#i need more robot blogs to follow
dotster001 · 8 months
When You Escape Him; Ignihyde
Summary: Yandere Idia x gn!reader. He adopts a child that looks like the two of you. You run to give you both a chance at life. You never expected him to find you.
A/N: okay, here's the thing. I know technically Ortho is one of the first year crew now, and thus, he is technically as old as we are. However, in my head he has been ten years old for so long that it's hard for me to see him that way. I tried to think of a way this could work platonically, and I came up with nothing for this prompt. So no Ortho for this one. Sorry friends 🤷🏼‍♀️ also, I know this is not an 18+ blog, so some of you are minors, in which case, I am not judging you for liking Ortho, if that is the case. I'm just saying it's a no for me.
CW: tranquilizer darts, minor character death, yandere stuff
Other Parts: Heartslaybul Savannaclaw Octavinelle Scarabia Pomefiore Diasomnia Non NRC Staff
Three years into your relationship, he had come home and placed a baby in your arms.
"They were left in a box, all alone. And, well, he looks like if the two of us had a child," he sheepishly stared at the ground. "I just, I just figured it must be a gift from the seven."
You knew what he was trying to do. He was trying to tie himself to you through this boy. He looked just like him, and you were disgusted and scared.
Until he opened his eyes for the first time, and you found yourself staring into your own.
And you knew. You had to give this child the opportunity for a better life. A life without him.
In the end, your son did the opposite of what he had intended. And the first moment you could, the two of you had escaped.
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You couldn't help but be…. suspicious. Idia had only grown smarter, and more creative over the years, which made you wonder…did Idia build your son? Flaming blue hair wasn't common.
But he aged normally. So he couldn't be an Idia creation. So maybe it really was a coincidence?
Not something you could worry about right now as the two of you hid from S.T.Y.X robots. 
The fact that you'd made it a year was pretty good, if you were being honest. You didn't have clearance to leave the Isle of Woe, but a scorned ex employee of Idia’s had let you stay hidden in his home. He didn't even make you pay rent because, in his words, keeping that pretentious bastard's favorite things away from him was payment enough. Aside from that little spiel, he was a sweet guy. Which is probably why he was fired. 
But someone must have ratted you both out. You'd heard a shot downstairs, followed by his pained groan. A groan that was only as loud as it was for the sole purpose of alerting someone hiding upstairs.
You were hiding under the bed, with your son. The man had lined the beds with materials the S.T.Y.X bots couldn't scan through. You didn't have much faith though. Not that you had a plan if you did manage to hide from the bots. Either way, this was probably game over for you.
But you'd rather game over didn't come from Idia.
You stayed quiet under the bed, as you heard the bots start wrecking rooms. One particularly loud crash woke the baby. You hurriedly rushed to calm him, but he started crying. You couldn't blame a kid for being a kid. 
Bots rushed to your room, and threw the bed you were hiding under across the room. They all pointed their tranquilizers at you, as one of the bots stomachs displayed Idia’s visage.
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, please come home,” he cried. You didn't even know how to respond to that. You would have thought he'd be angry, but that would have been out of character for him.
“I know, I'm the absolute worst, but I'll be better for you! Please don't keep my son from me!”
Bargaining. Nice.
“I'll let you go outside for an hour a day. I'll buy you whatever you want. Please, please,please, please, please.”
“Oh my God! Idia! What I want is fucking freedom!” You snapped as you continued to try and calm the boy.
“I…I can't…”
“Yes you can!”
“I need you!”
“Well I don't want you!”
His eyes widened for a moment, completely taken aback. Then they narrowed, as he bit his lip in disdain. 
One of the bots hit you with a tranquilizer dart. You cried out, but were quickly distracted from the pain as a bot took your son from your quickly numbing arms.
“No,” you groaned, reaching out as quickly as your body would let you, which was not very fast.
Your eyesight was darkening as the bots began to leave the room, leaving you alone with the bot projecting Idia.
“If you change your mind, you know where to find me.”
Your vision faded as you were left alone in the room, a single tear rolling down your cheek.
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pinkchrissysposts · 5 months
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Guys i have come to decide that my time have come to an end in this amazing app tumblr I feel honoured to be a part of this beautiful community but before I go I would like to give some tips to everyone who.are still in their void/manifestation/shifting journey.
So as we know this is your journey to seize your power no one is gonna be there to help you except yourself. If you have been in this journey for a long time the only thing you are lacking is trust with yourself. Start building trust with yourself,it will become easier to persist. Consistency and persistence is needed of course but also trust within yourself.
I was also someone who struggled alot as a beginner for years but I slowly learned different things that are key to manifest/enter void/shift. Now don't ask what is the key because it has been mentioned in almost every loa post you read.
Follow your own style of manifesting,if you feel frustrated over methods then choose one which resonates with you,what matters is you feeling satisfied at the end.
Now this is for my a+ p girlies, I know I said it multiple times but don't affirm to get in 3D,affirm to make it your dominant thought,your goal should be making the affirmation your dominant thought that's it. It becomes thousand times easier because you also start to detach from the old story,your attention will be more on believing in that affirmation rather then seeing it in the 3D. Like this😤🤌
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When we hear about horror stories,we don't see the ghost but we still believe it exist right? We start reaffirming unconscious like there is ghost in the kitchen stuff like that. (That was one shitty example ☠️💀)
I get a LOTS of ask about robotic affirming and saturation,guys it's simple they both quite similar. Well in robotic affirming you just have to chant it without really focusing on it as it saturate you and it's mostly helps with mental diet.
But during saturation try to be more focus on the affirmation,it like focus affirming.
Moving on to void,I will really recommend using the distraction method or zone out method they both are same nothing different. Also just read the masterlist from my old account @graychrissy it had mostly void post with my documented void journey. Also read rotten's shifting guide then use the gateway tape it is available in spotify too,it can be instant to reach the focus 10,but some may need practice but it's easy nothing overcomplicated just a hemi sync (Turing off left side of the brain).
NEVER BE AFRAID OF YOUR EMOTIONS,seriously it's something everyone dm me about it's really not important,your emotions are also 3D,it won't mess up your manifestation so just calm down.
Also since the link in master list aren't working I will make a new one,I will be changing the whole lay out of my blog then you guys can use it. Goodbye~~~~~~~;)
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bennyden · 8 months
User hamatoanne's fic plagiarism
Hello, I’m the author of The Android, an AO3 Robot OC x Reader fic that was plagiarized by hamatoanne on Tumblr in her Aemond x Reader story, System Error. You can read my AO3 post for more info about the issue. As you can tell by the timestamps on AO3 and the screenshots of her now-deleted story, mine was posted months before hers. I didn’t want to make this public, but it appears Anne has not learned her lesson and is grasping at straws to keep her readers in the dark. She’s been deleting her stories to hide evidence of her plagiarism. I think you deserve to know who your beloved writer gets her words from.
I don’t know this fandom, but I’ve heard you guys can get pretty crazy. Control yourselves. The only one who needs to take responsibility is Anne. Don’t send hate to her mutuals. Don’t send hate to her followers. Don’t stalk or harass or dox anyone. Read through this post and form your opinion.
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First bunch of screenshots: A side-by-side comparison of her story (now deleted) and mine (still up and linked above). I took screenshots in advance in case something like this happened so I’d have proof if I needed it. I decided to compare the first chapter of my fic with the first part of hers. I could do the whole thing, but I’m a busy college student and I think just a quick skim of the pictures below is enough for people to see the extent of her plagiarism. 
I have screenshots of her entire post, but I don’t want to make this too long to scroll through and Tumblr posts cap at 30 pictures. I’m assuming some of you have already read her story multiple times, so you’re familiar with the words. If you haven’t, then I should warn you that the fic that she plagiarized is very not SFW. I’ll let you know where the not SFW content starts so you can skip it. 
On the left is my story. On the right is what Anne posted (and took down).
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Not SFW content starts here. 
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Not SFW content over.
Finally, I DM’ed her. This was just before I posted to The Android on AO3 about the situation. To summarize, I wrote about how I would go about the situation and how hurt I was about a bigger creator stealing from me. I admit, I was too kind and too much of a pushover. I just wanted things to go quietly. She later replied with this and deleted her fic immediately. 
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“I was completely stupid for not giving your credit” Why do they always play dumb? You copy that much and can’t even think to put my name there? You credit the artist but not the person who basically wrote your whole story? The story that gave you over 3k notes, so much more clout than any of your other stories has earned you? Total BS.
“I had every intention of giving credit where it was due…But I forgot” Right. Sure. Of course. If she felt guilty about plagiarizing, she would not be so shameless to accept praise like she did. I have examples of where she happily thanked people for complimenting "her work”, but didn’t want to bring other blogs into this, especially since they were none the wiser to her plagiarism. Ironically enough, someone even gifted her a badge for being a good writer the day she replied to my DM. She tagged that post “#a breath of fresh air on a horrible day”. I wonder why her day was horrible. Whoever gifted her that badge deserves their money back.
My thoughts when approaching her DMs were:
If she wants to keep up the story? Fine, just edit the post to say that it was heavily influenced by my story and leave a link to the original. I don’t mind. The readers will see that, click my story, compare the two, and think, “Hey, that’s not just inspiration! She plagiarized!” and her downfall would start from there without me having to do anything.
If she ignored me and didn’t fulfill that request, i would take matters into my own hands and expose her on her own post. Even more damaging.
In the end, she chose to delete the post entirely, getting rid of the evidence and her clout. I actually didn’t expect this outcome since I thought she’d like the clout too much, but I guess she decided this route would be the least damaging to her reputation. Everything was swept under the rug for now. 
And like a fool, I said thanks and went on with my life. But I decided to keep track of her. Because while I was too cowardly to do anything, I knew there would always be someone in the crowd who would take action. And it seems like people did. 
After reading the supportive comments from readers of my fic, I started to regret how lightly I handled it. I wanted to be mature even though I wanted her entire blog to fall and her reputation taken away. But I didn’t want to be a “bad person”. I wondered if I should keep pursuing the issue. I realized that my overly-people-pleasing behavior might lead her to continue her ways. I decided to speak out because others might’ve had their works taken by her and that my silence wasn’t helping. 
Next is her post, now deleted (I wonder why), about how she’s been so sad and how she’s going to be deleting her old stories and starting over. I’m likely not the only one she’s plagiarized from if she’s deleting other stories. At the time, I only saw supportive replies and reblogs on it, but maybe she deleted it after people started calling her out? Idk.
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She’s playing the victim game pretty hard. Acting as a kind underdog even though she’s the big creator who stole from a nobody like me. I know I said on my AO3 update that people shouldn’t send hate to her (and even censored her name after she deleted her story) but I guess I’m a little happy that people sought to call her out on her shit. I wish I was as brave. 
Later, a nice person (we’ll call her Bob because she asked to remain anonymous) DM’ed me directly with a kind message. After seeing this, I decided I should take action and expose all of this since Anne obviously hasn’t learned and wants to keep it all hidden. Bob confirmed that I’m not the only victim of Anne’s plagiarism either.
Bob asked that I not use screenshots of our DM’s so here is a transcription of the important parts:
“Hey! I just found out that one of your fics had been plagiarized by someone in the HOTD community. First of all, I am tremendously sorry that happened…”
(For Bob’s privacy, I won’t explain her relation to Anne. Just know that Anne has refused to message her back).
“I definitely think you should make a blog post. with side by side comparison. I am still completely gobsmacked that she pilfered your entire story word for word and changed a few things. We found evidence that she had plagiarized multiple stories. Not just yours. We found out her mermaid!aemond fic was entirely stolen as well as a few others. She has quietly deleted them and hasn't spoken on them since.”
“We surmised that she takes ‘underrated’ fics from different fandoms and changes the name and that's it. It's almost like she believed that stealing from other fandoms was going to draw less attention than stealing directly from the HOTD fandom.”
So if you noticed that one of your favorite Aemond fics is gone, now you know why.
‘But benny, she still wrote her own sentences and just changed it around to fit aemond!’
Fanfiction is transformative. You know what the source material is and who created it. You know you’re not reading a copied and pasted text with maybe some words and sentences switched around. This wasn’t fanfic. According to Google, plagiarism is defined as, “the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.” (See what I did there? I credited Google. Is it so hard to give credit where credit is due?) She copied people's work, didn't give credit to the source material, and claimed it as her own. That's plagiarism.
I wouldn’t have had a problem if she properly credited me and linked the original story. I wouldn’t have had a problem if she didn’t blatantly copy and paste the entire text and premise. I wouldn’t even require getting permission to write a story based on my fic if she had satisfied those conditions.
She’s a 27-year-old grown-ass woman with enough free time to simp over some blond guy with an eyepatch. I’m a 21-year-old college student who only posts fics during the summer and winter because that’s when school’s on break. I’m too busy writing lab reports and essays to be an active writer online. The fact that she can disrespect smaller writers so tremendously should not be acceptable. The fact that she also deceived her devoted readers and friends about her "works" is also unacceptable.
What can you do about this? To be honest, I don’t know what to do. I’ve never had to deal with this before. I want to be a good person and say, “Don’t send any hate to Anne, don’t harass her. Just unfollow her and stop supporting her.” But that obviously hasn’t taught her anything. She’ll just make a half-assed apology, maybe go on hiatus, maybe disappear, and then pop up again under another name to steal from another creator. If you have any ideas on how to deal with this, please tell us. 
She can try to block me or delete her posts, but the evidence is out and the damage is done. Anything she does to hide this mess will only make it worse for her. I’d appreciate people bringing more awareness to this issue, especially if it can reach the eyes of others she’s taken from. 
Thanks for reading.
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simping-overload · 2 months
hi how are you? If requests are still open can I request headcanon for Transformers Prime? (predaking, shockwave and megatron) with a reader who is literally a dragon? The reader has kept a Cybertronian relic for a long time.
Megatron, Shockwave, and Predaking with a Dragon! S/O
a/n: sorry for taking an ungodly amount of time to get to this, hope you like it!
wanna support me? donate to kofi!
tags: GN reader, dragon reader, robot x monster/dragon relationship, reader isn't suggest to be a human at all. reader isn't described to be verbal but assume they have a way to communicate, dragon hoards, fighting, mention of blood and animal death(just hinted), romance!!!!
ヾthis is a multi-fandom blog that is designed for mlm/nbmlm identifying readers! so if you're female or fem, she/her, she/they please do not follow or interact with my mlm related post!! you will be blocked if you do not heed this warning ゛
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Megatron —
finds you fascinating, often he can find himself just staring. taking in your beauty and the power the radiates off of you.
of course, he'd like to have you fight for his cause. an advantage for one, and he simply loves seeing you fight.
he'd love to have you train with him. That would depend on your size, though. he knows better than to try to fight. that would be roughly the same size as his ship. (He's a sore loser when he loses btw.)
beware, he might treat you like a pet if he had you at his feet while he pet the rough skin and scales alongside your body. he may accidently go onto a power trip with you
however, feel more than free to put him back in his place. you're much stronger than him at the end of the day
When you show him your hoard, he's intrigued. He views it as a trophy room, like the one he once had from his gladiator days.
If the relic isn't useful to him, he'd let you keep it, but if it is, he will take it from you, regardless of your protest.
Shockwave —
of course, he takes a scientific interest in you. collects your scales you shed, examines your claws, and likes to scale just how strong your fire is and a lot of other things.
His sharp claws are perfect for preening, especially in the stubborn hard to reach places. while he doesn't admit it and claims he only does it to collect them, shockwave finds it very relaxing.
he wouldn't bother trying to fight you, he'd however would like to fly with you. moslty flying out to places that have predacon fossils or lost Cybertronian relics.
he likes to observe how you fly with or against the winds, taking down notes as your body adjusts to flying in high or low altitudes.
When you showed him your hoard, he was indifferent. he saw no point in hoarding objects that wouldn't benefit you.
as he looked around your domain, he picked up and fiddled with some items that he was interested in.
upon finding the relic he asks to take it, if you say no, he'll simply scan the core things he needs from it and leave it there, but if you say yes, he'll have a ball. he might give it back to you once it served it's purpose.
Predaking —
at first, he'd thought of you as a threat. somone who would take his place as a king. it wasn't until he, of course, grew closer and got to know you were he dropped these thoughts.
if your size is similar or doesn't have a very drastic difference, he'd love to spar or play fight with you.
he has no way to consume animals, but he'd love to go hunting with you or watch you hunt, to say the least. finds the way you move with such grace and precision is simply amazing to him.
he likes the difference between his metal and your scales. Feeling your body up against his is an odd sensation but very much welcomed. he's godly at preening your scales and would do anytime anywhere.
flying with you is one of his favorite pastimes with you. he most definitely tries to show off his flight capability as well, doing a wide variety of tricks and flips.
courting dancing/flights are a must. he's unfamiliar with his, but they're so engraved into his(the former kings)muscle memory that he'd remember as he went on with the courting.
when you respond with a dance of your own, he's smitten 10x again. Likes to learn your dance if you'd teach him.
also during courting and even after or before he likes bringing you gifts. Random trinkets he thinks you'd find joy in having.
upon being introduced into your hoard his is amazed. It was one of the most beautiful places he has seen.
unless the relic relates to him, he wouldn't bother doing anything with it, simply leaving it there alone unless shockwave may request it.
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husbandyke · 6 months
queer nsft blogs plz like/reblog this, especially other lesbians & t4t folks (DOUBLE especially if you like monsters and/or robots)!! I need more people to follow 💐👁👁
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eamour · 6 months
Hi i don't know if you'll reply/repost this ask but i really believe what i have to say is needed to help people in the manifestation community i am only sending this to you because you are one of the few active ones with a decent following that can get the word out..
The amount of complications people in this community have brought upon themselves is just infuriating and annoying the amount of creators/blog writers that come up with something new every week are just deceiving and preying on people who want to have a better life if you care i hope you'll post this.
Lies and overcomplications like;
'You shouldn't feel lack' 'don't focus on the 3d' 'know that you have it and go on with your life' 'this is the only way you can manifest' 'don't try to affirm or visualize it won't work its just endlessly affirming' 'feel it know' the amount of 3d and 4d 'live in imagination' is all a bunch of bs what Neville said is not the final! And you all seem to forget that
You can do all that and still get what you want sure! you can manifest this way too but why overcomplicate it?
(Yes there is a possibility that spreading this misinformation may not be necessarily intended to cause harm and might be just a misunderstanding from bloggers as well but it still causes to harm to those who are vulnerable and are just wanting to better their life and learn about manifesting)
None of this matters you are the only one who makes yourself manifest and there are many ways and you can use any way/method the problem on tumblr is people push only one way no you don't need to be fulfilled in imagination or 'know you have it and shut up in order to manifest sure Neville found a good way but its not the only way but the amount of people here who push this as if it's the only way and say if you don't do this you will never manifest are fcking playing with people's time and energy! i'm here to root for how far visualization affirming and robotic affirming goes,just for the average person its just such a quick and easy and 'failproof' way to 'get you desires' you don't need to hate the word 'get it' or something like that you don't have chase after knowledge or understanding to 'finaly manifest', when i went back to watching sammy and just affirming with no care about believe the thoughts no care about things like 3d or 4d no care about fulfilment or doing it to get it or anything like that...I've been carefree i don't worry at all...we are always learning about life and spirituality but you don't need an awakening or some sacred knowledge to manifest
You can read these posts that helped me but please no more,thats it no need to scroll and scroll and search for an answer
You don't need to read it all throughly just get the main idea you're good (most of them are short)
My tips and experience..
All this time after being kinda obsessed with the void state (don't even get why people renamed the i am state by Neville lol) trying all things but just being lazy giving up restarting and going back to the old way of thinking, thinking 'why i fail' but now looking back and realizing i just got distracted and stopped never persisted .... now i realize how easy it is but what tumblr was doing was just discouraging me all along so many people lied or were misguided and said 'don't endlessly affirm just decide' implying if you try affirming you'll do it endlessly and never have what u want.. and so i listened....i used to watch sammy after a few videos last year i joined tumblr for a few 6 months at some point i was just reading things which have already been said and read..so i quit and decided to delete tumblr to just actually apply because reading the same thing over and over is no use...i'm now watching sammy ingram again so this is what i vouch for, affirming and thoughts watching sammy ingram (if just deciding or knowing seems like its not for you sammy ingram is great and in my opinion if i also just know or decide its mine then by affirming aren't i just reminding myself..'knowing' & 'deciding' in a way too?) again sammy joe dispenza is more helpful compared to tumblr over 6 months... i have logged back after a month typing this rn to help people and will delete my acc today even the creators i used to follow haven't posted in weeks and i urge people to leave tumblr after a certain point please live your life.
posting this for everyone who is currently overcomplicating the law and beating themselves up for not "doing it right". ♡
i want to add something: you can believe in all of these things (such as "feeling it real" instead of "affirming to get") and if it works for you, that’s good! that’s quite literally the law. but if it’s the opposite for you, if you think that it’s too much work and you would rather robotically affirm to get your desire, then do that.
i have seen both sides on tumblr and twitter, and they are both successful. it’s up to you what you want to make work for yourself!!
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 4 months
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🩷It's time to stop over-consuming information, stop going to one blog from another asking the same question again and again. Over-consuming and not applying anything will get you nowhere.
How to manifest simply ?
Choose your desire, what do you want to manifest? Once you have decided what you want to manifest. Assume it is already yours and don't allow 3D to doubt your power. Keep persisting.
It's so simple , right ? Then why complicate it ? 🤔
🍥One way to stop complicating it is to delete tumblr or stop going from one blog to other blog to ask the same question. Just do what works for you. The blogs are also human, infact they are strangers, they don't know what will work for you. You need to figure out what works for you.
🩷It doesn't matter if a blog has 10 or 10K followers, if they say something which doesn't work for you, then don't do it. If you feel you are more comfortable with robotic affirming , then do it. If you feel that law of attraction works better for you , then go apply it and get your dream life. If you feel that law of assumption works better, then apply it and change your life for better. JUST DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU AND DON'T GIVE A DAMN WHAT OTHER'S SAY. You don't need any blog to manifest , all you need is you. Just do your research and apply it.
🍥If you have no idea what works for you, then figure it out. Try robotic affirming,SATS etc and see what works for you. Rely on your own research, I would say listen to Edward art and Neville Goddard lectures. You can also read Neville Goddard books. They are very helpful , they will make you understand how powerful you are. Depend on yourself when you are manifesting because only you can give yourself all that you have ever desired. I have made post on edward art series summary and Neville Goddard feeling is the secret quotes part 1,2.
🩷Keep these points in mind , these are basics , stick to basics and keep it simple.
Circumstances don't matter. 3D doesn't matter. If you want something, it is yours. If you have it in your imagination, it is already yours.
Affirm to remind yourself that you already have your desires.
Keep persisting , don't allow 3D to question your power.
Don't listen to anyone if they say something that doesn't work or resonate with you, it doesn't matter if they are a popular blog or coach. Just do what works for you. YOU CREATE THE RULES. YOU CREATE YOUR REALITY, NOT THEM
Work on your self-concept. It is fruitful and will help you manifest instantly.
The perfect way to manifest is to do what feels right to you and what works for you.
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luna-andra · 1 year
Domesticated!König Headcanons: Meeting the future In-Laws ✨
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Image: @Skavod29 on Twitter (Source)
I was floored by how much attention my first headcanon post got. Y'all had me fucking emotional and I am so happy it's something people actually like. It keeps me coming back to post more of my silly little ideas. Forever grateful for your support! ❤️
I also need to reiterate that my blog/posts are 18+ so MDNI, this one has some NSFW bonus HCS 💋
If you missed the first one, here :) StepDad!Konig is here!
I got other stuff! Masterlist pinned on my blog
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When you decided it was time for your parents and König to meet, you were tempted to slip a Xanax into his morning coffee. It is not like he hasn’t said a polite hello and a few words over the phone or when you facetime them, but now he was finally meeting them in person. You’ve seen him more calm talking to two- and three-star generals than this, the kinds of things that rattled your nerves.
You swore he changed attire more times than you did. The sight of him re-rolling his sleeves on his button up shirt made you intervene before he undid them all over again. He paused when your hands held his, then flicked his azure eyes up to you. “They’re gonna love you, my king.” Your gentle smile and comforting words got through to him.
They welcomed you and the mystery man with open arms at their front door. Mom never knew how to keep her thoughts to herself, but she really did mean well. Of course, the first thing they all notice is how König has to duck under their doorway to come inside. “You weren’t lying when you said he was tall,” mom said. You gave her a warning look followed up with an apologetic smile to König. He managed to chuckle it off, it was nothing new for him. It did make him curious about what else you’ve said to your mom about the two of you.
You gave König a tour of your childhood home, nearly having to pry him from the wall of photos of you and your family. He had the biggest shit-eating grin on his face of the little timeline displayed in pretty frames; your first elementary school photo, a photo of you in a boy/girl scouts uniform, another of you during extra-curricular activities (band/orchestra, JROTC, sports, theater, robotics team, etc.), a prom photo with you and old friends, and lastly your high school graduation picture. König wanted a copy of one of them to keep in his wallet, mom promised to get him one behind your back.
König's field day got better when you showed him your childhood bedroom. Depending on how you last had it decorated, you were either low key bashful or regretting even showing him. It was like traveling back in time for him, giving him a glimpse of the kid and teen, you used to be. A chance to fall in love with every facet of you.
He was getting more comfortable when he found out your dad wasn’t out to get him as much as he thought. They ended up sitting in the living room, talking about a topic after your dad played twenty questions to figure him out. Something either about guns, hunting, hiking, fishing, blue-collar work, and if your dad is a veteran, they got along faster than you could imagine. You and mom caught up in the kitchen as you helped her finish up with cooking and setting the table.
If you have siblings, they showed up in the nick of time before dinner, to share embarrassing stories of you when you were a kid, or the stories you all waited to tell when you all were adults to avoid from getting in trouble. König watched and listened as you got more animated with laughter. Loving every second of this. He had a handful of memories he could count on his hand that were of happier times, but your memories became his favorite ones.
Everyone pestered the two of you for the story of how you met. And since you’ve been doing most of the talking, you looked to König to tell the tale. Your eyes never left him as he started the story from his point of view, recollecting the moment he saw you and how he was trying to come up with an excuse to try and talk to you. It donned on you that this was the first time you were hearing the way he saw you. “And now we’re here,” he concluded, looking over to you with a grin and a touch to your hand underneath the table.
NSFW Bonus:
König couldn’t stop thinking about taking you in your childhood room, nearly fantasizing what it would’ve been like if the two of you met as teens/younger adults. Indulging in the idea of sneaking into your bedroom window or standing outside with a boombox in 80s/90s style fashion.
Of course, your parents offered you to stay with them, not wanting you to have to rent a hotel room or travel back (depending on how far away you lived from them), so the later the night got, the more distracted König became with fulfilling his dirty thoughts.
It was just like the old days, having you home and hearing the music coming from your speakers when someone passed by the doorway. You were just showing König your CD collection, right?
It definitely wasn’t because you were trying to muffle your moans and screams as he pounded you into that fucking mattress. Making you a drooling and brainless mess under his rutting hips. He kept praising you for taking him so well and for being so quiet like the good little fuck thing you were, making it harder not to cum so fast. Secretly, this was your fantasy too, and you wanted it to last a little longer than the 10 minutes of foreplay and fucking you had already endured.
Likes & reblogs are always appreciated! Stay tuned for more to this unexpected series! Asks are opened for requests & ideas for others.
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byfulcrums · 5 months
Fuck it. Invincible Tumblr
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
Wake up to see the aliens attacking again. God fucking damn it.
❤️ justamonstergirl Follow
Imagine how the aliens feel after seeing you
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
Get better insults. You won't be insulting anyone that way
❤️ justamonstergirl Follow
Nahhh. Don't need to. You already humiliate yourself every time you open your mouth
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
Your entire existence is an insult
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☪️ superherofan Follow
i forget that superheroes have social media and regularly use it.... invincible has Tumblr holy shit
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
☪️ superherofan Follow
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🌙 artemislover Follow
Can't believe I have to say this, but can you guys please stop making Omni-Man x Immortal theories?!?!
Ik you think the idea of them having been romantically involved is funny, but c'mon, people
It is true that there should be more openly queer superheroes, but the fact that there are people who genuinely believe they fucked is wild...
Besides, we have to stop following the lives of superheroes that closely. They deserve to get some privacy too! They're still people
Also, didn't Omni-Man once mention his wife?? And son?? Shipping him w a man when he's clearly straight and in an established relationship is stupid
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
These are all great points but they've definitely fucked
🌙 artemislover Follow
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🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
Godddddd. My parents just do not know what privacy is, PLEASE STOP HAVING SEX WHEN I MIGHT BE HOME... please you're killing me
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
Wait, shit, wrong blog...
🌭 hotdog Follow
shocking revelation: invincible has parents
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
??? Of course I have parents. Where'd you think I came from?
🌭 hotdog Follow
Honestly i thought you were from mars
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
from MARS????
#i'm not martian??? i don't even look martian #do i look martian?
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💃 thedancingquinn Follow
🚫 ohgodpleaseno Follow
really? How do you know?
💃 thedancingquinn Follow
Okay quick storytime
My friends and I wanted to go to see this band live for a LONG time, so we saved up money for years until we could finally afford it, right?
Well, the day we finally get to see them live, I look up and I see Atom Eve, just. Flying there. Above the crowd
She was singing, apparently very loudly and she looked like she was having sm fun. She saw me and waved!!! Atom Eve!!!! Waved at me!!!!!!!
🧬 atomevesss☑️☑️ Follow
💃 thedancingquinn Follow
🧬 atomevesss☑️☑️ Follow
Yeah. Check my Insta, there's a link to this blog!
💃 thedancingquinn Follow
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🤖 officialrobot Follow
Today, Monster Girl told me to download this app and create a blog — I did not think it was necessary, but she insisted.
I decided to listen to her. She was very persuasive.
I will be sharing things about my day, as she has told me to do. Expect to hear from me after this.
👀 eyaseyaseays Follow
you really think we're gonna believe you're the real Robot?? C'mon.
‼️ notafurryyet Follow
Dude, RP exists. Let people live their lives in peace
❤️ justamonstergirl Follow
This is so funny
‼️ notafurryyet Follow
That's... The real monster girl. Replying to a fake Robot post...
Dude I think he's real
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🎉 partyshitter Follow
The new Guardians are a fucking shit show. Are we seriously meant to believe they're going to protect us? Really??
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
Oh Id like to see YOU almost get killed every single fucking day without one fucking break only for asholes like you to shit on us like that. We almost die every single day!!! Were the ones geting our hands dirty not you
🤖 officialrobot Follow
I'd* assholes* We're*
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
Your supposed to be with me in this one
🤖 officialrobot Follow
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☪️ somanykates Follow
The Immortal kinda... 👀
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
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💥 explosionsbaby Follow
I cant believe she cheated on me... what a bitch
🧬 atomevesss Follow
☪️ somanykates Follow
We're going to have a fucking talk, Rex.
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
🍐 shrinkshrek Follow
You had this one coming buddy
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🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
The fact that Miles Morales canonically reads JJK, though...
🔫 shootmeplease Follow
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
Why is everyone always surprised when I like something? I don't get it
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🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
🧬 atomevesss☑️☑️ Follow
I cannot have just found out you're still alive through Tumblr...
🧬 atomevesss☑️☑️ Follow
Seriously though. Are you okay now? I know you're not mentally, after the whole Chicago thing w your dad, but at least physically?
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
I'll survive, I guess
💔 thisishowtobeah Follow
INVINCIBLE?? It is such a relief to see you're still here after the whole Chicago ordeal Mr Invincible
📸 definitelyinsanebaby Follow
Yeah maybe don't remind him of that rn??
💔 thisishowtobeah Follow
#I AM SO SO SO SORRY #omg i hope you're doing good mr invincible :(((
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mechanicalwings · 4 months
writeblr intro (OUTDATED - edit coming soon!)
hi!! i have never done one of these but i want to start using this blog more so here we go. i’m soren, my pronouns are they/he/it, and i’m 19. i’m a writer (obviously) but also a biologist, artist, and musician :-) my current wip has been sitting on the backburner for a while and i’m hoping that being more active in the writing community here will help me be more inspired to work on a new draft because i don’t have many writer friends </3 you can expect me to post about the writing process, worldbuilding and character tidbits from my own wip, and whatever else comes to mind along the way.
i mostly read and write sci-fi and fantasy but i’ll read a little bit of everything, especially if it’s queer. i particularly love queer found family, sci-fi stories that are really just fantasy set in space, and just about anything involving robots.
my current wip is uhh still in need of a title but it does have a first draft! it follows the story of spaceship captain scarlet callaghan, who gets dragged into a dangerous mission along with her ragtag crew and, unfortunately, the one person who she hates most in the entire galaxy. i’m planning to work on fleshing out my worldbuilding and characters this summer and then start on a second draft sometime soon!
thanks for reading!! feel free to chat with me about book recs, writing stuff, or literally anything. i’m friendly i promise
(also i follow from my main, stellar-love!)
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Leo Valdez x Fem reader
This takes place after the events of the second great prophecy, Y/N was on the Argo II with the 7 and is a daughter of Apollo but really could be anyone. Y/N is mourning the loss of her best friend and crush Leo and when everyone gathers for the memorial of his death things change. Don’t judge me too hard its been a few years since I wrote anything and had to start my blog fresh. Not entirely following cannon and while calypso is mention she isn’t actually a part of the story.
It took 3 days of searching before Chiron decided they were never going to find Leo’s body, to declare him dead. It took 2 weeks for Frank and Hazel to go back to Camp Jupiter after Leo’s funeral, Jason followed them a few days later promising he’d iris message Piper everyday. After a month Annabeth and Percy needed to go back to school, it turns out going on a quest really messed up a demigod's grades and makes getting into New Rome university way harder. A week after Percy and Annabeth left camp, Piper went out to visit her dad and for the first time since the quest began, Y/n found herself completely alone.
At first she struggled to find a way to spend her days. Unlike her siblings she lacked any all all skills in archery and Y/ns musical abilities left much to be desired. It was winter at camp so there wasn’t as much going on, most days she spent alone. The snow covered camp was beautiful, quieter than normal it seemed, except for the occasional bit of laughter from the other year round campers. She tried to iris message the others occasionally, shed promised Piper that she would call everyday, but it was never enough. She spent time with will, practicing in the infirmary and getting to know Nico since they were basically joint at the hip these days. It was good to see them happy, but it made her feel more alone. Sure her and Leo were never together, but he was her world, her partner in crime. She never got to tell him she loved him.
Over time though, it became easier. It turns out crushes feel less strong when the one you like is gone, and while Y/n may suck at archery and music it turns out she had a real knack for pegasus training. Plus with all the time in the world to practice she was pretty good with a sword too. Eventually she spent less time moping and being lonely and more time focused on build relationships with her sibilings, especially Will. The two of them would talk for hours on and end and his southern accent, while not quiet like Leo’s was comforting on the night where she had nightmares that kept her up. By default she became close with Nico too, sure they’d spoken on occasion before the quest and became a bit closer while trapped together on a ship for a few weeks, but this was new. He was quiet and didn’t ask too may questions, but he understood her grief better than anybody else.
Unbeknownst to Y/N, Nico knew she wasn’t he only one still grieving Leo. He’d spoken to Percy and Hazel a few times and heard through the grape vine how Frank, Annabeth, Jason, and Piper were doing. He could see the sadness that lingered in their eyes, the lack of sleep was obvious, and he knew he had to do something. So it took it upon himself to plan a memorial for Leo.
6 months after Leo’s death, everyone came back for the memorial. It was weird, awkward almost to all be together again. On one hand they all knew each other like the back of their hand, but at the same time things had changed, they weren’t in any real danger for once and its almost like they didn’t know how to interact without a monster lurking or the impending end of the world to lead the conversation. Thank gods for Piper, she always knew how to get everyone talking.
"Remember the time Leo pranked Chiron by programming his wheelchair to go backwards only? Or that time he made that robot spider to scare the Athena cabin during capture the flag," she reminisced, a bittersweet smile on her face.
Percy chuckled, "I swore Annabeth was going to kill him for that, i swear she screamed so loud my mom could hear it."
”Rude,” Annabeth tried to be mad but even she couldn’t hide the smile on her face, “but yeah, I was planning my revenge”
She paused, everybody knew what she wanted to say, he died before she got the chance. The room was heavy for a moment before y/n changed the subject.
”You know what I was thinking about the other day, the time he 'accidentally' set the strawberry fields on fire while upgrading Festus's flame system.”
It worked like a charm. The room echoed with laughter and shared stories about the metal dragon and the boy who built it. Y/N listened as everyone talked, but her attention began to drift as she gazed into the sky, captivated by a mysterious glimmer.
Annabeth noticed her distraction, especially because the conversation had shifted a while ago, and asked, "Y/N, do you even know what we're talking about?"
"Festus," Y/N replied absentmindedly, her eyes still lingering on the shiny object.
Annabeth sighed, "No, we're discussing college plans, Y/N have you even heard a word we said?."
Before Annabeth could get into a lecture about how important having a plan is, Y/N's eyes widened.
"It's Festus," She whispered, so quiet almost anybody could miss it She rose quickly from her seat staring at the shiny object in the sky, her heart pounding with a mix of hope and disbelief. The group followed her gaze, their expressions changing from confusion to surprise. A metallic dragon, catching the sunlight, soared across the sky. The sight left them momentarily speechless. Then, realization dawned, and their faces mirrored Y/N's astonishment.
She ran out as fast as she could to the beach where the dragon was landing, when she saw him. Leo Valdez, presumed dead, had returned in the most Leo way possible. The daylight seemed to cast a spotlight on him as he stood there with a stupid smirk on his face. The poor boy had hardly a moment to prepare himself before Y/N jumped into his arms wrapping him a hug.
"What are you—how, I mean..." Y/N stuttered, her voice a mix of confusion and elation.
Leo, with his trademark smirk, simply said, "Surprise."
"Surprise? Surprise? What the heck, Leo!" Y/N's confusion turned into a whirlwind of emotions. "You died. I watched you die. We never found your body, but you were gone. I spoke at your funeral, and now you're back, and all you have to say is 'surprise'? Gods, what is—"
Leo's laughter cut through her words. "Hey, I had to make a grand entrance, right? Can't just show up without a little flair."
Y/N's frustration shifted to a mixture of relief and exasperation. "Flair? Leo, you had us all convinced you were gone. What happened? How are you here?"
Leo scratched his head, a habit that hadn't changed. "Long story short, Festus and I took a detour in the labyrinth. Ended up in Ogygia. You know, Calypso's island? Time flows differently there, and by the time we found a way out, well, time had moved a bit faster here."
"Ogygia? Calypso? Time travel?" Y/N's head spun with the unexpected twists.
"Yeah, yeah. I've got a lot to catch you up on," Leo grinned. "But one thing's for sure, I'm back, and we've got some serious catching up to do."
Y/N's initial shock transformed into a grin. "You have no idea how much we've missed you, Leo Valdez."
As they walked back to camp together, the reunion echoed with laughter, questions, and the comforting feeling of having a friend thought to be lost returned.
Later that night as the campfire crackled, casting a warm glow on the faces of the reunited demigods the Apollo cabin led the campers in a a few songs and Leo entertained the crowd with his tales of defying death. The atmosphere was one of joy and celebration, as the group sat together, reveling in the miraculous return of their comrade.
As the night unfolded, the campfire stories wove a tapestry of memories, both old and new. Y/N, caught up in the camaraderie, joined in the laughter and shared anecdotes. However, amidst the festivities, a moment of quiet reflection struck her. As she looked at the boy in front of her smiling and laughing her heart suddenly felt like it was being pulled in a few directions. He was really back. Maybe it was the days excitement or too much smoke inhalation or a combination of the two, but Y/N couldn’t breathe.
Pulling away from the group, Y/N wandered to the edge of the camp, her thoughts a whirlwind of emotions. The gravity of Leo's return, the mourning that had transpired, and the overwhelming joy of having him back weighed on her. It was all too much. Not to mention him being alive meant she’d have to deal with the whole unrequited crush thing. Not that she could even think about it right then, because Leo, sensing her retreat, followed her to the quiet corner.
"Hey, Y/N, everything okay?" he asked, concern etched on his face.
She hesitated, then sighed. "It's just... Leo, I thought you were gone. We all did. Losing you was... I can't put it into words. And now you're back, and it's so much to process."
Leo nodded understandingly, pulling her into a comforting hug. "I get it, Y/N. It's a lot. But I could never leave you behind, you know? We're in this together."
His words resonated with Y/N, and as Leo held her, she felt a mix of emotions pouring out. The weight of grief mingled with the joy of reunion overwhelmed her, and tears flowed freely. Leo just held her, it was almost enough to make her feel better on the spot. As the two stood apart the rest of their friends watched them whispering to one another.
”So when are the two of them going to admit they’re in love” Frank joked.
”Y/n talking about her feelings? It’s never going to happen” Jason laughed receiving a slap in the arm from Piper.
”I wouldn't say never,” Nico said , “she thought she missed her chance once she won’t let it happened again”
”Well lets just hope its soon, because I cannot hear about how ‘y/n does like me like that’ from Leo again when its so obvious to everyone else she does' Piper laughed looking at her two friends.
This is the first thing I’ve written in a long time but hopefully it’ll get better. Requests are open and please let me know if you want a sequel to this or anything else. Also lmk if you want to be tagged in the next one!
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000marie198 · 6 months
what happens if sonic goes baby and tails and the other have to watch him would it be the same with tails and would sonic recognize his brother or no
If Sonic alone gets turned into a baby, he doesn't hold the memories of his older self but the bonds and feelings and sensations are there. He instinctively knows his friends are people he can trust. He gets picked up by one of them and he just knows that these are family, that he is safe with them. He doesn't consciously remember Tails, but he knows Tails. A part of him knows that's his brother... He feels the most comfortable and happy around him.
Now, please enjoy some baby shenanigans under the cut :]
Sometimes he wants uppies. He'd keep tugging at Tails' sock to get attention and then hold up his arms with a whine. Tails leaves everything to pick him up and hold him so Sonic could happily snuggle up in the floof.
Other times he would wanna be placed down. He'll struggle and whine and kick his legs and kick and kick and kick till he's placed on the ground. Baby cheers and runs off, instinctively holding his arms forward for balance.
He is two apples tall and he's running before he even learns to crawl.
He doesn't want milk, give him those delicious smelling chilidogs instead.
"You can't eat chilidogs right now, you're too small."
He doesn't care, Amy, put it in a blender and give him chilidogs.
Something startles him, makes him sad or gets him angry and he'll find Tails to complain about it even though he only talks in babbles. Tails gets the gist of it somehow?! It surprises others but the bros know how to read each other, they don't need words to communicate. That is made clear when Sonic grumbles at one point, then Tails gives him an unimpressed raised eyebrow and baby Sonic whines, his ears lowered. They are clearly discussing something but no one can tell what.
Amy. Please ease up on the doting Amy, you're spoiling him Amy, that's a lot of toys and blankies and mittens and beanies and socks Amy, AMY
Knuckles doesn't hold baby Sonic like you would an infant child, he always holds him like :
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Then he'll carry Sonic outside into the sunlight because nature and daylight is good for him. Only to lower his wiggling feet in a stream to spook him, just a little. It's funny. Baby Sonic gets back at him by biting.
He carries the mad child back to the workshop and complains to Tails only for the fox to go, "Well you shouldn't have scared him then, that's what you get," while picking Sonic who grabs onto Tails and blows Knuckles a raspberry. He's taking the gremlin's side, unbelievable.
You take baby Sonic to a Chao garden or somewhere similar and he'll be glomped by chaos or critters or flickies or wisps just like his older self always is. The smol creatures recognize him and adore him still. Baby Sonic is giggling the whole time.
He sits on Tails' head and steers him by the ears and Tails follows along with pretended jerky movements and monotone robotic voice. Sonic giggles. He's piloting a giant robot :] It's only fair the 'giant robot' ends up being led towards a fridge with his head lowered in front of the shelf holding his own juice and he pulls back with an indignant shout when his gremlin babified brother steals his juice by using him. Preposterous! Betrayal! Tails says it all in the most dramatic manner much to the laughter and amusement of baby Sonic.
Aside from this one, there are a few baby Sonic posts I've made which are more inclined towards the Prime Bros au and you can find 'em on my blog in the 'baby sonic' tag, hope you enjoy them too.
I adore baby Sonic so so so much! He's my little son I love him.
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, ` • . My Mutuals~! . • ` ,
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@nogenderbee (writer) (Project Sekai) (Genshin Impact) (Bluelock(inactive))
The writing on this blog is actually so good no cap. Not to mention how good the english is despite it not being Bee's first language?? Also the first person I ever followed on Tumblr
@wabatle (writer) (Bluelock) (Project Sekai(inactive))
Very entertaining writing. Like actually. Very entertaining. Makes me laugh everytime I read her writing <3 I love your writing 🙏
@hotpinkstars (writer) (Genshin Impact)
Slay. Like slay. SLAY. Do i need to say anything else? I love you Nova <3
@hrts4miika (writer) (Project Sekai)
Help the stories and plots are the best like actually. Im so hooked for the idol au i need it NOW. Anyway ily Miika and your writing
@color-of-drops (writer) (Project Sekai)
Your writing omg. Like. Omg. Its so good actually. Everyone go follow her rn i am eating "how sweet" up so good.
@kxttqi (writer) (Project Sekai) (Genshin Impact)
Its been a while since ive read your fics (maybe its bc the masterlists haven't been update yet 🔪) but when i first read the stargazing akito i was. Hooked. Your writing is so yummy
@enamation (writer) (Project Sekai)
Even though we dont interact much, im so happy we're mutuals. You're like the first person i interacted with on Tumblr. And your writing is like. So good.
@seirooo0 (writer) (Project Sekai) (on break)
@akto-is-my-boy (writer) (Project Sekai)
We should interact more. Also your writing <3 also thank you for existing
@moonswolfie (writer) (Haikyuu!)
AHHHHH YOURE WRITING IS SO YUMMY i need more kenma food actually. New moot but i alrdy love you
@ravenmoon903 (writer) (Project Sekai) (Not x reader)
My most supportive moot. Likes everything i post. Also her hcs slay. If yall need a supportive moot come find raven
@miya-akane (writer) (Project Sekai) (Genshin Impact)
Also a new moot but getting to know you is so fun. Youre writing is so yummy. ✨ we should totes interact more
@kamishinonomes (artist) (Project Sekai)
Favorite artist. Youre art is so yummy simpable. Plus youre super chill to hangout and talk to. ❤
Omg you were so supportive and encouraging when i used to write it's. We. Need to interact more
@moepril (artist) (Project Sekai) (Genshin Impact)
Fun to talk to and your art is so beautiful, I love the way you render!! ✨❤
@vodka-glrl (artist)
Ga ming. Youre also very fun to talk to and your ocs slay. We should interact more.
@crow-bug (artist) (Project Sekai)
Another new moot but im already loving you. I love how like. Chaotic you are like youre literally aslways laughing in any ask i send you and im all for it. also slay art!!!
@melliexbee (artist) (Genshin Impact) (Haikyuu!) (Bluelock)
Guys this is my sister her art is bootiful so like if you dont follow her we arent friends anymore/j
RINNRATO my friend ive know for like four years wow thats CRaZY a fifty to yr chaotic old grandpa who doesnt know how to spell and is extremely dense but endearing. Ily girlie <3
@gingerrave (writer)
Another super chill person to talk to. He has a cat. He has a cat. He has a cat. He has a cat.
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40 notes · View notes
anamericangirl · 7 days
This is coming out of nowhere but I wanted to ask a Christian blog a question. I am a Christian. I just want to hear someone’s perspective/explanation on something. God created humanity with free will, because He wanted us to choose Him and not just be robots (as the analogy goes). But isn’t it a Hobson’s choice? Die to yourself but receive an eternity in Heaven vs burn in hell for all eternity. No one asked to be born, and yet everyone is given this ultimatum. Right? It’s technically free will and yet…I know as created beings we don’t get to say what’s fair and what isn’t, but this has been such a struggle for me in my mind. I know I sound a bit cynical right now. Maybe I just need some truth and encouragement.
You're definitely not the only one struggling with ideas like this and free will can be a challenging topic at times.
But no I don't think it's a Hobson's choice although I can see where you are coming from. This isn't a case of a choice between something or nothing, it's a choice between following God or not following God.
It's more like coming to a fork in the road and having to choose which way to go. You can go left or right. You only have two options but it's not an option between something or nothing, it's an option between two different paths.
We can't help or change the reality of the world we are born into, but we are still subject to the rules of the world we are born into and choice does exist in that world. We can make whatever choices we want, which is where the free will is, but what we can't choose is the consequences of those choices. And we are very blessed that God has already told us the consequences of choosing not to follow him.
Just because you have to make certain choices to get certain results or to get a certain place doesn't mean the choice doesn't actually exist.
Like, for example, let's say you want to go to the beach but there is only one road you can take that will get you to the beach. But even though you want to go to the beach you don't like to drive that road because it's long, there are speed traps everywhere and the traffic is crazy.
There's another road a short distance away from that road that is much more pleasant because the traffic is light, there are no cops on it and it's an easy drive but there's just one problem: that road will not take you to the beach.
You are still perfectly free to take that second road, but you are just going to have to be ok with not ending up at the beach because that road goes to a completely different location.
And that's more like what the choices are when it comes to free will. There are good choices and bad choices, wrong choices and right choices but still they are all choices you are free to make. At the end of the day, not all your choices will put you at the same destination, which is why it's important to use our gift of free will to follow God because that's not him just trying to give us the illusion of free will, he's literally given us the instruction Manuel that tells us how to use our free will to spend eternity with him. The rules he gives us aren't for his benefit, they are for ours. If we follow God it's going to make us to only be beneficial for us.
So you have the choice to ignore all this and do whatever you want but you just have to understand you are also choosing the destination this way.
You can choose God or you can choose to live your life separate from God and if you choose to live separately from God he will honor that choice and you will have eternity separate from him as well. And that's why hell is so bad. It's complete separation from God.
If you want to go to heaven and spend eternity with God there's only one way. Only one road will get you there. You are free to take other roads but they don't go the same place.
I hope that was helpful I feel like I went a bit all over the place.
26 notes · View notes
cozzymandiart · 6 months
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I just emptied out my queue and I have way more followers than I did when I started this blog, so I'm reposting my new comm sheet! I draw mecha and other fantasy and sci-fi characters for TTRPGs, mostly Lancer.
Feel free to message me if you're interested and have some cool robots you need drawn!
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tiramissyoucake · 1 year
My Sister’s Best Friend Is a Total Smokeshow(?!)
MINORS+AGELESS BLOGS DNI, Hyoma Chigiri X Reader, all characters are 18+, Reader is chigiri’s older sister’s best friend, Reader is female, middle school chigiri mentioned a few times but no focus on it, theres not enough info on chigiri’s sister, 2k words
CW: NSFW, penetration, creampie, chigiri and reader fuck in chigiri’s childhood bedroom, tiddy sucking, clothed sex, no proof reading
Notes: no words shawty I wanna go to bed and read and play video games and write like theres so many things I wanna do and all I end up doing is sleeping aLSO I ACCIDENTALLY GOT LUOCHA WHILE TRYING TO BUILD PITY FOR BLADE WTHHHHH I WASNT EVEN GUARANTEED
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The first time Chigiri saw you was when he was in middle school, he came home and heard chatter coming from his sister’s room, curiosity got the best of him although he still had the decency to knock first.
“Oh! Hyoma, Welcome home! (Name), this is my little brother.” His sister introduced, you were sitting next to her on her bed more upright as she was more relaxed, you smiled and nodded in acknowledgment to him.
“It’s good to meet you! Your sister’s told me a lot about you!” Maybe it was the hormones that came with his age but the younger Chigiri thought you were really pretty, his body followed orders like a robot to seem natural in front of you; he returned the nod, introduced himself and quickly excused himself, apologizing and closing the door to give his sister and you your privacy.
When you left, his sister waved bye to you at the front door and he stood behind her quietly before he let out a surprised noise when you waved bye to him as well, his sister wrote it off as puberty and that he would’ve acted like this towards any older girl. Immediately after she shut the door he bombarded her with questions: “what did you guys talk about?” “What did you tell her about me?”
After he calmed down, he found out that your family actually recently moved into the neighborhood and you met both his mother and his sister when you came by to introduce yourself, when he wasn’t home.
Slowly, as Chigiri grew older and as you visited more often, he would become more comfortable with you although there was a line he couldn’t cross due to the age gap (you being his sister’s age) and certain unspoken rules relating to siblings and friends:
1. Chigiri is only allowed to know surface level information about you
2. Chigiri was not allowed to befriend you on the same level as his sibling’s
3. If Chigiri wanted to gift you something, he’d have to do it through his sister
4. Chigiri was utterly positively definitely absolutely completely NOT ALLOWED to romance you in any way, shape or form.
He knew his sister wouldn’t have minded him getting chummy with you but he had a nagging feeling that it would still be awkward, the rules seemed extreme to outsiders however in his mind he knew that he needed to keep to these rules to avoid hostility, awkwardness or misunderstandings.
It was enough you were the center interest during Chigiri’s ‘girl-crazy’ phase, even as he grew out of it he found himself still thinking of nights where he thought of you in a romantic light.
Slowly Chigiri had forgotten about you during his time at Blue Lock’s institution, he focused on bettering himself in all aspects to achieve his dream, although deep down he couldn’t help but indulge in the nagging feeling that he wanted to see you again.
Life was going great after blue lock, with all his football achievements Chigiri barely had time to visit his family between tours although he made sure to stay in contact any way he could; letters, texting, sending gifts, long video calls.
As his career progressed Chigiri developed a certain talent for planning, the calendar app became one of his most frequented apps on his phone and he would sometimes write down potential dates he could use to go visit his family on any surface available be it a napkin, scrap paper and even the back of a receipt.
Finally all his rapid planning paid off, he managed to get two free weeks all to himself (one of those two weeks were labeled under ‘rest - doctor’s orders’).
An excited giddy feeling filled Chigiri’s chest as his taxi neared his home, the familiar scenery invoking a sense of nostalgia as the car slowed and arrived at his destination, his family’s house.
He bid the driver goodbye and paid his expenses, approaching the door he was a bit unsure of how to go about his return, should he knock on the door? Ring the doorbell? Was he allowed to barge in? He knew his mother kept a spare key under the mat. He settled for ringing the doorbell and he didn’t have to wait long until the door swung open, and his dear sister greeted him with a bone crushing hug.
“Hyoma!! Mom! Hyoma’s here!!” he could hear his mother yell out ‘Hyoma’s here?!’ and he returned the hug to the best of his abilities, patting her back with a strained hand.
“Good to see you too, sis...! could you let go...?” She let go and finally allowed him to breathe properly, frowning a bit she dragged him inside “we don’t see you for months and now you don’t want to hug your big sister anymore?” she teased, Chigiri rolled his eyes at his sister’s drama as he hugged his mother, she happily welcomed him home.
He noticed from the corner of his eye someone else was here, a figure in the kitchen.
“Hey (Name)! guess who decided to pay us a visit too!”
His heart throbbed in his chest, theres no way she meant…? No, its probably a different person with your name! you’re probably busy with your own responsibilities somewhere else
“Hyoma..? oh, welcome home! I wouldn’t have visited if I knew you were coming!” he saw you move out the kitchen and attempt to reach for your coat, his sister stopped you and led you over to him.
“oh hush, if anything it was probably fate! Hyoma, you remember (Name), right?”
For a moment, he forgot he was supposed to answer, he stuttered and tried mustering the smoothest answer he could “How could I forget? You and sis are always together!”
A flustered laugh escaped you and he had to mentally smack himself to focus and not turn into a smitten maiden, just as everyone else in the house gave him a ‘welcome home’ hug, he accepted yours (after his sister insisted that you two were well beyond a handshake.)
Chigiri was certain he would be fine if he saw you again now that he was older and more mature of his feelings, yet as he stood in his family’s home, in front of you, he felt like he was transported back in time turning into that shy teenager who wanted your attention more than anything else.
Guilt wracked Chigiri’s entire being, one moment he was showing you around his childhood bedroom when you made a casual comment about never seeing it, the moment he offered he wanted to throw himself out the nearest window in embarrassment.
Yet a small part of him was ecstatic he offered, otherwise his tongue wouldn’t be in your mouth right now as he muffled your noises caused by his wandering hands, Chigiri felt disgusted with his behavior; making out with his sister’s best friend as his family was in the kitchen preparing dinner.
Everytime you tried speaking through kisses, he would either smother your lips with another or he would cut you off by admitting how much he desired you, the perverted thoughts that plagued him once now resurfacing.
“you’re so pretty like this, y’know?” his voice came out in a hushed whisper wanting no one but you to hear him, “I’ve always had feelings for you.” It felt so good to say it to you.
Your body responded to his advances, squirming or moaning into his kisses as quietly as you could, Chigiri slide his hand beneath your shirt sliding upwards until it reached your breasts, his fingers pinched at your nipples and prodded at the soft flesh squeezing as if trying to memorize the shape of your body in his hands.
“you’re driving me crazy.” He mumbled desperately after separating from a particularly wet kiss, a thin string of saliva connected your lips before splitting and disappearing “Can I fuck you? Please? I promise I’ll be quick..”
His question made you more flustered than you already were, you always knew Chigiri as your best friend’s shy and reserved brother, hearing him say such vulgarities felt foreign to your ears. Yet you found yourself hesitantly nodding “Okay.. but we have to be quiet..!”
Pinning you down to his bed he shoved your shirt above your chest to give him easy access, Chigiri rolled up your long skirt running his hands over the skin of your legs and thighs enjoying the way you shivered under his touch.
He knew you two needed to be quick so he couldn’t be bothered to remove your panties, only pulling them aside and giving a few testing strokes to your wet slit. He felt his cock throb as your arousal coated his fingers, he kissed you once more as you held back a moan.
“so wet, this is all for me, yeah?” he whispered harshly and chuckled as you tried catching your breath from his sudden boldness, hurriedly undoing his pants he couldn’t help but sigh in relief as he pulled his cock out of its confinement. Quickly positioning himself and pushing in he covered your mouth the moment he saw your lips part, he only let out a short hiss and bit down his bottom lip as to not groan loudly at the feeling of your cunt sucking him in.
The combination of his precum and your arousal allowed him to push in easily, he grunted as he bottomed out inside you, if only he this wasn’t such a risky place for him to fuck you he would have praised you for taking him so well.
Chigiri leaned down and kissed you deeply once more as he moved his hips back and forth in short quick thrusts, he set a goal to fuck you as good as he could with as minimal noise as possible, as much as he wanted to hear you scream his name he had to settle for the wet smacking his tongue would produce with yours as he kissed you deeply.
The idea made his cock jump in excitement, you moaning his name, not his family name, he only ever had the pleasure of you calling him by his first name if his sister was around as to not induce any confusion.
You always called out to him so innocently, always a simple lovely ‘Hyoma!’, what he wouldn’t give to hear you moan it like a desperate little slut.
He panted between kisses as he sped up his pace, feeling your heat hug him so deliciously, he could feel you tightening. Lowering his head to your breast he sucked harshly at one of your nipples producing a noise, he would have worried if he wasn’t lost in the pleasure of you running a hand through his hair and locking your legs around his waist, Chigiri could practically feel his brain short circuiting over how blissed out he felt fucking you.
As you tried recovering from the incoming oversensitivity, Chigiri nuzzled into your chest as he thrusted as deep as he could muffling his moans into your torso as he felt your pussy practically coax him into finishing inside, a shiver racked through him as he stilled his hips and grunted loudly feeling his cum fill you, warmth spreading deep inside you and he mentally cursed himself as he felt a few drops leak out.
“Hyoma.. you came lots..” he heard you whisper between pants, looking up at your flushed face he practically felt his heart shoot up to his throat, you looked so cute it was making him want to ditch dinner and give you a hotel keycard.
“Yeah… sorry..” and yet he didn’t move, he kept his cock nestled deep inside you even as he heard knocking at his closed door.
“Hyoma? (Name)? Dinner’s ready! What’re you two doing?”
“… just showing (Name) some of my old trading cards! We’ll be right there!” Chigiri quickly excused as he sat up, he had to hold back the smile on his face after seeing the look of embarrassment on yours.
With a groan, Chigiri’s sister left not wanting to hear more about the same cards her brother had been ranting to her about for years. Just as you sat up and made yourself decent, you felt him lean over you once more planting one last kiss on your lips.
“You called me ‘Hyoma’ that time..”
rule 4 of Chigiri's 'How to Interact With Your Sibling's Best Friend' manual™ was definitely broken.
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