#i need to study for calc now bye
Okay so disclaimer i haven't seen Dead Apple in a while, and I also didn't go into writing this with a conclusion in mind, so its a bit of a mess.but! i did reach a conclusion! Sorry for any inaccuracies, I was working from memory for a lot of this. please correct me if im wrong about something! Also pretty please add any connected theories if you have any
Warning: long post
I remember watching Dead Apple and being really thrown off by the fact that Fyodor's ability seemed to be chill with him. Every character aside from him who had an ability manifestation was fighting their ability. This makes me think that in his natural state (not affected by Shibusawa's ability), Fyodor is already fighting his own ability, so when Shibusawa was doing his thing, the relationship flipped and they got along.
In chapter 108 of the manga, fyodor suddenly says he's controlled by "a demon" and follows it up with this:
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then he says this:
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which is really key. It implies everything i suspected from Dead Apple-- Fyodor's ability is his enemy.
Of course, right after this scene, he stabs Sigma and basically says "teehee I was lying the whole time"
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But I don't know if I truly believe he was lying (which isn't a hot take, I've seen other people who believe the same thing). What he said earlier really fit with the conclusions that could be drawn from Dead Apple. There is a real possibility that he when his ability regained control it just, ya know, lied.
Okay fine, whatever, what is his ability?? who, or what, is he? to be fully honest, I don't know.
But here's what we do know -- or for many of these, what we suspect (in number list so i can easily refer back to them)
1. Fyodor might be immortal. A very popular theory based mainly around the fact that he is everywhere in the BSD timeline but never seems to age
2. His ability probably works against him in some way, likely taking over his body due to some "weakness" that was brought forth by the ability, and then taken advantage of. I am going to refer to the "good" Fyodor we briefly see in ch 108 as 108!fyodor just to make things easier for myself.
3. He can kill non-gifted with a touch of his hand. I don't think he can kill gifted the same way (he had to shoot the cat-lady, plus every ability-kill we've seen thus far has been of non-gifted victims)
4. Nikolai does not know how to kill him (still unclear on the whole poisoning plotline-- I have seen the theory that Nikolai didn't poison them earlier, but the "antidote" is poison. Still not fully clear on how all of this fits together), and wants Sigma to find out his ability so he can kill him.
5. In Dead Apple, he was split into "Crime" and "Punishment". One person was an ability manifestion just like everyone else had been dealing with, the other was Fyodor himself acting as part of his ability-- which is odd because the ability is supposed to sever the gift from the gifted. and yet fyodor was still part of it, just fragmented. This supports the fyodor is not fully human idea presented by Sigma's question of "what are you?" and the immortaity theory. It also supports an alter-ego, as he had two personalities there.
6. fyodor has some vendetta against the gifted despite being a gifted himself
7. gifts are typically a result of some type of trauma or past experience. we do not really know his backstory.
so point 4. Nikolai doesn't know how to kill him. Assuming everything 108!fyodor said was true, this dagger could kill him:
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sword Kladenets is an established sword type, typically belonging to a hero (interesting that fyodor has one...)
"In some heroic poems and ancient Russian legends, a sword Kladenets acts as a self-cutting sword, which, on the orders of its owner, can cut down an entire forest or at least the whole enemy army. Other weapons could heal or make their owners or holders – invulnerable."
interesting stuff. invincibility? Well, fyodor may be immortal (see point #1), so that could go hand in hand with that. It would also explain why a sword Kladenets would be needed to kill him-- any other weapon would fall short.
Also, fyodor's "ability" involves being able to kill other people easy-peasy by tapping them (point #3)-- which is the same thing the sword kladenets does. Remember, every person he's killed with his ability bled out where he touched them-- as if they were cut with a blade!!
But why can't he kill ability users? my theory is that abilities are on the same level as a sword kladenets, and therefore the sword cannot do it on its own. Fyodor can only be killed by the sword kladenets that he wields and not by an ability; he cannot kill an ability user with the sword. makes enough sense to me
okay, what else can we learn from the sword?
Everything I read about the sword describe that the hero has to find the sword; by digging it from the ground or taking it from a dead body, or some other way of earning it. Then the sword will work with the hero. But Fyodor's ability (which I am beginning to believe is simply the sword he wields) works against him (see point #2), which makes me think he obtained the sword without earning it. This could be the "weakness" that was brought forth by his ability and allowed for his ability to overtake him-- which makes sense!! he would not have that weakness had he not obtained the sword!
The sword is also often given a personality-- it is a character in itself (which would explain the alter-ego point #5)
furthermore, how could he have a sword in prison if it wasn't part of his ability??
So! what I am trying to say is that fyodor somehow wrongly obtained a sword kladenets (or perhaps in this universe, the sword kladenets), and is now controlled by it. this led to him form an alter ego (the sword's personality), which overtook him due to the fact that he did not earn the sword, and was not powerful enough to control it. The sword gave him the ability to be unkillable (and therefore immortal/unaging), and the ability to kill non-gifted easily by simple contact.
i would like to emphasize that i am very likely wrong, as this is BSD we're talking about after all. I am working from memory and a very small amount of research, and also using this as an excuse to procrastinate. Take this with a grain of salt. but also, please add onto this if you have thoughts. I have not read Crime and Punishment (I have copy but I've been busy) or any other Dostoevsky book, so if you have and you think this relates to his books in any way (or that it contradicts them) I'd love to hear it!
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shokobuns · 3 years
if anyone of u are taking ap stats or ap macro,, pls come into my inbox and tell me how ur studying
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bts-reveries · 3 years
feelings | 5
“Hey, will you still be able to make it?” Jungkook says to you through the phone. He was currently preparing the “date” he was going to have with you.
The “date that isn’t a date but is a date” according to Taehyung. Actually, Taehyung was with him right now, helping him out. 
“Of course, I’m on my way. The park by campus right? Jimin’s dropping me off as we speak,” you say. Jungkook’s eyes go wide. 
“Oh, you’re almost there?” He says, turning to Taehyung in panic. 
“It’s okay,” Taehyung says, “don’t worry.”
“Who’s that?” you question, hearing a voice that doesn’t belong to Jungkook. 
“The friend I told you I made in class. Taehyung. He’s helping me with something. Anyways, I’ll see you in a bit. Get there safe,” Jungkook says, not waiting for your response before hanging up.
“She’s going to get there before me,” Jungkook says, grabbing his camera and backpack. Taehyung grabs the blanket and the plastic bag full of your favorite snacks on top of the bed. 
“Don’t worry about it, Jimin sucks at driving. We’ll get there before he does,” Taehyung says, walking nonchalantly out of Jungkook’s dorm. 
Jungkook told Taehyung about your study session with Jimin earlier today and he mentioned how Jimin is his best friend and roommate. 
“Oh Yn is the one that needs a calc tutor?” Taehyung says to Jungkook with a huge smile on his face. “My best friend is the one tutoring her!”
“Your best friend is Jimin?”
“Yup. Best friend, roommate, soulmate, you name it,” Taehyung says, taking a seat at Jungkook’s desk. “Have you met him? He’s a great guy. Smart, nice, adorable..”
“Are you in love with him or something?” Jungkook says, handing him a drink. Taehyung grimaces at him, taking the soda can from his hand. 
“No I hate that guy,” he says, cracking it open. “But a lot of girls and guys do fall for him. He’s really pretty.”
“Oh,” Jungkook sits down at the foot of his bed, facing Taehyung. “Do you… Do you think Yn would like him then?”
“Of course, everyone likes him!” Jungkook frowns and Taehyung quickly shakes his head. “No no, not in that way of course. He’s still single for a reason.”
“Oh, is he like a bad guy or something,” Jungkook says.
“No, he’s the sweetest.”
“Thanks for dropping me off Jimin,” you say, taking off your seatbelt.
“Of course, I wouldn't want you to go here all alone. Is your friend here?” Jimin says, taking off his seatbelt as well and stepping out of the car. 
“Jungkook should be around here,” you say, “you don’t have to wait for me, I’ll be fine.” Jimin shakes his head, walking to your side of the car. He opens your door and holds his hand out to help you get out. You blush as you put your hand on his.
“It’s dangerous for someone to be out alone this late,” Jimin says. He’s still holding on to your hand.
“No worries, she won’t be alone,” you hear someone say. It’s Jungkook and he’s walking up to the two of you. He glances down at you two’s hands for a second too long and Jimin lets go.
“Okay good,” Jimin says, smiling at Jungkook. “It’s good to see you again by the way. The four of us should hang out sometime.”
“Four of us?” you ask. You know you’re bad at math but not that bad. You point at yourself, then Jungkook, then Jimin, holding up three fingers at him. He laughs at you, his eyes forming little crescent moons. He turns to Jungkook and points behind him. At the car parked just a few feet away, a boy with super fluffy hair and a boxy smile was waving at you excitedly. 
“HI YN. JUNGKOOK TOLD ME A LOT ABOUT YOU. I’M TAE BTW,” he yells at you, making you laugh. 
“NICE TO MEET YOU TAE. JIMIN NEVER MENTIONED YOU,” you yell back, giggling when Tae’s jaw drops. 
“Sorry,” Jimin says in a normal tone of voice. 
“I’M EATING YOUR LEFTOVERS,” Taehyung says, getting back in the car and quickly driving away.
“Oh no he doesn’t,” Jimin says, rushing to the driver's side of his car. “Tomorrow again Yn?” He asks you before getting in. You smile at him and nod. “Okay, see you then. You too, Jungkook.”
“Bye Jimin!”
“Bye Jimin,” Jungkook says, waving. “By the time he gets there, Taehyung will be done with his food already,” he says to you, laughing.
“What makes you say that?”
“He drives slow.”
You look at Jungkook, quirking up an eyebrow at him.
“Taehyung told me, we left the dorms after you called me and still got here at the same time.”
“Oh,” you say. “Well anyways, what are we doing?” You look down at all the stuff he was holding. “Picnic?”
“Yeah, and we’ll take some pictures for the project,” Jungkook says, walking off. You catch up with him, sneaking your arm around his. 
“Where are we going to do all of this?” You ask, looking up at him. Jungkook points to the biggest hill. “All the way up there??”
“It’s not that high,” he says. 
“It’s high enough for my legs to get tired,” you mumble. 
“Want me to carry you then,” Jungkook says. You think about it for a second before shaking your head no. “Okay, then suck it up.”
“So what do we do?” You ask as you watch Jungkook set up a tripod in front of you. You were sitting on the blanket he laid out. 
“Sit, talk, eat, look at the stars. I need a candid shot,” he says, running away from the camera. 
“So is it just going to keep clicking or…”
“It’s recording, I can just go through it later and take some screencaps.”
“Okay,” you say, sitting down comfortably and looking up at the stars. You even point to one for dramatic effect. Jungkook laughs at you as you do this.
“You don’t have to act, just be natural,” he says. 
“Fine. What are we taking pictures for again? Your movie poster right? What’s it about? Two friends going on an evening picnic?” Jungkook lets out a nervous laugh. 
“Umm… more like two friends at the meteor shower. Making wishes.” You smile at him.
“So basically us the other day?”
“Yeah, basically. But it’s a love story.”
“Oooh spicy~”
“More like sweet,” he laughs. “See, the boy is in love with the girl. But she doesn’t know it yet. In this story, every wish that’s made comes true. At least the non silly ones.”
“Was my calculus wish silly then?” You say, making a face that Jungkook laughs at. 
“Not at all. Passing calc is important for you, it’s going to come true.”
“So what are their wishes? The kids in your story.” Jungkook bites his bottom lips, looking away from you for a second before he answers your question.
“Uhh,.. Well the girl wants to pass her class and … well the boy wants the girl.” He says. Turning to you. “Because he’s been in love with her. Since she drew him that heart on his notes with her purple highlighter back in high school.” 
Suddenly your heart stopped.
You let out a small, awkward laugh. 
“Are we still talking about the project?”
“Y-yeah, of course,” Jungkook says, looking away from you. You didn’t know how to feel. Did your best friend just confess to you? Isn’t this a bit too… out of nowhere? 
“Jungkook,” you say, grabbing his hand. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make this awkward.” 
“No, it’s fine, it was my fault, I should’ve just kept it to myself.”
“Was that really your wish though? You like me?”
“Is that pathetic?” He says quietly. You smile, shaking your head.
“No, of course not. I would’ve done the same.” He nods, smiling at you as you squeeze his hand. 
“I hope this doesn’t change much between us. It’s okay if you don’t like me back. I at least had to tell you.” 
“Yeah, no, it’s– it’s fine, don't worry. You’re still my Jungkook.” He laughs, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you in for a hug. 
“And you’re still my seaweed.”
“UGh,” you groan. “Ruined it.”
He laughs as he pulls away. “Anyways, I brought your favorite snacks.”
“Ooh thank you~ but is it okay if we eat them later instead? I’m still kind of full.”
“Oh did you just eat?”
“Yeah, Jimin took me to Pied Piper. He has a friend that works there. And you’ll never guess who it is.”
Jungkook laughs, rubbing his hand on his forehead. “I bet it’s that Jin guy.”
“YES.” You shake your head. “But don’t worry. Turns out, he flirts with all the cute girls for tips.”
“But he never flirted with you,” Jungkook says, trying not to laugh.
“He probably sensed that I’m broke.”
“Or that you’re not cute,” he responded. Without hesitation. Making your jaw drop.
“Says the one who likes me.”
“Hey, it’s the personality that matters.” 
You smack him hard on the arm, making him get up and run a few feet away. 
You two are going to be just fine.
“You’re annoying.”
“But you love me anyways,” Jungkook says, running to his camera. “Okay, but I think we’re good with the shots.” He hits the stop button and turns the camera off. 
“So that’s it?” You ask, helping him pack everything into his bag.
“Pretty much. Why? Do you want to do anything else?” 
“I’m in the mood for coffee..”
Jungkook laughs as he swings his backpack on. “Coffee? It’s like 10. In the evening.” 
“You’re not going to sleep tonight.”
“When do I ever?”
“You literally sleep all the time.”
“Jungkooooooook,” you whine. “Please. You can’t let me walk to get coffee alone.” Jungkook rolls his eyes, giving in. He extends his hand out to you and you happily grab his hand. “Thank you.”
“Yeah yeah. Which cafe do you want to go to?”
“Well there’s this bakery in between Magic Shop and Pied Piper that sells some good coffee. I’ve never been but I’ve heard good things.”
“What’s it called?”
“24/7 Heaven.”
๑ part five: so basically us ๑
pairings: jungkook x reader
a/n: y’all know the motto of 24/7 Heaven
also, im back 😊
taglist: @kookietsukkie @kookoo-kachoo @fan-ati–c @niki-ta @ephyra1230 @strwberry-jam @secretlycrazyhummingbird @aianloveseven @ggukkieland @starlitemotions @jikachoo @bloomsjeon @salty-for-suga @notvantaes @preciouschimine @ygbubs @somewhereofftheglobe @ramyagovindraj @jkmybby @sope-and-shine @taekookcaneatme @alittlestudycorner @shatzkrinslinzki @justinetingball @anaceciliaxr @mygooie0 @lovelyloverlia @hobiheavenly @kimchii7 @dae-bakk-pop @yoongishawtyyy @guksunshine @hobiheavenly @danny-boy27 @joonjoonsmiles @kaithezaftig @bubblytaetae @codeinebelle @timelessruins @palomanazareth @m10-94 @james-baybe @iamtheoriginalhybrid @butterflylion @fairielightsss @buzzyybee @heesha @casspirit0705 @xianav @letmebreathepls
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onetwosevensquad · 4 years
Dungeons and Dragons and... Love?: Dungeon Master
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Mark Lee x Reader
Summary: the kind Dungeon Master who helps guide your team through your campaign also becomes your math tutor.
Warnings: none??
Rose: sorry this literally took forever to write. Hope your all still interested in this mini series. Next member is Renjun.
Main Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Why were you here again?
Oh right, cause you’re a giant nerd who needs an outlet.
The poster had caught your eye when you were headed to lunch one day. It was a beige poster with a 20 sided dice in the middle. That was what got your attention.
You had played Dungeons and Dragons with some of your friends before. It has been a few months since your last campaign and you didn’t know when the next one would start. So, in fear of not being able to escape to a fantasy world, you decided to check it out.
It was now 3:45 in the afternoon. School had ended 15 minutes ago, the hours ticking by slowly. You now stood outside of the AP Government classroom where Mr. Jung taught.
The poster, you remembered, said that Mr. Jung would oversee the club. He was your favorite teacher because he was funny and the class was enjoyable.
Finally, you slowly opened the door to the classroom and stepped in. In the middle of the room, a few desks had been pushed together to create a large table.
Sitting around the table were seven boys who were all staring at you. You awkwardly shifted your weight from one foot to the other, waiting for literally anyone to say something.
“Is this the d&d club?” You finally spoke.
“Y-yes,” the only boy who was standing said. You recognized him as Mark Lee. The cute, smart boy from calculus. “Yes, uh, grab a seat.”
You nodded and dragged a chair over to the only empty spot at the table. It was right next to Chenle, the loud basketball player you shared chemistry with.
“Well I’m pretty sure that we all know each other,” Mark said clearing his throat. “I’m not gonna make us do ice breakers cause literally no one likes those.”
“I do!” Haechan, the class clown that you also shared chemistry with.
“Only you,” Jeno, the star basketball player and probably the last person you expected here, commented. Haechan pouted and stuck his tongue out at Jeno.
“Anyway,” Mark said. “It’s my fist time DMing, but I have played before. Just so I know, who here has played before?”
You, along with Jisung, the quiet kid from history, Haechan, and Renjun, the kid from math who doesn’t do math but draws, raised your hands. Mark seemed to relax a bit when he saw there were at least a few experienced players.
“Well I guess this first meeting will be going over rules and how to play, then next time we’ll do character sheets,” Mark said.
It was now the third session and the first one of the start of you campaign. Last time, everyone made their characters, the atmosphere becoming less tense as time went on.
You made your character an Elf Wizard, something you’ve never played before. Everyone else had their own unique character combos, having fun coming up with the most ridiculous names for them.
Today, the party was slightly buzzing with excitement to finally start their campaign. You all gathered around the table giving character introductions, ready to get this show on the road.
Three hours, several rolls for initiative, and Haechan’s character almost dying later, Mr. Jung had to finally kick you all out of the building. The sun had already set and he was letting you way past what was allowed.
You realized how late it actually was and scrambled to get your stuff. You said a quick goodbye to the boys and Mr. Jung and sped off to get home before your parents killed you.
You get a ways down the hall when you heard someone running behind you.
“Y/n, wait up!” You turned to see Mark jogging to catch up with you. He stopped in front of you, breathing slightly harder. “Hi.”
“Hi,” you said back, smiling at the cute boy. You’ve never really had a full conversation with Mark. He’s quiet and, honestly, talking to someone attractive was a bit out of the realm of your comfort zone.
“C-can I have your number?” He said. Your eyes went wide and as did his when he realized what that sounded like. “So that I can add you to the group chat! Just in case anyone can’t make it or we cancel.”
“Yea, sure,” you said, slightly disappointed. You heard Mark exhale probably in relief that his save worked. You handed him your phone with your number displayed on the screen and he quickly put it in his.
“Thanks,” Mark said, handing you back your phone. You both stood there in the most suffocatingly awkward silence ever.
“Well bye,” you said turning to leave.
“Oh! Yea, uh, bye,” Mark said waving slightly. He turned back towards Mr. Jung’s room and you saw the other six boys crowded around. They were all giggling as Mark shoved that back into the room.
Six sessions and three weeks later, any morsel of awkwardness was gone. It was like you have known these seven boys your whole life.
The group chat blew up your phone with memes from that days session but didn’t you mind? No. Though sometimes at ungodly hours in the mornings, you still enjoyed the content.
On this particular day, you weren’t going to be able to join the session. Your calculus teacher was making you stay after school and retake a test that you failed miserably. You felt bad when you hand to text the group.
You: I can’t make it today
Haechan☀️: whyyyyyyy
You: I failed a calc test
You: I have to retake it
Lele🐬: thats stupid
Sungie: good luck Y/n
Injunie: yea gl
You: thanks boys
Marker: hey if you need any help studying for calc, I’d be happy to
jeNO: oh?
You: yea I’d like that, thanks
Minnie: ann I oop-
You laughed at Jaemin’s comment as you made your way to your calculus teachers classroom.
Considering the second time you took the test you barely past by the seat of your pants, you took Mark up on his offer to tutor you.
Today was the first day Mark was going to tutor you in the library. You walked in and saw him already set up at one of the tables in the very back.
“Hey,” you whispered. He smiled at you as you sat down next to him.
“Hey,” he said back. “Ready to get started?”
After about an hour and a half of Mark explaining different theorems to you, you were finally starting to get it. Whenever you asked a question, Mark would take the time to explain it to you carefully, making sure you got it along the way.
When he would give you a problem to solve, and you got it right, both of you would get excited, annoying the librarian. She ended up shushing you more than once.
“Hey, you hungry?” Mark asked.
“Not really,” you said. As if on cue, your stomach slightly growled, making Mark laugh. You looked down at your stomach, a pout on your face. “Traitor.”
“Come on,” Mark said between giggles. “Let’s get something to eat.”
You got your things and headed out of the library with Mark to get food.
For the next three weeks, this became your tradition. On the days the D&D club wasn’t meeting, you and Mark would study calculus in the library for about two hours, and then go get food. It always felt like a lot less time with Mark, him always making it enjoyable.
Today, you had a study session with Mark. As you neared the library, you noticed him standing outside the doors on his phone.
“Hey, what are you doing?” You asked. “I have a test tomorrow.”
“I know,” Mark said putting his phone away. “But you need a break.”
“Mark-“ you whined.
“No,” he said. “I think that you’re ready. You’ve made a lot of progress over the last couple weeks. Besides, they say you shouldn’t study the night before a test.”
“I don’t think that’s a thing,” you said crossing your arms.
“Maybe, I don’t know,” Mark said waving it off. “But, I do know that you’ve worked hard and whatever grade you get, I’m proud of you.”
You could feel your cheeks heating up at Mark’s words. You bit back a smile as he continued.
“So tonight we are not studying,” Mark said grabbing your hand and leading you away from the library. “We are going to the basketball game with the others to cheer on Chenle and Jeno.”
You didn’t protest as Mark led you down to the packed gym and over to where the rest of the boys were sat, waiting for the game to start.
After the game where your boys won, the party went out for dinner. Afterwards, Mark drove you home, the two of you talking about the game, D&D, or literally anything.
When Mark pulled into your driveway, he insisted on walking you to your steps. He said it was the gentlemanly thing to do.
“Hey,” Mark said when you got to your front door. “Good luck tomorrow.”
“Thanks,” you said.
“Tell me how it goes, ok?” He said. You nodded giving him a smile that he returned. “Good night.”
“Night,” you called after him as he went to his car.
At the end of the day, your calculus teacher had finished grading the tests. She told everyone to come pick them up before they left school.
When she handed your test to you, she had a big smile on her face. She made a comment about how nicely you did and how much you improved. When you finally saw the grade, you nearly passed out.
You practically ran to Mr. Jung’s room. D&D was today and you wanted to show Mark you grade. You arrived at his classroom, bouncing into the room.
“Well someone looks happy,” Jaemin commented.
“Did something mean happen?” Jisung asked. You stuck your tongue out at the younger boy making everyone laugh.
You made you way to Mark at the head of the table, him watching you with a smile. When you reached him, you slapped the paper with a big 90% scribbled at the top down in front of him.
“All thanks to you,” you said as he continued to stare at the paper.
“I told you so,” Mark said standing up. He caught you by surprise when he gave you a hug. “I’m proud of you.”
“Ugh, just date already,” Haechan commented from his chair. You and Mark pulled apart making a face at the boy, but avoiding each other’s eyes.
It’s not that you were entirely opposed to dating Mark. You just didn’t know if he felt the same way. And he didn’t. Right?
You and Mark continued your study sessions even after you proved you didn’t need to. You both agreed that it was to benefit both of you and not just an excuse to hang out.
One day, while walking out of calculus with Renjun, the boy made a comment that rocked your world.
“He likes you, ya know,” Renjun said.
“W-what,” you sputtered turning to him.
“Mark, he likes you,” He clarified. “I know like bro code, I’m not supposed to tell you or whatever, but I see the way you two look at each other. We all do. You should ask him out. He’d say yes.”
You stopped dead in your tracks thinking for a second. On one hand, this plan that you were formulating could embarrass you. On the other, you could get a date with your dungeon master / calculus tutor / crush.
“Y/n?” Renjun said turning to you. You quickly turned on your heel and made a mad dash for Mark’s locker. “Y/n!”
As you speed walked to Mark, you saw him in the distance talking to Jeno and Jaemin. Mark spotted you coming to him and waved at you.
“Hey, Y/n what’s-“
“Do you want to go an a date with me?” You said quickly.
“W-what?” Mark said.
“Jeno, I think that’s our cue,” Jaemin said dragging Jeno away.
“Do you want to go in a date with me?” You asked again, slower this time. Mark looked at you wide eyed, like a dear in headlights.
“A-a date?” He asked. You nodded, not trusting your voice not to shake. “Wow.”
“Wow?” You asked.
“Sorry! Sorry, I just never thought you’d ask and I’d have to do it,” Mark said. “But yes, I’d love to go on a date.”
“Oh thank god,” you said leaning against the lockers. Mark laughed at your dramatic reaction. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and turned you around to walk to lunch. As you turned, you and Mark stopped and saw the six other members of your party standing there amused.
“God, finally,” Haechan said.
“Took you long enough,” Chenle said.
As the eight of you walked to lunch, the boys continued to tease you and Mark. But when you looked up at him with his arm still around your shoulder, the teasing didn’t matter when Mark smiled at you.
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prettyboy-parker · 5 years
starker abo: homecoming
warnings: emotional and physical abuse (nothing explicit!), smut at the end, implied thorki, mentioned sambucky
words: 3.7k
“Jesus, he’s such a fuckin’ crybaby. I feel bad for Quentin.”
Everyone turns to look at the table across the cafeteria. Peter Parker, the world’s snootiest omega, is perched on top of the navy lunch table and bawling his eyes out. Loki, a lithe snarky omega, is patting under Peter’s eyes with tissues. His usual posse huddles around him, cooing at and petting him.
“I don’t. His performance in bed probably outweighs his attitude, if you catch my drift.” Sam snickers and Bucky punches him in the arm. The alpha lets out a whine and rubs at his shoulder. “Hey! What was that for?” He snaps at his boyfriend. Bucky just narrows his eyes. Tony finds himself looking at Peter again. He seems to have calmed down a little. His friends usher him out of the cafeteria, no doubt to help him fix his makeup. Tony could gag at how fucking prissy the omega is.
“You okay, Tony? You look a little pale.” Steve says, and Tony can’t believe he’s actually concerned.
“Jeez, Steve, I’m fine. Your motherly instincts take over?”
The table howls with laughter.
“Good one, Stark!” Thor booms and Steve rolls his eyes. Tony sends a wink at Steve, a group of girls heading towards their table emerging in the corner of his eye.
“Steven,” Peggy, the beta exchange student from England, pipes up. A few of her friends giggle behind her. “Would you come with me? I have to talk to you.”
Steve nods wordlessly, trailing behind her like a lost puppy.
“He’s smitten, I tell ya’.” Bucky slurs, tossing a crumpled napkin at Sam.
“Idiot. I’ve got to piss, see you in Calc.”
Sam groans and Rhodey shouts “TMI!” Tony passes a table of girls on his way out, and they all call his name. He shoots them a wink, opening the double doors to the hallway. It’s actually quiet in the hallway, aside from his combat boots thunking on the linoleum floors. He fishes through his leather jacket’s pocket, looking for his cigs, when-
“Watch where you’re fucking going!”
Tony stumbles back as he knocks into, well, none other than Peter Parker. He looks like he’s going to cry again as Loki lifts him off of the floor. The tan-skinned beta flips him a bird as they walk away.
He can’t believe Quent would ever say that to him. For one, he’s not a slut. He’d never cheat on Quentin, he knows that, so why did he say it? Two, Quentin’s lucky no one was around to see Peter’s tears.
What he can’t get over is how Quentin touched him like that.
He’s heard of alphas hitting their omegas, but it’s always been an old wive’s tale, or whatever. He guesses that Quentin’s just stressed. He didn’t do so hot on his Pre-Calc test, so maybe he has some pent up anger.
Peter needs to send him some flowers.
By the time he gets back to his apartment, he’s already tried calling Quentin three times to apologize, but the alpha never picked up. He drops his Vera Bradley book bag on the floor with a heavy sigh.
“Hey, Peter! How was school?” Uncle Ben asks from where he’s seated at the kitchen island.
Peter breaks down into tears.
Uncle Ben takes him in his arms, holding him close. That’s the thing about his uncle, whenever he’s upset he just lets Peter cry it out, never asking for an explanation. Peter appreciates when his aunt gives him advice, he really does, but sometimes it’s nicer just to be held.
“I’ve got Halotop ice cream that’s calling your name.”
Peter giggles softly as Uncle Ben ruffles his hair.
Soon enough he’s cuddled under his silk sheets, a carton of peanut butter cup ice cream in his hands. In the midst of watching Cady and Janis mix together foot cream, his phone rings.  “Quentin 💕💕” lights up on the screen over a very flattering picture of his boyfriend.
“Hi,” Peter answers quietly.
“Hi honey, I just-um-wanted to say I’m sorry for what I said. I didn’t mean any of it.”
“It’s okay Quent, I was a bitch too. I’m sorry.” Peter responds quietly, stabbing his ice cream with his spoon.
“You kind of were. I’ll catch you tomorrow, okay?”
“Bye, love you.”
Peter hangs up the phone, feeling emptier than before.
“Anthony, you are not wearing that.”
Tony smirks and adjusts the collar of his leather jacket.
“Don’t worry, dad. I know Peter. It’s all good.” He replies, running a hand through his hand. Howard clenches his jaw.
“Come on, boys. We don’t want to be late.” His mother calls, ushering the two to the car. Howard still looks pissed as he climbs into the driver's seat, Tony scrolling through Instagram as they drive to the Parker’s. A picture of Peter appears, the omega posing on the hood of a cherry red ‘65 Thunderbird. His long, milky legs are displayed by his tiny red running shorts. A sliver of his toned stomach is exposed by his cream Coca Cola crop top. His almond hair looks like it’s blowing in the wind. Red heart-shaped glasses frame his face perfectly. The caption reads “Taste the Feeling! ♥️♥️”.
A small part of Tony wants to taste him.
He ignores that part.
“Now you behave, Anthony. This deal is important, we’re paying Benjamin a lot of money for his program.” Howard reminds him.
“Yeah yeah,” Tony replies, rolling his eyes and itching for a smoke. They pull up to one of the apartment complexes in the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Tony begrudgingly follows his parents, the elevator operator nervously pressing the buttons.  The elevator brings them directly to Peter’s penthouse because of course, the Parkers have a penthouse.
“Oh, hello!” A voice exclaims from the kitchen. He stands awkwardly until Mrs. Parker emerges from the other room. “Welcome, all of you!” She exclaims, giving his mom a hug.
“Oh, Anthony, I remember when you were just a baby. Your mother came to me for a dress for a gala, and she brought you along. You’ve grown into such a handsome alpha.”
Tony flushes, embarrassed. His mom laughs loudly and pinches his cheeks.
“Peter should be down soon, he always takes forever to get ready.” Mrs. Parker complains, pushing her glasses farther up her nose. “Benjamin is picking some whiskey from the cellar. Why don’t you come sit down?”
Mrs. Parker leads them to the living room, where the couches are covered with blankets and the fireplace roars. Tony sinks into the knitted blanket, sighing heavily.
“Oh, goodness, I’m sorry I’m late!”
Peter Parker is at the top of the steps, in a tight, glittery maroon dress, looking like an absolute vision.
“Come down, Pete.” His aunt calls with a smile. The omega’s heels click on the hardwood staircase as he comes downstairs. He’s prettier up close, a silver glittery barrette holding his curls out of his face. Gold glitter is swept over his cheeks and eyelids.
“Anthony,” He says, scrunching up his button nose. Tony winks at him. The only empty seat is next to the alpha, so Peter daintily sits down on the couch. He smells divine, like expensive floral perfume mixed with the sweet scent of omega.
“You can call me Tony, you know.” The alpha purrs under the voices of his parents and Mrs. Parker. Peter rolls his eyes.
“Dully noted.” He snaps back, but Tony just laughs.
Dinner goes on slowly and Tony keeps his mouth shut. Peter’s definitely checking him out (or maybe that’s just Tony’s ego.) During the meal of lamb and beef, Tony notices a bruise blooming under the hem of his dress.
The omega gives him a glare and adjusts his collar.
“Did you hear? We’re being assigned partners this time.”
“Ugh, gag,” Peter grumbles, tapping his pink pen on his pink notebook.
“I know,” Loki responds, eyes glancing to the back of the room. “I hope I get paired up with Thor, though.”
Peter smiles and picks at his cuticle.
“He better ask you to homecoming. I’m blackmailing him if he doesn’t by Friday.” He says nonchalantly, eyeing the burly blonde in the back of the room. He’s laughing about something with Anthony.
“Peter. I’ll beat you to it, you know that.” Loki jokes. Peter nudges him in the shoulder of his dark green sweater. The class quiets down when Ms. Hill steps into the room.
“Good afternoon, everyone. As you may have heard from the other classes, we’re starting our quarter project.” She announces. “I’ll be assigning you into partners, and you’ll be researching the impact and achievements of a Chinese dynasty.”  
The glass groans, a few pairs of eyes flicking around nervously.
“Calm down. It’s senior year, you should all know each other by now. I’ve already have your partners, so listen up...”
Peter studies his French manicure as Ms. Hill calls out their names. He gives Loki a wink when the teacher pairs Thor with him for the Tang Dynasty. It’s getting to the end of the list, and Peter’s worried that Ms. Hill might have forgotten him, then-
“Tony and Peter. Song Dynasty.”
The omega dies a little inside.
“Alright, get to work! Rubrics are on my desk, get brainstorming!”
The class disperses into a flurry of noise and movement. Tony slowly stalks over to him like the douchebag he is.
“How about you get the rubric?” Peter suggests, but it’s more of an order than anything. Tony smirks and places his pencil on the desk next to Peter.
“Anything for you, princess.” He teases, causing the omega to flush a bright red. Peter doodles in his notebook until Tony gets back with two rubrics.
“Song Dynasty. I’m fuckin’ pumped.”
This actually makes Peter giggle a little bit.
“Calm down, Anthony.” He quips back, a small smile on his face.
It turns out the two work together pretty well.
Tony’s definitely not a slacker, and had avid ideas that Peter wrote down. They settled on a comedy-style presentation. (Which Peter would neverdo, but who can say no to Tony’s puppy dog eyes?)
When the bell rings, Tony walks him to his next class, like a...gentleman.
Who knew?
“Good morning Midtown! I’m Peter Parker, your SGA President.”
Tony turns his attention to the T.V in the hallway. Peter sits at the newscaster desk, in a navy and white tennis polo, a matching headband pushing back his curls, and two big pearls adorning his ears. Tony could purr, but he pinches himself. There’s no way he can be falling for Peter Parker.
No way.
The entire hallway goes silent, in awe of their queen on the screen.
“A quick reminder-next week is spirit week! The days are posted on our Instagram and around the school. Don’t forget to buy your homecoming tickets. They’re being sold all week in the cafeteria. Thanks, and have a wonderful day!”
Everyone resumes their conversation.
Tony slams his locker shut.
“Oh god, you are not making me ride that.”
Tony laughs loudly and tucks his hands into the pockets of his jacket.
Peter stands with his arms crossed over his baby blue Chanel sweater. His pink lips are turned down into a frown, button nose scrunched like it always is.
“I am. Unless you want to walk?” Tony coos, handing his helmet to the omega. His honey eyes glance down at the black helmet, then back up to Tony.
“You’ll keep me safe?” Peter asks quietly, his bitchy facade dropping. Tony’s eyes widen.
“Oh, of course, Pete. I’d never let anything happen to you.” The alpha responds, genuine care in his voice.
“Well, then let’s go, slowpoke.” Peter huffs, placing the ill-fitting helmet on top of his curls. Tony chuckles and straddles the bike, waiting as Peter slowly wraps his arms around his torso, resting his cheek on his back.
“Hold on!” Tony calls as he starts the bike, causing the tiny omega to yelp. They leave school, weaving through the cars and students. Peter shouts directions to his house in Tony’s ear, the alpha smiling as the wind whips behind him. They eventually arrive at Peter’s apartment complex, parking his motorcycle in the garage for the occupants.
“That sucked,” Peter grumbles, but-Tony sniffs the air.
Peter’s turned on.
He’s about to crack a joke, but stops himself. Peter looks at the ground, embarrassed.
“Sorry. Didn’t bring my car.”
Peter tries to hide his smile.
The omega brings him up to his penthouse, heading to the kitchen to grab something to eat.
“Do you want anything, Tony? I’ve got...quite a lot.” Peter asks, grabbing some wheat crackers and spread from the fridge. Tony shucks off his leather jacket, placing it over the back of the chair. He runs his hand over the cool marble counter.
“I’m good, but thank you.” He responds, pulling his notebook out of his bag. Peter shrugs, grabbing his book bag.
“Suit yourself. Let’s go upstairs, my aunt will be home soon.” He tells Tony, not sparing him a second glance before heading to the staircase. The alpha rushes behind him, narrowly avoiding an expensive looking vase. They turn right down the hallway, pictures of Peter at all stages of his life on the walls. One catches Tony’s eyes, a little baby Peter with a big blue bow on his head, smiling as he plays in a pile of leaves.
“Please don’t touch anything, Anthony.” Peter sniffs when they reach his room, pink exploding in Tony’s vision. His room is huge, perfectly cleaned and organized. There are pictures everywhere, Peter smiling with his friends. A king-sized canopy bed sits in the middle of the room, expensive silk pillows arranged with care. Peter plops himself on the ground, spreading out his papers.
”Your room is...nice.” Tony comments, sitting on the ground next to Peter. He's still overwhelmed by the omegan aroma filling the room.
”Thank you.” Peter says softly, clearly pleased.
”Should we get started? I had some ideas about how we should present the civil service exam.”
They get a big chunk of their work done but end up talking about everything butthe Song Dynasty. Peter’s actually really fucking smart, wanting to study biological engineering in college. He's down to earth and an absolute sweetheart when he's not surrounded by the student body.
And he's really fucking pretty.
”I know! Fury is such a hardass!” Peter exclaims through giggles, tears coming out of his big doe eyes. His curls are a mess, splayed underneath his head.
Tony isn’t thinking when he reaches over and thumbs away Peter’s happy tears.
The omega blinks in surprise, but-
sucks Tony’s thumb into his mouth.
Tony growls loudly, removing his thumb from Peter’s mouth with a pop, leaning down, and pressing his lips to the other’s. The omega is everything Tony thought he would be. Sweet like sugar, with the remnants of the crackers on his tongue. He hums happily as Tony picks him up, pulling the smaller into his lap.
“I fucking like you, Parker.”
“Tony,” Peter whispers as the alpha lightly drags his fingers over his bare thighs. “Tony, I have a boyfriend.”
“He doesn’t deserve to be your boyfriend, Peter.” Tony says, almost frantically. “He-He fucking hurts you.”
Peter flinches at his word choice.
“He doesn’t. It’s none of your business.” The omega breathes, avoiding Tony’s gaze.
“Peter, please tell someone. Or break up with him, I don’t care.” The alpha pleads, taking Peter’s hands in his. The omega rips them away.
“He loves me. Please drop it.”
Tony bites his tongue.
“Loki, your bow is crooked.”
Loki rolls his eyes and spins around.
“Then fix it, Peter.”
Peter laughs and straightens the blue bow that holds his black, silky hair out of his face. It’s Class Colors Friday, the seniors getting their rightful color of blue. Harley takes a bite of his sandwich, looking over Peter’s shoulder.
“Uh, Pete? Quentin’s coming over here, and he looks mad.”
Peter turns around, seeing his boyfriend heading towards him with a scowl on his face. Peter pretends to light up, giving him a small wave. Before he can greet the alpha, he’s grabbing Peter by his cheerleading jacket.
“You fucking slut,” He growls, blue eyes narrowed. “You sleeping around with Stark now?”
Peter whimpers as his breathing picks up.
“Quent, you’re making a scene.” He whispers, tugging at the alpha’s sleeve gently. Quentin grins menacingly.
“Am I, now?” He chuckles, pressing a kiss to Peter’s cheek. “That’s high praise coming from a drama queen like yourself. Have fun finding another homecoming date.”
With that, Quentin pushes him back, and storms out of the cafeteria. Peter follows him, ignoring the shouts from his friends.
“Quentin, baby, wait!” The omega calls out once they get into the hallway, causing the alpha to spin around.
“Is it true? You made out with Stark?”
Peter’s bottom lip quivers as he stays silent. Quentin sighs exasperatedly, clenching his fists tightly.
“You deserve everything I did to you, Peter. And I hope you fucking know it.”
Peter doesn’t see his, well, ex-boyfriend, leave through his tears. He shuffles off to the omega restroom, trying to keep his mascara from running. He sifts through his purse for his little packet of tissues, dabbing at his eyes frantically. The door swings open, and Peter expects Loki and Harley, but the smell of smoke and musky alpha fills the room.
“Shit, Peter, I’m so fucking sorry,” Tony says quickly. Peter just whimpers and cuddles into the alpha’s torso.
“You were right,” He cries, breathing in deep breaths of Tony’s scent. The other boy strokes his curls, shushing him. “And now I don’t have a homecoming date, and all my friends do, and senior year is just going to suck.”
Tony sighs deeply from above him.
“I can go with you, if you want.”
Peter looks up into Tony’s deep brown eyes.
“Are you asking me out, Anthony?” He teases, poking the alpha’s cheek. His eyes widen in surprised.
“No! Not at all. I’m just saying, if you wanted to, I’d be willing to go with you.”
Peter laughs and kisses him.
Tony’s so fucking nervous.
His hands shake as he grips the stupid plastic corsage box in one, ringing the doorbell with the other.
Mrs. Parker opens the door.
“Tony. Come on in. Peter will be down in a second.” She says with a glint in her eyes. Tony follows her into the apartment, perfectly clean, like always.
“Let me see,” Mrs. Parker smiles, leaning over to look at the corsage in the box. “He’ll love it.”
Speaking of him-
Peter Parker appears at the top of the steps.
Tony’s mouth parts subconsciously. Peter looks-Peter looks stunning. His dress is a cherry red that matches his lipstick, all lace and off the shoulder. He walks down slowly, smoothing the skirt of his dress.
“Peter, oh my god, you look beautiful.” Tony sputters as Peter gives him a peck on the cheek.
“And you look handsome,” The omega responds, thin fingers adjusting Tony’s tie. “You bought a corsage!”
Tony laughs, opening the box and picking up the white rose. He adjusts it on Peter’s wrist as the other boy pins a white boutonniere to Tony’s lapel.
“Perfect,” He coos, pressing another kiss to Tony’s jaw.
Mrs. Parker gives him a quick, threatening talk as Peter uses the bathroom. Peter fake swoons when Tony opens the passenger door to his Audi.
They’re the perfect pair.
They take pictures and dance and kiss and it’s everything Tony could ever dream of. Peter wins homecoming queen, as he should. He looks divine on stage, sparkling tiara on his curls and smiling wide.
“Alpha,” Peter whines, 30 minutes before the dance ends, making Tony’s heart skip a beat.
“Yeah, baby?” Tony responds, grinding his hips forward against Peter’s ass, a quiet ‘oof’ falling from his lips.
“Can-Can we go back to your place? If your parents aren’t home-“
“Fuck yes.”
The car is thick with the scent of arousal, the mixing of their pheromones making Tony crazy. They’re on top of each other once they make it inside.
“Tony, where’s your room?” Peter moans as Tony nibbles on his neck. The alpha doesn’t respond, instead lifts the smaller into his arms. Tony rushes upstairs, making sure he doesn’t drop Peter. They collapse onto the bed, Tony pressing his lips to Peter’s. He tastes delicious, as always, and Tony can’t help but moan. He pulls off of Peter, shucking off his suit jacket as Peter stands up.
“Alpha, can you help undo my dress?”
That phrase sends a jolt of arousal to Tony’s dick.
He obeys, thick fingers tugging the silver zipper down. Peter steps out of the dress, his freckled back on full display, as well as his delectable ass that’s barely covered by white panties. In awe, Tony runs his fingers over the pale stretch marks littering his flesh.
“Is that- are they too gross? Quentin always said t-they were ugly.”
Tony’s speechless.
“No, no, baby,” He coos, spinning Peter around so he can see his face. His doe eyes shine with oncoming tears. “You’re fucking beautiful, you know that? You’re the sexiest goddamn thing I’ve ever seen.”
Peter giggles shyly, flushed.
“Fuck Quentin. He’s a pussy, not a real alpha. He never deserved you. You’re perfect, my little omega.”
They make love.
There’s nothing else to call it-not fucking, not sex. Peter rides him for everything he’s worth, tiny cock leaking against his stomach as his thick thighs straddle Tony’s. The tiara stays on, his curls becoming damp with sweat. Tony doesn’t last long, he pops his knot too early, but he doesn’t mind, since Peter is right behind him.
“Tony?” The omega whispers after Tony slipped out of him and cleaned them up.
“Yeah?” The alpha responds, breath hitting the back of Peter’s neck.
“I fucking like you, Stark.”
Tony laughs, pulls Peter closer under the covers, and kisses him.
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nerfherder-02 · 4 years
it’s not like it’s a crush- chapter five
Woohoo! It’s back. I know this is not my most popular stuff, but it’s the stuff I have written. Oh well. Anyways, enjoy! Or not, the choice is yours :)
"Fair enough. Alright, I'm going to. But I'm going to hate it."
"That's what tutoring is all about."
"You're really selling it, aren't you?"
"Do you have a choice?"
it’s not like it’s a crush- chapter five
With one minute to the start of class, Rey walks in with Finn. Not enough time for Ben to get her attention, and hand over her stuff. It’d probably be best if he didn’t do it in front of the whole class, in case she did take offense. He turns to review- oh. Rey still has his notes. 
As if on cue, she's at his desk, holding out his notebook to him. "Thanks for letting me have these. I might not fail this quiz!" she laughs, and he takes it from her. 
"That's good," he replies, then the bell rings to start class, and Rey returns to her seat. 
The teacher's voice sounds in the classroom. "Everyone, take your seats, and clear off your desk. If you managed to remember, we have a quiz today, so let's get started."
Ben turns around and meets Rey's nervous glance with a reassuring nod. If he's honest, he's probably in the same boat as her. Without any time to review, he isn't sure he remembers everything he needs to know, despite his confident display at tutoring. He just hopes Rey fares as well as, if not better, than him. 
Yeah, he should’ve studied. Oh well. He can take the loss this once, his grade is practically perfect right now. At least maybe Rey has a shot. 
More than a shot, she’s the first one finished, besting even Armitage, the self-proclaimed history master. Ben can’t help but smile back at her ridiculous grin. 
Ten minutes later, Ben turns in his own quiz, and thirty minutes later, class ends. 
Ben’s desk is by the door, so he takes his time packing up, waiting for Rey to pass by with Finn. 
They’re laughing about something, and Finn gives her a push towards Ben, saying, “See you later!”
Rey calls out her own goodbye before turning back to Ben. “So, how’d that quiz go?”
“I’m not sure, how about you? You seemed pretty sure of yourself.”
“Oh yeah, that was so easy! It’s amazing what an hour of studying does.” Rey beams happily. “Now I just have to see if I was lucky enough to actually get my answers right.”
“I think you’ll be okay. Hey, can you come to my locker? I’ve got something for you.” 
“Oh, sure! Where is it?”
“Just up the stairs. So you’ll be okay to get to Calc from there.”
“Great! How’d you know that was my second hour?”
“You and Finn were shouting about it the other day, couldn’t help but overhear.” The two climb the staircase, without getting knocked over this time, and reach Ben’s locker in the math hallway. “Here we are. Just a sec’, let me get it open.”
“You lock your locker?”
“I do too! I can’t help but be paranoid of having something stolen.”
“Same here.” The locker clicks open, and Ben swings the door, careful not to knock Rey. He picks up the folders and notebooks he bought the night before and holds them out to her. “I said I’d get you a notebook for history, but then I got folders and more notebooks too, so here they are. I thought it might be awkward to give you all this stuff during class. If you don’t want it, that’s okay, just thought I’d give you the option.”
“Wow, thank you! This is, incredible! You really didn’t have to do all this though-”
“It was no trouble. I just hope you’re not offended.”
Rey takes them from his hands and slips them into her backpack. “No, I really needed these. How can I thank you?”
“Start getting the grades we both know you can. That quiz today just proves my point.”
“Yeah, alright, I should go to class now. See you after school?”
“Don’t be late.”
“Hey, yesterday I just didn’t know where to go!”
“Then you won’t be late.”
“True. Bye!” Rey throws up a hand in a wave, and turns to go to her class just down the hall. Ben looks up at the clock in the hallway. One minute. He’s gonna have to hurry down to Advanced English. Usually, his locker stops don’t take this long, but... yeah. 
He ends up stepping through the door to his class just as the last tone of the bell sounds, earning a remark from his teacher, but he doesn’t mind. It’s the first time he’s cut it this close, but he wasn’t late, so the teacher won’t mark him down. The teacher begins to discuss Pride and Prejudice, but Ben’s already planning out tutoring.
Despite her triumph in History, Rey’s spirits took a dive in English. She hadn’t done the reading, again, and the teacher has started singling her out for it. Whatever. It’s not like she has time to read anyways. Still, what a lousy way to end the school day. 
Rey is still thinking about her mishaps when she pushes open the door to the library. In the same spot as yesterday, Ben sits and reads a book. At least he reads, Rey thinks miserably. 
He looks up from his book as Rey drops her backpack to the floor and takes her seat. “Why the sad face?”
“I got totally humiliated in English just now for not reading the novel we’re working on,” Rey sighs. “Guess I can’t do everything, huh.”
“What’s keeping you from reading? Work?”
“Yep. Like, with the History notes, I just set them out and could scan them every so often. But a novel, that takes a lot more attention, otherwise I just don’t remember anything, then it’s a waste of time.”
"Well, we could read right now. I have to read, too."
"Aren't you supposed to be helping me with homework or something?"
"You struggle with History and English. We have no History homework, and I can't help you read. So, you've got to read while you can. Plus, we both know you don't really need help with homework, just time to do it."
"Fair enough. Alright, I'm going to. But I'm going to hate it."
"That's what tutoring is all about."
"You're really selling it, aren't you?"
"Do you have a choice?"
"Well, no. But still! You could at least get me excited."
"Read. I've got my own book to read, but if you need help with vocab or something, wake me up."
"Wake you up?"
"Yeah. I'm going to get lost in the book. So wake me up. But first, you've gotta read."
Rey picks up her book, The Scarlet Letter. If there was a more boring book ever to be assigned as homework, Rey couldn't think of it. She sneaks a glance at Ben, who is already staring intently at his book. The cover, partly covered by his hand, reads… Probe and what? No. What was Advanced English reading? Oh, Pride and Prejudice. Ugh. Long books are not Rey's favorite. Then again, The Scarlet Letter is not very long, but it certainly is tedious. Nice vocab, Rey. She should read. Yeah, that would be good. 
She reads, for like, five minutes, and then complains, “This literally makes no sense.” Ben doesn’t move, or react, in any way. Rey frowns, and tentatively waves her hand in front of her. “Ben?” Still nothing. Then, she has an idea. It’s terrible, but it’s an idea Rey cannot say no to. Tentatively, she gets up, checking for recognition in Ben’s face, and then she steps carefully around to his side of the table, right behind his seat. 
In one swift motion, Rey pushes her book right in front of his and says, “Wake up! I need help.”
Ben jumps in his chair, whipping around to face the unremorseful grin on Rey’s face, which quickly turns to laughter.
“You said to wake you up! So I did.”
“You didn’t have to take it that far.” Her smile is infectious, and Ben can’t tell whether he’s actually amused or just surprised by her prank. 
“You’re not.”
“I’m not.”
“You said you needed help?”
“Yeah, I do.” Rey returns to her seat and holds the book out in front of her. “I’m on chapter ten, and then ending makes no sense. Have you read it before?”
“Once, a while ago. Can I see the book?”
“Yeah, I’m on this part.” Rey points to the paragraph she’s on and lets Ben take the book.
He goes silent for a minute, eyes scanning the page. “Oh, this is when Chillingworth finds out Dimmesdale was Hester’s fellow adulterer. He’s got a scar on his chest like Hester’s ‘A.’ And then it’s comparing Chillingworth to Satan, further solidifying his symbolic representation of evil.”
“Ugh Chillingworth is really freaky. I knew he was up to no good.”
“Yeah. Ever since you meet him in the prison cell with Hester, he makes you shudder.”
“Totally. Anyways, thanks! I have to get through chapter twelve by tomorrow. I’m not sure I will, given I have maybe a half hour left.”
“What if you have questions?”
“I guess I’m stuck, huh. It’s okay! I can ask questions in class. Or not, because the teacher looks at you like you’re an idiot when you ask comprehension questions. Like, sorry I can’t understand Hawthorne’s writing when it was written a hundred years ago.”
“One hundred and sixty nine.”
“It was written in eighteen-fifty. So, one hundred and sixty-nine years ago.”
“Okay, you got me. I should read.”
“Me too.”
Half a chapter later, and it’s time for Rey to leave. She begins putting her folders, each one labeled, in her backpack.
Before she says goodbye, Ben asks, “You sure you’re okay for that last chapter?”
“Probably, why?”
“Well, if you’ve got a phone, you could have my number in case you have a question.”
“Oh! That’s a good idea! Just, only for homework, my family keeps a close eye on what I use it for, since we have limited texts and calls.”
“Sounds good. Do you want me to write it down?”
“Nah, here, I got it loaded up.” Rey looks up from her tiny phone, one of the simple ones with a keyboard that slides out. He reads off his phone number, with Rey punching it in. She double checks it, then finally says goodbye. “Later!”
“Later,” Ben repeats, and she’s off.
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zvkos · 5 years
wassup my loves!! it’s been a month since the last instant crush chap, and i feel so crappy that i haven’t been able to give y’all anything sooner. i have a part of chapter six that i wrote and then got rid of, but i thought: “instead of deleting it, why not post it as something separate?” so that’s what imma do! give you all something to tide over the wait till chapter seven. it’s short and sweet (and unedited :p) but pls take this as a peace offering 💕 
Sundays are lazy days for Clementine. They always have been. She'll wake up to the muffled sounds of the vacuum cleaner seeping underneath her door. She'll go downstairs to find Lee vacuuming the living room, singing along to the crooning of the television.
Undoubtedly on the 80s music channel.
He'll greet her before she pours herself a bowl of cereal in the kitchen. That bowl of cereal will accompany her in her room as she works on homework until A.J wakes up and demand she join him in watching the newest episode of his latest cartoon obsession. They'll spend quite some time like this—curled up on the couch together—until Lee makes A.J clean his room and start on his forgotten homework. Then Clem is left to her own devices.
Most teenagers are out with friends on Sundays. Some have extracurricular activities that keep them busy during the weekends. More often than not, Clem has nothing.
This Sunday is the same.
With only four months left in the school year, it’s too late to join any clubs. She contemplates texting Ruby and seeing what she’s up to, but decides against it for fear of coming off as clingy. The idea to text Sophie appears in her mind for a split second and disappears just as quick.  
No, instead she resolves to help Lee with laundry because… why not?
She’s folding A.J's shirts when her phone loudly vibrates on top of the dryer. Lee is separating the dark and light clothing when his head jerks up at the harsh sound.
Clem grabs her phone and checks the notification. Lee's watchful eye has her controlling her expression, but she can't stop the small smile that breaks through.
[3:16pm Louis] U ever feel like ur brain is melting out ur ears?
[3:16pm Louis] Bc that's me doing my calc hwk rn
She shoots a quick reply back and continues to fold A.J's shirts—periodically stopping to reply to Louis.
The cold loneliness she felt melts away. He’s so easy to talk to. She was nervous to text him after Saturday night, not wanting to disturb him. According to everyone, Louis is a social butterfly. He probably has plenty of people vying for his attention.
So she's pleasantly surprised he texted her at all.
She doesn't miss the way Lee watches her out of the corner of his eye. If he’s curious about who she’s talking to, he doesn’t say anything, choosing to stay silent.
She's grateful for that. She doesn't know how many more times she can say “a friend from school” before he insists on knowing who.
The texts continue long after she's done with the laundry. They're still going strong, even after the sun bleeds a deep orange into the sky and disappears behind the horizon. It's nearing six o'clock when she realizes they've been talking for two hours—going on three.
She only peels her eyes away from her phone when A.J appears at her door with his arms folded. “Who're you talking to?” he asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Louis,” she answers, sitting at her desk. Two new speech bubbles pop up on her screen as Louis replies.
A.J gasps and rushes to her, gripping the back of her chair as he peers over her shoulder. “Can I say hi?”
“I'm texting him, A.J.” Clem holds up her phone so he can glimpse at the bubbles of text. “I'll let him know you said hi, though.”
A.J frowns in confusion. “Why not just call him?” Before she can register what's happening, A.J snatches the phone out of Clem's hand and presses the button to video call Louis.
“Whoa—! A.J!” Clem twists around in her chair and reaches for her phone, but A.J is too fast. He darts away from her, holding the phone above his head.
“A.J, I swear—” Clem lunges for the phone at the exact moment Louis picks up the call.
She stops mid-action when his face takes up the majority of her screen. “Hey,” he says, looking slightly puzzled but still smiling. “If I had known you wanted to video call I would've—oh, you're not Clem.”
The phone is maybe four inches from A.J's face. “Hi, Louis!” the kid exclaims with a huge grin plastered on his face.
Louis says, “Hey, A.J!” Then adds, “You're a little close to the camera there, buddy. I can only see your forehead.”
A.J stretches out his arm so the phone is farther away. “Better?”
“Yup, better.”
Clem simmers off to the side, out of the camera's view. A.J can be a real pain sometimes.  
“So, uh, is Clem there? Or did you steal her phone?”
“Clem's here!” Before she can tell him no, A.J is shoving the phone in her face. “Say hi, Clem!”
She was not prepared to see anyone today, let alone Louis of all people. For one, she's still in her pajamas--which consists of an old, faded college shirt from Lee and grey sweats—and her hair is a mess. She's not one to fret over appearances, but this is a bit much. She wills her cheeks to remain their normal shade as she greets him with a wave. “Hey, Louis.”
“Hi, Clem.” He appears to be in his room—if the bed and books are anything to go by. He's wearing a white t-shirt, looking relaxed. “I'm assuming A.J is the one who called me?”
A.J turns the phone towards himself, interrupting her with his own sentence. “Yeah! I wanted to say hi.”
Louis chuckles. “I'm flattered. How are you, little man? Doin’ okay?”
“Mhm,” A.J hums. “Can I show you my Monster Alliance collection?”
Louis blinks, caught off guard. “S-Sure thing.”
Clementine stands behind A.J and rests her chin on his shoulder so their heads are side by side. She mouths, “I'm sorry” to Louis, unbeknownst to her little brother. Louis’ mouth twitches in a smirk.
“Lemme show you my room,” A.J says before he's off, gallivanting out of Clem's room and down the hallway.
“Don't hog the phone, A.J!” She calls after his retreating form. “I need it back!”
“I won't!”
Poor Louis. Clementine laughs inwardly, comparing his situation to a prisoner being carried away against their will. She's sat through one of A.J's Monster Alliance lectures before—they're not short. The kid knows enough information about the game to conduct his own class on it.
It's a good thing Louis is kind enough to listen. However, Clem finds herself restless in the absence of their conversation. She wishes A.J didn't have to interrupt their conversation.
Chatting with Louis was the highlight of her Sunday. Clem doesn't remember the last time she felt so comfortable talking to someone who wasn't her immediate family.
Yes, she's comfortable with Ruby, Omar, and Aasim—but there's an uninhibited comfort that can't be explained with Louis.
It softens her—makes her feel mellow.
But now she has to wait for A.J to finish talking to him and who knows how long that'll take.
So she pulls out her notebook and starts studying for her biology quiz because now's as good a time as any.
An hour full of microfilaments and microtubules passes before A.J barrels into her room a second time.
“So Vextaur doubles as a support and a defender,” Louis' voice comes from the phone in A.J's hand.
“Yup,” A.J says. “But a lot of players only use Vextaur as a support. That leaves their backline open for attack.”
Clem furrows her brows, not understanding a word of their conversation.
“Wow, I gotta remember that. Good tip, A.J,” Louis says.
“I can show you how to play next time you come over!” A.J stands next to Clem while she sits on her bed. He covers the screen with his hand and whispers, “Can you invite Louis over so we can play Monster Alliance?”
Clem snorts. “He can still hear you, A.J.”
“Please, Clem!” A.J begs.
“I’ll come over soon, little guy, I promise,” Louis says, his face still blocked under A.J’s hand.
A.J removes his hand to show his sudden grin. “Okay!”
“A.J!” Lee’s deep voice travels from downstairs. “Come here!”
Clem and A.J glance at each other in question. He hands the phone to Clem as he says, “I have to go! Bye!”
“Alright! See you, buddy!” is Louis’ farewell. A.J is gone in a second, leaving Clem in her room by herself.
“I’m so sorry,” Clem says, situating herself against her pillows. “How was A.J’s lesson?”
Louis seems to have his phone propped on something because both of his hands are free as they drag down his face. “My head hurts.”
Clem laughs. She knows that feeling.
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aliferous-ly · 6 years
this was a fic long in the making.... it’s,,, pretty personal but i want to post it so lol. me in math
Summary: “Virgil, ironically, religiously completed his homework while Logan finished much of it two or one night before the test (when the homework packet was checked to gain the option of correcting a test). Logan’s approach was not at all systematic, but had worked thus far. 
Well... until, that is... calculus.”
Words: 1860
Genre: it’s angst. not like, heavy themes angst just... yeah. 
Pairing: platonic analogical ig, mainly none
Warnings: LOTs of self deprecating thoughts in here. incompetency , etc. mentions of thorns (metaphorical), sharp thorns. virgil forgets to take care of himself. it’s not a satisfying ending, and if there’s anything else please tell me!
Tags: @sassy-in-glasses @rose-gold-roman @justanotherpurplebutterfly @anxious-but-whatever @echomist13 
“You’re too ambitious for your own good.”
Logan blinked and frowned, hands curling into the fabric of his backpack. “Sorry?”
“Dude, TA? What are you even doing with your life?” Roman said, laughing and shoving grapes into his mouth at the same time. “You barely have enough time as is, I can’t imagine yet another responsibility...”
“I’m fine, I have plenty of time,” Logan said, waving his hand. He spent needed time on classes, yes, but no more than he should be.
“Yeah, I don’t doubt that,” Roman said. “You’re crazy good at managing time.”
Logan nodded uncertainly. “I keep a planner and don’t procrastinate.”
“That is such a lie and you know it,” Roman said, laughing. “How many social studies essays have you bullshitted on the last day?”
Logan sniffed. “I’d say about five.”
Roman snickered and knocked shoulders with him. “Alright, Einstein. How’s math with the Virge?”
“Calc is... fine,” Logan said. He stared at his sandwich, a gross knot of feelings tightening in his gut.
“Calculus sounds so hard,” Patton said, entering the conversation after watching their back and forth.
“It is hard.” Logan sighed, and leaned his cheek on his palm, elbow propped up on the table. “I don’t understand anything. The lessons are quick and complex, it’s hard to keep up, especially with everything else going on right now.”
“Yeah, you have a busy week,” Patton said sympathetically. “But you’ll be okay! You’re our smart Logan, you’ll get it!”
A thorn jabbed into Logan’s chest at the statement, a growing vine of sharp points twisting and squeezing. “...Yeah.”
He tapered off and took a bite of his sandwich, letting Roman take the wheel of the conversation and explain the newest drama between Remy and Nate, who everyone thought were going to get together despite Remy’s obvious infatuation with band nerd Emile Picani.
Logan listened attentively, the thorn twisting deeper and deeper.
“See ya after school,” Roman said, waving as he left for spanish.
“Bye,” Logan said, heading off to class. He moved around a line of girls walking on the wrong side of the hallway.
Roman’s earlier statement kept bouncing around in his head – was he too ambitious? He knew he was ambitious, yes, but...
Well, as least he wasn’t actually a TA, just a helper around his old english teacher’s class in his free period. Many times he was there to receive help from her for his new, more advanced english class.
But... he would spend more time teaching other kids, helping around a classroom, than he would studying, which cut into more time at home...
Logan mentally shook himself. No need to focus on that now.
Logan glanced to the right and saw Virgil meandering alongside him, a crooked grin set on his face.
“Hi,” Logan said back, nodding his head in greeting. “Ready for calc?”
“No,” Virgil said, snorting. “Never.”
“That’s fair,” Logan said. His hands clenched a little tighter around his backpack straps. “How do you think you did on the test yesterday?”
“Dude, you should’ve seen me taking it,” Virgil said, spreading his hands in front of him, palms down, as he spoke. “My hands were clutching the pencil so hard. If he can read my equations it’s a miracle. I think I almost passed out.”
“That’s... not good,” Logan said. He frowned in thought. “Was the stress that much for you? Perhaps a different form of test could be done...”
“Nah, just a lot of little things, y’know? Didn’t eat or drink much, got maybe three hours of sleep from studying all night...”
“Oh,” Logan said, falling silent. “That’s... still not good.”
“Yeah,” Virgil said, screwing up his face. “I know.”
“Did you eat breakfast this morning?”
“...also no.”
“Have my water bottle,” Logan said, reaching behind himself and hooking his finger on the loop of his water bottle. “I think I have an extra in my locker from last week.”
“I...” Virgil stared at the bottle shoved into his chest and grabbed it to stop it from crashing to the ground. “I can’t take this.”
“Then throw it away,” Logan stated firmly. He walked into the calc room, cutting off the conversation for a few seconds. Virgil mumbled something, playing with the hard plastic of the bottle absentmindedly.
He and Virgil had been in the same math class since sixth grade, save the last year when they’d been devastated to learn they’d have to take pre-calculus without one another. They knew each other’s ups and downs, they knew how the other functioned in relation to math.
Virgil, ironically, religiously completed his homework while Logan finished much of it two or one night before the test (when the homework packet was checked to gain the option of correcting a test). Logan’s approach was not at all systematic, but had worked thus far.
Well... until, that is... calculus.
How he hated calculus.
The test had been more difficult than any test he remembered in math, and it was only the first one. His teacher was more than understanding. In fact, Logan had spent an hour and a half with him after school, working through homework problems and such, and his teacher had – on multiple occasions – mentioned that it was okay to not do well right off the bat. It was okay to not understand.
Calculus was not like other math.
“Are we getting the tests back today?” Logan said numbly, sliding his backpack off his shoulders and settling into the chair.
“God, I hope not,” Virgil mumbled, face down on the table. “I don’t want to face my failure just yet.”
“Ugh, yeah,” Logan said, wrinkling his nose. “I just want to know what I got and be done with it. I’ll be stressing all weekend otherwise.”
“Even if you get a bunch wrong?”
Logan laughed. “You mean when I get a bunch wrong?”
Virgil grinned at him. “Oh what a mood.”
Logan cracked a smile back, but before he could reply, the teacher was talking and class had begun. They exchanged a few more quips in lulls or when they were working on problems.
Only... Logan didn’t get it. He didn’t understand any of the problem... sure, he could type it into his calculator just fine, and sure, he could calculate the height and time and so forth, but he didn’t understand what his teacher was actually trying to teach – the theory behind it. The why. Normally Logan’s favorite part.
“Any questions? You’re good?” the teacher asked the class, examining everyone to make sure he’d gotten through to them.
Please repeat that entire explanation but slower and more thoroughly, Logan thought pitifully.
“Alright, then, with that...” he continued on, writing on the smartboard. Every so often he would pause and ask for the answer to a particular question and someone would shout it out. Only heaven knew how they knew the answer, because Logan felt like they could’ve asked what seven minus nine was and Logan would have to take a dozen seconds to figure it out.
He struggled through the three simple practice problems and when the teacher went through them he numbly wrote the answers and the process, trying trying trying to comprehend what it all meant, what the numbers on the page equated to and which belonged to where and how this all applied –
“Now, I won’t be giving this equation twice. This is the only time I’m giving it to you,” his teacher said, laughing a bit. Logan felt like weights were slowly attaching themselves to the vine around his lungs, dragging his heart lower and lower.
Virgil was dutifully jotting all the notes down, handwriting a little jumbled. Logan tried to focus on his paper, the lines starting to run together and his hand shaking between his fingers. I don’t understand. I don’t understand. Why don’t I understand?
Logan wrote down a few more notes, trying to make sense of the equation set before him, the equation given at the beginning of class, the equation he’d learned all about not five minutes before. I don’t understand I don’t understand I don’t understand
I’m stupid. Logan was familiar with the voice in his head and he made sure he copied everything from the teacher. Maybe he could relearn it in another hour. Maybe then he’d be okay. Why did he take this class? I’m stupid, why did I take such a hard class?
Logan considered himself relatively smart, all things considered. He managed to get into many advanced classes, shooting himself two years ahead of his peers in math. Virgil, along with other math students his age whom he’d learned to recognize relatively consistently, had also been thrown forward two years.
One semester of calculus in two semesters or two semesters of calculus in two semesters?
At the time, it’d barely been a question. Of course he’d take the most advanced class – he was Logan Sanders. He didn’t shy from a challenge, and wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if he took the one in two. He needed max college credits.
I don’t understand I don’t understand I don’t understand
Too ambitious for my own good
“Ha, I barely understood any of that,” Logan said weakly as they were packing their things.
Virgil shrugged. “Yeah. It’ll make sense soon. You’ll probably learn while taking the test, knowing you.” He ended the statement with a quick burst of laughter and Logan smiled back, lips wobbly and nervous.
He had a tendency to do that in pre-calc, not quite understanding the content until the test itself, but even he could realize that calculus – at least, the one he was taking – was on a completely different level.
I don’t understand I don’t understand
Logan was crouched by his backpack, zipping everything back up, when the thought struck him like a bullet. I’m not smart enough for this class.
He’d never been not smart enough for a class. Teaching incompatibilities, perhaps, or the content needed a bit more work than instant comprehension, but never completely missing the lesson, the point of the lesson. Math built on itself; losing a lesson was like losing a vital block while building a tower, and when a great wind blows the tower must stand strong.
The thought struck him so strongly and quickly that he couldn’t move for a few long seconds. Virgil rustling around in his bag brought him back to the present and he stood, long legs shaking imperceptibly.
Logan shifted on his feet. “Ready to go?” At least his voice sounded natural.
“Yeah,” Virgil said, slinging the bag over his shoulder and stalking out the door, eye on Logan.
Logan followed but couldn’t bring himself to speak, a lump settling in his throat and refusing to budge.
They walked in silence.
Logan could barely breathe.
I’m not smart enough for this class.
A bit too late, huh?
Too bad if you drop you’ll be the utter disappointment. You want to go into a math career, and you’re going to fail calculus? What a joke.
Logan shuddered and parted from Virgil, who was headed to his chem class.
I’m not smart enough for this class.
Too ambitious.
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imaginethatawriter · 6 years
Ward preference- You two attended school (preferably High school or university) together and you’re about a year or two younger than him, so like in between ages from Ward and Joy. You both seem to have feelings for each other but never act upon them since you become really good friends with Joy but she secretly wants you two to just get together and somehow she convinces Danny to help her get them together??? Idk it popped into my head when I saw this cute gif imagine
When I first saw this prompt I was really inspired by it and I decided to write a short drabble for it. I few months and several attempts later I am actually going to finish it. Also I made this in college!
Out of the corner of your eye you spot Danny and Joy whispering to each other behind their hands. You glance over at Ward to see if he’s noticed the two younger students “secret conversation.” But unlike you Ward wasn’t so easily distracted and he was staring steadily at the textbook in front of him. As Danny and Joy continue to giggle in plain sight you lock eyes with Joy and glare at her. 
“What are you guys doing?” 
“Absolutely nothing other than talking.” Joy shoots back immediately with an innocent smile. Beside her Danny mirrors her innocent expression. There isn’t a single particle in your body that actually believes they’re telling the truth. You’ve only known Joy for a year, but you know her well enough to recognize when she’s scheming. 
“I believe that about as much as I believe I’m going to pass this business calc exam.” 
Across from you Ward let’s out a huff of a laugh. “Just ignore them and stop worrying so much. You’re going to be fine.” 
You smile at the small reassurance and bury your head in your own textbook with renewed energy. You failed to notice the conspiratorial grin that passed between Joy and Danny the moment you turned your attention away from them. 
Half an hour passes before the sound of a chair scraping against the ground pulls you out of your concentration. Danny stands from his chair and stretches his arms high above him with an exaggerated yawn. “Well I think I’m heading out for the night.” He packs his bag quickly only to be followed closely by Joy. 
“I think I’m going to pack it in as well. But don’t let us stop you two work-a-holics. Good luck on your exam tomorrow.” Joy says good bye to you quickly, hardly looking in the direction of her brother and completely ignoring him in her good bye. 
You and Ward meet eyes across the table. 
“Is it just me or did they get out of her way to quick.” 
Ward runs a hand through his hair in an attempt to fix the falling strands. “It wasn’t just you. They’ve been really strange recently and I haven’t been able to figure out why.” 
For the moment your textbooks lie on the table. You check your phone only to find it was way too late to study. But you didn’t feel anywhere near confident enough to stop studying now. You scrub your hands over your face. 
“Ward, I really don’t think I can figure this stuff out in time for my exam.” 
Rather than offer his reassurances again he gets out of his chair and moves to sit in the one next to you. “You’re more capable than you think, but show me what you’re having trouble with.” 
Caught off guard you silently slide your textbook over to him, pointing to a specific equation that you can’t figure out. You force yourself to focus on his lesson despite the fact that your arms are pressing together and your year long crush on Ward comes back to haunt you. It takes two different explanations for the equation to finally make sense to you, but it feels like an enormous triumph. 
Ward laughs gently at your over the top celebration of getting a practice problem right. 
“I can finally maybe get some sleep tonight!” You’re halfway through packing your bag when you notice that Ward isn’t packing along with you. 
“Are you still studying, Ward? You have almost perfect grades in all of your classes.” 
“Almost perfect isn’t perfect.” He tries to smile up at you from his seat, but you can tell that all he really wants to do is go to bed. 
“Come on, Ward.” You grab the sleeve of his jacket and tug on it to get him out of his chair. “Do I need to recite my science journals to you. If you don’t get any sleep you perform poorly and existing solely on coffee can lead to higher anxiety and sometimes heart problems.”
“All right all right. I don’t need the lecture.” The senior let’s himself be pulled out of his chair while you quickly pack up his books neatly into his bag. “That coffee fact is bullshit by the way.” 
You look back at Ward’s small smile. “Whatever you say. Don’t come crying to me when you’re having a heart attack.” Ward takes his bag from your hands and slings it over his shoulder. 
“Come on. I’ll walk you back to your apartment. And on the way I’m going to stop and get coffee.” The two of you leave the library behind, walking into the quiet darkness of the campus. 
“Don’t do that it’s so late at night. Besides you only ever drink black coffee. Buying it at a coffee shop is such a waste when I can just make you coffee at my house.” 
“I’ve had your coffee before and it’s shit. There’s hardly any coffee in it at all.” 
You push on his arm causing him to step away from you. “Well if my coffee is so shit we’ll go get a coffee together in the morning after our exam. Deal?” You look over at Ward’s face. The sharp angles of his face casting beautiful shadows. 
“Deal, but you can’t spend the whole time complaining about how you ‘totally failed that exam.’“
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softspideys · 7 years
Time After Time (Part IV) (Peter Parker x reader)
summary: peter parker is your worst enemy, but he’s also your soulmate. life is funny that way.
warnings: none
words: 1.9k
pairings: peter parker x reader
a/n: just because people keep asking me this and I don’t feel like answering it anymore....this will have MULTIPLE chapters!!! at least like 10!!!! probs more!!!! thank you for listening
The school year seemed to drag on like that: you and Peter actively avoiding each other, the universe and your friends determined to prevent it.
You’d always assumed that once you met your soulmate, you’d be the happiest person in the world. But if anything, your mood had worsened. You knew now that it was one thing to find your soulmate, but getting along with them was a completely different thing entirely.
Your chemistry teacher had long since given up trying to partner you and Peter together during experiments. It happened only once, and had ended with you pushing Peter off of his stool because he insisted on looking over your shoulder as you did the work to make sure you “didn’t mess anything up.” Since then, you stuck to your side of the room and he stuck to his.
In class, your teacher had just finished showing a documentary about drones and their use in chemical warfare. It was extremely boring, but after watching Bill Nye for the past three weeks, your teacher decided it was time to show something a little more serious.
“So,” he said enthusiastically, turning the lights back on. “What’d we think? Did we like it? Dislike it? C’mon people, let me hear your thoughts!”
“It was okay,” someone muttered, and the class murmured in agreement.
Your teacher rolled his eyes. “Really, guys? No one has any other thoughts?” No one answered. “Are we pro-drone? Anti-drone? If you were one or the other, did the doc make you switch your view? Why or why not? I’m desperate here.”
It really was getting to be quite painful, so with a sigh, you raised your hand. “Yes! Y/N!”
“I’m pro-drone,” you said, uncomfortably aware of everyone’s eyes on you.
“Alright,” your teacher said. “Why?”
You shifted in your seat. You’d been hoping he’d just take your answer and run with it himself, but no such luck. “Well . . .” you said. “They’re low cost. They’re way cheaper to purchase and fuel than regular airplanes. And they save lives, you know, so no military personnel have to be put in harm’s way or combat or whatever. The drones just do it for them.”
“I see,” your teacher nodded. “Does anyone else have anything to add? Anyone have a counterpoint?”
For a second no one answered and you thought you were done. But then, from across the room, Peter raised his hand. “I have a counterpoint.”
“Okay,” your teacher said slowly. Everyone knew by now that you and Peter together was a dangerous thing. “Go ahead.”
“Drones aren’t ethical,” Peter said. “It makes combat warfare too easy by diminishing ethical decisions. Some drone pilots or operators have difficulty switching between combat mode at work and civilian mode while not working. It can create PTSD.”
“So does actually being in the middle of combat,” you said, annoyed already. “Some drones don’t even need human pilots.”
“Drones can’t communicate with civilians for more detailed intelligence. Drones can’t capture surrendering military personnel, abandoned hardware, or military bases,” Peter spoke over you.
“They’re more lethal than regular airplanes and way more accurate,” you snapped.
“Accurate? Drone warfare causes collateral damages in civilian lives and property.”
“So you’d rather risk our own soldiers’ lives instead of civilian lives?” you said loudly.
“Civilians view drones as an invasion force. The mere presence of drones has been known to convert civilians into military combats. And when they cause collateral damage, like killing innocent people and damaging their property, the opinions of civilians decrease even more,” Peter said, his voice rising.
“Who cares what they think?”
“So you’d rather innocent people die for no reason?” Peter shot back. “What if the roles were reversed? What if a drone flew into the US, blew up an army base, and killed a bunch of innocent people? But oh no, they got their target, so who cares right?”
“That’s not what I said!”
“It’s what you meant!”
“Drones save lives. Our own lives! That’s what’s most important!”
“Everyone’s lives are worth saving!”
“News flash! You can’t save everyone!”
“You can try!”
“Parker! Y/L/N! That’s enough!” Your teacher practically had to yell to be heard over you.
You fell back into your seat, which you didn’t even realize you were halfway out of. “Both of you, go take a walk,” your teacher ordered. “Opposite directions, please. Come back when you’re ready to have a debate that doesn’t involve screaming at each other.”
Peter was out of his seat and out the door instantly. You reluctantly followed, and as you left you heard someone mutter, “Aren’t they supposed to be soulmates?”
You caught up to Peter and hit him on the shoulder hard. “Ow!” He turned and glared at you. “He said opposite directions.”
“Why do you always have to find some way to argue with me?” you demanded.
“It was a debate, chill out.”
“I’m not even talking about just the debate!” you practically shouted. “You always have to find some way to be better than me or correct me or prove me wrong!”
“Not my fault you’re usually wrong anyway,” he said coldly.
You clenched your fists so hard you could feel your nails digging into your skin. “Just once,” you said through your teeth. “I would like you to just leave me be.”
He shrugged. “Can’t help it if the universe keeps throwing me at you,” he said, though his tone had no humor in it.
“You’re the worst, Parker.”
“Are you sure about that? There’s 7.6 billion people on this planet and I’m the worst?”
“Forget it.” You turned on your heel and stalked down the hallway. As you turned the corner, you could’ve sworn you heard him laugh.
You took a short walk around the building, taking some deep breaths, and when you came back to class you saw Peter several feet away. You rushed to get there first. You slammed the door in his face, smirking at his annoyed expression.
“Welcome back,” your teacher said when Peter finally entered. “Take your seats, please.” You and Peter obeyed. You had a feeling that the real lecture would be coming after class.
Sure enough, when the bell rang, your teacher said, “Peter, Y/N, come see me, please.” 
The two of you reluctantly approached his desk. He looked at you with raised eyebrows. “What happened today wasn’t cool, guys,” he said. “I know not everyone gets along with their soulmates right away, but yelling at each other like that? Unacceptable.”
“Sorry, sir,” you both muttered.
He sighed. “I’m not claiming to know about the deep inner workings of your relationship, but I do wish you’d try to get along. You being paired together . . . it’s a pretty lucky thing.”
You blinked at him, confused. Peter must’ve looked the same way, because your teacher laughed. “If the two of you worked together on whatever you put your minds to . . . you’d be unstoppable. You’d rule the world. Think about it.”
Peter made a beeline to his locker as soon as you were dismissed and so did you, but you couldn’t help it: you did think about it.
* * *
“I don’t really think it’s hatred,” your best friend decided as the two of you walked out of school.
“Oh? Then what is it?”
“Sexual tension.”
It took everything in you not to burst out laughing. “Oh really?”
“I see,” you said. “Well, thanks for that input. Now can we talk about literally anything else besides Peter Parker?”
She rolled her eyes. “Fine, fine. What’d you get on that Calc test?”
“What? How?”
“It’s called studying,” you said, amused.
“Nah,” she shook her head, “Mrs. Wyatt has it in for me. She’s never liked me.”
“Probably because you don’t study.”
She gave you the finger. “Well, here’s what I think about you and your 95.”
You laughed as you came to her subway stop. “This is me,” she said. “I’ll talk to you later.”
“Alright, bye.” You waved as you walked away. You put your headphones in your ears and turned on some music, letting out a sigh and tilting your head back to feel the sun on your face. You liked school, but nothing compared to the feeling of finally being done for the day.
You walked alone for a little while, enjoying the solitude and thinking about nothing in particular. Suddenly, a voice behind you called, “Hey.”
You ignored it, assuming it wasn’t directed towards you. But then someone came up and yanked one of your headphones out of your ears.
“Hey!” you said, turning in time to see Peter fall into step beside you. “What is the matter with you? What do you want?”
“Where are you going?” he asked.
“To my subway stop. What do you want?” you repeated.
“Fine, let me walk you.”
This time you did laugh out loud. “Are you kidding? I’d literally rather get hit by a bus. I thought I told you to stay away from me.”
“Technically, you said you’d just like me to leave you be,” Peter corrected you.
“Oh my God. Can’t you just leave me alone?” You tried to quicken your pace, but Peter caught up to you easily.
“Believe me, I’d love to,” he said. “But . . . don’t you feel it?”
“Feel what?”
“What it’s like when we’re together, versus when we’re not.” He gave you an annoyed look, like don’t make me say it.
Part of you wanted to say you had no idea what he was talking about. But it would be a lie. You knew exactly what he meant.
When Peter was around you, it was like the weight of the sky was being lifted off of your shoulders. You couldn’t explain it, but being near him felt like being home. You knew you were safe, that this was your person.
Of course, you hated every second of it, but you knew it.
“Yes,” you said finally. “I feel it.”
“Okay,” Peter said, his voice quiet. “So just . . . let me walk you. Okay?”
“Fine,” you said.
The two of you silently began to walk together. You noticed he had one of his headphones in, the other dangling loosely around his neck. “What are you listening to?” you asked, grudgingly attempting to make conversation.
“The Strokes.”
“You like them?” he said, side-eyeing you.
You nodded. “Yeah. I do.”
“Hmm,” was all Peter said. You didn’t speak as you walked to your subway stop, or as you made your way downstairs and onto the platform.
Finally, you turned to him. “Are you gonna get on the train with me or something?”
“This is where I get on too,” he said with a roll of his eyes.
Your train pulled up first, so as the doors opened, you faced him awkwardly. “Well . . . see you.”
He nodded, not meeting your eyes. “Yeah, see you.”
You got on the train and watched him through the window as it pulled away. Now that you weren’t with him, the safe feeling had gone away. But that was all purely chemical, you told yourself. Nothing had changed. You still hated Peter Parker.
taglist: @tohollandback​@what-the-heck-life @curlycals @rudegrungegirlxx @dontmeanlove​ @hufflepuffbitch @fanboyswhereare-you @hollandroos​ @twentyjuanwinchesterz​ @space1boy @peterparker @peterp-peterq​ @theguildenark @ravenclawnerdfromnarnia @thisisthetragicstoryofme @peteparkly
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finals are so stressful. I cant focus on studying at all its so frustrating. I need to do well. my whole body is in shambles too, everything hurts and I feel so dizzy all the time. I literally passed out during the first part of my calc final... and nobody even noticed. also I went to the dr today and apparently my scale is off by two pounds so I literally weight more than I thought. so thats is so so fun. also I got prescribed antidepressants so yay (sarcastic but I am actually excited to see if they make me feel better). ALSO today a girl in my class pointed at my sh scars on my hand and was like “ooo did you do henna” like no. and I was just like “oh no those are scratches” and then she realized... anyways... I am such an idiot for making a star out of sh like it look so obvious and stupid, but I guess I just get to do more over it to cover it up! anyways im just gonna mega study now for my finals tomorrow. im so tired. bye bye for now.
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captainkappa · 7 years
Fanfic:: Wanna Be
(This was totally written on the fly and inspired by this song. This is... so gay y’all.)
Beauregard/Yasha. College/University AU
CW: Mentions of drinking and kissing while buzzed/intoxicated slightly
Beau hadn’t even been planning on going to the party. She had promised Fjord she’d be good and spend her Friday night studying, allowing her to get crazy on Saturday night when they were gonna check out a new gay bar. That was her plan, and she was going to follow through, but then there was a few texts, an Uber, and she found herself dancing in the living room of the rugby captain within the hour.
But that was hours ago, technically yesterday. At this point, the party was winding down now, slower music still pounding through the walls, good-byes being said at the front door, taxis being called. Beau knew she was next out that door, her Uber had already been called for, but now she needed water. She walked slowly to the kitchen, not wanting to trip over her feet as the exhaustion started settling in.
She entered the kitchen, surprised to find it completely empty besides one other per-
Beau stepped a little ways back into the doorframe when she saw Yasha, 6’5 Yasha, could-break-you-with-one-arm-and-not-break-a-sweat Yasha, making-Beau-gayer-every-time-she-saw-her-in-pre-calc Yasha.
The Yasha she had no idea was even at this party until now, in a dark colored band shirt that hugged her biceps in a way that had to be illegal and skinny jeans.
Beau put her back to the wall, taking a deep breath. She could forgo the water, walk out the door, and nothing would happen.
But what if… Fuck it.
She picked herself up and walked into the kitchen, with all the confidence she never had. Yasha looked up from her phone, giving her a nod as Beau walked to the fridge.
“I thought I knew someone here,” Yasha said, her voice deeper than normal. Beau thought her legs were going to give out, but she steadied her resolve.
“I didn’t think parties were your thing,” she said, poking her head out from the fridge as her hand blindly groped for a water bottle.
Yasha shrugged. “Molly bribed me.” She looked at Beau for a moment. “Are you looking at my arms?”
Beau broke her gaze because, yes, she had been. “Maybe.” She puffed out her chest, the buzz giving her a boost of confidence. “What if I was?”
Yasha pocketed her phone and strode toward her until she was right in front of her and oh fuck Beau hadn’t thought this far what if she killed her?
Beau’s arm went limp at her side, staring up at Yasha, an intense expression on her face. Neither of them said anything, just staring up at each other, the cold air from the fridge wafting between them.
Finally, Yasha broke the silence. “Are you drunk?”
“I… what?”
“Are you drunk?”
“I mean… I had like three? I’m maybe a bit buzzed, but I know what I’m doing. Wouldn’t drive but-”
“Can I kiss you?”
Beau’s jaw fell open, a small scream emanating from her.
Yasha leaned back a bit, “Is that a no?”
“NO! I mean, it’s not a no! I mean! I’ve wanted to do that for a while…”
“Good, because I have too.”
Before Beau could react to that statement, that Yasha has been wanting to kiss her, their lips connected, slotting together. Beau threaded her fingers though Yasha’s braided hair as Yasha closed the fridge door, guiding Beau to lean against it. Beau could feel her heart rate go through the roof as Yasha bit her lip slightly, just enough pressure to make her go crazy. Beau tugged on Yasha’s hair and the kiss deepened, Beau opening her mouth to allow Yasha more access. Yasha obliged, grabbing her waist and pulling her close.
The sound of a door opening on the other side of the room made them break apart. Beau stared at the man in the doorway, dressed in a gaudy array of patterns with piercing adorning his face, a smug smile on his face.
“Yasha, the car’s here.”
Yasha grunted and even though they had pulled apart, Beau could still feel it. “Fine, one second.”
“No, no, don’t let me interrupt.”
Beau hated him.
Thankfully, he left the room and they were alone again, but the atmosphere had changed. The fact that they’d just made out on someone’s fridge was sinking in, but Beau had no regrets.
Well, maybe one, if she fucked this up.
“Can I get your number?”
“Oh… yeah, one sec.” Yasha pulled away and Beau was immediately aware of how cold the room was all of a sudden. Yasha dug around in her pocket and finally found her phone. She pulled up her contacts and handed it to Beau. She put in her number, only barely stopping herself from putting a cutesy name for herself before handing it back.
Yahsa took it and pocketed it. “Okay, well, see ya?”
“Yeah, see ya!”
Yasha turned and left, leaving Beau alone in the kitchen.
She slid down the fridge, landing on the floor. She stared at the cabinets for a few seconds, taking it all in. She could still feel how Yasha felt against her if she concentrated, but that got her skin heated and flush and her heart-rate picked up- and she still needed to get back to her apartment.
She took a deep breath and picked herself up, running her fingers through her hair as she headed for the front door, hoping she didn’t need to call another Uber.
Beau woke up on a couch. She hadn’t fallen asleep on a couch, but thankfully, this was a couch she recognized. She cracked open her eyes, blinding sunlight streaming in, showing the silhouette of a man standing in front of her.
“Shit…” she muttered, throwing her arm over her eyes.
“Yes, Fjord.”
“Not to be your father, but where were you last night?”
“You’re way more of a mothering type,” she said, cracking a smile.
She couldn’t see, but she imagined he wasn’t laughing.
She sighed. “I went out. But no matter what you say, it was worth it.”
The couch dipped by her legs. “I’d love to hear that story.”
She peaked from under her arm and grinned.
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celticcountrygal · 7 years
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You Know Where I Am- Archie Andrews (4)
Part1 / Part2 / Part3
Summery: Your eyes are firmly set on a certain dark haired boy not realizing who was your perfect match all along. Its only when you finally pull your eyes from him it’s when you see who is really there for you and who you really feel for.
‘Y/n’ You stopped hearing your name being called and turned. Jughead was running towards you. It was the end of the day and a Thursday, meaning you had trace at lunch and you hadn’t gotten to talk to him all day. You stopped and held your books closer to your chest. ‘What’s up Juggie?’ You asked when he stopped in front of you panting a little. ‘Where you heading?’ He asked and you smiled. ‘Home?’ Raising an eyebrow with a laugh. Jughead smiled. ‘Let me walk you home’ You nodded turning and he followed.
It was silent for a few moments until he sighed. ‘I’m sorry’ He said looking down and you glanced at him. ‘For what?’ You asked him cocking your head to the side. ‘For hurting your feelings yesterday’ You opened your mouth to disagree but he just shook his head. ‘Archie told me don’t’ He sighed. ‘I didn’t mean it like that, I mean you are pretty, I can see that and you are an amazing person’ He paused taking a small breath. ‘But you’re my best friend’ He shrugged. You bit your lip.
He watched you for a moment waiting for your reply. ‘Betty liked Archie’ You told him not looking at him, you pursed your lips a unsettling feeling settling in your stomach at your words. Jughead chuckled but it ended quickly with a sigh. ‘Hasn’t everyone fell for Archie at some stage’ You glanced at him. ‘I didn’t’ He nodded and a large smile spread across him face when he looked down at you. ‘Good’ He nodded and reached out wrapping his arm around your shoulder and you leaned into him.
He fell silent for a second. ‘I am sorry, I did not mean it like that. You’re perfect, I just-’ You nodded wanting him to just stop. ‘I get it, you know I’m a catch just not your kinda fish’ You chuckled and he let out a loud laugh and nodded. ‘And I’m sorry if I made you feel bad’ You nodded and leaned into him. ‘It’s okay Juggie, I’m over it’ Jughead nodded and the rest of the walk.
Jughead stopped at the bottom of the steps and you kissed his cheek. ‘Bye Juggie, thanks for walking me home’ You called running up the steps to your house. ‘Why did you not say anything? Why did you go to Archie?’ He called just as you were about to step in the door. You turned. ‘Archie came to me’ You said with a shrug. ‘And it was nice to hear those things from someone other than my best friend’ You chuckled with a small smile. Jughead narrowed his eyes. ‘Hear what?’ He stepped up onto the bottom step readjusting his bag on his shoulder. ‘Just what you said really, nothing more. He was trying to make me feel better, no biggie’ You gave him a smiled and he nodded slowly. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow Jug, I’ve got to study’ You told him and he said a quiet goodbye as you slipped inside.
The only sound you heard was your footsteps on the pavement and your heavy breathing. It was almost midnight and you had finished study about an hour ago and had some extra energy. Which was why you were running around Riverdale at midnight. Your breath fogged up the air in front of you as you panted. ‘Y/n’ You heard your name being called and you slowed slightly glancing over your shoulder.
You caught sight of red hair following you bright in even the darkness of the night. You slowed to a stop and turned when you realized who it was. It took him a few seconds to come to a stop in front of you panting he bent forward slightly. You smiled. ‘You okay there Archibald?’ He gave you a quick glare looking up at you through his long lashes before shooting you a large smile. ‘You should give the football team running lessons, damn’ He straightened and you laughed you rested your hands on your hips.
Your eyes fell to his chest again trailing down his arms that were prominent as he wore a shirtless top. ‘Well, I’m built for endurance you’re built for strength’ You smirked and you Archie smiled looking at your outfit. ‘You’re certainly looking very aerodynamic there’ He chuckled his eyes trailing over the exposed skin. If you weren’t already flushed you were sure you would have blushed bright red as you glanced down at your own outfit.
It was some short tight running shorts that only just covered your ass, a sports bra and a loose running top which had long arms meaning you could see in the sides down to the bottom of your ribs. ‘Big word for a jock’ You teased trying to cover up how flustered his comment made you. He laughed. ‘Hey, I’m not complaining. Just don’t wear it in school us jocks won’t be able to concentrate on the football’ You chuckled as he smiled widely at you.
You turned and he fell into step with you as you both walked down the pathway. ‘So what are you doing out so late Andrews?’ You asked him crossing your arms over your chest and he shrugs. ‘Out to clear my head’ He tells you. ‘Anything you want to talk about?’ You ask him.
He’s silent for a minute his eyes on your flushed face as you look ahead deciding on whether or not to actually tell you.‘You wont tell anyone?’ He should trust you, after all you trusted him, you came to him when you needed someone. Maybe you could be that person for him. Your head snaps to the side your eyes meeting his. ‘Of course I wouldn’t’ You smile reassuringly at him.
You watch as he takes a deep breath. ‘The reason Miss Grundy left was because of me’ He mutters. ‘We had a thing over the summer and Betty’s Mom found out and threatened to have her sent to jail, so she left’ You felt your eyes widen and your jaw fall open. Archie came to a stop in front of you as you kept your eyes on him. ‘You were sleeping with a teacher?’ You breathed and he nodded. ‘Holy shit’ You cursed blinking hardly being able to believe it.
Archie reached out and placed his hand on your shoulder and you shivered a little. ‘You can’t tell anyone’ He whispered and you nodded violently. ‘I promise’ You reached up putting your hand on his slightly. ‘I won’t tell anyone’ He smiled down at you slightly. ‘Do you miss her?’ You asked tentatively your head cocking to the side a little. He nodded and dropped his hand from your shoulder. ‘A little, but I think I’m starting to move on’ He smiled widely down at you.
You nodded. ‘Well, that’s good’ You smiled back at him. ‘Let’s get you home, you’re shivering a little’ He said wrapping his arm around your shoulder pulling you into his body as he turned. You hadn’t even noticed you were beginning to feel the nip in the air until he said so and then it was the only thing you could feel. Well apart from Archie beside you and the heat radiating off of him. You snuggled in closer to him wrapping your arms around yourself. ‘It would be easier to just run’ You chuckled. ‘It would’ You looked up to see him nodding but neither of you moved from the position you were in and stayed walking.
After Archie had walked you home last night you had showered and went to bed, content and tired, only thing was, you overslept. Now you were rushing through students to get to your first class, Calc. Just as you ran through the door you heard the bell ring and you let out a long sigh before your eyebrows furrowed. You made your way to your desk and put down your books. Your chair was already pulled out and you slid into it. ‘You know me and Jug are okay now?’ You raised your eyebrows.
Archie chuckled and nodded. ‘I know’ He nodded with a smile.’ But you break this down so much better than Betty that I’ve decided I’m taking his seat’ He shot you a playful smirk his arm draping over the back of your chair. ‘Plus they were so engrossed in their Blue and Gold conversation it would have been a shame to split them up’ You chuckled and leaned your elbows on the table leaning closer to him. ‘And what if I don’t want you sitting here Andrews?’ You smirked back at him. He leaned in his face inches from your own. ‘You’re stuck with me’ He whispered and you were about to say something witty back, you hoped, when your teacher walked in calling your attention to the top of the class.
You had finished your work and were leaning over helping Archie. You stopped mid sentence and just looked up at him. ‘Okay, what is it Arch? You are completely distracted today’ You accused and his head snapped towards you. He sighed leaning closer. ‘I’m meeting with Oscar Castillo later today again with some music’ You smiled. ‘That’s a good thing, right?’ But you seen the doubt in his eyes and he looked down. ‘I don’t know’ He shrugged. ‘He must have liked you if he wants to see you again Archie’ You put your hand on his arm. ‘You’re passionate, just let him see that Arch’ Arch put his own hand on yours. ‘Thank you’ He smiled looking at you and you smiled back.
You were waiting in the hallway with Valerie. ‘How do you think he’ll so?’ You asked. She looked up at you and smiled slightly at you. ‘The song is good, hopefully he will see his potential’ You leaned back against the lockers biting your lip and closed your eyes. ‘Since when have you and Archie been close? I mean he always mentioned you but I never thought you were close’ You opened your eyes.
For some reason your felt happiness spread through you. ‘Well, we actually weren’t very close until, well a few days ago. But I mean of course he’d mention me we were friends before we got closer’ Valerie nodded a smirk on her face. ‘Well that is true’ The door opened down the hallway and both your heads snapped towards it. Archie came out shaking and shook Castillo’s hand before he turned down the hallway walking towards the door. You waited until he was around the corner to push yourself off the locker and rush towards Archie.
Valerie reached him first. ‘What did he think?’ Archie turned and you both knew instantly from his expression. Sadness overwhelmed you at the crushed look in his eyes. ‘Sloppy and repetitive’ He muttered his eyes on the floor. ‘Oh, Arch’ He just shook his head. You reached out your hand resting on his shoulder. You tugged on his pulling him to you. You wrapped both your arms around him standing on your tippy toes to hug him tighter as on of your hands slipped into his hair. You felt his arms wrap around your waist and he buried his face in your shoulder.
Valerie reached out patting his back. ‘It’s okay Archie, you’re only starting out, they’ll evolve’ You glanced at her smiling gratefully and she nodded before saying her goodbyes and leaving you two standing in the hallway your arms around each other. ‘She’s right Arch, you have a natural talent. It’ll take time to polish it up, and maybe now isn’t the time for a mentor, maybe this is the universes way of saying you need to figure it out on your own, no influences. Just you in your music’ Archie pulled away his hands coming to rest on your hips.
He smiled slightly down at you. ‘What if without anyone’s help they’re terrible?’ He whispered. You smiled. ‘Let them be, let them be as terrible as they want. If you try hard enough the next one will be better, slightly less terrible. Until one day you write something that isn’t. That’s how it works’ You placed your hand on his cheek. ‘No one is the best first try, not even the people who end up being the best. They all start somewhere, but they always keep trying, and going until they are. With time and practice comes improvement, you just need to keep going. You’ll get there. I promise’ He smiled down at you.
Then he looked at the floor. ‘You can’t promise th-’ You let out a laugh. ‘Of course I can, You’re talented anyone can see that. You have a natural talent. I can promise that, and I’ll be right’ You smiled forcing him to look back up at you. ‘You’re only doing this a few month Archie, give yourself time to find where you should be, what kind of thing works for you. Give yourself time to grow into it and when you do you’re music will be more amazing than it already is’ You smiled at him.
Archie watched you for a long moment before he leaned forwards pulling you to him his lips attaching to yours again. This time you didn’t hesitate to respond.
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angie-likes-to-art · 7 years
You’re Spiderman? Peter Parker x Reader
Peter Parker x Reader Prompt: Spiderman saved me once, talks to my friend Peter about my crush on Spiderman, discovers Peter is Spiderman, is embarrassed. Warnings: Cussing, gun violence, not dealing with problems, idk
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   Maybe I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, or maybe this was karma for pulling that girl’s hair in the third grade. Whatever the reason was, I was definitely being pulled into an alley and being held at gunpoint.    “Gimme your money, bitch,” the guy in dark clothes and a bandana around his lower face whisper-yelled at me and holding a handgun to my temple. ‘Sure, rob the broke high schooler. In broad daylight nonetheless,’ I thought.    “Dude, I’m just walking home from school, I don’t have anything you want,” I confessed, holding my hands up and hoping he’d let me go.
   “Give. Me. Your. Money,” he said more demandingly, pushing my head with the gun.    “I don’t have any,” I cried out while trying to back out of his grip, but the brick wall stopped me.    “I don’t fucking bring money to school, man,” I spoke again after he didn’t say anything. He cocked the gun in response.    “You’re stealing lunch money, after lunch? I feel like that defeats the purpose,” a new voice said. Both the mugger and I looked down the alley to the infamous Spiderman, leaning casually on a dumpster.    “Oh, shit!” The mugger put the gun in his pocket before attempting to run off, but a web stuck his hand to the opposite wall.    “Don’t you know stealing gets you detention?” Spiderman asked, cocking his head to the side. “Look, man, I’m just trying to get a few extra bucks for my family,” the dude cried. “Robbery isn’t the best way to do that. A job would be better and legal. Drop the gun and gun and go,” Spiderman replies. The robber dropped the gun on the ground and bolted for the streets. Spiderman turns around to look at me. “I could have done that myself,” I said while fixing my hair, adjusting my backpack straps, and hiding my flushed face. “Your sass would have gotten you shot, so you’re welcome,” the superhero laughed out. “Well thanks for saving me, I guess, but I got to get going. My dad’s probably freaking,” I laughed and threw up a peace sign before heading home.
“Guess who got mugged yesterday?” I asked my friends, Ned and Peter, as I got to our lunch table and sat down. “Who?” the boys asked simultaneously. “Me,” I started, “And you’re not going to believe who saved me.” “Who?” Just Ned asked this time. “Spider-fricking-man,” I exclaimed, censoring myself due to the teachers around. I told them every detail of my experience. “-and he totally gave me a look,” I smiled at my friends. “A look?” Peter asked, laughing. “A look.” I winked at them. “Y/n, he wears a mask,” Ned said. “You guys, I got mugged last night. Just give me this,” I sigh. Looking in between them. Peter laughed, looking down at his food. “Aw, Y/n, do you have a crush?” Ned asks, putting his head in his hands and looking at me. “What? No, do I look like someone who would have a crush on someone after having one conversation?” “Nathan, last year.” Okay, that’s different,” “How?” “I actually saw his face.” The bell rung, cutting off our conversation. Peter got up immediately and walked away without saying anything. I said bye to Ned and ran to catch up with Peter. “Hey, you were acting weird at lunch,” I observed, putting my hand on his shoulder. “Weird? No, I wasn’t,” he contradicted. “Yes you were, but you don’t want to talk about it, so moving on,” I started, “Are we still on tonight?” “What’s tonight?” he asked. “We were going to study for that calc test,” I said and looked up at his worriedly. He usually doesn’t forget stuff, like this. “Oh, yeah. We’re still on. I’ll see you later,” he shouted and ran off to his next class.
I knocked on Peter and Aunt May’s apartment door. Aunt May answered a few moments later. “Oh. Y/n it’s so good to see you again. How have you been?” She asks sweetly. “I’ve been good, how are you?” “Great, are you here to see Peter?” “Yeah, calc test tomorrow,” I tell her holding up the textbook. “He’s in his room, go ahead in, good luck,” she said pointing down the hall, to Peter’s bedroom. “Thanks, May,” I knocked on Peter’s door and waited a second. “Peter~” I drag out the vowels in his name while opening the door slowly. “Okay,” I muttered to myself when I didn’t see the boy in the room. I pulled out my phone and called him. It rang three times before his voice told me to leave a message. “Hey, I’m here… and you’re not so… call be back at 1-800-you’re-a-dick,” I spoke quietly so May wouldn’t hear me. I decided to start studying while I waited for him to come back.
I was so deep in reading about limits, that the sound of the window opening didn’t grab my attention, but Spiderman crawling in and climbing on the ceiling did. I threw my hand over my mouth, to not get his attention. I watched him close the door and drop to the floor. He pulled off his mask and turned around to me. I let out a shaky breath when I saw Peter Parker. He looked down at my shocked face. “Y/n, how’d you get in here?” he asked throwing his mask to the side. “May let me in,” I started, “you’re Sp-” “No, I’m not,” he said carefully, letting his suit fall off his body. “You were just on the ceiling” “No, I wa-” He started “Oh my God,” I said realizing Peter Parker is the Spiderman. “Oh my God,” I said realizing Peter Parker is the one saving people around the city. “Oh my God,” I said realizing Peter Parker is the one who saved me the other day. “Oh my God,” I said realizing  I was gushing about Spiderman to Spiderman at lunch.  I looked up at Peter, to see he'd put on a sweater while I was panicking. “I'm going to go,” I mumbled, grabbing my stuff and leaving the room avoiding eye contact with Peter. “Wait, Y/n,” he shouted after me but I was already out the door and headed to the stairwell.
The next morning I avoided Peter at all costs. Usually, Ned and I would meet him at his locker and walk to homeroom together, but today I went straight to my locker and homeroom.  I scooted my chair the farthest away from Peter as I could. “Y/n, we need to talk,” Peter leaned over and whispered to me about halfway through class. “Actually, I'm here to learn so that’s what I'm going to do,” I spoke, not even looking at him. “C’mon, this is super import-” he was cut off by the teacher. “Peter, Y/n, do we have a problem?” the teacher spoke harshly. “No we're fi-” Peter tried to defend himself. “Yeah, Peter is disrupting my learning, can I move?” I spoke over Peter. the teacher pointed to a seat on the other side of the room. I moved and avoided people's confused looks.
I sat at an empty table at lunch, reading a book. I felt someone sit across from me, so I looked up from my book. “What happened between you and Peter?” Michelle asked me. “What do you mean?” “You guys talk every day in class, but today you called him out, why?” “Well I thought what we were learning today was super important and I didn't want to be distracted” “ Oh yeah, what were we learning?” “Irregular verbs in the preterite” “The subjunctive tense” “Same thing” “No, and since you're not going to tell me what happened, I'm going to give you some advice,” she continued when I didn't say anything, “ talk to him, if you lose each other, you lose half of yourself. Communication is a huge part of relationships and friendships,” she raised her eyebrow when I laughed. “Did you read that in one of Liz's leadership books?” “They have good advice, I gotta go,” she said giving up from her seat. “Thanks” I called out after her. She looked back and shrugged. After school, I found myself at Peter and May’s apartment. I hesitated knocking for a minute, but why should I deny the inevitable? I knocked lightly on the door and step back to take a few deep breaths. “Y/n, sweetheart, are you okay, you look flustered?” she asked sweetly while pressing the back of her hand to my forehead. I laughed lightly at her sudden actions. “Yeah, no, I'm fine, I just have to have a really important conversation with Peter,” I messed with my fingers anxiously. “Why don't you go on in, I'm going to make some camomile tea.” she offered, while closing the door behind me. “You don't mind?” I asked, not wanting to be a bother. “Of course not, go on,” she said and made her way to the kitchen. I went and knocked on Peter’s door. “Yeah, May?” Peter asked from inside. I open the door and stood in the doorway. “It's not May,” I spoke, he turned away from his computer to look at me. “Y/n.. What are you doing here?” He asked and stood up from his office chair. “You said we needed to talk, so let's talk,” I walked further into the room. “Why didn't you want to talk until now?” He sat on his bed and patted next to invite me to sit down. “I don't know, the idea of you risking your life every day, like that, kinda sucks. and you saved me, so that's kinda weird.” “Why does that make it weird?” “Well, that's not what makes it weird..” “What makes it weird?” “Me, gushing over you at lunch,” “But you didn’t know it was me,” “I know. But I was still gushing over you, and I like you, and that's a little on-the-nose, don't you think? Boy saves girl. Girl falls in love with boy. They live happily ever after. You know?” “Wait, you like me..?” He looks towards me with raised eyebrows. “I mean, yeah, I did even before you saved me and I knew who you were, but that's not really the point,” I confess, suddenly very interested in my cuticles. “I like you too, I really wanted to tell you, but I’m not really allowed to, Mr. Stark would have killed me,” Peter speaks, while toying with a loose thread. “Mr. Stark? As in Tony Stark?” he nods, “So that is your internship?” I asked, gesturing to his suit, he nods again. I laugh quietly at how clueless I was. “And.. you like me?” I asked he shrugged while smiling shyly. I see his eyes flick down to my lips and back up to my eyes again. I lean in towards him, waiting for him to meet me halfway, I look up to his eyes to see him anxiously looking back at me. “Can I?” I ask, quietly, he nods rapidly. I place my hand on the back of his neck and pull him towards me until our lips meet. He brings his hand to my cheek and responds immediately. “Aw, I knew you two would get together,” We both jump apart to see May smiling at us and holding a cup of tea. She walks in and hands me the mug. “You two are cute,” she speaks leaving the room. I sip the tea to hide my face and Peter laughs while his cheeks pinken with blush.
A/N: eeeee first actual post here, follow for more, and request if you’d like :)))
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eorumverba · 7 years
anemoia - n. nostalgia for a time you’ve never known a look on some of the firsts in Jonghyun and Taemin’s relationship
this is actually a backstory/companion for nine days
1. First sight
Jonghyun is one of the first people that gets to calculus on the first day; he takes the seat in the right corner closest to the door and digs his phone from his pocket to pass the five or so minutes before the rest of the class comes in. He can’t help glancing up at each person that comes in, and that is why he manages to lock gazes with the boy with long shaggy hair and the soft shy gaze. The smile that crosses his lips is soft as well, and he takes the seat just behind Jonghyun.
Something compels Jonghyun to turn around in his seat and smile again when the boy looks up. “Hey, I’m Jonghyun. Are you new? I’ve never seen you before.”
The boy blinks once twice thrice in quick succession, then says, “No...I’m a sophomore. Taemin. That’s probably why.”
“A sophomore? You’re sure you’re in the right class?”
Taemin ducks his head, clearly flustered, and his hand comes up to smooth over his smile before he nods. “I took pre-calc over the summer. I’m kind of nervous, but it should be fine-”
The bell interrupts whatever else Taemin had been about to say, and Jonghyun spin back around as the door shuts after their teacher. As she takes roll and begins to teach, all Jonghyun can think of is the bright smile that had been on Taemin’s lips before he smothered it.
For some reason, he really wants to make Taemin smile again.
2. First conversation
It’s nearing 8pm when Jonghyun finally notices the time and starts packing up his guitar and notebooks; he’s quick to rush to his car and takes a moment to warm his hands with the heater before pulling out of his parking space and starting back home. He’s at the corner of the block school is on when he sees a boy that looks like Taemin - and then Jonghyun sees the blue of his backpack and pulls to a stop in front of him.
“Do you need a ride?”
Taemin blinks quickly a few times and then his face relaxes when he sees who it is; he’s quick to toss his bags in the back and hop into the seat next to Jonghyun. “Thanks, hyung.”
“What are you doing at school so late? And walking home - it’s so cold out!”
“I had dance practice...it ended at 6, but me and my partner have a solo coming up for the winter recital, so we’ve been staying behind until now.”
“Is he walking too?”
“Yeah, he only lives a block away though.”
“Okay, good. You hungry? My treat.”
“What - why?”
“Because I was going to get food before I went home? I’m starved.”
“Let me just call home, okay?”
“Of course.”
Taemin’s call home is quick and when he hangs up, he smiles bright and nods at Jonghyun. “I can go, I just have to be back by 10.”
“Cool, what are you hungry for?”
“Can we get burgers?”
“Anything you want, Tae.”
“Burgers then.”
The car ride is quiet after that; Taemin fiddles with his phone and Jonghyun focuses on driving them to the closest Burger King. If Jonghyun is surprised to see Taemin order a double whopper, large fries and a giant milkshake, he doesn’t say anything, just orders for himself and pays for them both. They sit at a booth towards the back and it’s oddly nice even if it is quiet.
“Thank you,” Taemin says between bites, “for being so nice to me. And for the meal, and the ride. I don’t know what I did to deserve it, but thank you.”
“Of course, Tae. And just...I don’t know. You seem nice, and I want to be your friend.”
“That’s it?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“Then...thank you.”
“When’s your dance recital?”
“The day before winter break. You’re going to come?”
“Of course, I like supporting my friends.”
Taemin smiles, but it soon twists into a frown as he polishes off the rest of his burger. “But why were you still at school?”
“I lost track of time, I was trying to finish up a song for Blue Night.”
“Blue Night?”
“Oh, it’s...nothing special really. It’s a radio show I have - or, it was my friend’s, but I took over. Mostly I just play my songs and whatever else I’m listening to. Sometimes people call in, but that isn’t often. I talk too, about whatever’s on my mind and what’s happening.”
“Where can I listening?” Taemin’s smile is shy when he looks up through his lashes at Jonghyun. “I like supporting my friends.”
Jonghyun’s heart melts, and he promises to text Taemin the details after they exchange numbers. They split a hershey pie after that, and somehow, by the time they’re able to tear themselves from the table, it’s nearing 9:30. Even though they pull up to Taemin’s house with fifteen minutes to spare, they spend the next ten just sitting in Jonghyun’s car, the radio off, and they just...talk. About music and school and sports and everything between - they have a lot in common, and Jonghyun’s heart is ready to burst by the time Taemin finally pulls himself away to go inside.
The next day, in math, the smile Taemin flashes him when he walks in the door is nearly blinding.
3. First crush
The first time Jonghyun comes to Taemin with a crush is sometime in the middle of Taemin’s junior year; Jonghyun’s just started his second semester of college and the crush he has is on a cute tall soccer player in his psychology class.
“His name is Minho,” Jonghyun says in the middle of one of their daily skype calls, “and he’s tall and cute and his smile, Tae, he has such a nice smile.”
“Have you talked to him yet?”
“Not really, but I will.” Jonghyn hides his giggle behind his hand and picks up his phone, tapping around with it for a few minutes before putting it down, just as Taemin’s buzzes. The snap Jonghyun has sent is of himself with the flower crown filter.
“Cute, Jonghyunnie.”
In the corner of Taemin’s computer screen, Jonghyun smiles, bright and pixelated. Taemin finds himself missing the real thing, but he doesn’t say so. Besides, they’ll hopefully see each other soon.
“Ah, Taeminnie, I have to go. Kibummie wants to get a smoothie and I don’t want him to walk alone.”
“Okay, see you later.”
“Bye bye!”
Jonghyun talks to Minho the next week, gets his number as well, and Taemin has never seen him so giggly, so excited over such little things. It’s cute - Jonghyun is filled with so much love and Taemin really is happy for him. Even if it takes almost a month of Jonghyun gushing over Minho, sending parts of their conversations and asking do you think he likes me or is he just being friendly? and otherwise just giggling and smiling at random intervals for Taemin to convince Jonghyun to just ask Minho out.
When Minho says yes, Taemin realizes that he’s never seen Jonghyun so happy.
4. First cry
Minho and Jonghyun’s relationship lasts almost two months before Minho breaks up with Jonghyun, saying that he thinks they work better as friends than as boyfriends. Jonghyun takes it fairly well, and he and Minho are still friendly - they still have that psych class and they still study together, and Jonghyun doesn’t cry over Minho, not once. Not until Jonghyun’s spring break hits - he spends most of his time with Taemin, lazing around in his room while Taemin does his work. They’re there now - Taemin’s in the middle of a packet when Jonghyun clears his throat and mumbles,
“Yes, Jonghyun?” Taemin doesn’t even look up, well used to Jonghyun’s antics.
“Tae,” Jonghyun whines now, “pay attention to me.”
With a long-suffering sigh, Taemin puts his pen down and looks over at Jonghyun. “Yes, Jonghyun.”
“I’m starved, can we get food?”
“Did you do any of your writing?”
“I’ll be more motivated to if I’m not hungry, please.”
“Finish at least something first and I’ll order pizza.”
Instead of agreeing, Jonghyun puts his head down on the table and pouts over at Taemin. “My head is in the clouds and my eyes only see the stars, Tae. I can’t focus.”
“God, you’re so…” Taemin sighs again, but it’s more fond than anything else, and Jonghyun watches as Taemin opens his laptop and orders a large pizza, half pineapple and half plain.
“Thanks, Taeminnie.” Jonghyun pushes his face into Taemin’s arm, too lazy and too tired to show any other form of gratitude.
“C’mon, do your work. You can’t slack with Blue Night now, not with how popular it’s getting.”
All Jonghyun do is groan and lift his face enough to weakly press his teeth (and tongue) to Taemin’s arm. And Taemin, all too used to this, just sighs and wipes the spit away before going back to his work.
“After all this time and you’re still so…”
“So what?”
“So nothing.” Taemin shakes his head and continues to work, that fond smile still on his lips. “Get to work, Jonghyunnie, I know you can. You always do.”
Jonghyun grumbles and pushes himself to sit up straight, but instead of doing his work, he props his head up with his hand and stares at Taemin, pouting.
“What is it, Jjong?”
“Mm...nothing. My mind is racing and I can’t focus.”
“What are you thinking about then?”
Oh. Taemin puts his pen down again and turns to face Jonghyun, willing him to continue.
“Just, do you think it was my fault? I am pretty affectionate, and maybe he-”
“It wasn’t your fault, Jonghyunnie. It wasn’t either of your faults. Okay?”
Jonghyun hums and nods, but he’s clearly unconvinced. “I just…” a shrug, “I guess I wish it’d worked out.”
“Aren’t you still friends?”
“Yeah, but I miss him. I miss kissing him and I miss going on dates and I miss waking up to good morning messages and-” Jonghyun’s voice wavers and suddenly he’s crying, heaving sobs that shake his whole body. Taemin is quick to pull him close, to haul him in as close as possible so that Jonghyun’s tears are muffled into his shoulder and hot tears fall on his shirt. As Jonghyun cries, Taemin rubs gentle circles on his back and murmurs quiet words of reassurance, trying to calm him in the only way he knows.
He would’ve thought it would be awkward, but it feels nice, having Jonghyun this close. Taemin just wishes that Jonghyun weren’t sad, wouldn’t cry.
He mostly just wants to make Jonghyun happy.
5. First confession
Now that Jonghyun is done with his first year of college, he’s been picking Taemin up from school; most of the time they’ll stop for a snack before going to one of their houses. Taemin is sure it was Jongin that started the rumor that he and Jonghyun are dating, but that doesn’t really matter, and Jonghyun quite likes the rumors anyway.
But Jonghyun is oddly quiet today; doesn’t ask Taemin how his day was or tease him for...anything, and it makes Taemin frown. Because Jonghyun is never like this.
They pull up to the bagel shop they frequent, but Jonghyun doesn’t unlock the doors and neither of them move, so Taemin finally asks, “What’s wrong?”
“What? Nothing.”
“Cut the bull, Jjong. You really think you can fool me?”
Jonghyun grins, but it’s weak and he shrugs. “Of course not. Am I that predictable?”
“Only to me. Now - what’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong, just...I’ve been trying to think of how to say this all day but I can’t think of an eloquent way to say it, so just. I like you. And I’m not asking anything or expecting anything of you, just. I wanted to say it.”
Oh. “Um-”
“It’s fine, just pretend I never said anything.”
“No, just...let me think about it. If you want to try the whole dating thing? Everyone thinks we are anyway, so.”
Jonghyun frowns a little and opens his mouth to speak, closes it. Unlocks the doors, gets out of the car without another word, not waiting for Taemin to follow as he goes to the bagel shop. Jonghyun pays as usual, and he is unusually subdued as he does, not flirting with or even smiling at any of the workers, who he all thinks are very cute.
It’s all very odd until they get back to the car - Jonghyun is still quiet when he says, “If we’re going to try dating, I don’t want it to be just because everyone thinks we already are. I want it to be because you feel for me what I feel for you.”
Taemin’s heart stutters in his chest, and it’s weird, because he’s only ever considered Jonghyun to be a friend - albeit a best friend, even more than Jongin. “Since when?”
“I’ve liked you since...I don’t really know since when, but I didn’t realize until after me and Minho broke up.”
“Then why wait until now to tell me? It’s been two months since then.”
“Because...I don’t know, I guess I just couldn’t keep it a secret anymore. I’d rather you know and say no than not know at all.”
“So...what do you want to do now?”
“Uh. You can drop me home, I guess. I have a lot of work to do,” Taemin lies. Not because he doesn’t want to be around Jonghyun, but because he needs to think.
Jonghyun squints at him (because since when do they still assign homework in June?), but the smile that flirts with his lips is soft and understanding. “Okay.”
6. First introduction
Not a week after Jonghyun’s confession, Jonghyun is invited to Taemin’s for Memorial Day. Some of his family is over - aunts and uncles and cousins - and while Jonghyun doesn’t know most of them, Taemin’s parents are quick to welcome him in, but before they can ask how his school year went and what he’s studying, Taemin grabs him by the hand and tugs him outside to where the food is.
“Who’s this, Taeminnie?” one of the aunts asks.
“Oh, I’m-”
“Jonghyun, my boyfriend.”
Everyone seems to realize all at the same time; Jonghyun nearly drops his plate and he’s pretty sure that one of the uncles actually does, but that doesn’t matter, because when Taemin catches his gaze, a grin flirts with his lips, and his nod is for Jonghyun alone.
Jonghyun really really really wants to kiss the pleased grin from Taemin’s lips, but he thinks that shocking Taemin’s family members to silence is enough for now.
Besides, at least they’re left alone in Taemin’s room for the rest of the day.
7. First kiss
They spend Taemin’s birthday hanging out at Jonghyun’s place; the ac at Taemin’s is broken and while Jonghyun’s fan isn’t nearly as good as the ac, they’re both too lazy to get up and turn it on. Taemin’s sitting on the floor, back against the side of the bed as he nurses a barely-cold drink and Jonghyun is laying upside down just next to him, staring up at the fan as it spins in slow circles.
“Sorry we couldn’t do anything better for your birthday.”
“Nah, it’s cool. Beats sitting around at home, and besides, you’re here.”
Jonghyun’s breath catches in his throat and his heart stutters in his chest, but he doesn’t have the words to say what he feels. So he sits up and slips from the bed, sitting carefully next to Taemin and taking in a useless breath when Taemin turns to look at him.
“Tae, can I kiss you?”
Taemin’s eyes widen just a little, and he doesn’t move for a long moment, but when he does, it’s to nod almost imperceptibly. He leans into the hand that Jonghyun places on his cheek, and Jonghyun just looks for a long moment, watching the way Taemin’s lips part and his lashes flutter.
“You’re beautiful, Taemin.”
“Ah…” Taemin is clearly flustered, and he ducks his head, pressing further into Jonghyun’s hand and licking his lips as he’s wont to do when thinking of something to say. “Thank you.”
“You don’t believe me?”
Taemin doesn’t move, but his smile does grow, and finally, he nods. “If it’s you, then anything.”
Jonghyun’s heart stutters again and he presses his forehead to Taemin’s, just feeling him for a moment, his body heat and the soft puffs of his breaths on his face, the hand Taemin has placed on his thigh and the barely-there brush of Taemin’s lips to his.
“Can I…?” Jonghyun asks again. His lips almost almost almost touch Taemin’s when speaks, and when Taemin nods, the swell of his lower lip grazes Jonghyun’s. It’s not quite a kiss, but almost, and Jonghyun finds himself holding his breath because even though he’s kissed people before, this is different. This is Taemin. Lovely, sweet Taemin: Taemin who he’s watched in just two years grow from a scrawny, shy sophomore to this, beautiful and willowy and perfect.
“I thought you were gonna kiss me.” Taemin sounds like he’s about to laugh, and Jonghyun rolls his eyes, more fond than exasperated.
“I don’t think I should now.”
“Jonghyunnie,” Taemin’s voice is almost a whine now, and Jonghyun finds himself laughing. His heart swells and he feels like he’s never been more happy or more in love, and all he wants is to kiss Taemin - so he does.
Taemin’s lips are chapped and it makes the slide of their lips rough, but Taemin’s hands are warm and his body is soft when he slips into Jonghyun’s lap. There is a long moment before Jonghyun is able to bring his hands up to set them against Taemin’s waist, but when he does, Taemin pulls even closer and winds himself around Jonghyun completely. A quiet noise comes from his lips when Jonghyun’s fingers press tight, flirting with the hemline of his shirt and grazing skin.
When Taemin pulls away, his cheeks are flushed and he touches his lips, smile wobbly but wide, and he ducks his head when he sees Jonghyun staring, clearly flustered. “Jonghyunnie,” he says, but that’s all. As if he’d just wanted to say his name, just because.
(And honestly, Jonghyun can’t resist saying, “Happy birthday, Tae.”
Taemin punches him in the arm, and that...is the end of that.)
8. First date
“Tae?” Jonghyun’s voice is quiet, muffled and Taemin hums, rolling over.
“Thought you were asleep, Jonghyunnie.”
“Almost…just what are you doing tomorrow?”
“Probably nothing, why?”
“My car got fixed, and I want to take you out.”
“What, asking me on a date?”
Jonghyun’s laugh is sleepy, and there comes the sound of the blankets rustling, like he’s nodding. “Guess I am.”
“Do I get any hints?”
Jonghyun makes a whiny little noise and Taemin can’t help laughing at how cute he is. “You’re cute, Jonghyunnie. See you tomorrow?”
Jonghyun’s only reply is a quiet noise of approval and then a sleepy, “Good night.”
“Want me to hang up?”
Another sleepy little whiny noise, and Taemin laughs again. “I’ll stay then, night night.”
“Night night.”
Taemin wakes the next day to the sound of Jonghyun’s quiet breathing; he’s still asleep so Taemin is careful to stay extra quiet when he gets out of bed, knowing of how little Jonghyun usually sleeps and what a light sleeper he is. Jonghyun’s awake by the time he’s up and dressed though, and his speech is still mostly mumbles as he fights the pull not to fall asleep again.
With the way he is now, Taemin guesses he won’t come over for at least another few hours, and he’s right: Jonghyun stays on the phone all the way to Taemin’s house, denying that he’s driving even though Taemin can hear how tinny his voice is through the bluetooth speakers and the noise of the other cars driving past him.
When Taemin slips into the passenger’s seat, Jonghyun is quick to greet him with a blinding smile and a kiss to his cheek. “I spent a lot of time thinking about where to take you, Taeminnie.”
“Hope you picked somewhere good, and not just...a movie or something.”
“What’s wrong with a movie?”
“It’s cheesy, and besides. I have the firestick, remember?”
“I think it’s a cute date…” Even without looking over, Taemin can tell Jonghyun is pouting, so he plugs his phone into the AUX cord and puts one of his playlists on shuffle, absolutely adoring the way Jonghyun lights up when his own voice comes out of the speakers.
“You have my songs?”
“Of course, Jonghyunnie. So where are we going?”
“You’ll see when we get there.” Jonghyun teases. “You’re always so impatient, Tae.”
“Oh, says you.”
“I do say so. Now stop complaining, we’re here.”
When Taemin looks out the window, he sees a Burger King, and when he turns back to Jonghyun, he’s grinning, apparently amused at Taemin’s expression.
“Seriously? My very first date, and to a Burger King?”
“I’m wounded, Taeminnie. This is a very significant place for us, don’t you remember? This was where we had our first real conversation.”
Oh, Taemin thinks, and he sighs. “You’re so cheesy, god.”
“I was picking between here and a more expensive place, but this is better, I think.” Jonghyun looks up at Taemin through his lashes after taking Taemin’s hand in his and lacing their fingers together, and his gaze is soft but still earnest. “I want to make memories with you, Taemin.”
Taemin’s heart stutters in his chest and he nods, struck mute. But when Jonghyun gets out of the car and then opens Taemin’s door, he’s quick to grab Jonghyun’s hand and hold it tight. Because he thinks he wants to make memories with him as well.
9. First time
When Jonghyun picks Taemin up, it’s just after sunset; the car smells of takeout and when Taemin looks in the backseat, there is a huge paper bag that he assumes is full of their dinner.
“Hey babe.”
“Hi Jonghyunnie.” Taemin leans in to press a quick kiss that turns lingering; Jonghyun’s hand comes up to cradle Taemin’s cheek and draw him even closer, and Taemin is breathless by the time the kiss breaks.
“Ready to go?” Jonghyun’s voice is a whisper of a breath and Taemin nods, even though if he were to press forwards just a few inches, they could kiss again, again, again. Taemin thinks that he could spend hours just kissing Jonghyun, breathing him in. It feels like another few hours before he finally manages to pull away enough so that Jonghyun can focus enough to drive.
It’s dark by the time they get to the beach, but Jonghyun easily lights a small fire while Taemin spreads out their towels and gets their food. Jonghyun sits just next to him, so their thighs brush and the smell of the takeout paired with the sight of the sea and the sound of the gentle waves makes Taemin melt.
“This is much better than prom, thanks Jonghyunnie.”
“Of course.” Jonghyun nudges Taemin, and there’s a smug little grin on his lips. “I always have the best ideas.”
“Sometimes, anyway. This was surprisingly a good idea though.”
“Shut up!” Jonghyun chokes on a laugh and nudges Taemin again, harder this time. “Brat.”
“You love me.”
“Yeah,” Jonghyun says, “I do.”
And that makes Taemin’s breath hitch in his throat, makes him turn to Jonghyun and Jonghyun is staring at him as well, adoration making the lines of his face soft. It’s all too easy for Taemin to lean in and meet Jonghyun in the middle for a kiss that is soft and sweet and lingering. Jonghyun’s hand is warm and calloused when it comes up to cradle Taemin’s cheek, and his lips are just as gentle and soft. But this is somehow different, because when Taemin pulls away, Jonghyun follows, eager and insistent and his kisses are no longer lazy - they’re intense and bordering desperate, and it feels both sudden and slow when Jonghyun moves from sitting next to him to sitting on his hands and knees in front of Taemin, gently pushing him down and straddling him.
It feels like Taemin can’t breathe and when Jonghyun finally manages to pull himself away, he’s breathing hard, and he’s trembling. “Tae, I-”
“Jonghyun,” Taemin interrupts, not with any purpose, just to say his name. Just to feel the weight of the word on his tongue.
“Tae, I...how far do you want to go with me?” pause, “Right now, anyway.”
“I,” Taemin’s voice is rough and he clears his throat, blinking quickly and then starting again, “I want to do this. All of it, whatever you want. With you. Right now. I-”
“You what?”
“Nothing, nothing. Just...please. I want to do this with you.”
In the low light, Jonghyun nods, and when he leans down to kiss Taemin again, it’s both gentle and earnest. And even though Taemin’s heart is pounding and he’s more nervous than he’s ever been in his life, he knows that Jonghyun won’t hurt him, will only be gentle and sweet, because that’s the way he always is. So when Jonghyun gently places his hands on Taemin’s legs in a wordless request for Taemin to spread, it is easy to, and when Jonghyun breaths the question against his mouth, all Taemin can say is yes.
10. First I love you
Taemin’s been excited about his trip to Switzerland for weeks now; Jonghyun has spent hours listening to him ramble on about skiing and skydiving and snow, and while he doesn’t really care about travelling, it’s nice to see Taemin so excited, and the light Taemin has in his eyes when he speaks of Switzerland is something Jonghyun has never seen. So Taemin’s enthusiasm gets to him as well - until the day he’s to leave. Jonghyun is the one to drop Taemin off at the airport; his parents have work and Jonghyun...would do anything for Taemin, so he tells Taemin’s parents that he’ll take him so they don’t have to take off of work.
So here they are at the airport, and Jonghyun is fighting tears because his Taemin will be gone for at least two months, and while Taemin had been bouncing in barely contained excitement next to him, when his plane number is called and he turns to Jonghyun to say goodbye, he sees the look on his face and his smile fades immediately.
“Tae-” Jonghyun’s voice breaks and he chokes on a sob when Taemin’s hand comes up to wipe away his tears, “Tae, I...I’ll miss you.”
“Don’t worry, Jonghyunnie. We’ll talk, every day. Okay? It’s only a seven hour time difference, Jonghyunnie. Don’t cry? We can skype, and we have kakao. I’ll be here.”
Taemin holds up his hand, extending his pinky, and Jonghyun bites back another sob as he pinky promises. Taemin has to go just after that, and Jonghyun wishes that he’d been brave enough to lean forward enough to give Taemin a goodbye kiss.
But Taemin’s right: they’ll talk, and he’ll be here.
And he is: they skype as soon as Taemin gets to his hotel, and Taemin carries his laptop around the hotel room, showing off the setup. He’s jetlagged though, and it shows when he finally flops down in one of the large beds. His eyes are puffy and his lips are swollen, and he’s more than half asleep, but Jonghyun thinks he’s never been more beautiful.
Jonghyun falls asleep to the soft puffs of Taemin’s breathing, and he sleeps with one of his plushies in his arms, pretending and wishing that he could hold Taemin instead.
Taemin’s gone when Jonghyun gets up, but there’s a message waiting, telling Jonghyun how happy he’d been to wake up to Jonghyun there, how much he misses him already, and how thankful he is to have someone as perfect as Jonghyun to call his. The note makes Jonghyun’s heart warm, and he’s quick to type out a half-coherent response that Taemin will surely respond to with just “that’s really gay, Jonghyunnie”.
(He’s right.)
The days crawl by without Taemin to spend them with, but Jonghyun is glued to his phone now, eagerly waiting on Taemin’s messages and replying instantly. It feels almost like they’ve just started dating again, with how flustered and giddy Jonghyun gets over each message, and after making the mistake of telling Taemin that, well. Jonghyun doesn’t think he’ll ever live that down.
And everything is good, even with how much Jonghyun misses Taemin. But that’s okay, because he has Taemin here, and soon he’ll have Taemin here, in his arms and in his lap, and everything will be right again.
Taemin forgets their Skype date (they’ll watch movies and order the same food) one night, and his excuse is that he’d gone out drinking with friends. And Jonghyun doesn’t mind, because he’d at least gone to bed early that night. Besides, he knows how forgetful Taemin can be, and it’s honestly kind of endearing. Taemin is just glad Jonghyun is so understanding, and promises not to do it again. He doesn’t forget their date the next week, and everything is fine again.
But Taemin’s busy on his phone throughout the movie the next week, and Jonghyun wants to brush it off, but he can’t because Taemin doesn’t...seem happy like that. Not with him. “Tae?”
“Yeah, Jonghyun?”
“I - who are you texting?”
“Oh, just a group chat with me and some friends. We’re trying to plan something to do on Saturday night.”
“This Saturday?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Saturday the 6th?”
“Tae, you don’t...remember?”
“Remember what? You know how bad my memory is, Jjong-”
“Saturday, June 6th. We spent last June 6th at your house, and that was the first time you referred to me as your boyfriend, so that would’ve been our one year anniversary.”
Silence for a long moment, and then Taemin says, “Oh.”
And that’s it.
(Jonghyun expects Taemin to cancel his plans on Saturday, but there comes no word from him. But at least he’s read Jonghyun’s apology message?)
Taemin kind of just...stops answering after that; he’ll read Jonghyun’s messages and either take obscene amount of hours to answer, or not answer at all. They skype less as well, simply because Jonghyun feels awkward now, can barely think of what to say when he has Taemin alone.
Taemin’s birthday comes and goes without any word from him either - Jonghyun had sent a happy birthday message once midnight hit over there, and Taemin had promptly read it, but there comes no response. Not until the next night, and all he says is “thank you”. It’s formal and it’s foreign and it’s so unlike the Taemin Jonghyun knows (thought he knew) that tears build up and spill over. He cries himself to sleep that night, wishing only that he could turn back time, and do something, anything differently, better. Anything to keep Taemin the way he had been, anything to have what they used to.
(Jonghyun is so used to starting their conversations that he decides to do a little experiment, to see how long it would take for Taemin to start a conversation. After the second week of not talking, well. He gives up.)
It’s not until the beginning of August that he finally gets Taemin to skype him again, and the first thing Taemin says is, “Jjong, you need to come here, there’s so much to do - holy shit, you look like shit.”
And Jonghyun supposes that he does. He also thinks that he doesn’t care, and he is most surprised that Taemin has noticed. But he doesn’t say any of that - all he asks is, “Tae, don’t you think something is wrong? With us?”
“What? No, why?”
“We don’t talk! I barely know you anymore! You don’t think there’s anything wrong with that?”
Taemin’s face goes blank, and he nods slowly. “Yeah.”
“Well, what do you want me to say?”
“What do you feel? We’re in a relationship, shouldn’t we talk?”
“Then...maybe we shouldn’t be.”
Jonghyun opens his mouth to speak, blinks once twice and again, processes what Taemin has just said. “You want to break up?”
And Taemin shrugs, because...he hadn’t noticed. Not talking to Jonghyun didn’t do anything to him. He doesn’t say that, but. He’s sure Jonghyun knows. “Yeah.”
“Okay,” Jonghyun says, and while his face is carefully blank, there are tears welling up in his eyes, and he looks seconds away from crumpling. “Okay.”
“Just...I love you.” It’s the first time Taemin says it, so unlike Jonghyun, who is quick to show affection and quicker to smile and say I love you!
Jonghyun’s face crumples and the look he gives Taemin is almost accusatory, pathetic with the way silent tears slide down his cheeks. He doesn’t say anything, but he doesn’t have to. And before Taemin can say anything else, Jonghyun hangs up.
And Taemin doesn’t call back.
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dingdongsicheng · 7 years
[ need a ride? ]
   character(s): cha eunwoo/lee dongmin    genre: who tf knows but it swears a lil    word count: 1293    a/n: here’s scenario number two.  this one is way longer, and unedited.  i hope you guys like it!  i’m sorry i made you all wait so long, i just got really overwhelmed with school.  again, if you have any requests, just hit up my ask box! :)
   You jolted in your seat when the final bell of the school day rang its shrill siren at three.  History was your last class, least favorite subject, and your worst grade.  The end of the school year was approaching at an alarmingly fast rate, and though your GPA was more than acceptable, senior year was coming to a close, and your motivation to put forth any effort into history might as well have been nonexistent.
   Scrambling to put your notebook, worksheets, textbook, pencil, and pens into your backpack so you could run out of school as fast as possible, you only paid slight attention to your teacher long enough to memorize the assignment for tonight, and remember the date of the next unit exam.  Once you gathered all your things, you hoisted your 25 pound backpack over your shoulders and walked out of your classroom, meeting your friend Julia at her locker.
     “Jules, you ready?” you asked her.  
   Julia turned around after grabbing her sweater and greeted you with a warm smile.  Julia had been your best friend ever since sophomore year when she was the new kid in school and you were assigned to show her around the first day.  As it turned out, you both had the same humor, and she was a history buff but struggled in math, whereas math was your strongest subject and it was no secret you didn’t have an affinity for history.  It seemed pretty simple to you guys: you would help her with math, and she’d teach you everything she knew about history.
   “Yeah, let’s head out.  I have two pages worth of calc today, and I need all the time and work I can get or I am all the way fucked,” Julia chuckled.  “And,” she added, “Mr. Cook’s dropping the exam from Hell next Tuesday--can’t wait to take a 75 question test complete with five short answers on Henry VIII and his little scuffle with the Catholic church!”
   You snorted.  “Shut up Julia.  You have a 97 in that class and you’re guaranteed an A on the exam.  I’m the one that needs help or my ass is grass.”
   Laughing, Julia agreed.  “That’s true.  Without me, you woulda been toast years ago!”
   “Without me, your A- in precalc last year would’ve been a D so keep on laughing,” you jibed back, snickering.
   “That’s very true.  Sad, but true.  Anyways, I think it’s time we start walking.  The café will be full and we’ll have nowhere to sit and attempt to get our shit done if we get there any later than 3:15.”
   Nodding your head in agreement, you and Julia walked side by side through the hallway and out the doors of your school.  Strolling on the sidewalk, you finally arrived at La Fleur Cafe, where you and Julia went after school almost every day to study.  
   Opening the doors of the café, Julia checked her watch.  “3:12.  Y/N, knock knock.”
   You let out an exaggerated sigh as you played along.  “Who’s there.”
   “Justin who?”
   Julia was already laughing.  “We are Justin time to beat the after school rush!”
   You started scanning the menu, trying to decide on what you were going to order.  “Julia?”
   “That was disgusting and I hope my ears bleed before I ever have to hear that joke ever again,” you deadpanned.
   “Fair enough,” she replied.  
   The pair of you ordered your drinks and proceeded to sit down at a booth.  A waiter came over and gave you your drinks.  You gave him a quick thanks and pulled out your homework.
   Three hours had passed, and it was 6:20 pm.  Julia had finished all of her calc homework, and you were feeling more confident about Henry VIII and his marriage issues and were ready to take on the next week’s test.  
   “Gotta go, Y/N.  Mom’s gonna go nuts if I don’t get home by dinner.”
   “Alright, see you on Monday, Julia!”
   “Bye!”        And then you were alone.  Feeling Julia’s absence, you thought you would run through your notes a couple more times, just to get the information on lock.  As you picked up the notes from today’s lecture, the cute bell that signalled a customer entering the store chimed.  You looked up and saw a beautiful boy walking in.  Trying to stare at him as inconspicuously as possible, you recognized him as the intelligent and kind boy from your physics class who usually kept to himself, Eunwoo.  He was the epitome of true beauty, and everybody knew it.  He had a pearly white smile with perfectly straight teeth, like the ones that look fake in the toothpaste commercials.  Shiny black hair topped his head, and his skin was something straight out of makeup magazines.  His eyes glowed with a pureness about them.  Models would be jealous of his slim, yet muscular and tall figure.  In other words, he was human perfection.  
   Eunwoo walked to the counter to order.  “Hi! Can I get a medium caramel macchiato with coconut milk please?”
   “Of course.”  Eunwoo nodded his head and smiled in thanks, and turned around.  You definitely weren’t as inconspicuous as you thought because Eunwoo walked right toward you and sat down in your booth.  
   Not knowing what to do or say, you just stared at him.
   “Uhhh…” was all you got out.
   “What’s up?” Eunwoo began the conversation.
   “Not to be rude, but like...we barely know each other.  Why are you, you know,” you paused as you waved your arm in front of you, “sitting here?”    
   Eunwoo giggled.  “I know that your name is Y/N.  I know you’re in my fourth hour physics class.  I know you looked pretty lonely just sitting at this booth alone.  So, here I am.”
   The same waiter from earlier came over and handed Eunwoo his macchiato.“You’re still here?” he asked.  “You’ve been here for three, almost four hours now.  We close at 7:30, and it’s 6:45 right now.”
   Eunwoo just looked at you.  “Yeah,” you replied.  “I’ve just been uber focused on my homework.  I’ll be gone soon.”        The waiter walked away.  You looked back at Eunwoo.  For about a minute, neither of you said anything as you just stared at each other.  You were hoping it didn’t feel as awkward to him as it felt to you.  Then, your phone vibrated with a text from your mom telling you to come home.  
   “Oh shit!” you exclaimed.  Your mom wanted you home by 7:00 at the latest, and the café was at least a 20 minute walk from your house.  You didn’t have a car, so usually Julia was your method of transportation, but you generally left when she needed to leave.  Since you stayed behind, you didn’t have Julia to drive you.  “I gotta go!”
   You shoved your study gear into your backpack, hopped out of the booth, and ran towards the door.  
   “Wait!” Eunwoo yelled.  “Where are you going?”
   “I’m gonna be so late going home!  I really have to go!”
   Eunwoo stood up with keys dangling from his right hand.  “Need a ride?”
   You put your hand on the door and pushed, debating.  “That’d be great.”
   Eunwoo stood up and joined you, and then you two got in his car and drove off, you giving him directions.  
   “But, wait,” you started.  “You didn’t even take a sip of your macchiato, and it was like seven dollars!”
   Flashing his famous smile, Eunwoo said, “I guess so.  To make it up to me, let me take you out for coffee tomorrow.”
   He pulled into your driveway, and you hopped out.  Before you closed the passenger door, you smiled.  “Sounds like a plan to me.  Pick me up at three tomorrow.”
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