilling out of your lips when one of you make a dumb mistake or when one of you manage to kill off the enemy team’s avatar until you end up being killed yourself.
“what?” jeongguk - oh, he’s part of the squad - drags out as if he couldn’t belive his eyes.
“that’s cheating, bro,” taehyung’s voice rings in your earphone, “they literally ganged up on ___!”
“shit, shit, shit, shit, we’re gonna lose,” hoseok chants like a mantra.
“no, we’re not gonna lose,” you can just hear jimin rolling his eyes.
“bro, stop capping! we lost our fighter!” hoseok is at a point where he’s shrieking now.
“well, take however-long-it-takes-for-me-to-respawn, i guess,” you say in the middle of them arguing that they still have a hybrid fighter who is jeongguk.
either way, you’re already standing up, stretching your stayed-in-one-position-for-too-long limbs just in time for seokjin to walk in with a towelette draped over his head - you remember him using those cute little printed ones back then to dry his face after he brushed his teeth and cleansed his face. sure enough, he looks as fresh as the air that you’re about to take.
“you’re going to bed?” you ask the obvious.
“yeah, don’t worry, you don’t have to turn off the lights.”
“oh, don’t worry, i’m used to playing in the dark - my eyes are immune,” you wave a dismissive hand.
then he steals a glance at your laptop where your headphone lies next to it, emitting the lowest mumblings from your squad.
“you died?” he asserts - it’s obvious because otherwise, why would you even be talking to him.
“yeah, i think i’m gonna go wash my face now too.”
and with that, you’re out of the door, bursting in taehyung’s and shaking his shoulders to distract him as he reports the act of disturbance you’re comitting to the squad before you leave for the bathroom where your toiletries have made home in the cabinet along with taehyung’s belongings whilst namjoon and seokjin opts for placing theirs on either corners of the sink.
when you’re back, the room is already dark with your laptop being the only thing guiding your steps. there’s a lump underneath the blanket on the left side of the bed and another bright light casting sight on seokjin’s face as he scrolls through his phone.
he doesn’t bat an eye when you climb over, only looking up when it’s too late. thanks to his phone light, you can see how his eyes widen as he gazes at you with a mixture of disbelief and confusion.
you just pecked him on his cheek.
“good night,” and with that, you bound over to your laptop, noting that you’ve already respawned and getting shit talked by your squad for your tardiness and almost being the cause that the whole team was going to lose.
but fifteen minutes in, you make a blunder that causes the whole team to lose, “alright, alright, i don’t think i’m in my zone right now. maybe i’ll hit the sack.”
a chorus of protests erupts through your headphone as jeongguk starts calling you out on uncanny ability to stay up all night playing.
“i’m hitting twenty!” you dramatically moan, “my body doesn’t work like it used to!”
the protests floods in one more time but by then, you’re already saying your goodbyes, making sure to give taehyung a warning not to come bursting into seokjin’s room because he’s already asleep and you don’t want to get kicked out for being the cause his little brother disrupted his sleep to find the best friend he’s housing after she got exiled.
“seokjin?” you whisper into the dark, climbing onto the bed for the second time of the night but this time, you’re on top of the human-sized lump.
when no answer comes from the man, you giggle, “please, i heard your phone shutting off when i was telling the boys i was going to bed- had one headphone over my ear and the other off.”
only then does the man underneath you move, his tone bearing a warning, “taehyung is right across the hallway.”
“shh,” you’re groping blindly, but lady luck deems that you find seokjin’s neck and then his plump lips with ease, “then we better be real quiet.”
unlike this morning, he isn’t as deflective. doesn’t tell you to stop even when you’re grinding directly over him. and boy, is he hung.
“you know,” he lets you pry the sheets off him, kicking it off his feet completely as you take a seat on his hardening self, breasts pressed against his chest as you slowly lay yourself on him, “i was hoping you’d fuck me when i was playing,” his heartbeat is deliciously erratic, “bend me over the desk and fuck me while i talk to my friends like nothing’s happening.”
seokjin’s teeth grazing over your thumb that you use to shush him comes off as a pleasant surprise. your only regret is not letting the laptop stay on so you’d at least be able to see what kind of expression he’d make.
“you might not be able to keep your moans in on your first time with me,” the unadulterated confidence reeking off him is enticing. so ever different from the kim seokjin who’d throw around dad jokes in the house whenever the four of you sit down to have dinner, “none of the ladies i slept with could.”
“is that a challenge?” you don’t pretend to hide your excited tone as you shoot up, eyes searching for a face but all you see is darkness.
but you feel him underneath. you smell his fresh minty breath. you hear his deep breaths. you feel him.
“touch me,” it doesn’t take long for you to find both of his hands after you took off your tanktop and bra, mainly because they’re caressing your ass. all you do is cup them over your exposed breasts.
his hands are larger than jeongguk’s. they swallow your voluptous breasts like they were quarter sized cups. but by god, does he know how to fondle a woman. he teases you, grazing his thumb over your erect nipples ever so gently that you crave for more. it’s no surprise that when his hand snakes behind you and pulls you down, you easily submit.
you’ve always wondered how his lips would feel on you - but you never thought the first thing they’d be on is your nipple. suckling and biting tenderly whilst his hand makes sure your other nipple is kept accompanied.
“ah!” a mixture of a moan and a shout escapes your lips when he bites a tad too hard. teasing. testing the waters.
“for a little minx, you’re quite sensitive,” his chuckle is as warm and endearing. too warm and endearing for someone who’s doing things he shouldn’t do to his precious little brother’s best friend.
“the boys dig it,” you remark, not knowing that it would spark a fire that burns so bright, it can only be put out by your silent suffering as he flips you two over.
“that’s right, you’ve only ever had boys,” it’s not a question and even if it is, you wouldn’t have the time to answer because you’re yelping in surprise at the coolness that licks your entrance, legs forced open by seokjin’s knee.
“and girls- ah!”
a lone, single fingerpad rims around your opening. and that’s all it takes for you to swallow thickly. breath coming out bated with anticipation. heartbeat racing.
“let’s see, if you don’t make a sound, i’ll fuck you while you play next time,” he slips the tip of his finger in as if testing you, hoping you’d moan right when he sets down his offer on the table. your bottom lip hurts from suddenly forcing your teeth on it but that’s a small price to pay especially when you haven’t heard of the second half of the deal, “if you do make a sound, we stop this whole thing - no more teasing, no more seemingly innocent little gestures.”
“alright, bet,” that might’ve come off a little prickly, but it’s all seokjin’s fault! if he wasn’t hung like a horse, you would’ve taken one speculative glance and left him to his own devices!
the sweet chuckle echoing off the walls is disarming. so much so, when he slips one digit into you, your back arches and you’re biting into the pillow to stop a moan from escaping.
“is that a moan i hear? since we just started, i’ll let you off the hook,” there it is again, that disarming trickle of hymn as he slips in and out of you, loosening you up for something much, much bigger.
“it was a cough, god damn it,” you barely manage to get that out before you’re shoving your curled index finger into your mouth when he starts inserting two fingers inside without so much as a warning.
“that’s cheating!” you whine but your legs spread wider anyway.
“all is fair in war and sex,” he comments, free hand pinning your hips down on the bed before he starts thrusting his digits faster, the squelching sound of your juices reverberating against the walls - you fear that even without your moans, the two other brothers that are walls apart would’ve heard and come knocking on seokjin’s door.
along with the fear comes the electrifying euphoric sensation that courses from the tip of your toes to your core and all over your body. you remember clawing at seokjin’s hand that’s pinning you down because of how unbearably rapturous he’s making you feel. you remember his hand not budging a single inch from your meek attempts. you remember trying to bring your legs together but something’s wedged in between them. you remember tears pricking your eyes as the background slowly fades - taehyung’s presence in the room across from where you are, the possibility of namjoon coming back and walking down the hallway right as your back arches upwards and toes curling inwards as sparks course through your veins.
when your senses come back, seokjin’s in the middle of complimenting your hardwork, if “not bad” is even plausibly a praise. his fingers are still inside you, unmoving, possibly waiting for you to come down from your pleasured state.
“did i pass?” you might have been a little too elated.
“surprisingly,” he affirms, that beautiful sound of chuckles spilling out of his mouth.
“then won’t you fuck me right now? i’m already wet for you,” the last part, you say with a tinge of spoiled-ness.
“not tonight,” he says, before instructing you to lift up your head and slipping his shirt over it. you know it’s his because his heat still lingers when you slip your arms through the arm holes, cheeks hot as you forearm brushes against a nude chest as he pulls the sheets up over you.
but you being you, manage to ruin the moment with your, “why not?”
seokjin hums, that sound alone enough to make your heart shake with a sort of emotion that you can’t pinpoint, “like taehyung says - things are better in moderation.”
“he never said that,” you plainly dispute.
“well,” a kiss lands on the side of your head and an arm drapes over your stomach, just above the area where he used the same hand attached to that arm to pin you down as he fingered you, “let’s just say it’s my way of keeping you from going back to that ggukie-guy.”
you gasp into the dark, “are you jealous?!”
“i sure am,” he admits, a bit too willingly - as if it’s a known fact.
“oh,” you say, lost for words becase - “no one really admits that they are, not the people i’ve been with at least.”
“that’s cause you never been with a man... or woman. but i’d say being with a man - me - is better. i’ll show you what you’re missing out on,” he shushes you up with a “shhh” and a hand on your jaw to turn you towards him.
a pair of the softest lips meets yours and whatever retort you’re thinking up of is already out of the window.
note. this is different than what i’m used to writing so i’ll probably need some help!! i’m planning to update this from time to time with scenarios like ‘where he picks you up from your uni’ or ‘wherein he takes you shopping’ - idk djashdsakj send in suggestions that you think will fit oc and seokjin’s dynamic and i’ll incorporate them for the upcoming parts in their (nsfw) adventures to realizing their feelings for each other while also sneaking around behind taehyung’s back! it’s cool if you don’t though! but heads up, my smut writing skills aren’t as good so you’ll probably see more sexy times / implied smut most of  the time lol
 either way, hope yall enjoyed this!
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smol-midgets · 4 years
Professor!Andrew AU
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
So his students know how soft he is, but they are also kind of terrified of the short midget. The constant death threats don't help
"Get used to it, you're majoring in criminology"
One day "If you don't want a knife between your ribs I'd recommend being less of a nuisance"
"Professor, you don't have knives"
Andrew looks pointedly at his armbands
".....Do you have knives in your armbands!?"
"Don't ask stupid questions"
They still don't know if he has knives in his armbands
He's staying back after school often, teaching John, some of the strikers from the team also stay back to improve further
On morning of November 4th, Andrew wakes up to Neil gently calling his name
He opens his eyes to find bright blue eyes staring down at him, hair glowing auburn from the sunlight filtering through the windows, and a gorgeous smile
Neil bends down to whisper a soft happy birthday against his lips, before lightly kissing him. "Go brush, Drew, and come out for breakfast"
He comes out for breakfast and sees Neil standing by the counter, preparing pancakes
"You made pancakes?"
"Don't worry I didn't poison them"
"You're cooking is inedible enough, you don't need the poison"
Neil pouts and Andrew has to kiss it away. One kiss turns to two, then ten, and then Andrews setting Neil on the kitchen counter, they're lips not parting the entire time
Andrew gets late for his class
when he gets there, Kevin is sitting at his desk. Students are staring because Kevin Day is sitting in their classroom in front of them
Cue Andrew's "What the fuck are you doing here"
Kevin is out of Andrew's chair in an instant "You're late for your class. And I wanted to tell you to come to that La Guardia restraunt by 6 today"
Andrew narrows his eyes "Why"
"I wanna have dinner with you"
"What do you mean why! Can't I wanna have dinner with my best friend on his birthday??" Did he say best friend??? Professor Minyard is best friends with Kevin Day?? And it's his birthday??????
"You were never a good liar"
"I just wanna have dinner with you!"
"Try again"
Kevin's eyes dart around him, as if looking for help
"Spill day, or leave, but stop wasting my time"
*sighs* "Fine, we have a surprise planned for you"
"I hate surprises"
"We know but you'll love this one! I swear! Will you just come to the damned restaurant Andrew!?"
Kevin tries a little more, but eventually throws his hands in the air and leaves grumbling to himself (Andrew enjoys saying no to Kevin way too much)
"Is it your birthday today professor?"
"Why didn't you tell us?"
"I don't care about it" and that was that
When Andrew gets home Neil asks him if he enjoyed his birthday present. When Andrew only raises his eyebrows Neil says "It's been a long time since you really got to say no to Kevin. I know how much you enjoy it. That was your first birthday present. Well... second since this morning" And then smiles cheekily
Andrew rolls his eyes, but they're fond "So are you going to try to convince me to come now?"
"I definitely want you to. We know you don't like surprises but I really thought you'd enjoy this. If you say no nobody is going to force you"
"What will you give me for it?"
"Don't ask questions you already know the answer to"
And how could Andrew say no to his junkie now?
So they go to the restraunt, and all the foxes, plus a few other people from Andrew and Neil's old exy team are there (only the people they got close to). Some of Aaron's colleagues are there too. Everyone wishes Andrew and Aaron happy birthday. It's a good reunion, he gets the chance to catch up
Kevin and Aaron drink a lot and get up to weird shenanigans. Matt starts behaving like a puppy and cooing over Dan and Neil. Allison and Nicky start betting on everything and drag the rest of the foxes into it too
Andrew pretends to be annoyed by how he has to deal with the foxes' antics, but he's secretly happy to be around their weirdness again
A few hours later Neil and Andrew leave the party, and Neil takes Andrew to the roof of an abandoned building, where they share whiskey, cigarettes and kisses
They go home and cuddle and fall asleep
The next day his students have prepared an assortment of his favourite chocolates and ice creams (how he manages to maintain that body is a mystery), and a copy of a book he wanted
Andrew is just staring, and at first they think he doesn't like it but then they notice the reverent way he's holding the book (it's a book he's thought of buying for a long time)
"There's even a few cupcakes for your wife here"
"Husband" Andrew corrects automatically, finally able to unstick his tongue from his mouth, "and he doesn't like anything sweet"
Fortunately for them they quickly gather themselves and respond with smiles "Oh sorry. Well, more for you then"
They know better than to think that Andrew will thank them. But when he starts eating what they got him while teaching, they know he liked it
One day students slowly filter in the class to find a man in a large black hoodie sitting at the back of the class
Of course they are criminology students they're not going to just ignore a shady man in their class they've never seen before
So after bugging and threatening the man a little, he lifts his hoodie to reveal
Neil josten
Several students are mortified because they just threatened Neil fucking Josten
Others are still trying to get over their shock at seeing Neil fucking Josten in real life
Andrew enters the class and looks at Neil "Aren't you supposed to be at practice". As if Neil Josten sitting in their classroom is a perfectly normal thing. Right, the only thing weird in this scenario is that he's missing practice. That's it.
Neil responds "I wanted to see you teach"
Andrew narrows his eyes "Did they kick you out? What did you do"
Now Neil looks sheepish "Ah yeah, I kind of hurt myself and Coach forced me to take the day off, but I do want to see you teach."
Andrew is visibly irritated and is grumbling something to himself quietly
The students' eyes are wide because that's probably the most emotion they've seen on their professor's face
He turns to the class and is clearly unimpressed "I don't want to be here either, but that doesn't give you free pass to stare at my face and do nothing. And you," looks pointedly at Neil, "if you're going to sit there you better keep that mouth shut."
Neil considers making a comment about how they might be staring because he's so pretty, but let's it go. However he definitely smirks at Andrew in a way that clearly says "you know how to shut me up"
Andrew tries very hard not to blush, and turns to the board in case he was unsuccessful (he was)
Everyone forcibly look away from the celebrity sitting in their classroom and try to concentrate on the lesson
Andrew makes sure they pay attention (flying chalks make for surprisingly good projectiles)
He finishes his lesson 5-10 minutes early so his students can talk to Neil like they have been dying to the entire time
In his office, later after class, Andrew looks over Neil's injuries
"It's not that bad, Drew. Really I'm f—"
He's interrupted by Andrew's mouth on his. "Don't" is all Andrew says between kisses. Neil smiles
I am SO sorry this part has come this late. I've had a lot on my plate these days. On the bright side, you will be happy to know I've found the super old post that inspired this fic! You can find it here. Credits to @humongousvoidbear for that. (I'll admit this entire fic could be better, but again, this was completely self-indulgent.)
EDIT: I have made a small edition to this part, because someone wanted a meeting of Neil and the students. This is the best I could come up with, hope you like it!
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