#i need to remind everyone what a bop this was
marktodef · 5 months
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GOT7 NANANA 🎶 lockscreens
💚 made with love by @marktodef
🍀 like and/or reblog if you saved
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leahsgf · 2 months
BOUQUETS – leah williamson
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in which leah, famous hater of tiktok joins in on a trend, for you.
one thing about your girlfriend that not many people knew - is that she is secretly an absolute dork, through and through. her signature frown and grumpy expression when she focused, meant that not only was she endlessly teased by you for it, and jokingly reminded that if the wind blew she’d be stuck like that - but also that she gained a reputation for being very serious, and rarely showing her emotions, particularly on the pitch.
you however, and anyone who had the pleasure of getting to see her behind closed doors, and truly knowing her - knew that that was the furthest thing from the truth.
which, is what led you to now.
you’d been sprawled almost flat on top of her in bed for what had felt like hours on end, your favourite place to be on the rare occasion that you both had a day off, when an unusual silence settled between the two of you.
unusual, in the sense that these private moments between the pair of you were usually filled by leah’s rambles about anything and everything, a narration of every single thought that had remained unspoken over the time she wasn’t with you.
“what are you doing?” you protested, breaking the silence and grumbling into the crook of your neck, not even a millisecond after her fingers stopped trailing through your hair.
“nothing, grouchy! just trying to figure out this stupid thing. bloody tiktok i swear! i don’t know how you and the girls love it so much, makes no sense!” she waved her phone in the air, eyebrows furrowing and that frown deepening - but her fingers instantly resuming their actions in your hair, causing you to slump once more.
“wait babe why are you on tiktok! you hate tiktok!” the realisation hit you rather slowly due to your state, your mind flashing back to the what must be hundreds of times that you begged her to do a cute video with you - only to be met with a rant about how much she despised the app.
“oi! mind your business. you’ll see! just need some patience my girl!” she chuckled, bopping you on the nose as she tilted her screen just out of your eyes’ reach.
to say you were confused was a major understatement. you knew you could’ve seen her screen if you really wanted to, your position on top of her giving you a rare power.
one that you knew not to test, however. so, you let yourself shrug off her strange behaviour and settle back into her, being pulled in by the addictiveness that was her skin, and her scent.
“there! done!” she pushed her phone into your face, so suddenly it almost made you jump.
and what faced you, confused you almost as much as when it was hidden from you.
it was her lockscreen. a new one, replacing the picture of the two of you.
a bouquet of flowers.
they were cute, undeniably. dainty little illustrated cartoon flowers, in a variety of colours and styles, put together in a bouquet - in the middle of a plain background.
but not enough to match the shit eating, proud yet almost shy grin that was spread across her lips.
“it’s….cute? lee i don’t get why you’re showing me this though?” your frown mirrored her previous one, confusion visible all over your face that made her giggle, and prod at your flushing cheek.
“look silly girl, it’s some trend on tiktok that beth showed me. there’s a flower for each letter of the alphabet, and people have been putting them together and spelling out their partner’s names to make a little bouquet and i thought it was cute, okay!” she said, almost sheepishly - looking away from you as you sat up, grinning.
“you’re so cute oh my god.” you peppered kisses all over her face, ignoring her protests.
“the team cannot hear about this. kay? i’m their captain, i have a reputation to uphold!” she met your lips in a kiss, almost immediately proving her own point wrong.
“i think everyone knows how much of a dork you are baby i’m afraid, we’re way past that point!”
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hamliet · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel Has Better Theology Than Most Modern "Christian" Stories
As a Christian who was raised in a fundie cult and escaped to now have a far healthier and vital faith, I genuinely really like this show. The songs are bops. The characters are well crafted and interesting, and likable too. The art design is bizarre but appealing.
And, as a theology nerd who studied theology as part leaving said cult and also has since gotten papers published in theology, I'm actually fairly impressed by the show's handling of theology.
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No, I'm not expecting the story to preach or even like, be explicitly Christian in a lot of ways. But it's taking a lot of the really beautiful aspects of Christian theology and re-contextualizing them in a way designed to provoke thought: by juxtaposing them with the antithesis of what you would think, by making demons heroes. In my opinion, this makes the beauty shine brighter.
Yeah, yeah, it's designed to be offensive and obscene in a lot of ways. Yet, it's never (thus far) mean-spirited. On the contrary, it seems to have a big, beating heart at its core that is perhaps best embodied by Charlie Morningstar, its protagonist and the daughter of Lucifer and Lilith.
Critique of the Church, with Caveats
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The story works best with an interpretation that heaven isn't actually heaven or God (who has been conspicuously absent), but instead as a critique of the church. Specifically, the evangelical American church, and specifically, white evangelicals. (Same as She-Ra's premise, actually).
God's absence therefore makes sense, because while Christians do believe God is present as a living reality among us, we also can't like, see him physically now. So, God being not even mentioned in HH makes it seem more like a mortal reality rather than an immortal one. Honestly I kinda hope God doesn't appear in the story, not only because I think it could cross some lines (which is admittedly personal), but also because I don't see that the story really needs it.
Adam in particular reminds me of every "theobro" on Twitter (I'm not calling it what you want me to, El*n). Basically a dudebro coopting his supposed salvation to flex in an often misogynistic way, who doesn't realize that he has absolutely no love in him and therefore is actually a worse human being than everyone he condemns on the regular.
(Which is kind of why I'm expecting Adam to wake up in hell next season...)
Think red hats. And Mark Driscoll. And, I have a list of pastors. Sigh. They advocate for how "simple" Christianity is, except they themselves make it ridiculously complicated and don't even examine what they suppose is "simple" if it requires them to take the planks out of their own eyes. "Shallow" is a better description of what they actually preach.
But what sends people to hell or heaven anyways?
Eschatology and Atonement Theory
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Hazbin Hotel combines a lot of theories, throwing not only the idea of a physical hell (albeit mixed with Dante's idea of what hell is the Inferno, but to be fair a lot of the church has adopted that idea too) but the idea of annihilation, which HH calls "extermination."
See, in Christianity, there's a lot of debate about hell. Like, since 2000 years ago. The reason is because a lot of Bible verses seem to indicate hell, but others indicate the eventual redemption and salvation of absolutely everything in the universe, so you have Christian universalism tracing itself back just as long. But, setting aside universalism, people who do believe in hell tend to fall into one of two camps:
Physical hell, aka suffering for eternity, or annihilation: the idea that souls that aren't saved end up annihilated, or snuffed from existence. HH combines both of them, wherein everyone lives in hell but then every so often heaven "exterminates" a certain number of sinners.
And then you also have Catholic purgatory, which is also adapted in HH in that... for most Christians, physical hell doesn't offer the ability to redeem yourself. Chance over, you're dead. But, Catholic Christianity, which draws on ideas of praying for the dead, has the idea that people can improve themselves or be prayed out of it and into heaven. This seems to be somewhat similar to the idea of Charlie's hotel, in that sinners can improve, redeem themselves, and rise to heaven.
And, I mean, it's already kinda worked. Sir Pentious acted out Jesus' words: Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13).
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But anyways, the branch of theology that deals with the afterlife is eschatology. And Hazbin Hotel takes on a related form of theology as well, a type of theology I've only seen covered in stories once before (The House in Fata Morgana): atonement theory.
Atonement theory is something I remember well from my theology 101 class, as in I remember sitting with a friend and her turning to me and being like, "okay, so we know Jesus' death and resurrection give us eternal life, but we have no idea how or why?" To which the answer was "basically, yeah."
Most of the white, American evangelical church is very "penal substitutionary atonement," but the reality is that this theory has only been popular for the past few hundred years. It's also, imo, somewhat scripturally unsound. But there are a lot of other theories, and sometimes the theories overlap. Here's a fairly decent summary. (I'm in general a believer in Christus Victor.)
So how does atonement theory tie into Hazbin Hotel? Well, essentially the scene where Charlie and Vaggie are debating with Emily, Sera, Adam, Lute, and others in heaven is them going over various atonement theories and realizing that they actually know nothing at all. How does one get to heaven? How is one saved? They don't know.
Sera criticizing Emily for asking questions was also very relatable, and I feel for Sera. She's genuinely scared but the truth will set you free, Sera. John 8:32. Anyways, the point is like... the angels are an organized religion, an evangelical church, that preaches about simplicity but mistakes shallowness for simplicity and discourages depth and discovery.
Anyways, the whole crux of theological study and atonement theories is that they should promote humility. We don't know for certain on this side of the curtain. That's okay. So what do we have to guide us?
Love. After all, God is love (1 John 4:8).
Charlie is Jesus
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"Why would you endanger your immortal life for these sinners?" 
Adam, the absolute worst, says the above to Charlie in the finale.
I mean... look. That's literally the premise of Christianity. That the immortal son of God comes down to earth, lives with sinners, loves us, and dies to save us. However that happens. Charlie even responds:
"They're my family!"
In other words, she loves them. Yeah, sure, they're destined for extermination, but they are going to be exterminated over her dead body.
In a lot of branches of Christianity, and even in some creeds--though I'm going to give into my pet peeves here and state that it is NOT Scriptural and relies on the faulty assumption that God is bound by time, when I think God exists outside of it--state that Jesus descended into hell after his death and took all the souls of people who were saved prior to his coming to earth to heaven. Again, I think that's small-minded at best. But, the idea that Charlie is working among them to bring them to heaven is pretty reminiscent of this idea. And I don't hate it lol.
Charlie sees worth inherent in everyone, and no matter what they've done, thinks there's a future for them. Honestly we need people like her on this earth.
Angel Dust
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Angel Dust is clearly my favorite character. Bite back your shock, I know (I have a type). But his name is also a fascinating multi-layered pun.
Angel is clearly foreshadowing his endgame. Let's be real, we all know Angel is ending up as an angel. And "angeldust" is of course a name for PCP, and considering Angel's drug habits, yeah.
But, dust also has another meaning to it. See, when Adam was created in Genesis 2:7, the words in Hebrew are "apar min ha'adamah," which is translated literally as "dust of the ground." So the dust is what creates Adam, literally "ground."
In other words, I very much expect Angel Dust to end up being foiled with Adam even more so. Adam might be the first man, but Angel is the first sinner working towards redemption. And let's be real, for all Angel's flaws, he's already a better person than Adam. And if there's any hope for Adam (not that I particularly care if there is but) it'd be through realizing that he and Angel aren't actually different after all. Conversely (and not necessarily mutually exclusively), Angel might serve as a more symbolic "adam" in that he becomes the person all sinners look to for hope. Which, y'know, since "the last Adam" is also a Scriptural term for Jesus...
And so it is written, “The first man Adam became a living being.” The last Adam became a life-giving spirit. (1 Corinthians 15:45).
I fully expect Angel's arc, alongside Charlie's, to bring life and redemption for everyone around them. Maybe, maybe even the dramatic "all" of Colossians 1:20 (which means, literally, all, everything, everywhere, in the entire universe).
Closing Thoughts
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But honestly, regardless of how the story ends--besides that it will presumably end happily because HH is at its core feel-good despite being profane--season one at least has got good theology. Why? Because it's digging into the questions that theology is concerned with. It's digging into the ideas of human nature, of what it means to be a good person, of what it means to redeem oneself, of affirming how precious each individual human soul is.
It doesn't offer cheap answers, and it specifically calls out the white American evangelical church for how it purports to be simple but actually just confuses people and punishes them for things they can't help, that creates more stumbling blocks than it does shine a light. And it does it in a way that is scandalous. Offensive to many religious people.
But, y'know, Jesus was pretty scandalous too.
So I really love the story so far because it emphasizes what I find so beautiful about my religion, and criticizes the parts that have also hurt me. I don't think it's remotely aiming to be a Christian allegory or anything like that, and I don't at all think anyone has to be religious to enjoy it or gain the core message of it, but I do think that it's doing a hell of a lot more good in the world message-wise than most evangelical movies of the past 30 years.
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lazyjellyfish300 · 6 months
Miguel O'Hara Parenting Head Canons pt 2
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Thank you to everyone that liked the original post! I thought of more so here's part 2 of headcanons for Miguel related to parenting bc the man deserves to be happy and way more dad moments tbh. Reader is his s/o.
TW: minors DNI, a little suggestive, mentions childbirth, infertility, child free, bullying
Part 1:
-once again I feel it doesn't matter if you want kids with him or not because anyone who he's in love with, he just wants a life with them and as long as Gabi is fully loved by both of you he's happy. And if you do want kids with him or have your own already the man is 10000% about it and loves yall to death & wants to try IMMEDIATELY for more.
-he pretty much is a "we got food at home" dad but you and Gabi made a pact together where she asks if y'all can get takeout on your behalf when you don't feel like cooking and it worked for a bit bc it's Gabi and he can't say no to his little girl but then he caught on eventually
-he's the dad on the grill in the summer. He's very possessive of his grill and he wears an apron that says "kiss the chef" or "grill master" that you got him for Father's Day
-He hangs up the kids' artwork on the fridge no matter what and keeps it up year round.
-He definitely throws the kids in the pool and you have to remind him to take it easy. If he ever accidentally hurts the kids though he's apologizing profusely and showering them with kisses bc he feels bad.
-When you guys go boating, he always wrecks the kids on the tube but when it's you driving the boat you take it easy on em.
-He's big on manners and Gabi is a very considerate and well behaved little girl thanks to him. Her teachers love her.
-when it comes to bae-cations you leave most of the planning up to him because it's hard for you to be away from the kids for too long but he lovesss it bc he gets you to himself (unlimited sexy time with you) but he lets you use his phone to FaceTime them everyday or whenever you miss them.
-When he reads stories to Gabi and the kids he reads in a silly voice.
-He makes you and the kids hand him your passports/IDs/boarding passes at the airport because he's the classic dad at the airport and walks way too fast in front of everyone.
-He also makes the whole fam get up at like 4 am for vacation even though your flight is at 1 pm.
-He makes you and the kids get up early on vacation because no way are you guys missing the free breakfast. He's awake before everyone else and he already worked out in the gym and had a shower too.
-He's the one driving when y'all go on road trips and he always sticks his hand outstretched to the backseat for Gabi to give him some of the Chex Mix.
-He definitely follows the "dad tax" rule when it comes to food.
-He's definitely the dad that looks over the top of his reading glasses while reading in the recliner when Gabi and her loud friends come in after practice
-He snores loudd
-He reads the newspaper in the morning.
-He's not a Cocomelon dad and will just have whatever he likes on TV and you gotta remind him to keep it PG for the kids
-He loathes baby shark and any "kid music". No Kidz Bop here. He'll play whatever he likes in the car(obv nothing super raunchy) but Gabi has awesome music taste already and appreciates the oldies thanks to him. He's a man of culture for sure.
-He's the dad that can't resist trying to start home projects or fixing random things around the house and recruits the kids to help him even when it's inconvenient.
-He'll yell if you hold the flashlight wrong. He holds back when it's Gabi tho. He's working on not being mean.
-He's particular about how the lawn is mowed and prefers to be the one doing it.
-He yells at the TV when his team is playing. The man gets stressed.
-He stands up when he's watching the news and always needs to know the weather forecast.
-When it comes to bullies at school, he gives the kids full permission to deck anyone in the face who messes with them and hi-fives Gabi anytime she stands up for herself.
-Whenever Gabi or the kids have a play or speaking part at school for their class program and they're nervous, Miguel will go over their lines with them while you're the fake audience cheering them on.
-if you want kids, he's overly concerned about germs and makes people use hand sanitizer/loses his shit if people kiss the new baby when you guys get home from the hospital.
-He teaches the kids how to ride their bikes while you take pictures.
-He'll sleep in the kids room whenever they have nightmares and use "monster spray" for monsters under the bed.
-He'll do Elf on the shelf for Gabi but you gotta remind him or else he'll forget to move it and he forgets the rules.
-When Gabi and the kids learn how to drive he'll get up early in the morning to defrost their windows for them and shovel the snow.
-The only thing he could possibly love more than his kids is his grandkids. He'd be an amazing grandpa and he'd take the chance to take the grandkids to the museum, zoo, movies with you anytime.
-He recruits Gabi and the kids to help him make you breakfast in bed on your birthday/Mother's Day which makes you cry and y'all spend the day in bed together laughing and cuddling as a big happy family.
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judeswhore · 1 year
aquarium date with jude!!! like going to that one in Birmingham when u go home and u walk under that tunnel 🥹
teehee i actually wrote a little thing abt this ages ago that was meant to be part of a fic but then i scrapped the fic so i’m gna post it here it really isn’t much but <3
jude tangled his fingers with yours, swung your hands back and forth between your bodies as the two of you walked through the small glass tunnel. everything was bathed in dark blue from the water that surrounded you and the darkness cast shadows across jude's face, made his lashes look unnaturally long over the tops of his cheeks. he turned to press his nose into the top of your head, kissed your hairline as he pulled you closer.
"you die and can come back as any sea creature. which one are you choosing?" his voice was low, soft and quiet in your ear and you grinned when he smattered teasing kisses over your cheek. for a few seconds you stayed silent, gazing around the tunnel in thought and he dropped your hand to throw his arm over your shoulder, tucking you tight into his side. "you can't choose shark."
"why not?" you tried to tilt your head and meet his gaze, pout evident but you were pressed so close together you couldn't. needing that extra bit of contact (as if being glued to his body wasn't enough) you reached for the hand that was dangling over your shoulder, laced your fingers together and squeezed.
"because you choose sharks for everything. be more creative."
"s'not my fault they're so cute." you'd stopped walking, turned to face the glass wall so you could watch the jellyfish bob by. your free arm wrapped around around his waist as he tucked you firmly under his arm. you knew your physical affection was probably annoying to everyone passing by but this was the first time you'd seen your boyfriend in three weeks, you were making the most of it.
"cute? they're murderous."
"only if you make them mad. they're just misunderstood."
"you're ridiculous." jude knocked his fingers under your chin. "you didn't answer me, what would you be." you nodded towards the glass in front of you, pressed your finger against it as you traced the shape of the jellyfish swimming just in front of you.
"a jellyfish."
"yeah? why?" you gave a small shrug at first, humming softly at the trail of kisses jude was leaving over your head. you tapped once lightly on the glass.
"they're cute, y'know? and when they're in a group they're called a bloom which is kinda pretty. plus, scientists think they're older than dinosaurs so technically i'd be older than dinosaurs." in the reflection of the glass you could see jude's soft smile, his gaze tracking the jellyfish in front of you.
"uh huh." you untangled yourself from him, turning so the two of your were face to face and lifted your chin to meet his eyes. they were soft and loving, glinted in the faint blue light and it was unfair how pretty he was all of the time. "they haven't got skeletons so you can't really find any fossils but scientists think they've been around for at least three times the age of dinosaurs. they're ancient."
"and deadly." jude's hands had found your hips and he tugged you into him, smoothed his palms along the dip of your waist. your own hands fiddled with the front of his jacket, fixed his collar as he watched you with soft eyes.
"they're probably one of the most deadly animals on earth."
"hmm, they remind me of you." your nose scrunched at that, brows drawing together in confusion as you eyed him. he just grinned, glanced between you and the floating jellyfish.
"tiny, pretty, not to be messed with." a laugh blew past his lips when you whacked his arm, your glare only adding to his amusement. "see, deadly." with an eye roll you glanced back at the surrounding water, watched the small creature bop over the top of the tunnel. jude couldn't keep his eyes off you, gaze tracking the smooth skin of your throat, your lips that he'd kissed free of gloss and he wanted to tuck you away in his chest, kiss you some more until he couldn't breathe.
"some of them are immortal y'know."
"hmm?" he'd been too busy thinking about kissing you he worried he'd misheard but you nodded, slid your hands around his waist and stepped in a little closer to him.
"there's a species of jellyfish that are technically immortal. their real name is turritopsis dohrnii." your face lit up as you as you began to ramble, facts falling from your lips as thought it was something everyone should know and it left him mesmerised. "their life spans across three stages, they start as a polyp and then they become an ephrya which i suppose is a teenager and then they become an adult medusa. the water really determines how well they develop. if it's too cold or too hot or even if they're injured they sink back to the ocean floor and become a polyp all over again. so yeah, technically, if you think about it they're-"
jude cut you off when his mouth covered yours, soft yet a little demanding, a quiet "umph" of surprise tickling across his lip. he kept you in place with his grip on your cheeks, one hand sliding around the back of your neck, pulling you impossibly closer so he could lick into your mouth. it was maybe inappropriate, there were families everywhere, but he couldn't help himself. you were so cute when you rattled off facts it made his chest ache with a burning neediness. you pulled at his shirt, kissed him back just as eagerly and he bit back a moan when you tugged at his bottom lip.
pulling away he kept his forehead pressed to yours, watched you take a shuddering breath, your smile a little dreamy before he pecked the corner of your lips.
"what was that for?"
"you're just so pretty when you get all smart on me." he kissed you again, brief and chaste but still soft enough to draw goosebumps along your arms. his thumb smoothed across your chin, found your bottom lip and pressed down lightly, only to let it spring back into place. "how do you know so much about jellyfish?"
your shrug was sheepish, cheeks hot under his palms and he knew his attention and compliments were to blame. the fact he was crowding your space and towering over you probably had something to do with it as well. it was endearing how flustered he could get you with only a few words and a certain heated look.
"i did online summer courses in marine biology before my first year of uni. i read a lot of books about the ocean." your nose scrunched again, gaze dropping from his because a small part of you felt slightly embarrassed by the confession. jude was having none of that however, his head dipping again as he nudged your chin upwards. his mouth caught yours in one last kiss, this one lingering a little longer than the one before.
"you're adorable, y'know that?" he brushed his nose against yours, soft and loving and his eyes held everything that his words didn’t say. “my own little jellyfish.”
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marvelsswansong · 2 years
Can I request a Steve x reader fic with their "six nuggets"
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𝐬𝐢𝐱 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐧𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬
☆ word count: 2.2K+ (it ran away from me!!!) ☆
tags: dad and husband!Steve x fem!reader, cool uncle!Eddie and cool aunt!Robin, domestic bliss, fluff with smidge of implied smut at the end, this made me feel so fucking soft anon ur a genius x
⚠️ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨��𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞.⚠️
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Steve doesn't need an alarm clock to wake him up in the mornings anymore, he's found.
No, ever since marrying you and having six kids, at least one of them is bound to wake him up if he hasn't already risen for the day. Sometimes it's his oldest, Heather, pulling back the curtains and chastising him under her breath that her ballet practice starts in an hour and he's still in bed. Other times it's the twins - Scott and Cory - brown tussels of curly hair peeking from the side of the bed as they excitedly tug at his sleeves, reminding him that he's chaperoning their school trip for the day.
But today it's his youngest, five year old Dianna, crawling into the empty space next to him and gently patting his chest to wake him up.
"Daddy." she says, shaking him awake with her small hands. At the sound of his youngest child's voice Steve wakes up in an instant, fatigue dissipiating as he quickly sits up with a tired smile.
"Morning, sweetheart." Steve says, heart overflowing with adoration with the way his daughter then giggles, jumping into his embrace, her neatly pulled back hair tickling his bare neck. "Where's momma?" he questions, pulling back to admire how adorable she looks with a red ribbon tied into her hair.
"She's making breakfast and asked me to come get you." Dianna dutifully responds, proud at her accomplishment. It makes him sigh contentedly, pressing a chaste kiss to her forehead.
"And so you did. Let me get dressed and I'll meet you downstairs, okay?"
She nods fervently and nearly slips on the wooden floor with how fast she runs down the hallway in her fuzzy socks, making Steve yell out for her to slow down. Amused at the five year old's antics, he shakes his head sideways in resign whilst getting dressed for the day: argyle black socks, blue linen pants secured with a darkened belt, white polo shirt with collars tucked in to his waist.
When Steve finally trods down the staircase you're humming along to a song flowing from the radio, Dianna perched on the kitchen counter with Heather next to her brushing out her younger sister's hair. The twins are arguing about a soccer match on the couch whilst Colton - second oldest and star football player - is helping set the table whilst you cook. The only person he doesn't see is his second youngest, Madison, until he feels someone run into him at full speed and embrace his legs from below.
"Morning, dad!" Madison gleefully quips, ever so the morning person. Steve chuckles, ruffling his daughter's hair fondly.
"Morning, Mads. Did you get a good night's sleep?"
She nods eagerly, practically bouncing up and down on her heels.
"I did! I went to bed early because the auditions for the musical is today!"
Steve gasps in awe, patting his daughter's head tenderly before sitting down on a nearby chair.
"Is it? What's the musical?" he asks, letting out a soft groan when Madison excitedly clambers onto his lap, awkward elbows digging into his lap as she climbs him.
"Once Upon a Mattress!"
"She's been singing all the songs for about a week, pops. I can't believe you haven't noticed." Heather notes from the back, turning around briefly to address him. Steve chuckles, lightly bopping Madison's nose.
"Well princess, I'm positive that you're going to do so well. You're going to blow all their socks off."
The sound of the stove being turned off catches everyone's attention, in addition to you calling out to everyone that breakfast is ready. All the younger kids dash to the long wooden table, playfully pushing against each other and arguing over who gets to sit next to you and Steve, whilst Heather and Colton help you bring over the stack of food from the kitchen. Amongst the chaos of getting all the kids to settle down and quickly eat their food, you're left to give Steve a quick kiss on the lips, hurried but still sweet and loving.
"Morning, handsome." you tease, winking at him as you set down the last stack of waffles. He grins at you, wrinkle lines by his lips.
"Morning, beautiful."
"Ew, mom and dad just kissed in front of us!" one of the twins, Scott, yells out, scrunching his face. It elicits most of the younger kids to also frown in disgust and pout immaturely, commenting on how 'gross' it is to see you two kiss, whilst it only makes Colton roll his eyes and Heather to laugh out loud in amusement.
"Hush and eat your breakfast." you chastise your children, stabbing your fork into your plate of strawberries and pointing it towards them. "All of you have a very busy day today and I don't want anyone to be late."
Breakfast is quickly devoured over small talk of what everyone's up to - Heather's date with Angelina, Colton's upcoming SAT exam and college scouts attending his final game, the twins talking everyone's ears off over wanting to learn guitar like uncle Eddie - and the moment the clock strikes half past eight, there's a rush of bodies up and down the stairs as you place all the dirty dishes in the sink.
Steve is the one to zip up the twins' jackets and to tie Madison's shoelaces when a familiar vehicle shows up by the front porch, accompanied by an obnoxious honking.
"There's my favorite little rascals!" Eddie shouts from his van as the twins and Madison quickly scurry towards him, each of them hugging Eddie's waist and squeezing his body tightly. Eddie's grin is bright and wide, hands patting against the kids' backs, before he looks up.
"Steve. The better Harrington." Eddie says to Steve and you respectively, winking at you.
You laugh, leaning against the doorframe as Steve scowls and places a protective arm around your waist - but it's playful, and everyone knows he doesn't mean it.
"Thanks for agreeing to drive the kids today." you say, pulling the cardigan closer towards you as the autumn breeze rolls in.
"Nah, it's nothing. Anything for my favorite married couple."
"I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear that so Vickie and I don't get offended." Robin adds from the side, leaning against her car. "Is Dianna ready to go?" she questions, only for the young girl to come barreling out the door and slam herself against Robin's legs.
"Hi auntie Robin!"
"Hiya hun, look at you with your cool bumblee socks and everything." Robin coos, leaning down to be eye-level with the young girl. Steve frowns at that, looking back towards you.
"I thought you were driving her."
You shrug, stepping one step closer towards Steve.
"Well, since Heather will be out late with her date tonight, Colton can drive himself now and Eddie's taking Mads and the twins... I figured we could have a date night all to ourselves." you slowly explain, deft fingers brushing against his cheeks. "So I called Robin."
"You owe me, Harrington number one." Robin warns and then winks, pointing at Steve, before letting Dianna into the backseat and getting into the driver's seat herself.
Pressing a soft kiss onto Heather's forehead as she rushes out the door and giving Colton a firm hug as he dangles the keys to his own BMW, the once bustling Harrington household is plunged back into silence in a mere matter of minutes. Steve blinks slowly before closing the door behind him, a soft grin appearing on his face.
"You little vixen." he murmurs quietly, pinning you down on the couch as you let out a squeal of joy upon feeling your back hit the soft cushions. "Spontaneous date night with all the kids handled? How do you do it?"
His hair's falling over his eyes as he stares at you fondly, boyish smirk marking his pink lips.
"Hm... Can't take all the credit. Eddie and Robin stepping in helps, but I guess it also helps that I'm an awesome wife." you tease, trailing your fingers down his arms, tracing the faint outline of his upper muscles. The flickers of infatuation in his eyes still never fails to send a chill down your spine, stomach afloat with butterflies.
Steve's aged beautifully, too. Slight wrinkles on his calloused hands, faded smile lines adorning his cheekbones, grey hairs peeking in between brown ruffles of hair. His wedding ring is cool against your cheek when he leans down and presses his lips to yours, moulding his mouth against yours, elicting a soft moan from your mouth.
"God, you're so fucking beautiful." he growls, left hand digging into your hips, slipping underneath your sundress in one swoop. You bat at his arms, giggling.
"Says you, Stevie. You're just as gorgeous as the first day we met."
He hums, leaning forward close to enough to brush his nose against yours, eyes not leaving your lips.
"Hm, if only you from the 80's could hear you saying that now. Probably would have a heart attack and insist there's no way you would fall in love with, and I quote, the biggest douchebag of Hawkins High."
You roll your eyes at his comment.
"Please. I'd pay good money to see 'King' Harrington's reaction back then. Old you probably would have had an aneurysm at the mention of marrying me and having six kids."
He clicks his tongue in annoyance, raising his eyebrows.
"Old me would have an aneurysm but not out of disgust, babe. Old me still had a huge crush on you, so he'd probably be spiraling on the floor, giddy with happiness and shock."
Grabbing a fistful of his shirt, you bring him down for another kiss, this one more slow and tender. It's the kind of kiss that has any smart quips he's prepared to die in Steve's mouth, mind completely preoccupied with how good you taste - strawberry chapstick and leftover maple syrup from breakfast - as well as how warm and soft your pilant body feels underneath him.
"I love you, Steve Harrington. Thank you for giving me this life and our beautiful six kids." you breathe against his lips, stroking his cheeks.
"I should be the one thanking you, doll. Our six little nuggets wouldn't have been born without you doing all the hard work. All I did was... deposit a lil something at the beginning." he shrugs sheepishly, making you laugh and smack him in the chest lightly.
"Ugh, that's such a disgusting way of describing how conception works."
He hums, amused, before biting at your bare shoulder lovingly.
"Mm, but it's true, isn't it?"
He shifts to sit you on his lap, your legs wrapped around his waist as he sits upright.
"We're such a great team, baby. Each of our kids, they're... smart, kind, good-hearted, talented... They're the best parts of both of us combined." he trails off, eyes glazing over with happy tears which he quickly blinks away (you pretend not to notice). "God, I have no idea how we got so lucky."
You let the sentiment hang in the air for a bit, the awed expression on his face too sweet to wipe away quickly.
"You're such a sap, Steve. I fear for what you'll do on the day of Heather's graduation." you tease, making him groan, head falling forward into the crevice of your neck.
"Oh, don't remind me. Our little girl's going off to college in a month's time." he moans, devastated. It makes you laugh, the down trodden eyes and the 'kicked puppy' expression on his face as he mopes openly.
"She's 18, Stevie. She has a girlfriend, she's got her own car and a driver's license, her own debit account... Besides, New York isn't that far away." you try to reason with him, but he still pouts.
"Still. That's too far. I can't stand the thought of any of our nuggets being so far away from us." he groans into your skin. You tut, running your fingers through his hair whilst massaging his scalp just the way he likes.
"What shall we ever do then, dear husband... Colton's going to follow suit in less than a year, then it'll be Scott and Cory off together, then Madison and even Dianna in the future-"
His head shoots up at that, an unreadable look glazing over his eyes.
"You're right." he whispers, left arm coming up to tug at the sleeves of your sundress whilst his lips brush against your collarbone. "We gotta have more kids so we'll never be alone."
His lips are already sucking on bare skin, wet lips marking his territory as you feel his hands travel lower.
"Steve, as much as I'm enjoying this, I put in a reservation for us at the spa uptown-"
"When is it?" he questions, not even looking up from where he's kissing you - right underneath your ear, dark spots already forming around your neck.
"I-in, fuck, half an hour." you manage to stumble out, already feeling pleasure rush in. He smirks at that, grabbing your thighs.
"Then we have plenty of time."
"C-can't, we'll be late-" you try to reason with him, but all protests die in your mouth when Steve stands back up and kisses you squarely on the mouth.
"I'll be quick. Promise."
He wasn't. And you two end up being 20 minutes late.
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-> a/n: if you're wondering how I went about the kids - thought it'd be cute to have a neat 3 girls and 3 boys split, and I chose the names based on US data on most popular baby names of the 90s.
ngl i loved writing this and am tempted to expand it into a universe with blurbs/oneshots connecting all the stories: idk lmk if that sounds gucci
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A Fresh Start [8]
Din Djarin x F!Reader
Warnings: pining, it’s mutual, they’re both just oblivious to the other, mention of fake name use, also I didn’t proofread this as much as I should’ve probs (that’s a warning right?)
Word Count: 3,494
Summary: When  you made plans for your future they never involved being hired by a   Mandalorian to baby-sit his adorable, green gremlin of a child.   However, after your life fell apart in the span of one disastrous night,  you found it to be the only feasible option you had left. Nevarro was a  far cry from Coruscant, but the thriving community turned  out to be  exactly what you needed. Every day you spend in Nevarro you  fall more  and more in love with your new life, but when your past rears  its ugly  head you find that perhaps peace wasn’t meant for everyone.
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Chapter Summary: First day of school, first day of school!
"I feel this gravitational pull towards you. Like the universe & all the galaxies had a talk and said, 'yeah, it's time'." -Gawn Birdie (On How We Find The One)  
You had a weird mix of excitement, anxiety, and trepidation swirling in your gut. It was Grogu’s first day of school. You were excited at the prospect of him having fun, learning, and making new friends, but it didn’t dull the anxiety you felt. What if the other kids were mean to him? What if he hated it? You wondered if this was how your mother felt on your first day of school. Not that you were his mother, you reminded yourself. As you cooked breakfast, you scoffed and shook your head. You were the nanny. You couldn't let that line in the sand blur.
 “Nanny.” You mumbled to yourself plating Grogu’s favorites. An omelet and fruit. You called out for the kid. “Grogu! Breakfast!”
 You set his food onto his high chair’s tray and began to move around the kitchen packing his favorite snacks to take with him. Grogu’s happy babbling made you glance over your shoulder. He bounded into the room and you picked him up to place him in his seat.
 “Are you excited for school today, Grogu?” You asked while packing.
 “ ‘lek!” He replied, voice muffled from a mouthful of food.
 You paused in your work to reach out and rub his head. “Can you say that in Basic? Can you ‘yes’?” He repeated the word though it came out sounding more like ‘ye’ then ‘yes’. You understood him though which meant his teacher would too if it came up. You lightly bopped his nose with your finger. “Good job, baby. So smart.”
 Grogu preened at your praise. You wondered if he would speak up at school. Maybe not initially, but how long would it take for him to grow comfortable enough to do so? Even if he didn’t speak, he had never had a problem conveying to others what it was he wanted, but you wanted him to practice more.
 “Morning.” Mando greeted.
 He stepped out from the back hall into the kitchen wearing his full suit of armor. You returned his greeting with a smile. “Good morning.” Mando walked around the kitchen island to sit at the bar stool next to Grogu’s high chair. Your eyebrows raised in surprise. “Shouldn’t you be heading out?”
 “I’m going in late. Wanted to be there for his first day drop off.”
 A slow smile grew on your features. You already knew Mando was an above average father, but it was little moments like this that were a reminder. It was one of the many things you found you liked about the man. You motioned to the stove. “You want me to make you breakfast?”
 “No.” Mando raised a hand to shake it. “Don’t worry about me.”
 With a nod, you set the dishes you used to make breakfast into the sink and ran some water into each item briefly. “Hey,” You turned back to Mando as you dried your hands on a dish towel, “I’m gonna run and change then grab his book bag to pack up real quick. Is that alright?”
 Mando chuckled. “I think we can survive, but I’ll call out if breakfast takes a bad turn.”
 You rolled your eyes in amusement and left the kitchen. It wouldn’t take you long to change out of your pajamas into simple day clothes. Just something that would keep you from looking like a bag lady on the streets. Once ready, you swung by Mando’s room to snag the small book bag he had bought for Grogu over the weekend. While in the room you found Grogu’s drawer and packed an extra change of clothes for the boy just in case.
 “Grogu, you’re making a mess.” Mando’s voice drifted toward you as you walked down the hall back into the kitchen. You spotted him standing in front of the high chair trying to keep Grogu from trying to swallow half his omelet whole. The innards were beginning to fall out. “Ad’ika, nayc.”
 “Did breakfast take a bad turn?” You called out.
 Mando glanced over his shoulder with a sigh. “Apparently. I spoke too soon.”
 He wrestled the omelet out of Grogu’s hands and you didn’t step in to help. Instead, you packed the snacks you made into the bag alongside the extra set of clothes. Bag ready to go, you turned and leaned on the kitchen counter to just watch Mando try and clean Grogu while he continued to stuff more omelet into his mouth. These were the kind of mornings you could get used to way too easily.
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 Grogu disappeared into the building with the other students, and though he could no longer be seen, you and Mando stood there staring for a second longer. The walk to school had been a cheerful event of letting Grogu walk on his own and following behind him. The morning was calm and anyone you passed greeted the three of you happily. As you had neared the city's center, you noted parents walking their own children to the school. When Mando shifted in place, you turned your attention to him.
 “Off to the station?”
 “Yeah.” Mando nodded. “I’m going to try and get off in time to be here with you for pick up.”
 “Alright.” You motioned down the street. “Can I, uh, walk you to work?”
 Mando stayed stock still. You had gotten good at reading his body language, understanding the tilts and nods of his head, catching onto the emotions that wafted off of him, but this still left you clueless. When he stood frozen it gave you nothing to work with. Finally, he cleared his throat. “Sure.”
 The two of you walked side by side in the direction of the station. You let Mando set the pace, and he chose a slow stroll. For the first minute or so, the two of you were in a comfortable silence. You were mentally trying to puzzle out a way to ask Mando the questions bouncing around in your head. You wanted to know more about Mandalorians, but you didn’t want to overstep.
 Mando spoke before you found your words. “How have you been sleeping?”
 “Oh.” You hadn’t expected him to ask about that. “Pretty good. Dreamless sleep. The best kind.”
 Apparently all it had taken to cure you from that repetitive memory was sleeping a few hours in Mando’s bed with Mando and his son. Not the solution you thought you’d find, but you were hardly complaining. In fact, all it took was one night of passing out with Mando and Grogu within reach to make sleeping in your own bed feel lonely. You were even tempted to ask to sleep in the bed again. Tempted, but not stupid enough to actually go through with it.
 “I wanted to, um, ask you about something, Mando.” You started and were caught off guard when he stopped walking to look at you. You offered him a nervous smile. “If that’s okay?”
 “I thought we were past you being timid.” He said. “I don’t want you to be scared to ask me anything, cyar’ika.”
 His words settled your nerves. You chuckled. “I know. I’m not scared, but this…” You shrugged. “I wanted to ask you about your culture and Mandalorians in general. I just didn’t want to blind side you with it.”
 Mando nodded. “I appreciate that.” He began to walk once more and you followed. “Ask.”
 Alright. Now you had to figure out what to ask and what order would be best. You paused to think it over and Mando gave you the time without pressing further. You twisted your lips before just picking one. “You can’t take your helmet off, right? Not in front of anyone but Grogu?” Mando nodded in confirmation. “Why? Is it because he’s your son? Can Mandalorians only show their face to their family?”
 “Yes. There was a period of time where… Grogu was separated from me.” Mando said. You frowned at this. “It wasn’t sudden. I knew it would come. My entire goal was to one day return him to his own kind, but…” He tilted his head. “It was still difficult. He came back though⏤ to stay. Once I knew I wouldn’t have to lose him, we went through gai bal manda.”
 “What’s that?”
 “An adoption ceremony. At that point, he officially became my foundling.” Mando finished. There was a beat before he added a clarification. “That’s why I can show him my face. If I married, I could show my riddur my face as well.”
 You connected the dots. “Riddur.” Whenever you spoke Mando’a it sounded so awkward, but you loved when Mando spoke it. The way the words rolled off his tongue in that hoarse voice. “Wife?”
 “Okay.” You hummed. “Is it safe to assume you don’t have a riddur?”
 Mando let out a breathy laugh. “It’s safe to assume that, yes.”
 “Does that mean only Grogu has ever seen your face?”
 This time Mando didn’t reply immediately. But, in the same way that he gave you the time to think through a question, you gave him time to think about his answer. After a minute passed, you were worried you had insulted him in some way. You didn’t think that question was so bad.
 “I was a foundling.” Mando said. “A Mandalorian saved me and took me in. As a child, I took the Creed. That’s when I was given my first helmet. No living creature saw my face until recently.” You listened intently as his spoke. His voice stayed firm and strong, but there was an underlying tone that conveyed his hesitance. “I showed my face to save Grogu then again to say good-bye. I never should’ve put the helmet on again.”
 Your eyes widened and you nearly tripped over your feet. “What do you mean?”
 “In showing my face, regardless of the reason, I broke my Creed.” Mando admitted. “I…” His feet slowed to a stop again and when you paused beside him he shifted to face you a bit. “I am not Mandalorian any longer. I am an Apostate.” You weren’t sure how to respond to that. It seemed silly to you that a man so dedicated to his creed and people could be exiled simply for showing his face⏤ especially since he did so to save Grogu. However, this was not your religion. It wasn’t your place to input your opinion into the conversation. The creed, no matter how ridiculous it seemed to you, was extremely important to him. You respected that. You respected him. Mando sighed, “I have to travel to Mandalore. Bathe in the Living Waters found there in order to redeem myself.”
 “I thought…” You narrowed your eyes, “Wasn’t Mandalore glassed? I heard stories that⏤ that the world was destroyed.”
 “It was.” Mando nodded. “There are rumors that the planet has recovered enough to be visited. It’s no longer poisoned.” There was so much hope in his voice that it brought a small smile to your face. “I planned to go, but Karga offered me the role of Marshal here. As much as I wanted to go…” Mando didn’t speak for a moment, his hands drifted to his hips as he shrugged. “Grogu deserves a home. A safe place to grow.”
 You tilted your head a bit, trying to gauge how to word this, “Right, and I think it was very… honorable of you to make that decision, but you should know, Mando.” You lifted a hand to set on his arm, the beskar cool to the touch. “You’re his home.” Mando stared down at you silently. It was scary how powerful Mando’s gaze could be considering his face was hidden. Maybe that was for the sake of the universe. You weren’t sure you could withstand looking directly into his eyes. “That kid adores you. Wherever you go in the universe, home is when he’s with you.”
 Mando gave you a slight nod, appreciative, and he cleared his throat. “Thank you. For saying that. You didn’t have to.”
 “I’m just stating the obvious, silly.” You laughed. The two of you began to walk again in peace. There was a small pit in your stomach as you realized you’d never see his face. You’d never know what Mando looked like. It didn’t matter, not really, but you were much too curious to not mourn that realization. He was still Mando. The man who hired you to care for his son, your friend the Marshal and Mandalorian. Regardless of the technical definition, he’d be Mandalorian in your eyes. You had never met a man as strong, admirable, loyal, or honorable as him. So, nothing would change, but you’d always wonder.
 ‘Brown’, you thought, ‘He has to have brown eyes’. Maybe a soft brown like sunlight passing through a glass of amber whiskey. It had to be warm though. That’s what being around him felt like, that’s what you imagined his gaze to radiate. Lying in the grass letting the sun pour over your skin. A thick blanket being wrapped around you on a cold, winter night. A mug of caf held between your hands. It didn't matter that he was covered head to toe in the silver, cool to touch beskar. Mando was just warm.
 “What are you thinking about?” Mando questioned.
 Your eyes widened at being caught. You couldn’t exactly tell him you were daydreaming about the color of his eyes. Instead, you held up two fingers. “Two more questions.” He nodded. “First, that thing you do with Grogu, where you set your forehead against his, is that a Mandalorian thing or just a you thing?”
 “Mandalorian.” He answered. “Kov’nyn.” You repeated the word and Mando chuckled at the sound. “It’s…technically it means head butt. It’s a way of showing affection.”
 “Mandalorians would use a type of attack to show love.” You snickered. Mando surprised you by stepping close enough to lightly bump his shoulder into yours as you walked. Up ahead, you could see the station coming into view. “Is it just a family thing?”
 “No. Any kind of affection. Friends, family, lovers. It just depends on the context of the action.”
  “Alright,” You nodded and came to a stop outside the station’s front doors. Mando stayed beside you giving no intention of running in. “Can I ask you my second or am I out of time?”
 “Ask, cyar’ika.” Mando chuckled.
 You pointed at him. “That. What does that word mean? You never told me.” You watched his shoulders stiffen. The movement so minute you nearly missed it. You crossed your arms with a playful smirk. “Come on. It can’t be that bad. You’re not walking around calling me an idiot or something are you?”
 Mando scoffed. “Never.” You raised an eyebrow at him and he sighed. “It just means… The best translation is…” He shrugged. “Sweetheart. I suppose.” The smirk fell off your face and a warm sensation ran through your veins. This entire time, he had been calling you sweetheart? You knew that technically didn’t mean anything romantic, but the term of endearment made you soft regardless. Mando held his hands out toward you as if you were a startled animal about to run. “I can stop. I didn’t mean⏤”
 “No.” You shook your head, pasting a smile on your face. “Don’t.” He tilted his head and you cleared your throat feeling embarrassed yourself at how that sounded. “I, um, it doesn’t bother me. I like it.” To be honest, coming from Mando, you would rather him call you that than the fake name you had given. It felt right. You reached out to lightly knock your knuckles against his chest. “I guess this just means I need to find a nickname for you, huh?”
 “I guess so.” Mando chuckled. “What’re you going to do today?”
 “Huh.” Your eyebrows raised at the question. You honestly hadn’t thought about what you were going to do with all the free time you had while Grogu was at school. “I don’t know. Maybe clean up the house some. Go shopping? We need groceries. Uh…”
 Mando set a hand on your shoulder. “Do something for yourself today. Relax.”
 “I don’t know if my boss would be happy with me lounging on the job.” You joked.
 He shook his head. “I wouldn’t lose any sleep worrying about that, cyar’ika.” You bit down on your lower lip hearing his term of endearment for you come from him. Mando’s hand trailed down your arm to lightly squeeze your hand. “There isn’t much your boss wouldn’t let you get away with.”
 Mando’s hand fell away from yours and you watched him trail into the station. As you stared at the door where he disappeared you repeated the mantra in your head repeatedly. He’s your boss. Mando was off limit. He was just your boss.
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 The day was non-eventful and dragged on slowly. Din had a feeling it had something to do with Grogu’s first day of school. It felt odd to send him into the building without someone by his side⏤ someone he trusted explicitly. He knew how important it was though, and Din didn’t want Grogu to feel any of the hesitation he felt. Din didn’t want it to ruin Grogu’s day.
 Though he had been so worried to drop Grogu off, he was excited to see how his son’s first day in school went. His feet carried him down the path back towards the school. Walking down the street of Nevarro, the same one he did this morning, his thoughts drifted to you. Din didn’t think he was going to end up talking to you about his Creed or his postponed future plans to travel to Mandalore to redeem himself. He surprisingly felt good about the conversation though. He liked that you knew that about him⏤ he wanted you to know that about him. It was an important part of his life, and you were slowly becoming important to him as well.
 The smile you wore when he told you what ‘cyar’ika’ meant was going to haunt his every dream for the foreseeable future.
 In the distance, he saw a small crowd standing outside the school. Parents waiting for the class to end. Din scanned the mass of people quickly and found you standing off to the side waiting patiently as the others did. Maker, you were pretty. Every single day it seemed like he noticed something new to admire. You were a kriffing work of art. Din could bask in your glow all day and never tire. As if you could feel his gaze, you turned and noticed him. Your face brightened with a grin, your hand lifting to greet him, and Din swore he felt his heart stutter. Dank farrik, you had him feeling like a teen with his first crush.
 “Hey, Mando!” You said as he grew closer. “How was work?”
 “It was fine. Non eventful. Did you spend some time relaxing today?”
 You chuckled. “I did. Spent the afternoon reading, and I got lunch with Nima.” You elbowed him in the side, a little nudge. “Plus, I even had time leftover to buy groceries.”
 The sound of laughing children had you both turning to face the school’s doors. A teacher stepped out and said good-bye as a group of older children rushed out. When they had passed, a different teacher led a line of young children out the door and toward the crowd. The kids began to disperse, eager to see their parents, and the teacher confirmed the sighting of each parent before letting them run away. Din saw Grogu bouncing in place, tugging on the edge of the teacher’s skirt, and when she glanced down at him Grogu pointed across the crowd. She nodded happily and Grogu took off away from her.  Din laughed and opened his arms in time for Grogu to leap into his chest.
 “Did you have fun, ad’ika?” Din chuckled again. It was moments like this that reassured Din of the choices he made. Grogu was happy. That was all he could ever really ask for.
 “ ‘lek! Buir,” Grogu continued to ramble on. After a few more lines of nonsensical babbling, Grogu abruptly stopped and turned his head to look around. His eyes landed on you, just a few steps away with a warm look drawn on your features, then reached a hand out to call you closer. “K’olar! K’olar!”
 Grogu was begging for you to come near, and you didn’t need to know Mando’a to understand what his son wanted from you. Din took a step closer, to meet you halfway, and he tried to hand Grogu over to you. Rather than leaping into your arms, Grogu grasped onto one of your outreached hands and just held on while staying in Din’s arms. The action made it so Grogu was nestled between the both of you. You showed no sign of discomfort from being so close. Instead, you held Grogu’s hand, resting your wrist against his arm, and used your other hand to lovingly rub his head. Content with his position, Grogu went back to babbling about his day.
 You listened intently. Nodding along and interjecting with vague questions to encourage Grogu to continue. Meanwhile, Din could only revel in the bubble of bliss that surrounded all of you. Din wanted to wrap one of his arms around your shoulder, pulling you in even closer, and that thought was dangerously tempting. You were Grogu’s nanny. You were off limits.You were not his to hold.
mando’a translations
Ad’ika: son nayc: no Gai bal Manda: adoption ceremony Riddur: spouse Kov’nyn: Headbutt Cyar’ika: Darling, sweetheart Buir: Father Ko’lar: Come
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kuonjiarincrow · 1 month
Obey Me! Song Units I know will probably never come out but by darn I'll still die on this hill waiting for them:
(But considering All The Feels came out on a new YouTube channel named Triworlds instead of the Obey Me Official maybe it's not so far off? 👀)
The Fantastic Three:
Lucifer, Diavolo, and Barbatos
(Nothing more needs to be said here.)
Purgatory Hall:
Simeon, Solomon, and Luke
(I really hope this one comes out. They're adorable. I love them sm I need more Simeon)
Satan and Solomon
(Levi would also work here since the three of them get along well surprisingly. Belphie's voice would probably match really well with them too. Book worms unite!)
The Angels:
Simeon and Luke
(Simeon is best dad. No doubt on that. But I've also got this itch due to Hazbin Hotel since Sera and Emily remind me so much of them. The whole "I thought since I'm older, it's my load to shoulder. You have to listen, it was such a hard decision. I wanted to save you the anguish it takes to do what was required." It would be nice to get a bit of foreshadowing under all the cute light they bring)
The Royals:
Diavolo and Barbatos
(I know I'm not ready for this one but I want it sm. Their vocals are deep so I feel this one would have more of a dark and brass-y type kinda like Trigger or Choose Me with maybe more guitar. Alternative: It's a one for one exactly like To Be A Princess from Barbie pun intended)
Sweets Masters / Gourmet Club:
Barbatos, Simeon, Beelzebub, and/or Luke
(This one could be them literally just naming different foods and I wouldn't even be mad tbh)
Solomon, Barbatos, and Asmodeus
(Solomon and his Demons. I can already hear the back handed comments and snarky retaliations. Good shit.)
Speaking of back handed comments
Tea Demons / Brothers No More
Barbatos, Lucifer, and/or Simeon (ft. Satan and Mammon)
(These two are put together for they serve the same purpose. To get on Lucifer's nerves. JK but one can't deny that Barbatos and Simeon get a kick from Lucifer's reactions. Much like a certain cat lover and gambling addict. Belphegor and Solomon could also go here...at this point everyone is trying to turn Lucifer's hair white from stress. I just think it'd make for a fun song.)
Diabolus (?):
Diavolo and Solomon/Simeon
(This one is a bit tricky to put into words. It'd be nice if we could maybe get like a sort of The Other Side from The Greatest Showman mix with They're Only Human from the Death Note Musical of Diavolo and either Simeon or Solomon (or both) discussing their views on the three worlds and the best way to bring peace between them. If it's even possible. Again, it's a weird concept I find intriguing that could be a pretty good bop but most certainly won't happen.)
Venting Time:
Solomon, Simeon, and Barbatos
(Literally just more of them tbh)
Royals and Brothers:
Diavolo and Lucifer, and Barbatos and Mammon
(It'd be nice to get a song with Diavolo and Lucifer since they're such good friends. The April Fool's video also left me wanting more Barbatos vs Mammon tbh)
Honorable Mentions:
These are mostly songs that I wish existed too but the ones above mostly focused on the Dateables rather than the brothers. But since one just can't get enough of them,
1. Big Brothers (Lucifer, Mammon, and Leviathan. Honestly, Levi needs more songs. Rock On!! Is one of the best unit songs, can't argue with that. But they're still the big three and Levi gets left out a lot :()
2. No Big Brothers Allowed (Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor. I love Satan and Asmodeus' relationship, I'm surprised there isn't more of them considering they're such good singers. And speaking of good singers, more twins pls)
3. Brothers Under a Pact (Mammon, Leviathan, and Beelzebub. I personally feel robbed that we don't have a song for them.)
4. Team Party (Mammon and Asmodeus. They're so full of energy they'd sing the best bop to play at the club.)
5. Where's My Money (Mammon and Leviathan. These tsunderes are so much more a like than they care to admit. There's potential for musical parallels)
8. I'm so thankful for all the hard work Solmare and the Boys do for us. They've definitely gotten better and more confident in their skills and it really shows. Spooky Night Parade, Magic Moment, Anniversary, and now All The Feels were all amazingly beautiful. Truly, I have no words for how much I love all these songs. They mean so much and I'm thankful for anything they bless us with. I can only hope they continue making incredible music.
6. 345 (Leviathan, Satan, and Asmodeus. Again, all three are great singers, it'd be cool to have a unit song for them.)
7. My Favorite (Lucifer and Belphegor. Big Bro vs Little Bro. The tension would be high here but their underlying love for each other is what does it for me.)
This post is really just wishful thinking on my part, the songs we have are so good I can't help but want more. Each instrument and lyrics have been given so much thought and I think they did such an amazing job at really capturing each character with their respective songs. Maybe I'll make a post dissecting each song. Or maybe I'm reading too much into them.
Regardless, thank you for the music❤️
If you managed to read to the bottom, thank you for reading my word vomit! It's 3 am and I need to stop procrastinating on sleep. Have a lovely day!
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brights-place · 4 months
Synth x s/o with panick attacks comfort? Love your writing your actually amazing :3
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Synth comforting his S/o
Pairings: Synth X Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Panic attacks, Anxiety
A/N: Synth is such an cutie I love him so much! GOD HE'S SUCH AN CUTE GOLDEN RETRIEVER BOY! I headcannon him with ADHD btw cause he shows some aspect and my friend also agreed on it
- You never cease to be surprised with synth with every day you spend together which is everyday as he discovers something new about you no matter how small and how you notice things about you too... even when how hard you try to hide your sadness and insecurities - Like I said Synth wasn’t the most emotionally aware troll so he finds it hard to understand your emotions sometimes
- It takes him awhile but he gets there just for you and just to see you smile again cause if your not smiling he wouldn’t know what to do. - Synth would stare at you confused as you were biting your lip while you both were at a rave - You weren't hyper or dancing with him so he noticed it quickly since you would always laugh with him dancing together but you weren't doing that - He just stared confused before taking your hand and pulling you away after nodding to trollex meaning Synth was gonna be helping you - He took you to an calmer area "(Name)- Uhm" He looked around nervously before making you sit down as you stared at the floor before tearing up "OH! I KNOW WHAT TO DO!" Synth said excitedly when seeing you tear up he swam off and came right back with items in his hands - He placed an seaweed blanket over you and handed you some of your favourite food - He just sits beside you waiting patiently but he is hearing the loudness of teh rave so he bops his head and smiles at you as you sniffle - You knew that The reason Synth likes raves so much is because he feels like it's the only time he can let loose and be free without worrying about anything else. He can let go of all his fears and anxieties and just have fun, knowing that everyone around him is doing the same. - Yet you couldn't help but relax that he was with you atleast - Synth paused and leaned in to you "sooo..." Synth started "Wanna talk about it?" Synth said taking your hand and lifting it up to cup his face as you smiled softly "No it would be a bother Honey" You muttered as Synth hummed leaning into your hand and smiling at you - You couldn't help but admire your lover. Synth always has a big smile on his face, even when things are difficult, and he can often be the light in the darkness... He is the sun to your moon - He reminds you that things will get better and that everyone has their own strengths and talents.
- He can see the beauty in everyone and always tries to highlight the best parts of each person.
- He never judges anyone for their past failures or mistakes, and he always seems to have the right thing to say to comfort them... and thats what he is doing right now trying his best to comfort you - You let out a sigh as synth cuddled you and join you in the seaweed blanket "I dont know... I just feel overwhelmed... you know?" Synth stared listening the best he could even with His ADHD you knew he was doing his best - His large doe eyes stared at you like an golden retriever smiling up at their owner - Synth stared listening as you ranted to him about how you were feeling this whole week. You felt drained and tired and you weren't feeling good yet you didn't know why you felt drained and tired - Synth is always there for you aka lover when you needed someone to talk to or to comfort them. He listens without judgment and provides support, understanding, and affection for you - he just nodded listening as you relaxed as he cuddled into you and kissed your lips for an moment which relaxed you as he pulled away "I understand that!" you smiled "You do?" Synth nodded "I mean I'm hyper 34/7 365 days every year but there's always one day or some longer that makes me feel tired! but I always get back up! and so will you!" Synth said happily as you sighed - He nuzzled into you and kissed your cheek as you cupped your cheek that he kissed before giggling and turning to Synth peppering his face with kisses as he smiled happily
- He makes sure to treat your feelings as seriously as he would want his to he treated so he makes sure that you are pampered with kisses
- He is always willing to go out of his way to make you happy as he makes sure you are relaxed and calm
- Synth is also very sweet and affectionate and always makes sure to tell you how much he loves and appreciates you for dating him and how he appreciates you opening up to him
- As the rave music in the background was soft and quiet Synth stood up and sticked out his hand towards you "You may feel down but you know what makes me happy? and I think the same would work for you" Synth said as you laughed "Dancing to the beats in the background" You replied raising an brow chuckling as Synth nodded quickly - You took his hand as he smiled bopping up and down as you giggled joining him dancing to the techno music and vibing together as you smiled at how he was hyper and always made sure to kiss your cheek when you were close beside each other while dancing - You knew synth isn't that great with emotions but he was doing his best and cared for you and you wouldn't change it at all. - Him just being there with you and smiling while making sure your hyped up with the music is enough for you too know that he loves you and wants you to fight of these feelings with something he knew that could make you feel better.
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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lynnieos · 13 days
Best Commissioned song from each character except I don't know anything about instruments and am bad at describing things.
Ichika (Hoshi wo Tsunagu): eh it's good. I don't really like any of her songs and this one is the best out of all of them. (I'm sorry bbg). Runner up is Made To Order
Saki (Tera Tera): What do you want me to say. Tera Tera is Tera Tera bro. Okay no lol it's a really good song and extremely catchy, the guitar is very fun and ichika saki and miku and a wonderful trio. Aioi is the runner up
Shiho (Peaky Peaky): I want 🎸🎸 to be 🎸🎸 legit-
What do you expect. The guitars. The basically trio of KAITO shiho and ichika. SHIHO. it's so catchy and funky and fun, which isn't normally something Leo/Need gets to be in their songs (which is fine I just wish they got more spunky stuff). Kaito is really well tuned and the guitar goes so fucking hard along with shiho and ichikas vocals. runner up is purpose
Honami (Flyway): literally gorgeous. Like. What else do I say. It's so different from Leoni's usual songs and it's better for it? Like the violins and whatever string instrument they're using is beautiful while still having some guitar or bass in there (I think) is just a wonderful mix of instruments and I wish they got to branch out more like that. Don't even get me started on the vocals HONAMI IS KILLING IT HERE. ichika's voice when the key changes is fucking amazing and everything about this song makes me want to scream. Ily honami. Runner up is Regulus
Airi (Momoiro no kagi): Holy fuck the everything about this song is just. Phenomenal. Everyone's vocals are on point, the instruments used are soft while still carrying, just like Airi's voice, like it was made for her (because. Well. It was.) This song is a lot different from her other songs and while I love (most of) them, this one is special to me because it's just so unlike her other ones and allows us to see a different side of her voice, one that's more melancholy. I'm going to stop here omg airi I love you sm. Runner up is Parasol Cider
Shizuku (Metamo RE:BORN): this song is so fucking stimmy and bouncy I ADORE it. The little click clacks in the background, the percussion doing absolute wonders, the vocals being so bouncy and matching the instrumentals perfectly, the buildup in the bridge (?) Is fucking amazing omg. Bopping so hard to this song it's so fun. Runner up is Hug
Haruka (Ai No Material): THE BEGINNING. THE SPARKLY SOUNDS. THE FUCKING VOCALS. everything about this song is so beautiful. I love everything about this song (except MEIKO'S tuning but. That's a whole other issue.) The chorus is so happy but in that calm, almost reserved way that reminds me of Haruka. It feels like floating on a teardrop. The guitar solo is good and so are all the parts after it omg. The soft quiet moment before the song picks up again for the end makes me want to bop my head i cant this song makes me so happy. THE ENDING ALSO. OH MY GOD. I CAN'T. I LOVE THIS SONG SM. runner up is float planner
Minori (World Wide Wander): this song is so fucking good. Why did y'all never tell me. This used to be in the bottom now it's one of my favorites. This song is so non-minori but it's literally perfect for her at the same time? The guitars, the overall... Vibe it gives off, you wouldn't expect a song like this from MMJ but they pull it off flawlessly. The guitars were an unorthodox choice but once again are actually really good. Also airi in this song omfg she sounds so good I can't- just. It's so catchy and fun I love it. Runner up is Teamate
An (Overthrow): I am so sorry An. This song is good. Rin's tuning is good and the chorus is great. The part where akito and an go off is good. I think this song does a good job of displaying everyone's unrest and upset after learning about such earth-shattering news. But it's nothing amazing to me. Runner up is Awake Now
Toya (Utsuro wo Aogu): everything about this song is so great. GOD. like. Holy shit Toya. The instrumentals are super good and do a fuck ton for the song, but the vocals are definitely a highlight in particular. Everyone sounds amazing and the girls acting as almost backup singers while still having their time to shine in the song is really charming to me. Of course the part where everyone says a part of their partner's name makes me want to rip at the walls/pos. But the part right after that makes me want to get up and scream omg. Everyone is on their A-game in this song and that makes this songs so fucking amazing omg. "Runner up" is blender
Okay so this was written pre-blender and now my opinions have changed blender is the best Toya comm but I don't feel like writing another analysis so it's the runner up
Kohane (Hitsuji ga ippiki): EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS SONG IS PERFECT. the vocals the tuning the instrumentals the everything. Everyone is pulling their weight and akina and jiena went OFF in the recording studio. The buildup is so fucking good you don't understand. And Akina's like. Rolling of her Rs at the end killed me dead/pos. Kohane got to shine in a way she NEVER does in other songs and really got an opportunity to show how she can fit so so well into grungier songs and also MEIKO'S tuning is good for once so we all knew this song was gonna be a banger. Runner up is Beat Eater
Akito (Cinema): This song singlehandedly made me love Akito. And it's the first song to make me cry. I LOVE Cinema. The song to me isn't catchy or anything that scratches my brain but it's so fucking good that I love it a lot anyway. The lyrics speak to me a lot because of my experiences with not feeling like enough, wanting to give up but pushing through anyway because maybe, maybe one day I'll be able to be someone with something. But the lyrics progressively get more hopeful throughout the song, and I get more hopeful along with them. I don't have to wait around for the day to come when I can make that day today or smth. Idk man that song fucks me up. Like. A lot. Runner ups are Moonlight AND CRaZY
Kanade (Tricologe): I don't have much to say about this song. It's funky and fun and literally Kanade's only good comm (I'm sorry samsa). The vocals are good and I like Miku's tuning in this song. Um. Kanade's vocals are really good. NILFRUITS being commissioned for Kanade of all people is really surprising but done really well. Idk man this song really is good I just don't have anything much to say about it. Runner up is Kanadetomosusora
Ena (Nomad): all of ena's songs are around the same level of good but nomad beats out the others because of just how much of an improvement the full version is. I Nandesu is good either way and so is Infinitely Gray, but Nomad's full version is so much of a glow up in comparison to the game version that I can't help but appreciate it more. That and mizuki and Ena murder this song with their phenomenal vocals so this one takes the cake. The instrumentals are as per usual good and the like. Idk what it is but the little high pitched noise that plays is so so good. I love it. Runner up is I Nandesu
Mizuki (Kitty): you know what this song shouldn't be my favorite. It's just. So. Fucking. Catchy. It was the song I listened to the most over the summer. I was playing it non-stop and it somehow became my favorite that way. The guitars in particular goes so fucking hard in this song for no gaddamn reason and Ena's "1, 2, 3, 4" followed by the mizumafu part was a fatal combination. This song was nothing to me at the beginning because I was low-key tired of electric guitar but this song is so absurdly good it kinda trumps that. How did this happen. Runner up is IDSMILE
Mafuyu (Bug): Everything in this song is perfect and it was my favorite song in the entire game for so long. You don't understand. The instrumentals the hard intense beats and the fast pace. It's addicting. The small little noises and vocals that they added are so so good. But what really majes this song is mafuyu. This song has the best vocals in the entire game and Mafuyu is the reason why. The buildup then the sudden key change with Mafuyu fucking belting like she never has before. I stim so fucking hard to this song. Niigo has literally never sounded better than in this song and no other Nightcord song has been able to top this one since. Runner up is Jackpot Sad Girl
Rui (Showtime Ruler): this song is really good I like it. The lyrics are super sweet the instrumentals are so fun and spunky and so very Rui. Everything about this song is Rui. The instrumental the lyrics the fucking 3DMV. The little robot sounds in the bg (listen with headphones to hear it better.) Tsukasa and Rui's solos nearing the end of the song are so fucking good. This song is the embodiment of fun and quirkyness and Rui in general it makes me sick I love this song. The guitars are also really fun. Runner up is Donketsu
Nene (Glory Steady Go!): NENE!!!! THE GIRL!!!! Now THIS is how you make a song featuring mainly a duet between the VS and the Character of the song (im sorry leoni ilysm just not your songs). Nene is so perfect in this song, she sounds so free and happy in a way she doesn't normally mainly because she gets so many solo lines WHICH IS A GOOD THING!! ITS HER SONG IT'S ABOUT HER!!! The others do a perfect job of enhancing nene's vocals while still having a spot to shine without taking the focus away from Nene. The line distribution in this song is masterful and that's one of the main reasons why I love it so damn much. The instrumentals are fun as fuck and encapsulate Nene really well for me, still being chaotic and fun (because it's wondersho) but still keeping that slight subdued-ness that Nene has. It feels like Nene letting loose and just. Letting herself be a bit less... Reserved? She sounds like she's having a good time I mean. Luka is tuned really well here and adds a lot to the song, which is a trend in Luka comms. The small chants and tiny little noises of laughter and screams and talking is just so great man. The moment before the final chorus where Nene is like "you guys are a headache but doing shows with everyone is super fun!" While slightly crying I fucking hate wandasho I need to run them over oh my fucking god they love each other so much. That's it. That's what this song makes me feel. The song doesn't just feel like Nene cutting herself loose it feels like her letting herself get caught up in the rest of wandasho's antics. She's letting herself be influenced by the rest of wandasho and by a result the song is more chaotic than what you'd expect from Nene. Because Nene would have never gotten to this point without her friends. Without wandasho. I'm gonna fucking cry omg Nene is literally the best character in this game omg. Runner up is Hoshizora no Melody
Emu (Kira pipi Kira pika): this song is perfect. It's perfection. It's literally one of the best songs in the entire game. Words cannot describe how much I love this song. The instrumentals are amazing, but they also don't go as hard in favor of letting the voices shine instead. And the fucking voices. Emu sounds really cute here, matching the songs tempo to near perfection, but honestly I have to give this song to the entire group as a whole (which makes a lot of thematic sense considering how integral her friends are to her as a person and by extent her story). The small little exchanges and rapid-switching from one singer to another does a perfect job of keeping the energy high and fanciful, and when the song does slow down, it feels just the right amount of somber (especially since this song is so happy otherwise) while picking back up in a natural and very impactful way. It mirrors the relationship in wondersho; whenever Emu is feeling down and needs some reassurance, the others are always there to pick her back up and help her get going again. this song feels like it's telling you a story; the story of Wonderlands x Showtime, the story of Emu learning to move on and go to her next adventure with her friends omfg I love Emu so fucking much I would kill for her. Runner up is Niccori ^^ Survey Theme
And last, but definitely not least...
Tsukasa (Mr. Showtime): Okay. Okay okay okay. This. Fucking. Song. I literally cannot type because I keep getting swept up in the fucking PERFECTION that is Mr. Showtime. This song is the best song in the entire game. And I do NOT say this lightly. The instrumentals. The vocals. Luka. FUCKING TSUKASA TENMA. Oh my fuckinf god. Everyone and everything in this damn song is fucking PERFECT, this is Wonderlands x Showtime pushed to their fucking limits with how fucking hard they can go with a song. This feels like something straight out of a fucking musical and I mean that in the highest of praises. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, is on their fucking A-game here. Tsukasa of course steals the show with his PHENOMENAL vocals, but Rui Nene and Emu are not taking a backseat in this song. Holy shit it is the opposite. They carry this song on their fucking backs (along with tsukasa) because if they weren't there the song would be SO much worse. Like so much. God this song is so smooth and seamless and mesmerizing, it's too easy to get swept up in the song and dance along with it. It makes you want to get up and dance. Actually no I'm nowhere near done this song makes me want to CRY OMFG. I'm abt to go into specifics about EVERYTHING be Warned.
Okay so the instrumentals are perfect. Literally perfect. The saxophone (I think) is THE MAIN REASON WHY THIS SONG IS PERFECT. i have no idea what kinda percussion that is in the background but it does a perfect job of keeping you following along with the beat so I never go off track. The piano is SO GOOD. I know it's most major appearance is in the beginning but you can hear it if you listen closely, right before the chorus, kinda like a lead-in to it? It makes me sick. Hitoshizuku x yamaP put crack cocaine into these instrumentals. And no I'm not done btw. I have no fucking idea what it is but the like. Percussion. In the part where tsukasa is holding the balloons (In the 2dmv) is great. And I love that part. The instrumentals atp have only stopped like once so the sudden lack of saxophone and other stuff makes this moment more impactful and makes it HURT I LOVE THIS SONG. Another thing I'd like to mention is that they have never gone so fucking hard on the instrumentals before. There are a BUNCH of subtle changes, such as putting more or less emphasis on an instrument and stuff like that. How do I say this the song feels like it follows along with the vocalists and adjusts things depending on the current mood of the characters. Dare I say. Like a musical
Idek what to call it but the SFX are also amazing. The tape reel in the part after the first chorus and the clapping before the Intermission part always gets me really excited. I'm also including the little small noises that the others make and classifying them as sound effects. Emu and Tsukasa's little cheer in the part right before the second chorus is so good I rewind it over and over again I hate them they make me sick.
And now the vocals. I am going to be going on an incoherent rant now. Tsukasa is obviously the lead but he's also the leader of this song, so yes he gets the most impactful parts but it also feels like he directs when the rest of the cast respond (0:19-0:23 is a good example of what I mean), like he calls and they call back to him i guess? words are hard. Anyway the vocals are so well coordinated and perfect. Every character gets to have their own moment and the way the song switches from vocalist to vocalist (a perfect example is 2:37-2:44 if you're confused) keeps the song from ever feeling stagnant which then means I always get distracted by it cause it keeps you engaged the entire time.
I'm not good at interpreting lyrics but the lyrics hurt me/ pos. Read them and you'll understand. The double meanings hurt meeee- tsukasa loves his friends so much he loves being an actor so much he wants to keep going he wants to hold on he wants to remember he is so full of determination and love and that is a potent combination. I love you tsukasa tenma. Can you tell I like tsukasa tenma. Fuckkkkkkkk. Runner up is 88* and Filament Fever
Okay that's it! You can definitely tell where my biases kicked in and it's very obvious I know nothing about instruments but otherwise I think this is okay. Thank you for reading and if you have any input to add please do I would love to hear it
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Taygan oneshot
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Logan and Taylor were hanging out at their favorite cafe. It was a nice, relaxing place with couches and a tv playing music. 
They were hanging out on one of the couches, Taylor sipping from her lavender lemonade as she leaned on Logan and scrolled through her phone and Logan was reading through a book on astronomy. 
Taylor was humming to herself and looked at Logan. 
“Hey, when’s your birthday?”
“Huh? Oh. December 18.”
Taylor nodded and rapidly typed something into her phone. 
“Huh? What are you doing?” he asked, leaning over her shoulder curiously. 
She was on some website he didn’t recognize. She cleared her throat and read out, “Your horoscope for today says that you-“
“Oh no,” he says, cutting her off. He reached out and grabbed her phone. 
“Ah! Hey-!” she said, laughing, only because Logan was also laughing. She knew he was playing with her. 
“No way am I letting you read my horoscope,” he said in a matter of fact voice. 
“Why not?”
He laughed and gently bopped her head. “Because that stuff is baloney.”
She chuckled and rolled her eyes. “To you, maybe. You’re just too logical,” she said as Logan handed her phone back. 
He sighed dramatically and leaned onto her shoulder. “I just know there’s no logical reason to explain something like that.”
She laughs and he laughs too. That’s one thing they liked about each other. They could laugh so freely together. They may disagree on so many things they’re passionate about, but in the end, they know it’d be ridiculous to really get mad about it. So, instead, they bond on other things. 
“Did you hear about the crafts they’re sending to Mars?” Logan asked. 
“Oh ya! I’ve seen photos of it! The craftsmanship! I can only imagine how much work went into building it!”
This was what they could bond over. A crossover between space and engineering. 
“Do you plan to go to NASA after you go to engineering school?” he asks, wrapping his arm around her as he looked back at his book. 
Taylor hesitated, sipping from her lemonade awkwardly. “I dunno.. I’m not sure if I’m even going to engineering school..”
“Huh? Why not. You love mechanical engineering.”
“I know. It’s a money thing..”
“Ah..” That was one thing Logan understood all too well. He lived with his grandparents, who were florists. He threw out ideas of going to his dream schools a long time ago. 
But, still.. Taylor of all people deserved to go to whatever school she wanted. She’s such a dedicated and hard worker, and super passionate too. 
It’s what Logan admired so much about her. 
“I think you should try for a scholarship,” he said, resting his cheek on the top of her head. 
“You think so?”
“Ya.. You’re definitely smart enough for it.” He gave her a jovial smile. “Even if you do believe in horoscopes.”
She snorted out a laugh. Her snorting always caught him off guard and caused him to laugh and snort too, and soon they’d just be giggling messes. 
No one ever brought out this side of Logan. He was too shy, too boring. And yet Taylor made him fun, made him playful and teasing. 
She was so much like him, yet so different. Maybe that’s why he likes her so much. 
And Taylor admired Logan’s quiet nature. The way he could just listen, be such a gentle shoulder to cry on. Taylor had such a bad habit of trying to always find solutions, something she picked up from Tyler growing up, that she never actually pays attention to her emotional needs. Logan’s presence always felt like a gentle reminder to think about that sort of stuff.
They were still giggling like a couple of schoolchildren when one of the people working went up to them. 
“I’m sorry..” she said with the most passive aggressive smile the two of them had ever seen. “Could you two pipe down or leave? You’re causing disturbance to everyone else in the cafe.”
The two exchanged embarrassed glances and stood up. 
“Right, sorry,” said Taylor. “We’ll head on out…”
The two left the shop and once they were standing outside the door, they looked over at each other, paused, and burst out laughing. 
“Oh my gosh,” Logan said. “That’s my first time getting kicked out of anywhere.”
“Me too! Haha!!”
The two linked arms and began to walk off. 
“Wanna go to my grandparents’ flower shop?”
“Ya. Sounds good.”
They walked together in comfortable silence, calming down from their laughing fit. 
“Hey. Logan?”
“You really think I could get into engineering school on a scholarship?”
“Yes,” he said confidently. 
She looked down and smiled. “And you think I could really work at NASA?”
“Yes,” he said again, full confidence. 
“…Maybe I will.. as long as you come with me.”
“To NASA.. let’s see the stars together.”
He paused and smiled at her. Logan wasn’t really sure what he wanted to do with his life. He had never been sure. But Taylor’s confidence, her request.. it was so tempting that he, for the first time, felt confident about what he wanted to do after high school. 
“NASA..? Maybe.”
That’s probably why they got along, really. 
They both reached to their dreams. 
Taylor trusted in hopes, Logan trusted in facts. 
But their trusts tied together in their love for the stars. 
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cheesecakeluvrs · 2 months
Why are X-men relationships so messy?
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I want to mostly talk about Jean and Scott and Rogue and Gambit since the internet is getting mad at everyone in those four (except for Gambit)
Now the main reason these relationships are so messy is that it’s Marvel comics, hard to find something not messy. They need an interesting story and they most definitely go the lengths to get exactly that
But I feel like another big reason is due to the isolation of mutants. They have not been able to go out and experience relationships to learn and grow
Now Jean and Scott have been together for a long time. Their romance started there day they first met and has since been going strong… well kinda. Both Scott and Jean have not dated other people and had the opportunity to grow for each other. Most relationships take the experience of past ones and use them to grow. While I can’t say the amount of drama is usual for people who have only been with the same person some of it makes sense when you put it in the marvel comics lens. In these ‘97 episodes Scott and Jean have been tested due to their immaturity when it comes to romance. While it could end any way I do still have hope for the two and believe that they will be able to overcome this because they are both very much in the wrong
Now I have talked A LOT about Rogue and Gambit but the more people I see talking smack about Rogue and calling her a “bop” the more I need to defend them. Now Gambit has definitely had much more experience when it comes to romance compared to Rogue and I feel like that’s where a lot of his understanding for her comes from. Unlike a lot of people on the internet he is able to be patient with her until she is able to understand her own feelings. While he would like to have a relationship with her he does understand the struggle that she is going through. Now that’s not to say Gambit is completely not in the wrong because his flirting in the original was just more reminders that she is not able to touch the man she loves. Now when it comes to Rogue she has the romantic maturity of a thirteen year old girl. I’m not even saying that as an insult she just hasn’t experienced a proper relationship since she was thirteen. We see her flirt with others but when it comes to an actual relationship that’s where we see her struggle in ‘97. Her whole world has revolved around not touching people and since she hasn’t gone out and been with people due to her thinking that she can’t be in a relationship without touching someone she hasn’t been able to learn that that’s not what a relationship is about. The only way she is able to learn that she doesn’t need this is if she has it… and of course that’s where Magneto and the dance comes in.
Now moving onto Magneto I mentioned this a little in my post about how toxic Rogue and his relationship is but it definitely feels like he’s taking advantage of Rogues romantic immaturity. Unlike Gambit he never tries to show her that there is more to a relationship than just intimacy he is just using the fact that she is so desperate for intimacy to get with her
I don’t know what my thing is with making a post right before a new episode comes out but it’s about Storm and Forge so maybe I’ll write something tomorrow morning
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iguessitsjustme · 3 months
I was tagged by @my-rose-tinted-glasses, @troubled-mind, and @littleragondin and I finally have a chance to do this (cries in introvert forced to be social)
RULES: put 5 songs you actually listen to, then tag 10 people.
I listen to approximately a million songs all of the time. I always have music playing if I'm not working or watching something and I have talked nonstop about many songs already here so I tried to choose songs I haven't mentioned yet.
Laugh About It - Remember Monday
Quite literally been obsessed with this song lately. Also this music video doesn't make me feel gay at all. Nope. Definitely not. I am looking respectfully. Completely. But also I genuinely love the song. These girls have gorgeous harmonies and the whole song is about being petty so of course I love it.
2. Sinner - Leadley
I bet you thought I was gonna put the other Sinner here considering how often I mention it and that I made a video edit using it. But nope. This song is just...a bop. At least for me. There was a time in my life I listened to this at least once a day.
3. She - dodie
This song was probably the catalyst for me to start...questioning things. Anyway it's gorgeous and calming. Actually dodie is one of my favorite artists and I don't mention her nearly enough. I especially like listening to her when I'm traveling because her calming voice and soft melodies help me keep my travel anxiety in check.
4. Pegadito - Tommy Torres
This song scratches my brain perfectly. Also nothing like listening to songs in Spanish to remind me that I need to brush up on my Spanish because I now suck at it and I am very angry at myself for that. But also this song is just...I love it.
5. HAN "외계인 (Alien)
Would I be able to leave Stray Kids off this list? Of course not. I mean, I'm mentioning songs I haven't mentioned before, not bands. Anyway believe it or not, my favorite of their albums is skz-replay and this is just the first song I saw when I was trying to choose. My favorite by Han is actually Wish You Back, but this is a very close second. It hits just right for me. Can't explain it. Also Han is just an extremely talented person and it both baffles me and impresses me. I genuinely believe he might be one of the most talented people on the planet. At least musically. And definitely works very hard for it as well. I'm getting sidetracked.
Tagging @heretherebedork because I told you I was going to and I want to see what 5 songs you end up choosing :P
I am also tagging anyone who has not done this and wants to but maybe hasn't been tagged yet. It's been a minute so I don't remember everyone who's done it and who's been tagged. But if you do this please, please, please, tag me so I can see your song recs. And also potentially scream at you about music.
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911 Spoilers Season 3: You’ve been warned. 😅 Buddie Rewatch
Episode 8-9
Episode 8: Malfunction
Ice Rink Disaster:  Eddie calmly searching, while buck is like a baby dear, unable to stay up on ice. Eddie and Buck on finding finger duty. They find all the fingers. Buck finds 3, and Eddie found 1.
 We learn about Bobby’s ice-skating past. The entire 118 finding this new information amusing. Eddie judging Bobby and stating he thought he was more into hockey. Bobby taking the comment and throwing it back. Bobby walks away as everyone is left visibly confused. Chim has my favorite facial reaction. Hen a close second.
Eddie and Buck are standing near each other with the same confused look. The height difference is prominent. Buck suggesting the google photos later, Eddie just nodding his head in agreement.
Buck almost slips on the ice again, but catches himself. Eddie rolls his eyes at Buck’s clumsiness.
Eddie is in the middle of another fight. He’s fighting against someone arguably twice his size. He’s focused, not holding back, letting out all his anger. He is getting paid for the fight, wants more of these fights. Passively mentions Lena gave him the advise that he needed an outlet. The promotor reminding him he’s not invisible, rules apply to him too.
 Buck is pulling something out of his jeep when Eddie pulls in with a brand-new pick-up truck. Buck walks towards Eddie to ask if the truck is a rental. Eddie admits to impulse buying because his last truck the AC went out. Buck is the one to point out it was an impulse buy. Eddie tries to use Chris as an excuse.
Buck has a light banter about Eddie needing more shifts in the future to make payments.  Eddie changing the subject to ask what Buck is carrying. They playfully run into the fire house.
Scene cuts to Bobby’s morning brief. Buck and Eddie are standing so close together. Practically shoulder to shoulder, with smirks on their faces.  Buck bites his lip and Eddie moves out of the way, loudly singing to catch everyone’s attention as he pulls out a life-size cut out of young Bobby as an ice skater.
Buck being extra silly admits he’s the one that got the photo from his old partner. Eddie standing there all proud, makes fun of Bobby’s hair. Hen appears late from dropping Denny off at school, at this moment you can see how proud Eddie is with his hands on his hips and his head bopping up and down and Buck looking towards his direction and back at Hen. They really love their little prank.
Athena cooks dinner for the 118. Eddie and Buck sit next to each other as they eat. Bobby stops Buck from adding salt to Athena's salt. Eddie practically begging Athena cook more for them. Buck trying to stay neutral and says he likes both Athena's and Bobby's food equally.
Self Driving Car; Eddie and Buck are working together to move debris and move the victims.
Maddie, Chimney, and Buck are hanging out at Buck's place. They are talking about how weird Hen is being. Buck points out that he thinks Eddie is also being weird. Maddie points out how quickly information spreads in the 118. Chimney asking Buck for further clarification on why he think Eddie is being weird. Maddie turning towards them with an annoyed look.
If I wanted to be real delusional I would say Maddie turned around at the mention of Eddies name because she has been a Buddie shipper from day one. That is not what happened, but the way the clip is edited, it is so easy to pretend.
Eddie is fighting again. He's throwing elaborate punches and kicks. Really doing damage on his opponent. He kicks the guy in the face. The man has a seizure and isn't breathing. Eddie calls 911 and everyone attempts to flee the scene. Eddie leaves his opponent sat up and airways clear giving him the best chances when help arrives.
Lena's station is the one to respond to the call. She is the one to make the connection that someone helped the victim and gave him the best odds. She knew almost instantly that Eddie was involved.
She finds Eddie and confronts him about if he was the one that saved the man or the one that almost killed him. Eddie admits too being both. Eddie looks tired, upset, and annoyed at the entire situation.
She hands Eddie her firefighter jacket, Eddie confused by this, she explains its’s to give him a cover, to keep him out of jail, so that she doesn’t have to bail him out.
Lena is now interrogating Eddie outside. Asking him if how long he’s been fighting. Eddie says he’s been fighting a lot because it pays good money. Lena sees thru that bullshit and knows that the thing that was suppose to be an outlet, has become a very unsafe obsession. Eddie does not want to listen to Lena’s concerns. He’s very dismissive.
Eddie walks into the fire house, Bobby calls him up for a meeting. He sees Lena walking down the stairs and is pissed off at her because he thinks she snitched.
Lena puts him in his place and establishes they are not friends, because Eddie is too one sided.
Eddie and Bobby have a one on one, discussing how this fighting thing is about wanting control. Bobby discloses that Lena came over to defend Eddie, Eddie feels guilty for fighting with her. The conversation leads to how Shannon asked for a divorce and Eddie is still angry with her. He is trying to fight off the tears, but ends up crying in front of Bobby.
Piss Robot: Buck is the one to connect that the robot must have freaked out because the victim peed on it. Eddie judging the victim for peeing on the robot.
So, looking closely at the scene, it seems like Eddie wasn’t there for most of the filming. There is a random stand by that is obviously suppose to be Eddie in a few shots. A lot of the shots Eddie is he is completely by himself. This is the explanation as to why we do not see a lot of Buck and Eddie team work like we would normally have. I will say if it wasn’t for this rewatch I would have never noticed this discrepancy.
Hen’s Ambulance accident; This scene is so hard to watch. Hen makes me feel every emotion of despair, guilt, and sadness she is feeling.
Buck and Eddie are standing near each other restocking the engine, when they hear Chimney on the radio announce they just got into an accident.
I don't know how I didn't notice this before but Eddie is also not really in this scene either, they have another stand by and a lot of solo shots. So there really isn’t much to break down outside of the fact that everyone in the 118, is sympathetic towards what Hen is processing and going thru. Hen on the ground being held by Athena, really broke me.
Episode 9: Fall out
Episode 9: Fall out
Meteorite: Buck and Eddie walk in the building together. Buck is the one to find the meteorite and wants to grab it, but is chastised by Bobby and Chim.
Buck knowing about the one other time a person has ever been hit with a meteorite and letting the victim know she’s special. The victim is confused as to why Buck knows this information. Eddie being the one to explain that Buck has become a little obsessed with natural disasters ever since the tsunami. Buck chuckling after Eddie’s explanation.
We meet the departments therapist Frank, who has sessions with Hen, Maddie, and Eddie.
 Eddie discussing how in moments he should be happy and should be proud, he doesn’t necessarily feel those emotions. Frank telling him there is no right way to process trauma.
Eddie making it a point to say that he does not want to be in therapy, He would much rather be at home with Chris, but that he is there because he doesn’t want Chris to turn out like him. Eddie was at the verge of tears when talking about how Chris felt the need to hide his pain, to make Eddie feel good. Eddie never wants Chris to feel like he has to do that ever again.
Eddie vocalizing how he almost killed a man.
Buck is asking Bobby when they should expect to hear some news on Hen’s investigation.
Eddie mentioning running into Hen on his way to Franks. That she seemed okay, but was sad.
Buck asking Eddie how therapy with Frank is going and how he himself hasn’t seen Frank in a while.
Eddie not looking a Buck as he says the therapy is going well, but that they aren’t really clicking. Chim offering Rosemary, the therapist he saw after the stabbing. Buck chiming in to ask if that is the therapist he slept with. Bobby quick to say no, that therapist was fired.
Eddie judging Buck for sleeping with his therapist. Buck trying to be nonchalant about the situations, saying he was going thru a phase, turning the conversation back on Eddie and asking him wasn’t he just going thru a phase. Eddie becoming uncomfortable and shifting in his seat.
So in this moment, I don’t blame Eddie or Chimney for making jokes and judging Buck for sleeping with the therapist.  They obviously do not know the full extent of what happened, and would likely have reacted differently if they had known. Bobby is the only one in that room to fully understand what happened and how that situation was wrong. Buck himself has not even processed that moment other than he was Buck the player and addicted to sex. He never even thinks to blame the therapist.
Really wish the writers approached this differently, but I was happy to hear she was fired.
Eddie talks about the drama in his household when his sisters were applying to college. Buck not remembering what he wrote for his college paper. Chim making fun of him and implying Maddie wrote it for him.
Maddie telling Josh, how he doesn’t want to experience Buck singing Eye of the Tiger while doing one arm pushups. I on the other hand would love to see this.
Buck telling Maddie she is a bad ass for preforming a finger thoracostomy. He tries to comfort and reassure Maddie.
Eddie and Christopher are at Buck’s place. They seem to have just finished dinner and are cleaning about while talking about what happened to Maddie. Eddie is lowkey a little dressed up with a button up shirt.
Buck takes the lesson Maddie learned about not being able to help someone who does want to be helped and applies it to what is happened with Eddie. Eddie catching on quickly to what buck is suggesting and tells him to not go there. The entire tone of this scene starts to shift.
Buck is apologizing for not being there for not being there for Chris or Eddie. How he was so selfish for focusing on the lawsuit. Eddie is quick to tell him that they’ve moved passed that. Buck telling him that he hasn’t. How he should have been there. Buck is moving closer towards Eddie. Eddie stays pressed against the counter watching Buck as he speaks.
Eddie and Buck having a light banter about how Buck could have talked some sense into Eddie and stopped him from buying a new truck and Eddie correcting Buck by telling  him he would have suggested a more expensive truck.
Eddie telling Buck that he doesn’t have to beat himself up over the past. Buck in a semi flirty tone says “Why because you would rather do it.” Eddie sightly confused by his comment. Buck states that he knows Eddie is not being honest at the moment. That if therapy wasn’t for Eddie, but the ring was. That Eddie must have wanted to punch Buck.
Eddie stating, he wouldn’t punch Buck because he’s on blood thinners. Buck laughing and getting closer to Eddie and stating “Want to go for the title?” The scene cuts to Buck and Eddie playing a video game with Chris in the middle.
The writers where evil for this scene. This scene should have ended with Buck and Eddie making out. They obviously wanted to. I’m going to say that the only reason they didn’t kiss is because Chris was in the other room.  There is no heterosexual explanation for this scene. It was gay!
Radioactive Truck: Eddie and buck checking on the driver. They are trying get him unpinned. The driver becoming conscious and telling the about the Cobalt 60. Bobby sending Eddie and Buck out of the tunnel.
Buck and Eddie are outside of the tunnel wondering where the nitrogen is. Buck wanting to go back in but receiving orders from Bobby to stay out. Buck being the first one with the nitrogen hose and Eddie right behind him running in to fight the flames.
Eddie approaching Buck and Chimney to say the coast is clear and the fall out will be minimal, Chim pointing out that maybe not for all of them. They all look towards Bobby as he’s being decontaminated.
Hen narrating about pain and how things don’t work out how you plan. Eddie looking at a photo of Chris and Shannon.
The 118 giving Hen a big hug for her welcome back. Eddie and Buck being the most vocal in this hug, They hug again before the alarms go off.
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uglypastels · 2 years
(Im)perfect Day // Eddie Munson fic
summary: Eddie can get in his head sometimes, and when that happens... well... the point is, he really really tried, @spiderrrling ❤
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word count: 2.5k
no explicit warnings. cursing. chaotic eddie is a mess. fluff.
masterlist // inbox // add yourself to my taglist
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The Hawkins High cafeteria was rowdy as any other morning but soon would be entertained by a high-pitched scream, followed by a pained grunt as Eddie Munson, the Hellraiser of Hellfire himself, doubled over and fell to the ground clutching his stomach. To think all he wanted was to give you a little birthday surprise.
He should have known better, of course, and technically he did. He knew you weren’t a fan of being scared or of getting surprised. So what exactly did he expect to happen when he walked over to you and placed his hands over your eyes, grinning wickedly from behind and whispering, “guess who?” in your ear? Did you overreact by screaming and digging your elbow into his ribs? Perhaps. But that’s what happened when people tried to scare you! 
‘Happy… birthday,’ he just about managed to say. 
‘Oh my god, are you ok?’ you turned around to see your poor boyfriend lying on the ground, his smirk now disfigured into an uncomfortable grimace as he tried to smile through the discomfort. 
‘Yeah, babe. Totally fine. Just– give me a minute.’ And a minute, more or less, it took for him to regain his composure. If it weren’t for his dignity having shattered into a million pieces as he hit the ground, he would have been “totally fine”. You could see that in his rosy cheeks as he sat down at your side, arm over your shoulder, sealing it with a kiss to your temple. 
‘Happy birthday,’ he said. 
‘You already said that,’ you reminded him, not that he cared. 
‘What? Is there an annual limit? Haaaaappyyy biiiiirthdayyy,’ much to your annoyance, he elongated the words for as long as possible, making sure everyone at the Hellfire table could hear him. 
‘Wait, it’s your birthday?’ Mike raised his eyebrow. 
‘No,’ you told him without looking up from your lunch. From the corner of your eye, you could see Eddie holding in his words, wanting to announce to everyone that it was your birthday, but he knew better. For, he saw the look you gave him. A look that very clearly stated, “one more word and my elbow will be in your ribs again, Munchie”. So, he kept his pretty mouth shut. 
For now. 
‘So, why don’t you want people to know it’s your birthday, exactly?’ Robin asked as you were walking through the hallway between classes. 
‘It’s not that I don’t want people to know, but why does it matter? Why do people need to know?’ you said as you walked on. ‘Besides, it's so awkward. Because when people do know, then they feel obliged to make you feel special, while all they do is just stare and smile at you, half-assing their wishes to you or singing “Happy Birthday” from the top of their lungs while you stand there having no idea what to do with yourself as seconds before you had just begged them not to do that.’ 
‘I know it’s your birthday and I haven’t done any of those things.’ Robin pointed out.
‘Yes, but you’re special, and better than most people in this shithole.’ 
‘Quite correct, you are, y/n.’ She nodded, ‘so, just to be clear. You don’t want your birthday to be a big deal.’ 
‘I really don’t.’ 
‘So, that includes, let’s say– no balloons on your locker?’
‘Oh god, that–’ is precisely what you walked upon when you reached your locker. Accurately, it was one balloon, in your favourite colour. And it was bopping around in the air, string meticulously tied between the gaps in the locker door. You poked it lightly, and watched it bounce against the metal. Boink. And it kept bouncing as you opened your locker, to be greeted with a pile of what must have been chocolate frosting on a cupcake. 
‘Shit,’ you picked the frosted mess up from your geography textbook, now covered in chocolate. 
If you didn’t know better, you would have jumped to the conclusion that this must have been some disgusting prank someone was pulling on you, trying to make your day miserable, but it was quite the opposite of that. And the culprit was walking up just as you thought of him. 
‘Hey, sweetheart.’ Eddie wrapped his arms around you. ‘How do you like the— oh fuck!’ 
‘It was super sweet, Eds, really–’ you tried to cheer him up before he started freaking out. There was no way he would have thought that the icing on the cupcake would start sliding off and onto your stuff, making a horrible mess of it all. He would never have done any of it. 
‘No, shit, I’m so sorry. That was not supposed to happen. I just wanted you to have a nice surprise— and yes, I know, no surprises, but, ah fuck.’
‘Well, now you know why I’m not a fan of them,’ you chuckled, trying to lighten the situation up a bit. ‘But seriously, Eddie, thank you. An hey,’ you took a bite out of the cupcake, ‘it’s delicious.’ Then you scooped some of the melted icing onto your finger and smeared it over his face. 
‘Wow? This is what I get– no, actually, don’t answer that; I totally deserve it. I’ll clean it all up, I promise.’
‘Thank you,’ you said. You would have had no problems doing it yourself; the mess wasn’t even that bad, but since he offered and all…and god, those puppy dog eyes never grew old. The way he pouted at you, face filled with guilt, you couldn’t help but kiss him.
‘Meet me in the woods during 6th?’ Eddie mumbled against your lips. 
‘For another surprise?’ 
‘It’s not a surprise if you’re already expecting it.’ Oh, he was having too much fun with this, the little shit.
‘Fine,’ you rolled your eyes, ‘I’ll be there. Just… no more cupcakes, or balloons, ok?’ 
‘Gotcha.’ He kissed your nose before making his way to his next class, just not quite before turning around and shouting another “happy birthday!” over everyone’s heads. 
‘You too are disgustingly sweet,’ Robin said, to which you could only reply with a: ‘shut up.’ 
The leaves were crisp beneath your feet as you made your way to the picnic bench. Usually, the meet-up spot for Eddie and his customers, but the table also part-timed as your little date spot, as romantic as that sounded. With him being so busy with school and Hellfire and his job (both the dealing and the one at the tire shop), Eddie had started feeling bad for not having time for you– which was far from the truth as you still felt like the two of you were always together, in the best way possible. But Eddie wanted more, so he had started this little tradition of you having little at-school dates. You’d sit at the table, have lunch or simply chat. 
He was already waiting for you at the table when you got there. His signature grin was plastered across his face. 
‘Hey there handsome,’ you said, sitting down opposite of him.
‘How are you, gorgeous?’ he asked, chin resting on top of his knuckles. You mirrored the position as you answered: 
‘Well, besides getting harassed in the cafeteria, and my entire locker getting covered in melted chocolate icing… it’s been pretty good, yeah.’
‘Not funny,’ he glared.
‘No? Because I find it hilarious, actually.’ you stole his smile momentarily before he went back to being his cheery self. ‘Will you tell me why you dragged me out here?’ Not that you really minded, but it was cold. The wind was blowing a little bit. Eddie’s hair kept hitting him in the face, and he tried to tame it every now and then but to no avail.  
‘Will you kill me if I say “happy birthday” again?’ 
‘Depends if you say it again now, because you’re really going over the limit here.’
‘I’ll try my luck,’ he started fishing for something in his pocket– and the other pocket, mumbling under his breath because how could he lose the damn thing. Now, don’t laugh; he’s got it just here– ‘ah! Happy birthday!’ He handed you a little rectangle box. The shape and size so vivid and distinct there was no doubt in your mind what it could be, despite the brown paper wrapped around it in a way that, again, if you didn’t know better, could have easily assumed took less than a minute but actually knew very well that Eddie must have stayed up hours the night before trying to wrap it for you.
‘You shouldn’t have.’ 
‘Yeah, yeah. I know. You say that every time. Open it.’ So you did. Carefully, so as not to rip the paper up too much. You unfolded the sides to reveal, you guessed it, a cassette tape. With a black marker, Eddie had written “THIS IS NOT A BIRTHDAY GIFT” on it, which made you look at him in confusion. 
‘Then what is it?’ 
‘It’s just a “my girlfriend despises her birthday for something, so I’ll just give her a gift to show her how amazing she is and how much I like her”. 
‘How much then?’ you looked down at the tape again, unable to keep in your smile. 
‘You’ll just have to listen to it and find out.’ 
‘I would love to, but uhh– you know my walkman broke last week.’ 
‘I did, yes, and I completely forgot.’ Eddie’s head hit the table quite severely. ‘I’m an actual moron, aren’t I?’ he asked, face still against the table, covered up by the curtain of his hair. 
‘No, c’mon, Eds, I really love this– it’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me.’ you reached out your hand to grab his, and he took it, but a bit lifelessly. Unsatisfied with that connection, you got up and sat back next to him.
‘Thank you,’ you said, kissing the top of his head. 
‘You’re welcome,’ he replied in a soft voice. Just like you, Eddie had a bit of a flair for the dramatics, but it's why the two of you worked so well. 
‘And hey, I’m saving up for a new walkman, and should have enough money in a few weeks and then you can bet that the first thing I listen to is this mix. And I can already tell it will be the best thing I have ever listened to.’ 
‘Or you can come over to my place, tonight,’ Eddie sat up as the lightbulb lit up bright in his mind. ‘I’ll make dinner.’ 
And so dinner chez Munson it was. 
Or that was the plan, at least.
What was not a part of the plan was you and Eddie getting a bit lost in your little make-out session and him completely forgetting about whatever he was preparing in the tiny kitchen until the whole trailer was filled with smoke. With curses flying from his lips, he evacuated you heroically by throwing you over his shoulder and taking you outside.
‘Have you ever thought of joining the fire department?’ you asked as he sat down next to you on the makeshift patio in front of the trailer. All the doors and windows were open to air out the smoke, while the straps of the burned food had just met the bottom of the trashcan. 
‘Very funny,’ he rolled his eyes, giving you your jacket. 
‘I’m serious. The way you just did that– and you’re great with cats!’ 
‘Maybe so… better with cats than at this, that’s for sure,’ he sighed, covering his face with his hands.
‘No, c’mon this could have happened to anyone. You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself baby.’
‘I know, I just—’ he groaned, ‘I just wanted you to have a great day, but instead, what did I do? I scared the shit out of you during lunch, I ruined your textbook, gave you a useless gift, and I almost burned my house down.’ 
‘You also,’ you brushed his hair out of his face a bit, ‘were the first person to tell me happy birthday, and I’m pretty sure you will be the last today too– and you definitely will have the record for most times saying it in a day. Not to mention, you gave me a delicious cupcake, which I really needed as I was already starving after lunch. And you gave me the best and most thoughtful gift I have ever gotten. A gift that I can already enjoy and look forward to for the next few weeks. Not to mention,’ you decided to add when his expression didn’t seem to be getting any better, ‘you basically just saved my life right there.’ 
Eddie shoved you away lightly, but the corners of his mouth were pulling up into a smile again. 
‘Besides,’ you were getting curious, ‘since when does any of this matter? You’ve never been so in your head about stuff.’ 
‘It’s nothing–’
‘Which means it’s definitely something,’ you interrupted, causing Eddie to glare at you.
‘You’re going to laugh at me.’ 
‘As I have a million times before and will probably do a million times again.’
‘Have you always been this rude?’ 
‘Yes. Now, tell me, what’s up with you?’ You stared at him until he finally gave up with a sigh and spilt what had been going on. 
‘Harrington got into my head,’ he explained, ‘we were hanging out, and I had let it slip that it was your birthday coming up, and– It wasn’t even that he had told me to do anything, but he started telling me all this stuff that he had done for his girlfriend and then I just– I felt like maybe I wasn’t doing enough for you. Like I could– should– be doing more. Because, fuck, you deserve the world, and I wanted to treat and spoil you just like that but–
  ‘Eddie,’ you tried to cut in a word, but he was digging such a big hole for himself, and was so lost in his words and thoughts, that there was no point in trying. ‘Eddie!’ you shouted out. Eddie looked at you, dazed, blinking slowly. 
‘I love you, that’s it basically.’ 
‘I know.’ Your hand reached out to his cheek as you kissed him softly. ‘But seriously, Eds, don’t let Steve wind you up like that. He’s an idiot.’ 
‘You underestimate him.’ 
‘Maybe, but you don’t ever have to prove yourself to me. Everything you’ve done was just absolutely amazing and I can’t thank you enough.’ You kissed him again, this time letting your arms wrap around him in a tight embrace which lingered on for much longer than the kiss. You held each other like that in a soft silence of the late night. 
‘I’m still sorry I burned out dinner,’ he mumbled into your shoulder. 
‘It’s honestly fine, Munchie.’
‘I might still have some Mac ‘n Cheese in the fridge,’ he suggested. 
the end.
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awigglycultist · 6 months
VHS Christmas Carols first watch thoughts!
Omg the opening number is such a bop
I loved the "it's time... Pennies" lines
I love Janaya
Jim and Della are great
The songs are SO 80s sounding, it's so great, especially my hair/my watch, and they've all been great so far
This song is WILD
"you're more beautiful than ever" AHHH AWW
Omg Jim not wanting to say he gave the watch away yet and just wanting to be close to Della
"because if just a thought can count why not just tell them how it was thought about" AHSHDKSKS
Omg Joey's, Lauren's and Brian's voices/accents in this
Lauren's face when the match girls tries to get her to buy a match lmao
Btw the lighting in this show is beautiful
Poor little match girl just someone buy a match!
Scrooge again??
Oh boy here come the magi again
Matchstick Magic is so good
Oh boy the grandma this is where things start getting sad
Yup she's dead now
Oh Clark talking about turning a blind eye to ppl oh boy oh jeez
Omg Scrooge blowing the candle out
"and he really hates YOU" scared me jdjdjd
Love how they're like actually cowering in fear of him
I enjoying AJ's take of Scrooge and Brian's take of Fred
Bob giving a wave during "here's my man Bob Cratchit"
Scrooge standing on the set above Bob is a great little detail to make him scarier
Oh the way aj sings "theres something I need to sayyyy! Bah humbug! BAH HUMBUG!" scratches my brain
"Scrooge gives a shriek" "AH" JASKAKSISN
I love hurt how confused and scared looking Scrooge is
Ugh marelt forcing Scrooge to sit back down and turn is SO GOOD
The ghosts wrapping him in chain omg omg
Oh woah new part to this interlude song
Jaime's voice here omg
Scrooge doing the jump rope too sjdbdb
The slow mo dancing shdhdb
Love Curt's young Scrooge he's such a nerd (I know in about to hate him)
Wait the reverse, pause and fast forward symbols each lighting up depending on if they're in the past, present or future
Ugh That Scrooge is so good
Omg the way Scrooge looks so sad when looking at Belle and then him getting up into young Scrooge's face when yelling at him
Omg the way he gets so quite on "you don't know what you've lost"
I know he's jdut on the floor bc he's in bed but at first it just looks likes he's contemplating life sjfbfjd
"maybe you're a greedy dick" "that one" djdjdn
Present PUSHING Scrooge and then making him dance!!
Go off Scrooge! Dance!!
Scrooge and Present dancing together is so fun!!
Plz the little dance in the interlude after Christmas Electricity ndndjdnd
Scrooge copying Present's dance lol
The way Curt shrugs after "Peter!"
Brian using the care bear as a mic lol
The way James says "harassed" and AJ says "nooo spirit" and James says "BAH HUMBUG" scratches my brain so much!!
I love just how happy they are, they're HYPED
The way AJ says "tenderness" also scratches the brain
Ugh the DESPERATENESS AJ protays!
"SO HAPPY TO HAVE MET YOU" I love how intense Scrooge is
SJDJDJDBAJ the glasses dropping onto the ground and AJ trying to find them
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