#i needed to inject some me into this serious post
balkanradfem · 3 days
Okay so I know I just hit you all with the controversial chestnut poll, but I have some new development in life that I want to complain about, and in order for me to complain about it, I need to give you the context.
I don't particularly want to give you the context. You're going to diagnose me with female socialization, and some of you will feel the urge to click the anonymous ask button and tell me off. Today I need you to fight that urge! I am feeling insecure, I am feeling lost, I'm not certain in my choices, I've acted without thinking, and got myself into a situation I can't control. So please don't be mean to me. I deserve to complain on the internet and not be called out, alright?
So this is the story of how I accidentally became a live-in caretaker for an injured, elderly woman. It's temporary! She'll get better, hopefully.
I worked for her occasionally, and she's always been kind to me. She would give me a little jar of jam sometimes, and I love little jars of jam, it's a way to win my heart. A few days ago, she called me in a panic, telling me she fell, and she needs my help. I came over, and found out she broke her arm in two places, and one of her rib is broken. She fell unconscious, after being dizzy all day, and fell on a big metal lantern, breaking it. She was now in so much pain she couldn't get up by herself, dress herself, or do any kind of household tasks. She went to the ER, got her arm wrapped up, and was trying to get a pain injection. I helped her get trough the day, and promised to come early next morning, to help her up from the bed.
Next day I found her in tears in her bed, unable to get up, desperate to go to the bathroom. It became clear she needed 24/7 assistance, and she asked me if I would move in until she got better. I said yes without thinking, because I was at this point, severely concerned, and wanted to do anything to help her out.
So this is all not so bad, right, I'm being normal, it's normal to offer help to an injured elderly woman who is nice, but there's a catch. She doesn't live alone. She lives with her older husband. Who is also disabled and can't help her at all. So in order to help her out.. I had to move into a place where a male lives. That is the worst part of this.
I'm still in the first few days of living like this, and my own life had to fall to the background. I can't go foraging for chestnuts every day, I can't go to my garden as much, I'm still going to work, just from her place. I'm overwhelmed and struggling to get used to the new situation. I'm not used to being around people at all, and now I'm forced to socialize almost all day. Caring for someone comes fairly natural! I'm already so in sync with her, she can just look in the certain direction and I know what she wants me to do. I've figured out where everything is in her kitchen, closet, and basement. She's pleased that I know how to do basic household tasks, and am willing to do it in her way. And she's nice, she's telling me things like 'thank you' and 'what would I do without you', which feels good. But I am very exhausted and sleep deprived, she wakes me up at 1am, and then 5am again, and I'm unable to fall back asleep in a room I lack familiarity with. I miss my room.
She and her husband said they were going to pay me, and in my natural ways, I said something like 'no you don't need to' which I feel like everyone will get mad at me for, but they did insist they would pay me anyway. I as usual lack the sense to care about money – someone's arm is broken, that's way more serious issue to me!
Alright so now to the part of the post I wanted to write, a fun poll where you guess, what has her awful husband done by this point :) go ahead and guess!
You have one day to guess! Which one of these scenarios happened in the first few days of his wife breaking three bones in her body. I'll tell you the correct option tomorrow!
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aveline-amelia · 8 months
Jim Moriarty and bi erasure in The Sherlock Fandom
So I saw someone making fun of Moriarty/Eurus by claiming Moriarty is the gayest character in the show and that Jim even asked Mycroft how he wanted him in TFP, all, of course, in obligatory OUTRAGE CAPS LOCK.
Which is why I feel the need to make the distinction between saying "he's gay" in a "he's so into men" vs "he's so not into women" way. That requires acknowledging both asexual and bisexual erasure. No matter how flamboyant Moriarty is and how many sex references to men he makes, none of that is proof of homosexuality until:
Moriarty makes a definitive statement on his sexuality we are supposed to believe. (I'm gay)
Someone else makes a definitive statement on Moriarty's sexuality that we are supposed to take at face value and believe. (He's gay)
The Powers That Be make a definitive statement on Moriarty's sexuality and the way he was written and portrayed (Moriarty is gay and was written and portrayed as such).
Not all statements on sexuality are clear and definitive, such as Irene saying she's gay but admitting to attraction to a man in the exact same statement and having bisexual coding (both parties separately, male and female clients).
Or John saying that he's not gay but then never clarifying he's straight or not attracted to men.
And we all bring our assumptions when observing potential clues or statements regarding someone's sexual identity.
For example, Harry Watson could be bi but we assume she is a lesbian and we are mostly likely meant to assume that and at that she is probably a butch lesbian or somewhat GNC due to a usage of a masculine version of a name (Harriet -> Harry).
This could be wrong. She could be a feminine bisexual woman who prefers to be called Harry and just happened to fall for and marry a woman.
We don't know the sexuality of the innkeepers in THoB but we assume they are gay men. We assume Raul and Kenny Prince are gay men.
Moriarty refers to his role as Jim from IT as "playing gay" yet he gets flirty with Sherlock in the next sentence. This could all be part of an act, but I do believe reading Moriarty as a straight guy who just likes to mess with people is inherently heteronormative.
Some see Moriarty as a queercoded villain, and some see him as a genuine example of LGBT representation. Maybe not necessarily good representation, but that is subjective. But I do wish people would consider all options before they claim such regressive and potentially harmful opinions as fact.
Headcanons are fine! Claiming something is canon when it is not is different. I am still not over the "confirmed heterosexuality" comments regarding Mycroft and the whole bunch of "straight/het Mycroft" jokes.
And that is coming from someone who believes the Lady Smallwood scene was indeed heteronormative, albeit for different reasons than most people, I believe. But that's a topic for another day. No, seriously, I'll get there.
It's one thing to claim you do not believe a character is bisexual if you don't. It's another to deny bisexuality as an option when it is oftentimes the only option that takes all the evidence into account and does not require stretching the truth or ignoring tells.
Also Moriarty could have had Mycroft on that desk right there until he begged for mercy twice and that still wouldn't have been proof of either of them being homosexual men.
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urfavoritewriter · 8 months
Death Row’s Last Meal
Commission for an anonymous user here on Tumblr, thank you for commissioning me and letting me post it!
Content: M/M, Oral Vore, Chewing, Teasing, Cruel Pred, Graphic Digestion, G/T, Macro/Micro, Unwilling Prey
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Bang bang bang!
The incessant knocking on Kyle's door reverberated through his apartment, each thud intensifying the curiosity and irritation etched across his face. As he approached the peephole, he saw two individuals in suits, their expressions serious, the weight of an unusual task etched on their features. He reluctantly opened the door, skepticism emanating from his eyes.
"Kyle?" the first agent asked, holding up an official-looking device for verification.
"Yeah, that's me. What's this about?" Kyle grumbled, rubbing his eyes, trying to make sense of the situation.
The second agent sighed, a weariness in his voice. "Kyle, this isn't easy for us either." They gave each other a slight look, "Look, we're here because of Dawson's last meal request. He asked specifically for you."
A moment of awkward silence went by, Kyle not fully comprehending. "By law, we need to shrink you and take you to him."
Kyle's eyes widened, and he leaned back, hoping this was some absurd prank. "Hold on, you're telling me I'm on the menu for some death row guy? Are you being for real?"
Both agents exchanged glances, a shared acknowledgment of the surreal nature of their mission. The first agent spoke, "Dead serious, Kyle. Dawson's last meal is, well, you."
Kyle laughed nervously, searching for any sign that this was a prank, but the agents' stony expressions persisted. "This has to be a fucking joke, right? You two bought these outfits to fuck with people?"
The second agent shook his head, showing official badges that certified their government affiliation. "We wish it were a joke, Kyle. This is the law, and... Well, it's happening whether you want it or not."
In a desperate attempt to shut out the surreal intrusion, Kyle slammed the door shut, pouring all his strength into resisting the inevitable. But the agents, with a calculated and practiced force, countered, pushing back against the door, and it swung back open, knocking Kyle off balance. He stumbled and fell to the ground, swearing vehemently.
"Get the fuck off me, assholes!" Kyle shouted as they ambushed him, "I still have my rights!"
The first agent, unfazed by Kyle's protests, retorted, "You have the right to be someone's last meal, buddy. Now quit resisting, or it's gonna get real ugly for you."
In the midst of the struggle, the second agent grabbed a syringe from his pocket. "Hold still, Kyle. This will be a lot easier for everyone if you just cooperate."
"Like hell, I will!" Kyle yelled, desperately trying to break free. He managed to shout for help, hoping someone in the hallway would intervene, but his cries seemed to vanish into the empty corridor.
The first agent rolled his eyes. "Come on, man, we're just doing our job. This will happen one way or another."
The second agent, seizing the moment, injected the shrinking liquid into Kyle's forearm. The effects were almost immediate. Kyle's body began to shrink rapidly, his clothes sagging around him as he tumbled to the ground.
"Fuck... you," Kyle managed to stammer before beginning to shrink rapidly.
As the shrinking process took hold, Kyle felt an odd sensation throughout his body. It started as a tingling in his extremities, a strange vibration that gradually enveloped him. His surroundings shifted; the once-familiar dimensions of his apartment now transformed into a vast and towering landscape.
The agents loomed above him, their figures expanding to colossal proportions. Every detail of their faces, their clothing, became magnified as if he were viewing them through an ever-zooming lens. The ambient sounds around him intensified, a cacophony of footsteps in the hallway now resembling distant thunder.
Kyle's clothes, initially snug, began to loosen and slide off his diminishing form. The fabric sagged like oversized drapes, eventually abandoning his shrinking frame altogether. Soon, he found himself entirely exposed, his nakedness accentuating the vulnerability of his reduced size.
The room, once comfortable and familiar, now assumed an alien quality. The furniture, once easily reachable, became insurmountable obstacles. The texture of the carpet transformed into a vast expanse, the fibers now strands that were difficult to navigate.
The agent, his colossal hand blotting out the surroundings, swiftly closed in on Kyle. The once-mighty punches that Kyle could deliver were now feeble, like the flailing of a helpless insect. With a deft motion, the agent scooped him up, his grasp securing around Kyle's diminished form.
Struggling within the confines of the agent's grip, Kyle found himself powerless against the giant force that now controlled his fate. The agent, nonchalant and almost indifferent to Kyle's tiny struggles, deposited him into a clear, sealed zip-bag.
Through the transparent barrier, Kyle could see the agent's face, looming large and expressionless. The casual yet authoritative tone persisted as the agent remarked, "Be grateful he didn't ask for you to be cooked." The implication of such a statement hung in the air, emphasizing the grim reality of his situation, as he zipped it shut.
Hours later, the legal rigmarole finally concluded, Kyle found himself delivered to the designated death row inmate. The muscular, toned man wore the standard orange inmate clothing, his blue eyes sharp and piercing. His dirty blonde hair and slight facial hair added a rugged edge to his appearance. The chiseled jaw and the smirk that played on his lips gave him a cruel demeanor.
As the zipped bag containing Kyle was handed over, the death row inmate's demeanor remained unapologetically harsh. "’Bout fuckin' time you got here. Was gettin' real hungry," he declared with a casual yet menacing tone. The implication was clear – Kyle was not just a shrunken man; he was a meal, a dehumanized object to be consumed and cruelly teased, his whole life turned upside-down in an instant based on the whims of a criminal, as law had it.
Dawson unzipped the bag, revealing the shrunken Kyle. The inmate's large, calloused hand grabbed him, his grip firm and unyielding. There was no gentleness in his touch, only a cruel sense of control.
He held Kyle up, eyeing him with a mixture of amusement and disdain. "Look at you, all fuckin' tiny. Little shit. You thought you were special, didn't ya?" Dawson's words dripped with cruel teasing, as if reveling in the degradation of his prey. "Well, you're just a meal for me, and let me tell ya, it's gonna fuckin' suck."
Dawson's laughter echoed, a harsh sound that matched the cruel amusement in his eyes. He brought Kyle closer to his face, his breath hot and heavy. "You're gonna feel every bit of pain as I chew on you, and then, buddy, the real fun starts when you slide down my throat. Most painful fuckin' digestion you can imagine."
The casual tone of his threats, peppered with obscenities, heightened the brutality of the situation. There was no mercy in Dawson's words, only a brutal honesty about the agony that awaited Kyle.
Kyle squirmed desperately in Dawson's grasp, his small form doing little against the inmate's powerful hold. "Please, man, you can't do this! I'm a fucking person, not your damn snack!" he pleaded, his voice a mix of fear and desperation.
Dawson only laughed, a harsh sound that echoed in the small space between them. "Oh, you're a person, alright. A person 'bout to become my next meal. A person ‘bout to be dead.” Dawson gave Kyle a clear view of his abs, before speaking again. “See that, little fucker? That’s where you’re goin’. And that’s where you’re fuckin’ dyin’.”
Kyle, in protest, physically struggled against the giant man's brutal grasp. Dawson chuckled at Kyle's feeble squirms. "Aw, ain't you a little fighter?" He squeezed his tiny captive tighter, relishing the feeling of the struggles against his palm. "Guess it don't matter how much you fight, you're endin' up in my gut anyway."
He lifted Kyle closer to his face, opening his mouth wide. "Take a good fuckin' whiff, 'cause you're gonna be smellin' a lot more of it soon." Dawson huffed in Kyle's face, his breath hot and tainted with the scent of the impending doom that awaited him. He smirked at Kyle's discomfort, finding perverse pleasure in the psychological torment.
"Fuck, that stinks!" Kyle said, the smell being more suffocating due to his small lung size. "You can't do this, you're violating my rights as an upstanding citizen."
"The law ain't gonna save your tiny ass, being a law-abiding citizen was what got you here in the first place." Dawson taunted. "You're just another meal for me, a criminal eatin' up a supposed 'civil' citizen. Life's a bitch, ain't it?" The casual cruelty in Dawson's tone only intensified the despair of the situation, his words a relentless reminder of the power he held over Kyle's fate.
Dawson's tongue snaked around Kyle, pulling him into the hot, cavernous expanse of his mouth. The taste was overwhelming, a mixture of saliva and the remnants of Dawson's last meal, probably from yesterday. The smell, a pungent blend of mouth odor and saliva, hung heavily in the air.
As Dawson sucked on Kyle, his tongue pressed against him, the firm grip restricting any chance of escape. The saliva clung to Kyle's naked form, making his struggles more futile with each passing second. Dawson reveled in the feeling of his tiny captive squirming, the vibrations of his movements causing him immense pleasure.
Then came the chewing. Dawson didn't hold back; he bit down with force, causing sharp pain to radiate through Kyle's diminutive body. The pressure was enough to bruise, to inflict injury, but not to end him. Each chew bit down harder, causing evident bruising on his body.
"Fuck!" Kyle's pained expletive escaped through the chaotic mess of Dawson's chewing, his teeth pressing down on him from top and bottom, coated with saliva and unrelenting in their biting.
Dawson grinned, feeling the distress coursing through Kyle. "Ain't it somethin', bein' chewed up alive? You're just a lil' appetizer before the real show in my gut." The malice in his tone amplified the horror, making each chew a brutal punctuation mark in the merciless consumption of Kyle.
Dawson continued his nonchalant demeanor as Kyle slid down his throat, the struggling form creating an evident bulge in the muscular curve of Dawson's neck. The descent was a hot, tight journey into the core of the beast, the casual cruelty persisting even as the tiny man entered the churning depths of Dawson's stomach.
The sensation of Kyle arriving in the stomach was marked by a distinct, guttural sound.
Escaped from Dawson's lips, a casual belch that coincided with the finality of Kyle's journey. The stomach walls embraced Kyle, the heat and pressure intensifying as he settled into the acidic pool. Dawson, seemingly unfazed, leaned back, savoring the moment as he patted his now-filled belly.
"Agreed to let 'em keep me alive until you're digested. Don't think you're gonna have a quick end, Kyle."
Dawson, smirking with a cruel glint in his eye, decided to make it more personal. He placed a flat hand against his abdominal muscles, his abs bulging out slightly due to the tiny's presence. "Now, little man, let's have some fuckin' fun."
With a sudden flex of his abdominal muscles, Dawson tightened his stomach around Kyle. The pressure was immense, a crushing force that left Kyle gasping for breath. Dawson's abs, chiseled and defined, clenched with power. The cruel twist of a smile adorned Dawson's face as he relished in Kyle's agony.
Kyle, caught in the throes of the stomach squeeze, couldn't help but swear through gritted teeth. "Fuck you, you sadistic asshole!"
Dawson's laughter filled the air as he continued to tighten his stomach around Kyle. "Squeezin' the life outta ya with my abs, and you're weak as fuck, can't do shit about it from in there."
As Dawson flexed and squeezed, Kyle's body contorted with the pressure. It was an excruciating experience, made worse by the casual cruelty of Dawson's actions. Each flex of those powerful abs seemed to mock Kyle's pain, turning the entire ordeal into a sadistic game for Dawson's amusement. The air was filled with Kyle's pained cries and the giant's taunts.
After excruciating minutes, Dawson let his stomach muscles relax and his abs bulged out slightly again. Kyle felt the squeeze subside, but his body was sore from how crushing it was. His body was now soaked entirely with acid, his skin beginning to tingle, and only now is he comprehending how much pain he's going to be in for the rest of his life.
As the hours unfolded, Dawson's stomach initiated its relentless assault on Kyle's diminutive form. The digestive acids wasted no time, greedily working through the soft flesh and bones of the tiny man. Kyle, now thoroughly bathed in the corrosive juices, experienced an agonizing digestion.
Dawson, nonchalant as ever, let out a casual chuckle, his tone laced with a cruel amusement. "Must be real cozy in there, huh? Feeling the burn?" He patted his own belly, relishing the discomfort he knew Kyle must be enduring.
The graphic scene inside Dawson's stomach unfolded with a visceral intensity. The acids burnt the outer layer of his skin, the pain unbearable as it seeped into his flesh and muscles, his body bleeding.
"Bet you're wishing you were back in your cozy apartment right about now, huh? Guess what, my body's your home sweet home now."
The relentless acids worked through muscle and sinew, reducing Kyle to a slushy mixture within the confines of Dawson's stomach. Kyle, despite his gradually-broken body, tried to fight back. Dawson, thoroughly entertained by the spectacle, couldn't help but offer another biting remark. "You're really giving my abs a workout in there, buddy. Never had a meal fight back so much."
Indifferent to the struggles within, waited for the next few hours to unfold, knowing that the graphic digestion had only just begun.
The corrosive acids, now thoroughly acquainted with Kyle's form, continued their brutal assault. The digestive enzymes, having broken down the outer layers, were now penetrating deeper into the soft tissues, liquefying them with a gruesome efficiency.
Kyle's screams, now reduced to muffled cries, echoed within the fleshy chamber. His body, once whole, was succumbing to the merciless digestive process as he couldn't bear to speak anymore, only cry. The acidic fluid turned a disturbing shade of reddish-green as more of Kyle's blood bled out of him and into it.
"You must look a fuckin' mess in there." Dawson said, rubbing his hand over the small bulge of his stomach.
The graphic scenes unfolded in gruesome detail. The acid, now reaching the deeper recesses of Kyle's anatomy, worked through organs and tissues. The distinct scent of the digestion, a putrid amalgamation of bodily fluids, hung in the air within Dawson's gut.
Kyle's life was being snuffed out brutally in Dawson's gut, the final gasps of his existence silenced by the relentless tide of digestive brutality.
Dawson, indifferent to the life he had just extinguished, burped nonchalantly. The taste of Kyle's blood lingered in his mouth. "Fuck," Dawson huffed, "You're weak as shit."
Dawson lifted his orange inmate shirt, showcasing his toned abs. "Got fuckin' destroyed." He gave it a pat.
"Best last fuckin' meal and last fuckin' thing I do with my life." He said, very content with his choice of a last meal.
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yuri-is-online · 10 months
Jade would be VERY pleased about finally having another club member. I would be happy to listen to him info dump while we look at mushrooms and neat nature stuff.
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I let this sit in my ask box for too long but I've had this idea kicking around in my head for a while and then harveston had to go and drop that one line validating my delusions and you've given me an excuse to post it ha
notes: they/them used for Yuu, violence against animals (a bear), swearing at animals (the same bear), Yuu is unnaturally strong (enough to fight a bear), Yuu is implied to have grown up in a forest/woodsy environment, Jade typical blackmail. Other more serious fic can be found on my masterlist here.
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Once upon a time, back when you first arrived in this world, you had been unsure how to feel about NRC. Castles existed back home, sure, but ones like this belonged firmly in illustrations or video games; it felt a but nauseating to walk through your wildest dreams brought to life, even if it was exciting sometimes. It was little wonder to you then that the idea of a Mountain Lover's Club was so appealing.
"Did you hike a lot back home?" Trey has that strange smile on his face that suggests you have made him tense somehow.
"Yes. I practically grew up in the woods." The flow of wind through the branches, the smell of fresh rain on the decomposing earth below, all of it wrapped you in a familiar sense of serenity even if the tree line was completely foreign to you. What are men to rocks and mountains after all? You could make yourself right at home here-
"I still don't think you should join." Trey says with all the air of a man who is certainly not telling you something, but the surprising harsh nod of agreement Riddle gives before injecting himself into the conversation convinces you more than whatever Trey had in mind likely could.
"I'm not entirely certain what they do," Riddle has never forbid you from participating in things since you and his dorm-mates brought him back to his senses," but if you want to hike it might be safer if you did it by yourself, assuming you let one of us know when you are going and when you expect to be back. It wouldn't do to have something that brings you so much joy used against you prefect, none of us want that." But he has always expressed concern when he thinks things to be unsafe, and in this case his argument was something you found yourself agreeing with. Hiking is best done at your own pace anyway, why get a club full of self-centered assholes involved in your me time? Though you did wish now they had been a bit more... specific with their concerns. Maybe outlined some of the club's scheduling, but then they would have needed to ask him and in so doing betrayed your interest.
Which would have been much less embarrassing than how Jade actually found out. Because of course he did, was there ever any doubt he would? ~~~~ There is a creek not far up the mountain path behind your dorm you like to rest at when coming back from your adventures. It's a good place to check over the photos on your camera and enjoy the last few rays of sunlight before returning to whatever mess Grim had made in Ramshackle searching for where you had moved all the tuna cans. Sometimes he joined you, and the two of you would have a little picnic up the path a bit further, but that day had not been one of those days. Nor had the day you met this particular nemesis who is staring you down from just across the creek with such a judgmental glance you would think this was a Sunday brunch and not an afternoon meander through the forest.
"The fuck do you want bitch?" You snarl and the bear indignantly sniffs as if to imply she's better than you. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize it was my fault your face is so fucking crooked, thought you were just born that way." She huffs again, making a big show of turning her back on you as you rush to get your equipment off and tucked safely out of reach before the skankiest grizzly you've ever met whips around and charges you shrieking something about "how dare you steal her man!!!!" and blah blah blah "I'll show you, you good for nothing hussy!!!!" as if you could actually understand her and this wasn't a three act play you insisted on writing yourself. You weren't even sure this bear was a girl if you stopped to think about it in between punches, not that you really cared. She huffs and makes a valiant attempt to pin you as you snarl and flash your teeth and beat her right back into the creek laughing at what sounds like pathetic winging about "kids these days!!!" and how rude you are for-
A startled noise pauses your match, as you both turn, harsh glares towards a break in the thicket where a very out of place, very surprised looking man stands, hand infuriatingly poised casually at his chin. His infuriating smirk doesn't unfurl until you growl, deep and low reverberating through your opponent just enough that she decides to leave for the day while you are preoccupied.
"Oya, this is a surprise." Jade doesn't move and you stay firm in the creek, body shaking with unspent adrenaline as he decides to move just a bit closer. "If you were that desperate for a sparring partner, I'm sure Floyd would have obliged, animal abuse is not exactly legal you know?"
"What the fuck are you doing here." You spit before you exit the creek, a flash of something darting through Jade's eyes as his gaze darts between you and your pack on the ground.
"Me? I should be asking that of you. The Mountain Lover's Club had to go through quite an ordeal to get permission to leave the school grounds unsupervised..." His teeth begin to show as you crash down from your high, you hadn't actually thought of whether or not you would need to talk to someone other than a friend about where you were going... surely Riddle would have mentioned something if you did? Or did he not think to ask since he wasn't the adventurous sort? "I can't imagine how the Headmage would react to know his ward had been sneaking out to terrorize the local wildlife."
"Hey Brenda started it!" You snap and Jade looks briefly towards the treeline where a very indignant bear is pursing her lips and inspecting her claws, the very picture of innocence if he does say so himself. "She stole my sandwich while I was taking pictures of the sunset!"
"Maybe you should have had someone there to hold it for you." He laughs, finally moving from his spot towards you and your pack, eyes gleaming with familiarity as he looks over your things. "Perhaps, someone who would be willing to... forget about what he just saw if they accompanied him next time?" It's a threat using what gives you joy against you certainly, and you huff indignantly at it but don't deny his request. Jade is an eel of his word, and his joy at doubling the Mountain Lover's Club membership cannot be contained as he ushers you the rest of the way down the mountain, eager to plan your first expedition together.
Not that he intends to ever delete the pictures he took. Your angry face is just too cute.
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degendog · 6 months
ur forcemasc posts r so fucking good that they have caused me 2 form a parasocial relationship with u /j
seriously tho this is like my go-to forcemasc blog when im dysphoric cuz its just like. immediate cure. like as a super fem trans guy who has only just recently come out of the closet and struggles to embrace masculinity (i swear im Literally the pastel flower crown wearing baby trans boy u wrote abt in that one forcemasc post. not by choice i just need to be forcemasced) i cannot stop thinking abt u absolutely obliterating my holes and forcemascing me and just making me in2 ur idea of a perfect man... i want u 2 tear me down completely just break me entirely and then rebuild me in2 the exact type of man u want me to be. i'd do anything for it really
anon i have been thinking about this ask all day. i’m glad my hornyposting is a dysphoria salve for you
i’m proud of you for coming out and starting to truly live your life, anon. that takes serious balls. i think you need to start going further with it now. what kind of man do you want to be? how do you want to look, truly? do you want to be a muscley gym bro in a muscle tee? a greasy punk you saw smoking a cig outside the gas station? some nerdy guy that works in IT?
don’t worry, baby boy, i’ll help you get there. i’ll get you a haircut, a men’s one, a clipper cut with a squared-off back. or maybe i’ll shave it all off, start from scratch. i’ll slowly start replacing your clothes with ones you’ve always wanted to wear but were too scared to—women’s skinny jeans replaced with men’s straight-cut, “soft boy” button downs replaced with men’s shirts, panties replaced with boxer briefs (easiest to pack with), even your socks get replaced. you can keep that giant dysphoria hoodie you practically live in, but i’ll glare at you whenever you wear it until you change into a real outfit. and i’ll let you keep those flower crowns, but none of them match your new clothes, so why would you keep wearing them? eventually they’ll be forgotten about in a drawer, or given to a friend’s little sister. i’ll force your legs apart if i catch you sitting with them crossed, until it’s second nature to manspread. and every morning i’ll grab the front of your pants to make sure you’re packing, to make sure you remember your dick belongs to me.
i’ll get you on t, do the first few shots for you until i decide you’re ready to do it yourself, and then i’ll watch you with hungry eyes as you inject yourself with what you should’ve had this whole time. i know it’s scary at first, but being a man is about doing shit that scares you. it builds character. so shut up and take the needle.
and sure, i’ll fuck you with my strap until you can’t think, until your thighs are shaking and your holes are tired and sloppy and you’re completely spent, and the only sounds you can make are moans. i’ll jerk you off while i fuck you—don’t you love how sensitive your new dick is? but i’ll also teach you how to top, how to take what you want. i’ll press myself against your back and coach you through fucking somebody else with the very same dick i fucked you with.
when i’m done with you, you’ll be surprised you ever were a baby-trans soft boy. because all you have ever been is a man.
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A Starstruck Odyssey, and Masculinity
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I have thoughts and am just gonna unload them on Tumblr. That's what we do here, right? I recently have been re-listening to Starstruck and have had some thoughts on it's depictions of masculinity. This isn't a serious post per se, just some thoughts and observations. Starstruck has a wide spectrum of masculine characters on display, though a lot of it is hostile/toxic. Most men or male-coded characters are either outright villains, or more neutral parties with some toxic and selfish tendencies. Don't get me wrong it's a wild violent galaxy and that's the point, the entire party participates in scamming, kidnapping, exploitations, and unnecessary murder and we love to see it, it's not like it explicitly makes all men out to be inherently more monstrous and evil than others. But I do think the depictions of masculinity can be interesting to observe. Amercadia is a pretty cut and dry critism of the patriarchy and American nationalist culture, which is fantastic worldbuilding to include. Many of the masculine-coded androids are actually pretty nice, friendly and helpful or serious about their jobs, aside from a bitchy one in the beginning who injects our main 'droid with an anxiety spike about being one of a kind. Pretty much all of the Slugs we meet occupy masculine bodies, and they seem to have an abstract gender that picks up pronouns from the body they occupy, though the monarch is objectively a king and uses masculine pronouns even before getting a body, and he's pretty selfish and stupid.
But the main pair I'm thinking of, is Barry and Gunnie. Looking at the two of them, there's a lot you can assume. Big Barry Syx is this massive, bulky dude in power armor and shades with a mullet, while Gunnie is a 4' 11" techie cyborg with a big ol' smile. Listen to them in action and many of your assumptions are reinforced; Barry is a total dude-bro associated with nuts, steroids, working out, and acting much like gym bros in our modern life, while Gunnie is a hyperactive technician just doing his best, despite being mired in sympathetic tragedy. Barry's trauma is fairly fantastical or common to stories, having his family gunned down by one of his own, while Gunnie is mostly weighted down by medical debt after he got in an accident after trusting the wrong person. Based on these apperent details one would assume Barry is this toxicly masculine jackass who's insecure about his flaws, while Gunnie is the smartest man on board and is trying to keep everyone in line, doing the right thing, ect. And of course, you'd be dead wrong. Gunnie, while a sympathetic and likable character, is *mired* in toxic masculine traits. While it was an accident that put him in his situation, it was brash foolishness and ignoring obvious red flags that got him in that position in the first place, not to mention a rebellion against his family driving him to it. Furthermore, as Lou himself admits in Adventuring party, Gunnie's *pride* is the reason his problems are so vast; He comes from a lot of money, his initial debt might have never happened or mostly gone away to begin with if he went back to his dads for help. His toxicity doesn't make him an unlikable character but he does have these traits. He's brash, prideful, and ignores common sense a lot. He is also very nice and friendly with others, listens to people, ect. He doesn't have *every* toxic trait in the book, but has them which I tend to not even notice because he's just a funny little guy. Barry, meanwhile, is just about the most wholesome and giving person in the entire 'verse. Syx *And* Nyne, when not under a slug's control, are these total sweetheart bros. Sure, they shit talk each other with friendly ribbing, and yes they are very good at violence, but this violence is always motivated by helping those in need or fighting for those who can't fight for themselves, the Barry Battalion way. Barrys hate it when people are rude, or hurt the innocent. Barrys fight for their friends, provide endless support and praise, and will throw their very bodies into danger to protect or help, as seen on Rec 97 and in the big finale of the battle of the brands. And while the thing the love most is other Barrys, that does not mean that what they respect is also being heavily macho dudes. Barry one (or was is spelled differently? Barry Won? who knows) was the professor who created the other Barrys, a nerdy and fragile professor type, that the Barrys loved and treated as a fellow Barry *literally* the moment they were created. Even Syd is a Barry now, and that's accepted both by Barry Syx who's known her a long time and bonded with her, as well as Barry Nyne who literally, to his perception, *Just* met her, despite her appearance as like a waitress with an arm canon. Being a Barry, in other words, isn't about being just like them, having the name Barry, or anything like that. It's a vibe, it's a way to be, and the 'verse is better off with these super wholesome boys who, despite embodying many stereotypes of the gym bro, posses *none* of the commonly toxic traits also associated with that. They aren't insecure around smarter people or those with different skillsets, they hold no gendered assumptions, and they never wanna use their might to opress others for their own satisfaction.
Just, some thoughts.
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rarityroo · 4 months
ok this is me just like losing it and i need some type of comfort but.. mizu x reader who got banned from tiktok for NONREASON 😭
Content comfort
(Modern!Mizu x Gn! Reader)
I’m so sorry but when I first read this giggled a bit. Hopefully you like this, I made it into more of a funny cute fic because I didn’t quite understand the tone of what you wanted that’s probably my fault though. I clearly love writing for Mizu so please do request for her more she’s my actual GF, she’ll always have two pics instead of one whenever I write for her, anyway, Enjoy!🫶🏻
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You stared at your phone in disbelief, you looked at the notification, again, and again. It seemed to not fully compute in your head.
As you sat on the couch staring at your phone completely lost, Mizu walked from the kitchen to where you were, the living room, Mizu looked at you with a concerned expression.
“Uh, my love?” Her voice breaks you out of your shock-induced trance. “…yeah?” You slowly said, not fully able to respond coherently. “Are you alright?” Mizu asks cautiously. You look up from your phone and turn your attention to her, “I-I don’t know?” You say disbelief very evident in your voice.
You had no way to explain this, not just the situation to Mizu but why you got banned in the first place. This definitely caught you off guard, Mizu moves closer to you, sitting next to you on the couch. “Tell me.” Mizu softly demands, she’s not one to dance around serious matters especially when they came to you. You look back down at your phone still shocked.
She puts her hand under your chin, making you look up at her when your eyes meet her beautiful blue ones, you take a deep breath, and you finally explain what happened. "So, remember that silly video I posted yesterday with our cat, Vinnie? Well, apparently TikTok didn't appreciate Vinnies moves as much as we did," you confess, trying to lighten the mood with a small chuckle. "They banned me for no reason!” You exclaimed exasperated.
Mizu's eyes widen in surprise, her expression softening into a mischievous grin. "You know…TikTok's loss is our gain," she quips, trying to humor you. "Now we have more time for our own little dance parties with Vinnie without worrying about those silly algorithms." She chuckles softly, nudging you playfully. "Who needs TikTok anyway when we've got our own private entertainment right here?" She gestures to Vinnie rolling on the floor in a crazed manner.
You can't help but smile at her attempt to inject humor into the situation, grateful for her humorous approach. "Yeah, you're right," you say, with a small laugh. "Maybe this is a sign that we should start our own rival app, 'MizuTok' or something." Mizu says in a serious tone, you stop and look at her, you stare a each other for a long moment, then burst out laughing at the idea, imagining the ridiculous videos that would fill that virtual space.
With a small grin on your face and Mizu’s supportive humor, you couldn’t help but feel a bit better.
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slavghoul · 11 months
Hi Slav, this maybe isn't ghost related, but perhaps more personal. Often times when I read through your posts, I find that we share similar thoughts or preferences. For example, I find it very very odd when the papas are referred to as Terzo or Secondo etc in serious conversation because that isn't how it was when I joined, and it's just not how I enjoy the band. But, I don't want to be someone who perpetuates the new vs old debates. I actually really value and respect your take on things because you're able to inject your opinion in a way that doesn't alienate anyone or make anyone feel stupid. I however feel as though I cannot let go of the frustration I feel when I engage with the fandom. I dont participate much at all because I dont jive with the current culture, but when I do indulge I just feel discontent and disgruntled. It's like I can feel myself becoming the jaded old man. I'm not super hung up on it, it's not really something I think about often. I usually just use the walk away method the moment I start to feel irritated. I got other things to do besides get mad at things I cannot change. But it still sucks
Preamble out of the way, how do you stay so calm and chill and remember to be considerate when you feel your enjoyment of things doesnt align with the vocal majority? How did you acheive your current mindset beyond just learning to let go or not engage with things that might lead to feelings like this? I'm using ghost as the base for this question, but I'm really asking for some general wisdom. I apologize if that's a little loaded.
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Jokes aside, this is a lovely and thoughtful question, thank you, but I’m not sure if I have any advice, other than „create your own bubble and live in it because the outside world is a terrible place.” I have my own Ghost-bubble that I very rarely step out of. When I do, I sometimes regret it. You must remember that what thoughts I decide to share here are not all of the thoughts I have. I go through those same moments of disillusionment as you do, it’s just not something I necessarily want to burden others with, so you don’t see me talking about it. I always tried to make this place, to the extent I could make it so, positive and welcoming to everyone, so I keep my personal frustrations on the down low. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen, though. Yes, learning to let go and not engaging with matters that leave you feeling like this is possibly the only solution with any viable effects. I try to keep in mind that my enjoyment of the band is my personal experience. What others think and how they behave or interpret things doesn’t define the true essence of what I hold dear. Ask yourself: what was it that made you fall in love with the band? What brings you real joy? Then focus on that. This won’t apply to everyone, but a lot of what brings me joy in relation with the band are things I do on my own, e.g. writing with no intention to share the texts with anyone, collecting, archiving, keeping stats on things that probably only I care about, etc. That’s my happy Ghost bubble, mostly a lone but peaceful place. I think it’s absolutely crucial to craft your own fandom experience, one that suits and satisfies your needs while also keeping you sane. This is meant to be a positive experience after all. But sometimes you gotta make effort to make it so. 
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scmg11 · 2 years
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A/N: HELLO HELLO! Here I am, posting one of my favorites imagines to write so far! So let me know what you think, I really appreciate it.
Wait hold on, already 50 chapters of my imagines book?! Wow, I'm- speechless. This is all because of you amazing people! ❤️
I sometimes forget to mention that I'm Italian and English is not my first language, so I'm sorry in advance for any mistake.
Thank you so so much for reading, liking, commenting and sharing my stories, it truly means the world to me ❤️ I literally have no words to express my gratitude ❤️
As always, enjoy! ❤️
Sending love ❤️
Summary: after a mission with the Avengers, Y/N reports a few injuries and she is injected with a truth serum. When she comes back to the compound, Kate takes care of her.
Warnings: did someone say smut? Yes, smut.
Word count: 11190 words.
"Okay, we’re here. Let’s go!" Steve announced as he prompted the Avengers on to move onto their targets’ destination.
"Remember, just in and out. Delete every single thing on their computers after copying everything with this flash drive." Tony lifted the device he created specifically for their mission as every Avenger present in the quinjet listened to him.
"Noted!" Y/N spoke up first and nodded in understanding, then walking towards Tony to retrieve the first flash drive from his outstretched hand up in the air and smiled at him, who mirrored her grin.
"Okay, let’s go!" Sam boosted the team up with his excitement and walked out of the jet, followed by everyone else.
"Are you all done?" Steve screamed when a goon approached him and tried to knock him out, obviously not succeeding in his task when Steve effortlessly dodged the pipe that the man was ready to hit him with and punched him right into his face, knocking him out instead. "Are we ready to go?"
"Yes!" Scott grew right in front of Sam with labored breath, followed by Yelena and Bucky coming from opposite directions.
"Steve, I need you in the north hallway. Y/N got injured."
"What?!" Yelena yelled in worry and was ready to run towards Natasha’s coordinations but was stopped by Scott who shook his head with a sympathetic frown on his clearly worried features.
"Okay, everyone go back to the quinjet and set it ready. We’ll be there in less than 2 minutes." Yelena nodded reluctantly alongside her teammates before running towards the exit, watching Steve running toward the north hallway.
"Hey Rogers-" Yelena yelled a few seconds later, making Steve turn around in his rush, "take my sister and best friend back on the jet."
"I will, now go!"
"What the fuck were you thinking you idiot?" Yelena's accent was more prominent as she scolded the Y/H/C girl laid into Steve’s arms slipping in and out of a sleepy daze as he took her into the med bay. They just landed from their mission, with Y/N reporting a few injures after she encountered a few thugs in her way out.
"Hey you’re ba- Y/N! What happened?!" Kate was ready to welcome her teammates back from their mission but was stopped by the commotion happening as soon as the Avengers entered their campus, her eyes immediately landing on an unconscious, bleeding Y/N into Steve’s arms lifted bridal style.
"A few thugs tried to stop her from leaving. She successfully knocked them out but got injured in the process. She is going to be fine Kate. I promise." Natasha explained to the shocked archer, whose worried eyes never left her harmed best friend, as they walked into the med bay and Steve laid Y/N softly down on the bed.
"Friday, scan her."
"Miss Y/L/N just reported a few minor injures. A few deep cuts and a dislocated shoulder. Nothing too serious."
"Oh thank God." Kate and Yelena sighed out in relief at their best friend and hugged each other closer to share some comfort from their worrying.
"But- if it’s nothing serious, why does she seem like- so unfocused?" Scott asked matter of factly, eyeing the girl opening and closing her eyes dazzlingly as she murmured she was fine.
"I’m detecting ethanol and sodium thiopental among other chemical components."
"Okay, which means?" Kate urged Friday on but a black out made all the lights go alongside the IA voice. "Great."
"Truth serum." Natasha and Yelena answered Kate’s previous question together as a frown stretched over their foreheads.
"They drugged her to get informations. It’s not dangerous but those are drugs that makes you a bit unfocused. That’s why she is in this state." Yelena explained as Natasha helped Bruce to stop Y/N’s side from bleeding too much.
"She lost too much blood. I need to give her a blood transfusion. Friday is offline due to the blackout- Y/N, can you tell me your type?"
The Y/H/C girl opened her eyes sloppily and stared at Bruce a few seconds before speaking up, a few words murmured and drawled, "blue eyes, black hair, archer, about 5’7, loves purple."
"I meant your blood type."
"Oh." As Y/N went to tell a flustered Bruce her blood type, everyone stared at the Y/H/C girl in shock, except for Yelena, Natasha and Wanda, whose were fighting against laughing their assess off at Y/N basically declaring her love for Kate right in front of her. Speaking of the black haired archer, she was sporting a crimson color on her face and neck as she avoided everyone’s gaze, especially Y/N’s one, who stared at her with a loving grin on her lips. She was trying to keep her cool at the big revelation Y/N delivered right about now, for just a second thinking she was joking, but then she remembered she was under the effect of the truth serum and it only made her blush more as her body lit up and her heart beat wildly in her chest. She likes me back.
"Okay, I got her injures covered but she needs to rest." Bruce explained to everyone gathered around them and everyone nodded in understanding, a lot of them exiting the room while Kate, Yelena, Natasha and Wanda stayed back to keep Y/N company and to be there for her when she wakes up. Kate was extremely glad her teammates and close friends decided to not address what happened a few minutes prior as she sat in a comfortable silence in the room with them, watching worry also stretch over their features before disappearing when Bruce told them Y/N was going to be completely fine.
A few hours later Y/N woke up with a groggy groan, coughing a bit when her dry throat stung from lack of use. "C-Can I have s-some w-water, p-please?" Y/N let out in a strained voice, turning her head around and focusing her still a bit blurry vision on the only occupant of the room, watching them sit up in a haste and walking towards them. "W-water, please."
"Yeah sure. Hold on." Y/N could recognize that voice anywhere. It was Kate. Her vision returned to normal a couple of seconds later and watched Kate walking quickly towards the water dispenser before walking back towards her with a paper cup filled with water. "Here you go."
The archer placed the cup on the table near the bed and helped Y/N sit up slowly without ripping her stitches on her side, wincing in apology at the grunts of pain coming from Y/N, before helping her drink some water. "Did she wake up?" Wanda’s body came into vision as she entered the room, her heart clenching happily when she saw the Y/H/C girl awake and holding Kate’s hand while drinking some water.
The archer sat on the bed beside Y/N, careful in not hurting her best friend, and turned her head around towards the voice and smiled brightly as she nodded enthusiastically, hearing more footsteps walking closer to the med bay, "yeah, she just woke up. I was just going to get you guys after helping her drink."
Wanda run towards the bed and engulfed Y/N in a soft hug, sighing contentedly into the embrace when she felt the Y/E/C girl reciprocate the gesture, "do not scare me that much again."
"I won’t I promise."
"Look who’s finally up." Yelena’s voice echoed around the room as she approached the girl laid in bed, slapping behind her head in reprimand. "Stupid."
"Always so sweet Yel."
"She was just scared. I had to calm her down after crying her eyes out. Three times." Natasha was the last one to hug Y/N gently while Yelena protested at the truthful statement.
"How cute. Belova has feelings." Y/N teased but by the warm smile she was sending the blonde, the girls could tell Y/N was really sorry for worrying them that much.
"We’re just glad you’re okay Y/N." Kate interjected as she squeezed Y/N’s hand hard and smiled down at her warmly.
"Mh, I love how you say my name. You should scream it sometimes." Yelena spit out some of the water she was drinking at the bold sentence as she laughed her ass off, meanwhile Kate, Natasha and Wanda stared at Y/N in shock.
"Ah Y/N, you’re up."
"Yep, always up for Kate." This time Natasha and Wanda joined Yelena with loud laughs, the scene becoming more funny when Bruce stopped in it’s track to stare at Y/N in bewilderment, meanwhile Kate was too busy asking the floor to swallow her as the scorching blush on her face intensified tenfold.
"Okay. Can you all leave? I need to check out how everything is going."
"Mh I’m definitely more keen on checking Kate out." Y/N countered back in a low tone as her eyes unabashedly ogled Kate’s body, skidding up and down as they got slightly darker.
"Okay, no more talking miss Y/L/N." Bruce was trying to give some mercy to the blushing archer as he ushered her and the other three laughing girls out of the room.
"Okay, Kate come shut me up with a kiss." Bruce sent Kate a grimace of apology as he watched her leave the med bay, her eyes fixated on Y/N and almost lost her step when she noticed the girl’s Y/E/C pools were staring intently at her ass.
When she turned the corner, she leaned on the wall and let out a shaky breath with her eyes closed and her face still burning from embarrassment and arousal. "Pretty intense, I know." Kate opened her eyes quickly at the voice beside her on the left and gazed into a pair of green eyes, before noticing the presence of other two people with her. "Hilarious, but intense." Yelena chuckled some more as the events of a few moments prior replayed in her mind, while Natasha and Wanda tried to cover their amused smiles to the flustered archer.
"I- we- hm- how do you feel?" Wanda was trying to find the right words for this a bit embarrassing situation, but she couldn’t find anything better so she asked the first thing that came to her mind.
"I need to recover from all of that." Kate sighed out loud again as her head leaned back on the wall, "was she serious?"
"It’s the truth serum. It frees your inhibitions and everything that comes to mind leaves your mouth."
"Holy shit."
"Look on the bright side, you finally have your shot Kate Bishop. You now know she likes you too, like I’ve always been trying to tell you." Yelena patted Kate left shoulder and smiled at the black haired girl, who merely stared at her with a lost expression.
"I wanna warn you, she will be a bit intense for the next few hours." Natasha spoke up right after, looking at Kate gently while Wanda nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, I’m trying really hard to not hear the thoughts she is basically screaming at my mind. Can you handle all of it?"
"I don’t know. Just a few sentences and I was blushing, gay mess." Kate sighed out as she caressed her temples to subdue her headache, while her heart skipped a bit when a thought came into her mind. She likes me.
A few minutes later Bruce exited the med bay and, completely not surprised, found the girls talking in the hallway beside it, "she can go into her room to be more comfortable and rest. Friday and I checked her injuries and in a few weeks she should be fully recovered."
"How about the truth serum?" Wanda asked the question everyone was eagerly waiting to ask as she instinctively leaned her body closer to Natasha’s one as her body filled up with joy at Y/N being fine.
"It was a massive dose of serum they injected her. But the effect will completely wear off in 6 hours or so."
Holy shit. Kate thought as her stomach flipped over at the prospect of having to spend time with Y/N saying whatever comes to her mind, mainly hitting on her and consequently making her blush hard and turning her on, but happiness filled every cell of her body knowing Y/N will recover from the injuries and was overly fine after her rough fight. "That’s great."
"Okay, let’s go get her and help her to her room."
"Miss Romanoff and Miss Maximoff, Fury asked for your consultation."
The two girls sighed dejected but told Friday they would be right there, before bidding their friends goodbye and walking into the med bay quickly to say hi to Y/N then hurrying towards the elevator. "Well it seems we are going to take care of-"
"Sorry for the interruption, again. Miss Belova, your knowledge about weapons is requested to the meeting taking place on the third floor."
"Great." Yelena grumbled in protest and crossed her arms childishly, before a Cheshire Cat smile appeared on her face as she stared at Kate mischievously, "have fun with miss truth. I wanna know everything that she says."
And with that Yelena hugged Kate goodbye, passed by Y/N to say hi to her like Wanda and Natasha did before hurrying towards the elevator. "Okay, it seems like I will take care of her."
"Great. The bandages need to be changed every 3 hours to prevent infection. She needs to drink a lot of water and she obviously needs rest."
"Noted." Kate nodded as she mentally took note of everything Bruce told her on their way towards the med bay.
"Y/N, be careful with the stitches. If everything happens, call me. Kate offered to help you. Like I said, you need to rest. Do not exert yourself."
"Don’t worry, I won’t." Y/N nodded dutifully and thanked Kate when the archer stretched her hand out and helped her off the bed before supporting her body up and helping her walk by circling her waist with her arm carefully. They walked towards the elevator and entered it, Kate clicking Y/N’s room floor and both waited in silence. "Nice outfit Kate." The blue eyed beauty looked down at her purple hoodie and black pants and smiled at Y/N, ready to thank her, but was stopped when the girl spoke up again, "can I take it off of you?"
Kate’s blush came back in full force at the question as a familiar pressure appeared between her legs. "I-I-" Kate sighed out in relief when the dinging sound of the elevator stopped her poor excuse of words and gave Kate some mercy as she busied herself with escorting Y/N into her room and helping her lay down on the bed.
"Do you need something?"
"Yeah, you."
Kate’s blush couldn’t seem to disappear with the Y/H/C girl’s bold statements, but despite it all the archer didn’t seem to mind. "Other than that, water? Another pillow? Food?"
"Mh, a glass of water would be nice." Y/N seemed to behave with her honest answer, giving the blue eyed beauty a bit of break as she poured a glass of water for the injured agent. "And a pillow behind my back would be amazing. Actually, can you help me sit up. I don’t want to lay down too much."
Kate smiled at the adorableness coming from the Y/E/C and walked into the closet to retrieve another pillow after helping the girl up into a sitting position and handing her the glass of water. "Comfy?"
"Yeah. But it would be 10 times better if you were here with me." Unexpectedly Kate’s blush wasn’t too much visible and it didn’t burn her skin excessively, so the black haired beauty considered it progress as she giggled under her breath and shook her head amusedly. "I’m serious."
"I know you are." Kate chuckled some more before whining in protest at the girl jutting her bottom lip out in a cute pout, "no. Do not use the pout card with me."
"Ugh. That baby voice is irresistible."
"Please." Y/N repeated as her pout deepened.
"Fine, okay okay."
"I don’t know why I still try to fight against that pout." Kate groaned in fake annoyance as she slipped under the covers and got comfortable, her stomach filling with butterflies when the Y/H/C girl leaned over immediately and cuddled her with a soft hum. "So so cute."
"So are you Kate. And beautiful." Y/N rasped out truthfully with her eyes closed and still basking in the archer’s presence. "Mh you smell so good."
"Can I ask you something?"
"Yeah sure." Y/N lifted her head up from the black haired girl’s neck and opened her eyes to give her undivided attention to Kate.
"I know it’s a stupid question, but I need to hear it from you. Were you serious in the med bay and on the way here?"
"Well, I-"
"Y/N! How do you feel?" The door slammed open before Y/N could answer to Kate’s question and Yelena came into vision, followed by Natasha and Wanda.
"Guys! It’s so good you joined us." Kate spoke up with a strained and high-pitched voice, a bit irritated that her best friends interrupted Y/N’s answer but also glad that they cared so much about the Y/H/C girl to pay her visits.
"It’s really not." Y/N countered back in an annoyed huff as she crossed her arms in a childish manner. "We were having a conversation."
"I’m sure it can wait. We were worried about you asshole." Yelena slapped the back of Y/N’s head as she took a sit beside her, making sure to not hurt her in the process.
"It’s wasn’t that bad."
"It was. I found you almost unconscious on the ground, bleeding." Natasha interjected as she sat on the foot of the bed with Wanda by her side.
"It wasn’t bad at some point. Then some asshole stabbed me while another one injected me something. It was scary."
"Ohw, Y/N/N has a heart." Wanda teased in a sing-sang voice, batting her eye-lashed repeatedly and leaning her chin on her entwined hands.
"Shut up or I’m telling Na-"
"NO!" Wanda quickly used her magic to shut Y/N up by clamping her mouth shut. "Ugh, stupid truth serum."
Natasha stared at the two of them with furrowed eyebrows while Yelena smirked mischievously without even trying to hide it from her sister. "Okay, should I know what she was trying to say?"
"Yes." Y/N and Yelena answered at the same time as Wanda countered back.
"No." The young redhead replied with determination, an hard blush appearing on her cheeks at the intense, scrutinizing gaze the Russian redhead was regarding her with.
"Anyway, how do you feel?" Natasha asked concerned at the Y/H/C girl, who laid comfortably with her head leaned on Kate’s shoulder while the archer was finally getting rid of her crimson color on her face and neck.
"Better." Y/N answered with a long, happy sigh, sinking deeper into the archer’s comfortable and cozy embrace and warmth, "my shoulder is back into place and just hurts a tiny bit, my side stings like a bitch and I’m feeling still a bit sleepy, but with Kate by my side and you guys here for me is making me already a lot better."
Natasha smiled at the Y/E/C girl’s truthful words and caressed her knee gently, "do you need something before we need to go?"
"Where are you going?" Kate asked curiously before Y/N could, leaving her with her mouth half opened, but she quickly closed it and smiled affectionately at the black haired girl before looking around her friends then focusing her attention on Natasha.
"Fury needs us on the west coast facility. Just a small trip. We’ll be back in two days." Yelena explained as she patted Y/N’s right leg gently.
"Oh great, so I can have some time alone with Kate! But I’ll miss you." Y/N talked without properly thinking about her sentence, causing everyone to laugh softly while Kate blushed again at her words.
"I somewhat like this new version of Y/N." Wanda interjected between laughs, high-fiving Y/N when she smiled proudly at the younger redhead.
"I have to agree. She is funnier." Natasha nodded and fist-bumped Wanda, who laughed harder at her friends agreeing with her, Y/N included, who nodded alongside Natasha and Yelena.
"Ah I bet Kate loves this Y/N’s new side too." The blonde Russian continued, teasing the now once again red faced archer, who sank deeper into the Y/E/C girl’s comforting embrace, "even if she seems to blush a lot around this new Y/N."
"She’s cute, isn’t she? Look at that adorable face while she tries to hide her blush."
"Y/N please stop, I feel my face literally burn."
"Okay, okay. I’ll stop, for now."
The five best friends talked a few more minutes, Y/N and Kate genuinely wanting to know what the other girls need to do on the West Coast facility, before Yelena, Natasha and Wanda had to leave to pack once Friday told them the jet would leave in an hour and a half. "Alright, back to our previous conversat-" Kate tried to bring back their convo from before but Friday’s voice prevented her to, making her almost whine out loud in protest from yet another interruption.
"Sorry to bother miss Bishop and miss Y/L/N. But I need to remind you to check miss Y/L/N injuries and to change her bandages."
"Oh right! It’s been three hours!" Kate sat up from the bed and walked over everything she took with her from the bed bay and brought it all to the bed. "Okay, I need you to take off your pants and shirt so I can take a lo-"
"If you wanted me naked on my bed, you just needed to ask babe." Kate’s blush was ready to burst out on her face once again, but the archer repressed it with a small laugh and a gentle shake of her head at the dirty joke.
"Well, I’m not asking." Kate didn’t exactly know where her boldness came from, but she just decided to ride this new confident wave as much as she could, only to see that aroused look form again into Y/N’s eyes. "Here let me help."
Kate walked closer to Y/N when she noticed her struggling with taking off her t-shirt while hissing softly in pain when the stitches on her side started to hurt from the movements. The Y/H/C girl visibly shuddered at Kate’s fingers grazing her torso ever so gently and the archer smirked visibly at that, "t-thank you."
"Don’t move. I’ll help you with your pants too, so we don’t risk to tear the stitches apart on your thigh."
Y/N laid back down on the mattress while taking a deep, grounding breath when she felt the archer pop her pants open and pulling the zip down excruciatingly slow, "I- I’ve dreamed about this so many times." Y/N heard herself say without properly controlling her mouth, cursing under her breath at the truth serum still affecting her inhibitions.
"I did too."
"Okay, let’s start from this one. The bandage is a bit red from the blood still gushing a bit out of the cut. I’ll clean it up." Kate got into work, taking her time as she eyed Y/N up and down, clad in only a black sport bra and matching tight-fitting boy shorts. Her eyes stopped a few seconds on the abs, that contracted each time the oxygen peroxide stung a bit on her cut.
"Like what you see?"
"A lot." Kate answered truthfully as she lifted her eyes up from the marvelous sight that was Y/N’s abdomen and met Y/N’s eyes while lifting her right eyebrow up seductively, watching the girl gulp loudly, not really expecting her teasing back, "let me just put some antiseptic ointment on it and I’ll take care of the other cut." Y/N visibly flinched and hissed in pain at the searing pain on her left thigh and on pure instinct, Kate gripped Y/N’s right thigh hard, very, very close to her clothed center, while she leaned over and blew on the cut softly. "Here. Better?"
"You have no idea." Y/N answers gravelly as she imperceptibly writhed under Kate’s hand, "Kate I love you, but if you’re not going to slip those fingers into me, I need to ask you to pull your hand away. It’s turning me on."
Kate sputtered loudly at that bold statement while her face burned in arousal and a bit of bewilderment at the honest words, "s-sorry." Kate quickly placed a new set of bandages on Y/N’s cut on her thigh and sat up. "Do you have some baggy shorts to wear? They will help your injury to stop bleeding excessively."
"Yeah, third drawer. It should be full of basketball shorts."
Kate nodded as she searched through the drawer to find a pair of shorts, settling purposefully on a pair of purple shorts with her logo on it. "You still have them."
"Of course. They’re my favorite. I wear them all the time." Y/N thanked Kate when she helped her on her feet and crouched down to help her put the shorts on, the Y/H/C girl stabilizing herself on the archer’s shoulders before blushing furiously when Kate’s hands brushed her ass - purposefully Y/N might add - .
"Yeah, they make me feel close to you. You gave them to me with that big smile of yours I love so much. You were so excited that day when you gave them to me. Your first superhero merch."
"I remember that day. It was almost two years ago."
"And since then I’ve been wearing these shorts almost everyday." Y/N admitted, now noticing she was still leaning on Kate’s shoulder despite the girl stood up and was now face to face with her.
"Well, it’s only fair to say that I sleep with you hoodies every night." Kate admitted shyly as she grasped the girl’s naked hips gently, walking imperceptibly closer to Y/N.
"The hoodies you keep stealing from my dresser and that I find so fucking cute on you so I pretend I do not notice it? Shit, you don’t even know how beautiful you look in them. Actually- you always look beautiful. Like right now- wow. You look - gorgeous."
"Y/N." Kate sighed as she inches her face closer to the Y/E/C girl’s one, "do you really mean everything you said?" Kate repeated her previous question and hoped with all herself no other interruption could disturb them once again.
"Yeah. From the bottom of my heart. I may have a truth serum in my system, but it only helped me say what I’ve been trying to tell you for years." Y/N whispered gently on Kate’s lips, that were now just hovering over hers in a teasing way, both literally shaking from wanting- no, needing to close that small gap. And Kate did. Kate closed that gap as soon as she looked into her mesmerizing Y/E/C irises and she was sure Y/N meant every single thing she said without being influenced by some chemical substance, literally melting into the delicate kiss when the Y/H/C girl reciprocated her gesture once she got over her initial shock.
Their lips danced together for what could have been an eternity, but it was actually a few minutes and despite the teasing, yearning vibes surrounding them all evening, they kept their hormones at bay without getting the kiss heated. "I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long, I almost lost hope."
"I never lost it. I would fight for your love forever."
"Good thing, you don’t have to fight anymore. Actually, you didn’t have to in the first place. Because my heart was already yours."
"Ugh Kate." Y/N growled under her breath and slipped her hands up and into the archer’s black tresses to pull her into another kiss, an eager one, their lips sliding over each other with more determination and purpose as they pushed more into the kiss while their bodies flushed together. Kate was still very careful in not hurting the Y/H/C girl with her injuries but acting on pure instinct, she slipped her hands down and groped Y/N’s ass hard, both letting guttural groans at the sensations her bold action elicited while their tongues kept sliding over each other hungrily. "Fuck, I’m so wet for you."
"Y/N, you can’t say things like that!" Kate protested in a whiny tone and leaned their foreheads together in frustration.
"I’m sorry. I can’t help it!" Y/N defended herself as a soft giggle left her lips at the adorable sight of the archer blushing furiously, "sorry if I made you uncomfortable."
"You didn’t. Hm- you actually turned me on even more but-"
"Oh so me being wet for you is turning you on? Or is it my half naked torso that makes you wet? Or maybe is my ass you are still groping so eagerly?" Y/N teased in a low tone, her nose brushing in a teasing manner Kate’s one as she bit the girl’s bottom lip gently, "hm- your hands on my ass are making me feel so many things."
"Y/N-" Kate stopped herself to take a deep breath when the Y/E/C girl started kissing her neck passionately, suckling on her pulse point harshly to obviously leave a mark. "You’re injured."
"No, I’m horny."
"I’m serious."
"I am too. Here feel it." Y/N grabbed one of Kate’s hand and reluctantly pulled it off her ass to push it down her pants but the archer pulled it away from hers just right after the girl succeed into slipping it past her waistband.
"Y/N! Holy shit." Kate pulled herself away from Y/N as she brushed her fingers into her hair frustratingly, "you can’t do that."
"Why not? I can see you want me too. I want you. So fucking bad."
Y/N watched Kate close her eyes as she took deep breaths to calm her horny self. "Babe-"
"Aren’t you wet for me too?" Y/N walked back closer to Kate and slipped her hands down that marvelous ass to grasp it greedily.
"Yes, o-of course- oh!" Kate moaned pitifully on Y/N’s lips when Y/N’s movements on her ass caused her hips to move back and forth and grind on her hips wonderfully. "But- shit, please stop."
Y/N immediately stopped her movements and looked at Kate ashamed, "I’m sorry." She pulled her hands off Kate and lifted them up beside her face as she backed away from the archer, "I’m just too turned on I’m not exactly thinking. You don’t want to have sex with me and I understand it."
"Hey, no, no. Come back here." Kate immediately flushed their bodies together and grasped Y/N’s hands to place them back on her ass, shuddering visibly when she felt the girl squeeze it once again, "I want you. I want you with all myself. But you’re injured. You can get hurt."
"I’m fine."
"No baby. Just pulling a shirt off of you was painful enough. I don’t want you to suffer just because I can’t control myself with you." Y/N smiled at Kate’s concern and pecked her lips softly, "we’ve waited enough, a bit more won’t hurt."
"You’re right. You’re just irresistible. Now that I have you, I want you all to myself."
"And you will. Hell, you already have. But we can’t have sex, not until you fully heal from those bad injuries."
"Okay." Y/N nodded gently as she breathed in and out to calm her hormones down, "okay." She repeated before leaning over and kissing Kate languidly, "shit you’re mine."
"Well- you actually didn’t ask me to be y-"
"Can I treat you with a date here? I want to properly ask you to be my girlfriend."
"Yes." Kate smiled brightly and joined their lips into a slow but intense kiss, stopped after a few seconds due to their big smiles getting in the way, "okay, back on the task at hand. Lay back down, I need to check your other stitches."
"Mh bossy, I like it." Y/N teased as she laid back down on the mattress and gloated visibly when Kate blushed ever so slightly at her words while cleaning her wound. "Ohw!"
"Shit sorry! I need to clean it. Hold on for a few seconds." Y/N hissed in pain when the oxygen peroxide burned her cut, her hand gripped Kate’s entwined one hard as she closed her eyes in pain. "Done." Y/N smiled warmly when Kate peppered kissed all around Y/N’s bandaged cut before stopping at her lips.
"Mh, did I earn some more kisses? I stayed put. I deserve a reward."
"You’re right. You were good." Kate leaned over and joined theirs lips to share a few slow kisses, both humming contentedly into their mouths with big smiles etched on their faces.
"Maybe you can show me the twins as a reward."
"Did those assholes injected a 16-horny-teenage-boy serum into your system too? Because you are acting like one."
"Mh no, it’s just what you do to me Kate."
"I’ll think about it. Let me check the last few wounds and cuts and if you’re lucky, you might touch them." Kate teased in a low tone on Y/N’s lips, taking advantage of their intertwined hands to make Y/N’s knuckles graze her clothed chest as her tongue slipped past the Y/E/C girl’s parted lips to kiss her eagerly, before pulling away a few seconds later and chuckling in amusement at the sound of protest coming from Y/N.
"It’s not easy for me either baby."
As soon as Kate was done checking out all of Y/N’s injuries, she sat up to throw everything into the trash can, before setting a timer in a few hours to check the Y/H/C girl’s bandages again, before walking over the girl’s dresser and grabbing an old t-shirt to put on Y/N. But Y/N seemed to have other plans, because as soon as she sat beside Y/N, now with her back leaning on the headrest after she helped her into a sitting position, Y/N pulled her into a deep kiss as her hands roamed on her back quickly before slipping under her t-shirt and settling on her clothed, left boob. "Fuck."
"Oh Y/N/N!" Kate moaned into Y/N’s mouth as her body involuntarily arched into Y/N’s hand.
"C’mere." Y/N murmured into the kisses as she tried to be as closer to Kate as she could, but their weird angle prevented them to.
"I can’t. If I straddle you I can easily rip your stitches off your side or leg."
"Shit, okay wait." Y/N opened her legs wider and with a bit of exertion lifted Kate up and made her straddle her not injured thigh while Kate’s left one slipped between her legs. "Perfect." Y/N murmured needily as she slipped her tongue back into Kate’s mouth while her hand boldly slid Kate’s bra up and touched the girl’s boob without any garment in the way.
"Oh!" Kate moaned loudly into the kiss, a sound that Y/N promptly swallowed while her tongue kept relentlessly licking every nook and cranny of the black haired girl’s mouth.
"Shit!" Y/N wailed in pure arousal when Kate’s hips bucked involuntarily onto her leg to seek some needed friction and her own leg hit Y/N’s clothed center in the process. They repeated tentatively their movements, starting a slow rhythm as they dry humped each other, the bed squeaking gently in the background a dashing enough sound to increase their arousals incredibly. "You feel so good."
"Yeah babe. So so good."
"Oh yes! Yes! OHW!"
Kate abruptly sat up from the bed when Y/N screamed in pain, watching her with wide eyes as she curled on herself and closed her eyes in pain, "shit, are you okay?"
"Stupid injuries! Fuck I was about to come!" Kate blushed at the piece of information Y/N shared as her pulsating center clenched over nothing in need, but quickly got herself out of her foggy, aroused mind and leaned over the girl to make sure she was okay. "Shit, okay. It’s subsiding."
"Do you want me to go grab some ice?"
"No, it’s okay. It’s going away. C’mere, let’s finish what we started."
"Ah! Mh-mh. Nope, no. We are going to behave. I let you fondle me as a reward. But now we’re going to wait till you’re fully healed. I don’t want to hurt you." Kate stated determined as she crossed her arms under her chest and stared Y/N down with an authoritative look in her blue, almost black, eyes.
Y/N whined in protest as her head slumped back on the bedrest. "Ugh fine!"
"Here, let me help you put this on." Kate grabbed the shirt from the floor and put it on Y/N, before helping her adjust on the bed to be comfortable, leaning over her body to grab a pillow on her left to lay it behind her head, only for her to realize she literally pushed her chest into Y/N’s face when Y/N slid her right arm around her torso and flattened her hand gently on her back as she bit harshly on her nipple through her shirt. "Y/N!" Kate turned her head around to stare at Y/N incredulously while her closed fist laid on the mattress on Y/N’s left side for stability.
"Sorry! You haven’t fixed your bra into place yet and your nipple was screaming at me to bite it!" Y/N turned her head around to stare at Kate in what the blue eyed girl dubbed as fake apology and shook her head gently. "Please, just a minute."
"Are you seriously asking me that?" Kate laughed incredulously at the request, but her eyes darkening a tiny bit, told the Y/H/C girl she wasn’t exactly opposed to her idea.
"Please, I’m in pain." Y/N pouted adorably, hoping it will make Kate break and let her have some fun.
"Oh so now, you wanna use the injured card."
"Is it working?" Y/N asked in a baby voice, staring intently into Kate’s eyes a few seconds before smiling brightly when the archer sighed, a sign she caved in her request. "Yes!" Y/N was about to lean over and take Kate’s nipple into her mouth over her shirt again when a hand gripping her scalp prevented her to, making her moan at the show of strength.
"One minute."
"It’s all I ask." Y/N replied and watched as Kate walked over her phone on the desk and placed it on the nightstand beside her, causing Y/N to stare at her with her right eyebrow arched up in a silent, teasing question, but she was seductively biting her bottom lip.
"I know you. And I know I can’t resist you. So I’m putting a timer."
"That’s fair." Y/N nodded and smiled at Kate as she regained her previous position on top of her, with her right leg bent beside Y/N’s good one on the mattress while she stabilized herself with one hand on Y/N right shoulder and the other on the bed.
"Wait." Y/N was about to ask what was wrong, only of her words to die in her throat and her mouth to hang open when the black haired girl with a quick movement removed her shirt and bra. "You can have your fun now." Kate stated seductively as she pushed her chest into Y/N’s face, before saying in a loud voice, "hey Siri, set a timer of one minute."
"Setting a timer of one minute."
As soon as Y/N heard the robotic voice, she dived right in and slipped a nipple into her mouth, her moan mingling with Kate’s one as she suckled that wonderful mound greedily. "Oh, shit that feels amazing."
"Your tits are delicious."
"Are you sure- shit- you’re not your 16-years-old- fuck, holy shit- self?" Kate pushed her chest more into Y/N’s mouth when the girl switched her attention to the neglected nipple and sucked it hard into her mind, while her free hand kneaded her other breast.
"Positive. I just can’t control myself around you Kate."
"Shit, you’re making me so wet again babe."
"Let me check myself." This time Y/N was too fast for Kate to stop her and she succeeded in slipping her hand into Kate’s pants and felt the archer’s arousal through her drenched panties.
"Y/N/N! Oh, oh yes, yess!"
"Shit, all of this for me?"
"Yes baby, now please, inside! I’m so-"
The alarm when off and Kate groaned in frustration, but it soon morphed into a deep, guttural moan when Y/N quickly used her hand laid on the archer’s naked back to stop the blaring alarm while her other one slipped her hand out of Kate’s sweats just enough to slid into her panties too and then pushed two fingers inside. "Holy fucking shit, you are so wet for me."
"Y/N/N! Oh baby!" Y/N used her free hand to help Kate into a more comfortable position, resuming their previous one with Kate straddling her good thigh all the while she set a slow, but firm pace into her core. "Shit, your fingers are awesome."
"Fuck, wait." Y/N pushed Kate’s right leg more into her center and shuddered when each time Kate rotated her hips to increase her pleasure, her knee hit her center delightfully, stimulating her enough to make her feel a familiar coiling feeling into her lower stomach. "Look at you, so needy for me. For my fingers. Do you want to come, babe?"
"So fucking badly."
"I can feel it."
"Shit, make me come baby. Make me flood your hand with my juices."
Y/N shuddered copiously at that and increased her speed, trying to push Kate over the edge as soon as possibile, while she approached her peek alongside the archer. "Then fucking come. I wanna hear, I wanna feel you come."
Kate tumbled over the edge with her mouth open in a silent moan while her core spurted out its release and dripped onto Y/N’s hand. Kate’s knee pressing into her core and that amazing sight coupled with the sensation of Kate’s juices soaking her hand pushed her over the edge right after with a strangled moan of Kate’s name murmured right on her right breast.
The two came down from their post-coital hazes and smiled shyly at one another, before sharing a few sweet pecks as they cuddled one another in comfort. Kate carefully pushed herself off Y/N’s lap as soon as the girl slipped her fingers out and dressed herself, purposefully putting only her shirt back on. "Mh I feel so much better. We should do it again. It’s better than any painkiller." Y/N stated with a dopey smile as her eyes stayed glued on Kate’s erected nipples, visible from her white t-shirt.
"Horny teenage boy."
"You love it." Kate laid comfortably beside Y/N and rested her head on her shoulder with an happy sigh.
"Yeah I do."
"Do you want to know what I love right now?" Y/N asked with her eyes glued on Kate’s nipples, making Kate’s stomach flip over itself in arousal.
"Let me guess, my boobs?"
"Yes." Y/N smirked mischievously before wrapping her lips around Kate’s lips, her hand gripping the archer’s left hip under her shirt to caress her skin gently. "How about that date? We can order something and I don’t know watch a movie or just be together and talking about anything."
"Sounds perfect."
"How is my favorite doofus doing?" Yelena barged into the room three days later, finding Y/N with only her sport bra on as Kate applied the antiseptic ointment on her stitches, meeting Natasha’s and Wanda’s gazes right after witnessing that sight, finding just as much mirth and mischief into their eyes as she had into her own before smirking at the two girls on the bed. "Well we came at the right time."
"No. She is just changing my bandages. You should come back in in 10 minutes, you’ll find us naked." Y/N replied nonchalantly as she focused her attention from her friend back on her girlfriend placing a fresh bandage on her side, noticing the adorable blush adorning her cheeks she tried to shield away from their friends with her air and smiled imperceptibly at the archer when she met her eyes, Kate mirroring her grin.
Meanwhile Yelena cackled loudly at the joke, followed by Natasha and Wanda as they made their way further into the room, "very funny. I’m glad you decided to keep your funny side."
"I wasn’t joking. Three days ago, right after you left we f-"
"Okay- I think we should update you guys on a few things." Kate helped Y/N with putting her shirt back on before walking over the trash can to throw the dirty bandages away and then sitting back on the mattress beside Y/N, signaling the three other confused girls to sit at the end of the bed with them. "The serum still didn’t wear off completely."
"What?! It already should have been!" Natasha exclaimed surprised, her widened eyes looking at the Y/H/C girl, who smiled sheepishly at them.
"Well it is wearing off, but just a few bits are still in her organism. Bruce told us it is possible since it was a massive dose they injected. He added it may be some enhanced formula or something like that. She sometimes says whatever comes into her mind, other ways is back to her cute self."
Yelena, Natasha and Wanda stared at the two girls smiling at one another lovingly and a smirk immediately flitted over their features, "should we know something else?"
"No, that’s al-" Kate started to say but was stopped by Y/N’s voice.
"Yes. We fucked right after you left and now we’re together." Kate slapped her forehead at her girlfriend’s truthful statement and sighed slightly under her breath.
"Yeah, then there’s- that." Kate added shyly as she tried to avoid her best friends’ amused gazes with her cheeks slightly tinted with a rosy color.
"If you still weren’t under the effect of the truth serum I wouldn’t have believed you." Yelena spoke up still a bit shocked by the revelation, but chuckled loudly at the now more visible blush on Kate’s cheeks that confirmed everything Y/N just said.
"We obviously want the details now."
"Miss Y/L/N, from your blood test, the serum had been completely expelled from your organism. Dr. Banner will see you now to remove the stitches."
"Fucking finally." Y/N exclaimed as Kate helped her up from her bed.
"So no more bold statements that turn me on in a second?" Kate whispered sultrily on Y/N’s lips while her arms circled the girl’s neck and Y/N’s ones went around her waist.
"Mh." Y/N hummed in thought as she leaned down to kiss Kate languidly, her tongue licking the seam of the archer’s lips teasingly while her hands slipped down and gripped her ass hard. "Well for everyone else maybe. With you, mh-" Y/N stopped mid-sentence to slip her tongue into Kate’s slightly parted mouth as the hands on her ass kneaded her firm flesh hard, eliciting a low moan from the black haired girl.
"Oh, babe. We need to go to the med bay."
"Yeah. I can’t wait to get rid of these stitches so I can fuck you properly and thoroughly."
Kate’s legs gave out at the statement and shuddered visibly, "hm, we better get going then."
"Let’s go. It’s time."
"Y/N! It’s so good to see you." Monica walked over Y/N and Kate that were just exiting the med bay, in an obvious rush, and both stopped themselves from sighing out in frustration.
"Monica. Carol. How are you?"
"Good, we have some news for Fury." The blonde answered after hugging both of them.
"I’m afraid Fury is still on the West Coast." Y/N answered with her eyebrows furrowed in apology. "Yelena, Natasha and Wanda left yesterday to join him with Leo and Daisy. I think Tony, Steve, Sam and Bucky are there too and Bruce is gonna leave soon."
"Wait everyone is there?"
"Almost everyone." Kate answered sarcastically, gesturing at the two of them, causing Monica and Carol to laugh gently.
"I just removed my stitches. Bruce told me to rest another week before moving there too."
"I’m staying with her to make sure she doesn’t hurt herself again." Kate interjected as she slapped her girlfriend’s head gently.
"Why everyone’s there?" Monica asked curiously after chuckling at the two girls’ antics and bickering.
"I think it was about some kind of open day at the campus there." Y/N answered but gestured to Kate to continue.
"It’ll be in two weeks from now and they are all there to keep working on a few missions."
"Well might as well join the others. Are you sure you’re gonna be fine?"
"Carol, we’re grown ups and Avengers, we can look out for-" Y/N started with a sarcastic tone, but was stopped by the blonde when she lifted her hand up and pointed to the blue eyed girl.
"I was actually talking to Kate. Are you sure you’re gonna survive a week with this one?" The blonde cracked a joke and a smug smirk made its way over her features when Y/N rolled her eyes unamused.
Kate chuckled softly at that and nodded decisively, "I’m sure I can handle her just fine."
As soon as the door shut close and the sound of the lock popped into the room, Y/N slammed Kate onto the door and connected their lips hungrily, a sudden gesture that the black haired girl welcomed eagerly as her hands slipped in her girlfriend’s hair to grip her scalp eagerly, "hm, we have the compound all for ourselves and I’m finally free from those irritating stitches."
Y/N stated as she assaulted Kate’s neck with bites, kisses and soft licks all the while she groped her wonderful ass, "you still have to be careful to heal completely." Kate moaned gutturally when a particular harsh love bite on her pulse point made her hips buck up needily.
"Mh, yeah yeah. But now we can fuck."
"It’s not like we’ve been behaving." Kate chuckled on Y/N’s lips when the girl’s face slid back up and nuzzled their noses lovingly.
"Mh but now I can move without being careful and you can finally touch me with those wonderful, long fingers." Y/N grasped Kate’s left wrist and pulled the archer’s hand to her lips to pepper kisses on her palm before slipping her forefinger into her mouth and sucked on it without breaking eye contact with those blue irises she loved so much.
"Fuck." Kate stared transfixed with her mouth hang open and used her free hand to grip the Y/H/C girl’s jaw and guided her face up on down her finger, the motion so erotic she was positive she could come without a proper stimulation. "Bed. Now." Kate murmured when Y/N moaned lewdly around her finger and ground down her center on the girl’s thigh slid between legs. They both quickly discarded their clothes all over the floor, leaving a trail of their garments all the way to Y/N’s leaving room doorstep.
"With those stitches gone, I can finally do this." Kate was ready to ask what Y/N was talking about, but what Kate dubbed as a moan and a squeal mixed together got ripped out from her throat when Y/N grasped her ass hard and lifted her up, making the blue eyed girl circle her legs around the Y/H/C girl’s waist, feeling the fabric of Y/N’s bandages on her side grazing her left inner thigh in her new position.
"You just wanted to show off your strength." Kate smirked down at Y/N and slapped softly the back of her head, eliciting a small laugh from the agent. "Even tho it was so fucking hot, I must admit."
"And it will get hotter in a second." Y/N murmured on Kate’s lips before laying the archer on the mattress and crawling over her body immediately after. "Mh, I can smell your arousal from here."
In a quick motion Kate switched their positions and got on top of Y/N, straddling her torso with her hands resting under Y/N’s chest for stability, "you had your fun this week with my body. Now it’s my turn."
"Mh, I’m not opposed to that." Y/N hummed contentedly when Kate’s hands slid up and grabbed her boobs harshly, teasing her hardened nipples while her hips started a slow but steady grinding on her lap. "Oh." A long moan left Y/N’s mouth at the amazing sensation sparkling from the girl’s actions and eagerly met Kate’s hips to create a delicious friction that increased their arousals copiously. "Yes! Babe, please. I want your fingers."
"Your wish is my command baby." And after laying a peck on Y/N’s lips, Kate slid her hips down as she opened the girl’s thighs wider and teased her entrance with her pointer and middle finger, easing them in when she collected enough wetness and shuddered visibly when the girl’s walls swallowed her digits greedily. "Fuck, you feel so good around my fingers."
"Faster baby. I want to come so bad on your fingers." Kate grunted in acknowledgement and without teasing, started thrusting her digits in and out in a quick pace while she leaned her mouth down on a nipple screaming for her attention. "Oh, ah! Ah! Yes! TheRE!" Kate used her hips to thrust her fingers in and out of Y/N as hard and deep as she could, increasing her own arousal profusely when her center clenched needily over nothing.
"Fuck, you are so hot like this."
"Harder babe. Faster. Make me come, please." Kate’s eyes darkened instantly at the needy, whined requests leaving Y/N’s lips while her walls tightened around her fingers, making Kate increase her tempo as she thrusted as hard as she could without hurting her hand and Y/N in the process, creating a sensual mix of squeaks coming from the mattress springs, soft, steady thumps of the bedrest slamming on the wall and loud moans coming from the both of them at the wonderful pleasure engulfing them. Not too long after Y/N came with Kate’s name leaving her lips, her body going still for a few moments to spurt out its juices and drenching Kate’s hand and her sheets before slumping back down on the mattress as the archer slowed her movements to a stop while peppering kisses all the way up from her chest to her lips. "Fuck."
"You looked beautiful coming on my fingers. Ohw." Kate whined under breath when she pulled her hand away from Y/N’s center and cleaned it by rubbing it on the sheets, causing the Y/H/C girl to look up at her in worry.
"What’s wrong?"
"I pushed my hips too hard on my hand. My wrist hurt a bit."
"Oh no baby, here." Y/N kissed lovingly Kate’s wrist, smelling herself on the girl’s fingers in the process and shivering wildly as her scent invaded her senses, before kissing Kate hungrily on her mouth, her tongue immediately slipping in and sliding over Kate’s eager one.
"Hold on." Kate stopped their fervent kisses as an idea popped into her mind.
"You’ll see." Kate smiled mischievously at Y/N before looking up at the ceiling, "Friday?"
"Yes, miss Bishop?"
"Is there someone in the compound?"
"Negative. You two are the only occupants of the compound. Everyone is in the West Coast facility."
"Can you check? I need to be sure." Y/N stared confused at the archer as she met her eyes and wiggled her eyebrows seductively.
"I scanned the entire area. No one is here, except for you two."
"Great, thank you Friday."
"Have a good day miss Bishop. You too miss Y/L/N."
"Have a good day too buddy!" Y/N replied as she smiled dumbly at the ceiling like she was smiling at the bodiless IA, "can you tell me what you have in mind?"
"I need to go in my room to get something. Wanna come with me?"
"Oh now I get it. You checked if we’re alone so we don’t have to dress ourselves back up."
"I love how you understand me so easily." Kate leaned down and kissed Y/N hard, pushing more into the kiss as her tongue licked the inside of her mouth.
"Let’s go, or we won’t leave the bed anytime soon." Y/N hummed lowly as her hands kneaded Kate’s ass cheeks eagerly.
"You’re gonna love what I have in mind."
"Lead the way then."
Their small trip to Kate’s room was stopped every once in a while due to them getting distracted and making out greedily on every surface they came across. They were now kissing heavily on Kate’s drawer while Kate rummaged blindly into it to retrieve what she needed. "Ah-ha! Found it." Kate interrupted they heavy make out session as she lifted the item up in the air in victory.
"Let me see."
"No. Let’s behave for just 2 minutes. Enough to go back into your room. I’m sure that if I show you what I have in here, we will fuck in my bed right after."
"And what’s wrong with that?" Kate felt a shiver run down her spine and hit her already pulsating center at the sultry tone Y/N used while caressing her sternum seductively and repressed the need to fuck her girlfriend right then and there by shaking her head furiously.
"Nothing. We already ruined your sheets, I don’t want to do your laundry and mine too."
"Fair enough. Let’s go now, I don’t know how much longer I can behave."
Needless to say, they spent 10 minutes in the elevator right after. It all started when Kate’s bag accidentally slipped off of her hand and fell onto the ground. She bent over to retrieve it and almost lost her balance when Y/N purposefully stopped the elevator and gripped Kate’s hips hard, causing her to slam her hands on the nearest wall to regain her balance and preventing herself to fall face first on the ground. "Babe!"
"Sorry, but what else do you expect me to do when you give me this amazing view of you bent over for me?" Y/N stated in a humming tone, her lips skidding up and down the girl’s toned back as her hips flushed onto Kate’s ass.
"Can I?" Y/N asked on Kate’s skin while her forefinger teased the blue eyed girl’s entrance, smiling knowingly when she felt the girl push her hips back to ease Y/N’s digit in.
"Please." So, without further delay and any more teasing, Y/N thrusted three fingers in, using her hips’ help to push them in deeper and harder while her free hand grasped her hips harshly to guide the girl’s movements. "Oh Y/N/N!"
"Shit Kate. You look so hot bent over for me. You are taking- shit- my fingers so good."
The sound of their hips slamming loudly onto each other echoed around the elevator’s walls and mixed with Kate’s moans and Y/N’s grunts of pleasure, "fucK! Oh yes, yes Y/N/N!"
"Are you already close? Shit, look at you so needy for me." Y/N slammed her fingers back into Kate’s center hard, the gesture causing the archer to lay her free hand on Y/N’s one on her hips as she came undone with a lewd scream leaving her lips.
As Kate slumped over the elevator wall, Y/N pressed the button to make the elevator move again and resumed their journey up to Y/N’s room floor. "Shit, I’ve never had sex in an elevator." Kate turned around and leaned her body onto Y/N’s one for stability, feeling her legs still a bit shaky from the powerful orgasm. The elevator dinged loudly, signaling they arrived at Y/N’s room floor and Kate reluctantly pulled away from Y/N to ask in a mocking tone, "can I bend over to retrieve that bag or are you going to jump on me again?"
"I make no promises." Kate arched her eyebrows and Y/N chuckled soundly, "okay, I’ll behave. Besides, we arrived at my floor. I will fuck you on my bed in a minute."
"Mh, we’ll see about that." Kate stated mysteriously as she stood back up after retrieving the small, black bag on the floor, giggling at Y/N’s bemused expression before intertwining their fingers together and walking them back into Y/N’s room. "Lay on the bed."
Y/N wordlessly laid back on the mattress and watched Kate’s body in all its naked glory walk towards the bed with that black bag in her hand as mischief swam through her deep blue irises. She straddled Y/N’s torso and signaled her to sit up to see what was in it. "Really?" Y/N giggled loudly when she noticed a strap on in the bag with its harness.
"Yeah." Kate smiled eagerly as the grabbed the strap on and gestured for Y/N to hold it as she started strapping the harness on her hips and legs.
"Babe I have a strap on too here. We could’ve used it." Kate gaped at the statement and slapped Y/N’s shoulder gently.
"Well mine is purple, so it’s better."
"Mine’s purple too." Y/N stated with a satisfied smirk and scooted Kate a bit further away to put the strap on in place when she was done strapping herself in.
"You’re kidding."
"Nope." Y/N stated as she stressed the ‘p’.
"Well at least I gained an orgasm in the elevator. So it’s a win-win situation. But we’re definitely talking about you owning a purple strap on later." Kate giggled cutely before kissing Y/N gently on the lips after she murmured a ‘noted’ and nodded softly, their laughs progressively dying down as lust took over again. Their tongues danced together hungrily as both pushed more into the kiss, Kate’s hands massaging the girl’s scalp as she strap on brushed over Y/N’s contracted stomach. "Mh, yes."
Kate hummed in pleasure when Y/N took a grasp of the dildo and started slow movements up and down its length, stimulating Kate’s center through the small end of the strap on already buried into the archer. "Shit, you look hot as fuck like this."
"I can’t wait to fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk." Kate stated as she pushed the strap further into Y/N’s hand, silently asking her to go faster as she felt that familiar coiling feeling make its presence known in her lower stomach.
"Oh shit." Y/N shivered in anticipation and kissed Kate hard as she pumped her hand as fast as she could, triggering soft whimpers from the blue eyed girl that she promptly swallowed. "Fuck!" Y/N’s hips canted up when Kate teased her entrance and collected as much wetness as she could with her right hand, her left one still buried in her hair.
"Mh so wet for me." Kate murmured into Y/N’s mouth, before moving her lips down her neck and then onto her chest to suck onto Y/N’s addicting chest as she pushed her gently down the mattress. She started to spread the tip of the dildo on Y/N’s entrance to lubrificate it enough and when she was satisfied it was all ready, she lifted her head up to stare Y/N down into her eyes and asked gently, "can I?"
"Shit, yes. Fuck YES!" Kate eased the strap on slowly into her girlfriend, making her savor each inch as both shuddered in pleasure while Kate assaulted Y/N’s neck with love bites and gentle kisses. When Kate was all the way in and their hips were completely flushed, she stilled her movements and waited patiently and lovingly for Y/N to adjust to the entire length, "okay, you can move now. Fuck."
Kate decided to start slowly by pulling the dildo gradually out a few inches, before easing it back in, progressively pulling out inch by inch to increase both their pleasures. "How does it feel baby? Tell me."
"Mh-amazing." Y/N hummed out in ecstasy, Kate’s slow and precise movements creating a sense of closeness Y/N had never felt with any of her past lovers and shuddered at the thought. "Fuck, I love you."
"I love you babe. So much." Kate would say she was taken aback from the confession, but she felt it in the air during the past 10 days spent with the girl. She already knew she was in love with the Y/H/C girl but was willing to keep it to herself a bit more since they started dating not too long ago. But Y/N now said it and the archer knew she meant it with all herself, she can feel it deep into her bones that she was being honest.
"I mean it babe. I love you, so fucking much."
"I know baby, I know. And I mean it too, I love you." They shared a soft peck that was stopped by a loud moan coming from Y/N when Kate finally slipped the strap on all the way out before slamming it back in, "YES! Faster babe."
"Ah, ah!" Kate moaned into Y/N’s ear when the small end buried inside her created a wonderful friction that made her stop in her tracks from too much pleasure. "Oh babe, it feels amazing."
"Yeah." Y/N moaned when Kate picked her movements back up, faster and harder, pulling the strap on out and slamming it back in, gradually increasing her speed and force to the point she was pounding quickly and forcefully into Y/N’s center, causing the bedrest to slam vigorously onto the wall while Y/N thrashed around in raw pleasure. "Fuck BABE! Oh shit, I’m so close."
"Then come for me baby." With a few more hard thrusts Y/N came undone with a loud moan, her contracting walls spurting out juices as they swallowed the strap on more into herself, the sensation causing Kate to tumble over the edge right after Y/N with a strangled whine. "Shit, I need a minute. It was so fucking powerful."
"I’m not floating right?"
"I’m literally on top of you babe, if you were floating I would’ve grounded you down." Kate snickered at the dazed expression on Y/N’s face and kissed the girl’s left, rosy cheek repeatedly.
"Well we could both float."
"Last time I checked you didn’t have powers."
"After that orgasm, I might be capable of everything baby." Y/N countered back seriously, causing Kate’s laughs to increase in volume as she hid her face into the girl’s neck.
"I love you, you big doofus."
"I love you my beautiful archer." They share a cute peck that got heated when Y/N licked the seam of Kate’s lips and slipped her tongue into the blue eyed girl’s mouth when she immediately granted her access. "Now it’s my time to hit the bullseye with your arrow."
Kate laughed hard at the corny joke Y/N just whispered in a sultry tone on her lips, causing Y/N to chuckle alongside her, "how long have you been waiting to deliver that line?"
"A while." Y/N chuckled gently before pecking Kate’s lips again, "be honest though, it did turn you on, didn’t it?"
"You have no idea." Kate grunted lustfully on Y/N’s mouth before kissing her again fervently and starting yet another of the many more rounds of the night.
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bookishfeylin · 2 years
Feel free to ignore if you're tired of hearing about this, but: your tags about SJM injecting real world morals into her stories and then ignoring them. Suddenly I am entirely clicking with where you are and from what point you're making your commentary. SJM is the one who chose to use modern concepts and buzz words for abuse and PTSD, and she is the one who chose to judge some characters by modern moral concepts but not others. That's what makes it so hard to do the usual analysis of characters, so I just don't. But you, if I understand you, are making your analyses to point out the flaws and holes in HER judgments. To show that SHE made it unbalanced and isn't playing by her own rules.
Yes, this is it exactly. I despise hypocrisy, and Sarah's books are unfortunately the pinnacle of such. The same standards that are used to judge Tamlin and Nesta would also render Feysand and co abusive, but the text (read: Sarah's favoritism) refuses to acknowledge that, doing a disservice to her own themes in the first place.
I also want to apologize in advance for the rant this is going to turn into, because man do I have FEELINGS about this.
Part of the reason the ACOTAR fandom is so toxic is because Mrs. Maas applied real world standards to a fantasy series, creating a conundrum where some characters are allowed to exist in and operate within a fantasy-based morality (like Rhysand, the Inner Circle, and Feyre) whilst others are held up to a stricter, real-world morality and are vehemently critiqued in text for failing to meet the moral standards of our world (Tamlin, Nesta, even Lucien), leaving fans of the latter group of characters to call out the hypocrisy in text for their characters being evaluated by standards that the former aren’t held to whilst fans of the former set of characters happily indulge in such hypocritical writing even while promoting this series as an excellent example of handling of real-world themes like abuse (and yes I did copy and paste this entire paragraph from another post of mine lol).
Some weeks back I saw someone on THAT SIDE of the fandom explain that they hated Tamlin because he abused Feyre (valid!) and pull out a picture of Sarah including the National Domestic Violence Hotline at the end of ACOFAS as evidence that liking him was morally wrong or whatever (I'd reblog the post, but OP is, again, on THAT SIDE of the fandom and sadly has me blocked now :( ).
But that same hotline is the one I've used in my analysis of why RHYSAND is abusive here, here, and here. The same source Sarah includes in these books to make a point about Tamlin being abusive also renders Rhysand abusive. But here's what gets me: The person and others like her who were reblogging that pic of the domestic violence hotline were also whining about people judging Rhysand by real world standards. Yes, I'm serious. For a topic like abuse, one deeply personal to me and many others, Sarah (and her fandom) can't pick and choose what characters to apply real world standards to. Not for something like this.
But we don't even have to use real world standards to call out the hypocrisy in how her characters were written--we can use ACOTAR's own morality as well. Case in point: Nesta's treatment in ACOSF. Locking Nesta up is treated as the right thing to do in ACOSF, but ACOMAF goes OUT OF ITS WAY to show that locking someone up is wrong and is a violation of your personal bodily autonomy, NO MATTER THE REASON. This action is often defended in one of two ways: by stans saying that Nesta was embarrassing Feysand when they needed to be keeping up appearances for the court, or, more commonly, because Nesta was an alcoholic. But neither reply holds water. If Nesta embarrassing Feysand in ACOSF was bad because they needed to keep up appearances as the court rebuilt and prepared for war with the mortal queens and Koschei, then... that justifies Tamlin getting upset with Feyre over the tithe several books earlier. That was his logic for being upset that Feyre gave the water wraith her jewelry, and also his logic for (according to fandom) "stuffing her in dresses"--keeping up appearances for the people and preventing Hybern from finding any weakness to exploit (again, this is according to fandom. In the books, the dresses were chosen by Ianthe but we both know no one pays attention and Tamlin is blamed for everything anyway). So either Tamlin was justified in ACOMAF, or Feysand are wrong. Nesta's alcoholism isn't a good excuse either, because if she were truly an alcoholic, Feysand would've put a healer in the House with her to help her through withdrawal and prevent her from having a seizure and dying, which I'll discuss in more detail in my upcoming post about Nesta. Either way, Feysand's treatment of Nesta was inexcusable by ACOTAR's own rules that say locking people up is bad, and in trying to excuse this some stans accidentally justify Tamlin's behavior in ACOMAF as he had the same excuses.
This also applies to the Inner Circle voting on whether or not to keep Nesta's powers a secret from her--didn't ACOMAF also say that that was bad and controlling on Tamlin's part? Why is Tamlin keeping Feyre's magic a secret abusive and controlling, but the Inner Circle deciding to do the same (even if it failed anyway) is fine?
The hypocrisy that began in ACOMAF in which Tamlin was declared abusive but Rhysand wasn't despite Rhysand... also being abusive spiraled out of control in ACOSF and is ultimately what fractured this fandom, and because of said hypocrisy nothing after ACOTAR 1 is enjoyable for me.
So yes. Beyond ACOTAR 1, I'm forced to evaluate the characters with the real-world morals Sarah decided to randomly include, and in doing so can't help but be faced by this series' own hypocrisy, and I'm hoping my analysis will allow others to see that the hypocrisy ultimately causes it to fold in on itself and destroys its own point.
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trash-king18 · 1 year
m pt. 16
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sorry guys i’m j a mess at this point i haven’t been posting
cw: shameful miggy, m masturbation, miggy with the oral fixation?? marking
he was in no condition to get himself home, but you couldn’t leave him there like this. when he was able to stand, you took him to the lab to take his vitals. they were better than normal, the aftershock of the injections was seemingly unavoidable, but there were no convulsions this time which was good.
he still wouldn’t meet your eye but every time you looked away to check a screen or grab something he stared at the cut on your face.
after you finished drawing his blood you went to take the needle out and the pad of his finger gently traced beside it
you flinch slightly
“i hurt you” he sounds like he’d just come out of a daze
“no you didn’t it’s fine”
“i did that”
“it was an accident miguel it doesn’t hurt, it’s okay”
“no it’s not, i hurt you”
“you weren’t trying to, it’s just a little cut”
“no. i got angry and i couldn’t control myself and i“
“miguel” you pull his hand from your face “stop. you have plenty of apologies to make but that’s not one of them”
“i know and i-“
“hey. we can talk about it later. you’re vitals look good right now we just need to get you to bed”
“i’ll sleep here it’s fine”
“no. no you won’t. cmon i’m taking you home”
he looks at you puzzled
but you grab his arm and lead him to the elevator. he follows you in and when you get down you just start walking to the car.
“..get in”
you’re silent on the way to his apartment. he’s clearly uncomfortable, you doubt he’s even been in a car for years.
you park on the street and let yourself into the building since it doesn’t lock and lead him all the way to his door and he just kind of follows like a sad puppy.
he opens the door and steps in. he turns to you as you stand in the doorway. you stay there for a moment but you eventually step in which seems to relieve him.
he eases himself onto a stool at the island, his whole body clearly a little tense from the injection
“i’m sorry”
“what for?”
“no i’m gonna need to hear some specifics”
you tease him slightly, testing the waters
“this isn’t a joke”
“oh i’m being very serious. i believe you owe me a total of.. 5? apologies”
“yeahhh and they each have to be separate”
he lets out a breath but he’s not argumentative about it
“i’m sorry for following you and-“
“-mm mm seperate”
you look at him dead serious
“i’m sorry for..being.. a jerk. i’m sorry for being irresponsible…”
he rolls his eyes but it’s more humorous than annoyed
“i’m sorry for invading your privacy”
“ay are you really gonna make me say it”
“without a doubt”
he sighs “.. and im.. sorry… for acting like a jealous boyfriend” he mumbles the last part
“im sorry i couldn’t hear you”
“…im sorry.. for acting like a jealous boyfriend. are you happy now”
“maybe a little” you smirk
“mi cariño eres una demonio” he smiles slightly but there’s pain in his face
my sweet you are a demon
“not sure you’re in a position to make fun of me right now”
“you’re right.”
“…but i’m glad you are”
you walk up to him and place a hand on his cheek
he brings his hand to yours and leans into your touch.
“no it’s over, we’ve apologized. and i know i don’t have to worry about it again because if i do you can find a new biomedical engineer”
“i’m being serious”
“i believe it”
he searches your eyes before slowly reaching out to put his hand on your hip. his touch is light and he keeps his eyes on yours and then gently moves to your back and pulls you between his legs.
he speaks quietly
“it’s late.. you.. you should go”
you don’t move “i should”
he nods reluctantly
he raises his brow
“it’s really dark and my eyes are tired.. i’m not sure i should drive”
“are you sure”
“don’t make me change my mind”
he doesn’t answer he just pulls you into his arms and picks you up. he walks you into his room and lays you down on the bed.
“uh.. clothes?” but he’s already digging a shirt from his drawer and handing it to you.
you both change
you sit down on the edge of the bed and he crawls in next to you. you sit back against the headboard but you look down and realize he’s gently tugging at the fabric of your shirt.
“you’re just.. so far”
“i’m a foot away”
“but.. you could be right here” he looks down at the space right next to him
“…it’s late i think maybe we should just.. sleep yeah?”
he switches the lamp off and lays back down. he falls asleep quickly, his body’s tired from the injection effects. you watch him for a while, he even looked broody asleep. but not long after you fell asleep too.
when you woke up it was later than normal given it was saturday and the sun was streaming in between the drawn curtains. after squirming around for a minute trying to turn onto your other side you see him sitting on the edge of the bed with his back turned to you.
your eyes are barely open and your voice is sleepy “buen día”
he doesn’t answer so you force yourself up and crawl over behind him
he’s looking down at his lap seemingly lost in thought
you stifle a giggle
“shit, hi.. morning” he moves his hand to cover his hard on and moves so his back is blocking you again.
“i uhm sorry it just-“
“oh don’t be embarrassed spider boy it’s not your fault”
he grumbles “what did i say about calling me that”
“oh cmon” you move closer and rest your chin on his shoulder “no one’s here to hear it”
“yeah but i have to, it’s insulting”
“you’ve said 10 times worse to any and everyone who even slightly pisses you off”
“this is different”
“because it’s you”
he shifts uncomfortably still trying to hide it
“i’ve seen a boner before miguel, stop acting like a hormonal teenage boy who just started puberty”
“you are just full of insults this morning”
he turns his head to the side so he can look at you and you smile at him teasingly. he suddenly kisses you.
“how do you feel this morning”
“me? im more worried about you” you glance down at his lap
“don’t worry about that”
“but” you kneel behind him with your legs on either side and wrap your arms around him from behind “i am.. it’s not healthy after all”
his bare skin is warm and you relax into him
“oh? you gonna help me out”
“nope.” you reply sweetly
“mm i was thinking i’d just.. watch”
his bare skin is warm and you relax into him. he gets the message and manages to tug the waist band of his sweatpants down just enough and takes it in his hand stroking it a few times until it gets fully hard. he glances at you again but you’ve occupied yourself pressing gentle kisses to his neck shoulders and upper back. he leans back into it slightly as his hand moves up and down.
your hands glide over the muscles of his chest and abs, letting your nails lightly drag against his skin.
he starts to moan and his other hand comes around to grip your leg at his side and pull you even closer to him
you focus your lips on the skin on the base of his neck as you watch him start to thrust into his hand.
“god tus manos”
your hands
you tug his ear gently with your teeth and whisper into his skin
“seguir hablando por mi”
keep talking for me
“ay fuck niña bonita tu seras la muerte para mi”
pretty girl you’ll be the death of me
his hand speeds up and his head falls back onto your shoulder. his breath comes out as a series of pants and moans.
“unh.. fuck cariño.. i-“
“lo sé, i know”
i know
“di mi nombre”
say my name
you kiss his neck and say his name softly
he starts to jerk slightly
breathlessly “otra vez”
you whisper his name into his ear again and he cums into his hand
he keeps his head back on you and shuts his eyes as he catches his breath. you press gentle kisses to his jawline.
he stays like that for a moment and grabs tissues from the night stand to clean up and you run your fingers lazily through his hair as he does still peppering kisses to the base of his neck. he puts them aside and stills for a moment before turning around and tackling you onto the bed laying you on top of him
“hey! what are you doing”
he covers your face with kisses and then buries his face in your neck
you hear yourself giggle and you feel like you’re on an alien planet. which honestly would’ve probably felt more normal than this given your job.
you were in miguel o’haras bed being assaulted by soft kisses after spending the night together. as weird as your.. situation with each other was you still would have never fathomed that he of all people would ever be like this.
he takes both your hands and guides them to his head and you start to comb through his hair and massage his scalp which earns you a low sigh of gratitude
“i wonder what all our super hero friends would think if they knew you were really just a big softie”
he stops abruptly and looks up at you
“they won’t think anything because no one will ever hear a word about any of this”
“mmmhm i can hear the jokes jess would make right now, now that would be funny”
“y/n im serious”
“so am i, she’s hilarious”
“oh my god you know i’m kidding” he nods satisfied and goes back to attending to your neck
“i’d never admit to sleeping with you do you know what that would do to my reputation”
he scoffs and grabs your hips flipping so that he’s pinning you down and says
“you didn’t seem too worried about that reputation a few minutes ago”presses a bruising kiss to your lips
“mmph stop it”
he dips down to suck on the skin under your ear
“do not give me a hickey”
“why not” he grins against your skin before sucking your skin back into his mouth
“we just said no one could know about this”
“put your hair down”
“i’m being serious”
he let’s go satisfied with the mark he’s left before moving down slightly to make another
“they don’t have to know who it’s from”
“just that they can’t have you”
“does this have anything to do with marcus”
he tugs the collar of his shirt down so he can reach your collar bone and starts on another “nope.”
“you’re lying”
he mumbles against you “sure cariño whatever you say”
the entirety of his body weight rests on the lower half of you keeping you caged underneath him and you just relax into him and comb his hair out of his eyes with your fingers.
a couple marks later and your shirts on the floor and he’s drawing lazy circles around your nipple with his tongue.
you start moaning lightly at the sensation and your head falls to the side and you catch a glimpse of the clock
he looks up at you quizzically seeming slightly upset by the interruption
“i’m late” you say squirming your way out from under him
“late for what it’s saturday”
“i know! i promised my sister id be there in like 20 minutes to take the boys for the day while she works a case”
you scramble to gather your clothes from yesterday, you don’t have time to run home for fresh ones.
“fuck ok i’m gonna shower really quick and then i have to go”
you don’t even let him answer before tugging his shirt on to dash down the hall to the bathroom.
about 5 minutes later you emerge with wet hair combed back fully dressed. he’s standing in the kitchen with your bag on the counter.
“you’re coming back right?”
“uh tonight? i’m not sure if she works late enough i’ll probably just crash there”
“…right” you knew that’s not what he was asking but you couldn’t consider that right now. besides crystals cases could take days with no time to come home.
he hands you your bag
“thanks i’ve gotta go. take it easy today no missions, and don’t try to sneak one lyla already knows you shouldn’t be going. ill.. see you.. around”
“that’s it?”
“what.. did you want a kiss goodbye” you tease
“no-“ his eyes flash with guilt
“oh my god you totally did”
“no i just thought..”
“save it o’hara. your covers blown, you’re an absolute sucker”
“i am not a-“
you kiss his cheek gently. it felt weird. it wasn’t lustful or teasing, it was just.. a kiss.
he opens the portal for you and you turn to leave but before you walk in he grabs your arm and pulls you back
“i changed my mind”
he plants a kiss on the bruises blossoming on your neck
“keep your hair up”
@urmotherswhor3 @kirke-is-my-name @rexxesgirl @simp4miguell @urmomisafinewoman @dammittjanet @cheezit-luv3rr @miggyyyyohara
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ko-garashi · 9 months
Hello! I love your writing! I was wondering if you do or would do requests at some point
I will start the first post of the new year with congratulations. Happy New Year everyone! 🎉 The past year has been difficult, but I hope you are all doing well. Let's start with the request that was sent to me. (I apologize for answering another question. I saw that you asked about post-mutation, but for some reason I don't see this question😔)
👔🧪 I’ve already written about headcanons with William Birkin’s post-mutation, but I’ll probably make an ultimate post on this topic:
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1) William can calmly survive a serious injury or even the loss of a limb. Yes, the body will not be able to mutate, because it will be busy regenerating the lost limb. And of course it will take time.
2) For the same reason, William is not afraid of any bullets or cuts. This all heals quite quickly. But in the case of bullets stuck in the body, this will only lead to irritation from unpleasant sensations in the body.
3) By the way, about unpleasant sensations. The G-virus gives him a headache. And this happens almost every day. This happens because there is too much of the virus in his body.
4) Also, due to the high concentration of the virus in the body, William suffers from a side effect in the form of irritability, which develops into outbursts of aggression. And given William’s difficult character, it sometimes becomes simply unbearable.
5) William is afraid to mutate, although he retains his ability to do so. He is damn afraid of losing control and not being able to get back, so he tries to control his anger and other negative emotions. Because this is what triggers his mutation.
6) There is a scar on his hand and half of his face. The fact is that his severely deformed arm and half of his face underwent rather rough regeneration after surgical interventions (for example, his arm was completely amputated). The skin did not form correctly during regrowth. So there is no way to fix this. For the same reason, he sees poorly with his second eye.
7) His scars often itch.
8) Since it is impossible to kill William using simple methods, the most effective way is to separate his head from his body. In this case, the body will lose the commands that the brain usually sends to regenerate. And if there are no commands, then the body will not restore the head. But only William and Albert himself know about this.
9) Due to the fact that the G-virus senses the blood relative of its host, William can sense Sherry's presence, which stirs up his fatherly feelings (because the serum that contains the virus suppresses the need to transmit the virus to another host)
10) William's metabolism has increased. This makes him almost always hungry.
11) A special serum helps him contain the virus, which he needs to inject in a certain dose. If William had received help earlier and been given an antidote, he would not have suffered from all this.
12) Thanks to the virus, William has acquired improved endurance, tenacity of limbs (this helps him to deftly climb onto some structure), and also increased his strength. Not significantly, of course, since he is still not equal to Albert in strength, but he can clearly stand up for himself
13) William finds it difficult to return to a reversible state in the second or even third phase. 4 is already a point of no return.
14) During the mutation, William experiences hellish pain in his body, as if he is being turned inside out.
15) William’s scars in their texture are more reminiscent of burns, although in fact they are not burns.
16) His sense of smell and hearing have also improved slightly. Perhaps in compensation for the almost lost eye.
If I remember anything else, I'll update the list!
(and I remind you that if you want to make another request, I am open to it)
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ms-cellanies · 1 year
UPDATE for my followers
Needless to say I have been off Tumbler for nearly 3 months after I’d been diagnosed with having a minor stroke.  I was fortunate that I hadn’t suffered from a blood bleed from the stroke.  I did spend about 2 days in the hospital.  I still have some trouble with my right shoulder & my right hand & arm.  Fortunately I am left-handed.
As if dealing with my recovery wasn’t enough to keep me “busy” my oldest cat, Cybil, had a major seizure.  Miraculously a fried came by when I had found Cybil stiff but still breathing & she rushed Cybil to my vet.  My vet & his office manager thought Cybil should be euthanized but I convinced them to give her a couple more hours, giving her a chance to pull through.  My reasoning was due to the fact that Cybil had a serious episode nearly a year ago & the vet treated her, advising me that she would have to stay at the clinic for at least 2 days.  Miracle #2 was the call from the vet on the morning of day 2 that she was doing well & she could come home.  My “stubbornness” gave her a 2nd chance.  She is definitely a “fighter” & didn’t give up.  
I took Cybil in when my next door neighbor passed away in 2012.  Cybil is somewhere in the neighborhood of 17 - 19 years old.  It seems that like me she’s not only OLD but also quite stubborn and not willing to give up.  This last incident were problems with low body temperature & low glucose.  She had been getting insulin injections twice a day but now no longer needs the insulin.  She is home now & doing much better.  Caring for her, as well as my indoor & outdoor cats as well keeps me busy.  Due to my old age & health issues my energy level is low & limits what I can & can’t do.  Spending a lot of time on Tumblr just isn’t as important as caring for the cats as well as keeping the large flock of pigeons, the many squirrels & wild birds well fed a couple of times a day.  I will, however, try to stay in touch with all of you as often as I possibly can.  I truly appreciate all of you for staying in touch and sending me your delightful posts.  
Sorry if I’ve left anyone off my “old” tag list:
@russalex @angreav @iamthebadwolf85  @catedevalois @maneth985   @ogtumble @amatasera @cricketcat9 @booksandcatslover @fuckdumblr  @ladyoftheteaandblood @sirrah22 @stripedsilverfeline @larouau12 @ughseriously @usearki @ladytuarach @glendathegoodone @lost-carcosa @aregrettablehullabaloo @micaleann @toasty-hancock @hellcatblues  @middleagedandoutoftouch @sabbykatt3 @cursethedarkness @gretchenk0720  @aliceliddellsmirror @inkededucatednnerdy @pedeka @photoboybg69  @contemplatingoutlander @nildespirandum @izhunny @ladytigrane  @catchester @wolfsmom1 @phoenix-maat @writernotwaiting  @glitterypeanutmugnickel  @captain-krazy @bitchycatwizard @paulfe  @mishlady @dorcascristyforever @beerboy100 @ultimatenutshackfangirl  @lokilickedme @bakufuhakutaku  @a-sundry-bag @prettyhatemachine01 @texmexdarling @oshea52  @posttexasstressdisorder  @evieplease @queen-of-cats 
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nazmazh · 5 months
Started on a new anti-migraine drug today (ajovy). Also have had terrible sleep - Especially today, but, like, all year. Also, y'know the migraines.
So not 100% sure if certain things are side-effects of the ajovy or just y'know, my body being upset with many things going on in its life - But more to the point: Should I be concerned with anything that I'm seeing/experiencing?.
Trying to google side-effects is sure a fucking trip, though.
Official company line on their site seems to be "Some swelling/irritation near injection site" is likely the only side-effect confirmed to definitely be from this medicine. Anything else? Well, that must be someone else's problem.
Various reddit posts of peoples' experiences with the medication - Mostly neutral-to-mildly positive. A lot of not-outright-negativity, but disappointment or frustration about the tradeoffs vs benefits. But the side-effects definitely vary wildly in type and intensity. The ones I'm curious about are topics of discussion that have come up with some degree of frequency.
Various interaction/drug rundown sites have much more comprehensive lists, but also include a warning that the ones I'm looking into may be serious/concerning and I should consult my doctor about them right away. Which, like, doesn't seem to be the tone regarding them anywhere else. So, more confusion as-to who's out of step here.
Meanwhile, the pamphlet that came in its box actually does have a more comprehensive list of possible side-effects. Doesn't list severity other than obvious "If experiencing anaphylaxis..." or other obvious emergencies/serious stuff, then go to ER/phone doctor immediately. Everything else listed is just sort of "This could happen" without any level of how concerned you should be.
The ones I've noticed are heartburn (Unusual for me without certain types and timings of trigger-foods, but not impossible to be something else going on that's unrelated to this). And notable joint-stiffness (hands and feet, especially on the same side as my injection), with a touch of joint pain. Both of those are in the "might happen in ~1% of patients" group. Which, hey, alright. That's fine. They're known to have a connection, echoing what the reddit posts were saying. From the tone in the pamphlet and on reddit, I probably don't need to be concerned unless they worsen or persist for a very long time.
Uncommon doesn't necessarily mean alarming, though I am curious as to if there's any correlation in the group of people that experience them. Any factor that might predict it, or explain why they're causing this reaction, y'know?
Okay. Good. No need to panic. Probably should sleep though. Less than 4 hours in the last 48 can't be good for me.
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radioactiveradley · 1 year
(and the pretty pictures I take of them)
[a warning: this post contains radiographic images and non-graphic description of serious kidney pathologies, including paediatric cancer]
Let's kick off with an old familiar friend! Yeah, I'm talking -
UROLITHIASIS (the humble kidney stone!)
Wanna know something horrific? The biggest kidney stone on record weighed over a kilogram. It was 17 cm across. Just. Imagine. Trying to piss that out…
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Urolithiases are formed anywhere among your urinary tracts. They’re commonly found in the kidneys, giving rise to the more common term, renal calculi, or kidney stones.
Urolithiasis occurs when compounds within your urine crystallise. If your urine becomes too acidic, too base, contains too many of these compounds for them to remain in solution, or simply… sits around too long without flowing, it literally petrifies into a solid lump!
Some unlucky souls are just… predisposed to developing them. If you have had a kidney stone in the past, you are far more likely to get another one in the future. There also seems to be a genetic link – so if someone in your immediate family gets kidney stones, you have a higher risk.
Kidney stones typically hang out in the pelvis of your kidney and don’t cause an issue. Until you try to piss them out. Remember our kidney diagram (drawn on a conveniently shaped bean)?
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You might notice that the ureters are significantly smaller than the renal pelvis. In other words…
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Most renal calculi are made of CALCIUM (oxalate, usually). This is very, very good (for us. Less so for you) because calcium attenuates x-rays – meaning, it glows all pretty and shiny when we take a radiograph!
Here’s a kidney stone on an Abdominal X-Ray!
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And a twinkly artefact caused by a kidney stone on Ultrasound!
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But the best way to assess urolithiases, is, of course, with CT!
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For realsies. We don’t need to inject contrast intravenously, because the kidney stones are (typically) shiny – which cuts down on time and worry, as it means you’re at no risk for having an adverse reaction! So a CT KUB (checking Kidneys, Ureters and Bladder for stones) is basically just a quick tumble in the washing machine (CT scanner), with a lovely clear picture as a result!
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Look at these babies!! So sharp!!! So clear!!!!!! So shiny!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s a beautiful matching pair of renal calculi right there – and to make things better, they’re (currently) non-obstructive, so this patient isn’t in suffering The Agonies!
Speaking of The Agonies…
Most kidney stones are passable, albeit with extreme pain.
However, some ain’t going anywhere. Especially staghorn calculi, which, um. One, stags have antlers. Two…
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more like a fuckin' MOOSE ANTLER amirite????
But yeah, those buggers aren’t coming out. That’s almost definitely going to require surgery!
Smaller calculi can still cause problems when they become obstructive – i.e., they block the passage of your peepee. They can lead to:
HYDRONEPHROSIS (dilation of the renal pelvis due to retained urine, seen here in the Left kidney [right side of image])
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HYDROURETER (dilation of the ureter)
So, what do we do with bothersome calculi? How about some...
EXTRACORPOREAL SHOCKWAVE LITHOTRIPSY (ECSWL, because we love a sexy little acronym here in medworld).
We blast the stone apart with shockwaves, from outside your body! Ultrasound turned up to 11! Unfortunately, it only works on certain densities of stone, and on small stones.
(same thing but…. ZIP ZAP LASERZZZZZ]
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(I totally haven’t added to this diagram in any way. This is how it works. Trust me.)
LOADS of other stuff can go wrong with The Ol’ Piss Beans
We have:
The most common form of kidney cancer.
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For suspected malignancies, we do a CT Urogram that assesses the whole urinary tract. This takes significantly longer than a KUB, but is well worth the results. This is a three-phase scan. We do...
A regular KUB non-contrast scan to check for calculi and to get our baseline Hounsfield Units ('grayness' and densities) for the kidneys. Then we inject contrast in a 'split bolus' - one load immediately, and another roughly 8 minutes in, scanning roughly a minute after the second injection is given. We scan 80 secs after the first contrast bolus is administrered, for the 'nephographic' phase, which enhances the renal cortex & medulla, and makes neoplastic changes and renal masses obvious (see image above). Then we wait 10-ish minutes and scan for the 'excretory' phase, after the contrast has worked its way through your kidneys, to detect 'filling defects' (anything that stops contrast opacification of the ureters) and pathologies related to the urinary collection system.
This is one of the more common cancers found in kids. Although paediatric cancer is never exactly a happy topic, this cancer is now curable in roughly 90% of cases, thanks to the early removal of kidneys and the possibility of transplants.
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Autosomal Dominant (and Recessive) Polycystic Kidney Disease
An inherited renal disease that can cause you to go into End Stage Renal Failure due to the healthy tissue in your kidneys becoming completely overtaken by cysts. As a result, your kidneys can grow more and more, until they practically fill your whole abdomen. 45% of patients will be in ESRF and need dialysis by the age of 60. Thankfully, transplants are an option.
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Other commonly encounutered renal pathologies include trauma, which I talked about in my first kidney ramble (linked here!), infections, and more.
I hope you enjoyed this whistle-stop tour of Stuff That Can Go Wrong With The Kidney, And How We Look At Them Gnarly Beans!
....And, um, I spent way too long making this and now need to pee. This is your reminder to go empty that bladder if you need to! Stop those stones!
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callico-awts · 1 year
Me want to share lil TanZen au idea of mine(yes my brain kept cooking shet ideas) hehehe
Yes it's angsty asf also sorry in advance for lots of words and grammar incorrections hshshshs
Enjoy ig ^ ^
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it takes place ofc from the og (Taisho era ) zen has a incurable disease (a terminal disease hshshsgdgs) and he kept it a secret from everyone includes tanjiro too except for shinobu (she knows and maybe other ppl do ig), yes he has feelings for tanji but also kept it a secret but some ppl know about his feelings for him hehe. and zen assumes that tanji will never reciprocate his feelings and he loves kanao(but tanji only see her as a friend shshhs). Tanjiro sense that there's something wrong with him and he's like "are you alright, zenitsu?" and zen be like "it's nothing, I'm just tired.." On their next mission zens health worsens and he killed the demon or maybe the fight against muzan where tanji became a demon, zen tried his best to help, so kanao would inject the antidote on him then when they turn back tanji to human, that's where zen died and well for him it's a nice death knowing, there will be no more demons and finally everyones at peace and he saved tanjiro and the only thing he regrets is not confessing Kamado tanjirou but atleast he will see his gramps again and maybe kaigaku(??)..
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Now, for tanjis pov. he's so worried about his friend and as day goes by, zenitsu doesn't seem to be getting any better. he also noted that his skin that was once like the color of fresh peaches now turned into lifelessly pale white and his sweet scent replaced with rottening and metal(blood??) . He doesn't know why he felt deep worry and concern for zen but he just brushed it off as "well, he's my friend that's why I'm worried". Even tho zen said that "it's just a silly fever and nothing serious.." but through his scent.. what he says we're lies.. It's not just a fever, it's not because he's exhausted from their missions... If it's just exhaustion why does his scent smell so rottening and there's subtle smell of metal to the mix. the scent of peaches he loves so much are there but the rottening scent are overpowering.. he realizes how zenitsu mean so much to him and these feelings are new to tanjiro. Different to what you feel for a family, friend.. tanjiro promised to himself that after he turned back nezuko to human and defeat muzan.. he will confess zenitsu his feelings for him...
But he's too late now.. isn't he??
Sorry that this is long for a idea au huhu and cringy ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
Idk this kind of au has been in my mind for a lot and I need more TanZen angst with zen being ded cuz most of the fics i read it's mostly tanjiro who's dying.. and yes I gave it a name already for the au and maybe i'll make art or write(?) even tho I suck at it...
Hope you've been fed and enjoy thy random post, tnx for listening to my tedtalkwjshdh
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